But I met the Aquatoids before hitting the Embassy! It seems that the Embassy is actually an alternative route to the Comm Device via Sorcerers instead of Deep Ones. I thought this was a hierarchy since I'd already met the Seatoids.
OK, let's dissect this:
- type: embassyOfTlethEarly0
- type: AquatoidTrap
So the embassy is clearly easier to get, as it only requires a Sorcerer of Dagon (and Underwater Ops, but the same applies to the Aquatoid Trap mission).
But the real question is, will this break any flow in the research? Long story short, I think no, as long as you'll be meeting onlty Aquatoid Soldiers (since they don't seem to open any later missions, except T'leth recons and surveys, which is okay).
On the other hand, I think meeting aquatoids might be slightly off conceptually; Deep Ones legends (from H.P. Lovecraft and such) kinda don't fit thematically, since Aquatoids come from a different story. Nevertheless, I have decided to add one Aquatoid soldier to the embassy deployment. I hope it won't ruin the aesthetics too much.

Yep. There's some invisible crap blocking movement there.
Yep, it's a fern. Not a bug, but since it can't be seen behind the wall, I changed this part.
Ancient Sea Ghosts in this case. They're wielding invisible cutlasses.
I see, many thanks. Fixed.
We've now had three people say dart guns are crap in close succession. I suggest a weapon that effectively does 15 or 18 stun damage after a considerable R&D investment is not balanced. (...)
Considering that this part is due for a revamp (rolling all 3 levels into one and changing the remaining 2 clips to other damage types, namely Bio and anti-E-115), I am not fixinf this now. But I see your point.
And even if you think they are balanced, a weapon with 50% armour effectiveness and 15 or 18 damage is virtually indistinguishable and much more transparent to the player than this obscure mechanic. It's not even clear from merely looking at the INFO what is going on.
I'm not fully convinced, since now they behave as any other vanilla weapon. Wouldn't this change be more confusing? Or should I change how all stun weapons work?
Maybe, but if it was earlier than May 30 then you missed some.
OK, this was pretty elusive, but I think I got this. Fixed.
Ah sorry didn't know a save of the map would help, not sure at what point being saved is best but will add a save during mission I still have. (new to the bug reporting stuff sorry)
No worries, but without a save I don't have much to check... Except all the maps, all the tiles. Considering this is the vampire castle, just no.

Had another buggy level generation in Beyond the Doom Portal map which locked me into the starting area. But since this was the start of the map it was easy to fix by re-loading geomap and activing save scumming to get a new level generation which worked fine the second time, but thought would mention it anyway just incase it helps to know.
FFS, it's not a bug nor it requires reloading... Just dig. It can happen in many underground locations, by the way.
There is something really strange with grass in beach missions (Osiron Resort and Deep Ones doing sacrifices).
A dog cannot bite when standing on grass (says no one is here), at least not from all sides.
A tank (more specifically the one with tritanium rockets) cannot fire while standing on flat grass and aiming on someone on the same elevation (says no line of fire). If you press control to force fire, then rocket explodes right in front of the tank.
If you press F10 and see first person perspective, you see that grass is taller then you think it would be.
May be I am wrong, but I think this was not an issue in version 2.4.
Sorry, no saves of screenshots, forgot to make them due to frustration... 
Yeah yeah, the old tall grass problem, stemming from the fact that it blocks the line of attack. Not much that can be done, except making the grass shorter (and I'm not sure it's critical enough).
Reported the same bug some time ago, seems to be harder to fix than anticipated.
Actually, what do you mean by this? There are only Deep One Servants at the Embassy. And perhaps a Gillman or two. Are the Gillmen doing the negotiating? 
Considering the new addition, this is probably irrelevant...