Author Topic: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste  (Read 1509678 times)

Offline 0xEBJC

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4080 on: March 29, 2024, 06:55:27 pm »
Question about the craft engine mod "Fuel Tank"  the +20 is that 20% fuel capacity or just +20 to the fuel value listed in the Nerds Info? 

I also see that for the following crafts that could all equip the Fuel Tank:
Thunderstorm --> Fuel Capacity = 1000     Fuel Type: ? (default jet fuel)?
Sentinel          --> Fuel Capacity = 40        Fuel Type: E-115
Ironfist           --> Fuel Capacity = 60        Fuel Type: Zrbite

Thunderstorm fuel capacity = 1000, so 20 seams like not worth anything valuable at all?  So I'm guessing it'n not helpful for regular fuel? and just helpful for specific crafts?

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4081 on: March 29, 2024, 07:34:11 pm »
AFAIK, it's just +20 fuel. Good for Elerium/Zrbite crafts, rather useless for others. There should probably be two or three different variants of this engine mod, one per fuel type.

Offline psavola

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4082 on: April 03, 2024, 07:19:59 am »
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).

Offline Stone Lake

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4083 on: April 03, 2024, 12:48:10 pm »
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base).
Buying land rover from closest base (1h delivery) and sending rookies kinda works for me. I'd say, having some pistols on a base does not make it "strike". But yeah, time budget is somewhat tight.

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4084 on: April 03, 2024, 07:01:21 pm »
Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).

I brought this up a while back. It is nearly impossible to reach these missions unless you cheat (save scum) and leave a vehicle stationary within close proximity.
The rewards also do not match the losses in my opinion.

Offline psavola

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4085 on: April 03, 2024, 07:24:02 pm »
Getting a bit OT, but..  If we disregard the point penalty for the moment, the only benefits of completing the mission are 1) capturing a live reptoid as a way of unlocking alien power systems (if you haven't obtained it before from somewhere else), 2) getting some gauss pistols. I.e. this mission is essentially only relevant after early/mid-1998, and might be irrelevant even then.

Alien power systems is important and useful because that unlocks for example stun rod, which makes it more convenient to capture more aliens (e.g. various sectoids if you get lucky and get a mission). But it's not a showstopper because in any case in the earlyish game you want to do your alien captures with the help of dogs (barking) and after that any stunning will do.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4086 on: April 05, 2024, 01:58:31 pm »
Yeah, how the mighty Toxigun has fallen. 😢

Hmm... I like them. I think they are at just the right level of usefulness, so they feel "realistic" while not being useless. But of course this tolerance varies between people.
And I certainly wouldn't use it on something like Snakemen. Darts are meant to be a handy tool for dealing with confused animals and maybe unarmoured people, not alien soldiers. You need real weapons for that.

It's basically what's keeping me from using it at all since I rely on smoke a bit too much. Well that and the weight. The MGL which in my view is the best grenade launcher in the game weights 9 units plus ammo where as the TGL is 26. And I don't think the improvement is big enough to warrant that much of a weight jump.

OK, added to my to-do list. It's lowest priority, but also rather simple to do.
@Juku121: thanks for the bigob, it saves me a few minutes. :)

Not a bug, but a note: move all strings displayed to the user in "battle_game.flashMessage" from the script file to the language files to be able to translate them.

I don't understand, what needs to be done? "Moved" how?
The strings already contain STR_TARGET_IS_DAZED.

Are the hauntedFarm/hauntedHouse supposed to have so high executionOdds?
33 is way more than even the early Cult missions.

Early cult missions have low odds, but way more scripts which can call them.

I just realized (unfortunately) that you can't interrogate Gillman Hero until you have learned of Gillmen first somehow. I wonder if this is intentional. Usually interrogation doesn't have such dependencies.

EDIT: according to the descriptions, the hero has 'regained his humanity' despite experiments and is held in a prison cell (instead of alien containment like gillmen). So from that angle it seems a bit strange that you cannot interrogate him without first learning of gillmen.

That would probably break the research logic (like learning about a very specific type of alien hybrid without knowing about alien hybrids in general). I smell potential BS here, so I made it so just in case.

I wish to report a crash.

You set the debug mode to true without knowing what will happen, didn't you? :)
There's a reason this and many other deployments have the "isHidden: true" flag.

On another note, the dependencies for EMP weapons are somewhat strange.

I don't think it's the best place to discuss it, but

On another note, the dependencies for EMP weapons are somewhat strange.

Moved this topic to a new thread:

Gillman Hero autopsy spawns STR_CORPSE_POWER_ARMOR.

Thanks, already fixed.

Yeah, if you zoom out and click around. Like the missions are very close together. But again, I didn't receive a message for Zombie Hive appearing. Maybe if I deal with Strange Life Form, there will be the other mission underneath it in the same place.

Doesn't sound familiar... Most likely you missed the message. You can always press "T" to see all active mission sites.

Even if you have already refused to share Elerium Battery tech with MAGMA, once you research Terramite they still suggest sharing it, promising "This would allow us to offer you new, better merchandise in the future!". However, they will give you nothing (getting power armor requires you give them Elerium Battery as well).

Not sure if this message is intentionally misleading - only their marketing talk - and the player needs to check the tech tree viewer carefully to notice that the deal will give you nothing positive.

Mostly their marketing talk, yes.
Perhaps I could add some new item which depends on sharing terramite with M.A.G.M.A. but not on the E-115 batts. Any ideas? :)

Hmm. You do have a Zombie Hive mission that's closeby and undetected. I didn't even know you could have undetected 'terror' sites. :o

You can't. But AFAIK there's a certain delay between spawning a mission and displaying a notification.

For Zombie Isolation mission the allowed armors list shows UNARMORED (DOG).
But dog units are forbidden

Yes. I see no issue here; the armour is allowed, but the unit is not.
I could disallow the armour too, I'm just worried this could create some edge case bug... :P

Is it intentional that you can put AI units on Combat Pilot Training? That is is the only "human-ish" training they can take.

You can put AI units to pilot crafts independently, though, so it's not so big a stretch if this is intentional.

Of course it's intentional.

Here is a fixed spritesheet for tomb guardian.

Also, magma automatic tank have incorrect floorob. corpse_1 must have no sprite at all (empty one), not an syndicate walker corpse.

Upd.: Also here is slightly polished Chtonite inventory and ufopedia images.

Wow, thanks. I have replaced the sprites with your versions, with credits and appreciation.

But I can't fix the tank easily. There is no ground object for tanks, so they reuse the walker's corpse... Maybe a HWP "corpse" would be a better fit?

Yes, this is an XCF problem (already reported earlier above). It is indeed true that this is currently essentially junk, because there is no manufacturing process to repair a broken power armor (like there are for many other armors). But maybe that could change in the future as well.

After much consideration, I've changed the reward again to Juggernaut Suit. This should be more sensible.
In the future I should work on this armour anyway, make it aqua plastics dependent and overall better harmonized with underwater content.

AFAIK, it's just +20 fuel. Good for Elerium/Zrbite crafts, rather useless for others. There should probably be two or three different variants of this engine mod, one per fuel type.

Yes but it's a hassle and not very important, so I don't wanna. :/

Reptoid Assassination Squad mission has a 8-12 hours timer and a civilian craft requirement (all of which are relatively slow - the fastest three being in 400-550 range). Many times the mission spawns you probably can't get there in time (unless you have a global coverage and every base a strike base). I wonder if this really intentional. Note that there are a lot of other similar missions where the timer is not that tight or the timer is tight but you don't have the craft requirements (and can use faster transports).

Understandable, but having a vast network of combat ready bases should give some advantage. At least it's not mandatory.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4087 on: April 05, 2024, 09:38:43 pm »
Perhaps I could add some new item which depends on sharing terramite with M.A.G.M.A. but not on the E-115 batts. Any ideas?
Hmm, perhaps the ability to buy 'regular' Tritanium for a premium? Could be useful in the pre-Foundry stage. I don't think there's much if any use for Terramite in game (yet?)?

You can't. But AFAIK there's a certain delay between spawning a mission and displaying a notification.
You can. The notification and visible marker spawn together, but the mission itself can be invisibly on the globe for some time before that. That's what happened there.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4088 on: April 06, 2024, 11:41:19 am »
Hmm, perhaps the ability to buy 'regular' Tritanium for a premium? Could be useful in the pre-Foundry stage. I don't think there's much if any use for Terramite in game (yet?)?

Terramite and titanium are not the same thing, though. They are similar and related (you could say that terramite is a special variant of titanium), but outright buying alien alloys wouldn't be logical.

You can. The notification and visible marker spawn together, but the mission itself can be invisibly on the globe for some time before that. That's what happened there.

Yes, that's what I meant, too.

Offline psavola

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4089 on: April 06, 2024, 12:34:14 pm »
Terramite and titanium are not the same thing, though. They are similar and related (you could say that terramite is a special variant of titanium), but outright buying alien alloys wouldn't be logical.

Maybe sharing some tech would allow buying tritanium ammo (a bit similar to how UAC outsourcing allows you to buy some stuff from UAC)? Not sure how useful that would be in the game, but at least it could have some use depending on when you do it.

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4090 on: April 06, 2024, 12:36:14 pm »
How about actual terramite bullets, then? In that case, you get the finished product, just like you do with power armour, not the raw materials. And if terramite is supposed to be a 'heavy' relative of tritanium, it should make somewhat better bullets, no?

As to the markers, my original comment was that I didn't know you could have an 'undetected' and thus markerless (because that's how the game communicated detection) 'terror' sites. Your comment could be read as if there was no way to have a mission without a marker, which is possible. I gather that was not what you meant.

Come to think of it, can you randomly click on the globe and 'detect' unseen UFOs this way, too? :)

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4091 on: April 06, 2024, 12:46:19 pm »
Maybe sharing some tech would allow buying tritanium ammo (a bit similar to how UAC outsourcing allows you to buy some stuff from UAC)? Not sure how useful that would be in the game, but at least it could have some use depending on when you do it.

Generally it's possible, just not from terramite.

How about actual terramite bullets, then? In that case, you get the finished product, just like you do with power armour, not the raw materials. And if terramite is supposed to be a 'heavy' relative of tritanium, it should make somewhat better bullets, no?

Yes, it's a sensible suggestion. Quite expensive and invasive, but I kinda like it!
The question is, do we need yet another bullet type? Also, there's a the question of how it would differ from normal tritanium ammo and why.

As to the markers, my original comment was that I didn't know you could have an 'undetected' and thus markerless (because that's how the game communicated detection) 'terror' sites. Your comment could be read as if there was no way to have a mission without a marker, which is possible. I gather that was not what you meant.

Yeah, I guess. My point was that as a modder, you can't intentionally make such a mission.

Come to think of it, can you randomly click on the globe and 'detect' unseen UFOs this way, too? :)

Dunno, good question... I hope not. :)

Offline Juku121

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4092 on: April 06, 2024, 12:51:45 pm »
IDK, the effectiveness of tritanium ammo has been questioned a few times. And adding a third ammo type to certain guns won't overload the pedia or anything similar.

As to what the difference would be, better armour penetration, perhaps? Being a denser variant of the indestructible space metal, that would seem logical.

OTOH, adding terramite versions to every possible gun is going to be a lot of work.

Offline norpan83

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4093 on: April 06, 2024, 02:17:13 pm »
On the UAC Moon Base Exploration mission i got a large unreachable area.

Online Solarius Scorch

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Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Reply #4094 on: April 06, 2024, 07:52:29 pm »
On the UAC Moon Base Exploration mission i got a large unreachable area.