The Black Lotus HQ assault has no shade entry in deployments, resulting in the map being dark when you assault it at night time. Given that the HQ is located "deep underground" and is lit artificially, shouldn't the map load with daytime lighting even if assaulted at night?
Have you removed the shield from the EXALT brainer? At least the two i'Ve encountered in my new playthrough didn't seem to have one, at least judging from the in-game graphics.
Hm, i might be misremembering this. Did the brainer even have a shield? Just asking because the animations seem to be a bit different, and he doesn't seem to be such a HP-sponge as he used to be.
I just got the T'leth Embassy mission without having researched a Deep One or Underwater Operations. I noticed that diving suits are unlocked from the beginning, but the submarine article isn't. Any chance of restructuring research and/or missions in such a way that underwater operations is needed to actually conduct underwater operations?
Maybe link UW-Operations to deep one servants and not to deep ones? I did a stupid
Field manual mentions "del" clears inventory and that ctrl+alt+del clears craft inventory. It doesn't, and pressing ctrl+alt+del under windows opens the task manager. Standard OXCE hotkey for this is x and ctrl+alt+x.
Napalm grenades can be manufactured and bought, but they both have the same requirements, i.e. researching the Napalm grenade. Would suggest unlocking production as soon as the grenade has been found, and unlocking the buy option with Promotion III.