I'm afraid I bring many bad news and a few good ones.
To start, the M3 Greasegun can be bought without having to research the "'x' acquisition" topic, although you can still research it for reasons.
Second, the Gang Wars' event from the Red Dawn is still broken: Not only do they have fights in the forest, the number of enemies in higher difficulties ramps up insanely and makes it an one-way meatgrinder that exterminates all of the "civilians" (aka the other gang members) in the first turn. There were like 30+ Red Dawn Gangsters against 20 something Holligans.
Third, I swear the "Iron Pipe" research came up multiple times despite having been researched already.
Fourth, the prisons are broken again and are perfectly capable of holding a negative number of prisoners. Same case with the Animal Pens (actually, with the latter I could hold zombies and shit
without having built one yet!)-
Fifth, the Xcom Psiclone still mentions mind-control abilities despite supposedly no longer being able to do so.
The good news are that prisons have become quite economically profitable at least.
Attaching pics for most of the mentioned bugs.