It is how Resolute originally was called:
That book «In Search of Arctic Birds» says:
«Another Canadian Arctic settlement with birdwatching possibilities is Resolute, on the south coast of Cornwallis Island. Accessible by air from Edmonton or Montreal, it was founded as a joint United States–Canadian weather station and airstrip in 1947, and as the Inuit community of Kaujuitoq or "the land that does not melt" in 1953».
Fig. 1 Kaujuitoq location on the X-COM Globe
1. Kaujuitoq – former name of Resolute, the settlement on the Cornwallis Island in Canada.
2. Kuujjuaq – another, more southern, settlement in Canada.
So the mistery is solved — it's a canadian settlement. Blame Canada, blame Canada... But let's return to the X-COM Files.
That supposed Red Dawn activity in the Arctic is an incredible story, don't you think? The thugs delivered propaganda to some arctic weathermen that started to dream about criminal careers... Throw away papers, go for the political power!
Speaking seriously, is it possible to add one feature to such random events — show the name of the affected country after the name of the settlement/city?