I'm getting the following error when starting the mission Syndicate Assassination: OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
I was wondering if anyone had encountered this before or if it was an issue with my setup, I tried re-installing x-com files just in case I was missing a map but that did not help. I also saw that crash happen on an Exalt VIP mission but I'm not sure if they share the same map
Here is the crash log and a save with the mission on map and a ship going to that mission.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.11 (v2024-01-09)
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Data folder is:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Data search is:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] - C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] - C:/Program Files/OpenXcom Extended/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Loading data...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[08-03-2024_10-26-13] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/'...
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'XCF-CyrNames': unexpected symbol
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] Active mods:
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - x-com-files v3.2
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - lessdensesmoke v1.0.1
[08-03-2024_10-26-14] [INFO] - dark-geoscape v1.0
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading begins...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[08-03-2024_10-26-15] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HEHEXD
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS_LITE
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_RED_SUN
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] After load.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_BUZZER_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XCOM_CYBERMITE_UNIT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[08-03-2024_10-26-20] [INFO] Loading ended.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Loading language...
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[08-03-2024_10-26-21] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5dc830 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5dd6b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xc015d0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xe4feb0 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xe60a80 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x520f70 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::deployXCOM(OpenXcom::RuleStartingCondition const*, OpenXcom::RuleEnviroEffects const*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5308d0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x6deae0 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5f96c0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x6b7d70 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x5f4cf0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xa1c910 console_main
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0xa1ca30 WinMain
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] ??
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] ??
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x7ffc0b2b7330 BaseThreadInitThunk
[08-03-2024_10-29-13] [FATAL] 0x7ffc0d082690 RtlUserThreadStart
[08-03-2024_10-29-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed on the map.
Log file: C:/Users/Alexis/Documents/OpenXcom/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on the OpenXcom forum (OXCE board).
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
Thanks for the help