Hello! First at all: Great mod, really like it! Brings back a great feeling of past days - and improves an already awesome experience from the past even more!

And now back to topic

I guess I found a bug. Or at least it looks a little bit weird to me ^^
It's about the Trouble In Ski Resort mission:
The conditions for this event to be triggered are:
Mission Triggers: skiResort
true Cover: Sportsmen
false Cult is contained
Mission Triggers: skiResortLate
true Cover: Sportsmen
true X-Com Summary Report #3
false Black Lotus Psi Generator
false Red Dawn Memory Card
false Church of Dagon Statue
false Brainer Cracked
The first one seems to make absolutely sense. But the "Late one" is really strange to me. You cannot reach "X-Com Summary Report #3" without the following four conditions which are marked as false. And all of them are basically the same for the above "Cult is contained" condition. With those four conditions at "false" it is basically impossible to trigger the Late event I guess, after reaching "Cult is contained". But why is it in there at all then? And especially adding "X-Com Summary Report #3" as a requirement seems to make absolutely no sense to me. So I guess the false condition for those 4 cult items should be "true" maybe? But still, this would be basically redundant because it is already needed to be researched by "X-Com Summary Report #3".
So I guess, in case there should be a late event, the most logical condition should be just:
Mission Triggers: skiResortLate
true Cover: Sportsmen
true X-Com Summary Report #3
and no further conditions depending on the 4 cult items.
Or maybe does I just understand some of the mechanics from researching / triggering events wrong...? ^^