That's very strange, and very new. It's an unrecoverable and fixed weapon. I have no idea what is going on.
...Wait, you said HOLODRONE_WEAPON? Not STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON? This is curious, as there's no such item in XCF. There was in some older instances, though. Better check for duplicates.
Looking at this, this might a problem at my end. As you said, XCF uses STR_HOLODRONE_WEAPON. HOLODRONE_WEAPON is (incorrectly) used in two places in the XCF hyper trajectory submod. Maybe that's pulling them in and causing the weirdness.
I am aware, although what exactly looks out of place is subjective.
Which ones you find out of place, exactly? Besides the Vampire Castle background.
Now that you ask, I went through most of them (browsing through the filesystem), and here's a list for consideration:
- Backgrounds: CULT_BACKGROUND.JPG (though this is long established already and not a real issue)
- Commendations: MEDAL_STATGAIN.png (low quality, style inconsistent), MEDAL_CARREER_MISSIONS.png (low quality), MEDAL_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT.png and MEDAL_AQUANAUT_CPAL.png (OK as such but strikingly different style than the rest)
- Dossiers: Ding_Quadong_CPAL.png is the only one drawing. Some others are also abysmally low quality pictures, such as Ernie_Lloyd_Sabatka.png and Lo_Wo_CPAL.jpg, but these could be argued to be intentional (the researchers were only able to obtain a bad image of them) - it would still be really cool if some of the worst quality ones were to be replaced.
- Slides: Cyberdrednought.png is a bit cartoonish and also a bit strange (smoke coming from the pipes as if it was the Titanic from 1900?)
- UfopediaTechPics: AlienIncursion_CPAL.png (why is this with so strange pink colors, a bit off anyway?), alienneuropsychology.png (the alien especially looks very weird here), ChurchOfDagonRationale_CPAL.png (see above, not really a big issue), CyberwebMystek_CPAL.jpg (really bad quality), fusionexplosives.png, fusionweapons.jpg (maybe), GreenGoo_CPAL.jpg (this is what I was originally thinking about when I said cartoonish out of He-Man), HunterHunted.png (maybe, but ok as such I guess), Hybrid_Agent_CPAL.jpg (a bit inconsistent with the more recent hybrid images), ImprovedUndercoverOperations_CPAL.jpg (OK as such but a cartoonish style differs from the rest), opticalprocessor.png, ResidualPsionicArtifacts.png (OK as such but to me seems a bit off), UNIT.png (a bit off-style but OK as such), xcomagents.png (a bit off-style), xenonauts.png (a bit off style maybe).