Sonic Weapons Focusing unlocks both Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing and Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip research (that, in turn, unlock Sonic Shotgun Focused Clip manufacturing a second time):
This doesn't change anything. Yes, some prerequisites are redundant, but it's harmless.
(Why is it like this? I don't know, Finnik submitted this part of code, and I was fine with it. Like I said, it doesn't matter.)
I was surprised when I noticed hat MAGMA Chainsawbot's chainsaws aren't chainsaws, but actually auto-shotting firearms with 8 max range. The sprite also does not suggest this. This led to the wreckage of a couple of flying drones.
If you wanted MAGMA chainsawbots to have a ranged weapon, it would have been far more intuitive to make it have two weapons, one melee chainsaw, the other some ranged weapon. Now there seems to be nothing to suggest the chainsaws are actually shotgun-like ranged weapons.
...and why on Earth would I want to make it more predictable? It's one of the very few surprises in the mod...
Speaking of melee. There seems to be no logic to melee weapons damage rolls. About half of them have 50-150% spread (most of them punier ones). About half of them have 0-200 %. A couple have 0-100% + 0-100%. IMHO it makes no sense that the minimum damage of a knife is bigger than a battle axe, for example. I would think 50-150% spread would make most sense for all of them unless there are good reasons to the contrary.
This remark is too general to answer, I'd have to produce a whole thesis. But there are always reasons (well, should be).
Shogg blade description is: "This short sword is too heavy for comfortable use by normal humans, but absolutely devastating when wielded by a stronger fighter. Its terramite edge makes it quite effective against armor." Yet it has armor effectiveness of 1 (the default), just like most other melees weapon that don't have such mentions (compare to a knife, battle axe or hatchet, for example). Did you forget to add an armor effectiveness definition here (or reduce the armor effectiveness of some other basic melee weapons)?
It's just a strong blade, it doesn't specifically have any anti-armour flag.
Honestly, all three points not only aren't bugs, they're can't even be answered in a meaningful way. Unless I wrote a big treaty on weapons and damage, and sorry, I'm not writing one.

Slander missions
I know this is probably subjective but the Slander de-spawn penalty (compared to awarded points) for the completed mission is a bit steep.
I only say this because it is extremely difficult to get to the mission in time. By the time you have a craft in the air, the tracking is lost.
...and what the heck would be their point if you could get there normally???

I just noticed this as well. However after having a Sectopod shot a gas grenade at me (on a striker craft mission) I wasn't that surprised 
That one was random though. Have only seen it once.
Oops. I really hope this doesn't happen.

Should be noted though, i have seen the MAGMA Chainsawbots use the chainsaw mele instead of throwing them (seen both).
Actually, they don't have a melee mode; perhaps they simply "shot" at your unit point blank.
In the Shady Tavern mission I wanted to stun men in black with electric clubs and couldn’t understand why, when entering the door (closed), they managed to shoot before 2 of my agents started hitting. I started looking at the doors from all sides on behalf of the agents and this is what i saw:
One of the corners of the doorway is cut off and is also visible through. Another similar door has the same problem on the same side (last screenshot).
Edited: The problem is not with the door. If you knock down a door or make a hole in a wall, then all the edges of this type of wall are full of holes. External, brick walls also have jambs. There need to check all the sets of walls.
Another interesting point. If I remove an agent who is visible, then the second one immediately triggers a reaction and stuns the enemy when he enters. But when the enemy saw my agent at the moment the door opened, he entered the door and attacked before the second agent reacted.
Sorry, I'm just not sure what the issue is. Are you saying that a solid wall is not in fact solid? If yes, which one?
With zombies, like 3 years ago, there are some difficulties with reaction in close combat, but I haven’t figured it out and can’t say for sure. Only that a zombie runs up to your face and stands on one of the 2 side squares from the front one and the agent with full AP and good reactions doesn’t even think about attacking.
If there is an issue with reactions, which I really don't think is the case but who knows, please address it to the OXCE developers.