Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.
Hmm. You do have a Zombie Hive mission that's closeby and
undetected. I didn't even know you could have undetected 'terror' sites.

If you wait a little, it'll show up on the globe. It's not in the exact same spot as the other mission, but decently close by.
But there's indeed some funky business in that you can click on the invisible Zombie hive and get to select it. There's a spot right between the two that covers both in terms of mission site selection 'closeness', so you essentially click both the visible and the invisible site at the same time.
This might be something for OXC(E) developers to look at. At the very least, the ability to 'detect' undetected mission sites by randomly clicking on the globe is both conceptually strange and also confusing when you get a sitiation like yours. Or you get an 'invisible' mission right next to an alien base, or X-Com base, etc.
Also I still didn't have an opportunity to catch Red Dawn Pioneer, and it is August.
Not a bug, Solarius just likes his RNG.