I noticed the hazmat suit is weaker than a business suit in terms of armor : All the hazmat stuff I've ever seen is AT LEAST as durable as a leather coat, possibly more so, about 10 on the armor scale. If its big enough to stop fire and other stuff, I figure the sheer bulk would at least soften blows of bats, knives, and other elements. It would still be a dubious choice over kevlar, since kevlar is more bullet RESISTANT, but it would make it less an awful choice if it wasn't paper fragile too.
Also, I still think juggernaut armor should be fire proof : if it can withstand straight up explosives I think it would also be impervious to fire.
And with kevlar, wouldn't it make sense to have a 20 armor rating on the back, as well as front? I don't think kevlar covers all angles of course, but I'm pretty sure it has a back plate as well. Or if not 20, maybe 15 to simulate it being a weakpoint.
EDIT : save of a random battle crashes when you shoot the monster I'm looking at.