dev-cpp/yaml-cpp-0.5.3, configured with default options plus -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON . The bug with unquoted NULL should be fixed, unless your binaries are statically linked, right?
My builds are statically linked with 0.5.3 exactly to avoid the yaml-cpp version mess. I can't understand how this ancient bug suddenly cropped up. As you also have 0.5.3, your self-built builds should have worked modulo yaml-unrelated bugs.
Update: where does it write the extra log? The ~/.local/share/openxcom/openxcom.log is no bigger than usual. Or do I need to use some command line key or set an environment parameter?
It doesn't write any extra log. The backtrace should be in the log, or you can just run it under gdb.
The log can also end up in the "user" directory, alongside the openxcom.cfg or the savefiles directories.
It's faster to do a
find / -name openxcom.log -ls than to try and understand the path handling rat's nest.
F.ex. I still can't fathom why it sometimes uses config from .local while writing the rest under the user directory alongside the executable.
Latest at that point. 84b16420bc3583613cb14c521ff334870de213c0
Hm. That's quite old. Ah, I see, you use Extended, not ExtendedPlus.
The not-stripped version for that is here:
3.8a-84b1642-2017-06-12-jessie-x86_64-debug.7zStill, 0.5.3 was used for the builds from the start.