Why not allow the player to make conclusions?
From what? A single Soldier on a single map that can be interpreted several ways vs a blurb that fits every X-Com veteran's preconceptions of what Sectoids/Aquatoids are, a caste society that literally clones its members for their role.
I'm not saying you need to spell out everything in a single Ufopedia article. But even with the embassy change, it requires quite a bit of hair splitting

to get the conclusion that Aquatoids are anything but what they used to be.
If you didn't tell me, I would still think that. Figure the Soldier is a bodyguard or something, and the
real 'masters' split when they saw the X-Com sub, or never arrived in the first place.
Basically, it's the same thing as with the Council all over again, where you have a vision that diverges from the base assumptions of X-Com, yet the evidence is either all in your head or in obscure corners of the game that need judicious extra interpretation to say what you want it to say. In the end, the Council got expanded and explained very nicely with articles, events and so on.
Of course, this is all pretty irrelevant to gameplay right now. Some more random Aquatoids, whatever, they're aliens doing alien things, who knows what's going on in their little heads, just shoot them.

if you want
your version of TFTD lore to be conveyed in-game instead of a version of the original that has a few different maps and missions, that needs more work. Whether you
actually want this is up to you, of course.
It has a function like every other bloody thing in the mod even if it doesn't do anything. By, you know, just being there.
I mean, if it had an article saying "We looked at it and it's weird. Who knows what it's for? Maybe we'll find out eventually.", all fair. If it was something that couldn't be researched, strange but okay. But right now it's something that comes in, eats a few scientist-hours, primes you for getting either closure or a new arc or a new mission or... and
does nothing. This is textbook bug behaviour, especially since it used to do
something. How am I supposed to read your mind to see that leaving in
half-functional stuff from earlier versions for
atmosphere is A-OK, not a bug for you? 99% of the time something like that comes up in a game, any game, it's a bug and the developers just forgot.