Please report found bugs and fatal crashes caused by X-Com Files here.
Each report is a save, with a description of what to do to get a crash. Ideally something as simple as "press end turn, shooting happens then the game crashes". Try to make a save as close to the crash as possible (i.e. just before pressing end turn) so that testers don't have much to do.
Extra info that is useful:
1 - Screenshot of the offending unit.
2 - Info about the offending unit and how to circumvent the bug.
(And yes, I stole most of this text from Arthanor's opening of a similar topic in X-Piratez. Hey, I'm a modder after all.)
EDIT: Changed the topic to make it look different from the Piratez one, as I was getting confused.
EDIT: Do not enable Aliens Pick Up Weapons, as it is already included with this mod.
Here some missing strings:
- zombie infector corpse bioextraction project name
- deep one village mission name
And alive zombies still useless (can not be bioextracted)
Here some missing strings:
- zombie infector corpse bioextraction project name
Indeed, thank you, fixed.
- deep one village mission name
This one seems to be in, are you sure?
And alive zombies still useless (can not be bioextracted)
Should I make it possible to butcher them? Sounds... kinda inappropriate. :)
This one seems to be in, are you sure?
Got a savegame.
Should I make it possible to butcher them? Sounds... kinda inappropriate. :)
Well... they are zombies, right? And vivisection of alive alien species is what X-com researchers do most of their time, i think. 8)
Got a savegame.
What am I supposed to do with it?
Well... they are zombies, right? And vivisection of alive alien species is what X-com researchers do most of their time, i think. 8)
Yes, for science! But this would be industrial butchery of, well, sick people... I just don't know.
EDIT: Moved the Zombies issue to a new thread.
Savegame with active mission, named Str_deep_one_village, or something like that.
Savegame with active mission, named Str_deep_one_village, or something like that.
OK, you're right, sorry. Fixed.
Hey, I've gotten a crash bug. Crash reliably happens at the same time and seems to be an event, see:
[11-11-2016 20:20:42] [WARN] MARK ALL AS SEEN not found in en-GB
[11-11-2016 20:22:00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_15M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:04] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_15M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:07] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:09] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:11] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:11] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:12] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:15] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:17] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:18] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:19] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:22] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:25] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:25] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:26] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_6M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:27] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:28] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_6M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:29] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:22:31] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[11-11-2016 20:23:48] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Error proccessing mission script named: soldierRampage, race: STR_POSTAL1 is not defined
[11-11-2016 20:23:49] [FATAL] Crash dump generated at C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\11-11-2016_20-23-48.dmp
[11-11-2016 20:23:51] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: soldierRampage, race: STR_POSTAL1 is not defined
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
Please report this to the developers.
Is this a problem on my end or the mod's?
Hey, I've gotten a crash bug. Crash reliably happens at the same time and seems to be an event, see:
Is this a problem on my end or the mod's?
It's a known bug, sorry about it. It'll be fixed in the next version.
Good to hear its already being fixed!
Good to hear its already being fixed!
Yeah, just download today's version 0.4.1.
Glad to see that this mod has come so far. There's a crash in the sole Dangerous Lunatic mission that I got. The crash only occurs if the I try to put the lunatic on my screen, that is to say that if my soldiers can see him it's fine, but if I try to scroll to him to attack the game crashes.
EDIT: Crap I didn't notice that there's a bug report thread. Could someone please move this post to that thread?
Yes, indeed there is a missing definition for the unit graphics. Sorry, here's a hotfix - just replace the file in the Ruleset folder.
Thanks, Solarius.
I raided a cult outpost, but couldnt find the last man. Bug Hunt mode activated, but there are no enemies on the map. Why wont the mission end?
Edit: it turns out there was an invisible ninja hiding in a corner waiting to instant-kill the first sucker to walk nearby. Damnit
I've got a crash on my first mission. The error pop-up says the map failed to fully generate.
Edit: I waited a day and it worked.
I've got a crash on my first mission. The error pop-up says the map failed to fully generate.
Edit: I waited a day and it worked.
Thanks for the report. It appears that the Port terrain doesn't like being 40x40-sized.
I'll remove it from Cult Apprehension, it's not badly needed.
EDIT: Actually, this entire terrain seems broken. Has it been like this before?
EDIT: No, I broke it recently. -_-' Sorry, hotfix attached - please replace the file.
Got a crash. STEPPEDBITS instead STEPPEBITS in map terrain rules.
Also, interceptor craft has 0 selling price.
And one more strange thing: Chtonites not always spawn corpse when killled.
Fourth: Psionic laboratory research opens no facilities, no ufopaedia entrys, only mind shield project.
Got a crash. STEPPEDBITS instead STEPPEBITS in map terrain rules.
Oops, good catch.
Also, interceptor craft has 0 selling price.
Indeed, my bad.
And one more strange thing: Chtonites not always spawn corpse when killled.
Wasn't it just an overkill? They are not terribly tough, so if you use for example explosives on them...
Fourth: Psionic laboratory research opens no facilities, no ufopaedia entrys, only mind shield project.
Another good catch.
What a horrible version. :P I'll release a new one after work... Will contain just a little new stuff too.
Wasn't it just an overkill? They are not terribly tough, so if you use for example explosives on them...
Heavy Laser is enough for that?
Heavy Laser is enough for that?
Yes. If you want to check the ruleset yourself, look for this:
IgnoreOverKill: false
If this code is present, then it means the weapon may potentially vaporize the target.
I just researched 'Durathread Factory Location' and got this. Is the actual text not in yet? Is this just unlocking a new mission or is there something else I need to know?
Now psionic lab can be built, but still no ufopaedia entry.
I just researched 'Durathread Factory Location' and got this. Is the actual text not in yet? Is this just unlocking a new mission or is there something else I need to know?
Yeah, it's unlocking a new mission. There was an error in the strings section...
Now psionic lab can be built, but still no ufopaedia entry.
Please excuse me while I stick my head in the oven.
...Hotfix for both issues attached.
Please excuse me while I stick my head in the oven.
Well, I don't think the answer is to go and get [b[baked[/b] now... Unless you Code better that way... Some people do. :D
Well, I don't think the answer is to go and get [b[baked[/b] now... Unless you Code better that way... Some people do. :D
I don't code better, but I can code way more. :D
Two more. The first is minor, just another missing text for the durathread factory briefing. The second is that I installed a large radar in two of my bases but the radar outline isn't showing for my original base. I haven't had any UFOs yet, so I'm worried about whether it's not working or just a visual bug.
Thanks for the reports. Yeah, that durathread factory is troublesome... Fix attached.
And as for the radar, the problem is that only the biggest radar range is shown, and since the HQ functions as a radar with global range, no other circle is shown... I can't do anything about it.
Is there any need for an HQ after labs are available or is it safe for me to replace it?
No need if you're concerned about lab space, but as Solar said, it has a low-detection-percentage global radar. While not great for picking up UFOs initially, the global range means any UFO detected by another radar will stay detected anywhere until it disappears.
No need if you're concerned about lab space, but as Solar said, it has a low-detection-percentage global radar. While not great for picking up UFOs initially, the global range means any UFO detected by another radar will stay detected anywhere until it disappears.
Yeah, it should be particularly useful for very slow UFOs. It's not a much used feature now, but some enemy craft are fairly slow, and therefore even a weak radar should pick them up with enough attempts.
That sounds useful. Thanks
By the way... Desert terrain is somewhat bugged, because I used outdated tileset files. So please for now don't freak out if there's a black square somewhere. (Shouldn't be a fatal error.)
When going to the EXALT HQ I found that the default jumpsuit gets removed but the alternate color jumpsuits are are allowed. In the save the first four agents have various jumpsuits so you can see what gets through.
When going to the EXALT HQ I found that the default jumpsuit gets removed but the alternate color jumpsuits are are allowed. In the save the first four agents have various jumpsuits so you can see what gets through.
Thanks, I missed this one.
EDIT: ...wait, what? How did you manage to put non-standard jumpsuits on your people? They should only appear on certain maps, automatically.
No, alternative jumpsuits are always available.
No, alternative jumpsuits are always available.
...okay, I'll fix it.
I assumed all jumpsuits were meant to be allowed. The jumpsuits are still thin compared to kevlar, so I figured they were the most advanced 'civilian' armor. So where are these certain maps that are meant to have the alt-colors? I haven't run into anything that required jumpsuits yet.
Also, are MiB Demomen meant to carry Blaster Launchers? It seems rather excessive compared to their other equipment.
I assumed all jumpsuits were meant to be allowed. The jumpsuits are still thin compared to kevlar, so I figured they were the most advanced 'civilian' armor. So where are these certain maps that are meant to have the alt-colors? I haven't run into anything that required jumpsuits yet.
Well, the intention was for the normal jumpsuit to change colours for certain environment, like green in a forest or brown in the desert. It is to reflect on the fact that it provides camo.
Also, are MiB Demomen meant to carry Blaster Launchers? It seems rather excessive compared to their other equipment.
It's practically a placeholder.
Theres no UFOapedia entry for "CAFE".
Theres no UFOapedia entry for "CAFE".
Why would it be needed?
Why would it be needed?
Maybe to specify that it is a covert insertion at a small cafe and not a vehicle with an acronym name. I know I didn't realize what it was until I read one of your posts.
Also, I have another crash. It's on a ground assault of a very large craft.
Maybe to specify that it is a covert insertion at a small cafe and not a vehicle with an acronym name. I know I didn't realize what it was until I read one of your posts.
But it only shows up in Quick Battle, what use would a Ufopaedia entry have?
Also, I have another crash. It's on a ground assault of a very large craft.
Ok, I'll check.
EDIT: No idea what's wrong. MiB bases never caused any trouble. THIS IS WEIRD.
What I can suggest for now it to go to line 22689 in the save, change the number to something small and let it just fly away...
I can see it in my Purchase screen. Is it not supposed to be there?
I can see it in my Purchase screen. Is it not supposed to be there?
Oh shit :P
But I don't have it...
Also, still no progress with that bug... NO IDEA WHAT IS WRONG.
What do other modders do with such cases? :P
I can also see CAFE from the beginning.
And I was asking about UFOwiki entry because had no idea what it does.
Next one: UFOWiki entry about dogs says that they have 80TU. In fact after buying them they have around 60 and varies from dog to dog.
I wonder about Public transport speed - it seems to be very slow, even for a plane.
EDIT: Is it ok that SELLING abducted farmer corpse COST me 10k? It would be easier to burn them.
Solarius: Jest gdzieś polski odpowiednik tego forum?
I can also see CAFE from the beginning.
And I was asking about UFOwiki entry because had no idea what it does.
Okay, I don't, but I don't doubt you do... I think it is fixed now. Just ignore it at the moment, okay?
Next one: UFOWiki entry about dogs says that they have 80TU. In fact after buying them they have around 60 and varies from dog to dog.
Yeah, I'll fix it too... Thanks.
I wonder about Public transport speed - it seems to be very slow, even for a plane.
It's not just the plane speed, it's more like: get in the car, leave your base in the middle of nowhere, drive up to the airport, get through all the traffic somehow, find a damn parking spot, wait for an hour in the hall, board the plane, wait another hour until the plane is finally actually ready, take the trip, get to the customs, sped ten hours in detention because some idiot forgot to declare your guns, collect your rented car, get to the hotel, get yourself reeeaaally drunk because it was a stressful day, wake up late with a hangover, get to the car, drive to the crime site in the middle of nowhere, get to actual work. Repeat on your way back.
EDIT: Is it ok that SELLING abducted farmer corpse COST me 10k? It would be easier to burn them.
Well, you were supposed to save them! Now use your money to cover up the ugly truth that you failed them! Boo! Boo! :)
Solarius: Jest gdzieś polski odpowiednik tego forum?
Polskie forum OpenXCom? Nie mam pojęcia :)
Regarding the farmers, I'm pretty sure it costs 10k to get rid of a live one too. Shouldn't that cost less?
Also update on that Mib base bug. I don't know if you tried, but I waited a day and it worked. Maybe it's another map generation problem?
Regarding the farmers, I'm pretty sure it costs 10k to get rid of a live one too. Shouldn't that cost less?
OK, I'll have a look.
Also update on that Mib base bug. I don't know if you tried, but I waited a day and it worked. Maybe it's another map generation problem?
Thanks. I suppose one terrain doesn't like the base for some reason.
I can see it in my Purchase screen. Is it not supposed to be there?
I comment this in other post in my case if i open the aircraft rules is the 1st aircaraft
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
More missing strings:
hybrid farm alert - mission name
uso arrived - mission name
stormlance missile - name of ammo
flame glove use - name of project (and no ufopedia entry)
dagon staff use - name of project (and no ufopedia entry)
Also, hovertank laser/gauss ufopedia provided when research ufo construction, not proper techs.
P.S. Because i am again lying in hospital, and there is nothing to do, tomorrow will post zombie ufopedia sprites. I hope so. ::)
More missing strings:
hybrid farm alert - mission name
uso arrived - mission name
stormlance missile - name of ammo
flame glove use - name of project (and no ufopedia entry)
dagon staff use - name of project (and no ufopedia entry)
Also, hovertank laser/gauss ufopedia provided when research ufo construction, not proper techs.
Thanks, found and fixed most of these. This is some invaluable input!
P.S. Because i am again lying in hospital, and there is nothing to do, tomorrow will post zombie ufopedia sprites. I hope so. ::)
Yeah, many thanks. Good luck with this stuff... Are you taking requests maybe? :)
Yeah, of course. Just dont expect wondrous quality.
I can choose to equip the underwater variant of stormtrooper armor. I assume it's the same issue as the alt-jumpsuits. The underwater variant also gets past the armor check at the EXALT HQ.
Thanks, it looks I screwed up this part. I fixed it now, we'll see if I did it right...
In my new run I cant get missions with EXALT. Needt o catch one to do EXALT Network reaserch. It is random which faction will show on the map?
Got Stragne Monsters missions with... Reapers. The problemis that UFOpedia entry says that this unit is connected with Floaters. Invasion didnt start yet so Reapers should be removed from those missions or UFOpeia entry should be tweaked a little bit.
In my new run I cant get missions with EXALT. Needt o catch one to do EXALT Network reaserch. It is random which faction will show on the map?
They should spawn... Sometimes they take a break and disappear for a month or two, so it's probably this. If this continues for several months, please tell me, but it seems fine at the moment.
Got Stragne Monsters missions with... Reapers. The problemis that UFOpedia entry says that this unit is connected with Floaters. Invasion didnt start yet so Reapers should be removed from those missions or UFOpeia entry should be tweaked a little bit.
Damn! I forgot to edit this. Thanks.
(Also I should make wild Reapers without the harness...)
I killed a new enemy during a base defense and the corpse was called STR_REPTOID_DRAKE_CORPSE. I didn't get an entry for researching it.
Edit: A live werecat is also showing an STR name.
One cause for weird crashes/behaviour that looks fine on modder's part is failing to purge all old content before installing a new version, or using a wrong executable, or using non-supported mods.
This explains the Cafe bug, and might explain MiB base bug, since unlike Geoscape, much of data is generated on user's end when a mission starts.
One cause for weird crashes/behaviour that looks fine on modder's part is failing to purge all old content before installing a new version, or using a wrong executable, or using non-supported mods.
This explains the Cafe bug, and might explain MiB base bug, since unlike Geoscape, much of data is generated on user's end when a mission starts.
Regarding that MiB base, there was only one other mod active, Aliens Pick Up Weapons. While it's redundant, since OXC already has this element included, it shouldn't cause any problems... But wrong version/executable could.
I have issues with Strange Monster missions. So far only Chupacabras and Spikeboears were aggresive at some degree. Spiders, if left uncontrolled, had few lucky bites.
Reapers, Zombies, Mogwars(?) (...that white ugly gorilla*), Scorpions just go here and there and dont do much. The more I play the more I find Strange Monster missions boring and unatractive. Its quite frustrating to kill - with low tier weapons - 20+ Zombies or those white/grey Gorillaz. My gyus just sit near the Van and shot everything that moves... its more a accuracy training than interesing mission. I often kill few enemies to get some score and then abandom mission.
Would be cool to see more of hunt like missions. So for example Strange Monster starts on one corner of the map and have to escape by going to specific place on the map OR force player to hunt by giving only X turns to complete the missions (I dont like missions with time limit but this is one of many solutions).
Also briefing tells about locals helping to locate Strange Monsters. Would be cool to see some locals with weapons as allies (But dont know is this even technically possible).
*UFOpedia entry tells that they are higly agressive... but they are not.
Monster aggression has at some point became a problem, but it was fixed... Make sure you are using the latest available version of the mod.
But I don't agree that they aren't aggressive, I always get bitten by a stealthy spider in the ass.
v0.4.2 on my end
After turn 20 or whatever, they can become really annoying. The problem is that they don't seem to spot you and act aggressively (potentially because the AI isn't very good at the "walking up to enemies and hiding so you can attack them next turn"). There's also the thing where wounded enemies have a tendency to flee, which means you can safely shoot the closest enemies and they will retreat, then reconsider and move in, (or the opposite) which amounts to not making much progress.
It might be interesting to give them knowledge of the player location but reduce their aggression. This means they'll either sulk or, knowing that they are in range, strike at you. That's a behaviour that's pretty close to animals. Charging from long distances, especially under fire, isn't. Doing their thing/hiding until threatened (by the hunter coming close) and then striking out would be much more like it.
In the next version it should be a little better.
In a recent mission I noticed I was getting damaged personal armor from nowhere. It seems my unconscious soldier in personal armor counts for the drop. I tested it by knocking one of my other personal armor troops (near the skymarshall) unconscious and I got a second damaged armor.
About missing faction...
They should spawn... Sometimes they take a break and disappear for a month or two, so it's probably this. If this continues for several months, please tell me, but it seems fine at the moment.
Finally they showed up.
In a recent mission I noticed I was getting damaged personal armor from nowhere. It seems my unconscious soldier in personal armor counts for the drop. I tested it by knocking one of my other personal armor troops (near the skymarshall) unconscious and I got a second damaged armor.
That's ultra weird, recoverable items have been in for 2 years at least and thre were no problems. I haven't changed anything there, at least with the personal armour...
Are you sure this damaged armour didn't come from some other (dead) soldier?
None of my soldiers died, so it wasn't from a dead body. And like I said, when I knocked out one of my other personal armor soldiers it caused a second damaged armor to appear on the loot screen.
None of my soldiers died, so it wasn't from a dead body. And like I said, when I knocked out one of my other personal armor soldiers it caused a second damaged armor to appear on the loot screen.
OK, thanks for the report. I'll try to look at it ASAP.
I've noticed a few problems with the UFOpedia. The entries for 'X-COM Summary Report #3,' 'Sectopod Construction,' and 'UFO Construction' get re-marked as new when I restart the game after closing it. I remember Piratez having a similar problem a few updates ago. Worse is that attempting to view the 'Hybrid Storage Facility' entry causes a crash.
I've noticed a few problems with the UFOpedia. The entries for 'X-COM Summary Report #3,' 'Sectopod Construction,' and 'UFO Construction' get re-marked as new when I restart the game after closing it. I remember Piratez having a similar problem a few updates ago. Worse is that attempting to view the 'Hybrid Storage Facility' entry causes a crash.
Sorry about the crash, to fix it add this to items_XCOMFILES:
bigSprite: 299
weight: 0
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
As for the unmarking of research, I'll ask Dioxine what the deal was.
Promotion II issue. Screen shows High Explosives as a reward but I cant buy it and see in UFOpedia. Instead I get Smoke Granade which isn't listed on the Promotion screen.
Edit: At this stage I have access to BlackOps arsenal and Contract weapons (Dagon in my case) seems pointless.
As for the unmarking of research, I'll ask Dioxine what the deal was.
When opening UFO construction, Hovertank rocket launcher is marked as read;
when opening Sectopod construction, Sectopod laser is marked as read;
when opening the report #3, HMG is marked as read
Not sure, WTF is going on... but I think Dioxine is using those _ZZZ requirements to workaround it?
I'll have a look in more detail into it later... I don't think it's problem in my code (of course it may very well be), but I guess it's some extremely well hidden vanilla bug or some stupid copy-paste error; or some other fauna or flora.
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1117
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1640
- id: STR_HMG
type_id: 4
listOrder: 3120
Thanks Meridian. To be honest, I'd prefer if you looked at X-Com Files files (lol), since I don't understand at 100% what the issue is.
@Ragshak: Yes, that info is incorrect, thanks.
I finished researching plasma defenses but couldn't build it and didn't get the entry.
I finished researching plasma defenses but couldn't build it and didn't get the entry.
Sorry, fixing right now.
very new to mod so not sure if these are even bugs
1) The GYM - i can't find a way to use it, maybe put something in the UFOPEDIA?
2) In one mission i had the little squares pop up when you see an enemy, however when i clicked on it it centered on my own man - can't remember now but it may have been the wounded guys
3) I assume its WAD that you can't build labs and workshops at the start, however i can't see any research that gets them or even leads to them
anyway, great work and lovin it so far
very new to mod so not sure if these are even bugs
Welcome, Comrade!
1) The GYM - i can't find a way to use it, maybe put something in the UFOPEDIA?
Well, it depends if you have the "Psi Training at any time" enabled, but generally you send people to train exactly like with the Psi training... Either from the Soldiers menu, or by right-clicking on the building. I can expand the description, just please tell me what exactly you'd like to see.
2) In one mission i had the little squares pop up when you see an enemy, however when i clicked on it it centered on my own man - can't remember now but it may have been the wounded guys
Blue are for your wounded, yes. Meridian's work, very useful. :)
3) I assume its WAD that you can't build labs and workshops at the start, however i can't see any research that gets them or even leads to them
anyway, great work and lovin it so far
Thank you, good luck ,and don't forget to update when the new version is available! (hopefully very soon)
Well, it depends if you have the "Psi Training at any time" enabled, but generally you send people to train exactly like with the Psi training... Either from the Soldiers menu, or by right-clicking on the building. I can expand the description, just please tell me what exactly you'd like to see.
thanks - i hadn't, but enabling it fixed everything
perhaps in the UFOPEDIA you could just add a comment that training is offered only once a month and specifiy whether soldiers on training are still available for missions
Blue are for your wounded, yes. Meridian's work, very useful.
got it - i think i better have a closer look at that mod to see what else i am missing
sorry, but can you clarify when labs are available - i quickly ran all the available research without doing any missions and still no option to build labs/workshop - i don't have a problem with this if its intended but was just afraid i was missing something obvious about labs and ruining my game
thanks - i hadn't, but enabling it fixed everything
perhaps in the UFOPEDIA you could just add a comment that training is offered only once a month and specifiy whether soldiers on training are still available for missions
I can do that, yeah... But it'd be hard when I don't know which option the player uses.
got it - i think i better have a closer look at that mod to see what else i am missing
Yeah, I've added some articles to document it, but it's not nearly enough.
sorry, but can you clarify when labs are available - i quickly ran all the available research without doing any missions and still no option to build labs/workshop - i don't have a problem with this if its intended but was just afraid i was missing something obvious about labs and ruining my game
I could, but what's next? How to Get Plasma Weapons Early Guide? :) You can use the Tech Tree Viewer (middle-click on any research topic) when in doubt whether something works correctly, but I don't recommend it for normal game, as I consider it spoilers. It's up to you though.
I could, but what's next? How to Get Plasma Weapons Early Guide? :) You can use the Tech Tree Viewer (middle-click on any research topic) when in doubt whether something works correctly, but I don't recommend it for normal game, as I consider it spoilers. It's up to you though.
no problem - as long as its not something silly i have missed
on a separate note i had my first crash today - logfile attached. It was after i had done all the initial cult research stuff and got my first cult mission with about 8 bad guys and maybe some sort of "cult leader" (as there was one guy all in green and one in green and white whereas all the rest were in white)
some feedback/observations
1) i now have a second base with an HQ so have 10 scientists and getting through all research very quick
2) reason for second base is money seems easy to get, have had no problems (so far at least)
3) i haven't managed to complete any of the strange creature missions with multiple enemies e.g. spiders/skorpions etc) as it looks like there are too many - though things like the yeti and wolf were ok
4) training seems to increase stats very quickly
Screen after finishing Durathread Factory Location
Edit: MiB Agent Corpses reasearch doesnt do much - no UFOpedia entry.
Surrendin enemies gives STR_ENEMY_SURRENDER entry at sfter mission summary score screen.
on a separate note i had my first crash today - logfile attached. It was after i had done all the initial cult research stuff and got my first cult mission with about 8 bad guys and maybe some sort of "cult leader" (as there was one guy all in green and one in green and white whereas all the rest were in white)
Can you please post a save? I can't see enough from the log.
2) reason for second base is money seems easy to get, have had no problems (so far at least)
Yes, I'm still trying to balance this. And any changes will only work in a new campaign anyway.
3) i haven't managed to complete any of the strange creature missions with multiple enemies e.g. spiders/skorpions etc) as it looks like there are too many - though things like the yeti and wolf were ok
Don't worry and keep trying. Different enemies pose bigger problems for different players.
4) training seems to increase stats very quickly
Kind of, but only to a certain moment - then you must go on missions to increase them further.
Screen after finishing Durathread Factory Location
Thanks, this was reported before and fixed. Next update!
Edit: MiB Agent Corpses reasearch doesnt do much - no UFOpedia entry.
I guess I'll have to recheck this part... It's very old.
Surrendin enemies gives STR_ENEMY_SURRENDER entry at sfter mission summary score screen.
Thanks! Who was it that surrendered? I can't get anyone to surrender.:P
Can you please post a save? I can't see enough from the log.
here you are
Yeah, there's a segmentation fault. I have no idea why it happens, I checked many scenarios, but there's zero information on what the culprit is. It doesn't look like missing resources, but it almost certainly is linked to an enemy action. They have no grenades, so it's not a node problem.
For debugging purposes, I managed to create a save where the crash always happens in the enemy turn. Help would be appreciated...
Sorry, but lately I've become less and less able to deal with errors due to exatly nil information from the game. That's probably because I make fewer mistakes like missing graphics, so the most errors are actually related to deeper issues, and I am not a coder... Not sure what I could do, but I can't ask Meridian every time to do what should be my job.
They have no grenades, so it's not a node problem.
For debugging purposes, I managed to create a save where the crash always happens in the enemy turn. Help would be appreciated...
It is indeed a node issue, z = -1.
... and I am not a coder... Not sure what I could do, but I can't ask Meridian every time to do what should be my job.
Of course you can.
EDIT: The 3.5+ catches the error already: New Battle > Tundra Desert terrain:
[05-12-2016_22-35-21] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/DESERT13.RMP Node #0 is outside map boundaries at X:6 Y:1 Z:1. Culling Node.
[05-12-2016_22-35-21] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/DESERT13.RMP Node #1 is outside map boundaries at X:8 Y:5 Z:1. Culling Node.
[05-12-2016_22-35-21] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/DESERT13.RMP Node #2 is outside map boundaries at X:6 Y:8 Z:1. Culling Node.
[05-12-2016_22-35-21] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/DESERT13.RMP Node #3 is outside map boundaries at X:3 Y:7 Z:1. Culling Node.
[05-12-2016_22-35-21] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/DESERT13.RMP Node #4 is outside map boundaries at X:1 Y:3 Z:1. Culling Node.
[05-12-2016_22-35-22] [WARN] STR_MAP_GEN_ERROR not found in en-US
Meridian, you da man! :)
By the way, do I need to activate these warnings somehow? I got nothing, and I'm using the newest version of OXCE+. (Also, it still crashed for me.)
Meridian, you da man! :)
By the way, do I need to activate these warnings somehow? I got nothing, and I'm using the newest version of OXCE+. (Also, it still crashed for me.)
The map was generated in 3.3+ so it will still crash.
Only if the map was generated in 3.5+ it would be OK.
The map was generated in 3.3+ so it will still crash.
Only if the map was generated in 3.5+ it would be OK.
Ah, I see. Thank you.
It is indeed a node issue, z = -1.
I checked the offending map, and I don't understand what the problem is... The block's height is only 1, the nodes are there on level 0 (the only level), I don't think I've ever changed map height... What could be wrong?
I checked the offending map, and I don't understand what the problem is... The block's height is only 1, the nodes are there on level 0 (the only level), I don't think I've ever changed map height... What could be wrong?
The nodes were on level 1, not on level 0... you have probably fixed that already for piratez, that's why you see it correctly.
The nodes were on level 1, not on level 0... you have probably fixed that already for piratez, that's why you see it correctly.
Perhaps. I can't remember fixing it, but I'm doing way too much to remember everything. Thanks!
Attacking a red dawn base, killed most of them, last guy (one of the shirtless ones with rifles and a beret) charges out, I flumph all my reaction fire, go to his turn - and game crashes.
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Data search is:
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom\
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Loading data...
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[12-12-2016 16:26:56] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[12-12-2016 16:26:57] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:26:59] [INFO] Loading font... Font.dat
[12-12-2016 16:26:59] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Loading language...
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[12-12-2016 16:27:02] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[12-12-2016 16:27:04] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:27:04] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[12-12-2016 16:27:37] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[12-12-2016 16:27:37] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[12-12-2016 16:52:36] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] TU not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] STA not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] HP not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] BRA not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] REA not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] ACC not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] THR not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] MEL not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:52:37] [WARN] STR not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:53:27] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 16:56:20] [WARN] STR_DOGE_BITE not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] ID not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] RANK not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:57:28] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-GB
[12-12-2016 16:58:51] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:02:17] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:04:27] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:06:20] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:08:52] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:12:09] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:20:00] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:21:47] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:38:11] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] 0x73d562a0 BaseThreadInitThunk (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] 0x77030ba0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[12-12-2016 17:51:44] [FATAL] 0x77030ba0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[12-12-2016 17:51:45] [FATAL] Crash dump generated at C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\12-12-2016_17-51-44.dmp
[12-12-2016 17:51:47] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
Please report this to the developers.
Probably a missing corpse or something... would need a save (even earlier save is probably ok)... log file doesn't contain anything useful.
Hmm. Reloading the autosave from 2 turns earlier meant that nothing happened and the bad guys all died. I guess it remains a mystery, then.
--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
Bug report: The Durathingie factory mission, if it takes place in the artic, will spawn enemies in a nest of unshootable unassailable walls from whence they can barely ever be seen, are never in LOS, but can still snipe your guys off from an invincible position, and you cant get near them. Also it -deleted- my medic - no corpse, no items, there was a shot, a scream, she vanished
You've run into an overkill-capable weapon :)
If something deals over 2x a unit's health in damage and overkill isn't disabled for that item, the corpse will be disintegrated (i.e. vanish).
Kinda sucks that these guys are in unassailable positions where they have LOS to me but I cant get LOS to them, though.
Game now hangs on the Hidden Movement screen
Kinda sucks that these guys are in unassailable positions where they have LOS to me but I cant get LOS to them, though.
That's an engine problem. Long story short, it happens sometimes due to how LoS is measured. I can't do anything about it...
Game now hangs on the Hidden Movement screen
Sorry to hear that.
...oh, you want me to fix it? Then you probably should post a save, again. :P How else would I know?
It's probably another bad RMP problem, these should go away with the next release.
Small bug: holodroness can die because of blood loss, STR_WEREWOLF_TERRORIST has no string.
Small bug: holodroness can die because of blood loss, STR_WEREWOLF_TERRORIST has no string.
Thanks. The STR_WEREWOLF_TERRORIST thing is fixed. And the holodrone is a living thing, even if it appears like something else, so works as intended.
Thanks Meridian. To be honest, I'd prefer if you looked at X-Com Files files (lol), since I don't understand at 100% what the issue is.
The issue was that the game was looking for pedia articles in 3 ways:
- by ID
- by ID with "_UC" suffix
- by ID in the requirements
So if you're trying to use/open/find article with ID = "XXX"... the game could find:
- article "XXX"
- or article "XXX_UC"
- or any article with requirement "XXX"
I have no idea why the latter two are required (as far as I can say they are not), and Warboy doesn't remember either.
I left those conditions there, BUT I am first looking by ID only... and only if there is no match by ID I move on to ID+suffix and only after nothing is found there, I move to search by requirements.
This should drastically decrease the chance of such cases happening (by 99%), but won't remove it completely.
All right, thank you. I'll think if I can do something about it, but it looks a bit nasty to maintain, and I'm not sure it's worth the effort.
I found a bug with the deep one's death animation(or slideshow?).
The only other mods I have enabled are "aliens pick up weapons" "gun melee" and "statstrings"
It's the body, yes? Or part of the animation?
It's part of the animation they make when they die. The brutal disembowelment animation
I found another bug. A crash when selling a cute doggy. I have the same mods as I did in my last post including x-files
"aliens pick up weapons" "gun melee" and "statstrings".
In the save, you just go and sell the dog named Rolf
Looks like doggy's armor is missing a storeItem, and thus storage space definition.
It's part of the animation they make when they die. The brutal disembowelment animation
Yeah, it looks like it's doing a back flip. I'll see what the problem is.
Found it, sort of. Apparently, it works better with default routine than the one that's supposed to work with this sprite. Weird.
Looks like doggy's armor is missing a storeItem, and thus storage space definition.
I don't really understand what I should do... Ad an item for an unarmoured dog? There's no item for an unarmoured human...
OK, I think what's missing is this (in the armors.rul):
storeItem: STR_NONE
Am I right?
I don't really understand what I should do... Ad an item for an unarmoured dog? There's no item for an unarmoured human...
# dogs
spriteSheet: DOGE.PCK
spriteInv: MAN_100
customArmorPreviewIndex: 21
# x-com
- type: STR_NONE_UC
spriteSheet: XCOM_15.PCK
spriteInv: MAN_15
customArmorPreviewIndex: 1
storeItem: STR_NONE # <----------------------------- storeItem for unarmored human (STR_NONE is hardcoded and handled as size/space = 0)
spriteSheet: XCOM_16.PCK
spriteInv: MAN_16
customArmorPreviewIndex: 2
storeItem: STR_LEATHER_COAT # <------------------ another example of store item...
I found another bug. The "Durathread Factory Location is missing the ufopedia description.
Also, from what I can see you guys are working real hard on this mod. I post a bug and 20 minutes later you guys are already fixing it. Haha, amazing. Thank you.
Oh and another thing. Are abducted farmers supposed to be "sold" for -10,000 dollars or is that also a bug?
OK, thanks Meridian.
I found another bug. The "Durathread Factory Location is missing the ufopedia description.
Yes, that's fixed already. (I really need to make a new release soon.)
Oh and another thing. Are abducted farmers supposed to be "sold" for -10,000 dollars or is that also a bug?
Yes, a bug... Should be +10000.
I think I might have found another bug or a "bad taste". Shooting through fences is a pain in the ass and sometimes there isn't even a line of fire through them if you're pointing at it diagonally(One time I couldn't even see someone through the fence but that may not actually be the fence. I think you should decrease the chances of hitting a fence and stopping the no line of fire problem if it's possible. I assume the line of fire problem is caused by the multiple fences in the way of one bullet and acting as a wall but there should still be a line of fire if you ask me(but a larger chance to hit the fence, of course).
Also when using a flare gun the "no line of fire" says "Can't make that arc, cap'n". I assume that's from XPirates.
The line of fire issues with the fences are part of OXC, not just this mod, best way to deal with them is to go around or force fire through them to destroy them. Fixing the chances of hitting a fence isn't really in the cards here.
Okay, I've seen this bug in other mods. Thanks for the information.
I've just noticed half of my bug reports have already been reported.
The jumpsuit outfit versions' boots are inconsistent with the the battlescape sprites(and so are the small camo for camo ones details but those don't matter as much). This is a vanilla bug so I don't know think
this is worth mentioning but I did it anyway. It looks like my soldiers are wearing children's pajamas.
In Cult Apprehension missions, have you thought of adding civilians into the maps(but finding a way to make the cultists passive towards them)?
Also, what about placing public/car(van) starting points on roads when possible? That sounds like it'd hard to implement though.
The line of fire issues with the fences are part of OXC, not just this mod, best way to deal with them is to go around or force fire through them to destroy them. Fixing the chances of hitting a fence isn't really in the cards here.
Yes, but how do we make armor out of fences? ;)
In Cult Apprehension missions, have you thought of adding civilians into the maps(but finding a way to make the cultists passive towards them)?
Not possible, and frankly rather superfluous.
Sorry for the very frequent posts. I found another bug(?) with the jump suits. I set all my jumpsuits to the default tanish grey version but when a mission is started they all show up as camo versions which is annoying. I don't know if it's a bug because I only noticed it twice on two different missions which were both forested maps and the camo matched the background so I don't know if it switches the jumpsuit color based on the mission or if it's an actual bug.
EDIT: On polar missions the suit is the default. I think this is a poor design choice if it's not a bug.
Sorry for the very frequent posts. I found another bug(?) with the jump suits. I set all my jumpsuits to the default tanish grey version but when a mission is started they all show up as camo versions which is annoying. I don't know if it's a bug because I only noticed it twice on two different missions which were both forested maps and the camo matched the background so I don't know if it switches the jumpsuit color based on the mission or if it's an actual bug.
EDIT: On polar missions the suit is the default. I think this is a poor design choice if it's not a bug.
It's a bug, you shouldn't be able to select the colours.
Okay, really hope you fix that one, I love the jump suits. I found a very small bug. with the jump suits again. There's a green out line on one of the camo suits in the inventory screen while the other soldier in the roster who is wearing the same outfit has no green out line.
The black ops sniper rifle looks screwed up if you ask me.
Okay, really hope you fix that one, I love the jump suits. I found a very small bug. with the jump suits again. There's a green out line on one of the camo suits in the inventory screen while the other soldier in the roster who is wearing the same outfit has no green out line.
Thanks, fixed.
The black ops sniper rifle looks screwed up if you ask me.
Okay, here's a correction. That's the most I can do in 2 minutes, and I don't really have the time to paint a Mona Lisa rifle. :P
PS. I'll leave it this time, but if possible, please edit your first post instead of double-posting. Thank you.
Okay, sorry about that. Thanks for the edited sniper rifle(That I see no difference in from a first look). I'll start posting all the bugs I found in this post. Please tell me if you're gonna work on a bug that I posted(or if it's not a bug at all).
FIXED: I found a bug with OXCE? The OXCE advanced settings are screwed up. I'm using the 5.0 version of X-COM Files.
Explosives Licence should be Explosives License.
I fixed the extended options in the advanced options by re clicking English [US] in the videos settings tab "Display Language".
Extended options "Auto Assign Pilots" and "Remove Wounded from Training" have no descriptions.
abducted Farmers are still sold for -10,000 atleast on a save from the last update as I have not started a new game.
A Map Generation error, picture in the attachments. I don't know how to upload log files.
Dagon Morphs are sold for 0 dollars. I don't know if this is a bug but I'll say it anyway.
I'm able to purchase Light Cannon BS Ammo(right after researching Light Cannon Acquisition) before completing the BS Ammo Research.
I also have a tactical grenade launcher entry, auto cannon entry, and heavy cannon entry in the UFOpedia after researching Contact: M.A.G.M.A. Corporation. I cannot purchase these three weapons though.
"Black Ops Industries Contact" should be "Contact: Black Ops Industries" to fit in with others.
There's a green line visible on the edges of any map in multi-level view.
"Alien Life Forms" UFOpedia entry has has a spelling error. (specidic >specific)
I guess you need to switch from en_GB to en_US.
Sorry for making another post, I reached the attachment limit. Here are more bugs!
The Tactical Grenade Launcher research is missing a name.
There is a spelling error in the Fighter Plane Procurement UFOpedia page. See the attachments for a picture where.
I have access to the Heavy Machine Gun before completing the HMG Research. I'm given access to it from Promotion III
a/ I fixed the extended options in the advanced options by re clicking English [US] in the videos settings tab "Display Language".
Extended options "Auto Assign Pilots" and "Remove Wounded from Training" have no descriptions.
b/ A Map Generation error, picture in the attachments. I don't know how to upload log files.
c/ There's a green line visible on the edges of any map in multi-level view.
a/ yes, these are really missing
b/ just copy the text about "culled nodes" from the log file here... the rest is not needed (btw. the log file restarts every time you start openxcom, so always do it immediately when it happens or it will be lost)
c/ that's a feature
PS: don't worry posting another post after someone answered already... only double posting is not allowed... I noticed your changes only by pure accident
Alright, I've had the map generation issue twice now. I'll try and post a log file next time I get it.
Explosives Licence should be Explosives License.
I think the world be better if English speaking people stuck to just one English language. :P
Extended options "Auto Assign Pilots" and "Remove Wounded from Training" have no descriptions.
OK, fixing that.
abducted Farmers are still sold for -10,000 atleast on a save from the last update as I have not started a new game.
Wait, you mean the bodies? If so, then -10000 is correct. Who's gonna buy a dead farmer off your hands? You have to pay to get rid of the body! :P
A Map Generation error, picture in the attachments.
Yes, I'm still huinting some elusive ones. With Meridian's recent safety measures, they're not dangerous any more though, so don't worry.
Dagon Morphs are sold for 0 dollars. I don't know if this is a bug but I'll say it anyway.
Yes, the price was missing from the body item. Fixing.
I'm able to purchase Light Cannon BS Ammo(right after researching Light Cannon Acquisition) before completing the BS Ammo Research.
Thre is no such research. (Well, technically there is, but it's hiden and automatic.) So unless you could buy the ammo before you could buy a Light Cannon, all is well.
I also have a tactical grenade launcher entry, auto cannon entry, and heavy cannon entry in the UFOpedia after researching Contact: M.A.G.M.A. Corporation. I cannot purchase these three weapons though.
Yes, the description of M.A.G.M.A. Contact was too vague. Now it says:
We have contacted the M.A.G.M.A. Corporation, a secretive Novosibirsk R&D company which specializes in biotech, hi-energy engineering and firearms. Among other things, they offer experimental equipment for high-tier soldiers who can handle weapons outside normal limitations. Their products can potentially prove useful to some of our strongest agents.{NEWLINE}M.A.G.M.A. sent us a catalog of their merchandise. You can exaine them in the Ufopedia, but purchasing some of them will require additional arrangments.
"Black Ops Industries Contact" should be "Contact: Black Ops Industries" to fit in with others.
Good point. Fixing.
There's a green line visible on the edges of any map in multi-level view.
It's a feature Meridian added to show where the map ends.
"Alien Life Forms" UFOpedia entry has has a spelling error. (specidic >specific)
Sorry for making another post, I reached the attachment limit. Here are more bugs!
No need to apologize, like Meridian said, you didn't double-post :) And if there is a technical reason to (like too many attachments), then DP is allowed.
The Tactical Grenade Launcher research is missing a name.
Indeed. Fixing.
There is a spelling error in the Fighter Plane Procurement UFOpedia page. See the attachments for a picture where.
Sorry, must've been drunk or something.
I have access to the Heavy Machine Gun before completing the HMG Research. I'm given access to it from Promotion III
Hmmm... But it looks coded correctly. I'll test it further when I can.
BTW I'd happily get rid of the "acquisition" researches and just tie these new things to the promotion, but it's a way around some code limitations, so that Ufopedia pages are shown correctly.
Thanks for the very thorough and useful reports!
I think you should make the abducted farmer be sold for -1000 instead of 10,000. You're not hosting a funeral too, you're just burying the body. You could just give the corpse to the farmer's relatives.
I did have a visible research option for BS Ammo in the research options if you did not realize it. Of course, it did nothing but it was there nonetheless and I wasted around 4 hours researching nothing :) .
There were two spelling errors in the new line of the Magma Contact "{NEWLINE}M.A.G.M.A. sent us a catalog of their merchandise. You can >>>>>exaine them in the Ufopedia, but purchasing some of them will require additional >>>>>arrangments(should be "arrangements")."
I think you should make the abducted farmer be sold for -1000 instead of 10,000. You're not hosting a funeral too, you're just burying the body. You could just give the corpse to the farmer's relatives.
But there's the whole secrecy issue, generating various unspecified costs (like bribes). Besides, I think 1000 would be just not enough, game-wise.
I did have a visible research option for BS Ammo in the research options if you did not realize it. Of course, it did nothing but it was there nonetheless and I wasted around 4 hours researching nothing :) .
Must be an artefact from upgrading... This entire part of tech tree was overhauled, and you loaded an old save. But it isn't harmful.
There were two spelling errors in the new line of the Magma Contact "{NEWLINE}M.A.G.M.A. sent us a catalog of their merchandise. You can >>>>>exaine them in the Ufopedia, but purchasing some of them will require additional >>>>>arrangments(should be "arrangements")."
OK, thanks!
Wasn't sure if I should have put this in the main thread, but in the readme it talks about enable the spend researched items which does not exist in the 3.5 version unless it's in a ruleset. Based on other posts I could find it was enabled for FMP, but I just wanted to confirm it was the same in XCF. Also asking as I couldn't find it in vars_XCOMFILES.rul
Forgot about X-COM being a secret organization, haha.
Wasn't sure if I should have put this in the main thread, but in the readme it talks about enable the spend researched items which does not exist in the 3.5 version unless it's in a ruleset. Based on other posts I could find it was enabled for FMP, but I just wanted to confirm it was the same in XCF. Also asking as I couldn't find it in vars_XCOMFILES.rul
The option is removed from the nightly/oxce+ 3.5, it's set on a per-item basis in the ruleset. No need to worry about it anymore! Good idea to let Solarius Scorch know that it should be removed from the readme though.
I think I found another bug or just "Bad taste". Giant Beetles are a bunch of wusses and panic like crazy(even though that's a normal reaction for bugs when they see humans). This problem is exacerbated when you're on a strange life form mission and there's 20 giant beetles. You kill 8 of em and the rest are panicking in the corner and getting angry at each other.
Also a "Bad taste" that REALLY irks me, the miniguns are complete shit (in my experience). I stand 5 blocks away from a man and do the auto fire missing all ten shots. This happens with the light minigun and the regular one. It's very common for me to miss all the shots in close range engagements with the miniguns which makes them useless when you see that it costs about half your TU to use once. PLEASE increase the weapon's accuracy. It's one of my biggest problems in all the mods that include the miniguns. I can't remember but I think the HMG has this issue too.
Flamethrowers are kind of slow. The range is low and usually the area affected by it doesn't increase too much. I think it should be increase to something almost as fast as the mini guns.
The option is removed from the nightly/oxce+ 3.5, it's set on a per-item basis in the ruleset. No need to worry about it anymore! Good idea to let Solarius Scorch know that it should be removed from the readme though.
Ah it's per item, I thought it would be set globally in the vars ruleset.
Indeed I forgot to remove it from the readme, thanks.
I think I found another bug or just "Bad taste". Giant Beetles are a bunch of wusses and panic like crazy(even though that's a normal reaction for bugs when they see humans). This problem is exacerbated when you're on a strange life form mission and there's 20 giant beetles. You kill 8 of em and the rest are panicking in the corner and getting angry at each other.
I haven't tested them properly yet. Maybe I'll just give them better morale? Anyway, the same applies to some other enemies, I guess.
Also a "Bad taste" that REALLY irks me, the miniguns are complete shit (in my experience). I stand 5 blocks away from a man and do the auto fire missing all ten shots. This happens with the light minigun and the regular one. It's very common for me to miss all the shots in close range engagements with the miniguns which makes them useless when you see that it costs about half your TU to use once. PLEASE increase the weapon's accuracy. It's one of my biggest problems in all the mods that include the miniguns. I can't remember but I think the HMG has this issue too.
These are situational weapons; not for every mission, not for every player. If you don't want to use them, it's perfectly fine, but I assure you that the Miniguns were rebalanced like 10 times over several years, and I really can't make them any better without breaking them. And the HMG is just OP already, if you can lift it.
Flamethrowers are kind of slow. The range is low and usually the area affected by it doesn't increase too much. I think it should be increase to something almost as fast as the mini guns.
Are you kidding? best weapon in the game! At least against some enemies.
When I said the flame throwers were kind of slow, I meant it's annoying watching your player shoot fire for 8 seconds in a very small area, I don't mean to buff it up or anything. The flame throwers are very powerful, that they fire slowly and it's annoying to watch a guy shoot the same small area for 8 seconds. The minigun gets over with shooting the projectiles almost instantly from when it starts.
In all honesty, there is never a reason for me to use a minigun as it IS completely useless in almost all situations(OR maybe I'm extremely unlucky!! That's it!). I really like the small minigun I just wish I could use it without getting myself killed and looking like in idiot in front of the aliens. As far as I can remember, I've used the miniguns at most 15 times and I only remember hitting an enemy five times(as in out of 150 shots with either of the miniguns, I've landed only five on an enemy. Never in medium-long range engagements.) Is there a suppression mechanic that I don't understand or what?
When I said the flame throwers were kind of slow, I meant it's annoying watching your player shoot fire for 8 seconds in a very small area, I don't mean to buff it up or anything. The flame throwers are very powerful, that they fire slowly and it's annoying to watch a guy shoot the same small area for 8 seconds. The minigun gets over with shooting the projectiles almost instantly from when it starts.
Ah, okay then, I misunderstood.
I can try playing around with bulletSpeed for this weapon, but I'm not sure how it'll turn out.
In all honesty, there is never a reason for me to use a minigun as it IS completely useless in almost all situations(OR maybe I'm extremely unlucky!! That's it!). I really like the small minigun I just wish I could use it without getting myself killed and looking like in idiot in front of the aliens. As far as I can remember, I've used the miniguns at most 15 times and I only remember hitting an enemy five times(as in out of 150 shots with either of the miniguns, I've landed only five on an enemy. Never in medium-long range engagements.) Is there a suppression mechanic that I don't understand or what?
No, there is no particular suppression mechanics in X-Com, except that wounded units are more likely to fall back.
It's true that miniguns rarely hit, but also beat in mind that each bullet decreases the target's armour. So, three hits from this weapon is a bit better than from, say, a rifle, even if the bullet is the same.
Anyway, as I said, it's often a situational weapon. It's not really my favourite either, but that's mostly because we don't have suitable missions for it! Maybe once surface X-Com base are in (Oheartenstein is working on it), miniguns and similar weapons will have a place to shine.
The issue with waiting for flamer to finish firing is because you need an explosion for AoE weapons, and each explosion needs to animate in sequence. Technically all weapons do this, but the 'explosion' animation for single-target weapons isn't necessary, and can be removed to speed up the firing process, which is how it's done for the minigun.
Under water missions don't have the "bubbly" ambient sound of TFTD playing in the background and the footstep sound effects aren't as they are in TFTD. Kind of weird, I can live with it but if it's not too hard to implement then I recommend you do that because being underwater just doesn't feel like I'm actually underwater. Also, if you can, the green under water alien guys (I forgot their name) don't have the same sound effects as the ones' from TFTD. I understand if it's too much or "impossible", I think adding the sound effects from TFTD would really help the atmosphere ( I love TFTD's sound effects.)
but if it's not too hard to implement
No idea. Maybe with some MCDpatch magic.
Also, if you can, the green under water alien guys (I forgot their name) don't have the same sound effects as the ones' from TFTD.
I know. I never cared.
I'm on 0.5.1b and after recruiting the military envoy, I found I was able to research the Dragonfly. Is this supposed to happen instead of occurring at promotion 2?
If it is supposed to happen, should the Dragonfly cost more in terms of points vs the Skyraider? I reduced the Dragonfly cost to 100 as it felt weird to have the Dragonfly take longer than the Skyraider. The ruleset for research are
cost: 300
points: 10
listOrder: 738
cost: 200
points: 10
listOrder: 740
Works as intended; getting the Dragonfly at this point requires more effort than the Skyraider at that later point.
Solarius, great mod!
Yo, I was playing the game (new LP update on already btw) and I got a error in a Cult Aprehension mission against Red Dawn in Karthoum. When I started, there was a "Map Generation Error" message standing on the top left of the game screen. No other issues seen or effects know, I finished the mission with no problems.
Might wanna take a look.
Solarius, great mod!
Yo, I was playing the game (new LP update on already btw) and I got a error in a Cult Aprehension mission against Red Dawn in Karthoum. When I started, there was a "Map Generation Error" message standing on the top left of the game screen. No other issues seen or effects know, I finished the mission with no problems.
Might wanna take a look.
Thanks, I'll have a look and hopefully fix it, but it's not really an actual problem anyway - I mean, it won't break your game.
Found a typo:
Commanders' understanding of alien operations is moree than enough
One more:
exxept when providing medical services
Is there a typo in the word "ceurological"? Neither Google nor the Oxford dictionary can find it.
Thanks, all fixed.
Found a bug, I researched a live werewolf but got the live mongorn research result. Also looked in the files, it seems werecats suffer the same problem.
Found a bug, I researched a live werewolf but got the live mongorn research result. Also looked in the files, it seems werecats suffer the same problem.
You're right... What a stupid mistake. And it's been sitting in plain sight for so long. Thanks!
Weird. I remember researching werecat in last version and it went ok
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Some more typos:
Greetings, Commander, on behalf of MAGMA Corporation.
case MAGMA stumbles upon
MAGMA is wrote everywhere with points between the letters, but in those cases they're absent for some reason.
defending our planet from otherwordly things XCOM
Should be "otherworldly", I think.
Commnader, the M.A.G.M.A. Corporation is very satisfied
Hybrid spies Infiltrate
Is there any meaning in writing the word "Infiltrate" with a capital "I"?
jest of pressurized, highly active chemicals
inocuous planes
However, our enemies got their first.
You can exaine them
but purchasing some of them will require additional arrangments.
Thanks! All fixed.
I just noticed while reading a LP of your mod that started with the version prior to your budget cut balance change and they started with 3 million income, just started another game with the current version and noticed I also have 3 million income at start. I remembered this when the LP'er manually cut his income by 2/3 to better emulate the current version.
I just noticed while reading a LP of your mod that started with the version prior to your budget cut balance change and they started with 3 million income, just started another game with the current version and noticed I also have 3 million income at start. I remembered this when the LP'er manually cut his income by 2/3 to better emulate the current version.
Thanks for bringing my attention to this. According to my calculations, your initial funding should be between $690 000 and $1 380 000... But it doesn't work.
I'll fiddle with this.
A new set of typos:
our agents should appproach them with utmost care
Not enough living space to accomodate
DEATILS: Miller and Smith are mid-ranking officers
DEATILS: Born in the upper class of Texas oil moguls
hideout deep in the bowles of the city
albait rather simple in reasoning
that this is creature is related to normal Earth life forms
There's also a discrepancy in the dossiers block: in the first ones the lines are sorted like this: name - affiliation - role, but then the order is changed - the affiliation and the role switched their positions.
And I also have some questions about the contents of the mod.
STR_STAFF_001_UFOPEDIA - who's saying this - a man or a woman? I couldn't understand looking at the picture.
TRSh Close Combat Weapon - can you expand the acronym if it has any meaning?
Consistent Damage - you meant stable, independent of an armor or significant?
There is no such thing as a free beating - I'm not really sure if I understood well but I think you meant one can't pound a person without getting any consequences. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
VOO: "PST", DOO: "PSK" - can you expand these lines?
Tanks for the typos. I have too much writing to do to do it properly myself... :/
STR_STAFF_001_UFOPEDIA - who's saying this - a man or a woman? I couldn't understand looking at the picture.
It's a woman. I guess she could use a bit more work...
TRSh Close Combat Weapon - can you expand the acronym if it has any meaning?
No special meaning; probably comes from the name of its designer. It's only there so that the name "Thrasher" could be derived from it. :P I wanted to put the "Thrasher" in there, because that's how that shotgun was called by the author of its original sprite on zDoom forums. But if you think it doesn't sound convincing, I can revise it.
Consistent Damage - you meant stable, independent of an armor or significant?
I need to make an article about this.
Consistent damage means that the weapon uses Gaussian formula instead of the normal roll; so average rolls are much more frequent.
There is no such thing as a free beating - I'm not really sure if I understood well but I think you meant one can't pound a person without getting any consequences. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
It's a play on the "no such thing as a free dinner" stock phrase. Open for interpretation. :P
VOO: "PST", DOO: "PSK" - can you expand these lines?
Psionic Strength, Psionic Skill. I had to abbreviate them to three letters, so...
Tanks for the typos. I have too much writing to do to do it properly myself... :/
I understand it very well looking at my translations after a while. But it's an opensource project, and we are all here to help each other.
It's a woman. I guess she could use a bit more work...
Ok :). I thought so but it should definitely be more evident.
But if you think it doesn't sound convincing, I can revise it.
Well, what confused me was this line "popular name: Thrasher". If there's a popular name then there should exist an official name which usually is quite unspeakable and ugly looking. At least I used to think so :).
I need to make an article about this.
I can only agree with this - it's definitely needed.
Consistent damage means that the weapon uses Gaussian formula instead of the normal roll; so average rolls are much more frequent.
Ok, understood. I'll think about the translation.
It's a play on the "no such thing as a free dinner" stock phrase. Open for interpretation. :P
Well, I found the source of the phrase but not really sure about the meaning of the word "beating" in the context. The dictionaries translate it as "whipping" and at the same time as "defeat". That's why I was asking. I think you meant the first meaning of the word :).
Psionic Strength, Psionic Skill. I had to abbreviate them to three letters, so...
Ah, of course, my bad. Thanks for the explanation!
And one more thing - is there any expansion in the acronym M.A.G.M.A.?
Well, what confused me was this line "popular name: Thrasher". If there's a popular name then there should exist an official name which usually is quite unspeakable and ugly looking. At least I used to think so :).
Yeah, that's the idea... Though I'm open to suggestions.
Well, I found the source of the phrase but not really sure about the meaning of the word "beating" in the context. The dictionaries translate it as "whipping" and at the same time as "defeat". That's why I was asking. I think you meant the first meaning of the word :).
Definitely so :)
And one more thing - is there any expansion in the acronym M.A.G.M.A.?
No, there's none - at least to my knowledge. It's a shout out to the Alien Shooter/Zombie Shooter series (made by SIGMA Team, also located in Novosibirsk).
Hey bro, just updated to newest version, and noticed that there's a bunch of screenshots and saves where I was going to put mine. Just to let you know.
Happens with me too, sometimes I forget my own saves. That's why I always make multiple folder copies, heh.
Hey bro, just updated to newest version, and noticed that there's a bunch of screenshots and saves where I was going to put mine. Just to let you know.
Happens with me too, sometimes I forget my own saves. That's why I always make multiple folder copies, heh.
Oh shit. I forgot to delete what should be deleted.
I'll post a new version.
Should there be "Uzi clip" for research? I already got uzi researched. Weird.
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Should there be "Uzi clip" for research? I already got uzi researched. Weird.
There shouldn't be, but I fiddled with the tech tree recently (added the Minebea SMG, which also uses Uzi clips), so something may have happened with an older save. Won't be a problem - start the project, don't assign any scientists, wait until midnight.
There shouldn't be, but I fiddled with the tech tree recently (added the Minebea SMG, which also uses Uzi clips), so something may have happened with an older save. Won't be a problem - start the project, don't assign any scientists, wait until midnight.
I will take a look at it, then.
Btw, should Minebea research be complete in a day? Quite quick!
I will take a look at it, then.
Btw, should Minebea research be complete in a day? Quite quick!
Yes, you get it as a bonus for researching Kiryu-Kai. Honestly I'd make it cost 0, but it causes weird behaviour, so it costs like 1 or 2 points.
Sorry if this have been reported before, I made a search and it seems like not.
My game crash everytime I use auto sort (Z shorcut in inventory). The log say nothing. I´m usign 0.5.2b, with the OXCE+ provided. The game log say nothing, just a standard segmentation fault. I leave the savegame attached.
BTW, how can I make the log more verbose?
11-01-2017_15-32-35] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[11-01-2017_15-34-41] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
It's the first time I hear about this option, so I have never tested it... And indeed, the mod crashes, also with my own saves.
No idea why, since everything else seems to work. But I have no idea about this function, you could just as well ask me about someone else's mod...
I understand it's almost for sure my mistake with some item, but there are no other known issues. Maybe for example I gave some item some attribute that was never meant for this item type, but it doesn't cause problems elsewhere?
I think it is OXCE+, using 3.5 on the vanilla and the mod installation it crash also. Will post in the correct thread
BTW, how can I make the log more verbose?
-> options.cfg
and set: verboseLogging: true
Was playing and in the tech tree viewer it seems the red dawn pioneer research is missing its research rewards. The red dawn pioneer and red ops also both appear twice when viewing the red dawn topic. One of the red ops entries also has a longer freebie list then the other.
-> options.cfg
and set: verboseLogging: true
Great! Thanks!.
Was playing and in the tech tree viewer it seems the red dawn pioneer research is missing its research rewards. The red dawn pioneer and red ops also both appear twice when viewing the red dawn topic. One of the red ops entries also has a longer freebie list then the other.
I checked. Everything is as intended, only it's not really understood by the viewer. But thanks!
Was playing and in the tech tree viewer it seems the red dawn pioneer research is missing its research rewards. The red dawn pioneer and red ops also both appear twice when viewing the red dawn topic. One of the red ops entries also has a longer freebie list then the other.
I checked. Everything is as intended, only it's not really understood by the viewer. But thanks!
As far as I can say, the tech tree viewer shows exactly what's defined in the ruleset... I checked the pioneer topics and they are all correct.
If anyone feels there is something wrong or missing, please attach a screenshot too and highlight what exactly is wrong.
As far as I can say, the tech tree viewer shows exactly what's defined in the ruleset... I checked the pioneer topics and they are all correct.
If anyone feels there is something wrong or missing, please attach a screenshot too and highlight what exactly is wrong.
Sorry, my post was unintentionally suggesting that the Tech Tree Viewer doesn't work correctly... It does, but due to how the tree is done, it displays the dependencies in a way that is confusing. So I actually meant not that "it is not understood by the viewer", but "viewer's output is not understood by the player". Because it wasn't made with the Tech Tree Viewer in mind (it hadn't even existed when I coded it).
My game crash everytime I use auto sort (Z shorcut in inventory). The log say nothing. I´m usign 0.5.2b, with the OXCE+ provided. The game log say nothing, just a standard segmentation fault. I leave the savegame attached.
It's an OXCE+ bug, quite tricky one too... looks like it will take a lot of patience to find it.
If anyone would like to try to help debug, I'd appreciate some help :)
Another mapgen error, Homicidal Maniac mission in Sri Lanka:
Another mapgen error, Homicidal Maniac mission in Sri Lanka:
Thanks. Doesn't appear for me, so I think I fixed it after the release.
Thanks. Doesn't appear for me, so I think I fixed it after the release.
More like They scrubbed the evidence!
More like They scrubbed the evidence!
They are very helpful people then!
It's an OXCE+ bug, quite tricky one too... looks like it will take a lot of patience to find it.
If anyone would like to try to help debug, I'd appreciate some help :)
I fixed it, this was sloppy code on my part, I made commit with fix for cherry-pick: https://github.com/Yankes/OpenXcom/commit/a4d390083ca5ce0fd2d9c175a6026f5b52e7efc2
Got a bugged mapblock, don't know whose it is - the forest-type map with brown grass, one of the hills has a 'floor' floating above it - see attached save.
The mountain is just full of Upanatomite... I mean if it is talked about in Rocky and Bullwinkle it's got to be true right? :)
It's a very problematic bug... I'll see what can be done.
Might I suggest that the 'always hits' be removed from the stun rod article? My agent that got a Dagon follower's axe in his back begs to say otherwise about the accuracy of the stun rod :P
Might I suggest that the 'always hits' be removed from the stun rod article? My agent that got a Dagon follower's axe in his back begs to say otherwise about the accuracy of the stun rod :P
Sorry. :P Fixed.
I still say figure out how to duplicate the flying top of the mountain bug and use it in the story. Who doesn't want an enemy base that you need jetpacks to get to? or a hidden ladder in the mountain, leading to a kill box?
Hey Solarius - think you can check the Yeti? I lost a mission to those abominable snowmen and yet they should have been 2x2 creatures that are easy to hit.
I saw some shots that didn't hit, but looked like they should have been hits. Am I crazy?
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Am I crazy?
Nah, just bugged LOFTemps.
Oh man, I forgot about it completely. Fixing now.
But to my defence, I never really understood the problem as reported - I shot hundreds of them :P
#JusticeForAzira lol
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Was playing and in the tech tree viewer it seems the red dawn pioneer research is missing its research rewards. The red dawn pioneer and red ops also both appear twice when viewing the red dawn topic. One of the red ops entries also has a longer freebie list then the other.
All as intended, move along. ;)
Some typos.
the key to to Church structure
should not be estimated
I think you meant underestimated.
as injuries may discurage them from charging
An alien vessel crew abducts a human, brainwashes them
organism is ready for insertion into a human being, which would turn them
relitively good speed
It is equipped many optical sensors
I lent some assistance with the interrogation of our recent captive. Actually, I used the grenade-in-mouth trick to convince them to talk
STR_STAFF_009 - no "Staff input" title
Part of a proud military heritage stretching back to the red army
"Red Army" should be written with capital letters.
I am absolutely exhilerated
I'm not sure what you meant: "malets" or "molodets". Both of them can be translated as "lad" but there's no such word as "моволец" in Russian. Or maybe you wanted to make a word like "komsomolets" taking into account the Red Dawn members feel nostalgic about their Soviet Union past.
Some typos.
I think you meant underestimated.
Yeah, there were indeed many typos... Thanks!
I think you mean these sentences:
"An alien vessel crew abducts a human, brainwashes them"
"organism is ready for insertion into a human being, which would turn them"
"I lent some assistance with the interrogation of our recent captive. Actually, I used the grenade-in-mouth trick to convince them to talk"
I can't see anything wrong with these sentences. What is the singular/plural problem again?
STR_STAFF_009 - no "Staff input" title
Oh, right.
"Red Army" should be written with capital letters.
I'm not sure what you meant: "malets" or "molodets". Both of them can be translated as "lad" but there's no such word as "моволец" in Russian. Or maybe you wanted to make a word like "komsomolets" taking into account the Red Dawn members feel nostalgic about their Soviet Union past.
Hmmm... I can't remember my train of thought either. Maybe I was going for a portmanteau word? I think I'll just change it to "molodets".
Yeah, there were indeed many typos... Thanks!
I think you mean these sentences:
"An alien vessel crew abducts a human, brainwashes them"
"organism is ready for insertion into a human being, which would turn them"
"I lent some assistance with the interrogation of our recent captive. Actually, I used the grenade-in-mouth trick to convince them to talk"
I can't see anything wrong with these sentences. What is the singular/plural problem again?
Sorry for being unclear. You're right, these are the sentences I was talking about. I'll try to explain. "a vessel crew abducts a human" - you use the singular number in the first part, but then you changed the number and used the plural: "brainwashes them". It should be "abducts humans and brainwashes them" or "abducts a human and brainwashes him" to keep consistency.
"organism is ready for insertion into a human being, which would turn them" - the same thing. It should be "into human beings, which would turn them" or "into a human being, which would turn him"
"I lent some assistance with the interrogation of our recent captive." - in the first part of the sentence there was only one captive, but in the second part there are already a few of them: "Actually, I used the grenade-in-mouth trick to convince them to talk". Sorry for being a bore. I know it's not that important.
If it's unclear if the person is male or female, they is actually acceptable. Though like all gender neutral attempts in English, It sounds a little awkward.
I got a map generation error
Why does the soldier face that has the pale guy with a beard that kind of looks like Captain Price from CoD wear a "hat" in the Battlescape when he's not wearing it in his inventory sprite?
I don't have him readily available to take a picture of so I'm too lazy to do it.
Yeah, using "them" in this context is perfectly normal English. How else would you refer to the person without knowing their sex?
I got a map generation error
Thanks, it's already fixed in the upcoming version.
Why does the soldier face that has the pale guy with a beard that kind of looks like Captain Price from CoD wear a "hat" in the Battlescape when he's not wearing it in his inventory sprite?
I don't have him readily available to take a picture of so I'm too lazy to do it.
Hmmm... I think you mean the one with a colour glitch. Yeah, also fixed in the upcoming version.
Minor bug: Werewolf do not attack. I believe because it is needed
. And maybe werecats have that issue too.
Terrorist weapon names are constructed automatically from alien race (STR_WEREWOLF) by removing "STR_" and adding "_WEAPON".
Also, I just tried (with v0.5.5) and they attacked and killed me without problems.
Do you have a save where they don't attack you, so we can reproduce?
Yeah, ninja'd by Meridian. :) But I think I'll manually enforce weapons anyway. Maybe.
Yeah, ninja'd by Meridian. :) But I think I'll manually enforce weapons anyway. Maybe.
Sorry, save was overwrited.
And yes, automatic names seems not always work. I am too decided to add weapons to terrorist manually, by 'builtinweapons'(or how it calls).
I'm getting a crash that says "Research STR_STAFF_009 not found."
I'm getting a crash that says "Research STR_STAFF_009 not found."
It was reported already, but in the main thread, so it's easy to miss.
To fix, add this to your research_XCOMFILES.rul file:
- name: STR_STAFF_009
cost: 0
points: 0
Yeah, I missed that. Thanks.
Yeah, using "them" in this context is perfectly normal English. How else would you refer to the person without knowing their sex?
Youse guise
All Y'all
I had a cyber web mission where like almost all the map was inaccessible. I could hear doors opening and crap but could not get to the enemies.
feature or bug?
I had the same issue with a cyberweb mission. I posted about it in the main topic earlier. It sounds like you got it worse, since I still had access to the entire main floor.
OK, I'll do more tests on this Cyberweb mission. It seemed to generate correctly, but apparently this isn't always the case.
For now, I suggest bringing lots of explosives. And digging. ;)
awesome...a bug AND a feature :)
I managed to find the right spot. If you want an example of the generation failing, here's my save just before I dynamited it open.
CTD in geoscape, not sure what caused that.
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] Data folder is:
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] Data search is:
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ben\Documents\OpenXcom\
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] - D:\OpenXcom_XFiles
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] - D:\OpenXcom_XFiles
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] User folder is: D:\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] Config folder is: D:\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-32-40] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 642x401x8...
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Display set to 642x401x8.
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Loading data...
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'D:\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[08-02-2017_18-32-41] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[08-02-2017_18-32-42] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-32-44] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[08-02-2017_18-32-44] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Loading language...
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[08-02-2017_18-33-13] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[08-02-2017_18-33-24] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-33-24] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] TU not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] STA not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] HP not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] BRA not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] REA not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] ACC not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] THR not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] MEL not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-37-56] [WARN] STR not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] ID not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] RANK not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-38-27] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_18-41-08] [WARN] STR_SELECT_PILOT not found in en-GB
[08-02-2017_21-25-06] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Research STR_STAFF_009 not found
[08-02-2017_21-25-16] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Research STR_STAFF_009 not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
I don't wanna sound rude, but it has been reported many times, even just a few posts above on the same page (with a fix too).
Please read at least few recent posts in this thread before posting same things again.
I skimmed over the thread but managed to miss the single post without image or code that was mentioning it here.
Thanks for pointing it out though.
Just downloaded 0.55, but I keep getting segfaults just after the cinematic ends.
This should be a clean install, the only thing I kept were XCOM resources in UFO/TFTD.
The error had not been present in previous versions of the mod I have played. I tried copying the files again from the .zip, did NOT try re-downloading yet.
openxcom.log in attachment
Thanks, but can you post a save? The log is not helpful at all in most cases.
I don't have a save, it crashes before main menu, after the cinematic with mutons.
I don't have a save, it crashes before main menu, after the cinematic with mutons.
Oh, I thought you meant after Cydonia!
Well then, apparently your install is wrong. Everyone else runs the game just fine, so it's not a mod problem.
My first theory is that you copied a newer version over the older version (from before upgrading to OXCE+ 3.6), so there are conflicts within the vanilla files (not the mod, I mean "standard" and "common" folders). You are supposed to only move your save file when upgrading and nothing else, at least when the exe number changes.
Looks like Zombie autopsie and Fat zombie autopsy has same picture.
Looks like Zombie autopsie and Fat zombie autopsy has same picture.
Oh man, you are right... My bad. Fixing.
If the cinematic is causing problems, you can always turn it off. Might not fix it though
Fixed now, the issue was actually something else - the UFO resources got corrupted somehow, I replaced them with my Steam copy's files; it works now, already made some good ol' extrajudicial cultist executions.
It seems that one of CyberWeb Lair maps is faulty - it's impossible to find a way to the enemies as most doors lead to nowhere.
Looks like Zombie autopsie and Fat zombie autopsy has same picture.
Um, I thought that's right :o
Aaaaand then the invasion begins. And I just got Promotion II. Now it feels like vanilla starting minus high alien activity and stupid blind rookies (my agents, especially hardened veterans, are more than effective with BlackOps weapons). Still no Interceptors though - because I'm a real slowpoke.
BTW, when I "disposed" useless Black Lotus followers (because I already have all dossiers and weapon info and interrogated Black Lotus Witch), their corpses had no proper name - just STR_BLACK_LOTUS_FOLLOWER_CORPSE. I don't know if it's really important but that's it.
Another crash while tacking a large UFO - unfortunately I cannot recreate it now.
It seems that one of CyberWeb Lair maps is faulty - it's impossible to find a way to the enemies as most doors lead to nowhere.
Reported about 10 posts ago... ::)
Yes, sometimes the map doesn't create a route. Use explosives to get there.
(I'm not sure I even want to fix this, it sinds kinda fun.)
Um, I thought that's right :o
Yeah, it's thanks to Nord we have all these beautiful autopsy pics.
Aaaaand then the invasion begins. And I just got Promotion II. Now it feels like vanilla starting minus high alien activity and stupid blind rookies (my agents, especially hardened veterans, are more than effective with BlackOps weapons). Still no Interceptors though - because I'm a real slowpoke.
Just a planned. 8)
BTW, when I "disposed" useless Black Lotus followers (because I already have all dossiers and weapon info and interrogated Black Lotus Witch), their corpses had no proper name - just STR_BLACK_LOTUS_FOLLOWER_CORPSE. I don't know if it's really important but that's it.
Yes, I noticed. Will be fixed in 0.6.
Another crash while tacking a large UFO - unfortunately I cannot recreate it now.
In this case I don't need a save, so thanks - this is enough. Just please confirm to me if the problematic mission was related to Hybrids.
I really enjoyed my first run through but I've started on 5.5 now and I'll be reporting bugs as I go. Couldn't be bothered the first time, sorry, I just got carried away with playing! I've already said I'm truly loving this mod.
I realise the tazer is from your FMP but should it train throw? Seems illogical to me. If it's already been discussed, just say, I don't want to reopen old arguments I know nothing about.
Giant spider autopsy:
"Its venom sacks are not very poisonous to humans, but may cause deep wounds"
Should be
"Its venom sacs are not very poisonous to humans but" etc.
And I think would it sound better like this:
"Its venom sacs are not very poisonous to humans but its fangs may cause deep wounds."
I really enjoyed my first run through but I've started on 5.5 now and I'll be reporting bugs as I go. Couldn't be bothered the first time, sorry, I just got carried away with playing! I've already said I'm truly loving this mod.
Thanks! But 0.6 is pretty close now, so most bugs will be replaced with new bugs. ;)
I realise the tazer is from your FMP but should it train throw? Seems illogical to me. If it's already been discussed, just say, I don't want to reopen old arguments I know nothing about.
Good catch, I missed it.
Giant spider autopsy:
"Its venom sacks are not very poisonous to humans, but may cause deep wounds"
Should be
"Its venom sacs are not very poisonous to humans but" etc.
And I think would it sound better like this:
"Its venom sacs are not very poisonous to humans but its fangs may cause deep wounds."
OK, fixing according to your suggestion!
I've got a crash that says "Sprite DEEPONEVILLAGE_BACKGROUND not found."
Also I noticed that shadowbat corpses are worth more than live ones. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
I've got a crash that says "Sprite DEEPONEVILLAGE_BACKGROUND not found."
Are you sure your installation is correct? The file is there in my version/
Also I noticed that shadowbat corpses are worth more than live ones. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Yeah, one zero too many in the corpse. ;)
I did a fresh install of 0.5.5 and then copied over with 0.5.5b. I'll try a fresh install of 0.5.5b.
Actually, a search through my folder shows a gif called DEEPONEVILLAGE that looks like the background for some text. Is that the one it should reference or a separate file?
Edit: Did a fresh install and I'm still getting the crash.
OK, I'll check again more thoroughly after I get back home. Must be something silly...
Why does this stuff always happen 10 minutes after the release?
Found a minor text bug, where after a deep one ritual mission some of the rescued sacrifices have glitched names.
OK, thanks. Luckily, not a critical bug this time, I don't have to release another version :)
In a recent mission I noticed I was getting damaged personal armor from nowhere. It seems my unconscious soldier in personal armor counts for the drop. I tested it by knocking one of my other personal armor troops (near the skymarshall) unconscious and I got a second damaged armor.
OK, thanks for the report. I'll try to look at it ASAP.
This is still happening in 0.5.5. Basically, live and dead recoverable 'corpses’ are treated the same. Have you had any luck coming up with a fix? If not, the Alternate Corpse mod looks like a potential starting point.
I ran into another map generation problem, this time in a cave mission. The last enemy is blocked off in an unaccessable section. I tried blowing open a thin looking wall(the soldier should be selected), but that caused a crash.
I ran into another map generation problem, this time in a cave mission. The last enemy is blocked off in an unaccessable section. I tried blowing open a thin looking wall(the soldier should be selected), but that caused a crash.
OK, this is a faulty map indeed, but the crash is... weird. I have no idea what's causing it. I'll have to ask for help.
OK, this is a faulty map indeed, but the crash is... weird. I have no idea what's causing it. I'll have to ask for help.
Yeah, we just figured out the same thing on a discord discussion.
Thanks guys, fixing now.
This will take a while though, because I need to make destroyed tiles walkable etc.
EDIT: I think I fixed it. It is kinda experimental, but please try these files. Just copy it to user/mods/XComFiles/TERRAIN folder and overwrite.
And please let me know if it works!
PS. You don't need the "aliens pick up weapons" mod on.
That fixed it. I dropped the bomb and on their turn the bat came out and got hit with reaction fire. Thanks.
Is the mod something I should turn off? I think you told me about it before, but I can't remember.
That fixed it. I dropped the bomb and on their turn the bat came out and got hit with reaction fire. Thanks.
OK, cool.
This terrain is somewhat experimental, I don't think it's been done before... So thanks for helping debugging it. :)
Everyone, please also download these files, just in case.
Is the mod something I should turn off? I think you told me about it before, but I can't remember.
Yeah, it's built into XCF, so unnecessary.
Does having it turned on do anything?
Does having it turned on do anything?
Hopefully not. :)
A few more minor bugs. I didn't unlock an article for researching live swarmids, a live aquatoid, or a dead reptoid. The reptoid was a drake if that matters, and the aquatoid did unlock the aqua plastics research. Also, the name for Stormlance missiles in manufacturing is glitched.
A few more minor bugs. I didn't unlock an article for researching live swarmids, a live aquatoid, or a dead reptoid. The reptoid was a drake if that matters, and the aquatoid did unlock the aqua plastics research. Also, the name for Stormlance missiles in manufacturing is glitched.
Good points, thanks. But... how did you manage to fing a Reptoid? O_o They're not in the game as of now.
Around a mixed species base they set up. I killed two on supply ships, then caught two leaders and killed an unknown third when I assaulted the base. All five were the power armored "Drake" types.
Around a mixed species base they set up. I killed two on supply ships, then caught two leaders and killed an unknown third when I assaulted the base. All five were the power armored "Drake" types.
Oh, okay... This was indeed an oversight on my part, I completely forgot about the mixed crews. But good for you to have killed them. :)
Nevertheless, a dead Drake should still show you Reptoid Autopsy. Do you have it already?
No. There's no Reptoid Autopsy entry following the Reptoid entry. I got the corpses before the live ones, so I doubt I just forgot to research them. Also, I just noticed that the Cerebreal Larva entry is between Muton and Muton Autopsy.
No. There's no Reptoid Autopsy entry following the Reptoid entry. I got the corpses before the live ones, so I doubt I just forgot to research them. Also, I just noticed that the Cerebreal Larva entry is between Muton and Muton Autopsy.
OK, you're right on both points. Fixed both.
I think that 'xeno combat shield' can be researched, but can not be buyed or produced. Also, please, write somewhere a short description when armored west become available (i found that i can buy it long ago when browsing ufopedia, accidentally )
Upd: ahh, i see, it is one armor but two wearing variants.
I think that 'xeno combat shield' can be researched, but can not be buyed or produced.
No, it cannot be researched. There is an item called that, but it's bound to an armour - a version of the Armoured Vest. So the Armoured Vest research gives you two armours: Armoured Vest and Armoured Vest with a Xeno Combat Shield.
If you're seeing it differently, it could be because of playing from an older save, because this was changed not long ago. But it could also be bugged somehow; I just can't see a problem at a first glance.
Also, please, write somewhere a short description when armored west become available (i found that i can buy it long ago when browsing ufopedia, accidentally )
Both armours are unlocked by X-Com History: Xenonauts
which contains it in the description:
However, its unique role during the Cold War should not be underestimated, as well as its scientific achievements, like the Xeno Combat Shield.
If you think it should be explained further, please suggest what I to do.
Just add to the "xenonauts" topic a string like "items available for purchase:...". And maybe "available with armoured vest" to shield topic.
Just add to the "xenonauts" topic a string like "items available for purchase:...". And maybe "available with armoured vest" to shield topic.
Thanks, done.
One more thing: i never noticed that witches use their flameglowes. Dont know, is it bug or not.
One more thing: i never noticed that witches use their flameglowes. Dont know, is it bug or not.
I've seen them using the gloves, so I guess it's OK. But I'll keep an eye on them.
Next one: looks like durathread factory has a problem with the terrain:
Next one: looks like durathread factory has a problem with the terrain:
Yes, it's been reported before, but I haven't fixed it yet. I'll have to sit down and investigate tonight.
Thanks - and congrats on your progress, it's visible from your bug reports. :)
Manufacturing stormlance missles crashes game.
Found durathread factory bug:
File terrains_XCOMFILES.rul, line 4328, must be '*AnchorVanillaDesert', not '*AnchorVanillaPolar'.
Manufacturing stormlance missles crashes game.
Indeed. In manufacture_XCOMFILES, instead of - name: STR_STORMLANCE_MISSILE
there should be - name: STR_STORMLANCE_MISSILES
Found durathread factory bug:
File terrains_XCOMFILES.rul, line 4328, must be '*AnchorVanillaDesert', not '*AnchorVanillaPolar'.
Yes, that's right! Thanks!
Look what i got. Trying to repeat was not succesful.
And what's wrong with it? Ugly font?
Armor without attached shield, but with shield.
Unable to equip Stormlance on Raven. Feature or Bug?
let Loose full auto with a Heavy Rail Gun in a spider cave... game crashed.
See two pages back for the cave terrain fix.
Look what i got. Trying to repeat was not succesful.
Works for me, but I fiddled with it later, so might have fixed it without realizing it. ;)
And what's wrong with it? Ugly font?
Eh? I haven't changed the font.
Unable to equip Stormlance on Raven. Feature or Bug?
Feature, but poorly documented. :P I haven't gotten to that yet...
See two pages back for the cave terrain fix.
Yeah. Download the new files; if the problem persists, please let me know.
Font is ugly because of non-ideal screen size(windowed/resized).
And non-shielded armor with shield in hand connected to changing armor, when both hands are allready equipped. But as i say, it is 'blinking' bug.
Another bug:
CTD in spidercave, when shoot from magnum and miss.
[23-02-2017_15-23-38] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 77) >= this->size() (which is 35)
[23-02-2017_15-23-54] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 77) >= this->size() (which is 35)
Just 3 posts above you the same bug was reported, see fixed cave terrain 2 pages back.
It seems that some text for a Red Ganger's corpse is missing somewhere.
Yeah, I thought I was so clever with those corpse names. Fixed now.
How did you get a ganger's corpse in Geoscape? They're non-recoverable.
I don't have the slightest idea - it never happened before.
BTW I reported the same thing with Black Lotus Follower corpse 2 weeks ago.
Yep, the issue is quite consistent in this version.
well it would be weird if it only happened sometimes. ::)
STR_CAVES is missing.
STR_CAVES is missing.
You mean the terrain name? Yeah, a bunch of them remains unnamed. I'll get to this later.
Or was it something else? Oh nevermind, I added the string anyway.
It was a mission name, showing when click on it on global map.
Some more typos and errors (well, maybe).
This young Ethiopian girl was rescued by the International red cross
The Red Cross is written with capitals.
Purchasing this weapon requires Contact: Cult Arms Dealers and Church of Dagon Operations.
The colon was lost between "requires" and "Contact".
resshapen to assume a form of a floating woman
It holds an importan position in a network of his breathren
combining mammalian intelligence with ichtyan tenacity
The Oxford dictionary contains only the words "ichthyic" or "ichthyal".
On the outside, they are less affected by the Dagon syndrome... and perhaps a variation of the 'Dagon syndrome'
For the first time the Dagon syndrome is written without quotes and then with them. In the article about the Dagon morph you used them again.
This creature used to by human,
Sorcerers have the privilage of contacting
heterometrus bengalensi
I'm not really sure if it's really a typo but it is written everywhere with an "s" at the end of the word "bengalensi".
tun = 15+STR*0.5; Skill = MA/2+50, Acc = 65%, 10 TUs)
An unnecessary bracket.
STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - there's a mention about the consistent damage, but this article covers the information about the clip. Usually the information about damage types appeared in the articles about the weapons. Was that planned?
The Medical Bag contains a basic amount of medical supplies... Click on the First Aid Kit icon
I think you meant the medical bag icon.
STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UFOPEDIA - this article is duplicated.
STR_MIB2_CORPSE is named as "MiB Medic Corpse". Looking at the line STR_MIB_MEDIC: "MiB Scientist" I think it should be "MiB Scientist Corpse". I don't know if it was your intention, forgive me if I'm wrong.
STR_PLASMA_DESTROYER_CLIP: "Plasma Blaster Clip" - the weapon is called "Plasma Destroyer".
(if low strength) way to capture live Aliens
The point at the end of the line is missing.
STR_HC_AA_BS_AMMO_BUY: "HC-BS Clip Acquisition" - AA means Alien Alloys but the text doesn't say anything about them.
And one more thing: is that intended that some strings in the Tech Tree Viewer are empty? For example: STR_FACILITIES_REQUIRED, STR_QS_THREE_LETTERS and some other?
Thanks for the thorough report!
Fixed everything except:
"Purchasing this weapon requires Contact: Cult Arms Dealers" - why would there be a colon after "requires"?
"combining mammalian intelligence with ichtyan tenacity" - can someone confirm if it's correct or not?
STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - most clips don't have articles, but this one does, so it's in here. Same with other clips with their own articles.
Attaching my working copy of the strings, with many updates.
Thanks for the thorough report!
It's my pleasure to give some help in the project :).
Fixed everything except:
"Purchasing this weapon requires Contact: Cult Arms Dealers" - why would there be a colon after "requires"?
I read this again and understood why there was no colon here. Sorry, my bad :(.
STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP_UFOPEDIA - most clips don't have articles, but this one does, so it's in here. Same with other clips with their own articles.
Thanks for the explanation, got it.
Attaching my working copy of the strings, with many updates.
Cool :).
I am seemingly unable to manufacture plasma weapon clips.
Feature or bug?
I downloaded your latest extra stringfile, though i found some strings what are not translated:
In the UFO-Pedia:
The Entry for "Crowd Controll" does not fit the screen.
"combining mammalian intelligence with ichtyan tenacity" - can someone confirm if it's correct or not?
As far as I know there is another "scientific" word for something belonging to fish - "piscine". But I'm not sure.
I think it would be better to use some less tricky phrase. I mean, "combining intelligence of primate with tenacity of fish" or even "tenacity of hunting shark" maybe?
Black Lotus strikes again :D
"combining mammalian intelligence with ichtyan tenacity" - can someone confirm if it's correct or not?
I'm no native speaker, but:
1) apparently "ichthyal", "ichthyic" or even "ichthyoid" are the correct forms;
2) that doesn't mean even an occasional book or scientific article hasn't slipped into "ichthyan";
3) "piscine" is rather... tame.
If there was voting on this, I'd pick "ichthyoid". :P
I am seemingly unable to manufacture plasma weapon clips.
Feature or bug?
I'll check tomorrow (sorry, I probably can't today), but it should be possible. Have you tried the tech tree viewer?
3) "piscine" is rather... tame.
Yeah, I also had this impression... It's an okay word, but I was hoping for something more dramatic. For example Titan Quest had ichtyons as monsters.
If there was voting on this, I'd pick "ichthyoid". :P
But they are ichtyoids as a whole, not part ichtyoids, part mammals. :) Maybe "ichthyic" sounds most cthulhish. :P
I like the word "ichthyac" - it's very nice word to describe dagonites ;D
But they are ichtyoids as a whole, not part ichtyoids, part mammals. :) Maybe "ichthyic" sounds most cthulhish. :P
Well, they're ichtyoids with ichtyoid tendencies, if you want them to be. ;D
A quick Google search shows 'ichtyoid' to be the prevalent adjective when talking about the Cthulhu mythos. I don't know how well that reflects non-Internet sources.
nope, can't manufacture heavy plasma. necessary searcher is done, but wtf I don't know
le Sigh.
nope, can't manufacture heavy plasma. necessary searcher is done, but wtf I don't know
le Sigh.
Hmm, here's the relevant code for the gun:
category: STR_WEAPON
space: 4
time: 1000
cost: 122000
And for the clip:
space: 4
time: 80
cost: 6000
So to make a HPG to need to have researched: the HPG itself, its clip and Plasma Weapons (not Plasma Weapons Calibration). For the clip, the same, sans HPG.
I can't see how this wouldn't work...
Well I can use it but not manufacture it so... yeah. you want a copy of a save to confirm/ mock me? :)
I dunno either.
Well I can use it but not manufacture it so... yeah. you want a copy of a save to confirm/ mock me? :)
I dunno either.
Yes, please :)
Finally fucking found it...
Manufacturing needs better organization or clarification :(
Why the FUCK would you put clips under batteries?
Maybe just use quick search?
So how do I do that and where is it documented?
Press Q.
It's documented here on the forum (oxce+ thread) and in the game settings as configurable hotkey.
It may be also in ufopedia like in piratez, don't know if Solar put it in or not.
I'm having an odd error a decent ways into the game, I just finished getting Promotion II and have taken down several ufo's. On the geoscape I get a CTD and an error message that says:
"Segmentation Fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers."
It seems to always happen when the same very large UFO I'm seeing lands.
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Data folder is:
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Data search is:
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom\
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] - C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1366x768x8...
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Display set to 1366x768x8.
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Loading data...
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Ethan Poole\Documents\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 2
[01-03-2017_16-08-29] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[01-03-2017_16-08-30] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-33] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[01-03-2017_16-08-33] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] Loading language...
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[01-03-2017_16-08-36] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[01-03-2017_16-08-45] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Please attach a save.
Here you are kind wizard.
XBASE terrain definition is incomplete; block XBASS_28 is missing.
You can fix it by adding it to "terrains_XCOMFILES.rul":
- name: XBASE
- name: XBASE_00
width: 10
length: 10
- name: XBASS_27 # Prison Cells
width: 10
length: 10
- name: XBASS_28 # ???
width: 10
length: 10
I always forget to add facilities to terrains. :/
For some reason, I'm still getting the same error.
Here's the ruleset file to make sure I'm not an idiot. I have no prior experience with Xcom's files.
For some reason, I'm still getting the same error.
Here's the ruleset file to make sure I'm not an idiot. I have no prior experience with Xcom's files.
I looked into this ruleset and found out that this chunk is still missing. That's why you keep getting this error. I fixed it for ya:
For some reason, I'm still getting the same error.
Here's the ruleset file to make sure I'm not an idiot. I have no prior experience with Xcom's files.
You defined XBASE twice. Try the attaching file.
(An ultra quick job, no guarantees)
Thank you both very much, looking forward to proceeding with this campaign.
not really a bug, but the sound of the magnum pistol rounds hitting is very delayed, by like a half second...its kinda jarring to hit with it, because of this.
not really a bug, but the sound of the magnum pistol rounds hitting is very delayed, by like a half second...its kinda jarring to hit with it, because of this.
You're right, and it's stupid too. Changing it.
Looks like mapscript for cyberweb lair is far from perfection. Here is all-dead-end situation.
And popup message of cyberweb lair missing - STR_CYBERWEB_ something.
Yeah, the map bugs out sometimes. To be honest I don't know how to make it better, apart from giving more exits to all blocks, which defeats the point of a sewers maze.
Bring explosives, I guess. ☺
I posted this elsewhere, but in the new version, breaking walls in cities with gunfire (or other items) often causes random explosions, because rasins.
I gotta admit, that is actually pretty damned funny, first time around.
Yes, this is some sort of code bug, nothing we can do about it at the moment. Our coders are working on it already.
Common magnum can no more use alloy ammo. Is it just as intended?
Common magnum can no more use alloy ammo. Is it just as intended?
Yes, you need a more advanced one... The classic one might explode :)
Yes, you need a more advanced one... The classic one might explode :)
Seems like explosive bullets will be remembered a long after this bug will be fixed :D
Well, finally I was bothered enough by Zombie Mission music (it's so lo-fi), so I converted "The Thing" credits music into OGG format by myself using different settings. The resulting OGG track is a little bigger (2,49 Mb) but sounds somewhat better. I hope The Captain won't assign me to chupacabra hunt for this 8)
Yeah, the quality is better. Taken!
Thanks for making the mod better.
To be honest, the glitch could be utilized as a weapon, couldn't it? maybe a 2 stage disposable anti armor weapon, the first shot being the equivalent to a gause gun, an armor piercing shell, and the second firing the second shell, along with the the extra chemical left over, giving it an explosive shot...
....could be neat.
Every time I load my save at the end of the month a supposed MIB mission pops up, however it crashes my game stating...
"Error processing mission named: recon, mission type: STR_MIB_TERROR is not defined."
Every time I load my save at the end of the month a supposed MIB mission pops up, however it crashes my game stating...
"Error processing mission named: recon, mission type: STR_MIB_TERROR is not defined."
Yeah, this mission was removed from spawning ages ago. Then I kept it in the ruleset for those ages, knowing that some people will have some ancient saves... And finally removed it in 0.6, thinking there is no way people still have saves that old.
...I stand corrected. :P
Just open alienMissions, copy any other mission and rename it to STR_MIB_TERROR.
I may be one of the initial players, who also has just been replacing the file with the new variant. In either case thanks!
Out of curiosity, why was the MIB Recon removed? It seems interesting to say the least.
Errr...a little of an update...
There is no "STR_MIB_TERROR" in that folder
It may be because that is my properly copied form of XComFiles, while I also have the version which I use that is spread across the entire OpenXcom directory.
This mission was removed because it made no sense, will be replaced with something better.
And no, there is no such mission, which is exactly the problem.
With D.E.B. problem solved, I wanted to continue the second M.A.G.M.A. mission from my previous v. 0.5.5c save. Played till turn 18, then started to run out of ammo and deceided to load another save before this mission. Got many nice things to research out of tin air (I love updates!), but then got CTD:
[11-03-2017_18-02-29] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Region REGION_MAGMA_LAB not found
[11-03-2017_18-02-50] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Region REGION_MAGMA_LAB not found
Well, I guess loading old save wasn't so good idea. Anyway, I found something else in the same log file:
11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] Data folder is:
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] Data search is:
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] - C:\Users\Acer\Documents\OpenXcom\
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] - C:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles 0.6a
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] - C:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles 0.6a
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles 0.6a\user\
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles 0.6a\user\
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-49-51] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-49-53] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-49-53] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[11-03-2017_16-49-53] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 800x600x8...
[11-03-2017_16-49-59] [INFO] Display set to 800x600x8.
[11-03-2017_16-50-00] [INFO] Loading data...
[11-03-2017_16-50-01] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[11-03-2017_16-50-01] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles 0.6a\user\mods'...
[11-03-2017_16-50-01] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[11-03-2017_16-50-01] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[11-03-2017_16-50-20] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-50-48] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[11-03-2017_16-50-50] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[11-03-2017_16-51-28] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[11-03-2017_16-51-28] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-51-28] [INFO] Loading language...
[11-03-2017_16-51-29] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_16-51-29] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[11-03-2017_16-51-37] [WARN] STR_KNOCK_OUT_INDICATOR not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_16-52-20] [ERROR] Failed to load research STR_SCARAB_TERRORIST
[11-03-2017_16-52-20] [ERROR] Failed to load research STR_SCARAB
[11-03-2017_16-52-20] [ERROR] Failed to load research STR_SCARAB_CORPSE
[11-03-2017_16-52-20] [ERROR] Failed to load research STR_SCARAB_AUTOPSY
[11-03-2017_16-52-20] [ERROR] Failed to load research STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP
As you see, these are some not-so-fatal errors from initial loading of OXCE+. I wonder what the hell is this 8)
UPD.: Alright, saved before crash. Save file attached:
Had a fatal crash in a strange life form mission, with beetles, at night in the forest.
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Data folder is:
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Data search is:
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Documents\OpenXcom\
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1169x729x32...
[11-03-2017_11-58-39] [INFO] Display set to 1169x729x32.
[11-03-2017_11-58-40] [INFO] Loading data...
[11-03-2017_11-58-40] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[11-03-2017_11-58-40] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[11-03-2017_11-58-40] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[11-03-2017_11-58-40] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[11-03-2017_11-58-41] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-49] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[11-03-2017_11-58-50] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] Loading language...
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[11-03-2017_11-58-58] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[11-03-2017_11-59-01] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_11-59-01] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-05-18] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_12-37-59] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[11-03-2017_13-34-38] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[11-03-2017_13-36-10] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
I heard an incendiary sound, like a flamethrower being fired right as it crashed.
Also attached battlescape save on the map, just because. I was a few turns in, but what the heck.
With D.E.B. problem solved, I wanted to continue the second M.A.G.M.A. mission from my previous v. 0.5.5c save. Played till turn 18, then started to run out of ammo and deceided to load another save before this mission. Got many nice things to research out of tin air (I love updates!), but then got CTD:Well, I guess loading old save wasn't so good idea. Anyway, I found something else in the same log file:
As you see, these are some not-so-fatal errors from initial loading of OXCE+. I wonder what the hell is this 8)
UPD.: Alright, saved before crash. Save file attached:
The missing region is an actual bug. Thanks for the report, attaching a hotfix.
The rest of these strings are just artefacts from version changes, don't mind them.
Had a fatal crash in a strange life form mission, with beetles, at night in the forest.
OK, I'll examine it.
EDIT: It crashed for me too after a few turns. Then I tried debug mode, but nothing weird happened...
Please help, as I have nothing else to do.
You had renamed scarab race into giant beetle race, did you? And old savegames now has a bug.
Also, STR_ALERT_CAVES still missing.
Hohoho, fixing new bugs immediatly after the release becoming a good tradition for X-Com Files 8)
You had renamed scarab race into giant beetle race, did you? And old savegames now has a bug.
Yes, as it was conflicting with a ship also named Scarab.
But it's not a bug, you can continue the game normally; you only lose all beetles you had (and the research).
Also, STR_ALERT_CAVES still missing.
Right, fixing.
Hohoho, fixing new bugs immediatly after the release becoming a good tradition for X-Com Files 8)
The funny/sad thing is, most of them are old bugs :)
The funny/sad thing is, most of them are old bugs :)
Let's continue the tradition and fix some more of them :).
conduct intelligence-relate research
nerve chord stretch from them trough most of the body length
The evidence you have presented was judged to be balid
to round them up and withheld black Lotus operations
Those strings are missing:
THanks, all fixed.
("Withheld" seems to be a balid word though. ;) )
Very bottom text of xenonaughts file is not readable. The actual meat of the text is there, but last bit is cut off.
STR_ASSIGN_PILOT missing (on the screen "no pilots assigned")
And, what is more important, MAGMA LAB region missed, while used in missionscripts.
Yes, I know about the missing region, I have attached a fix several posts above.
I'll add the missing strings, thanks.
Small typo or bug:
The flashlig states it does 15 + 0.5*STRENGTH damage, but it actually has meleePower: 0 in the ruleset.
OK, thanks.
Cyber armor do not change in infiltration and underwater missions. Is it bug?
Cyber armor do not change in infiltration and underwater missions. Is it bug?
Yes... It's new and I forgot to add it to lists.
Ok then, i got one more: it is your turn to fix live enemy recovery. Osiron, syndicate and maybe some more units are not recoverable.
Ok then, i got one more: it is your turn to fix live enemy recovery. Osiron, syndicate and maybe some more units are not recoverable.
Eh? OK, that's new to me.
I shall consult Dioxine, since I never meant these units to be any different from your usual cultists and such. I suspect it has to do with corpse recovery points.
EDIT: Yes, turns out that if the corpse has no recoveryPoints, the live unit is not recovered. How silly of me to not know something that basic and logical! Throw rocks at me!
Luckily Meridian recently analysed the code and shared that info.
Is it a bug, or just something missing? ("STR_ASSIGN_PILOTS").
Lol, I was just uploading a fix for some other missing things. Please wait a couple minutes.
Afraid theres a problem with "madmen attacks" mission : I've gotten crashes shortly after a madman spots me, hearing the "flamethrower" sound right as it crashes.
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Data folder is:
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Data search is:
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Documents\OpenXcom\
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] - C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1161x720x32...
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Display set to 1161x720x32.
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Loading data...
[19-03-2017_11-18-30] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[19-03-2017_11-18-31] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[19-03-2017_11-18-31] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[19-03-2017_11-18-31] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[19-03-2017_11-18-34] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-18-48] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[19-03-2017_11-18-49] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] Loading language...
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[19-03-2017_11-19-04] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[19-03-2017_11-19-29] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-19-30] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-22-31] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_11-40-10] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[19-03-2017_12-01-23] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[19-03-2017_12-04-02] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
I DID report this before, and it didn't seem to get fixed... This happened in the v6a, and not the latest, but I'm still thinking this is an issue.
Till this gets fixed, guess ill just avoid madmen.
I also attached the autosave from the mission before the crash, for what its worth.
*sigh* and I just uploaded a fix...
OK, checking that save. Thanks.
I loaded up the save, allowed the madman to kill a few civvies, then put some holes in him. No bugs.
And he only had an auto-shotgun, not a flamethrower.
I guess your install is borked. Also, for the bazillionth time: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons is not necessary as it's built into XCF, I don't get why people keep this mod on. :P
Thanks, now assigning pilots shows properly.
But there is still another "STR_..." issue - this time the one with corpses of "well-questioned" enemies appearing in the "Sell" window (I keep the option "Retain interrogated aliens" - maybe, that's the reason).
Thanks, now assigning pilots shows properly.
But there is still another "STR_..." issue - this time the one with corpses of "well-questioned" enemies appearing in the "Sell" window (I keep the option "Retain interrogated aliens" - maybe, that's the reason).
Hmmm, I swear I fixed this...
...wait, wait. How did you get these corpses in the first place? They're non-recoverable.
That's an interesting question.
Perhaps, that is the "Retain interrogated aliens" option playing jokes.
Anyway - I just captured some hapless Red Dawn and Black Lotus mooks and interrogated them (with some accidents involved).
And now there are fresh bodies in the freezer. That's it.
I haven't modified anything and haven't used any additional manipulation - just the option I mentioned. It doesn't seem that I retrieved the bodies directly from the battlefield - more likely, they just appeared after interrogations.
OK, thanks for the explanation.
Can someone else confirm this phenomenon? Seems new to me, but I've fiddled with recovery points recently, so...
I've seen these too with several groups, dagon people, red dawn, lotus, ect.
I honestly never thought much of it, or just sold them, thinking the feature wasn't done yet.
He might be correct about the interrogations, as I don't get TONS of corpses, just some.
--- posts merged, because Ordnung muss sein - Solarius Scorch ---
AHAH!!!!! I found the culprit of the crash!!!
its fucking broken as shit man :D
Firing it instantly crashes the game.
And this ALSO explains crashes with madmen.
EDIT : Sorry about the double post
Heh... You're right, but I tested it before... Worked just fine.
*sigh* Back to the drawing board, then...
Well, I don't know if that's normal but looking at the manufacture screen I found some more missing strings:
And some typos:
{NOWLINE}Your orders are to attack the Syndicate
Support M.A.G,M.A. personnel
{NEWLINE}ON a separate note,
You know, the staff input of "point of perspective" seems inconsistient. It speaks of grenades, but it happens usually before any promotions, so it makes me ask where the hell such a guy got a grenade.
I get its an attempt to mix lore with helpful tips, but it really doesn't make any sense. Besides, quartermaster wouldn't really be involved in interrogations would he?
I might propose an alternative however
"Hey commander, we had a.. ...small issue in the storage area. One of the men decided he would try to be slick, try throwing his gear into the designated storage shelves, but it ended up hitting a fire suppression sprinkler nozzle in the ceiling, breaking it open and drenching the storage area. Nothing important was damaged but I gave him a good ass chewing for not relying on forklifts for putting things on the right shelf, nor following standard procedure for processing all returning items, but I had an interesting thought : Throwing items, be them flares, clips, grenades, can often clip things along its path. So be careful about this, theres nothing worse than a grenade clipping a wall when you wanted to throw it past it, then getting a face full of shrapnel!"
I think the spiders left and right facing sprites are swapped. Screencap wouldn't capture the direction arrows, so I drew them by hand.
I think the spiders left and right facing sprites are swapped. Screencap wouldn't capture the direction arrows, so I drew them by hand.
Hmmm... I think you're right.
Lol, I always thought they're somehow weird.
Taking on mutant spiders with a baseball bat?... I never would of considered that....
...I think the same issue may apply to the small white yeti things (forget their name) in that their walking diagonal animation looks really jerky and un-natural
I guess you mean Mongorns. Yep, Mongorns, spiders and Shamblers are looking glitchy sometimes.
Yeah, I've always wondered why they looked they were having a seizure.
Well, the Mongorns I just thought were into disco.
Bad zombie catacombas map with no door's to access big part of catacombas.
The QBU-88 can be purchased with just STR_QBU_88. Should be STR_QBU_88_BUY.
And, i don't know, what is missing, but missing of something make a fatal error
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Data folder is:
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Data search is:
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] - C:\Users\Mavzoley\Documents\OpenXcom\
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] - E:\Work\Xren\Mods\OpenXcom\XFiles\OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.1\OpenXcom_XFiles
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] - E:\Work\Xren\Mods\OpenXcom\XFiles\OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.1\OpenXcom_XFiles
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] User folder is: E:\Work\Xren\Mods\OpenXcom\XFiles\OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.1\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Config folder is: E:\Work\Xren\Mods\OpenXcom\XFiles\OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.1\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1600x900x8...
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Display set to 1600x900x8.
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Loading data...
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'E:\Work\Xren\Mods\OpenXcom\XFiles\OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.1\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 2
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[24-03-2017_03-35-58] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-36-00] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[24-03-2017_03-36-01] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Loading language...
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[24-03-2017_03-36-03] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-36-04] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[24-03-2017_03-36-08] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[24-03-2017_03-36-11] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
And, i don't know, what is missing, but missing of something make a fatal error
Typical Solar copypasta error (tm).
See attached.
(-2 should be -325)
Bad zombie catacombas map with no door's to access big part of catacombas
Can happen, but I'm not fixing this, since I don't want a map composed of identical crosses. Try using explosives.
The QBU-88 can be purchased with just STR_QBU_88. Should be STR_QBU_88_BUY.
Thanks, I'll check.
Typical Solar copypasta error (tm).
See attached.
(-2 should be -325)
BTW do you think I'm particularly sloppy? I never thought so, it could be right. What can I do to improve it? (Apart from taking more time to review the code, it won't happen - can't take away more time from actual modding and stay in business).
BTW do you think I'm particularly sloppy?
No, it was just a joke ;)
Number of mistakes is proportional to content size... and you have a lot of content, so it's easier to spot/remember yours.
No, it was just a joke ;)
Number of mistakes is proportional to content size... and you have a lot of content, so it's easier to spot/remember yours.
OK, so I was hoping :) I just hate being wrong. :P
Again, thanks.
I think the spiders left and right facing sprites are swapped. Screencap wouldn't capture the direction arrows, so I drew them by hand.
Just as giant beetle moving sprites in right-down direction.
Anyone might have a corrected version?
Some newly found bugs.
STR_MIB3_CORPSE: "MiB Elite Corpse" - I don't know if it's as intended. There are three types of MiB soldiers that can be considered as elite: MiB Coordinator, MiB Commander and MiB Executor. There are no corpse strings for all three of them.
M83 Barett - should be M83 Barrett
Contact: Promotion III, Cult Arms Dealers and Red Dawn Operations.
I think "Contact" is wrongly placed and should go to "Cult Arms Dealers". It's repeated two times - STR_PKM_UFOPEDIA and STR_M60_UFOPEDIA.
Purchasing this weapon requires Contact: Promotion III
This time the word "Contact" is unnecessary.
hopefully to the plece these Jarheads are made
Missing strings:
All of the maps in the cult activity missions have no names and are shown as MAP_ANY_NAME_HERE. The same applies to RITUAL MASS MURDER, Gang War, Durathread Factory, Syndicate Assassination and EXALT Liquidation missions.
Two more examples of missing strings are attached in the first two screenshots.
Also I don't know if that works as intended but some titles of mission descriptions are doubled. One of the examples is in the third screenshot.
Beyond that I found a funny bug with the Black Lotus Mandarins. They lost their legs and are floating in the air :). See the fourth and the fifth screenshot.
Sorry for the double posting but I can't attach more screenshots to my first post.
Found the misplaced pictures. If we look at the the man in a business suit we get a man in the beachwear and vice versa. See the first four screenshots.
On the fifth screenshot there's no roof on the building. It's just black. I found this problem on a Syndicate Reactor Raid mission. I don't know if it's really a bug but it looks strange so I decided to include it to my report.
And the last one. That's the error I got while trying to start the Syndicate Headquarters mission.
Some newly found bugs.
STR_MIB3_CORPSE: "MiB Elite Corpse" - I don't know if it's as intended. There are three types of MiB soldiers that can be considered as elite: MiB Coordinator, MiB Commander and MiB Executor. There are no corpse strings for all three of them.
Yes, because it defaults to Corpse. No need for strings.
M83 Barett - should be M83 Barrett
I think "Contact" is wrongly placed and should go to "Cult Arms Dealers". It's repeated two times - STR_PKM_UFOPEDIA and STR_M60_UFOPEDIA.
This time the word "Contact" is unnecessary.
Missing strings:
Thanks, all fixed. Except for _BRIEFING strings, as they are not displayed.
All of the maps in the cult activity missions have no names and are shown as MAP_ANY_NAME_HERE. The same applies to RITUAL MASS MURDER, Gang War, Durathread Factory, Syndicate Assassination and EXALT Liquidation missions.
Yeah, but they only appear in Quick Battle, so it's not a pressing issue. I'll add them over time.
Two more examples of missing strings are attached in the first two screenshots.
Yes, but it's not as much a string problem as a vanilla leftover. Fixing it would be a bit more involved, but I'll see to it.
Also I don't know if that works as intended but some titles of mission descriptions are doubled. One of the examples is in the third screenshot.
Not intended... I need to disable it. But for the love of God, I can't remember how!
Beyond that I found a funny bug with the Black Lotus Mandarins. They lost their legs and are floating in the air :). See the fourth and the fifth screenshot.
OK, I'll have a look :)
Found the misplaced pictures. If we look at the the man in a business suit we get a man in the beachwear and vice versa. See the first four screenshots.
Thanks, I'll fix it.
On the fifth screenshot there's no roof on the building. It's just black. I found this problem on a Syndicate Reactor Raid mission. I don't know if it's really a bug but it looks strange so I decided to include it to my report.
I'll check too. Thanks!
[EDIT: yeah, the terrain was outdated.]
And the last one. That's the error I got while trying to start the Syndicate Headquarters mission.
Oops. Looks like I broke the system.
[EDIT: Fixed.]
Two more missing strings :). I modified my first post but it was too late - STR_KNOCK_OUT_INDICATOR and STR_KNOCK_OUT_INDICATOR_DESC.
Two more missing strings :). I modified my first post but it was too late - STR_KNOCK_OUT_INDICATOR and STR_KNOCK_OUT_INDICATOR_DESC.
I double this. I saw this few versions ago and I thought it's a OXCE+ issue, not mod's.
OK, all fixed now. Thanks for reporting.
Speaking of bugs, alienDeployment for the M.A.G.M.A. Lab is broken... I mean it works, but instead of normal Zombies it spawns Megazombies, making the entire mission way less pleasant. (Unless you have a boner on destroying giant undead monsters.) Also fixed on my end.
Oh, I thought the Megazombies were intentional, regular zombies would make more sense for when it appears in the tech tree.
Oh, I thought the Megazombies were intentional, regular zombies would make more sense for when it appears in the tech tree.
Yet again I double this. I thought this was intentional too and skipped the second M.A.G.M.A. Lab mission.
Well, I just found that Zombie Infector can zombify the Tank/Scout. Yes, you read it right: this little drone has been turned into zombie.
Well, I just found that Zombie Infector can zombify the Tank/Scout. Yes, you read it right: this little drone has been turned into zombie.
Hmmm. Easily fixed. :P
One more typo you forgot to fix :).
STR_MINIMI_UFOPEDIA: Purchasing this weapon requires Contact: Promotion III.
And I have also one more question concerning the reactor map - is that normal that the ladder is now one floor higher than the roof?
I thought it looked better like this...
not sure if this was fixed in 6.2 (sorry, haven't had time to test AT ALL lately) but in 6.2, fire grenades seem to crash the zombie catacombs. Save included shows how, just throw one infront of the unit who is downstairs. Strangely, this is just fire, and not explosives.
also in the vein of "bad taste" : can you remove the breast bulge on the kevlar vest? I HIGHLY doubt a thick kevlar vest would have such a pronounced bulge by a pair of soft breasts : The breasts are the path of least resistance, unless the breasts are huge, but none of the xcom girls are absolutely huge in the tits department anyway.
It's well-fitted kevlar, such that the female agents don't have to deal with the uncomfortable extra compression of a more masculine flat-chested version. I think forcing them to wear such uncomfortable personal protection while already asking them to risk their lives is in poor taste.
I get what your saying, but lets please be realistic : if you have a situation where your life is on the line, will you custom order "female fit" kevlar vests, when you are an underfunded, overworked agency ANYWAYS?
not only this, but you gotta think of priorities : Any woman who has any brain cells would rather her tits be uncomfortably squished for a few hours, than have her guts blown out by a shotgun wielding cultist. Not to mention, I think the breast shaping idea might actually not be possible without fucking up the protective capability : please understand, kevlar ITSELF, just the vest, is 20 pounds : This drapping over you WOULD compress breast tissue by weight of the vest alone, and if something was made RIGID, to make it not compress the breasts, this would put a serious problem in the vests performance, and possibly even cause more injury if shot, due to the rigidity.
Keep in mind, the personal armor having breast contouring fibre makes sense, as its an alien material, but kevlar just doesn't work that way, as far as I know.
Oh please, let the Rule of Cool be.
heh.. ...I guess you might call it cool, but I call it weird, how their tits poke the vest out pretty prominently.
Whatever, its up to solair to consider : I find it neither realistic, nor consistient with the art style. I also think it makes kevlar look weaker.
I've never really noticed the difference between kevlars, so maybe it's not so jarring... ;) X-Com has always been like that.
heh.. ...I guess you might call it cool, but I call it weird, how their tits poke the vest out pretty prominently.
Whatever, its up to solair to consider : I find it neither realistic, nor consistient with the art style. I also think it makes kevlar look weaker.
Geez, why should everything in the fiction be realistic? I mean, realism itself is good but it's not a rule. As for Rule of Cool... daaaaaamn, it's not me who calls it cool, it's just a phrase for describing something that looks good but makes little sence.
Sorry for freaking out - I feel sick this morning and have some terrible mood swings.
UPD.: Magnum .44 AA Clips can't be loaded to the Magnum - "wrong ammunition for this weapon!"
just keep in mind, cool is subjective : nobody minds tanks able to roll around all the time, going around on hills, and never have a risk of flipping on steep slopes, because its cool. But having a kevlar vest show boobs?
Would it be UNCOOL if removed?
I would argue tanks flipping over on hills would be uncool, but I can't say anyone would miss the whole boob kevlar if it was changed. (not to the point of someone whos never played XCF would come in and say "why no boobs on kevlar" compared to "why the hell did my tank flip)
I mean, kevlar doesn't define the pectoral muscles on males at all, and seems 100% flat and square, where women suddenly seem JUST as curvy as if in a bikini. With leather jackets, or suits, I can understand, but heavy kevlar vests its odd. Granted I've never worn kevlar, but I've worn flak jackets, and they are damn heavy, and not really flexible much, I figure kevlar wouldn't be far off?
maybe I'm nitpicking, but it just seems extremely out of place, and makes me question the physics behind these kevlar vests
I think it's just part of stylistics. X-com graphics is very cartoonish, and also sort of chibi (these people should be much taller with keeping the same width). I never even noticed these breasts consciously as a thing.
UPD.: Magnum .44 AA Clips can't be loaded to the Magnum - "wrong ammunition for this weapon!"
What about this, Sol?
intentional IIRC : AA clips shoot hotter and faster, which would rip apart a NORMAL magnum : you need a blackops magnum IIRC.
Oh well. Maybe it should be mentioned somewhere, I dunno.
Oh well. Maybe it should be mentioned somewhere, I dunno.
OK, but where? Can't put it on the weapon.
Perhaps on alloy ammo research? A small note like (please note, alloy ammunition will not function safely in lower than premium grade firearms, due to risk of the firearm rupturing) or something?
Sure, it can be done. Actually it applies to all classic weapons, except shotguns.
I do not know if it was already pointed out or not, but I have found no way to know which interceptor has what kind of weapon mounts (light/missile/heavy).
I do not know if it was already pointed out or not, but I have found no way to know which interceptor has what kind of weapon mounts (light/missile/heavy).
It... needs more attention. Badly.
It... needs more attention. Badly.
Well, what firmoints does interceptor and raven have? What kind of weapon is laser cannon/gauss cannon?
Well, what firmoints does interceptor and raven have? What kind of weapon is laser cannon/gauss cannon?
Interceptor should have a cannon slot and a light rocket slot. Raven should have two cannon slots, a heavy rocket slot and an engine mod slot.
Gauss Cannon is a Cannon, while Laser Cannon is a Beam (which is something else).
Yes, all of this should go in the Ufopaedia... The problem is, half of this is bugged. I just need to finish this up.
not sure if this was fixed in 6.2 (sorry, haven't had time to test AT ALL lately) but in 6.2, fire grenades seem to crash the zombie catacombs. Save included shows how, just throw one infront of the unit who is downstairs. Strangely, this is just fire, and not explosives.
It crashed for me... once. Then I loaded the game again after removing all foreign mods and it worked fine.
Meridian also reported no crash on his side.
Maybe you should write it in the first post too?
Interceptor should have a cannon slot and a light rocket slot. Raven should have two cannon slots, a heavy rocket slot and an engine mod slot.
Gauss Cannon is a Cannon, while Laser Cannon is a Beam (which is something else).
Yes, all of this should go in the Ufopaedia... The problem is, half of this is bugged. I just need to finish this up.
Great, thanks for letting me know. Now I can arm my fighters with Gauss instead of trying to fit Laser cannon on anything.
Maybe we could include this info just in Ufopedia by editing text file? I know there are better ways to do it, but this one is Pareto mode - 20% work, 80% of success.
Also, Solarius, maybe you could use some assistance? We all have schools, day jobs, families and I believe developing such mod takes quite a bit of your time.
I really like your mod, less overblown than Piratez. Maybe some chores could be done for you by your fans?
I have another issue, not sure if it's a bug.
I have three bases and a large radar in every each of them.
2 finished before 0.62, the third finished after applying 0.62 patch. Also, not sure it this is connected to the patch.
Only the third one shows the range of the radar (this large circle around the base). The other ones do not have this circle.
More importantly I do not see much of the airborne traffic, but maybe it is because it is Jan 99 so there are no UFOs flying?
Interceptor should have a cannon slot and a light rocket slot. Raven should have two cannon slots, a heavy rocket slot and an engine mod slot.
Gauss Cannon is a Cannon, while Laser Cannon is a Beam (which is something else).
Yes, all of this should go in the Ufopaedia... The problem is, half of this is bugged. I just need to finish this up.
Could you expand on this for me?
So you have different weapon types for different slots...Cool. It might need to be explained via ufopedia, but you've acknowledged that. Can you change the buttons on the weapon numbers to reflect which is what on a craft in the equip craft scree? Maybe a C or cannon, R for rocket, E for enginemod etc etc etc?
Chin up buddy you're doing awesome work that we all appreciate. Black Boss is indeed Morgan Freeman good.
Only the third one shows the range of the radar (this large circle around the base). The other ones do not have this circle.
More importantly I do not see much of the airborne traffic, but maybe it is because it is Jan 99 so there are no UFOs flying?
Do the two bases that don't have the circles have XCOM HQs? Those count as radars with global range. Only the largest circle on a base is drawn, so you only see the HQ's global range.
Maybe you should write it in the first post too?
OK, I did that... Though I'd think readme should be enough.
Maybe we could include this info just in Ufopedia by editing text file? I know there are better ways to do it, but this one is Pareto mode - 20% work, 80% of success.
I've done it already, will be available with the next update.
Also, Solarius, maybe you could use some assistance? We all have schools, day jobs, families and I believe developing such mod takes quite a bit of your time.
I really like your mod, less overblown than Piratez. Maybe some chores could be done for you by your fans?
Much appreciated! Actually there is already a thread for this: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5215.0.html - it contains some stuff that needs to be done.
I have another issue, not sure if it's a bug.
I have three bases and a large radar in every each of them.
2 finished before 0.62, the third finished after applying 0.62 patch. Also, not sure it this is connected to the patch.
Only the third one shows the range of the radar (this large circle around the base). The other ones do not have this circle.
Like Ohartenstein wrote below, it's an engine limitation... Only the radar with the longest range is displayed, so if you have an HQ or some similar building in a base, the circle won't be drawn, as this building has a global reach "radar".
More importantly I do not see much of the airborne traffic, but maybe it is because it is Jan 99 so there are no UFOs flying?
Depends on RNG.
So you have different weapon types for different slots...Cool. It might need to be explained via ufopedia, but you've acknowledged that. Can you change the buttons on the weapon numbers to reflect which is what on a craft in the equip craft scree? Maybe a C or cannon, R for rocket, E for enginemod etc etc etc?
I admit it would be cool, but no, sadly not possible. There will be text info though.
Chin up buddy you're doing awesome work that we all appreciate. Black Boss is indeed Morgan Freeman good.
Glad you liked it! :)
Do the two bases that don't have the circles have XCOM HQs? Those count as radars with global range. Only the largest circle on a base is drawn, so you only see the HQ's global range.
Yes, those have HQ built in them. So I do not need large radar if I have HQ? Good, I need to start saving :)
And while we are still at the fighter planes: why all of them need to have only 1 crew member? I mean, if you designed Raven, Interceptor, Thunderstorm and Sentinel like that, then it is what it is, but Mig31 has actually 2 seats. Or maybe it is WIP? Because if Raven and Sentinel have 2 as much weapon mounts as Mig31 they could really use WSO in there. Thunderstorm is a wierd one here, because I think it should have just one/two armament points?
I would really like Mig31 for those fast response teams of 2 SOF operators (since the early drop ships are sloooow).
Also, Raven crashes mission if you try to land it, Interceptor works and looks like Skyranger.
Yes, those have HQ built in them. So I do not need large radar if I have HQ? Good, I need to start saving :)
You only need one HQ really (or ~20), since it has a low detection chance, something like 5% per half-hour. It'd cost less to get the same coverage out of large radars in different bases than getting enough HQs to get reliable global detection. I wouldn't way they replace each other, they have different purposes; large radar is guaranteed detection in its radius, and the HQ radar is best at making sure no UFO can leave your radar screen when it's been detected.
You only need one HQ really (or ~20), since it has a low detection chance, something like 5% per half-hour. It'd cost less to get the same coverage out of large radars in different bases than getting enough HQs to get reliable global detection. I wouldn't way they replace each other, they have different purposes; large radar is guaranteed detection in its radius, and the HQ radar is best at making sure no UFO can leave your radar screen when it's been detected.
I built second HQ when I was pursuing R&D path (it is extra 5 scientists) and had no lab yet. I know, costy, but hey, you invest when the best you have is crappy shotgun.
Then I just left it as a backup HQ in case the firs one gets raided.
Thanks for letting me know how does the HQ radar work, I guess I need 1 or two more radar stations.
PS: an outpost building with basic storage/living/radar would be nice.
I also built another HQ... It's a matter of choice, really.
As for the fighters... Yeah, WIP.
For weapon STR_HK_MK23_SOCOM there are two aimrange entries, one is 25 and the second is 18. STR_MAUSER also has two aimrange entries, one for 25 and one for 20.
Some other pistol have the two entries as well, but with matching values.
For weapon STR_HK_MK23_SOCOM there are two aimrange entries, one is 25 and the second is 18. STR_MAUSER also has two aimrange entries, one for 25 and one for 20.
Some other pistol have the two entries as well, but with matching values.
I thought these problems were eliminated by now. Thanks.
I noticed a weird thing during a landed UFO assault - a top of the mountain appears floating one level above the mountain itself :o Screenshot attached - sorry for it being too dark, I could throw flashlight up there.
Yeah, kinda weird... I should add this terrain to MapView, but it's wooooork.
I noticed a weird thing during a landed UFO assault - a top of the mountain appears floating one level above the mountain itself :o Screenshot attached - sorry for it being too dark, I could throw flashlight up there.
Not a bug but a visual effect enhanced by explosions/shots that removed the bottom of that tree. I've attached a pic of how that map looks like (although with a different ground color). I'll change the location of the tree stump on top of the hill, should make it less confusing
Ah yes, the mysterious floating mountaintop. Serves no known purpose other than to annoy agents, but it excels at that purpose.
I know it's a bug, but please figure out how to duplicate it intentionally. It's too good for the conspiracy setting to just not have.
You want floating pyramids? I'm sure it can be arranged.
Floating pyramids? This makes me wondering why... oh, Illuminati arc pls! ;D
Floating pyramids? This makes me wondering why... oh, Illuminati arc pls! ;D
Dude, you have no idea.
Alternately glitches in reality, buildings that somehow don't have an exit, despite having an entrance, stairs that always lead to floor 4, whether you go up or down, floating landmasses, inexplicable sinkholes or hellpits. I'm sure others could come up with even better ideas of horrible things for our agents to be forced to deal with as well as why.
Alternately glitches in reality, buildings that somehow don't have an exit, despite having an entrance, stairs that always lead to floor 4, whether you go up or down, floating landmasses, inexplicable sinkholes or hellpits. I'm sure others could come up with even better ideas of horrible things for our agents to be forced to deal with as well as why.
The Holy Grail of mapdesign:
I'm not sure whether it has already been fixed as I was playing version 0.6.2.
There is a crash at the entrance of Catacombs - as the active soldier in the attached savefile (Alexia Garcia) steps down, the game crashes. Perhaps that is what was mentioned in the changelog of version 0.6.3. ("- Fixed Catacombs entrance.")
Update: switching to 0.6.3 does not remove the crash automatically. I'll attach another save made in v. 0.6.3 (11crash.sav).
Hmmm, what I fixed was incorrect tiles for stairs. This fix wouldn't work on an already created map. But I don't know if your crash is certainly caused by this. Anyway, this mission worked for me several times that I tried it.
magma chainsaw bot blade is purchasable at day 1....even when magma has not been discovered.
Same should apply to "dog combat gear", before dogs are researched.
magma chainsaw bot blade is purchasable at day 1....even when magma has not been discovered.
Oops... I forgot to remove costBuy and costSell lines from STR_MAGMA_CHAINSAWBOT_WEAPON in items_XCOMFILES.rul. Feel free to do it yourself, or just don't buy them.
Same should apply to "dog combat gear", before dogs are researched.
Good point. Fixing.
I'm not sure whether it has already been fixed as I was playing version 0.6.2.
There is a crash at the entrance of Catacombs - as the active soldier in the attached savefile (Alexia Garcia) steps down, the game crashes. Perhaps that is what was mentioned in the changelog of version 0.6.3. ("- Fixed Catacombs entrance.")
Update: switching to 0.6.3 does not remove the crash automatically. I'll attach another save made in v. 0.6.3 (11crash.sav).
Looks like a pathfinding error.
On this line: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/blob/master/src/Battlescape/Pathfinding.cpp#L110
I believe the condition should be:
while (endPosition.z != _save->getMapSizeZ() - 1 && destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() == -24)
instead of
while (endPosition.z != _save->getMapSizeZ() && destinationTile->getTerrainLevel() == -24)
I'll consult with Warboy to make sure and fix accordingly... thanks for the report.
Hmmm, what I fixed was incorrect tiles for stairs. This fix wouldn't work on an already created map. But I don't know if your crash is certainly caused by this. Anyway, this mission worked for me several times that I tried it.
Can you tell me what to choose in new battle simulator to get such a map?
I'd like to check if it still happens... I assume it is.
Can you tell me what to choose in new battle simulator to get such a map?
The deployment is STR_ZOMBIE_CATACOMBS "Zombie Catacombs", and the race is STR_ZOMBIE_STERILE "Zombie".
The deployment is STR_ZOMBIE_CATACOMBS "Zombie Catacombs", and the race is STR_ZOMBIE_STERILE "Zombie".
Yeah, still crashes.
Anytime you click on any tile on the top level, which has terrainLevel = -24.
Ever since the AK47 change, I think maybe gangers shouldn't have them, and pioneers should : gangers with AK's are very much a huge threat to the XCOM soldiers, while pioneers with pistols are not.
not even saying they can never have them : but Its odd the higher rank has less formidable guns generally speaking.
Ever since the AK47 change, I think maybe gangers shouldn't have them, and pioneers should : gangers with AK's are very much a huge threat to the XCOM soldiers, while pioneers with pistols are not.
not even saying they can never have them : but Its odd the higher rank has less formidable guns generally speaking.
I hear you, but then I'll have to add something to replace them. Maybe SKS? I have the bigob.
SKS would be a GOOD fit, yes...powerful, accurate, and formidable, but not an absolute jack of all trades like the AK47, but still enough to cause worry.
mainly, I want to have situations where pioneers are generally more formidable targets than some no name ganger with an AK : plus capturing pioneers can be fairly easy, even with just kevlar, because their pistols make them easy to approach.
Hi, Solar!
Here's a list of newly found bugs.
becoming a sdoldier race
STR_MICROGRAV_UFOPEDIA - the portrait of the chief engineer is misplaced. It went to the lower right corner of the form :).
Missing strings: STR_DIMENSION_X (I think it should be replaced by STR_DIMENSION_X_FAUNA), STR_MESSAGE_FROM MAGMA_04
And I don't know if it's a bug or not, but the article Dog Bite can be found in the Reports section of the UFOpedia. It looks more suitable to the Field Equipment section but I'm not sure.
I also have a question: what does elec mean? I couldn't identify the word standing behind this abbreviation.
I also have a question: what does elec mean? I couldn't identify the word standing behind this abbreviation.
It's electricity, I guess.
Thanks for the report! And yes, it's electricity.
I didn't think it was that simple :). Thanks for the clarification.
"Launch Interception" window shows very long times of refueling. When you open "equip craft" window you can see way shorter time (3h vs 1h).
My interceptor has 95% fuel, Interception window shows 3h, equip craft 1h refuel time.
"Launch Interception" window shows very long times of refueling. When you open "equip craft" window you can see way shorter time (3h vs 1h).
My interceptor has 95% fuel, Interception window shows 3h, equip craft 1h refuel time.
The other 2 hours are probably for rearming.
No, after this 1h interceptor was refueled and ready to go (also in the interceptor window).
I did second test and there is something in there about rearming as well - I do not have enough ammo to rearm 2 guns, but it still takes 1h each to tell me there is not enough ammo to rearm. So at the beginning it was saying rearming 7h, after 2h it says refuelling 5h, but in equip craft says 3h. After those 3h it is actually refueled.
Save pls.
The Holy Grail of mapdesign:
This guy did it :)
Great video :)
As always, a list of bugs :).
STR_CONCUSSION_CANNON_UFOPEDIA is used as a tag for two articles: "Sonic Concussion Cannon" and "Concussion Cannon Clip".
STR_FN_P90_UFOPEDIA, STR_VSS_UFOPEDIA - two lines are invisible in both articles.
STR_GROZA_UFOPEDIA - one line is invisible.
STR_NUCLEAR_LASER_RIFLE - it is called "Laser Rifle" in the article body but it should be "Blaster Rifle".
STR_CHAINGUN_CLIP, STR_CHAINGUN_AA_CLIP - there's no mention about UAC though these are the clips for the UAC Chaingun as far as I see.
The gold peels off skull-Zigurrat
into the severs where they live
Thanks, fixed everything - except for the Chaingun Clip, because for now it's as designed (maybe there will be other chainguns using the same ammo).
Is there a default value for accuracyCloseQuarters in items ruleset? Because I just saw that the minebea has no entry.
Is there a default value for accuracyCloseQuarters in items ruleset? Because I just saw that the minebea has no entry.
Yep. (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5431.0.html)
In vars_XCOMFILES.rul:
enableCloseQuartersCombat: 1 # default is 0 to disable this new code, 1 enables it
closeQuartersAccuracyGlobal: 65 # default 100, this sets the default weapon close quarters combat
Congrats, now the Minebea is the best SMG for close combat. Temporarily. :)
How did you manage to find a bug so fast?
I was just browsing the ruleset to see the close quarters accuracy of some weapons. Stumbled over it by chance.
A crash when trying to start a "Cult Activity" mission with a van. I've attached the screenshot and the savefile.
I am using the latest XCF 0.6.4 version.
And there is also a persistent message STR_FAILED_CQB_CHECK - but that has already been reported today.
A crash when trying to start a "Cult Activity" mission with a van. I've attached the screenshot and the savefile.
I am using the latest XCF 0.6.4 version.
In file "terrains_XCOMFILES.rul" find the following:
startingCondition: STR_FOREST_GEAR
mapBlocks: *AnchorNativeUrbanRoad
(there are 2 terrains with this name... make sure to change the correct one)
Some more bugs:
STR_ITEM_DESTROYED - missing string.
They also believe that after the world as we know if falls
STR_ASSAULT_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - two lines are invisible.
Solar, I already asked you some time ago and you answered that doubled titles in the mission briefings were a bug. So I started to gather a list of such descriptions. Here's the first part of it:
*sigh* Sorry about that, I have so much terrains...
If only Falko's ruleset validator worked with OXCE+. That would eliminate such mistakes.
STR_ITEM_DESTROYED - missing string.
Indeed. Fixed.
OK, fixed too.
STR_ASSAULT_CANNON_UFOPEDIA - two lines are invisible.
I did not expect that.
I don't know why but instead of STR_SYNDICATE_LAB_BRIEFING the string STR_UFO_GROUND_ASSAULT_BRIEFING is shown.
I know why... This happens when you have the same name for your deployment and a UFO that is spawned on the map (in this case, the lab building). Fixed by changing the UFO name to STR_SYNDICATE_LAB_BRIEFING_UFO (in UFOs and in the mapScripts).
Solar, I already asked you some time ago and you answered that doubled titles in the mission briefings were a bug. So I started to gather a list of such descriptions. Here's the first part of it:
OK, I'll fix them later... When I remember how to do that. :P
Many thanks man. This is quality Quality Control.
Just to show you what I meant and avoid any confusion here's a screenshot.
Another set of bugs:
STR_USO_AQUATOID - this briefing shows the empty string STR_USO_TRAP.
And I already added this bug to the previous post but you were writing your answer and it seems hadn't seen it: STR_HYBRID_CLONING_FARM_BRIEFING also shows the STR_UFO_GROUND_ASSAULT_BRIEFING string.
Many thanks man. This is quality Quality Control.
Thanks for the appreciation :). I'm really pleased to hear that from one of the best modders in the community.
Thanks! Taken care of, mostly.
(I'll probably release a quickfix or something.)
What is it ?
What is it ?
No idea... The M range check can be anything. But definitely a bug.
Would you have a save, so we could check?
Pass the move to the enemy
No idea... The M range check can be anything. But definitely a bug.
Probably map issue... attached.
Yes, it's a terrain bug... Thanks for vthe report.
Quickfix attached, please just drop the unpacked files into mods\XComFiles\TERRAIN and overwrite.
So it should be?
Right, I forgot to set the sell price. Should be... Let's say 20000.
Fix attached.
Perhaps this has already been fixed, but still - there's a certain string missing (Cult of Apocalypse mission). I'm sorry - i cannot recreate it for now, so only a screenshot.
Perhaps this has already been fixed, but still - there's a certain string missing (Cult of Apocalypse mission). I'm sorry - i cannot recreate it for now, so only a screenshot.
Thanks, but indeed it is already fixed.
Blackops Light Minigun Ammo Box Picture 2x2, and "in fact" 2x1
Am I supposed to get new Dagon High Temple missions after termination of Dagon Church? Or is it a bug?
Missions are generated at the start of each month, so the dagon missions already planned will still trigger and will only be removed when the game calculates next month's missions. If its been a few months since you finished the research, then that is a bug.
Also from me, I noticed this in the cyberweb factory.
Edit: I just ran into a crash. It is on a landed UFO, though I suspect it is the hybrid mission since I had one in the same area earlier this month. Save attached.
Edit: I just ran into a crash. It is on a landed UFO, though I suspect it is the hybrid mission since I had one in the same area earlier this month. Save attached.
map size: 50x50
command #1: ADDUFO... adding ufo map DAWNHIGHWAY03, size 50x20... randomly placed at [0,0]
command #2: ADDCRAFT (rect 0,0,5,2)... adding craft map SKYMARSHALL, size 10x20... cannot be placed in rect 0,0,5,2 because it is fully occupied by the UFO already
-> crash a few moments later because of missing craft
1/ if you really need the craft to be only in the upper part of the map... maybe switch the place of ADDUFO and ADDCRAFT,
so that craft is added first and UFO only in the remaining space? Or define rects for ADDUFO too?
2/ if not, remove rects from ADDCRAFT?
- type: addUFO
- type: addCraft
- [0, 0, 5, 2]
- type: addBlock
size: 2
- type: addBlock
size: [1, 2]
executions: 2
blocks: [12, 13, 14, 15, 16]
maxUses: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- type: addBlock
size: [1, 3]
executions: 2
blocks: [17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22]
maxUses: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
- type: fillArea
Ernie loyds dossier lists "cult of dagon" rather than "church".
Machete is objectively worse than a combat knife : I would think it would have a higher power multiplier, being heavier
EDIT : Seems theres a crash involved with, what I suspect is the close combat mod. First mission to subdue a black lotus guy, armed with a stun rod. He runs at me, swings with stun rod, missses, and on my turn, I try stun rodding him several times, then try shooting him point blank, both of us facing each other. Was able to shoot down wooden fences with no issues, but as soon as I tried to shoot him, it crashed.
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] Data folder is:
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] Data search is:
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] - C:\
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] - C:\
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] - C:\
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] User folder is: C:\
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-43-33] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1165x729x32...
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Display set to 1165x729x32.
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Loading data...
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Zack Healy\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 2
[16-05-2017_08-43-34] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[16-05-2017_08-43-37] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-43-47] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[16-05-2017_08-43-48] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[16-05-2017_08-44-25] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[16-05-2017_08-44-25] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-44-25] [INFO] Loading language...
[16-05-2017_08-44-25] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-44-25] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[16-05-2017_08-44-26] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[16-05-2017_08-44-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-44-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_08-59-00] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-02-42] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[16-05-2017_09-09-56] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[16-05-2017_09-10-20] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Above is the crash log : not sure why it crashed since, evidently it worked before. Is there maybe an issue if you roll the exact same number offense and defense, for the check? I don't know... I of course removed my file locations for privacy reasons, but the rest is untouched.
Also included a battleground save, a few turns back, which may hopefully help
I have a crash when researching a Megaworm corpse.
Edit: it looks like the live Megaworm also causes a crash.
I have a crash when going to a cult investigation. Error says "Terrain NATIVEURBANUFO_CULTHOUSE not found".
Full error report :
[18-05-2017_18-42-42] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-42] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1171x730x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Display set to 1171x730x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Loading data...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Zack Healy\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 2
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1292x745x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Display set to 1292x745x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-47] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1171x730x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-47] [INFO] Display set to 1171x730x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-57] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[18-05-2017_18-42-58] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Loading language...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[18-05-2017_18-43-17] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-18] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-40-18] [WARN] STR_FAILED_CQB_CHECK not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_20-17-27] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[18-05-2017_21-07-56] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Terrain NATIVEURBANROADUFO_CULTHOUSE not found
Save attached, for the hell of it. Should be a matter of ingame minutes before the crash.
Light cannon lacks incendiary rounds.
UFOpedia for RPG states its not as good as xcom design, but doesn't take into account if xcom has MADE a rocket launcher yet....should be changed.
1) There is a string missing from the Select Pilot window (see the screenshot attached)
2) Additionally I cannot assign pilots to my Ravens - should it be this way? Have I missed a certain research?
In file "terrains_XCOMFILES.rul" find the following:
startingCondition: STR_FOREST_GEAR
mapBlocks: *AnchorNativeUrbanRoad
(there are 2 terrains with this name... make sure to change the correct one)
I have a crash when going to a cult investigation. Error says "Terrain NATIVEURBANUFO_CULTHOUSE not found".
Full error report :
[18-05-2017_18-42-42] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-42] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1171x730x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Display set to 1171x730x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Loading data...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Zack Healy\Desktop\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 2
[18-05-2017_18-42-43] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1292x745x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-45] [INFO] Display set to 1292x745x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-47] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1171x730x32...
[18-05-2017_18-42-47] [INFO] Display set to 1171x730x32.
[18-05-2017_18-42-57] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[18-05-2017_18-42-58] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Loading language...
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[18-05-2017_18-43-13] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[18-05-2017_18-43-17] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-18] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_18-43-53] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-03-36] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_19-40-18] [WARN] STR_FAILED_CQB_CHECK not found in en-US
[18-05-2017_20-17-27] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[18-05-2017_21-07-56] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Terrain NATIVEURBANROADUFO_CULTHOUSE not found
Save attached, for the hell of it. Should be a matter of ingame minutes before the crash.
Light cannon lacks incendiary rounds.
UFOpedia for RPG states its not as good as xcom design, but doesn't take into account if xcom has MADE a rocket launcher yet....should be changed.
Check the previous page for the terrain fix.
Another missing string - UAC Chaingun acquisition
It looks like you can't access a MC'd zombie trooper's inventory normally. I had to do the old trick of going to someone else's inventory and scrolling.
You can mind control zombies?...huh... I kinda figured mind control didn't work on non humans / aliens.
Perhaps I should give the XCOM psiclone a try..
Sorry for not answering earlier, I had a very busy week.
Anyway, now all the reported bugs should be fixed... Well, except for the non-existing Incendiary rounds for the Light Cannon, as it's not a bug, it just hasn't been added yet. :)
It looks like you can't access a MC'd zombie trooper's inventory normally. I had to do the old trick of going to someone else's inventory and scrolling.
You mean after its weapon was ripped from its body? If yes, then it's as designed.
Some more bugs.
The STR_UFO_CRASH_RECOVERY_BRIEFING string is shown instead of:
The gilldog is shown with the rocket as a weapon. The screenshot is attached. Does that work as designed?
Edit: one more thing - STR_NUCLEAR_HEAVY_LASER is called "laser" in the article while it should be "blaster".
You mean after its weapon was ripped from its body? If yes, then it's as designed.
No, it was still intact with a M.A.G.M.A shotgun. I wanted it to reload, or rather put the shells in its hand since that's all it had the TU's to do.
I finished the Megaworm Autopsy, but it looks like the live one is still broken.
I finished the Megaworm Autopsy, but it looks like the live one is still broken.
Sorry.... Fix attached.
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, I have another crash. This one was on a hybrid convoy.
Oh damn.
And I think I know why... But I won't be able to look at it today. (I am currently starving for modding time, which is why these recent bugs exist.) Hopefully this weekend.
Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately, I have another crash. This one was on a hybrid convoy.
In alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul, find the following lines:
width: 50
length: 50
height: 4
alertBackground: CULT_BACKGROUND.SCR
and remove the second line completely... the one which contains " data:"
Thanks Meridian. Attaching the fix here.
A problem was detected:
A problem was detected:
@Solarius: it crashes "somewhere" in the lighting calculation... I can't even say where, because the stack trace looks like Picasso's drawings of Egyptian hieroglyphs on a wooden tablet left to rot in the swamps for a million years.
It can be either code issue (I will report to Yankes) or map issue (may be worth checking roof of Tile [8,4,3], can't tell you what to look for tho forget that, it crashes on a different spot each time).
PS: somebody needs to go back in time and kill the guy who invented lambdas!! No joke.
PS: somebody needs to go back in time and kill the guy who invented lambdas!! No joke.
There is one trick to better understand lambdas, you need think with portals :D
I will try find some time today to check this bug.
@Solarius: it crashes "somewhere" in the lighting calculation... I can't even say where, because the stack trace looks like
Wanted to take a look out of curiosity and it doesn't crash for me on neither xenial64 or mingw, or mxe builds under wine.
Any specific steps to take?
It might be the compiler versions. My builds are all gcc 5.3+ : 5.4.0 (native, mxe 5.3.2 (mingw) while yours is 4.9.4
Hmm, looks like it doesn't always crash.
It crashed on me the first time I loaded it (right after clicking on Yes button in Confirm landing GUI, just before Briefing GUI).
I tried again now, first 2 attempts were without a crash, third attempt crashed again.
I have save scumming off, so I guess map issue is unlikely, I'd bet on a code issue.
It might be the compiler versions. My builds are all gcc 5.3+ : 5.4.0 (native, mxe 5.3.2 (mingw) while yours is 4.9.4
I tested in visual studio 2017.
This all depends on how data is layout in memory, if buged region is closed to end of allocated block it will crash otherwise will access some random unused memory.
Okay, valgrind to the rescue!
https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//massif/xfiles-valgrind.txt (https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//massif/xfiles-valgrind.txt)
Take a look at the last two records. Those happen in the lighting code, and it seems that whatever is passed as lastPount to the "calculateBlock" lambda is out of bounds - that is, outside the map.
Which, depending on what the allocator does, may crash the party, work correctly, or mess up the lightning.
Noticed that the X Com Origins UFOPedia states that GiB was founded in 1997 even though the new date is December 1996.
Good luck with the bug hunt, guys!
Noticed that the X Com Origins UFOPedia states that GiB was founded in 1997 even though the new date is December 1996.
Yeah, I have moved the date back and forth a lot. Thanks :)
I encountered a visual bug during the M.A.G.M.A robotics mission. The marker for allied tanks on the mini-map was messed up and kept rotating between various glitched forms. I have no idea how to make a gif, but here are two images as an example. Also, after the mission I captured the one tank I stunned but I can't research it and it has no sell price. I did not recover the wrecks of the ones I killed.
Hmmm, it shouldn't be recoverable, but fix that.
As for the glitch... No idea what happened (nothing in my mod I think), but I'd like to know how to do that. :)
I also get the glitch when I used the battle creator, if you want to look for yourself. Is it because it is a 4-space ally unit? I think that this is the first time I've seen one.
Also, I just got an EXALT mission at the start of February, despite researching their termination at the end of December. I'm pretty sure they should have left the spawn pool by now, so is this a bug? I remember someone else mentioning something similar. I'll post again if it shows up again next month.
Oh shit... You're right. Sorry, try this hotfix.
I downloaded the hotfix but now its causing a new problem. This message pops up and the game closes. When I restart XCOMFiles is disabled and trying to turn it on just causes the message again.
I encountered a visual bug during the M.A.G.M.A robotics mission. The marker for allied tanks on the mini-map was messed up and kept rotating between various glitched forms. I have no idea how to make a gif, but here are two images as an example.
//minimap sprite index:
// * 0-2 : Xcom soldier
// * 3-5 : Alien
// * 6-8 : Civilian
// * 9-11 : Item
// * 12-23 : Xcom HWP
// * 24-35 : Alien big terror unit(cyberdisk, ...)
Civilian big units don't exist (there are no corresponding red minimap images in the spriteset)... so game just takes index 6-15... which are the funky effects you see.
EDIT: I could maybe change it to just display 4 blinking red dots, see attached
I downloaded the hotfix but now its causing a new problem. This message pops up and the game closes. When I restart XCOMFiles is disabled and trying to turn it on just causes the message again.
Arrrgh! I had no idea it would prevent the mod from launching! Why do these safety measures only work when they aren't supposed to?!
Just find and remove this part from the missionScripts_Xcomfiles.rul:
- type: VampireCastle
firstMonth: 0
executionOdds: 15
useTable: false
startDelay: 20
randomDelay: 43500
EDIT: I could maybe change it to just display 4 blinking red dots, see attached
Sure, thanks.
That got it working again. Thanks.
Hello, I'm not sure if it counts as a bug, but the FAMAS rifle has a bit of an odd behavior regarding the Ufopaedia: I've been able to "research" it and acquire it for my soldiers, but it doesn't show its relevant article anywhere. Sometimes it does show up after getting Promotion 2 and "researching" similar weapons.
Another one which I believe it has been commented is that I'm given the option to investigate a "Zrbite tank"... Without having found said alien material ingame yet.
Having some hidden cells of those groups show up long after you thought they were done could be amusing.
Hello, I'm not sure if it counts as a bug, but the FAMAS rifle has a bit of an odd behavior regarding the Ufopaedia: I've been able to "research" it and acquire it for my soldiers, but it doesn't show its relevant article anywhere. Sometimes it does show up after getting Promotion 2 and "researching" similar weapons.
Yup, it's a bug. The FAMAS article is displayed after you research Steyr, not FAMAS. Fixed now.
Another one which I believe it has been commented is that I'm given the option to investigate a "Zrbite tank"... Without having found said alien material ingame yet.
Eh? It was fixed already. Are you sure you have the newest version?
Having some hidden cells of those groups show up long after you thought they were done could be amusing.
It sorta is already, due to some bugs. :P But no more.
Sorryl Solarius, I was not being clear: It still shows up in the "manufacture" menu, even though I haven't found that ingame nor can I investigate it.
Sorryl Solarius, I was not being clear: It still shows up in the "manufacture" menu, even though I haven't found that ingame nor can I investigate it.
Oh! Right.
Yeah, I kinda missed it. :P
Another crash with megaworms. This crash came up after it approached my agent. I think it might have been trying to melee.
Edit: I got a save. There's one in sight, so you can just run up to it.
Yeah, I can see the problem. Fix soon.
I'm not sure if this has been reported, but the Deep One Hatchel and Spear have odd sounds upon being used by XCOM units, they sound like a gun being fired rather than stabbing/slashing sounds.
I'm not sure if this has been reported, but the Deep One Hatchel and Spear have odd sounds upon being used by XCOM units, they sound like a gun being fired rather than stabbing/slashing sounds.
Yes, the hatchet was broken. Spear was fine, though.
Thanks for the report... It looks like people have finally gotten into the T'leth arc. :)
I'm afraid that's not the case yet. ;) I took the spear and hatchet after a Dagon attack, which was ridiculous from the sheer numbers of enemies running around.
Also, not sure if it's a bug or I don't know how to use them properly, but it seems Scout drones can either shoot smoke grenades or their regular gun, but not both. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong as I'll try to make further tests later on, but the initial impression is that they're not working properly.
I'm afraid that's not the case yet. ;) I took the spear and hatchet after a Dagon attack, which was ridiculous from the sheer numbers of enemies running around.
And... what's wrong with it?
I mean, something to do with sounds?
Also, not sure if it's a bug or I don't know how to use them properly, but it seems Scout drones can either shoot smoke grenades or their regular gun, but not both. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong as I'll try to make further tests later on, but the initial impression is that they're not working properly.
No such unit in XCF.
And... what's wrong with it?
I mean, something to do with sounds?
Well, nothing wrong with the event itself, it's just that the Hatchet has odd sounds, it sounds like a gun being shot rather than an axe being slashed. It works perfectly in-game though.
No such unit in XCF.
Oh, I get it now. I was confusing the Scout Drone from the one found in the Final Mission Pack, which had the ability of shooting smoke grenades rather than a short-ranged gun, making it vastly more useful. Right now the Drone of X-Files is too expensive and too weak to be worth the price, for not to mention it takes too long to be useful (not until the Dragonfly is unlocked, as the Mudranger seems to be useless, even its flying variant).
However, these aren't technically bugs, so it's okay I guess. :P
Yes, the hatchet was broken. Spear was fine, though.
Thanks for the report... It looks like people have finally gotten into the T'leth arc. :)
Woah, I started this arc about 2 months ago, but there was nothing wrong AFAIR. Alas, my current job leaves me very little spare time, so I'm stuck in a middle of Church of Dagon High Temple Mission - and (speaking about T'leth and stuff) in the very beginning of making my own TFTD rework ;D The last event exactly from T'leth arc that I can remember was Ritual Mass Murder - it felt like a mixture of monster hunt in a farm village and generic alien terror mission 8) But broken hatchet... can't remember how could it be broken. Spear was fine, yeah, but I sold it immediatly after this mission ;D
Speaking about drone - I haven't used it very much. I had one attached to my assault squad at some point but found that human scout is somewhat better. That's why this little piece of electronics ended up in a monster hunter squad - and "was a zombie" after being hit but Zombie Infector (I reported this bug some time ago) ;D
But broken hatchet... can't remember how could it be broken. Spear was fine, yeah, but I sold it immediatly after this mission ;D
Nothing serious, it just had a wrong sound associated with stabbing.
Speaking about drone - I haven't used it very much. I had one attached to my assault squad at some point but found that human scout is somewhat better. That's why this little piece of electronics ended up in a monster hunter squad - and "was a zombie" after being hit but Zombie Infector (I reported this bug some time ago) ;D
Haha, yeah... It's fixed now! :)
Well, that was fast, I didn't expect you to update so soon.
However, while I didn't have the time to check the patch fully, I found a bug with the Zombie catacombs that still persists even after patching. The game complains about "segment error" or something like that and it kicks me out of the game, this happened after trying to kill a few zombies with explosives.
I'll attach my save.
Also, not exactly a bug but, I found the level is curiously empty, with not too many enemies, be it to create atmosphere or because it is incomplete, and the Tomb Guardian is ridiculously hard to knock out but not so to kill, which is bad as I wanted to interrogate her. Only the stun rod and some lucky shooting managed to incapacitate her. Is that intentional? This is before the patch, so I dunno if it still happens.
Well, that was fast, I didn't expect you to update so soon.
However, while I didn't have the time to check the patch fully, I found a bug with the Zombie catacombs that still persists even after patching. The game complains about "segment error" or something like that and it kicks me out of the game, this happened after trying to kill a few zombies with explosives.
I'll attach my save.
OK, so what is crashing? I ended the turn, there were explosions, everything's fine.
Also, not exactly a bug but, I found the level is curiously empty, with not too many enemies, be it to create atmosphere or because it is incomplete, and the Tomb Guardian is ridiculously hard to knock out but not so to kill, which is bad as I wanted to interrogate her. Only the stun rod and some lucky shooting managed to incapacitate her. Is that intentional? This is before the patch, so I dunno if it still happens.
Yeah, after all she's technically a Zombie.
That's odd, it used to show me a message like this:
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Oddly enough, I tried it again and now it's not happening anymore.
By the way, has the "Trouble at MAGMA Lab!" been fixed too? That one sometimes repeated itself in the following month despite having won that mission before.
Solar, I didn't have time to properly test a new version, but I noticed that STR_VAMPIRE_CASTLE as well as the related briefings was missing. Was that planned?
By the way, has the "Trouble at MAGMA Lab!" been fixed too? That one sometimes repeated itself in the following month despite having won that mission before.
I'll check.
Lol, no, it wasn't fixed. Next time. (For now, you can just go zombie hunting if you like.)
Solar, I didn't have time to properly test a new version, but I noticed that STR_VAMPIRE_CASTLE as well as the related briefings was missing. Was that planned?
This mission doesn't exist yet, so the texts aren't ready yet.
Yeah, after all she's technically a Zombie.
And Zombies have stun resistance, yeah? ;D
Lol, no, it wasn't fixed. Next time. (For now, you can just go zombie hunting if you like.)
This mission doesn't exist yet, so the texts aren't ready yet.
God no, never again. Doing that mission at Veteran difficulty was a nightmare: Too many damn Zombies with too much health along with some that can use guns to boot. Either I was supposed to do this at Promotion 3 or with the Skyranger, or the number of enemies in that mission was insane. I won after a long battle, with tons of wounded and spent ammo with not that much gain. I would have expected MAGMA rewarded me for cleaning their shit, but besides looting rights, nothing else happened. I would assume a new "message from MAGMA" congratulating the player would be fine here and fitting.
And Zombies have stun resistance, yeah? ;D
I was using the Stun Rod, that despite the name uses Electricity damage, which Zombies are vulnerable to. However, the Tomb Guardian was able to outright ignore most of the prodding. It also doesn't help it is an awkward two-handed weapon that needs a lot of TU to work. I need something better soon.
Lastly, speaking of missing texts, the "Messengers of Dagon" research unlocks Deep One rituals, the mission text of which is unfinished and the rewards borked (the Deep One Chieftain doesn't seem to work, and there are "human_Sacrifices" things that do nothing except being vendor trash).
This also kinda happens with the MAGMA LAB mission. Attaching a pic.
I would assume a new "message from MAGMA" congratulating the player would be fine here and fitting.
I guess you're right. I'll write something. :)
I was using the Stun Rod, that despite the name uses Electricity damage, which Zombies are vulnerable to.
Hmmm, I can rename it. :P Tradition though...
However, the Tomb Guardian was able to outright ignore most of the prodding. It also doesn't help it is an awkward two-handed weapon that needs a lot of TU to work. I need something better soon.
Challenges, challenges!
Lastly, speaking of missing texts, the "Messengers of Dagon" research unlocks Deep One rituals, the mission text of which is unfinished and the rewards borked (the Deep One Chieftain doesn't seem to work, and there are "human_Sacrifices" things that do nothing except being vendor trash).
Sorry, what exactly is missing? The Deep Ones Rituals mission looks okay to me.
This also kinda happens with the MAGMA LAB mission. Attaching a pic.
recover: false
Anyone, please?
recover: false
Anyone, please?
Yeah, but there is no ZOMBIE_WEAPON in the mod. It was removed.
Yeah, but there is no ZOMBIE_WEAPON in the mod. It was removed.
A save to debug would be nice then.
I guess you're right. I'll write something. :)
Sorry, what exactly is missing? The Deep Ones Rituals mission looks okay to me.
recover: false
In the Deep Ones' Ritual (which I didn't play fully yet, I just wanted to test how it worked), some of the rewards for winning are things that look like that odd "zombie_weapon" thing, but can be sold for money instead.
Also, not sure if it counts for being a bugged save, but in my game I started using the "aliens can recover weapons from the ground" modding option, but eventually disabled it after seeing it did nothing, and also reading here in this board that it wasn't recommended to use this option.
So far the game is working fine though, so it shouldn't be that.
In the Deep Ones' Ritual (which I didn't play fully yet, I just wanted to test how it worked), some of the rewards for winning are things that look like that odd "zombie_weapon" thing, but can be sold for money instead.
Well, I don't know, maybe your installation is borked... Or there is a weird bug. Can anyone confirm similar effects?
Also, not sure if it counts for being a bugged save, but in my game I started using the "aliens can recover weapons from the ground" modding option, but eventually disabled it after seeing it did nothing, and also reading here in this board that it wasn't recommended to use this option.
It is perfectly fine to use this option, I use it too. Aliens just aren't very good at it.
A couple of bugs:
The UFOpedia article "Zrbite tank" crashes the game with a "UFOPEDIA_IMG_ZRBITE_TANK not found" message.
The portrait of the engineer in the article "Micrograv module" is still misplaced. The screenshot is attached.
Here's the bug I mentioned about the Deep Ones' Ritual mission. Note that I completed the mission using Ctr+d, Ctr+j to KO all enemies as a way to make it fast, but I hope it is not relevant for the strange items shown here.
Thanks guys, mostly fixed.
As for the Human Sacrifice items, uh... I can't remember what I was thinking. Now it looks just weird to me. I guess it used to exploit some quirk of alien recovery, but it was changed later. I'll rethink this.
One more bug: the strings STR_FLYING_SUIT_UFOPEDIA and STR_POWER_SUIT_UFOPEDIA are both repeated two times.
Because someone mentioned the zrbite tank earlier. Has the ufopaedia entry been fixed? I always get a crash when i select it.
Because someone mentioned the zrbite tank earlier. Has the ufopaedia entry been fixed? I always get a crash when i select it.
Sorry, not yet... I mean it was, but only on my end.
Maybe it's time for another fix release.
In the missions in towns, during the 1st enemy/civilian turn the game crashes with an error:
A fatal error has occurred: Unsupported action (val: 12) for item STR_DOGE_TRACK
To reproduce, load the attached "DOGE_TRACK.sav" and end the turn.
The only workaround I found, is starting the mission anew (reloading a Geoscape save). Just in case: the missions that worked fine had no dogs in them.
I can't load up this save; it says, "bad conversion".
But I'll check what can be wrong with the dogs.
I can't load up this save; it says, "bad conversion".
But I'll check what can be wrong with the dogs.
It's an OXCE 3.8 bug. Already reported to Yankes today in the morning.
It's an OXCE 3.8 bug. Already reported to Yankes today in the morning.
Thanks Meridian.
Regarding dogs, would it be a problem if alien armour had this:
When STR_DOGE_TRACK is a Motion Scanner:
weight: 0
bigSprite: 481
floorSprite: 0
handSprite: 0
battleType: 7
tuUse: 15
fixedWeapon: true
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
recover: false
defaultInventorySlot: STR_LEFT_HAND
time: 15
morale: 20
Actually, I reported the dogs to Yankes.... that's the OXCE bug.
Don't know how those bad conversions happened, but replacing NULL with "NULL" in the save file will solve/workaround it.
Actually, I reported the dogs to Yankes.... that's the OXCE bug.
Don't know how those bad conversions happened, but replacing NULL with "NULL" in the save file will solve it.
Thanks. I guess it means... no enemy dogs, for now? Or is it enough to make a separate armour for enemy dogs (now they share it with X-Com dogs) and remove the scanner?
Thanks. I guess it means... no enemy dogs, for now? Or is it enough to make a separate armour for enemy dogs (now they share it with X-Com dogs) and remove the scanner?
Tbh, no idea.
You may want to return to 3.7 for now.
Tbh, no idea.
You may want to return to 3.7 for now.
I tried generating a mission with enemy dogs. No issues, no crashes.
Maybe the problem is with tkzv's installation? No idea.
I tried generating a mission with enemy dogs. No issues, no crashes.
Maybe the problem is with tkzv's installation? No idea.
It's a code bug... it just happens "rarely".
I tried generating a mission with enemy dogs. No issues, no crashes.
Maybe the problem is with tkzv's installation? No idea.
Gentoo Linux AMD64.
I installed the nightly vanilla OpenXcom, then
unpacked the original games to ~/.local/share/openxcom/UFO/ and ~/.local/share/openxcom/TFTD/ ,
unpacked OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.5c.zip and copied OpenXcom_XFiles/user/mods/XComFiles/ to ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/ ,
umpacked Extended+-3.8a-80622cd-2017-06-13-jessie-x86_64.7z and run OpenXcomEx.
And I've got another bug to report. When a bullet destroys a staircase section, it becomes a water cooler :)
To reproduce:
Load the attached "for cooler.sav". — Agent "Kamran Rezaei" should be active. 2 disciples of Dagon are visible.
Switch "Kamran Rezaei" to snap shots and shoot the staircase right behind the 1st enemy. — See "before.png"
This may take around 5 reloads, but eventually the bullet hits the staircase and turns it into a cooler. — See "cooler.sav" and "after.png".
Gentoo Linux AMD64.
I installed the nightly vanilla OpenXcom, then
unpacked the original games to ~/.local/share/openxcom/UFO/ and ~/.local/share/openxcom/TFTD/ ,
unpacked OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.5c.zip and copied OpenXcom_XFiles/user/mods/XComFiles/ to ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/ ,
umpacked Extended+-3.8a-80622cd-2017-06-13-jessie-x86_64.7z and run OpenXcomEx.
That sounds about right :)
And I've got another bug to report. When a bullet destroys a staircase section, it becomes a water cooler :)
To reproduce:
Load the attached "for cooler.sav". — Agent "Kamran Rezaei" should be active. 2 disciples of Dagon are visible.
Switch "Kamran Rezaei" to snap shots and shoot the staircase right behind the 1st enemy. — See "before.png"
This may take around 5 reloads, but eventually the bullet hits the staircase and turns it into a cooler. — See "cooler.sav" and "after.png".
Thats just a wrong asigned DIE mcd in one of the mapset MCD files, a easy fix usually.
Those damn cultists and their hidden water coolers.
Gentoo Linux AMD64.
I installed the nightly vanilla OpenXcom, then
unpacked the original games to ~/.local/share/openxcom/UFO/ and ~/.local/share/openxcom/TFTD/ ,
unpacked OpenXcom_XFiles_0.6.5c.zip and copied OpenXcom_XFiles/user/mods/XComFiles/ to ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/ ,
umpacked Extended+-3.8a-80622cd-2017-06-13-jessie-x86_64.7z and run OpenXcomEx.
take around 5 reloads, but eventually the bullet hits the staircase and turns it into a cooler. — See "cooler.sav" and "after.png".
That sounds about right :)
The nightly installation is not required and not desired.
XcomFiles distributes all the necessary data files... and they might be different from nightly data files, depending on the OXCE+ version (e.g. v3.8a matches nightly from March, not from July).
That said, I don't think the error is caused by installation issues.
The nightly installation is not required and not desired.
I gathered as much. I just meant to mention that the directory structure and all configuration files have been created by vanilla version. And I started playing X-Com Files only several days later.
I've encountered another problem. When something explodes, the game may crash with a message:
OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
To reproduce:
Load the attached "tank explodes.sav" — agent "Darya Orlova" is active, 1 enemy is visible — the tank.
Shoot the tank with a shotgun. — 1 hit is usually enough, when the flame mostly disappears, the game crashes.
No crash when I destroy the tank with a grenade launcher. Somehow, grenade explosions don't cause problems.
Sorry, attached a wrong log :) Here's the right one.
And another section of staircase becomes Cola vending machine:
I see these malicious cultists are using matter transmutation spells for great effect. ;D
Just to know: Can you walk on these "mutated tiles", or do these count as destroyed?
I've encountered another problem. When something explodes, the game may crash with a message: To reproduce:
Load the attached "tank explodes.sav" — agent "Darya Orlova" is active, 1 enemy is visible — the tank.
Shoot the tank with a shotgun. — 1 hit is usually enough, when the flame mostly disappears, the game crashes.
No crash when I destroy the tank with a grenade launcher. Somehow, grenade explosions don't cause problems.
I shot the car and finished the mission with no problems. Looks like an issue with mission end, but it works fine for me.
(Also I had to update the save from inventoryslot: NULL to inventoryslot: "NULL". Can't remember where the difference comes from.)
because `NULL` is reserved word in yaml and yaml-cpp butcher string with same value when saving.
because `NULL` is reserved word in yaml and yaml-cpp butcher string with same value when saving.
For me, it always saves as "NULL", don't know why for him it saved as NULL...
I shot the car and finished the mission with no problems. Looks like an issue with mission end, but it works fine for me.
I don't think it's the mission end. There were a few similar occurrences in other missions. Stray bullet hits something, it explodes, game crashes, I reload, the bullet flies elsewhere, crash not reproduced. I'll pay more attention to those from now on.
--- posts merged ---
Another crash. Log and quicksave are attached. Just end the turn and the game segfaults during the enemy turn, suggesting something's missing in a mod.
No crash if any of the agents are visible to enemies at the end of the turn and end up panicked or berserked.
Same as always: can't even load your save due to
inventoryslot: NULL
No idea what you are doing with the game, but it's not saving correctly, and when I fix the save I don't get a crash. In other words, sorry but I'm not debugging this - it's not broken.
For me, it always saves as "NULL", don't know why for him it saved as NULL...
This probably based on version of yaml-cpp, his exe was compiled with one that have bug that not escape "NULL" string when creating save.
Question is from who he have exe.
As work around in next version I added code that avoid this bug and everyone will be able to load this bugged save.
Same as always: can't even load your save due to
inventoryslot: NULL
No idea what you are doing with the game, but it's not saving correctly, and when I fix the save I don't get a crash. In other words, sorry but I'm not debugging this - it's not broken.
I replaced s/inventoryslot: NULL/inventoryslot: "NULL"/g , loaded the game and still got a similar crash. Then the same with single quotes. Saves and logs are attached.
This probably based on version of yaml-cpp, his exe was compiled with one that have bug that not escape "NULL" string when creating save.
Question is from who he have exe.
As work around in next version I added code that avoid this bug and everyone will be able to load this bugged save.
At least you figured why does it happen :) Here it is: https://github.com/jbeder/yaml-cpp/issues/247
Early on I tried compiling OXCE+ from sources (with the fixed yaml-cpp, among other things), but X-Com Files didn't work right (melee weapons didn't have the "hit" command, for example, same as in vanilla). Then I found the binaries work fine and stopped bothering. Any advices if I try building it again?
Then I found the binaries work fine and stopped bothering.
Which binaries? Where did you download them from?
Which binaries? Where did you download them from?
From the link in your post: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/#/ExtendedPlus (currently down). The file Extended+-3.8a-80622cd-2017-06-13-jessie-x86_64.7z
From the link in your post: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/#/ExtendedPlus (currently down). The file Extended+-3.8a-80622cd-2017-06-13-jessie-x86_64.7z
OK thanks, I'll check with Stoddard what yaml-cpp version is used and why it's offline.
I fixed the builds download site being inaccessible, sorry for that.
As for the yaml bug, my builds shouldn't have it, yaml-cpp version used is 0.5.3.
tzkv, it seems like you had problems with some other build, and have no problems with lxnt.wtf build, is that correct?
What was that some other build?
tzkv, it seems like you had problems with some other build, and have no problems with lxnt.wtf build, is that correct?
What was that some other build?
I compiled OXCE+ on my system (Gentoo Linux AMD64). Just ./configure then make or cmake then make. Electric clubs did not work (no "Hit" in the list of actions), but I did not look for the reason, because I found the binaries.
And this "no problems" is relative :) I keep getting segfaults from explosions and something else when enemies panic, but other people can't reproduce them. Also lxnt.wtf build keeps creating savefiles with unquoted NULL.
Unrelated crash: an agent with 12 TU, a Desert Eagle and a flashlight tries to shoot a passing enemy with a flashlight. (Workaround: spent all TUs or drop the flashlight.) It stopped reproducing when the enemy suddenly changed his route.
I compiled OXCE+ on my system (Gentoo Linux AMD64). Just ./configure then make or cmake then make. Electric clubs did not work (no "Hit" in the list of actions), but I did not look for the reason, because I found the binaries.
I see. Though that should've worked no worse than lxnt.wtf builds if you have a recent-ish yaml-cpp on your system.
And this "no problems" is relative :) I keep getting segfaults from explosions and something else when enemies panic, but other people can't reproduce them.
Some logs/backtraces can help. Here's a not stripped build: Extended+-3.8b-7369651-2017-07-06-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z (https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.8b-7369651-2017-07-06-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z)
Also lxnt.wtf build keeps creating savefiles with unquoted NULL.
This is most strange. Which build (git commit) do you use?
I see. Though that should've worked no worse than lxnt.wtf builds if you have a recent-ish yaml-cpp on your system.
dev-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.5.3, configured with default options plus -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON . The bug with unquoted NULL should be fixed, unless your binaries are statically linked, right?
Some logs/backtraces can help. Here's a not stripped build: Extended+-3.8b-7369651-2017-07-06-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z (https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.8b-7369651-2017-07-06-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z)
Thanks. I'll try it.
Update: where does it write the extra log? The ~/.local/share/openxcom/openxcom.log is no bigger than usual. Or do I need to use some command line key or set an environment parameter?
This is most strange. Which build (git commit) do you use?
Latest at that point. 84b16420bc3583613cb14c521ff334870de213c0
dev-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.5.3, configured with default options plus -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON . The bug with unquoted NULL should be fixed, unless your binaries are statically linked, right?
My builds are statically linked with 0.5.3 exactly to avoid the yaml-cpp version mess. I can't understand how this ancient bug suddenly cropped up. As you also have 0.5.3, your self-built builds should have worked modulo yaml-unrelated bugs.
Update: where does it write the extra log? The ~/.local/share/openxcom/openxcom.log is no bigger than usual. Or do I need to use some command line key or set an environment parameter?
It doesn't write any extra log. The backtrace should be in the log, or you can just run it under gdb.
The log can also end up in the "user" directory, alongside the openxcom.cfg or the savefiles directories.
It's faster to do a find / -name openxcom.log -ls than to try and understand the path handling rat's nest.
F.ex. I still can't fathom why it sometimes uses config from .local while writing the rest under the user directory alongside the executable.
Latest at that point. 84b16420bc3583613cb14c521ff334870de213c0
Hm. That's quite old. Ah, I see, you use Extended, not ExtendedPlus.
The not-stripped version for that is here: 3.8a-84b1642-2017-06-12-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z (https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//Extended/3.8a-84b1642-2017-06-12-jessie-x86_64-debug.7z)
Still, 0.5.3 was used for the lxnt.wtf builds from the start.
I've encountered another problem. When something explodes, the game may crash with a message: To reproduce:
Load the attached "tank explodes.sav" — agent "Darya Orlova" is active, 1 enemy is visible — the tank.
Shoot the tank with a shotgun. — 1 hit is usually enough, when the flame mostly disappears, the game crashes.
No crash when I destroy the tank with a grenade launcher. Somehow, grenade explosions don't cause problems.
This crash is the same as this one: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2915.msg85023.html#msg85023
Is already fixed and will be available in the next version.
Exception in the Black Moon mission. Load the attached "Black moon-1.sav" and press "End turn".
The message is: "Unsupported action (val: 12) for item STR_WERECAT_MIND_CONTROL_WEAPON"
Exception in the Black Moon mission. Load the attached "Black moon-1.sav" and press "End turn".
The message is: "Unsupported action (val: 12) for item STR_WERECAT_MIND_CONTROL_WEAPON"
Try the new version from today, perhaps it's fixed.
Thanks. But no, this one wasn't fixed.
Unrelated bug: no name for hybrid convoy mission, it just displays as STR_SMALL_GROUND_CONVOY_HYBRID
I had a similar problem for something with Deep Ones, but forgot to write it down.
Thanks. But no, this one wasn't fixed.
Yes, it was fixed.
In version 2017-07-11, I get a crash, in version 2017-07-12 I don''t get the crash anymore.
And the message you're getting was completely removed:
so looks like you don't have the latest version.
Yes, it was fixed.
In version 2017-07-11, I get a crash, in version 2017-07-12 I don''t get the crash anymore.
And the message you're getting was completely removed:
so looks like you don't have the latest version.
I did not compile from git, I just took the new binary: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.8c-3de52f1-2017-07-11-xenial-x86_64-debug.7z The date inside is 2017-07-10.
What am I doing wrong? The files I compile behave like vanilla version — a lot of things are missing, like "Hit" command for melee weapons or night vision.
What am I doing wrong? The files I compile behave like vanilla version — a lot of things are missing, like "Hit" command for melee weapons or night vision.
Which branch do you compile?
Because master branch is vanilla... you need "oxce3.5-plus-proto"
Which branch do you compile?
Because master branch is vanilla... you need "oxce3.5-plus-proto"
To answer my question: I was working with git the way I work with SVN :)
Some more bugs found in the new version.
a larg swarm seeking shelter
Missing strings:
MALE_CIVILIAN (I have already reported this string but it seemed to me this problem has been fixed, and now it's back).
The article about the Cruiser UFO doesn't show up in the UFOpedia.
The Chryssalid weapons overlap its body. See the screenshot.
It seems the standard shotgun is objectively better than the blackops shotgun, for some reason
Celatoid, and chysalid have their bio / autopsy info jumbled (list order : chrisalid, celatoid, chrisalid autopsy, celatoid autopsy)
Thanks Kammerer. I've fixed everything except Chryssalid inventory, which is just how the screen works. (Unless I move Chryssalid to the side or something, but I'm not convinced yet.)
It seems the standard shotgun is objectively better than the blackops shotgun, for some reason
Yes, it is written in the Pedia. It is less accurate, but faster and overall (IMO) more useful, unless your agents are total chumps.
Celatoid, and chysalid have their bio / autopsy info jumbled (list order : chrisalid, celatoid, chrisalid autopsy, celatoid autopsy)
Hmm, the order is:
Or is something wrong?
Another segfault. Savefile and log are attached. To reproduce, load the savefile and press "1 day" — the game crashes between 8th and 9th of July.
Update: For "5 Sec" speed the crash happens at 23:29:55 8 Jul 1998.
Same for the latest binary from lxnt.wtf (Extended+-3.8c-363e3f8-2017-07-11-xenial-x86_64-debug.7z) and compiled from git (commit 327e1ace90ffcf3a4a4cbe2fdea03ac7909519cf). Mod version 0.6.6.
Other bugs I mentioned above stopped reproducing. Thanks!
Another segfault. Savefile and log are attached. To reproduce, load the savefile and press "1 day" — the game crashes between 8th and 9th of July.
No alien deployment can be chosen for "STR_MONSTER_VS_POLICE_TEMPERATE", siteType is empty so no luck there, and there is also no texture to pick a random deployment from.
No alien deployment can be chosen for "STR_MONSTER_VS_POLICE_TEMPERATE", siteType is empty so no luck there, and there is also no texture to pick a random deployment from.
Thanks. I understand the texture part, since id -91 was indeed missing from globe... But what about siteType? I don't use this flag at all in any missions.
Meridian, Solarius, is there any simple way to fix this and continue playing? Or how far do I have to backtrack?
Crap, didn't notice the bit with the blackops : I shouldn't bug test when sleepy
The ufopedia issues I mentioned appear when I scroll through stuff when entering a "random battle" at the start menu (as this unlocks all ufopedia for the round) and for whatever reason, the ones mentioned are jumbled.
Meridian, Solarius, is there any simple way to fix this and continue playing? Or how far do I have to backtrack?
The easiest fix is to remove that mission from your save, see attached picture for what to remove.
(you can also copy it somewhere to a backup and then when it's fixed paste it back into your save so that you don't lose it... if you're too perfectionist)
Or wait for Solar to release a fix.
Thanks. I understand the texture part, since id -91 was indeed missing from globe... But what about siteType? I don't use this flag at all in any missions.
You need one or another, not both... I was just going through the code, looking what might have failed... if you're not using siteType (e.g. https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4363.msg59814.html#msg59814), then it's the terrain.
OK, I get it now: the globe section had some errors. Attaching a hotfix. Thanks!
(Also attaching another hotfix, for borked Savanna Marsh terrain.)
Radar circles are not drawn for some bases. Is it a bug, or does this signify something?
The new bases, that only have the long range radar, do display the circle. The two oldest bases don't. One has the radar, X-Com HQ and intelligence centre and has "Long Range Detection = 3" in the base information, the other has the radar and only the intelligence centre and "Long Range Detection = 2".
The game only draws the longest range. Since the HQ has global reach, no circle is drawn.
The game only draws the longest range. Since the HQ has global reach, no circle is drawn.
Is there any need for the radar then? Or should I build multiple HQs instead?
Unrelated bug: Geoscape becomes very slow and processor consumption rises high when multiple craft chase an UFO at a speed above "5 Sec". To reproduce, load the attached "Slow chase.sav" and press "30 Min" — in a few seconds the game will effectively freeze and 1 processor core would be at 100%.
Git version (commit 327e1ace90ffcf3a4a4cbe2fdea03ac7909519cf), Gentoo Linux AMD64.
Or should I report it at OXCE+ forum?
Answer: the "Predict UFO trajectory" option is at fault.
Running on artic grass (up in greenland and such, white ground, with grass) seems to use no TU's for moving on.
While obviously a glitch, this could make for a very cool map effect.
Running on artic grass (up in greenland and such, white ground, with grass) seems to use no TU's for moving on.
While obviously a glitch, this could make for a very cool map effect.
It also makes the game freeze when AI goes between two tiles without spending TUs in endless loop. Not cool...
Is there any need for the radar then? Or should I build multiple HQs instead?
Yes, because the HQ has very poor detection. It is literally a team of people on the phones, processing reports of UFO sightings.
Unrelated bug: Geoscape becomes very slow and processor consumption rises high when multiple craft chase an UFO at a speed above "5 Sec". To reproduce, load the attached "Slow chase.sav" and press "30 Min" — in a few seconds the game will effectively freeze and 1 processor core would be at 100%.
Git version (commit 327e1ace90ffcf3a4a4cbe2fdea03ac7909519cf), Gentoo Linux AMD64.
Or should I report it at OXCE+ forum?
Answer: the "Predict UFO trajectory" option is at fault.
This would be best directed to the vanilla developers, as it's a vanilla feature.
As for the arctic grass, I'm currently redoing marsh/polar terrains, so some glitches are unavoidable. Thanks!
I noticed the hazmat suit is weaker than a business suit in terms of armor : All the hazmat stuff I've ever seen is AT LEAST as durable as a leather coat, possibly more so, about 10 on the armor scale. If its big enough to stop fire and other stuff, I figure the sheer bulk would at least soften blows of bats, knives, and other elements. It would still be a dubious choice over kevlar, since kevlar is more bullet RESISTANT, but it would make it less an awful choice if it wasn't paper fragile too.
Also, I still think juggernaut armor should be fire proof : if it can withstand straight up explosives I think it would also be impervious to fire.
And with kevlar, wouldn't it make sense to have a 20 armor rating on the back, as well as front? I don't think kevlar covers all angles of course, but I'm pretty sure it has a back plate as well. Or if not 20, maybe 15 to simulate it being a weakpoint.
EDIT : save of a random battle crashes when you shoot the monster I'm looking at.
That "Predict UFO trajectory" is getting a reputation:
There's one mod that requires a quantum computer to run it. It has to do with "Predicted Flight Path" it was bundled in the final mod pack. If I had 2 interceptors out it would make the game come to a crawl. Single digit fps, it was unplayable! So I would stay away from that mod, and doesn't really effect intercept times. It did sound good though and did what it advertised, plus massive memory leaks.
I was not aware of "Predict UFO trajectory" being "bundled in" any mod, only an option to use or not.
Wooden fences can be walked through, it seems.
This wouldn't actually be a bad idea by itself, IF walking over it used far more TU's / a bit of energy, to vault over it.
Wooden fences can be walked through, it seems.
This wouldn't actually be a bad idea by itself, IF walking over it used far more TU's / a bit of energy, to vault over it.
They are passable only at some points. If someone needs an example, I'll save the next mission with fences.
Unrelated bug: generated Cyberweb lairs may be separated by walls. In the attached "CE-4-1-1_.sav" the 4 rooms on the right (on the map) are separated from the rest. I had to shoot the wall with a CW ray gun.
macro SMG and battlescape sprite must be changed : it fires rounds the size of sniper rounds, yet uses the sprite of and sound of an uzi. At least use the mp5 texture, and rifle sound...I can believe the same sound between the uzi and mac10, despite the completely different calibur, but the uzi and macro smg being the same is just silly.
EDIT : mountaints are bugged, the area where theres not a solid wall block (by my soldier) can be entered from the outside. Besides that, seems to be poorly over-lapped hills, and no chance to walk atop the mountain without a jetpack.
I noticed the hazmat suit is weaker than a business suit in terms of armor : All the hazmat stuff I've ever seen is AT LEAST as durable as a leather coat, possibly more so, about 10 on the armor scale. If its big enough to stop fire and other stuff, I figure the sheer bulk would at least soften blows of bats, knives, and other elements. It would still be a dubious choice over kevlar, since kevlar is more bullet RESISTANT, but it would make it less an awful choice if it wasn't paper fragile too.
Good point, I raised all armour values to 9.
Also, I still think juggernaut armor should be fire proof : if it can withstand straight up explosives I think it would also be impervious to fire.
Maybe when/if I overhaul armours.
And with kevlar, wouldn't it make sense to have a 20 armor rating on the back, as well as front? I don't think kevlar covers all angles of course, but I'm pretty sure it has a back plate as well. Or if not 20, maybe 15 to simulate it being a weakpoint.
Well, it's a tradeoff between various factors. I'd rather not change it without a good reason, as many enemies use similar gear.
EDIT : save of a random battle crashes when you shoot the monster I'm looking at.
Wow, a hard crash. Perhaps something's wrong with the plane? I'll check.
Unrelated bug: generated Cyberweb lairs may be separated by walls. In the attached "CE-4-1-1_.sav" the 4 rooms on the right (on the map) are separated from the rest. I had to shoot the wall with a CW ray gun.
It's not a bug, it's a limitation. Just blow up the walls, who said X-Com is so perfect with navigating canals?
macro SMG and battlescape sprite must be changed : it fires rounds the size of sniper rounds, yet uses the sprite of and sound of an uzi. At least use the mp5 texture, and rifle sound...I can believe the same sound between the uzi and mac10, despite the completely different calibur, but the uzi and macro smg being the same is just silly.
OK, I'll look when I can.
EDIT : mountaints are bugged, the area where theres not a solid wall block (by my soldier) can be entered from the outside. Besides that, seems to be poorly over-lapped hills, and no chance to walk atop the mountain without a jetpack.
I can't see anything wrong with it.
Besides that, seems to be poorly over-lapped hills, and no chance to walk atop the mountain without a jetpack.
I'm fairly sure it was supposed to be like that. I'm not opposed to improvements, though.
The issue with the mountain is that theres a gap where one can slip inside the mountain.
If you look inside it, theres a gap on the south-east side (players perspective) where theres a gap of blocks of the cave "wall". At the point of this gap, if you walk someone up the hill outside of it, you can actually walk from the ill, straight inside the mountain at this point, but its 1 way, and it doesn't LOOK like an intended gap.
Picture related.
The issue with the mountain is that theres a gap where one can slip inside the mountain.
Yes, I understand, but it doesn't look like a bug to me. Well, maybe for the fact it's only one way... But it's notr really so absurd when it comes to caves.
I guess, I'd much rather have a normal cave entrance than that.
Also, the shadow parts around the edge show theres ground above it, as theres hillside right above. Why would there be hillside overhead a hillside? Shouldn't it be 1 big slope? Besides aesthetics, this blocks shots when your head is inside the hillside, and you can teleport upward by crouching : VERY buggy.
1) There is a string missing ("Small hybrid convoy" mission).
(It's v. 0.6.5 though - perhaps it is already fixed).
2) It's not a bug per se, but an issue:
I can research "Alien biology" and (later) living aliens only when I have a Biolab. A "regular" laboratory won't work if there isn't a Biolab at the base. (So, if I have a new base only with a Laboratory, I cannot conduct the "Alien biology" research even if the prerequisite - researching an alien corpse - is already done). Is it supposed to be like that?
No, definitely not. I'll check.
I've got this crash which is repeatable on a specific time, I've attached a save if anyone would be kind enough to help out. :)
I get the crash one day after the save on 11thMay at around 05:30.
I already back-tracked several months to an earlier save after running into this crash and played differently but that didn't help as the crash has come back on the same or a similar date.
This is all I see in the log:
[21-07-2017_15-07-59] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[21-07-2017_15-08-04] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Anyone have any ideas? This mod is a lot of fun, would love to carry on playing.
Anyone have any ideas? This mod is a lot of fun, would love to carry on playing.
Hi and welcome to the forum.
It's the same issue as described here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg85420.html#msg85420
You can also download a fix (2 small files) from there.
Thanks a lot, that worked perfectly :)
Been lurking here a long time, only just realised I never made an account.
2) It's not a bug per se, but an issue:
I can research "Alien biology" and (later) living aliens only when I have a Biolab. A "regular" laboratory won't work if there isn't a Biolab at the base. (So, if I have a new base only with a Laboratory, I cannot conduct the "Alien biology" research even if the prerequisite - researching an alien corpse - is already done). Is it supposed to be like that?
No, definitely not. I'll check.
Sorry, I misunderstood earlier... Lab should not give you biochemical facilities by itself.
I do encourage you to examine the save I posted : you can have your head halfway inside an overhead mountain, meaning you cannot shoot since your gun is inside block tile, and also crouching somehow sends you flying upward to the next tile, for some reason.
EDIT : facility requirement for research (or, at least the BIOLAB) is fulfilled before its FINISHED. I was able to research a werewolf when the biolab had 8 more days till construction finished.
I do encourage you to examine the save I posted : you can have your head halfway inside an overhead mountain, meaning you cannot shoot since your gun is inside block tile, and also crouching somehow sends you flying upward to the next tile, for some reason.
The truth is, I am kind of afraid of touching this hill... It is used by various terrains, in various configurations, I worry it could just blow up in my face. I'd rather sweep it under the carpet. But... It looks like I can't! :) So I'll see what can be done.
EDIT : facility requirement for research (or, at least the BIOLAB) is fulfilled before its FINISHED. I was able to research a werewolf when the biolab had 8 more days till construction finished.
Hmmm... If so, then it's a code problem...
The truth is, I am kind of afraid of touching this hill... It is used by various terrains, in various configurations, I worry it could just blow up in my face. I'd rather sweep it under the carpet. But... It looks like I can't! :) So I'll see what can be done.
Heh, thanks for being honest with me at least : I know generation is a bitch, and I appreciate the hard work you put in, but I'd be a crappy bug tester if I said nothing was wrong, wouldn't I? ;)
Anyway if that's the case I understand, and don't hassle too much over it, but its better that you tell me that you're just scared to touch it, than an endless back and forth of "no, seriously, this is a problem" and "eh its not that bad". Communication is important, and I hold no ill will against you if certain things are a headache to fix.
Hmmm... If so, then it's a code problem...
To be fair, this is so incredibly small of a bug, compared to the other one I honestly don't give a damn : its still a bug, but its impact on gameplay is extremely negligible
Heh, thanks for being honest with me at least : I know generation is a bitch, and I appreciate the hard work you put in, but I'd be a crappy bug tester if I said nothing was wrong, wouldn't I? ;)
Very much so! :) And I have fixed it; we'll see what happens...
Anyway if that's the case I understand, and don't hassle too much over it, but its better that you tell me that you're just scared to touch it, than an endless back and forth of "no, seriously, this is a problem" and "eh its not that bad". Communication is important, and I hold no ill will against you if certain things are a headache to fix.
Actually I really thought it wasn't that bad, it wasn't an excuse. Only after you reported problems with shooting I've decided it's too much.
To be fair, this is so incredibly small of a bug, compared to the other one I honestly don't give a damn : its still a bug, but its impact on gameplay is extremely negligible
OK, hopefully it's okay now... And not worse...
Dart pistol is not concealable. Why? Shouldn't all pistols be concealable?
Dart pistol is not concealable. Why? Shouldn't all pistols be concealable?
Yes, it's a bug. Fixed, thanks.
Enemies killed with blaster pistol may die, leaving no corpse. Is this a bug or intentional behaviour?
Enemies killed with blaster pistol may die, leaving no corpse. Is this a bug or intentional behaviour?
Intentional, they were vapourized beyond of what counts as a recoverable corpse.
After "zrbite tank" research finishes, the Ufopedia page is not displayed, and there's no message that zrbite research is unlocked. Bug?
Do I understand correctly, that I also need to capture yet another USO, get its zrbite tank and disassemble it to get any zrbite to research?
I can't remember for sure, but it's likely that the rank is done for after your scientists are finished.
I will check the Ufopaedia problem later.
New version, new bugs!
To start, while you did mention that dart pistols count as concealed now (haven't checked that yet), the Ufopaedia text doesn't say so. Second, I don't have a pic at the moment, but I swear that I could send agents with the Armored Vest uniform in "Osiron 'x'" misions, which I bet it wasn't intended. Third, the "Alien Biochemistry" research is still available to me even though it shouldn't. Fourth, not related to this game but more like probably something I messed up with the mod's installation, but the point is that I had the music of Piratez running instead of the one for X-Files, quite funny. :)
Lastly, once again there's a research subject I shouldn't have access to that doesn't seem to be finished to boot. Pics attached.
After "zrbite tank" research finishes, the Ufopedia page is not displayed, and there's no message that zrbite research is unlocked. Bug?
Fixed, thanks.
New version, new bugs!
To start, while you did mention that dart pistols count as concealed now (haven't checked that yet), the Ufopaedia text doesn't say so.
True. Fixed.
Second, I don't have a pic at the moment, but I swear that I could send agents with the Armored Vest uniform in "Osiron 'x'" misions, which I bet it wasn't intended.
The ruleset says you shouldn't...
But if you have some new data, please let me know. I could've done something wrong.
Third, the "Alien Biochemistry" research is still available to me even though it shouldn't.
You need Alien Biology and Chief Scientist. I understand you don't?
Fourth, not related to this game but more like probably something I messed up with the mod's installation, but the point is that I had the music of Piratez running instead of the one for X-Files, quite funny. :)
Lastly, once again there's a research subject I shouldn't have access to that doesn't seem to be finished to boot. Pics attached.
Yes, I fixed it already.
Fixed, thanks.
What should I do then? Wait till the next update where it will become available? Or better avoid researching zrbite tank?
Fixed, thanks.
What should I do then? Wait till the next update where it will become available? Or better avoid researching zrbite tank?
You can research it. Only the Ufopaedia page was linked to STR_ZRBITE, not STR_ZRBITE_TANK. But it won't break a thing.
Agents fall through staircases in the factory.
Load the attached "Walk downstairs.sav" and plot a route down the staircase or just run there — when the agent steps on the stairs she falls down, inside the staircase.
You're right, something's definitely wrong with the terrain. I'm on it.
Some more typos:
M83 Barett Clip
This hangun is the remarkable hybridization
magnum rounds - maybe it would be better to write it with a capital?
Miscatonic Valley - it should be "Miskatonic" if it is a toponym taken from the world of Lovecraft.
Many thanks, all fixed.
When I get Ironfist, two messages appear: that I can now make it and that I can now rent it. But I'm not allowed to rent it. Bug?
I researched Ethereal Guardian and Ethereal Speaker and got nothing. Is this correct?
When I get Ironfist, two messages appear: that I can now make it and that I can now rent it. But I'm not allowed to rent it. Bug?
Sounds like a bug, but I can't find any problems.
Does the same happen with other craft you manufacture?
I researched Ethereal Guardian and Ethereal Speaker and got nothing. Is this correct?
Depends on what you mean by "nothing":
If you've had all of this already, then yeah, there would be nothing.
Sounds like a bug, but I can't find any problems.
Does the same happen with other craft you manufacture?
I did not pay attention, but I think both messages — rent and manufacture — appeared for the majority of researched craft. I got all but Ironfist in an earlier version: probably mod 0.6.5 and engine from around June.
Right now I can manufacture: airborne Mudranger, Skyraider, Skyranger, Skymarshall, Ironfist, Interceptor, Raven, Thunderstorm, Sentinel. I can purchase or rent: Awacs, Mudranger, vans and cars, helicopter, Dragonfly, MiG-31.
I did not pay attention earlier, but turns out, I'm paying monthly rent for Skymarshalls, Thunderstorms and Ravens I manufactured.
Depends on what you mean by "nothing":
If you've had all of this already, then yeah, there would be nothing.
I already had Etherial Order and Alien Origins. I researched both Guardian and Speaker simultaneously and Alien Diplomacy was added to Ufopaedia, but there was no message about it. Also, before I finished the research, the tech tree viewer displayed Alien Diplomacy in purple, not white. UPDATE: Alien Diplomacy appears after I research only one of them, no matter who.
By the way, what item do I need to research Envoy Ship and where do I get it? I captured the ship that carried Guardian and Speaker, I researched Guardian and Speaker, but Envoy Ship doesn't appear in the research topics list.
The issue with the messages is probably because manufacturable craft also have rent costs, to represent maintenance. I think the "you can now rent" message was introduced later and a conflict emerged.
I will talk to Meridian about this, but he's currently out of office, so it will take some time.
As for the envoy ship, I honestly can't remember, but you can try the tech tree viewer.
As for the envoy ship, I honestly can't remember, but you can try the tech tree viewer.
The viewer says the topic "Envoy Ship" requires an item "Envoy Ship" and is unlocked by by Ethereal Guardian or Speaker. I'm asking what this item is and where to get it.
And don't forget the other problem with the viewer — it displayed "Alien Diplomacy" as researched when it was not.
The viewer says the topic "Envoy Ship" requires an item "Envoy Ship" and is unlocked by by Ethereal Guardian or Speaker. I'm asking what this item is and where to get it.
Good point! It was a bug. Fixing.
And don't forget the other problem with the viewer — it displayed "Alien Diplomacy" as researched when it was not.
Are you sure? Elite Ethereals should unlock it.
Are you sure? Elite Ethereals should unlock it.
I was pretty sure it was displayed in purple before I finished researching elite Ethereals. But now I can't reproduce it. Probably mistook search results for the list in the topic.
Which reminded me of another problem. Infrequently an agent suddenly loses all time units. It never reproduces in the same circumstances. Is it a known bug, or am I accidentally hitting some secret key combination for "expend all TUs"?
No string for STR_TASOTH_FACTORY_AVAILABLE when the mission is announced the first time.
Studying Tasoth Commando does not open Ufopaedia entry for Tasoth.
Which reminded me of another problem. Infrequently an agent suddenly loses all time units. It never reproduces in the same circumstances. Is it a known bug, or am I accidentally hitting some secret key combination for "expend all TUs"?
You could be. :) Because I haven't experienced it.
BTW this function is available from the button, so it would make sense there is some key bounded to it.
No string for STR_TASOTH_FACTORY_AVAILABLE when the mission is announced the first time.
Thanks, fixed.
Studying Tasoth Commando does not open Ufopaedia entry for Tasoth.
Thanks, also fixed.
Just want to add, hitting delete functions to clear all TU's if you hit it. This might be your problem right here, if you have a cat on your keyboard or something
key is handy if you want to avoid blowing apart a cultist you want alive, though.
Thanks, fixed.
Just want to add, hitting delete functions to clear all TU's if you hit it. This might be your problem right here, if you have a cat on your keyboard or something
Thanks. I am very unlikely to press "Del" by accident, thus I never tried it when trying to reproduce :) Could be it.
Another missing string: STR_SYNDICATE_RETALIATION.
Another trouble with staircases, this time in the Apocalypse Outpost mission. The staircases in the corner towers are treated as impassable. See the attached "Temple of Apocalypse staircases.sav"
The algorithm that generates mission maps occasionally creates maps with unreachable sections. It is not much of a problem for farms and even Cyberweb, but some missions in zombie catacombs are unwinnable, because the walls are too thick to break. See the attached "zombies locked.sav".
I understand that's more of a problem with the engine, but is there any way to mitigate it? How should I go about reproducing and reporting it in the vanilla version?
Thanks for the missing string reports tkzv, fixed.
Another trouble with staircases, this time in the Apocalypse Outpost mission. The staircases in the corner towers are treated as impassable. See the attached "Temple of Apocalypse staircases.sav"
More than that; something's very wrong with this tileset. I think I fixed it now.
The algorithm that generates mission maps occasionally creates maps with unreachable sections. It is not much of a problem for farms and even Cyberweb, but some missions in zombie catacombs are unwinnable, because the walls are too thick to break. See the attached "zombies locked.sav".
I understand that's more of a problem with the engine, but is there any way to mitigate it? How should I go about reproducing and reporting it in the vanilla version?
No please don't report it, it's my fault.
I've never had this problem in catacombs, but I guess it's a matter of luck... I'm not sure how to fix that except making all mapblocks boring.
I've never had this problem in catacombs, but I guess it's a matter of luck... I'm not sure how to fix that except making all mapblocks boring.
Yes, it's uncommon and hard to reproduce. But I've seen this even on the farms, so it's not just your tilesets' fault.
What is responsible for map generation? Only the engine, or the mod? Can the mod access the pathfinding algorithm? Can you add a check if it's possible to walk to each block from the first block? And repeat generation if the check fails. This will increase the time for map generation, but since bad maps are uncommon, it won't need to repeat more than once.
Speaking of maps, there's a problem with 2x2 monsters (spider queens, shamblers, megaworms) in caves. Most of the time they are confined to a small area and can't leave it. Of course, this makes the game easier :), but still isn't right. If there's a big monster, the majority of passages should be wide enough. Unless someone deliberately placed them there and feeds them :)
What is responsible for map generation? Only the engine, or the mod? Can the mod access the pathfinding algorithm? Can you add a check if it's possible to walk to each block from the first block? And repeat generation if the check fails. This will increase the time for map generation, but since bad maps are uncommon, it won't need to repeat more than once.
To be very concise, every map consists of blocks. Blocks are either 10x10 or 20x20 (theoretically can be bigger, but it's hardly ever used, except for UFOs). The map size is specified by deployment (for example, per UFO, per mission, etc.) - for example, 50x50. Map blocks are picked randomly to fill the map.
Now, this process can be tweaked with so called map scripts. The simplest script possible would be "fill everything with normal 10x10 blocks". Such a script would look like this:
- type: fillArea
It wouldn't be a very good map script though, as it wouldn't allow spawning any X-Com soldiers (except if you add X-Com spawns to one of the blocks, but there would be no guarantee this block would be picked)... So in practice it also contains some additional commands, like "add craft", "add this special block where X-Com spawns on", "add UFO" etc. Spawning 20x20 blocks also requires special command, like "put 3 such blocks in random positions (and then fill the rest with small blocks)". But there are also more advanced script commands, which allow to draw roads or spawn a particular block in a particular place etc.
So... the answer is, one could think of some very complex script that would put some sort of limits on map generation... But it's hard work and I'm not prepared to do it at the moment.
Speaking of maps, there's a problem with 2x2 monsters (spider queens, shamblers, megaworms) in caves. Most of the time they are confined to a small area and can't leave it. Of course, this makes the game easier :), but still isn't right. If there's a big monster, the majority of passages should be wide enough. Unless someone deliberately placed them there and feeds them :)
If you spot something like this, please let me know (with a screenshot). This is a map design problem - when such tight spots have spawn nodes, they should be specifically unavailable for large units. But sometimes this special limitation may be missing from a node - I fixed many, but possibly not all.
To be very concise, every map consists of blocks. Blocks are either 10x10 or 20x20 (theoretically can be bigger, but it's hardly ever used, except for UFOs). The map size is specified by deployment (for example, per UFO, per mission, etc.) - for example, 50x50. Map blocks are picked randomly to fill the map.
What about the walls between blocks? Some blocks are separated by a wall (for a farm those can be a fence, a hedge, a building wall), some aren't. Is there a command that makes walls appear? Is it random? Or are there just identical 10x10 blocks — one without walls, several with walls on different sides?
If you spot something like this, please let me know (with a screenshot). This is a map design problem - when such tight spots have spawn nodes, they should be specifically unavailable for large units. But sometimes this special limitation may be missing from a node - I fixed many, but possibly not all.
Every cave mission has none but those. I'll post a save and screenshots next time I get such a mission.
What about the walls between blocks? Some blocks are separated by a wall (for a farm those can be a fence, a hedge, a building wall), some aren't. Is there a command that makes walls appear? Is it random? Or are there just identical 10x10 blocks — one without walls, several with walls on different sides?
Walls are part of the mapblocks, and rarely are made to continue outside the block, unless more complex mapScripts are used. Walls also only exist on the north or west side of a tile; this is why, for example, most farm buildings have a 9x9 floor plan with 1 tile space around them on the south and east sides. To ensure accessibility between mapblocks, it's on the modder to design the scripts and blocks generate properly, no pathfinding is used at that level of map generation. In vanilla xcom, it's possible for s UFO to be completely blocked off from the Skyranger by water on polar terrain, so this has been an issue from the beginning with randomly generated maps.
Walls are part of the mapblocks, and rarely are made to continue outside the block, unless more complex mapScripts are used. Walls also only exist on the north or west side of a tile;
Does that mean there are identical mapblocks with and without walls?
In vanilla xcom, it's possible for s UFO to be completely blocked off from the Skyranger by water on polar terrain, so this has been an issue from the beginning with randomly generated maps.
Thanks. This is what I wanted to know. Has any solutions been proposed? And what about the original UFO: Enemy Unknown, was it a problem there?
Does that mean there are identical mapblocks with and without walls?
Eh? No. Why? I'm kinda lost.
Thanks. This is what I wanted to know. Has any solutions been proposed? And what about the original UFO: Enemy Unknown, was it a problem there?
Exactly what Oharty described.
Eh? No. Why? I'm kinda lost.
There seem to be identical map blocks, e.g. wheat fields, sometimes with fences on some sides, sometimes without fences on any side.
If you spot something like this, please let me know (with a screenshot).
Do you need the savegames? They are kind of big — approaching 2.5M. I'll stop posting them if you don't need them. Also, do you need the battlescape view, the map, or both?
Here is the most common case. The staircase on the bottom level is too narrow, and there is a narrow squeeze in front of it. Together it creates a perfect place to gun a melee monster in its lair point-blank from a safe distance at leisure. The spider queen is stuck in her lair.
There seem to be identical map blocks, e.g. wheat fields, sometimes with fences on some sides, sometimes without fences on any side.
In this case yes, it's very possible. Farm has many variants of similar blocks.
Do you need the savegames? They are kind of big — approaching 2.5M. I'll stop posting them if you don't need them. Also, do you need the battlescape view, the map, or both?
Screenshots are fine, thanks.
Here is the most common case. The staircase on the bottom level is too narrow, and there is a narrow squeeze in front of it. Together it creates a perfect place to gun a melee monster in its lair point-blank from a safe distance at leisure. The spider queen is stuck in her lair.
Ahhh, THESE caves! I kept thinking about caves inside hills!
All right then... I'll see what can be done. Not even sure if it's bad.
Ahhh, THESE caves! I kept thinking about caves inside hills!
All right then... I'll see what can be done. Not even sure if it's bad.
Worms offer some challenge, because they can at least spit, but shamblers and big spiders are sitting ducks.
Another round of screenshots then, and I stop until you make up your mind if you want to make caves harder or not. Maybe there should be a separate tileset "Big monster caves", where most corridors are wide enough for them. I can clean those up, if there are some kind of ASCII source files for map tiles.
Worm 1 is stuck in a short corridor.
Worm 2 is stuck on the middle level, because the stairs down are too narrow (same as with spider queen above), and it cannot go beyond the stairs up. Is there too little place?
Worm 3 is stuck in a fairly large hall. Note that entrances to the starting/evacuation area are too narrow, making it completely safe.
Hit the attachment limit :) Continuing.
Whoa, you overdid it a little. :D
OK, I'll rethink these caverns...
To be honest, for the mother spider I found it to match up and be realistic : often in bug nests, the "queen" is typically in a locked off chamber while the drones ferociously defend it.
For other animals this doesn't work, but I find it very fitting for spider hives, or similar bugs.
South wing of the dragonfly does not cast a shadow, but the north wing does.
To be honest, for the mother spider I found it to match up and be realistic : often in bug nests, the "queen" is typically in a locked off chamber while the drones ferociously defend it.
For other animals this doesn't work, but I find it very fitting for spider hives, or similar bugs.
My thoughts exactly.
I'm not touching the "queen chamber", but have already adjusted some other nodes.
South wing of the dragonfly does not cast a shadow, but the north wing does.
I haven't noticed it despite hundreds of missions. :P you have good eyes!
I think I know why, but if I'm right then it's not easy to fix.
Another problem
Another problem
Same here. "A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map." I get it when I try to start Hybrid Infiltrator mission. It worked fine in the previous version.
Another problem
STR_VAN is overridden to STR_XCOM_CAFE in the mapscript (URBANALASKA)
- type: addCraft
craftName: STR_XCOM_CAFE
and STR_XCOM_CAFE has no deployment... so there are no starting tiles for xcom to deploy on the whole map
I think the problem was in one of the Cafe maps. Now I have tested all of them - attaching a hotfix.
An agent is drawn over some walls, not under. To reproduce, load the attached quicksave, enable night vision and move view one level up.
And another similar problem — walls are always over the enemy
Aliens which die due to lack of containment facility do not generate corpses as loot.
-- posts merged ---
Sorry for double post : I found a bug where, despite making 2 radar systems for my main base in europe, on the geoscape I have no radar in the base. Still, I have radar on my base in central america. This originally occurred when I built both radar systems starting at the same time, and building / rebuilding does not seem to fix it.
no idea why this is, unsure if its a graphics error (no ring around the euro base, while one on central america base) or if something is preventing the radar from activating
Damn ANNOYING bug, considering the only think keeping me from promotion 3 is capturing an alien :(
If the option to show radar circles is turned on, then the issue is likely that only the largest circle is drawn, and in the case of XCF, that is the X-Com HQ or Intelligence Center global coverage, which are large-radius, low-detection-chance radars. Check on the opposite side of the globe for a small circle where that radius goes just beyond what's necessary to cover the globe. This is not a bug.
hmmn, I see.
Still, I wonder if this can be changes so intel centers / hq can have this effect removed then, or perhaps even have a multi stage radar display.
Not enough of a map
Not enough of a map
Oops. Fix attached.
Landmine being """unlocked""" in promotion 3 research complete screen is redundant, since its purchasable at promotion 2 with explosives license.
Mikor MGL acquisition at promotion 3 is redundant, or else it unlocks too early once you research it after picking it up off a dead cultist
Is there some reason I cannot use alien containment as a prison cell? I figure it would just be a prison cell with more bits and bobs to contain an alien, and I dont see why I cant put a cultist inside one.
Chasing a UFO causes an IMMENSE lag fluctuation for the entirety of its pursuit, to the point the game is unresponsive.
Chasing a UFO causes an IMMENSE lag fluctuation for the entirety of its pursuit, to the point the game is unresponsive.
There's an option in the menu to predict UFO trajectories when intercepting, but it doesn't work well and it slows the game down, make sure it's turned off.
OK, that's enough... I'm removing that stupid option from the game completely.
Landmine being """unlocked""" in promotion 3 research complete screen is redundant, since its purchasable at promotion 2 with explosives license.
Good point, it was an outdated text.
Mikor MGL acquisition at promotion 3 is redundant, or else it unlocks too early once you research it after picking it up off a dead cultist
Also a bug. Thanks.
Is there some reason I cannot use alien containment as a prison cell? I figure it would just be a prison cell with more bits and bobs to contain an alien, and I dont see why I cant put a cultist inside one.
It should work, but I'm not sure it can be done... I don't think it's such a huge stretch as to agonize over it.
OK, that's enough... I'm removing that stupid option from the game completely.
You know, I remember before the function operated WITHOUT lag, but would predict just fine.
Still, if its being removed...oh well.
According to the tech tree viewer a psionic laboratory is required to manufacture psiclones and X-Com psiclones. But the descriptions do not say it, and the plan to destroy EXALT involves manufacturing psiclones (not by the player, but still) — long before inventing psionic laboratory.
Which part is wrong? Do you plan to give access to psionics earlier? Make EXALT last longer? Or is it a leftover from an earlier version?
OK, that's enough... I'm removing that stupid option from the game completely.
Its probably the best, some people start blaming the game itself if a feature like this, even optional is included.
According to the tech tree viewer a psionic laboratory is required to manufacture psiclones and X-Com psiclones. But the descriptions do not say it, and the plan to destroy EXALT involves manufacturing psiclones (not by the player, but still) — long before inventing psionic laboratory.
Which part is wrong? Do you plan to give access to psionics earlier? Make EXALT last longer? Or is it a leftover from an earlier version?
You need to research Psiclone before you get offensive towards EXALT. You don't have to manufacture it.
But yeah, the Psi Lab requirement for just tuning an existing device is a bit much. I'll remove it.
You need to research Psiclone before you get offensive towards EXALT. You don't have to manufacture it.
But yeah, the Psi Lab requirement for just tuning an existing device is a bit much. I'll remove it.
So, adapting captured psiclones would be possible, but manufacturing them would still require capturing a psionic sectoid? Makes sense now.
What about the requirements to use psiclones and flame glove? Would they require psi-lab training?
A couple more bugs:
1. Middle-clicking "Fat Zombie" and "Mongorn Savage" in the "Sell/Sack" screen doesn't display their UFOpaedia pages. I've researched both. Works correctly for other items and prisoners. Base #1 in the attached savegame.
2. Some agents carrying a Xeno shield appear without it in the inventory screen. Most others look correctly. 2 agents in the van 3 at base #2 in the attached savegame. (Sorry I mixed "absent" and "present" in the screenshot names.)
3. I found and researched a sledgehammer (on a tomb guardian), got a message that I can now buy it, but it still doesn't appear on the purchase/hire screen. Bug?
4. Ctrl-J in debug mode does not put zombies and robots to sleep. Is this a bug or by design behaviour?
So, adapting captured psiclones would be possible, but manufacturing them would still require capturing a psionic sectoid? Makes sense now.
What about the requirements to use psiclones and flame glove? Would they require psi-lab training?
For Psiclone no, for Flame Glove yes.
A couple more bugs:
1. Middle-clicking "Fat Zombie" and "Mongorn Savage" in the "Sell/Sack" screen doesn't display their UFOpaedia pages. I've researched both. Works correctly for other items and prisoners. Base #1 in the attached savegame.
I've never used (or known about) this feature, so I have no idea what you're talking about. I can check, but I have added these units like any other unit in the game, so I can't really do much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. Some agents carrying a Xeno shield appear without it in the inventory screen. Most others look correctly. 2 agents in the van 3 at base #2 in the attached savegame. (Sorry I mixed "absent" and "present" in the screenshot names.)
I've never seen it, and all code looks fine. Are you sure it's not an installation issue?
3. I found and researched a sledgehammer (on a tomb guardian), got a message that I can now buy it, but it still doesn't appear on the purchase/hire screen. Bug?
Unlikely. No idea how I could break it if I wanted, anyway.
4. Ctrl-J in debug mode does not put zombies and robots to sleep. Is this a bug or by design behaviour?
That's not a question to me. I don't even know what Ctrl-J does. :)
For Psiclone no, for Flame Glove yes.
That's not a question to me. I don't even know what Ctrl-J does. :)
That reminds me: Does Psiclone use an agent's psy stats to work? The description does seem to imply they're not really necessary and currently it's hard to get a Psi-Lab before the invasion starts, so I dunno if Voodoo Psychic Power influences the chances of success.
As for Ctr-J, it deals stun damage to all enemies. Robots and Zombies are immune to regular stun damage, so it won't work on them. Instead, try using Electric-type weaponry (aka stun batons and the like) to knock them out (or at least the undead, no idea if robots can be stunned).
For Psiclone no, for Flame Glove yes.
Makes sense.
1. Middle-clicking "Fat Zombie" and "Mongorn Savage" in the "Sell/Sack" screen doesn't display their UFOpaedia pages.
I've never used (or known about) this feature, so I have no idea what you're talking about. I can check, but I have added these units like any other unit in the game, so I can't really do much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I've checked some more, though far from everything yet. It does not seem to work for other living "Strange life forms", rented cars and vans, Red Ops, Red Dawn Pioneers, weapon clips (not sure if they need it) and some Hybrid prisoners. It works for weapons, animal corpses and most human prisoners:
Didn't work for:
public vans and public cars
weapon clips
Mongorn Savage
Giant Spider
Giant Beetle
Deep One Servant
Hybrid Worker
Red Dawn Pioneer (both)
Red Ops (both)
Worked for:
Leather Coat
all weapons
Alien Fuel Trace
First Aid Kit
Alien Communicator
Red Dawn Memory Card
Durathread Manufacturing
Alien Alloys
Zombie Corpse (and probably all other corpses)
Zombie Parasite
Disciple/Priest/Chosen of Dagon
Black Lotus Follower/Warrior/Witch/Footman
Red Dawn Ganger/Lad/Coordinator
EXALT Infiltrator/Goon/Enforcer
So, it's either living animals or cases when several things have the same Ufopaedia page.
Some agents carrying a Xeno shield appear without it in the inventory screen.
I've never seen it, and all code looks fine. Are you sure it's not an installation issue?
I copied UFOEU and TFTD files to their folders in /usr/share/openxcom/UFO/ and /usr/share/openxcom/TFTD/ then unpacked the mod and copied the directory XComFiles to ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/ What can be wrong?
Have you tried my file on your machine?
I found and researched a sledgehammer (on a tomb guardian), got a message that I can now buy it, but it still doesn't appear on the purchase/hire screen. Bug?
Unlikely. No idea how I could break it if I wanted, anyway.
Could I be looking at the wrong part of the list? Where should it appear? Between crossbow and wooden club, like in Ufopaedia?
As for Ctr-J, it deals stun damage to all enemies.
Like dart pistol and rifle? Thanks.
Robots and Zombies are immune to regular stun damage, so it won't work on them. Instead, try using Electric-type weaponry (aka stun batons and the like) to knock them out (or at least the undead, no idea if robots can be stunned).
Yes, both can be stunned by taser pistol, electric club and stun rod. Hitting with a shield works on zombies, but isn't very effective.
4. Ctrl-J in debug mode does not put zombies and robots to sleep. Is this a bug or by design behaviour?
By design.
Ctrl+J does 1000 stun damage... units immune to stun damage are not hurt of course.
Same for Ctrl+K, which does 1000 piercing damage.
Meridian, do you have any ideas what could cause the problems with Ufopaedia not opening from Sell/Sack window, shields missing from inventory pictures and unbuyable sledgehammer?
Meridian, do you have any ideas what could cause the problems with Ufopaedia not opening from Sell/Sack window
Article not existing or not having the same name as the item.
shields missing from inventory pictures
Bug in a mod?
unbuyable sledgehammer?
Prerequisites not met.
PS: just guessing in all 3... give me a save where it happens and I can check...
Attached to my post on the previous page: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg86696.html#msg86696
That reminds me: Does Psiclone use an agent's psy stats to work? The description does seem to imply they're not really necessary and currently it's hard to get a Psi-Lab before the invasion starts, so I dunno if Voodoo Psychic Power influences the chances of success.
I think it depends on Psi Strength, but not Skill.
As for Ctr-J, it deals stun damage to all enemies. Robots and Zombies are immune to regular stun damage, so it won't work on them. Instead, try using Electric-type weaponry (aka stun batons and the like) to knock them out (or at least the undead, no idea if robots can be stunned).
Okay... Well, It depends on the unit really. I might go down the Piratez route and make Ufopaedia entries per armour, not per unit.
I've checked some more, though far from everything yet. It does not seem to work for other living "Strange life forms", rented cars and vans, Red Ops, Red Dawn Pioneers, weapon clips (not sure if they need it) and some Hybrid prisoners. It works for weapons, animal corpses and most human prisoners:
I guess it works for units with armour entries, and doesn't for other units... I honestly have no idea. It's not a feature I requested, and not in vanilla, so... basically, I don't care, to be honest.
If someone tells me exactly what is wr5ong and how to fix it, I might, if it's not too much work. For now, I just don't even understand what's going on.
I copied UFOEU and TFTD files to their folders in /usr/share/openxcom/UFO/ and /usr/share/openxcom/TFTD/ then unpacked the mod and copied the directory XComFiles to ~/.local/share/openxcom/mods/ What can be wrong?
No idea...
Have you tried my file on your machine?
Yes... It looks fine to me. Armours with shields have shields, while armours without shields don't have shields.
Could I be looking at the wrong part of the list? Where should it appear? Between crossbow and wooden club, like in Ufopaedia?
It's STR_SLEDGEHAMMER in the files. In Ufopaedia, it is between STR_NOOSE and STR_BONE_CLUB.
I guess it works for units with armour entries, and doesn't for other units...
It doesn't work for Red Ops, Red Dawn Pioneers and Hybrid Workers/Supervisors/Agents. Those have armour, but they have multiple unit names for a single Ufopaedia page. For example, STR_ZSRR_PIONEER_FEMALE and STR_ZSRR_PIONEER_MALE should both call STR_ZSRR_PIONEER. Similarly, STR_SHAMBLER_TERRORIST calls STR_SHAMBLER.
Could this cause the problem?
It doesn't work for Red Ops, Red Dawn Pioneers and Hybrid Workers/Supervisors/Agents. Those have armour, but they have multiple unit names for a single Ufopaedia page. For example, STR_ZSRR_PIONEER_FEMALE and STR_ZSRR_PIONEER_MALE should both call STR_ZSRR_PIONEER. Similarly, STR_SHAMBLER_TERRORIST calls STR_SHAMBLER.
Could this cause the problem?
Possibly, yes. I will investigate, just give me some time please.
I seem to have the place for bug reports. ;)
I think the zero movement cost is working on the snowy grass and snowy sludge in the latest, but I have the same problem in some other biomes. I've kept a save, so I'll attach it. In the screenshot I highlighted the problem, although it seems there are two kinds of tiles that look exactly the same, but only one kind has the bug.
Thanks, I found the map, but couldn't see any wrong with it... Perhaps you have some older files that need to be updated? I have modified forest terrain some time ago.
I'll try removing the mod and extracting it fresh.
Some more small bugs:
CIVM_ARMOR: CIVILIAN - missing quotes around the string
STR_MILKOR_MGL_UFOPEDIA: This lightweight, grenade launcher - the comma is unnecessary here.
Thank you! All fixed.
As for the STR_CYBER_ARMOR_CORPSE, like oter X-Com corpses - it has no name of its own. It has "name: STR_CORPSE" instead.
A couple more bugs:
1. Middle-clicking "Fat Zombie" and "Mongorn Savage" in the "Sell/Sack" screen doesn't display their UFOpaedia pages. I've researched both. Works correctly for other items and prisoners. Base #1 in the attached savegame.
2. Some agents carrying a Xeno shield appear without it in the inventory screen. Most others look correctly. 2 agents in the van 3 at base #2 in the attached savegame. (Sorry I mixed "absent" and "present" in the screenshot names.)
3. I found and researched a sledgehammer (on a tomb guardian), got a message that I can now buy it, but it still doesn't appear on the purchase/hire screen. Bug?
You can access only the following articles:
You can access only the following articles:
This is normal... when you click on "Sectoid Navigator" you also don't get the "Sectoid" article... and there is no "Sectoid Navigator" article to show.
Soldier #1 (Henrik Lund) = image "MAN_24M21.SPK"
Soldier #2 (Jencir Sampras) = image "MAN_24M17.SPK"
- type: MAN_24M21.SPK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Armors_Compilation/Armored_Vest_Shield/Inventory/MAN_24M21.gif
- type: MAN_24M17.SPK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Armors_Compilation/Armored_Vest_Shield/Inventory/MAN_24M17.gif
Corresponding images look the same on the GUI.
M21 and M22 don't have shield...
3. STR_SLEDGEHAMMER has costBuy = 0, so it is not buyable... that's a bug in OXCE+ (message should not pop up... I will fix it)
--- posts merged ---
I've never seen it, and all code looks fine. Are you sure it's not an installation issue?
Some images in
don't have a shield.
Yes, indeed... Thanks. Fixed!
This is normal... when you click on "Sectoid Navigator" you also don't get the "Sectoid" article... and there is no "Sectoid Navigator" article to show.
Is there any way around that? To display the same article for multiple objects.
Is there any way around that? To display the same article for multiple objects.
Would need to be coded. And then modded.
Hi Solar,
I tried a new version and found some bugs. First of all, about a previously reported missing string:
As for the STR_CYBER_ARMOR_CORPSE, like oter X-Com corpses - it has no name of its own
This string somehow shows up on the Sell screen if the new Meridian's cheat which adds two items of each kind is used. The screenshot is attached.
Second. With a new version of OXCE+ I'm getting strange colored texts in some screens. Moreover, the colors change randomly if I open such windows as the Tech Tree viewer and then return back to a previously buggy screen. This doesn't look like the intended behaviour. Some screenshots are also attached.
A typo:
strange rays that bapass
Too big Ufopedia article: STR_MINEBEA_UZI_UFOPEDIA
And some more missing strings:
The color issues are caused by outdated data files, namely interfaces.rul.
Possible reasons:
1. you updated only EXE, not all data files from the new version
2. or you updated everything, but just by replacing old files... not by starting fresh... in this case the obsolete "interfaces_XCOMFILES.rul" would not be deleted and will cause problems
I guess #2...
2. or you updated everything, but just by replacing old files... not by starting fresh... in this case the obsolete "interfaces_XCOMFILES.rul" would not be deleted and will cause problems
I guess #2...
Thanks, Meridian! It was really the second case. Now everything looks OK.
Got a CTD in battlescape, it is replicable from the savegame but not on the same turn.
Got a CTD in battlescape, it is replicable from the savegame but not on the same turn.
What do I need to do exactly to replicate the crash?
It happened (or not) randomly during enemy turns, no idea about the exact cause.
It happened (or not) randomly during enemy turns, no idea about the exact cause.
I see what the crash is, but I don't know why it's happening (really hard to track and isolate, since it's alien turn and happens more or less randomly)... it's a relatively old bug... I've seen it a few times already in the last months... it randomly pops in and out of existence :(
Attached the place where it crashes, if anyone wants to help debug.
For the record, version used was OXCE+ 2017-08-27 (305ca9a).
I tried with the newest version (OXCE+ 2017-09-03) and no crash... you may want to consider upgrading if it happens a lot... but I think the bug is still there, it just doesn't manifest itself often... I'll ask Yankes for help...
I see what the crash is, but I don't know why it's happening (really hard to track and isolate, since it's alien turn and happens more or less randomly)... it's a relatively old bug... I've seen it a few times already in the last months... it randomly pops in and out of existence :(
Attached the place where it crashes, if anyone wants to help debug.
For the record, version used was OXCE+ 2017-08-27 (305ca9a).
I tried with the newest version (OXCE+ 2017-09-03) and no crash... you may want to consider upgrading if it happens a lot... but I think the bug is still there, it just doesn't manifest itself often... I'll ask Yankes for help...
Just had it happen again. If that helps, there seems to be a bit of a pattern here - it's a "strange creature" mission with zombies this time, while last one was zombie outbreak. Maybye the problem involves zombies in some way?
It never happened on a non-zombie mission so far and i got through a lot of cult missions...
Just had it happen again. If that helps, there seems to be a bit of a pattern here - it's a "strange creature" mission with zombies this time, while last one was zombie outbreak. Maybye the problem involves zombies in some way?
It never happened on a non-zombie mission so far and i got through a lot of cult missions...
It happens during melee attacks... and zombies only have melee... other missions probably have significantly less melee...
It happens during melee attacks... and zombies only have melee... other missions probably have significantly less melee...
I had a crash when agents used reaction shot for melee attacks on enemies several steps away (hitting with a flashlight). Also there were numerous crashes during hidden movement. It never reproduced when I enabled saving random seed.
Could it be a similar problem?
Could be... I've added a better error message now, which will at least tell you what to do until it gets fixed.
if (!_target)
throw Exception("This is a known (but tricky) bug... still fixing it, sorry. In the meantime, try save scumming option or kill all aliens in debug mode to finish the mission.");
As far as I can say, this was caused by some uninitialized/unreset variables across multiple turns in leeroy jenkins AI.
I've fixed that AI earlier and with the fixed version I can't reproduce this error anymore... so I recommend upgrading OXCE+ to newest version to avoid this bug.
I'm not absolutely 100% certain... but good enough to put this issue on ice.
A new list of typos and bugs:
The lists of cities in FMP and XCF slightly differ - in FMP there's New Orleans. Looks like it was added after the work on XCF had begun. Maybe this city should be added to XCF too.
alien agression on the U.S. soil
fact on an asissination mission,
but is prone to mulfunction
Adding such standarized information
hopefully to the plece these
who may have already infiltrated the bulding
may have already infiltrated the bulding!
radio/casette player
A terryfying alien monster
or anything about the infrustructure
The core of Syndicate acivity relies
alien knowledge and techology at any cost
to create artifical proteins
excercise some sort of mental
capture the locals and imterrogate them
damaged our ventillation system
Right around the time of the Kiryu Kai termination
- Kiryu Kai is usually written with a hyphen
towards his collegues
- Oxford Dictionary states that it's an obsolete form. Maybe it should be replaced by "colleagues"
via the internet to radio
- the Internet should be written with the capital I
Some percieve this as proof
that government 'leaks' are disingenous
by an exteraterrestrial intelligence
ou can only take Consealable items
I sugggest we extract as much
giving it enourmous vitality
leading to better metabolical efficiency
- metabolic?
9 mm is a very reliable and acccurate weapon
position in a network of his breathren
It slightly inreases energy regeneration.
with other artefacts of alien technology
STR_AMESTERDAM: "Amesterdam"
STR_CHEYLABINSK: "Cheylabinsk"
- should be Chelyabinsk :).
STR_LILONGUE: "Lilongue"
- should be Lilongwe.
STR_BENGUI: "Bengui"
- should be Bangui.
STR_MOMBASSA: "Mombassa"
- should be Mombasa.
STR_DUSHAMBE: "Dushambe"
- should be Dushanbe.
Their masters exercise a limiteed degree
for its size, elerium core
- should be written with the capital E
The miniaturized elerium core
- the same as above
at piercing kevlar vests
- should be written with the capital K (Kevlar is a trademark)
Durathread is similar to kevlar
- the same as above
make it unsuitable for longe-range
And one more thing. Since coup de grâce is already written with a diacritic character, maybe they should be used where necessary? Just in case, here's a list of the strings that require diacritics:
work hard to maintain our raison d'etre
- raison d'être
STR_ASUNCION: "Asuncion"
- Asunción
- São Paulo
Thanks for all the details. I have fixed them all, except for kevlar - since I'm not referring to the company but to the product. It's like using a walkman and wearing adidas shoes, regardless of their manufacturer.
I agree adding diacritics is a good thing. I've already started.
Aaaaaaaand here's an update. Some texts are still missing, but at least you'll have something to work with.
Some more typos (for v. 0.7.0):
allows us to order such equimpent from their factories
is directly related to the otherwordly
likely requires enviromental protection
distrubuted around the globe by UFOs
A terryfying alien monster is attacking this peaceful village
We should capture the locals and imterrogate them
that lead to places beyong Earth
She studied biochemistry in Zurich
Commmander! We have successfully implanted
we can expect extreme resisitance
Agricutural Flamer Acquisition
Agricutural Flamer
Or at least that's what it appears to be: that the world is full of its brethren
Since the mention about the Brainer was removed, it became unclear whose brethren was mentioned in the article.
STR_PETROPAVLOVSK: "Petropavlovsk" - there's a city in Kazakhstan and in Russia. But the Russian one is called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Unfortunately, this name is too long, and I don't know if anything can be done in that case.
Some more typos (for v. 0.7.0):
Wow! Thanks!
Since the mention about the Brainer was removed, it became unclear whose brethren was mentioned in the article.
I have just shortened it:
STR_HYBRID_NETWORK_UFOPEDIA: "It appears that our planet is not only infested with cults, but also infiltrated by agents bioengineered by aliens themselves, disguised as normal people and preparing the planet for some sort of... harvest? Well I can't say exactly how much truth there is in these tall tales, but we still have documents that contain information on this 'Hybrid Network' and I will track them down personally. I wonder how many types of Hybrids are out there and what they look like..."
STR_PETROPAVLOVSK: "Petropavlovsk" - there's a city in Kazakhstan and in Russia. But the Russian one is called Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Unfortunately, this name is too long, and I don't know if anything can be done in that case.
Well, if you have a better idea, please let me know.
Well, if you have a better idea, please let me know.
Petropavl.-Kamchatsky fits well and is alright as an abbreviation :).
Petropavl.-Kamchatsky fits well and is alright as an abbreviation :).
Fair enough. :)
And another update... Sorry if it's too often, please work on it whenever it suits you.
No problem :). I'm already working on it.
A couple more bugs:
for a long time after the revolution
Here the word Revolution should be written with the capital letter.
on any biological matterials of interest
takes it down with powerful electrical discharches
Some fences in the farm terrain are passable. Agents cross the fence as if it isn't there.
Update: looks like the UL-DR fence on the cabbage patch is passable, but all others work correctly.
An unrelated question: the standard "Gun Melee" mod doesn't work with X-Com Files. Is it deliberate or not?
Hmm, I fixed this fence, but may have missed another instance. I will check.
As for the gun melee, I don't know how it works... I suspect it relies on exact definitions of every weapon, which means it will only works with vanilla weapons.
As for the gun melee, I don't know how it works... I suspect it relies on exact definitions of every weapon, which means it will only works with vanilla weapons.
It goes like this:
- type: STR_PISTOL
meleePower: 20
tuMelee: 15
accuracyMelee: 100
- type: STR_RIFLE
meleePower: 50
tuMelee: 40
accuracyMelee: 100
Yes, "meleePower", "tuMelee" and "accuracyMelee" for every weapon.
If I make a similar file for your mod, will you accept it?
If I make a similar file for your mod, will you accept it?
If you mean "incorporate it into XCF", then probably not, as it's quite balance changing and I'm not sure it wouldn't turn out silly in the end.
But if you want to make a separate mod, then you have not only my permission, but also blessing! :)
If you mean "incorporate it into XCF", then probably not, as it's quite balance changing and I'm not sure it wouldn't turn out silly in the end.
But if you want to make a separate mod, then you have not only my permission, but also blessing! :)
I made a Perl script that creates a melee mod for any other mod. The mod for XCF is attached.
For some reason the damage is lethal rather than stunning.
I think there's an error in items_XCOMFILES.rul. The entry STR_ALIEN_LASER_CANNON_CLIP does not have STR_CLIPS in "categories".
I think there's an error in items_XCOMFILES.rul. The entry STR_ALIEN_LASER_CANNON_CLIP does not have STR_CLIPS in "categories".
Thanks, good catch.
I feel a little warry bringing this up, but I will none the less
I feel the picture for aretha miller and frank smith is ill fitting for exalt
Exalt is a long established, highly wealthy, american based movement with heavy southern influence, and a mostly white population, as far as I can tell
These vibes makes me think it wouldn't be super friendly to blacks, to be honest. Maybe not the to the point of discluding them entirely, but if this group REMOTELY had any white supremacist vibes, or just dislike of blacks in general, I think having a black man / white woman pairing would be nonsense. After all, the exalt soldiers all seem to be white, yet they show a black man? This wouldn't seem good for unit cohesion at all, since propaganda should apply to the lowest common denominator. Any time you deal with propaganda, promotion, you go for what will reach the FARTHEST, which typically means relies on being as relatable as possible : race, origin, religion, world views, ect, so your message will be more effective. And race, while not insurmountable, is certainly a BIG part of propaganda. You don't gauge a message to one race with another races face if you REALLY want to push an idea out, as the racial difference will make the idea less effective...and you cannot tell me you cannot find a white couple anywhere else in exalt who performs the same. It boggles my mind a propaganda target would intentionally include unrelatable factors which could cause division..
Any chance you can change this? ??? I feel odd bringing it up, but I've felt far more weird seeing that for a VERY long time : a rich, highly successful southern based group with a white majority doesn't seem like it would use a black man as a promotional material, in any universe, as relatability is damaged by racial differences. Its not ultra huge, but the more I think about it, the more it makes me wonder why exalt would pick explicitly an interracial pairing for a majority white group....it simply does not add up, and it always seems like something extremely out of place.
For a change, perhaps leon and the girl from the professional?...
How does line of sight calculation work for windows with bars? The agent is standing right in front of the window, the enemy is clearly visible, yet I keep getting "No Line of Fire". First person view shows that the enemies are not obscured.
How does line of sight calculation work for windows with bars? The agent is standing right in front of the window, the enemy is clearly visible, yet I keep getting "No Line of Fire". First person view shows that the enemies are not obscured.
Line of Sight and Line of Fire are drawn from different spots on the soldier, head vs. center. Most likely there' a single voxel blocking the line of fire. You could try force-firing, as sometimes around fences and such you actually could have a clear shot.
As far as I can tell, fences and such are a "chance to block", per block (I'm probably wrong), and extreme angles in particular make it difficult. LOS doesn't always mean a shot cannot be hit, as the shot calculation doesn't account for shots being slightly off and still hitting : this is why a 30% shot point blank always hits, because all the shots that "miss" the intended target (middle of the chest for instance) will still hit unintended areas (such as shoulders, sides, stomach, head, ect)
Same principle applies for targets past bars : the targets center mass might be blocked by a steel bar, or chainlinks, but shooting might still hit them in the shoulder, or kidney.
So just try forcing a shot, see if it works or not. Crouching also sometimes helps, but hitboxes for bars is always just finicky.
Also, I really would like the whole dossier image issue at least commented on : it seems so very out of place, and I've felt this for a while, but just never had the nerve to comment on it.
Exalt is a long established, highly wealthy, american based movement with heavy southern influence, and a mostly white population, as far as I can tell
Well I'm not going to make another organization of black Americans, if the rest of the world only has 3.
But good point about lack of skin variation in Exalt, I'll look into this.
I'm not sure if I'm encountering a bug in some of the maps or a mechanic that I'm just not getting.
I've been experiencing maps that have sections completely blocked off from access. I've only encountered it in the Cyberweb Sewer maps and the Undead Catacombs but that's also all the further I've gotten. Usually it's been the case that my spawn area/room is blocked off from the rest of the map, forcing me to reload a geoscape save before the mission popped. Most recent however is a inaccessible section in an undead catacombs map, containing the last few enemies.
Again, if this is intentional and I'm missing something I apologize but I've detonated about 2-3 shit-tons of High-Explosives trying to breach them so I figured I'd check.
I'm not sure if I'm encountering a bug in some of the maps or a mechanic that I'm just not getting.
I've been experiencing maps that have sections completely blocked off from access. I've only encountered it in the Cyberweb Sewer maps and the Undead Catacombs but that's also all the further I've gotten. Usually it's been the case that my spawn area/room is blocked off from the rest of the map, forcing me to reload a geoscape save before the mission popped. Most recent however is a inaccessible section in an undead catacombs map, containing the last few enemies.
Again, if this is intentional and I'm missing something I apologize but I've detonated about 2-3 shit-tons of High-Explosives trying to breach them so I figured I'd check.
You are right, this happens sometimes. But preventing it would 1) be much work, 2) decrease map variety. I suggest bringing explosives, since blocked off areas are kind of justified on these missions.
... I suggest bringing explosives, since blocked off areas are kind of justified on these missions.
So I can breach through those thick walls? I ask because that smoke in the left side of the first screenshot is the result of all 10 of my High Explosives I brought with me and it didn't do anything to the wall. Do the cave/catacomb walls just require more bang than I'm bringing?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I just haven't been able to make a dent in these situations so I wanted to double check.
I wasn't suggesting a black group, I was merely suggesting a picture change. This is a SINGLE part of an otherwise sensible construct I have an issue with, and I think reworking a token black guy exalt troop would be far dumber than just changing it. Infact, I really hope you DON'T go for trying to diversify exalt more by adding more token black guys. It would just seem weirder that way.
Though we COULD make a cult for africa... Last continental area not having a cult.
You are right, this happens sometimes. But preventing it would 1) be much work, 2) decrease map variety. I suggest bringing explosives, since blocked off areas are kind of justified on these missions.
Can a sledgehammer break those walls?
Sledgehammer targeting walls involves a bullet attack, which presents the following problems
1, sledge hammer can then fire long distances like a rifle.
2. CQC ends up throwing off swings
I want melee that can target cells too, but currently its not possible without some pretty hefty changes on the end of OXC+, like allowing melee to target specific cells while not being classified as gunfire, and a TRUE limited range, not just dropping to 0 when going past 1 cell
I've honestly not encountered any situations with unaccessable rooms, but I do agree that high explosives should be able to help. But I will say this, missions with any BIG importance should make sure this never happens.
So I can breach through those thick walls? I ask because that smoke in the left side of the first screenshot is the result of all 10 of my High Explosives I brought with me and it didn't do anything to the wall. Do the cave/catacomb walls just require more bang than I'm bringing?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I just haven't been able to make a dent in these situations so I wanted to double check.
A few days ago Dioxine made a weaker walls version of the Catacombs, which I have added. Therefore this problem should vanish soon.
I wasn't suggesting a black group, I was merely suggesting a picture change. This is a SINGLE part of an otherwise sensible construct I have an issue with, and I think reworking a token black guy exalt troop would be far dumber than just changing it. Infact, I really hope you DON'T go for trying to diversify exalt more by adding more token black guys. It would just seem weirder that way.
To be honest I don't really understand... I've never tried for a white supremacist faction. If EXALT turned out to be one, it wasn't intended. If you think it's cool, we could go with that, but I think it might be a bit anvilicious. Besides, I don't know the subject all that well.
Though we COULD make a cult for africa... Last continental area not having a cult.
Church of Dagon is there. It would be hard to have jungle pyramids in Scotland. ;)
no no, I'm not trying to say they ARE white supremacist, but merely, I find it kind of WEIRD that a group entirely of white men would promote a black man screwing a white / asian looking girl (the fuck race is zoey anyway?) to promote themselves.
As I said, propaganda is about reliatability and swaying emotions, and its harder to use someone to promote someone to fight and die for something if you have fewer things to relate to, especially with something as intimate as a "romantic image". Kinda hard to self project yourself into the image of such romance if you are not black yourself, thus making the propaganda less effective
no, its not that I view it as white supremacist, its that others would view what I just SAID as "white supremacist" if they are of the liberal persuasion :D. But its a biological fact that people tend to gravitate to their own "kin", hence why I find the whole dossier whacky.
Church of dagon is specifically "Mediterranean". And last I checked, bosnia had a pyramid in EXACTLY the setting your map is in. (maybe not quite a jungle, but close). And other pyramids exist in europe. http://world-pyramids.com/en/world-pyramids/europe/#.WdCgwMZryaE
Areas like the congo, and Saharan africa in general (IE, the majority of africa) aren't entirely represented, and dagon I think would more intensely represent european values of sea-faring, and other elements. Even for Africans pyramids, colonization of africa would enable these activities relatively easily.
And beyond this, every area of the world (north america, south america/central america, asia, europe) has their own representations at this point, yet africa so far does not. Not saying you specifically need it, I don't really care, but I would hesitate to call them of "African origin" because they simply use pyramids in Africa every few months...
And beyond that, pyramids in a jungle is kinda the carraige before the horse, the origin was sea faring places, with medeteranian, and European / gothic influences, so to say they are suddenly african is highly confusing.
besides, doesn't scotland have the whole lore about loc ness? I figure this would be a perfect breeding ground for propaganda of dagon .
no no, I'm not trying to say they ARE white supremacist, but merely, I find it kind of WEIRD that a group entirely of white men would promote a black man screwing a white / asian looking girl (the fuck race is zoey anyway?) to promote themselves.
As I said, propaganda is about reliatability and swaying emotions, and its harder to use someone to promote someone to fight and die for something if you have fewer things to relate to, especially with something as intimate as a "romantic image". Kinda hard to self project yourself into the image of such romance if you are not black yourself, thus making the propaganda less effective
no, its not that I view it as white supremacist, its that others would view what I just SAID as "white supremacist" if they are of the liberal persuasion :D. But its a biological fact that people tend to gravitate to their own "kin", hence why I find the whole dossier whacky.
Sorry Mumble, I'm trying to follow, but still don't get it.
First of all, who said EXALT was "a group entirely of white men"? Certainly not I. I never thought of it that way.
And even if it was, I don't get why it would matter to them what colour their stars are. It's just a WTF moment to me. I don't get your point at all.
"As I said, propaganda is about reliatability and swaying emotions, and its harder to use someone to promote someone to fight and die for something if you have fewer things to relate to, especially with something as intimate as a "romantic image". Kinda hard to self project yourself into the image of such romance if you are not black yourself, thus making the propaganda less effective" - WAT???
"no, its not that I view it as white supremacist, its that others would view what I just SAID as "white supremacist" if they are of the liberal persuasion :D. But its a biological fact that people tend to gravitate to their own "kin", hence why I find the whole dossier whacky." This is som heavy US-specific stuff thast I know little about. Nor do I care, because EZALT is not a US organization anyway; it's an American organization. Right down to the Patagonia.
Church of dagon is specifically "Mediterranean". And last I checked, bosnia had a pyramid in EXACTLY the setting your map is in. (maybe not quite a jungle, but close). And other pyramids exist in europe. http://world-pyramids.com/en/world-pyramids/europe/#.WdCgwMZryaE
Areas like the congo, and Saharan africa in general (IE, the majority of africa) aren't entirely represented, and dagon I think would more intensely represent european values of sea-faring, and other elements. Even for Africans pyramids, colonization of africa would enable these activities relatively easily.
And beyond this, every area of the world (north america, south america/central america, asia, europe) has their own representations at this point, yet africa so far does not. Not saying you specifically need it, I don't really care, but I would hesitate to call them of "African origin" because they simply use pyramids in Africa every few months...
And beyond that, pyramids in a jungle is kinda the carraige before the horse, the origin was sea faring places, with medeteranian, and European / gothic influences, so to say they are suddenly african is highly confusing.
besides, doesn't scotland have the whole lore about loc ness? I figure this would be a perfect breeding ground for propaganda of dagon .
These are all valid points. Maybe another, African faction will emerge one day. But for now I have my hands full.
I'm just saying for propaganda, you use the lowest common denominator to make it relatable to make it effective. Exalt certainly seems to have southern influence, and is majority white, so I just doubt they would choose to promote an interacial couple with a black man being with a white man, to a majority (I think) white force : especially if the intention is to promote fertility and unity, this element would be ineffective in doing so, unless they were trying to PROMOTE such relationships, in which case, why?
Its not like exalt is exactly small... I figure they could find another posterboy for their movement with the same qualifications.
Perhaps I'm overthinking it, but especially with possible cultural / racial tension aspects involved, it just would be bad for unit cohesion.
Perhaps exalt ISN'T entirely white, but with the paxton dossier involving a rich, southern looking guy, and other elements, I cannot help but think its a majority from the information provided in game, which then makes me ask, why this specific couple? You wouldn't see an indian man as a promotional postor for the Chinese army, because the Chinese would be confused by the difference : china is majority Chinese, and promoting someone who isn't for someone who is a majority 1 type of person seems extremely strange for promoting something, unless its part of a secondary objective.
Another thing to keep in mind, is criminal enterprises often don't care about being "polite", so stuff like sexual harassment, assault, racism, ect, while it might otherwise be the tip of peoples tongues in some circumstances for your average law abiding joe, a person who breaks the law all the time has no reason to conform to law and social etiquette anyway : which sort of makes me think there WOULD be a higher rate of xenophobia / racism among ALL these groups, to be completely honest. Criminal enterprises are not exactly equal opportunity employers, nor is there repercussions for such behaviors. Infact a majority of criminal enterprises who are successful are typically racially segregated (MS13 is latino, italian mafia is italian, triad is Chinese) so I often wonder then, especially with a detectable race distribution of entirely white, why a criminal enterprise would CHOOSE to promote a black / white couple...it just.....Seems weird. Who would choose to make them the face of exalt? Why?
Anyway, if you aren't going to change it, I'm just going to leave it. I've said all I think I can, at this point, and still think its a bit weird to picture that for such a group, but if you won't change it, I doubt anything else I say will influence it.
...I suppose I'm also looking at the racial tension element of it, its always been a bit shakey in America, but recently in particular its been absolutely shit.
I appreciate your help, but I think you're making a huge thing out of nothing. I'm not going to scrap content because someone had some impression or other, or I wouldn't have anything left in the mod.
I think the issue Mumble is talking about is that a HUGE amount of the wealthy elite in the US and at least some of the other American nations are white males, and Exalt is supposed to be heavily made up of the wealthy elite of those countries.
Though, I don't have a problem with that image, that same wealthy elite is in no hurry to fight and risk death, that's what the help is for, they would set up their propaganda based on who they're trying to recruit and where they are, and it shouldn't be too hard to have contradictory themes in their propaganda. These guys are manipulative, after all.
In general, a mixed couple as heroes is useful, I think, especially if they're as good as Exalt says they are.
US awareness of racism and political correctness is irritating and I think counter-productive at times.
Thats an interesting way to look at it, doing such things to recruit black men to bring in cheap foot soldiers : the only problem is that there are no other black males visible, so it sticks out greatly
If the only black man in your group is the poster boy, that sends a very odd message.
I wasn't even trying to say it was racism, or should be racism, but its just incredibly odd as a coincidence, that the only one is also the poster boy.... But hey, maybe it might even be a pawn used to make them look better?...
I guess that head cannon makes sense : a bit of propaganda for OUTSIDE exalt, but dismissed as token BS to insiders... almost like exalt virtue signalling to gain favor
Oh well, even if thats bs, that head cannon makes everything make more sense. ::)
Can you guys please stop dragging sjw-related stuff into this? As far as i can tell this MOD has very loose ties with reality as it is. I could point out a load of issues i have with how stuff is portrayed in-game, mostly related to technology (e.g. Gauss and Rail weapons should be switched, Avalanche doesn't have a nuclear warhead etc.), but i've never seen race or sex as an issue here. The council of funding nations and X-COM seem to follow very loose ethics anyway, with civilians being mostly expendable and being ok with experimentation and indefinite detention of sentient beings and captured humans.
A very quick bug report:
"Skorpion SMG", "Skorpion SMG Clip" - no diacritics
and possesses a strong self-consciousness, Commanding large numbers of subjects and personally powerful,
The comma should be replaced by the point.
STR_SEEKER_DRONE, STR_SEEKER_DRONE_AUTOPSY - no Ufopedia marker. As a result, the body of the articles is shown in their titles.
Missing strings:
Edit: the game crashes on opening the Vampire Queen article with the error "Sprite UFOPEDIA_IMG_VAMPIRE_QUEEN_CPAL not found".
Where to report problems with Jukebox? Here or to "OpenXcom Forum » Modding » Released Mods » OpenXCom Extended+" ?
1. When a mission has a custom track (e.g. spiders in a city), pressing "End" displays only the default track. If I switch to it, it's impossible to switch back to the custom track.
2. When I load a quicksave Battlescape game (pressing F9 or from the file list), the same track continues playing, be it the starting menu theme, Geoscape or a different Battlescape track. Games saved via the menu switch music correctly (unless they were saved after loading a quicksave and messing with tracks).
Mod version 0.7.1, engine Git version 54978fba1.
1. feature, not a bug
2. probably same as in vanilla?
2. probably same as in vanilla?
Latest vanilla git refuses to build. 1.0.0 switches tracks correctly.
1. feature, not a bug
What is the purpose of Jukebox if it only displays 1 track?
Latest vanilla git refuses to build. 1.0.0 switches tracks correctly.
I'll have a look.
What is the purpose of Jukebox if it only displays 1 track?
It displays all battlescape tracks (GMTAC*) in battlescape
GMTACTIC for xcom1
and all geoscape tracks (GMGEO*) in geoscape
GMGEO1, GMGEO2 in xcom1
Can you guys please stop dragging sjw-related stuff into this?
Question: how is attempting to make a faction MORE racist SJW? It's not really needed, but the pattern is sort of there. It's perfectly fine with no other changes, but if Solar intended the group to be racist, it could be changed to that easily.
Can you check the last download? It includes some savefiles, and those seem to use some more external mods rather than just "vanilla" XCF.
Some reports after a crash experienced in 0.7.1. doin a mission called "enviromental alert" (but on the geoscape these arelabelled as "strange life forms")
[04-10-2017_13-56-28] [WARN] STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_EARLY not found in en-GB
[04-10-2017_13-58-57] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[04-10-2017_13-58-58] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
and the tokarev pisto handob may need some resizing, since it seems big as a SMG
Save or didn't happen.
Save or didn't happen.
i overwrote it :o but the attached one should be. Oh, there i'm facing an EXALT cult apprehension, but enemies seems to have spawn all inside that black area, see shot attached
The building in the storm seizure mission has bugged stairs. They seem to have floor over them, preventing you from going back down. I only noticed after I got to the top, and had to shoot out a wall to escape.
The building in the storm seizure mission has bugged stairs. They seem to have floor over them, preventing you from going back down. I only noticed after I got to the top, and had to shoot out a wall to escape.
Thanks! Fixed.
Another 0.7.1 report: as already wrote posts before, there are some fences in the farms maps that are passable, the right and left side displaied are. And the mac-10 being more powerful that the mpk5, with a 50 rounds magazine? I don't think it might be possible, peraphs these have their stats swithced? I don't know, but i really like the random output of certain interrogation ;D
Save is attached :)
Edit: Having researched the abducted farmer i got the doctor's way debriefing, the same as i got before havinresearched a red dawn ganger. Maybe it is intended? :)
Edit 2: in a cult apprension misison (league) the title in the briefing screen is duplicated
Edit 3: in such mission captured a live female enemy, but there are some error in strings
Thanks, all fixed. (Except the double research, it's probably something else as you literally can't get it twice.)
I got "Werewolf" from a homicidal maniac, but I still can research the werewolf I caught.
Some things give more than one bit of information after a research, you can study them until you run out of those. I don't know if werewolves are among those, though. Another possibility is that you were researching the werewolf already, I don't think it cancels a subject you're already looking at if you get it for free.
There is a question. When you start the mission "Zombie Hive" crash occurs (either from the menu or the battle of the game). The file "TERRAIN / SIETCH.MCD" is missing. Forgot to download it?
There is a question. When you start the mission "Zombie Hive" crash occurs (either from the menu or the battle of the game). The file "TERRAIN / SIETCH.MCD" is missing. Forgot to download it?
No, I'm an idiot. Attaching a hotfix - please replace the file in Ruleset folder.
Some things give more than one bit of information after a research, you can study them until you run out of those. I don't know if werewolves are among those, though.
They were not in the previous version. This is why I asked.
Another possibility is that you were researching the werewolf already
No, I did not.
I checked the Tech Tree Viewer. There are not 1 but 2 "Werewolf" items! Probably 1 for the Ufopaedia article (or whatever the correct term is), 1 for the item. One is marked studied, the other is not.
It's because of:
STR_WEREWOLF: "Werewolf"
So the guy gives you STR_WEREWOLF (race), but it's the same string as STR_WEREWOLF_TERRORIST (unit).
But it's the same in vanilla: you have STR_SECTOID as a race and STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER as a soldier. The only difference is that the strings are not the same ("Sectoid" and "Sectoid Soldier", respectively).
In vanilla, Medics give info on races in the same way as the madman:
Thanks for explaining.
Can a medic give two items? What if a medic gives a "STR_..._TERRORIST" item, would it in turn give the species entry?
Thanks for explaining.
Can a medic give two items? What if a medic gives a "STR_..._TERRORIST" item, would it in turn give the species entry?
That's what I intend to find out. :)
Finished research should give:
- the topic
- the topic's lookup
- getonefree (unless it's not so free, thanks to solarius)
- getonefree's lookup
- then "all non-disabled non-item-requiring unlocked zero-cost research not protected by requires unless it was the last requires that was just researched in the first place"... I hope you see from this sentence how f'ing retarded all these options and combinations are
- and after all this, it will recursively start again in case something new was added by the above
God help save our CPUs.
Another crash. To reproduce, load the attached quicksave and make Vincenzo Romano (the active agent) shoot the visible Red Dawn ganger.
Update: When this happened the first time, Vincenzo Romano had a red enemy indicator, but after restarts his indicator is now green. Does this mean the sniper-spotter mechanics makes him shoot through the wall?
And I'm pretty sure the indicator was red the first time I tried that.
There is a fix for the executable available on the XComFiles discord channel, otherwise an official executable fix should be released by Meridian by the end of this weekend.
There is a fix for the executable available on the XComFiles discord channel, otherwise an official executable fix should be released by Meridian by the end of this weekend.
Is it available on Github?
Here's the commit on my branch (https://github.com/ohartenstein23/OpenXcom/commit/665f703fe4d336c27e8220dbb49f61b0bc62df7f), based directly on top of Meridian's main branch.
A very small bug report: the STR_SEEKER_DRONE string is missing in the latest version of the mod.
A very small bug report: the STR_SEEKER_DRONE string is missing in the latest version of the mod.
Thanks! This never ends... :P
Article for ghouls text is too long for the page, cuts off. Vampire knights appear WAAAY earlier than tomb gaurdians, yet reference them (through to be honest, it seemed like hunting rifles / mp5s did squat against them..).
I know theres the need to know basis thing, but referencing something in the zombie arc way before you get that deep seems a little strange.
I ran into an inconsistency with plot progression. In my game I progressed with the Syndicate faster than with zombies, so I did the research that discovered the origin of the implant virus before the research that told me there was a virus to investigate.
Article for ghouls text is too long for the page, cuts off. Vampire knights appear WAAAY earlier than tomb gaurdians, yet reference them (through to be honest, it seemed like hunting rifles / mp5s did squat against them..).
I know theres the need to know basis thing, but referencing something in the zombie arc way before you get that deep seems a little strange.
Good point. This was an unforeseen side effect of adding Zombies to special monster attacks. These attacks contain a Leader, which some monster races have (like spiders). For Zombies, this position is occupied by the Vampire Knight, meaning he snuck into the campaign earlier than expected.
Having said that, I don't think it's a bad thing. I just need to keep a tighter control over descriptions. This detail has escaped me.
I ran into an inconsistency with plot progression. In my game I progressed with the Syndicate faster than with zombies, so I did the research that discovered the origin of the implant virus before the research that told me there was a virus to investigate.
Okay, this was a serious blunder. :) I'll have a look ASAP.
A sabre have electric hit animation.
Also, this mod becomes greater and greater.. :)
I found some rooms in the Syndicate regional office that have no entrances. The selected unit should be in one I broke into, with a second one next door. There was also a second set I later encountered further up.
edit: Are the chainsawbots supposed to take Alien Containment space and be unresearchable?
I found some rooms in the Syndicate regional office that have no entrances. The selected unit should be in one I broke into, with a second one next door. There was also a second set I later encountered further up.
Haha, indeed! It looked fine in the editor at a glance, but in fact it was not. Fixed!
edit: Are the chainsawbots supposed to take Alien Containment space and be unresearchable?
No, they shouldn't take up containment space. Neither should other M.A.G.M.A. robots. Fixed.
However, they are indeed unresearchable. There is no need to research them, since they essentially belong to your allies, but there's just no way to ensure that they won't be recovered. Maybe I'll add a little research after all...
Just noticed. At the very beginning interrogating followers of EXALT, Black Lotus, Red Dawn and Church of Dagon gives the Ufopaedia article about the corresponding organization, but it does not appear.
Update: To reproduce, load the savegame and wait — you will see an article about Red Dawn ganger and a random piece of information, but no article about Red Dawn itself.
What do you mean it doesn't appear? If you mean it didn't pop up automatically after research finished, then that is normal. The article should still have appeared in your Earth Lore section. If it isn't there then that sounds like a bug. You should post a save file.
Something seems wrong with the black lotus warrior : they just stand around, and don't charge. I was able to walk up on 1 with two tazers with no issue at all, until I triggered throwing knife overwatch range. Did you possibly give them an energy of zero??
Also, warriors really could use a samarai armor instead of a black full body suit : it would distinguish them from ninjas, and would excuse giving them much needed armor / health (warriors are kinda weak considering they have melee only, and I've never viewed them as a serious threat like I have chosen of dagon with magnums, or exalt goons with mac10s.)
I remember reading somewhere the AI has issues with limited range weapons. It sees that throwing knives are ranged so it tries to snipe with them, but since they can't they just waste their turn.
What do you mean it doesn't appear? If you mean it didn't pop up automatically after research finished, then that is normal. The article should still have appeared in your Earth Lore section. If it isn't there then that sounds like a bug. You should post a save file.
It only appears in Ufopaedia. A similar problem with zrbite earlier was deemed a bug and fixed.
Something seems wrong with the black lotus warrior : they just stand around, and don't charge. I was able to walk up on 1 with two tazers with no issue at all, until I triggered throwing knife overwatch range. Did you possibly give them an energy of zero??
Also, warriors really could use a samarai armor instead of a black full body suit : it would distinguish them from ninjas, and would excuse giving them much needed armor / health (warriors are kinda weak considering they have melee only, and I've never viewed them as a serious threat like I have chosen of dagon with magnums, or exalt goons with mac10s.)
I got the impression warriors and assassins are ambushing you this way, with lots of TUs to out-react you and throw many knives :) It works fine for assassins, but warriors aren't good enough at hiding and don't realize it.
Something seems wrong with the black lotus warrior : they just stand around, and don't charge. I was able to walk up on 1 with two tazers with no issue at all, until I triggered throwing knife overwatch range. Did you possibly give them an energy of zero??
Also, warriors really could use a samarai armor instead of a black full body suit : it would distinguish them from ninjas, and would excuse giving them much needed armor / health (warriors are kinda weak considering they have melee only, and I've never viewed them as a serious threat like I have chosen of dagon with magnums, or exalt goons with mac10s.)
Yes, the AI can't use limited range weapons at all, they just freeze in place. But, if they bait you to come closer and then kill you, then it's not so bad. ;D
Samurai armour? Why? They aren't samurai, they are more like ninjas. Just like the Assassins - they are pretty much the same thing, just a different level.
I saw it already reported, my game also suffers from occasional segmentation errors, which occur in bigger missions when someone in a far corner of the map goes beserk.
Also, I'm either blind or the HMG doesn't seem to have an UFOPAEDIA entry.
I saw it already reported, my game also suffers from occasional segmentation errors, which occur in bigger missions when someone in a far corner of the map goes beserk.
Also, I'm either blind or the HMG doesn't seem to have an UFOPAEDIA entry.
Yes, both issues were reported.
The first one should be fixed by downloading and replacing Meridian's latest OXCE+ release.
The later was a Ufopaedia problem, I have fixed it on my end.
I just did the Vampire Castle mission and I ran into a few issues. At the start, the evac zone was only ten wide despite arriving in a fully loaded skymarshall. Later on I ran into some bugged stairs. The attached save has my guy just before them and his MC'd Queen on them.
Also the issue with blocked off areas hit me hard. I spent around 40 turns searching for an enemy in a two space room on the edge of the map.
Yes, the AI can't use limited range weapons at all, they just freeze in place. But, if they bait you to come closer and then kill you, then it's not so bad. ;D
Samurai armour? Why? They aren't samurai, they are more like ninjas. Just like the Assassins - they are pretty much the same thing, just a different level.
Because we ALREADY have ninjas, and the assassins are badass as fuck, while the warriors feel like the lotus warrior feels like the black lotus grunts stole the assassins clothes, put on kevlar and bought a better melee weapon, and forgot a firearm. It really feels kinda cheap, as its a reskin of a STRONGER enemy, and warriors really provide little value in a battle. Honestly this is a big issue I have with black lotus, they are really meh besides the footmen, witch, and assassin, as the melee weapons make for such an easy kill.
You also missed the point, that this guy stood around like a dingus and did nothing UNTIL I got close enough, and had I just lit him up with mp5 bullets, this death wouldn't of happened whatsoever.
Beyond that, warriors really just don't provide much challenge, short of the time listed (which was 100% preventable) I've never died from a warrior since they always prefer melee and knives. I could propose 2 solutions, 1, that they get a boost to overall tu's (faster) and possibly get kamikaze AI, or 2, that they get armor, and a new skin which isn't just a pallet swap.
honestly, I think even giving the black lotus grunts higher TU's would be good : they train daily right? I figure they would be swifter because of this, and this would make them slightly more formidable this way.
In short, warriors don't feel particularly formidable or special in any real sense, to the point I actually prioritize them LOWER than grunts on most occasions... but besides witches, assassins and footmen, lotus is still a slight joke. And giving both warriors and assassins the same texture honestly just seems lazy on your part : no offense.
Whole point of such an outfit is stealth, which they dont have, and so for charging head long, traditional Japanese / Chinese armor would be very fitting.
And either way, the knives locking them in place feels like an exploit, as you can ignore them entirely this way if you stay outside the range. Maybe for the meantime you should remove knives from them....
I just ran into an infiltration mission where there was no exit to the Cafe I started in. Maybe you should add an entrance to another side?
In the 0.7.2 there are still palmas in front of doors; plus Solarius pheraphs you'd need to double check ALL the maps in the game? :) a savegame is provided.
Ah, and in the ufopedia the rocket launchers page, "rocket" word is missing? See screenshots attached :)
In the 0.7.2 there are still palmas in front of doors
And they will remain there forever.
plus Solarius pheraphs you'd need to double check ALL the maps in the game? :) a savegame is provided.
Yeah, that's one fucking reasonable request.
Why don't you do it, smart guy?
Ah, and in the ufopedia the rocket launchers page, "rocket" word is missing? See screenshots attached :)
If anything's missing, it's your screws.
Sorry, did not want to read annoying. I suppose the map thing is a huge affair :'( ok never mind :)
Is there a reason "surfs up" mission forbids all firearms, but allows all kinds of bows, crossbows, and dart guns? I can see not packing a full gear load, but I figure mini pistols like the snub-nose and light pistol could still work just fine, and CERTAINLY be more discreet than a crossbow.
Is there a reason "surfs up" mission forbids all firearms, but allows all kinds of bows, crossbows, and dart guns? I can see not packing a full gear load, but I figure mini pistols like the snub-nose and light pistol could still work just fine, and CERTAINLY be more discreet than a crossbow.
Dart guns are an underwater weapon, so it's entirely plausible if some tourists carry an unusual dart gun. Guess, that applies to the crossbow too. Not so much for bows and clubs, I'm afraid.
An error in purchase list grouping. LC-I Ammo is in the "Incendiaries" group, but Light Cannon is not.
In case of Grenade Launcher and "46mm Crenade (INC)" both are Incendiaries, which seems more correct.
Theres a BIG difference between dart guns right near a diving area / on a diving boat, and actually just on a sun bathing beach.
And by this logic small pistols would still work, since small pistols are used for catching large fish to shoot them in the head.
Besides that, this REALLY limits the weapons you can use to approach in these missions pretty drastically, making the mission a bit of a shit show.
EDIT : actually this applies to both of the things, ski resort and surfs up : you spawn in with mostly melee weapons and can only bring crossbows / darts for ranged weapons, while fighting cultists with machine guns, and you have no armor?!
Something is horribly unbalanced with these missions man =). I at very least think anything which fits in a quick draw slot should be allowed, period.
An error in purchase list grouping. LC-I Ammo is in the "Incendiaries" group, but Light Cannon is not.
In case of Grenade Launcher and "46mm Crenade (INC)" both are Incendiaries, which seems more correct.
Right, fixed.
Theres a BIG difference between dart guns right near a diving area / on a diving boat, and actually just on a sun bathing beach.
And by this logic small pistols would still work, since small pistols are used for catching large fish to shoot them in the head.
Besides that, this REALLY limits the weapons you can use to approach in these missions pretty drastically, making the mission a bit of a shit show.
Well, that's kind of the point... But it's an optional mission, mostly for extra money.
As for weapon selection, sure it's arbitrary. But I honestly can't imagine a tourist carrying a gun for killing fish. I mean, what kind of law would allow that? (In most of the world anyway, I know it's OK in Somalia or the US.)
EDIT : actually this applies to both of the things, ski resort and surfs up : you spawn in with mostly melee weapons and can only bring crossbows / darts for ranged weapons, while fighting cultists with machine guns, and you have no armor?!
Something is horribly unbalanced with these missions man =). I at very least think anything which fits in a quick draw slot should be allowed, period.
But this is called stealth. :) No, seriously, this is not a good idea. You don't like these missions, don't do them. But I won't allow guns on the beach, it just doesn't make sense.
I honestly can't imagine a tourist carrying a gun for killing fish. I mean, what kind of law would allow that? (In most of the world anyway, I know it's OK in Somalia or the US.)
Pneumatic single-shot spearguns have muzzle energy on par with 9 mm pistols, but seem to be allowed in most countries of the world. The only thing banned is using them with an aqualung — that's considered poaching in most countries (but allowed in the USA :) )
Though X-COM dart guns are closer to the rumoured needle guns of "frogmen". I did not find anything reliable about those and can't say if they should require permissions or pass through loopholes. (Underwater firearms that use gunpowder are definitely a weapon, but I'm not talking about them.)
Pneumatic single-shot spearguns have muzzle energy on par with 9 mm pistols, but seem to be allowed in most countries of the world. The only thing banned is using them with an aqualung — that's considered poaching in most countries (but allowed in the USA :) )
Ah, that thing. Yeah, I guess it would be allowed if it existed in the mod. But designing it would probably be a tough one. :)
Though X-COM dart guns are closer to the rumoured needle guns of "frogmen". I did not find anything reliable about those and can't say if they should require permissions or pass through loopholes. (Underwater firearms that use gunpowder are definitely a weapon, but I'm not talking about them.)
Yeah, and I sort of plan to make special underwater ammo for certain weapons, like the Groza. But I never really did, because I don't have a clear idea how to do that, yet.
Ah, that thing. Yeah, I guess it would be allowed if it existed in the mod. But designing it would probably be a tough one. :)
Why tough? It's just a crossbow with longer reloading time, "underwater" property and different sprites. Not much work, just pointless, in my opinion.
Unrelated question: Mikor MGL is in "Incendiaries", but it doesn't have any incendiary ammo. Is it an error, or an ammo I haven't discovered yet?
I know it may be illegal, but by this logic, why have guns in ANY european country, china, japan, or all these other (freedom hating) areas?
Beyond that, xcom at day 1 is an international investigation agency with authorization to bring weapons into countries : I know the whole deal with tourism and stuff, but I figure one could flash their badge to sneak in a few small pistols and such
Besides, the weapons availible are very limited, and not even indicated unless you know beforehand, so if you pack a crew with pistols and no crossbows, you are completely fucked, and killed off all your agents the moment you started the mission : we should AT LEAST make it clear pistols are not allowed, as this was how I started off, and it was a very nasty suprise, especially with no retreat chance
Perhaps this? Maybe such resorts could have archery ranges / sporting rifle spots for procure on sight operations, while tiny pistols are allowed? This would make more sense than weapons as big as crossbows, and still provide unique challenges.
In short, I dont understand why the agents, even when undercover, could not carry concealable pistols, but could totally bring in MASSIVE CROSSBOWS AND DART GUNS into the resort. I would figure these places would have such weapons on sight only, if anything, and it would be easier to smuggle in a handful of snubnose pistols than crossbows ::)
Why tough? It's just a crossbow with longer reloading time, "underwater" property and different sprites. Not much work, just pointless, in my opinion.
One-handed shotgun. :) I imagine it would have an abysmal range, yes? Almost taser level?
Unrelated question: Mikor MGL is in "Incendiaries", but it doesn't have any incendiary ammo. Is it an error, or an ammo I haven't discovered yet?
A bug. Thanks, fixed.
I know it may be illegal, but by this logic, why have guns in ANY european country, china, japan, or all these other (freedom hating) areas?
There is always a reason. It's the most obvious reason to raise your level anyway - more lenient rules.
Beyond that, xcom at day 1 is an international investigation agency with authorization to bring weapons into countries : I know the whole deal with tourism and stuff, but I figure one could flash their badge to sneak in a few small pistols and such
In this case it's more about stealth. Even if you keep your pistol hidden, the cult will probably have a very close eye on all tourists, including you. The cleaning lady, the beach cleaner guy, the ice cream vendor - all of them could be informants. So it was decided that we simply don't bring guns. We'll beat them with surfboards!
Besides, the weapons availible are very limited, and not even indicated unless you know beforehand
Hey, it isn't true.
so if you pack a crew with pistols and no crossbows, you are completely fucked, and killed off all your agents the moment you started the mission : we should AT LEAST make it clear pistols are not allowed, as this was how I started off, and it was a very nasty suprise, especially with no retreat chance
I'm fairly sure this is explained in the briefing. Or maybe it should be improved? Any suggestions?
Perhaps this? Maybe such resorts could have archery ranges / sporting rifle spots for procure on sight operations, while tiny pistols are allowed? This would make more sense than weapons as big as crossbows, and still provide unique challenges.
I'd rather add more non-standard solutions, like bows. Or something else that can pass for sporting/beach equipment.
In short, I dont understand why the agents, even when undercover, could not carry concealable pistols, but could totally bring in MASSIVE CROSSBOWS AND DART GUNS into the resort. I would figure these places would have such weapons on sight only, if anything, and it would be easier to smuggle in a handful of snubnose pistols than crossbows ::)
Well, hopefully I have explained above. :)
I imagine it would have an abysmal range, yes? Almost taser level?
Several — maybe 10 — metres underwater, several times more in air. More like a shotgun than a taser.
I'm fairly sure this is explained in the briefing. Or maybe it should be improved? Any suggestions?
The briefing is rather vague about which weapons and outfits are allowed. There is a button to display acceptable outfits, perhaps it could also display the allowed weapons?
I'd rather add more non-standard solutions, like bows. Or something else that can pass for sporting/beach equipment.
I loved it when I could use surfing board as an improvised weapon :) Though clubs are more convenient.
If the idea of all of these weapons is restricted, then how about ultra concealable pistols?
There's 2 in mind, one is a 22 magnum pistol with 1 shot in it, which can fit inside a wallet, and another is a 2 shot 45 pistol which is only slightly bigger. I figure these could be concealed even in swimsuits, and would at LEAST allow some sort of conventional firepower, and would be much more available than crossbows.
Also solair, no there is no notification for weapon restrictions on mission details or anything, and you can check everything you bring by launching the mission in "new battle". Just crossbows and dart guns, darts being a more promotion 3 item anyways, and unavailible : and I figure if the groups are paranoid enough to check for stuff like pistols, crossbows would also raise eye brows.
Beyond that, it seems rediculously balanced even if you see it coming, crossbows against guys with machine guns, and no armor? A bit much, really... And I figure xcom agents could manage sneaking in mirco pistols...they are AGENTS after all.
Several — maybe 10 — metres underwater, several times more in air.
And how do you propose we do this?
The briefing is rather vague about which weapons and outfits are allowed. There is a button to display acceptable outfits, perhaps it could also display the allowed weapons?
Perhaps, yes. No idea how doable it is, but I think it would be quite helpful.
If the idea of all of these weapons is restricted, then how about ultra concealable pistols?
There's 2 in mind, one is a 22 magnum pistol with 1 shot in it, which can fit inside a wallet, and another is a 2 shot 45 pistol which is only slightly bigger. I figure these could be concealed even in swimsuits, and would at LEAST allow some sort of conventional firepower, and would be much more available than crossbows.
Perhaps. I'll think about it.
Also solair, no there is no notification for weapon restrictions on mission details or anything, and you can check everything you bring by launching the mission in "new battle". Just crossbows and dart guns, darts being a more promotion 3 item anyways, and unavailible : and I figure if the groups are paranoid enough to check for stuff like pistols, crossbows would also raise eye brows.
Crossbows are a bit borderline, but still kind of passable around a beach.
And how do you propose we do this?
Err... I didn't propose. I was just retelling second-hand information about RL guns :)
I have no idea how to implement different range for water and air.
solair, since outfits can have versions of them for underwater, cant weapons have the same?
Is this remotely possible?
No, unfortunately it's not possible at the moment.
And I was actually hoping tkzv had an idea... But don't feel bad man, I am no better. :)
Mission site for "Hybrid/Men in Black Meeting" is a UFO of type "Mansion Men in Black". To get there I had to shoot this mansion down :)
A few versions ago (0.6.8, probably) I've seen a similar error for something like "Hybrid Fortress" (not sure about the name) which had jarheads inside.
After the victory at Cydonia the endgame slideshow is displayed twice.
An unrelated question: since there are several unrelated groups causing trouble and it's possible to finish Cydonia before some of them, do you think the game should continue after this victory?
How does infiltration work? I shoot down every ship on infiltration mission, including both battleships, before any of them lands, yet every targeted country defects.
These hybrid missions are relics of very ancient times when a mission required a UFO. Right now they are sort of placeholders.
The Cydonia slideshow is an interesting bug. I will check if it happens to me as well.
I plan to make Cydonia require completion of other arcs in some way.
Infiltration works exactly like in vanilla.
I got a crash with the most recent version.
I was just starting a new game and managed to intercept an alien ship twice; this is the second ship and I lost all but 1 guy who was the alien's panic buddy(he was being psy-panicked or whatever for like 10 rounds) and they finally did mind control on him and the game crashed. I think it was because he was mind controlled when he was the last guy alive. Also, does anyone have a save for the most recent version that starts around the beginning of the alien invasion?
By most recent version, do you mean 0.7.2 or 0.7.3? This is a known bug that getting a soldier mind controlled causes a crash in 0.7.2, fixed by the release of a new exe. When you start Open XCom, what date is shown on the title screen?
Okay, sorry. I had 0.7.2 and thought it was the most recent. Oh, no wonder I thought that. It was updated today!
Another list of small typos:
of colossal, organic structures - maybe I'm wrong, but I think the comma is unnecessary here
below a certain threashold
inspired by his granfather's work
travelling - you replaced all the British to American English. This may be the last one.
of colossal, organic structures - maybe I'm wrong, but I think the comma is unnecessary here
I agree.
travelling - you replaced all the British to American English. This may be the last one.
It's not that clear cut, but I agree that the form "traveling" is preferred in American English.
(Even though it looks like a window with no glass panes.)
Hey, it's not in the game yet :P
As always, many thanks!
And where is this string in the game?
And where is this string in the game?
It appears for some UFOs as a name of their mission.
Unrelated problem: the text for "Into the Dark" is too long, the lower half of the last line is missing.
It appears for some UFOs as a name of their mission.
Ahh, right! I have completely forgotten about the Decoder.
Unrelated problem: the text for "Into the Dark" is too long, the lower half of the last line is missing.
Thanks, fixed.
I don't get any of the new missions. STR_CHTONITE_MINIBASE_ASSAULT and STR_SHOGG_VILLAGE appear in the save file at the start of the month, but the missions don't start this month.
I used a save from 0.7.3, but added to it missing entries from a save from 0.7.4:
missions: ~
missions: ~
The Chtonite Minibase mission was actually added in 0.7.3.
These two missions have a random chance of appearing. From your description I'm not sure if it simply hasn't happened yet or there is some legitimate bug.
If you want to experiment, open.alienMissions_XCOMFILES.rul, find the mission in question and remove the executionOdds line, then wait until next month. If it still doesn't spawn that minth, then we have a bug.
The Chtonite Minibase mission was actually added in 0.7.3.
These two missions have a random chance of appearing. From your description I'm not sure if it simply hasn't happened yet or there is some legitimate bug.
If you want to experiment, open.alienMissions_XCOMFILES.rul, find the mission in question and remove the executionOdds line, then wait until next month. If it still doesn't spawn that minth, then we have a bug.
Are you sure? executionOdds is only present in missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul. Did you mean that? I changed it, but nothing appeared. I think executionOdds sets the chances of the mission appearing next month.
I've attached the game where Chtonite minibase should appear in 1342 minutes (about 22 hours). And the next month with Shogg after 20157 minutes (14 days) and Chtonite after 39348 (27 days). Neither appears.
Then I started another game, manually added STR_ALIEN_SUBTERRANEAN_ACTIVITY and STR_GOING_DEEPER to the list of discoveries, got another 2 missions in the file next month, but neither appeared.
Are you sure? executionOdds is only present in missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul. Did you mean that? I changed it, but nothing appeared. I think executionOdds sets the chances of the mission appearing next month.
Yes, you're right. I mixed up the file names.
I've attached the game where Chtonite minibase should appear in 1342 minutes (about 22 hours). And the next month with Shogg after 20157 minutes (14 days) and Chtonite after 39348 (27 days). Neither appears.
Then I started another game, manually added STR_ALIEN_SUBTERRANEAN_ACTIVITY and STR_GOING_DEEPER to the list of discoveries, got another 2 missions in the file next month, but neither appeared.
Hmmm... No idea what could be wrong... Everything looks fine...
EDIT: Lol no, it was bugged after all. Please download 0.7.5 for the fix.
Works for Shogg Village now. Landing at Chtonite Minibase results in this message, when I press "Yes":
OpenXcom has crashed: Map failed to fully generate.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Same for any of my saves above.
Update: same for "New Battle" mode. In version 0.7.4 "New Battle" did work for this mission.
Works for Shogg Village now. Landing at Chtonite Minibase results in this message, when I press "Yes":Same for any of my saves above.
Update: same for "New Battle" mode. In version 0.7.4 "New Battle" did work for this mission.
Crashes for me too. The funny thing is, I can't remember changing this mission. Fix in progress.
In Scorpoid village it's possible to strike through some brick walls. At least with melee weapons. On the attached screenshot and quicksave it's the wall in front of Taras Shevchenko.
Unrelated question: the mission "ROGUE ROBOTS IN M.A.G.M.A. FACTORY!" appeared after the destruction of Syndicate. Is this right?
P.S. M.A.G.M.A. messages rarely appear in the correct order from 1 to 5. Should their titles be renamed? Something like:
1: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Greetings"
2: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Cleanup Appreciated"
3: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Heavy Cannon"
4: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Auto Cannon"
5: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Pulse Weapons"
And speaking of repetitive missions, what about monsters terrorizing cities and Blood/Black Moon? The solution for monster problem kills all monsters on the surface, leaving only the cave and catacomb missions. I understand that it doesn't affect Spider Nest and Ooze Nest, because they were underground. But why do the rest remain?
Men in Black use their own craft for cover-up missions, but standard UFOs for retaliation missions. Is this intentional, or yet another leftover from the early versions?
And another duplicate string in extraStrings_XCOMFILES.rul:
STR_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FOR_TRANSFER_2: "NO ANIMAL PENS FOR TRANSFER!{SMALLLINE}Live creatures require special facilities in the base."
STR_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FOR_TRANSFER_2: "No cells available for transfer!"
Interrogated alien medics don't give information about Ultra Cryssalid and Ultra Cryssalid Corpse. Bug? Or is there some reason behind it?
In Scorpoid village it's possible to strike through some brick walls. At least with melee weapons. On the attached screenshot and quicksave it's the wall in front of Taras Shevchenko.
I'll look into this.
Unrelated question: the mission "ROGUE ROBOTS IN M.A.G.M.A. FACTORY!" appeared after the destruction of Syndicate. Is this right?
I think it's justifiable with their huge resources. Even decapitated, a wyrm is still dangerous in its death throes.
P.S. M.A.G.M.A. messages rarely appear in the correct order from 1 to 5. Should their titles be renamed? Something like:
1: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Greetings"
2: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Cleanup Appreciated"
3: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Heavy Cannon"
4: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Auto Cannon"
5: "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Pulse Weapons"
Not sure how you can change this order, but I guess it's not a bad idea. I'll consider it.
And speaking of repetitive missions, what about monsters terrorizing cities and Blood/Black Moon? The solution for monster problem kills all monsters on the surface, leaving only the cave and catacomb missions. I understand that it doesn't affect Spider Nest and Ooze Nest, because they were underground. But why do the rest remain?
Good point. Fixed.
Men in Black use their own craft for cover-up missions, but standard UFOs for retaliation missions. Is this intentional, or yet another leftover from the early versions?
Sort of leftover, but MiB need much more work. For now they're more of a demo.
And another duplicate string in extraStrings_XCOMFILES.rul:
STR_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FOR_TRANSFER_2: "NO ANIMAL PENS FOR TRANSFER!{SMALLLINE}Live creatures require special facilities in the base."
STR_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FOR_TRANSFER_2: "No cells available for transfer!"[/tt][/quote]
Thanks, fixed.
Interrogated alien medics don't give information about Ultra Cryssalid and Ultra Cryssalid Corpse. Bug? Or is there some reason behind it?
It's not a common unit, so I'm not sure any medic would have the info... Maybe some of them.
As always, some more typos in the latest version:
Was there another, world down there
There's no need in the comma here.
It preobably wouldn't pass
I dont believe in criticizing art
This insectoid have all the features
knowledge bank ond chemical regulator
tremendous. there is usually
this Zombie type holds large amounts of bio energy
I think bioenergy should be written in one word.
fuelled, modelled, theatre - British spelling
Missing strings:
STR_CYBERDREDNAUGHT_PLANS - you added the string STR_CYBERDREADNAUGHT_PLANS. This should be fixed either in the items_XCOMFILES.rul ruleset or in the extraStrings_XCOMFILES.rul file.
Thanks, attaching a fixed version.
Remember to update the version number in the Russian version, the last one was something like 0.7.2. ;)
Not sure how you can change this order, but I guess it's not a bad idea. I'll consider it.
In the previous playthroughs I got something like 1-4-3-5-2 or 1-3-2-4-5. "2" appeared the second only once out of ~5 times.
Sort of leftover, but MiB need much more work. For now they're more of a demo.
There seem to be multiple MiB research topics not appearing when they should. And corpses are not researchable, while topics are present in the tree viewer. If you are going to overhaul that part, I won't dig deeper for now.
It's not a common unit, so I'm not sure any medic would have the info... Maybe some of them.
Ethereal medics, at least. Or whoever works with them.
Ethereal medics, at least. Or whoever works with them.
There are no Ethereal medics. XD
But yes, there is one guy who knows...
Thanks, attaching a fixed version.
Remember to update the version number in the Russian version, the last one was something like 0.7.2. ;)
Thanks for the quick update, Solar! I've reuploaded my translation :).
Regarding that attack-through-walls "bug": it's no bug, it's a window. :P But it's not clearly visible with all these walls around.
Hello, not really a bug but i did not noticed in my "games" :'( watching Starving Poets's playthrough (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5704.0.html) in the geoscapes' base view the vans are white but in battlescape are black; may be made also black in the base? A couple f screenshots attached, , thanks :D
Edit: that still applies to 0.7.5b, and affects also the starting car, which have red color in base and grey in battlescape
Hello, not really a bug but i did not noticed in my "games" :'( watching Starving Poets's playthrough (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5704.0.html) in the geoscapes' base view the vans are white but in battlescape are black; may be made also black in the base? A couple f screenshots attached, , thanks :D
Edit: that still applies to 0.7.5b, and affects also the starting car, which have red color in base and grey in battlescape
Hmmm, actually, good point.
If only the basescape palette wasn't that problematic. :P
Hmmm, actually, good point.
If only the basescape palette wasn't that problematic. :P
Speaking of the van, do you think the "X" logo on the van is too obvious? Doesn't X-COM try to be a secret organization?
Hmmm, actually, good point.
If only the basescape palette wasn't that problematic. :P
Well may i humby suggest to use a color present in both of then. Well i am compete ignorant of possible issues so forgive me please!! Small point: the ak 47 featured in the game appears to be very huge compared to aksu, may its handhob be resized? Or at least a nice choiche would be another sprite (see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5715.msg89616.html#msg89616)).
As for the logo on the van i think of it as a covert thing or something
Speaking of the van, do you think the "X" logo on the van is too obvious? Doesn't X-COM try to be a secret organization?
Well, a simple red "X" isn't too much of a reveal. And if you know what it means, then you also know what to look for...
Well, a simple red "X" isn't too much of a reveal. And if you know what it means, then you also know what to look for...
It is fine for monster hunts. Some armed foreign guys with an "X" logo — no problem; likely the government can't handle this on their own and brought outside specialists. But for undercover missions you'd want your party van without any telltale signs.
It is fine for monster hunts. Some armed foreign guys with an "X" logo — no problem; likely the government can't handle this on their own and brought outside specialists. But for undercover missions you'd want your party van without any telltale signs.
It's a design thing. Sure, we could remove the X, or even better - never draw it (drawing it is a pain)... But it's X-Com, so if something isn't completely ridiculous, I don't really want to change it.
I do not see any problem here at all. Sometimes it is better to keep something "unrealistic" - a little bit of Rule of Cool is not bad for a video game or game mod.
I see the X on the side of the van as being true to X-coms campy origins-I mean, the whole thing is like-we're a secret organization! Shh. Don't pay attention to the youtube video of the flying purple aliens with capes that we killed with rocket launchers while trashing Seattle. XCOM is clearly 'sworn to secrecy' but obviously and probably intentionally not doing much of a good job, as evidenced by the lore-only six months after XCOM wins they go public, which implies pretty much everybody already knew. The ultimately want the people of earth to know they are protecting them.
"Hey, it's xcom!"
"No we're not, and we disavow that any organization named XCOM actually, or has ever existed, for the sole purpose of combating extraterrestrial threats. That being said, we are the pest control company you 'hired'. I hear you have giant mutant scorpions in the area? I mean, we may, I mean defintely are not XCOM-which doesn't exist anyway, perish the thought-but, we're good at handling things like that. You know what I mean?"
Also hiding in plain sight is a thing. Who would ever think XCOM would drive around in such an obviously marked 'secret van'? ;D
I see the X on the side of the van as being true to X-coms campy origins-I mean, the whole thing is like-we're a secret organization! Shh. Don't pay attention to the youtube video of the flying purple aliens with capes that we killed with rocket launchers while trashing Seattle.
Well, that can work too.
I just wanted to know if the "X" on a secret van is a design choice or an oversight.
By the way, YouTube started only in 2005. In 1997 camcorders were bulky, expensive, relatively rare and gave resolution up to 576x480 at 50 frames per second. Anything posted online was full of compression artefacts. Quite easy to deny anything :)
Who would ever think XCOM would drive around in such an obviously marked 'secret van'? ;D
Paranoid mobsters hiding both from police and from rival alien collaborators :) Better safe than sorry.
Or are they rivals? Solarius, what are the relationships between X-COM's enemies? Church of Dagon works with Aquatoids, Cyberweb does odd jobs for Syndicate through the mediation of Osiron, but what about the rest? The territories of the 4 starting cults partially overlap. Do they fight? Had they made some agreements?
Or are the initiates so few and far between that potential rivals never meet?
Solarius, what are the relationships between X-COM's enemies? Church of Dagon works with Aquatoids, Cyberweb does odd jobs for Syndicate through the mediation of Osiron, but what about the rest? The territories of the 4 starting cults partially overlap. Do they fight? Had they made some agreements?
This is a bit offtopic, but okay. :) Most of these organizations are neutral to one another, some are sort of rivals (but not necessarily mortal enemies). Osiron will work with anyone who brings cash. At a higher level things are more tense, for example M.A.G.M.A. is at war with the Syndicate. But the most important thing is that bigger organizations tend to control smaller organizations, just like EXALT
is being controlled by Hybrids
. This leads to the creation of "chains of command", sometimes with several levels of control and secrecy.
This is a bit offtopic, but okay. :) Most of these organizations are neutral to one another, some are sort of rivals (but not necessarily mortal enemies). Osiron will work with anyone who brings cash. At a higher level things are more tense, for example M.A.G.M.A. is at war with the Syndicate. But the most important thing is that bigger organizations tend to control smaller organizations [...] This leads to the creation of "chains of command", sometimes with several levels of control and secrecy.
Thanks. I did notice chains of command :) , but I was interested if there are potential rivalries for X-COM to exploit. Or clean up after :) Lack of direct clashes is boring, but makes life easier :)
EXALT is being controlled by Hybrids.
I got the impression their leader was a rogue, who was on his own :) And sold out his brothers after getting caught.
Small report: in 0.7.5b ive completed the black lotus opertions research project; the report reads from now on we won't bother Black Lotus outposts, but right after that a cult outpost misison spawned, and it is a lack lotus one, see save attached :)
Edit: o sometimes in the cut outpost misison player pawns really clse to the building, but i suppose it is a ma problem then...so doesn't mind :)
Small report: in 0.7.5b ive completed the black lotus opertions research project; the report reads from now on we won't bother Black Lotus outposts, but right after that a cult outpost misison spawned, and it is a lack lotus one, see save attached :)
Edit: o sometimes in the cut outpost misison player pawns really clse to the building, but i suppose it is a ma problem then...so doesn't mind :)
The researches that stop missions from happening only start taking effect the month after they researched, so the Black Lotus Outpost you saw was already slated to spawn before you completed the research.
A tiny bugreport for the small update :).
The string STR_M3_GREASEGUN_BUY is missing.
A tiny bugreport for the small update :).
The string STR_M3_GREASEGUN_BUY is missing.
Oh, hope will be fixed in 0.7.7. Sidenote: may from the next version and on be the beretta92fs be the very starting pistol instead of glock 18? It is mich more known and used over the glock. Over :D
Oh, hope will be fixed in 0.7.7.
Sure :)
Sidenote: may from the next version and on be the beretta92fs be the very starting pistol instead of glock 18? It is mich more known and used over the glock. Over :D
It depends. I've definitely known the Glock before I've known Beretta.
Nothingh to add then :D only objetvely considering it is very estensively used by police forces and military; mostly USA but also much more common than the glock, not to mention that it is the preferred weapon if john woo! (http://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/John_Woo)
Besudes, a potential new descruption in the ufopedia, bevause, you know, i'm a maniac:
A very famous italian semiautomatic pistol officially adopted by bothe the US and italian armies and police forces, very light and accurate but not very powerful.
Hey, how about to add a couple of the weapons to expand the blackops arsenal, the firts two from the left blackops grenade laumcher and blackops assault rifle made by NeoWorm? See
here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2732.0/topicseen.html) :P
Checked internet... Beretta seems to be far more popular. Everybody seems to have tried Glock 18 and refused to switch to it. Which kind of fits the theme of a third-rate agency that gets the equipment nobody else wants.
I noticed an interesting fact. Glock 18 can use clips with 17, 19, 31, 33 or 100 cartridges (100 is two disks with an adaptor, definitely not concealable :) ). Does the engine allow to use multiple kinds of clips with a single weapon?
I noticed an interesting fact. Glock 18 can use clips with 17, 19, 31, 33 or 100 cartridges (100 is two disks with an adaptor, definitely not concealable :) ). Does the engine allow to use multiple kinds of clips with a single weapon?
Yes, see examples of heavy cannon, autocannon, and rocket launcher all having 3 types of ammo. You could certainly have an increased mag size clip for the glock if you wanted.
I noticed an interesting fact. Glock 18 can use clips with 17, 19, 31, 33 or 100 cartridges (100 is two disks with an adaptor, definitely not concealable :) ). Does the engine allow to use multiple kinds of clips with a single weapon?
Very interesting! It may appear in the game once you complete the proper research/unlock contract to make it buyable..
A tiny bugreport for the small update :).
The string STR_M3_GREASEGUN_BUY is missing.
I suppose that means it won't be buyable after research? Any info to fix this manually in 0.7.6?
Checked internet... Beretta seems to be far more popular. Everybody seems to have tried Glock 18 and refused to switch to it. Which kind of fits the theme of a third-rate agency that gets the equipment nobody else wants.
To be honest, I don't really care either way. But the Glock 18 is arguably a better weapon than Beretta in X-Com Files (more damage per turn) - wouldn't you mind nerfing the starting equipment even further?
I noticed an interesting fact. Glock 18 can use clips with 17, 19, 31, 33 or 100 cartridges (100 is two disks with an adaptor, definitely not concealable :) ). Does the engine allow to use multiple kinds of clips with a single weapon?
Sure, no problem. But no way in hell I'm doing such things, or this mod would become unplayable to anyone who isn't a gun freak.
I suppose that means it won't be buyable after research? Any info to fix this manually in 0.7.6?
Of course it'll be buyable, the only thing missing is the string.
Okay, attaching a fix here.
To be honest, I don't really care either way. But the Glock 18 is arguably a better weapon than Beretta in X-Com Files (more damage per turn) - wouldn't you mind nerfing the starting equipment even further?
No need to nerf anything, only replace betetta with glock as starting equipment
No need to nerf anything, only replace betetta with glock as starting equipment
To be honest, I don't really care either way. But the Glock 18 is arguably a better weapon than Beretta in X-Com Files (more damage per turn) - wouldn't you mind nerfing the starting equipment even further?
I didn't suggest nerfing it. I said that the current situation fits the theme better :)
this mod would become unplayable to anyone who isn't a gun freak.
What do you mean? Too many guns? I think this mod is way past this point :)
Anyway, here's a double-weight double-capacity triple-price Glock clip, if anybody's interested. This is something I dreamed of during a monster hunt that turned out to be the first zombie mission. 2 rookies against ~20 zombies, and only 10 clips. I spent the first 15 turns shooting from the exit grid ready to retreat any second. Once again proving there can't be too much ammo.
Update: Fixed Ufopaedia page.
I didn't suggest nerfing it. I said that the current situation fits the theme better :)
What do you mean? Too many guns? I think this mod is way past this point :)
Anyway, here's a double-weight double-capacity triple-price Glock clip, if anybody's interested. This is something I dreamed of during a monster hunt that turned out to be the first zombie mission. 2 rookies against ~20 zombies, and only 10 clips. I spent the first 15 turns shooting from the exit grid ready to retreat any second. Once again proving there can't be too much ammo.
hey, thanks! Please Solarius, will integrate that in 0.7.7? :P
Hmmm, make a bigger bigob (2x1) which looks nice, and it's taken. :)
Hmmm, make a bigger bigob (2x1) which looks nice, and it's taken. :)
What do you mean? Make the picture of a gun clip twice longer? Twice wider?
By the way, I forgot to make Ufopaedia entry, fixed that.
Hmmm, make a bigger bigob (2x1) which looks nice, and it's taken. :)
Maybe longer i 'd dare to say, since it is a pistol and has a vertical slot dor the magazine? :-\
What do you mean? Make the picture of a gun clip twice longer? Twice wider?
Twice longer. So two grids vertically, one grid horizontally.
Twice longer. So two grids vertically, one grid horizontally.
A clip taking 2 cells on a grid would defeat its purpose. I don't like this kind of nerfing.
P.S. I think the big clip can still fit the single grid cell. Barely.
Hello there! In the 0.7.6 there are some incongruences with the handobs in the battlescape:
1) the pump action shotgun sprite in the battlescape seems a big fish just caught from the ocean;
2) the stubnose pistol has the gass pistol handob (also the kludge has it);
2) taser one is switched with a shotgun;
4) the huning rifle displays some aline weapon.
5) same as 4) for the ak 47
See sceenshots (exept for the ak 47) nothing too serious, it's really a shame i did not pay attention before :-[
In the end, experienced a crsh while assaultin a churg of dagon outpost, sorry i have no save for that only some strings of openxcom.log. The crash happens attacking an outpost in the very north western Irland. It happened during battlescape, and then once going on the mission as soon i hit ok from the preequiping hase just before going into battle. see save attached
[25-11-2017_16-59-32] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'HANDOB.PCK' for item 'STR_STEN': not enough frames
[25-11-2017_16-59-48] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set 'HANDOB.PCK' for item 'STR_STEN': not enough frames
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.[
And another one, this time happened during a red dawn activity site, no save this time
[25-11-2017_17-39-12] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'HANDOB.PCK' for item 'STR_PIPE': not enough frames
[25-11-2017_17-39-26] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set 'HANDOB.PCK' for item 'STR_PIPE': not enough frames
Proble seem to be related to the sten and the iron pipe, a chack to the mentione items may be worth. :) prpably some sprite or a missin string in a ruleset
Edit: there is sme kin of trash blockin the way in a cult activity mission, see here (https://s2.postimg.org/4o46w8b7t/screen004.png). It happens in two buildings at the same time in the same mission, prbably a ma problem . recovered a saved game :D Also in battlescape, riding an EXALT safehous, the makarov handob (i think?) seems to be a rocket laucher (https://s2.postimg.org/qr4ezn7t5/screen004.png). Another sae file is attached (costruendo intellience center) another crash before going in a EXALT outpost activity in south america, this time related to the new weapon m3 grease gun. This 0.7.6 relase it's really unlucky. :(
A clip taking 2 cells on a grid would defeat its purpose. I don't like this kind of nerfing.
This would kill the balance, sorry. You have to believe me, I've been through this so many times.
Thanks for the clip! Should be good.
Hello there! In the 0.7.6 there are some incongruences with the handobs in the battlescape:
What you are describing is seriously broken shit. I can imagine this wouldn't have gone unnoticed... Unless someone can confirm?
Anyway, sounds like an installation problem. Have you tampered with the metadata file maybe?
This would kill the balance, sorry. You have to believe me, I've been through this so many times.
Thanks for the clip! Should be good.
What you are describing is seriously broken shit. I can imagine this wouldn't have gone unnoticed... Unless someone can confirm?
Anyway, sounds like an installation problem. Have you tampered with the metadata file maybe?
Nope...maybe will try do download and install both game and mod, pheraphs in that way may be all right
Edit 2: Downloaded and installed all again, also using the .rul attached in the post above, and everything seems to work fine so there is a "false positive" .)
Glad to hear that. No debugging needed :)
Glad to hear that. No debugging needed :)
But please may you check the trash in front a broken wall (https://s2.postimg.org/4o46w8b7t/screen004.png)? Seens a map "error", thanks :)
But please may you check the trash in front a broken wall (https://s2.postimg.org/4o46w8b7t/screen004.png)? Seens a map "error", thanks :)
Thanks, fixed ;)
Thanks, fixed ;)
Don't mention it! Still in the 0.7.6 in the cult outposst mission my vehicle keeps 90% times spawning literally in the cultist belly, so as soon i end the 1st turn i got almost instantly bagged out :'( something may be done about? :)
Don't mention it! Still in the 0.7.6 in the cult outposst mission my vehicle keeps 90% times spawning literally in the cultist belly, so as soon i end the 1st turn i got almost instantly bagged out :'( something may be done about? :)
Sure, don't stick around if you spawn in a bad spot, abort mission and try again later.
A tree grows up right in front of the door of RD safehouse. It keeps 4 gangers inside :)
Going back to an old conversation:
Pneumatic single-shot spearguns have muzzle energy on par with 9 mm pistols, but seem to be allowed in most countries of the world. The only thing banned is using them with an aqualung — that's considered poaching in most countries (but allowed in the USA :) )
Ah, that thing. Yeah, I guess it would be allowed if it existed in the mod. But designing it would probably be a tough one. :)
Why tough? It's just a crossbow with longer reloading time, "underwater" property and different sprites. Not much work, just pointless, in my opinion.
One-handed shotgun. :) I imagine it would have an abysmal range, yes? Almost taser level?
Several — maybe 10 — metres underwater, several times more in air. More like a shotgun than a taser.
And how do you propose we do this?
I've noticed undercover missions have special sections that describe replacing agents' armour. Can weapons be similarly replaced for underwater missions? If yes, there can be two versions of each underwater-capable gun, e.g. STR_APS_AIR and STR_APS_WATER. Their name strings are identical. The air version is the one that appears in the stores. When an underwater mission starts, STR_APS_AIR becomes STR_APS_WATER, and after the mission it changes back. Perhaps there should be 2 separate Ufopaedia pages with air and water characteristics.
No, unfortunately items cannot be replaced underwater like armours are. Otherwise we wouldn't be having this problem. :)
I just noticed that the public car has 144 item limit. How did you come up with this number?
Also, you disabled instant grenades. Why? The best way to start a mission is with some smoke.
I just noticed that the public car has 144 item limit. How did you come up with this number?
I did? Well, it wasn't planned. I'll check.
Also, you disabled instant grenades. Why? The best way to start a mission is with some smoke.
Because it's the cheesiest cheat ever.
EDIT: Yeah, there was a 144 items limit on the car... No idea why. Removing it for now.
In the meantime, Id suggest a new ufopedia description for the Colt's Manufacturing Company Model 16:
A famous and widespead assault rifles that fires 5.56 NATO bullets, officially adopted by US army in the 1964. Used also by other armies, it is often reported being in the EXALT arsenal and in the ones of various criminal organizations around the world.
In the meantime, Id suggest a new ufopedia description for the Colt's Manufacturing Company Model 16:
A famous and widespead assault rifles that fires 5.56 NATO bullets, officially adopted by US army in the 1964. Used also by other armies, it is often reported being in the EXALT arsenal and in the ones of various criminal organizations around the world.
Not only EXALT uses it, so it's inappropriate to mention it in the description. Especially since it's a real gun. I just don't do that.
But otherwise I'll check the description when I get home.
I heard the sound of the armoured car engine during an army vs. monsters mission, but not during the mansion defence. In the former agents were too far to see the car, in the latter they were close, but hid behind corners. What's wrong?
I heard the sound of the armoured car engine during an army vs. monsters mission, but not during the mansion defence. In the former agents were too far to see the car, in the latter they were close, but hid behind corners. What's wrong?
I'm not sure, but doesn't look like a mod issue.
I'm not sure, but doesn't look like a mod issue.
No, it doesn't. But you may know something about the cars implementation. I'd rather exhaust all options here before going to "Troubleshooting".
Is there any difference between those cars other than sprite colour?
How does sound propagate? Would I hear anything from outside the house when all agents are inside? Does it compute distance?
Does sound propagate differently from invisible civilians and enemies?
(This issue might already have been mentioned, but still..)
I keep getting Red Dawn HQ missions after completing the research "Terminate the Red Dawn". Is it supposed to be so?
My version is 0.7.6. Below there is a save file with Red Dawn HQ.
(This issue might already have been mentioned, but still..)
I keep getting Red Dawn HQ missions after completing the research "Terminate the Red Dawn". Is it supposed to be so?
My version is 0.7.6. Below there is a save file with Red Dawn HQ.
They should stop appearing from the next month.
A string for "Grease Gun" is missing.
No, it doesn't. But you may know something about the cars implementation. I'd rather exhaust all options here before going to "Troubleshooting".
Is there any difference between those cars other than sprite colour?
How does sound propagate? Would I hear anything from outside the house when all agents are inside? Does it compute distance?
Does sound propagate differently from invisible civilians and enemies?
I don't know the answer to most of these questions. I can't see anything extraordinary about the cars though.
They are different units, with different armours and everything, but they are almost exactly the same.
Managed to reproduce. It seems to work the same for all units. The sound of footsteps (including tank engines) is only heard when your agents see the unit and after it leaves your sight. Same for civilians and enemies. I was hiding from enemy tanks, but did occasionally see the friendly tank when it started — thus I could only hear the friendly tank.
Not hearing the footsteps is the engine feature.
New bugs for mod version 0.8 and new engine:
No string for STR_REPTOID_BASE
Pressing "u" in Battlescape causes a crash. The log is attached. Same for regular missions and "New Battle". — Same without mods, which makes it an engine bug.
Live cultists cannot be recovered.
MIssing string on xenobiological contamination.
Live cultists cannot be recovered.
Correction: the unconscious enemies are not recovered. Those, who surrender, are recovered correctly.
To reproduce, load the attached "stunning doesn't work.sav", go down-left and shoot the last enemy. If you finish him the same turn, you get no prisoners at all, if you finish him the next turn, you only get the ones, who recovered from stun and surrendered.
Update: Experimented a little without mods in "New Battle". Stunned enemies seem to count as dead. Another engine bug.
Update 2: Experiments are invalid, because "New Battle" always kills prisoners. Meridian said it's an engine bug, but the one that only reproduces with The X-COM Files.
P.S. Can the mod version 0.8 work with an older version?
Note to self: reverting to the previous version:
git reset --hard 61d22e5f6b770249fd06a13db5ff276875c225a5
Another set of bugs. Very short this time since I haven't had too much time to look at the update. One of the bugs is critical.
Missing strings:
Opening the Cyberweb HQ Ufopedia article results in a CTD with the Item STR_CYBERWEB_HQ not found error.
MIssing string on xenobiological contamination.
Which string?
Correction: the unconscious enemies are not recovered. Those, who surrender, are recovered correctly.
To reproduce, load the attached "stunning doesn't work.sav", go down-left and shoot the last enemy. If you finish him the same turn, you get no prisoners at all, if you finish him the next turn, you only get the ones, who recovered from stun and surrendered.
Update: Experimented a little without mods in "New Battle". Stunned enemies seem to count as dead. Another engine bug.
This is a disaster. Even vanilla aliens aren't recovered. I swear I haven't touched this, so it must be a code issue... I will notify Meridian.
P.S. Can the mod version 0.8 work with an older version?
Yes, no problem here.
Another set of bugs. Very short this time since I haven't had too much time to look at the update. One of the bugs is critical.
Missing strings:
Opening the Cyberweb HQ Ufopedia article results in a CTD with the Item STR_CYBERWEB_HQ not found error.
Many thanks, fixing.
EDIT: With the old exe, all is fine with capturing enemies. I'm going to use it for now.
After being killed he becomes a regular technomad — is this correct?
P.S. And his leg animation doesn't seem to work.
Unrelated glitch: Tried "Cyberweb fortress" mission in "New Battle" mode. All my agents were naked! Somehow, the default armour was "nude" unstead of "suit".
What I assume to be anthropoid fires some sort of arcing projectile as a reaction which crashes the game upon impact.
Where can you download the mod?
Where can you download the mod?
The links to the newest versions are in the first post here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html
Thanks, fixed.
After being killed he becomes a regular technomad — is this correct?
Yes, it's the same guy, only in a different armour.
P.S. And his leg animation doesn't seem to work.
Eh? What do you mean? Looks fine to me.
Unrelated glitch: Tried "Cyberweb fortress" mission in "New Battle" mode. All my agents were naked! Somehow, the default armour was "nude" unstead of "suit".
Congratulations on finding the easter egg!
Try deleting battle.cfg ;)
What I assume to be anthropoid fires some sort of arcing projectile as a reaction which crashes the game upon impact.
Ouch, I messed up. Thanks, fixed!
(Patched version soon.)
Yes, it's the same guy, only in a different armour.
Then should he scream like he's dying?
And how does this work? Can they be killed by a single shot of anything? Or do they require 2 shots: 1 for suit, 1 for unsuited?
Then should he scream like he's dying?
And how does this work? Can they be killed by a single shot of anything? Or do they require 2 shots: 1 for suit, 1 for unsuited?
I'm not sure how to go about this... But having to ditch your suit should be painful? :)
I'm not sure how to go about this... But having to ditch your suit should be painful? :)
Some other scream, maybe?
Don't worry too much about that. I'm just being picky.
OpenXcom has crashed:
alien deployment for STR_DIMENSION_X_INCURSION_SEVERAL_DESERT not found
Don't worry too much about that. I'm just being picky.
Maybe. Any suggestions? :)
OpenXcom has crashed:
alien deployment for STR_DIMENSION_X_INCURSION_SEVERAL_DESERT not found
Thanks, I'll check tonight. Luckily I haven't released a fixed version yet.
In 0.8d at the very beginning pitchfork is a buyable weapons, i suppose it is an "overight bug2?
Edit: and in the exobiological contamination, mission briefing is missing
Edit 2: but only when viewing it from geoscape, once mission is engaed, by sending agent on the spot, the description appears
In 0.8d at the very beginning pitchfork is a buyable weapons, i suppose it is an "overight bug2?
Indeed, the buying block was missing. Thanks.
Edit: and in the exobiological contamination, mission briefing is missing
Edit 2: but only when viewing it from geoscape, once mission is engaed, by sending agent on the spot, the description appears
Yes, fixed as well! Thanks!
And I suspect there might be a problem with one Diminsion X Incursion mission... It may cause crashes on battlescape generation. I fixed it on my end, just in case.
I have a couple more bugs for you to fix :).
STR_DOGE_DURATHREAD_VEST_ARMOR - this string is repeated two times.
STR_REPTOID_BASE - missing string
the process has ab extremely high mortality
The version specified in the thread title is wrong: 0.8c while the actual one is 0.8d :).
Many thanks, all fixed.
Hey, sometimes when finishing some misisons (hapened for madman rampae and cult aprrehension), as soon as i got some items recovered all of a suddn apear in the ufopedia like i reseached them, but actuall neer assigned a single scientist in the reseach screen. Atteched is a save, the version is 0.8d.
Hey, sometimes when finishing some misisons (hapened for madman rampae and cult aprrehension), as soon as i got some items recovered all of a suddn apear in the ufopedia like i reseached them, but actuall neer assigned a single scientist in the reseach screen. Atteched is a save, the version is 0.8d.
I wish this was possible. :P
I wish this was possible. :P
I've seen that too. In 0.7.6. I start the research, but don't assign anybody, and get the results the next day. Only happens with the most trivial topics, like "Shiv", if I recall correctly.
By the way, the topic is still "Re: The X-Com Files - 0.8c alpha: Stone of Atlantis " instead of "0.8d."
It's a behavior i've seen also in the latest version of xpiratez. I think may be an exe glitch, since bot mods are using oexe+ 3.9c. Please someome report that to Dioxine too :)
Ah, but this is a completely different case. Niculinux hasn't mentioned starting the research at all.
Yes, if the cost is very low, there is a chance for researching it for free, without anyone actually spending time on it. Works as designed. Unfortunately, you still need to start the research.
I never expected people to start a research and not assign any scientists to it... Weird, but okay. ;)
And I finally fixed that thread title, thanks...
I never expected people to start a research and not assign any scientists to it...
After the team of 5 finished the most important task, I tried to quickly research everything recovered from missions by then. But there were 7 objects, so I left 2 with 0 researchers.
Weird, but okay. ;)
As I imagine it: there's always not enough space for researches, and this "highly important" piece of evidence is occupying a whole table due to standardised containment procedures, and nobody can use the table until all the paperwork is filed, and the paperwork won't start until someone is assigned to it. Until a researcher desperate enough to get that extra table works 5 minutes overtime to write a report and get rid of the shiv.
As I imagine it: there's always not enough space for researches, and this "highly important" piece of evidence is occupying a whole table due to standardised containment procedures, and nobody can use the table until all the paperwork is filed, and the paperwork won't start until someone is assigned to it. Until a researcher desperate enough to get that extra table works 5 minutes overtime to write a report and get rid of the shiv.
Yes, that's pretty much how I imagine it. It's even more evident in Piratez, where you can sometimes find newspapers; they are supposedly read in spare time.
I've been experiencing the game crashing. In the save file Muton Base, the Supply ship if left alone triggers the Battleship for the Muton alien base; however "OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault..." At first the log said it couldn't find muton.pak for the armors, but on subsequent reloads didn't reveal anything "missing." Then I took a look in the save file and found this doozy:
nextWave: 6
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 60
liveUfos: 4294967295
uniqueID: 349
missionSiteZone: 8
So I reduced liveUfos to 2 so it would spawn 1 ship (the Battleship) to properly establish a base and end that particular mission. Don't know how that counter went so high but hopefully there's a fix soon. Thanks for all your hard work.
Looking in my monthly backup save the Muton Base mission is perfectly fine but the Hybrid Purge mission also is haywire with too many liveUfos:
nextWave: 1
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 21
liveUfos: 4294967292
uniqueID: 347
missionSiteZone: 27
nextWave: 4
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 5550
liveUfos: 4
uniqueID: 347
missionSiteZone: -1
nextWave: 3
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 5610
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 349
missionSiteZone: 8
Sorry for the extra work. Have a great new year's!
Uh... Can you guys have a look? XD
Meridian? Otto?
4294967295 is -1 in unsigned 32bit integers :)
How it happened, I don't know... didn't you edit in some additional UFOs into your save before? If you do it incorrectly...
Bag report.
Smoke granate on HUMVEE* make game crash.
That's all.
Another crash - just end turn, and during the enemy movement the game will crash without any log.
Another crash - just end turn, and during the enemy movement the game will crash without any log.
This save is from your mod Nord, not from X-Com Files. Wrong attachment?
Oops... sorry. Here is it.
I ran into a minor bug in an apprehension mission on a trainyard map. There is only one door into the central tunnel that divides the map, and it is blocked off. In the minimap picture there is a second alcove in the wall but no door there. I'm including a save file, but I'm in Ironman mode.
Oops... sorry. Here is it.
Are you using a custom build of OXCE+? Neither Meridian or I have been able to reproduce the crash, and the build for the OXCE+ version shown in the save file doesn't match a commit in either of our repositories.
Well, i use android version, and dont have access to pc to check it there... So it can be a problem with oxce+...
Could it be that you have updated the .exe, but not the data files (common and standard folders)?
Another bugreport (not very thorough though):
Missing strings in v. 0.8.2:
Another bugreport (not very thorough though):
Missing strings in v. 0.8.2:
Thanks, but I don't think any of these are needed - they're either corpses (with name: STR_CORPSE) or still unused strings.
In 0.8.2 I've been getting civilian corpses. Based on the names I assume this is a bug. Also, it costs significantly more to make stun ammo than to make Alien Alloy ammo. Is it intended to be this expensive?
In 0.8.2 I've been getting civilian corpses. Based on the names I assume this is a bug.
Yeah, but I still don't know how it happens.
Also, it costs significantly more to make stun ammo than to make Alien Alloy ammo. Is it intended to be this expensive?
I'm hesitating. It's not absurd, considering that you don't need any alloys for it.
Is the time to manufacture also meant to be so much higher? I meant to add it in when asking about cost, but I got distracted with italics.
Is the time to manufacture also meant to be so much higher? I meant to add it in when asking about cost, but I got distracted with italics.
What, aren't they worth it? :)
Not for me, but I do prefer using melee to stun. I suppose I just wanted the option and was irked by how long it took.
I really think the multi launcher could do with being reduced to 65-60 damage. Its currently more compact than the UAC rocket launcher in comparison to capacity, more accurate, has an immense 8 shot magazine, and barely does less than standard RPG rounds. Alternatively, any possibility of seperating them into mini rockets, and full sized rockets? Giving the 8 round drum with a smaller damage, comparable to the heavy grenade launcher, and the standard damage, or even slightly buffed for a 4 round drum? I relied unbelievably heavy on this in FMP, and it was a little cheap then, and I doubt its much better now.
I really think the multi launcher could do with being reduced to 65-60 damage. Its currently more compact than the UAC rocket launcher in comparison to capacity, more accurate, has an immense 8 shot magazine, and barely does less than standard RPG rounds. Alternatively, any possibility of seperating them into mini rockets, and full sized rockets? Giving the 8 round drum with a smaller damage, comparable to the heavy grenade launcher, and the standard damage, or even slightly buffed for a 4 round drum? I relied unbelievably heavy on this in FMP, and it was a little cheap then, and I doubt its much better now.
You're right, it's probably bad balance. Decreased damage to 64.
I think the scout tank size is GROSSLY disproportional : at least checking numbers from FMP the scout tank is identical in storage space to a full sized tank. I'd suggest making it 1.5 units, rather than 7, considering its significantly smaller in all demensions. Besides, being able to stock some for base defense would be nifty.
On the topic, isn't 15 hp and 6 rounds a little light? The rounds hit hard, but it seems like a single pistol round can put it out of commission on high damage rolls, while anything else almost promises a death. Id figure a jump to 40 hp would be reasonable, after all, its supposed to be LIGHTLY armored, but besides being able to resist ultra light rounds SOME of the time, it seems incredibly fragile at all other times. At least 40 would give it a decent chance to resist a rifle round once without falling apart. on anything but a lowball.
The 6 round magazine also seems a little light. I mean, it can't exactly reload mid mission. What about 8 or even 10 shots?
I also want to say, the sectoid power shields are horribly over powered. It seems they fully restore after a single turn, which means unless you train lots of fire at them on 1 turn, they wont even be hurt. It wouldn't be so bad if the shields took longer (4 turns maybe?) to fully restore, but it seems like it takes several m60 rounds just to break the shield, much less DAMAGE the target.
Generally, I've found the sectoid ships to be ridiculously dangerous, between the shields and psionic attacks. It takes continued grenade launcher attacks, m60 fire, grenades, just to drop a single soldier. I understand soldiers should be a little hardy, but the sectoids are easily several fold more difficult to kill than gazers in FMP. I think either the total shield HP should be lowered, regeneration made slower than instant, or both. Another idea is to make the shield HP take from unit energy, or possibly even deal significant stun damage when it bursts, so at least bursting the shield multiple times will knock out the user, so its not so cheap.
p90 should have its auto fire mode raised to a larger burst size : p90 is known for its fast automatic fire isn't it?
I think the scout tank size is GROSSLY disproportional : at least checking numbers from FMP the scout tank is identical in storage space to a full sized tank. I'd suggest making it 1.5 units, rather than 7, considering its significantly smaller in all demensions. Besides, being able to stock some for base defense would be nifty.
On the topic, isn't 15 hp and 6 rounds a little light? The rounds hit hard, but it seems like a single pistol round can put it out of commission on high damage rolls, while anything else almost promises a death. Id figure a jump to 40 hp would be reasonable, after all, its supposed to be LIGHTLY armored, but besides being able to resist ultra light rounds SOME of the time, it seems incredibly fragile at all other times. At least 40 would give it a decent chance to resist a rifle round once without falling apart. on anything but a lowball.
The 6 round magazine also seems a little light. I mean, it can't exactly reload mid mission. What about 8 or even 10 shots?
With total overhaul of tanks around the corner anyway, I'm not going to touch it. Well, except for size - I decreased it.
I also want to say, the sectoid power shields are horribly over powered.
It seems they fully restore after a single turn, which means unless you train lots of fire at them on 1 turn, they wont even be hurt. It wouldn't be so bad if the shields took longer (4 turns maybe?) to fully restore, but it seems like it takes several m60 rounds just to break the shield, much less DAMAGE the target.
Yeah, right... Total capacity 75, regenerates 15 per turn. Total full restoration in a turn. :P Totally not 5 turns, yeah. :P
I've found the sectoid ships to be ridiculously dangerous, between the shields and psionic attacks. It takes continued grenade launcher attacks, m60 fire, grenades, just to drop a single soldier. I understand soldiers should be a little hardy, but the sectoids are easily several fold more difficult to kill than gazers in FMP. I think either the total shield HP should be lowered, regeneration made slower than instant, or both. Another idea is to make the shield HP take from unit energy, or possibly even deal significant stun damage when it bursts, so at least bursting the shield multiple times will knock out the user, so its not so cheap.
I think you're really getting carried away here... All of this is just untrue. How am I supposed to answer that?
Maybe Sectoids are a bit too tough. Maybe. But certainly not in the way you described.
p90 should have its auto fire mode raised to a larger burst size : p90 is known for its fast automatic fire isn't it?
Maybe, but we could keep increasing everything, and then increasing other stuff to keep it balanced, then we go back to the beginning etc. Maybe let's not, but I'll think about it.
EDIT: Sorry, in fact the shield regenerates twice per turn (after your turn and after enemy turn)... I think I'll decrease regeneration time.
Nah, the sectoid shield is fine.
Gives the little bastards some survivability.
Nah, the sectoid shield is fine.
Gives the little bastards some survivability.
It will be just as strong, just won't regenerate as fast. :)
I'm getting a crash at the end of the Cyberweb Fortress mission. In the save you should be facing the last guy to kill(I think he is the only one that hasn't panicked). When he dies I get a segmentation fault. I am in Ironman mode as well.
Yes, I found the bug. Sorry!
To fix it yourself:
- open items_XCOMFILES.rul
That fixed it. Thank you. Though I don't seem to be able to research my live centurion. I remember researching the other Cyberweb bots live, so is this a bug too?
That fixed it. Thank you. Though I don't seem to be able to research my live centurion. I remember researching the other Cyberweb bots live, so is this a bug too?
Yep, turns out the same must be done in research_XCOMFILES.rul :)
I went a bit further and found some more bugs. First was pretty minor, but on a Dimension X Outpost Defense mission, I found a door with a solid wall behind it. Pathing suggests a similar door nearby had the same issue, but I finished the mission before investigating it.
The other bugs had to do with the cyberweb dreadnought. On its information screen several lines were bugged. The major issue was that when I tried to intercept, I got a crash. I included the save, but the error message seems to suggest the sound for its weapon is missing.
Thanks, I fixed the problem with the cyberdreadnought. You were right: in ufos_XCOMFILES.rul, there is an entry
fireSound: 45
which should be deleted.
As for the mysterious door, it should be easy to fix.
That worked. But I somehow managed to destroy it. Does it have low health to represent it retreating back into the other dimension, and that I need to let it land?
That worked. But I somehow managed to destroy it. Does it have low health to represent it retreating back into the other dimension, and that I need to let it land?
Yes! But it won't land. You must find another way :)
It seems like the game is trying to spawn a Cyberweb ship that doesn't exist. The Dreadnought was just spawned again for the 2nd time (shot it down the 1st time) and shortly after it this happens. Save is attached, game is saved at 03:35 and it happens at 07:00.
It seems like the game is trying to spawn a Cyberweb ship that doesn't exist. The Dreadnought was just spawned again for the 2nd time (shot it down the 1st time) and shortly after it this happens. Save is attached, game is saved at 03:35 and it happens at 07:00.
Wait, you shot it down? How? That ship has damageMax: 1 - it can't crash!
EDIT: Sorry, I misunderstood. Yes, it's a bug in globe_XCOMFILES.rul - instead of STR_CYBERWEB_BATTLESHIP_ASSAULT
. Sorry, fixing.
Sorry, I probably wasn't precise enough and used the wrong terms :) I engaged it and it was destroyed, it didn't crash. So everything working as intended. I only mentioned it because I don't know a lot about modding and if there is possibly any relation between these events.
Dreadnought spawned first time, realized it won't land, shot it down, i.e. destroyed it.
A bit later, probably a few ingame days, Dreadnought spawned again and then a few hours later this issue occurs. At first I thought it happened because I've destroyed it again (which I did on the first try) but then I've realized that the game is also trying to spawn this mission when I just leave the Dreadnought alone. He is somewhere over North America when the mission is trying to spawn and the game crashes.
Works, thank you :)
And also thank you for making this mod in the first place, I really like it!
Yes, exactly.
If you change that file, you'll fix the issue.
(And I should push out the next version soon anyway, since I'm basically done with it.)
Thanks, got it :)
And one more thing, but that is just a suggestion for improvement. The orange desert is so orange, it almost hurts. I think you could turn down its orange-y-ness a bit and it would still be orange enough ;)
Thanks, got it :)
And one more thing, but that is just a suggestion for improvement. The orange desert is so orange, it almost hurts. I think you could turn down its orange-y-ness a bit and it would still be orange enough ;)
I can try... But I kind of like how unpleasant it is... ;D
Is the lightning thrower not supposed to have a power?
the ufopedia entry implies its a weapon, but items_XCOMFILES.rul doesn't list a damagetype or power (i'm guessing that those are the values associated with weapons)
Is the lightning thrower not supposed to have a power?
the ufopedia entry implies its a weapon, but items_XCOMFILES.rul doesn't list a damagetype or power (i'm guessing that those are the values associated with weapons)
Have you researched the clip yet?
Oh. Thats new to me.
I have not, and thats probably why.
Ufopedia "Robosphere" implies energy weapons are good against it,
Ufopedia "Wrecked Robosphere Examination" implies it is strong against energy weapons.
I looked in armors_XCOMFILES.rul, but i have no idea where the dmgtype indices are listed. : [
Crop circles generates a seg fault. first time this has happened to me, no idea why.
Attached save has Osprey-1 en route to seg faulting crop circle.
It seems to be the osprey itself, or a loadout of something on it; sending a different craft seems fine
Crop circles generates a seg fault. first time this has happened to me, no idea why.
Attached save has Osprey-1 en route to seg faulting crop circle.
It seems to be the osprey itself, or a loadout of something on it; sending a different craft seems fine
- map is 40x40
- first a 20x20 UFO is placed (probably in the middle or some other not nice location)
- then a 20x20 craft is placed... but there is no more place for it
I'll make the game crash with a nicer message in the next version... but it will still crash.
@yizow: You can workaround this crash by turning on save scumming... the UFO will be positioned on a better spot and everything will be fiine...
I knew I'd regret adding Osprey to the game. :/
What the hell should I do... Create a special startingCondition for these missions??? I guess I will have to, and exclude the Osprey.
Or just ignore :)
Exact middle UFO is actually the only way how it could crash, so it's only 11% chance to crash :P
If the osprey was shorter and wider, so that it didnt take up 20x20, would that work?
As long as the ramp off the craft is still only 2 wide, it should be the same with respect to balance.
I'll try to fix it with mapScripts first.
So I'm curious, can you make alien containment function as animal pens / jails? I figure something strong enough to hold ethereals or mutons could certainly hold a zombie trooper, but i was horribly disappointed by the unfortunate truth.
Is it possible to code in, that alien containment functions as a secondary animal pen, only using space if there's no other option?
I'll try to fix it with mapScripts first.
Yeah, that seems like the simplest and most-elegant solution.
Anyway, if it should happen again, you will see a message like the one attached here.
So I'm curious, can you make alien containment function as animal pens / jails? I figure something strong enough to hold ethereals or mutons could certainly hold a zombie trooper, but i was horribly disappointed by the unfortunate truth.
Is it possible to code in, that alien containment functions as a secondary animal pen, only using space if there's no other option?
I think it can be done, but there are certain considerations that make me hesitant... But you can give it a try yourself.
Yeah, that seems like the simplest and most-elegant solution.
Anyway, if it should happen again, you will see a message like the one attached here.
This is seriously great, Meridian. Thanks!
So apparently the 92fs has the same accuracy for aimed and snap...
So apparently the 92fs has the same accuracy for aimed and snap...
Yes, but other parameters are different - most notably maxRange.
What, aren't they worth it? :)
Unability to manufacture enough darts forces to use other weapons, making dart guns redundant.
The price I can understand — it has some complex chemicals, that put anything living to sleep without consequences. But the rest is just a metal(?) dart with propellant. Even if it requires manual machining, even if it has to be cut with a rasp, it shouldn't take that long. :)
I've got a question unrelated to balance. Red Dawn and EXALT are called "cults", but there is nothing religious in them. Why? Was it different in earlier versions?
Do you think it would be better to change "cults" to more general "secret societies" in game texts?
Pretty much everything in this game is a secret society... You are right, though. Maybe a different word should be used. But I would prefer something which sounds more sinister than a secret society, which is very neutral.
The ufopedia entry for alloy sword simply states "adds dmg from strength"
The ruleset lists the bonus as "STR*0.6+MEL*0.2"
The ufopedia entry for alloy sword simply states "adds dmg from strength"
The ruleset lists the bonus as "STR*0.6+MEL*0.2"
Thanks. I'll fix it... But there's sure to be more such mistakes between hundreds of items.
A more systemic solution will come in time.
A new list of bugs. At least one of them is critical:
Missing strings:
Corpses with missing strings still appear in the game, see the screenshot. If I'm not mistaken, this bug was also noticed by Starving Poet during his stream.
The picture of the storm rose in Ufopedia is out of position, as you can see on the second screenshot.
The game crashes when trying to open the Gauss Hovertank Ufopedia article with the error message 'OpenXcom has crashed: Unit STR_HOVERTANK_GAUSS not found'.
Thanks. I fixed everything, except for the corpses, as it's an engine issue. (And is probably fixed already.)
Great, thanks!
One more observation. Not really a bug, but anyway. Since Meridian published the language files needed for playing with OXCE+, maybe you should remove the interface strings from XCF. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think it would simplify things a little bit.
That's a pretty critical bug re:gauss. Can we get a hotfix, or is the general bugfix release too close to be worth bothering?
That's a pretty critical bug re:gauss. Can we get a hotfix, or is the general bugfix release too close to be worth bothering?
It's a late game weapon, so probably not too critical.
But if you want to fix it yourself, please change STR_HEAVY_GAUSSGUN to STR_HEAVY_GAUSS in ufopedia_XCOMFILES.rul.
It's a late game weapon, so probably not too critical.
But if you want to fix it yourself, please change STR_HEAVY_GAUSSGUN to STR_HEAVY_GAUSS in ufopedia_XCOMFILES.rul.
There is something which I believe is a bug while I was messing around with the skirmish battle mode: The Boomeroid, the weird-shaped explosive taken from UFO: Apocalypse, doesn't work as intended: The description mentions the user uses pathways similar to guided missiles, but in-game it works like a Molotov from Piratez: It's a ranged attack without timer. Also, the same description has a typo: two lines without a dot to separate them IIRC.
There is something which I believe is a bug while I was messing around with the skirmish battle mode: The Boomeroid, the weird-shaped explosive taken from UFO: Apocalypse, doesn't work as intended: The description mentions the user uses pathways similar to guided missiles, but in-game it works like a Molotov from Piratez: It's a ranged attack without timer. Also, the same description has a typo: two lines without a dot to separate them IIRC.
Yeah, indeed the Boomeroid was bugged (old code, no longer functioning). Thanks.
As for your second point, what do you mean? What dot? What lines? What needs to be separated??
Blaster hovertank is, but missiles are not in production. What's wrong?
Yeah, found the problem in manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul. Producing STR_HWP_FUSION_BOMB had an unexisting requirement: STR_FUSION_MISSILE. The entry should be:
space: 25
time: 400
cost: 500000
listOrder: 1178
Similarly, in research_XCOMFILES.rul, STR_FUSION_DEFENSE also has a research prerequisite of STR_FUSION_MISSILE, which it should be STR_FUSION_BOMB.
The size HWP Fusion Bomb is 2х3, and the picture is 1x2. So it was conceived?
The size HWP Fusion Bomb is 2х3, and the picture is 1x2. So it was conceived?
Yeah, should be 1x2.
So i think the corpse research for brainers in exalt is bugged. I researched it after blowing him in half with a grenade, terminated exalt, but have yet to receive the option to research promotion 3. I've tried researching hybrids, alien communicators and other stuff, and nothing leads to it, and considering my base is in North America, trying to fight other cults is a logistical nightmare to get much needed promotion 3. Not sure if i missed anything, but i remember before, termination of a cult meant promotion 3. But unless this is fixed, i think my playthrough might be screwed.
had a thought about brainers and balancing their psi ability, what if psi attacks had fall off in power from them? So just through a door is very effective, but across the map is not.
... I also noticed keeping out of sight seemed to reduce psi bombardment, but this might be a fluke. Is psi based on enemy squad last known location?
Xcom psiclone still has text including mind control which is now non existent.
So i think the corpse research for brainers in exalt is bugged. I researched it after blowing him in half with a grenade, terminated exalt, but have yet to receive the option to research promotion 3. I've tried researching hybrids, alien communicators and other stuff, and nothing leads to it, and considering my base is in North America, trying to fight other cults is a logistical nightmare to get much needed promotion 3. Not sure if i missed anything, but i remember before, termination of a cult meant promotion 3. But unless this is fixed, i think my playthrough might be screwed.
Do you have Alien Origins? Because you need Alien Origins.
(I will probably add some alternatives though.)
had a thought about brainers and balancing their psi ability, what if psi attacks had fall off in power from them? So just through a door is very effective, but across the map is not.
That's how all psi works, but it can be tweaked further.
Still, it's just one psion.
... I also noticed keeping out of sight seemed to reduce psi bombardment, but this might be a fluke. Is psi based on enemy squad last known location?
No, clustering has no impact on psi. (As opposed to grenades.)
Xcom psiclone still has text including mind control which is now non existent.
Where does it say so? I can't find it.
Alien origins huh...? I guess, but i thought it didn't need it before. Or i always got it before (i am speeding through this run, june 1998 and exalt is down). I think this should be added to the tactics page of promotion 2, to give the player a clear idea that its necessary to progress.
Psiclone says it in the attacls for it in ufopedia, listing both a panic and mind control. I'm pretty sure I'm up to date.
I just tried a gang war map, and i gotta say, for highly trained military personnel with military grade arms outnumbering a bunch of thugs, I'm a little shocked how many grenades they bring. They bring more it seems, than at a base, and it seems really bizarre considering bases prone to xcom assault has less. Or perhaps this is just a fluke, me getting grenaded 3 times in 4 turns. Do they pack more than usual or was this bad rng?
Also, fighting the brainer wasn't so bad this time, but he was much less aggressive with psi. Mostly its when he spams it.
Just downloaded 0.8.6 on win 10, applyed universal patch, started a ne game, entered in base scree and as soon as i hit "research" button the surprise happens :'( :'(
Attached is a screenshot, and related openxcom.log file crash strings
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
[FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
What regional setting do you have in your Windows 10 settings?
And what language is in your options.cfg in openXcom?
What regional setting do you have in your Windows 10 settings?
And what language is in your options.cfg in openXcom?
Language was set to English (US)
Regional settings are: italian Language and UTC +1.00 (Rome)
Language was set to English (US)
Can you please look into options.cfg, not in the Options GUI.
And is it still happening?
Here is the Whole content:
- active: true
id: xcom1
- active: true
id: x-com-files
- active: false
id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons
- active: false
id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons_TFTD
- active: false
id: Limit_Craft_Item_Capacities
- active: false
id: Limit_Craft_Item_Capacities_TFTD
- active: false
id: OpenXCom_Unlimited_Waypoints
- active: false
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- active: false
id: StrategyCore_Swap_Small_USOs_TFTD
- active: false
id: TFTD_Damage
- active: false
id: UFOextender_Gun_Melee
- active: false
id: UFOextender_Gun_Melee_TFTD
- active: false
id: UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire
- active: false
id: UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire_TFTD
- active: false
id: UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches
- active: false
id: XCOM_Damage
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Always_Daytime
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Always_Daytime_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Always_Nighttime
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Always_Nighttime_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Improved_Gauss
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Infinite_Gauss
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_No_Psionics
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_No_Psionics_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Base
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Base_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Improved_Base
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Starting_Improved_Base_TFTD
- active: false
id: XcomUtil_Statstrings
FPS: 60
FPSInactive: 30
StereoSound: true
aggressiveRetaliation: false
alienBleeding: true
allowBuildingQueue: true
allowPsiStrengthImprovement: false
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anytimeMartialTraining: true
anytimePsiTraining: true
asyncBlit: true
audioBitDepth: 16
audioChunkSize: 1024
audioSampleRate: 22050
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borderless: false
canSellLiveAliens: true
canTransferCraftsWhileAirborne: false
captureMouse: false
changeValueByMouseWheel: 0
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craftLaunchAlways: true
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executeUnconsciousEnemies: true
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rootWindowedMode: false
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showAllCommendations: false
showFundsOnGeoscape: false
showGunMeleeOnTop: true
showItemNameAndWeightInInventory: true
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skipNextTurnScreen: true
sneakyAI: false
soldierDiaries: true
soundVolume: 20
statisticalBulletConservation: true
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strafe: false
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traceAI: false
twoHandedIndicator: true
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ufoLandingAlert: true
uiVolume: 42
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useOpenGLShader: Shaders/Raw.OpenGL.shader
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vSyncForOpenGL: true
verboseLogging: false
weaponSelfDestruction: false
windowedModePositionX: 0
windowedModePositionY: 0
And the file itself attached
Edit: tryed once and still happens. With xpiratez never had such issue
Edit: tryed once and still happens. With xpiratez never had such issue
There were some changes, relatively recently, by tkzv: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5835.msg89929.html#msg89929
My guess would be that this change doesn't always work.
PirateZ is on older version still... so it wouldn't be affected.
1/ Can you upgrade PirateZ with the latest OXCE+ and try if it happens there?
2/ Or even just turn off XCF and try if it happens without any mods too?
3/ Do you get such crash on other places? E.g. when opening manufacturing view or Buy/Sell view? Or is it only in Research view?
1/ Can you upgrade PirateZ with the latest OXCE+ and try if it happens there?
Did not noticed that OXF 0.8.6 comes with openxcom extended 3.10a (v2018-02-24) :o Used that on xpiratez 0.99I1 and game even refuses to start. See screenshot attached here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4058.msg93796.html#msg93796)
2/ Or even just turn off XCF and try if it happens without any mods too?
3/ Do you get such crash on other places? E.g. when opening manufacturing view or Buy/Sell view? Or is it only in Research view?
Disabled mod and happens again running openxcom vanilla, but not in manufacture screen but still in research as soon i hit the "new project"; "purchase/recruit" and "sell/sack" buttons
Are you running Win 10 or "Win 10 virtual machine under Linux" ?
Are you running Win 10 or "Win 10 virtual machine under Linux" ?
Win 10 "real" I'm such a Linux noob i'd don't know even where to start setting up a virtual machine
Getting a crash after researching the feral Lobstermen in version 0.8.6.
Getting a crash after researching the feral Lobstermen in version 0.8.6.
Indeed you are correct. Sorry about that, update did not go as planned.
To fix it on your end before I release the next version, you can add this to research_XCOMFILES.rul:
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
(Remember to only uses spaces, not tabs.)
It is no problem, Solarius! I'm just reporting a little hiccup, so it is no biggie. Thanks for the quick-fix entry. :)
Win 10 "real" I'm such a Linux noob i'd don't know even where to start setting up a virtual machine
Try this version, I changed something, maybe it helps: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.10a-97df39e-2018-03-16-win32.7z
I don't know why, but instead of a reptilian attack, i've got a meridian attack. Map is full of meridian hunter with gauss weapons.
I will try to reinstall the mod.
Fantastic work by the way ! ;)
Edit : Reinstalling did nothing
I don't know why, but instead of a reptilian attack, i've got a meridian attack. Map is full of meridian hunter with gauss weapons.
You have incurred the wrath of Meridian! :D
And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers.
Try this version, I changed something, maybe it helps: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.10a-97df39e-2018-03-16-win32.7z
Gives same clisiz-1 bus as xpiratez (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4058.msg93796.html#msg93796)
Gives same clipsize -1 bug as xpiratez
That's irrelevant for me.
Try turning off all mods, just to see if OXCE+ works for you, when you click on New Research or still crashes...
That's irrelevant for me.
Try turning off all mods, just to see if OXCE+ works for you, when you click on New Research or still crashes...
OK, ot another sht and with this version: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.10a-97df39e-2018-03-16-win32.7z openxcomfle 0.8.6 launches corectly, even the vanilla game starst fine, problem may be with x-piratez
Edit: but the MMB (middle mouse button)/clicking mouse wheel in battlescape to look at enemies is still broken :'( :'(
Look like laser tank can go underwater.
I'm sure those aquatoids didn't expected that.
Edit : And the last alien is in this building where there isn't any passage.
Thanks to the laser tank, i managed to kill it.
Thanks, I'll check :D
Hey Friends, I don't know if I'm being a bit of an arse with the installation, but I'm doing what it says and it pops up with a "Geodata/world.dat not found" on start-up, despite me going in myself and being able to see the bloody file.
Unsure if bug, or idiotic human. Any ideas on how to fix?
It's probably just in a different place than where the game searches for it.
Can you make a few screenshots of how your directory structure looks like?
Edit : And the last alien is in this building where there isn't any passage.
I already had this problem on an earth mission!
Fortunately there is this "debug" that goes off. Thank you!
Do you want this error reported for each map type?
Translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
I already had this problem on an earth mission!
Fortunately there is this "debug" that goes off. Thank you!
Do you want this error reported for each map type?
Translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
Well, I just copy/pasted the original game into the UFO
It's probably just in a different place than where the game searches for it.
Can you make a few screenshots of how your directory structure looks like?
Well, I just copy/pasted the original game into the UFO folder within the openxcom_plus bundle. That's literally all I've done, as that's all the readme told me to do. Do you happen to know where the game searches for it? I can shuffle things around if need be.
Well, I just copy/pasted the original game into the UFO folder within the openxcom_plus bundle. That's literally all I've done, as that's all the readme told me to do. Do you happen to know where the game searches for it? I can shuffle things around if need be.
That should be enough.
Still, I would appreciate that screenshot... not that I don't believe you... but I need to start somewhere.
PS: the search paths can be seen in openxcom.log file (which you can upload too)
That should be enough.
Still, I would appreciate that screenshot... not that I don't believe you... but I need to start somewhere.
PS: the search paths can be seen in openxcom.log file (which you can upload too)
That's absolutely fine, thanks for trying to help! Is this what you're after? You'll have to excuse my complete computer illiteracy, this sort of thing isn't really my field. If it works on steam, I play it, usually. Although after watching a friend on this mod, it seemed amazing enough to embarrass myself on a forum to try and get it to work.
Yes, the 3rd screenshot helped.
Your UFO folder should look like this (see attached).
Just find these directories (they will be somewhere inside the XCOM subdirectory probably) and put them into the UFO directory directly.
PS: also the game already disabled "xcom1" for you, so you will need to either delete file "options.cfg" before you try again... (or reinstall everything again)
Yes, the 3rd screenshot helped.
Your UFO folder should look like this (see attached).
Just find these directories (they will be somewhere inside the XCOM subdirectory probably) and put them into the UFO directory directly.
PS: also the game already disabled "xcom1" for you, so you will need to either delete file "options.cfg" before you try again... (or reinstall everything again)
You're a hero, and a lovely human being! Thank you for that, it looks like everything is in order now!
Thank's for the patience,
There's a minor bug I noticed by reading Slaughter's LP: The "Public Transport" pic from the 'pedia should show the vehicle's speed, but in my version it doesn't say so for some reason. Attaching a screenshot.
It should be in the final line.
There's a minor bug I noticed by reading Slaughter's LP: The "Public Transport" pic from the 'pedia should show the vehicle's speed, but in my version it doesn't say so for some reason. Attaching a screenshot.
It should be in the final line.
There is no problem.
The speed will depend on the vehicle used: car (200km/h)/private car (350km/h)/van (75km/h)/humvee (150km/h)/Aero Mudranger (300km/h)/... 8)
It's not exactly a bug, I simply did it differently. This was before I got the idea how much people care about numbers I don't really look at. :P
Hi guys! A great mod but there are some shortcomings in the behavior of enemies (bandits of the osiron, protection of the ciberweb, splitters, mud, maybe others). The problem is that they do not attack, only the return fire. Because of this, some missions are not fun to play. There were no other problems.
There are wishes: add weapon slots and special weapons for early transport and missions to intercept the transport of human factions. For example, to smuggle cars with smuggling or a gang leader. Weapons of transport can be as follows: a car and a van are hand weapons of agents (a wagon is 2 weapons), a hummer is a machine gun or a grenade launcher. Such weapons must be low-powered, so that it would be worth using this transport and not planes (which would simply blow up the target). You can add a more serious vehicle for the bandits (a red dawn - a helicopter or an armored personnel carrier).
It would be great to add the possibility of the country's return to the project. Let it be a very rare and difficult mission. I do not know whether this is possible in principle.
And lastly: AK-47, AKSU and OC-14 Thunderstorm have a different caliber (7.62, 5.45, 9 mm), one store at all is not used correctly. Still it is possible to reduce fire from a signal pistol to 1 square and that a flamethrower what that.
Hi guys! A great mod but there are some shortcomings in the behavior of enemies (bandits of the osiron, protection of the ciberweb, splitters, mud, maybe others). The problem is that they do not attack, only the return fire. Because of this, some missions are not fun to play. There were no other problems.
I don't know what you mean... They don't shoot or something?
There are wishes: add weapon slots and special weapons for early transport and missions to intercept the transport of human factions. For example, to smuggle cars with smuggling or a gang leader. Weapons of transport can be as follows: a car and a van are hand weapons of agents (a wagon is 2 weapons), a hummer is a machine gun or a grenade launcher. Such weapons must be low-powered, so that it would be worth using this transport and not planes (which would simply blow up the target). You can add a more serious vehicle for the bandits (a red dawn - a helicopter or an armored personnel carrier).
TBH I haven't understood a word. :P
A vehicle is a hand weapon? What?
It would be great to add the possibility of the country's return to the project. Let it be a very rare and difficult mission. I do not know whether this is possible in principle.
Not possible without additional code. Probably not very hard, but no programmer thought it would be a good idea.
And lastly: AK-47, AKSU and OC-14 Thunderstorm have a different caliber (7.62, 5.45, 9 mm), one store at all is not used correctly.
Kalashnikovs can use a plethora of ammo, I only used the most common type. And I have no frigging idea what an OC-14 is, but certainly not something from X-Com Files.
Still it is possible to reduce fire from a signal pistol to 1 square and that a flamethrower what that.
Can you rephrase it to be more, umm, understandable?
Thanks for your input, but to be honest, I think you were too stoned or something when writing this post. :P
OC-14 "Groza" - Russian assault rifle and grenade launcher complex, developed by CKIB SOO in 1993. It is a variant of the OC-12 "Tiss" machine (in its turn created on the basis of AKS74U), made according to the Bull-Pap scheme. It is installed a somewhat simplified version of the removable grenade launcher GP-25 "Koster" (simplification is primarily the absence of a pistol grip with a trigger guard and trigger). This arrangement made it possible to create a compact powerful weapon. Automatic and grenade launcher fire are controlled by a single trigger. Switching mode "automatic grenade launcher" is carried out by a button translator located on the right side of the receiver. The sight of an open type is placed on a U-shaped stand, which can serve to carry weapons in the hand. It is possible to install a silencer, a laser target designator, an optical sight and a tactical flashlight. The complex is unified with AKS74U by 70%.
OC-14 "Groza" - Russian assault rifle and grenade launcher complex, developed by CKIB SOO in 1993. It is a variant of the OC-12 "Tiss" machine (in its turn created on the basis of AKS74U), made according to the Bull-Pap scheme. It is installed a somewhat simplified version of the removable grenade launcher GP-25 "Koster" (simplification is primarily the absence of a pistol grip with a trigger guard and trigger). This arrangement made it possible to create a compact powerful weapon. Automatic and grenade launcher fire are controlled by a single trigger. Switching mode "automatic grenade launcher" is carried out by a button translator located on the right side of the receiver. The sight of an open type is placed on a U-shaped stand, which can serve to carry weapons in the hand. It is possible to install a silencer, a laser target designator, an optical sight and a tactical flashlight. The complex is unified with AKS74U by 70%.
Thanks, I never knew it was called OC-14.
Anyway, the entire point of the AK family is that they use the same bullet... And they will still use the same bullet.
I think there's a Groza somewhere. Sadly, it's better than the AK, but still crap compared to other models and the Black Ops ones. This is not STALKER.
Also, uploading pics of the MIG plane and the "hidden" one because they pretty much seem to have identical stats. Is that intentional?
Lastly, can the "mid-click" function to show a target's paperdoll be assigned to another key?
I think there's a Groza somewhere. Sadly, it's better than the AK, but still crap compared to other models and the Black Ops ones. This is not STALKER.
Truth is, these are actually good weapons. The ammo is pretty attractive compared to 5.56, at least vs. unarmoured targets. But accuracy issues and then losing to BlackOps/UAC puts them in a somewhat worse position.
Also, uploading pics of the MIG plane and the "hidden" one because they pretty much seem to have identical stats. Is that intentional?
Well... They indeed are a bit too similar. I'll do something about this.
Lastly, can the "mid-click" function to show a target's paperdoll be assigned to another key?
No idea.
Lastly, can the "mid-click" function to show a target's paperdoll be assigned to another key?
This looks to be hard-coded right now.
This looks to be hard-coded right now.
Not like there are any other options... left and right click are already taken.
Heck, even M-click is taken... for drag scroll, so if it doesn't work, deactivate drag scroll...
What is not clear in the words "do not attack?" :o Enemies do not shoot, do not bite, DO NOT KILL, even if they come close. As I said, this does not apply to all enemies. This can be checked by playing a quick battle. I'm playing OpenXcom_XFiles_0.8.7. There are no extraneous mods.
The essence of the idea is to arm cars - so that they too participate in the interception, but only for the same car cults and not UFOs. That is, we found "UFO", let's call it "truck cultists." We can send against him our car with agents 8) to "bring down" and capture. Other X-COM transports (for example, MiG) such "UFO" would simply be destroyed as happens with small scouts of aliens. Otherwise, such transport as APC or Humvee is practically useless and is needed only for rare missions. My idea is not clear or am I writing in English incorrectly? ::)
It may be worth paying more attention to capturing living aliens not only for research but also for extracting useful things from them. For example, the anti-gravity module can only be extracted from live flyers (in the case of the dead, it breaks down). This diversifies tactics and will have to choose: kill the enemy, but lose the desired object or risk and get a reward.
OK, now it's much clearer to me. ;)
Regarding the AI: it is as it is in the game, it's not a mod thing. In fact, it's already improved over vanilla OpenXCom. I don't think any features of the mod would impair the AI, especially after Otto Hartenstein taught it to use limited range weapons and added the sniper code. I am not trying to say the AI is perfect - in fact it has some glaring issues, like melee units insisting to attack only from the rear, even against reason - but it's not a mod issue.
I had some similar ideas regarding "road battles" between ground vehicles. But doing it in a convincing way is difficult. In fact, my related ideas were all deemed stupid by my reviewers...
Making capturing live enemies a requirement is generally a good idea, as long as it's not simply anal. I think it's already important enough, though. I will keep working on this.
What is not clear in the words "do not attack?" :o Enemies do not shoot, do not bite, DO NOT KILL, even if they come close. As I said, this does not apply to all enemies. This can be checked by playing a quick battle. I'm playing OpenXcom_XFiles_0.8.7.
I think that's a rare situation not exclusive to X-Files, it also happens in Piratez, but VERY rarely. So I wouldn't worry much about it.
The essence of the idea is to arm cars - so that they too participate in the interception, but only for the same car cults and not UFOs. That is, we found "UFO", let's call it "truck cultists." We can send against him our car with agents 8) to "bring down" and capture. Other X-COM transports (for example, MiG) such "UFO" would simply be destroyed as happens with small scouts of aliens. Otherwise, such transport as APC or Humvee is practically useless and is needed only for rare missions. My idea is not clear or am I writing in English incorrectly? ::)
It may be worth paying more attention to capturing living aliens not only for research but also for extracting useful things from them. For example, the anti-gravity module can only be extracted from live flyers (in the case of the dead, it breaks down). This diversifies tactics and will have to choose: kill the enemy, but lose the desired object or risk and get a reward.
English is not your first language, right? In any case, I get what you mean: You want Mad Max-style battles with vehicles before hunting for UFOs, right?
Not sure if it's worth it though: Early on your organization is very limited and using rented/stolen vehicles to fight cults that are glorified gangs. By the time such battles could happen, you probably have enough firepower to (try) attacking UFOs. Besides, the Hummer CAN fight UFOs (don't expect victory though) assuming it catches them. Then there's the fact that many missions require special vehicles and gear, so the Hummer and beyond are not the solution for everything.
As for having to capture more enemies, I disagree: We already have to capture enough to do anything and we don't need more IMO.
In an unrelated note, I'm disappointed that XCOM lost the capability to making laser weapons by themselves and instead you have to use knock-off alien weapons as a base. I liked from the original that human science could become so advanced without external help.
I get the point about the lasers. I just couldn't see how they would be possible with Earth tech level, even with some sci-fi lift - you absolutely need a revolutionary power source to make hand-held weapons. But aayout least you have pulse weapons, which are purely terrestrial.
Unfortunately, the problem with enemy AI is not very rare and exists stably. Especially checked by creating a quick battle with Oziron. Of the 7 enemies, not one shot at me for more than 10 turns, only chaotically moved. It's very bad when a big boss with a big cannon does not shoot at you and can be slaughtered like a pig.
What is strange for a special service, such as X-COM (especially at an early stage) in an attempt to seize transport of bandits. And try to intercept the supersonic UFO with an armored car with a machine gun, is not it nonsense? I understand that the game has many limitations, but the logic should be.
I am not trying to say the AI is perfect - in fact it has some glaring issues, like melee units insisting to attack only from the rear, even against reason - but it's not a mod issue.
This is definitely a mod issue... don't make/mod the attack from rear so obviously better and they won't go for the rear.
This is definitely a mod issue... don't make/mod the attack from rear so obviously better and they won't go for the rear.
But Dioxine noticed the same thing in Piratez.
How am I supposed to make rear attacks "not obviously better"? Make rear armour the strongest? That's... well, that's stupid, and also against vanilla.
And the issue is, the AI attacks you from behind while disregarding TUs, so very often it charges you and then fails to attack, because it spends too many TUs running around your unit. This not only impairs it, but also looks pretty weird.
As for units not attacking you, I don't know what to say... Maybe you have Sneaky AI on?
I get the point about the lasers. I just couldn't see how they would be possible with Earth tech level, even with some sci-fi lift - you absolutely need a revolutionary power source to make hand-held weapons. But aayout least you have pulse weapons, which are purely terrestrial.
I get it about hand-held weapons, but what about bulky ones (as in laser cannons, tanks and perhaps the man-portable biggest lasers)? These could be researched separatedly or something since with big enough models, good power-sources are somewhat more believable. They can be prototypes if necessary.
Actually, I think there's something like this already: The Ion gun or whatever it was called, they're explicitedly prototype energy guns if I recall correctly.
But Dioxine noticed the same thing in Piratez.
How am I supposed to make rear attacks "not obviously better"? Make rear armour the strongest? That's... well, that's stupid, and also against vanilla.
And the issue is, the AI attacks you from behind while disregarding TUs, so very often it charges you and then fails to attack, because it spends too many TUs running around your unit. This not only impairs it, but also looks pretty weird.
No, not armor strength.... melee dodge.
If AI has 30% chance to hit from the front and 70% chance to hit from the rear... well... what would you do?
I would always go for the rear...
Anyway, vanilla doesn't even have this feature, I'm quite sure it was something modders asked for... and now complain about :)
I get it about hand-held weapons, but what about bulky ones (as in laser cannons, tanks and perhaps the man-portable biggest lasers)? These could be researched separatedly or something since with big enough models, good power-sources are somewhat more believable. They can be prototypes if necessary.
Actually, I think there's something like this already: The Ion gun or whatever it was called, they're explicitedly prototype energy guns if I recall correctly.
Yes, exactly.
I could rebuild the tech tree again, but we have to draw the line somewhere... Let's just accept it as it is. Or no game would ever be released.
No, not armor strength.... melee dodge.
If AI has 30% chance to hit from the front and 70% chance to hit from the rear... well... what would you do?
I would always go for the rear...
Anyway, vanilla doesn't even have this feature, I'm quite sure it was something modders asked for... and now complain about :)
Okay, this is informative. :) I had no idea the AI takes dodge into consideration; I thought it was vanilla behaviour.
And yes, this makes sense, but sometimes it would be better for the AI to not try and attack from the rear - basically when they can't attack at all if they spend too much TUs.
I can make Heavy Gauss, but i can't access it's ufopeadia page.
Didn't try (yet) if I can use it.
Didn't searched Heavy Mass Driver.
type_id: 4
listOrder: 2362
- STR_HEAVY_MASS_DRIVER <-- Look wrong
Edit : Look like the Sniper Gauss has the same problem.
I'm afraid I bring many bad news and a few good ones.
To start, the M3 Greasegun can be bought without having to research the "'x' acquisition" topic, although you can still research it for reasons.
Second, the Gang Wars' event from the Red Dawn is still broken: Not only do they have fights in the forest, the number of enemies in higher difficulties ramps up insanely and makes it an one-way meatgrinder that exterminates all of the "civilians" (aka the other gang members) in the first turn. There were like 30+ Red Dawn Gangsters against 20 something Holligans.
Third, I swear the "Iron Pipe" research came up multiple times despite having been researched already.
Fourth, the prisons are broken again and are perfectly capable of holding a negative number of prisoners. Same case with the Animal Pens (actually, with the latter I could hold zombies and shit without having built one yet!)-
Fifth, the Xcom Psiclone still mentions mind-control abilities despite supposedly no longer being able to do so.
The good news are that prisons have become quite economically profitable at least. :)
Attaching pics for most of the mentioned bugs.
Game crash sending an Osprey to a lab mission. Perhaps is intended, but I notify it as requested:
[31-03-2018_13-20-32] [WARN] STR_LOBSTERMAN_AUTOPSY not found in en-US
[31-03-2018_13-28-10] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: UFO or craft (MapBlock: OSPREY) could not be placed on the map. You may try turning on 'save scumming' to work around this issue.
[31-03-2018_13-28-10] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[31-03-2018_13-28-32] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: UFO or craft (MapBlock: OSPREY) could not be placed on the map. You may try turning on 'save scumming' to work around this issue.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Thanks for this huge work!
Many thanks for all the (completely deserved) bug reports!
I can make Heavy Gauss, but i can't access it's ufopeadia page.
Didn't try (yet) if I can use it.
Didn't searched Heavy Mass Driver.
Edit : Look like the Sniper Gauss has the same problem.
Indeed, something went wrong here. Fixed.
To start, the M3 Greasegun can be bought without having to research the "'x' acquisition" topic, although you can still research it for reasons.
Second, the Gang Wars' event from the Red Dawn is still broken: Not only do they have fights in the forest, the number of enemies in higher difficulties ramps up insanely and makes it an one-way meatgrinder that exterminates all of the "civilians" (aka the other gang members) in the first turn. There were like 30+ Red Dawn Gangsters against 20 something Holligans.
It's quite vhard to balance across all the difficulty levels and the random factor... But OK, I've increased the number of hools from 25 to 30.
Third, I swear the "Iron Pipe" research came up multiple times despite having been researched already.
Dunno lol :) Doesn't seem possible, but I've been wrong so many times before.
Fourth, the prisons are broken again and are perfectly capable of holding a negative number of prisoners. Same case with the Animal Pens (actually, with the latter I could hold zombies and shit without having built one yet!)-
I can't explain this... I'll ignore it for now, but at least I'll think about it.
Fifth, the Xcom Psiclone still mentions mind-control abilities despite supposedly no longer being able to do so.
This was already fixed, but possible after last release.
Game crash sending an Osprey to a lab mission. Perhaps is intended, but I notify it as requested:
Yeah, I know why... I guess I'll enlarge the map.
I have some more stuff to report:
1. Amusingly enough Crossbows are considered "super-stealthy" gear, seeing that you can bring them to Beach and Ski Resort missions with no problem at all. :) Meanwhile, the Black Ops spy-pistol, despite the mention of small size and how it is meant for undercover missions, is not, making it worse than the regular BO pistol, despite the fact that bulky Combat Knives and Dogs can be brought with no problem in these two mission types. Can you make the spy-pistol available in these two type of missions, Solarius? In-game it seems small enough to be hidden anywhere I think.
2. Scout Drones cannot use their main weapon in these two missions as well (Beach and Ski Resort ones), but they still can use their smoke launcher. Is that intentional? I suppose XCOM agents disguise it as fancy toys?
3. Not exactly a bug, but it would be good if the 'Pedia article of the aforementioned Drones said what vision range they have, as well as their night vision and thermal one, if any.
4. Since the AI Units mini-mod has been integrated with the main mod, you no longer can use HWP stuff during random Skirmish battles, but it's a minor issue.
5. Even though it's not explicitly mentioned, apparently the regular HELICOPTER vehicle you get is considered a "civilian" vehicle, making it way better than the Private Car. Is this an oversight, or intentional?
I think that's all, thanks for the hard work and everything. Playing again from the start is a bit annoying, but the new touches here and there make the experience less annoying.
1. Amusingly enough Crossbows are considered "super-stealthy" gear, seeing that you can bring them to Beach and Ski Resort missions with no problem at all. :) Meanwhile, the Black Ops spy-pistol, despite the mention of small size and how it is meant for undercover missions, is not, making it worse than the regular BO pistol, despite the fact that bulky Combat Knives and Dogs can be brought with no problem in these two mission types. Can you make the spy-pistol available in these two type of missions, Solarius? In-game it seems small enough to be hidden anywhere I think.
Where on Earth are you taking the info it's "super-stealthy"??? Or even "slightly-stealthy"???
And no, a spy pistol is not a sporting equipment in this dimension.
2. Scout Drones cannot use their main weapon in these two missions as well (Beach and Ski Resort ones), but they still can use their smoke launcher. Is that intentional? I suppose XCOM agents disguise it as fancy toys?
I'll look into it... TBH I don't really understand these HWP issues well.
3. Not exactly a bug, but it would be good if the 'Pedia article of the aforementioned Drones said what vision range they have, as well as their night vision and thermal one, if any.
Yeah, I guess. I'll put it on my to-do list.
4. Since the AI Units mini-mod has been integrated with the main mod, you no longer can use HWP stuff during random Skirmish battles, but it's a minor issue.
Yeah, just like dogs.
5. Even though it's not explicitly mentioned, apparently the regular HELICOPTER vehicle you get is considered a "civilian" vehicle, making it way better than the Private Car. Is this an oversight, or intentional?
Better? It's faster and bigger, everything else is a downgrade (mostly range).
To point 4 - that's because they're 'soldiers' and their type isn't present in vanilla. If you want dogs or AI units, delete battle.cfg in your save folder, then open the new battle menu, that will generate new random soldiers, including dogs and AI.
Where on Earth are you taking the info it's "super-stealthy"??? Or even "slightly-stealthy"???
And no, a spy pistol is not a sporting equipment in this dimension.
Uh, I think there's a misunderstanding. I meant that I was surprised that a crossbow was allowed to be taken in deep undercover missions like the beach and the sky resort ones, assuming it was an oversight. I didn't consider the "sporting" angle, and it definitively doesn't make sense to carry such stuff to a beach.
AS for the Spy-pistol, even if it's not sporting equipment, I thought that device was small and seemingly inconspicuous enough to be carried in said missions, hidden somewhere or even dismounted into multiple pieces.
Either way, these are just my thoughts.
To point 4 - that's because they're 'soldiers' and their type isn't present in vanilla. If you want dogs or AI units, delete battle.cfg in your save folder, then open the new battle menu, that will generate new random soldiers, including dogs and AI.
Thanks, it worked like a charm!
Uh, I think there's a misunderstanding. I meant that I was surprised that a crossbow was allowed to be taken in deep undercover missions like the beach and the sky resort ones, assuming it was an oversight. I didn't consider the "sporting" angle, and it definitively doesn't make sense to carry such stuff to a beach.
It's for underwater fishing. A bit of a stretch, but making a separate crossbow just for that would be superfluous.
AS for the Spy-pistol, even if it's not sporting equipment, I thought that device was small and seemingly inconspicuous enough to be carried in said missions, hidden somewhere or even dismounted into multiple pieces.
It is a little arbitrary, but hey, I'm working with what I have. :)
Otherwise you could take spypistols and similar guns everywhere, and this seems inappropriate.
James Bond does. But we're working with Fox Mulder.
James Bond does. But we're working with Fox Mulder.
James Bond also has stats way beyond maxStats and/or special mechanics. ;)
In that case, the SpyPistol becomes a peashooter only useful to weaken human enemies before capture, assuming you don't have dart weaponry.
I also did my first beach mission, it was fun to go improvising and flailing around with the surf tables, but I found a possible bug: Osiron Goons don't take Morale damage from fire (at least during beach missions), or they're very resistant to it. They still burn to death though, making the Flare Gun way more useful than I had expected, seeing that it can be brought anywhere.
Another bug I found is that an Exalt Outpost in America was a plain terrain with Evil Grass, no actual building in sight, and all enemies scattered around. That would
not be an issue if it wasn't because the mod crashed after a while during the mission saying something about "missing sectors" or something. Loading a previous save to do the mission again works though.
Lastly, there's a bug with the M1 gun: It doesn't describe damage done in the 'Pedia article (although it does so in the "Stats for Nerds" section).
IMO the gun collection is entertaining, but sadly all of that goes out once you acquire Black Ops weaponry and beyond, as they're invariably better than the alternatives.
In that case, the SpyPistol becomes a peashooter only useful to weaken human enemies before capture, assuming you don't have dart weaponry.
I'll think of better ways to use it. (Basically missions with even stricter selection, I guess; but not beach etc.)
I also did my first beach mission, it was fun to go improvising and flailing around with the surf tables, but I found a possible bug: Osiron Goons don't take Morale damage from fire (at least during beach missions), or they're very resistant to it. They still burn to death though, making the Flare Gun way more useful than I had expected, seeing that it can be brought anywhere.
Indeed they only take 80% damage from fire (and morale damage is a direct multiplier of that), but with Bravery 70, I don't think it's that outrageous. Shouldn't make them significantly harder to panic.
(X-Com leather coats are also fire resistant in the same way.)
Another bug I found is that an Exalt Outpost in America was a plain terrain with Evil Grass, no actual building in sight, and all enemies scattered around. That would
not be an issue if it wasn't because the mod crashed after a while during the mission saying something about "missing sectors" or something. Loading a previous save to do the mission again works though.
Hmmm... I've heard of it before. It's rare, so it'll take me a while, but I'll fix it.
Lastly, there's a bug with the M1 gun: It doesn't describe damage done in the 'Pedia article (although it does so in the "Stats for Nerds" section).
It's generally borked. Should work now after I fixed it.
IMO the gun collection is entertaining, but sadly all of that goes out once you acquire Black Ops weaponry and beyond, as they're invariably better than the alternatives.
Well... They are more advanced, no way around it. It's how it should be. It just takes a while to get to them, but the show must go on.
Hmmm... I've heard of it before. It's rare, so it'll take me a while, but I'll fix it.
I had this happen on a Black Lotus base mission last night. No base, just open terrain.
I'll think of better ways to use it. (Basically missions with even stricter selection, I guess; but not beach etc.)
Fair enough. It is not an essential priority though, so don't hurry it.
Indeed they only take 80% damage from fire (and morale damage is a direct bmultiplier of that), but with Bravery 70, I don't think it's that outrageous. Shouldn't make them significantly harder to panic.
(X-Com leather coats are also fire resistant in the same way.)
Oh, I see, that explains a lot. Thankfully, so far not many enemies seem to use fire... Except for the Flame Spiders that spawn in the thankfully rare "spider terror mission", which features multiple classes of these abominations even though IIRC you mentioned said special classes of critters are meant to appear much later.
Hmmm... I've heard of it before. It's rare, so it'll take me a while, but I'll fix it.
Here I'm attaching a save with an example of borked Outpost. Also, I see Black Lotus and Dawn Outposts spawning over and over again for multiple months despite having done their equivalent "Operations" research.
Lastly, uploading a few pics that show text that should be adjusted to fit the screen, if possible.
Well... They are more advanced, no way around it. It's how it should be. It just takes a while to get to them, but the show must go on.
Oh, nothing bad with that, it's completely fine and understandable.
Oh, I see, that explains a lot. Thankfully, so far not many enemies seem to use fire... Except for the Flame Spiders that spawn in the thankfully rare "spider terror mission", which features multiple classes of these abominations even though IIRC you mentioned said special classes of critters are meant to appear much later.
This is much later. :P
(Though even later it will will be even worse.)
Here I'm attaching a save with an example of borked Outpost.
Thanks! I think I have it now.
Also, I see Black Lotus and Dawn Outposts spawning over and over again for multiple months despite having done their equivalent "Operations" research.
Outposts aren't disabled by operations, who told you that?
Lastly, uploading a few pics that show text that should be adjusted to fit the screen, if possible.
Uh, this is some old version...
Outposts aren't disabled by operations, who told you that?
Uuh, the game itself? Attached some pics. Check the last lines. Usually it works or at least did during my previous playthrough several versions ago, but it's not doing so for the Black Lotus and Dawn, who keep spawning outposts despite having done the research required (not to be confused with safehouse missions, which are okay).
Uh, this is some old version...
Actually, I'm using the latest version you uploaded of your mod.
Uuh, the game itself? Attached some pics. Check the last lines. Usually it works or at least did during my previous playthrough several versions ago, but it's not doing so for the Black Lotus and Dawn, who keep spawning outposts despite having done the research required (not to be confused with safehouse missions, which are okay).
You are right! The text is a lie, as Operations only disable safehouses.
Actually, I'm using the latest version you uploaded of your mod.
Hmmm, I might have done it after the release.
Commenting some bugs I found during the previous version, not sure if they've been fixed already.
First, it seems that the Black Lotus Outpost is also bugged and has the same issue as the EXALT one. Attached a save to show that.
Second, the Osprey craft is amazing and makes the Mudranger redundant, but I don't think the Council made it advanced enough to be fully automated (attached a pic to show the bug): It can be used with no crew, funnily enough.
Third, after researching Machinegun License, I can research UAC Craft Cannon Acquisition, but nothing happens after finishing that research path.
Fourth, I noticed you can use the Flame Glove after a few research and finishing the "Using the Flame Glove" research path, but nothing seems to happen at first unless you check your agents' stats, moment which you see their Psi Strength score has been unlocked. Adding a science report to notify that could help IMO, but it is not mandatory.
Finally, I got a Croc attack mission where everyone had a buggy name and OP weapons which I'm sure they were not supposed to have.
A few questions:
1. Do you plan to add weather conditions (like in x-pirates)?
2. Is it possible to add explosives with a remote fuse?
3. Is it possible to add a teleportation device (as in x-com apoc)?
4. Is it possible to add stimulants that temporarily improve the combat capabilities of soldiers (accuracy, strength, etc.)?
5. Why is it impossible to evacuate from some missions (beach, ship)? So conceived or are the limitations of the game?
Can't comment on the vision behind some of those things, but I do know some of the limitations of the game engine:
2. No, remote fuses are not possible, only proximity, timer, or instant.
3. No, teleportation isn't officially in the engine, but I've done some experiments in writing that code. So not for a while at least.
4. Technically yes, but writing the scripts for that to work is a pain.
5. That isn't a limitation of the game, so it was Solarius' choice.
Commenting some bugs I found during the previous version, not sure if they've been fixed already.
Why not yesterday? :P
First, it seems that the Black Lotus Outpost is also bugged and has the same issue as the EXALT one. Attached a save to show that.
Second, the Osprey craft is amazing and makes the Mudranger redundant, but I don't think the Council made it advanced enough to be fully automated (attached a pic to show the bug): It can be used with no crew, funnily enough.
Right. Fixed.
Third, after researching Machinegun License, I can research UAC Craft Cannon Acquisition, but nothing happens after finishing that research path.
What, you can't but the craft cannon? Weird, you should.
Fourth, I noticed you can use the Flame Glove after a few research and finishing the "Using the Flame Glove" research path, but nothing seems to happen at first unless you check your agents' stats, moment which you see their Psi Strength score has been unlocked. Adding a science report to notify that could help IMO, but it is not mandatory.
I think it's clear enough... Maybe I'll polish it later.
Finally, I got a Croc attack mission where everyone had a buggy name and OP weapons which I'm sure they were not supposed to have.
That's not very helpful... What do you mean? What was the mission? Who had buggy names? How do you take off your panties without taking off your pants?
1. Do you plan to add weather conditions (like in x-pirates)?
I'm not, because it humans are not as sensitive to such factors as ubers. Plus certain compromises would have to be made with the engine, which is fine in Piratez (with the entire postapoc vibe), but not in 1999.
2. Is it possible to add explosives with a remote fuse?
What Otto said.
3. Is it possible to add a teleportation device (as in x-com apoc)?
What Otto said, and we're all excited about the possibility. :)
4. Is it possible to add stimulants that temporarily improve the combat capabilities of soldiers (accuracy, strength, etc.)?
Yeah, what Otto said, plus I don't like such solutions... It basically makes you spend extra time before every mission. Constant bonuses from armour are better.
5. Why is it impossible to evacuate from some missions (beach, ship)? So conceived or are the limitations of the game?
Like Otto said, it's a choice, but in some (minor) cases also laziness. ;)
Тhank you for your responses. :) Maybe the weather is not needed, but you can add special conditions to some missions, such as radiation or abnormal heat or cold. For example, radiation would constantly reduce the stamina of the agent and force through each turn to use stimulants to restore it. The description of the MAGMA mission on the nuclear reactor mentions a high level of radiation. I expected that this would affect my soldiers, but nothing happened.
Why not yesterday? :P
UUh, what do you mean? I didn't have the time to check the update thoroughly yet.
What, you can't but the craft cannon? Weird, you should.
Well, to be fair, I didn't check if the Cannon suddenly appears in the shop, because my ships cannot use weapons nor I had a reason to do so yet. Forgot to mention that.
I think it's clear enough... Maybe I'll polish it later.
Well yeah, it's a bit sudden but it works for now. Having a report telling you that you can use that specific psionic weapon would be cool.
Too bad that so far these gadgets seem to be gimmicky and not that useful compared with a regular gun.
That's not very helpful... What do you mean? What was the mission? Who had buggy names? How do you take off your panties without taking off your pants?
I think it was already reported here: A Croc attack mission where all units are replaced by clones of Meridian the Hunter, all using Gauss weapons.
I'm not, because it humans are not as sensitive to such factors as ubers. Plus certain compromises would have to be made with the engine, which is fine in Piratez (with the entire postapoc vibe), but not in 1999.
Having the squishy soldiers of XCOM having to worry about the weather would make gameplay very frustrating. I agree this is unnecessary.
Тhank you for your responses. :) Maybe the weather is not needed, but you can add special conditions to some missions, such as radiation or abnormal heat or cold.
Well, there already is a number of such missions. But they don't cause damage the way it works in Piratez, instead there are armour restrictions.
For example, radiation would constantly reduce the stamina of the agent and force through each turn to use stimulants to restore it. The description of the MAGMA mission on the nuclear reactor mentions a high level of radiation. I expected that this would affect my soldiers, but nothing happened.
It's... planned. :P
I have a crash after a site called "X-COM SLANDER" "Baku" appears on geoscape.
I'm attaching the savegame, in order to replicate the bug just advance the time. If I select "Centre on site" then nothing appears where the site should be. If I select Intercept and choose any craft then the game will crash.
Also attached openxcom.log file.
I have a crash after a site called "X-COM SLANDER" "Baku" appears on geoscape.
I'm attaching the savegame, in order to replicate the bug just advance the time. If I select "Centre on site" then nothing appears where the site should be. If I select Intercept and choose any craft then the game will crash.
Also attached openxcom.log file.
@Solarius: mission duration should be at least 2 hours... if it's just 1 hour and it spawns at whole hour, it also despawns at the same moment... and things that want to work with it crash...
Howdy, huge fan, you've reinvigorated my childhood love for this game.
In any case,
Game seems to crash at 23:59pm on Dec 31 1999. Openxcom.log seems to have nada. Any advice? I've done a search in the forums but it hasn't returned anything.
[11-04-2018_10-44-20] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[11-04-2018_10-44-20] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[11-04-2018_10-44-34] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Many thanks,
Any advice?
Upload a save.
Fair point. Attached.
@Solarius: mission duration should be at least 2 hours... if it's just 1 hour and it spawns at whole hour, it also despawns at the same moment... and things that want to work with it crash...
Thanks, that's good to know. Will fix.
Fair point. Attached.
Sorry, I won't be able to check today, but will be back to it ASAP.
Fair point. Attached.
Have you been manually editing your save?
If yes, what did you change?
Have you been manually editing your save?
If yes, what did you change?
Hm. I did modify xcomactivity for a few months at the start because I got a wee bit tired of battles.
I entirely forgot that I'd done this. Feel free not to investigate further as it's likely I've janked it myself.
Hm. I did modify xcomactivity for a few months at the start because I got a wee bit tired of battles.
I entirely forgot that I'd done this. Feel free not to investigate further as it's likely I've janked it myself.
I knew already what was wrong... just wanted to hear it's a manual change, not a bug.
Your save is missing the following regions, that's why it's crashing:
- type: STR_ARCTIC
Please do something with spitters! >:( They absolutely do not want to attack my soldiers, but only crawl around.
"They don't shoot" is some I've been hearing a lot regarding various enemies, both in X-Com Files and Piratez. Might be some AI quirk or bad usage of the spotter/sniper mechanics in the ruleset, but Spitters don't use it, so then probably not. I will try to arrange an audit or something.
Spitters are marked as "leeroy jenkins", but don't have any melee weapon...
EDIT: Repetitio, mater studiorum: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5628.0.html
Alright, uploading a save because I found a rather ridiculous situation: The "concealable" label for weapons is borked, if only for the "Capture League" missions. That, or somehow the agents managed to shoehorn a heavy machine-gun, grenade launchers and more into a small car through the customs clearance. Check the first agent's inventory to see the arsenal on his feet.
Next, another bug visible in that same save is that Heavy Machineguns can be acquired before Promotion 3 despite the 'pedia page saying so. Speaking of: What is their purpose exactly? They seem to be a way too bulky mini-gun and less efficient. Must I have power armor to use this weapon properly, or can agents increase their Strength to 80 or more? Actually, are the stats limits the same as regular XCOM?
Another thing I'm not sure it is a bug or an unfortunate case of a failing mission scenario generator: Why do I get so many missions with the same dirty, overdone wooden-fence village so frequently? I had the scenario seen in the save for monster hunts, arrest suspects, spider attacks and more. For more hilarity this particular example is meant to be placed somewhere in Europe IIRC, not Africa or the like. Does having the Piratez mod installed as well somehow influence this?
Lastly, do Laser Cannons (aka the Craft gun) use Elerium to reload at the base? I'm not sure if they do, I think they don't, but you have to research Elerium and Alien Laser Weaponry to unlock them, so I had my doubts. Do Craft Plasma Cannons consume Elerium as well?
At least it seems that after all Xcom does manage to unlock bulky laser guns more or less by themselves, as I mentioned here before.
Thanks for the help, Meridian! I deleted the row "leeroy jenkins" and now the spitters are armed and dangerous 8). Everything works as it should. We still have to look osiron and syndicate, there were similar problems there too.
Thanks for the help, Meridian! I deleted the row "leeroy jenkins" and now the spitters are armed and dangerous 8). Everything works as it should. We still have to look osiron and syndicate, there were similar problems there too.
If you can provide a save, it would help me...
Alright, uploading a save because I found a rather ridiculous situation: The "concealable" label for weapons is borked, if only for the "Capture League" missions. That, or somehow the agents managed to shoehorn a heavy machine-gun, grenade launchers and more into a small car through the customs clearance. Check the first agent's inventory to see the arsenal on his feet.
Lol, interesting. Works just fine for me. I have no explanation. :)
Next, another bug visible in that same save is that Heavy Machineguns can be acquired before Promotion 3 despite the 'pedia page saying so.
Purchasing this weapon requires: Machine Guns License.
Speaking of: What is their purpose exactly? They seem to be a way too bulky mini-gun and less efficient.
Why would I know that? It's the player's job to figure out the purpose of various weapons. :P
Must I have power armor to use this weapon properly, or can agents increase their Strength to 80 or more? Actually, are the stats limits the same as regular XCOM?
No, you don't need strength enhancement for this (apart from the usual serum applied to all X-Com agents). And stat limits are mostly the same, except I think Throwing.
Another thing I'm not sure it is a bug or an unfortunate case of a failing mission scenario generator: Why do I get so many missions with the same dirty, overdone wooden-fence village so frequently? I had the scenario seen in the save for monster hunts, arrest suspects, spider attacks and more. For more hilarity this particular example is meant to be placed somewhere in Europe IIRC, not Africa or the like. Does having the Piratez mod installed as well somehow influence this?
*Shrug* Random chance, really. And I don't think it's a conflict with Piratez, if it's not active - which pretty obviously it isn't, right? Right?)
Lastly, do Laser Cannons (aka the Craft gun) use Elerium to reload at the base? I'm not sure if they do, I think they don't, but you have to research Elerium and Alien Laser Weaponry to unlock them, so I had my doubts. Do Craft Plasma Cannons consume Elerium as well?
Plasma cannons consume elerium, laser cannons no.
We still have to look osiron and syndicate, there were similar problems there too.
These units do not use Leeroy Jenkins behaviour.
I have two small questions worthy of a'newbie': :-[
- I acquired the possibility of building small radars. I built some on every base, including my initial base. On all bases I see the radar range circle except around my initial base. Is that normal? Maybe the radars are useless on the initial base?
- I don't understand English, so I have trouble understanding these words: "leeroy jenkins"!
Does that mean monsters with this variable are "suicide warriors" (kamikaze / berserker ) ?
Thank you !
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator
The HQ in your initial base is a radar with global range and low detection chance; since it's the largest range in the game, it gets drawn on the globe instead of any other.
Enemies that use the 'leeroy jenkins' AI mode are supposed to melee charge you no matter what.
Thank you very much ! :)
Lol, interesting. Works just fine for me. I have no explanation. :)
Well, it's not the only "infiltration" mission where this happens. Ski resort and beach ones at least forbid you from bringing anything except flare guns, the dart weaponry and little else.
Purchasing this weapon requires: Machine Guns License.
Yeah, I researched that and bought a few of them, despite the article stating you need Promotion 3.
In another note, I interrogated a live Strix as well as a random Ghoul and unlocked the "Follow the Zombies" research path, which I'm not sure if it's intended. Their 'pedia article still mentions "Tomb Guards", which I didn't encounter at the time yet.
1. Bows and crossbows, as well as throwing weapons (shuriken and yajiri) are marked "space weapons". I do not think that's right.
2. Why can we buy a ship laser gun in the store. It's strange, it's always required to produce it. And it seems she demanded an elirium.
1. Bows and crossbows, as well as throwing weapons (shuriken and yajiri) are marked "space weapons". I do not think that's right.
And why not? They work perfectly fine in space. (Though obviously in microgravity a bow wouldn't arc, so if I ever add such missions, I'll probably disallow bows from space.)
2. Why can we buy a ship laser gun in the store. It's strange, it's always required to produce it. And it seems she demanded an elirium.
You can't produce Laser Cannon... Are you sure you can manufacture it in your game?
(And it definitely doesn't burn Elerium...)
They work perfectly fine in space.
The flight of an arrow in space will be unstable. The plumage of the arrow has nothing to "lean on". Maybe even somersault
I finally maanged to acquire the Arrow craft... But unfortunately I cannot use it.
I got a Mothballed CF-something Arrow that implies you can tinker with the Workshop/s, but there's no option to do anything with it. I tried unlocking Promotion 3 and Advanced Flight, but it doesn't work. Of course, I left an Hangar free in case that was the issue, but no dice.
Am I missing something, or is this bugged?
As for the Laser Cannon, I think it was made "buyable" so that you couldn't spam creating and selling them like the vanilla game.
The flight of an arrow in space will be unstable. The plumage of the arrow has nothing to "lean on". Maybe even somersault
Hmm, good point... I'm convinced.
I finally maanged to acquire the Arrow craft... But unfortunately I cannot use it.
I got a Mothballed CF-something Arrow that implies you can tinker with the Workshop/s, but there's no option to do anything with it. I tried unlocking Promotion 3 and Advanced Flight, but it doesn't work. Of course, I left an Hangar free in case that was the issue, but no dice.
Am I missing something, or is this bugged?
OK, I'll check.
As for the Laser Cannon, I think it was made "buyable" so that you couldn't spam creating and selling them like the vanilla game.
No, for exactly this reason. :)
EDIT: Identified and fixed the problem with the Arrow.
In manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul:
There is:
- name: STR_ARROW
category: STR_CRAFT
space: 20
time: 2000
cost: 60000
listOrder: 748
Should be:
- name: STR_ARROW
category: STR_CRAFT
space: 20
time: 2000
cost: 60000
listOrder: 748
Here's an interesting bug for those, like me, who don't have a lot of money! ;)
I saw that Hazmat suits can be bought. I didn't buy any. :-[
I had my first "Ooze" mission! The game advises me to have Hazmat outfits!
I sent my soldiers in their standard armor.
Surprise! On the field the game equipped all my soldiers with Hazmat outfits!
Awesome! I saved a lot of money! :) ;)
Translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
Here's an interesting bug for those, like me, who don't have a lot of money! ;)
It's not a bug, though... Exactly as designed :)
It's not a bug, though... Exactly as designed
Thank you very much !
I just understood when I read the file startingConditions_XCOMFILES.rul ! :)
There's a rather annoying bug I found: You can research and buy UAC Chainguns, but not the ammo, that cannot be bought for unknown reasons.
There's a rather annoying bug I found: You can research and buy UAC Chainguns, but not the ammo, that cannot be bought for unknown reasons.
Indeed! Thanks for the report, fixed.
Just ran a Concerned Citizens mission, and although I had flashlights on board the van they were not accesible during the equipment phase or in the mission itself. I'm pretty sure that was not the case on previous missions of this type I ran on earlier version of the mod (I started at 0.8.7 now using 0.8.8). I double checked after the mission, in case I was mistaken, and yes flashlights are equiped on that van. I checked the UFOpedia and they are not marked as concealable... they are still marked as sporting and beach equipment though. That seems like a bug to me.
Really liking the mod in general, thank you for your work!
You have two options:
- cheat: modify the 'items_XCOMFILES.rul' file to make the STR_MAG_LITE with 'STR_CONCEALABLE' !
Yeah, the torch should be Concealable. Sorry!
The rare "Deep Ones Attack!" mission where they gather human sacrifices is still borked a little to this day: The "human sacrifices" can't be done much except to sell them for pennies and you can capture Deep One Chieftain that sadly don't give you anything despite having unique names.
Meanwhile, some of the Cult of Apocalypse missions are also a bit weird: Those that are about riots and the like you can fight against "enemy civvies" that give you nothing upon being captured, not sure if intended. Is there a way to decrease the priority of this faction during mission generation each month?
Lastly, not a bug, but I was wondering if there's planned more stuff for the Pulse Weapons: There's a pistol, a rifle and a bigger gun and little else. Are there plans to develop shotgun and sniper rifle versions? Otherwise, they seem to be intended to be combined with Black Ops stuff using AA ammo.
One more thing: The MAGMA help missions where you fight tanks and other robots, you cannot capture or get the scraps of any enemy. Is this also intended, or to be implemented later?
EDIT: Completed the mission, it was easier than I thought. However, would it be possible to rename friendly mini-tanks to "allied minitanks" or something to better distinguish them from enemy ones, Solarius?
EDIT 2: I think Alien Electronics is borked or I'm missing something: I have one in my base but I cannot research it. Is that a bug, Solarius?
The rare "Deep Ones Attack!" mission where they gather human sacrifices is still borked a little to this day: The "human sacrifices" can't be done much except to sell them for pennies and you can capture Deep One Chieftain that sadly don't give you anything despite having unique names.
What else would you like to do with the (failed) human sacrifices? Take them to a date? :) Feel free to roleplay that, but I'm not making The Sims arc yet. :D
I think Chieftains aren't much better informed than normal Deep Ones. I can't remember well, though.
Meanwhile, some of the Cult of Apocalypse missions are also a bit weird: Those that are about riots and the like you can fight against "enemy civvies" that give you nothing upon being captured, not sure if intended. Is there a way to decrease the priority of this faction during mission generation each month?
Eh, it's fairly rare already. Not sure what your problem is, are these missions more boring than other or something?
Lastly, not a bug, but I was wondering if there's planned more stuff for the Pulse Weapons: There's a pistol, a rifle and a bigger gun and little else. Are there plans to develop shotgun and sniper rifle versions? Otherwise, they seem to be intended to be combined with Black Ops stuff using AA ammo.
No such plans at the moment.
One more thing: The MAGMA help missions where you fight tanks and other robots, you cannot capture or get the scraps of any enemy. Is this also intended, or to be implemented later?
Rebellious or not, these tanks belong to M.A.G.M.A. And they're your friends, kinda.
EDIT: Completed the mission, it was easier than I thought. However, would it be possible to rename friendly mini-tanks to "allied minitanks" or something to better distinguish them from enemy ones, Solarius?
Could be done, but I'd need to make an extra unit. Just figure it out yourself like a real Commander.
What else would you like to do with the (failed) human sacrifices? Take them to a date? :) Feel free to roleplay that, but I'm not making The Sims arc yet. :D
I think Chieftains aren't much better informed than normal Deep Ones. I can't remember well, though.
Well, I expected an ufopaedia entry or something, I'm not sure if these Deep Ones are stronger than normal or something.
Eh, it's fairly rare already. Not sure what your problem is, are these missions more boring than other or something?
Ah, no problem, is just that if you capture enemies or make them surrender, some have a sell value of zero. Just pointing that out.
Another thing:
I think Alien Electronics is borked or I'm missing something: I have one in my base but I cannot research it no matter what. Is that a bug, Solarius?
Well, I expected an ufopaedia entry or something, I'm not sure if these Deep Ones are stronger than normal or something.
They are stronger, yes.
Ah, no problem, is just that if you capture enemies or make them surrender, some have a sell value of zero. Just pointing that out.
That would be a bug, all captured enemies are worth something.
Another thing:
I think Alien Electronics is borked or I'm missing something: I have one in my base but I cannot research it no matter what. Is that a bug, Solarius?
If it is, it's 4 years old. NOT A CHANCE.
If it is, it's 4 years old. NOT A CHANCE.
I think I noticed the problem: Is "Alien Electronics" a thing supposed to be researched alone, or must you get the topic by researching Engineers and Leaders and so on? That's my confusion.
Of course it requires researching some prerequisites first, like 95% of alien tech!
This is a simple Tech Tree Viewer question, not a forum material. Especially in bug reports.
Ah, no problem, is just that if you capture enemies or make them surrender, some have a sell value of zero. Just pointing that out.
I failed to find any such case. All Apocalypse people have proper sell values.
Please indicate what exactly sells for 0.
Of course it requires researching some prerequisites first, like 95% of alien tech!
This is a simple Tech Tree Viewer question, not a forum material. Especially in bug reports.
I see, there was a misunderstanding: I assumed that since Alien Electronics is an item that shows up in the research tree, you had to research it after doing the same with an alien engineer to unlock the topic, but instead you have to be lucky enough for the alien to give said discovery to you as a "freebie".
I failed to find any such case. All Apocalypse people have proper sell values.
Please indicate what exactly sells for 0.
It's a very rare case for an even rarer mission: During the "Riots" and such of the Apocalypse faction, sometimes "extra" enemies that do not belong to said faction show up. The game classifies them as Civilians and Local Fighters, very easy enemies and armed with light weaponry, both of which can be sold for 0 $ if one or more of them happen to survive to the end. I also found an unarmed enemy Civilian during an "ammo alloy share slander" level, which also sold for nothing.
I see, there was a misunderstanding: I assumed that since Alien Electronics is an item that shows up in the research tree, you had to research it after doing the same with an alien engineer to unlock the topic, but instead you have to be lucky enough for the alien to give said discovery to you as a "freebie".
Yes, you're right...
Sorry, I think I may have another model in mind. I sometimes have trouble remembering which version I've chosen. :P
It's a very rare case for an even rarer mission: During the "Riots" and such of the Apocalypse faction, sometimes "extra" enemies that do not belong to said faction show up. The game classifies them as Civilians and Local Fighters, very easy enemies and armed with light weaponry, both of which can be sold for 0 $ if one or more of them happen to survive to the end. I also found an unarmed enemy Civilian during an "ammo alloy share slander" level, which also sold for nothing.
Ah yes! Now I get it. Fixing.
First thing first: Cyber Armors rock!
Too bad they're expensive as hell.
Now for the bugs: Solarius, for some reason I still got the "sky resort trouble" mission despite having wiped out the basic 4 cults. To my surprise there were Exalt guys here with subpar guns. Is that intended? It would be wise to replace them with Osiron Goons if that mission is supposed to reappear. Another thing is that somehow I can research the "hovering rocket-launcher tank" even though it becomes immediately available upon unlocking the "UFO Construction" stuff.
First thing first: Cyber Armors rock!
Too bad they're expensive as hell.
Now for the bugs: Solarius, for some reason I still got the "sky resort trouble" mission despite having wiped out the basic 4 cults. To my surprise there were Exalt guys here with subpar guns. Is that intended? It would be wise to replace them with Osiron Goons if that mission is supposed to reappear.
I never expected anyone to finish off the cult before getting Promotion 3. :P The mission will stop after this. I can probably improve it.
Another thing is that somehow I can research the "hovering rocket-launcher tank" even though it becomes immediately available upon unlocking the "UFO Construction" stuff.
Yeah, it's a mess... Fixing.
I never expected anyone to finish off the cult before getting Promotion 3. :P The mission will stop after this. I can probably improve it.
That was a random situation and one that likely won't repeat.
Funnily enough then I broke the record twice: First accidentally during earlier vesions when the Sectoids lacked bullshit force-fields and thus were easy to capture, now intentionally when I discovered how exploitable Chtonite mini-bases are. Seriously, I suggest you tone down their numbers because despite being a "small" base, they tend to have alien types of every type, including Commanders. They also have hi-tech gear like Blaster Launchers, that while they sound terrifying, they work poorly in such cramped spaces*, so they ought to have less explosive weaponry IMO. The map benefits more the player than the aliens here due their lack of melee focus.
Just my thoughts.
Also, Lobstermen should have a claw-hand or something in their paperdolls to show they're armed with melee attacks. I know it's a minor downside, but I was surprised when an apparently harmless lobsterman that was running away, turned back and ate one of my soldiers. Thankfully Brainjacks work against them.
That reminds me: Are there underwater-proof armors besides the Diving Suit? The game is not telling so far.
*Osiron vessels suffer of this to a lesser extent: Osiron Goons with RPGs tend to accidentally kill themselves when trying to attack you, or when they go berserk.
That was a random situation and one that likely won't repeat.
Yeah, I've tweaked it a little. Still not perfect, but already better.
Funnily enough then I broke the record twice: First accidentally during earlier vesions when the Sectoids lacked bullshit force-fields and thus were easy to capture, now intentionally when I discovered how exploitable Chtonite mini-bases are. Seriously, I suggest you tone down their numbers because despite being a "small" base, they tend to have alien types of every type, including Commanders. They also have hi-tech gear like Blaster Launchers, that while they sound terrifying, they work poorly in such cramped spaces*, so they ought to have less explosive weaponry IMO. The map benefits more the player than the aliens here due their lack of melee focus.
Hmmm... I'll think about that. Maybe indeed Commanders are too much. But I'll need to enable Chtonites for standard alien bases, or maybe make a biggest version of their underground outposts - deeper underground.
Also, Lobstermen should have a claw-hand or something in their paperdolls to show they're armed with melee attacks. I know it's a minor downside, but I was surprised when an apparently harmless lobsterman that was running away, turned back and ate one of my soldiers. Thankfully Brainjacks work against them.
This part is currently under development. Though I have no idea what else I can do to tell you that these things are dangerous. :P
That reminds me: Are there underwater-proof armors besides the Diving Suit? The game is not telling so far.
Sure, some later armours also work underwater (though generally not as well as on the surface).
*Osiron vessels suffer of this to a lesser extent: Osiron Goons with RPGs tend to accidentally kill themselves when trying to attack you, or when they go berserk.
Like all units in any mod...
This part is currently under development. Though I have no idea what else I can do to tell you that these things are dangerous. :P
Well, since I knew from TFTD that they can use weapons, I expected this one without anything showing up on his paperdoll to be unarmed and somehow harmless. Having the "Reaper bite" show up in one of its slots should be enough.
Like all units in any mod...
Well yeah, but your units can be equipped to not use explosive weapons in close combat. The AI can't do that, but perhaps you can edit that map's units so that Chtonites don't have rocket launchers? Similar case for the Osiron Vessel: It doesn't make sense for dudes inside a ship to carry rocket launchers. Having the other types of heavy machineguns should work (in fact, some of them carry M-60s, have these replace the RPGs or something).
Lastly, Pulse Weapons rock! Too bad sound-wise they're a bit lame, I half-expected the sound bit from Alien's famous machineguns. :)
Well, since I knew from TFTD that they can use weapons, I expected this one without anything showing up on his paperdoll to be unarmed and somehow harmless. Having the "Reaper bite" show up in one of its slots should be enough.
Reapers don't have hands and therefore we can use hand slots for the weapon. Lobstermen need these slots for, well, weapons. :)
But all this is going to be rehashed soon, when we have the new code for unarmed combat.
Well yeah, but your units can be equipped to not use explosive weapons in close combat. The AI can't do that, but perhaps you can edit that map's units so that Chtonites don't have rocket launchers? Similar case for the Osiron Vessel: It doesn't make sense for dudes inside a ship to carry rocket launchers. Having the other types of heavy machineguns should work (in fact, some of them carry M-60s, have these replace the RPGs or something).
OK, some polishing might be good.
Lastly, Pulse Weapons rock! Too bad sound-wise they're a bit lame, I half-expected the sound bit from Alien's famous machineguns. :)
I'm open to suggestions, especially in the form of sound files. ;)
The rehash that Solarius is mentioning won't change how lobsterman melee works at all, but it will allow your agents to attack while unarmed, meaning you'll at least have the expectation that no weapons does not mean no danger.
The rehash that Solarius is mentioning won't change how lobsterman melee works at all, but it will allow your agents to attack while unarmed, meaning you'll at least have the expectation that no weapons does not mean no danger.
Oh, interesting, if a bit useless for your agents, as no alien except Sectoids will fall to kung fu tricks... Except for power armored punches, maybe...
Will power fists from WH40k be a thing in the future? ;)
Reapers don't have hands and therefore we can use hand slots for the weapon. Lobstermen need these slots for, well, weapons. :)
Well, it caught me off-guard, because I expected that unit to be disarmed, not have a surprise, "invisible" melee attack. Anyway, now I know how to act properly.
I'm open to suggestions, especially in the form of sound files. ;)
Alright then, here's how the Pulse Rifle should sound, or it is considered a bug.
And the SmartGun, intended for bigger beasties.
By the way, the Large Workshop mod that you intend to adapt, which parts of it will you use (besides the Large Workshop, stuff like the Deployable Buildings and the like I mean)?¨Will there be trouble if I'm using it and you add your own variation in your mod?
Not sure if this is a bug or just a misassumption on my part:
The cyber armor is replaced by hazmat suits in hostile environments like dimension X.
The line "...protects against all battle hazards" and the helmet let me assume that it also works like the bio-exo suit.
Maybe a line could be added:
"Although not being hermetically sealed..."
"Although not insulating the user against hostile environments this suit offers protection against most weapons and other battle hazards."
The rehash that Solarius is mentioning won't change how lobsterman melee works at all, but it will allow your agents to attack while unarmed, meaning you'll at least have the expectation that no weapons does not mean no danger.
It will, however, make things more inconspicuous, as most units will have "invisible" attacks. :P
Oh, interesting, if a bit useless for your agents, as no alien except Sectoids will fall to kung fu tricks...
Sigh... You definitely should watch more bad movies.
Except for power armored punches, maybe...
Will power fists from WH40k be a thing in the future? ;)
Armours will differ in attacks. ;)
Alright then, here's how the Pulse Rifle should sound, or it is considered a bug.
Eh, thanks, but these aren't sound files. :P
By the way, the Large Workshop mod that you intend to adapt, which parts of it will you use (besides the Large Workshop, stuff like the Deployable Buildings and the like I mean)?¨Will there be trouble if I'm using it and you add your own variation in your mod?
No specific plans yet.
Not sure if this is a bug or just a misassumption on my part:
The cyber armor is replaced by hazmat suits in hostile environments like dimension X.
The line "...protects against all battle hazards" and the helmet let me assume that it also works like the bio-exo suit.
Maybe a line could be added:
"Although not being hermetically sealed..."
"Although not insulating the user against hostile environments this suit offers protection against most weapons and other battle hazards."
Hmmmm, no, cyber armour was not planned as a fully self-sustaining gear... But maybe it should be? I'll think about it.
Sigh... You definitely should watch more bad movies.
Heh, I thought you wanted to have this mod mostly serious, hence why I didn't consider stuff like armwrestling Floaters and Mutons.
Eh, thanks, but these aren't sound files. :P
Drat, I guess I shouldn't have expected to be this easy. The sound file should be mp3, right?
Heh, I thought you wanted to have this mod mostly serious, hence why I didn't consider stuff like armwrestling Floaters and Mutons.
Maybe not armwrestling, but some Hollywood tactics is a good thing, in moderation. No matter how serious a game is, it's still a game, and is, you know, simplified.
Drat, I guess I shouldn't have expected to be this easy. The sound file should be mp3, right?
Mp3 is probably the worst choice, as it doesn't agree with the OXC engine. I use wavs. (But can convert if needed.)
Mp3 is probably the worst choice, as it doesn't agree with the OXC engine. I use wavs. (But can convert if needed.)
Soo, something like the following file? First time I try doing something like this.
Soo, something like the following file? First time I try doing something like this.
Yes, exactly! Except clean. And of course it must be a single shot, not a series.
Are the first level zombie infestation missions still supposed to spawn after researching Zombie Evolution Hypothesis? Iv'e had 4-5 zombie infestations since researching it and not one has had an infector.
Yes, exactly! Except clean. And of course it must be a single shot, not a series.
Welp, this will be harder than I thought. I'm not sure what do you mean with "clean" here. As for being a single shot, I'll see what I can do.
He means that there can be no other sounds heard in the background :) At least I think so.
Many of the conspiracies that are used in this game, or referenced at least, are utterly ridiculous, as are the monster movies that it also references. On that note, we don't yet have giant ants, right? Any plans for Them to attack? Or any work on allowing titanic enemies, so we can light Godzilla on fire with napalm?
Are the first level zombie infestation missions still supposed to spawn after researching Zombie Evolution Hypothesis? Iv'e had 4-5 zombie infestations since researching it and not one has had an infector.
Zombie Evolution Hypothesis does not disable any missions.
He means that there can be no other sounds heard in the background :) At least I think so.
Well, yes :)
Many of the conspiracies that are used in this game, or referenced at least, are utterly ridiculous, as are the monster movies that it also references.
Sometimes reality is stranger than fiction... Especially in the 90's. 8)
On that note, we don't yet have giant ants, right? Any plans for Them to attack?
We have humanoid ants, does it count?
Or any work on allowing titanic enemies, so we can light Godzilla on fire with napalm?
That would be way beyond the current code. Unless you mean "UFOs" to shoot down on the Geoscape - that could be arranged.
Well, yes :)
Okay, I'll have to try harder and see how I can I do it.
That would be way beyond the current code. Unless you mean "UFOs" to shoot down on the Geoscape - that could be arranged.
Isn't that a thing since the start? Also, how exactly do "hunter UFOs" work mechanics-wise? Do they leave anything upon defeat, or do they always blow up? Is there a way to neutralize them somehow?
As an alternative for Godzilla, what about having an unit that's a giant foot that represents the reptile crushing stuff around? :)
now then, more bugs. First, I attach a save about a strange thing that was probably not intended: A Large UFO that became the battleground with a wooden castle that you see in the save, filled with Alien Hybrids that do nothing except to wait for you to go there. Retreating causes the UFO to disappear.
Second, is that intended that tanks can work underwater?
Isn't that a thing since the start?
You mean UFOs? Yes, I think they were present in vanilla. :P
Also, how exactly do "hunter UFOs" work mechanics-wise? Do they leave anything upon defeat, or do they always blow up? Is there a way to neutralize them somehow?
Hunter-killer UFOs? They work exactly like normal UFOs, except they hunt your crafts. Or did you mean soemthing else?
As an alternative for Godzilla, what about having an unit that's a giant foot that represents the reptile crushing stuff around? :)
Maybe as a "minefield" which activates at random on the battlescape - same as Pink Desert effect in Piratez, but more like this:
now then, more bugs. First, I attach a save about a strange thing that was probably not intended: A Large UFO that became the battleground with a wooden castle that you see in the save, filled with Alien Hybrids that do nothing except to wait for you to go there. Retreating causes the UFO to disappear.
This save contains a shitload of other mods, most of which are clearly incompatible... So I'm not going to debug this. But it looks like a standard Hybrid base, and your description makes sense. (I need to smooth things out at some point.)
Second, is that intended that tanks can work underwater?
They shouldn't, but I haven't coded it yet.
Maybe as a "minefield" which activates at random on the battlescape - same as Pink Desert effect in Piratez, but more like this:
Yes, this is what I was thinking about!
This save contains a shitload of other mods, most of which are clearly incompatible... So I'm not going to debug this. But it looks like a standard Hybrid base, and your description makes sense. (I need to smooth things out at some point.)
Uuh, what? Most, if not all of the mods I have are not influencing gameplay in any way and never gave me trouble at all so far. I thought the scenario was some sort of bugged UFO mash-up or something unfinished.
Either way, the mission still works, even though it gives you no alloys or anything.
They shouldn't, but I haven't coded it yet.
That explains a lot. Neverthleess, they were a huge help. :)
Dem Deep Ones are stupid stronk.
I managed to cut down the "pulse rifle" sound to something that should be more fitting. Thoughts, Solarius?
I managed to cut down the "pulse rifle" sound to something that should be more fitting. Thoughts, Solarius?
It's still a full auto sound... This obviously wouldn't make sense if you use aim or snap. And it ends abruptly.
I know, I'm being impossible. But that's how good mods are made :) There are still so many things I'm not happy about.
Maybe it would be best if you make a separate mod with just your sound, so everyone could test it?
And can we please open a new thread? This one is for bugs after all.
It's still a full auto sound... This obviously wouldn't make sense if you use aim or snap. And it ends abruptly.
I know, I'm being impossible. But that's how good mods are made :) There are still so many things I'm not happy about.
Maybe it would be best if you make a separate mod with just your sound, so everyone could test it?
Unfortunately I don't know how to make a mod, not even a sound one, I don't know much how to program OpenXcom nor I'm good at programming, for not to mention I don't have the time to do so at the moment. Therefore, for now my idea will have to stand aside.
I'll keep informing about bugs whenever I play the game though, as usual. Speaking of:
I checked and yeah, the prison/s, the alien containment unit/s and the animal center have infinite capacity. I believe I mentioned it before and I have to insist about it: They can get to negative numbers without issue.
First time post, first of GREAT MOD!!! loved the Piratez one too!
A couple of things I noticed (playing 0.89). The large radar circle on the global map dissapears, when you build a building in the base w. the large radar. Currently unsure which one. Detection still seems to work though. Annoying for directing AWACS though...
I build the cannontank and ammo for it, but it doesn´t show up anywhere. Not in soldiers, vehicles or equipment. I can only sell it. There is a seperate ufopedia entry for the cannon itself, but I cannot buld it. Maybe you originally intended to make it possible to equip the tank with the different guns (cannon, rockets or minigun) but scrapped it. Anyway, it currently doesn´t work for me...
hope this helps and keep up the good work! :-*
First time post, first of GREAT MOD!!! loved the Piratez one too!
A couple of things I noticed (playing 0.89). The large radar circle on the global map dissapears, when you build a building in the base w. the large radar. Currently unsure which one. Detection still seems to work though. Annoying for directing AWACS though...
X-Com HQ and Intelligence Center give you global detection range with low chance. The base radar range only shows the largest one of those building you have on the base in question. So if you have a global range it just isn't drawn. Kinda uncomfortable, but I don't think there's an easy way around that.
X-Com HQ and Intelligence Center give you global detection range with low chance. The base radar range only shows the largest one of those building you have on the base in question. So if you have a global range it just isn't drawn. Kinda uncomfortable, but I don't think there's an easy way around that.
Next version won't do that.
First time post, first of GREAT MOD!!! loved the Piratez one too!
I build the cannontank and ammo for it, but it doesn´t show up anywhere. Not in soldiers, vehicles or equipment. I can only sell it. There is a seperate ufopedia entry for the cannon itself, but I cannot buld it. Maybe you originally intended to make it possible to equip the tank with the different guns (cannon, rockets or minigun) but scrapped it. Anyway, it currently doesn´t work for me...
hope this helps and keep up the good work! :-*
You need an AI Unit of any kind for the tank. So go to any of them that has a "Scout Drone" Armor equipped, then replace it with the Tank/Cannon "outfit". You'll have to manually reload the HWP's weapon before each battle in the "last-minute gear-up" though, unless it's a tank with unlimited ammo. Note though that you'll need enough space for the "tank armor" to work, or the game won't let you equip that.
Description for 'Improved Laboratory'. Change from 'energy mamangement' to 'energy management'. Also change phrase from 'It also allows to expand' to 'It also allows us to expand'.
Description for 'Improved Laboratory'. Change from 'energy mamangement' to 'energy management'. Also change phrase from 'It also allows to expand' to 'It also allows us to expand'.
Thanks, fixed.
I think I saw this mentioned for the previous version, but I'm also getting the bugged Croc Attack mission. The enemies that spawned are Meridians with bugged names. They also don't attack for some reason, only reaction fire. Ironman save.
Interesting. Maybe I misaligned the region data? I will check in the evening.
EDIT: yes, there was a conflict! Attaching a hotfix - just replace the files. But back up the originals first, as I take no responsibility here. ;)
Interesting. Maybe I misaligned the region data? I will check in the evening.
EDIT: yes, there was a conflict! Attaching a hotfix - just replace the files. But back up the originals first, as I take no responsibility here. ;)
Thanks for the Hotfix, just ran into this bug myself.
What about using the scene that bug gives, and have a mission with lots of imperfect Meridian clones? I don't know what sort of story that would be a part of, but it amuses me for some reason.
Meridian is a guy, so unless you want to make clones of him... :D
Mass driver weapons (except the pistol) require their own items for research (i.e. rifle research requires a rifle) - is this intended? Do these items drop during gameplay?
Mass driver weapons (except the pistol) require their own items for research (i.e. rifle research requires a rifle) - is this intended? Do these items drop during gameplay?
These are sometimes used by the MiB, yes.
Does it cause any problems?
Just asking if this was intended, since in earlier version you could progress naturally through the Gauss- and Rail-tech tree. It just seemed strange to me that you could research craft weapon and the mass driver pistol without item prerequesites, but X-COM apparantly can't wrap their heads around adapting the tech to rifles, sniper rifles or man-portable heavy weapons on their own (but on the other hand has no problem adapting the mass driver to HWPs).
Requiring a single item (or given-for-free research topic from interrogtions) to start initial gauss or mass-driver research but then being able able to progress normally just seemed more logical to me, seeing how these are established concepts, like laser weapons. I can see the rational behind locking out gauss-type weapons (since they are used by reptoids iirc), but i don't see why mass drivers shouldn't be accessible, seeing how the MIBs apparantly had no problem adapting the tech on their own.
BTW, what prompted you to switch the name from rail-type to mass drivers? Rail-guns and Gauss weapons are two distinct concepts, while mass drivers are essentially gauss guns. Switching Gauss- and Rail-type weapons from the earlier versions made sense (since rail-type weapons would probably overheat easier), but now there are essentially two types of gauss weapons in the game, one capable of auto-fire while the other isn't.
Just asking if this was intended, since in earlier version you could progress naturally through the Gauss- and Rail-tech tree. It just seemed strange to me that you could research craft weapon and the mass driver pistol without item prerequesites, but X-COM apparantly can't wrap their heads around adapting the tech to rifles, sniper rifles or man-portable heavy weapons on their own (but on the other hand has no problem adapting the mass driver to HWPs).
Requiring a single item (or given-for-free research topic from interrogtions) to start initial gauss or mass-driver research but then being able able to progress normally just seemed more logical to me, seeing how these are established concepts, like laser weapons. I can see the rational behind locking out gauss-type weapons (since they are used by reptoids iirc), but i don't see why mass drivers shouldn't be accessible, seeing how the MIBs apparantly had no problem adapting the tech on their own.
Admittedly rail and Gauss weapons tech tree are a bit of a fustercluck right now, since I've changed the concept many times and then also made them Reptoid weapons. Therefore I will still make changes once in a while. The latest release is probably outdated already.
BTW, what prompted you to switch the name from rail-type to mass drivers? Rail-guns and Gauss weapons are two distinct concepts, while mass drivers are essentially gauss guns. Switching Gauss- and Rail-type weapons from the earlier versions made sense (since rail-type weapons would probably overheat easier), but now there are essentially two types of gauss weapons in the game, one capable of auto-fire while the other isn't.
Yes, that's what I've been going for since the beginning, but the previous version (from the FMP) stuck to the initial mod by Tyran Nick. It wasn't bad, but I needed something else this time.
That kind of clears things up, though it seems kind of strange to have two types of what is (essentially) the same tech in the game. Wouldn't it make more sense to stick with rail and gauss? Rail-guns would be easily adapted from existing research, since all you need to do is jury-rig an alien power source to two conducting rails (which of course easily overheat, hence no autofire), while the Gauss tech of the reptoids is much more advanced and can't be as easily replicated or adapted, even with alien tech?
Sorry for posting this in bugs btw, i guess my initial question in regards to the tech tree has been answered. Should i take this to the release discussion theread?
That kind of clears things up, though it seems kind of strange to have two types of what is (essentially) the same tech in the game. Wouldn't it make more sense to stick with rail and gauss?
Let me rephrase it more clearly:
Sorry for posting this in bugs btw, i guess my initial question in regards to the tech tree has been answered. Should i take this to the release discussion theread?
That's OK, or you can always start a new thread if you feel it's appropriate.
Will there be any changes in AI aliens on the map?
Thanks you!
Will there be any changes in AI aliens on the map?
Thanks you!
Sorry, I don't understand your question.
What does AI have to do with maps???
Sorry for my bad english :-\
I wanted to ask, did the aliens act smarter?
Usually AI acts very straightforward.
Yesterday I launched the mod, just to get a first impression.
It is interesting :)
Sorry for my bad english :-\
I wanted to ask, did the aliens act smarter?
Usually AI acts very straightforward.
Yesterday I launched the mod, just to get a first impression.
It is interesting :)
Yes, there are some significant improvements to the AI. Off the top of my head:
1) AI units can properly use weapons with limited range (like flamethrowers).
2) Some (not all!) units are able to use "squad sight", which means shooting at targets they can't see but they, specially trained friends can. This generally applies to the aliens and highly trained humans. However, their accuracy when taking such shots is halved (the same applies to player units).
3) Some (not all!) melee units use the "Leeroy Jenkins" mode, which means they will always charge and disregard their own safety. This applies to zombies, for example.
4) Not exactly an AI feature, but related: some units (both AI and player units) have additional vision modes, like psi vision. This may give them the ability to spot you through walls.
I probably forgot something important. :)
Thanks for the explanation!
This is very good, but the player always wants something more! ;)
Thanks for the explanation!
This is very good, but the player always wants something more! ;)
Feel free to suggest new things, preferably on the OXCE+ thread.
Let's leave this thread here for bugs. ;)
After the change, some settings are highlighted in purple and I can not change them anymore.
And, sometimes I choose one value, and as a result I get another (Yes instead of NO or vice versa)
I can not understand what's wrong here ... :(
After the change, some settings are highlighted in purple and I can not change them anymore.
And, sometimes I choose one value, and as a result I get another (Yes instead of NO or vice versa)
I can not understand what's wrong here ... :(
Those values are locked for an optimal game experience. You can edit your game-config to change them if you want. I don't quite understand the second part of your question - of course you'll switch options when you click on them...?
Those values are locked for an optimal game experience. You can edit your game-config to change them if you want.
Thanks for the answer.
Now I know.
I'm kinda new here since i just made an account to post questions and problems.
Im using the android version of Open Xcom+, the game on Fmp and others like Piratez work well and it still runs with x files expect for 1 bug, on month 1 ufos already start comming out which makes the game unplayable for past then 1 ingame month
I think it's set up that there will be at least one UFO wandering around, you don't have to deal with it, even if you can reach it before it flies off, but if you do find the chance and manage to win or just steal some tech and run, you will have a bonus later.
How many mods do you have active?
Attach a save if you can.
Hello all! Thanks so much for being ontop of bug and etc, turns out its not making the game unplayable and Im 1 year in now, its a great mod and keep up the good work!
Thanks! And keep the reports coming. ;)
I had a problem with one of the missions.
Only part of the map is available and I do not know what to do. :(
Saving is attached:
I will be grateful for the help!
I can't check now, but I bet it's either the sewers or the catacombs. Both maps may require some digging.
I can't check now, but I bet it's either the sewers or the catacombs. Both maps may require some digging.
It's a factory, I guess.
There are rails, trolleys, a big crane ...
I will have to cancel the mission, unfortunately ((
I hope that this will be further developed in the next versions, because the modification is still very cool, yes! ;)
OK, I will check it - it sounds like something new.
Checked the save Fiskun, not new, it's just the railyard tileset being stupid. It didn't spawn with a segment with doors into the brick enclosed rail line that usually divides the map on that tileset.
Not much of a problem on other mods with access to explosives from the start or near nuff. But here in files where its promotion 2 for demo options....kinda bad.
Hmmm... I guess I'll have to remove this terrain from "Arrest the suspects". :P
Checked the save Fiskun, not new, it's just the railyard tileset being stupid. It didn't spawn with a segment with doors into the brick enclosed rail line that usually divides the map on that tileset.
Thank you for your attention to my problem!
I think it would be better if it was just my own stupidity) :)
Hmmm... I guess I'll have to remove this terrain from "Arrest the suspects". :P
More interesting maps ... and more! ;)
In this modification there are large maps, for example, 80x80?
While I come across quite a few small maps.
In this modification there are large maps, for example, 80x80?
While I come across quite a few small maps.
Yeah, most maps are 60x60, but some are bigger.
Welp, was able to bring tazers on a ski mission but no tazers ammo. Needless to say nobody was taken alive ::)
Welp, was able to bring tazers on a ski mission but no tazers ammo. Needless to say nobody was taken alive
True !
"STR_SPORTS" missing in line "categories" in tab "- type: STR_TASER_CLIP" in items_XCOMFILES.rul file ! ;)
Oops, my bad XD
missing a line of cylinders for a heavy flamethrower
Yeah, thanks - fixed already.
Today I had the misfortune to have a mission against lobstermen! "Feral Lobsterman"!
I did some research right away (autopsy corpse) !
When the search was complete, no text appeared and the UFOpedia gave nothing! :-[
I think the error came from the ufopedia.rul file!
I read :
type_id: 7
text_width: 150
listOrder: 16359
I think it would be better with:
I'm not sure if I've run into a bug or not, but I can't seem to recruit the chief engineer.
I've already researched X-Com PAU: General Strategy, and I've got all the other staff needed to advanced to Promotion II expect for the chief engineer. The only other prerequisite the tech tree viewer lists as needed to recruit the chief engineer is Cool Alien Gadget and I already have multiple items that are prerequisites for that research topic. I haven't seen it (Cool Alien Gadget) from the list of available topics that can be researched so I guess I'm kinda stuck (it's not that much of an issue though when you equip your skilled agents with magnums (https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/biggrin.gif), at least for awhile).
If you need more information please let me know. *Oh, I forgot to mention that the version I was using was 0.9.*
Haven't checked the save, but have you researched one of the qualifying items?
Haven't checked the save, but have you researched one of the qualifying items?
Hmm, I don't think I have; that might be my problem (I thought you merely had to have possession of one of those prerequisites, not necessarily research one of them).
I'm going to follow a line of research through one of those items and see if that resolves my issue. I'll report back here if it does or does not.
EDIT: Okay, I tried to follow the line of research for the Alien Communicator, but it required a standard laboratory, which I don't have, so I couldn't do that one. I tried the Staff of Dagon line of research and was successfully able to follow that through to the recruitment of the chief engineer. Kind of a funky way to get to it, but I'm no longer stuck which is good. I can finally purchase smoke grenades. (https://e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/smile.gif)
Yeah frankly its not the clearest to a new player, Files is on purpose vague, but perhaps too vague at times. I would feel like a bumbling idiot without the tech tree viewer and and advice from the discord server.
But as far as i know the engine is not capable of fulfilling a tech by mere item possession. You can make 0 time cost techs but the player still has to start them as projects.
I hope the translator does a good job!
I don't know if it's because of my French game or if everyone has the same thing!
A little "cosmetic" bug in Ufopaedia !
In the article about the Osprey look down right. There are the characteristics of the plane.
The last line is cut by half!
If you have the same thing, here is a small "cosmetic" fix..:
- in ufopaedia_XCOMFILES.rul file search "- id: STR_OSPREY"
- change to have :
x: 208
y: 135
width: 160
height: 65
Translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
I think it would be better with:
Oh shit, you're right. Fixing.
A little "cosmetic" bug in Ufopaedia !
In the article about the Osprey look down right. There are the characteristics of the plane.
The last line is cut by half!
Also correct. Thank you, fixing this one too.
Just noticed: the swimsuit doesn't have right leg, quick draw or belt slots, but the inventory window still has those words. See the attached "swimwear.png".
Just noticed: the swimsuit doesn't have right leg, quick draw or belt slots, but the inventory window still has those words. See the attached "swimwear.png".
There is no way to disable it, but I don't think it's a problem anyway.
Also, turns out the Medical Drone production is bugged and crashes the game. :/ Please wait until the next update or hack it into the save.
Also, turns out the Medical Drone production is bugged and crashes the game. :/ Please wait until the next update or hack it into the save.
Well drat, that's a shame. Does that mean that starting the production crashes the game? Or trying to use them in some way? They work fine in the random battle generator.
Also, random question: Does the smoke generated from the extinguisher work to conceal vision like smoke from other sources (ie: smoke grenades)? Could you theoretically stop an unit from being on fire with a smoke grenade as well?
Just to know.
Well drat, that's a shame. Does that mean that starting the production crashes the game? Or trying to use them in some way? They work fine in the random battle generator.
When the project is complete the game crashes, as there is a discrepancy between the name of the item and the manufacturing project.
Also, random question: Does the smoke generated from the extinguisher work to conceal vision like smoke from other sources (ie: smoke grenades)? Could you theoretically stop an unit from being on fire with a smoke grenade as well?
Just to know.
The pepper spray should work normally... Honestly I can't remember. Why don't you try it? :D
The way the game engine works a tile that has a fire in it that is subjected to a full density smoke effect will put out the fire. Not all tiles from a grenade will be full density so you need to be towards the center of the aoe.
Beyond grenades and the extinguisher i do not for sure know any other items work. Field test at your own risk.
Missing string. After "ghosts in the asylum" mission I got a message "STR_ALIEN_DIES_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FACILITY_3".
Questioning Black Lotus Witch gave me an UFOpaedia article "Stay Alone, Stay Alive". Last time I played, it was available right from the start. Bug?
Thanks for v0.92b
But the medical drone still doesn't appear in a ship's cargo.
Little question: Is it normal that there is no line of this drone in the "units_XCOMFILES.rul" file?
Thanks for v0.92b
But the medical drone still doesn't appear in a ship's cargo.
Little question: Is it normal that there is no line of this drone in the "units_XCOMFILES.rul" file?
Like I told you on the other thread, it's not a unit, it's an "armor" worn by the AI Unit soldier type, like transferring the AI to a different chassis. Put it on a scout drone like you would armor on an agent.
Like I told you on the other thread, it's not a unit, it's an "armor" worn by the AI Unit soldier type, like transferring the AI to a different chassis. Put it on a scout drone like you would armor on an agent.
My apologies! I didn't understand! :-[
I don't understand English (it's an alien language for me) and sometimes the online translation is... incomprehensible!
Everything's working! That's awesome! Thank you very much ! :) :) :)
I am on Mac, electric club only has action to throw. Xcom extender apps no functioning?
I know I've made the complaint before with the assault rifle black ops variety, but I'd like to suggest a change.
Raise accuracy of AIMED SHOT to 95, and lower effective AIMED SHOT range to 25 tiles. This way its still accurate to an extent, but has fall offs for more extreme ranges that the blackops rifle obviously excels at.
I am on Mac, electric club only has action to throw. Xcom extender apps no functioning?
I have never had any contact with Macs, so you're on your own here, sorry.
It's the first time I am seeing such a report, though.
I know I've made the complaint before with the assault rifle black ops variety, but I'd like to suggest a change.
Raise accuracy of AIMED SHOT to 95, and lower effective AIMED SHOT range to 25 tiles. This way its still accurate to an extent, but has fall offs for more extreme ranges that the blackops rifle obviously excels at.
Some steps were already taken to address this.
I am on Mac, electric club only has action to throw. Xcom extender apps no functioning?
It should work... can you upload a save? And a screenshot?
Just a thought but, shouldn't the church of dagon also be based a bit in havana, jamaca, and bremuda? I'd think bremuda would be a hotbed for em considering all the stuff about the Bermuda triangle... I think its a natural place, and the deep ones being responsible for lost people in this region would make a lot of sense, like a lost deep one city.
Just a thought but, shouldn't the church of dagon also be based a bit in havana, jamaca, and bremuda? I'd think bremuda would be a hotbed for em considering all the stuff about the Bermuda triangle... I think its a natural place, and the deep ones being responsible for lost people in this region would make a lot of sense, like a lost deep one city.
Maybe? I mean it's possible, I just never gave them any sites beyond Western Europe and Africa.
Any chance we could get regular steel bolts for the dart rifle and pistol? I know they are primarily for stun, but since the arc of underwater is a thing, would make sense to include the vanilla starting gun of TFTD. Plus melee damage would be an interesting change.
Any chance we could get regular steel bolts for the dart rifle and pistol? I know they are primarily for stun, but since the arc of underwater is a thing, would make sense to include the vanilla starting gun of TFTD. Plus melee damage would be an interesting change.
I plan to overhaul the darts completely. Maybe then.
It should work... can you upload a save? And a screenshot?
yes, see attached
would love to get this working, the premise is tantalising!
any help gratefully received
yes, see attached
would love to get this working, the premise is tantalising!
any help gratefully received
The save is clearly not from OXCE+.
You are most likely just using OpenXcom nightly...
My attempts to get this working on OSX have not been as successful as I thought.
Thanks for looking
Questions on transport:
1. Will the type of fighters in the tactical phase match their image in ufopedia? One model for all fighters is not very good. In pirates there are excellent models.
2. Maybe you should take away the possibility of piloting MiG and Arrow. It's not very realistic that they can land on a mission.
3. Will there be transports for cults that can be intercepted?
4. Maybe you should return a restriction on the number of things transported in transport?
missing lines
"Vintorez" (STR_VSS) is classified as concealable weapon. Are you sure? It's a sniper rifle.
It's a briefcase sniper rifle though.
The game crashed during the bullfrog hunt. I stunned 1 frog and used debug ^D^K to kill the rest. Can't reproduce. Ubuntu, downloaded binary.
"Vintorez" (STR_VSS) is classified as concealable weapon. Are you sure? It's a sniper rifle.
It's a briefcase sniper rifle though.
But it's the only sniper rifle that's concealable!
Even "STR_SPORTING_RIFLE" is not, it is "STR_SPORTS" only. ;)
Questions on transport:
1. Will the type of fighters in the tactical phase match their image in ufopedia? One model for all fighters is not very good. In pirates there are excellent models.
You mean X-Com planes? But every single one has its own graphics. (The Arrow and MiG might share one, I can't remember, but it would be the only case.)
Modern fighters are similar, it's not my fault. :P
2. Maybe you should take away the possibility of piloting MiG and Arrow. It's not very realistic that they can land on a mission.
Indeed, I just never had the time to look into this. No idea if it's possible, I have to study the feature.
3. Will there be transports for cults that can be intercepted?
There are some already. Adding more is not planned right now.
4. Maybe you should return a restriction on the number of things transported in ;)?
Eh, it is so arbitrary that I don't like it. If we could use weight instead of item count, I would be more interested.
missing lines
Thanks, I'll check.
"Vintorez" (STR_VSS) is classified as concealable weapon. Are you sure? It's a sniper rifle.
Yes, it is specifically designed for concealment. I don't know exactly how they did it, but like Otto said, it can be collapsed into a relatively small briefcase.
I am not aware of another sniper rifle with this feature, though I'm sure they exist.
Indeed, I just never had the time to look into this. No idea if it's possible, I have to study the feature.
It seems possible to allow pilots, but to prohibit transportation to participate in the mission: allowLanding: false # this craft cannot land (and go on missions).
Yes, it is specifically designed for concealment. I don't know exactly how they did it, but like Otto said, it can be collapsed into a relatively small briefcase.
I am not aware of another sniper rifle with this feature, though I'm sure they exist.
Don't wanna be a smart-ass, but a quick googling indeed turned up other rifles, like the Remington Defense CSR (http://www.defensereview.com/remington-defense-csr-concealable-sniper-rifle-rucksack-rifle-lightweight-compact-7-62mm-nato-308-win-bolt-action-breakdowntakedown-suppressed-sniper-carbine-with-14-16-proof-research-c/) (CSR = concealable sniper rifle) fpr example. Going by the pictures that one would totally fit in a briefcase when it's taken apart.
BTW, do you have any plans of simplifying the unlock-process for guns and pistols as others have suggested? Doing them in batches via one research topic would be a lot less hassle than waiting one day for every pistol, SMG or blunt object XCOM recovers.
Don't wanna be a smart-ass, but a quick googling indeed turned up other rifles, like the Remington Defense CSR (http://www.defensereview.com/remington-defense-csr-concealable-sniper-rifle-rucksack-rifle-lightweight-compact-7-62mm-nato-308-win-bolt-action-breakdowntakedown-suppressed-sniper-carbine-with-14-16-proof-research-c/) (CSR = concealable sniper rifle) fpr example. Going by the pictures that one would totally fit in a briefcase when it's taken apart.
You're not a smartass or anything :) But for now, VSS is the only concealable rifle.
BTW, do you have any plans of simplifying the unlock-process for guns and pistols as others have suggested? Doing them in batches via one research topic would be a lot less hassle than waiting one day for every pistol, SMG or blunt object XCOM recovers.
For now I think it's more fun to do it separately. I'd gladly do away with the "Acquisition" topics, but sadly it's not possible at the moment.
It's impossible to investigate Fusion Defense
Oh man, you're right...
To fix, open research_XCOMFILES.rul and find this block:
requiresBaseFunc: [ADVLAB]
cost: 800
points: 25
listOrder: 7160
Change STR_FUSION_BOMB to STR_FUSION_BALL and it'll work.
Researching UAC cannon acquisition unlocks cannon article in Ufopaedia, but doesn't show it.
When a minotaur dies of falls unconscious, his body becomes invisible under the macro flamer. Usually bodies are visible above weapons.
Live minotaurs don't appear in the list of items to sell after the battle. Dead minotaurs and live soldiers do appear in this list.
Researching UAC cannon acquisition unlocks cannon article in Ufopaedia, but doesn't show it.
It's normal for articles with a different name than the research. I will check if it can be done more elegantly.
When a minotaur dies of falls unconscious, his body becomes invisible under the macro flamer. Usually bodies are visible above weapons.
Usually bodies are heavier than the weapon. Here.. I have doubts.
Live minotaurs don't appear in the list of items to sell after the battle. Dead minotaurs and live soldiers do appear in this list.
That's weird. Are you sure?
That's weird. Are you sure?
Yes. Enable debugging (debug: true in options.cfg), load the game attached to the previous post, press Ctrl-D and Ctrl-J, wait for Celine Dion's music to work and check trophies. There are 22 prisoners, but only 20 Syndicate humans are present. The Sell/Sack filter doesn't have "Beasts" category.
Yes. Enable debugging (debug: true in options.cfg), load the game attached to the previous post, press Ctrl-D and Ctrl-J, wait for Celine Dion's music to work and check trophies.
But could be worse than Celine Dion - like Simply Red...
There are 22 prisoners, but only 20 Syndicate humans are present. The Sell/Sack filter doesn't have "Beasts" category.
You are right, but I have no idea why it happens!
I even changed minotaurs to chupacabras... They recovered normally and were available for selling.
I'd seriously appreciate some help here.
I assume these minotaurs can be sold later, yes?
You are right, but I have no idea why it happens!
I even changed minotaurs to chupacabras... They recovered normally and were available for selling.
I'd seriously appreciate some help here.
I can't load the test.
But is it normal that the "liveAlien: true" line is missing in items_XCOMFILES.rul in "- type: STR_MINOTAUR_TERRORIST" !
You are right, but I have no idea why it happens!
I even changed minotaurs to chupacabras... They recovered normally and were available for selling.
I'd seriously appreciate some help here.
I assume these minotaurs can be sold later, yes?
Yes. They can be sold or researched.
I had an idea that maybe they can only be sold because something else is present. No, removing everything else still leaves them available in the base Sell/Sack list.
But is it normal that the "liveAlien: true" line is missing in items_XCOMFILES.rul in "- type: STR_MINOTAUR_TERRORIST" !
Yes, this could be it! It's probably related to the robot revolution from the last update.
ok, I"m a bafoon, this is working just fine on OSX, and it's great! spiritual successor to Laser Squad
But is it normal that the "liveAlien: true" line is missing in items_XCOMFILES.rul in "- type: STR_MINOTAUR_TERRORIST" !
Yes, this could be it! It's probably related to the robot revolution from the last update.
Added this line. Now it works correctly. Thanks.
OK, thanks for confirming!
Researching the captured EXALT Brainer no longer reveals the "brainer" creature. Is this correct?
A base with a radar and an HQ shows no radar circle (incorrect, but it always worked that way). A base with a radar and Intelligence Center does display radar circle, despite having an infinite detection range. Which is wrong? — my mistake, that was not a radar.
I've got a suggestion. Since the game keeps generating impassable crypts and Cyberweb sewer hideouts, that require explosives, add that to description. Like you did with grenade launcher for EXALT mansion defense mission. Something like "Those underground passages tend to be narrow, twisted and often blocked. Bring some tools to clear the way."
Researching the captured EXALT Brainer no longer reveals the "brainer" creature. Is this correct?
Hmmm, weird, but indeed it looks broken. Fixing.
A base with a radar and an HQ shows no radar circle (incorrect, but it always worked that way). A base with a radar and Intelligence Center does display radar circle, despite having an infinite detection range. Which is wrong?
Lol, that's weird... I don't know, never played with the circles.
I've got a suggestion. Since the game keeps generating impassable crypts and Cyberweb sewer hideouts, that require explosives, add that to description. Like you did with grenade launcher for EXALT mansion defense mission. Something like "Those underground passages tend to be narrow, twisted and often blocked. Bring some tools to clear the way."
I think these missions generally have such descriptions, but I'll review them. Anything specific you have in mind?
I think these missions generally have such descriptions, but I'll review them. Anything specific you have in mind?
"Cyberweb Lair" and "Zombie Catacombs". Haven't run into this problem anywhere else.
The description should state that the player may need demolition charges to break through walls. I gave an example above.
But is it normal that the "liveAlien: true" line is missing in items_XCOMFILES.rul in "- type: STR_MINOTAUR_TERRORIST" !
"Cyberweb Lair" and "Zombie Catacombs". Haven't run into this problem anywhere else.
The description should state that the player may need demolition charges to break through walls. I gave an example above.
Cyberweb Lair had it already, but I'll add it to Zombie Catacombs.
Thanks, I've fixed them already.
Hybrid fortress(?) appeared as a landed UFO alert.
Thanks, fixed.
Hybrid Fortress... Yeah, it's an old code. Still trying to figure out how to rewrite it.
Why does saving a cruise liner give 20 UFO Navigation?
It's an Osiron ship, and many interesting things end up in their hands.
I like the word you used: "saving".
Let's free the ship from the evil clutches of its crew... :P
To be able to ambush Aquatoids I need to raid Deep One villages. After I research "Undersea City" I am told that I no longer need to ambush Aquatoids. But I still keep getting village missions. Bug?
Why a bug? Village raids have nothing to do with ambushing Aquatoids.
Why a bug? Village raids have nothing to do with ambushing Aquatoids.
What purpose do the villages serve? Do I understand correctly that:
"Deep Ones Outpost" research unlocks village missions.
"Deep Ones Village Raid" allows to capture communicators.
Researching communicators unlocks USO ambush missions.
Do villages give anything besides the chance to grab the communication device and a few Deep Ones? Is there any reason to raid them once underwater cities become accessible?
Back to my suggestion to suggest bringing explosives to Cyberweb Lair and Zombie Catacombs. The same problem may arise for Ooze Nest, since it uses the same sewer blocks as Cyberweb Lair. I haven't yet run into impassable maps there, though.
Typo in Feral Carcharodon description:
"it's prison" -> "its prison".
After "Shambler Terrorist" is researched, the "Shambler" article isn't displayed.
Deep One villages don't have a hard purpose if you already have Aquatoids. But these villages still exist and are available for raiding, if you like it or need points. I guess I should explain it better.
I will also check the mission descriptions and the Pedia issues. Thanks!
Some of the terrain tiles in the archives raid mission aren't implemented correctly. They are only revealed when you actually stand on them:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen000qskcz.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen000qskcz.png)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen001x5kz2.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen001x5kz2.png)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen002klkdd.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen002klkdd.png)
Some of the terrain tiles in the archives raid mission aren't implemented correctly. They are only revealed when you actually stand on them
Hmmm... Are you sure they were not obscured by stones and other small terrain features?
Deep One villages don't have a hard purpose if you already have Aquatoids. But these villages still exist and are available for raiding, if you like it or need points.
I don't think they have any advantage compared to a city.
In-universe raiding villages also makes little sense after this point. X-COM ignores individual sightings and small outposts for cults and Cyberweb, why should Deep Ones be treated differently? (It's not a rhetorical question :) )
Unrelated: I shot down Cyberdreadnought, captured it in Dimension X, finished all related researches, finished the arc by mid-month, and next week I got attacked by it again.
I understand this is an engine limitation. But can there be an in-game explanation for this ship appearing again? Cyberweb experimenting with time travel? A research item that only appears after the Cyberdreadnought capture would give a warning that according to its logs it had jumped to undetermined dates in the future and back, and give a warning that this ship may appear above Earth again. Something like that.
The villages will be disabled after forming the underwater division of X-Com auxiliaries, near the end of the main TFTD arc. Before that, there is simply no one to delegate this task to.
About the Cyberdreadnought, I don't have a good enough explanation, sorry :P
The villages will be disabled after forming the underwater division of X-Com auxiliaries, near the end of the main TFTD arc. Before that, there is simply no one to delegate this task to.
Thanks, this was the kind of answer I wanted.
About the Cyberdreadnought, I don't have a good enough explanation, sorry :P
How about this?
A research item "Cyberweb time travel", unlocked by the capture of the dreadnought. Reasonably low man-hour price. The text would be something like:
Commander, I've got an urgent warning. According to the Cyberweb Battleship logs we've recovered, there were multiple cases of "temporal divergence during inter-dimensional jump". In other words, Battleship accidentally travelled in time, arriving to Earth a few weeks in the past or future. The phenomenon is unpredictable and uncontrollable and has no practical use, as far as Cyberweb scientists know.
So, despite being captured, the Battleship may stay a problem for a few weeks more. But you probably already know that.
No time travel!
It's ruined every story ever.
No time travel!
It's ruined every story ever.
Well, it does leave the question why is time travel so impractical it's useless. And explanations keep avalanching from there.
How about a poorly understood Dimension X phenomenon that created short-living copies of the ship? Maybe it's some kind of mating behaviour of a local plant? Or maybe the ship was modelled after local giant grains of pollen? After all, Apocalypse UFOs are grown, not built.
Cyberweb Battleship siblings
Preliminary study of the captured ship revealed two unexpected developments. First, the dimension gate generator wasn't there -- it's somewhere on the surface of the alien world. Fortunately, without Cyberweb maintenance it'll run out of juice in just a few weeks -- if Council expedition doesn't find it earlier. Second is more worrying. Cyberweb didn't really build this ship, they captured a Dimension X life form (the closest Earth analogue is lichen) with natural gravity engines and ray guns and repurposed it as a ship. Similar beasts roam the skies of the alien world and may stumble into the gates sporadically created by the unattended gate generator. In fact, the gates seem to attract them.
The Council does not care if it's the flagship of a criminal organization or just dumb alien wildlife. Earth sky must be kept clear. We need to stay vigilant a few weeks more.
I think it's a bit too involved for something that is only meant to cover a glitch. Many players will never see this phantom dreadnought and they will never understand what all this was about.
Maybe if we have some sort of follow up... Like a small chance of the dreadnought appearing until the end of the game. But I don't think it's such a hot idea.
Micronoids can find the gate generator and keep it running. There may be extra mission(s) to disable it for good.
P.S. Or they picked up Cyberweb machinery and use it to explore Earth without fully understanding the principles. Destroying all of it will keep them to their planet. Hopefully.
Micronoids can find the gate generator and keep it running. There may be extra mission(s) to disable it for good.
Yeah, we can add missions ad infinitum, but that's not the issue here ;)
By the way, how and why do alien hunting parties visit Earth? Do they have their own gates or do they use ones Cyberweb creates by accident?
Gunship/AC has a tracked unit picture. Bug?
Hmmm... Are you sure they were not obscured by stones and other small terrain features?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen003geqi3.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen003geqi3.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0044oruj.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0044oruj.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen005q1pqo.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen005q1pqo.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0069bqio.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0069bqio.png)
Sure, could be - if whatever object that's blocking line of sight is invisible.
By the way, how and why do alien hunting parties visit Earth? Do they have their own gates or do they use ones Cyberweb creates by accident?
Yes, pretty much by accident, since the Cyberweb doesn't care. Same for the alien fauna.
Gunship/AC has a tracked unit picture. Bug?
OK, I will check.
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen003geqi3.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen003geqi3.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0044oruj.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0044oruj.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen005q1pqo.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen005q1pqo.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0069bqio.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0069bqio.png)
Sure, could be - if whatever object that's blocking line of sight is invisible.
Roger, I will check that too.
I found no problems with the Siberia terrain. It would be nice if you could send me a save.
And the gunship has no proper inventory picture because it's never existed, lol.
Save is attached. I tried to check the map myself, unfortunately i've only worked with MapView in vanilla and i have no idea how to import or open custom maps. Is MapView still the tool of choice for editing and viewing maps in OpenXcom?
Save is attached.
Ah thanks! Now I manged to pinpoint the problem: some ground tiles were missing, so you were walking on the upper surfaces of rock blocks on the level below.
We modders have a term for this situation: HOOOOOOOOOOBBES!!!! XD
(J/k - Hobbes is a gread modder, and any issues with his maps are extremely subtle. So it's always a trap set by a mage. :) )
I tried to check the map myself, unfortunately i've only worked with MapView in vanilla and i have no idea how to import or open custom maps. Is MapView still the tool of choice for editing and viewing maps in OpenXcom?
Yes it is. I have actually a prepared pack for distribution, containing all sorts of added terrains: http://www.mediafire.com/file/zkpqe02ne9kn5vl/The_Map_Package_14-07-2018.zip
You just need to adjust your file paths in paths.pth and mapedit.dat.
If you want to add new stuff on top of it, let me know and I'll give you more info.
Ah thanks! Now I manged to pinpoint the problem: some ground tiles were missing, so you were walking on the upper surfaces of rock blocks on the level below.
Yeah, that's what i figured was happening, judging by how the tiles were revealed when directly standing on them. Thanks for the update and the editor package :)
As for the dimensional dreadnaught issue - why not add something like "due to [insert snazzy sci-fi term here] the possibility of a dimensional echo exist, meaning we might encounter the craft again in the near future". No need for any time-travel shennanigans. Just write it of to hyperdimensional geometries.
BTW, is there a way to ovveride .rul files with other .rul files? I like to make my own tweaks to the mod, but going through every file to make the changes when the mod is updated is kind of tedious. Can i add all the changes to one rul file and make it load last so it overrides all other files? Are they loaded according to file names?
Ufopaedia pages don't appear for Gauss Pistol and Gauss Rifle after they are researched.
P.S. Heavy Gauss did appear.
Missions against Reptoids yield insane amounts of Terramite — around 2000 units each, worth $16 million. Is this deliberate?
Gauss Cannon was in Ufopaedia before I researched it.
BTW, is there a way to ovveride .rul files with other .rul files? I like to make my own tweaks to the mod, but going through every file to make the changes when the mod is updated is kind of tedious. Can i add all the changes to one rul file and make it load last so it overrides all other files? Are they loaded according to file names?
I made a separate mod and set it to load after XCF.
I've got Psionic Labs, but can't set agents to train there. I recently hired Hybrids, but can't set them to train even in the gym. What may be wrong?
Can anybody say if the engine already allows infiltrated countries to restart funding? In case I missed it.
UFOs attacking interceptors is an interesting change, but for some reason I keep destroying them. They never crash land, they always get destroyed. Even battleships.
Correction: they do survive, if they decide to run away. But only the smallest fighter ever does that.
Correction 2: finally got a battleship that crash landed. First try out of 9(?).
Floater Leader (red cloak) has no inventory picture.
What is the purpose of "UFO Construction" and "Alien Habitat" objects I keep retrieving after underwater missions?
Same question for "Gremlin Pod" from underground.
Are "Chupacabra Embryo" and "Alien Ebryo" just to set the mood?
I got 1 ghosts mission early in 1997 and never saw them again. (I'm at 2000 now). Just random chance?
Similarly, I researched "Zombie Overlords" in June 1999, but never got the next mission.
Is there any use for terramite?
Is there any way to stop monster terror in the cities?
I interrogated Syndicate Scientists until they ran out of topics. Then I caught Werewolf, and had to research it.
I suggest that Syndicate Scientists could also give autopsies in addition to data on live monsters. There's so many monsters already, there's a strong chance to miss several.
In February of 2000 I shot down Hybrid Keep, tried to land there and the game crashed with "OpenXcom has crashed: Armor STR_DRONE_ARMOR not found" error.
See "keep-openxcom.log" and "keep-_quick_.asav".
UPDATE: And when I tried to write STR_DRONE_ARMOR, I found that DRONE.PCK won't work for it. The error was: "Invlid surface set 'DRONE.PCK' for armor 'STR_DRONE_ARMOR': not enough frames".
What is the correct spelling? "Cerebral" or "Cerebreal"?
Yeah, that's what i figured was happening, judging by how the tiles were revealed when directly standing on them. Thanks for the update and the editor package :)
No problem, let me know if you encounter any issues. (though preferably not on this thread. ;) )
As for the dimensional dreadnaught issue - why not add something like "due to [insert snazzy sci-fi term here] the possibility of a dimensional echo exist, meaning we might encounter the craft again in the near future". No need for any time-travel shennanigans. Just write it of to hyperdimensional geometries.
Well, I've decided to simplify things and just make sure the ship appears at the very beginning of the month. This should fix the problem.
BTW, is there a way to ovveride .rul files with other .rul files? I like to make my own tweaks to the mod, but going through every file to make the changes when the mod is updated is kind of tedious. Can i add all the changes to one rul file and make it load last so it overrides all other files? Are they loaded according to file names?
Yes, you can simply make a sub-mod and make sure it is loaded after X-Com Files.
For a long time I could not understand why the bandits of Osiron behave so passively. It turns out they have a "sniper: 30" option. After its removal, they became much more aggressive. Now their ship will not be such an easy prey. :D I also hope that Solarius will add the possibility of evacuation from their ship.
For a long time I could not understand why the bandits of Osiron behave so passively. It turns out they have a "sniper: 30" option. After its removal, they became much more aggressive. Now their ship will not be such an easy prey. :D
sniper: 30 means that there is 30% chance they will try to snipe you from beyond the sight range instead of normal AI behaviour. Since it only works in cases where they can take such a shot, and that it's only 30%, it should have a large impact on the game. However, your observation is noted - I'll keep an eye on it.
I also hope that Solarius will add the possibility of evacuation from their ship.
Nah, technically it could be done, but where's the fun in that? :)
Recieved same error with Hybrid Keep- "OpenXcom has crashed: Armor STR_DRONE_ARMOR not found"
Solved by adding to armors_XCOMFILES.rul copy of lines for STR_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR and renaming to - type: STR_DRONE_ARMOR
Recieved same error with Hybrid Keep- "OpenXcom has crashed: Armor STR_DRONE_ARMOR not found"
Solved by adding to armors_XCOMFILES.rul copy of lines for STR_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR and renaming to - type: STR_DRONE_ARMOR
Thanks. I will check - never had this problem before, might have broken it maybe.
I propose to revise the concept of pilots. Since the function of transforming soldiers is now available, one can really "train" the piloting agents. Pilots leave only for high-tech transport (fighters, etc.). And the motor transport pilots generally clean.
It would be nice if you could set up the types of piloting in transport (as types of weapons), so that different transport required different levels of pilot skills.
I propose to revise the concept of pilots. Since the function of transforming soldiers is now available, one can really "train" the piloting agents.
What do you think I'm doing now? Transformations! :)
Pilots leave only for high-tech transport (fighters, etc.)It would be nice if you could set up the types of piloting in transport (as types of weapons), so that different transport required different levels of pilot skills.
I think it would be over-engineering. Any 90's action hero can pilot a MiG, and your agents... are 90's action heroes!
Solarius, could you answer my questions at https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg99267.html#msg99267 ? Especially ones about Psi Lab and Terramite.
Not sure what the thing is with the psi lab. Are you saying that you can't train hybrids there?
And terramite has no use at the moment, but it will.
Not sure what the thing is with the psi lab. Are you saying that you can't train hybrids there?
I forgot it has to be started by right-clicking the lab. There was no prompt an the end of the month and there was no button in the agents list. Sorry.
And terramite has no use at the moment, but it will.
I guessed as much. I asked about its amount and price. Sure, lots of money is good, but 16 millions per mission?
On an unrelated note: I got an underwater village populated with Hybrids. Bug, or new kind of mission?
I forgot it has to be started by right-clicking the lab. There was no prompt an the end of the month and there was no button in the agents list.
There were too many buttons (5+) in the agents list... so all were moved into a single combobox.
On an unrelated note: I got an underwater village populated with Hybrids. Bug, or new kind of mission?
Definitely a bug... How did it happen? It's never happened before!
Tell me, with what chance does the pilot leave the downed plane and can I customize it?
Feature 5: Two new global variables for pilot/crew survival chances when shot down by a HK
- by default both are 100%
crewEmergencyEvacuationSurvivalChance: 100 # default
pilotsEmergencyEvacuationSurvivalChance: 100 # default
If I remember correctly, in X-Com Files it's set to 97% or 98%... So the chances for losing someone are slim, but still allowing for an occasional fatal accident, so never relax. ;)
Definitely a bug... How did it happen? It's never happened before!
Reinstalled the mod. It happened because I replaced buggy drones with Hybrids. Remember that Hybrid Fort a few pages earlier? The mission seems to have drones in the underwater village. I don't think it's right, anyway. It's in the attached 2000-04.sav, scheduled for 2000-04-16 11:00.
If I remember correctly, in X-Com Files it's set to 97% or 98%... So the chances for losing someone are slim, but still allowing for an occasional fatal accident, so never relax. ;)
Still better chances than in Xenonauts. There it's usually half of the ground crew. Even though the craft isn't lost permanently.
Just noticed this while trying to add some new missiles:
The backgrund and border colors of ufopaedia images for the craft railgun and the stormlance don't match the other entries, and the stock avalance and stingray images use the wrong palette colors (upper fin on the Avalanche / compare Stingray and Heavy Stingray).
Also, i'm getting a segfault when exiting the "Dimoension X approaches" map by killing all enemies. Evucuating by getting all of my agents to the exit works fine though.
EDIT: Apparently the initial spawn point in the second dimension x map (after exiting the caves) is buggy when using many units and/or tanks - i have 12 agents plus a tank, and loading the map crashes the game ~50% of the time. Works flawlessly when i leave the tank behind.
Just noticed this while trying to add some new missiles:
The backgrund and border colors of ufopaedia images for the craft railgun and the stormlance don't match the other entries, and the stock avalance and stingray images use the wrong palette colors (upper fin on the Avalanche / compare Stingray and Heavy Stingray).
Thanks, fixed (I think).
Also, i'm getting a segfault when exiting the "Dimoension X approaches" map by killing all enemies. Evucuating by getting all of my agents to the exit works fine though.
EDIT: Apparently the initial spawn point in the second dimension x map (after exiting the caves) is buggy when using many units and/or tanks - i have 12 agents plus a tank, and loading the map crashes the game ~50% of the time. Works flawlessly when i leave the tank behind.
Yeah, it's a known issue, though it has never been reported in relation to the Dimension X map. Will be fixed in the next version (or you can update your OXCE+, if you know how).
i keep getting missions to go kill cult bases and HQs, even after i researched "terminate the *cult*" tech. do i have to get them all before any of them stop?
I had same question yesterday.
If you researched tech this month missions will keep appearing until end of it as missions are generated at the beggining of month :)
I had same question yesterday.
If you researched tech this month missions will keep appearing until end of it as missions are generated at the beggining of month :)
oooh, thanks. makes sense
I seem to be getting crashes on transitions to new maps in Dimension X, when it first appears. After beating the cave mission, I crash, every single time. After I'd upgraded to a new edition a little bit back, I used an old save in the caves and managed to transition to the new map just fine... except on beating that, I crashed as well.
I seem to be getting crashes on transitions to new maps in Dimension X, when it first appears. After beating the cave mission, I crash, every single time. After I'd upgraded to a new edition a little bit back, I used an old save in the caves and managed to transition to the new map just fine... except on beating that, I crashed as well.
Just noticed this while trying to add some new missiles:
The backgrund and border colors of ufopaedia images for the craft railgun and the stormlance don't match the other entries, and the stock avalance and stingray images use the wrong palette colors (upper fin on the Avalanche / compare Stingray and Heavy Stingray).
Also, i'm getting a segfault when exiting the "Dimoension X approaches" map by killing all enemies. Evucuating by getting all of my agents to the exit works fine though.
EDIT: Apparently the initial spawn point in the second dimension x map (after exiting the caves) is buggy when using many units and/or tanks - i have 12 agents plus a tank, and loading the map crashes the game ~50% of the time. Works flawlessly when i leave the tank behind.
What the... this was literally five posts ago. I get that people aren't keen on reading through entire threads, but this is just lazy.
people whingeing about thing that's not shoved up there ass the instant they think about it, and cant operate a search function or there own eyeballs for more then 30 secs without running away crying. Welcome to 85% percent of the internet.
If it's new people or people with very few posts, it's completely normal and OK.
But we have such experts with hundreds of posts here too. That's sad.
Luckily, this issue will be fixed with the next version. Or you can install the newest OXCE+.
Nah, too lazy. Also, already finished the arc in my current playthrough ;D
Something that just crept up:
Monster terror missions still spawn, even after finishing the arc. Is this intended?
Yeah missions of a type you close off with tech can still spawn until the end of the month. It's the way the engine works, nothing can be done about it without rewriting the whole mission system from the bottom up.
Yeah missions of a type you close off with tech can still spawn until the end of the month. It's the way the engine works, nothing can be done about it without rewriting the whole mission system from the bottom up.
The Monster Terror missions aren't tied to the same research trigger as the other monster missions are. You can't "close them off" - my question was if this is intended.
Also, for some reason i seem to be getting no chemtrail transfer site missions, only hybrid storage ones. Looking at my current save, i have one that should be markewd as a chemtrail site, but acutally spawns as hybrid storage:
- lon: 1.2985249634837812
lat: -0.51661745859032149
id: 9
texture: -510
secondsRemaining: 858600
detected: true
Is this intended?
The Monster Terror missions aren't tied to the same research trigger as the other monster missions are. You can't "close them off" - my question was if this is intended.
Yes, right now they aren't switched off by anything.
Also, for some reason i seem to be getting no chemtrail transfer site missions, only hybrid storage ones. Looking at my current save, i have one that should be markewd as a chemtrail site, but acutally spawns as hybrid storage:
Is this intended?
Oh boy, you are so right... It's a bug. You can never get Chemtrails.
Fixed on my side, please wait for the next version.
It's a bug. You can never get Chemtrails.
I tried looking this up myself, but i'm still having trouble understanding how mission generation actually works. Why does the game spawn a chemtrails site but with the wrong deployment? I get that the chemtrails definition is followed by the one for hybrid storage and that it probably defaults to that, but i'd like to understand why that's happening. As far as i can tell they are both properly defined.
I tried looking this up myself, but i'm still having trouble understanding how mission generation actually works. Why does the game spawn a chemtrails site but with the wrong deployment? I get that the chemtrails definition is followed by the one for hybrid storage and that it probably defaults to that, but i'd like to understand why that's happening. As far as i can tell they are both properly defined.
Well, the error is in two places:
1. regions_XCOMFILES.rul:
- [106, 106, -33, -33, -512]
- [112, 112, -23, -23, -512]
- [127.8, 127.8, -36.1, -36.1, -512]
- [130.54, 130.54, -32.77, -32.77, -512]
- [140.9, 140.9, -39.36, -39.36, -512]
- [111, 111, -30, -30, -512]
- [126.4, 126.4, -38.4, -38.4, -512]
- [134.8, 134.8, -34.7, -34.7, -512]
- [140.4, 140.4, -40.4, -40.4, -512]
- [148, 148, 22, 22, -512]
- [147, 147, 30, 30, -512]
- [138, 138, 17, 17, -512]
- [34.5, 34.5, -45.5, -45.5, -512]
- [53.5, 53.5, -55.5, -55.5, -512]
- [23.5, 23.5, -51.5, -51.5, -512]
- [24.3, 24.3, -45, -45, -512]
- [13.5, 13.5, -42.5, -42.5, -512]
- [5, 5, -50.1, -50.1, -512]
- [358, 358, -40.7, -40.7, -512]
- [350.5, 350.5, -53.86, -53.86, -512]
- [0, 0, -41, -41, -512]
- [5, 5, -43.7, -43.7, -512]
- [358.1, 358.1, -52, -52, -512]
- [351, 351, -53.8, -53.8, -512]
- [4, 4, -50.5, -50.5, -512]
- [11.5, 11.5, -45, -45, -512]
- [21.3, 21.3, -38, -38, -512]
- [24.9, 24.9, -53.1, -53.1, -512]
- [356, 356, -23, -23, -512]
- [353.337, 353.337, -34.26, -34.26, -512]
- [9.71, 9.71, -34.35, -34.35, -512]
- [26, 26, 33, 33, -512]
- [7.1, 7.1, -7, -7, -512]
- [5.4, 5.4, -12.4, -12.4, -512]
- [280, 280, -38.43, -38.43, -512]
- [237, 237, -42.33, -42.33, -512]
- [248, 248, -48.27, -48.27, -512]
- [262, 262, -35.33, -35.33, -512]
- [261.2, 261.2, -20, -20, -512]
- [257.9, 257.9, -30.1, -30.1, -512]
- [261, 261, -33.7, -33.7, -512]
- [281.9, 281.9, -35.3, -35.3, -512]
- [241.2, 241.2, -34.5, -34.5, -512]
- [240.4, 240.4, -44, -44, -512]
- [276.8, 276.8, -46.4, -46.4, -512]
- [251, 251, -49.5, -49.5, -512]
- [308, 308, 18, 18, -512]
- [318, 318, 18, 18, -512]
- [319, 319, 10, 10, -512]
- [288.6, 288.6, 30.2, 30.2, -512]
- [304, 304, 32.4, 32.4, -512]
- [286.7, 286.7, -5.2, -5.2, -512]
- [292.4, 292.4, -10, -10, -512]
- [284.2, 284.2, -8.5, -8.5, -512]
- [281.8, 281.8, -20.5, -20.5, -512]
- [111, 111, -64, -64, -512]
- [87, 87, -59, -59, -512]
- [109, 109, -53, -53, -512]
- [105, 105, -54, -54, -512]
- [53.8, 53.8, -57, -57, -512]
- [67, 67, -25, -25, -512]
- [83.4, 83.4, -49, -49, -512]
- [47.7, 47.7, -45.6, -45.6, -512]
- [92.5, 92.5, -44.5, -44.5, -512]
- [35.8, 35.8, -33.8, -33.8, -512]
- [74.4, 74.4, -29.6, -29.6, -512]
- [80.5, 80.5, -8.8, -8.8, -512]
This is after I fixed it. All these -512 were -510 before, and -510 is used for the Hybrid Storage. So whenever the game rolled the Chemtrails mission, it was technically chosen, but the actual site was generated as a Hybrid Storage site.
2. globe_XCOMFILES.rul:
- id: -512
This definition was missing entirely. Bad modder, bad!
Attaching both files here; they should work fine with 0.9.3.
Well, the error is in two places[...]
Silly me, i only looked at missions and deployments rul ::)
Thanks for enlightening me. Guess i still have a lot to learn when it comes to modding openxcom. Should probably have looked at the ruleset reference too :P
In my current game I just went to a Syndicate office and I found one of the conference rooms had no entrance. It's pretty easy to break open, but I think I reported this once before. Did it never get fixed?
Edit: Minor issue, but smartpistols are listed after their ammo.
the ammo thing is normal. If an ammo is used by multiple weapons it appears in the list after the first weapon that uses it.
Thanks, I will check that map.
the ammo thing is normal. If an ammo is used by multiple weapons it appears in the list after the first weapon that uses it.
In other cases all weapons are listed before the ammo. The smartpistol seems to be the only one listed after its ammo.
oops so it is, my apologies, wonder where i got that impression.
Meant to post this earlier, but forgot to:
Map tiles in MAGMA reactor are a bit...odd. Maybe add a dedicated landing tile?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0005uf5g.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0005uf5g.png)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen002lcd9f.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen002lcd9f.png)
Holodrones can apparently bleed:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen003l0egl.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen003l0egl.png)
Map tiles in MAGMA reactor are a bit...odd. Maybe add a dedicated landing tile?
Well... This is a dedicated landing tile! XD
Holodrones can apparently bleed:
Yes, they are living things.
Well... This is a dedicated landing tile! XD
Could you mabe add one or two squashed tanks under the landing craft to make that more obvious? As you can see it's a bit hard to tell right right now.
Yes, they are living things.
Then again the autopsy states that they are automatons. Would you mind getting one in line with the other? They confuse me :P
Could you mabe add one or two squashed tanks under the landing craft to make that more obvious? As you can see it's a bit hard to tell right right now.
...sorry, what? :D
Is this like, Rick and Morty??? (Good show by the way.)
Then again the autopsy states that they are automatons. Would you mind getting one in line with the other? They confuse me :P
Automatons can be biological, there is no contradiction at all.
...sorry, what? :D
Is this like, Rick and Morty??? (Good show by the way.)
...maybe? It's just that right now it looks like my Skymarshall simply dropped down onto a building and obliterated whatever part of the building and walkways was in the way. If that's actually intended, adding a few crushed tanks could drive that point home - X-COM simply has no time find a better suited landing place and doesn't give a f- about collateral damage. I think it's common knowledge that this would be totally fitting. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who handles urban Chryssalid infestation by applying copious ammounts of high explosives.
Automatons can be biological, there is no contradiction at all.
But...but that's not what wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automaton) or the cambridge (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/automaton#translations) dictionary says! :P
Yeah the odd half building thing comes from certain map structures taking up more then one map chunk, and then not being defined to spawn with there proper matching pieces adjacent and aligned properly.
...maybe? It's just that right now it looks like my Skymarshall simply dropped down onto a building and obliterated whatever part of the building and walkways was in the way. If that's actually intended, adding a few crushed tanks could drive that point home - X-COM simply has no time find a better suited landing place and doesn't give a f- about collateral damage. I think it's common knowledge that this would be totally fitting. I'm pretty sure i'm not the only one who handles urban Chryssalid infestation by applying copious ammounts of high explosives.
I did some experiments wit that, but it is really tricky.
For now I'm focusing on more important stuff, though I acknowledge the present system is not 100% perfect. Only 99% or so. :P
But...but that's not what wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automaton) or the cambridge (https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/automaton#translations) dictionary says! :P
At a glance, they definitely aren't contradictory to the idea of biological automata. After all it's just a matter of engineering, not purpose.
A couple of bugs in the latest version, some of them are critical:
STR_HYPERWAVES_UFOPEDIA is completely broken and shows only the name of the string.
The STR_UFO_PROPULSION article has a wrong title and its opening causes a CTD.
STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER is displayed as STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_ARMOR in the UFOpedia and when opened causes a crash.
The troop ship and striker share the same UFOpedia article.
All the STR_TROOP_SHIP_TERROR_MISSION strings are missing.
Thanks. I will repack and reupload the mod.
The Floater Legionnaire Autopsy does not have any pre-reqs, and is available for research from the start.
Found a problem.
I can immediately research Floater Legionaire and I am automatically at promo 1 when i picked beginner and I believe there is a punchuation mistake on the pickaxe ufopedia.
The Floater Legionnaire Autopsy does not have any pre-reqs, and is available for research from the start.
Gosh darn it to heck!
Thank... Fixed. Fix attached.
I can immediately research Floater Legionaire and I am automatically at promo 1 when i picked beginner and I believe there is a punchuation mistake on the pickaxe ufopedia.
What do you mean by "I am automatically at promo 1"???
Fixed. Fix attached.
BTW, the UFO propulsion CTD is still there, even after the fix :).
BTW, the UFO propulsion CTD is still there, even after the fix :).
...uploading 4th version now. :P
What do you mean by "I am automatically at promo 1"???
Shit I double checked and I was being a dumbass, sorry. But the pickaxe still has a question mark before miner.
Gosh darn it to heck!
Thank... Fixed. Fix attached.
I'm not sure how the research tree works exactly ???, but STR_FLOATER_LEGIONNAIRE_AUTOPSY is still immediately available on a new game.
I had to repackage and reupload the whole thing... Please download again.
If you don't want to reinstall again, you can simply overwrite Ruleset and Language folders only.
I'm still in the early stages of the game, but here's a list of (perceived) issues I've come across so far:
- STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION_UFOPEDIA: "impregnation of" would be better as "impregnation [of human women] with".
- STR_G11_UFOPEDIA: "produced by the H&K" should be just "produced by H&K".
- STR_TLETH_SPEAR_UFOPEDIA: Uses the word "easily" twice in one sentence, consider rephrasing.
- Consider explaining the difference between positive and negative values for camouflage in the camouflage article.
- The dog combat gear has a weirdly shrunken paperdoll image. It is also supposed to increase the dog's carrying capacity, but doesn't.
- Same story with the durathread dog armor, which also states it offers more protection than the regular dog armor, but that's a little iffy.
- Consider adding the maximum speed of PRIVATE/CAR to the UFOpaedia article, since it is explicitly mentioned for the public one.
- The Mk23 SOCOM's description states you need Promotion II to purchase it, but that is incorrect. Recruiting the military envoy unlocks the acquisition tech.
- The "Strange Life Form" missions are labeled "Environmental Alert" in the mission briefing. The latter sounds more like a hazard such as a forest fire or a noxious cloud or something like that. Maybe worth rephrasing?
- The doors on the maps used for surf missions can be closed (but not opened) even if not enough TUs remain to do so. So far I have only seen this behavior on these particular maps.
- The Nitro Express Rifle seems to be grouped with the shotguns.
- Shouldn't the "Red Ops Soldier" be called "Red Dawn Soldier"?
- Spray & Pray doesn't make much sense on the double-barreled shotgun, in my opinion. I consider the auto-shot to be a way of modeling the firing of both barrels at once.
- Personal lighting for scout drones is pretty bright. It reveals the group right at the start of battle. This may or may not be intentional, but I'm still putting it on the list.
- In my game I found myself able to extract grav units from legionnaires despite not yet having researched floater autopsies. I think this might be an artifact of updating the mod mid-game though.
Thank you! I fixed everything, except for the below:
- Consider explaining the difference between positive and negative values for camouflage in the camouflage article.
Okay, I guess. I should do that, but it requires some thinking.
- The dog combat gear has a weirdly shrunken paperdoll image. It is also supposed to increase the dog's carrying capacity, but doesn't.
Well... More like the standard paperdoll was enlarged, and fixing the rest to match it requires work.
- Same story with the durathread dog armor, which also states it offers more protection than the regular dog armor, but that's a little iffy.
Well... It does.
- Consider adding the maximum speed of PRIVATE/CAR to the UFOpaedia article, since it is explicitly mentioned for the public one.
I need to make a separate article, yes.
- The "Strange Life Form" missions are labeled "Environmental Alert" in the mission briefing. The latter sounds more like a hazard such as a forest fire or a noxious cloud or something like that. Maybe worth rephrasing?
The problem is that this is an alien life form, so an environmental alert by definition (just like a forest fire).
- The doors on the maps used for surf missions can be closed (but not opened) even if not enough TUs remain to do so. So far I have only seen this behavior on these particular maps.
Unfortunately I failed to replicate this, or find anything wrong with the terrain files.
- Shouldn't the "Red Ops Soldier" be called "Red Dawn Soldier"?
No, why?
All Red Dawn people are by definition Red Dawn soldiers.
Version 0.9.4c, OpenXCom binary from 2018-07-21.
I got the research item "Floater Legionnaire Autopsy" at the very start. There are no corpses in the storage. Bug?
P.S. Finished research in 1 day, got anti-gravity module extraction, but nothing else. Shouldn't it at least give "Floater Autopsy"?
Another bug: "Fire Spraying" does not work as described in Ufopedia. At least for Glock 18 auto fire. Ctrl + Shift + left click does not create waypoints, it works the same as Ctrl + left click.
Well... It does.
Kind of? It actually has LESS armor value than the default armor, but it offers more percentage reduction to various damage types. So it depends. Against early game small arms fire, for instance, the normal armor is slightly better. Oh well.
Unfortunately I failed to replicate this, or find anything wrong with the terrain files.
Not really a biggie anyway. I can make a save if I encounter it again or something. Just thought I'd mention it.
No, why?
All Red Dawn people are by definition Red Dawn soldiers.
Yeah, fair enough, just thought the naming seemed inconsistent. Carry on.
Version 0.9.4c. I got the research item "Floater Legionnaire Autopsy" at the very start. There are no corpses in the storage. Bug?
Yes, it should be fixed in the currently latest version (0.9.4c).
So here's one more thing before I shut up again for a while:
On the cruise liner map, there is a spot where a non-flying soldier can get stuck:
So here's one more thing before I shut up again for a while:
On the cruise liner map, there is a spot where a non-flying soldier can get stuck:
Hmm, but it's the vanilla TFTD map. :P
Yes, it should be fixed in the currently latest version (0.9.4c).
I got it in 0.9.4c, which I downloaded about 2 hours ago.
And what about "Fire Spraying"? Does it require editing every gun? I tried several more guns — it worked with only 2 guns out of 5.
And what about "Fire Spraying"? Does it require editing every gun? I tried several more guns — it worked with only 2 guns out of 5.
It only works on guns where it's enabled; in general, Solarius went with the rule that you need more than 3x autoshot in order for a weapon to have enough rate of fire to enable this, but there are probably exceptions.
Just in case, I edited the first post to make sure the link is correct. Please let me know if the problem persists.
Just in case, I edited the first post to make sure the link is correct. Please let me know if the problem persists.
Still the same. It's the same archive I downloaded earlier.
Just in case:
I deleted the old folders common/ , standard/ and mods/ and unpacked ones from the archive.
The executable archive is "Extended+-3.10b-f8325b1-2018-07-21-xenial-x86_64.7z" from https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//ExtendedPlus/Extended+-3.10b-f8325b1-2018-07-21-xenial-x86_64.7z
At this point it's probably save corruption. This autopsy has been marked as available for research and it stayed like this; or at least that's what I think.
I've played a bit more, and run across some more things. Some of them more important than others.
Writing nitpickery:
- STR_ALIEN_BIOCHEMISTRY_UFOPEDIA: "The analysis of aliens' tissue" would be better as "The analysis of alien tissue". "the varying origins" would be better as "varying origins".
- STR_ANCIENT_ALIENS_UFOPEDIA: "We've known the aliens have been observing us for decades" would be better as "We know that the aliens have been observing us for decades".
- STR_DOSSIER_ABEBA_TEWOLDE_UFOPEDIA: Regarding, "after her orphanage caught fire and was send to Germany", the typo aside you may want to rephrase it, because it means the orphanage was sent to Germany. Also, I think "with victims carbonized" at the end there is kinda awkward.
- STR_DOSSIER_CRAZY_HASSAN_UFOPEDIA: Suggest replacing "However" with "Regardless of how". "payed" should be "paid". Suggest replacing "Steady customers" with "Repeat customers".
- STR_DOSSIER_HARLEY_STONE_UFOPEDIA: "Often implicated - but never corroborated - in brutal killings" is awkward because one cannot be corroborated in a killing. Also, suggest replacing "killings" with "killing sprees", given the remainder of the sentence.
- STR_DOSSIER_IVAN_PRYPET_UFOPEDIA: The final sentence in this article contains a style error in that it starts as an enumeration of what this person is, yet the final element of the enumeration is something he does.
- STR_DOSSIER_MONICA_GRUMMANN_UFOPEDIA: "member of Red Dawn research staff" would be better as "member of the Red Dawn research staff".
- STR_DOSSIER_PURPLE_LILLY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "child trade, but" to "child trade until".
- STR_DOSSIER_SHANE_BARTON_UFOPEDIA: "that someone like this man and his family came in contact with alien ecosystem" would be better as "that people like this man and his family came in contact with the alien ecosystem".
- STR_FN_P90_UFOPEDIA: "50 rounds box magazine" would be better as "50 round box magazine".
- STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_01_UFOPEDIA: "to better the humanity" should be just "to better humanity".
- STR_MUTANT_METABOLISM_UFOPEDIA: "I will be happy to provide the necessary plans whenever they're complete" is a somewhat odd sentence, maybe replace "whenever" with "as soon as"?
- STR_STAFF_011_UFOPEDIA: "wonder why is that" should be "wonder why that is". "brainwashed and blackmailed enough" would be better as "brainwashed and blackmailed to the point".
- STR_STAFF_023_UFOPEDIA: Some questionable writing in the first half of this article.
- STR_WHAT_DO_NOW_MILESTONE_2_UFOPEDIA: "wont" should be "won't". Also, "before we're decommissioned" would be better as "until we're decommissioned".
- STR_XENONAUTS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "as well as" to "nor should".
- STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_UFOPEDIA: "loses any control over host's physiology" should be "loses any control over the host's physiology".
- STR_ZSRR_RATIONALE_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "survive the inevitable alien rule" as "survive the inevitable alien conquest".
The rest:
- These weapons have Ufopedia texts that are too long to fit on the screen: BlackOps Auto Sniper Rifle, PSG-1, VSS Vintorez
- The BlackOps Sniper Rifle article does not mention you need Contact: BlackOps Industries to purchase it, though presumably that is a requirement.
- The BlackOps LMG claims to require Promotion III, but this is incorrect. It does require Machine Guns License though, which it does not mention; meanwhile the BlackOps Assault LMG does not require this despite being very similar.
- Consider sorting the BlackOps CAWS next to the other BlackOps shotguns.
- The Boomer Zombie combat analysis appears to be broken. It shows up in the Ufopedia as STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_ARMOR and crashes the game if clicked upon.
- The Shambler does not seem to have a combat analysis entry at all.
- The Dragonfly lacks a light source on its front starboard side during battles, breaking its symmetry.
- The white rocks on the tundra terrain map are all passable.
Some stuff I find weird.
A) Why is the damage type of bullets and spears named "Kinetic"? That would mean damage by moving object, which, while it applies, it also applies to everything in the "Blade" damage type and also Fists and Iron Pipes, which are in the "Concussive" damage type. I think that naming it simply "Piercing" would be more appropriate.
B) There are some things that are obsolete by the time you can buy or make it. Most of these have some reason for being there.
Jumpsuit (Obsoleted [against bullets] by Armored Vest) could be gained before said vest.
Most MAGMA standard ammo (obsoleted by MAGMA Tritanium Ammo) and weapons are dropped by Red Dawn.
What I have a problem with is MAGMA Pulse Weapons Ceramic Ammo.
It, and the appropriate weapons can only be gained by completed a certain Team MAGMA Corp mission. But to unlock any MAGMA Corp missions you have to give them the Tritanium Ammo tech, so when you can buy the Ceramic Ammo, you can also buy the Tritanium Ammo.
While true that the Ceramic ammo does 125% health damage, this only counts after getting through armor. And appropriate Tritanium Ammo is more than 5/4 stronger, making it just better than Ceramic Ammo. I will make 4 examples. 2 for each ammo type. In all cases, the weapon is MAGMA Pulse Rifle.
First, I shoot a Giant Rat (1 armor all around).
Ceramic Ammo has 40 Power and 125% health damage, so it deals anywhere between 0 and (80-1)*1.25 damage, which is 0 to 98.75 damage, median being (40-1)*1.25, which is 48.75.
Tritanium Ammo has 52 Power. The damage will thus be between 0 and (104-1) {0 to 103}. Median is (52-1) {51}.
Next I shoot at a Chryssalid (34 armor all around).
Ceramic ammo deals 0 to (80-34)*1.25, which is 0 to 57.5 Damage. Median is (40-34)*1.25 so 7.5.
Tritanium ammo does 0 to (104-34) which is 0 to 70. Median is 52-34, which is 18.
It would make sense to buy the ceramic ammo, if against unarmored targets, such as humans, it dealt more damage than Tritanium ammo. As it stands, there is never any reason to use it.
A) Why is the damage type of bullets and spears named "Kinetic"? That would mean damage by moving object, which, while it applies, it also applies to everything in the "Blade" damage type and also Fists and Iron Pipes, which are in the "Concussive" damage type. I think that naming it simply "Piercing" would be more appropriate.
Actually it was called Armor Piercing (which is the vanilla name for it) until recently. In my opinion that was even more of a misnomer because it suggests the damage type inherently pierces armor, which it doesn't.
Actually it was called Armor Piercing (which is the vanilla name for it) until recently. In my opinion that was even more of a misnomer because it suggests the damage type inherently pierces armor, which it doesn't.
True, someone could think that it ignores the armor values on enemies, but removing the "Armor" part would be enough.
But shooting someone with a crossbow or hitting them with a baseball bat is as much kinetic damage as shooting them with a pistol. (Not nescessarily in quantity, but certainly in quality)
True, someone could think that it ignores the armor values on enemies, but removing the "Armor" part would be enough.
But shooting someone with a crossbow or hitting them with a baseball bat is as much kinetic damage as shooting them with a pistol. (Not nescessarily in quantity, but certainly in quality)
Meh, when I see "kinetic" as a damage type I think of bullets, not of baseball bats (which I'd describe as "blunt" or maybe "impact"). So it works for me. That said if it really offends you you could always make yourself a little submod that changes it back. The string is stored in STR_DAMAGE_ARMOR_PIERCING.
I've played a bit more, and run across some more things. Some of them more important than others.
Thank you, a very thorouhg and helpful report.
I fixed everything except for the following:
- (...) meanwhile the BlackOps Assault LMG does not require this despite being very similar.
This may not be a good decision, but it was a conscious decision nonetheless. :)
- The Boomer Zombie combat analysis appears to be broken. It shows up in the Ufopedia as STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_ARMOR and crashes the game if clicked upon.
You appear to have some older version, before the fixes. The one currently linked has it fixed already.
- The Dragonfly lacks a light source on its front starboard side during battles, breaking its symmetry.
Nope, both sides have identical light sources.
- The white rocks on the tundra terrain map are all passable.
Unfortunately I've been unable to locate any errors. Moreover, your screen shows that the ground under the boulder is incorrect, while I fixed it long ago. Could you possibly provide a save?
B) There are some things that are obsolete by the time you can buy or make it. Most of these have some reason for being there.
Jumpsuit (Obsoleted [against bullets] by Armored Vest) could be gained before said vest.
Obsoleted by Armored Vest? Sorry man, but the Jumpsuit is definitely more advanced and in many circumstances more valuable than that blasted armor. Depends on the enemy and the circumstances. And I know players who only use the jumpsuits and not the vests.
Most MAGMA standard ammo (obsoleted by MAGMA Tritanium Ammo) and weapons are dropped by Red Dawn.
Yeah, like one item (Light Cannon).
What I have a problem with is MAGMA Pulse Weapons Ceramic Ammo.
It, and the appropriate weapons can only be gained by completed a certain Team MAGMA Corp mission. But to unlock any MAGMA Corp missions you have to give them the Tritanium Ammo tech, so when you can buy the Ceramic Ammo, you can also buy the Tritanium Ammo.
False. This mission is in no way related to sharing the tritanium ammo tech.
While true that the Ceramic ammo does 125% health damage, this only counts after getting through armor. And appropriate Tritanium Ammo is more than 5/4 stronger, making it just better than Ceramic Ammo. I will make 4 examples. 2 for each ammo type. In all cases, the weapon is MAGMA Pulse Rifle. (...)
Yes, ceramic ammo is generally worse than the tritanium ammo. No wonder - it is lower on the tech tree.
You appear to have some older version, before the fixes. The one currently linked has it fixed already.
Unfortunately I've been unable to locate any errors. Moreover, your screen shows that the ground under the boulder is incorrect, while I fixed it long ago. Could you possibly provide a save?
Hmm okay, I grabbed the update files from Discord, but it sounds like I might have screwed it up. I'll try re-installing everything. If my problems persist I'll get back to you.
False. This mission is in no way related to sharing the tritanium ammo tech.
Hmm, apparently not. Both times I played (I lost my first save file to disk failiure), I got MAGMA missions only after sharing ammo, but the only missions dependant on that are the slander missions. Sorry for the mistake.
Obsoleted by Armored Vest? Sorry man, but the Jumpsuit is definitely more advanced and in many circumstances more valuable than that blasted armor. Depends on the enemy and the circumstances. And I know players who only use the jumpsuits and not the vests.
True, Jumpsuits are better against Melee based monsters (Especially if they hit from the side). But against humans with guns they only give camouflage and the stat boosts, while Armored Vest is better at reducing damage.
True, Jumpsuits are better against Melee based monsters (Especially if they hit from the side). But against humans with guns they only give camouflage and the stat boosts, while Armored Vest is better at reducing damage.
Don't discount the increased stamina regen and higher dodge either. If you're looking to run around and hit people in the face, jumpsuits are much more practical than armor vests.
At this point it's probably save corruption. This autopsy has been marked as available for research and it stayed like this; or at least that's what I think.
This happens every time I start a new game. I deleted ~/.config/openxcom and ~/.local/share/openxcom and unpacked the original UFO and the mod anew. Still the same.
Not much of a problem. Just odd.
This happens every time I start a new game. I deleted ~/.config/openxcom and ~/.local/share/openxcom and unpacked the original UFO and the mod anew. Still the same.
Not much of a problem. Just odd.
OK, that's seriously weird.
Maybe I need to update the download... But I think I'll just leave it as is until the next version. I have already changed too much on my end to properly qualify as another 0.9.4.
Concerning STR_FLOATER_LEGIONNAIRE_AUTOPSY, in your fix you changed this:
To this:
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
I modified it to this to fix the problem:
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
I have a question: I just completed a STR_CROP_CIRCLES_ZOMBIE mission, killed both farmers and three zombies and I got negative points for the zombie corpses, is that intended? See attached images.
A second question: I've completed a few STR_MONSTER_HUNT missions with STR_GIANT_SPIDER. I kill all the spiders except one that I inflict a fatal wound on to capture. But they just end up dying, I guess I'm just unlucky?
Finally, is the auto shot range on the double-barreled shotgun meant to be greater than the snap and aimed ranges?
A second question: I've completed a few STR_MONSTER_HUNT missions with STR_GIANT_SPIDER. I kill all the spiders except one that I inflict a fatal wound on to capture. But they just end up dying, I guess I'm just unlucky?
As far as I know bleeding enemies take one last bleed hit once the mission ends, so that can cause them to die. The only way around it that I know is to disable automatic mission ending and getting to the bleeding enemy with a medikit before the end of the last turn.
I have a question: I just completed a STR_CROP_CIRCLES_ZOMBIE mission, killed both farmers and three zombies and I got negative points for the zombie corpses, is that intended? See attached images.
I think, negative points are for killed farmers. I killed 1 farmer out of 2, got negative points, replayed the last turn keeping both alive, got no negative points. The number of dead and unconscious zombies stayed the same.
I'll try your fix for the legionnaire later.
UPDATE: Worked, thanks. The item no longer appears from the start. But "unlocks" sections probably should be present in both.
Yes, killing Farmers and Concerned citizen makes you lose points even when they are hostile. They are still just civilians.
I recently finished a Cattle Mutilation mission by stunning one and mind-controlling the other farmer.
It was done from a base without prisons, but even though I sold them both, the Prison space exceeded screen appeared.
Concerning STR_FLOATER_LEGIONNAIRE_AUTOPSY, in your fix you changed this:
You are absolutely 100% correct.
I... I blame Notepad++.
I'm skipping your other two questions, as they were already answered correctly.
But "unlocks" sections probably should be present in both.
Good point! However, in this case it's not necessary, since researching a Legionnaire corpse requires having researched a standard Floater corpse first, so you've already unlocked these things.
It was done from a base without prisons, but even though I sold them both, the Prison space exceeded screen appeared.
If your prison space was 0, then it was exceeded.
You probably have prison space in another base, which is why you haven't gotten the usual "alien dies" message.
The point is that the screen was empty, because the farmers were already sold. If the screen appears after it gives the option to sell spoils and prisoners, it should check whether there are some prisoners left to fail to imprison. But I now realised that this is probably an OXCE+ thing and not a mod thing.
The point is that the screen was empty, because the farmers were already sold. If the screen appears after it gives the option to sell spoils and prisoners, it should check whether there are some prisoners left to fail to imprison. But I now realised that this is probably an OXCE+ thing and not a mod thing.
It's overcomplicated already... if I poke there once more, it will explode.
I think, negative points are for killed farmers. I killed 1 farmer out of 2, got negative points, replayed the last turn keeping both alive, got no negative points. The number of dead and unconscious zombies stayed the same.
I'll try your fix for the legionnaire later.
UPDATE: Worked, thanks. The item no longer appears from the start. But "unlocks" sections probably should be present in both.
Have a second look at the screenshots I attached, I'm getting negative point for killing zombies.
Have a second look at the screenshots I attached, I'm getting negative point for killing zombies.
Sorry, I don't get your point.
How do you know the negative points were awarded for zombies and not farmers?
Have a second look at the screenshots I attached, I'm getting negative point for killing zombies.
After having another look at the screenshot.
But the negative points are for corpses recovered, not hostiles killed.
I looked into the items file:
categories: [STR_CORPSES]
size: 0.3
costSell: 6000
weight: 30
bigSprite: 301
floorSprite: 252
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
recoveryPoints: 5
battleType: 11
armor: 20
listOrder: 62300
categories: [STR_CORPSES]
costSell: -10000
size: 0.4
weight: 40
bigSprite: 451
floorSprite: 373
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
energy: 20
battleType: 11
armor: 30
recover: true
recoveryPoints: -90
listOrder: 72100
You gained 15 points for recovering 3 Zombie corpses and -180 points for recovering 2 Farmer corpses. -165 points for corpses.
For killing hostiles you gained 72 points. Looking into the units file:
tu: 40
stamina: 110
health: 124
bravery: 110
reactions: 40
firing: 0
throwing: 0
strength: 84
psiStrength: 80
psiSkill: 0
melee: 80
standHeight: 22
kneelHeight: 22
value: 4
intelligence: 3
aggression: 6
isLeeroyJenkins: true
livingWeapon: true
aggroSound: 122
deathSound: 121
tu: 46
stamina: 40
health: 35
bravery: 60
reactions: 30
firing: 40
throwing: 30
strength: 30
psiStrength: 35
psiSkill: 0
melee: 30
standHeight: 22
kneelHeight: 14
value: 30
deathSound: [41, 42, 43, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145]
energyRecovery: 25
intelligence: 1
aggression: 2
3 (sterile) Zombies + 2 Brainwashed Farmers have value: 3*4+2*30, which adds up to 72.
For some reason you gain more points for killing farmers than for killing zombies, but you gain for both.
This could lead to gaining poins in Farmer missions by vaporising the farmers with energy weapons.
Possible explanation: When captured, you gain just the unit value (or its multiple). When you kill the unit, you gain its unit value and can gain the corpse recovery poins (unles the corpse gets destroyed).
In order for it to be profitable to capture farmers, they have to have positive unit value, but their corpse recovery points are much greater negative to make it bad to kill them. (Not to mention that you have to pay 10 000 in funeral expenses for them.)
Yes, you are correct, but such fine-tuning of points is... well, I don't know if it is possible. I will investigate this.
I like how that works out. Vaporize the bodies and you don't lose points . . . because you destroyed the evidence of your criminal act.
I like how that works out. Vaporize the bodies and you don't lose points . . . because you destroyed the evidence of your criminal act.
Also no need to pay the 10K troll toll for getting rid of the body. :P
If a player is willing to go this low to save a few bucks, I'm not stopping them. :)
I've played some more, and I've collected some more feedback.
The grammar nazi corner:
- STR_GHOUL_UFOPEDIA: "at a cost" would be better as "at the cost". "affects its biology" should be "affect its biology". "protecting its hive" should be "protecting their hive".
- STR_ACID_BOLT_UFOPEDIA: "a correct way" would be better as "a certain way".
- STR_ALIEN_ENGINEERING_UFOPEDIA: Some trivialities here that put together made me add it to the list. "rules and logic that is" is more elegant as "logic and rules that are". "certainly have a certain logic to them once you know them" suffers from repeat use of "certain" and "them", as well as "logic" with the previous sentence. Suggest: "operate on principles that begin to make sense once you are familiar with them".
- STR_PRIEST_OF_DAGON_UFOPEDIA: I find it odd that the Dagon Syndrome is first mentioned casually in this article, only to be put in quotation marks later on.
- STR_DOSSIER_IOANA_IANCU_UFOPEDIA: "during investigation regarding" would be better as "during an investigation into".
- STR_DOSSIER_TYVARIUS_STIENBURG_UFOPEDIA: "Church of Dagon" ought to be "the Church of Dagon". Suggest changing the final "or" to "and".
- STR_SYNDICATE_WAREHOUSE_DESCRIPTION and STR_SYNDICATE_WAREHOUSE_BRIEFING: "We must prevent the goods inside from reaching its destination" should be "We must prevent the goods inside from reaching their. destination"
- STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: So "Lab Technician Vuorela drew the short straw to conduct the autopsy in a secured vault usually used for high explosive research" is awkward because it makes it sound like the location of the autopsy is the reason of said straw's shortness. Suggest rephrasing as "Lab Technician Vuorela drew the short straw to conduct the autopsy, which took place in a secured vault usually used for high explosive research".
- STR_M83_BARETT_UFOPEDIA: "unadvisable" should be "inadvisable".
- STR_CULT_HQ_COLD_ZSRR_BRIEFING: "Our mission is direct assault at" should be "Our mission is a direct assault on".
- STR_ACID_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: I find this article a bit odd in that it goes into minute detail about how the weapon works, but doesn't mention in any way what it is or what it's good for.
- STR_ADVANCED_AI_UFOPEDIA: "according to" would be nicer as "adapting to".
- STR_POSTAL_RAMPAGE_DESCRIPTION: ""An extremist, self-styled vigilante" would be better as "An extremist and self-styled vigilante".
- STR_OSPREY_UFOPEDIA: "cult menace" should be "the cult menace".
- STR_ALIEN_COMMUNICATOR_UFOPEDIA: "in alien language" should be either "in an alien language" or "in the alien language", whichever is more appropriate.
- STR_STAFF_010_UFOPEDIA: "suggest from now on" would be better as "suggest that from now on".
- STR_MEGAZOMBIE_UFOPEDIA: "Upon encounter, suggested course" would be better as "Upon encountering one, the suggested course".
- STR_CYBERWEB_BATTERY_UFOPEDIA: "before they burn up" should be "before it burns up".
- STR_PARAPSYCHOLOGY_UFOPEDIA: "dissect it and put in" should be "dissect it and put it in"
- STR_METAPSYCHOLOGY_UFOPEDIA: "prosthetics" would be better as the singular "prosthetic".
Other things:
- It appears that capturing a "live" Cyberweb Roboturret when no Alien Containment facility is built triggers the "no AC" dialog post-battle. However these units are kept in inventory without the need for an AC. This is probably expected behavior, but I need something to complain about, don't I?
- Consider sorting the Battle Axe between the Axe and the Bardiche.
- The Smart Shotgun has an auto-shot range of 4 where the Double Barreled Shotgun has a range of 7, which makes the former worse in that area. One suspects they should be the same.
- Considering how early on it is found, the Chemogun seems disproportionally profitable to produce and sell, so much so that it turns a profit even accounting for the upkeep of the engineers working on it (29K per engineer per month where upkeep is 25K).
- I got M.A.G.M.A. Message #004, but didn't see a #003. Seems like that isn't supposed to happen.
- X-COM PSA: General Strategy uses a different article format than GIB and PAU.
- Given that the X-COM Psiclone can only be had once Metapsychology rolls around, maybe it should not be added to the Ufopedia until then.
Nope, both sides have identical light sources.
Nevertheless no light is being cast on the starboard side. Given the light pattern, it seems the ship is blocking its own light on that side.
Unfortunately I've been unable to locate any errors. Moreover, your screen shows that the ground under the boulder is incorrect, while I fixed it long ago. Could you possibly provide a save?
Ran into this again. Save is attached. Notice how I put one of my soldiers on top of a rock. Many other (though not all) rocks on that map are passable as well.
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed before, but I think the AI for Syndicate Security units is occasionally really, *really* dumb. The other Syndicate units seem fine, just the Syndicate Security. I've played the monster lab mission to completion multiple times, and I don't think I've had one of them fire at me on their turn; they seem to just waddle around, even when they have full capability to shoot me. In fact, I've only really been getting shot by them with reaction fire. However, on Syndicate base attacks they seemed to act fairly normal. Am I just going crazy?
Also, side note, the new stats text they added at the bottom of weapon descriptions can sometimes cut off the description proper.
Yeah the cutoff thing is being slowly addressed, The scaling info was a recent engine lvl change, so it takes time for modders to catch up.
I've played some more, and I've collected some more feedback.
The grammar nazi corner:
Many thanks! This is exactly the job nobody wants to do, but it is vital. Much appreciated!
Everything has been fixed. (The translators will kill me.)
- It appears that capturing a "live" Cyberweb Roboturret when no Alien Containment facility is built triggers the "no AC" dialog post-battle. However these units are kept in inventory without the need for an AC. This is probably expected behavior, but I need something to complain about, don't I?
Yeah it's a bit wonky, since I didn't want to make them require a special prison for robots, that would be dumb; therefore they go straight to the stores, even though they are a unit. This confuses the game, but it seems benign.
- Consider sorting the Battle Axe between the Axe and the Bardiche.
I can, but what about the Giant Axe?
- The Smart Shotgun has an auto-shot range of 4 where the Double Barreled Shotgun has a range of 7, which makes the former worse in that area. One suspects they should be the same.
Well, the smart shotgun is accurate in itself, but it is built more like the standard shotties... I'll think about it.
- Considering how early on it is found, the Chemogun seems disproportionally profitable to produce and sell, so much so that it turns a profit even accounting for the upkeep of the engineers working on it (29K per engineer per month where upkeep is 25K).
Depends on the campaign. But I'll keep this in mind.
- I got M.A.G.M.A. Message #004, but didn't see a #003. Seems like that isn't supposed to happen.
Usually no, but it's not set in stone. Not a bug.
- X-COM PSA: General Strategy uses a different article format than GIB and PAU.
Lol indeed. I never noticed! Fixed now.
- Given that the X-COM Psiclone can only be had once Metapsychology rolls around, maybe it should not be added to the Ufopedia until then.
Hmm... Good point. Also my bad.
Nevertheless no light is being cast on the starboard side. Given the light pattern, it seems the ship is blocking its own light on that side.
Hmm... I'll chceck when I have some free time.
Ran into this again. Save is attached. Notice how I put one of my soldiers on top of a rock. Many other (though not all) rocks on that map are passable as well.
Thanks, I will investigate.
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed before, but I think the AI for Syndicate Security units is occasionally really, *really* dumb. The other Syndicate units seem fine, just the Syndicate Security.
I'm not sure what the case might be... Maybe I should mess with their spotter properties.
EDIT: Fixed those tundra stones.
I'm not sure if anyone's noticed before, but I think the AI for Syndicate Security units is occasionally really, *really* dumb. The other Syndicate units seem fine, just the Syndicate Security. I've played the monster lab mission to completion multiple times, and I don't think I've had one of them fire at me on their turn; they seem to just waddle around, even when they have full capability to shoot me. In fact, I've only really been getting shot by them with reaction fire. However, on Syndicate base attacks they seemed to act fairly normal. Am I just going crazy?
I do not know about the Syndicate, but I did notice something like that in Osiron Beach missions. Osiron in those missions only reaction-fires, never taking initiative.
Also, a typo:
in both english files STR_SYNDICATE_SUPERMUTANT_UFOPEDIA has the sentence "However, the process has ab extremely high mortality rate, and also there are... other failures." The "ab" should probably be removed.
I can, but what about the Giant Axe?
I cannot comment at this time. It hasn't appeared in my game yet. Suffice to say my comment about the Battle Axe was assuming the axes are to be sorted in order of ascending damage, but there is no reason why that should necessarily be the Ufopedia order. So your call, really.
The "ab" should probably be removed.
No, that's just a misspelled "an". Which needs to be there.
in both english files STR_SYNDICATE_SUPERMUTANT_UFOPEDIA has the sentence "However, the process has ab extremely high mortality rate, and also there are... other failures." The "ab" should probably be removed.
Actually it should be "an" so it says "However, the process has an extremely high mortality rate, and also there are... other failures."
After having another look at the screenshot.
You are entirely correct, my bad. :)
On another note, I found a weird terrain glitch on a STR_CULT_INVESTIGATION_DESERT_CHURCH_OF_DAGON in the desert, see attached image.
Also, after reading through the lore, I would suggest that the Energetic Blood Plasma article should go between Mutant Physiology and Mutant Metabolism, since the latter two articles talk of it. Also the Nitro Express Rifle should come before the Small Shotgun, in order to group the sniper rifles and shotguns in their own groups.
Great work BTW!
Time to flush my notes to the forum again.
- STR_ABOMINATION_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "chemical molecules" would be better as merely "molecules" because not only does it repeat the word "chemical" in that sentence, it's also a pleonasm.
- STR_ABOMINATION_UFOPEDIA: "our usual specimen" makes it sound like X-Com regularly orders aliens in from the local takeaway or something. Suggest "the specimens we usually get". The second "based on" would be better as "formed by" to avoid repetition.
- STR_DEEP_ONE_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "around the Cretaceous period" would be better as "from around the Cretaceous period".
- STR_TOMB_GUARD_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "organs like larynx or gonads" would be better as "organs like the larynx and gonads".
- STR_INTO_THE_DARK_UFOPEDIA: "Weird artifacts" would be better as "The weird artifacts".
- STR_ALLOYS_ENGINEERING_UFOPEDIA: "introduce them in" would be better as "introduce them into".
- STR_ALLOY_SWORD_UFOPEDIA: "utilizing operative's" should be "utilizing the operative's".
- STR_MILESTONE_3_UFOPEDIA: "none of them is" should be "none of them are".
- STR_DOSSIER_DING_QUADONG_UFOPEDIA: Had a few issues with the first sentence, most importantly that it meanders. Suggest the following rewrite: "There is a proven connection between Quadong and alien activity, such as abductions and alien surveillance. He conducts these activities in exchange for alien tech for his manufacturing plants."
- STR_NAPALM_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA: "squirming ashes"? I have no concept of ashes that squirm. Smolder, maybe.
- STR_ADVANCED_FLIGHT_TRAINING_UFOPEDIA: "and Chief Medical Officer's" should be "and the Chief Medical Officer's".
- STR_WHAT_DO_NOW_MILESTONE_3_UFOPEDIA: "remember about" would be better as "be mindful about".
- STR_BRAINER: Suggest changing this to "Hybrid Brainer" for consistency with STR_HYBRID_BRAINER and the rest of the Ufopedia.
- STR_MIG31_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "GAP" to "VOID", as there is no gap between having nothing and having something.
- STR_HWP_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "threats unique to X-Com activity" to "dangers inherent in X-Com activities", just because I like it better that way.
- STR_SHOTGUN_AA_SHELLS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "birdshot" to "buckshot", as BS ammo is referred to as "buckshot" everywhere else. Plus, birdshot is referred to as "BB shot", apparently.
- STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_UFOPEDIA: Another meandering first sentence. Suggest the following rewrite: "This is a special cybernetic implant connected to the brain. It allows Zombie Troopers to perform certain complex tasks like using ranged weapons, albeit not very efficiently." Further, "It doesn't seem to work correctly" would be better as "It doesn't seem to be working correctly".
- STR_MONSTER_SITE: Suggest changing "MONSTER ATTACK-{0}" to simply "MONSTER ATTACK". The counter doesn't really seem in line with other missions.
- The RPG Launcher does not mention it requires Promotion III, though it seems common practice to have this info for weapons that can be obtained before they can be purchased.
- The Psiclone is marked as concealable, but since by all appearances it can't be brought on missions at all, that seems a little misleading.
- I believe the Blood Plasma: Living Strix production item is broken.
- Consider ordering the Heavy Stingray Launcher after the regular Stingray Launcher. The former references the latter in its description so it makes more sense that way.
- The AI can get into an infinite loop on the caves map if you end the turn when units are sitting in the pockets present on some map pieces that can't be reached (when occupied) or attacked. I've attached a save where this happens. Incidentally I've also seen enemies sit around in such pockets (via the motion scanner), which renders them essentially invulnerable.
When blasted, the Syndicate HQ Exit Grid turns into southern half of that red machine .
On another note, I found a weird terrain glitch on a STR_CULT_INVESTIGATION_DESERT_CHURCH_OF_DAGON in the desert, see attached image.
Ha, indeed! Now fixed, thank you.
Also, after reading through the lore, I would suggest that the Energetic Blood Plasma article should go between Mutant Physiology and Mutant Metabolism, since the latter two articles talk of it. Also the Nitro Express Rifle should come before the Small Shotgun, in order to group the sniper rifles and shotguns in their own groups.
OK, I'll check when I have some time. List orders are an endless hell.
Time to flush my notes to the forum again.
You are an angel.
Fixed everything except:
"Hybrid Brainer" is like as is because "Sectoid Soldier".
The Psiclone can't be taken on missions normally, but this is WIP, so I'm leaving the Concealable tag for now.
MONSTER ATTACK-{0} - some missions are numbered, some aren't... Should I remove the number from the alien terrors as well? Not sure how to go about this.
Caves causing endless loops? Sounds like a tileset issue. Will check when I can spend a lot of time on it, never heard of it before.
Also I am as stupefied as you about these... squirming ashes. :)
Consider ordering the Heavy Stingray Launcher after the regular Stingray Launcher.
Craft weapons lists are a mess anyway. Will do that later, when I no longer have the will to live or something.
- I believe the Blood Plasma: Living Strix production item is broken.
Broken how? I can't see anything unusual at a glance.
When blasted, the Syndicate HQ Exit Grid turns into southern half of that red machine .
Thanks, fixed.
EDIT: that caves block looks fine, so it's probably an AI issue. I have removed two sections of the rock, should help.
Broken how? I can't see anything unusual at a glance.
In the manufacturing menu, it lists the required item as STR_ZOMBIE_STRIX_TERRORIST. I have a living Strix in my jail, but I can't process it.
MONSTER ATTACK-{0} - some missions are numbered, some aren't... Should I remove the number from the alien terrors as well? Not sure how to go about this.
Yeah, it's tricky. For my part I'd be fine with having numbers only on UFOs since you might want to tell them apart if there are multiple of them present at once, but that's really just me.
In the manufacturing menu, it lists the required item as STR_ZOMBIE_STRIX_TERRORIST. I have a living Strix in my jail, but I can't process it.
Ah, true. Fixing now.
Yeah, it's tricky. For my part I'd be fine with having numbers only on UFOs since you might want to tell them apart if there are multiple of them present at once, but that's really just me.
OK, let's wait for some third opinions.
Yeah I agree that only UFOs need to have numbers :)
Here's the latest harvest.
- STR_DEEP_ONE_UFOPEDIA: ""Almost human, a strange creature who appears to be a reptilian humanoid, very closely related to man" would be nicer as "Almost human, this strange creature appears to be a reptilian humanoid very closely related to man". "both deep sea and the surface" would be better as "both the deep sea and the surface".
- STR_BONE_CLUB_UFOPEDIA: Suggest removing the somewhat baffling "Contemporary science knows no explanation for it." Why is science trying to explain a bone club?
- STR_STAFF_004_UFOPEDIA: "which means" would be nicer as "meaning". "beejesus" should be "bejesus". "The good news is when" should be "The good news is that when".
- STR_VAMPIRE_KNIGHT_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "crawl out of vampire's mouth" should be "crawl out of the vampire's mouth".
- STR_DESTROY_ZSRR_UFOPEDIA: Not partial to the phrasing of "This will be more than enough to put all of their commanding officers in prison for a long time, or worse", so suggest "This will be more than enough to get all of their commanding officers sentenced to a long time in prison, or worse". Also, suggest rephrasing "we can also sell any Red Dawn Keycards if we still have any" to "we can also sell any Red Dawn Keycards we still have".
- STR_TACTICAL_NEURAL_IMPLANT_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "allowed" to "have enabled".
- STR_STAFF_OF_HEART_GRIP_UFOPEDIA: I have a nit to pick with "a golden material" because while it IS sound, when I read it my first reaction is 'so basically gold then'. Therefore, suggest "a gold-colored material" instead. Also, "to good results" would be better as "to good effect".
- STR_SYNDICATE_SCIENTIST_UFOPEDIA: "their objective is not protection of Earth" should be "their objective is not the protection of Earth".
- STR_TANK_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: This description sort of introduces the HWPs as a whole, but as the cannon, rocket and minigun tanks can be researched in any order that seems somewhat inappropriate. Suggest wording this description to match the rocket and minigun tanks; the introduction is taken care of in STR_HWP_UFOPEDIA anyway.
- STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_VIRUS_UFOPEDIA: The phrase "isolating the problem" is used at the end of a sentence twice in a row. Suggest changing the second instance to "cotton on to the problem".
- STR_SKULLJACK_UFOPEDIA: "turn a two-way feedback device to a three-way one" should be "turn a two-way feedback device into a three-way one". "take a temporary control" should be "take temporary control".
- STR_DOSSIER_SHADOWMAN_UFOPEDIA: "remains unseen to either electronic or human eyes" would be better as "remains unseen to both electronic and human eyes".
- STR_DOSSIER_LADY_LUCY_UFOPEDIA: "died from drug overdose" would be better as "died of a drug overdose".
- STR_STAFF_024_UFOPEDIA: "what psychiatry should really focus on instead are people" should be "what psychiatry should really focus on instead is people".
- STR_BLACK_MOON_DESCRIPTION and STR_BLACK_MOON_BRIEFING: "There is an unusual Werecat activity" would be better as "There is unusual Werecat activity".
- STR_CULT_HQ_BLACK_LOTUS_BRIEFING: Consider adding the boilerplate abort instructions.
- STR_GOING_DEEPER_UFOPEDIA: "Our exploration of the Shogg" should be "Our exploration of Shogg". "One of them are" should be "One of them is". Suggest changing "we would do well" to "it would be in our interest".
- STR_SYNDICATE_EXPERIMENTS_UFOPEDIA: "these incidents" would be better as "these appearances".
- STR_HYBRID_NETWORK_UFOPEDIA: "by aliens themselves" should be "by the aliens themselves".
- STR_DEEP_ONE_OUTPOST_UFOPEDIA: "the unmanned undersea communication outposts" would be better as "unmanned undersea communication outposts".
- STR_SYNDICATE_CHUPACABRAS_LAB_BRIEFING: "clear up this mess" would be better as "clean up this mess".
- STR_SYNDICATE_NETWORK_UFOPEDIA: "find a few traces of official activity" is rather odd because anything that is official is by definition public. It needs not be found. Suggest rephrasing as "identify a few connections with the corporate sector". "but we need to do it discreetly" would be better as "we need to do it discreetly". Suggest changing "kaputt" to "in the bag".
- STR_ARROW_RUMORS_UFOPEDIA: "stumbled on" would be better as "stumbled upon". "we start to unravel" should be "we're starting to unravel".
- STR_ANTHROPOD_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "fairly tougher" to "a fair bit tougher". Suggest changing "being biological robots" to "which makes them biological robots".
- Mass replace "installed on crafts" with "installed on craft". 7 instances.
- The Heavy Crossbow can be brought on missions prior to being researched.
- Consider sorting the MiG-31 before the Interceptor because it's available sooner. The CF-105 too really, except I got it later than the Raven, heh.
- Consider sorting the Tritanium Cannon after the basic Cannon. Ascending overall power and all that.
- CF-105 Arrow Rumors and CF-105 Arrow Investigation should probably not be in Field Equipment. How about Reports?
- The hatches on the sides of the Skyraider look like they should allow soldiers to stand on them. Is it possible to alter the map that way?
- The Skyranger description claims it's "the fastest of its kind", which is the vanilla text, but it's not true in XCF because the Skyraider is faster, and appears first.
- Speaking of vanilla text, some craft descriptions (such as the MiG-31 and the Raven) are in allcaps to match the vanilla convention, but others aren't. Consider unifying this.
- The tile in the NW corner of the Black Lotus HQ statue block is impassable.
- The tile in the NW most corner of the Black Lotus HQ tech-sphere (or whatever) block is impassable, both floors. (1) The same is true for the NW tile in the room with the stairs on that block. (3, lower level)
- The tile next to what looks like a tool cabinet in a corridor block of the Black Lotus HQ tileset is impassable. (2)
- The tile in the NW corner of the Black Lotus HQ elevator isn't an elevator. (4)
- The tile in the NW most corner of the Black Lotus HQ SAM block, sans missiles, is impassable on both floors. (5) On the block WITH missiles, only the top floor tile is impassable.
- Tiles adjacent to cable walls on the Black Lotus HQ tileset have a higher move cost, than other tiles, namely 8 as opposed to 4. They also make the wrong noise. (6)
Tritanium Shrapnel Charge sets the blast zone on fire. Is this intentional? If so, it should be in it's description.
Here's the latest harvest.
Thanks, all fixed.
- The Heavy Crossbow can be brought on missions prior to being researched.
And what's wrong with it? Most weapons can.
- Consider sorting the MiG-31 before the Interceptor because it's available sooner. The CF-105 too really, except I got it later than the Raven, heh.
- Consider sorting the Tritanium Cannon after the basic Cannon. Ascending overall power and all that.
Craft items aren't really sorted at all yet...
- CF-105 Arrow Rumors and CF-105 Arrow Investigation should probably not be in Field Equipment. How about Reports?
- The hatches on the sides of the Skyraider look like they should allow soldiers to stand on them. Is it possible to alter the map that way?
It felt it would be just too comfortable.
- The Skyranger description claims it's "the fastest of its kind", which is the vanilla text, but it's not true in XCF because the Skyraider is faster, and appears first.
- Speaking of vanilla text, some craft descriptions (such as the MiG-31 and the Raven) are in allcaps to match the vanilla convention, but others aren't. Consider unifying this.
I keep forgetting :)
Will do that later at some point.
- The tile in the NW corner of the Black Lotus HQ statue block is impassable.
- The tile in the NW most corner of the Black Lotus HQ tech-sphere (or whatever) block is impassable, both floors. (1) The same is true for the NW tile in the room with the stairs on that block. (3, lower level)
- The tile next to what looks like a tool cabinet in a corridor block of the Black Lotus HQ tileset is impassable. (2)
- The tile in the NW corner of the Black Lotus HQ elevator isn't an elevator. (4)
- The tile in the NW most corner of the Black Lotus HQ SAM block, sans missiles, is impassable on both floors. (5) On the block WITH missiles, only the top floor tile is impassable.
- Tiles adjacent to cable walls on the Black Lotus HQ tileset have a higher move cost, than other tiles, namely 8 as opposed to 4. They also make the wrong noise. (6)
I can't work with MCDs right now, but I will try to remember to fix it later.
Thanks for all the reports!Tritanium Shrapnel Charge sets the blast zone on fire. Is this intentional? If so, it should be in it's description.
All explosions set things on fire. There is no need to write it under every entry.
And what's wrong with it? Most weapons can.
Hm. I somehow thought research was always required first. I suppose that's only true for alien tech.
All explosions set things on fire. There is no need to write it under every entry.
Most explosions set flamable things on fire (Hay bails, grass, etc...).
Incendiary damage explosions, plasma blasts and Tritanium Shrapnel Charge set anything on fire.
Here is comparison between High Explosive, Elerium Explosive and Tritanium Shrapnel Charge.
A wild feedback list appears!
Everything that's not in the second part:
- STR_HYBRID_FARM_DESCRIPTION and STR_HYBRID_FARM_BRIEFING: I'm not entirely sure what is meant with "We are expected to see this business closed in no time". However I suspect it means "We are expected to see to it that this business closes in short order", so I suggest that.
- STR_FLOATERS_HISTORY_UFOPEDIA: "a distant planet, orbiting two suns" would be better as "a distant planet that orbits two suns". "almost to the point of extinction" would be better as "so badly they almost went extinct".
- STR_OSIRON_AA_AMMO_TRADE_DESCRIPTION: "from which" should technically be "from whence".
- STR_HYBRID_FARM_UFOPEDIA: "genetically-modified plants" should not have the hyphen.
- STR_MONSTER_VS_POLICE_DESCRIPTION and STR_MONSTER_VS_POLICE_TEMPERATE_BRIEFING: Suggest rephrasing "Despite our discouragement, local police forces planned a cleanup operation" as "Local police forces have begun a cleanup operation despite our efforts to discourage such things".
- STR_UFO_SUBTYPES_UFOPEDIA: "equal ease" would be better as "ease equal". "within a certain parameters" should be "within certain parameters". "ships of certain type" would be better as "all ships of any given type".
- STR_BLOODHOUND_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "which suggests immune system deficiency" should be "which suggests an immune system deficiency". Suggest rephrasing "Still, the most worrying" as "Most worrying, still".
- STR_GANG_STORMIES_UFOPEDIA: "Earth black markets" would be better as "Earth's black markets".
- STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_05_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rewriting "nobody else has anything like it! And now you too" as "nobody has anything like it! Except for you".
- STR_MONSTERS_INC_UFOPEDIA: "cloning and distribution of" should be "cloning and distributing". "not actual creators" should be "not the actual creators". Suggest changing "Earth security" to "defeating this menace" or similar because let's face it, in XCF the monsters are the least of Earth's problems.
- STR_PULSE_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: "anti-personal" should be "anti-personnel". "cause additional 25%" should be "cause an additional 25%".
- STR_DOSSIER_CARLOS_TANAKA_UFOPEDIA: "some criminals groups" should be "criminal groups".
- STR_COMMUNION_OF_APOCALYPSE_UFOPEDIA: "They are a mixture" would be nicer as "These are a mixture".
- STR_THUNDERSTORM_UFOPEDIA: Both instances of "THUNDERSTORM" would be better as "THE THUNDERSTORM" as it's a craft type, not an individual craft.
- STR_ALIEN_DATA_SLATE_UFOPEDIA: "in possession of" should be "in the possession of".
- STR_DELTA_RADIATION_UFOPEDIA: "the E-115 molecule" makes no sense because Elerium is an element, and elements are by definition lone atoms. You could maybe say that E-115 commonly forms molecules with itself like Oxygen does in O2 and O3. Moving on, "their range" should be "the range of Delta rays".
- STR_GUNSHIP_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "Given a basic knowledge" would be better as "Leveraging our basic understanding". Consider mentioning explicitly that the thing can fly.
- STR_ALIEN_NAVIGATORS_UFOPEDIA: "The Navigators caste" would be better as "The Navigator caste".
- STR_BLOODHOUND_UFOPEDIA: "imperfections of design" would be better as "imperfections in the design". "both these" should be "both of these".
- STR_DESTROY_BLACK_LOTUS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "Actually, we have already located some of their leaders within mere hours" as "In fact, we located some of their leaders within mere hours of activating the detector".
- STR_ALIEN_COMMANDERS_UFOPEDIA: "highest level of alien field command structure" should be "highest level of the alien field command structure".
- STR_SYNDICATE_PHASE_1_DESCRIPTION: "the last floor" would be better as "the top floor". The pickup and the helicopter should be added to the list of allowed vehicles.
- STR_CEREBREAL_UFOPEDIA: "allies, who agreed" would be nicer as "allies who have agreed". "fuelled" should be "fueled", but only in en-US.yml.
- STR_LASER_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "known for decades" to "around for decades". "allows for design" should be "allows for the design".
- STR_GOLD_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA, STR_GREEN_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA, STR_PURPLE_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA and STR_RED_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA: These articles suffer from singular/plural inconsistency. Either use "A force shield of X type gives", or use "They offer" and "They give".
- STR_ALIEN_ELECTRONICS_UFOPEDIA: "a multi-threaded communication" should be "multi-threaded communication". "therefore" would be better as "thereby". "the rough understanding on" would be better as "a rough understanding of".
- STR_SYNDICATE_WORKER_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "white collars" to "white-collar drones", because I've only ever seen the phrase "white-collar" used as an adjective.
- STR_DOSSIER_MILLICENT_WEBER_UFOPEDIA: "after giving" would be better as "after she gave". "'New Humanity'" would be better as "a 'New Humanity'".
- STR_USO_AQUATOID_BRIEFING: The reminder that only underwater gear can be taken on this mission is a bit pointless, as by the time you read it the mission has already begun.
- STR_MONSTERS_FINAL_SOLUTION_UFOPEDIA: "dispersed from air" should be "dispersed the from air".
Everything that wasn't in the first part:
- Alien drones can apparently bleed. That doesn't make much sense since they're supposed to be robotic.
- Consider sorting the Reaper Corpse item with the rest of the corpses.
- Rocks in the desert can burn away, which is a tad odd.
- Consider sorting Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Tritanium Ammo with the other messages from M.A.G.M.A.
- The Black Lotus Avatar does not seem to have a combat analysis article.
- Consider sorting the HWP Autocannon Tritanium Shells below the Gunship/Autocannon, following the convention of other HWP production items.
- A door on the industrial map set disappears when opened. See image.
- The Alien Drone Adaptation production item seems less than great because it costs resources whereas disassembling an alien drone and then building a new drone yields resources at the end of the day. The increased manpower and monetary cost in doing so don't outweigh this in my opinion.
- Consider adding a UFOpedia entry for the drone weapon.
- On some missions, regular Syndicate Security units appear incapable of attacking anything on their own turn, though they will use RF. I have TRIED to get them to shoot me, but they refuse. I have a save to demonstrate.
A partially domesticated but not quite housebroken feedback list appears!
- STR_MANSION_DEFENSE_SYNDICATE_DESCRIPTION and STR_MANSION_DEFENSE_SYNDICATE_BRIEFING: "is targeted by" would be better as "has become the target of".
- STR_MANSION_DEFENSE_SYNDICATE_BRIEFING: "After successful mission" would be better as "Once your mission is successful". "stresses the importance of it" would be better as "stresses that this is of utmost importance."
- STR_AQUATOID_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "The Aquatoid Race is" to "The Aquatoids are". I'm unhappy with "Aquatoids seek to propagate its sterile race by genetic modification, the ideal subjects being human beings". Suggest "Aquatoids seek to propagate their sterile race through the genetic modification of other races. As it turns out, humans are the ideal subjects for this".
- STR_SORCERER_OF_DAGON_UFOPEDIA: "and quick to follow orders" should be "and are quick to follow orders".
- STR_GANG_CAVEMEN_UFOPEDIA: "have a very firm stand on possible alien origins of humanity" would be better as "take a very firm stand on the possibility that humanity has alien origins".
- STR_GANG_LUCHADORES_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "Well, each of these guys actually hunted and ate a Zombie" as "Well, these Luchadores actually went and did exactly that". Suggest rephrasing "you are subjected to all sorts of physical effort while feverish," as "you are subjected to all sorts of physical stress and feel feverish".
- STR_GANG_MOTOR_MEN_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "the falling civilization" as "a civilization doomed to ruination".
- STR_IMPROVED_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA: "Understanding of alien power generation" would be better as "Our understanding of alien power generation". "management It" would be better as "management. This facility".
- STR_UAC_CHAINGUN_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "fires hails of bullets, deadly to any life forms" as "a hail of bullets that is deadly to any life form".
- STR_DOSSIER_PIOTR_WISNIEWSKI_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "from 1967 to 1984 when he left" as "from 1967 to 1984, after which he left". Suggest rephrasing "Since his departure, it is unknown what he is working on" as "it is unknown what he has been working on since his departure". "he is a suspect for the theft of" would be better as "he is a suspect in the theft of".
- STR_CHITIN_KNIFE_UFOPEDIA: "of some large arthropod carapace" would be better as "from some large arthropod's carapace".
- STR_MINOTAUR_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "to create an unstoppable warrior" as "that together create an unstoppable warrior".
- STR_CHAINGUN_CLIP and STR_CHAINGUN_AA_CLIP: These strings should probably be prefixed with "UAC", as all other UAC ammo is.
- STR_ANTMAN_UFOPEDIA: "individual personalities, although strongly predisposed for a collective society" would be better as "individual personalities, although they're strongly predisposed toward a collective society"
- STR_ALIEN_MEDICS_UFOPEDIA: "much of alien tech" would be better as "a lot of alien tech". "or participating" would be better as "or when participating".
- STR_ALIEN_LEADERS_UFOPEDIA: "with exceptional intellect" would be better as "that display exceptional intellect". "little actual privileges" would be better as "few actual privileges". "allows us to identify" would be better as "enabled us to identify".
- STR_CULT_HQ_JUNGLE_CHURCH_OF_DAGON_DESCRIPTION and STR_CULT_HQ_JUNGLE_CHURCH_OF_DAGON_BRIEFING: "the Church structure" would be better as "the Church's structure".
- STR_CULT_HQ_JUNGLE_CHURCH_OF_DAGON_BRIEFING: Consider adding the boilerplate abort instructions.
- STR_GANG_WESTMEN_UFOPEDIA: "believe in futility" should be "believe in the futility". "and better be somewhere else" would be better as "and they had better be somewhere else". "'salvage operations'" would be better as "'salvaging'".
- STR_DAGON_STATUE_UFOPEDIA: "This golden statue" would be better as just "this statue", because gold isn't unearthly.
- STR_GANG_EASY_RIDERS_UFOPEDIA: "or criminal activity" would be better as "legal or otherwise".
- STR_GANG_TECH_WIZARDS_UFOPEDIA: "for pure sensation" should be "purely for the sensation".
- STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UFOPEDIA: "earth" should be "Earth".
- STR_CYBERWEB_MANUFACTURING_PLANT_DESCRIPTION: "much illegal tech sold" would be better as "much of the illegal tech that's sold".
- STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Utilizing the Alien Optical Processor" should be "Utilizing Alien Electronics". The AOP is not involved in building this weapon.
- STR_CYBERWEB_MYSTEK_UFOPEDIA: "They are considered by" would be better as "They are regarded by".
- STR_SECTOID_LEGENDS_UFOPEDIA: "Sectoids joined" should be "the Sectoids joined".
- STR_ALIEN_SOLDIERS_UFOPEDIA: "of alien forces we didn't know already" would be better as "of the alien forces that we didn't know already".
- STR_ANTMAN_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "This insectoid has all the features of sapient, tool-using creatures", while perfectly fine on its face, appears to be written as a rhyme due to the way the wrapping works out. It should also be plural to match the rest of the article. Thus, suggest: "These insectoids have all the characteristics of sapient, tool-using creatures".
- The Ion Blaster Battery description uses STR_ION_BLASTER_UFOPEDIA, not STR_ION_BLASTER_CLIP_UFOPEDIA.
- STR_ALIEN_GARDENS_UFOPEDIA: "for cultivation" should be "for the cultivation".
- STR_GAZER_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: No more than one semicolon per article please, goodness me. The first one can be safely replaced by a full stop.
- STR_MACRO_SMG_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "It relies on the user's strength" to "It requires a strong soldier to carry it", as the original phrasing initially led me to expect that strength was involved in the damage calculation.
- Suggest mass replace "armour" -> "armor" in en-US.yml.
- Suggest mass replace "armor" -> "armour" in en-GB.yml.
- Suggest s/(?<![ -]s)(?<![ -]se)([iy])z(e|es|ed|ing)([^\w])/$1s$2$3/g in en-GB.yml, for about 140 replacements. It should have no false positives (I hope) though it will miss "TERRORIZE" in STR_MONSTERS_TERRORISE and STR_ALERT_ARACHNOQUAKE because it's uppercase.
- Consider sorting the Sectoid Corpse item with the rest of the corpses. The same goes for any other alien corpse that is sorted above the combat equipment.
- The Syndicate Assassination mission allows 2x2 HWPs to spawn in the pantry, a place they could not possibly have gotten into.
- On the Shogg Village mission, consider placing the item pile on the evac area.
- Consider adding a combat analysis for the Cave Girl, or unlocking the Cave Guy combat analysis from the Cave Girl.
- The BlackOps Smartgun can be purchased as soon as it is researched, without having to research BlackOps Smartgun Acquisition.
- The BlackOps Smartgun does not support spray & pray. Perhaps it ought to.
- My preferred order for the BlackOps LMGs is: Assault LMG, LMG, Smartgun.
- Consider allowing the Pickup for the Orion Stakeout mission, for completion's sake. The Pickup is supposed to be a covert ops vehicle after all.
- Consider sorting the BlackOps Smartpistol before the Blackops Pistol clips (but after the pistol itself).
- Consider sorting the Advanced Rocket Launcher before the standard rockets (but after the regular Rocket Launcher).
- I was unable to complete the Vampire Castle mission because large parts of the map were completely unreachable. It may be worth looking into the connectivity of this map set.
- Consider sorting the Medi-Kit after the Healing Gel. Also, consider cutting the vanilla usage manual off the description, as it seems silly to be presented with it after having gone through 4 other items that work the exact same way.
- The ladders that lead down to the special rooms on the Cyberweb Dimensional Portal map cannot be ascended, so units can get stuck down there.
Whoa, thanks as always, BT-san. I can't imagine how long it took you to write this report, since the fixes alone took me way over an hour. Much appreciated!
I fixed or otherwise addressed all your points, except for the ones below - please check and provide extra info where needed:
"cause an additional 25% damage" - so damage is a countable noun here?
STR_DELTA_RADIATION_UFOPEDIA: "the E-115 molecule" makes no sense because Elerium is an element, and elements are by definition lone atoms. You could maybe say that E-115 commonly forms molecules with itself like Oxygen does in O2 and O3. Moving on, "their range" should be "the range of Delta rays". - Normally I would agree, but everything we know about Elerium poits to the conclusion that is that it cannot be an element, or not simply an element. It's not really described yet, since I'm anxious to use actual pseudoscience, but I'm sort of working on it.
"Consider adding a UFOpedia entry for the drone weapon." Sorry, which drone do you mean? The scout?
"On some missions, regular Syndicate Security units appear incapable of attacking anything on their own turn, though they will use RF. I have TRIED to get them to shoot me, but they refuse. I have a save to demonstrate." Yeah, it just... happens sometimes. I have no idea why.
"'salvage operations'" would be better as "'salvaging'". I feel some comedy value would be lost here.
"STR_ALIEN_RESEARCH_UFOPEDIA: "earth" should be "Earth"." you are right, but it's vanilla text from 1994... Wouldn't be the first such case. :P
"Suggest mass replace "armor" -> "armour" in en-GB.yml." I don't exactly maintain en-GB, I only copy en-US under a differnt name - otherwise people who play in en-GB don't get the changes of vanilla strings. I would love to add en-GB, but I don't have the time to do this properly and so I hope someone will take care of it on Transifex.
"The Syndicate Assassination mission allows 2x2 HWPs to spawn in the pantry, a place they could not possibly have gotten into." You mean X-Com units? Yeah, because people kept moaning ahbout the equipment pile being exposed on the roof, so I moved it to the pantry, but had to also move the spawn point... I will think about how to solve it.
"The BlackOps Smartgun does not support spray & pray. Perhaps it ought to." Nah, it's not in line with what smart weapons do. You can consider it a disadvantage of this tech, but I personally think it's pretty negligible.
"My preferred order for the BlackOps LMGs is: Assault LMG, LMG, Smartgun." OK, but I'm not sure why... I'm certain you have a good reason, care to elaborate?
"Consider allowing the Pickup for the Orion Stakeout mission, for completion's sake." It's always been allowed, the text simply hasn't been updated after this car had been added. I removed the entire line, as this should work automatically now.
"Consider sorting the BlackOps Smartpistol before the Blackops Pistol clips (but after the pistol itself)." This is something you can never do right, since either you get an order which is just ugly (as it is now) or the upgrade located before the basic version... Which one do you think is better?
"I was unable to complete the Vampire Castle mission because large parts of the map were completely unreachable. It may be worth looking into the connectivity of this map set." Never had problems with this map after removing some grates. (They were put in place to prevent excessive camping of the bridge.) Is your problem related to this, or is anything wrong with the architecture itself?
"Consider sorting the Medi-Kit after the Healing Gel. Also, consider cutting the vanilla usage manual off the description, as it seems silly to be presented with it after having gone through 4 other items that work the exact same way." All medical items have this description (or should). Yes, it's a bit redundant, but I see no harm in it.
"The ladders that lead down to the special rooms on the Cyberweb Dimensional Portal map cannot be ascended, so units can get stuck down there." Lol, yeah, no I remember it. XD Not sure if it can be fixed easily, but I'll have a look.
Whoa, thanks as always, BT-san. I can't imagine how long it took you to write this report, since the fixes alone took me way over an hour.
I just keep a file open as I play. I don't really think of it as a big deal, so I'm content to contribute to XCF in this small fashion.
so damage is a countable noun here?
We're not dealing with damage as a noun here, but "twenty-five per cent damage" as a noun phrase. That's typically treated as countable, as seen in the ninety-ninety rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule) for instance.
Normally I would agree, but everything we know about Elerium poits to the conclusion that is that it cannot be an element, or not simply an element. It's not really described yet, since I'm anxious to use actual pseudoscience, but I'm sort of working on it.
STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE_UFOPEDIA specifically specifies it as "element 115". It is your creative license to not treat Elerium as an element in XCF, but then you should address this.
"Consider adding a UFOpedia entry for the drone weapon." Sorry, which drone do you mean? The scout?
I meant the X-COM flying drone. It has a built-in weapon that does not have any player-viewable stats in the 'pedia (that I can find anyway), though all other HWP weapons do.
"My preferred order for the BlackOps LMGs is: Assault LMG, LMG, Smartgun." OK, but I'm not sure why... I'm certain you have a good reason, care to elaborate?
It's mostly the order in which they become available (at least in my campaign), with the Assault LMG requiring only Promotion II and the Smart Gun not appearing until the Syndicate gets into full swing. The order also matches my perceived order of increasing overall power, with the regular LMG being more powerful than the Assault LMG owing to a better auto-shot. It's pretty subjective though, so feel free to disregard this.
This is something you can never do right, since either you get an order which is just ugly (as it is now) or the upgrade located before the basic version... Which one do you think is better?
Interesting. I'd probably choose the latter, because that is at least in line with the convention that ammo is displayed below the weapon. The reverse being the case actually threw me and made me think I did not have the upgraded weapon at that base, which led to a moment of confusion.
Is your problem related to this, or is anything wrong with the architecture itself?
Unfortunately I don't have a save for it, but I was running up and down the castle with my scanners looking for "that one last zombie" until I just went and activated the 30-turn bug hunt mod. Turned out there were like 14 enemies with no path to me, in two map blocks that were apparently completely cut off. I could potentially have blasted my way in, but I really had to go because one of my soldiers was going comatose.
All medical items have this description (or should). Yes, it's a bit redundant, but I see no harm in it.
Well, the Healing Gel doesn't, but you're right otherwise. The stim and painkiller functions aren't covered in the XCF healing items though, but I don't propose they should be.
On all other comments I defer to your judgment.
I just keep a file open as I play. I don't really think of it as a big deal, so I'm content to contribute to XCF in this small fashion.
Even if you say so, I know how much pain this kind of thig is. So, kudos!
We're not dealing with damage as a noun here, but "twenty-five per cent damage" as a noun phrase. That's typically treated as countable, as seen in the ninety-ninety rule (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule) for instance.
I'm not disbelieving, but since you are knowledgeable about these things, could you please elaborate? Because it's the first time I'm hearing of such a difference in any language (and I speak 4) and I'm a grammar junkie.
While I am no expert on English grammar, a noun phrase is a noun with some corresponding attributes. I fail to understand how the presence of attributes changes how the noun behaves; to me this seems completely illogical and counter to any basic grammar rules I know. It doesn't look like an exception either, it's too broad. In fact I'd be really interested in learning more about this.
(This of course is completely off-topic. I'm just intrigued.)
STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE_UFOPEDIA specifically specifies it as "element 115". It is your creative license to not treat Elerium as an element in XCF, but then you should address this.
I know, I know... As I've said before, it's hard to do well, so I'm sweeping it under the carpet for now. (Still a bazillion times better than almost any "sci-fi" series I've watched. :P )
I meant the X-COM flying drone. It has a built-in weapon that does not have any player-viewable stats in the 'pedia (that I can find anyway), though all other HWP weapons do.
There is an entry:
type_id: 4
listOrder: ???
Or was it added after the last release? I'm not sure.
It's mostly the order in which they become available (at least in my campaign), with the Assault LMG requiring only Promotion II and the Smart Gun not appearing until the Syndicate gets into full swing. The order also matches my perceived order of increasing overall power, with the regular LMG being more powerful than the Assault LMG owing to a better auto-shot. It's pretty subjective though, so feel free to disregard this.
OK, got it! I certainly owe you this much. :)
Interesting. I'd probably choose the latter, because that is at least in line with the convention that ammo is displayed below the weapon. The reverse being the case actually threw me and made me think I did not have the upgraded weapon at that base, which led to a moment of confusion.
Yes, ammo should always be after the weapons.
Unfortunately I don't have a save for it, but I was running up and down the castle with my scanners looking for "that one last zombie" until I just went and activated the 30-turn bug hunt mod. Turned out there were like 14 enemies with no path to me, in two map blocks that were apparently completely cut off. I could potentially have blasted my way in, but I really had to go because one of my soldiers was going comatose.
Pity, now I'm worried there's something wrong with the castle... Oh well, let's keep an eye on this.
I am also open to suggestions on how to counter extreme camping without blocking the routes with grates. Maybe use the new feature for spawning enemies mid-battle, to simulate reinforcements? But won't it just encourage the grind even more?
Well, the Healing Gel doesn't, but you're right otherwise. The stim and painkiller functions aren't covered in the XCF healing items though, but I don't propose they should be.
Now the gel has it too. :P
On all other comments I defer to your judgment.
All right!
I'm not disbelieving, but since you are knowledgeable about these things, could you please elaborate? Because it's the first time I'm hearing of such a difference in any language (and I speak 4) and I'm a grammar junkie.
Well let's see, I'm not a linguist or anything myself (I'm not even a native English speaker), so I can't really answer in the most definitive of terms. I did google it a bit and found some words on the subject here (https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/84000/five-percent-vs-the-five-percent).
From where I'm sitting, the inclusion of the definite article comes from using the word "additional" before "25% damage". We're then talking about one unit of "25% damage", which is countable. If we were to phrase it as "25% additional damage", we wouldn't use the definite article because we're talking about a certain quantity of "damage", which is uncountable.
I know, I know... As I've said before, it's hard to do well, so I'm sweeping it under the carpet for now.
Handwaving stuff is perfectly okay. The player can be expected to suspend their disbelief a fair bit, especially when the source material is as pulpy as X-Com. All I'm advocating here is internal consistency.
There is an entry:
Alright then. Suffice to say I tried to MMB the drone's weapon without effect. Of course if it's to come in the next version then it's all peachy.
I am also open to suggestions on how to counter extreme camping without blocking the routes with grates. Maybe use the new feature for spawning enemies mid-battle, to simulate reinforcements? But won't it just encourage the grind even more?
Well hmm, I must admit to camping at the bridge quite a bit. Zombies can chew you up right quick if you let them get close to you, especially since close quarters overwatch is a tenuous gambit in the face of so much health. Add to that the fact that the castle has loads of places where enemies can sneak up on you. It's a death trap, which is what it's supposed to be, of course.
I'm considering what you said about reinforcing, and whether using some kind of proximity mine in a boss room for spawning the queen could be an incentive, but I'm a little dubious. I don't know how much control over such an encounter OXCE's scripts allow, nor am I convinced it's necessarily a good fit for X-Com in the first place.
I don't know if this mission is going to pop up again in my campaign, I did research the queen but didn't finish the zombie arc yet. If it does though I'll pay extra attention to it.
Well let's see, I'm not a linguist or anything myself (I'm not even a native English speaker), so I can't really answer in the most definitive of terms. I did google it a bit and found some words on the subject here (https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/84000/five-percent-vs-the-five-percent).
From where I'm sitting, the inclusion of the definite article comes from using the word "additional" before "25% damage". We're then talking about one unit of "25% damage", which is countable. If we were to phrase it as "25% additional damage", we wouldn't use the definite article because we're talking about a certain quantity of "damage", which is uncountable.
Ah, all right. While not exactly familiar, this pattern at least doesn't seem illogical to me.
Handwaving stuff is perfectly okay. The player can be expected to suspend their disbelief a fair bit, especially when the source material is as pulpy as X-Com. All I'm advocating here is internal consistency.
I worry about it too, and probably too much... But I will only fix it after I have a complete better model.
Alright then. Suffice to say I tried to MMB the drone's weapon without effect. Of course if it's to come in the next version then it's all peachy.
Works in the quick battle. I don't have a handy campaign save to confirm, so please check again after the next release.
Well hmm, I must admit to camping at the bridge quite a bit. Zombies can chew you up right quick if you let them get close to you, especially since close quarters overwatch is a tenuous gambit in the face of so much health. Add to that the fact that the castle has loads of places where enemies can sneak up on you. It's a death trap, which is what it's supposed to be, of course.
I'm considering what you said about reinforcing, and whether using some kind of proximity mine in a boss room for spawning the queen could be an incentive, but I'm a little dubious. I don't know how much control over such an encounter OXCE's scripts allow, nor am I convinced it's necessarily a good fit for X-Com in the first place.
I don't know if this mission is going to pop up again in my campaign, I did research the queen but didn't finish the zombie arc yet. If it does though I'll pay extra attention to it.
Thanks for sharing the thoughts. I'm not satisfied with the current solution, so I will certainly think about it more.
A Giant Spider doesn't leave a corpse behind if it bleeds out and the mission ends, see attached save.
There were two Giant Spiders, one is killed and leaves a corpse, the other was wounded and died of fatal wounds and leaves nothing.
Conan! What is best in life?
To find writing issues, see them driven before you:
- STR_MASTERS_OF_SHOGG_UFOPEDIA: "workforce" would be better as "labor".
- STR_OPTRONICS_UFOPEDIA: "using light" should be "that use". "and therefore" should be "and are therefore".
- STR_CYBERWEB_PORTAL_SYSTEM_UFOPEDIA: "to maintain reasonable frequency" should be "to maintain a reasonable frequency".
- STR_MUTANT_BLOOD_PLASMA_SYNTHESIS_UFOPEDIA: "With the recent medical discoveries" would be better as "Thanks to our recent medical discoveries".
- STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest replacing "assess the psionic potential of all soldiers at the base and give them" with "give all soldiers at the base", as psionic strength is revealed automatically anyway.
- STR_HOVERTANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA and STR_HOVERTANK_LASER_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: ", this unit features" would be nicer as ". Hovertanks feature".
- STR_LIZARD_TRAP_UFOPEDIA: "as soon as a Reptoid appears" should be "as soon as a Reptoid appeared". "their leaders" would be better as "his leaders". "gives word" should be either "gives the word" or "sends word".
- STR_GRAV_MODULE_CONSTRUCTION_UFOPEDIA: "bettlefield" should be "battlefield".
- STR_UFO_PROPULSION_UFOPEDIA: "serve purpose" should be "serve a purpose". Suggest slight un-mangling of "they conduct and resonate to electromagnetic and gravity waves, fed into them directly through a Power Source's base, resting on Tritanium floor" to "they conduct and resonate with electromagnetic and gravitic waves that are fed into them directly through a Power Source's base, which rests on a Tritanium floor". "state of gravitic-magnetic field" should be "state of the gravitic-magnetic field". Suggest rephrasing "This also explains how UFOs go down when their power sources begin to fail through the feedback effect, even though our weaponry hasn't managed to seriously dent the hull" as "This also explains why UFOs go down even when our weaponry hasn't managed to seriously dent the hull. The feedback effect causes their power sources to fail".
- STR_JARHEAD_UFOPEDIA: "possesses" should be "possess".
- STR_JARHEAD_INVESTIGATION_UFOPEDIA: "After careful examination", though okay as is, would be nicer as "After a careful examination".
- STR_UNIT_UFOPEDIA: "alerting the government of" should be "alerting the government to".
- STR_MEGAWORM_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "The skin is not armored but is thick, and it contains" flows better as "The skin is unarmored but thick, and contains". "body length" would be better as just "body". The semicolon would be better as a comma. "inflammation signs" would be better as "signs of inflammation". "They also have" would be better as "These teeth have".
- STR_XCOM_BUREAU_UFOPEDIA: "described as energy being" should be something like "described as a being made out of pure energy".
- STR_JANISSARY_UFOPEDIA: "controlled directly with" would be nicer as "controlled directly through".
- STR_CITY_X_SURVEY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "during approach to" as "as they approached".
- STR_SYNDICATE_PHASE_2_DESCRIPTION: "No other rules apply - do as you wish!" is perfectly fine, but the dash is lost in the actual in-game description due to wonky wrapping, which makes it look weird. As a workaround, it may be worth rephrasing as "No other rules apply, so do as you wish!".
- STR_SYNDICATE_CEO_TRUEFORM_UFOPEDIA: "transform to" would be better as "change into".
- STR_HYBRID_CONTROL_CIRCUITRY_UFOPEDIA: "a built-in 'software'" would be better as "built-in 'software'". "showing that" would be better as "that indicate".
- STR_SYNDICATE_HQ_UFOPEDIA: "arrest whoever is responsible" should be "arrest whomever is responsible". "fearing the leaders will escape - which I totally agree with" lost its dash to wrapping (mostly), but even disregarding that I suggest rephrasing it as "out of concern the leaders will escape - something I totally agree with".
- STR_ANCIENT_SHIP_COMPUTER_UFOPEDIA: "coming from Mars" is a little ambiguous. Did the ship come from mars, or the power source? If the former, maybe use "The wreck used to be a construction ship from Mars". If the latter, maybe use "a unique power source that came from Mars".
- STR_SCORPOID_PALACE_TAKEOVER_BRIEFING: "over a position of leadership over a local seat of power" looks like an edit gone wrong. Pick one.
- STR_HYBRID_PURGE_DESCRIPTION and STR_HYBRID_PURGE_BRIEFING: "Our objective it" should be "Our objective is".
To hear the lamentations of the mod author:
- The HOVER/ROCKET Ufopedia articles require STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION, this should be STR_HOVERTANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER instead.
- The hovertanks don't require grav modules to build or repair, only Elerium. The description does mention an "anti-gravity unit", and given that the gunship does need grav units I feel hovertanks should use them too.
- The regular Psiclone's manufacturing project is unlocked at Metapsychology, but the project itself requires a Psi Lab, which comes along way down the line. Perhaps the project should be unlocked at Psionics.
- When the rocky floor on the cave map set is explodified it becomes impassable. I'm not sure if this is desirable.
- The Skulljack and X-Com Psiclone are in Artifacts, but maybe they would be more at home in Field Equipment because, firstly, they aren't items that can be found as loot, and secondly they would fit best next to the Psi-Amp for easy comparison.
- The Firestorm description still claims it "replicates the flying saucer design" as per the vanilla text, but the new art now belies this.
- In the understanding that the Shogg arc is WIP, I want to mention I was surprised at the Scorpoid Palace Takeover mission, because I had assumed it was going to be an Antmen-based mission. Prior to this mission Antmen are the only inhabitants of Shogg that are exposed to the player, while the Scorpoids are never really introduced except in STR_LIZARD_TRAP_UFOPEDIA, which mentions them in a dismissive manner. The mission itself is fine but it could use a better lead-in.
- Is there a point to the Scorpoid having 12 NV when it also has 13 Psi Sense?
- I'd like to have some detailed info on the X-Com Hybrid. Maybe you could add a SUIT/HYBRID armor entry just to provide access to Stats for Nerds for the baseline Hybrid? It could mention that all X-Com armors apply to the Hybrid soldier as normal.
Conan! What is best in life?
OK, everything fixed. Some things I did a bit differently, maybe they'll get proof-read later.
- The HOVER/ROCKET Ufopedia articles require STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION, this should be STR_HOVERTANK_ROCKET_LAUNCHER instead.
Yep, fixed this one and also the plasma tanks.
- The hovertanks don't require grav modules to build or repair, only Elerium. The description does mention an "anti-gravity unit", and given that the gunship does need grav units I feel hovertanks should use them too.
Now every hover also requires 6 grav modules.
- The regular Psiclone's manufacturing project is unlocked at Metapsychology, but the project itself requires a Psi Lab, which comes along way down the line. Perhaps the project should be unlocked at Psionics.
It's logical as it this, so I'll leave it.
- When the rocky floor on the cave map set is explodified it becomes impassable. I'm not sure if this is desirable.
Definitely undesirable... And also weird, it used to work. I'll investigate when the time is right.
- The Skulljack and X-Com Psiclone are in Artifacts, but maybe they would be more at home in Field Equipment because, firstly, they aren't items that can be found as loot, and secondly they would fit best next to the Psi-Amp for easy comparison.
I'm losing faith in having two separate categories... Maybe I'll just roll them into one.
- The Firestorm description still claims it "replicates the flying saucer design" as per the vanilla text, but the new art now belies this.
You know, maybe I'll go back to the original picture. It's cooler.
- In the understanding that the Shogg arc is WIP, I want to mention I was surprised at the Scorpoid Palace Takeover mission, because I had assumed it was going to be an Antmen-based mission. Prior to this mission Antmen are the only inhabitants of Shogg that are exposed to the player, while the Scorpoids are never really introduced except in STR_LIZARD_TRAP_UFOPEDIA, which mentions them in a dismissive manner. The mission itself is fine but it could use a better lead-in.
It's RNG. Scorpoids are almost as common as antmen and spiders.
I'd be happy to make more Shogg missions, though. (Probably in caves, lol.)
- Is there a point to the Scorpoid having 12 NV when it also has 13 Psi Sense?
Probably not? But it doesn't hurt. Maybe in the future there will be some method to hide from psi vision?
- I'd like to have some detailed info on the X-Com Hybrid. Maybe you could add a SUIT/HYBRID armor entry just to provide access to Stats for Nerds for the baseline Hybrid? It could mention that all X-Com armors apply to the Hybrid soldier as normal.
Maybe... Looks like I have enough space.
Again, thank you for your time and effort!
It's RNG. Scorpoids are almost as common as antmen and spiders.
I don't seem to be having much luck with the RNG in that area. All my UFOs have Sectoids in them, too. I know there's a lot of exciting aliens out there because I've played FMP, but 1999 has been nothing but Sectoids.
When I try to play on the Pharaohs tomb with battle it crashes
Whoa, a new version already! Sadly, the new seabot makes tanks useless underwater. Can't we have one that carries a dart launcher or something?
Also, as for the corridors with turrets, what about checking out the WH40k mod? That one already includes corridors with turrets, perhaps you can learn something. As for bugs: The "Fun with Terms" staff input cannot be seen in the ufopaedia, the Worker outfit has no entry (or I haven't seen it yet) and there are weird entries with melee attacks of enemies, your units, hybrids and so on with no text and/or weird spacing.
Lastly, not a bug but: What's the purpose of the Dog Bark? Will we be eventually able to use our own Bloodhounds like Piratez?
Oh, and the Tactical Neural Implant still doesn't do anything so far.
When I try to play on the Pharaohs tomb with battle it crashes
Oh damn.
Do you have a save? The battle seems to work for me.
Whoa, a new version already! Sadly, the new seabot makes tanks useless underwater. Can't we have one that carries a dart launcher or something?
There will be good underwater tanks in the (near) future. I just haven't made them yet.
Also, as for the corridors with turrets, what about checking out the WH40k mod? That one already includes corridors with turrets, perhaps you can learn something. As for bugs: The "Fun with Terms" staff input cannot be seen in the ufopaedia, the Worker outfit has no entry (or I haven't seen it yet) and there are weird entries with melee attacks of enemies, your units, hybrids and so on with no text and/or weird spacing.
Where do you think did I get the graphics from? :-*
Lastly, not a bug but: What's the purpose of the Dog Bark?
...you've seen the Pedia page, haven't you?
Will we be eventually able to use our own Bloodhounds like Piratez?
Probably. :)
Oh, and the Tactical Neural Implant still doesn't do anything so far.
Eh? Is it some bug you mean?
There will be good underwater tanks in the (near) future. I just haven't made them yet.
Is this related to the new article about the "Barracuda" submarine, I suppose?
...you've seen the Pedia page, haven't you?
Now I can't find it for some reason, but I remember it was somewhere. The Field Manual's first entries are messed up a bit with the several entries about unarmed attacks.
Eh? Is it some bug you mean?
Not sure. I mean that you can build them, but so far nothing uses these Implants yet.
Oh damn.
Do you have a save? The battle seems to work for me
Sorry I mean when you choose the map with the new battle option
Sorry I mean when you choose the map with the new battle option
You probably chose the wrong alien race for the mission; new battle is not really supported from a modding standpoint unless you know what you're doing. There's nothing that can be fixed here on the modding side except saying to not use new battle.
Yeah, that's the most likely explanation.
The problem is that if you use an incorrect race, its composition might not fit the deployment. I'm trying to keep things consistent here, so it wouldn't happen, but problems may still arise.
Which race have you tried to use on that mission? I'd like to investigate.
Is this related to the new article about the "Barracuda" submarine, I suppose?
I have no idea what you're talking about. :D
But no, I haven't referred to these new tanks anywhere yet.
Not sure. I mean that you can build them, but so far nothing uses these Implants yet.
Everything that depends on the TNI uses it... Namely the Skulljack and the Cyber Armour, and anything that comes with them.
If you mean that it's not an item which is physically present in the game and can be used as an ingredient, then yeah... But is it really necessary?
Actually you can build TNI in workshop but it is not used for anything so I think that is what HumanTraitor is referencing to.
Actually you can build TNI in workshop but it is not used for anything so I think that is what HumanTraitor is referencing to.
Oops, that's a leftover from a scrapped feature. Sorry, I had no idea.
Yeah, that's the most likely explanation.
The problem is that if you use an incorrect race, its composition might not fit the deployment. I'm trying to keep things consistent here, so it wouldn't happen, but problems may still arise.
Which race have you tried to use on that mission? I'd like to investigate.
It was MIB
It was MIB
Yep, it wouldn't work.
Strange, I just got a gang war mission but there are police and civillians?
I have the save if you want to have a look.
I don't know if that's strange in the usual context of this game, but it sounds like that should actually be expected. It's not like gangs actually get together in out of the way places like abandoned warehouses or deep forests to start their fights, so it seems like occasionally at least you'd run across a fight with civvies in the crossfire, and cops trying to put it down.
Please do show the save, since I did not make this to happen (consciously).
I don't know if that's strange in the usual context of this game, but it sounds like that should actually be expected. It's not like gangs actually get together in out of the way places like abandoned warehouses or deep forests to start their fights, so it seems like occasionally at least you'd run across a fight with civvies in the crossfire, and cops trying to put it down.
You misunderstand, it was completely full of civies and some police, like a terror mission there were no rival gang members to be seen.
Please do show the save, since I did not make this to happen (consciously).
I think this is it.
Okay, nothing but police and civvies is definitely not right, I could tell you that if I'd never played this.
Although, I do wonder now. I'd hit 2 or 3 gang wars that was nothing but two gangs fighting. Is it set up to have it in the middle of civs and cops? Would definitely make things interesting. I already saw in 1 or 2 of those that one of those gangs can be friendly. Or I guess maybe just neutral to X-Com. But definitely not hostile.
One of the gangs counts as civilians. They're just armed. I don't think it's possible to have a 3-way fight.
Yeah it was already answered.
There are 3 factions on map:
- enemy
- civilians (so basically ally)
- xcom
Complaining, bitching, moaning.
- STR_CROWBAR_UFOPEDIA: "inconspicous in any industrial and research environments" would be better as "inconspicuous in any industrial or research environment".
- STR_IMPERSONATRON_UFOPEDIA: "psi waves emitter" would be better as "psi wave emitter".
- STR_MONSTROUS_BREED_UFOPEDIA: "proofs" should be "proof".
- STR_REPTOID_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "modelled" should be "modeled", but only in en-US.yml.
- STR_CRUISE_LINER_RAID_DESCRIPTION: Consider mentioning explicitly that it will be an underwater mission requiring appropriate gear.
- STR_ANTIMATTER_CONTAINMENT_UFOPEDIA: "the human civilization" would be better as "human civilization".
- STR_SWARMIDS_UFOPEDIA: "leaving pheromones to signal them to the rest of the swarm" would be better as "leaving pheromones as a signal to the rest of the swarm".
- STR_MEGAWORM_UFOPEDIA: I had to shuffle so much stuff here that I'm just going to suggest a complete rewrite: "Megaworms are voracious predators, constantly on the hunt for prey despite the fact that their chlorophyll-filled skin helps with photosynthesis. Though they propel themselves by crawling, their overgrown muscle system permits them to move quite fast. It also gives shape to their boneless bodies. This thick layer of muscles enables Megaworms to endure a lot of punishment before dying and makes them resistant to stun damage. Fire damage seems to be effective instead, but they can still take lots of it before succumbing."
- STR_SECTOPOD_CONSTRUCTION_UFOPEDIA: "these types of bipedal HWP" would be better as "this type of bipedal HWP". Assuming the previous edit is made, "As they require" should be "As it requires".
- STR_SECTOPOD_LASER_UFOPEDIA: "AI powered" would be better as "AI controlled". "circuitry vulnerability" should be "circuitry's vulnerability". Suggest rephrasing "our Unit" as "this unit".
- STR_REPTOID_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "quite a while, long before" as "quite a while. They were here long before".
- STR_CYBERWEB_FORTRESS_ASSAULT_DESCRIPTION: Suggest rephrasing "If captured, this Cyberweb fort may reveal their deepest secrets" as "If captured, this fort may reveal the Cyberweb's deepest secrets". "all personnel wears" would be better as "all personnel wear" (because although "personnel" refers to a body of people, it is usually treated as plural).
- STR_DIMENSION_X_BASE_DEFENSE_FAUNA_BRIEFING: By the same token, "The entire scientific personnel" would be better as "The entire scientific staff", which is typically treated as singular.
- STR_CROC_RAID_UFOPEDIA: "and surface environment" should be "and the surface environment". Suggest rephrasing "For example, if Reptoids succeed" as "This could be needed, for example, if the Reptoids were to succeed".
- STR_LASER_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This version of a Sniper Rifle" would be better as "This version of the Blaster Rifle".
- STR_CYBERWEB_CENTURION_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "much more complex than simpler Cyberweb machines" smacks a bit of tautology. Suggest "much more complex than other Cyberweb machines we've encountered".
- STR_SYNDICATE_TESTAMENT_ENCRYPTED_UFOPEDIA: "head of Syndicate" would be better as "head of the Syndicate".
- STR_SYNDICATE_TESTAMENT_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "along all other subhumans" to "along with all other vermin" or some such, because between "superhumanity" and "subhumans" I'm left wondering where "humans" fit in this philosophy.
- STR_BOOMEROID_UFOPEDIA: "the aliens' idea of proximity grenades" would be better as "the aliens' idea of a tactical grenade" (since it's not a proximity grenade in any way).
- STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "including vehicles" would be better as "including that of vehicles".
- The X-Com Hybrids article claims hybrids have "superior mental abilities" compared to human soldiers, but they actually have a lower psi strength cap, so I consider this to be untrue.
- The Hybrid armors' built-in unarmed attacks are broken.
- The Gauss Cannon 'pedia entry is unlocked from the Mass Driver Cannon research. Not the actual item though.
- The Gauss soldier weaponry can be researched prior to the corresponding Mass Driver weapons, BUT the 'pedia entries are not unlocked until the latter is researched. That's confusing.
- It's possible to bring 2x2 HWPs to the Reptoid Fringe Settlement mission, but they will not be able to leave the ship. Maybe STR_REPTOID_CAVE_SETTLEMENT_DESCRIPTION should warn against this.
- I received 3078 Terramite from that Reptoid Fringe Settlement mission. That seems... not right. Even allowing that it isn't a useful resource (yet?) it earns a point per, and sells for over 8M. That seems excessive for one mission.
- When aborting the Syndicate HQ mission, the item stash is lost. Possibly true for the Black Lotus HQ one as well, I don't know.
- The Multi-Phased Psi-amp is two handed, but wielding it with the other hand occupied does not actually affect the chance of a successful psi attack. It might as well just be one handed.
- It occurs to me that it's quite remarkable that the Multi-Phased Psi-amp is concealable. It's HUGE.
- The Cyberweb Cyborg article refers to a "Technomad autopsy report", but that's confusing because there is no traditional autopsy report for the Technomad as such. The autopsy article is called "Cyberweb Augmentations" and is not laid out as an autopsy.
- As of 0.9.5 the Stun Rod description claims it's more powerful than the Electric Prod, but it isn't. It's faster, but not stronger. Possibly the Electric Prod was meant to have lower damage?
- The Blaster Rifle description claims it's more accurate than the basic Laser Rifle, which it isn't.
- The Scatter Blaster description still claims it fires "long volleys", which was true in FMP, but in XCF it really isn't. 5 shots isn't a lot compared to the other miniguns, and it's only 1 shot more than the Carbine. Also the text probably should mention that it strips armor, like the other miniguns.
- The CCTV cameras in the corridors are a nice idea, but in practice the cameras get shot down pretty much immediately, which causes a huge morale hit on the troops and can cause low-bravery soldiers to panic. This makes me disinclined to use corridors at all. The cameras need a flag that stops them from counting toward morale or something. (Note that this scenario assumes the corridors are placed near the access lift and hangars, which is the only meaningful place to put them in my opinion.)
- It's a little inconvenient that you can't RMB-assign armors between human and hybrid agents, despite the fact that they use the same armors. I mean, this likely isn't something you as a modder can do anything about, but I'm throwing it out there.
- Minigun tank autoshots only fire one shot when the tank is on a slope. Again, not your jurisdiction but it's still a thing that happens.
- STR_SECTOPOD_LASER_UFOPEDIA claims the walker is not as vulnerable to laser weapons as the Sectopod, but since it takes 150% laser damage anyway that is a bit of a fib.
- The Seabot looks like a Hybrid in a Suit in the craft equip screen.
- The Psi-amp handob appears to be misaligned.
- The UAC Rifle floorob seems fubar.
- There's a house on the fencemageddon map that has a fence where it should have a wall.
Complaining, bitching, moaning.
But at a professional level! :)
All strings fixed, except:
- STR_CRUISE_LINER_RAID_DESCRIPTION: Consider mentioning explicitly that it will be an underwater mission requiring appropriate gear.
Um, but it's not an underwater mission. Maybe you meant some other deployment?
- STR_SYNDICATE_TESTAMENT_UFOPEDIA: Suggest changing "along all other subhumans" to "along with all other vermin" or some such, because between "superhumanity" and "subhumans" I'm left wondering where "humans" fit in this philosophy.
Good question, but it is not the place to delve into such philosophical distinctions. It will stay as it is for several reasons, mostly to hint at the lol Moon Nazi thing.
- STR_BOOMEROID_UFOPEDIA: "the aliens' idea of proximity grenades" would be better as "the aliens' idea of a tactical grenade" (since it's not a proximity grenade in any way).
Indeed it is not, but it is thought to fulfill the same tactical role.
- The X-Com Hybrids article claims hybrids have "superior mental abilities" compared to human soldiers, but they actually have a lower psi strength cap, so I consider this to be untrue.
Mental abilities are not the same thing as psi. :P
Honestly though, this is in a state of flux, I'm waiting for new code to better shape soldier advancement. But please note that despite slightly ower caps, hybrids have much better minima.
- The Hybrid armors' built-in unarmed attacks are broken.
Not broken, only unavailable to untrained hybrids. It's a program limitation; otherwise I would have to give all hybrids access to psi attacks without training.
- It's possible to bring 2x2 HWPs to the Reptoid Fringe Settlement mission, but they will not be able to leave the ship. Maybe STR_REPTOID_CAVE_SETTLEMENT_DESCRIPTION should warn against this.
Hmmm... Not much I can dfo about it. Banning tanks wouldn't be reasonable. You can also dig through the rock.
- I received 3078 Terramite from that Reptoid Fringe Settlement mission. That seems... not right. Even allowing that it isn't a useful resource (yet?) it earns a point per, and sells for over 8M. That seems excessive for one mission.
Yes, I know the problem, but it can't be easily solved due4 to hardcoded stuff. I will talk to the devs.
- When aborting the Syndicate HQ mission, the item stash is lost. Possibly true for the Black Lotus HQ one as well, I don't know.
I can't replicate it, but I do believe you... Will keep an eye on this one.
- The CCTV cameras in the corridors are a nice idea, but in practice the cameras get shot down pretty much immediately, which causes a huge morale hit on the troops and can cause low-bravery soldiers to panic. This makes me disinclined to use corridors at all. The cameras need a flag that stops them from counting toward morale or something. (Note that this scenario assumes the corridors are placed near the access lift and hangars, which is the only meaningful place to put them in my opinion.)
Not sure if it can be done, but it's a very astute observation.
- The Seabot looks like a Hybrid in a Suit in the craft equip screen.
can you please provide more info? I haven't noticed anything wrong. Perhaps it's some combination of deployment and units..
- The Psi-amp handob appears to be misaligned.
Which one? The standard?
- There's a house on the fencemageddon map that has a fence where it should have a wall.
Not a bug. It's a poor neighbourhood...
I think everything else is fixed. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
My game was going well, and I was into alien invasion and Syndicate times, but I decided to restart a new game because I felt I could do a lot better with base management (which was getting way out of control). Anyway, I'm now playing version 0.9.5, and right at the beginning something is wrong with Uzi weapons. After finding an Uzi, I immediately get both Uzi and Uzi Acquisition as research topics. Researching only Uzi gives me the ability to buy the guns, but not the ammo. I then researched Uzi acquisition, and was able to buy the ammo as well. Something in there seems like a bug (shouldn't be able to buy anything at all before researching Acquisition).
Thanks for the tip before on revising the "Captain" title. You're probably already happy with the rank names, but if anybody is interested in something a bit more "X-Files-ish" this is what I changed them to:
(old = new)
Rookie = Agent
Agent = Special Agent
Senior Agent = ASAC (Assistant Special Agent in Charge)
Captain = SAC (Special Agent in Charge)
Commissar = AD (Assistant Director)
Chief Agent = Director
Also (probably goes in regular discussion instead of bug report), is there a way to manipulate the promotion system? In this new game, I had one agent who was working very hard, he racked up lots of missions and over twenty kills (mostly zombies). But when I recruited more agents and promotions were handed out, some nobody who'd only been on 1 mission with 0 kills got promoted to XCOM director instead hard working hero-guy. Both were the same rank at the time of the latest promotion. That just seems wrong. Sure, I can just fire the guy I didn't want as director and Super-agent will probably get promoted, but was there some other way to avoid this outcome?
My game was going well, and I was into alien invasion and Syndicate times, but I decided to restart a new game because I felt I could do a lot better with base management (which was getting way out of control). Anyway, I'm now playing version 0.9.5, and right at the beginning something is wrong with Uzi weapons. After finding an Uzi, I immediately get both Uzi and Uzi Acquisition as research topics. Researching only Uzi gives me the ability to buy the guns, but not the ammo. I then researched Uzi acquisition, and was able to buy the ammo as well. Something in there seems like a bug (shouldn't be able to buy anything at all before researching Acquisition).
Ha, indeed! Thanks for the report. Can't believe how such a starting game bug hasn't been noticed for so long; now fixed.
Thanks for the tip before on revising the "Captain" title. You're probably already happy with the rank names, but if anybody is interested in something a bit more "X-Files-ish" this is what I changed them to:
(old = new)
Rookie = Agent
Agent = Special Agent
Senior Agent = ASAC (Assistant Special Agent in Charge)
Captain = SAC (Special Agent in Charge)
Commissar = AD (Assistant Director)
Chief Agent = Director
I understand the idea, but these names are a bit unwieldy and not always true. You shouldn't stop being an agent agent after grazing a cultist with a bullet, the Chief Agent is not a director (you are), Assistant Special Agent in Charge sounds a bit weird if there is no Captain to assist yet... Still, this is a step in some direction I am open to suggestions.
Also (probably goes in regular discussion instead of bug report), is there a way to manipulate the promotion system? In this new game, I had one agent who was working very hard, he racked up lots of missions and over twenty kills (mostly zombies). But when I recruited more agents and promotions were handed out, some nobody who'd only been on 1 mission with 0 kills got promoted to XCOM director instead hard working hero-guy. Both were the same rank at the time of the latest promotion. That just seems wrong. Sure, I can just fire the guy I didn't want as director and Super-agent will probably get promoted, but was there some other way to avoid this outcome?
The only way to somewhat control this is by the option to award promotions only after a battle, to one of the participants.
I don't know exactly what counts for determining the promotion, but stats certainly play a role. Or maybe your nobody gave their boss a lift to the mall. :)
If you don't like your lead agent, there are always unfortunate accidents. 8)
Um, but it's not an underwater mission. Maybe you meant some other deployment?
Huh, no, this was the description given to me for the lone Lobsterman mission. Maybe that mission uses the wrong descriptor. In that case my comment is, of course, off the mark.
Not broken, only unavailable to untrained hybrids. It's a program limitation; otherwise I would have to give all hybrids access to psi attacks without training.
A little confused here. All my Hybrids get a psi attack from the get go. It has a 0% chance of working though, but you can still get psi experience with it.
Hmmm... Not much I can dfo about it. Banning tanks wouldn't be reasonable. You can also dig through the rock.
Well you start in a UFO type ship that's impervious to the HWP laser. Maybe plasma tanks could break out, but I didn't have any at the time.
I can't replicate it, but I do believe you... Will keep an eye on this one.
Yeah, I only tried it the one time. Perhaps my stash was on a problem tile that particular time? That mapset does have some problems as you'll recall. Like, a soldier standing in a corner in the start area can't see an alien standing on an adjacent tile.
Anyway I did beat that mission. Turn 1 is super mean but if you can survive that the rest is fairly straightforward.
can you please provide more info? I haven't noticed anything wrong. Perhaps it's some combination of deployment and units..
See image below. If you'd like the save for this, let me know.
Which one? The standard?
Aye, I haven't noticed it with the big one.
Huh, no, this was the description given to me for the lone Lobsterman mission. Maybe that mission uses the wrong descriptor. In that case my comment is, of course, off the mark.
Ah, okay - I have misunderstood before. Now fixed.
A little confused here. All my Hybrids get a psi attack from the get go. It has a 0% chance of working though, but you can still get psi experience with it.
...apparently we aren't there yet with the feature. But it is mostly unnoticeable.
Well you start in a UFO type ship that's impervious to the HWP laser. Maybe plasma tanks could break out, but I didn't have any at the time.
Jesus Christ, I forgot the Viper only has a single door. Yeah...
I think I fixed it now.
See image below. If you'd like the save for this, let me know.
aaah, I had no idea you meant the icons. I'll check.
Aye, I haven't noticed it with the big one.
I'll check too...
Thank you!
EDIT: Okay, looks like I enabled the Seabot chassis on all missions. :) It's supposed to be undersea-only, so you don't need the icon.
the Chief Agent is not a director (you are)
As player, one's meta-role doesn't really have an in-game avatar. I've more been imagining myself (as player) as some guy running the whole operation out of a dusty corner cubicle in the basement of the United Nations, with some obscure job like "Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs."
Or maybe your nobody gave their boss a lift to the mall. :)
I have a fun idea about this, I'm going to leave him in charge and never send him on any more missions so he can't get hurt. I'm thinking our outfit got a mysterious memo from on high ordering us to put this nobody in charge. I think I'm even going to change his name to Jeffrey Spender (http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Spender) to increase the paranoia level.
As player, one's meta-role doesn't really have an in-game avatar. I've more been imagining myself (as player) as some guy running the whole operation out of a dusty corner cubicle in the basement of the United Nations, with some obscure job like "Assistant Deputy Undersecretary for Public Health Affairs."
True, I spoke out of place. And I was wrong.
I have a fun idea about this, I'm going to leave him in charge and never send him on any more missions so he can't get hurt. I'm thinking our outfit got a mysterious memo from on high ordering us to put this nobody in charge. I think I'm even going to change his name to Jeffrey Spender (http://x-files.wikia.com/wiki/Jeffrey_Spender) to increase the paranoia level.
Hmm, the link doesn't work... Mysterious! :)
Has anyone managed to run the mod on OXCE 5.0 on Android? Before activating X-Com Files I reset all advanced options to default and deactivated any other mods to avoid conflicts, but the app crashes anyway. May be a case of just waiting for the next mod update to be brought in line with the latest OXCE.
As player, one's meta-role doesn't really have an in-game avatar.
While I'm in agreement with you, vanilla X-Com breaks this relationship with the player right at the end of the game in the final cutscene, where it goes "you pull the trigger and blow the alien brain to pieces" or some such testosterone-fueled sentence. I always thought that was a bit of a gaff.
It would appear, that only the east facing street lamps (on the west side of the road) are functional.
E: Dusk City and Dawn City maps.
Has anyone managed to run the mod on OXCE 5.0 on Android? Before activating X-Com Files I reset all advanced options to default and deactivated any other mods to avoid conflicts, but the app crashes anyway. May be a case of just waiting for the next mod update to be brought in line with the latest OXCE.
No, sorry but it won't work. You must wait for the next release.
It would appear, that only the east facing street lamps (on the west side of the road) are functional.
E: Dusk City and Dawn City maps.
Curious! This tileset is probably older than some X-Com players :) I'll check.
In the Syndicate capture mission the ui is really green, is that normal?
Bug: a hunter doesn't have a closeup picture. Mission: Madman Rampage. See the attached hunter.sav
Update: only the hunter next to the agent Karima Abdullah has this problem, the other hunter and everybody else are fine.
STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_TERRAMITE should be about Terramite, but it's about Tritanium now.
The Ufopedia entries for "Werewolf''s Fear Gaze" and "Werecat's Compelling Gaze" don't contain any information about the nature of these attacks or how they work.
;) Not a bug, but the briefing for the Industrial infiltration missions could be refined. It's not clear whether the bad guys are a sleeper cell who are biding their time by working at some factory, or whether they were attempting to infiltrate the place themselves in order to pull off some shenanigans, or whether it's just some abandoned buildings where they are hiding while they plot some mischief elsewhere.
For the guy a few pages back who was complaining about not getting to keep a corpse of an monster or enemy after researching a live one, if you set retain enemy corpses to true in options.cfg it works just fine and as expected. The only minor problem is the text strings identifying the item aren't defined, so for example instead of "MiB Agent corpse" in your base inventory, it's listed as "STR_MIB0 CORPSE."
The Ufopedia entries for "Werewolf''s Fear Gaze" and "Werecat's Compelling Gaze" don't contain any information about the nature of these attacks or how they work.
That's what the INFO button is for.
;) Not a bug, but the briefing for the Industrial infiltration missions could be refined. It's not clear whether the bad guys are a sleeper cell who are biding their time by working at some factory, or whether they were attempting to infiltrate the place themselves in order to pull off some shenanigans, or whether it's just some abandoned buildings where they are hiding while they plot some mischief elsewhere.
Could be either of these cases really... Every case is unique. They are a sleeper cell and they've nested in this industrial complex, that's all.
Is this another list of feedback in my pocket, or am I just glad to see you?
- STR_CYBERWEB_HQ_UFOPEDIA: "Cyberweb's HQ" should be "the Cyberweb's HQ" for consistency. Similarly, "the X Dimension" should be "Dimension X". "wrecking chaos" should be "wreaking chaos". Suggest rephrasing "We must assault this battleship on the ground, as it requires a lot of maintenance" as "As it can simply escape into Dimension X when engaged by our craft, we must assault this battleship when it is grounded for maintenance" (an attempt to explain why it comes back after being destroyed). "Earth skies" would be better as "Earth's skies".
- STR_CYBERDREDNAUGHT_ASSAULT_DESCRIPTION: Suggest rephrasing "If we succeed, this will end Cyberweb plans for world domination and revert them to the role of petty criminals" as "If we succeed, this will end the Cyberweb's plans for world domination, and their members will revert to their former lives of petty crime".
- STR_CYBERDREDNAUGHT_ASSAULT_BRIEFING: "against Cyberweb" should be "against the Cyberweb". "from Cyberweb's" should be "from the Cyberweb's".
- STR_POWER_SUIT_UFOPEDIA: The last comma would work better as a full stop.
- STR_MASS_DRIVER_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: The main body of this description wraps to 4 lines, so "{NEWLINE}TYPE: CANNON" doesn't make it on the screen.
- STR_SUPERLASKA_UFOPEDIA: "Hybrid's harsh selection program" should be "Hybrids' harsh selection program". Suggest rephrasing "after just a few years they are ready for deployment" as "those that do are ready for deployment after just a few years".
- STR_BREAKDOWN_STR_ALIEN_GRENADE: "Alien Grenade" should be "Plasma Grenade".
- STR_GAZER_UFOPEDIA: "armor piercing" should be "kinetic".
- STR_SPITTER_UFOPEDIA: "all matter of damage" should be "all manner of damage".
- STR_HYBRID_OPERATIONS_UFOPEDIA: "aimed at subversion of" would be better as "aimed at the subversion of".
- STR_UAC_STAPLER_UFOPEDIA: "the outer space" should be "outer space".
- STR_MASS_DRIVER_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "therefore diminishing the need of autofire" as "which renders the weapon's lack of an autofire mode negligible."
- STR_MUMMY_ABODE_DESCRIPTION: "key to resolve" should be "key to resolving".
- STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: This article feels a lot like a stub, because it only mentions that plasma weapons are "based on accelerating particles from within a minute anti-gravity field", something that's mentioned in just about every plasma weapon description anyway. Also, since this article isn't required to research or use the plasma weapons but rather unlocks production of same, it should probably talk about that instead. Here's my idea of what the text should look like: "Now that we have a solid scientific foundation of the physics involved in the aliens' plasma weaponry, we are able to replicate their designs. In theory we could develop our own plasma-based weapons from scratch, but this would be a costly, time intensive and potentially dangerous affair. Reports from the field suggest that the aliens have already settled on a well rounded arsenal, so it is much more practical for us to reverse engineer their existing weaponry.{NEWLINE}We will be able to reproduce any plasma weapon recovered from the field as soon as we have studied it."
- STR_FUSION_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: Similar to the above: "Humanity's command over nuclear fusion has historically been crude to say the least, but with the knowledge we've gleaned from the aliens we are now capable of using fusion power at much smaller scales and with a much greater degree of control.{NEWLINE}We are now capable of producing any fusion powered weapon in our workshop, so long as we have a workable design for it."
- STR_CHRYSSALID_VILLAGE_DESCRIPTION: Suggest changing "hopelessly" to "frantically", because come on, I haven't even started the mission yet. Give me a chance here.
- STR_CHRYSSALID_WEAPON_UFOPEDIA: "Chryssalid" would be better as "The Chryssalid".
- STR_SECTOPOD_UFOPEDIA: Suggest a rewrite of "Sectopods are robot creatures with a powerful laser beam weapon. The control of these mechanical beasts is via a telepathic link to their controllers, usually the Ethereals" as "Sectopods are robotic creatures armed with a powerful laser beam. These mechanical beasts are typically controlled via a telepathic link, usually by the Ethereals".
- STR_SALAMANDRON_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "This creature is very sturdy, covered with thick scales and" as "This creature is very sturdy. It is covered with thick scales that are".
- STR_VAMPIRE_QUEEN_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "except the lower muscle mass and slightly better developed brain" would be better as "except for a lower muscle mass and a slightly better developed brain".
- STR_DISRUPTOR_HEAVY_UFOPEDIA: It kind of feels this description starts twice, so suggest changing "This heavy warp weapon is mostly an overgrown biocomponent. This exotic life form emits" to "This heavy warp weapon is mostly an overgrown exotic life form capable of emitting".
- STR_MUMMY_UFOPEDIA: "the ultimate form of Zombie" sounds like a martial arts stance or something. Suggest "the ultimate Zombie evolution".
- STR_HOVERTANK_PLASMA_UFOPEDIA: "lease of life" should be "lease on life". Suggest rephrasing "The added maneuverability of air travel and the power of plasma beams is a lethal combination" as "The combination of aerial maneuverability and the power of a plasma beam is nothing short of lethal."
- STR_PSI_PREDATORS_OF_YITH_UFOPEDIA: "some sort of creature that capture" should be "some sort of creatures that capture".
- STR_COUNCIL_APPEARS_UFOPEDIA is hard to read due to its color scheme.
- The power suit claims to amplify the wearer's speed, but it does the opposite as it takes away 15 TUs. Also the claim that it enhances the user's strength is a little misleading, because it does nothing for throwing distance or strength-based weapons. It may be safer to say that it allows the wearer to carry more stuff.
- A similar line might be appropriate for the Juggernaut suit.
- Plasma firearms share a number of notable characteristics, such as armor stripping, setting targets on fire and having multiple dice rolls for damage. I think it's worthwhile pointing this out to the player as the plasma tech comes in, preferably via an article in Field Manual.
- The Tank/Plasma 'Pedia entry and its weapon are unlocked from the Plasma Cannon topic. Not the HWP itself though.
- The HWP Plasma Cannon (Hover) appears as its own research that is unlocked from the Plasma Cannon, Tank/Cannon and UFO Construction topics. Until it is researched the HOVER/PLASMA entry does not appear even if Hovertank/Plasma is researched.
- STR_STAFF_027_UFOPEDIA needs to be added to the Ufopedia.
- The Swarmids' article still claims smoke is effective against them, but in fact they are immune to choke damage.
- The Dimension X Outpost Defense mission yields Alien Surgery, which seems odd.
- The Mass Driver Rifle, Mass Driver Sniper Rifle and Heavy Mass Driver research topics have needItem set to true, which makes them effectively unresearchable as far as I can tell. The Mass Driver Pistol is fine.
- The general Cyberweb Battery can be brought on missions, but there is no point in doing so.
- The Mass Driver Defenses are inferior to the Laser Defenses, which is strange because the latter comes in much earlier and the handheld MD weaponry tends to outperform laser weaponry.
- Consider sorting the Plasma Caster after the Plasma Pistol, as the former refers to the latter.
- They Cleric of Apocalypse is visually a little wonky. It disappears while it is walking (in some directions) and turns red when downed.
- The Pinky Devil sprite has a pink rectangle where there shouldn't be one when facing north.
Is this another list of feedback in my pocket, or am I just glad to see you?
Ummm... Hooray! New fixes! :D
Can we just agree on not using "the"? It's not like it serves any function, and honestly its usage seems random. :P
Everything except:
- STR_MUMMY_UFOPEDIA: "the ultimate form of Zombie" sounds like a martial arts stance or something. Suggest "the ultimate Zombie evolution".
My text is indeed too memeish (I spend too much time on Discord), but yours sounds kinda awkward... Maybe you meant "The ultimate stage of Zombie evolution"?
Love your articles on plasma and fusion weapons. They're in.
- STR_COUNCIL_APPEARS_UFOPEDIA is hard to read due to its color scheme.
It's... hard to fix. I get a reflux whenever I think about it. So I'm ignoring it. :P
- The power suit claims to amplify the wearer's speed, but it does the opposite as it takes away 15 TUs. Also the claim that it enhances the user's strength is a little misleading, because it does nothing for throwing distance or strength-based weapons. It may be safer to say that it allows the wearer to carry more stuff.
Good points. This suit will probably be changed in the future, but let me adjust the text for now:
"A powerful new protection for soldiers, this armor is powered by an Elerium energy source. It greatly amplifies the carrying capacity of the wearer while retaining good mobility. It offers great protection for combat troops."
- A similar line might be appropriate for the Juggernaut suit.
I think it should be more or less obvious by this point, I don't want to get too repetitive. (Yes, I said otherwise about the medical items, but at least those were instructions.)
- Plasma firearms share a number of notable characteristics, such as armor stripping, setting targets on fire and having multiple dice rolls for damage. I think it's worthwhile pointing this out to the player as the plasma tech comes in, preferably via an article in Field Manual.
It's hard to decide what is important and what isn't. Theoretically, everything is under INFO... But maybe I can add something to the Plasma Weapons Calibration article, if space allows. What would you like to see there?
- The Dimension X Outpost Defense mission yields Alien Surgery, which seems odd.
You mean the item? Or research?
- The general Cyberweb Battery can be brought on missions, but there is no point in doing so.
Yes, there is - you can transport it between bases via craft transfer. ;)
It's hard to decide what is important and what isn't. Theoretically, everything is under INFO... But maybe I can add something to the Plasma Weapons Calibration article, if space allows. What would you like to see there?
Essentially the things I mentioned, without breaking immersion and explaining the OXCE engine directly. So, maybe mention that plasma projectiles "melt armor with their intense heat", that they "can cause anything they hit to burst into flame" and that they "inflict great damage more often than not". There's no need to go into details or be otherwise verbose about it, because players can be expected to look at the info screen, like you said.
You mean the item? Or research?
The item.
Essentially the things I mentioned, without breaking immersion and explaining the OXCE engine directly. So, maybe mention that plasma projectiles "melt armor with their intense heat", that they "can cause anything they hit to burst into flame" and that they "inflict great damage more often than not". There's no need to go into details or be otherwise verbose about it, because players can be expected to look at the info screen, like you said.
Something like in the attachment?
The item.
Yes indeed. Fixed.
That looks just fine, yeah.
Saw two small problems:
1) The UFOpedia entry for "Ilya Dolvich" has some kind of text in Cyrillic characters that English-speaking players shouldn't see in their game.
2) I just took down a Cyberweb lair for the first time in my v0.9.5 game and something weird happened that didn't occur while I was playing the previous version. Since my people are investigators rather than soldiers, I try to make arrests or capture things alive (at least, the first time I meet them) rather than destroy. My agents took down the Cyberweb scientist and his robots with Electric prods. Upon ending the mission, I got a screen that said "Alien Containment Limits Exceeded," but there were no entities listed as available for transfer to another base. Presumably this was something about the robots, and happened because the base the agents came from doesn't have alien containment. Anyway, this didn't happen in the last game when taking down Cyberweb robots.
1) The UFOpedia entry for "Ilya Dolvich" has some kind of text in Cyrillic characters that English-speaking players shouldn't see in their game.
It means "Doesn't understand English" :)
Ilya must be a cousin of Ivan and Igor Dolvich from Jagged Alliance. :)
Ilya must be a cousin of Ivan and Igor Dolvich from Jagged Alliance. :)
Now the mod only needs Hamous and his ice cream truck and it would be perfect.
Ilya must be a cousin of Ivan and Igor Dolvich from Jagged Alliance. :)
Thanks for explaining the reference :)
Now the mod only needs Hamous and his ice cream truck and it would be perfect.
That truck is at least a two-seater, so Flo would be a good choice to ride around with him while they hunt for aliens. ;) "Spilling blood from these cursed spiders, HOW MUCH MORE CAN I BE EXPECTED TO DO?!"
I saw one more bug while playing today. On the Cult of Apocalypse prison riot map, on the third floor of the prison, there's a large bathroom with a checkered tile floor. The long wall of this room (nearest the room full of bookshelves or vending machines) is not solid, and people can walk right through the wall there.
Yeah, that Cyrillic text is the whole point. :D
2) I just took down a Cyberweb lair for the first time in my v0.9.5 game and something weird happened that didn't occur while I was playing the previous version. Since my people are investigators rather than soldiers, I try to make arrests or capture things alive (at least, the first time I meet them) rather than destroy. My agents took down the Cyberweb scientist and his robots with Electric prods. Upon ending the mission, I got a screen that said "Alien Containment Limits Exceeded," but there were no entities listed as available for transfer to another base. Presumably this was something about the robots, and happened because the base the agents came from doesn't have alien containment. Anyway, this didn't happen in the last game when taking down Cyberweb robots.
Yes, it's a side effect of the robots not having a dedicated prison type. It is harmless, though can be confusing.
Now the mod only needs Hamous and his ice cream truck and it would be perfect.
What can I say? Warboy submitted Ilya, so you can submit Hamous :)
...Actually I made this a long time ago:
I saw one more bug while playing today. On the Cult of Apocalypse prison riot map, on the third floor of the prison, there's a large bathroom with a checkered tile floor. The long wall of this room (nearest the room full of bookshelves or vending machines) is not solid, and people can walk right through the wall there.
Thanks! Fixed.
What can I say? Warboy submitted Ilya, so you can submit Hamous :)
...Actually I made this a long time ago:
For undercover missions?
More stuff. Not that much, because my campaign is at a bit of a standstill with no new research coming in.
All of the below applies to the 09-27 WIP version.
- The following string appears to be missing: STR_POWER_ARMOR
- STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_TERRAMITE_UFOPEDIA: "type of material" would be better as just "material". "new better" could use a comma.
- STR_LARGE_ALIEN_DRONE_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "Its only weakness is against melee weapons" as "Its only weakness is a vulnerability to melee weapons".
- STR_COELACANTH_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "against bullets" should be "to bullets".
- STR_ANCIENT_ZOMBIES_UFOPEDIA: "with non-Zombies" should be "against non-Zombies". "appeared on the surface" would be better as "has appeared on the surface".
- STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_POWER_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "piece of machine" should be "piece of machinery".
- STR_POWER_ARMOR_UFOPEDIA: "by licensed M.A.G.M.A. service" would be better as "by licensed M.A.G.M.A. technicians". "maintainance" should be "maintenance" at minimum, but I suggest "maintenance fee".
- STR_COUNCIL_POWER_CHAIN_UFOPEDIA: This article is much too long for the screen. I've attempted to rewrite it. I had to prune it considerably, but at least it fits: "The organizations serving the Council can be divided into two basic categories:{NEWLINE}The 'technical' category includes global institutions such the World Bank. These organizations are expected to ensure that global order is maintained. Their affairs are generally not discussed during Council sessions and they are only monitored for results. Each of them is supervised by a Council High Commissar and audited by other High Commissars.{NEWLINE}Then there is the 'political' category. These organizations, while often much smaller than some 'technicals', determine the political balance of power. Such organizations work to harm big factions that are oppositely aligned while benefiting their allies. As such, they are viciously contested and fought over.{NEWLINE}We are in the second category. We have many enemies, even on the Council itself, but we also enjoy a lot of leeway for mistakes."
- STR_GIANT_SPIDER_ALLOY_UFOPEDIA: "the master of unexpected attack" would be better as "a master of the unexpected attack".
- STR_CEREBREAL_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "typical alien race" would be better as just "typical alien". "different to" should be "different than those of".
- STR_BLASTER_MULTI_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "of alien invaders" would be better as "of the alien invaders".
- STR_SONIC_PISTOL_UFOPEDIA: "accuracy drops quickly over a distance of 14" would be better as "accuracy drops quickly at distances greater than 14", because the former would mean that accuracy becomes 0 at distance 14.
- STR_SONIC_PULSER_UFOPEDIA: "using magnetic microdrive" should be "using a magnetic microdrive".
- STR_PSYCHEMICALS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "Its role is supposedly making" as "Its purpose is supposedly to make".
- STR_SONIC_BLASTA_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "super conductor amplifier" would be better as "superconductive amplifier". "is relatively low effective range" should be "is a relatively low effective range".
- The Aqua-Plastic Suit 'pedia entry is available prior to being researched.
- Underwater missions only list Diving Suits and Coelacanths as valid armor, but other armors are allowed as well, such as the Power Armor and the Synthsuit.
- The Flame Spider article claims it often explodes upon death, but I've never seen this happen.
- The Plasma Sniper Rifle Clip does not have the standard plasma features like setting things on fire or getting 2 damage rolls. Oversight or intentional?
- The Fusion Torch should maybe block both hands, because cutting a hole in a wall is no problem even wielding it with just one hand.
- The Shogg Blade claims it's "too heavy for use by normal humans", but it only weighs 14, which is pretty doable. It also claims it is effective against armor, but it has no bonuses against armor at all.
- Perhaps the Blaster Multi-Bombs should be producible, because they don't seem much different than the regular Blaster Bombs.
- The Ancient Mummy Matriarch is never recovered even if it survives the Ancient Mummy Abode mission.
- Given that the Jarhead interrogation unlocks both the Jarhead Combat Analysis and the Jarhead Pretender Analysis, consider arranging the Jarhead missions so you always get a mission with Pretenders first.
- I don't think the non-Pretender Jarheads should bleed.
- It is possible to pass through any of the the Stormfist's diagonal walls.
- The built-in weapon of the MAGMA Chainsawbot is misaligned.
Thanks for your diligent work, as always!
I fixed the strings, except the STR_COUNCIL_POWER_CHAIN_UFOPEDIA, because I've done it already. Your version is better, but I still have some doubts about which one is more informative.
Here is my (brutally mangled) version:
There are two main categories of organizations serving the Council. The first category are referred to as 'technical' and covers global administration; for example, the World Bank. These organizations are expected to do their thing efficiently to ensure that the global order is maintained. Their affairs are generally not discussed during Council sessions, they are only monitored for results. Each of them is supervised by a High Commissar (a member of their inner circle of the Council but not one of the actual deciders) and audited by other High Commissars. The other category is often called 'political'. These organizations, while often smaller than some 'technicals', are considered to be a part of political struggle. Such entities are harming certain big factions while others profit from them, so they are viciously contested and fought over. As you probably guessed, we are in the second category: promoted by some part of the Council, but to the detriment of some other factions. This is why we have so many enemies and stupid obstacles; but also this is why we enjoy so much leeway in our mistakes.
- The Aqua-Plastic Suit 'pedia entry is available prior to being researched.
The silliest kind of bug. Fixed.
- Underwater missions only list Diving Suits and Coelacanths as valid armor, but other armors are allowed as well, such as the Power Armor and the Synthsuit.
I need to talk to Meridian about this, but I think that's before these other armours don't have underwater Ufopaedia pages.
- The Flame Spider article claims it often explodes upon death, but I've never seen this happen.
Well, it should ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The ruleset looks fine... I should test it.
- The Plasma Sniper Rifle Clip does not have the standard plasma features like setting things on fire or getting 2 damage rolls. Oversight or intentional?
Oversight. The properties were defined twice. Fixed.
- The Fusion Torch should maybe block both hands, because cutting a hole in a wall is no problem even wielding it with just one hand.
Good idea. Changed.
- The Shogg Blade claims it's "too heavy for use by normal humans", but it only weighs 14, which is pretty doable. It also claims it is effective against armor, but it has no bonuses against armor at all.
It's much heavier than other similar weapons. I changed the description to "his short sword is too heavy for comfortable use by normal humans".
It ha no bonuses against armour, but no penalties either, as opposed to most bladed weapons.
- Perhaps the Blaster Multi-Bombs should be producible, because they don't seem much different than the regular Blaster Bombs.
Yeah, agreed.
- The Ancient Mummy Matriarch is never recovered even if it survives the Ancient Mummy Abode mission.
...And this is a critical fail. Thank you for noticing this. Fixed; you can hack the Ancient Matriarch into your save now. :)
- Given that the Jarhead interrogation unlocks both the Jarhead Combat Analysis and the Jarhead Pretender Analysis, consider arranging the Jarhead missions so you always get a mission with Pretenders first.
This is a royal pain, are you sure it is necessary?
- I don't think the non-Pretender Jarheads should bleed.
Debatable, but I've decided that since they have pretty normal brains, then they are susceptible to trauma. I'm not sure how much sense it makes from a medical perspective.
- It is possible to pass through any of the the Stormfist's diagonal walls.
Huh, weird - this map is like 4 years old. Will fix it in a moment.
- The built-in weapon of the MAGMA Chainsawbot is misaligned.
Thanks a lot!
Debatable, but I've decided that since they have pretty normal brains, then they are susceptible to trauma. I'm not sure how much sense it makes from a medical perspective.
If there's a living human brain, it needs some fluid to circulate inside it — bringing oxygen and nutrients and taking away waste products. Shielding those pipelines outside the jar shouldn't be too hard, but if they are damaged, they'd bleed, weakening and eventually killing the cyborg.
This is a royal pain, are you sure it is necessary?
Nope. It was just an idea because I was surprised to find the Pretender articles in my 'pedia despite never having seen one. It's a papercut at worst and a non-issue by any means.
I just got an "explore Dimension X" mission for the first time, and have two suggestions.
a) The briefing for the first part of the mission says make your way to the surface, but I was initially confused (like I said, first time and all). I needed a moment to figure out I was supposed to go to the brown exit grids, which aren't on the top level of the map (surface) at all. Maybe add this to the briefing-- "make your way to the surface using the brown exit grids," or something like that.
b) After the mission, the little debriefing about scientists exploring a new world was very close to completely illegible because the light blue text is superimposed over an image with a light blue sky. Trying to read this really strained my eyes, maybe a better solution could be found (change text to dark color, or use a different image).
...And this is a critical fail. Thank you for noticing this. Fixed; you can hack the Ancient Matriarch into your save now. :)
I haven't got this far yet, but if it does come up, what would I need to do to make the fix? I've piddled around changing a few things while playing, so I'm comfortable editing the game's text files even though I don't know what most them do.
a) The briefing for the first part of the mission says make your way to the surface, but I was initially confused (like I said, first time and all). I needed a moment to figure out I was supposed to go to the brown exit grids, which aren't on the top level of the map (surface) at all. Maybe add this to the briefing-- "make your way to the surface using the brown exit grids," or something like that.
Good point. I added this to the text.
b) After the mission, the little debriefing about scientists exploring a new world was very close to completely illegible because the light blue text is superimposed over an image with a light blue sky. Trying to read this really strained my eyes, maybe a better solution could be found (change text to dark color, or use a different image).
I know, but I'm inept with this and can't get it right. :-\
I haven't got this far yet, but if it does come up, what would I need to do to make the fix? I've piddled around changing a few things while playing, so I'm comfortable editing the game's text files even though I don't know what most them do.
In units_XCOMFILES.rul, under STR_ANCIENT_MUMMY_MATRIARCH, the entry is, if I recall:
civilianRecoveryType: STR_ANCIENT_MUMMY
while it should be:
If it's hard to change the text color on that Dimension X debrief, a different solution would be pretty easy. You could edit the image instead. Just select the top left corner where the text appears, and either fill it with a dark solid color or darken (burn) the existing colors there. That would make a nice inset frame for contrasting with the text, while leaving everything else the same.
I have one other question. My best air interceptor at the moment is Thunderstorm, though I also have Ravens and Interceptors. I researched craft laser cannon and have one, but I can't use it on any of these planes. Also, I'm not able to purchase any ammo for the laser cannon. All these things were also the same in my previous game that I abandoned. Will this craft weapon be useful in the future, and does it require ammunition?
You need beam weapon slot for laser canon and it does not require ammunition
Thanks for clearing that up.
Something weird just happened, but maybe I just didn't understand rather than it being a bug. I got a mission where the Syndicate was attacking a reactor guarded by Magma troops, and recovered "encrypted data reel." The research result for this item said:
"This tape, recovered from the old archives, is encoded. To decipher it, we require a special code developed by the UNIT organization."
But the item disappeared from my base inventory after researching it, so I don't have it anymore. Seems like I would need it to have someone decode, and also "UNIT" seemed like maybe it was some kind of placeholder text rather than anything I've heard of.
But the item disappeared from my base inventory after researching it, so I don't have it anymore.
I think, I had a similar problem with 0.9.3. I didn't report it, because I can't guarantee I didn't sell it by accident.
Seems like I would need it to have someone decode, and also "UNIT" seemed like maybe it was some kind of placeholder text rather than anything I've heard of.
It's not a placeholder. To find about U.N.I.T. you need to study dead Jarheads.
If you don't want to open the spoiler, just study every enemy, dead and alive, and every lead this unlocks, and you'll learn about UNIT. After that decoding is a simple Workshop job.
Okay, so, first post, so I apologize if I'm doing this wrong. Also, love this mod to death, recently started playing it, thanks to everyone involved! You make this stuff awesome!
On to business. I just noticed this today – when I go into the "New Battle" mode, everything is fine up until I finish a mission, I hit end mission, crash. So I looked at the log file. I have attached said log file.
After seeing this, I was confused, because I've been running a regular campaign for almost a week (IRL time) with no problems, so it very well may be something that is restricted to the "New Battle" mode.
If you need any other information, please just let me know! Thanks again!
Hi, and thanks for the kind words!
Unfortunately the log doesn't say anything meaningful, but the Quick Battle is more of a debugging tool than anything else and it may fail in mods even if an actual campaign works perfectly okay This may happen for several reasons, most commonly because of an incorrect race/mission combination. If you can tell me which mission and race/faction you used, I might be able to think of something, but it's not guaranteed either, as the problem could lead elsewhere.
Unfortunately the log doesn't say anything meaningful, but the Quick Battle is more of a debugging tool than anything else and it may fail in mods even if an actual campaign works perfectly okay This may happen for several reasons, most commonly because of an incorrect race/mission combination. If you can tell me which mission and race/faction you used, I might be able to think of something, but it's not guaranteed either, as the problem could lead elsewhere.
I'm not 100% sure, but from what little I've messed around with, it looks like it happens semi-randomly with the original alien races (Sectoid, Snakeman, Muton, Ect) on any mission, any map. At this point, I'm not quite sure if this is even worth investigating further because of how...well, random it is, and the fact that it's seemingly only in Quick Battle. But hey, no harm to foul!
Thanks, and I look forward to what's coming next!
I'm not 100% sure, but from what little I've messed around with, it looks like it happens semi-randomly with the original alien races (Sectoid, Snakeman, Muton, Ect) on any mission, any map. At this point, I'm not quite sure if this is even worth investigating further because of how...well, random it is, and the fact that it's seemingly only in Quick Battle. But hey, no harm to foul!
There may be a quick way to reproduce it, if you need several tries:
1. In the configuration file enable "debug".
2. Start New Battle and save the game.
3. Press Ctrl-d to enable debug and Ctrl-k (i think) to kill all enemies.
4. If this crashes the game, post the savefile. If not, try again.
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a list of feedback for XCF, that's not even remotely similar to a bird or a plane, what's wrong with you.
(Note that my campaign is now over. My tech counter reached 85% but I went and debug unlocked all of the Ufopedia and went over everything I hadn't read already. As such I have read every string that is accessible via the Ufopedia. That includes a lot of stuff that is presumably deprecated, but there you go.)
Dem strings:
- The following strings appear to be missing: STR_UNARMED_WASPITE, STR_UNARMED_TASOTH, STR_SECRETS_OF_LO_WO, STR_SECRETS_OF_LO_WO_UFOPEDIA (those last two are obviously WIP though). Also, many armor strings are not in, such as STR_ETHEREAL_SPEAKER_ARMOR. These can show up on mind controlled aliens. I'm unsure if it's worth having a string for every single alien type however.
- STR_ANEXIS_OFFER_UFOPEDIA: "I thank you for your intervention on our behalf and defeating" would be better as "I thank you for intervening on our behalf and defeating". "frontline" should be "front line". The semicolon would be better as a full stop (this sentence meanders a bit). Assuming that full stop, "so I" would be better as just "I".
- STR_DREAMERS_UFOPEDIA: Nothing specifically wrong here, just felt it was a little rough. Suggest a rewrite: "Apparently the ancient psions developed a technique called 'deep dreaming', which allowed them to enter a dream state they used for meditation and even communication with one another. This skill still survives in some Immortals, but even among them it has become rare." I left out the bit about the "humbling experience" because it's a tad non sequitur.
- STR_ADVANCED_UNDERWATER_OPERATIONS_UFOPEDIA: "Warning: any dogs on this mission will drown!" makes more sense as "Warning: any dogs on underwater missions will drown!"
- STR_TASOTH_DATA_PAD_UFOPEDIA: "repeat the process" would be better as "duplicate the process". Suggest rephrasing "due to all the Zrbite" as "when the Zrbite buildup in its system reaches critical mass".
- STR_TASOTH_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "The whole body lacks" as "The body wholly lacks".
- STR_SONIC_CANNON_UFOPEDIA: "Featuring" should be "It features".
- STR_DEEP_SEA_OPERATIONS_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "Also we will have priority access to any Zrbite they may recover" as "We will have priority access to any Zrbite recovered by HD".
- STR_MASS_DRIVER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "is lack of autofire setting" would be better as "is a lack of an autofire setting".
- STR_ZOMBIE_CATACOMBS_DESCRIPTION: "Our 'Zombie ecologists' team" would work better as "Our team of ecologists tasked with investigating Zombies".
- STR_ZOMBIE_HIVE_BRIEFING: "with strong Zombie presence" should be "with a strong Zombie presence".
- STR_WASPITE_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "Grafted on to the body," does not need the comma.
- STR_LO_WO_REFUGE_DESCRIPTION and STR_LO_WO_REFUGE_BRIEFING: "The joint work" would be better as "A joint effort".
- STR_TENTACULAT_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: I felt the need to shoot this with the Rewrite Cannon: "Our autopsy has revealed a myriad of small cybernetic implants that are lodged in the creature's large brain. It possesses receptors for visible light as well as for thermal imaging, so this monster can navigate with unerring accuracy even in the inky depths of the ocean. Its internal organs are mostly vestigial, just barely sufficient to sustain it. An external connector leads into its stomach, so it is logical to assume it is fed nutrients directly by its masters."
- STR_TENTACULAT_UFOPEDIA: "such as this" as a standalone subject, while classy, becomes pretentious if overused. Suggest changing the second instance to "something like this".
- STR_GREMLIN_POD_UFOPEDIA: "some kind of a trap" would be better as "some kind of trap".
- STR_SECTOID_GUARD_UFOPEDIA: "separated from normal Sectoid chain of command" should be "separated from the normal Sectoid chain of command". "We can expect to see them more" would be nicer as "We can expect to see more of them".
- STR_DEEP_SEA_ANALYSIS_UFOPEDIA: "has lead me" should be "has led me". "shrug off explosives and gunfire as if they were nothing" would be better as "shrug off explosions and gunfire as if it was nothing".
- STR_MIB_ACTIVITY_UFOPEDIA: "aliens-related" should be "alien-related". "concerned about" should be "concerned with". "know more" would be better as "find out more".
- STR_MIB_IDENTITY_UFOPEDIA: I don't like "the world elites", suggest "the world's driving powers". "MiB were" would be better as "the MiB were".
- STR_HYBRID_BASE_UFOPEDIA: "diffused" would be better as "diffuse".
- STR_HYBRID_MIB_MEETING_UFOPEDIA: "among half-human hybrids' associates" should be "among the half-human hybrids' associates".
- STR_DOSSIER_GUNTER_MEYER_UFOPEDIA: "a highest-ranking member" should be "the highest-ranking member". "the scope of which" would be better as "whose chief business".
- STR_MRRSHAN_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "projectiles, not much different from Earth design" does not need the comma. "additional 25% damage" should be "an additional 25% damage".
- STR_SKULL_STAFF_UFOPEDIA: "a subtle but disturbing effect of breaking down" would be better as "the subtle but disturbing effect of breaking down".
- STR_STRANGE_ALUMINIUM_TABLET_UFOPEDIA: "10 thousand" would be better as either "ten thousand" or "10,000".
- STR_MIB_STORMTROOPER_UFOPEDIA: "They wear light power suit" should be "They wear a light power suit".
- STR_GIANT_SPIDER_KING_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "The Spider King body" would be better as "The Spider King's body".
- STR_WERECAT_BLACK_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "a higher level of cognitive functions" as "cognitive functions of a higher level". "It may" should be "They may".
- STR_FLOATER_LEGIONNAIRE_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "in any conditions" would be better as "no matter the conditions".
- STR_BADASS_CHRYSSALID_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "It is a special property of all Chryssalids" as "It appears all Chryssalids possess this unique talent". "it comes useful" should be "it comes in useful".
- STR_BADASS_CHRYSSALID_WEAPON_UFOPEDIA: "attack in similar" should be "attack is similar".
- STR_CELATID_WEAPON_UFOPEDIA: "Celatid spits" would be better as "Celatid spit is".
- STR_CARCHARODON_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "half-functional" as "minimally effective".
- STR_CARCHARODON_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "a malfunction of their robust regenerative abilities, leading their flesh to slowly reject their cybernetics. These problems would seem to indicate that they are a recent development" as "a side effect of the creature's robust regenerative abilities, leading its flesh to slowly reject the cybernetics. These problems would seem to indicate that this species is a recent development".
- STR_JANISSARY_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: Suggest rephrasing "some sort of a lightning generators built into their arms" as "some sort of lightning generator built into each of their arms".
- STR_LOBSTERMAN_FERAL_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "Its shell is nigh-impervious against anything that can't be wedged between the carapace plates and laughs in the face of firearms" is humorously ambiguous. Suggest "Its shell is nigh-impervious to anything that can't be wedged between the carapace plates, and laughs in the face of firearms".
- STR_HORROR_UFOPEDIA: "It repeatedly tries to attack" would be better as "It constantly tries to attack".
- STR_LARGE_ALIEN_DRONE_AUTOPSY_UFOPEDIA: "with actual anti-gravity unit" should be "with an actual anti-gravity unit".
- STR_REPTOID_DRAKE_UFOPEDIA: "use best equipment" would be better as "use the best Reptoid equipment available".
Dem other bits:
- The Tasoth Factory mission allows a full complement of soldiers to participate, which goes against the standing instructions for underwater missions (I didn't expect it so I went in somewhat under-equipped). Consider explicitly mentioning it in the mission description.
- I think STR_ADVANCED_UNDERWATER_OPERATIONS_UFOPEDIA should explicitly mention that the Trident has a capacity of 15.
- One of the Juggernaut Suit's strengths is superior underwater NV. This info can't be gleaned from the stats page, so maybe it should be mentioned in the description.
- The Reptoid Assassination Squad mission times out very quickly considering you can only do it with rather slow vehicles.
- It makes no sense to me that laser, mass driver and gauss cannons are bought, not manufactured. I'm hopeful that this is a temporary state of affairs.
- I had 5 battleships spawn simultaneously on a base assault mission. All 5 of them despawned after the tactical mission though. But it seems like the game got confused with the hunter-killer missions. Save attached for good measure.
- I think there is value in adding production items for retrofitting Sectopods from Laser to Plasma and back. These HWPs are the only type to use Alien Electronics, which makes them limited.
- The Neural Whip trains reactions and throwing, but uses firing accuracy. I don't think that's a good thing. When training with any tool, one doesn't generally improve with some other tool.
- Tactical Neural Implants are good for nothing, so they might as well be removed.
- Since the Cybermite is robotic, maybe it should not be susceptible to psi attacks. I had a similar concern with the Holodrone, but there are indications that that unit is not completely robotic which would make it okay.
- Similar to the Flame Spider, I've never seen a Cybermite explode on death. I actually tested it by killing one a bunch of times with save scum on, but failed to trigger an explosion. I'm convinced it isn't working.
- I'm unsure why the Tentaculate (I will never not call it that, maturity is overrated) has nonstandard vulnerabilities to laser, plasma and EMP damage, since there are no weapons in those categories that can ever be used against it.
- The Golden Ankh research topic should probably consume said Ankh.
- The yellow active unit arrow is misaligned on the Seabot.
- The diagonal passages on the underwater city map cannot be passed through (or even seen through most of the time). See image. This is not a problem per se, only enemies can spawn inside of them, and spotting them can be problematic absent psi sense.
- Issues with the TFTD base map. See image. In particular, the block containing the MacGuffin does not fit with the other blocks, which results in weird black dead-ends. It does have a connection to the rest of the map though (just), so the mission is at least perfectly playable.
- Issues with the Atlantis Temple map. See image.
- The female Synthsuit sprite has its head screwed on wrong. This only applies to the underwater version.
- Both Synthsuits seem to have issues with the left arm when a weapon is held. This only applies to the underwater versions.
As my game is done that's all from me, at least for now. I did however write a few more words of feedback here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6632.0.html). Also, if you want me to proofread anything else you write in the future you can just prod me on Discord, I'd be happy to help. Otherwise, I leave you with the last line remaining in my notes, which I never found a home for:
TODO: Minotaurs never use flamers, Mummy Matriarchs never use their ranged attack.
Thanks a lot. I fixed all these string issues as I saw fit.
I also addressed the other things, except:
"The Reptoid Assassination Squad mission times out very quickly considering you can only do it with rather slow vehicles." - I think it's fine for a Dragonfly. Keeping such vehicles around should yield some bonus.
"It makes no sense to me that laser, mass driver and gauss cannons are bought, not manufactured. I'm hopeful that this is a temporary state of affairs." - No, it's very permanent. It was mainly done for two reasons: 1) giving the UAC more reasons to exist, 2) removing a senseless source of endless cash.
"I had 5 battleships spawn simultaneously on a base assault mission. All 5 of them despawned after the tactical mission though. But it seems like the game got confused with the hunter-killer missions. Save attached for good measure." No idea what's going on, maybe I'll investigate later.
"I think there is value in adding production items for retrofitting Sectopods from Laser to Plasma and back. These HWPs are the only type to use Alien Electronics, which makes them limited." Alien Electronics are more common now, so I haven't touched this.
"Tactical Neural Implants are good for nothing, so they might as well be removed." - I have plans for them.
"Similar to the Flame Spider, I've never seen a Cybermite explode on death. I actually tested it by killing one a bunch of times with save scum on, but failed to trigger an explosion." - You are right. I managed to fix the Cybermite, but the Flame Spider still eludes me.
"I'm unsure why the Tentaculate (I will never not call it that, maturity is overrated) has nonstandard vulnerabilities to laser, plasma and EMP damage, since there are no weapons in those categories that can ever be used against it." - Sorry, but what do these two things have to do with one another?
"The Golden Ankh research topic should probably consume said Ankh." - Why? It's just a metallic object, not complex machinery. Also, why would I force the player to repeat this mission to get another one? And why would I want to piss off the Coven? :)
"The yellow active unit arrow is misaligned on the Seabot." It's not, the Seabot simply floats higher than most such units.
[General TFTD map issues] - This is TFTD, which does not conform to normal laws of physics. I am not even going to pretend to understand them... or why they even work at all (as according to my knowledge they often shouldn't).
"TODO: Minotaurs never use flamers, Mummy Matriarchs never use their ranged attack." I know, I need to study this in depth... :)
"I'm unsure why the Tentaculate (I will never not call it that, maturity is overrated) has nonstandard vulnerabilities to laser, plasma and EMP damage, since there are no weapons in those categories that can ever be used against it." - Sorry, but what do these two things have to do with one another?
I think hes asking why the abnormal resists considering no such weapons are allowed(at present) to be used on missions featuring them. Why bother having non default resists and making the entry more complex to read, if such a situation can never occur?
Hello, my game just crashed during the cyberweb sewer mission, here is the screenshot:
I'm also attaching the openxcom.log, my options file and my save.
To recreate the crash you should load the battle autosave, pick Ryan Martin, open the door, sprint across the bridge to the other side of the sewage, open the door in front and enter the room, inside is the offending robot, stare at it.
(The first time I could middle click it with no problem, but crashed as soon I moved next to it)
I'm also going to backup the entire game folder, in case you need me to upload the whole thing.
"It makes no sense to me that laser, mass driver and gauss cannons are bought, not manufactured. I'm hopeful that this is a temporary state of affairs." - No, it's very permanent. It was mainly done for two reasons: 1) giving the UAC more reasons to exist, 2) removing a senseless source of endless cash.
Alright, but then you might as well make the Tritanium Cannon buyable too. It just feels very inconsistent that I have to build that thing and its ammo myself while superior products can be painlessly purchased from the market.
"Tactical Neural Implants are good for nothing, so they might as well be removed." - I have plans for them.
Then maybe disable them until those plans are implemented. Having a useless production item exposed to the player is confusing.
"I'm unsure why the Tentaculate (I will never not call it that, maturity is overrated) has nonstandard vulnerabilities to laser, plasma and EMP damage, since there are no weapons in those categories that can ever be used against it." - Sorry, but what do these two things have to do with one another?
Pretty much what legionof1 said. The Ufopedia now provides stats that are irrelevant, so hiding them would be cleaner. It's just a neatness thing.
"The Golden Ankh research topic should probably consume said Ankh." - Why? It's just a metallic object, not complex machinery. Also, why would I force the player to repeat this mission to get another one? And why would I want to piss off the Coven? :)
But you're giving the Ankh back to them, aren't you? You didn't just recover their relic to show it to them and say "hey we found your MacGuffin! It'll look great on our mantelpiece!"
Why would the player want to get another one? It has no dependencies, at least not at present.
Edit: It just occurred to me that the Found Items and Damage Rolls articles' format is not in line with the other Field Manual articles (text + art).
So, at first I'd like to deal with this embarrassment:
Pretty much what legionof1 said. The Ufopedia now provides stats that are irrelevant, so hiding them would be cleaner. It's just a neatness thing.
All right, time for me to ask directly: am I on a hidden camera? Am I being trolled? Is this some sort of a secret test of sanity?
So you expect me to, for every unit, run a comparison with every possible weapon, unit and deployment, either now or in the unforeseeable future, and make an eternal matrix on which unit may theoretically encounter which damage type? Moreover, you expect me to alter unit data to something which is dumb and unrealistic, based on said matrix?
This thread is to provide information on bugs and actual problems. I am doing my best to keep the mod bug-freee and balanced (though admittedly often fail). This kind of dumb shit not only makes my work harder, it also makes me less and less willing to read these reports carefully. Hell, my actual day job feels nice in comparison to dealing with this cancer.
Things happen, sometimes silly ideas somehow catch on, etc. I don't mind. But guys, please... A reality check. I am not going to 1) put in a lot of work and 2) enter something which makes no sense just to remove a few resistance lines someone doesn't like (for reasons I cannot fathom, or at least will not recognize).
I hope I made myself clear. Case closed.
Alright, but then you might as well make the Tritanium Cannon buyable too. It just feels very inconsistent that I have to build that thing and its ammo myself while superior products can be painlessly purchased from the market.
You're right! It was an oversight on my part.
I have removed the manufacturing option, now the tritanium cannon and its ammo will be buyable like other similar items.
Then maybe disable them until those plans are implemented. Having a useless production item exposed to the player is confusing.
Very well.
But you're giving the Ankh back to them, aren't you? You didn't just recover their relic to show it to them and say "hey we found your MacGuffin! It'll look great on our mantelpiece!"
Why would the player want to get another one? It has no dependencies, at least not at present.
You're right, I confused myself. Now the Ankh will be "destroyed" upon research, as Anexi takes it back home.
Edit: It just occurred to me that the Found Items and Damage Rolls articles' format is not in line with the other Field Manual articles (text + art).
Well, sometimes I don't have an appropriate picture, sometimes I lack the space... This is not set in stone, I'm just not paying as much attention to such cosmetic things at this point. Or I pay too much attention and I postpone any changes. Suggestions are always welcome.
Hello, my game just crashed during the cyberweb sewer mission, here is the screenshot:
Indeed it crashes for me too. Which is very weird, since I haven't edited this unit for ages... I will check immediately, but may take a while.
EDIT: Found the problem. Somehow there is no routine declaration under the Robosphere... Weird. sorry about this... Attaching a hotfix.
Totally the right call on regarding entries of information scorch, its only a very minor polish detail and such belongs as a post mod completion level of priority. Hell even full AAA titles with hundreds of staff routinely let such things slip, sometimes permanently. Don't sweat the tiny stuff.
Totally the right call on regarding entries of information scorch, its only a very minor polish detail and such belongs as a post mod completion level of priority. Hell even full AAA titles with hundreds of staff routinely let such things slip, sometimes permanently. Don't sweat the tiny stuff.
To be honest it's not even about this issue being too small, my point is that "fixing" it would in fact be wrong. For example, why would a Tentaculat not be susceptible to plasma? It is delicate and most of it is soft tissue, so in my opinion it should have a worse resistance than a human. (Of course this is disputable, but that's another subject.)
I am in the process of uploading a fixed version of 0.9.6, please check in 10 minutes.
- I'm unsure why the Tentaculate (I will never not call it that, maturity is overrated) has nonstandard vulnerabilities to laser, plasma and EMP damage, since there are no weapons in those categories that can ever be used against it.
Was there air in the last 2 stages of vanilla TFTD? I think there were tentaculates in air.
IIRC, there used to be underwater-capable laser weapons in earlier versions of the mod.
I just got the root of all evil mission and it gave me the sring instead something like str_root_of_all_evil I clicked too fast to see it though
I'm getting an error:
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Alien Deployment STR_TLETH_EMBASSY not found
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x88e460 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x891af0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4015a0 exceptionLogger()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0xc2ac08 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4ff4f0 OpenXcom::AlienMission::spawnMissionSite(OpenXcom::SavedGame&, OpenXcom::Mod const&, OpenXcom::MissionArea const&, OpenXcom::Ufo const*, OpenXcom::AlienDeployment*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4ff970 OpenXcom::AlienMission::think(OpenXcom::Game&, OpenXcom::Globe const&)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x530f00 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x53ae00 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x87a390 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x53e950 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::think()
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x401810 SDL_main
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0xaaeb80 console_main
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] ??
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77438460 BaseThreadInitThunk
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77862f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77862f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
[13-10-2018_14-42-51] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Alien Deployment STR_TLETH_EMBASSY not found
Latest version (0.9.6b) with 5.1 OXCE
I just got the root of all evil mission and it gave me the sring instead something like str_root_of_all_evil I clicked too fast to see it though
There is a mission called "The Root of All Evil", but there is no such string... It's only a translation.
Which language are you using?
I'm getting an error:
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Alien Deployment STR_TLETH_EMBASSY not found
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x88e460 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x891af0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4015a0 exceptionLogger()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0xc2ac08 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4ff4f0 OpenXcom::AlienMission::spawnMissionSite(OpenXcom::SavedGame&, OpenXcom::Mod const&, OpenXcom::MissionArea const&, OpenXcom::Ufo const*, OpenXcom::AlienDeployment*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x4ff970 OpenXcom::AlienMission::think(OpenXcom::Game&, OpenXcom::Globe const&)
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x530f00 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x53ae00 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[13-10-2018_14-42-15] [FATAL] 0x87a390 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x53e950 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::think()
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x401810 SDL_main
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0xaaeb80 console_main
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] ??
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77438460 BaseThreadInitThunk
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77862f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
[13-10-2018_14-42-16] [FATAL] 0x77862f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
[13-10-2018_14-42-51] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Alien Deployment STR_TLETH_EMBASSY not found
Latest version (0.9.6b) with 5.1 OXCE
Oh crap, this is a legit bug. I will release a fix ASAP.
Same here. Do you need a save from just before the crash?
Same here. Do you need a save from just before the crash?
No thanks, I got this. I'll upload a fixed version 0.9.6c in half an hour or so.
There is a mission called "The Root of All Evil", but there is no such string... It's only a translation.
Which language are you using?
I'm using english but at least it said something like that the first time it popped up, also how important is the mission? However it may have just have been a one time thing because it was fine when it popped up again.
I'm using english
OK, but which one?
also how important is the mission? However it may have just have been a one time thing because it was fine when it popped up again.
How can it be wrong once and then fine?
Unless it was a bug I fixed between two releases, which is totally possible. :)
OK, but which one?
English UK
I'm honestly not sure what had happened, but for sure when it popped up the first time it gave me a string, this was 0.96 b
I've seen two undefined text strings. I haven't had time to upgrade and am still playing v095, so sorry if these were already fixed.
a) I got a mission about the Council being upset about me sharing tech with certain organizations. I didn't get there in time, and the box that popped up said "STR_XCOM_SLANDER tracking lost"
b) Using Hyperwave Decoder, I saw a UFO description for "Very small Cthonite Light Fighter." The last line said "Zone: REGION_HELLO_WORLD"
I also have a suggestion. Several months of in-game time passed between me researching Syndicate HQ and getting the actual mission. This was many, many hours of playing time, and when the equip soldiers screen came up I was initially confused because I'd long forgotten about
This is probably a common experience so in the interest of player-friendlyness, maybe add a line to the mission briefing like
"Our agents have disguised themselves using Impersonatrons, and we are about to enter Syndicate headquarters. Our objective is to capture the entire facility. To abort the mission return X-Com operatives to the exit area and click on the 'Abort Mission' icon."
"She's a MAN, baby!" --Austin Powers
Kind of a funny story, the thing that really caught my eye was that when equipping the troops for that mission, I suddenly found out a hybrid of mine who'd been on over 20 missions was a girl when I finally saw her without armor. I had no idea, I thought she was a dude the whole time. From now on, I'll take a closer look at those hybrids before I equip them in armor for the first time.
English UK
I'm honestly not sure what had happened, but for sure when it popped up the first time it gave me a string, this was 0.96 b
OK, found and squashed the bug, many thanks. The same goes to the two mentioned by Barth Gimble.
I also have a suggestion. (...)
Good suggestion. :)
Kind of a funny story, the thing that really caught my eye was that when equipping the troops for that mission, I suddenly found out a hybrid of mine who'd been on over 20 missions was a girl when I finally saw her without armor. I had no idea, I thought she was a dude the whole time. From now on, I'll take a closer look at those hybrids before I equip them in armor for the first time.
Yeah, we Earthlings tend to make this mistake unless boobs are out. ;)
I forgot to mention earlier-- I'm not able to manufacture Acid Pistols or ammo (they were researched long ago). I looked in the manufacture.rul and didn't see any reference to them. Is that an oversight, or is it by design?
Also, I just researched "mind-guided missile" and can manufacture them, but they don't have a UFOpedia entry so I don't know what they do or what their stats are, etc.
Yeah, we Earthlings tend to make this mistake unless boobs are out. ;)
I guess it won't work in this game, but there's always the Crocodile Dundee method.
I forgot to mention earlier-- I'm not able to manufacture Acid Pistols or ammo (they were researched long ago). I looked in the manufacture.rul and didn't see any reference to them. Is that an oversight, or is it by design?
By design. We generally can't produce Dimension X tech because of how different it is. If I were to add such manufacturing projects, it would require a whole new branch of techs, and I don't think it's worth it.
Also, I just researched "mind-guided missile" and can manufacture them, but they don't have a UFOpedia entry so I don't know what they do or what their stats are, etc.
Is the INFO button insufficient?
OK, found and squashed the bug, many thanks. The same goes to the two mentioned by Barth Gimble.
Oh thank god, so it was a bug. I thought I was just talking nonsense for a bit.
Is the INFO button insufficient?
INFO would work, but I don't have access to any screen with that option for the missile. When clicking it with the middle mouse button on the base inventory or sell screens, nothing happens (no item data screen comes up). Nor is it present in the UFOpedia.
On a different issue, something is slightly wrong with the "Cult of Apocalypse City Riot" missions. There are four kinds of people present on this map: XCOM, police, Cult of Apocalypse, and some civilians. Either the civilians are wrongly flagged as enemies, or they are persons who should be called "Cult of Apocalypse" rather than "Farmer," "Ganger," and so forth. These civilians are hostile when the missions begins. Or, if all this is working ok, maybe modify the mission briefing a little to say:
The Cult of Apocalypse instigated a riot, and many average civilians were swept up in the frenzy. A regular battle broke out between these factions and the local police. Many casualties are reported on both sides. We must intervene and regain control of the area before the military gets involved, or our reputation with the Council will suffer. To abort the mission return X-Com operatives to the transport vehicle and click on the 'Abort Mission' icon.
I want to ask, is it planned to improve the interior of the X-com base? A very interesting idea in the Terminator mode, where the base has aboveground and underground parts. I understand that this is a great job. If not, then you can ask to increase the number of levels on the base from 2 to 6?
There is a proposal to make a change to the mudranger. In its current form, it is useless. Maybe increase his radius, but move to a later stage of the game?
INFO would work, but I don't have access to any screen with that option for the missile. When clicking it with the middle mouse button on the base inventory or sell screens, nothing happens (no item data screen comes up). Nor is it present in the UFOpedia.
It should be available from the relevant launcher page. In the upper right corner you can select the relevant ammo.
I don't know what exactly you have researched, so no idea if it's a bug or a simple misunderstanding; but please try the above first.
On a different issue, something is slightly wrong with the "Cult of Apocalypse City Riot" missions. There are four kinds of people present on this map: XCOM, police, Cult of Apocalypse, and some civilians. Either the civilians are wrongly flagged as enemies, or they are persons who should be called "Cult of Apocalypse" rather than "Farmer," "Ganger," and so forth. These civilians are hostile when the missions begins. Or, if all this is working ok, maybe modify the mission briefing a little to say:
Yes, some people who look like civilians are considered enemies here, and some aren't. This is the whole point of the riot: the cultists managed to incite some citizens to riot, and now they are attacking the police and other civilians.
The Cult of Apocalypse instigated a riot, and many average civilians were swept up in the frenzy. A regular battle broke out between these factions and the local police. Many casualties are reported on both sides. We must intervene and regain control of the area before the military gets involved, or our reputation with the Council will suffer. To abort the mission return X-Com operatives to the transport vehicle and click on the 'Abort Mission' icon.
I like it, it's very helpful!
I want to ask, is it planned to improve the interior of the X-com base? A very interesting idea in the Terminator mode, where the base has aboveground and underground parts. I understand that this is a great job. If not, then you can ask to increase the number of levels on the base from 2 to 6?
It's doable, but very time-consuming, so I will only do something like this if there is a substantial gameplay gain from such a change.
I've always wanted a surface part of the base, but I feel that we don't have enough code features to do it in a satisfactory and meaningful way.
There is a proposal to make a change to the mudranger. In its current form, it is useless. Maybe increase his radius, but move to a later stage of the game?
It is only useless to those who have not solved The Riddle of Steel. :)
It is only useless to those who have not solved The Riddle of Steel. :)
What is the riddle? But if this is just a joke I agree with improving the mudrander, it's just so trash.
What is the riddle? But if this is just a joke I agree with improving the mudrander, it's just so trash.
If course it's not a joke.
Why would I put a completely useless craft in the mod? :-\
If course it's not a joke.
Why would I put a completely useless craft in the mod? :-\
I thought it was just more of a meme transport which serves no purpose but to troll people tbh.
I thought it was just more of a meme transport which serves no purpose but to troll people tbh.
No, I hate trolls.
No, I hate trolls.
Ok so what do you need to make the craft any good? The airborne version? And what exactly is the riddle?
The riddle of steel is a somewhat famous aspect of conan the barbarian. The question is "what is the riddle of steel?" At first conan thinks it's his fathers masterwork weapon, then he realizes that the ability to command the utter devotion of others is stronger, but he eventually realizes neither is true strength, but that force of will is what matters.
It is a fanciful and nerdy way of saying "where there is a will there is a way."
It is a fanciful and nerdy way of saying "where there is a will there is a way."
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdXQJS3Yv0Y&t=67 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdXQJS3Yv0Y&t=67)
I just dowloaded openxcom_xfiles_0.9.6c.zip, unzipped to new folder with X-Com, and I am not able to run the game. From openxcom.log:
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] Data folder is:
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] Data search is:
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] - C:\Users\ME\Documents\OpenXcom\
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] - D:\hry\OpenXcom_XFiles
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] - D:\hry\OpenXcom_XFiles
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] User folder is: D:\hry\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] Config folder is: D:\hry\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[17-10-2018_09-40-41] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Loading data...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'D:\hry\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] no master already active; activating xcom1
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[17-10-2018_09-40-42] [ERROR] failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled for next startup
I just dowloaded openxcom_xfiles_0.9.6c.zip, unzipped to new folder with X-Com, and I am not able to run the game. From openxcom.log
Since nobody else has this problem, I would say: bad installation.
Please try again.
Well it's even xcom1 having the bad ruleset, and that's part of the standard package from the nightlies, and is always included as part of the package of this mod. That's what makes it really odd. Too bad there aren't more details about what's causing this.
If a complete reinstalled doesn't work, is there debug option at the command prompt level to give more details in the log?
By "unzipped to new folder with X-Com" what do you mean? What do the contents of your OpenXcom_XFiles folder look like? Do you have other openxcom installations on this computer?
Also maybe a stupid question but did you copy original game to Xcom Files?
The another computer, the same OS (Win10, 64bit, cz), the same error.
- Dowloaded openxcom_xfiles_0.9.6c.zip from https://openxcom.mod.io/the-x-com-files [md5 = 8228c204afa40464b369eeb1a88768eb] [sha1 = ed3753b6c286cf59da84a6e254af87a5e55f49c7]
- Extracted to new folder OpenXcom_XFiles
- Copy content of original X-Com to the folder UFO (The same procedure I have done many times with different versions of X-Com and Piratez)
- Run OpenXcomEx.exe (Openxcom extended 5.1 2018-10-7) and obtain the error
- Runnig OpenXcomEx.exe as admin doesn't help.
- Previous X-Com v. 0.9.4 runs normally.
- V. 0.9.6 works with the old OpenXcomExPlus.exe.
- Running the game from system disk (C:) doesn't help.
- Running the game from user's documents folder doesn't help.
Solved: I can run the mod with the later OpenXcomEx.exe (Openxcom extended 5.1 2018-10-14) from https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Data folder is:
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Data search is:
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] - C:\Users\ME\Documents\OpenXcom\
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] - E:\HRAC\OpenXcom_XFiles
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] - e:\HRAC\OpenXcom_XFiles
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] User folder is: e:\HRAC\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Config folder is: e:\HRAC\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[17-10-2018_19-20-15] [INFO] Loading data...
[17-10-2018_19-20-16] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[17-10-2018_19-20-16] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'e:\HRAC\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[17-10-2018_19-20-16] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[17-10-2018_19-20-16] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[17-10-2018_19-20-16] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[17-10-2018_19-20-17] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[17-10-2018_19-20-17] [ERROR] failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled for next startup
SAMPLE.CAT not found
I had the same problem on win7. I had a brainwave and downloaded the latest 5.1 (2018.10.14 I think) from the openxcomplus thread and copied the whole thing into the xcomfiles directory (overwriting everything) and now it works great.
Edit: I replied before seeing your edit, and looks like you had the same idea. :)
Ah, if cample.cat isn't being found, you may not have properly copied your UFO Defense source files in place. Other posts have mentioned that OXC is looking for version 1.4 of X-Com, which includes a set of new .cat files with the updated sounds.
Ah, if cample.cat isn't being found, you may not have properly copied your UFO Defense source files in place. Other posts have mentioned that OXC is looking for version 1.4 of X-Com, which includes a set of new .cat files with the updated sounds.
Openxcom extended 5.1 from 2018-10-14 works fine. I can copy UFO Defense source files to the right place.
Newest OXCE requires SAMPLE.CAT and SAMPLE2.CAT. Unfortunately, at least some European DOS versions do not contain these sound files. Since you are likely czech (judging from the paths in the log), you are probably using one of them.
In previous versions of this modpack, which were in a version of OXCE+, said files were not needed.
Edit: I misread your last post. So it is only the OXCE the latest modpack version came with?
Yes, it was a bug in openxcom nightly that got fixed a few days after it appeared.
I gave up Xcom for a few weeks!
I know it's not right! :-X
I see there have been many changes!
Some of them are confusing to me:
- I no longer see the "coup de grâce" option! Is it integrated into the game? Purely delete?
I found a message indicating his removal from OXCE!
That's a pity! :'(
In the UFOpedia in the articles:
There are no data! Is it the same in your game?
Tks !
Translated by https://www.deepl.com/translator
The strings seem fine on my end. :)
The strings seem fine on my end.
Not for me ! ???
This is what I see:
Data is empty !
Game version : 0.96c
This may be because in the file "ufopaedia_XCOMFILES.rul" there is the symbol "#" in front of the lines "text:" !
Ah, okay, I get it now. There simply is no description... I can make them :)
In other news, there is a bug with the dogs... I accidentally copied over Aqua-Plastics Suit stats over the unarmoured dog. Enjoy your durable dogs while it lasts. :P
Ah, okay, I get it now. There simply is no description...
Oh sorry and thanks !
I can make them
Or put a generic description like: "Useless description!" :) ;)
Don't worry, I made proper descriptions. :D
Seems that Cleric of Apocalypse is bugged. He always seem to face south, no matter his actual direction and when you stun him the turn ends immediately (yes, without you actually pressing the end turn button). I think his animations are kindda bugged.
Thanks, I will check. Could be an incorrect routine.
EDIT: Yes, it was an incorrect routine.
Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just really lucky. Are ethereal leaders supposed to be crewing the alien fighter craft? I've just bagged four of the bastards without having to slog through their minions to do so and it feels kind of cheaty.
Not sure if this is a bug or if I'm just really lucky. Are ethereal leaders supposed to be crewing the alien fighter craft? I've just bagged four of the bastards without having to slog through their minions to do so and it feels kind of cheaty.
Usually they shouldn't... Do you have a save?
Usually they shouldn't... Do you have a save?
I don't have a save but i did have identical problem. Downed a fighter with lots of etherials in them and the only one i captured was ethereal leader. It was also lucky capture, i just wanted one alive as this was my first encounter with them and needed living specimen for research. Didn't really expect to run into leader into that kind of craft.
It was definitely a fighter craft, no mistake there.
I found the problem: apparently all ranks for these race except lowest and highest were Leaders, and Fighters are crewed by rank 4 (normally Navigators). This race simply doesn't have Navigators, Medics or Engineers (same in vanilla).
I changed the Ethereal race to also have Soldiers on rank 4.
Sorry it took me so long, I'm phoneposting due to no internet.
edit: woo, I'm superfluous, ignore me.
I was confused.
maybe move to hwp ammo?
I was confused.
maybe move to hwp ammo?
Yes indeed, a bug. Thanks.
Ratings below -1000 are not given a rating.
Thanks, fixed.
(I hope nobody goes below -9999)
i'm sure nobody with take that as a challenge ;)
i'm sure nobody with take that as a challenge ;)
You would have to be so great at sucking, that if there was a competition in sucking, you would only take second place, because you suck so damn hard.
I just started this mod. Very good!
Two comments:
- City of Maracaibo, Venezuela, is way off location in the geoscape. The actual location is:
lon: 5.0304582889272318
lat: -0.19171555321853498
- I noticed something odd with the Audio. The music volume level in geoscape sort of controls the volume for the whole UI and effects. And when switched to battlescape the volume sort of changes. I haven't experienced such problem with Piratez. Then I noticed that the EXE build of OXCE in Piratez is 2018-10-14 and the one in XCF is 2018-10-07. Therefore I must assume the audio problem may be related to the EXE build. I suppose I can update the EXE with the one from Piratez and things should work fine.
I tried using your coordinates, but it's somewhere west of Libreville... :) Probably some language issue?
As for the sounds, I can't really say much - I haven't noticed. And it's up to the devs anyway.
As far as i can tell from looking at the screenshots, openxcom also uses Greenwich as a prime meridian. You should be able to use the actual coordinates (10°39′N 71°38′W as per wikipedia), i.e. 10.65, 71.63.
Hi, Solarius
In armor_XCOMFILES.rul (0.9.6. b and c) you have twice the STR_XCOM_CYBERDISC_ARMOR (for both laser and plasma variants). The latter shouldn't be there as is fulfilled by STR_XCOM_CYBERDISC_ARMOR_ORANGE, right?
As well, the STR_NONE_UC and STR_NONE_H_UC have 2 builtInWeapons sections...
As far as i can tell from looking at the screenshots, openxcom also uses Greenwich as a prime meridian. You should be able to use the actual coordinates (10°39′N 71°38′W as per wikipedia), i.e. 10.65, 71.63.
Yes, thanks, but Alex_D specified different coordinates. Just wanted to make sure what his intention was.
Hi, Solarius
In armor_XCOMFILES.rul (0.9.6. b and c) you have twice the STR_XCOM_CYBERDISC_ARMOR (for both laser and plasma variants). The latter shouldn't be there as is fulfilled by STR_XCOM_CYBERDISC_ARMOR_ORANGE, right?
As well, the STR_NONE_UC and STR_NONE_H_UC have 2 builtInWeapons sections...
You are right, these are duplication bugs. Many thanks, fixed.
Yes, thanks, but Alex_D specified different coordinates. Just wanted to make sure what his intention was.
I suppose I put the coordinates in the wrong units. The number I got was from looking at the save game and see the destination coordinates of the vehicle, as shown on the screenshot. But maybe I don't understand the inner workings of the game as much as the modders here :)
As far as i can tell from looking at the screenshots, openxcom also uses Greenwich as a prime meridian. You should be able to use the actual coordinates (10°39′N 71°38′W as per wikipedia), i.e. 10.65, 71.63.
Umm, this is Antarctica.
Umm, this is Antarctica.
10N latitude is norhtern tropics.
I guess there's some confusion with the order of coordinates. 76W is longtitude, whereas 76S is latitude and indeed antarctica.
Unless OXCE changes the definitions from the way X-Com WORLD.DAT handled it, latitude should be -85 and longitude of 2307 to put it in the location defined by krautbernd. Ufopaedia (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/WORLD.DAT) article here has information on how locations are defined.
I know how locations are defined, but I don't know where Maracaibo is. There are several places with that name.
The issue is, nobody is giving me correct cooedinates... Including your "longitude of 2307". :P So I kind of stopped caring.
Coelacanth aammo again: no ammo underwater. Looks like wrong item category.
Unless OXCE changes the definitions from the way X-Com WORLD.DAT handled it, latitude should be -85 and longitude of 2307 to put it in the location defined by krautbernd. Ufopaedia (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/WORLD.DAT) article here has information on how locations are defined.
OpenXCOM changes things, since it uses actual degrees instead of whatever the original uses. The wiki also states (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/WORLD.DAT) that the location definition for cities hasn't been found (yet).
-85, 2307 puts the city at 85°N and whatever 2307 rolls over to. That's in the Arctic.
There are two "problems" with how OpenXCOM handles coordinates:
- The ruleset lists longitude first, while debug mode lists latitude first
- Negative latitude values indicate °N, not °S
Listing longitude before latitude makes sense from a mathematical or programmers point of view (x before y), but geographic coordinates are standardized (ISO 6709 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_6709)) as to list northing/southing first. This is complicated by the fact that projected systems might list easting/westing first (UTM for example). I have no idea though why OpenXCOM uses negative values to indicate north. That's just counterintuitive.
OpenXCOM accepts positive and negative numbers for longitude, so 50°W can be entered as either -50 or 310.
I know how locations are defined, but I don't know where Maracaibo is. There are several places with that name.
The issue is, nobody is giving me correct cooedinates... Including your "longitude of 2307". :P So I kind of stopped caring.
I've only been able to find one city named "Maracaibo" that's located in Venezuela (at least using Wikipedia). The correct coordinates for the region.rul are -71.63, -71.63, -10.65, -10.65 or 288.37, 288.37, -10.65 - which unfortunately puts the city inside Lake Maracaibo in-game though. I'd suggest using
288, 288, -10.65, -10.65 or -72, -72, -10.65, -10.65
I know how locations are defined, but I don't know where Maracaibo is. There are several places with that name.
The issue is, nobody is giving me correct cooedinates... Including your "longitude of 2307". :P So I kind of stopped caring.
Considering the original marker for Maracaibo is in South America, and these markers usually refers to cities, it is safe to presume the marker intention is to point at the largest city in South America with the name of Maracaibo. See map link (https://goo.gl/maps/ZZ9z32G3iXE2).
Thus the location I put on the screenshot I posted earlier is the correct location. My mistake was not knowing the game coordinate units, which was corrected by krautbernd.
I think it's even feasible that there was a typo in the original latitude coordinates that pushed the city location further south of this original location, albeit on the wrong shore of Lake Maracaibo. But what do we know? Maybe this is the real city location. This is an alternate reality anyways! :P
Is this good?
Oh, and Nord - thanks for the notification on Coelacanth ammo.
Is this good?
My OCD can rest in peace for now :D
My OCD can rest in peace for now :D
Mine too. XD
Maracaibo is an interesting location, mostly for the lake itself. It has frequent and severe thunderstorms, 270 or more a year most often, with several bright strikes visible from practically anywhere on the lake. That's why I at least knew the general placement, as I'd read an article about the lightning. But I'd never noticed it on the map at all before.
And as far as calling out my bad coordinate, my coordinates are only bad because map designations have been changed . . . and you'll note I specifically said it was under the condition no change had been made.
Maracaibo is an interesting location, mostly for the lake itself. It has frequent and severe thunderstorms, 270 or more a year most often, with several bright strikes visible from practically anywhere on the lake. That's why I at least knew the general placement, as I'd read an article about the lightning. But I'd never noticed it on the map at all before.
That's a very interesting piece of information. I regret to admit I have never heard of Maracaibo before.
And as far as calling out my bad coordinate, my coordinates are only bad because map designations have been changed . . . and you'll note I specifically said it was under the condition no change had been made.
I'm not sure what change you mean, I can't recall any changes in the code... I only pointed out that longitude 2307 doesn't exist, since it only goes up to 360, so I assumed it was a typo of some kind.
STR_KNIFE is using floor sprite 23, which resembles a motion scanner.
Recommend instead using the same one as STR_COMBAT_KNIFE, which is 73.
I got a "Small Reptoid Settlement" mission, and on the briefing screen the button for "Allowed Outfits" was shown-- but it seemed to list pretty much every possible armor as allowed. Maybe some parameter or flag needs changed to prevent this from showing (or if armor is supposed to be restricted, I don't think it's working).
STR_KNIFE is using floor sprite 23, which resembles a motion scanner.
Recommend instead using the same one as STR_COMBAT_KNIFE, which is 73.
You are right! Probably a typo on my part. Sorry.
I got a "Small Reptoid Settlement" mission, and on the briefing screen the button for "Allowed Outfits" was shown-- but it seemed to list pretty much every possible armor as allowed. Maybe some parameter or flag needs changed to prevent this from showing (or if armor is supposed to be restricted, I don't think it's working).
This mission is currently being overhauled, so this problem should be fixed.
Currently the reason for this filter is to prevent you from taking 2x2 armours, but in the future version it will be a craft limitation instead.
Hi all,
I'm new but have been an X-Com fan for a long time, from the old XcomUFO and Strategy Core websites but rarely post. I've been playing this mod with OpenXcomEx at Superhuman and encountered some bugs or weird behavior:
1) Wall Bug - There is map bug in that the left most alien is trapped in that space unless I shoot the wall. See the picture and save file to check. I moved one of the Agents to the wall I had to shoot to gain access into that area. AFAIK, there is no way to simply walk in there.
2) Save15 - When using TASER PISTOL, there is an AIM bug? If i walk towards an enemy, i have to be already facing him to AIM and shoot at him correctly. If he is off my actual line of site and I click AIM on him, the player would turn around but off by about 45 degrees and mostly miss.
I am using the Oct 28 branch of OXE and the current mod linked in the downloads post. The only other mods I am using are the PSX Sound FX, UFOCF Soundtrack and the updated Geoscape icons from the mod forums.
Appreciate looking into this and keep up the great work.
Make X-Com Great Again!
Hi all,
I'm new but have been an X-Com fan for a long time, from the old XcomUFO and Strategy Core websites but rarely post. I've been playing this mod with OpenXcomEx at Superhuman and encountered some bugs or weird behavior:
1) Wall Bug - There is map bug in that the left most alien is trapped in that space unless I shoot the wall. See the picture and save file to check. I moved one of the Agents to the wall I had to shoot to gain access into that area. AFAIK, there is no way to simply walk in there.
2) Save15 - When using TASER PISTOL, there is an AIM bug? If i walk towards an enemy, i have to be already facing him to AIM and shoot at him correctly. If he is off my actual line of site and I click AIM on him, the player would turn around but off by about 45 degrees and mostly miss.
I am using the Oct 28 branch of OXE and the current mod linked in the downloads post. The only other mods I am using are the PSX Sound FX, UFOCF Soundtrack and the updated Geoscape icons from the mod forums.
Appreciate looking into this and keep up the great work.
Make X-Com Great Again!
Hi and welcome to the forum!
1/ this is not a bug... it's just a result of map generation RNG... modders expect you to shoot your way through to otherwise inaccesible areas
Note: similar things could happen also in vanilla, very rarely but could (for example on polar maps with lots of water)
2/ if you are just 1 tile away from an enemy, they have a chance to use CQC (close quarters combat) and make you miss your shot... you will be informed about that by a red flashing window and a message (same way as when the game informs you about not enough TUs or no ammo, etc.)
This mechanic is new to OpenXcom Extended and when you see it for the first time it makes no sense... well, for me it doesn't make any sense even after seeing it a thousand times... but the modder insists it is "more realistic" (which I respectfully completely disagree with). In any case, it's there and you should be aware of it.
I am not sure if it is realistic (but I think if you come with gun to close quaters someone can make it harder for you to hit him) but it eliminates tactic to come close to alien and auto shot him because you cannot miss from next tile :P now you can and I think that mechanic is very good
I think a safer word would be "cinematic", as things mostly aren't realistic in any turn-based game. ;) The reason mentioned by Niewiem is the most important, the rest is montage. Everything is explained in the Ufopaedia.
because you cannot miss from next tile :P
Just to bust some urban legends:
You can miss from next tile... I was regularly missing (sometimes even 2 out of 3 shots in autoshot) in Area 51.
Being 1 tile away does not guarantee a hit in xcom/openxcom and it never did.
Still, the odds for this are small; if you have the opportunity, you will always choose to shoot point blank. (At least I would.)
And thrusting your gun down your opponent's throat before pulling the trigger is fine in a Tarantino movie, but not necessarily in combat simulation.
Hi Meridian, Solarius and Niewiem,
Thanks for the warm welcome and explanation of the game mechanics. I will do some more ballistics testing to see how each gun operates. I was mainly carrying the TASER to capture the enemy, like in the old X-Com but didn't know about the CQC mechanics affecting AIM shots.
Also, can I safely update the OXCE nightly executibles or is that not recommended to continue an existing campaign?
I'm in my 3rd month now and just starting to see the UFOs come up so am getting so really invested and don't want to start over again...
Updating OXCE/XCom-Files should not be a problem. Just remember never to do it when on battlescape save(bigger chances of something going wrong) and it should work properly.
If it would require game restart update should say it explicitly but I do not remember when was last time when that was needed :)
Those UFOs are just scouts - do not worry you have about 2 years before invasion will start.
Thanks Niewiem.
I was getting worried and was wondering how the heck Mulder and Sculley would handle ETs when they can't even put down those pesky zombies!
a) On the Pharaoh's Tomb mission, the alarm screen that pops up when this appears says STR_PHARAOH_TOMB_ALTAR, but when checking out the mission briefing screen it correctly says "Pharaoh's Tomb"
b) The opposite of what I mentioned last weekend-- on the mission where Reptoids are building their tower of doom that kills every living thing in the vicinity, that seems like a mission where Hazmat/Toxi-Suit/protective gear should be required, but any outfit is currently allowed.
c) On the "Ooze Infestation" mission, there should be an "Allowed Outfits" notice or even just a mention in the briefing about outfits. I was surprised to see the guys I deployed changed into Hazmat suits on arrival. If I'd known the mission was a toxic atmosphere, I would have sent a different team from another base who are always ready in Toxi-Suits for such missions.
d) Maybe not an actual bug, but I'm getting pretty far along into the game at this point and I hardly ever get any Alien Electronics items. I've only found maybe a dozen so far. I'm not saying they should grow on trees, but on the other hand there are some manufacture items I'd like to explore but it can't happen because I have no spare electronics.
a) On the Pharaoh's Tomb mission, the alarm screen that pops up when this appears says STR_PHARAOH_TOMB_ALTAR, but when checking out the mission briefing screen it correctly says "Pharaoh's Tomb"
Thanks, indeed this string was missing.
b) The opposite of what I mentioned last weekend-- on the mission where Reptoids are building their tower of doom that kills every living thing in the vicinity, that seems like a mission where Hazmat/Toxi-Suit/protective gear should be required, but any outfit is currently allowed.
There are no restrictions on this mission and I have never planned to add them, since the damage isn't as bad as directly threatening human life. But perhaps I should give it some thought, since it's not a bad idea.
c) On the "Ooze Infestation" mission, there should be an "Allowed Outfits" notice or even just a mention in the briefing about outfits. I was surprised to see the guys I deployed changed into Hazmat suits on arrival. If I'd known the mission was a toxic atmosphere, I would have sent a different team from another base who are always ready in Toxi-Suits for such missions.
Works for me:
d) Maybe not an actual bug, but I'm getting pretty far along into the game at this point and I hardly ever get any Alien Electronics items. I've only found maybe a dozen so far. I'm not saying they should grow on trees, but on the other hand there are some manufacture items I'd like to explore but it can't happen because I have no spare electronics.
Alien Electronics have always been difficult to find. In fact, it's getting easier with newer versions. I will keep adding more opportunities to get this item.
STR_BLACKOPS_SMARTRIFLE_AA_CLIP has a requiresBuy entry in items.rul, but no associated buy price. Is this intended?
STR_BLACKOPS_SMARTRIFLE_AA_CLIP has a requiresBuy entry in items.rul, but no associated buy price. Is this intended?
Yes !
AA = Alien Alliage (Tritanium) = imanufactured !
See in manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul ! ;)
Yes !
AA = Alien Alliage (Tritanium) = imanufactured !
See in manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul ! ;)
I'd suggest you check out the other alloy munition entries, manufactured or otherwise ;)
They either have a defined price or no requiresBuy flag. In this case the flag does nothing since it has no defined buy price and defaults to the item not being available for purchase, hence my question if the entry is intended.
Just noticed this while browsing ufopedia entries:
STR_HYBRID_CONTROLLERS is listed under field equipment. Shouldn't this be under reports or earth lore?
Yes, thank you, both bugs fixed.
I'd suggest you check out the other alloy munition entries, manufactured or otherwise
They either have a defined price or no requiresBuy flag. In this case the flag does nothing since it has no defined buy price and defaults to the item not being available for purchase, hence my question if the entry is intended.
Yes, I've seen these kinds of entries. See a purchase price and see the item need to be made!
For me these are mistakes because I have never seen these items being able to be purchased! :)
There are some inconsistencies concerning vanilla and new ammunition naming in case of the AC and HC - "normal" ammunition is simply called "ammo", while new ammunition (tritanium&BS) is termed "clips" (man, i'm having a hard time with singular and plural there). Shouldn't they all be clips? For that matter, shouldn't the LC ammo also be clips? Or are they all ammunition? I'm a bit confused right now.
There are some inconsistencies concerning vanilla and new ammunition naming in case of the AC and HC - "normal" ammunition is simply called "ammo", while new ammunition (tritanium&BS) is termed "clips" (man, i'm having a hard time with singular and plural there). Shouldn't they all be clips? For that matter, shouldn't the LC ammo also be clips? Or are they all ammunition? I'm a bit confused right now.
This is a touchy subject. I'd rather have clips everywhere.
Clips it is then. I'll go ahead and rename them accordingly as long as 0.9.7 isn't out yet.
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Just happened upon this one:
STR_AUTO_SHOTGUN_AA_SHELLS in manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul contains two instances of requiresBaseFunc: [WORKS]
The light cannon AA ammunition requires the explosives license when it doesn't do HE damage. The AA-BS version doesn't need the license.
Thanks, all fixed.
Can you check the sprites for the auto-sniper ammo? I think they are mixed up, possible with the psg-1.
Hmm, looks like they have been this way since some versions back. Still, the clips look kind of wrong - the one for the PSG is the same as the tritanium one for the autosniper, only with an A on it and a blueish tint, while the normal auto-sniper clip looks way different.
I finally finished the game. Great job on this mod! I had a good time playing.
The very last thing that happened in the game was a bug. The series of screens describing the final dialogue with the alien brain plays two times before the the victory/stats screen appears.
Can you check the sprites for the auto-sniper ammo? I think they are mixed up, possible with the psg-1.
Hmm, looks like they have been this way since some versions back. Still, the clips look kind of wrong - the one for the PSG is the same as the tritanium one for the autosniper, only with an A on it and a blueish tint, while the normal auto-sniper clip looks way different.
Yes, it was a bit of a mess. Thank you, fixed now.
I finally finished the game. Great job on this mod! I had a good time playing.
I'm really glad; I've poured several years into this mod, so every happy player is a sign this time was not wasted. :)
I hope you will return to X-Com Files some day, after it is even more developed.
The very last thing that happened in the game was a bug. The series of screens describing the final dialogue with the alien brain plays two times before the the victory/stats screen appears.
Hmm, indeed that is funny... I'm not sure why it happens. I'll check, but I'm not sure where to start.
I have researched "Terminate the Black Lotus!", but the Black Lotus HQ mission has appeared again. I am using X-Com Files 0.9.6c and OpenXcom Extended 5.1 (v2018-11-19) (compiled by myself with the latest revision available because I play on Linux).
I am attaching a savegame that allows to reproduce the issue to this post. Just let time pass and the next event will be the Black Lotus HQ mission. I am sorry if the issue has already been reported; I did a short search and did not find anything, but I didn't dig too deeply because I want to avoid spoilers.
I want to say that the mod has been awesome so far and I am enjoying it a lot. Thank you for your work!
This happens if the mission was in the spawn list before you finished the research. "Terminating" a faction doesn't remove missions in the queue. It shouldn't reappear though.
On a related note, STR_ALERT_BLACK_LOTUS_SHRINE has no associated entry in the yml.
I really need to update soon, I'm tired of getting the same bug reports every week... :P
To buy the minigun clip you only need to complete STR_MINIGUN research, not MINIGUN_BUY - to buy the light minigun ammo you need to be able to the minigun. Is this intended?
To buy the minigun clip you only need to complete STR_MINIGUN research, not MINIGUN_BUY - to buy the light minigun ammo you need to be able to the minigun. Is this intended?
Definitely not intended.
The Black Lotus HQ assault has no shade entry in deployments, resulting in the map being dark when you assault it at night time. Given that the HQ is located "deep underground" and is lit artificially, shouldn't the map load with daytime lighting even if assaulted at night?
Have you removed the shield from the EXALT brainer? At least the two i'Ve encountered in my new playthrough didn't seem to have one, at least judging from the in-game graphics.
Hm, i might be misremembering this. Did the brainer even have a shield? Just asking because the animations seem to be a bit different, and he doesn't seem to be such a HP-sponge as he used to be.
I just got the T'leth Embassy mission without having researched a Deep One or Underwater Operations. I noticed that diving suits are unlocked from the beginning, but the submarine article isn't. Any chance of restructuring research and/or missions in such a way that underwater operations is needed to actually conduct underwater operations? Maybe link UW-Operations to deep one servants and not to deep ones? I did a stupid :P
Field manual mentions "del" clears inventory and that ctrl+alt+del clears craft inventory. It doesn't, and pressing ctrl+alt+del under windows opens the task manager. Standard OXCE hotkey for this is x and ctrl+alt+x.
Napalm grenades can be manufactured and bought, but they both have the same requirements, i.e. researching the Napalm grenade. Would suggest unlocking production as soon as the grenade has been found, and unlocking the buy option with Promotion III.
Whoa, there are a lot of issues. Thanks.
I will fix everything, but Im having a busy week, so please bear with me :)
Don't sweat it, as far as i'm concerned most of these are low-priority anyway.
--- posts merged ---
Osprey has no assigned repair rate.
The Black Lotus HQ assault has no shade entry in deployments, resulting in the map being dark when you assault it at night time. Given that the HQ is located "deep underground" and is lit artificially, shouldn't the map load with daytime lighting even if assaulted at night?
Thanks, fixed.
Have you removed the shield from the EXALT brainer? At least the two i'Ve encountered in my new playthrough didn't seem to have one, at least judging from the in-game graphics.
Hm, i might be misremembering this. Did the brainer even have a shield? Just asking because the animations seem to be a bit different, and he doesn't seem to be such a HP-sponge as he used to be.
No, the brainer never had a shield like Sectoids have. They have a kinetic shield instead, just like Black Lotus Witches (just an armour bonus).
I just got the T'leth Embassy mission without having researched a Deep One or Underwater Operations. I noticed that diving suits are unlocked from the beginning, but the submarine article isn't. Any chance of restructuring research and/or missions in such a way that underwater operations is needed to actually conduct underwater operations? Maybe link UW-Operations to deep one servants and not to deep ones? I did a stupid :P
You're right! I added Underwater Ops as a prerequisite to this mission. I don't like it much, since the window for the embassy became rather narrow, but what else can we do? I could completely restructure this part of the research tree, but for now let's see how bad it is - maybe not bad.
Field manual mentions "del" clears inventory and that ctrl+alt+del clears craft inventory. It doesn't, and pressing ctrl+alt+del under windows opens the task manager. Standard OXCE hotkey for this is x and ctrl+alt+x.
Hmm, I might have non-standard settings. Fixed (hopefully).
Napalm grenades can be manufactured and bought, but they both have the same requirements, i.e. researching the Napalm grenade. Would suggest unlocking production as soon as the grenade has been found, and unlocking the buy option with Promotion III.
But manufacturing the Napalm Grenade requires researching it, and researching it requires Promo 3... Or am I misunderstanding?
Osprey has no assigned repair rate.
Does it need one? Many crafts don't.
You're right! I added Underwater Ops as a prerequisite to this mission. I don't like it much, since the window for the embassy became rather narrow, but what else can we do? I could completely restructure this part of the research tree, but for now let's see how bad it is - maybe not bad.
There's still the late-game embassy mission that occasionally pops up as long as the tasoth factory(?) arc isn't finished. Another option would be to not spawn the agents in a sub, but on the sea floor. Seeing how the diving suits are unlocked by default and the mission take splace near the coast/on the shelf this could be some kind preliminary mission where they got dropped off from a surface vessel. Of course this doesn't fit when you unlock underwater ops...
I think the late game option is fine TBH, since it starts spawning once you finish Chruch of Dagon.
Hmm, I might have non-standard settings. Fixed (hopefully).
TBH i haven't tried rebinding the "reset all"-hotkey, but i don't think it would work with ctrl+alt+del under windows anyway.
But manufacturing the Napalm Grenade requires researching it, and researching it requires Promo 3... Or am I misunderstanding?
The way it is right now the manufacturing options is kind of pointless, since you unlock the option to buy it at the same time (i.e. after reaching Promo III and researching the grenade). I'd remove the manufacturing option alltogether and make researching the grenade independent from Promo III (which would make sense seeing how you can research other human tech before you are able to buy it, the HE for example).
Does it need one? Many crafts don't.
I have no idea what the option defaults to, just wanted to point out that it doesn't have one (along with the arrow and the mig i think).
Oh yeah, just noticed that the Auto Cannon and the Heavy Cannon are unlocked the first time you contact MAGMA, but you don't get to buy either until the third message. Seeing how no enemies carry them, wouldn't it make sense to unlock them at the same time as you can buy them? Or am i missing something? I mean it's nice to have the ufopedia entry, but i can't blow up enemies with it.
There's still the late-game embassy mission that occasionally pops up as long as the tasoth factory(?) arc isn't finished. Another option would be to not spawn the agents in a sub, but on the sea floor. Seeing how the diving suits are unlocked by default and the mission take splace near the coast/on the shelf this could be some kind preliminary mission where they got dropped off from a surface vessel. Of course this doesn't fit when you unlock underwater ops...
I think the late game option is fine TBH, since it starts spawning once you finish Chruch of Dagon.
Can the embassy spawn after terminating the cult? I might be wrong, but I seriously doubt it.
Still, would make sense... Even if you terminate the Church, the members generally survive to return another time.
They way it is right now the manufacturing options is kind of pointless, since you unlock the option to buy it at the same time (i.e. after reaching Promo III and researching the grenade). I'd remove the manufacturing option alltogether and make researching the grenade independent from Promo III (which would make sense seeing how you can research other human tech before you are able to buy it, the HE for example).
OK, I guess.
Oh yeah, just noticed that the Auto Cannon and the Heavy Cannon are unlocked the first time you contact MAGMA, but you don't get to buy either until the third message. Seeing how no enemies carry them, wouldn't it make sense to unlock them at the same time as you can buy them? Or am i missing something? I mean it's nice to have the ufopedia entry, but i can't blow up enemies with it.
Well, there is no reason for you to not know these weapons. M.A.G.M.A. doesn't hide such info from you. Why exactly is this a problem?
Can the embassy spawn after terminating the cult? I might be wrong, but I seriously doubt it. Still, would make sense... Even if you terminate the Church, the members generally survive to return another time.
Last i checked the mission trigger were Church_of_Dagon_destroyed=true and Tasoth_factory_destroyed=false (trigger names might or might not be accurate). Yeah, would make sense that those sorcerers seek refuge underwater.
Well, there is no reason for you to not know these weapons. M.A.G.M.A. doesn't hide such info from you. Why exactly is this a problem?
I just found it strange, since they are the only weapons i can think of that hav an ufopedia entry before you can actually access them. Reading the articles it makes sense in context though, with the special arrangement. Nevermind!
Last i checked the mission trigger were Church_of_Dagon_destroyed=true and Tasoth_factory_destroyed=false (trigger names might or might not be accurate). Yeah, would make sense that those sorcerers seek refuge underwater.
You're right! I forgot I've done this.
I just found it strange, since they are the only weapons i can think of that hav an ufopedia entry before you can actually access them. Reading the articles it makes sense in context though, with the special arrangement. Nevermind!
...the hangar floor looks kind of odd compared to vanilla - at least the markings do, they appear very muted in color. Any chance of shuffling around some of those greys in the palette?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen016noca7.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen016noca7.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen01704elc.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen01704elc.png)
Not a bug, more than a nitpick. For your consideration.
Thanks for the mothballed CF-105 Avro Arrow. As a Canadian, I cannot feel more bittersweet :P
This is a good image for a dogfight. It looked odd, so I resized it a bit. Now the tail is not cut-off.
...the hangar floor looks kind of odd compared to vanilla - at least the markings do, they appear very muted in color. Any chance of shuffling around some of those greys in the palette?
You're right, I should make the lines brighter.
Not a bug, more than a nitpick. For your consideration.
This is a good image for a dogfight. It looked odd, so I resized it a bit. Now the tail is not cut-off.
Purrfect. Taken!
Hi, my game keeps crashing on dec 31. 1998 on the month change with "Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod", which is weird because this is my second playthrough with no changes.
Apparently the forum doesn't take kindly to uploading medium size files, so here's
The offending save, (http://www.mediafire.com/file/qw2z7gdc5px1a45/Crashing_the_world.zip/file)
my user Folder (http://www.mediafire.com/file/02ix59eecaryh2v/user.zip/file)
and the entire Xcom files folder (http://www.mediafire.com/file/ra50vrhjxcl1lw1/Xcom_Files.zip/file) (without UFO folder) because I have no idea what I'm doing
Also, how do I use the Coelacanth Gas Cannon? I can't find an entry for it in the ufopaedia, and even though I can manufacture the ammo, can't seem to use it in any way or even take it on missions (though I can load it on craft)
I managed to find an old save (http://www.mediafire.com/file/q4tbxq1csl1jqct/Coelacanth.zip/file) and keep it going until there was an underwater mission if you need to look at it yourself.
I can't reproduce it on my installation of xcomfiles, but the one you uploaded indeed crashes on rollover.
On an unrelated note, any reason in particular you're running the game in 1920x1018 btw? Also, you might want to try the "scale to display" options for geo- and battlescape instead of "scale to original" -i've found them to be a lot more pleasing to the eye, but that's a personal preference.
I just re-downloaded the mod and game, put my save file in there, same issue.
as for the resolution, I probably just resized it a bit, but I maximize it whenever I open it anyway, so it doesn't matter. The scale do display/original just changes the size, and I'm okay with things the way they are now
The scale doesn't just change the size - "original scaling" can actually load to distortion, as the pixels don't scale 1:1 to your resolution:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0001xcqk.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0001xcqk.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen001jaeoh.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen001jaeoh.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen002t0f46.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen002t0f46.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0030rigq.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0030rigq.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen004qlims.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen004qlims.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0054efr6.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0054efr6.png)
It's most noticeable on the text:
(https://abload.de/img/screen006zffcr.png) (https://abload.de/img/screen007k1erf.png)
Notice how it doesn't preserve the proper pixel size and as a result the whole UI looks messier than it actually did in the original.
Oh btw, i tracked down to cause of your crash problem (at least as far as i'm willing to dive into it right now):
rng: 991631635084946040
Solarius might want to take a look at this. I have no idea why, but the game seems to have a problem with spawning that mission in that particular region in this particular save. It works just fine in other regions, and changing the seed or removing the mission fixes the crash - at least for the time being. Again, no idea why it doesn't like spawning that mission, or if it something else entirely and doing this just happens to not crash it.
I'd also like to point out that i just spent one and a half hours on this.
Oh btw, i tracked down to cause of your crash problem (at least as far as i'm willing to dive into it right now):
Solarius might want to take a look at this. I have no idea why, but the game seems to have a problem with spawning that mission in that particular region in this particular save. It works just fine in other regions, and changing the seed or removing the mission fixes the crash.
To be honest I have no fucking idea what is wrong. All those non-scripted alien missions are black magic.
Welp, i'm glad i haven't missed anything too obvious. Also, kind of glad that i am playing with save scumming enabled, given that generating the right 18-digit seed apparently has the potential to crash the game. Then again i'm not even sure if it's the mission itself or if the seed is just incomaptible with that particular combination. The odds of this happening might be astronomical (as in, one in a trillion).
If I were to guess, something is wrong with zones... Probably some zone definitions missing from this region? I'll try to investigate... Aaaargh...
At times like this I've honestly had enough of all this modding crap. :P
Well, I'm really impressed you managed to fix the lottery win of random crash bugs, and thanks a lot for even trying ;P
The scaling thing is interesting, but doesn't bother me at all. I've never been one to flinch over minor graphical downgrades.
Solarius, never give up, this mod is still awesome.
Anything on the Coelacanth ammo front?
Solarius, never give up, this mod is still awesome.
Thank you, though at this time I feel more like dumb and useless... :P
Anything on the Coelacanth ammo front?
TBH I don't get the question. If you can produce the Coelacanth Gauss Cannon, then you should be able to produce the Coelacanth as well, since they have the same prerequisites.
EDIT: While I still don't understand anything (I have no ideas what zones are in this region, it's not like we have a world atlas of zones.), I noticed that this region doesn't have any vanilla missions with trajectory P0, used by this mission (as well as alien flyby). So I suppose this trajectory relies upon zones which aren't defined for this region. So I'll just remove these two missions from this region.
(This system is fucking dumb, or at least having no documentation for it is fucking dumb. I wonder how Hobbes deals with this shit.)
EDIT 2: But it looks like this region has all 6 zones defined (0-5):
- [90.125, 108.25, -36.625, -22.625]
- [93.125, 124.75, -16.375, 6.75]
- [113.75, 143, -40, -20.75]
- [115.125, 148, -54.5, -39.625]
- [92.875, 102.5, -36.5, -31.125]
- [100.625, 106.375, -16.75, -13.625]
- [113.75, 129.375, -46.625, -41.375]
- [91.625, 104.75, -49.5, -46.875]
- [111.125, 117.5, -1, -0.375]
- [141, 143.75, -44.125, -42.625]
- [127, 137, -48.5, -45]
- [101.25, 111.875, -43.875, -37.875]
- [139.75, 139.75, -35.625, -35.625, -1, STR_TOKYO]
- [116.375, 116.375, -39.875, -39.875, -1, STR_BEIJING]
- [100.625, 100.625, -13.625, -13.625, -1, STR_BANGKOK]
- [121, 121, -14.625, -14.625, -1, STR_MANILA]
- [127, 127, -37.5, -37.5, -1, STR_SEOUL]
- [103.875, 103.875, -1.375, -1.375, -1, STR_SINGAPORE]
- [106.75, 106.75, 6.25, 6.25, -1, STR_JAKARTA]
- [121.5, 121.5, -31.25, -31.25, -1, STR_SHANGHAI]
- [114.125, 114.125, -22.25, -22.25, -1, STR_HONG_KONG]
- [133.01, 133.01, -42.86, -42.86, -1, STR_VLADIVOSTOK]
- [121.71, 121.71, -24.99, -24.99, -1, STR_TAIPEI]
- [131.87, 131.87, -33.88, -33.88, -1, STR_HIROSHIMA]
- [105.74, 105.74, -20.87, -20.87, -1, STR_HANOI]
- [108.1, 108.1, -11.17, -11.17, -1, STR_SAIGON]
- [125.712, 125.712, -6.71, -6.71, -1, STR_DAVAO]
- [112.95, 112.95, -30.95, -30.95, -1, STR_WUHAN]
- [102.67, 102.67, -32.74, -32.74, -1, STR_CHENGDU]
- [135.5, 135.5, -34.5, -34.5, -1, STR_OSAKA]
- [119.20, 119.20, -33.89, -33.89, -1, STR_TIANJIN]
- [126.49, 126.49, -45.47, -45.47, -1, STR_HARBIN]
- [141.46, 141.46, -43.69, -43.69, -1, STR_SAPPORO]
- [105.81, 105.81, -47, -47, -1, STR_ULANBATOR]
- [89.93, 89.93, -29, -29, -1, STR_LASSA]
- [117.77, 117.77, 1.34, 1.34, -1, STR_SAMARINDA]
- [109, 109, -34.63, -34.63, -1, STR_XIAN]
- [86.1, 86.1, -44.14, -44.14, -1, STR_URUMQI]
- [96.33, 96.33, -16.56, -16.56, -1, STR_RANGOON]
- [134.59, 134.59, -48.28, -48.28, -1, STR_KHABAROVSK]
- [100.625, 103.125, -0.375, 0.75]
- [96.125, 104.75, -42.625, -39]
- [142.125, 143.875, -51.25, -49.125]
- [122.875, 123.625, -8.375, -7.875]
- [0, 359.875, -90, -80]
- [0, 359.875, 80, 90]
- [180, 200, 0, 10]
- [282.25, 322.875, 9.375, 38.375]
- [53.125, 89.125, 4.5, 41.25]
- [354.5, 393.375, -56.625, -46.375]
- [238.625, 258.625, -53.375, -33.375]
- [7.5, 38.625, 4.125, 18.625]
- [50.5, 82.875, -64.5, -51.25]
- [115, 132.5, 21, 25.5]
Anyone capisco this piece of shit?
In the save I uploaded I researched and made a Coelacanth with a Gas Cannon on by default, and that unlocked the Coelacanth gas cannon ammo, which I crafted aswell. But apparently I haven't researched the gas cannon on the thing, nor the ammo, so I have a coelacanth tank with an empty gun and a bunch of useless ammo for the thing that won't fit
points: 100
Preliminary testing (semi-random number between 0-40) leads me to believe that setting raceWeights higher than 25 causes a crash for this particular missions, on that save. Still no idea why. AFAIK the number inidcates the time in months after game start when these can be spawned. Changing the year from 1998 to anything higher has no effect.
In the save I uploaded I researched and made a Coelacanth with a Gas Cannon on by default, and that unlocked the Coelacanth gas cannon ammo, which I crafted aswell. But apparently I haven't researched the gas cannon on the thing, nor the ammo, so I have a coelacanth tank with an empty gun and a bunch of useless ammo for the thing that won't fit
The cannon is built into the Coelacanth:
Preliminary testing (semi-random number between 0-40) leads me to believe that setting raceWeights higher than 25 causes a crash for this particular missions, on that save. Still no idea why. AFAIK the number inidcates the time in months after game start when these can be spawned. Changing the year from 1998 to anything higher has no effect.
Weight can take any natural value. I really don't think it's the problem.
EDIT: SupSuper helped me... turns out you can't start raceWeights later than month 0. What do you know.
Yeah, it has a gun, but middle clicking on it won't show the stats (because it's not researched for whatever reason) and the same with the ammo, it won't even show up on the floor when the mission is begun
EDIT: SupSuper helped me... turns out you can't start raceWeights later than month 0. What do you know.
Meh, i just noticed the "monthsPassed" entry in the save file. Changing it to 30+ also prevents the crash. No wonder the lookup for that missions fails if it is called earlier.
It's just strange that nobody else seems to have run into this, and that that exact seed causes the mission to spawn. How are those missions spawned/added anyway? How high are the odds that you get that missions during the first or second year? AFAIK it's in the initial possibleMissions list - shouldn't this have crashed the mod on a regular basis?
Yeah, it has a gun, but middle clicking on it won't show the stats (because it's not researched for whatever reason) and the same with the ammo, it won't even show up on the floor when the mission is begun
OK, I'll add a Pedia entry for this.
It's just strange that nobody else seems to have run into this, and that that exact seed causes the mission to spawn. How are those missions spawned/added anyway? How high are the odds that you get that missions during the first or second year? AFAIK it's in the initial possibleMissions list - shouldn't this have crashed the mod on a regular basis?
Well, it's pretty complicated, and since I've decided to throw this vanilla model out of the window, there's no point explaining it. :P
Well, it's pretty complicated[...]
Yeah, no shit.
Another question.
I researched the "Red Dawn HQ", assaulted, retrieved the data card, and researched it. But I haven't researched the "terminate the Red Dawn".
I keep getting the same HQ mission every month. I assume the mission will continue spawning until the cult termination research is completed, not when the data card is researched, right ?
Another question.
I researched the "Red Dawn HQ", assaulted, retrieved the data card, and researched it. But I haven't researched the "terminate the Red Dawn".
I keep getting the same HQ mission every month. I assume the mission will continue spawning until the cult termination research is completed, not when the data card is researched, right ?
Yes, indeed - otherwise if you lost the card, you wouldn't be able to finish the arc.
And well, it's not like overrunning one major base would make the entire Red Dawn around the world go "nyoron~" and go home. :)
Thanks for the confirmation.
I liked the Red Dawn HQ battles. They were so epic!. See screenshot for largest surrender (for me) ever!
Finally I gave up and terminate them. I'll move to the next one in difficulty. Maybe the Black Lotus and their lovely Assassins ? :P
Now to install the new mod update to 0.97b (Many Thanks!).
Are alien electronics supposed to be unresearchable on their own? Also, what's the point of including them in the getonefree list of the decrypted aleine data slate, seeing how you need to research them before you can decrypt the slate?
Are alien electronics supposed to be unresearchable on their own? Also, what's the point of including them in the getonefree list of the decrypted aleine data slate, seeing how you need to research them before you can decrypt the slate?
You need to get the tech from alien engineers or leaders to unlock it, and of course to find actual alien electronics item. I guess alien electronics listed in a data slate is an oversight.
Yeah, that's what i thought - though it's strange that you can't reasearch an item even after you recover/"extract" it. All other recoverable items have some way to reasearch them outside the random "getonefree"-mechanic. Allthemore so since you need alien elecectronics to unlock a lot of other stuff.
Totally unrelated, i seem to be unable to exit the skymarshall the usual way because the exit is blocked by garbage cans (this is still from 0.9.6, not 0.9.7):
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen019bicsx.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen019bicsx.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen020mpee1.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen020mpee1.png)
You need to get the tech from alien engineers or leaders to unlock it, and of course to find actual alien electronics item. I guess alien electronics listed in a data slate is an oversight.
It's not an oversight, it's in case I decide to change the tree in the future. It's called safety measures.
Totally unrelated, i seem to be unable to exit the skymarshall the usual way because the exit is blocked by garbage cans (this is still from 0.9.6, not 0.9.7):
Lol, just shoot these cans... And berate the pilot :)
Not a bug, anyway.
STR_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS is not defined in the language file.
I just started a new game and my UFOpedia has the entries for "Dreaming" and "XCom Virtualized Headquarters" already unlocked. Based on the contents, I assume this is a bug.
Two Questions:
1. The amount of Aquaplastics recovered from USO ambushes is like 2 per mission. Standard UFOs yield several times more. Is it supposed to be this way?
2. What happened with the screen of the submersible for underwater operations where it says only 7 spots are available? I see the screenshot on the mod portal but I don't have it on the Ufopedia.
STR_NOT_ENOUGH_ITEMS is not defined in the language file.
Where is it used? I can't remember anything like this.
I just started a new game and my UFOpedia has the entries for "Dreaming" and "XCom Virtualized Headquarters" already unlocked. Based on the contents, I assume this is a bug.
Yes... Yes it is.
1. The amount of Aquaplastics recovered from USO ambushes is like 2 per mission. Standard UFOs yield several times more. Is it supposed to be this way?
Should be roughly as much as Alien Alloys. I'll check.
2. What happened with the screen of the submersible for underwater operations where it says only 7 spots are available? I see the screenshot on the mod portal but I don't have it on the Ufopedia.
Hmm... No idea?
Where is it used? I can't remember anything like this.
When you try to built facilities that require items (e.g. the improved+advanced lab). This pops up when you don't have the required amount.
When you try to built facilities that require items (e.g. the improved+advanced lab). This pops up when you don't have the required amount.
OK, got ya.
I just reuploaded the game with some fixes.
Hmm... No idea?
From the mod portal, also attached:
I don't get this image in my UFOpedia. I found the hard way that only the top 7 agents get to go down with the Calypso.
This research requires Deep One Communities and Basic Operations.
Can you check the unarmed attack(s) on hybrids? Still playing on 0.9.6, but i can only get my hybrids to panic units when they wear exosuits. Clicking on the empty slots does nothing. Sorry in advance if this has already been fixed in 0.9.7.
Was testing this using the quick battle option. Looks like hybrids can't use unarmed attacks when they have no psi-skill stat. The two other ones that have a "discoverd" psi skill can attack normally.
This research requires Deep One Communities and Basic Operations.
Hmm, I'm not sure if the UFOpeadia research screen requires these techs, but if I recall correctly, I was able to go to the sea floor pretty early on and fight the gillmen and aquatoids with Crossbows. Maybe it's just Basic Operations?
When I get home I'll upgrade to the latest mod version, and check again.
EDIT: Yes, I have access to the Calypso. And I haven't researched that tech.
Also hi tech Shambler :)
Can you check the unarmed attack(s) on hybrids? Still playing on 0.9.6, but i can only get my hybrids to panic units when they wear exosuits. Clicking on the empty slots does nothing. Sorry in advance if this has already been fixed in 0.9.7.
Was testing this using the quick battle option. Looks like hybrids can't use unarmed attacks when they have no psi-skill stat. The two other ones that have a "discoverd" psi skill can attack normally.
It's because hybrids melee attack damage based on their psi-skill if i remember the UFOpedia entry right
I found something else.
If for some reason, one decides to change the skin of a small AI robot, the game crashes. I found it out by mis-clicking (wanted to change the armor) and decided to see what happened, and I got a a CTD. The complaint was something wasn't in the .pcx of the unit.
Hmm, I'm not sure if the UFOpeadia research screen requires these techs, but if I recall correctly, I was able to go to the sea floor pretty early on and fight the gillmen and aquatoids with Crossbows. Maybe it's just Basic Operations?
When I get home I'll upgrade to the latest mod version, and check again.
EDIT: Yes, I have access to the Calypso. And I haven't researched that tech.
Well, there have been some changes regarding this tech, so I suspect it has been inherited after 0.9.6. I'll keep an eye on this.
Also hi tech Shambler :)
Quick Battle, I hope? :)
It's because hybrids melee attack damage based on their psi-skill if i remember the UFOpedia entry right
Precisely, yes.
I guess I should change it maybe...
I found something else.
If for some reason, one decides to change the skin of a small AI robot, the game crashes. I found it out by mis-clicking (wanted to change the armor) and decided to see what happened, and I got a a CTD. The complaint was something wasn't in the .pcx of the unit.
Sorry, no idea how to reproduce it. Can you give me the exact steps?
Quick Battle, I hope? :)
Sorry, nope. It was a cave mission where this critter appeared with the weapon. I quickly dispatched all of them so I did not check if the gun could actually fire at me. As lore, I figured out it could be related to the Syndicate experiment stuff, so I took a screenshot as a souvenir :)
Sorry, no idea how to reproduce it. Can you give me the exact steps?
I think it was during the equipment screen at the base. I miss-click and got the the avatar change instead of the armor change. I tried to change the avatar and got a CTD. The small AI unit was wearing either a medical or scout drone armor.
Should be roughly as much as Alien Alloys. I'll check.
Very little aqua plastics indeed, after capturing an intact USO.
Very little aqua plastics indeed, after capturing an intact USO.
Confirm that too, only 2 aquaplastics from Intact USO. More aquaplastics (about 30) is captured only from further missions.
I have encountered a Cyberweb Lair mission where the scientist's room was located in a section of the map with zero entrances to it. I'm not exactly sure if the several doors in this type of map that lead to walls are intended to make it more maze-like and the path can be opened with a sniper rifle or dynamite but I still feel that this was an oversight in the design of the map sections. Here's a save file of the occasion.
I have encountered a Cyberweb Lair mission where the scientist's room was located in a section of the map with zero entrances to it. I'm not exactly sure if the several doors in this type of map that lead to walls are intended to make it more maze-like and the path can be opened with a sniper rifle or dynamite but I still feel that this was an oversight in the design of the map sections. Here's a save file of the occasion.
No save file needed. This due to how map generation works. Using a pickaxe or explosives is the way to go and the mission briefing states that this is intended.
No save file needed. This due to how map generation works. Using a pickaxe or explosives is the way to go and the mission briefing states that this is intended.
The briefing I get only states that he's hidden in the sewers and that he's guarded by robots. Good to know that it's intended, at least.
I would not say that it is intended but this is engine limitation
It is accepted.
And the description is pretty clear:
We have found a rogue Cyberweb scientist, who has a hideout deep in the bowels of the city. We should apprehend him and bring him in for interrogation.
As is customary for Cyberweb, he is guarded by a number of robotic units. Beware their powerful energy beams!
Be sure to bring explosives in case we can't find access to the target - these sewers are a nightmare to navigate through.
Huh, is the briefing you get from pressing Ctrl+B in the battlescape a briefer version? I really could not see that last part in mine.
Anyway I've learned my lesson. Thanks for your time and for this great mod.
Huh, is the briefing you get from pressing Ctrl+B in the battlescape a briefer version? I really could not see that last part in mine.
No, it's the description available from the Geoscape level. After all, giving you this info after you've landed would be too late.
Anyway I've learned my lesson. Thanks for your time and for this great mod.
Thank you for your understanding and have fun playing!
Regarding the older reports:
I found and eliminated the issue with weapons appearing on some underground creatures.
I also experimentally increased the amount of Aqua-Plastics recovered from T'leth ships and structures.
I think that "virtualised hq" apeears in construction list before it is researched.
I think that "virtualised hq" apeears in construction list before it is researched.
Yes, my bad. :P
I think I saw this one before, but I post it just in case.
Looks like a missing string. Thanks.
Getting a crash.
"There is already TileEngine movingUnit"
Note that I have cheated to raise Guile's Energy and TUs to set this up.
What I think is happening is the Red Dawn ganger is trying to move off the open tile in the upper floor of his building, and landing on top of Guile, and this causes an error somehow.
Edit: It seems the openxcom log is useless as I booted up the game and started playing with it, and this overwrote the crash log. I am sorry.
Re: Underwater Operations: I got the T'Leth Embassy pretty early and because I was in a tight spot I had 1 agent and 3 dogs on board. I don't remember any warnings what would happen to the dogs. I aborted the mission and haven't seen it since.
OS: Win7 P / 32bits ServicePack1
Xcomfiles v 0.9.7.
Extended 5.1 (v2018-12-02)
Time Game September 1998
I am very happy with what I discovered in this mod. It's the first time I play it and I'm gradually discovering things. I love the variety of types of missions that force me to adapt the equipment to each one. Thanks for this work. Now, I went out for the first time an oozec mission and after shooting the killer gelatin. I got the error:
OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set OOZEC.PCK for armor STR_OOZE_ARMOR: not enought frames
More details here: C: /Users/Compras/Desktop/openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7.c/user/openxcom.log
detail of openxcom.log
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 5.1 (v2018-12-02)
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Platform: Windows
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Data folder is:
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Data search is:
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] - C:\Users\Compras\Documents\OpenXcom\
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] - C:\Users\Compras\Desktop\openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] - C:\Users\Compras\Desktop\openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\Compras\Desktop\openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c\user\
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\Compras\Desktop\openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c\user\
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1024x768x8...
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Display set to 1024x768x8.
[15-12-2018_18-00-59] [INFO] Loading data...
[15-12-2018_18-01-00] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[15-12-2018_18-01-00] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Compras\Desktop\openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c\user\mods'...
[15-12-2018_18-01-00] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[15-12-2018_18-01-00] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[15-12-2018_18-01-07] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-01-07] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[15-12-2018_18-01-17] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[15-12-2018_18-01-23] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[15-12-2018_18-01-54] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-01-54] [INFO] Loading language...
[15-12-2018_18-01-54] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[15-12-2018_18-01-54] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[15-12-2018_18-01-55] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
I hope you can tell me what to do in this case.
Thank you
I hope you can tell me what to do in this case.
Either wait for a new XCF version or if you know how, change the sprite definition:
- type: OOZE.PCK
subX: 32
subY: 40
width: 256
height: 40 # <------------ this should be 80, not 40
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/OozeRace/OOZE.png
Getting a crash.
"There is already TileEngine movingUnit"
Note that I have cheated to raise Guile's Energy and TUs to set this up.
What I think is happening is the Red Dawn ganger is trying to move off the open tile in the upper floor of his building, and landing on top of Guile, and this causes an error somehow.
Edit: It seems the openxcom log is useless as I booted up the game and started playing with it, and this overwrote the crash log. I am sorry.
It will be fixed in next OXCE version.
Re: Underwater Operations: I got the T'Leth Embassy pretty early and because I was in a tight spot I had 1 agent and 3 dogs on board. I don't remember any warnings what would happen to the dogs. I aborted the mission and haven't seen it since.
It's not in the mission description, but the general description of Underwater Operations:
"X-Com has the capacity to conduct undersea missions if necessary. When such a mission occurs, you can get to the scene using your standard transport. A dedicated X-Com 'Calypso' submarine will be provided on site.
Remember that the Calypso can only accommodate up to 7 agents; if you bring more, they will have to sit this assignment out.
Warning: any dogs on this mission will drown!"
Also, I hope to release an update very soon to fix the ooze problem.
Hi there! I can't seem to get this to run. I've downloaded "openxcom_xfiles_0.9.7c.zip". First issue I'm noticing is that there isn't a file called "OpenXcomExPlus.exe"; merely "OpenXcomEx.exe". I try that, and things start up normally. I've tried copying both the UFO and TFTD files into their appropriate folders, and under mods I see both UFO and TFTD as mods, but XComFiles doesn't appear as an option. I'm ready to conceed I may just be a goober, but is there somewhere else I ought to be looking for the OpenXcomExPlus.exe file other than the top level folder where I unzipped things?
First issue I'm noticing is that there isn't a file called "OpenXcomExPlus.exe"; merely "OpenXcomEx.exe".
It is now the correct name. They've been merged recently.
under mods I see both UFO and TFTD as mods, but XComFiles doesn't appear as an option.
Unlike Piratez it doesn't appear in the drop-down list on top. Instead select UFO and then select "X-Com Files in list of mods below. See the attached picture.
After the mod has been selected, the title screen will display the mod name. See the attached picture.
Aha, there it is. I feel like a goober. Thank you, tkzv!
You know, I guess I will make it a master mod as well.
Either wait for a new XCF version or if you know how, change the sprite definition:
- type: OOZE.PCK
subX: 32
subY: 40
width: 256
height: 40 # <------------ this should be 80, not 40
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/OozeRace/OOZE.png
Thanks :) I fix "extraSprites_XCOMFILES.rul" file using notepad and game works like charm :):)
Hi Solarius,
I'm not sure if this error has been reported before, so it goes again just in case.
Spawn location on Mummy map. I looked all over the map until the bug hunt showed me this odd location for a Male Tomb Guardian
Hi Solarius,
I'm not sure if this error has been reported before, so it goes again just in case.
Spawn location on Mummy map. I looked all over the map until the bug hunt showed me this odd location for a Male Tomb Guardian
That's... weird.
Do you have a save? I honestly can't say much from the minimap.
That's... weird.
Do you have a save? I honestly can't say much from the minimap.
No, sorry. I don't have a save file at this point (I over-wrote it). The unit spawned at the first corner tile of the bottom level. Fortunately I brought some pickaxes and dug an access path. Once that was done, the enemy unit quickly charged me with a sword, but was met with reaction fire from everybody waiting around.
Also I found another missing string, I believe already reported. See screenshot, just in case.
Also I found another missing string, I believe already reported. See screenshot, just in case.
Not yet reported. :) Thanks!
Not yet reported. :) Thanks!
With regard of the viper:
Finally I got a Reptoid mission where the craft is supposed to be. Then I noticed the craft range is minuscule, it almost requires the mission to be next door from the base where the craft is stationed. Luckily I had a secondary base that was within range, so I transferred the whole craft there. I have yet to play the mission. Is this craft range supposedly to be that short?
No, the range is a bug. Will be fixed; for now you can edit crafts_XCOMFILES.rul and change it to whatever.
Posted this in the release thread, and realized it might be better here.
With a fresh install, no other mods, I get the following error:
[ERROR] Const name 'RuleList.OpenXcom_XFiles' already used
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured out that I just need to read instructions better.
I don't know if it was reported, but "medical" items recharge after loading save.
Also I don't know if it is my paranoia, bad RNG, or something, but most of the "first shots" against each mob seems to always do 0 dmg. Like the game have bigger chance to roll 0% just in that situation. Doesn't matter if it is sniper rifle in hands of agent with 120 accuracy against human with 5 armor and 100% dmg from bullets.
Minor issue: Music during "The Root of All Evil" and that mission with ghosts in asylum is too loud in comparision with others.
Got some problems when facing obliterators.
[08-01-2019_14-21-44] [WARN] Image D:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Inticon/Arrow_dogfight.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_14-21-44] [WARN] Image D:\Games\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Inticon/Viper_dogfight.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_14-35-21] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-21] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-22] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-23] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-23] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-24] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-35-24] [WARN] No free channels available
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'OBLITERATOR.PCK' for armor 'STR_OBLITERATOR_ARMOR': not enough frames
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0x88dd10 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0x8913a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0x4015a0 exceptionLogger()
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0xc2cb28 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0x9da540 OpenXcom::UnitSprite::drawRoutine11()
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] 0x9ca7d0 OpenXcom::Map::drawUnit(OpenXcom::UnitSprite&, OpenXcom::Tile*, OpenXcom::Tile*, OpenXcom::Position, int, int, bool)
[08-01-2019_14-36-16] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
subX: 32
subY: 40
width: 256
height: 320
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/MutonRace/OBLITERATOR.png
Fits the resource image, so I dunno what is the problem here. How can I fix it ?
I replaced obliterator armor block in armors_XCOMFILES.rul with same from salamandron, but a proper fix is still welcome(flying salamandrons look wierd).
Since I don't understand English, I may have forgotten something!
But version 0.98b does not work. As soon as I try to post an article in the UFOPedia!
Seems to concern the "Facilities" part!
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 5.2 (v2018-12-22)
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] Platform: Windows
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] Data folder is:
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] Data search is:
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] - C:\Users\Gabriel\Documents\OpenXcom\
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] - C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] - C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] User folder is: C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-14-46] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1600x900x32...
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Display set to 1600x900x32.
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Loading data...
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods'...
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 2
[08-01-2019_20-14-47] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[08-01-2019_20-14-49] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-14-49] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[08-01-2019_20-15-00] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[08-01-2019_20-15-01] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[08-01-2019_20-15-02] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/FactionsPack/MenInBlack/bigob_MIB_POWER_ARMOR.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-15-03] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-15-03] [INFO] Loading language...
[08-01-2019_20-15-03] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[08-01-2019_20-15-03] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[08-01-2019_20-15-36] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1600x900x8...
[08-01-2019_20-15-36] [INFO] Display set to 1600x900x8.
[08-01-2019_20-15-36] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[08-01-2019_20-15-54] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE15.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-15-54] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE36.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-15-54] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/TerrainPack/Geoscape/TEXTURE57.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Hawkeye_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Darkstar_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/Thruster_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/Afterburner_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/Targeter_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/RadarExtension_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/RadarResProcessor_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/FuelTank_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/Shield_Gen_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/MassDriverCraft_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/CraftWeapons/Basebits/GaussCraft_Base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/HQ.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Improved_Lab.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Advanced_Lab.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/MiG31_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Firestorm_base2.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Raven_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Tormentor_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Thunder_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 127 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Mudranger_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 127 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Van_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Skymarshall_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/AWACS_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Car_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Corridor.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 1 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Sick_Bay.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Bio_Lab.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Facilities/Cyber_HQ.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Mudranger_2_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 127 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/LuxuryCar_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Osprey_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Hummer_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Opscar_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [WARN] Image C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\XComFiles/Resources/Vessels/Basebits/Arrow_base.png (from lodepng) have set incorrect transparent color index 255 instead of 0
[08-01-2019_20-16-13] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\LargeWorkshop/Resources/LargeWorkshop/LW2_1.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x88dd10 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x8913a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x4015a0 exceptionLogger()
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0xc2cb28 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x6af070 OpenXcom::ExtraSprites::loadSurfaceSet(OpenXcom::SurfaceSet*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x665170 OpenXcom::Mod::loadExtraSprite(OpenXcom::ExtraSprites*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x665170 OpenXcom::Mod::loadExtraSprite(OpenXcom::ExtraSprites*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0xc180e0 inflate_fast
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x665730 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurfaceSet(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x7fff10 OpenXcom::ArticleStateBaseFacility::ArticleStateBaseFacility(OpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionBaseFacility*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x841250 OpenXcom::Ufopaedia::createArticleState(OpenXcom::ArticleDefinition*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x842270 OpenXcom::Ufopaedia::openArticle(OpenXcom::Game*, OpenXcom::ArticleDefinition*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x83ea00 OpenXcom::UfopaediaSelectState::lstSelectionClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0x744a7210 malloc
[08-01-2019_20-16-14] [FATAL] 0xef0ea0 RGBtoYUV
[08-01-2019_20-16-34] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\mods\LargeWorkshop/Resources/LargeWorkshop/LW2_1.png: OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic
More details here: C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_XFiles\user\openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Nota : OXCE version 5.2 (2018-12-22) works correctly.
Edit :
I installed "OXCE 5.2 2018-12-22" on top of your pack.
Deleted LargeWorkshop mod...
Then I vigorously shook the computer... and now it seems to work!
Got some problems when facing obliterators.
For some reason its routine is set to 11 instead of 3...
I'll prepare an update ASAP.
Then I vigorously shook the computer... and now it seems to work![/color]
Congrats, Mr. Mystek! :)
STR_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR, STR_LARGE_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR and STR_XCOM_FLYING_DRONE_ARMOR have 16 entries in their damageModifier. I take it the drone is meant to be immune to E115 damage and the second to last entry (0.5) can be deleted?
STR_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR, STR_LARGE_ALIEN_DRONE_ARMOR and STR_XCOM_FLYING_DRONE_ARMOR have 16 entries in their damageModifier. I take it the drone is meant to be immune to E115 damage and the second to last entry (0.5) can be deleted?
Yes... You're right.
How the hell did you manage to find a bug like this? Are you Nagato Yuki or something? ;D
How the hell did you manage to find a bug like this? Are you Nagato Yuki or something? ;D
That would be both awesome and unsettling.
Nah, i was just browsing the ufopedia and figured you probably copied the resistance values for the large drone and xcom's version of it :D
Playing your mode alomost 60-70 hrs. Very good job done!
- A hundreds of mission types I guess. That's overhelming. And very surprising after XPiratez mode that is thought to be the largest mode on the platform.
- The beginning of the game is very promising and lots harder in tactics (traditionally I play hardest difficulty with Ironman). Had to restart 5 times before getting the general strategy which is different from the other mods.
May I point some stuff honestly precocious:
- Ground tanks with laser weapons are dependent on HWP research + laser W research. Tanks LW have 110 power. That's fairly powerful. But at the same moment you are not able to manufacture the squad hand-held LW. Because the Elerium Battery is not yet researched. I guess the laser cannon research should be more dependent.
- Hovertank is the next step. A couple of dozens UFO missions given, you are only research time restricted to get the HT tech. So at the moment you've got a Hovertank and a squad of Personal Armor Guys (PAGs) with Arasaka rifles.
The dissapointing point:
- Basic AI is not really learning during the missions in terms of precision shooting and else, thus making tanks not really worth their slots in the crewspace.
- Manufacturing of HWP takes the same amount of hours per unit as for the Stun Rod manufacturing. That's kinda insane.
Some unbalances:
- Not really sure when the mission Cyberweb Lair should occur, mine first was in the year 2000.
Robots in the lair are really weak in terms of HP, armor and firepower. Both are very susceptible to electric damage from stun rods (1 hit).
- Robots felt asleep during the battle are not in the end battle list. Whereas the the wrecks are enlisted for the transfer/sell. Sure for the CW robots. Not sure for the hybid drones. But i presume the same bug (not yet ready?).
- Too little of soldiers spawn in the living quarters in the base defense missions.
Some early ship design suggestions
- The SKYRAIDER side-doors are supercool.
- The SKYRANGER is a next step, so I suggest the sidedoors should be implemented. Otherwise no difference from the OSPREY except for the range and a speed.
- The SKYMARSHALL's back-plug is kinda weird and helps a little. May I suggest different Layout? Instead of top-down plug I suggest a down falling bridge for the scheme draft following?
Playing your mode alomost 60-70 hrs. Very good job done!
Thank you! Such encouraging feedback is always very important.
- Ground tanks with laser weapons are dependent on HWP research + laser W research. Tanks LW have 110 power. That's fairly powerful. But at the same moment you are not able to manufacture the squad hand-held LW. Because the Elerium Battery is not yet researched. I guess the laser cannon research should be more dependent.
Well, the laser cannon is indeed powerful, but many players don't bother with HWPs at all, preferring to take 4 people instead. This makes the HWP option a bit more attractive. Besides, it is logical that the HWP is big enough to hold a large power source, so no need to miniaturize it as much as for hand-held weapons.
- Hovertank is the next step. A couple of dozens UFO missions given, you are only research time restricted to get the HT tech. So at the moment you've got a Hovertank and a squad of Personal Armor Guys (PAGs) with Arasaka rifles.
Some players manage that, yes. I'm not sure what can logically be done to prevent this, though.
- Basic AI is not really learning during the missions in terms of precision shooting and else, thus making tanks not really worth their slots in the crewspace.
What can I say? It should learn just fine. I haven't had any negative feedback here.
Anyone else has experienced this problem?
- Manufacturing of HWP takes the same amount of hours per unit as for the Stun Rod manufacturing. That's kinda insane.
OK, manufacturing times are a bit off here and there. I adjust them whenever I find something.
- Not really sure when the mission Cyberweb Lair should occur, mine first was in the year 2000.
Depends on your research entirely.
Robots in the lair are really weak in terms of HP, armor and firepower. Both are very susceptible to electric damage from stun rods (1 hit).
Good for you. :) I think they're fine, they're supposed to be glass cannons. But I will think about it.
- Robots felt asleep during the battle are not in the end battle list. Whereas the the wrecks are enlisted for the transfer/sell. Sure for the CW robots. Not sure for the hybid drones. But i presume the same bug (not yet ready?).
I know about it; it's a little quirk of the engine. Robots do not use any type of prison (they go straight to your stores), which makes them not appear in the debriefing. To fix that I would have to assign them to some prison, and that would be silly.
- Too little of soldiers spawn in the living quarters in the base defense missions.
That's totally vanilla X-Com. I don't think it's a problem, they don't sit around on their beds all the time.
- The SKYRANGER is a next step, so I suggest the sidedoors should be implemented. Otherwise no difference from the OSPREY except for the range and a speed.
The Skyranger is traditionally a flying coffin. :P
I can change that, but muh tradition!
- The SKYMARSHALL's back-plug is kinda weird and helps a little. May I suggest different Layout? Instead of top-down plug I suggest a down falling bridge for the scheme draft following?
I've been planning to do something about it for years, but... I kinda got used to it...
As for tanks/basic AI not gaining experience - this is something i'Ve observed as well, but i am still on 0.9.6, so no idea if this is still relevant. I remember you stating that you revided basic+alien AI in regards to gaining experience.
My laser tank has gained only 3 reactions over i don't know how many missions that have maxxed out most of the rest of my squad. This might be related to the tank only having a limited amount of possible actions (i.e. shoot and move), but it's strange that it has only gained reactions considering the number of kills it has rapped up. As far as i can tell the soldier/armor definitions for tanks haven't changed between versions, at least in reagrds to stats and training.
As for transports:
The Skyranger is fine as it is as far as i am concerned, considering where it stands in the hierachy of Sky-stuff. The Skymarshall's backside could probably be improved, but i like how it prevents enemies from reaction firing rockets straight down the gangway.
A few versions ago the basic AI/alien AI split was removed in favor of one AI "soldier" type that could gain experience. They are subject to the same training rules on the battlefield as regular soldiers, so you might not have been getting enough hits with their gun to guarantee experience even though they got the kills.
I really hope people aren't reporting bugs from 6 versions ago. :P
21 missions / 19 kills. No improvement in any stats but reactions (+4). I find that strange, seeing how the laser pretty much disintegrates everything it hits, including sectopods. Again, might be related to 0.9.6, but as far as i can tell definitions haven't changed, so this should not matter as far as gaining experience is concerned.
I really hope people aren't reporting bugs from 6 versions ago. :P
Thanks for the reply.
Nope. I report the lastest version suggestions.
As for AI, indeed, they've been hitting a lot. Where agent gets +3...+5 stats, the AI unit gets 0...+1.
Skyranger - yes, it's a Legacy. But the other crafts around the tech bring more options to the battlefield. And a SR is a middle craft between.
As for the Hovertank - that's my first playtrough, but the amount of missions past gives me some understanding of the overall progress. There's a little disbalance between squad weapons and HWP's techs speeds of aquiring.
At the current version they are a base-defense solution - the skills enhancement speed is too slow.
Well... Unintentional bug might become a feature.
Androids from Apocalypse indeed gained stats, but at way slower rate than humans, or hybrids, but they started at overall better stats.
Why not bring this explanation and add few android chasiss/armors for AI's?
Also to keep post from being too offtopic:
X-Com drone have free left hand which allows it to use any piece of equipment. I won't lie, it's fun tactic to deploy a squadron of drones with dynamite, so they can carpet bomb anything below. It's a bit strange, since they don't have any contraption to operate any equipment.
Also to keep post from being too offtopic:
X-Com drone have free left hand which allows it to use any piece of equipment. I won't lie, it's fun tactic to deploy a squadron of drones with dynamite, so they can carpet bomb anything below. It's a bit strange, since they don't have any contraption to operate any equipment.
Could it be that the slow learning of the AIs has something to do with maxStats being the same as minStatsor that most stats are already maxed out by default?
Could it be that the slow learning of the AIs has something to do with maxStats being the same as minStatsor that most stats are already maxed out by default?
That's what the statcaps are for. I just had a base defense and judging by the save both my tanks should have seen an incrase in accuracy (one had 8 exp in fireacc, the other 14), but the most they get is one point in reactions. Might this have something to do with unit size?
Admittedly still playing version b for no reason but laziness...
Is the Durathread Vest supposed to have worse armor values than the (Kevlar) Combat Gear despite its description? Why does it have -2 weight in the stats but -4 in the description?
I don't feel like the higher resistances matter a lot for low HP creatures like dogs. Is the Vest supposed to be a run and sneak armor like the jumpsuit?
That's what the statcaps are for. I just had a base defense and judging by the save both my tanks should have seen an incrase in accuracy (one had 8 exp in fireacc, the other 14), but the most they get is one point in reactions. Might this have something to do with unit size?
Impossible, my opinion.
Today I had 4 or 5 base defenses. None of tanks had an increase in any stat. Weird but true. Hope AI will be boosted or revised if Zetzet is correct in his suggestion.
I can say that my hover tanks did gain accuracy,time units and reactions at least - but I have not played for some time(0.9.6)
Is the Durathread Vest supposed to have worse armor values than the (Kevlar) Combat Gear despite its description?
For the same reason a jumpsuit has worse armour than a combat vest, despite being made of durathread...
Why does it have -2 weight in the stats but -4 in the description?
Indeed, sorry - fixed.
I don't feel like the higher resistances matter a lot for low HP creatures like dogs. Is the Vest supposed to be a run and sneak armor like the jumpsuit?
It's up to you. when you want maximum armour, you take the combat gear. If you want to have slightly worse protection, but be way more mobile, you take the durathread.
I personally take the durathread.
Please Fix the Base defense robots (Cyberweb tech) with miniguns not to kill my soldiers under the Alien control... That's troublesome, 6-7 guys die constantly on Ethereals attack, from the drones that are intended to defend me instead of sieving with bullets.
Please Fix the Base defense robots (Cyberweb tech) with miniguns not to kill my soldiers under the Alien control... That's troublesome, 6-7 guys die constantly on Ethereals attack, from the drones that are intended to defend me instead of sieving with bullets.
Do you have a save? Because judging from the code, they should be immune.
Just one little very little bug... version 0.98d
A duplicate in the file \user\mods\XComFiles\Language\en-US.yml :
- line 4914 :
STR_HWP_TRITANIUM_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "This rocket launcher fires barrages of missiles to devastate light targets."
STR_HWP_TRITANIUM_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "This launcher fires powerful shrapnel charges."
Thanks !
Do you have a save? Because judging from the code, they should be immune.
Yep, got the backup save
Just push the time
Got the Alien AI unit tech, no questions about slow AI enhancement no more.
Yep, got the backup save
Just push the time
I checked. Not a single time was a roboturret MC'd; the aliens haven't even targeted them at all.
The way i understood it it's not the roboturrets being MC'd, but his agents - who are then targeted by the turrets. Is it even possible to have non-player factions differentiate between hostile and MC'd units?
That aside, why not make the robo turrets player controlled to begin with?
The way i understood it it's not the roboturrets being MC'd, but his agents - who are then targeted by the turrets.
I... wouldn't have thought of this. Mostly because it's kinda weird.... That's how the game works. Hostile units get shot ata. I often execute MC'd units myself.
Is it even possible to have non-player factions differentiate between hostile and MC'd units?
For what purpose? To make sure they don't shoot at agents who are a threat?
That aside, why not make the robo turrets player controlled to begin with?
Because it's lame. :P
I checked. Not a single time was a roboturret MC'd; the aliens haven't even targeted them at all.
The words misplacement. Sorry for that. Of course RT cannot fall under Mind control.
The question was regarding the RT targeted my Alien-controlled humans.
Tha basis for the appeal was in the following: my own soldiers do not reaction-attack the MC human units. So I believe RT should not treat MC units of the friendly origin as the targets.
UPD. Of course you can execute whoever you want to! But that's my base, and I believe that this is my prerogative to choose whether I should kill them or not)
UPD 2. Logically RT's shouldn't even know that player's soldiers are under MC. They are face recognition guys.
The words misplacement. Sorry for that. Of course RT cannot fall under Mind control.
The question was regarding the RT targeted my Alien-controlled humans.
Tha basis for the appeal was in the following: my own soldiers do not reaction-attack the MC human units. So I believe RT should not treat MC units of the friendly origin as the targets.
Hmmm, an interesting point. Still, this is a game's hardcoded feature, not a moddable feature, so not much I can do about it anyway.
UPD. Of course you can execute whoever you want to! But that's my base, and I believe that this is my prerogative to choose whether I should kill them or not)
Unfortunately the AI is both scary and individualistic. :)
Still, you can take indirect countermeasures. For example use more robotic units - they are immune to psionics.
UPD 2. Logically RT's shouldn't even know that player's soldiers are under MC. They are face recognition guys.
Good point again, but we need to maintain a certain level of abstraction.
Other duplicate name...
Complicated to explain in English!
The same constant string name is used. :-[
In 0.98d :
-1- in ..\standard\xcom1\Language\en-US.yml
-2- in ..\user\mods\XComFiles\Language\en-US.yml
STR_UNIT: "X-Com History: UNIT"
So in the UFOpedia, it is the first occurrence that is used ! ;)
Oh my, you're right. Thanks.
The purple shield has dependencies for sectoids and aquatoids, but only the aquatoid actually unlocks it. Is this intended?
The purple shield has dependencies for sectoids and aquatoids, but only the aquatoid actually unlocks it. Is this intended?
Nope, another bug. Thanks.
Updated to 0.98e, sadly there is still an undefined string. See screenshot.
Is the Bedouin Chieftain a zombie in disguise? Because it's vulnerable to E-115. :)
Is the Bedouin Chieftain a zombie in disguise? Because it's vulnerable to E-115. :)
No, he's a Chryssalid.
Thanks, fixed. ;D
Are Industrial Investigations supposed to be off limits for Private Cars? Only public cars and vans are allowed.
Also are Giant Spiders supposed to not have extractable Blood Plasma since Giant Beetles and Megascorpions do?
Are Industrial Investigations supposed to be off limits for Private Cars? Only public cars and vans are allowed.
I guess I can allow the luxury car too. Done.
Also are Giant Spiders supposed to not have extractable Blood Plasma since Giant Beetles and Megascorpions do?
Spiders are a bit of an exception here; they are immune to E-115 damage as well.
So, in my current campaign, I'm kind of stuck. There is no new research to do (over 500 scientists playing with their thumbs), other than the occasional alien Engineer and craft type research. I have the Avenger built but it can't go to Cydonia.
And then I got a Red Dawn HQ mission, in-game years after the Red Dawn was defeated.
Now I have fully armored soldiers with Heavy Plasma guns, not a match for the Red Dawn HQ. Upon landing I'm greeted by Hybrids. I'm still playing the mission.
Is it supposed to be normal? (I'm attaching the file save)
Also what else I need to do to advance to the next stage? Maybe I'm missing something obvious.
No, it's certainly not planned, and I can't see how it may be possible... :) I have never heard anything like this.
I can be more helpful with the research: you're missing the Stone of Atlantis. You still have some underwater missions to do, since I think you haven't destroyed the Tasoth Factory yet.
you haven't destroyed the Tasoth Factory yet.
Thanks for the tip. Indeed, after a bit, the Tasoth Factory mission spawned, and some new research became available. Let's see where does it leads to.
Serious spoilers and mini-review follow:
After some in-game time, the Atlantis mission spawned. Essentially the last level of TFTD where Cthulhu is. I forgot what it was to fight Tentaculats! Fortunately I brought every yellow suit soldier and a wall of sonic weapons kept them at bay. The tasoths are a tough race. They go down faster with darts than sonic weapons. Is there a way to manufacture the ammo for these? Maybe I took off before finding it out.
The result of this battle, as the hint said, was the analysis of the Stone of Atlantis, then Cydonia or Burst. When this research was on-going, I assembled my team with every soldier with a P rating of 90 or more, so to be essentially immune to psi attacks. As soon as the research was completed the Avenger, which was waiting for months, took off.
The surface battle of Mars (pyramid level) was sort of easy, except for the insane number of very dangerous cyberdisks. No casualties but several wounded yet able to continue. The next level is where the fun really started:
The chryssalid hive was a nightmare level. Compact teams to hopefully hit them with reaction shots. It sort of worked, but the progress was painfully slow. No deaths but several Zzzz, essentially to Snakemen's grenades when blocking the elevators (the chryssalids cannot attack up/down). Also all my hover tanks were with very little health left from the previous battle. Not much for them to do anyways as the doors weren't wide enough and carving a path with their plasma guns was too slow.
For me the trick to this level , discovered by accident during reaction fire, was to put a hole on the green floor where the soldiers spawn so to open a path down. This floor is fairly weak to heavy plasma gun fire. Then a flying unit was able to explore and take pot shots. Eventually the exit was found at the ground level and everyone rushed. A scout team managed to approach via the maze that is the regular access to the bottom level. Thanks to the motion scanner no casualties. Good thing the yellow suit allows kneeling otherwise it would be impossible to have compact reaction fire in those one-wide corridors of the maze. The first one shots then kneel. The second in line does the same, then kneels. Then the third, and so on. The ground level was sort of easy as there are wide corridors for plenty of reaction fire. I admit I reloaded when in a bout of overconfidence I over-extended and had several killed at once, because there was no enough TUs left for reaction fire. Congratulations to the Level Designer.
The next level was the regular brain level. This is when I got lucky. My main team spawned next to the brain level. I know, because one of my tricks (is it a cheat?) is to move the cursor around looking for the missing pixels of the hidden shapes. At the other side of the wall, there was this empty giant room, and then a spherical thing was pulsating. Next turns, it was to carve a small path using pick axes and then a Blaster bomb. The End.
My comment is the end game screen repeated twice. Like when the Brain tried to negotiate and it's blasted away, the whole sequence of screens repeated a second time. If I remember correctly it was the same content as vanilla. I re-loaded and cancelled the mission to see what the Losing screen looks like. The same as Vanilla, and also repeated twice. I don't know if this screens repetition is a sign of a bug in the .exe or in the mod.
Thank you Solarius for the XCF mod. It was fun to play.
Many thanks for the review. It was the first time for me to have any feedback regarding the new Cydonia (even I haven't actually done it, only checked if it works), and it looks like it works just fine.
I'm kinda puzzled about the double outros, but I have an idea of what could be the cause. I will investigate.
Congratulations on your victory! I hope you'll come back some day to play an even more developed version of the mod. :)
Hello there! Just tried this mod and got crash after first tactical mission. Crash occurs after clicking "OK" on result summary screen (with score, loot and stat rising). Starting a new game doesn't help.
But there is no crash if mission failed (all operatives killed).
Hello there! Just tried this mod and got crash after first tactical mission. Crash occurs after clicking "OK" on result summary screen (with score, loot and stat rising). Starting a new game doesn't help.
But there is no crash if mission failed (all operatives killed).
thanks for the report... would you have a save just before the mission ends?
Oops, forgot to attach it in first post, sorry.
Here it is.
Congratulations on your victory! I hope you'll come back some day to play an even more developed version of the mod. :)
Thanks! I can't get enough of X-Com, so naturally I just started another campaign! Enforced Ironman, but on a lower difficulty level (Veteran), so to avoid grinding some missions too much. I read that Veteran in some ways is actually more difficult than Superhuman, mainly because lesser loot to sell.
In the mean time, I got a mission with one of my least favorite critter sprite: the Giant Rat. I found the movement of the rat N-S or S-N was non-existent, so in an OCD rage :), I fiddled with the .png to give it something of a "shake". Please find it attached for your consideration.
Greetings again.
I have two doubts, first, update the version directly by copying the save files to the new version. And now my hybrids have no ability to hit melee. What I can do? and second. I can not build the advanced laboratory because apart from the Elerio (which I have) I do not know where to get the tritanium. I can build ammunition te tritanium but something has me stuck and I do not know what it is. I have developed up armor synthsuit and the new astral form (I have not used it until now). I have already done the mission of the cyberweb fortress. Will my game be broken and should I start over? I come from the previous version. What is hard only to fight with the asuka 4000 (not even laser weapons!) Against mutons, brain and Gazer!
Thanks for this excellent mod
Oops, forgot to attach it in first post, sorry.
Here it is.
I don't get any crash :(
If you have 64bit Windows, could you try the 64bit OXCE version? It produces better error report in the log file...
Download: https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/builds//Extended/Extended-5.2-f33003e56-2019-01-16-win64.7z
(it's enough to just replace the EXE file, since it's the same version as you're using now)
Thanks! I can't get enough of X-Com, so naturally I just started another campaign! Enforced Ironman, but on a lower difficulty level (Veteran), so to avoid grinding some missions too much. I read that Veteran in some ways is actually more difficult than Superhuman, mainly because lesser loot to sell.
In the mean time, I got a mission with one of my least favorite critter sprite: the Giant Rat. I found the movement of the rat N-S or S-N was non-existent, so in an OCD rage :), I fiddled with the .png to give it something of a "shake". Please find it attached for your consideration.
Many thanks! I'll check it when I can.
Greetings again.
I have two doubts, first, update the version directly by copying the save files to the new version. And now my hybrids have no ability to hit melee. What I can do?
Only hybrids with psi training can use fists. (Don't as why, it's complicated.) It's normal, and not related to save moving.
and second. I can not build the advanced laboratory because apart from the Elerio (which I have) I do not know where to get the tritanium. I can build ammunition te tritanium but something has me stuck and I do not know what it is. I have developed up armor synthsuit and the new astral form (I have not used it until now). I have already done the mission of the cyberweb fortress. Will my game be broken and should I start over? I come from the previous version. What is hard only to fight with the asuka 4000 (not even laser weapons!) Against mutons, brain and Gazer!
I don't think you have to start over. I don't know exactly what to tell you, since I don't know what you have, but please check the Tech Tree Viewer... If you have trouble, we can think further.
Thanks for this excellent mod
Thanks for playing it!
I know what my confusion was. In the Ufopedia, the advanced laboratory says that it requires 200 Tritanium and 100 Elerium. But when selecting the building for its construction. It specifies that there are 200 Alien Alloys and 100 Elerium. From my ignorance, I thought that just as the Durathread was "discovered" from the Alloy, I thought that some research for the Tritanium would likewise come out.
My mistake is in that confusion
Thank you
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[04-02-2019_18-54-43] [FATAL] 0x88dcc0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[04-02-2019_18-54-43] [FATAL] 0x891350 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[04-02-2019_18-54-43] [FATAL] 0x401750 signalLogger(int)
[04-02-2019_18-54-43] [FATAL] 0x77c5be30 LdrSetAppCompatDllRedirectionCallback
[04-02-2019_18-54-43] [FATAL] 0x77c1ad00 RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[04-02-2019_18-54-54] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Just had this crash today
That is the least helpful information you could share for the bug report. When did it happen, what were you doing, and can you provide a save just before it happens with instructions how to make it happen?
That is the least helpful information you could share for the bug report. When did it happen, what were you doing, and can you provide a save just before it happens with instructions how to make it happen?
Uh happened right after a ufo fighter was shot down by a thunderstorm armored with avalanche missiles the game just randomly crashed and the rest of your questions don't think so as that was a one off crash that I thought I should share
By the way, there is a black halo around the heads on some paper-dolls. See cap.
This is not bug but feature, AFAIK this "halo" is used to hide hairs that could extend helmet graphic.
Right now only solution is to change background of this screen to back.
For real solution could be add support for script recolors that could easy handle things like this.
Another option would be to make hair that goes beyond any headgear a separate layer and not use it for these sprites, but that's a lot of work.
That's a very interesting piece of information. I regret to admit I have never heard of Maracaibo before.
I'm not sure what change you mean, I can't recall any changes in the code... I only pointed out that longitude 2307 doesn't exist, since it only goes up to 360, so I assumed it was a typo of some kind.
Wow, I return and see a discussion about the location of my hometown ;D
Yeah, to be honest too much work... Not only with the graphics, but also with complete rearranging the layer system. But some sort of alternative would be nice.
To be honest it never occurred to me that someone would middle-click on their own units. Why would I ever do that? :)
I can make two different backgrounds, one for units with a geoscape soldier and one for units without a geoscape soldier. Then you can change one of them to have more black where needed.
I can make two different backgrounds, one for units with a geoscape soldier and one for units without a geoscape soldier. Then you can change one of them to have more black where needed.
That would be great, thank you.
In 0.9.8g2 the ufopedia descriptions regarding bare hands attack is off the borders :'(
Oh no, the world is gonna end... we're doomed.
Indeed we are doomed... So none of you will need your earthly possessions anymore. Therefore, feel free to send all this useless burden to me, so I could dispose of it in a responsible manner.
Indeed we are doomed... So none of you will need your earthly possessions anymore. Therefore, feel free to send all this useless burden to me, so I could dispose of it in a responsible manner.
That would be great, thank you.
You can now use sprite "AlienInventory2" for soldiers.
If not defined, it falls back to current background.
Had a mission where medical item consumption was not stored in the save. Used a medkit and saved. Upon reloading the medkit was full again.
You can now use sprite "AlienInventory2" for soldiers.
If not defined, it falls back to current background.
Great, thanks!
Had a mission where medical item consumption was not stored in the save. Used a medkit and saved. Upon reloading the medkit was full again.
I'm afraid that's beyond my expertise, but maybe devs can check it out.
I'm afraid that's beyond my expertise, but maybe devs can check it out.
OXC bug.
Just had a chtonite minibase assault which got me 174 units of 'alien gardens' - is this intended? As far as i can tell alien gardens aren't actually used for anything manufacturing wise. Might i suggest turning down the recovery rate?
This room in the cyberweb bases still lacks traversable ladders, leading to your agents getting trapped in it.
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen000duj64.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen000duj64.png)
174 is a lot, but I'm not sure if it's too much. I can decrease the amount, yeah.
And that trap is known... I'm not sure if I want to fix it ;)
And that trap is known... I'm not sure if I want to fix it ;)
Fair enough.
BTW, the Syndicate building still has rooms that lack doors:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen000z6jno.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen000z6jno.png)
Also, might i suggest removing the Dragonfly from the allowed crafts list for inifiltration missions? I just don't see how turning up in something that looks like a friggin' gunship would help your agents with the whole undercover thing.
Not sure if this is intended, but there seems to be something wrong with the upper floors. Namely that you can fall through them:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen001hkk10.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen001hkk10.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen002vykj3.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen002vykj3.png)
EDIT #2:
My MAGMA zombie lab mission somehow spawned with a hybrid control assault:
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 152
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 605
missionSiteZone: 1
- lon: 1.3264502315156903
lat: -1.0122909661567112
id: 1
deployment: STR_MAGMA_LAB
texture: -1100
secondsRemaining: 275400
detected: true
As far as i can tell you've defined a region for the hybrid control assault mission, but there is no region assigned to the mission in the missionscripts.rul - replacing 'REGION_MAGMA_LAB' with 'REGION_HYBRID_CONTROL' in my save spawns the correct mission, but i'd really like to know why the region defaults to MAGMA_LAB in the first place.
BTW hybridBase and hybridmeeting are also missing regions.
Also, the marker name assigned to STR_HYBRID_CONTROL_ASSAULT is STR_REPTOID_BASE - is this intended?
width: 60
length: 60
height: 2
alertBackground: BACK03.SCR
shade: 6
textOffset: -16
background: BACK01.SCR
showTarget: false
That's a bunch of bugs I've never heard of. Of course I will check them, but they are pretty suspicious.
I can upload the save in question if that helps.
I still have trouble wrapping my mind about how mission generation works. According to the reference missions without a defined region "use the normal regional distribution". I have no idea what that means, nor where said distribution would be defined.
Does that mean hybrid bases and meetings could spawn in any regions defined in the regions.rul? Wouldn't that also lead to...problems...as far as deployments are concerned?
BTW, the Syndicate building still has rooms that lack doors:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen000z6jno.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen000z6jno.png)
It has a door, right in the middle of the northern wall.
Also, might i suggest removing the Dragonfly from the allowed crafts list for inifiltration missions? I just don't see how turning up in something that looks like a friggin' gunship would help your agents with the whole undercover thing.
It's deliberate. It is a civilian vehicle, assumed to be... well not exactly common, but no more unusual than a private jet. It's perhaps the biggest sign that this reality is not 100% the same as our 1990s.
Not sure if this is intended, but there seems to be something wrong with the upper floors. Namely that you can fall through them:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen001hkk10.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen001hkk10.png)
Yeah, it's called an elevator... :P
But I think I'll block it, since people are too eager to jump down the shaft.
My MAGMA zombie lab mission somehow spawned with a hybrid control assault:
Right now I can't see a reason why this would happen (assuming you haven't doctored the save). Curious.
As far as i can tell you've defined a region for the hybrid control assault mission, but there is no region assigned to the mission in the missionscripts.rul - replacing 'REGION_MAGMA_LAB' with 'REGION_HYBRID_CONTROL' in my save spawns the correct mission, but i'd really like to know why the region defaults to MAGMA_LAB in the first place.
As I said, I have no idea-
...oh darn. I forgot to add regionWeights to them missionScripts. It should look like this:
- type: hybridControl
firstMonth: 0
executionOdds: 6
useTable: false
startDelay: 20
randomDelay: 43500
BTW hybridBase and hybridmeeting are also missing regions.
They don't need a region, as they are UFOs. (I should redo it some day.)
Also, the marker name assigned to STR_HYBRID_CONTROL_ASSAULT is STR_REPTOID_BASE - is this intended?
Um... No... :-[
Thanks for the thorough report!
It has a door, right in the middle of the northern wall.
Must be one of those non-operational doors that camouflages itself as a wall then, because my agents refuse to enter the room:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen004zqjsw.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen004zqjsw.png)
It's deliberate. It is a civilian vehicle, assumed to be... well not exactly common, but no more unusual than a private jet. It's perhaps the biggest sign that this reality is not 100% the same as our 1990s.
Then why isn't it included in STR_WINTERSPORTS_GEAR or STR_BEACH_GEAR? Those also allow Helicopters. People take helicopters and jets to winter resorts/beach locations all the time (well, extremely rich people that is) - if the Dragonfly is not more unusual than other private air vehicles, why can't we take it on those missions?
Yeah, it's called an elevator... :P
But I think I'll block it, since people are too eager to jump down the shaft.
Solarius please, i wouldn't have bothered to report if i fell down the elevator shaft - though that would be extremely frustrating and i'm still miffed about not being allowed to bring jump suits on those missions. Man that would be epic. Picture True Lies combined with The Terminator.
The tile in question is north-west of the actual shaft - which is inacessible on that level, see screenshots. The only reason i even noticed was because that security captain suddenly dropped from the ceiling and started shooting at my agents. (Unfortunately for him he brought a gun to a knife fight and was promptly stabbed to death.)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen005rukgx.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen005rukgx.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0064ejwh.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0064ejwh.png)(https://abload.de/thumb/screen007hvjnt.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen007hvjnt.png)
Also please don't block the elevator shaft.
They don't need a region, as they are UFOs. (I should redo it some day.)
Yeah i guess that explains those traveling hybrid bases i encountered in earlier versions.
Then why isn't it included in STR_WINTERSPORTS_GEAR or STR_BEACH_GEAR? Those also allow Helicopters. People take helicopters and jets to winter resorts/beach locations all the time (well, extremely rich people that is) - if the Dragonfly is not more unusual than other private air vehicles, why can't we take it on those missions?
If I'm not mistaken the Syndicate operates also Dragonflies, thus I assumed that if one uses one of them, their security team could potentially mistaken them by one of theirs. Like SW:ROTJ and their Lambda Shuttle.
I'm even thinking, if Solarius agrees, when the Mi-25 craft map is done, that a similar approach can be used on the Red Dawn HQ mission (or some other mission). Talk about massacres. :P
Must be one of those non-operational doors that camouflages itself as a wall then, because my agents refuse to enter the room:
Bingo. You were right, they were camouflaged - because of a glitch, they looked fine in the editor, but didn't work in the game.
I feel really silly now. Sorry I doubted you.
Then why isn't it included in STR_WINTERSPORTS_GEAR or STR_BEACH_GEAR? Those also allow Helicopters. People take helicopters and jets to winter resorts/beach locations all the time (well, extremely rich people that is) - if the Dragonfly is not more unusual than other private air vehicles, why can't we take it on those missions?
Hmmm... It's not like I haven't though about it. Still, I don't want to mix these "sub-settings" too much - a Dragonfly may be okay on the roof of a multinational corporation, but I don't want it everywhere. I aim to maintain low profile when it comes to sci-fi elements, and the Dragonfly being allowed on downtown missions is a bit of an exception.
Sure, you can argue it's inconsistent, and I can't say you're wrong. But I prefer to trat the Dragonfly as a novelty which is only semi-official (not secret, but not widely available yet).
Solarius please, i wouldn't have bothered to report if i fell down the elevator shaft - though that would be extremely frustrating and i'm still miffed about not being allowed to bring jump suits on those missions. Man that would be epic. Picture True Lies combined with The Terminator.
The tile in question is north-west of the actual shaft - which is inacessible on that level, see screenshots. The only reason i even noticed was because that security captain suddenly dropped from the ceiling and started shooting at my agents. (Unfortunately for him he brought a gun to a knife fight and was promptly stabbed to death.)
Again you are correct, there was a hole in the floor, obscured by the wall.
I'm such a doofus sometimes.
Also please don't block the elevator shaft.
See, the problem is with how the AI operates, and the fact that the building is transparent. As soon as the enemy unit spots you outside, it tries to engage you and in most circumstances this means shortening the distance first. So the AI looks for the shortest route to get down to you, and this shortest route is obviously jumping down the elevator shaft. Which leads to the ground level (the cellar). In effect, after a few turns the AI units gather below the lobby and you can engaged them there, without seeing much of the building.
There are two possible solutions:
1) Block the shaft, so they can't jump down and need to use the stairs.
2) Make the external wall non-transparent.
Each solution has its own advantages and issues. I am leaning towards one of them, but I would like to hear your thoughts first.
If I'm not mistaken the Syndicate operates also Dragonflies, thus I assumed that if one uses one of them, their security team could potentially mistaken them by one of theirs. Like SW:ROTJ and their Lambda Shuttle.
Potentially yes, but the game doesn't go that deeply into storytelling. You can assume so if you want.
I'm even thinking, if Solarius agrees, when the Mi-25 craft map is done, that a similar approach can be used on the Red Dawn HQ mission (or some other mission). Talk about massacres. :P
Well there are no restrictions on that mission anyway. :)
See, the problem is with how the AI operates, and the fact that the building is transparent. As soon as the enemy unit spots you outside, it tries to engage you and in most circumstances this means shortening the distance first. So the AI looks for the shortest route to get down to you, and this shortest route is obviously jumping down the elevator shaft. Which leads to the ground level (the cellar). In effect, after a few turns the AI units gather below the lobby and you can engaged them there, without seeing much of the building.
There are two possible solutions:
1) Block the shaft, so they can't jump down and need to use the stairs.
2) Make the external wall non-transparent.
Each solution has its own advantages and issues. I am leaning towards one of them, but I would like to hear your thoughts first.
Thing is i personally never encountered this in any of my playthroughs - the AI was never interested in the elevator shaft. What they were interested in though was jumping out of the broken windows of a highrise building. Making the external walls non-transparent would probably make more 'sense' (as in, windows of real life office buildings are often mirrored for thermal/privacy reasons), but in my experience things go south as soon as you start using explosives and break windows on multiple levels. Once that happens my agents on the ground also tend to get shot at from the upper floors without being able to reaction fire, probably because of the distance.
I'm hesitant to recommend either solution, since i tend to enter the building pretty quickly (or at least quickly enough to still encounter enemies on the upper floors). Maybe wait for feedback from players who've actually run into this? The solution might also depend on the mission type (raid/disc, CEO arrest).
So the AI looks for the shortest route to get down to you, and this shortest route is obviously jumping down the elevator shaft.
What I found in my previous campaign is the AI units panicking, shooting at random, and eventually breaking the glass windows. Then they were jumping from the nth floor on to the street and engaging my team from behind. I had to leave behind a small guard to deal with them, while my main team was clearing the rooms floor by floor.
I knew about that locked room. By the second mission, I had some soldiers with pick axles opening these walls. In some cases there were enemy soldiers trapped inside. I imagined in previous missions, they just surrendered while still locked in.
Potentially yes, but the game doesn't go that deeply into storytelling. You can assume so if you want.
I want to believe. :) Plus seriously, that is the reason I thought one of the cover Syndicate mission allowed the DragonFly, just because it's one of their crafts. Now I see this was a coincidence.
Well there are no restrictions on that mission anyway. :)
I don't know if you have enabled craft missions to the Cults specifically (subs not counting), and if you have specific crafts in mind for each of these cults.
I have a one "bad taste" found in mod. Missions like "Syndicate Warehouse" are... Empty. All loot we can get is what guards and scientists were carrying, like they were guarding nothing, or like X-Com just ignores stuff inside.
Also their ships give nothing.
I have a one "bad taste" found in mod. Missions like "Syndicate Warehouse" are... Empty. All loot we can get is what guards and scientists were carrying, like they were guarding nothing, or like X-Com just ignores stuff inside.
Also their ships give nothing.
Yeah, I get your point. I'll think about it.
Can you check the minotaur floorob/bigob sprites? The floorob-entry points to the bigob.png instead of the floorob one.
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen009vfku7.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen009vfku7.png)
Hmm, I thought I fixed it long ago. Thanks.
As far as i can tell it was fixed. Maybe you used an earlier version while adding new sprites?
There is a mission in which the X-com finds the refuge of a scientist and must be protected from M.I.B. For some reason, instead of M.I.B., I had Black Lotus with laser weapons. ???
Another question: can something be done with dishonest mind control from aliens when they use them through walls. Today I lost my base when the sectoids seized half of my soldiers on the first move.
Have you selected this mod "UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire" ?
I did not use this mod. Is it compatible with X-com files?
I did not use this mod. Is it compatible with X-com files?
It won't crash... but it's not really compatible.
It only requires LOS on 3 specific psi weapons... XcomFiles has many more than that.
Checked on the enemies does not affect. Is it possible to somehow adapt this mod under the X-com files?
You can add more psi weapons in that list.
And what file is responsible for the psi weapon of enemies, I can not understand.
hitSound: 36
battleType: 9
tuUse: 25
flatRate: true
recover: false
LOSRequired: true
Tried to do so, but nothing has changed.
I think I understand the reason. There is a psiVision parameter. It reaches 40 for some enemies. Most likely this allows them to take control through walls. I propose to revise psiVision, significantly reducing it.
As far as i can tell it was fixed. Maybe you used an earlier version while adding new sprites?
Maybe... But indeed it was still botched in my version. :o
There is a mission in which the X-com finds the refuge of a scientist and must be protected from M.I.B. For some reason, instead of M.I.B., I had Black Lotus with laser weapons. ???
Hmmm, never had any issues with this... The mission always spawned correctly. But I remember a similar problem with another mission (Hybrid Controllers) and I couldn't find anything wrong with its code either. Maybe there's something shady going on in the code I'm not aware of.
I can't see anything wrong with scientist's house, either:
despawnEvenIfTargeted: false
objective: 3
spawnZone: 0
STR_MIB: 100 <---- MiBs
Another question: can something be done with dishonest mind control from aliens when they use them through walls. Today I lost my base when the sectoids seized half of my soldiers on the first move.
Who on Earth told you that alien invasions are fair?! :o
Anyway, such a change would be call a "cheat". Please don't try to sell this as some sort of "fight for fairness". ;)
Who on Earthtold you that alien invasions are fair?! :o
Anyway, such a change would be call a "cheat". Please don't try to sell this as some sort of "fight for fairness". ;)
I do not think this is a cheat, but rather an unfounded advantage to the aliens. However, it is easy to change, this is not a problem. I am interested in another question, is it possible to make some X-com ships invulnerable to interception, for example, ordinary cars. Just a little weird that some kind of van might be the target of an alien battleship attack. :P
fixed the quote - Solarius
I do not think this is a cheat, but rather an unfounded advantage to the aliens. However, it is easy to change, this is not a problem. I am interested in another question, is it possible to make some X-com ships invulnerable to interception, for example, ordinary cars. Just a little weird that some kind of van might be the target of an alien battleship attack. :P
The UFO isn't attacking the Van - it's most likely attacking the plane that carries your agent to the target airport. Then again, why shouldn't it attack a van?
I do not think this is a cheat, but rather an unfounded advantage to the aliens.
Well I do, so that's the end of it.
I don't even understand why you'd think it's "unfair", cosidering you can do the same damn thing.
However, it is easy to change, this is not a problem.
Sure, cheating is easy. :P
I am interested in another question, is it possible to make some X-com ships invulnerable to interception, for example, ordinary cars. Just a little weird that some kind of van might be the target of an alien battleship attack. :P
I'd also like such a feature (for a variety of reasons), but no, it's not possible.
For now, Krautbernd's justification seems good enough.
I think since the last update (openxcom_xfiles_0.9.8h1) some names and flags of new hires don't match. See attached sample.
Absolutely nothing has changed here for a long time.
Either I missed some OXCE change, or you have a mod conflict/bad installation.
Absolutely nothing has changed here for a long time.
Either I missed some OXCE change, or you have a mod conflict/bad installation.
Hi Solarius,
No mod conflict or bad installation as far as I can tell. For a test, I re-installed the mod on an empty folder, and on a fresh game, got the same problem with the first two agents.
Also some missing strings:
Hi Solarius,
No mod conflict or bad installation as far as I can tell. For a test, I re-installed the mod on an empty folder, and on a fresh game, got the same problem with the first two agents.
Also some missing strings:
1/ nationalities/flags is an OXCE bug... will be fixed soon
2/ missing strings in an XCF bug
Thanks, Meridian!
I got an after-battlescape crash very often
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x8861e0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x889870 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x401750 signalLogger(int)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x77035020 RtlKnownExceptionFilter
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x76ff97cf RtlInitializeExceptionChain
I got an after-battlescape crash very often
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x8861e0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x889870 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x401750 signalLogger(int)
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x77035020 RtlKnownExceptionFilter
[14-12-2018_10-41-01] [FATAL] 0x76ff97cf RtlInitializeExceptionChain
Attach at least the whole log please.
And a save, if possible.
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_GREEN_ARMOR: "Armored Spider Combat Analysis"
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_PURPLE_ARMOR: "Death Spider Combat Analysis"
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_ALLOY_ARMOR: "Stealth Spider Combat Analysis"
Is this intended? I was quite fond of how the colors kind of intuitively matched the spiders. Especially with the armored spider using the alloy spider sprite.
Nevermind, i must have misremembered this. Somehow i associated green=death, purple=stealth and alloy=armored. Still weird that the armored spider doesn't use the alloy sprite though :P
Would it be better if the BOps Smart Pistol list order was 20330, so it fits better in the purchase screen ?
#listOrder: 20360
listOrder: 20330
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_GREEN_ARMOR: "Armored Spider Combat Analysis"
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_PURPLE_ARMOR: "Death Spider Combat Analysis"
STR_GIANT_SPIDER_ALLOY_ARMOR: "Stealth Spider Combat Analysis"
Is this intended? I was quite fond of how the colors kind of intuitively matched the spiders. Especially with the armored spider using the alloy spider sprite.
Nevermind, i must have misremembered this. Somehow i associated green=death, purple=stealth and alloy=armored. Still weird that the armored spider doesn't use the alloy sprite though :P
They were always named like that. Internal strings are different for my own sanity. ;)
Would it be better if the BOps Smart Pistol list order was 20330, so it fits better in the purchase screen ?
#listOrder: 20360
listOrder: 20330
You're right, it's misplaced, but why 20330? It's already take by the standard pistol. I'll give it 20335.
You're right, it's misplaced, but why 20330? It's already take by the standard pistol. I'll give it 20335.
The 20330 number was chosen just to see if it gets on the same spot as the Standard BO Pistol. I assumed that the game will sort two items with the same list order by the order they appear on the .rul file. But, thanks, whatever works to placate my OCD :)
On the same note, I bring to your attention:
#listOrder: 22654
listOrder: 22655
#listOrder: 22654
listOrder: 22655
I'm not sure of which one is the correct one (I suspect the first one), but the CAWS second page entry shows before the main page.
On the same note, I bring to your attention:
#listOrder: 22654
listOrder: 22655
#listOrder: 22654
listOrder: 22655
I'm not sure of which one is the correct one (I suspect the first one), but the CAWS second page entry shows before the main page.
Yeah, it's bit wonky. But now we have an option to make multi-pages, so it's probably no longer relevant. I just ned to learn how to do this.
EDIT: No, we can't. I'll just fix the numbers then.
Do you have a save? I honestly can't say much from the minimap.
I got the same error (last enemy unit in the corner). See the save.
EDIT: A better save.
Hmm, very interesting. There are no spawns there, and considering it's the {0, 0, 0} tile, it looks like a lost unit which failed to spawn somewhere and was reset to basic coordinates. I have never seen anything like this before and I have no idea how to approach this...
I have never seen anything like this before and I have no idea how to approach this...
Adding a few more spawn points in case it's the game trying to spawn unit with all places being occupied/obstrcuted? A check that retries to spawn the unit next turn? Certainly some debug message for this would be useful, but I guess it's in general more of a base project issue than the mod one. Maybe the save should be forwarded to one of the guys managing that?
Cybermite mines and caves in general have areas that can be blocked by enemies with your agents unable to see or attack them (mostly 1x1 spaces/alcoves, but also narrow tunnels). Is this intended?
Adding a few more spawn points in case it's the game trying to spawn unit with all places being occupied/obstrcuted? A check that retries to spawn the unit next turn? Certainly some debug message for this would be useful, but I guess it's in general more of a base project issue than the mod one. Maybe the save should be forwarded to one of the guys managing that?
The game wouldn't do that, if it runs out of spawn points, it spawns next to previous spawns.
But of course, any help is welcome.
Cybermite mines and caves in general have areas that can be blocked by enemies with your agents unable to see or attack them (mostly 1x1 spaces/alcoves, but also narrow tunnels). Is this intended?
Well... initially yes, but I don't really like it much after all and gradually remove such passages.
Dioxine loves them though, and puts it on all maps he makes. :P
Dioxine loves them though, and puts it on all maps he makes. :P
Also, might i request adding back the Hilariously Explosive™ rocket stacks to the Syndicate and Black Lotus base assaults? They always bring a smile to my face when i encounter them on outposts.
Also, might i request adding back the Hilariously Explosive™ rocket stacks to the Syndicate and Black Lotus base assaults? They always bring a smile to my face when i encounter them on outposts.
I can't remember removing anything... But I'll have a look. :)
Might be one of those cases of selective false memory on my side, but i could have sworn shooting the rocket stacks on base assaults used to totally wreck the room and anyone in it. Now they just go 'poof', which resulted in my agents getting poofed by the surviving rocket launcher wielding supersoldier.
Might be one of those cases of selective false memory on my side, but i could have sworn shooting the rocket stacks on base assaults used to totally wreck the room and anyone in it. Now they just go 'poof', which resulted in my agents getting poofed by the surviving rocket launcher wielding supersoldier.
Yes, you're right. Must've been overwritten with some update. Now fixed! (for now, get it from GitHub)
Yes, you're right. Must've been overwritten with some update. Now fixed! (for now, get it from GitHub)
...kind of bugs me that no one else noticed or reported this. Am i the only who enjoys watching the enemy blow themselves up? Is there something wrong with how i tackle those assaults? ???
...kind of bugs me that no one else noticed or reported this. Am i the only who enjoys watching the enemy blow themselves up? Is there something wrong with how i tackle those assaults? ???
No, I am sure it's normal. :) But these are two missions which only happen once, so I guess people don't notice.
I'll check all this, but WTF are "server levels"? I can't remember making IT farms. Is it about Cyberweb?
EDIT: After some analysis, I don't understand what you mean by "reptoid ship ambush" - which mission is it?
Another odd mission. I downed a mix-race terror ship.
I never saw Arthropods armed with Heavy Plasma, Reapers, Chtonites, etc. A odd combination.
Smart Magnums do not require a workshop to be built when they probably should.
Smart Magnums do not require a workshop to be built when they probably should.
Thanks, fixed.
I moved the Shogg discussion to a separate thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7116.0.html).
You may or may not consider this a bug, but it's entirely possible to research Into the Dark and stop all cave missions before cave mission even become available from researching Hidden Caves. I got a Mysterious Skull and a Broken Shogg Lantern from a Zombie Hive mission before encountering any Shamblers and this was in Oct 1998. Maybe add Hidden Caves into the Into the Dark Prerequisite? Or remove Into the Dark Prerequisite loot from Zombie Hives? Or maybe add a high Execution Rate mission with a late starting month that spawns only shamblers and stops after a live shambler is researched.
Just noticed that Medipack is actually adding morale on heal, not retracting it.
The medpacks that aren't self-applied regen 5 morale for the person doing the healing, as intended I believe
You may or may not consider this a bug, but it's entirely possible to research Into the Dark and stop all cave missions before cave mission even become available from researching Hidden Caves. I got a Mysterious Skull and a Broken Shogg Lantern from a Zombie Hive mission before encountering any Shamblers and this was in Oct 1998. Maybe add Hidden Caves into the Into the Dark Prerequisite? Or remove Into the Dark Prerequisite loot from Zombie Hives? Or maybe add a high Execution Rate mission with a late starting month that spawns only shamblers and stops after a live shambler is researched.
An excellent point, I'll do that.
The medpacks that aren't self-applied regen 5 morale for the person doing the healing, as intended I believe
Yes, of course.
The back half of one of the cruise ship's elevators is somewhat...open...to the elements. Is this intended?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen012t4jq2.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen012t4jq2.png)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen013bfjbv.png) (http://abload.de/image.php?img=screen013bfjbv.png)
The back half of one of the cruise ship's elevators is somewhat...open...to the elements. Is this intended?
You're right! Vanilla TFTD terrain, lol.
Thanks, also fixed.
I completely forgot about this until I saw an off-hand mention of prison space on another thread, but... is it intentional that your prisons never get filled? I captured a whole bunch of enemies on my previous playthrough, dozens and dozens, and never got any prisoner management screen or anything like that. When I checked the prison it showed I had negative space, but I never had to do anything about it.
I think at the time I assumed it must be intentional because of how the interrogating live prisoners thing is bloated by all the dossiers, but I figured it was worth checking.
I completely forgot about this until I saw an off-hand mention of prison space on another thread, but... is it intentional that your prisons never get filled? I captured a whole bunch of enemies on my previous playthrough, dozens and dozens, and never got any prisoner management screen or anything like that. When I checked the prison it showed I had negative space, but I never had to do anything about it.
I think at the time I assumed it must be intentional because of how the interrogating live prisoners thing is bloated by all the dossiers, but I figured it was worth checking.
Enforcement of storage limits is disabled by default (for this mod that is, you can enable it in the options). I don't know why, honestly. I always felt that dealing with limited storage space is one of the things that made the mod interesting, especially if you have to choose and manage your interrogation priorities.
Enforcement of storage limits is disabled by default (for this mod that is, you can enable it in the options). I don't know why, honestly. I always felt that dealing with limited storage space is one of the things that made the mod interesting, especially if you have to choose and manage your interrogation priorities.
Thank you, good to know.
For my part, I'll keep it disabled. For one thing, a lot of space is already being taken up by the extra hangers this mod requires, which limits space for extra storage. Combined with both the larger amounts of fluff research (which seems to be sprinkled in with rarely-found valuable research? I'm sure I got a couple of missions from dossiers on particular people, so you can't just ignore it) and the apparent possibility of losing the chance to capture certain enemies after doing things like putting an end to the various cults, it seems like prisoner management would soon become aggravating.
I've enabled these limits a couple weeks ago. Will be included in 0.9.9.
Flying tanks can move up into the second level stair rooms (those with four stairs on all sides), but they can't move down/exit the room again. Is this intended?
Flying tanks can move up into the second level stair rooms (those with four stairs on all sides), but they can't move down/exit the room again. Is this intended?
Ever got stuck with your head between wooden bars (e.g. staircase, crib, ...) as a kid? :)
Some movements are one way only :D
I've enabled these limits a couple weeks ago. Will be included in 0.9.9.
I hope you upped the storage limits, 10 prisoners seems low when you can house 50 agents in the same space, especially considering how much research there is from captures.
I hope you upped the storage limits, 10 prisoners seems low when you can house 50 agents in the same space, especially considering how much research there is from captures.
I don't quite see how tank movement and map design factors into that.
Woops, I meant to quote Solarius on the capture limits. Fixed.
I never had big issues with storage spacev(as opposed to my Piratez campaign), and I haven't heard any complaints from people who already play with the limits. But if they turn out to be too restrictive, I will review them.
I hope you upped the storage limits, 10 prisoners seems low when you can house 50 agents in the same space, especially considering how much research there is from captures.
Well, when you consider Shift Sleeping and hot bunking, with no change in environment conditions - you can house 30 people in 10 beds. So its not *totally* out of the question - especially if you're a cheap tight builder :)
Now, Prisoners don't get to sleep in Shifts... And isolating individuals does take space unless you're basically cryo-tubing them.
It seems that with the update again there was a limitation of the attack distance for interceptors of 8 km. :(
It's probably not intended to work well in the Quick Battle mode, but the ADVENT embassy and the Doom portal one don't work. Moreover, the Imps have missing Ufopaedia entries.
It seems that with the update again there was a limitation of the attack distance for interceptors of 8 km. :(
I haven't changed anything related to this, I think...
Can you elaborate?
It's probably not intended to work well in the Quick Battle mode, but the ADVENT embassy and the Doom portal one don't work.
That's probably missing ranks, I wouldn't worry about it.
Moreover, the Imps have missing Ufopaedia entries.
Oops... Indeed, this isn't even a bug, I never wrote it!
The 8 km range limitation occurs when intercepted in aggressive mode. This also applies to UFOs. With a range of less than 8 km, they cannot attack the X-COM ship and the battle lasts forever. Most likely this is an OXSE problem, Meridian corrected this problem last time. I do not understand why she reappeared. :(
The 8 km range limitation occurs when intercepted in aggressive mode. This also applies to UFOs. With a range of less than 8 km, they cannot attack the X-COM ship and the battle lasts forever. Most likely this is an OXSE problem, Meridian corrected this problem last time. I do not understand why she reappeared. :(
The fix is still there, and it works fine for me.
No Meridian, there is a problem. Set the UFO attack distance to less than 8 and set the killer hunter mode. UFO is approaching only 8 km. Specially checked.
No Meridian, there is a problem. Set the UFO attack distance to less than 8 and set the killer hunter mode. UFO is approaching only 8 km. Specially checked.
This has never worked.
Distance (cautious, normal and aggressive) depends on xcom weapons, not on alien weapons.
Video with an example
Video with an example
Why are you showing me a video where it doesn't work?
I know it doesn't work.
I told you it has never worked.
If you think it has worked before and now it doesn't work, I need a video where it was still working.
(then I can explain to you what is the difference)
Attached there is an explanation what happens in all cases I can think of.
Maybe I was wrong. Or forgot. Excuse me. It is a pity that such a strange restriction exists. Maybe in the future will be fixed.
Maybe I was wrong. Or forgot. Excuse me. It is a pity that such a strange restriction exists. Maybe in the future will be fixed.
Sure, we can change it.
I just need to know how exactly.
Attached is a new proposal (3rd table)... is this OK? Or does it need more changes?
A minimum distance of 1 km is enough. :)
STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PREQ in en-US.yml is mistyped as STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PRERQ and the game crashes when researching Alien Neural Network because it can't find the image.
Being able to send expeditions is a nice touch, taken/plundered from Piratez, although expensive. However, I'm not sure if it's implemented yet, but the Ufopaedia's entry of Expeditions to Shogg and Dimension X are incomplete. Moreover, you can send expeditions to Shogg in the debug mode, but it doesn't do anything. Is that a bug?
Hello All,
Just a quick question!
Since version 0.99 there is a new folder: ".git" !
Big folder !
What is it, please ?
Hello All,
Just a quick question!
Since version 0.99 there is a new folder: ".git" !
Big folder !
What is it, please ?
It's something you can ignore and delete, it doesn't belong there.
It's something you can ignore and delete, it doesn't belong there.
Thank you very much ! :)
Great mod.
I found a Spikedboar trapped in a corner in a very weird labyrinthine farm map.
It doesn't look like a normal settlement to me.
Solarius, did you remove Bedouines from American deserts? Looks like you've missed Argentina — I saw a Bedouine Warrior there. See "bedouine-argentina.sav".
Update: This particular Hunter has no inventory picture, see "Invisible Hunter.sav".
STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PREQ in en-US.yml is mistyped as STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PRERQ and the game crashes when researching Alien Neural Network because it can't find the image.
Thanks, fixed.
Being able to send expeditions is a nice touch, taken/plundered from Piratez, although expensive.
I can't recall anything like that in Piratez (batting cave hunts), but glad it works.
However, I'm not sure if it's implemented yet, but the Ufopaedia's entry of Expeditions to Shogg and Dimension X are incomplete. Moreover, you can send expeditions to Shogg in the debug mode, but it doesn't do anything. Is that a bug?
Of course they're incomplete. Whether it is a bug, depends how you managed to even learn of their existence.
Great mod.
I found a Spikedboar trapped in a corner in a very weird labyrinthine farm map.
It doesn't look like a normal settlement to me.
Yeah, it can happen. But as long as it's not a big unit in a room with only small doors, it doesn't qualify as a bug, merely an unusual occurrence.
And thanks for the praise :)
Solarius, did you remove Bedouines from American deserts? Looks like you've missed Argentina — I saw a Bedouine Warrior there. See "bedouine-argentina.sav".
I'm bad with global coordinates. I'll check in a moment and see what's wrong.
Update: This particular Hunter has no inventory picture, see "Invisible Hunter.sav".
No female hunter ever had a paperdoll. They haven't been made yet.
Looks like an engine bug — can't transfer prisoners when general stores are full. When I try to transfer prisoners to a base with overfilled stores, I get a message that there's no room, even though the cells were almost empty — only 2 prisoners. But after I sold some amount of corpses, I suddenly was able to transfer prisoners. (I used an extra mod that disables "Storage limit for recovered items".)
Looks like an engine bug — can't transfer prisoners when general stores are full.
Broken on 21.02.2019
Fixed on 12.03.2019
Broken on 21.02.2019
Fixed on 12.03.2019
Could you update the archive at https://openxcom.mod.io/openxcom-extended then?
Could you update the archive at https://openxcom.mod.io/openxcom-extended then?
The archive is always up to date, it points to a forum post.
The archive is always up to date, it points to a forum post.
From the date I concluded there were no relevant changes in 244 days.
From the date I concluded there were no relevant changes in 244 days.
Well, if you haven't seen any update on this forum in the last 244 days, there's nothing I can do.
I looked through the US-en.yml for typo and created a small document with the typos I found.
Thanks a lot! Very useful.
I'm getting a crash in 0.99a.
Item STR_SPAWN_DOOM_IMP not found.
This is during a Lair of Apocalypse mission. Save & screenshot attached.
STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PREQ in en-US.yml is mistyped as STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION_DETAILS_PRERQ and the game crashes when researching Alien Neural Network because it can't find the image.
Thanks, fixed.
Is this fixed in the current version, or the next release? I want to upgrade, but also trying to avoid game crashing bugs. :)
Both of these bugs were fixed, and a bugfix release will come out soon. But if you don't want to wait, you can get it now from GitHub:
Hit "Clown or Download", get the zip, replace the mod folder. But you'll need to update to the newest OXCE too.
Thanks, I was able to
cross the doom portal
. Freaking hilarious.
1. All researched projects are marked as NOT new (white). Right clicking on them doesn't return them to new (purple or red can't remember).
The tech tree is fine.
This worked on 0.9.9.
2. Some tiles have 0 TU cost. TFTD port map. The tile has a black oil slick in the center. I think that it is also the tile of blown up floor on this tileset. I have a rough memory that this issue was present in original TFTD.
1. All researched projects are marked as NOT new (white). Right clicking on them doesn't return them to new (purple or red can't remember).
The tech tree is fine.
This worked on 0.9.9.
It's an option in OXCE now. I honestly don't know why, but you can toggle it.
quote author=tarkalak link=topic=5047.msg113371#msg113371 date=1558685428]2. Some tiles have 0 TU cost. TFTD port map. The tile has a black oil slick in the center. I think that it is also the tile of blown up floor on this tileset. I have a rough memory that this issue was present in original TFTD.
Hmm, I checked it many times with Meridian's excellent tool. No idea how this happened, but I will check.
The guy on the right seat (I assume passenger's seat) could get out of the bushes with some effort in a diagonal, but the driver was completely stuck in place, inmobile. Strange Life Signs, first mission in a new campaign.
The Driver License is not destroyed after research. This allows researching it until all combat analyses are complete from the same object.
The missions with ~50 spiders/ scorpions/ Tier 1 zombies and the like are a bit tedious. You either can't clear the landing zone and leave or have to do a 30 min boring mission. Maybe a smaller map with fewer enemies will be better for these.
I don’t know why, but on the mission of David Vincent’s cover, I have cultists, not M.I.B. And yet, despite the description, agents can be evacuated from the mission.
Ошибка в клинике гибридов.
May or may not be an error, but the Janissary has takes 0% WARP damage and 100% E-115 damage, are they inverted?
Also, on the mission pop-up for the Osiron Hidden Warehouse Assault, Warehouse is written incorrectly as Warehause.
Should Dog Barking apply stun damage? Because I accidentally made a farmer pass out from all the woofing.
I seem to be unable to move facilities in base using Ctrl-click (200k cost).
This one is a veeeery minor case of "bad taste": On a new game, the starting PUBLIC CAR comes pre-equipped with three glocks, out of the starting four (it was four, right?) total.
Is it a common thing to have a backup loaded glock in the belt?
The guy on the right seat (I assume passenger's seat) could get out of the bushes with some effort in a diagonal, but the driver was completely stuck in place, inmobile. Strange Life Signs, first mission in a new campaign.
That's perfectly normal and intended. :)
The Driver License is not destroyed after research. This allows researching it until all combat analyses are complete from the same object.
Good point. Fixed.
The missions with ~50 spiders/ scorpions/ Tier 1 zombies and the like are a bit tedious. You either can't clear the landing zone and leave or have to do a 30 min boring mission. Maybe a smaller map with fewer enemies will be better for these.
You make it sound like this was the default setting, and smaller missions didn't exist... Whereas in reality such big missions are maybe 5-10% of all alien life form encounters, and the rest is way smaller. So it's not a very fair complaint. :P
I don’t know why, but on the mission of David Vincent’s cover, I have cultists, not M.I.B. And yet, despite the description, agents can be evacuated from the mission.
Okay, this is seriously weird. Which cultists?
Has anyone else had this effect? I can't see anything wrong with the code.
Ошибка в клинике гибридов.
OK, I will notify Finnik. But first, can you confirm what happened? Did you destroy a tile?
May or may not be an error, but the Janissary has takes 0% WARP damage and 100% E-115 damage, are they inverted?
Not exactly inverted, but indeed one resistance was missing, misplacing some values. Thanks.
Also, on the mission pop-up for the Osiron Hidden Warehouse Assault, Warehouse is written incorrectly as Warehause.
Thanks, fixed already.
Should Dog Barking apply stun damage? Because I accidentally made a farmer pass out from all the woofing.
It's a weak effect, but it's there.
I seem to be unable to move facilities in base using Ctrl-click (200k cost).
Thankfully, this cheat was removed by Meridian. It was never meant to be anything else.
This one is a veeeery minor case of "bad taste": On a new game, the starting PUBLIC CAR comes pre-equipped with three glocks, out of the starting four (it was four, right?) total.
Is it a common thing to have a backup loaded glock in the belt?
Maybe not common, but certainly justified. Many players do that, it's OK.
You make it sound like this was the default setting, and smaller missions didn't exist... Whereas in reality such big missions are maybe 5-10% of all alien life form encounters, and the rest is way smaller. So it's not a very fair complaint. :P
Didn't meant to say that is the default. But I get 2-3 a month and they are a chore, especially if they show up one after another. This is the only thing that annoys me after a month of playing. That is a record on my account. :)
I greatly enjoy your mod. Looking it as if it is a TV show is very thematic. I named my two starting agents Mulder and Scully and Mulder has become a beast. The Scully role had to go through several "actresses" though. ;)
About the "Crop Circles" / "Cattle Mutilation" missions. Shouldn't these be covert ops, like the "League Apprehension". Even with the *redacted* and *redacted* surprises it feels a bit excessive to send a military transport with soldiers in full combat gear just to arrest 4 civilians.
Didn't meant to say that is the default. But I get 2-3 a month and they are a chore, especially if they show up one after another. This is the only thing that annoys me after a month of playing. That is a record on my account. :)
I greatly enjoy your mod. Looking it as if it is a TV show is very thematic. I named my two starting agents Mulder and Scully and Mulder has become a beast. The Scully role had to go through several "actresses" though. ;)
Glad you're having fun. :D
About the "Crop Circles" / "Cattle Mutilation" missions. Shouldn't these be covert ops, like the "League Apprehension". Even with the *redacted* and *redacted* surprises it feels a bit excessive to send a military transport with soldiers in full combat gear just to arrest 4 civilians.
It makes sense... But it's also kind of evil. :P
EDIT: Found and killed the crash on the Hybrid Clinic.
The guy on the right seat (I assume passenger's seat) could get out of the bushes with some effort in a diagonal, but the driver was completely stuck in place, inmobile.
Is it possible to add extra squares of the exit grid without increasing passenger capacity? It would make such situations less likely. (I thought I suggested this a week ago, but I can't find my post. If you answered this earlier, ignore it.)
The text for unarmoured rat Ufopaedia entry does not fit the screen, the last line "unassuming enough to be easily overlooked." is below the screen edge.
Dude, it's behind your task bar. Use a fullscreen mode or something.
The giant spiders do not yield Energetic Blood Plasma like the rest of the creatures. I am not sure if this is by design or a bug.
The Tank/Rocket Launcher Repair manufacture is titled Tank/Tritanium Rocket Launcher Repair.
On the Beach mission:
1. How am I supposed to get Surfboards?
I can't buy them, and I didn't see any on the mission itself.
2. Is the Crossbow supposed to be Beach capable?
0.9.9.b made the unread/new entries and researches entries' text colours the same as the read/repetead ones. I see that 0.9.9's changelog listes "Fixed alt text colour", but 0.9.9.b's says nothing about it, and they were different in 0.9.9.a.
0.9.9.b made the unread/new entries and researches entries' text colours the same as the read/repetead ones. I see that 0.9.9's changelog listes "Fixed alt text colour", but 0.9.9.b's says nothing about it, and they were different in 0.9.9.a.
There is an option to turn it on.
Dude, it's behind your task bar. Use a fullscreen mode or something.
No it is not, and full screen doesn't help. I understand the non-standard window size can cause problems. So, here are screenshots for standard VGA resolutions 320x200 and 320x240.
Correction: at large resolutions the line is not visible if "Geoscape scale" or "Battlescape scale" are set to "Original", regardless of screen proportions. For "1.5 Original", "2x Original" and "Full Display" the last line is visible. For "1/2 Display" it's visible on a wide screen, for 1/6 it isn't.
The giant spiders do not yield Energetic Blood Plasma like the rest of the creatures. I am not sure if this is by design or a bug.
By design, they are not like most others.
The Tank/Rocket Launcher Repair manufacture is titled Tank/Tritanium Rocket Launcher Repair.
Whoa, indeed. Sorry.
On the Beach mission:
1. How am I supposed to get Surfboards?
I can't buy them, and I didn't see any on the mission itself.
There's a few laying around the starting house.
2. Is the Crossbow supposed to be Beach capable?
Yes! It's for... fishing!
No it is not, and full screen doesn't help. I understand the non-standard window size can cause problems. So, here are screenshots for standard VGA resolutions 320x200 and 320x240.
Correction: at large resolutions the line is not visible if "Geoscape scale" or "Battlescape scale" are set to "Original", regardless of screen proportions. For "1.5 Original", "2x Original" and "Full Display" the last line is visible. For "1/2 Display" it's visible on a wide screen, for 1/6 it isn't.
Well, what can I say:
Apparently our settings are different or something. I honestly don't know anything about that. But it's not like the text is objectively too long.
Could someone more knowledgeable explain this, please?
Apparently our settings are different or something. I honestly don't know anything about that.
I wrote above: you've set "Geoscape scale" and "Battlescape scale" to something like "2x Original" or "1/2 Display". I always use "Geoscape scale = Original", thus I didn't see the last line in the research report. Which scale factors would work, probably depends on the window size (of full screen resolution).
I suppose, if you use a non-black background image, the last line would be displayed below this image.
_txtInfo = new Text(300, 56, 8, 150);
The textbox is 56 pixels high and placed with y-offset of 150.
Game resolution has 200 vertical pixels.
This leaves 50 pixels between 150 and 200, which means 6 full lines (48 pixels) and only 2 pixels from the 7th line.
That means the game currently supports only 6 lines of text.
The fact that the textbox is bigger is probably a bug, and the fact that on some scaling settings the 7th line is visible is a complete coincidence.
Summary: limit your text to 6 lines.
All right, got it. Thank you for the help!
Does executing unconscious enemies still work? In the attached savegame Vendela Bakken holds a zombie and a knife, but the option to finish the zombie doesn't appear.
Executions have been removed a number of versions back.
Executions have been removed a number of versions back.
That's sad. Why?
That's sad. Why?
... players mostly used it as a cheat.
Cheat? How?
Thanks for the commit link.
Cheat? How?
Thanks for the commit link.
Read the last post in the linked thread.
Read the last post in the linked thread.
Ah, didn't notice there was the 4th page. Thanks.
So, the proper way to reimplement it would be doing the damage of the appropriate kind (melee, gun or whatever's in the other hand), but with a huge multiplier. So that a single knife strike or shot would kill a human, but a swarm of swarmids would require a dozen strikes. Would that be fair? Is that doable?
And there's still an option of shooting at the ground tile where the body is (but misses are frequent). How is the damage calculated? As a unit or an object? Are resistances accounted for?
2. Is the Crossbow supposed to be Beach capable?
Yes! It's for... fishing!
I did some googling and crossbows doesn't seem to work well underwater. The arms of the bow loose most of their strength due to drag.
Of course it is fair to say that the *redacted* goons aren't smart enough to figure that.
Wouldn't a speargun be more thematic?
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speargun (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speargun)
A speargun is either pneumatic or uses a rubber band. It is less powerful than a crossbow, but more effective underwater.
I think that the big TFTD mod here has one as a starting weapon.
Version 0.99c !
It seems that the following lines are missing....
They are indicated in the mission generator.
A speargun is sort of planned.
The crossbow's aquatic future is uncertain as of now.
Version 0.99c !
It seems that the following lines are missing....
They are indicated in the mission generator.
Just play the damn game instead of scouring the ruleset for unused items.
Just play the damn game instead of scouring the ruleset for unused items.
I'm not scouring anything, I'm just bringing back something strange!
We drink cold and breathe!
Thank you for your kind remark!
I'm not scouring anything, I'm just bringing back something strange!
This is not strange at all.
Mission generator is a pure debug tool, not meant for players and can contain tons of these things.
Yeah, sorry but this really felt unfair. If I wanted I could write STR_MAKE_AMERICA_GREAT_AGAIN all over the files, in a way that doesn't come up in the game... And you'd still report it as a bug?
In modern games, there are often unused bits, for example the new X-Com has 4 unused maps (or so I heard). Would you file a report that one of these maps are bugged? That doesn't make sense, does it?
As for why these strings are there at all, it's a part of a planned feature which I will develop at some point. Probably.
I am grateful for all the bug reports, they are invaluable... But please, let's stick to actual in-game bugs.
This is not strange at all.
Mission generator is a pure debug tool, not meant for players and can contain tons of these things.
Ah okay!
When there is an update I test the new version with an automatically generated mission.
Especially since important updates where I took over a new part.
From now on I will take a backup again to quickly test the launch of the game!
Tks !
Flashbangs are listed as space-capable. I’m no chemist, but I recall reading some years ago that upon detonation it first releases a smoll cloud of powderised stuff that is immedieately oxidized by the atmospheric oxygen, producing the flash, then the vacuum created by such now-missing oxygen (now in solid oxid form) is quickly filled by the surrounding air. I’m not sure if it’d work underwater or not, but in vacuum there is no source of oxidation, nor of bang.
It’s a very minor detail, really, I don’t mind it either way. Just wanted to let you know,
If I try getting rid of an XCom rat through the sell screen, it causes a crash. It only works if I sack them through the agent screen.
Also I noticed that the smart shotgun is concealable, but neither of its ammunitions are.
If I try getting rid of an XCom rat through the sell screen, it causes a crash. It only works if I sack them through the agent screen.
Also I noticed that the smart shotgun is concealable, but neither of its ammunitions are.
Thanks. I know about the rat problem, but I still haven't pinned it down. Just enjoy your rodent companion :)
The smart shotgun thing was an omission. Fixed.
When equipping the Aqua-plastic suit I have the option of putting on the underwater version.
When equipping the Aqua-plastic suit I have the option of putting on the underwater version.
Is this Quick Battle?
The ski resort briefing says "To abort the mission return X-Com operatives to the transport vehicle and click on the 'Abort Mission' icon." But in the new version there's neither a vehicle, nor any exit grid. Outdated text?
The ski resort briefing says "To abort the mission return X-Com operatives to the transport vehicle and click on the 'Abort Mission' icon." But in the new version there's neither a vehicle, nor any exit grid. Outdated text?
Is this Quick Battle?
This is in my normal game.
This is in my normal game.
OK, thanks. Found and fixed.
The quillboar/spikeboar makes an SMG sound when shooting. The crossbow sound will be better fitting if you don't have a specific one.
Not sure if bugs:
The Gauss rifle doesn't require the Std. Lab to research. I see that the Laser pistol needs the Std. Lab so it is logical that the gauss rifle will need it as well.
Bad Taste:
In the ski Resort/Beach missions: often the first soldier is placed on the balcony along with all the extra equipment. It would be more logical that it is placed in the house instead.
Attack dogs (the enemy type) prefer barking. And as the proverb says "A dog that barks doesn't bite". That makes them almost completely harmless.
The quillboar/spikeboar makes an SMG sound when shooting. The crossbow sound will be better fitting if you don't have a specific one.
Good point. Changed.
Not sure if bugs:
The Gauss rifle doesn't require the Std. Lab to research. I see that the Laser pistol needs the Std. Lab so it is logical that the gauss rifle will need it as well.
Not necessarily. You don't invent anything, it's just about taking the weapon apart and examining the remains. It doesn't strictly require very advanced equipment.
Bad Taste:
In the ski Resort/Beach missions: often the first soldier is placed on the balcony along with all the extra equipment. It would be more logical that it is placed in the house instead.
OK, I will check... Though I'm sick of this stupid house :P
Attack dogs (the enemy type) prefer barking. And as the proverb says "A dog that barks doesn't bite". That makes them almost completely harmless.
OK, I'll make more tests.
EDIT: Fixed a crash on selling X-Rats (thanks Yankes).
Several texts — research, mission briefing — say that Red Dawn HQ is in Siberia, but I got it in Grenland.
Does Dragonfly craft carry light sources? Very inconvenient for trying to strike from the dark.
First time I saw Red Dawn sailors was in the HQ. Did you remove them from other missions and forget this one? Or was it just luck?
Several texts — research, mission briefing — say that Red Dawn HQ is in Siberia, but I got it in Grenland.
Does Dragonfly craft carry light sources? Very inconvenient for trying to strike from the dark.
First time I saw Red Dawn sailors was in the HQ. Did you remove them from other missions and forget this one? Or was it just luck?
The lights are on the top of the craft and the Dragonfly itself casts a shadow over the ramp and the underside.
1. You get a nice dark spot surrounded by light at the start. Great for clearing those close to you.
1. The dark area is not visible in Night Vision mode and you can easily step in the light by accident.
2. Moving away from the Dragonfly itself is problematic.
3. Enemies with dark vision and explosives.
I have sailors on the Cult Outpost missions. You probably got a high ranking Red Dawn on the Manufacturing mission and never got one of these.
The lights are on the top of the craft and the Dragonfly itself casts a shadow over the ramp and the underside.
Worst of both worlds. Agents end up packed in the shadow, where grenades easily get them. Any way to switch the lights off?
I have sailors on the Cult Outpost missions. You probably got a high ranking Red Dawn on the Manufacturing mission and never got one of these.
There were no sailors in 4 outpost missions. I paid close attention in the last 3. Since I got Durathread and HQ without them, I figured they were no longer in the game. Then I saw one in HQ. :o
Worst of both worlds. Agents end up packed in the shadow, where grenades easily get them. Any way to switch the lights off?
Modding them out, convincing Solaris to remove them or if the OXC team implements a feature that allows you to switch the craft lights off.
Blasting them with sufficiently powerful weapons should work as well if they are not undestructible.
Other then that - no.
When researching of EXALT Brainer finishes, "Brainer Hybrid" article is unlocked (correct), but not displayed.
Sorry for being brief, I am currently travelling:
- Every Outpost has at least one Sailor (or more, depending on difficulty). No exceptions.
- The article which is displayed in the Pedia after research is (in short) either the same as the research topic or using lookup (like Sectoid Soldier -> Sectoid). The only exception is getOneFree (random research from interrogations and such). Anything else you have to check manually - use the "show only new" button (currently needs to be enabled in the options).
- The Dragonfly is what it is. I could remove its lights, but it's a semi-civilian craft, so I prefer to keep it somewhat handicapped in terms of stealth.
Every Outpost has at least one Sailor (or more, depending on difficulty). No exceptions.
Lowest difficulty, 1 sailor. Rechecked old saved games in debug mode. Looks like all sailors were killed by friendly fire :)
UPDATE: Odd behaviour.
I shoot an enemy, he falls and my turn ends automatically. But the mission doesn't end, the enemies get their turn and move around. On my next turn I shoot another. Again my turn ends automatically, and again the mission doesn't end. I managed to finish from the third attempt.
Looks like my turn ends automatically when there are no non-panicked enemies left. But then an enemy turn is computed, some unconscious enemies wake up and mission ending is cancelled. Was it always like that or is it a recent change?
To reproduce, load the attached "end turn after shot.sav" and make Paulo Esteves shoot the Chosen of Dagon to the right. Chosen falls, turn ends, cultists move, on the next turn the Priest of Dagon wakes up.
To reproduce, load the attached "end turn after shot.sav" and make Paulo Esteves shoot the Chosen of Dagon to the right. Chosen falls, turn ends, cultists move, on the next turn the Priest of Dagon wakes up.
In the order you give... Confirmed (OXCE 5.5 + XFiles 0.99c)!
Very strange !
But if you shoot the disciple first and then with Paulo you paralyze the "Chosen of Dagon" everything ends normally!
Sorry, I didn't have the time to investigate. But I'm sure everything happens according to the normal turn sequence. ("Sure" means I have confidence in Meridian's design, not that I investigated it.)
Sorry, I didn't have the time to investigate. But I'm sure everything happens according to the normal turn sequence. ("Sure" means I have confidence in Meridian's design, not that I investigated it.)
Actually, I hoped Meridian would answer that :)
Anyway, another suggestion.
"Human Sonic Weapons Concept" article says "Unfortunately we cannot simply go behind their backs and copy the data from their computer due to the nature of the software and its tight binding to the architecture of the computing core." I find it somewhat hard to believe. If X-COM has already read the data, converting it to another format for another architecture is only a matter of man-hours. Even if they need this particular piece of hardware to do the computing, since they claim to understand the ideas better than the original researches, they should be able to reimplement the algorithms on any machine. They may not be as efficient, but time isn't a problem, since the competitors hit a dead end.
I suggest a different explanation. Either a piece of hardware they mistook for an ordinary computer actually contains a test bench too complex to copy quickly — maybe it's based off some alien design. Or it's a matter of power struggle — this group of military researchers don't like being one-upped by a new organization and they are backed by some Council members.
By the way, I've seen an IR spectrophotometer (or maybe an impedance spectroscope) with a built-in Sharp computer, which could be mistaken for a contemporary computer like Compaq Portable.
I suggest the following text (a few bytes shorter than the original):
"This computer case contains a test bench for top-secret military experiments related to sonic weaponry, as well as a computing core and a vast array of experimental data. However, the development is far from complete, and the military researchers seem to have hit a dead end. This morning a convincing representative of the military intelligence contacted us and asked to return the hardware.{NEWLINE}Commander, I believe they will not be able to realize this concept in the near future. Unfortunately, we cannot simply copy the data. We need this test bench to run some experiments of our own.{NEWLINE}I propose to refuse this transfer and complete the weapons ourselves. This will probably entail Council sanctions, though.{NEWLINE}In case we agree, the military offers a reward of {ALT}$ 5,000,000{ALT}. Given the unofficial nature of the deal, the money will be transferred in cash."
Maybe the research should give a "Sonic prototype test bench" item. Then the last two lines would be "I propose to refuse this transfer and study {ALT}Sonic prototype test bench{ALT} ourselves. This will probably entail Council sanctions, though.{NEWLINE}In case we agree to sell it, the military offers a reward of {ALT}$ 5,000,000{ALT}."
Unrelated question. When an enemy weapon is too big and covers the body, it's unclear if the body is stunned, bleeding or dead. Is it possible to do anything about it?
I'll leave the sonic weapons concept to Finnik.
Unrelated question. When an enemy weapon is too big and covers the body, it's unclear if the body is stunned, bleeding or dead. Is it possible to do anything about it?
I don't think so, sorry.
OXCE engine 5.5.1 refuses to work, gives errors like
"Error for 'STR_MAGMA_CHAINSAWBOT_WEAPON': offset '-3' have incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK' "
The problem is described here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3287.msg113764.html#msg113764 If i understand correctly, mainly 2x2 units are affected.
OXCE engine 5.5.1 refuses to work, gives errors like
"Error for 'STR_MAGMA_CHAINSAWBOT_WEAPON': offset '-3' have incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK' "
The problem is described here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3287.msg113764.html#msg113764 If i understand correctly, mainly 2x2 units are affected.
Just update to 0.9.9d.
Just update to 0.9.9d.
Still the same error. 5.5.0 engine works.
Still the same error. 5.5.0 engine works.
0.9.9d works with 5.5.1 for me.
Random chair on building during Jarhead terror mission
0.9.9d works with 5.5.1 for me.
Yes it does. It only crashes, if there are any incompatible mods in the mods/ directory, even if they are disabled. Deleting the old versions of XCF helped.
Not sure if bugs:
The Gauss rifle doesn't require the Std. Lab to research. I see that the Laser pistol needs the Std. Lab so it is logical that the gauss rifle will need it as well.
Not necessarily. You don't invent anything, it's just about taking the weapon apart and examining the remains. It doesn't strictly require very advanced equipment.
OK, that is fine, but why does the laser pistol need an Std Lab and the Gauss rifle doesn't need Std. Lab?
To me it is logical that either both need Std Lab or both doesn't need it.
Also the laser pistol can be equipped even if it is not researched.
A reminder that the bug I've reported months ago with both "OpenXcomExPlus.exe" and "OpenXcomEx.exe" mentioned in the mod's readme is still there. :P
In the chain of houses the doors on the 3rd level open to the pit. The part of the 3rd floor left from Mechela Lebna in inaccessible. And thus the 2nd floor of the leftmost building is inaccessible too. (I had to shoot the mongorn through windows.)
P.S. By the way, after the update the icons denoting rank disappeared. What did I update incorrectly?
Random chair on building during Jarhead terror mission
Lol, how did it happen. Probably justifiable, but I removed this chair :)
OK, that is fine, but why does the laser pistol need an Std Lab and the Gauss rifle doesn't need Std. Lab?
To me it is logical that either both need Std Lab or both doesn't need it.
Also the laser pistol can be equipped even if it is not researched.
You know, you're right. I saw it differently, but it could be confusing to the player. I'll change it.
A reminder that the bug I've reported months ago with both "OpenXcomExPlus.exe" and "OpenXcomEx.exe" mentioned in the mod's readme is still there. :P
Sorry, what was it? You know, over 100 pages. ;)
In the chain of houses the doors on the 3rd level open to the pit. The part of the 3rd floor left from Mechela Lebna in inaccessible. And thus the 2nd floor of the leftmost building is inaccessible too. (I had to shoot the mongorn through windows.)
Fixing, or even remotely understanding Hobbes' maps is a task for long winter evenings, so I can't promise I'll sort it out it soon. But I've never experienced it before, must be a rare fluke.
P.S. By the way, after the update the icons denoting rank disappeared. What did I update incorrectly?
Eh? I can't see anything wrong. No idea what you did. :D
Eh? I can't see anything wrong. No idea what you did. :D
I also don't see it, probably some recent changes.
Edit: found the issue and fixed
Sorry, what was it? You know, over 100 pages. ;)
But.. I've just said in the very post you respond to.
Can you check if researxhing the driver’s license doesn’t remove it feom inventory (thus allowing you to research the same license three times for the combat analisys of three different civilians)? It is possible I just had four licenses instead of one (leaving me one license to seçl afterward), but I didn’t check and I’m playing ironman so I cannot recheck.
Also, unrelated question, but I assume that all the dossiers unlocked through interrogations give extra points towards the council evaluation?
Can you check if researxhing the driver’s license doesn’t remove it feom inventory (thus allowing you to research the same license three times for the combat analisys of three different civilians)?
You can look this up yourself by checking for the destroyItem flag in the research_XCOMFILES.rul - if it is set to true the item will be consumed after compeleting the project.
Also, unrelated question, but I assume that all the dossiers unlocked through interrogations give extra points towards the council evaluation?
Same as above, check the points value of the dossiers.
OK, that is fine, but why does the laser pistol need an Std Lab and the Gauss rifle doesn't need Std. Lab?
To me it is logical that either both need Std Lab or both doesn't need it.
Also the laser pistol can be equipped even if it is not researched.
You know, you're right. I saw it differently, but it could be confusing to the player. I'll change it.
In my mind the only real bug is that the Laser Pistol doesn't need research to be equipped. Of course I don't have a battery yet so it is dead weight.
Whether you need or don't need Std Lab for disassembly of super high tech weapons is arguable. I think that the science team will want to at least put it in an industrial level tomograph before playing with the screwdrivers. It is possible that there are microscopic shaped charges that would destroy critical parts of the design. But your point of view is also valid.
When I finish a Hybrid farm mission with an alien drone stunned, it does not appear in the list of loot. However, it is correctly added to the base store. To reproduce, load the attached "cannot sell drone.sav" and shoot the last hybrid. (3rd base, "China".)
If I kill the drone, its corpse correctly appears in the loot, see "HF1-1.sav". (Only tried that in debug mode.)
I studied "Alien Data Slate", was told that it requires workshop processing, but no such task appeared in the "Manufacture". What am I missing? I've got Standard lab + Intelligence + Bio and workshop on the same base.
Why does MAGMA only sell a limited selection of tritanium ammo? Why don't they also sell Magnum rounds?
Do you plan adding body armour for rats?
But.. I've just said in the very post you respond to.
A reminder that the bug I've reported months ago with both "OpenXcomExPlus.exe" and "OpenXcomEx.exe" mentioned in the mod's readme is still there.
Okay, after reading your post like 10 times I still don't know what the issue is.
I think it's about some discrepancy in the readme. I will check when I can.
Can you check if researxhing the driver’s license doesn’t remove it feom inventory (thus allowing you to research the same license three times for the combat analisys of three different civilians)? It is possible I just had four licenses instead of one (leaving me one license to seçl afterward), but I didn’t check and I’m playing ironman so I cannot recheck.
There was such a bug, but not in the latest version.
Also, unrelated question, but I assume that all the dossiers unlocked through interrogations give extra points towards the council evaluation?
Yes, all dossiers give 50 - 200 points.
In my mind the only real bug is that the Laser Pistol doesn't need research to be equipped. Of course I don't have a battery yet so it is dead weight.
Why the hell would it need research to be used? It's literally just a man-made pistol! Seriously, WTF?
Whether you need or don't need Std Lab for disassembly of super high tech weapons is arguable. I think that the science team will want to at least put it in an industrial level tomograph before playing with the screwdrivers. It is possible that there are microscopic shaped charges that would destroy critical parts of the design. But your point of view is also valid.
Well, I changed it regardless. You convinced me.
When I finish a Hybrid farm mission with an alien drone stunned, it does not appear in the list of loot. However, it is correctly added to the base store. To reproduce, load the attached "cannot sell drone.sav" and shoot the last hybrid. (3rd base, "China".)
Reported ad nauseam. It's because robots aren't stored in any kind of prison despite being "live" units. Fixing this wouldn't be modding related.
I studied "Alien Data Slate", was told that it requires workshop processing, but no such task appeared in the "Manufacture". What am I missing? I've got Standard lab + Intelligence + Bio and workshop on the same base.
Do you have Alien Encryption?
Why does MAGMA only sell a limited selection of tritanium ammo? Why don't they also sell Magnum rounds?
They could, but it's cheaper to make it yourself.
If you like, I can think of buying Magnum rounds from them.
Do you plan adding body armour for rats?
I am not against it on principle, but I can't see what kind of armour you could put on a rat.
When I finish a Hybrid farm mission with an alien drone stunned, it does not appear in the list of loot. However, it is correctly added to the base store. To reproduce, load the attached "cannot sell drone.sav" and shoot the last hybrid. (3rd base, "China".)
If I kill the drone, its corpse correctly appears in the loot, see "HF1-1.sav". (Only tried that in debug mode.)
Cool, thanks. That was a nice surprise!
I still don't know what the issue is.
I think it's about some discrepancy in the readme. I will check when I can.
Let me try to go full detail: X-Com Files readme file, in the section mentioning installation, mentions both old "OpenXcomExPlus.exe" and "OpenXcomEx.exe" file while only one of them is still used and included nowadays as per design as you've told me last time I've mentioned this.
It's a minor thing, but may cause confusion.
Why the hell would it need research to be used? It's literally just a man-made pistol! Seriously, WTF?
If you give a modern rifle to a medieval crossbowman, will he be able to use it properly for a long time without proper instructions?
Point that bit at the enemy and pull the trigger is pretty obvious, but there is more to it. I assume that researching the Laser Pistol involves writing a service manual.
The laser weapons are fundamentally different type of arm and completely unknown to the agents. How do you service them? How do you know if the parts are aligned properly? How do you know if the battery isn't leaking or that the cooling system isn't about to malfunction? Is that scratch just a scratch or is it impeding the work of the weapon?
I am overthinking this one so I stop here. :D
I'm getting a crash on the Samael mission. If you load my save, the last remaining enemy should be visible. Shoot it with the selected character who can see it. I have the option for ending the mission automatically when all enemies are disable, so I immediately get the end of turn indicator then the error.
Screenshot of the error "Segmentation Fault" and log attached too.
Do you have Alien Encryption?
No. And the text for "Alien Data Slate" speaks of workshop decryption as of something immediately available, rather than something that needs to be researched first.
May I suggest a better description?
STR_ALIEN_DATA_SLATE_UFOPEDIA: "Alien Data Slates are portable devices used to store specialized technical information. They can only be found in the possession of aliens of the highest rank and should be investigated as soon as possible. In order to access their memory banks, they must first be decrypted in the Workshop. For that we need to study alien encryption technology. {NEWLINE}>Concealable"
They could, but it's cheaper to make it yourself.
If you like, I can think of buying Magnum rounds from them.
The way I'm playing right now, I have only 1 overworked workshop, no money to build another one, but probably enough money for couple dozen overpriced clips I'll need tomorrow.
And speaking of new ammo, how about tritanium rounds for Desert Eagle?
I am not against it on principle, but I can't see what kind of armour you could put on a rat.
Same as on a dog. Something like this:
Or do you mean you need inventory pictures and sprites?
Let me try to go full detail: X-Com Files readme file, in the section mentioning installation, mentions both old "OpenXcomExPlus.exe" and "OpenXcomEx.exe" file while only one of them is still used and included nowadays as per design as you've told me last time I've mentioned this.
It's a minor thing, but may cause confusion.
Ah, gotcha. Thanks, fixed.
If you give a modern rifle to a medieval crossbowman, will he be able to use it properly for a long time without proper instructions?
Not straight away, but a laser pistol is sufficiently similar to a normal firearm.
There are two classes of items which you cannot use without some legwork:
- Stuff which is truly different from what we know, like sonic weapons or psi weapons
- Stuff which was purposefully made to be unusable by you, like most Cydonian weapons
But you ask good questions, I admit.
I'm getting a crash on the Samael mission. If you load my save, the last remaining enemy should be visible. Shoot it with the selected character who can see it. I have the option for ending the mission automatically when all enemies are disable, so I immediately get the end of turn indicator then the error.
Screenshot of the error "Segmentation Fault" and log attached too.
OK, I'll check later, thanks.
No. And the text for "Alien Data Slate" speaks of workshop decryption as of something immediately available, rather than something that needs to be researched first.
May I suggest a better description?
Thanks, this is good!
And speaking of new ammo, how about tritanium rounds for Desert Eagle?
How many times must I explain this?
If I make tritanium rounds for just one real weapon, I'd have to make it for all the fucking weapons in the mod!
No. Fuck no. Tritanium allows stronger explosions, and Earth guns aren't meant to withstand such forces. DEAL WITH IT.
Or do you mean you need inventory pictures and sprites?
Yes, that's what I need... But also, what is the point in putting a goddamn bandage on a rat? What is the gain here?
But also, what is the point in putting a goddamn bandage on a rat? What is the gain here?
The pictures are an example how the suit of armor can be put on a rodent protecting most of its body.
If you give a modern rifle to a medieval crossbowman, will he be able to use it properly for a long time without proper instructions?
Actually, there was such thing as bullet-shooting crossbow, which shot lead or stone balls. The use of the long pipe and the trigger would be immediately obvious. Recharging — not so much.
Thus any alien point-and-click alien weapon should be usable on the battlefield without research :)
Point that bit at the enemy and pull the trigger is pretty obvious, but there is more to it. I assume that researching the Laser Pistol involves writing a service manual.
Now, reloading and proper storage do require research, in my opinion. More so for manufacturing.
The pictures are an example how the suit of armor can be put on a rodent protecting most of its body.
Yes, but I am more concerned with usability of a rat armour. It would have to be pretty thin compared to dog armour (which is pretty flimsy itself), and would still undermine rat's speed and stealth - its main advantages beyond dark vision. So I think it's not tactically justified.
I don't want to impose such decisions on players, maybe they think otherwise... But I don't want to waste working hours on something I don't believe in either.
Actually, there was such thing as bullet-shooting crossbow, which shot lead or stone balls. The use of the long pipe and the trigger would be immediately obvious. Recharging — not so much.
Thus any alien point-and-click alien weapon should be usable on the battlefield without research :)
And this is mostly true!
Now, reloading and proper storage do require research, in my opinion. More so for manufacturing.
Manufacturing certainly, but I just assume X-Com, as an organization directly responsible for alien technology research, can manage the minimum of maintenance on tech they don't understand. After all they aren't a military organization and they have goddamn Stark as the chief engineer. :)
Rat armor for Bytey and Bytess.
On a side note the mice from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would make a great addition or even Arc. (last pic)
But mice aren't rats! :)
they have goddamn Stark as the chief engineer. :)
Stark - as in Tony Stark (Ironman) who's a brilliant engineer. He did make a flying suit out of junk in a cave after all!
The Chief engineer you get after researching "Chief Engineer Recruitment". His prerequisite is "Cool Alien Gadget" which usually means Psiclone.
The fact that you need to research an alien drug to get an engineer is pretty funny. I imagine he is Stark raving mad. :D
But mice aren't rats! :)
Yep, they are aliens that search for the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
Also the idea of Dogons wielding Heavy Plasma in one hand and their own poetry in the other is terrifying.
About training in the Gym:
As far as I understand you must hit 100 Bravery and 100 Reactions to finish training. However neither is trained at the Gym resulting in soldiers that can be put into training but who cannot improve at all.
May be you should drop the requirements for both of these skills?
The Chief engineer you get after researching "Chief Engineer Recruitment".
I got that part, I asked who is Stark.
His prerequisite is "Cool Alien Gadget" which usually means Psiclone.
Depends. Last 2 times I got Flame Glove much earlier.
I wonder why Reaper implants are no longer valid?
As far as I understand you must hit 100 Bravery and 100 Reactions to finish training. However neither is trained at the Gym resulting in soldiers that can be put into training but who cannot improve at all.
May be you should drop the requirements for both of these skills?
I haven't read the YAML, but my starting agents finished training in less than 1 year. None of them have 100 bravery or reactions. Except 1 "chief agent" with 40 bravery and 102 reactions.
Back to bugs. Horrors of Antarctica mission behaves oddly.
1. After the mission I got no loot. To reproduce, load the attached "no loot-2.sav" and shoot the last enemy. If it's a bug, what is the correct loot for the mission? (To add it manually.)
2. Taser and electric club kill enemies. Is this intentional? To reproduce, use the same "no loot-2.sav" — all agents have both.
3. At one point I saw metamorph hit a civilian turning him into another metamorph. Then I heard screams and several other civilians screamed, fell and disappeared. Who were they? Victims bitten offscreen earlier? Then why did they disappear instead of becoming monsters?
Yep, they are aliens that search for the ultimate question of life, the universe and everything.
Right, so not the X-Rats. :)
Also the idea of Dogons wielding Heavy Plasma in one hand and their own poetry in the other is terrifying.
And easily doable!
...well, not exactly, but a sword + a poetry tome would work. Poetry ruins your morale.
About training in the Gym:
As far as I understand you must hit 100 Bravery and 100 Reactions to finish training. However neither is trained at the Gym resulting in soldiers that can be put into training but who cannot improve at all.
May be you should drop the requirements for both of these skills?
Good point, done.
1. After the mission I got no loot. To reproduce, load the attached "no loot-2.sav" and shoot the last enemy. If it's a bug, what is the correct loot for the mission? (To add it manually.)
There is no loot. Or rather, points are the loot.
2. Taser and electric club kill enemies. Is this intentional? To reproduce, use the same "no loot-2.sav" — all agents have both.
Hmm, I can't see anything out of order...
3. At one point I saw metamorph hit a civilian turning him into another metamorph. Then I heard screams and several other civilians screamed, fell and disappeared. Who were they? Victims bitten offscreen earlier? Then why did they disappear instead of becoming monsters?
I don't know, but something could be wrong with your install... These things shouldn't happen.
Or rather, points are the loot.
I was more concerned with corpses and living specimen to study. Already found the "Metamorphs" research.
Hmm, I can't see anything out of order...
If stunned metamorphs should die instead, just say so :) Dart pistol has the same effect as shockers.
I don't know, but something could be wrong with your install... These things shouldn't happen.
Not likely. I ended up removing all old files and installing OXCE and the mod anew.
UPDATE: I can't install cannon to Thunderstorm. It only allows missiles. Why?
I can't reproduce it in debug mode, but I'll try to make a savefile, where it manifests.
I got that part, I asked who is Stark.
Depends. Last 2 times I got Flame Glove much earlier.
I wonder why Reaper implants are no longer valid?
I haven't read the YAML, but my starting agents finished training in less than 1 year. None of them have 100 bravery or reactions. Except 1 "chief agent" with 40 bravery and 102 reactions.
I know, but I thought of Stark Raving Mad, like in Dwarf Fortress, and couldn't resist. The flame glove and the rest of the gadgets either have prerequisites or are come later than Psiclone, so it is usually the Cool Alien Gadget.
I might have misunderstood when should training end, but this guy doesn't progress at all and is still elligeble for training. Might be the Trowing or Melee accuracy.
I was more concerned with corpses and living specimen to study. Already found the "Metamorphs" research.
Yeah, I decided to skip the entire standard corpse - > autopsy chain, as this mission only comes up once and is all sorts of weird.
If stunned metamorphs should die instead, just say so :) Dart pistol has the same effect as shockers.
There is no place to give this info, because ENEMY UNKNOWN! :P
Not likely. I ended up removing all old files and installing OXCE and the mod anew.
Well, I'll keep an eye on it... But I've certainly never seen civilians just disappearing instead of turning into metamorphs... Maybe they turned into metamorphs, but you couldn't see them because they're short?
UPDATE: I can't install cannon to Thunderstorm. It only allows missiles. Why?
Because that's how it was designed.
Honestly, what other answer did you expect?
I might have misunderstood when should training end, but this guy doesn't progress at all and is still elligeble for training. Might be the Trowing or Melee accuracy.
No, you're correct. Throwing is 1 point less than the training maximum, and melee - 3 points less.
I'm getting a crash on the Samael mission. If you load my save, the last remaining enemy should be visible. Shoot it with the selected character who can see it. I have the option for ending the mission automatically when all enemies are disable, so I immediately get the end of turn indicator then the error.
Found and fixed. If you like, you can now download the GitHub version for an instant fix.
Found and fixed. If you like, you can now download the GitHub version for an instant fix.
Perfect, I just completed that mission.
On another note, I'm a bit confused about the tech tree for mass driver & gauss weapons. I'm able to manufacture gauss rifles, but I can't create ammo for them. I haven't yet researched each type of mass driver though. I do already have HWP gauss hovertank & can make its ammo.
Perfect, I just completed that mission.
On another note, I'm a bit confused about the tech tree for mass driver & gauss weapons. I'm able to manufacture gauss rifles, but I can't create ammo for them. I haven't yet researched each type of mass driver though. I do already have HWP gauss hovertank & can make its ammo.
Yes, you need to examine a Gauss clip before you can manufacture it.
Yes, you need to examine a Gauss clip before you can manufacture it.
Allright I will have to keep my eye out for those. Can't recall if it was cyberweb or Osiron that had those, but i've already destroyed cyberweb.
Allright I will have to keep my eye out for those. Can't recall if it was cyberweb or Osiron that had those, but i've already destroyed cyberweb.
I think Cyberweb doesn't have this stuff, though I might be wrong. Osiron should.
I really need to make more openable crates to ensure a weapon is always accompanied with some ammo...
Well, I'll keep an eye on it... But I've certainly never seen civilians just disappearing instead of turning into metamorphs... Maybe they turned into metamorphs, but you couldn't see them because they're short?
Just an empty place. No enemy, no corpse, nothing. They did count as "civilians killed".
Because that's how it was designed.
Honestly, what other answer did you expect?
The cannon was available in some earlier versions.
Just an empty place. No enemy, no corpse, nothing. They did count as "civilians killed".
That's actually pretty worrying.
I'll run some tests, but can anyone confirm this problem?
The cannon was available in some earlier versions.
Yes, things change. I don't really have more to say.
The Ufopaedia's entry on Virtualized Headquarters still mentions the building adds a single slot for a new Scientist, when it actually offers 10 spaces plus some additional storage to boot. Also, will we ever get the Plasma equivalent of the Drone Bay? Currently Miniguns and Lasers are a thing, but not plasma-based Drones (or Gauss ones).
Just to know.
The Ufopaedia's entry on Virtualized Headquarters still mentions the building adds a single slot for a new Scientist, when it actually offers 10 spaces plus some additional storage to boot.
"Its more efficient research facility allows for 5 additional Scientists"
Also, will we ever get the Plasma equivalent of the Drone Bay? Currently Miniguns and Lasers are a thing, but not plasma-based Drones (or Gauss ones).
Not yet. I'm experimenting with the concept.
"Its more efficient research facility allows for 5 additional Scientists"
Well, the entry in the Base Buildings section of the Ufopaedia, in latest available version still mentions it provides space for 1 more scientist while the INFO menu says it offers 10 spaces instead. If the incoming version has a different text already, then it's fine.
In my v0.99d I have : "Its more efficient research facility allows for 5 additional Scientists, and its machine learning capabilities allow for better analysis of UFO sightings (more efficient detection)...
... This facility can be built as normal or over a standard HQ." ;)
"Its more efficient research facility allows for 5 additional Scientists"
You're both right.
This module provides 25 storage spaces and 10 scientists.
But by removing the standard HQ there are only 5 more scientists in total.
So it's interesting to keep the standard HQ... right? 8) ;D
Well, the entry in the Base Buildings section of the Ufopaedia, in latest available version still mentions it provides space for 1 more scientist while the INFO menu says it offers 10 spaces instead. If the incoming version has a different text already, then it's fine.
This is taken directly from the 0.9.9d archive:
STR_CYBER_HQ_UFOPEDIA: "An improvement of the standard HQ, operating with a state-of-the-art AI core. Its more efficient research facility allows for 5 additional Scientists, and its machine learning capabilities allow for better analysis of UFO sightings (more efficient detection). It is required for certain advanced facilities.{NEWLINE}This facility can be built as normal or over a standard HQ."
Someone's clearly bullshitting me and dragging me away from actual modding.
I swear I'm not lying. Here are some pics.
I swear I'm not lying. Here are some pics.
Hm. What can I say? Works for me. And the file was there in the latest update. So it must be bad installation.
Yes, things change. I don't really have more to say.
I understand your desire to nerf it :)
However, there's a cyclic trend in RL fighter plane design: trying to get rid of cannons. Now and then advances in missiles seem to make cannons obsolete. A new fighter is designed around this idea and proves a big failure. I find it hard to believe that the ultimate craft in its line makes such a famous mistake.
In my research tree it shows the "Men in Black" researches as items. I have the prerequisites but can't research because I don't have the item. I'm a version behind, but I didn't see it mentioned.
In my research tree it shows the "Men in Black" researches as items. I have the prerequisites but can't research because I don't have the item. I'm a version behind, but I didn't see it mentioned.
Look at the "Unlocked by" entities. When you research one of these you get one of the researches listed at "Unlocks one of these at random:" (don't remember actual text.).
So, in short, you need to repeatedly research MIB Coordinators, MIB Commanders and MIB Psi-Ops until one of them coughs up the "Man in Black" topic.
It is a good idea to research all the guns and other items/dossiers they unlock before interrogating them so you will minimize the chance of getting junk from a hard interrogation.
The Item "Men in Black" exists only to block researching the topic the old fasioned way.
You are thinking of the "Gives one for free section." "Men in Black" is not in that section.
Also I just Started the Atlantis Temple mission and all my men are in Diving Suits despite coming in wearing a mix of aqua-plastic armor, power suits and synthsuits.
I understand your desire to nerf it :)
However, there's a cyclic trend in RL fighter plane design: trying to get rid of cannons. Now and then advances in missiles seem to make cannons obsolete. A new fighter is designed around this idea and proves a big failure. I find it hard to believe that the ultimate craft in its line makes such a famous mistake.
Maybe, I'm not arguing. I don't think I can do much with the air combat in X-Com; I just don't like it. It was fine in vanilla, but in mods, it's just unsatisfying.
In my research tree it shows the "Men in Black" researches as items. I have the prerequisites but can't research because I don't have the item. I'm a version behind, but I didn't see it mentioned.
I don't think this research is available, or does anything. Why did I even make it? I have no idea.
Also I just Started the Atlantis Temple mission and all my men are in Diving Suits despite coming in wearing a mix of aqua-plastic armor, power suits and synthsuits.
OK, this sounds like a bug... I'll check.
I'm still on 0.9.9c but I found these two problem doors on the alien embassy mission that I haven't seen mentioned. Both doors would not open when I found them. I got into the alien door room by shooting down through the roof. I shot the bathroom door and that makes it passable but it does not open like a door. I think my shot destroyed a 'hidden' wall but I didn't think to save before I shot it. I am running Ironman mode.
the air combat in X-Com; I just don't like it. It was fine in vanilla, but in mods, it's just unsatisfying.
What do you dislike?
Unrelated problem with Tech Tree Viewer. It indicates that "Strange Creature Autopsy Performed" is unlocked by any of a number of "... autopsy" items, e.g. "Megascorpion Autopsy". "Megascorpion Autopsy" topic requires "Megascorpion Autopsy" item. Clicking "Megascorpion Autopsy" item in the list doesn't lead anywhere. Similarly, for "Megascorpion Corpse" topic there is no indication that it gives "Megascorpion Autopsy".
Is this a viewer bug?
I'm still on 0.9.9c but I found these two problem doors on the alien embassy mission that I haven't seen mentioned. Both doors would not open when I found them. I got into the alien door room by shooting down through the roof. I shot the bathroom door and that makes it passable but it does not open like a door. I think my shot destroyed a 'hidden' wall but I didn't think to save before I shot it. I am running Ironman mode.
I'll ask Finnik, but since you could overcome it, it should be fine as is. :)
What do you dislike?
Well it's kinda primitive.
Unrelated problem with Tech Tree Viewer. It indicates that "Strange Creature Autopsy Performed" is unlocked by any of a number of "... autopsy" items, e.g. "Megascorpion Autopsy". "Megascorpion Autopsy" topic requires "Megascorpion Autopsy" item. Clicking "Megascorpion Autopsy" item in the list doesn't lead anywhere. Similarly, for "Megascorpion Corpse" topic there is no indication that it gives "Megascorpion Autopsy".
Is this a viewer bug?
Probably not, but it's not really a question to me, since it's not a mod issue. I don't really use the TTV as I don't need it, so I probably know less about it than an average player.
Well it's kinda primitive.
What would you prefer? A turn-based air combat minigame?
Now that I think of it, a Battlescape mission with a UFO and a plane is doable. Perhaps, with exit grids for the plane in 8 corners. And time limit for UFO to escape. How about that?
Why turn-based ... perhaps the kiting simulator from xenonauts is more his thing.
Why turn-based ... perhaps the kiting simulator from xenonauts is more his thing.
The only part of Xenonauts I disliked. I never figured out how to play it :(
Where to report misspelled Libya? Here or to OXCE thread? It's "Lib_i_a" and should be "Lib_y_a".
Update: I didn't find it in OXCE files, but in XCF Language/en-US.yml has ' STR_LIBIA: "LIBIA" '
I'm trying to start the Atlantis Temple mission, and for some reason all my armor is reverting to basic diving suits when I arrive. My crew has a mix of juggernaut, power armor, and flying suits. I can no longer set the (underwater) variants in the equip craft - armor screen before deploying. I'm not sure if I'm missing some UI element that lets me specify that, or if theres a bug thats not recognizing that all the armor I have set can work underwater.
What would you prefer? A turn-based air combat minigame?
Me, personally? Yes!!! :)
Why turn-based ... perhaps the kiting simulator from xenonauts is more his thing.
That would be good too, but much more involved to make.
Where to report misspelled Libya? Here or to OXCE thread? It's "Lib_i_a" and should be "Lib_y_a".
Update: I didn't find it in OXCE files, but in XCF Language/en-US.yml has ' STR_LIBIA: "LIBIA" '
OK, I will fix that. Thanks.
Me, personally? Yes!!! :)
Then could you go to this topic: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7212.0.html and express your support?
After research "Magnum .44 tritanium drum" the corresponding line did not appear in ufopedia
You need the capabilities to manufacture it to see its stats.
(It's like this mostly because it was hard to do otherwise.)
You need the capabilities to manufacture it to see its stats.
(It's like this mostly because it was hard to do otherwise.)
It's clear. It is not clear why the line did not appear.
Well, the pedia code is simple:
type_id: 4
So it requires STR_MAGNUM_AA_DRUM research to appear. And STR_MAGNUM_AA_DRUM:
cost: 0
points: 0
needItem: true
listOrder: 20200
cost: 0
points: 0
So it should show there.
Found another costBuy tag missing, it's for the Bow weapon. Bow Quivers are fine but can't buy any bows.
STR_EXPEDITION_SHOGG and STR_EXPEDITION_DIMENSION_X don't link to anything yet. The expeditions for planet and naval don't need their arcs completed so is it just what random spoils should be linked in the surveys? When I first started playing there were a number of missing articles in the UFOpedia so I'm glad they have all been worked on. EDIT: Now that I look closer Shogg survey has a sell/buy item and research but the UFOpedia article is still broken, but Dimension X survey is not actionable yet on any level.
This mod is remarkably stable and polished considering the huge amount of new content.
- Samael of Apocalypse crashes the game when recovered because he has no recovery item. Adding the following to items fixed it.
categories: [STR_HUMANS]
size: 0.0
recover: true
liveAlien: true
prisonType: 1
costSell: 30000
listOrder: 153421
- In manufacturing, 'Repair Tritanium Rocket Hover Tank' actually repairs normal rocket hover tanks into tritanium rocket hovertanks. There is no way to repair tritanium rocket hovertanks. If the tank gun can accept different types of ammunition then maybe there should only be one rocket tank?
- I also encountered the fake door in the alien embassy. A sectoid spawns inside a tiny room next to the access lift and is trapped there. The fake door is only visible from inside the room so the player is unlikely to find the alien without bughunt mode. It sounds like LuigiWhatif drilled into it via the roof by random chance.
STR_EXPEDITION_SHOGG and STR_EXPEDITION_DIMENSION_X don't link to anything yet. The expeditions for planet and naval don't need their arcs completed so is it just what random spoils should be linked in the surveys? When I first started playing there were a number of missing articles in the UFOpedia so I'm glad they have all been worked on. EDIT: Now that I look closer Shogg survey has a sell/buy item and research but the UFOpedia article is still broken, but Dimension X survey is not actionable yet on any level.
8) Careful, we'll blame you for snooping! ::)
Thanks for the reports.
Bows are buyable now.
The two expeditions you mentioned aren't in the game yet. Did you find it while playing, or by browsing the ruleset? If the latter, you'll find more...
I checked the tank repair, looks fine on my end. Could be an issue in the release version.
The driving license (and other ID documents) gets destroyed upon research, while the hunting license doesn't. Is this intended? BTW, is there any actual "reason" why those documents have to get destroyed upon research? Is X-COM required to burn/shred the first one they come upon for privacy reasons, but everyone is fine with selling all subsequent ones that are recovered?
The driving license (and other ID documents) gets destroyed upon research, while the hunting license doesn't. Is this intended? BTW, is there any actual "reason" why those documents have to get destroyed upon research? Is X-COM required to burn/shred the first one they come upon for privacy reasons, but everyone is fine with selling all subsequent ones that are recovered?
Not intended, it's a bug.
The reason for destruction is that, well, what do you expect to get off an ID you've already read? It won't magically turn into someone else's ID.
Bow costBuy tag is missing in the 0.9.9e2 version. Thanks for all the hard work.
Yeah, I added it to 1.0 only, as I prepared it before reading about the problem... Feel free to add it yourself.
Just got a red dawn base mission, some weeks after i stormed their HQ and terminated them.
Just had a crash on cyverweb heist mission, it says object spawns outside map bounds. Spawned in Rocky Mountains if the moíuntain terrain could be the cause.
The Kukri is handled as a firearm with a range of 1, not as a melee weapon. Is this intended?
Just had a crash on cyverweb heist mission, it says object spawns outside map bounds. Spawned in Rocky Mountains if the moíuntain terrain could be the cause.
Can confirm:
[09-08-2019_14-31-19] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Random item STR_SONIC_PISTOL is outside of map block STORMMOUNTAIN04, position: [12,6,0], block size: [10,10,4]
I'd ask if this is intended, but i'd guess it's not ;)
Unless i'm misunderstanding how coordinates work, placement of the items also seems off. As far as i can tell they spawn on floor 0 (i.e. ground floor) - shouldn't they spawn on floor 1, the small storage room above (i.e. 3, 4, 1 or 4, 3, 1)?
Also, some of the terrain tiles in that mapset have no defined ground/ground object, so they don't get revealed unless you're standing directly on them:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen004zukfs.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen004zukfs.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/stormmountain65j2j.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=stormmountain65j2j.png)
As far as i can tell that is the only block in the set that has missing surface tiles, but STORMMOUNTAIN02 can lead to somewhat...interesting...map geometries:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen005mzjjn.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen005mzjjn.png)
I think the easiest solution might be to just fill in that area and remove the spawn point. As as sidenote, you can also become stuck in that room if you fall down into it from one of the airducts(?) on the level above.
Just noticed this:
The inventory position of the sprites for blackops rifle clips and tritanium rifle clips are one or two pixels off.
Heavy Tactical Suit and Heavy Tritanium Suit share the same drawbacks, despite the later supposedly being easier to use due to it's reduced weight. Is this intended?
This might've already been reported, but some of the paperdolls don't quite match up with the overlaying armor:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen00184kpd.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen00184kpd.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/screen002n8jj6.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen002n8jj6.png)
MIB bases/mission sites (connected to alien embassies?) show up as UFOs, not as ground mission sites. They also have associated briefings.
Alien Laser Rifle can be manufactured by researching Laser Weapons, actually researching the rifle isn't required. Is this intended?
Researching Alien Origins after researching a (Sectoid) Leader did not unlock the "Alien leader is researched" prerequesite. Is this intended? I don't remember running into this bug before, but there seem to have been some changes in the last updates regarding research progression. Do i need to interrogate another leader?
I recently encountered Shamblers in the caves/underdark. I haven't had a look at the spawn list, but what exactely are shamblers - who are manufactered by the Syndicate iirc and home to cold climates - doing in the caves?
Iceland along with some of the other new countries can start the game with zero funding, which in turn keeps them at 0 funding for the entire game as finding increases are percentage based. I've seen this behavior for at the very least Iceland and New Zealand, but it probably can occur for any of the new super low finding nations.
UFO subtypes can be gotten for free from alien data slates, but in order to decrypt them the topic itself needs to be researched first (as it's a prerequesite for alien vocabulary, which again needs to be researched for alien encryption).
Solarius, I think understand what you were going for with the vocabulary&encryption stuff, but at this point the data slate becomes kind of pointless, since by the time you have researched the necessary topics to break the encryption, you're bound to have unlock a lot of the topics the slate is supposed to contain.
Also, while the vocabulary article mentions that you're now able 'to ask better question', none of the unlock research topics are connected to interrogations - it's only the data slate encryption and the embassy key. This seems kind of strange. Maybe instead of locking encryption behind vocabulary, lock some of the more advanced topics gained by interrogation behind it, but also make them unlockable by decrpyting the data slate?
MIB bases/mission sites (connected to alien embassies?) show up as UFOs, not as ground mission sites. They also have associated briefings.
Last time I reported that, Solarius said it's a leftover from when missions couldn't start without UFOs. Promised to fix it, when he gets to overhaul MiB.
I recently encountered Shamblers in the caves/underdark. I haven't had a look at the spawn list, but what exactely are shamblers - who are manufactered by the Syndicate iirc and home to cold climates - doing in the caves?
The "Hidden Caves" article says that the hidden caves were found by studying migration of spider and shamblers. Average temperature of RL caves varies from ≲+10C to ~+15C, with +5C uncommon, but possible. I think, +10C is fine for polar sloths.
So I've gotten pretty far, but I tried to re-enter my X-files savegame on a Reptoid Assassination Mission, and received the following error:
"yaml-cpp: error at line 193618, column 16: unknown escape character:"
I don't have any autosaves to go back to, and I tried redownloading Xcom, as well as the newest mod version, and still got the same error. Thoughts?
The "Hidden Caves" article says that the hidden caves were found by studying migration of spider and shamblers. Average temperature of RL caves varies from ≲+10C to ~+15C, with +5C uncommon, but possible. I think, +10C is fine for polar sloths.
Crap, you're right, i didn't remember that the article mentions shamblers. Scratch that.
So I've gotten pretty far, but I tried to re-enter my X-files savegame on a Reptoid Assassination Mission, and received the following error:
"yaml-cpp: error at line 193618, column 16: unknown escape character:"
I don't have any autosaves to go back to, and I tried redownloading Xcom, as well as the newest mod version, and still got the same error. Thoughts?
Upload the save file maybe?
Upload the save file maybe?
Sure thing.
Of note, not long before this happened, my computer force exited out of the game without saving. Then I found the settings had reset, making me reapply the mod my game settings again. But I could still play the mission. But when I left and came back one more time, this happened.
That file looks truncated at the line where yaml-cpp errors out.
I disabled the last (incomplete node) in the attached save, but i am pretty sure it will be in an incomplete state.
It might work but expect weird errors.
Alternatively you might be able to delete all battle related information from the save in order to simulate a geoscape-one.
Unfortunately my knowledge in that area is seriously lacking so you should consult someone with more knowledge (for instance if such an action is possible at all, based on your save).
good luck
p.s. this is generally why i would never recommend ironman, it limits your recovery options.
That file looks truncated at the line where yaml-cpp errors out.
I disabled the last (incomplete node) in the attached save, but i am pretty sure it will be in an incomplete state.
It might work but expect weird errors.
Alternatively you might be able to delete all battle related information from the save in order to simulate a geoscape-one.
Unfortunately my knowledge in that area is seriously lacking so you should consult someone with more knowledge (for instance if such an action is possible at all, based on your save).
good luck
p.s. this is generally why i would never recommend ironman, it limits your recovery options.
Thanks so much! That seems to have worked pretty well. The mission itself was ruined (I lost the vehicle and some gear - thankfully it was a rookie D team in a truck with only concealable stuff), but all the agents were fine, and everything seems okay on the Geoscape and in another mission. You're the best!
It would have been quite the blow to lose the whole playthrough - this is quite the long (and really great) mod! I'll definitely periodically copy the save file elsewhere to keep this from happening again.
Roboturrets are bugged atm, you can't actually load the ammunition into the weapon, as both items are fixed and you can't access the inventory of the drone either.
Mission "Cyberweb Heist". When my craft had reached destination point the game was crashed with following error.
Mission "Cyberweb Heist". When my craft had reached destination point the game was crashed with following error.
See second post from the top on the preceeding page and my follow-up. Cause is that items are spawned out of bounds. You can fix this yourself by editing the terrains_XCOMFILES.rul - the entry in question starts at line 8975.
so i researched & produced tritanium magnum ammo.
but it doesn't have an ufopedia entry it seems.
how much dmg does it do?
how much dmg does it do?
I've been getting crashed with missions in America, no crash messages, just the windows has stopped responding, these are missions that I have done before as well, a sinister clinic and a medium Hybrid convoy
This happened when I shot a large rocket into a sinister clinic
These two battleships have been landed for months, This happened when America Signed the pact with the aliens. (SOLVED) these seem to be MIB UFO's that appear to be bases?
interesting. i was looking for a page update like that, but its not displayed for me. (Language is english)
neither regular not blackops magnum.
successfully produced (and used) a tritanium magnum clip, but the ufopedia does not display it there.
successfully produced (and used) a tritanium magnum clip, but the ufopedia does not display it there.
Well, my record didn’t appear immediately, but after studying the production of a certain number of other cartridges from tritanium
Sometimes when intercepting a UFO, in the item "height" this appears: STR_AIRBONE. In the game files, I could not find this line. What does this mean?
It is a text string from TFTD, indicating that a submarine is airborne (e.g. you can not intercept it).
Not sure why it pops up in your installation since that string is not used by the X-COM files (according to a search on the github project page).
I've captured tritanium ammo for BlackOps weapons from MiB unit, but still have no option to research it. The same situation was when I was playing 0.9.9d. Is it bug or a feature? :o
I've captured tritanium ammo for BlackOps weapons from MiB unit, but still have no option to research it. The same situation was when I was playing 0.9.9d. Is it bug or a feature? :o
What does the tech tree have to say about that? Do you have awll the necessary research/facilities/etc.?
What does the tech tree have to say about that? Do you have awll the necessary research/facilities/etc.?
Whops, sorry... Its characteristics automatically appereared in Ufopaedia :D
Still I don't know where to get Syndicate's disc to produce such ammo. I've assaulted several warehouses and laboratories but didn't obtain it. Same shit was in 0.9.9d. November 1999, I'm already learned laser weps, but still don't know advanced ammo for basic kinetic weapons. Don't you think it's a bit strange, heh? :-\
Whops, sorry... Its characteristics automatically appereared in Ufopaedia :D
Still I don't know where to get Syndicate's disc to produce such ammo. I've assaulted several warehouses and laboratories but didn't obtain it. Same shit was in 0.9.9d. November 1999, I'm already learned laser weps, but still don't know advanced ammo for basic kinetic weapons. Don't you think it's a bit strange, heh? :-\
Depends on your progression. Sounds like your either missing research in the syndicate arc you made a choice not to pursue it further. Also, coming from 0.9.8 (or earlier, i've had that savegame for quite a while) starting over in 0.9.9 had me a bit stumped as to how you're supposed to progress to laser&blaster weapons. Seems it has changed quite a bit (alien vocabulary etc.).
Depends on your progression. Sounds like your either missing research in the syndicate arc you made a choice not to pursue it further. Also, coming from 0.9.8 (or earlier, i've had that savegame for quite a while) starting over in 0.9.9 had me a bit stumped as to how you're supposed to progress to laser&blaster weapons. Seems it has changed quite a bit (alien vocabulary etc.).
What segment of Cyndicates's arc do you mean? I need to solve monster problem? I do not complete it because of good farming of experience for the rookies :) If it needs to complete for the uncovering 'disc mission', I'll do it.
And what about laser weapons... It's not so difficult to reserach, it does not demand alien vocabulary. I have 8 bases now 4 of them fully builded with all available scientific structures. So the reseraching running on average speed.
Maybe i'm confusing some research, but i remember having a really hard time getting the elerium battery/prerequisites for laser+blaster weapons. As for Tritanium ammo i'm not really sure tbh, since i'm running a submod that enables some more manufacturing options and research branches. From looking at the rul file, it apparently requires Syndicate Operations along with alloy ammo and the weapon/ammo in question. I think you get the Floppy from one of the lab/high-rise assaults? I'm having trouble disentangling the map&mission scripts, since i can't find which of those actually links to/uses the CORP_PHASE_1 terrain that contains the floppy, but i think you need to research Syndicate Network to get that mission to spawn.
Maybe i'm confusing some research, but i remember having a really hard time getting the elerium battery/prerequisites for laser+blaster weapons. As for Tritanium ammo i'm not really sure tbh, since i'm running a submod that enables some more manufacturing options and research branches. From looking at the rul file, it apparently requires Syndicate Operations along with alloy ammo and the weapon/ammo in question. I think you get the Floppy from one of the lab/high-rise assaults? I'm having trouble disentangling the map&mission scripts, since i can't find which of those actually links to/uses the CORP_PHASE_1 terrain that contains the floppy, but i think you need to research Syndicate Network to get that mission to spawn.
I've learned Syn Network at the end of 1998... It seems the crappy random isn't on my side. :(
So, uh. Up on this page someone says to refer to a previous page in this bug thread to fix it, but. I can't find what they're referring to, and they didnt quote it? And I've never messed with modifying files before
Samael’s staff summons a demon who is hostile to the player. Is this conceived or flawed?
So, uh. Up on this page someone says to refer to a previous page in this bug thread to fix it, but. I can't find what they're referring to, and they didnt quote it? And I've never messed with modifying files before
Ok, I'll make you a deal - I can explain to you why this happens and how to fix it, and you promise me to never, ever do that again. Moiré patterns give me headaches. Why do people feel the need to take pictures of their screens with their smartphones instead of posting screenshots? This is just wrong. And no, i don't care that it's a Galaxy S10 - this is like using a video camera to record something off your TV instead of using the build-in video recorder.
Samael’s staff summons a demon who is hostile to the player. Is this conceived or flawed?
Doesn't it say in the UFOpedia that the staff is basically useless for Xcom because the demon is hostile?
Crash on accepting cyberweb heist...
Quantum computer outside of map.
Error message and savegame from right before attached.
Crash on accepting cyberweb heist...
Quantum computer outside of map.
Error message and savegame from right before attached.
This is literally a duplicate of the first post on this page, and has been reported multiple times already. You can easily fix this yourself.
oh ye, didn't notice.
However, i have no idea how to fix this myself.
Is there a patch/fix available?
(hardly have time to play this game, so definately not enough time to get into modding/messing with maps)
oh ye, didn't notice.
However, i have no idea how to fix this myself.
Is there a patch/fix available?
(hardly have time to play this game, so definately not enough time to get into modding/messing with maps)
You simply need to replace the coordinates with something more sensible (i.e. within the boundaries). You can find the mapset in the terrain.rul - simply search for the map name and modify [12,6,0] to something thats within the listed boundaries.
got it, thanks
Just got a red dawn base mission, some weeks after i stormed their HQ and terminated them.
Which version are you using?
Just had a crash on cyverweb heist mission, it says object spawns outside map bounds. Spawned in Rocky Mountains if the moíuntain terrain could be the cause.
Known bug, sorry. Retry the mission (with save scumming on) or get the unreleased version from GitHub: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles
The Kukri is handled as a firearm with a range of 1, not as a melee weapon. Is this intended?
yes, otherwise you wouldn't be able to cut foliage with it (melee weapons can't attack terrain).
Also, some of the terrain tiles in that mapset have no defined ground/ground object, so they don't get revealed unless you're standing directly on them
Yeah, I keep fixing these (not my map). Thanks for the report.
As far as i can tell that is the only block in the set that has missing surface tiles, but STORMMOUNTAIN02 can lead to somewhat...interesting...map geometries:
Makes sense. Also fixed.
Just noticed this:
The inventory position of the sprites for blackops rifle clips and tritanium rifle clips are one or two pixels off.
Funny, considering these are vanilla resources. :P (Well, the tritanium one is recoloured.)
Heavy Tactical Suit and Heavy Tritanium Suit share the same drawbacks, despite the later supposedly being easier to use due to it's reduced weight. Is this intended?
This might've already been reported, but some of the paperdolls don't quite match up with the overlaying armor:
Darn. Will this issue never end? ;)
MIB bases/mission sites (connected to alien embassies?) show up as UFOs, not as ground mission sites. They also have associated briefings.
That's more of a limitation than a bug. We're trying to figure out how to improve it, though.
Alien Laser Rifle can be manufactured by researching Laser Weapons, actually researching the rifle isn't required. Is this intended?
Not intended. Fixed.
Researching Alien Origins after researching a (Sectoid) Leader did not unlock the "Alien leader is researched" prerequesite. Is this intended? I don't remember running into this bug before, but there seem to have been some changes in the last updates regarding research progression. Do i need to interrogate another leader?
Can you tell me a bit more? What do you want to achieve? What exactly do you need?
I recently encountered Shamblers in the caves/underdark. I haven't had a look at the spawn list, but what exactely are shamblers - who are manufactered by the Syndicate iirc and home to cold climates - doing in the caves?
They aren't manufactured by the Syndicate, though the Syndicate experiments with them.
There's an "explanation mission" planned.
Iceland along with some of the other new countries can start the game with zero funding, which in turn keeps them at 0 funding for the entire game as finding increases are percentage based. I've seen this behavior for at the very least Iceland and New Zealand, but it probably can occur for any of the new super low finding nations.
Thanks, known and (hopefully) fixed.
For now, you can edit your save file to give these countries some positive income. Though some people like the idea of some countries being only a burden. ;)
UFO subtypes can be gotten for free from alien data slates, but in order to decrypt them the topic itself needs to be researched first (as it's a prerequesite for alien vocabulary, which again needs to be researched for alien encryption).
Solarius, I think understand what you were going for with the vocabulary&encryption stuff, but at this point the data slate becomes kind of pointless, since by the time you have researched the necessary topics to break the encryption, you're bound to have unlock a lot of the topics the slate is supposed to contain.
Also, while the vocabulary article mentions that you're now able 'to ask better question', none of the unlock research topics are connected to interrogations - it's only the data slate encryption and the embassy key. This seems kind of strange. Maybe instead of locking encryption behind vocabulary, lock some of the more advanced topics gained by interrogation behind it, but also make them unlockable by decrpyting the data slate?
I guess the entire data slate research list should be revised, as it's a very old feature.
I don't have a good concept yet. Ideas welcome.
Roboturrets are bugged atm, you can't actually load the ammunition into the weapon, as both items are fixed and you can't access the inventory of the drone either.
But you can press "R". ;)
I'll make it smoother soon.
so i researched & produced tritanium magnum ammo.
but it doesn't have an ufopedia entry it seems.
how much dmg does it do?
The code seems fine... Can you attach a save?
This happened when I shot a large rocket into a sinister clinic
We'll check, thanks.
Everything else is solved, please let me know if anything is left to discuss.
for the mission, I was using 0.9.9d at that time.
as for the ammo, should be still the same in the bug.sav a few posts upwards. its 0.9.9e2 already.
(checked, its still persistent in that savegame)
The code seems fine... Can you attach a save?
Researching AA drum manufacturing doesn't require the actual AA drum, while researching the AA drum does:
cost: 10
points: 10
cost: 0
points: 0
needItem: true
cost: 0
points: 0
I guess researching the AA drum should also require alloy ammo, but not the drum iteself.
for the mission, I was using 0.9.9d at that time.
as for the ammo, should be still the same in the bug.sav a few posts upwards. its 0.9.9e2 already.
(checked, its still persistent in that savegame)
The first issue was fixed long two releases ago. What's the point in reporting old shit like this?
The second is not yetb fixed in the released version, but you can download the GitHub version, it should work fine.
I guess researching the AA drum should also require alloy ammo, but not the drum iteself.
No, because that would prevent you from researching the AA drum if you find it. The point is to have the cake and eat it too.
I think the correct solution is this:
cost: 10
points: 10
unlocks: < ---- added
- STR_MAGNUM_AA_DRUM < ---- added
listOrder: 520200
EDIT: I was wrong, of course. It should be lookup, not unlocks:
cost: 10
points: 10
listOrder: 520200
Hello, where should i report translation errors? Translation is very good and precise, don't get me wrong... just one not important research is missing almost whole description.
EDIT: i'm using czech translation
Hello, where should i report translation errors? Translation is very good and precise, don't get me wrong... just one not important research is missing almost whole description.
EDIT: i'm using czech translation
You can create the translation yourself.
Here: https://www.transifex.com/openxcom/openxcom-mods/xcf/
Currently this mod is 97.74% translated into Czech.
EDIT: I was wrong, of course. It should be lookup, not unlocks:
cost: 10
points: 10
listOrder: 520200
I don't see any other cases of this kind.
So can we translate it as ?
Tks !
You can create the translation yourself.
Here: https://www.transifex.com/openxcom/openxcom-mods/xcf/
Currently this mod is 97.74% translated into Czech.
Ah ok, thought it was made by one guy/party.
Research i'm talking about is translated, but contains only one and half sentence, looks like copy/paste error. I will try to find it and fix it :) .
Thanks for the link.
just noticed, have 4 soldiers, and for 3 of them there´s a slight (each different) offset from the suit/armor overlay.
(version e2)
last one seems normal, just for quick comparison.
I don't see any other cases of this kind.
So can we translate it as ?
Tks !
Lookup on two items? That's something I've never seen... No idea what would happen. :D
Anyway, anything wrong with my solution? (I know it's a unique situation. Doesn't really change anything.)
just noticed, have 4 soldiers, and for 3 of them there´s a slight (each different) offset from the suit/armor overlay.
(version e2)
last one seems normal, just for quick comparison.
What am I supposed to look at? Can't see anything special at a glance.
at their legs, some yellow colored pixels stand out that should not be there.
(for 2nd to last one they´re dark colored, so kinda hard to see)
Hello, I love this mod! I've been playing it for more than a year at this point and it's wonderful.
I ran into a crash today on starting a cyberweb heist mission with an Osprey dropship. Attached is the autosave immediately before the ship landed, just advance time in the geoscape and it should happen again.
at their legs, some yellow colored pixels stand out that should not be there.
(for 2nd to last one they´re dark colored, so kinda hard to see)
Ahh, gotcha! Thanks. One of theme was already fixed, but two weren't.
Hello, I love this mod! I've been playing it for more than a year at this point and it's wonderful.
Thank you!
If I may ask, a year in-game or in real life? :)
I ran into a crash today on starting a cyberweb heist mission with an Osprey dropship. Attached is the autosave immediately before the ship landed, just advance time in the geoscape and it should happen again.
Yes, it's a known bug, where an item is spawned outside the map. You can try starting the mission again, with savescumming on. Repeat until it works.
Ahh, gotcha! Thanks. One of theme was already fixed, but two weren't.
Thank you!
If I may ask, a year in-game or in real life? :)
Yes, it's a known bug, where an item is spawned outside the map. You can try starting the mission again, with savescumming on. Repeat until it works.
Real life! I've been playing on and off since around October last year (which makes it actually just under a year, oops :P). It's a great thing you put together, and it's kept me engaged for a long time.
Thanks for the solution too, I'll try that next time the mission pops up.
Lookup on two items? That's something I've never seen... No idea what would happen.
I tested with this way of writing:
- STR_xxx
- STR_yyy
Nothing is happening! :'(
And I tested it as you wrote it:
lookup: STR_xxx
lookup: STR_yyy
Only the first line is taken into account. The second one is ignored! ;)
Only the first line is taken into account. The second one is ignored! ;)
And what exactly are you trying to do?
"lookup" is not an array, it can accept exactly one value only.
Me? Nothing!
I was reacting to that answer!
cost: 10
points: 10
listOrder: 520200
that's a bug; one of them should be deleted
that's a bug; one of them should be deleted
Indeed. Thanks, fixed!
Oh, before I forget... Do Excalt Infiltrator has immunity to panic or he is bugged?
Oh, before I forget... Do Excalt Infiltrator has immunity to panic or he is bugged?
They should panic and even surrender just fine.
They should panic and even surrender just fine.
They have never panicked and never surrendered through all my games, even under fire. The same situation with Black Lotus assassin and Dagon Morph. Black Lotus warriors and Chosen of Dagon could fall into panick sometimes, but never surrend.
From the ufopaedia wiki;
Surrendering, Bughunt
surrenderMode Allows enemies to surrender (they will be taken as prisoners). Possible options:
0 = no surrender
1 = if all remaining standing enemies can surrender; and they want to surrender at this very moment (their current status is panicking or berserking)... end the battle
2 = if all remaining standing enemies can surrender; and they have panicked/berserked at least once or have been stunned at least once... end the battle
3 = same as option 2, but enemies must also have empty hands
In all 3 cases, enemies marked as "auto surrender" are not checked and count as surrendered.
XCF uses surrenderMode 2 (..\mods\XComFiles\Ruleset\vars_XCOMFILES.rul, line 26), so for enemies to surrender all currently-living enemies must have panicked or berzerked at least once. EXALT Infiltrators have 80 bravery (..\Ruleset\units_XCOMFILES.rul, line 942) which means that their fellow EXALT goons being wiped out doesn't really scare them too much. Odds are they'd have to be the last man standing of a large number.
If you really wanna make 'em surrender (rather than killing them or taking them alive with tazers/etc.) you'll need to hit them with psi panic until their morale breaks.
to Arcalane:
That makes no sense, because psi-amp is very far from the time of destroying cults. Wait for psiclones? Nah, it's easier and faster to stun enemy.
Actually, this issue with strong-minded Excalt enforcers does not bother me very much. I'm just wondering is it bug or a feature. ;)
Crash upon clicking "begin mission" on a Cyberweb heist mission on the geoscape.
Looks like it tried to place a Military Computer in a bad spot (outside of map boundaries?).
Error message in log is:
[06-10-2019_02-43-00] [ERROR] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Random item STR_MILITARY_COMPUTER is outside of map block STORMMOUNTAIN04, position: [12,6,0], block size: [10,10,4]
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x585c30 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x586fb0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x41c780 exceptionLogger()
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0xaff950 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0xcb9060 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0xcbdf60 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x4e53d0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::loadMAP(OpenXcom::MapBlock*, int, int, int, OpenXcom::RuleTerrain*, int, bool, bool)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x4e8830 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::addBlock(int, int, OpenXcom::MapBlock*, OpenXcom::RuleTerrain*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x4eeca0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x4f2d10 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x6759d0 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x5a18a0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x657c90 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x59ee70 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x41c8c0 SDL_main
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x91adc0 console_main
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x91aee0 WinMain
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] ??
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] ??
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x7ff8f8697960 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-10-2019_02-43-06] [FATAL] 0x7ff8f8e5a250 RtlUserThreadStart
[06-10-2019_02-49-09] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Random item STR_MILITARY_COMPUTER is outside of map block STORMMOUNTAIN04, position: [12,6,0], block size: [10,10,4]
*** Attached is the save made just before reaching the mission location(s) (was enroute to both a Cyberweb heist and a Mongorn gathering).
They have never panicked and never surrendered through all my games, even under fire. The same situation with Black Lotus assassin and Dagon Morph. Black Lotus warriors and Chosen of Dagon could fall into panick sometimes, but never surrend.
Chosen and Assassins don't surrender, you're right. This is intended.
Crash upon clicking "begin mission" on a Cyberweb heist mission on the geoscape.
Looks like it tried to place a Military Computer in a bad spot (outside of map boundaries?).
Yeah, I get this report at least once per page.
- Try starting the mission again (with savescumming on)
- Get the "nightly" version from GitHub
- wait for 1.0
Yeah, I get this report at least once per page.
- Try starting the mission again (with savescumming on)
- Get the "nightly" version from GitHub
- wait for 1.0
Ah ok lol, just recently installed the mod, so I must've missed the posts, as this is the first I've heard of it XD. I always had the savescumming setting on (yeah, filthy casual, I know... lol). Tried reloading and entering the mission again before making my original post, but it still got the crash. Is a 'Cyberweb Heist' on a fixed map or does it choose from a pool of maps (with the chance to 'roll' a different map) like other missions? If the latter, I guess that means we can simply 'reroll' maps until it gets one that does not produce the error? Or am I misunderstanding the method in which it determines the map?
Also, if I go the GitHub nightly path, does that require starting a new campaign or would I still be able to continue my current one?
After the 6th or 7th time reloading the save and trying to start the mission, it finally worked! :D (was worried it had gotten 'locked' to some specific map after the first few attempts, even with savescumming/seed refreshing option on >_<).
As my first "Cyberweb Heist" mission, it was pretty damn cool, definitely not what I was expecting (don't want to spoil it for anyone)! Boy howdy all that 'accidentally dropped' tech and guns XD!
Glad it worked out for you :)
If you're curious, the problem was that one of the blocks had bad coordinates for one item lying on the floor, beyond the area of this block. So the item was generated on another, neighbouring block. But if the original block was near the map's edge, then the item was generated outside of the map, crashing everything.
Regarding the GitHub version: yes, it is compatible and won't invalidate your campaign. But some important things to know:
1) It uses a recent version vof OXCE, also unreleased yet. You will have to get it from Meridian's repository or wait for release.
2) Due to a complete overhaul of soldier experience, your agents from 0.9.9x will be stronger than they should. Not a huge issue, but they'll be pretty OP.
I have a save with an example of a consistent freeze/crash (save and screenshot attached). I'm playing 9.9d, so disregard if you aren't interested in bug reports from previous versions, or if this issue is known to have been corrected.
Situation summary: Thunderstorm has landed next to a shot-down Very Small UFO and a "1 unit vs 1 unit" battle ensues. Agent encounters alien too tough to shoot with his weapon, but agent is packing a High Explosive and attempts to use it to kill the alien.
State of play: Agent has High Explosive primed in hand and is in a position to throw it at the enemy.
To create freeze: Throw high explosive at alien and end turn.
Each report is a save, with a description of what to do to get a crash. Ideally something as simple as "press end turn, shooting happens then the game crashes". Try to make a save as close to the crash as possible (i.e. just before pressing end turn) so that testers don't have much to do.
Extra info that is useful:
1 - Screenshot of the offending unit.
2 - Info about the offending unit and how to circumvent the bug.
Get a m_range_check crash when throwing Dynamite next to a wall. The attached screenshot shows where to throw the dynamite to trigger a crash. My game version is 0.99e.
Note that I have personally modded X-COM Files so that the "power" of everything in xcomfiles.rul is multiplied by 2, for stronger weapons (due to personal preference)
To create freeze: Throw high explosive at alien and end turn.
@Solarius: the tiles making up the craft seem to have wrong armor value (0), for example at tile [14,32,1]... pls check
Get a m_range_check crash when throwing Dynamite next to a wall. The attached screenshot shows where to throw the dynamite to trigger a crash. My game version is 0.99e.
[17-10-2019_20-04-50] [INFO] MCD OSIRON_FINNIK object 44 has invalid DieMCD: 123
I think this will be fixed in next version.
@Solarius: the tiles making up the craft seem to have wrong armor value (0), for example at tile [14,32,1]... pls check
Is it possible to access these values in-game or only via MCD Edit? I tried locating the offending tile/tiles in-game but had limited success doing so (I was able to narrow it down to middle/hind part of the Interceptor, but that's about it). I might also be missing an option that enables continous debug output during battle/geoscape. Is there a way to catch these freezes and trace them back to in-game actions?
@Solarius: the tiles making up the craft seem to have wrong armor value (0), for example at tile [14,32,1]... pls check
Thanks for checking this out, you're a good man Charlie Brown!
Edit: By the way, more on the topic of taste and streamlining than bugs; is there value added by separating Batteries from Ammunition as an item category? I feel like the intuitive thing is to look under Ammunition for most items that are considered Batteries.
Thanks guys, I fixed all 0 armour values.
Is it possible to access these values in-game or only via MCD Edit? I tried locating the offending tile/tiles in-game but had limited success doing so (I was able to narrow it down to middle/hind part of the Interceptor, but that's about it). I might also be missing an option that enables continous debug output during battle/geoscape. Is there a way to catch these freezes and trace them back to in-game actions?
I don't know, it's more of a dev question. It's hard to debug anything without Visual Studio.
Edit: By the way, more on the topic of taste and streamlining than bugs; is there value added by separating Batteries from Ammunition as an item category? I feel like the intuitive thing is to look under Ammunition for most items that are considered Batteries.
I'll probably unify them all as ammo, if it bothers you people.
If you send a craft with human soldiers and AIs (flying scout) to a Chakram (delicious cake) mission, then the AI is chosen for the mission, which leads to a few other bugs like no weapon, and insufficient strength to carry the cake.
Also the Staff of Heart Grip is available as a weapon in the mission, which is probably not intended.
If you send a craft with human soldiers and AIs (flying scout) to a Chakram (delicious cake) mission, then the AI is chosen for the mission, which leads to a few other bugs like no weapon, and insufficient strength to carry the cake.
Interesting, I'll try to address it after 1.0. I mean, I'm not even sure if it's bad.
Also the Staff of Heart Grip is available as a weapon in the mission, which is probably not intended.
That is intended, but I'm not sure. :P
Probably not XCF-specific, but both kinds of wire fences around the small van/car parks in certain city maps (mostly featured in Cult of Apocalypse Jailbreak missions) seem to have some odd line of sight/fire break behaviour, especially at shallow angles.
Ed: the chain fences on the tropical village set seem to be really fucky too. like I can see through a broken fence but not shoot through it, even when force-firing.
Probably not XCF-specific, but both kinds of wire fences around the small van/car parks in certain city maps (mostly featured in Cult of Apocalypse Jailbreak missions) seem to have some odd line of sight/fire break behaviour, especially at shallow angles.
Ed: the chain fences on the tropical village set seem to be really fucky too. like I can see through a broken fence but not shoot through it, even when force-firing.
It's vanilla behaviour, see TFTD.
What else can we expect from such a patchy MCD?
i get that problem with a lot of metal fences. its horrible.
any chance this might be fixed?
(is it possible to just do a search&replace on the map files...?)
(is it possible to just do a search&replace on the map files...?)
basically, no.
it happens because Line of Sight starts from a different voxel than Line of Fire (LoF is ~4 voxels lower, iirc)
so, re. fences, some you can see through but might not be able to shoot through, or vice versa. (depending on the z-voxel of the slats or chain-links, etc)
truly "fixing" it to be more human-like (us humans can shift our perspective, or the barrel of a gun, a few inches no problemo) would require changing the OxC sourcecode -- but voxel-tracing in code is substantially more complicated ...
edit: there may be workarounds for modders, like uh perhaps removing their LoFTemps and setting their type as Content w/ an appropriate bigwall var, but even that wouldn't really work since the fence couldn't be shot away and walked through anymore ...
edit2: a possibility might be to add an MCD-variable "shootThroughable" ...
I´m fine with the LoS/LoF difference.
The real problem imo is you can't even force fire through it.
What kind of metal fence holds against minigun blasts etc...?
Basically as long as the fences are ok i can fire through it, as soon as they get damaged i can't anymore and force fire will just go against the broken fence. Which is fine, except the fence actually completely holds it...
oh ... do you mean the fences (and/or destroyed fences) you're encountering are indestructible?
to me that means their Armor/Health value was set too high ...
... in case of destroyed fences, perhaps their LoFTemps isn't right also
oh ... do you mean the fences (and/or destroyed fences) you're encountering are indestructible?
to me that means their Armor/Health value was set too high ...
... in case of destroyed fences, perhaps their LoFTemps isn't right also
The question is not to destroy such fences, but why this shit blocks our shots ???
The question is not to destroy such fences, but why this shit blocks our shots ???
see 4 posts above.
oh ... do you mean the fences (and/or destroyed fences) you're encountering are indestructible?
to me that means their Armor/Health value was set too high ...
... in case of destroyed fences, perhaps their LoFTemps isn't right also
pretty much yes.
would not say indestructible per se, large explosives still destroy them.
but with bullets it seems impossible, so armor/health is too high, yes.
the fences themselves seem fine, but the destroyed fences have weird values, which leads to that strange behaviour...
(e.g. you can shoot through a fence, but if you damage it you won't get another bullet through)
Which mission/terrain is it?
pretty much every wire/metal fence in maps including houses, and some others too.
(fence posts especially...)
all non metal fences seem fine.
sry don't have a list at hand. I´ll try to make screenshots on encounter.
(not many occasions anymore without the cults...)
EDIT: what would be expected values for health/armor of these fences? so i´ll know if something is off...
Found typos in en-US.yml:
STR_HELIX_KNIGHT_UFOPEDIA: ingraned --> ingrained
STR_SECTOID_LEGACY_UFOPEDIA: commited --> committed
STR_THE_LUNAR_TRAIL_UFOPEDIA: instalations --> installations
STR_SAMAEL_LEGACY_UFOPEDIA: otherwordly --> otherworldly
pretty much every wire/metal fence in maps including houses, and some others too.
(fence posts especially...)
all non metal fences seem fine.
sry don't have a list at hand. I´ll try to make screenshots on encounter.
(not many occasions anymore without the cults...)
EDIT: what would be expected values for health/armor of these fences? so i´ll know if something is off...
I checked and these destroyed fences shouldn't block anything, they only have two poles at both ends. Unless some terrain is screwed up.
Found typos in en-US.yml:
STR_HELIX_KNIGHT_UFOPEDIA: ingraned --> ingrained
STR_SECTOID_LEGACY_UFOPEDIA: commited --> committed
STR_THE_LUNAR_TRAIL_UFOPEDIA: instalations --> installations
STR_SAMAEL_LEGACY_UFOPEDIA: otherwordly --> otherworldly
Thanks, will fix.
hm weird. i´m gonna get a savegame next time it happens.
hope that´ll clarify things.
Found some janky floating sand tiles on a desert map (highlighted with cursor for emphasis):
Lol, good catch. Nobody noticed over several years.
Lol, good catch. Nobody noticed over several years.
...or it just don't bother anyone. ;)
On my latest (recently started) play through, I started getting segfault crashes sometimes during battles.
From logfile:
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] 0x5d7690 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] 0x5d8b80 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] 0x41c340 signalLogger(int)
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] 0x77529120 RtlCaptureStackContext
[25-10-2019_10-10-04] [FATAL] 0x77507a90 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
I managed to recreate the crash reliably 99% of the time in the save I'm attaching. Following the sequence: The selected unit fires 2 snap shots at enemy 4 -> Clicking the Don't Reselect Unit button -> Hovering the mouse over the top left corner of the Select Next Unit button (as shown on the screenshot) -> segfault.
I can always avoid moving the mouse over that particular place, but I guess you'd be interested in that problem :)
I don't recall being reported before.
Rat armor string missing.
On my latest (recently started) play through, I started getting segfault crashes sometimes during battles.
From logfile:
I managed to recreate the crash reliably 99% of the time in the save I'm attaching. Following the sequence: The selected unit fires 2 snap shots at enemy 4 -> Clicking the Don't Reselect Unit button -> Hovering the mouse over the top left corner of the Select Next Unit button (as shown on the screenshot) -> segfault.
Interesting, but I couldn't replicate this problem. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, like not placing the cursor in the right spot... But anyway, sounds weird.
I don't recall being reported before.
Rat armor string missing.
This armour doesn't exist in the actual game. Either you're in Quick Battle or cheating.
This armour doesn't exist in the actual game. Either you're in Quick Battle or cheating.
No cheating. In an actual campaign. EDIT: I attach the game save for further check.
I didn't bother researching the X-Rats until I had the scientist to spare. And in the next mission I captured one.
But selecting that armor doesn't do anything. Nor MMB.
I've just encountered this ctd - it happened after sending my team to Cyberweb Heist and clicking "Begin Mission". Screenshot and save attached.
yes thats known to happen.
few pages back there´s a work around.
You simply need to replace the coordinates with something more sensible (i.e. within the boundaries). You can find the mapset in the terrain.rul - simply search for the map name and modify [12,6,0] to something thats within the listed boundaries.
yes thats known to happen.
few pages back there´s a work around.
Thanks, it worked!
On my latest (recently started) play through, I started getting segfault crashes sometimes during battles.
From logfile:
I managed to recreate the crash reliably 99% of the time in the save I'm attaching. Following the sequence: The selected unit fires 2 snap shots at enemy 4 -> Clicking the Don't Reselect Unit button -> Hovering the mouse over the top left corner of the Select Next Unit button (as shown on the screenshot) -> segfault.
I can always avoid moving the mouse over that particular place, but I guess you'd be interested in that problem :)
I've catched the same today when I was assaulting RD safe house. Ver. 1.0.
On my latest (recently started) play through, I started getting segfault crashes sometimes during battles.
From logfile:
I managed to recreate the crash reliably 99% of the time in the save I'm attaching. Following the sequence: The selected unit fires 2 snap shots at enemy 4 -> Clicking the Don't Reselect Unit button -> Hovering the mouse over the top left corner of the Select Next Unit button (as shown on the screenshot) -> segfault.
I can always avoid moving the mouse over that particular place, but I guess you'd be interested in that problem :)
Following the sequence:
step 1. The selected unit fires 2 snap shots at enemy 4
step 2. Clicking the Don't Reselect Unit button
step 3. Hovering the mouse over the top left corner of the Select Next Unit button (as shown on the screenshot)
...and then what? does the segfault happen when you're just doing nothing? or do you click on the button? or something else?
PS: can you please attach the whole log file please.
I've catched the same today when I was assaulting RD safe house. Ver. 1.0.
Any more details... please? Logfile, savefile, instructions to reproduce...
No cheating. In an actual campaign. EDIT: I attach the game save for further check.
I didn't bother researching the X-Rats until I had the scientist to spare. And in the next mission I captured one.
But selecting that armor doesn't do anything. Nor MMB.
Okay, I found and fixed the problem. Thanks for reporting it, I'm grateful.
Okay, I found and fixed the problem. Thanks for reporting it, I'm grateful.
No problem.
I found a missing string.
EDIT: The STR_GHOSTS (sorting menu) is also missing.
It's after the Asylum mission. I had recovered some ectoplasm from those surveys and built a ghost tank.
why has the scatter blaster such a low production cost compared to the other blasters?
shouldn't it be a lot more, compared to e.g. a rifle or pistol?
Thanks. Added the missing string and increased E-115 cost for the Scatter Blaster.
after loading my 0.99e2 save with 1.0 my alien AI is missing, along its laser tank...
(+ all other laser tanks, but just main base, the others are still there)
after loading my 0.99e2 save with 1.0 my alien AI is missing, along its laser tank...
(+ all other laser tanks, but just main base, the others are still there)
Alien AIs were disabled ages ago... I didn't expect anyone to still have them.
In this case you will need to go back to your old save and change all
too late.
shame on me, didnt make a backup... >_>
what you mean were disabled ages ago? o_O
started that campaign 0.99e2...
too late.
shame on me, didnt make a backup... >_>
what you mean were disabled ages ago? o_O
started that campaign 0.99e2...
Well, maybe there was some way to get them I didn't anticipate.
Got a crash on landing for Cyberweb Heist. Here's the save file from right before it happened.
Edit: Just noticed a new version up, so this might have already been fixed.
Got a crash on landing for Cyberweb Heist. Here's the save file from right before it happened.
Edit: Just noticed a new version up, so this might have already been fixed.
Yes. :)
Lol, good catch. Nobody noticed over several years.
Ah, I'm so glad that this (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg102317.html#msg102317) got fixed. I didn't want to be an ass and complain about it a second time. :D
Hello, today I installed a new version and loaded the save, for some time the game was weighing normally, but at some point an error appeared.
I enclose screenshots, log files and a save file
Sorry for the translator.
The problem is resolved with the help of the community in the discord.
in my case I had to delete the line with the mission generated in the previous month.
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 9
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 436
missionSiteZone: 17
I found out which mission to delete by starting the save on version 9.9e
During a mission on the moon, shot from a rocket launcher and received such an error.
The description for the Biodrones' Weapon in the UFOPEDIA crashes the game.
small graphical glitch with psi amp:
that guy there in the armored coat is holding a blaster pistol and a psi amp.
there´s a small artifact following him around, depending on his sight direction.
(circled in 2nd picture...)
its not on the same tile. if he moves, it follows him.
its not on anything else, just the psi amp.
EDIT: looks funny though... kinda like he´s holding a really long fish and thats the tail :D
Well, maybe there was some way to get them I didn't anticipate.
According to my current game (not updated to 1.0 yet)'s tech tree viewer:
UFO Nav -> Alien Optical Processor -> Optronics -> Alien AI Unit -> Alien AI Unit [m]
Segfault while alt tabbing from place a new base screen.
[09-11-2019_15-18-18] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.1.1 (v2019-11-02)
[09-11-2019_15-18-18] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
removed unnecessary parts
[09-11-2019_15-18-28] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[09-11-2019_15-18-28] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[09-11-2019_15-18-28] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[09-11-2019_15-18-29] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[09-11-2019_15-21-09] [WARN] STR_SELL_SELECTED_2 not found in fi
[09-11-2019_15-26-50] [WARN] NoNoun not found in fi
[09-11-2019_17-02-53] [WARN] STR_SELL_SELECTED_1 not found in fi
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x58d120 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x58df90 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x41e830 signalLogger(int)
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x931fa0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb3111fcc0 _C_specific_handler
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb31134660 _chkstk
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb31093730 RtlWalkFrameChain
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb311334c0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x65c490 OpenXcom::State::think()
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x6a4340 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::think()
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x5a4010 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x41e990 SDL_main
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x933ad0 console_main
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x933bf0 WinMain
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] ??
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] ??
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb30037960 BaseThreadInitThunk
[09-11-2019_20-37-37] [FATAL] 0x7ffb310fa250 RtlUserThreadStart
Unfortunately I wasn't able to repeat it. But this save is from immediately before because I just saved after detecting the military shot down ufo event. Quite a long-ass session, so it might have creeped instead of having a specific reason.
just had a crash on geoscape.
(happened right after speeding up time, suspect cause may be a mission trigger)
log says
[11-11-2019_00-14-15] [WARN] STR_SELL_SELECTED_1 not found in en-US
[11-11-2019_00-16-57] [WARN] STR_EXPEDITION_SHOGG not found in en-US
[11-11-2019_00-16-57] [WARN] STR_EXPEDITION_DIMENSION_X not found in en-US
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite .SCR not found
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x58d120 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x58df90 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x41e8c0 exceptionLogger()
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0xb18690 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0xcd0f30 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0xcd6100 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0xbbdee0 OpenXcom::Surface* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Surface>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Surface*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Surface*> > > const&, bool) const
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x763950 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x6b9110 OpenXcom::MissionDetectedState::MissionDetectedState(OpenXcom::MissionSite*, OpenXcom::GeoscapeState*)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x6a0840 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time1Hour()
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x6a33d0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x662910 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x5a4010 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x41e990 SDL_main
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x933ad0 console_main
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x933bf0 WinMain
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] ??
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] ??
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x76af5560 BaseThreadInitThunk
[11-11-2019_00-30-38] [FATAL] 0x76d53840 RtlUserThreadStart
[11-11-2019_00-31-54] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite .SCR not found
last save is from 15mins ago. gonna take a while to try and reproduce.
Unfortunately auto-save saved after mission but before stuff was sold and prison/containment stuff was done, so i gotta do that all again... D:
(would be cool to auto-save after that...)
its from 15mins before though.
took no further mission til then, only did some soldier transfers and 1 pilot training or so.
crash was still in same month.
had to zip it, otherwise 503...
Get a fatal error a little bit after the Red Dawn HQ raid. I think it's associated with a mission type notification.
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite SLANDER_BACKGROUND.SCR not found
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x58d120 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x58df90 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x41e8c0 exceptionLogger()
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0xb18690 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0xcd0f30 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0xcd6100 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0xbbdee0 OpenXcom::Surface* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Surface>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Surface*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Surface*> > > const&, bool) const
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x763950 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x6b9110 OpenXcom::MissionDetectedState::MissionDetectedState(OpenXcom::MissionSite*, OpenXcom::GeoscapeState*)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x6a0840 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time1Hour()
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x6a33d0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x662910 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x5a4010 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x41e990 SDL_main
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x933ad0 console_main
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x933bf0 WinMain
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] ??
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] ??
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffff50a7bc0 BaseThreadInitThunk
[11-11-2019_01-43-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffff5c2cec0 RtlUserThreadStart
https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Ux5g0XG4g75Lu2Okp7cj-TiOJyErtGi (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-Ux5g0XG4g75Lu2Okp7cj-TiOJyErtGi) is for the save.
Get a fatal error a little bit after the Red Dawn HQ raid. I think it's associated with a mission type notification.
@Solarius: SLANDER_BACKGROUND.SCR not defined in extraSprites
its from 15mins before though.
took no further mission til then, only did some soldier transfers and 1 pilot training or so.
crash was still in same month.
@Solarius: wrong value in alertBackground
width: 40
length: 40
height: 10
alertBackground: .SCR
During a mission on the moon, shot from a rocket launcher and received such an error.
Thanks, fixed.
The description for the Biodrones' Weapon in the UFOPEDIA crashes the game.
Also fixed.
small graphical glitch with psi amp:
that guy there in the armored coat is holding a blaster pistol and a psi amp.
there´s a small artifact following him around, depending on his sight direction.
(circled in 2nd picture...)
its not on the same tile. if he moves, it follows him.
its not on anything else, just the psi amp.
EDIT: looks funny though... kinda like he´s holding a really long fish and thats the tail :D
Looks like the Psi Amp is just this long, and has a handle like that.
According to my current game (not updated to 1.0 yet)'s tech tree viewer:
UFO Nav -> Alien Optical Processor -> Optronics -> Alien AI Unit -> Alien AI Unit [m]
OK, thanks. Now there's no such manufacturing project, so should be fine.
Also, thanks for the crash reports and the solution!
Looks like the Psi Amp is just this long, and has a handle like that.
a handle with a "hole" of almost a full tile if you´re looking to the left ;D
well this sounds like a "wont fix", for whatever reason. i can live with that...
a handle with a "hole" of almost a full tile if you´re looking to the left ;D
well this sounds like a "wont fix", for whatever reason. i can live with that...
It's no mystery or sleight of hand, the handob looks like this:
I can't see anything wrong here myself...
why is the handle in a different tile though?
especially when looking to the left (as in right part of the screenshot), its not even attached anywhere and displayed with 1 tile distance to the soldier.
no matter how i try to look at it, that cannot be right.
(on a display level, not the handob itself)
Okay, I have no idea what's going on.
Okay, I have no idea what's going on.
Looks just like a wrongly assembled spritesheet to me.
@Solarius: SLANDER_BACKGROUND.SCR not defined in extraSprites
With that information, I looked in the ExtraSprites file and copied one of the other entries and renamed it SLANDER_BACKGROUND.SCR, worked fine after that. (Albeit with an improper background.)
Looks just like a wrongly assembled spritesheet to me.
Thanks. This has never happened to me before, so I didn't check for that. Lesson learned.
With that information, I looked in the ExtraSprites file and copied one of the other entries and renamed it SLANDER_BACKGROUND.SCR, worked fine after that. (Albeit with an improper background.)
I fixed the problem in 1.0.1. But good job.
1.0.1 gives me slight sound glitches...
its not very annoying, but definately noticable.
can't really describe it any proper way. except the background sound does a little sound like there´s dirt on the casette tape. (lol the younger ones won't get that ;D )
may actually be sound file dependent for the background music. it just switched and the current one is completely fine.
never noticed before the current patch and its definately nothing in my setup.
Thanks. This has never happened to me before, so I didn't check for that. Lesson learned.
I fixed the problem in 1.0.1. But good job.
Downloading 1.0.1 now.
I have to say, I play a LOT of games but this mod has captivated me more than anything else I've really played lately. Good job and thank you to everyone involved!
Not sure if this has been fixed already, but in 0.99e2 the handob for the FNFAL was a blue/red shotgun. :)
1.0.1 gives me slight sound glitches...
its not very annoying, but definately noticable.
can't really describe it any proper way. except the background sound does a little sound like there´s dirt on the casette tape. (lol the younger ones won't get that ;D )
may actually be sound file dependent for the background music. it just switched and the current one is completely fine.
never noticed before the current patch and its definately nothing in my setup.
You need to tell us which sound file it is exactly.
And preferably also a short recording.
Not sure if this has been fixed already, but in 0.99e2 the handob for the FNFAL was a blue/red shotgun. :)
Okay, it's a poor handob, but definitely doesn't look like a shotgun. :)
The M14 shares the same one.
For some reason the HWP's aren't going on any of the vehicles like Osprey or Dragonfly I checked other vehicles and stuff but nothing seems to allow them to be added. Included my save incase it's needed.
Not sure if its bug or not but incedinary grenade does more damage than napalm grenade despite being lower in the tech tree, i.e. you can get it ealier than napalm grenade, and also you can buy it instead of manofacturing. Is this supposed be this way?
For some reason the HWP's aren't going on any of the vehicles like Osprey or Dragonfly I checked other vehicles and stuff but nothing seems to allow them to be added. Included my save incase it's needed.
You need 4 free of cargo space.
For some reason the HWP's aren't going on any of the vehicles like Osprey or Dragonfly I checked other vehicles and stuff but nothing seems to allow them to be added. Included my save incase it's needed.
You have a Basic AI Unit, but you need to assign the Tank/Cannon or Tank/Minigun to it via the Armour menu. Then you'll need 4 free spaces as previously mentioned.
Not sure if its bug or not but incedinary grenade does more damage than napalm grenade despite being lower in the tech tree, i.e. you can get it ealier than napalm grenade, and also you can buy it instead of manofacturing. Is this supposed be this way?
Check the INFO section. (I don't know how to make things clearer here, but suggestions welcome.)
Here, maybe this will help :-) It's your file, slightly edited.
Having used the G3 (once), which is a FNFAL derivate, i simply have to do that.
Oh and here some music files from the game Syndicate war, i found them on youtube and converted them for you.
Award Levels are showing as "None" in the geoscape. Got a a level 2 Soft Target and it was still displayed as "None", not just the first level.
I found it while testing the battle simulator so this may be not applicable, but apparently Large Scouts have no text description for their Battlescape briefing, just strings.
That thing actually works? o_O
I tried it months ago like 5 times and it always just crashed, so i figured it might be kinda alpha version...
It depends on what you use. It's very unstable, so special missions (ie: Embassy Assault) it will likely crash no matter what. Regular missions and such works fine, and lets you experiment with guns and so on as well as trying some interesting strategies you wish to use during your campaign.
Award Levels are showing as "None" in the geoscape. Got a a level 2 Soft Target and it was still displayed as "None", not just the first level.
I recently got awarded 'Night Owl' for the first time, but it isn't displayed properly everywhere.
In the soldier's records it is shown correctly. However in the bonuses window, it is nowhere to be found. Instead there is a commendation simply called 'Commended!' and apparantly it gives me +1 readiness. That one isn't even listed in the ufopedia.
I don't know, if I'm getting the promised sight bonus from Night Owl, but I'm definitely getting the RDN bonus from Commended.
I scrapped the only save I had with a level 2 decoration, but I'll upload one as soon as I get another. Here's a save where level 1 Cavaliers and Soft Targets show their respective levels as "None".
Incidentally though, I'm not really digging the names for Soft Target and Patient. The first sounds like a negative trait for what is a purely positive one, and the second suggests that the soldier has patience.
I vote Battle-hardened or Battle-scarred, and Trauma-Thickened or Thickened Skull.
Incidentally, is it a bug if a thug spawns in an inaccessible garden?
is it normal that syndicate doesn't really do anything when attacking your base?
they did have a hand full people walking in my defenses (incl 2 bovines), but the rest is basically just standing around.
in the elevator, in the hangar, they don't even move.
if not a bug, maybe increased offense would be adequate.
(they´re storming the base. not having a sit-in...)
is it normal that syndicate doesn't really do anything when attacking your base?
they did have a hand full people walking in my defenses (incl 2 bovines), but the rest is basically just standing around.
in the elevator, in the hangar, they don't even move.
if not a bug, maybe increased offense would be adequate.
(they´re storming the base. not having a sit-in...)
Seems to be normal. Aliens do the same.
Here, maybe this will help :-) It's your file, slightly edited.
Having used the G3 (once), which is a FNFAL derivate, i simply have to do that.
Neat! Many thanks, added. (The old one remains for the M14, at least for now.)
Oh and here some music files from the game Syndicate war, i found them on youtube and converted them for you.
This can be handy, good job!
I found it while testing the battle simulator so this may be not applicable, but apparently Large Scouts have no text description for their Battlescape briefing, just strings.
Yes, it's normal for the Quick Battle generator. Especially if you use some subvariant of a UFO (like STR_LARGE_SCOUT_SECTOID).
I recently got awarded 'Night Owl' for the first time, but it isn't displayed properly everywhere.
In the soldier's records it is shown correctly. However in the bonuses window, it is nowhere to be found. Instead there is a commendation simply called 'Commended!' and apparantly it gives me +1 readiness. That one isn't even listed in the ufopedia.
I don't know, if I'm getting the promised sight bonus from Night Owl, but I'm definitely getting the RDN bonus from Commended.
"Commended!" is the name of a bonus available at Night Owl I.
What I found is that you didn't retain the Readiness bonus past level 2, but I think that's a separate issue.
No other problems were found, so please come back to me if there's anything left.
I scrapped the only save I had with a level 2 decoration, but I'll upload one as soon as I get another. Here's a save where level 1 Cavaliers and Soft Targets show their respective levels as "None".
I'll leave this to Meridian, because I don't really understand.
Unless you mean that someone is awarded a medal, but not decorated? Decoration level 0 is a thing.
Incidentally though, I'm not really digging the names for Soft Target and Patient. The first sounds like a negative trait for what is a purely positive one, and the second suggests that the soldier has patience.
I vote Battle-hardened or Battle-scarred, and Trauma-Thickened or Thickened Skull.
I like Battle-hardened. Patient needs something better I guess.
Incidentally, is it a bug if a thug spawns in an inaccessible garden?
If it's next to the edge, then it's normal. It's accessible, bun not from your position. ;)
I like Battle-hardened. Patient needs something better I guess.
Hardy? Guts? True Survivor? Survivor? Combat/Battle Survivor? True Grit?
One of these should work, since it's about surviving fatal injuries and recovering as if nothing had happened... In theory at least. Having one bullet scratch your knee and lose 5 HP and 1 Fatal wound can result is also being sent 20 days to the hospital compared to say have half your torso blown-up by plasma fire.
I like Battle-hardened. Patient needs something better I guess.
On that note, I dont like the name of the commendation "Betrayer" either. If you are going as far as to call someone a betrayer, why keep him in the organisation?
"Teamkiller" or "Cross-eyed" would be better imo.
When you say you got a lvl 5 judas in your team, its exactly clear what that is ;D
not sure if intended (or what the results are), but you can assign AIs to psi training...
EDIT: and just had some osiron guy shoot 1 wound (+some dmg) into a soldier wearing power armor. with a shotgun with AP ammo.
by any calculation i´ve done, that should not be possible.
(no dmg before, front armor, like 3 range. 1 shot...)
Hello, me again. Found another instance of a crash due to a missing .SCR, but I can't figure this one out. A little different than the previous one.
Just unlocked Samael and the appropriate research of him, his staff and his legacy.
[16-11-2019_22-49-32] [WARN] STR_DEMONS not found in en-US
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite .SCR not found
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x58d120 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x58df90 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x41e8c0 exceptionLogger()
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0xb18690 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0xcd0f30 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0xcd6100 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0xbbdee0 OpenXcom::Surface* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Surface>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Surface*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Surface*> > > const&, bool) const
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x763950 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x6b9110 OpenXcom::MissionDetectedState::MissionDetectedState(OpenXcom::MissionSite*, OpenXcom::GeoscapeState*)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x6a0840 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time1Hour()
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x6a33d0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x662910 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x5a4010 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x41e990 SDL_main
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x933ad0 console_main
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x933bf0 WinMain
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] ??
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] ??
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x7ffc2daa7bc0 BaseThreadInitThunk
[16-11-2019_22-51-53] [FATAL] 0x7ffc2deacec0 RtlUserThreadStart
I did a grep search for STR_DEMONS
and it only seems to be references in itemCategories_XCOMFILES.rul and items_XCOMFILES.rul.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kG_0HVpy9AU6MMS9-X1OA9Ko1K4gsGWa/view?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kG_0HVpy9AU6MMS9-X1OA9Ko1K4gsGWa/view?usp=sharing).
not sure if intended (or what the results are), but you can assign AIs to psi training...
EDIT: and just had some osiron guy shoot 1 wound (+some dmg) into a soldier wearing power armor. with a shotgun with AP ammo.
by any calculation i´ve done, that should not be possible.
(no dmg before, front armor, like 3 range. 1 shot...)
Indeed it's strange, but without seeing it, I can't say much.
Hello, me again. Found another instance of a crash due to a missing .SCR, but I can't figure this one out. A little different than the previous one.
Thanks, this is already known and fixed. I'm preparing another bugfix release.
The issue was:
width: 60
length: 60
height: 4
civilians: 10
alertBackground: BACK03.SCR <---- this part was broken
background: BACK03.SCR
palette: 2
duration: [5, 10]
despawnPenalty: 750
A minor bug here:
Cubans seem to be getting czech names.
I currently have two of them, named Luboš Urban and Petra Kolářová.
Current active mods are: Aliens pick up weapons, Dark geoscape, X-Com Files
A minor bug here:
Cubans seem to be getting czech names.
I currently have two of them, named Luboš Urban and Petra Kolářová.
Current active mods are: Aliens pick up weapons, Dark geoscape, X-Com Files
Hmm... Did you upgrade your campaign from 0.9.9.e2 (or earlier)?
Hmm... Did you upgrade your campaign from 0.9.9.e2 (or earlier)?
No, I started it in 1.0.1.
Is there a typo in login screen? Seeing version "1.0.1". Ensured i've installed the 1.0.2 zip package.
Is there a typo in login screen? Seeing version "1.0.1". Ensured i've installed the 1.0.2 zip package.
Yes, 1.0.1. Readme file talks about 1.0.2 so it shouldn't be a wrong package, just a small oversight.
is it possible sonic concussion cannon has a 0 too much in the price?
it might be good, but not *that* good... ;)
It seems Bughuntmode is back with the 1.0.2 patch.
Regarding the unaccesible garden: One original map of the default city terrain has this problem. There is a small 10x10 garden map in that terrain that does not allow enemy units to leave that mapblock unless they are flying units.
Moon Satellite Ufopedia entry just states "STR_MOON_SATELLITE_UFOPEDIA".
heh... wouldn't it be funny if you went to the moon and its full of luna-tics...? ;D
EDIT: about same with hyperwave miniaturisation
Another one:
if you take a decrypted key to a regular mission you loose the key.
(as coincidence wants it, it was a mission to get me another key. so i went in with a decrypted one and got out with an encrypted one...)
A minor bug here:
Cubans seem to be getting czech names.
I currently have two of them, named Luboš Urban and Petra Kolářová.
Current active mods are: Aliens pick up weapons, Dark geoscape, X-Com Files
I checked and everything seems to work... Sorry, I can't give a better answer yet.
is it possible sonic concussion cannon has a 0 too much in the price?
it might be good, but not *that* good... ;)
Yeah, looks like an oversight. (It used to be way more rare, like the photon sword.)
It seems Bughuntmode is back with the 1.0.2 patch.
Uhh, maybe? It has nothing to do with the mod anyway, I think.
Moon Satellite Ufopedia entry just states "STR_MOON_SATELLITE_UFOPEDIA".
heh... wouldn't it be funny if you went to the moon and its full of luna-tics...? ;D
EDIT: about same with hyperwave miniaturisation
Yes, there were 3 articles missing. I fixed them already.
Another one:
if you take a decrypted key to a regular mission you loose the key.
(as coincidence wants it, it was a mission to get me another key. so i went in with a decrypted one and got out with an encrypted one...)
To be honest I have no idea how this part works... But sounds like you at least broke even, and also completed a mission! :D
To be honest I have no idea how this part works... But sounds like you at least broke even, and also completed a mission! :D
my guess would be no item spawns for it, so its just gone once the mission starts, since it can't be recovered.
I've noticed that since 1.0.2 my guys get Overwatcher levels by hitting monsters with Aimed shots. I had guys gain a Overwatcher levels on missions that i had 0 reaction fires.
my guess would be no item spawns for it, so its just gone once the mission starts, since it can't be recovered.
OK, I won't be pretending to understand how all that it made. I'll wait for Finnik to check if there's any bug to fix or not.
I've noticed that since 1.0.2 my guys get Overwatcher levels by hitting monsters with Aimed shots. I had guys gain a Overwatcher levels on missions that i had 0 reaction fires.
- type: STR_MEDAL_REACTIONFIRE_NAME #reaction fire instances
sprite: 2
totalReactionFire: [3, 5, 8, 11, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 75]
If it's true, then it's not a mod issue.
The game crashes when generating a "new battle", because in the mod "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XCF Cyrillic Names/Ruleset/soldiersCyr-XCOMFILES.rul" there is a block " - type: STR_ALIEN_AI", but it is not present in "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XComFiles/Ruleset/soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul "
Игра падает при генерации "новой битвы" , т.к. в моде "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XCF Cyrillic Names/Ruleset/soldiersCyr-XCOMFILES.rul" есть блок " - type: STR_ALIEN_AI", но он отсутстувет в "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XComFiles/Ruleset/soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul".
I just got an X-COM Flying Drone from an Osiron Hidden Warehouse.
But I have not yet invented them. I have not even seen an alien drone, which the Tech Tree viewer tells me I need to disassemble to invent my own.
Save within the mission attached.
The game crashes when generating a "new battle", because in the mod "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XCF Cyrillic Names/Ruleset/soldiersCyr-XCOMFILES.rul" there is a block " - type: STR_ALIEN_AI", but it is not present in "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XComFiles/Ruleset/soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul "
Игра падает при генерации "новой битвы" , т.к. в моде "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XCF Cyrillic Names/Ruleset/soldiersCyr-XCOMFILES.rul" есть блок " - type: STR_ALIEN_AI", но он отсутстувет в "openxcom_xfiles_1.0.2.zip:/XComFiles/Ruleset/soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul".
Hmm, I'll remove it just in case.
I just got an X-COM Flying Drone from an Osiron Hidden Warehouse.
But I have not yet invented them. I have not even seen an alien drone, which the Tech Tree viewer tells me I need to disassemble to invent my own.
Save within the mission attached.
Yes, people kept moaning and moaning about a source of these, so now they have it. And because this mission is in no way related to robotics, it can spawn before you invent it. Should I remove it or what???
I can't see how it's a problem anyway, you loot items you can't research yet all the time.
Yes, people kept moaning and moaning about a source of these, so now they have it. And because this mission is in no way related to robotics, it can spawn before you invent it. Should I remove it or what???
I can't see how it's a problem anyway, you loot items you can't research yet all the time.
The issue is the name. Why would whoever made it name it after X-COM? Or are the scientists working for me labeling it as such, when it was clearly captured from Osiron?
If it is intended to be available without being researched first, I suggest renaming it to "Human Flying Drone". That way, it is possible someone else made it, while not preventing X-Com from making it as well.
Chtonite minibase and Hybrid Control Center count as an alien base or not? Capturing them didn't gave to me Stormtrooper commendations.
The issue is the name. Why would whoever made it name it after X-COM? Or are the scientists working for me labeling it as such, when it was clearly captured from Osiron?
If it is intended to be available without being researched first, I suggest renaming it to "Human Flying Drone". That way, it is possible someone else made it, while not preventing X-Com from making it as well.
You have a good point. I renamed it to just to "Flying Drone".
Maybe a more inventive name would be in order, for both the hybrid and the human variants. Especially that the enemy variant isn't even used by the actual aliens. It is more of a legacy thing from the FMP.
Chtonite minibase and Hybrid Control Center count as an alien base or not? Capturing them didn't gave to me Stormtrooper commendations.
Well it should, but unfortunately, this is hardcoded. I can't make a custom mission to be eligible for this commendation.
Hello, I am back with the names thing.
I got a person with Czech flag, named Ejvind Obel. Name, which, when I checked the files, turned out to be Danish.
I think I discovered the issue, and it is silly.
Since I am czech, my windows consider "Ch" a character, one that is just after "H" in alphabet.
This results in Chinese.nam being ordered between Hungarian.nam and Icelandic.nam, rather than between Canadian.nam and Congolese.nam.
Since I found no reference to the flags in the .nam file, I assume it takes the flag files in the same order as the .nam files, which results in all nationalities between Chinese and Hungarian getting the flag previous in alphabet, with the Chinese getting the Hungarian flag.
I will fix it for future soldiers by renaming the .nam files to also start with numbers.
renaming the folders with numbers is a good idea all around to keep the flags in order.
Typo: Golden Lady Origins "particles of unknown nature of function" should be "particles of unknown nature or function"
Inconsistency: I have managed to obtain several X-Com Flying Drones from an Osiron crate on a (sailing) cargo ship. I cannot research them and haven't even researched alien power systems yet, which is several steps before X-Com Flying drones. Could be discontinued, rogue X-Com branch making them :D
Encountered an apparently known bug... which crashes the game.
happened on hitting psy ops with stun rod. (probably last enemy. had taken some hits before)
Encountered an apparently known bug... which crashes the game.
happened on hitting psy ops with stun rod. (probably last enemy. had taken some hits before)
Thank you.
I didn't try it yet, but if I can reproduce, maybe we can finally fix this... it's been open for years now.
was not the last enemy, 1 left. Next try worked flawless.
This must be a really odd condition... o_O
Whats surprising me the most, you can identify the error.
(just out of interest, what is the exact problem/line of code that crashes here?)
Weird research thing...
Just finished Sonic focussing. (Had sonic heavy cannon already)
However, I´m just researching focussed sonic heavy cannon clip, but can already produce it... pretty sure that should not be in this order.
I've catched this bug before base defence mission.
Seems like there are some problems during generation the map of X-base containing Lunar Control Room. When I had loaded the game and dismantled LCR, UFO assaulted my base without any problems.
A bug that causes a CTD:
Sometimes when I mis-click and try to create a new base in the geoscape, but press the ESC key to cancel. Sometimes I get a CTD, sometimes I don't. Last time it happens was with OXCE v 6.2.
I'll try to post the relevant data next time it occurs.
A bug that causes a CTD:
Sometimes when I mis-click and try to create a new base in the geoscape, but press the ESC key to cancel. Sometimes I get a CTD, sometimes I don't. Last time it happens was with OXCE v 6.2.
I'll try to post the relevant data next time it occurs.
Can you share your options.cfg, and a log file if you still have it?
The log file from the crash is no longer available. Attached is the options file.
When I get home I can attempt to replicate the error, and if successful, I'll post again.
Regarding the Asylum mission: The music file is funny, but after 45 minutes on that map, it almost made me have to go the asylum ;D
Especially after (at the very end) I finally realized I had forgotten to take the right equipment with me to finish the mission....
And had to reload... I muted the music then.... ;)
Maybe you shoud try something like György Ligeti's "Requiem" (used in e.g. OMEN and 2001:Space Odyssey), its way more spooky and well... maybe less repeating.
Or something from the Doom 1 music for the PSX, some of the most creepy and good songs i know (for games).
it almost made me have to go the asylum ;D
I think that was the plan. :D
Regarding the Asylum mission: The music file is funny, but after 45 minutes on that map, it almost made me have to go the asylum ;D
Especially after (at the very end) I finally realized I had forgotten to take the right equipment with me to finish the mission....
And had to reload... I muted the music then.... ;)
Maybe you shoud try something like György Ligeti's "Requiem" (used in e.g. OMEN and 2001:Space Odyssey), its way more spooky and well... maybe less repeating.
Or something from the Doom 1 music for the PSX, some of the most creepy and good songs i know (for games).
Hmm, I like that track. When the mission was over I immediately had to look it up and listen to it for another hour or so :P
Now, whenever I hear an appropriate beat, my mind keeps adding "that boy needs therapy; purely psychosomatic; that boy needs therapy".
More importantly, I feel it fits the mood of the asylum well, since the enemies don't really harm you and it's a pretty unique (and one-off) mission anyway.
Combined with the briefing, the music immediately communicated to me, that I was in no danger, despite my poor preparation and could just take it easy.
I had some good, relaxed ghost-busting fun, nothing spooky there.
X-Man made my day... ;D
I like that track, too, but after over 90 minutes on that map.... Maybe it was just the volume :P
Good afternoon all - and can i say I'm loving the mod so far.
My game keeps crashing at the end of the day in my save (attached, alongside the log), and I get the message below on the error pop up.
"Sprite .SCR not found"
Let me know if there's anything else I can say to help, and thanks for reading!
renaming the folders with numbers is a good idea all around to keep the flags in order.
Yes, but right now I don't have nearly enough Aviomarin to handle these files. :q
(I still don't get the problem in Czech, since "ch" are two letters however you look at it, and I doubt the alphabetical order differs per language. But whatever.)
Typo: Golden Lady Origins "particles of unknown nature of function" should be "particles of unknown nature or function"
Thanks, good catch.
Inconsistency: I have managed to obtain several X-Com Flying Drones from an Osiron crate on a (sailing) cargo ship. I cannot research them and haven't even researched alien power systems yet, which is several steps before X-Com Flying drones. Could be discontinued, rogue X-Com branch making them :D
I've already changed this several times, and no matter what I do, someone will call it "inconsistent" in some way. Actually I think I've already messed with it again after 1.0.2, so maybe it's been fixed on my side. :P
If not, I am open to suggestions. But in the form of actual rulesets please, not wishful thinking. Because at this point I really don't know what the problem is, if any.
Weird research thing...
Just finished Sonic focussing. (Had sonic heavy cannon already)
However, I´m just researching focussed sonic heavy cannon clip, but can already produce it... pretty sure that should not be in this order.
Thanks, fixed.
I've catched this bug before base defence mission.
Seems like there are some problems during generation the map of X-base containing Lunar Control Room. When I had loaded the game and dismantled LCR, UFO assaulted my base without any problems.
Of course, the facility wasn't declared under terrains.
Why is it so obvious? Because I don't think I've done this right even once.
Regarding the Asylum mission: The music file is funny, but after 45 minutes on that map, it almost made me have to go the asylum ;D
Especially after (at the very end) I finally realized I had forgotten to take the right equipment with me to finish the mission....
And had to reload... I muted the music then.... ;)
That was kinda intended, this is a one time joke mission. Also it was a personal request (which I liked). Since you can mute the music, I don't think it's an issue.
Besides, the comments below indicate that it was a good decision :P
Maybe you shoud try something like György Ligeti's "Requiem" (used in e.g. OMEN and 2001:Space Odyssey), its way more spooky and well... maybe less repeating.
Or something from the Doom 1 music for the PSX, some of the most creepy and good songs i know (for games).
Well as I said, a personal request. But I'm always up for new good music.
Good afternoon all - and can i say I'm loving the mod so far.
My game keeps crashing at the end of the day in my save (attached, alongside the log), and I get the message below on the error pop up.
"Sprite .SCR not found"
Let me know if there's anything else I can say to help, and thanks for reading!
I finished the month without any problems. Looks like some older bug.
Since the mod is temporarily down, try to replace your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul with the attached one - might be related, but no guarantees. (I don't get the crash, so I can't say what the reason was.)
Of course, the facility wasn't declared under terrains.
Why is it so obvious? Because I don't think I've done this right even once.
Understandable. But still I cannot understand what do you mean. :-\
It was fixed? It will be fixed? Or I just need to shut up and do not answer any question about it? :D
Since the mod is temporarily down, try to replace your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul with the attached one - might be related, but no guarantees. (I don't get the crash, so I can't say what the reason was.)
This did the trick, day ended, my research along with a dossier came in, and a mission involving the Hybrids I've not had before cropped up. Thanks for saving my campaign!
Yes, but right now I don't have nearly enough Aviomarin to handle these files. :q
(I still don't get the problem in Czech, since "ch" are two letters however you look at it, and I doubt the alphabetical order differs per language. But whatever.)
For some reason "ch" is the only digraph in czech language. It is considered 1 letter, though it is 2 characters. It is read as greek letter "χ" (chí). It is officialy after "h" in alphabet. Microsoft had the bright idea to make filesystem dependant on where windows were installed.
Edit: Wrong, it depends on Settings->Time and language -> Region-> Region format.
Setting it to English (United States) put the "ch" directory after "č".
Edit 2: Apparently, chi, is pronounced in three different ways in english, greek and czech (according to google translate). The best way to get pronounciation for "ch" would probably be going there and having it pronounce a word containing "ch" in czech (such as "mech", which means "moss") .
Typo: Chemical Flare "Using the flare in other than water" should be "Using the flare outside of water"
Something definitely wrong with X-Com hybrids... I have unlocked psi-skill with help of psiclones, but PSK stats don't display on stat screen of every soldier, who earned exp for the first time. With human soldiers such issues haven't occured during all the game.
Here is savegame of last turn. End it and check hybrids earned PSK exp after they arrive on the base.
Understandable. But still I cannot understand what do you mean. :-\
It was fixed? It will be fixed? Or I just need to shut up and do not answer any question about it? :D
I fixed it on my end. Will release with 1.1.
Typo: Chemical Flare "Using the flare in other than water" should be "Using the flare outside of water"
Thanks, fixed.
Something definitely wrong with X-Com hybrids... I have unlocked psi-skill with help of psiclones, but PSK stats don't display on stat screen of every soldier, who earned exp for the first time. With human soldiers such issues haven't occured during all the game.
Here is savegame of last turn. End it and check hybrids earned PSK exp after they arrive on the base.
Well... I dunno. Will have to think.
Hello, me again sorry.
Had another consistent occuring crash - have attached save (my ship's about to arrive) and log, error message below. Whenever my Skymarshall arrives at the first MAGMA corp mission, it crashes after I click the "Yes" to start the mission. I also tried it with a Skyranger just in case, and that also causes the crash.
Thanks for your time.
Thanks! Indeed I haven't modified some mapScripts properly. Getting to it now.
A crash occurs when accepting a strange creature mission.
The log and savegame are attached.
I applied the alienDeployments_OPENXCOM.rul hotfix you posted further up on December 5th.
Thank you for this outstanding mod. :-*
Thanks! I fixed it myself earlier today.
Ski Resort missions tell in the briefings that you can bring basic scout AI units, but the game won't let you do so, instead only going here with the unarmed dog at most.
Ski Resort missions tell in the briefings that you can bring basic scout AI units, but the game won't let you do so, instead only going here with the unarmed dog at most.
I can't see such a statement in the briefing.
It's in the "allowed outfits" section.
Finally received Lo Wo's hideout mission, this happens.
It's in the "allowed outfits" section.
It's auto-generated.
Finally received Lo Wo's hideout mission, this happens.
Yeah... Fixed it today. Please bear with me, uploading the fix very soon.
Awesome! And I thought I would have to take a break from the game for some days. Nope.
Bug report for 1.1.1a version:
1) cult apprehension mission, involving the EXALT, the building in the screenshot is inacessible, don't know if the metallic fence is destroyable to get into that. There was an enemy inside, luckily he got outside and killed him, save is attached. Then recovered the psiclone drug but it does not appear in the research screen. Guess it's not a bug but because needs some prequisite, but better hold on safe...:)
2) the fehnir wolf sprite is a bit bigger, it is intended or maybe need a bit of scaling down?
I shot down a small UFO in North America. But I can not land.
C:/games/XPiratez ? ???
Strange directorie for XComFiles game... no ?
I shot down a small UFO in North America. But I can not land.
Probably you're using xpiratez .exe, AFAIK openxcom files uses a vanilla version, while dioxine's mod relies on a customized version. Try to download a vanilla one and use.
I am using OpenXcomEx.exe, version 6.1.1.
Yes, it came with X-Pirates, so I could try if I can run the file with one downloaded from elsewhere, but I think the issue is in globe_XCOMFILES.rul calling for SAVANNAPOLAR, which is not defined in mapScripts_XCOMFILES.rul.
About the directory, I had X-Piratez installed, won them and decided to play X-Com Files. I just put the mod in the mods folder, deactivated XPiratez and activated X-Com Files. I did not care enough to rename the top folder.
I tested the save with a freshly installed OXCE 6.2, as I do not know where to get a "clean" 6.1.1. The crash was the same.
Edit, the second: Of course, I may have guessed wrong where it should be defined, but I know it is not in MAPS/ directory either and the closest named files in TERRAIN/ are SAVANNAPOLARBITS.(mcd, pck, tab) . Searching through Ruleset/ directory only yielded globe_XCOMFILES.rul as containing the string.
I am using OpenXcomEx.exe, version 6.1.1.
Yes, it came with X-Pirates, so I could try if I can run the file with one downloaded from elsewhere, but I think the issue is in globe_XCOMFILES.rul calling for SAVANNAPOLAR, which is not defined in mapScripts_XCOMFILES.rul.
About the directory, I had X-Piratez installed, won them and decided to play X-Com Files. I just put the mod in the mods folder, deactivated XPiratez and activated X-Com Files. I did not care enough to rename the top folder.
I tested the save with a freshly installed OXCE 6.2, as I do not know where to get a "clean" 6.1.1. The crash was the same.
Edit, the second: Of course, I may have guessed wrong where it should be defined, but I know it is not in MAPS/ directory either and the closest named files in TERRAIN/ are SAVANNAPOLARBITS.(mcd, pck, tab) . Searching through Ruleset/ directory only yielded globe_XCOMFILES.rul as containing the string.
OXCE download is here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html
The bug is in XComFiles and will be fixed soon-ish.
I shot down a small UFO in North America. But I can not land.
I also encountered the same CTD screen. Same terrain. Downed UFO too.
Latest OXCE and XCF packages in their own separate install.
Relevant log stuff:
[14-12-2019_10-26-18] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[14-12-2019_10-26-18] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[14-12-2019_10-26-41] [INFO] MCD ADVENT_HIDEOUT object 33 has 0 armor
[14-12-2019_10-34-42] [INFO] MCD ADVENT_HIDEOUT object 33 has 0 armor
[14-12-2019_10-40-56] [WARN] No free channels available
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Terrain SAVANNAPOLAR not found
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x59a000 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x59ae70 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x41e8c0 exceptionLogger()
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0xb318b0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0xce8e10 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0xcedfe0 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0xbd31b0 OpenXcom::RuleTerrain* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::RuleTerrain>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::RuleTerrain*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::RuleTerrain*> > > const&, bool) const
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x771ae0 OpenXcom::Mod::getTerrain(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) const
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x502f50 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x68bea0 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x5b5f50 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x669f60 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x5b17d0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x41e990 SDL_main
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x94ccf0 console_main
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x94ce10 WinMain
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] ??
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] ??
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x7ffaba784020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[14-12-2019_10-46-24] [FATAL] 0x7ffabaed3670 RtlUserThreadStart
[14-12-2019_10-48-52] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Terrain SAVANNAPOLAR not found
The text of the UFOpedia entry for the smart shotgun still describes it as using standard buckshot shells despite version 1.1 giving it its own unique ammo type.
1) cult apprehension mission, involving the EXALT, the building in the screenshot is inacessible, don't know if the metallic fence is destroyable to get into that. There was an enemy inside, luckily he got outside and killed him, save is attached. Then recovered the psiclone drug but it does not appear in the research screen. Guess it's not a bug but because needs some prequisite, but better hold on safe...:)
This terrain has been reworked over the past few days and you shouldn't get such issues any more.
2) the fehnir wolf sprite is a bit bigger, it is intended or maybe need a bit of scaling down?
It wouldn't look good. Also the wolf is supposed to be kinda off, as it's explicitly harder to target than expected.
I shot down a small UFO in North America. But I can not land.
With Meridian's help, I cleared such issues yesterday. Should be fine now.
Sorry guys, removing these terrains was a titanic work.
The text of the UFOpedia entry for the smart shotgun still describes it as using standard buckshot shells despite version 1.1 giving it its own unique ammo type.
This terrain has been reworked over the past few days and you shouldn't get such issues any more.
That happened in 1.1 1a ss reported here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg120691.html#msg120691 so please double check?
gonna try 1.12 an see if repeats 🙂
Bug report for 1.1.1a version:
2) the fehnir wolf sprite is a bit bigger, it is intended or maybe need a bit of scaling down?
..the Fehrnet Wolf is indeed just really, really big dog! (well, wolf) :D :p
pet cannis, fine suitable as family guardian and little-kids´s_family member, friendly with young childs ;D lôl
(yap, i meet him too, alrdy)
Not sure if intentional or an oversight, but the platforms in front of the Skyraider's side doors (both of them) do not act like floors. People just fall through, despite them looking solid. It should either be possible to walk on them or they should be deleted. I would prefer the former.
One weird destroyed door animation for STR_HYBRID_CONTROL_ASSAULT
See attached file for details.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but I seem to have generated a mission where the tileset has laid out in such a way that some of the play area and enemies are isolated/inaccesible. Is this supposed to be possible? Save file attached -- Chtonian minibase mission.
Not sure if intentional or an oversight, but the platforms in front of the Skyraider's side doors (both of them) do not act like floors. People just fall through, despite them looking solid. It should either be possible to walk on them or they should be deleted. I would prefer the former.
Works as intended, though maybe it could be a bit clearer to the player. Platforms would be too good.
One weird destroyed door animation for STR_HYBRID_CONTROL_ASSAULT
Heh, typical. Thanks, will fix.
Not sure if this is the right place for this but I seem to have generated a mission where the tileset has laid out in such a way that some of the play area and enemies are isolated/inaccesible. Is this supposed to be possible? Save file attached -- Chtonian minibase mission.
Mining equipment sometimes come in handy, but I can't remember ever needing it on this mission...
Not sure if it's a bug or not, but I got two missions on the exact same Geoscape location.
Not sure if it's a bug or not, but I got two missions on the exact same Geoscape location.
It is not a bug.
Thanks for the heads up and my apologies for raising a non-issue.
Hi, I got crashes on the start of Cyberweb Heist mission. (version 0.9.9e) Thanks for any help.
Read from post #1983 and try version 1.12 !
Thanks. Sorry for not searching it first. But I didnt like the look to click through 144 pages with unsure result. Some FAQ or known bugs would be nice.
Hi all, thanks for the work on the mod so far. Currently on the first turn in a base defence mission (save file attached) and my minigun drones all have 0 ammo - I think they're carrying the ammo in the left hand slot and can't find a way to load it. Or do I need to have the standard minigun ammo around for them? The laser drones work just fine btw.
you need to reload first (hotkey R).
dunno why they come unloaded...
as far as I can tell all drones have 0 ammo each time you change drone armor (true also for the coelecanth. If the flying drone had a taser equipped it is also unequipped) so yes reload drones weapons before each mission
A bug : the macro flamer I took on a Minotaur has a throwing experience on stats for nerds (I haven't used it with my troops because of the weight)
A bug : the macro flamer I took on a Minotaur has a throwing experience on stats for nerds (I haven't used it with my troops because of the weight)
It is not a bug, but feature. All flamethrowers have throwing exp. Btw, flamethrowers are the most efficient weapon to train throwing accuracy among all throwing ones.
Is there a public git repository with Issue / Bug tracker?
It is hard to find out if my problems are still reported or not.
Is there a public git repository with Issue / Bug tracker?
It is hard to find out if my problems are still reported or not.
I've upgraded from 9.9e to 1.1.2 (and newest version of OXCE) and although my saved game is working largely intact, I did notice that in my three bases that each had a Hovertank/Laser with an Alien AI operator, the AIs and tanks have all disappeared. My savegame originates from before 0.9.9e, possibly to before the AI types were merged to allow experience from the beginning (per changelog).
I was gonna speculate, I'd guess maybe the Alien AI support still existed in 0.9.9e and allowed the Alien AIs in my savegame to be "grandfathered in", and maybe that legacy material was removed in the 1.0 cleanup? Just curious, I don't expect there's anything to be done about it.
Playing 1.1.2, and I recently discovered the Tactical Neural Implant. Manufactured 3 as a test run, and I was able to implant my entire squad with the three of them. I'm suspecting this is not the intended design, that it's 1 implant per 1 agent.
Playing 1.1.2, and I recently discovered the Tactical Neural Implant. Manufactured 3 as a test run, and I was able to implant my entire squad with the three of them. I'm suspecting this is not the intended design, that it's 1 implant per 1 agent.
Of course not. Have you checked your agents' info box with bonuses properly? Are there records about this transformation? May be you have done some other transformation though? ;)
I've got 5 people with Tactical Neural Implant notes despite having only built 3 of them.
A minor bug: if several agents gain "bane of" (tested for the first time award, don't know for other) recommendation in the mission debrief there's several groups "bane of" with one agent in it instead of one "bane of" line with several agents in it.
Two bugs / issues I've noticed:
On the Feral Lobstermen cruise-liner mission, you can't seem to abort. For such a tough mission you might be unprepared for, you really should be able to retreat.
Second, the Tritanium Smart Shotgun Ammo manufacturing time is 850 hours, which is way out of line with the other Tritanium ammo (in the low tens of hours)
I've upgraded from 9.9e to 1.1.2 (and newest version of OXCE) and although my saved game is working largely intact, I did notice that in my three bases that each had a Hovertank/Laser with an Alien AI operator, the AIs and tanks have all disappeared. My savegame originates from before 0.9.9e, possibly to before the AI types were merged to allow experience from the beginning (per changelog).
I was gonna speculate, I'd guess maybe the Alien AI support still existed in 0.9.9e and allowed the Alien AIs in my savegame to be "grandfathered in", and maybe that legacy material was removed in the 1.0 cleanup? Just curious, I don't expect there's anything to be done about it.
Yes, at some point the two AI types were rolled into one due to gameplay reasons. I kept the removed type in the mod for a long time (hidden, only to be used by old saves), but eventually I removed it too.
You can fix it by taking your old save (before resaving on the new version!) and manually editing any instances of STR_ALIEN_AI to STR_MUGGLE_AI. This should work.
Playing 1.1.2, and I recently discovered the Tactical Neural Implant. Manufactured 3 as a test run, and I was able to implant my entire squad with the three of them. I'm suspecting this is not the intended design, that it's 1 implant per 1 agent.
No idea what to tell you, I just tested and it worked fine... The transformation process consumed TNIs as intended.
A minor bug: if several agents gain "bane of" (tested for the first time award, don't know for other) recommendation in the mission debrief there's several groups "bane of" with one agent in it instead of one "bane of" line with several agents in it.
That probably means that some agents got this commendation for the same weapon, and some got it for another weapon.
On the Feral Lobstermen cruise-liner mission, you can't seem to abort. For such a tough mission you might be unprepared for, you really should be able to retreat.
You can't abort from any mission on the cruise liner because there are no escape tiles. However, thanks to your report I discovered that it was not mentioned in the descriptions, so I'll update them.
Perhaps in the future I'll mess with it somehow to include the x-Com craft on this map. I just don't want to se a situation where you spawn on deck with a god damn van. :)
Second, the Tritanium Smart Shotgun Ammo manufacturing time is 850 hours, which is way out of line with the other Tritanium ammo (in the low tens of hours)
Good catch! Fixing.
That probably means that some agents got this commendation for the same weapon, and some got it for another weapon.
Bane of.. is for slaing certain groups. But Master of.. has the same issue.
And what betatester probably means is, that several agents could get "bane of [group]", where [group] is a constant, and it would still be split.
I guess that since these commendations dynamicaly insert appropriate groups/weapons, they are done case by case, rather than grouped.
Edit: So I think that it is because what you said could happen, not nescessarily because it happened.
Right, I don't understand how the commendations code works, and AFAIK nobody does. :P
don't know if it's a bug or feature but lightcycling improvement is supposed to insert some alien electronics in your AI but in fact all that you need is money (and not even a lab and or a workshop or an alien electronics item)
don't know if it's a bug or feature but lightcycling improvement is supposed to insert some alien electronics in your AI but in fact all that you need is money (and not even a lab and or a workshop or an alien electronics item)
It's not exactly alien electronics, more like copying certain alien solutions. I decided that getting enough actual Alien Electronics would be too hard. If they become more available at some point, I will probably change this.
Right, I don't understand how the commendations code works, and AFAIK nobody does. :P
Even almighty uncle Meridian? :o
Even almighty uncle Meridian? :o
Nope, not even I.
there's all sorts of insidiously recursive ha-gotchas in it ...
The dog durathread armor offers worse protection than the original combat gear.
Yes, but there are some damage modifiers that are better...
Also it's lighter and has other such advantages.
It's like comparing the jumpsuit to the combat vest.
Not sure if it's OpenXCom issue or XComFiles one, but since I found it while playing the latter, I'll mention it here:
Since some versions, the morale of my troopers starts to work really weird, depleting on its own for no particular reason. Right now I have mission where I set several troopers in defensive perimeter around a point and just skipping through few turns makes them start berserking or panicking. Nothing happens over those turns. No alien mind attacks, no one's bleeding, poisoned or on fire - in fact there's no fire or smoke anywhere, there's not even an enemy visible (a few that were there earlier got dispatched and are nothing but some corpses far away).
I also noticed an interesting thing that when instead of skipping through those turns, I've sent one unit into a building and then started exchanging blows with some human enemy (for some reason the enemy just started punching the trooper so I decided to do the same to him in Impromptu Ultimate Fisticuffs Tournament) that made other units who shouldn't neither hear nor see the brawl panic sooner or start shooting at each other (as per berserk, not in reaction fire).
I can understand somewhat an absolute newbie being slightly anxious, but even XCom newbie which should be kinda sorta higher quality than fresh bootcamp recruit should hold themselves steady especially when there's nothing particualrly worrying happening and in this mission it's mostly senior agents and captains. Though I am sure the doors and windows of some slum building they were covering were really offending their sense of aesthetics. I am wondering if it has something to do with the new fancy readiness stat balancing, but even at very low readiness, fully trained, full-fledged agents with some medals and succesful missions under their belts, in good health and with equipment in order shouldn't panic at the sight of an empty brick house just standing there.
(https://i.ibb.co/qFzW8Zn/scares.png) (https://ibb.co/M5bGHXh)
Also, another thing, less of an issue per se but a matter of balance. Since I've started playing the game I got some other people interested in the mod and noticed that while player metagaming (be it due to experience, repeating missions/savescumming to avoid loses and blaze through the content or looking up techtree view) can mitigate the effect of alien embassies, an average, new to the mod (even if not the original game series) player who wants to play 'fair' and just use common sense in managing research and battles without savescumming etc almost never will get to acquisition of keys before embassies and large UFOs cover the world, likely severely crippling or dooming the game to fail. Hell, even with vague metagame idea of which technologies to follow and missions to do to get the keys, embassies and UFOs starting them, even in countries that should be quite against alien incursion and happy with my organisation efforts pop up rather early and abundantly (to the point of those very large ships literally landing on top of each other in some smaller countries, and on merely Experienced difficulty).
Lastly, not sure if I haven't reported it before but my engineers have no problem with building alien-design laser rifles for some reason, but cannot wrap their heads around building regular, human ones I've picked up from ADVENT troopers. Shouldntt alien designs be off the table but their human-compatible counterparts available for production after researching how that stuff works?
I can't get the X-Com Files to load at all, or even appear in my mods list. I've been happily pirating it up with X-Piratez, and I put the X-Com Files directory in right next to the Piratez data files. Yet, when I launch OXCE, it isn't listed as an option. I just get UFO Defense, Terror from the Deep, and X-Piratez. I have absolutely no idea what more I need to do.
Not sure if it's OpenXCom issue or XComFiles one, but since I found it while playing the latter, I'll mention it here:
Since some versions, the morale of my troopers starts to work really weird, depleting on its own for no particular reason. Right now I have mission where I set several troopers in defensive perimeter around a point and just skipping through few turns makes them start berserking or panicking. Nothing happens over those turns. No alien mind attacks, no one's bleeding, poisoned or on fire - in fact there's no fire or smoke anywhere, there's not even an enemy visible (a few that were there earlier got dispatched and are nothing but some corpses far away).
I also noticed an interesting thing that when instead of skipping through those turns, I've sent one unit into a building and then started exchanging blows with some human enemy (for some reason the enemy just started punching the trooper so I decided to do the same to him in Impromptu Ultimate Fisticuffs Tournament) that made other units who shouldn't neither hear nor see the brawl panic sooner or start shooting at each other (as per berserk, not in reaction fire).
I can understand somewhat an absolute newbie being slightly anxious, but even XCom newbie which should be kinda sorta higher quality than fresh bootcamp recruit should hold themselves steady especially when there's nothing particualrly worrying happening and in this mission it's mostly senior agents and captains. Though I am sure the doors and windows of some slum building they were covering were really offending their sense of aesthetics. I am wondering if it has something to do with the new fancy readiness stat balancing, but even at very low readiness, fully trained, full-fledged agents with some medals and succesful missions under their belts, in good health and with equipment in order shouldn't panic at the sight of an empty brick house just standing there.
(https://i.ibb.co/qFzW8Zn/scares.png) (https://ibb.co/M5bGHXh)
Also, another thing, less of an issue per se but a matter of balance. Since I've started playing the game I got some other people interested in the mod and noticed that while player metagaming (be it due to experience, repeating missions/savescumming to avoid loses and blaze through the content or looking up techtree view) can mitigate the effect of alien embassies, an average, new to the mod (even if not the original game series) player who wants to play 'fair' and just use common sense in managing research and battles without savescumming etc almost never will get to acquisition of keys before embassies and large UFOs cover the world, likely severely crippling or dooming the game to fail. Hell, even with vague metagame idea of which technologies to follow and missions to do to get the keys, embassies and UFOs starting them, even in countries that should be quite against alien incursion and happy with my organisation efforts pop up rather early and abundantly (to the point of those very large ships literally landing on top of each other in some smaller countries, and on merely Experienced difficulty).
Lastly, not sure if I haven't reported it before but my engineers have no problem with building alien-design laser rifles for some reason, but cannot wrap their heads around building regular, human ones I've picked up from ADVENT troopers. Shouldntt alien designs be off the table but their human-compatible counterparts available for production after researching how that stuff works?
..so apparently, amybe the red-bricks house is somewhat haunted, & GHOSTled, surely!
heyh, just, take it as just another topic, story, /plot arcs, (topics: Ghosts Guests, in Abandoned Haunted Ghosted Lunatic (Psychiatric) Asylum) 8) :D ;P
1-2 pretty ghosts :p :P :)
Also it's lighter and has other such advantages.
It's like comparing the jumpsuit to the combat vest.
Thank you. I saw the better damage modifiers but i thought the basic armor values should be better as well.
had a bug, brought back some "living" ghosts on base 1, ghost tank was on base 2, the alert message about prison full was somewhat buggy STR_ (can't remember exactly but it was about prison type 4 and no I haven't a save game anymore)
Who you gonna call? Bug busters
not a bug per se but there"s no Black Lotus rationale article. An oversight ?
Not sure if it's OpenXCom issue or XComFiles one, but since I found it while playing the latter, I'll mention it here:
Since some versions, the morale of my troopers starts to work really weird, depleting on its own for no particular reason. (...)
Thanks for the creative report :)
But to the point: aren't you simply suffering from low Readiness?
had a bug, brought back some "living" ghosts on base 1, ghost tank was on base 2, the alert message about prison full was somewhat buggy STR_ (can't remember exactly but it was about prison type 4 and no I haven't a save game anymore)
Who you gonna call? Bug busters
Yeah, I am aware of that, but I don't know which string it is.
ALL strings start with STR_, so it's not very useful. ;)
not a bug per se but there"s no Black Lotus rationale article. An oversight ?
Not all organizations have a rationale written. In case of Black Lotus, you can get to their roots in a different way.
EDIT: Split the Readiness discussion into a new topic (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7775.0.html).
In my main base I can build the advanced intelligence center without first having built the normal one. I am only deducted the cost of the upgrade (money and time), not the cost of the base building + upgrade.
This isn't possible in any other bases. There I need to have built the base building first but I can still build the advanced intelligence center on a different square for merely the upgrade cost.
Another, similar problem. I must be doing something wrong. Can't build virtualized HQ over normal HQ in my South American base. It says 'facility in use' even though there's enough space left in labs and stores.
Decrypted Alien Embassy Keys being consumed on non-embassy missions?
I was going to raid an embassy and equipped a decrypted key to my Skymarshal, but then a quick hybrid convoy mission popped up and I did that one first. It looks like it consumed my Embassy key even though I was going on a mission that didn't require it. Is that the intended behaviour? It looks like as it stands, one should only add a key to the craft inventory in order to use immediately, or else it will be wasted. Wouldn't it be more convenient to be able to just keep a key on the craft and have it be consumed when required?
Decrypted Alien Embassy Keys being consumed on non-embassy missions?
I was going to raid an embassy and equipped a decrypted key to my Skymarshal, but then a quick hybrid convoy mission popped up and I did that one first. It looks like it consumed my Embassy key even though I was going on a mission that didn't require it. Is that the intended behaviour? It looks like as it stands, one should only add a key to the craft inventory in order to use immediately, or else it will be wasted. Wouldn't it be more convenient to be able to just keep a key on the craft and have it be consumed when required?
Save please?
Decrypted Alien Embassy Keys being consumed on non-embassy missions?
I was going to raid an embassy and equipped a decrypted key to my Skymarshal, but then a quick hybrid convoy mission popped up and I did that one first. It looks like it consumed my Embassy key even though I was going on a mission that didn't require it. Is that the intended behaviour? It looks like as it stands, one should only add a key to the craft inventory in order to use immediately, or else it will be wasted. Wouldn't it be more convenient to be able to just keep a key on the craft and have it be consumed when required?
Yes they are. I reported this a while back though.
(Ironically went on a mission to get another key, so basically i swapped a decryped for an encrypted key...)
Solarius mentioned something about item mechanics iirc. Would be a small advantage to have it actually spawn, until it accidentally gets blown up or something... ;)
(since if not used it´d be recovered for later use)
Hello! I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, though I'm a first time poster. I have a recurring crash every time I play the Exalt HQ mission. I can't seem to figure out what triggers the crash, but I am unable to load my game (saved in-mission) after the crash. At first, I was playing a version of the game from about a month ago, and attempting to load the game after the crash would cause the program to crash. So I updated to the latest version, and now when I try to load that game it will not crash, but it will not let me load it either. Instead I get an error message saying "yaml-cpp: error at line 895, column 7: end of verbatim tag not found". Opening up the save file and looking at line 895 (the last line) shows "!<" (without the quotation marks). Removing this line and attempting to load the game leads to automatic game over where the aliens take over the Earth.
I can post the save file and my log, but I can't seem to find how to do it. Is it a privilege I don't have on account of being new to the board?
Edit: Just checked my version from the save file. Previously I was playing 6.3.1, and I just upgraded to 6.3.4.
For Solarium and Meridian.
About the Decrypted Alien Key:
If a craft has one decrypted alien key in its inventory, and it's deployed to a mission other than an embassy assault, after the mission is completed, the alien key mission is consumed.
I'm attaching a save. To replicate, just abort the mission.
Decrypted Alien Embassy Keys being consumed on non-embassy missions?
Sorry, it was a bug. Now fixed, will be available with the next release (or get the latest version from GitHub).
Hello! I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, though I'm a first time poster. I have a recurring crash every time I play the Exalt HQ mission. I can't seem to figure out what triggers the crash, but I am unable to load my game (saved in-mission) after the crash. At first, I was playing a version of the game from about a month ago, and attempting to load the game after the crash would cause the program to crash. So I updated to the latest version, and now when I try to load that game it will not crash, but it will not let me load it either. Instead I get an error message saying "yaml-cpp: error at line 895, column 7: end of verbatim tag not found". Opening up the save file and looking at line 895 (the last line) shows "!<" (without the quotation marks). Removing this line and attempting to load the game leads to automatic game over where the aliens take over the Earth.
I can post the save file and my log, but I can't seem to find how to do it. Is it a privilege I don't have on account of being new to the board?
Edit: Just checked my version from the save file. Previously I was playing 6.3.1, and I just upgraded to 6.3.4.
Sorry, without a save I can't say anything. There have been no other reports of any problems with this mission, so I have no idea where to start.
If you still can't upload the file for any reason (though I can't see any potential one), you could join the X-Com Files Discord channel (https://discord.gg/RpUsJWX) and just drop it there in #bugreports.
well, a little bit ..cleaner, but anywayz.. :/
how to add, /install all those little (sub)mods? ??
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.1.1 (v2019-11-02)
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Data folder is:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Data search is:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] - C:/Users/LytaRyta/Documents/OpenXcom/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] - C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] User folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x480x8...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Display set to 640x480x8.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Loading data...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/'...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [WARN] scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan Black_Cat Mod, skipping.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56] [ERROR] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[31-01-2020_02-06-57] [INFO] Active mods:
[31-01-2020_02-06-57] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[31-01-2020_02-06-57] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[31-01-2020_02-06-58] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[31-01-2020_02-06-58] [ERROR] failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled
Error for 'CYBERDISC_WEAPON': offset '-2' has incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK'
You must be using some old version of the mod.
I have a strange issue. Since starting my current game I built a medical drone but it never appeared in a base mission when I was attacked and because it wasn't important I forgot about it. But now I have researched and built Tanks I cannot put them on a craft as an item, they are not there even though they appear in my base storage as an item. It seems that any heavy weapons systems I build are not available on the battlescape.
I am using OXCE 6.2 with XFC 1.1.2
Ah I have just found the solution on page 138. Sorry to have bothered you
Many thanks
Just to say that the new version has another save location
I have moved my saves to the new directory. Will I encounter problems ?
Just to say that the new version has another save location
I have moved my saves to the new directory. Will I encounter problems ?
Work fine for me !
Secondly, if you want to continue a campaign from a previous version, you need to find your xcom1 folder (the one where saves, screenshots and configs are) and rename it to x-com-files.
(On the first launch after this conversion, the game will warn you that there some mods are missing; you can safely ignore this.)
recently I have cleaned my warehouse and got a surprise:
Selling regular Blackops sniper ammo gives more money than Blackops Tritanium sniper ammo.
Heh, indeed. One 0 deserted :)
I suppose it's also the case for the Blackops Tritanium LMG clip
...maybe :)
The ion blaster in Ufopedia is supposed to deliver plasma damage in text but delivers laser damage.
Ion ist ~~ plasma
The tech tree viewer:
- There's 2 entries for Gilldog
- if you search STR_ you find some topiccs that need their strings
The ion blaster in Ufopedia is supposed to deliver plasma damage in text but delivers laser damage.
Thanks, fixed.
The tech tree viewer:
- There's 2 entries for Gilldog
Not a bug. One is the unit, the other is the race. It's like Sectoid Soldier vs. Sectoid, but Gilldogs don't have jobs.
This applies to many creatures.
- if you search STR_ you find some topiccs that need their strings
Probably otherwise invisible topics. The Tech Tree Viewer exposes some stuff which shouldn't be exposed.
if you look at the UFOPEDIA in fight simulator some of the STR_ appears.
Bug or feature Magma Security has a slightly better armor than Magma Heavy
if you look at the UFOPEDIA in fight simulator some of the STR_ appears.
All I found was one terrain, anything else?
Bug or feature Magma Security has a slightly better armor than Magma Heavy
I guess, they have lighter armour to carry heavier weapons? I can't remember, but seems likely.
in the battle simulator's ufopedia the article after Land survey and the one after Naval Expedition have STR_ in text
The easiest way to take out the tank is to blow the trashcans with the tank but it will destroy the gear pile.
You can have somebody going out shooting the trashcan but it's long
In this map a trashcan also block one side door (manageable with laser)
The skymarshall is at ground level, that causes problems on several maps., if you open the door without steeping out. I remember some years ago landing with FMP in the jungle with vegetation in the ship.
Maybe having it 1 square above ground like the skyranger could avoid some problems.
Hi, I have found this string: STR_CULT_OF_SPIRITS_PREREQUISITE
Sorry, without a save I can't say anything. There have been no other reports of any problems with this mission, so I have no idea where to start.
If you still can't upload the file for any reason (though I can't see any potential one), you could join the X-Com Files Discord channel (https://discord.gg/RpUsJWX) and just drop it there in #bugreports.
I can upload the file now. Weird. Maybe I couldn't because it was my first post and I wasn't fully approved yet?
Anyway, now that I can upload it, I don't actually need to. Looking at the save file I see that it's so much smaller than every other save file I have. Weirdly, it seems to have deleted every line that doesn't have to do with the battle. I'm guessing that I get a game over when I load it because the file doesn't have any XCOM bases, so I guess the game thinks the aliens won?
Have you ever seen saves getting ruined like this?
No, I haven't encountered anything like this. Looks like your save is ruined, might be a disk error. Sorry about that.
I've made a WIP for XCF (here https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7872.0.html ). And I realized that the black sprite you used to cover hands is a 3x3 one (the one I used for covering the scabbard). It covers Quick draw slot a bit in my WIP for the suit armor)
I've made a WIP for XCF (here https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7872.0.html ). And I realized that the black sprite you used to cover hands is a 3x3 one (the one I used for covering the scabbard). It covers Quick draw slot a bit in my WIP for the suit armor)
Well, maybe you need to modify it :) Or move the quick slot, if it makes sense.
I will change it as soon as I know how. But since it's a potential bug, even if harmless one (and something we tend to forget) I have just reported it here.
I have researched the webwear , got it in ufopedia, has already extracted some silk. but I can't see it in the production panel.
EDIT: My bad, I had put it within Hidden, surely with a bad click.
Hi guys I was wondering if you guys could help. Just recently downloaded Xcom files and everytime i start a mission it crashes. Dont know why
Hi guys I was wondering if you guys could help. Just recently downloaded Xcom files and everytime i start a mission it crashes. Dont know why
Does the file <OpenXcom install directory>/common/Resources/Extended/TinyRanks.png exist?
Small shotgun has the wrong HANDOB (looks like a regular shotgun).
one small bug the webwear is described as a 2x3 item in file, the item itself only takes the place of a 2x2 item, but it's a 2x3 item, you can see it if you make a stack of it the number is at the bottom of the sprite.
from a deep one mission I got 3 Human sacrifice, and has no research linked to it
Small shotgun has the wrong HANDOB (looks like a regular shotgun).
Because I never made one. It's a shotgun, what difference would I make? I mean it's slightly smaller, okay, but it's just a handob. And making handobs is a pain, too. Nobody has reported it before, butvif it's a bother, I mayvdo something about it.
one small bug the webwear is described as a 2x3 item in file, the item itself only takes the place of a 2x2 item, but it's a 2x3 item, you can see it if you make a stack of it the number is at the bottom of the sprite.
Thanks, fixed.
link=topic=5047.msg123685#msg123685 date=1581947783]from a deep one mission I got 3 Human sacrifice, and has no research linked to it
Human sacrifices don't have researches, they're just normal civvies. They give you points and a monetary reward, then they go home.
In the prison break misson against cult of Apocalypse, there was this crossroad.
It looks like something broke within the map.
got a strange battle.
The hovertank can see and snapshot the abomination. Most of the time it scores a HIT and don't kill the abomination, with some ground damage. But after that the hover tank can't strike again.
That crossroad is a mystery to me. I received multiple reports about it, but never managed to replicate it in quick battle.
As for the hovertank issue, I can't say yet, but it's probably related to the ground being flatter (so the unit standing is no longer visible).
I took mind control of the spitters and used it to strike his colleagues. There was a problem with his weapon name it was STR_something instead of a us name. Also you can't see its inventory.
STR_XCOM_PSICLONE in weapons in the resume of soldiers killing with it.
I took mind control of the spitters and used it to strike his colleagues. There was a problem with his weapon name it was STR_something instead of a us name. Also you can't see its inventory.
The inventory is normal, some creatures don't have it.
The weapon... okay, I really didn't expect anyone to check something irrelevant like this. Spitter weapons work like vanilla built-in X-Com weapons. But okay, I changed it to the more advanced system XCF mostly uses.
STR_XCOM_PSICLONE in weapons in the resume of soldiers killing with it.
Because STR_XCOM_PSICLONE no longer exists, except in your old save.
...wait... killing with a Psiclone? :o
the new version does electric damage so it's possible. But yes it was the old version the panicked status is recorded in missions. One quick question: I used the old psiclone to unlock psi skill, I'm right to think that the new version doesn't do this anymore ?
One quick question: I used the old psiclone to unlock psi skill, I'm right to think that the new version doesn't do this anymore ?
Yes, it should, unless there's something I missed.
I'm here to report some bugs.
- Crates are unrecoverable. I found them on base missions for Dagon and Black Lotus Cults. They lied on 2nd floor near a bar, sometimes together with medical bags. A soldier can pick the crate up, can feel that the item weighs 75 units, can throw it for 20 TUs. But after the battle end the crate is gone. Maybe it's because of "recover: false" string for item "type: STR_GENERIC_CRATE" in "\user\mods\XComFiles\Ruleset\items_XCOMFILES.rul" file?
- Inventory stats disappeared on the start of Dagon Cult Base Mission. The stats were visible while on pre-battle equip screen. After the battle started, the stats disappeared.
See the attached file for 2 savegames.
Can I somehow recover the crate manually, by file editing?
Thank you for the great mod!
I've got a USO trap mission. Neat I've researched advanced underwater operation and I will test the "trident" with its 15 crew so I sent my ironfist on underwater configuration (no drones except 1 coelocanth, no dog) and 2 brand new flying suits and the rest with aquaplastic and when the mission starts they are still 1 coelocanth and 3 guys on the usual small submarine. What's wrong ?
EDIT, added a saved game the intervention team is in European base.
Crates are unrecoverable. I found them on base missions for Dagon and Black Lotus Cults. They lied on 2nd floor near a bar, sometimes together with medical bags. A soldier can pick the crate up, can feel that the item weighs 75 units, can throw it for 20 TUs. But after the battle end the crate is gone. Maybe it's because of "recover: false" string for item "type: STR_GENERIC_CRATE" in "\user\mods\XComFiles\Ruleset\items_XCOMFILES.rul" file?
Obviously, it is a worthless crate with no return.
So it's normal!
It's also useless to equip a soldier with a crate since it's in a workshop that the crates are searched.
Crates are unrecoverable. I found them on base missions for Dagon and Black Lotus Cults. They lied on 2nd floor near a bar, sometimes together with medical bags. A soldier can pick the crate up, can feel that the item weighs 75 units, can throw it for 20 TUs. But after the battle end the crate is gone. Maybe it's because of "recover: false" string for item "type: STR_GENERIC_CRATE" in "\user\mods\XComFiles\Ruleset\items_XCOMFILES.rul" file?
Can I somehow recover the crate manually, by file editing?
Generic crates are generic crates, they aren't supposed to be recoverable. You probably took the crate and left its contents on the floor (or they were destroyed by a blast).
Inventory stats disappeared on the start of Dagon Cult Base Mission. The stats were visible while on pre-battle equip screen. After the battle started, the stats disappeared.
Hmm, which inventory stats? Sorry, please elaborate - I don't know what you are referring to.
Thank you for the great mod!
Thanks for the kind words :)
I've got a USO trap mission. Neat I've researched advanced underwater operation and I will test the "trident" with its 15 crew so I sent my ironfist on underwater configuration (no drones except 1 coelocanth, no dog) and 2 brand new flying suits and the rest with aquaplastic and when the mission starts they are still 1 coelocanth and 3 guys on the usual small submarine. What's wrong ?
Underwater craft depends on the mission, not on the craft you send there. (At least for now; I have some ideas on how to improve this, but they're not very elegant.)
Попробовал пройти версию 1.1.2 на сложности "Сверхчеловек" с редактированием сохранений (деньги, клонирование предметов, быстрая постройка, оглушение противников). Закончил в январе 2000 года. Было несколько неприятностей:
- Следы топлива пришельцев (STR_ETRACE) долго не появлялись, а от их исследования зависит "Прием на работу вед. науч. сотр." (STR_CHIEF_RESEARCHER_CONTACT). Я уже разграбил пару тарелок, но достал нужное только получив доступ к геодезическим работам (STR_EXPEDITION_PLANET_SURVEY) после события "Случайные находки при геодезических работах" (STR_RANDOM_LAND_SURVEY). TIME PARADOX?
- Бонусы за медали одинакового типа, одинакового уровня засчитываются только за первую из них. "Любимое оружие" (STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY), "Душегуб" (STR_MEDAL_RACE_KILLS), "На страже" (STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_RIBBON). Поэтому выгодней было иметь такие медали разных уровней.
- Произошло событие "Сексуальный убийца" (STR_HYBRID_CARNAL_KILLER), а на базе не было тюремных камер (STR_PRISON_CELLS). Пока ожидалось прибытие, после миссии столкнулся с тем, застрял на распределении пленных, на базе было -1 места. Закрыл игру, загрузился, убил всех на миссии.
- На карте "За границей портала Рока" (STR_BEYOND_THE_DOOM_PORTAL) была изолированная комната с врагом внутри.
- Иногда появлялось очень много НЛО с миссией "Пролеты НЛО" (STR_ALIEN_FLYBY), даже в первые годы. В файле сохранения видел десяток этих миссий.
Ещё может усложнить формулы оружия? ОД - это же не просто ОД, а скорость. Более "правильно" рассчитывать стоимость по формуле "абсолютная стоимость + относительная стоимость" (как в https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1716.msg109079.html#msg109079 ). Добавить бонус к урону от скорости для метательного оружия и оружия ближнего боя(damageBonus: tu: x.x)?
{Machine translation}
I tried to pass version 1.1.2 on the "Superhuman" difficulty with editing saves (money, cloning items, fast building, stun opponents). Completed in January 2000. There were a few problems:
- STR_ETRACE did not appear for a long time, and STR_CHIEF_RESEARCHER_CONTACT depends on their research. I have already looted a couple of UFOs, but got the right one only after getting access to STR_EXPEDITION_PLANET_SURVEY after the STR_RANDOM_LAND_SURVEY event). TIME PARADOX?
- Bonuses for medals of the same type and level are applied only for the first one. STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY, STR_MEDAL_RACE_KILLS, STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_RIBBON. Therefore, it was more profitable to have such medals of different levels.
- The STR_HYBRID_CARNAL_KILLER event occurred, but the base did not have STR_PRISON_CELLS. While the arrival was expected, after the mission, I encountered the fact that I was stuck on the distribution of prisoners, there were -1 places on the base. Closed the game, loaded the save, killed everyone on the mission.
- On the STR_BEYOND_THE_DOOM_PORTAL map, there was an isolated room with an enemy inside.
- Sometimes there were a lot of UFOs with the STR_ALIEN_FLYBY mission, even in the early years. I saw a dozen of these missions in the save file.
p.s. Can complicate weapon formulas? TU is not just TU, but speed. It is more "correct" to calculate the cost using the formula "absolute cost + relative cost" (as in https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1716.msg109079.html#msg109079 ). Add a bonus to speed damage for throwing weapons and melee weapons(damageBonus: tu: x. x)?
It was a punishment for the unfair game.
Generic crates are generic crates, they aren't supposed to be recoverable. You probably took the crate and left its contents on the floor (or they were destroyed by a blast).
Thanks. That's a pity, nothing useful can be done with the generic crates... They are attractive for looter.
Hmm, which inventory stats? Sorry, please elaborate - I don't know what you are referring to.
The stats that are under OK button in inventory. See the attached picture.
I always thought that was normal. You can get all stats by clicking the bars at the bottom of the screen during battle.
Edit for clarity: Outside inventory. IIRC, in inventory it is the rank indicator in every situation.
Sounds like a problem. There was a room at the Tassot factory which cannot be reached in any way; the wall does not break with a pickaxe.
I am 100% sure that there is no passage there, every corner is covered by a specialist. It looks like this room was generated separately from the complex. On the left you can see that the walls of the corridor go into the black indestructible region and so on all sides. Screenshot.
The second time the same was crookedly generated, but I was lucky and there was a gap, so that I passed. Here is the second time save game with curve generation.
STR_ETRACE did not appear for a long time, and STR_CHIEF_RESEARCHER_CONTACT depends on their research. I have already looted a couple of UFOs, but got the right one only after getting access to STR_EXPEDITION_PLANET_SURVEY after the STR_RANDOM_LAND_SURVEY event). TIME PARADOX?
It's hard to believe you haven't found any trace up to that point. But I added some more sources of this research, just in case.
Bonuses for medals of the same type and level are applied only for the first one. STR_MEDAL_WEAPON_PROFICIENCY, STR_MEDAL_RACE_KILLS, STR_MEDAL_CAMPAIGN_RIBBON. Therefore, it was more profitable to have such medals of different levels.
Hmm, looks fine to me... Can anyone confirm?
The STR_HYBRID_CARNAL_KILLER event occurred, but the base did not have STR_PRISON_CELLS. While the arrival was expected, after the mission, I encountered the fact that I was stuck on the distribution of prisoners, there were -1 places on the base. Closed the game, loaded the save, killed everyone on the mission.
Why couldn't you just send it to another base? Or sell it?
On the STR_BEYOND_THE_DOOM_PORTAL map, there was an isolated room with an enemy inside.
I'm going to need a bit more info here. Was it a whole block or some small section?
Anyway, that's what digging tools are for.
Sometimes there were a lot of UFOs with the STR_ALIEN_FLYBY mission, even in the early years. I saw a dozen of these missions in the save file.
Yes, I went a bit overboard with them. In the "nightly" release (on GitHub) it's already turned down, feel free to use it if you want.
p.s. Can complicate weapon formulas? TU is not just TU, but speed. It is more "correct" to calculate the cost using the formula "absolute cost + relative cost" (as in https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1716.msg109079.html#msg109079 ). Add a bonus to speed damage for throwing weapons and melee weapons(damageBonus: tu: x. x)?
Why complicate things? "It is more correct" is not an argument.
Sounds like a problem. There was a room at the Tassot factory which cannot be reached in any way; the wall does not break with a pickaxe.
I am 100% sure that there is no passage there, every corner is covered by a specialist. It looks like this room was generated separately from the complex. On the left you can see that the walls of the corridor go into the black indestructible region and so on all sides. Screenshot.
The second time the same was crookedly generated, but I was lucky and there was a gap, so that I passed. Here is the second time save game with curve generation.
Hmm, that's weird - it's vanilla TFTD terrain... I'll investigate.
EDIT: I think I found and fixed the problem. Still weird.
Missing string
I typed for a long time, lost everything.
Took the latest OXCE and mod from git.
It's hard to believe you haven't found any trace up to that point. But I added some more sources of this research, just in case.
The mission was 9 months later. Then no luck. Now the mission was in one and a half hours.
Hmm, looks fine to me... Can anyone confirm?
Made saves 1 and 2.
You can see that 2 has two Master rewards of the same level. But there is only one line in the list of bonuses . If you look at the stats in the save and add bonus values to them , you can see that the displayed value of throw is less(melee, too).
Why couldn't you just send it to another base? Or sell it?
As long as the item is transferred , nothing can be done with it.
Made save "transfer".
I'm going to need a bit more info here. Was it a whole block or some small section?
Anyway, that's what digging tools are for.
I don 't remember exactly. It looks like the smallest size. Located on the lower floor. To the right and below the starting point, near the edge.
Missing string
Weird, it's there in the file.
I typed for a long time, lost everything.
I feel you bro.
Made saves 1 and 2.
You can see that 2 has two Master rewards of the same level. But there is only one line in the list of bonuses.
That it's how the system works. You can only have profit from the same bonus once. Each weapon has its own mastery, but the bonuses are the same (since it's the same commendation really). But if you have two masteries at different levels, you'll have both. That's simply how the mechanics is.
As long as the item is transferred , nothing can be done with it.
Made save "transfer".
OK, I'll investigate or something. No ideas yet.
I don 't remember exactly. It looks like the smallest size. Located on the lower floor. To the right and below the starting point, near the edge.
OK, I'll keep an eye on this. Thanks.
Missing string
I confirm!
It's fine on my end. I guess it was fixed some time shortly after the release.
Hybrids do not have built-in hand-to-hand combat. Is it so conceived or a flaw?
Frankly it's a limitation. But I redesigned this part and hopefully it will work fine in the next release.
Are you planning to change the weapons of the Cult of the Apocalypse? It is very strange to see bikers and cavemen armed with high-tech weapons.
Are you planning to change the weapons of the Cult of the Apocalypse? It is very strange to see bikers and cavemen armed with high-tech weapons.
IMO kinda fitting. if you´re that insane that you join cult of apoc, you might be crazy enough to dress like a caveman and wield a shotgun or assault rifle... ;D
Hell i wouldn't be surprised if they throw with sticks of butter and some turn out to be c4...
With just bones and bike chains they might be a bit too easy to kill though. Even if its really pointy bones.
I think that only the elite of the Cult of the Apocalypse, and not ordinary members, can have such a powerful weapon. Ordinary cultists should be cannon fodder and armed with all kinds of garbage. Especially when there are more than 50 of them in a mission (on a veteran). :o
The problem with low level CoA is that their members are partially random, so you never know if a given unit (with a given equipment set) will be a cave guy or maybe a luchadore:
rank 2: gadgets
rank 3: heavy weapons
rank 4: throwing weapons
rank 5: mixed range combat
rank 6: longe range combat
rank 7: close range combat
rank 8: light melee
rank 9: heavy melee
But this relates to the big, mixed events. We can assume that weaponry is at least partially distributed there by the leaders and not only brought by the cultists. But on gang specific missions, like Storm Trade or Barn of Gore, the equipment is way more faction specific. Unfortunately we don't have many such missions.
are safehouses always safehouses?
Just raiding a dagons "safehouse" which turned out to be the biggest outpost i´ve ever seen... like 20-30 guys and they event have a cthulhu guy there...
(big outpost building, all of them inside)
are safehouses always safehouses?
Just raiding a dagons "safehouse" which turned out to be the biggest outpost i´ve ever seen... like 20-30 guys and they event have a cthulhu guy there...
(big outpost building, all of them inside)
Safehouses are always safehouses. Bigger variants are called "outposts" and "bases" respectively.
If you've seen otherwise, then it would be a bug, but this element of the mod is so old and tested that I doubt there is a problem... Still, if that's the case, please post a save.
I updated from 1.1 to 1.2.
My savegames are gone?
What did I make wrong here?
Safehouses are always safehouses. Bigger variants are called "outposts" and "bases" respectively.
If you've seen otherwise, then it would be a bug, but this element of the mod is so old and tested that I doubt there is a problem... Still, if that's the case, please post a save.
then it was probably a base, my mistake.
In other news though, a red dawn base actually had me take cover and flank instead of just staying open and fire for the first time... maybe they finally learned something ^^
(its the combination of landing point and their grenade use. the long range firearms don't really do much it seems)
EDIT: to clarify, they do a lot better with MGs and sniper rifles than with short range weapons. But those don't change the situation the slightest...
I updated from 1.1 to 1.2.
My savegames are gone?
What did I make wrong here?
Check the instructions I posted specifically about this change on this thread.
TL;DR: your saves aren't gone, you just need to move them to a different folder (from "xcom1" to "x-com-files", in the same place).
In other news though, a red dawn base actually had me take cover and flank instead of just staying open and fire for the first time... maybe they finally learned something ^^
Thanks, I'm trying :]
I have a rat that cannot attack vertically...
says noone there, but there is.
Could it be because 0 energy? (though no energy cost is stated, and it does not say "not enough energy")
EDIT: apparently reloading that save fixed it. weird thing, but OK...
Stuff like that with all kinds of melee attacks has happened to me so often, that I've simply come to accept it instead of thinking to submit it as a bug. Reloading never helped with it either.
Very short units sometimes have such issues with diagonal attacks.
Also, make sure there is no tall grass in the way, as it's still a physical barrier.
about the shotgun problem we have talk about on discord
In the map "Undersea city", a unit walks thru the wall. See screenshot.
Is it intended for all concussive weapons to deal 50%-150% damage instead of 0%-200%? I understand why explosive weapons that deal concussive damage should have a more controlled damage range, but found it strange that sonic weapons and other miscellaneous weapons, like the shogg hammer, all deal 50%-150% damage.
I saw these damage ranges by holding alt over items in the equipment menu, so the issue might be in that system only.
Is it intended for all concussive weapons to deal 50%-150% damage instead of 0%-200%? I understand why explosive weapons that deal concussive damage should have a more controlled damage range, but found it strange that sonic weapons and other miscellaneous weapons, like the shogg hammer, all deal 50%-150% damage.
I saw these damage ranges by holding alt over items in the equipment menu, so the issue might be in that system only.
Yes, this C.W. have 50-150%. It is not a bug.
v1.2, research with tritanium ammo...
Researched tritanium ammo, can now research HMG, shotgun/bs, smart shotgun, magnum .44 tritanium ammo, the rest requires item first to be researched.
Thats a lot of items... and they´re not really that common...
Is it intended for all concussive weapons to deal 50%-150% damage instead of 0%-200%? I understand why explosive weapons that deal concussive damage should have a more controlled damage range, but found it strange that sonic weapons and other miscellaneous weapons, like the shogg hammer, all deal 50%-150% damage.
I saw these damage ranges by holding alt over items in the equipment menu, so the issue might be in that system only.
Yes, intended of course. Sonic waves aren't bullets.
v1.2, research with tritanium ammo...
Researched tritanium ammo, can now research HMG, shotgun/bs, smart shotgun, magnum .44 tritanium ammo, the rest requires item first to be researched.
Thats a lot of items... and they´re not really that common...
Your point being? What is the bug?
well that research dependency on the item was a bug before, so i assumed its regression.
so now even though i can produce like a dozen different tritanium bullets, for every other weapon i wanna make tritanium ammo for i gotta find someone else using it first?
HMG yes, but not minigun. Magnum yes, but most other pistols not. etc etc.
that is... not nice.
And kinda completely blocks me from using tritanium ammo at all for the weapons I´m using. unless at some point in undefined future i happen to find someone using that weapon, with alloy ammo.
well... (with all due respect... >_>) if thats not a bug, it is covered at least by "bad taste".
...why? its... horrible... >:( and does not seem to make sense at all.
Sorry, after reading this post I still have no idea what the problem is.
Yes, tritanium ammo is only avialable for certain weapons... Generally futuristic/specially made weapons, or those which are so general that it can be assumed to be such (magnums, shorguns). Put a tritanium ammo into an M16 and it'll explode in your hands due to the power of the charge. I can't see how that's inappropriate.
no, i mean that there are many alloy ammos that still cannot be researched, without having them as item first. (e.g. BO minigun ammo)
Like half the ammos are researchable, half are not.
would not be a problem at all, if enemies using alloy ammo would be common, but they are not...
for the m16... well don't put such a high charge into it then ;) the better penetration due harder material applies anyway. but thats besides the point. ^^
no, i mean that there are many alloy ammos that still cannot be researched, without having them as item first. (e.g. BO minigun ammo)
But that's not true. You only need the minigun and the tritanium ammo tech.
for the m16... well don't put such a high charge into it then ;) the better penetration due harder material applies anyway. but thats besides the point. ^^
It applies a little, but it wouldn't cause a 33% power gain. TT ammo is harder, therefore it can take bigger charges. But the weapon must be strong enough as well.
the rul files seem to disagree...
Check for lookups...
cost: 10
points: 10
cost: 0
points: 0
needItem: true
ok, that does explain, completely my bad.
confusing though. need to keep it in mind ^^
Understandable... :)
You can send dog in cybersuit on mission in Dimension X, when the regular agent in cyber armor can't go.
Edit : For underwater missions, you can use the armor (It is showing as a allowed outfit) but you cannot send dogs in underwater.
Also, why the warning in ufopedia in Underwater Operations if dogs aren't allowed ?
Do you have ANY other mods active?
I had a similar issue except with pirates, and deactivating all other mods fixed it, still don't know why.
Then I have no idea
BO assault LMG apparently does not fall under MG license...
Not that its that bad...
But since its literally in the name, it probably should...
New dogs seem to have worked for Santa before.
Found a missing entry in ufopedia (in v1.3) : STR_SHARE_ALIEN_GARDENS_TECH_UFOPEDIA.
You can send dog in cybersuit on mission in Dimension X, when the regular agent in cyber armor can't go.
Edit : For underwater missions, you can use the armor (It is showing as a allowed outfit) but you cannot send dogs in underwater.
Also, why the warning in ufopedia in Underwater Operations if dogs aren't allowed ?
I was overzealous. Now fixed.
Hey I apply the mods and when I try to start a new game it crashes. I know absolutely nothing about coding just saying. I'm pretty sure there's something wrong on my end, not with the mod. Here's the log. Thank You!!
Nobody else has this issue, so something must be wrong with your installation. Purge everything and reinstall , that's all I can advise.
BO assault LMG apparently does not fall under MG license...
Not that its that bad...
But since its literally in the name, it probably should...
It's basically a heavy rifle, so while I agree that it's confusing, I am not convinced that it should require the machine guns licence.
New dogs seem to have worked for Santa before.
Not all dogs have pink noses, but OMG, some do. I'll make more colour variants at some point.
Found a missing entry in ufopedia (in v1.3) : STR_SHARE_ALIEN_GARDENS_TECH_UFOPEDIA.
Indeed, thanks. Fixed it yesterday.
Bugfix release very soon (with some new extra stuff).
The bugfix patch needs some fixing, ironically enough. The Sawed-Off shotgun is missing the "shotgun" part in the name, which can cause some minor confusion, and apparently cannot be bought from the get go, it requires finding one somewhere in order to research it, despite being such a simple weapon.
Moreover, it is incorrectly placed in the bottom part of the Field Equipment section, instead of together with other shotguns and similar guns.
Lastly, the Shrapnel Rocket with alien alloys is missing a proper description, as it is displayed as STR_SHRAPNEL ROCKETS ingame.
missing string
This is pre-patch, but this save file has a Chtonite mini-base with multiple inaccessible pockets. I've just broken into one with a heavy sonic cannon, the other one has the two remaining Chtonites in it.
Irrelevant, but I just gotta take a moment to say that I adore many, many things about that beautiful, sexy piece of pure Earthican engineering, but my favourite part is how it turns intervening obstacles into just more of an opinion, really.
I also recently (1.3, pre-patch) had an Osiron warehouse mission spawn without an Osiron warehouse (meaning no crates after battle) and a Jarhead bank robbery (1.2) on a map with no bank (still got the million dollar bonus, though). In both cases the level ended up being built around that L-shaped two-story motel. Is that supposed to be possible?
( "Spiralizee" ) :P ;D lůl
btw.as i remember, once time i got Siberia Mission, but i failed, and from that time i didnt get it anyway.
If the player fail that Siberia mission, there will not be more, another chance anymore ?
missing string
To be precise, that's the constant: STR_TRITANIUM_SHRAPNEL_ROCKET
But I wonder if it's not confused with the constant: STR_ALLOY_SHRAPNEL_ROCKET which is missing from item files! :-\
In v1.3 with OXCE 6.4.2, I have spitter armed with acid pistols and disruptor rifles.
Also, the council will be pissed if I ignore a Dimension X defense mission. Fine.
But if I go to the mission and immediately abort it, then nothing. No malus.
Also, the council will be pissed if I ignore a Dimension X defense mission. Fine.
But if I go to the mission and immediately abort it, then nothing. No malus.
I actually like this feature, personally. And it's not just Dimension X missions, either. Terror missions generally give you less of a hit for arriving and immediately aborting either. Like, there's kind of 3 different outcomes. The worst option, where you don't do your job and the council gets pissed. The best option, where you win and everybody loves you, and the middling option where you don't do anything but tell the council you tried. (ignoring the possibility of actually trying and losing)
It feels like a lot of the game is about knowing what fights you can take and what fights you -should- take and I like that the political calculations are part of that. Plus in the early game it rewards expanding your territorial coverage and in the midgame it rewards maintaining aerial dominance.
In terror mission, you lose points because of dead civilians.
In this specific mission, you don't lose points because there isn't any civilians. Yet the base is supposed to destroyed by the aliens and the council angry by the loss of the base.
"Our outpost in Dimension X is being attacked by natives. We must return beyond the portal and neutralize the threat. If we don't, the Council will be severely disappointed."
The bugfix patch needs some fixing, ironically enough. The Sawed-Off shotgun is missing the "shotgun" part in the name, which can cause some minor confusion
Since when sawed-offs are necessarily called sawed-off shotguns? In my experience, nobody ever calls them that.
BTW, it also exists in Piratez, has been there for years and nobody has ever said "reee the name is incomplete".
and apparently cannot be bought from the get go, it requires finding one somewhere in order to research it, despite being such a simple weapon.
So do TTs, Skorpions and pitchforks...
Not in X-Com armoury? No documentation! It's been explained to death both in the mod and on the forums.
Moreover, it is incorrectly placed in the bottom part of the Field Equipment section, instead of together with other shotguns and similar guns.
True, some listOrders are still missing. I missed them, my bad.
Lastly, the Shrapnel Rocket with alien alloys is missing a proper description, as it is displayed as STR_SHRAPNEL ROCKETS ingame.
Also true. I fixed it yesterday, thanks.
This is pre-patch, but this save file has a Chtonite mini-base with multiple inaccessible pockets. I've just broken into one with a heavy sonic cannon, the other one has the two remaining Chtonites in it.
Thanks, I thought I have solved all such cases by now... I'll investigate.
Irrelevant, but I just gotta take a moment to say that I adore many, many things about that beautiful, sexy piece of pure Earthican engineering, but my favourite part is how it turns intervening obstacles into just more of an opinion, really.
Glad it's working :)
I also recently (1.3, pre-patch) had an Osiron warehouse mission spawn without an Osiron warehouse (meaning no crates after battle) and a Jarhead bank robbery (1.2) on a map with no bank (still got the million dollar bonus, though). In both cases the level ended up being built around that L-shaped two-story motel. Is that supposed to be possible?
You are clearly using outdated OXCE.
In v1.3 with OXCE 6.4.2, I have spitter armed with acid pistols and disruptor rifles.
Another blast from the past... Can you tell me which mission it was, please?
Also, the council will be pissed if I ignore a Dimension X defense mission. Fine.
But if I go to the mission and immediately abort it, then nothing. No malus.
Well, you did the theatrics to satisfy political needs...
I don't think it's super bad, but I'll consider making this mission impossible to escape from. Or just add some X-Com civilian personnel to give you bad points if dead/abandoned.
EDIT: Fixed those caves.
Since when sawed-offs are necessarily called sawed-off shotguns? In my experience, nobody ever calls them that.
BTW, it also exists in Piratez, has been there for years and nobody has ever said "reee the name is incomplete".
Well, I thought it would have been different for XCF, since XCOM here is better at cataloguing than a bunch of pirates that have to rediscover everything.
So do TTs, Skorpions and pitchforks...
Not in X-Com armoury? No documentation! It's been explained to death both in the mod and on the forums.
I know, but these are either repurposed gear, or exotic/antiquated weaponry. You get access to a bunch of new weapons with certain research topics, such as the Non-Standard Weapons one. I thought that a sawed off shotgun would be included as part of one of these packages, as it is an extremely common weapon, and you do get access to the "basic shotgun model" in that way as well.
Another blast from the past... Can you tell me which mission it was, please?
A Dimension X defense mission, against native.
A Dimension X defense mission, against native.
Thanks, fixed.
On the T'leth factory mission when an aquatoid was standing above a soldier on an elevator I couldn't see them. I knew there was an aquatoid there because of Psi Vision, but my soldier directly underneath the aquatoid on a 1 tile elevator could not see the enemy. This happened multiple times. I was also unable to kill the aquatoids via blind firing up the elevator, but I only tried a few times and may have just missed.
Also, the command center was completely sealed off, and I had to tunnel into it with Sonic Heavy Cannons.
I'm currently using version 1.12 of the Xcom Files.
lotus HQ, there is one tile in the elevator that is not accessible (in both elevators), even otherwise it looks like the rest.
Just can't walk there... (one level below its file)
(that screenshot may look like blatant camping. it is... :'( almost 1999 and i don't have one cult down yet and no proper tech to take down lotus yet. took to mod 1998 to even find a durathread piece. wtf...)
OK, I'll look at both issues.
EDIT: Both the inaccessible corner in the Lotus base and the command centre connection access fixed. For the elevator, I need a save o at least a screenshot, because I can't see anything wrong at a glance.
I take it as intentional that when you receive items via random geaoscape events you don't get them immedieately, but in a few minutes?
I was very confused about where my promised three land surveys were, specially since their ufopedia entry, manufacturing project and shop purchase option are unlocked immedieately, before you actually get them.
It's a limitation of the engine.
Could rephrase the bottom sentence of the window to "You'll receive X within the hour."
This is my first time uploading a save, so please tell me if there are any problems.
Once loaded, Sniper Underwood is standing on an elevator with an aquatoid standing above him, he cannot see the aqutoid.
I'm thinking that there should be a way to de-incentivize the player from using surrendered enemies as whacking dummies to train up your agents on. Either by making surrendered enemies give more points in the after-mission report than captured ones (currently the have the same value) or via awards to soldiers.
This is my first time uploading a save, so please tell me if there are any problems.
Once loaded, Sniper Underwood is standing on an elevator with an aquatoid standing above him, he cannot see the aqutoid.
Thank you, I will review.
I'm thinking that there should be a way to de-incentivize the player from using surrendered enemies as whacking dummies to train up your agents on. Either by making surrendered enemies give more points in the after-mission report than captured ones (currently the have the same value) or via awards to soldiers.
First of all, this is not a mod issue, so there isn't much point posting it here.
Secondly, stun weapons generally harm people at least a little, so there's a risk of going overboard and killing your prisoner.
Thirdly, players who would fall so low are assholes and I'm not interested in fixing anything for them, because they wouldn't appreciate it anyway.
Speaking of stun weapons, I dunno if it's a bug or some issue with my installation, but apparently you can see the ufopaedia page for the taser cannon, even though it requires recruitment of the chief engineer to manufacture it.
Speaking of stun weapons, I dunno if it's a bug or some issue with my installation, but apparently you can see the ufopaedia page for the taser cannon, even though it requires recruitment of the chief engineer to manufacture it.
Well I thought it slightly fell into the "bad test" category of the thread's title, but I can understand your other points.
I mean that you can see the page from the get-go, right after starting, long before unlocking the Workshop and everything else. That's a minor bug and one that happened already at some point.
Human Female Farmers can appear in "Strange Lifeform Detected" missions as civilians, but unlike normal civilians their corpses are recovereable loot (which can only be sold for -$10k). I assume that this is the cost meant to be incurred from killing farmers rather than capturing in crop circles and cow mutilation missions, which I am perfectly fine with. But in other missions, it is a bit jarring how a monster-killed female farmer costs XCOM way more than a monster-killed accountant. Sure it costs society more, but XCOM's finances in particular?
Interestingly, I don't seem to recall ever seeing female farmers in crop circles and cow mutilation missions.
Incidentally, for curiosity's sake, can XCOM agents' corpses be set to appear as recovereable loot? I'm thinking of the possibilities of adding an "agent (cover-up) funeral" manufacturing and/or research project that give a few council points or something like that. It would also makes a difference points-wise regarding recovereable corpses and non-recovereable (acid, desintegration, etc).
Incidentally, for curiosity's sake, can XCOM agents' corpses be set to appear as recovereable loot? I'm thinking of the possibilities of adding an "agent (cover-up) funeral" manufacturing and/or research project that give a few council points or something like that. It would also makes a difference points-wise regarding recovereable corpses and non-recovereable (acid, desintegration, etc).
I quite like this idea but wouldn't it bring quite some issues? Just brainstorming here:
I would assume such kind of job would be done by council cleaners that come afterwards and are the folks dealing with "after action" fixing, they probably would also be both the best equipped to dispose fallen agents corpses and the people behind them most fitting to cover the whole matter up. Cleaners could probably be dealt with or some special rule for agents introduced into fluff but that could stretch a bit believability and/or introduce need for X-Com to secure and then do away with every corpse if it is to look consistent. Which comes with its own issues.
Research project probably wouldn't work. Even if some repetitive research for each corpse could be provided it would probably have to be semi-mandatory (after all if you are tasked with making a decent cover-up story, it'd pay if you do it consistently and on time, no just when you feel like it), continuously siphoning some researchers. And it'd look weird, in a "why our xenobiologists, particle physicists and logistic officers play mortuary workers" way. Same issue if it'd be a workshop project requiring engineers. Not to mention that everyone would need a cover-up, living and dead alike, corpse recovered or unrecoverable. I am not sure if it'd be wise to open a can of worms adding whole intelligence and logistics layer to the game.
What could work without adding too much work is a very, very small, almost instantenously researched one-time "Effective body and evidence disposal" research project which could give one a few points in the council and would be triggered by whatever recovered body. You know, just for fluff.
I won't lie, I am also a bit iffy about inconsistency in what civilians drop corpses and how much they are worth. I'd rather have simply mission points loss adjusted to account for the dead without any corpses that later have to be clicked to be sold acquired (with all relevant research entries added to interrogation) - it would also include monetary loss that way automatically as less points means less pay.
Human Female Farmers can appear in "Strange Lifeform Detected" missions as civilians, but unlike normal civilians their corpses are recovereable loot (which can only be sold for -$10k). I assume that this is the cost meant to be incurred from killing farmers rather than capturing in crop circles and cow mutilation missions, which I am perfectly fine with. But in other missions, it is a bit jarring how a monster-killed female farmer costs XCOM way more than a monster-killed accountant. Sure it costs society more, but XCOM's finances in particular?
Interestingly, I don't seem to recall ever seeing female farmers in crop circles and cow mutilation missions.
Incidentally, for curiosity's sake, can XCOM agents' corpses be set to appear as recovereable loot? I'm thinking of the possibilities of adding an "agent (cover-up) funeral" manufacturing and/or research project that give a few council points or something like that. It would also makes a difference points-wise regarding recovereable corpses and non-recovereable (acid, desintegration, etc).
The farmers being recoverable is from the "crop circles" missions. There, civilians are sometimes hostile and it is preferable to stun, rather than kill them. But the civilians on "Strange Lifeform" missions using that armor does seem strange.
You see, what item the corpse is depends on what armor the unit wears.
I mention this beacause some armors used by X-Com do turn into recoverable items. Cyber Armor turns into Damaged Cyber Armor when the wearer is killed. Repairing it is cheaper than making a new one.
It was a couple of reaper terrorists (Veteran) in a farm map, civilians were a dog and two female farmers (all three dead because I got there in a private car and I was not about to leave its premises). Since I've never seen female farmers in crop circles/cattle mutilation missions, where the abducted and brainwashed were only male, it might be that such later missions also featured female farmers at in earlier versions until they suddenly didn't and the female farmers were then allowed in strange lifeform missions, but their armor was never removed from loot tables? The fact that the female farmer analysis is a possible result from the (male) abducted farmer interrogation leads me to believe that female farmers are indeed not supposed to be in crop circle missions.
My mistake, I did not realise the farmers you met were female. I've never even seen a female farmer in XCF. (other than in UFOpaedia)
I'm pretty sure that this is a bug with OXC directly, but I just wanted someone to confirm it because I'm not very familiar with what aren't genuine bugs and instead "intended parts of the X-COM experience":
The following screenshot depicts a situation where the soldier can't drop the expended medkit he's because the "scroll right" arrow doesn't work, probably due to the game thinking that there's still enough empty space there, despite it being impossible to drop a 2x2 item there. Clicking the "Scroll right" arrow while holding the medkit in the cursor doesn't make it scroll either. The medkit can't stack with the one already in the ground because that one still has all charges.
Should I report it in the openxcom bug tracker?
ctrl click the medi-kit.
It is an X-Com bug. It is present in original X-Com without OXC. In OXC you can get around it by ctrl-clicking the item you want to drop. About whether or not to report it, I's say yes. I am certain making inventory management difficult with certain amount of items on the ground was not intended by anyone.
~~^^ just 1possibly solution:
just take from the GROUND any bigger ("2x2" tiles) thing, for examtle that fire-extinguisher, or rather that green medipack, and put it into your belt´ free space. :D ;D) lůl
~~^^ just 1possibly solution:
just take from the GROUND any bigger ("2x2" tiles) thing, for examtle that fire-extinguisher, or taht green medipack, and put it into your belt´ free space. :D ;D) lůl
He can't. Not enough TUs.
Speaking of stun weapons, I dunno if it's a bug or some issue with my installation, but apparently you can see the ufopaedia page for the taser cannon, even though it requires recruitment of the chief engineer to manufacture it.
You're right, our bad... I fixed it yesterday.
Human Female Farmers can appear in "Strange Lifeform Detected" missions as civilians, but unlike normal civilians their corpses are recovereable loot (which can only be sold for -$10k). I assume that this is the cost meant to be incurred from killing farmers rather than capturing in crop circles and cow mutilation missions, which I am perfectly fine with. But in other missions, it is a bit jarring how a monster-killed female farmer costs XCOM way more than a monster-killed accountant. Sure it costs society more, but XCOM's finances in particular?
Well, crop circles are kinda like that. There is no external threat here except for you, so you get the flak for any casualties.
Interestingly, I don't seem to recall ever seeing female farmers in crop circles and cow mutilation missions.
Because this mission requires making new units and it's a pain. So it's just the boyz. (Also by trope.)
Incidentally, for curiosity's sake, can XCOM agents' corpses be set to appear as recovereable loot? I'm thinking of the possibilities of adding an "agent (cover-up) funeral" manufacturing and/or research project that give a few council points or something like that. It would also makes a difference points-wise regarding recovereable corpses and non-recovereable (acid, desintegration, etc).
Sure, it's technically possible; better armours are recoverable like this.
But see Justaround's post.
I won't lie, I am also a bit iffy about inconsistency in what civilians drop corpses and how much they are worth. I'd rather have simply mission points loss adjusted to account for the dead without any corpses that later have to be clicked to be sold acquired (with all relevant research entries added to interrogation) - it would also include monetary loss that way automatically as less points means less pay.
Believe me, I made it as simply as I could... If someone could refactor it somehow, I'm interested.
Well, crop circles are kinda like that. There is no external threat here except for you, so you get the flak for any casualties.
I know, and I agree with that. What I'm reporting as a bug is that Female Human Farmers are in "Strange Life Form" missions but still drop corpses worth -$10k, which is only supposed to happen for crop circles missions.
I know, and I agree with that. What I'm reporting as a bug is that Female Human Farmers are in "Strange Life Form" missions but still drop corpses worth -$10k, which is only supposed to happen for crop circles missions.
Ah, okay! I misunderstood.
OK, will check.
Work Suit UFOpedia entry is not unlocked when "Cover: Workers" is researched - it is never unlocked, in fact, if I understand it correctly.
I'm facing a alien embassy mission (second part) map issue.
The area where the embassy brain spawns is completely locked out. All adjacent corridors or areas end on a wall.
I'm afraid, I have to cheat the save to break through.
I'm attaching the save for reference.
Previously I posted about an issue with the elevators in the tasoth factory map. Soldiers standing on a 1 tile elevator could not see or shoot through elevators when an enemy was above or below them. I just encountered this issue again on a TFTD submarine map. On the attached save a soldier is standing on an elevator with a Carcharodon below him. He cannot see or shoot the Carcharodon.
OK, that farmers issue has been solved.
Work Suit UFOpedia entry is not unlocked when "Cover: Workers" is researched - it is never unlocked, in fact, if I understand it correctly.
You're right! My bad. Fixed.
I'm facing a alien embassy mission (second part) map issue.
The area where the embassy brain spawns is completely locked out. All adjacent corridors or areas end on a wall.
I'm afraid, I have to cheat the save to break through.
I'm attaching the save for reference.
Looks like the base hasn't generated properly at all. (No upper floor.)
Are you sure that you have a sufficiently new version of OXCE?
Previously I posted about an issue with the elevators in the tasoth factory map. Soldiers standing on a 1 tile elevator could not see or shoot through elevators when an enemy was above or below them. I just encountered this issue again on a TFTD submarine map. On the attached save a soldier is standing on an elevator with a Carcharodon below him. He cannot see or shoot the Carcharodon.
Previously I posted about an issue with the elevators in the tasoth factory map. Soldiers standing on a 1 tile elevator could not see or shoot through elevators when an enemy was above or below them. I just encountered this issue again on a TFTD submarine map. On the attached save a soldier is standing on an elevator with a Carcharodon below him. He cannot see or shoot the Carcharodon.
Thanks! Managed to kill the bug. (Of course, it was vanilla TFTD...)
Looks like the base hasn't generated properly at all. (No upper floor.)
Are you sure that you have a sufficiently new version of OXCE?
It looks to me that the upper floor (where the brain is) was generated as ground floor, and viceversa. Hence the connecting doors were not able to connect to anything on the third floor.
I have OXCE 6.4.2. There was another Alien Embassy mission the month before, and everything was fine. The floor swapping was only for this mission, thus the oddity.
Another bug (?) (no save, unfortunately) on Alien Embassy missions.
I win the surface map and move to the equipment screen for the underground portion of the mission, but there was no equipment available to equip the soldiers.
My question is if this is happening because of the map before was won by the surrendering of Advent/Hybrid units and something triggers the win flag for the map.
Another bug (?) (no save, unfortunately) on Alien Embassy missions.
I win the surface map and move to the equipment screen for the underground portion of the mission, but there was no equipment available to equip the soldiers.
My question is if this is happening because of the map before was won by the surrendering of Advent/Hybrid units and something triggers the win flag for the map.
Darn. This has never been reported before, and I can't check it because this particular setup doesn't work in Quick Battle...
I'll investigate... somehow.
Believe me, I made it as simply as I could... If someone could refactor it somehow, I'm interested.
But wouldn't it work exactly as described? Rather than only some corpses being recoverable to be sold to lose some cash, having both the corpse and other research entries discovered through interrogation of the farmer (I guess the corpse entries for regular civilians in general aren't particularly necessary, since they are just regular human corpses and so not needing to be studied beyond what's already publicly known about such) and instead of having money deduced through clicking to sell that corpse, making points loss at the end of the mission for lost civilian adjusted as well - which leads to the same as less points = less money, right?
Of course not; points aren't related to money in any way.
Of course not; points aren't related to money in any way.
Wait, really? Maybe I haven't played the game in too long and/or am mixing something up with some X-COM remake/clone now.
For some reason I was under the impression the points at the end/beginning of the month affected reputation of the organization and through that money provided, so better rating at the end of the mission - more money, worse rating - less money. Is it not so? And if not, what role the points serve?
Wait, really? Maybe I haven't played the game in too long and/or am mixing something up with some X-COM remake/clone now.
For some reason I was under the impression the points at the end/beginning of the month affected reputation of the organization and through that money provided, so better rating at the end of the mission - more money, worse rating - less money. Is it not so? And if not, what role the points serve?
Points serve other purposes, but on the long term, they will affect your earnings, just not greatly.
Just now I discovered that if you research an alien commander before researching "The Martian Solution" you need to research another commander in order to get "Alien commander is researched" for Cydonia or Bust.
Just now I discovered that if you research an alien commander before researching "The Martian Solution" you need to research another commander in order to get "Alien commander is researched" for Cydonia or Bust.
same as vanilla
Points serve other purposes, but on the long term, they will affect your earnings, just not greatly.
Great, thanks for letting me know. I was getting worried I had completely wrong idea about them all along. In light of that, shouldn't just losing civilian and subsequent point penalty leading to some loss of funds be enough, Solarius?
But losing points already costs money... Countries will decrease their funding.
But losing points already costs money... Countries will decrease their funding.
Exactly, so there's no issue as implied in:
Of course not; points aren't related to money in any way.
- and simply balancing point loss for civilian death will take care of the need to gather and resell corpses and so that thing can be made even simpler, the way you wanted it to be.
Just losing more points will affect future money and can be negated by having a few good missions.
Gathering corpses you need to pay to sell gives you an option.
Sell them now, losing money immediatly, or keep them in storage, losing storage capacity until you sell them.
Given the number of such corpses usually gathered thorough the month and their price compared to average income from selling of other things and monthly pay by the council, the choice is superficial at best while still requiring additional clicking/storage management as they keep trickling in and upholding current issue of inconsistency with gathering only some corpses vs others (which isn't as bad as having to gather all of them perhaps but still - if it can be easily refactored/fixed and without much trouble to boot...)
Another bug (?) (no save, unfortunately) on Alien Embassy missions.
I win the surface map and move to the equipment screen for the underground portion of the mission, but there was no equipment available to equip the soldiers.
My question is if this is happening because of the map before was won by the surrendering of Advent/Hybrid units and something triggers the win flag for the map.
Darn. This has never been reported before, and I can't check it because this particular setup doesn't work in Quick Battle...
I'll investigate... somehow.
I also didn't have any equipment spawn in the second stage of an embassy assault. However I do not have a save for the mission. But I do have a save before the mission, and a save at the end of an embassy assault I did trying to recreate the bug. I don't know if this helps, but before the bug occurred I had defeated the last enemy, but the battle didn't end until i clicked end turn. (I normally play with the mod where the battle ends immediately when all enemy's are incapacitated)
Score does affect whether countries increasing funding but the worst/best case is about 15% increase, you don't get any bonus for going over the threshold for rankup, most countries will just do nothing, and it's pretty random anyways, so as Solarius said almost unrelated to income.
Corpses could have a much larger store space or score could convert to actual money using performanceBonusFactor. But, really it's not a big deal.
Side note, I don't know why there's a performanceBonusFactor for flat money, and not one for income change. Score converting directly to money is not super useful when you already have Money Briefcases, and not very interesting compared to balancing the long-term effects of your "warcrimes".
I also didn't have any equipment spawn in the second stage of an embassy assault. However I do not have a save for the mission. But I do have a save before the mission, and a save at the end of an embassy assault I did trying to recreate the bug. I don't know if this helps, but before the bug occurred I had defeated the last enemy, but the battle didn't end until i clicked end turn. (I normally play with the mod where the battle ends immediately when all enemy's are incapacitated)
Thanks for the save. Tested it, everything works normally, your units are armed.
Thanks for the save. Tested it, everything works normally, your units are armed.
The units are are armed, but with only what they are carrying. All the ground equipment brought before that is usually on the floor is not available.
I also observed these missions may have the alien mini-brain room levels swapped, making the center hub inaccessible to our soldiers. And the dirt walls of the compound are quite impervious to regular weapons.
The units are are armed, but with only what they are carrying. All the ground equipment brought before that is usually on the floor is not available.
oh, i thought its supposed to be that way. since you did not carry your extra equipment stack to the exit tiles...
oh, i thought its supposed to be that way. since you did not carry your extra equipment stack to the exit tiles...
True, but I think that is when you rush to the exit green tiles and end the turn, then the next stage starts with whatever your agents are carrying.
But if the surface mission ends with the last enemy unit destroyed or incapacitated (thus area is secured), presumably the agents can gather all the craft equipment to the starting tile of the underground mission. This happened to me for several alien embassy missions, except for the last two, where coincidentally I also got the inaccessible mini-brain room bug.
The units are are armed, but with only what they are carrying. All the ground equipment brought before that is usually on the floor is not available.
...dude, have you ever played X-Com before?
I also observed these missions may have the alien mini-brain room levels swapped, making the center hub inaccessible to our soldiers. And the dirt walls of the compound are quite impervious to regular weapons.
This should be fixed now. With emphasis on should.
...dude, have you ever played X-Com before?
I heard of that game :)
I heard of that game :)
Anyway, not a bug. Nothing to see here, move along.
First of all I want to thank you for the exceptional work done on this mod. I have only been playing this game for more than 4 months.
I felt adrenaline again when opening a ship door, turning a corner and waiting for the alien turn to find out if any of my elite soldiers survived a bad position on the battlefield.
I tell you that I had a problem, I attach the log to the message. At the end of August 1999 the game crash. I don't know about programming or anything like that, I just enjoy the games. I would be grateful if you could indicate how I can solve it. I already saved near the crash event, update oxce and xfiles, and my ideas ran out. From already thank you very much!
Pd: Sorry for my English. I am Argentine and I am using the translator.
Thank you very much for the kind words.
I'll check the problem, but the log says nothing. Can you please post your save?
Thanks Solarius. I upload the saved game.
OK, thanks!
But I don't get this... the game is complaining about "region named: STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC is not defined". Sure it's not defined, it doesn't exist anywhere as it's a TFTD only region, so... What's missing??
I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but the last mission carried out before the end of the month was in southern America, more precisely in southern Chile.
OK, thanks!
But I don't get this... the game is complaining about "region named: STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC is not defined". Sure it's not defined, it doesn't exist anywhere as it's a TFTD only region, so... What's missing??
I've got the same crash with the same log with this save-game file. That's because my folder "TFTD" is empty.
XCF needs TFTD files for underwater missions?
I've got the same crash with the same log with this save-game file. That's because my folder "TFTD" is empty.
XCF needs TFTD files for underwater missions?
No, certainly not.
I'd better ask for help.
Segmentation fault crash upon clicking "yes" on mission. OXCE version 6.4.2 XCF vers 1.3
Segmentation fault crash upon clicking "yes" on mission. OXCE version 6.4.2 XCF vers 1.3
doesn't crash with XCF 1.3.2
Thanks, Meridian.
@Baron21mdp and @Kozinsky: the mod is fine. You seem to have created the campaign with some other mods which messed up the globe. Remove the problematic region STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC from the save.
EDIT: Here's your fixed save, Baron.
Thank you very much Solarius !!! Works like a charm!!
Could someone help me with the current campaign? I'm somehow stuck in my current research. There's not anything occurring which seems to advance any sort of researchable topic or any other progress. I'm doing the same types of missions, encountering the same types of enemies over and over again. Am i missing something? I'm really eager to finish this great mod. My latest save state is attached.
This is really minor, but the live bombardier beetle cannot be made into energetic blood plasma. I assume that because normal beetles have blood plasma the bombardier beetles should also have plasma.
This is really minor, but the live bombardier beetle cannot be made into energetic blood plasma. I assume that because normal beetles have blood plasma the bombardier beetles should also have plasma.
Indeed you're right. I fixed this omission a few days ago.
Minor complaint: every time a cross drops, it isn't salvaged. So I will never be able to have my army of battle clerics.
Minor complaint: every time a cross drops, it isn't salvaged. So I will never be able to have my army of battle clerics.
I am not sure if you cannot retrieve them manually though so there's still chance to realize the dream I think, though it would be nice if those things would have low-level anti-ghost attack to make your battle priests more fitting.
Minor complaint: every time a cross drops, it isn't salvaged. So I will never be able to have my army of battle clerics.
Complain all you want, either you're a man of God or you serve the Man. :)
But you can use it temporarily if a priest falls and you vouch to complete his mission. Then you get a short-term blessing until the battle ends.
Complain all you want, either you're a man of God or you serve the Man. :)
But you can use it temporarily if a priest falls and you vouch to complete his mission. Then you get a short-term blessing until the battle ends.
or the priest is suddenly controlled by a higher power, for the turn... ;)
or the priest is suddenly controlled by a higher power, for the turn... ;)
Or subdued for the glory of the war on aliens.
Complain all you want, either you're a man of God or you serve the Man. :)
But you can use it temporarily if a priest falls and you vouch to complete his mission. Then you get a short-term blessing until the battle ends.
Time to make a overhaul submod of XCF so you play as a rogue civilian organization that works in the shadows and tries to help XCom from the shadows, maybe tie in with mister "Smiles" even?
Time to make a overhaul submod of XCF so you play as a rogue civilian organization that works in the shadows and tries to help XCom from the shadows, maybe tie in with mister "Smiles" even?
I am really unsure about references, but if you'd be able to make it semi-realistic and a bit more serious, without too much handwaving, I'd certainly play it eagerly, especially since it sounds like early game X-Com Files where you are practically just a civilian organisation with just a couple of field agents driving around countryside and uncovering paranormal mysteries, slowly building into something bigger - and that's the most interesting part of the current mod.
At the end of January 1999, four countries simultaneously signed an alien pact! :o This is normal? It is also interesting whether there is a limit on the number of countries that have signed a pact with aliens, or eventually all countries can exit the X-Com project?
At the end of January 1999, four countries simultaneously signed an alien pact! :o This is normal?
Yes, it means you're really bad at dealing with the cults. ;D
It is also interesting whether there is a limit on the number of countries that have signed a pact with aliens, or eventually all countries can exit the X-Com project?
Yes, they can all leave the project. And it will not mean game over, if you can sustain yourself.
Zombie Boomer Corpse is not researchable.
Yeah I know they're supposed to go boom... But they don't if you use a melee weapon.
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Zombie Boomer Corpse is not researchable.
Yeah I know they're supposed to go boom... But they don't if you use a melee weapon.
They can be researched, you're probably missing the prerequisite.
Hello Solarius, annoyed again with a problem at the end of the month. Attached game saved.
Also, I have a question regarding dart weaponry. Isn't the production time for both rifle, pistol and ammunition too much, if we compare it with other elements that seem to require more technology?
I congratulate you again for the mod, it is for me without a doubt the best xcom game I have ever played.
Hello Solarius, annoyed again with a problem at the end of the month. Attached game saved.
Why do you have regions STR_ANTARCTICA and STR_NORTH_PACIFIC? They're not in the mod nor vanilla. Delete them from your save (they're in several places).
Also, I have a question regarding dart weaponry. Isn't the production time for both rifle, pistol and ammunition too much, if we compare it with other elements that seem to require more technology?
Players need to something to complain about :)
I congratulate you again for the mod, it is for me without a doubt the best xcom game I have ever played.
Thanks! 8)
Why do you have regions STR_ANTARCTICA and STR_NORTH_PACIFIC? They're not in the mod nor vanilla. Delete them from your save (they're in several places).
Okay. I don't know about programming. Should I open the .sav file with a text editor for example and delete only what refers to STR_ANTARCTICA and STR_NORTH_PACIFIC?
Players need to something to complain about :)
Thanks! 8)
You need to remove the whole relevant block... Basically part indicated by the same indentation or greater.
Give it a try.
They can be researched, you're probably missing the prerequisite.
Yeah you're right. I did it.
By the way... Why Taser Cannon is in the UFOpaedia at the start, but you can't buy, craft or research it? Seems like a bug here.
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Solarius, I found a few bugs, but they are quick fixes, do you want me to do them?
Things like missing entries, mismatched alien types and what not.
Also, I would like to propose we change the name of the research prerequisites to something more meaningful, like "alien medic interrogated" instead of "medi-kit prerequisite".
Solarius, I found a few bugs, but they are quick fixes, do you want me to do them?
Things like missing entries, mismatched alien types and what not.
Sure, I'd appreciate that. Please make a commit.
Also, I would like to propose we change the name of the research prerequisites to something more meaningful, like "alien medic interrogated" instead of "medi-kit prerequisite".
We could, I guess... It's a case by case based thing.
(And is only an issue due to the Tech Tree Viewer, these things shouldn't even need a string.)
By the way... Why Taser Cannon is in the UFOpaedia at the start, but you can't buy, craft or research it? Seems like a bug here.
Yes, it is a bug.
Bug I found on the Surf Time mission. Like to use dogs for it, but there's this odd circumstance where I try to chomp a baddie and I get a "there's no one there" response. I think it's a terrain issue?
Dogs are small so slopes mess their melee up big time, so does tall grass(since they can't see through it). Just try and find another tile that works, nothing can be done.
Sure, I'd appreciate that. Please make a commit.
We could, I guess... It's a case by case based thing.
(And is only an issue due to the Tech Tree Viewer, these things shouldn't even need a string.)
Yes, it is a bug.
Oh, also, if handcuffs are still consumable, you could use zip ties (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_tie) instead, since they can be used to restrain individuals, are relatively cheap to buy and them being disposable makes sense, since you need to cut them to set people free (once they are inside a prison cell, of course ;)).
Oh, also, if handcuffs are still consumable, you could use zip ties (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cable_tie) instead, since they can be used to restrain individuals, are relatively cheap to buy and them being disposable makes sense, since you need to cut them to set people free (once they are inside a prison cell, of course ;)).
Zip ties? In the 90s? Back then we had money and dignity!
Also, zip ties are evel and sometimes kill people who were supposed to be restrained.
Also, zip ties are evel and sometimes kill people who were supposed to be restrained.
Whoa what? I thought we were just ziptying the hands and feet. That can kill?
Whoa what? I thought we were just ziptying the hands and feet. That can kill?
Yeah, I heard a number of people died of blood circulation problems related to the use. Basically people left with these on for too long, but still.
Yeah, I heard a number of people died of blood circulation problems related to the use. Basically people left with these on for too long, but still.
True, completely forgot that restraint can cause circulation problems...
And look that I am a into bondage...
True, completely forgot that restraint can cause circulation problems...
And look that I am a into bondage...
You don't leave a person bondaged overnight. The police does.
CTRL + move (LMB) - it should activate running, but it`s not. Why?
I have a bug to report.
Heavy Crossbow Tritanium Bolts can not be loaded into the Heavy Crossbow.
CTRL + move (LMB) - it should activate running, but it`s not. Why?
Have you enabled advanced movement options (or whatever it's called) in hte options? Have you checked your key bindings?
Solarius, I might be missing something here, but STR_WETWARE_JOB doesn't have a corresponding entry eventscripts. Is this intended?
I'm also getting warnings regarding the "improved" large workshop sprite:
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_1.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_2.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_3.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_4.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
I have a bug to report.
Heavy Crossbow Tritanium Bolts can not be loaded into the Heavy Crossbow.
Indeed, a bug...
I'll release a fixed version soonish, for now have this hotfix.
Solarius, I might be missing something here, but STR_WETWARE_JOB doesn't have a corresponding entry eventscripts. Is this intended?
Also a bug.
I'm also getting warnings regarding the "improved" large workshop sprite:
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_1.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_2.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_3.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
[WARN] Image Resources/Facilities/LW_4.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 241 (instead of 0).
Shouldn't be an issue.
Shouldn't be an issue.
If it wasn't an issue, we wouldn't bother giving you a warning.
If it wasn't an issue, we wouldn't bother giving you a warning.
Yes, that's why I said "shouldn't"... but the effect is not visible in the game.
Fixed it anyway to be a good boy.
You don't leave a person bondaged overnight. The police does.
And it still can cause problems if you don't do it properly, like nerve damage.
Also, I thought they would stay restrained only for transport, I guess no?
And it still can cause problems if you don't do it properly, like nerve damage.
Well, you can hurt people by negligence in a lot of situations, the point is that it's relatively harder to kill a guy with classic handcuffs.
Also, I thought they would stay restrained only for transport, I guess no?
Like I said, that's how it's supposed to be.
Like I said, that's how it's supposed to be.
I guess we don't want tricky ninjas becoming logs of wood while we go away to get some coffee...
(That's a Naruto reference, btw)
Well, you can hurt people by negligence in a lot of situations, the point is that it's relatively harder to kill a guy with classic handcuffs.
well there´s positional asphyxiation. Does happen for police too sometimes...
1.4a, seems there is a tower which path to is blocked by a metal grdi. here's a quicksave. I cannot finish the mission (the very first mission) because i suspect there is an enemy inside :'(
I'm having some battlescape issues with (female) agent heads and i'm not sure if this is something that I might have messed up or if it is a general palette issue. See pink spots around the head of the agent in the lower left corner in this screenshot:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen006vskm8.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen006vskm8.png)
1.4a, seems there is a tower which path to is blocked by a metal grdi. here's a quicksave. I cannot finish the mission (the very first mission) because i suspect there is an enemy inside :'(
Indeed it's an impassable route which should be fixed, but I'll tell you that the enemy isn't there. :)
I'm having some battlescape issues with (female) agent heads and i'm not sure if this is something that I might have messed up or if it is a general palette issue. See pink spots around the head of the agent in the lower left corner in this screenshot
Could you please tell me which avatar this is? I'll check.
gender: 1
look: 2
lookVariant: 26
Not sure which sprite that is exactely, give me a minute or two to look that up.
Nevermind, I have no idea how the game handles different skin colors. This happens (so far) with the worksuit, the normal suit and the suit/vest combo.
gender: 1
look: 2
lookVariant: 26
Not sure which sprite that is exactely, give me a minute or two to look that up.
Nevermind, I have no idea how the game handles different skin colors. This happens (so far) with the worksuit, the normal suit and the suit/vest combo.
Thanks, but what's the avatar look or name?
...Mei? F42?
I have yet to understand how the game handles those or where they are defined. Is there an easier why to look these up beside going through them one by on in the inventory screen?
I'm having some battlescape issues with (female) agent heads and i'm not sure if this is something that I might have messed up or if it is a general palette issue. See pink spots around the head of the agent in the lower left corner in this screenshot:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen006vskm8.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen006vskm8.png)
I think their hair is red, man...
I did make many issues on the repo.
Could I get replies?
The game crashes when viewing awards
I'm getting weird biome stuff. Mountains of New Orleans, deserts of Siberia. That type of thing.
I want to think swamps were added in the last few updates? Maybe that's what is throwing things off.
...Mei? F42?
I have yet to understand how the game handles those or where they are defined. Is there an easier why to look these up beside going through them one by on in the inventory screen?
Thanks, I will investigate.
I did make many issues on the repo.
Could I get replies?
Yes, saw them this morning and replied, thanks.
The game crashes when viewing awards
Sorry, you'll have to be more specific. Where does it crash?
I'm getting weird biome stuff. Mountains of New Orleans, deserts of Siberia. That type of thing.
I want to think swamps were added in the last few updates? Maybe that's what is throwing things off.
There were some changes, but what you're describing should not happen. Do you have any other mods running?
Also, I'd like to inform that I've cleaned the mess with Warsaw Pact ammo and guns. Now they all should use 7,62 mm and 5,45 mm ammo correctly.
Stirlitz has never been so close to failure... ;D
too lazy to switch to English :D :D
A shot from a UAC Rifle causes a short-term fire? So conceived?
I'm getting weird biome stuff. Mountains of New Orleans, deserts of Siberia. That type of thing.
I want to think swamps were added in the last few updates? Maybe that's what is throwing things off.
I've seen a mission with grey rocky ground (cold mountain terrain I believe?) in Brazil.
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Three issues I saw:
- Tritanium Handcuffs appearing on the pedia after update. Didn't even see any Tritanium so far.
- "Mass Murderer Interrogated" appearing on my research list. Went away by itself. Weird.
- Mission after raiding a cult outpost or safehouse having corpses taken, but I didn't pick any corpses, as you can see.
Not a bug, but a quibble: Black Lotus Witch handob (I think that's the right term) doens't seem to match their in-game sprite and pedia image. In-game and in-pedia, they look like rich women in high class dresses, but the handob/corpse looks like a japanese schoolgirl. Weird.(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200527/5f70576bd04e8edd78014ba92019498d.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200527/f9b663155f934eb80bf35e341a0f497b.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200527/f0e8318dcc7dbcb79c33771ca7a74a67.jpg)(https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200527/da444a2d9f7a3d3e2d2bb25fa5d160f6.jpg)
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Question: Are MiB agents bugged? I swear I have this dude being interrogated for like three months and he doens't spill anything.
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Question: Are MiB agents bugged? I swear I have this dude being interrogated for like three months and he doens't spill anything.
Yes, but very very long, longer than aliens. It is explained by the fact that they are mentally programmed and not only)
I can also confirm biome mismatches, got a woodland cult safehouse mission on a desert globe texture.
Syndicate Assasination:
Hovertank starts in a tiny room with a regular door.
yes that happens with tanks.
but they can make a new door ;)
yes that happens with tanks.
but they can make a new door ;)
I am aware that tanks can destroy walls. It is what I used to get it out. But it being inside the room still does not make sense. There was no way to get it in.
Obviously they uninstalled the wall, the tank entered and then they reinstalled the wall.
I just realised one more thing about getting the HWPs out. Yes, this was a Hovertank/LASER, so it could just shoot its way out. But I am not sure it would have been possible with a Flamer HWP.
Edit: And a rocket one could blow its way out, but would damage or destroy itself.
There is no way to prevent this short of having all xcom units spawn in an open, non enclosed area, e.g. the roof. Which is the reason this was switched in the first place, because people kept getting their agents killed on the first round from reaction fire while trying to get down from the roof.
And then what?
I went there no problem. Can click on medals and stuff.
I need a more detailed description.
Ah, yeah. To be frank, I never use this viewer, and I tend to omit stuff which only appears there.
- Tritanium Handcuffs appearing on the pedia after update. Didn't even see any Tritanium so far.
Indeed, a bug.
- "Mass Murderer Interrogated" appearing on my research list. Went away by itself. Weird.
Normal behaviour when updating a version. Nothing to worry about.
- Mission after raiding a cult outpost or safehouse having corpses taken, but I didn't pick any corpses, as you can see.
You probably looted some durathread from dead enemies.
Not a bug, but a quibble: Black Lotus Witch handob (I think that's the right term) doens't seem to match their in-game sprite and pedia image. In-game and in-pedia, they look like rich women in high class dresses, but the handob/corpse looks like a japanese schoolgirl. Weird.
To me these sprites look perfectly matched. They're also used in Piratez, which they were originally made for (except they're blue instead of red).
I think you should find a better source of information about Japanese school uniforms, though admittedly I am interested. ;)
(Also it's not a handob, you probably mean bigob. It would be weird to have handobs for bodies, but not entirely illogical...)
Yes, but very very long, longer than aliens. It is explained by the fact that they are mentally programmed and not only)
Not longer, exactly just as long :)
Just little question, please !
XFiles v1.4a
Language file :
STR_WESTMEN_INFORMANT: "Easy Rider Informant"
It is correct or better is :
STR_WESTMEN_INFORMANT: "Westman Informant"
Tks !
Oh hey, am I supposed to have criminal files always show up on the pedia? I never researched them, only found after a mission but I already had those on the pedia before it.
Just little question, please !
XFiles v1.4a
Language file :
STR_WESTMEN_INFORMANT: "Easy Rider Informant"
It is correct or better is :
STR_WESTMEN_INFORMANT: "Westman Informant"
Tks !
You're right. I switched from Easy Riders to Westmen with this mission and forgot to change this string.
Oh hey, am I supposed to have criminal files always show up on the pedia? I never researched them, only found after a mission but I already had those on the pedia before it.
Yes, it's because there is no research topic related to them. And there's no research topic, because if it was, this item would only give you points before researching it.
Yes, it's because there is no research topic related to them. And there's no research topic, because if it was, this item would only give you points before researching it.
Why do they show up in land surveys, then?
Do they still give you points?
And then what?
I went there no problem. Can click on medals and stuff.
I need a more detailed description.
My game crashes right after clicking "awords". I deleted the lines in the save responsible for the medals of the soldier Pavel Plamenev and crashes stopped.
May have been reported already but I'd like to request making things in selling screen consistent when "looked up" - some, especially the older stuff shows item viewer screen when middle-clicked, but a lot of items, even when already researched show up tech viewer screen. It'd be nice if it'd all be item viewer, would make it much easier to compare items, especially weapons, when selling/buying.
As for the handcuffs. I really like the idea but I've noticed two things. I apparently can only activate them on regular human enemies, nothing else (including things that are still humanoid and human-sized) and anything short of the lower-tier minions seems to be completely unfazed by them, no matter if they're bio-enhanced super strong supersoldiers (in case of which it'd be understandable) or some regular high-ranked shmuck. Are they meant to be of any use only in the beginning of the game? And if so, is there a chance we'll get better, sturdier, hi-tech versions of items meant to semi-permanently knock out more powerful, late-game enemies for the duration of the round in the future?
Lastly, a really minor thing: wrecked armored car weights less than a decent-sized piece of plating such car would have and is often found so late in the game/so rarely that before then, stuff like humvees with mounted weapon slot and many traditionally mountable weapons are available and should come with knowledge that some sort of machinegun could be indeed installed on the vehicle.
May have been reported already but I'd like to request making things in selling screen consistent when "looked up" - some, especially the older stuff shows item viewer screen when middle-clicked, but a lot of items, even when already researched show up tech viewer screen. It'd be nice if it'd all be item viewer, would make it much easier to compare items, especially weapons, when selling/buying.
It was consistent before, showing only one of those options.
People wanted both options.
I can't make both of you happy.
It was consistent before, showing only one of those options.
People wanted both options.
I can't make both of you happy.
Understood. Is there some way to make the mod differentiate and use different combinations of keys to lead to different screens or would that require code changes in OXCE itself?
Also, a small glitch in attachment. Female farmer seems to have her pitchfork levitate behind her arm on the graphic rather than being held, at least when facing in that direction.
Understood. Is there some way to make the mod differentiate and use different combinations of keys to lead to different screens or would that require code changes in OXCE itself?
It's still consistent-normal middle click prioritizes one, then the other, ctrl-middle-click reverses the order. UFOpedia won't show up if it doesn't have a UFOpedia page and tech tree won't show up if it doesn't have an associated research.
Why do they show up in land surveys, then?
Do they still give you points?
No, it's me being a ditz. Fixed.
My game crashes right after clicking "awords". I deleted the lines in the save responsible for the medals of the soldier Pavel Plamenev and crashes stopped.
Sorry, doesn't crash for me. ould be some installation issue.
Also, a small glitch in attachment. Female farmer seems to have her pitchfork levitate behind her arm on the graphic rather than being held, at least when facing in that direction.
All right, I'll check.
Do you happen to have a proper save?
All right, I'll check.
Do you happen to have a proper save?
Sorry, didn't make any to send over at the time but I'll make sure to do so in the future should the issue remain unresolved and I'll stumble upon it again.
That aside, are all those weapon clips that aren't clips intentional? And just in case, can I get confirmation on the handcuffs and the like stuff from the previous post?
I just had a military anti monster operation spawn ~30 spike boars, one armored car and thirteen soldiers, half of which died on the first turn. Is this intended? Because this seems kind of excessive considering the equipment I have right now.
My game crashes right after clicking "awords". I deleted the lines in the save responsible for the medals of the soldier Pavel Plamenev and crashes stopped.
can you upload the crashing save?
That aside, are all those weapon clips that aren't clips intentional? And just in case, can I get confirmation on the handcuffs and the like stuff from the previous post?
Umm... Sorry, what? I have no idea what you mean.
I just had a military anti monster operation spawn ~30 spike boars, one armored car and thirteen soldiers, half of which died on the first turn. Is this intended? Because this seems kind of excessive considering the equipment I have right now.
Happens sometimes. Maybe Spikeboars aren't suitable for this kind of mission? They're pretty big and rather solitary...
Happens sometimes. Maybe Spikeboars aren't suitable for this kind of mission? They're pretty big and rather solitary...
Yeah, and they can hit you from half-way across the map. I'd rather have them crop up on a mission I can abandon without getting penalized. They simply aren't on a level with other monsters.
Umm... Sorry, what? I have no idea what you mean.
Let me link it. It's just some earlier post (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg128290.html#msg128290) that Meridian answered first part of but the later content went without any confirmation if it's a bug or intended etc.
Also, I was doing the Asylum mission, this time trying the "node way" rather than cleansing everything that moves and isn't human. However, a few issues: first, items I brought with me at the beginning of the mission were left outside of Entrance/evacuation tiles, meaning everything my agents didn't carry with them was lost. Second, apparently all civilians were counted as dead and the point malus from it was great enough that even succesful mission ended at a loss.
I really like that alternative way of doing the mission and I wouldn't mind more stuff like that but could there be some way to avoid similar issues so those alternative ways won't be simply worse? For example, killing all enemies upon node destruction?
Speaking of the node, is there any particular way of destroying it? I had to throw quite a few grenades (the only explosives I was allowed in the mission) and shoot at it from the floor below before it got destroyed.
Lastly, I really expected to be able to take stuff like rosary for the mission. It's categorized as junk item but even parapsychology research claimed we gotta try everything. So, being able to deck out my agents as exorcists seems pretty reasonable and good idea for a haunted asylum.
can you upload the crashing save?
Of course.
save and log
Your save has 5 invalid commendation decorations:
- commendationName: STR_MEDAL_NIGHTOPS_NAME
decorationLevel: 10
did you edit the save manually?
Your save has 5 invalid commendation decorations:
- commendationName: STR_MEDAL_NIGHTOPS_NAME
decorationLevel: 10
did you edit the save manually?
oh .. my mistake. Yes, I added the first operatives a medal for night missions. I thought that there were 10 grades, but I forgot that the zero medal is also a medal ...
1.41a, not sure if it's intended but civilian are not suppose to handle tasers? In the "madman rampage" mission there is one wielding it.
[...]but civilian are not suppose to handle tasers?
1.41a, not sure if it's intended but civilian are not suppose to handle tasers? In the "madman rampage" mission there is one wielding it.
So what do policemen in your hometown have holstered, a nerf gun?
Let me link it. It's just some earlier post (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg128290.html#msg128290) that Meridian answered first part of but the later content went without any confirmation if it's a bug or intended etc.
Frankly I don't know what that post was about; something about M-clicking stuff in the sell screen, that's all I got from it, sorry. Meridian understood and answered, so I didn't bother. (Never even tried to M-click in that screen myself as a player.)
Also, I was doing the Asylum mission, this time trying the "node way" rather than cleansing everything that moves and isn't human. However, a few issues: first, items I brought with me at the beginning of the mission were left outside of Entrance/evacuation tiles, meaning everything my agents didn't carry with them was lost. Second, apparently all civilians were counted as dead and the point malus from it was great enough that even succesful mission ended at a loss.
Yes, there is no way around this.
I really like that alternative way of doing the mission and I wouldn't mind more stuff like that but could there be some way to avoid similar issues so those alternative ways won't be simply worse? For example, killing all enemies upon node destruction?
If it was possible, it would be used. :) Not like I haven't noticed...
Speaking of the node, is there any particular way of destroying it? I had to throw quite a few grenades (the only explosives I was allowed in the mission) and shoot at it from the floor below before it got destroyed.
I don't have anything specific in mind, various means work.
Lastly, I really expected to be able to take stuff like rosary for the mission. It's categorized as junk item but even parapsychology research claimed we gotta try everything. So, being able to deck out my agents as exorcists seems pretty reasonable and good idea for a haunted asylum.
Good point, I'll add this and similar stuff as a concealable.
So what do policemen in your hometown have holstered, a nerf gun?
What's the point? It's unusual in real life...don't know i felt that a civilian equipped with a taser was strange, depend on the country laws if such devices may be sold to the public, whatever!
Edit: oh and sawed off is not conceleable, it is supposed to be i think...
I think Storm and Red Dawn Storm Trade are switched up in the pedia.
Storm is in Reports. Red Dawn Storm Trade is in Artifacts. The reverse would make more sense.
What's the point? It's unusual in real life...don't know i felt that a civilian equipped with a taser was strange, depend on the country laws if such devices may be sold to the public, whatever!
Seeing how how civ units can also equip pepper spray I don't really see the point of making a distinction here. AFAIK countries that allow pepper spray also allow tasers, both count as self-defense weapons.
I think Storm and Red Dawn Storm Trade are switched up in the pedia.
Storm is in Reports. Red Dawn Storm Trade is in Artifacts. The reverse would make more sense.
Ha, good catch!
Good point, I'll add this and similar stuff as a concealable.
And maybe allow us to buy and carry crosses, pls?
Frankly I don't know what that post was about; something about M-clicking stuff in the sell screen, that's all I got from it, sorry. Meridian understood and answered, so I didn't bother. (Never even tried to M-click in that screen myself as a player.
Come on, read the post - it was about several things :P
Aside of the m-click in inventory screens, I also mention how handcuffs seem to be unable to hold anything but the weakest of enemies (though I do notice there are stronger variants of them as well now) and seem to not work on some perfectly humanoid non-human enemies and I also mentioned how armored car wrecks are very light, take very little of storage space and are found late/rare in the game, which means associated research stemming from them is also usually discovered too late to be useful.
Aside that:
I managed to research and am able to use laser weapons before E-115 research (pretty sure it was due to a mission with Men in Black who dropped some of those rifles). In fact, I finished Elerium research months after I've got myself gauss base defences and only now laser weapons at all tech is unlocked. It's fine, but if I already researched actual pieces of laser weaponry, shouldn't that unlock the theoretical tech itself?
Got a cave with shamblers in them, they seem to be stuck, completely unmoving in what appears solid rock according to the map (no ability to get there either) - visible since bughunt mode activated. Also, they're a joke to fight since the narrow corridors make it impossible for them to pass through. Since I remember reporting similar issues before, even with smaller enemies - perhaps caves could be made a bit more spacious, with more wider corridors and no isolated pockets creatures would get stuck in? Especially since average digging equipment and explosives aren't that great against terrain blocks while using them to dig out enemies that shouldn't be there in the first place strikes me as somewhat weird.
Yes, there is no way around this.
Is there really no possibility to move where items are being spawned for the squad? I wouldn't even mind moving squad itself together with them to those evac titles at the Entrance. After all, I assume the fact that in case of vehicles they spawn next to agents on vehicle evac square is not by a coincidence?
Hey, it's pretty minor, but the sprite for the Small Shotgun on the battle map accidentally got changed to be the same as the regular Shotgun in this version
And maybe allow us to buy and carry crosses, pls?
Come on, read the post - it was about several things :P
Sorry, I think I must've been very sleepy or something.
Aside of the m-click in inventory screens, I also mention how handcuffs seem to be unable to hold anything but the weakest of enemies (though I do notice there are stronger variants of them as well now) and seem to not work on some perfectly humanoid non-human enemies
Right, the script has been updated recently by Kozinsky. Further balance may be needed.
Also, tritanium cuffs exist - they're more suited for "supernatural" stuff.
and I also mentioned how armored car wrecks are very light, take very little of storage space and are found late/rare in the game, which means associated research stemming from them is also usually discovered too late to be useful.
But what research? I don't think they lead to anything.
I managed to research and am able to use laser weapons before E-115 research (pretty sure it was due to a mission with Men in Black who dropped some of those rifles). In fact, I finished Elerium research months after I've got myself gauss base defences and only now laser weapons at all tech is unlocked. It's fine, but if I already researched actual pieces of laser weaponry, shouldn't that unlock the theoretical tech itself?
No, because the main problem is a potent enough battery. Basically you need a miniaturized version of the UFO Power Source.
I realize that having such batteries on hand should help, but between having to go the whole UFO Power Source route and simply researching some looted batteries, the latter option would be just too easy by itself.
I'm thinking about possibly adding an alternate energy source (other than Cydonian tech, perhaps Reptoid), which would also unlock laser clips.
Got a cave with shamblers in them, they seem to be stuck, completely unmoving in what appears solid rock according to the map (no ability to get there either) - visible since bughunt mode activated.
Wow, it's a new one. I'll check.
Also, they're a joke to fight since the narrow corridors make it impossible for them to pass through. Since I remember reporting similar issues before, even with smaller enemies - perhaps caves could be made a bit more spacious, with more wider corridors and no isolated pockets creatures would get stuck in?
I already made the caves much more spacious. I can't go too far, ir they won't be caves any more. :)
Especially since average digging equipment and explosives aren't that great against terrain blocks while using them to dig out enemies that shouldn't be there in the first place strikes me as somewhat weird.
Right, this is certainly unintended.
Especially since average digging equipment and Is there really no possibility to move where items are being spawned for the squad? I wouldn't even mind moving squad itself together with them to those evac titles at the Entrance. After all, I assume the fact that in case of vehicles they spawn next to agents on vehicle evac square is not by a coincidence?
Sorry - that part can be fixed, though I'm not sure how to do so in this particular case.
I was referring to civilians dying.
Hey, it's pretty minor, but the sprite for the Small Shotgun on the battle map accidentally got changed to be the same as the regular Shotgun in this version
It's never had any other handob :P
I should make it, people seem really bothered by this.
Didn't it used to have the pump shotgun sprite or something? Right now it has the sprite of the big long one with shotgun shells attached to the side, I'm like 89% sure it didn't before :p
Ha, good catch!
Thanks! I like helping!
Btw... I went to a mission in South America, southern Argentina or Chile I think... I got desert terrain and people who look like arabs and Bedouins.
You know, I never went there, got relatives who did. Don't remember them telling me about those guys. Sounds like a bug to me.
I got a Shady Tavern mission and it had a 1/1 turn limit, no enemies other than one Westman I got as surrended/capture, and some nifty stuff. Is that WAD? Seems so.
Btw... What's up with Crop Circles/Cattle Mutilation missions with MiBs? We're told to protect the farmers in order to interrogate them, but we never interrogate any. Yeah I just sell farmers now (exhausted their research), but you know, its weird.
I got a Shady Tavern mission and it had a 1/1 turn limit, no enemies other than one Westman I got as surrended/capture, and some nifty stuff. Is that WAD? Seems so.
Btw... What's up with Crop Circles/Cattle Mutilation missions with MiBs? We're told to protect the farmers in order to interrogate them, but we never interrogate any. Yeah I just sell farmers now (exhausted their research), but you know, its weird.
Shady tavern has multiple deployments/outcomes - that is one of them. Same for Crop circles.
Thanks! I like helping!
Btw... I went to a mission in South America, southern Argentina or Chile I think... I got desert terrain and people who look like arabs and Bedouins.
You know, I never went there, got relatives who did. Don't remember them telling me about those guys. Sounds like a bug to me.
The secretive Bedouin tribes inhabit all deserts, even in the American Southwest.
Just got a crash attempting the Lo Wo hideout mission:
[06-06-2020_14-36-01] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(MAPS/FORESTSWAMP00.MAP): requested file not found.
The map is indeed missing.
But what research? I don't think they lead to anything.
Hmm, you may be right. I mean, I am sure the corpse (wreckage) gave me some additional tech but it's possible it was just regular armored car combat analysis.
Edit: I looked around and doesn't armored car leads to mounted machine gun? Though I still don't seem to have access to those despite researching it. My humvee's were unarmed, helicopters are getting outdated and I am slowly moving into skyrangers now.
No, because the main problem is a potent enough battery. Basically you need a miniaturized version of the UFO Power Source.
I realize that having such batteries on hand should help, but between having to go the whole UFO Power Source route and simply researching some looted batteries, the latter option would be just too easy by itself.
I'm thinking about possibly adding an alternate energy source (other than Cydonian tech, perhaps Reptoid), which would also unlock laser clips.
I understand. Maybe then interrogations on MiB scientists could also lead to such theoretical research topics? After all, they have to get the inkling of how to make such kind of stuff, since I got my first non-alien laser rifles off of MiBs. And since it's still relatively strong mob one needs to catch and interrogate it wouldn't be too easy either.
As for general battery issues and getting the tech too soon, maybe it could be handled by allowing one to make weaker batteries by default (offering merely something like two shots that would make them work but much harder to employ as easily as currently) and setting up current batteries as an upgrade that'd have to be looted of MiBs if one wants to have such without researching his own? It certainly worked pretty well with regular and larger magazines for Glocks where with the former the pistols would probably be quickly forgotten, but then the latter gave them new life.
Wow, it's a new one. I'll check.
Just in case, I played around with a debug and indeed there were small pockets of space in those areas imprisoning the creatures just with no way to get to them. Also, funnily enough 10 - 30 minutes later IRL I got another cave mission, this time with giant worms and they had similar issues - one or two were stuck in inaccessible area and the rest couldn't squeeze themselves through most corridors, just sitting there stuck and waiting to be killed (though they could at least shoot back).
I already made the caves much more spacious. I can't go too far, ir they won't be caves any more. :)
Perfectly understandable. Plus, the claustrophobic areas add to the challenge. I think just widening corridors to two tiles so aforementioned shamblers and other similar creatures can squeeze through would be enough to make those caves dangerous enough without being too open - wouldn't even have to be all of those corridors either, just enough of them so the creatures can move at all and be approached.
Sorry - that part can be fixed, though I'm not sure how to do so in this particular case.
I may be mistaken, in which case feel free to correct me (and I cannot even check mapping manual right now since I get timeouts) but aren't starting locations for agents and the equipment not put on them set manually? Moving them to the same tiles entrance/evacuation tiles are would probably do it.
Not sure if this counts as a bug, but I just had a civilian steal a sonic pistol during a Deep One sacrifice/attack. Is it possible to configure how loot picked up by civilians is treated?
The last paragraph of the Black Lotus rationale ufopedia entry has an unecessary space in front of it:
STR_BLACK_LOTUS_RATIONALE_UFOPEDIA: "[...]{NEWLINE} For anyone not psionically dominated by their goddess, she seems to be the lesser of two or even more evils."
Cyberweb Raid map has non-solid terrain in one of the small hills on ground level:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen009myjx6.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen009myjx6.png)
Is this intended?
Didn't it used to have the pump shotgun sprite or something? Right now it has the sprite of the big long one with shotgun shells attached to the side, I'm like 89% sure it didn't before :p
Well now it has one on its own. :P
Thanks! I like helping!
Btw... I went to a mission in South America, southern Argentina or Chile I think... I got desert terrain and people who look like arabs and Bedouins.
You know, I never went there, got relatives who did. Don't remember them telling me about those guys. Sounds like a bug to me.
Right, this part is kinda WIP. I'll finish and fix this sooner or later.
Just got a crash attempting the Lo Wo hideout mission:
[06-06-2020_14-36-01] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(MAPS/FORESTSWAMP00.MAP): requested file not found.
The map is indeed missing.
It is not defined in the released version, so it's fine.
It is defined in the GitHub version, but the files exist there, so also fine.
It is defined in the GitHub version, but the files exist there, so also fine.
My bad, I forgot to move all the folders during updating :P
My bad, I forgot to move all the folders during updating :P
No worries, happens to the best :)
BTW, did you have any luck yet figuring out the soldier sprite issue? Have you been able to reproduce it? Otherwise I'd have to look on my end, might be something esoteric like driver issues etc.
Any mission that ends in a surrender with space cyberweb personnel causes the game to crash.
Chemical flares get destroyed even when they aren't activated.
Looks like I missed some posts... Let me address them now.
Edit: I looked around and doesn't armored car leads to mounted machine gun? Though I still don't seem to have access to those despite researching it. My humvee's were unarmed, helicopters are getting outdated and I am slowly moving into skyrangers now.
That's only for the Pedia entry, for stats display. There is no such thing for X-Com. (And you shouldn't even know about this research, it's all this goddamn tech tree viewer's fault.)
I understand. Maybe then interrogations on MiB scientists could also lead to such theoretical research topics? After all, they have to get the inkling of how to make such kind of stuff, since I got my first non-alien laser rifles off of MiBs. And since it's still relatively strong mob one needs to catch and interrogate it wouldn't be too easy either.
The MiB have it easy, they just get alien goodies with a manual attached... But on the other hand they do have a robust lab, as evidenced by using Reptoid tech.
Still, I think there are more direct sources than the MiB. Not sure which ones, but Reptoids have power armours, so they must have good batteries.
As for general battery issues and getting the tech too soon, maybe it could be handled by allowing one to make weaker batteries by default (offering merely something like two shots that would make them work but much harder to employ as easily as currently) and setting up current batteries as an upgrade that'd have to be looted of MiBs if one wants to have such without researching his own? It certainly worked pretty well with regular and larger magazines for Glocks where with the former the pistols would probably be quickly forgotten, but then the latter gave them new life.
Yeah, I've been thinking something similar, but it all depends on where this tech comes from.
Just in case, I played around with a debug and indeed there were small pockets of space in those areas imprisoning the creatures just with no way to get to them. Also, funnily enough 10 - 30 minutes later IRL I got another cave mission, this time with giant worms and they had similar issues - one or two were stuck in inaccessible area and the rest couldn't squeeze themselves through most corridors, just sitting there stuck and waiting to be killed (though they could at least shoot back).
I went through all these maps and while I noticed a few imperfections, I don't think it was anything as bad as you described. Next time it happens, please attach a save in case I missed something.
Perfectly understandable. Plus, the claustrophobic areas add to the challenge. I think just widening corridors to two tiles so aforementioned shamblers and other similar creatures can squeeze through would be enough to make those caves dangerous enough without being too open - wouldn't even have to be all of those corridors either, just enough of them so the creatures can move at all and be approached.
I don't personally think it's a huge problem, but I did widen some corridors.
I may be mistaken, in which case feel free to correct me (and I cannot even check mapping manual right now since I get timeouts) but aren't starting locations for agents and the equipment not put on them set manually? Moving them to the same tiles entrance/evacuation tiles are would probably do it.
But there is no entry area on that map as such. It's a special case.
Not sure if this counts as a bug, but I just had a civilian steal a sonic pistol during a Deep One sacrifice/attack. Is it possible to configure how loot picked up by civilians is treated?
AFAIK it is not possible to discern between researched and unresearched weapons when it comes to civilians.
My headcannon is that civilians are so stupid that safety measures fail to stop them. :P
The last paragraph of the Black Lotus rationale ufopedia entry has an unecessary space in front of it: (...)
Indeed, thanks.
Cyberweb Raid map has non-solid terrain in one of the small hills on ground level:
Is this intended?
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean... And can't see anything wrong with that hill.
BTW, did you have any luck yet figuring out the soldier sprite issue? Have you been able to reproduce it? Otherwise I'd have to look on my end, might be something esoteric like driver issues etc.
Yeah, I'm getting this too. Will investigate further, hopefully just a bad handob.
Any mission that ends in a surrender with space cyberweb personnel causes the game to crash.
Oh boy... Sorry about this. Will throw a quick fix on GitHub in a few minutes, working on a proper fix.
Chemical flares get destroyed even when they aren't activated.
This one is intended due to how they work.
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean... And can't see anything wrong with that hill.
I replayed the map using the quick battle generator and I can't reproduce it either ???
This is strange. I'll see if it crops up again.
Yeah, I'm getting this too. Will investigate further, hopefully just a bad handob.
Sorry, I should probably have clarified this - I was talking about the pink hair/pixels. THe handob was somebody else.
Sorry, I should probably have clarified this - I was talking about the pink hair/pixels. THe handob was somebody else.
Ah, that!
Yes, this pops up sometimes. Hard to deal with. Requires a ton of time.
Just remembered, I think criminal records aren't counting as points, just to let you know...
Also some of the, still in development, shady tavern missions just end right away because of turn limits and the enemy surrendering...
I also noticed that in the shady tavern mission for the easy riders (this is one of those weird surrender missions) there was an awful lot of guns, but no ammo.
I tried to capture a antman queen with a Stun Rod, and couldn't hit it.
Same with sword or any melee weapon I had.
Strange for an immobile blob. Is there something wrong with its hitbox ?
Just remembered, I think criminal records aren't counting as points, just to let you know...
hmm, they appeared to work okay in testing, but I won't bet my arm on this. Would you maybe have a battle save?
Also some of the, still in development, shady tavern missions just end right away because of turn limits and the enemy surrendering...
I also noticed that in the shady tavern mission for the easy riders (this is one of those weird surrender missions) there was an awful lot of guns, but no ammo.
Not sure what you mean, all tavern missions were tested and worked okay.
Guns without ammo would sound worrying, but everything looks fine to me.
I tried to capture a antman queen with a Stun Rod, and couldn't hit it.
Same with sword or any melee weapon I had.
Strange for an immobile blob. Is there something wrong with its hitbox ?
Might be, since it's so short.
Have you tried from different angles? Were you attacking diagonally?
About not hitting, I have had trouble with Neural whips.
They do the hit animation and sound, but it according to the hit log, it is never a hit, or even a "0".
Possible reason:
It has powerRangeReduction=999, but powerRangeTreshold=0. So at 1 tile away, power is 70-999=-929.
Is the mortar's accuracy modifier supposed to be affected by psionic strength? I can't tell if it's a bug or just an odd design choice, but asking here just to be safe.
I just did the Gertrude Ellison mission and the whole Abductor UFO only accounted for 5 alloys. Is this intended?
Might be, since it's so short.
Have you tried from different angles? Were you attacking diagonally?
I tried another angle, didn't work. I don't think I was attacking it diagonally.
Another strange thing in a Chtonite minibase assault, nearly all enemies are in a isolated section of the map.
Cross-posting this from my other thread, as I had the impression it was supposed to have been fixed.
I got the Hell Cruise mission before completing the asylum one...AGAIN. I thought it might be because the release with the fix isn't public yet, but even after manually bringing up my game to the latest version on Github, the game still makes the mission appear.
Until the fix is properly done, is there a way to forcibly make the game forget it tried to run the mission so it has a chance of appearing again? I'm sure it involves editing the save but can't figure out which part to change.
but even after manually bringing up my game to the latest version on Github, the game still makes the mission appear.
Is that with a new save or are you loading your old one?
About not hitting, I have had trouble with Neural whips.
They do the hit animation and sound, but it according to the hit log, it is never a hit, or even a "0".
Possible reason:
It has powerRangeReduction=999, but powerRangeTreshold=0. So at 1 tile away, power is 70-999=-929.
But it has maxRange: 3.
Also, where did you get "powerRangeTreshold" from? Such a flag doesn't even exist.
Anyway, I haven't noticed or heard of this effect. Sorry, for assuming, but maybe you just used it on a shielded enemy?
Is the mortar's accuracy modifier supposed to be affected by psionic strength? I can't tell if it's a bug or just an odd design choice, but asking here just to be safe.
Yes. It represents mental stuff.
I just did the Gertrude Ellison mission and the whole Abductor UFO only accounted for 5 alloys. Is this intended?
No, it's a bug... Thanks for the report.
I tried another angle, didn't work. I don't think I was attacking it diagonally.
Another strange thing in a Chtonite minibase assault, nearly all enemies are in a isolated section of the map.
Excuse me while I cry myself to sleep over this map.
I fixed this back in 1.3.2!!! At least I THOUGHT SO!
Cross-posting this from my other thread, as I had the impression it was supposed to have been fixed.
I got the Hell Cruise mission before completing the asylum one...AGAIN. I thought it might be because the release with the fix isn't public yet, but even after manually bringing up my game to the latest version on Github, the game still makes the mission appear.
Until the fix is properly done, is there a way to forcibly make the game forget it tried to run the mission so it has a chance of appearing again? I'm sure it involves editing the save but can't figure out which part to change.
- type: drHadriexCruise
firstMonth: 0
executionOdds: 40
useTable: false
maxRuns: 1
startDelay: 20
randomDelay: 43500
It really, really shouldn't run before completing the Asylum...
I suppose it's still the same month for you, so it gets chosen anyway (as missions are generated at the beginning of the month). You'd have to load an older save, or remove the scheduled mission from your save.
Is that with a new save or are you loading your old one?
The latter, because I didn't realize that it wouldn't affect the mission if it was already generated.
But it has maxRange: 3.
Also, where did you get "powerRangeTreshold" from? Such a flag doesn't even exist.
Anyway, I haven't noticed or heard of this effect. Sorry, for assuming, but maybe you just used it on a shielded enemy?
I got it from Info tab, with Debug and Defaults turned on. Without Debug turned on, the flag's name is "Power red. treshold".
The pickaxe has this flag set to 3.
Also, I tested it in quick battle by having two human agents in suit whip each other,. Not that it matters, since hits against shielded foes register as "0" on the hit log, while the neural whip never registers as "hit", "HIT" or "0".
I got it from Info tab, with Debug and Defaults turned on. Without Debug turned on, the flag's name is "Power red. treshold".
Ah, powerRangeThreshold! No wonder I couldn't find it. :P
But for example the taser has
maxRange: 5
powerRangeReduction: 999
with no powerRangeThreshold defined, yet it works just fine... I don't get this.
Also, I tested it in quick battle by having two human agents in suit whip each other,. Not that it matters, since hits against shielded foes register as "0" on the hit log, while the neural whip never registers as "hit", "HIT" or "0".
I also tried and the target takes damage.
EDIT: But not the right kind of damage. It shouldn't kill easily.
I misread it.
I even tried alt-aiming it, to see possible damage. While the Taser Pistol shows 0-88 everywhere (way further than those 5 tiles), Neural Whip shows 0-140 in wielder's column and 0-0 elsewhere. But it does not hit in wielder's column either. I tested that with flying suits.
I just realised something. Taser Pistol has it's powerRangeReduction on the weapon, rather than the ammo. So it may not actually drop the power at all.
Tested this by hitting an agent from 6 tiles away and still stunning him.
But if Neural Whip works at your computer but not at mine, then I have no idea what is going on.
Of course powerRangeReduction is on the weapon, where else?
Anyway, check the GitHub release, should be fine now.
And just to emphasize: THIS WEAPON WORKS AND HAS WORKED BEFORE, IT WAS ONLY TOO LETHAL. I checked myself this afternoon.
where is my topic i wrote yesterday ?
theme was: actively guided "bullets", respective´ly "winged" munitions, active-guiding-winged projectiles (of medium an bigger calibers ~~7,62 ~ 12,7 mm ++, ++.. ), with actively guiding toward LASER aim
projectile with small "guiding, driving" wings along almost its whole lenght (well, more than half of its lengh) :
and suggestion was, is - even more accurancy, & lethal´ly weapon, especially bigger guns of bigger calibers ~~ all sniper rifles, and any heavier machine guns, and auto-cannons
where is my topic i wrote yesterday ?
Apparently deleted by the administrator, as per my report (incoherent rambling spam).
theme was: actively guided "bullets", respective´ly "winged" munitions with actively guiding toward LASER aim
Blaster Launcher? Mind Missile? Advanced Rocket Launcher in general?
Apparently deleted by the administrator, as per my report (incoherent rambling spam).
Blaster Launcher? Mind Missile? Advanced Rocket Launcher in general?
I think he might have meant that in terms of regular guns rather than rockets...although seeing as though they would be virtually unable to miss if guided properly yet lacking the capability to wipe out your own squad if guided wrong, I get the feeling such a possibility would be a migraine to balance. In any case, I'd also suggest he learn how to type in English before he makes any further suggestions.
Again, not sure if this is a bug but I guess I should ask anyway. Is the HUMVEE supposed to have a weapon slot that it can't actually equip anything to? Granted, I seriously doubt it would be able to shoot down anything even if it could use a weapon, but it doesn't make sense for it to have a slot it can't use.
Yes, it's supposed to have it. Yes, it's probably pointless.
Yes, it's supposed to have it. Yes, it's probably pointless.
About that: Can the HUMVEE be modified so that the weapon point works as a turret in the Battlescape combat mode? I've seen other mods do so, such as Piratez and WH40k. It would make the vehicle more useful than a stopgap between the Van and the Helicopter.
About that: Can the HUMVEE be modified so that the weapon point works as a turret in the Battlescape combat mode? I've seen other mods do so, such as Piratez and WH40k. It would make the vehicle more useful than a stopgap between the Van and the Helicopter.
Yes, it's possible, but it's a can of worms - first there are balance issues, and secondly we'd fall into a trap of "why doesn't this vehicle have any turrets, that vehicle from before had turrets". I'm not prepared to deal with this.
An independent turret wouldn't make sense anyway. Humvees just have a spot for a crew serve mount, you'd still need your fifth crew member sitting there manning it. In an ideal world there'd be a spot for that, but Xcom doesn't go in for mounted weapons on vehicles. Closest you'd have is someone crouching on the roof with an HMG-LMG, but that would just look silly.
Edit: Oh, on another subject how difficult would it be to recolor the basic helicopter? It seems a massive missed opportunity that Xcom isn't zipping about in black helicopters and adding to the general climate of paranoia!
An independent turret wouldn't make sense anyway. Humvees just have a spot for a crew serve mount, you'd still need your fifth crew member sitting there manning it. In an ideal world there'd be a spot for that, but Xcom doesn't go in for mounted weapons on vehicles. Closest you'd have is someone crouching on the roof with an HMG-LMG, but that would just look silly.
Yes, that is very true.
Edit: Oh, on another subject how difficult would it be to recolor the basic helicopter? It seems a massive missed opportunity that Xcom isn't zipping about in black helicopters and adding to the general climate of paranoia!
Wouldn't be too hard :)
EDIT: No, it would be after all. :V
Ah too bad, such a conspiracy theory staple.
Ah too bad, such a conspiracy theory staple.
On the other hand, black stuff is a staple of the MiB. Actually, most X-Com native stuff is in fact white - the repurposed drone, the multilauncher, Asuka, tactical sniper rifle...
...but still, we use black vans.
Anyway, repainting it in black is possible, but would be very time consuming with all those goddamn windows and shit.
On the other hand, black stuff is a staple of the MiB. Actually, most X-Com native stuff is in fact white - the repurposed drone, the multilauncher, Asuka, tactical sniper rifle...
...but still, we use black vans.
Anyway, repainting it in black is possible, but would be very time consuming with all those goddamn windows and shit.
Yeah, hardly sounds worth it. We'll just assume the MIB deviously bought up all the cool black helis before XCOM could.
Yeah, hardly sounds worth it. We'll just assume the MIB deviously bought up all the cool black helis before XCOM could.
Typical of them, really...
There was that mod that allowed you to use a military copter shortly after researching the civilian one, which allowed you to bring one extra squaddie. Alas, it is no longer compatible, a shame. Although it would make sense for the military envoy to provide you with a discontinued military helicopter capable of air inerception at some point, probably at Promotion 3, if you don't have better stuff by then.
About that: Can the (HUMVEE), MUDRANGER~2 APC, and also mbt A1M2 tanks be modified so that the weapon points works as a turret in the Battlescape combat mode? I've seen other mods do so, such as Piratez and WH40k. It would make the vehicle more useful than a stopgap between the Van and the Helicopter.
..and also on those MUDRANGERs APC swould be mounted some sentry guns - at least 1 (unmanned, automatic) weapon turret - with some rapid fire 30 ~~ 40'' Melara twin guns (double barrels)
´´..instead of that small radar (saucer) antenna, or somewhere next of it >
and about MBT M1A2 tanks - would be well appreciated, if thoy could have also their gun-turrets also active, too - and act like autonomnous sentry turrets, or even (best case) playable by player
(..yap, in few more years : these X-COM mods will be just alike lim---> any Command & Conquer strateg.game :D :P
btw. https://www.reddit.com/r/Xcom/comments/g2xxpp/i_always_wanted_a_apc_in_my_campaign/
There was that mod that allowed you to use a military copter shortly after researching the civilian one, which allowed you to bring one extra squaddie. Alas, it is no longer compatible, a shame. Although it would make sense for the military envoy to provide you with a discontinued military helicopter capable of air inerception at some point, probably at Promotion 3, if you don't have better stuff by then.
Well, here's the Osprey, so I'm not sure how to fit in yet another coptah.
It's not a bug anyway. ;)
Not exactly the mudranger, more like a butchered version of it, but it has a turret..
Solarius, are the missile-racks in the M.A.G.M.A./Industrial-type maps suppsoed to be duds? I just shot one hoping it would take down a group of zombies and was sadly disappointed.
Not exactly the mudranger, more like a butchered version of it, but it has a turret..
;D hehe it´s APC-submarine! lůl
What exactly triggers tritanium ammo being shown on ufopedia pages of relevant guns? I thought it was the research for the ammo itself, but seemingly not.
In my current campaign, I've just suddenly noticed tritanium ammo being displayed for all guns, which can use it. But I haven't researched anything relating to tritanium ammo, yet. Besides the guns themselves, of course.
I went back to an earlier save (-1 month), where I had just researched a black ops weapon and lo, no tritanium ammo visible on its ufopedia page.
I looked a the save (the current one) and indeed, research topics of those ammo types are listed under 'discovered'. But how did it happen?
Two things. First, the Sorcerers of Dagon don't seem to be able to use the Staff of Heart's Grip correctly- when they're equipped with it, they just bash my guys over the head with it instead of using its special attack. Second, the pig bite and the space technomad processing don't seem to have names set for them so it's referred to by something like "STR_PIG_BITE".
Solarius, are the missile-racks in the M.A.G.M.A./Industrial-type maps suppsoed to be duds? I just shot one hoping it would take down a group of zombies and was sadly disappointed.
Both types explode, but the effect is rather weak. I'll bump it up.
What exactly triggers tritanium ammo being shown on ufopedia pages of relevant guns? I thought it was the research for the ammo itself, but seemingly not.
In my current campaign, I've just suddenly noticed tritanium ammo being displayed for all guns, which can use it. But I haven't researched anything relating to tritanium ammo, yet. Besides the guns themselves, of course.
Depends on the weapon. There is no simple answer to this.
Which weapons do you mean? BlackOps? M.A.G.M.A.? UAC? Or maybe generic ones?
Two things. First, the Sorcerers of Dagon don't seem to be able to use the Staff of Heart's Grip correctly- when they're equipped with it, they just bash my guys over the head with it instead of using its special attack.
I think I know why... This weapon uses Readiness, and they don't have this stat, since they're non-X-Com. Darn, fixing this won't be easy... Thanks for the notification.
Second, the pig bite and the space technomad processing don't seem to have names set for them so it's referred to by something like "STR_PIG_BITE".
Indeed the string missed description, but I have no idea why it would be called STR_PIG_BITE... Well, I fixed it, we will see.
Which weapons do you mean? BlackOps? M.A.G.M.A.? UAC? Or maybe generic ones?
BlackOps pistol, smg, magnum and the normal magnum and shotgun.
These clips only show when they're researched. For example, tritanium shotgun shells can be unlocked either by finding and researching such a clip, or by researching Shotgun Tritanium Shells Manufacturing (which requires Tritanium Ammunition and Shotgun researches).
These clips only show when they're researched. For example, tritanium shotgun shells can be unlocked either by finding and researching such a clip, or by researching Shotgun Tritanium Shells Manufacturing (which requires Tritanium Ammunition and Shotgun researches).
That's what I thought. But I haven't done any of that. The clips just showed up one day (or so it seems). Once I get time to play again, I'll try to retrace my steps on the old save and see, if I can make it happen again.
The HWP rangefinder seems to be broken- instead of costing 0 TU with 999% accuracy, it has 0% accuracy and costs 999 TU.
hmm, they appeared to work okay in testing, but I won't bet my arm on this. Would you maybe have a battle save?
Not sure what you mean, all tavern missions were tested and worked okay.
Guns without ammo would sound worrying, but everything looks fine to me.
They happened on a easy rider mission...
Not sure if this has changed recently, but is the Syndicate data seizure mission (high-rise) supposed to spawn with "regular" terrain instead of the parking lot?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen012m9kzi.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen012m9kzi.png)
I am currently running into a segfault that I believe to have traced back to transforming enemies trying to surrender. Case in point would be the cyberweb fortress in XCF, with the cyberweb technomad "suits" trying to surrender when i kill the last bot/mechanical enemy.
I also reported this in the OXCE-subforum:
I am encountering a segfault during the cyberweb fortress mission with a cyberweb spacesuit trying to surrender when i kill the last mechanical enemy on the map. When kill/force the suit to transform beforehand the crash doesn't occur.
The pig bite attack is still called STR_PIG_BITE in Ufopedia.
The HWP rangefinder seems to be broken- instead of costing 0 TU with 999% accuracy, it has 0% accuracy and costs 999 TU.
That's totally intended. I'm not sure how it would even work otherwise.
They happened on a easy rider mission...
There is no Easy Rider mission in the mod yet. Not a single one.
I remember however that there were some tweaks early on, so if you have used the unreleased GitHub version, there might have been some shenanigans going on.
Not sure if this has changed recently, but is the Syndicate data seizure mission (high-rise) supposed to spawn with "regular" terrain instead of the parking lot?
Yeah, the parking lot terrain no longer exists.
I am currently running into a segfault that I believe to have traced back to transforming enemies trying to surrender. Case in point would be the cyberweb fortress in XCF, with the cyberweb technomad "suits" trying to surrender when i kill the last bot/mechanical enemy.
That's not good. Do you have a save maybe?
I can't see any issue with the code yet.
The pig bite attack is still called STR_PIG_BITE in Ufopedia.
Thanks, bad alias fixed.
That's not good. Do you have a save maybe?
I can't see any issue with the code yet.
I do, but you'll either have to use two of my submods or I'll have to modify the save to switch soldier types and armors. Save and mods attached.
This file should load fine without mods, segfault still happens when you kill the robot before killing the suit.
OK, thanks!
I tested and didn't get a crash. Must be some older issue, no longer present in my version. I suggest getting an update from GitHub.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Getting a crash with 1.4, no crash with 1.4a - but with 1.4a only 2 of the three cyberweb technomads are recovered after the robot is destroyed. I take it the recovery items was changed/removed?
changing the armor defintion from
spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD
spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD
"Fixes" the segfault. I am not sure if this is intended behaviour, can somebody explain this to me?
STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE isn't even defined, while STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE is a valid item. Why does changing the corpse to an invalid item not result in a crash, while having a valid item does? This seems more like a workaround for an underlaying issue.
That's totally intended. I'm not sure how it would even work otherwise.
Problem is, that now means it's impossible to use. All it does is generate the message about not having enough TU to use it.
Problem is, that now means it's impossible to use. All it does is generate the message about not having enough TU to use it.
You're not supposed to fire it. The displayed accuracy indicates distance.
I've been messing around with tritanium ammo for a bit, trying to replicate the situation in save #2 (tritanium ammo researched on all weapons, that I have, that can use it. All without ever touching a tritanium ammo research topic).
It seems that, researching any BlackOps weapon also gives you the research for its tritanium ammo for free, if you have that ammo in your stores. Any other BlackOps weapons, that you have researched already and you also have tritanium ammo of in your store, will also have the tritanium ammo researched for free at the same time.
Seems weird to me. Is that intentional?
Is it possible to force several shots follow the same trajectory with auto fire?
The G-11 wiki article says that that was the idea with it's 3-shot burst mode.
Thanks for the quick reply.
Getting a crash with 1.4, no crash with 1.4a - but with 1.4a only 2 of the three cyberweb technomads are recovered after the robot is destroyed. I take it the recovery items was changed/removed?
No, certainly no removal of anything. I'm not sure if there's an issue.
changing the armor defintion from
spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD
spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD
"Fixes" the segfault. I am not sure if this is intended behaviour, can somebody explain this to me?
STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE isn't even defined, while STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE is a valid item. Why does changing the corpse to an invalid item not result in a crash, while having a valid item does? This seems more like a workaround for an underlaying issue.
I have no idea what you've done and how it works :) But my copy seems okay, 95% sure. I don't have the grasp on the issue though.
I've been messing around with tritanium ammo for a bit, trying to replicate the situation in save #2 (tritanium ammo researched on all weapons, that I have, that can use it. All without ever touching a tritanium ammo research topic).
It seems that, researching any BlackOps weapon also gives you the research for its tritanium ammo for free, if you have that ammo in your stores. Any other BlackOps weapons, that you have researched already and you also have tritanium ammo of in your store, will also have the tritanium ammo researched for free at the same time.
Seems weird to me. Is that intentional?
It's quite interesting, I didn't know it was possible. So in this context yes, it would be weird. But I've never noticed it myself and nobody else has reported it, so maybe it's some engine change?
Is it possible to force several shots follow the same trajectory with auto fire?
Exactly the same trajectory? No.
I have no idea what you've done and how it works :) But my copy seems okay, 95% sure. I don't have the grasp on the issue though.
I didn't actually "do" anything so much as whoever pushed to change on the github did, apparently.
Again, I have no idea if this is intended behaviour, but the game crashes whenever it tries to recover a transforming unit that wants to surrender and that unit has a valid corpse item.
Case in point - and you might want to keep this in mind as long this isn't fixed - listing any valid item under
for this unit will crash the game when the unit is alive at the end of the mission. The only reason it doesn't crash in 1.4a when a mission ends with that unit panicking/surrendering is because the item in question (STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE) does not exist.
Sending your crew to an OOZE nest with the wrong gear, automatically gives them Hazmat Armour. Since these cost $10000 a pop, this kinda feels like a cheat. Don't know if this goes for all the Armour you can select, mine were equipped with Tritanium vests.
The ufopedia information for the Pulse Chem clips never shows up, even after you share the alien gardens tech with MAGMA. I think this may have to do with me somehow being able to buy the clips immediately after gaining the "Share Alien Gardens tech" technology without having any of the acquisitions show up in the research tab afterwards but I'm not sure. I can attach a save if needed.
Sending your crew to an OOZE nest with the wrong gear, automatically gives them Hazmat Armour. Since these cost $10000 a pop, this kinda feels like a cheat. Don't know if this goes for all the Armour you can select, mine were equipped with Tritanium vests.
The same thing happens with Dimension X missions when you don't have valid armor to use on it and in any case the armor vanishes immediately after the mission. I assume it's a failsafe to ensure you don't lock yourself out of them if you can't afford the right armors.
Update on the crash/segfault - nvm, was a mess-up on my side, for some reason my armor-definition was messed up and listed the wrong (i.e. actually existing) corpse-item.
Sending your crew to an OOZE nest with the wrong gear, automatically gives them Hazmat Armour. Since these cost $10000 a pop, this kinda feels like a cheat. Don't know if this goes for all the Armour you can select, mine were equipped with Tritanium vests.
Erm... Umm...
So what should be done here? I can't see the problem very well (you don't keep these hazmats after all), and sure as hell I don't understand what you want me to do.
I assume it's a failsafe to ensure you don't lock yourself out of them if you can't afford the right armors.
Not even that, more like, how else would it even work? Come on.
The ufopedia information for the Pulse Chem clips never shows up, even after you share the alien gardens tech with MAGMA. I think this may have to do with me somehow being able to buy the clips immediately after gaining the "Share Alien Gardens tech" technology without having any of the acquisitions show up in the research tab afterwards but I'm not sure. I can attach a save if needed.
Do you have Pulse Pistol Chem Clip researched? If yes, then it should appear in the Pedia; if it doesn't, further investigation is needed.
I can't see the problem very well (you don't keep these hazmats after all)
It is not a major gripe or anything. Its just that there is no incentive to purchase these hazmat suits if you can use/rent them for free when the mission appears. And currently I am not at a point where I have an abundance of money so it felt like an exploit.
So what should be done here?
I thought that since my men were not equipped with the right Armour, the mission would either not go through (like when you want to start an undercover mission with the wrong transport), or the agents not wearing the right Armour would not partake in the mission (like how you can send 10 guys to an underwater mission but only 7 partake), or they would start with the wrong Armour equipped but they would receive an HP and/or stun penalty each turn for not wearing chemical resistant Armour, just like how an eerie aura drains sanity each turn.
I thought that since my men were not equipped with the right Armour, the mission would either not go through (like when you want to start an undercover mission with the wrong transport),
But how to do that?
or the agents not wearing the right Armour would not partake in the mission (like how you can send 10 guys to an underwater mission but only 7 partake),
That could only be done the "gal-in-the-box" way in Piratez, meaning it would transform your armour into, well, an immobile box or some other similar object. Acceptable in Piratez due to the humorous factor, but not really in XCF.
or they would start with the wrong Armour equipped but they would receive an HP and/or stun penalty each turn for not wearing chemical resistant Armour, just like how an eerie aura drains sanity each turn.
I think that would just be kinda nasty... But maybe you're right. Anyway, this is the only solution that would look viable to me.
It is not a major gripe or anything. Its just that there is no incentive to purchase these hazmat suits if you can use/rent them for free when the mission appears. And currently I am not at a point where I have an abundance of money so it felt like an exploit.
I thought that since my men were not equipped with the right Armour, the mission would either not go through (like when you want to start an undercover mission with the wrong transport), or the agents not wearing the right Armour would not partake in the mission (like how you can send 10 guys to an underwater mission but only 7 partake), or they would start with the wrong Armour equipped but they would receive an HP and/or stun penalty each turn for not wearing chemical resistant Armour, just like how an eerie aura drains sanity each turn.
..or, well, let´ equip them with the right armor, resp.hazmat suits - but for hell costly, so muchsuch expensive fee, factured after the mission (well, or IMMEDIATELY, still in time of finishing of mission
(in that time when there is a loot screen on)
..and it´s also quite realistically - when you something do NOT have, you must order it, (buy it), or borrow it ( +, if you need it QUICKLY, - you pay alot much more, for "speedy" order"
so, for example - quickly order, buy-ing of hazmat suits, from local warehause, stores at site - 15 000 €$ / per 1piece
Hazmats aren't particularly sturdy.
Perhaps an armor with equal stats, but which drops a "Destroyed Hazmat suit" on death. This Destroyed Hazmat suit would have a negative sell price (let's say -$30 000) and negative point value (which I assume would be added to the negative points from losing a soldier.)
The idea is that you are merely borrowing them. If you bring them back, nothing happened. But if you get them destroyed, whoever lended them to you will want compensation. Bigger compensation than if you just bought them.
The environmental damage idea is good for sewers. But I wonder if agents would even survive in dimension X for a few seconds without an environmental suit of some kind. Of course I do not know it's atmosphere composition, so perhaps they would.
Are AI units supposed to get awards and thus skill increases?
I thought that their stats are fixed and cannot be changed apart from using a different armor (chassis).
Do you have Pulse Pistol Chem Clip researched? If yes, then it should appear in the Pedia; if it doesn't, further investigation is needed.
The save file suggests it is (the relevant tech is listed as "discovered"), but the tech never actually showed up for me on the research list. I note that a new version of the mod you released since I made that post changed the research cost of the chem clips since then- that might have fixed it but I don't know if that'll change the issue retroactively.
Edit: After installing the new version of the mod and manually removing the techs from my "discovered" list so I could research them properly, they show up as they should. I can only assume the nonexistent research cost interacted with UFOpedia somehow to make it think it was never researched.
Are AI units supposed to get awards and thus skill increases?
I thought that their stats are fixed and cannot be changed apart from using a different armor (chassis).
AI skill can be increased through normal exp gain, too, not just awards.
Strange, for sure. Maybe this can be handwaved as machine learning?
AI skill can be increased through normal exp gain, too, not just awards.
Strange, for sure. Maybe this can be handwaved as machine learning?
UFOPedia explicitly says they can do that.
UFOPedia explicitly says they can do that.
The only relevant text I found was that they work exactly like normal soldiers, so OK. I must have missed or forgotten that.
Hazmats aren't particularly sturdy.
Perhaps an armor with equal stats, but which drops a "Destroyed Hazmat suit" on death. This Destroyed Hazmat suit would have a negative sell price (let's say -$30 000) and negative point value (which I assume would be added to the negative points from losing a soldier.)
The idea is that you are merely borrowing them. If you bring them back, nothing happened. But if you get them destroyed, whoever lended them to you will want compensation. Bigger compensation than if you just bought them.
Yes, it makes sense and would work. However, I'm not sure I'm willing to add a new armour type (a duplicate of Hazmat with identical stats and looks, but different behaviour) just for this one mission (Okay, and Dimension X, but you should have better EVA suits by then.)
The environmental damage idea is good for sewers. But I wonder if agents would even survive in dimension X for a few seconds without an environmental suit of some kind. Of course I do not know it's atmosphere composition, so perhaps they would.
For a while, yes. Just not very long.
Are AI units supposed to get awards and thus skill increases?
I thought that their stats are fixed and cannot be changed apart from using a different armor (chassis).
No, they're definitely alive. Well, in a way.
The save file suggests it is (the relevant tech is listed as "discovered"), but the tech never actually showed up for me on the research list. I note that a new version of the mod you released since I made that post changed the research cost of the chem clips since then- that might have fixed it but I don't know if that'll change the issue retroactively.
Yeah, I did it just in case, no idea if it was needed though.
Edit: After installing the new version of the mod and manually removing the techs from my "discovered" list so I could research them properly, they show up as they should. I can only assume the nonexistent research cost interacted with UFOpedia somehow to make it think it was never researched.
Many thanks for checking. I won't do it again.
Destroyed XCOM roboturret corpses don't have proper names, just "STR_XCOM_ROBOTURRET_CORPSE".
Destroyed XCOM roboturret corpses don't have proper names, just "STR_XCOM_ROBOTURRET_CORPSE".
Thanks, fixed.
The Black Sphere doesn't give any kind of report when researched. Given its obvious role in the Cult of Apocalypse arc, is this ntentional or a bug?
Muton Commanders don't count for "Alien Commander is researched".
1. Subculture: Westman. The text to the left side obscures some detail (wagons I think) on the picture, while the right side is mostly empty. You should flip the picture horizontally. That will also make the cowboy look left (west).
2. Light Cannon. Both BS and AP ammo have the same color. BS should be red like the shotgun ammo. (or may be not, I am not sure if it is reserved for incendiary). Disregard, I didn't realize that only the tip is dofferent.
3. The Cult of Apocalypse research topic has prerequisites that don't have a string:
The cavemen are fine though.
The above seem to be cut, due to lack of space in the research viewer.
4. Subculture: Cavemen. So they dress in furs and leather and believe in veganism!? Does not compute.
Although they are rich kids that play neanderthals, so it's probably fine. Still real cavemen probably ate everything they could get their hands on and utilized every part of the animal. Yes, you can make an edible soup out of hooves.
5. I recently restarted my 0.9.9 campaign with 1.4 and I haven't gotten Red Dawn and EXALT Bases in a few months. I got Gang Wars and Exalt Outpost, but no bases. May be it is just bad RNG, but I attached the save just in case.
6. Are the max stats for agents lowered now? I mean after adding the awards? Could you tell me where the max stats are shown?
I think I have a 2-3 people with way too high stats right now and I want to correct that.
2. Light Cannon. Both BS and AP ammo have the same color. BS should be red like the shotgun ammo. (or may be not, I am not sure if it is reserved for incendiary).
Can post a screenshot? Colors are showing just fine on my end.
6. Are the max stats for agents lowered now? I mean after adding the awards? Could you tell me where the max stats are shown?
I think I have a 2-3 people with way too high stats right now and I want to correct that.
[/quote]I haven't compared the stat limits, but the training multiplier has been lowered as well, so there might have been other changes. You can compare the stats by looking at soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul and you can edit them in your savegame (search for agent names).
Can post a screenshot? Colors are showing just fine on my end.
My error, I didn't realize that only the tip is different.
I think I have a 2-3 people with way too high stats right now and I want to correct that.
I haven't compared the stat limits, but the training multiplier has been lowered as well, so there might have been other changes. You can compare the stats by looking at soldiers_XCOMFILES.rul and you can edit them in your savegame (search for agent names).
EDIT: I had a bunch of people that instantly graduated from training after I updated. Isn't the training just working up to a preset number? What is the multiplier doing?
EDIT: I had a bunch of people that instantly graduated from training after I updated. Isn't the training just working up to a preset number? What is the multiplier doing?
The training multiplier defines how long it takes for a stat to increase. Again, I don't know if the training stat caps were changed.
Just a small peeve, but there is no hybrid sprite for the bulletproof coat, only for the normal coat. The armor defintion simply resuses the hybrid sprite.
Alien Sentinels doesn't unlock upon researching an Ethereal Sentinel. Adding it to discovered techs fixes the issue, but I couldn't find an identifiable cause in the code.
Alien Sentinels doesn't unlock upon researching an Ethereal Sentinel. Adding it to discovered techs fixes the issue, but I couldn't find an identifiable cause in the code.
Probably beacuse it has a non-zero reasearch cost and requires an item.
Probably beacuse it has a non-zero reasearch cost and requires an item.
The problem is that the item was something that (as far as I know) doesn't exist in the game. Shouldn't it just be made researchable after the Ethereal in question is researched, like how Alien Soldiers opens up after any soldier is interrogated?
I think making it a dependency instead of item-based will fix the problem.
The training multiplier defines how long it takes for a stat to increase. Again, I don't know if the training stat caps were changed.
Just a small peeve, but there is no hybrid sprite for the bulletproof coat, only for the normal coat. The armor defintion simply resuses the hybrid sprite.
There is a solid drop, as expected. Now my soldiers will need to start killing things with Reaction fire to get improvements.
NOTE: The left one is the new one on the attachment.
Just did a regular cult base attack on the church of Dagon and came across Gillman carrying HKMP5. I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but I noticed that they didn't use their electrical attacks on me (or it was luck). I dont think they shot at me at all. Saying this because on a seamonster attack earlier they didn't use human guns.
Soldier's head is clipped by the wall above on David Vincent map. Happens on the ladders from the basement. Version is 1.4.
I remember that something similar was reported for another place on the same map, but couldn't find when. Apologies if this was already fixed.
Soldier's head is clipped by the wall above on David Vincent map. Happens on the ladders from the basement. Version is 1.4.
I remember that something similar was reported for another place on the same map, but couldn't find when. Apologies if this was already fixed.
Not map or mod-related. This is a rendering issue with the version of OXCE you're using. It's fixed in the newest one.
Not map or mod-related. This is a rendering issue with the version of OXCE you're using. It's fixed in the newest one.
OK. Thanks.
EDIT: To not get double post.
Some concealable missions allow for HUMVEE, HELICOPTER and the DRAGONFLY, like the Shady Tavern and the Syndicate Data Seizure. In the later case even the Syndicate Operations text talks about using a civilian car.
The helicopter could pass as civilian, but the rest are military, aren't they?
EDIT 2: Minor description bug: The Mac10 is concealable but doesn't have ">concealable" in the description.
The tags for the X-COM Assault Plasma's Elerium Bombs appear to be directly copied from the Sonic Shotgun's focused clip mode.
Hello, and sorry for the vdelay, I am slowly getting back on top of things after my holidays.
The Black Sphere doesn't give any kind of report when researched. Given its obvious role in the Cult of Apocalypse arc, is this ntentional or a bug?
It's work in progress. I literally don't have any good ideas for it yet, at least nothing conceptualized.
Muton Commanders don't count for "Alien Commander is researched".
Intended. They're not "real" Commanders.
Maybe I should rename them or something...
1. Subculture: Westman. The text to the left side obscures some detail (wagons I think) on the picture, while the right side is mostly empty. You should flip the picture horizontally. That will also make the cowboy look left (west).
Sorry, but to quote the current POTUS: sounds great, doesn't work. The text partially obscures the cowboy. I know the current pic is not ideal, but I'd have to redo the entire picture somehow.
3. The Cult of Apocalypse research topic has prerequisites that don't have a string:
The cavemen are fine though.
The above seem to be cut, due to lack of space in the research viewer.
Good point, but I fixed it already.
4. Subculture: Cavemen. So they dress in furs and leather and believe in veganism!? Does not compute.
Although they are rich kids that play neanderthals, so it's probably fine. Still real cavemen probably ate everything they could get their hands on and utilized every part of the animal. Yes, you can make an edible soup out of hooves.
Right, of course they have nothing to do with real cavemen (which never really existed anyway as we imagine them :) ), they're a bunch of wackos. They're more or less how conservatists perceive "extreme liberals".
5. I recently restarted my 0.9.9 campaign with 1.4 and I haven't gotten Red Dawn and EXALT Bases in a few months. I got Gang Wars and Exalt Outpost, but no bases. May be it is just bad RNG, but I attached the save just in case.
I haven't decreased these percentages, so RNG.
(I hope you like the changes introduced since 0.9!)
6. Are the max stats for agents lowered now? I mean after adding the awards? Could you tell me where the max stats are shown?
I think I have a 2-3 people with way too high stats right now and I want to correct that.
Here are the stats caps, not including rewards, trainings etc.:
tu: 65
stamina: 90
health: 45
bravery: 100
reactions: 60
firing: 90
throwing: 70
strength: 50
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 50
melee: 90
mana: 100
Just a small peeve, but there is no hybrid sprite for the bulletproof coat, only for the normal coat. The armor defintion simply resuses the hybrid sprite.
Yeah, I never got around to draw it...
Alien Sentinels doesn't unlock upon researching an Ethereal Sentinel. Adding it to discovered techs fixes the issue, but I couldn't find an identifiable cause in the code.
Okay, I completely screwed this part. Fixing. Thanks for the heads up!
Just did a regular cult base attack on the church of Dagon and came across Gillman carrying HKMP5. I don't know if this is a bug or intended, but I noticed that they didn't use their electrical attacks on me (or it was luck). I dont think they shot at me at all. Saying this because on a seamonster attack earlier they didn't use human guns.
Not a bug, they just pick up stuff sometimes. I could prevent it, but I see no reason to, since they have humanlike hands and the brains to operate human weapons.
Some concealable missions allow for HUMVEE, HELICOPTER and the DRAGONFLY, like the Shady Tavern and the Syndicate Data Seizure. In the later case even the Syndicate Operations text talks about using a civilian car.
The helicopter could pass as civilian, but the rest are military, aren't they?
The Dragonfly is a 1005 civilian vehicle, albeit unusual.
The Humvee... It depends.
EDIT 2: Minor description bug: The Mac10 is concealable but doesn't have ">concealable" in the description.
The tags for the X-COM Assault Plasma's Elerium Bombs appear to be directly copied from the Sonic Shotgun's focused clip mode.
I made some adjustments since then, hopefully it's OK now.
Intended. They're not "real" Commanders.
Maybe I should rename them or something...
I suggest Muton Elite, that worked for EU2012 and it'll work here too. Or Elite Praetorian, it'll fit in with the leader class being called Praetorians.
For the black spheres, I could imagine them acting as a key of some kind leading to the stronghold of the Cult's demonic masters or perhaps the secret to how the cult can open hell portals, with the general gist from there being that cutting off the Cult's ability to call up the legions of hell will leave them as nothing more than a pack of disorganized thugs.
Also after the final Cult of Apocalypse mission I suggest adding commentary from staff of choice along the lines of "maybe now those monsters will stick to torturing bad dead people instead of good living ones".
P.S. Have you considered adding something we could spend lots of money on in the late game to endgame? I'm sitting on what was a 9-figure balance last time I checked and there's nothing useful I could spend it on- as much as I like the buffer for when most of my funders get infiltrated and I use up my last decrypted key, it's a little embarrassing to have so much money.
From the changes you made to the Assault Plasma Grenade, line 11842 of items_XCOMFILES.rul:
I don't know about you, but the Assault Plasma's Elerium Grenade still should not be classified as a shotgun, a sonic weapon, or usable underwater. You might want to go and fix it again. At that matter, the regular Assault Plasma clip has STR_LAND listed twice on it. I've whipped up a PR on GitHub that should fix both of those problems, so merging it will squash the bug there for good.
Hello, I'm getting a segmentation fault when ending a (monster attack i think) mission. The crash seems to happen in any case, for example shooting the last remaining giant beetle with the guy that's selected first when the game is loaded (snapshot with rifle).
Hello, I'm getting a segmentation fault when ending a (monster attack i think) mission. The crash seems to happen in any case, for example shooting the last remaining giant beetle with the guy that's selected first when the game is loaded (snapshot with rifle).
Save is corrupted.
The craft is no longer marked as being on the battlescape and thus the game cannot find the xcom base where to send the recovered items.
Ok, thanks. Must have happened before when I accidentally clicked the end mission button when I was going to save & quit. When I realized that, I closed the program from the task manager (while in the mission end screen showing points for the mission). Maybe I just should stop playing on iron man mode.
Attached is a fixed save.
And yes, I can only recommend not playing ironman.
I've whipped up a PR on GitHub that should fix both of those problems, so merging it will squash the bug there for good.
Just making sure you saw this- here's a link to the PR if you need it. GitHub says it can be merged at any time. Oh, and please pardon my atrocious taste in usernames.
I suggest Muton Elite, that worked for EU2012 and it'll work here too. Or Elite Praetorian, it'll fit in with the leader class being called Praetorians.
All right, will roll with that.
For the black spheres, I could imagine them acting as a key of some kind leading to the stronghold of the Cult's demonic masters or perhaps the secret to how the cult can open hell portals, with the general gist from there being that cutting off the Cult's ability to call up the legions of hell will leave them as nothing more than a pack of disorganized thugs.
Maybe. I need to further develop the other leg first (UAC!).
Also after the final Cult of Apocalypse mission I suggest adding commentary from staff of choice along the lines of "maybe now those monsters will stick to torturing bad dead people instead of good living ones".
P.S. Have you considered adding something we could spend lots of money on in the late game to endgame? I'm sitting on what was a 9-figure balance last time I checked and there's nothing useful I could spend it on- as much as I like the buffer for when most of my funders get infiltrated and I use up my last decrypted key, it's a little embarrassing to have so much money.
I haven't come up with anything yet. At some point money becomes irrelevant (this is an issue with every X-Com mod), so I'm not too worried...
From the changes you made to the Assault Plasma Grenade, line 11842 of items_XCOMFILES.rul:
I don't know about you, but the Assault Plasma's Elerium Grenade still should not be classified as a shotgun, a sonic weapon, or usable underwater. You might want to go and fix it again. At that matter, the regular Assault Plasma clip has STR_LAND listed twice on it. I've whipped up a PR on GitHub that should fix both of those problems, so merging it will squash the bug there for good.
Thank you! Merged.
The Original Member commendation says it improves all stats except bravery, but Psi Skill isn't listed in the stats for nerds. Is it really missing, or a typo?
The Original Member commendation says it improves all stats except bravery, but Psi Skill isn't listed in the stats for nerds. Is it really missing, or a typo?
As far as I understand it, you cannot increase your psi skill before you start actually training it. So I'd imagine that you'll get the bonus after the agent becomes a psionic. Still, this needs to be confirmed.
As far as I understand it, you cannot increase your psi skill before you start actually training it. So I'd imagine that you'll get the bonus after the agent becomes a psionic. Still, this needs to be confirmed.
I guess I should write here. When you first realize the Syndicate exists, their description show in Ufopedia, and in it it says it controls Blackops Industries from the let go. But about 5 months later I've assualted their offices and got a disc. When I research it (named Syndicate Operations) the Intelligence woman acts surprised that Syndicate controls BlackOps.
It's not that big of a deal but I suggest either it's better it doesn't say this fact in the first report or in the floppy research the woman is not surprised and says now we have proof or something similar.
Heh, good point... How did it happen?
Many thanks!
Looking through the commendations.rul, I noticed the taser cannon is not considered for the incapacitator award.
Why do Land Surveys (presumably sea surveys too) have a sell price of 40000?
I think it should be 0. Whether you got it from an event or purchased it, the expedition had already went. The die is cast.
Whatever is in the "Land Survey" crate is all you should get, no refunds, no selling of the *Mystery box* for tens of thousands of dollars.
Looking through the commendations.rul, I noticed the taser cannon is not considered for the incapacitator award.
Good catch. Fixed.
Why do Land Surveys (presumably sea surveys too) have a sell price of 40000?
I think it should be 0. Whether you got it from an event or purchased it, the expedition had already went. The die is cast.
Whatever is in the "Land Survey" crate is all you should get, no refunds, no selling of the *Mystery box* for tens of thousands of dollars.
Well, some results are somewhat valuable... I just don't want to be too mean. I guess there's a market for these.
But you're right, I'll make it cheaper to sell.
Well, some results are somewhat valuable... I just don't want to be too mean. I guess there's a market for these.
But you're right, I'll make it cheaper to sell.
It is rolling the dice and seeing what comes. It is fine to have both valuable and meaningless results. I don't try to be mean either. :)
For me, it doesn't make sense to sell the Land Survey item itself. I don't imagine that there is an actual bag named Land survey.
Okay, I guess there's no denying that... I'll change it.
Okay, I guess there's no denying that... I'll change it.
In the small chance that you misunderstood me, I am not complaining about the buy price at all. It is fine at 50 000.
In the small chance that you misunderstood me, I am not complaining about the buy price at all. It is fine at 50 000.
Right, right :)
I have a lighting bug to report.
In the attached savefile, there is a road west of the Skymarshall. There are poles around it, with what looks like lamps, but they are not glowing.
They're not lights, they're electricity poles...
They're not lights, they're electricity poles...
Ok, my mistake.
Cross-posting on behalf of another user:
So I have been enjoying a long campaign so far in 1.5 but I feel like I found a recursive tech dependency and wanted to ask if I am misunderstanding something.
The invasion of 99 is well underway and I am holding on but I am now stuck fighting tiny ships and hiding from anything above small because I can't research further.
Optronics requires Alien Optical Processor
Alien Optical Processor depends on UFO Navigation, Alien Electronics and Alien Multitool
UFO Navigation depends on Alien Power Systems and Optronics.
So in order to progress in the tech tree, I need to research things I need to have already researched in order to research them. :o
^^ yap, alike "Head-22"
hehe, exactly same issue, very same situation like this :
(1) *becoming RICH, / "succesfull" - requires (those right) (2) contacts, and, also again, too - money, lot of money, whole heaps of capital basic.. - but,
..but, for those (2.) (right,-rich) contacts && money, - you again need too (ALREADY) to be already rich (famously succesfully ) :D :P
*Head 22*
Cross-posting on behalf of another user:
Shit, it's 100% correct.
I'll remove the dependency on UFO Navigation.
Looks like 1.5.1 is coming fast :V
For the first time ever, I've managed to reach a Black Lotus Party mission before it despawns.
Man, that was a strange experience. The pathfinding of a large portion of the enemies was broken, perhaps even non-existent.
Many of them would just wander around inside the rooms they started in, never leaving it unless panicked.
Enemies on the upper floors seemed to be especially prone to this. I only really started to notice this behavior, once I've unveiled most of the map and started using motion trackers to find hidden enemies + I could see many of them through the glass ceilings on the roof.
Attached is a save file starting from near the beginning of the mission, if that helps.
It's a very old terrain, and not really broken, it's just complex and the AI neds to know what's in every damn small room.
Well, it is a PARTY mission. May be the music is so loud, they can't hear the gunfire.
Sorry for double post, but this is something entirely different than the above.
I got a single BlackOps spypistol clip (no gun, only a clip) from a Red Dawn Outpost. I don't think that it belongs there. Save from midmission attached.
It was probably being smuggled. Such things do pop up occasionally. At a glance, not a bug, just a rare occurrence.
It was probably being smuggled. Such things do pop up occasionally. At a glance, not a bug, just a rare occurrence.
Yeah, it is too small to look at even if it is a bug. But how do they get smuggled? I thought that enemies carry only their own ammo.
Yeah, it is too small to look at even if it is a bug. But how do they get smuggled? I thought that enemies carry only their own ammo.
It's possible that it was laying around the house.
Has anyone lost the Agent training button before? I think its some kind of bug with my save cause if I start a new game the button comes back, but my current save doesn't have it so I can no longer train any agents.
Has anyone lost the Agent training button before? I think its some kind of bug with my save cause if I start a new game the button comes back, but my current save doesn't have it so I can no longer train any agents.
Once you unlock more training/transformation things, it gets fused into the "memorial button", forming the "Agent info" selection panel.
See the below if you cannot find it. I was similarly surprised when it disappeared and I think it would be a better UI option to either keep *training* a separate button or just have the agent info menu from the beginning.
EDIT: Cleared some meaning.
See the below if you cannot find it. I was similarly surprised when it disappeared and I think it would be a better UI option to either keep *training* a separate button or just have it like that from the beginning.
Yes that is exactly what happened thank you guys so much!
Where can I get a Bewildered Farmer? Is it supposed to be the MiB type mission peasant?
If so, he cannot be captured currently. It doesn't matter if he is stunned or walking at the end of the mission, he doesn't show up as a prisoner.
Crop circles without MiB, I believe.
With MiB, they are civvies, without MiB, they are "hostiles" and can be captured.
Edit: It may be Cattle Mutilations without MiB though. One gives Abducted Farmers. But I am guessing they are the same. There is also a chance of Brainwashed Farmers.
Crop circles without MiB, I believe.
With MiB, they are civvies, without MiB, they are "hostiles" and can be captured.
Edit: It may be Cattle Mutilations without MiB though. One gives Abducted Farmers. But I am guessing they are the same. There is also a chance of Brainwashed Farmers.
Brinswashed farmers are from the zombie Crop Circles mission. The Abducted Farmers are from the "normal" crop circles and Cattle Mutilation. Bewildered Farmers don't show up. Judging by the name they could be the MiB mission farmers, but these are not recoverable.
The Shambler text is ambiguous:
*Warning: Shamblers respond poorly to explosives.*
It is not clear what "respond poorly" means. Do they respond poorly from their point of view, as in take more damage, because they are poorly equipped to deal with explosives. Or do they respond poorly from X-COM point of view, as in, they don't take a lot of damage from explosives.
Looking at the info it is the former, but it is not clear.
I suggest:
"Explosives fare poorly against Shamblers" - has poorly
"Shamblers are resistant to explosives" - a bit bland
"Shamblers are poorly affected by explosives"
Thanks, good point. I'll go with your "Explosives fare poorly against Shamblers".
Another one, I did write this in the playthrough some time ago, but in case you missed it:
After researching the "Mosin Rifle" you don't get the "Bolt Action Rifle Ammo" that it uses.
After "Mosin Rifle Acquisition" you can buy "Bolt Action Rifle Ammo", but you still don't have access to its page and statistics. Pressing Alt when aiming the Mosin, or in inventory gives ??? instead of damage.
I assume that it will fix itself after I research the "Bolt Action Rifle" itself.
Thanks, it's fixed now.
A report from community member.
Underwater operations and Advanced Underwater Operations are complete, but if we launch any underwater mission we still arrive there on Calypso craft, not Trident. In the attached save there is T'Leth Embassy mission. Check it, please.
Not a bug - the ship used depends on the mission.
A visual bug on the Cow sprites. Some blue lines could be seen on the boundary. In the pose shown below there is also some blue dots right on top of the cow.
Similar lines could be seen in other orientations of the cow.
Hmm, that's weird, I can't see anything wrong with the spritesheet. I hope Vangrimar1 sees this, as I only have the end result (no raw sprites).
Hmm, that's weird, I can't see anything wrong with the spritesheet. I hope Vangrimar1 sees this, as I only have the end result (no raw sprites).
You have either fixed it or at least thanked Alex_D for the fix on Discord on 13.09.2020.
You have either fixed it or at least thanked Alex_D for the fix on Discord on 13.09.2020.
I honestly can't remember any of that, but you're right - it's right in my changelog... Thanks.
I have version 1.5.1. for the cow sprite. I guess it should be fine in next version.
I have version 1.5.1. for the cow sprite. I guess it should be fine in next version.
I always recommend updating from https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles - it should be 100% functional most of the time and really helps with catching bugs. (Also has all the new stuff added after the last official release.)
On the Moon core assult mission, using an avenger, the equipment pile spawned on the bottom floor as well as some people
On the Moon core assult mission, using an avenger, the equipment pile spawned on the bottom floor as well as some people
Interesting... Can't see why and how.
Interesting... Can't see why and how.
If I can replicate it would you like a screenshot?
If I can replicate it would you like a screenshot?
Sure, and the save please.
Sure, and the save please.
I tried to launch the mission again and everything was fine, maybe it was a one time thing?
I tried to launch the mission again and everything was fine, maybe it was a one time thing?
Let's hope so! :)
Let's hope so! :)
My favorite kind of bugs. We had one that reproduces after 10000 restarts in my works once (that was on an car instrumental cluster).
Anyway, the 7.62 ammo should also be NATO - "7.62 NATO". It is also a standard NATO ammo like the 5.56.
Also shouldn't the M-14, FN-FAL and Galil, that use it, require "Cult Arms Dealers" researched?
Anyway, the 7.62 ammo should also be NATO - "7.62 NATO". It is also a standard NATO ammo like the 5.56.
Yeah, this is why the name is "7.62x51 ammo". Do you think "7.62 NATO ammo" would be better?
Also shouldn't the M-14, FN-FAL and Galil, that use it, require "Cult Arms Dealers" researched?
It's a conundrum. When there weren't as many guns, it was easy to assign weapons to various cults, but later I started adding side pats for alternate weapons. I guess I should rethink this system.
Yeah, this is why the name is "7.62x51 ammo". Do you think "7.62 NATO ammo" would be better?
It's a conundrum. When there weren't as many guns, it was easy to assign weapons to various cults, but later I started adding side pats for alternate weapons. I guess I should rethink this system.
You have 5.56 NATO and the WP for the standard Warsaw Pact ammo. The 7.62 is the one that lacks NATO, even though it is a standard NATO ammo. So I think it would be better to be inline with the other designations.
OK, but "7.62 NATO Ammo" or "7.62x51 NATO Ammo"?
OK, but "7.62 NATO Ammo" or "7.62x51 NATO Ammo"?
Both are fine. May be the second to further differentiate it from the WP 7.62x39.
Both are fine. May be the second to further differentiate it from the WP 7.62x39.
No problem, done.
Dossier: Sakamori Motoko
Says Japanese Defense Force, should be Japanese Self-Defence Force. That is their official name, but maybe something completely different is meant here. In which case sorry to bother you.
Dossier: Sakamori Motoko
Says Japanese Defense Force, should be Japanese Self-Defence Force. That is their official name, but maybe something completely different is meant here. In which case sorry to bother you.
According to Wikipedia, both forms are acceptable, so I chose the shorter one. In my personal opinion, the original 自衛隊 can be translated as both with no change in meaning.
OK, my error.
A minor Research tree bug, with no actual consecuences.
Contact: UAC requires Promotion II, but some of the guns require Promotion I. They shouldn't be available without Contact:UAC, but still.
Version is 1.6 from the Github, I think yesterday.
I don't think it's a bug - these weapons, like shotguns, do not require level II authorisation. Whether you can buy them before contacting UAC is an unrelated issue.
Just finished my first ever campaign and its taken almost a year (I started it in December last year), Version 1.12 I think. No issues all the way through and then it crashes on the last mission and wont go further. I have to laugh or I would cry but I have to admit I had a blast playing the game and I was going to win anyway so no biggie, I just thought I would report it. I am just about to start a new campaign on 1.5.
I got a mission with a single survivor, but didn't get the "Survivor" commendation. Save attached. I have the github version from last week I believe.
Or am I supposed to only get it for successful missions and not on failed ones?
Just finished my first ever campaign and its taken almost a year (I started it in December last year), Version 1.12 I think. No issues all the way through and then it crashes on the last mission and wont go further. I have to laugh or I would cry but I have to admit I had a blast playing the game and I was going to win anyway so no biggie, I just thought I would report it. I am just about to start a new campaign on 1.5.
Well, if you'd like to report it, please report it. At least I can't see any report beyond this.
And thanks for the good words!
I got a mission with a single survivor, but didn't get the "Survivor" commendation. Save attached. I have the github version from last week I believe.
Or am I supposed to only get it for successful missions and not on failed ones?
Sorry, nobody knows exactly how commendations work. :P
I got a mission with a single survivor, but didn't get the "Survivor" commendation. Save attached. I have the github version from last week I believe.
Or am I supposed to only get it for successful missions and not on failed ones?
You get it only on successful missions... otherwise you could easily abuse it in alien bases.
You get it only on successful missions... otherwise you could easily abuse it in alien bases.
OK. I guess a non-exploity variant would be way too complex with too much stuff to check anyway. I will just edit the save if I feel that the situation was worth it.
@Solarius Could you add a note in the text that it is awarded only for successful missions to avoid more misreports?
Well, it already states "finishing a mission as the only X-Com operative on site", and I thought "finishing" could not be interpreted in any way other than "completing". But why not.
To me "finished" doesn't imply that it was a success, just that a mission ended.
Is it possible to determine if a soldier was damaged by enemy?
If so the following logic shouldn't be too easy to exploit:
A and (B or C or D)
A. A soldier is alone at the end of a mission.
AND either of the three below
B. The mission was success.
C. The soldier was wounded by an enemy
D. Other agents died during the mission
then award Survivor.
This could still be exploited if you have missions with weak enemies that could damage but not kill an agent, but it will still be dangerous.
Or may be the above isn't viable at all, so disregard.
Regardless of whether it's viable or not, the author (Shoes) of the feature decided and very explicitly wrote in the source code that it should only apply to successful missions.
Any change will happen only after his approval.
To me "finished" doesn't imply that it was a success, just that a mission ended.
Well, she said otherwise... :D
But seriously... If you do half of your homework and then throw it into the corner, would your teacher consider it finished??? IMO there is zero ambiguity here.
Well, she said otherwise... :D
But seriously... If you do half of your homework and then throw it into the corner, would your teacher consider it finished??? IMO there is zero ambiguity here.
I have finished for the day. :D
Funny though, my wife is a teacher.
OK, I agree.
OK, this is seriously a funny coincidence :)
Offtop closed. :P
OK, this is seriously a funny coincidence :)
Offtop closed. :P
Yeah, that will show them, those pesky offtopicers, they never shut up!
Wait, that is me!
Quickly, think of something on topic!
1. OK. The Werewolf Fear Gaze is used by the Alpha Werewolf, but is researched by the regular one. You should get it after the Alpha research I think. EDIT. The same applies to the werecat too.
2. I noticed that, now, Homicidal maniacs and the like drop Kevlar Vests after being researched. Shouldn't the Red Dawn soldiers (Poineer and up I think), that drop Durathread after being killed, give you Durathread in the same way?
Wow, you really dodged the bullet here. Great job, respectable citizen!
Good catch on those weapons; the werecat psi attack suffered from the same problem.
As for the red Dawn units, I did as you suggested. It's a minor thing, but why not.
He he eh. ;)
Is it useful actually? Most of the stuff I report is either pretty minor or me misunderstanding the feature.
OK, I just added another, so I will move it from that post here.
3. This civilian attack dog is missing it's doll picture. Save and screenshot below. I haven't checked X-COM or enemy dogs though.
Version is github from a while ago.
Version is just updated master:
dslavchev@dslavchev-X55VD:~/Documents/OpenXcom/mods/XComFiles$ git show
commit 7ff4ef78ce08b1f170c5917cc3150e7965a495e3 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Solarius Scorch <solar_scorch@o2.pl>
Date: Wed Oct 14 16:56:27 2020 +0200
Fixed werecreature psi articles unlock
Interesting - it would appear that enemies don't like layered armours. Thanks for catching that.
Ok, I have no doubt screwed up something easy and y'all are going to be face palming, but here goes.
After successfully downloading and playing Open X-com extended for a couple weeks, I decided I felt confident enough to install this "The X-Com Files" mod and well it hasn't turned out so well.
No doubt that it is operator error.
I tried to follow Starving Poet's video on how to install the mod. Felt like I did it right without variance.
After clicking the nice little red skull and cross bones it did the "I'm thinking, give me a moment" box, before finally showing the intro. I clicked off the intro and then clicked the mods button and clicked the top drop down menu and clicked the X-com files mod, as opposed to the open x-com or TofD.
Then the starting menu popped up and I choose "New Game" then "experienced" and then clicked "OK".
Here is where the train wreck happened.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.7 (v2020-10-18)
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Data folder is:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Data search is:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] - C:/Users/Randell/Documents/OpenXcom/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] - C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[20-10-2020_20-17-25] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Loading data...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/'...
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] Active mods:
[20-10-2020_20-17-26] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.5
[20-10-2020_20-17-27] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-33] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[20-10-2020_20-17-33] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[20-10-2020_20-17-34] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[20-10-2020_20-17-43] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-43] [INFO] Loading language...
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[20-10-2020_20-17-44] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[20-10-2020_20-17-49] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Loading data...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/'...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Active mods:
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-19-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Loading language...
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[20-10-2020_20-19-29] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[20-10-2020_20-19-31] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Music GMGEO1 not found
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5a9300 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5aa170 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xb79eb0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xd64150 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xd69a10 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0xc3a8a0 OpenXcom::Music* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Music>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Music*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Music*> > > const&, bool) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x791c80 OpenXcom::Mod::getMusic(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool) const
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x791d40 OpenXcom::Mod::playMusic(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, int)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x6cd800 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::init()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x725090 OpenXcom::NewGameState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5c5ae0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x67c240 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x5c12e0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x9951f0 console_main
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x995310 WinMain
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] ??
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] ??
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x7fffb6167c10 BaseThreadInitThunk
[20-10-2020_20-19-51] [FATAL] 0x7fffb778ce80 RtlUserThreadStart
[20-10-2020_20-20-04] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Music GMGEO1 not found
Log file: C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
I don't have a saved game to present. I didn't get that far.
So I figure this doesn't help much, other then to provide a good laugh. Yet I am asking for help anyway.
What can I do to learn how to fix this?
... added edit
This old laptop doesn't like doing screen print for what ever reason. I have often fantasied the excellent spectacle of it busting into a million pieces through alternative and inventive means.
TotD works just fine, though the mod options are fewer compared to what they were before, when I had successfully installed just the open x-com mod and played both the X-com and TotD games with open x-com.
From your log pasting [1]_ it looks like openxcom runs in portable app mode (or some other fancy term indicating it is only looking for stuff in it's own folders).
The error indicates it is missing original files.
Do you have UFO (TFTD) folders with appropriate content under C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
.. [1] tip: you are allowed to attach log files to the message, makes it easier to read posts
From your log pasting [1]_ it looks like openxcom runs in portable app mode (or some other fancy term indicating it is only looking for stuff in it's own folders).
The error indicates it is missing original files.
Do you have UFO (TFTD) folders with appropriate content under C:/Users/Randell/Desktop/Open X-com Stuff/user/
I open the openxcom extended file on my desktop. It has both the xcom and TftD files. I pasted all the contents for each respective file in these, as the nice little notes available there (and as the instructional video) indicated.
.. [1] tip: you are allowed to attach log files to the message, makes it easier to read posts
Sorry for the readability being an issue.
:) It has been a few years since I have used a forum format. It is a skill I haven't practiced in a while. Obviously shows. :o
(Insert "old Obi-wan hearing his whole name being used" meme here)
Realistic expectations being what they are, the new guy isn't going to do it "right way" the first time.
I'm currently not planning on moving in and putting up curtains. Perhaps I will at a later time. Likely other objectives in my life will take priority.
Well, the log file says that files in the UFO/SOUND folder are missing.
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
So either you forgot to copy them, or you have copied them into a wrong place.
Version 1.6
Language en-US :
You are sure ? ;)
Excited edit:
It's alive Bwahahahahahahhahaaa....... *and asthma attack.*
Thank you, you evil genius!
Well, the log file says that files in the UFO/SOUND folder are missing.
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for GEO.CAT
[20-10-2020_20-17-28] [ERROR] No sound files found for BATTLE.CAT
So either you forgot to copy them, or you have copied them into a wrong place.
Thank you sir.
That is completely possible.
I did attempt select all the files when I did the copy and pasting of the files from and to their proper locations, but it isn't the first time this old worn out laptop and my swiss cheese brain failed to see through personal biases and assumptions.
As soon as my migraine decides to manifest differently I will compare the two files and hope that is the issue.
Thanks again.
Version 1.6
Language en-US :
You are sure ? ;)
Neither rulesets nor language files contain such a string, and I certainly haven't changed it after the release.
This string is correctly written as STR_ALIEN_LASER_TURRET_DISASSEMBLY. Where did you get this from?
Neither rulesets nor language files contain such a string, and I certainly haven't changed it after the release.
This string is correctly written as STR_ALIEN_LASER_TURRET_DISASSEMBLY. Where did you get this from?
Sorry !
It was Winmerge who had detected this inversion... which I can't find... :-[
Sorry !
It was Winmerge who had detected this inversion... which I can't find... :-[
No worries :)
BTW, there are some issues with resistances now, which I haven't predicted but should be fixed... Basically robots being immune to weapons like clubs. I'm fixing it now.
Buying 5.56 ammo requires EXALT Operations, even though most of the guns that use it do not require iEXALT Ops to be bought (and many aren't even used by EXALT).
I would imagine that every gun manufacturer would make their own 5.56 ammo, and even though the M16 is exclusively an EXALT gun, the ammo isn't.
I think it should be something like this:
5.56 mm NATO Clip[i]
Unlocked by:
<any 5.56 gun acquisition>
EDIT: Also I can buy the M-14 and associated 7.something ammo, but cannot see the statistics for it. Last screenshot.
Buying 5.56 ammo requires EXALT Operations, even though most of the guns that use it do not require iEXALT Ops to be bought (and many aren't even used by EXALT).
I would imagine that every gun manufacturer would make their own 5.56 ammo, and even though the M16 is exclusively an EXALT gun, the ammo isn't.
This is an important problem that I've been trying to solve over the last days, which stems from the old system where you had to buy all rifles from cult arms dealers. I'm trying to do away with this system now, but also I'd like to leave the illegal weapons purchase in, which is a big challenge design-wise. Sorry, but for now you must bear it.
EDIT: Also I can buy the M-14 and associated 7.something ammo, but cannot see the statistics for it. Last screenshot.
This I don't get - to buy this gun (and its clip) you must have researched STR_M14_BUY, and STR_M14_BUY requires STR_M14 to be researched. And to see the M-14 stats, you need STR_M14.
Can you remember how you acquired the entry to M-14?
On an additional note, I screwed up and you can't do damage to Sectoids with dart rifles. Attached a hotfix.
This is an important problem that I've been trying to solve over the last days, which stems from the old system where you had to buy all rifles from cult arms dealers. I'm trying to do away with this system now, but also I'd like to leave the illegal weapons purchase in, which is a big challenge design-wise. Sorry, but for now you must bear it.
This I don't get - to buy this gun (and its clip) you must have researched STR_M14_BUY, and STR_M14_BUY requires STR_M14 to be researched. And to see the M-14 stats, you need STR_M14.
Can you remember how you acquired the entry to M-14?
On an additional note, I screwed up and you can't do damage to Sectoids with dart rifles. Attached a hotfix.
I researched M-14, M14 Acquisition. I have none of the other guns that use the same ammo.
On closer inspection, I do have the 7.62 round researched (according to the tech tree viewer), but I can't see it in Ufopaedia and I can't access the "Stats for Nerds" for it. Very strange. I am attaching a save.
I see two possible operator errors here: a) I either got in this weird situation due to updating the mod and getting something broken in the save or b) I accidentally broke it when I updated the A.I. research.
However I don't see an issue in the save when I compare the STR_M14 stuff with another gun.
I do play with Ironman on (removed in the attached save), but I don't Alt-F4 so that shouldn't be an issue.
Yeah, could be an issue with updating between versions. I've overhauled this part not so long ago.
Maybe you have something unusual in your research list, like ammo?
No, I don't have ammo in the research list.
Aha! Found the offender.
Updating GitHub now. Thanks for the report!
Items on lair of apocalypse not spawning in spawn zone, this is in 1.5 so idk if this has been fixed
Items on lair of apocalypse not spawning in spawn zone, this is in 1.5 so idk if this has been fixed
Seen it before, but... I just don't understand what's going on here. There is no node on that tile.
The sheep of BLACK DOOOOOOOM!!!
I am fairly sure that sheep do not wield black holes in their hands.
version is:
/mods/XComFiles$ git log
commit 10514429c1c20b3cbe1fb8031b72cc34d3801897 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: Solarius Scorch <solar_scorch@o2.pl>
Date: Thu Oct 22 16:54:50 2020 +0200
Advanced Robotics can be acquired from functional Cyberweb robots
The sheep of BLACK DOOOOOOOM!!!
I am fairly sure that sheep do not wield black holes in their hands.
Because they don't have hands.
On the other hand, if they didn't wield those black squares they might pick up actual weapons, which would also be a bit immersion breaking.
Because they don't have hands.
On the other hand, if they didn't wield those black squares they might pick up actual weapons, which would also be a bit immersion breaking.
Shouldn't they be transparent black squares though? Or invisible pink unicorns?
Invisible Pink Unicorns are beings of great spiritual power. We know this because they are capable of being invisible and pink at the same time. Like all religions, the Faith of the Invisible Pink Unicorns is based upon both logic and faith. We have faith that they are pink; we logically know that they are invisible because we can't see them.
— Serah Eley
I know that sheep have some bogus weapon that they cannot use.
EDIT: Shouldn't an empty and transparent picture, like the one attached, work better? (
Attachment made from the "floorob_Statue.png" in XCOMFILES by deleting the figure. It should be compatible unless GIMP decided to do something funky.
TBH I can't remember exactly, but I experimented with invisible squares before and it failed somehow. But I think I got it right this time!
I think that 'Bleat Baa' and 'Bleat Maa' special weapons would fit just fine.
I think that 'Bleat Baa' and 'Bleat Maa' special weapons would fit just fine.
I've encountered a Random event that made me smile — The Gopnik Dream! But is it a typo in the description?
«Red Dawn aggressively promotes their propaganda among the unemployed youth of Kaujuitoq. Many recruits flock to bolster their ranks, tempted by promises of physical and political power for all. The Council insists that this does not bode well».
What is it, this Kaujuitoq place?
Playing 1.15.1, I'm having trouble capturing an Ancient Mummy Matriarch. I can take them alive in battle and they appear in the loot, but when I transfer them to my research base they die because there are "no suitable facilities". I have a prison and an alien containment, and as far as I can see from the resource files the prison should be fine. Is this something fixed in 1.16, or am I missing something obvious?
What is it, this Kaujuitoq place?
It may be : Kuujjuaq ?
No ?
I've encountered a Random event that made me smile — The Gopnik Dream! But is it a typo in the description?
«Red Dawn aggressively promotes their propaganda among the unemployed youth of Kaujuitoq. Many recruits flock to bolster their ranks, tempted by promises of physical and political power for all. The Council insists that this does not bode well».
What is it, this Kaujuitoq place?
It is how Resolute originally was called: https://books.google.com/books?id=TATeRUuKt40C&pg=PA425&lpg=PA425&dq=kaujuitoq
I've encountered a Random event that made me smile — The Gopnik Dream! But is it a typo in the description?
«Red Dawn aggressively promotes their propaganda among the unemployed youth of Kaujuitoq. Many recruits flock to bolster their ranks, tempted by promises of physical and political power for all. The Council insists that this does not bode well».
What is it, this Kaujuitoq place?
It may be : Kuujjuaq ?
No ?
It is how Resolute originally was called: https://books.google.com/books?id=TATeRUuKt40C&pg=PA425&lpg=PA425&dq=kaujuitoq
Ah, thanks. Well, I guess I'll remove it anyway, as there are, umm, 200 people living in it.
Playing 1.15.1, I'm having trouble capturing an Ancient Mummy Matriarch. I can take them alive in battle and they appear in the loot, but when I transfer them to my research base they die because there are "no suitable facilities". I have a prison and an alien containment, and as far as I can see from the resource files the prison should be fine. Is this something fixed in 1.16, or am I missing something obvious?
Well, sorry to hear that. I can't see anything bad either, it uses a normal prison. I haven't received any other reports on this, so something is probably wrong on your end.
I found that in practice a stunned sheep will wake up on the next turn no matter what. I find that a bit strange.
So sheep, pig and chicken have 80 stun recovery (8*SANITY and others are below 0.1*something) if I read this picture correctly.
In any case shouldn't they stay stunned for longer, like most other things?
Also cows don't have such modifiers to their stun recovery and use default.
I'll have a look, thanks.
It is how Resolute originally was called: https://books.google.com/books?id=TATeRUuKt40C&pg=PA425&lpg=PA425&dq=kaujuitoq
That book «In Search of Arctic Birds» says: «Another Canadian Arctic settlement with birdwatching possibilities is Resolute, on the south coast of Cornwallis Island. Accessible by air from Edmonton or Montreal, it was founded as a joint United States–Canadian weather station and airstrip in 1947, and as the Inuit community of Kaujuitoq or "the land that does not melt" in 1953».
Fig. 1 Kaujuitoq location on the X-COM Globe
1. Kaujuitoq – former name of Resolute, the settlement on the Cornwallis Island in Canada.
2. Kuujjuaq – another, more southern, settlement in Canada.
So the mistery is solved — it's a canadian settlement. Blame Canada, blame Canada... But let's return to the X-COM Files.
That supposed Red Dawn activity in the Arctic is an incredible story, don't you think? The thugs delivered propaganda to some arctic weathermen that started to dream about criminal careers... Throw away papers, go for the political power!
Speaking seriously, is it possible to add one feature to such random events — show the name of the affected country after the name of the settlement/city?
No adding country names isn't possible. But regions probably would work along the city name (like Northern Africa, Australasia etc.)
Well, sorry to hear that. I can't see anything bad either, it uses a normal prison. I haven't received any other reports on this, so something is probably wrong on your end.
It looks like the message is wrong, and the mummy is actually sent. It's annoying but not progress limiting.
Typo report:
'Ghost Ship': A ship was found drifting on Arctic, with its crew missing etc.
Should be: A ship was found drifting in the Arctic,.
Or if string length is a problem it could be re-formated to something like this:
Ship found drifting in the Arctic: Crew missing. There are no signs of struggle etc.
Typo report:
'Ghost Ship': A ship was found drifting on Arctic, with its crew missing etc.
Unfortunately that is not a language issue, but because this sentence is dynamically generated using the region's name. I'll try changing it to ""A ship was found drifting in the {0}" - maybe it'll get better results.
Interesting. That should do it for that specific quest event:
"A ship was found drifting in the {Arctic/Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Southern}" - sounds a little better than it was, but i don't suppose that form has a space to add 'ocean' at the very end of it does it?
e.g. "A ship was found drifting in the {Arctic/Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Southern} ocean, with its crew missing etc"?
Just noticed this:
General Store vs Large Storage Facility. UPDATE - ignore as General Storage is 50 units (not 150!).
"A ship was found drifting in the {Arctic/Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Southern}" - sounds a little better than it was, but i don't suppose that form has a space to add 'ocean' at the very end of it does it?
e.g. "A ship was found drifting in the {Arctic/Pacific/Atlantic/Indian/Southern} ocean, with its crew missing etc"?
It would be possible, but some regions are already called "Indian Ocean" and such, while some are "Arctic".
I could change the naming convention, but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle, considering other weird semantics which may show up in other places.
Visual bug on Red Dawn Base. The guy on the stairs looks like he is under the second floor.
Visual bug on Red Dawn Base. The guy on the stairs looks like he is under the second floor.
what version of OXCE do you have?
what version of OXCE do you have?
The folder is Extended-6.7.2-24439bd08-2020-10-24-bionic-x86_64. So 6.7.2.
The X-Com Files version is after 1.7. This is the last commit I have:
commit d02decd99ede749d7ee7c95eb6debaa415e02d56 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: SolariusScorch <solar_scorch@o2.pl>
Date: Thu Nov 12 01:03:36 2020 +0100
Fixed F43 sprite hair colour
The folder is Extended-6.7.2-24439bd08-2020-10-24-bionic-x86_64. So 6.7.2.
ok, please upload a save next time it happens, we'll need an example to fix it
It would be possible, but some regions are already called "Indian Ocean" and such, while some are "Arctic".
I could change the naming convention, but I'm not sure if it's worth the hassle, considering other weird semantics which may show up in other places.
Ah ok got it. Yeah not an ideal system to have to mess around with! I just was not sure if this was a 'mod' bug or a 'game' bug, as the later we can just shrug and move on. Thanks for looking into it :)
@Solarius Scorch For tarkalak render bug, do filar close to stairs (in tile over top part) is in object slot? If yes then game think it can't render unit in this tile and will draw it under.
@Solarius Scorch For tarkalak render bug, do filar close to stairs (in tile over top part) is in object slot? If yes then game think it can't render unit in this tile and will draw it under.
You're right - this pillar was used as an object, while it should be west wall.
The reason for this mistake was probably because the pillar on the opposite side of the stairs had to be placed as an object (since the western wall was already taken by the small fence); however, in this case it can be properly placed as a western wall.
I fixed the issue. Thanks for the clarification, wouldn't locate this myself.
I noticed that you made changes in the way Cult Arms are bought. Unfortunately the 5.56 (with \[i\]) research still requires Exalt Operation to buy the ammo.
I have just updated master at:
mods/XComFiles$ git log
commit c62a484ac6027302a2f65cf6d78234ce449320d4 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: SolariusScorch <solar_scorch@o2.pl>
Date: Wed Nov 18 16:25:51 2020 +0100
Better reinforced UAC wall texture (by Brain_322)
I have a bunch of 5.56 guns researched and can see the stats of the 5.56 ammo (research item without the \[i\]), but cannot buy it still.
EDIT: The "\" should be removed while reading, because I don't know how to write without turning it into italic and putting it in code is just ugly.
I noticed that you made changes in the way Cult Arms are bought. Unfortunately the 5.56 (with \[i\]) research still requires Exalt Operation to buy the ammo.
I have a bunch of 5.56 guns researched and can see the stats of the 5.56 ammo (research item without the \[i\]), but cannot buy it still.
Yes, you are tight. I fixed that, hopefully, so please try to update again. (This code is getting kinda too insane.)
X-COM dog Gabi can't bite Osiron Goon during an Osiron Beach mission. The dog stands on grass, the goon stands on a stony pathway. See the attached savefile. Game versions are: OpenXcom – 6.7.2 (2020-10-24), The X-Com Files — 1.6.
Most likely the tall grass is obscuring her vision.
I've found what looks like a minor oversight in the manufacturing menu, Incinerator Clips are classified as Ammo, not Ammunition, resulting in them having an entire category in the sorting dropdown just for them. Similarly, Durathread, Alien Alloys, UFO Power Source, UFO Navigation, UFO Navigation Disassembly, and Elerium (from Alien Fuel Trace) are classified as Components, instead of Basic Component.
Thank you, what a blunder :) Fixing.
(Using xfiles_1.6b version)
I've just researched Nobelon and got the message that we can now produce it in the workshop. However when i go there (via the 'manufacture' button) it is not listed and when i look into the details in the workshop screen it has 'workshop' as a requirement. I can't even build a 'workshop' currently (and not sure how to be able too) but i guess the 'workshop' space (15) provided by the X-com Headquarters or the 5 engineers i have (to unpack crates of weapons etc) is not enough to be able to produce Nobelon?
Not sure if this was a small bug or working as designed?
Working as designed. The "Workshop" is a building that you will unlock later. It is needed for the production of most gadgets.
Did you research the Chief Engineer?
Ah yes thanks. I did just get a Chief Engineer and the option to research a workshop. I was just curious about the facilities i have not working or it being as intended.
Yes, you are tight. I fixed that, hopefully, so please try to update again. (This code is getting kinda too insane.)
Yep, I learned from some pretty anal QA people that I used fix defects from. Ah, fun times with friends. Imagine if I actually used these guns. :)
It still doesn't work, but I assume that is because I need to unresearch and research again Promotion II. It will not automatically unlock the new topic I guess. Will do that and see if it works. Last picture.
EDIT: Yey, it finally worked.
So I just upgraded to OXCE 6.8 and
commit bac7f6fb44462b98ff5d4010eebf803a74ef1285 (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD)
Author: SolariusScorch <solar_scorch@o2.pl>
Date: Fri Nov 27 17:17:36 2020 +0100
Fixed Advanced Robotics preqs
Am I supposed to have HWP smoke ammo in the inventory? I have one item. Seems to be built from the Alenium Shard Awakening research. I am unable to neither buy nor manufacture it.
I think that the HWP Smoke Projector autofills out of combat and doesn't need reloads.
EDIT: Also looking at my save, shouldn't the STR_ZSRR_MOLOLEC be STR_ZSRR_MOLODEC (with D instead of L) or may be that will break too many things.
Too much text for this pedia article.
Am I supposed to have HWP smoke ammo in the inventory? I have one item. Seems to be built from the Alenium Shard Awakening research. I am unable to neither buy nor manufacture it.
I think that the HWP Smoke Projector autofills out of combat and doesn't need reloads.
Yes, you're right. I will remove it from the manufacturing results.
EDIT: Also looking at my save, shouldn't the STR_ZSRR_MOLOLEC be STR_ZSRR_MOLODEC (with D instead of L) or may be that will break too many things.
Yes it should, it was simply a weird typo. And now I can't fix it without breaking everyone's saves. It's internal, so whatever.
Too much text for this pedia article.
Yeah, still tweaking it.
I'm getting a crash while opening Memorial option in Agent list.
How to reproduce:
1. Load the attached save.
2. Open the Ufopaedia and close it.
3. Open the Graphs, go through some options there (UFO Activity in areas, in countries, Score... Totals and results for a specific region/country...) and close them.
4. Go to Bases, then Agents, then Memorial.
5. Crash "Segmentation fault".
I was trying to confirm via the Memorial that the first UFO encounter, where all agents were killed, happened in North America, as a surge in the Graphs says.
Game versions are: OpenXcom – 6.7.2 (2020-10-24), The X-Com Files — 1.6.
I'm getting a crash while opening Memorial option in Agent list.
You have a dog called "Sienna" on the Memorial wall, who's missing a death date... that's the reason for the crash.
So either you edited your save, or it got corrupted somehow.
Do you remember how Sienna died?
Do you remember how Sienna died?
Thanks, it is indeed my messing with the savefile.
Now I have remembered that dog's death. It happened during October 1997. The dog was clawed down by a zombie during a Crop circles mission. Everything seemed under control, but then a stunned zombie woke up and stalked the dog. Being upset of her death I tried to resurrect her with some changes in the savefile. Then I abandoned that idea.
I've managed to find the details about the mission now, looking through the savefile.
So, the answer is "Sienna was killed during the mission id 87 that started in Nigeria at this moment:
second: 55
minute: 31
hour: 11
weekday: 4
day: 29
month: 10
year: 1997
Will you be so kind to advice me what I should write in the file and in what row?
Fixed save attached.
Thank you, the problem is solved now.
Thanks, it is indeed my messing with the savefile.
Now I have remembered that dog's death. It happened during October 1997. The dog was clawed down by a zombie during a Crop circles mission. Everything seemed under control, but then a stunned zombie woke up and stalked the dog. Being upset of her death I tried to resurrect her with some changes in the savefile. Then I abandoned that idea.
or, in such cases, you should, pur_ši_simplu, just load your game few turns before her, Sienna death
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm playing in Ironman mode which prohibits manual saving and the dog died right before the game automatically saved its state on the 5th turn in Battlescape. So there was no save prior the unfortunate event.
By the way, I'd like to advice everyone who did not try Ironman mode before — do it. After I managed to free myself from a desire to reload and to replay any of unfortunate events the game shined in new splendor.
By the way, I'd like to advice everyone who did not try Ironman mode before — do it. After I managed to free myself from a desire to reload and to replay any of unfortunate events the game shined in new splendor.
And this "Hardcore" too in sense like from Diablo series, you can meet "lag spike" boss that kill your character and nobody will restore it :>
In case of OXC this could be small bug in map generation that have 1% chance to generate and crash game. You lose game and modder can't reproduce it.
Oh, I forgot to mention that I'm playing in Ironman mode which prohibits manual saving and the dog died right before the game automatically saved its state on the 5th turn in Battlescape. So there was no save prior the unfortunate event.
By the way, I'd like to advice everyone who did not try Ironman mode before — do it. After I managed to free myself from a desire to reload and to replay any of unfortunate events the game shined in new splendor.
I would like to question your success at freeing yourself from said desire, considering you decided to edit a savegame to resurrect the dog.
I am not sure where exactly to put it as it is probably about the original game itself, but are there blind spots in this game for lack of a better word? There are some instances that my shots with more than 100% accuracy literally keeps phasing through enemies. It is like it is supposed be a hit but it is not. It always repeats whenever I shoot from the same place to the same target.
I am aware that the written percentage is not the final odds but this feels like something different? And if there are indeed blind spots how can I know it?
In reality given percent have nothing in common with real hit chance, if there is object in the way it can easy "eat" lot of shoots.
And as in real life shoot can move very close to target and miss, all this is cased because game try calculate real trajectory and unitl we try shoot we can't know if we hit or not, or what chance of this is.
Hi guys
I'm playing on 1.6
I can't seem to build the virtualized HQ on top of the normal HQ, I canceled all the research but still couldn't, I should note that my normal HQ is built adjacent to the access lift and is connecting the hangars to the rest of the base (To make base defense easier :).
Note: I updated to 1.7b and I still can't build it on top of the existing HQ.
I am not sure where exactly to put it as it is probably about the original game itself, but are there blind spots in this game for lack of a better word? There are some instances that my shots with more than 100% accuracy literally keeps phasing through enemies. It is like it is supposed be a hit but it is not. It always repeats whenever I shoot from the same place to the same target.
I am aware that the written percentage is not the final odds but this feels like something different? And if there are indeed blind spots how can I know it?
The percentage that you see is not percentage at all. The game calculates a cone around the target where the shot will go. The higher the "percentage" the smaller the cone.
I highly suspect that there is some Gaussian distribution involved, a.k.a. your shot is more likely to hit the part of the cone that is closer to the target, but I don't really know.
So even with a high number you are not 100% sure to hit far away targets. While even low odds will hit point blank shots.
Hi guys
I'm playing on 1.6
I can't seem to build the virtualized HQ on top of the normal HQ, I canceled all the research but still couldn't, I should note that my normal HQ is built adjacent to the access lift and is connecting the hangars to the rest of the base (To make base defense easier :).
Note: I updated to 1.7b and I still can't build it on top of the existing HQ.
Make sure you have no activity going on in the HQ (basically, research labs aren't being used).
Make sure you have no activity going on in the HQ (basically, research labs aren't being used).
I did do that and it still wouldn't allow me to build it, I even completed previously initiated interrogations but that didn't do it either, I don't know what I'm missing.
I attached my save if you would be so kind as to check, sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you :)
Game crash randomly during combat right when i attack someone with electric club. I am not sure if it is only that weapon or other too.
It do not happens every battle and every attack but all times it happens it is as I click on something to attack in melee.
The percentage that you see is not percentage at all. The game calculates a cone around the target where the shot will go. The higher the "percentage" the smaller the cone.
I highly suspect that there is some Gaussian distribution involved, a.k.a. your shot is more likely to hit the part of the cone that is closer to the target, but I don't really know.
So even with a high number you are not 100% sure to hit far away targets. While even low odds will hit point blank shots.
That cone concept is interesting, didn't know that. But what I was getting at was, are there impossible shots? In example, I was raiding a Syndicate monster lab, one of my agents see a Syndicate Security across one of the corridors with nothing in between. It says 120%, I understood that it doesn't mean guaranteed, but I shot 8 times from the same position at the same static target, and the shots looked like they literally phased through him, felt different than a miss.
I did do that and it still wouldn't allow me to build it, I even completed previously initiated interrogations but that didn't do it either, I don't know what I'm missing.
I attached my save if you would be so kind as to check, sorry for any inconvenience, and thank you :)
Ah yes, I've been in the same situation before.
The HQ also gives 25 storage space, which isn't mentioned in the description text. Your storage is almost full, that's the problem.
Ah yes, I've been in the same situation before.
The HQ also gives 25 storage space, which isn't mentioned in the description text. Your storage is almost full, that's the problem.
Oh wow that's such a rookie mistake ;D, Thank you so much.
Game crash randomly during combat right when i attack someone with electric club. I am not sure if it is only that weapon or other too.
It do not happens every battle and every attack but all times it happens it is as I click on something to attack in melee.
Sorry, I tried a lot and can't confirm anything like this. Haven't heard anything of this sort from anyone else, either. It's probably something on your side.
May I drop a suggestion in?
Could you please make the "Research Completed" popup not to overlap with the date panel? I'm playing with the resolution set to 800x600, letterboxed.
May I drop a suggestion in?
Could you please make the "Research Completed" popup not to overlap with the date panel? I'm playing with the resolution set to 800x600, letterboxed.
It's very funny! ;D ;D
That cone concept is interesting, didn't know that. But what I was getting at was, are there impossible shots? In example, I was raiding a Syndicate monster lab, one of my agents see a Syndicate Security across one of the corridors with nothing in between. It says 120%, I understood that it doesn't mean guaranteed, but I shot 8 times from the same position at the same static target, and the shots looked like they literally phased through him, felt different than a miss.
Just a hitch, but was that Guard on a stairs that went down? And you were aiming on the level above the stairs?
In that case you need to go a level down to aim at the guard, otherwise the game will aim at the empty space above his head. A unit is on the tile he is standing on, even if he is very high on the tile and is sticking out above.
If this is not the case, it sounds very strange.
May I drop a suggestion in?
Could you please make the "Research Completed" popup not to overlap with the date panel? I'm playing with the resolution set to 800x600, letterboxed.
Well, that would be an engine thing, not mod. Please raise the issue with OXC devs.
That's by design, no issue.
If you want, you can use a different resolution and different scaling setting, which will allow you to see the date.
For example as attached.
OK, thanks for the clarification!
Oh wow that's such a rookie mistake ;D, Thank you so much.
That reminds me: Not a bug, but could you modify the Hangar ufopaedia entry so that it is mentioned somewhere the +25 Storage Cap? It doesn't say so unless you use the info button, and Piratez already includes such mention in the text.
It's not a very important feature, but it would help newcomers.
Just a hitch, but was that Guard on a stairs that went down? And you were aiming on the level above the stairs?
In that case you need to go a level down to aim at the guard, otherwise the game will aim at the empty space above his head. A unit is on the tile he is standing on, even if he is very high on the tile and is sticking out above.
If this is not the case, it sounds very strange.
There was no height difference, but yeah I also experienced problems with stairs though the shots didn't phase through them they just couldn't connect. This impossible shot issue happens very rare mind you. It seems I am the only one who experienced it, I will send the battlescape save file if it occurs again.
There was no height difference, but yeah I also experienced problems with stairs though the shots didn't phase through them they just couldn't connect. This impossible shot issue happens very rare mind you. It seems I am the only one who experienced it, I will send the battlescape save file if it occurs again.
If it is really rare you aren't necessarily the only one. I would simply think that the shot missed by a little and leave it at that, if it happened to me. Some units (like rats) are short and the shot could just pass over their head and not go on the upper level. That would have similar visual effect, but the guard isn't short.
There was no height difference, but yeah I also experienced problems with stairs though the shots didn't phase through them they just couldn't connect. This impossible shot issue happens very rare mind you. It seems I am the only one who experienced it, I will send the battlescape save file if it occurs again.
You are not the only one. It is an engine thing.
I remember a case in XPiratez, where I could not hit this one zombie with a barrage of 100%+ shots. But I did not have a save from the start of the turn and the next turn it moved and could be hit normaly.
I believe it has something to do with relative position, since my gals were all clustered in that situation. But if you have a save from just before you took the shot and have saves resseting RNG on load, you should provide it as proof.
After completing a mission where one agent burned to death another agent received the Betrayer commendation. I believe this happened because the Betrayer agent threw a smoke grenade which hit the downed, burning agent. The smoke grenade didn't kill the agent, and the fire came from a sectiod, so I believe this is a bug.
After completing a mission where one agent burned to death another agent received the Betrayer commendation. I believe this happened because the Betrayer agent threw a smoke grenade which hit the downed, burning agent. The smoke grenade didn't kill the agent, and the fire came from a sectiod, so I believe this is a bug.
It may be that the stun damage from the smoke was the final damage, he probably would have died anyway next turn but the game only takes into consideration the final damage he received before he died.
It happens to me all the time that is why my most dangerous enemy is shown as Friendly in statistics (not that genuine friendly fires occured rarely) :). I generally prime smoke and knockout grenades before the missions and when my agents lose consciousness they explode and they are the official cause of death when they die next turn. Same with fire extinguishers etc. I am not sure if they did 0 stun damage the game would record it as such.
You are not the only one. It is an engine thing.
I remember a case in XPiratez, where I could not hit this one zombie with a barrage of 100%+ shots. But I did not have a save from the start of the turn and the next turn it moved and could be hit normaly.
I believe it has something to do with relative position, since my gals were all clustered in that situation. But if you have a save from just before you took the shot and have saves resseting RNG on load, you should provide it as proof.
Glad I am not the only one. I am on to it.
Where do you get the ninja scroll from?
Where do you get the ninja scroll from?
You get the Ninja Scroll from Ninjas.
Captain Obvious STRIKES AGAIN (https://mirror.uncyc.org/wiki/Captain_Obvious)!
You get it from the Assassins in the Black Lotus HQ.
So I'm on a Syndicate infested base mission, I killed all enemies and bug hunt has activated, but I think the last enemy is bugged.
It shows the enemy in an inaccessible location.
That reminds me: Not a bug, but could you modify the Hangar ufopaedia entry so that it is mentioned somewhere the +25 Storage Cap? It doesn't say so unless you use the info button, and Piratez already includes such mention in the text.
It's not a very important feature, but it would help newcomers.
Sure, no problem.
So I'm on a Syndicate infested base mission, I killed all enemies and bug hunt has activated, but I think the last enemy is bugged.
It shows the enemy in an inaccessible location.
Yes indeed. Sorry about that.
I'll fix it of course, but for now, use a pickaxe. :)
The AIRBORNE MUDRANGER personnel transport description states that it is "a Mudranger with a special frame welded to the roof", however It is impossible to build AIRBORNE MUDRANGER without an empty Hangar at the base. So, it turns out that Engineers can't weld the frame to a Mudranger standing in its own Hangar without another Hangar at their disposal. Is it a bug?
Anyway, another mini-report. Red Dawn Memory Cards are called Red Dawn Keycards in the "Terminate The Red Dawn!" description (https://thexcomfileswiki.github.io/#STR_DESTROY_ZSRR). A typo?
I upgraded OXCE and X-Com-Files (1.7b) but have this problem
[22-12-2020_21-42-07] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: x-com-files
[22-12-2020_21-42-07] [ERROR] failed to load 'X-Com Files'; mod disabled
Error for 'STR_LASER_CARBINE': offset '2016' exceeds mod size limit 2000 in set 'HANDOB.PCK' at line 11567
This is the full log
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.8.3 (v2020-11-30)
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Platform: Linux
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Data folder is:
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Data search is:
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/share/xfce4/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/local/share//openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/share//openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] - ./
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] User folder is: /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/user/.config/openxcom/
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Attempted locale: C.UTF-8
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Detected locale: C.UTF-8
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1200x32...
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1200x32.
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Loading data...
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[22-12-2020_21-41-51] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] no master already active; activating xcom2
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] Active mods:
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] - xcom2 v1.0
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] Loading begins...
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[22-12-2020_21-41-52] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Loading ended.
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Loading language...
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-41-53] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] Loading data...
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] Active mods:
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.3.2
[22-12-2020_21-42-01] [INFO] Loading begins...
[22-12-2020_21-42-01] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[22-12-2020_21-42-01] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[22-12-2020_21-42-01] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[22-12-2020_21-42-07] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: x-com-files
[22-12-2020_21-42-07] [ERROR] failed to load 'X-Com Files'; mod disabled
Error for 'STR_LASER_CARBINE': offset '2016' exceeds mod size limit 2000 in set 'HANDOB.PCK' at line 11567
I upgraded OXCE and X-Com-Files (1.7b) but have this problem
This is the full log
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] Active mods:
[22-12-2020_21-42-00] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.3.2
It looks like something went wrong when upgrading, oxce is still picking up the old mod.
In this case it is best to follow the steps below:
* backup your old installation.
* remove your old installation.
* Do a clean install of oxce (and x-com files)
* From your backup restore stuff you want to keep (saves, other mods, original data files)
When updating installation, UFO/ , TFTD/ and user/ can be kept, common/ and standard/ should be deleted and then coppied in, OpenXcomEx.exe can be copy(replaced).
When updating mods, you should just delete the mod and then copy the new version in.
The reason for deleting directories before replacing them is, that you do not know if all the file names from old version are used in the new version. If they are not, some of the old files will stay there and cause trouble.
The AIRBORNE MUDRANGER personnel transport description states that it is "a Mudranger with a special frame welded to the roof", however It is impossible to build AIRBORNE MUDRANGER without an empty Hangar at the base. So, it turns out that Engineers can't weld the frame to a Mudranger standing in its own Hangar without another Hangar at their disposal. Is it a bug?
I guess that's beyond the scope of this mod (or any mod).
I'll probably get rid of this upgrade mechanics anyway, and just make the airborne version buyable too.
Anyway, another mini-report. Red Dawn Memory Cards are called Red Dawn Keycards in the "Terminate The Red Dawn!" description (https://thexcomfileswiki.github.io/#STR_DESTROY_ZSRR). A typo?
Why a typo? That means pretty much the same thing.
Tell me who knows. It used to happen sometimes, but on a zombie mission at MAGMA it became a pattern. When zombie soldiers or mega zombies approach, the reaction attack does not work in some specific cases (even with full TUs and 100+ reactions).
In the case of the megazombie, only one pattern was visible - the reaction was triggered only if it had less, approximately 1/4 TU. He could go straight into the face of my soldiers and dogs and only the shots were fired on time.
I tried to deal with the zombie soldiers from the corner after the doorway, but he could easily run another cage forward, turn around and make several attacks until the TU ended and only then there was a retaliatory attack. I put both the dog and the man in a row, but both stood motionless. However, when I put the dog in front of the door on the cage deep into the building, it calmly began to bark and stopped this zombie.
And at the same time the question is why very often barking is not activated when enemies run through the cage from the dog's nose. Marking priority for reaction attacks has no effect at all in this case and, it seems, in many others. If they come close, there will be a bite in any case.
Why a typo? That means pretty much the same thing.
Keycards open doors and memory cards store data, this is what I think about it. Not the same thing.
Small bug:
File: items_XCOMFILES.rul
bigSprite: 1007
Must be 1008 for AA clip (1007 - normal clip image / 1008 - AA clip)
Some questions about categorization:
File: items_XCOMFILES.rul
- type: STR_WARP_CANNON_CLIP defined as
categories: [STR_CANNONS, STR_PLASMA Is it correct? Maybe STR_WARP ?
- type: STR_NEON_BOW
damageType: 4
Damage type = 4 (Laser). Maybe type = STR_LASER ?
Many thanks guys, some fixes were made.
Not sure it's a bug exactly, but something annoying that might be cause for concern.
Playing 1.7 at my year end vacation. Getting along quite nicely, and battling the Cult of Apocalypse. Doing a Tower of Apocalypse mission, and in the course of the combat, one of the bad guys shoots off a rocket launcher and blows up a stairway tile about 6 floors up. I'm sure there are more of them up the stairs, but I can't get up at them and they can't get down at me. I'm not really sure how to proceed with the mission and it's rather irritating. Any advice anyone can give?
I stumbled upon the same joint at the cyber armor for the dog as the tritanium one and decided to look at the files better.
There are probably errors with energy recovery.
flatHundred: 0.16
healthCurrent: 0.25
flatHundred: 0.2
healthCurrent: 0.25
manaNormalized: 2
healthCurrent: 0.3
I don’t know anything about this armor and may be wrong, it just doesn’t look standard for X-COM armor.
flatHundred: 0.25
healthCurrent: 0.25
I got to the blackops machine guns and chose between standard and assault and something seemed strange:
According to the description, the assault rifle is less convenient and is intended for shorter distances, moreover, based on the stats, it is more suitable for a Snap shot, but the feeling that the "snapRange:" line is missing, because the range of Auto shot 20, and Snap shot only 15.
accuracySnap: 40
accuracyAuto: 40
tuSnap: 42
tuAuto: 42
tuLoad: 20
snapRange: 25
autoRange: 25
shots: 3
autoShots: 5
accuracySnap: 53
accuracyAuto: 35
tuSnap: 35
tuAuto: 45
tuLoad: 25
autoRange: 20
shots: 2
autoShots: 5
And what with zombies and bark? It's my fails or really bug with them?
Not sure it's a bug exactly, but something annoying that might be cause for concern.
Playing 1.7 at my year end vacation. Getting along quite nicely, and battling the Cult of Apocalypse. Doing a Tower of Apocalypse mission, and in the course of the combat, one of the bad guys shoots off a rocket launcher and blows up a stairway tile about 6 floors up. I'm sure there are more of them up the stairs, but I can't get up at them and they can't get down at me. I'm not really sure how to proceed with the mission and it's rather irritating. Any advice anyone can give?
The only straightforward answer is flying armours. Otherwise you can use heavy artillery to destroy the outer walls, or try to bait the enemies to come down.
I know it's not ideal, but better than making bullshit indestructible terrain!
I stumbled upon the same joint at the cyber armor for the dog as the tritanium one and decided to look at the files better. (...)
You're totally correct, thanks. Fixed now.
The Astral, was fine, it's special - fatigue doesn't impact dreamwalking. (Maybe it should, maybe not; I decided on not.)
According to the description, the assault rifle is less convenient and is intended for shorter distances (...)
I've recently overhauled these weapons, so maybe let's go back to this after the next release.
And what with zombies and bark? It's my fails or really bug with them?
The mechanics are the same as for everything else, there is nothing special about zombies. So probably normal fails.
Is the dog barking supposed to be able to deplete armor? I literally just held a MIB heavy trooper by two dogs during a base assault and had to melt his armor down via barking until I could do some damage on him
I have repeatedly come across the fact that the weapon, which, according to my calculations, should not harm me, calmly pierces. Recent incidents have been with a hunting rifle and SOCOM piercing cyber armor with a webwear.
To prevent unnecessary questions, I will clarify that more than 20 damage came from the hunting rifle to the side armor (66 maximum damage, 42 armor, 53 maximum damage taking into account 20% of webwear), and from SOCOM more than 10 damage to the frontal armor (60, 48 , 48 respectively). Where exactly the shot hit I can see from the damage to the armor.
After which I started testing with a different set of weapons and armor. As a result, the webwear script does not work at all (if the armor is with or without resistances). I looked at it, but did not understand what the error might be, but if in calculating the resistances, then the bug will appear with other similar things (so far there is nothing to check with).
Or am I just misusing it? I put it in my inventory (anywhere from these 9 slots) and catch a bullet. Or does it protect not from kinetic damage, but from another?
I remember a similar issue happened in XPiratez with damage reducing items. It seems they do not reduce damage by the listed portion, but rather reduce the difference between actual resistance and minimal resistance by listed portion.
So rather than the resistance being max(Armor_resist*item_resist;item_minimum)
it is max(Item_minimum+(Armor_resist-Item_minimum)*Item_resist;item_minimum).
Which means that Cyber Armor with Webwear does not have the max(100%*80%,50%)=80%
but instead min(50%+(100%-50%)*80%);50%)=90%.
A couple more questions came up.
After the mission of capturing the little UFO by the noobs (extremely painful, because the jungle), there were difficulties with sanity. I looked at how to speed up the recovery and counted the time. It turned out that the lift giving 1 regeneration is not compatible with the living quarters. Will a Level 2 HQ with living quarters and different types of living quarters work together?
The second point with the behavior of aliens. In order not to wait for the smoke to come off (I tried to burn the jungle (it turned out that it was very difficult to do this with simple incendiary grenades)) I went inside the UFO and after a long struggle with mind control and panic, the last sane agent, bleeding, finished off the remaining sectoids (it feels 2 or 3 leaders were sitting there), but the mission did not end. I crawled outside and found another sectoid there, I was able to shoot at him, injure him and he even panicked, but the mission did not end (aliens do not surrender, like people?). And most importantly, he didn't even think about going inside, rounds 15-20, while I was storming the plate, he just stood and waited. It looks strange.
It is not worth advising to walk with a normal team, because all normal soldiers who could catch this plate were lying on the beds in the hospital or were observed by psychotherapists. Almost all of December 1998, 2-3 UFOs a day captured.
MiB commander corpse has broken naming
I remember a similar issue happened in XPiratez with damage reducing items. It seems they do not reduce damage by the listed portion, but rather reduce the difference between actual resistance and minimal resistance by listed portion.
And someone who is involved in this matter paid attention then or did not begin to correct it?
I experimented a little with the restoration of sanity. It turned out that HQ with AI is also not compatible with living quarters and only the greatest bonus is given. This means that any such bonuses are useless, because living quarters give more.
In addition, a regular HQ can only be one per base, but improved infinitely.
And someone who is involved in this matter paid attention then or did not begin to correct it?
At least in X-Piratez, the behavior is intentional and descriptions were going to be changed.
Is the dog barking supposed to be able to deplete armor? I literally just held a MIB heavy trooper by two dogs during a base assault and had to melt his armor down via barking until I could do some damage on him
Lol, no... Good catch XD
I remember a similar issue happened in XPiratez with damage reducing items. It seems they do not reduce damage by the listed portion, but rather reduce the difference between actual resistance and minimal resistance by listed portion.
Yes, pretty much.
And someone who is involved in this matter paid attention then or did not begin to correct it?
Yes, Dioxine has rewritten these descriptions several times, each time swearing profusely at people not getting it/being way too obsessed with numbers :D
After the mission of capturing the little UFO by the noobs (extremely painful, because the jungle), there were difficulties with sanity. I looked at how to speed up the recovery and counted the time. It turned out that the lift giving 1 regeneration is not compatible with the living quarters. Will a Level 2 HQ with living quarters and different types of living quarters work together?
As you discovered later, only the building with the highest value counts (for early/med game, that's living quarters).
Why give other buildings Sanity restoration bonuses below those of living quarters? For possible future changes, to keep things sane (no pun intended) and compatible with potential future ideas. I never expected this to be even noticed.
The second point with the behavior of aliens. In order not to wait for the smoke to come off (I tried to burn the jungle (it turned out that it was very difficult to do this with simple incendiary grenades)) I went inside the UFO and after a long struggle with mind control and panic, the last sane agent, bleeding, finished off the remaining sectoids (it feels 2 or 3 leaders were sitting there), but the mission did not end. I crawled outside and found another sectoid there, I was able to shoot at him, injure him and he even panicked, but the mission did not end (aliens do not surrender, like people?). And most importantly, he didn't even think about going inside, rounds 15-20, while I was storming the plate, he just stood and waited. It looks strange.
Aliens don't surrender, only humans (and variants thereof) do.
As for why the AI does what it does, itg's not a question to me. Still, the Sectoid didn't do anything stupid, right? So all is fdine from the design perspective.
It is not worth advising to walk with a normal team, because all normal soldiers who could catch this plate were lying on the beds in the hospital or were observed by psychotherapists. Almost all of December 1998, 2-3 UFOs a day captured.
It's a player's choice to do this mission or not. If it was a no-brainer, then it wouldn't be a real choice. ;)
MiB commander corpse has broken naming
Thanks, fixed.
Yes, Dioxine has rewritten these descriptions several times, each time swearing profusely at people not getting it/being way too obsessed with numbers :D
So I can just walk past all these things with peace of mind?
Because I have not found any combination with armor (armored vest (70%), alloy vest (80%), ciber armor (100%)), with which it would give at least some bonus. After hundreds of shots, I came to the conclusion that with webwear I received exactly the same amount of damage as without it.
It's a player's choice to do this mission or not. If it was a no-brainer, then it wouldn't be a real choice. ;)
A little later, I felt very well how unprepared I was for this and had to recruit several dozen agents, dogs and stamp rats.
Why give other buildings Sanity restoration bonuses below those of living quarters? For possible future changes, to keep things sane (no pun intended) and compatible with potential future ideas. I never expected this to be even noticed.
I will consider this for the future. And I wrote that I have a rather specific style of play. I often look at little things that only few people are interested in.
A couple more questions, not quite the right address, but where they know, they will escort me out.
Can anyone know the exact formula for closeQuartersCombat? I realized that for the shooter it is (0.5 reaction + 0.5 melee) * CQAccuracy. Does the enemy only take a dodge chance? I ask because there have been many cases where soldiers with 100-110 reactions and melee and weapons with 125% CQ accuracy often lose a check against a simple sectoid.
Do dogs, by design, do not have a melee dodge or is information about him hidden somewhere?
And the last thing. As in the case of CQC, there is no clear understanding of the spotter / sniper system (Already a little used and not so annoying).
Let's say the monster has memory time 1. So it remembers until the end of the current phase, right? That is, if I hit him on my turn and at the beginning of his turn I am out of sight, he should no longer see me and he needs to see me again so that they can shoot at me? Usually it works something like this, but once in a few cases they start shooting at me, as if my people remained visible (the sniper is 50% and I took this into account) (Guarantee that someone else does not see and not in psi-vision radius is also there).
So I can just walk past all these things with peace of mind?
Because I have not found any combination with armor (armored vest (70%), alloy vest (80%), ciber armor (100%)), with which it would give at least some bonus. After hundreds of shots, I came to the conclusion that with webwear I received exactly the same amount of damage as without it.
If you really want to be sure, you could analyse the script. See attachment, because it's too long to fit in this post.
To be frank, this is not my script so I don't fully understand it, but it's exactly the same as corresponding items in Piratez, and in Piratez it works fine. I don't have any reasons to be suspicious here, but of course I'd welcome any reports on actual issues.
A little later, I felt very well how unprepared I was for this and had to recruit several dozen agents, dogs and stamp rats.
I will consider this for the future. And I wrote that I have a rather specific style of play. I often look at little things that only few people are interested in.
I like that!
A couple more questions, not quite the right address, but where they know, they will escort me out.
Can anyone know the exact formula for closeQuartersCombat? I realized that for the shooter it is (0.5 reaction + 0.5 melee) * CQAccuracy. Does the enemy only take a dodge chance? I ask because there have been many cases where soldiers with 100-110 reactions and melee and weapons with 125% CQ accuracy often lose a check against a simple sectoid.
Check the documentation: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5431.0.html
Do dogs, by design, do not have a melee dodge or is information about him hidden somewhere?
Indeed they don't, which may be right or wrong, depends on who you ask. Or more accurately, they do have it at the value of 0, so you need accuracy 100 or better to hit them with complete reliability.
And the last thing. As in the case of CQC, there is no clear understanding of the spotter / sniper system (Already a little used and not so annoying).
Let's say the monster has memory time 1. So it remembers until the end of the current phase, right? That is, if I hit him on my turn and at the beginning of his turn I am out of sight, he should no longer see me and he needs to see me again so that they can shoot at me? Usually it works something like this, but once in a few cases they start shooting at me, as if my people remained visible (the sniper is 50% and I took this into account) (Guarantee that someone else does not see and not in psi-vision radius is also there).
Details here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5679.0.html
Details here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5679.0.html
Check the documentation: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5431.0.html
While I was looking for information, I found these topics as well, tried to understand by the pieces that they write, how it really works, looked at the code, but some points are not fully understood. Therefore, I hoped that someone understood better and would be able to give a few clarifications to my understanding on the fingers.
If you really want to be sure, you could analyse the script. See attachment, because it's too long to fit in this post.
I'll try to dig deeper into the scripts later and maybe I can tell you something interesting.
Been off from the forum for a good while, but something quite funny happened to me today after returning to the game, the game got stuck on the alien's turn because the enemy tried to enter a tile that they couldn't see through, but a unit of mine was on the other side.
Going to attach the save to this, but perhaps this isn't just a modded thing, so will also notify the general topic about this bug...
Kisses to you all and happy late new year!
I don’t remember exactly when SKYRAIDER appeared, so I didn’t think it would be better to write about it. Move the message where you want.
An extremely unpleasant moment with textures was discovered. There are holes in the side wall near the upper left door that you can easily shoot through if you choose the right angle (the bots do a great job with this).
Been off from the forum for a good while, but something quite funny happened to me today after returning to the game, the game got stuck on the alien's turn because the enemy tried to enter a tile that they couldn't see through, but a unit of mine was on the other side.
Going to attach the save to this, but perhaps this isn't just a modded thing, so will also notify the general topic about this bug...
Kisses to you all and happy late new year!
And happy New Year to you!
Yes, indeed it's an issue with the curtains. I have no idea how to fix this (apart form removing curtains or making them impassable concrete). Curtains are used in many places and in various mods, so I think it should be addressed on some higher level if possible.
I don’t remember exactly when SKYRAIDER appeared, so I didn’t think it would be better to write about it. Move the message where you want.
An extremely unpleasant moment with textures was discovered. There are holes in the side wall near the upper left door that you can easily shoot through if you choose the right angle (the bots do a great job with this).
The LOFTs involved seem to not leave any space, so I'm not sure why. I'll address it in the current community project of adding custom LOFTs and try to get a better shape.
I have a bug to report. It's not an X-COM Files bug, but it was discovered playing this mod, so I'm posting the description here. Point to the right place, if it is not appropriate.
Load the attached savefile. There will be one craft, an airborne mudranger, set on route from a base in China to a destination in Japan, on an edge of the mudranger's range. If you set the game speed on the slowest one, the craft will reach the destination. However, if you reload and change the speed on the fastest, it will not reach the point due to low level of fuel.
PS. Hmm, now I can't reproduce the bug. Mudranger doesn't reach the point even on the slowest game speed.
Sounds like a roundoff error.
Since you indicated game speed has an effect could you also upload the options.cfg file?
There are 2 calculation paths when it comes down to aircraft, based on an option (Predict UFO trajectory, e.g. `meetingpoint:`). The options file shows the one you are currently using, makes debugging slightly easier.
p.s. how can you reload if the save is called ironman? ;)
OK, I've found the way to reproduce the bug.
The savefile will be the same. Attached the options, as you've asked.
1. Order the mudranger to return.
2. Wait until 100% refuelment.
3. Send it again to the same destination. It will reach it on any game speed.
Yes, the game speed does not matter.
And I'm able to reload the save named Ironman because I've made a copy of this save. The mission seemed important, so I want to have a copy in my archive of prebattle saves. Maybe I'll review some of them in the future, to remember, how it was to, say, try to capture a Medium Scout with 2 men team, or to crush a cult safehouse resistance with 6 bio-enhanced men wielding machineguns.
Cyberweb Battleship raid seems to crash... alot. During enemy turn, but after few reloads (in attempt to prove it) the crashing was gone, but instead i found another, reliable crashing sequence.
So its an assault, my men and women are scattered around it, 2 of them are inside while rest are either around mudranger or around it (Those around mudranger are there for overwatch duty if anyone tries to poke their heads out). When you load this save it will be centered on a sectopod, to the right of it is a trooper in powerarmour armed with heavy plasma rifle. Shoot the centurion she sees and then end the turn (if you destroy him ofc). Then it should crash
I am playing with the resound mod, but i doubt it has any affect on something like this.
Thank you for the swift reaction. From the config i can conclude it has nothing to do with the setting mentioned earlier (it is not there, hence not in use).
From you updated description i am tempted to see this as not a bug but a technical limitation caused by saving coordinates. We can only store limited precision, spherical coordinates rely on infinite precision (due to sine and cosine). This seems an edge case due to round-off 'error'.
p.s. well i am glad you use this "ironman" procedure. If it turns out to be a real bug that warrants a solution you just provided a good debugging save.
Cyberweb Battleship raid seems to crash... alot. During enemy turn, but after few reloads (in attempt to prove it) the crashing was gone, but instead i found another, reliable crashing sequence.
Doesn't crash for me! The mission ends normally and plays the mission outro, then I can go back to Geoscape and continue as usual.
(You have an awful lot of stuff to sell, though. Like, over 2000 units.)
Doesn't crash for me! The mission ends normally and plays the mission outro, then I can go back to Geoscape and continue as usual.
(You have an awful lot of stuff to sell, though. Like, over 2000 units.)
Hmmp... odd, nevermind
Yes, i have... alot of shit to get rid off, or not because i lets say increased the storage capacity (in files) so much that XCOM base could be the worlds largest dump. And that alongside other tweaks but these are just number changes... i doubt it has to do anything with crashing ?.
Not sure, i guess my PC just gets a heartattack over and over when i kill that centurion or something, i guess Doom Enternal is OK but not this game is just beyond its capability.
Edit: Using console commands to kill everything seems to let me complete the mission, i think the game crunches up at the mass surrender.
The MiB battleship top floor appears to have broken doors - there is both a door and a wall in the same tile, not possible to open from the outside, and from the inside, once the doors are opened, there is just a wall.
Additionally, I seem to be running out of things to research at about ~81%, and yet I have not found any progress towards Shogg, even after painfully exploring multiple caves. And I've researched Dreaming, but I never got the option to explore the dreamscape?
Additionally, I seem to be running out of things to research at about ~81%, and yet I have not found any progress towards Shogg, even after painfully exploring multiple caves. And I've researched Dreaming, but I never got the option to explore the dreamscape?
Turns out I had not caught any live Chtonite - I was fooled by having a Chtonite Combat Analysis, which I apparently got from a medic or something.
Oops! Thanks for the MiB ship report, my bad. Fixed.
After research akm gun, it didnt appeared for purchase in market menu... researching SKS and it didn't appeared too. What should i do?
After research akm gun, it didnt appeared for purchase in market menu... researching SKS and it didn't appeared too. What should i do?
Some weapons require additional cult arms dealership research.
Secret mission in a ski resort
well, should have gone by day :)
Secret mission in a ski resort
Vanilla map. ;D
Some weapons require additional cult arms dealership research.
Maybe i'm blind, but it not there. I have ready research akm & have an item in warehouse, but haven't got an access to research dealership to buy them in market.
When attacking the Red Dawn Base, movement speed drops noticeably. Does anyone have a similar problem?
I have a calculator, but such lags are very surprising
I opened and interrogated the sectoid. By pressing MMB I can see what weapon the enemy is using. When I click on a picture of an alien, I see its characteristics from ufopedia.
But for some reason I can't see all the sectoids. Some Sectoids cannot be seen. This is mistake?
Perhaps this is due to the rank ... I cannot view the sectoids of the medic and the leader. Soldiers, navigators and engineers are working as they should.
This is mistake?
Are there any basic tactics for determining the rank of sectoids?
I would like to be able to view ranks and base stats through MMB (this is sorely lacking)
I have already been trying to capture an engineer for several missions, every time I kill like an ordinary soldier ... Capturing everyone is too dangerous, but if I knew that the engineer was in front of me, I would "prepare" him properly.
You will need to get the mind probe to determine the exact alien rank. Some alien ranks also look visibly different than the others (usually color somewhere). I haven't noticed if the sectoids ranks look different, though.
I opened and interrogated the sectoid. By pressing MMB I can see what weapon the enemy is using. When I click on a picture of an alien, I see its characteristics from ufopedia.
But for some reason I can't see all the sectoids. Some Sectoids cannot be seen. This is mistake?
Perhaps this is due to the rank ... I cannot view the sectoids of the medic and the leader. Soldiers, navigators and engineers are working as they should.
This is mistake?
It's not a mistake. But you're right: it's related to alien ranks. Or more accurately, alien armours. For Sectoids, Medics, Leaders, Commanders and Guardians use non-standard armours, which have no Pedia pages, and therefore there's nothing to display.
I could add Pedia pages for these, but they only differ in forcefield power, so I'm not sure if I should.
Are there any basic tactics for determining the rank of sectoids?
I would like to be able to view ranks and base stats through MMB (this is sorely lacking)
Using a Mind Probe is pretty basic. :P
I have already been trying to capture an engineer for several missions, every time I kill like an ordinary soldier ... Capturing everyone is too dangerous, but if I knew that the engineer was in front of me, I would "prepare" him properly.
If it was easy, it wouldn't be worth adding as a feature! :)
I could add Pedia pages for these, but they only differ in forcefield power, so I'm not sure if I should.
Why not use the "ufopediaType" parameter on their armors, and just note that higher ranks will have higher shield values?
Why not use the "ufopediaType" parameter on their armors, and just note that higher ranks will have higher shield values?
Huh, this exists? OK then.
Using a Mind Probe is pretty basic. :P
It always seemed strange to me that after opening and interrogating the aliens, all that we learn about them is armor. And in order to find out the main characteristics, you must use the item.
I do not mind finding out characteristics with the help of an item, for example, checking health after a shot. But I would like to know the basic characteristics in ufopedia. At the moment, I have to use Wikipedia every time to find out the characteristics of this or that enemy. Very dreary and inconvenient.
In fact, I've always thought it was silly to use an item.
Are the soldiers unable to distinguish the rank of the enemy or his damage in appearance?
I think it is worth adding help for all enemies in ufopedia. You never know when it is beneficial to know damage resistance. Especially in the early game.
I'm honestly not sure what you mean, but if it's about adding Pedia info for those armours of high rank enemies, then I did that already; the change is on GitHub.
Some specific ranks of the aliens have visible changes, like differently-colored backpacks, a tiara in the Sectoids' case, and so on.
I meant to show all stats in INFO after examining the corpse and interrogating it. Basic, just to know the amount of hp, reactions and other stats. Relatively speaking, when the corpse of the enemy has been thoroughly dissected, you can find out all its characteristics, and not just armor.
If you need to know the stats in more detail after applying the shot, the mind probe will help.
Never understood the mind probe. Its research takes a long time and, as a result, it is almost never used. These are almost ordinary binoculars with the ability to determine stats .... Its only use is to find an enemy with the required rank.
How do you like this idea?
1) Binoculars work in direct line of sight determines the hp and rank of the enemy (perhaps action points and endurance, for example, the enemy is out of breath).
2) The Mind Probe works in a non-line of sight and detects all stats for obvious reasons.
P.S. Give a link to GitHub please
Noticed that the HWP Minirocket Launcher (Hover) trains throwing experience, but the Tank version trains firing. Is that intentional? Additionally, the following HWP weapons cannot be viewed in the pedia or the info screen, even in New Battle mode: HWP Tritanium Rocket Launcher, HWP Minirocket Launcher (Hover), HWP Flamer (Hover).
Edit: this is using 1.7b, not the github version
I meant to show all stats in INFO after examining the corpse and interrogating it. Basic, just to know the amount of hp, reactions and other stats. Relatively speaking, when the corpse of the enemy has been thoroughly dissected, you can find out all its characteristics, and not just armor.
If you need to know the stats in more detail after applying the shot, the mind probe will help.
Ah. Well, there's no such article type in X-Com, so it'd have to be all hand-crafted. To be honest, sounds like way too much work - there are hundreds of units... Also, stats changfe with difficulty, and I think this is a game breaker.
Never understood the mind probe. Its research takes a long time and, as a result, it is almost never used. These are almost ordinary binoculars with the ability to determine stats .... Its only use is to find an enemy with the required rank.
How do you like this idea?
1) Binoculars work in direct line of sight determines the hp and rank of the enemy (perhaps action points and endurance, for example, the enemy is out of breath).
2) The Mind Probe works in a non-line of sight and detects all stats for obvious reasons.
I'm not sure if by binoculars you refer to some existing item, or it's a request for a new one. Please specify and I'll see if it has potential.
P.S. Give a link to GitHub please
Sure: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles
Just click on the green "Code" button and then "Download ZIP" to get the fresh mod version. Of course, it's thoroughly untested and sometimes may not work, but I'm trying to keep it 100% playable.
Noticed that the HWP Minirocket Launcher (Hover) trains throwing experience, but the Tank version trains firing. Is that intentional?
Nope, a bug. Thanks for the info, fixed.
Additionally, the following HWP weapons cannot be viewed in the pedia or the info screen, even in New Battle mode: HWP Tritanium Rocket Launcher, HWP Minirocket Launcher (Hover), HWP Flamer (Hover).
This is more involved, so I'll check later.
Ah. Well, there's no such article type in X-Com, so it'd have to be all hand-crafted. To be honest, sounds like way too much work - there are hundreds of units... Also, stats changfe with difficulty, and I think this is a game breaker.
It's a pity you can't stick stats in INFO.
Tired of visiting every time https://thexcomfileswiki.github.io/
I just thought that if you can show the value of "night vision", you can also other stats
I'm not sure if by binoculars you refer to some existing item, or it's a request for a new one. Please specify and I'll see if it has potential.
I suggest making a new item. An analogue of a mind probe, but with clipped capabilities. You can give the opportunity to purchase after "postup 1".
Binoculars!! Designed for the early game. Although, in fact, if you make adequate sizes in the inventory (1x2 or 2x1), it can completely replace the mind probe. Allows you to see the stats (not completely) and the rank of the enemy. Works only with line of sight.
Possible stats for viewing:
HP - evaluate the appearance of the enemy and understand how bad he is
Fatal wounds - if the head bleeds... it is clear that the enemy is bleeding...
TU and Energy - in appearance you can understand that the enemy is out of breath.
Morality and sanity - if the enemy is pissing in his pants... obviously he is afraid...
It's a pity you can't stick stats in INFO.
Tired of visiting every time https://thexcomfileswiki.github.io/
I just thought that if you can show the value of "night vision", you can also other stats
NV is an armour property, not a unit property.
Anyway, why do you need to check the stats so badly? I understand armours, because they help see if your weapon will work, but why do you care so much about an enemy's exact strength or accuracy? Is it just curiosity, or something else?
I suggest making a new item. An analogue of a mind probe, but with clipped capabilities. You can give the opportunity to purchase after "postup 1".
Binoculars!! Designed for the early game. Although, in fact, if you make adequate sizes in the inventory (1x2 or 2x1), it can completely replace the mind probe. Allows you to see the stats (not completely) and the rank of the enemy. Works only with line of sight.
Possible stats for viewing:
HP - evaluate the appearance of the enemy and understand how bad he is
Fatal wounds - if the head bleeds... it is clear that the enemy is bleeding...
TU and Energy - in appearance you can understand that the enemy is out of breath.
Morality and sanity - if the enemy is pissing in his pants... obviously he is afraid...
No idea how to do that in the first place...
It's a pity you can't stick stats in INFO.
In new OXCE you can in some aspect do this, some time ago I added option for scripts to add new lines in public part of INFO screen.
At least you could show properties that are already available in scripts. One problem is that it will be hard to check in one article if some other is available.
You can do this is specific case but in universal script its currently impossible.
Followup to my previous post, the Coelacanth Gas Cannon, Drone Meds, Drone Fire Extinguisher, and Drone Rocket Launcher are also unviewable in ufopedia and info tabs
Thanks, should be fixed.
-Send a tank to defend the house?
;D ;D ;D
-Send a tank to defend the house?
;D ;D ;D
This isnt a bug, but a feature, force fire with HWP main weapon to the wall and you can drive out and chase Exalt/Syndicate forces.
Went to a Reptoid Fringe Settlement using the Snapping Turtle, spawned in an area that could not be exited without breaking through multiple walls. In doing so, I also blew a hole in the floor that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
This isnt a bug, but a feature, force fire with HWP main weapon to the wall and you can drive out and chase Exalt/Syndicate forces.
No, it is obviously a bug, unless you think X-Com carried this tank inside in small pieces.
Went to a Reptoid Fringe Settlement using the Snapping Turtle, spawned in an area that could not be exited without breaking through multiple walls. In doing so, I also blew a hole in the floor that doesn't seem to go anywhere.
Hmm, yeah, pretty awkward...
NV is an armour property, not a unit property.
Anyway, why do you need to check the stats so badly? I understand armours, because they help see if your weapon will work, but why do you care so much about an enemy's exact strength or accuracy? Is it just curiosity, or something else?
No idea how to do that in the first place...
I think it's fine that you don't know the exact stats and things like the rank since there are already ways to do that within the game using the Mind Probe. In some cases though, lack of stats makes some of the entries a lot less helpful. For example, when it comes to zombie attacks, they do 0 base damage, but get a bonus from strength. If you have no idea what the strength of the zombie is, then you have no idea how dangerous that attack is.
I think it's fine that you don't know the exact stats and things like the rank since there are already ways to do that within the game using the Mind Probe. In some cases though, lack of stats makes some of the entries a lot less helpful. For example, when it comes to zombie attacks, they do 0 base damage, but get a bonus from strength. If you have no idea what the strength of the zombie is, then you have no idea how dangerous that attack is.
So how much damage does Reaper do in vanilla? Or the Chryssalid? We players had no idea, nor cared. "Damage: death" was good enough.
So how much damage does Reaper do in vanilla? Or the Chryssalid? We players had no idea, nor cared. "Damage: death" was good enough.
It does make me wonder what I'm paying these lab nerds for. If they've had a month or so to study a creature I'd at least like a summary report of basic characteristics relevant to field agents: how fast is it, about how many service sidearm rounds to put one down, how easily can it rip apart a well dressed agent and so forth.
It does make me wonder what I'm paying these lab nerds for. If they've had a month or so to study a creature I'd at least like a summary report of basic characteristics relevant to field agents: how fast is it, about how many service sidearm rounds to put one down, how easily can it rip apart a well dressed agent and so forth.
If scientists provide a report, then let it be a full report.
I mostly go to the wiki to see the stats for determining the danger of an enemy.
HP in order to understand how many shots will have to be fired. If there are 2 enemies in front of me and I can shoot 1 time, I will open fire on the one with less HP. Fewer enemies, more chances to survive.
Melee and ranged stats. They help to understand whether to go hand-to-hand. For example, you can engage in close combat with sectoids. In close combat, they will almost never be able to shoot
Reactions. Helps to understand if the soldier can shoot first
OK, so it's curiosity. Which is fine, I am not criticizing it, I don't think it's wrong or anything like that. :)
But as I said, to get this info we'd need a separate, hand-made article for every single unit. With lots of numbers. Which is something I'm really not prepared to do, it's possibly the worst kind of modding work I can imagine, sorry.
Solarius, when storming the "red dawn" base my game slows down a lot, is this due to the large number of units on the map? The movement of my soldiers is very slow, it is sad. Is the slowdown due to the characteristics of the computer or is it due to the game code?
Solarius, when storming the "red dawn" base my game slows down a lot, is this due to the large number of units on the map? The movement of my soldiers is very slow, it is sad. Is the slowdown due to the characteristics of the computer or is it due to the game code?
I can't say for sure. Usually this is caused by very tall maps (because of all the sight calcs), but this one is not particularly tall.
I haven't noticed any noticeable slowdown on it, though.
I can't say for sure. Usually this is caused by very tall maps (because of all the sight calcs), but this one is not particularly tall.
I haven't noticed any noticeable slowdown on it, though.
It's strange. The movement of the soldiers is very slow only on the upper levels of the base. But if the soldiers run at the lower levels, the speed is standard. The movement speed of the soldiers is very different. Apparently precisely because the map is multilevel.
I'm just trying to figure out if anyone has a similar situation.
It's strange. The movement of the soldiers is very slow only on the upper levels of the base. But if the soldiers run at the lower levels, the speed is standard. The movement speed of the soldiers is very different. Apparently precisely because the map is multilevel.
I'm just trying to figure out if anyone has a similar situation.
Everybody has this problem.
Some people tolerate it better, some less so.
The underlying engine is too detailed and there are just too many calculations, regardless of how powerful your PC is.
Options you have:
1. (player) use simpler display mode
2. (player) use lower resolution
3. (modder) use smaller maps
4. (modder) use standard visibility ranges, lighting mode and similar settings
So, a minor bug.
I can't buy the Noose. I have it researched, it just has no "costBuy" or "requiresBuy" values.
Since I can buy other tools, such as a Pitchfork or even a Shiv, I don't see why I can't buy a length of rope.
So, a minor bug.
I can't buy the Noose. I have it researched, it just has no "costBuy" or "requiresBuy" values.
Since I can buy other tools, such as a Pitchfork or even a Shiv, I don't see why I can't buy a length of rope.
Indeed you can't, I thought it would be silly and nobody would want to buy it... I guess I was wrong. :) I'll add it.
Indeed you can't, I thought it would be silly and nobody would want to buy it... I guess I was wrong. :) I'll add it.
It's funny. I always thought that this is an imba gun. And that it can only be obtained in battle
In the right hands, this piece of rope can do a lot. I even store them
Rossary cannot be be bought either and i dont remember what it does exactly but i think it does a morale attack based on psi stats. But the Noose takes the cake with its 12x damage multiplier against Lobsters, meaning a swing from it is an instant death that deals more damage than a missile to the face.
Spiders (And animals in general) also have massive choke damage vulnerability, but in their case, their armour isnt the problem, handguns and prettty much all firearms will squash them in two or three hits anyway.
Rossary cannot be be bought either
Yes, and it won't. This and the cross are supposed to be found on missions only.
The rosary has no function other than being an "ID" item to give you info on the priest. And the cross is a weapon which wouldn't make sense as bought - it only works in the hands of a priest, and your agents (supposedly) aren't people of the cloth. The cross will still work if you pick it off a dead priest's body, but only because you are momentarily taking upon his job in times of crisis and won't carry its miraculous effect after that. It's a narrative thing, an allusion to various horror/mystery tropes involving clergymen.
There is a minor bug in 1.6: Large Flamer Tank is listed as (handheld) Flamethrower's ammo, but is in fact the ammo for Flamer HWP. Maybe it has been fixed already.
There is a minor bug in 1.6: Large Flamer Tank is listed as (handheld) Flamethrower's ammo, but is in fact the ammo for Flamer HWP. Maybe it has been fixed already.
No, it just shows that you have a large flamer tank, but no heavy (macro) flamer.
Oh, there will be even bigger handheld flamer?! I'll consider giving "Guy Montag" nickname to my flamer-soldier together with that awesome thing then.
Great mod, flamers give at least one new tactical move: you can make melee enemies go a long way by setting the short one on fire.
Maybe I do not understand how things work, but here is another mini report involving dogs. Some X-COM dogs stands near a farmer with an axe. All dogs were ordered to react with barking, not with biting. On the opponent's turn the farmer moves in and a dog bites him to the death. Why there was no barking? How to have a dog that reacts with barking?
What? Is that even a thing? Please tell me!
You can reverse-click a weapon, which puts that white dot in its image's upper right corner and the unit should use that weapon for reactions.
Fomka did this, according to that image.
I never tested it with melee and ranged weapons though. I know that when in melee, units usually use melee weapons if they have them, even without it, so it is possible that the {Is melee?} check bypasses the {Weapon Selection} check.
The preference applies only for weapons of the same type, e.g. two melee weapons or two ranged weapons.
If you have a melee weapon and a ranged weapon, melee weapon will be used first regardless of preference.
Reactions are hardcoded in the following order:
1. melee weapons
2. gunbutts
3. ranged weapons
I've undestood, thanks for the information.
I completed a base attack mission with agents from a base with no prison cells and captured +30 prisoners. I found that if I load the Geoscape autosave from right after winning the mission, I can keep those prisoners at the base indefinitely, even though I have no cells
I believe it happened to me once with animals lacking space in an animal pen. That bug will "solve" itself at some point, especially if anew prisoner is arrived, as the game will suddenly notice the lack of space and demand you to get rid of the spares by transferring them somewhere, which can lock your game if you don't have enough space available somewhere else.
My game just crashed when I tried to look at Coelacanth Gas Cannon in UFOPAEDIA with the attached message.
Edit: While I do not think it is nescessary, the messge does tell me to attach a savefile, so I do so.
My game just crashed when I tried to look at Coelacanth Gas Cannon in UFOPAEDIA with the attached message.
Edit: While I do not think it is nescessary, the messge does tell me to attach a savefile, so I do so.
Yep, known bug unfortunately. And not even new, the Coelacanth has been a thing in a long time and I haven't touched it... Was this entry deleted or something?
Anyway, as a hot fix, you can add this to the file ufopaedia_XCOMFILES.rul:
type_id: 4
Thanks :)
Alright, here's the bug I mentioned in the main topic. This is before the latest update, so I dunno if it's still a thing. Either way, some EXALT units have weird graphical glitches. See pics below.
It happened during a cult outpost mission.
That's strange, I've never seen this before.. But just in case, I repaletted all EXALT sprites. Files attached, if you want to try them.
Just noticed 5.56 ammo buying is still locked behind Exalt research while you can get guns that use it from other sources.
I thought it might come in handy...
Thank you, these are very good conversions, I'm impressed.
Nevertheless, I prefer to keep to the vanilla autopsy table format. But perhaps I can use these to frankenstein something.
In fact, it is possible to do this even in "Paint" (32). It's just that I have a hybrid modification and for me the TFTD format is also vanilla. :D
dont know if its been posted yet, but there seems to be a design error in of the maps for cyberweb lair / sewage. i landed with a dragonfly and had to descent a floor below. there you are confined into three chambers with no way out of them as the doors or rather the walls prevent you from accessing the rest of the map. explosions cant create a path and the only option is retreat.
dont know if its been posted yet, but there seems to be a design error in of the maps for cyberweb lair / sewage. i landed with a dragonfly and had to descent a floor below. there you are confined into three chambers with no way out of them as the doors or rather the walls prevent you from accessing the rest of the map. explosions cant create a path and the only option is retreat.
Unless Solarius redesigned the maps dynamite or highex should be able to blast through the walls blocking some of the exits. This is not a bug per se, but due to how tiling/map generation works.
Unless Solarius redesigned the maps dynamite or highex should be able to blast through the walls blocking some of the exits. This is not a bug per se, but due to how tiling/map generation works.
Yes, it's even directly said in the mission description:
Be sure to bring explosives in case we can't find access to the target - these sewers are a nightmare to navigate through.
If I were to "fix" this, I'd have to either make the map static (so it'd be the same every time) or make all blocks have exits on all 4 sides (which defeats the purpose).
I can't pinpoint exactly when it happened, but I think it was either after the OXCE 7.0 download or the 1.8b version download that the script for the entire mod seemed to get itself scrambled pretty badly. The game still runs, but below are a few examples of some of the things that have gone awry.
1. When looking at the details of the Embassy from the globe, it doesn't give any details relating to the nature of the mission and
sending a
craft on it doesn't post a message saying that "1 Alien key is required for this mission," it instead just lets me do the mission without
2. This is the first month of the game and usually I have a monthly rating of +1000, but instead it got reduced down to zero.
3 and 4. It says this mission is timed, but ending the turn doesn't show how much time is left.
I hope this is helpful to you and understand this is likely something I had unknowingly done to the code of the game.
1) Embassy missions have been removed, as X-Com is apparently powerless to stop the aliens form bribing government officials. This is likely what's messing up the mission sites.
2) How would you manage that (aside from cheating), seeing how you start off at December 30th?
3) Apparently some or all of the turn-limited missions have been replaced by missions using the reinforcement-mechanic. Turns where reinforcements arrive are not indicated (though they probably should).
1) Embassy missions have been removed, as X-Com is apparently powerless to stop the aliens form bribing government officials. This is likely what's messing up the mission sites.
Yeah that would explain it. Thanks.
2) How would you manage that (aside from cheating), seeing how you start off at December 30th?
In past versions of the mod, it usually starts you off with that monthly rating to help give you a beginning boost.
3) Apparently some or all of the turn-limited missions have been replaced by missions using the reinforcement-mechanic. Turns where reinforcements arrive are not indicated (though they probably should).
Alright, thanks for that information.
- From land survey I've received a "corpse" corpse, unresearchable, with no ufopedia entry, $0 worth
- Not sure if intended - had a shady tavern where no enemies spawned and there was turn counter, 1/1. I just came in, ended the turn, won the mission. Guess it's fair that there's a chance that the meeting with the informant goes without problems, especially since there's a variant where you just arrive too late no matter what - but it still feels a bit weird.
- I researched female stormy after a male stormy, got no info about any data being pulled from her, despite her being researchable.
- A bullfrog managed to render my drone unconscious.
- Probably more of an OpenXCom issue than X-Com Files but just in case - sometimes when I try to throw a grenade or shoot something in particular location, I get information that the location is inaccessible. Very commonly happening with throwing grenades through windows. However, if one keeps clicking, sometimes the game actually will still allow to throw that grenade/shoot and then there's even some chance it will actually get where one hopes it would. Enemies can still shoot and hit troopers at angles player is unable to return fire from.
- I have a workshop order of extracting synthmuscles from mutons available before I even researched what synthmuscles are.
- Again, likely OpenXCom issue rather than X-Com Files - an alien ran out of ammo and then its AI just went crazy - it ran to my vehicle, to the pile of items in it and kept going back and forth, as if it was trying to equip human weapons there, be denied, go away and then try again.
- Strix cannot be handcuffed despite being normal-sized humanoid.
- Knockout grenade in a listing of items in one's storage is somewhere among pistols (its position if "everything" view is chosen, not the item's category) rather than grenades.
- Osiron goons on the cruiser are all labeled "human" when looked up, even if they were already interrogated. This led to a weird title for some of my troopers at the end of the mission, "Bane of human"
- Had a mission show up on geoscape without any popup, named STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ (if anything's after that, it was cut off by the window) - Alien Colony Assault
- A typo in Alien Reproduction entry: "short space of time". I assume it was meant to be "span of time".
- From land survey I've received a "corpse" corpse, unresearchable, with no ufopedia entry, $0 worth
Normal nad as designed. It's one of normal outcomes (a flavour of "no results").
- Not sure if intended - had a shady tavern where no enemies spawned and there was turn counter, 1/1. I just came in, ended the turn, won the mission. Guess it's fair that there's a chance that the meeting with the informant goes without problems, especially since there's a variant where you just arrive too late no matter what - but it still feels a bit weird.
Yeah, as designed. Doesn't feel strange to me personally.
- I researched female stormy after a male stormy, got no info about any data being pulled from her, despite her being researchable.
You'd probably exhausted the list before the researcxh was complete. It's perfectly normal.
- A bullfrog managed to render my drone unconscious.
Possible, drones can get unconscious if you really try hard to make them to.
- Probably more of an OpenXCom issue than X-Com Files but just in case - sometimes when I try to throw a grenade or shoot something in particular location, I get information that the location is inaccessible. Very commonly happening with throwing grenades through windows. However, if one keeps clicking, sometimes the game actually will still allow to throw that grenade/shoot and then there's even some chance it will actually get where one hopes it would. Enemies can still shoot and hit troopers at angles player is unable to return fire from.
- I have a workshop order of extracting synthmuscles from mutons available before I even researched what synthmuscles are.
Right, you can research them in details after extraction.
- Again, likely OpenXCom issue rather than X-Com Files - an alien ran out of ammo and then its AI just went crazy - it ran to my vehicle, to the pile of items in it and kept going back and forth, as if it was trying to equip human weapons there, be denied, go away and then try again.
- Strix cannot be handcuffed despite being normal-sized humanoid.
It is resistant, but not immune. (Like all zombies, due to their enormous strength.)
- Knockout grenade in a listing of items in one's storage is somewhere among pistols (its position if "everything" view is chosen, not the item's category) rather than grenades.
It's not "among pistols", it's just before pistols, with other stun weapons.
Should I remove this category and treat Stun Rods as melee weapons, Dart Rifles as rifles, etc.? Perhaps I should, especially since I plan to give these weapons some lethal options.
- Osiron goons on the cruiser are all labeled "human" when looked up, even if they were already interrogated. This led to a weird title for some of my troopers at the end of the mission, "Bane of human"
Good point, I never gave them a proper race. Fixing now.
- Had a mission show up on geoscape without any popup, named STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ (if anything's after that, it was cut off by the window) - Alien Colony Assault
It's a weird glitch I didn't bother to solve, since it belongs to an obsolete feature.
- A typo in Alien Reproduction entry: "short space of time". I assume it was meant to be "span of time".
But it's from vanilla X-Com! :) Please report to X-Com devs.
On beginner difficulty, the purchase price of leather coat is $2000, but the sell price is $2375.
Assaulter 10 commendation is not working as expected. I have a soldier, named Adept, with whom I am trying to get it.
He has 8 kills with BlackOps SMG, 268 kills with UAC SMG and 28 kills with MAGMA Pulse SMG, totaling 304 kills with SMGs total (I already filtered out stuns).
Yet, he is still at Assaulter 9.
I suspect that while the type of SMG should not matter, it does and he will have to kill 32 more enemies with UAC SMG to get it..
Solarius, are the handcuffs (or rather the script) working as intended? I have repeatedly lost enemy units to overstun after handcuffing them. IIRC the handcuffs are supposed to set the stun level accordingly to avoid death due to overstun.
I don't know if this is due to engine limitations, but (cyberweb) robotic units can only be successfully recovered if the player has an alien containment unit. They are not transferred to that base or take up any space there, but they "die" if no alien containment exists. Is this intended?
On beginner difficulty, the purchase price of leather coat is $2000, but the sell price is $2375.
Good observation, thanks.
Assaulter 10 commendation is not working as expected. I have a soldier, named Adept, with whom I am trying to get it.
He has 8 kills with BlackOps SMG, 268 kills with UAC SMG and 28 kills with MAGMA Pulse SMG, totaling 304 kills with SMGs total (I already filtered out stuns).
Yet, he is still at Assaulter 9.
I suspect that while the type of SMG should not matter, it does and he will have to kill 32 more enemies with UAC SMG to get it..
Long story short, the commendations system is a little fucked (AFAIK it counts kills per weapon type instead of weapon category, which is not as designed). We need to wait for an OXCE update.
Solarius, are the handcuffs (or rather the script) working as intended? I have repeatedly lost enemy units to overstun after handcuffing them. IIRC the handcuffs are supposed to set the stun level accordingly to avoid death due to overstun.
Honestly? I don't know. I haven't observed this myself, but I can't rule this out.
If this is confirmed to not work, and the script author doesn't fix it, then I'll do something about it.
I don't know if this is due to engine limitations, but (cyberweb) robotic units can only be successfully recovered if the player has an alien containment unit. They are not transferred to that base or take up any space there, but they "die" if no alien containment exists. Is this intended?
Not intended. It used to work fine, but it was probably thanks to some glitch which was later fixed.
I guess I'll have to turn general stores into alien containments for robots...
Researching Blackops Minigun lets you buy ammo for it, regardless if you reached Promotion 2 or contacted Blackops Industries.
So you can pretty much use it as long as you can keep the minigunner in one piece and not a ash heap.
And oh boy, minigun is sure useful when you can have only like 6 dudes in helicopter.
Researching Blackops Minigun lets you buy ammo for it, regardless if you reached Promotion 2 or contacted Blackops Industries.
So you can pretty much use it as long as you can keep the minigunner in one piece and not a ash heap.
And oh boy, minigun is sure useful when you can have only like 6 dudes in helicopter.
Ah yes, a simple omission. Thanks, fixed.
Solarius, one of the tavern meetings has the wrong description assigned with it:
Solarius, one of the tavern meetings has the wrong description assigned with it:
this explains a lot
More bugs from the latest test. Will write another feedback thread post soon (fair warning). First though:
Normal nad as designed. It's one of normal outcomes (a flavour of "no results").
Could an alternative item be used for such? For example, there are many gibblets/corpse-like trash items that can be found in caves, substituting generic corpse for one of them and adding a short description "Rotting remains of some hapless creature. Whatever it once was, now it has absolutely no monetary or scientific value." and a price of -1 dollars (trashbags are expensive) would probably make it look far more fleshed out and less confusing - after all it's rasonable that the Salvagers would send something that didn't survive the journey or was simply not identified well rather than mysterious corpse of a creature one cannot identify yet is also unable to investigate.
Possible, drones can get unconscious if you really try hard to make them to.
That it's possible it's obvious, it's how it was done seems to be a bug. I can understand electricity but a robot should probably have much more decent resistance to bio/organic attack (unless it's corrosive but that one is usually handled by "chemical" attack type so it's not an issue anyway), at the very least the stun aspect of it. It does seemingly have 0% vulnerability, so theoretically resistance already - but if something goes through, then that something still doesn't work well. OpenXCom issue?
Should I remove this category and treat Stun Rods as melee weapons, Dart Rifles as rifles, etc.? Perhaps I should, especially since I plan to give these weapons some lethal options.
Hm, maybe, though merely allowing default item list to segregate items on the basis of how they're employed/their type, rather than their effect would fix this issue easily as well as prevent any issues if you'll implement above-mentioned plan. If someone wants to then look for stun weapons in particular, they could choose that from the drop-down menu.
If this is confirmed to not work, and the script author doesn't fix it, then I'll do something about it.
I can confirm their issue. While I never really suffered killing an alien from an overstun due to use of handcuffs, it's certain that handcuffing an alien does mess with some stats of theirs as often stunned (Zzzz) enemy icon turns into the one of a heart when handcuffed for a couple of turns.
Now, new bugs:
Whenever I interrogated someone from cyberweb I was informed of getting Cyberweb space technomad processing workshop option despite never dealing with anything cyberweb that wasn't the mission in the sewers, with one regular technomad, some roboturrets and drones.
Lack of sprite for the chubby beach resort civilian holding a spear. He's standing there with spear levitating in front of him. Screen001 during the mission Deep Ones Attack, one of the civilians picked up the weapon.
Sprite of a trooper facing wrong direction for a cybersuit wearing trooper armed as the Screen003 shows (including direction that was clicked for the trooper to turn to). Must be my luck - I almost never use bigger melee weapons for reasons mentioned so when I finally made someone pick one up, there had to be an issue :P
Inventory sprite of a trooper with wide torso can sometimes poke outside the armor layer. Xcomfilesbug.png shows an example.
Call of T'Leth mission is available before Deep Ones Outposts are researched though it seems to depend on the knowledge of outposts.
"Lots of swarmid corpses" cannot be autopsied like regular "swarmid corpses". Similarly with stunned "lots" that cannot be researched like smaller swarmid swarms for some reason. Both should probably lead to the same research since in either case it's a study of single bugs in the swarm.
Roboturrets and robospheres (intact, not wrecked) seem to have no weight.
Since apparently it was meant to be a thing but isn't, I can confirm what someone else reported - MiB tanks aren't recovered after the mission. Neither wrecks nor stunned ones.
Something tells me this sprite isn't supposed to look like this when carrying an axe:
Whenever I interrogated someone from cyberweb I was informed of getting Cyberweb space technomad processing workshop option despite never dealing with anything cyberweb that wasn't the mission in the sewers, with one regular technomad, some roboturrets and drones.
I second this, every time I interrogate a technomad the pops up the manufacturing info window regarding the space technomad. I don't even see why that manufacturing option is needed in the first place - $5000 and a technomad? Can't we just interrogate them like regular technomads (or mysteks) and be done with it? We already have all these other "processing options" that are kind of useless tbh. I have better uses for my engineers than to undress cult/syndicate members to get something that is easily obtained or (worse) useless at that point in game.
Could an alternative item be used for such? For example, there are many gibblets/corpse-like trash items that can be found in caves, substituting generic corpse for one of them and adding a short description "Rotting remains of some hapless creature. Whatever it once was, now it has absolutely no monetary or scientific value." and a price of -1 dollars (trashbags are expensive) would probably make it look far more fleshed out and less confusing - after all it's rasonable that the Salvagers would send something that didn't survive the journey or was simply not identified well rather than mysterious corpse of a creature one cannot identify yet is also unable to investigate.
OK, write me a funny description and I'll see about it :D
That it's possible it's obvious, it's how it was done seems to be a bug. I can understand electricity but a robot should probably have much more decent resistance to bio/organic attack (unless it's corrosive but that one is usually handled by "chemical" attack type so it's not an issue anyway), at the very least the stun aspect of it. It does seemingly have 0% vulnerability, so theoretically resistance already - but if something goes through, then that something still doesn't work well. OpenXCom issue?
That tongue probably hits with enough force to break limbs. I think some shock here is justified here, even on robo- err, mechanical life forms.
Hm, maybe, though merely allowing default item list to segregate items on the basis of how they're employed/their type, rather than their effect would fix this issue easily as well as prevent any issues if you'll implement above-mentioned plan. If someone wants to then look for stun weapons in particular, they could choose that from the drop-down menu.
Okay, it's more of a matter of my arbitrary decision at the beginning. I'll work on that.
I can confirm their issue. While I never really suffered killing an alien from an overstun due to use of handcuffs, it's certain that handcuffing an alien does mess with some stats of theirs as often stunned (Zzzz) enemy icon turns into the one of a heart when handcuffed for a couple of turns.
Hmm. Okay, I'll keep an eye on that. (The script is rather brutal.)
Whenever I interrogated someone from cyberweb I was informed of getting Cyberweb space technomad processing workshop option despite never dealing with anything cyberweb that wasn't the mission in the sewers, with one regular technomad, some roboturrets and drones.
There's no space technomad research. Maybe I should add completing the pink caves as an additional research requirement? Yeah, I'll do that.
Lack of sprite for the chubby beach resort civilian holding a spear. He's standing there with spear levitating in front of him. Screen001 during the mission Deep Ones Attack, one of the civilians picked up the weapon.
Yeah, they don't have combat poses, using a different routine instead. Well, for now!
Sprite of a trooper facing wrong direction for a cybersuit wearing trooper armed as the Screen003 shows (including direction that was clicked for the trooper to turn to). Must be my luck - I almost never use bigger melee weapons for reasons mentioned so when I finally made someone pick one up, there had to be an issue :P
Very strange. Would you happen to have a save game? I can't see anything wrong during my tests.
Inventory sprite of a trooper with wide torso can sometimes poke outside the armor layer. Xcomfilesbug.png shows an example.
Thanks, I'm fixing this all the time...
Call of T'Leth mission is available before Deep Ones Outposts are researched though it seems to depend on the knowledge of outposts.
Sorry, what mission? Call of T'Leth is a research topic, not a mission.
"Lots of swarmid corpses" cannot be autopsied like regular "swarmid corpses". Similarly with stunned "lots" that cannot be researched like smaller swarmid swarms for some reason. Both should probably lead to the same research since in either case it's a study of single bugs in the swarm.
I'll just remove the large corpse from the game, except in battlescape.
Roboturrets and robospheres (intact, not wrecked) seem to have no weight.
It's a "live alien", these take prison space instead. (It's a little broken in 1.8, but fixed on GitHub.)
Since apparently it was meant to be a thing but isn't, I can confirm what someone else reported - MiB tanks aren't recovered after the mission. Neither wrecks nor stunned ones.
Probably also fixed already.
Something tells me this sprite isn't supposed to look like this when carrying an axe:
See above for the fat tourist case.
Can't we just interrogate them like regular technomads (or mysteks) and be done with it?
Nope, because they don't even have their own research topic. They're just normal technomnads in suits.
We already have all these other "processing options" that are kind of useless tbh.
Ask the people who whine about not having these options. "WAAAAH, THAT'S ILLOGICAAAAAAL! WHY CAN'T I TAKE HIS KEVLAR VEEEEST!"
Nope, because they don't even have their own research topic. They're just normal technomnads in suits.
And I was literally asking if they could be treated like 'normal' technomads or mysteks, seeing how there is (in my oppinion) no point in that addtional step requiring you to "undress" them. If your egnineers are playing striptease with your captives, shouldn't you be the one paying them instead?
Ask the people who whine about not having these options. "WAAAAH, THAT'S ILLOGICAAAAAAL! WHY CAN'T I TAKE HIS KEVLAR VEEEEST!"
FFS, into my ever growing submod they go then.
And I was literally asking if they could be treated like 'normal' technomads or mysteks, seeing how there is (in my oppinion) no point in that addtional step requiring you to "undress" them. If your egnineers are playing striptease with your captives, shouldn't you be the one paying them instead?
Sorry, I don't understand what your actual idea is. Please explain in terms of how it should work in the game.
(For further clarificartion, you shouldn't even be able to get any technomads in suits... but it's possible with psi capture or surrendering, so I'm plugging holes here.)
Sorry, I don't understand what your actual idea is. Please explain in terms of how it should work in the game.
(For further clarificartion, you shouldn't even be able to get any technomads in suits... but it's possible with psi capture or surrendering, so I'm plugging holes here.)
Okay, let me try to break this down a bit further:
This is the research entry for the Mysteks, right?
requiresBaseFunc: [INTLAB]
cost: 30
points: 20
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 151010
Now the next part is a bit tricky, but stay with me here - what if you add an additional entry that looks like this:
requiresBaseFunc: [INTLAB]
cost: 30
points: 20
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 151011
I know it's a bit radical - maybe Meridian can back me up on this - but I think it should work.
Jokes aside, I think this is a case of breaking something by trying to fix something else - the way you have implemented your fix causes the manufacturing info-window to pop up every time you interrogate a technomad. As far as I can tell this is down to
Usually item research needed for manufacturing is not completed multiple times but only once. Seeing how technomads stay available for research until all of their topics are exhausted the game probably treats every interrogation as a "new" unlock. Not sure if this is an oversight in OXCE or working as intended, but I'd propose a change in either research.rul or manufacturing.rul to prevent the manufacturing info from being displayed every time. Why do you need to research technomads to "undress" space technomads in the first place? Are their suits so difficult to remove?
fast self insert there, if any this problems is caused by "liveAlienItem" (unit -> item) that soon I will add option for option to override this relation
@Krautbernd Yes, this is how it should be done properly. I just didn't want to make a separate research, Pedia page, etc. for something that probably won't ever happen in a campaign. But I'll rethink it.
@Yankes The exact issue here is that there are two units: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a lab coat, and STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a space suit. If you kill the guy in the space suit, it spawns a normal technomad in a labcoat. But this can be circumvented by some capturing methods, so you get a live STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD.
I added a manufacturing project to process STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD into a normal STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD and some extra items to represent the suit, but it's causing the annoying message to pop up every time a STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD is interrogated.
@Yankes The exact issue here is that there are two units: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a lab coat, and STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a space suit. If you kill the guy in the space suit, it spawns a normal technomad in a labcoat. But this can be circumvented by some capturing methods, so you get a live STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD.
I added a manufacturing project to process STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD into a normal STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD and some extra items to represent the suit, but it's causing the annoying message to pop up every time a STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD is interrogated.
Again, this is - as far as i can tell - down to having the normal technomad as a required research for the manufacturing project. Why is this a requirement in the first place? What purpose does it serve?
Again, this is - as far as i can tell - down to having the normal technomad as a required research for the manufacturing project.
Yes, of course.
Why is this a requirement in the first place?
What else would be suitable? (Can be a list of multiple research topics.)
Actually, yesterday I already added STR_DIMENSION_X_DESERT_SECURED as a second requirement, to at least eliminate the issue before you start fighting them on their home turf.
Actually, yesterday I already added STR_DIMENSION_X_DESERT_SECURED as a second requirement, to at least eliminate the issue before you start fighting them on their home turf.
Wouldn't that be enough, seeing how the nomad is doubly unsuited (no pun intended)? Not only can they be researched repedeatly, they also aren't encountered until you actually reach Dimension X. Is this (capturing space nomads) really enough of an issue to introduce something so complicated only to get a normal technomad (which will in all likelihood not yield any additional reasearch anyway)? If there are (for all intents and purposes) "normal" technomads, why not simply have them yield the same reasearch topics to begin with and be done with it?
Wouldn't that be enough, seeing how the nomad is doubly unsuited (no pun intended)? Not only can they be researched repedeatly, they also aren't encountered until you actually reach Dimension X. Is this (capturing space nomads) really enough of an issue to introduce something so complicated only to get a normal technomad (which will in all likelihood not yield any additional reasearch anyway)? If there are (for all intents and purposes) "normal" technomads, why not simply have them yield the same reasearch topics to begin with and be done with it?
Like I said, it's a matter of adding a research etc. for a unit which you shouldn't even see. Including writing texts and whatnot.
It's not a big deal, I can do that if it's an issue.
Like I said, it's a matter of adding a research etc. for a unit which you shouldn't even see. Including writing texts and whatnot.
It's not a big deal, I can do that if it's an issue.
Then why introduce an issue that will affect more players than the issue you are trying to fix in the first place? And what additional written text or ufopedia entries would be needed for this? Simply treat the "space" variant like the normal technomads or mysteks (i.e. simply give them the same research topics). If the unit is not supposed to recovered anyway, why go throught the trouble to introduce a whole new manufacturing option to begin with?
My example was meant to be literal.
Just add them as a research topic. No ufopedia entries needed, no additional text or lore either. It literally solves all of the problems and introduces no additonal issues. There is no added benefit in this case in making this more complicated than it absolutely needs to be. Scrap the manufacturing/"undress" option. At best it is unneeded, at worst it introduces a completely avoidable issue that will affect more players than the issue you are trying to fix.
@Yankes The exact issue here is that there are two units: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a lab coat, and STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD, who is a guy in a space suit. If you kill the guy in the space suit, it spawns a normal technomad in a labcoat. But this can be circumvented by some capturing methods, so you get a live STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD.
I added a manufacturing project to process STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD into a normal STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD and some extra items to represent the suit, but it's causing the annoying message to pop up every time a STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD is interrogated.
Ok, then today I pushed change that could fix it, in Unit config you can add `liveAlien: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD`and this item will represent captured unit.
Ok, then today I pushed change that could fix it, in Unit config you can add `liveAlien: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD`and this item will represent captured unit.
That would probably be the most elegant way to fix this.
Ok, then today I pushed change that could fix it, in Unit config you can add `liveAlien: STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD`and this item will represent captured unit.
Error for 'STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (unit have spawn)
ok, I probably need relax this check.
Did a landed MIB bomber coverup mission and one MIB Heavy Trooper just came out with literally no weapon, when one of my guys managed to KO him I noticed he had UAC Chaingun ammo, but no actual chaingun
Why exactly is the bank that the robot ninjas are robbing flying the Jolly Roger flags? Are they a pirate bank?
This is obviously not gamebreaking, but I do find it a bit weird.
Solarius, the randomized base names that you picked can result in names that are over the character length limit. This is apparently not intended (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6586.msg138639.html#msg138639), as it can interfer with other parts of the UI.
Why exactly is the bank that the robot ninjas are robbing flying the Jolly Roger flags? Are they a pirate bank?
This is obviously not gamebreaking, but I do find it a bit weird.
Is it not well known that ninjas and pirates are mortal enemies? Why wouldn't ninjas rob a pirate bank?
(sorry, bored at work)
Why wouldn't ninjas rob a pirate bank?
Checks out, also neatly ties in with XPiratez.
I just managed to get to the vampire castle, I always skip this mission and figured I'd actually try to do it, it took me 40 turns to find this little guy just stuck in there, I had to shoot the stairs off, there was no other way in and it was nearly impossible to know he was there without the bug hunt radar
Did a landed MIB bomber coverup mission and one MIB Heavy Trooper just came out with literally no weapon, when one of my guys managed to KO him I noticed he had UAC Chaingun ammo, but no actual chaingun
Yeah, my bad. Fixed...
Solarius, the randomized base names that you picked can result in names that are over the character length limit. This is apparently not intended (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6586.msg138639.html#msg138639), as it can interfer with other parts of the UI.
It can happen. I'm not going to reduce the name base to one syllable words, it'll just suck universally. I'd rather count on the player to just correct any issues manually.
Is it not well known that ninjas and pirates are mortal enemies? Why wouldn't ninjas rob a pirate bank?
(sorry, bored at work)
My attempts to edit this flag failed, so I postponed it indefinitely. :P
I just managed to get to the vampire castle, I always skip this mission and figured I'd actually try to do it, it took me 40 turns to find this little guy just stuck in there, I had to shoot the stairs off, there was no other way in and it was nearly impossible to know he was there without the bug hunt radar
I'll check, thanks.
Would you have a save?
It is possible to go on a faraway mission in a van, get an agent lightly injured, and then have this agent recover and assign to another craft before the original van is even back. I did not test, but I suspect that it should be possible to have all agents on a mission injured and then have a craft going back to base without a pilot.
It is possible to go on a faraway mission in a van, get an agent lightly injured, and then have this agent recover and assign to another craft before the original van is even back. I did not test, but I suspect that it should be possible to have all agents on a mission injured and then have a craft going back to base without a pilot.
This strikes me like an OXCE issue and not related to XCF. Would you mind reporting this in the OXCE-subforum as well?
Would you have a save?
These are the ones before the bug hunt kicks in, but I already had my sectopod walker near it in one of them, hope it helps
(Last one, I promise lol) bigger monsters (I've seen shamblers and bullfrogs so far) tend to spawn in one of these rooms and are unable to get out, you can fire at them from the windows and they can't attack back (well the bullfrog can, but it didn't try to), they're pretty much helpless, it's not game breaking or anything but I'm guessing its not intended for them to get stuck
(Last one, I promise lol) bigger monsters (I've seen shamblers and bullfrogs so far) tend to spawn in one of these rooms and are unable to get out, you can fire at them from the windows and they can't attack back (well the bullfrog can, but it didn't try to), they're pretty much helpless, it's not game breaking or anything but I'm guessing its not intended for them to get stuck
It is, actually, as there are no separate enemy spawns for "big" and "small" units. The only way to avoid this would be to have no enemy spawns inside of buildings - which would kind of defeat the purpose.
It is, actually, as there are no separate enemy spawns for "big" and "small" units. The only way to avoid this would be to have no enemy spawns inside of buildings - which would kind of defeat the purpose.
Ahh I didn't think about that, makes sense now! thanks for the heads up
It is possible to go on a faraway mission in a van, get an agent lightly injured, and then have this agent recover and assign to another craft before the original van is even back. I did not test, but I suspect that it should be possible to have all agents on a mission injured and then have a craft going back to base without a pilot.
Agent Ben walked it off on the road during pee breaks.
These are the ones before the bug hunt kicks in, but I already had my sectopod walker near it in one of them, hope it helps
Thanks, reported it to the terrain author. We'll see.
(Last one, I promise lol) bigger monsters (I've seen shamblers and bullfrogs so far) tend to spawn in one of these rooms and are unable to get out, you can fire at them from the windows and they can't attack back (well the bullfrog can, but it didn't try to), they're pretty much helpless, it's not game breaking or anything but I'm guessing its not intended for them to get stuck
Poorly defined node. Thanks for reporting.
It is, actually, as there are no separate enemy spawns for "big" and "small" units. The only way to avoid this would be to have no enemy spawns inside of buildings - which would kind of defeat the purpose.
Well that's just pure bullshit. Of course there is such a way, how else would this game even work with buldings???
Well that's just pure bullshit. Of course there is such a way, how else would this game even work with buldings???
My bad, I mixed up patrol&spawn definitions. I was under the impression the way to do this was via rank.
My bad, I mixed up patrol&spawn definitions. I was under the impression the way to do this was via rank.
That too, but there's also a size distinction (small vs. all).
That too, but there's also a size distinction (small vs. all).
Which is listed (at least in my version of mapview) under 'Patrol data', not under 'Spawn data' :P
Again, my bad. I should have given it more thought than I did.
On some maps ground objects are not removed and drawn on top of UFO tiles:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0079zkwz.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0079zkwz.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/screen008xpjoz.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen008xpjoz.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/screen009i0jjz.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen009i0jjz.png)
Is this a map or an engine-related issue?
Which is listed (at least in my version of mapview) under 'Patrol data', not under 'Spawn data' :P
Spawning also respects this.
On some maps ground objects are not removed and drawn on top of UFO tiles:
Is this a map or an engine-related issue?
Sorry, it's too complicated to explain here :]
Spawning also respects this.
Apparently, as it turns out.
Sorry, it's too complicated to explain here :]
Yeah, but I guess it would be fixable by deleting/replacing the ground objects? Or is there another way?
Yeah, but I guess it would be fixable by deleting/replacing the ground objects? Or is there another way?
I think I can fix this, but it's Bullet's terrain, and I really don't want to maintain my own for of it... Would require modifying both the terrains and maps, and I don't want to create such a rift between mods. Unless maybe I can arrange something with Bullet.
I think I can fix this, but it's Bullet's terrain, and I really don't want to maintain my own for of it... Would require modifying both the terrains and maps, and I don't want to create such a rift between mods. Unless maybe I can arrange something with Bullet.
Figures, thanks for teh heads-up.
On another note, I take it the ground-tiles on hte upper level of this UFO are supposed to be one-way transparent/shoot-through?
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen017wdk61.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen017wdk61.png)
On another note, I take it the ground-tiles on hte upper level of this UFO are supposed to be one-way transparent/shoot-through?
Hm, no... I don't even think it's possible to do. I guess it's just the normal lift shenanigans.
Hm, no... I don't even think it's possible to do. I guess it's just the normal lift shenanigans.
The angles I am getting shot at from are extremely strange. But yeah, looking at this again it is probably down to the elevators and the room layout :P
Are the ramps during one of the UAC missions meant to be climbable? am I mistaking them for ramps? you cannot walk over them and the only way I could actually get to the last enemies was using 2 blaster launchers so I could go through the floor above
lastly the message you get from the UAC cuts off, I tried changing to several different resolutions but it still cuts off at the same part
Are the ramps during one of the UAC missions meant to be climbable? am I mistaking them for ramps? you cannot walk over them and the only way I could actually get to the last enemies was using 2 blaster launchers so I could go through the floor above
Yes, they are ramps and should be climbable; I just messed up the map geometry. Thanks for the notification.
lastly the message you get from the UAC cuts off, I tried changing to several different resolutions but it still cuts off at the same part
Thanks as well, I fiddled with the text and it fits now.
Another case of melee enemies stuck behind impassable terrain (would be nice if they could chew through the trees but that sounds like a pain to implement properly) lower corner, I've had it happen with zombies as well
this was a Civilians vs Monsters mission
Alien bases spawned during infiltration mission are labeled 'STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ASSAULT' - they are missing entries in the language files.
Another case of melee enemies stuck behind impassable terrain (would be nice if they could chew through the trees but that sounds like a pain to implement properly) lower corner, I've had it happen with zombies as well
this was a Civilians vs Monsters mission
Vanilla maps.
Alien bases spawned during infiltration mission are labeled 'STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ASSAULT' - they are missing entries in the language files.
There is a string, line 1006:
Probably an outdated version?
There is a string, line 1006:
Probably an outdated version?
I have the same thing and afaik am on the latest version (handcuffs are 1x1).
Is it intentional, that building the Virtualized Headquarters over the Headquarters, still costs the full 4,000,000$? The building time is reduced as expected, but not the money cost.
Probably an outdated version?
No idea how I missed 1.8b, plz don't ban
Is it intentional, that building the Virtualized Headquarters over the Headquarters, still costs the full 4,000,000$? The building time is reduced as expected, but not the money cost.
Currently no good way to make "upgrading" buildings cheaper. The only way to make it cheaper right now is via "refundValue", which refunds credits when a facility is dismantled - meaning that you would get a refund when "building over" as well as when you dismantle a facility.
This is not quite a crash. I've compiled the linux version of openxcom (master) and started it up successfully. Then installed XComFiles from the mod.io web site. During I start up, I get the following errors
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Loading data...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Scanning user mods in './user/'...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Active mods:
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.7
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Loading begins...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[20-05-2021_06-52-22] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[20-05-2021_06-52-26] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[20-05-2021_06-52-26] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_SKULL_WRAITH_ARMOR': Multiple recoverable battle corpse item(s)
Error for 'STR_SWARMIDS_LARGE_ARMOR': Multiple recoverable battle corpse item(s)
I get this error with version 1.8b, 1.8, as well as 1.7b.
Not sure what to do about this. I don't want to go about changing the rulesets myself. Any advice?
I had trouble using the forum software. I'm amending my post to add in the error logs.
Not sure what to do about this. I don't want to go about changing the rulesets myself. Any advice?
Downgrade OXCE to 7.0
or upgrade XcomFiles to git-master: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles
Thanks Meridian, that did it! At least, I was able to get the game started and the first base put down.
For anyone else who runs into this, I downgraded to v7.0 (compiled from 08d9eb908265b1fed482ff388d1ea7e8102d758f) and used X-Com Files v1.8b. Using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.
A new problem. If I reload a save in battlescape, the game loads with just a blackscreen. Furthermore, you can see everything on the map as if there were nothing on the map.
I have the same thing and afaik am on the latest version (handcuffs are 1x1).
Well I can't do anything else than add this string... And it's there...
Can you check if it's present in your version (in \XComFiles\Language\en-US.yml)?
Is it intentional, that building the Virtualized Headquarters over the Headquarters, still costs the full 4,000,000$? The building time is reduced as expected, but not the money cost.
Yeah, that's how it always works.
A new problem. If I reload a save in battlescape, the game loads with just a blackscreen. Furthermore, you can see everything on the map as if there were nothing on the map.
I'm afraid that I can't say much - never heard of it before.
A new problem. If I reload a save in battlescape, the game loads with just a blackscreen. Furthermore, you can see everything on the map as if there were nothing on the map.
well, upload the save at least
Here's the save from the game.
Here's the log (not sure if it is the right file)
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.0 (v2021-03-13)
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Platform: Linux
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Data folder is:
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Data search is:
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /home/jcheng/.local/share/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /usr/share/plasma/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /usr/local/share//openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /usr/share//openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /var/lib/snapd/desktop/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] - ./
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] User folder is: ./user/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/jcheng/.config/openxcom/
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Attempted locale: C.UTF-8
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Detected locale: C.UTF-8
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1400x1050x32...
[21-05-2021_07-34-47] [INFO] Display set to 1400x1050x32.
[21-05-2021_07-34-48] [INFO] Loading data...
[21-05-2021_07-34-48] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[21-05-2021_07-34-48] [INFO] Scanning user mods in './user/'...
[21-05-2021_07-34-48] [INFO] Active mods:
[21-05-2021_07-34-48] [INFO] - x-com-files v1.8
[21-05-2021_07-34-49] [INFO] Loading begins...
[21-05-2021_07-34-49] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[21-05-2021_07-34-49] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[21-05-2021_07-34-49] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[21-05-2021_07-34-58] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[21-05-2021_07-34-58] [INFO] Loading ended.
[21-05-2021_07-34-58] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[21-05-2021_07-34-58] [INFO] Lazy loading: 0
[21-05-2021_07-34-58] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Loading language...
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[21-05-2021_07-35-02] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[21-05-2021_07-35-03] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
Here's the save from the game.
It loads fine for me.
Don't know what's wrong.
Interesting! Thanks. I'll try a few things this weekend, perhaps a different version of oxce.
Is it intended that the Fenrir wolf's bite ignores overkill? I've had this since 1.7 and it's a bit hilarious actually just watching it bite someone so hard their fucking body just disintegrates, I actually thought that it might be a plasma based attack but no it's just regular cutting damage LOL
Interesting! Thanks. I'll try a few things this weekend, perhaps a different version of oxce.
You probably have a wrong/incompatible version of yaml-cpp library.
Try using the newest one.
Or at least not v0.5.2, which definitely doesn't work.
You probably have a wrong/incompatible version of yaml-cpp library.
Try using the newest one.
Or at least not v0.5.2, which definitely doesn't work.
Brilliant! That did it.
Working versions:
OXCE (commit hash 08d9eb908265b1fed482ff388d1ea7e8102d758f v7.0)
yaml-cpp (version yaml-cpp-0.6.3, compiled from source)
FWIW, the broken version of yaml-cpp was on master (a6bbe0e50ac4074f0b9b44188c28cf00caf1a723).
Is it intended that the Fenrir wolf's bite ignores overkill? I've had this since 1.7 and it's a bit hilarious actually just watching it bite someone so hard their fucking body just disintegrates, I actually thought that it might be a plasma based attack but no it's just regular cutting damage LOL
We call this "swallowing" or "eating whole". 8)
We call this "swallowing" or "eating whole". 8)
LMAO, works for me
I have the problem with STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ASSAULT: "ALIEN COLONY ASSAULT" on the latest game version (X-COM Files v1.8b, OpenXcom Extended v7.0 from 13.03.2021).
Some time after I have successfully raided one of the two Battleships landed in Goose Bay place in Canada a red square appeared on the globe between Monreal and Boston, on the USA territory. Upon clicking on the square it says STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ (cut off) and offers interception or details view. The details tell me
As per agreement with the host country, the aliens established a major base in this location. Its control center must be destroyed to render the base inoperative. We expect significant resistance from the alien invaders.
The savefile is attached.
I have the same thing and afaik am on the latest version (handcuffs are 1x1).
What do you advice to do with that red alert?
PS. OK, I've started the mission and exited almost immediately and did not get any crash. So, not a big problem, just the missing string or something with the description.
Like I've said a million times, I don't know why the string doesn't work, but it's an obsolete mission so fixes are pointless anyway.
OK, sorry for asking the question again. Made dome use of the mission: captured an unlucky fellow there.
OK, sorry for asking the question again. Made dome use of the mission: captured an unlucky fellow there.
Good :)
(I mean good for you, not for the captured dude... ;) )
I encountered a crash to desktop blocking game progress. I worked around it by figuring out there is one specific UFO that is triggering it, and deleting that UFO from the save game. But I don't really want to do that, as that UFO was going to terrorize some civilians, and they deserve to die (either by the hand of the aliens, or as a collateral damage by the hand of X-COM, trying to prevent the aliens from killing the civilians).
I attach the save with the crash. Run the game for 4 hours in-game to have it crash. If you open the save file and search for "# This ufo causes the crash." you will find the UFO that, if commented out, will unblock the game.
I also attach the log of the crash.
Looks like changing the missionSiteZone of the UFO from
missionSiteZone: 23
missionSiteZone: 0
fixes the problem.
Looks like at some point the game somehow generated an alien mission with broken missonSiteZone. Specifically, this is terror mission and to my understanding such missions need to have missionSiteZone of 0.
I don't know if it's been reported yet, and there are too many pages to dig through, but I keep crashing on completing the Cyberweb Airship Assault. I hope this helps you out.
[13-06-2021_20-43-41] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x5b61b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x5b7030 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x9be610 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d243c6e0 _C_specific_handler
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d2452060 _chkstk
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d2401020 RtlRaiseException
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d2450c80 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x510780 OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::showSkillsButton(bool, int)
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x4f05a0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::convertUnit(OpenXcom::BattleUnit*)
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x5368d0 OpenXcom::DebriefingState::prepareDebriefing()
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x53c2c0 OpenXcom::DebriefingState::init()
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x5ce400 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x9c0140 console_main
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x9c0260 WinMain
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] ??
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] ??
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d17f7020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[13-06-2021_20-43-42] [FATAL] 0x7ff9d2402630 RtlUserThreadStart
[13-06-2021_20-49-51] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
I don't know if it's been reported yet, and there are too many pages to dig through, but I keep crashing on completing the Cyberweb Airship Assault. I hope this helps you out.
do you have a save?
I hope attaching it to posts works.
Alien Infiltration missions still spawn a red "STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_" alien base. This is several in-game months after updating to 1.8.
Edit: The description correctly sais: "Alien Colony Assault". But the last underscore in the base's name prevents it from being translated correctly.
But the last underscore in the base's name prevents it from being translated correctly.
Why would that be the case?
Why would that be the case?
Because the string in en-US.yml says
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE: "Alien Colony"
, not
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony"
Because the string in en-US.yml says
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE: "Alien Colony"
, not
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony"
I have come across this as well, and Solarius stated that he (supposedly) fixed this. At the time I didn't look into it - I always assumed the displayed string was STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ASSAULT and the game simply truncated the string as it was too long to be displayed.
As far as I can tell the actual issue quite a bit more complicated. Notice that STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ does not actually appear in alien deployments. It is also not listed as the name of your alien base - you can check that by renaming the marker on the map (click on the name in the intercept window). If you rename the marker and check you save file you'll notice that the base now actually has a "name" entry attached to it:
- lon: 1.9236492079611289
lat: -0.3561400637017812
id: 2
pactCountry: STR_CHINA
discovered: true
startMonth: 60
minutesSinceLastHuntMissionGeneration: 60
genMissionCount: 0
- lon: 1.9236492079611289
lat: -0.3561400637017812
id: 2
name: STR_qwert
pactCountry: STR_CHINA
discovered: true
startMonth: 60
minutesSinceLastHuntMissionGeneration: 60
genMissionCount: 0
The actual marker name for alien bases (as defined in the rul) is
I am guessing that the game appends the underscore to signify IDs (i.e. alien base or rather terror site numbers) - but for whatever reason these are not actually displayed in-game.
As far as I can tell the actual issue quite a bit more complicated. Notice that STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ does not actually appear in alien deployments. It is also not listed as the name of your alien base - you can check that by renaming the marker on the map (click on the name in the intercept window). If you rename the marker and check you save file you'll notice that the base now actually has a "name" entry attached to it:
i did not know I could rename markers.
I am guessing that the game appends the underscore to signify IDs (i.e. alien base or rather terror site numbers) - but for whatever reason these are not actually displayed in-game.
My guess is, that it attempts to append a number and somehow fails. This results in an invalid string as the marker's name, which then does not get parsed. I do not know why the appending of number fails, but since names of regular alien bases and UFOs work with numbers, this would probably also work if the number was there.
I encountered a crash to desktop blocking game progress. I worked around it by figuring out there is one specific UFO that is triggering it, and deleting that UFO from the save game. But I don't really want to do that, as that UFO was going to terrorize some civilians, and they deserve to die (either by the hand of the aliens, or as a collateral damage by the hand of X-COM, trying to prevent the aliens from killing the civilians).
I attach the save with the crash. Run the game for 4 hours in-game to have it crash. If you open the save file and search for "# This ufo causes the crash." you will find the UFO that, if commented out, will unblock the game.
I also attach the log of the crash.
Looks like changing the missionSiteZone of the UFO from
missionSiteZone: 23
missionSiteZone: 0
fixes the problem.
Looks like at some point the game somehow generated an alien mission with broken missonSiteZone. Specifically, this is terror mission and to my understanding such missions need to have missionSiteZone of 0.
Yeah, looks like it. I have no idea why it happened though, it's a normal terror. Could be some non-trivial issue with the globe? Sorry, I can't help here.
I don't know if it's been reported yet, and there are too many pages to dig through, but I keep crashing on completing the Cyberweb Airship Assault. I hope this helps you out.
I tested your save and it's working fine. Must be an installation issue.
I have come across this as well, and Solarius stated that he (supposedly) fixed this.
No way I've ever stated that, because I haven't fixed this. IT'S AN OBSOLETE FEATURE AND SO I'M NOT GOING TO FIX IT.
No way I've ever stated that, because I haven't fixed this. IT'S AN OBSOLETE FEATURE AND SO I'M NOT GOING TO FIX IT.
While I do remember that you did say it was an obsolete feature, it was implied that it's appearence was an update artifact. This one was nowhere near an update.
So I have to ask.
Does an obsolete feature mean it should not appear in current version (1.18b), or that it will be removed in the next?
If the former, then there is a fix that needs to be done, namely making it not actually appear. Because it does.
If the latter, then it is fine.
Also, something that is not nescessarily to be fixed, but to be vary about. 1.18b misidentifies itself as 1.18. I thought I was playing 1.18, went to update and found out that 1.18b was identical to what I already had, down to version number in metadata.yml .
No way I've ever stated that, because I haven't fixed this. IT'S AN OBSOLETE FEATURE AND SO I'M NOT GOING TO FIX IT.
So I have to ask.
So do I.
Solarius, this happened in a completely new game while playing on 1.8b - if it "obsolete", why is it still included? Strictly speaking this isn't even about a "feature" - as far as I can tell it's about your naming scheme for alien colonies/bases.
OK guys, at this point I cannot say whether the problem persists or not. I need a save with with issue, on a campaign that started on 1.8 or unofficial 1.9.
For now, I'll just re-add the string
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony"
even though it makes no fucking sense, there is no item STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ in deployments, there is only STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE...
OK guys, at this point I cannot say whether the problem persists or not. I need a save with with issue, on a campaign that started on 1.8 or unofficial 1.9.
For now, I'll just re-add the string
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony"
even though it makes no fucking sense, there is no item STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ in deployments, there is only STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE...
I attached a modified save (set to spawn an alien base at the end of the month in UK or the Falklands) to the original report here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,6586.msg139417.html#msg139417).
As far as I can tell this is a OXCE-related bug that can not be fixed mod-side (unless you revert alien bases to their default name). My guess that the game tries to parse the numbering/ID of the alien base but fails to correctly carry it over (or rather fails to correctly discard it) to the modified string.
Are you meant to have to buy the hatchet and then research it in order to see its ufopaedia entry? Seems strange when all the other items you start with the ability to buy have their entries unlocked by default.
Thank you for v1.9 !
Version 1.9 + OXCE 7.0
This is not a bug... just an adjustment request.
In the Ovnipedia we see for "STR_GILLMAN_HERO_AUTOPSY" the listOrder "163565".
This places it very far down the list.
In order to put it back "in its place" just below "STR_GILLMAN_HERO", I think it should have the listOrder "144426" (144423 or higher).
For information, "STR_JANISSARY_AUTOPSY" has the listOrder "163564".
For "STR_NIGHTOPS_ARMOR_H_UC" I propose the listOrder "16789".
Are you meant to have to buy the hatchet and then research it in order to see its ufopaedia entry? Seems strange when all the other items you start with the ability to buy have their entries unlocked by default.
No, I forgot to block the hatchet from purchase before researching it. But it doesn't break anything and is too minor for an emergency patch.
Thank you for v1.9 !
You're very welcome!
Version 1.9 + OXCE 7.0
This is not a bug... just an adjustment request.
In the Ovnipedia we see for "STR_GILLMAN_HERO_AUTOPSY" the listOrder "163565".
This places it very far down the list.
In order to put it back "in its place" just below "STR_GILLMAN_HERO", I think it should have the listOrder "144426" (144423 or higher).
For information, "STR_JANISSARY_AUTOPSY" has the listOrder "163564".
It's a complicated thing, as it depends if we treat "Gillman Hero" as a rank (role) or life form (biological organism)... This is a problem with many Ufopaedia items, which I need to address one day, and I don't know how yet.
The problem is that the Gillman Hero should be displayed next to other alien ranks, like Aquatoid Navigator or Deep One Chieftain. It's a different section from the one containing articles like Aquatoid or Deep One. But the Gillman Hero is both...
For "STR_NIGHTOPS_ARMOR_H_UC" I propose the listOrder "16789".
Yeah, this is just a weird bug, thanks.
I've been playing this mod for a while, but since the update, the game's crashed twice on the inventory screen, with this message: (https://i.imgur.com/KNL13Wx.png)
The crash happens every time I equip this soldier with a tritanium vest and go into the inventory screen:
Here's the save file, in case it helps.
By the way, I had another bug earlier in that campaign, where after an AI unit died I was unable to restore it. It was equipped as a rocket drone and was killed by a sectoid.
I've been playing this mod for a while, but since the update, the game's crashed twice on the inventory screen, with this message:
The crash happens every time I equip this soldier with a tritanium vest and go into the inventory screen:
Here's the save file, in case it helps.
Darn! The definition was indeed botched, but only for this particular face (I hope). Thanks for letting me know!
Attached a quick fix. I'll make a proper release later.
By the way, I had another bug earlier in that campaign, where after an AI unit died I was unable to restore it. It was equipped as a rocket drone and was killed by a sectoid.
Maybe it was completely evaporated, so the core could not be retrieved?
Maybe it was completely evaporated, so the core could not be retrieved?
That's probably what happened, then
OK guys, at this point I cannot say whether the problem persists or not. I need a save with with issue, on a campaign that started on 1.8 or unofficial 1.9.
For now, I'll just re-add the string
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony"
even though it makes no fucking sense, there is no item STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_ in deployments, there is only STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE...
Any update on this? Did the save file help?
Any update on this? Did the save file help?
I just added the string with underscore, so it should be fine on the player's end.
I'll consult Meridian when he comes back.
Hello again,
I just did Alien station, and there are two issues.
Firstly, the "Solid Metal" tiles are sometimes passable. This affects both the inside of the station and the outside (Outside, I know it affects the column that contains the plasma turrets).
Secondly, the goal of the mission is to retrieve a 'corpse' of the living network's node. Unfortunately the tiny alien brain exploded upon death, making its corpse unrecoverable.
Edit: Another thing I just noticed.
It is possible to shoot down a (non-HK) Battleship with almost no danger to your crafts, so long as one of them can tank one hit.
1. Have the "Shield" plane engage and immediately minimise the interception. The Battleship will get 1 shot in.
2. Engage with other crafts and shoot the battleship down, without maximising the first interception.
The Battleship will not fire on the other crafts.
This is caused by a combination of UFOs not changing targets so long as current target is in range, Battleships having range equal to Standoff (so it can be minimised), and neither UFOs nor your planes being able to fire in a minimised interception.
I just did Alien station, and there are two issues.
Firstly, the "Solid Metal" tiles are sometimes passable. This affects both the inside of the station and the outside (Outside, I know it affects the column that contains the plasma turrets).
Secondly, the goal of the mission is to retrieve a 'corpse' of the living network's node. Unfortunately the tiny alien brain exploded upon death, making its corpse unrecoverable.
Both issues unfortunately confirmed. And now probably fixed.
If you know how, I'd suggest adding the STR_ALIEN_BRAIN_CORPSE item to your save.
Edit: Another thing I just noticed.
It is possible to shoot down a (non-HK) Battleship with almost no danger to your crafts, so long as one of them can tank one hit.
1. Have the "Shield" plane engage and immediately minimise the interception. The Battleship will get 1 shot in.
2. Engage with other crafts and shoot the battleship down, without maximising the first interception.
The Battleship will not fire on the other crafts.
This is caused by a combination of UFOs not changing targets so long as current target is in range, Battleships having range equal to Standoff (so it can be minimised), and neither UFOs nor your planes being able to fire in a minimised interception.
Interesting, but it's more of an OXCE issue than the mod's... I think.
Probably more a OXC bug, probably you should not be able to minimize window if you are attacking directly engaging UFO
By "engage", I meant enter an interception. The first plane is at Standoff, not actually attacking. But the Battleship has enough range (80) to still target them.
But I agree that a plane being targetted should not be minimisable, even at standoff range.
Not really a bug, but the Night Ops suit doesn't have any camouflage, despite saying so in its description
Sorry if this is already known (I did a quick search and couldn't find anything) but the "Commended!" commendation is unobtainable despite still being in the ufopedia, Its not listed in commendations_XCOMFILES.rul
Not really a bug, but the Night Ops suit doesn't have any camouflage, despite saying so in its description
Oh, boy. You're right, of course. How did I miss this?
Fixed and uploaded to GitHub.
Sorry if this is already known (I did a quick search and couldn't find anything) but the "Commended!" commendation is unobtainable despite still being in the ufopedia, Its not listed in commendations_XCOMFILES.rul
Not true, it's there, under STR_MEDAL_CARREER_SCORE_NAME.
mg-3 and m-60
I found and researched the m-60. Now I can buy m-60 and 7.62 ammo. But I will get information about the damage of this ammo weapon only when I research mg-3
I have a problem making an AI unit from the Alenium Shard. Its November 2000 and I have just got laser tank research so i decided to make my AI units but when I go to the workshop to build them the Start Production button is missing even though i have an Alenium shard available and it shows the AI Unit as available in the production list. I checked an earlier save game in june 2000 and i can produce AI Units no problem.
Any Ideas? Please dont say start again from the previous save as i played for days to get from June to November.
Save Game Attached , its for 1.9.1
Many thanks
when I go to the workshop to build them the Start Production button is missing
The shard wants a bunk for itself after being left in the stores for so long, and refuses to be built if it doesn't get one. :)
You are right Juku. I have been playing this game for so long and I have missed the obvious. Many thanks for the heads up buddy
Is the BO LMG really supposed to have identical snap and auto shot TU and accuracy costs?
mg-3 and m-60
I found and researched the m-60. Now I can buy m-60 and 7.62 ammo. But I will get information about the damage of this ammo weapon only when I research mg-3
Yes, it's a bug. Thank you for the notification.
Is the BO LMG really supposed to have identical snap and auto shot TU and accuracy costs?
Yeah, it's to promote the usage of auto, and therefore hamper reacting. I understand it's not very elegant...
Yeah, it's to promote the usage of auto, and therefore hamper reacting.
Hmm, maybe boost the values a little, then, so the advantages are a bit more clear. And possibly make the values a tiny little bit different, so it's absolutely clear this is not a copy-paste typo. Maybe something like auto TU 42% -> 40%, accuracy 40 -> 44, and snap TU 42% -> 39%, accuracy 40 -> 45? This is roughly in-between Assault LMG snap and auto shots.
And/or add something to the pedia description. Like "This light machine gun is equipped with advanced stabilizers and an integral bipod [What's a bipod system, anyway? Marketing speak?], giving it better accuracy with auto-shots. The added weight makes it harder to maneuver quickly. It uses conventional LMG ammunition.[It doesn't, it uses the same BO rounds as the other two BO machine guns. Well, okay, it's conventional all right, but I think the idea was that it uses the same ammo as its predecessor?]"
Öi man
I have encountered a bug...
I got like a "ghostbusters"-base and when I equip the team (Olympians in Humvee) with bulletproof coats, game crashes with attached message...
happens only in this base with only these characters I think.
Not knowing exactly what I talk about, this seems like an easy fix so I would rather not upload a save.
If you still need it to examine the problem I will though.
(I worked around it by giving them regulr leather coats for now)
greetz... Grunch
Hmm, maybe boost the values a little, then, so the advantages are a bit more clear. And possibly make the values a tiny little bit different, so it's absolutely clear this is not a copy-paste typo. Maybe something like auto TU 42% -> 40%, accuracy 40 -> 44, and snap TU 42% -> 39%, accuracy 40 -> 45? This is roughly in-between Assault LMG snap and auto shots.
Can do, but why did you make it better across the board? :D
And/or add something to the pedia description. Like "This light machine gun is equipped with advanced stabilizers and an integral bipod [What's a bipod system, anyway? Marketing speak?], giving it better accuracy with auto-shots. The added weight makes it harder to maneuver quickly. It uses conventional LMG ammunition.[It doesn't, it uses the same BO rounds as the other two BO machine guns. Well, okay, it's conventional all right, but I think the idea was that it uses the same ammo as its predecessor?]"
No, the same as other similar BlackOps weapons.
Öi man
I have encountered a bug...
I got like a "ghostbusters"-base and when I equip the team (Olympians in Humvee) with bulletproof coats, game crashes with attached message...
happens only in this base with only these characters I think.
Not knowing exactly what I talk about, this seems like an easy fix so I would rather not upload a save.
If you still need it to examine the problem I will though.
(I worked around it by giving them regulr leather coats for now)
greetz... Grunch
Sorry, I'll need that save after all. I cannot reproduce the problem, so I'm probably misunderstanding something.
Can do, but why did you make it better across the board? :D
The new snap shot is still worse than Assault LMG snap shot. Both are supposed to be about midway between Assault LMG snap and auto shots, +/- a point or two. The BO LMG is supposed to be an improvement after all, isn't it? There's also longer auto range, of course, but not all players data mine, and it's not that much of an improvement.
Well, it's your choice, of course, but I imagine ATM quite a few players look at the stats and just write the thing off.
No, the same as other similar BlackOps weapons.
My point was, that's not really a very useful sentence, so you could leave it out and add the one I put in for 'unwieldiness'. Sorry if it wasn't clear.
I think you made a mistake when adding the Jar of Gray Goo. From https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/723abf768c899979143029cdb1f47ac3312496db#diff-c5314700e92e138756b0cd1f7a5538b2f2e45f4347e99b27e76d40555fcb8099:
Shouldn't the last one be STR_JAR_OF_GRAY_GOO?
Sorry, I'll need that save after all. I cannot reproduce the problem, so I'm probably misunderstanding something.
sure, here you go...
In "Ghostbusters"base in New York..."ECTO-1"... inventory ...when I try equip "Ray" and "Winston" with bulletproof-coat...game crash.
(just so you know... this counts as helping. :D )
Its possible to make Mass driver tanks AND ammo for it despite XCOM cannot even manufacture mass driver weapons for infantry.
Mass Driver guns require Elerium Battery to make, but vehicular one's only need "Mass Driver Weapons" which is WAY easier to get via Osirion loot boxes and some basic UFO research.
The new snap shot is still worse than Assault LMG snap shot. Both are supposed to be about midway between Assault LMG snap and auto shots, +/- a point or two. The BO LMG is supposed to be an improvement after all, isn't it? There's also longer auto range, of course, but not all players data mine, and it's not that much of an improvement.
Well, it's your choice, of course, but I imagine ATM quite a few players look at the stats and just write the thing off.
Fair enough. Hard to say for me, players' preferences are often surprising... We'll see.
My point was, that's not really a very useful sentence, so you could leave it out and add the one I put in for 'unwieldiness'. Sorry if it wasn't clear.
Strings for 2.0 are now closed (due to ongoing translations), so I'll allow myself to postpone such decisions for later.
I think you made a mistake when adding the Jar of Gray Goo. From https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/723abf768c899979143029cdb1f47ac3312496db#diff-c5314700e92e138756b0cd1f7a5538b2f2e45f4347e99b27e76d40555fcb8099:
Shouldn't the last one be STR_JAR_OF_GRAY_GOO?
Yep, absolutely! Thanks for saving my back here.
sure, here you go...
In "Ghostbusters"base in New York..."ECTO-1"... inventory ...when I try equip "Ray" and "Winston" with bulletproof-coat...game crash.
(just so you know... this counts as helping. :D )
Okay, crashing for me too. I'll investigate ASAP. [EDIT: Fixed. Thanks!]
Its possible to make Mass driver tanks AND ammo for it despite XCOM cannot even manufacture mass driver weapons for infantry.
Mass Driver guns require Elerium Battery to make, but vehicular one's only need "Mass Driver Weapons" which is WAY easier to get via Osirion loot boxes and some basic UFO research.
Can you elaborate? Making both the Mass Driver HWP and its ammo have the same prerequisites, which is "HWP Mass Driver". This research depends on "MASS DRIVER CANNON" and "Heavy Weapon Platforms".
Okay, crashing for me too. I'll investigate ASAP. [EDIT: Fixed. Thanks!]
No thank you :)
[EDIT: Fixed. Thanks!]
Can you elaborate? Making both the Mass Driver HWP and its ammo have the same prerequisites, which is "HWP Mass Driver". This research depends on "MASS DRIVER CANNON" and "Heavy Weapon Platforms".
Alright, i'll explain
Mass driver tanks and its ammo can be manufactured by XCOM if you just research UFO powersystems and Mass Driver Cannons (I got mass driver weapon from Osirion loot box).
But you cannot make your own mass driver weapons for infantry. You can make one for vehicles... but you cannot make handheld versions.
To be able to make a mass driver weapon for a HUMAN you need:
- ELERIUM battery <---- this one is locked in RNG rullete of Engineer/Leader integoriation
- Mass Driver weapons
To be able to make a mass driver for a TANK, you need this
- UFO power systems <--- this one is plausible in early game
- Mass Driver weapons
So XCOM can make tanks, but not rifles and pistols. Like there is some logic in this if you want to leave it as it is because its much more plausible that XCOM can make these railguns on vehicles because they can be equiped by heavy batteries to power it and the tank has the strenght to move around with them, but handheld versions need alien grade batteries because otherwise the gun would be unusable by humans from its shere weight to be able to even power such thing.
Yes, that is precisely the case.
Maybe it's a bug of EXALT's HQ map. My agent standing on the 2nd floor can see EXALT's Leader that stays on the 3rd floor. A hole in the ceiling? The save is attached.
Morale supercharge! :o
Morale supercharge! :o
With a name like Niamh she sounds Irish, and we do tend to make light of situations where others would run! Ever heard the of the 'Thin Red Line' that stood firm against the French cavalry at Waterloo? A lot of those guys were Irishmen!
Morale supercharge! :o
Is it from drug use?
I remember seeing energy supercharge from drug use and I guess that things that have a negative cost can supercharge a stat. In case of energy, it dropped to regular levels next turn.
Maybe it's a bug of EXALT's HQ map. My agent standing on the 2nd floor can see EXALT's Leader that stays on the 3rd floor. A hole in the ceiling? The save is attached.
Sorry, your save is from the very start of the mission and I have no idea who should see whom. At this moment, nobody sees any enemies.
Morale supercharge! :o
Could be some Bravery boosting outfit? Or more likely, it's the Irish blood effect, mate!
Sorry, your save is from the very start of the mission and I have no idea who should see whom. At this moment, nobody sees any enemies.
Here is the new save with the same bug in the EXALT HQ - The 1st visible enemy was seen through a floor. The floor area was damaged by fire. I suppose it is transparent, however, the agent can't fall through it.
Another bugreport. Load the save with long name and wait till 08:00 of 7th of June, 1999. Two Battleships will be detected, flying with their full speed of 6250 mph, UFO-117 and UFO-118. Wait. When UFO-177 will be near one of the X-COM bases, another Battleship will be detected, UFO-119. The 117th will land and a base defense will begin. After the successful defense no UFOs will be seen. Two other Battleships will vanish.
I've attached a save after the base defense.
Oh, I was so happy to anticipate a series of base attacks, but no, the Aliens seem to have been frightened by the fate of their shining UFO-117.
AFAIK, a successful base defense will abort any ongoing retaliation mission which spawned said battleship.
Thanks. Interestingly, one of the disappeared battleships was on the other side of the planet. It did not seem to go to the base.
One more question. How could I order interceptors to patrol over a landed UFO?
In the vanilla, as far as I remember, interceptors simply stayed over the landed UFO. It is useful, because they will immediately intercept the UFO upon its lift-off. In the X-COM Files interceptors can land near UFO and the game asks each time about it when an interceptor reaches a landed UFO. It's a pity that when I answer "No, do not land" the aircraft just heads home. So, the UFO will just lift-off unhindered and will fly away.
One more question. How could I order interceptors to patrol over a landed UFO?
Press CTRL and click on PATROL button that appears.
In the vanilla, as far as I remember, interceptors simply stayed over the landed UFO. It is useful, because they will immediately intercept the UFO upon its lift-off. In the X-COM Files interceptors can land near UFO and the game asks each time about it when an interceptor reaches a landed UFO. It's a pity that when I answer "No, do not land" the aircraft just heads home. So, the UFO will just lift-off unhindered and will fly away.
To have this behavior, you need an interceptor that cannot land/go on a mission.
Press CTRL and click on PATROL button that appears.
Thanks, that worked!
It doesn't seem possible to buy 5.56 ammo until Milestone 2, which is a bit frustrating seeing as I'm able to purchase FAMAS, L85 and G36 from the Dagon suppliers before then. I presume the Church of Dagon buys ammunition for their weapons as well (or maybe they've reached Milestone 2 ahead of me), and browsing through research_XCOMFILES.rul it does seem like I'm supposed to be able to buy ammo to weapons I can buy. I solved this one rather inelegantly by moving the following lines from Milestone 2 summary to Milestone 1 summary:
This allows me to research the above string. Crude, but it's the only thing I was able to do which actually worked.
EDIT: I think I found out why my other changes did not work. I had a backup folder in the ruleset folder, where I kept items_XCOMFILES.rul and research_XCOMFILES.rul. So long as they were in a sub-folder of the ruleset folder, the game kept overruling my changes. None of my edits of the items registered at all, and I could even delete the .rul file with no consequences. Only once I relocated the backup folder did my changes register. Makes me wonder why the abovementioned change in the research .rul file did make a difference, but I guess I shouldn't question a good thing too much.
[CTD when snakemen attack my base. A mapfile is missing - XBASS_45.MAP.
Regarding my game version, i'm 95% sure to have 2.1 despite the save saying 2.0]
Edit: replacement of the missing mapfile didn't work, but after re-downloading ver 2.0.1 everything is working fine
Crash when killing the last robotic enemy when assaulting the Dimension X Airship, making the human enemies surrender.
Attached quicksave from turn where last robot can be killed, screenshot of error and logfile.
I may be missing something, but it seems the liquidator armour is considerably worse than the armoured vest. The protective stats are identical, but the liquidator armour - despite requiring considerably more research - has greater penalties to stats, and costs over twice as much. Besides looking cooler, why would I want it?
I may be missing something, but it seems the liquidator armour is considerably worse than the armoured vest. The protective stats are identical, but the liquidator armour - despite requiring considerably more research - has greater penalties to stats, and costs over twice as much. Besides looking cooler, why would I want it?
What does the description say about that armor? Would you mind quoting it here?
What does the description say about that armor? Would you mind quoting it here?
The description of the Liquidator armour says it has better NV (night vision?) than the armoured vest, but how is that reflected in the stats, exactly? The only stats that seem relevant to my eyes are camouflageAtDark (neither armour has a listing), visibilityAtDark and personalLight (both armours 12 and 5 respectively).
visibilityAtDark and personalLight (both armours 12 and 5 respectively).
You might want to double check that.
You might want to double check that.
Yes, it seems some instances of the liquidator armour have different values for visibilityAtDark, although I don't know which is the one I'm getting when I pay for it (numbers are :
Yes, it seems some instances of the liquidator armour have different values for visibilityAtDark, although I don't know which is the one I'm getting when I pay for it (numbers are :
That is irrelevant in regards to your original question, but we will get to that in due time (provided nobody else wants to answer it). I asked you to double check the numbers you gave for both armors. What is the value for visibilityAtDark for STR_ARMORED_VEST_UC?
That is irrelevant in regards to your original question, but we will get to that in due time (provided nobody else wants to answer it). I asked you to double check the numbers you gave for both armors. What is the value for visibilityAtDark for STR_ARMORED_VEST_UC?
Ah, yes - that particular armour only has a value of 9, I see that now. I must have looked at STR_ARMORED_VEST_PROTEAN_UC before, which has a value of 12. What difference proteins make.
Not Protein, Protean (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protean).
Which leads us to your other question (possible spoilers):
Those are not different types of armor, but the same kind of armor for different types of agents (or soldiers). Due to the way that OXC handles unit properties, some attributes are assigned to units themselves, while others are part of the armor definitions.
Not Protein, Protean (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Protean).
I was being facetious.
Those are not different types of armor, but the same kind of armor for different types of agents (or soldiers). Due to the way that OXC handles unit properties, some attributes are assigned to units themselves, while others are part of the armor definitions.
Ah, that would explain it, then. Thank you. However, it still doesn't make sense to me that a suit of armour should be heavier and bulkier (but offering the same protection), just by adding night vision goggles. Wouldn't it make more sense for it just to have the combined drawbacks as the armoured vest and the NightOps armour? Ie., -5, -5 and -10 to TU, stamina and reactions respectively.
Although I have to say, stamina has never been remotely an issue for me in Xcom-Files, not even with rookies.
I was being facetious.
You sounded kind fo sincere given your inflection. Sorry if I misunderstood you ;)
Wouldn't it make more sense for it just to have the combined drawbacks as the armoured vest and the NightOps armour? Ie., -5, -5 and -10 to TU, stamina and reactions respectively.
Not really up to me to say, and I am not the mod author. The nice thing about OXC is that you can change most of the stuff to your own liking, as the *.rul files are all plain text. Don't like how somehting is implemented? Just change it.
You sounded kind fo sincere given your inflection. Sorry if I misunderstood you ;)
Not really up to me to say, and I am not the mod author. The nice thing about OXC is that you can change most of the stuff to your own liking, as the *.rul files are all plain text. Don't like how somehting is implemented? Just change it.
I already have. Don't tell anybody. :D
Your secret is safe with me ;D
Should Quillbow have tritanium bolt? Crossbow have it.
PKM (as in the weapon) doesn't seem to have a UFOPedia entry, nor I can middle-click on it in the inventory to see its stats.
Apparently, it does (found it in the files), but it still doesn't show up in my game. I think I know why -- it seems that I've somehow got the right to buy it prematurely, since I don't have Machine Guns License, only Contact: Cult Arms Dealers and Red Dawn Operations.
Ah, that would explain it, then. Thank you. However, it still doesn't make sense to me that a suit of armour should be heavier and bulkier (but offering the same protection), just by adding night vision goggles. Wouldn't it make more sense for it just to have the combined drawbacks as the armoured vest and the NightOps armour? Ie., -5, -5 and -10 to TU, stamina and reactions respectively.
Although I have to say, stamina has never been remotely an issue for me in Xcom-Files, not even with rookies.
Military NVG can easily weigh 1-2 lbs depending on design and configuration (older tend to be heavier, but even modern 'lightweight' ones can be close to a pound and that's just for optics covering one eye. On top of that I'm pretty sure that OXCE 'weight' isn't just mass (whether in lbs or kg) given that a Glock 18 weighs '3' yet IRL weighs about .94 kg (pistol weight with a loaded magazine)
Assuming one weight unit was ~300 grams approximately, a 'weight' 10 vest will weigh 3 kg, and a weight 8 vest would weigh 2.4 kg. 600 grams or so would be plausible for NVG especially circa late 90s or early 2000s.
Somehow I lost all of my stack after abort the zombie castle without a warning. I'm pretty sure it didn't get destroyed.
Military NVG can easily weigh 1-2 lbs depending on design and configuration (older tend to be heavier, but even modern 'lightweight' ones can be close to a pound and that's just for optics covering one eye. On top of that I'm pretty sure that OXCE 'weight' isn't just mass (whether in lbs or kg) given that a Glock 18 weighs '3' yet IRL weighs about .94 kg (pistol weight with a loaded magazine)
Assuming one weight unit was ~300 grams approximately, a 'weight' 10 vest will weigh 3 kg, and a weight 8 vest would weigh 2.4 kg. 600 grams or so would be plausible for NVG especially circa late 90s or early 2000s.
Yes, I considered that, but then the night-ops armour - which sports bulkier night-ops than the liquidator - does not add bulk beyond a leather coat, I believe. It does penalise reactions by -5, but that's it. The liquidator provides the same night vision benefits as the night-ops armour, but not a penalty to reactions. Instead, it adds additional penalties to tu and stamina, as well as weighing more than the armoured vest. And the optics on that liquidator helmet do not look particularly cumbersome. So for game-purposes, I altered the penalties to the liquidator harness as mentioned before.
That's not an issue of 'realism' or suspension of disbelief though, that's more a 'game mechanics' optimization style reason. My original post is about justifying the in-universe logic for those things, not whether it is competitive with other features.
If we're talking about optimized game mechanics stuff that is an entirely different matter and part of a larger discussion I've seen pertaining to other issues (like the sheer number/options of weapons in the game as in the gyrojet thread.) Solarius Scorch probably has their reasons why that is, and I'm not really that upset over it that I feel it needs to be questioned TBH. Especially as if you know enough about the OXCE and the mod you can 'fix' those things to suit your purposes anyhow (as krautbernd mentioned earlier.)
edit: And if we still want to be pedantic 'bulky' can mean alot of things. It can refer to mass or volume, and both can be an inhibition to reflexes/response time depending on a bunch of factors (how you wear it, etc.) It may not even be a mass/volume issue but one of peripheral vision (depending on design or features - is it monocular or binocular? Is it active or passive night vision, etc.) So you can still rationalize it, especially if you consider alot of things that are added are there for aesthetics or flavor (EG that same argument can apply to the problem with the sheer quantity of vaguely similar guns mentioned elsewhere. It can add to the aesthetics or perceived 'realism' of the game without actually contributing real mechanical benefit or any benefit beyond 'what a person prefers to use.' Maybe a player doesn't want to equip their agents with M16s but would rather use AKs. Or maybe its a balancing issue Solarius Scorch intends to get to but is busy with other things. It is a big mod after all.) From a purely 'mechanics' perspective the balance issue can go the other way too - the difference in pluses or minuses is part of how the author perceives the balance. You'll get cases where not everyone agrees, which is again where krautbernd's earlier point becomes once again relevant.)
Like, you can still bring it up (that's the purpose of this thread) I'm just not sure it's a big enough issue it warrants a change to the game itself, rather than you simply tweaking it so it suits the way you feel it should be handled. I've had similar feelings about such in XCF and XP myself, but it's more about me than about the games. In other words, I see it as a 'me' problem, not a 'game' problem.
That's not an issue of 'realism' or suspension of disbelief though, that's more a 'game mechanics' optimization style reason. My original post is about justifying the in-universe logic for those things, not whether it is competitive with other features.
But that's what I was doing - justifying it by in-game logic, rather than viewing it through a lens of realism. I see three suits of armours where one suit combines the benefits of the other two, and in-game logic dictates that it also combines the disadvantages of those other two.
Like, you can still bring it up (that's the purpose of this thread) I'm just not sure it's a big enough issue it warrants a change to the game itself, rather than you simply tweaking it so it suits the way you feel it should be handled. I've had similar feelings about such in XCF and XP myself, but it's more about me than about the games. In other words, I see it as a 'me' problem, not a 'game' problem.
Yes, well I saw it differently. I spotted something I figured was an error, and so I reported it in the appropriate place. Just because I fixed it in my personal copy of the game, doesn't mean it's fixed for others.
But that's just it. Like its fine if you think it's an issue - you're free to express your opinion like anyone else - but there's a difference between 'me' problem and 'game' problem. Because 'internal logic' often overlaps with perceived realism (it's more about what a person *personally* thinks makes sense after all, and not everyone always agrees with that) but this also runs up against game abstraction (just because it doesn't make sense to me doesn't mean there is no reason.) If anything divorcing in-universe logic from realism makes it easier because you can engage in alot more handwaving (technological differences, superscience, etc) than realism would permit. And there's still internal 'game mechanics' reasons (balance issues).
In the end the only person who could really answer it is the author if they deign to do so, and there's not much point in me dragging this out. Apologies if it seems overly harsh or nitpicky I was only confused as to why something that seemed obvious to me (at least) was a persistent issue. And by that inadvertently prolonging needless debate.
PLaying on 1.8 right now for...reasons...and I just encountered hybrids flying around in a keep masquerading as a abductor. On a base mission apparently. Also they apaprently teamed up with jarheads. It was a bit of a wild ride to be honest.
I remember things liek this happening in earlier versions - is this aknown bug that's been fixed in later versions?
Sorry for keeping quiet recently, I was busy with stuff.
I checked the issues you posted, and most seem to have been resolved in the meantime (I was modding quite a bit).
Here is the new save with the same bug in the EXALT HQ - The 1st visible enemy was seen through a floor. The floor area was damaged by fire. I suppose it is transparent, however, the agent can't fall through it.
Sorry, I officially don't know! :)
I remember things liek this happening in earlier versions - is this aknown bug that's been fixed in later versions?
I dunno, it sounds like a generic case. I can't say if it's possible without analysing the rulesets, and I don't feel like putting in the effort, as it's considerable. Even if it's true, I wouldn't call it a problem.
Good morning. I would like to ask about an issue I had. Recently, I have not been able to play the most recent version of the X-Com Files. I keep on getting this error.
Error processing 'STR_M16MK' in items: Item STR_PUMP_ACTION_SLUGS not found
For context, I currently have a save game from the previous version. Actually, the error also occurs even if I don't have a save game from a previous version. May I please know what could be done about this? Thank you.
Judging by the item name(s), this sounds like an issue with "arsenal additions", not with the main mod.
Nope, just updated the X-Com Files Additions submod. Still getting the same error.
No, you don't understand - "STR_M16MK" is not part of XCF, neither is "STR_PUMP_ACTION_SLUGS". Check the ruleset-files yourself if you don't believe me.
This is an issue with the submod (or whatever other custom modifications you're running), not with XCF. Also, are you by any chance trying to load a battlescape save?
When I mentioned X-Com Files Additions submod, I meant the X-Com Files Arsenal Additions submod, not the main mod itself. Anyway, the author of the submod had just updated it. I downloaded it and now I can play X-Com Files again.
Bit of map generation silliness where a fenrir wolf spawned trapped behind a rock and couldn't move anywhere.
Bit of map generation silliness where a fenrir wolf spawned trapped behind a rock and couldn't move anywhere.
Lol, that's unfortunate for the wolf. But I wouldn't say it counts as a bug per se.
Got an arctic hills mission where you can walk through the side of the hill and into the cave inside. Walk Santino Diaz here one tile forward and he clips right through the mountain side and falls a level into the cave.
According to your screen, the worst thing is that we can only see half of her body !!! 8)
I'm currently playing on version 7.14 of OXCE and 2.1b of X-Com Files and I just came across a hard crash whenever I try to start the UAC Weapons Distribution mission. It happens the moment I click the OK button from the mission preparation screen. I do have the Resound Mod active but just to make sure it wasn't the cause I uninstalled it and still had the error.
Got an arctic hills mission where you can walk through the side of the hill and into the cave inside. Walk Santino Diaz here one tile forward and he clips right through the mountain side and falls a level into the cave.
Yep, problem identified and fixed, thank you!
I'm currently playing on version 7.14 of OXCE and 2.1b of X-Com Files and I just came across a hard crash whenever I try to start the UAC Weapons Distribution mission. It happens the moment I click the OK button from the mission preparation screen. I do have the Resound Mod active but just to make sure it wasn't the cause I uninstalled it and still had the error.
I am not getting any issues on my end. Might be something that has been fixed already.
As usual, you're welcome to use the "nightly" GitHub version: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
Some translations are still not done, but otherwise it should work just fine.
Yup. Nightly build did indeed fix the issue. Thanks for both the suggestion and alerting me of the existence of the nightly build. Much appreciated.
Yup. Nightly build did indeed fix the issue. Thanks for both the suggestion and alerting me of the existence of the nightly build. Much appreciated.
Glad to hear!
Of course, the GitHub version is sorely untested... But I'm doing my best to keep it playable all the time.
It looks like the spirit of Dagon is still blocking this passage after all these years. It's driving me nuts every time I have to go past there. :'(
It looks like the spirit of Dagon is still blocking this passage after all these years. It's driving me nuts every time I have to go past there. :'(
Unfortunately I am unable to determine the cause. It's not a normal terrain problem, since the unit paths through that place normally and only stops when reaching this point.
I hope someone who can run the game in debug mode can help with that some day.
I assume it's not some kind of fake wall issue? What if you just delete that square and its surroundings and then rebuild it?
Unfortunately I am unable to determine the cause. It's not a normal terrain problem, since the unit paths through that place normally and only stops when reaching this point.
I hope someone who can run the game in debug mode can help with that some day.
what's the name of that mapblock? ill have a look if/when am in the area ... (no guarantees atm)
and ... what Juku said
I suspect something about the new commendations is broken so all of the mission type-related commendations are awarded at once regardless of the actual mission being done. This screenshot was taken after a Cult Apprehension mission off a newly started save file.
I suspect something about the new commendations is broken so all of the mission type-related commendations are awarded at once regardless of the actual mission being done. This screenshot was taken after a Cult Apprehension mission off a newly started save file.
I noticed that too. I DL'd yesterday's github version (with the new commendations) and I thought it was 8mono's xcomfilesaddon causing it, but when I disabled the mod and started a new game to check I got this as well from a creature mission. It's not game-breaking, but it IS weird.
OXCE 7.1.11 or newer is required for the new commendations
OXCE 7.1.11 or newer is required for the new commendations
Thank you
OXCE 7.1.11 or newer is required for the new commendations
I can't seem to find a download link for that version. Would someone be willing to provide it?
Link (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html).
A better question is, why were you unable to find it? It's not as if it's hidden in the fifth post of some forgotten thread...
Link (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html).
A better question is, why were you unable to find it? It's not as if it's hidden in the fifth post of some forgotten thread...
That's the wrong version, it's 7.1.4. I need at least 7.1.11. Looking in the subsection for the nightlies, I couldn't find it there either.
EDIT: Never mind, I was sorting the versions wrong.
My bad. :-[
Although looking at the changelog, just plain 7.1 says
- Fix statistics calculation for commendations
Maybe that's it? I guess Meridian will have to clarify this.
You need 7.1.11 or newer... it's a new feature, not a bugfix.
The nightlies are built after every push to github... just look a bit closer... and sort the files by time, not by name.
You need 7.1.11 or newer... it's a new feature, not a bugfix.
The nightlies are built after every push to github... just look a bit closer... and sort the files by time, not by name.
Sorry about that, I didn't realize it at the time. Thanks for clearing that up.
I forgot to mention something else that I'm pretty sure is a bug. The new faces don't seem to have names assigned to them.
X-Com does not discriminate. Even if you have no arms. We'll just stuff you into an armoured suit and hang some gauntlets from the stumps. :D
Goes for the other suit as well.
Good morning. I would like to ask about an issue I had. Recently, I have not been able to play the most recent version of the X-Com Files. I keep on getting this error.
Error processing 'STR_M16MK' in items: Item STR_PUMP_ACTION_SLUGS not found
For context, I currently have a save game from the previous version. Actually, the error also occurs even if I don't have a save game from a previous version. May I please know what could be done about this? Thank you.
Get the newest version of XCF additions, this should be fixed by now, it's not on XCF vanilla's side
Unfortunately I am unable to determine the cause. It's not a normal terrain problem, since the unit paths through that place normally and only stops when reaching this point.
I hope someone who can run the game in debug mode can help with that some day.
this guy standing on the stairs below blocks the tile with his head sticking out/through
after killing him, you can move
@Solarius Scorch that spot on the stairs going nowhere doesn't seem like a valid spawn point... I'd remove it
It looks like the spirit of Dagon is still blocking this passage after all these years. It's driving me nuts every time I have to go past there. :'(
Fixed with Meridian's help. This one was pretty tricky!
I forgot to mention something else that I'm pretty sure is a bug. The new faces don't seem to have names assigned to them.
I haven't given them any yet.
X-Com does not discriminate. Even if you have no arms. We'll just stuff you into an armoured suit and hang some gauntlets from the stumps. :D
Goes for the other suit as well.
Heh, yeah... Fixed.
All cult safehouse, hideout, and base missions have stopped generating completely. When I attempted to force one to appear by editing a save, I was given an error message saying the specified region did not exist. The same thing happened for the crop circles missions too. This was all on a clean save.
I have also encountered a similar error in an older save, this time affecting the Syndicate Lab mission. The save in question is attached.
Could there have been an error in the zone changes you've been making lately?
EDIT: Disregard, updating OXCE to newest version seems to have fixed it.
Another zone-related bug, this time with an Osiron nest mission being generated in a zone that doesn't exist. The crash happens around the 4th or so using the save attached. Trying to manually edit the missionSiteZone variable simply had it appear in an entirely different nonexistent zone, as did updating OXCE to the most recent nightly.
game crashes when attempting to do the UAC weapon distribution mission, because "Sprite Set XCOM_237.PCK not found"
This was on mod version 2.1, but i'm not sure updating to 2.1b would fix it
For those who do not run the game (for versions XCF 2.0 and above, and probably below) on versions OXCE 7.3 or 7.4 - gives an error with "STR_DOOM_HELL_BARON_WEAPON":
1. Open with any notepad file "...\OpenUfo\user\mods\XComFiles\Ruleset\items_XCOMFILES.rul".
2. Find the line " - type: STR_DOOM_HELL_BARON_WEAPON".
3. Just below it, change at the line " fireSound: 402" value from 402 to 420 to get " fireSound: 420".
4. Save the file and play.
Here I attach a corrected file for version XCF 2.1b. If you have a different version of mod, the replacement of this file can break the game - in that case edit the file manually, as described above.
All cult safehouse, hideout, and base missions have stopped generating completely. When I attempted to force one to appear by editing a save, I was given an error message saying the specified region did not exist. The same thing happened for the crop circles missions too. This was all on a clean save.
I have also encountered a similar error in an older save, this time affecting the Syndicate Lab mission. The save in question is attached.
Could there have been an error in the zone changes you've been making lately?
EDIT: Disregard, updating OXCE to newest version seems to have fixed it.
Another zone-related bug, this time with an Osiron nest mission being generated in a zone that doesn't exist. The crash happens around the 4th or so using the save attached. Trying to manually edit the missionSiteZone variable simply had it appear in an entirely different nonexistent zone, as did updating OXCE to the most recent nightly.
These two errors are related to the recent changes in how missions are generated and require the newest OXCE.
game crashes when attempting to do the UAC weapon distribution mission, because "Sprite Set XCOM_237.PCK not found"
This was on mod version 2.1, but i'm not sure updating to 2.1b would fix it
All that I can say is "works for me". (The problem is about the caveman outfit for a hybrid.)
For those who do not run the game (for versions XCF 2.0 and above, and probably below) on versions OXCE 7.3 or 7.4 - gives an error with "STR_DOOM_HELL_BARON_WEAPON":
Yeah, it was an old bug, but new OXCE force-crashes it. Will be fixed in 2.2, hopefully to be released today.
I have received a major hit in save and load time speed. Is anyone else see a performance drop?
This is just after updating from 2.1b onto 2.2
how much is a major hit?
I'm running off a Samsung m.2 drive and save and load time was effectively instantaneous. Now the game will hang for 5-10 seconds when saving or loading to file.
I could follow up with you after doing a clean install, maybe something happened when updating the mod folder.
The only other mods active (which worked for 2.1b) are the super mega music pack, with the addition of 'all mods patch' metadata.yml
On my end, an average mid campaign XcomFiles save (~3 MB) takes about 2-3 seconds to load.
If you upload one of your saves, I can try to load it.
You can also try downgrading OXCE to see if there is any change.
From coding perspective, there wasn't any change I'm aware of that could affect save/load times.
PS: what is a "all mods patch" ??
Sorry for bothering you guys over this. It just turned out I needed a reboot. As for the question to "all mods patch"
you can dl it here https://mod.io/mods/file/1683926
This mod is required to get some of the other mods to appear in the mod menu. It's a slightly altered metadata.yml file
BTW, awesome work. I am really enjoying the game. It's well balanced and very impressive!
Load saves from version 2.1 and run
game crashed
I can't find a mod called "all mods patch" on mod.io.
Sorry, but I'm not going to download this file as is, too many malware attempts lately.
Anyway, I haven't noticed any difference regarding X-Com Files performance over the past months.
Load saves from version 2.1 and run
game crashed
XCF 2.1 saves are not compatible with XCF 2.2.
You have two options:
1/ fix the save yourself (remove invalid regions and invalid missions)
2/ upgrade to OXCE 7.4, which will fix the save for you (it's also required for the new mission fnctionality)
I'd recommend option 2/
I'm running off a Samsung m.2 drive and save and load time was effectively instantaneous. Now the game will hang for 5-10 seconds when saving or loading to file.
I wrote about this a couple of years ago. This is from statistics overflow. Try in "options.cfg" set "soldierDiaries: false". Perhaps it will help.
I wrote about this a couple of years ago. This is from statistics overflow. Try in "options.cfg" set "soldierDiaries: false". Perhaps it will help.
He replied a couple of posts ago that it was resolved after a reboot.
Hi Solarius Scorch
After upgrade on XCF 2.2 + OXCE 7.4 it won't start:
[15-01-2022_23-26-28] [INFO] Loading data...
[15-01-2022_23-26-28] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[15-01-2022_23-26-28] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'D:/Games/OpenXcom/user/'...
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [ERROR] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] Active mods:
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] - x-com-files v2.2
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] - XCF-CyrNames vAzrael, 20/SEP/2019
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] - dark-geoscape v1.0
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] - x-com-resound v2.11
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] Loading begins...
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[15-01-2022_23-26-29] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[15-01-2022_23-26-32] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[15-01-2022_23-26-32] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[15-01-2022_23-26-32] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] After load.
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_BUZZER_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover (nor any civilianRecoveryType).
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_CYBERMITE_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover (nor any civilianRecoveryType).
[15-01-2022_23-26-36] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of units:
Error for 'STR_HYBRID_ENGINEER': Unit is missing armor
Error for 'STR_HYBRID_MEDIC': Unit is missing armor
Error for 'STR_HYBRID_NAVIGATOR': Unit is missing armor
Any ideas? On 2.1b + OXCE 7.3 all good.
UPD: My bad, must also update X-Com X-Files Resound Mod. After that - all good. Thanks again for amazing mod!
I can not research plasma pistol, plasma rifle, etc.
version 2.2 with opexcom extended 7.4 (started brand new game with [submod] XCom Files Arsenal Additions (ver 0.7.7 EXALT Escalation+) (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9722.0.html) but then disabled and modified save file) on third difficulty level, i got already 4/5 mission spawned! Lost a van, sadly..
And when in batlescape i invoke the jukebox, the track playng has a strange name, but then i if pick "battlescape soundtrack" it disappears; in another misison if plays another, if i chise the vanilla one it disappears again
same version, no line of fire?!
I can not research plasma pistol, plasma rifle, etc.
It needs an Improved Lab, and you probably don't have it?
version 2.2 with opexcom extended 7.4 (started brand new game with [submod] XCom Files Arsenal Additions (ver 0.7.7 EXALT Escalation+) (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9722.0.html) but then disabled and modified save file) on third difficulty level, i got already 4/5 mission spawned! Lost a van, sadly..
Sorry, I can't decipher what you mean and whether you have a problem or not.
And when in batlescape i invoke the jukebox, the track playng has a strange name, but then i if pick "battlescape soundtrack" it disappears; in another misison if plays another, if i chise the vanilla one it disappears again
Same... Is this a bug report?
Sorry, I can't decipher what you mean and whether you have a problem or not.
oh i started a game with aforementioned mod, but then disabled it and loaded the save, and some time after i load there were 4/5 missions spawning almost altogether, it is intended?
Same... Is this a bug report?
Yes it is intended, i was running a game with a more ooenxcom extended relase, might because of that?
I have problem with mission regarding Ancient Alien Ship never appearing in game - I´m in year 2001 and currently assaulting alien lunar base but Dimension X stuff after destroying Cyberweb battleship in dimension X (during 1998) just wont appear. It is not critically important, but I would to like to get it somehow. Any ideas what I did wrong ? Can I force this mission to appear somehow ?
Another thing which is probably not bug, but still... Capacity of LIGHTING transporter is really small, while optically this craft can definitively carry more than 8 person team (in original UFO it had 12 cargo capacity) - could you perhaps increase it at least to 10 ?
oh i started a game with aforementioned mod, but then disabled it and loaded the save, and some time after i load there were 4/5 missions spawning almost altogether, it is intended?
How should I know what kind of mod you're using and what it does?
Yes it is intended, i was running a game with a more ooenxcom extended relase, might because of that?
....what? Sorry, I can't understand at all what you're writing. But if it's about OXCE releases, just get the latest.
I have problem with mission regarding Ancient Alien Ship never appearing in game - I´m in year 2001 and currently assaulting alien lunar base but Dimension X stuff after destroying Cyberweb battleship in dimension X (during 1998) just wont appear. It is not critically important, but I would to like to get it somehow. Any ideas what I did wrong ? Can I force this mission to appear somehow ?
This mission has been removed from the mod years ago. It's still there in the files, but will never happen.
Another thing which is probably not bug, but still... Capacity of LIGHTING transporter is really small, while optically this craft can definitively carry more than 8 person team (in original UFO it had 12 cargo capacity) - could you perhaps increase it at least to 10 ?
I guess I can :) I'll think about it.
Small bugreport. A snakeman has 3 fatal wounds and 100% health on 11th turn of an UFO assault. How can it be? X-COM Files version is 2.2, the UFO is a Supply ship (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Supply_ship#Floor_Plans).
May have found a bug. When I moved over my save files from 2.1 to 2.2 I see that some of my operatives have commendations for missions they have not taken part in. I see aquanaut and spacer awards even though I have not come across any of those missions yet.
May have found a bug. When I moved over my save files from 2.1 to 2.2 I see that some of my operatives have commendations for missions they have not taken part in. I see aquanaut and spacer awards even though I have not come across any of those missions yet.
You didn't update OXCE as required by XCF 2.2.
Small bugreport. A snakeman has 3 fatal wounds and 100% health on 11th turn of an UFO assault. How can it be? X-COM Files version is 2.2, the UFO is a Supply ship (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Supply_ship#Floor_Plans).
Snakemen regenerate. 8)
You didn't update OXCE as required by XCF 2.2.
Got it, thank you
Now that I have the latest version, is there any safe way I can go in and fix the commendations? I've taken some time to try and understand how this all works. let me know if I'm wrong but this is how far I have come in trying to understand and fix the problem.
When I look inside the save file, I see key values pairs under the diary: section under commendations: - commendationName: and killList, missonIdList
In conjunction, the commendations_XCOMFILES.rul define the required conditions to be met. the MissionId or killList are used to calculate the 10 lvl of commendations. The first level 1 commendation is show in-game as none. The second commendation is displayed as First Bronze, the third commendation as Second Bronze, etc.
For the Spacer commendation (which I should not have), I see a list of prerequisite missions needed for commendation, all of which I have not taken apart in. When I look at the missionIdList of one of my soldiers who is incorrectly displaying he is a Spacer, I see a series of Id numbers, but no names listed in the yul file - like for example 'STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING'. Now I am trying to figure out, are the mission ID numbers wrong? or is there some other file that I need to cross-reference to try and fix?
Snakemen regenerate. 8)
Oh, cool, thanks! I was wondering, how did some of them wake up after serious beating that had left them on ground bleeding. Now one of my agents finishes every such snakemen. Nice opportunity to fulfill his list of BlackOps SMG kills in order to get another weapon master rank.
A question: why does a snakemen battleship haven't all 4 power sources? It landed by itself, wasn't downed by interceptors. One of them, however, launched 22 stingray missiles at the UFO, but 1) all of them were "bounced off the hull", as the air combat window said, 2) as far as I know, UFOs in vanilla are considered 100% intact if they land by themselves.
The picture shows two Battleship's "legs". There is only one power source, in the left one. The right one has elerium pile instead of a power source.
Looks like you are already quite some turns into that battlescape.
Wouldn't be surprised if some alien went berserk in that room, destroying the power source in the process.
Oh, I think you are right, thanks!
Now that I have the latest version, is there any safe way I can go in and fix the commendations? I've taken some time to try and understand how this all works. let me know if I'm wrong but this is how far I have come in trying to understand and fix the problem.
They should fix themselves at the end of the month, or after a mission if the agent participated in it.
Doing it by hand is possible, but I really don't recommend it.
They should fix themselves at the end of the month, or after a mission if the agent participated in it.
Doing it by hand is possible, but I really don't recommend it.
Already awarded commendations don't fix themselves AFAIK.
Not 100% sure.
Hi, today i updated openxcom extended and xcom-files to the respective most actual versions. i got an error of which i dont have the logfile anymore. it was something with smoke. now, i tried it again, removed all mods and renewed the installation of OXCE, hoping it would work again. but now there is another error. posting here the full logfile:
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.5.2 (v2022-02-06)
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Data folder is:
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Data search is:
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] - C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] - C:/OpenXCOM/Extended/
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[07-02-2022_06-24-17] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x32...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x32.
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Loading data...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/'...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [ERROR] mapZippedMod(C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/mods/DarkGeoscape.zip, 'DarkGeoscape/'): modId dark-geoscape already mapped in, skipping C:/Users/SirTazel/Documents/OpenXcom/mods/DarkGeoscape.zip/DarkGeoscape/
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Active mods:
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] - x-com-files v2.2
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] - dark-geoscape v1.0
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Loading begins...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[07-02-2022_06-24-18] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[07-02-2022_06-24-21] [ERROR] Error in tags: 'WM_IS_WACKY' unknown tag name not defined in current file
[07-02-2022_06-24-22] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[07-02-2022_06-24-22] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[07-02-2022_06-24-23] [INFO] Lazy loading: 0
[07-02-2022_06-24-23] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [INFO] After load.
[07-02-2022_06-24-25] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'STR_UAC_BFG_BATTERY': Wrong index 46 for surface set X1.PCK
this is the most recent state the installation is in. i removed every other mod and the error persisted. i added them back in and the error persisted. what can i do?
The error does not occur when using OXCE 7.4.0
The other error i had came from the mod "extra explosions". since this was not updated since 3 years, i removed it.
The error does not occur when using OXCE 7.4.0
The other error i had came from the mod "extra explosions". since this was not updated since 3 years, i removed it.
The error will be fixed in the next version of XcomFiles.
Or if you want, here is the fix prepared by Solarius, it's just a change in one line: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/7793a4bf2e70dfd47d4cea9ca94e34134fdcec80
In the meantime, you can just turn on "Lazy Loading" option, which will skip the validation.
Yay, thank you so much, i changed it and it worked. but before i finally switch to the new version, i have two MiB bases to fight against. my savegame is almost 2 years old. This is a great mod.
Yay, thank you so much, i changed it and it worked. but before i finally switch to the new version, i have two MiB bases to fight against. my savegame is almost 2 years old. This is a great mod.
Glad it worked for you.
I should make a release ASAP due to this OXCE change, but unfortunately I'm in the middle of a very big overhaul which has already taken a month and is likely to last a few more weeks, so we have to make do.
Hey, not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something obvious, but I just unlocked rocket drones and they seem to be overburdened by default. Wanted to take my new toy to the Dagon HQ and it's just sitting there on my pile of equipment. ::)
I found a ladder that doesn't seem to work. It also has a wet sound when I have an agent step on it.
I found a ladder that doesn't seem to work. It also has a wet sound when I have an agent step on it.
you have to wait until the concrete has dried :P
Another thing I've noticed that maybe isn't a bug but can be mildly inconvenient. I've spawned a couple of times on a map with what I think is a bush underneath the ramp that prevents the outrunner from getting out of the osprey. I tried changing the position of the outrunner before deployment but that doesn't seem to do anything. I tried shooting at it but the ramp blocks all of the shots. I tried throwing incendiaries to no avail. I wasn't able to try dynamite but that seems like a good way to blow up equipment/the outrunner itself and would have taken foreknowledge of said impassible foliage.
Side note: I was able to still complete the mission as the cultists lined up one by one in front of the outrunner, it just took a few dozen turns or so.
Hey, not sure if this is a bug or if I'm missing something obvious, but I just unlocked rocket drones and they seem to be overburdened by default. Wanted to take my new toy to the Dagon HQ and it's just sitting there on my pile of equipment. ::)
Yes, it's a bug. I fixed it some time ago.
I found a ladder that doesn't seem to work. It also has a wet sound when I have an agent step on it.
Same situation.
Another thing I've noticed that maybe isn't a bug but can be mildly inconvenient. I've spawned a couple of times on a map with what I think is a bush underneath the ramp that prevents the outrunner from getting out of the osprey. I tried changing the position of the outrunner before deployment but that doesn't seem to do anything. I tried shooting at it but the ramp blocks all of the shots. I tried throwing incendiaries to no avail. I wasn't able to try dynamite but that seems like a good way to blow up equipment/the outrunner itself and would have taken foreknowledge of said impassible foliage.
It's normal, vehicles have their limitations.
I don't understand the issue though: if it's a bush, then it dies to pretty much anything...
Thanks for the reply. The only issue in that instance was being unable to get to the bush itself. I've tried messing around in the save I posted and there is no way (that I can see) to get the vehicle out from that position.
Thanks for the reply. The only issue in that instance was being unable to get to the bush itself. I've tried messing around in the save I posted and there is no way (that I can see) to get the vehicle out from that position.
Like I said, destroying the bush should be trivial, including using the vehicle's own weapon. But perhaps I'm missing something here.
Ok, so the bush is directly underneath the ramp preventing any movement on the tile above it. I could not get the outrunner to shoot through the ramp or magically bend bullets to go around it. That's pretty much it. I've noticed a new option for custom deployments which should make this irrelevant anyways.
So, just downloaded the latest versions of X-COM Files and X-COM Files Arsenal Addtions. Currently experiencing the following issues.
Ok, so the bush is directly underneath the ramp preventing any movement on the tile above it. I could not get the outrunner to shoot through the ramp or magically bend bullets to go around it. That's pretty much it. I've noticed a new option for custom deployments which should make this irrelevant anyways.
Wait, an object under the ramp? Should be impossible, unless it's a ground tile...\
I'll keep an eye on this, thank you.
So, just downloaded the latest versions of X-COM Files and X-COM Files Arsenal Addtions. Currently experiencing the following issues.
Can't speak for Arsenal Additions.
I don't have Arsenal Additions, but after the last update I'm getting:
[15-02-2022_10-54-19] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_ADVENT_AGENT_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_ADVENT_SOLDIER_ARMOR': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Gang War crashes when loading into the mission.
Repeatable, save included. Newest version, save not transferred from previous version.
I don't have Arsenal Additions, but after the last update I'm getting:
STR_ADVENT_AGENT_ARMOR and STR_ADVENT_SOLDIER_ARMOR do not exist. So not on my side.
Gang War crashes when loading into the mission.
Repeatable, save included. Newest version, save not transferred from previous version.
Crap, this file really is missing... Attaching it here, to be placed under ROUTES. Sorry!
Hi, first time posting. I love your work and have been intermittently playing through the mod for a couple of years now. Thankyou so much!
I've recently (since updating from a six month old build) been encountering a crash every time I shoot down any "STR_ADVENT" craft or try to attack it when it lands. And after updating earlier this week and again today, and still encountering the crash, I decided to ask for help. Any fix or anything would be greatly appreciated! Otherwise I may just end up ignoring advent for a while haha.
I've attached a savegame and the log file for reference.
Thankyou in advance!
Hi, first time posting. I love your work and have been intermittently playing through the mod for a couple of years now. Thankyou so much!
I've recently (since updating from a six month old build) been encountering a crash every time I shoot down any "STR_ADVENT" craft or try to attack it when it lands. And after updating earlier this week and again today, and still encountering the crash, I decided to ask for help. Any fix or anything would be greatly appreciated! Otherwise I may just end up ignoring advent for a while haha.
Hello, and thank you!
Your report is confusing, since there is not STR_ADVENT in the entire mod... It was removed in 1.8, so almost a year ago, and you shouldn't be seeing these missions and ships.
The best way to fix this is to ignore any Advent vessels until the end of the month and hope that the mission list is updated correctly. If this doesn't help (usually when there's an Advent base or embassy), let me know.
Hello, and thank you!
Your report is confusing, since there is not STR_ADVENT in the entire mod... It was removed in 1.8, so almost a year ago, and you shouldn't be seeing these missions and ships.
The best way to fix this is to ignore any Advent vessels until the end of the month and hope that the mission list is updated correctly. If this doesn't help (usually when there's an Advent base or embassy), let me know.
Thank you!
I will do that. From memory I may have tried updating six months ago, encountered the bug and then not played since; so perhaps I've not practically had an update since 1.8. Also from memory there were a few embassies established that I couldn't yet clear out, so perhaps that was the reason or a contributing factor.
In any case I shall follow your advice and ignore in hope it will resolve itself. If not I shall indeed let you know.
Again, thank you!
Hello, and thank you!
Your report is confusing, since there is not STR_ADVENT in the entire mod... It was removed in 1.8, so almost a year ago, and you shouldn't be seeing these missions and ships.
The best way to fix this is to ignore any Advent vessels until the end of the month and hope that the mission list is updated correctly. If this doesn't help (usually when there's an Advent base or embassy), let me know.
So I've proceeded to the subsequent month (with the prior month being full of Advent craft) and simulated a month in advance. I am pleased to tell you there have been no Advent vessel sightings. However, I have discovered an "ALIEN COLONY-1" in Japan which, judging by a swarm of Advent vessels in East Asia last month, was put there while they were still active and I was unable to respond without crashing the game.
It is also the case that whenever I click directly on the colony, or when I send a vessel there, the game crashes citing a segmentation fault.
I've included attachments of a savegame and a game log for each mode of crash.
At this point I am happy to continue my game without any action, and simply ignore this colony provided its not going to cause me too much grief, but I thought I would leave a report anyway.
EDIT: So on my actual playthrough, ten days into the new month I've discovered the colony has spawned in an Advent craft. So that is happening.
Something wrong with hybrid embassy:
Possible solution:
Thanks, the strings were bugged, should be good now.
Öi :)
since 2.2 all mib bases vanished from my globe...
this can´t be right, right?
Öi :)
since 2.2 all mib bases vanished from my globe...
this can´t be right, right?
They never had proper bases, only temporary "landings".
Now these landings (renamed to outposts) work differently, so it's possible there would be some weird effects on the transition.
Also, I hope to add actual permanent MiB bases over time.
so I wate... they will be back in black? 8)
so I wate... they will be back in black? 8)
Yeah, and they'll all be like:
bring it
Hi, currently doing the cyberweb portal mission. Fell into the portal room, the ladders out of the room do not appear to work, cant be climbed with pathing out or using the button to move units up. included a picture of the room & ladder as well as a save file of the location.
Hi, currently doing the cyberweb portal mission. Fell into the portal room, the ladders out of the room do not appear to work, cant be climbed with pathing out or using the button to move units up. included a picture of the room & ladder as well as a save file of the location.
Yes indeed, they aren't working and I have issues fixing this. :(
Do not sure where to ask. I expected to have 100% of enemies facing X-COM craft on first turn on Superhuman difficulty. Is that a wrong expectation?
I'm playing OpenXcom 7.5.3 with X-Files 2.3d on Superhuman. Not all enemies are facing the X-COM craft on the 1st turn in Battlescape. The save is attached.
Meridian wrote once
Probability of aliens facing the Skyranger depends on the difficulty (at least in OpenXcom, not sure about the original), so playing on Superhuman increases aliens facing the craft
here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,8423.msg130127.html#msg130127)
Do not sure where to ask. I expected to have 100% of enemies facing X-COM craft on first turn on Superhuman difficulty. Is that a wrong expectation?
Yes, it is a wrong expectation.
I'm playing OpenXcom 7.5.3 with X-Files 2.3d on Superhuman. Not all enemies are facing the X-COM craft on the 1st turn in Battlescape. The save is attached.
Meridian wrote once: Probability of aliens facing the Skyranger depends on the difficulty (at least in OpenXcom, not sure about the original), so playing on Superhuman increases aliens facing the craft
That is correct.
Yes, it is a wrong expectation.
Another question. It is not normal to have palms in main streets of Irkutsk in real life. But I have them in-game, when Red Dawn is apprehended there.
How do I change which file to have Siberian Red Dawn Apprehensions using maps without palms?
A save is ready, ask, if you need it.
All cities have the same globe texture, just like in vanilla. Think of it as a special biome, common to all cities.
Can it be done better? I wouldn't know for sure, probably; but even so, we'd need whole new terrains for various climates.
BTW, I've never been to Irkutsk, but palm trees can be found in some temperate cities... There's a famous one in Warsaw. :)
All cities have the same globe texture, just like in vanilla. Think of it as a special biome, common to all cities.
Ah, I see, thanks.
I do not know much about map modding, so excuse me, but is it possible to generate not only map from pieces of 10x10 tiles, but also map additions 1x1 tile in size? If this is possible then one need to change only few details to "localize" a map block. I imagine a placeholder billboard or a tree whose appearance changes based on climate zone: palm for Mediterranean versus fur tree for Siberia. Or even vans of emergency services that have changing color scheme based on country.
As for the Warsaw palm — wait, it is artificial, no? Anyway, Siberian winters are too cold for palms to survive outside a greenhouse.
I do not know much about map modding, so excuse me, but is it possible to generate not only map from pieces of 10x10 tiles, but also map additions 1x1 tile in size? If this is possible then one need to change only few details to "localize" a map block. I imagine a placeholder billboard or a tree whose appearance changes based on climate zone: palm for Mediterranean versus fur tree for Siberia. Or even vans of emergency services that have changing color scheme based on country.
Nope, must be 10x10 or multiplication thereof. :-\
As for the Warsaw palm — wait, it is artificial, no? Anyway, Siberian winters are too cold for palms to survive outside a greenhouse.
Yes, it is artificial. ;D
Just got this after monster base mission.
Just got this after monster base mission.
logfile please.
save if possible.
do you have the required OXCE version?
do you have the required OXCE version?
Wasn't OXCE issue, I updated it and still same. Log attached, I have a save inside a mission after I updated, it happens a few days after that.
Wasn't OXCE issue, I updated it and still same. Log attached, I have a save inside a mission after I updated, it happens a few days after that.
It is an upgrade issue.
Both your log file and your save file show you have OXCE v7.0, which is way too old for XComFiles v2.3.
Update to the latest OXCE v7.5.3; this will remove the obsolete regions from your save and allow you to continue.
[11-03-2022_21-30-21] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.0 (v2021-03-13)
[11-03-2022_21-30-21] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[11-03-2022_21-30-22] [INFO] Active mods:
[11-03-2022_21-30-22] [INFO] - x-com-files v2.3
[11-03-2022_21-30-22] [ERROR] Mod 'X-Com Files' requires at least OXCE v7.4.3
It is an upgrade issue.
Both your log file and your save file show you have OXCE v7.0, which is way too old for XComFiles v2.3.
Update to the latest OXCE v7.5.3; this will remove the obsolete regions from your save and allow you to continue.
Huh, I thought I did, anyway thanks for the help!
Here is a report on a map bug.
Once upon an Alien colony assault in X-COM Files I've seen such a picture: my units see enemies below through a lift tile. Shots could go through while units couldn't. I expect the floor of that lift tile to be solid, non-transparent for projectiles.
OpenXcom Extended v7.4, some saves are attached.
Here is a report on a map bug.
Once upon an Alien colony assault in X-COM Files I've seen such a picture: my units see enemies below through a lift tile. Shots could go through while units couldn't. I expect the floor of that lift tile to be solid, non-transparent for projectiles.
OpenXcom Extended v7.4, some saves are attached.
Not sure what to tell you, but whatever the reason is, it's a vanilla thing.
Howdy! Just returned after 1+year :P
Here's an error about REGION_CHEMTRAILS not found. Attaching log and a save file (will crash in a while)
Also, I tried to play a new run (this save file is something I'm pulling since 0.8.4!) and found lots of missing string references. I'm going to post a new log soon
ADD: hmm and now strangely I don't have that bunch of missing references. In a new run, though, I got the [WARN] STR_EXALT_ZSRR_DESCRIPTION not found in en-US
[29-03-2022_13-44-23] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.8.4 (v2020-12-28)
[29-03-2022_13-44-24] [INFO] Active mods:
[29-03-2022_13-44-24] [INFO] - x-com-files v2.4
[29-03-2022_13-44-24] [ERROR] Mod 'X-Com Files' requires at least OXCE v7.4.3
Thanks, Meridian.
@osd_daedalus: Thanks for notifying me about STR_EXALT_ZSRR_DESCRIPTION, it was an actual bug.
Thanks, Meridian.
@osd_daedalus: Thanks for notifying me about STR_EXALT_ZSRR_DESCRIPTION, it was an actual bug.
I told you I'm pulling things from long time ago... I still was in the oxce-plus branch ;D
Thank you, just did checkout to master branch.
OK, here's another. Not sure if valid because I am quite mashing things up a bit...
So, recompiled OXCE, and now I have this (did git reset --hard either on OXCE and XCF folders):
EDIT: I AM STUPID, did a lot of mashing, then decided to clone again the repo and cloned up OXC instead of OXCE!
Errare humanum est... :)
Bug to report: Giant Spider nest underground. A large chunk of the map is inaccessible, making it impossible to complete the mission. Save attatched.
Bug to report: Giant Spider nest underground. A large chunk of the map is inaccessible, making it impossible to complete the mission. Save attatched.
While this map is particularly convoluted, I can't see any inaccessible parts. Can you please be more specific?
I can't find a way down, it could be that I'm just blind but I'm stuck on the level directly below the entrance. The only exposed part of the level below doesn't allow me to drop units into it, and I can't find any stairs or ramps.
Edit: Checked as many corners as I could and didn't find anything.
Edit 2: Turned on debug mode, screenshot attached.
Okay, it's me who's blind...
Fixed this for the next release. Sorry!
(For now, you can dig through the walls as is usually the solution, ore just Ctrl+K)
Crash on mission start. Set "Enable savescumming" to false to reliably reproduce.
Unrelated minor thing: crocodiloid attack (temperate climate) happened in Antarctic.
Crash on mission start. Set "Enable savescumming" to false to reliably reproduce.
Yeah, I can reproduce it. I'm not sure about the cause, but I suspect one of the random terrains associated with this global texture is lacking roads or something else declared by the script GENERIC_GLOBE_TERRAIN. I'll review them to confirm this hypothesis and hopefully fix.
Unrelated minor thing: crocodiloid attack (temperate climate) happened in Antarctic.
Right, this was a simple omission, fixed now. Thank you.
EDIT: I couldn't find any issue with the suspicious terrains. I need to ask for help with this one...
type of mapblock=3
type of mapblock=3
Yeah, but the Moon terrain is not used at all; GENERIC_GLOBE_TERRAIN is set up to use the global texture. MOON isn't actually used. That's why I use the MOON terrain for all deployments which use GENERIC_GLOBE_TERRAIN script - to see at a first glance that something's not right. Am I wrong in this assumption? If I'm wrong, then why this mission doesn't work, but other such missions do?
But more importantly... What is "type of mapblock=3"? Do you mean group 3 (north-south road)?
Yeah, but the Moon terrain is not used at all; GENERIC_GLOBE_TERRAIN is set up to use the global texture. MOON isn't actually used.
The mission site is in the ocean.
There is no globe texture there.
So the mission texture (MOON) is used.
That's why I use the MOON terrain for all deployments which use GENERIC_GLOBE_TERRAIN script - to see at a first glance that something's not right.
Then it would be better to use a texture that works with all map scripts :)
Otherwise you'll just see a crash at the first glance.
But more importantly... What is "type of mapblock=3"? Do you mean group 3 (north-south road)?
Yes, I meant N-S road group.
Ah, right, I misunderstood - it wasn't the script nor the terrain that was at fault, it was lack of texture.
To be perfectly honest, I checked the wrong mission - I thought that the problem was with the one in Canada... :P Which is texture 0.
I fixed the zones. Thank you!
Can this kind of problem be validated on startup? Had similar (I believe) crash in XenoOps. Seems hard to test due to random nature. Or to make logging more verbose, if possible?
This error occurs when attacking the hybrid base.
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Race STR_ZSRR does not have a random member at position/rank 13
I'm attaching the savefile, too.
Can this kind of problem be validated on startup? Had similar (I believe) crash in XenoOps. Seems hard to test due to random nature. Or to make logging more verbose, if possible?
It's possible, but very unlikely that your crash is actually similar to this one.
This error occurs when attacking the hybrid base.
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Race STR_ZSRR does not have a random member at position/rank 13
I'm attaching the savefile, too.
Hmm... Frankly I don't understand why this has happened. This base (STR_HYBRID_EMBASSY_ASSAULT) shouldn't have the race STR_ZSRR at all, it should have STR_HYBRID. I understand that it used to be a STR_ZSRR base (STR_CULT_GREATEST_MANOR_ZSRR_ASSAULT), but after the base upgrade, it should no longer be the case...
...but here we are. I seriously don't know why and how.
But is it possible to do anything?
Such as editing a savefile or start a new game and hope the error does not happen again?
It's a little sad loss the progress, but if there is no other way out...
But is it possible to do anything?
Such as editing a savefile or start a new game and hope the error does not happen again?
It's a little sad loss the progress, but if there is no other way out...
The easiest solution is to modify the STR_ZSRR race to actually give it the missing rank.
I have attached a file to do just that - replace it.
Still, this is not a permanent solution, since it's supposed to be a different race there...
The easiest solution is to modify the STR_ZSRR race to actually give it the missing rank.
I have attached a file to do just that - replace it.
Still, this is not a permanent solution, since it's supposed to be a different race there...
Thank you!
What are the consequences of continuing the game on the same savefile?
Thank you!
What are the consequences of continuing the game on the same savefile?
Probably nothing bad, you'll just be fighting the wrong people at this location.
Sol, ALIEN LASER SMG CLIP has the tag " pistols" and not "smg"
Sol, ALIEN LASER SMG CLIP has the tag " pistols" and not "smg"
Oops! Thanks for noticing.
I have been playing mod xfiles for a long time.
Recently, after installing the latest version 2.4.1, I get an error while playing and the game shuts down.
I am uploading a game save from a few hours (in game) before the error.
I don't get any crash... can anyone reproduce?
No crash for me either; I tried going to the landed UFO and also doing nothing. All is fine.
Chemical flares always gets consumed when loaded on a craft,
even if not put on a soldier or primed
Chemical flares always gets consumed when loaded on a craft,
even if not put on a soldier or primed
Are they still missing after you get back to base?
These flares don't show up on land missions, so might be that.
They are missing when craft returns to base, and i get the "Not enough equipment screen"
I've included a save where you can hit Abort to reproduce, and a save before the mission
(They also show up on the ground in the pile of other gear)
They are missing when craft returns to base, and i get the "Not enough equipment screen"
I've included a save where you can hit Abort to reproduce, and a save before the mission
(They also show up on the ground in the pile of other gear)
OK, thanks - I found why.
Fixed already, you can grab the GitHub version if you like.
Using latest github. New agents seemed to use a name from incorrect lists, usually from the country previous to the one they're genned with.
Using latest github. New agents seemed to use a name from incorrect lists, usually from the country previous to the one they're genned with.
Yes, I added many nationalities, so indices changed. And it's not the name that is incorrect, it's the displayed flag. Can be fixed by clicking on it.
Some map tiles in the doom/samael tileset can end up being inaccessible depending on map generation, with monster spawning in them. I also had a map where the player start tile ended up cut off from the rest of the map. Is this intended?
Got a "Citizen vs Monsters" mission popping up (the first time i got one so far in my playthrough) i sent CAR 2 from the base to it.
And when i reached it the game crashed as soon as i pressed the YES button :
the last few entries from the log
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Unit generator encountered an error: item set not defined
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x5cbe20 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x5ccca0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0xbdb120 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0xdf6330 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0xdfbfe0 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x5149f0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::deployAliens(OpenXcom::AlienDeployment const*)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x522710 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x6ca990 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x5e8860 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x6a4380 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x5e3f50 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x9f6460 console_main
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x9f6580 WinMain
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] ??
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] ??
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffcf0447020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[23-04-2022_00-20-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffcf13e2630 RtlUserThreadStart
can be reproduced everytime from my test
saved game attached :
Hello everyone.
First time posting here... I'm a lifelong fan of XCOM series having played every single game since the discovery of the original UFO: Enemy Unknown back in the early 90s.
OpenXcom and these mods were a recent discovery and boy were I excited. 8)
I have successfully installed the latest X-Com files on my Mac and I have just started playing. However, I encountered a strange issue when I purchased the Mudranger craft and tried to assign the crew to it. When I click on the UP-ARROW in the crew windows it just moves that crew member up to one spot on the list, without actually assigning it to the craft.
Can anyone help please, I can't wait to lose myself once again in the XCOM magic?
When I click on the UP-ARROW in the crew windows it just moves that crew member up to one spot on the list, without actually assigning it to the craft.
That is something which came from OXC (perhaps even the original).
In this screen the arrows are indeed used to assign specific placement (as: in the list and by extension on the battlefield) for a soldier.
To (de)assign a soldier you need to "Left-click" on the name (or more accuratly: anywhere in the same row with the exception of the arrows ;) ) .
Hope this helps, and enjoy your game.
Hope this helps, and enjoy your game.
Yep, it helped.
Thank you mate, cheers
is "alwaysVisible: true" supposed to be on for alien turrets?
Hello I have this start of mission crash on Citizen vs Monsters as the other one mentioned earlier and also having same crashing problems (first one in the campaign)
Follows annexed log and Save.
I have 2 extra mods (XComFilesArsenalAdditions-0.8c , XFilesResound)
but even removing them also makes the start of mission crash.
Anything else I can do to help?
the "STR_DIVER_SCIENTIST_CORPSE" are recoverable
Hello I have this start of mission crash on Citizen vs Monsters as the other one mentioned earlier and also having same crashing problems (first one in the campaign)
Follows annexed log and Save.
I have 2 extra mods (XComFilesArsenalAdditions-0.8c , XFilesResound)
but even removing them also makes the start of mission crash.
Anything else I can do to help?
Fixed 16 days ago.
You can download the latest github version of XcomFiles to fix the issue; or skip the mission.
Some map tiles in the doom/samael tileset can end up being inaccessible depending on map generation, with monster spawning in them. I also had a map where the player start tile ended up cut off from the rest of the map. Is this intended?
Not intended, just the usual catacomb shenanigans.
Got a "Citizen vs Monsters" mission popping up (the first time i got one so far in my playthrough) i sent CAR 2 from the base to it.
Right, sorry - like Meridian said, it was a rare-ish problem which I fixed after the latest official release. You can solve it by downloading a nightly version from https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/archive/refs/heads/master.zip, or wait for the next release.
The same applies to Aelhis' problem. Apologies!
is "alwaysVisible: true" supposed to be on for alien turrets?
Yes, since it's more terrain than unit.
the "STR_DIVER_SCIENTIST_CORPSE" are recoverable
Thanks, now fixed.
Hi there, thanks for this awesome mod!
Getting a crash when loading zombie infestation mission. Probably the same issue you talked about last, but since I have no idea about such things, I'll just drop the save from right before the issue. Playing on versions from February.
Thanks again!
Hi there, thanks for this awesome mod!
Getting a crash when loading zombie infestation mission. Probably the same issue you talked about last, but since I have no idea about such things, I'll just drop the save from right before the issue. Playing on versions from February.
Thanks again!
The mission is in the ocean, and fails to generate a map lacking a globe texture.
The mission is in the ocean, and fails to generate a map lacking a globe texture.
Thanks for checking, I'll fix the zone.
But it still shouldn't crash - the mission starts for me, only with the Moon terrain... Weird.
But it still shouldn't crash - the mission starts for me, only with the Moon terrain... Weird.
It doesn't crash for you, because you have added groups 2, 3 and 4 to the Moon terrain... recently (19 days ago)... which were necessary for road generation (NS, WE and crossings).
We don't have those yet in the official version, so it crashes on road generation for us: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/1e8a7c527c14ca78f950e682bb7de2953406e40a#diff-0974fbb3389950c2e1a1c15c99b0507f1509488c59bad772ffcf95aba495ea8eR8128
The Moon terrain appears, because it's the backup/fallback terrain defined in the alien deployment ruleset.
If no globe texture is found, this backup terrain is used.
It doesn't crash for you, because you have added groups 2, 3 and 4 to the Moon terrain... recently (19 days ago)... which were necessary for road generation (NS, WE and crossings).
We don't have those yet in the official version, so it crashes on road generation for us: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/1e8a7c527c14ca78f950e682bb7de2953406e40a#diff-0974fbb3389950c2e1a1c15c99b0507f1509488c59bad772ffcf95aba495ea8eR8128
The Moon terrain appears, because it's the backup/fallback terrain defined in the alien deployment ruleset.
If no globe texture is found, this backup terrain is used.
Right, this is exactly why I set it up like this - to avoid a crash while making it obvious that something is wrong.
Still I misunderstood the issue, didn't think it was a problem with roads.
Still I misunderstood the issue, didn't think it was a problem with roads.
The problem with the roads is just a manifestation of the missing globe texture. A side effect.
It's just the first thing that fails when the globe texture is missing.
If the map script didn't have addLine command, it would manifest itself differently, but still crash (or at least misbehave).
The real issue is still the lack of globe texture.
I fixed the zone going over the water of Lake Balkhash. Thanks!
I did my best to avoid such cases, but the Earth is not easily reducible to rectangles, so such omissions might still happen.
Strange enough, I was able play the Zombie mission later on.
Tried out sending another craft and a little save scumming to make it work at first: Didn't help. Then I ignored the mission, did the next mission that came along, and as the Zombie mission was still around afterwards I decided to give it another try. This time, for reasons I do not understand, it worked. With moon terrain alright.
(Don't wanna waste your time, need no baby-sitting, I'm PERFECTLY fine with one minor crash every 200hrs of gameplay :) )
It worked because the terrain generates upon mission arrival. Since you did another mission in the meantime (though anyting that calls the RNG would probably work), there was a different lineup of numbers in the RNG. A lineup that, when called for map generation, did not call for a road.
Interestingly, I also observed that terrain generates differently depending on day/night, even when there is no difference in RNG calls.
1. Agent nationalities .nam are getting wrong number with their .png (example, Armenia gets from Argentina)
2. Lithuanian male surnames are different from female (they are in the same pool) and the letter "ė" is shown as "?" ingame (not supported by the engine)
1. Agent nationalities .nam are getting wrong number with their .png (example, Armenia gets from Argentina)
Old save, I presume? this needs to be fixed manually, since the indices have changed due to the new nationalities.
2. Lithuanian male surnames are different from female (they are in the same pool) and the letter "ė" is shown as "?" ingame (not supported by the engine)
I'd appreciate help with female forms of all the surnames, I have no idea how Lithuanian names work.
As for the "ė", looks like it doesn't exist in the X-Com font, which is a bummer. What would be most acceptable: change it to "e"? Or maybe some other variant of "e"? I have attached the file with all available letters.
Old save, I presume? this needs to be fixed manually, since the indices have changed due to the new nationalities.
No, it's an actual new game. I tried to look after this problem, and it may be some confusion regarding "00-Afghanistan"
When you count from that "0" to "5" you get different results from the ".png" flag and the ".nam" respectively from "Resources/Flags" and "AgentName". It doesn't match!
As for Lithuanian surnames, in my mod's I just replaced it with a normal "e".
Since 2.5 I cannot start the game anymore - he is always listing missing armour files for various aliens.
Did a clean reinstall of the newest openxcom and Xfiles.
No, it's an actual new game. I tried to look after this problem, and it may be some confusion regarding "00-Afghanistan"
When you count from that "0" to "5" you get different results from the ".png" flag and the ".nam" respectively from "Resources/Flags" and "AgentName". It doesn't match!
Aaah, you're right. I didn't get this in my tests before, but now I fixed it. Thanks!
As for Lithuanian surnames, in my mod's I just replaced it with a normal "e".
I guess I'll do that, then. I still need to deal with the gender issue.
Since 2.5 I cannot start the game anymore - he is always listing missing armour files for various aliens.
Did a clean reinstall of the newest openxcom and Xfiles.
Sounds like some outdated submod. Arsenal Additions, maybe?
OpenXcom Error
OpenXcom has crashed: Region REGION_LOBSTERMAN_USO_FLEET_CRUISER not found Log file: c:/tools/OpenXcomOXCE/user/openxcom.log If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord. The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
i pressed a day button and openxcom_xfiles_2.5 crashed
.SAVegame file (_autogeo) is from older version (2.4.1 .. 2.3b i think)
i pressed a day button and openxcom_xfiles_2.5 crashed
.SAVegame file (_autogeo) is from older version (2.4.1 .. 2.3b i think)
Are you sure you have the right OXCE version? It looks like this kind of a problem.
A bug has been occurred on version 2.4.1. At the end of january 1999 a message has appeared which says that X-com has detected alien base in France, South America. After that there is no alien base on the globe nor in the global tracker. I've tried to load a bit earlier hoping that the game will generate a base properly, but at that time there was no any message about alien base. I've played through one month further, and absolutely the same happen at the end of febuary, without any difference.
Unfortunately I can't provide a save before the message, only after it, and a few days before end of the month where it supposed to be, but doesn't appear. So the message itself can't be reproduced, I tried to just wait until next month and unfortunately it didn't appear. Also added a screenshot of the message I made at the first time to prove my words.
Shouldn't the Sporting Bow's Power bonus be based on Strength?
This kind of bow's draw strength can be adjusted to the wearer.
With the normal bow you can squint your eyes and pretend you bought it exactly for this soldier.
EDIT: Also is there a reason for the Brother of Apocalypse not to give a ton of dossiers, reports and the like?
He currently needs only one research.He should at least know about his flock a bit, I think.
Unfortunately I can't provide a save before the message, only after it, and a few days before end of the month where it supposed to be, but doesn't appear. So the message itself can't be reproduced, I tried to just wait until next month and unfortunately it didn't appear. Also added a screenshot of the message I made at the first time to prove my words.
From looking at the save, there are many enemy bases, split between EXALT and Black Lotus (and one actual alien base). I'm not sure which is the one you mean, but have you tried patrolling the area with a vehicle?
Shouldn't the Sporting Bow's Power bonus be based on Strength?
This kind of bow's draw strength can be adjusted to the wearer.
With the normal bow you can squint your eyes and pretend you bought it exactly for this soldier.
Real life bows don't get a bonus from strength, they get a penalty from low strength. Which would be pretty impractical to code in OXCE, so no bonus whatsoever.
EDIT: Also is there a reason for the Brother of Apocalypse not to give a ton of dossiers, reports and the like?
He currently needs only one research.He should at least know about his flock a bit, I think.
Done. Now they tell about the gangs.
From looking at the save, there are many enemy bases, split between EXALT and Black Lotus (and one actual alien base). I'm not sure which is the one you mean, but have you tried patrolling the area with a vehicle?
Yeah, I've tried both France and South America, but found an alien base in India after I decided to proceed game from the save, where is no such message (save2), because I afraid of further bugs, which could be caused by this one.
Just in case, you've noticed, that the message tells about France in South America, but it is actually in Europe, right? This is the essence of the bug.
And did I understand right, that these messages could mean not only alien base, but anyone else base?
One game month further and now I've catched the moment, before that message appears, and made a save to reproduce this bag.
"France, is a transcontinental country spanning Western Europe and overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans." (from Wiki)
In your saves there are some EXALT bases (manors) in French Guiana city Cayenne (Кайенн)
"France, is a transcontinental country spanning Western Europe and overseas regions and territories in the Americas and the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans." (from Wiki)
In your saves there are some EXALT bases (manors) in French Guiana city Cayenne (Кайенн)
Oh my, you're right, after the message a second manor appears in Cayenne, that's impossible to notice just looking at the globe. Thank you very much.
So, the problem is that French territory in South America has no even border and looks like a terrirory of out of the Counsil country and that all enemy bases called 'alien bases', so I expected exactly alien or at least hybrid base to appear.
Real life bows don't get a bonus from strength, they get a penalty from low strength. Which would be pretty impractical to code in OXCE, so no bonus whatsoever.
I disagree somewhat. If you are stronger, you just buy a stronger bow. With the modern bows you can adjust the pull strength so any agent would use the maximum for himself. It doesn't matter really, though.
Ever since the new countries were added in the most recent version, the end-of-month report gets cut off because there're too many countries. Has anyone else had this issue?
Ever since the new countries were added in the most recent version, the end-of-month report gets cut off because there're too many countries. Has anyone else had this issue?
According to Merridian it should be fixed in OXCE. You may need newer version or the daily. You should be able to scroll, but no scrollbar will be visible.
See here:
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10510.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10510.0.html)
On bows: as said, compound bows have adjustable draw weights (better ones have a rather large variance, even) and traditional ones can be bought to match the user. They have to have a specific weight in any case, so it's not as if the current system is any more 'realistic'. Probably too niche a thing to bother with, though. Kinetic energy is not the best measure of injuries, anyway.
On countries: given that there are so many now, there's the issue of income getting increasingly homogenised across the board since the initial sum must be below 1M or whatever it is currently. So the big difference between the US and Kazakhstan is how high they can go, eventually. Gone are the days of picking a sponsor the RNG gods gave you and sucking up to them. :'(
On bad taste: Why is the S&W M610 longer-range than than the Magnums? 10mm is considerably less powerful a round than .44 Mag, and the Magnums have quite a bit longer barrels to boot.
Also, who is responsible for the terrible gun fashion crime of not having DE's in .50 AE? >:( :P I think Mark VII in .50 came out already in the early 90s.
Captured armored cars are dying because we have not built an 'alien containment'. Never knew it was Sectoids driving those. :o
Is there a technical reason why containers and a bunch of other crap are set to battleType 10 instead of 0? Because these just clutter up the equip screen for no good reason I can see. Or are there plans for smuggling ammo crates into special gun-running missions?
Also, that is one ill-fitting coat right there. :)
Points accepted on the bows, but this game is not that conductive for fine details regarding archery. Simplifications have been made.
S&W M610 has a longer range because it's a bit weaker, and the Magnum is already too much of a no-brainer for many people.
DE is not .50, because it would be identical to Magnum. :]
Armoured cars have prison type 1, not 0... So should require normal prisons. It's my bug.
Containers are type 10 because some people like transporting them with actual vehicles.
The coat looks bad, WTF... But might be the filter.
The DB shotgun is using the pump-action handob from Piratez (though IDK who the original author is). I think the Piratez DB sprite would be a better fit.
The DB shotgun is using the pump-action handob from Piratez (though IDK who the original author is). I think the Piratez DB sprite would be a better fit.
All right, why not. It does seem closer.
Is Boom Box even working? I tried to use it several times with 110 brave agent using range attack (which should yield 110 stun damage), including on a just recovered from stun cultist, and yet I don't see any effects. And what does [Random Type => Flat Damage] below damage properties means?
Same problem with Hadriex Gun. I use it with my agent with 97 psi strength, which should yield almost 50 psi damage, but I don't see any effects. If damage type is psi, does this means that psi resistance is takin place during damage calculation? If so, then this 50 psi damage is nothing especially if you consider what is required for an ammo.
In the description of a scout drone there is this line "... it is fast and allows ground units to quickly scout out enemy positions and act as a spotter without risk to X-Com personnel." Common logic suggests that scout drone can do something special. But in reality even a dead rat can be a spotter. Maybe it would make sense to give an actual bonus to scout drone, like if scout drone sees an enemy unit right now, then other agents will receive 75% penalty for shooting that unit (instead of normal 50%)?
Another slightly strange thing: BO LMG (the first one) is available without the MG license, while among the RL guns only the PKM can be had without. How come? Right now, this means the rest will never be bought, barring the truly heavy stuff.
Perhaps it would be good to give another cult deal one of the machine guns, like M249s for EXALT. Maybe M60s, even.
Is Boom Box even working? I tried to use it ... and yet I don't see any effects.
It's kinda like the flag in Piratez, boosts morale and gives a little extra TU to people in the area of effect.
And what does [Random Type => Flat Damage] below damage properties means?
No randomness, damage=power.
Same problem with Hadriex Gun. I use it with my agent with 97 psi strength, which should yield almost 50 psi damage, but I don't see any effects.
I suggest you do more tests before concluding something doesn't work, because a lot of the damage is really random in this game. Or just shoot your own agents. ;D
If damage type is psi, does this means that psi resistance is takin place during damage calculation?
I don't think so. Edit: Except for the damage being resisted by 'psi resistance', which is usually 1.0 and thus irrelevant. /edit
In the description of a scout drone there is this line "... it is fast and allows ground units to quickly scout out enemy positions and act as a spotter without risk to X-Com personnel." Common logic suggests that scout drone can do something special.
It can. AIs have +10 max TU, and scout drone armour adds +20. AIs can also be resurrected (well, unless they get blown up really bad) without losing their stat/commendation gains and for little cost. So they're far more suitable for recon by fire than anything else you have at that point.
Moreover, they have night, thermal and anti-camo vision (for those pesky ninjas). And tank immunities (no fatal wounds, panic, zombification).
Sadly, they can't run any more, but at least they can't get tired, either.
But in reality even a dead rat can be a spotter.
Yes, but a dead rat is dead. And a live one is most likely a target, since it's probable it got spotted in return. A scout drone can be a target much better than a lot of your other units.
Maybe it would make sense to give an actual bonus to scout drone, like if scout drone sees an enemy unit right now, then other agents will receive 75% penalty for shooting that unit (instead of normal 50%)?
If only that was possible... I have long wished for spotting to be actually somewhat 'realistic', for both sides. Getting another 50% penalty when firing at an unseen and unspotted target would be ideal.
Unfortunately, ohartenstein is stuck with sniper code only being meant for 'alien death sniper' type enemies, no matter how other modders (ab)use it. Which, combined with the fact that a hit gets you spotted no matter the distance or vision, makes for some really strange and confusing sniping and counter-sniping.
League Node missions seem to double-arm the 'whistleblowers' since they already get their default equipment from the unit definitions.
It's kinda like the flag in Piratez, boosts morale and gives a little extra TU to people in the area of effect.
Item description (including in additional info) says completely different thing. At least Boom Box is training bravery...
I suggest you do more tests before concluding something doesn't work, because a lot of the damage is really random in this game. Or just shoot your own agents. ;D
I have done more then 1 test. Can someone confirm that it really works? My main concern was about psi resistance.
If only that was possible...
Strange that it is not. Penalty for shooting a unit seen only by someone else was not present in the base game. So I assume OpenXcom introduced it. In either case it is bad to mix item abilities descriptions with usage suggestions.
Is Boom Box even working? I tried to use it several times with 110 brave agent using range attack (which should yield 110 stun damage), including on a just recovered from stun cultist, and yet I don't see any effects. And what does [Random Type => Flat Damage] below damage properties means?
Same problem with Hadriex Gun. I use it with my agent with 97 psi strength, which should yield almost 50 psi damage, but I don't see any effects. If damage type is psi, does this means that psi resistance is takin place during damage calculation? If so, then this 50 psi damage is nothing especially if you consider what is required for an ammo.
In the description of a scout drone there is this line "... it is fast and allows ground units to quickly scout out enemy positions and act as a spotter without risk to X-Com personnel." Common logic suggests that scout drone can do something special. But in reality even a dead rat can be a spotter. Maybe it would make sense to give an actual bonus to scout drone, like if scout drone sees an enemy unit right now, then other agents will receive 75% penalty for shooting that unit (instead of normal 50%)?
The Scout Drone has 5 anticamo, so it can see Black Lotus Assassins from 9 instead of 4 tiles away. And similarly for the rest of the camouflaged enemies, it can see them from 5 hexes further than your other agents.
Item description (including in additional info) says completely different thing.
Item description says: "...really gets your blood pumping!" How you get that it's completely different from a TU/morale boost is anyone's guess. ::)
Additional info outright states: TU damage multiplier -20%, Morale dmg multiplier -100%. This is as clear-cut as it will ever be.
I have done more then 1 test. Can someone confirm that it really works?
And why do you think I did not do any tests? I shot the thing at my own agents and several enemies, with various configurations of psi skill and psi strength. High psi strength puts people to sleep with 1-2 shots. Low psi strength does very little. Psi skill does nothing.
What tests did you do?
My main concern was about psi resistance.
Psi resistance in this case is an armour stat and has little to do with actual psi. It's mostly in effect for tanks and other mechanical foes, even Ethereals have no direct psi resistance (their shields do, however).
Strange that it is not.
Game features are not fruits, one cannot just go and pick some that seem 'natural'. There are a gazillion things that might be considered 'strange' in OpenXcom/OXCE as a tactical game, but are either never brought up, considered and rejected, or put in the drawer as 'perhaps some day'.
This is not JA2 v1.13, where everyone and their dog threw their pet idea at the code(rs).
In either case it is bad to mix item abilities descriptions with usage suggestions.
What's so 'bad' about it?
If you want to split hairs like that, the description says what the drone can do, it does not suggest that you do it.
Additional info outright states: TU damage multiplier -20%, Morale dmg multiplier -100%. This is as clear-cut as it will ever be.
And stun damage is 0%! :-[ Only now I noticed... (How I hate this misleading values in main pages... >:() Now I will test to see if you need to hit an enemy unit to train bravery...
And why do you think I did not do any tests? I shot the thing at my own agents and several enemies, with various configurations of psi skill and psi strength. High psi strength puts people to sleep with 1-2 shots. Low psi strength does very little. Psi skill does nothing.
Good to know. I will give this thing another try.
What's so 'bad' about it?
Because pretty much every ally unit can be described as "it can spot enemies".
How I hate this misleading values in main pages...
Well, yeah, a limitation of the engine. That's a part why the extra info button was added.
The Boom Box is outright benevolent compared to incendiary grenades and the like. :-\
Because pretty much every ally unit can be described as "it can spot enemies".
Okay, but the description is not "can spot enemies". It is 'can spot enemies quickly' (which is true for the stage of the game you're likely to use scout drones in) and 'can spot without risk to X-Com personnel' (which is also true since even the scout drone will most likely 'live', no matter what happens next.
Edit: Another one for the 'bad taste' section: the Ufopedia claims M60 is "...recently being phased out in favor of lighter SAWs". That is untrue. Light machine guns were never a replacement for GPMGs like the M60, and while it was starting to get replaced by the M240 in the mid-90s, that was another GPMG, and the transition took a looong while.
Well, okay, I lie. ;D There was a time when the US replaced their M60s with M249s. But that was in the 80s, and only in the infantry squad. That transition was roughly as complete as it would ever get by Desert Storm, half a decade prior to the events here.
Edit2: Note that this is also only the US. There is only ever one SAW involved, since a) SAW is a role not a weapon type (except in colloquial use and as an older designation for the M249) and b) SAW as doctrine is primarily an American thing due to their 'rifleman' obsession. Nor was there any general movement away from GPMGs in the 90s.
Edit3: I still find it strange that you can get access to heavy machine guns and secret squirrel weapons before finding any channels that sell RPG-7s. I mean, it's probably the #2 weapon the cult gun runners ought to have a great stock of.
I downloaded version 2.5 from here. If you start the game again, then there is a confusion of names and nationalities of fighters. Country flags are always wrong.
@Vakrug: Juku responded to your issues in ways that I don't have much to add.
Edit: Another one for the 'bad taste' section: the Ufopedia claims M60 is "...recently being phased out in favor of lighter SAWs". That is untrue. Light machine guns were never a replacement for GPMGs like the M60, and while it was starting to get replaced by the M240 in the mid-90s, that was another GPMG, and the transition took a looong while.
Wasn't written by me, how on Earth would I even know such things? :P I'll try consulting people regarding this.
In retrospect, I should not have added any real weapons - someone will always dig up some obscure shit. Or at least I should 100% stick to Wikipedia articles.
Well, okay, I lie. ;D There was a time when the US replaced their M60s with M249s. But that was in the 80s, and only in the infantry squad. That transition was roughly as complete as it would ever get by Desert Storm, half a decade prior to the events here.
Edit2: Note that this is also only the US. There is only ever one SAW involved, since a) SAW is a role not a weapon type (except in colloquial use and as an older designation for the M249) and b) SAW as doctrine is primarily an American thing due to their 'rifleman' obsession. Nor was there any general movement away from GPMGs in the 90s.
Edit3: I still find it strange that you can get access to heavy machine guns and secret squirrel weapons before finding any channels that sell RPG-7s. I mean, it's probably the #2 weapon the cult gun runners ought to have a great stock of.
Dunno, what's the difference in availability? Both are strictly military stuff.
I downloaded version 2.5 from here. If you start the game again, then there is a confusion of names and nationalities of fighters. Country flags are always wrong.
Yes, already reported and fixed. You can use the GitHub version of the mod if you want this to change, or wait for the next release.
Wasn't written by me, how on Earth would I even know such things?
In retrospect, I should not have added any real weapons...
If you add gun porn, be prepared for gun bunnies? :P
I agree, but it's too late now.
Dunno, what's the difference in availability? Both are strictly military stuff.
Yeah, but there's military and then there's military. RPG-7s are found hand-in-hand with PKMs in RL. .50 cals are another thing entirely, and some weirdos thinking .50 cals are man-portable is yet something else. :D
Is the "Call of coding" supposed to be given by Maids?
Aren't they more into dusting high places with minimum dresses?
Or I am missing some Maid science that isn't taught in Housekeeper college.
In retrospect, I should not have added any real weapons
IMHO, that's one of the best parts. I almost exclusively use the real guns actually, the same way I exclusively used the starting human weapons in the original
Yes, already reported and fixed. You can use the GitHub version of the mod if you want this to change, or wait for the next release.
I tried, but I didn't understand where there is and what can be downloaded at all. I downloaded some archive 2.5, but it says that it is damaged and does not open.
I got it! Mersi!
After checking, I report that it works correctly only if you disable XCF Cyrillic Names.
That is... one helluva shiv! :o
It looks like there is exactly one general knife handob in the entire mod, and it's shared between big-ass Rambo knives and razor blades duct taped to a stick?
There are also these weird dots on the stairs that are visible on the outlines of the... loyal Osiron minion, yessir! :D
During a Marine Base Defense mission, an aquatoid spawned inside ("in the same position as"?) a solid, non-walkable hangar column.
I can only see that aquatoid just because the soldier next to it is a hybrid with magic psi vision. Note that the selected soldier cannot see the aquatoid. Therefore, I cannot target it with weapons. Heck, even the hybrid cannot melee it.
I would kindly ask baddies to not spawn inside solid objects.
Couple of saves attached - at the moment of taking the screenshot and the turn 1 autosave.
I just stumbled upon the heavy crossbow again and despite the earlier discussion, this is definitely a case where the strength damage is misplaced. Unlike a bow, you really can't half-cock a crossbow if you're too weak.
Note that the selected soldier cannot see the aquatoid. Therefore, I cannot target it with weapons. Heck, even the hybrid cannot melee it.
What if you try to shoot at that aquatoid and override the 'No kine of sight' message with CTRL+Left click?
I just stumbled upon the heavy crossbow again and despite the earlier discussion, this is definitely a case where the strength damage is misplaced. Unlike a bow, you really can't half-cock a crossbow if you're too weak.
I haven't seen the actual Heavy Crossbow in game, but don't these have a crank for reloading?
There's nothing to hint at that in the bigob, but generally, yes, you want to use a tool to reload a crossbow. Which makes the whole thing even stranger, since the tool either compensates for the strength deficiency, or it doesn't and now you can't shoot the thing at all. And being jacked doesn't make a crossbow fire 'harder' in any way.
There are also these weird dots on the stairs that are visible on the outlines of the...
Its a rogue pixel in the sprite. They're kinda common in the stock PCK files ...
they can be fixed with PckView, incl. in Mapview2, quite easily (in fact this is why i added single-pixel-editing to PckView)
If you add gun porn, be prepared for gun bunnies? :P
Never seen any before, I couldn't know :P
Is the "Call of coding" supposed to be given by Maids?
Aren't they more into dusting high places with minimum dresses?
Or I am missing some Maid science that isn't taught in Housekeeper college.
They also just learn stuff by seeing things around the manor. But the real reason is that any moment is suitable for coding grievances!
That is... one helluva shiv! :o
It looks like there is exactly one general knife handob in the entire mod, and it's shared between big-ass Rambo knives and razor blades duct taped to a stick?
Yes. It's a chibi game :)
If it's throwing you off, I can try making a smaller handob.
There are also these weird dots on the stairs that are visible on the outlines of the... loyal Osiron minion, yessir! :D
Right, thanks. Fixed.
During a Marine Base Defense mission, an aquatoid spawned inside ("in the same position as"?) a solid, non-walkable hangar column.
Already discussed with Ivan on the XCF Matrix server, but just to confirm, this bug is fixed.
I just stumbled upon the heavy crossbow again and despite the earlier discussion, this is definitely a case where the strength damage is misplaced. Unlike a bow, you really can't half-cock a crossbow if you're too weak.
Mostly for gameplay purposes. It's even right in the description.
If it's throwing you off, I can try making a smaller handob.
I already made some. Unless you want them for yourself, I'm cool.
I am treading on your meat! 8)
Edit: Also, the Dragon Dagger looks kinda bad in-game due to the black outlines and the game being rather dark in places.
Hello, absolutely loving this mod so far! It's everything I didn't know I wanted to play.
Having trouble with PSI Skill not increasing, not sure if its a bug or I'm missing something. Training in the PSI lab seems to work - my high PSI Strength fellows are all finished their training, at 50 or so PSI Skill. I send them out with PSI amps, they accomplish several successful mind controls but their skill doesn't seem to ever increase. After many missions of psionic bullying they don't seem to have improved at all beyond that point...
To make sure it wasn't a numbers problem I ran a few missions in debug mode and just spammed morale attacks over and over - despite many successful morale attacks, none of my brainy boys improved psi skill at all.
Is the Psi-Amp no longer meant to improve the PSI skill, and if so is there another way to increase it?
Hello, absolutely loving this mod so far! It's everything I didn't know I wanted to play.
Having trouble with PSI Skill not increasing, not sure if its a bug or I'm missing something. Training in the PSI lab seems to work - my high PSI Strength fellows are all finished their training, at 50 or so PSI Skill. I send them out with PSI amps, they accomplish several successful mind controls but their skill doesn't seem to ever increase. After many missions of psionic bullying they don't seem to have improved at all beyond that point...
To make sure it wasn't a numbers problem I ran a few missions in debug mode and just spammed morale attacks over and over - despite many successful morale attacks, none of my brainy boys improved psi skill at all.
Is the Psi-Amp no longer meant to improve the PSI skill, and if so is there another way to increase it?
Check the soldiers.rul for stat caps and training caps, these are different from vanilla.
Check the soldiers.rul for stat caps and training caps, these are different from vanilla.
Ah, thank you. So it is intended to cap at 50, and the only way to increase it further is with transformations and a few commendations... I guess its better to avoid trivializing battles with super psychics.
Appreciate the help!
I guess its better to avoid trivializing battles with super psychics.
The super psychics are still there. :) They're just not your starter agents anymore.
Edit: "Why I can't goes there? I good boy!"
I already made some. Unless you want them for yourself, I'm cool.
I did it myself in the meantime, thanks.
Anyway, it's done now.
I am treading on your meat! 8)
Haha :) Thanks, fixed.
Edit: Also, the Dragon Dagger looks kinda bad in-game due to the black outlines and the game being rather dark in places.
I did my best; this palette doesn't handle reds too well, I don't want this dagger to be too pinkish.
Edit: "Why I can't goes there? I good boy!"
This terrain, I swear...
Fixed now.
Also, @TuffPuff: thank you, and have fun playing!
Napalm grenade manufacturing needs Promotion III, but you can buy Napalm for the Grenade Launcher without Promotion III.
In the Cyberweb portal mission is a room with ladders which do no work as elevator. So the soldier ended up trapped in there (from the place in upper level he just fell down).
More in attachments.
Napalm grenade manufacturing needs Promotion III, but you can buy Napalm for the Grenade Launcher without Promotion III.
Good point. Fixed.
In the Cyberweb portal mission is a room with ladders which do no work as elevator. So the soldier ended up trapped in there (from the place in upper level he just fell down).
More in attachments.
Thanks, but this gets reported regularly and I don't know how to solve this without rebuilding the tilesets (and that would be a major pain).
Thanks, but this gets reported regularly and I don't know how to solve this without rebuilding the tilesets (and that would be a major pain).
Does "GravLift" only work for ground tiles? I really wish there was some better documentation for the mapeditor and MCD entries.
Not sure if it's a bug, but who is meeting whom exactly in the T'leth Embassy? There's only a Sorcerer and a bunch of Deep Ones and maybe Gillmen. The latter seem to be serving the Cult already, going by garrison rolls in bigger Dagonite installations.
Edit: The Spirit of Dagon is back! And this time it's not some cultist's pointy head sticking out from the ground (unless they've learned digging in the meanwhile :P ).
Edit2: Are the ghosts meant to not show their weapons on the Battlescape?
Edit3: What's this place supposed to be? Is it where they put the plank? :P
Noticed the Tritanium Kukri isn't in the listed weapons for the Warrior award so doesn't give the award for using it, just a small thing since everyone else probably used the tritanium knife instead which does give Warrior awards but thought would mention anyway.
This is probably not intended: Dart weapons (and probably the vampire bite, too) suffer from an invisible nerf. Namely, non-stun-damage weapons that do mainly stun damage get said stun damage randomised, effectively halving their damage. And I wondered what made them so bad.
I had a problematic map in the Vampire Castle for multiple reasons. It seemed unwinnable but with heavy explosives and re-loading to mitigate sanity drain penalty it was beatable.
First this tomb spawned where I couldn't enter it on foot at the courner of the map, luckily the enemy inside did come out when I was close enough and ended turn, I also had flying suits.
Second and most problematic this enemy spawned in an inaccessible area beneath one of the large staircases, there was 2 layers of tunnels but even those didn't reach it.
Blasting through the staircases to reach the enemy took 2-3 large rockets from a rocket launcher with knowing where it was thanks to bug hunt, alien grenades and laser weapons didn't scatch the terrain.
Finally I sent this agent down to a tunnel network to kill the enemies inside, but they were stuck down here unable to get back up and the tunnel didn't lead anywhere (might be unclear due to the isometric view but the section with the gallows is higher than the area the agent is at). So if I was on Ironman and had to abandon the mission I would have lost them, fortunately I wasn't.
Edit: oh I did some searching and it seems others mentioned problems with the Vampire Castle before so guess its already known but will leave it up anyway incase helpful. That'll teach me for not searching before taking the time to compile pictures about it.
What are these? Sandgulls? ::)
Does "GravLift" only work for ground tiles? I really wish there was some better documentation for the mapeditor and MCD entries.
Yes, you need this to be a floor.
Not sure if it's a bug, but who is meeting whom exactly in the T'leth Embassy? There's only a Sorcerer and a bunch of Deep Ones and maybe Gillmen. The latter seem to be serving the Cult already, going by garrison rolls in bigger Dagonite installations.
Yeah, they meet up with Deep Ones. Naturally, more important ones than the chumps that get assigned to the cult.
I could make it Aquatoids instead, but you're not supposed to meet them before setting the trap.
Edit: The Spirit of Dagon is back! And this time it's not some cultist's pointy head sticking out from the ground (unless they've learned digging in the meanwhile :P ).
I appreciate the humour, but I have no idea what you're talking about... Are you referencing that old bug where a unit below obstructed the pathway on the upper floor?
Edit2: Are the ghosts meant to not show their weapons on the Battlescape?
Umm, depends which ghosts. Can you elaborate?
Edit3: What's this place supposed to be? Is it where they put the plank? :P
...Yes! :D
Noticed the Tritanium Kukri isn't in the listed weapons for the Warrior award so doesn't give the award for using it, just a small thing since everyone else probably used the tritanium knife instead which does give Warrior awards but thought would mention anyway.
Ouch, sorry. Fixed, will be awarded retroactively after you update.
This is probably not intended: Dart weapons (and probably the vampire bite, too) suffer from an invisible nerf. Namely, non-stun-damage weapons that do mainly stun damage get said stun damage randomised, effectively halving their damage. And I wondered what made them so bad.
Well, they were balanced for this mechanic... I( could change this and also make them weaker.
I had a problematic map in the Vampire Castle for multiple reasons.
We've made a few fixes to this map, but apparently not enough.
Still, it's rather hard to pinpoint the problems without a save...
What are these? Sandgulls? ::)
Haven't I fixed this a few months ago?
Yeah, they meet up with Deep Ones. Naturally, more important ones than the chumps that get assigned to the cult.
I could make it Aquatoids instead, but you're not supposed to meet them before setting the trap.
But I met the Aquatoids before hitting the Embassy! It seems that the Embassy is actually an alternative route to the Comm Device via Sorcerers instead of Deep Ones. I thought this was a hierarchy since I'd already met the Seatoids.
These Deep Ones don't look particularly different from the ones guarding the more important Dagonite bases, either.
...I have no idea what you're talking about... Are you referencing that old bug where a unit below obstructed the pathway on the upper floor?
Yep. There's some invisible crap blocking movement there.
Umm, depends which ghosts. Can you elaborate?
Ancient Sea Ghosts in this case. They're wielding invisible cutlasses.
Well, they were balanced for this mechanic... I( could change this and also make them weaker.
We've now had three people say dart guns are crap in close succession. I suggest a weapon that effectively does 15 or 18 stun damage after a considerable R&D investment is not balanced. I tested it on a maxed agent with some transformations, and a BO shotgun with baton shells vs a Dart rifle with 'A' darts has:
- Same or better aimed shot accuracy up to 30 tiles. Much better at close range.
- Same or better snap shot accuracy up to 20 tiles. Again, much better at close range.
- Worse armor penetration (0-50 vs 125% armour; 0-72 vs 100% armour) but better damage (average 33.75 stun+HP vs 21.6 stun+HP). Edit: If the armour lacks any relevant damage resistance, beanbags do on average more damage for all armour values up to 25. That is actually fairly substantial as far as human equipment goes. Darts of course tend to have less enemies resistant to them, so there's that. /edit
It's pretty much a sidegrade that requires a lot of investment in research and manufacturing. I commonly had to just fill an enemy with darts, vs 2-3 beanbag shots from a shotgun, assuming their armour was not too resistant. If it was, clubbing them on the head or tasing them was usually a better proposition. The only real niche for the dart weapons is when you have someone you really need to take alive and walking closer to him is suicide. Not that common, actually.
Maybe the other two toxins work better, but I'm far happier with my tweaked version where a regular human enemy takes 1-3 darts (assuming they don't bounce off the armour) and goes to sleep.
And even if you think they are balanced, a weapon with 50% armour effectiveness and 15 or 18 damage is virtually indistinguishable and much more transparent to the player than this obscure mechanic. It's not even clear from merely looking at the INFO what is going on.
Haven't I fixed this a few months ago?
Maybe, but if it was earlier than May 30 then you missed some.
But I met the Aquatoids before hitting the Embassy! It seems that the Embassy is actually an alternative route to the Comm Device via Sorcerers instead of Deep Ones. I thought this was a hierarchy since I'd already met the Seatoids.
The embassy isn't continuation of the Dagon arc if that's what you mean by hierarchy. The embassy can be skipped entirely, as far as I can tell (maybe Solarius can clarify on this) it's purpose is indeed to prevent players getting locked out of the T'leth arc.
The embassy isn't continuation of the Dagon arc...
But it is? The research triggers are either a live Sorcerer or killing the entire cult off altogether. If anything, the Deep Ones are not a direct continuation.
The embassy can be skipped entirely, as far as I can tell (maybe Solarius can clarify on this) it's purpose is indeed to prevent players getting locked out of the T'leth arc.
Well, unless I'm mistaken there is no way to bypass the 'Deep One Outposts' requirement for Call of T'leth without actually researching a Deep One, so the entire Embassy mission is a red green herring. ;D
We've made a few fixes to this map, but apparently not enough.
Still, it's rather hard to pinpoint the problems without a save...
Ah sorry didn't know a save of the map would help, not sure at what point being saved is best but will add a save during mission I still have. (new to the bug reporting stuff sorry)
Had another buggy level generation in Beyond the Doom Portal map which locked me into the starting area. But since this was the start of the map it was easy to fix by re-loading geomap and activing save scumming to get a new level generation which worked fine the second time, but thought would mention it anyway just incase it helps to know.
There is something really strange with grass in beach missions (Osiron Resort and Deep Ones doing sacrifices).
A dog cannot bite when standing on grass (says no one is here), at least not from all sides.
A tank (more specifically the one with tritanium rockets) cannot fire while standing on flat grass and aiming on someone on the same elevation (says no line of fire). If you press control to force fire, then rocket explodes right in front of the tank.
If you press F10 and see first person perspective, you see that grass is taller then you think it would be.
May be I am wrong, but I think this was not an issue in version 2.4.
Sorry, no saves of screenshots, forgot to make them due to frustration... >:(
Had another buggy level generation in Beyond the Doom Portal map which locked me into the starting area.
Reported the same bug some time ago, seems to be harder to fix than anticipated.
Yeah, they meet up with Deep Ones. Naturally, more important ones than the chumps that get assigned to the cult.
Actually, what do you mean by this? There are only Deep One Servants at the Embassy. And perhaps a Gillman or two. Are the Gillmen doing the negotiating? :o
But I met the Aquatoids before hitting the Embassy! It seems that the Embassy is actually an alternative route to the Comm Device via Sorcerers instead of Deep Ones. I thought this was a hierarchy since I'd already met the Seatoids.
OK, let's dissect this:
- type: embassyOfTlethEarly0
- type: AquatoidTrap
So the embassy is clearly easier to get, as it only requires a Sorcerer of Dagon (and Underwater Ops, but the same applies to the Aquatoid Trap mission).
But the real question is, will this break any flow in the research? Long story short, I think no, as long as you'll be meeting onlty Aquatoid Soldiers (since they don't seem to open any later missions, except T'leth recons and surveys, which is okay).
On the other hand, I think meeting aquatoids might be slightly off conceptually; Deep Ones legends (from H.P. Lovecraft and such) kinda don't fit thematically, since Aquatoids come from a different story. Nevertheless, I have decided to add one Aquatoid soldier to the embassy deployment. I hope it won't ruin the aesthetics too much. :)
Yep. There's some invisible crap blocking movement there.
Yep, it's a fern. Not a bug, but since it can't be seen behind the wall, I changed this part.
Ancient Sea Ghosts in this case. They're wielding invisible cutlasses.
I see, many thanks. Fixed.
We've now had three people say dart guns are crap in close succession. I suggest a weapon that effectively does 15 or 18 stun damage after a considerable R&D investment is not balanced. (...)
Considering that this part is due for a revamp (rolling all 3 levels into one and changing the remaining 2 clips to other damage types, namely Bio and anti-E-115), I am not fixinf this now. But I see your point.
And even if you think they are balanced, a weapon with 50% armour effectiveness and 15 or 18 damage is virtually indistinguishable and much more transparent to the player than this obscure mechanic. It's not even clear from merely looking at the INFO what is going on.
I'm not fully convinced, since now they behave as any other vanilla weapon. Wouldn't this change be more confusing? Or should I change how all stun weapons work?
Maybe, but if it was earlier than May 30 then you missed some.
OK, this was pretty elusive, but I think I got this. Fixed.
Ah sorry didn't know a save of the map would help, not sure at what point being saved is best but will add a save during mission I still have. (new to the bug reporting stuff sorry)
No worries, but without a save I don't have much to check... Except all the maps, all the tiles. Considering this is the vampire castle, just no. :D
Had another buggy level generation in Beyond the Doom Portal map which locked me into the starting area. But since this was the start of the map it was easy to fix by re-loading geomap and activing save scumming to get a new level generation which worked fine the second time, but thought would mention it anyway just incase it helps to know.
FFS, it's not a bug nor it requires reloading... Just dig. It can happen in many underground locations, by the way.
There is something really strange with grass in beach missions (Osiron Resort and Deep Ones doing sacrifices).
A dog cannot bite when standing on grass (says no one is here), at least not from all sides.
A tank (more specifically the one with tritanium rockets) cannot fire while standing on flat grass and aiming on someone on the same elevation (says no line of fire). If you press control to force fire, then rocket explodes right in front of the tank.
If you press F10 and see first person perspective, you see that grass is taller then you think it would be.
May be I am wrong, but I think this was not an issue in version 2.4.
Sorry, no saves of screenshots, forgot to make them due to frustration... >:(
Yeah yeah, the old tall grass problem, stemming from the fact that it blocks the line of attack. Not much that can be done, except making the grass shorter (and I'm not sure it's critical enough).
Reported the same bug some time ago, seems to be harder to fix than anticipated.
Actually, what do you mean by this? There are only Deep One Servants at the Embassy. And perhaps a Gillman or two. Are the Gillmen doing the negotiating? :o
Considering the new addition, this is probably irrelevant... ;)
OK, let's dissect this:
Okay. But:
- type: embassyOfTlethEarly0
Same as the Aquatoid Trap, except you also need a Sorcerer but not the Deep One Outpost.
So the embassy is clearly easier to get, as it only requires a Sorcerer of Dagon (and Underwater Ops, but the same applies to the Aquatoid Trap mission).
The difference is between a live Sorcerer and some more research time to get Deep One Outpost. IMO, research time is easier to come by than a live Sorcerer, though not by much.
But the real question is, will this break any flow in the research?
No. But I think the real real :D question is what the Embassy actually does for the player? Nothing, really, as far as I can tell.
Long story short, I think no, as long as you'll be meeting onlty Aquatoid Soldiers (since they don't seem to open any later missions, except T'leth recons and surveys, which is okay).
But there are no Aquatoid Soldiers in the Embassy! Only a Sorcerer (who you must have had already), Deep One Servants (the 'chumps') and maybe a Gillman or two (can also be caught on land).
Nevertheless, I have decided to add one Aquatoid soldier to the embassy deployment. I hope it won't ruin the aesthetics too much. :)
Yay? If you're adding one then there's now an actual point in doing that mission because Aquatoid Soldiers unlock some USOs (which I've never seen (yet?)) and some T'leth creature research.
On the other hand, I think meeting aquatoids might be slightly off conceptually; Deep Ones legends (from H.P. Lovecraft and such) kinda don't fit thematically, since Aquatoids come from a different story.
Well, okay, but who are the 'masters', then? And what story?
I also don't like the Deep One <-> Gillman switch, exactly because of this. The TFTD Deep Ones and Gillmen were only vaguely inspired by Lovecraft, and Aquatoids were entirely made up AFAICT. But it's your lore now.
Yep, it's a fern.
Ninja fern? :)
I see, many thanks. Fixed.
You might also want to check your new Romans and whoever else for such things.
Considering that this part is due for a revamp (rolling all 3 levels into one and changing the remaining 2 clips to other damage types, namely Bio and anti-E-115), I am not fixinf this now. But I see your point.
Good! Though having one upgrade (e.g. Stun I, Stun II, Bio I, Bio II, E-115) would be nicer and make capturing alien creatures more worthwhile.
I'm not fully convinced, since now they behave as any other vanilla weapon. Wouldn't this change be more confusing? Or should I change how all stun weapons work?
No other stun weapon except the vampire bite has this kind of sneaky mechanic. I checked. And something that requires you to spend not insignificant effort to reverse engineer the data is by default much more confusing than something working exactly like everything else. :P
Edit: Although an Aquatoid Soldier also feels kinda out of place. Why would a Soldier be sent to represent the 'masters'?
I also don't like the Deep One <-> Gillman switch, exactly because of this. The TFTD Deep Ones and Gillmen were only vaguely inspired by Lovecraft, and Aquatoids were entirely made up AFAICT. But it's your lore now.
Everyone knows what a Deep One is. Not just from the Lovecraft (mostly from him, though). What TFTD did was just... what's a nice word... disputable. And considering how the entire game was written, it was probably more of an accident than a conscious design decision.
Ninja fern? :)
A normal little fern that put up brave resistance when the Fire Nation X-Com attacked!
You might also want to check your new Romans and whoever else for such things.
It's the same weapon (at least for now), so no issue.
Good! Though having one upgrade (e.g. Stun I, Stun II, Bio I, Bio II, E-115) would be nicer and make capturing alien creatures more worthwhile.
Perhaps, but let's start with just one level.
No other stun weapon except the vampire bite has this kind of sneaky mechanic. I checked. And something that requires you to spend not insignificant effort to reverse engineer the data is by default much more confusing than something working exactly like everything else. :P
Understood. Okay, since you're familiar with the rulesets, can I ask you to provide a suggestion for modification (as in actual code)? I just want to make sure that we're on the same page.
Edit: Although an Aquatoid Soldier also feels kinda out of place. Why would a Soldier be sent to represent the 'masters'?
Aquatoids aren't like Cydonians, they don't specialize that much and are way more free-thinking. Besides, all Aquatoids are smart and mean in ways that are more human than Cydonians. Long story short, it doesn't strike me as very strange if an Aquatoid soldier performs a low-level diplomacy mission, they are capable of that.
Everyone knows what a Deep One is. Not just from the Lovecraft (mostly from him, though). What TFTD did was just... what's a nice word... disputable. And considering how the entire game was written, it was probably more of an accident than a conscious design decision.
Well, at least we didn't get the western-themed X-Com 2. ::)
One man's disputable is another man's original content. :P
Okay, since you're familiar with the rulesets, can I ask you to provide a suggestion for modification (as in actual code)?
Something like this:
power: 18 <- from 36
RandomStun: false <- from true
ArmorEffectiveness: 0.5 <- from 1.0
Edit: If you want to retain the HP and tile damage:
ToTile: 0.2 <- from 0.1
ToHealth: 0.2 <- from 0.1
I'd probably buff it to about 20-24 damage, too. Maybe even more, if the higher-tier stun darts are taken away.
Aquatoids aren't like Cydonians, they don't specialize that much and are way more free-thinking. Besides, all Aquatoids are smart and mean in ways that are more human than Cydonians. Long story short, it doesn't strike me as very strange if an Aquatoid soldier performs a low-level diplomacy mission, they are capable of that.
Okay, makes sense. There should be something in-game to tell us that, though. TFTD Aquatoids were pretty much the same mass-produced little fuckers as the Sectoids of the original.
At least change the naming scheme from Soldier to something else. Even Technician or Specialist would work.
A normal little fern that put up brave resistance when the Fire Nation X-Com attacked!
Next time, I'm taking the machetes... Wait, machetes don't work on small vegetation! :o Darn, foiled again!
FFS, it's not a bug nor it requires reloading... Just dig. It can happen in many underground locations, by the way.
Oh I was used to missions briefing mentioning if digging might be needed like cyberweb sewers, I tried using a blaster bomb but it just dented the outer wall without digging through so I thought these thick walls were not possible to dig through. I had the follow up map where an enemy was locked behind a wall and used the plasma cutter tool a few times to crack into the wall but I just assumed first one was like the walls in a base defence mission. Sorry for listing it as a bug if it wasn't one.
Something like this:
power: 18 <- from 36
RandomStun: false <- from true
ArmorEffectiveness: 0.5 <- from 1.0
Edit: If you want to retain the HP and tile damage:
ToTile: 0.2 <- from 0.1
ToHealth: 0.2 <- from 0.1
I'd probably buff it to about 20-24 damage, too. Maybe even more, if the higher-tier stun darts are taken away.
All right, thanks. I'll save it for later evaluation, whne I tackle the darts.
But what about ArmorEffectiveness? Why does this change come from?
Okay, makes sense. There should be something in-game to tell us that, though.
Why tell when you show? The very presence of an Aquatoid on this mission shows it.
TFTD Aquatoids were pretty much the same mass-produced little fuckers as the Sectoids of the original.
Yeah, since everytihng was exactly the same as in the original... Yeah, I don't like TFTD that much, it was almost a scam. but this is not on topic.
At least change the naming scheme from Soldier to something else. Even Technician or Specialist would work.
A new convention for TFTD ranks? OK, I don't like soldier too much; but obviously not engineer or specialist, since it's a different rank.
Next time, I'm taking the machetes... Wait, machetes don't work on small vegetation! :o Darn, foiled again!
Oh I was used to missions briefing mentioning if digging might be needed like cyberweb sewers, I tried using a blaster bomb but it just dented the outer wall without digging through so I thought these thick walls were not possible to dig through. I had the follow up map where an enemy was locked behind a wall and used the plasma cutter tool a few times to crack into the wall but I just assumed first one was like the walls in a base defence mission. Sorry for listing it as a bug if it wasn't one.
No problem. Early such missions have a tip about digging, but not all of them - after all, the player already knows. As evidenced by your solution. :)
But what about ArmorEffectiveness? Why does this change come from?
AFAIK, toHealth/toStun/RandomStun only apply after armour has been penetrated. So if you had 36 damage, that would have been weighed against armour, and then whatever value penetrates gets adjusted by toStun and RandomStun and so on.
So while the current stun darts suck at doing damage, they're quite a bit better at armour penetration than beanbag ammo etc.
Why tell when you show? The very presence of an Aquatoid on this mission shows it.
...but this is not on topic.
It doesn't tell us that Aquatoids are mean little motherfuckers who don't specialise in anything but cussedness. :P
And it's on topic as long as there's no blurb on Aquatoid society telling the player that these are not your granddaddy's Aquatoids.
Edit: Is the Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate still supposed to be in the game?
Are elite soldiers (in the manor missions) intended to be able to spawn right beside your soldiers? I've failed several manor missions simply because elite soldiers spawned and instantly killed my soldiers without having a turn to respond. Quite literally hit end turn, elite soldiers spawn and shoot my soldiers, then my new turn starts. It is not exactly "Fun" to have that happen, and it's happened multiple times now. Especially since the elite soldiers can (uncommonly) spawn in before my soldiers could even reach the manor itself.
I am confused.
What is going on with these guys? Have they discovered the Force?
They're all Hybrids who have just been sitting and training in an island base all month, no missions, nada. I don't think I've ever even tried to give any items to one.
Never mind, it's working as intended. The '+' and comparison to 'normal' soldiers threw me.
is that a trick question?
No, just me not realising Hybrids are given most of their psi skill progression for free, unlike
sheeple humans. They cap out at 60 and no in-game hybrid gets that level of skill. Well, except the Brainer, and he's at 40 vs these guys' 35-52.
The '+' and comparison to 'normal' soldiers threw me.
BTW, can anyone explain me what that "+" in training screens does? I had some ideas, but all of them was wrong.
And also agent's stats in training screens and enhancement screens seems to be very odd even if you remove agent's armor.
BTW, can anyone explain me what that "+" in training screens does?
I think it's 'not training right now but will get back to it when I'm okay/available again'.
And also agent's stats in training screens and enhancement screens seems to be very odd even if you remove agent's armor.
These are their 'raw' stats. What you usually see is those + commendation bonuses.
I think it's 'not training right now but will get back to it when I'm okay/available again'.
This is small "+" in each raw. I am asking about big "+" in the right-top corner. When you toggle it it somehow rearranges agents and shows different stats, but I cannot figure out this logic.
These are their 'raw' stats. What you usually see is those + commendation bonuses.
OK, I will check this out. What really bother me is 2 separate lines of stat changes in enhancement screen. I suspect, that one line is for immediate change and the other for maximal limit change, but I ma not sure.
I am asking about big "+" in the right-top corner.
All these confusing pluses everywhere... :P
I think that one toggles between 'raw' and 'raw+commendation' stats. Re-sorting is probably according to whatever sorting you've selected, since commendations can change that order.
What really bother me is 2 separate lines of stat changes in enhancement screen. I suspect, that one line is for immediate change and the other for maximal limit change, but I ma not sure.
Well, that's what it is, so you can be sure now. :)
Thanks. Now it makes sense.
BTW, I wish that big "+" would function like "assign first available agent for training when there is room". Or at least "when an agent is injected with storm do not remove his small '+', so that an agent could returned to training after treatment".
Hello! First at all: Great mod, really like it! Brings back a great feeling of past days - and improves an already awesome experience from the past even more! :)
And now back to topic :) I guess I found a bug. Or at least it looks a little bit weird to me ^^
It's about the Trouble In Ski Resort mission:
The conditions for this event to be triggered are:
Mission Triggers: skiResort
true Cover: Sportsmen
false Cult is contained
Mission Triggers: skiResortLate
true Cover: Sportsmen
true X-Com Summary Report #3
false Black Lotus Psi Generator
false Red Dawn Memory Card
false Church of Dagon Statue
false Brainer Cracked
The first one seems to make absolutely sense. But the "Late one" is really strange to me. You cannot reach "X-Com Summary Report #3" without the following four conditions which are marked as false. And all of them are basically the same for the above "Cult is contained" condition. With those four conditions at "false" it is basically impossible to trigger the Late event I guess, after reaching "Cult is contained". But why is it in there at all then? And especially adding "X-Com Summary Report #3" as a requirement seems to make absolutely no sense to me. So I guess the false condition for those 4 cult items should be "true" maybe? But still, this would be basically redundant because it is already needed to be researched by "X-Com Summary Report #3".
So I guess, in case there should be a late event, the most logical condition should be just:
Mission Triggers: skiResortLate
true Cover: Sportsmen
true X-Com Summary Report #3
and no further conditions depending on the 4 cult items.
Or maybe does I just understand some of the mechanics from researching / triggering events wrong...? ^^
I have a question.
I downloaded 2.5, and I played 4-5 months of the game, and only the missions I am getting are arresting the cult members with a single cult follower. Also, after completing the mission, I get too many traits for the activities I did not do. I did around 25 missions and all of them were arresting the cult members. No farmers, no mutants...
Is it how it opposed to being or do I have a problem somewhere
I tried 2.4.1 - it is the same
I am not even getting cult posts with multiple cultists.
You likely don't have the required OXCE version.
AFAIK, toHealth/toStun/RandomStun only apply after armour has been penetrated. So if you had 36 damage, that would have been weighed against armour, and then whatever value penetrates gets adjusted by toStun and RandomStun and so on.
Okay, but it will look rather weird on a weapon. Armor-defeating vaccine needles make little sense. Sure, sometimes an abstraction is necessary, but I feel that this would would distort the suspension of disbelief. Resistances are serious business and I'd be very careful with them, since they're not just for the mechanics, but also for "lore feeding", being one of the most easily visible game data. So I'd rather not make them too weird.
Or maybe I'm wrong.. Just voicing some serious uncertainties.
So while the current stun darts suck at doing damage, they're quite a bit better at armour penetration than beanbag ammo etc.
It doesn't tell us that Aquatoids are mean little motherfuckers who don't specialise in anything but cussedness. :P
No? Strange. :D
Edit: Is the Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate still supposed to be in the game?
Sure, why not?
Okay, but it will look rather weird on a weapon. Armor-defeating vaccine needles make little sense.
My proposal was a functionally almost identical weapon. If you don't want armour-piercing darts, you can remove that from the weapon (either version). Something else will need to be buffed then, though.
IMO, a dart should be somewhat AP, since it just needs to penetrate a little to inject its payload, unlike a projectile that actually needs to go through armour to do damage.
What about resistances? I mean, suppose you have armour A with 200% resistance and 50 armour, and armour B with 50% resistance and 25 armour. A weapon with 100 damage, damage halved after penetration and full ArmourEffectiveness does the same on average ( A: (2*100-50)/2 = 75, B: (100/2-25)/2 = 12.5 ) as a weapon with 50 damage and half ArmourEffectiveness ( A: (100-50/2) = 75, B: (50/2-25/2) = 12.5 ).
No? Strange.
Well, the Aquatoid blurb is word-for-word the same as in TFTD, so one might easily get the impression that they're still the same caste-based society.
Sure, why not?
Because it doesn't do anything but confuse players?
My proposal was a functionally almost identical weapon. If you don't want armour-piercing darts, you can remove that from the weapon (either version). Something else will need to be buffed then, though.
IMO, a dart should be somewhat AP, since it just needs to penetrate a little to inject its payload, unlike a projectile that actually needs to go through armour to do damage.
All valid concerns. I honestly am not sure how to proceed yet.
Well, the Aquatoid blurb is word-for-word the same as in TFTD, so one might easily get the impression that they're still the same caste-based society.
They do, doh. I don't know what you want to say.
Because it doesn't do anything but confuse players?
What the actual fuck now?
They do, doh. I don't know what you want to say.
That they "aren't like Cydonians, they don't specialize that much and are way more free-thinking." The current blurb implies they are like Sectoids, except that Sectoids think of them as more primitive. They also have the exact same carbon copy rank structure as the Sectoids, implying their caste system is still mostly the same, and not less specialist and more encouraging of individuals taking initiative.
Either these Aquatoids are different or they aren't. If they are, it should be stated somewhere. If they aren't, then Soldiers can't be diplomats/emissaries. Even Ethereals don't send single Soldiers to do missions on their own, and they're one of the few races where that'd make sense.
What the actual fuck now?
What does the parcel do, then? It used to give out an embassy key. Embassies and their keys are long gone. There are no further hooks I can see anywhere.
If it's something that's going to get repurposed, okay. But you seem to be implying that it actually has a function in 2.5?
That they "aren't like Cydonians, they don't specialize that much and are way more free-thinking." The current blurb implies they are like Sectoids, except that Sectoids think of them as more primitive. They also have the exact same carbon copy rank structure as the Sectoids, implying their caste system is still mostly the same, and not less specialist and more encouraging of individuals taking initiative.
Either these Aquatoids are different or they aren't. If they are, it should be stated somewhere. If they aren't, then Soldiers can't be diplomats/emissaries. Even Ethereals don't send single Soldiers to do missions on their own, and they're one of the few races where that'd make sense.
That's some MASSIVE hairsplitting you're doing here. Why would everything require explanation? Why not allow the player to make conclusions? (It's rhetorical question, by the way; don't bother to respond.)
What does the parcel do, then? It used to give out an embassy key. Embassies and their keys are long gone. There are no further hooks I can see anywhere.
See, it doesn't hurt to state your problem straight away, without all this back and forth.
If it's something that's going to get repurposed, okay. But you seem to be implying that it actually has a function in 2.5?
It has a function like every other bloody thing in the mod even if it doesn't do anything. By, you know, just being there.
Whether I'm going to repurpose it for something more - not going to disclose now.
Honestly, this is quite an offensive point, which should be obvious but apparently isn't.
Why not allow the player to make conclusions?
From what? A single Soldier on a single map that can be interpreted several ways vs a blurb that fits every X-Com veteran's preconceptions of what Sectoids/Aquatoids are, a caste society that literally clones its members for their role.
I'm not saying you need to spell out everything in a single Ufopedia article. But even with the embassy change, it requires quite a bit of hair splitting :P to get the conclusion that Aquatoids are anything but what they used to be.
If you didn't tell me, I would still think that. Figure the Soldier is a bodyguard or something, and the real 'masters' split when they saw the X-Com sub, or never arrived in the first place.
Basically, it's the same thing as with the Council all over again, where you have a vision that diverges from the base assumptions of X-Com, yet the evidence is either all in your head or in obscure corners of the game that need judicious extra interpretation to say what you want it to say. In the end, the Council got expanded and explained very nicely with articles, events and so on.
Of course, this is all pretty irrelevant to gameplay right now. Some more random Aquatoids, whatever, they're aliens doing alien things, who knows what's going on in their little heads, just shoot them. :P But if you want your version of TFTD lore to be conveyed in-game instead of a version of the original that has a few different maps and missions, that needs more work. Whether you actually want this is up to you, of course.
It has a function like every other bloody thing in the mod even if it doesn't do anything. By, you know, just being there.
I mean, if it had an article saying "We looked at it and it's weird. Who knows what it's for? Maybe we'll find out eventually.", all fair. If it was something that couldn't be researched, strange but okay. But right now it's something that comes in, eats a few scientist-hours, primes you for getting either closure or a new arc or a new mission or... and does nothing. This is textbook bug behaviour, especially since it used to do something. How am I supposed to read your mind to see that leaving in half-functional stuff from earlier versions for atmosphere is A-OK, not a bug for you? 99% of the time something like that comes up in a game, any game, it's a bug and the developers just forgot.
OK, I'll work on the Aquatoid article.
Good day gentlemen, i am sorry if there is already answer for the question:
I didn't play for year, so i continued my old save in updated version of the mod and oxce and advent is crashing the game, specifically battleship try to base attack with following crash:
[03-08-2022_13-57-17] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 241x0
[03-08-2022_13-57-44] [WARN] STR_ADVENT not found in en-gb
[03-08-2022_13-57-47] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_ADVENT defined in deployment: STR_BASE_DEFENSE
[03-08-2022_13-57-47] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
If necessary let me know where to upload pre crash save.
P.s. i know advent was removed during the development let me know if it's possible to edit save file manually to fix cras
nextWave: 6
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 7620
liveUfos: 1
uniqueID: 1304
nextWave: 4
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 1530
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 1395
missionSiteZone: -1
Find this and either change the race or delete the whole mission entries.
thank you sir
Next OXCE version will ignore such missions automatically on load (mission will be reassigned to STR_SECTOID race (or whichever race comes first) and interrupted).
Moonkid just reported that Olympian Personal Armour crashes the game and I can confirm. The likely cause is a lack of flying frames in the original sprites.
Moonkid just reported that Olympian Personal Armour crashes the game and I can confirm. The likely cause is a lack of flying frames in the original sprites.
Right, there was such a problem, but now is fixed on my end.
Next release: after next OXCE release.
We call this "swallowing" or "eating whole". 8)
I wonder, if it's possible to specify in weapon properties (I assume, under "items") that a weapon should never disintegrate upon impact? I'd like to e.g. have a 200-power laser, that burns holes through the bodies, not disintegrates them in whole.
I wonder, if it's possible to specify in weapon properties (I assume, under "items") that a weapon should never disintegrate upon impact? I'd like to e.g. have a 200-power laser, that burns holes through the bodies, not disintegrates them in whole.
You'll find the answer to that in the discussion you're referring to. You might also want to check the ruleset reference (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)).
Get crush on hybrid embassy assault. Game says that there is no exalt with rank 13. Log+save included(van just canceled from starting assault on this embassy).
I encountered a map bug where I can't reach an enemy and he can't too. A mission where you disguise as construction workers and arm only with melee weapons. Against Exalt. One guy is on fourth level platforms, he can't get down and I can't kill him without firearms.
I can upload save file, if you are interested.
I wonder, if it's possible to specify in weapon properties (I assume, under "items") that a weapon should never disintegrate upon impact? I'd like to e.g. have a 200-power laser, that burns holes through the bodies, not disintegrates them in whole.
It hapend again with OXCE 7.7. Do you have a plan for the next XCom Files release?
It hapend again with OXCE 7.7. Do you have a plan for the next XCom Files release?
Why? What's the point of having a giant death ray that's meant to vaporize things and then not vaporize things? Easiest solution - don't use giant death rays if you don't want to vaporize stuff.
Right, there was such a problem, but now is fixed on my end.
Next release: after next OXCE release.
It happend again with OXCE 7.7. Do you have a plan for the next XCom Files release?
Spawned in a lake. No biggie since there aren't any civilians, but still, spawned in a lake.
Hello! Long time no see, since most of the past month was holiday time for me. Now I'm back!
Get crush on hybrid embassy assault. Game says that there is no exalt with rank 13. Log+save included(van just canceled from starting assault on this embassy).
This must be an ancient save. And indeed, it can't work, as this race doesn't exist since version 1.8 (ancient history by now).
Solution: change the race STR_ADVENT in your save to STR_HYBRID. Or delete the entire base. Or just start a new campaign.
I encountered a map bug where I can't reach an enemy and he can't too. A mission where you disguise as construction workers and arm only with melee weapons. Against Exalt. One guy is on fourth level platforms, he can't get down and I can't kill him without firearms.
I can upload save file, if you are interested.
Save please, if you still have it.
It hapend again with OXCE 7.7. Do you have a plan for the next XCom Files release?
Why wouldn't this happen? This is literally how the feature was designed in OXCE (not by me).
And yeah, next version is coming very soon. You can use the GitHub version as well, should be fine (but naturally, it is untested).
Spawned in a lake. No biggie since there aren't any civilians, but still, spawned in a lake.
Fukken HOW... >:(
No, seriously, I can't see from the code how it's possible, lol. Would you perhaps have a save?
This must be an ancient save. And indeed, it can't work, as this race doesn't exist since version 1.8 (ancient history by now).
Solution: change the race STR_ADVENT in your save to STR_HYBRID. Or delete the entire base. Or just start a new campaign.
oh but it was started in version 2.5 im currently playing, mb submode done shit with it. Thank you anyway for reply, but i kinda "fixed" it by tampering around files and deleting unit rank #13. Want to purge foul xenos in this save so will continue straggle. This try is number 13 so it should go smoothly, right?
oh but it was started in version 2.5 im currently playing, mb submode done shit with it. Thank you anyway for reply, but i kinda "fixed" it by tampering around files and deleting unit rank #13. Want to purge foul xenos in this save so will continue straggle. This try is number 13 so it should go smoothly, right?
Sorry dude, my bad. I mixed up two cases.
Anyway, this base is supposed to be a hybrid base, so I don't know what the hell EXALT is doing there - they should have moved out. I don't think it's a bug in the mod, or I'd bet getting lots of such reports. Maybe you have outdated OXCE?
As for solving the issue temporarily, yeah you could delete the entry in alienDeployments, but it'll be easier and safer to just expend the EXALT rank. Simply take the file attached and overwrite in your mod; then you'll be able to play the mission (albeit with EXALT instead of hybrids).
Sorry dude, my bad. I mixed up two cases.
Anyway, this base is supposed to be a hybrid base, so I don't know what the hell EXALT is doing there - they should have moved out. I don't think it's a bug in the mod, or I'd bet getting lots of such reports. Maybe you have outdated OXCE?
As for solving the issue temporarily, yeah you could delete the entry in alienDeployments, but it'll be easier and safer to just expend the EXALT rank. Simply take the file attached and overwrite in your mod; then you'll be able to play the mission (albeit with EXALT instead of hybrids).
It's ok, everyone makes mistakes sometimes :)
I'll check OXCE version, couse i dont even remember where and when i got it. Now when you mentioned that game said smt about it back at first launch...
Save please, if you still have it.
Here's a save file, where I can't reach the enemy and he can't get down too. It's from 2.5 version of the mod.
Here's a save file, where I can't reach the enemy and he can't get down too. It's from 2.5 version of the mod.
Thank you very much.
This is a very rare case, as a very specific mapblock arrangement was needed. This generally should not happen, but on such a small map, there simply wasn't enough stairs (there are some, but not to this specific section - it's blocked off).
If I were playing this, my solution would be to lure the enemy down by taunting it with one visible X-Com unit.
Thank you very much.
This is a very rare case, as a very specific mapblock arrangement was needed. This generally should not happen, but on such a small map, there simply wasn't enough stairs (there are some, but not to this specific section - it's blocked off).
If I were playing this, my solution would be to lure the enemy down by taunting it with one visible X-Com unit.
Enemy guy perfectly sees my men, but can't jump down becouse of railings. Anyway, it doesn't matter, after 2.6 patch I started a new game.
Enemy guy perfectly sees my men, but can't jump down becouse of railings. Anyway, it doesn't matter, after 2.6 patch I started a new game.
He can still use the ladder. But well, still kinda awkward.
Another stucking bug, this time with lone Shambler. He spawned in the corner of the map, behind the rocks. There's two paths out, they are only one grid width and Shambler being 2x2 grid creature, can't pass.
This bug made killing him very easy.
Another stucking bug, this time with lone Shambler. He spawned in the corner of the map, behind the rocks. There's two paths out, they are only one grid width and Shambler being 2x2 grid creature, can't pass.
This bug made killing him very easy.
Yeah it happens - very rarely. I'll address it.
EDIT: found and fixed.
Small bug I find - if doing an HQ early the message from the cult doesn't seem to appear on time. Did dagon HQ on november 97 but got the final message (for cult assault) on feb 98
Fukken HOW... >:(
No, seriously, I can't see from the code how it's possible, lol. Would you perhaps have a save?
Save is attatched to my original post, apologies for the late reply.
Small bug I find - if doing an HQ early the message from the cult doesn't seem to appear on time. Did dagon HQ on november 97 but got the final message (for cult assault) on feb 98
executionOdds: 100 <------ 100% chance to happen
STR_CHURCH_OF_DAGON_HQ: true <------ needs Dagon HQ research (not actually beating their HQ)
It will run the next month after you research Church of Dagon HQ, but not four months later. Just no way.
Save is attatched to my original post, apologies for the late reply.
Thank you!
I still have nothing, though. :( At this point I suspect gremlins.
executionOdds: 100 <------ 100% chance to happen
STR_CHURCH_OF_DAGON_HQ: true <------ needs Dagon HQ research (not actually beating their HQ)
It will run the next month after you research Church of Dagon HQ, but not four months later. Just no way.
Maybe has to do with researching HQ in 97?
Also regarding the ghost storyline, cultist seem to have localisation missing and spawn the Katapeltes without any ammo.
Are you sure that is what you meant?
costBuy: 40000
costSalary: 15000
costSalarySquaddie: 5000 # squaddie salary 20000
costSalarySergeant: 10000 # sergeant salary 25000
costSalaryCaptain: 20000 # captain salary 35000
costSalaryColonel: 40000 # colonel salary 55000
costSalaryCommander: 70000 # commander salary 85000
tu: 45
stamina: 40
health: 25
bravery: 10
reactions: 30
firing: 45
throwing: 35
strength: 20
psiStrength: 0
psiSkill: 0
melee: 20
mana: 30
tu: 55
stamina: 65
health: 35
bravery: 60
reactions: 60
firing: 65
throwing: 55
strength: 40
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 6
melee: 60
mana: 50
tu: 65
stamina: 150
health: 85
bravery: 100
reactions: 25
firing: 90
throwing: 70
strength: 70
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 25
melee: 90
mana: 100
tu: 60
stamina: 130
health: 75
bravery: 100
reactions: 25
firing: 75
throwing: 60
strength: 65
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 25
melee: 75
mana: 0
bravery: 10
reactions: 30
firing: 25
avatarOffsetX: 68
avatarOffsetY: 48
standHeight: 22
kneelHeight: 14
femaleFrequency: 25
- delete
- AgentName/
deathMale: [41, 42, 43, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141]
deathFemale: [44, 45, 46, 160, 161, 162, 163]
panicMale: [701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709]
panicFemale: [731, 732, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737]
berserkMale: [801, 802, 803, 804, 805]
berserkFemale: [831, 832, 833]
Also, I wonder what is up with the Glock 18 - aimed shots do not seem to have a higher acc as compared to snap shots.
Had some situations where this was relevant.
Not under 16 tiles, but the ranges are different. Although not that different (snap 15, aimed 20). No idea why aiming a handgun brings so little benefit.
Maybe has to do with researching HQ in 97?
What do you mean? Why would 97 be significant? The script I pasted doesn't do anything like that with time.
Also regarding the ghost storyline, cultist seem to have localisation missing and spawn the Katapeltes without any ammo.
Yes, true in both cases. :(
Many thanks, fixed.
Are you sure that is what you meant?
Yeah, their Reactions are abysmal. Zombie powers have their price.
I can't remember the entire formula right now, but their max Reactions should be effectively 35 lower than a normal human's.
Also, I wonder what is up with the Glock 18 - aimed shots do not seem to have a higher acc as compared to snap shots.
Had some situations where this was relevant.
Right - accurate range.
Yeah, their Reactions are abysmal.
I can't remember the entire formula right now, but their max Reactions should be effectively 35 lower than a normal human's.
While that may be intended to work that way, in practice a maxed agent loses only up to ~10 reactions depending on how much they started with, and new agents lose nothing.
Which means you want to delay the transformation until your stats are maxed because otherwise you get a permanent but avoidable stat reduction.
Hello. I would like to ask what is approx spawn time for Ethereals.
I'm currently september 2002 year. Few last months nothing serious happens, sometimes I get aliens fly-by ships.
And destroyed Sindicate about 3-4 months ago with their final message(from ethereals?)
So what now?
ps. great mod.
Why are you asking this in the bug reports thread? Or is the lack of Ethereals in bad taste to you? :P
Why are you asking this in the bug reports thread? Or is the lack of Ethereals in bad taste to you? :P
Well this is most active topic, so why not?
But yea it is a bad taste since Im sitting for 4 months and absolutely nothing(new) happens in game :(
The main topic is about as active and more, well, topical.
I mean, I don't care, personally. But unlike me, you're not on Solarius's ignore list, and he has a thing about merging double posts and moving off-topic stuff.
For once I had bugged mob in Vampire Castle map. right-right-bottom side. Had to destroy alot.
For once I had bugged mob in Vampire Castle map. right-right-bottom side. Had to destroy alot.
Thanks, but do you have the save? I can't see much here...
Sadly not. There is a long way not connected to any path. Under the bridge and to the right.
Sadly not. There is a long way not connected to any path. Under the bridge and to the right.
OK, I'll keep an eye on this. Thank you anyway.
Maybe you have outdated OXCE?
Yes - that was exactly the problem giving me so much trouble! just after OXCE cersion update everything run smooth.
btw your mod is da best!! ;D
Reckon we've got a small naming issue.
Xcom Files V. 2.6
OpenXcom Extended 7.8 (2022-10-29)
Reckon we've got a small naming issue.
Xcom Files V. 2.6
OpenXcom Extended 7.8 (2022-10-29)
Solarius fixed that in the githib version:
Ive been running into this issue every time Ive tried installing the 2.6 version. Ive done this with multiple clean installs with nothing that could possibly cross contaiminate between the current and older version of the game and while using the latest version of OXCE
Every single time I try to run the mod from the game selection menu I get booted out with this error saying "Make sure the mod/game has been installed correctly"
I feel like Im banging my head against a rock as nothing I do seems to work whatsoever and this might be a bug
[04-11-2022_15-06-40] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_SECTOPOD_ARMOR2': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Even to be safe, I downloaded the previous version of OXCE, and also the installer along with the portable version of both and it STILL spat out the same error
the hell do i do
sorry to say, but something is cross contaminating... this error comes only if the game is 100% absolute certain about it
either not a clean XCF install
or not the official XCF download
or some other mod conflicting (no matter how cosmetic-only it may seem to you)
or manually edited files
also, please attach the whole log file, not only 2 lines
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.8 (v2022-10-29)
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] Data folder is:
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] Data search is:
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] - C:/Users/Metaltooth/Documents/OpenXcom/
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] - C:/Users/Metaltooth/Desktop/XCOM Extended/
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/Metaltooth/Desktop/XCOM Extended/user/
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/Metaltooth/Desktop/XCOM Extended/user/
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[04-11-2022_15-30-46] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[04-11-2022_15-30-47] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-11-2022_15-30-47] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[04-11-2022_15-30-47] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[04-11-2022_15-30-47] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1027x32...
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1027x32.
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] Loading data...
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Metaltooth/Desktop/XCOM Extended/user/'...
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] Active mods:
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] - x-com-files v2.6
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] - Begin_in_1995 v1.0
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] - expanded-markers-x-com-files v0.1
[04-11-2022_15-30-48] [INFO] - x-com-resound v2.30
[04-11-2022_15-30-49] [INFO] Loading begins...
[04-11-2022_15-30-49] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[04-11-2022_15-30-49] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[04-11-2022_15-30-50] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[04-11-2022_15-30-56] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[04-11-2022_15-30-56] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[04-11-2022_15-30-56] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[04-11-2022_15-30-57] [ERROR] Sound::load(Resources/Races_Compilation/GhostRace/Telekinetic_Fling_Fire.wav): mix error=Unknown 24-bit PCM data format
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [INFO] After load.
[04-11-2022_15-31-11] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for 'STR_SECTOPOD_ARMOR2': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Frack youre right. I see whats going on here
My guess would be the resound mod.
My guess would be the resound mod.
Fraaaaaack, I never considered that a sound mod would affect the game like that. Okay, fantastic. It runs now. Thank you!
I found out that after turn 20, all agents become visible to all enemies. It explains a lot, and it totally sucks in terms of gameplay. I really wish xcomfiles didn't have this weird timer.
I found out that after turn 20, all agents become visible to all enemies. It explains a lot, and it totally sucks in terms of gameplay. I really wish xcomfiles didn't have this weird timer.
Not entirely accurate, see https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9051.0.html
1/ first of all, the aliens DO NOT see your troops after 20 turns. That's simply not true and never was.
When the cheating is activated, the following happens:
- the passive aliens (e.g. leaders inside of the UFO) become active and will be forced to scout, i.e. eventually come out of the UFO... but they do this BLINDLY and RANDOMLY
- all aliens will prefer combat if possible... they will not try to escape or to set up ambushes so much
- your units will be marked as "previously spotted"... which is DIFFERENT than being visible... aliens will use this information for some minor calculations, but almost all of them are just cosmetic and you will never notice any real difference... with two exceptions:
- the first exception is Psi attacks, because they can be performed without actually seeing your units... if you want to turn this off, there is a standard mod called "UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire", which will require that the alien must also see your units to perform the attack
- the second exception is Blaster Launcher
Depending on the mission this might be considered beneficial to flush out the last hiding enemies. You can change the setting in AlienDeplyoments, see:
-> cheatTurn
It also tells you where the aliens or other enemies all are, which is so helpful if a mission goes that long that I would never think to turn that feature off.
No, 'bughunt mode' and 'cheatTurn' are separate mechanics that just happen to be both set to 20. Don't know if there's any deep thought behind this.
As to the aliens seeing or not seeing your agents, the prevalence of snipers and spotters in XCF makes 'having been spotted' and 'being seen right now' a lot less of a distinction than you might think after reading Meridian's post.
As to the aliens becoming or not seeing your agents, the prevalence of snipers and spotters in XCF makes 'having been spotted' and 'being seen right now' a lot less of a distinction than you might think after reading Meridian's post.
I don't know much English. The translator translates this paragraph ambiguously. But as I understand it, I can exhale and not worry too much about the 20th turn?
I don't know much English. The translator translates this paragraph ambiguously. But as I understand it, I can exhale and not worry too much about the 20th turn?
I can only say that I've been playing OpenXCom Extended for several years now, also modding it of course, and I still don't understand how this feature works... And frankly, I never cared. :)
What I can say from observation is: if this "bug hunt" feature happens, then you have already won. I can't remember a single time where it actually helped me win.
I can only say that I've been playing OpenXCom Extended for several years now, also modding it of course, and I still don't understand how this feature works... And frankly, I never cared. :)
What I can say from observation is: if this "bug hunt" feature happens, then you have already won. I can't remember a single time where it actually helped me win.
So we are not talking about the error search function, not about highlighting enemies on the minimap. Conversely. On the 20th move, a frenzied enemy psi spam always begins for all agents, even those that no one could notice at all. There is one opinion that this phenomenon also gives an unfair advantage to the enemy in the form of visibility of all agents. Indoors, at night, everywhere.
The translator translates this paragraph ambiguously. But as I understand it, I can exhale and not worry too much about the 20th turn?
No, you need to start worrying more. :P They can now snipe you from anywhere there's LoF without needing spotters, and mind-control you as they please (subject to range penalties, IIRC).
Whether that's enough to tip any kind of balance scales, IDK. I usually manage to start winning long before then, if I ever do.
I imagine there might be some special cases where you camp and camp and camp, and then suddenly 30 angry cultists start rushing you and taking potshots like crazy.
Ah, so it's not about the bug hunt, but about that other feature... I keep forgetting it exists, it's unusual to play beyond 20 turns.
Yes, it's a controversial mechanic, but I there is no option to modify it, so I just don't think about it.
No, you need to start worrying more. :P They can now snipe you from anywhere there's LoF without needing spotters, and mind-control you as they please (subject to range penalties, IIRC).
Whether that's enough to tip any kind of balance scales, IDK. I usually manage to start winning long before then, if I ever do.
I imagine there might be some special cases where you camp and camp and camp, and then suddenly 30 angry cultists start rushing you and taking potshots like crazy.
I'm playing on a iron man difficulty. Without the ability to saveload. The whole game is played incredibly carefully from hiding places. 20 turns on medium and large missions is still the very beginning. Often missions last for 50+ turns. For example, on a hybrid embassy mission, I don't leave the respawn for 50 turns at all. The mechanics of the 20th turn are perceived as something very dishonest and completely breaking the game.(((
Actually, I'm wrong. :-[ Sniping fortunately does not get activated with cheatTurn. Though spotters having some more incentive to move towards you might tip it a little against you. Since it takes just one spotter, and virtually all gun-wielding aliens are spotters, as are a whole lot of tougher human enemies.
But psi attacks and Blaster Launchers are a real concern. Otherwise, it's just a bit more likely to push aliens towards you, and is generally more beneficial to X-Com than its enemies.
If you really hate it in an ironman run, raise 'cheatTurn' to something like 30, 40 or 50.
Actually, I'm wrong. :-[ Sniping fortunately does not get activated with cheatTurn. Though spotters having some more incentive to move towards you might tip it a little against you. Since it takes just one spotter, and virtually all gun-wielding aliens are spotters, as are a whole lot of tougher human enemies.
But psi attacks and Blaster Launchers are a real concern. Otherwise, it's just a bit more likely to push aliens towards you, and is generally more beneficial to X-Com than its enemies.
If you really hate it in an ironman run, raise 'cheatTurn' to something like 30, 40 or 50.
The funny thing is that I don't really know how it works. This may turn out to be hypochondriacal. First of all, we are concerned about the situation with large missions of cults. And especially night missions. Psi attacks are nonsense. On a mission with ethereals, I have dudes of 90+ psi powers.))
The mechanics of the 20th turn are perceived as something very dishonest and completely breaking the game.(((
Givne that "the game" is not balanced with ironman or higher difficulties in mind I don't think this an issue, even more so because you can't these turn limits to difficulty or ironman being enabled.
If it bothers you so much, why not simply change it?
Givne that "the game" is not balanced with ironman or higher difficulties in mind I don't think this an issue, even more so because you can't these turn limits to difficulty or ironman being enabled.
If it bothers you so much, why not simply change it?
It doesn't matter if the game is balanced or not. On the difficulty of Iron Man, the game is 1000 times more magnificent!
If it bothers you so much, why not simply change it?
I have to find out if this is necessary.
As far I recall the only mission over 20 turns played was Vampire Castle. It is so damn huge(and bugged for me).
The whole game is played incredibly carefully from hiding places. 20 turns on medium and large missions is still the very beginning. Often missions last for 50+ turns. For example, on a hybrid embassy mission, I don't leave the respawn for 50 turns at all. The mechanics of the 20th turn are perceived as something very dishonest and completely breaking the game.(((
Excuse me, but this is not "incredibly careful" play. This is incredibly cheesy play. Something that openxcom developers and modders try hard to eliminate.
Question to smart people: Is it possible to add conditions to "show aliens on 20-th turn" rule? As I understand now this rule is unconditional, that is it depends only on turn number. Logical additional conditions would be minimal number of active (not dead or stunned) aliens and percentage of map tiles reveled. That is if there are still many active aliens on the map, then player don't need help to find them. And if there are too many undiscovered map tiles, then player not even try to search for aliens in the first place.
Actually I wish this feature would be completely decoupled from turn counter and was based only on map tiles percentage reveled. May be not suited with the smallest maps.
Question to smart people: Is it possible to add conditions to "show aliens on 20-th turn" rule? As I understand now this rule is unconditional, that is it depends only on turn number.
Bughunt mode already has a bunch of conditions, both in XCF and in general. The turn number is the minimum needed, and works in conjunction with rank and "helpless due to not spending enough TU" limits. Morale threshold seems to be disabled for XCF.
Enemy limit is in, bughunt (in XCF) won't trigger if more than three enemies are still active.
Actually I wish this feature would be completely decoupled from turn counter and was based only on map tiles percentage reveled.
Removing the turn counter is already possible. Map tile stuff would need to go into OXCE suggestions, I guess.
Excuse me, but this is not "incredibly careful" play. This is incredibly cheesy play. Something that openxcom developers and modders try hard to eliminate.
I understand you've never played on the Iron Man difficulty?
Bughunt mode already has a bunch of conditions, both in XCF and in general. The turn number is the minimum needed, and works in conjunction with rank and "helpless due to not spending enough TU" limits. Morale threshold seems to be disabled for XCF.
Enemy limit is in, bughunt (in XCF) won't trigger if more than three enemies are still active.
Removing the turn counter is already possible. Map tile stuff would need to go into OXCE suggestions, I guess.
In fact, this makes very little sense. I play cf a lot of the time, and I have never had a difficult situation with finding an enemy. Isolated cases that the debag mod perfectly copes with.
Well, if you ever needed debug mode, then bughunt mode was definitely called for in case you wanted to avoid cheating. :P
Otherwise, the origins of this feature were the OG aliens who loved to hide in some corner of a tiny shed when everyone else had been killed, and the TFTD cruise missions with their 'I will hide in this cubboard all day' critters. It certainly 'made sense' there.
I've also had instances in XCF where bughunt mode has been beneficial, like a ninja strolling in the woods after every other Lotusite has been terminated and I have no scanners on that mission (early game, mostly). Or I missed a sweep due to wacky LoS and some enemy managed to wander off into some labyrinthine building. Or decided to hang out on the map's edge.
Granted, my bughunt mode is a little bit customised, and as the game goes on and especially as psi-vision and scanners come online this is much less necessary.
In fact, this makes very little sense. I play cf a lot of the time, and I have never had a difficult situation with finding an enemy. Isolated cases that the debag mod perfectly copes with.
Why should your isolated experience be a benchmark for anything? I can just as well argue that because I find bughunt very useful during some missions it's an incredible useful feature and makes a lot of sense.
>Isolated cases that the [sic] debag mod perfectly copes with.
>Well, if you ever needed debug mode, then bughunt mode was definitely called for in case you wanted to avoid cheating.
This. Debug mode is exactely that - a mode the debug game mechanics and features. Bughunt exist because people regularely complained about missions being bugged/aliens missing when they were simply unable to find that last hiding alien.
When you start the game in 2.7, you can research Salt Pile right out of the gate without having found one yet. Not sure if this is intentional, but I'm guessing not.
Well, if you ever needed debug mode, then bughunt mode was definitely called for in case you wanted to avoid cheating. :P
Otherwise, the origins of this feature were the OG aliens who loved to hide in some corner of a tiny shed when everyone else had been killed, and the TFTD cruise missions with their 'I will hide in this cubboard all day' critters. It certainly 'made sense' there.
I've also had instances in XCF where bughunt mode has been beneficial, like a ninja strolling in the woods after every other Lotusite has been terminated and I have no scanners on that mission (early game, mostly). Or I missed a sweep due to wacky LoS and some enemy managed to wander off into some labyrinthine building. Or decided to hang out on the map's edge.
Granted, my bughunt mode is a little bit customised, and as the game goes on and especially as psi-vision and scanners come online this is much less necessary.
I've had similar cases with assassins. I perceive it as part of the role-play. Assassins are the main trump card of the lotus. They always cause huge trouble, and often change the game.
If my agents get into an extraordinary situation, I just evacuate them. Sometimes I even use it not quite honestly. For example, the embassy of hybrids. The person above made fun of me, but he doesn't understand the salt of the game at the iron man difficulty level at all. The hybrid embassy is the simplest and safest mission if you fly into a rep with automatic doors. And the reward is just fantastic. For one embassy 20m ~ $, Batarians, ai fragments, alien data. This is the revolution of the whole game. I fly to every embassy up to 10 times for leveling up characters, and for stealing ai fragments. I will never attack the Exalt mansion until it becomes an embassy.
When you get used to playing at the Iron Man difficulty level, the game becomes completely different forever. Problems do not upset, but only become a riddle, which is very pleasant to solve. I conquered my first alien colony only the third time. The first two times I lost my two best teams. It was very dramatic and emotional. Now I am preparing a second attack on the Ethereal base. And I'm not confident in my abilities. But the preparations and the waiting excite the blood in my veins.
And about the search for the last alien, and tftd... This was the last time when I was a child. In oxce, all locations are 4 times smaller than the original locations of the TFTD DOS version. When I passed tftd two years ago, it was an easy walk. The hardest thing is to kidnap Gilman and his corpse on terror. The rest is just fun with underwater blasters and psi disrupters.
Why should your isolated experience be a benchmark for anything? I can just as well argue that because I find bughunt very useful during some missions it's an incredible useful feature and makes a lot of sense.
>Isolated cases that the [sic] debag mod perfectly copes with.
>Well, if you ever needed debug mode, then bughunt mode was definitely called for in case you wanted to avoid cheating.
This. Debug mode is exactely that - a mode the debug game mechanics and features. Bughunt exist because people regularely complained about missions being bugged/aliens missing when they were simply unable to find that last hiding alien.
I understand that you and I are discussing different things.
I understand that you and I are discussing different things.
Are we? Your argument is that bughunt mode "breaks the game", when the exact opposite is the case. Your assertion is based solely on your own experience, which is playing on a difficulty the mod is not designed for.
Then we also have gems like this:
>In oxce, all locations are 4 times smaller than the original locations of the TFTD DOS version.
No they are not. OXC(E) uses the same map tiles and recreates the same levels and layouts as the original. That's the entire point.
I understand you've never played on the Iron Man difficulty?
During my last playthrough in X-Com Files (not finished) I reloaded only couple of times and it was completely unrelated to base assault. And Iron Man is not a difficulty!
No they are not. OXC(E) uses the same map tiles and recreates the same levels and layouts as the original. That's the entire point.
I won't argue. I'll just say that before going through tftd on oxce, I read this feature about 4 times smaller cards on the oxce website in the description. The original DOS version of TFTD had underwater locations exactly 4 times larger in area than the locations of the first xcom game of 1993. The creators of oxce decided that this was an excessive phenomenon, and abandoned it. But along with this, several unique underwater landscapes were buried.
During my last playthrough in X-Com Files (not finished) I reloaded only couple of times and it was completely unrelated to base assault. And Iron Man is not a difficulty!
Yes, yes. I'm well used to the fact that on the Internet in words all superheroes. This will definitely not surprise me.)))
Please consider that this is the bug report thread.
When you start the game in 2.7, you can research Salt Pile right out of the gate without having found one yet. Not sure if this is intentional, but I'm guessing not.
Thank you. I released an update to fix this.
I won't argue. I'll just say that before going through tftd on oxce, I read this feature about 4 times smaller cards on the oxce website in the description. The original DOS version of TFTD had underwater locations exactly 4 times larger in area than the locations of the first xcom game of 1993. The creators of oxce decided that this was an excessive phenomenon, and abandoned it. But along with this, several unique underwater landscapes were buried.
As "the creator" of OXCE, would you like to comment on this? I was unable to find anything about this "on the OXCE website".
As the creator of OXCE, I confirm that this is complete non-sense.
We never did anything like that and we never even considered anything like that.
It works the same way as in the original.
Researching the Red Dawn Memory Card in a base without an Intelligence Center removes it without granting Terminate the Red Dawn! It would be nice if the memory card research required that facility so that people like me don't fall into this trap. Presumably similar cases exist with other technologies.
Background: I have a main base and a secondary one with just one Science Lab. Since this secondary base has more limited research options, I try to give it a higher priority in research topics, which naturally leads to this problem.
Havent updated to the newest version yet (so 2.6), but i got a terror mission with a impossible terrain for non-fliers, i doubt the submod arsenal additions changes anything about terrain generation so i guess this has to be a unfortunate combination of the terrain. But i got this port-esque map in Australia where the port cuts me away from half the map and there is only one way to me and i had no initial way to board the ship to kill the crew inside to finish the mission.
I put in the spoiler to not clog up the threat with pictures to show and what i had to do to get to the other side, i almost turned back and left the mission.....
And its like that, cutting across the map with no initial way to get on the other side
THAT WAS TILL I STARTED DIGGING with sectopod laser cannon.
Givne that "the game" is not balanced with ironman or higher difficulties in mind I don't think this an issue, even more so because you can't these turn limits to difficulty or ironman being enabled.
If it bothers you so much, why not simply change it?
It is not? I thought most players played ironman (I mean only reload due to bugs etc), regardless I think it is perfectly playable without reloads. Except UFOs crashing down your transporters and you losing your ace crew now that I think about it lol. The only happenstance where I reload the game.
Bughunt is a lifesaver when the last alien bugged out and spawned in an inaccesible place. It is a blessing that I don't need to tear down the whole map but just the area it is stuck in. Besides that I also consider it cheating, but I understand the need. And I don't use the map anyway, so it is perfectly avoidable imo.
Researching the Red Dawn Memory Card in a base without an Intelligence Center removes it without granting Terminate the Red Dawn! It would be nice if the memory card research required that facility so that people like me don't fall into this trap. Presumably similar cases exist with other technologies.
Red Dawn Memory Card doesn't require Intelligence Center in the first place. Also, it doesn't terminate Red Dawn automatically, it only enables you to do so.
Havent updated to the newest version yet (so 2.6), but i got a terror mission with a impossible terrain for non-fliers, i doubt the submod arsenal additions changes anything about terrain generation so i guess this has to be a unfortunate combination of the terrain. But i got this port-esque map in Australia where the port cuts me away from half the map and there is only one way to me and i had no initial way to board the ship to kill the crew inside to finish the mission. (...)
This looks like a map script problem; most likely, the script is meant for a smaller map.
I remember fixing this problem with the port, and my tests don't show any issue, so let's assume it's fixed.
It is not? I thought most players played ironman (I mean only reload due to bugs etc), regardless I think it is perfectly playable without reloads. Except UFOs crashing down your transporters and you losing your ace crew now that I think about it lol. The only happenstance where I reload the game.
This mod was not balanced around anything, much less ironman which changes nothing in the mechanics... But ironman is strongly discouraged, as bugs inevitably happen in a WIP mod. Devs hate it too, as it makes debugging next impossible in many cases.
Bughunt is a lifesaver when the last alien bugged out and spawned in an inaccesible place. It is a blessing that I don't need to tear down the whole map but just the area it is stuck in. Besides that I also consider it cheating, but I understand the need. And I don't use the map anyway, so it is perfectly avoidable imo.
I agree; technically it is cheating, but the actual benefit (in terms of mission difficulty and losses) is negligible, so why waste time.
Red Dawn Memory Card doesn't require Intelligence Center in the first place. Also, it doesn't terminate Red Dawn automatically, it only enables you to do so.
It seems like you misread my post. I suggested that it should require the intelligence center (which implicitly agrees that it currently does not) because researching it without an intelligence center consumes the disk without granting the termination research topic. I initially researched the memory card and was surprised to find that when it finished I did not get that termination topic. Then I loaded a prior save, transferred the memory card to my primary base (which does have an intelligence center) and when research completed I got the topic as expected.
It seems like you misread my post. I suggested that it should require the intelligence center (which implicitly agrees that it currently does not) because researching it without an intelligence center consumes the disk without granting the termination research topic. I initially researched the memory card and was surprised to find that when it finished I did not get that termination topic.
No, it's not even possible to set up a research to do such things; either it's available for research or not.
Then I loaded a prior save, transferred the memory card to my primary base (which does have an intelligence center) and when research completed I got the topic as expected.
Can't you just research the card in base B and then the termination in your main base?
Is this the right spot spot to report minor issues with tech tree and manufacturing items? I didn't see a known issues list, and 224 pages is a bit of a tall ask for double checking if these have been reported. I'm talking about things like the human enemies on ghost maps lacking names and MiB Psi Ops captives lacking a manufacturing option that allows the recovery of a synthmuscles like with their corpses. I've got a bit of a growing list, I assume many of to outright omissions are due to the mod being a WIP, but there are plenty of oddities that I suspect are oversights.
Is this the right spot spot to report minor issues with tech tree and manufacturing items? I didn't see a known issues list, and 224 pages is a bit of a tall ask for double checking if these have been reported.
Yes, this is the right place.
I'm talking about things like the human enemies on ghost maps lacking names
I believe it was fixed in the latest release.
and MiB Psi Ops captives lacking a manufacturing option that allows the recovery of a synthmuscles like with their corpses.
All right, I can add such a project, analogous to other "robbing" manufacturing projects.
I've got a bit of a growing list, I assume many of to outright omissions are due to the mod being a WIP, but there are plenty of oddities that I suspect are oversights.
Please feel free to drop them here.
Please feel free to drop them here.
Most seem to be like Blaster Bomb not notifying that it was unlocked for research after Fusion Weapons was completed despite all the other pre-requisites being met and the item being in inventory. Is that an engine issue or a mod issue?
No, it's not even possible to set up a research to do such things; either it's available for research or not.
Can't you just research the card in base B and then the termination in your main base?
I couldn't, although I suppose it sounds strange enough that you won't believe me without evidence. I've long since overwritten the save. Maybe eventually I will recreate the scenario.
Chryssalid Gas Grenade is missing a description, it just displays STR_CHRYSSALID_GAS_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA at the moment.
For research like Anthropod, is that intended to have multiple dead end versions? You get the description and combat analysis from researching the grunt, hunter or packmaster but you can still research the other versions but the don't have any results. You still get some points, so that is nice, but there are dozens of research project, maybe over 100, that are obsoleted by other research projects like that.
The item Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate can be researched, but it doesn't have any unlocks, description or mission triggers that I can see.
The house the is unique to the Televised Ghost Hunt, I think it's the one with all the salt piles in it, has geometry issues, there are doors that you phase through and at least one hallway that is impassable.
The item Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate can be researched, but it doesn't have any unlocks, description or mission triggers that I can see.
Careful, that's a sensitive issue (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg148278.html#msg148278) for Solarius. :-\
I found two black lotus base in the same town, active at the same time. Is it intended ?
Get crush on hybrid embassy assault. Game says that there is no exalt with rank 13. Log+save included(van just canceled from starting assault on this embassy).
I'm not trying to start a ruckus, it's just an observation, as the mod is still a WIP, I thought it might have ended up orphaned when something else was changed and should have been pointed at something else or inactivated pending further updates.
v 2.7, The Sound of Graves, had a ghost that sat inside the hill at full health forever preventing me from completing the mission. Finally just edited the save file to increase his position/height by 1.
v 2.7, The Sound of Graves, had a ghost that sat inside the hill at full health forever preventing me from completing the mission. Finally just edited the save file to increase his position/height by 1.
You can deal with him by dropping a grenade on his head, but yeah, he probably shouldn't be stuck in the terrain.
Note to self: actually bring some explosive grenades on missions instead of only emp grenades
Most seem to be like Blaster Bomb not notifying that it was unlocked for research after Fusion Weapons was completed despite all the other pre-requisites being met and the item being in inventory. Is that an engine issue or a mod issue?
I'm not sure why this happens, but it's probably an engine issue.
Would you have a save to test? I could prepare one, but such "artificial" saves might miss some seemingly unrelated thing.
I couldn't, although I suppose it sounds strange enough that you won't believe me without evidence. I've long since overwritten the save. Maybe eventually I will recreate the scenario.
I'm not saying I don't believe you, I certainly do. I just think you are wrong somehow, since such an effect is impossible to achieve even if I wanted to.
Or I simply misunderstand.
Chryssalid Gas Grenade is missing a description, it just displays STR_CHRYSSALID_GAS_GRENADE_UFOPEDIA at the moment.
Thank you! Fixed.
For research like Anthropod, is that intended to have multiple dead end versions? You get the description and combat analysis from researching the grunt, hunter or packmaster but you can still research the other versions but the don't have any results. You still get some points, so that is nice, but there are dozens of research project, maybe over 100, that are obsoleted by other research projects like that.
The result is extra points, but indeed there is no new unit entry, because you already know them. It's literally the same with vanilla races.
The item Mysterious Parcel from Syndicate can be researched, but it doesn't have any unlocks, description or mission triggers that I can see.
Sorry, it is still WIP. If I don't change my mind, this will unlock another "advanced class" (like Kyberos, Protean etc.)
The house the is unique to the Televised Ghost Hunt, I think it's the one with all the salt piles in it, has geometry issues, there are doors that you phase through and at least one hallway that is impassable.
Yeah, it was ssriously borked. Sorry! All fixed now, I hope.
Careful, that's a sensitive issue (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg148278.html#msg148278) for Solarius. :-\
Only when someone wants to fuck with me, not when talking about it normally.
I found two black lotus base in the same town, active at the same time. Is it intended ?
Not as much intended as sometimes inevitable. Consider it normal.
I'm not trying to start a ruckus, it's just an observation, as the mod is still a WIP, I thought it might have ended up orphaned when something else was changed and should have been pointed at something else or inactivated pending further updates.
I believe I fixed this before... And it results from some unexpected issue with base upgrades. Please report if this is still happening with new bases.
You can deal with him by dropping a grenade on his head, but yeah, he probably shouldn't be stuck in the terrain.
Indeed... I am not sure why they'd be like this, though :P
It'd be nice if armor lists were more consistent for underwater missions. After tackling the Tasoth factory with Synthsuits suddenly I can't bring them to the T'leth Embassy or Deep One Village Raid missions.
Isn't the Tasoth Factory non-watery, i.e. a pressurised facility? Embassies and Deep One towers are small isolated buildings right on the sea floor.
I find the whole "synthsuit lets you survive underwater"-thing a bit strange tbh. How does "being stronger" equal "can breath underwater" and "not getting crushed to death"?
Isn't the Tasoth Factory non-watery, i.e. a pressurised facility?
It has a restricted armor set and swaps armors to their underwater variants.
I find the whole "synthsuit lets you survive underwater"-thing a bit strange tbh. How does "being stronger" equal "can breath underwater" and "not getting crushed to death"?
Presumably it has less to do with being stronger and more to do with being a pressurized suit. It's clearly not an accident that it has an underwater variant, as one can deduce by reading the UFOPedia entry for Dog Synthgear.
With the latest update, enemies in some Dimension X missions have been acting indefinitely. For their progress, I even have to click on the sign "the application is not responding" several times. So far, this has happened to me on the two final cyberweb missions. At the same time, other large-scale missions not related to changing x are played perfectly.
Evidently I can also only bring 7 agents to the "earlier" underwater missions even though I have Advanced Underwater Operations unlocked. Not a big problem, but it's not what I was expecting.
With the latest update, enemies in some Dimension X missions have been acting indefinitely. For their progress, I even have to click on the sign "the application is not responding" several times. So far, this has happened to me on the two final cyberweb missions. At the same time, other large-scale missions not related to changing x are played perfectly.
Not trying to contradict you, just adding a data point: I also did these missions recently and didn't come across any issues like that.
It has a restricted armor set and swaps armors to their underwater variants.
Well, I suppose it is full of water, then. :-\
Presumably it has less to do with being stronger and more to do with being a pressurized suit. It's clearly not an accident that it has an underwater variant, as one can deduce by reading the UFOPedia entry for Dog Synthgear.
But the code does not have an underwater Synhsuit. So it's either something still in the works or Solarius just forgot (because that line about non-underwater dog Synthsuits has been there for a while).
I'm also kinda unclear on how a suit built from synthetic muscles is suddenly pressurised, but, well, who knows what the reasoning is here. The sprite was originally some sort of diving suit in TWoTS, if I'm not mistaken, so it's not totally inappropriate.
Evidently I can also only bring 7 agents to the "earlier" underwater missions even though I have Advanced Underwater Operations unlocked. Not a big problem, but it's not what I was expecting.
I think Solarius once said (and from some experience of doing similar things, I concur) that catching all of these special cases when your sub needs to upgrade is still WIP due to how much fiddling it needs. Since the sub is spawned by a map script, and these tend to be attached to missions, so you need a new mission for each sub, and the old subs need to be disabled as well.
Evidently I can also only bring 7 agents to the "earlier" underwater missions even though I have Advanced Underwater Operations unlocked. Not a big problem, but it's not what I was expecting.
Not trying to contradict you, just adding a data point: I also did these missions recently and didn't come across any issues like that.
I am 99% sure now that it freezes exactly when the automatic turrets are trying to move. Ordinary cyberweb adherents move without these huge freezes.
Havent updated to the newest version yet (so 2.6), but i got a terror mission with a impossible terrain for non-fliers...
I just got the same thing, on version 2.7 terror mission at Seychelles Island.
It'd be nice if armor lists were more consistent for underwater missions. After tackling the Tasoth factory with Synthsuits suddenly I can't bring them to the T'leth Embassy or Deep One Village Raid missions.
That's because I have recently (well, in 2.4) disabled the synthsuits for all underwater missions. So it's a general change, not a discrepancy.
With the latest update, enemies in some Dimension X missions have been acting indefinitely. For their progress, I even have to click on the sign "the application is not responding" several times. So far, this has happened to me on the two final cyberweb missions. At the same time, other large-scale missions not related to changing x are played perfectly.
I haven't had any other such reports. Please provide a save, is possible.
I just got the same thing, on version 2.7 terror mission at Seychelles Island.
This should be fixed now.
With the latest update, enemies in some Dimension X missions have been acting indefinitely. For their progress, I even have to click on the sign "the application is not responding" several times. So far, this has happened to me on the two final cyberweb missions. At the same time, other large-scale missions not related to changing x are played perfectly.
I just ran into this last night as well, assaulting the cyberweb fortress, on my Android phone (which doesn't do the "not responding" thing, just sits on "hidden movement" for a very long time). I got through the first three or four turns of the mission with the enemy turns taking a normal amount of time, and then after the fourth turn iirc (or on the fourth turn?) it seemed to get stuck on "hidden movement." I left my phone for 10 minutes or so and then came back but it still wasn't done at that point. However, it still wasn't completely stuck, as it turns out. I went to bed and fell asleep while waiting and when I woke up a bit less than 3 hours later, it said it was my turn again. After taking my turn, and watching it for 5 minutes or so, I fell asleep again and woke up 2 hours later, and it was done again. And so on.
I also noticed that the more of the enemy I killed, the faster it went. By turn 12 or so it was taking 5-10 minutes per turn instead of presumably an hour or two. And when there were only like 3 enemies left on the map, it was back to taking only however long it took to show them doing stuff (if I could see them). Once I had my agents actually in the fortress, things moved a lot faster (presumably because the 2/3rds of the enemy force which had been outside were all dead).
(I have OXCE 7.8, and XCF 2.7b.)
I ran into some hallway abnormalities in the Moon Tunnels mission, the one with the two turrets at the end of the hallway. I sent a couple agents up into the vents and regularly hit patches that looked like open hallways but which were blocked and darkened as if they had no light. I was still able to traverse the length of the ducts, so no major issue.
I completely forgot about an old bug in the current batch. Immediately after the beginning of the invasion, a message about the formation of the golden academy was displayed to me with an interval of several months. Nevertheless, three playing years after that, I still haven't found any golden academies. I have combed the entire globe a huge number of times in search of bases. There are no golden academies. All the mansions of the lotus were mansions, and they will remain so in the future. That was at 2.6 version, i mean.
6x3% chance to spawn and 15% chance to upgrade an existing tier 3 mansion aren't exactly good odds. Didn't Vakrug raid them for loot, though?
There are also convoys, retaliations and base assaults. The convoys don't seem to be in yet, and I've yet to encounter a retaliation myself, possibly because I tend to kill them off as soon as I'm able.
6x3% chance to spawn and 15% chance to upgrade an existing tier 3 mansion aren't exactly good odds. Didn't Vakrug raid them for loot, though?
There are also convoys, retaliations and base assaults. The convoys don't seem to be in yet, and I've yet to encounter a retaliation myself, possibly because I tend to kill them off as soon as I'm able.
Lotus mansions on Iron Man is a very difficult target. I started assaulting them only when all my fighters had a blue ttb.
But the point is different. Why in three gaming years I have not found two golden academies, the creation of which was notified to me by the game.
But the point is different. Why in three gaming years I have not found two golden academies, the creation of which was notified to me by the game.
The answer is the same: the notifications and the missions are not connected (besides the fact that the notifications precede the missions). And it's entirely possible that you rolled snake eyes all that time, with low chances like that. XCF is full of such randomness, by design.
The answer is the same: the notifications and the missions are not connected (besides the fact that the notifications precede the missions). And it's entirely possible that you rolled snake eyes all that time, with low chances like that. XCF is full of such randomness, by design.
Eh, you use complex idioms that are difficult for me to understand, because I am not a native English speaker.
Eh, you use complex idioms that are difficult for me to understand, because I am not a native English speaker.
"Snake eyes" is gaming slang synonymous with bad luck. It comes from the fact that when you roll two game cubes, if each of them will fall on one, then on their upper faces you can see points. Two cubes - two dots - two eyes. This is the worst possible result of such a roll and it was given its own name - "snake eyes".
Similarly, in OpenXcom, as well as in any other game where randomness plays a big role, a permanent failure for the player is possible - it's infrequent, but it happens.
P.S. I don't know English, but this phrase is found in literature, and not only in translated English.
I ran into some hallway abnormalities in the Moon Tunnels mission, the one with the two turrets at the end of the hallway. I sent a couple agents up into the vents and regularly hit patches that looked like open hallways but which were blocked and darkened as if they had no light. I was still able to traverse the length of the ducts, so no major issue.
This one is strange, never seen it before and can't reproduce.
I completely forgot about an old bug in the current batch. Immediately after the beginning of the invasion, a message about the formation of the golden academy was displayed to me with an interval of several months. Nevertheless, three playing years after that, I still haven't found any golden academies. I have combed the entire globe a huge number of times in search of bases. There are no golden academies. All the mansions of the lotus were mansions, and they will remain so in the future. That was at 2.6 version, i mean.
It is possible that they never actually succeeded in establishing anything. In which case they're like those government projects whre you have a full (and well paid) staff to run, say, an airport, despite there being no actual physical airport. :P
A funny incident just happened! Only I successfully completed the assault on the battleship Cyberweb. I read pretentious screensavers about the great victory and that from now on the captured will go to a good cause. How the cyberveb battleship appears in the sky and starts flying around the globe, although my marshal didn't even have time to return to base.))) Well, at least marauder easily finished him off. But an unpleasant feeling remained. Then either the Cyberwebs stole it again, or "for a good cause" turned out to be government corruption in fact.)))
A funny incident just happened! Only I successfully completed the assault on the battleship Cyberweb. I read pretentious screensavers about the great victory and that from now on the captured will go to a good cause. How the cyberveb battleship appears in the sky and starts flying around the globe, although my marshal didn't even have time to return to base.))) Well, at least marauder easily finished him off. But an unpleasant feeling remained. Then either the Cyberwebs stole it again, or "for a good cause" turned out to be government corruption in fact.)))
I did what I could to prevent that, but in this case it triggered in the perfect moment... Sorry :)
Is the Black Sphere item currently spawning on any maps?
I have a 'Haunted farm' mission in Antarctica.
Kinda empty, like we can expect for anything in Antarctica.
But, a farm ? ::)
This one is strange, never seen it before and can't reproduce.
Here's an example of the spot. I have a save if you need it.
First post on these forums, but I just wanted to report a bug.
After starting a new game, completing a simple "Cult activity" Mission - the kind that is just a single cultist on a small map - awards a whole lot of commendations that shouldn't be appearing. These commendations are the ones for going into space, or going into the dream lands,or underwater, etc. I've included a partial screenshot of the Medal list below, as well as the save file.
First post on these forums, but I just wanted to report a bug.
After starting a new game, completing a simple "Cult activity" Mission - the kind that is just a single cultist on a small map - awards a whole lot of commendations that shouldn't be appearing. These commendations are the ones for going into space, or going into the dream lands,or underwater, etc. I've included a partial screenshot of the Medal list below, as well as the save file.
You don't have the required version of OXCE.
I've completed magma zombie lab but accidentally sold all zombie trooper corpses. Thus i got magma msg 2.
And if i read rules right, magma lab won't spawn anymore because of
`researchTriggers: STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_02: false`.
So, I locked myself out of implant upgrades, right?
So, I locked myself out of implant upgrades, right?
Looks like it. Maybe it could use a failsafe (like the Tiny Drill finally got). Or maybe it's just something you live with, not everything needs to be accessible in one playthrough.
How does one 'accidentally' sell new, unresearched enemy corpses, anyway?
not everything needs to be accessible in one playthrough.
golden words
Is the Black Sphere item currently spawning on any maps?
Yes, in one specific mission.
I have a 'Haunted farm' mission in Antarctica.
Kinda empty, like we can expect for anything in Antarctica.
But, a farm ? ::)
Interesting... And funny. :)
Here's an example of the spot. I have a save if you need it.
Thank you!
Now that I see what it's about, I'm 95% sure I fixed it a couple weeks ago.
Looks like it. Maybe it could use a failsafe (like the Tiny Drill finally got). Or maybe it's just something you live with, not everything needs to be accessible in one playthrough.
I'll think about it.
points: 10
points: 5
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 44261
points: 10
points: 5
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 44262
cost: 450
points: 25
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 30110
points: 300
points: 15
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 30111
cost: 400
points: 25
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 21840
points: 275
points: 15
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 21841
cost: 325
points: 20
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 20580
points: 225
points: 10
Two rows of "points" in some research and no "cost"
During my first playthrough I happened to have Improved Laboratory research done. I checked it in Ufopaedia and noticed I need 200 Tritanium for the building, so I started to look for some stray pile of Tritanium in one of my bases... then to look for a way to buy it, then to build it, then to loot it and finally to research it. After a few real time days spent in vain attempts to get me some Tritanium at one point I randomly fiddled with facilities building menu and suddenly noticed that in this menu Imp.Lab. doesn't actually require Tritanium at all! ;D A tiny description mistake on it's own, I think it still deserves to be fixed to save some unlucky new player from a bit of frustration.
Er, what?
Er, what?
It looks like you've missed that my issue was with Ufopedia entry, not Build Facilities menu, as I've explicitly mentioned. Please clarify though if I've got your post wrong, it's not very explainy on itself, you know :)
BTW, shouldn't Heartthrob's name be capitalised akin to everything else in game?
Please clarify though if I've got your post wrong, it's not very explainy on itself, you know :)
You're aware that Tritanium is the Alien Alloy in this mod, right?
Two rows of "points" in some research and no "cost"
Ah, I missed it during integration... Thank you.
It looks like you've missed that my issue was with Ufopedia entry, not Build Facilities menu, as I've explicitly mentioned. Please clarify though if I've got your post wrong, it's not very explainy on itself, you know :)
Sorry, I don't get you either. the cost is 200 Tritanium, the description also says 200 Tritanium, what's the issue?
BTW, shouldn't Heartthrob's name be capitalised akin to everything else in game?
WTF is this item? :o It's certainly not from XCF...
You can get armor from researching mib shock, but there's no adaptation manufacturing after researching. Why tho?
You can get armor from researching mib shock, but there's no adaptation manufacturing after researching. Why tho?
I believe I waited for this as well and the key dependent needed was the Intel lab.
I believe I waited for this as well and the key dependent needed was the Intel lab.
You're right, it should be thing. I just added this.
If you don't want to wait on the next release, you can update the mod from https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/archive/refs/heads/master.zip (just replace the mod folder, nothing else is required).
Pls change the art for "Senior" and "Infiltrator" comendations. (it's "bad taste")
Pls change the art for "Senior" and "Infiltrator" comendations. (it's "bad taste")
I'm not sure of the art your speaking about. Can you post screenshots ?
But when referring to "art"...
I always looked at the totality of this game as a piece of art and sometimes art has things that may offend you. It's a fantasy world and not done intentionally.
One may look at certain characters and think "That's sexists", etc.
I simply see art. I see the hard work it has taken to create the game.
That's just my opinion anyway.
I'm not sure of the art your speaking about. Can you post screenshots ?
Just launch the game and look at these Ufopedia articles. And most Ufopeadia art is equally tacky, silly or borderline NSFW.
And most Ufopeadia art is equally tacky, silly or borderline NSFW.
If you're worried about the game you're playing at work being 'not safe', well, that says more about you and your job than the game.
Otherwise, while commendations and dossiers do tend to have a higher proportion of art with a disputable pedigree, I don't think the above is true for the actual tech articles, bio reports, equipment and so on, which are actually the vast, vast majority of the Pedia.
Now, this is not an entirely new complaint and the other Helmet_Hair had a little submod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9455.0.html) to alleviate some of the issues. I've been using some of those images for a long while now, to the point that they're the 'default' for me and vanilla versions look strange.
Just launch the game and look at these Ufopedia articles. And most Ufopeadia art is equally tacky, silly or borderline NSFW.
Where do you find the commendations in the Ufopedia?
Honestly, I have no idea what's so bad taste about these two pics. Senior is a little cheeky (no pun intended), but I feel within the parameters. As for the other one, I'm a little lost - how is it different from the other ones?
Everyone has different tastes, of course, I just feel these are okay.
Where do you find the commendations in the Ufopedia?
Last category.
Honestly, I have no idea what's so bad taste about these two pics.
I honestly don't see a problem with either one myself. I guess everyone is different but I just looked up the 2 here we are referencing. They are part of the game. Not offensive at all.
Just launch the game and look at these Ufopedia articles. And most Ufopeadia art is equally tacky, silly or borderline NSFW.
Make some better ones and contribute your work. I'm sure it would greatly appreciated.
Now, this is not an entirely new complaint and the other Helmet_Hair had a little submod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,9455.0.html) to alleviate some of the issues. I've been using some of those images for a long while now, to the point that they're the 'default' for me and vanilla versions look strange.
Thanks, this art looks much better, sadly both download links are dead. :-\
Honestly, I have no idea what's so bad taste about these two pics. Senior is a little cheeky (no pun intended), but I feel within the parameters. As for the other one, I'm a little lost - how is it different from the other ones?
Everyone has different tastes, of course, I just feel these are okay.
Last category.
The thing is, they are not serious, but silly and childish, like made by 12 year old who's going through anime and porn obsession phase. This art would look normal in XPirates, but in Xcom-files which is much serious mod, they create a dissonance.
Eh, IMO the whole Piratez-style commendation system clashes with a 'serious' X-Com vibe. I long for the original commendation mod's medals instead. :( But XCF is what it is, not what you or I may want it to be.
As to childishness, I suppose it's time to trot out the quote:
“Critics who treat ‘adult’ as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
I can generally understand this person's claim. It can be said that it is precisely because of this kind of art that I do not want to start playing pirates. But nevertheless, the claims are very trifling. I have three kids running behind my back sometimes when I'm playing. But these pictures do not go too far, in my opinion.
The thing is, they are not serious, but silly and childish, like made by 12 year old who's going through anime and porn obsession phase. This art would look normal in XPirates, but in Xcom-files which is much serious mod, they create a dissonance.
That's exactly the problem; XCF is a "serious-serious" mod, and such games (or movies, or books) need some silliness as a whiplash. This is why horrors and thrillers typically have comedic moments. Else they just come off as stuffy. ("Dune", I'm looking at you.)
Anyway, I understand we're talking about the Senior pic; the other one is still puzzling to me, as it looks very much like what actually happens in the game and doesn't fel wacky in the slightest.
Eh, IMO the whole Piratez-style commendation system clashes with a 'serious' X-Com vibe. I long for the original commendation mod's medals instead. :( But XCF is what it is, not what you or I may want it to be.
I had a completely different system in mind, where you get military-looking letters of commendation, written in a formal style, with stmaps and whatnot. But it never happened before:
1) It would be a lot of work;
2) I was not sure it would be attractive;
3) I was under the impression tham most players I interacted with preferred the more fun approach.
As to childishness, I suppose it's time to trot out the quote:
That's a good one. Should've expected it from Lewis; I'm not a fan of Narnia, but really liked Out of The Silent Planet.
I can generally understand this person's claim. It can be said that it is precisely because of this kind of art that I do not want to start playing pirates. But nevertheless, the claims are very trifling. I have three kids running behind my back sometimes when I'm playing. But these pictures do not go too far, in my opinion.
That's understandable anyway, Piratez is officially distributed as a 15+ or 16+, can't remember, so definitely not child friendly.
Just as an anecdote, Dioxine said many times that "all this nudity is to keep actual pervs away". :) Not sure about this logic, but won't argue with it either, as the Piratez community is surprisingly healthy on average.
Seriousness and foolishness in xcf is always very subjective. I'm playing at the ironman difficulty level, and the part of the game before delta radiation was like a thriller like the movies of the 80s - 90s. I wasn't laughing. But now my agents are equipped with all the best, I'm on my way to the final part of the game. And I am increasingly indulging in all sorts of funny deviations during the game. And this is very good. Now xcf offers a very wide range of gaming situations and emotions received. Therefore, claims of this kind, when they try to reduce this range of situations, upsets me. No need to make mansions easier. There is no need to make the whole game gloomy. Let the situations themselves generate emotions, and let the game be original.
First of all, love the mod. I restarted to play through 2.5, and I found a small bug in the Vampire Castle (save is attached). Basically, one of the zombies is stuck in the pit area in the back of the castle and cannot be reached. In the end, when Bug Hunt got activated, I just dug through with Gauss rifles. Please let me know if you need more information (or if this is already fixed).
First of all, love the mod. I restarted to play through 2.5, and I found a small bug in the Vampire Castle (save is attached). Basically, one of the zombies is stuck in the pit area in the back of the castle and cannot be reached. In the end, when Bug Hunt got activated, I just dug through with Gauss rifles. Please let me know if you need more information (or if this is already fixed).
Thank you. This terrain is very unruly; I will report it ASAP.
Not sure what you mean, missed in what sense? Where can you see the bug?
en-US.yml: STR_INTERCEPTOR_UFOPEDIA: "Combat aircraft with dual pulse detonation engines and specially shielded electronic systems. The best available Earth based technology.{NEWLINE}WPN: CANN x 1, LTMS x 1"
en-US.yml: STR_INTERCEPTOR_UFOPEDIA: "Combat aircraft with dual pulse detonation engines and specially shielded electronic systems. The best available Earth based technology.{NEWLINE}WPN: CANN x 1, LTMS x 1"
Ah, of course. Thanks.
At vampire castle, your stash can be generated on stairs. So you won't get it back when aborting the mission.
Same for shogg village.
Every craft that has lifted beam/cannon can equip both beams and cannons. That is, except Starfighter - beams only. Is this intended?
Hi, just installed everything correctly "I think" but when I go to try and boot it up it gives me this error
[ERROR] failed to load 'X-Com Files'; mod disabled
Weapon STR_HUMAN_SONIC_SHOTGUN has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.
Any help? I tried to manually change the clipsize but I dont know where to find it
Hi, just installed everything correctly "I think" but when I go to try and boot it up it gives me this error
[ERROR] failed to load 'X-Com Files'; mod disabled
Weapon STR_HUMAN_SONIC_SHOTGUN has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.
Any help? I tried to manually change the clipsize but I dont know where to find it
It could be that you have both unarchived mod and mod archive in the user/mods folder. If that's the case, remove archive. In my experience it messes up OXC loading.
Happy new year everybody!
You need OXCE (OpenXcom Extended), not OXC.
For future, please always attach the whole log file, not just one line.
I don't know if there is anything you can reasonably do about this but I find that the civilians, especially unarmed ones are far too suicidal. Like, I've seen them charge in to punch aliens and monsters. Is this intended or a bug or just something you can't do anything about?
I don't know if there is anything you can reasonably do about this but I find that the civilians, especially unarmed ones are far too suicidal. Like, I've seen them charge in to punch aliens and monsters. Is this intended or a bug or just something you can't do anything about?
It's part of the fun ;D
Annoying ? Yes. But I find the civilians blocking door entrances 5 turns in a row even more annoying.
There is only so much you can take before you simply stun them.
I don't know if there is anything you can reasonably do about this but I find that the civilians, especially unarmed ones are far too suicidal. Like, I've seen them charge in to punch aliens and monsters. Is this intended or a bug or just something you can't do anything about?
What, you don't think priests should charge angry dogs and try to bless them?
What, you don't think priests should charge angry dogs and try to bless exorcise them?
It's part of the fun ;D
Annoying ? Yes. But I find the civilians blocking door entrances 5 turns in a row even more annoying.
There is only so much you can take before you simply stun them.
Immersion breaking more than annoying really. Like, I'd expect them to run around in panic.
You need OXCE (OpenXcom Extended), not OXC.
For future, please always attach the whole log file, not just one line.
Thank you! My dumbass thought that having OXCE installed would be enough, turns out I had to create a user folder IN OXCE and then put the mod there so when I open OXCE it all works
Immersion breaking more than annoying really. Like, I'd expect them to run around in panic.
If civilians were to run and hide somewhere, the game balance would be slightly thrown off. Missions would be simple and the only objective would be the enemy.
However, I do sympathize with you. I totally get it.
I just believe there is a reason behind it. Now, weather that be a sinister reason ? Very debatable ;D
A solution would be not giving civilian "armors" in-built attacks.
But would it be correct? It would mean that if some other unit used the same "armor" (such as undercover X-COM operatives, or hostiles), they too would have no unarmed strike.
One thing I noticed about soldiers bio updates. There is no way to access what has been done to a solider.
Unless I missed it somewhere. I did the "Olympianism" update to 2 of my guys (Amazing feature by the way) but could not find a way to visually see what updates my agents have had done to them.
The most logical place would be the "Agent tab/screen".
The only indicator I could see is in the battle screen avatar. (the hallo above their face).
There is no way to access what has been done to a solider.
Unless I missed it somewhere.
You did.
You did.
There it is. thanks Juku.
Never even noticed it.
Scorpoids have "stealthy" in their description, but don't have camo.
Also, every single Shogg encounter is rendered almost null by having flying gear - spiders, scorpoids, antmen, zombies. Strixes, stingrifles, and antmen spit do spice up things a little, but it's still pretty bland.
Maybe add some flying variants or straight up gift them a couple of gauss rifles?
If civilians were to run and hide somewhere, the game balance would be slightly thrown off. Missions would be simple and the only objective would be the enemy.
However, I do sympathize with you. I totally get it.
I just believe there is a reason behind it. Now, weather that be a sinister reason ? Very debatable ;D
Hiding would be lame, that is true. Rather I envision them running around like headless chickens screaming while trying to go in general terms in the opposite direction of what ever alien/monster is in their LOS.
Rather I envision them running around like headless chickens screaming while trying to go in general terms in the opposite direction of what ever alien/monster is in their LOS.
Don't you know that the true X-Com civilian always runs in the opposite direction from any extraction zone, all the while creating jams in doorways and trying to get in the line of fire between aliens and friendly forces? :P
I stopped having alienites in the game. I flew into the hybrid embassy 10 times, and all 10 times there were 2 alien dates. That's 20 1-to-1 checks. Or is it a terrible setback, or is there a limit of AI stones in the game? Although there is another option that the loot cap is created 1 time, and is repeated with each flight. Which of these is true?
Don't you know that the true X-Com civilian always runs in the opposite direction from any extraction zone, all the while creating jams in doorways and trying to get in the line of fire between aliens and friendly forces? :P
Is that better or worse than civilians running into your Skyranger, picking up a rocket launchers they have no idea how to use and joining the fight?
I have a problem with the "League Node" mission. I knocked everyone on the map out and have explored the whole map. And yet the mission still isn't succeeding.
Like what is the objective if not capturing everyone?
PS. I know it is in fact everyone because bug hunt mode tells me so.
@SBBurzmali: Touché. :)
I have a problem with the "League Node" mission. I knocked everyone on the map out and have explored the whole map. And yet the mission still isn't succeeding.
Like what is the objective if not capturing everyone?
PS. I know it is in fact everyone because bug hunt mode tells me so.
AFAIK, getting everyone is the mission objective. Perhaps one has run to a higher elevation and doesn't show up as easily?
Otherwise, post your save. Maybe it is a bug, in which case Meridian will want it anyway.
I flew into the hybrid embassy 10 times, and all 10 times there were 2 alien dates. That's 20 1-to-1 checks. Or is it a terrible setback, or is there a limit of AI stones in the game? Although there is another option that the loot cap is created 1 time, and is repeated with each flight. Which of these is true?
AFAIK, there are no item limits, and the terrain is created when you land. Since the check is 3-to-1, that's ~0.3% chance. Not entirely impossible. So I'd go with 'a terrible setback'. :D
alien dates
BTW, you mean these? :P
AFAIK, getting everyone is the mission objective. Perhaps one has run to a higher elevation and doesn't show up as easily?
Nope. As said, bug hunt mode is on and it marked everyone on the map. And I have an agent currently staring down each of their knocked out bodies.
Feel free to try it your self.
Edit: I just used debug mode (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Hidden_Features_(OpenXcom)#Debug_mode) to verify the situation and there are indeed NO others left.
CTRL-J does work to win the level though so something is bugged.
Well, I see a live VIP who shows up on bughunt scanners just fine. ???
He did not show up for me. That is odd.
But you did find him in that neighbourhood? Or he doesn't show up in-game, either, not just the bug-hunt map?
Can you take a screenshot of the same location and elevation, and preferably also tell us what OS you're running XCF on? Maybe there is some sort of bughunt bug :) going on, but I tried with both 2.5+OXCE 7.6 and 2.7+OXCE 7.8.4 and the VIP showed up both times.
My guess is, he just has to scroll levels on the map to see the VIP, as it shows particular level.
At vampire castle, your stash can be generated on stairs. So you won't get it back when aborting the mission.
Same for shogg village.
Hmm, can't replicate this.
Every craft that has lifted beam/cannon can equip both beams and cannons. That is, except Starfighter - beams only. Is this intended?
Yes, as an alien ship, it was not designed for traditional weapon mounting. In fact, it only should accept laser cannons, but that would be too anal.
I don't know if there is anything you can reasonably do about this but I find that the civilians, especially unarmed ones are far too suicidal. Like, I've seen them charge in to punch aliens and monsters. Is this intended or a bug or just something you can't do anything about?
Sorry, I already made them as cautious as possible, but they are still rather aggressive. The only way to make them less suicidal would be to take away their fist attack, and that would only make them dumb and helpless.
Immersion breaking more than annoying really. Like, I'd expect them to run around in panic.
Me too, but there's no such function in the AI.
Scorpoids have "stealthy" in their description, but don't have camo.
Good point, they should.
Also, every single Shogg encounter is rendered almost null by having flying gear - spiders, scorpoids, antmen, zombies. Strixes, stingrifles, and antmen spit do spice up things a little, but it's still pretty bland.
Maybe add some flying variants or straight up gift them a couple of gauss rifles?
Never felt that way, but I dislike flying armours in general, so I don't use them much.
Not sure what to do with that, since they shouldn't have anything too good. Maybe I'm exaggerating.
I stopped having alienites in the game. I flew into the hybrid embassy 10 times, and all 10 times there were 2 alien dates. That's 20 1-to-1 checks. Or is it a terrible setback, or is there a limit of AI stones in the game? Although there is another option that the loot cap is created 1 time, and is repeated with each flight. Which of these is true?
WTF is an alienite?
Is that better or worse than civilians running into your Skyranger, picking up a rocket launchers they have no idea how to use and joining the fight?
What you described is the best scenario! :)
I have a problem with the "League Node" mission. I knocked everyone on the map out and have explored the whole map. And yet the mission still isn't succeeding.
Like what is the objective if not capturing everyone?
PS. I know it is in fact everyone because bug hunt mode tells me so.
It's not possible for any mission to continue when there are no active enemy units, no exceptions.
Hmm, can't replicate this.
I confirm the problem. My inventory appeared on the elevator on such missions as an alien Colony, an alien base and an embassy of hybrids. Moreover, on the alien colony, it was not even on an elevator, or a green cage, but naturally on the lower tier of the base under the feet of one of the agents who stood there at the start of the mission. Naturally, during the first few moves, the inventory was destroyed by an explosion, and the retreat meant that it was impossible to take the inventory with you. The first time I encountered this was when I flew into an alien colony many times in a row, so that the resp turned out to be near the corner block of the base. By clicking retreat without a single step by the agents, my entire inventory was lost. the only thing I did was move one agent from the elevator cage to the green one for evacuation. This agent was standing at start on the elevator cage and there was also inventory. Now, whenever I see something like this, I have a choice, either to fight to the last, or to lose inventory.
WTF is an alienite?
Alenium shard, but it doesn't matter anymore, because it really turned out to be a bad fortune. The AI stone did appear.
Is there any reason the toxin line of weapons are as weak as they are? They seem to take a significant amount of research to develop, but I've yet to find a case where they are even competitive with much earlier acquired stun weapons.
Is there any reason the toxin line of weapons are as weak as they are? They seem to take a significant amount of research to develop, but I've yet to find a case where they are even competitive with much earlier acquired stun weapons.
The canister gun has been an ultimatum universal substitute for any occasion for a very long time.
I have a question. Is it intended that both the basic and advanced grenade launchers have an aimed range of 200 but the MGL only has 20. I mean, it might be a balancing thing to even out the magazine but it strikes me as being a bit... much.
After researching Heavy Cannon Acquisition, HC-BS Clip can be bought, but its description is not in Ufopaedia, neither in Heavy Cannon article, nor in Heavy Cannon (Continued)
Yeah. Get the Auto-Cannon. :P
type_id: 4
Does difficulty affect sale prices? Because the money briefcase is selling for 1.1 million, despite its UFOpedia entry stating quite plainly that it contains exactly 1 million, which I do remember it selling for in previous versions. Playing on Experienced.
Yep, more
inflation X-Com salesmen on easier difficulties. From vars_XCOMFILES.rul:
sellPriceCoefficient: [125, 110, 100, 100, 90]
Found a small bug where Agent is unable to move due to tile being placed in water on Turn 1.
Found a small bug where Agent is unable to move due to tile being placed in water on Turn 1.
Dude, it's not a bug, it's just bad parking.
Dude, it's not a bug, it's just bad parking.
That joke was so bad it deserves to be reported :P
Leaving this here (hopefully in the correct place) to help someone who may have run into a similar situation as I have.
Cyberweb Lair missions
Maybe a tips menu added to the intro screen or something.
In order to complete this mission i had to use High explosives to blow through walls in order to gain access to entries where enemies were hiding.
And this was no easy task, it took a lot of save scumming because you need to use explosives (or very high powered ammo to blow through walls at a specific point.
Most of the walls were 2 tiles thick, but precise placement of explosives would reveal an entrance door.
This is similar to something I saw in TFTD. In the final mission, one alien was hiding inside a wall.
Pickaxes, laser cutters, giant war axes... A sufficiently hulked-out agent can just pick up a regular wood axe and start excavating. :D
Even the explosives warning already exists in the Geoscape briefing: "Be sure to bring explosives in case we can't find access to the target - these sewers are a nightmare to navigate through."
Dynamite works as well. Although you some time have to use multiple. I carry 20 of them for that purpose just in case.
But he is correct in saying that while the description exists it's not obvious and it does not adequately tell you just how important taking wall penetrating equipment is.
I mean, there is a reason why I always take 20 with me. Not 1 or 2 or 5 but 20.
What would be an obvious and adequate description? One that wouldn't clash with the general tone of the briefings and wouldn't feel too handholdy, because "Bring explosives and pickaxes, 20 of them, or you'll get stuck!" is a bit too much.
Can you really not build an island on Easter Island, or am I just not good enough at hunting the pixel?
The rooms and doors are placed on a grid. Some doors are replaced by walls, but still obey that grid.
Is that a poem? :P
Can you really not build an island on Easter Island, or am I just not good enough at hunting the pixel?
There is nothing under the island that you can build on. Open up regions_XCOMFILES.rul, delete the three Easter Islands and voila, empty ocean.
Pickaxes, laser cutters, giant war axes... A sufficiently hulked-out agent can just pick up a regular wood axe and start excavating. :D
"Be sure to bring explosives in case we can't find access to the target
Your right. Didn't even realize that.
Is it a little vague? Yeah kinda. I mean I understand a lot of this game is trial and error but this is a guessing game. You are literally guessing where doors might be. Even H.E. won't blow a hole in 1x1 tile brickwall. So accuracy is everything.
Dynamite works as well. Although you some time have to use multiple. I carry 20 of them for that purpose just in case.
But he is correct in saying that while the description exists it's not obvious and it does not adequately tell you just how important taking wall penetrating equipment is.
I mean, there is a reason why I always take 20 with me. Not 1 or 2 or 5 but 20.
Same here. Always keep a healthy supply of Dynamite and High Explosives.
Leaving this here (hopefully in the correct place) to help someone who may have run into a similar situation as I have.
Cyberweb Lair missions
Maybe a tips menu added to the intro screen or something.
In order to complete this mission i had to use High explosives to blow through walls in order to gain access to entries where enemies were hiding.
And this was no easy task, it took a lot of save scumming because you need to use explosives (or very high powered ammo to blow through walls at a specific point.
Most of the walls were 2 tiles thick, but precise placement of explosives would reveal an entrance door.
This is similar to something I saw in TFTD. In the final mission, one alien was hiding inside a wall.
Playing on the difficulty of iron man, I got used to the fact that it is easier to evacuate from some missions than to try to complete them. Sometimes you even have to experience the drama when an agent has fallen into the gutter, stairs are destroyed, and enemies are barricaded with bricks. It's very sad to evacuate leaving an agent in the gutter forever. But it teaches thrift. Then I always had a tool and dynamite in sufficient quantity.
In attachment: saves, where loot pile is generated off escape zone. Recreated in New Battle.
For vampire castle - on stairs, took about 5 tries.
For shogg village - wherever, this took ~15 tries.
I assume every time a guy is generated off escape zone, there can be a loot pile where the guy is - so, off the escape zone. Attached couple saves this happens also.
The craft is filled up kitsune.
Cyberweb lair
Walls with doors that you need are placed across other doors (don't have to guess that much) and are pretty flimsy.
You can just punch through them if your agent has 90+ damage roll. Since tile damage for punch is 0.4, the walls have ~35 armor or slightly less.
Can get them even with blops sniper, but can take many turns in rookie hands.
I suggest renaming "Unarmed Attack (...)" to "UA (...)" and "Master of the {}" commendation to "Master of {}". Otherwise, a a number of weapon commendations in the diary get cut off, some quite badly.
Also, 'STR_HYBRID_PSI_WEAPON' has no name (but can show up in the commendation list).
What is the reasoning behind Dragonfly's lights being on in night missions, while other crafts' are not, least among those I unlocked? It keeps biting me in the ass in Cult missions, because I keep forgetting it does that and assault at night, and sometimes I have to anyway.
It's a Dragonfly, it's gotta glow at night to attract mates? :P
It's a Dragonfly, it's gotta glow at night to attract mates? :P
That's a firefly, not a dragonfly. 😛
Is Firefly canon in XCF? :)
I confirm the problem. My inventory appeared on the elevator on such missions as an alien Colony, an alien base and an embassy of hybrids.
The report was specifically about the Vampire Castle.
In places you describe: yes, I know. Not exactly a bug, but if it's that much of a problem, I can try and see if it can be changed.
I have a question. Is it intended that both the basic and advanced grenade launchers have an aimed range of 200 but the MGL only has 20. I mean, it might be a balancing thing to even out the magazine but it strikes me as being a bit... much.
The Milkor is one-handed.
Yeah. Get the Auto-Cannon. :P
Oops. How has this bug managed to hide from everyone for so long? :)
Found a small bug where Agent is unable to move due to tile being placed in water on Turn 1.
Known bug; hopefully fixed by now.
I suggest renaming "Unarmed Attack (...)" to "UA (...)" and "Master of the {}" commendation to "Master of {}". Otherwise, a a number of weapon commendations in the diary get cut off, some quite badly.
Also, 'STR_HYBRID_PSI_WEAPON' has no name (but can show up in the commendation list).
I don't think "UA" is remotely clear. As a player, I sure wouldn't understand it. Besides, it just the country code for Ukraine.
"Master of" is fine, thanks for the suggestion.
What is the reasoning behind Dragonfly's lights being on in night missions, while other crafts' are not, least among those I unlocked? It keeps biting me in the ass in Cult missions, because I keep forgetting it does that and assault at night, and sometimes I have to anyway.
It's an intended downside to reflect the fact that you're using a civilian craft for military operations.
I had to do something, okay? :)
Is Firefly canon in XCF? :)
Probably not...? I'm not sure. :)
I don't think "UA" is remotely clear. As a player, I sure wouldn't understand it. Besides, it just the country code for Ukraine.
How about 'Master of HtH', then? That's a reasonably common abbreviation, and just skipping the 'the' is not remotely enough for some armours.
Or perhaps 'Master of Sports'? ;D
Although "Master of the Ukraine" will certainly get you some notoriety. :P
I'd rather avoid acronyms, they look amateurish to me.
So, what's your solution to this, then? Before removing the 'the', it was virtually impossible to tell what armour it was. And even now it looks worse to me than any acronym, amateurish or not.
And if you think abbreviations are for amateurs, I take it you haven't experienced what a professional military conversation is like? :D The damn acronym soup is so thick for even the most irrelevant of things you can practically cut it.
I think "Unarmed (<SUIT>)" reads fine.
Hmm, not entirely fine but a passable compromise.
OK, I'll think about it after the release. Thx for the suggestions and feel free to post more.
I just installed the new version, and there are now a massively reduced number of possible agent faces, there are now only 16 in total (none of which are new from the previous version).
Also, is there any way to change the palette back? The colors for UFOpedia look horrible IMO, almost intentionally so. It reminds me of that game Cruelty Squad. I kind of hate the new color palette in general really, everything is too bright on the paperdoll screen, and on the battle map, the suits barely look like suits. It was a lot better when they were black.
I just installed the new version, and there are now a massively reduced number of possible agent faces, there are now only 16 in total (none of which are new from the previous version).
Nah, there are even more faces now. It's just that the 'change avatar' interface doesn't seem to play nice with 'maxLookVariant' values over 15. No idea why, ruleset reference makes it look like it should be able to go up to 63. Maybe all the different soldier types interfere with it somehow? Anyway, I imagine it's something to take up with Meridian.
Right now, you can just set 'maxLookVariant' back to 15 and just live with not having access to every single possible avatar from the armour interface. The man took it up himself. Update to OXCE 7.8.7 or higher (not that there's anything much higher yet).
Also, is there any way to change the palette back? The colors for UFOpedia look horrible IMO, almost intentionally so.
Go to customPalettes_XCOMFILES.rul and delete these lines.
file: Resources/Pals/NEW_XCF_PALLET.pal
No clue what you're talking about wrt UFOpedia. The Pedia palette itself is unchanged. Battlescape items and armours use a separate, third palette there, and that's unchanged as well. You should notice that stuff tends to change colours a bit when you middle-click them.
I kinda like the new (or rather old :D ) blues, but on the whole the palette changes have IMO never been for the better and I've removed almost all of them from my copies as soon as possible. They obfuscate more than they immerse. YMMV and all that, of course.
Nah, there are even more faces now. It's just that the 'change avatar' interface doesn't seem to play nice with 'maxLookVariant' values over 15. No idea why, ruleset reference makes it look like it should be able to go up to 63.
This was fixed in OXCE 7.8.7
Indeed, that fixed it. Now there's only the small issue of the last 16 avatars not having names (yet?).
No clue what you're talking about wrt UFOpedia. The Pedia palette itself is unchanged.
It didn't used to be extremely garish vomit-yellow and extremely dark purple with light blue text that turns teal after being read for me.
Battlescape items and armours use a separate, third palette there, and that's unchanged as well.
Suits used to be black, and now in the new version they are light gray. If I middle-click on something it brings up the UFOpedi page. Deleting the new color palette fixed the paperdoll and battlescape color changes, but UFOpedia still looks like something from Cruelty Squad.
This was fixed in OXCE 7.8.7
This is probably a dumb question, but where exactly do I download 7.8.7? The most recent link I can find is for 7.8
It didn't used to be extremely garish vomit-yellow and extremely dark purple with light blue text that turns teal after being read for me.
Ah, you mean the interface between the Geoscape and the Articles. I went past that without really noticing. Yeah, this is some TFTD-ish palette right there. :(
To revert this change, find interfaces_XCOMFILES.rul and remove this block:
- type: ufopaedia
- id: palette
color: 7
- id: window
color: 138
- id: text
color: 89
- id: list
color: 133
color2: 80
border: 239
- id: button1
color: 138
- id: button2
color: 138
This is probably a dumb question, but where exactly do I download 7.8.7? The most recent link I can find is for 7.8
Here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html), under 'bleeding edge ... builds'. Make sure to sort by date, the list is long and the first result is not always the latest.
Suits used to be black, and now in the new version they are light gray.
Suits actually are grey in the raw image files, it's the intermediate palette (which I also don't like in general, though the suits are better) that makes them so.
All my turbolaser sniper rifles at all bases have turned into laser sniper rifles of a new kind and require bullets.))))
I suppose it's a side effect of this:
- New weapons: ... Laser Sniper Rifle (bigob by Brain_322; old Laser Sniper Rifle renamed to Turbolaser Sniper Rifle).
Actually, it's the other way around, as you've just discovered: the old 'Turbo' sniper became the new Laser Sniper and there's a new Turbolaser Sniper. Strange way to do things, if you ask me. :-\
The new old blues do mess with the Tritanium Vest, for example, which is now a plain bright blue in the Battlescape and its old XCF self in the Pedia. Whichever way they finally end up, I suggest unifying Battlescape and Battlepedia palettes (except for the interface colours, of course).
Actually, it's the other way around, as you've just discovered: the old 'Turbo' sniper became the new Laser Sniper and there's a new Turbolaser Sniper. Strange way to do things, if you ask me. :-\
No. Even Akamashi confirmed that what I wrote was the truth. Although admittedly it depends how you look at it.
The new old blues do mess with the Tritanium Vest, for example, which is now a plain bright blue in the Battlescape and its old XCF self in the Pedia. Whichever way they finally end up, I suggest unifying Battlescape and Battlepedia palettes (except for the interface colours, of course).
What is the "battlepedia" palette?
What is the "battlepedia" palette?
Battlepedia palette is a battlescape palette with last 16 colors replaced with colors needed for text and cursor.
Used for:
- bigobs (item pedia articles)
- craft weapon images (craft weapon articles)
- and inventory paperdolls (armor pedia articles)
Battlepedia palette is a battlescape palette with last 16 colors replaced with colors needed for text and cursor.
Thank you.
Yeah, got rid of that one entirely, so what's there to unify?
Thank you.
Yeah, got rid of that one entirely, so what's there to unify?
You cannot get rid of a palette.
OpenXcom uses that palette and there is literally nothing you can do about that. (I'm not joking.)
OpenXcom completely ignores the palettes in your images and replaces them with its own global palettes. (The only exception being the _CPAL feature and the cutscene slides)
No. Even Akamashi confirmed that what I wrote was the truth. Although admittedly it depends how you look at it.
Yeah. From a conceptual POV, your changelog is right. But from a technical, "what will happen to my save" POV, the old 'Turbolaser Sniper' just got downgraded.
...what's there to unify?
Things like these. PALETTES.DAT still has all of the 'old XCF' palettes, and you only replaced the Battlescape one.
You cannot get rid of a palette.
OpenXcom uses that palette and there is literally nothing you can do about that. (I'm not joking.)
OpenXcom completely ignores the palettes in your images and replaces them with its own global palettes. (The only exception being the _CPAL feature and the cutscene slides)
I was referring to this commit: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/2eae96305f5ad1a8b1159f5e9ab9b917d4970aee
Inb4: no, I don't know what it does; I got instructions form Dioxine (same as in Piratez). No, he doesn't know how it works either; he got it from someone else. But what is supposed to happen is that the Battlepedia palette is unused, as it's replaced by Battlescape palette (with extra blacks).
From what I can see, the battlescape palette sprites work fine in Pedia (no pink pixels on bigobs nor armours), and the game hasn't exploded, so yay.
And yes, PALETTES.DAT remains the same; only RSSWizard has the power to edit palettes with a goddamn hexedit, so nobody's touching this.
In that commit battlescape palette was replaced by NEW_XCF_PALLET and battlepedia palette was not replaced (you can see that the ruleset for it is commented out).
Since you didn't use palletes.dat, but text-based palette, it will be quite easy to replace also the battlepedia palette.
I can prepare a small commit if you want.
As for "how it works", that's not very easy to explain here.
I can call you on Skype or something and explain visually.
Since you didn't use palletes.dat, but text-based palette, it will be quite easy to replace also the battlepedia palette.
I can prepare a small commit if you want.
Yes please, I'd appreciate that.
As for "how it works", that's not very easy to explain here.
I can call you on Skype or something and explain visually.
When you have the time, sure - learning is good.
From what I can see, the battlescape palette sprites work fine in Pedia (no pink pixels on bigobs nor armours), and the game hasn't exploded, so yay.
That's indeed a success. :) All I'm saying is it'd be better if the colours were the same for both. Meridian already offered to help, so I guess that'll get done quickly enough.
Edit: My second point was that the bright new Battlescape blue on the Tritanium vest looks bad to me. Why are X-Com agents painting their vests like that? Is this some kind of Xenonauts legacy? :P You could pull the old blue from PALETTES.DAT and revert it to the old, more alloy-ish version. Or not, it's your decision.
...only RSSWizard has the power to edit palettes with a goddamn hexedit, so nobody's touching this.
It's not hard. The file is just full of these very same numerical RGB values, but roughly divided by four and in hexadecimal. I pulled the old blacks from there (to put into a Battlepedia change) with little trouble last night. Maybe some shades got a little bit shifted around because multiplication by four isn't quite exact, but I personally can't really spot such fine differences.
It's not hard. The file is just full of these very same RGB values, but roughly divided by four and in hexadecimal. I pulled the old blacks from there (to put into a Battlepedia change) with little trouble last night. Maybe some shades got a little bit shifted around because multiplication by four isn't quite exact, but I personally can't really spot such fine differences.
Well, it's interesting and all, but why try to build a rocket with a handaxe if another solution is available?
I sure am not interested in this ridiculous task, I'd rather draw a new face or something.
Well, it's interesting and all, but why try to build a rocket with a handaxe if another solution is available?
There is? I mean, you still have to get the colour values somehow, and it's either asking the author of the XCF PALETTES.DAT, or pulling them from there by hand.
If you mean the text-based palette edits, sure, much easier to work with than PALETTES.DAT editing. But right now, these are no longer the same XCF colours people are used to. Bright blue Tritanium, light grey suits, somewhat different 'alloy blue' on stun clubs, etc.
There is? I mean, you still have to get the colour values somehow, and it's either asking the author of the XCF PALETTES.DAT, or pulling them from there by hand.
Due to circumstances, the author can't help with this one.
I operate under the impression that it an be circumvented with a .PAL file.
If you mean the text-based palette edits, sure, much easier to work with than PALETTES.DAT editing. But right now, these are no longer the same XCF colours people are used to. Bright blue Tritanium, light grey suits, somewhat different 'alloy blue' on stun clubs, etc.
How it text-based easier than using a graphic program???
Due to circumstances, the author can't help with this one.
I operate under the impression that it an be circumvented with a .PAL file.
The values in a .pal file still have to come from somewhere, don't they?
Edit: I mean, if you're committed to the new palette, that's fine, no need to do anything. It's just that there's already one person who disliked the effects and wanted to revert. And while I'm a fan of the 'new old' palette, it no longer lines up as nicely with the actual colours in the image files. Or, well, technically it does, but the end result is not the XCF colouring people are used to.
How it text-based easier than using a graphic program???
It of course isn't. I meant vs hex editing.
The values in a .pal file still have to come from somewhere, don't they?
What's the point of dragging this on and on, since Meridian has already offered to help? Or are you going to do something too?
Edit: I mean, if you're committed to the new palette, that's fine, no need to do anything. It's just that there's already one person who disliked the effects and wanted to revert. And while I'm a fan of the 'new old' palette, it no longer lines up as nicely with the actual colours in the image files. Or, well, technically it does, but the end result is not the XCF colouring people are used to.
It of course isn't. I meant vs hex editing.
At this point I just need to make sure that the mod works as intended. Once this is confirmed, we can talk about quality.
What's the point of dragging this on and on, since Meridian has already offered to help? Or are you going to do something too?
If you want me to? I mean, if you wanted the old Tritanium shade back, or the black suits, I could mine those and give you an update list of values. I just don't know whether you actually want this.
If you want me to? I mean, if you wanted the old Tritanium shade back, or the black suits, I could mine those and give you an update list of values. I just don't know whether you actually want this.
I can't say right now; it's a matter of experimentation.
Once everything is working as intended, I'm open to further tweaks.
Okay. If there's a sufficient number of complaints :) and nobody else does it before then, give me a holler.
Is this associated with the XCFiles mod? Can't find it associated in repository or other mods. Want to make sure I'm not missing juicy lore/events. Game is 1st January 2000
Edit: nm its XCFilesArsenal mod. Ignore this.
Is that a typo? Or is it meant to be?
Also in version 2.8 the number of available head types for agents was reduced.
Also in version 2.8 the number of available head types for agents was reduced.
OXCE issue, update to 7.8.7.
Edit: Some 'bad taste': I see that the small alien subs are still following the 'tiny USO has a bigger, three-room map while the smaller small USO is a one-roomer'. Is this intentional homage? I think there were fan fixes for this a long time ago, perhaps in XcomUtil even.
A potential bug, too. Is the Zrbite container in the Survey Ship supposed to lay on the floor next to the IBA instead of under it?
Now that I think about it, isn't it kinda strange that the USO Cruiser's Zrbite supply is in the front, under one of those ball thingies instead of an IBA?
Is it correct that a rat has a psi sense of 3, and a dog 40? Why is there such a huge difference? (and what does this psi sense mean?)
Is it correct that a rat has a psi sense of 3, and a dog 40? Why is there such a huge difference? (and what does this psi sense mean?)
Psi sense? Do you mean psivison (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)#Armor)?
Can you elaborate what you are referring to?
The only "dog" armor I can find that even has psivision is STR_THE_THING_DOG_ARMOR - and that isn't a regular X-COM armor and in line with the other THE_THING armors.
Yeah, this is most likely not a regular Earthling canine you're looking at.
what does this psi sense mean
Ahem. Sorry about that. :-[
Psi sense? Do you mean psivison (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)#Armor)?
Can you elaborate what you are referring to?
The only "dog" armor I can find that even has psivision is STR_THE_THING_DOG_ARMOR - and that isn't a regular X-COM armor and in line with the other THE_THING armors.
I think I got it. It's just not clear why this parameter is specified in the article with the name "dog".
Which article? The regular "Unarmored (dog)" brief has the default value of 0 for psi-vision. And there's no article for any of the Metamorph armours.
Edit: I think Sectopods are missing 'prisonType: 4'. Unless there's some clever explanation why True Alien Sectopods™ are driven by tiny Sectoids while Cyberdiscs and MiB Sectopods aren't.
Also, since robots have containment limits now, STR_CONTAINMENT_EXCEEDED_4 needs writing.
I think I got it. It's just not clear why this parameter is specified in the article with the name "dog".
Yeah, what "article" are you talking about? Can you post a screenshot of what you are referring to?
Cant you simply drain the soldier T.U's ?
Be the same thing ?
Why are you asking me instead of whoever was requesting a per-weapon toggle for reaction fire?
Is the hybrid embassy supposed to yield multiple millions in loot? I haven't checked which tiles get recoverd as alien navigation, but I ended up with ~40 of those and hundreds of alien gardens. Not that I'm complaining, but this seems slightly unbalanced.
Is the hybrid embassy supposed to yield multiple millions in loot? I haven't checked which tiles get recoverd as alien navigation, but I ended up with ~40 of those and hundreds of alien gardens. Not that I'm complaining, but this seems slightly unbalanced.
I believe so, yes. This mod takes a very negative stance on the usual method of earning money through producing goods to sell. So your primary source of income will be bags and suitcases of cash and loot captured from manors.
Speaking of things that might not be what they are supposed to be is Blood Boosting supposed to be a trap? It disables access to several really useful improvements including the Helix Knight and yet offers very little in return.
Given that alien bases don't give such amounts of UFO Navigation, although they do provide comparable amounts of Gardens, I suspect this is not entirely intentional. I mean, yes, Hybrid embassies are kinda tough and more advanced than your garden-variety manor, but not that much tougher.
As to Blood Boosting, well, since nothing has happened since it was last (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.msg149747.html#msg149747)mentioned, I guess it's roughly where it's supposed to be. :-\
Edit: The navigation culprit seems to be this, which gives four units of UFO Navigation apiece. Maybe make only one of the pieces give out navigation? Or add an extra table that does, put in front of the big room and leave the others as just decoration? I mean, the purple alien versions in alien bases don't seem to give any.
Edit2: Actually, alien bases don't seem to give out any navigation at all, despite it being present in UFOs or those purple tables. Not sure how, why, or why it's different from embassies.
Edit3: Okay, now I know. Vanilla behaviour, the tables (and apparently also any UFOs that have landed in the base) are the mission objective for destroying the base and get eaten before debriefing. Hybrid embassies don't have the same mission type, although MiB bases and Towers of Desolation do.
I'm making my bases have 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' and dividing the yield by at least 2. 10 for embassies.
Sometimes an imbalance adds a certain interest. Making all aspects of the game predictably balanced makes the game bland. A simple example is the input of a laser sniper rifle. There was a certain charm in the fact that a sniper rifle appears only in turbolasers. Now this moment has become insipid. The same applies to heavy turbolaser weapons. There was a certain charm in the fact that turbolasers, although top against ethereals and sectopods, but they did not have heavy guns. Now that charm is gone.
Edit3: Okay, now I know. Vanilla behaviour, the tables (and apparently also any UFOs that have landed in the base) are the mission objective for destroying the base and get eaten before debriefing. Hybrid embassies don't have the same mission type, although MiB bases and Towers of Desolation do.
I'm making my bases have 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' and dividing the yield by at least 2. 10 for embassies.
Yeah, thought as much. I don't see how it makes sense for embassies to have this high of a yield in comparison either, maybe Solarius can address this in the next version?
I think a good argument can be made for a little extra gift in this game, should be welcomed. Such as the loot recovered from Hybrid bases.
There are enough things to fight with in this game and early hybrid bases (embassy's) can be a real game saver in the middle of a campaign.
Not so much towards the end of the game but in the middle.
It's also a good way to salvage a bad month. I've literally let Hybrid embassy's lay idle till months end in case I'm having a slow month (to boost score and loot).
So if anything, I would welcome the change 3/4 into the game. But I don't think that's really possible, IDK, maybe it is. But thought Hybrid Embassy's were random generated (unlike moon missions, etc.) which are generated after a certain point.
The thing isn't that "gifts" aren't "nice".
The thing is that don't really fit in with the rest of the game (e.g. alien bases, other bases), not to mention this simply being unbalanced (the single hybrid emabssy yielded about twice my monthly surplus funding). It's simply not "a little extra gift" like for example early game landed UFOs. It also begs the question why hybrid embassies need this many gardens and navigation lore-wise.
This also isn't time tile recovery values are incorrect, see earlier map issues with terramite, gardens etc.
Some of us just enjoy the game not being super turbo hard all the time.
I do not consider the abundant reward for the embassy of hybrids to be something bad. But if it bothers you, then I have an elegant solution. It is enough to increase the chance of spawning rooms with plasma turrets. Guaranteed spawn of 2-3 turrets will immediately make the extraction deserved.
The biggest complaint I've seen (and experienced myself) when playing this game was it's balance, which has been debated to death (so I'll refrain from going into detail).
This has to be my favorite mod but it can be extremely challenging at times, especially loot and score. The extra gifts in this game are a small bone being thrown at us. I for one have no issues with that. I actually welcome it.
Some of us just enjoy the game not being super turbo hard all the time.
Not playing on superhuman ironman might help. Not getting 8+ millions from an alien base hardly equals "super hard gameplay".
I do not consider the abundant reward for the embassy of hybrids to be something bad. But if it bothers you, then I have an elegant solution. It is enough to increase the chance of spawning rooms with plasma turrets. Guaranteed spawn of 2-3 turrets will immediately make the extraction deserved.
This is not about simply "bothering" me, this is an outright bug. I already mentioned that this isn't the first time recovery of tiles has been messed up and needed fixing:
0.9.6: Updated to OXCE 5.1. Rolled AI types into one, thus allowing training from the start. [...]Terramite and Aqua Plastics are now recovered at proper amounts. New explosion animation for the Boomeroid[...]
0.9.8f: New Staff Input (by Mumble). New weapon: Shogg Stingrifle. Improved Muckstar and Megaworm pictures (by Nord).[...]Fixed recovery dividers for Aqua-Plastics and Terramite. Minor fixes.
This is related to improper tile recovery amounts.
Some of us just enjoy the game not being super turbo hard all the time.
How would your game become significantly harder if the loot from an Embassy was worth 5 million instead of 15? More like a Supply Ship or low-end base than a Battleship or lucking out on Power Sources in a base?
...this is an outright bug.
This is related to improper tile recovery amounts.
Debatable. It's vanilla working as vanilla does, and UFO Navigation never had recovery dividers in the first place.
I would call it a balance issue caused by making cool-looking maps, because that's what it is. Whether the mod maker wants to address it is up to him.
Personally, I'd tone it down. I mean, you get something like at most 10 navigation from even the biggest vanilla-ish UFO, 20-25 from a base that has them set as recoverable, and 45-50 from a Hybrid Embassy. And that's not all, you get more swag than from even one of the giant 'colony' bases. More Power Sources, more Elerium, more miscellaneous bits like Examination Rooms or Entertainment. Alloys are the only thing that you don't get in massive quantities.
As an aside, the new UFOs like the Troop Ship or the Arbiter also have greatly increased UFO Navigation yields. And even vanilla UFOs can have quite dissimilar amounts. 10 from a Harvester, 8 from a Terror Ship, 4 from a Battleship, 22 from another Battleship... Well, at least this UFO lottery is kinda thematic, interesting and doesn't triple recovery values.
As an aside, the new UFOs like the Troop Ship or the Arbiter also have greatly increased UFO Navigation yields.
Those Troop ships are crazy difficult. The ones loaded with ranking Ethrals and 8 Sectapods.
Back to the subject, it's strange because some bases, mansions yield very little loot. Playing on beginner, killed 60 enemy's, 6 surrendered and I basically got squat in return. This is why I mentioned, anything is a gift in this game.
What kind of alien base gives Aqua Plastics?
Edit: Ah, Dagon Temples. Well, the Elerium is kinda nice (making the entire haul around 5 million) but not guaranteed. The Dagon head honchos could at least carry some cash bags.
Ah, Dagon Temples.
You are correct.
The reinforcements are a bit much for this mission. But it builds character (for soldiers).
Yes Elerium is hearty for sure, but not much else. A steep price (66 enemy's) for 200 shots of Elerium.
Not playing on superhuman ironman might help. Not getting 8+ millions from an alien base hardly equals "super hard gameplay".
I play on the easiest possible difficulty. And with a custom mod that gives me a year extra before the alien invasion.
I mean it when I say I like things easy.
Well, you could always include some extra recoveryDividers in your mod, giving more loot from all recoverable tiles. Or just increase the sellPriceCoefficient even further for mostly the same effect. No need to make Hybrid Embassies a special loot bonanza to achieve that.
Just did a Hybrid Embassy I had on a save file.
Here is what I yielded
I went and cherry-picked a map with both Elerium and alien plants. It seems that around 10 million is a somewhat more common result.
For comparison, just about the best base loot I've ever seen. These are usually about 5-7 without Power Sources, or 13-14 with.
Note that no virtual aliens were harmed in this experiment, they just all happened to die from influenza. :D
Note that no virtual aliens were harmed in this experiment, they just all happened to die from influenza. :D
Hey how did you get the "Value of sales" to come up on ?
I didn't. I went and 'X' sold everything, then cut'n'pasted the result onto the score screen.
Finally got my hands on this mod. Stuck for month already. This is awesome.
Here is list of some bugs I encountered.
Language: English
OpenXcom version: 7.8 (2022-10-29)
X-com files version: 2.7
1) Cyberweb sewers. Rooms connected to long passage, but connection tends to have walls instead of free path. Had to take lots of explosives on this mission. Have no save for this one, sorry.
2) Black lotus HQ. Dojo/training rooms(pink walls) dose not have door and spawn enemies inside.
3) Avatar host remains and Avatar remains UFOpedia record have to be swapped and bit rewritten. As Avatar actually evaporates and leaves no body for examination and have no clothes.
4) I can't drop feeling, that "Deep one" alien name should be swapped with "Gill man"(as it was in original Terror from the deep). Seems logic as we also have green gill dog
5) Syndicate walker wrecks yield no UFOpedia record
6) Meridian the Hunter yield no UFOpedia record. Don't know for corpse.
7) Not bug, more like balance. For some reason I encountered bats mission only once. This is upsetting, as I wanted to have more bats and have only one.
Also "Filed equpment" UFOpedia category seems to be overcludded. Ever thinked to split it? Or at leaste maybe align headers text to left so it is easier to "scan" it? Don't know if it even possible.
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive. This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive. This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.
I don't recall what "firing launchers" is, but most fire weapons deal 5-10 damage. Damage value listed in pedia-page is for radius calculation.
Cyberweb sewers. Rooms connected to long passage, but connection tends to have walls instead of free path. Had to take lots of explosives on this mission.
More or less intended at this point. The globe briefing even advises you to take along some explosives.
Black lotus HQ. Dojo/training rooms(pink walls) dose not have door and spawn enemies inside.
Probably intentional? The walls are made of paper and can be shot to pieces with little trouble.
I can't drop feeling, that "Deep one" alien name should be swapped with "Gill man"(as it was in original Terror from the deep).
Solarius considers the original naming a mistake and has swapped the two.
Meridian the Hunter yield no UFOpedia record. Don't know for corpse.
Meridian already has a Dossier entry, which you need to enable the mission.
Not bug, more like balance. For some reason I encountered bats mission only once. This is upsetting, as I wanted to have more bats and have only one.
Welcome to the mission RNG that is this mod. :) There is a tiny chance to get a live one from Land Surveys, but otherwise hope for a new mission (or save-edit one in) and be more careful with the critters. They're fragile.
Also "Filed equpment" UFOpedia category seems to be overcludded. Ever thinked to split it? Or at leaste maybe align headers text to left so it is easier to "scan" it? Don't know if it even possible.
Second this since we can now scroll pedia categories. Used to be so that it was not possible, and one had to divvy up the articles among a fixed number of options.
Aligning would probably be an OXCE feature request, since the same strings are used everywhere else and thus adding whitespace is not feasible even if Solarius wanted to do that for every entry.
More or less intended at this point. The globe briefing even advises you to take along some explosives.
Gateway leading to wall? I dunno... also took some time to fugure out what's wrong.
Probably intentional? The walls are made of paper and can be shot to pieces with little trouble.
Thankfully. But still: to be locked in paper room in your own base!? There is also curtains in surgeries, that you can easly pass, but have no vision. More fit here maybe?
Solarius considers the original naming a mistake and has swapped the two.
I wonder why exactly....
Meridian already has a Dossier entry, which you need to enable the mission.
Same as Gertrude Ellison, for example. But for Ellison you will have interrogation report and combat analysis. Dr. Alpha have interrogation report. It feels very frustrating to make research and get nothing as he costs 1M. BTW, that's reminds me that Natasha Morozova also don't have any page if I remember correctly.
Welcome to the mission RNG that is this mod. :) There is a tiny chance to get a live one from Land Surveys, but otherwise hope for a new mission (or save-edit one in) and be more careful with the critters. They're fragile.
Darn! It was pain to catch 2 alive initially.
Gateway leading to wall? I dunno...
I mean, these have been in the mod forever. I don't think this will get any clearer unless Solarius outright tells us "Yes, sewers have closets. Move along, nothing to see here."
But still: to be locked in paper room in your own base!?
Well, I imagine these are kinda like Japanese paper walls. Not quite easy to move in combat without breaking them. IDK what the Lotus fellas do there, maybe it's some super-secret shit they want to keep away from fellow cult members. Or maybe it is this way to keep the AI boxed in.
I wonder why exactly....
Don't know, but my guess would be because the Gillmen fit Lovecraft's original description of Deep Ones more closely.
Same as Gertrude Ellison, for example. But for Ellison you will have interrogation report and combat analysis. Dr. Alpha have interrogation report. It feels very frustrating to make research and get nothing as he costs 1M.
Well, not sure what Meridian should tell us after getting interrogated. What Earth women specifically is he after? :D
Agree that having a combat analysis page would me more consistent with others, even if it won't ever be useful to players.
Natasha Morozova also don't have any page if I remember correctly.
She does
>ROLE: Officer
>DETAILS: In the Soviet Union, orphans were selected for further education as KGB super-spies. Natasha Morozova was one of the best graduates and entered the service in 1983 at the age of 13. Specialization: stealth, hand-to-hand assassin, sniper. She carried out top-secret assignments to NATO countries, including scientific espionage, sabotage, and murder. The collapse of the country she took as a personal tragedy and betrayal and wandered in Siberia until recruitment to the Red Dawn in the mid-90s.
>STATUS: Hidden
That's her dossier. She has neither a combat analysis nor an "Interrofation of ..." page, unlike Gertrude Ellison, Dr. Alpha, David Vincent or Dr. Hadriex. Though out of all of them only GE has a combat analysis.
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive. This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.
I'm sorry to ask this question again...
An answer (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.msg152861.html#msg152861).
That's her dossier. She has neither a combat analysis nor an "Interrofation of ..." page, unlike Gertrude Ellison, Dr. Alpha, David Vincent or Dr. Hadriex. Though out of all of them only GE has a combat analysis.
Oh got ya :)
I'm sorry to ask this question again...
Most sources of fire damage (unless it is a Napalm explosion), deal 4 to 10 damage, affected only by resistance, not by plating. (RandomType=4)
The weapon power is still used for blast radius, but not for damage.
Most sources of fire damage (unless it is a Napalm explosion), deal 4 to 10 damage, affected only by resistance, not by plating. (RandomType=4)
The weapon power is still used for blast radius, but not for damage.
It doesn't explain some points, but thanks anyway.
It doesn't explain some points, but thanks anyway.
Which ones?
There is a swimming pool at the Hacienda of Osiron mission. People move around this pool as if they are skating on ice. It's like if you made a run-up and rolled on the ice in a stationary position. In the game, it looks weird. Especially when you consider that walking in the pool is generally possible only if you are Jesus Christ.
The further I go, the more I don't understand the mechanics of fire damage. I dug up a couple of firing launchers. They have 90 fire damage. How do I deal this 90 damage? I made three direct hits on a dog without armor - it stands alive. This weapon easily destroys hybrid drones, and ordinary oziron dudes need to be shot to the point of stupefaction. Moreover, damage is most often not inflicted at all. The simplest giant spider tanks these 90 fire damage as if there is not 90, but 9 damage.
The basic damage formula is
DMG = [a] RNG * [t] DAMAGE MOD - [t] ARMOR * [a] ARMOR EFF
that's effective damage, where [a] refers to ammo/weapon stat, [t] to target stat and RNG refers to a result of a random roll. It's later multiplied by factor ToHealth, toStun for a particular characteristic, eg:
toStunFinal = [a] toStun * DMG
toHealthFinal = [a] toHealth * DMG
Most common RNG type is 0-200% (OF POWER), for example, kinetic (blops pistol) (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_PISTOL). Among fire weapons, napalm grenade (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_NAPALM_GRENADE) has 50-150% random roll and works mostly as you would expect: takes random value between 0.5 and 1.5 and multiplies it by grenade's power.
With caveats that it ignores armor (because armor eff = 0) and it's an explosive. For most explosive's power is applied fully only at the center of the blast, and then drops off by 10 per tile (usually), being effectively 40, 30, 20 etc. power weapon further to the sides with separate RNG rolls.
The most common incendiary-type weapon though, incendiary grenade (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_INCENDIARY_GRENADE) has random type of 5-10. So it's RNG roll amounts to 5-10 flat damage that doesn't care about power. That's also default RNG roll for INCENDIARY damage type.
This 5-10 roll is then multiplied by target's DAMAGE MOD (resist, or whatever). The power isn't taken into account, so the damage is applied uniformly along the blast. Side note: smoke grenade's RNG roll is just 0, so it deals no damage at all.
The fire has a special hijink in that: both incendiary and napalm and more other weapons 1) have a chance light floor on fire 2) have a chance to light a unit on fire. Standing on the floor on fire or being on fire essentially always deals default INCENDIARY damage, that is, 5-10 RNG is used.
And the last bit. Agents in kevlars (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_VEST_BUSINESS_SUIT_UC) usually have 150% incendiary DAMAGE MOD. That means single incendiary deals (5-10)*3(explosion+floor+burning)*1.5=22-45 damage, putting them close to being one-shotted.
Why doesn't the Zrbite Drive require IBA research? I mean, the tech guy says we've "completely retro-engineered" them while the eggheads haven't even started looking at the things.
Now in Tech Tree Viewer
Avionics Mod Prerequisite depends on:
Ultimate Radar Craft AND
Heavy Troop Transporter AND
New Fighter Craft AND
Ultimate Hunter AND
Sentinel Interceptor AND
Thunderstorm Interceptor
Мaybe the creator meant OR, not AND?
Not sure if it's already been reported (If I missed it, my apologies) but Magnum reload sound FX isn't working correctly in newest version (2.8 ).
I hear something but it is very faint or possible only my imagination (there is nothing at all).
Is that a typo? Or is it meant to be?
Yes, it's a typo, thank you.
Some 'bad taste': I see that the small alien subs are still following the 'tiny USO has a bigger, three-room map while the smaller small USO is a one-roomer'. Is this intentional homage? I think there were fan fixes for this a long time ago, perhaps in XcomUtil even.
I don't know, I just took the maps from TFTD and converted the palette to UFO.
A potential bug, too. Is the Zrbite container in the Survey Ship supposed to lay on the floor next to the IBA instead of under it?
A bug, yeah. Fixed.
Now that I think about it, isn't it kinda strange that the USO Cruiser's Zrbite supply is in the front, under one of those ball thingies instead of an IBA?
Yes, I found and fixed some inconsistencies. Thanks!
Edit: I think Sectopods are missing 'prisonType: 4'.
Yeah, it was missing, fixed.
(Although, it wouldn't be completely wrong to call them semi-living.)
Is the hybrid embassy supposed to yield multiple millions in loot? I haven't checked which tiles get recoverd as alien navigation, but I ended up with ~40 of those and hundreds of alien gardens. Not that I'm complaining, but this seems slightly unbalanced.
These bases are almost identical, so the any differences should be RNG related... Did I miss anything?
EDIT: Yes, I did! Alien bases don't grant so much Alien Navigation because
As to Blood Boosting, well, since nothing has happened since it was last (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.msg149747.html#msg149747)mentioned, I guess it's roughly where it's supposed to be. :-\
It's basically a sidestep meant for agents who aren't useful for other transformations.
The navigation culprit seems to be this, which gives four units of UFO Navigation apiece. Maybe make only one of the pieces give out navigation? Or add an extra table that does, put in front of the big room and leave the others as just decoration? I mean, the purple alien versions in alien bases don't seem to give any.
Edit2: Actually, alien bases don't seem to give out any navigation at all, despite it being present in UFOs or those purple tables. Not sure how, why, or why it's different from embassies.
Edit3: Okay, now I know. Vanilla behaviour, the tables (and apparently also any UFOs that have landed in the base) are the mission objective for destroying the base and get eaten before debriefing. Hybrid embassies don't have the same mission type, although MiB bases and Towers of Desolation do.
Well this was a knige to the back for sure... WHY would these two things be tied together?
I'm making my bases have 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' and dividing the yield by at least 2. 10 for embassies.
Wait, didn't you mean setting 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' for alien bases, not hybrid bases? So UFO Navigation gets recovered in both cases (well, divided by a certain factor)?
This would also make the change more forgiving (less loot from hybrids, but more from aliens).
Sometimes an imbalance adds a certain interest. Making all aspects of the game predictably balanced makes the game bland. (...)
I agree with your point, but in this case it doesn't make much sense. These are the same machines...
Finally got my hands on this mod. Stuck for month already. This is awesome.
Thanks! :)
2) Black lotus HQ. Dojo/training rooms(pink walls) dose not have door and spawn enemies inside.
I can't find this... There's only one such room I couold find, and it has doors.
3) Avatar host remains and Avatar remains UFOpedia record have to be swapped and bit rewritten. As Avatar actually evaporates and leaves no body for examination and have no clothes.
The descriptions appear fine, the graphics may be too abstracted.
5) Syndicate walker wrecks yield no UFOpedia record
OMG, you're right. How could this have gone unnoticed for so long? Fixed, thank you!
Also "Filed equpment" UFOpedia category seems to be overcludded. Ever thinked to split it? Or at leaste maybe align headers text to left so it is easier to "scan" it? Don't know if it even possible.
I can add more categories, but what exactly should be separated?
Gateway leading to wall? I dunno... also took some time to fugure out what's wrong.
Unfortunately, the alternative is to make an even grid of identical rooms with paths all around, which are as interesting and aesthetic as a concentration camp.
I wonder why exactly....
I don't understand... Why call a dog a dog and not a cat? These fish guys obviously are deep ones, as portrayed in every other media except TFTD. I guess the TFTD writers had a stroke or something, I don't really care; I just fixed this ridiculous decision.
These are fictional creatures, but we could just as well call satyrs nymphs and vice versa. Why would we do that?
Same as Gertrude Ellison, for example. But for Ellison you will have interrogation report and combat analysis. Dr. Alpha have interrogation report. It feels very frustrating to make research and get nothing as he costs 1M. BTW, that's reminds me that Natasha Morozova also don't have any page if I remember correctly.
Darn! It was pain to catch 2 alive initially.
I intentionally left Meridian vague, since he is a bit of an easter egg (and of course a tribute to Meridian himself, who has always been very helfpul with the mod's development)... Maybe it's not the best decision, but then again, it's not unique.
There is a swimming pool at the Hacienda of Osiron mission. People move around this pool as if they are skating on ice. It's like if you made a run-up and rolled on the ice in a stationary position. In the game, it looks weird. Especially when you consider that walking in the pool is generally possible only if you are Jesus Christ.
Thanks, fixed.
Why doesn't the Zrbite Drive require IBA research? I mean, the tech guy says we've "completely retro-engineered" them while the eggheads haven't even started looking at the things.
Good point, fixed - probably a bug.
Now in Tech Tree Viewer
Avionics Mod Prerequisite depends on:
Ultimate Radar Craft AND
Heavy Troop Transporter AND
New Fighter Craft AND
Ultimate Hunter AND
Sentinel Interceptor AND
Thunderstorm Interceptor
Мaybe the creator meant OR, not AND?
The TTV can be confusing. I don't actually use it myself, so can't comment.
Not sure if it's already been reported (If I missed it, my apologies) but Magnum reload sound FX isn't working correctly in newest version (2.8 ).
I hear something but it is very faint or possible only my imagination (there is nothing at all).
I can hear it, but it is indeed rather quiet. I made it a little louder.
What I mean is that all the electronics armaments on any craft will be empty until the player has researched all the crafts armed with electronics. Is this by design or a bug?
I don't know, I just took the maps from TFTD and converted the palette to UFO.
You also kept the original idea that the crew of a Survey Ship is smaller than that of an Escort. At least it's no longer one crew member with three rooms vs up to 9 in a single room.
I was just pointing out that the Escort is still the smaller ship with the bigger crew, which is a bit strange but could be argued either way.
Yeah, it was missing, fixed.
I think there might be some other strings related to 'prisontype: 4' as well. At least 'not enough room for transfers'. Possibly also 'kill/ransom', though I think that never actually comes up.
It's basically a sidestep meant for agents who aren't useful for other transformations.
Blood Boosting still takes an agent out of action for well over a month. Which is especially strange when compared to DNA modification (both Helix transformations) which takes 2 hours.
WHY would these two things be tied together?
Perhaps because if you don't destroy the navigation tables right away, aliens can download and wipe all their porn secrets before the salvagers make it back to the base?
Wait, didn't you mean setting 'allowObjectiveRecovery: true' for alien bases, not hybrid bases?
Since hybrid bases don't have 'objectiveType: 3', yeah.
I can't find this... There's only one such room I couold find, and it has doors.
See the attachment.
The descriptions appear fine, the graphics may be too abstracted.
The problem is with the pictureless autopsy reports, not the 'morph' articles. These are fine. I'd swap the pictures, personally, but they aren't bad as they are, either.
I can add more categories, but what exactly should be separated?
HWPs could have their own category. Non-weapon equipment. Explosives. Melee weapons, perhaps.
These fish guys obviously are deep ones, as portrayed in every other media except TFTD.
IMO, not really. Classic Deep Ones are creepy fish people. Gillmen are their own entities, more lizard than fish. But of course TFTD had to call something a Deep One, and the lobotomised husks got stuck with that. I think it'd have been better if they'd avoided the name 'Deep One' entirely. Edit: Especially as krautbernd points out below, both of them have themes related to their originals, but the themes are not one-to-one so the subtle links can escape one's attention. /edit
'Every other media' is also an exaggeration. Here's a Deep One from Dominions: (https://illwiki.com/dom5/_media/nations/ea/atlantis/deep_one.png) Looks more like a TFTD Deep One than a TFTD Gillman to me. :-\
The TTV can be confusing. I don't actually use it myself, so can't comment.
No, that looks like an actual bug. You have a pile of 'dependencies' without the corresponding 'unlocks', which means radar addons get unlocked after researching all six crafts. Unlike Thrusters, Afterburners and Shield Generators, which unlock when one of several craft gets researched.
I intentionally left Meridian vague, since he is a bit of an easter egg (and of course a tribute to Meridian himself, who has always been very helfpul with the mod's development)...
Perhaps you can catch and interrogate him about his plans for Earth conquest sometime? :D
I don't understand... Why call a dog a dog and not a cat? These fish guys obviously are deep ones, as portrayed in every other media except TFTD. I guess the TFTD writers had a stroke or something, I don't really care; I just fixed this ridiculous decision.
Just a tiny little nitpick there Solarius.
The TFTD writers weren't "having a stroke". They were referencing an obscure and little known movie called The creature from the Black Lagoon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creature_from_the_Black_Lagoon). Which features the last remnant of [...]a race of amphibious humanoids which flourished during the Devonian age[...].
A creature the protagonists call a "gill-man". Which IMDB references (https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0046876/) as
Ricou Browning - The Gill Man (In Water)(uncredited)
Ben Chapman - The Gill Man (On Land)(uncredited)
tvtropes lists this under "Fish people (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FishPeople)":
The Creature from the Black Lagoon (a.k.a. the Gill-Man), pictured above, is probably the most famous (and imitated) Fish Person, and certainly the Trope Codifier for movies. He starred in three films — the self-titled first movie and its sequels Revenge of the Creature and The Creature Walks Among Us. He's become one of the Universal Horror monsters, allowing him to co-star in Spin-Offs and merchandise with Dracula, Frankenstein's Monster and The Mummy, among others.
And which is basically the most prominent result when you google "Gill-man (https://www.google.com/search?q=gill-man&gbv=1&ucbcb=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch)".
Does that bit about "a race of amphibious humanoids which flourished during the Devonian age" sound familiar? I wonder where I might have heard that before...
Almost human, a strange creature who appears to be a reptilian humanoid, very closely related to man. This creature is extremely powerful and fast in the undersea world. Gillmen are a fully fledged race, there being male and female specimens of varying ages. They are unlike the majority of the underwater aliens as they bear none of the signs of genetic alteration or surgical deformation. It is possible we are looking at some ancient branch of our own species."
"Once surgery began it became clear this is no alien, but an Earth born creature, an ancient pre-historic race that was thought destroyed at the very moment mammals became dominant. In a time when dinosaurs roamed these creatures lived, the Gillmen- amphibious, intelligent and strong. The cataclysm that ended the reptile rule on this planet forced these creatures into a symbiotic relationship with the newly arrived aliens. A small electronic device is lodged in the skulls of the creatures."
TFTDs writer didn't get anything wrong. They actually got things right. Remember the lore regarding Lovecraft's Deep Ones? The part about people turning (or being turned) into those creatures in "The Shadow over Innsmouth"?
When it come to matin’ with them toad-lookin’ fishes, the Kanakys kind o’ balked, but finally they larnt something as put a new face on the matter. Seems that human folks has got a kind o’ relation to sech water-beasts—that everything alive come aout o’ the water onct, an’ only needs a little change to go back agin. Them things told the Kanakys that ef they mixed bloods there’d be children as ud look human at fust, but later turn more’n more like the things, till finally they’d take to the water an’ jine the main lot o’ things daown thar. An’ this is the important part, young feller—them as turned into fish things an’ went into the water wouldn’t never die. Them things never died excep’ they was kilt violent
The Deep Ones in TFTD are people that were turned into amphibian monsters by the aliens. Like in H.P. Lovecraft's novella. That's the reference. That's why they are called "Deep Ones".
The Gill Men in TFTD are not monstrous creatures created by elder gods or from mutated humans. They are "untainted", just like baseline humans. They are simply part of a different evolutionary strand. Like in the movie that had a creature in it called a "Gill-man".
No offense Solarius, but have you actually tried looking any of this up prior to second-guessing professional writers you're trying to call out for "having a stroke"? Being confronted with this apparently new information, would you consider changing this back, because to be honest it's a bit jarring for people that actually get what TFTD was referencing? You have (unknowingly?) switched the roles of Deep Ones and Gillmen, and now neither of them makes sense in regards to the material they are referencing.
The Deep Ones in TFTD are people that were turned into amphibian monsters by the aliens. Like in H.P. Lovecraft's novella.
The Gill Men in TFTD are not monstrous creatures created by elder gods or from mutated humans. They are "untainted", just like baseline humans. They are simply part of a different evolutionary strand.
Nitpick to the nitpick, but the vast majority of Cthulhu Mythos Deep Ones are also a different evolutionary strand of great antiquity. So calling TFTD Gillmen Deep Ones has some merit. CM Deep Ones were fighting aliens, and worshipped their own giant brethren as 2/3 of their pantheon.
Calling TFTD Deep Ones Gillmen is quite strange indeed.
So calling TFTD Gillmen Deep Ones has some merit.
Unless you include or reference both, in which case it has none.
CM Deep Ones were fighting aliens, and worshipped their own giant brethren as 2/3 of their pantheon.
Replace "Like" with "Akin to". The emphasis was not on aliens, but on people being turned into amphibian monsters/hybrids. Meanwhile, the other third your referring to here is Cthulhu itself, which for all intents and purposes can be called alien. AFAIK no work of Lovecraft actually has Deep Ones "fighting aliens".
The point is that calling mutated amphibious humans "Deep Ones" and a race of Gill-men "Gillmen" is not indicative of the writers "having a stroke" and in fact makes sense.
Unless you include or reference both, in which case it has none.
Depends on how you do it. Just name-swapping, you're right.
AFAIK no work of Lovecraft actually has Deep Ones "fighting aliens".
Cthulhu Mythos is not comprised of Lovecraft's works alone. Love him or hate him, August Derleth is a part of it and the man most likely to shoulder the blame for fighting being a thing in the Cthulhu Mythos. In his works ("The Seal of R'lyeh", for example), Deep Ones are the minions of a Great Old One (Cthulhu), and Elder Gods fought and vanquished Great Old Ones, including Cthulhu. Elder Gods have about as much claim to be 'aliens' as the Great Old Ones (one of them is Cthulhu's sibling, for crying out loud!). And the Seal of R'lyeh is found in a 'blasted' Deep One city.
The point is that calling mutated amphibious humans "Deep Ones" and a race of Gill-men "Gillmen" is not indicative of the writers "having a stroke" and in fact makes sense.
Oh, I absolutely agree with that. I'm just of the opinion that there is more than one way to skin this particular cat and even if the current XCF version is a bit ignorant, one can do better without fully reverting to TFTD.
What bothers me personally a lot is a question: "Does Gillmen from XCF even have gills?" It looks like they wear some sort of aqua suit with breathing mask. And also there is Gillman Hero (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_GILLMAN_HERO), that probably don't have gills either...
What bothers me personally a lot is a question: "Does Gillmen from XCF even have gills?" It looks like they wear some sort of aqua suit with breathing mask. And also there is Gillman Hero (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_GILLMAN_HERO), that probably don't have gills either...
You won't believe it, but the story of Gilman's hero is one of Lore's best articles. It's both cute and elegant.
This use of the words 'cute' and 'elegant' to describe a lobotomised bio-weapon's sob story is new to me. ???
-When I try to modify the appearance of a soldier, only 12 heads appear instead of the 72 that should be.
Not (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg152515.html#msg152515) a mod issue. Upgrade (https://lxnt.wtf/oxem/#/Extended)to OXCE 7.8.7 or later.
radarChance: 100
What's wrong with that? Most other actual aircraft also have 100 radar chance.
costBuy: 0
None of these can be bought.
costRent: 600000
costSell: 285000
What do you think is wrong here? Interceptor does have heavy missiles now, and all the manufactured craft have 'rent'. Raven has even more.
soldiers: 1 (deployment: 24 slots)
You can't load soldiers onto a landing pad anyway.
- type: MonsterHunSeveraCold2
not Several?
- type: hybridCloningFarmLate
not hybridStorageLate?
It's just a label which does not matter for anything but reminding whoever reads it what it's supposed to do. And I do see 'hybridStorageLate' with STR_HYBRID_STORAGE (I got my version from Github, so that might account for it).
I don't think chasing after small technical details that have zero impact on gameplay is a good use of Solarius' time.
More bugs: Ethereals like grass too much and hide their Power Sources.
Moved another reply here.
I think it's a bug, i have OXCE 7.8 and I can only change 12 aspects of the 72 that exist.
It's an OXCE 7.8 bug, fixed in 7.8.7 and later. And the number of avatars is now 144, up from 128 in 2.7 and not 72.
What a community, I will not write anything here again.
Solarius would have asked you the same questions. If you just copy parts of rulesets that are functioning fine, but might be argued balance-wise (radar chances, rent) or are technical things that are only visible when code diving and not playing (no buying price for manufactured craft, Dimension X technically allowing you to load only one soldier), and then get all huffy when someone asks what makes you think these are bugs, well... :-\
Edit: Never mind that you posted all of this in the main and not the bug thread.
I was stuck on the "MiB Lunar Base Landing" mission after completing the "UAC Moon Base Landing." It didn't appear, and I suppose it's a bug. So, I changed deployment from STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING to STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING in edited my save file, and the game progress continued.
Also I don't get mission STR_MARS_CYDONIA_LANDING after researching STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST and I don't have an idea what to do with that.
I was stuck on the "MiB Lunar Base Landing" mission after completing the "UAC Moon Base Landing." It didn't appear, and I suppose it's a bug. So, I changed deployment from STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING to STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING in edited my save file, and the game progress continued.
Also I don't get mission STR_MARS_CYDONIA_LANDING after researching STR_CYDONIA_OR_BUST and I don't have an idea what to do with that.
Newfag detected
On the subject of Gillmen: thanks for the details, I did learn a few things, but I still think that respecting HPL's terminology is more important.
What I mean is that all the electronics armaments on any craft will be empty until the player has researched all the crafts armed with electronics. Is this by design or a bug?
I don't get what you mean, but TBH it doesn't make sense to me - researching something should not be related to slots.
Blood Boosting still takes an agent out of action for well over a month. Which is especially strange when compared to DNA modification (both Helix transformations) which takes 2 hours.
Oops. Fixed, it was way too long.
Since hybrid bases don't have 'objectiveType: 3', yeah.
OK, will do that.
See the attachment.
Ah, I see... It's an insidious bug, basically a terrain mismatch. I'll work on it soon.
HWPs could have their own category. Non-weapon equipment. Explosives. Melee weapons, perhaps.
OK, I'll go with HWPs first.
No, that looks like an actual bug. You have a pile of 'dependencies' without the corresponding 'unlocks', which means radar addons get unlocked after researching all six crafts. Unlike Thrusters, Afterburners and Shield Generators, which unlock when one of several craft gets researched.
Holy... OK, you guys are 100% right. But it's been many years since I implemented this, I can't believe it hasn't been reported before... Now fixed.
What bothers me personally a lot is a question: "Does Gillmen from XCF even have gills?" It looks like they wear some sort of aqua suit with breathing mask. And also there is Gillman Hero (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_GILLMAN_HERO), that probably don't have gills either...
Probably not. But well, they're cyborgs.
More bugs: Ethereals like grass too much and hide their Power Sources.
Who doesn't? :)
I was stuck on the "MiB Lunar Base Landing" mission after completing the "UAC Moon Base Landing." It didn't appear, and I suppose it's a bug. So, I changed deployment from STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING to STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING in edited my save file, and the game progress continued.
I checked the mission scripts and they look fine to me... You'd have to provide more data. But seeing as people complete the mod normally, I don't think it's actually bugged.
EDIT: UFO Navigation can now be recovered, but only when there is no divider... I don't know why.
Ah, I see... It's an insidious bug, basically a terrain mismatch. I'll work on it soon.
Nooooo! Don't unleash the Dagonites Lotusites. I like them bottled up in their private dojos. (https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1061/1924/products/5_large.png)
EDIT: UFO Navigation can now be recovered, but only when there is no divider... I don't know why.
Of course they can't be recovered when you divide the ~20-30, maybe 44-48 Navigation units per Hybrid Embassies by 50. 48/50 is still less than 1. :)
Nooooo! Don't unleash the Dagonites Lotusites. I like them bottled up in their private dojos.
It is too late. :'(
Edit:Of course they can't be recovered when you divide the ~20-30, maybe 44-48 Navigation units per Hybrid Embassies by 50. 48/50 is still less than 1. :)
I guess I misunderstood how rounding works.
I guess I misunderstood how rounding works.
It is not your 'misunderstanding' of rounding that is at fault here. The assumption that C++ uses normal rounding rules in this scenario on the other hand ... ;-)
I would not be surprised if the code responsible for recovery uses integer math: That will always round towards zero, unless special provisions are taken.
I would not be surprised if the code responsible for recovery uses integer math: That will always round towards zero, unless special provisions are taken.
Actually it was way less subtle than that, but I won't be digging my own grave here... :D
Just kidding, I assumed it was in percentage, not actual dividers. So I set 50 where it was supposed to be 2.
It is not your 'misunderstanding' of rounding that is at fault here. The assumption that C++ uses normal rounding rules in this scenario on the other hand ... ;-)
I would not be surprised if the code responsible for recovery uses integer math: That will always round towards zero, unless special provisions are taken.
I think the dividers rounding down is intentional.
The intent is for it to be used on multi-tile items, such as UFO walls and such, right? So let's say that 49% of a massive item was pulverized. Should you still get the whole item when there is only 51% of it left?
There seems to be a typo of sorts in the CultGreatestManorEXALT 1-7 mission weights:
The last line is probably meant to be 5 for 100 total, like the initial mission and the other factions' equivalent missions.
(Thank you so much for the rebalance on the manor missions frequency by the way.)
There seems to be a typo of sorts in the CultGreatestManorEXALT 1-7 mission weights:
The last line is probably meant to be 5 for 100 total, like the initial mission and the other factions' equivalent missions.
(Thank you so much for the rebalance on the manor missions frequency by the way.)
Yes, it's a typo, thank you. Fixed.
By the way, it's not wrong if those numbers don't add up to 100, but I usually do that anyway for easier reading.
Church of Dagon grim ritual site event says that it subtracts 50 points, but it actually only subtracts 25.
Edit: In fact, most of these Church of Dagon events say they subtract more points than they actually do.
Church of Dagon grim ritual site event says that it subtracts 50 points, but it actually only subtracts 25.
Edit: In fact, most of these Church of Dagon events say they subtract more points than they actually do.
Thanks. I found only 2 cases though (Grim Ritual and Gone With the Fish).
I'll comb all cult events for more, just in case.
Path preview bug. I can add a save file if needed ((added a file)
Path preview bug. I can add a save file if needed.
Please do add a save file. I'm not sure what I'm looking at - some issues with the trees?
From the looks of the image i'd suspect the reporter is missing the yellow preview squares containing the numbers "21" and "17".
Going even further.
Judging from the black triangle just above the "next soldier button" this is because the ground tiles have not yet been discovered.
Path preview bug. I can add a save file if needed ((added a file)
Please post this in OXCE bug subforum, I don't think this is XCF related. Path preview is a OXCE feature.
One of the tiles on the top floor of the high rise building (data seizure / CEO arrest) is still missing entirely. Looking at the map view is there is just a gaping hole in the floor north of the elevator shaft. I mean it's not all that surprising given what I've seen in commercial buildings, but usually not on the top floor where the CEO and higher ups are located. Maybe move that "feature" down a couple of floors? ;)
I already reported this back in 2019:
This can't be that hard to fix, can it?
Fixed map file attached, but you might want to have a look at it since it's from an older compilation of MapView that I still had on my harddrive.
I edited your post to make the images not so huge, as it makes them hard to view. Just use [img width=640] (or whatever value you want; I used 800 in this case) instead of just [img].
Some of the tiles on the top floor of the high rise building (data seizure / CEO arrest) still aren't solid and can be shot, seen and fallen through. It's basically just carpet on top of a hole. Not all that unusual given what I've seen in commercial buildings, but usually not on the CEO floor.
If it's not about the elevator shaft, then I have no goddamn idea what you mean. Sorry.
If it's not about the elevator shaft, then I have no goddamn idea what you mean. Sorry.
What part of "there is a missing floor tile next to the elevator shaft" do you have trouble understanding?
There is literally a hole in the floor next to the elevator shaft. I am not an architect and at best an amateur map creator, but this strikes me as a counterintuitive feature given the existence of both a stairwell and the elevator shaft your are referring to.
It appears that while I fixed the problem a long time ago, I forgot to copy the map file to the game. Now fixed.
I appreciate the report.
A very minor thing, but is the mateba aquisition supposed to be an "unlocked by" instead of a "depends on" for "the kludge or mateba aquisition? Currently you need to research kludge acquisition to unlock "the kludge or mateba aquisition" which feels unintended. You need "the kludge or mateba aquisition" to buy the .454 ammo for both guns, and to see the ammo stats in the ufopedia.
I've run into an issue where the game will crash on the spider nest mission. When I finish the above ground part the game will immediately crash as it cannot generate the underground part. Any ideas on a cause? Save data should be attached.
I've run into an issue where the game will crash on the spider nest mission. When I finish the above ground part the game will immediately crash as it cannot generate the underground part. Any ideas on a cause? Save data should be attached.
Both the save and the underground map load fine for me.
Looking at the attached file, you appear to be using a (very) outdated version of OXCE. According to the save you are running the mod using 7.1.4, while the newest stable version of OXCE is 7.8. I would suggest updating to the newest version (or even the newest nightly build) and see if the crash persists.
Again, the underground part loads fine for me using OXCE 7.8.9.
Playing the latest version, stuck in a loop with the moon mission UAC code book. I've done the same mission 3 times now. Once even physically picking up the code book but it doesnt seem to show any research and I can't move forward.
So, is the problem that you can't get the book as loot, or that the book isn't researchable, or something else?
Because it not being researchable is a feature, depending on what you do. Did you read your mission briefing?
Also, removing the UAC threat doesn't really lead anywhere AFAIK. You need to jump through some other hoops to get the rest of the moon missions.
So, is the problem that you can't get the book as loot, or that the book isn't researchable, or something else?
Because it not being researchable is a feature, depending on what you do. Did you read your mission briefing?
Also, removing the UAC threat doesn't really lead anywhere AFAIK. You need to jump through some other hoops to get the rest of the moon missions.
I probably missed something (my own fault). I have gotten the book 3 times now, even got the message (UAC is done, etc...).
But the mission pops up again for a 4th time. I just can't figure out why it keeps populating this same mission if I have completed it already.
Cool mission though (3 parts) yes I've read the briefings. I've beat XCF 2 times previously but now I can't seem to generate the lunar facility for my base.
As always thanks for replying Juku
Again, I don't think UAC has anything to do with the lunar facility.
The mission should stop popping up once you get the 'UAC is done' message. Maybe spawn one single extra time if the research pops after the month's missions have already been generated. Adding 'interruptResearch' to avoid that might be wise. If you keep getting this again and again, well, a save would make tracking down what's wrong easier.
This time I fought three times on the moon with the demons of the uac. And he has never fought at the UAC ground base. Something is wrong here.
Well, I tried (in 2.8 ) and everything seems to be working as intended. Making the demons get COVID both removes the moon mission spawn and gives the 'war is over' message while disabling code book research. Stealing the book and researching it also removes the mission and gives the other 'war is over' message.
Whatever your issue is, it is not going to get resolved without more details about what you think is wrong and why, accompanied by a save.
Can confirm, 2.8 mod, UAC mission keeps spawning monthly as well. With UAC case research resolved and both book researched and landing destroyed requirements researched.
Save? And are you getting a 'UAC destroyed' message?
Found a bug on a ufopaedia article...
XCF 2.9+
Found a bug on a ufopaedia article...
And what's the bug?
No ammo. It's not a bug, it's more of a limitation in that ammo information isn't displayed until you can buy it, and looting+researching a Galil can happen much earlier.
Well, I tried (in 2.8 ) and everything seems to be working as intended. Making the demons get COVID both removes the moon mission spawn and gives the 'war is over' message while disabling code book research. Stealing the book and researching it also removes the mission and gives the other 'war is over' message.
Whatever your issue is, it is not going to get resolved without more details about what you think is wrong and why, accompanied by a save.
Your correct. Problem solving requires adequate feedback and detailed information. My responses thus far have been a bit disorganized, my apologies. I'll upload a save right now.
- UAC Moon landing keeps spawning
- UAC Code book is non researchable (or maybe I missed it) I only received BFG gun research and captured the UAC commander guy.
- Yes I received a message saying UAC gateway is finished (it was a random/not popped research).
- No way to progress to More moon missions
- Avenger still is not in popped research (have a feeling this might have something to do with it).
I done at minimum 6 or 7 Alien bases, caught every commander, leader, etc. Can't progress any further when catching any kind of commander. Either the research pops with no message or commander is brought back and non researchable.
Well, everything looks okay except you do have the mission respawning again and again. The code book being non-researchable is WAD since you killed the demons.
Can you post your missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul?
For further moon stuff and progression to endgame:
You need to deal with the MiB base on the moon first. You should actually qualify for this, and the only thing that might be blocking you is the 20% chance of not getting the mission per month.
The Avenger is unlocked by interrogating one of the 'white' Ethereals. If their shiny UFOs don't spawn, there are some on the Moon missions that come afterwards.
Well, everything looks okay except you do have the mission respawning again and again. The code book being non-researchable is WAD since you killed the demons.
Can you post your missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul?
For further moon stuff and progression to endgame:
You need to deal with the MiB base on the moon first. You should actually qualify for this, and the only thing that might be blocking you is the 20% chance of not getting the mission per month.
The Avenger is unlocked by interrogating one of the 'white' Ethereals. If their shiny UFOs don't spawn, there are some on the Moon missions that come afterwards.
Big thanks for taking a look at the save game Juku.
Here is the mission script file. Appreciate you.
No ammo. It's not a bug, it's more of a limitation in that ammo information isn't displayed until you can buy it, and looting+researching a Galil can happen much earlier.
So is being at Promo III to early to get the damage reported? Of all the weapons I've researched, this was the first one to pop up without reporting the ammo/damage capability. That kind of stood out after so many weapons were researched.
Okay, I figured it out. Solarius needs to fix his moon regions.
You're getting the UAC moon base instead of the MiB moon base, and are thus stuck instead of progressing. :(
Try these with the your save and see if the moon people change their allegiance.
So is being at Promo III to early to get the damage reported? Of all the weapons I've researched, this was the first one to pop up without reporting the ammo/damage capability. That kind of stood out after so many weapons were researched.
IDK, the mod is so random it's hard to predict an individual playthrough. You usually have some sort of 7.62x51 weapon by Promo III, but apparently not always.
I take it you never tried to secure a source of 7.62x51?
I imagine one could have Ufopedia display without the ability to buy the stuff, but that'd mean Solarius has to create a third research for all of these weapons. Doubt he's enthusiastic about that.
Okay, I figured it out. Solarius needs to fix his moon regions.
You're getting the UAC moon base instead of the MiB moon base, and are thus stuck instead of progressing. :(
Try these with the your save and see if the moon people change their allegiance.
Okay just copy/pasted these 2 files over the originals, let me give this a shot. Again, thanks a bunch bro.
No go bro. Getting a crash now. Attached screenshot.
Very strange. Can you do a quick battle with 'MiB Lunar Base Landing' and using 'Men in Black' as the race? Is there 'STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING' in your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul?
Very strange. Can you do a quick battle with 'MiB Lunar Base Landing' and using 'Men in Black' as the race? Is there 'STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING' in your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul?
Sure but how do I do that ?
The quick battle? Like this.
The quick battle? Like this.
It's missing. That mission is not even listed. I looked at the whole list very well. Including the MIB sections and the Lunar missions.
But no MIB Lunar base landing.
Curious. Try grabbing the most recent version here (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/master/Ruleset/alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul).
Curious. Try grabbing the most recent version here (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/master/Ruleset/alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul).
Getting there.
Now it is visible in the menu, but clicking "start battle", get a crash
At this point, I recommend reinstalling the whole thing from Github. I mean, we could chase these errors forever, but it seems something is messed up in either your installation or the 2.8 download.
You might get some 2.9 teething issues, but I doubt these will be worse than this.
If you want to be conservative, you could of course try getting alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/master/Ruleset/alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul) from Github first, and then whatever throws an error next.
At this point, I recommend reinstalling the whole thing from Github. I mean, we could chase these errors forever, but it seems something is messed up in either your installation or the 2.8 download.
You might get some 2.9 teething issues, but I doubt these will be worse than this.
If you want to be conservative, you could of course try getting alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/master/Ruleset/alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul) from Github first, and then whatever throws an error next.
I agree with you and I thank you for all your help.
You mentioned reinstalling form github. I haven't downloaded an install from github before.
Is it like downloading from here (where I got it)
I also noticed this on github figured possibly might be connected, maybe not. Right now I'm just reaching
IDK, the mod is so random it's hard to predict an individual playthrough. You usually have some sort of 7.62x51 weapon by Promo III, but apparently not always.
I take it you never tried to secure a source of 7.62x51?
I imagine one could have Ufopedia display without the ability to buy the stuff, but that'd mean Solarius has to create a third research for all of these weapons. Doubt he's enthusiastic about that.
Hard to say if I have. I'll take a look, but it sounds like this is a minor issue, so I won't worry about it. It was just rather jarring to show up like that all of sudden.
Thanks for the help though.
Is it like downloading from here (where I got it)
More or less. Github is a little less convenient and not really meant for mass distribution, so finding the download (code -> download ZIP) or trying to get it together with 1 000 000 friends could be a bit more trouble.
Essentially, you'll maybe have a different mod directory name ('XComFiles-master'), and that's it.
I also noticed this on github figured possibly might be connected, maybe not.
Yeah, that might be it. Apparently the MiB mission was renamed some time ago. Long enough that when I got 2.8 from Github, it was already done.
It was just rather jarring to show up like that all of sudden.
Well, it's the price you pay for ammo showing up in the pedia as you research it (like alloy buckshot or Elerium grenades missing when you first get the corresponding weapon). Solarius could perhaps fix it, but IMO it looks like a whole bunch of work for little benefit.
1) "Optronics parts" is in "Evidense" category, should be in components
2) In Cult of apoc mission, portal to Doom dimension sprite is over unit(see screenshot attach)
3) Not real bug but. On Skymarshall exit rout terrain objectts can be swawned and can block exit. See "BUG-Exit.sav" - tank can't exit Skymarshall. In theory 2 bushes can be spawned and operatives will be blocked too.
Yo, I'm back from the land of burned motherboard. Sorry, took me a while!
A very minor thing, but is the mateba aquisition supposed to be an "unlocked by" instead of a "depends on" for "the kludge or mateba aquisition? Currently you need to research kludge acquisition to unlock "the kludge or mateba aquisition" which feels unintended. You need "the kludge or mateba aquisition" to buy the .454 ammo for both guns, and to see the ammo stats in the ufopedia.
I understand that you have some reason to report this, but that's not what I'm seeing in the files:
cost: 2
points: 1
lookup: STR_MATEBA
Could you please explain what exactly is not working? That Mateba/Kludge research branch is, by necessity, a clustertruck of links.
Okay, I figured it out. Solarius needs to fix his moon regions.
Well, that was embarrasing... Thank you so much!
I imagine one could have Ufopedia display without the ability to buy the stuff, but that'd mean Solarius has to create a third research for all of these weapons. Doubt he's enthusiastic about that.
I could, but the current model is already a clustertruck (like I mentioned before), and making it even more messy would effectively alienate me from what I wrote. I prefer to have a grasp on how the mod works. ;)
1) "Optronics parts" is in "Evidense" category, should be in components
A fair point.
2) In Cult of apoc mission, portal to Doom dimension sprite is over unit(see screenshot attach)
Probably because it's an object which pretends to be a wall... Not gonna lie, I don't know how exactly this works.
3) Not real bug but. On Skymarshall exit rout terrain objectts can be swawned and can block exit. See "BUG-Exit.sav" - tank can't exit Skymarshall. In theory 2 bushes can be spawned and operatives will be blocked too.
This can happen with almost any vehicle and is pretty much as designed.
Probably because it's an object which pretends to be a wall... Not gonna lie, I don't know how exactly this works.
Myabe make some redesign of this location: put something on the floor to prevent operative to step on this tile?
Found another one. Prison riot. Prison 3rd floor have overhung wall tile.
Myabe make some redesign of this location: put something on the floor to prevent operative to step on this tile?
Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Not even necessary to put anything physical there, it's brimming with energies and scary AF.
Found another one. Prison riot. Prison 3rd floor have overhung wall tile.
Lol, sorry.
Both fixes applied. Thanks!
Recently started playing 2.8 with a couple of sub-mods. Noticed there was an item in the buy menu titled STR_NANORIFLE (or something like that) and after a few months I had a STR_HAUNTED_HOTEL mission show up with equally missing info. How does one go about debugging this sort of thing and finding the cause? Apologies if this is ultra-basic stuff, but I'm not a modder myself.
If strings fail to show, it's either a mod that's not installed right or outright buggy.
String live in 'Language' and extrastrings.rul files (although the latter need not be named thus).
What mods are you using? And a save might be of a bit of use as well, if for nothing else then skipping some tedius setup for the debugging person.
Yeah, just run a search of the whole mods directory. It's bound to appear somewhere.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction - turned out to just be the arsenal additions mod. Looks like the github master version has a few differences from the older version I had pulled from the io page ages ago, and I was bumbling about assuming it was something else since the haunted hotel mission type didn't exist previously.
1) I got this event with "Parcel from the syndicate..."(or something like that). The thing is I terminated syndicate long ago, so assume this event also should not happen. Also nothing happens after I done research of parcel, so I wonder what should happen in case if syndicate existed?
2) I terminated Church of Dagon, but "T'leth Embassy" missions still appears. Is it by design?
3) Music.
3.1) Technomancers. HL logo intro theme is very short, thus it's very, VERY annoying.
3.2) Alien theme. In general Alien Shooter theme is not intrusive and fits well. But you have sooo many alien missions... is it possible to associate more that one track with the mission and add some diversity?
4) It is possible to research hovertank Tratanium RL before simple tank and if done so it will lack of ammunition. With other types of tanks you can't research hover before simple tank.
I'm still caught in a loop with the UAC moon mission (code book). Keeps repeating over and over again.
I replaced the code that I found here but still no difference.
Maybe my saves have become unusable, i have no idea.
Yo, I'm back from the land of burned motherboard. Sorry, took me a while!
I understand that you have some reason to report this, but that's not what I'm seeing in the files:
cost: 2
points: 1
lookup: STR_MATEBA
Could you please explain what exactly is not working? That Mateba/Kludge research branch is, by necessity, a clustertruck of links.
Simply put, I researched the mateba aquisition, which showed the stats for the mateba and allowed it to be purchased. However researching "The mateba acquisition" did not unlock or lead to "The Kludge or Mateba aquisition" which is needed to both see the stats for and purchase the .454 ammo used for both guns. I was not able to see/purchase the ammo until I researched the kludge aquisition as well. It didn't really matter, but felt clunky and not intended.
From what I know about the research tree, I believe this occured because "the Mateba aquisition" leads to "The Kludge or Mateba aquisition", while "The Kludge aquisition" Unlocks "The Kludge or Mateba aquisition". The "The Kludge or Mateba aquisition" does not have a research time in the tech tree viewer, so I don't think you can research it directly, it has to be unlocked by "the kludge aquisition".
Sorry this is a bit of a mess of words.
I'm still caught in a loop with the UAC moon mission (code book). Keeps repeating over and over again.
I replaced the code that I found here but still no difference.
Maybe my saves have become unusable, i have no idea.
I have the same issue.
I also noticed the M.A.G.M.A Reactor Malfunction mission comes back sometimes the next month.
2) I terminated Church of Dagon, but "T'leth Embassy" missions still appears. Is it by design?
You get this because you have not finished the underwater story arc (destroy the T'Leth Tasoth Factory)
1) Missing corner wall
2) Misssing text
Want to upgrade my headquarters on first base, but it says "facility in use", although I'm not conducting any research. Also I can't buld new one, cause only one is allowed per base.
The Headquarters provides 25 storage space and you storages are almost full.
I have the same issue.
Same here on version 2.8. After capturing and interrogating the Ethereal Commander + researching the then opened up hijacking comms line, I started to get the UAC moon mission again (which I already completed - not through code book capture btw but by elimination), and not the MiB lunar base one. So I'm stuck in the storyline.
Waiting over 2 game years after all doable research is done before an Arbiter shows up is also quite frustrating. My previous run was on 2.6., much smoother experience in terms of game progression. One quick fix could be to give the Ethereal Commander a different color than the other Ethereals, and maybe add one in some alien Bases or some such on occasion?
Other than that, since it is my first post => Thank you for creating this Mod! Been xcom fan since the very beginning, and this is quite the joy to play.
I have the same issue.
I also noticed the M.A.G.M.A Reactor Malfunction mission comes back sometimes the next month.
I think the M.A.G.M.A Reactor Malfunction missions do spawn every 4 to 6 weeks (but I might be wrong).
The problem of not being able to progress any further in the game though (Past the The UAC code book mission) has me dead in the water.
Without the MIB lunar moon mission, I'm out of luck.
The Headquarters provides 25 storage space and you storages are almost full.
thnx. Think it worth to menthin this in ufopedia page
Got Magneto-Plasma Gun from Osiron crate. I can use it without research, but can't get it's stats. Is it by design? I can't use star cannon before research.
The problem of not being able to progress any further in the game though (Past the The UAC code book mission) has me dead in the water.
Without the MIB lunar moon mission, I'm out of luck.
Maybe have a quick fix for you that worked for me. Wait until the mission pops up on the geoscape, save the game, quit. Then open up the saved game with any text editor (I used notepad). Search for "STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING". For me it was halfway down in the save file or so.
That line should be something like: " type: STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING". Below that line you should have: "deployment: STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING". If you do, replace the "STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING" part with "STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING".
That worked for me. It changes the mission location to the right one. Storyline progressed normal after succesfully completing that mission for me too. Be sure to backup your save file before you change anything, just in case stuff goes wrong.
That line should be something like: " type: STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING". Below that line you should have: "deployment: STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING". If you do, replace the "STR_MOON_UAC_BASE_LANDING" part with "STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING".
It's a great idea, I thank you kindly for responding. You think a lot like I do, sometimes you can get around somethings by getting creative.
However, I don't think it will work in my case. That mission is crashing the game for me (STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING). I can't even do it as a quick battle.
It could be my own fault IDK.
I copied some of the code from github and replaced the lines in Alien deployments. Still no work though.
Appreciate the time you took out to offer a solution though. I'll try it anyway and see where it gets me. Great idea.
I thought Solarius fixed the moon regions on Github? Are you saying that if you use his regions_XCOMFILES.rul, globe_XCOMFILES.rul and alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul, the issue still persists?
I thought Solarius fixed the moon regions on Github? Are you saying that if you use his regions_XCOMFILES.rul, globe_XCOMFILES.rul and alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul, the issue still persists?
Yes indeed. I replaced all the lines I found on github and still get this crash. i believe it's A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: defined in deployment: STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING
I attached a log
1) Reptoid Commando missing description
2) Dragonfire Turret missing combat analysis
3) Shogg studies tends to yield nothing for several times(3 in my case), before disappearing. Probably because I had shogg artefacts I researched after "Shogg studies" was open. Also not sure it contains all. In my mind it should contains autopsy of reptoid commando, leader, antman, spider king. Also spider queen was mentioned ins king's description but no research for it.
Yes indeed. I replaced all the lines I found on github and still get this crash. i believe it's A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: defined in deployment: STR_MIB_LUNAR_BASE_LANDING
That is very strange. Can you post your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul, alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul and alienMissions_XCOMFILES.rul?
Hmm... Frankly I don't understand why this has happened. This base (STR_HYBRID_EMBASSY_ASSAULT) shouldn't have the race STR_ZSRR at all, it should have STR_HYBRID. I understand that it used to be a STR_ZSRR base (STR_CULT_GREATEST_MANOR_ZSRR_ASSAULT), but after the base upgrade, it should no longer be the case...
...but here we are. I seriously don't know why and how.
I have added logging (in the save file) to track base upgrade details.
That is very strange. Can you post your alienDeployments_XCOMFILES.rul, alienRaces_XCOMFILES.rul and alienMissions_XCOMFILES.rul?
Thanks Juku. i really appreciate it.
I may have made an error pasting the code in from github, so this could be self inflicted. But I was pretty careful and double checked my work.
Well, I don't really understand what's going on. I have the exact same files, and also my manual region fixes which are effectively the same as Solarius', the MiB race is well defined there, and I can take your "UAC Moon Keeps spawning.sav", wait until the moon mission spawns and get black Sectopods on the Moon and everything.
Did you try just installing the Github version to some other location, pasting your save over and seeing what happens then?
With the latest update, enemies in some Dimension X missions have been acting indefinitely. For their progress, I even have to click on the sign "the application is not responding" several times. So far, this has happened to me on the two final cyberweb missions. At the same time, other large-scale missions not related to changing x are played perfectly.
I haven't had any other such reports. Please provide a save, is possible.
Has this been clarified or solved?
Do we have a save?
Yes, a save file would definitely be helpful.
Can you upload the save in question, provided you haven't managed to solve this in the meantime?
Yes, a save file would definitely be helpful.
Can you upload the save in question, provided you haven't managed to solve this in the meantime?
Thank you Krautbernd, I really appreciate the help.
I should probably mention it. I have one mod I set up to create larger storage limits I increased facilities_XCOMFILES storage to 1000.
I can't see how this would affect the issue I'm having now though. I simply went in and edited the original and increased the size.
Here's a save game file. again, I appreciate you.
Well, the problem is in your setup, not in the save. I can get to black Sectopods on moon rocks with it just fine.
Can you make a version at the beginning of the month where the spawn has been set in the save but not revealed yet?
Also, what about a separate install, as I asked earlier?
Thank you Krautbernd, I really appreciate the help.
I should probably mention it. I have one mod I set up to create larger storage limits I increased facilities_XCOMFILES storage to 1000.
I can't see how this would affect the issue I'm having now though. I simply went in and edited the original and increased the size.
Here's a save game file. again, I appreciate you.
I might be missing something here, but I don't see the MIB mission spawned or being spawned. I wasn't asking you to upload a random save, I was asking you to upload a save that demonstrates the bug you are encountering. Sorry if this was unclear.
I might be missing something here, but I don't see the MIB mission spawned or being spawned. I wasn't asking you to upload a random save, I was asking you to upload a save that demonstrates the bug you are encountering. Sorry if this was unclear.
My apologies as I probably wasn't clear in describing what is actually going on.
I can not proceed any further than the UAC code book mission. The "MIB lunar base landing" mission never spawns for me.
However I Can try to load it up (as a "New battle") on the New battle/load screen. But that is where I get the crash. (Those were the error logs i posted earlier).
You could try to repro it by doing a New battle and choose MIB lunar base landing but I'm not sure that is going to make any difference. I believe something in either my save files or my install files has gone to shit.
Also, what about a separate install, as I asked earlier?
Do I just install a new version side by side to the old one ? Sorry I lost you on that bro.
The "MIB lunar base landing" mission never spawns for me.
Well, it does spawn. It just used to convert itself to the UAC moon mission. Now, I don't really know.
Do I just install a new version side by side to the old one ?
Probably the easiest, yeah. Make a new directory, install OXCE, paste over your current user data, paste the Github version into 'user/mods'.
1) I got this event with "Parcel from the syndicate..."(or something like that). The thing is I terminated syndicate long ago, so assume this event also should not happen. Also nothing happens after I done research of parcel, so I wonder what should happen in case if syndicate existed?
It definitely should happen after the Syndicate's destruction.
2) I terminated Church of Dagon, but "T'leth Embassy" missions still appears. Is it by design?
Yes, there is a small chance.
3.1) Technomancers. HL logo intro theme is very short, thus it's very, VERY annoying.
Hmm, maybe? Nobody has complained about it before, but fair enough. I thought it looped rather well, but it's a matter of taste.
I need more feedback.
3.2) Alien theme. In general Alien Shooter theme is not intrusive and fits well. But you have sooo many alien missions... is it possible to associate more that one track with the mission and add some diversity?
Hmm, I assign tracks one by one to missions (rather than having an array).I probably could change it, but it's not trivial. Maybe I could simply add more music for specific UFOs or something...
4) It is possible to research hovertank Tratanium RL before simple tank and if done so it will lack of ammunition. With other types of tanks you can't research hover before simple tank.
All right, I'll add Tank/Tritanium Rocket Launcher as a prerequisite.
I'm still caught in a loop with the UAC moon mission (code book). Keeps repeating over and over again.
I replaced the code that I found here but still no difference.
Maybe my saves have become unusable, i have no idea.
Hmm... I can't say more without a save, sorry.
Simply put, I researched the mateba aquisition, which showed the stats for the mateba and allowed it to be purchased. However researching "The mateba acquisition" did not unlock or lead to "The Kludge or Mateba aquisition" which is needed to both see the stats for and purchase the .454 ammo used for both guns.
Aha! I see the problem now. Thank you!
I also noticed the M.A.G.M.A Reactor Malfunction mission comes back sometimes the next month.
Yes, it's possible, just not very likely.
1) Missing corner wall
2) Misssing text
Thanks, both fixed.
Same here on version 2.8.
2.8 is borked. I'm more worried about reports from players using 2.9, after the fix. Still, Juku's investigation results are a hopeful sign.
Waiting over 2 game years after all doable research is done before an Arbiter shows up is also quite frustrating. My previous run was on 2.6., much smoother experience in terms of game progression. One quick fix could be to give the Ethereal Commander a different color than the other Ethereals, and maybe add one in some alien Bases or some such on occasion?
Maybe not in bases, as the whole point is to circumvent the aliens' security (including not putting guys with critical information on the frontlines). But making a custom sprite is possible.
Other than that, since it is my first post => Thank you for creating this Mod! Been xcom fan since the very beginning, and this is quite the joy to play.
Thank you so much! :)
1) Reptoid Commando missing description
I can't see anything missing. Most combat analysis articles contain no text, unless they have shields or other special features.
2) Dragonfire Turret missing combat analysis
I think I know why, and I think I fixed it. :)
3) Shogg studies tends to yield nothing for several times(3 in my case), before disappearing. Probably because I had shogg artefacts I researched after "Shogg studies" was open. Also not sure it contains all. In my mind it should contains autopsy of reptoid commando, leader, antman, spider king. Also spider queen was mentioned ins king's description but no research for it.
I don't follow. How can you research one project 3 times?
I have added logging (in the save file) to track base upgrade details.
Thanks, that's useful.
Has this been clarified or solved?
Do we have a save?
I haven't received any further info, sorry.
Unlocking the Mateba does not unlock the ammo for it unless you also unlock the Kludge. I'm assuming this isn't intentional?
Unlocking the Mateba does not unlock the ammo for it unless you also unlock the Kludge. I'm assuming this isn't intentional?
This has literally been adressed in the preceeding post.
It definitely should happen after the Syndicate's destruction.
I made research - nothing happened. What should be opened/happen? Encoded message, that I got from ring?
Hmm, maybe? Nobody has complained about it before, but fair enough. I thought it looped rather well, but it's a matter of taste.
I need more feedback.
I'm usually not very picky at such things, but it really annoying. And it drives my wife insane=)))
Hmm, I assign tracks one by one to missions (rather than having an array). I probably could change it, but it's not trivial. Maybe I could simply add more music for specific UFOs or something...
Good idea
I can't see anything missing. Most combat analysis articles contain no text, unless they have shields or other special features.
I mean article. Like Some lore article + combat analysis. Although research completion window is empty like there is even no combat analysis.
I don't follow. How can you research one project 3 times?
Same as interrogations I think. You can research leaders to yield different techs. If you started project at different bases in parallel you can encounter situation, when nothing more to yield from particular alien class and you do research for nothing. But in this case I made "Shogg studies" project successively in one base, it yielded something at start, but then 3 times it yielded nothing, before finally disappear. Here is the save. Engine v.7.8, mod v.2.8
Checked it again and result is different. One empty research before disappear, so my guess is there some shogg techs without ufopedia record, like Reptoid Commando or Wrecked Syndicate bot.
I made research - nothing happened. What should be opened/happen?
Nothing. It's a remnant from the time when there were embassies and their keys, which may or may not get reworked into something else.
I started a new batch in the current patch about two weeks ago. I have encountered such a phenomenon that zombie infectors do not appear in my game, although everything has been studied for a long time, and the invasion will begin soon.
Can you upload the save in question? Infectors only spawn in medium infestations which are locked behind reasearch and liek all missions are also rng-based. You might simply have bad luck with spawns and/or are missing the necessary reasearch.
For reference. All studies have been completed for another 2-3 months. Since then, there have been 20 times a zombie attack, and just many times zombies in the form of life form missions.
Nothing. It's a remnant from the time when there were embassies and their keys, which may or may not get reworked into something else.
Then it's good Idea to disable this event for now.
Nothing wrong from what I can tell, I fast-forwarded a month and actually got a medium infestation with an infector. Looks simply like bad rng to me.
I'm usually not very picky at such things, but it really annoying. And it drives my wife insane=)))
Good idea
Both music suggestions added to my todo list, with average priority.
I mean article. Like Some lore article + combat analysis. Although research completion window is empty like there is even no combat analysis.
Thre should be. Please check your Pedia.
Same as interrogations I think. You can research leaders to yield different techs. If you started project at different bases in parallel you can encounter situation, when nothing more to yield from particular alien class and you do research for nothing. But in this case I made "Shogg studies" project successively in one base, it yielded something at start, but then 3 times it yielded nothing, before finally disappear. Here is the save. Engine v.7.8, mod v.2.8
Checked it again and result is different. One empty research before disappear, so my guess is there some shogg techs without ufopedia record, like Reptoid Commando or Wrecked Syndicate bot.
I honestly don't follow, but it should work in a similar way to an interrogation.
Then it's good Idea to disable this event for now.
Oh boy, what a mess. I'll put it on the todo list, with high priority.
Nothing wrong from what I can tell, I fast-forwarded a month and actually got a medium infestation with an infector. Looks simply like bad rng to me.
That rng...
Thre should be. Please check your Pedia.
Only combat analysis if I check ufopedia. I meant pop up when research is completed - it's empty. Usually it leads to lore page, which is missing(you can check my save)
I honestly don't follow, but it should work in a similar way to an interrogation.
Maybe I will make video. But it is easier to load save and make research to understand.
To other topics. Today I watched playtrough video and there was mission inside black lotus academy in 2005. But I was able to destroy cults just before invasion and never encountered such levels. Am I too efficient and forever lost some researches, because suppressed and terminated cults too soon and wasn't able to extract some higher level artefacts?
I still have Osiron, do I have to ignore Osiron missions to allow them to develop, or it dose not work that way?
MiB only starting to show up if I fast forward month ignoring all activities.
BTW, it would be grate to have ufopedia page with ranks list as there weapons with strength bonuses based on operative rank and it's hard to match name to level. Also how ranks are earned? I fought cults and ranked often. Now I'm fighting aliens and ranks feels like frozen. Is it purely kill count?
Am I too efficient and forever lost some researches, because suppressed and terminated cults too soon and wasn't able to extract some higher level artefacts?
Although the Golden Academy can also spawn when the Black Lotus are destroyed, as an Osiron base. It's just rarer then.
I still have Osiron, do I have to ignore Osiron missions to allow them to develop, or it dose not work that way?
Not to my knowledge. Mostly, missions are unlocked by either the passage of time or by researching something that "affects game progression".
MiB only starting to show up if I fast forward month ignoring all activities.
Confirmation bias.
BTW, it would be grate to have ufopedia page with ranks list...
Also how ranks are earned?
Rank list:
- Chief Agent
- Commissar
- Captain (unchanged)
- Senior Agent
- Agent
- Rookie
Earning them: Ranks (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Rank).
The overall rank limits were an artifact of the 250-soldier limit and thus no longer apply (except for the Commander/Chief Agent position that still requires 30 agents). The rest have been left as they were in the original.
... as there weapons with strength bonuses based on operative rank and it's hard to match name to level.
These bonuses are small and also tied to psi strength, which is pretty much not related to rank at all. Picking an agent with +20 psi strength will be as good or better than picking the Commander Chief Agent over a rookie.
Confirmation bias.
Nope. Did this triple of times.
Rank list:
Thnx. Still suggest it better to have this in game.
Nope. Did this triple of times.
So, are you suggesting that Meridian/Warboy/Yankes/some other developer has snuck in a hidden mechanic that increases random chances depending on whether you skip missions or not? Never mind how they manage to do this only for the MiB.
I mean, if you have a save where this happens with reliability, even if not certainty, and precise instructions for reproducing the behaviour, I might reconsider. But AFAIK, mission generation is totally random (as long as you account for it happening only at the beginning of the month and all the elaborate probability setups in the missions file producing different distributions). Well, barring research blocks. You didn't research something MiB-related last month, did you? Who exactly are 'showing up', anyway?
Oh boy, what a mess. I'll put it on the todo list, with high priority.
Okay, I examined this Syndicate parcel situation and disabled the event for now. I want to bring it back later, but I'm not sure what exactly it should give you (I'm thinking a new soldier type).
Only combat analysis if I check ufopedia. I meant pop up when research is completed - it's empty. Usually it leads to lore page, which is missing(you can check my save)
Maybe I will make video. But it is easier to load save and make research to understand.
I confirm your observation: the Shogg Studies research is completed, but doesn't give you anything else, even though there are several available getOneFree items. But I have no idea why it happens. I need some help on this, please.
Although the Golden Academy can also spawn when the Black Lotus are destroyed, as an Osiron base. It's just rarer then.
Why would you want it to spawn? It's your enemy... If it spawns, it means you should try harder to prevent such things. :o
I understand that it's a way to game the system (as it gives you more points and loot), but is this really practical? As opposed to for example Piratez, XCF doesn't reward you for amassing points, it only punishes you for particularly bad months.
I confirm your observation: the Shogg Studies research is completed, but doesn't give you anything else, even though there are several available getOneFree items. But I have no idea why it happens. I need some help on this, please.
Tried to recreate this on a new game playing on XCF 2.8 (while removing STR_REPTOID_AFTERMATH as a dependency and setting cost to 1) and I get Reptoids, Dragonfire turret examination, Scorpoid, etc.
I noticed however that some of the autopsies don't unlock the corresponding ufopedia articles (antman autopsy for example), probably because the ufopedia articles are tied to the corpses, e.g.
Setting the ufopedia entries to require the autopsies instead unlocks the entries just fine.
From what I can tell Shogg Studies is working fine, but the lookups or the ufopedia entries might have to be modified accordingly. No idea if this might also be an issue with other research items concerning corpses/autopsies.
@krautbernd: Good catch! But since this is the same in vanilla
, and vanilla getOneFrees that use live aliens do work, that's probably something that's not working quite right with either getOneFreeProtected (or perhaps getOneFrees that are not tied to live aliens). So the options are to either bother Meridian, or change all the autopsies and continue doing so in the future.
Edit: Nope, vanilla medics give you corpses, too. So I guess autopsies need to become corpses everywhere.
Why would you want it to spawn? It's your enemy... If it spawns, it means you should try harder to prevent such things.
How? Osiron academy spawns according to the god of random numbers, there's pretty much nothing I as a player can do to avoid it short of winning the game before the start of the invasion. Which is even more impossible.
The point of my remark was that Golden Academies will not be 'lost' if you kill off the cults, they will still spawn and you can experience them even if you're efficient at handling the lunatics. Unlike some other cultist-related missions that do die out together with the cults.
As opposed to for example Piratez, XCF doesn't reward you for amassing points, it only punishes you for particularly bad months.
Not my XCF. :P
Tried to recreate this on a new game playing on XCF 2.8 (while removing STR_REPTOID_AFTERMATH as a dependency and setting cost to 1) and I get Reptoids, Dragonfire turret examination, Scorpoid, etc.
Thanks for checking.
I noticed however that some of the autopsies don't unlock the corresponding ufopedia articles (antman autopsy for example), probably because the ufopedia articles are tied to the corpses, e.g.
Setting the ufopedia entries to require the autopsies instead unlocks the entries just fine.
That's because of an issue where getOneFree only worked for one step; so if you have getOneFree which unlocks something that also unlocks something else (like corpse enabling autopsy via the lookup feature), you weren't getting the autopsy. I think it works fine now, but much of the mod was written before that.
Nevertheless, I dont' think this is related to the issue at hand.
How? Osiron academy spawns according to the god of random numbers, there's pretty much nothing I as a player can do to avoid it short of winning the game before the start of the invasion. Which is even more impossible.
You can't stop them completely, but you can minimize it by killing off the Lotus.
The point of my remark was that Golden Academies will not be 'lost' if you kill off the cults, they will still spawn and you can experience them even if you're efficient at handling the lunatics.
Exactly, I never claimed otherwise.
Not my XCF. :P
That's because of an issue where getOneFree only worked for one step; so if you have getOneFree which unlocks something that also unlocks something else (like corpse enabling autopsy via the lookup feature), you weren't getting the autopsy. I think it works fine now, but much of the mod was written before that.
Nevertheless, I dont' think this is related to the issue at hand.
No, it's as he said. Autopsies get researched but don't show since their display requirements are not met. Making the autopsies instead of the corpses the requirement for Ufopedia unlocks is the way to go, since you don't get corpse research from Shogg Studies - since that would be problematic, as you say.
It's an alternate timeline with a performance-focused Council. :D
Thanks for checking.
That's because of an issue where getOneFree only worked for one step; so if you have getOneFree which unlocks something that also unlocks something else (like corpse enabling autopsy via the lookup feature), you weren't getting the autopsy. I think it works fine now, but much of the mod was written before that.
Nevertheless, I dont' think this is related to the issue at hand.
As Juku has pointed out, this is indeed the issue here. I don't know if my earlier reply wasn't clear enough or badly communicated, but the unlocks are working fine. The problem is that the ufopedia entries aren't tied to the autopsies but to the corpses, which "Shogg Studies" doesn't unlock. One way to fix this would be to add a matching lookup: entry to the autopsies, e.g.
so that researching either the autopsy or the corpse unlocks both. I just tested this and from what I can tell it is working fine. This has the added benefit of not messing with anything else (ufopedia entries etc.). I would also like to stress that this might be an issue with other autopsies unlocked in a similar way. I haven't checked, but it might be worth adding matching lookups to all corpses/autopsies to avoid this problem going forward.
Guys, I got it the first time. I merely explained why it was coded like this: because setting it on the corpse did not trigger autopsy. How many years do you think I've been struggling with these issues?
Krautbernd's idea should work, I think. It appears simple and efficient. I need to sit down and review the file carefully.
Krautbernd's idea of making corpses and autopsies trigger each other does work, but it has the potential downside of not allowing you to let corpse research trigger other topics that depend on actually getting access to a corpse instead of just getting the autopsy report from somewhere. If you're sure that you never want to make that difference, I suppose it's fine, but that's something e.g. TFTD used to use to make sure you actually got a live Deep One with Aqua Plastic bits under the skin before researching Aqua Plastics instead of just hearing about them from an alien medic.
Making autopsies require autopsy research instead of corpses to display in the Ufopedia seems the better choice to me at the moment.
I am someone who has never replied in a forum, but here`s my unintended feature report.
On beginner difficulty the light cannon HE ammo can be bought for $850 and sold for $875 thus making it a source of infinite money :)
That's an issue with Beginner pricing mucking up the economy values. I guess Solarius needs to spend some time with his spreadsheet. :)
Just out of curiosity, I took a brief look and spears, Mk23's, Mausers, PPSh's, OICW grenades, M14s, Auto-Cannons and especially BO Smartguns have the same problem. Maybe some manufacturing projects are affected, too, didn't check.
But in this case I made "Shogg studies" project successively in one base, it yielded something at start, but then 3 times it yielded nothing, before finally disappear. Here is the save.
I was asked to check what you get, here's the log:
[18-04-2023_09-10-34] [INFO] Topic: STR_ANTMAN_AUTOPSY (not shown)
[18-04-2023_09-10-34] [INFO] Topic: STR_SHOGG_STUDIES
[18-04-2023_09-10-49] [INFO] Topic: STR_REPTOID_DRAGONFIRE_TURRET
[18-04-2023_09-11-01] [INFO] Topic: STR_ANTMAN
[18-04-2023_09-11-10] [INFO] Topic: STR_ANTMAN_QUEEN_AUTOPSY (not shown)
[18-04-2023_09-11-18] [INFO] Topic: STR_GIANT_SPIDER_KING_AUTOPSY (not shown)
[18-04-2023_09-11-26] [INFO] Topic: STR_GIANT_SPIDER_KING (only one shown here, not sure which)
[18-04-2023_09-11-26] [INFO] Topic: STR_GIANT_SPIDER_KING_ARMOR (only one shown here, not sure which)
You get something each time, sometimes no pedia article is displayed.
I am someone who has never replied in a forum, but here`s my unintended feature report.
On beginner difficulty the light cannon HE ammo can be bought for $850 and sold for $875 thus making it a source of infinite money :)
Thanks, like Juku said, it's an oversight.
That's an issue with Beginner pricing mucking up the economy values. I guess Solarius needs to spend some time with his spreadsheet. :)
A spreadsheet? Man, you're an optimist...
Just out of curiosity, I took a brief look and spears, Mk23's, Mausers, PPSh's, OICW grenades, M14s, Auto-Cannons and especially BO Smartguns have the same problem. Maybe some manufacturing projects are affected, too, didn't check.
I'll just disable the low difficulty money bonus. It's impossible to keep in check, and the gains are marginal.
I was asked to check what you get, here's the log:
Thanks a lot for your time, I hope this will clear things up.
EDIT: I have overhauled the corpse/autopsy unlocking system. Those who use the GitHub version, please test when possible.
Why would you want it to spawn? It's your enemy... If it spawns, it means you should try harder to prevent such things. :o
I just like to research all. I never encountered battle witch. And I saw there is also some kind of AI units. This is only point: to make my research collection full. So I bit upset that some parts of lore will be missing. Same for Shogg studies.
Guys, I got it the first time. I merely explained why it was coded like this: because setting it on the corpse did not trigger autopsy. How many years do you think I've been struggling with these issues?
Krautbernd's idea should work, I think. It appears simple and efficient. I need to sit down and review the file carefully.
Wrecked syndicate mech yields nothing. Although I was told that it should not, but this is one more empty research.
Meridian the hunter interrogation yielded nothing, because I made seeker dron research. I think interrogation should not be available as it has nothing more to yield(as it happens with others), and show me that I can safely sack Meridian for 1M and won't loose any ufopedia record. Don't know anything about Meridian corpse as I took him alive.
I never encountered battle witch. And I saw there is also some kind of AI units. This is only point: to make my research collection full. So I bit upset that some parts of lore will be missing.
As Solarius said, you can still get them from Osiron Academies, which spawn no matter what you do (except piss off the RNG gods).
Wrecked syndicate mech yields nothing.
Er, doesn't it give "Wrecked Syndicate Walker Examination", Ufopedia entry and all?
Meridian the hunter interrogation yielded nothing...
Doesn't it give you an alien data slate? Probably not quite worth 1M, but still...
On beginner difficulty the light cannon HE ammo can be bought for $850 and sold for $875 thus making it a source of infinite money :)
I did some math:
Conditions: we have 1 storage facility (50 storage units) to mess with.
LC-HE Ammo Storage Space = 0.1
50 / 0.1 = 500 -- the amount we can purchase per "cycle"
500 * 850 = 425000 -- cost of purchase
500 * 875 = 437500 -- money after selling
437500 - 425000 = 12500 -- profit
Hours to wait for LC-HE Ammo to arrive = 24
12500 / 24 = 520 -- profitability per hour
Conclusion: speculation on LC-HE Ammo is lucrative, but not game breaking.
Instead of admitting the problem Solarius should just have said, that this is all by the plan. 8)
Mistake, please ignore this comment.
I did some math:
Smartguns also have this issue, are twice as bulky and yield 10k profit per sale. That is about two orders of magnitude worse, or 2.5M per day. Which is close to game-breaking, I'd say.
Like I mentioned, I toned down the multipliers, so all these issues should be resolved by now.
A few days ago, I downloaded the latest version (at that time) from github.com. In January 1999, the alien mission STR_SENTRY_RETALIATION by STR_SNAKEMAN_SALAMANDRON ended with the base defense, which, judging by the number of SALAMANDRONs, ::) is not SENTRY retaliation.
Perhaps a line "missionCustomDeploy: STR_BASE_DEFENSE_SENTRY" in the section "- type: STR_SENTRY_SHIP" of the file ufos_XCOMFILES.rul is needed. The save file is attached.
Upd: Solarius Scorch, thank you! (I remove the attached file, since the problem is solved and the file is not needed)
A few days ago, I downloaded the latest version (at that time) from github.com. In January 1999, the alien mission STR_SENTRY_RETALIATION by STR_SNAKEMAN_SALAMANDRON ended with the base defense, which, judging by the number of SALAMANDRONs, ::) is not SENTRY retaliation.
Perhaps a line "missionCustomDeploy: STR_BASE_DEFENSE_SENTRY" in the section "- type: STR_SENTRY_SHIP" of the file ufos_XCOMFILES.rul is needed. The save file is attached.
Hmm, indeed; looks like I was mistaken about how certain things work. But I found how to circumvent the problem and now it seems fine.
Thank you for the report!
I don't know if it's a bug or a trick. The skyraider has a hidden hole in the fuselage. A grenade was just pushed in there and shot with a shotgun, and in response I gave a productive burst from a minigun. The direction of the hole is one square to the right of the upper automatic door. The hole goes from the first tier to the second one diagonally. I explained how I could through the language barrier. I assure you that this bug is taking place. It's definitely not my fault.
When I'm installing 2.9, I keep getting error messages saying "can't read from source file or disk" for minigun and heavy plasma .wav sound files. Any idea what that'd about?
I don't know if it's a bug or a trick. The skyraider has a hidden hole in the fuselage. A grenade was just pushed in there and shot with a shotgun, and in response I gave a productive burst from a minigun. The direction of the hole is one square to the right of the upper automatic door. The hole goes from the first tier to the second one diagonally. I explained how I could through the language barrier. I assure you that this bug is taking place. It's definitely not my fault.
I think I found and fixed the problem. (Or more accurately, I did, and I hope I haven't broken anything else.) Thanks!
When I'm installing 2.9, I keep getting error messages saying "can't read from source file or disk" for minigun and heavy plasma .wav sound files. Any idea what that'd about?
Dunno - dusk full, access denied, file corrupted?
I think I found and fixed the problem. (Or more accurately, I did, and I hope I haven't broken anything else.) Thanks!
Dunno - dusk full, access denied, file corrupted?
I switched to the new version without any problems,
if this circumstance can help.
MiB Scientist (STR_MIB_SCIENTIST) now getOneFree STR_REAPER_TERRORIST (not STR_REAPER). If player has already get STR_REAPER (but not STR_REAPER_TERRORIST) from alien medic or from homicidal maniac etc... it may turn out that the player will get as a result of the research of MiB Scientist actually nothing.
Similary MiB Scientist now getOneFree STR_ALIEN_DRONE_TERRORIST, Hybrid Specialist getOneFree STR_ALIEN_DRONE.
Maybe similar to the recent fix 'Overhauled corpse/autopsy unlocking system'. Or can simply remove _TERRORIST from MiB Scientist getOneFree.
MiB Scientist (STR_MIB_SCIENTIST) now getOneFree STR_REAPER_TERRORIST (not STR_REAPER). If player has already get STR_REAPER (but not STR_REAPER_TERRORIST) from alien medic or from homicidal maniac etc... it may turn out that the player will get as a result of the research of MiB Scientist actually nothing.
Similary MiB Scientist now getOneFree STR_ALIEN_DRONE_TERRORIST, Hybrid Specialist getOneFree STR_ALIEN_DRONE.
Maybe similar to the recent fix 'Overhauled corpse/autopsy unlocking system'. Or can simply remove _TERRORIST from MiB Scientist getOneFree.
STR_REAPER_TERRORIST already has lookup: STR_REAPER. I don't know what else I can do - I guess eliminating STR_REAPER from all research lists would be needed, but it's a delicate matter.
But STR_REAPER hasn't lookup: STR_REAPER_TERRORIST. I would do so:
Yeah, I understand, I'm just saying that I need to seriously think if this would be an okay solution in a broader context.
"High Bravery (100 or more) partially mitigates Sanity loss with gradually increasing efficiency (script by 8mono)." This script don't working for bravery 160 (and more. Now 'if eq unitBravery 150', not 'ge'). I can attach a save with such a fighter if needed (bravery 100+Keystone 7+Aquanaut 2+Cavaliar 10). Sorry for poor English.
"High Bravery (100 or more) partially mitigates Sanity loss with gradually increasing efficiency (script by 8mono)." This script don't working for bravery 160 (and more. Now 'if eq unitBravery 150', not 'ge'). I can attach a save with such a fighter if needed (bravery 100+Keystone 7+Aquanaut 2+Cavaliar 10). Sorry for poor English.
I have examined the script, but I can't see any difference between SAN >150 and SAN >140. Literally the only difference is between "if gt 75 applyChance;" and "if gt 50 applyChance;".
So I don't quite understand, but apparently you do. Can you please explain more clearly what needs to be changed and how?
if ge unitBravery 100; #>=100 line 2328
if eq unitBravery 100; #=100
if eq unitBravery 110; #=110
if eq unitBravery 120; #=120
if eq unitBravery 130; #=130
if eq unitBravery 140; #=140
if eq unitBravery 150; #=150. Not >= (ge). line 2456, I changed here
#if unitBravery >150, script don't work, as if unitBravery <100. I change last eq to ge, it's worked ok for me as far as i checked.
You mean line 2328?
OK, I'll check with the script author. It's not like I understand any of it.
I'm playing now, and I noticed an interesting feature. At this stage, I have the headquarters of all four of the first cults open, and I have not been able to defeat them for several months. And attention! For the third month in a row, all 4 headquarters appear on the first day of each new month. It's very strange.
Nothing strange about that. The HQs spawn within the first 38 1/3 hours of each month, in a somewhat staggered manner. Getting all of them within 24 hours is quite likely.
Nothing strange about that. The HQs spawn within the first 38 1/3 hours of each month, in a somewhat staggered manner. Getting all of them within 24 hours is quite likely.
A very strange decision. Why was it invented, can I find out?
The ufopedia article of Interceptor says it equips LTMS. Actually it uses heavy missiles, so this should be HVMS. The cannon part is correct.
Is there a way (except looking at the save where you can find this information easily) to check which agents have undergone combat pilot training? It doesn't show up in '+' like other commendations and enhancements. I suppose this might be related to the fact that it does a "Flat Stats Change", not a bonus. I suppose this is intentional.
A very strange decision. Why was it invented, can I find out?
To avoid 2 HQs of the same type at the same time.
The ufopedia article of Interceptor says it equips LTMS. Actually it uses heavy missiles, so this should be HVMS. The cannon part is correct.
Oops. Sorry...
Is there a way (except looking at the save where you can find this information easily) to check which agents have undergone combat pilot training? It doesn't show up in '+' like other commendations and enhancements. I suppose this might be related to the fact that it does a "Flat Stats Change", not a bonus. I suppose this is intentional.
Basically yes, it doesn't give any actual bonus to show.
To avoid 2 HQs of the same type at the same time.
I think the question wasn't really why they are staggered, but rather why the total time frame is so short. For the record, I find it logical enough, but clearly Akamashi does (or at least did) not.
I am pretty sure there is perfectly viable explanation for haunted houses in the middle of nowhere, but I think this is taking it a tad too far. Who's even reporting these?
I think the question wasn't really why they are staggered, but rather why the total time frame is so short. For the record, I find it logical enough, but clearly Akamashi does (or at least did) not.
Ah, okay. The reason is that the window to take action is pretty short, before the target moves to another location.
And why is this written this way? To fit the narrative into available OXCE mechanics back in 2016, when I made these missions. Nowadays better ways are available (including just making a custom "alien base"), but I don't know if it's worth the trouble.
I am pretty sure there is perfectly viable explanation for haunted houses in the middle of nowhere, but I think this is taking it a tad too far. Who's even reporting these?
Fixed. :P
Fixed. :P
I mean I am not generally against "haunted" missions in remote regions - given the overall strangeness, who's to say there aren't some very remote (in time as well as in space) tragedies or other things that have happened out there and just kind of bubble up to the surface. But maybe something more fitting? Like a reasearch stations that was unwittingly (or maybe even intentionally) build on a lay-line/spiritual conduit/pre-historic sacrifice site/etc. and is now being haunted? Still begs the question where the cultist come from, but then again who's to say they don't have a day job.
I mean I am not generally against "haunted" missions in remote regions - given the overall strangeness, who's to say there aren't some very remote (in time as well as in space) tragedies or other things that have happened out there and just kind of bubble up to the surface. But maybe something more fitting? Like a reasearch stations that was unwittingly (or maybe even intentionally) build on a lay-line/spiritual conduit/pre-historic sacrifice site/etc. and is now being haunted? Still begs the question where the cultist come from, but then again who's to say they don't have a day job.
Yeah, but that would be a different mission, and for now I'm focusing on the necessary stuff.
Ah, okay. The reason is that the window to take action is pretty short, before the target moves to another location.
I am apparently bad at communicating here. :( What I meant is the mission spawning time window, not the expiration time window. All the HQs spawn in quick succession. I can see reasons for it, and I can also see reasons against it.
I am apparently bad at communicating here. :( What I meant is the mission spawning time window, not the expiration time window. All the HQs spawn in quick succession. I can see reasons for it, and I can also see reasons against it.
You're okay, these things are related. :) Short expiration dates and narrow spawn windows.
I get the short time spans - limited opportunity to act on the intel, etc. But why is all the information coming in at the same time? Is there a monthly Great Cultist Migration that the intel lady is taking advantage of? :)
I get the short time spans - limited opportunity to act on the intel, etc. But why is all the information coming in at the same time? Is there a monthly Great Cultist Migration that the intel lady is taking advantage of? :)
I have no bloody idea what my train of thought was almost a decade ago. :)
Sad. Had to Ctrl+D, Ctrl+K this. In theory I could explode the surface, but I think was not supposed to be a solution.
This is The Island of Dr. Alpha mission.
With 3.0 snapshot, spartanism sets PSK to 0, as the agent focuses the energies elsewhere. Except even if it gets set to zero, you can train it up (or back up). I suppose this is a bug.
Twice now I've had this bush under the Osprey's landing ramp which blocks the whole tile. Barely noticed the first time, but now I can't squeeze this Outrunner through there. These are downed EXALT convoys in Brazil, on the jungle terrain I think. Luckily I was able to clear it with a grenade without any collateral damage.
Sad. Had to Ctrl+D, Ctrl+K this. In theory I could explode the surface, but I think was not supposed to be a solution.
This is The Island of Dr. Alpha mission.
I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Would you have a save?
With 3.0 snapshot, spartanism sets PSK to 0, as the agent focuses the energies elsewhere. Except even if it gets set to zero, you can train it up (or back up). I suppose this is a bug.
Yes, it's a bug, thank you.
Twice now I've had this bush under the Osprey's landing ramp which blocks the whole tile. Barely noticed the first time, but now I can't squeeze this Outrunner through there. These are downed EXALT convoys in Brazil, on the jungle terrain I think. Luckily I was able to clear it with a grenade without any collateral damage.
Yes, it happens, especially with bigger transports... Inevitable without sanitizing the landing blocks too much. Usually can be remedied with an explosive or cutting tool.
THink of it as a standard issue of landing a large craft in a jungle. :)
While camping inside the mudranger in Dimension X battleship mission I noticed something. Is it intentional that there are various holes in the front of it (near the access lift upstairs, which by the way makes dealing with the mission rather easy), from which you occasionally spot the enemies? The sprite does include something that looks like an openable hole, but I wonder if this is intentional. I couldn't find an angle to shoot through even if I saw the enemy, but they occasionally tried.
I'm not sure what I'm looking at. Would you have a save?
No save file. Overwritten long ago.
You are looking at problem with upper tunnels generation on an underground base map (1 main entrance, 2 holes, 1 ladder inside 2 fences). As far as I know this inaccessible by lowest level part of a map is a feature, not a bug, you are suppose to access this place using upper tunnels. But this time upper tunnel part with drop hole is not connected to main tunnel network.
While camping inside the mudranger in Dimension X battleship mission I noticed something. Is it intentional that there are various holes in the front of it (near the access lift upstairs, which by the way makes dealing with the mission rather easy), from which you occasionally spot the enemies? The sprite does include something that looks like an openable hole, but I wonder if this is intentional. I couldn't find an angle to shoot through even if I saw the enemy, but they occasionally tried.
What various holes? Hatches?
No save file. Overwritten long ago.
You are looking at problem with upper tunnels generation on an underground base map (1 main entrance, 2 holes, 1 ladder inside 2 fences). As far as I know this inaccessible by lowest level part of a map is a feature, not a bug, you are suppose to access this place using upper tunnels. But this time upper tunnel part with drop hole is not connected to main tunnel network.
I can't recall a single case where some part of this map would be unavailable, and that would be a major problem, so excuse me for being a bit sceptical. I simply need an example to examine.
I can't recall a single case where some part of this map would be unavailable, and that would be a major problem, so excuse me for being a bit sceptical. I simply need an example to examine.
Under certain circumstances DARKSTORMMOUNTAIN_ALPHA can generate inaccessbile areas:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen014jwcp0.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen014jwcp0.png)
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen0138ufju.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen0138ufju.png)
The reason this usually doesn't happen is because two blocks (or rather a 2x2 block and a 1x1 block and any map block with a junction and alien spawn point) need to be generated in very specific positions (e.g. at the map edge, the 2x2 block in to the south of it). Forcing the game to spawn said blocks (the "lab" and the "t-shaped junction") makes this reproducible. Given my limited knowledge regarding map generation the blocks in question are (probably) STORMMOUNTAIN03 and STORMMOUNTAIN09 or whatever map file "blocks [03]" and "blocks [09]" equate to.
Thanks. Indeed it may be a problem. I'm not sure how to solve it elegantly yet, though.
Managed to generate something similiar, but it did take quite a few tries:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen016qccc6.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen016qccc6.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/screen017c6e27.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen017c6e27.png) (https://abload.de/thumb/screen018zliqp.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen018zliqp.png)
As far as I can tell the problem is that the "air vent/duct" from the lab tile is not in line up (and does not connect) with those of the other tiles. This combined with the "air shaft" location of the T-Tile leads to the junction with the spawn point being cut off. Either align the shaft of the lab tile "correctly" or add/move the air shaft on the T-Tile so it connects to the rest of the vent/shaft network.
Misaligned shafts from lab:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen02101ffc.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen02101ffc.png)
Move/place additional air shaft on T-Tile:
(https://abload.de/thumb/screen020mjic4.png) (https://abload.de/image.php?img=screen020mjic4.png)
What various holes? Hatches?
I can't recall a single case where some part of this map would be unavailable, and that would be a major problem, so excuse me for being a bit sceptical. I simply need an example to examine.
Here's a screenshot of visibility that IMO should not exist from an agent to an alien that is at the tile of the mouse cursor but one level up. There was also at least one similar case when the alien was somewhere in the direction where the mudranger is facing.
During my recent playthrough I never received "Message from M.A.G.M.A. no. 002". From the research tree it is hard to tell why, but my only guess is that I have never finished (successfully) "M.A.G.M.A. Lab" mission. Last time I just grabbed a zombie soldier and fled. "M.A.G.M.A. Lab" mission stopped appearing after I researched that soldier (not remember if it was alive or dead). You probably can guess how mush it screwed my playthrough...
github 3.0 infernalism description includes: "Such an agent gains a boost to many combat abilities, as well as psionic and trauma resistance, at the cost of mental instability caused by occasional brushes with alien, malevolent entities. Mental care is the key to keep them functional."
This is confusing or misleading.
I suppose "gaining psionic resistance" refers to +20 sanity, but I think psionic resistance (PST and PSK) is orthogonal to Sanity (which you may lose even when there is nothing psionic about the mission). So this should likely be reworded slightly.
Second, "At the cost of mental instability"and ""Mental care is the key" is also misleading and worse. Infernals lose 30 bravery and "mental care" (for example the sensorium and other facilities) has zero impact on bravery. The description sounds much more as if the intent was to reduce sanity rather than bravery (but the transformation actually increases sanity), but even this is a far stretch. In that case the text about mental care would also make more sense.
I'd suggest rewording the description or what the infernal transformation is actually doing.
The description would make much more sense if it read, for example, "Such an agent gains a boost to many combat abilities, as well as mental and trauma resistance, at the cost of bravery when dealing with brushes with alien, malevolent entities. Mental care is the key to keep them functional."
During my recent playthrough I never received "Message from M.A.G.M.A. no. 002". From the research tree it is hard to tell why, but my only guess is that I have never finished (successfully) "M.A.G.M.A. Lab" mission. Last time I just grabbed a zombie soldier and fled. "M.A.G.M.A. Lab" mission stopped appearing after I researched that soldier (not remember if it was alive or dead). You probably can guess how mush it screwed my playthrough...
The mission will reappear as long as you don't have Message from M.A.G.M.A. no. 002 (which comes from finishing this mission). 50% chance per month.
github 3.0 infernalism description includes: "Such an agent gains a boost to many combat abilities, as well as psionic and trauma resistance, at the cost of mental instability caused by occasional brushes with alien, malevolent entities. Mental care is the key to keep them functional."
This is confusing or misleading.
I suppose "gaining psionic resistance" refers to +20 sanity, but I think psionic resistance (PST and PSK) is orthogonal to Sanity (which you may lose even when there is nothing psionic about the mission). So this should likely be reworded slightly.
It's not misleading; it's not about Sanity, it's not about Santa Claus, it's about psionic resistance directly (psiDefence).
You confused yourself.
Second, "At the cost of mental instability"and ""Mental care is the key" is also misleading and worse. Infernals lose 30 bravery and "mental care" (for example the sensorium and other facilities) has zero impact on bravery. The description sounds much more as if the intent was to reduce sanity rather than bravery (but the transformation actually increases sanity), but even this is a far stretch. In that case the text about mental care would also make more sense.
I disagree. Bravery in the x-Com context is about losing your shit in various ways. Sanity is about mental resilience.
I'd suggest rewording the description or what the infernal transformation is actually doing.
The description would make much more sense if it read, for example, "Such an agent gains a boost to many combat abilities, as well as mental and trauma resistance, at the cost of bravery when dealing with brushes with alien, malevolent entities. Mental care is the key to keep them functional."
I think it would be more misleading than it is now.
The mission will reappear as long as you don't have Message from M.A.G.M.A. no. 002 (which comes from finishing this mission). 50% chance per month.
Then I was extremely unlucky. Which is very unlikely.
OK, I modified "missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul" and updated zombieLab.executionOdds to 100.
Then I reloaded a game, skipped to the next month. (I deleted all alien mission to do that without warries.) No Magma Lab missions appeared in the save file.
The save file included.
This is very strange. STR_MAGMA_MISSION_MAGMA_LAB is in "discovered" list. STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_02 is not. I bet MiBs are involved...
Also, call me crazy, but swear I was able to research "Asuka 4000" only after I acquired "Tritanium Matrix". (Only after "Tritanim Matrix" I receive "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Tritanium Ammo".) Can't prove that with save file.
BTW I played at 2.9 version (not 3.0). May be this was fixed.
No, I am not crazy!
requiresBaseFunc: [STDLAB]
cost: 200
points: 100
listOrder: 1600
cost: 2
points: 10
listOrder: 300640
This different from https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_ALLOY_AMMO
Good thing that was fixed. I wanted to say "Asuka needs more love!"
In beyond the doom portal map, after doing it once, in the second run an enemy was generated in an area (near the cursor in the png) which doesn't appear to be accessible. I also tried a couple of hi-ex and digging with the pick-axe, I couldn't find a way to access it. I also tried to enable debug mode to verify the situation, but for some reason none of the OXC keywords appeared to work. I guess I'll have to edit the save to move the enemy to another position or something.
Then I was extremely unlucky. Which is very unlikely.
OK, I modified "missionScripts_XCOMFILES.rul" and updated zombieLab.executionOdds to 100.
Then I reloaded a game, skipped to the next month. (I deleted all alien mission to do that without warries.) No Magma Lab missions appeared in the save file.
The save file included.
This is very strange. STR_MAGMA_MISSION_MAGMA_LAB is in "discovered" list. STR_MESSAGE_FROM_MAGMA_02 is not. I bet MiBs are involved...
I found the problem; the mission is interrupted if you research STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT. It's a subtle hole in the logic.
I'll fix it for the next version. For now, you can remove the line
interruptResearch: STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT
from the alienMissions_XCOMFILES.rul file. (There's only one such line.)
Or update from the GitHub.
In beyond the doom portal map, after doing it once, in the second run an enemy was generated in an area (near the cursor in the png) which doesn't appear to be accessible. I also tried a couple of hi-ex and digging with the pick-axe, I couldn't find a way to access it. I also tried to enable debug mode to verify the situation, but for some reason none of the OXC keywords appeared to work. I guess I'll have to edit the save to move the enemy to another position or something.
This is normal for catacombs-like maps, but the terrain's resilience is weird. Hmm, can you drop the save?
This is normal for catacombs-like maps, but the terrain's resilience is weird. Hmm, can you drop the save?
You probably missed it, the save was attached to the previous post.
If there is supposed to be only certain very specific points where the terrain is destructible, it is difficult to know which points those would be here. (In contrast, for example in the cyberweb lairs you can easily deduce this if this version of a lair is generated.) There also seem to be huge areas (especially in the upper level) which are inaccessible, so the player cannot really know where and how you would go about proceeding destroying the terrain. As there is 3 sanity loss per turn, it seems unreasonable to also require huge amount of digging.
You probably missed it, the save was attached to the previous post.
Right, sorry.
If there is supposed to be only certain very specific points where the terrain is destructible, it is difficult to know which points those would be here. (In contrast, for example in the cyberweb lairs you can easily deduce this if this version of a lair is generated.) There also seem to be huge areas (especially in the upper level) which are inaccessible, so the player cannot really know where and how you would go about proceeding destroying the terrain. As there is 3 sanity loss per turn, it seems unreasonable to also require huge amount of digging.
Well, it was a VERY unfortunate map generation.
Unfortunately, it can't really be prevented, unless I make all blocks passable in all directions, which would make the terrain really dull... Carry laser/plasma cutters.
Is it intentional that Advanced Scout Drone does not have the anticamo capabilities that the regular Scout Drone has? This seems like an oversight. (Of course, not sure if the anticamo is really that crucial later as it is in the early game with the BL assassins.) But it strikes to me as strange that the advanced version is in some respect worse than the original.
Is it intentional that Advanced Scout Drone does not have the anticamo capabilities that the regular Scout Drone has? This seems like an oversight. (Of course, not sure if the anticamo is really that crucial later as it is in the early game with the BL assassins.) But it strikes to me as strange that the advanced version is in some respect worse than the original.
Yes, it was my mistake. Thank you.
In UAC Aerospace Lab mission, the final enemy(ies) surrendered and I was moved to the underground phase. However, no equipment (either on the craft or from the enemies) transferred on that stage, so even though I got the chance re-equip the squad, the pool to choose from was empty. There was also no loot pile to equip from anywhere on the floor, as there always has been on multistage missions.
This is likely a bug, but it seems so strange that I have no idea where. Sorry, I didn't save before the first part ended.
In UAC Aerospace Lab mission, the final enemy(ies) surrendered and I was moved to the underground phase. However, no equipment (either on the craft or from the enemies) transferred on that stage, so even though I got the chance re-equip the squad, the pool to choose from was empty. There was also no loot pile to equip from anywhere on the floor, as there always has been on multistage missions.
This is likely a bug, but it seems so strange that I have no idea where. Sorry, I didn't save before the first part ended.
I can't say much - this is how 2-staged missions work. Is the original Cydonia any different? I don't think so.
I can't say much - this is how 2-staged missions work. Is the original Cydonia any different? I don't think so.
No, that is apparently only half the answer. If you neutralize all enemies in the first stage, you get your loot pile to pick from at stage 2. Here's video proof from X-Com Files: https://youtu.be/9IY0TSx3kLo?t=5093. On the other hand, if you go on the designated area and abort, you don't get your loot pile, just the items you're carrying or are on the designated floor.
Given that you don't know about this, I suppose this is rather a bug in OXCE in how it handles surrendering enemies in multistage missions. IMO, surrendering enemies should be equivalent to killed or stunned enemies, and you should get the loot pile.
In 3.0-snap, you changed the articles to say the large living quarters host 250 (instead of previous 200) people. However, you changed the facility ruleset just up to 225. Which is it... (In addition, quite a few facilities - such as this one - provide some prison space for robots; that is probably intentionally undocumented as a minor detail.)
In 3.0-snap, you changed the articles to say the large living quarters host 250 (instead of previous 200) people. However, you changed the facility ruleset just up to 225. Which is it... (In addition, quite a few facilities - such as this one - provide some prison space for robots; that is probably intentionally undocumented as a minor detail.)
Because my attention span is shit tier. Thank you.
The knowledge on Uzi Clip (and as such on how much damage an Uzi deals) is granted by Uzi Acquisition, rather than researching a physically present Uzi, or it's clip. I find this weird.
That is, I find weird that researching the Uzi doesn't grant knowledge on it's clip. Uzi acquisition giving knowledge on both gun and clip makes sense.
The knowledge on Uzi Clip (and as such on how much damage an Uzi deals) is granted by Uzi Acquisition, rather than researching a physically present Uzi, or it's clip. I find this weird.
That is, I find weird that researching the Uzi doesn't grant knowledge on it's clip. Uzi acquisition giving knowledge on both gun and clip makes sense.
That's because the research which allows display of damage in the Ufopaedia is the same research that allows you to buy Uzi clips... Solving it is too complex and risky compared to the issue itself to be bothered. Well, maybe in the future.
There is a mission called STR_ACADEMY_TOWER_ASSAULT: "Golden Academy Tower", which features a double staircase. The stairs work fine for 1x1 units, but are impassable to 2x2. And I don't understand why... I've compared both maps and terrain tiles with a similar staircase in CORP, which works just fine. I fixed some minor differences, but it didn't help at all.
Help would be appreciated, but please check the current GitHub version (updated this morning).
I have attached a save (from quick battle): Souad Ayed can go upstairs (on either side of the stairs), but the Sectopod cannot.
Suggested UFOPEDIA edit: Have you considered moving the TNI, Combat Pilot Training, and Eat the Cake to the Trainings & Augmentations tab?
Transformations Overview (inside agent list) Potential bug: You are unable to middle click Bio Enhancement, Martial Arts, Combat Pilot Training and Install TNI in the transformations Overview. (don't have every transformation so I never tested all of them)
Suggested UFOPEDIA edit: Have you considered moving the TNI, Combat Pilot Training, and Eat the Cake to the Trainings & Augmentations tab?
I've already moved the Combat Pilot Training, it was indeed an omission. But the other two are items, so they don't seem to fit in that category.
Transformations Overview (inside agent list) Potential bug: You are unable to middle click Bio Enhancement, Martial Arts, Combat Pilot Training and Install TNI in the transformations Overview. (don't have every transformation so I never tested all of them)
I'm not sure what you mean, Transformation Overview doesn't have MMB functionality. Did you mean soldier bonuses? It lists, well, soldier bonuses, not trainings.
I'm not sure what you mean, Transformation Overview doesn't have MMB functionality.
It very much does (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11243.msg155113.html#msg155113), although the process seems a bit finicky. As far as I can tell, you need the 'requires' field to be the same as the transformation name.
It very much does (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11243.msg155113.html#msg155113), although the process seems a bit finicky. As far as I can tell, you need the 'requires' field to be the same as the transformation name.
"very much"
Is there an echo in here? :)
Is there an echo in here? :)
I advise you to stop trying this. It won't end well.
Let me try the civilized, assume-it-was-a-communication-error way first, then: what exactly were you trying to say by '"very much"'?
I'm not sure what you mean, Transformation Overview doesn't have MMB functionality. Did you mean soldier bonuses? It lists, well, soldier bonuses, not trainings.
Just to make sure I'm referencing the screen correctly I took a screenshot of it and attached it to this post. You can middle click most of the transformations (which is quite handy when trying to determine the necessary requirements to meet them), but a couple of them don't work.
(Law Enforcement Training comes from XComFilesArsenalAdditions)
Let me try the civilized, assume-it-was-a-communication-error way first, then: what exactly were you trying to say by '"very much"'?
I was rolling eyes at your implication that it was obvious that the functionality existed, when even I didn't know about this and have been unable to confirm it to this very moment. I am sitting right now, MMB-ing items on the list, and nothing happens.
I'm not saying you are wrong, only that the feature is pretty much useless for XCF, as Pedia names are often different from training names.
@sudtrap I'm guessing this also answers your question.
In that case, it was a communication mishap. I used 'very much' as an emphasis marker (https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/very%20much), not as a statement of quantity/obviousness. Kind of trying to say 'akshually' without literally saying it. :) Maybe I shouldn't have. :-[
I mean, I wasn't acutely aware or using this feature, either. Especially since not all transformation articles are even listing the requirements (mostly soldier type transformations). I just tried, saw that it sometimes works and sometimes does not, and then remembered Meridian talking about a more unified shortcut system. And, yes, while it's possible to rejigger training names and pedia names, it'll be mildly save-breaking and I'm not sure it's all that valuable.
I am sitting right now, MMB-ing items on the list, and nothing happens.
You sure you have at least OXCE 7.9.2? I even get this with 7.8.18. Don't know if it goes much lower. Well, it goes down to at least 7.8.7, which is when I last actually played.
In any case, I suggest refraining from further public eyerolling. It's at least somewhat against the "don't be a jerk" rule, and nothing good has ever come of it that I recall.
I mean, I'm not exactly snow white here, and I'll try to ask for clarification next time instead of snarking, but this goes both ways.
You sure you have at least OXCE 7.9.2? I even get this with 7.8.18. Don't know if it goes much lower. Well, it goes down to at least 7.8.7, which is when I last actually
Yeah, and I also found some cases where it works, but it took some time... Which is why I still think this feature isn't compatible with XCF.
TBH my reaction was as it was because I definitely saw this as yet another smug attempt at "biting the ankles for no reason".
Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I often get this vibe from you specifically, and very rarely from other people... Which may well be completely unfounded, but is a definite sign that something is not working here, communication-wise. And I think it's not primarily on my end, since I asked two different people for an impartial opinion and they both had very similar impressions about it. :-[
Please don't consider it to be an act of hostility, I am not trying to argue, just trying to give a proper answer. Your conversation style is quite confrontational on a regular basis, and not just to me. I ignore it most of the time, since I value your insight, but I am no saint. I hope it goes better in the future, but I'm afraid it needs some reflection on your part as well.
Is it normal that mixed alien base do not have an alien commander?
Looking at the wiki, it seems the alien commander is replaced by an additional alien leader.
Many soldiers died in order to capture this additional leader, and now their families are bugging me the report says their sacrifice was not needed. :'(
Is it normal that mixed alien base do not have an alien commander?
Looking at the wiki, it seems the alien commander is replaced by an additional alien leader.
Many soldiers died in order to capture this additional leader, and now their families are bugging me the report says their sacrifice was not needed. :'(
Indeed, they have no leader... Which is probably unfair, as you say. :(
I'll check if I can change it.
EDIT: done.
If you ask me, I would say it's legit to hack a STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER to your save.
Yeah, and I also found some cases where it works, but it took some time... Which is why I still think this feature isn't compatible with XCF.
I don't really care about mmb "compatibility", but what I would appreciate is if the ufopedia articles would actually list all of the requirements for transformations. Right now (still on 2.8, so thits might have changed) these are only listed for the low-end/early transformations, but not for most of the later ones (Helix Psion, Helix Knight, Kyberism etc.).
I don't really care about mmb "compatibility", but what I would appreciate is if the ufopedia articles would actually list all of the requirements for transformations. Right now (still on 2.8, so thits might have changed) these are only listed for the low-end/early transformations, but not for most of the later ones (Helix Psion, Helix Knight, Kyberism etc.).
Understandable, I just found myself struggling for space. I'll think about it.
Understandable, I just found myself struggling for space. I'll think about it.
Aren't there already entries which take up more than the screen actually allows and which take "advantage" of the scrolling feature? Just paste the requirements onto the end. I don't think people really mind (at least I don't) as long as the requirements are listed/accessible somewhere in-game.
I don't think people really mind
There's at least one person who does (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11159.msg154451.html#msg154451). :-X
@Solarius: You brought up some valid points. I'll try to do better in the future. I'm no saint, either, so no idea how it'll actually go.
If there are articles that require scrolling, please post them as bugs, since I didn't want them to exist. ;)
Understandable, I just found myself struggling for space. I'll think about it.
Another solution: 2 articles instead of one. Just like with some weapons with many ammo types.
articles that require scrolling
What I found: Reptoid Treaty, Olympianism, Pancor Jackhammer, BO Assault Cannon, AI Unit (quite a bit, and sneakily at that), Black Lotus Host.
Also, Saurian Ghost seems to lack a Pedia entry. and STR_GILLMAN_HERO_AUTOPSY a translation into human. :) Already fixed.
The 'no autopsy' picture might also be better off with a black 'transparent' section instead of the dark blue 'fog' it has right now.
What I found: Reptoid Treaty, Olympianism, Pancor Jackhammer, BO Assault Cannon, AI Unit (quite a bit, and sneakily at that), Black Lotus Host.
Also, Saurian Ghost seems to lack a Pedia entry and STR_GILLMAN_HERO_AUTOPSY a translation into human. :)
The 'no autopsy' picture might also be better off with a black 'transparent' section instead of the dark blue 'fog' it has right now.
Weird. I don't remember having a single article that needed scrolling. Maybe it's something to do with the resolution size?
@Solarius: As long as you are aware of what I trying to point out, that's good enough for me. It's definitely not a big deal; it's a small thing I happened to notice while playing. On a separate note, I will second that idea that the stat requirements should be listed for upgrades in the ufopedia; unless you intend for players to open the wiki and reference that while playing.
Weird. I don't remember having a single article that needed scrolling. Maybe it's something to do with the resolution size?
I don't think so. As far as I know, Pedia proportions or resolution aren't scaled. If they were, modders would have a lot of trouble making sure their articles line up properly.
But you don't have to trust me. Fire up the game and check out the articles I mentioned yourself. Fire up a Quick Battle if you don't have a convenient save handy.
You know what? I never realized you could scroll on those. I saw that the text got cut off and just assumed that was the cutoff. I double checked the jackhammer and you have to scroll through it to read the whole entry.
And can I somehow scroll a month report message? Not really important, but with so many countries one screen is not enough.
Something wrong with my doors. Nobody talking about it, so maybe it's just me, but I never saw it in previous versions. When you are running with Ctrl pressed and your path leads through a closed door, if you have less than 5 TU in front of the door you just phase through it and the door stays closed. If you have TU to open it at that moment, you spend TU and the door opens normally.
Another thing that bothers me is spawn points on early maps. There is small garage building on urban maps, you know what I'm talking about, a door and a window on each side, barrel and gasoline pump inside. If that garage exist on the map, there is 100% chance an enemy spawns in it. When you know it, some missions become less immersive, especially if there are few enemies. I like a thrill of hunting the maniac before it kills too many innocents. Did I hear a gunshot? Where? Who opened that door? etc. But If you start the mission and see the garage, well, here is our boy, no thrill, no hunt. Works with monsters too.
Another static behavior is in oriental map. There is 2 or 3 store building with sofa on first floor and a window. Enemy likes to make an ambush here. Most of the time hey just sitting inside and wait until you run next to the window. Ha! Gotcha. Amusing first couple times, but then surprise getting stale.
And on unrelated note, how can I take a screenshot in Linux build? PrintScreen doesn't work.
And can I somehow scroll a month report message?
Yes (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10510.0.html).
Something wrong with my doors.
OXCE issue (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11295.msg155846.html#msg155846), fixed in 7.9.7.
And on unrelated note, how can I take a screenshot in Linux build? PrintScreen doesn't work.
Options -> Controls -> Screenshot. I think F12 is the default.
Thank you, my friend. I will try to look at other boards in the future. Time to build again.
What I found: Reptoid Treaty, Olympianism, Pancor Jackhammer, BO Assault Cannon, AI Unit (quite a bit, and sneakily at that), Black Lotus Host.
Perfect. All instances were fixed. (Wasn't easy, but I managed to retain all the necessary information and even keep the style.)
Also, Saurian Ghost seems to lack a Pedia entry.
This unit is still unused, so technically it doesn't exist yet.
The 'no autopsy' picture might also be better off with a black 'transparent' section instead of the dark blue 'fog' it has right now.
Okay - it was a 10 minutes job, so I changed it.
Another static behavior is in oriental map. There is 2 or 3 store building with sofa on first floor and a window. Enemy likes to make an ambush here. Most of the time hey just sitting inside and wait until you run next to the window. Ha! Gotcha. Amusing first couple times, but then surprise getting stale.
If you provide a save, I will investigate. It doesn't really sound like harmful behaviour, but I'll check if I can make things less predictable.
EDIT: I moved all posts related to the month 0 missions topic to a new thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11363.0.html), as it's not a bug.
The Dossier for Dr. Hadriex lists Affiliation as "Children of Aether". While this term is used once in Reclamation of Aether research article, the "official name" appears to be Reclamation of Aether (which sounds actually a bit silly, "Children" would have been better).
In the rulesets there *are* two "Children of Aether" entries (STR_CULT_OF_SPIRITS, STR_CULT_OF_SPIRITS_PREREQUISITE), but the former is only used once in alienRaces under the section "marked for removal" and the latter is not used at all.
So I suppose the Hadriex affiliation is just an oversight or a historical typo and should be changed to be the same as the current "official" name (or the official name and all the research/unit names changed).
I have to rise again this question about SKYRAIDER and KITSUNE that we discussed some time ago in this thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10688.msg148191.html#msg148191). Right now the problem is not "Kitsune may come too early" but "SKYRAIDER definitely comes way too late".
Requirements for SKYRAIDER are: Promotion II, DRAGONFLY and Alien Power Systems which essentially means interrogating live true alien. The last requirement almost guarantees that SKYRAIDER will be unavailable until the invasion starts. Which goes in contrary to "Promotion II" requirement, that can be obtained far earlier.
On the other hand the requirement for KITSUNE is essentially one: Promotion III.
I don't know about other player experiences, but I always get Promotion III much earlier then invasion starts, that is why SKYRAIDER becomes obsolete before I have a chance to research it. Also, I am not 100% sure, but this "Alien Power Systems" requirement is probably recent addition. I don't remember such problem obtaining SKYRAIDER in my earlier playthroughs.
The Dossier for Dr. Hadriex lists Affiliation as "Children of Aether". While this term is used once in Reclamation of Aether research article, the "official name" appears to be Reclamation of Aether (which sounds actually a bit silly, "Children" would have been better).
In the rulesets there *are* two "Children of Aether" entries (STR_CULT_OF_SPIRITS, STR_CULT_OF_SPIRITS_PREREQUISITE), but the former is only used once in alienRaces under the section "marked for removal" and the latter is not used at all.
So I suppose the Hadriex affiliation is just an oversight or a historical typo and should be changed to be the same as the current "official" name (or the official name and all the research/unit names changed).
"Children of Aether" is used in many placed in the mod, not just here. Seems to be a synonym accepted within the setting.
I have to rise again this question about SKYRAIDER and KITSUNE that we discussed some time ago in this thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10688.msg148191.html#msg148191). Right now the problem is not "Kitsune may come too early" but "SKYRAIDER definitely comes way too late". (...)
Agreed, but the problem is bigger than just Kitsune. I plan to remodel the craft tech tree with various prerequisites, like I've done with Sectopods.
"Children of Aether" is used in many placed in the mod, not just here. Seems to be a synonym accepted within the setting.
That 'many' is three, while 'Reclamation' is used about 20 times. Granted, one of them is the organisation description (but the name of the article is "Reclamation..."!). Which IMO makes the whole thing a bit confusing. Maybe add "Reclamation, also known as Children", or something along these lines, into the main article?
Agreed, but the problem is bigger than just Kitsune. I plan to remodel the craft tech tree with various prerequisites, like I've done with Sectopods.
IMO, the problem is still "Kitsune comes too early". Skyraider is a good fast strike craft, with reasonable tradeoffs compared to the Skyranger - but the Skymarshall is already starting to blur that line, and then the Kitsune comes and eats Skyraider's lunch soon after. In my experience. there's a very limited time window where Skyraiders actually fulfill their apparent niche, that being being a Dragonfly successor.
P.S. The 'Alien Power Systems' requirement is not recent. It goes back to at least 1.3, which is the oldest version I had easy access to. Probably much earlier than that.
"Military shot down a UFO" event has 12 % chance of occurring though months 9-25. So it is likely you get multiple stabs at capturing live aliens before the invasion starts. Though I agree that Kitsune is very useful (and Starfighter comes rather early as well).
The another significant problem with crafts is that alien alloys is rather scarce before the invasion is well underway and you'd like to preserve it for first priority targets (like armors). Competition with crafts using it is fierce (and those that don't use it are next to useless, perhaps with the exception of SKY* transports), especially if you'd want to also have some fighters to protect your transports or even shoot down UFOs.
That 'many' is three, while 'Reclamation' is used about 20 times. Granted, one of them is the organisation description (but the name of the article is "Reclamation..."!). Which IMO makes the whole thing a bit confusing. Maybe add "Reclamation, also known as Children", or something along these lines, into the main article?
In a similar fashion, I was at first a little bit confused about "tritanium" vs "alien alloys". Why use two terms for the same thing, wouldn't it be more straightforward to use, for example, Tritanium everywhere? AFAIR, Hardmode expansion used a shorthand "alloy" in the names, which was obvious on the first sight.
IMO, the problem is still "Kitsune comes too early". Skyraider is a good fast strike craft, with reasonable tradeoffs compared to the Skyranger - but the Skymarshall is already starting to blur that line, and then the Kitsune comes and eats Skyraider's lunch soon after. In my experience. there's a very limited time window where Skyraiders actually fulfill their apparent niche, that being being a Dragonfly successor.
To be fair, the Kitsune is a one-off, while the SKY-series have no such limitations. In the (unlikely) event that the player either fails to get the Kitsune or loses it, the Skyraider becomes more of a fall-back than a niche craft, at least until the Skymarshall becomes available.
Using the Kitsune and the Starfighter feel a bit like cheating to be honest, and I find myself avoiding either craft and more or less jsut use them as display pieces.
For what the Kitsune is, the player really doesn't have to go through all that much trouble to earn it. It's also kind of strange that X-COM get's nothing tech-wise of what might as well be the first actual alien craft they recover. Sure it's not as advanced as the "usual" aliens, but nonethless it's a space-capable combat-landing craft that's more sturdy than anything X-COM can put together at that point. Even if they can't figure out how the engines work there should be some advanced tech in there that is beneficial.
P.S. The 'Alien Power Systems' requirement is not recent. It goes back to at least 1.3, which is the oldest version I had easy access to. Probably much earlier than that.
Still have 0.9.8 here and the requirements are identical. I don't remember, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same in 0.5.
Still have 0.9.8 here and the requirements are identical. I don't remember, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were the same in 0.5.
Then how about the requirements for that "Alien Power Systems"? Was that always a live alien? I almost certain I was able to craft SKYRAIDER earlier. (Yet another time when I question my sanity...)
OK, I checked. Looks like it always was a live alien... May be I was lucky with reptiloids? So forget about what I wrote!
The another significant problem with crafts is that alien alloys is rather scarce before the invasion is well underway and you'd like to preserve it for first priority targets (like armors).
I see this as a feature, not an issue. :D
In a similar fashion, I was at first a little bit confused about "tritanium" vs "alien alloys". Why use two terms for the same thing, wouldn't it be more straightforward to use...
Tritanium is a specific alloy? So it might not apply in all instances.
Might also be an artifact of mod development history, 'alloys' have been getting replaced with Tritanium with some regularity.
To be fair, the Kitsune is a one-off, while the SKY-series have no such limitations. In the (unlikely) event that the player either fails to get the Kitsune or loses it, the Skyraider becomes more of a fall-back than a niche craft, at least until the Skymarshall becomes available.
True. Though my experience has been that access to the Skymarshall is not so much later, and that one practically obsoletes the Skyraider. If you have the alloys, that is.
It's also kind of strange that X-COM get's nothing tech-wise of what might as well be the first actual alien craft they recover. Sure it's not as advanced as the "usual" aliens, but nonethless it's a space-capable combat-landing craft that's more sturdy than anything X-COM can put together at that point. Even if they can't figure out how the engines work there should be some advanced tech in there that is beneficial.
I was under the impression that the Kitsune was actually more advanced in the "MOO2 tech tree" sense, or at least the propulsion systems were.
It's not much sturdier than a Skyranger (180 vs 150). Not sure how the 'fighter-transporter' thing or space flight translate to tech, but I imagine having access to an early space shuttle might not play well with intended progression?
Then how about the requirements for that "Alien Power Systems"? Was that always a live alien? I almost certain I was able to craft SKYRAIDER earlier.
No meaningful differences in the 1.3 tech tree that I can see. Perhaps aliens were easier to acquire in these earlier versions (although I don't really remember that being so right now), or perhaps you were just lucky with getting one and haven't been since? :)
True. Though my experience has been that access to the Skymarshall is not so much later, and that one practically obsoletes the Skyraider. If you have the alloys, that is.
Not much later is a bit relative - the Raider is locked behind Promo II, while the others are locked behind III, which can make a small or a large difference depending on how your game is going. Compared to earlier versions it is also actually faster than the Marshall (which used to be 1200 iirc).
I was under the impression that the Kitsune was actually more advanced in the "MOO2 tech tree" sense, or at least the propulsion systems were.
There was no trace of crew, but the team found some visual representations of humanoid forms with cat-like or bat-like ears. The craft appeared significantly less advanced than typical alien tech in most areas, energy chemistry being a notable exception.
Again, it's not about X-COM being unable to figure out the drive system, but more the potential "this is the first actual alien space-craft I have recovered and all got is this shirt"-issue. Even "significantly less advanced" is probably quite a bit more advanced than X-COM is at that point, given that they are working mothballed Canadian fighters and MIGs. I just think there should be some kind of small technological (or even just lore) payoff for recovering a one-of-a-kind alien craft apart from "we have bolted the doors back on, hopefully shouldn't disintegrate mid-flight now".
Not much later is a bit relative - the Raider is locked behind Promo II, while the others are locked behind III, which can make a small or a large difference depending on how your game is going.
Compared to earlier versions it is also actually faster than the Marshall (which used to be 1200 iirc).
In my experience, that's not what makes the difference. Last time I started building Skyraiders and Skyraiders practically concurrently, while Skymarshalls became available considerably later. Mainly because I lacked the alloys and there were one million other things to research (and the aircraft/avionics research times are not inconsiderable).
I agree that the Promotion tier might make a difference, but alloy availability most likely will.
And, yeah, all my actual play experience is with speed 1200 Skymarshalls.
Again, it's not about X-COM being unable to figure out the drive system, but more the potential "this is the first actual alien space-craft I have recovered and all got is this shirt"-issue.
Fair enough. What would you propose as a replacement for the, er, T-shirt? :)
That 'many' is three, while 'Reclamation' is used about 20 times. Granted, one of them is the organisation description (but the name of the article is "Reclamation..."!). Which IMO makes the whole thing a bit confusing. Maybe add "Reclamation, also known as Children", or something along these lines, into the main article?
This seems like the best decision. Done!
IMO, the problem is still "Kitsune comes too early". Skyraider is a good fast strike craft, with reasonable tradeoffs compared to the Skyranger - but the Skymarshall is already starting to blur that line, and then the Kitsune comes and eats Skyraider's lunch soon after. In my experience. there's a very limited time window where Skyraiders actually fulfill their apparent niche, that being being a Dragonfly successor.
I am leaning towards the same view.
Perhaps it would be good to make the Kitsune timing more random...
In a similar fashion, I was at first a little bit confused about "tritanium" vs "alien alloys". Why use two terms for the same thing, wouldn't it be more straightforward to use, for example, Tritanium everywhere? AFAIR, Hardmode expansion used a shorthand "alloy" in the names, which was obvious on the first sight.
I mostly kept "Alien Alloys" for the pun of "Our Alloys". :P
Feel free can throw vegetables at me, I'll understand.
To be fair, the Kitsune is a one-off, while the SKY-series have no such limitations. In the (unlikely) event that the player either fails to get the Kitsune or loses it, the Skyraider becomes more of a fall-back than a niche craft, at least until the Skymarshall becomes available.
Using the Kitsune and the Starfighter feel a bit like cheating to be honest, and I find myself avoiding either craft and more or less jsut use them as display pieces.
For what the Kitsune is, the player really doesn't have to go through all that much trouble to earn it. It's also kind of strange that X-COM get's nothing tech-wise of what might as well be the first actual alien craft they recover. Sure it's not as advanced as the "usual" aliens, but nonethless it's a space-capable combat-landing craft that's more sturdy than anything X-COM can put together at that point. Even if they can't figure out how the engines work there should be some advanced tech in there that is beneficial.
These are also valid concerns. I'll take them into consideration.
I see this as a feature, not an issue. :D
Of course! :)
Tritanium is a specific alloy? So it might not apply in all instances.
I think it's more of the other way around: tritanium is a class of materials, like "alloys" or "plastic" or "ceramics". With many subtypes geared towards various functions. Tritanium can, for example, be a conductor or an isolator, depending on its intended parameters. It's not only about its composition (which is the same, chemistry-wise), but about its crystalline structure, which is carefully arranged at nanoscales.
Might also be an artifact of mod development history, 'alloys' have been getting replaced with Tritanium with some regularity.
Well, it's true, but it's not an excuse if the current arrangement doesn't work. But I currently think it's fine.
I was under the impression that the Kitsune was actually more advanced in the "MOO2 tech tree" sense, or at least the propulsion systems were.
It's less technologically advanced than standard Cydonian craft, but it has some advantages due to how it was designed specifically for war (UFOs typically aren't - a controversial statement, I know).
Again, it's not about X-COM being unable to figure out the drive system, but more the potential "this is the first actual alien space-craft I have recovered and all got is this shirt"-issue. Even "significantly less advanced" is probably quite a bit more advanced than X-COM is at that point, given that they are working mothballed Canadian fighters and MIGs. I just think there should be some kind of small technological (or even just lore) payoff for recovering a one-of-a-kind alien craft apart from "we have bolted the doors back on, hopefully shouldn't disintegrate mid-flight now".
Hopefully this will be addressed in the future.
Well, if tritanium is a whole separate classification, instead of an element as in Star Trek, or a specific material (I forget whether it was an element, alloy or something else) in MOO, perhaps the alien alloy article could make the distinction somewhat clearer? Right now, it implies that tritanium is an alloy with special properties.
Also, there's the inconsistent capitalisation of tritanium. If it's a class of materials instead of a specific one, 'tritanium' seems more suitable than 'Tritanium'. Except in cases where everything is capitalised, of which there are certainly plenty. :)
Well, if tritanium is a whole separate classification, instead of an element as in Star Trek, or a specific material (I forget whether it was an element, alloy or something else) in MOO, perhaps the alien alloy article could make the distinction somewhat clearer? Right now, it implies that tritanium is an alloy with special properties.
Well, technically it is, but it's more complicated.
I will think about how to improve the article. Suggestions welcome, but not necessary.
Also, there's the inconsistent capitalisation of tritanium. If it's a class of materials instead of a specific one, 'tritanium' seems more suitable than 'Tritanium'. Except in cases where everything is capitalised, of which there are certainly plenty. :)
Here I definitely need help, since I have zero understanding on how capitalisation works in English. There doesn't seem to be any rules to my eye... :)
Here I definitely need help, since I have zero understanding on how capitalisation works in English. There doesn't seem to be any rules to my eye...
Well, the rule is that only proper nouns are capitalised. But the rule isn't always followed, whether from ignorance or from a reasoned position or because English is a mongrel language that doesn't care about its own rules... ;D
Even titanium is commonly not capitalised, and tritanium seems at least as generic as that. So I'd personally decapitalise most of the instances. Then again, we are discussing a game and while technically alien alloys should be lowercase, saying "Alien Alloys!" is definitely more awesome.
Even titanium is commonly not capitalised, and tritanium seems at least as generic as that. So I'd personally decapitalise most of the instances. Then again, we are discussing a game and while technically alien alloys should be lowercase, saying "Alien Alloys!" is definitely more awesome.
From what I'm seeing in vanilla (and other games), terms which are capitalised are those that are actual items or article titles. Which is why "Dart Rifle" is generally capitalised, despite being a mundane object.
I honestly hope I don't have to change the entire Pedia... Especially because all translations will go to hell, too. :/ (Change string => Transifex removes all translations of it)
I was looking through the online Pedia and happened to notice the Old UFO Landing Site/Crash Site missions, realised that I had never encountered those missions and got curious as to why. In the files they require the research STR_MIB to spawn, but as far as I can tell no such research topic exists, and so they can never spawn.
Am I understanding this correctly, or have I misread something?
I was looking through the online Pedia and happened to notice the Old UFO Landing Site/Crash Site missions, realised that I had never encountered those missions and got curious as to why. In the files they require the research STR_MIB to spawn, but as far as I can tell no such research topic exists, and so they can never spawn.
Am I understanding this correctly, or have I misread something?
Dang, looks like you're right. O_O
I suspect I mistakenly placed the race there, instead of trigger...
Just noticed that there is no monthly purchase cap for "HC-AA-BS Clip". This is alien alloys burst ammunition for Heavy Cannon.
Just noticed that there is no monthly purchase cap for "HC-AA-BS Clip". This is alien alloys burst ammunition for Heavy Cannon.
Yes, it's an omission. Thanks.
And 5 seconds ago I noticed the same problem with AC-AA Clip. Alien alloys ammo for autocannon (no burst).
@Solarius; I kind of felt like the ghost variety was lacking. If you had the sprites to go with them, would you introduce more ghosts? Are there any particular ghosts you additionally wanted to have in the missions?
On MAGMA Lab mission (one of the most difficult ones with SH at least, BTW), I noticed that when a Zombie Trooper got close and I killed it, Battered Zombie Trooper spawned on death as usual. I though to capture one alive, and went in with a stunner. However, the respawned trooper killed my agent with melee reaction attacks.
I don't think I have ever before seen a death-respawned unit (or even chryssalid zombie) could (reaction) attack on the turn it is created.
This smells like a bug (in OXCE, because this behaviour does not seem to be controllable by rulesets, although it could be modified by scripting even if XCF has not done so) or at least an unintended feature. I had assumed that respawned units would have zero TU on the turn they spawn. Do they get default TUs (the same as in the beginning of turn 1)? Full TUs? The same TUs their host unit had on the turn it died? Something else? Based on this experience I suspect it's the "default TUs, the same as when the game starts on turn 1".
Another interesting thing I noticed earlier. Enemy units can drop down from a hole in a building wall, and if there is some agent in the square below, the agent will get moved into an adjacent square and the enemy will drop to the landing square - instead of the enemy having to tumble to a square next to the landing square.
I was expecting that either the dropdown would have been prevented by having a unit in a the dropdown square or that the falling enemy would land on an adjacent square (and the units down below would have time and the right facing for reactions). But I suppose all three are as such valid for OXCE.
Weren't killed-Zombie-spawned Chryssalids with full TU one of the reasons for why the OG Chryssalids were so terrifying?
The other thing used to be known as the 'Goomba Stomp' :D and stunned the unfortunate unit at the bottom. I didn't even know that got changed.
In Osiron Beach mission, sometimes the dogs cannot attack the goons outside.
Based on FPS look, it seems that the grass is growing too tall and obstructing the attack of the dogs? An obvious bug in terrain definions? (Or if the grass was indeed intended to be so tall as to obstruct the attacks, the sprites should be different.)
I have noticed the same thing before, but I no longer recall if it was this specific mission or something else.
See the attached images and a save, if necessary.
Be glad you're not using rats. :D
@Solarius; I kind of felt like the ghost variety was lacking. If you had the sprites to go with them, would you introduce more ghosts? Are there any particular ghosts you additionally wanted to have in the missions?
Of course, I'm adding new ghosts. Made a new mission recently with three new types (okay, one of them was a special character).
But how is this bug related?
I don't think I have ever before seen a death-respawned unit (or even chryssalid zombie) could (reaction) attack on the turn it is created.
I thought the same thing... with similar results. :)
In Osiron Beach mission, sometimes the dogs cannot attack the goons outside.
Yes, the grass issue is well known. But it's not a bug (technically), and I have no idea how to fix it (except make dogs as tall as people, and this won't happen, or make the grass only look as tall, which also seems wrong).
In Osiron Beach mission, sometimes the dogs cannot attack the goons outside.
Based on FPS look, it seems that the grass is growing too tall and obstructing the attack of the dogs? An obvious bug in terrain definions? (Or if the grass was indeed intended to be so tall as to obstruct the attacks, the sprites should be different.)
I have noticed the same thing before, but I no longer recall if it was this specific mission or something else.
See the attached images and a save, if necessary.
Oh my gosh. I've noticed it randomly on other missions as well, but ESPECIALLY on that one. It makes the missions WAY more dangerous and unpredictable.
Yes, the grass issue is well known. But it's not a bug (technically), and I have no idea how to fix it (except make dogs as tall as people, and this won't happen, or make the grass only look as tall, which also seems wrong).
Perhaps a solution to this problem would be to edit the LOFTs of the grass tiles in the ISLANDURBAN2.MCD file?
That would be 'make the grass only look as tall'. IMO, it's the lesser evil of the two. Unless you dislike them dogs and
crats. :P
Is it normal that the Dart Musket cannot be purchased when you get "Monsters: The Aftermath"?
You need bullfrog corpses for that, and once the monsters are gone, the only source for that seems to be "Syndicate Field Test".
The Spikeboar/Quillbow is the same, but it is available to purshased if you get "Monsters: The Aftermath".
Land Surveys, as for any other post-Aftermath cryptid. Although it does seem a little strange that Quillbows and Muckstar Taser Clips are available, but
Star Dart Muskets are not.
Perhaps a solution to this problem would be to edit the LOFTs of the grass tiles in the ISLANDURBAN2.MCD file?
You know, maybe. I will consult with odder modders.
Although it does seem a little strange that Quillbows and Muckstar Taser Clips are available, but Star Dart Muskets are not.
This is actually a bug, they should be buyable. Fixing now. Thanks!
Of course, I'm adding new ghosts. Made a new mission recently with three new types (okay, one of them was a special character).
But how is this bug related?
Point taken. I posted about this in wrong thread. My bad. (I posted in the help thread instead)
Since version 3.0.0 (and following) the menu shows version 2.0 on start. Not thaaat bad, but ... ;)
I have finally decided to report this: "Zombie Isolation" mission is a joke!
I did that mission several times -- the result is approximately the same: a single zombie is standing 5 tiles away from my squad spawning spot. All I have to do to reach it is to break a glass wall. All ends in 1 turn. Can't it spawn deeper inside building?
Since version 3.0.0 (and following) the menu shows version 2.0 on start. Not thaaat bad, but ... ;)
I checked all translations, and not a single one said 2.0. This must be some other mod's doing.
I have finally decided to report this: "Zombie Isolation" mission is a joke!
I did that mission several times -- the result is approximately the same: a single zombie is standing 5 tiles away from my squad spawning spot. All I have to do to reach it is to break a glass wall. All ends in 1 turn. Can't it spawn deeper inside building?
I'm afraid it's random... But I'll see what can be done about spawn points.
something is wrong with muton sprites, they miss the top as it turns around... By the way, attack on the base in the middle of '98? shit!
This is something new! A fake door in X dimension! I hope no one is inside that now inaccessible area.
I checked all translations, and not a single one said 2.0. This must be some other mod's doing.
Don't have a single mod selected (but yours ;)), here's a screenshot of the main menu. Maybe caused by German translations?
In Black Lotus Party mission, the exit tiles are on the roof, but you start downstairs.
The mission description does warn of a lot of close quarters combat and the mission being indoors, but says nothing about the chance of aborting the mission; the briefing has a regular text on aborting the mission.
I'm not sure if there is any meaningful explanation for this (and I suspect the reason is that defining the exit tiles this way was just easier). The agents land with an osprey in the garden, walk in through the front door, get ambushed, the doors are now locked, and they have to be evacuated though the top floor?
I think it would be fair to warn in the mission description and briefing text that it'll be difficult or practically impossible to abort the mission. Or give some other in-game explanation on how your guys ended up on the ground floor while the escape is through the roof. Or change the exit tiles or start location.
... Maybe caused by German translations?
It seems you are right.
Perhaps there was some error involved in the publishing process, assuming "https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/the-x-com-files" holds the latest versions.
In the download "openxcom_xfiles_3.0.3-4nte.zip" there is still one language reference to 2.0 (all other languages from that download refer to 3.0).
openxcom_xfiles_3.0.3-4nte/XComFiles/Language/de.yml: STR_OPENXCOM: "The X-Com Files: v. 2.0"
something is wrong with muton sprites, they miss the top as it turns around...
I suspect some kind of submod. Are you using any?
By the way, attack on the base in the middle of '98? shit!
That's strange, but depends on difficulty and options, like aggressive retaliation.
This is something new! A fake door in X dimension! I hope no one is inside that now inaccessible area.
Heh. Thanks, fixed.
In Black Lotus Party mission, the exit tiles are on the roof, but you start downstairs.
The mission description does warn of a lot of close quarters combat and the mission being indoors, but says nothing about the chance of aborting the mission; the briefing has a regular text on aborting the mission.
I'm not sure if there is any meaningful explanation for this (and I suspect the reason is that defining the exit tiles this way was just easier). The agents land with an osprey in the garden, walk in through the front door, get ambushed, the doors are now locked, and they have to be evacuated though the top floor?
I think it would be fair to warn in the mission description and briefing text that it'll be difficult or practically impossible to abort the mission. Or give some other in-game explanation on how your guys ended up on the ground floor while the escape is through the roof. Or change the exit tiles or start location.
"Practically impossible to abort" feels really exaggerated if you know what you're doing, but I agree, the player is underinformed and some additional info would be nice. I'll add it.
Perhaps there was some error involved in the publishing process, assuming "https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/the-x-com-files" holds the latest versions.
In the download "openxcom_xfiles_3.0.3-4nte.zip" there is still one language reference to 2.0 (all other languages from that download refer to 3.0).
openxcom_xfiles_3.0.3-4nte/XComFiles/Language/de.yml: STR_OPENXCOM: "The X-Com Files: v. 2.0"
But the German translation also says 3.1 on my end... Sorry, no idea what is going on ;)
...assuming "https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/the-x-com-files" holds the latest versions.
But the German translation also says 3.1 on my end... Sorry, no idea what is going on
Perhaps a difference between mod.io and Github/your personal stuff?
Perhaps a difference between mod.io and Github/your personal stuff?
Not that, I don't keep two separate copies. I probably made a mistake when updating the German version, since this release was somewhat special (I upgraded 3.0.2 instead of just packing my current build, because I already had lots of changes which I didn't want to include in 3.0.3).
something is wrong with muton sprites, they miss the top as it turns around... By the way, attack on the base in the middle of '98? shit!
This is bug from Arsenal Adition submod
Not that, I don't keep two separate copies. I probably made a mistake when updating the German version, since this release was somewhat special (I upgraded 3.0.2 instead of just packing my current build, because I already had lots of changes which I didn't want to include in 3.0.3).
Any news on the translations? Should I just pick the latest file from Github?
Any news on the translations? Should I just pick the latest file from Github?
Of course, there are are no super secret VIP club only translations. :)
The German translation currently has 7940 strings translated, 1018 waiting on a brave volunteer to tackle them.
I am occasionally getting this error message in missions. it is happening when I unveil a specific part of the map, or after I end turn a cultist takes his action down there. I have a save-file from just before the crash but I'm not sure where to find the file for it.
This error indicates missing LOFTemps.
This error indicates missing LOFTemps.
Is that an issue on my end, have I messed up the mod install somehow? Or is it a mod problem?
Is that an issue on my end, have I messed up the mod install somehow? Or is it a mod problem?
Not sure, it can be both.
Maybe Solarius can say if he's using only the vanilla 112 loftemps (that's where number 1792 comes from = 112 * 16)... or more.
Normally I don't report about texts in ufopedia articles (there are always tons of arguable (at best) entries), but this time I just cannot ignore that:
Warp Rifle: This exotic weapon emits a beam which causes disruption of atomic forces, leading to a violent destruction of the target. Worn armor is of little consequence, as it is easily torn apart by the warp beam.
Warp Rifle Clip: Armor Degradation (Penetrating): 0
That is no damage to armor at all.
Of course, there are are no super secret VIP club only translations. :)
The German translation currently has 7940 strings translated, 1018 waiting on a brave volunteer to tackle them.
Sounds like a job for me, guess I could translate some more :)
Is it possible that the latest release (3.0.3) on mod.io has other outdated files?
Not sure, it can be both.
Maybe Solarius can say if he's using only the vanilla 112 loftemps (that's where number 1792 comes from = 112 * 16)... or more.
My loftemps go up to 153, but an appropriate version of LOFTEMPS.DAT is included in the mod. So... I don't know. I don't think it's an XCF issue, more likely bad installation.
Normally I don't report about texts in ufopedia articles (there are always tons of arguable (at best) entries), but this time I just cannot ignore that:
Warp Rifle: This exotic weapon emits a beam which causes disruption of atomic forces, leading to a violent destruction of the target. Worn armor is of little consequence, as it is easily torn apart by the warp beam.
Warp Rifle Clip: Armor Degradation (Penetrating): 0
That is no damage to armor at all.
Fair, I'll change it.
Sounds like a job for me, guess I could translate some more :)
That would be much appreciated. :)
Is it possible that the latest release (3.0.3) on mod.io has other outdated files?
Hopefully not! :P
There is a bug in 3.0-snap probably introduced Jul 26, 2023 by CAVESDIO_07 commit. You have also added CAVESLAB_07 terrain, but no corresponding map block was added for this (for other terrains there were). If RNG chooses CAVESLAB_07 terrain for example for Syndicate Monster Lab mission, OXCE crashes:
[04-08-2023_21-11-15] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(MAPS/CAVESLAB_07.MAP): requested file not found.
[04-08-2023_21-11-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: FileRecord::at(MAPS/CAVESLAB_07.MAP): requested file not found.
There is a bug in 3.0-snap probably introduced Jul 26, 2023 by CAVESDIO_07 commit. You have also added CAVESLAB_07 terrain, but no corresponding map block was added for this (for other terrains there were). If RNG chooses CAVESLAB_07 terrain for example for Syndicate Monster Lab mission, OXCE crashes:
[04-08-2023_21-11-15] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(MAPS/CAVESLAB_07.MAP): requested file not found.
[04-08-2023_21-11-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: FileRecord::at(MAPS/CAVESLAB_07.MAP): requested file not found.
I commented out "CAVESLAB_07" section in the terrains ruleset to work around this for now.
Thanks for catching this, fixed.
Syndicate Headquarters mission does not have 'Entrance' squares, all the spawn squares are 'Target Exits'. This means that you can abort the mission, but you lose all the loot pile you brought with you on the craft.
Compare this to Black Lotus HQ which is a similar mission. There all the spawn squares are 'Entrance' squares (I think, based on a quick test with "New Battle").
The squares in Syndicate HQ might be unintentional, and it is at very least unfair, given that mission description and briefing doesn't allude to anything about the diffculty of aborting the mission (to the contrary). I suggest changing all the squares to 'Entrance' unless there is some reason not to.
This seems like a relatively important issue, because Syndicate HQ is one of the most difficult missions especially if you get a bad spawn location or certain enemies spawn close to you (e.g. a lot of minotaurs) and aborting the mission and trying it again next month might be a very viable survival strategy.
In 3.1-snap, Reclamation of Aether Lab is extremely slow (even when your own agents move). This is probably because the height of the map has been defined as 50 squares(!!!), even though the mission only uses two. This is clearly a bug.
A few max-speeds to compare:
- humvee 150
- public car 200
- helicopter 230
- osprey 375
- land rover 400
- private car 450
- dragonfly 560
Helicopter and to a degree osprey is very slow in contrast to a car by public transportation system. Land rover and private car are, on the other hand, way too fast. Especially land rover is crazy fast in comparison to the rest, but I suspect this is kinda intentional for it to be a viable later-game undercover transportation option.
But if one wanted to rebalance these to make the numbers more realistic in comparison, I'd definitely make helicopter faster (at least 300) and land rover and private car a bit slower.
private car is not only the car per se, but also the attached leasing jet :); same goes for the humvee i guess
the speed of the helicopter is ok if compared to actual crafts like the Eurocopter from Airbus
Syndicate Headquarters mission does not have 'Entrance' squares, all the spawn squares are 'Target Exits'. This means that you can abort the mission, but you lose all the loot pile you brought with you on the craft.
Compare this to Black Lotus HQ which is a similar mission. There all the spawn squares are 'Entrance' squares (I think, based on a quick test with "New Battle").
Honestly I have no idea why I set this up like this... I can't find a specific reason. So I'm changing this to work as normal and hoping it won't break anything.
In 3.1-snap, Reclamation of Aether Lab is extremely slow (even when your own agents move). This is probably because the height of the map has been defined as 50 squares(!!!), even though the mission only uses two. This is clearly a bug.
Definitely a bug. I missed this.
Helicopter and to a degree osprey is very slow in contrast to a car by public transportation system. Land rover and private car are, on the other hand, way too fast. Especially land rover is crazy fast in comparison to the rest, but I suspect this is kinda intentional for it to be a viable later-game undercover transportation option.
But if one wanted to rebalance these to make the numbers more realistic in comparison, I'd definitely make helicopter faster (at least 300) and land rover and private car a bit slower.
Maybe this matrix could use some rethinking, but speed is complicated, as it impacts range.
Besides, I'm not convinced it's totally wrong.
Help me understand. Am I the new commander assigned to the base which have operated for some time? Or we are fresh unit and didn't do any missions before 30 Dec 1996? After all there are only 6 green rookies present and no score. Both "Red Tape" and "Money Prize" events in Dec 96 compliment our achievements last month, when I wasn't in charge. I know there was couple projects before X-Com which gave us critical data, but they are terminated at this point and I'm not comfortable to be praised for their work.
Why sometimes Cult Apprehension missions can't specify the place? I thought it was problem of specific city, but no, other times they spell it just fine.
And I'm sorry, but this garage thing still bothering me. If you need an example, here is how it usually goes. First turn, we see two garages right in front of us. We know there are two cultists, and we know that a garage is ALWAYS occupied, so we easily and boringly deal with them. Is there a reason for this which I can't understand? Is it supposed to be a challenge to storm a see-through house with entries on all sides? Other buildings don't work this way even the watchtower.
Thank you for changing the AK sounds.
Help me understand. Am I the new commander assigned to the base which have operated for some time? Or we are fresh unit and didn't do any missions before 30 Dec 1996? After all there are only 6 green rookies present and no score.
The project is new (at least in this iteration). You arrive last on site, while your initial staff members have been there for some time making preparations.
Both "Red Tape" and "Money Prize" events in Dec 96 compliment our achievements last month, when I wasn't in charge.
You were, for like 2 days.
I know there was couple projects before X-Com which gave us critical data, but they are terminated at this point and I'm not comfortable to be praised for their work.
They are completely unrelated.
Why sometimes Cult Apprehension missions can't specify the place? I thought it was problem of specific city, but no, other times they spell it just fine.
Hmm, weird. I can't think of any reason, nor recall anything like this.
And I'm sorry, but this garage thing still bothering me. If you need an example, here is how it usually goes. First turn, we see two garages right in front of us. We know there are two cultists, and we know that a garage is ALWAYS occupied, so we easily and boringly deal with them. Is there a reason for this which I can't understand? Is it supposed to be a challenge to storm a see-through house with entries on all sides? Other buildings don't work this way even the watchtower.
Sorry, I don't understand. Why would the garage be anything special? It's just a map part like any other.
Thank you for changing the AK sounds.
You're welcome. :)
BTW this post mostly has nothing to do with bugs (either actual or suspected), but at least some points seem related, so I'll leave it here. In the future please use other threads for non-bug-related questions, as it makes it harder on the OXCE devs to recognize issues.
There are some error when playing v3.1(game is still playable)
[21-08-2023_12-22-59] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WESTMEN_INFORMANT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[21-08-2023_12-22-59] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_BUZZER_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
[21-08-2023_12-22-59] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_CYBERMITE_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.
And when I search this topic in XCF wiki(in Trigam Reactor), this page shows "Something went wrong. You should let people know at XCF Matrix" and
There are some error when playing v3.1(game is still playable)
They are just warnings, not errors. They don't do anything bad.
I could fix it, but I'm afraid of actually breaking it. :P
And when I search this topic in XCF wiki(in Trigam Reactor), this page shows "Something went wrong. You should let people know at XCF Matrix" and
Not sure if bug; if the item doesn't exist, then indeed there is nothing to display.
So I had some issues in a previous version, good news is.. this latest version, that issue is gone. MIB Lunar landing was giving me a crash a few months back. This newer version all good.
That version that was giving me the crash had UAC base missions, I didn't see any in this newest version.
But I did find one potential bug.
Lunar base:Core mission
This is the mission where you are trying to get the Grand master
For some reason, medi packs, trauma packs were onboard ship but were not accessible on landing. Only thing that was "Healing spray, healing gel".
Is this normal ?
Yes. Conventional medical kits are not vacuum-rated, only the advanced Medi-Kit and the self-contained items qualify.
Wakizashi says that the accuracy of the strike is 100%. The influence of the melee is not specified, but an agent with the melee skill 12 never hits anyone. Is this how it should be?
If your hit 'chance' says 12%, then yes.
You're probably running up against melee dodge, which is additive and thus very bad for low accuracy values.
What then does accuracy mean in the description of the weapon? What then does it mean to add or not add a melee skill to this accuracy?
Listed accuracy is not added, it's the final multiplier used on the result of the formula that calculates melee accuracy from skills. Which tends to depend on the weapon.
E.g. a machete with an accuracy multiplier of 80% and 0.5 melee + 0.5 flat accuracy in the hands of a 50-skill agent gets you (0.5*50+0.5*100)*0.8 = 60% hit 'chance'. That's before that invisible melee dodge comes and fucks up the result, of course.
I think I got it. Thanks for the clarification.
I found a bug in the agents/inventory screen. while on Rat, if you by accident click on change avatar and change the name (I believe only Bruce) caused an instant shutdown.
Don't ask me why I tried that. but did notice, some other names wouldn't cause the crash.
I found a bug in the agents/inventory screen. while on Rat, if you by accident click on change avatar and change the name (I believe only Bruce) caused an instant shutdown.
Don't ask me why I tried that. but did notice, some other names wouldn't cause the crash.
Interesting. Do you have a save?
Of course, there are are no super secret VIP club only translations. :)
The German translation currently has 7940 strings translated, 1018 waiting on a brave volunteer to tackle them.
My friend and me are doing pretty regular gaming sessions on the weekends and we're planning to adopt bad / add missing German translations from now on while playing. Just forked your repo / master branch. Guess I'll send you a weekly PR if that's fine for you?
my game crashes ;__;
to reproduce: end the mission by killing the scorpion
additional info: i run the game via wine on a pretty old dusted laptop
My friend and me are doing pretty regular gaming sessions on the weekends and we're planning to adopt bad / add missing German translations from now on while playing. Just forked your repo / master branch. Guess I'll send you a weekly PR if that's fine for you?
Sorry, but I can't see how this would fit into how things work. Translations are managed by Transifex, what would I do with a PR? It would be overridden by Transifex changes anyway.
my game crashes ;__;
to reproduce: end the mission by killing the scorpion
additional info: i run the game via wine on a pretty old dusted laptop
Crashes for me too, no idea why - there's nothing useful in the log. This is extremely strange, as it is a very common and old mission. I will investigate.
Sorry, but I can't see how this would fit into how things work. Translations are managed by Transifex, what would I do with a PR? It would be overridden by Transifex changes anyway.
Crashes for me too, no idea why - there's nothing useful in the log. This is extremely strange, as it is a very common and old mission. I will investigate.
Oh, I'm sorry. I expected your The German translation currently has 7940 strings translated, 1018 waiting on a brave volunteer to tackle them. meant they are manual community work? So I was thinking about expand / rework them while playing.
Oh, I'm sorry. I expected your The German translation currently has 7940 strings translated, 1018 waiting on a brave volunteer to tackle them. meant they are manual community work? So I was thinking about expand / rework them while playing.
Yeah precisely, it is a community work. And Transifex is a platform to organise it.
You are very welcome to join and help with the translation. No need for big commitments, every string matters.
Yeah precisely, it is a community work. And Transifex is a platform to organise it.
You are very welcome to join and help with the translation. No need for big commitments, every string matters.
Aaah, I see! Was about to directly adopt the language file. So how to your your project there? Its surely written down somewhere already?
Edit: found it, actually quite easy: https://app.transifex.com/openxcom/openxcom-mods/translate/#de/xcf/406449569
Crashes for me too, no idea why - there's nothing useful in the log. This is extremely strange, as it is a very common and old mission. I will investigate.
Item ID 141 is a corpse missing an assigned unit:
- id: 141
inventoryslot: STR_GROUND
position: [33, 4, 0]
droppedOnAlienTurn: true
Compare the next megascorpion corpse on the list:
- id: 143
unit: 1000021
inventoryslot: STR_GROUND
position: [38, 23, 0]
Assigning a unit (even an existing one) to 141, e.g.
- id: 141
unit: 1000021
inventoryslot: STR_GROUND
position: [33, 4, 0]
droppedOnAlienTurn: true
fixes the crash for me. I have no idea why the corpse is missing a unit or why a missing unit ID on a corpse item leads to a crash though. Maybe Meridian/somebody with knowledge of the codebase can elucidate us.
Interesting. Do you have a save?
I'll check.
Another strange one is after david Vincent mission, MIB scientist and MIB Assault solder become available for research. Even if i add no scientist to them and just add them to research, they are almost instantly completed 9with no assigned scientists). Populating nothing.
@tris85: Yeah, that's the thing. Good luck with the translation!
@krautbernd: Thanks for the input. It's probably a corrupted save.
I'll check.
Another strange one is after david Vincent mission, MIB scientist and MIB Assault solder become available for research. Even if i add no scientist to them and just add them to research, they are almost instantly completed 9with no assigned scientists). Populating nothing.
Wut? No idea why that would be like this, their costs are fine. I need more data...
@krautbernd: Thanks for the input. It's probably a corrupted save.
What would lead to a single item missing a single reference? As far as I can tell there is literally nothing wrong with the save apart from the missing unit reference. And I don't see why a missing reference should lead to a crash. There is no reason the corpse couldn't be recovered without one. Why does this lead to a segfault?
If I were to hazard a guess, that's because corpses are divided into 'battle' and 'geo'. This division is indexed by armour, which is indexed by unit - which in this case is missing. And a corpse item is not necessarily unique to a single unit type.
But it's still strange that this bit is missing in the save. (And props to krautbernd for finding this - I though it might have something to do with terrain and moved the scorpion around a bit, but obviously that didn't work, and then gave up).
I presume unarmed drifter wasn't mucking about in the save?
And I don't see why a missing reference should lead to a crash. There is no reason the corpse couldn't be recovered without one. Why does this lead to a segfault?
Without a unit reference, we don't know even basic things... like is the unit dead or just unconscious?
(plus a hundred more reasons like this, which you can find in the debriefing code if interested)
The description for the Position Marker (STR_HWP_MARKER_FOLDED) says that it "Has night vision and anti-camouflage capabilities". However, there are no parameters "antiCamouflageAtDay" or "antiCamouflageAtNight" in his armor (STR_XCOM_MARKER_ARMOR) properties, but only "visibilityAtDark". Is that normal or am I misunderstanding something?
The description for the Position Marker (STR_HWP_MARKER_FOLDED) says that it "Has night vision and anti-camouflage capabilities". However, there are no parameters "antiCamouflageAtDay" or "antiCamouflageAtNight" in his armor (STR_XCOM_MARKER_ARMOR) properties, but only "visibilityAtDark". Is that normal or am I misunderstanding something?
It's a bug, I fixed it yesterday (added the missing anti-camo).
Shouldn't bolt action rifle clip (STR_BOLT_ACTION_CLIP) have the 50-200% spread as other rifles?
RandomType: 7
P.S. The same applied also for SKS rifle (STR_SKS_CLIP)
In theory, maybe not, since the bolt action and especially the SKS are not sniper weapons.
In practice, the Mosin seems to be, so there's an argument for the bolt ammo, especially as most RL Mosins fire the same 7.62x54R ammo as the SVD, and that has both the extra damage and sniper scaling for accuracy.
A more interesting question is where does the line go for sniper accuracy? There are a number of scoped rifles, some even bolt-action, that do not have it (Scoped Hunting Rifle, QBU, Sporting Rifle, even the SVD and the fictional Walther knock-offs), while the VSS, a glorified assault rifle, does.
I just realized that .308 sniper rifle is an excellent weapon if the agent has reasonable firing accuracy and decent bravery, even better than BO sniper rifle in some contexts (the main benefit of BO sniper rifle being able to shoot two snap shots if you don't do much else - kneeling and high accuracy makes even this roughly 100% accuracy).
Especially because it doesn't have minimum range dropoff, like the rest of sniper rifles (Mosin, Bolt, Nitro and such are probably intentionally not such kind of sniper rifles, though some of the choices here might be a bit illogical) so you can also shoot without an accuracy penalty in close quarters as well. The omission of min range is probably an oversight.
As an aside, scoped hunting rifle seems to be completely obsolete by the point that you could get it (bio-exo, advanced optics, manufacture in the workshop). If you really wanted it to be a viable option, it should be available much earlier or have some other significant benefit.
I just realized that .308 sniper rifle is an excellent weapon if the agent has reasonable firing accuracy and decent bravery, even better than BO sniper rifle in some contexts (the main benefit of BO sniper rifle being able to shoot two snap shots if you don't do much else - kneeling and high accuracy makes even this roughly 100% accuracy).
Totally agreed.
The 308 really changed the game for me, similarly to obtaining the hunting rifle early on. Those two are game changers.
The 308 has amazing accuracy when it's in the right hands.
Not sure why I am able to add unpacked boxes and crates to my craft on the equip craft menu.
Is that by design ?
Yes. Certain unnamed parties (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg146706.html#msg146706) apparently like to play X-Com Tycoon. :-\
Yes. Certain unnamed parties (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg146706.html#msg146706) apparently like to play X-Com Tycoon. :-\
LOL. This isn't enough laugh emojis for that comment.
In the larger scheme of things, 5 or 6 crates and boxes are not going to be a reason I can't find something on the craft inventory screen but it does tidy things up a bit.
I honestly wish we could make our own custom screens to filter out the other crap.
However the inventory options allow you to manipulate some of this (by choosing categories).
Yes. Certain unnamed parties (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5047.msg146706.html#msg146706) apparently like to play X-Com Tycoon. :-\
Looks like an interesting idea for a mod! Imagine gameplay centered not around shooting, but around bringing heavy objects on battlescape and trying to haul them to the evacuation zone while fighting environmental hazards and maybe some enemies. Research better crafts with more item capacity, better armor for heavy lifting... Probably we will hit engine limitations very soon...
I just realized that .308 sniper rifle is an excellent weapon if the agent has reasonable firing accuracy and decent bravery, even better than BO sniper rifle in some contexts (the main benefit of BO sniper rifle being able to shoot two snap shots if you don't do much else - kneeling and high accuracy makes even this roughly 100% accuracy).
Especially because it doesn't have minimum range dropoff, like the rest of sniper rifles (Mosin, Bolt, Nitro and such are probably intentionally not such kind of sniper rifles, though some of the choices here might be a bit illogical) so you can also shoot without an accuracy penalty in close quarters as well. The omission of min range is probably an oversight.
Yes, it's an omission, thank you.
As an aside, scoped hunting rifle seems to be completely obsolete by the point that you could get it (bio-exo, advanced optics, manufacture in the workshop). If you really wanted it to be a viable option, it should be available much earlier or have some other significant benefit.
It can't be available earlier, because its entire point is to give the player a reward for researching Advanced Optics. Making it more valuable is possible, but right now I can't see any benefits it could logically have (it's still a hunting rifle, uses the same ammo).
I honestly wish we could make our own custom screens to filter out the other crap.
I can make a "Containers" category, would this help?
I moved the Scoped Rifle discussion to a new thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11500.0.html).
Should EXALT Liquidation mission description include some warning that you cannot retreat from it? Most of these special missions do, but there are some exceptions or omissions. And sometimes you may be able to read this behind the lines if read it carefully.
I did a dreamer mission today. The asthetics are really cool, but the cake is a bit silly.
Anyway, the rookie that was chosen for this adventure died and I lost the whole craft. It wasn't clear that the whole craft and all the other agents were at stake here, so if possible, I'd not count that as a squad wipe, otherwise it would be good to at least make that clear in the mission description.
Should EXALT Liquidation mission description include some warning that you cannot retreat from it? Most of these special missions do, but there are some exceptions or omissions. And sometimes you may be able to read this behind the lines if read it carefully.
Good point, I'll add it.
Anyway, the rookie that was chosen for this adventure died and I lost the whole craft. It wasn't clear that the whole craft and all the other agents were at stake here, so if possible, I'd not count that as a squad wipe, otherwise it would be good to at least make that clear in the mission description.
Well, losing all soldiers = lost craft... I don't think it needs further clarification.
Well I didn't lose all soldiers. I only lost 1. The rest weren't even on the mission. And the craft was not part of the mission either.
After completing "Terminate the Black Lotus" (This is ofcourse Post Black Lotus HQ and after researching has completed on Terminate the Black Lotus). I'm still getting Cut infiltrations for... The Black Lotus (usually 3 vans full of BL stirring up a ruckus somewhere).
Is this typical ?
I don't know if it's typical, but it's intended. These missions are spawned by leftover manors trying to still be relevant. Suicide by
cop X-Com, if you ask me. ::)
I don't know if it's typical, but it's intended. These missions are spawned by leftover manors trying to still be relevant. Suicide by cop X-Com, if you ask me. ::)
Believe you are correct Juku.
Just found a few monars hanging around.
I've learned that if you watch the white X's (from cult vans, helicopters, etc.) you can follow them and find where they fly off too. Tailing them straight to their manor.
Embarrassed to admit it, took me a while to figure that out :D
In zombie catacombs, I got a map which was a complete dead-end from the first room - no exits at all. You could demolish the walls by using about 5 high explosives or some other tools, but is this really reasonable? I don't think so. Especially because you cannot return to the start squares and once you go down and thus abort the mission without losing crew.
Screenshot with debug mode and a save attached.
I just had a "Haunted Farm" mission that took place in a city map with nothing that looked even close to a farm.
It is not a big issue, but I don't know if this is intended.
Save attached.
I found it rather surprising that battle axes are one handed - or at least they have no 1-handed penalty (like, for example, katanas have). The weapon looks rather big though, and it is considerably heavier than a katana. This makes the battle axe a very good weapon. You don't need to drop you main gun to improve accuracy. I wonder if this is an oversight.
I found it rather surprising that battle axes are one handed - or at least they have no 1-handed penalty (like, for example, katanas have). The weapon looks rather big though. This makes the battle axe a very good weapon. You don't need to drop you main gun to improve accuracy. I wonder if this is an oversight.
And these axes chop down anything. Earth bloks, any walls, even the sky, even Allah. In our small x community, a bardish is something like a meme. In some missions, agents use these axes to cut tunnels. And in some, they pave the way directly through anything. It even becomes sad when in a late game these axes are changed to plasma knives.
Minor text bug. Syndicate Secret Archives Raid mission text says "To abort.. return to the transport vehicle..". But the mission uses landing squares, not the transport. I wonder if there might be other similar cases as well.
The "doors" in (a variant of) Shogg village are strange. They look like real doors but don't "open" nor produce any sound, yet walking through consumes 12 TU. Is this intentional? Even if they would be just hanging beads or something, I suppose the TU cost should be lower.
MIB Engineering ship Bug
The 4 elevator tiles do not line up on the crafts left side. Right side is fine.
Left side is off by one tile.
Sorry for resolution size. Couldn't figure out a way to change size of the gif video without turning it into a photo instead of video.
You get to complete the asylym apparitions missions only once, after you're done you start getting the "main" ghost missions. Which are very useful to obtain PSI weapons, so that you can capture heavily armored units from which you can steal their armors (Gillman Hero, a few MIB troops) well before you can get them via research.
The problem is that the chance is only 33 % per month. With this kind of one-time mission, the probability should be at least 50 % or even more.
In my current run, I've had bad RNG and have had to wait for the mission for a year (statistical probability < 1%). But there is no point in this, because you only get to do it once (provided that you succeed). So why not make sure you actually get it soon after you have all the requirements.
For example, with 33 % probability, there's still 9 % chance you don't get the mission for 6 months running. Compare to 50 %, this would be 1,5 % and with 70 % it would be less than 0,1 %.
The same problem - getting stumped by very strange RNG for a very long time - can occur with many other missions as well (in my previous one, I had to wait for a Exalt base mission to spawn for a year). But increasing the probability of this kind for "do it once" missions would have no downside, IMHO.
Sorry about the long break, I've been in a traffic accident. Long story, but ultimately I'm fine.
Please note that I moved some messages to separate topics. Sorry but this is a bug reporting thread, you know.
In zombie catacombs, I got a map which was a complete dead-end from the first room - no exits at all. You could demolish the walls by using about 5 high explosives or some other tools, but is this really reasonable? I don't think so. Especially because you cannot return to the start squares and once you go down and thus abort the mission without losing crew.
A common occurence. But what do you mean by "cannot return to the start squares"? What's stopping you? I can go back just fine in your save.
I just had a "Haunted Farm" mission that took place in a city map with nothing that looked even close to a farm.
It is not a big issue, but I don't know if this is intended.
Save attached.
Oops! Will fix.
I found it rather surprising that battle axes are one handed - or at least they have no 1-handed penalty (like, for example, katanas have). The weapon looks rather big though, and it is considerably heavier than a katana. This makes the battle axe a very good weapon. You don't need to drop you main gun to improve accuracy. I wonder if this is an oversight.
More like convention. I could make it a two-handed weapon, but then it would have to be a bit stronger.
Minor text bug. Syndicate Secret Archives Raid mission text says "To abort.. return to the transport vehicle..". But the mission uses landing squares, not the transport. I wonder if there might be other similar cases as well.
Good point... Fixed.
The "doors" in (a variant of) Shogg village are strange. They look like real doors but don't "open" nor produce any sound, yet walking through consumes 12 TU. Is this intentional? Even if they would be just hanging beads or something, I suppose the TU cost should be lower.
Yeah, they're curtains. Pretty heavy ones.
MIB Engineering ship Bug
The 4 elevator tiles do not line up on the crafts left side. Right side is fine.
Left side is off by one tile.
Oops! Embarrassing... :)
You get to complete the asylym apparitions missions only once (...)
The point of this mission is being an anomaly... Making it predictable would defeat the point, I'm afraid.
A common occurence. But what do you mean by "cannot return to the start squares"? What's stopping you? I can go back just fine in your save.
The start tiles are on upper floor. You get down by dropping down. There don't appear to be any stairs back up, or I'm just blind. But if you say you can go back, I suppose there are..
The start tiles are on upper floor. You get down by dropping down. There don't appear to be any stairs back up, or I'm just blind. But if you say you can go back, I suppose there are..
There are. ;D
Sonic Weapons Focusing unlocks both Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing and Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip research (that, in turn, unlock Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing a second time):
I was surprised when I noticed hat MAGMA Chainsawbot's chainsaws aren't chainsaws, but actually auto-shotting firearms with 8 max range. The sprite also does not suggest this. This led to the wreckage of a couple of flying drones.
If you wanted MAGMA chainsawbots to have a ranged weapon, it would have been far more intuitive to make it have two weapons, one melee chainsaw, the other some ranged weapon. Now there seems to be nothing to suggest the chainsaws are actually shotgun-like ranged weapons.
Speaking of melee. There seems to be no logic to melee weapons damage rolls. About half of them have 50-150% spread (most of them punier ones). About half of them have 0-200 %. A couple have 0-100% + 0-100%. IMHO it makes no sense that the minimum damage of a knife is bigger than a battle axe, for example. I would think 50-150% spread would make most sense for all of them unless there are good reasons to the contrary.
Shogg blade description is: "This short sword is too heavy for comfortable use by normal humans, but absolutely devastating when wielded by a stronger fighter. Its terramite edge makes it quite effective against armor." Yet it has armor effectiveness of 1 (the default), just like most other melees weapon that don't have such mentions (compare to a knife, battle axe or hatchet, for example). Did you forget to add an armor effectiveness definition here (or reduce the armor effectiveness of some other basic melee weapons)?
Slander missions
I know this is probably subjective but the Slander de-spawn penalty (compared to awarded points) for the completed mission is a bit steep.
I only say this because it is extremely difficult to get to the mission in time. By the time you have a craft in the air, the tracking is lost.
I was surprised when I noticed hat MAGMA Chainsawbot's chainsaws aren't chainsaws, but actually auto-shotting firearms with 8 max range. The sprite also does not suggest this. This led to the wreckage of a couple of flying drones.
I just noticed this as well. However after having a Sectopod shot a gas grenade at me (on a striker craft mission) I wasn't that surprised :P
That one was random though. Have only seen it once.
Should be noted though, i have seen the MAGMA Chainsawbots use the chainsaw mele instead of throwing them (seen both).
In the Shady Tavern mission I wanted to stun men in black with electric clubs and couldn’t understand why, when entering the door (closed), they managed to shoot before 2 of my agents started hitting. I started looking at the doors from all sides on behalf of the agents and this is what i saw:
One of the corners of the doorway is cut off and is also visible through. Another similar door has the same problem on the same side (last screenshot).
Edited: The problem is not with the door. If you knock down a door or make a hole in a wall, then all the edges of this type of wall are full of holes. External, brick walls also have jambs. There need to check all the sets of walls.
Another interesting point. If I remove an agent who is visible, then the second one immediately triggers a reaction and stuns the enemy when he enters. But when the enemy saw my agent at the moment the door opened, he entered the door and attacked before the second agent reacted.
With zombies, like 3 years ago, there are some difficulties with reaction in close combat, but I haven’t figured it out and can’t say for sure. Only that a zombie runs up to your face and stands on one of the 2 side squares from the front one and the agent with full AP and good reactions doesn’t even think about attacking.
Slander missions
I know this is probably subjective but the Slander de-spawn penalty (compared to awarded points) for the completed mission is a bit steep.
I only say this because it is extremely difficult to get to the mission in time. By the time you have a craft in the air, the tracking is lost.
Slander missions have a duration of 2-3 hours. I have always thought that it is intentional that you can't get there in time, especially because are also intentionally forced to use the slow transports (van, car or land rover) even though there is no lore reason to do so. So, this is clearly designed as an annoying way of giving you -500 points for sharing the tech or leaving cults unfinished.
Sonic Weapons Focusing unlocks both Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing and Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip research (that, in turn, unlock Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing a second time):
This doesn't change anything. Yes, some prerequisites are redundant, but it's harmless.
(Why is it like this? I don't know, Finnik submitted this part of code, and I was fine with it. Like I said, it doesn't matter.)
I was surprised when I noticed hat MAGMA Chainsawbot's chainsaws aren't chainsaws, but actually auto-shotting firearms with 8 max range. The sprite also does not suggest this. This led to the wreckage of a couple of flying drones.
If you wanted MAGMA chainsawbots to have a ranged weapon, it would have been far more intuitive to make it have two weapons, one melee chainsaw, the other some ranged weapon. Now there seems to be nothing to suggest the chainsaws are actually shotgun-like ranged weapons.
...and why on Earth would I want to make it more predictable? It's one of the very few surprises in the mod...
Speaking of melee. There seems to be no logic to melee weapons damage rolls. About half of them have 50-150% spread (most of them punier ones). About half of them have 0-200 %. A couple have 0-100% + 0-100%. IMHO it makes no sense that the minimum damage of a knife is bigger than a battle axe, for example. I would think 50-150% spread would make most sense for all of them unless there are good reasons to the contrary.
This remark is too general to answer, I'd have to produce a whole thesis. But there are always reasons (well, should be).
Shogg blade description is: "This short sword is too heavy for comfortable use by normal humans, but absolutely devastating when wielded by a stronger fighter. Its terramite edge makes it quite effective against armor." Yet it has armor effectiveness of 1 (the default), just like most other melees weapon that don't have such mentions (compare to a knife, battle axe or hatchet, for example). Did you forget to add an armor effectiveness definition here (or reduce the armor effectiveness of some other basic melee weapons)?
It's just a strong blade, it doesn't specifically have any anti-armour flag.
Honestly, all three points not only aren't bugs, they're can't even be answered in a meaningful way. Unless I wrote a big treaty on weapons and damage, and sorry, I'm not writing one. :)
Slander missions
I know this is probably subjective but the Slander de-spawn penalty (compared to awarded points) for the completed mission is a bit steep.
I only say this because it is extremely difficult to get to the mission in time. By the time you have a craft in the air, the tracking is lost.
...and what the heck would be their point if you could get there normally??? :D
I just noticed this as well. However after having a Sectopod shot a gas grenade at me (on a striker craft mission) I wasn't that surprised :P
That one was random though. Have only seen it once.
Oops. I really hope this doesn't happen. :P
Should be noted though, i have seen the MAGMA Chainsawbots use the chainsaw mele instead of throwing them (seen both).
Actually, they don't have a melee mode; perhaps they simply "shot" at your unit point blank.
In the Shady Tavern mission I wanted to stun men in black with electric clubs and couldn’t understand why, when entering the door (closed), they managed to shoot before 2 of my agents started hitting. I started looking at the doors from all sides on behalf of the agents and this is what i saw:
One of the corners of the doorway is cut off and is also visible through. Another similar door has the same problem on the same side (last screenshot).
Edited: The problem is not with the door. If you knock down a door or make a hole in a wall, then all the edges of this type of wall are full of holes. External, brick walls also have jambs. There need to check all the sets of walls.
Another interesting point. If I remove an agent who is visible, then the second one immediately triggers a reaction and stuns the enemy when he enters. But when the enemy saw my agent at the moment the door opened, he entered the door and attacked before the second agent reacted.
Sorry, I'm just not sure what the issue is. Are you saying that a solid wall is not in fact solid? If yes, which one?
With zombies, like 3 years ago, there are some difficulties with reaction in close combat, but I haven’t figured it out and can’t say for sure. Only that a zombie runs up to your face and stands on one of the 2 side squares from the front one and the agent with full AP and good reactions doesn’t even think about attacking.
If there is an issue with reactions, which I really don't think is the case but who knows, please address it to the OXCE developers.
This remark is too general to answer, I'd have to produce a whole thesis. But there are always reasons (well, should be).
I was not asking to write a treatise. I was asking if the mod is supposed to have some logic behind melee weapon 0-200% or 50-150% damage rolls (yes/no). If the answer is yes, it would have been nice a hear a one-sentence summary of what it is supposed to be, because I couldn't find anything obvious. But even if the logic could not be summarized, I was asking if the melee weapon damage ranges could be fixed to conform to that logic (whatever it is). To me, the best logic would be to have either 0-200 or 50-150 but not both.
It's just a strong blade, it doesn't specifically have any anti-armour flag.
As I said, the are numerous similar melee weapons that have the same properties against armor, but nothing is said in their descriptions (or seem even weaker). If you wanted to approach this logically, there would be essentially three choices: 1) remove the text which is misleading (it has no special properties to warrant the description), 2) add some anti-armor properties to the blade to make the description to be correct (for example, anti-armor 0.8 would make it consistent with tritanium knives), or 3) go through other melee weapons which have default anti-armor settings and make them less efficient against armor.
Honestly, all three points not only aren't bugs, they're can't even be answered in a meaningful way. Unless I wrote a big treaty on weapons and damage, and sorry, I'm not writing one. :)
My intention has been to point out inconsistencies in addition to obvious bugs, because I thought the purpose of the mod and this thread is to make gradual improvements. I'd hope that inconsistencies would be fixed somehow. I don't need a precise description of the logic behind the mod, if there is supposed to be one. But if there isn't supposed to be a logic and/or you have no interest in trying to apply a logic in any case, then I can certainly stop pointing them out.
Slander missions have a duration of 2-3 hours. I have always thought that it is intentional that you can't get there in time, especially because are also intentionally forced to use the slow transports (van, car or land rover) even though there is no lore reason to do so. So, this is clearly designed as an annoying way of giving you -500 points for sharing the tech or leaving cults unfinished.
Your point is worthy and I agree.
The cult's i do have finished off and still seeing slander missions occasionally pop up.
...and what the heck would be their point if you could get there normally??? :D
Fair point. 500 is a pretty big hit. Other missions similar such as madman I don't believe are even half that, well maybe -300.
But I get it, it does even out the game, makes it more challenging. I often pre save, send a van out on patrol in the area, get it like that if score is in jeopardy/tight that month.
This doesn't change anything. Yes, some prerequisites are redundant, but it's harmless.
(Why is it like this? I don't know, Finnik submitted this part of code, and I was fine with it. Like I said, it doesn't matter.)
Ok, but that means the Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip research is useless.
The only point of doing it is to be able to manufacture those clips, but this is allready given to you at the same time you gain access to the research.
But it not a huge deal anway. It is better to have the manufacturing to soon that not having it XD
Ok, but that means the Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip research is useless.
The only point of doing it is to be able to manufacture those clips, but this is allready given to you at the same time you gain access to the research.
But it not a huge deal anway. It is better to have the manufacturing to soon that not having it
How do you figure that? SSFC manufacturing requires all of SS, Focused Fire and the Clip, and the Clip needs to be researched. All this does is pollute the tech tree with a redundant Focused Fire -> SS Focused Clip dependency. You don't get the blueprints unlocked earlier or anything.
500 is a pretty big hit.
Tell that to a certain individual who has 'Share X tech' with M.A.G.M.A. at -10k to -30k score. :P
I often pre save, send a van out on patrol in the area, get it like that if score is in jeopardy/tight that month.
Yah, savescumming seems to be the only reliable method. Would be neat if there was a semi-secret faster craft allowed, or perhaps you could cultivate some informants who'd give you an earlier heads up. Ah, who am I kidding, Solarius just wants to taunt and torture us. :D
Speaking of Solarius...
...and why on Earth would I want to make it more predictable? It's one of the very few surprises in the mod...
'Realism'? To avoid 'fake difficulty'? I mean, it's a rather underhanded way of providing a surprise. I wouldn't mind if one out of all the chainsawbots on the map carried e.g. a minigun and suprised the player, that'd be both fair and would remain a surprise even after you've seen it once ("Which one is it? Is this one safe? What about this one? Aaahhh, the suspense is killing me!" ;D ). Mind bullets chainsaws on all of them, not so much.
It's just a strong blade, it doesn't specifically have any anti-armour flag.
Yeah, but the description implies it does have something like that. Although the alloy sword also had a weaker version of that issue, and obviously whatever damage/penetration model you have doesn't lead to easy or intuitive explanations. So, eh, maybe just chalk it up to whichever egghead wrote that entry having a bad day. :)
...and what the heck would be their point if you could get there normally???
Some final payoff for brown-nosing the Council all game? ;D Gate it behind not sharing any tech and giving back the sonics, maybe?
Sorry, I'm just not sure what the issue is. Are you saying that a solid wall is not in fact solid? If yes, which one?
First, I want to decide what is right and what is wrong. In the first screenshot, 2 agents look at the marked cell (to the west, as far as I understand) and see it. In the 2nd and 3rd screenshots they are seen from the eyes, where you can see that they can see the center of the cell (if there is an enemy there, they will also see each other). In screenshot 4, they look at the corresponding cell inside the building and DO NOT see it (screenshots 5 and 6).
If we look to the north (left and down), we can again see through the corner, but not in the opposite direction.
I tried it on both types of walls on the 1st floor and did not notice any difference between them. I also didn’t notice the difference between the doorways and just a broken piece of wall.
Actually, how should it really be and what of this works correctly? Maybe this is how it’s all meant to be?
Another interesting point. If I remove an agent who is visible, then the second one immediately triggers a reaction and stuns the enemy when he enters. But when the enemy saw my agent at the moment the door opened, he entered the door and attacked before the second agent reacted.
So what about this moment? Is this also intended or not? If the enemy opens the door and sees through the corner, then by taking a step inside the room he gets action priority over ALL reactions that should work on him, and not just before the one with whom they saw each other at the same time?
Can confirm that the angles seem bad, since only one of the four positions in the picture can see the Sectoid, while FPSlook shows a bit of purple for others, too. It seems consistent with most other corners and door edges in the game, though, so not sure this is something Solarius can fix. Perhaps ask in the OXCE subforum?
Is this also intended or not? If the enemy opens the door and sees through the corner, then by taking a step inside the room he gets action priority over ALL reactions that should work on him, and not just before the one with whom they saw each other at the same time?
Yes, see Mutual Surprise (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Reaction_fire_triggers). Although he couldn't have seen an agent through the corner before entering, or the 'surprise' wouldn't work.
How do you figure that? SSFC manufacturing requires all of SS, Focused Fire and the Clip, and the Clip needs to be researched. All this does is pollute the tech tree with a redundant Focused Fire -> SS Focused Clip dependency. You don't get the blueprints unlocked earlier or anything.
You do get it earlier, the clip does not need to be reseached to be manufactured. That is the issue that I am reporting.
You can see that on the wiki.
Screen capture of the wiki attached.
Save attached for those who can't read the wiki.
Also, if this is changed, be carefull, clip deconstruction is not duplicated. If it is removed from Weapon Focusing, it will need to be added to the Focused Clip research.
The clip very much needs to be researched to be manufactured, and your save doesn't say what you claim it says.
Yes, see Mutual Surprise (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Reaction_fire_triggers). Although he couldn't have seen an agent through the corner before entering, or the 'surprise' wouldn't work.
Thanks for the tip. I completely forgot that for the surprise to work, all you have to do is see someone.
And I would be very grateful if you could correctly formulate the issue with visibility in the OXCE subforum.
And I would be very grateful if you could correctly formulate the issue with visibility in the OXCE subforum.
Done (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11541.0.html).
The clip very much needs to be researched to be manufactured, and your save doesn't say what you claim it says.
Intresting. ???
Have you tried to manufacture it in my save? Because I can when I try to do it. Maybe its an OXCE bug then, not XCF.
Screen capture of the manufaturing screen attached (don't mind the confused guy at the bottom)
Also, video of the bug, since there is a video XD
My manufacture_XCOMFILES.rul file:
I have 3.1, but on the github, it shows the same has your version, so I guess it has already been changed at some point?
3.2: [...] Fixed Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing prerequisites
I guess my report is late :)
So now that I'm looking at the Github:
Maybe that should be change to:
This would make sure it is obtained at the same time as the clip manufacture and works the same as the Cannon Focused Clip.
I guess my report is late :)
Indeed. Forgot to check the history. :-[
[Zrbite disassembly]
I think I'm to blame for this, since I provided the original ruleset gruntwork for Zrbite disassembly. :-[
It probably should be just this (and the focused cannon clip, too):
Almost all other disassembly is 'clip + Zrbite/Elerium', base human sonic ammo is 'weapon + Zrbite' since there is no clip to be researched, and obviously focused clips do have research. Even the Zrbite requirement can be dropped, since human sonics already require Zrbite research as part of Sonic Weapons Calibration.
issue with visibility
So, this is a performance thing. What you see is not necessarily what you get because otherwise you'd sit there twiddling your thumbs while OXCE degenerates into a game of 'check all the voxels'. Probably an 'it was like this in the original' thing, too.
The only alternate solution I see is for Solarius to test the voxels of all enemies and walls, case by case, thousands of combinations by hand, fix discrepancies by changing LOFTEMPs adding a few more voxels when someone is visible from the left but not from the right, from inside and not the outside... and go stark raving mad a few weeks into that. If not earlier. ;D
Is it intentional that when you go with Viper to the Reptoid Fringe mission, the craft blocks your way out of the cave?
There is no way to get around it and apparently the only way to go on would be digging and/or hi-ex.
EDIT: hi-ex appears very unreliable at best, because you also blow holes to the floor and cannot go forward. Unless your armors allow flying, the only choice forward appears to be some kind of digging.
Is it intentional that when you go with Viper to the Reptoid Fringe mission, the craft blocks your way out of the cave?
There is no way to get around it and apparently the only way to go on would be digging and/or hi-ex.
I avoid using Hi-Ex (or any other explosives) on these maps precisely for the reasons you mention. The explosion trend to create holes where the player don't want them.
As per the craft map, it's possible the tile setting doesn't allow for diagonal passage. Fortunately, the mission where the Viper is needed happens only once, I think. I solved it myself by shooting the offending wall with my Gauss Sniper Rifle. Very little survives more than one shot. I suspect you can use other stuff as well as a pick-axe.
Heyo, decided to reinstall openxcom and openxcom extended in order to give the xfiles mod another go. Unfortunately I seem to be getting some bug where cult activity gives me -300 points several times a month. I'm going to all the cult missions and capturing all the people, but the messages keep coming up. Growing cult influence or something. Photo attached, along with a save file. Any help would be much appreciated!
Two possibilities: the messages are coming up at most twice per month per cult, which means everything is working as intended, you're taking your sweet time researching your way up the cultist tech tree (whether deliberately or due to bad RNG), and the Council is giving you a kick in the rear to make you shape up. So take the hint.
The alternative is that you're getting spammed with events, cult and otherwise, because you're using an ancient or forked version of OXCE (last time this happened, someone was somehow playing with FtA :o ). In that case, get yourself a modern mainline version.
Heyo, decided to reinstall openxcom and openxcom extended in order to give the xfiles mod another go. Unfortunately I seem to be getting some bug where cult activity gives me -300 points several times a month. I'm going to all the cult missions and capturing all the people, but the messages keep coming up. Growing cult influence or something. Photo attached, along with a save file. Any help would be much appreciated!
You're using a very, very ancient version of OXCE:
version: Extended 7.0
build: " (v2021-03-13)"
Thanks! Updated to the new version and it's working now.
I was not asking to write a treatise. I was asking if the mod is supposed to have some logic behind melee weapon 0-200% or 50-150% damage rolls (yes/no). If the answer is yes, it would have been nice a hear a one-sentence summary of what it is supposed to be, because I couldn't find anything obvious. But even if the logic could not be summarized, I was asking if the melee weapon damage ranges could be fixed to conform to that logic (whatever it is). To me, the best logic would be to have either 0-200 or 50-150 but not both.
A short answer? Okay:
As I said, the are numerous similar melee weapons that have the same properties against armor, but nothing is said in their descriptions (or seem even weaker). If you wanted to approach this logically, there would be essentially three choices: 1) remove the text which is misleading (it has no special properties to warrant the description), 2) add some anti-armor properties to the blade to make the description to be correct (for example, anti-armor 0.8 would make it consistent with tritanium knives), or 3) go through other melee weapons which have default anti-armor settings and make them less efficient against armor.
Very well, I will remove the second sentence.
My intention has been to point out inconsistencies in addition to obvious bugs, because I thought the purpose of the mod and this thread is to make gradual improvements. I'd hope that inconsistencies would be fixed somehow. I don't need a precise description of the logic behind the mod, if there is supposed to be one. But if there isn't supposed to be a logic and/or you have no interest in trying to apply a logic in any case, then I can certainly stop pointing them out.
As you see, I can be persuaded where a relevant point is made. And thanks for pointing out the issues, I definitely find it useful.
Fair point. 500 is a pretty big hit. Other missions similar such as madman I don't believe are even half that, well maybe -300.
Is it big? XCF doesn't care about your score, as long as you keep your head above water (as opposed to, say, Piratez, which give you more money for a better score). Frankly I find this penalty rather inconsequential on most occasions, unless you are having a really bad month.
Speaking of Solarius...'Realism'? To avoid 'fake difficulty'? I mean, it's a rather underhanded way of providing a surprise. I wouldn't mind if one out of all the chainsawbots on the map carried e.g. a minigun and suprised the player, that'd be both fair and would remain a surprise even after you've seen it once ("Which one is it? Is this one safe? What about this one? Aaahhh, the suspense is killing me!" ;D ). Mind bullets chainsaws on all of them, not so much.
That's kind of a silly argument. Sorry, but falling to your own assumptions is your own fault, when these assumptions were made too hastily.
First, I want to decide what is right and what is wrong. In the first screenshot, 2 agents look at the marked cell (to the west, as far as I understand) and see it. In the 2nd and 3rd screenshots they are seen from the eyes, where you can see that they can see the center of the cell (if there is an enemy there, they will also see each other). In screenshot 4, they look at the corresponding cell inside the building and DO NOT see it (screenshots 5 and 6).
If we look to the north (left and down), we can again see through the corner, but not in the opposite direction.
I tried it on both types of walls on the 1st floor and did not notice any difference between them. I also didn’t notice the difference between the doorways and just a broken piece of wall.
Hmm, this is vanilla terrain (not the map, but terrain tiles), so it goes beyond the mod.
@Juku, thanks for the prompt action here.
It probably should be just this (and the focused cannon clip, too):
OK, clear!
I didn't realise it was about disassembly, so I didn't check.
The only alternate solution I see is for Solarius to test the voxels of all enemies and walls, case by case, thousands of combinations by hand, fix discrepancies by changing LOFTEMPs adding a few more voxels when someone is visible from the left but not from the right, from inside and not the outside... and go stark raving mad a few weeks into that. If not earlier. ;D
Or I could make consistent rules about how standard tiles (like walls) work... :D But I hope I already do.
Is it intentional that when you go with Viper to the Reptoid Fringe mission, the craft blocks your way out of the cave?
There is no way to get around it and apparently the only way to go on would be digging and/or hi-ex.
EDIT: hi-ex appears very unreliable at best, because you also blow holes to the floor and cannot go forward. Unless your armors allow flying, the only choice forward appears to be some kind of digging.
Hmm, never happened to me, but I think it's fine - digging is pretty much standard operation for underground missions.
is it just me or is aim/hit zone more difficult when fighting against lobsters ?
Especially in the holiday resort terrain. When one is standing on the side of a hill, it is nearly impossible to connect an autoshot from very close range.
is it just me or is aim/hit zone more difficult when fighting against lobsters ?
Especially in the holiday resort terrain. When one is standing on the side of a hill, it is nearly impossible to connect an autoshot from very close range.
TFTD terrain. Always fun. -_-
To say anything more productive, I need a more specific scenario. A screenshot would be good.
There are various "features" of OXC(E) and sometimes it is very difficult to hit a target even with very high accuracy (like 120+). This seems to depend on where the unit is respective to the terrain. I think there have even been patches to fix some of these, but no particular interest in making OXC(E) accuracy to be actually accurate. See for example:
I have certainly seen huge difficulties in hitting units that are on certain sloped terrains many times, or similar to what Abyss describes on the thread, close to a wall while shooting roughly on tangent with the wall. This is very likely one of those OXC(E) accuracy features. When the unit is located on a certain tile, the best bet might be to try to shoot at it from a different angle.
I'd certainly like these to be fixed for more predicability (for example: half a dozen 130+ shots missing a target? Clearly not just an RNG issue).
That's kind of a silly argument. Sorry, but falling to your own assumptions is your own fault, when these assumptions were made too hastily.
The argument is fine, since it's conditional on non-'realism' and 'fake difficulty' being non-desirable. The conclusion may not hold, if either of the two is fine, at least some of the time - which, from previous discussions and general design patterns in the mod, seems to be the case.
*shrug* I mean, it's no skin off my nose. If the bots start to annoy me personally, I can just replace the chainsaws for myself. It's the newcomers who will have to live with "what you see is not what you get", and will come back with this or a similar report next year, and the next, and the next...
Edit: In any case, if the chainsawbots remain as they are, at least a little explanation in the pedia wouldn't go amiss. Right now, I think they don't actually have a proper entry? The armour paperdoll has a, well, chainsaw that's pretty attached to the body. The chainsaw entry looks all in the world like a regular chainsaw, and you have to go to the nerdpedia to see that it's actually a retractable ninja chainsaw.
Or I could make consistent rules about how standard tiles (like walls) work...
From what Yankes said in the relevant OXCE thread, this likely is not enough. Asymmetric vision can also be caused by unit shapes, both player and enemy. It's like a lot of other weird bits in OXCE, it's close enough and you just learn to live with it (or make your own fork). Myself, I've never relied on getting to spot enemies just around a corner without someone in some manner actually not turning that corner.
I have certainly seen huge difficulties in hitting units that are on certain sloped terrains many times, or similar to what Abyss describes on the thread, close to a wall while shooting roughly on tangent with the wall. This is very likely one of those OXC(E) accuracy features. When the unit is located on a certain tile, the best bet might be to try to shoot at it from a different angle.
I'd certainly like these to be fixed for more predictability (for example: half a dozen 130+ shots missing a target? Clearly not just an RNG issue).
A lot of enemies on slopes/hills, difficult to hit even when 100% hit chance is shown.
Thanks for the link, good read.
The cult's i do have finished off and still seeing slander missions occasionally pop up.
Did you share alien tech with magma?
Did you share alien tech with magma?
In this particular playthrough yes. I wanted to try a test in this playthrough, I shared every possible thing i could.
So you might be onto something. Good thinking.
In version 2.9, the swimwear had a pocket (technically the left leg). In version 3.0 (and the current one), it has disappeared.
All the AI tanks, including hovertanks, have night vision 10. This seems like an oversight and is misbalanced. Having night vision capability in such mechanical units would be trivial. Especially hovertanks, with all the other advanced technology they include, should have at least moderate night vision (like 15 or 18), and IMHO it would make sense to give hovertanks 20 NV.
In UAC Aerospace Lab mission, the final enemy(ies) surrendered and I was moved to the underground phase. However, no equipment (either on the craft or from the enemies) transferred on that stage, so even though I got the chance re-equip the squad, the pool to choose from was empty. There was also no loot pile to equip from anywhere on the floor, as there always has been on multistage missions.
This bug still occurs.
This bug still occurs.
This is something for Meridian and Yankes, currently oxce only tests, if all remaining aliens are under mind control, else game treats it as if player moved soldiers on exit tile and aborted. MiB Lunar Base or any other multistage mission with surrendering enemies will have same issue. Probably should be reported under OXCE Bugs.
Anyway, here is save from quick battle. Hit the scientist to get your stuff, press "next turn" to not.
This is something for Meridian and Yankes, currently oxce only tests, if all remaining aliens are under mind control, else game treats it as if player moved soldiers on exit tile and aborted. MiB Lunar Base or any other multistage mission with surrendering enemies will have same issue. Probably should be reported under OXCE Bugs.
Anyway, here is save from quick battle. Hit the scientist to get your stuff, press "next turn" to not.
Huge thanks for reproducing this. Reposted on OXCE bugs.
Has anyone else noticed...
- it takes 4TU's to kneel.
- It takes 8 TU's to stand up again.
Is this by design ??
Gravity working against X-Com? :P
Has anyone else noticed...
- it takes 4TU's to kneel.
- It takes 8 TU's to stand up again.
Is this by design ??
What would be super nice if picking items from the floor while kneeled would cost less than 14 TU.
Gravity working against X-Com? :P
I haven't looked at the code for this but I wonder if it is tied into gravity. Going up another level is 8TU's (weather flying or elevators).
Maybe an oversight on Solarius part, or intentional. who knows.
I was referring to the fact that OG aliens couldn't kneel.
XCF of course has turned the tables on the little green grey bastards! ;D
The kneel up/down costs are hardcoded in OXCE (Savegame/BattleUnit.h), so the mods can do nothing about them. (Though I'm not sure how y-scripting factors into this, whether you can somehow override getKneelUpCost() and getKneelDownCost() that way; I doubt it.)
The kneel up/down costs are hardcoded in OXC(E) (Savegame/BattleUnit.h), so the mods can do nothing about them. (Though I'm not sure how y-scripting factors into this, whether you can somehow override getKneelUpCost() and getKneelDownCost() that way; I doubt it.)
Been awhile since I've played vanilla. Are you saying it also costs 8 TU's for getKneelUpCost in vanilla ?
Been awhile since I've played vanilla. Are you saying it also costs 8 TU's for getKneelUpCost in vanilla ?
Yes. FWIW, OXC does not have the same functions, but the TUs 4/8 are hardcoded in another manner.
This was already discussed in the main thread. But I guess this already qualifies as a bug or at least bad taste, and is worth bringing up for attention here as well.
To get to the end-game phase (i.e. MIB moon mission, orbitals, alien moon missions, etc.) you have to get MIB commander and Ethereal commander. Either one can be tricky and dependent on RNG. But I think Ethereal commander is the most difficult one, because there is only one at Arbiter craft (and nowhere else on earth). And whether you can get one in the first place, and either manage to land it or shoot it down is very RNG-dependent. Further, while etherealRetaliation mission is clearly designed to provide a way to obtain the commander, if they spot your base and do retaliation run, they send a Dreadnought, not the Arbiter, so you won't get the commander in any case.
I think getting to the end-game is made excessively difficult and RNG-dependent and it would make sense to reconsider the requirements. For example, if ANY commander, rather than just ethereal commander, would unlock 'Alien-MIB communications', that would make it much more straightforward.
(As for MIB commander, you could get one if RNG throws MIB outpost at you, or if you anger the MIBs and they do a retaliation run against you. YMMV whether these are sufficient, because both heavily depend on RNG.)
See more in the tread concluding at:
The kneel up/down costs are hardcoded in OXCE (Savegame/BattleUnit.h), so the mods can do nothing about them. (Though I'm not sure how y-scripting factors into this, whether you can somehow override getKneelUpCost() and getKneelDownCost() that way; I doubt it.)
script can't on its own override any logic like this. You would need to see big blob of code that yell "script call".
beside both this functions were added as place holders for future logic, with enough interest I could consider adding option to customize kneel cost.
Dear all,
don't know if its a feature, but one enemy in the Vampire castle spawned in a not reachable area,
had to kill it by editing...
FWIW, the vampire castle is otherwise very annoying as well. Almost always there are some zombies more or less lost in the catacombs below, and finding them can be painful if there are too many of them still left so that the bug hunt mode doesn't fire off. (And even if it does.) I'm doubtful if there is going to be any change to this, but I'd still suggest reducing the catacombs considerably. They serve no purpose at all.
Similar argument, by the way, also applies to the secret military base missions (e.g. the siberian base full of spiders). Why on earth should such bases be full of very small tunnels that essentially lead to nowhere, just circle around and create a jungle of paths. But I suspect this is likewise intended to more or less annoy the players.
in the catacombs I found 1x Zombie,
Bug hunt turn on was on the 80th turn,
I went there totally blind with a Van of four agents,
as the gate is closed /needed to blow it up/
I was snipping first like for 40 turns and then went in,
and to my surprise then had a 40 turn dance with the queen...and 2x Knights
good thing is that its 30 penalty to not do it...so I will not do it again
and to my surprise then had a 40 turn dance with the queen...and 2x Knights
good thing is that its 30 penalty to not do it...so I will not do it again
The Vampire queen pops research for better missions which unlock cool shit. I've done the Vampire Castle around 10 times now (10 different games) and each time it is slightly different. But out of those 10 times only twice (I believe) there was a zombie hidden and encased in the lower levels in a room. You can either blast it with a plasma grenade, Erilium charge, High Explosive and go in after him.
Sometimes on this mission, another strategy is to place your high reaction shot soldiers in open areas with back cover. Skip a few turns (but not too many) and pick them off.
Agreed with Psavola though, this mission can be tedious. But it reaps rewards.
4 soldiers wearing Stormtrooper armor or flying suits help. Typically the vampire queen won't die. she will lay stunned with fire.
Dear all,
don't know if its a feature, but one enemy in the Vampire castle spawned in a not reachable area,
had to kill it by editing...
Is the enemy reachable by boring through with laser bore?
in the catacombs I found 1x Zombie,
Bug hunt turn on was on the 80th turn,
I went there totally blind with a Van of four agents,
as the gate is closed /needed to blow it up/
I was snipping first like for 40 turns and then went in,
and to my surprise then had a 40 turn dance with the queen...and 2x Knights
good thing is that its 30 penalty to not do it...so I will not do it again
If there's no real tactical challenge, then BAI with auto-combat works OK in such circumstances. With a tactical challenge present (= real possibility of friendly casualties), it may be less optimal.
well it happened before acquiring such a tool, also the Issue was that this Zombie was camping on the level bellow the level that is accessible.
So changed it health to zero and mission finished....
Buildings that use these TFTD stairs tiles, that the cursor points at, makes their upper floor inaccessible unless there is some other stairs. You can only walk down on them, but not up. This includes the ones in the pic.
Possible bug:
Has happened to me a couple times now in 2 different playthroughs. Toward the end of the game (close to reaching Cydonia),
- Osiron missions do not return Osiron boxes to base.
Example, I did 2 Osiron warehouse missions, collected 15 boxes each mission (Per the inventory screen). I get back to base, nothing to unpack.
Not that I really need anything in those boxes at this point. But just something to take note of. If I remember correctly, something similar happened with MIB boxes as well. Almost like I reached my max.
Possible bug:
Has happened to me a couple times now in 2 different playthroughs. Toward the end of the game (close to reaching Cydonia),
- Osiron missions do not return Osiron boxes to base.
Example, I did 2 Osiron warehouse missions, collected 15 boxes each mission (Per the inventory screen). I get back to base, nothing to unpack.
Not that I really need anything in those boxes at this point. But just something to take note of. If I remember correctly, something similar happened with MIB boxes as well. Almost like I reached my max.
It seems very difficult for this kind of bug to actually occur, and it is more likely that you're missing something (pun intended). If you suspect this in a certain mission, you will really need to make a save from which it could be reproduced.
I try not to report on too many bugs unless they are really obvious because I play this game with my own mods. Some of this could be my own doing.
I have a storage limit mod I created that increases storage limits. That might be part of this issue.
The reason I wrote "Possible" bug. I don't want to send anyone in circles looking for anything. But it is reproducible. Happened again yesterday after I posted this.
Thank you for the reply.
There is a mission called STR_ACADEMY_TOWER_ASSAULT: "Golden Academy Tower", which features a double staircase. The stairs work fine for 1x1 units, but are impassable to 2x2. And I don't understand why... I've compared both maps and terrain tiles with a similar staircase in CORP, which works just fine. I fixed some minor differences, but it didn't help at all.
Help would be appreciated, but please check the current GitHub version (updated this morning).
I have attached a save (from quick battle): Souad Ayed can go upstairs (on either side of the stairs), but the Sectopod cannot.
I don't have an easy answer for you, Pathfinding is complicated as heck, but I can say at least what data was checked when the algorithm first decided to say "no":
Check tile [30,21,0], look at its OBJECT part, look at the BIGWALL parameter, it is currently set to 1 (full block)... maybe it should be set to something else?
(Just a guess, nothing more, I can be completely wrong.)
Dear all,
don't know if its a feature, but one enemy in the Vampire castle spawned in a not reachable area,
had to kill it by editing...
Impossible to see anything on these pictures. Please provide better evidence than a couple of blurred minimap screencaps. I cannot read your mind, so I cannot find the bug.
Edit: In any case, if the chainsawbots remain as they are, at least a little explanation in the pedia wouldn't go amiss. Right now, I think they don't actually have a proper entry? The armour paperdoll has a, well, chainsaw that's pretty attached to the body. The chainsaw entry looks all in the world like a regular chainsaw, and you have to go to the nerdpedia to see that it's actually a retractable ninja chainsaw.
Agreed. Done!
From what Yankes said in the relevant OXCE thread, this likely is not enough. Asymmetric vision can also be caused by unit shapes, both player and enemy.
That's true, but it will be an issue no matter what a modder does, as it's part of the core mechanics.
In version 2.9, the swimwear had a pocket (technically the left leg). In version 3.0 (and the current one), it has disappeared.
I honestly can't remember this being a case. Maybe?
Currently it's the same as for nude humans. Do you think it's wrong?
All the AI tanks, including hovertanks, have night vision 10. This seems like an oversight and is misbalanced. Having night vision capability in such mechanical units would be trivial. Especially hovertanks, with all the other advanced technology they include, should have at least moderate night vision (like 15 or 18), and IMHO it would make sense to give hovertanks 20 NV.
Good point, it's an oversight. But I'll have to think about which values should be given, so not an immediate fix.
To get to the end-game phase (i.e. MIB moon mission, orbitals, alien moon missions, etc.) you have to get MIB commander and Ethereal commander. Either one can be tricky and dependent on RNG. But I think Ethereal commander is the most difficult one, because there is only one at Arbiter craft (and nowhere else on earth). And whether you can get one in the first place, and either manage to land it or shoot it down is very RNG-dependent. Further, while etherealRetaliation mission is clearly designed to provide a way to obtain the commander, if they spot your base and do retaliation run, they send a Dreadnought, not the Arbiter, so you won't get the commander in any case.
Correct. Commander's presence on the Dreadnought would make capturing him relatively trivial.
I think getting to the end-game is made excessively difficult and RNG-dependent and it would make sense to reconsider the requirements. For example, if ANY commander, rather than just ethereal commander, would unlock 'Alien-MIB communications', that would make it much more straightforward.
That would make a mockery of the aliens, and I think also of the player's experience... And would go against the arc logic as well.
Maybe the current setup is not the best, but I don't think this means that we should play vanilla instead.
Buildings that use these TFTD stairs tiles, that the cursor points at, makes their upper floor inaccessible unless there is some other stairs. You can only walk down on them, but not up. This includes the ones in the pic.
Works for me... Would you have a save, please?
I try not to report on too many bugs unless they are really obvious because I play this game with my own mods. Some of this could be my own doing.
No problem, and thanks. I honestly don't think this particular case is a bug, but you never know.
I don't have an easy answer for you, Pathfinding is complicated as heck, but I can say at least what data was checked when the algorithm first decided to say "no":
Check tile [30,21,0], look at its OBJECT part, look at the BIGWALL parameter, it is currently set to 1 (full block)... maybe it should be set to something else?
(Just a guess, nothing more, I can be completely wrong.)
Thank you very much for checking. Appreciated!
It looks like I've changed how these stairs work in the meantime, and now it appears to work fine.
In 'Trouble in Ski Resort' mission, if you get Black Lotus, the warriors are wielding guns, not their typical ninja equipment. (Also the followers are a bit atypical, but that could be understandable.)
This is likely a more general oversight, likely due to using the same equipment template on all the cults. It would make much more sense if each cult would use their own equipment, rather than all of them having colt .45, H&K MP5, Steyr AUG, etc.
Works for me... Would you have a save, please?
I found the issue. Turns out if the check for blocking option (BAI) is set these stairs stop working. Same for the ones on the cruise ship. If I turn it off it works again.
But that might lead to an other issue and that is that sometimes in the jungle a bush spawns at the ramp and if you have a tank in the front you are stuck. I tried to blow it up but it didn't work so I had to leave. It has happened a couple of times.
A dagon outpost mission in Europe was generated with a desert-like default 'moon' landscape with craters etc. instead of a real European terrain.
If I recall correctly, this has been discussed before, but there was no save or a way to reproduce this. Here is a save if it would help in figuring out the problem (probably in the rulesets rather than OXCE).
'Science Gear' (STR_SCIENCE_GEAR) appears to have inconsistent forbiddenSoldierTypes. It forbids AI units and dogs, but not rats and bats. All other starting conditions are consistent in that they either allow all the animals or none of them. This is likely an oversight, because I can't think of a reason why you could take your pet rats or bats to a science mission but not your dogs.
In 'Trouble in Ski Resort' mission, if you get Black Lotus, the warriors are wielding guns, not their typical ninja equipment. (Also the followers are a bit atypical, but that could be understandable.)
This is likely a more general oversight, likely due to using the same equipment template on all the cults. It would make much more sense if each cult would use their own equipment, rather than all of them having colt .45, H&K MP5, Steyr AUG, etc.
Yes, it's not a bug, it's simply how this mission works. All cults have the same equipment, because it's the same mission. The same applies to Industrial Investigation and such.
But that might lead to an other issue and that is that sometimes in the jungle a bush spawns at the ramp and if you have a tank in the front you are stuck. I tried to blow it up but it didn't work so I had to leave. It has happened a couple of times.
Bringing minitanks to a jungle should carry such a risk.
Having said that, bushes are generally removable in such cases. Generally.
A dagon outpost mission in Europe was generated with a desert-like default 'moon' landscape with craters etc. instead of a real European terrain.
If I recall correctly, this has been discussed before, but there was no save or a way to reproduce this. Here is a save if it would help in figuring out the problem (probably in the rulesets rather than OXCE).
It was probably this super thin strip of the sea just off the eastern coast of Ireland. It's so small that I can't even see the problem on the globe. :/
I moved this border a little to the west, hopefully excluding any sea areas.
'Science Gear' (STR_SCIENCE_GEAR) appears to have inconsistent forbiddenSoldierTypes. It forbids AI units and dogs, but not rats and bats. All other starting conditions are consistent in that they either allow all the animals or none of them. This is likely an oversight, because I can't think of a reason why you could take your pet rats or bats to a science mission but not your dogs.
Rats are intended, they are at home in a lab. :)
Bats, probably an oversight. Changed.
Bringing minitanks to a jungle should carry such a risk.
Having said that, bushes are generally removable in such cases. Generally.
Oh come on, you should always at least be able to leave the craft.
Bring extra doors. Just saying. :D
Bring extra doors. Just saying. :D
At the start of the game? :(
At the start of the game you don't have to worry about ramps or tanks at all. Unless you've somehow added a ramp (and a tank!) to the van/chopper. :)
Yes yes, very funny. But still, you can't really think having the exit blocked off is good game design?
With indestructible bushes, no.
With destroyable foliage, well, I can see arguments for and against. More against, though.
Do consider that this is something a modder has relatively little precision control over, and that their time and dedication are not infinite. I'm willing to deal with the occasional errant Chobham bush if it gets me more actual features and critical bugfixes. YMMV.
Yes I understand. And that made me think. Does there exist an invisible tile, or something, that has the properties that it prevents the map generation to place objects on top of them? That could be a way to prevent this from happening, if each craft had some way to remove blocks in front of exits by just using a special tile.
The problem with that is that it'll prevent anything from getting placed on top, and you presumably do not want black holes of nothingness in front of your ramp. It's the conundrum of wanting something (the underlying terrain) but not something else (the bush) from the map. And I imagine there are enough cases where getting the bushes is actually desired, so one can't just blanket forbid those.
Can you elaborate on that a bit? I can't think of a single thing I want to be on these 2 tiles at the ramp. It's not like I suggest a big area to be cleared, just the ones I point at in the pic for example.
Green when you're in the forest, yellow when in the desert, cabbages if the plane lands in the produce?
If you're happy with some sort of patch of scorched earth universal to all maps, sure. Solarius doesn't seem to be.
Green when you're in the forest, yellow when in the desert, cabbages if the plane lands in the produce?
If you're happy with some sort of patch of scorched earth universal to all maps, sure. Solarius doesn't seem to be.
I've said none of that, don't be silly.
And I didn't attribute anything to you, besides this:
I can't think of a single thing I want to be on these 2 tiles at the ramp.
The above are examples of what others, including the mod author, usually want at these ramp tiles. You can either
- do nothing and live with the occasional uppity bit of foliage,
- retain the terrain and replace any objects with something (like the ramp itself does :) ), but that will be much worse than the occasional errant bush, since now there's a permanent blockage at the exit,
- or replace both the terrain and the objects, and have it be the same no matter the mission terrain, like my scorched earth patch example.
Currently, the first option has been deemed the least offensive. I don't know if y-scripts can affect mapgen but if not, then resolving this issue would need OXCE devs to sign off on a solution (in addition to Solarius actually wanting it badly enough).
I'm not sure if this is a mistake. Right now I had a huge massacre on IRON FIST crafti. And my agents got a plasma projectile through the windshield 20 times. There's definitely a hole there. Is that the plan??
In OXCE 7.10 (or actually 7.9.17) the visibility calculations changed, for example the smoke and darkness became much more effective. This also affects human ghost visibility. Before, they were shining beacons in the dark and you could spot them from all over the map. Now you may need to throw flares in the dark to spot them.
You may want to consider whether you keep those as-is and as changed by recent OXCE, or try to put in some new variables (or y-scripts as drafted by zsrr I think) to recalibrate these (especially the ghost visibility).
In OXCE 7.10 (or actually 7.9.17) the visibility calculations changed, for example the smoke and darkness became much more effective. This also affects human ghost visibility. Before, they were shining beacons in the dark and you could spot them from all over the map. Now you may need to throw flares in the dark to spot them.
You may want to consider whether you keep those as-is and as changed by recent OXCE, or try to put in some new variables (or y-scripts as drafted by zsrr I think) to recalibrate these (especially the ghost visibility).
afaik, there was no change in how effective "darkness" is
you should not need a flare to see something that was visible before
report a bug, with save attached, if you spot something that is "wildly different than before".... to fix or clarify
afaik, there was no change in how effective "darkness" is
you should not need a flare to see something that was visible before
report a bug, with save attached, if you spot something that is "wildly different than before".... to fix or clarify
"smoke and darkness" was critical part here as both stack with each other. If we use stock setting there is no difference as personal light make smoke bright (around player units).
but with low personal light smoke is more potent.
afaik, there was no change in how effective "darkness" is
you should not need a flare to see something that was visible before
report a bug, with save attached, if you spot something that is "wildly different than before".... to fix or clarify
Darkness and smoke is wildly different than what was before (visibility of 1/2 squares instead of ~5). Already reported in https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11622.0.html , but Yankes doesn't apparently see this as a problem. I think this should at least have been noted with huge exclamation marks in the changelog.
Regarding ghosts, I can't reproduce this now. I could have sworn they have emitted light in my previous campaigns but it might have been another light source.
"smoke and darkness" was critical part here as both stack with each other. If we use stock setting there is no difference as personal light make smoke bright (around player units).
but with low personal light smoke is more potent.
that's why I'm asking for a save, to see what it is
I don't know what's a "human ghost", I don't even know if it's a friendly unit or alien or neutral, so no idea what conditions apply
I found the issue. Turns out if the check for blocking option (BAI) is set these stairs stop working. Same for the ones on the cruise ship. If I turn it off it works again.
But that might lead to an other issue and that is that sometimes in the jungle a bush spawns at the ramp and if you have a tank in the front you are stuck. I tried to blow it up but it didn't work so I had to leave. It has happened a couple of times.
Out of sheer curiosity I decided to investigate possible causes of the ramp bush. Now I've managed to narrow down this particular case as a combination of the Osprey craft and the MOUNTBD_TROPICAL LZ blocks, particulary MOUNTBD02.
While using OXCE New Battle fuctionality I noticed something, the plant-bush in question is visibly overlapping the lowest ramp section and while viewing the mapblock directly with mapview2 I further noticed that the bush is placed in the tile's floor slot, not the content slot. Had it been placed as content, the ramp would have removed the bush entirely resolving this issue. In fact, the mapblock has a leafy bush to the lower left of that same plant-bush that is effectively removed by the mid section of the ramp. Additionally, this plant-bush can be found placed in other mapblocks using either the content slot or the floor slot depending on the mapblock being viewed. While it is not unusual to place some sprites in a slot different than its intended one when trying to fit multiple sprites into the same tile, this is not the case here since nothing else is being placed into that tile besides the plant-bush.
Anyway, this particular instance should be fixed by merely changing the slot used by the plant-bush in that mapblock to the content slot instead of the floor slot and filling the floor slot with any of the sprites available designed to be used as such.
that's why I'm asking for a save, to see what it is
I don't know what's a "human ghost", I don't even know if it's a friendly unit or alien or neutral, so no idea what conditions apply
There are two trivially created saves (with 'new battle') in the thread I linked.
Even ignoring 'personal light' behaviour changes, the visibility in smoke is very different in 7.9.16 compared to 7.10.
'Human ghost' is an alien unit. Let's ignore this part of my complaint for now, I may have been mistaken (as I can't reproduce the problem).
Out of sheer curiosity I decided to investigate possible causes of the ramp bush. Now I've managed to narrow down this particular case as a combination of the Osprey craft and the MOUNTBD_TROPICAL LZ blocks, particulary MOUNTBD02.
While using OXCE New Battle fuctionality I noticed something, the plant-bush in question is visibly overlapping the lowest ramp section and while viewing the mapblock directly with mapview2 I further noticed that the bush is placed in the tile's floor slot, not the content slot. Had it been placed as content, the ramp would have removed the bush entirely resolving this issue. In fact, the mapblock has a leafy bush to the lower left of that same plant-bush that is effectively removed by the mid section of the ramp. Additionally, this plant-bush can be found placed in other mapblocks using either the content slot or the floor slot depending on the mapblock being viewed. While it is not unusual to place some sprites in a slot different than its intended one when trying to fit multiple sprites into the same tile, this is not the case here since nothing else is being placed into that tile besides the plant-bush.
Anyway, this particular instance should be fixed by merely changing the slot used by the plant-bush in that mapblock to the content slot instead of the floor slot and filling the floor slot with any of the sprites available designed to be used as such.
Oh, nice work there. ;D Nothing to add but it looks like you reproduced it exactly. Since I couldn't destroy the bush I suspected it had become part of the craft since it too is indestructible, but I know nothing of coding and modding so... :-\
Yesterday 3.2 introduced a change where more powerful armors (power, flying, stormtrooper, assault) were excluded from underwater missions.
This causes a dilemma with the gillman hero, who is wearing a power suit, but the power suit is currently unsuitable for underwater missions.
Consistency seems to require removing the power suit from the gillman hero. It seems illogical that a gillman-like ex-human could use the power suit while humans could do so. This is a shame, because this was a nice - and lore-wise even a bit scary - thread and a ~guaranteed way of getting a few power suits. But unless the change is reverted (at least as far as power suits are concerned), I can't think of how this would make sense.
The root of all evil (Black Lotus shrine) mission can apparently spawn even if you have already terminated Black Lotus (if you didn't successfully complete it before). I wonder if this is intentional.
I actually found also an OXCE bug here, because I have already completed this successfully once, which should have prevented the re-spawn through 'unlockedResearch'. I suppose the final enemies surrendered and OXCE didn't count this as "victory". Tentatively reported here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,11572.msg160158.html#msg160158
Yesterday 3.2 introduced a change where more powerful armors (power, flying, stormtrooper, assault) were excluded from underwater missions.
This causes a dilemma with the gillman hero, who is wearing a power suit, but the power suit is currently unsuitable for underwater missions.
Consistency seems to require removing the power suit from the gillman hero. It seems illogical that a gillman-like ex-human could use the power suit while humans could do so. This is a shame, because this was a nice - and lore-wise even a bit scary - thread and a ~guaranteed way of getting a few power suits. But unless the change is reverted (at least as far as power suits are concerned), I can't think of how this would make sense.
I'm afraid you're right. But I think it's acceptable if I simply change the reward to Power Armour instead; it is currently available for underwater use. The design doesn't match that well, but I hope it's acceptable.
The root of all evil (Black Lotus shrine) mission can apparently spawn even if you have already terminated Black Lotus (if you didn't successfully complete it before). I wonder if this is intentional.
Yes, that's why it's called the root of all evil. :)
There appears to be a Loftemps or some other issue with some INDUSTRIALSLUM mapblock (I suppose similar to Osiron Beach grass height issue reported earlier). The dog can't attack the cultist from the adjacent squares (I tried three different ones). According to FPSview there is some minuscule elevation on the floor, apparently. See the screenshots and save as necessary.
Thanks, fixed.
I was feeling adventurous and install the updates for xcomextended 7.10 and xfiles 3.2
Got :
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
I can downgrade if neccesary.
I was feeling adventurous and install the updates for xcomextended 7.10 and xfiles 3.2
Got :
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
I can downgrade if neccesary.
Works for me.
Are you using any submods?
My apologies for not testing that first. For my amazement was "recruitment office".
Thanks, fixed.
Another one in the same mapset. Not sure if this already got fixed, I didn't update in between.
Another one in the same mapset. Not sure if this already got fixed, I didn't update in between.
That's vanilla roads terrain.
Should I make the lamp stub impassable?
That's vanilla roads terrain.
Should I make the lamp stub impassable?
I'm not qualified to know all the implications and suggest a solution. I would just like to avoid the really confusing behavior and bad surprises for the player, as is currently happening.
For what it's worth, with all these similar issues coming up, IMHO the most easy and straightforward solution could maybe be increasing the height of dogs a little bit (I don't know how much). After that, all the issues with a few pixels would lose relevance and the dogs could attack everything they can see. The only drawback I could think of would be having to check that some of those visual blockages (like low fences) where you can go below but which may or may not cause surprises if the dogs would actually be taller than they seem based on the maps.
I'm not qualified to know all the implications and suggest a solution. I would just like to avoid the really confusing behavior and bad surprises for the player, as is currently happening.
For what it's worth, with all these similar issues coming up, IMHO the most easy and straightforward solution could maybe be increasing the height of dogs a little bit (I don't know how much). After that, all the issues with a few pixels would lose relevance and the dogs could attack everything they can see. The only drawback I could think of would be having to check that some of those visual blockages (like low fences) where you can go below but which may or may not cause surprises if the dogs would actually be taller than they seem based on the maps.
Increasing dogs' height would probably lead to a snowballing effect of inconsistencies, including what you described but possibly not limited to it.
I'll ask other modders, maybe we'll find a consensus.
I doubt this is going to be changed, but I'll just note it for the record. There appears to be little logic to what equipment is 'Space-Capable' and what is not. Basically some of the first/second tier equipment appears to be exempt, while essentially identical (physics-wise) other later equipment is valid. However, I don't see how essentially any equipment would not physics-wise work on the moon or inside moon base, even if the use would be very different (due to different amount of gravity).
In an ideal world this should be rethought. If so, I'd also consider separating 'Space-Capable' to two categories. Equipment that works in zero-gravity situations (the orbital platform mission?) and in space but with some gravity (mars, moon).
For example, I'd suppose arced throwing or launching cannot physics-wise work in zero-gravity environment. I suppose arced shots could still work in non-earth gravity situations but use could be more cumbersome (how can you calibrate your skills to a very different amount of gravity and thus the power and trajectories used?). Not sure if this is there are enough gains for the work required unless the missions with zero gravity are increased, though.
In an ideal world this should be rethought. If so, I'd also consider separating 'Space-Capable' to two categories. Equipment that works in zero-gravity situations (the orbital platform mission?) and in space but with some gravity (mars, moon).
That's what I think, too.
I'll probably make such a distinction at some point.
The knockout grenade need 440 hours but gas one need 90.
Its intended?
Here's a screenshot of visibility that IMO should not exist from an agent to an alien that is at the tile of the mouse cursor but one level up. There was also at least one similar case when the alien was somewhere in the direction where the mudranger is facing.
In the similar vein I was reminiscing my old report of 'holes' in the front of mudranger when I was watching Stone Lake's SH/IM run (part 57, around 24 minutes). Someone throws a dimension X grenade that lands on top of Mudranger, just by the chute where you go up and down (as far as I can tell). It blasts the front-inside of the mudranger, which should be inaccessible and protected from such outside blasts.
Did someone forget to close the chute when coming back down from top of the mudranger? I suppose this should be an auto-closing door, much like in TFTD (or at least the agents would be trained to close the chute when they come back inside). Maybe a bug in the mudranger definitions?
See the video: https://youtu.be/VdDMIoRj2XA?si=d-5GoVQDMRcNuNW-&t=1449
The knockout grenade need 440 hours but the gas one need 90.
Its intended?
Yeah; the killing gas is easier to make than the incapacitating one.
Did someone forget to close the chute when coming back down from top of the mudranger? I suppose this should be an auto-closing door, much like in TFTD (or at least the agents would be trained to close the chute when they come back inside). Maybe a bug in the mudranger definitions?
See the video: https://youtu.be/VdDMIoRj2XA?si=d-5GoVQDMRcNuNW-&t=1449
Well, it's just a hole in the floor; no reason a grenade wouldn't fall through it.
It's not like I can do anything about it, there are no "floor doors" in the X-Com engine.
Someone throws a dimension X grenade that lands on top of Mudranger, just by the chute where you go up and down (as far as I can tell).
It looks to me like it hits the hatch and falls down to the Mudranger floor. I mean, the top of the APC is not on fire, is it?
Solarius could make it like the TFTD lift floors, impenetrable to weapons but one can move through. But that would clash with the visual, which is a hole in the roof.
In various caves there are often locations where you can squeeze through between the walls. But apparently if an enemy unit is camping behind such a crack, you cannot attack it through it. This may also create some confusing situations. So you must either destruct the walls, move aside and depend on reactions or wait the enemy to move. This can also be abused by camping on such spots yourself, to prevent enemies from coming through or attacking you.
See an example in Stone Lake's ep. 53 at 1:33: https://youtu.be/CIUIOFq-wWA?si=LDy4naSf5UJHO6xm&t=5602
I suppose it's engine feature or limitation that you can move through but cannot attack through the crack. Personally I'd say that cave design should avoid such traps. But I doubt this is going to be changed, because the stock answer for all caves-related issues is "just dig through or around the badly constructed map".
I don't know if there fixed it, but there used to be a bug related to this. If your unit is standing next to one of these passageways, and an AI unit tries to walk through, it will fail. But it will not waste TUs and it will not know why it failed. So it will try again. This softlocks the game.
There is even an article about in in the bootypaedia, named Underground Anomalies.
Could you please tell me why my score gonna be reset to Zero on 1st April? Save attached.
Most likely scenario: You are on the first day of the new month.
This graph shows the monthly score, *not* the cumulative score. Hence the reset to zero.
Yeah. The save isn't even the same as the screenshot, by the way. And has some sort of Beretta fetish. :D
hiya, no sure is of a mod or something, but to try run the game with the new update just give me this error
Error for 'STR_ASSAULT_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
hiya, no sure is of a mod or something, but to try run the game with the new update just give me this error
Error for 'STR_ASSAULT_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_FLYING_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_POWER_SUIT_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_H_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_KYBEROS_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
Error for 'STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_UC_UNDERWATER': Number of battle corpse items for 'corpseBattle' does not match the armor size.
What submods are you using?
If you use Arsenal Additions - you need fix from this topic
What submods are you using?
If you use Arsenal Additions - you need fix from this topic
yep, the mod problem is the arsenal additions and is fixer with the fix of submod
I've noticed that the Zombie Isolation / Zombie Outbreak mission has a minor bug where it says that you can bring dogs, but you actually can't.
In addition, this isn't necessarily a bug, but does anyone think that the mission would be way more fun / challenging if it were a single Zombie Infector instead of a Zombie? As it stands, the mission is basically 8 guys rushing upstairs (or if you're lucky sniping from outside) to kill the one zombie while a half dozen civvies are trying to beat it to death.
I've noticed that the Zombie Isolation / Zombie Outbreak mission has a minor bug where it says that you can bring dogs, but you actually can't.
To be precise, it allows "Unarmored (dog)" armor.
if it were a single Zombie Infector instead of a Zombie
So, you rush up the stairs and...kill infector the same way you kill zombie. Or would you allow it to roam free in the hospital first? For "extra fun" and all that.
So, you rush up the stairs and...kill infector the same way you kill zombie. Or would you allow it to roam free in the hospital first? For "extra fun" and all that.
I think he means the zombie infecting other civilians. Turning them into zombies as well.
I'm not sure the zombie on this mission has the potential to turn civilians into zombies (I think just kill).
Never got that far, I've always contained the zombie before other civilians were zombified.
But with the amount of civilians on this mission (20+) this could get messy real quick if the zombie was turning all these civilians into more zombies.
What submods are you using?
If you use Arsenal Additions - you need fix from this topic
Have the same problem, but with less armors (4 of them). After installing the fix.
Other guy says he deleted "backup file", then everything started working. What is this he talking about?
To be precise, it allows "Unarmored (dog)" armor.
So, you rush up the stairs and...kill infector the same way you kill zombie. Or would you allow it to roam free in the hospital first? For "extra fun" and all that.
Correct, but if you try to bring an unarmored dog to the actual mission, it will not allow it. I think it's just a documentation error.
Yes, the intent of the infector is to make the mission a bit more challenging and/or unpredicable, as well as giving players another way to obtain an Infector (which can be problematic due to RNG).
The current zombie is always just a plain zombie. At most, it can kill a few of the civilians before it dies itself.
Plus, the description implies that there's an outbreak / patient 0. Right now, there is no chance of that since it's impossible for anyone else to be infected.
The spread could become kind of bad, but it won't be too bad since the created zombies are just regular zombies rather than infectors. I'm not sure if X-Com Files has the same quirk that the original X-Com and TFTD did -- where the Infector will keep attacking the same target. That would further limit the spread by effectively ensuring that only 1 zombie can be created per turn.
Not sure if intended:
I can build intelligence center even if I already build advanced intelligence center.
I can no longer study sectoid navigator but they still got thing to show.
Not sure if intended:
I can build intelligence center even if I already build advanced intelligence center.
I can no longer study sectoid navigator but they still got thing to show.
No, you can't build it. It's shown in the list as white, meaning you currently cannot build it. See also: https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/CELL
I have no idea what you're trying to say with the latter. You've already gotten all the topics out of navigators yet still it shows on the list? This happens for example if you have never researched any sectoids, but have exhausted all the real topics from other navigators.
I can no longer study sectoid navigator but they still got thing to show.
Either you have misplaced your HQ/intelligence center and can't interrogate prisoners (at that base) at all, or leftover interrogation topics are locked behind other tech.
I've noticed that the Zombie Isolation / Zombie Outbreak mission has a minor bug where it says that you can bring dogs, but you actually can't.
Thx, now probably fixed.
In addition, this isn't necessarily a bug, but does anyone think that the mission would be way more fun / challenging if it were a single Zombie Infector instead of a Zombie? As it stands, the mission is basically 8 guys rushing upstairs (or if you're lucky sniping from outside) to kill the one zombie while a half dozen civvies are trying to beat it to death.
That would contradict the story; the patient was a normal, if sick, human only recently, how would they become an Infector overnight? This requires a lot of energy.
Also, I think it might be a bit too hardcore for such a mission, but I don't know.
I got my first sewers mission with the green oozy kinda creatures. Is this a bug in map generation or is the map supposed to be only few blocks with dead ends? I can hear doors opening and closing behind the walls when ending turn so somebody is there. Or am I missing something?
Or am I missing something?
Explosives. And pickaxes. If all else fails, go Dwarf Fortress on their green alien asses. :P
Explosives. And pickaxes. If all else fails, go Dwarf Fortress on their green alien asses. :P
Ahh I see. That didn't come to my mind. Strike the earth! ;D
I got my first sewers mission with the green oozy kinda creatures. Is this a bug in map generation or is the map supposed to be only few blocks with dead ends? I can hear doors opening and closing behind the walls when ending turn so somebody is there. Or am I missing something?
In most cases, hidden doorways are aligned with other doorways on opposite sides of rooms, alley's, etc. A good weapon with armor piercing capability will do the job, reveal the hidden doorways needed.
A thin layer of brick is covering these hidden doors. Some will choose to take the explosive route and begin blowing holes everywhere. I tend to use precision. But everyone is different.
The flares have custom prime message ("Flare is Activated") but default unprime message. I.e. when you deactivate a flare, the message is "Grenade De-activated!". I suggest adding a few unprimeActionMessage definitions.
Not really a bug but makes one wonder. There is one research, "Any Cult Network", that gets unlocked by the cults, but is not actually used for anything - so it's currently useless clutter. This makes me wonder if this is an omission (it should be used by some research, event or mission script) or things have changed since it was introduced.
The flares have custom prime message ("Flare is Activated") but default unprime message. I.e. when you deactivate a flare, the message is "Grenade De-activated!". I suggest adding a few unprimeActionMessage definitions.
Uh... A flare cannot be unprimed. What did you do?
Not really a bug but makes one wonder. There is one research, "Any Cult Network", that gets unlocked by the cults, but is not actually used for anything - so it's currently useless clutter. This makes me wonder if this is an omission (it should be used by some research, event or mission script) or things have changed since it was introduced.
You're right, it's not used for anything. I have no idea why it was made. :)
Uh... A flare cannot be unprimed. What did you do?
They can, in the equipping screen (pre-priming), by right-clicking. I suppose this is handled in a different manner in OXCE (and it is reasonable to allow "canceling" pre-priming). It is true that in the real battlescape unpriming is not possible.
They can, in the equipping screen (pre-priming), by right-clicking. I suppose this is handled in a different manner in OXCE (and it is reasonable to allow "canceling" pre-priming). It is true that in the real battlescape unpriming is not possible.
Ah, I've never used prepriming in my life, so it's never occurred to me.
I'll see what can be done.
EDIT: fixed.
You should use pre-priming, it's a very robust feature. You can pre-prime a timed explosive to go off on the second turn (or more) so that your bomb-holder has enough time to deploy first turn, then run to position and throw 2nd turn. It's a great way to get heavy explosives downrange and encourages the 'terrain remodeling' mindset, as long as you don't forget that your unit is holding a live bomb.
In original (and XCF) grenades never explode in inventory, so time is not necessarily a factor.
Dog armors have inconsistant amount and placement of inventory slots. If I got this written down right:
durathread gear
- only belt available
combat gear, tritanium gear
- shoulders, legs and belt available
cybersuit gear, assault gear
- shoulders, legs and quickdraw available
- no slots at all
I'd expect that at least those that are visually identical (except for the color) would have the same slots: at least combat gear, tritanium and durathread should have the same slots, whatever those might be.
To me it would make most sense if all the dog armors had only belt slots, "shoulder" slots and possibly quickdraw slots. I suppose dogs could be trained to pick up and drop stuff from a backpack-like slot. I suppose for the convenience and size perspective (see below) these could be "shoulders", even if I'm not sure if in dog anatomy they are called "shoulders". As for legs, dogs really couldn't move at all if they would have similar leg slots as humans can have. So while dogs have "legs", It seems impossible that they could carry anything there.
I think the main point is having sufficient number of slots that can take 1x1, 1x2 and in some cases 2x1 or 2x2 equipment, but not bigger ones (like the ability to pick up bodies or large weapons from the battleground). It would also be nice if the slots made sense visually and dog anatomy-wise.
Synthgear having none is off the pattern, but to offset its different characteristics it might be intentional (even if it doesn't make sense: if you can purchase combat gear with at least a belt without any research, why couldn't you manufacture one with similar patterns using synthmuscles?). In a similar manner it doesn't really make sense that the more advanced cybersuit and assault gear have worse inventory capability compared to the off-the-shelf combat gear: no belt, meaning no slots to carry 2x1 or 2x2 sized items.
Ok, my small bugreport.
1. shambler sprite sheet broken - attached fixed one;
2. canister gun ufopedia colors broken - attached fixed one;
3. dagon chosen corpse uses wrong floorob - must be 231 instead of 374;
4. i think srapnel rocket must not work as incendiary. Maybe increase "FireThreshold:" to more than 100?
5. attached missing inv pic for damaged zombie soldier and ufopedia pic for ghoul autopsy.
I can not find "Light Missiles" anywhere? STR_LIGHT_MISSILES to equip various interceptor class crafts.
Not sure if I'm missing something, but I have 2 crafts:
Both can equip "Light Cannon" but can not equip "Stingray Missiles", which is fine as the Interceptor lists them as "Heavy Missiles", but I can not find "Light Missiles" in the purchase menu, not in research, under the "Search" research tree.
I've grep'd the entire mod directory for the STR_LIGHT_MISSILES value and only come up with language files and the weapon slot for the crafts, no actual item?
mods/XComFiles/Language/cs.yml:2303: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Lehké rakety"
mods/XComFiles/Language/de.yml:3274: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Leichte Raketen"
mods/XComFiles/Language/en-US.yml:3409: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Light Missiles"
mods/XComFiles/Language/es-419.yml:1074: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Misiles Ligeros"
mods/XComFiles/Language/es-ES.yml:3398: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Misiles Ligeros"
mods/XComFiles/Language/it.yml:3408: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Missili Leggeri"
mods/XComFiles/Language/ja.yml:3408: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "軽ミサイル"
mods/XComFiles/Language/ko.yml:3402: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "소형 미사일"
mods/XComFiles/Language/pl.yml:3408: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Lekkie rakiety"
mods/XComFiles/Language/pt-BR.yml:3248: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Mísseis Leves"
mods/XComFiles/Language/ru.yml:3408: STR_LIGHT_MISSILES: "Легкие ракеты"
mods/XComFiles/Ruleset/crafts_XCOMFILES.rul:467: weaponStrings: [STR_CANNON, STR_LIGHT_MISSILES]
mods/XComFiles/Ruleset/crafts_XCOMFILES.rul:502: weaponStrings: [STR_CANNON, STR_LIGHT_MISSILES]
mods/XComFiles/Ruleset/crafts_XCOMFILES.rul:948: weaponStrings: [STR_BEAM, STR_LIGHT_MISSILES, STR_SHIELD, STR_ELECTRONICS]
mods/XComFiles/Ruleset/crafts_XCOMFILES.rul:1118: weaponStrings: [STR_CANNON, STR_LIGHT_MISSILES]
--- posts merged ---
I thought it odd that the "Pickaxe" is listed at the bottom of the item menu and not placed with other hand weapons like axes, crowbars, etc. It's below "Land Survey" Fire Extinguisher is also below Land Survey. I would think to put it closer to hand cuffs?
I can not find "Light Missiles" anywhere? STR_LIGHT_MISSILES to equip various interceptor class crafts.
Not sure if I'm missing something, but I have 2 crafts:
Both can equip "Light Cannon" but can not equip "Stingray Missiles", which is fine as the Interceptor lists them as "Heavy Missiles", but I can not find "Light Missiles" in the purchase menu, not in research, under the "Search" research tree.
I've grep'd the entire mod directory for the STR_LIGHT_MISSILES value and only come up with language files and the weapon slot for the crafts, no actual item?
Stingray has both light missiles and heavy missiles variant.
I guess STR_LIGHT_MISSILES is just a translation string for the weapon slot, so no missile needs to define it. ARROW missile slot has weapon type 2, and stingray has type 2 weapons, so it should fit in:
weaponType: 2
I just noticed today that CF-ARROW is a bit strange in the sense that you can get it before Promo-III but you cannot purchase the stingray launcher before Promo-III (but rather only the puny cannon after you have obtained it from the UAC). I suppose this is intended.
Stingray has both light missiles and heavy missiles variant.
Yep, that's it... really I just overlooked the list of the stingray above heavy stingray launcher because of not separate ammo. lol
You should use pre-priming, it's a very robust feature.
To me, it feels too much like a hack. :P
Not saying that it literally is a hack, but still it feels like a somewhat cheap tactic. Maybe it's just me.
In original (and XCF) grenades never explode in inventory, so time is not necessarily a factor.
I should finally get around to changing that, at least for normal grenades.
Dog armors have inconsistant amount and placement of inventory slots. If I got this written down right:
I'd expect that at least those that are visually identical (except for the color) would have the same slots: at least combat gear, tritanium and durathread should have the same slots, whatever those might be. (...)
Thank you for bringing my attention to this. I have reviewed and streamlined all dog armours.
Ok, my small bugreport.
1. shambler sprite sheet broken - attached fixed one;
Haha, thanks... Wonder why nobody ever realised, myself included. And it's a relatively common early-game enemy!
2. canister gun ufopedia colors broken - attached fixed one;
Thank you.
3. dagon chosen corpse uses wrong floorob - must be 231 instead of 374;
Yes, and Sorcerer should be 231.
4. i think srapnel rocket must not work as incendiary. Maybe increase "FireThreshold:" to more than 100?
I haven't decided yet. I like the effect, but maybe a different type of attack is needed for it.
5. attached missing inv pic for damaged zombie soldier and ufopedia pic for ghoul autopsy.
Very cool! Thank you!
I already have the ghoul autopsy pic though. Should I consider it a suggestion? I see that yours is generally better, but there are some changes which I would like to better understand (most notably the mysterious zombie chest organ missing).
I thought it odd that the "Pickaxe" is listed at the bottom of the item menu and not placed with other hand weapons like axes, crowbars, etc. It's below "Land Survey" Fire Extinguisher is also below Land Survey. I would think to put it closer to hand cuffs?
Thanks, I've forgotten to add the listOrder to this item.
There is a (most likely unintented) hole in this wall:
https://youtu.be/B-RdY6JY-Sc?si=fN044yTjVlop0mhI&t=3022 (Tasoth factory mission)
Not a big deal, but I might as well report it.
I haven't taken time to go through all the items / manufacturing to get an overall sense of balance, I'm just casually playing on easy mode and as I find things pointing them out.
I think the Dart Musket is very imbalanced in the time it takes to manufacture. It's double many other guns I'd consider more complex to produce. In my opinion 650-700 would be more balanced, unless there was a specific reason on this design decision.
Chemgun : 150 hrs
Dart Pistol : 500 hrs
Gas Gun : 600 hrs
Dart Rifle : 600 hrs
Ion Blaster : 600 hrs
Dart Rifle : 600 hrs
Toxigun : 700 hrs
Alien Laser Rifle : 700 hrs
Canister Gun : 800 hrs
Dart Musket : 1400 hrs
I noticed that the Tactical Grenade Launcher is the only one of the human ones that does not have a smoke bomb. Is that intentional or an oversight?
There is a (most likely unintented) hole in this wall:
https://youtu.be/B-RdY6JY-Sc?si=fN044yTjVlop0mhI&t=3022 (Tasoth factory mission)
Not a big deal, but I might as well report it.
Oopsie. Fixed.
I think the Dart Musket is very imbalanced in the time it takes to manufacture. It's double many other guns I'd consider more complex to produce. In my opinion 650-700 would be more balanced, unless there was a specific reason on this design decision.
There is no concrete reason, dart weapons are just extra painful to make. It's one of their legacy features. Since you don't need many of them, I think it's okay...
I noticed that the Tactical Grenade Launcher is the only one of the human ones that does not have a smoke bomb. Is that intentional or an oversight?
More like "never got around to make it".
There are many types of ammo and many weapons, not all combinations are available. I can make it, if there's demand.
Various dart guns are IMHO yet another example of essentially useless equipment in the game. Why would anyone want to bother with them? At the point you get them and fulfill the requirements, you already have better equipment. I'm having trouble figuring out even niche cases where they could be better than the alternatives.
I suppose their biggest specialty is that they can be used on Beach missions, and beach equipment is a bit rare.
But there are only two beach missions: Osiron and Urn delivery. Both can easily be managed without such equipment (even without any ranged equipment to begin with). Crossbows (and if you get lucky, heavy crossbows) are much easier to come by. For osiron missions, you take at least 2-3 dogs with you and play it in a defensive manner. In Urn Delivery mission, only a couple of enemy units have puny ranged weapons, so avoiding crowds, using dogs and a few agents with crossbows always works just fine.
Yeah, how the mighty Toxigun has fallen. 😢
They could have a niche as Small Launcher-lite (without the AoE), something between the SL and the shotgun beanbag rounds. And/or an actual Toxigun-type anti-alien (or anti-something else dangerous) weapon.
But the pistols are essentially a Colt with exotic damage types and stun; TU-, accuracy- and damage-wise. Which wouldn't be bad... if the stun damage wasn't randomised and thus half as good as comparable weapons (and therefore also excessively useless against anything with even the smallest bit of armour, i.e. most things actually worth shooting), the E-115 monsters weren't largely irrelevant by the time you get these into the field, and the damage/resistance design in general didn't shy away from the sort of hard counters that would actually make these rarer damage types worth using.
The rifles are not too far off from ballistic rifles, but have a cripplingly low aimed range, especially compared to snap range (2 tiles of difference!) and the only real features they have are again stun and the multitude of damage types, with the same problems as before.
The Dart Musket I haven't used, but looking at it now, it seems all lore and no crunch, compared to the Dart Rifle: marginal accuracy and range gains (+2 no-dropoff range and +5% accuracy) for more weight and crippling resource requirements. No idea what this is supposed to be for.
Well, I guess you can take these underwater and capture some eldritch horrors without needing to run into melee. If you shoot them a dozen times. Maybe.
Dart weapons are awesome. I've been using them in my current game and they are easily the best stun weapon in the game. Combine them with a few captured alien blaster rifles for when you want to kill something and they rule.
More like "never got around to make it".
There are many types of ammo and many weapons, not all combinations are available. I can make it, if there's demand.
It's basically what's keeping me from using it at all since I rely on smoke a bit too much. Well that and the weight. The MGL which in my view is the best grenade launcher in the game weights 9 units plus ammo where as the TGL is 26. And I don't think the improvement is big enough to warrant that much of a weight jump.
Dart weapons are awesome. I've been using them in my current game and they are easily the best stun weapon in the game. Combine them with a few captured alien blaster rifles for when you want to kill something and they rule.
Well, I tried again and the electric darts are kinda workable due to doing a lot of health damage on top. Stun darts are still useless, and the rest too niche. So perhaps not totally useless.
But 'best stun weapon in the game' they aren't, unless you measure 'best' using some extremely strange metric. On average, two electric rifle darts can take down most 'soft' targets, similar to tasers but with rifle-ish range. That's it. A moderately tough enemy, like a Snakeman, can take the entire clip before going to sleep and, unlike tasers, the health damage is somewhat dangerous. Not as dangerous as it looks, but still.
KO grenades use about the same TU (less, if you abuse pre-priming) to take a similar 'soft' enemy in one blast, are more accurate due to OG grenade shenanigans, so work at longer ranges and even for rookies. They are also something you can give to everyone, unlike dart rifles. If there's a 'best' stun weapon - taking into account accessibility - it is these little bundles of joy.
Small Launchers have a much harder stun for anything not highly resistant, use arcing fire, can hit several targets. Concussion Cannons just stun most anything in one hit, invaluable for close-quarters like indoors, UFO clearing, etc. But both of these are hard to access.
The various grenade launcher blunts do in one shot what electric darts do in two, and can fire over obstacles. They also have much better ammo variety than dart guns. Blunts are somewhat more likely to kill than electric darts, and a bit less accurate with snap shots. I prefer these to dart guns against tougher enemies.
So, I'd say these are better than I thought, and kinda passable with the new ammo (admittedly one that I've never used before), but nowhere near 'best'. Mayyybe most general-purpose.
It's basically what's keeping me from using it at all since I rely on smoke a bit too much. Well that and the weight. The MGL which in my view is the best grenade launcher in the game weights 9 units plus ammo where as the TGL is 26. And I don't think the improvement is big enough to warrant that much of a weight jump.
Milkors are awesome, but they suffer from the same thing as the dart rifles: short-ish range (not so important for smoke, quite important for blunts and HE) and lack of oomph. I shot some Snakemen again and Milkor needed 2-3 blunts whereas TGL downed them in one hit, occasionally two. And near misses with HE are even worse in that regard. I consider the TGL the best actual grenade launcher, and Milkors a sort of short-range specialist weapon. But the weight is quite a lot indeed. And the lack of smoke is a bummer, yes.
More like "never got around to make it".
There are many types of ammo and many weapons, not all combinations are available. I can make it, if there's demand.
I've got a recolour from one time when I coloured a lot of different grenade types, if you wish to use it.
Well, I tried again and the electric darts are kinda workable due to doing a lot of health damage on top. Stun darts are still useless, and the rest too niche. So perhaps not totally useless.
That's the red and blue ones, right? I just call them that. Personally I find them to be about the same. The green ones are a complete trap though.
But 'best stun weapon in the game' they aren't, unless you measure 'best' using some extremely strange metric. On average, two electric rifle darts can take down most 'soft' targets, similar to tasers but with rifle-ish range. That's it. A moderately tough enemy, like a Snakeman, can take the entire clip before going to sleep and, unlike tasers, the health damage is somewhat dangerous. Not as dangerous as it looks, but still.
I was perhaps being a bit hyperbolic due to recent experiences with these things really pulling their weight just 15 minutes before that post. :)
But if you will allow a digression my criteria for judging weapons is based on the understanding that no weapon is going to be good in all situations and they aren't meant to be. So in my view a good weapon is one that performs well within the niche given to it by the game.
And personally I think that when it comes to doing their job in that respect the regular dart rifles are in my view right up there with the best.
And yes, there are objectively better options further down the line. But that's the point. They are further down the line. At the time and place where you get dart rifles there is simply nothing like them on land or sea. Well aside from gas grenades I guess. But those are just too good.
That's the red and blue ones, right? I just call them that. Personally I find them to be about the same. The green ones are a complete trap though.
The red ones (bio-stun) are crap. Take about twice as many shots to stun as the blues (electric), unless you get lucky. And if the enemy has armour, it's even worse. I just shot three full clips into a Snakeman before he went down. For comparison, Snakemen take about one clip of 'blues' and 1-2 TGL blunts or 2-3 regular blunts.
Green (acid) are very situational, but not totally useless. But pulse weapons are much better for what they do, although available somewhat later. But you don't really need armour stripping or chem damage, well, ever.
And yes, there are objectively better options further down the line. But that's the point. They are further down the line. At the time and place where you get dart rifles there is simply nothing like them on land or sea. Well aside from gas grenades I guess. But those are just too good.
Gas grenades? The green ones that do basically incendiary damage x2, 10-20 a pop at best, ~half stun, and tend to outright kill people?
KO grenades are what it's at, they are just as good if not better than dart rifle electric rounds in most circumstances, and available from the exact same line of research. When they aren't (because they rely on the 4x damage multiplier a lot), chances are, you want to break out the big guns like Taser Cannons or TGL blunts anyway.
Blunts are most likely available before darts, even. They do have some downsides, but I'm partial to TGLs and KO grenades for tougher and softer enemies, respectively... Or I would be, if I hadn't nerfed all grenade ranges and made the red dart rifle ammo actually useful myself (no randomised stun damage, armour piercing comparable to sniper rifles). Now these dart rifles were more or less the same as the new 'blue' darts, and the old upgraded dart ammo with my modifications was even better (that one could regularly one-shot).
I do have to concur that underwater is where darts are really better than almost anything else.
So, while I agree with your methodology, I disagree with the results. Feel free to correct me, though. I haven't actually played vanilla XCF since forever, and my own version for most of the year.
The red ones (bio-stun) are crap. Take about twice as many shots to stun as the blues (electric), unless you get lucky. And if the enemy has armour, it's even worse. I just shot three full clips into a Snakeman before he went down. For comparison, Snakemen take about one clip of 'blues' and 1-2 TGL blunts or 2-3 regular blunts.
Green (acid) are very situational, but not totally useless. But pulse weapons are much better for what they do, although available somewhat later. But you don't really need armour stripping or chem damage, well, ever.
I am only using these for underwater operations. So I have no idea how they'd fair on land. Nor do I see why you would do it when at the same time you also get stuff like proper assault rifles with full auto fire at the same time. Hell, by the time you have these you will have access to Black Ops weapons and Tritanium ammo for use on land. And by the time you get pulse weapons you should have a decent supply of captured alien underwater rifles as well. At least I do. So I am not sure why you'd be comparing those to these.
Gas grenades? The green ones that do basically incendiary damage x2, 10-20 a pop at best, ~half stun, and tend to outright kill people?
Yes. The stuff that instant kills most humanoid enemies at the time of introduction and can still pose a serious threat to aliens even much later on. And they even stun people on occasion as an added bonus. They only really fail when faced with heavy armor like MIB power armor.
They are just a complete cheat code if you get them early enough. Like, crab people raids turn from nearly impossible to one shot kills with those things. And cult missions become a lot more fun when you can bombard your enemies with instant death grenades.
I use them as my primary offensive hand grenade up until I get access to plasma. If the MGL had gas grenades I would literally just arm half of my entire team with them.
KO grenades are what it's at, they are just as good if not better than dart rifle electric rounds in most circumstances, and available from the exact same line of research. When they aren't (because they rely on the 4x damage multiplier a lot), chances are, you want to break out the big guns like Taser Cannons or TGL blunts anyway.
I am unable to find any weapon by that name in the game or in the wiki. What is the actual name of those?
This said, from what I remember taser cannons have really bad range.
Blunts are most likely available before darts, even. They do have some downsides, but I'm partial to TGLs and KO grenades for tougher and softer enemies, respectively... Or I would be, if I hadn't nerfed all grenade ranges and made the red dart rifle ammo actually useful myself (no randomised stun damage, armour piercing comparable to sniper rifles). Now these dart rifles were more or less the same as the new 'blue' darts, and the old upgraded dart ammo with my modifications was even better (that one could regularly one-shot).
I can not comment on modded performance. I will however note that I play the mod that lets you start 1 year early so that might skew my experience.
I do have to concur that underwater is where darts are really better than almost anything else.
They are purely an underwater weapon as far as the description goes and thus my evaluation is concerned. The fact you can also use them on land is just a situational bonus. But really, there is no reason not to pack your transport with weapons for different situations and switch them out depending on the need. And on land you will always have better options.
Dart Rifles require a Workshop, and also require Alien Biology and Mutant Physiology. Manufacturing dart rifles requires building a workshop (32 days), recruiting more engineers, etc. While in a normal game, you could get these researched and workshop built, you would probably be at least in August 1997. But you should have already rushed Promo II and Explosives license earlier. And then you can purchase Milkors and Grenade Launchers, which are better with distances. And due to dogs and reaction barking (to stop the enemy units from reacting), if you are on shorter distances, melee or very close range stunning is actually a very viable strategy on maps which have some cover. So you don't really need short-range stunning guns that much (after the point where you have moved on from taser pistols, i.e. trained up the agents' melee accuracy). You essentially need those a little bit with enemies which have too good reactions and/or melee dodging to make meleeing them unviable, for example BL assassins). But for short-range non-melee stunning for example Milkor works very well as well (it's very TU-efficient).
Dart Rifles require a Workshop, and also require Alien Biology and Mutant Physiology. Manufacturing dart rifles requires building a workshop (32 days), recruiting more engineers, etc. While in a normal game, you could get these researched and workshop built, you would probably be at least in August 1997. But you should have already rushed Promo II and Explosives license earlier. And then you can purchase Milkors and Grenade Launchers, which are better with distances. And due to dogs and reaction barking (to stop the enemy units from reacting), if you are on shorter distances, melee or very close range stunning is actually a very viable strategy on maps which have some cover. So you don't really need short-range stunning guns that much (after the point where you have moved on from taser pistols, i.e. trained up the agents' melee accuracy). You essentially need those a little bit with enemies which have too good reactions and/or melee dodging to make meleeing them unviable, for example BL assassins). But for short-range non-melee stunning for example Milkor works very well as well (it's very TU-efficient).
Don't think of them as a ground based stun weapon. Think of them as your entry level naval weapon that fills the niche of those things but underwater.
Don't think of them as a ground based stun weapon. Think of them as your entry level naval weapon that fills the niche of those things but underwater.
The only thing you will need to capture underwater are aquatoids. Those arrive in a ship (and everyone except possibly one start inside the ship). It is IMHO the best strategy to rush there to melee them with stun rods/prods (you may also throw a couple of gas mines from shorter ranges). If you try to defeat aquatoids with ranged weapons, they will wreck your guys with their better vision and sonic weapons.
The only thing you will need to capture underwater are aquatoids. Those arrive in a ship (and everyone except possibly one start inside the ship). It is IMHO the best strategy to rush there to melee them with stun rods/prods (you may also throw a couple of gas mines from shorter ranges). If you try to defeat aquatoids with ranged weapons, they will wreck your guys with their better vision and sonic weapons.
It's not really about capturing. Although captured stuff sells better than corpses so there is that.
But fundamentally I hold that in the early to mid water game when you still don't have a reliable supply of captured aquatoid weaponry and ammo dart rifles are your best general purpose underwater weapon. The fact they also capture stuff at times is a bonus.
Than again admittedly the bar isn't high to clear. At the moment you get these, and for a significant time afterward your options are either the strange underwater AK which is meh at best, melee weapons or the odd captured sonic pistol with no reliable source of ammo. Well, I guess you also have harpoon launchers but those are just bad in my experience.
But fundamentally I hold that in the early to mid water game when you still don't have a reliable supply of captured aquatoid weaponry and ammo dart rifles are your best general purpose underwater weapon. The fact they also capture stuff at times is a bonus.
Than again admittedly the bar isn't high to clear. At the moment you get these, and for a significant time afterward your options are either the strange underwater AK which is meh at best, melee weapons or the odd captured sonic pistol with no reliable source of ammo. Well, I guess you also have harpoon launchers but those are just bad in my experience.
Gas Cannon (with AP ammo) requires only a little bit more research and is far superior (range, accuracy, 1-shot kills) to kill compared to dart rifles. Usually the first underwater missions start at the earliest at the end of 1997, so it's not very early. You can deal with the first underwater missions against deep ones and gilldogs with any weapon (crossbow, ADS, gas/anti-personnel mine, gas cannon, ...) using camping tactics, but once you get the aquatoids and need to capture at least one to progress it gets slightly trickier.
I thought we were discussing stunning in general, not underwater combat (lethal and nonlethal) in particular. If that's the case, I stand by these.
Mayyybe most general-purpose.
I do have to concur that underwater is where darts are really better than almost anything else.
Which is not too far from PPQ's position.
Nor do I see why you would do it when at the same time you also get stuff like proper assault rifles with full auto fire at the same time.
Assault rifles don't stun.
And by the time you get pulse weapons you should have a decent supply of captured alien underwater rifles as well. At least I do. So I am not sure why you'd be comparing those to these.
Chem ammo strips armour. That's the one niche it has, which is admittedly not a big one, what with superpowered melee and all.
Yes. The stuff that instant kills most humanoid enemies at the time of introduction and can still pose a serious threat to aliens even much later on. And they even stun people on occasion as an added bonus. They only really fail when faced with heavy armor like MIB power armor.
Doesn't the special fire damage bypass armour and only hit resistances? So it's more that the MiBs resist it, not that the armour as such helps.
Anyway, this was in the context of stunning enemies, which gas grenades do pretty poorly. And the special damage rule means you've got to throw a few against the beefier enemies and/or pray that the enemy is not one of the smoke-resistant types (admittedly, few are). But they're pretty good, yes. Mainly because of the OG grenade mechanics coupled with the nigh-omnipresent choke vulnerability.
I am unable to find any weapon by that name in the game or in the wiki. What is the actual name of those?
Knockout Grenade (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_KNOCKOUT_GRENADE).
This said, from what I remember taser cannons have really bad range.
Indeed. But they're the safe high-damage, high-penetration option for when you really need to capture a tough enemy.
I can not comment on modded performance.
My remark about KO grenades and TGL is vanilla, the addendum was just a caveat that I actually don't practice what I preach due to modding.
They are purely an underwater weapon as far as the description goes...
You mean this: "It can also be used underwater"? That's definitely not 'purely underwater'.
And on land you will always have better options.
My point all along.
And then you can purchase Milkors and Grenade Launchers, which are better with distances.
Milkors and regular GLs are only better with aimed shots at long ranges. Snaps are mostly worse, both for accuracy and TU. And the regular blunt ammo (as opposed to TGL) isn't too reliable at one-shotting, while electric darts are pretty consistent at two-shotting. Long-range, arcing fire and the ability to use other ammo is what makes them better, IMO. Plus reloading that also eats TU. TGL is where it's really no longer remotely competitive.
And due to dogs...
These effing canines seem to be the answer to everything. 😢
But for short-range non-melee stunning for example Milkor works very well as well (it's very TU-efficient).
Dart Pistols with electric darts are massively more accurate at both short and medium ranges, take about 3-5 darts whereas Milkors take 1-2, so not too far off damage-wise. But more accurate and more flexible, since you can put them into everyone's pocket and the cost of one shot is only 18% TU. Longer-range it's different, of course.
The only thing you will need to capture underwater are aquatoids.
If you try to defeat aquatoids with ranged weapons, they will wreck your guys with their better vision and sonic weapons.
While true, capturing some hapless melee-only Gillmen Deep Ones is a bit more lucrative.
But fundamentally I hold that in the early to mid water game when you still don't have a reliable supply of captured aquatoid weaponry and ammo dart rifles are your best general purpose underwater weapon.
Gas Cannon (with AP ammo) requires only a little bit more research and is far superior (range, accuracy, 1-shot kills) to kill compared to dart rifles.
Gas cannons don't really have better range/accuracy (same thing, really). And are less accurate within basic vision range, notably so. They also don't one-shot aquatic enemies, especially Aquatoids. Boy was I surprised to learn that some of them need to be shot thrice. GCs generally take 1-2 shots to kill, Dart Rifles with electric darts 2-3 to stun. So I don't think one is massively better than the other, but they do have different perks (HE ammo for near misses still doing damage, incendiaries for lighting stuff up and demoralising vs dart captures).
Anyway, this was in the context of stunning enemies
I was talking in general. That's the point of divergence than. :)
Basically to sum up what my point is its that for its time and place, that being an early to mid era underwater weapon that can stun as well the dart rifles are really good. And they don't really grow obsolete in that role until you get blasta rifles as your DPS and small launchers for stunning. Which can be quite a while. All of which combines to make them some of the best weapons in the game balance vise. Right up there with the Black Ops SMG and the MGL.
Knockout Grenade (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_KNOCKOUT_GRENADE).
Thanks. Somehow I succeeded in completely missing that one. O_o
Indeed. But they're the safe high-damage, high-penetration option for when you really need to capture a tough enemy.
I kind of just flood the enemy with smoke and bumrush them with bioelectric tazers. :)
I have been meaning to give them a go but the combination of heavy weight and general unwieldability has always put me off. A taser pistol is something you can pocket and still have a primary weapon.
You mean this: "It can also be used underwater"? That's definitely not 'purely underwater'.
Fair enough. I admit to remembering wrong.
Milkors and regular GLs are only better with aimed shots at long ranges. Snaps are mostly worse, both for accuracy and TU. And the regular blunt ammo (as opposed to TGL) isn't too reliable at one-shotting, while electric darts are pretty consistent at two-shotting. Long-range, arcing fire and the ability to use other ammo is what makes them better, IMO. Plus reloading that also eats TU. TGL is where it's really no longer remotely competitive.
They are however far more versatile because they can provide you with smoke, HE or other forms of cover as well. It's kind of like how Taser Pistols are generally not great as stun weapons but the fact you can give one to each soldier for very little weight and inventory space just makes them a workhorse for me.
These effing canines seem to be the answer to everything. 😢
I am yet to try using dogs or any animals. Also, just how do you equip tamed minotaurs? I have 3 in my inventory just chilling.
Taser Cannons are a quite niche weapon for a specific time and place. Filling that same enemy with electric darts is probably better, but TCs are available earlier.
Milkors are indeed more versatile, but if you're definitely wanting a capture, other things do it better.
I think Minotaurs have some sort of union rule for not participating in non-base-defence missions? :P
Not a bug, but a note: move all strings displayed to the user in "battle_game.flashMessage" from the script file to the language files to be able to translate them.
I suspect this issue is more with OXCE? possibly and not XCF?
In the tech tree window item dependencies are inconsistent. For example "Alien Fuel Trace"
In my game it shows that for manufacturing Required By: Elerium (From Alien Fuel Trace) [m]
but it doesn't show other dependencies for manufacturing such as "Trace Flares" which also require Alien Fuel Trace? Seams to be more correct in the sell window and right clicking on the entry
I recall there are other places but I don't remember exactly where
Looking at the facility rul file, I have a question about the living quarters for the following regarding mana recovery
manaRecoveryPerDay: 3
manaRecoveryPerDay: 4
would four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS add up to 12 mana recovery? and if so, I'm wondering why the single 2x2 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS_2 not be something equal to or grater than four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS?
Like this???
manaRecoveryPerDay: 15
Looking at the facility rul file, I have a question about the living quarters for the following regarding mana recovery
manaRecoveryPerDay: 3
manaRecoveryPerDay: 4
would four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS add up to 12 mana recovery? and if so, I'm wondering why the single 2x2 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS_2 not be something equal to or grater than four of the 1x1 STR_LIVING_QUARTERS?
Like this???
manaRecoveryPerDay: 15
From Ruleset Reference (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)#Base_Facilities):
How much mana does the facility recover per day. The facility setting is NOT cumulative, more facilities don't provide more regen. If there are multiple facilities of different type with different regen rate, the best (highest) regen rate is used.
In the tech tree window item dependencies are inconsistent. For example "Alien Fuel Trace"
In my game it shows that for manufacturing Required By: Elerium (From Alien Fuel Trace) [m]
but it doesn't show other dependencies for manufacturing such as "Trace Flares" which also require Alien Fuel Trace? Seams to be more correct in the sell window and right clicking on the entry
You're (another) of these people who confuse the TTV for what it is. It's not actually a tech tree GUI, it's a ruleset explorer.
"Alien Fuel Trace" (the research topic) is not a direct requirement of "Trace Flare" (the manufacturing project, which produces the item "Trace Flare"), "Trace Flare" (the research project) is. "Alien Fuel Trace" leads to "Trace Flare" (the research project, the actual requirement), and that is reflected in the TTV.
The sell window also only shows the direct research dependency, which is "Trace Flare" (the research project). Not the item, not the manufacturing project. It even tells you so!
I imagine this is so mainly as not to- clutter the interface with superfuous n-th level research requirements.
- lower performance (crawling trough the whole ruleset all the time).
Are the hauntedFarm/hauntedHouse supposed to have so high executionOdds?
33 is way more than even the early Cult missions.
I just realized (unfortunately) that you can't interrogate Gillman Hero until you have learned of Gillmen first somehow. I wonder if this is intentional. Usually interrogation doesn't have such dependencies.
EDIT: according to the descriptions, the hero has 'regained his humanity' despite experiments and is held in a prison cell (instead of alien containment like gillmen). So from that angle it seems a bit strange that you cannot interrogate him without first learning of gillmen.
I wish to report a crash.
Steps to reproduce:
- Start game
- Click: New Battle
- Set the settings as in the attached screenshot.
- Click: OK
Gillman Hero autopsy spawns STR_CORPSE_POWER_ARMOR. The string has not been defined for translation and shows up that way in tech-tree viewer. I suppose this has no real impact on the game (but OTOH the item spawned after interrogation, STR_POWER_ARMOR, is properly translated).
Hello. Something seems wrong with a mission. I got a usual message for Strange Life Form, but when I click on it, I also have a choice to go to Zombie Hive. I didn't receive the message for Zombie Hive. There is no Zombie Hive mission in the Global Tracker. If I don't choose and click again, there is only Strange Life Form mission. But if I for example go to base screen, return to Geoscape and click on the marker then I again have a choice. Or is it the same mission? If I choose the Strange Life Form, will it be zombies in some caves?
This looks strange, so perhaps posting a save is in order. The only thing I can think of offhand is that the Hive mission is on the brink of expiring, but then you say that you can make it reappear...
Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.
Also I still didn't have an opportunity to catch Red Dawn Pioneer, and it is August.
Even if you have already refused to share Elerium Battery tech with MAGMA, once you research Terramite they still suggest sharing it, promising "This would allow us to offer you new, better merchandise in the future!". However, they will give you nothing (getting power armor requires you give them Elerium Battery as well).
Not sure if this message is intentionally misleading - only their marketing talk - and the player needs to check the tech tree viewer carefully to notice that the deal will give you nothing positive.
One way to avoid this is would be to define that "Do not share Elerium Battery" would also disable "Message from M.A.G.M.A.: Terramite" (i.e. MAGMA would not even bother you with asking about Terramite) or that you would get an equivalent of "Do Not Share Terramite Tech" (250 points).
I have always obtained Elerium Battery first myself, but I suppose this could occur in the opposite order as well. So even more complete fix would be to restructure the dependencies somehow so that each share/no-share decision would result in some specific result, instead of having to deal with the consequences and combinations of two separate share/no-share decisions. In such case I suppose Power Armor should be the reward of terramite and you'd need something else for elerium battery.
Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.
Hmm. You do have a Zombie Hive mission that's closeby and undetected. I didn't even know you could have undetected 'terror' sites. :o
If you wait a little, it'll show up on the globe. It's not in the exact same spot as the other mission, but decently close by.
But there's indeed some funky business in that you can click on the invisible Zombie hive and get to select it. There's a spot right between the two that covers both in terms of mission site selection 'closeness', so you essentially click both the visible and the invisible site at the same time.
This might be something for OXC(E) developers to look at. At the very least, the ability to 'detect' undetected mission sites by randomly clicking on the globe is both conceptually strange and also confusing when you get a sitiation like yours. Or you get an 'invisible' mission right next to an alien base, or X-Com base, etc.
Also I still didn't have an opportunity to catch Red Dawn Pioneer, and it is August.
Not a bug, Solarius just likes his RNG. ;D
For Zombie Isolation mission the allowed armors list shows UNARMORED (DOG).
But dog units are forbidden
Perhaps some X-Com agents are into... alternative... apparel? :P I mean, it's the nineties, but still, if you're a secret agent man, you may as well indulge a little.
For Zombie Isolation mission the allowed armors list shows UNARMORED (DOG).
But dog units are forbidden
Many other missions which have unit type restrictions also have, for example, default armor or allowed armor specifications for unallowed unit types. Not sure if all of those would be unnecessary or not, and if there is a technical engine reason to include specifications also for unit types which are actually forbidden.
Is it intentional that you can put AI units on Combat Pilot Training? That is is the only "human-ish" training they can take.
You can put AI units to pilot crafts independently, though, so it's not so big a stretch if this is intentional.
Here is a fixed spritesheet for tomb guardian.
Also, magma automatic tank have incorrect floorob. corpse_1 must have no sprite at all (empty one), not an syndicate walker corpse.
Upd.: Also here is slightly polished Chtonite inventory and ufopedia images.
I'm getting the following error when starting the mission Syndicate Assassination: OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
I was wondering if anyone had encountered this before or if it was an issue with my setup, I tried re-installing x-com files just in case I was missing a map but that did not help. I also saw that crash happen on an Exalt VIP mission but I'm not sure if they share the same map
Here is the crash log and a save with the mission on map and a ship going to that mission.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.11 (v2024-01-09)
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Data folder is:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Data search is:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] - C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] - C:/Program Files/OpenXcom Extended/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Loading data...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/'...
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'XCF-CyrNames': unexpected symbol
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] Active mods:
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - x-com-files v3.2
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - lessdensesmoke v1.0.1
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - dark-geoscape v1.0
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading begins...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] After load.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_BUZZER_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_CYBERMITE_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading ended.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Loading language...
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5dc830 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5dd6b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xc015d0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xe4feb0 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xe60a80 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x520f70 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::deployXCOM(OpenXcom::RuleStartingCondition const*, OpenXcom::RuleEnviroEffects const*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5308d0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x6deae0 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5f96c0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x6b7d70 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5f4cf0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xa1c910 console_main
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xa1ca30 WinMain
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] ??
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] ??
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x7ffc0b2b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x7ffc0d082690 RtlUserThreadStart
[08-03-2024_10-29-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
Log file: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on the OpenXcom forum (OXCE board).
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
Thanks for the help
For what it's worth, the save works the fine when I try it.
EDIT: I do note that the save was with 7.11 OXCE version. I used 7.12. You could try to upgrade your OXCE.
Yeah, I can't get it to crash, either. I presume the crash persists when you try again?
You can try the 3.3 snapshot from Github, that's what I used. Probably psavola too.
Since this mission has X-Com inside a fake UFO, the above kinda implies that this UFO fails to spawn or is otherwise defective.
Thanks for the replies, knowing the issue was on my side helped and after doing another more careful full re-install of the mod and OXCE I'm able to start the mission
Hey guys,
Just encountered my first crash after playing for at least 20 hours. I am actually kinda impressed by the stability of OXCE.
The crash occur when I'm on a Strange Life Forme Mission fighting Snakes. At some point during the Snakes' first turn the game crash with an error message. I tried loading the save made just before the fight starts 3 times (both manual save and auto) and I have the same crash every time. I got around the problem by leaving the mission so it's no big deal but I'm still curious to know what happened
I attached my save and the log to this message.
Thanks for your help !
This crash occurred with Brutal-AI so, looking at past experiences, it's probably safe to assume it's due to BOXCE rather than OXCE or the mod.
Yeah, probably something in the newer BOXCE. I tested with an older version (7.11), and the snakes worked out fine.
Nice, thanks for the quick answer.
In case it happens again I will just desactivate Brutal AI then.
This time I got Gertrude Ellison mission early (March 1998) so even my best agents had melee accuracy of 65-70 (no ninja training yet).
Gertrude Ellison has 1.2*Reactions (i.e. 65) melee dodge with zero penalties from the back and sides. This means that it is essentially impossible to succeed in melee stunning her at least with this kind of melee accuracy. I spent a couple of turns with 5+ agents prodding her.
Then I got fed up, and used Milkors with Stun clips. That killed her (as I feared it could). No matter, she wouldn't reveal anything all that important anyway.
But this made me really wonder, is it really intentional to make her reliable capture so difficult? She has better melee dodge than even the BL assassins (1.0*RE) and Master Lo Wo (1.0*RE). I don't understand this if this is really intentionally balanced this way.
This time I got Gertrude Ellison mission early (March 1998) so even my best agents had melee accuracy of 65-70 (no ninja training yet).
Gertrude Ellison has 1.2*Reactions (i.e. 65) melee dodge with zero penalties from the back and sides. This means that it is essentially impossible to succeed in melee stunning her at least with this kind of melee accuracy. I spent a couple of turns with 5+ agents prodding her.
Then I got fed up, and used Milkors with Stun clips. That killed her (as I feared it could). No matter, she wouldn't reveal anything all that important anyway.
But this made me really wonder, is it really intentional to make her reliable capture so difficult? She has better melee dodge than even the BL assassins (1.0*RE) and Master Lo Wo (1.0*RE). I don't understand this if this is really intentionally balanced this way.
A shotgun with rubber bullets can be obtained right at the start of the game.
As for me I just used tasers they worked fine
Fair enough. But that was not my main point. It was that Gertrude Ellison's melee dodge is unbalanced when you consider the game as a whole. Why does she have the best melee dodge in the whole game (1.2*Re)? The next ones being various ninja masters, commandos etc. with 1.0*Re. I can't think of any reason why this would be so. (In addition to the fact that with this high melee reactions CQC is ridiculous and you should just shoot enemies from 1 square off.)
Well, the interrogation and dossier imply she's some kind of super-sexy psionic, so maybe the dodge isn't all physical. Although then one would expect high-ranking Ethereals to be even worse, at the very least. Never mind all the actually dodgy enemies.
So, yeah, while in isolation, it's plausible that she might have such a high dodge value, it doesn't really gel with the rest of the mod's roster.
BTW, what does a high dodge multiplier have to do with CQC? Gertrude has middlingly high reactions and melee, but nowhere near Lo Wo or the other actual heavyweights.
I'm not sure is this is a X-Com Files issues or a BRUTAL-AI issues.
I'm playing X-Com Files with BRUTAL-AI and found that the following variable doesn't have a text string. I did notice that when I first loaded BRUTAL-AI that it overwrote some of the default OXC text strings, which is why I wasn't sure what was causing the missing text.
see attached image.
This was an item I just received after researching the Gillman Hero Corpse.
Also, looks like this is a non-item? sell for $0 and no research options? so just junk?
Yes, this is an XCF problem (already reported earlier above). It is indeed true that this is currently essentially junk, because there is no manufacturing process to repair a broken power armor (like there are for many other armors). But maybe that could change in the future as well.
Question about the craft engine mod "Fuel Tank" the +20 is that 20% fuel capacity or just +20 to the fuel value listed in the Nerds Info?
I also see that for the following crafts that could all equip the Fuel Tank:
Thunderstorm --> Fuel Capacity = 1000 Fuel Type: ? (default jet fuel)?
Sentinel --> Fuel Capacity = 40 Fuel Type: E-115
Ironfist --> Fuel Capacity = 60 Fuel Type: Zrbite
Thunderstorm fuel capacity = 1000, so 20 seams like not worth anything valuable at all? So I'm guessing it'n not helpful for regular fuel? and just helpful for specific crafts?
AFAIK, it's just +20 fuel. Good for Elerium/Zrbite crafts, rather useless for others. There should probably be two or three different variants of this engine mod, one per fuel type.
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base).
Buying land rover from closest base (1h delivery) and sending rookies kinda works for me. I'd say, having some pistols on a base does not make it "strike". But yeah, time budget is somewhat tight.
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).
I brought this up a while back. It is nearly impossible to reach these missions unless you cheat (save scum) and leave a vehicle stationary within close proximity.
The rewards also do not match the losses in my opinion.
Getting a bit OT, but.. If we disregard the point penalty for the moment, the only benefits of completing the mission are 1) capturing a live reptoid as a way of unlocking alien power systems (if you haven't obtained it before from somewhere else), 2) getting some gauss pistols. I.e. this mission is essentially only relevant after early/mid-1998, and might be irrelevant even then.
Alien power systems is important and useful because that unlocks for example stun rod, which makes it more convenient to capture more aliens (e.g. various sectoids if you get lucky and get a mission). But it's not a showstopper because in any case in the earlyish game you want to do your alien captures with the help of dogs (barking) and after that any stunning will do.
Yeah, how the mighty Toxigun has fallen. 😢
Hmm... I like them. I think they are at just the right level of usefulness, so they feel "realistic" while not being useless. But of course this tolerance varies between people.
And I certainly wouldn't use it on something like Snakemen. Darts are meant to be a handy tool for dealing with confused animals and maybe unarmoured people, not alien soldiers. You need real weapons for that.
It's basically what's keeping me from using it at all since I rely on smoke a bit too much. Well that and the weight. The MGL which in my view is the best grenade launcher in the game weights 9 units plus ammo where as the TGL is 26. And I don't think the improvement is big enough to warrant that much of a weight jump.
OK, added to my to-do list. It's lowest priority, but also rather simple to do.
@Juku121: thanks for the bigob, it saves me a few minutes. :)
Not a bug, but a note: move all strings displayed to the user in "battle_game.flashMessage" from the script file to the language files to be able to translate them.
I don't understand, what needs to be done? "Moved" how?
The strings already contain STR_TARGET_IS_DAZED.
Are the hauntedFarm/hauntedHouse supposed to have so high executionOdds?
33 is way more than even the early Cult missions.
Early cult missions have low odds, but way more scripts which can call them.
I just realized (unfortunately) that you can't interrogate Gillman Hero until you have learned of Gillmen first somehow. I wonder if this is intentional. Usually interrogation doesn't have such dependencies.
EDIT: according to the descriptions, the hero has 'regained his humanity' despite experiments and is held in a prison cell (instead of alien containment like gillmen). So from that angle it seems a bit strange that you cannot interrogate him without first learning of gillmen.
That would probably break the research logic (like learning about a very specific type of alien hybrid without knowing about alien hybrids in general). I smell potential BS here, so I made it so just in case.
I wish to report a crash.
You set the debug mode to true without knowing what will happen, didn't you? :)
There's a reason this and many other deployments have the "isHidden: true" flag.
On another note, the dependencies for EMP weapons are somewhat strange.
I don't think it's the best place to discuss it, but
On another note, the dependencies for EMP weapons are somewhat strange.
Moved this topic to a new thread: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11914.0
Gillman Hero autopsy spawns STR_CORPSE_POWER_ARMOR.
Thanks, already fixed.
Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.
Doesn't sound familiar... Most likely you missed the message. You can always press "T" to see all active mission sites.
Even if you have already refused to share Elerium Battery tech with MAGMA, once you research Terramite they still suggest sharing it, promising "This would allow us to offer you new, better merchandise in the future!". However, they will give you nothing (getting power armor requires you give them Elerium Battery as well).
Not sure if this message is intentionally misleading - only their marketing talk - and the player needs to check the tech tree viewer carefully to notice that the deal will give you nothing positive.
Mostly their marketing talk, yes.
Perhaps I could add some new item which depends on sharing terramite with M.A.G.M.A. but not on the E-115 batts. Any ideas? :)
Hmm. You do have a Zombie Hive mission that's closeby and undetected. I didn't even know you could have undetected 'terror' sites. :o
You can't. But AFAIK there's a certain delay between spawning a mission and displaying a notification.
For Zombie Isolation mission the allowed armors list shows UNARMORED (DOG).
But dog units are forbidden
Yes. I see no issue here; the armour is allowed, but the unit is not.
I could disallow the armour too, I'm just worried this could create some edge case bug... :P
Is it intentional that you can put AI units on Combat Pilot Training? That is is the only "human-ish" training they can take.
You can put AI units to pilot crafts independently, though, so it's not so big a stretch if this is intentional.
Of course it's intentional.
Here is a fixed spritesheet for tomb guardian.
Also, magma automatic tank have incorrect floorob. corpse_1 must have no sprite at all (empty one), not an syndicate walker corpse.
Upd.: Also here is slightly polished Chtonite inventory and ufopedia images.
Wow, thanks. I have replaced the sprites with your versions, with credits and appreciation.
But I can't fix the tank easily. There is no ground object for tanks, so they reuse the walker's corpse... Maybe a HWP "corpse" would be a better fit?
Yes, this is an XCF problem (already reported earlier above). It is indeed true that this is currently essentially junk, because there is no manufacturing process to repair a broken power armor (like there are for many other armors). But maybe that could change in the future as well.
After much consideration, I've changed the reward again to Juggernaut Suit. This should be more sensible.
In the future I should work on this armour anyway, make it aqua plastics dependent and overall better harmonized with underwater content.
AFAIK, it's just +20 fuel. Good for Elerium/Zrbite crafts, rather useless for others. There should probably be two or three different variants of this engine mod, one per fuel type.
Yes but it's a hassle and not very important, so I don't wanna. :/
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).
Understandable, but having a vast network of combat ready bases should give some advantage. At least it's not mandatory.
Perhaps I could add some new item which depends on sharing terramite with M.A.G.M.A. but not on the E-115 batts. Any ideas?
Hmm, perhaps the ability to buy 'regular' Tritanium for a premium? Could be useful in the pre-Foundry stage. I don't think there's much if any use for Terramite in game (yet?)?
You can't. But AFAIK there's a certain delay between spawning a mission and displaying a notification.
You can (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11847.0). The notification and visible marker spawn together, but the mission itself can be invisibly on the globe for some time before that. That's what happened there.
Hmm, perhaps the ability to buy 'regular' Tritanium for a premium? Could be useful in the pre-Foundry stage. I don't think there's much if any use for Terramite in game (yet?)?
Terramite and titanium are not the same thing, though. They are similar and related (you could say that terramite is a special variant of titanium), but outright buying alien alloys wouldn't be logical.
You can (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11847.0). The notification and visible marker spawn together, but the mission itself can be invisibly on the globe for some time before that. That's what happened there.
Yes, that's what I meant, too.
Terramite and titanium are not the same thing, though. They are similar and related (you could say that terramite is a special variant of titanium), but outright buying alien alloys wouldn't be logical.
Maybe sharing some tech would allow buying tritanium ammo (a bit similar to how UAC outsourcing allows you to buy some stuff from UAC)? Not sure how useful that would be in the game, but at least it could have some use depending on when you do it.
How about actual terramite bullets, then? In that case, you get the finished product, just like you do with power armour, not the raw materials. And if terramite is supposed to be a 'heavy' relative of tritanium, it should make somewhat better bullets, no?
As to the markers, my original comment was that I didn't know you could have an 'undetected' and thus markerless (because that's how the game communicated detection) 'terror' sites. Your comment could be read as if there was no way to have a mission without a marker, which is possible. I gather that was not what you meant.
Come to think of it, can you randomly click on the globe and 'detect' unseen UFOs this way, too? :)
Maybe sharing some tech would allow buying tritanium ammo (a bit similar to how UAC outsourcing allows you to buy some stuff from UAC)? Not sure how useful that would be in the game, but at least it could have some use depending on when you do it.
Generally it's possible, just not from terramite.
How about actual terramite bullets, then? In that case, you get the finished product, just like you do with power armour, not the raw materials. And if terramite is supposed to be a 'heavy' relative of tritanium, it should make somewhat better bullets, no?
Yes, it's a sensible suggestion. Quite expensive and invasive, but I kinda like it!
The question is, do we need yet another bullet type? Also, there's a the question of how it would differ from normal tritanium ammo and why.
As to the markers, my original comment was that I didn't know you could have an 'undetected' and thus markerless (because that's how the game communicated detection) 'terror' sites. Your comment could be read as if there was no way to have a mission without a marker, which is possible. I gather that was not what you meant.
Yeah, I guess. My point was that as a modder, you can't intentionally make such a mission.
Come to think of it, can you randomly click on the globe and 'detect' unseen UFOs this way, too? :)
Dunno, good question... I hope not. :)
IDK, the effectiveness of tritanium ammo has been questioned a few times. And adding a third ammo type to certain guns won't overload the pedia or anything similar.
As to what the difference would be, better armour penetration, perhaps? Being a denser variant of the indestructible space metal, that would seem logical.
OTOH, adding terramite versions to every possible gun is going to be a lot of work.
On the UAC Moon Base Exploration mission i got a large unreachable area.
On the UAC Moon Base Exploration mission i got a large unreachable area.
Using debug and countless hours of playing/testing I noticed that somehow aliens tend to react (return fire) a lot more when shooting them with an aimed shot than hitting them with a snapshot. Is this by design?
Using debug and countless hours of playing/testing I noticed that somehow aliens tend to react (return fire) a lot more when shooting them with an aimed shot than hitting them with a snapshot. Is this by design?
By design of the original UFO:EU game I would say. The reason here is that you spend more TUs for an aimed shot, lowering your reaction score proportionally to the spent TUs which very likely ends up being smaller than the target you shot at's reaction score. Depending on the TUs they've reserved they are much more likely to reaction fire at high cost shots than low cost. Note that this is not because of the type of shot (aimed / snap) but rather the TU cost of the shot itself, you could fire a weapon that has a low aimed TU cost and not get a reaction fire but use a weapon with high cost snapshot and you'll get a nasty reply from your target.
Playing the Vampire Castle map, been clearing tunnels and corridors for ages, finally, bug hunt turn on and turns out there's a zombie in a cave that's completely disconnected from the rest of the map. Couldn't get there with the high ex that my agents were carrying and I didn't have a pickaxe or something. I've attached a screenshot of the zombie in debug mode.
Playing the Vampire Castle map, been clearing tunnels and corridors for ages, finally, bug hunt turn on and turns out there's a zombie in a cave that's completely disconnected from the rest of the map. Couldn't get there with the high ex that my agents were carrying and I didn't have a pickaxe or something. I've attached a screenshot of the zombie in debug mode.
Noted. But pickaxes (or other such tools) are critical for underground missions.
OpenXcom Xtended: 7.10
I just researched Enforcer armor for AI units. The strange thing is that in order to manufacture it it asks me:
12 Elerium-115
12 Alien Alloys
4 Optronics Parts
1 Alenium Shard
I have already converted all the crystals I have into operational units, if the concept is that of an interchangeable body like Scout Drones or Heavy Battle Platforms. What I can do?
I have already converted all the crystals I have into operational units, if the concept is that of an interchangeable body like Scout Drones or Heavy Battle Platforms. What I can do?
Get more "crystals" - hybrid embassies / alien bases / mib bases. They're rare, but not that rare.
Ola Cavrons:)
I find it problematic that I install OXCE to play MODS. When I install Oxce currently, I don't have a user folder and therefore can't create a mod folder. If I then create the folder myself, it sometimes works... But not always. I get the message that I should install Oxce cleanly (i.e. not create the user directory myself) but that doesn't work. I can't play any of your mods because the installation doesn't work. Please explain me how it works. Please describe a reasonable installation guide. I'm not a hacker. I would be very happy if you make it easier to install your mods. Like Xpiratez...
Great work.
Simply create the "user" folder within your installation to make OXCE use that one. Be careful about capitalization. Some programs are sensitive to it. Not sure about OXCE.
If you do not, the equivalent (on a windows machine) is "C:\Users\{username}\Documents\OpenXcom". Replace "Users" with "Documents and Settings" and "Documents" with "My Documents" for older windows.
A mod directory is created by OpenXcom (also by OXCE) when you install it and run it for the first time.
You don't need to do ANYTHING manually.
Just go to Options > Folders and click on the displayed "user folder" to open it.
That's it.
Is that a poem? :P
There is nothing under the island that you can build on. Open up regions_XCOMFILES.rul, delete the three Easter Islands and voila, empty ocean.
Does anyone know what would you need to do to edit the globe land values to enable Easter Island as a land location to build on? could that be a mod or would the original DOS files need an edit?
Simply create the "user" folder within your installation to make OXCE use that one. Be careful about capitalization. Some programs are sensitive to it. Not sure about OXCE.
If you do not, the equivalent (on a windows machine) is "C:\Users\{username}\Documents\OpenXcom". Replace "Users" with "Documents and Settings" and "Documents" with "My Documents" for older windows.
I like to keep OXCE completely portable 8), so I have a shortcut for the binary with this as the command to execute.
"C:\Users\User\Desktop\Open-XCOM\OpenXcomEx.exe" -config .\ -data .\ -user .\
and then change C:\Users\User\Desktop\Open-XCOM\ to the location of your game directory
Does anyone know what would you need to do to edit the globe land values to enable Easter Island as a land location to build on? could that be a mod or would the original DOS files need an edit?
You need a program called "worlddat", made by Volutar. Unfortunately the only link to it I could find (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=530.msg5169#msg5169) is dead. I have it, but I'm not sure if it's OK to redistribute it - I will try to find out.
EDIT: Got the permission, you can now find the program here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11932.0).
You need a program called "worlddat", made by Volutar. Unfortunately the only link to it I could find (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=530.msg5169#msg5169) is dead. I have it, but I'm not sure if it's OK to redistribute it - I will try to find out.
EDIT: Got the permission, you can now find the program here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11932.0).
Thank you Solarius Scorch!
Also, wondering, do you have any tools or scripts like python to automatically scan through your mod and update specific things across the code? And how do track and make changes like determining the cost ration for production, manufacturing, income, expense for soldiers, facilities, engineers, weapon damage range balance, etc. or do you just all manually? maybe with an excel spreadsheet?
You need a program called "worlddat", made by Volutar. Unfortunately the only link to it I could find (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=530.msg5169#msg5169) is dead. I have it, but I'm not sure if it's OK to redistribute it - I will try to find out.
EDIT: Got the permission, you can now find the program here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=11932.0).
I think this is an old version?
I don't see where you can add/delete poly as discussed here: (I only see import?)
is there a new version I should be hunting for? or am I missing something, I am having trouble figuring out how to use the application, the GUI doesn't have much to tell me how to edit or add ploys?
EDIT: OK after some time I figured out how to select another poly, then slice it, then move the slice to the desired location and reset the other half of the slice to the original poly and save. Wonky, but got it done, now I have a WORLD.DAT for X-Com Files with Easter Island. I did edit the WORLD.DAT from the X-Com Files mod and not the original XCOM one.
Also, wondering, do you have any tools or scripts like python to automatically scan through your mod and update specific things across the code?
No, I am not a coder. I use "replace all" sometimes (but not often, I want to see what I'm changing).
And how do track and make changes like determining the cost ration for production, manufacturing, income, expense for soldiers, facilities, engineers, weapon damage range balance, etc. or do you just all manually? maybe with an excel spreadsheet?
Yes, I use Excel spreadsheets with formulas for many of these things.
Minor bug: human-made laser smg has bulletsprite of a bullet, not beam.
Minor bug: human-made laser smg has bulletsprite of a bullet, not beam.
Heh, indeed. Thanks!
Impassible location (without destroying terrain)
I've come across this now a couple of times, in the Sea Lab Under Attack Mission, the second story of the large facility, I am unable to go to the left around the stairs without destroying the terrain, not sure if this is a bug or by design, but it feels like this is a bug.
Yes, I use Excel spreadsheets with formulas for many of these things.
Would you mine share your spreadsheets and other tools that you use to forecast the game parameters?
I'm working a few different sub-mods for X-Com Files and want to carefully balance the changes.
Hello everyone again, I continue
I already have an Enforcer built. But I realize that it works as a heavy weapons platform. That is, it is equippable by an AI unit. It's a little disconcerting that after using an Alenium Shard for its build resulted in "empty" equippable armor, I thought it already came with an AI unit. It's okay like that?
Thank you
IMHO that is clearly intended. By the time you get Enforcer-"armors", you already have trained your AI units a lot. You wouldn't even want Enforcer-"armor" to be tied to an untrained AI unit, but prefer to be able to use in the AI unit of your choosing.
I've come across this now a couple of times, in the Sea Lab Under Attack Mission, the second story of the large facility, I am unable to go to the left around the stairs without destroying the terrain, not sure if this is a bug or by design, but it feels like this is a bug.
Thanks, fixed. I don't know what has happened here, but TFTD terrain is weird.
Would you mine share your spreadsheets and other tools that you use to forecast the game parameters?
I'm working a few different sub-mods for X-Com Files and want to carefully balance the changes.
I can share something, but my solutions are extremely simplistic.
If you still want it, PM me your e-mail address.
IMHO that is clearly intended. By the time you get Enforcer-"armors", you already have trained your AI units a lot. You wouldn't even want Enforcer-"armor" to be tied to an untrained AI unit, but prefer to be able to use in the AI unit of your choosing.
Yes, it's intended, as the Enforcer is so good. Without the shard, you'd probably want to replace your entire crew with crystal entities.
Yes, it's intended, as the Enforcer is so good. Without the shard, you'd probably want to replace your entire crew with crystal entities.
But this is not the case. In all respects, an enforcer is much worse than a Spartan trainee. But apart from the parameters, the enforcer does not know how to throw, does not know how to melee, and worst of all, does not know how to restore energy.
But this is not the case. In all respects, an enforcer is much worse than a Spartan trainee. But apart from the parameters, the enforcer does not know how to throw, does not know how to melee, and worst of all, does not know how to restore energy.
You're literally the only person on the planet who has ever expressed disagreement. :D
In all seriousness, I'm not that convinced either, but this is the community's consensus.
I suppose that in that case I must chime in. I'm not too impressed with enforcers, if you compare them to other (human) units wearing an adequate armor and with spartanism transformation. Spartans are much better at least in many respects (but I suppose there are some niches where enforcers could be useful; one minor niche is the complete resistance to PSI damage type, but at the point you get enforcers that is no longer really relevant).
Also, it can be dangerous to use at least some 1x1 AI units, because even a single laser or plasma shot could roast the unit to the cinders, i.e. also destroy the AI unit so that it cannot be restored. Thus you may need to be careful with these. I'm not sure if I've seen this with 2x2 units, though their bodies could be wiped out as well with explosions at least. I've seen a flying drone completely wiped out by an enemy laser or similar a couple of times, but not sure if this could happen with enforcers.
Thanks for the feedback, we'll see what happens.
A small typo in the "soldierBonuses_XCOMFILES.rul" file for the bonus "STR_MEDAL_TASEMASTER_5".
Moved the Enforcer discussion to a new thread.
A small typo in the "soldierBonuses_XCOMFILES.rul" file for the bonus "STR_MEDAL_TASEMASTER_5".
Some strange graphics...
Some strange graphics...
I can't see much with this filter on, but I doubt it's an XCF issue - this unit is like 9 years old. I suspect some submod acting up.
A save would help.
The filter is odd, but it may to do with the handob of what the exalt guy is carrying.
Some strange graphics...
I'm having the same problems. I'm pretty sure it's a bug in the Arsenal Addition submod.
However, I keep forgetting to check this error after disabling this submod and all submods that depend on it :)
With mods disabled, it does not allow you to complete the mission when you have cyber disks under your control (there were 2 units). Mission to destroy the enemy base.
With mods disabled, it does not allow you to complete the mission when you have cyber disks under your control (there were 2 units). Mission to destroy the enemy base.
Um... What do you mean "does not allow you to complete the mission"? How am I supposed to debug something like that?
Do you have a save? And can you please state what to check?
Aliens are trying to abduct Natasha Morozova! :o
Very strange. I understand very little of this, but I suppose the MOROZOVA region should not be used to spawn random abduction missions, because its regionWeight is undefined in regions_XCOMFILES.rul which should default to 0. Maybe OXCE is bugged somehow, you have a corrupt mod copy or some other mods are messing up by introducing non-zero regionWeight. Or I'm missing something, which is also entirely possible.
Aliens are trying to abduct Natasha Morozova! :o
I had a crash with that as well with the 3.4 version from github and openexe 7.11, no mods.
I went into my savegame and deleted all references to 'Natasha' missions and that sorted it. It hasn't returned in three or four game months since then.
Maybe a holdover from something being changed?
Very strange. I understand very little of this, but I suppose the MOROZOVA region should not be used to spawn random abduction missions, because its regionWeight is undefined in regions_XCOMFILES.rul which should default to 0. Maybe OXCE is bugged somehow, you have a corrupt mod copy or some other mods are messing up by introducing non-zero regionWeight. Or I'm missing something, which is also entirely possible.
This is true, but the alien abduction missions in XCF have been redifined to have objective: 3 which makes it a site spawning mission and those follow their own rules by what I've understood, rendering the regionWeight irrelevant for this particular mission. I believe the issue lies in that REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT defines 2 missionZones for reasons unknown to me, perhaps WIP or from an old idea that got discarded, but as far as I could see, the 2nd zone (missionZone 1) is not actively used anywhere, yet for abduction site spawning purposes it's considered valid, at least until it has to spawn the UFOs and then it encounters the issue of no zone 5 (typical UFO entry/exit zones) defined for that region.
The fix in this case should be simple enough if nothing truly requires that missionZone 1, deleting the dash for said zone and allow for its missionAreas to be consolidated into missionZone 0 and thus, the region will no longer be a valid target for abductions.
Currently defined region
missionZones: # European and American mountains, and Ural
- [142, 142, -73.5, -73.5, -317]
- [93, 93, -84.5, -84.5, -317]
- [213, 213, -80, -80, -317]
- [118, 118, -72, -72, -317]
- [44, 44, -68, -68, -317]
- [163, 163, -66, -66, -317]
- [82, 82, -63, -63, -317]
- [61, 61, -67, -67, -317]
- [129, 129, -67, -67, -317]
- [160, 160, -63, -63, -317]
- [36.34, 36.34, -68.47, -68.47, -317]
- [44.81, 44.81, -67.02, -67.02, -317]
- [158, 158, -55, -55, -316]
- [105.7, 105.7, -53.87, -53.87, -316]
- [89, 89, -58, -58, -316]
- [57, 57, -62, -62, -316]
- [51, 51, -64, -64, -316]
- [35, 35, -62, -62, -316]
- [46.91, 46.91, -60.85, -60.85, -316]
- [137.64, 137.64, -51.39, -51.39, -316]
Consolidated into single zone
missionZones: # European and American mountains, and Ural
- [142, 142, -73.5, -73.5, -317]
- [93, 93, -84.5, -84.5, -317]
- [213, 213, -80, -80, -317]
- [118, 118, -72, -72, -317]
- [44, 44, -68, -68, -317]
- [163, 163, -66, -66, -317]
- [82, 82, -63, -63, -317]
- [61, 61, -67, -67, -317]
- [129, 129, -67, -67, -317]
- [160, 160, -63, -63, -317]
- [36.34, 36.34, -68.47, -68.47, -317]
- [44.81, 44.81, -67.02, -67.02, -317]
- [158, 158, -55, -55, -316]
- [105.7, 105.7, -53.87, -53.87, -316]
- [89, 89, -58, -58, -316]
- [57, 57, -62, -62, -316]
- [51, 51, -64, -64, -316]
- [35, 35, -62, -62, -316]
- [46.91, 46.91, -60.85, -60.85, -316]
- [137.64, 137.64, -51.39, -51.39, -316]
I had a crash with that as well with the 3.4 version from github and openexe 7.11, no mods.
I went into my savegame and deleted all references to 'Natasha' missions and that sorted it. It hasn't returned in three or four game months since then.
Maybe a holdover from something being changed?
You won;t believe this, but literally an hour or so after I posted that I had the same crash and 'repaired' it in the same way. It's not game-breaking as I delete the missions from the save, it's just a little annoying.
This is true, but the alien abduction missions in XCF have been redifined to have objective: 3 which makes it a site spawning mission and those follow their own rules by what I've understood, rendering the regionWeight irrelevant for this particular mission. I believe the issue lies in that REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT defines 2 missionZones for reasons unknown to me, perhaps WIP or from an old idea that got discarded, but as far as I could see, the 2nd zone (missionZone 1) is not actively used anywhere, yet for abduction site spawning purposes it's considered valid, at least until it has to spawn the UFOs and then it encounters the issue of no zone 5 (typical UFO entry/exit zones) defined for that region.
The fix in this case should be simple enough if nothing truly requires that missionZone 1, deleting the dash for said zone and allow for its missionAreas to be consolidated into missionZone 0 and thus, the region will no longer be a valid target for abductions.
Currently defined region
missionZones: # European and American mountains, and Ural
- [142, 142, -73.5, -73.5, -317]
- [93, 93, -84.5, -84.5, -317]
- [213, 213, -80, -80, -317]
- [118, 118, -72, -72, -317]
- [44, 44, -68, -68, -317]
- [163, 163, -66, -66, -317]
- [82, 82, -63, -63, -317]
- [61, 61, -67, -67, -317]
- [129, 129, -67, -67, -317]
- [160, 160, -63, -63, -317]
- [36.34, 36.34, -68.47, -68.47, -317]
- [44.81, 44.81, -67.02, -67.02, -317]
- [158, 158, -55, -55, -316]
- [105.7, 105.7, -53.87, -53.87, -316]
- [89, 89, -58, -58, -316]
- [57, 57, -62, -62, -316]
- [51, 51, -64, -64, -316]
- [35, 35, -62, -62, -316]
- [46.91, 46.91, -60.85, -60.85, -316]
- [137.64, 137.64, -51.39, -51.39, -316]
Consolidated into single zone
missionZones: # European and American mountains, and Ural
- [142, 142, -73.5, -73.5, -317]
- [93, 93, -84.5, -84.5, -317]
- [213, 213, -80, -80, -317]
- [118, 118, -72, -72, -317]
- [44, 44, -68, -68, -317]
- [163, 163, -66, -66, -317]
- [82, 82, -63, -63, -317]
- [61, 61, -67, -67, -317]
- [129, 129, -67, -67, -317]
- [160, 160, -63, -63, -317]
- [36.34, 36.34, -68.47, -68.47, -317]
- [44.81, 44.81, -67.02, -67.02, -317]
- [158, 158, -55, -55, -316]
- [105.7, 105.7, -53.87, -53.87, -316]
- [89, 89, -58, -58, -316]
- [57, 57, -62, -62, -316]
- [51, 51, -64, -64, -316]
- [35, 35, -62, -62, -316]
- [46.91, 46.91, -60.85, -60.85, -316]
- [137.64, 137.64, -51.39, -51.39, -316]
Thanks, I'll try this fix and see if it works. :)
You won;t believe this, but literally an hour or so after I posted that I had the same crash and 'repaired' it in the same way. It's not game-breaking as I delete the missions from the save, it's just a little annoying.
The fast fix is just replace "REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT" with "STR_EUROPE" in yor save-file.
I recently installed this mod and it keeps giving me the error:
ERROR: failed to load 'X-Com Files' ; mod disabled
Weapon STR_HUMAN_SONIC_SHOTGUN has clip size 0 and no ammo defined.
Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.
I checked the items_XCOMFILES.rul and decided to give it a clip size of 3. Now it's saying there's a problem with the heavy cannon. I think there may be an issue with how the mod codes the ammo types for these two weapons.
tuLoad: 12
tuUnload: 6
tuLoad: 28
tuUnload: 8
tuLoad: 25
tuUnload: 9
tuLoad: 28
tuUnload: 10
Every other weapon in the game from what I can tell uses code like:
I think the difference in how these two examples are coded is the cause of my issue, but I don't know how to fix it. I hope my detailed explanation helps to improve things and leads to a solution.
I managed to fix the issue by adding the second example on top of the previous ones with the respective ammo types.
Unfortunately I now get another error whenever I dare to open my inventory.
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x54f2d0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x552ba0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x87fe90 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x770933c0 UnhandledExceptionFilter
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x7727bdd0 RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[22-05-2024_11-27-29] [FATAL] 0x7727bd00 RtlClearBits
[22-05-2024_11-27-36] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Unfortunately I have no idea how to fix this one since I don't know where I need to look. If anyone here can help me, I'd appreciate it.
You need OpenXcom Extended to run XcomFiles.
OpenXcom will not work.
I don't know exactly what happened with REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, but I see that it had two mission zones instead of just one, so I merged them. Hopefully this will be enough to prevent any further accidents.
I have updated GitHub. To those players who use it instead of waiting for an official release: please test it. (Note that changes will only apply starting next month.)
If this doesn't work, I'll do more extensive fixing.
I don't know exactly what happened with REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, but I see that it had two mission zones instead of just one, so I merged them. Hopefully this will be enough to prevent any further accidents.
I have updated GitHub. To those players who use it instead of waiting for an official release: please test it. (Note that changes will only apply starting next month.)
If this doesn't work, I'll do more extensive fixing.
That seems to have sorted the problem as I had an abduction mission with no problems. Thank you.
It's been a very long time since I've been here last. Most probably didn't notice, what's with me being some random anyway, but despite rather hectic situation in real life I finally got to play some more X-Com files and now I do my part reporting some things.
First a couple of issues when I tried to run the game in Brutal OXCE to test the facilities mod (I really like the smaller garages for smaller vehicles) - posting them just in case someone can confirm/deny they're really BOXCE fault and its dev(s) should be notified or not:
- Some things I found and got from land surveys yet I couldn't research: [regular] secret files (despite still having some of its dossiers unknown, top secret files works fine), human sacrifice, [generic] corpse
- Can't use melee with some guns, only those who had special attack (bayonet etc) given to them. Just no firing mode option for that. However, operatives have no problem bashing things with rifles in melee reaction fire.
- Taser cannon can and will be used by everyone. Random Strange Life Form mission with zombies, civilians ran straight for my van to pick up some. Police vs Monsters mission - some policemen AND a zombie knight who first panicked and dropped his greatsword also ran for my vehicle and picked some taser cannons to use. Men, monsters and supernatural creatures, all united in harmony by the prospect of zapping others.
- In general, I am pretty confident the above is a common issue in regular OXCE, with many creatures having no problem with putting their claws/paws/hands on X-Com guns and using them with no issue - but just in case I am wrong...
Some other stuff, with game run in OXCE/likely unrelated to BOXCE
- Inconsistency: autopsy of a muckstar reported that the creature generates and uses bioelectrity, live muckstar research day later told me it attacks with psionic abilities.
- I found a canister gun. I could research it and then have its recipe in the workshop, despite never acquiring, yet alone researching a single piece of alien alloy it requires.
- In general, perhaps some entries for certain otherwordly creatures and cult units should be slightly changed to "uses unknown, possibly yet not understood, paranormal means" rather than declaring psionics, since one can research and being told about their abilities long before metapsychology prerequisite and coining the term in-game happens.
- Exorcism (haunted house) mission - loadout items all spawned outside the evacuation zone making the player lose it all should they evacuate (screenshot)
- Some text strings missing (screenshots)
- Some things I found and got from land surveys yet I couldn't research: [regular] secret files (despite still having some of its dossiers unknown, top secret files works fine), human sacrifice, [generic] corpse
I tried a test run with BOXCE 8.5.4/7.12.7, 3.4 snapshot for XCF, and could research all 41 topics from a regular secret files item in succession. So you'd have to provide a save and version numbers if there's indeed a corner case somewhere that doesn't let you research something.
Civilian corpses, including sacrfices, have never been researchable. They're there to drain your coffers (or base storage, if you cheap out).
- Can't use melee with some guns, only those who had special attack (bayonet etc) given to them. Just no firing mode option for that. However, operatives have no problem bashing things with rifles in melee reaction fire.
I suspect that what you're seeing is the agents reaction-punching their opponents. Virtually anyone has a somewhat hidden 'fist' attack.
- Taser cannon can and will be used by everyone.
Ever since civilians got combat AI, they've been magpies coveting your weapons. :D Nothing out of the ordinary here.
BOXCE should have some extra checks to make enemies avoid getting booby-trapped by picking up an unsuitable weapon. Stuff like big plasmas with no ammo. I think this extends to civilians as well, but not sure.
- Inconsistency: autopsy of a muckstar reported that the creature generates and uses bioelectrity, live muckstar research day later told me it attacks with psionic abilities.
Muckstars track their prey with psionics (psi-vision 30), they don't blast them with it.
The rest seem genuine.
Thanks for checking/confirmations/pointing out potential other explanations for issues.
I tried a test run with BOXCE 8.5.4/7.12.7, 3.4 snapshot for XCF, and could research all 41 topics from a regular secret files item in succession. So you'd have to provide a save and version numbers if there's indeed a corner case somewhere that doesn't let you research something.
The topics could be researched in that one could get their dossiers from elsewhere (interrogations), it's the documents item itself with them that is not visible in my research screen. I went much further in the game in the saves I have after writing the issue down and I'd have to start a new game now to get to that issue. If I'll have more time and find some will, with no promises - I will do so and attach a save if the issue will keep on happening. Could something Facility Expansion Pack, Resound, Elite Commendations or Alternative Art affect such? I hd cursory look through what I could find and it didn't really affect the item.
I am playing the latest "stable", which is 3.3.1 of XCF on OXCE Brutal 7.12.7 8.5.3 (v2024-05-15).
The most probable reason is that you have accidentally hidden the Secret Files research topic in the research screen and therefore can't see it on the main screen. Or you've after hiding it disabled the extended research options and you can't get it back except by save file editing or turning the option back on (this "problem" has already been reported once here).
Very possible. Again, if I'll start a new game, I'll check. In the meantime, before I'll disappear again, reporting:
- Rosary doesn't appear in loadout at all. Not even religious gear category. It'd be nice if one could get it and the cross as regular items to be used during anti-ghost missions even when not undercover as priests.
I think Solarius once said the reasoning was that the rosaries draw their power from the actual priests, and thus persist in their combat-useful form only for a short time.
Edit: I was wrong, he said (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg137053#msg137053) that about crosses. Rosaries are just there to look pretty and provide priest-related research.
Fixed the Canister Gun manufacturing, thanks.
The problem with missing translations seems to be on your end; probably some other mod is breaking custom briefings (the background is also wrong).
Seems like environmental effects can sometimes cause the loss of loot, see this thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=12030) for details and potential avenues of fixing.
Found a slight map bug, if the entrance to the caves spawns next to this tile you can jump over the wall into it.
Maybe it's intended this way, but it seems out-of-line that commendations for newest Dragon Breath weapons have single "Associated Commendations" type - Purifier.
[Purifier]&[Gunslinger/Trooper/Assaulter/Cannoneer] for pistol, rifle, SMG and Heavy would be more fitting.
Any facility can be built over the HQ because canBeBuiltOver is set to true. It can be set to false and then only the Cyber HQ can built over it because it has the required buildOverFacilities property.
Similar situation for the Intel Lab, Sick Bay, and Minigun.
A couple of more bugs, ghost with a knife and misleading research description.
How so? Kyberos aren't exactly low-level augments.
Seems like environmental effects can sometimes cause the loss of loot, see this thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=12030) for details and potential avenues of fixing.
OXCE devs are already looking at this issue.
Found a slight map bug, if the entrance to the caves spawns next to this tile you can jump over the wall into it.
Thx, will investigate.
Maybe it's intended this way, but it seems out-of-line that commendations for newest Dragon Breath weapons have single "Associated Commendations" type - Purifier.
[Purifier]&[Gunslinger/Trooper/Assaulter/Cannoneer] for pistol, rifle, SMG and Heavy would be more fitting.
Kind of intended, as these weapons are just a bit too alien to fall into standard categories. This is why they are considered special weapons and give a rarer commendation (flame weapon related) instead. But I admit it's rather arbitrary.
Any facility can be built over the HQ because canBeBuiltOver is set to true. It can be set to false and then only the Cyber HQ can built over it because it has the required buildOverFacilities property.
Similar situation for the Intel Lab, Sick Bay, and Minigun.
You're probably right (admittedly I never knew how exactly this works); but I am not sure what other people think, maybe they like the current setup. Feedback welcome.
A couple of more bugs, ghost with a knife
Hmm, the eyes shouldn't have inventory, so I wonder how this happened. I blocked its hand slots, should be fine now.
and misleading research description.
What Juku121 said. Or perhaps it's about something else?
Any facility can be built over the HQ because canBeBuiltOver is set to true. It can be set to false and then only the Cyber HQ can built over it because it has the required buildOverFacilities property.
Similar situation for the Intel Lab, Sick Bay, and Minigun.
SS asked for feedback, so here goes.
If this means that you can, for example, upgrade a Sick Bay into barracks or alien containment in a few days (as you seem to suggest), this would clearly qualify as a bug (or "unintended side-effect") in the definitions. This kind of unrestricted build-over property should only be possible for specific, well thought out facilities (e.g. corridors or "empty rooms" that some mods have).
Obviously you should be able to build virtual HQ on top of HQ, Adv Intel Lab on top of Intel lab, Adv Sick bay on top of Sick bay, and replace minigun turrets with any of the more recent turret options. For the turrent case some other build-overs could also be considered (IIRC it looks awfully lot like an access lift? - But I didn't quite think this through.).
Just got this crash message out of nowhere, note that I've already completed the hideout mission years ago. The Autosave is a few days before the crash.
This bug in region zones was reported two weeks ago in this thread. You'll need to use the GIT snapshot or delete a line from regions_XCOMFILES.rul. Maybe you could just replace the file with the one from the snapshot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/1dc9dc8e03ca4d76beccd25870dec74fcd5c7740/Ruleset/regions_XCOMFILES.rul
Note that the file change will only work for future mission generations and the save would still require editing to either remove that iteration of the mission entirely, or change the region selection to any of the regions that have a zone 5.
I've found that the game crashes when I access "Zombie Trooper Combat Analysis" page in uefopedia. You probably can reproduce it if you load my save (attached), go to "Uefopedia" -> "Enemies & allies" -> "Zombie Trooper Combat Analysis". I run X-Com-Files 3.3 on OXCE 7.12.
P.S. This mod is absolutely awesome!
This issue can be replicated from the New Battle too. Select any mission and choose zombies as the hostile faction, you can now MMB on any zombie to bring up the unit image, then MMB on the center part of image to get the "combat analysis" of the selected zombie type, from here just click on the next pedia entry button until you reach the Zombie Trooper pages and once you try to go over its combat analysis it will crash with the error.
Looks like the issue is a missing sprite declaration in extraSprites for inventory_ZOMBIE_TROOPER
Yes, sorry about that. I fixed it already some time ago, but the next release is still far off, so I recommend using the GitHub version.
Not really a bug (or complaint) but wondering why hidden movement takes so long for missions like 'Military anti matter, gang wars, Monsters vs. citizens" ?
And is there anything I can do to speed it up ? Maybe increase 'player movement" in settings.
1st turn is a killer, takes almost 2 minutes of waiting.
There's a metric crapton of enemies and neutrals, on a larger-than-usual map, I'd guess. I doubt you can do much to speed it up, but this is just an opinion with nothing to back it up.
There's a metric crapton of enemies and neutrals, on a larger-than-usual map, I'd guess. I doubt you can do much to speed it up, but this is just an opinion with nothing to back it up.
It's a good theory. Normally hidden movement is only from your one enemy. These type of missions.. They are both taking turns. You essentially have 3 sides taking turns.
And if you look at the phases of hidden movement (with the new OXCE "thinking" feature and/or debug mode), each faction actually has multiple movement and action phases, not just one.
I haven't seen anything like that. Tried a Gang War Quick Battle just to be sure, and there was only one red bar filling up. And when it was full, the civvie gangsters got their lime bar, and then it was X-Com again.
I don't recall something like that from my experience with debug mode, either.
Are you perhaps using BOXCE?
Edit: Tried the first turn of QB Gang War with debug mode, and no phases there, either. Most of the gangers took their turns in order, although some delayed part of their turn to later on. Higher ranks seemed to move later, but not exclusively so.
So, I'm not sure where you got that idea. Do you have evidence to support it? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
Edit: Tried the first turn of QB Gang War with debug mode, and no phases there, either. Most of the gangers took their turns in order, although some delayed part of their turn to later on. Higher ranks seemed to move later, but not exclusively so.
So, I'm not sure where you got that idea. Do you have evidence to support it? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
I think I partially misspoke and partially was ambigous. I was referring to the behaviour you also saw, i.e., units delaying part of their turn to later on, leading to the units moving in multiple phases within the faction turn. I may have misremembered the 'thinking' behavior.
Is it normal for the golden statue to not be there on Church of Dagon HQ mission ?
I actually went to down to the lower section of the church (stone pyramid structure) and didn't see it there, got back and no research pop for it either.
Is it normal for the golden statue to not be there on Church of Dagon HQ mission ?
I actually went to down to the lower section of the church (stone pyramid structure) and didn't see it there, got back and no research pop for it either.
Definitely not. Maybe you blew it up? (It's really sturdy, but who knows)
Definitely not. Maybe you blew it up? (It's really sturdy, but who knows)
Not really sure what's going on. In text file (save game file under ITEMS) I can see "STR_DAGON_STATUE 1".
But it wasn't popping in research. I added it to discovered items by editing save game and it showed in research instantly.
So all good but think this is not the first time this has happened, it was why I mentioned it. Though before I wanna say it happened during Black lotus HQ. I got never got the generator, had to do the mission a second time it and worked that time.
Not really sure what's going on. In text file (save game file under ITEMS) I can see "STR_DAGON_STATUE 1".
But it wasn't popping in research. I added it to discovered items by editing save game and it showed in research instantly.
So all good but think this is not the first time this has happened, it was why I mentioned it. Though before I wanna say it happened during Black lotus HQ. I got never got the generator, had to do the mission a second time it and worked that time.
Ah, you were probably missing the Eldritch Language.
I'll check.
Another strange one is after david Vincent mission, MIB scientist and MIB Assault solder become available for research. Even if i add no scientist to them and just add them to research, they are almost instantly completed 9with no assigned scientists). Populating nothing.
This happened to me a few times now. It's always early game (around 1999) when you get your first or second MIB mission. In this case it was a strange life forms mission, i show up and it's a small MIB craft loaded with assassins and scientist, a pilot or two.
Get back to base to research and 2 of them pop for research, a day later nothing returns. just a complete message for research but no info.
In Save game file, you can see "cost" is zero. So nothing can be spent to research.
@Chuckebaby: Good point!
It appears that these research projects have no function, so I removed them.
getting a crash for Natasha population I believe. Anyway to fix this in text file ?
getting a crash for Natasha population I believe. Anyway to fix this in text file ?
That's been fixed in the github version
That's been fixed in the github version
Thanks. It was regions.XCOMFILES
This bug in region zones was reported two weeks ago in this thread. You'll need to use the GIT snapshot or delete a line from regions_XCOMFILES.rul. Maybe you could just replace the file with the one from the snapshot: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/1dc9dc8e03ca4d76beccd25870dec74fcd5c7740/Ruleset/regions_XCOMFILES.rul
Still having an issue after replacing github Regions file. .
I think I have to fix my saved game file first because I still keep getting the crash. Any idea ???
Fixed by removing Natasha mission from the save game file.
One thing I've noticed about this game is sometimes you have to figure things out for yourself.
This community has been so helpful but sometimes you need to get your hands dirty and experiment.
Any idea
Idea (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg164087#msg164087).
I think the monthly rating might be bugged?
I last played the mod properly couple years ago. Now that I downloaded the newest version, it is impossible to get through the first couple months since the monthly rating just keeps going down. Even tho I fail no missions, my score is positive and the game is going well, the rating just drops during the first briefing. All the countries are mad and are reducing the funding, and then after the second one its pretty much a instant fail with close to a -2000 rating.
I get no strange creature missions, only ones involving a couple of cultists from different cults.
Last time something similar happened, people were using either an old version of OXCE, or a fork that was based on an old version.
If that's not the case, perhaps post your save so people can have a look and see if this looks like normal newbie hazing the mod gives you, or something is indeed not working as intended.
"Advanced Robotics Prerequisite" (STR_ADVANCED_AI_PREQ) definition is a bit strange, as it requires Std. Lab (while prerequisites normally don't, as you are not supposed to research them or even see them outside the tech tree viewer). This causes the need to research the prerequisite manually, at least if you fulfilled one of the prerequisites before you got Std. Lab (as I just did).
I suppose the requiresBaseFunc: [STDLAB] could be removed without any impact (you still require Std. Lab in order to be able to research Advanced Robotics).
"Advanced Robotics Prerequisite" (STR_ADVANCED_AI_PREQ) definition is a bit strange, as it requires Std. Lab (while prerequisites normally don't, as you are not supposed to research them or even see them outside the tech tree viewer). This causes the need to research the prerequisite manually, at least if you fulfilled one of the prerequisites before you got Std. Lab (as I just did).
I suppose the requiresBaseFunc: [STDLAB] could be removed without any impact (you still require Std. Lab in order to be able to research Advanced Robotics).
Thanks, you are 100% correct. It was an unnecessary line. Fixed now.
It's the standard Endless Mansion terrain, it's like a decade old; I don't think it has any relevant problems that haven't been found yet. But of course, I am open to reports.
Well, I am reporting it now. The kitchen indeed seems to be something the enemies can't get out of via just patrolling, tested it for several turns with debug mode. I suspect the routes are not going out of there, or are looping back on themselves. If a Reptoid spawns outside the kitchen, they're rampaging just fine.
Usually, in the big mansions and other opponent-saturated missions, most enemies are outside the kitchens, so the problem is nowhere near as apparent. And once you breach the kitchen, the issue becomes moot. But now I do recall almost always encountering enemies in the kitchens both in the Piratez megamansion and the EXALT mansion.
Should look at the routes myself, but too lazy to fiddle with MapView and map files right now. :-[
Well, I am reporting it now. The kitchen indeed seems to be something the enemies can't get out of via just patrolling, tested it for several turns with debug mode. I suspect the routes are not going out of there, or are looping back on themselves. If a Reptoid spawns outside the kitchen, they're rampaging just fine.
Sorry, can't see anything out of order. Could you maybe provide a save, or a screenshot?
It might well be a AI pathing interlock happening. I've noticed this mosly in vanilla UFO supply ships with the elevator that leads from the bottom deck to the 'command' deck. If 2 or more aliens are trying to move through this section, some going up and others going down, and they've reached a point where they can't move around eachother, they'll simply won't move. Had a case where I was going in a Snakemen supply ship with 8+ blips showing up on the motion scanner suddently dropping to 2-3 each turn, nothing else was moving, once I got a visual at the lower part of the lift, sure enough there was a snakman just standing there, luckily facing away, and after killing it, the rest of the aliens came flushing out.
How this applies to this issue will depend on how many hostiles are in that room, to where they're trying to move, and how much available space there is for them to walk around eachother.
Yes, there are many considerations between the routes and the AI. If units don't leave a room, it doesn't mean they can't; maybe they just don't "want" to. Which is perfectly fine.
Well, I'm of the opinion that if your enemies are stuck in a small cubicle and won't come out until something pokes them, that's just waiting to be exploited. Whether by an explosive near the door, or otherwise. So, not so fine.
Here's a quick battle save, turn 6, all Reptoids still stuck in the kitchens. Note that one of the kitchens has only one Reptoid in there, so it can't be blocking itself from moving.
Of course, if the mansion is full of enemies, some of them never leaving the kitchen might even be interesting - a cooking contest, doing drugs, or whatever else they might be up to there. :) But if all of the enemies are stuck there, it's a different matter. AFAIK, this Reptoid Assassination mission is the only mission that uses the mansion map and has so few enemies.
Well, I'm of the opinion that if your enemies are stuck in a small cubicle and won't come out until something pokes them, that's just waiting to be exploited. Whether by an explosive near the door, or otherwise. So, not so fine.
Yes, but that's an if. Which is what I needed to confirm.
Here's a quick battle save, turn 6, all Reptoids still stuck in the kitchens. Note that one of the kitchens has only one Reptoid in there, so it can't be blocking itself from moving.
Thank you.
I did some analysis, and the routes look okay. See attachment: there are two routes leading out of the room. (They work both ways, I checked.) The only thing that I'm not sure about is no a route going through the southern door, but this should not be very relevant to the problem.
I checked patrol priorities too, and all these nodes are at 0... So I don't understand why they only choose nodes in the room... Maybe because they're all assigned to rank Engineer? But this shouldn't matter for movement, only for spawning, no?
So in short, I have no idea what's going on here.
Of course, if the mansion is full of enemies, some of them never leaving the kitchen might even be interesting
Yeah, and in some very rare cases I'm using a similar setup, but not here!
I played a few more turns, and even civilians opening the doors and getting wasted by burning death beams didn't make the lizards leave the kitchen. And there are even some stairs if they don't like the doors, but no dice.
These Reptoids are all rank 5, 'soldiers', aren't they?
I'm also at a loss why they behave that way, then. Perhaps increase the patrol priorities of the nodes just outside? Though I kinda doubt that would help.
There's a log for alien 'AI' and other stuff that can be enabled and dumped, isn't there?
wait ...
dont i remember correctly, that in AlienBases the Commanders and Navigators will (or strongly tend to) stay in the command module?
(perhaps only Comms/Navs that spawn on tiles outside the command module get to move around?)
... just thinking this is something u guys might investigate for this .....
I checked patrol priorities too, and all these nodes are at 0... So I don't understand why they only choose nodes in the room... Maybe because they're all assigned to rank Engineer? But this shouldn't matter for movement, only for spawning, no?
am not so sure about that, but would have to brainstorm the sourcecode to find out
In 3.4, scoped hunting rifle description still refers to the workshop manufacturing requirement, even though this requirement has been removed.
dont i remember correctly, that in AlienBases the Commanders and Navigators will (or strongly tend to) stay in the command module?
If I'm not mistaken, the command room (the one with four 'tables') is entirely cut off from the rest of the base as far as patrol routes go. Which is why this situation here is so puzzling.
I am. :-[
The central node at the elevator in the vanilla command room is connected to the node at the lower level and in turn that node leads to another node outside the 3-wide door, these 3 nodes have relatively high patrol priorities but there's no node disconnection between these or any other nodes in that block that would prevent patrolling AI to enter or leave.
...and in turn that node leads to another node outside the 3-wide door ... there's no node disconnection between these or any other nodes in that block...
where is the disconnect? I literally used the GO button from the command room and every step of the way it got me closer and closer to the outside.
Also, yours looks different for some reason, has a couple of extra nodes.
Okay, apparently I've had XCF versions of the maps in my UFO directory since forever. :-[
Got the GoG version, and the extra nodes disappeared, but I still can't get outside from the highlighted (blue) node. Always stuck inside the inner perimeter, within the area that has the 3-tile doors. How do you 'go' from that inner blue tile to the outside?
Derp. :-[
In my image you can see I have the central node selected and you can see the 1st link (link1) is pointing to node 13. I just click 'go' to the right of it and it takes me to said node, if you do this at each subsequent node 3 times it should reach the node you have highlighted, I just keep on pressing that 'go' button at each node until it reaches one of the outter ones where the 1st link goes 'outside' the block.
Ah, I get it now. :-[
am not so sure about that, but would have to brainstorm the sourcecode to find out
Thank you, I'd be very grateful for the help. (And scared of the results... This may well impact the entire game)
In 3.4, scoped hunting rifle description still refers to the workshop manufacturing requirement, even though this requirement has been removed.
Right, this is kind of WIP. :) But I'll change it now.
Think a bug:
In "Build facilities" > "XCom Virtualized Headquarters".
- This option to build XCom Virtualized Headquarters is still available even after one is already built (there is only one allowed per base).
- It should also be noted when clicking it and trying to build a new one (or over an existing one) the message "Can not build here" pops.
In other words, the XCom Virtualized Headquarters should be white out in the menu, not gold after one has already been built.
Thank you, I'd be very grateful for the help. (And scared of the results... This may well impact the entire game)
heya Solar, sorry but I don't feel quite up to it myself
but if some brave soul wants to ...
[decipher that]
looks identical to the OXC/e code with only a slight refactor concerning unitsize. (if i got the right OXC/e repo... not sure)
I suspect it has something to do with the 'scout' variable ... first thing id do, for any interested, is find out how 'scout' is set ...
The 'scout' flag is set here (https://github.com/OpenXcom/OpenXcom/blob/db2d8275f522d1f7f2f10fe2ca4316924b89a746/src/Battlescape/AIModule.cpp#L415).
The lizards in the file have 'AIMode: 0', which I think is 'Patrol'.
I do suspect that it has to do with these being 'engineer' nodes, even though non-UFO maps are supposed to ignore that for patrol purposes. Didn't see this in the code, though. ???
I suspect it has something to do with the 'scout' variable ... first thing id do, for any interested, is find out how 'scout' is set ...
I believe your suspicions are true, by what I've seen here
It appears that all units are set to scouting initially, but this is changed inmedietly and a unit will be scouting ONLY under any of these conditions:
- Cheat Turn as been reached (comment in the code also mentions low alien morale)
- The node the unit started from has rank 0. Aliens don't seem to like to be on one of these meager nodes and will seek out another node.
- The tile the unit is standing on is on fire (doesn't seem to matter if they can resist fire or not in this case)
All other units will not be scouting. This will be rechecked every time a unit reaches their destination node and will change to scouting, not scouting according to the conditions. There's a different behaviour for scouting while in base defense missions, but that part is not relevant to the issue.
The key difference I can see between scouts and non-scouts is the destination node, scouts can pick from any node on the map that is valid after passing some filters. Non-scouts however limit their choices to nodes directly linked to their current origin node with similar filters. The next difference is that scouts will pick a node randomly from the list of valid destinations while non-scouts will choose the most 'desirable' destination that factors in node's rank and flags (I believe what mapview 2 calls 'patrol priority')
If I follow what might be happening is that the "engineer" rank aliens will NOT pick any of the connected nodes outside the kitchen because:
a) they are starting on a node that is not a rank 0 and none of the other conditions have been met for them to scout, and
b) the ouside nodes have both rank:0 and flag:0 making them undesireable.
It is very likely that they're each picking an engineer node that is occupied by another engineer and if there's enough of them, none will move because the space is always occupied. Do note that while the code does seem to prevent different aliens picking the same destination at the same time with an 'allocated' flag, it doesn't prevent them from occupying the space that another unit is heading for as they move or they happen to spawn there.
I believe a New Battle with debugging options and debug killing enough engineers should comfirm (or disprove) this conclusion.
Note: I'm referencing Meridian's repo but I believe there's minimal differences between OXC and OXCE here.
If you look at my 'Reptoid kitchen save' and play a few turns, you'll see even the single Reptoid in its own kitchen is just circling around the three 'engineer' nodes. Note that these Reptoids are not 'engineers' themselves. ???
They won't even care about civilians invading their space, short of shooting them and then continuing to circle.
I thought this kind of rank-based behaviour was limited to UFO landings and crashes only, but apparently not?
Enabling 'traceAI' does say that they're just patrolling around.
Ah, right, they're AGENTS, which correspond to the vanilla rank of SOLDIERS as defined in the alienRaces.
However, for the issue, this appears irrelevant as long as the tile rank of the 'fromnode' is not 0 the patrol method they will use is 'guard' or 'non-scout' regardless of the unit's rank.
They key piece of code I believe is this (extra spacing removed for the post):
&& (n->getFlags() > 0 || n->getRank() > 0 || scout) // for non-scouts we find a node with a desirability above 0
This indicates to me that patrolling units that are NOT scouting will NEVER pick a node that has rank:0 flags:0 (patrol priority)
Since all of the tiles in that block have flags:0 and only a few have a rank>0 it will always pick one of those 'higher' ranked nodes.
Here we go, the attached RMP file modifies 4 nodes outside the kitchen to have a slightly better attraction for patrolling units (patrol priority:1). It seems they can find the doors now. Backup the old one before making any replacements and give it a try if you like.
(I believe what mapview 2 calls 'patrol priority')
for reference ->
in Mv2 (c#)
Unit = (UnitType)bindata[19];
Rank = bindata[20];
Patrol = (PatrolPriority)bindata[21];
Attack = (AttackBase)bindata[22];
Spawn = (SpawnWeight)bindata[23];
in OXC (c++)
int type = value[19];
int rank = value[20];
int flags = value[21];
int reserved = value[22];
int priority = value[23];
so yep.
- be careful how you read '0' in OXC code -- it could rather mean null/invalid
- 'dummy' nodes are simply nodes that OXC determines are invalid nodes in the RMP file (and hence they get discarded* when the RMP loads) IIRC
- personally id be tempted to create a mini-mapfile with just Solar's kitchen surrounded by blank module-blocks (with a few nodes trying to coax the aliens out) and see what happens, played via the InstantBattle generator
* flagged as dummy-nodes
Well, the Reptoids do come out to play with the altered RMP, so that at least has a solution.
There's an implication of a massive RMP recheck for Solarius and probably Dioxine, though. :(
Well, the Reptoids do come out to play with the altered RMP, so that at least has a solution.
oh wow. I wish i had the (mental) fortitude to get into this more ... sounds good so far tho :)
flies out
Can't reproduce. What exactly are the steps to get to that error message?
Red Dawn HQ research text is slightly inaccurate: "Here's the plan: we should locate Red Dawn's main base, located somewhere in Siberia, and snatch all personal data we can find. (...)". Similar in the mission briefing screen.
The HQ can also spawn elsewhere than just Siberia, at least in northernmost Canada (near Greenland). I'd suggest either changing the mission regions or changing Siberia to "the Arctic Area" or "Siberia or the Arctic Area", which would likely be pretty close to the regions as defined (see the map at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic).
Red Dawn HQ research text is slightly inaccurate: "Here's the plan: we should locate Red Dawn's main base, located somewhere in Siberia, and snatch all personal data we can find. (...)". Similar in the mission briefing screen.
The HQ can also spawn elsewhere than just Siberia, at least in northernmost Canada (near Greenland). I'd suggest either changing the mission regions or changing Siberia to "the Arctic Area" or "Siberia or the Arctic Area", which would likely be pretty close to the regions as defined (see the map at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arctic).
"Within the Arctic Circle" would probably work best.
Not sure if it was already mentioned but the Prowler suits backpack inventory screen looks a little strange.
There is no backpack inventory so not even sure why those 3 boxes are there, nothing can be placed into them.
While I'm on nitpicking, I observe that Osiron Hacienda has a number of Capos armed with RPG launcher. The weird thing is that they only have anti-tank rockets. And because the hacienda is located in jungle terrain, attacking it with a tank is not feasible, and the Osiron should know it. I suppose they would be more fearsome if they had regular rockets.
I've found that on "Vampire Castle" map your stuff, which is not on agents, is placed outside the entrance zone. If you decide to escape from the mission, you loose all your things. Not sure if it happens always, so far I see it on the only one map I've checked. I've attached a save with repro. When loaded, seek agent Okoth Serry near the entrance zone, he is standing right on top of the pile. I've avoided the equipment loss by manually transporting it to the zone, but that is slow and painful :-)
Also an unrelated possible minor bug: at the start of the campaign Uefopedia -> Martial Techniques contains page Holodevice. I think this thing does not exist, or at least I do not know where to find or research it in game.
I just got a Military Anti-Monster Operation (against zombies, including vampire knights) in a desert locale. The strange thing was that there was zero military personnel (or any other than the enemy units, about 65 total) present, even though they are defined in the rulesets.
This can be reproduced with New Battle. Apparently, "Downed Ufo" (which has the military) and Police Anti-Monster Operation have similar rulesets and seem to work fine.
The only thing I could speculate is that Military anti-monster operation has quite a bit larger number of enemy units (in SH 60+ instead of 40+ of Police mission). Maybe this could be causing some problem, for example regarding spawn points?
BTW. Researching Vampire Knight requires Zombie Interrogated, including tomb guardians, strix, and the vampire queen. However, you cannot research the queen before you have researched the knight. I'd suggest removing the queen from Zombie Interrogated for clarity, as the condition can never be met. Likewise, Vampire Knight should be removed from "Zombie Servitor", because you cannot research Vampire Knight before you have already obtained one of the three "Zombie interrogated" units (strix, tomb guardians) which also unlock Zombie Servitor. While these aren't really a problem, they will give misleading information on the actual dependencies and to keep things simple should IMO be avoided.
This can be reproduced with New Battle.
Can't reproduce, see attachment. Tried the other desert (Desert 1), too.
Although the spawn patterns do look strange. Perhaps there's a small subset of desert blocks that have spawn points, and if these aren't present, you can run out? Although 'difficultydemigod: true' is supposed to mitigate this, so it'd be quite curious even then. And if it doesn't, then we have the downside of no randomised enemy numbers without the upside of unlimited spawn points.
Unless you're playing with 'difficultydemigod' off?
@Aciruk: Can't reproduce either.
Red Dawn HQ research text is slightly inaccurate: "Here's the plan: we should locate Red Dawn's main base, located somewhere in Siberia, and snatch all personal data we can find. (...)
That's right, I forgot to update this string after redoing the mission zones. Irismono's "within the Arctic Circle" works fine.
Not sure if it was already mentioned but the Prowler suits backpack inventory screen looks a little strange.
This has already been fixed, thanks.
There is no backpack inventory so not even sure why those 3 boxes are there, nothing can be placed into them.
Hmm, works for me.
Try the GitHub version maybe?
While I'm on nitpicking, I observe that Osiron Hacienda has a number of Capos armed with RPG launcher. The weird thing is that they only have anti-tank rockets. And because the hacienda is located in jungle terrain, attacking it with a tank is not feasible, and the Osiron should know it. I suppose they would be more fearsome if they had regular rockets.
Tanks are not the only thing you need AT rockets for; these guys want to have a chance against powered suits and battle robots. (Well, I want them to have it, too.)
I've found that on "Vampire Castle" map your stuff, which is not on agents, is placed outside the entrance zone. If you decide to escape from the mission, you loose all your things. Not sure if it happens always, so far I see it on the only one map I've checked. I've attached a save with repro. When loaded, seek agent Okoth Serry near the entrance zone, he is standing right on top of the pile. I've avoided the equipment loss by manually transporting it to the zone, but that is slow and painful :-)
I am aware of the problem, but I have no bloody idea why it happens, sorry. The map block looks to be VAMPCASTLE_30_SOL and there is no spawn node there...
Also an unrelated possible minor bug: at the start of the campaign Uefopedia -> Martial Techniques contains page Holodevice. I think this thing does not exist, or at least I do not know where to find or research it in game.
Yeah, it was fixed just after 3.3 went live. It was harmless, so I didn't bother with a re-release.
The only thing I could speculate is that Military anti-monster operation has quite a bit larger number of enemy units (in SH 60+ instead of 40+ of Police mission). Maybe this could be causing some problem, for example regarding spawn points?
Haven't seen it, but I guess that's possible. Wouldn't think it's a huge problem though, maybe they just ran away? (That would be a smart thing to do.)
BTW. Researching Vampire Knight requires Zombie Interrogated, including tomb guardians, strix, and the vampire queen. However, you cannot research the queen before you have researched the knight. I'd suggest removing the queen from Zombie Interrogated for clarity, as the condition can never be met. Likewise, Vampire Knight should be removed from "Zombie Servitor", because you cannot research Vampire Knight before you have already obtained one of the three "Zombie interrogated" units (strix, tomb guardians) which also unlock Zombie Servitor. While these aren't really a problem, they will give misleading information on the actual dependencies and to keep things simple should IMO be avoided.
"Misleading information" assumes that the player is supposed to rely on the tech tree viewer, whereas it's never been intended. It's essentially a cheat. If you want to use it, no problem, but you worry about how to do it properly.
Besides, there are many such cases in the tech tree. They are there for a reason, not to produce garbage lines. ;)
This has already been fixed, thanks.
My bad.
My bad.
Definitely not, it's my bad... :)
Can't reproduce, see attachment. Tried the other desert (Desert 1), too.
Although the spawn patterns do look strange. Perhaps there's a small subset of desert blocks that have spawn points, and if these aren't present, you can run out? Although 'difficultydemigod: true' is supposed to mitigate this, so it'd be quite curious even then. And if it doesn't, then we have the downside of no randomised enemy numbers without the upside of unlimited spawn points.
There appears to be a degree of randomness to it. Apparently, the maps generated from a specific terrain can also be very different (for example, some desert maps are desert while there also also more village blocks mixed in). I tried New Battle a dozen or more times got this situation at least once in Mountains and Desert 1 terrain. I didn't try all of these. Here's a save, if it's of any use in pinpointing the issue.
I now suspect this may have something to do with which mapblocks are used to randomize a map.
"Misleading information" assumes that the player is supposed to rely on the tech tree viewer, whereas it's never been intended. It's essentially a cheat. If you want to use it, no problem, but you worry about how to do it properly.
Besides, there are many such cases in the tech tree. They are there for a reason, not to produce garbage lines. ;)
I'm very skeptical that any significant number of people feel the same way about research.
If you feel that tech tree viewer is essentially a cheat, is middle mouse buttoning your research topics also essentially a cheat? If not, why not, because that also uses TTV and you can click forward or backward to topics you wouldn't have access to yet.
What you're advocating is that people are expected to fumble around, researching topics with the fanciest project names (the only information available to the user without tech tree viewer) and not even knowing how much effort they need to put into it (because even the relative size of the research project is gated through the tech tree viewer). This seems like a fallacy.
Well, that's how it was in the OG.
Making a compellingly 'uncertain' research mechanic has been something many games have struggled with. X-Com is no exception.
I gather that 'blind' research is the intended 'pure' experience, even if most people don't play it like that. Kinda like ironman, come to think of it. :P
Well, browing tech three or wiki sounds like metagaming, which is a kind of cheating. Nuff said.
Buuut, I wouldn't recommend fully "blind" XCF experience to anyone. E.g. 1) History: Xenonauts -> Armored vest. Huh? I understand the shield, but the vest itself? 2) Eth commander.
Typo in "Sniper/Spotter Cooperation" article
"rely" is used instead of "relay"
And a bit of weirdness. I got the Old Crop Circles event on 31.12.1996, second day in the game.
Not much of a cause for concern, with only -33 points, but still weird that I am blamed for something that must have happened before I was put in charge.
Big Bosses always get blamed for what their predecessors did. :)
And more event weirdness.
On 11.1.1997 I got Money Prize Event, giving me $200 000 and -50 for "excellent results".
So far, I captured 2 cultists and 2 farmers (with no interrogations so far), killed 4 cultists, and had one agent eaten by a giant ape (Mongorn). I would not call that excellent results.
I'm very skeptical that any significant number of people feel the same way about research.
Even if nobody else thinks so, that's still a fact. This is literally how it is.
If you feel that tech tree viewer is essentially a cheat, is middle mouse buttoning your research topics also essentially a cheat?
Sure it is. I'm not saing it's wrong to use it, but it is a cheat, yes. At least I think so.
What you're advocating is that people are expected to fumble around, researching topics with the fanciest project names (the only information available to the user without tech tree viewer) and not even knowing how much effort they need to put into it (because even the relative size of the research project is gated through the tech tree viewer). This seems like a fallacy.
Why? That's how games work. That's how I play them anyway (unless they get too hard for me; then I cheat, which is what we're discussing here).
The game is called "UFO: Enemy Unknown" after all.
Well, browing tech three or wiki sounds like metagaming, which is a kind of cheating. Nuff said.
Buuut, I wouldn't recommend fully "blind" XCF experience to anyone. E.g. 1) History: Xenonauts -> Armored vest. Huh? I understand the shield, but the vest itself? 2) Eth commander.
And I completely get behind this approach. Maybe even recommend it. Which doesn't change the fact that it's a little cheaty.
Typo in "Sniper/Spotter Cooperation" article
"rely" is used instead of "relay"
Thx, fixed.
Big Bosses always get blamed for what their predecessors did. :)
Yeah, you should have gotten to the base sooner! :P
And more event weirdness.
On 11.1.1997 I got Money Prize Event, giving me $200 000 and -50 for "excellent results".
So far, I captured 2 cultists and 2 farmers (with no interrogations so far), killed 4 cultists, and had one agent eaten by a giant ape (Mongorn). I would not call that excellent results.
That's my screw up; the initial month counts as successful no matter what happens. Fixed it already in the daily version.
More weirdness:
Is it intended to get the Monster comendation from killing somebody with a Shotgun baton round? The commendation's description seems to refer to melee.
There appears to be a degree of randomness to it. Apparently, the maps generated from a specific terrain can also be very different (for example, some desert maps are desert while there also also more village blocks mixed in). I tried New Battle a dozen or more times got this situation at least once in Mountains and Desert 1 terrain. I didn't try all of these. Here's a save, if it's of any use in pinpointing the issue.
I now suspect this may have something to do with which mapblocks are used to randomize a map.
The same thing happened with Citizens v Monsters mission in a desert setting (with 40+ beetles). No citizens. I copied the save just in case it's needed, but I doubt there's much more that can already be seen (or not seen) in the new battle save.
Sure it is. I'm not saing it's wrong to use it, but it is a cheat, yes. At least I think so.
This is just ridiculous and I can't understand that! Does recalling stuff from your previous run also is considered as cheating? Brainwipe is required? Or XCF is designed to be played once and only once?
Why hit indicators are not considered cheating? Z-z-z and ghost indicators?
More weirdness:
Is it intended to get the Monster comendation from killing somebody with a Shotgun baton round? The commendation's description seems to refer to melee.
It's damage type based, so it is possible to get Monster with a non-lethal ranged attack.
This is just ridiculous and I can't understand that!
Oh my, how tragic. What am I gonna do now?
Does recalling stuff from your previous run also is considered as cheating? Brainwipe is required? Or XCF is designed to be played once and only once?
Dude, take your meds. And then go and reread what I wrote. Or don't; I don't give a damn.
Can't reproduce. What exactly are the steps to get to that error message?
then he stood up and pressed the end of the move
you don’t have to go anywhere and press end move twice
as if he sees someone and knocks him out, like there is no such character
then he stood up and pressed the end of the move
you don’t have to go anywhere and press end move twice
as if he sees someone and knocks him out, like there is no such character
Standing and pressing end turn does nothing special. The soldier simply murders anyone who comes by due to hacked stats. No crash, no other problems. Checked for many turns.
Same here. Although everyone was getting flamed by regular kinetic hits, is this normal?
A complete reinstall from scratch helped. Idk what happened
Same here. Although everyone was getting flamed by regular kinetic hits, is this normal?
That was weird indeed. Perhaps absurd damage values did that.
A complete reinstall from scratch helped. Idk what happened
Good to know!
Lamppost's neck glows, instead of it's head.
Lamppost's neck glows, instead of it's head.
All seems fine in the files. The head has light emission 15, and the neck is at 1 (barely visible). I guess I could remove this last bit, but I don't see it actually being a problem.
I did not look into the files, but I tried a quick battle, with destroying.
A) nothing
B) neck
C) head
D) both
As you can see, destroying just the neck lowers light on the ground much more drastically, than destroying just the head.
The terrain used is Urban Deco, though the tileset might be used in different terrains too.
I did not look into the files, but I tried a quick battle, with destroying.
A) nothing
B) neck
C) head
D) both
As you can see, destroying just the neck lowers light on the ground much more drastically, than destroying just the head.
The terrain used is Urban Deco, though the tileset might be used in different terrains too.
You're right... But when I "fixed" it, the lamps stopped working. Seriously, I don't know what witchery this is; lighting is a simple thing in OXC. But I don't know how to fix it, sorry ;D
Which terrain was it, not URBAN_ROADS1?
Which terrain was it, not URBAN_ROADS1?
Yes, it is URBAN_ROADS1.
Well, I don't really get it, either. Any value of light seems to make the 'neck' glow as brightly as it does. I rememember mucking around with MCD lights some years ago, and some of them certainly looked less bright than others.
I suggest just removing the light from the 'neck' as a more or less passable band-aid.
The perception that the 'neck' is brighter might have to do with it being closer to the pole and thus lighting that up better. I can't really see any difference in the lighted areas on the ground, measured from the exact tile of either the lamp or the 'neck'.
I suggest just removing the light from the 'neck' as a more or less passable band-aid.
That's exactly what I did, but the result was... almost no light at all.
I'm thinking the lamp itself somehow contains the light source or something. Yes, it sounds stupid, but anyway.
Strange. I got this when using the attached modified MCD.
Edit: I think I see what you mean. Changing the light value to 1 produces these, which seem close enough to the original. Maybe even too bright.
According to source, 1 is special value and is changed to 15 (because og lampposts, see github (https://github.com/OpenXcom/OpenXcom/blob/db2d8275f522d1f7f2f10fe2ca4316924b89a746/src/Mod/MapData.cpp#L375)), rest is reduced by 1, so you need to set light intensity to 16 or more, to have similar effect. I think you can have lamppost neck intensity at 6 or 7 without it affecting visibility in any way.
Also current head intensity of 15 is enought to make unit visible well on the other side of the road, tho it is hard to tell with full shade.
Thanks for the tidbit about the value=1, didn't know that.
Still, I wonder why removing that value from the neck is causing this darkness, while the actual lamp has brightness 15...
Maybe because before you had a strength 15 light source and a strength 15-1=14 light source, but now you only have a strength 14?
Although just the strength 1 (so 15) lamp head with a dark 'neck' seems brighter than the original situation, at least to me. ???
Objects block some light, so tiles behind lamppost become more shady with only head being light source. Idk if objects can be made more translucent.
Hello. I have long wanted to mention a minor flaw in the description of the Headquarters. There is no information that it provides +25 storage spaces. Can I hope that this will be fixed?
Thank you! :)
Hello. I have long wanted to mention a minor flaw in the description of the Headquarters. There is no information that it provides +25 storage spaces. Can I hope that this will be fixed?
Thank you! :)
OK! You're right, it should be mentioned. Fixed!
Found a grammatical error. Either killing the "a" or adding a "with" will fix it.
Another TYPO in the description (RU)
Intelligence center
...шанс обнРаружения (chance of detection)
Another TYPO in the description (RU)
Intelligence center
...шанс обнРаружения (chance of detection)
I have cut the music, I have put the button sounds to low
Works well most of the time but sometimes when I load a game there"s a louder sound effect (between 1 every 3 times to 1 every 15 times)
I am using OpenXcom Extended 7.12, XFiles 3.3 on Debian 12 for a long time.
This is the first time that it crashes with any error. I am on the geoscape and the whole application vanish. No error, no window, just like it was closed.
I can reproduce it.
Might it help if I upload the save game? Here or somewhere else?
Might it help if I upload the save game? Here or somewhere else?
Yes, please upload the save game here. Otherwise I won't be able to tell anything.
While adapting some scripts for my submod, I've spotted a possible issue in the last one I've come across. There's a mission, "Impossible Internet Intelligence", with a deployment in a 50x50 map. The script for this mission tries to spawn a large block (40x40) in after the craft. The issue is that depending on the size of this craft and its placement on the map it can prevent this large block from being placed, while not critical as it doesn't crash the game nor does it block the player from completing it, it left me wondering if this was desired / intended.
The probabilies for the school block to spawn in the current 50x50 map are aproximately:
- 64% when the craft is in a 10x10 block
- 40% when the craft is in a 10x20 block
- 0% when the craft is in a 20x20 block
Increasing the map dimensions to 60x60 would mitigate this issue greatly, but not completely prevent it:
- 89% when the craft is in a 10x10 block
- 80% when the craft is in a 10x20 block
- 64% when the craft is in a 20x20 block
Also, I tried to check if maybe there's a vehicle limitation for the mission, but I did not see any such properties defined in the deployment. Just your usual insanity battle conditions.
Hey, having an issue with the game crashing.
This is the error msg:
A fatal error has occurred: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION in region: REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 5 but this region only has zones valid up to 1.
To recreate just load the game save and let the world map run for a bit, click away the first few ufo sightings.
Hey, having an issue with the game crashing.
This is the error msg:
A fatal error has occurred: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_ABDUCTION in region: REGION_NATASHA_MOROZOVA_HIDEOUT, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 5 but this region only has zones valid up to 1.
To recreate just load the game save and let the world map run for a bit, click away the first few ufo sightings.
That's been reported before and it was fixed a month or two ago in the github build
There sometimes appears to be an inaccessible map block in Exalt HQ. This is a kind of special tower with some lower levels that are not connected to the rest of the map. From some locations you can shoot at the tower, if the enemy units wander into a visible area. I had to use debug more get rid of this.
In Dr. Alpha's Island I also got an area very difficult to access. There is only one hole in a corridor through which you can drop into there, and there is no way out (for you or the enemy units within). Even the pathfinding algorithm doesn't apparently find the working path there. I suppose this is a bug in the mapscript.
There sometimes appears to be an inaccessible map block in Exalt HQ.
This is intentional.
I had to use debug more get rid of this.
Just blow up walls!
In Dr. Alpha's Island I also got an area very difficult to access.
Eternal problem. Essentially a death trap for everyone who don't know about it.
Yes, please upload the save game here. Otherwise I won't be able to tell anything.
Thank you very much. Here is the save game.
Thank you very much. Here is the save game.
"Morozova's Abduction" strikes again, loaded up the save and about 1 in-game day later the error pops up. I've taken the liberty to "fix" the save with another random correct region for the alien mission. This should bypass the bug for this month, but I recommend you update the mod's files from the github repo so it doesn't happen again.
While adapting some scripts for my submod, I've spotted a possible issue in the last one I've come across. There's a mission, "Impossible Internet Intelligence", with a deployment in a 50x50 map. The script for this mission tries to spawn a large block (40x40) in after the craft. The issue is that depending on the size of this craft and its placement on the map it can prevent this large block from being placed, while not critical as it doesn't crash the game nor does it block the player from completing it, it left me wondering if this was desired / intended.
You're right, this is just a bug.
I solved it by enlarging the map to 60x60, and also by modifying the script:
- type: addBlock # school
terrain: URBAN
groups: 5
size: 4
- [0, 0, 4, 4]
- type: addUFO
- type: addCraft
- type: addLine
label: 1
direction: vertical
executionChances: 33
- [1, 1, 4, 1]
- type: addLine
label: 2
conditionals: -1
executionChances: 50
direction: horizontal
- [1, 1, 1, 4]
- type: addLine
conditionals: [-1, -2]
direction: both
- [1, 1, 4, 4]
- type: addBlock
size: 4
executionChances: 50
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 3
- type: fillArea
This forces the building to spawn in the upper corner to leave enough space for any craft (none is bigger than 20x20).
I normally avoid using fixed positions, but in this case we can make an exception, as it's a rare and specific mission.
There sometimes appears to be an inaccessible map block in Exalt HQ. This is a kind of special tower with some lower levels that are not connected to the rest of the map. From some locations you can shoot at the tower, if the enemy units wander into a visible area. I had to use debug more get rid of this.
It's accessible through the cellar. Should be anyway, never seen this failing.
In Dr. Alpha's Island I also got an area very difficult to access. There is only one hole in a corridor through which you can drop into there, and there is no way out (for you or the enemy units within). Even the pathfinding algorithm doesn't apparently find the working path there. I suppose this is a bug in the mapscript.
Yeah, this one is a genuine issue. Added an extra door.
By the way, I really should make a release soon... I don't feel I have enough content, but this Morozova bug is turning into a major issue.
This forces the building to spawn in the upper corner to leave enough space for any craft (none is bigger than 20x20).
I normally avoid using fixed positions, but in this case we can make an exception, as it's a rare and specific mission.
You could use these rects for a 60x60 map:
- [0,0,6,4] # Leaves a 60x20 gap south of the map
- [0,0,4,6] # Leaves a 20x60 gap east of the map
- [0,2,6,4] # Leaves a 60x20 gap north of the map
- [2,0,4,6] # Leaves a 20x60 gap west of the map
With these the block will avoid the central area and will always leave a 20x20 gap somewhere to fit any of the mod's crafts. The map generation doesn't allow for blocks to partially spawn in different rects, even if the combined rects fit the whole block, it must fully spawn within one of those rects.
You could use these rects for a 60x60 map:
- [0,0,6,4] # Leaves a 60x20 gap south of the map
- [0,0,4,6] # Leaves a 20x60 gap east of the map
- [0,2,6,4] # Leaves a 60x20 gap north of the map
- [2,0,4,6] # Leaves a 20x60 gap west of the map
With these the block will avoid the central area and will always leave a 20x20 gap somewhere to fit any of the mod's crafts. The map generation doesn't allow for blocks to partially spawn in different rects, even if the combined rects fit the whole block, it must fully spawn within one of those rects.
Yeah, good idea. I didn't have the time to experiment with something like that, as the fixed position was good enough, but your example is very helpful.
Thank you for the input, I appreciate it!
By the way, I really should make a release soon... I don't feel I have enough content, but this Morozova bug is turning into a major issue.
The veteran agent feature is major and I suppose the players will like to test it.
Based on my experiences (I've played the 3.4 snapshot until April 1998 for now), you don't really need to purchase any agents after the initial couple of months of the game (except the hybrids or 100PST agents for MC). In April 1998 so far have already received 25 veteran agents (the first ones in July 1997. After you get the good scores rolling in ~1998 or so, you seem to get the standard 4 veterans per month. Some of the skills they have are exceptionally good (especially melee, which means you can apply the transformations on them without any further training; currently the martial arts in particular may require significant training effort to get it to 65).
I suppose it could be more interesting if there would be variety to the stats (they are all fixed and don't vary at all; currently the only difference is which commendations the veterans have by default).
"Morozova's Abduction" strikes again,
I recommend you update the mod's files from the github repo so it doesn't happen again.
Thank you very much. I will wait until the next release.
I suppose it could be more interesting if there would be variety to the stats (they are all fixed and don't vary at all; currently the only difference is which commendations the veterans have by default).
Agreed, but AFAIK it's not possible. At least I don't know the way. (Before anyone utters the word "script": no, thanks. ;))
Thank you very much. I will wait until the next release.
You can simply download the current snapshot from here: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
It's obviously poorly tested and may be missing some localization updates, but should be 100% playable.
I just started a fresh build with Resound, Music, and expanded markers and I seem to have bug where I get free ranks of certain medals every mission.
They are:
Horizon Walker
Every agent on the mission gets a rank every mission.
You will need to post a save. FWIW, this does not occur to me with base + resound.
I just started a fresh build with Resound, Music, and expanded markers and I seem to have bug where I get free ranks of certain medals every mission.
They are:
Horizon Walker
Every agent on the mission gets a rank every mission.
Looks like you're using an old version of OXCE, or playing through OXC at all.
Vampire castle. Dude in an inaccessable area. (unless intended :'( )
Vampire castle. Dude in an inaccessable area. (unless intended :'( )
Not intended... Thank you, fixed.
Shogg Village, item pile is sometimes outside exit tiles.
(Not that I intend to retreat...)
Shogg Village, item pile is sometimes outside exit tiles.
(Not that I intend to retreat...)
Thank you, fixed.
Terrain RURAL2 has no script property, so it will run the basegame's DEFAULT script whenever that terrain is used and the deployment doesn't specify its own script. It'll work, but some of the terrain's blocks never get used in that script, like the size 3 block.
Armor "STR_XCOM_SEEKER_DRONE_ARMOR" has "spriteInv: XSEEKERDRONE", but in extraSprites there is no "XSEEKERDRONE" sprite:
singleImage: true
0: Resources/FactionsPack/Freelancers/inventory_SeekerDrone.png
singleImage: true
0: Resources/FactionsPack/Freelancers/inventory_SeekerDrone.png
Terrain RURAL2 has no script property, so it will run the basegame's DEFAULT script whenever that terrain is used and the deployment doesn't specify its own script. It'll work, but some of the terrain's blocks never get used in that script, like the size 3 block.
Ahh, right. Thank you.
Armor "STR_XCOM_SEEKER_DRONE_ARMOR" has "spriteInv: XSEEKERDRONE", but in extraSprites there is no "XSEEKERDRONE" sprite:
This is not a bug; what is a bug is that it says "XSEEKERDRONE0" instead of "XSEEKERDRONEF0", causing a crash.
Thanks for bringing my attention to this... And dammit, that's a crash inducing bug. :/
Both issues fixed on GitHub.
"Strange Lifeform: Zombie" tend to have a higher enemy count than "Zombie Infestation" missions. At least on highest difficulty.
STR_ZOMBIE_INFESTATION_MEDIUM has up 24 hostiles at default difficulty.
Menwhile, STR_MONSTERS_HUNT_LOTS_{environment} can have up to 49 hostiles at default difficulty.
(According to ruleset reference, maximal numbers for default difficulty are minimal numbers for highest)
It just feels weird when a so called "infestation" has lower numbers than what I get called to without it being called an infestation.
"Strange Lifeform: Zombie" tend to have a higher enemy count than "Zombie Infestation" missions. At least on highest difficulty.
STR_ZOMBIE_INFESTATION_MEDIUM has up 24 hostiles at default difficulty.
Menwhile, STR_MONSTERS_HUNT_LOTS_{environment} can have up to 49 hostiles at default difficulty.
(According to ruleset reference, maximal numbers for default difficulty are minimal numbers for highest)
It just feels weird when a so called "infestation" has lower numbers than what I get called to without it being called an infestation.
It's not just about numbers, also about enemy quality.
Some monster hunts have more zombies than the infestations, true; but mostly they have less.
Not sure if this is a bug, reporting it anyway.
After destroying two ghosts (bug eye ghost and/or spectral entity) with a flame glove, the agent is still listed as "no experience" by Ctrl+E.
Not sure if this is a bug, reporting it anyway.
After destroying two ghosts (bug eye ghost and/or spectral entity) with a flame glove, the agent is still listed as "no experience" by Ctrl+E.
Flame glove trains PSI SKILL. If I'd have to guess, the agent's PSI skill is still zero and can't learn improvements to PSI SKILL yet. I don't know if you should still get experience for secondary stat gains, though. So I guess this would be more of an OXCE question rather than a mod issue.
PSI skill is a special case among the stats, because in vanilla even unsuccessful attempt at PSI attack gave you experience. But I wonder if anyone has considered how a "firing weapon" that trains PSI skill (but does not require PSI skill to use) should behave.
Landing shots trains PSI skill, using the same breakpoints as firing accuracy (12 hits for max rolls). Misses do nothing. If you haven't unlocked soldier's psi skill in psilab, they don't train it, and won't get secondary stats either, unless you do something else that trains a primary. Seems intentional on the OXCE part.
X-Com Files 3.4.1
OXCE 7.14
Veteran's level, no any other mods/tweaks/cheats.
Firast of all, this mod is really amazing, this is probably the best thing I've played in the last 5 years or more, it's even strange that I discovered it so late (I played the original XCom back in the late 90s).
2/10/1999 and mission "MiB Attack on a M.A.G.M.A. Base"...
Seriously? Your 6 agents can only have something like M16, taser cannon, holy beads and pepper spray vs MiB Heavy Troopers equipped super-duper alien rocket launchers with a splash on a quarter of the map.
This mission can only be completed by cheating, and the penalty for ignoring it is 1500 (!), which is approximately equal to grinding ALL missions for a month...
The same goes for MiBs attacks on your bases in 1999.
I was already forced to restart the game after two months of play, when they successively destroyed my two main bases with all their contents, and I did not yet have the technology to shoot down their dropships.
Laser technology is completely useless against MiB Shock Troopers, instead of starting the mission, you can just not bother the player and display a message about the loss of the base.
Missions to capture regular cultist bases (not HQs) also become quite funny at some point due to the looping generation of military reinforcements, my personal record is 85 killed enemies per such mission and apparently this is far from the limit.
I used mortarmen en masse (like 3-4 per such mission) and one of them managed to destroy 11 enemies in one shot.
I noticed according to the Wiki, Scoped Hunting Rifle (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_SCOPED_HUNTING_RIFLE) is missing the Trooper commendation, while it's predecessor the Hunting Rifle has it. Was that intentional?
EDIT: Also, I think Alien Food (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_ALIEN_FOOD) is incorrectly tagged as Components.
mapScript ALIENBIGBASEGROWN has an issue in this part:
- type: addBlock #connectors
executions: 2
groups: 13
size: [2, 2, 4]
- type: addBlock #bonus connector
executionChances: 40
groups: 13
size: [2, 2, 4]
None of the group 13 mapBlock definitions match the specified size, they're all 10x10 blocks [1,1,4]. This results in the only connections between the 2 top levels and the 2 bottom levels being: the base's entry point, alien hangar if it spawns (and it's one way only unless you can fly) and depending on RNG, very few combinations of vertical levels where they have the gravlift at the same (x,y) coordinates.
Fix for the script is as simple as removing the size property to let it default to size 1 or actively specify that size (no need for the full dimension list):
- type: addBlock #connectors
executions: 2
groups: 13
size: 1
- type: addBlock #bonus connector
executionChances: 40
groups: 13
size: 1
However, this exposed some issues with the connector blocks. So I'm providing some modified ones and why they've been modified:
· Gravlift beams added in gravlift tiles on level 1. (visual only, makes it more evident that you can also go up)
· Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (while not visible, they also act as base "roofs" for the level just below instead of exposing dirt directly)
· Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 and 3 nodes. (Size 2 terror units were spawning in areas they could not leave, intended(?))
· Fixed unusable gravlift between levels 1 and 2. (gravlift placed in the incorrect slot and base floor was also in the way)
· Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)
· Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 nodes. (Same as in Chamber 00)
· Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 1 and 2 nodes. (Same as in Chamber 00)
· Fixed window walls placed in the incorrect tile slot on level 2. (visually you can't tell the difference, but engine-wise, units were "jumping" through the windows)
· Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)
· Restricted spawn to size 1 untis on level 2 node. (Same as in Chamber 00)
· Fixed incorrect slot placement of many walls on level 2 resulting in bizarre tunneling residues. (caused issues with digTunnel in mapScript)
· Added/removed floor tiles on different levels. (same as in Chamber 00)
This should address issues on those blocks, however, I've noticed other cosmetic and fucntional issues in other blocks during testing, missing base walls that leave dirt exposed (mostly east or south sides that aren't that clearly visible) and other areas where size 2 units might spawn and can't leave. Once I'm done with my scripts, I may return to these mapblocks and revise them carefully. But this will take a while.
PS: I decided to post it all here in one go rather than post the script correction here and the MAP / RMP contribution in the "Want to help?" thread, let me know if this would of been preferable.
I can't recall if I posted this UFOpaedia text typo before. It should say "not only are they" instead of "not only they are"
Researching a live muckstar: "This completely alien creature [...]"
Muckstar autopsy: "This creature appears completely alien, but in fact is a heavily modified coral. [...]"
Is this inconsistency (muckstar is alien vs. is not) by intention?
I just had a Military anti-monster operation (against Zombies), for which the military did not show up.
On one hand, I am glad they did not detract from my score by dying horribly. On the other, it's strange that they weren't there.
Also, are Vampire Knights supposed to be able to panic?
I just had a Military anti-monster operation (against Zombies), for which the military did not show up.
On one hand, I am glad they did not detract from my score by dying horribly. On the other, it's strange that they weren't there.
This appears to be a generic problem (with some degree of randomness to it) where a large number of units are spawning. Sometimes the third faction units don't spawn at all. I suspect this has something to do with the number of spawn nodes on the map. I think some terrains are worse than the others. My earlier reports:
NOOBERIA_EXIT mapScript is defined twice in the ruleset. Both definitions are practically identical with the small difference being when the group 8 block is added, either at the start in case of the 1st definition or near the end, just before the fillArea command in the 2nd definition.
1883: - type: NOOBERIA_EXIT
1884: commands:
1885: - type: addBlock
1886: groups: 8
1887: - type: addBlock
1888: size: 2
1889: groups: 5
1890: - type: addUFO
1891: - type: addCraft
1892: - type: addBlock
1893: groups: 6
1894: executions: 3
1895: - type: fillArea
1920: - type: NOOBERIA_EXIT
1921: commands:
1922: - type: addBlock
1923: size: 2
1924: groups: 5
1925: - type: addUFO
1926: - type: addCraft
1927: - type: addBlock
1928: groups: 6
1929: executions: 3
1930: - type: addBlock
1931: groups: 8
1932: - type: fillArea
Researching Zombie Boomer gives:
"[...] these pitiful creations only live for a few hours. [...]"
But in fact, the zombie boomer can be kept forever in the animal pen. It would be more logical if the animal pen explodes a few hours after the zombie boomer was put there (but of course, this might be hard to impossible to implement...). Probably the next best solution is that the zombie boomer is not allowed to be stored in the animal pen (neither anywhere else). In this way, the zombie boomer tech would not be accessible any more. To avoid this, one could give it as a bonus topic to Syndicate Scientists, for example.
X-Com Files 3.4.1
OXCE 7.14
Veteran's level, no any other mods/tweaks/cheats.
Firast of all, this mod is really amazing, this is probably the best thing I've played in the last 5 years or more, it's even strange that I discovered it so late (I played the original XCom back in the late 90s).
First of all, welcome to the forums and thank you for the kind words. The mod is still far from perfect, so I'm happy to hear people like it.
This post arguably feels like it fits the main thread better, but I'll leave it here for clarity.
2/10/1999 and mission "MiB Attack on a M.A.G.M.A. Base"...
Seriously? Your 6 agents can only have something like M16, taser cannon, holy beads and pepper spray vs MiB Heavy Troopers equipped super-duper alien rocket launchers with a splash on a quarter of the map.
This mission can only be completed by cheating, and the penalty for ignoring it is 1500 (!), which is approximately equal to grinding ALL missions for a month...
This is a typical situation, not just with this mission. If you expands aggressively (punching up), you may find yourself facing challenges not meant for your current level. This is expected, just fall back and get better gear for the next time it appears (abort penalty is only 50, plus the normal penalty for abandoned neutral units).
The same goes for MiBs attacks on your bases in 1999.
I was already forced to restart the game after two months of play, when they successively destroyed my two main bases with all their contents, and I did not yet have the technology to shoot down their dropships.
That's a different matter; most likely you provoked them by shooting down their craft, so they retaliate. It's a nasty battle, but doable in 1999.
Missions to capture regular cultist bases (not HQs) also become quite funny at some point due to the looping generation of military reinforcements, my personal record is 85 killed enemies per such mission and apparently this is far from the limit.
They aren't looping, there's a set number that will appear gradually. But yeah, it can get quite high.
I used mortarmen en masse (like 3-4 per such mission) and one of them managed to destroy 11 enemies in one shot.
Congrats! :)
I noticed according to the Wiki, Scoped Hunting Rifle (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_SCOPED_HUNTING_RIFLE) is missing the Trooper commendation, while it's predecessor the Hunting Rifle has it. Was that intentional?
EDIT: Also, I think Alien Food (https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_ALIEN_FOOD) is incorrectly tagged as Components.
Good points, both are fixed now.
mapScript ALIENBIGBASEGROWN has an issue in this part: (...)
Thanks a lot, this is very useful. Included your fixes in the mod.
Researching a live muckstar: "This completely alien creature [...]"
Muckstar autopsy: "This creature appears completely alien, but in fact is a heavily modified coral. [...]"
Is this inconsistency (muckstar is alien vs. is not) by intention?
Lazy writing... Thanks, will improve.
NOOBERIA_EXIT mapScript is defined twice in the ruleset. Both definitions are practically identical with the small difference being when the group 8 block is added, either at the start in case of the 1st definition or near the end, just before the fillArea command in the 2nd definition.
I am potato :P
Researching Zombie Boomer gives:
"[...] these pitiful creations only live for a few hours. [...]"
But in fact, the zombie boomer can be kept forever in the animal pen. It would be more logical if the animal pen explodes a few hours after the zombie boomer was put there (but of course, this might be hard to impossible to implement...). Probably the next best solution is that the zombie boomer is not allowed to be stored in the animal pen (neither anywhere else). In this way, the zombie boomer tech would not be accessible any more. To avoid this, one could give it as a bonus topic to Syndicate Scientists, for example.
Zombies in general have very short life span. I dunno, maybe X-Com puts them on ice?
Speaking of item categories, there are some items which are essentially just clutter but can be placed as combat equipment on craft. While some these have some weird combat usage, no-one would be using them for such. I'd prefer if the craft equipping screen was a bit cleaner. For example:
- cell phone
- mysterious skull
- spiderweb
- skull
- big bone
.. the list goes on, and I'd at least personally appreciate it if the list of items was reviewed and cleaned up from the perspective "should I be able and want to use this as combat equipment on a craft?"
Speaking of item categories, there are some items which are essentially just clutter but can be placed as combat equipment on craft. While some these have some weird combat usage, no-one would be using them for such. I'd prefer if the craft equipping screen was a bit cleaner. For example:
- cell phone
- mysterious skull
- spiderweb
- skull
- big bone
.. the list goes on, and I'd at least personally appreciate it if the list of items was reviewed and cleaned up from the perspective "should I be able and want to use this as combat equipment on a craft?"
The rationale is that you might want to move this kind of stuff on board of a craft, rather than send it via transfers. I don't know if people actually do that, but I wouldn't want to take away this option.
The rationale is that you might want to move this kind of stuff on board of a craft, rather than send it via transfers. I don't know if people actually do that, but I wouldn't want to take away this option.
There is a niche case of moving a researchable item from one base to another using a craft instead of transfer. Except those who want to play Transport Tycoon, of course. That is, being able to research something ASAP while having faster crafts (i.e. kitsune+). In certain corner case this might help (you arrive with craft a day earlier than via transfer and can squeeze in an extra day of research). But this scenario is already now woefully incomplete, because you cannot move, for example, enemy bodies from one base to another, and that's a good thing. Personally I'd just rip out this questional functionality and make the experience better for the vast majority, and let those two people that want it to create a submod for it if they really care about it.
the FN Minimi Ufopaedia article uses the term "bullets" where the term "round" should be as is shown below
current text: "It fires the 5.56mm NATO bullets."
all of the following are fixes:
1. "It fires the 5.56mm NATO round."
2. "It fires 5.56mm NATO bullets."
3. "It fires 5.56mm NATO rounds."
4. "It fires the 5.56X45mm NATO round."
5. "It fires the 5.56X45mm NATO bullet"
6. "It fires 5.56X45mm NATO bullets"
although it could be improved with: "It fires 5.56X45mm NATO rounds from a 100 ammo box."
or: "It fires 5.56X45mm NATO bullets from a 100 ammo box."
welp that's all I have to say. :)
Thanks Barghum, I'll change it.
A slight map bug, one of the ladders on the industrial map doesn't actually allow you to go up.
Apparently I missed mentioning the script issue in ALIENBIGBASEGROWN is also present in ALIENBIGBASEGROWNHANGAR. Since they're essentially the same script just with the added map size (from the deployment) and main hangar mapBlock, the script fixes are the same. And because they share the same mapBlocks, the fixes for the particular issues with the connector mapBlocks are already in place.
A slight map bug, one of the ladders on the industrial map doesn't actually allow you to go up.
Thanks, fixed.
Apparently I missed mentioning the script issue in ALIENBIGBASEGROWN is also present in ALIENBIGBASEGROWNHANGAR. Since they're essentially the same script just with the added map size (from the deployment) and main hangar mapBlock, the script fixes are the same. And because they share the same mapBlocks, the fixes for the particular issues with the connector mapBlocks are already in place.
All right, I'll fix that too. Thanks for the vigilance.
It is possible to apply the Bioenhancement (and probably other enhancements) on agents which are out on a vehicle. This will teleport the agent back to the base.
Not sure though if this is a bug of X-Com Files bug or of the OXCE engine.
It is possible to apply the Bioenhancement (and probably other enhancements) on agents which are out on a vehicle. This will teleport the agent back to the base.
Not sure though if this is a bug of X-Com Files bug or of the OXCE engine.
Definitely an engine issue, but... not sure if it's that very wrong. It's not X-Com Apocalypse level of tracking stuff.
It is possible to apply the Bioenhancement (and probably other enhancements) on agents which are out on a vehicle. This will teleport the agent back to the base.
Not sure though if this is a bug of X-Com Files bug or of the OXCE engine.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that agents that are out of the base don't even show up in the transformations menu. At least I don't ever recall being able to transform them and I think I would have seen this by now. This would also have impact on the missions if you transform an agent while still enroute to a mission (instead of back from the mission).
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that agents that are out of the base don't even show up in the transformations menu. At least I don't ever recall being able to transform them and I think I would have seen this by now. This would also have impact on the missions if you transform an agent while still enroute to a mission (instead of back from the mission).
Lol, I haven't actually verified this, and you're right... :) People away from base cannot be bio-enhanced.
Are you sure? I'm pretty sure that agents that are out of the base don't even show up in the transformations menu. At least I don't ever recall being able to transform them and I think I would have seen this by now. This would also have impact on the missions if you transform an agent while still enroute to a mission (instead of back from the mission).
Yes, I'm sure. I had sent a Van on a looong trip for over 3 days to an undercover mission.
Then I decided to go for my first round of Bioenhancement. I did it going through the agents list of the base (the absent agents are present there) and then click on the "arrow up" symbol and then click on Bioenhancement whereever it was showing up (i.e. for the agents fulfilling the requirements).
When the Van finally reached its goal, to my surprise one agent was missing.
I had saved the game before the Bioenhancement and thus could confirm my theory.
You should post your save before applying bio-enhancement. This would allow more easily to reproduce and if necessary fix (probably in OXCE).
You should post your save before applying bio-enhancement. This would allow more easily to reproduce and if necessary fix (probably in OXCE).
You know, it has a bit to do with shame. Posting my game is like stripping naked, possibly exposing the bit of savescumming I did every now and then... But I swear that my plan is to collect experience on this first run for a future ironman game :)
I was about to write that the savegame got overwritten in the meanwhile. But I could find another one where the Van is still not at its destination, hehe. So o.k., I show you my game.
* Load the save game
* Convince yourself that PUBLIC/VAN-3 is on its way to an Abyssal Artifact Delivery mission in south Atlantic.
* Click Bases
* Select 2nd base India
* Click Agents
* Click Fonthip Pinkaew (fairly at the bottom of the list; also note Craft: PUBLIC/VAN-3)
* Click on the up arrow (button left of "Armored Vest").
* Click Bio-Enhancement
* Click once again Bio-Enhancement (button at the bottom right)
* Go back to geoscape. Let the game progress, start the mission and note that Fonthip Pinkaew is missing.
Oh, I see it. You can't see the soldier as eligible on "Transformations overview" screen, but you can transform him if you go to the agent directly (I didn't realize it was even possible to do so). This seems like a bug in OXCE, because these should behave the same. I'll post a bug on OXCE board.
The Gilldog research you get from deep ones and aquatoids is different, but not in any meaningful way, to the gilldog research you get from syndicate scientist, Dr Alpha and researching a live gilldog.
The Gilldog research you get from deep ones and aquatoids is different, but not in any meaningful way, to the gilldog research you get from syndicate scientist, Dr Alpha and researching a live gilldog.
This is just a translation error. The first one should be “Gilldog Terrorist”, similar to vanilla Reaper and Reaper Terrorist.
I suggest that these terms be standardized, as the additional word “Terrorist” is used in some places and not in others:
Line 997: STR_OWLMAN_TERRORIST: "Owlman"
Line 1125: STR_BIODRONE_TERRORIST: "Bio-drone Terrorist"
Line 1656: STR_HALLUCINOID_TERRORIST: "Hallucinoid"
Line 1667: STR_XARQUID_TERRORIST: "Xarquid"
Line 1685: STR_CALCINITE_TERRORIST: "Calcinite Terrorist"
Line 1829: STR_BULLFROG_TERRORIST: "Bullfrog"
Line 1850: STR_MINOTAUR_TERRORIST: "Minotaur"
Line 2333: STR_SEEKER_DRONE_TERRORIST: "Seeker Drone"
Line 2426: STR_OOZE_TERRORIST: "Crawling Ooze"
Line 2543: STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST: "Chryssalid Terrorist"
Line 2551: STR_BADASS_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST: "Ultra Chryssalid Terrorist"
Line 3054: STR_JARHEAD_TERRORIST: "Jarhead Terrorist"
Line 3165: STR_HORROR_TERRORIST: "Horror"
Line 3173: STR_ABOMINATION_TERRORIST: "Abomination Entity"
Line 3212: STR_MEGAWORM_TERRORIST: "Megaworm"
Line 3789: STR_REAPER_TERRORIST: "Reaper Terrorist"
Line 3925: STR_WEREWOLF_TERRORIST: "Werewolf"
Line 3937: STR_WERECAT_TERRORIST: "Werecat"
Line 4253: STR_CYBERWEB_ROBOSPHERE_TERRORIST: "Cyberweb Robosphere"
Line 4269: STR_CYBERWEB_ROBOTURRET_TERRORIST: "Cyberweb Roboturret"
Line 4278: STR_CYBERWEB_CENTURION_TERRORIST: "Cyberweb Centurion"
Line 4949: STR_TENTACULAT_TERRORIST: "Tentaculat"
Line 5093: STR_OBLITERATOR_TERRORIST: "Obliterator Terrorist"
Line 5200: STR_ANCIENT_TOMB_GUARD_FEMALE_TERRORIST: "Ancient Female Tomb Guardian"
Line 5201: STR_TOMB_GUARD_MALE_TERRORIST: "Male Tomb Guardian"
Line 5202: STR_TOMB_GUARD_FEMALE_TERRORIST: "Female Tomb Guardian"
Line 5203: STR_TOMB_GUARD_TERRORIST: "Tomb Guardian"
Line 5213: STR_STRIX_TERRORIST: "Strix"
Line 5498: STR_SHAMBLER_TERRORIST: "Shambler Raider"
Line 5506: STR_FENRIR_TERRORIST: "Fenrir Wolf"
Line 5513: STR_SPIKEBOAR_TERRORIST: "Spikeboar"
Line 5525: STR_SHADOWBAT_TERRORIST: "Shadowbat"
Line 5543: STR_MONGORN_TERRORIST: "Mongorn Savage"
Line 5568: STR_MEGAZOMBIE_TERRORIST: "Megazombie"
Line 5574: STR_ZOMBIE_TROOPER_1_TERRORIST: "Zombie Trooper"
Line 5575: STR_ZOMBIE_TROOPER_2_TERRORIST: "Battered Zombie Trooper"
Line 5595: STR_ZOMBIE_INFECTOR_TERRORIST: "Zombie Infector"
Line 5607: STR_ZOMBIE_BOOMER_TERRORIST: "Zombie Boomer"
Line 5629: STR_SWARMIDS_LARGE_TERRORIST: "Swarmids Swarm"
Line 5909: STR_JANISSARY_TERRORIST: "Gillman Terrorist"
Line 5914: STR_GILLDOG_TERRORIST: "Gilldog"
Line 5922: STR_BLOODHOUND_TERRORIST: "Bloodhound"
Line 6221: STR_GIANT_SPIDER_TERRORIST: "Giant Spider"
Line 6229: STR_MEGASCORPION_TERRORIST: "Megascorpion"
Line 6238: STR_ASMODEAN_COBRA_TERRORIST: "Asmodean Cobra"
Line 6246: STR_GIANT_BEETLE_BOMBARDIER_TERRORIST: "Giant Bombardier Beetle"
Line 6251: STR_GIANT_BEETLE_TERRORIST: "Giant Beetle"
Line 6264: STR_MUCKSTAR_TERRORIST: "Muckstar"
Line 6268: STR_CHUPACABRA_TERRORIST: "Chupacabra"
Line 6279: STR_GIANT_RAT_TERRORIST: "Giant Rat"
Line 7693: STR_MIB_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST: "MiB Sectopod Terrorist"
Line 7967: STR_ALIEN_DRONE_TERRORIST: "Alien Drone"
Line 7977: STR_LARGE_ALIEN_DRONE_TERRORIST: "Large Alien Drone"
Line 8001: STR_SPITTER_TERRORIST: "Spitter Terrorist"
Line 8002: STR_SPITTER_RETRACT_TERRORIST: "Spitter Terrorist"
Line 8003: STR_SPITTER_RETRES_TERRORIST: "Spitter Terrorist"
Line 8004: STR_SPITTER_NAKED_TERRORIST: "Spitter Terrorist"
Line 8175: STR_MIBTANK_TERRORIST: "MiB Tank Terrorist"
Line 8278: STR_CEREBREAL_LARVA_TERRORIST: "Cerebreal Larva Terrorist"
Line 8319: STR_HOLODRONE_TERRORIST: "Holodrone Terrorist"
Line 8343: STR_CYBERMITE_TERRORIST: "Cybermite Terrorist"
Line 8373: STR_SALAMANDRON_TERRORIST: "Salamandron Terrorist"
Actually, there is an inconsistency, and it's not isolated to translation.
It's not easy to decide whether an interrogation should give STR_GILLDOG or STR_GILLDOG_TERRORIST. Creatures are different from "ranked" enemies, and I want to avoid a situation where you already know STR_GILLDOG, but not STR_GILLDOG_TERRORIST, so researching STR_GILLDOG_TERRORIST is possible but gives you nothing.
I am confused about LASER BEAM (craft weapon).
The Ufopaedia description says "This conventional laser cannon is powered by a specially developed Elerium-based battery"
Yet it doesn't require the Elerium Battery tech, it is purchased, rather than manufactured using Elerium, and it does not consume Elerium to reload.
I am confused about LASER BEAM (craft weapon).
The Ufopaedia description says "This conventional laser cannon is powered by a specially developed Elerium-based battery"
Yet it doesn't require the Elerium Battery tech, it is purchased, rather than manufactured using Elerium, and it does not consume Elerium to reload.
Well, it still is an Elerium battery, just not the same type as the "Elerium Battery" tech. But it's totally confusing, I agree. Will change the wording a bit.
Another little typo to report (underlined below)
It's not a typo, it's me who cannot into English. Meaning that I'm looking at this sentence without understanding what's wrong with it. Help please?
I think "yet" would be better than "but", but I'm not sure if "but" would be wrong either. Or if this is what OP meant.
But to be honest, I'm not even sure what the whole sentence is trying to say. Are these supposed to be as good *and* functioning (but still addictive?), and the difference is that you can get these from the markets and don't need to join the exalt gang to feed your addiction? If so, the sentence could be rephrased.
I think "yet" would be better than "but", but I'm not sure if "but" would be wrong either. Or if this is what OP meant.
But to be honest, I'm not even sure what the whole sentence is trying to say. Are these supposed to be as good *and* functioning (but still addictive?), and the difference is that you can get these from the markets and don't need to join the exalt gang to feed your addiction? If so, the sentence could be rephrased.
Might I suggest shortening the sentence to '...which works just as well but won't force you into joining an alien army in exchange.' It makes more sense that way to a native English speaker.
It's not a typo, nor gramatical or even syntactical issue, it's more a lack on sensical meaning, the "but" would indicate some exception to the cracked version vs the original psiclone, so saying that it's "but functioning" you're implying that the original is "non-functioning". Without a clarification of what the intended text is suppose to inform the reader of, it's not easy to propose a solution. Even if we change the "but" with "yet" the same issue remains, it still tries to inform about an exception of what it does (doesn't) that the original doesn't (does).
On a side note, since I read the whole text. The part that starts as "We can now understand..." can be rewritten as "We now understand how Psiclone works well enough..."
- "Can" is simply unnecessary
- "The" is a nightmare to handle when dealing with proper nouns. For example, it's used when referring to names of rivers, seas and oceans, but NOT when used with names of lakes or mounts and then you do use it again with mountain ranges. However, in this case I see it used in a similar manner as drug names, they don't use the article "the". Additionally, sometimes you case use the article with proper nouns that don't normally use it for an emphasis effect.
Thanks for the help, everyone.
To clarify: what I wanted to say with that sentence is that your psiclone:
1) Is as functional as EXALT's,
2) Is currently better than EXALT's products, because we actively dampen the effect on EXALT devices (as mentioned in the previous sentence).
A fix would simply be to swap "but functioning and" with "and functioning but".
Edit: Actually, to stay coherent with the previous sentences, I would change to "[...] we will flood the market with our functioning Psiclones which will be just as good but, you know, [...]".
Since "functioning" refers to the fact that the Exalt psiclones are disabled, it is clearer if the word is used sooner.
A fix would simply be to swap "but functioning and" with "and functioning but".
Edit: Actually, to stay coherent with the previous sentences, I would change to "[...] we will flood the market with our functioning Psiclones which will be just as good but, you know, [...]".
Since "functioning" refers to the fact that the Exalt psiclones are disabled, it is clearer if the word is used sooner.
Many thanks.
I get it, but I feel like "with our functioning Psiclones which will be just as good but, you know" may be in contradiction to the EXALT psiclones being non-functional at the moment. So X-Com psiclones aren't "just as good", they are the only good psiclones on Earth.
Am I making sense?
I think the main issue is that there are to many information in the same sentence. It is hard to make clear which part of the sentence is related to which idea.
Since there is no reason for the X-Com psiclone to not be "just as good", I would suggest dropping it to make space for a clearer description of the X-Com psiclones and go for something like:
"we will flood the market with our cracked Psiclones which will be immune to the disruption and, you know, [...]"
I think I need some background, correct me anywhere that I'm wrong. By what I've read in the different exalt articles that mention it, I take it that the aliens are providing intentionally "defective" psiclones that do work or barely work, and require frequent replacement via different means (they create an addiction and/or they breakdown relatively soon, etc). Once XCOM becomes aware of this and understands how the devices work it can then provide a fully functional Psiclone that neither requires replacement nor produces an addiction. Is this the gist of what you're trying to describe in the article?
A couple more UFOpaedia text fixes to make them read better in English. In the Puppetmaster entry, remove the word "the" before "humanity". It should just say "if they weren't enemies of humanity".
Also in the Cereal Cult topic, change "found its place" to "found its way". Or even better, you could say "insinuated itself into"
BTW, is there a reason it's called Cereal Cult?
I guess they love their breakfast and grains. I have wondered about the same thing.
Thanks for the fixes. Included!
I've encountered a Syndicate Monster Lab map that doesn't have an entrance. I start in caves that branch out, have lower levels, but none actually get access to the lab. All entrances are blocked off. I don't believe this is just an exploration issue (I've often had trouble seeing stairs hidden by the isometric angle) because I've activated debug console to reveal the entire map, and my troopers cannot pathfind into the base, but they can pathfind anywhere in the cave system from the entrance.
Is this intended? Am I meant to blast my way into the base somehow? High explosives do not penetrate the solid walls.
There have been new variants of the caves entrance to the monster lab recently. I don't recall whether this is in a released version or in the snapshot. Nonetheless, this is probably a map script bug. A save might help SS to debug the issue.
Here's a save from the start of that map
Thanks! Indeed it was a map script error. Fixed now.
I hope to release a new version very soon; hoping for more translations being finished before that.
I noticed some inconsistencies in the naming of Robosphere and Roboturret.
In the Sell Items screen they start with "Cyberweb":
However their UFOPaedia titles don't start with "Cyberweb":
I think the mismatch is what breaks the middle-click functionality (i.e. when you middle-click the items in the first screen, the respective UFOpaedia articles do not come up).
Also the Combat Analysis entries for them are similarly inconsistent.
Note I'm on a slightly older version of the mod so apologies if this has already been addressed!
It should say 'capturing live specimen', not 'capturing life specimen', in this research report.
I noticed some inconsistencies in the naming of Robosphere and Roboturret. (...)
Yeah, there are such issues, because the Cyberweb unit and the Cyberweb race are not the same thing. It's like Sectoid Soldier vs. Sectoid.
I'm not sure how to organize it better.
It should say 'capturing live specimen', not 'capturing life specimen', in this research report.
Oops. Thank you.
I've found another place where the English is a little 'wrong'. Not game-breaking of course, just a weird way to put it.
In the 'wrecked alien light plasma turret' description it says 'relies of external source.' A better phrase would be 'relies on an external power source'.
I've found another place where the English is a little 'wrong'. Not game-breaking of course, just a weird way to put it.
In the 'wrecked alien light plasma turret' description it says 'relies of external source.' A better phrase would be 'relies on an external power source'.
That would make the power source appear twice. :) But you're right, there's a typo - should be on, not of.
How about:
"There is no power source, as the turret relies on external power."
Currently it's a bit of a contradiction, it's first stating there's no power supply (or source) but then states it uses an external one.
"With no power source found on the turret, it relies on an external power supply." is my suggestion.
Currently it's a bit of a contradiction, it's first stating there's no power supply (or source) but then states it uses an external one.
"With no power source found on the turret, it relies on an external power supply." is my suggestion.
Perfect! <3
In Russian localization 'Wrecked Alenhed' in called 'Разибтый ксенодроид', it should be 'разбитый'.
In Russian localization 'Wrecked Alenhed' in called 'Разибтый ксенодроид', it should be 'разбитый'.
I researched the purchase of an mg3 machine gun. Now I can buy it. But without bullets. There are no cartridges for it in the purchase lists.
I researched the purchase of an mg3 machine gun. Now I can buy it. But without bullets. There are no cartridges for it in the purchase lists.
It needs 7.62x51 NATO Ammo. It seems that it's only unlocked by m-60, but not by mg-3
It needs 7.62x51 NATO Ammo. It seems that it's only unlocked by m-60, but not by mg-3
You write as if it's normal.
I think there is an extra '0' in the manufacture of Dart ammo (both Pistol and Rifle).
Where manufacture of most clips takes tens of Engineer-Hours per clip (40 for UAC Rifle Tritanium Clip), manufacture of Dart clips takes hundreds of hours. Dart Rifle Stun clip takes 420 Engineer-Hours. Electric Clip takes 500 EH. Dart Pisotl Stun clip is 360 EH, Dart Pistol Electric Clip is 400.
It needs 7.62x51 NATO Ammo. It seems that it's only unlocked by m-60, but not by mg-3
Thanks, fixed.
I think there is an extra '0' in the manufacture of Dart ammo (both Pistol and Rifle).
Where manufacture of most clips takes tens of Engineer-Hours per clip (40 for UAC Rifle Tritanium Clip), manufacture of Dart clips takes hundreds of hours. Dart Rifle Stun clip takes 420 Engineer-Hours. Electric Clip takes 500 EH. Dart Pisotl Stun clip is 360 EH, Dart Pistol Electric Clip is 400.
No, I think it's correct. Dart ammo is complicated and expensive to make.
There is a logic error in commit "Osiron Stakeout is less common after Boss is researched" https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/26d6aa61c3f15e76f09e8cf1e8d64e828d6a30f7.
You decreased the chances of the osiron stakeout from 15 -> 5 % for the standard case which requires only STR_OSIRON true. There is another mission
osironStakeoutSearch which has the chances of 40 % yet which requires STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS true and STR_HUMAN_OSIRON_BOSS false.
The problem here is that STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS occurs much later in the game than getting STR_OSIRON, which you could get at month 5 or so already.
I was wondering why I have been waiting for almost a year for the stakeout mission after milking all the osiron goons are worth, and this is the explanation.
If the intent was actually to push stakeouts further down in the timeline, this is fine of course, but the commit message led me to believe otherwise.
The problem here is that STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS occurs much later in the game than getting STR_OSIRON, which you could get at month 5 or so already.
Actually, STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS is supposed to come before STR_OSIRON, as it serves as a gate to Osiron. But over the years more Osiron missions were added, and suddenly there are alternative routes to unlock Osiron.
Anyway, osironStakeoutSearch is a failsafe to ensure that if you have STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS, but not STR_HUMAN_OSIRON_BOSS, then you get a high chance to roll this mission. If you have STR_HUMAN_OSIRON_BOSS researched, it uses the other, less common script osironStakeoutStandard.
Actually, STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS is supposed to come before STR_OSIRON, as it serves as a gate to Osiron. But over the years more Osiron missions were added, and suddenly there are alternative routes to unlock Osiron.
Anyway, osironStakeoutSearch is a failsafe to ensure that if you have STR_ZOMBIE_IMPLANT_ORIGINS, but not STR_HUMAN_OSIRON_BOSS, then you get a high chance to roll this mission. If you have STR_HUMAN_OSIRON_BOSS researched, it uses the other, less common script osironStakeoutStandard.
The most likely route to get STR_OSIRON is through capturing a single goon from Surf Time, which has 22 % chance of spawning once you get surfer cover; after Promo III the chances decline.
Looking at my 3.5 game, I'm currently in May 1998 and I have had five Surf Time events already (months 7, 8, 10, 14, 16). I guess the RNG has been very bountiful for me. But even with normal RNG, you're very likely to get at least one Surf Time within a couple of months, 6 months at most. So if you play it right, you should have obtained STR_OSIRON by month 9-12 at the latest. Even if you don't do Surf Times or don't capture a lot of goons, you should have exhausted all the Secret Files topics around month 12 or so, which grants you STR_OSIRON. (Osiron Goons are actually an easy way to clean them up.)
Even if the initial idea has been to get to Osiron through the Zombie implant arc (after dealing with the Zombie MAGMA lab), etc. this is no longer the case at all.
Reducing the likelihood of Osiron Stakeouts through the actual primary path (STR_OSIRON) just delays the second phase of Osiron. The main goal of getting to the second phase of Osiron is guaranteed unlocking of the The Syndicate arc through Osiron Boss. This change essentially delays the syndicate arc a bit and makes it more RNG prone. Actually, as it stands, the best chance to get Osiron Boss appears to be to share the tritanium ammo with MAGMA, because then there is 25 % chance of getting tritanium ammo mission. which includes the boss. Apparently I should have shared the tritanium ammo tech to get this juicy mission. Doh.
I suppose you could either remove STR_OSIRON from Secret Files and reduce the chances of Surf Time considerably (to say, 5 % or less). This way unlocking STR_OSIRON would be much delayed unless you hit a RNG jackpot, like in your original concept. Or you could redesign how osiron is introduced somewhat or maybe even keep the zombie plot path as a secondary backup path. With this latter option you could also more clearly separate the first-phase Osiron missions (goons and fixers) and second-phase osiron missions (to get the boss to get to the syndicate).
I suppose you could either remove STR_OSIRON from Secret Files and reduce the chances of Surf Time considerably (to say, 5 % or less). This way unlocking STR_OSIRON would be much delayed unless you hit a RNG jackpot, like in your original concept. Or you could redesign how osiron is introduced somewhat or maybe even keep the zombie plot path as a secondary backup path. With this latter option you could also more clearly separate the first-phase Osiron missions (goons and fixers) and second-phase osiron missions (to get the boss).
Yes I could do that, but I like the current balance more.
Even if it wasn't really planned.
Whatever you prefer. But I think you have to agree that current descriptions (at the least) are confusing and/or illogical in the order they will in practice be presented to the player. (I'd say the triggers are also inconsistent and illogical, but that's up to you.)
Surf Time description and briefing includes "This lovely beach is used by Osiron to distribute illegal alien tech". This presupposes that the player already knows what Osiron is. But the current situation is that the player has no idea what Osiron are at the point this mission pops up. And I don't know how the player would even know (or need to know) in advance of the mission who they are facing, unless there was some rumor about some secretive organization called osiron (similar to Zombie Implant Origins text below). Mininally I'd rephrase this for example like "This lovely beach is used by some goons to distribute illegal alien tech". The downside of this minimal approach is that the description is no longer fully accurate once you know (after the first mission) who those goons are. If this is bothersome, I guess you could include some rumor about a gang called Osiron there instead.
Zombie Implant Origins has the following:
Information from the EXALT Master allowed us to proceed with our investigation of the Zombie Trooper cerebral implant. Some unidentified person contacted the deep criminal underground last year with a very special request: to create a computer virus meant to infect psionic devices. This person struck some kind of deal with a group named Osiron, which claimed to know just the right people for this. Our further investigation confirmed this, and also suggested that the device to be infected could be the Zombie implant.
We need to check if any of our previous investigations gave us any leads. If yes, good. If not, our next step is to locate these Osiron people and ask them nicely about their mysterious client, and their provider. I'm sure M.A.G.M.A. will be very interested in obtaining this information. For this mission, we will have to use a civilian vehicle and concealable equipment.
This would need to be slightly rephrased, as the player will already know about Osiron by the time this is occuring. For example change "locate these Osiron people" to "locate an Osiron boss".
It might also be useful to highlight elsewhere the importance of capturing Osiron boss, because that is the primary gate for unlocking the essential Syndicate plotline.
Whatever you prefer. But I think you have to agree that current descriptions (at the least) are confusing and/or illogical in the order they will in practice be presented to the player.
I agree; I'm playing a test campaign right now and it struck me as outdated as well. I haven't gotten around with fixing it yet, since I focused on pushing out the 3.5 update, but I should do that soon.
(I'd say the triggers are also inconsistent and illogical, but that's up to you.)
Cound you please elaborate? I could use an extra pair of eyes, because mine seem desensitized by now. :)
Surf Time description and briefing includes "This lovely beach is used by Osiron to distribute illegal alien tech". This presupposes that the player already knows what Osiron is. But the current situation is that the player has no idea what Osiron are at the point this mission pops up. And I don't know how the player would even know (or need to know) in advance of the mission who they are facing, unless there was some rumor about some secretive organization called osiron (similar to Zombie Implant Origins text below). Mininally I'd rephrase this for example like "This lovely beach is used by some goons to distribute illegal alien tech". The downside of this minimal approach is that the description is no longer fully accurate once you know (after the first mission) who those goons are. If this is bothersome, I guess you could include some rumor about a gang called Osiron there instead.
Replacing Osiron with "criminals" is fine by me.
Zombie Implant Origins has the following:
This would need to be slightly rephrased, as the player will already know about Osiron by the time this is occuring. For example change "locate these Osiron people" to "locate an Osiron boss".
It might also be useful to highlight elsewhere the importance of capturing Osiron boss, because that is the primary gate for unlocking the essential Syndicate plotline.
I think capturing unknown units who look like leaders should be obvious enough by now.
Cound you please elaborate? I could use an extra pair of eyes, because mine seem desensitized by now. :)
I was mainly reacting to the commit message that was clearly upside down. Now that I look at it, I think the triggers work OK if the intent is to push off the Stakeout a little bit so that it does not occur quite as soon after you have researched Osiron through Surf Time. And that's fine, because prior to that change you would usually get started on theSyndicate arc well before dealing with the first level cults.
I also now realize that you can also get The Syndicate also through Osiron Fixer, for which there are more options (e.g. especially the cruise liner, because hacienda is such a rare event) than for the boss, so the impact should not be so big as I initially thought.
I was mainly reacting to the commit message that was clearly upside down. Now that I look at it, I think the triggers work OK if the intent is to push off the Stakeout a little bit so that it does not occur quite as soon after you have researched Osiron through Surf Time. And that's fine, because prior to that change you would usually get started on theSyndicate arc well before dealing with the first level cults.
I also now realize that you can also get The Syndicate also through Osiron Fixer, for which there are more options (e.g. especially the cruise liner, because hacienda is such a rare event) than for the boss, so the impact should not be so big as I initially thought.
OK, good. Thanks for the help.
I updated the texts, will make a commit tomorrow or so (hoping to include at least some translations).
No sell price has been defined for wizkid rocket drone remains. This is probably an oversight, because essentially everything else has, and I suppose the scraps would be of some worth.
There seem to be maybe a couple of more similar STR_WRECKS, but at least for some of those it might be intentional (like the X-Com security camera).
No sell price has been defined for wizkid rocket drone remains. This is probably an oversight, because essentially everything else has, and I suppose the scraps would be of some worth.
Yeah, an oversight. Thanks, fixed.
Black Moon (and likewise Blood Moon) mission has 150 despawn and zero abort penalty. There are 12 civilians. So if you go there and abort immediately, you get something like -180 penalty.
I think the penalties are always or almost always adjusted so that that going and aborting is not worse than letting the mission despawn. This is probably an oversight. Maybe the despawn penalty should be a little bit higher, like 250 or 300, like with many other civilian missions.
Black Moon (and likewise Blood Moon) mission has 150 despawn and zero abort penalty. There are 12 civilians. So if you go there and abort immediately, you get something like -180 penalty.
I think the penalties are always or almost always adjusted so that that going and aborting is not worse than letting the mission despawn. This is probably an oversight. Maybe the despawn penalty should be a little bit higher, like 250 or 300, like with many other civilian missions.
OK, I'll increase the despawn penalty.
OK, I'll increase the despawn penalty.
Not sure. Not showing on mission meaning you have some more important things to do and assume somebody else will handle it - responsibility spread. Taking it and fail - your fail alone. I think such things add extra layer of thinking: what mission better left despawned if not sure about risk.
Fresh reports:
Black lotus host autopsy and Black Lotus Avatar Autopsy ufopedia topics needs to be switched I guess, as its is avatar who is evaporating on kill, and host just dies.
Tritanium Srapnel rocket do incendiary damage(ufopedia says cutting)
Looks like antisavescaming option gone. Not sure, maybe I have to address it to OXCE
Found out that you can push "end" and change music(on tactic mission). But there is only one track listed except binded theme. And if you choose one - binded theme gone and you can't switch it back.
And new music. As I said before: Alien Shooter have cool track, but when you forced to listen anything over and over very often - its pall.
Please, consider this tracksto diversify alien missions.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBp0Pu3NeOo&list=PLamnoxId_aK2qxsln0OiDh9s3Pa1vgfvb&index=1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBp0Pu3NeOo&list=PLamnoxId_aK2qxsln0OiDh9s3Pa1vgfvb&index=1)
Dusk Hour
Ion Storm
Rain In The Night
What Lurks
Gloom - for hacker missions. Now it has HL1 valve theme, which is too short.
Also good IMHO, but too intrusive(probably can take some for special, rare missions):
Lone Trooper
Hello Solarius and all Xcom players.
This is my first post on the forum and I would like to thank Solarius and the other modders for your incredible work.
I'm on the latest version of the mod and I launched an attack on a Red Dawn mansion and I was surprised to see that all the maids were killed by the Red Dawn. Previously, they limply helped defend the manor.
Am I the only one having this bug?
Tritanium Srapnel rocket do incendiary damage(ufopedia says cutting)
It actually does cutting damage. And also leaves the ground burnt.
And new music.
There's at least two submods for XCF with new tracks.
Not sure. Not showing on mission meaning you have some more important things to do and assume somebody else will handle it - responsibility spread. Taking it and fail - your fail alone. I think such things add extra layer of thinking: what mission better left despawned if not sure about risk.
Dunno, maybe. It's not like these things are clear cut.
Black lotus host autopsy and Black Lotus Avatar Autopsy ufopedia topics needs to be switched I guess, as its is avatar who is evaporating on kill, and host just dies.
No, these are unrelated. I think it's correct.
Tritanium Srapnel rocket do incendiary damage(ufopedia says cutting)
Both the game and the ruleset clearly says it's cutting damage. What makes you think otherwise?
Looks like antisavescaming option gone. Not sure, maybe I have to address it to OXCE
Found out that you can push "end" and change music(on tactic mission). But there is only one track listed except binded theme. And if you choose one - binded theme gone and you can't switch it back.
Again, wut?
Every mission has one specific track assigned.
And new music. As I said before: Alien Shooter have cool track, but when you forced to listen anything over and over very often - its pall.
Please, consider this tracksto diversify alien missions.
Sorry, the way it's done, there can be only one specific track per mission. I don't think I could do it any other way while maintaining different music per different enemy types.
There's at least two submods for XCF with new tracks.
Yes indeed.
No, these are unrelated. I think it's correct.
Considering how they behave themselves in game and live specimen description, autopsy description is really off and fit much better if switched between each other. Except avatar have no clothes.
Both the game and the ruleset clearly says it's cutting damage. What makes you think otherwise?
Ok, probably I didn't made proper research.
Press "end" on keyboard during any tactic mission and you will understand.
Again, wut?
Every mission has one specific track assigned.
Probably you implemented it through hack, thus "jukebox" is broken(issue above). I don't know, maybe there is no proper way to attach music to enemies(I actually thought it is attached to mission type or map)
Sorry, the way it's done, there can be only one specific track per mission. I don't think I could do it any other way while maintaining different music per different enemy types.
Maybe at least change cybeweb sewers track
Considering how they behave themselves in game and live specimen description, autopsy description is really off and fit much better if switched between each other. Except avatar have no clothes.
I can't see anything wrong with them.
The avatar's description was written years before the host was even planned, so I can't see how they could have been "switched".
Press "end" on keyboard during any tactic mission and you will understand.
Yeeeeaaah, I totally don't know about the jukebox, silly me. ::)
Probably you implemented it through hack, thus "jukebox" is broken(issue above).
I don't know, maybe there is no proper way to attach music to enemies(I actually thought it is attached to mission type or map)
It is; it's defined on deployment.
Maybe at least change cybeweb sewers track
Why this one in particular?
I can't see anything wrong with them.
The avatar's description was written years before the host was even planned, so I can't see how they could have been "switched".
Uugh... I'm lazy when it comes to screenshot attachment. Host is a human. And dead host paperdoll have depiction of dead women body. So it logical to have topic with autopsy description. Instead we have topic, that says it is "...decompose instantly after death...". Avatar, in opposite, on death turns to pile of ash, but have topic with "...creature appears to be fully human, down to the genetic code...". That is why I offer to remove mention of cloth in Host autopsy and switch with avatar autopsy. Also there is unique topics "Host morph" and "Avatar morph" that is totally fine.
Why this one in particular?
We discussed it a year ago. HL1_10_VALVE very short and not designed to be looped, thus start to be very annoying very soon.
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154642#msg154642 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154642#msg154642)
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154650#msg154650 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154650#msg154650)
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154688#msg154688 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=5047.msg154688#msg154688)
Both music suggestions added to my todo list, with average priority.
We talked about cyberweb sewers and alien(alien shooter) theme. I just thought you didn't had time for that and decided to save you some time by bringing some concrete suggestions.
Huge Storage Facility in description requires 150 Tritanium, but actually requires Alien alloys.
Uugh... I'm lazy when it comes to screenshot attachment. Host is a human. And dead host paperdoll have depiction of dead women body. So it logical to have topic with autopsy description. Instead we have topic, that says it is "...decompose instantly after death...". Avatar, in opposite, on death turns to pile of ash, but have topic with "...creature appears to be fully human, down to the genetic code...". That is why I offer to remove mention of cloth in Host autopsy and switch with avatar autopsy. Also there is unique topics "Host morph" and "Avatar morph" that is totally fine.
Well, maybe it could be rewritten for more clarity.
We discussed it a year ago. HL1_10_VALVE very short and not designed to be looped, thus start to be very annoying very soon.
I'll replace the HL theme at some point, but it's not easy. Currently experimenting with AI music a little, but it's not a high priority - there's always so much to do.
Alien Shooter stays though, as I like it. B)
Huge Storage Facility in description requires 150 Tritanium, but actually requires Alien alloys.
I'll replace the HL theme at some point, but it's not easy? Currently experimenting with AI music a little, but it's not a high priority - there's always so much to do.
Alien Shooter stays though, as I like it. B)
Find and replace "HL1_10_VALVE.ogg" with whatever - what could be more easy. Besides, I gave you good candidate - give it a try, really.
I like AI too. It just... invasion stage is much less diverse. 3 sects, cyberweb and reptoids are wasted, zombies and reclamation mostly researched and in deep underground(no mission spawns in months or tow): shooting UFOs and harassing hybrids is 70%/20% missions, 5% - MiB and 5% anything else. There is syndicate package that leads to, where now?(nothing happening right now). Also wanted to ask how to get more AI(I got only 3)? I also left one black lotus mansion for fun(hope this won't brake anything)
Not really a bug, but rather a suggestion for improvement. The base sell price for all veteran requisition rights is 90K. I think it would make sense that the price would be different for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. For example, at least 1 could be somewhat lower, while at least 4 should perhaps be higher.
Find and replace "HL1_10_VALVE.ogg" with whatever - what could be more easy.
Finding a better replacement, that's what could be more fucking easy.
You linked to a track from a major game, while I'd rather use something that would give trouble to streamers.
I like AI too. It just... invasion stage is much less diverse. 3 sects, cyberweb and reptoids are wasted, zombies and reclamation mostly researched and in deep underground(no mission spawns in months or tow): shooting UFOs and harassing hybrids is 70%/20% missions, 5% - MiB and 5% anything else. There is syndicate package that leads to, where now?(nothing happening right now). Also wanted to ask how to get more AI(I got only 3)? I also left one black lotus mansion for fun(hope this won't brake anything)
Understood, but this will not change. Each faction has one track. Maybe we need more factions.
More AI can be found mostly in alien bases (not guaranteed).
Not really a bug, but rather a suggestion for improvement. The base sell price for all veteran requisition rights is 90K. I think it would make sense that the price would be different for levels 1, 2, 3 and 4. For example, at least 1 could be somewhat lower, while at least 4 should perhaps be higher.
I thought about this as well, but ultimately decided that money isn't everything. :)
You linked to a track from a major game, while I'd rather use something that would give trouble to streamers.
Fallout and HL1 is not major game and Tiberian sun IS major... welp, probably Bethesda and Valve more kind than EA(beware, you still have one track from Frank Klepacki). I'll keep an ear for something less famous.
Understood, but this will not change. Each faction has one track. Maybe we need more factions.
Maybe. Or just tune some spawn odds at least. Or ask Meridian for feature and pray... geoscape has different tracks after all - logic is there.
Fallout and HL1 is not major game and Tiberian sun IS major... welp, probably Bethesda and Valve more kind than EA(beware, you still have one track from Frank Klepacki). I'll keep an ear for something less famous.
Yeah, totally obscure games, lel ;D
Anyway, I finally found something appropriate. :) Only one track for now, I hope it'll be a decent replacement of HL1_10_VALVE. Just uploaded to GitHub. Our convo motivated me, so thanks for that.
More tracks will be replaced when I find something decent enough.
Maybe. Or just tune some spawn odds at least. Or ask Meridian for feature and pray... geoscape has different tracks after all - logic is there.
Look pal, it's super hard to find ONE decent track per faction (as we've discussed here). And now you want me to shit out a couple for each? That won't happen in a predictable timeframe, if ever (unless some musician does a major contribution).
If you don't like the music, turn it off and play something else in the background.
In Syndicate assasination mission, minotaur spawned inside house very near my troops. That should not happen, or..?
Screenshot is from first round after I moved two soldiers... then I gave up and reloaded mission, there is not much I can do there. I have savefile too if needed.
In Syndicate assasination mission, minotaur spawned inside house very near my troops. That should not happen, or..?
Screenshot is from first round after I moved two soldiers... then I gave up and reloaded mission, there is not much I can do there. I have savefile too if needed.
The chance for this is astronomically small... But it may happen. So, intended, even if a minotaur is a weird choice for a sneak attack.
Look pal, it's super hard to find ONE decent track per faction (as we've discussed here). And now you want me to shit out a couple for each? That won't happen in a predictable timeframe, if ever (unless some musician does a major contribution).
If you don't like the music, turn it off and play something else in the background.
Hey, hey, comrade, I actually like music a lot! Even was wondering where it all comes from(not all tracks familiar), like RP_04_CHILD or DARKMIST and it was surprise-surprise to hear motives from NAYDEAD in one of x-files series. I told you my reasons. And I'm not leaving you with this alone :P
Check this tracks:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3gaaUeGlbw&list=PL13HUK59qHDbRG3WswCUHyuipC0RJv4Pr&index=1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3gaaUeGlbw&list=PL13HUK59qHDbRG3WswCUHyuipC0RJv4Pr&index=1)
Nonfunctional jukebox bothers me also. Sometimes I want to hear Frontier Psychiatrist in the middle of Dimension X, sometimes I don't, and sometimes hour into mission I just need to switch things. Fortunately there is a relatively noninvasive solution.
Jukebox on battlescape only shows current track and tracks that have 'GMTAC' in their names. Similarly, when picking music for battlescape, game randomly selects track containing one of strings from music: section in deployment. By changing track definition from
- type: FRO_PSY
normalization: 1.0
- type: FRO_PSY_GMTAC # internal id used to reference track in ruleset
name: FRO_PSY # file name
normalization: 1.0
it will satisfy both deployment and jukebox, without any other edits.
Here is the mod that does this to all battlescape tracks. A list of song names would be nice to have to make it look better.
Well, that's promising. Thanks :)
Fixed jukebox sounds like a thing that deserves to be in a main mod ::).
Fixed jukebox sounds like a thing that deserves to be in a main mod ::).
Well, now it is :)
Check out the newest nightly on GitHub.
Some songs are still placeholders, and in one case there's no title because I have no idea where it came from, but since you guys insisted - there you go. Please confirm if it works.
In the latest snapshot, USO text strings are missing (STR_USO_*_FRAME).
Some songs are still placeholders, and in one case there's no title because I have no idea where it came from, but since you guys insisted - there you go. Please confirm if it works.
Nice, thank you.
Looks like PREDATOR has slipped through (from The Root of All Evil, STR_BLACK_LOTUS_SHRINE)
Looks like PREDATOR has slipped through (from The Root of All Evil, STR_BLACK_LOTUS_SHRINE)
Yep, thanks.
Well, now it is :)
Check out the newest nightly on GitHub.
Some songs are still placeholders, and in one case there's no title because I have no idea where it came from, but since you guys insisted - there you go. Please confirm if it works.
Hurray! My "music" efforts was not in vain ::)
1) TENSION_IN_THE_UNDERBELL - I personally don't know. IMHO, it has more ghostly/otherwordly vibe, rather than tech/cyberpunk. Still at least it loops, time will tell.
2) BTW, did you happen to check tracks from UFO Online: Invasion? Not so famous and half dead project with awesome tracks. And no, it has little in common with x-com genre.
3) NAYDEAD.ogg is from x-files. s7e13 "First Person Shooter". Here, time 28:00: https://rutube.ru/video/2eb68a8c47761a9026f2aba1b2b5286d/?t=1693&r=plwd (https://rutube.ru/video/2eb68a8c47761a9026f2aba1b2b5286d/?t=1693&r=plwd)
Didn't found in ost, but it not full. Although found this interesting track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4vwCQ4cs0&list=PLmwfwq3gBL_CkEGAagj9sfJuKa_wnlaOi&index=5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4vwCQ4cs0&list=PLmwfwq3gBL_CkEGAagj9sfJuKa_wnlaOi&index=5)
Hurray! My "music" efforts was not in vain ::)
1) TENSION_IN_THE_UNDERBELL - I personally don't know. IMHO, it has more ghostly/otherwordly vibe, rather than tech/cyberpunk. Still at least it loops, time will tell.
I asure you it was the best so far.
Perhaps it's time to buy subscription on Suno to be able to experiment more. I don't really do music much, though...
1)2) BTW, did you happen to check tracks from UFO Online: Invasion? Not so famous and half dead project with awesome tracks. And no, it has little in common with x-com genre.
Nah, I haven't.
3) NAYDEAD.ogg is from x-files. s7e13 "First Person Shooter". Here, time 28:00: https://rutube.ru/video/2eb68a8c47761a9026f2aba1b2b5286d/?t=1693&r=plwd (https://rutube.ru/video/2eb68a8c47761a9026f2aba1b2b5286d/?t=1693&r=plwd)
Didn't found in ost, but it not full.
Ah, thanks!
Although found this interesting track: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4vwCQ4cs0&list=PLmwfwq3gBL_CkEGAagj9sfJuKa_wnlaOi&index=5 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rp4vwCQ4cs0&list=PLmwfwq3gBL_CkEGAagj9sfJuKa_wnlaOi&index=5)
Not bad, but I'm trying to avoid big name music now.
An ancient bug of untranslatable messages in the repair script for mechanical units with repair kits: these lines should be moved to the “extraStrings” section, and in the text of the script should be replaced by “STR_SOMETHING” constructs, to be able to translate these lines, as it is done in the “Flashbang damage script”.
An ancient bug of untranslatable messages in the repair script for mechanical units with repair kits: these lines should be moved to the “extraStrings” section, and in the text of the script should be replaced by “STR_SOMETHING” constructs, to be able to translate these lines, as it is done in the “Flashbang damage script”.
I fixed this; please test.
I fixed this; please test.
Yeah, it works.
In the snapshot, finishing the MIB attack on MAGMA base mission (which includes a MIB stealth bomber) gives you *10* MIB stealth bomber hull frames. I suspect it is intended to give only one, like with other enemy craft. I have no idea what would be the point of 10 identical frames anyway.
Got a pop up error message when I attempt to board the x dimension drednaught.
I've attached screen shot and the log entry.
In the snapshot, finishing the MIB attack on MAGMA base mission (which includes a MIB stealth bomber) gives you *10* MIB stealth bomber hull frames. I suspect it is intended to give only one, like with other enemy craft. I have no idea what would be the point of 10 identical frames anyway.
Indeed you're right, but I already caught and fixed this issue.
Got a pop up error message when I attempt to board the x dimension drednaught.
I've attached screen shot and the log entry.
Cyberdrednaught doesn't even have craft data, as it does not land and can never create a crash site (because it only has 1 HP). So it's not a surprise the game crashes, but it is a surprise you managed to down this UFO without destroying it... I'd like to know how. :)
Not sure how that was achieved, but perhaps setting the unmanned property to 'true' for this UFO would be better. It would even allow you to change the UFO health to another value more befitting a drednaught. Altho I guess the shield value is there to offset this low HP.
While I'm at it, UFOs:
have an 'invalid' size, STR_MEDIUM, should be STR_MEDIUM_UC.
Not sure how that was achieved, but perhaps setting the unmanned property to 'true' for this UFO would be better. It would even allow you to change the UFO health to another value more befitting a drednaught. Altho I guess the shield value is there to offset this low HP.
Low HP is fine, they're supposed phase out after their shield is gone.
But adding "unmanned" is a good idea.
While I'm at it, UFOs:
have an 'invalid' size, STR_MEDIUM, should be STR_MEDIUM_UC.
Lol, how did the game even work like this. ;D THis error has been there since 2.9.
Fixed now.
It seems it's one of those things the engine will 'fix' silently from what I read here https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=12372.0
However, I doubt if only affects the visual blob, but very likely the chances to hit the target. If it assumes the largest size, then it's possible that it made the UFO very easy to hit with most weapons.
Oooh, never mind, apparently it has specific code that converts any STR_MEDIUM to STR_MEDIUM_UC, that's why you saw no issues.
Indeed you're right, but I already caught and fixed this issue.
Oh, you refer to https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/d63cb7aeb3daedfe332a59f57177b2468dfc04d0 I suppose. I don't quite understand how that would fix 10 hulls problem (or how they would end up happening in the first place), but I hope you're right and that is so. I suppose I'm going to award myself 10 osiron boxes..
Oh, you refer to https://github.com/SolariusScorch/XComFiles/commit/d63cb7aeb3daedfe332a59f57177b2468dfc04d0 I suppose. I don't quite understand how that would fix 10 hulls problem (or how they would end up happening in the first place), but I hope you're right and that is so. I suppose I'm going to award myself 10 osiron boxes..
Don't forget to lower your funds from selling all these frames. I went through the same thing. ;)
As for the change, missionBountyItem was defined twice... So the game picked the item from one place, but the amount from the other. I solved it by making a special mapblock containing these boxes instead (hence the new script).
I was playing the prior version when I noticed a mapping error on the T'Leth Factory mission. I don't know if I have a save, but the glitch happened both times I generated the map. It's in the room with the little podium with the floating rings in to on the ground floor, I think there is only one, the up-left and up-right doors didn't quite line up with the neighboring sections and the up-left one had some of the "open but blocking terrain" that usually accompanies an mapping problem.
Other than that, my run has been pretty bug free, only other issue was a dog not getting an Astral form during the Nercomancer's dungeon mission.
I was playing the prior version when I noticed a mapping error on the T'Leth Factory mission. I don't know if I have a save, but the glitch happened both times I generated the map. It's in the room with the little podium with the floating rings in to on the ground floor, I think there is only one, the up-left and up-right doors didn't quite line up with the neighboring sections and the up-left one had some of the "open but blocking terrain" that usually accompanies an mapping problem.
Well, the funny thing is, this is a vanilla terrain from TFTD. But possibly this building was inactive or something.
Anyway, I'd be grateful for a save - if it's broken, I must fix it.
Other than that, my run has been pretty bug free,
Glad to hear that.
only other issue was a dog not getting an Astral form during the Nercomancer's dungeon mission.
OMG, it's bugged. Well, now fixed, thanks!
Other than that, my run has been pretty bug free, only other issue was a dog not getting an Astral form during the Nercomancer's dungeon mission.
For me it was funny to see, that my bats turned to werewolf form in astral too. Guess rats will do too(consider them useless with my tactics)
Also playing on dev/snapshot version now(because of fixed jukebox) and I concerned: won't it brake something if I research hulls now(as they have no ufopedia pages and I don't know future plans for them). Also noticed introduced UAC crafts. Don't know if they will do many sense as I closed portal on the moon(with 2 operatives, LOL)
Besides that alien fights is usually pretty tense or fast(scouts) and it was lots of fun, when cult of apocalypse castle spawned. My "UFO" with 20 superhumans landing in the dessert and starting to gas all those rag-tags - this is hilarious. I think you can change rnd for such missions spwn for us to have such work relieves a bit more often.
Also playing on dev/snapshot version now(because of fixed jukebox) and I concerned: won't it brake something if I research hulls now(as they have no ufopedia pages and I don't know future plans for them).
No, I don't think anything bad can happen, I play on the same copy.
Also, I think all recoverable hulls should have Pedia articles, unless I missed something.
Also noticed introduced UAC crafts. Don't know if they will do many sense as I closed portal on the moon(with 2 operatives, LOL)
UAC crafts? You mean like Dragonfly?
Anyway, UAC is never destroyed in XCF, it can only change hands.
Besides that alien fights is usually pretty tense or fast(scouts) and it was lots of fun, when cult of apocalypse castle spawned. My "UFO" with 20 superhumans landing in the dessert and starting to gas all those rag-tags - this is hilarious. I think you can change rnd for such missions spwn for us to have such work relieves a bit more often.
OK. 8)
No, I don't think anything bad can happen, I play on the same copy.
Also, I think all recoverable hulls should have Pedia articles, unless I missed something.
Not really pedia articles, but as mentioned previously, STR_USO_*_FRAME strings (five of them to be precise) are missing.
Not really pedia articles, but as mentioned previously, STR_USO_*_FRAME strings (five of them to be precise) are missing.
I don't understand what is missing and where.
Apart from the tech tree viewer, these also show up in the game inventory if you recover the hull frame from those USOs, and once you get it, you can also research it.
Ah, I get it now. Yeah, it should be harmless to research. They're exactly the same as other frames, except I haven't made Pedia articles for them yet.
There appear to be two missing walls in Tasoth Factory, in a certain large module, one upstairs, one downstairs. At the location where the cursor is. It would be very strange if you were intended to be able walk through it.
This is a bit strange, as I think this resource is from TFTD (or at least I have seen the same one in TWoTS) and I don't recall spotting the same issue.
They're not missing, it appears to be a wrong MCD record value for the 'bigwall' field that's making that wall 'walkable'. Comparing it to the same MCD file in TFTD shows that it was originally 1, so it has been changed at some point. The current value of 9 matches the pathing the units are taking in those screens, 9 blocks the north and west side of the tile, but leaves the east and south sides open to walk, and a value of 1 fully blocks the tile.
Edit: this would affect other mapBlocks too if they use that record, at least fixing it there will fix all of them.
I see, thanks.
But shouldn't the bigwall value be 2 rather than 1?
1) Wall missing. This one is hybrid storage mission.
2) Hybrid assault research completion dose not leads to ufopedia record. Although it is in fact created.
3) "Hybrid Recruitment" research also requires "Hybrid control circuitry" item(same as Hybrid control circuitry research) - not sure is it is intended.
I see, thanks.
But shouldn't the bigwall value be 2 rather than 1?
Judging by the description in the nightly rulesets https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)#MCD_Patches you probably mean 3 (vertical diagonal) as this should allow for diagonal movement between the north and east tiles adjacent to that one. If this is the case tho, you probably want to apply the same change for ID 14, which is the opposite wall in one of those screens that is also a vertical diagonal but uses a different sprite, just to remain consistant. And if you really want to remain consistant, you would also apply changes for horizontal diagonal wall MCDs (to 2), allowing a similar travel option, but horizontally.
Also, the value of 1 is part of the OG game as, by what I've read, it was a 'true'/'false' value, but OXC (and thus OXCE) allows for additional options beyond that.
Note: while I'm referencing the MCD patches, that's only because of the documentation provided there, not that you need to use patches and would be best to edit the MCD file directly.
I'm feeling like testing possible changes and provide some images to see if it's desireble.
Judging by the description in the nightly rulesets https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)#MCD_Patches you probably mean 3 (vertical diagonal) as this should allow for diagonal movement between the north and east tiles adjacent to that one.
But inside MCDEdit, 2 is described as "diagonal | wall", whereas 3 is marked as "diagonal -- wall".
One of these sources is wrong, then. I can't determine which one, since both are good enough to prevent phasing through this wall.
If this is the case tho, you probably want to apply the same change for ID 14, which is the opposite wall in one of those screens that is also a vertical diagonal but uses a different sprite, just to remain consistant.
Sure, naturally.
And if you really want to remain consistant, you would also apply changes for horizontal diagonal wall MCDs (to 2), allowing a similar travel option, but horizontally.
In the end I decided to use 1 on all 4 variants, because I can't see any difference in behaviour (based on limited testing) and this seems like the safest option. Also Luke83 did it like that and his standard is pretty much X-Com standard for me (I've been using his solutions for like a decade now, with no ill effects).
Also, the value of 1 is part of the OG game as, by what I've read, it was a 'true'/'false' value, but OXC (and thus OXCE) allows for additional options beyond that.
Theoretically yes, but like I said, 2 and 3 seem to behave the same way regarding pathing and LoS.
If someone provides better data, I'll revise this.
I'm feeling like testing possible changes and provide some images to see if it's desireble.
That would be appreciated. :)
1) Wall missing. This one is hybrid storage mission.
Can't reproduce; these walls generate correctly for me.
2) Hybrid assault research completion dose not leads to ufopedia record. Although it is in fact created.
For now, I can't see anything wrong with it, but please provide a save before the research if you can, so I can check.
3) "Hybrid Recruitment" research also requires "Hybrid control circuitry" item(same as Hybrid control circuitry research) - not sure is it is intended.
Why not? Sorry, I need more information to follow your reasoning.
I'm using MCDView included in MapView2, the description there matches the ufopaedia description
- 2 Northeast to Southwest (NE is the right corner of the tile, SW is the left corner of the tile)
- 3 Northwest to Southeast (NW is the top corner of the tile, SE is the bottom corner of the tile)
As far as my head is processing the isometric view, it matches with these descriptions.
Yes, for the purporse of blocking the pathing through the tile, they both achieve this, however they each provide the ability to 'clip' through that tile while moving diagonally next to it.
Now, for the data, first 4 images are with all diagonal walls set to bigwall 1 (what you currently changed it to), images 5-8 are with vertical walls set to 3 and horizontal walls set to 2 and last image is with the vertical wall set to 2 which basically makes it behave like when set to 1 when taking that corner.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Could you please post your version of GRUNGE1.MCD? It's too easy to get misunderstood with these messages.
Oops, actually wanted to include that and forgot.
While I'm at it, I noticed there's an issue with scanG values. I consider this a low impact issue, but it's there. Because these are TFTD assets, they're using TFTD scang indexes but with UFO's scang.dat file, making the overhead map a bit of a garbled mess as they're not always the same or even remotely similar, the map is somewhat readable, but far from pretty.
Oops, actually wanted to include that and forgot.
Thanks! I'll use your solution. Maybe even apply it to other tilesets, if needed.
While I'm at it, I noticed there's an issue with scanG values. I consider this a low impact issue, but it's there. Because these are TFTD assets, they're using TFTD scang indexes but with UFO's scang.dat file, making the overhead map a bit of a garbled mess as they're not always the same or even remotely similar, the map is somewhat readable, but far from pretty.
Sure, that's something that needs to be done, but will take forever.
Can't reproduce; these walls generate correctly for me.
Unfortunately save is gone=(
For now, I can't see anything wrong with it, but please provide a save before the research if you can, so I can check.
I mean when research complete you naturally can click quick access to new article. Here is save, I'm on git f0211277f569bb3924ddb445ee85f87e44aa8e47 commit
Why not? Sorry, I need more information to follow your reasoning.
Because we researched underlying tec/item(Hybrid control circuitry) already and usually it is not required to have item of underlying tech to research further techs.
Sure, that's something that needs to be done, but will take forever.
Actually, took 2 hours or so. :P
Feel free to check it out, it's on GitHub.
I mean when research complete you naturally can click quick access to new article. Here is save, I'm on git f0211277f569bb3924ddb445ee85f87e44aa8e47 commit
I understand, but I still need something to test it.
Because we researched underlying tec/item(Hybrid control circuitry) already and usually it is not required to have item of underlying tech to research further techs.
What item again? It only requires the Hybrid Control Circuitry research.
For the Tasoth Factory map, you might also want to check the part of the map where the prop that looks like a pedestal with two rings hovering above it spinning is present on the ground floor. That's the part I noticed had mapping issues.
On the topic of "a bad taste", I have to say that the end game drags way more than it should if you happen to miss the MiB commander at the first couple reactor defense. I went at least 5 years of in game time from the last reactor mission until a MiB Strike Ship was generated again (which was quickly forced down and was immediately followed by 2 more Strike ships ::)). The Arbiter followed quickly enough after that. However, in general, those late game UFO missions are more frustrating than fun. Both the Strike ship and Arbiter had me pinned in the Avenger for a dozen turns until I could thin out the human/alien wave attacks and in the Arbiter's case, destroy the turrets facing me. Even those aren't close to as frustrating as alien Striker ships, the clown car ones with like 20 cyberdiscs. Pretty much every mission that spawned in that 5 years was either trivial or punishingly frustrating.
For the Tasoth Factory map, you might also want to check the part of the map where the prop that looks like a pedestal with two rings hovering above it spinning is present on the ground floor. That's the part I noticed had mapping issues.
I fixed that earlier today as well.
On the topic of "a bad taste", I have to say that the end game drags way more than it should if you happen to miss the MiB commander at the first couple reactor defense. I went at least 5 years of in game time from the last reactor mission until a MiB Strike Ship was generated again (which was quickly forced down and was immediately followed by 2 more Strike ships ::)). The Arbiter followed quickly enough after that.
Yeah, I know! I'm thinking of adding some new missions featuring the Commander. Ideas welcome (but not in this thread, please).
However, in general, those late game UFO missions are more frustrating than fun. Both the Strike ship and Arbiter had me pinned in the Avenger for a dozen turns until I could thin out the human/alien wave attacks and in the Arbiter's case, destroy the turrets facing me. Even those aren't close to as frustrating as alien Striker ships, the clown car ones with like 20 cyberdiscs. Pretty much every mission that spawned in that 5 years was either trivial or punishingly frustrating.
Working slowly on that. I mean the alien arc in general.
Thanks for the feedback!
mapScript MUMMY_ABODE_SETTLEMENT_ALTAR uses this command without any rects defined to place the altar
- type: addBlock # altar
This has the potential to spawn said altar block in (probably) unintended spots as in the example image (north cave wall).
- [1, 1, 4, 4]
as with other commands already in that same script will address the issue.
mapScript MUMMY_ABODE_SETTLEMENT_ALTAR uses this command without any rects defined to place the altar (...)
Yeah, it's strange it hasn't exploded before... Thanks, fixing.
I understand, but I still need something to test it.
I have attached save above.
What item again? It only requires the Hybrid Control Circuitry research.
It requires Hybrid Control Circuitry item. It also in save above. I can only research it on base where Hybrid Control Circuitry research was done, guess because it is only place with Hybrid Control Circuitry item.
I don't actually know is it bug or feature. But on 31th(same save above) there is lots of big UFOs incoming in area and alien colony appears. And country, where is appeared is resign in finance report. And this happens even if I waste colony and battleships. Is this scripted event, or something? Also I guess if country is resigned, then it is permanent, right?
About BFG. Clearly this should be fun imba weapon one of a kind. Gave it to braves and most psi gifted for max damage yield. But it gives pain instead of pure fun because of fire. Fire in general is more annoying, than useful, but field of such scale is even hard to traverse. Also looks like even thin wall can save. This produce common oldschool cartoon plot twist: small house is totally obliterated, all is on fire and alien is standing untouched.
Was thinking about this Apocalypse fort mission. Consider add more of same mayhem crowd control missions. I personally keep one cult mansion just to have fun from time to time.
1) Remnants of defeated cults gathering in mansion to forge alliance and x-com was not invited to party=)
2) Hybrids organized local gangs to riot and raise regional unrest. This one I guess should be in slums.
3) Infernal energy burst made sensitive people gone mad and wreck havoc.
4) Cyberweb gang infected with some kind of virus and gone cyberpsychosis.
5) Lots of ghosts on long forgotten battlefield became unrest.
This should make late game stage less frustrating.
I have attached save above.
Everything looks fine. This research leads to Hybrid Infiltrator, which you already have, so you don't get the report.
The armor is unlocked separately, which is why it's never displayed.
It requires Hybrid Control Circuitry item. It also in save above. I can only research it on base where Hybrid Control Circuitry research was done, guess because it is only place with Hybrid Control Circuitry item.
requiresBaseFunc: [PSILAB]
cost: 100
points: 300
listOrder: 300030
Please enlighten me where in this entry it says that Hybrid Recruitment requires a Hybrid Control Circuitry item. :P
I don't actually know is it bug or feature. But on 31th(same save above) there is lots of big UFOs incoming in area and alien colony appears. And country, where is appeared is resign in finance report. And this happens even if I waste colony and battleships. Is this scripted event, or something? Also I guess if country is resigned, then it is permanent, right?
Yeah, it's permanent.
About BFG. Clearly this should be fun imba weapon one of a kind. Gave it to braves and most psi gifted for max damage yield. But it gives pain instead of pure fun because of fire. Fire in general is more annoying, than useful, but field of such scale is even hard to traverse. Also looks like even thin wall can save. This produce common oldschool cartoon plot twist: small house is totally obliterated, all is on fire and alien is standing untouched.
Well, I guess I can tweak the amount of fire. But I'm not sure this isn't appropriate. :)
Was thinking about this Apocalypse fort mission. Consider add more of same mayhem crowd control missions. I personally keep one cult mansion just to have fun from time to time.
1) Remnants of defeated cults gathering in mansion to forge alliance and x-com was not invited to party=)
2) Hybrids organized local gangs to riot and raise regional unrest. This one I guess should be in slums.
3) Infernal energy burst made sensitive people gone mad and wreck havoc.
4) Cyberweb gang infected with some kind of virus and gone cyberpsychosis.
5) Lots of ghosts on long forgotten battlefield became unrest.
This should make late game stage less frustrating.
Yeah, I might do something like that.
Problematic structure. The stairs to the upper level are not working. The enemy is there, but for some reason it is impossible to get to him.
Problematic structure. The stairs to the upper level are not working. The enemy is there, but for some reason it is impossible to get to him.
Thanks, fixed.
Next time please use a less monochrome screenshot, it wasn't easy to read...
I am not sure if this has been posted, there are many armors which miss the "CHOKE" attribute in between Humans and Hybrids.
Sometimes human only armors have it, other times only hybrid armors.
I made a short list here (but it is not all inclusive, there are more):
1. Tritanium vest
2. Liquidator
3. Armored Vest
4. Night OPS
5. Anti grav module
6. Bulletproof coat
7. Shadow
8. Personal armor
9. Cyber armor
10. Synth suit
And some example screenshots as well.
Also, I am not certain if it is because I've been updating the mod using the same save (or if this is needed), but some of the "OUTFITS" are out of order.
Not really an issue I though.
Hybrids are supposed to have base choke value of 100 % (humans 400 %), which is the "default value". Maybe that's one of the reasons it it sometimes doesn't show? Not sure of the technical aspects.
While checking this I noticed that hybrid JUMPSUITs have 400 % choke. This is clearly an oversight. The choke resistance can't be worse than with a suit..
Yes, any damage type that does 100% of the rated damage will be filtered out, so it's not an issue of this mod or any other mod, even the base game does that.
I am not sure if this has been posted, there are many armors which miss the "CHOKE" attribute in between Humans and Hybrids.
Sometimes human only armors have it, other times only hybrid armors.
I haven't checked them all yet, but those on the screens seem more or less okay; hybrids are part-Sectoids, ad Sectoids have choke immunity.
Is it sensible? No. But that's the current model. I'll probably make some major changes to it at some point, but technically, it's not a bug.
Also, I am not certain if it is because I've been updating the mod using the same save (or if this is needed), but some of the "OUTFITS" are out of order.
Not really an issue I though.
Thanks, fixed the Assault Suit. Will check other outfits later.
Hybrids are supposed to have base choke value of 100 % (humans 400 %), which is the "default value". Maybe that's one of the reasons it it sometimes doesn't show? Not sure of the technical aspects.
Yes, 100% is never shown... Because it's 100%.
While checking this I noticed that hybrid JUMPSUITs have 400 % choke. This is clearly an oversight. The choke resistance can't be worse than with a suit..
Indeed, it's a discrepancy. Will fix.
Another minor thing in Tasoth Factory. It would seem that these two segments should be connected so that the unit could move to the highlighted square with two steps. Especially because you can directly walk to the tile one closer to the agent so there is a small deadend on this side. But there is something invisible or difficult to see blocking the way. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taking an FPS view snapshot. On the other hand, if these are not meant to be connected, the "up" wall in the tile next to the agent should look more blocking.
The walls in that tight hallway are in the wrong tile part, they've been placed in the north part when they should be in the west part, visually you really can't tell unless you're trying to look down the hallway and notice it keeps tiles 'hidden' or walk through it as some of the tiles are 'unrechable' and others require taking a detour.
In Agent Wilheard's Voyage, the mission ended in turn 10 or so by my agent mind-controlling the Wilheard ghost which was the last enemy unit. For whatever reason in this specific scenario I didn't get the live capture of Wilheard. I wonder if this might be some kind of bug in the mod or engine.
Well, I wouldn't have had ghost tank to store and interrogate the ghost in any case..
Another minor thing in Tasoth Factory. It would seem that these two segments should be connected so that the unit could move to the highlighted square with two steps. Especially because you can directly walk to the tile one closer to the agent so there is a small deadend on this side. But there is something invisible or difficult to see blocking the way. Unfortunately, I didn't think of taking an FPS view snapshot. On the other hand, if these are not meant to be connected, the "up" wall in the tile next to the agent should look more blocking.
The walls in that tight hallway are in the wrong tile part, they've been placed in the north part when they should be in the west part, visually you really can't tell unless you're trying to look down the hallway and notice it keeps tiles 'hidden' or walk through it as some of the tiles are 'unrechable' and others require taking a detour.
The joys of using third party terrains. -_- Or maybe it's my fault back from when I was inexperienced.
Fixed the problematic map, thanks.
In Agent Wilheard's Voyage, the mission ended in turn 10 or so by my agent mind-controlling the Wilheard ghost which was the last enemy unit. For whatever reason in this specific scenario I didn't get the live capture of Wilheard. I wonder if this might be some kind of bug in the mod or engine.
I can't see any reason for this... A save would be helpful.
(I tried replicating the situation in Quick Battle, but I failed to MC Wilheard... Even with doctored agents.)
I can't see any reason for this... A save would be helpful.
(I tried replicating the situation in Quick Battle, but I failed to MC Wilheard... Even with doctored agents.)
Unfortunately, I don't have a save. MC was easy at least with 110 PST / 100 PSK agent (a hybrid with sectoid legacy and helix psion). I recall Stone Lake also did MC Wilheard in his SH/IM stream, though his purpose was to spam the tentacles for melee training IIRC. Also I haven't ever learned how to use quick battle with my own crew. If someone tells how to do it, I suppose it would be reasonably easy to replicate the behavior w/ quick battle with that MC-capable agent.
I analyzed absolutely all manufacturing processes to find the most profitable ones. For manufacturing processes that do not consume resources but only money I found one production - STR_ALENHEAD_ARMOR. The profit from the sale of this armor is much higher than the cost of its production, considering the negative profit from the sale of all other manufactured items compared to the cost of their production.
I understand that the note “costSell: 675000 # to do” means that changes to this item are possible, just a reminder to remember to change the cost of making this armor as well :)
By the way, I also analyzed the manufacturing processes that require resources to make. And, for example, for productions that use only Elerium-115, I found that these items are profitable to make and sell: STR_SCOUT_VEHICLE_LASER_CLIP and STR_PORTABLE_LASER_CANNON_CLIP.
In the calculations I took into account the value of spent Elerium-115 at its sale price (since it cannot be bought and the purchase price is 0). Maybe that's a mistake, too.
I can say the same for some other manufacturing processes - the profit from selling their results exceeds the cost of making them :)
Unfortunately, I don't have a save.
No problem, I'll make more tests later.
I analyzed absolutely all manufacturing processes to find the most profitable ones. For manufacturing processes that do not consume resources but only money I found one production - STR_ALENHEAD_ARMOR. The profit from the sale of this armor is much higher than the cost of its production, considering the negative profit from the sale of all other manufactured items compared to the cost of their production.
Yes, but that's only because I forgot to adjust the item selling cost... Should be $66000 :)
By the way, I also analyzed the manufacturing processes that require resources to make. And, for example, for productions that use only Elerium-115, I found that these items are profitable to make and sell: STR_SCOUT_VEHICLE_LASER_CLIP and STR_PORTABLE_LASER_CANNON_CLIP.
In the calculations I took into account the value of spent Elerium-115 at its sale price (since it cannot be bought and the purchase price is 0). Maybe that's a mistake, too.
Also true; there was an error in the formula, as it assumed an incorrect amout of E-115 for both.
Good job! :)
I can say the same for some other manufacturing processes - the profit from selling their results exceeds the cost of making them :)
Please report any suspicious values... Also if they seem too good. ;)
FYI: the XComFiles 3.6b archive is missing a ton of terrain files, at least, that are present in 3.6 (no b). Everything starting with D-Z appears to be missing.
FYI: the XComFiles 3.6b archive is missing a ton of terrain files, at least, that are present in 3.6 (no b). Everything starting with D-Z appears to be missing.
Looks fine on my side.
Is this working properly for other people? Please confirm, anyone.
The package at mod.io site seems to include everything; the size is right too. Must be a problem at gchpaco's side.
Please report any suspicious values... Also if they seem too good. ;)
Here's what looks too profitable in my opinion (for version 3.6b):
STR_PLASMA_CASTER: 18 892 profit
STR_PIKE_MISSILES: 15 324 profit
STR_TRACE_FLARE: 7 873 profit
STR_ELERIUM_FLARE_X5: 4 220 profit
If you know how to work with Excel files, here it is - you can use it however you want :)
My self-made program was used to collect the raw data for this file.
Really minor things. Every other hybrid (and many others) except the scientist can give you Staff Input: The Nephilim Gene. Hybrid Scientist must be an oversight, because I can't think of a reason why it could not unlock the topic that even all low-level cultists unlock.
"Sectopod Adaptation" depends on, among others, Sectopod i.e. live-captured sectopod. But you can gain information also from an alien engineer without ever seen, let alone captured a sectopod.
The start of the description is as follows: "Having thoroughly studied the Sectopod, we have a fairly good idea on how to repurpose its chassis for our AI units."
I suggest rewording this to be more general, like "With our in-depth knowledge of the Sectopod, we have ...".
I saw a very rare Alien Diplomacy mission with hyperwave decoder. My six bases with a hyperwave decoder in each cover essentially all the globe with only a few parts of oceans left out. I was expecting the envoy ship to land, but it just flew around a little bit and then despawned over the Indian ocean near Australia.
This was confusing, because looking at the rulesets and P0 ufoTrajectory, if I understand this correctly, it should have landed twice (the waypoints beginning with zero). Do the aliens sometimes abort the mission they are supposed to undertake before completing it? I wonder what was going on? If the envoy ship had been following the ufoTrajectory, there is no way I could not have spotted it using hyperwave decoders earlier.
points: 0
count: 1
trajectory: P0
timer: 12000
- id: P0
groundTimer: 3000
- [5, 4, 100]
- [0, 3, 74]
- [0, 1, 28]
- [1, 1, 47]
- [5, 2, 100]
Not sure if this debuggable at this point as I didn't keep a save while this was occurring, but looking back at the save, I can see the following (the only mentions of diplomacy or envoy ship):
- 'month: 29 script: alienDiplomacy id: 613 type: STR_ALIEN_DIPLOMACY race: STR_MIXED region: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN targetZone: -1 targetArea: -1'
- 'gameTime: 1999-05-22 10:00:00 ufoId: 305 ufoType: STR_ENVOY_SHIP race: STR_MIXED region: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN trajectory: P0 missionId: 613 missionType: STR_ALIEN_DIPLOMACY'
P0 doesn't have any landing in its definition.
P0 doesn't have any landing in its definition.
Thanks. It seems I read the ruleset reference wrong so this is working as defined to the engine. Zero in the second one means ground, not the first one.
From mod design perspective, it's rather strange a diplomacy mission that doesn't even land, though.
In mission debriefing, each holodrone corpse or live terrorist also yields you some undefined HOLODRONE_WEAPON with zero cost. I guess this is an oversight.
I was also a bit surprised to see an Alien Domination mission, with Gazer on an Observer craft. There were only two gazers present, and almost a dozen holodrones. I suppose this might be intentional. A bit surprised because other alien races don't bring terror units along with this craft. So this could very well also be a bug in defining alien ranks.
No problem, I'll make more tests later.
I was suspecting I might be hitting the same or similar issue in Night at the Museum mission. So I tested it there and took a save when dealing with the final enemy unit, saurian ghost:
- stunning him (resulting in four squares ZZZ's) with two hits of a power mace does not give you a live capture (should it?)
- ending the mission with MC also does not give you a live capture
Note that I don't even have ghost tank researched, let alone have one built, but I don't think that should affect whether you should be able to at least see the live capture (though you can do nothing with it). In earlier games I have usually had ghost tank build on a secondary base and been able to transfer ghost units there from mission debriefing screen.
Also in debug mode for whatever reason the hotkey CTRL-J for stunning all live aliens did not work, it displays text "Deploying Celine Dion album" (neither CTRL-ALT-J), but CTRL-K for killing works.
I wonder if this is some kind of stunning mechanic issue or related to the way how ghost units are defined.
I got around to testing this hypothesis with a New Battle of Haunted House, where there are stunnable humans and ghosts both. CTRL-J works for humans but not for ghosts. In this second save I didn't manage to manually stun a ghost (and then kill the rest), but on another having one go ZZZ also doesn't give you a live capture of the ghost.
At sometime this must have changed somehow, as I have clear memory of transferring poltergeists and ghosts from mission debriefing screen.
If you don't have ghost tank, you won't see live captures at debriefing. You should see something like "there's no containment, so perp is dead". In new battle it's treated as if you have empty base, thus no captures (probably configurable through editing new battle related save).
If you don't have ghost tank, you won't see live captures at debriefing. You should see something like "there's no containment, so perp is dead". In new battle it's treated as if you have empty base, thus no captures (probably configurable through editing new battle related save).
In such case, the engine should check whether any of the bases has applicable containment - maybe it does (recalling my earlier games where this was the case).
If you do have a ghost tank on some other base, you see the live capture and can transfer the ghost to that base. You see the message about entity degenerating after that, IIRC.
This would logically explain the behavior I'm seeing. Except the curious case why stunning hotkey CTRL-J does not work on ghosts in debug mode (or is the engine again too smart for me?).
Here's what looks too profitable in my opinion (for version 3.6b):
Great, that's very helpful - thanks!
Some of them (not all) indeed had errors.
If you know how to work with Excel files, here it is - you can use it however you want :)
My self-made program was used to collect the raw data for this file.
Thank you; I have my own Excel, but the errors I mentioned were incorrect values in the files (different from intended prices, etc.).
Yours is very nice though, I wouldn't mind getting an update once in a while. ;)
Really minor things. Every other hybrid (and many others) except the scientist can give you Staff Input: The Nephilim Gene. Hybrid Scientist must be an oversight, because I can't think of a reason why it could not unlock the topic that even all low-level cultists unlock.
I honestly am not sure why it is so, but I guess you're right. Added.
"Sectopod Adaptation" depends on, among others, Sectopod i.e. live-captured sectopod. But you can gain information also from an alien engineer without ever seen, let alone captured a sectopod.
The start of the description is as follows: "Having thoroughly studied the Sectopod, we have a fairly good idea on how to repurpose its chassis for our AI units."
I suggest rewording this to be more general, like "With our in-depth knowledge of the Sectopod, we have ...".
Yeah, that's technically correct, but there are too many such instances in the game; I think it's pointless without a complete overhaul of texts. For now, let's consider it just a simplification.
From mod design perspective, it's rather strange a diplomacy mission that doesn't even land, though.
The Ethereal Envoy waves from the window. He can't be bothered to step on this mudball without a very good reason.
In mission debriefing, each holodrone corpse or live terrorist also yields you some undefined HOLODRONE_WEAPON with zero cost. I guess this is an oversight.
That's very strange, and very new. It's an unrecoverable and fixed weapon. I have no idea what is going on.
...Wait, you said HOLODRONE_WEAPON? Not STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON? This is curious, as there's no such item in XCF. There was in some older instances, though. Better check for duplicates.
I was also a bit surprised to see an Alien Domination mission, with Gazer on an Observer craft. There were only two gazers present, and almost a dozen holodrones. I suppose this might be intentional. A bit surprised because other alien races don't bring terror units along with this craft. So this could very well also be a bug in defining alien ranks.
That depends on the race.
That's very strange, and very new. It's an unrecoverable and fixed weapon. I have no idea what is going on.
...Wait, you said HOLODRONE_WEAPON? Not STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON? This is curious, as there's no such item in XCF. There was in some older instances, though. Better check for duplicates.
Looking at this, this might a problem at my end. As you said, XCF uses STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON. HOLODRONE_WEAPON is (incorrectly) used in two places in the XCF hyper trajectory submod. Maybe that's pulling them in and causing the weirdness.
I am aware, although what exactly looks out of place is subjective.
Which ones you find out of place, exactly? Besides the Vampire Castle background.
Now that you ask, I went through most of them (browsing through the filesystem), and here's a list for consideration:
- Backgrounds: CULT_BACKGROUND.JPG (though this is long established already and not a real issue)
- Commendations: MEDAL_STATGAIN.png (low quality, style inconsistent), MEDAL_CARREER_MISSIONS.png (low quality), MEDAL_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT.png and MEDAL_AQUANAUT_CPAL.png (OK as such but strikingly different style than the rest)
- Dossiers: Ding_Quadong_CPAL.png is the only one drawing. Some others are also abysmally low quality pictures, such as Ernie_Lloyd_Sabatka.png and Lo_Wo_CPAL.jpg, but these could be argued to be intentional (the researchers were only able to obtain a bad image of them) - it would still be really cool if some of the worst quality ones were to be replaced.
- Slides: Cyberdrednought.png is a bit cartoonish and also a bit strange (smoke coming from the pipes as if it was the Titanic from 1900?)
- UfopediaTechPics: AlienIncursion_CPAL.png (why is this with so strange pink colors, a bit off anyway?), alienneuropsychology.png (the alien especially looks very weird here), ChurchOfDagonRationale_CPAL.png (see above, not really a big issue), CyberwebMystek_CPAL.jpg (really bad quality), fusionexplosives.png, fusionweapons.jpg (maybe), GreenGoo_CPAL.jpg (this is what I was originally thinking about when I said cartoonish out of He-Man), HunterHunted.png (maybe, but ok as such I guess), Hybrid_Agent_CPAL.jpg (a bit inconsistent with the more recent hybrid images), ImprovedUndercoverOperations_CPAL.jpg (OK as such but a cartoonish style differs from the rest), opticalprocessor.png, ResidualPsionicArtifacts.png (OK as such but to me seems a bit off), UNIT.png (a bit off-style but OK as such), xcomagents.png (a bit off-style), xenonauts.png (a bit off style maybe).
Looking at this, this might a problem at my end. As you said, XCF uses STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON. HOLODRONE_WEAPON is (incorrectly) used in two places in the XCF hyper trajectory submod. Maybe that's pulling them in and causing the weirdness.
This could be easely avoided / detected if submods relied more on the extended update and override nodes instead of the standard type and name nodes when making changes to an existing node from a parent mod. Update will silently skip if the node was not defined in a previously loaded mod, Override will throw a hard error and crash the game with a notification instead in the same situation. The standard nodes will create an item if it doesn't exist yet, assigning default values to missing properties and if it does exist, it will modify it according to the specified properties.
Looking at this, this might a problem at my end. As you said, XCF uses STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON. HOLODRONE_WEAPON is (incorrectly) used in two places in the XCF hyper trajectory submod. Maybe that's pulling them in and causing the weirdness.
Yep, that would definitely cause a problem! :)
Now that you ask, I went through most of them (browsing through the filesystem), and here's a list for consideration:
- Backgrounds: CULT_BACKGROUND.JPG (though this is long established already and not a real issue)
- Commendations: MEDAL_STATGAIN.png (low quality, style inconsistent), MEDAL_CARREER_MISSIONS.png (low quality), MEDAL_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT.png and MEDAL_AQUANAUT_CPAL.png (OK as such but strikingly different style than the rest)
- Dossiers: Ding_Quadong_CPAL.png is the only one drawing. Some others are also abysmally low quality pictures, such as Ernie_Lloyd_Sabatka.png and Lo_Wo_CPAL.jpg, but these could be argued to be intentional (the researchers were only able to obtain a bad image of them) - it would still be really cool if some of the worst quality ones were to be replaced.
- Slides: Cyberdrednought.png is a bit cartoonish and also a bit strange (smoke coming from the pipes as if it was the Titanic from 1900?)
- UfopediaTechPics: AlienIncursion_CPAL.png (why is this with so strange pink colors, a bit off anyway?), alienneuropsychology.png (the alien especially looks very weird here), ChurchOfDagonRationale_CPAL.png (see above, not really a big issue), CyberwebMystek_CPAL.jpg (really bad quality), fusionexplosives.png, fusionweapons.jpg (maybe), GreenGoo_CPAL.jpg (this is what I was originally thinking about when I said cartoonish out of He-Man), HunterHunted.png (maybe, but ok as such I guess), Hybrid_Agent_CPAL.jpg (a bit inconsistent with the more recent hybrid images), ImprovedUndercoverOperations_CPAL.jpg (OK as such but a cartoonish style differs from the rest), opticalprocessor.png, ResidualPsionicArtifacts.png (OK as such but to me seems a bit off), UNIT.png (a bit off-style but OK as such), xcomagents.png (a bit off-style), xenonauts.png (a bit off style maybe).
Thanks. I can't check them right now (being at work), but I will go over these examples.
Funnily, some of them were specifically created for FMP (and XCF by extension), if I recall correctly.
There's an issue with the new mission Forest Lodge Defense. Only the 1st unit of the entire squad spawns in. The issue lies in that the Lodge block is spawned in as a craft and there's only a single open entry tile ouside the door. There's actually 2 more entry floor tiles next to that one, but they're both occupied by a content element. For craft spawning, soldiers will only be placed on valid entry tiles, ignoring xcom nodes by what I've observed. I've experimented around and managed to get it to work. Had to redeclare the block as a terrain map and used verticalLevels to get the desired effect. When no craft has been placed on a map via addCraft, xcom units will use xcom marked nodes for spawning and will clump up randomly around them if there's not enough nodes for all units.
During my testing I discovered that one of the forest terrains: FINNIKFOREST01 had an xcom node defined so they all spawned over that side far from the lodge. I've changed that node to another type so xcom units don't spawn over there, but don't know if that is intented for another mission which could break. I haven't seen such a mission while working on my submod, but then again, there's plenty of missions I haven't adapted yet.
Also, since I no longer used an addCraft, I had to change the node at the Lodge entrance to an xcom node as at least 1 is needed to spawn xcom units this way.
I've attached all modified RMP and the small ruleset files that fixes this. You can always add or modify nodes in the lodge to let the xcom spawns spread out a bit more.
There's an issue with the new mission Forest Lodge Defense. Only the 1st unit of the entire squad spawns in. The issue lies in that the Lodge block is spawned in as a craft and there's only a single open entry tile ouside the door.
Yeah... That's how it's supposed to be. The description specifically says "To avoid attention, send only one agent to investigate." Allowing more people would trivialize this mission, and I wanted a mission with desperate civilians, not yet another zombie slaughter by a group of cyborg commandos from the future.
During my testing I discovered that one of the forest terrains: FINNIKFOREST01 had an xcom node defined so they all spawned over that side far from the lodge. I've changed that node to another type so xcom units don't spawn over there, but don't know if that is intented for another mission which could break. I haven't seen such a mission while working on my submod, but then again, there's plenty of missions I haven't adapted yet.
You're right, this looks like a 100% bug. Weird...
Thank you!
Ah, my bad, I assumed more was allowed since the lodge 'craft' ruleset defined room for 18 soldiers. I'll take note of this.
Ah, my bad, I assumed more was allowed since the lodge 'craft' ruleset defined room for 18 soldiers. I'll take note of this.
You're right, it should be 1. Doesn't impact the game in any way, but is quite inelegant.
I was suspecting I might be hitting the same or similar issue in Night at the Museum mission. So I tested it there and took a save when dealing with the final enemy unit, saurian ghost:
- stunning him (resulting in four squares ZZZ's) with two hits of a power mace does not give you a live capture (should it?)
- ending the mission with MC also does not give you a live capture
Note that I don't even have ghost tank researched, let alone have one built, but I don't think that should affect whether you should be able to at least see the live capture (though you can do nothing with it). In earlier games I have usually had ghost tank build on a secondary base and been able to transfer ghost units there from mission debriefing screen.
Also in debug mode for whatever reason the hotkey CTRL-J for stunning all live aliens did not work, it displays text "Deploying Celine Dion album" (neither CTRL-ALT-J), but CTRL-K for killing works.
I wonder if this is some kind of stunning mechanic issue or related to the way how ghost units are defined.
I got around to testing this hypothesis with a New Battle of Haunted House, where there are stunnable humans and ghosts both. CTRL-J works for humans but not for ghosts. In this second save I didn't manage to manually stun a ghost (and then kill the rest), but on another having one go ZZZ also doesn't give you a live capture of the ghost.
At sometime this must have changed somehow, as I have clear memory of transferring poltergeists and ghosts from mission debriefing screen.
I used the save game provided to make a copy but with a ghost tank in Venezuela. First screen shows what you get if you capture without any ghost tank anywhere (basically the unmodified save) and the second image shows what happens when there's at least a valid prison type for the capture available. And yes, it gives you the option to transfer it at that point, but you still need a valid prison for it somewhere.
Additionally, New Battle won't help testing for this scenario as I've observed in my experiments. It simply churns all captures (MCed or stunned) in the debriefing blender and they all become corpses. I used vanilla UFO Defense to generate a medium scout with sectoids, warped my way around in debug mode with the stun rod and bonk them all to sleep. Debriefing reports none made it back alive anywhere.
Edit: self correction.
The issue with New Battle is not the option itself, but rather it recreates a dummy base using the starting facilities. Since most starting bases usually lack the required facility, all captures of any kind will just be killed in the afterbattle report. If you mod it so this starting base comes with a compatible prison type, or mod any of the starting facilities to act as said prison type, the debriefing will reflect that upon completing the New Battle.
Thanks for testing and verifying the engine behaviour. A bit odd that you get more points out of live captures when you have the corresponding containment facility built versus when not, but there we go..
One aspect of the game that has never felt great is the engineer lottery. Basically, the transition from the mid game to end game is largely gated by capturing dozens of engineers and leaders and hoping you pull one of the few interrogations that are valuable. This can be rough as there is plenty of overlap with navigators and even some with medics leading to a pretty complicated "optimal" way to interrogate aliens. I'm not sure if there is a better answer, long research times gating progress is a staple in Xcom-like games, but it still doesn't make spinning the interrogation wheel any more fun.
One aspect of the game that has never felt great is the engineer lottery. Basically, the transition from the mid game to end game is largely gated by capturing dozens of engineers and leaders and hoping you pull one of the few interrogations that are valuable. This can be rough as there is plenty of overlap with navigators and even some with medics leading to a pretty complicated "optimal" way to interrogate aliens. I'm not sure if there is a better answer, long research times gating progress is a staple in Xcom-like games, but it still doesn't make spinning the interrogation wheel any more fun.
I'm not a huge fan of this either (worked better in FMP), but at this stage I do not have a good alternative. I'd probably have to redo the whole tree of alien culture/tech (Alien Vocabulary etc.) to make it dependant on other stuff, not just captured specialists. And that's a major writing problem.
To be honest, I haven't received much criticism for this, so I haven't been motivated to do something about it yet.
The optimal way to interrogate aliens is capture 10-20 leaders (there's 1, or 2 in some medium UFOs), and interrogate them. Almost every topic they give is useful, and they can be quickly exhausted. The inverse (saving leaders for last) leads to said lottery. Interrogating engis/navis/medics is mostly wasting brainpower, and should be done after you get good tech.
Leaders are more effective, yes, but in the midgame (before and briefly after the start of 1999) the most chances you have at alien captures are small UFOs, from which you can only get soldiers, navigators and a bit more rarely engineers (depending on craft). So quite often you can and should get started with navigators and engineers. But it is of course possible to restrict your initial research to only a select few samples.
Often I find myself with 1 leader, 2 or 3 engineers, 2 or 3 navigators and a fistful of assorted others after a mission. At the beginning, leaders have, for example, 25 techs of which 5 are useful. One pull at 20% isn't great and early on leaders aren't easy to come by, so if you interrogate a soldier or two first, then the navigators, then engineers, you might get those odds up to 25 or 30%. If you are swimming in Leaders, sure, but an early hit on one of the important techs can improve survivability in the mid game substantially, so I do my best to maximize the chance on early pulls of the wheel.
As to a fix, well, it's hard to say. The "substantial breadth" is a big draw for XCom Files, the issue is just that it is a mile wide but inch deep at some points, often when you've stalled and are waiting for that one mission type you need to advance to spawn. You could add options to make it easier to get those techs, or alien techs in general, but that'd just exacerbate the wait for specific spawns near the endgame. Long term, do you have a goal for how research should work in the end game? Is it expected that the player will fully research every option? One path some games take is to provide research chains that while not mutually exclusive, require more resources than the player has to fully explore by the end game, sort of like a softer version of the codex from Xpiratez. So instead plasma being the default endgame weapon, maybe have terawatt laser, warp cannon, and monofilament flechette, but each requires a data core that is a one off from a very slow to reoccur mission and the data core has to be "cracked" providing only one of the technologies.
I'm not a huge fan of this either (worked better in FMP), but at this stage I do not have a good alternative. I'd probably have to redo the whole tree of alien culture/tech (Alien Vocabulary etc.) to make it dependant on other stuff, not just captured specialists. And that's a major writing problem.
To be honest, I haven't received much criticism for this, so I haven't been motivated to do something about it yet.
Is it possible to make a research topic consume multiple items from the stores/prisons?
If yes, vital researches might be able to be brute-forced by consuming an alien and a relevant object. I am thinking something along the lines of using one UFO Propulsion and any alien Engineer to research Alien Gravity Generator.
Or perhaps make all brute-forcing depend on one expensive resource, such as Alien Data Slates. One could either decrypt and research it to play the roulette, then research a Leader/Engineer to play it again, or they could consume both to guarantee a certain topic that the Leader/Engineer in question has a chance of telling.
For what it's worth, I have never had a major problem of doing those dozen or two dozen alien research projects. You can get all of them done reasonably smoothlessly in 1999-2000 timeframe.
They also follow exactly the same pattern as XCF in general in many other aspects, except that alien tech research is mandatory for progress while some other areas are just fillers (for example, almost all things Alien Hybrids will tell you are just additional information or the same thing aliens will tell you with a greater research cost; the same with syndicate scientists and MIBs, especially MIB scientists). There are multiple layers of information you can glean from prisoners, and it might make sense to start working from the ground up (from the prisoner who is knows least and/or cheapest to interrogate). Or you could just try to get what you need and skip the rest. Personally, I've always researched everything, but I'm a research junkie (I have usually built 200-300 research space by the end of 1999 so you advance the research quickly).
A bigger problem - and where I have usually stopped playing the campaign and started from scratch after a while - is playing the MIB commander and/or ethereal commander capture roulette, waiting for your chance to grab them. And I think based on reports SS already ackowledges this is not optimal, but how to get it better is the question.
Long term, do you have a goal for how research should work in the end game? Is it expected that the player will fully research every option?
Insert the "Do I look like a man with a plan?" meme here...
In seriousness, I'm hoping for a certain amount of randomness in what you get in a given campaign and what you don't (or you do, but too late to count).
One path some games take is to provide research chains that while not mutually exclusive, require more resources than the player has to fully explore by the end game, sort of like a softer version of the codex from Xpiratez. So instead plasma being the default endgame weapon, maybe have terawatt laser, warp cannon, and monofilament flechette, but each requires a data core that is a one off from a very slow to reoccur mission and the data core has to be "cracked" providing only one of the technologies.
That's a commendable direction, but XCF's premise gives little room for such branching. Piratez takes place in the far future, with many alien civs and such available for examination, whereas XCF focuses on retroengineering just Cydonian tech, with some aspects of Dimension X and T'leth solutions.
I'd like to add some more techs from secret groups like The Grid or Discordians, but their capabilities would also be limited to what you can do on present Earth.
Is it possible to make a research topic consume multiple items from the stores/prisons?
Or perhaps make all brute-forcing depend on one expensive resource, such as Alien Data Slates. One could either decrypt and research it to play the roulette, then research a Leader/Engineer to play it again, or they could consume both to guarantee a certain topic that the Leader/Engineer in question has a chance of telling.
I guess, but I'd rather choose something more interesting than data slates. Even live engineers are more interesting.
A bigger problem - and where I have usually stopped playing the campaign and started from scratch after a while - is playing the MIB commander and/or ethereal commander capture roulette, waiting for your chance to grab them. And I think based on reports SS already ackowledges this is not optimal, but how to get it better is the question.
One day I'll actually get to the end game... and then I'll start making adjustments. :P
One pull at 20% isn't great and early on leaders aren't easy to come by, so if you interrogate a soldier or two first, then the navigators, then engineers, you might get those odds up to 25 or 30%. If you are swimming in Leaders, sure, but an early hit on one of the important techs can improve survivability in the mid game substantially, so I do my best to maximize the chance on early pulls of the wheel.
This is exactly the erroneous thinking that won't get you anything. 20-> 25% is like nothing. No, leaders need to be prioritised if you need techs - e.g. a lucky laser pull, and progress to adv lab. Granted, after researching at least one engi / nav, etc.
Survivability is not really the function of the lucky techs either. Most core survival techs (PSI, tanks, advanced soldiers, extinguishers, medkits) are alien independent. Some good late armor can be looted from captures.
And to produce those armors, you need advanced lab = ALL the techs, not just a single lucky one. And that means exhausting leaders.
That's a commendable direction, but XCF's premise gives little room for such branching. Piratez takes place in the far future, with many alien civs and such available for examination, whereas XCF focuses on retroengineering just Cydonian tech, with some aspects of Dimension X and T'leth solutions.
I'd like to add some more techs from secret groups like The Grid or Discordians, but their capabilities would also be limited to what you can do on present Earth.
I was thinking less from a lore perspective and more mechanics. XPiratez has its flaws, but the idea to have a junction point like the codex change up how your early game plays with bits reaching into the later game works well. In XCF, lorewise you could have a similar fork, the player captures an alien artifact somewhere like the MiB lunar base, call it an "unconfigured nanotechnology matrix". Once researched, the player has options, they could configure it into a "fusion matrix" via engineering project if they have the fusion tree researched, allowing the fusion matrix to be used in the construction of a facility required to manufacture really nasty plasma weapons. They could also give it to MAGMA for a rep hit to unlock the ability to purchase nasty kinetic/cutting weapons, like a gauss mini gun family. Finally, if they know about the Discordians or some obscure alien faction, they could run an engineering project to trade the unconfigured matrix for a shipment of nasty warp weapons, something that attacks like a non-LOS PSI weapon but has limited ammo with something unpleasant like Human sacrifices needed to procure additional clips from the benefactor.This is exactly the erroneous thinking that won't get you anything. 20-> 25% is like nothing. No, leaders need to be prioritised if you need techs - e.g. a lucky laser pull, and progress to adv lab. Granted, after researching at least one engi / nav, etc.
You do you, but 25% is greater than 20%, this is math not XCom shooting odds, and plasma is the only reliable way to deal with mid to late game enemies like the upgraded sectiods, mutons, turrets and ethereals aside from packing enough cheese to be declared legally French. Leaders don't grow on trees, so if you are at the stage where you have a limited number of captured aliens, "leaders always first" won't always be the fastest option.
I was thinking less from a lore perspective and more mechanics. XPiratez has its flaws, but the idea to have a junction point like the codex change up how your early game plays with bits reaching into the later game works well. In XCF, lorewise you could have a similar fork, the player captures an alien artifact somewhere like the MiB lunar base, call it an "unconfigured nanotechnology matrix". Once researched, the player has options, they could configure it into a "fusion matrix" via engineering project if they have the fusion tree researched, allowing the fusion matrix to be used in the construction of a facility required to manufacture really nasty plasma weapons. They could also give it to MAGMA for a rep hit to unlock the ability to purchase nasty kinetic/cutting weapons, like a gauss mini gun family. Finally, if they know about the Discordians or some obscure alien faction, they could run an engineering project to trade the unconfigured matrix for a shipment of nasty warp weapons, something that attacks like a non-LOS PSI weapon but has limited ammo with something unpleasant like Human sacrifices needed to procure additional clips from the benefactor.
Hmm, that's more or less what I have in mind. It's still pretty vague, though. And I have so much other stuff to do...
...plasma is the only reliable way to deal with mid to late game enemies like the upgraded sectiods, mutons, turrets and ethereals aside from packing enough cheese to be declared legally French. Leaders don't grow on trees, so if you are at the stage where you have a limited number of captured aliens, "leaders always first" won't always be the fastest option
I have no idea what you're talking about. Plasma is endgame weapon, gated behind advanced lab (and IIRC delta radiation, of all things), and these are endgame-ish enemies. You don't need plasma to steamroll through midgame, neither it's required for dealing with mutons / turrets. Upgraded sectoids are semi-optional enemies altogether.
And if "leaders don't grow on trees" for you, then you need to focus on them being so. Pretty easy to minmax on capturing leaders - most races have colored leaders, you can filter medium UFOs, and so on.
You do you, but 25% is greater than 20%, this is math not XCom shooting odds
First, that's just asspull number, not "math". Second, it's not 25% per leader, that's 25% per that one tech, and it becomes 20% again, because junk / good ratio decreases as you've removed good tech from the pool. This means you pretty much need to exhaust research pool to get something reliably done.
Third. Where does this "odds increase" even come from? Most leader's tech are leader's only, meaning you get them from leaders and can't mutate junk/good ratio by researching other aliens. And by leaders-only I mean, they have 17 early techs (all junk besides medkit). Then there are ~9 techs, gated behind alien vocab, that give you adv lab and other good stuff. Getting vocab is the first step. Out of 17, 8 are medic's tech, 6 are engi's techs (5 of 6 needed for vocab) and 4 are leader's only ships.
Now, 8 medic-shared tech are the problem. There's about 45 medic techs, of which ~40 are junk autopsies. So manipulating leader's tech by researching medics is negliglible.
So effectively 12 of 17 leader's tech are leader's-only. Maybe 10, if you're lucky with medics.
You may "optimize" 5 leftover leader-shared vocab techs by researching 10-20 engineers and 0-10 navigators (to reduce engi's ships). Which means you'll also have 10-20 leaders, depending on your battlescape success.
After you unlock vocab, you may start getting lasers or progress towards adv lab. Which is best done through leaders, as engis have too much extra junk and autopsies mixed in. And at this point you'd have 10-20 leaders, enough to exhaust their entire pool. So you might have started working on them anyway beforehand, and unlocking vocab faster in game time.
And if you focus on just leaders from the get-go, you'll get to adv lab in minimal lab time. Not necessarily game/RL time, but this depends on how you pick and proceed through your encounters. For some alien races are hard to capture, so blanket capture is not an option. Thus you focus on capturing none of them, or some of them (guess who).
tldr: you need to exhaust leader's research pool to get to good stuff, which means getting to late game after 30 or so UFOs, a few steps from the end.
There's no lottery involved because to exhaust leader's research pool you'd need to research almost everything anyway. And you'd get core techs to combat aliens way before that.
That's pretty reasonable midgame progress model. You don't progress due to luck, but due to quantity, and each engi/leader counts.
Also, this seems unpopular, but I'd say midgame is pretty fun actually. It's just differently structured than early game, and some weird slog missions appear, like, second half of cyberweb (3-4 almost 1-1 sam-y missions with 100 enemies), zombie arc (3-4 almost 1-1 sam-y missions with 100 enemies), etc. Early game is full of short, fun, tech-wise profitable missions. Likewise some medium-and-below UFOs can be short and sweet, and you can choose if you want to battle larger ones.
Bug in LOTUSBASE03.MCD at sprite #35 - somebody forgot to set loft :)
Bug in LOTUSBASE03.MCD at sprite #35 - somebody forgot to set loft :)
Gee, I wonder who that was! :)
Fixed, thanks.
Updated to 3.6, now unfortunately the game crashes every time I build an AI unit. It might be related to the Agent type because before that I tried a lil bit of light necromancy using the muggle_ai agent type and then restoring AI unit, but trying to manufacture alenium shard into an AI agent also crashes the game in the exact same way.
edit: Sorry guys, I think it's resolved now, it turns out I was trying to change and add to the AI names file and that looks to be the culprit, somehow. Lovely game btw
edit: Sorry guys, I think it's resolved now, it turns out I was trying to change and add to the AI names file and that looks to be the culprit, somehow. Lovely game btw
Thanks :)
While I can't say what exactly was wrong with your names file, I suspect an issue with tabulation (don't) or you tried to use some non-standard character, for example '. If that's the latter, try putting it in parentheses:
- "'Yourname"
Now that in the github version the sniper/spotter mechanics have been changed (in latest OXCE) so that if you take down a spotter with one hit (including auto-shot or shotgun hits), the spotter won't be able to tell the snipers about your whereabouts.
It might be worth considering if "Sniper/Spotter Cooperation" article under the Field Manual part of Ufopaedia should be rephrased. Though the text is very general as it is.
This will make the game, especially early game, a little bit easier.
I think the text doesn't need any changes. If you guys think it's too vague, I can add some info, but I'm not convinced it's needed.
The event where you get a giant rat from a trap outside your base needs a "the" near the beginning. It reads strangely
Do sectopods know how to hold alien hand weapons? :o
To see for yourself, download the attached save file and fly to a downed UFO mission in northeastern China.
Quite difficult to understand error, I will try to describe the logic of my investigation into the appearance of this error:
1. As you can see, in the save file on this mission (mission STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION under the number 929) are present aliens race STR_RAIDERS_VERYLATE.
2. But when examining alienMissions for this mission, this race is not listed as a valid race.
3. I looked at the log of the mission generator and at the beginning of the game month did not find the launch of the script from missionScripts, so the appearance of this mission is caused by something else.
4. I looked in the alien races list in alienRaces and found that the same mission set template &StandardRetalWeights is in effect for all alien races, which caused the STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION mission to appear for the STR_RAIDERS_VERYLATE race.
5. The STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST unit is at positions 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in this race.
6. If we look at the alienDeployments for the STR_STRIKER UFO participating in the STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION mission, we can see that alienRank 10 and 11 are specified to pick up one of the alien plasma weapon sets. This is the behavior we see in the game.
I hope you have understood correctly what I have written here. :D
UPD: I wonder if you could add a second type of built-in ranged weapon (via builtInWeapons) to the sectopod, and if it would use it alternately with the first?
The event where you get a giant rat from a trap outside your base needs a "the" near the beginning. It reads strangely
No problem, but where exactly? Articles are mostly an exotic concept to me.
Before "pest traps"?
UPD: I wonder if you could add a second type of built-in ranged weapon (via builtInWeapons) to the sectopod, and if it would use it alternately with the first?
Yeah, that's the easiest solution. :) Even a simple block would suffice.
This is isn't the first time I've seen a special alien unit picking up weapons. Hopefully there's an easy way to fix all of these. Unfortunately I can no longer recall what I have precisely observed. If I needed to guess, I'd suppose another mechanical unit such as MIB Tank Terrorist, Red Dawn Armored Car or an Alien Drone.
There are also some other strange things in the rulesets, such as gilldogs (in some cases) having item sets even though they don't carry items. But this shouldn't cause a disturbance. See for example: https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_SOUL_HARVEST_CHURCH_OF_DAGON
No problem, but where exactly? Articles are mostly an exotic concept to me.
Before "pest traps"?
I would have to see the whole event again to be 100% sure. But I think putting it before "pest traps" would be good.
This is isn't the first time I've seen a special alien unit picking up weapons. Hopefully there's an easy way to fix all of these. Unfortunately I can no longer recall what I have precisely observed. If I needed to guess, I'd suppose another mechanical unit such as MIB Tank Terrorist, Red Dawn Armored Car or an Alien Drone.
I think it's not that they pick up weapons, more likely they just spawn with these weapons. It's a very annoying issue.
There are also some other strange things in the rulesets, such as gilldogs (in some cases) having item sets even though they don't carry items. But this shouldn't cause a disturbance. See for example: https://xcf.trigramreactor.net/master/article/STR_SOUL_HARVEST_CHURCH_OF_DAGON
I've been taking down such cases whenever I see them.
I would have to see the whole event again to be 100% sure. But I think putting it before "pest traps" would be good.
All right, perfect.
I don't think the hull frames saves the auto sell settings after missions like other items do.
I don't think the hull frames saves the auto sell settings after missions like other items do.
They should, it's an item like any other. Seems to work for me.
But of course, please send a report if it doesn't work properly.
Agent Wilheard mission seems to crash for me, I'll test and see if its a submod interference later on. As is, after the inventory creen, it crashes to desktop.
Agent Wilheard mission seems to crash for me, I'll test and see if its a submod interference later on. As is, after the inventory creen, it crashes to desktop.
It's been tested... well enough, I guess, and nobody has ever reported an issue.
If it's real, I'm going to need a save. :)
I doubt this is actually a bug, but what is this door into jailbars supposed to be?
Okay, now I've gotten some sleep, I tested it whilst disabling mods, it seems to be unhappy with XCOM1 Visual Upgrade mod, so far this is the only place its had an issue and crashed though, at least.
The visual upgrade mod is not designed with x-com-files in mind. Even if you change its master, it will crash with these errors
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 1792) >= this->size() (which is 1792)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c593b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c5a870 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff7669edef0 exceptionLogger()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff767423aa0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff7676948f0 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff767423aa0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff76740d140 YAML::Exp::Escape[abi:cxx11](YAML::Stream&)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff7676948f0 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeee823e70 _chkstk
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeee6d30e0 RtlWow64GetCurrentCpuArea
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeee6d2980 RtlRaiseException
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeebd6ba80 RaiseException
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff76740d140 YAML::Exp::Escape[abi:cxx11](YAML::Stream&)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff7676948f0 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff767681ef0 void std::__merge_sort_with_buffer<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::Soldier**, std::vector<OpenXcom::Soldier*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::Soldier*> > >, OpenXcom::Soldier**, __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_comp_iter<OpenXcom::SortFunctor> >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::Soldier**, std::vector<OpenXcom::Soldier*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::Soldier*> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::Soldier**, std::vector<OpenXcom::Soldier*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::Soldier*> > >, OpenXcom::Soldier**, __gnu_cxx::__ops::_Iter_comp_iter<OpenXcom::SortFunctor>)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c24a10 OpenXcom::TileEngine::voxelCheck(OpenXcom::Position, OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, bool, bool, OpenXcom::BattleUnit*)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c29360 OpenXcom::TileEngine::isPositionValidForUnit(OpenXcom::Position&, OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, bool, int)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c2cdb0 OpenXcom::TileEngine::canTargetUnit(OpenXcom::Position*, OpenXcom::Tile*, OpenXcom::Position*, OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, bool, OpenXcom::BattleUnit*)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c2d670 OpenXcom::TileEngine::visible(OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, OpenXcom::Tile*)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c2daa0 OpenXcom::TileEngine::calculateUnitsInFOV(OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, OpenXcom::Position, int)
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c30d30 OpenXcom::TileEngine::recalculateFOV()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766bdf4b0 OpenXcom::InventoryState::~InventoryState()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766bdf7b0 OpenXcom::InventoryState::~InventoryState()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff766c79a50 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff7669ee060 SDL_main
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff76725ec10 console_main
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ff76725ed50 WinMain
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] ??
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] ??
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeec55e8c0 BaseThreadInitThunk
[15-02-2025_14-09-01] [FATAL] 0x7ffeee77bf00 RtlUserThreadStart
[15-02-2025_14-09-03] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 1792) >= this->size() (which is 1792)
Log file: C:/Users/usuario/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on the OpenXcom forum (OXCE board).
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
As far as I can tell, this is because of bad LOFTemps indexes used. Looking as the assets the mod provides, it includes its own LOFTEMPS.DAT and SCANG.DAT replacing the master mod's ones resulting in said crash. You can delete these 2 files in the visual upgrade mod and the crash will not occur, but there may be other issues that would need to be tested.
TL;DR: sub-mod is not compatible with XCF, changes are needed to make it so.
There should be a "The" before the word Arctic
I'd gone through the mod and already made a bunch of changes, but in this case it was something I overlooked. Now I gotta figure out how to get some of the other submods working again since the OXCE update.
I doubt this is actually a bug, but what is this door into jailbars supposed to be?
It's the police building.
I'm not sure what exactly the bars are for. Some cop stuff.
There should be a "The" before the word Arctic
I'm 95% sure it's a vanilla issue.
I'd gone through the mod and already made a bunch of changes, but in this case it was something I overlooked. Now I gotta figure out how to get some of the other submods working again since the OXCE update.
Good luck! Let me know if you want some help with map files, preferably via Matrix.
What is that thing in Hybrid Workshop that looks like a door supposed to be (near the corner of the big building)? It isn't a door, apparently, as you can't open it. And it has been barricaded by boxes.
What is that thing in Hybrid Workshop that looks like a door supposed to be (near the corner of the big building)? It isn't a door, apparently, as you can't open it. And it has been barricaded by boxes.
It's just a makeshift wall. There was a door here before, probably.
Всем привет!
Понимаю, что сейчас нарвусь на хейт, но тем не менее.
Я фанат x-com первых двух частей. Примерно 1,5 года назад только узнал об этом проекте и сразу засел проходить.
1,5 года радовался обновлениям и прохождению игры предвкушая, что вот вот будет видна решающая битва.
Но, вот на днях вышло очередное обновление и меню + заставка стали как во второй части, я этому тоже обрадовался, но у меня исчезли все сейвы (((
Я чуть не полысел ...... Все мои попытки что то меня внутри меню и т.п. не дали результатов. Я вообще не программист, от слова совсем.
Не могу смирится, что все 1,5 игры пропали, тем более я нашел их одной из папок .....
Подскажите мне "ламеру" как возродить и продолжить игру? Куда нажать и что делать.
Возможно вам кажется , что всё просто и элементарно, но видимо не для меня.
Может мне надо, что то куда скопировать и где , что "прописать", не знаю.
На данном форуме порылся - не нашел.
Помогите кто шарит .....
Hello everyone
I know I'm going to run into Haight, but nevertheless.
I'm a fan of the x-com of the first two parts. About 1.5 years ago, I just found out about this project and immediately moved in.
For 1.5 years, I was happy with the updates and the passage of the game, anticipating that a decisive battle was about to be seen.
But, the other day, another update came out and the menu + screensaver became like in the second part, I was also happy about that, but all my saves disappeared (((
I almost lost my hair...... All my attempts to find something inside the menu, etc. have not yielded results. I'm not a programmer at all, not at all.
I can't accept that all 1.5 games are gone, especially since I found them in one of the folders .....
Can you tell me how to revive Lamera and continue the game? Where to click and what to do.
It may seem to you that everything is simple and elementary, but apparently not for me.
Maybe I need to copy something where and where, what to "prescribe", I don't know.
I searched this forum and couldn't find it.
Help who's fumbling .....
Hello everyone
I know I'm going to run into Haight, but nevertheless.
I'm a fan of the x-com of the first two parts. About 1.5 years ago, I just found out about this project and immediately moved in.
For 1.5 years, I was happy with the updates and the passage of the game, anticipating that a decisive battle was about to be seen.
But, the other day, another update came out and the menu + screensaver became like in the second part, I was also happy about that, but all my saves disappeared (((
I almost lost my hair...... All my attempts to find something inside the menu, etc. have not yielded results. I'm not a programmer at all, not at all.
I can't accept that all 1.5 games are gone, especially since I found them in one of the folders .....
Can you tell me how to revive Lamera and continue the game? Where to click and what to do.
It may seem to you that everything is simple and elementary, but apparently not for me.
Maybe I need to copy something where and where, what to "prescribe", I don't know.
I searched this forum and couldn't find it.
Help who's fumbling .....
First of all, sorry about your trouble. It's never fun, and games are supposed to be fun.
Unfortunately, at this point I can't say what went wrong. Sounds like more of an OXCE issue than an XCF issue... But we need more data.
подскажите, что нужно от меня? может мне нужно прислать скрины или что то ещё.
Ведь я нажал вверху (как обычно) на кнопку "Обновить" и после всё изменилось .....
I'm guessing you've installed new OXCE to a different folder other than your old installation, and thus you can't access them from your new OXCE, that expects them to be in a different folder.
So you need to locate your old installation and copy the saves from there to your new OXCE. They usually live at ...OXCE/user/x-com-files, or sometimes in user documents.
If you have no idea where old OXCE is, do a drive-wide search for "x-com-files" and/or "*.sav" files, which should help locate the saves in general, or search for "OpenXCom.exe" for old installation.
Also russian VK x-com-files community may be better equipped to help with this.
I'm guessing you've installed new OXCE to a different folder other than your old installation, and thus you can't access them from your new OXCE, that expects them to be in a different folder.
So you need to locate your old installation and copy the saves from there to your new OXCE. They usually live at ...OXCE/user/x-com-files, or sometimes in user documents.
If you have no idea where old OXCE is, do a drive-wide search for "x-com-files" and/or "*.sav" files, which should help locate the saves in general, or search for "OpenXCom.exe" for old installation.
Also russian VK x-com-files community may be better equipped to help with this.
Save-fails found. which folder should I save them to?
Save-fails found. which folder should I save them to?
Go to Options, then Folders.
I think something with the surrender mechanic just failed to work correctly. I was clearing a dagon base, and had the cult panic spiraling, I was looking around the whole map expecting to find a hiding gilldog preventing their surrender. Instead I found a dagon priest with no weapon (I assume he panicked and dropped it). After I killed him the mission ended. Is there any way for a dagon priest to be empty handed besides going unconcious and panicking? Both should have flagged him to surrender.
I think something with the surrender mechanic just failed to work correctly. I was clearing a dagon base, and had the cult panic spiraling, I was looking around the whole map expecting to find a hiding gilldog preventing their surrender. Instead I found a dagon priest with no weapon (I assume he panicked and dropped it). After I killed him the mission ended. Is there any way for a dagon priest to be empty handed besides going unconcious and panicking? Both should have flagged him to surrender.
This is working as defined though one may wonder if this is the best balanced.
Dagon priests, chosens and sorcerers by ruleset definition cannot surrender. In contrast, all exalt and red dawn cultists can surrender, and only Black Lotus assassins cannot surrender. But 2x2 units cannot. All second tier cultists can surrender. All hybrids can surrender. No alien units or monsters can surrender.
Huh, well that makes sense. I thought priests could surrender for some reason. Probably cause they mostly look like "normal" humans with robes.
I'm not really sure how this could have happened, but after succesfully completing an exalt Hq, a random bunch of items in my deployment crafts inventory got destroyed. I didn't have a stash in the HQ, which I assumed was normal, and after the mission I had lost everything from taser cannons to large rockets. Even if the stash spawned somewhere strange I don't think this could be caused by an explosive hitting it, because I didn't lose the entire stacks of items. TGL gas nades got destroyed, but non of the other ammo types. I've never seen this happen before in like 7 years of playing openxcom
Depending on the armor value of items it is possible to partially lose the stack of items from an explosion that has enough power to 'kill' some of the items, but not others.
By “stack” I mean of one item. I had 15 large rockets and only lost 6.
I also lost some items with a durability of 20, but not others.
Do you have a stash on the exalt HQ? If so then it probably just got blown up, and I was mistaken about which items got destroyed. But I thought this was a bug cause I couldn’t find the stash
Using the New Battle option shows that it does, and that it should appear on the tile where the 1st soldier is generated as far as I can tell. This makes the location of the pile to be as randomized as the soldier's starting point. In some cases it might get visualy hidden due to walls.
After researching a wizkid I got the Portable player from hell research topic, but for some reason I can also see the obliviatrix topic in my ufopedia, while still not having it unlocked in the tech tree
Syndicate Walker takes 20 space. Wrecked Syndicate Walker takes only 1 space. While the wreck might be missing some parts and thus take less space, I think the ratio 1:20 is somewhat odd. I wonder if these should be rebalanced.
Similar things seem to apply to other large enemy units, at least Cyberweb centurion (ratio 1:15).
I'm not sure it's a bug but I figured I should report it in case it's gonna screw me over. So I had a battleship in the air, it landed at a city, I been save scumming so I was following it with a troop transport. Battle starts, it's the first mars mission. With all the pyramids and junk. Beating the battle counted as intercepting the battleship. Fun fight actually to do mars with lesser enemies and just lasers. Missed the blaster launcher terribly.
I had recently upgraded from 3.3 to 3.6
Battleship was full of tracer robots
The troop transport was an ironfist with 18 guys (17 agents in cyber armor and 1 seeker robot)
The battleship would land while being shadowed and then immediately take off if I refused to land next to it.
August 1999
I can provide the save if it'll help. I'm guessing there was just a mission type mix up.
On the Malfunctioning Magma reactor mission the main building spawned in a way that prevent large units (Everything on the map) from entering and exiting.
First of all, I wanted to thank very much the author of the mod and the authors of the submods. This is a huge job, which is simply excellent - despite the graphics lagging behind, the game is very interesting to play, interesing to immerse yourself in the plot. I already forgot which was the last game, stayed until the morning with the words "one more turn".
Most likely, I'm writing in the wrong place, because the error says to contact the OpenXcom forum. But I'm going through the mod for the second time, that version 2-3 years ago, I successfully completed, which means that the problem is either in the current version or submods, and not in the OpenXcom engine.
Secondly, I could not open the .dmp file and see for myself what the error was.
The game escape to desktop at 18-30 on June 29, that is, the rules that include new packs of enemies and missions have nothing to do with it - after all, they work according to the script at the beginning of the month.
That's quite a list of submods active there. Anyway, I suggest you provide any save that is close to that crash time in-game. If we know what the game has scheduled to happen at that point, it could potentially shed some light on the crash. So far I can see that you're using BAI, not much else.
Not strictly a bug, but the ultimate transformations will nerf your psi strength if it is over 100. This can happen if you started with 96-100 and did dagonization first to get to 101-105. This is annoying and means you ideally want to wait to do dagonization until after the ultimate transformations. Moving the psistrength improvement from a direct increase to the STR_DAGONIZATION bonus would fix this.
I thought dagonization couldn't increase psi strengh over 100
That's quite a list of submods active there. Anyway, I suggest you provide any save that is close to that crash time in-game. If we know what the game has scheduled to happen at that point, it could potentially shed some light on the crash. So far I can see that you're using BAI, not much else.
Of course, here's a save half an hour before crash. I tried 5 days before the crash and also this crash at the same time.
Sorry for the lost attachment.
Of course, here's a save half an hour before crash. I tried 5 days before the crash and also this crash at the same time.
Sorry for the lost attachment.
The error is in the `Maps and Scraps` mod.
Mission `STR_VOLL'S_MANOR_MISSION` is a base-building mission without a base `spawnZone`.
Fix the mod, or remove this mission from your save file.
I thought dagonization couldn't increase psi strengh over 100
They definitely can unless there's some OXCE setting somewhere I changed long ago and forgot that did this. I hired around 500 soldiers mid year 2, kept everyone over 90 for my main base team, 80-90 as secondary base defense, and I had tons of people going up to 105 psi strength before counting awards (which eventually pushes them up to around 112 psi strength).
After researching a wizkid I got the Portable player from hell research topic, but for some reason I can also see the obliviatrix topic in my ufopedia, while still not having it unlocked in the tech tree
Because I suck at this. :P
Fixed, thanks.
Syndicate Walker takes 20 space. Wrecked Syndicate Walker takes only 1 space. While the wreck might be missing some parts and thus take less space, I think the ratio 1:20 is somewhat odd. I wonder if these should be rebalanced.
Similar things seem to apply to other large enemy units, at least Cyberweb centurion (ratio 1:15).
It should be 20. Storing a whole working robot is much more space demanding than a pile of its parts.
Good point about the inconsistency, though; I'll increase the requirements for other large robotic units.
I'm not sure it's a bug but I figured I should report it in case it's gonna screw me over. So I had a battleship in the air, it landed at a city, I been save scumming so I was following it with a troop transport. Battle starts, it's the first mars mission. With all the pyramids and junk. Beating the battle counted as intercepting the battleship. Fun fight actually to do mars with lesser enemies and just lasers. Missed the blaster launcher terribly.
I can provide the save if it'll help. I'm guessing there was just a mission type mix up.
This is an issue with badly placed zones; the game created a mission over the sea.
A save would be very useful, but would have to be before the landing.
On the Malfunctioning Magma reactor mission the main building spawned in a way that prevent large units (Everything on the map) from entering and exiting.
Unfortunate, but not much I can do about it, apart from redesigning the whole block.
A very rare problem.
Not strictly a bug, but the ultimate transformations will nerf your psi strength if it is over 100. This can happen if you started with 96-100 and did dagonization first to get to 101-105. This is annoying and means you ideally want to wait to do dagonization until after the ultimate transformations. Moving the psistrength improvement from a direct increase to the STR_DAGONIZATION bonus would fix this.
I don't know what to do about this yet. :(
This is an issue with badly placed zones; the game created a mission over the sea.
A save would be very useful, but would have to be before the landing.
Sure! In testing it landed at the Maldives or the Seychelles and that generated the mars mission.