I noticed the hazmat suit is weaker than a business suit in terms of armor : All the hazmat stuff I've ever seen is AT LEAST as durable as a leather coat, possibly more so, about 10 on the armor scale. If its big enough to stop fire and other stuff, I figure the sheer bulk would at least soften blows of bats, knives, and other elements. It would still be a dubious choice over kevlar, since kevlar is more bullet RESISTANT, but it would make it less an awful choice if it wasn't paper fragile too.
Good point, I raised all armour values to 9.
Also, I still think juggernaut armor should be fire proof : if it can withstand straight up explosives I think it would also be impervious to fire.
Maybe when/if I overhaul armours.
And with kevlar, wouldn't it make sense to have a 20 armor rating on the back, as well as front? I don't think kevlar covers all angles of course, but I'm pretty sure it has a back plate as well. Or if not 20, maybe 15 to simulate it being a weakpoint.
Well, it's a tradeoff between various factors. I'd rather not change it without a good reason, as many enemies use similar gear.
EDIT : save of a random battle crashes when you shoot the monster I'm looking at.
Wow, a hard crash. Perhaps something's wrong with the plane? I'll check.
Unrelated bug: generated Cyberweb lairs may be separated by walls. In the attached "CE-4-1-1_.sav" the 4 rooms on the right (on the map) are separated from the rest. I had to shoot the wall with a CW ray gun.
It's not a bug, it's a limitation. Just blow up the walls, who said X-Com is so perfect with navigating canals?
macro SMG and battlescape sprite must be changed : it fires rounds the size of sniper rounds, yet uses the sprite of and sound of an uzi. At least use the mp5 texture, and rifle sound...I can believe the same sound between the uzi and mac10, despite the completely different calibur, but the uzi and macro smg being the same is just silly.
OK, I'll look when I can.
EDIT : mountaints are bugged, the area where theres not a solid wall block (by my soldier) can be entered from the outside. Besides that, seems to be poorly over-lapped hills, and no chance to walk atop the mountain without a jetpack.
I can't see anything wrong with it.
Besides that, seems to be poorly over-lapped hills, and no chance to walk atop the mountain without a jetpack.
I'm fairly sure it was supposed to be like that. I'm not opposed to improvements, though.