
Author Topic: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste  (Read 1566994 times)

Offline SBBurzmali

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4470 on: January 23, 2025, 03:01:35 pm »

That's a commendable direction, but XCF's premise gives little room for such branching. Piratez takes place in the far future, with many alien civs and such available for examination, whereas XCF focuses on retroengineering just Cydonian tech, with some aspects of Dimension X and T'leth solutions.
I'd like to add some more techs from secret groups like The Grid or Discordians, but their capabilities would also be limited to what you can do on present Earth.
I was thinking less from a lore perspective and more mechanics. XPiratez has its flaws, but the idea to have a junction point like the codex change up how your early game plays with bits reaching into the later game works well. In XCF, lorewise you could have a similar fork, the player captures an alien artifact somewhere like the MiB lunar base, call it an "unconfigured nanotechnology matrix". Once researched, the player has options, they could configure it into a "fusion matrix" via engineering project if they have the fusion tree researched, allowing the fusion matrix to be used in the construction of a facility required to manufacture really nasty plasma weapons. They could also give it to MAGMA for a rep hit to unlock the ability to purchase nasty kinetic/cutting weapons, like a gauss mini gun family. Finally, if they know about the Discordians or some obscure alien faction, they could run an engineering project to trade the unconfigured matrix for a shipment of nasty warp weapons, something that attacks like a non-LOS PSI weapon but has limited ammo with something unpleasant like Human sacrifices needed to procure additional clips from the benefactor.
This is exactly the erroneous thinking that won't get you anything. 20-> 25% is like nothing. No, leaders need to be prioritised if you need techs - e.g. a lucky laser pull, and progress to adv lab. Granted, after researching at least one engi / nav, etc.
You do you, but 25% is greater than 20%, this is math not XCom shooting odds, and plasma is the only reliable way to deal with mid to late game enemies like the upgraded sectiods, mutons, turrets and ethereals aside from packing enough cheese to be declared legally French. Leaders don't grow on trees, so if you are at the stage where you have a limited number of captured aliens, "leaders always first" won't always be the fastest option.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4471 on: January 23, 2025, 04:28:11 pm »
I was thinking less from a lore perspective and more mechanics. XPiratez has its flaws, but the idea to have a junction point like the codex change up how your early game plays with bits reaching into the later game works well. In XCF, lorewise you could have a similar fork, the player captures an alien artifact somewhere like the MiB lunar base, call it an "unconfigured nanotechnology matrix". Once researched, the player has options, they could configure it into a "fusion matrix" via engineering project if they have the fusion tree researched, allowing the fusion matrix to be used in the construction of a facility required to manufacture really nasty plasma weapons. They could also give it to MAGMA for a rep hit to unlock the ability to purchase nasty kinetic/cutting weapons, like a gauss mini gun family. Finally, if they know about the Discordians or some obscure alien faction, they could run an engineering project to trade the unconfigured matrix for a shipment of nasty warp weapons, something that attacks like a non-LOS PSI weapon but has limited ammo with something unpleasant like Human sacrifices needed to procure additional clips from the benefactor.

Hmm, that's more or less what I have in mind. It's still pretty vague, though. And I have so much other stuff to do...

Online Stone Lake

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4472 on: January 24, 2025, 06:15:57 am »
...plasma is the only reliable way to deal with mid to late game enemies like the upgraded sectiods, mutons, turrets and ethereals aside from packing enough cheese to be declared legally French. Leaders don't grow on trees, so if you are at the stage where you have a limited number of captured aliens, "leaders always first" won't always be the fastest option
I have no idea what you're talking about. Plasma is endgame weapon, gated behind advanced lab (and IIRC delta radiation, of all things), and these are endgame-ish enemies. You don't need plasma to steamroll through midgame, neither it's required for dealing with mutons / turrets. Upgraded sectoids are semi-optional enemies altogether.
And if "leaders don't grow on trees" for you, then you need to focus on them being so. Pretty easy to minmax on capturing leaders - most races have colored leaders, you can filter medium UFOs, and so on.

You do you, but 25% is greater than 20%, this is math not XCom shooting odds
First, that's just asspull number, not "math". Second, it's not 25% per leader, that's 25% per that one tech, and it becomes 20% again, because junk / good ratio decreases as you've removed good tech from the pool. This means you pretty much need to exhaust research pool to get something reliably done.

Third. Where does this "odds increase" even come from? Most leader's tech are leader's only, meaning you get them from leaders and can't mutate junk/good ratio by researching other aliens. And by leaders-only I mean, they have 17 early techs (all junk besides medkit). Then there are ~9 techs, gated behind alien vocab, that give you adv lab and other good stuff. Getting vocab is the first step. Out of 17, 8 are medic's tech, 6 are engi's techs (5 of 6 needed for vocab) and 4 are leader's only ships.
Now, 8 medic-shared tech are the problem. There's about 45 medic techs, of which ~40 are junk autopsies. So manipulating leader's tech by researching medics is negliglible.
So effectively 12 of 17 leader's tech are leader's-only. Maybe 10, if you're lucky with medics.

You may "optimize" 5 leftover leader-shared vocab techs by researching 10-20 engineers and 0-10 navigators (to reduce engi's ships). Which means you'll also have 10-20 leaders, depending on your battlescape success.

After you unlock vocab, you may start getting lasers or progress towards adv lab. Which is best done through leaders, as engis have too much extra junk and autopsies mixed in. And at this point you'd have 10-20 leaders, enough to exhaust their entire pool. So you might have started working on them anyway beforehand, and unlocking vocab faster in game time.

And if you focus on just leaders from the get-go, you'll get to adv lab in minimal lab time. Not necessarily game/RL time, but this depends on how you pick and proceed through your encounters. For some alien races are hard to capture, so blanket capture is not an option. Thus you focus on capturing none of them, or some of them (guess who).

tldr: you need to exhaust leader's research pool to get to good stuff, which means getting to late game after 30 or so UFOs, a few steps from the end.
There's no lottery involved because to exhaust leader's research pool you'd need to research almost everything anyway. And you'd get core techs to combat aliens way before that.

That's pretty reasonable midgame progress model. You don't progress due to luck, but due to quantity, and each engi/leader counts.

Also, this seems unpopular, but I'd say midgame is pretty fun actually. It's just differently structured than early game, and some weird slog missions appear, like, second half of cyberweb (3-4 almost 1-1 sam-y missions with 100 enemies), zombie arc (3-4 almost 1-1 sam-y missions with 100 enemies), etc. Early game is full of short, fun, tech-wise profitable missions. Likewise some medium-and-below UFOs can be short and sweet, and you can choose if you want to battle larger ones.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 07:45:20 am by Stone Lake »

Offline Kozinsky

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4473 on: January 24, 2025, 07:56:29 pm »
Bug in LOTUSBASE03.MCD at sprite #35 - somebody forgot to set loft :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4474 on: January 25, 2025, 11:55:59 am »
Bug in LOTUSBASE03.MCD at sprite #35 - somebody forgot to set loft :)

Gee, I wonder who that was! :)

Fixed, thanks.

Offline bananas

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4475 on: January 30, 2025, 06:56:06 pm »
Updated to 3.6, now unfortunately the game crashes every time I build an AI unit. It might be related to the Agent type because before that I tried a lil bit of light necromancy using the muggle_ai agent type and then restoring AI unit, but trying to manufacture alenium shard into an AI agent also crashes the game in the exact same way.

edit: Sorry guys, I think it's resolved now, it turns out I was trying to change and add to the AI names file and that looks to be the culprit, somehow. Lovely game btw
« Last Edit: January 30, 2025, 07:50:50 pm by bananas »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4476 on: January 31, 2025, 01:50:50 pm »
edit: Sorry guys, I think it's resolved now, it turns out I was trying to change and add to the AI names file and that looks to be the culprit, somehow. Lovely game btw

Thanks :)

While I can't say what exactly was wrong with your names file, I suspect an issue with tabulation (don't) or you tried to use some non-standard character, for example '. If that's the latter, try putting it in parentheses:

Code: [Select]
  - "'Yourname"

Offline psavola

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4477 on: February 02, 2025, 01:46:27 pm »
Now that in the github version the sniper/spotter mechanics have been changed (in latest OXCE) so that if you take down a spotter with one hit (including auto-shot or shotgun hits), the spotter won't be able to tell the snipers about your whereabouts.

It might be worth considering if "Sniper/Spotter Cooperation" article under the Field Manual part of Ufopaedia should be rephrased. Though the text is very general as it is.

This will make the game, especially early game, a little bit easier.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4478 on: February 03, 2025, 10:05:02 am »
I think the text doesn't need any changes. If you guys think it's too vague, I can add some info, but I'm not convinced it's needed.

Offline DarthTheIII

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4479 on: February 11, 2025, 07:42:11 am »
The event where you get a giant rat from a trap outside your base needs a "the" near the beginning.  It reads strangely

Offline Kozinsky

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4480 on: February 11, 2025, 03:11:46 pm »
Do sectopods know how to hold alien hand weapons? :o
To see for yourself, download the attached save file and fly to a downed UFO mission in northeastern China.

Quite difficult to understand error, I will try to describe the logic of my investigation into the appearance of this error:
1. As you can see, in the save file on this mission (mission STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION under the number 929) are present aliens race STR_RAIDERS_VERYLATE.
2. But when examining alienMissions for this mission, this race is not listed as a valid race.
3. I looked at the log of the mission generator and at the beginning of the game month did not find the launch of the script from missionScripts, so the appearance of this mission is caused by something else.
4. I looked in the alien races list in alienRaces and found that the same mission set template &StandardRetalWeights is in effect for all alien races, which caused the STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION mission to appear for the STR_RAIDERS_VERYLATE race.
5. The STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST unit is at positions 6, 9, 10, 11, and 12 in this race.
6. If we look at the alienDeployments for the STR_STRIKER UFO participating in the STR_ALIEN_DOMINATION mission, we can see that alienRank 10 and 11 are specified to pick up one of the alien plasma weapon sets. This is the behavior we see in the game.

I hope you have understood correctly what I have written here. :D

UPD: I wonder if you could add a second type of built-in ranged weapon (via builtInWeapons) to the sectopod, and if it would use it alternately with the first?
« Last Edit: February 11, 2025, 03:40:25 pm by Kozinsky »

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4481 on: February 11, 2025, 09:08:44 pm »
The event where you get a giant rat from a trap outside your base needs a "the" near the beginning.  It reads strangely

No problem, but where exactly? Articles are mostly an exotic concept to me.
Before "pest traps"?

UPD: I wonder if you could add a second type of built-in ranged weapon (via builtInWeapons) to the sectopod, and if it would use it alternately with the first?

Yeah, that's the easiest solution. :) Even a simple block would suffice.

Offline psavola

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4482 on: February 11, 2025, 10:12:49 pm »
This is isn't the first time I've seen a special alien unit picking up weapons. Hopefully there's an easy way to fix all of these. Unfortunately I can no longer recall what I have precisely observed. If I needed to guess, I'd suppose another mechanical unit such as MIB Tank Terrorist, Red Dawn Armored Car or an Alien Drone.

There are also some other strange things in the rulesets, such as gilldogs (in some cases) having item sets even though they don't carry items. But this shouldn't cause a disturbance. See for example:

Offline DarthTheIII

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4483 on: February 12, 2025, 05:09:26 am »
No problem, but where exactly? Articles are mostly an exotic concept to me.
Before "pest traps"?

I would have to see the whole event again to be 100% sure.  But I think putting it before "pest traps" would be good.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4484 on: February 12, 2025, 12:39:28 pm »
This is isn't the first time I've seen a special alien unit picking up weapons. Hopefully there's an easy way to fix all of these. Unfortunately I can no longer recall what I have precisely observed. If I needed to guess, I'd suppose another mechanical unit such as MIB Tank Terrorist, Red Dawn Armored Car or an Alien Drone.

I think it's not that they pick up weapons, more likely they just spawn with these weapons. It's a very annoying issue.

There are also some other strange things in the rulesets, such as gilldogs (in some cases) having item sets even though they don't carry items. But this shouldn't cause a disturbance. See for example:

I've been taking down such cases whenever I see them.

I would have to see the whole event again to be 100% sure.  But I think putting it before "pest traps" would be good.

All right, perfect.