I analyzed absolutely all manufacturing processes to find the most profitable ones. For manufacturing processes that do not consume resources but only money I found one production -
STR_ALENHEAD_ARMOR. The profit from the sale of this armor is much higher than the cost of its production, considering the negative profit from the sale of all other manufactured items compared to the cost of their production.
I understand that the note
“costSell: 675000 # to do” means that changes to this item are possible, just a reminder to remember to change the cost of making this armor as well

By the way, I also analyzed the manufacturing processes that require resources to make. And, for example, for productions that use only Elerium-115, I found that these items are profitable to make and sell:
In the calculations I took into account the value of spent Elerium-115 at its sale price (since it cannot be bought and the purchase price is 0). Maybe that's a mistake, too.
I can say the same for some other manufacturing processes - the profit from selling their results exceeds the cost of making them