Hello! Long time no see, since most of the past month was holiday time for me. Now I'm back!
Get crush on hybrid embassy assault. Game says that there is no exalt with rank 13. Log+save included(van just canceled from starting assault on this embassy).
This must be an ancient save. And indeed, it can't work, as this race doesn't exist since version 1.8 (ancient history by now).
Solution: change the race STR_ADVENT in your save to STR_HYBRID. Or delete the entire base. Or just start a new campaign.
I encountered a map bug where I can't reach an enemy and he can't too. A mission where you disguise as construction workers and arm only with melee weapons. Against Exalt. One guy is on fourth level platforms, he can't get down and I can't kill him without firearms.
I can upload save file, if you are interested.
Save please, if you still have it.
It hapend again with OXCE 7.7. Do you have a plan for the next XCom Files release?
Why wouldn't this happen? This is literally how the feature was designed in OXCE (not by me).
And yeah, next version is coming very soon. You can use the GitHub version as well, should be fine (but naturally, it is untested).
Spawned in a lake. No biggie since there aren't any civilians, but still, spawned in a lake.
Fukken HOW...

No, seriously, I can't see from the code how it's possible, lol. Would you perhaps have a save?