OpenXcom Forum

Modding => Released Mods => XPiratez => Topic started by: Arthanor on November 02, 2015, 05:10:03 pm

Title: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 02, 2015, 05:10:03 pm
Well, instead of all posting crash reports in the main topic, I thought it might be better to make a new one, where we can all share our evidence, so as to make it easier if ever someone wants to look at it.

The BASIC, MINIMUM requirement for a report is a save, with a description of what to do to get a crash. Ideally something as simple as "press end turn, shooting happens then the game crashes". Try to make a save as close to the crash as possible (ie just before pressing end turn) so that testers don't have much to do.

Extra info that is useful:
1 - Screenshot of the offending unit
2 - Info about the offending unit and how to circumvent the bug.

To get the extra info, it is sometimes useful to activate debug mode. You do that by going in your config folder (check here ( for where that could be on your computer), open the file called options.cfg, find the place where it says debug: false and replace it by debug: true. Then, in the game, before pressing the end turn button, press control-d, to activate the debug mode. This will allow you to see the whole map and watch as the enemy takes their turn.

Find which unit is active just before the game crashes and take a screenshot. Note the position of the offending unit, and then you can use that to find it in your save. For example, if the unit was shown as being at location (35,42,1) when you clicked on it (as shown in my screenshot below), you can then search your save for "- 35" and should soon find a place that looks like:

Code: [Select]
        - 35
        - 42
        - 1

which should refer to an enemy unit (something like STR_SPARTAN_RIFLEMAN or STR_SECTIOD_ENGINEER) Then note the id of that unit (typically something like 1000012), as it will allow to see all its items by searching for owner: 1000012. You can remove these items from the save, and see if the crash still happens.

Below is my first report:
1 - Save at deployment. Game will crash after Spartan Rifleman at 35/42/1 opens the door to the civilian.
2 - Screenshot of offending rifleman
3 - Removing equipment from the save did not help. Probably terrain issue?
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 02, 2015, 06:49:27 pm
All I could divine is that it is him who causes the crash - if you force him to change route or disable him, it doesn't. Sprite definitions and equips seem to be fine. Swapping the unit for a different, non-spartan unit also didn't change anything... Sorry but I have no idea. There is another spartan in a similiar situation and he just opens the door and fires. It's like this one seems to want to go, finds out a civilian blocks the only way, ragequits :)
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 02, 2015, 10:07:29 pm
Yeah it's very odd. I tried to remove equipment too and it did not do anything. I thought it was a good report to make. Maybe it's something with the routes? or some spartans are just hard wired with black hole generators... In the meantime, I will try to spawn a different terror.

Hopefully we can accumulate a bunch of reports and someone can look into it!
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Axebeard on November 04, 2015, 11:27:30 pm
So I'm not sure of the issue, or even how to recreate it, but on this save (Mutant Pogrom vs DOOM enemies) the game keeps crashing during the enemy turn. There are some enemies to the South West of my units, it seems that there are semi-invisible Hell Barons/ Hell Knights, that you can only really see when you kill them. What I've noticed is that after the Hell Knight moves, the game does a CTD. It's happened three times so far, and I'm not 100% sure, but it looks like it only happens IF YOU CAN SEE the Hell Knight moving.
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 05, 2015, 12:48:28 am
Are you sure you have the latest version of the mod? I haven't tried your save but it sounds a lot like what Dioxine fixed recently:

Found that damn bug. Wrong spritesheet size. Replace the following entry in the Piratez.rul:

Code: [Select]
  - type: DEM_8.PCK
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
    width: 512
    height: 440
      0: Resources/Sprites/DEM_8.png

(the original has height: 200)
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Axebeard on November 05, 2015, 01:22:36 am
I'm not sure, but I'll check.

Where is the official latest version being hosted? Because I'm sure I've seen different downloads in different places. I believe the one I'm using is from the OXC Mods page.
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Roxis231 on November 05, 2015, 01:40:04 am
Latest Version is on the Mod Site (

But keep an eye on this thread (,3626.0.html).

Dioxine very often posts Important Patches & Critical Fixes in the thread as he (and others) find them.
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Axebeard on November 05, 2015, 01:52:17 am
I checked and I am indeed using the latest version.
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Roxis231 on November 05, 2015, 02:18:04 am
You might want to check the thread then - some patches have been added since the last update.
Title: Re: Pogrom Crash reports
Post by: Axebeard on November 05, 2015, 02:25:33 am
Oy vey.
Title: abs
Post by: Cristao on November 11, 2015, 06:47:47 pm
CTD at end of turn. First time it is happening with Mutons/Mercenaries.
Title: Re: abs
Post by: Dioxine on November 11, 2015, 07:58:46 pm
Hmm... the same suspect building as in many crashes before. I'll have to upgrade this to Hobbes' latest terrain version (once 0.8 redux comes out). Alternatively, the crash was caused by your cheats, but that's less likely. Also I don't have your cheat-mods so replicating some bugs will be impossible (this seems not to be the case here, though).
Title: Re: abs
Post by: Cristao on November 11, 2015, 09:07:08 pm
Hmm... the same suspect building as in many crashes before. I'll have to upgrade this to Hobbes' latest terrain version (once 0.8 redux comes out). Alternatively, the crash was caused by your cheats, but that's less likely. Also I don't have your cheat-mods so replicating some bugs will be impossible (this seems not to be the case here, though).

Doubt it is any of my additions...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on November 19, 2015, 01:29:33 am
I'm interested in any save with reproducible bug (preferably from vainilla xpiratez).
Right now I'm working on bug fix version of OXCE and would be good to have bugs to fix (or at least blame someone else for them :D ).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2015, 03:23:06 am
Not much of a bug, just a possible Typo in the Lang file:


Should it be "creature" ?? 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on November 23, 2015, 09:21:12 am
Dear Yankes, I wonder if may be relased a "quickfix" to change openxcom code, as for this (,4104.msg54747.html#msg54747), to make life easiers for players and modders. Any chances?  :-[
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 23, 2015, 03:53:43 pm
@niculinux: I doubt playing with missions and save writting/reading is much of a quickfix ;P But I'll be happy if Yankes proves me wrong.

New bug! Had another Star God Pogrom, managed to bag a star god novice (yay technology! Goes much better with Tesla on your side :D), but the game crashes before I can bring him home :( Also got a waspite, but it doesn't crash for that one. I've attached a save "just before mission end", load it, "end turn" and CTD.

Also, the ethereal novice has a corpse/bigob like the big boys. They're all orange. I've attached new pics to make him silver like his sprite.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 23, 2015, 05:32:45 pm
Found the bug: There was no definition of what a Star God Novice was for the geoscape in the ruleset.

Quick Fix: in the items section of Piratez_Factions.rul, add
Code: [Select]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    costSell: 60000
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 06:15:23 pm
Dang it, I did it again :) Thanks for the fix. As for the corpses, I kinda like that they change color when they die :) Although I will add red corpse for the Guard.
Correct Sell Price would be 120000, and for STR_ETHEREAL_SOLDIER, 80000
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 23, 2015, 06:19:20 pm
No worries :) It's fun to dig in rulesets again!

If the corpse thing is as designed (could make sense, they are all wearing the same robes and it's the living Star God that makes the robes colorful, with the color depending on the individual's power), maybe something in the star god's booty entry about it? It's a pretty minimal article for now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 06:20:24 pm
Yeah good idea.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 23, 2015, 08:06:37 pm
Inventory TU costs ( are bugged for Shoulder/Legs. TU Cost is identical for Left Shoulder -> Left Leg (14)/Right Leg(12) as Right Shoulder -> Left Leg(14)/Right Leg(12).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 23, 2015, 08:18:33 pm
Yeah good idea.
Which might prompt consideration for a change in color for some of them? Novices would make sense at the same color as the corpses (they are not powerful enough to "shine through"), but no powerful ones should be?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2015, 09:01:16 pm
I'm actually waiting with this till Yankes introduces animated sprite colors he said he's making :)
As for the robes, these are all 'very ethereal ethereals', or 'tricksters', even the novices, thus they 'shine'. Guards are red, since they have no MC, only levitation. Orange ethereals are 'battle mages' (MC, but no other trickery or 'shine') and they're no longer found on Earth.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on November 23, 2015, 11:07:45 pm
@niculinux: I doubt playing with missions and save writting/reading is much of a quickfix ;P But I'll be happy if Yankes proves me wrong.

uh..i'm really kinda incompetent in information tecnology, but i think that may hava a high priority in the bug fixing/development..O,:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on November 23, 2015, 11:17:57 pm
I will not change how mission are spawn because it will break compatibility with basic version. This request should go to SupSuper and Warboy, they can break everything to fix this :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on November 23, 2015, 11:32:53 pm
I will not change how mission are spawn because it will break compatibility with basic version. This request should go to SupSuper and Warboy, they can break everything to fix this :)

Done! (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 24, 2015, 02:24:42 am
More playing, more odds stuff. Pogrom again, with really awesome slums-like terrain. But the buildings are really weird:

154 - Looks like the pilot completely obliterated a building in order to make a landing zone?

156 - The steps for this building are weird. There's a floor tile sticking out over the steps, so you go up the steps through the floor, but you have to jump down the hanging floor.

157 - The steps for this building are not under the hole in the 2nd floor, but just next to it. Another case of "go up through the floor, jump down to hole to get out"

158 - Secret room? missing door? In the next espisode: Find out if there's a deep one hiding on the other side!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2015, 12:21:25 am
Yeah this map is very chaotic, and my craft placement just added to the chaos. They're all no bugs per se (well except the 'secret room', and broken stairs, so very Hobbes, but with the amount of work he's doing, it's a wonder that there are so few bugs in his terrains) but terrains ' oddities.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 25, 2015, 12:37:00 am
Yeah, just wanted to highlight the issues. It's a good thing we can walk through floors when going up, and jump through the holes of where the stairs should have been. It's a really cool map otherwise and there's not really any issue that's unresolvable, so it's worth keeping for sure.

The secret room is actually connected by a staircase on the other side which I had missed. The only issue is that both staircases have floors on top, so you need to blow up a wall/floor to get out (which is easy enough to do.. maybe the rooms were condemned..!).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 28, 2015, 08:36:54 pm
New bug:

I had read that in vanilla XCom, if you MC a zombie that was created from your soldier, you get that soldier back. Basically you subdue the zombie, remove the chryssalid larvae and can heal the soldier back. So after one of my gals got zombified, I decided to try. Result is: CTD :(

I've attached a save with the zombie as the last surviving unit and my witch making her way to it (using another gal as bait/spotter, just remember to empty her TUs so she doesn't reaction kill the zombie). If you are one tile away from the zombie, you can MC it. No cheating stat-boosting required, just a very strong witch (I do have psi-Str training enabled, but that doesn't bring you above the cap any ways).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 29, 2015, 12:43:09 am
Small typo stuff from Bootypedia:

STR_FLOATER_LEADER_UFOPEDIA: <snip> Trader Reps like are few and ...
should be:
Trader Reps like these are few and ...

RATMAN:  "The Ratmen are a sub-race of mutant midgets, universally dispised <sic> by
should be:  despised

Sorry its not a huge list, I just wanted to get these in before I forget about them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 29, 2015, 01:49:44 am
Sure, thanks a lot! Fixed those.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on November 29, 2015, 02:51:41 am
Reported that awhile ago. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on November 29, 2015, 11:22:33 pm
Got a big bug here - Though its not from me.


When starting a Progrom, the Bonny was merged into the building. Sorry I've only got a picture and not a save file. As for why, here's the story

When the last update came out, I downloaded 2 copies, one for me and one for my brother.

Yesterday after I got home from town, I got a call from my brother saying, and I quote "That copy of Piratez you got me is broken, here's a picture of what happend - can you fix it tonight?"

After spending half an hour explaning why I couldent fix it right then, I said if he could send me a copy of the save file I'd post it here.

His responce - "I sent you the picture, that's all they need to fix anything."

YES he is that tech dumb.  I finnaly got through to him that if he finds a bug we need a save file.

As to the problem - I'm keeping an eye out for it myself if it happens again and I thought if I posted the picture here others could keep an eye out too.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 30, 2015, 01:00:40 am
Lol, no need to tell me since I posted this very bug as advertisement pic for the previous release :P It's already fixed.,3626.msg54660.html#msg54660
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on November 30, 2015, 11:10:42 pm
Found another one - error with the map sizes, causes a CTD.


Just change the settings in the ruleset to fix right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 30, 2015, 11:40:04 pm
Yeah I think. Ubase is such a mess now, I need to really test it out for further trouble (I could use Hellrazor's Expanded Ubase, but the whole Ubase is just a placeholder anyway - there will be brand new enemy hideout terrains).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 01, 2015, 10:11:20 am
Version v0.95C

CTD: all you have to do is wait for the next day to tick over. I didn't see anything in the log files, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

So my live stream campaign is effectively at a standstill for now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 01, 2015, 02:25:58 pm
Version v0.95C

CTD: all you have to do is wait for the next day to tick over. I didn't see anything in the log files, so I'm not sure what the issue is.

So my live stream campaign is effectively at a standstill for now.

It's the bug with Bomb Launcher research. I strongly advise upgrading to 0.96 since it repairs this and several other bugs (the Dark Ones crash, extra psi defence from armor works). Also terrains are upgraded, so less map problems, and there are tons of new maps added from Hobbes' pack, and enemy ships got reskinned.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 01, 2015, 03:42:35 pm
It's the bug with Bomb Launcher research. I strongly advise upgrading to 0.96 since it repairs this and several other bugs (the Dark Ones crash, extra psi defence from armor works). Also terrains are upgraded, so less map problems, and there are tons of new maps added from Hobbes' pack, and enemy ships got reskinned.

I was really hoping to not have to update yet; I feel like I cheat myself out of early game changes by constantly updating or even skipping research. I'll go for it though and hope for the best!

Thanks Dio!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 01, 2015, 03:55:52 pm
I was really hoping to not have to update yet; I feel like I cheat myself out of early game changes by constantly updating or even skipping research. I'll go for it though and hope for the best!

Thanks Dio!

No worries, research changes are very slight between these 2 versions, and no starting base changes I think. Plus you'd be missing new content (no old content gets deleted, so no worries about that :) )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RareOne on December 06, 2015, 03:50:58 pm
Hi, thank you for your work!
Just installed the 0.97 version and found a lot of new researches, which really makes me happier!

But I cannot not to point some problems I encountered right after the start.

I hope you can make some quick hotfixes for that, or post a corrected part of the ruleset, because I cannot figure out the solution myself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 06, 2015, 04:15:47 pm
The first problem is quite normal, your previous version is probably really old. Put 1 researcher on each and the next day these problems will be gone.

As for the second one, read the 0.96->0.97 save upgrade instructions (here in a sticky topic).
Title: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.97 - Dangerous Place, Savage Place
Post by: Cristao on December 06, 2015, 06:34:17 pm
(Post moved to the proper topic - Dioxine)

Ermm confirmed. I too got a Floater Corpse bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 06, 2015, 06:46:24 pm
Floater corpse bug: When i killed some personal guy armor it showed in the inventory as floater. See Cristao report (,3626.msg55643.html#msg55643) and screenshot attached :)

Title: Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - 0.97 - Dangerous Place, Savage Place
Post by: Dioxine on December 06, 2015, 06:52:13 pm
Hmm, so the bug seems to persist. I think I have a solution. I need to make a fixed release real soon...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RareOne on December 06, 2015, 07:27:06 pm
Ehm, I'm sorry, but it seems that after the update quicksave and quickload functions don't work. WAIDW?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 06, 2015, 07:34:07 pm
Do you have debug mode turned on? That disables quick save/load but I don't think a mod can do it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RareOne on December 06, 2015, 07:36:39 pm
I honestly don't know if it is on or off. Just unpacked the 0.97 and put my saves to proper folder.
How to disable it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 06, 2015, 07:43:35 pm
v0.97 came with an "options.cfg" file in the user folder, which has debug: true, presumably because Dioxine was debugging something. You need to set it to false.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RareOne on December 06, 2015, 07:54:31 pm
Yup, that helped. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 07, 2015, 04:49:27 pm
Hey another strange thing, started a whole new game with 0.97, on mi 3d mutant progrom in the late march 2601 i get some mixed type terrain. It smells of a bug :,(

See screenshots

Edit: also saved game attacched added

Edit 2: in the related savedgame, ground assaultin a govt shop, one of my gas right after having stepped from the bonaventura was hit and went unconscious, but then the body disappeared :,(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 07, 2015, 05:08:25 pm
Thats no bug. Thats the tropical village terrain. Its great!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 07, 2015, 05:29:46 pm
The game shows the heaviest floor sprite. And a HMG has a higher weight than a body, so the game showed HMG instead of the body. No bug :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 07, 2015, 05:42:51 pm
The game shows the heaviest floor sprite. And a HMG has a higher weight than a body, so the game showed HMG instead of the body. No bug :)

So i guess we'll have to live with that...nggueeee  :'(  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 08, 2015, 07:54:58 pm
More weirdness...first ground assault in the very early february 2601, large blue ship (n the very lates game i've seen pretty some, never saw in more of a real life year playing/testin?!) and a homefront clip rifle decided to go0et big....maybe looks like a mice...or some kind of dildo..well peraphs also gals wanna have differen type of fun sometimes?  :o

See the screenshot attached...

edit:the usual typos..

edit 2: sorry i forgot to tell, i actually drop a clip during the mkssion, and then the mafic happened :, ( hope ig does not has to do with the new 2.5 oxe executable update  :-[
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 09, 2015, 12:23:37 am
It's your Battle Standard what lies on the floor, but you can call it whatever you want, dildo is fine too :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on December 09, 2015, 08:36:07 pm
game just close down at the end of the month, I managed to see the month report once and get past it, not sure why. but trying again 3 times and just closes down.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 09, 2015, 09:08:40 pm
Enemy mission generation problem. Is that an upgraded save, or new game? If an upgraded one, try updating to 0.97A, and hopefully the bug disappears. There were changes to enemy mission generation routines, which can lead to problems like these.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on December 09, 2015, 09:37:55 pm
it was 0.97, but 0.97A didn't help. it was upgraded save from 0.96 tho, but I followed all the instructions.
ok, so it might just be an incompatable savefile? since I read that all missions are like generated at start and saved in the savefile? something like that?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 09, 2015, 09:48:53 pm
If you want to upgrade, you need to read the information in this topic (,4133.0.html). You can't just slap a new mod version on and load an old save.

In this case, upgrading from 0.96 to 0.97 required you to remove all government patrol missions from your save. You have two of them which are ongoing, and you have them listed in every other regions.

So you did not upgrade your save to be compatible with the new mod version, that's why the missions are causing a crash at the end of the month. Nothing wrong with the mod :P

To make your save compatible, you need to:
- remove both instances of "STR_MISSION_GOVT_PATROL" along with their parameters, in the "alienMissions" section
- remove the "STR_MISSION_GOVT_PATROL:" (followed by a number), in the possibleMissions section

Upgrading the mod while continuing a campaign requires some work (always outlined in the topic I linked above). Otherwise, it is much safer to stick to one version for one campaign.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on December 09, 2015, 10:16:39 pm
ok thank you, I must have missed the govt patrol thing, removed now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2015, 02:18:37 am
0.97 was a major upgrade, 0.97A doesn't have any save incompatibility with 0.97, and this is usually the norm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Imeryak on December 11, 2015, 06:22:50 pm
Piratez 0.97A. Xeno Armor require STR_CHURCH_MEDIC, which is missing in factions ruleset.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2015, 06:40:24 pm
Should be replaced with STR_BEASTMASTER_TERRORIST
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 11, 2015, 06:44:41 pm
I didnt find any reference to CHURCH_MEDIC in the rulesets! What ruleset did you find it in and line number (if you are using Notepad++)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 11, 2015, 06:49:32 pm
It's in Piratez.rul, lines 21537, for the armor pre-requisite. There is also a research project for the church medic, at line 23039, which I'm not sure what to do with, since there is already a research project for the beastmaster (so you don't really want to change the STR_CHURCH_MEDIC research project to a second STR_BEASTMASTER_TERRORIST project).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2015, 06:53:33 pm
I think the STR_CHURCH_MEDIC research project can be safely deleted. Or you can keep it to see if it doesn't pop up out of sudden somewhere (there's no language string to it, so easy to spot). Only add STR_MISSION_CONVERSION to the STR_BEASTMASTER_TERRORIST "getOneFree" list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 11, 2015, 09:06:58 pm
I must have a different Piratez.rul

I find my first dependency on line 21610 in the Crystalisk armor and on line 23112, the research project. If I change needItem to false in the research code, would that be fine?

I think there is 73 lines of code missing from your .rul file, Arthanor (if it is 0.97A). I commented the dependency out using #.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 11, 2015, 09:20:29 pm
ah! Sorry, I haven't upgraded to 0.97A yet as I am in the middle of a battle (and it is better not to upgrade mid-battle).

I just downloaded 0.97A and I find the STR_CHURCH_MEDIC on the exact same line as before though.. so I don't know what's up with your version.

needItem is a rather different thing from dependencies, so I wouldn't try to fix things this way. Just make sure that the dependencies for STR_CRYSTALISK_ARMOR (whichever line that is for you) are:


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2015, 11:00:21 pm
There's no needItem in the STR_CRYSTALISK_ARMOR entry... ???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 11, 2015, 11:23:48 pm
And this is why I prefer new campaigns over upgrading save games.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 11, 2015, 11:26:07 pm
There's no needItem in the STR_CRYSTALISK_ARMOR entry... ???
Apologies - dependency

Code: [Select]
    cost: 25
    points: 50
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 12, 2015, 02:19:06 am
And this is why I prefer new campaigns over upgrading save games.

But sometimes upgrading solves bugs that you have in your current version! (as would be the case with upgrading to 0.97B or 0.98 which will presumably solve the STR_CHURCH_MEDIC issue discussed here).

So.. replace STR_CHURCH_MEDIC with STR_BEASTMASTER_TERRORIST in the dependency you just showed. Nothing else really needs to be changed. Did that not work?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 12, 2015, 06:54:24 am
There is a bug with the golden/brownish 2-story ship (spartans were using this one) with search lights on the roof and with its entrance on the second story. When clicking to stand atop the stairs, just outside the entrance of the ship, the game will waypoint the gals to first step through the door and then step out onto the stair again

UPDATE: I noticed that the spot where i was directing the gals at was on the second story, but you could in fact stand on the stairs at the same exact spot below, causing the game to act in that way. Maybe if the stairs were longer?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 14, 2015, 05:08:38 am
I can't seem to use church neophytes for slavery. Is this a bug?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 14, 2015, 05:38:00 am
I'm playing 0.97A, where the bug with the infinitely-exploding wreckage map should be fixed, but i just had it happen again :S
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 14, 2015, 07:28:35 am
1. Peculiarity
2. Fully intended
3. Missed one tile which happens to be the most common. Will be fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 14, 2015, 10:18:31 am
Is it also a bug that i can't use church matrons and priests for slavery?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 14, 2015, 12:26:01 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 14, 2015, 01:09:38 pm
was hoping that I hadnt gotten the research for the neophytes. Oh well sell them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 14, 2015, 07:14:54 pm
Question on the new Ratman Mob Lieutenant unit:

When setting up the bootypedia page for it, I noticed that the size (lofttemps) of the leader unit is different than the standard ratman unit (1 vs 2). I would expect both of them to be loft-temps 1 (which we are calling small).

(Piratez_Armors.rul lines 386 & 294)

Also, since it wasn't already in rescources, I slapped together a quick inventory image. Idk if you want it or not, but I'll attach it here. Its probably not something you can use easilly, but what the heck.

edit: also spelling in Bootypedia entry: "rougues " should be "rogues"

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 14, 2015, 07:38:29 pm
Thanks for that! Indeed the loftemps should be 1 for both.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 14, 2015, 11:13:40 pm
Doing more bootypedia work.  Looking at the Shark Jetbike.   The Bootypedia entry says it gets 80% dodge, but Piratez.rul has avoidBonus: 48  (line 14777) .  Is that a discrepancy, or am I misunderstanding how the bonuses work?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 14, 2015, 11:26:26 pm
80% is the real bonus, based on standard enemy vessels accuracy = 60%. 60*0.8 = 48. So it has a 80% chance of avoiding otherwise succesful hit. If it had avoidBonus >59, it'd be impossible to hit by the enemy :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 15, 2015, 12:07:49 am
80% is the real bonus, based on standard enemy vessels accuracy = 60%. 60*0.8 = 48. So it has a 80% chance of avoiding otherwise succesful hit. If it had avoidBonus >59, it'd be impossible to hit by the enemy :)
Perfect! Thanks for the explanation! 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 15, 2015, 07:01:30 am
So i've just had a run-in with what i learned were cyclopses. This is my first encounter and i've heard about how tough they are, but are they supposed to not really do any damage? It seems that their projectiles only eat away at your armor, and sometimes they do a bit of damage to hp. Given that, i set my phasers to stun and let all my gals go BANZAIII with their stun rods. Holy shit these suckers can take a lot of stun, but all my other weapons were useless against them :P

I've included a save for documentation

UPDATE: Just after i continued playing from the save, my gals started dropping like flies. Maybe it was a bug that got resolved when i reloaded the game?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 15, 2015, 07:23:50 am
They don't do much HP damage, depending on your armor (heavier armor - more damage). They can't hurt you before your armor is totally gone. Their main function is to tank and strip armor, and destroy morale. Quite a fun combo when you have even a couple of Star Gods around. But don't worry, they'll get some hellish buddies eventually :)

UPDATE: Just after i continued playing from the save, my gals started dropping like flies. Maybe it was a bug that got resolved when i reloaded the game?

Yeah, most likely the 'bug' was in your head :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Imeryak on December 15, 2015, 11:14:43 am
I did not know that such a message exists.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 15, 2015, 11:46:34 am
I did not know that such a message exists.

This is a TFTD message. What did you do to enable it? I'm curious :)
If this wasn't intentional, take note you should not upgrade your OXCom version; the mod is compatible only with the one supplied with it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hellrazor on December 15, 2015, 12:14:00 pm
This is a TFTD message. What did you do to enable it? I'm curious :)
If this wasn't intentional, take note you should not upgrade your OXCom version; the mod is compatible only with the one supplied with it.

This bug is supposed to fixed by SupSuper GithubCommit (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 15, 2015, 03:09:21 pm
I had similar but I ignored it. In my case it occurs if I tell a pachyderm (with no weapons) to intercept an enemy vessel so that I could shadow it to its landing spot. That error is seen if it catches up with the enemy craft over water.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bobwolf on December 15, 2015, 06:38:25 pm
Hey guys!

I'm really surprised to say that my game is lagging when the earth is rotating. In 0.96 I did not have that trouble.

Any way I could fix that please ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 15, 2015, 07:24:02 pm
Hey guys!

I'm really surprised to say that my game is lagging when the earth is rotating. In 0.96 I did not have that trouble.

Any way I could fix that please ?

No idea, it doesn't lag for me. Or I'm unable to perceive it. But there is more stuff going on on the geoscape; maybe your machine is simply too slow for all this new activity.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bobwolf on December 17, 2015, 07:10:53 pm
I'm pretty sure my cpu is fine.

It must be a setting somewhere that slow the cpu on purpose.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 17, 2015, 07:18:38 pm
And I'm pretty sure I haven't accidentally wrote a virus. Lag-free on: my machine. i5 quad, NVidia GTX 465, 12 GB RAM. Make sure nothing is running in the background, eating up the RAM or your first CPU core's power. OXCom is rather demanding and I've always experienced slight lags when, for example, my antivirus was scanning the disks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RareOne on December 17, 2015, 08:24:45 pm
Found it during the Star God Cruiser mission.
I think it was a  Guardian. Don't remember now...

I also got that Floater Corpse research bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 17, 2015, 09:06:08 pm
And I'm pretty sure I haven't accidentally wrote a virus. Lag-free on: my machine. i5 quad, NVidia GTX 465, 12 GB RAM. Make sure nothing is running in the background, eating up the RAM or your first CPU core's power. OXCom is rather demanding and I've always experienced slight lags when, for example, my antivirus was scanning the disks.

OpenXCom runs fine on my computer and it is a tiny shitty acer notebook (The initial reason why I was looking for the original XCom, it's one of the few games I can actually play!).

Although I haven't tried 0.97A yet I don't think.. Piratez takes forever to load (so many assets to take in at startup) but otherwise it is fine. I'm curious to see if that changes with the latest version. Did you change anything major in the geoscape?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 17, 2015, 10:06:14 pm
Although I haven't tried 0.97A yet I don't think.. Piratez takes forever to load (so many assets to take in at startup) but otherwise it is fine. I'm curious to see if that changes with the latest version. Did you change anything major in the geoscape?

Answered that question already. No, except for a 50% increase in number of alien missions that run monthly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bobwolf on December 18, 2015, 08:28:11 am
I'm not saying you wrote a virus. But 0.96 was very smooth and 0.97 is lagging.

I will try to reinstall xcom - openxcom and pirate to see if it changes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 18, 2015, 08:35:27 am
I'm not saying you wrote a virus. But 0.96 was very smooth and 0.97 is lagging.

And I'm saying I haven't noticed anything of sort, nor introduced any engine changes. The version change was between 0.95C and 0.96.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on December 18, 2015, 09:55:13 am
I dont think it has to do with your mod. I also got it while playing vanilla OpenXCOM when new commendations come up for my players.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on December 18, 2015, 07:41:47 pm
shipping pops up with interresting speed, made screenshot, right after terror mission spawned and when checked the ship again its down to 900 units of speed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 18, 2015, 07:52:52 pm
I don't see any 900 speed here...? And no crash?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on December 18, 2015, 08:36:20 pm
There is no need for picture of 900 speed, but this one is bug, isnt it ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 18, 2015, 09:37:16 pm
No. But catching it at 900 would be strange, as it should be gone within a single 5-sec cycle and even if not, never decrease speed, and even if not, disappear when spawning the Pogrom... curious... And the need for the second picture is obvious, to check if it is indeed the same contact (all are numbered, as you can see).
I'll adjust the timers to hopefully make this detectable only to the Hyperwave Decoder, as radar contact is useless in this case anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on December 18, 2015, 09:56:26 pm
Actually, you were right.
Just checked, it has lower number. See both pictures for times + added save.
Looks like that speed one 42 was pogrom, 41 wasnt reported at all - picture is from selecting it from save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 18, 2015, 11:48:21 pm
Hey, watching a playthrough, can't remembrper if meridion od dracogriffin's one, once solar courier was researched the reposrt was "royal canadian family exterminated", and in the article there is a small typo: familiy instead of family, in the first lines :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 19, 2015, 07:23:50 am
I actually missed that one. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 19, 2015, 07:58:23 am
I'm wondering if there is a palette issue with the Possessed Soldier sprites: Dem_1.png

This is what I get,

It doesn't really match the inventory image so I was wondering if this is intended.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 19, 2015, 09:12:27 am
Palette is fine. More like, laziness issue. I kinda like their ugly zombie sprites, too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 19, 2015, 04:25:47 pm
I tried working up a "green" zombie version of the Inventory Image.... not exactly happy with the results, but thought I'd leave it here in case you decide you might want to use it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 19, 2015, 11:11:28 pm
I like it. I like both. Can we keep both?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 20, 2015, 12:23:56 am
I'd for igor's one, pleeese  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 20, 2015, 01:51:37 pm
I tried working up a "green" zombie version of the Inventory Image.... not exactly happy with the results, but thought I'd leave it here in case you decide you might want to use it.

Why not just recolor the battlescape sprites beige to match the ufopedia sprite? Or does that make it too similar to the labourers?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 20, 2015, 02:26:59 pm
Why not just recolor the battlescape sprites beige to match the ufopedia sprite? Or does that make it too similar to the labourers?

Good idea, don't let me stop you...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 21, 2015, 07:00:40 pm
From the main thread: (,3626.msg56474.html#msg56474)

When the cattle prod is unlocked by researching contacts: smugglers, the ufopedia entry names it as stun rod

actually in the black market and in the ufopedia reads cattle prod, while in the research topic "contract:smugglers" (the one that unlocks it) tell "stun rod so it's a typo in the "contract: smugglers" research topic results :)

Hey i started a new game with 0.98b and twice in a row in a dogfight my craft was nearly shot down with 95 damages O_o but once i fleed to the base it was quickly repaired, may be ma that i'm wrong but better if omeone checks also, seems a weird behavior. I fear that the dogfight bug is again aming with us, i get a nearly all red bonaventura, but when at the base it displays few damage percentage (16%) :(

Edit screenshots attached, logfile and save!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 21, 2015, 07:26:49 pm
Loaded that save.

1. After taking off from the Pogrom site, the Bonaventura was not damaged at all.
2. Next day there was a Gunboat flying by, I intercepted it, got to similar damage level (on-screen), then had to disengage. But the damage was 78%, and the repair time nearly 10 days, all correct.

Myth: busted. Make sure the bug you detected isn't caused by your version/extra mods you might be using.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 21, 2015, 07:30:37 pm
Sry, my bad, a simple overshit then :) I'm usin only mods bundled with 0.97b, screenshot attached :)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 21, 2015, 07:33:00 pm
Okay, then if the bug persists, you might have a problem with game version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on December 21, 2015, 07:37:14 pm
I guess that niculinux use older than 2.5b version without fixed craft durability bonus from weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 21, 2015, 07:44:09 pm
I guess that niculinux use older than 2.5b version without fixed craft durability bonus from weapons.

maybe, i just installed the brand new openxocm-extended package provided by knapsu in the PPA, perapsh the package itself is not updated? For futher details, here (,2258.msg56509.html#msg56509).

Actually there is a way also via terminal - to see what version i have for those who install via ubuntu PPA? Screenshot attached :)

Edit: omething about the handle in the 0.97b: the description contains the string: target receives Morale on hit. Actually i think there's the "los" word missing, so that targets receives moreale loss on hit?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 21, 2015, 08:22:51 pm
actually in the black market and in the ufopedia reads cattle prod, while in the research topic "contract:smugglers" (the one that unlocks it) tell "stun rod so it's a typo in the "contract: smugglers" research topic results :)

Argh, yeah that's what i meant. :) A similar minor 'bug' is that durathread mesh still uses the 'trader stuff' ufopedia entry
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 21, 2015, 08:37:25 pm
Edit: omething about the handle in the 0.97b: the description contains the string: target receives Morale on hit. Actually i think there's the "los" word missing, so that targets receives moreale loss on hit?

From what I understand, this entry for the handle is correct.  You can actually use it on your own troops that might be panicking to "slap them around a bit" and snap them out of it.  Much like sergeants and petty officers used sticks or ropes to beat their own troops and keep them doing what they were supposed to do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 21, 2015, 08:46:26 pm
^exactly true.

About the 'trader's stuff' etc. I kept it for clarity's sake (wtf did I just research?) but I can change these names too, if you think it'd be more proper.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on December 22, 2015, 11:07:38 am
About the 'trader's stuff' etc. I kept it for clarity's sake (wtf did I just research?) but I can change these names too, if you think it'd be more proper.

Probably 'better' to change the names for consistency, even though it's a minor thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports: Huge Rocky?
Post by: ivandogovich on December 22, 2015, 06:29:19 pm
Not sure if this is a bug or not:

In Piratez_Armors.rul (line 2216), "Rocky" the Silacoid has a  loftempsSet: [ 5 ]

In my imperfect understanding of loftemps, I believe that 5 is Huge...

I would have assumed the unit to have a Medium (2) or Small (1) valued to reflect their size as a sprite. 

If my understanding of these settings is wrong, I'd love to understand it better if someone can point me to the right place. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 22, 2015, 07:22:27 pm
This is totally dumb to report since I am using 0.96 (upgraded from 0.95C):

CTD occurs when clicking the left (or "previous entry") arrow button on the research report Bootypedia entry (in the stream it was the male Labourer that popped up). However, clicking the right arrow (or "next entry") or Aye buttons does not result in a CTD.

I'm sure this is probably fixed but there ya go.

edit: Not sure if the .sav actually attached? Attached a new one to see if that works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2015, 07:39:43 pm
This is totally dumb to report since I am using 0.96 (upgraded from 0.95C):

CTD occurs when clicking the left (or "previous entry") arrow button on the research report Bootypedia entry (in the stream it was the male Labourer that popped up). However, clicking the right arrow (or "next entry") or Aye buttons does not result in a CTD.

  • Advance time to the next day
  • Click View Reports
  • Click Left Arrow ("Previous Entry")
  • Game should CTD

I'm sure this is probably fixed but there ya go.

Nah, I had no idea. Probably some leftovers/empty techs/conflict with vanilla? No idea. I will investigate.

Not sure if this is a bug or not:

In Piratez_Armors.rul (line 2216), "Rocky" the Silacoid has a  loftempsSet: [ 5 ]

Copied from the original game. I guess it's flat but wide.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 22, 2015, 07:50:37 pm
kk. :)  Thanks. 

I got quite a kick out of investigating Rocky.  Question about his powers:

Love his built in flame thrower.  Range unlimited is intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DracoGriffin on December 22, 2015, 07:55:02 pm
Nah, I had no idea. Probably some leftovers/empty techs/conflict with vanilla? No idea. I will investigate.

Re-attached the save... not sure why it didn't properly the first time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2015, 11:15:27 pm
Re-attached the save... not sure why it didn't properly the first time.

It does crash no matter what you research. Well. Can't do much about that, since all the Pedia entries are good. Just don't use that left arrow until it gets unf***ed by someone in charge.

@Silacoid: yeah, intended. Doesn't really matter, I think, since it is an AI unit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 22, 2015, 11:25:57 pm
Hey "breaking news! after i recovered the solar courier from a 3d progom mission game all of a sudden it diplsyed research completed for the solar courier without i researched it (wa doind the "rifle bullet manufacture" instead) and told me about the rat men :) maybe a bug, but i attach the savefile for eventual examination :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2015, 11:35:18 pm
Not a bug, you have a 33.3% chance of Solar Courier being researched for free, due to its research cost = 1. I think it is fine, maybe someone just read it in their spare time :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 23, 2015, 04:02:08 pm
Thanks! Tbe cradh exprriencec by DracoGrffin hsppens on episone n. 33 of his playthrough, at 1:48:33 as soon as he hit ok after haveng finished reading the "laborer" description (just watching it right now). May be some bug with the faction involved, i hope is has no to to with the 2.5b exscutable :, (

edit: after having researched the topic "govt personal code"  the laborer was unlocked. I hope this might be a bug related to that topic
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 23, 2015, 05:59:30 pm
This has been answered already.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 24, 2015, 01:08:33 pm
This has been answered already.

OK :) Hey, another weird thing, in the battlescape a shape of an enemy is being dispayed,  but it's noon on the space view of my men even in the past turns, i caught this accidentally), plus i did not even move the pirate in the lower left corner of the screen, so what might be? Saved attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 24, 2015, 05:56:52 pm
Have you never played XCom before? Geez.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 24, 2015, 06:43:16 pm
Yes enough. Maybe i'm kinda paranoic, but i never might kno. Sry may be a silly report, imreally should stop easy posting..ok done :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 24, 2015, 08:54:11 pm
Just noticed a small Ufopedia Entry Text Tweak (While watching Draco's ep 10.)

In Mutant Pogroms: (Piratez_lang.rul line  2613)

"... Whenever we care about the hapless fools .."

Should be

"... Whether we care about the hapless fools .."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 24, 2015, 10:47:08 pm
Have you never played XCom before? Geez.

To expand on this a bit, it is normal xcom behavior to show it like this.

A soldier spotted the enemy so it is drawn, but the floor has not been seen yet so it is black. Since the enemy is shaded like the tile it stands on, the enemy is also shaded black, yet it is visible because of the other floor tiles which are revealed. But yeah.. this shouldn't be new to you :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 24, 2015, 10:52:45 pm
To expand on this a bit, it is normal xcom behavior to show it like this.

A soldier spotted the enemy so it is drawn, but the floor has not been seen yet so it is black. Since the enemy is shaded like the tile it stands on, the enemy is also shaded black, yet it is visible because of the other floor tiles which are revealed. But yeah.. this shouldn't be new to you :P

Actually i never knew this :) seems a "technical" thing, thank you ivan for your kind explanation :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Frownton on December 30, 2015, 02:17:04 pm
For some reason, the game crashes when the month ends.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2015, 02:27:45 pm
Is this a save carried over from previous versions, or a new campaign started with 0.97B? Since the mission structure has been changed. Might be that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Frownton on December 30, 2015, 02:31:04 pm
It's a new campaign in 0.97B
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2015, 02:51:33 pm
There's no obvious reason... probably something with mission generation, and this will require more investigation into the matter... Bad thing is, the crash seems to persist even with save-scumming on, which should generate a working mission eventually... Can't help you right now. This whole mission scripting is difficult, maybe there is some error in this, a missing zone on the globe, or what...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Frownton on December 30, 2015, 03:01:27 pm
Okay, thanks for looking into it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 30, 2015, 05:41:20 pm
I' ve been playing piratez since the non-extended version, and never got a crash with autosave on, i used it a very few times, peraphs it might have to do with something conflicting such feature, or a bug in openxcom extended executable?

Just watched (quickly) some more of DracoGriffin playthrough, i noticed that the research topic "school graduation" is unlocked after research on "advanced chemistry", but the school thing seems already been unlocked previously, please Dioxine may you double check? Also there is a typo on the acid grenade bootipedia description (loose instead of lose)

Edit: episode is 35, mod version is 0.96
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2015, 06:13:50 pm
Does "back to school" sound like "school graduation"? Maybe for you, but I assure you, there's a difference :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on January 03, 2016, 01:18:04 am
upgraded recently to 097B and dont know why there is exploding part of forest (using 097B and Meridian's exe 2015-12-29)
saves attached are named alphabetically in time order - D before any explosion is noticed, E is next round after D i think and H is few rounds later another random explosions in same spot in next round
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 03, 2016, 05:14:10 am
Do you think that scary forest is just supposed to look scary? Think again. Wrong mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on January 03, 2016, 09:29:15 am
Do you think that scary forest is just supposed to look scary? Think again. Wrong mod.
Ah, i kinda love the greyish feel actually. It wasnt scaring me, just didnt know its intended. Thanks for info :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on January 06, 2016, 02:31:19 am
Dropping off a few more typos and corrections for the Pirate_lang.rul file.  :)

Line 2628:
      STR_MISSION_GOVT_PATROL_UFOPEDIA: "The truth is, Govt ships can be recognized simply by red-and-blue lights they bear (normally Fighters and Ordinators). The provincial govts mind their business, and they pay us our racket money, so it's kinda faux pass to attack them, but their bigger craft carry valuable booty, so it's your choice, Cap'n!"

Should be
…kinda faux pas

 Line 911:     STR_SPARTANS_UFOPEDIA: "Status: LESSER POWER{NEWLINE}These mercenaries /scavengers /bandits live out in the wild, in hidden fortresses, forming a highly hierarchical and xenophobic society of 'survivors', or 'preppers', as they call themselves. They're taught to follow their holy book, 'The Rules of Engagement'. They pride themselves for things like personal liberty and the right to bear arms, but bear no disobedience towards superiors, namely old (oftentimes geriatric), accomplished warriors. Add to that an ideology of human racial purity and the subservient role of women in their ranks is not suprising. Facing a negative population growth, they replenish their ranks with insecure, young city dwellers. Most of these die rather quickly."

Should be
… in their ranks is not surprising.

 Line 2537:      STR_SLAVE_UFOPEDIA: "Workshop Code: S{NEWLINE}Work Efficiency: 1.5{NEWLINE}Captured enemy males who lack any valuable skills are put to simple menial work at our hideout, which translates into extra 1.5 points of storage space. Not everyone is fit to be a slave; some captives are too headstrong and dangerous to risk it, while also being uninterested in any special accomodations we can realistically provide. Some are simply too weak. Some, like civilians or high goverment officials, have to be spared this fate on politi... on the moral grounds."

Should be
… special accommodations….
…. High government officials…

 Line 2619:         STR_MISSION_MILITARY_SUPPLY_UFOPEDIA: "These missions are flown by Spartans, Raiders, Govt. After watching several Light Gunboats circling around, watch out for the main dish - a Military Transport, laden with low-tech but plentiful military gear. It can be blown off the sky, but definitely has to eventually stop somewhere, and for a fair duration."

Should be
…It can be blown out of the sky

Cheers! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gunner-chan on January 12, 2016, 10:05:57 pm
So I think I might of found something unintended, but it very well might be a "Don't do that!" sorta bug.

Last night I ended up on a farm mission, and when I was gonna check a guild engineer I knocked out for lethal wounds I noticed an apple item too, so I picked it up. And I could either aimed shot or throw it like the molotovs and black powder bombs?

And attempting to do so resulted in a weird noise as it flew and a crash. I'm using latest update on a fresh save + Meridians tweaked exe
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 12, 2016, 10:15:00 pm
Yes, it was a version problem, a line of code was depreciated and deleted but not replaced by a new one. The fix was done a couple weeks ago, but waits for the 0.97c to be finished for release. For now, please just refrain from throwing apples. Interesting, I was actually wondering today if someone notices that before it gets fixed...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on January 12, 2016, 10:16:04 pm
Everytime i complete a research for the special ammo for smartpistols the game crashes to desktop
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 12, 2016, 10:22:40 pm
Yes, there was some sort of a bug (pasting a corrected entry here). Thanks for info. However, what bugs me is the fact you were researching smartpistol ammo and there's no such research.

Code: [Select]
    type_id: 4
    section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on January 12, 2016, 10:35:51 pm
Well the alloy version and it was probably properly writen

Apperently the real issue seems that after 23:01:00 thursday 4th of january year 2603 the game crashes and at random times,the time will not be the same after each reload.
There is also a sektrak in the air on a trading mission.

Also i made the ammo, not researched it but that is not the point as it seems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AbuDhabi on January 16, 2016, 07:53:46 pm
(Potential) bugs:
1. For successfully fending off this smuggler crackdown, I get negative score - which is strange, because I get positive score for smacking smugglers around elsewhere. Simply press end turn or shoot the dog and then do so.
2. Public Enemy MC'd a dog before being shot in reaction fire. Turn advances to mine, but doesn't end combat, because dog is now hostile for a turn. This (all remaining enemies are MC'd friendlies) should possibly auto-end. Not sure if this is Piratez or OpenXcom related.
3. Dioxine - you can see my tech advances here, and that I can't advance any further, which we spoke about in the release thread. I still haven't caught that Stormtrooper, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 16, 2016, 08:14:26 pm
1. You get negative score for some (catgirl, captain, PE) and positive for some others (goons). Simply outweighted.
2. Can't do anything, that's a code thing. Not even a real bug, either, if you ask me.
3. Re-checked most prequs, it should be unlocked once you interrogate him. I will add more ways to get the MPG and/or Stormtrooper in the future release, since finishing the game shouldn't really hand on a minor faction.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Galwail on January 17, 2016, 10:20:58 pm
Starting the mission in the attached save sometimes crashes the game with:

Code: [Select]
[17-01-2016 21:15:18] [FATAL] invalid vector<T> subscript
Using the 0.97C version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 18, 2016, 02:41:35 am
I suspect something with the enemy deployment, or engine explosion, but I've never seen this error before. Anyone knows what it means?

EDIT: it's not deployment, I ran it like dozen of times in QB mode. Invalid terrain seems unlikely as well, it happens too often and the terrains are well-tested...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Galwail on January 18, 2016, 08:04:07 am
Could it be caused by one of the random weapons the enemies are assigned? There are two new enemy types in the mission, that I have never seen before. Maybe one of them is bugged?

Off-topic: Those flamethrower guys are crazy  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 18, 2016, 11:04:24 am
That's what I'm referring to as "deployment".... it was my first thought but repeated testing in quick battle shown no sign of errors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on January 18, 2016, 12:41:23 pm
I suspect something with the enemy deployment, or engine explosion, but I've never seen this error before. Anyone knows what it means?

EDIT: it's not deployment, I ran it like dozen of times in QB mode. Invalid terrain seems unlikely as well, it happens too often and the terrains are well-tested...

It happened once to me in Battlescape when I was fighting the Doom enemies. A bomb/grenade went off and I got the error.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 18, 2016, 12:52:32 pm
Good to know. So all the evidence seems to be pointing at engine explosion... any code experts? Maybe it has something to do with explosion chaining in OXCE? Too bad we can't test damaged UFOs in QB...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 18, 2016, 01:47:57 pm
Good to know. So all the evidence seems to be pointing at engine explosion... any code experts? Maybe it has something to do with explosion chaining in OXCE? Too bad we can't test damaged UFOs in QB...

I will have a look in the evening.
Should I have save scumming on or off? I.e. does the error come always or only sometimes?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 18, 2016, 02:11:40 pm
Only sometimes, 50% of cases I think. And thank you very much.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Quanti on January 19, 2016, 07:26:14 am
There seems to be a problem with the new healer armour, whenever I hit the button to manufacture it the game crashes. Using the old exe (OpenXcomEx.exe) lets me start manufacturing but as soon as one is completed the game crashes. Doesn't show up on the list of options in new battle on the main menu either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 19, 2016, 11:57:45 am
Somehow a portion of the code got lost between battle tests and release. WTF. Anyway, to fix this, add this to Piratez.rul, under 'items:' section

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.3
    costSell: 80000
    listOrder: 1684
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 19, 2016, 05:02:03 pm
Only sometimes, 50% of cases I think. And thank you very much.

So far:
 - I can confirm it happens because of engine explosion
 - I am still trying to find a more specific place... but it happens "randomly", so I am now removing randomness, because once it crashes, I need to start debugging again and just starting PirateZ takes about 20 minutes (yes minutes, not seconds) on my computer... so I can do 3 attempts per hour
 - I now made engine always explode and always explode with maximum damage (250)... btw. with minimum damage (180), it doesn't crash!!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 19, 2016, 05:21:38 pm
- I now made engine always explode and always explode with maximum damage (250)... btw. with minimum damage (180), it doesn't crash!!

And that was the last missing piece of chaos :) Turned out a few tiles pointed to non-existing tiles on being destroyed. You might try it, just to be sure, but several tests ended in no crashes (files go into /TERRAIN). Thanks a lot! I'd probably never figured it out by myself, or at least, not that quickly...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 19, 2016, 05:56:50 pm
You might try it, just to be sure, but several tests ended in no crashes (files go into /TERRAIN).

Doesn't crash anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Galwail on January 19, 2016, 06:44:52 pm
Wow, thanks for the quick fix  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 20, 2016, 12:41:38 am
Not a bug, more like a minor inconvenience: Guardian/Heavy Carapace Armor and Harbinger/Advanced Power Armor have different designations in the Bootypedia/Manufacture Interface.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on January 21, 2016, 12:22:13 pm
I have observed some strange pathfinding in this patch. Sometimes when ordering a gal to go somewhere, rather than making the closest thing to a bee line, they deliberately avoid taking a direct path, even though it is on flat terrain and there are no obstacles. According to the estimates of remaining TUs, the AI is just choosing the shortest path, but the calculations doesn't make sense. Again, this does not always happen, but it occurs frequently

EDIT: see attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 12:53:58 pm
There are obstacles, just hidden - the grass is blocking movement for some reason. I could repair that but I don't want to change Hobbes' terrains too much.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on January 21, 2016, 12:57:03 pm
@Foxhound. I noticed the same and I think Meridian did as well in his video #33. It is not a game stopper/changer for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 02:42:25 pm
The difference is, Meridian landed on Savanna and the high grass there is supposed to be slowing you down. This terrain (Taiga) is *not* supposed to act like this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hobbes on January 21, 2016, 02:57:30 pm
The difference is, Meridian landed on Savanna and the high grass there is supposed to be slowing you down. This terrain (Taiga) is *not* supposed to act like this.

It's not Taiga actually but Steppe. I'm not sure if this has been fixed already and I can't check since I'm in the middle of a major ruleset implementation. Please check if the attached terrain files are newer than the ones you have, and if they solve this issue. Thanks.

PS - The Terrain Pack thread (,2358.0.html) is still active on Redux's subforum. You can still use it to report these bugs, although any fixes will be posted either as individual files or included in Redux.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 04:06:32 pm
Copy on that Hobbes, and thanks :)

Uhh actually the files I have from your terrain pack are all 10-20 minutes newer than the ones you've sent, strange as it might sound :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hobbes on January 21, 2016, 04:28:46 pm
Copy on that Hobbes, and thanks :)

Uhh actually the files I have from your terrain pack are all 10-20 minutes newer than the ones you've sent, strange as it might sound :)

It must the FORESTLZ and FORESTMOUNTLZ map files then. Could you check the date of their last modification please?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 04:59:35 pm
Version incompatibility... I'm using 0.8 Terrain Pack, I think, and there were no such Terrains as FORESTLZ and FORESTMOUNTLZ there. So, I guess the only option is to fix these myself, as I've decided I'm not updating terrain rulesets to match yours ever again, did this 3 times and it's just too much :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hobbes on January 21, 2016, 07:13:58 pm
Version incompatibility... I'm using 0.8 Terrain Pack, I think, and there were no such Terrains as FORESTLZ and FORESTMOUNTLZ there. So, I guess the only option is to fix these myself, as I've decided I'm not updating terrain rulesets to match yours ever again, did this 3 times and it's just too much :)

FORESTLZ and FORESTMOUNTLZ (and DESERTLZ and DESERTMOUNTLZ) are map blocks that replace the ones used to place craft and UFOs, which are the ones causing the double TU cost, and those LZ map blocks are used in the Steppe/Taiga/Tundra/Savanna/Grassland subterrains to fix the issue. You're welcome to fix them by yourself but I think you'll have more work than just copying the relevant map files and ruleset from the latest version of Redux.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 21, 2016, 07:43:59 pm
Not that easy, my ruleset is heavily customized, that's why it's such a pain to upgrade... Thanks anyway!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hobbes on January 21, 2016, 07:48:55 pm
Not that easy, my ruleset is heavily customized, that's why it's such a pain to upgrade... Thanks anyway!

I just checked and you already have the DESERTLZ, etc., map blocks added to your ruleset, so you really should only need to upgrade the .MAP and .RMP files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Galwail on January 21, 2016, 11:17:44 pm
A lot of times, there is a high difficulty terrain (8 TU cost) around the Bonny and the enemy shipping and the rest of the map is 4 TU. A thought it is a feature. Like somehow damaged terrain from the landing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hobbes on January 22, 2016, 01:40:41 am
A lot of times, there is a high difficulty terrain (8 TU cost) around the Bonny and the enemy shipping and the rest of the map is 4 TU. A thought it is a feature. Like somehow damaged terrain from the landing.

A man's bug is another one's feature ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on January 22, 2016, 01:57:20 am
Dropping off a collection of Bootypedia text typos, and grammar tweaks.  Verified against .97C  Piratez_lang.rul.

Line: 2330          STR_COLT45_UFOPEDIA:    "High-powered and sought-after pistol. A very robust design; an ellegant weapon for less barbaric times. Wt: 5/7.{NEWLINE}Aimed Shot Accurate Range Cap (20)"
Should be:

Line 147:      STR_HARVESTER_UFOPEDIA: "Amply named, the Shrine Ship is the primary vessel of the Church, always commanded by a Reverend. It can hold a crew of up to around 16, armed with laser weapons and flamethrowers.{NEWLINE}Max DPM: 172"
Should be:
 "Aptly named…

Line 2772 : "      STR_TURAN_UFOPEDIA: "The endless, scarcely populated expanses of Central Asia turned out to be not enough cost-effective even for the Star Gods to control. As the consequence, …..."
Should be:
…turned out to be cost prohibitive for even the Star Gods to control.  Consequently, the areas..…

Line 2885 :       STR_PINUP_086_UFOPEDIA: "Only Mun Tzu could a Tank and 4 Gals at the same time."?? "Only Mun Tzu could a Tank and 4 Gals at the same time."
Doesn't make sense.  Is this just supposed to be cryptic for humor flavor?  Because otherwise it needs some verb.

Line 2788:       STR_HISTORY_002_UFOPEDIA: "Eventually, more than a half of human leaders submitted to Star Gods rule. The others kept defiant. This situation lasted for more than a decade, tensions rising, finally culminating with a global nuclear war. The Star Gods stepped in to stop the hostilities, but millions have perished. As the nuclear winter descended, most of the military opposition to the invaders either yielded or was unable to continue organised resistance."
Should be:
"The others remained defiant."
"…millions had perished…"

Line 956:       STR_MERCENARY_SUIT_UFOPEDIA: "The rank-and file mercenaries …"
Should be:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Quanti on January 22, 2016, 04:36:30 pm
Alright, so it looks like I've got one last bug for the play through. Same kind of crash I had with the healer suit, trying to build the conquerer crashes my game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Quanti on January 23, 2016, 12:12:33 pm
Well, I've got an update on that crash. Using the old exe "OpenXcomEx" let me start manufacturing the ship and then I was able to complete it and see it sitting in the hanger using the current exe, could be something related? Either way I've managed to get around the issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 23, 2016, 12:55:14 pm
Meridian did something with craft manufacturing, I think he needs to have a look at his code :) Conqueror is unique in the sense it is produced by: producedItems: command.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 23, 2016, 03:13:01 pm
This might not be specific to piratez, but I think I just got points for all the stuff the gals leave lying around the base!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 23, 2016, 05:21:23 pm
Meridian did something with craft manufacturing, I think he needs to have a look at his code :) Conqueror is unique in the sense it is produced by: producedItems: command.

Technically not my code... the problem is in the manufacturing profitability calculation.
It cannot handle a situation when a craft (STR_AVENGER) and an item (STR_FUEL_CAPSULE) are produced at the same time... which I can fully understand, because it makes totally no sense.

I fixed this particular situation (when producing a craft produces also items by accident)... will still fail in situation when producing an item produces also a craft by accident :-) I hope you don't have such things in the ruleset.

I still recommend splitting the manufacturing into two, one for avenger, one for fuel capsules.

PS: wtf are the pre-requisites?? 2500 alloys, 2500 elerium (that's 100 landed missions!!!!), and a lot of other stuff... when the time comes, I will just cheat it in... no way I am playing milk-runs for 6+ real-life months just to get that stuff and bore my viewers to death.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 23, 2016, 05:48:31 pm
Why milk runs? Both materials are buyable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on January 23, 2016, 06:03:26 pm
Technically not my code... the problem is in the manufacturing profitability calculation.
It cannot handle a situation when a craft (STR_AVENGER) and an item (STR_FUEL_CAPSULE) are produced at the same time... which I can fully understand, because it makes totally no sense.

I fixed this particular situation (when producing a craft produces also items by accident)... will still fail in situation when producing an item produces also a craft by accident :-) I hope you don't have such things in the ruleset.

I still recommend splitting the manufacturing into two, one for avenger, one for fuel capsules.

PS: wtf are the pre-requisites?? 2500 alloys, 2500 elerium (that's 100 landed missions!!!!), and a lot of other stuff... when the time comes, I will just cheat it in... no way I am playing milk-runs for 6+ real-life months just to get that stuff and bore my viewers to death.

The problem is the storage space for that material. You will need to make a base with a lot of storage to manufacture the conqueror.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 23, 2016, 06:12:42 pm
To be precise, the main problem is having enough cash. Most materials you need can be manufactured at that point (except Elerium, mostly), or are in abundance. $100 Million or so required to do it should be easily within your capabilities by the end game. The second problem: you need a custom-build base for that project, but that's intended. After all, you have 8 base slots :)
The fuel capsule trick is there so you can't cheat and force-launch Mars mission with 1 Elerium in your fuel tank.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Quanti on January 24, 2016, 05:06:35 pm
When I got to that point my funds were pretty much inexhaustable. I needed to scrap the industrial printer in my manufacturing base to make way for another large stores, but it's pretty much the end of the game anyway so remodeling a base around building this ship won't really harm you. Plus only a few ship assaults to get some of the unbuyable stuff I didn't have in advance. Doesn't take long to do really and I like the goal it sets as preparation for your final assault after months of relatively aimless fluffing around trying to get the last parts of the research tree.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on January 24, 2016, 05:54:31 pm
I think there's a word missing after 'could' in entry #86
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 24, 2016, 06:29:51 pm
A man once said Mun Tzu wrong, so Mun Tzu axed him a question.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on January 24, 2016, 06:31:54 pm
A man once said Mun Tzu wrong, so Mun Tzu axed him a question.

The hours that I spent on Google trying to make any sense or connection from that entry....  >.<
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 24, 2016, 06:40:25 pm
No use in searching the world for wisdom which is right in the front of you :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on January 26, 2016, 05:43:10 pm
Some more 'pedia text observations/recommendations:

Line 2798:     STR_NEWSPAPER_001_UFOPEDIA: "There is an ancient saying: beware the Greeks when they're bearing gifts. No Greeks have been observed, but, in fact, there's a strange new cult on the planet, ones that are called 'Giftmasters'. They are extremely secretive, and they randomly present citizens with gifts of very high technology, never to be seen again. These 'Giftmasters' are considered highly dangerous and are being pursuited by elite detectives of the Guild, as well as the Church of Sirius, but will they be able to answer the most nagging questions - who are these 'masters' and of what? And are their gifts really gifts or something else, much more ominous? The world has to know. For now, all citizens are to refuse any technologically advanced gift from a stranger and to immediately report such incidents to the authorities."

Should be:
"… and are being pursued…." (sp)
"… and must immediately.."  (sounds better)

Line 2511:       STR_PSI_ILLUSION_UFOPEDIA: "The Academy mages - and the Star Gods themselves - wield magical force that manipulates information. It can be used to play tricks, alter minds, become invisible etc. - let your imagination run wild! To actually master their most fabled power, the power to control one's mind, we need to better know our physiology, and interrogate an Academy Provost."
Should be:
"invisible, etc., " (punctuation)

Line 2631:        STR_RUSSIAN_FILES_UFOPEDIA: "Pursuing the directions given by a Trader leader we've embarked upon an adventure in Russia. In an underground bunker built centuries ago, audio logs revealed a forgotten story. It seems that when the Earth was invaded by the Stellar Empire, most of the planet surrendered after a few years of struggle, but one country - Russia - fought on for a couple of decades (curiously, nowadays the area is a cornerstone of the Mutant Alliance) and became the last refuge of the so-called X-COM project, a clandestine organisation created back then to pit the best and the brightest against the outworldly invasion. We've found some technical expertise developed by X-COM, chiefly that of nuclear-powered laser weapons that had practically unlimited energy supply. However, to make heads and tails of these data we need to expand our knowledge base in the areas of nuclear weaponry and power sources. We must also examine contemporary Laser and Gauss weapons before attempting to develop laser guns based on X-COM expertise."
Should be:
"this data, " (word usage)
Also, I would change "outworldy invasion" to "extra-terrestrial invasion" (awkward word usage)
Further suggestion: "…to pit Earth's best and brightest…" (word usage)

Line 2888:       STR_PINUP_107_UFOPEDIA: "Our mutant bodies are able to quickly regenerate any form of non-lethal injury, so we can be smooth and ready for more adventure again, but it won't happen overnight. The healing might take anywhere from 0.5 to 1.5 times as many days as the amount of HPs an injured warrior was missing. So be a good sis and don't forget to heal as much as you can before ending a mission, since an early help can greatly reduce the duration of the painful recovery process."
Should be:
"early treatment" (word usage)

Line 2451:       STR_BIKINI_UFOPEDIA: "You need a great body not to be scared to take this outfit to the battlefield (effective Wt = 17), but its skimpy nature might prove distracting to the enemies. Melee Dodge %: REACTIONS*0.6. VooDoo Pwr Defence + BRAVERY*0.1. Energy Recovery +40%."
Should be:
"..body to be brave enough to take …." (better wording)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vlad on January 31, 2016, 07:17:09 pm
inventory part of the armor description is missing on runt armor type, looks more like its overlook rather than runt having 25/25 (which is only implied). booty missing any info of what INVENTORY stat actually means.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 01, 2016, 01:29:18 am
If it's 25/25 (like with Runt), it's omitted, like any other stat that is equal to default. I have neither time nor space in the armor description to list everything. To see what "inventory" means, enter the equip screen, wonder a little, and do the magic in your head.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on February 01, 2016, 07:07:02 pm
I upgraded from 0.97C to D, and continued playing the game i had started in C. Now my gals are 'equipped' with black boxes instead of the previous gear they used. I tried the reset loadout button, but this repeats after loading the game again. I don't know if some specific gear has been replaced with black boxes, or that the previous gear has just been moved to the bottom of the loadout screen. See attached for save

EDIT: I've attached some screenshots. Notice that the black boxes only occur for some of my gals, and how the boxes act like equipment after being 'ejected' via the clear-loadout button (bottom right on the last screenshot)   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 02, 2016, 02:49:18 pm
You're not using the proper .exe version. Please follow the install instructions. You must use Meridian's executable, either the one supplied with the mod, or a more recent one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Foxhound634 on February 03, 2016, 04:31:13 am
Ahh ok yeah, it's working now :)

I did notice that when choosing new research or manufacture projects, the text is green. After having selected the given entry it becomes white again. Is this a bug or feature?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on February 03, 2016, 05:20:43 am
Ahh ok yeah, it's working now :)

I did notice that when choosing new research or manufacture projects, the text is green. After having selected the given entry it becomes white again. Is this a bug or feature?

Its a feature that Meridian incorporated into the .exe file.  Green shows unseen items.  Research, Bootypedia, and manufacturing, so you can see when new items unlock. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on February 16, 2016, 07:50:59 pm
Got a Pogrom ( >:( ) in South Africa and came up on a weird terrain with snow on the ground but green trees? It doesn't look like an intended combination.

See screenshot below and battle-start autosave.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: yrizoud on February 16, 2016, 07:56:10 pm
I don't know this one, but the treetops are white (snow-covered), so it looks intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on February 16, 2016, 08:18:31 pm
hum.. good catch! The hedges look weird and I did not notice the white on white of the snowed in tops on the snowy ground. But I guess South Africa could have gotten quite a climate change in 600 years.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 16, 2016, 08:44:19 pm
hum.. good catch! The hedges look weird and I did not notice the white on white of the snowed in tops on the snowy ground. But I guess South Africa could have gotten quite a climate change in 600 years.

And I'll keep to that since making multiple types of coordinate-sensitive terror sites takes tons of coding :) So it's either snow city everywhere sometimes, or no snow city at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: yrizoud on February 16, 2016, 09:51:21 pm
Let it snow!
I knew Southern Africa hosts a penguin colony, and wikipedia confirms the temperatures in some places can go below freezing in the right season. The site "" reports snow falls in SA, now they just need a ""  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on February 16, 2016, 10:38:46 pm
And I'll keep to that since making multiple types of coordinate-sensitive terror sites takes tons of coding :) So it's either snow city everywhere sometimes, or no snow city at all.

Fair enough, I still think it looks a bit rough (those hedges!) but otherwise it's fine. Especially in Piratez, there's no reason you couldn't have palm trees in the arctic, or snow (or volcanic/nuclear fallout ashes..) in other areas.

That coding thing though.. looks interesting.. Maybe one day I'll get back to modding OpenXCom instead of playing Piratez. Pff.. who am I kidding?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on February 17, 2016, 05:47:31 pm
I have a crash when researching Govt/Reticulan files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 17, 2016, 06:57:38 pm
Does adding this help? (green = add this, white = leave this alone)

    cost: 0
    points: 50
    needItem: true
    cost: 0
    points: 50
    needItem: true
  - delete: STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on February 18, 2016, 12:27:19 am
Updated in Piratez.rul. YUP IT HELPED!! Solved it!! Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on February 19, 2016, 02:46:01 pm
Another little typo dump. :)

STR_LFS_001_UFOPEDIA: "Is it a mere coincidence that a band of fleeing, determined outcasts found an underground military base that was hidden for centuries?{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Is it a mere coincidence the base contained a functional laboratory, of a kind that would be envied even by the Guild?{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Did it simply happen that a tribe of so well-supplied nomads was living nearby?{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Is it a mere coincidence that it was not much after these mysterious Cloaking Devices appeared first? Why nobody knows where these devices are coming from? Is Clemborg even an Earth name? Is there a spring of change coming? Who flies on its wings?{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}Love is in the air.{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}                                                           - Well-Wisher"

Should be:
later that

Line:  1037:
      STR_DEMONIC_ESSENCE_PREQ_UFOPEDIA: "After examining a live Dark One in every way we could devise, we failed to establish any sort of contact, exorcise the demon, or find any useful info at all. Being such a diligent person, I've ordered to butcher its fresh corpse, and finally we got something. Beside normal human-like organs, the insides of Dark Ones are filled with strange  gelatinous substance we dubbed 'demonic essence'. After death, this stuff quickly breaks down, creating that foul stench that forces us to use so much space to store Dark One corpses. The corpses are useless, but I think that with proper sorcery, the 'essence' could be harvested from freshly slain Dark Ones - it HAS to hold some dark power... Thus I recommend we keep any caught Dark Ones in my dungeon for now, hmmm..."

Should be:
directed that its corpse be butchered,

Line 2812:       STR_ROMANICA_UFOPEDIA: "The most iconic feature of the landscape are numerous stone castles, from small keeps to sprawling fortresses, fortified with every known weapon, up to intercontinental missiles. These castles are ancestral homes to numerous aristocratic families, jointly ruling the land, often clashing, sometimes even warring with each other. The country is mostly deforested and dusty, but still contains huge swathes of agriculture, farmed by local peasants who are often reasonably well off (that is, until some clashing faction sets their houses on fire), but are forbidden to possess any advanced technology. The capital, Ground Zero is mostly neutral zone where the landlords meet to discuss general politics; the families might often hate each other, but they hate the neighboring countries even more. Capital's name comes from the old tale, that during the nuclear war, an ancient city that stood there was hit by the first and biggest warhead of mass destruction. Hardly any ruins remain, and today's city is a place of numerous luxury entertainment establishments."

Should be:

Line 2854:
      STR_NEWSPAPER_007_UFOPEDIA: "Last evening, a thunderous explosion tore through the Canadian Royal Palace, just as the whole royal family was celebrating the 96th birthday of the retired King, Vaclav the Foreigner. The whole Western wing of the palace was levelled, killing many serfs and nobles alike, amongst them almost the whole royal family, including the old King. Queen Aurora the 2nd, who miraculously survived only with minor injuries, immediately ordered martial law, and our sources tell that Canadian military forces are preparing to close the southern border. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police informed that the likely cause of the explosion was a plasma bomb, but flatly refused the Trader's Guild generous offer of assistance in catching the yet-unknown perpetuators."

Should be:
…and our sources tell us that Canadian military forces are preparing to close the southern border. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police reported that the likely cause of the explosion was a plasma bomb, but flatly refused the Trader's Guild's generous offer of assistance in catching the yet-unknown perpetrators."

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 20, 2016, 10:26:00 pm
I have a crash to desktop during a mission.
Save attached.
Version 0.97d, OXCE+ 2.5b (2016-02-13)

1. load attached save
2. select One-eyed Victoria (the only girl out of the craft)
3. move one step forward (in the direction of the Ghoul)

I can help debug, but I thought I will first post here, maybe you'll know immediately what it is...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 21, 2016, 01:46:21 pm
Yeah I know this, just forgot to report - it happened only once when I used debug mode and moved enemy unit into the Bonny, causing it to see >10 pirates (enemies). Seems that your .exe crashes if there are more than 10 enemy units visible - there are 10 already, Victoria spots another unit, BOOM. But better check it out more thoroughly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 21, 2016, 02:54:31 pm
Found some buggy tiles in a terror mission. They cost no Tu to move across.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bloax on February 21, 2016, 03:04:34 pm
I like that buggy terrain much more than I like that buggy terrain occasionally near the friendly craft that eats like 12 TU per step.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 21, 2016, 08:25:39 pm
Yeah I know this, just forgot to report - it happened only once when I used debug mode and moved enemy unit into the Bonny, causing it to see >10 pirates (enemies). Seems that your .exe crashes if there are more than 10 enemy units visible - there are 10 already, Victoria spots another unit, BOOM. But better check it out more thoroughly.

Thanks, that saved me hours of debugging.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on February 22, 2016, 05:42:53 am
I like that buggy terrain much more than I like that buggy terrain occasionally near the friendly craft that eats like 12 TU per step.
Yeah, I've had a streak of missions in that tundra or something terrain that costs 8 or so TUs. Those are a pain, and then it's the same trying to get on the enemy craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: x60mmx on March 11, 2016, 08:14:35 pm
On a terro mission with the latest version, and this map seems to have a lot of bugs.  Haven't been able to make it past the second turn due to certain squares on the map instantly CTD if I step on them. 

That square on top of the craft is the first one I ran into.

Game save attached.  Of course I am in ironman mode so I have no option but trudge the the mission.  This is gonna take forever.  :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2016, 08:40:57 pm
If you see a lot (more than 10) of enemies (both green and red indicators count) it will crash.
Either kill them before you see too many or upgrade my mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: x60mmx on March 11, 2016, 09:12:53 pm
I used whatever came packaged with the latest Piratez, what needs upgrading?  Also, I did not have 10+ enemies in sight.  Max I got to was 8.  There are specific squares in the map, like the one shown, that if stepped on form any angle CTD.  Also had things like this happening;

I had a unit with a Cannon standing where the movement box is.  On the alien turn she went unconscious for no reason (was full health, no stun, no aliens shot at her) and her body ended up 2 squares away on the stairs while her cannon ended up inside the stairs and was not retrievable. 

Seems like a very buggy map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2016, 09:53:50 pm
I have loaded your save and I can confirm that your crash is caused by seeing more than 10 enemies, it's not a map problem.
Please try to avoid scouting too much and kill enemies asap.

If you know how, you can try updating my mod, it's fixed already.
If you don't know how, just wait for next version of PirateZ.

PS: the unit with cannon went unconscious because of the smoke inhalation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on March 15, 2016, 10:00:26 pm
Two small bugs encountered in newest version:

1. The small ship engine in the swastika shaped humanist ship is not a solid object, units can walk through it.

2. Crash to desktop when using the superslave (superman) ranged attack. Probably missing hitsprite.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 15, 2016, 11:12:39 pm
1. The small ship engine in the swastika shaped humanist ship is not a solid object, units can walk through it.

Weird, I always assumed it was a feature. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 15, 2016, 11:53:53 pm
1) Can't really do it differently without too much extra work
2) There's double "damageAlter" declaration in AUX_ROCK. Delete the one withouth FixRadius: 0 command.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on March 19, 2016, 06:33:38 pm
I have a problem with msvcp100.I do have it in the piratez folder but it says that there is a error coming up that the file wasnt made compatible with windows or something.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 19, 2016, 09:52:19 pm
It's a problem with Meridian's executable, or rather, with how shitty a system Windows are. Hints how to fix this here:,4187.345.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bloax on March 19, 2016, 10:32:37 pm
Microsoft introduced a very nice feature to MSVC2012 (and subsequent versions) that silently breaks compatibility with Windows XP to "accidentally" make people want to upgrade.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on March 20, 2016, 07:18:59 pm
I sometimes get this when I try to lead the target with weaponless pachyderm. Colors get slightly funky, and I think STR_UNABLE_TO_ENGAGE_AIRBORNE should be replaced with actual text.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 20, 2016, 09:47:28 pm
Wut. That's a TFTD message. How did you manage to bring it up? Save or it didn't happen. And why is your palette all jumbled up?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on March 21, 2016, 12:01:34 am
I told you, I sent weaponless Pachyderm to lead the shipping.

I played over it (ironman mode, now in battlescape), but I'll send a save if I get it again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 21, 2016, 08:13:45 am
I sometimes get this when I try to lead the target with weaponless pachyderm. Colors get slightly funky, and I think STR_UNABLE_TO_ENGAGE_AIRBORNE should be replaced with actual text.

I thought that was part of the game. I always get that as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 21, 2016, 02:20:26 pm
That is a some sort of OXCom bug then, you shouldn't be seeing this message. It means that your flying sub cannot engage an USO if not submerged (flying overland).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 22, 2016, 01:06:20 am
Small issue with a CTD with Superslave's rock.   Tosses fine, but CTD on impact.

Possible problem with the impact animation on AUX_ROCK?      hitAnimation: 26

Edit:  (Per Dioxine's response below).  Oops... sorry I didn't search the thread. I should have.  Thanks for the fix.

2) There's double "damageAlter" declaration in AUX_ROCK. Delete the one withouth FixRadius: 0 command.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 22, 2016, 01:14:09 am
hitAnimation: 26 is standard for bullets, vanilla as hell... But I can see the damageType: 3 entry under AUX_ROCK, which is explosive. So my guess is that  the game is trying to draw an explosion but it's being overridden by hitanim 26 and therefore it loses its shit, technically speaking.

If I'm right, the solution would be either setting blastRadius to 0 or changing the hitAnimation number. Or changing damageType, of course.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 22, 2016, 04:13:00 pm
It's been brought up a few posts ago and fixed already.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 23, 2016, 02:16:23 am
Quick Typo find:

      STR_HYDRA_LASER_CLIP_XXX: "Hydra Laser Cip (24x5)"
should be:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lancev on March 26, 2016, 06:03:02 pm
Not sure, that this is the right thread, since the problem is likely my system setup...

The game immediately crashes at startup.
The screen goes black (no error messages etc) and I have to hardcore reset my computer (even ctrl alt delete doenst work).
I tried to reinstall visual c++, but that changes nothing.
Normal openXcom (latest nightly) works fine.
Im using Windows 7 professional.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 26, 2016, 06:08:10 pm
Not only yours, this exec is compiled on Windows, which apparently isn't compatible with Windows since 2012. Blame Microsoft and seek answers there:,4187.0.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on March 26, 2016, 08:25:23 pm
I have a reproducible crash to desktop after losing a base defense mission.

In the attached save, the attack will start soon. After losing the game is crashing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ycom on March 31, 2016, 10:21:11 am
I'm trying to install Piratez but it's asking for "msvcp140.dll" which I don't have in my original Xcom game folders. Where do I get it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 31, 2016, 10:48:33 am
Solution is in this thread. Read a few pages before this and when it comes to selecting make sure it is the 32 bit version EVEN if you are using 64 bit Windows.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ycom on March 31, 2016, 03:06:42 pm
Solution is in this thread. Read a few pages before this and when it comes to selecting make sure it is the 32 bit version EVEN if you are using 64 bit Windows.
I went to Microsoft's website and tried to download "Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015" x86 version but the download link just takes me to a page not found error. Hopefully Microsoft hasn't removed the file download because I can't get much farther without it.
Could someone please host a copy of the files on dropbox or something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 31, 2016, 03:09:45 pm
The next version is compiled on Linux and should cause no such problems. Upload soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ycom on April 01, 2016, 03:10:51 pm
The new version works perfectly thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dr_Amazing on April 04, 2016, 04:38:04 am
I'm having problems with the new weapons. Almost all the melee weapons (chainsaw and hammer are ok) have no action for swinging them at an enemy. Even when standing right next to an enemy I can only throw them away. Also some weapons have a 0 TU cost (blackpowder bombs and the crossbow for sure)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 04, 2016, 10:03:34 am
Probably fugged up install. Purge all assets, re-install the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 04, 2016, 07:43:46 pm
DR_Amazing: Try this page for instructions... (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kingdingeling on April 04, 2016, 10:43:57 pm
Hi, I am new to this. I have bought TFTD on
After installing the game (unzipping the openxcom_x-piratez folder, copying the full game directory from the GOG-files) the game gives me an error saying "" not found. Did I do something wrong on installation or does this mod not work with TFTD from (the install instructions are not very clear on this).

Thank you
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 04, 2016, 10:50:48 pm
Nope, this is a Mod for UFO, not TftD.   :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kingdingeling on April 04, 2016, 10:56:51 pm
Ok, thanks. I bought the game after reading about it on rockpaperscissors and they said that it worked with TFTD. But thanks for the fast reply, at least i wont waste my time trying to get it to run...  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 04, 2016, 11:52:04 pm
OpenXcom works with UFO and TftD now, but XPirateZ is a mod for UFO.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 05, 2016, 12:03:36 am
Ok, thanks. I bought the game after reading about it on rockpaperscissors and they said that it worked with TFTD. But thanks for the fast reply, at least i wont waste my time trying to get it to run...  :'(

The mod is not for the classic TFTD, but for Openxcom, a remake clone. You can download it for free on the main page, but you'll still need the resources from the first X-Com game (UFO: Enemy Unknown or X-Com: UFO Defense, depending on which side of the pond you live).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Flyte on April 05, 2016, 12:11:20 am
I'm getting crashes to desktop in two situations with the attached save.

A) Hellerium Stilling

1) Open the manufacturing screen.
2) Click on New Production.
3) Select Hellerium Distilling.
4) Click on Start Production.

B) Mutant Pogrom

Send the Bonaventura to Mutant Pogrom 11.  The game crashes on arrival.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dr_Amazing on April 05, 2016, 02:10:58 am
Yup that did it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 05, 2016, 10:12:28 am
I'm getting crashes to desktop in two situations with the attached save.
A) Hellerium Stilling
B) Mutant Pogrom

A/ fails on getting the sellCost of STR_ELERIUM_115_XXX
B/ fails on map generation
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 05, 2016, 12:52:55 pm
Thanks Meridian, but there was no need for that, old standard bugs in both cases :) I missed a code line, Hobbes had a map definition bug. Same old, same old...

Actually haven't been able to recreate the map crash, since it spawns Industrial not Area 51 for me :/

And for Christ sake, don't play Ironman mode, you're just asking for AYYY LMAO A BUG SIX MONTHS OF PROGRESS LOST.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Intikhab on April 08, 2016, 03:07:39 am
I'm getting crashes to desktop in two situations with the attached save.

A) Hellerium Stilling

1) Open the manufacturing screen.
2) Click on New Production.
3) Select Hellerium Distilling.
4) Click on Start Production.

B) Mutant Pogrom

Send the Bonaventura to Mutant Pogrom 11.  The game crashes on arrival.

Founded distilling hellerium bug a week ago but just made account today, i am just busy with my studies and also getting the know how of the game. Started first time playing week ago and playing on easiest difficulty lost 2 games due to poor choices and not understanding the limits for extracting the junk full vaults to do anything right etc mistakes. Third time trying to play by save scumming to understand what is what! . Is save scumming considered easy way out as a cheat? Because i usually play without save scumming but this mod i don't know what my brain is thinking not playing it right and losing!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DoktorV on April 08, 2016, 07:41:10 am
I'm new to PirateZ (and OpenXcom generally) so perhaps I've missed something, but I haven't found any reference to the bug I'm encountering anywhere on the forum.

On the inventory screens, both before and during a sortie, the hand slots are often blanked out and items can't be equipped to them. Using 'clear inventory' on someone in this state causes further oddities with blank spaces in the equipment store at the bottom. I've attached a save which should reproduce the problem.

If it matters, I'm on Kubuntu, and I compiled OpenXcom-extended myself from the git page.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 08, 2016, 09:15:17 am
Founded distilling hellerium bug a week ago but just made account today, i am just busy with my studies and also getting the know how of the game. Started first time playing week ago and playing on easiest difficulty lost 2 games due to poor choices and not understanding the limits for extracting the junk full vaults to do anything right etc mistakes. Third time trying to play by save scumming to understand what is what! . Is save scumming considered easy way out as a cheat? Because i usually play without save scumming but this mod i don't know what my brain is thinking not playing it right and losing!

Can you provide a save? Because that's unusual.

I'm new to PirateZ (and OpenXcom generally) so perhaps I've missed something, but I haven't found any reference to the bug I'm encountering anywhere on the forum.

On the inventory screens, both before and during a sortie, the hand slots are often blanked out and items can't be equipped to them. Using 'clear inventory' on someone in this state causes further oddities with blank spaces in the equipment store at the bottom. I've attached a save which should reproduce the problem.

If it matters, I'm on Kubuntu, and I compiled OpenXcom-extended myself from the git page.

Just to be sure, are you using basic OXCE by Yankes or the further modified version by Meridian? Because it should be Meridian's version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 08, 2016, 10:18:17 am
On the inventory screens, both before and during a sortie, the hand slots are often blanked out and items can't be equipped to them. Using 'clear inventory' on someone in this state causes further oddities with blank spaces in the equipment store at the bottom. I've attached a save which should reproduce the problem.

You need OXCE+ instead of OXCE for this to work properly.
(source code here:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DoktorV on April 09, 2016, 03:36:52 am
I cloned the OXCE+ from , then compiled according to , then copied over UFO and TFTD assets and Piratez data into their respective folders. Oddly, the compilation didn't put the  openxcom executable into the bin folder, I had to do that manually.

When I try to run it,  I get a "signal 11" crash and the attached error log.

The highlight appears to to be
[FATAL]   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd9eca2fd40]

So I looked into what causes errors relating to, and followed the directions here
But that didn't help, so then I tried sudo apt-get install libc6* to install both 64 and 32-bit versions of everything that it might be missing. Still the same error.

I apologize if I'm missing something simple. I'm trying to wean completely off Windows but I'm not that sophisticated with any form of Linux yet either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bloax on April 09, 2016, 09:52:28 am
I cloned the OXCE+ from , then compiled according to , then copied over UFO and TFTD assets and Piratez data into their respective folders. Oddly, the compilation didn't put the  openxcom executable into the bin folder, I had to do that manually.

When I try to run it,  I get a "signal 11" crash and the attached error log.

The highlight appears to to be
[FATAL]   /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7fd9eca2fd40]

So I looked into what causes errors relating to, and followed the directions here
But that didn't help, so then I tried sudo apt-get install libc6* to install both 64 and 32-bit versions of everything that it might be missing. Still the same error.

I apologize if I'm missing something simple. I'm trying to wean completely off Windows but I'm not that sophisticated with any form of Linux yet either.

I'm just wondering whether it's a cardinal sin in OSS to redistribute the motherfucking libraries you use for compiling the motherfucking software?
Because I always seem to see people not having those specific versions of something something that you need to compile the fucking thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2016, 09:54:43 am
I am no Linux guru, can't help you with the error.

But I have compiled my own version on Kubuntu just now and it works for me.
Please try this:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on April 09, 2016, 02:05:52 pm
When I try to run it,  I get a "signal 11" crash and the attached error log.

Could you compile with `-g` and then run it in gdb? This will show exactly place where program tried access invalid memory.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on April 10, 2016, 08:08:29 am
When I try to start a Hellerium Distilling job (after having an Extractor), the game crashes.

Additionally, the job lists its units produced as "Hellerium Distilling", which I assume is part of the issue.

Attached is a save; just go to the hideout and try to start a Hellerium Distilling manufacturing job to reproduce the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 10, 2016, 08:53:36 am
Already reported and fixed, wait for update.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DoktorV on April 11, 2016, 06:49:52 am
I figured out my problem, it turned out I didn't have the 32 bit versions of some dependencies, I thought I did but I must've made a mistake trying to install them. Once I had all of those it started working, and now I appear to have full function.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MeteorBear on April 12, 2016, 10:04:28 am
Into July of first year and all country and city names have disappeared along with the borders. Its been like this the last few loads.
Ver 2.9a
Windows 7

Great game btw!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 12, 2016, 05:58:21 pm
Into July of first year and all country and city names have disappeared along with the borders. Its been like this the last few loads.
Ver 2.9a
Windows 7

Great game btw!

You must have hit the HotKey for Countries.
"Tab – Toggle Country Detail (show the outlines on the map"
from the Ufopaedia OpenXcom Controls page:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MeteorBear on April 13, 2016, 02:09:20 am
Ah, I see, thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on April 13, 2016, 04:57:14 am
Maybe an XCom Extended bug, but:

Gal empty on Energy but with quite a few Time Units remaining attempts to open a door. Gets the "not enough time units" blare instead of "not enough Energy".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2016, 06:39:18 am
That particular issue is another long occurring flaw since no one has bothered to craft a separate error message for energy. I'm frankly impressed we have separate messages for the various types of LOS failures. All 3 are the same type of failure as far as the game cares. And energy shows up so rarely as an issue in unmoded play. piratez has it all the damn time on the other hand because we have negative energy recovery on almost every power armor.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on April 13, 2016, 08:02:03 pm
Oh, interesting. Though we do have a "not enough energy" error, it just doesn't always display when you'd expect it to.

What I reported may be a subtly different problem, though. It seems that you get a "not enough time units" error when failing an "open door" click, regardless of why it didn't work. Last night I was on a TFTD or TFTD-inspired terror map whose doors apparently don't close once opened. (You can walk straight through them once open, and they don't budge.) I didn't realize that at first, though, and got the "not enough time units" error when trying to click one shut, with both TU and Energy to spare.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2016, 11:40:07 pm
Oh hehe i remember those one time doors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 14, 2016, 05:42:07 am
Minor Bug: Plasma subrifle clips appear as "STR_PIR_SUBRIFLE_CLIP" in manufacturing menu popup after plasma weapons research is completed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 14, 2016, 04:42:07 pm
After a while of thinking, researching people and viewing I come to conclusion:
There have to be a research bug in game somewhere or the Techtree page is wrong.

That tech tree, which you can look up at the internet shows if you need hostages for researches.
For Diplomacy you don't need one, but I got trough asking friendly a guild hostess.
but I still can't research Interrogation Techniques.
Then I ask myself: What if there's two Diplomacy-research-items? For some reason you can see two Diplomacy-Items in the research tree-page, but both gives you the same page.
So one Diplomacy-Mission for Ufos and something that do other stuff and you need to come further.

Most of the hostages I capture I can't research anymore.
That mean I have to capture more of other people.
I upload my savegame and well then.

I get annoyed of myself for being so present at this forum and posting one "issue" to another.
That means I tried to make sure that I didn't do something wrong. I'm half sure my savegame missing a Key-research-item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 14, 2016, 08:21:02 pm
The tech tree viewer must be faulty there. Indeed there is STR_DIPLOMACY (Dioplomacy) and STR_MISSION_DIPLOMACY (enemy mission called the same). For Diplomacy, you need:
- Social Hierarchy
- Contact: Smugglers
- Plotting
- plus, you need to research a single Pillow Book.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 14, 2016, 08:48:21 pm
But I did research Pillow book.. Or not? In my pedia I found Pillow book...

Edit: Woah guys. I can research pillow book, then built one and research it again? Seriously?
That is counter-intuitive and imho should be changed. Whole research got to stop because I didn't want to built a pillow book, because I
didn't really saw a good use of it (some people will, but I'm a bad x-com player. so let met believe stupid things!.. Well no.. don't do that)

Well then.. Sorry for whining about bugs and spamming or something like that
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 15, 2016, 12:17:11 am
Basically any items like that - books, data discs etc. offer random free tech when researched. Everyone will learn this rather quickly, no worries.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2016, 11:30:11 am
Basically any items like that - books, data discs etc. offer random free tech when researched. Everyone will learn this rather quickly, no worries.

I think the complaint here is different, although poorly written.
Similar to complaints about dynamite research several months ago.

The issue is that (from player's perspective) you have already researched Pillow Book when you finished the Plotting research. You can manufacture it, so hey, you know everything about it, right?
And since it is not a very appealing manufacturing project, 99% of the people will never manufacture it, because they see no point in it.
And thus they will also never start researching it "again".

It makes (some) sense when you know the tech tree and once you get explanation from the author... but for new players, this is beyond confusing.

PS: speaking from my own experience... if I had not looked at the research tree in the techtreeviewer on the web... I would also never manufacture a pillow book... and would be cut off from critical research path until year 2608 when I would run out of things to research and research pillow book as last.... if I even bothered to build it in the first place, which I think I wouldn't... so effectively I would be stuck forever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 15, 2016, 11:48:37 am
Perhaps it's good to read the Pedia articles carefully. Citation: "{NEWLINE}The Pillow Books, as we call the best of 'em, require a Library to make but can be further researched for even more ideas" (bold added). I can allow to circumvent this step but this would lack substance (you haven't actually made any pillow book, so how come you're suddenly brighter?). It always amazes me how otherwise very intelligent people often don't see what's right in front of them... I guess I need to ask a third party because for me it seems dumb simple, yet for others - extremely complicated. But I have a feeling this would level off through the law of averages.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2016, 11:58:51 am
Perhaps it's good to read the Pedia articles carefully. Citation: "{NEWLINE}The Pillow Books, as we call the best of 'em, require a Library to make but can be further researched for even more ideas" (bold added). I can allow to circumvent this step but this would lack substance (you haven't actually made any pillow book, so how come you're suddenly brighter?).

Yes, I fully agree, we are all lazy bastards and should definitely read more :-)
I even read that (on camera) and immediately built a Library as a result... but then other things (e.g. a mission) popped up and I just forgot about it...
... and once you forget it and then return back, both manufacturing and research topic called "Pillow Book" are just not attractive enough to care...

I have no suggestions how to improve this, unfortunately, just raising a concern.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 15, 2016, 12:11:18 pm
Different things are attractive to different people. But I guess I need to remove this extra dependency after all, I just thought that it is by any account un-fun if the player is forced to do something that was supposed to be a bonus prize.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Aldaron on April 15, 2016, 05:05:08 pm
Hello, reporting a bug here. My game crashes if I try to manufacture Hellerium Distilling.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 15, 2016, 05:16:43 pm
Hello, reporting a bug here. My game crashes if I try to manufacture Hellerium Distilling.

Bug fix is here:,3626.msg61855.html#msg61855

It will be fixed in the next release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Aldaron on April 15, 2016, 05:42:33 pm
Bug fix is here:,3626.msg61855.html#msg61855

It will be fixed in the next release.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 15, 2016, 05:44:38 pm
I read that describtion too and totally forget about it..
Sorry for my bad english..

Don't know if its a bug a or a feature:
you can research newspaper without assigning Brainers to it.
Choose it, leave it by 0 and you get the result.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 15, 2016, 06:11:28 pm
Sometimes I've gotten that to generally only super tiny research cost item. Mostly the newspapers. I thought it was just overflow since research professor checks daily.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 15, 2016, 06:14:20 pm
you can research newspaper without assigning Brainers to it.
Choose it, leave it by 0 and you get the result.

You don't even have to even select it, it has something like 33% chance of being researched within a day. That's by design.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 15, 2016, 06:43:53 pm
Oo neat
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 15, 2016, 06:56:52 pm
I just noticed that pretty much all corpses in the Piratez_Factions.rul are recover: false. I'm quite confused as a lot of research projects still require them.

I've been struggling along fighting security guards for most of my missions (somehow all I get is Academy targets, with no academician in sight, only a few explorers and a LOT of guards & drones) and was thinking "at least I get lots of armor parts", until I noticed I didn't have any, the debriefing page didn't say I looted anything and then looked in the ruleset.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2016, 07:04:07 pm
I just noticed that pretty much all corpses in the Piratez_Factions.rul are recover: false. I'm quite confused as a lot of research projects still require them.

I've been struggling along fighting security guards for most of my missions (somehow all I get is Academy targets, with no academician in sight, only a few explorers and a LOT of guards & drones) and was thinking "at least I get lots of armor parts", until I noticed I didn't have any, the debriefing page didn't say I looted anything and then looked in the ruleset.

You have the newest EXE, don't you?
Until very recently, the "recover" flag didn't do anything for corpses... I changed it, so that the flag is now considered (Solarius' request).
Dioxine will have to revisit all those flags I guess...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 15, 2016, 07:19:58 pm
Yeah, I pulled it from your git and compiled a few days ago. The last commit I have is from April 12th, with an interesting "Aargh" commit message ;) I guess that'll teach me to run the game with the proper exe instead of going for the newest one..

So.. that's interesting. Looking at the rulesets, most enemy units have a "corpseGeo" defined along with their corpseBattle. So one is there purely for battle graphics and one is the item you recover.

It looks like things worked for the bandits I faced in a pogrom, at least, as I did get the medallion and chemicals I would expect. Probably scrap metals too. All of these items have "recover: true" so they worked. But if I understand your code properly, you look at the "corpseGeo" and determine if it is recoverable, then only recover it if true? So all my security/academy corpses, since they are set to "recover: false" are not recovered? hum..

The recovery flag check makes sense for corpseBattle (for the multiple corpse tiles of 2x2 units, and for units who also have a corpseGeo defined), but for corpseGeo it's a bit odd. It seems like if something is defined as a corpseGeo, it should be recovered.. What's the point of "corpseGeo" if not recovery? I'll have a look for Solarius' request I guess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2016, 08:01:14 pm
- corpseGeo always recovered
- corpseBattle never recovered

- corpseGeo recovered if recover flag = true
- corpseBattle still never recovered
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 15, 2016, 08:26:41 pm
Oh, I thought you could recover corpseBattle items too. Still confusing me as to the point of it:

If you don't want to recover anything, isn't it easier to not define a corpseGeo than to define one with "recover: false"?

If you want something, then defining a corpseGeo will give it (provided the item has "recover: true" in your new version, or always in the old but if you define a corpseGeo, presumably you want it).

Anyhow.. I'll swap the corpses to "recover: true" and add a few things to my vaults so that should be fixed. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2016, 08:56:21 pm
Are you asking how it works or making suggestion how it could work?

Because corpseGeo cannot be empty afaik, even if modder leaves it empty, it is populated by the first corpseBattle from the list.
And it's used on more places than just after-mission recovery... the game would just crash without it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 15, 2016, 10:41:34 pm
I was asking how it works. The bit I was missing was that there is a default value (first corpse of corpseBattle) since the UFOPaedia ruleset page didn't say there was a default (it lists default as "-").

It all makes sense now. Thank you!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 16, 2016, 12:27:55 pm
The game immediately crashes when I click 'Start Production' button on  Hellerium Distilling. There is no error in openxcom.log.

In Piratez_lang.rul file:
2 occurence of: STR_RIFLE_CLIP_PS: Assault Rifle Clip/PS
STR_NAZI_KKK_UFOPEDIA - typpo "symphatize"

I am not sure about:
STR_BLUNDERBUSS_UFOPEDIA - there is a word "grapnel". Shouldn't it be "shrapnel"?
STR_CYBERDISC_AUTOPSY: "Cyberdisc Wreckage Examination", but there is "Cyberdisc Corpse" ingame. Shouldn't it be "Cyberdisc Wreckage"?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2016, 12:51:54 pm
The game immediately crashes when I click 'Start Production' button on  Hellerium Distilling. There is no error in openxcom.log.

Bug fix is here:,3626.msg61855.html#msg61855

It will be fixed in the next release.

EDIT:  @Dioxine: Academy Provost (STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER) is missing a proper lookup in the ruleset (currently STR_SECTOID, should be STR_SECTOID_COMMANDER)... same is probably true for a few more units, which you share with vanilla, e.g. Esper, etc.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2016, 01:45:41 am
Fixed. Thank you!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on April 17, 2016, 09:05:38 am
In the latest version, I keep finding things like STR_CORPSE_RUNT in my loot. What's that supposed to be? (There was at least one other similar STR_CORPSE_something, but I forgot to note it down.)

This is on a save from the version immediately previous; do I need to do some save editing, maybe?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2016, 09:16:11 am
Oops. More victims of Meridian's behaviour change on corpses. :) It seems while I fixed enemy corpses, I forgot to do the same for the gals. There will be a fix posted, for now just ignore this, it's harmless.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 17, 2016, 03:24:42 pm
I don't know if it's intended but if you're using a staff of airless, it's gone after you use every charge.
But if you use it once, it's still exists for example. Don't know if other staves have the same "issue".

Don't know if it's already fixed or if you want to leave it:
You changed nuclear fuel to hellerium and in the describtion of boneventure is still written "nuclear fuel".
I was confused and search for "nuclear fuel" until I realized it was hellerium.
It is written: You loose if you don't have any nuclear fuel. So you look after that in the game and can't find it until you realize it's
Minor thing.

At the options: see picture. Fresh install.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on April 17, 2016, 04:10:15 pm

First of thank you very much for creating that mod and supporting it, last time I had so much fun playing xcom was probably about 20 years ago :)

Anyways, I researched "Laser weapons manufacture" and I can manufacture clips for hunting and hydra laser (and only manufacture hunting laser). Bootypedia says about Lasgun that I can replicate the weaker clips, but I cannot manufacture them. Is it supposed to be like that? I could really use those Lasguns...
I was using 0.98b now swithed to 0.98c and the issue remains.
I attach save, thank you for your help.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2016, 04:25:30 pm
No, you can't manufacture them. Little point with how many there are to be looted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on April 17, 2016, 04:30:54 pm
No, you can't manufacture them. Little point with how many there are to be looted.

Oh, ok, thank you for the replay.
Thing is I run out of them now and I meet no one to loot it from :/
So, works for some, but not me...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2016, 04:41:03 pm
Just use some other of hundreds of weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 18, 2016, 11:26:04 am
Missing strings:
STR_CORPSE_UNARMORED (probably dead body of civilian)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on April 18, 2016, 12:54:32 pm
Unsure if typos should be reported in this thread, but "Activities:  Political" is listed on the research screen as "Activities:  Politiical", with an extra 'i'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 18, 2016, 01:17:53 pm
A small bug: In my loot lists STR_CORPSE_PIRATE_CLOTHING appears sometimes, even if I do not lose any of my gals. And i fought guys in personal/power armor, which makes the whole thing even more mysterious. I think you forgot to set RECOVER: FALSE in those corpses?

And there are some STR_'s missing , mostly for the new exe stuff like the 2 new options and other ingame text.

Dioxine, FWIW: Not many know (or better remember) it, but there's a debug option for developers in OXC, enable it in the option.cfg and press CTRL+D when in game, you can then access all manufactures, researches, ufopedia entries etc and check them all for missing strings and other things. That way you can get rid of all those STR bugs at once. Interestingly most of the newer OXC exe developers do not seem to remember that trick either, there were MANY missing strings when they decided to add TFTD support....  :D

You can also use it in the battle generator (or in game battles) to take control of civilians, aliens etc, and watch them do their job)...

see here:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 18, 2016, 02:50:05 pm
random generation terror map had a building floor without an entrance:

Nevermind. There was an elevator, that was hard to spot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 18, 2016, 03:32:24 pm
Hobbes' maps are tricky and mysterious :)

And yeah, this version has a bug with pirate corpses being recovered somehow. Just ignore it, or add recover: false flag to all of them, if you're savvy (piratez. rul. all the way from STR_CORPSE to STR_CORPSE_ARRANCAR_ARMOR).

Unsure if typos should be reported in this thread, but "Activities:  Political" is listed on the research screen as "Activities:  Politiical", with an extra 'i'.

Fixed, thanks
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on April 18, 2016, 03:37:32 pm
In my save, I discovered Mysterious Siberia Base. Launched the Bonny for it only to discover that the game CTD once the Bonny got there.

Version used is 0.98C with the latest Meridian .exe.

Is this base one of the mansion thingy's? Could the problem be I was using my customised Shogun armor and the game CTD'd because it wasnt allowed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 18, 2016, 03:52:08 pm
Either there are insane local govt or the research against sway govt doesn't work. I'm not sure
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 18, 2016, 04:07:24 pm
In my save, I discovered Mysterious Siberia Base. Launched the Bonny for it only to discover that the game CTD once the

I probably fukked sth up. It's still an experimental feature. I will investigate, thx for the save!

Either there are insane local govt or the research against sway govt doesn't work. I'm not sure

Once Sway Govt mission has started, it has to finish its course; it's hardcoded that way. By finishing its course the game means converting a whole continent. But, since you have that research done, after this is finished, no more Sway Govt missions will be generated.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 18, 2016, 04:33:57 pm
So there are insane govts. good to know : |
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 18, 2016, 05:17:33 pm
In my save, I discovered Mysterious Siberia Base. Launched the Bonny for it only to discover that the game CTD once the Bonny got there.

Looks like it's actually normal when upgrading a save - mission scripts go haywire. In all probability you've fallen victim to that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on April 18, 2016, 07:33:37 pm
Issue with the new Fatal Wounds indicator: mouseover still says "Center on Enemy". This legit confused me for a bit! I thought maybe it was saying something like "you spotted an enemy during their turn; they're not visible now, but they were somewhere around here."

I admit I was skeptical at first, like Dioxine, about having yet another warning light about wounds. But having played with it a bit, I particularly appreciate that it lets me center in on an unconscious bleeding gal--on some maps, that eliminates some substantial (and potentially lethal) hassle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on April 18, 2016, 07:57:58 pm
how do i fix it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Flyte on April 18, 2016, 08:15:12 pm
A couple of typos on the BootyPedia menu:

- Vessels and there armament (should be 'their')
- Combat units and armors (should just be 'armor')
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 18, 2016, 10:41:51 pm
Magischen-Motors. If this is german (maybe it's correct. Don't every word), do you want to correct it?
right grammer is: Magische-Motors. but mixed up language are somewhat difficult. hard task to write the right german article to a english word <.<
Magische Motoren. Die magischen Motoren.
Wow. Now I'm confused. with article I would write it with "N" .
I would write without n for  the bootypedia and don't think about grammar anymore because propor name.
Better ask a german-speaking guy of your trust.
Still, just a minor thing.
..Maybe it isn't german at all. Some piratish future speak: magical. aayee kaptn here's that magischen-motors, ou wanted!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2016, 12:12:04 am
Question what is the default state of recover if it has not been specified? I was manually correcting recover flags and saw some bodies with out recover defined. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 19, 2016, 02:41:53 am
Default flag is true. Should be false for all battlecorpses, true for geocorpses.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2016, 02:54:35 am
Okay then "IF" im understanding this correctly, the majority of armored or power armored outfits battle-corpses are recover true since they have no definition.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 19, 2016, 03:17:19 am
Code: [Select]
  - type: FLOATER_ARMOR_P3
    spriteSheet: XCOM_2.PCK
    spriteInv: TraderBodyguardInventoryImage
    corpseGeo: STR_PBA_CORPSE

How it should be to be correct: corpseBattle item must have recover: false flag. corpseGeo: nothing (deafult is true). Indeed there still are many errors in the rulesets, it didn't matter before Meridian fixed corpse recovery.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 19, 2016, 03:33:24 am
New bugreport: Some of the medi-kits have Stimulants but no energyrecovery value set, making those stimulants useless as the default value is 0.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2016, 03:52:58 am
okay maybe ive fixed the corpse issues. Testing pending.....
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 19, 2016, 03:55:04 am
Which medi-kits? This is probably intended, as eg. some items use painkiller only as plot device (crack, smokes), instead giving a boost to the user only. Some use Stimulant as their effect is primarly stimulating (mutant meat, apple). But better safe than sorry.

@Legionof1: to be sure, check live capture and iterrogations, also what gets recovered from 2x2 units. These issues were always tricky and I'm afraid the new system might've broken them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 19, 2016, 04:17:20 am
And resounding ultra nope. Some basis of the assumptions of how this works is flawed. or am an idiot. or both.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 19, 2016, 09:17:48 am
Which medi-kits? This is probably intended, as eg. some items use painkiller only as plot device (crack, smokes), instead giving a boost to the user only. Some use Stimulant as their effect is primarly stimulating (mutant meat, apple). But better safe than sorry.

@Legionof1: to be sure, check live capture and iterrogations, also what gets recovered from 2x2 units. These issues were always tricky and I'm afraid the new system might've broken them.

The small medi-pack is one of the first one, tried it during battle, nothing happened (the stimulant part that is, healing worked fine), then i checked the rul file and discovered the missing energyrecovery entries.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 19, 2016, 10:10:49 am
Bandages and first aid kits do not possess any stimulant. But the Small Medipack has:

Code: [Select]
    painKiller: 2
    heal: 5
    stimulant: 4
    woundRecovery: 1
    healthRecovery: 3
    stunRecovery: 25
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 19, 2016, 10:31:48 am

I'm pretty sure it's a reference to this:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2016, 10:42:14 am
I'm pretty sure it's a reference to this:

Well, I don't see that exact name used in the article.
In any case, if it is supposed to be a German word, then it is not grammatically correct.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 19, 2016, 12:21:45 pm
Well, I don't see that exact name used in the article.

You are correct. I only said it's the reference.

In any case, if it is supposed to be a German word, then it is not grammatically correct.

Yeah, it isn't :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 19, 2016, 03:31:40 pm
Duplicate entry STR_PLOTTING_UFOPEDIA in Piratez_lang.rul.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on April 19, 2016, 07:59:28 pm
A couple of typos on the BootyPedia menu:

- Vessels and there armament (should be 'their')
- Combat units and armors (should just be 'armor')
At least some "typos" and grammatical oddities are intentional, to reinforce the "uneducated pirates" theme. Note that the "Contracts" menu used to be labeled "Opshuns", which I doubt anyone would think was a modder's mistake! Only Dioxine can speak to what's intentional and what's not, granted, but I suspect "Vessels and There Armament" may be one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 19, 2016, 10:25:28 pm
Osiron Yeoma:

Not sure if this is a bug, or intended.  I was working up the new Bootypedia page for these guys, and thought the Choking/Smoke resistance of "0" isn't really in keeping with their non-masked/non-helmeted appearance.

Edit:  I also noticed that the Ufopedia text for the Tank/Autocannon may be incorrect for the aux gun.  The Piratez_lang.rul entry gives:  (line 2702)
{NEWLINE}Aux Gun: 55 Pwr, x4 Long-Range Autoshot, 60% Acc, 30% TUs"

which is equivalent to the AUX_TANK_HMG weapon from the Piratez.rul (line 2164)  (I think this only is on the Cyberdisk)

However, the builtin weapon in that tank's entry is the AUX_TANK_MG (Line 2141) 
so the Bootypedia should read as follows:
Aux Gun: 36 Pwr, x4 Long-Range Autoshot, 50% Acc, 25% TUs

Edit #2:
Tanks vary widely in Melee skill: ( many 70, some 7)
Lines :
Hovertanks (70 &60)

Edit #3. Manufacturing the Gatling Laser Tank.  Shouldn't it require scrap metal too?  Line 32988
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 20, 2016, 01:46:52 am
Another duplicated string IDs in Piratez_lang.rul:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 20, 2016, 01:14:30 pm
Crash to desktop with No error on attempting manufacture of Ret/gov files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 20, 2016, 01:55:41 pm
Crash to desktop with No error on attempting manufacture of Ret/gov files.

Item called STR_CODE_GOVT_RET is missing.
Add this to your items ruleset and it will work again.

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.01
    costSell: 25000
    listOrder: 5651
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KPJZKC on April 20, 2016, 11:16:50 pm
Looks like it's actually normal when upgrading a save - mission scripts go haywire. In all probability you've fallen victim to that.

Hi Dioxine, loving the mod - it's amazing what's been done with xcom (and Meridians changes too!). I've ended up with the same issue as the person who brought this up - crash on arrival at Siberian base. As it's my first play through I'm unsure about the importance of this mission - will there be negative effects from leaving it unactioned? Will it block completion of the game? (I assumed it was a faction base mission, and I've already completed one Academy Base mission).

Just trying to decide if I should continue as is or switch back to 0.98B. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 20, 2016, 11:21:59 pm
This puzzles me.. wouldn't it be possible to rewrite the alienMission entry for that mission so that the proper mission (for 0.98C) spawns?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 20, 2016, 11:34:53 pm
You can conclude the game without the Siberia run but you miss out on fairly hefty portion of the mid game laser tech as well as several craft weapons. You also miss out on a few of the plasma heavy weapons. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cheshire on April 21, 2016, 02:42:43 am
Hi Dioxine, loving the mod - it's amazing what's been done with xcom (and Meridians changes too!). I've ended up with the same issue as the person who brought this up - crash on arrival at Siberian base. As it's my first play through I'm unsure about the importance of this mission - will there be negative effects from leaving it unactioned? Will it block completion of the game? (I assumed it was a faction base mission, and I've already completed one Academy Base mission).

Just trying to decide if I should continue as is or switch back to 0.98B. Thanks!

Same here, CTD on attempting the Siberia Base mission (2nd time it appears, didn't know it disappeared the first time...)

Save attached.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on April 21, 2016, 04:20:30 am
Same issue with Siberia. Maybe another save helps?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2016, 04:55:19 am
Bingo. Found the bug. I will post a fix soon. Thanks for the saves!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on April 21, 2016, 09:58:31 am
Just noting - does the fix apply to the Siberia base (Russian Files) or the Siberia Mansion? I am able to attempt the mansion in battle mode but not game mode.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashert on April 21, 2016, 01:33:51 pm
The german name of the "Magischen Motors" called correct "Magischer Motor" or you mean only multiple "Parts of the Magischen Motors" Also the name of Hanebu is correct "Haunebu"
Nazi UFOs have a great story potential but not only as flying swastika, the traditional form is a bell, only with runes! ::)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 21, 2016, 01:40:34 pm
Motors is plural so its more or less magische Motors or Die magischen motors/The magischen motors.


Could it be that savior armor is called healer and ghost is called stealth in manufactory screen?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashert on April 21, 2016, 01:54:08 pm
Wenn you mean plural, many roll off the assembly line, you must say "Die Magischen Motoren" A single engine is "Der Magische Motor" and when it explodes, you have "Parts of the Magischen Motors" in german, not english. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 21, 2016, 02:09:49 pm
Ah now I get it.
You think he means one motor.
Yeah ok. Then I agree
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2016, 02:28:47 pm
Just noting - does the fix apply to the Siberia base (Russian Files) or the Siberia Mansion? I am able to attempt the mansion in battle mode but not game mode.


As for Magischen-Motor, I know German enough, thank you, but this is un-gramatical on purpose (same as they'd for example say, "Bonaventuras" while this is probably wrong - Spanish I don't know). Same I chose the popular English pronounciation of Hanabu for the butcher I am.

It is normal for armors to be called different on manufacture screen (more space for letters, for example).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 21, 2016, 02:35:07 pm
Ok. Could you mention it in bootypedia or something?
Maybe I'm just reaaaaaaalllllllllyyyy dumb but it took me long time until I got it....
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2016, 02:43:16 pm
I have to agree on this one.

"WARRIOR" and "Basic armor" are just nothing alike... I found out that it is the same armor purely by accident. Renaming the manufacturing item to "Warrior armor" would make more sense to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2016, 03:08:39 pm
OK, I will update them. In part it's 'early version hell' - in many cases, the final name changed many times. However this cannot be done if multiple armors share the same item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashert on April 21, 2016, 03:13:14 pm
The game plays 600 years in the future, in a world dominated by women and breaks with some science fiction traditions. All errors are forgiven! ::)

XPiratez cosplayers 1940?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2016, 03:47:41 pm
Thank you! This gives me ideas! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on April 21, 2016, 05:41:33 pm
Completing the manufacture of Conqueror go me just the Conqueror and no fuel capsules, when both the rule file and the production menu say I should also get 50 fuel capsules.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 21, 2016, 07:57:47 pm
Okay Siberia base run turned up again. Successfully completed it over a year ago now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2016, 08:03:36 pm
Shouldn't happen again in the next version. Changed the mechanic responsible for this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 21, 2016, 11:52:37 pm
98D - swapped text:
Code: [Select]
      STR_LEFT_LEG: "R. LEG"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 22, 2016, 12:25:27 am
okay i appear to be not recovering captives now. Save is a base attack with 2 certain stunned foes. One Marsec BG and one guild Security. Last guy can be stunned for finish as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 22, 2016, 12:37:10 am
okay i appear to be not recovering captives now. Save is a base attack with 2 certain stunned foes. One Marsec BG and one guild Security. Last guy can be stunned for finish as well.

Soo.. silly question here:  You do have a prison at the base where the tactical team launched from, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 22, 2016, 12:48:12 am
Yes. And in the no prison case there would be a notification popup. No popup.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 22, 2016, 12:51:54 am
Okay, so I just updated my files to X-Piratez 0.98D, and my machine still crashes on the Siberia Mission, even before it gets to the infantry inventory screen. I have been able to replicate this at least twice so I don't think it is coincidental. It may possibly be an issue that I am using a somewhat dated Nightly, but the game worked perfectly fine on 0.98C, so it may simply be an issue with the mission still.

I wish you luck in fixing this error, as from what I can gather it seems to be impacting many people.

Best of luck!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 22, 2016, 12:56:18 am
I'm not getting any prisoners either with .98D. Should have received at least two researchers and an academy engineer, but they didn't show up in post-mission debrief or in the base. There were more than enough prison space left.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 22, 2016, 01:17:08 am
I think I have noticed something about that, it seems that their corpses don't show up, although that may be Ivan's mini-mod for dead/stunned units.

Edit: Removing Ivan's mod seems to fix the inventory glitch, I will see if I cap capture units now.

Edit Edit: Nope, still cannot capture units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 22, 2016, 01:22:34 am
It may possibly be an issue that I am using a somewhat dated Nightly....<snip>

You can't use a nightly with this mod.  Please use the .exe that comes in the package.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cheshire on April 22, 2016, 01:24:55 am
okay i appear to be not recovering captives now. Save is a base attack with 2 certain stunned foes. One Marsec BG and one guild Security. Last guy can be stunned for finish as well.

 Same problem here, captured enemies don't show up on the end screen and in my base.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 22, 2016, 01:26:35 am
I have been using the Extended version, albeit on a Nightly copy. But if that is the case then my version should have no impact, correct?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 22, 2016, 01:29:34 am
Ehm, there's nothing in the nightly you'd need... required files are all in the Piratez download.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2016, 01:46:30 am
I tried to update corpses to Meridian's new rules, and looks like I f*cked up, changing good corpse definitions into bad ones. This is the reason for the lack of living captures. Damn it. Never-ending trouble with the whole corpses<>captures<>research intertwined web of obscure dependencies :/
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on April 22, 2016, 02:00:02 am
Btw: I started a "New Battle" to see if a Siberian Mission works there. Well I got a CTD this way as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 22, 2016, 02:04:31 am
I have been using the Extended version, albeit on a Nightly copy. But if that is the case then my version should have no impact, correct?

XPirateZ has diverged from the OpenXcom Extended branch if I understand correctly.  Meridian has been developing OpenXcom Extended Plus (OXCE+) with features that Dioxine has been leveraging.  That is why he packages updated .exe files with his releases.   

The mansion is a clear example of this as it uses a new branch of code that can specify starting conditions (i.e. only infiltration gear, etc.)

So, if you aren't using one of Meridian's latest OXCE+ builds, you will inevitably run into problems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on April 22, 2016, 02:17:59 am
And Siberia again:

I downgraded to 0.98C. Then I made my UFO-Folder look like here:,4465.0.html

I deleted the Folders and documents that aren't showed there.

Afterwards I tried to start a Siberian mission from the Menu again. It said it failed to load "S-STRING" after CTD. Or something like it. However this isn't reproduceable. Thats why I can not say for sure what it said. I just got another "normal" CTD when restarting the Siberian mission from the menu.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 22, 2016, 04:50:07 am
Strange, I cannot get the Siberian mission working no matter what. To me that may be a more important and impending issue to deal with, but live alien capture is also quite important.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 22, 2016, 10:07:21 am
Dioxine, not sure if it helps you, but WINMERGE is a free file comparison software, I am using it to quick-fix rul files and similar stuff, maybe it can help you fixing the buggy 0.98d Piratez_Faction.rul file faster and easier?  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 22, 2016, 10:45:24 am
Is it possible that capturing hostiles is somehow broken in new version?

I notice several times that some unites don't recorded as captured and you can't find them in the vaults.

I thought they got killed somehow, but after I made sure the enemy is still alive.. It seems there is an issue.

Sometimes works. Sometimes don't
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 22, 2016, 10:56:20 am
Is it possible that capturing hostiles is somehow broken in new version?

I notice several times that some unites don't recorded as captured and you can't find them in the vaults.

I thought they got killed somehow, but after I made sure the enemy is still alive.. It seems there is an issue.

Sometimes works. Sometimes don't

Yeah, it's been reported many times on this very page. :P But you're the first to report that some corpses do get recovered and some don't. Can you elaborate which ones?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 22, 2016, 11:11:45 am
Hmm... I made some testings. and I'm clueless.

That retucilan engineer. I MCed him and knock out. No hostages. Maybe problem with MC? But no.
I knocked a retucilan hybrid out and it wasn't a hostage.
That engineer was a hostages after he was mc-ed and  the battle ended.

I caputered a war maiden and matron.

I try to remember what I did different. I think I throw stun bombs.

I really can't say. At least I'm sure I didn't MC them.

p.s I read the posts at this very page.. geez. I'm really forgetful at the moment. don't know why <.<
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashert on April 22, 2016, 11:44:24 am
The Superslave is a Slave, however he can only spit 5 yards in the game. Compared to mercenaries he is very weak. He need more power and more range for his eye laser!

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2016, 12:34:38 pm
I tried to update corpses to Meridian's new rules, and looks like I f*cked up, changing good corpse definitions into bad ones. This is the reason for the lack of living captures. Damn it. Never-ending trouble with the whole corpses<>captures<>research intertwined web of obscure dependencies :/

OK, maybe I can describe the change as picture, not in words.
Hope it helps.

Really, the only thing you need to do is take 0.98b ruleset and review the "recover: false" flag on corpses.
That's it.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2016, 12:53:15 pm
Thanks. That finally makes sense. So how the hell did I break it? I'm just too tired to try to second-guess. What to add in place of the question marks?

- Recover: false
- Battletype: 11
- Recovery points: ??? (needed or not...?)

- Recover: true
- Battletype: ???
- Recovery Points: ???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2016, 02:14:00 pm
First of all, there is no reason to make different battleCorpse and geoCorpse.... unless you want to recover a Muton when killing a Sectoid.

Same item can be used for battleCorpse and geoCorpse in most, if not all cases. Separate geoCorpse was introduced for 2x2 units basically.

If you decide to have them separately anyway, then the following should apply:

- Recover: false/true # doesn't matter, it's not used
- Battletype: 11 # must be set to 11
- Recovery points: 777 # must be bigger than zero

battletype=11 and recovery points>0 is a MUST... otherwise nothing is recovered; dead or alive

- Recover: false/true # is now considered for dead aliens (not for live aliens)
- Battletype: ??? # doesn't matter
- Recovery Points: ??? # doesn't matter

Once everything passed geocorpse is recovered for dead aliens.
Battlecorpse is never recovered (unless they are both the same item of course).

Example 1:

Code: [Select]
    recoveryPoints: 5
    battleType: 11
  - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0
    corpseGeo: STR_SECTOID_CORPSE # this is optional, if left empty, the first corpseBattle will be used... only use this for 2x2 units IMO
    armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0

In this case, both dead alien will be recovered (STR_SECTOID_CORPSE) and live one (STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER)

Example 2:

Code: [Select]
    recoveryPoints: 5
    battleType: 11
    recover: false # onlt change compared to example 1
  - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0
    corpseGeo: STR_SECTOID_CORPSE # optional
    armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0

In this case, dead alien will NOT be recovered and live alien will be recovered (STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER)

Example 3:

Code: [Select]
    recoveryPoints: 5
    battleType: 11
  - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0
    corpseGeo: STR_MUTON_CORPSE
    armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0

In this case, dead alien (sectoid) will be recovered (as muton: STR_MUTON_CORPSE) and live alien will be recovered (as STR_SECTOID_ENGINEER)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 22, 2016, 06:59:47 pm
A peculiarity has occurred. Dark one probe mission. Fairly certain i stunned more then just the imp. I also note that no corpses other then the 2nd imp where recovered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 22, 2016, 08:35:55 pm
After I compiled the newer executable a few days ago, I had that issue of not getting proper loot. I went and changed many of the corpses (those that are associated with loot, not the 2x2 units) in Piratez_Factions.rul to remove the "recover: false". I did nothing else and my game worked well. I looted dead people and captured live ones.

As far as I know, all Meridian did is change it so the game checks if a corpseGeo is recoverable before recovering it (default is recover: true, so unless you specify recover: false, it will be recovered). I did not change anything to the battle corpses (which in 0.98D have now all been set to recover: false, and presumably lead to the issue with the captures).

At this moment, I use 0.98D but I still use my old fixed  Piratez_Factions.rul and Piratez_Armors.rul from 0.98C. As I said above, the fix is simply to remove the "recover: false" from the items that are meant to be loot in the Piratez_Factions.rul of 0.98C (so the STR_SECURITY_CORPSE, STR_SECTOID_CORPSE, etc. All of those which used to be booty or armor parts.) Having tested it last night, it still works fine (loot dead people and capture live ones). I'd have to double check if I get both loot and captures, but it seems unlikely. My numbers add up properly in the debriefing stage, with number of looted equal to number of deads, then the captures are as expected.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 22, 2016, 09:41:42 pm
Problems with corpses and live captures hopefully fixed. DL the new version (0.98D1). Special thanks to Meridian for help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 22, 2016, 11:51:08 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on April 23, 2016, 02:05:09 am
Topic: Siberian base, just again.

First of all I made it work. :D

On the bad side: I used Debug mode to research "Siberia Base investigation". So when the next month started I was able to start this very specific mission because the base spawned this specific way. Doublechecked and worked both times this way.

However when the base spawns without said technology being researched, which happened randomly the 3 other times, it ends in a CTD even if you research the technology afterwards when you visit it.  So when you do not have the base spawned by researching this technology it results in a CTD, no matter if you try this mission in the campaign or in a single battle. At least thats what happens to me. 

The changelog let me assume that you actually need this technology to spawn it at all and it will not spawn randomly anymore?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 23, 2016, 02:20:01 am
Siberian Mission still doesn't work for me, sometimes I get an error message other times nothing at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2016, 03:01:45 am
It's actually a Mansion error. Darn. I fixed the case though...

Here's from the save:

Code: [Select]
  - lon: 1.4835298641951802
    lat: -1.1693705988362006
    deployment: STR_LOC_SIBERIA
    id: 1
    texture: -11
    secondsRemaining: 684000
    detected: true

It behaves like the region for mansion was wrongly defined... but it isn't... wtf...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on April 23, 2016, 05:13:26 am
I'm still experiencing the Siberia base crash, too, in 0.98D1.  Not sure if you need another save, but I attached one just in case (shortly before the mission appears.)

This save was in a game that was played in earlier versions until shortly before the mission appeared, of course, so if the fix wouldn't affect an immediately-upcoming mission, that could be the reason.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Think Tank on April 23, 2016, 06:26:10 pm
It's actually a Mansion error. Darn. I fixed the case though...

Here's from the save:

Code: [Select]
  - lon: 1.4835298641951802
    lat: -1.1693705988362006
    deployment: STR_LOC_SIBERIA
    id: 1
    texture: -11
    secondsRemaining: 684000
    detected: true

It behaves like the region for mansion was wrongly defined... but it isn't... wtf...

I found something strange, supposedly I did not do the Siberia research before going to that mission, recently the research popped up, I did it and was able to go on the mission without a problem. So it might be an issue of it showing up prematurely.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2016, 06:47:55 pm
So at least Siberia proper works. Now we only have an issue with some Mansions masquerading as Siberia mission... Let's see if it keeps up or my fixes solved the problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 23, 2016, 06:56:59 pm
I just noticed the cyberdisc corpses have changed:

Code: [Select]
    weight: 80
    floorSprite: 100205
    invWidth: 0
    invHeight: 0
    weight: 80
    floorSprite: 100206
    invWidth: 0
    invHeight: 0
    battleType: 11
    recoveryPoints: 3

Shouldn't it be:

Code: [Select]
    weight: 80
    floorSprite: 100205
    invWidth: 0
    invHeight: 0
    battleType: 11
    recoveryPoints: 3
    weight: 80
    floorSprite: 100206
    invWidth: 0
    invHeight: 0
    recover: false
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2016, 07:52:24 pm
Yes. Thanks...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Flyte on April 23, 2016, 10:27:00 pm
I don't know that this is a bug, but I figured I'd report it since it isn't in the change notes.  In the games I started under .98B, I got almost exactly one pogrom a month (pogrom 16 was in April of the second year).  I started my current game with .98C, and I've only had five pogroms in a full year of play.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2016, 10:31:38 pm
Maybe it's not clearly stated, but since 0.98C, all enemy missions in a month have less than 100% chance of spawning. It makes the game less predictable, and creates a gap for planned novelty missions to fill.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 24, 2016, 02:28:15 pm
another typo, should read XXIst
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 24, 2016, 07:26:39 pm
Intercepted an Imperial Probe, first with an Kraken, followed it until my Bonny arrived (which was unarmed) and then got this message screen when the interception screen (for the unarmed bonny) should pop up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 24, 2016, 07:34:28 pm
It's a TFTD thing, OXC bug. Save please, this bug is very very elusive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 25, 2016, 01:13:51 am
Here you go. It's another savegame, the glitch happened again. I think it has to do with the fact that my Bonny is unarmed.
Just click on the interception icon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 25, 2016, 01:19:56 am
it is indeed an unarmed craft related bug. I've seen it quite alot actually but it appears to have no actual game impact.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 25, 2016, 01:41:52 am
Game crashes, when I'm trying to research public enemy I guess.

I think the game just don't want me to finish the game :P

Edit: If I don't research it doesn't crash
If I disable spent research item, It still crashes.
If I insert the tech in the save game and don't research public enemy it doesn't crash, but crashes If I do

So It has something to do with the research trigger, when it's completed. I don't think I can figure it out without the source code.
I can't take over more work  :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on April 25, 2016, 03:57:13 am
Do you use save scumming?

The Public Enemy research gives other techs, one of which can be "STR_LIGHT_CRYSTAL". However, it has no research topic or ufopaedia article associated with it, just an item. So it is likely that your game is trying to give you knowledge of "STR_LIGHT_CRYSTAL" but failing because there is no such research to give.

For now, I would try going into your Piratez.rul, finding the "STR_STAR_GOD_PUBLIC_ENEMY" and removing the "STR_LIGHT_CRYSTAL" from the getOneFree list. The game should give you something else and all the other topics should be safe. Hopefully that fixes it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: superschokokeks on April 25, 2016, 05:40:27 am
Yes, the option Savescumming is on.

And that fixed it. Thank you
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 25, 2016, 09:20:20 am
it is indeed an unarmed craft related bug. I've seen it quite alot actually but it appears to have no actual game impact.

True, but the color selection of that message needs a change for sure  :) And a fitting STR_ of course.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 25, 2016, 10:34:59 am
It's a TFTD thing, OXC bug. Save please, this bug is very very elusive.

It was fixed 4 months ago:

I will cherry-pick the change into OXCE+.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 25, 2016, 12:44:35 pm
I just met 2 beastmasters in the ship. I stripped their armor by shooting and then I have stunned them (and at least one soldier outside the ship), but there are no captured units.
VERSION 0.98D - campaign started with older version
Edit: My bad - i should upgrade to ver 0.98D1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 25, 2016, 01:41:51 pm
"Nepratel utopeno", "Utopencu obrano"... great translation :D I almost laughed my ass off :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 25, 2016, 01:52:33 pm
That has to be first translation ever. Share it dude :)

Intercepted an Imperial Probe, first with an Kraken, followed it until my Bonny arrived (which was unarmed) and then got this message screen when the interception screen (for the unarmed bonny) should pop up.

Might also be some problem with your settings/game directory since I'm not getting this message when following your instructions. Might be why I have never experienced it myself...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 25, 2016, 02:33:31 pm
Not sure if Meridan's new exe fixed it or the fact that I deleted all TFTD files from the default directory, but now it works!  :)
Thanks for either the fix or the tip!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Asheram on April 27, 2016, 02:13:37 pm
Not sure if it has been mentioned but I've had several issues with corpses changing appearance when they are being picked up.
For example, picked up one Mercenary Commando and once it got into my hand it turned into what I believe was an Academy unit
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 27, 2016, 04:45:07 pm
Not sure if Meridan's new exe fixed it or the fact that I deleted all TFTD files from the default directory, but now it works!  :)
Thanks for either the fix or the tip!

Update: Bug is back, happens when UFO accelerates out of interception screen range and re-enters it OVER WATER. Over land is fine....  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 27, 2016, 05:10:15 pm
Update: Bug is back, happens when UFO accelerates out of interception screen range and re-enters it OVER WATER. Over land is fine....  :-\

It will be fixed with my newest EXE as I said... I just didn't publish it yet, have a little patience :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 27, 2016, 05:28:02 pm
Ok.   :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 27, 2016, 06:49:21 pm
Duplicates in Pirate.nam:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 27, 2016, 09:13:26 pm
What's up with the Gatling Laser HWP? I brought it on a mission, didn't fire a single burst, and for some reason it lost 55 out of 60 rounds. When I checked the ammo on the inventory screen, it looked like it had brought back only one round from the mission, instead of 5.  :o
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2016, 10:49:14 pm
What's up with the Gatling Laser HWP? I brought it on a mission, didn't fire a single burst, and for some reason it lost 55 out of 60 rounds. When I checked the ammo on the inventory screen, it looked like it had brought back only one round from the mission, instead of 5.  :o

Distressing. Save plox, quite impossible to recreate since it can't be tested in Quick Battle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 27, 2016, 11:08:25 pm
Here, just aborting the mission straight away is enough.

As a side note, I tried to fix this by cleaning up the Gatling Laser HWP ruleset entry a bit and matching it to the HMG Cyberdisc's, since I didn't have any ammo problems with that. Didn't work, instead the HWP gained snap and aimed fire modes apparently because I removed the tuSnap: 0 and tuAimed: 0 lines. So instead of defaulting to 0/no snap or aimed modes, it's defaulting to some other values (maybe the vanilla OpenXcom Laser HWP ruleset entry?).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2016, 11:12:20 pm
Yes it defaults to vanilla settings. Also please name saves a bit more creatively in the future, I have at least a dozen bug.sav's ;)

EDIT: okay, fixed. All you have to do is to add clipsize: 60 to STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON weapon entry. A few more tanks had such problem as well, will be fixed in the next ver.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 27, 2016, 11:26:55 pm
Hehe, I'll keep that in mind. :P And thanks for the fast fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 28, 2016, 12:35:05 am
Hum, that fix doesn't work for me. Now the tank brings only a single shot to missions...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 28, 2016, 12:52:36 am
Try clipsize: 0 maybe?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 28, 2016, 01:06:32 am
With clipSize: 0 capacity is correct, but now after a mission the game spawns an extra 60 rounds from thin air... 184 rounds before loading the tank into a transport, 124 rounds after that, and after returning back to base stores show 184 again with the tank still inside the transport. Pulling the tank out adds an extra 60 rounds to a total of 244.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 28, 2016, 01:23:33 am
hmmm... clipsize: -2? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on April 28, 2016, 02:07:57 am
Hum, that fix doesn't work for me. Now the tank brings only a single shot to missions...

With clipSize: 0 capacity is correct, but now after a mission the game spawns an extra 60 rounds from thin air... 184 rounds before loading the tank into a transport, 124 rounds after that, and after returning back to base stores show 184 again with the tank still inside the transport. Pulling the tank out adds an extra 60 rounds to a total of 244.


Hmm - There was a bug reported last year that caused similar problems - #1029 (

Think they are conected? :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on April 28, 2016, 03:26:07 am
It was a bug in oxc that went unnoticed for quite some time.

To fix it you would need commit f7d2c8e from 2016-03-10. Which i guess is not yet merged into OXCE++
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 28, 2016, 12:02:33 pm
It was a bug in oxc that went unnoticed for quite some time.
To fix it you would need commit f7d2c8e from 2016-03-10. Which i guess is not yet merged into OXCE++

I have cherry-picked the fix by Warboy, but I didn't test it, because I don't have any such HWP yet.
Can someone please test it?

  + Fix "can't engage airborne" bug by SupSuper
  + Fix "tank ammo" by Warboy
  + Added configurable hotkeys for Aim/Snap/Auto/Hit/Throw/etc., more info:,4520.msg63599.html#msg63599
  + Items with zero or less weight don't show weight in ufopedia
  + Right-click on item in hand (in battlescape) brings up related ufopedia entry
  + Middle-click on item in inventory (in inventory screen) brings up related ufopedia entry

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 28, 2016, 12:25:43 pm
I can tell straight away that something is a bit off: your post-battle loot sell routine asks me to sell my tanks and 1 round of ammo per each :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 28, 2016, 01:05:15 pm
I can tell straight away that something is a bit off: your post-battle loot sell routine asks me to sell my tanks and 1 round of ammo per each :)

Save and ruleset change please... I'll test it in the evening.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 28, 2016, 01:13:40 pm
No change, tested by QB (which can be wonky). Load any tank, abort mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 29, 2016, 12:37:08 am
Correct ruleset looks like this:

Code: [Select]
    clipSize: 0
    clipSize: 60

All the bugfixes people so generously linked are for something else :) ... I will revert also the change I did in the last EXE.

PS: @Dioxine: Quick battle and loot UI is probably doing random stuff, as there is no base to compare what was before and after... I'll probably remove loot from QB later
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on April 29, 2016, 08:22:04 am
Meridian - The issue I mentioned (Bug report #1029 - Gauss Cecolanth starts Terror Mission with only ONE round ) is from 2015-08-17 (not sure of the commit#) not as mentioned by R1d0 from 2016-03-10, I think that's for Bug report #1187 - Interceptor flying wrong way with "Predict UFO trajectory" option enabled

Edit - I thought Yankes had already included this in OXCE+ as 2.9 uses the Nightly 2015-11-05, Right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2016, 11:36:52 am
With clipSize: 0 capacity is correct, but now after a mission the game spawns an extra 60 rounds from thin air... 184 rounds before loading the tank into a transport, 124 rounds after that, and after returning back to base stores show 184 again with the tank still inside the transport. Pulling the tank out adds an extra 60 rounds to a total of 244.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 29, 2016, 11:51:57 am
Not sure if ivandogovich is around here lately, I posted a bug report about the thief armor corpse in his alt-corpse-mod thread, but no answer.

But as it has been adopted officially, I will repeat it here:
The thief armor corpse (dead) also has the strange graphic bug the (now fixed) other buggy files had. IIRC it has to do with a wrong conversion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 29, 2016, 11:53:48 am
With clipSize: 0 capacity is correct, but now after a mission the game spawns an extra 60 rounds from thin air... 184 rounds before loading the tank into a transport, 124 rounds after that, and after returning back to base stores show 184 again with the tank still inside the transport. Pulling the tank out adds an extra 60 rounds to a total of 244.

Doesn't happen to me.
Probably you have changed the clipSize during the mission, which could lead to this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2016, 11:57:40 am
So all is fixed now, then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 29, 2016, 02:47:09 pm
Hum, after changing the clipSize I always loaded a geoscape save and proceeded on a mission from there, but... I'm not seeing this "bug" anymore either, so yeah. Perhaps that's what too much Bacardi Finely Distilled Rum does to you. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 29, 2016, 02:54:01 pm
Not sure if ivandogovich is around here lately, I posted a bug report about the thief armor corpse in his alt-corpse-mod thread, but no answer.

But as it has been adopted officially, I will repeat it here:
The thief armor corpse (dead) also has the strange graphic bug the (now fixed) other buggy files had. IIRC it has to do with a wrong conversion.

Heh.  Sorry, I haven't responded to that.  I'm having such a difficult time getting the process just right for the unit graphics to convert that I didn't jump on it right away. 
Looking at the patch, I can see now that I didn't get the Theif(Dead) corpse in it (Maybe I just missed it).  Do you have a save that you can test it with?
I'm attaching the graphic I have (from my previous re-working).  Just place it in the Mod \resources\corpses  folder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mattdo on April 29, 2016, 03:57:44 pm
Not sure if this is a bug or a coincidence, but I have hyperwave monitoring of most of the planet, and whenever I pick up a 'Sway Local Government' mission, 90% of the time, they're heading to Death Realms, (which I already lost months ago - which means, as far as I can tell, I can safely ignore it). I imagine the game would be a lot more difficult if I actually had to shoot down all those vessels...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2016, 04:05:57 pm
You sure they're heading for Death Realms? Or just Australasia? Since the HWD can't tell the country, it only tells you continent/region. Might be a language bug, if so, save or even a picture would be helpful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mattdo on April 29, 2016, 04:09:55 pm
Are there any other governments in Australasia in this game?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2016, 05:08:09 pm
Pirate Straits, partially?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 30, 2016, 03:36:21 pm
Looks like CYBERDISC_ARMOR in Piratez_Armors.rul is missing a lot of entries, corpseBattle and armor values among other things.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 30, 2016, 03:47:29 pm
Looks like CYBERDISC_ARMOR in Piratez_Armors.rul is missing a lot of entries, corpseBattle and armor values among other things.

Then it certainly inherits them from vanilla CYBERDISC_ARMOR.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2016, 03:49:10 pm
Looks like CYBERDISC_ARMOR in Piratez_Armors.rul is missing a lot of entries, corpseBattle and armor values among other things.

So? What is the bug you've spotted? Or did you look under the skirt for no reason? :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jammjammjamm on April 30, 2016, 04:05:59 pm
I just installed 0.98E in windows, and when I run it, I get an error in Piratez_AltCorpse.rul (yaml-cpp: error at line 725, column 4: end of sequence not found).

So it automatically disables the mod, and when I restart, the language is not English (Czech, maybe?). When I change the language back to English [US], not everything changes. The first time, there were lots of STR_whatever names, including for my funds, so I couldn't see how much money I had (just STR_FUNDS).

I deleted my installation and reinstalled. Same AltCorpses bug. This time when I changed the language back to English, some of the strings are in English, and some aren't. I re-enabled AltCorpses, and got the same error. When I restarted it this time, it's back to the STR_whatever strings.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hazard on April 30, 2016, 04:07:26 pm
So? What is the bug you've spotted? Or did you look under the skirt for no reason? :P
I was taking a look because I didn't get any cyberdisc wrecks from a terror mission, even though I thought I met the requirements to get them... But it could well be I didn't kill them in a manner that preserves the wreck. My first thought was that there's something wrong with corpseBattle items.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 30, 2016, 04:10:15 pm
I just installed 0.98E in windows, and when I run it, I get an error in Piratez_AltCorpse.rul (yaml-cpp: error at line 725, column 4: end of sequence not found).

So it automatically disables the mod, and when I restart, the language is not English (Czech, maybe?). When I change the language back to English [US], not everything changes. The first time, there were lots of STR_whatever names, including for my funds, so I couldn't see how much money I had (just STR_FUNDS).

I deleted my installation and reinstalled. Same AltCorpses bug. This time when I changed the language back to English, some of the strings are in English, and some aren't. I re-enabled AltCorpses, and got the same error. When I restarted it this time, it's back to the STR_whatever strings.

Have you tried other EN languages?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on April 30, 2016, 04:22:08 pm
I just installed 0.98E in windows, and when I run it, I get an error in Piratez_AltCorpse.rul (yaml-cpp: error at line 725, column 4: end of sequence not found).

So it automatically disables the mod, and when I restart, the language is not English (Czech, maybe?). When I change the language back to English [US], not everything changes. The first time, there were lots of STR_whatever names, including for my funds, so I couldn't see how much money I had (just STR_FUNDS).

I deleted my installation and reinstalled. Same AltCorpses bug. This time when I changed the language back to English, some of the strings are in English, and some aren't. I re-enabled AltCorpses, and got the same error. When I restarted it this time, it's back to the STR_whatever strings.

I have the same problem with .98E on Win10); Czech as default, when switching to English US or UK dates/funds etc look like crap.
Also, same with the AltCorpses, but I just took the mod from .098D1 and works.
A lot of interesting changes in .98E but I guess I stick now to the .98D1 unless someone comes with an idea how to correct the dates.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jammjammjamm on April 30, 2016, 04:23:27 pm
Have you tried other EN languages?

I just tried all the other EN languages and it's the same. I also tried a few other random languages, and they also seem the same. If I set the language back to the original one it tries (Cesky), then there are no longer any STR_whatever strings. Then when I change the language to something else, any UI element that had a STR_ string now has a Cesky string instead. So in English [US], it's "5 sek" instead of "5 secs", "1 had" for "1 hour", and "1 den" for "1 day", etc.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2016, 04:31:02 pm
Try to use /piratez/language en-US.yml file from the previous version. Also restore your old config file. The language system for 'master mods' is quite shitty and looks like I broke it again.

EDIT: I will update links with a corrected version. And can someone PLEASE set up an archive with correct language files (2015-10-29) for all languages? The only good ones I have are EN-US and Czech.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jammjammjamm on April 30, 2016, 04:40:34 pm
Try to use /piratez/language en-US.yml file from the previous version. Also restore your old config file.

That fixed it. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 30, 2016, 04:42:46 pm
Here also the fix for the altcorpse mod. It seems Dioxine used an old version to update. AND please delete the Tester rul file in the altcorpse mod, too, it is unneeded and contains another bug (missing graphic)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2016, 04:46:04 pm
Nah I used an unofficial updated version Ivan linked me yesterday :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2016, 04:52:33 pm
laser tank still has clipSize = -1, not 0 ... or at least I can't see the change
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 30, 2016, 04:54:03 pm
ok now with altcorpse fixed, the tester file deleted and the language file replaced, the new version works.... :)

Love the airbus, btw. Nice ufopedia screen!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2016, 04:54:41 pm

Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_BAT_CAT_AUX]
    size: 12
    costSell: 594000
    transferTime: 96
    weight: 1
    bigSprite: 54
    floorSprite: 0
    handSprite: 0
    bulletSprite: 5
    fireSound: 11
    hitSound: 19
    hitAnimation: 36
    power: 70
    damageType: 4
    accuracySnap: 0
    accuracyAimed: 0
    accuracyAuto: 50
    tuSnap: 0
    tuAimed: 0
    tuAuto: 24
    battleType: 1
    fixedWeapon: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    turretType: 2
    autoRange: 25
    autoShots: 5
    dropoff: 1
    bulletSpeed: 16
    listOrder: 1240
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2016, 04:59:32 pm
Somethings gone fishy. STR strings everywhere. Occurring in every armor and gal when i went to new battle to have a peak at the new stuff.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2016, 04:59:56 pm
inherited from master xcom1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2016, 05:04:03 pm
sorry merdian that means nothing to me. Thou i notice now that these are the same strings that had language corruption. Guess overwriting lang from old version did not fully work. i wonder why.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2016, 05:08:17 pm
Sorry, that was answer to dioxine's question above... the clipSize=-1 is inherited from xcom1 master game ruleset.

As for the language issue, wait for a fix, it's been reported already few posts ago.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 30, 2016, 05:09:46 pm
legionof1, overwrite the new language file with the old, it now works fine for me. Just tested it in the Battle generator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2016, 05:10:36 pm
i did and that's how i arrived at the strings missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 30, 2016, 05:12:43 pm
Sorry, not the piratez_lang. rul, the one in the Language folder called en-us.yml
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2016, 05:14:10 pm
yes the one in the language file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on April 30, 2016, 05:23:46 pm
Odd, it works for me.  ???

Ok here is what I did:

1. Deleted the tester rul file in the alt-corpses folder
2. corrected the bug in the alt-corpses rul  (file is above^)
3. Replaced the en-us.yml file with the one from the user/mods/piratez/language folder of the d1 version

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2016, 05:27:55 pm
yep me too. I mean at least its not partial chzech anymore so thats something.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 30, 2016, 05:50:45 pm
I'll just chime in Here:   Sorry for all the bugs with Alt -Corpses.   :-[  I tried to get it up with out having a copy of 98e. And doing the work between two computers it looks like I messed up in what I sent to Dioxine. ( One with an old bug, and my tester rul still included.)

Edit:  I've posted an updated version in the Alt-Corpses mod thread.  (Thanks new_civilian for the better rule file!)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2016, 06:44:15 pm
Download the mod once again, I switched to an updated file with no en-US issues. Sorry for that.

@Meridian: ooops... I forgot that not every vanilla tank had Clipsize=0 :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 01, 2016, 08:06:36 am
Quick Heads up: Found another sneaky bug in the Alt-Corpses mod:  (Merc commando corpse displayed as Academy medic)

Corrected entry for Merc Commando (Lines 404 - 406)
Code: [Select]
    bigSprite: 115531 
    bigSpriteAlt: 120531
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on May 01, 2016, 12:45:46 pm
Double entries in Piratez_lang.rul (94E):
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 01, 2016, 12:58:38 pm
Completely insane TU cost on craft ground on this tileset.

As you can see from the following picture:

Every mission I get on this tileset has the move cost on the tiles under Xcom and UFO craft 8 TU-s.
It gets old real fast if you need 170 time units to get from the Battleship edge to the Battleship elevator if you wish to leave TUs for overwatch. :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 01, 2016, 01:13:47 pm
Completely insane TU cost on craft ground on this tileset.

As you can see from the following picture:

Every mission I get on this tileset has the move cost on the tiles under Xcom and UFO craft 8 TU-s.
It gets old real fast if you need 170 time units to get from the Battleship edge to the Battleship elevator if you wish to leave TUs for overwatch. :(

Had that, too, but first I thought it was a feature (difficult terrain etc.). Now I am no longer sure as I realized that the mountain tiles on said terrain do NOT have the same high TU numbers....  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2016, 01:24:03 pm
I could fix it but meh, it's more interesting that way. Mountain tiles do not have it since it adds nothing to the challenge while being tedious.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 01, 2016, 01:26:06 pm
And it would be even more interesting and less immersion breaking if it were consistent across the entire map. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2016, 01:31:42 pm
Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't (imagine checking every f*kken cave with increased move cost). The gist is, fixing this stuff requires a few hours of work. I'll rather use my time doing something I care about.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 01, 2016, 01:45:55 pm
Thank you for your awesome and voluntary work on this project. I will forgive you *one time* for not caring.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2016, 02:09:37 pm
Oh I don't care about a million of other things too. Else I would never have gotten past version 0.1. To explain, these maps aren't my work, so tweaking them is difficult. I could disable them but is such a thing enough to cut down on variety?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 01, 2016, 05:13:33 pm
Just 2 minor bug reports here: I got a CTD when trying to (foolishly) intercept this UFO,
Normally I would haven not even tried to do so, but I clicked the wrong button...  :)

Then there are 2 buggy alien base maps.
IIRC hellrazor fixed them and there should be newer versions available (see pics)
The first is missing the walls, you can see the brown backdrop partially
The second has walls inside the ground, a bar of something poking out of the ground and other bugs.

Oh I don't care about a million of other things too. Else I would never have gotten past version 0.1. To explain, these maps aren't my work, so tweaking them is difficult. I could disable them but is such a thing enough to cut down on variety?

Now that I played several missions on that terrain I actually like it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2016, 05:52:23 pm
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not fixing the UBASE yet since it's temporary.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 01, 2016, 06:02:35 pm
Thanks for the heads up. I'm not fixing the UBASE yet since it's temporary.

The Xops alien base looks so awesome, maybe Xops gives you permission to use it?  ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on May 01, 2016, 09:10:56 pm
I don't know if I am the only one suffering from this, but my interception icons are messed up. The little drawing of my craft fills with red much faster than my craft actually gets damaged, which makes interceptions very difficult to gauge.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 01, 2016, 09:15:28 pm
I don't know if I am the only one suffering from this, but my interception icons are messed up. The little drawing of my craft fills with red much faster than my craft actually gets damaged, which makes interceptions very difficult to gauge.

I get that bug also relatively often... but can't reproduce it.
It's OXCE thing for a looong time now...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on May 01, 2016, 11:52:51 pm
Something tells that I shouldn't receive 235 howitzer shells upon ending of combat. I only fired one shell out of 8 and one machine gun burst.

I don't know if I am the only one suffering from this, but my interception icons are messed up. The little drawing of my craft fills with red much faster than my craft actually gets damaged, which makes interceptions very difficult to gauge.

Also second this. I only recently got it, and it made me terrified because I thought my craft got destroyed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on May 01, 2016, 11:59:44 pm
I'll try to save before intercepting and see if I can reproduce it! That would be a good bug to squash...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 02, 2016, 01:12:39 am
I don't know if I am the only one suffering from this, but my interception icons are messed up. The little drawing of my craft fills with red much faster than my craft actually gets damaged, which makes interceptions very difficult to gauge.
Wait this isn't some sort of deliberate design choice? I thought it came with the mod I don't think I've seen a single interception without it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on May 02, 2016, 07:37:39 am
With 98E plus Meridian's latest (for enjoying performance and view range improvements), I seem not to be able to re-research the Osiron Security and Reticulan Peon I recently captured. Something I'm overlooking/messed up, or a bug?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 02, 2016, 10:53:36 am
The 2 captives you mention do not have multiple tech unlocks. As far as i can tell you have already expended all avenues of research from them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 02, 2016, 01:19:17 pm
Yeah these two can only be researched once.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sabrecat on May 02, 2016, 04:38:19 pm
Ah, OK! More cash for me, then... thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 02, 2016, 08:37:08 pm
Now after 4 ingame years I finally have a 6gal team ready and equipped, finally a mansion mission appears, I start the Airbus and what the.......
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2016, 08:38:51 pm
Airbus is not allowed to go to that mission.
Take a different craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 02, 2016, 08:42:50 pm
Airbus is not allowed to go to that mission.
Take a different craft.

Ack. Does it say so in the ufopaedia? I have to check...

<sigh> "For getaway, we need a fast enough and not too heavy a ship. "
So I basically bought and kept that Airbus all those years for nothing....  :'(

Anyway, The missing STR, is that a bug or am is it caused by the new (viewrange+) exe?
Where do I get a new craft that fast.... I do not want to reequip my Deliverator (the main craft I am using atm)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2016, 08:48:07 pm
It says in that message you got... it's just not translated, yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 02, 2016, 08:52:53 pm
Code: [Select]
      STR_STARTING_CONDITION_CRAFT: "The ship is no good for a mission like that, cap'n."

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 02, 2016, 09:33:12 pm
Well, Airbus is stealthy by the way how it's mundane, and not THAT slow, so I think I'll allow it for the mission. I just haven't thought of it Well not, too slow, and too early a craft :) For now, buy a Pachyderm, it does fit :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 03, 2016, 03:38:03 am
Did that. Luckily it has a short delivery time.  :)

Btw, there are some strange things in the Battle Generator:

1. There is a part of some strange clickable field/button showing at the left corner of the Battle generator. It seems to have no function.
2. STR_CRACKDOWN_LESSER is listed in the missions but has no STR obviously.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 03, 2016, 08:38:45 am
Assuming it's a bug.
Soldier can berserk shoot while both hands full with a weapon that normally requires you to have an off hand free in order for it to be used.

In the example save the soldier goes berserk and offloads quarter of a magazine of Bossar while having a zapper equipped in the other hand.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 03, 2016, 12:51:22 pm
Not a bug persay just how the game handles berserk. Its always acted like that. Berserk just has the unit fire or swing with whatever is in main hand(if anything) then tries left hand with 250% TU. Result of very simple if x then y coding.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2016, 01:51:41 pm
Assuming it's a bug.
Soldier can berserk shoot while both hands full with a weapon that normally requires you to have an off hand free in order for it to be used.
In the example save the soldier goes berserk and offloads quarter of a magazine of Bossar while having a zapper equipped in the other hand.

It's working as I intended.
When I added true 2-handed weapons, the question came up and the decision was:

Applies only to:
- your soldiers under your control
- enemy under your control

Doesn't apply to:
- your soldiers under enemy control
- your soldiers panicking/berserking
- enemy under enemy control
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Xtendo-com on May 03, 2016, 02:31:21 pm
Soldier can berserk shoot while both hands full with a weapon that normally requires you to have an off hand free in order for it to be used.
It's should be a feature since in berserk state you don't care about pain and you has a lot of negative brutal energy to spend. I has an idea that in berserk mode your unit should run blindly into enemy instead of random shoot in case of no line of sight. Shooting to your own soldiers is ridiculous for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 03, 2016, 02:33:45 pm
Also, the AI would be too stupid to understand why it can't fire :)

2. STR_CRACKDOWN_LESSER is listed in the missions but has no STR obviously.

...where? what? Does it show on HWD screen somewhere?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2016, 02:48:13 pm
1. There is a part of some strange clickable field/button showing at the left corner of the Battle generator. It seems to have no function.

That's the slider for alien tech level... which can't handle that PirateZ has only one tech level. Slider works correctly only with 2 options or more.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 03, 2016, 02:51:54 pm
That's the slider for alien tech level... which can't handle that PirateZ has only one tech level. Slider works correctly only with 2 options or more.

ok thanks.

...where? what? Does it show on HWD screen somewhere?

nope only in the Battle Generator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 03, 2016, 02:53:53 pm
Well, it does handle the problem - it disables itself instead of crashing the game :)

STR_CRACKDOWN_LESSER it's a rump deployment used by per-race deployment customization code (by Yankes). Better don't select it in QB.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 03, 2016, 02:59:49 pm
Ok, never intended to, just wanted to report the missing STR.  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2016, 09:26:47 pm
I'll try to save before intercepting and see if I can reproduce it! That would be a good bug to squash...

So, I spent almost 2 hours on this trying to reproduce.
I had about 20-30 interceptions and was patiently saving before each one.
Eventually I got the buggy behaviour... I had a save and reloaded to see if it still happens... and it did.
I reloaded a few more times just to be sure and could reproduce it every time.
Then I turned off the game and went on debugging in visual studio with my precious save.... but nothing!
So, I started the game again, just to see if I'm crazy... and nothing, very same game, very same save, no save scumming.

I believe this must be some sort of memory leak or something similar... cos this is frikkin' irreproducible!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on May 03, 2016, 09:48:06 pm
Hum.. I failed to make a proper save. I get a bunch of warnings when I compile, I'll try to pay attention. I know there are a few instances of "this variable will not be reset or deleted" warnings, which depending on where they occur, might be interesting to look into.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 04, 2016, 10:35:42 am
And it would be even more interesting and less immersion breaking if it were consistent across the entire map. :)

Maybe it would, maybe it wouldn't (imagine checking every f*kken cave with increased move cost). The gist is, fixing this stuff requires a few hours of work. I'll rather use my time doing something I care about.

I have to admit I liked it for a while, but there are large maps where you have to spend too many turns just to reach a single enemy in the far corner, which slows the game down too much AND it gives ranged combat too much importance. Melee is simply a no-go on those maps unless you spend a lot of time for reaching that lone small unit instead of simply sending a mortar round. I can make a mcd-patch rulfile to change the TU cost back to default if anyone/Dioxine wants it.

edit: i checked all the terrain mcd files and there seems to be a simple cause to all the strange TU behaviour: Certain tiles do have their tile-type set to 3 when it should be 0.

took me about 30 minutes of scrolling through 97 mcd files....  :P

A fix/change should be doable in ~5 minutes.


please report to me if I have missed a tile, I will add it then asap. I think I have found all, though.

I hope this works, I am not entirely sure If I got the logic of those MCD files right. I saw that other (default) terrain type 3 files had their TU-costs at zero, the conflicting ones had theirs set to 4, so I set them in the mcd-patch^ to 0, which hopefully fixes them. No guarantee, though. Please report any findings here.

small update: corrected file to UPPERCASE labels, not sure if it's needed, but better safe than sorry.
small update 2: found one more terrain with TU costs bug
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on May 04, 2016, 01:14:24 pm
^I will check when I get home. TY in advance!! It was a pain.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 04, 2016, 03:25:30 pm
This is rather odd.
Mind controlled Osiron Security has 12% aimed shot with Gauss Sniper which is not consistent with his firing accuracy stat nor is it consistent with his accuracy on the Heavy Gauss.
Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2016, 03:47:23 pm
This is rather odd.
Mind controlled Osiron Security has 12% aimed shot with Gauss Sniper which is not consistent with his firing accuracy stat nor is it consistent with his accuracy on the Heavy Gauss.
Save attached.

This in fact is correct behavior. Sniper gauss determines skill as (firing squared x .1%) not straight skill. 30x30 is 900x.01=9 then times accuracy for firing mode. 9 effective skill times 1.4 for aimed=12.6. Round down 12.

Most pure sniper guns follow this behavior. The intent is to make them a specialized tool rather then a high damage high TU rifle. The fireing squared times 1% makes the weapon really bad for low skil units without hindering high skill units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 04, 2016, 05:19:55 pm
Also, you play on the kid's difficulty, which cuts enemies Firing stat down to nothing (and their armor by half). This makes enemies unqualified to use any kind of sniping weapon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 05, 2016, 02:20:45 am
Well the first game I attempted was Veteran ended in 8 hours flat. :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2016, 10:08:33 am
This... problem... will be adressed too, by expanding the early game :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 05, 2016, 06:05:25 pm
I updated the TU-fix file in this post:;msg=64381;topic=4058.510
Missed the Grassland terrain...  ::)


Dioxine: Do you want to use the fix for the next version or shall I upload it here in the forum as a mod?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2016, 10:35:12 pm
Is it properly tested on all conerning terrains? If so, I will add it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 05, 2016, 11:28:57 pm
I ran a quick test in the Battle Generator on the corresponding terrains and also fixed the Grassland terrain AFTER I discovered that I had missed that one. They work fine on my computer. Not sure if that's enough, though, another helper/tester would of course be fine. I will run another series of tests in the next minutes and report my results.

Just a thought: Is it better to patch those files through the RUL file^ or should the MCD files themselves be fixed?

edit:  I ran another series of BattleGenerator quick tests on ALL terrains and the fix works fine.

fwiw: During the test I realized how nice the Airbus graphics and layout are and you even made sure that there are the correct number of seats (4+2).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 06, 2016, 09:57:27 am
It's mostly Robin's doing, I only put his LEGOs together :) I intend to use some more of his tilesets, they're really sweet.

Also: not sure which is better to patch. If everything's a-ok then the MCDs themselves I guess.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 06, 2016, 01:26:33 pm
The game insists on occasionally using pink sand for desert missions on Earth. I think it's part of Cydonia tile set? It would be fine but I am getting choke tests at the end of every turn.
Is this intentional?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 06, 2016, 01:50:45 pm
It's not Cydonia tileset, and these traps didn't got there by accident :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 06, 2016, 02:42:49 pm
It's mostly Robin's doing, I only put his LEGOs together :) I intend to use some more of his tilesets, they're really sweet.

Also: not sure which is better to patch. If everything's a-ok then the MCDs themselves I guess.

Alright, I will fix the MCD's as well and upload them here later!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 06, 2016, 03:05:56 pm
Here the fixed files. Double and triple checked them during the editing.

file temporarily removed due to overhaul
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Thryllth on May 07, 2016, 03:03:53 am
Probably not a bug but when breaking down ammo from magazines the magazine size and number produced are swapped from how it is presented for guns.  For example, Gauss Cannon ammo shows up as 4X25 (4 packs of 25 rounds) but for other projectiles it is the other way around being (Magazine Size)X(Number Produced).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Golnor on May 07, 2016, 06:27:13 am
So I just got to the "Mysterious Siberian base" mission (I think) but every time I try to start the mission, I ctd.

I don't think I have done anything weird, and I was using 0.98G or C. I can't tell what that letter is. That's not the latest version, is it?


Okay, looked around, saw that the latest version was 0.98E, got that, imported my saves, and crash again.

Throwing my save on here as an attachment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2016, 10:04:51 am
OMG, the broken provost pedia entry is UGLY as heck.... please replace with something else, pretty please.

Btw. reminds me of this:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 10:08:01 am
I also get a CTD when trying to start the Siberian base mission. I can get into the inventory screen right before the mission and then it crashes.  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 10:37:37 am
So I just got to the "Mysterious Siberian base" mission (I think) but every time I try to start the mission, I ctd.
I don't think I have done anything weird, and I was using 0.98G or C. I can't tell what that letter is. That's not the latest version, is it?
Okay, looked around, saw that the latest version was 0.98E, got that, imported my saves, and crash again.
Throwing my save on here as an attachment.

I found several causes for the CTD bug.
Siberiabase28 and Siberiabase29 maps (and rmp) are missing. Only found the bug because I tinkered with the script to get it working....
Even adding the missing maps (I used the ones from the current UFO redux) doesn't remove the CTD, the script itself seems to be the problem.  :-\
I also disabled the mapblocks in the rul-file, still CTDs  :-\
I edited the script so mapblock 28 is no longer called for, still CTDs.  :-\

Dioxine, please help, this is a game-breaker!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 11:11:59 am
@Golnor: This is not Siberia at all, just broken Mansion from the version when Mansion was broken. Upgrade version & ignore that mission.

@New Civilian: This is some issue with craft spawning. Happens to me as well, albeit rarely.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 11:23:53 am
I think I found the cause: The LZ ( is only 10x10 sized, however some crafts are 20x10.

I will try to add the polar terrain LZ's to the siberia terrain and see if that works.... Or you forgot to add the LZ to the script, Hobbes had a map45 entry there....

The maps 28 and 29 are missing, though
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 11:26:59 am
LZ maps (group 1) are multiplied depending on the size of your craft. I added the missing maps, updated the code, mission (still) works for me...

The current code is:

Code: [Select]
  - type: SIBERIA
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addLine
      direction: both
    - type: addBlock
      executions: 9
        - [1, 1, 3, 3]
      blocks: [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]
      maxUses: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    - type: addBlock
      executions: 1
        - [1, 1, 3, 3]
      blocks: [27, 28, 39, 30, 31, 32]
      maxUses: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    - type: addBlock
      blocks: 45
    - type: fillArea
      blocks: [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44]
      maxUses: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]

I could probably make it simplier, just decided not to dabble into Hobbes' map wizardry if I don't have to.

EDIT: also in QB the mission WILL crash unless you select 'Humanists!' as the enemy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 11:38:49 am
I am not using the QB. Here my sav.

Tried your code, didn't work either.

tested the map in QB, works..... what the...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 12:01:23 pm
Try updating the script. Also use Humanists with an '!' (if you didn't do it before) else it will crash.
Tried again, again it works for me (after updating the script and adding these 2 maps).
Tried your save as well (sent what looked like the main team in the Deliverator), mission starts w/o any trouble.
(Also I saw you cheat a little on voodoo, naughty naughty :) )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 12:24:24 pm
Ok, updated the script, added maps.

Thanks, Dioxine. And don't ask me what was different this time...

Oh and yes I increased the voodoo cap to 80 in my personal mod. If you think that is naughty then you shouldn't see my TU cost changes to your inventory  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 12:35:47 pm
I couldn't since I don't have that mod, and it's your business :) You won't get hi-score tho! :)

About the psi, I concluded that the whole psi attack/psi defence balance goes to hell once power*skill exceeds 4-5k, as attack starts to completely dominate the defence.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on May 07, 2016, 02:09:32 pm
It was the first time that I played XPiratez (started several times, but stopped as I was working on TFTD) for that long and maybe I should not have started on the highest difficulty setting. At least I found several bugs that way and could help fixing them.

Anyway, I started a new campaign, this time I will not test/tinker around but actually play that thing.
I am using only a personal mini-mod-package which changes TU costs and adds things (OCP, Naymore, Pacifier) I can not live without.
For this campaign I want to try and limit myself to weapons that are not laser, gauss or plasma. Highest Difficulty.

edit: Dioxine, here the fixed AND working mcd-terrain files I pm'ed you about. I don't know why changing the type was not enough, maybe the position in the MCD itself also has an effect on the behaviour of a single piece? I remember reading something like that when someone fixed the Avnger/Lightning doors...

Anyway, now it works. You can still use the rul-file if you doubt it.  ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Golnor on May 07, 2016, 07:02:46 pm
@Golnor: This is not Siberia at all, just broken Mansion from the version when Mansion was broken. Upgrade version & ignore that mission.

@New Civilian: This is some issue with craft spawning. Happens to me as well, albeit rarely.

Aww, you mean I have to ignore the nice shiny purple cross for the rest of the game? Nuts.

Btw, if the real one does pop up, how will I tell?

Edit: nevermind, it's gone now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 07:43:27 pm
It will despawn within 200-400 hours of spawning. The real mission will not pop up until 2000 minutes into the next month (plus zero to several hours). You can tell the difference between these two (if still bugged by some freakish accident), that real Siberia should spawn within the second day of the month, while the Mansion spawns around the middle of the month.

And no worries, Siberia will spawn each subsequent month until you research the Russian Files that can be found there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on May 07, 2016, 07:45:47 pm
Using two Howitzertanks in a Thunderhorse. Got 100 free Rounds the first first time but thought I had some "leftovers". This happened after the second mission with them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 07:54:25 pm
Upgrade executable to the latest version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on May 07, 2016, 08:08:52 pm
Isn't it in the given download-link? Do I have to upgrade it seperately?

Well I just downloaded 0.98E (again) and extracted it to my x-comfolder while removing the old exe before.

It still happens.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 07, 2016, 09:18:08 pm
It's not the latest, the DL is 2 weeks old now. Here:,4187.0.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Baldri on May 07, 2016, 09:24:05 pm
Ohhhh.  Now I see. I thought this is more or less completely optionable. I was not aware that it is kind of needed and partially updates go there as well.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on May 08, 2016, 06:42:30 pm
It's currently impossible to research  STR_FUSION_DEFENSE because it looks for STR_PLASMA_DEFENSES, when you research STR_PLASMA_DEFENSE instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 09, 2016, 02:31:55 am
Per a discussion last week, Dioxine, here is the save where I have a boarding torpedo inbound on a base with two flak batteries.  I have see one hit and the other miss, then the defense mission starts.  You stated that the flak should have stopped the assault successfully.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on May 09, 2016, 03:43:37 pm
STR_AGL_UFOPEDIA ... missing bracket "NEWLINE}"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 09, 2016, 04:10:00 pm
Per a discussion last week, Dioxine, here is the save where I have a boarding torpedo inbound on a base with two flak batteries.  I have see one hit and the other miss, then the defense mission starts.  You stated that the flak should have stopped the assault successfully.

Well, it seems that the damage is random, which is something I didn't know :) The Flak Cannon seems to be able to one-hit the Boarding Torpedo - usually, but certainly not always.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 09, 2016, 06:43:24 pm
Well, it seems that the damage is random, which is something I didn't know :) The Flak Cannon seems to be able to one-hit the Boarding Torpedo - usually, but certainly not always.

Yes, this was changed when I first joined the project 2 years ago :)
My first bug report and my first PR:,2796.0.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on May 10, 2016, 03:09:31 am
Have you run into bugs where Hands are stuck between being conscious and fainting? where if you try to move them the game crashes?

Might have another where following shipping could randomly make the game crash, but my save there isn't as reliable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 13, 2016, 12:24:28 am
Enemies can spawn in an inaccessible area on this map. It is also theoretically possible for them to walk to a position where you can't shoot them without removing the brushes.
Low impact but annoying nonetheless.
Save attached with the corpse in a place I can't walk to.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on May 13, 2016, 11:59:56 pm
STR_FIRE_EXT_UFOPEDIA ... missing bracket NEWLINE}
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 14, 2016, 01:19:13 am
20 TUs is not enough to reload a grenade launcher with a grenade off soldiers shoulder slot but is enough to take the cartridge to my left hand and then reload the weapon.
All for the same 20 TUs. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 14, 2016, 01:26:15 am
I think he means the 'r' button. Well yes, it does sometimes not work when you have exactly the amount of TU needed to reload and the ammo isn't in hand. If you have 1 or more TUs spare, it always works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 14, 2016, 01:33:39 am
Er I didn't know there was an "R" button. I always just used the inventory screen for reloading.
Also it takes 19 TUs total to do it in the inventory.

Doesn't work:
Pick the grenade from the shoulder slot, click on the weapon. (20 TUs left)

Pick the grenade from the shoulder slot, click on the left hand, click on the grenade in the left hand, click on the weapon. (1 TU left)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2016, 01:53:02 am
When reloading in OXCE you pay:
- price to put ammo in hand (notice I don't say which hand)
- plus price defined on the weapon to reload

I guess in your case you are using one hand and OXCE is testing a different hand (and there's a difference in TUs depending on which hand you use when taking stuff from the shoulder).
If I remember correctly, the difference is 2 TUs (4 vs 6)... so to correct Dioxine's statement, if you have 2 TUs spare, it should work. You had only 1 TU spare.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 14, 2016, 03:52:53 am
Oh. It also consumes 21 TUs for this action if I don't do it manually.
Game is cheating me out of my time units!
I guess it's been doing that the whole time?

19 TUs to Right Shoulder > Left hand > Right hand weapon
21 TUs to Right Shoulder > Right hand weapon
21 TUs to Right Leg > Right hand weapon
23 TUs to Right Leg > Left hand > Right hand weapon

So depending on what inventory slot you use the game either gifts you 2 TUs when you reload or takes 2 TUs away from you..
Well it applies to the inventory slots that differentiate between which hand the item ends up at. So if you keep your ammo in shoulder and leg pouches.

When reloading in OXCE you pay:
- price to put ammo in hand (notice I don't say which hand)
- plus price defined on the weapon to reload

This needs to be changed to:
-price to put ammo to "the hand not holding this weapon"
-plus price of reloading the weapon
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mattdo on May 14, 2016, 10:29:17 am
Here's a save file with my bug where there are frequent Sway Local Government missions to Australasia, and very few anywhere else. At the point where I saved, there are around eight ships trying to sway Death Realms simultaneously, which has long since gone zero tolerance.
Game was started in 0.98B I believe but is now running in 0.98F. I use the 'smaller mansions' mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mattdo on May 14, 2016, 10:31:23 am
This is a save file to demonstrate that even if you finish a mission with mind-controlled Armored Beastmasters, they still appear as regular Beastmasters in your inventory. Same game as the previous save file. There are two mind-controlled Armored Beastmasters, so just ghost-dagger or mind-control the Exalt guy to end the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2016, 10:59:38 am
This is a save file to demonstrate that even if you finish a mission with mind-controlled Armored Beastmasters, they still appear as regular Beastmasters in your inventory. Same game as the previous save file. There are two mind-controlled Armored Beastmasters, so just ghost-dagger or mind-control the Exalt guy to end the mission.

That's by design, you can read the explanation here:

The issue people had before was that it crashed the game, which is not happening anymore as we can see.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 14, 2016, 03:51:25 pm
Very good. That settles the problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on May 15, 2016, 01:07:12 pm
Minor issue:
v0.98F ... Cannonballs now explode (radius 1) to be more useful.
STR_PIR_CANNON_UFOPEDIA still claims "The cast-iron cannonballs, obviously, do not explode"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on May 15, 2016, 01:22:30 pm
Code: [Select]
  - type: dogfight
      - id: damageRange
        color: 13
        color2: 14
        color: 16
This node is broken, sometimes it reads value `16` and breaks damage indicator in dogfight window.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 15, 2016, 02:42:11 pm
Ahh, right! There's the error :) I tried changing these colors but it didn't really work out (I don't know how to change the interception window fixed elements).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on May 15, 2016, 03:39:46 pm
probably you need something like that:
Code: [Select]
  - type: dogfight
      - id: damageRange
        color: 16
        color2: 17
Code: [Select]
  - type: dogfight
      - id: craftRange
        color: 160
        color2: 176
determine that colors of graphic are part of craft. If you change colors of craft then you need change it too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 16, 2016, 06:27:07 am
The diagonal tunnels on the second level of Large Vaults are not traversible.
Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 16, 2016, 09:25:41 pm
When I follow a Dark Ones Probe with "the keep" mission my game crashes, probably when the probe lands. Happens with both the bonny and the skyranger.
vector::_M_range_check:_n (which is 4) >=this->size() (which is 3)

Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 17, 2016, 07:11:32 am
Yet another area you can not walk to in this tileset that enemies can spawn in. There's an enemy there that walked out of vision. It might not even occur to me that he is there if I hadn't seen him two turns prior.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on May 17, 2016, 10:30:04 am
Yet another area you can not walk to in this tileset that enemies can spawn in. There's an enemy there that walked out of vision. It might not even occur to me that he is there if I hadn't seen him two turns prior.

Oh yeah that happens a lot. I tend to use primed grenades a lot in such areas plus ranged weaponry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 17, 2016, 11:19:23 am
Does it still happen? I thought it was fixed ages ago...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2016, 12:43:22 pm
When I follow a Dark Ones Probe with "the keep" mission my game crashes, probably when the probe lands. Happens with both the bonny and the skyranger.
vector::_M_range_check:_n (which is 4) >=this->size() (which is 3)

Something wrong with
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 480
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 56
    missionSiteZone: 4

No idea wtf though... like the save was corrupted or maybe there is something wrong with my code? Although it doesn't seem so... Deleting it 'solves' the problem... But I have no idea why it doesn't work all of sudden. It's a totally normal mission that used to work just fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 17, 2016, 01:31:05 pm
Maybe because I upgraded from .98d1 to .98f?
I'll ignore the mission, though I would have liked to see it, never had it before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2016, 01:47:10 pm
Upgrade is quite unlikely a cause since the mission code hasn't been changed for many months afair. Seems to have some problem with trajectory... Maybe someone more versed in the engine can have a look at that... There were reported crashes with a comm wave, but no fix yet... Let's see if someone answers (looking at you, Meridian) :)
Also I'd like to reiterate, Iron Man Mode is a Bad Idea :)
btw, having lots of fun reading your LP even if my knowledge of German is cursory at best (although It's Coming Back! My highschool German teacher, ugh, she was a real pint-sized horror) :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 17, 2016, 02:11:08 pm
Thanks for the heads up!
I know Iron Man is bad, but I am too weak-willed to not reload. And an LP is more fun for everyone if people die in between. And not just the nameless ones. I usually try to make backups, as I need to navigate to the folder to get to the screenshots anyway.

Btw, I know the effect bad teachers can have, I gave up French after a year because of my teacher. She might have been your teachers soul sister. :D

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 17, 2016, 07:35:26 pm
After playing around with the save, it seems that it is not the Imperial Probe mission that is the problem but rather this one:
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 480
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 56
    missionSiteZone: 4
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2016, 09:05:17 pm
There were reported crashes with a comm wave, but no fix yet... Let's see if someone answers (looking at you, Meridian) :)

The Comm Wave has no alien deployment.
The game crashes on StartingCondition check... which is defined in alien deployment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2016, 09:07:25 pm
Ahhh, that's why it used to work and no longer does :) Comm wave has alter deployments but no 'default' deployment. Thank you! I will fix it in no time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2016, 09:23:05 pm
Ahhh, that's why it used to work and no longer does :) Comm wave has alter deployments but no 'default' deployment. Thank you! I will fix it in no time.

I already fixed it... if there is no deployment, all craft will be able to go to such target.

Btw. the other thing with STR_MUTANT_POGROM_DISTRESS is puzzling me, I can't even pinpoint the place where it crashes yet... I'll keep searching.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2016, 10:16:31 pm
Something wrong with
Code: [Select]
    region: STR_NORTH_AFRICA
    race: STR_ETHEREAL
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 480
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 56
    missionSiteZone: 4

No idea wtf though... like the save was corrupted or maybe there is something wrong with my code? Although it doesn't seem so... Deleting it 'solves' the problem... But I have no idea why it doesn't work all of sudden. It's a totally normal mission that used to work just fine.

Game is looking for area [4] (=fifth) in zone [3] (=fourth) in STR_NORTH_AFRICA region.
But there are only three areas in that zone... not 5.

See attached, maybe makes more sense.

EDIT: didn't you manually change region to north africa without changing missionsitezone too? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2016, 12:06:48 pm
Are there any other issues that need fixing?
I would do a version today...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on May 18, 2016, 03:19:31 pm
I have noticed that corpses sometimes dont match the enemy. I killed a sailor the other day and the corpse was of a Guild Hostess. Bizarre.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 18, 2016, 03:23:16 pm
Likely a problem with the alt corpses mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 18, 2016, 03:38:38 pm
I have noticed that corpses sometimes dont match the enemy. I killed a sailor the other day and the corpse was of a Guild Hostess. Bizarre.

Thanks!  Please not any other issues with corpses like this in the Alt-Corpses Mod thread. :)  It will help me bug fix. 

Also, I have not updated the mod for .98F yet.  So the new enemies will all just have their standard corpse for both states.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 18, 2016, 06:29:07 pm
Umm... I downloaded archive, extracted it, copied an old xcom files into UFO folder. And into \user\xcom1\ (dont now why). Game starting, new game, strategic part works fine. But when must start tactic mission, game just crashes without any error messages. In log files only: [18-05-2016 18:31:05]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 800x600x8...
[18-05-2016 18:31:05]   [INFO]   Display set to 800x600x8.
And nothing more. Please, say where to dig?
P.S. Sorry for bad grammatic. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: yrizoud on May 18, 2016, 06:41:31 pm
Can you try with a windowed resolution, in order to troubleshoot the issue ?
If it works and the window changes sizes on battle start, it means the 800x600 cannot be gotten on your machine. You may want to tweak the settings so that the battle uses a the same size as the strategic part, and then set fullscreen again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2016, 06:46:05 pm
Game starting, new game, strategic part works fine. But when must start tactic mission, game just crashes without any error

Can you attach a save please?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vivanter on May 19, 2016, 10:09:46 am
Hey all,

I can't quite tell if this is a bug or just my mistaken perception of how tech is supposed to work in this mod.

Tech that I've researched doesn't seem to unlock the attached manufacturing options. For instance, I just finished researching tactical armor, got the pop-up that says you can now manufacture it, but it's not actually in the manufacturing tab in my base.

I've attached my save. To the best of my knowledge I am just running it on default .98F with all the recommended options turned on.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 19, 2016, 10:26:35 am
You need a Workshop to manufacture it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 19, 2016, 06:18:47 pm
Can you attach a save please?
Here, please.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 19, 2016, 06:39:02 pm
It doesn't crash for me (after I loaded your save).

Can you try two things:
1. delete the options.cfg file (this will reset all your settings, so back it up if you need them) and try again?
2. also try to use the newest executable (download: It's a long shot, but it may help.

If it doesn't help, just delete everything and try again.
And only do steps mentioned in the installation guide, nothing more and nothing less.
Hope it helps :/
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 20, 2016, 07:06:25 am
Temple of Sirius spawning in wilderness.
Is this intended?
Kind of seems out of place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 20, 2016, 09:51:44 am
Even the description says that it is an out of the way temple. That is why you go there in the first place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 20, 2016, 03:19:47 pm
Sentry Gun/Rocket and it's ammo require Workshop space to manufacture.
Is is intended or has it slipped by?

My impression so far has been that projects in this mod don't require space.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 20, 2016, 03:21:25 pm
Tanks do require space.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 20, 2016, 03:27:53 pm
But why does it's ammo construction take space and craft ammo production not?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 20, 2016, 03:34:35 pm
That was a bug indeed, a few tank ammo manufacturing projects were taking workshop space (they shouldn't). Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 20, 2016, 04:52:40 pm

After aborting a temple raid.
I think the temple is being used as a mutant slaughterhouse.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 20, 2016, 06:12:37 pm
Maybe they teamed up with the Universal Brotherhood?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 21, 2016, 02:03:16 pm
I solve it. Just taked other version of original x-com files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 21, 2016, 05:30:28 pm
The Slave Maid entry in the bootypedia still claims that you cannot transfer slaves between bases.

Ancient Log RX22-11 says that the guild used to be Marsec, is that still valid, with Marsec now being an Academy subfaction?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2016, 05:50:34 pm
I can buy something called "Mixed Clothing" but cannot use it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 21, 2016, 06:37:52 pm
The Slave Maid entry in the bootypedia still claims that you cannot transfer slaves between bases.

Ancient Log RX22-11 says that the guild used to be Marsec, is that still valid, with Marsec now being an Academy subfaction?

I thought Osiron was the Academy sub-faction?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 21, 2016, 07:29:19 pm
Oh, right, might be. So Marsec is the guild subfaction. Better, but the text is still not quite correct I think. Though it was probably written hundreds of years ago, so it doesn't have to.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 21, 2016, 07:29:48 pm
I can buy something called "Mixed Clothing" but cannot use it.

Not fully implemented yet.

Ancient Log RX22-11 says that the guild used to be Marsec, is that still valid, with Marsec now being an Academy subfaction?

Where did it come from? Where does it say that Marsec has anything to do with the Academy?

But yes, the text is somewhat contradictory with Marsec's entry, I will fix it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on May 22, 2016, 09:41:50 am
This staircase:

Turns into a cola machine when you break it:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 22, 2016, 12:10:54 pm
Mercenary Soldier has wrong lookup.

Mercenary Commando has wrong lookup.

Mercenary Engineer has wrong lookup.

Broken Academy Provost pedia entry is still ugly as Quagmire's dad.
I'm replacing it with "no image yet cap'n" in the meantime.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on May 22, 2016, 05:11:51 pm
Hello there guys! hey Dioxine, i've just installed 0.98F and i saw actually know "ammunition" is implemented for the x-bow and the bows, thanks!

By the way there's some bug in the fire extinguisher's description in the booypedia..({{NEWLINE}} thing)

Edit: typos
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 22, 2016, 05:50:20 pm
Mercenary Soldier has wrong lookup.

Mercenary Commando has wrong lookup.

Mercenary Engineer has wrong lookup.

Carried over from the original file, right? Damn.

Broken Academy Provost pedia entry is still ugly as Quagmire's dad.
I'm replacing it with "no image yet cap'n" in the meantime.

De gustibus non disputandum, but it's one of my favorite pictures (else it would never be chosen, on the grounds of being unevenly cropped). Besides, she looks exactly like a Provost (= middle-aged Bene Gesserit) would. Age and too much gym do that to you :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on May 23, 2016, 09:36:59 am
Check with the smugglers weapon loadout - I suspect they are getting bow weapons with getting the accompanying ammo. Often I have taken the psuedo-Chewie down and the Xbow has no ammo despite not firing a shot (if he had seen me) :D.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 23, 2016, 10:57:10 am
Yes, you are right. Fixed it about a week ago :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on May 28, 2016, 07:11:47 pm
In version 0.98F combat drugs are not able to be manufactured. I looked in "equipment". Combat drugs still present in soldiers equipment.
I tried the same save, in 0.98E I can manufacture combat drugs in 0.98F not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 29, 2016, 12:42:49 am
perhaps the new refinery building is now required?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on May 29, 2016, 04:46:33 pm
I tried in a base where I have every possible building.
Nothing mentioned in changelog.
Looks like bug to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 29, 2016, 05:09:51 pm
Well, I can produce them, and it mentions that it needs the refinery building in the bootypedia entry. Sure that you have that because it was not in the old version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 30, 2016, 10:38:35 am
"Prod the scurvy land-lubbers like cattle they are!{NEWLINE}Unlike most Stun weapons, it inflicts 0-2* of the base damage (instead of 0.5*-1.5*).{NEWLINE}Skill: MELEE/2 + 50"

Code: [Select]
    power: 70
    damageType: 6 # DT_STUN
      RandomType: 2 # DRT_TFTD (50-150%)

Description in Pedia says 0-200%, but ruleset says 50-150%... what's correct?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 31, 2016, 11:01:18 pm
Okay something quite bizarre has happened. A gal has up and vanished on me completely. Was doing a stargod terror ship. Lots of gals where wounded so i wasn't paying special attention to who came home in what state. However no deaths and the memorial reflects this. However one of my platemail assault gals is missing but all her kit is present. Soo gal unequipped and erased from existence. The first tipoff i had a that anything had happened was a promotion at the end of the next mission.

So no relevant save unfortunately, and im out one of my best and oldest gals. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on May 31, 2016, 11:12:32 pm
^The Star Gods got her ...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 31, 2016, 11:18:28 pm
However one of my platemail assault gals is missing but all her kit is present.

The girls are buried without their armor (since a few OXCE+ versions back, 2016-04-24 or newer), so don't search for your missing girl by armor, you won't find her that way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 01, 2016, 12:19:56 am
the point i'm making she did not die. No deaths and no further additions to the memorial. Just gone.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 01, 2016, 10:42:03 am
the point i'm making she did not die. No deaths and no further additions to the memorial. Just gone.

Would it be possible to check the save itself? Is she in there, what's her status?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on June 01, 2016, 08:19:27 pm
Well, I can produce them, and it mentions that it needs the refinery building in the bootypedia entry. Sure that you have that because it was not in the old version?

Well, yes, you are right, thank you for the hint.
I do not have the refinery building and the issue is I cannot build it.
I cannot research anything anymore, I cannot produce combat drugs. heh, good thing I have a few revenant armours already built.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 02, 2016, 02:26:57 am
Would it be possible to check the save itself? Is she in there, what's her status?

Also poof. far as that save cares she doesn't exist
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 07, 2016, 09:51:40 pm
new version is woot but new version....well ya know

Heavy metal research lacks a pedia entry. Researched on in progress game so im likely missing something but no entry....odd.

New loadout/inventory screen with search bar fails to respect interface scaling options.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kitsune106 on June 08, 2016, 01:39:31 am
interesting. the inventory screen is huge. is that normal?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 08, 2016, 06:14:12 am
interesting. the inventory screen is huge. is that normal?

Check your options d00d. I've added an updated config to this version, if you didn't keep a backup it was overwritten.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kitsune106 on June 08, 2016, 06:22:36 am
I will double check tomorrow. I know its not the baytlescape one. Still, thanks again for the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on June 10, 2016, 07:26:08 pm
The bug with the alt corpses seems to be still happening,something about SHvy_rifle causing it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on June 10, 2016, 08:40:24 pm
The bug with the alt corpses seems to be still happening,something about SHvy_rifle causing it.

What exactly is happening?   And yeah, I realize there are some corpse that haven't been updated and a few with wrong images (Air Sailor for one).  I haven't really kept up with the last few releases.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on June 10, 2016, 09:51:42 pm
After enabling the mode openxcom restarts as usual but then it says the error message about SHvy_rifle and if i remember correcly it was missing from the resource folder?I dont remember too many details.
I had to delete the mod in order to even get to the menu from the error message.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on June 10, 2016, 10:30:19 pm
It looks like the version that is shipping with the main mod is still carrying an active "tester" ruleset that references that SHvy_rifle.

Two fixes:
1. Replace the mod folder with the one from the first post in the actual mod thread here:,4424.0.html
2. Alternately, remove the tester ruleset from the /ruleset folder in the Altcorpses mod in your installed build.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on June 11, 2016, 07:31:30 pm
Still playing the latest .98, but I didn't see anything about it in the patchnotes, so I'll report it anyway:
I lost a country even after researching *Familie Ties*. It was not in the same month, but later.
Can missions start earlier, so that this is an old mission that just completed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 12, 2016, 01:09:44 am
Once a Sway Govt starts, it goes on until all countries on a single continent are converted, even after it's disabled - that's how it's hardcoded. The only consolation is, you won't lose any more continets (unless another Sway Govt mission started on the same month as you completed research that disables it).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vitto on June 13, 2016, 05:03:25 pm
CTD on base attack in version 0.99
The main base ("junktown") is under attack but after defense fired up I have got a CTD, after clicking on the button "Aye".
I don't know how to find out what is causing a problem and how to fix too =(
A save is in an attachment. Steps to reproduce: click "begone" on ufos and within 1-2 days they will come to take over the base.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on June 13, 2016, 05:07:38 pm
CTD on base attack in version 0.99
The main base ("junktown") is under attack but after defense fired up I have got a CTD, after clicking on the button "Aye".
I don't know how to find out what is causing a problem and how to fix too =(
A save is in an attachment. Steps to reproduce: click "begone" on ufos and within 1-2 days they will come to take over the base.

Megascorpion Stings.

You have 10 in your Base Stores.

Sell them, and you can get to your base defense.

(Just Tested it.  Although, I will say I lost it...  I really suck at base defense missions :D )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vitto on June 13, 2016, 05:10:50 pm
Megascorpion Stings. Sell them, and you can get to your base defense.
It works. Thanks a lot!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 22, 2016, 08:34:32 pm
While ruleset diving for craft weapons information, I noticed that researching Hammermite missiles depends on STR_CHEMICALS, which is not a researchable topic - this makes it such that these missiles cannot be researched.  Is this intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on June 23, 2016, 12:06:47 am
You might have noticed that the research names that we see and the ones in the ruleset are a bit different, same goes for weapons.  So most likely it's doable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 23, 2016, 12:17:24 am
No, it is a bug all right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on June 23, 2016, 12:30:29 am
Heh, now I feel silly  ;D
Title: Ivan isn't paying attention. Ignore this.
Post by: ivandogovich on June 26, 2016, 02:36:25 am
Hmm... I've been noticing that I can make X-Grog (after researching Cunning).   
However, it appears that because it doesn't have its own research topic, that I can't load it onto my craft?  I kinda wanted to try the bikini barmaid effect running around with a barrel and a ripper. :)

Edit: NVM.  Turns out I was selling it all. XD
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 26, 2016, 02:42:54 am
I can load it, wtf is going on? Are you sure? :) (Using Meridian's older 6-6-6 build)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on June 26, 2016, 03:21:59 am
I can load it, wtf is going on? Are you sure? :) (Using Meridian's older 6-6-6 build)

DAmn! The Derp Factor is High!  Sorry, my bad.  I kept thinking I was making some for use, but I had auto sell on. XD

False alarm.  You can delete this whole minor thread if you want. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 27, 2016, 08:30:54 pm
DAmn! The Derp Factor is High!  Sorry, my bad.  I kept thinking I was making some for use, but I had auto sell on. XD

False alarm.  You can delete this whole minor thread if you want. ;)

The internet never forgets! :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gzsolt on June 30, 2016, 04:28:32 pm
I am new to XPiratez, but I have played with last two release (0.98, 0.99), and it's a great game. In the new version (0.99) the quicksave/quickload dosn't work for me in the battlescape, but it does in the geoscape. I am sure it was OK in the previous release. What's wrong?  :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on June 30, 2016, 04:45:00 pm
I am new to XPiratez, but I have played with last two release (0.98, 0.99), and it's a great game. In the new version (0.99) the quicksave/quickload dosn't work for me in the battlescape, but it does in the geoscape. I am sure it was OK in the previous release. What's wrong?  :(

You are in debug mode.  You can set this in the options.cfg file.  The mod comes with an options.cfg file that has debug mode on and if you don't reset it or backup your original file and just overwrite it when you upgrade the mod, you will run into this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gzsolt on June 30, 2016, 05:57:32 pm
Oh, yeah, I started a whole new game when 0.99 was released, and didn't replaced options.cfg with the old one. Thank you, sire! :D

You are in debug mode.  You can set this in the options.cfg file.  The mod comes with an options.cfg file that has debug mode on and if you don't reset it or backup your original file and just overwrite it when you upgrade the mod, you will run into this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on July 02, 2016, 08:33:08 pm
I can produce something called astrocaster (, which I think would give me a STR_PIRATE_GUITAR item), but there is no corresponding Bootypedia entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 02, 2016, 09:37:37 pm
Will be fixed, thanx
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 05, 2016, 01:42:40 pm
Code: [Select]
    type_id: 4
      - STR_CONTACT_KRAZY_HANNA # should be STR_CONTACT_KRAZY_HANNA_ZZZ, otherwise funky stuff happens
    listOrder: 4320
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 05, 2016, 02:15:04 pm
Woops, an omission. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on July 06, 2016, 04:25:50 pm
Clicking 'use left hand item' of the parrot causes the game to freeze. (The 'item' is just a blank space.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 06, 2016, 04:43:02 pm
It's actually an item with no function. I can add some pseudo-function to it (like 'regain energy for TU'), or wait for someone to fix this in game code.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 06, 2016, 05:03:34 pm
Clicking 'use left hand item' of the parrot causes the game to freeze. (The 'item' is just a blank space.)

The game doesn't freeze. It generates an empty action menu and awaits instructions... since you can't select any action for that weapon/item, you can cancel and continue either by right-clicking or by pressing Q (or whatever hotkey you have for left hand action).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on July 06, 2016, 05:14:01 pm
Ah. Fair enough. I thought it might be something like that, but I didn't think to try right-click... I just tried esc, and clicking other stuff.

A 'rest' command (to convert TU to stamina) might be nice. But really, pretty much anything would be good enough to correct the problem. eg. a button that says "nothing" and does nothing. Or even a weapon that has a 'snap shot', with zero range - just so that doesn't look like nothing is happening.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 06, 2016, 05:36:22 pm
Falls down immediately, does 15 Special damage to target's morale. No damage to armour.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on July 10, 2016, 05:06:40 pm
I came across an interesting mission that may be glitched or bugged. 

My hyperwave decoders detected a Pogrom Wave by Church forces conducting a Pogrom in "Somewhere."  I remember at least 2 fighters and a terror ship scouting Alaska, then the second terrorship scouted Alaska, then bee-lined for Cuba and popped the Pogrom.  I geared up the Bonny and sent them to it, and upon arrival, had a Crash to Desktop before the briefing screen.  I had saved right before, so I reloaded, changed something minor (intercepted another ship while on the way there) and got a successful mission start  (No CTD). 

I popped my snipers out of the top, had a good sight line on a Church Neophyte and took him out.  This immediately ended the mission, as he was the ONLY ENEMY.

As a side note, this earned all the gals the most difficult commendations of the Mutant Alliance Tattoo for "saving all the civilians in a Pogrom."  Soldier Diaries calls this a "STR_TERROR_MISSION_NO_PENALTY" so if these missions are going to be a standard feature we should think about deprecating this commendation.  Normally this would require a huge amount of luck and skill.  Luck in the map and location of enemy (where you can get at them, and they can't get at the civilians), and the skill of being able to storm out and overwhelm all the attackers.

Anyway, back to the Neophyte Pogrom.  I reloaded the save to see if I could get another CTD.  I couldn't, so I suspect some map generation funniness.  I have the Neophyte in sight with Mutterin Predator.  He didn't take any hostile actions in the last turn so he may be unarmed.  save= "NeophytePogrom"
I'll attach the Geoscape save too="pogrom in cuba"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 10, 2016, 07:48:07 pm
Arg must be a texture error... These no-penalty pogroms are more trouble coding than they're worth :/
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gunner-chan on July 10, 2016, 09:52:42 pm
Would it be possible to just, I don't know. Not generate the progroms until the research is done then? Likely just as fucky but maybe cutting things off at the root is better if there's a way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 10, 2016, 10:05:41 pm
No, I got this. The default (before race choice) enemy mob spawn was defined for a single man (test purposes). Will be fixed.

EDIT: somehow the missions spawned in wrong Regions. The ship Pogrom (you talk about) got spawned in region_cities, somehow, while the distress Pogrom spawned in hello_world. Looks like these regions got selected randomly off the general list, despite having set regionweight to zero. WTF?

EDIT2: ah yeah. For a Pogrom, if region list is omitted, all regions will be weighed equally. Need to fix that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 11, 2016, 03:32:41 pm
Is there a sensible way to check if errors have already been reported? I don't fancy reading dozens of pages to check.

MORTAR_FAUX has its accuracy as 110, so the mortar's second ammo Bootypaedia entry is wrong.

FLAMETHROWER_LR has experienceTrainingMode 9 (throwing), which should presumably be 6 like the other flamethrowers. Despite the name they shouldn't really train throwing.

PLATE_MAIL costs 6000 runt-hours to make, which is order of magnitude higher than similar armours.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 11, 2016, 04:09:30 pm
Bug, inconsistency, intended. Thanks. Also no, there isn't a way. Major bugfixes top every update list, but minor bugs are usually unreported. However don't hestitate to post anything you think is a bug, I as a rule don't release a new version until all previous (known to me) bugs are fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on July 11, 2016, 04:35:11 pm
PLATE_MAIL costs 6000 runt-hours to make, which is order of magnitude higher than similar armours.

I'll just weigh in here on this one.  The cost is high because Platemail (with Shield) is such a game-changer.  It turns early missions into milk runs.  I've taken to soloing runabouts and cutters with one gal in the Shark Jetbike, day or night.  Pistols, machine guns, shotguns, and most rifles won't even dent the armor.  Ate a grenade on another mission without damage.  So the requirements for Rare Earth and Long construction are there to try to ensure that its not just an instant freebie upgrade. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 13, 2016, 09:02:13 pm
Both portable lascannon clip manufacture strings say (6*5), but you only get four shots from each clip.

Bonnaventura Bootypaedia description refers to it as "Yer ol' trusty boat", which is no longer true given changes to the early game. but I gather you're re-doing that anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 14, 2016, 12:16:18 am
CTD at base defense.

Save attached. (X-PirateZ 0.99 with OXCE 3.1+ including Ivan's commendations remix)

Code: [Select]
[13-07-2016 23:09:56] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[13-07-2016 23:09:57] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on July 14, 2016, 04:51:05 am
Recently Reinstalled everything for 0.99, and then put everything up for OXCE 3.1 (inc. Datafiles)

1) If I play Custom Base "ON" - then when placing said initial base, it doesn't 'limit' or 'finish' the selections...  I filled the entire base section with Corridors as the option to place them never 'turned off', and is the same for all of them

(Of course, I just turned Custom base 'OFF' and continued playing)

2) Seem to have a hiccup in the Inventory Screen...  The "Save Inventory" and "Paste Inventory" seems to only save the guns in hands, and doesn't seem to be working for any equipment in belts for me....

Of course, I will state that its entirely possible that I screwed up somewhere, but things are at least otehrwise playable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on July 14, 2016, 05:02:12 am
I also experienced both bugs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 14, 2016, 08:59:29 am
CTD at base defense.

Try deleting MEGASCOPRION_WEAPON, it does crash the defense since it's a bugged item (fixed in 0.99A). Also I don't reccomend soldier diaries before 0.99A, i.e. before I unfuck enemies ranks/races etc. so all is displayed properly. Else you will have factions like 'dogs' or 'zombies' in diaries forever :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 14, 2016, 11:49:50 am
Recently Reinstalled everything for 0.99, and then put everything up for OXCE 3.1 (inc. Datafiles)
1) If I play Custom Base "ON" - then when placing said initial base, it doesn't 'limit' or 'finish' the selections...  I filled the entire base section with Corridors as the option to place them never 'turned off', and is the same for all of them
(Of course, I just turned Custom base 'OFF' and continued playing)

This is caused by OXCE 3.1
(came in with the feature that base facilities can forbid other base facilities)

I'll wait for Yankes to fix this and then cherry-pick.

2) Seem to have a hiccup in the Inventory Screen...  The "Save Inventory" and "Paste Inventory" seems to only save the guns in hands, and doesn't seem to be working for any equipment in belts for me....
Of course, I will state that its entirely possible that I screwed up somewhere, but things are at least otehrwise playable.

This came from merging OXCE 3.0.

You have cherry-picked this commit:
But there was a bug in there, which I fixed the next day:

I will fix the merge issue in my fork, but you should cherry-pick the original fix to your fork too.

Try deleting MEGASCOPRION_WEAPON, it does crash the defense since it's a bugged item (fixed in 0.99A). Also I don't reccomend soldier diaries before 0.99A, i.e. before I unfuck enemies ranks/races etc. so all is displayed properly. Else you will have factions like 'dogs' or 'zombies' in diaries forever :P

Moving the scorpion sting to another base has helped.
I am aware of the issues with Commendations, after upgrade to 0.99A, I will reset the diaries completely. For now, it's quite fun seeing soldiers, medics and civilians instead of scouts, thugs and buzzards :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 14, 2016, 12:59:23 pm
Okay, if you don't mind seeing it in this sorry state, it's all fine :)

Oh and there's another issue that just came to my mind - changing, or even trying to change the armor in the Inventory screen drops most carried stuff to the ground, even if there's place for that stuff in the new armor. The stuff used to be kept on soldier's person unless the tiles became blocked, which was much more comfortable... could it be fixed? Or is it a tradeoff for unbugging the inventory?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 14, 2016, 01:39:47 pm
Oh and there's another issue that just came to my mind - changing, or even trying to change the armor in the Inventory screen drops most carried stuff to the ground, even if there's place for that stuff in the new armor. The stuff used to be kept on soldier's person unless the tiles became blocked, which was much more comfortable... could it be fixed? Or is it a tradeoff for unbugging the inventory?

That's the same issue as #2 above.
(New version will be released in the evening.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on July 14, 2016, 05:01:08 pm
I'm all good then!

As long as I wasn't going insane!  :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on July 15, 2016, 02:18:21 pm
Hm... just got a CTD with the latest build (2016-07-14). 
I just started a Dark Ones mission, took a few steps up the bonny, spotted 3 enemies.  Used the number keys to start cycling through them.  When I hit "3" I got the CTD.

Edit: also crashes on the 07-08 build.  Looks like it crashes when it tries to render one of the flying 2x2 units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2016, 02:27:45 pm
Problem's been detected, but so far elusive. This save should help to pinpoint the cause. Thanks a lot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2016, 03:16:40 pm
This looks like something beyond my powers. The game has issues with displaying a Cacodemon hanging over the mansion. This seems to be caused by upgrading to 3.1, since this issue is new - probably caused by some incompatibility incurred by newer Nightlies, or changes within Yankes' branch. We need to ask Yankes or Meridian for help :)

Code: [Select]
  - type: DOOM_ARMOR_7
    spriteSheet: DEM_7.PCK
    spriteInv: MAN_63
    visibilityAtDark: 30
    frontArmor: 6
    sideArmor: 6
    rearArmor: 6
    underArmor: 6
    drawingRoutine: 3
    movementType: 1
    bleedImmune: true
    size: 2
        moraleCurrent: -0.2
        bravery: 0.2
      - 0.0
      - 0.6
      - 0.2
      - 1.0
      - 0.5
      - 0.8
      - 0.15
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.25
    loftempsSet: [ 92, 89, 90, 91 ]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 15, 2016, 04:56:08 pm
This looks like something beyond my powers. The game has issues with displaying a Cacodemon hanging over the mansion. This seems to be caused by upgrading to 3.1, since this issue is new - probably caused by some incompatibility incurred by newer Nightlies, or changes within Yankes' branch. We need to ask Yankes or Meridian for help :)

I can tell you where it crashes (or better said where it suicides). See attached.

The issue looks OXCE-related (or at least that suicide code was added by Yankes)... so I'll leave it up to him to fix it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on July 15, 2016, 05:22:53 pm
I can tell you where it crashes (or better said where it suicides). See attached.

The issue looks OXCE-related (or at least that suicide code was added by Yankes)... so I'll leave it up to him to fix it.
Problem is in this `-8`, it should not be negative. I will fix it soon.

I forget that I add some functionality that deliberately use invalid surfaces as placeholders for  modders.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 15, 2016, 05:46:52 pm
Oh, and one more, before I forget.
I played a hideout defense yesterday and the enemies didn't scream when I killed them.
Also my gals started freaking out even though I have been killing 2-4 baddies per turn... as if the kills didn't count.

I'll probably edit this post later, once I re-watch the video and confirm... did anyone else observe anything similar?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2016, 06:21:20 pm
Yeah I noticed that it affects enemies that got ashed - they don't scream (which they really shouldn't - I wouldn't say no to adding a handle for adding an ashing sound, maybe ashed corpse?), not sure about scoring/morale (such kills should work normally). Non-ashing kills seem to work fine.

So about the Cacodemon issue - we wait for a fix, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on July 15, 2016, 06:36:34 pm
Yeah I noticed that it affects enemies that got ashed - they don't scream (which they really shouldn't - I wouldn't say no to adding a handle for adding an ashing sound, maybe ashed corpse?), not sure about scoring/morale (such kills should work normally). Non-ashing kills seem to work fine.

So about the Cacodemon issue - we wait for a fix, right?
I already fix it, I link bug fix commit that Meridian can use now.

And for kills, I probably pull new code from master is is incompatible with people who get ashed. I will try fix it too.


Custom sound/corpses are interesting idea, but I would think further, why not add different ways of gibing up enemies?

fix for overkill damage:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on July 17, 2016, 12:24:07 am
The Shoulder Launcher doesn't train firing, while that might be intentional, it is inconsistent with other launchers with arching shot (e.g. the mortar).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 18, 2016, 03:39:44 pm
Is this supposed to happen with the new version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 18, 2016, 03:49:20 pm
Is this supposed to happen with the new version?

Looks like a standard issue when upgrading in the middle of a campaign. Just research it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 18, 2016, 03:53:46 pm
Just add them to research w/o any brainers allocated. They will be completed automatically in 1 day.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 18, 2016, 04:14:10 pm
I also crashed while i was equiping the gals,before i pressed ok i noticed that weapons were sorted weirdly,starting from the right to left instead from left to right.I wonder why would the game sort them backwards,maybe that's why it crashed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 18, 2016, 04:32:37 pm
Check Meridian's thread for fixes or wait for the next release. Should not be too far off.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 18, 2016, 10:01:58 pm
STR_LOC_RET_BASE lacks the modSprite property.

Possibly not bugs, but weird: you can research the XG weapons well before Gauss Battery, which is required to build them. Also strange: making plasma weapon clips does not depend on the relevant weapon. I was able to build ammo for a scorcher before having researched it, and it looks like the same would be possible for the rifle and heavy plasma.

There is no Bootypaedia entry for Waspite armour. If this is intentional it's not t all clear why.

Edit: There is no definition for STR_SILACOID_CORPSE, so they are not renamed "Rocky" when dead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 19, 2016, 11:16:21 am
I had a crash to desktop when my gall in heavy armor punched a human goon from behind with the fistcuffs while holding a nuclear laser rifle in another hand,i was in a smuggler mission on a roundabout with a small ship engine and a crate with durathread,i also stunned some other goons with the wand of airlesness with another gal
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 19, 2016, 01:39:55 pm
@Searmay: Thanks, all bugs, fixed now.

@Doctor Medic: Provide a save or it didn't happen. Seriously, I have no way of checking this claim and finding any bugs otherwise. Other than making sure goddamned fistycuffs work, which they do and always did.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 19, 2016, 01:52:29 pm
Once again i have to dissapoint as when i saw your comment my autosaved overwriten it.

But i have noticed that loading the save back seems to fixes the problem,the fistycuffs seem to work as normal.

And in the case i do have a save available i would like to know how to actualy upload it somewhere so you can download it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 19, 2016, 02:18:07 pm
Can't you attach it to your post like everyone does?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 19, 2016, 03:45:17 pm
I...dont know how.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 19, 2016, 03:57:09 pm
Click 'Attachments and other options' just below your text input window :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 19, 2016, 04:00:23 pm
Thank you,i was using the quicker method so i didnt notice that.
Anyways even if i crash i doubt that you will see the bug when you load the save,as i said when i load after the crash everything is normal,but i dont have savescumming activated so that may explain it,if that was the case then it may have something to do with some sort of calculation but we cant be too sure.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 19, 2016, 05:05:54 pm
A non-replicable bug? Must be those pesky gremlins.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ForeverGM on July 20, 2016, 06:46:32 pm
Thank you for making this mod! I'm a few weeks in, and I'm experiencing a crash to desktop. It occurs whenever a Medium vessel (Not sure of what sort) is headed to my base on a Crackdown mission. My defences fire just fine, but they're nowhere near enough to shoot it down. Then when I click to initiate a fight, it crashes to desktop. I've done this three times in a row to establish a pattern, and I'm not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions?

Edit: New information: It's a Breaker-Class Shipping from the Academy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 20, 2016, 06:57:37 pm
The cause are Megascorpion Stings. Sell or ship them away before the Breaker strikes.

Also how did you manage to get a Crackdown so early on??? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ForeverGM on July 20, 2016, 07:05:36 pm
Oh, thanks! That works. Is it because the Stings have no in-game image or something? And I managed it by knocking out three bases. When I saw a few weeks in, I meant real time. In-game it's been slightly over a year  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 21, 2016, 07:54:38 pm
The fusion ball launcher is a heavy craft weapon despite having missile-like stats, being listed with the missiles, and having "missile" in its descriptive text. If this classification is intentional, I'd suggest moving the entry back to sit with its fellow heavy weaons and changing the descrition to "rocket".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 23, 2016, 08:57:52 pm
Enemies from an elevated position can attack people in the Pachyderm through its apparently leaky roof.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on July 24, 2016, 12:11:47 am
Iv'e been noticing that sometimes when I fire rockets (in this case panzerfausts and RPGs with heat rockets) that the rocket gets launched, but no TUs are deducted and no ammo is expended.

I'll have to see if I can reproduct this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gunner-chan on July 24, 2016, 12:24:12 am
If you have any scorpion stings sell them real quick, they're bugged when combat is involved and just vendor trash from what I understand anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 24, 2016, 12:49:29 am
If you have any scorpion stings sell them real quick, they're bugged when combat is involved and just vendor trash from what I understand anyway.

Confirmed. It apparently counts as a 2x2 unit when equipped to the dropship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on July 24, 2016, 01:44:39 am
Actually wow, it seems like all kinds of exploding weapons will randomly not use ammo and or TUs when fired. Have seen this happen with Stick grenades, grenade launchers, and light cannons firing HE rounds. Sometimes it will consume no ammo or TUs, other times it will consume TUs but no ammo, and other times It will consume ammo but no TUs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 24, 2016, 10:20:47 am
Might be a side effect of the trajectory fix...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 24, 2016, 12:20:18 pm
Actually wow, it seems like all kinds of exploding weapons will randomly not use ammo and or TUs when fired. Have seen this happen with Stick grenades, grenade launchers, and light cannons firing HE rounds. Sometimes it will consume no ammo or TUs, other times it will consume TUs but no ammo, and other times It will consume ammo but no TUs.

Might be a side effect of the trajectory fix...

That is unlikely. Also, can someone reproduce it?... I can't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 24, 2016, 02:49:57 pm
Enemies from an elevated position can attack people in the Pachyderm through its apparently leaky roof.
Probably the window at the front. It's weird, but presumably intentional.

Actually wow, it seems like all kinds of exploding weapons will randomly not use ammo and or TUs when fired.
Are you using the right binary, ie OpenXcom-extended rather than OpenXcom? The latter will load X-Piratez successfully and ignore what it doesn't understand, leading to all sorts of errors. And from what I recall when I did it, this was one of them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on July 25, 2016, 01:08:38 am
I'm pretty sure I compiled the extended version 3.1

I'm running on linux.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on July 25, 2016, 03:20:07 am
How did you get the code? If using git, did you make sure you had the proper branch checked-out? It's happened to me a few times that I compiled master instead of the right branch (oxce3.1-plus-proto or something). If you compile master, you get the nightly version of some time ago ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 25, 2016, 03:24:25 am
Probably the window at the front. It's weird, but presumably intentional.

They didn't actually shoot through the window.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 25, 2016, 10:46:52 am
Alright, just got a super annoying bug that is causing my game to hang indefinitely after winning a base defense.

Kill the last dude around the corner in the save (by the access lift) and watch the 'magic'.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2016, 11:33:16 am
Alright, just got a super annoying bug that is causing my game to hang indefinitely after winning a base defense.
Kill the last dude around the corner in the save (by the access lift) and watch the 'magic'.

I can reproduce this, will have a look in the evening and fix it.

Btw. turn 140?? :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 25, 2016, 11:38:17 am
I can reproduce this, will have a look in the evening and fix it.

Btw. turn 140?? :D

Yeah man, 6 rookies vs an Academy battleship; it was 300 level brutal (, only I won.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2016, 12:37:32 pm
Yeah man, 6 rookies vs an Academy battleship; it was 300 level brutal (, only I won.

Your hangar got destroyed during the attack... and the game got into endless loop when trying to delete stuff related to it. It seems to be a bug in vanilla (, so instead of fixing it myself, I will open a bug in the bug tracker (

It fails on deleting the craft in transfer (because there are other things in transfer -- 4 soldiers).
I have deleted lines 3446-3602 from your save, now it works, you can do the same... pasting the text to delete below, just in case.

This deletes "Retarded Bank", "Soaring Herring", "Hell Arisu" and "Failin Seagull" from existence... you may want to re-hire them ;)

Code: [Select]
      - hours: 22
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 64
          nationality: 0
          name: Retarded Bank
            tu: 69
            stamina: 44
            health: 51
            psiStrength: 49
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 46
            bravery: 60
            reactions: 59
            firing: 53
            throwing: 40
            strength: 42
            strength: 42
            psiStrength: 49
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 46
            tu: 69
            stamina: 44
            health: 51
            bravery: 60
            reactions: 59
            firing: 53
            throwing: 40
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 0
          lookVariant: 14
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
      - soldier:
            tu: 69
            stamina: 43
            health: 41
            bravery: 20
            reactions: 57
            firing: 56
            throwing: 35
            strength: 40
            psiStrength: 25
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 87
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 87
            tu: 69
            stamina: 43
            health: 41
            bravery: 20
            reactions: 57
            firing: 56
            throwing: 35
            strength: 40
            psiStrength: 25
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 4
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 65
          nationality: 0
          name: Soaring Herring
        hours: 22
      - soldier:
            tu: 67
            stamina: 77
            strength: 39
            psiStrength: 52
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 77
            health: 56
            bravery: 70
            reactions: 63
            firing: 59
            throwing: 46
          rank: 0
          gender: 0
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 3
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 66
          name: Hell Arisu
          nationality: 0
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 77
            tu: 67
            stamina: 77
            health: 56
            bravery: 70
            reactions: 63
            firing: 59
            throwing: 46
            strength: 39
            psiStrength: 52
        hours: 22
      - hours: 22
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 12
          missions: 0
            tu: 80
            stamina: 37
            health: 47
            bravery: 50
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 73
            reactions: 59
            firing: 47
            throwing: 34
            strength: 49
            psiStrength: 46
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 67
          nationality: 0
          name: Flailin Seagull
            psiStrength: 46
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 73
            tu: 80
            stamina: 37
            health: 47
            bravery: 50
            reactions: 59
            firing: 47
            throwing: 34
            strength: 49
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 25, 2016, 01:38:10 pm
It does crash. No idea why. I see no answers in the Crash Log, magically killing the last enemy in the save doesn't help, and I remember no precedence to guide me to find the solution - hanging upon mission end is something new.  Never seen anything like this before, but it might be just that my build is different (Commendations). Well, that's precisely why Ironman is unadvised - it's still a beta, and unless someone manages to hunt the bug down, and probably even then, you're fukked :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2016, 02:11:19 pm
I provided a full explanation with a fix one post above.

Or are you talking about something else?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 25, 2016, 04:18:58 pm
Whoops, your post wasn't displayed for some reason (I didn't refresh before answering). I made a fool of myself :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 25, 2016, 08:51:32 pm
Your hangar got destroyed during the attack... and the game got into endless loop when trying to delete stuff related to it. It seems to be a bug in vanilla (, so instead of fixing it myself, I will open a bug in the bug tracker (

It fails on deleting the craft in transfer (because there are other things in transfer -- 4 soldiers).
I have deleted lines 3446-3602 from your save, now it works, you can do the same... pasting the text to delete below, just in case.

This deletes "Retarded Bank", "Soaring Herring", "Hell Arisu" and "Failin Seagull" from existence... you may want to re-hire them ;)

Code: [Select]
      - hours: 22
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 64
          nationality: 0
          name: Retarded Bank
            tu: 69
            stamina: 44
            health: 51
            psiStrength: 49
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 46
            bravery: 60
            reactions: 59
            firing: 53
            throwing: 40
            strength: 42
            strength: 42
            psiStrength: 49
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 46
            tu: 69
            stamina: 44
            health: 51
            bravery: 60
            reactions: 59
            firing: 53
            throwing: 40
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 0
          lookVariant: 14
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
      - soldier:
            tu: 69
            stamina: 43
            health: 41
            bravery: 20
            reactions: 57
            firing: 56
            throwing: 35
            strength: 40
            psiStrength: 25
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 87
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 87
            tu: 69
            stamina: 43
            health: 41
            bravery: 20
            reactions: 57
            firing: 56
            throwing: 35
            strength: 40
            psiStrength: 25
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 4
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 65
          nationality: 0
          name: Soaring Herring
        hours: 22
      - soldier:
            tu: 67
            stamina: 77
            strength: 39
            psiStrength: 52
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 77
            health: 56
            bravery: 70
            reactions: 63
            firing: 59
            throwing: 46
          rank: 0
          gender: 0
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 3
          missions: 0
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 66
          name: Hell Arisu
          nationality: 0
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 77
            tu: 67
            stamina: 77
            health: 56
            bravery: 70
            reactions: 63
            firing: 59
            throwing: 46
            strength: 39
            psiStrength: 52
        hours: 22
      - hours: 22
          rank: 0
          gender: 1
          look: 1
          lookVariant: 12
          missions: 0
            tu: 80
            stamina: 37
            health: 47
            bravery: 50
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 73
            reactions: 59
            firing: 47
            throwing: 34
            strength: 49
            psiStrength: 46
          type: STR_SOLDIER_S
          id: 67
          nationality: 0
          name: Flailin Seagull
            psiStrength: 46
            psiSkill: 0
            melee: 73
            tu: 80
            stamina: 37
            health: 47
            bravery: 50
            reactions: 59
            firing: 47
            throwing: 34
            strength: 49
          kills: 0
          improvement: 0
          psiStrImprovement: 0

Wait, what do you mean it got 'destroyed'?

It was under construction; how would that even be possible? Does the landing craft randomly destroy facilities, including under construction facilities, when it attacks the base?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2016, 09:46:02 pm
Wait, what do you mean it got 'destroyed'?

It was under construction; how would that even be possible? Does the landing craft randomly destroy facilities, including under construction facilities, when it attacks the base?

The facilities get destroyed by too much use of explosives during the mission... both by you and by the AI. Landing craft doesn't damage them at all.
I didn't know it applies to facilities being built too, but obviously it does.
Also, if any facilities get "disconnected" from the airlock because of other destroyed facilities, they are destroyed too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 25, 2016, 09:51:41 pm
The facilities get destroyed by too much use of explosives during the mission... both by you and by the AI. Landing craft doesn't damage them at all.
I didn't know it applies to facilities being built too, but obviously it does.
Also, if any facilities get "disconnected" from the airlock because of other destroyed facilities, they are destroyed too.

So my two mininuke detonations in the workshops and large barracks randomly destroyed the under construction Hangar?

What? How does the game decide which facilities get destroyed? Is it luck of the draw?

That said, this is good to know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Starving Poet on July 25, 2016, 11:49:35 pm
There are certain items in each facility that, when destroyed, count as facility destruction.   In the workshops, it's the tables.  I'm not sure what counts as destruction for the large hangars. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 26, 2016, 01:47:53 am
In vanilla hangers where immune to destruction as well as the lift. Good to know they can go boom....I guess. Though what constitutes boom would be nice to know. I've thrown Chinese dragons into my hangers without issues several times.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 26, 2016, 02:14:28 am
There is no reason they should go 'boom' in this case though; the hangar wasn't even constructed or on the map, and it wasn't damaged by any explosions! Literally makes no sense at all. Total bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on July 26, 2016, 02:23:32 am
In vanilla hangers where immune to destruction as well as the lift. Good to know they can go boom....I guess. Though what constitutes boom would be nice to know. I've thrown Chinese dragons into my hangers without issues several times.

It might make sense to allow the planes inside the hangars to be destroyed rather than the hangar itself.

Also, instead of having facilities be destroyed because they were cut off from the rest of the base, how bout replacing destroyed facilities with "Rubble" which has to be cleared before repairs are made, but still counts as connecting.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 26, 2016, 02:28:17 am
Also, instead of having facilities be destroyed because they were cut off from the rest of the base, how bout replacing destroyed facilities with "Rubble" which has to be cleared before repairs are made, but still counts as connecting.

Yes please; either that or they get replaced with basic corridors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on July 26, 2016, 09:40:44 am
Another base invasion related crash; this time a Breaker UFO aptly breaks my game as it boldly attempts to invade FAGULON PRIME itself against all better judgement.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 26, 2016, 10:29:44 am
Another base invasion related crash; this time a Breaker UFO aptly breaks my game as it boldly attempts to invade FAGULON PRIME itself against all better judgement.

Sell or transfer the 40 megascorpion stings from the base and it will work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Searmay on July 26, 2016, 11:10:42 pm
The flechette cannon is described as "Ignores half armour", but has an ArmorEffectiveness of 0.05.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nrafield on July 27, 2016, 11:27:07 am
After spending over 200 turn searching for the last enemy in a Mansion Invasion mission, I eventually gave up and enabled debug mode, only to find out that the last adversary was stuck in a room without doors. Actually, the room next to that one didn't have any doors either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 28, 2016, 06:42:59 pm
No door rooms are normal and intended in mansions. Bring ways to break walls.

The towers are isolated on purpose. The mansions have lots of semi secrets stuff that intended to make loot and scoot less rewarding for the unobservant.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nrafield on July 28, 2016, 07:38:21 pm
But what is a good tool for breaking walls when you are so limited in equipment? And if it that is intended, could it be elaborated that you might have to look for enemies in secret hiding places if you want to clear out the mansion?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 28, 2016, 08:11:20 pm
1. Ripper, heavy pistols, or any grenades/bombs. Anything that is in the cat. "infiltration" can be taken.
2. I see no need for such elaboration. Like legionof1 said, observant players have it better.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on July 28, 2016, 08:15:12 pm
Here is the link to the Mansion Reports Thread:,4556.msg62926.html#msg62926

I think early on, Black Powder bombs maybe one of the most effective wall breachers.
I personally love the Ripper as a breacher, but Meridian had good success with looted Plasma Pistols he brought along.  I think some las pistols might breach with a high enough damage roll. In late game, the Cougar SMG is a dream in Mansions, and I'm pretty sure, I was able to breach with their auto fire to.

Places to breach: The Occult Towers.  They only have entrances on one level down low, which one I don't recall.  Its often more convenient to breach them on higher levels where your gals are. 
Also, I found the top white floor deserved a few breaches as most of these rooms are not connected to each other, but have to be accessed from stairs on the floor below. 
Of course, finally, any map generation secluded islands, like you found, nrafield, are the perfect place to breach.  Your use of Debug in the case you described, is perfectly justifiable, imo. 

The Mansion Mission can definitely be a challenge for the inexperience player, especially where the RNG gods spawn something like this. 

That said, Dioxine did provide the alternative, by allowing the player to evacuate from the roof.  In your scenario, 200 turns would have been plenty to scour the place and haul any and all loot up to the roof.  Not that I'd prefer that method, naturally.  I like to kill 'em all too, an haul all the loot out the easy way.  And I would feel completely justified to debug kill that last troublesome unit as you did. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on July 29, 2016, 05:51:42 pm
bug reports:

-my mcd patch rulefile for terrain TU usage not applied, but thanks for the credits anyway  :o
-Megascorpion sting thing crashes game due to missing graphic and is not selectable in craft equipmentscreen even if it appears in the list
-alt-corpses mod STILL has the faulty *185.png that is bugged.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on July 29, 2016, 07:15:47 pm
bug reports:
-alt-corpses mod STILL has the faulty *185.png that is bugged.

Alt-Corpses has been completely revamped and updated to be compatible with the newer engines.  These updates are in the Mod Thread.  I think that Dioxine will include the new mod when he releases .99A.  For now the *185.png bug is just one of the charms of the out of date version. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 31, 2016, 11:39:52 am
Uhm, is it by design in 0.99A.1 that auxilia (e.g. mercs) generate money per month (like slaves) instead of costing money?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 31, 2016, 06:36:50 pm
No, it's a stupid error on my part :/
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BetaSpectre on August 01, 2016, 12:48:37 am
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 01, 2016, 01:50:49 am
I like it.

I think Mercenary Commandos should indeed pay for the privilege of staying in my state of the art facility with countless scantily clad females. Trust me, it'd be a lot more expensive if they weren't getting their guard duty discount.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 01, 2016, 02:09:43 am
their guard duty discount

I swear I read it as "hard duty discount".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 01, 2016, 03:44:32 am
I swear I read it as "hard duty discount".

Haha, you would.

Also, can't seem to manufacture lingerie anymore; was the ability to do so deliberately removed? I can't see it mentioned in the logs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 01, 2016, 05:25:19 am
There's indeed a bug in Lingerie manufacturing. It used to require only industrial tools, and the wrong topic was added as a dependency for the project: Lingerie set (an armor I think), instead of Lingerie itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on August 01, 2016, 05:36:59 am
At the "castle of doom" one of the imps spawned inside the dirt of the castle wall.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on August 01, 2016, 06:56:46 am
Updated to .99A1. The *stop targeting civilian traffic* research hasn't stopped civilians from spawning. If anything there are more of them now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 01, 2016, 08:36:02 am
Also, can't seem to manufacture lingerie anymore; was the ability to do so deliberately removed? I can't see it mentioned in the logs.

I think "- research updates & fixes" pretty much covers it.

Updated to .99A1. The *stop targeting civilian traffic* research hasn't stopped civilians from spawning. If anything there are more of them now.

The in-progress missions will continue for a while (maybe even for a few months).
No new missions will spawn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 01, 2016, 05:56:56 pm
I think "- research updates & fixes" pretty much covers it.

It does seem like a bug though.. Requiring knowledge of the STR_LINGERIE_SET armor, in order to make normal STR_LINGERIE item is odd. The runts are just reproducing the underpants they saw, not making a special skimpy combat outfit.. Having STR_LINGERIE as a requirement (and not only STR_INDUSTRIAL_TOOLS) makes a lot of sense, since you shouldn't be able to make lingerie before you know of it. But having STR_LINGERIE_SET as a requirement? meh.. It's an annoying odd change, especially in an ongoing campaign.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 01, 2016, 07:31:57 pm
It does seem like a bug though.. Requiring knowledge of the STR_LINGERIE_SET armor, in order to make normal STR_LINGERIE item is odd. The runts are just reproducing the underpants they saw, not making a special skimpy combat outfit.. Having STR_LINGERIE as a requirement (and not only STR_INDUSTRIAL_TOOLS) makes a lot of sense, since you shouldn't be able to make lingerie before you know of it. But having STR_LINGERIE_SET as a requirement? meh.. It's an annoying odd change, especially in an ongoing campaign.

This for sure.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 01, 2016, 08:36:46 pm
Yeah, a bug. It was meant to be STR_LINGERIE.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 01, 2016, 08:44:46 pm
AH...  maybe thats why the new lingerie lines were requiring Durathread mesh.   :o  I thought it was just an effort to nerf another revenue stream.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 01, 2016, 08:53:35 pm
Durathread mesh requirement is as intended. Money-wise it doesn't change a bit since production cost was decreased by 250 (sell value of Mesh).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 01, 2016, 10:50:53 pm
Piratez_lang.rul 99a1
Code: [Select]
STR_PLASMA_SCORCHER_UFOPEDIA: plasma blast -> shoudn't it be energy blast?
STR_LOC_ACADEMY_OUTPOST_TEMPERATE: Warehouse Wars -> Scientific Experiments
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 02, 2016, 03:58:49 am
Durathread mesh requirement is as intended. Money-wise it doesn't change a bit since production cost was decreased by 250 (sell value of Mesh).
That's a nice change. You can easily setup a production line for chemicals which, combined with plastasteel, will make you a ton of durathread. You need about 150 runts on lingerie for 10 on durathread and 7 on chemicals. I run 140 to 20 and 12 at my industrial base (with extractor), to make a surplus durathread and send it to my other bases that can make lingerie. The only issue is that it does use plastasteel, but you make so much money doing that, that if you're worried about the drain on resources, you can just buy yourself plastasteel.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 02, 2016, 09:01:44 am
There is a tech literally called STR_PSI_LAB_PREQ in the game itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 02, 2016, 10:31:17 am
There is a tech literally called STR_PSI_LAB_PREQ in the game itself.

Must be an artefact related to updating. It shouldn't happen on a new game.

If you put just 1 Brainer on it, it should be researched within a day.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 02, 2016, 12:14:39 pm
Even 0 Brainers will research it wihin a day. It's an artifact of version upgrade.

Piratez_lang.rul 99a1
Code: [Select]
STR_PLASMA_SCORCHER_UFOPEDIA: plasma blast -> shoudn't it be energy blast?
STR_LOC_ACADEMY_OUTPOST_TEMPERATE: Warehouse Wars -> Scientific Experiments

Thanks! Both are bugs.

@Arthanor: you can manufacture Plastasteel too, after a while :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 02, 2016, 04:58:49 pm
Hey, after startin a new game in 0.99.1A on "Jack Sparrow" mode, i sold airbus and bought an aircar, but i lost crew and equpment on the first! So i had to equip the aircar with remainings...Is it a bug or an intended thing?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 02, 2016, 06:00:41 pm
If you sell or transfer craft, all crew and equipment onboard is sold/transfered; same with sacking soldiers (you lose the armor they were wearing).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2016, 06:27:04 pm
If you sell or transfer craft, all crew and equipment onboard is sold/transfered; same with sacking soldiers (you lose the armor they were wearing).

That's actually not true, if you sell a craft all crew and equipment onboard stays at the base.... i.e. is not sold with the craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 02, 2016, 07:16:43 pm
So how Niculinux managed to do so? :) Truth be told, I always empty crafts before selling, just to be on the safe side.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2016, 07:42:29 pm
So how Niculinux managed to do so? :) Truth be told, I always empty crafts before selling, just to be on the safe side.

Well, his post is questionable at best... I mean, if the crew was really lost, he wouldn't have any "remainings" at all, since everybody starts in the craft.
If anyone can reproduce and give me a save, we can talk about it, otherwise I think he just sold the crew and equipment too by accident.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 02, 2016, 08:52:13 pm
If you sell or transfer craft, all crew and equipment onboard is sold/transfered; same with sacking soldiers (you lose the armor they were wearing).
Ah so i suppose this is game mechanic.

So how Niculinux managed to do so? :) Truth be told, I always empty crafts before selling, just to be on the safe side.

Actually, simply sold the owned and bought the new, some days after game was started, no rocket science  :'(

Well, his post is questionable at best... I mean, if the crew was really lost, he wouldn't have any "remainings" at all, since everybody starts in the craft.
If anyone can reproduce and give me a save, we can talk about it, otherwise I think he just sold the crew and equipment too by accident.
nothing went by accident, just like i wrote above, sold the craft with the initial setup provided by the game. Sry, no save game file avaiable from me :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2016, 08:54:24 pm
Ah so i suppose this is game mechanic.

No, it is NOT a game mechanic. Can you try again and see if it happens again?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 02, 2016, 08:55:04 pm
I fired up a new game, and tried it.  Only the airbus was sold.  I'm not sure what happened in Niculinux's game.   maybe a different .exe build?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 02, 2016, 08:56:39 pm
I fired up a new game, and tried it.  Only the airbus was sold.  I'm not sure what happened in Niculinux's game.   maybe a different .exe build?

No, downloaded letest 0.99.1A. Maybe with some spare time i can do it again and save. Thanks.  ;)
Edit: pheraphs this is one of that cases about random happenings, maybe a bit investigation on the occurring frequence may me needed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 02, 2016, 09:09:24 pm
Regardless, it seems wise to do the paranoid thing, and remove everything first.  A trusting pirate is a dead pirate.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 02, 2016, 11:04:57 pm
Another crash on mission end in the Jungle map with the spore mine (?) plants while farming Supply Ships; save attached; log:

[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   TU not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   STA not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   HP not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   BRA not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   REA not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   ACC not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   THR not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   MEL not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   STR not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   VOO not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [WARN]   DOO not found in en-US
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   0x7c815fee RegisterWaitForInputIdle (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   StackWalk64 failed: 6
[02-08-2016 16:01:50]   [FATAL]   Crash dump generated at C:\Documents and Settings\default\My Documents\Downloads\OpenXcom_XPiratez_0_99A_1\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\02-08-2016_16-01-50.dmp
[02-08-2016 16:01:55]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
Please report this to the developers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 03, 2016, 02:03:56 am
Something new and mysterious again! You have habit of making these! :) Good, good! Looks like nobody farmed these ships hard enough to break them yet!
Needs some serious debugging tho, because all the components (map, ship type) have been checked long time ago and all was working with no one complaining... Is Dr. Meridian in the house? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 03, 2016, 06:35:51 am
Something new and mysterious again! You have habit of making these! :) Good, good! Looks like nobody farmed these ships hard enough to break them yet!
Needs some serious debugging tho, because all the components (map, ship type) have been checked long time ago and all was working with no one complaining... Is Dr. Meridian in the house? :)

On my way to Jungfraujoch, see you tomorrow, wish me good weather :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 03, 2016, 08:14:28 pm
Gave a quick shot to 0.99.1A and noticed:

Have nice holidays!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 03, 2016, 09:13:13 pm
  • flaming arrows does not have a bootipedia entry after research (no report screen is displayed)

@Dioxine, could it be possible to give some individual pages to Aqua Arrows, and Fire Arrows, etc.?    I never used the Aqua Arrows that I've scavenged because I didn't know what they did.  Maybe these could go on a "Bows: Summary" page or something.[/list]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 04, 2016, 02:20:32 am
Any ideas yet as to the cause of the crash? Maybe the spore items?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 04, 2016, 03:19:37 am
Unlikely, that map was played dozens of times w/o crashes; it's nothing new. Unless something was caused by exec upgrade.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 04, 2016, 03:45:34 am
Unlikely, that map was played dozens of times w/o crashes; it's nothing new. Unless something was caused by exec upgrade.

In that case that's probably it; something specific to this map and that the update has made a mess of; the spore items I can't help but feel might be the culprit since there has been some fuckery with other items that had to be corrected (like the Exquisite Lingerie).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 04, 2016, 07:36:23 am
Messing up one item's manufacture by adding the wrong requirement has little to do with other items.

But I have a CTD to report too.. Crash happens just after ending the mission, either winning or aborting.

edit: Uploaded a fixed save that only uses normal piratez mods. It changes nothing, but just to make things simpler.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 04, 2016, 09:25:48 am
All I'm saying is that the cockroach principle may apply.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2016, 10:53:43 am
But I have a CTD to report too.. Crash happens just after ending the mission, either winning or aborting.
edit: Uploaded a fixed save that only uses normal piratez mods. It changes nothing, but just to make things simpler.

Crashes on Commendations:
1. soldier Copper Tombstone
NULL pointer exception, when trying to get some info about a weapon with empty name. See attached.

No idea how to fix it, I would have to study the Commendations code... and that would take me a lot of time... probably better to report to Shoes.

EDIT: I can make a quick fix, so that it doesn't crash... by just skipping such cases, but I don't know if that is a proper fix or just a workaround...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2016, 11:02:56 am
Another crash on mission end in the Jungle map with the spore mine (?) plants while farming Supply Ships; save attached; log:

Exactly the same crash as above, on soldier Edgy Muzzle, same medal, same NPE.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on August 04, 2016, 11:41:37 am
Another one of those elusive melee bugs, from a melee with fistycuffs from a power armor gall to a power armor bodyguard who had stun damage and was hit by a indirect flamethrower shot that may have done nothing on him.this time i ought to make a proper report with a save and all.I have save scumming disabled but to make sure you can check it yourself.

But because the openxcom log is more than 20000 characters i will have to post the log here and then the save on another post

EDIT:Or not,it somehow managed to do both
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2016, 12:39:52 pm
Another one of those elusive melee bugs, from a melee with fistycuffs from a power armor gall to a power armor bodyguard who had stun damage and was hit by a indirect flamethrower shot that may have done nothing on him.this time i ought to make a proper report with a save and all.I have save scumming disabled but to make sure you can check it yourself.

So what do I need to do to reproduce the bug?
Just attack the power armor guy with fistycuffs? If so, it didn't crash for me...

Also, can you upload the "altJugger" mod... I don't have that one... maybe it is causing the crash...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on August 04, 2016, 12:44:25 pm
I made a new save without the juggernaut mod and updated the previous post's save.

Was anything odd found in the openxcom log?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2016, 12:55:58 pm
I made a new save without the juggernaut mod and updated the previous post's save.

I don't need that, I can turn off a mod myself too.
What I need are steps how to reproduce it... where exactly did you stand when you attacked the guy, did it crash after first attack or only after he passed out? Just describe to me what do I need to do exactly to get the crash.

Was anything odd found in the openxcom log?

No, log just says it crashed, nothing else. Logs are mostly useless :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on August 04, 2016, 01:13:32 pm
I walked up to him without sprinting with the jug being the first to move,i position her from "above" or rather the northeast tile closest to him and then i hit him without him passing out and then i get a crash after a few hits.

I notice that melee crashes happen after the hit,maybe the game experiances an imposimble calculation and it crashes,on that matter how is damage calculated if the damage calculator divides a number in a way that wont have a failed result such as 3 divided by 9
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2016, 03:37:53 pm
I walked up to him without sprinting with the jug being the first to move,i position her from "above" or rather the northeast tile closest to him and then i hit him without him passing out and then i get a crash after a few hits.

No matter what I do, I cannot make it crash... can someone else please try if you can make it crash?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on August 04, 2016, 04:46:50 pm
For some reason whenever i try to recreate the bug it simply doesnt happen no matter how many times i try it and no matter if i have save scuming on or off,it only happens at that time and then whenever it feels like it.

That is why i theorized that it had to do with the damage calculation but save scuming debunks that theory.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 04, 2016, 05:00:37 pm
Hey Dioxine, is the X-Bow meant to be listed in the shotgun category (STR_BAT_CAT_SHOTGUN)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 04, 2016, 05:12:23 pm
Code: [Select]
STR_BAT_CAT_SHOTGUN: "Short Range Guns"
Isn't the crossbow short-range direct fire weapon?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 04, 2016, 05:19:13 pm
Ah, okay.  I was looking it up in the ruleset for making an updated ranged weapons table on, and I didn't look up what the string was in Piratez_lang.rul.  I was categorizing it as a bow for its fixed TU cost and the fact that it used energy to fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 04, 2016, 08:27:46 pm
Crashes on Commendations:
1. soldier Copper Tombstone
NULL pointer exception, when trying to get some info about a weapon with empty name. See attached.

No idea how to fix it, I would have to study the Commendations code... and that would take me a lot of time... probably better to report to Shoes.

EDIT: I can make a quick fix, so that it doesn't crash... by just skipping such cases, but I don't know if that is a proper fix or just a workaround...

Gah! Will report to Shoes. I'll also try to remove her feats from the save one by one to see if I can get rid of it. And maybe find if it's a weapon I haven't used before that's causing the issue. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shoes on August 04, 2016, 09:52:46 pm
Gah! Will report to Shoes. I'll also try to remove her feats from the save one by one to see if I can get rid of it. And maybe find if it's a weapon I haven't used before that's causing the issue. Thanks!

I am unfamiliar with Piratez stuff, but just looking at the crash, it seems the weapon used had "no ammo". Is that the case? Do melee weapons have any sort of ammo? Does this bug occur with a certain class of weapons, or just one weapon? Does that weapon have some unique feature?

I'm supposed to be busy, but maybe I'll reinstall some stuff :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 04, 2016, 10:30:00 pm
She is a gal who uses a weapon with infinite ammo, yes (Smasher: STR_LASER_PISTOL), which Piratez has modified into some kind of laser shotgun. It is my first deployment of these guns, so maybe that's it?

I do use other weapons with unlimited ammo though (Zappers: STR_ZAP_GUN for instance), and plenty of melee weapons, none of which ever gave me issues.

I'm just about to start testing with removing her feats, I'll start with those that are related to that weapon.

Edit: I just looked into the save and she has a "kill" with:
Code: [Select]
            weapon: ""
            weaponAmmo: ""

No idea how she got that, but I'll keep an eye open for it in the future. Maybe something like stunning someone who was standing in a fire, who then died from the fire? I think OXCE handles stunned units differently from vanilla, maybe that's it?

Edit2: Indeed, filling up those fields (I just put STR_SHIELD_AUX) made everything work again. The gal got the award for killing people using stun damage, so it does seem like it's one of those weird situations. Maybe it's not good to let people burn after they passed out..

Note: the victim would have been killed by environmental fire while stunned. I first threw a molotov as I was approaching, then stunned it on the next turn while it was standing in the fire (can't tell if it was on fire, that's hard to see for units standing in fire) and left the stunned unit there in the fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 04, 2016, 11:27:57 pm
I am unfamiliar with Piratez stuff, but just looking at the crash, it seems the weapon used had "no ammo". Is that the case? Do melee weapons have any sort of ammo? Does this bug occur with a certain class of weapons, or just one weapon? Does that weapon have some unique feature?

I'm supposed to be busy, but maybe I'll reinstall some stuff :3
This could be too:
a) merge bug unique only to Extended version, or simply some assumption do not hold in OXCE because it too much diverge.
b) bug fixed already in master but not jet merged.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Countdown on August 04, 2016, 11:29:14 pm
Stumbled over here from the Soldier Diaries thread. Haven't played Piratez so don't know the ins and outs, but I'll mention that there was a bug in vanilla a while back that would cause a crash if you knocked someone unconscious using a melee attack with a gun with no ammo. It happened to me when using an unloaded gun and the gun melee mod on. Here is the thread I started on it and it was fixed in the master:,4602.msg64306.html#msg64306

Could be related, or maybe not at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shoes on August 05, 2016, 12:00:47 am
Here is the code that decides murder weapons:

It's odd for there to be no weapon name or ammo name, as there are temp names given. Are those strings present in Piratez?

Here is the code that determines fire related deaths:

All it does is assign the kill credit to the last person who damaged the victim. Does this provide any leads?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 05, 2016, 07:07:55 am
Edit: I just looked into the save and she has a "kill" with:
Code: [Select]
            weapon: ""
            weaponAmmo: ""

No idea how she got that, but I'll keep an eye open for it in the future. Maybe something like stunning someone who was standing in a fire, who then died from the fire? I think OXCE handles stunned units differently from vanilla, maybe that's it?

Edit2: Indeed, filling up those fields (I just put STR_SHIELD_AUX) made everything work again. The gal got the award for killing people using stun damage, so it does seem like it's one of those weird situations. Maybe it's not good to let people burn after they passed out..

Unfortunately this fix did not work for me.

That said, there are many blank MurdererWeapon, MurdererAmmo fields in my save.

EDIT: Filling in _all_ the blank instances of MurdererWeapon and MurdererAmmo fixed the issue; there were approximately 30 of them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 05, 2016, 07:22:48 am
If you would like to try, you can clear all of the soldier diaries records.
Crtl-D (in Geoscape puts you in Debug mode).
Ctrl-A - clear all records.
Crtl-D (leave debug mode).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 05, 2016, 07:36:00 am
You might need to set Debug to true before Ctrl-d does anything though
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 05, 2016, 08:10:23 am
Unfortunately this fix did not work for me.

That said, there are many blank MurdererWeapon, MurdererAmmo fields in my save.

EDIT: Filling in _all_ the blank instances of MurdererWeapon and MurdererAmmo fixed the issue; there were approximately 30 of them.
I'm glad it ended up working! Out of curiosity, how did you kill those 30 people?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 05, 2016, 08:39:55 am
I'm glad it ended up working! Out of curiosity, how did you kill those 30 people?

Mostly grenade spam, lol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 05, 2016, 10:56:44 am
Speaking of, there's an annoying glitch where AoE damage that's totally blocked by the Pachyderm walls for the gals fails to protect the gear that's on the ground for some reason.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 05, 2016, 05:30:12 pm
It's odd for there to be no weapon name or ammo name, as there are temp names given. Are those strings present in Piratez?

Commendation do not seem to count gun melee and delayed deaths properly. Gun melee is treated like DT_NONE, while delayed deaths caused by bleeding and fire are counted as unknown type of damage (and probably unknown weapon too).

Also, the commendations for wound healing do not work; ditto BT_GRENADE, BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE since they do not explode on player's turn (might be caused by changes introduced by OXCE).

ALSO! OXCE introduces owner-less items that can kill (timed explosives on the map, for example). Commendations probably do not know what to do with it. This might be the real cause of the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on August 05, 2016, 05:36:55 pm
I've entered the wonderful world of crashes-on-mission-completition.

After subduing the magical girl on a pink ship mission completes and game crashes, creating a dump, saying that it generated an openxcom.log file and asking me to send it to developers. I have absolutely no idea what forces the game to crash (first pink ship mission went without any trouble), but here you go. Save, log file and dump attached in an archive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 05, 2016, 05:51:26 pm
Code: [Select]
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] StackWalk64 failed: 299

Whatever that means... But since these missions used to work, (albeit not heavily tested), I'll blame Commendations :) Still needs a coder to look into this...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2016, 06:23:04 pm
Hello again :) Giving a second shot, (on a laptop with windows 10) a for this presumed bug (,4058.msg68245.html#msg68245) everythingh seems to be ok, it was jus my wrong impresison...anyways started a new game, and on the first temple raid game crashed. Actually xpiratez managed to make windows 10 crsh (!!!) it said abot a DRIVER_ smething that reuired windows to reboot (!!)

Attached is the saved game. S for the log:

Code: [Select]
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] Data folder is:
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] Data search is:
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] - C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Documents\OpenXcom\
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] - C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] - C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] User folder is: C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] Config folder is: C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:20:52] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1680x1050x8...
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [ERROR] No video mode large enough for 1680x1050
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Attempting to set display to default resolution...
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Loading data...
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\mods'...
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] removing references to missing mod: Piratez Commendations
[05-08-2016 16:20:53] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[05-08-2016 16:20:54] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:20:57] [INFO] Loading font... Font.dat
[05-08-2016 16:20:57] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[05-08-2016 16:21:02] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:21:02] [INFO] Loading language...
[05-08-2016 16:21:02] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:21:02] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[05-08-2016 16:21:02] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[05-08-2016 16:21:12] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[05-08-2016 16:21:12] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[05-08-2016 16:21:16] [WARN] Couldn't get display resolutions
[05-08-2016 16:21:19] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x8...
[05-08-2016 16:21:19] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x8.
[05-08-2016 16:21:20] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x8...
[05-08-2016 16:21:20] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x8.
[05-08-2016 16:21:21] [WARN] Couldn't get display resolutions
[05-08-2016 16:21:28] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x8...
[05-08-2016 16:21:28] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x8.
[05-08-2016 16:21:31] [WARN] Couldn't get display resolutions
[05-08-2016 16:21:37] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:21:37] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:23:59] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[05-08-2016 16:23:59] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:23:59] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:23:59] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] Loading data...
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Cesario-Liguori\Desktop\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\mods'...
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[05-08-2016 16:24:00] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:24:04] [INFO] Loading font... Font.dat
[05-08-2016 16:24:04] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[05-08-2016 16:24:10] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:24:10] [INFO] Loading language...
[05-08-2016 16:24:10] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[05-08-2016 16:24:10] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] ORIGINAL ORDER not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] ID not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] FIRST LETTER not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] RANK not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] MISSIONS not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] KILLS not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] WOUND RECOVERY not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:25:35] [WARN] SORT BY... not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:26:27] [WARN] NET FUNDS PER MONTH>{0} not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:26:35] [WARN] MARK ALL AS SEEN not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:26:59] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_59M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:08] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:08] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:10] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:10] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_59M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:11] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:12] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:13] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:14] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:15] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:17] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:22] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:23] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:27] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:52] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:54] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:27:55] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_59M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:43] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:43] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:43] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:43] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:44] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:31:44] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[05-08-2016 16:40:06] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:40:06] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:40:59] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[05-08-2016 16:41:37] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:41:37] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:42:29] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:42:29] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:42:49] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1093x551x32...
[05-08-2016 16:42:49] [INFO] Display set to 1093x551x32.
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] VOO not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:44:42] [WARN] DOO not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 16:51:12] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[05-08-2016 16:59:55] [ERROR] Map Script not found
[05-08-2016 17:03:38] [WARN] NoNoun not found in en-US
[05-08-2016 17:04:58] [ERROR] Map Script not found

last line is related to crash Criptyc enugh
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2016, 08:55:01 pm
OK, seems that 099.1A needs some serious maps debugging, here for instance assaultin a small uo, the barn map, the building is placed  in a way that a door is unusabe, plus in the inside there are stairs missig, so that player cannot go upstairs.

Another couple of things, but not sure if it's bugs or not

Atteched sceenshots...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2016, 08:56:06 pm
..and a couple of saves. (ive already researched Animal taming so actually parrot has an use :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 05, 2016, 09:25:19 pm
OK, seems that 099.1A needs some serious maps debugging, here for instance assaultin a small uo, the barn map, the building is placed  in a way that a door is unusabe, plus in the inside there are stairs missig, so that player cannot go upstairs.

You've obviously destroyed the stairs. And what do you mean it's unuseable? Do you want to exit the map or what? :)

In the beginning of the game, we got n. 1 parrot as startin equipment but can not made use of it until Animal Taming  is researched, thoug bootypedia entry is present[/li][/list]

What do you mean, unuseable. You can pack it onto transport and use right away.

Once you research Contract: Merchants napalm flask is displayed in the black market but there is no use of it. peraphs more reseach is needed?

It is needed for some construction projects, also to fuel any flamethrowers you find (and later buy).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2016, 09:42:50 pm
You've obviously destroyed the stairs. And what do you mean it's unuseable? Do you want to exit the map or what? :)

I did not even shoot the stairs, and no explosived were used, from both sudes. I realized when entrred the building.

What do you mean, unuseable. You can pack it onto transport and use right away.

Sry, forgot to report tha pressing on yhe arrows in the equip screens has no effect, so i can not board it.

It is needed for some construction projects, also to fuel any flamethrowers you find (and later buy).

Ok got it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 05, 2016, 10:06:15 pm
Sry, forgot to report tha pressing on yhe arrows in the equip screens has no effect, so i can not board it.

Your first craft don't allow hwps maybe?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 05, 2016, 10:08:08 pm
The Aircar doesn't allow for aux units, but I think the Airbus allows for the one parrot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2016, 10:11:10 pm
The Aircar doesn't allow for aux units, but I think the Airbus allows for the one parrot.

Once agin..forgot: i sold airbus and bought aircar..sry again!!!  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 05, 2016, 10:58:24 pm
Here;s a quick couple of language fixes I notice from the wiki work I was doing this week:
Code: [Select]
"surving" should be "surviving"
Line 2479 should be Guerrilla Gear (with 2 "l"s)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2016, 11:29:56 pm
Stumbled over here from the Soldier Diaries thread. Haven't played Piratez so don't know the ins and outs, but I'll mention that there was a bug in vanilla a while back that would cause a crash if you knocked someone unconscious using a melee attack with a gun with no ammo. It happened to me when using an unloaded gun and the gun melee mod on. Here is the thread I started on it and it was fixed in the master:,4602.msg64306.html#msg64306

Could be related, or maybe not at all.

It definitely seems to be related, however I cannot just cherry-pick it (, because it depends on previous commits.
I'll just do a workaround so that it doesn't crash... and wait for proper merge in future OXCE version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2016, 11:35:12 pm
I've entered the wonderful world of crashes-on-mission-completition.

After subduing the magical girl on a pink ship mission completes and game crashes, creating a dump, saying that it generated an openxcom.log file and asking me to send it to developers. I have absolutely no idea what forces the game to crash (first pink ship mission went without any trouble), but here you go. Save, log file and dump attached in an archive.

Code: [Select]
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[05-08-2016 16:48:48] [FATAL] StackWalk64 failed: 299

Whatever that means... But since these missions used to work, (albeit not heavily tested), I'll blame Commendations :) Still needs a coder to look into this...

This one is actually not Commendations-related, it crashes even sooner, I'll have a closer look at it as soon as I can... might not be until Monday.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 06, 2016, 02:24:23 am
Would it count as a bug that Megascorpions can open doors?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 06, 2016, 03:19:13 am
Nothing can be done about that. Looks like they're really smart scorpions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 06, 2016, 03:22:01 am
Right. Not a bug.  An Arachnid.
A smart one. With pincers to manipulate door handles.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 06, 2016, 03:22:39 am
Nothing can be done about that. Looks like they're really smart scorpions.

Telekinetic, descended from the Star Gods themselves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 06, 2016, 05:08:16 am
It would be far more terrifying if they were more aggressive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 06, 2016, 12:30:22 pm
It would be far more terrifying if they were more aggressive.

They're nice, peaceful scorpions. They are just defending themselves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 06, 2016, 04:09:51 pm
Scorpionism is a religion of peace.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 06, 2016, 07:56:44 pm
BTW, yes, it looks like (hellerium?) grenade kills are the primary issue when it comes to this CTD. After taking down a landed cruiser, it seems like all of the aliens that were nailed by grenades came back to haunt me from their shitty afterlife with crash inducing empty fields in my save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shoes on August 06, 2016, 10:07:11 pm
BTW, yes, it looks like (hellerium?) grenade kills are the primary issue when it comes to this CTD. After taking down a landed cruiser, it seems like all of the aliens that were nailed by grenades came back to haunt me from their shitty afterlife with crash inducing empty fields in my save.

What's special about these grenades?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ElGrillo on August 06, 2016, 11:41:42 pm
I think I have a Bug, I can't use "Powers of Seduction", I can middleclick the icon, but can't right or left click it .
Any help?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 07, 2016, 04:00:02 am
Are repairs supposed to occur prior to craft weapons being restocked?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 07, 2016, 05:11:22 am
I think I have a Bug, I can't use "Powers of Seduction", I can middleclick the icon, but can't right or left click it .
Any help?

You need to have VooDoo Skill to use that power.

Are repairs supposed to occur prior to craft weapons being restocked?

The order is Repair -> Refuel -> Rearm to induce maximum penalty for getting damaged (and a minor one for running out of fuel, if it takes long to refuel).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 07, 2016, 01:21:16 pm
Another crash in 0.99A1 :'( this time i was usin meridian's mods daynight indicator and custom categories (here). attached are screenshot, .log, save file and a crash dump. I think it may be related to meridian's stuff, since i's the first time i see this on win 10. Forum oes not let me attach .dmp files, so i zipped it.

Edit: also i noticed tht inventory statstrings (melee, throwing and firing) in prevoius versions appeared also in battlescae inventory, now instead only in the equpping screen in the base. Screenshot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 07, 2016, 02:32:34 pm
I've entered the wonderful world of crashes-on-mission-completition.

After subduing the magical girl on a pink ship mission completes and game crashes, creating a dump, saying that it generated an openxcom.log file and asking me to send it to developers. I have absolutely no idea what forces the game to crash (first pink ship mission went without any trouble), but here you go. Save, log file and dump attached in an archive.

Whatever that means... But since these missions used to work, (albeit not heavily tested), I'll blame Commendations :) Still needs a coder to look into this...

There is a celatid corpse on the map, which doesn't have a corresponding unit and cannot be properly recovered.

Here's the relevant ruleset section, just remove that celatid and it should work:

Code: [Select]
        - name: VES_PINK
          width: 10
          length: 10
              - [3, 6, 0]
              - [3, 6, 0]
              - [3, 6, 0]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [7, 5, 1]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
              - [2, 5, 0]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 07, 2016, 03:48:52 pm
There is a celatid corpse on the map, which doesn't have a corresponding unit and cannot be properly recovered.

Here's the relevant ruleset section, just remove that celatid and it should work:

For those looking for this for their own bug fix, its in the OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez_Factions.rul
Lines 11303 and 11304.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on August 07, 2016, 05:16:42 pm
Sorry to have to report those again:
The faulty pir_185b.png now has become the faulty pir_185byc.png. Not fixed.
The mcd-rulfile fix for those high-TU tiles still has not been applied. Not fixed.
Crashes when ending a mission, not sure why (I think it has to do with the already reported commendations bugs).

no savegame as I do no longer use Xpiratez anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 07, 2016, 06:05:14 pm
Sorry to have to report those again:
The faulty pir_185b.png now has become the faulty pir_185byc.png. Not fixed.

Thanks for spotting this!
Bug fix here:,4424.msg68700.html#msg68700
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 07, 2016, 06:11:47 pm
New Bug Report:

I got a BattleTank/Cannon that rendered without a turret.  It still shoots fine though.  (Caught some reaction fire after hosing it down with Laser Fire from my Juggernaut gal.)


The save is at the very start of my last humanist pogrom.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 07, 2016, 07:58:58 pm
There is a celatid corpse on the map, which doesn't have a corresponding unit and cannot be properly recovered.

For those looking for this for their own bug fix, its in the OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez_Factions.rul
Lines 11303 and 11304.

Doing the manual fix will have consequences in 0.991A? Celatid corpse would not abslutely recoverable and/or the game will be impossible to finish?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 07, 2016, 08:02:42 pm
Another crash in 0.99A1 :'( this time i was usin meridian's mods daynight indicator and custom categories (here). attached are screenshot, .log, save file and a crash dump. I think it may be related to meridian's stuff, since i's the first time i see this on win 10. Forum oes not let me attach .dmp files, so i zipped it.

The save doesn't correspond to your screenshot.
What do I need to do exactly to make it crash?
No matter what I did so far, I can't make it crash... need a better save (just before crash with clear instruction what to do).

Edit: also i noticed tht inventory statstrings (melee, throwing and firing) in prevoius versions appeared also in battlescae inventory, now instead only in the equpping screen in the base. Screenshot.

No, it was always like this.
You see stats when you equip (in base or during mission briefing), in battlescape you don't see it.

Doing the manual fix will have consequences in 0.991A? Celatid corpse would not abslutely recoverable and/or the game will be impossible to finish?

Just chill out, it's a bug that happens once in a 100 years.
Wait for new version, if you don't know what to do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 07, 2016, 08:05:28 pm
The save doesn't correspond to your screenshot.
What do I need to do exactly to make it crash?
No matter what I did so far, I can't make it crash... need a better save (just before crash with clear instruction what to do).

No, it was always like this.
You see stats when you equip (in base or during mission briefing), in battlescape you don't see it.

Just chill out, it's a bug that happens once in a 100 years.
Wait for new version, if you don't know what to do.

1. Don't know, maybe it's an .exe problem, not mod related. I was plaing normally on a ground assault if i rremembre correctly

2.  it's a real pty  :'( hope in the future it will be avaiable also when in battlescape mode

3. i uess i have to wait for a new version, if i ever wnat to try finishin the game  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 07, 2016, 08:39:33 pm
There is a celatid corpse on the map, which doesn't have a corresponding unit and cannot be properly recovered.

Why it cannot be recovered? This is some serious bug.

I got a BattleTank/Cannon that rendered without a turret.  It still shoots fine though.  (Caught some reaction fire after hosing it down with Laser Fire from my Juggernaut gal.)

Probably the OXC retracted a bugfix that Warboy once did at my request, which allowed for AI tanks to have turrets displayed. Needs to be fixed again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 07, 2016, 08:49:35 pm
Why it cannot be recovered? This is some serious bug.

No items of battle type BT_CORPSE can be recovered, if they didn't originate from an actual unit. The game cannot decide how many points to give you, because it doesn't know if that corpse item is dead or alive. No bug.

3. i guess i have to wait for a new version, if i ever want to try finishing the game  :'( :'(

How old are you niculinux, really?
Your posts are on a level of a 10 year old...

You don't have to wait for anything now... the chance that you will see the bug is 1 in a million... and the game can be happily finished without ever seeing this bug or the mission in which it appears.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 07, 2016, 08:59:41 pm
You don't have to wait for anything now... the chance that you will see the bug is 1 in a million... and the game can be happily finished without ever seeing this bug or the mission in which it appears.

Thanks for clarification! Since i play this game in the spare time, i try to be even useful pointin bugs :) As the rest my "computer science" is close to 0
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 07, 2016, 10:14:41 pm
The telekinetic projector item doesn't seem to be able to reaction fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on August 07, 2016, 11:57:57 pm
Thanks. I had to edit both ruleset and savegame (replaced the corpse with something else), but now game runs fine.

The telekinetic projector item doesn't seem to be able to reaction fire.
Reaction fire AFAIK works only with snap shots and melee, not with autofire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 08, 2016, 02:28:00 am
Reaction fire AFAIK works only with snap shots and melee, not with autofire.

Damn, that should be changed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 08, 2016, 02:51:04 am
Damn, that should be changed.

It is one of the fundamental aspects of game play, from the original.  I'm not sure it makes sense to change it now.  It gives snap shot specialized weapons a more prominent place in the arsenals because of it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 08, 2016, 02:52:32 am
It is one of the fundamental aspects of game play, from the original.  I'm not sure it makes sense to change it now.  It gives snap shot specialized weapons a more prominent place in the arsenals because of it.

You should definitely be able to overwatch with Auto-specialized weapons, like say machine guns; a significant portion of the tactical value of these weapons IRL is to provide covering fire/overwatch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 08, 2016, 03:29:05 am
Machineguns are used as suppressive and artillery weapons, not for reaction hip-shoting in close quarters, which the game is about. Machineguns as reaction weapons would have a place if the turn lasted for, say, 1 minute, not circa 10 seconds as it is now. Reaction fire with a machinegun is represented by setting it up and waiting till someone wanders into your sights and doesn't hide fast enough, then mowing them down.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 08, 2016, 03:40:18 am
Machineguns are used as suppressive and artillery weapons, not for reaction hip-shoting in close quarters, which the game is about. Machineguns as reaction weapons would have a place if the turn lasted for, say, 1 minute, not circa 10 seconds as it is now. Reaction fire with a machinegun is represented by setting it up and waiting till someone wanders into your sights and doesn't hide fast enough, then mowing them down.

That's not at all a model for suppressive/pinning fire (which can't really be modeled outside of Reaction fire). Machine guns as is are effectively useless for their most prominent battlefield role. Yes, machine guns aren't CQC hipshot/UFO storming weaponry, but waiting at a good vantage with one while crouched with solid sight/firing lines for example, which is totally doable and a thing, isn't 'hipshot'/CQC.

Further, mechanically Autofire isn't really that strong compared to Aimed Shots outside of the closest ranges (i.e. when you're boarding UFOs/in CQC which machine guns are supposed to be terrible at), so it's not like giving it this capability suddenly makes the firemode or Autofire specialist weapons OP. In general you want to avoid having to use reaction fire to save your ass in the first place anyways because it's unreliable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 08, 2016, 04:09:27 am
That's why machineguns have increased auto ranges and high damage ratings, to be more destructive than other weapons when used for support. Tried HMG? Sure the game is a bit biased towards sniper rifles (and bows), but I'm fine with that. Supressive fire doesn't work because AI is too stupid to take heed of flying lead and don't go into obvious killzones.

From gameplay point of view, it's not about making Auto OP (I can easily tweak autoshot ranges and accuracies to achieve that effect). It's about removing the place for Snapshots. Again, you say you don't use Reactions since they're unreliable. Fair enough, I concur that they're unreliable. But I'll say again that I won't tweak the game in a way that suits only a single playstyle. If you want killer reaction shots, it would buff the reaction shots playstyle over any reason.

It is natural for a person who follows a given playstyle that outs and ins of other playstyles appear weak in comparison. If they weren't, the game would converge into a single playstyle, which would be boring.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 08, 2016, 04:30:18 am
That's why machineguns have increased auto ranges and high damage ratings, to be more destructive than other weapons when used for support. Tried HMG? Sure the game is a bit biased towards sniper rifles (and bows), but I'm fine with that. Supressive fire doesn't work because AI is too stupid to take heed of flying lead and don't go into obvious killzones.

From gameplay point of view, it's not about making Auto OP (I can easily tweak autoshot ranges and accuracies to achieve that effect). It's about removing the place for Snapshots. Again, you say you don't use Reactions since they're unreliable. Fair enough, I concur that they're unreliable. But I'll say again that I won't tweak the game in a way that suits only a single playstyle. If you want killer reaction shots, it would buff the reaction shots playstyle over any reason.

It is natural for a person who follows a given playstyle that outs and ins of other playstyles appear weak in comparison. If they weren't, the game would converge into a single playstyle, which would be boring.

The thing is that even with RF Autofire on a subset of weapons, smoke n snipe/bomb is still going to be the better option because Reactions are still unreliable (chance you might not trigger in time + chance of missing + chance of not dealing lethal). Further, I am actually arguing for a change that would help expand options and playstyles; as is, no RF Autofire biases the game more towards smoke/snipe/bomb hegemony than the alternative. Lastly, there is still a niche for Snap Shots in that I am suggesting that specialized Autofire only weapons would have RF Autofire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 08, 2016, 04:32:33 pm
I have been awarded medal Idol for stunning one ghoul 3 times with one gal and capturing it, instead for capturing 3 enemies per one mission.
Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 08, 2016, 06:02:25 pm
Paying a bit more attenction i've noticed some kind of incongruence: in the option screen (in the advanced window) the option spend items after research says about the live aliens (i think it may apply also to enemies in xpiratez) once they're "researched" should return in the prison therefore avaiable, in extended piratez righr now when you research the lab its description says that research items will be destroyed; now this should apply only to objects and not enemies? Currently the latters are treated as items, once player research they are "spended" and disappear from the prison. Once slavery is researched it says ta to enslave a prisoner must be interrogated (researched) first but once you do that he is gone!!  Is this a bug or a missing feature?

edit: screenshts attached

edit 2: also the research tree may need some doube-checking, since in he beginning i've neer retrived a spraygun, but the entry in he bootypedia is displayed also if contract: merchants is not researched yet and it's marked with [BUY] though it does not appea in the black market.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 08, 2016, 06:56:17 pm
Got crash to desktop when one of my gals in Annihilator suit got killed.

The exe version is 2016-07-31-OpenXcomExPlus32.

I've attached a screen shot of the error message and the openxcom.log
I can't attach a crash dump for some reason.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 08, 2016, 07:14:54 pm
Got crash to desktop when one of my gals in Annihilator suit got killed.

The exe version is 2016-07-31-OpenXcomExPlus32.

I've attached a screen shot of the error message and the openxcom.log
I can't attach a crash dump for some reason.

This looks like it might be a problem with the Alt-Corpse mod.  Are you running that mod as well as Piratez?

Edit: Bug fix posted in the Alt-Corpse Thread here:,4424.msg68818.html#msg68818
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 08, 2016, 09:01:33 pm
I believe the researching of prisoners is working as intended, the slavery bit just means you need to have that type of enemy researched, before you can enslave them, rob them, or interrogate them.

The spraygun is buyable, when you've got the right black market research done, the gals just know about it before that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 08, 2016, 09:09:56 pm
Once slavery is researched it says ta to enslave a prisoner must be interrogated (researched) first but once you do that he is gone!!  Is this a bug or a missing feature?

Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 08, 2016, 09:10:58 pm
I believe the researching of prisoners is working as intended, the slavery bit just means you need to have that type of enemy researched, before you can enslave them, rob them, or interrogate them.

Yes, but if you keep researching them they will tell about some other stuff...guess it's up to the player make a good choice. Peraphs is intended, you see, can have everything fom life? :)

The spraygun is buyable, when you've got the right black market research done, the gals just know about it before that.

My oversight. But till some problem with research tree because jus reerched Animal Tamin and it appeared agin in the research projects.

Edit: @Dioxine, as for prisoneers, I checked and once researced and it disappared. It happened with altar boy andvsharp guy. If anyone can confirm the contrary, am i wrong probably?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 08, 2016, 09:30:29 pm
Just find another altar boy and interview him.  Or convince him he wants to assist at the base, or steal everything he's carrying and sell him back, or just ransom him, he's easy.  First is likely scary, second is something he's probably dreamed about, third sucks a lot, and fourth gets him right back where he started.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 08, 2016, 09:41:26 pm
Edit: @Dioxine, as for prisoneers, I checked and once researced and it disappared. It happened with altar boy andvsharp guy. If anyone can confirm the contrary, am i wrong probably?

What are we even discussing here?
It worked like that since the beginning in vanilla and in all mods including piratez as well... there is nothing to confirm, it is like that and will always remain like that, end of the story.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 08, 2016, 10:13:18 pm
Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.

I know but i'd like that in the game, once you interrogate him, then would be possible ether rob or ransom him, maybeca message would notice the player he is in prison again. :-/ i wished research spent item rule were only for objects, not enemies. Lastly, i wonder if a modification to xpiratez executable may lead to this, otherwise, nevermind sorry fir annoyance
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 08, 2016, 10:43:49 pm
I'd say don't worry about it, all you can do is ask, especially when something doesn't make sense to you.

That said, it is actually a question of what is worth more to you right then, research (which gives points and information), slaves (who can give more storage space and currently appear to give positive cashflow), ransoming (cash now), or robbery(phat loot and half the ransom in credits).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 08, 2016, 11:13:55 pm
Use your brain. If the interrogated guy didn't dissapear, you could milk a single one for all the random tech this type of enemy might know, which might be 30 or more.

I think it makes sense to rob him automatically afterwords; why let the interrogated guy keep his stuff? Is the promise of keeping your stuff the good cop to the bad cop of systemic torture? There's still an opportunity cost in precious Brainer time, so it's not like robbery via Interrogation obviates the point of robbery via Runts.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 09, 2016, 12:57:56 am
You've got to stop and think about XPiratez as part of XCom. It's almost an entirely different game, but not quite. Doing things to prisoners always makes them disappear. It is no different for XPiratez since it is build on XCom.

Either the prisoner dies or gets released as part of the bargain, but after one interrogation, they're gone. Otherwise you could milk them for all their random topic (especially bad for high rank enemies). Interrogating a certain unit will enable robbing/enslaving/taming of that unit type. That specific unit disappeared, but interrogating it told the runts how to "process" subsequent ones, once you catch them. This enables the robbery and slavery manufacturing projects.

In your specific case, you interrogated an altar boy and he told you about stuff in exchange for his freedom (because the gals felt like being nice for the poor little dude after the handling). While interacting with him, you've learned how to convinced altar boys to serve you as squires, so the next time you catch one, you can enslave him. That doesn't make a slave out of the first one, since he was released, but you can enslave the next one. Or just rob him, since now you know what kind of valuables the kid has in his possession.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 09, 2016, 01:28:06 am
Incidentally, this reminds me of something that is likely a bug: researching a prisoner type multiple times gives the can now enslave and rob message each time, or at least more than once, at least for me, should be up to date.  I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to give that message more than once.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 09, 2016, 02:25:28 am
This looks like it might be a problem with the Alt-Corpse mod.  Are you running that mod as well as Piratez?

Edit: Bug fix posted in the Alt-Corpse Thread here:,4424.msg68818.html#msg68818
Yes, I do use Alt-Corpse, and your new rule fixes the problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 09, 2016, 04:41:52 am
I think it makes sense to rob him automatically afterwords; why let the interrogated guy keep his stuff? Is the promise of keeping your stuff the good cop to the bad cop of systemic torture?

Or maybe whatever he had was taken by the Brainers as extra compensation? Or it was ritually destroyed in front of the guy in a religious ritual to summon the God of Pain? Who knows? The players will be the happiest to be able answer this question for themselves :) I don't fret, I like the way it works now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on August 09, 2016, 04:57:57 am
I'm not sure if this is related to the bug I reported earlier, but when I open the inventory screen and then close it, strange behavior occurs. Sometimes gals will go insane (which is supposed to only happen on the start of a turn.) And i have seen Gals suddenly get their TUs refreshed and weapons reloaded.

This is using a freshly downloaded binary on windows. Right now it's happening while I'm using Debug mode to find stragglers on urban missions, but I seem to recall having it happen without debug mode on.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 09, 2016, 09:39:22 am
It's a normal behaviour for the debug mode.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 09, 2016, 05:47:24 pm
I have been awarded medal Idol for stunning one ghoul 3 times with one gal and capturing it, instead for capturing 3 enemies per one mission.
Save attached.

What the description says and what the game really checks can be two different things.
Tracking entire course of the battle, especially time-disconnected events is extremely complex... close to "not worth the effort".

In this case the game just checks how many times anyone went unconscious at any time (by your hand).
If it was the same or different unit is not checked... just like it is not checked if they died afterwards or not... try stunning 3 and then throw a grenade at them and kill them, you'll still get the award... and two more awards for killing them too :P

What I wanted to say is... it's complicated :)

Incidentally, this reminds me of something that is likely a bug: researching a prisoner type multiple times gives the can now enslave and rob message each time, or at least more than once, at least for me, should be up to date.  I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to give that message more than once.

yes, this annoys me too... I have it on my todo list with low prio.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shoes on August 09, 2016, 07:52:58 pm
Regarding the Idol medal, I had written code to prevent people from psi-panicking an alien repeatedly to get medals. That code should be easily adapted to stuns. The code is found here:

A call to that function just needs to be added at the appropriate place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 09, 2016, 08:29:01 pm
The Prospector says it has a Light hardpoint, but I cannot attach a gauss cannon/charger laser to it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Star_Treasure on August 09, 2016, 09:25:52 pm
It's a normal behaviour for the debug mode.


Is there any way to reveal the map without breaking core game mechanics, or am I going to have to bring Aye phones on every mission that might possibly have an urban/shantytown tileset? The game is more or less unplayable when that happens.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 09, 2016, 09:26:47 pm
Again in the 099A1 don't know if warehouses are supposed to spawn in the exotic village. if o i'd humbly ask to avoi, because i think it's not makes much sense. 'shot attache
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shoes on August 09, 2016, 10:16:05 pm
Is the source code for this available on github? I'm curious to see if I can fix some of the commendation related issues.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 09, 2016, 10:18:39 pm
Is the source code for this available on github? I'm curious to see if I can fix some of the commendation related issues.



We didn't merge everything from master yet, so some of the commendation issues may already be fixed.
If there are still some left, I'd suggest to fix them on master and we (=Yankes :) ) will merge them sooner or later.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 10, 2016, 12:08:33 am
Has someone looked into engine not displaying turrets on AI tanks? It needs to be unfucked again (got broken during Nightly version upgrade, that is, v. 0.99+).

Another problem is the melee. Enemies lately seem to be extremely reluctant to attack in melee. Before 0.99, it was a common occurence to get swarmed by scorpions or stabbed by a ratman. Now they just aprroach to 1-2 tiles and then kinda mill around you, instead of attacking. Can someone check if their behaviour wasn't changed due to Nightly upgrade? Or was it changed by the fact that they were changed from having a "Terrorist" weapon to a "built-in" weapon?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 10, 2016, 06:34:12 am
Good to know the pansy scorpions is a bug, I was worried.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2016, 09:42:01 am
Probably the OXC retracted a bugfix that Warboy once did at my request, which allowed for AI tanks to have turrets displayed. Needs to be fixed again.

I don't understand.
Did you mean to say OXC or OXCE?
Something "allowed for AI tanks to have turrets displayed" ... huh?
Any pointers to original discussion or source code?

EDIT: it doesn't seem to be an EXE-related issue:

1. oxce2.9+ exe + 0.99 ruleset = turret OK
2. oxce3.2+ exe + 0.99 ruleset = turret OK
3. oxce2.9+ exe + 0.99a.1 ruleset = turret missing
4. oxce3.2+ exe + 0.99a.1 ruleset = turret missing

See also:

Turret type doesn't get set for builtInWeapons (i.e. AUX_XTANK_CANNON_WEAPON)... only for livingWeapons (i.e. WAR_MACHINES_WEAPON... which doesn't exist).

I have now added code to set turretType also for builtInWeapons, not only for livingWeapons ( but your change may have other implications too... for example those peaceful scorpions?

I however don't want to look into AI unless absolutely necessary, so I'd prefer if someone else debugged that... maybe ask Yankes?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 10, 2016, 02:08:26 pm
Turret type doesn't get set for builtInWeapons (i.e. AUX_XTANK_CANNON_WEAPON)... only for livingWeapons (i.e. WAR_MACHINES_WEAPON... which doesn't exist).

Ah crap. Right, now I understand the problem. However I can no longer use livingWeapons, because Commendations :/ (All tanks need to have the same 'race', or there will be la bordello in the 'killed by race' section of Diaries.) If push comes to shove, I can glue the turret to the tank chassis and make a new spritesheet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2016, 02:50:31 pm
Ah crap. Right, now I understand the problem. However I can no longer use livingWeapons, because Commendations :/ (All tanks need to have the same 'race', or there will be la bordello in the 'killed by race' section of Diaries.) If push comes to shove, I can glue the turret to the tank chassis and make a new spritesheet.

I have fixed that turret issue, new exe will be ready today.
But have someone check that AI... or if nobody volunteers in a few days, I can look too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 10, 2016, 08:51:09 pm
I can stop that I'm work right now and look on AI, but save would be helpful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 10, 2016, 09:05:02 pm
Always in 0.99.1A, seems i cannot sell scout and adventurer armor. Moreover, i think there are some mismatches in the research tree, for instances the tipic duratehead gives duratehead armor, but in thr bootypedia gives also "trader's stuff. Don't whether it is normal.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 10, 2016, 09:27:43 pm
Scout and adventurer outfits are collectively under the category of cool clothes.  Durathread is traders stuff, it's the stuff you get from robbing a trader, and I think killing them gives it too, but my brain isn't actually working right now, so I can't be sure.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 10, 2016, 09:38:27 pm
Scout and adventurer outfits are collectively under the category of cool clothes.  Durathread is traders stuff, it's the stuff you get from robbing a trader, and I think killing them gives it too, but my brain isn't actually working right now, so I can't be sure.

Thanks anyways :) i think these should be put into separate categories, also i wish cool clothes will eventually get a dedicated item such as scrap metal, as the only thing  these are of  use inthe game is to manufacture pirates clothing.

As for the bootypedia same happens with personal database, which gives humas stuff (or something) don't know if the names here and here should match, maybe it'a thin of the older version, where these actually were paired
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 10, 2016, 10:00:28 pm
If you have no cool clothes, you can't wear scout or adventurer outfits, and there is at least one other outfit that needs them as a base.

Also, you never know what will end up being useful later on or what is actually vendor trash.  Or what is worth selling now because you can get it easily and cheaply when you need it, like Soylent.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 10, 2016, 11:28:58 pm
As for the bootypedia same happens with personal database, which gives humas stuff (or something) don't know if the names here and here should match, maybe it'a thin of the older version, where these actually were paired

These topics are working as designed. :)  Just consider the "stuff" articles as the a more general article on the things related to individual factions.  Then the items that they drop when they are killed are useful in manufacturing so they have their own articles, ala Durathread, etc.   

No need to change anything. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 11, 2016, 12:00:05 am
Ok thanks! Overall, the only real annoiance with o.99.1A is - under win 10 - the . exe that keesp crashin must try linux binaries by Stoddart (,4526.msg67283.html#msg67283) asap!! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: alinare on August 11, 2016, 12:28:17 am
Hello everyone:

I do not know if already reviewed, or perhaps an erroneous my appreciation, but I think there is a fault with units terror, equipped with melee attacks, for example, scorpions, as they do not attack themselves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 11, 2016, 12:44:12 am
Maybe something bugged with builtinweapons? AI tanks got messed up (no turrets shown), so maybe the others didn't get their weapons? Or didn't realize that they have them?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: alinare on August 11, 2016, 12:55:55 am
I have tried, with guns long distance, in one of my mods, as builtweapons, and the unit attacks, but when I put a melee weapon, the unit of terror seems to ignore civilians or soldiers of XCOM. It may be due to the executable, I do not know, nor give one hundred percent as safe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 11, 2016, 12:57:52 am
Apparently it's melee in general, and there are people looking into it.  Hopefully it gets fixed soon, because hunting poisonous arthropods needs to be scary :)

They'll attack, but I've only seen reaction attacks recently.

Oh, and pansy chrysalids isn't much fun either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 11, 2016, 01:29:32 am
The Chryssalids are fucking hilarious now; they're basically a squeamish Dr. Zoidberg ( I almost feel bad murdering them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 11, 2016, 10:32:49 am
I can stop that I'm work right now and look on AI, but save would be helpful.

Save 1 (peaceful megascorpions): one soldier in the middle of a colony of megascorpion pacifists
Save 2 (peaceful shock troopers): 1 on 1, gal vs. walking grim reaper, which is actually not so deadly :)
Save 3 (debug melee AI): same as Save 2, but also all civilians are dead... whole map has just 1 shock trooper and 1 gal... for easier debugging

(X-PirateZ 0.99a.1 with no mods and latest OXCE+)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 11, 2016, 02:01:20 pm
Always in 0.99.1A the floorob of the armored, stunned and bleeding G.O. has a messed up palette, ry i have only a screenshot, had also a saved game but i accidentally delete it  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 11, 2016, 02:14:46 pm
Always in 0.99.1A the floorob of the armored, stunned and bleeding G.O. has a messed up palette, ry i have only a screenshot, had also a saved game but i accidentally delete it  :'(

already reported and solved, see previous posts
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 11, 2016, 04:37:07 pm
Always in 0.99.1A the floorob of the armored, stunned and bleeding G.O. has a messed up palette, ry i have only a screenshot, had also a saved game but i accidentally delete it  :'(

If you are having issues with corpses, perhaps you are using the Alt-Corpse Mod. 

If so, perhaps you would be kind enough to report bugs with that mod in its own thread.  Bugfixes get posted there as well, and there is a new version of the Alt-Corpse mod that fixes four bugs that you can download.

Alt-Corpse Thread:
"[Piratez] Alt-Corpse Mod 0.2.99.A.1.a - Update Release" (,4424.0.html)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 11, 2016, 09:09:37 pm
thanks ivan, actually i thought it was a xpiratex bug. With the corpse mod never had other problems so far, in the 0.99.1A. :) As i state before,  the win .exe keeps crashing (at least 3 times in a few days) (,4058.msg68685.html#msg68685), a real annoyance. Tihs afternoon for intance here i was doing my first megascorpion hunt, and right after i finish it game crashed! Attached is a save, but then again i think it's mosty an .exe poblem.

Edit: version specification

Edit 2: as for the enemy nelee attack i was targeted that way only by ratmen, they actually seem quite smart and often make ambushes! Was never melee atracked by other enemies, don't know if that may depend also on the layout map, ratmen village has lots of narrow paths and alleys, melee battles there occur quite often.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 12, 2016, 12:06:08 am
Save 1 (peaceful megascorpions): one soldier in the middle of a colony of megascorpion pacifists
Save 2 (peaceful shock troopers): 1 on 1, gal vs. walking grim reaper, which is actually not so deadly :)
Save 3 (debug melee AI): same as Save 2, but also all civilians are dead... whole map has just 1 shock trooper and 1 gal... for easier debugging

(X-PirateZ 0.99a.1 with no mods and latest OXCE+)
This is not bug, simply this Olympic Extended version, all Alien combatants agree to not use melee when fighting each others.
More bloody and less fair play version was uploaded on github :)

Megascorpions do not work because they don't have weapons, in older ruleset that I have they are crated with it and work fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 12, 2016, 06:34:20 am
Megascorpions do not work because they don't have weapons, in older ruleset that I have they are crated with it and work fine.

But they do have a weapon, Yankes. Or does AI don't know how to use your armor-attached weapons?

Code: [Select]
    spriteSheet: MEGASCORPION.PCK
    spriteInv: MAN_78
    frontArmor: 12
    sideArmor: 12
    rearArmor: 12
    underArmor: 8
    drawingRoutine: 4
        moraleCurrent: -0.2
        bravery: 0.2
        healthCurrent: 0.1
        health: -0.05
      - 0.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 0.6
      - 2.0
    loftempsSet: [ 2 ]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2016, 10:49:14 am
But they do have a weapon, Yankes. Or does AI don't know how to use your armor-attached weapons?

After applying fix from Yankes, both ShockTroopers and Megascorpions are attacking and killing our gals.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 12, 2016, 10:52:49 am
Awesome! This means green light for a bugfix/balancing release soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 12, 2016, 06:57:29 pm
But they do have a weapon, Yankes. Or does AI don't know how to use your armor-attached weapons?

Code: [Select]
    spriteSheet: MEGASCORPION.PCK
    spriteInv: MAN_78
    frontArmor: 12
    sideArmor: 12
    rearArmor: 12
    underArmor: 8
    drawingRoutine: 4
        moraleCurrent: -0.2
        bravery: 0.2
        healthCurrent: 0.1
        health: -0.05
      - 0.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 0.8
      - 1.0
      - 0.6
      - 2.0
    loftempsSet: [ 2 ]
I said that I used old rulesets where scorpoins used terror weapon that made incompatible with that save. I realize that after some time after posting.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on August 13, 2016, 04:55:32 am
Attached Save: Game crashes, when you kill the last two megascorpions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 13, 2016, 10:09:43 am
Attached Save: Game crashes, when you kill the last two megascorpions.

It's the commendations crash.
Download the new EXE, it has a workaround for it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Breki on August 13, 2016, 11:22:14 pm
Hi there, thanks for the wonderful mod. I'm having some crashing problems. When finishing a mission (or aborting) the game crashes with an error code saying 0xc0000005. This has happened in 3 missions in this playthrough so far and each time I've loaded the geoscape autosave and not redone the mission. I've tried looking for solutions but can't find any. Can anyone help?

Attached is the save which can duplicate the crash by aborting the mission.

Logs are in .zip

Thank you
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 13, 2016, 11:32:28 pm
Same commendation crash as before. Don't people read the thread before reporting?

Update to the new EXE provided by Meridian which has a fix, or find all the:

Code: [Select]
murdererWeapon: ""
murdererWeaponAmmo: ""

and fill them with proper information (ie put STR_HAMMER or whatever weapon you used to kill that unit between the quotation marks).

But it's probably worth it to update to Meridian's new executable and get all the new goodies too!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Breki on August 13, 2016, 11:33:54 pm
Thank you Arthanor. Where can I download this new .exe?


Whoops found it. Thanks again. I'll be more thorough in my reading next time :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 17, 2016, 07:59:54 pm
I got crash, upon completing a gifts of love mission, it seems very similar to the previously reported commendations issue, but I am using the 2016-08-11-OpenXcomExPlus32 version of the exe, which should have the work around, I think?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 08:06:58 pm
No it doesn't, since it's a core engine problem I unwittingly discovered: Thou Shall Not Spawn Dead Bodies. Wait for the new release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 08:09:46 pm
Seems the problem needs some more investigation because it's the same crashed occourred in my  sperimentation with version 0.2.4 of xcom files mod by Solarius Scorch (,4595.msg69419.html#msg69419). Probably related to windows 10, seems that linux users are immune to that crash, since there are no report similar to that.

Maps with lakes need some double check too because minutes ago i watched one of my opponents walking on the waters, while player can't. Maybe it's an occasional/rare bug :(

Edit: forum advised be someone else has posted before, sry the redundance
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 17, 2016, 08:12:56 pm
Curious.  I've played three gifts of love missions, stunning twice and killing once to get the soul gem to see if that unlocked anything for me.  No crashes.

are you using any mods, beyond Piratez>?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 17, 2016, 08:27:17 pm
It's not the nice dead or alive enemies. It's the ugly spawned corpses which were never alive. There's a chance of them spawning as loot. You were lucky they didnt spawn for you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 17, 2016, 08:30:31 pm
It's not the nice dead or alive enemies. It's the ugly spawned corpses which were never alive. There's a chance of them spawning as loot. You were lucky they didnt spawn for you.

ahh... gotcha.  O I remember deleting those lines from the ruletset due to any earlier post.  My forgetter is working overtime.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 08:37:40 pm
Maps with lakes need some double check too because minutes ago i watched one of my opponents walking on the waters, while player can't. Maybe it's an occasional/rare bug :(

Any proof? Pictures? Saves?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 08:40:14 pm
Any proof? Pictures? Saves?

Nope at the moment, i'll try tro provide some, if happens again, hopefully before next version is relased
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 17, 2016, 08:44:32 pm
Probably a Raider Buzzard doing a Messianic Impression.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 17, 2016, 08:44:52 pm
It's the ugly spawned corpses which were never alive.

It's the ugly spawned corpses which were never alive.

This sentence, sir, is beyond spooky.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 08:45:15 pm
Yeah I'm 99.9% sure it was simply a flying enemy.

Also inability to spawn dead bodies is sure a silly and useless limitation. Naturally they were alive, only not during the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 08:53:00 pm
Probably a Raider Buzzard doing a Messianic Impression.

Actually i was gtound attacking a rebel ship (not sure if a freighter) i killed one opponent and once i switch to inventory view as i was standing over its dead body, hovering the mouse  over game gives the description "Raider Buzzard". Probably happens only with certain enemies?

Ah, some time ago i was trying to pre-prime grenades in the inventory screen, no problem in windows, but in linux (both in ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04) i was not able to do so. Maybe it's a problem related with linux, don't know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on August 17, 2016, 09:01:04 pm
So there you go.

Raider Buzzards, Star Gods, Mercenary Commandos....  All have the Ability to Fly and Hover...

So they can "Land" and "walk" on Water, because they're actually Flying.  They have 0 shits to give.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 17, 2016, 09:07:24 pm
i killed one opponent and once i switch to inventory view as i was standing over its dead body, hovering the mouse  over game gives the description "Raider Buzzard". Probably happens only with certain enemies?

Bro, you deserve a book of your quotes. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 17, 2016, 09:10:31 pm
Probably a Raider Buzzard doing a Messianic Impression.

+100 clairvoyance powers :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2016, 09:13:45 pm
So there you go.

Raider Buzzards, Star Gods, Mercenary Commandos....  All have the Ability to Fly and Hover...

So they can "Land" and "walk" on Water, because they're actually Flying.  They have 0 shits to give.

Uh i did mot know that, not discovered yet. I thought it was a bug because i expected the game used the same animation in the vanilla game like happens for the wearers of a fyng suit, not a pair of legs movin'....

@Solarius thanks, also for the huge patience!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 17, 2016, 09:46:52 pm
Also inability to spawn dead bodies is sure a silly and useless limitation. Naturally they were alive, only not during the mission.

Why is everything that doesn't work as you think a limitation?
I think it's perfectly OK.

There are literally dozens of places and proper necessary intended features, which will crash, if a corpse will not have a unit from which it originated. And mods need that too... how do you think Ivan's alt-corpses mod works? It looks at the corpse and checks if the corresponding unit is alive or dead... then does what it does. If it doesn't find a unit, it crashes.

I could fix most of the places and just ignore the "incomplete" corpses... but such things create a real mess in a relative order. Not to mention some/many features would force me to decide whether it's dead or alive even though I don't have enough (i.e. any at all) information to decide that; and I will just pick one state (probably dead).

If that isn't enough, the unit corresponding to a corpse doesn't only have a status dead or alive, it has around 40 other properties... I bet that at least 10 of them will also be used or checked somewhere... and we have the same issue again... who am I to decide whether that corpse is friendly/enemy/neutral... who am I to decide whether it's relevant for commendations or not... etc.

A BattleUnit simply is a mandatory attribute of any BattleItem of BT_CORPSE type. That's how the game was designed. It's not a flaw nor a limitation. There are plenty other categories you can use to spawn the loot... why not just spawning celatid essence is this particular case?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 17, 2016, 10:13:57 pm
Wrong sex, or there are men masqueraded as women?
1) STR_HUMAN_FEMALE_4: "Tough Girl" - displays STR_HAS_PANICKED_MALE
2) members of Escaped Lunatics - starting Hands - displays STR_HAS_BECOME_UNCONSCIOUS_MALE and STR_HAS_BEEN_KILLED_MALE
3) recruited Hand - she is female - displays correct STR_HAS_BECOME_UNCONSCIOUS_FEMALE and STR_HAS_BEEN_KILLED_FEMALE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 17, 2016, 10:46:49 pm
Lucky Star cannot be researched, because it depends on the research STR_SOUL_GEM, which doesn't exist, instead of STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_CORPSE, that gives Soul Gem Bootypedia entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 17, 2016, 11:32:30 pm
Regarding the corpse:
Can't it be just an item that looks like a corpse? What would be the problem with that?

Also, Meridian to me is now a mystic. You know, explaining the secrets of life and death, and everything in between. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 18, 2016, 01:06:52 pm
Lucky Star cannot be researched, because it depends on the research STR_SOUL_GEM, which doesn't exist, instead of STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_CORPSE, that gives Soul Gem Bootypedia entry.

A typo. Fixed. Thanks.

A BattleUnit simply is a mandatory attribute of any BattleItem of BT_CORPSE type. That's how the game was designed. It's not a flaw nor a limitation. There are plenty other categories you can use to spawn the loot... why not just spawning celatid essence is this particular case?

Because it cannot be researched like a corpse would? But yeah, if it's designed in such a way that trying to overcome such limitation would leads to insanity, let's drop it. All I was saying is that, to me, it seems as unnatural as 'no melee weapons allowed on Fridays', for example, would.

Wrong sex, or there are men masqueraded as women?
1) STR_HUMAN_FEMALE_4: "Tough Girl" - displays STR_HAS_PANICKED_MALE
2) members of Escaped Lunatics - starting Hands - displays STR_HAS_BECOME_UNCONSCIOUS_MALE and STR_HAS_BEEN_KILLED_MALE
3) recruited Hand - she is female - displays correct STR_HAS_BECOME_UNCONSCIOUS_FEMALE and STR_HAS_BEEN_KILLED_FEMALE

Soldiers are hardcoded to have 2 genders (although can be made all male if one wishes); gender defines things like sprite, sounds, names etc.. So, short-haired pirates use the 'male' definition, while the long-haired ones use the 'female' definition.
All enemies are male by default, this can be played with and tuned, but it'd require a lot of boring code, and for what reason?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 18, 2016, 01:21:00 pm
...this can be played with and tuned, but it'd require a lot of boring code, and for what reason?

The only reason being translation of course.
I agree it's not worth it... until you get paid for it :)

@Bartojan: maybe just translate "has been killed" into "byl(a) zabit(a)" to cover both genders.

Btw. numbers are even trickier. For example, when I add new strings, I try adding them in form like "Pilots required : 4" instead of "This craft requires 4 pilots."

Already in English, you have a distinction between 1 and many "1 pilot" vs. "2 pilots", but in other languages you can have more, e.g. in Slovak/Czech there are three forms (one, few and many) "1 pilot" vs. "2/3/4 piloti" vs. "5/6/7 pilotov".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 18, 2016, 01:24:44 pm
Yes. Like yourself, I tend to use ambiguos terms in such situations. Like, not spanikował / spanikowała, but panikuje (for example).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 19, 2016, 12:10:24 am
[continues] (,4520.msg69762.html#msg69762)..and it (0.99B) plays very well!
Some weirdos behavior:

1) as soon i researched "contract: merchants" it displayed the oxygen tank instead of the ususla bootypedia report

2) As soo i researched "money purse" i got into manufature screen and it disappeare. reloading a save game and all went normal

3) Description between adventured and scout armor are switchd/nt updated?

4) A crash related to some files and a map script not found. Log lines are:

Code: [Select]
[18-08-2016 22:15:17] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_38M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:19] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:19] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_38M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:21:51] [ERROR] Map Script not found

Stuff is attached. See on the next version, eventually..

Edit: a couple of time had the win 10 blue screen of death, regarding an errer SERVICE SYSTEM ERROR that equired the OS to reboot (!!)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 19, 2016, 01:33:05 am
A couple small typos in the 'pedia entry for Magical Girl.

Line 1562 Piratez_lang.rul
Code: [Select]
These barely-adult girls have exactly that kind of immoral innocence about them that makes most males weak-kneed. They're also agrressively nice, playful and adaptative (see how she dresses after a few days here). What's perplexing though, they have no recollection of their identity or origin, or even the Well-wisher (whom they call the Goddess of Love, or of Cake), other than they found themselves aboard the ship with a deeply engraved mission of 'spreading love'. They also possess bits and pieces of strange knowledge and/or previous encounters.
Should be aggressively instead of agrressively and adaptive instead of adaptative.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 19, 2016, 06:50:34 am
The Mercenary Suit doesn't show at least one line of text at the bottom, I've tried several resolutions.  One, showed the very tops of the letters, can't remember which though.  Last bit I can see is: Mercs are quite...

There might be others that have this, and maybe there's a way to scroll down that I'm not finding.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 19, 2016, 09:05:00 am
1) as soon i researched "contract: merchants" it displayed the oxygen tank instead of the ususla bootypedia report

2) As soo i researched "money purse" i got into manufature screen and it disappeare. reloading a save game and all went normal

3) Description between adventured and scout armor are switchd/nt updated?

4) A crash related to some files and a map script not found. Log lines are:

Code: [Select]
[18-08-2016 22:15:17] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_38M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:19] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:19] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_38M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:15:21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[18-08-2016 22:21:51] [ERROR] Map Script not found

Stuff is attached. See on the next version, eventually..

1. Fixed, thanx
2. I don't understand what you say
3. Simply not true
4. Need a save, but it looks like wrong installation on your part.

The Mercenary Suit doesn't show at least one line of text at the bottom, I've tried several resolutions.  One, showed the very tops of the letters, can't remember which though.  Last bit I can see is: Mercs are quite...

There might be others that have this, and maybe there's a way to scroll down that I'm not finding.

No scrolling possible, the amount of text in an article is limited hard. I'll cut something out. The missing part is "...hard to hit"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 19, 2016, 10:16:00 am
Saw the same with the Reticulan Elder.  Maybe the text can be made a little smaller or something? seems a shame to lose any of the lore :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 19, 2016, 11:39:50 am
Regardin the money purse, once i researched it, after the bootypedia screen game came up the usual "We can now produce money purse", entered the manufacture sceen, i started snd stopped (accidentally) the production, and all of a sudden the line related to the production of thr money purse disappeared. I loaded and then completed the prodution, entered again in the manf. screen and everything was normal.

Maybe was an occasional occurrence, hapoened only once :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 19, 2016, 12:20:37 pm
That was it. If you start production, leave the window, then go back and stop it, you lose the resources (they are destroyed in the moment production oficially starts).

Saw the same with the Reticulan Elder.  Maybe the text can be made a little smaller or something? seems a shame to lose any of the lore :)

No, it can't be made any smaller. Any article I write requires firing up the game and checking if it fits and editing. If new info is added, or typos edited, sometimes I don't have the patience to check the goddamned entry again...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 20, 2016, 02:01:19 am
A few typos I'm catching as I'm updating the wiki:

Line 3338 (Piratez_lang.rul)
"surving" should be "surviving"
Line 3353
For Night Ops, states "it is visible to enemies from 10 tiles less than normal." whereas the ruleset (line 23361) gives "       activeCamouflage: -5"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 21, 2016, 11:02:43 am
Code: [Select]

should be replaced by:

Code: [Select]

otherwise mission count is not displayed in Soldier Info and in Soldier Diary
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 25, 2016, 01:39:58 am
Another point i missed to report verbally here (screenshots attached) (,4058.msg69823.html#msg69823), adventurer armor has same description of nude/tribal one; scout armor description reads it has increased capacity of +3 over the adventurer, overall 16/25, but the last mentioned gas 22/25, so it's more than the scout actually.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 25, 2016, 02:11:47 am
Obviously is hasn't the same description, as even these screenshots show.
Also, you're confusing carrying capacity (bigger for scout) with inventory size (bigger for adventurer).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 29, 2016, 12:44:49 pm
Encountered curious AI behaviour during a base defense.

Two Merc Captains and a Commando who literally would not move an inch, no matter how many turns passed (including after turn 20). The Commando was on the top right structure. The Merc Captains were on the third floor catwalk to the middle right, and bottom right respectively.

Two Commandos who paced back and forth constantly between two points (one was in the Access Lift (bottom left corner), the other was in the Hangar (3rd floor, bottom left corner).

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 29, 2016, 09:21:56 pm
This hill map block is bugged, only the small rocks and one log can be targeted with the throwing action, anywhere else leads to a unable to throw there message.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 29, 2016, 11:41:02 pm
Throws have an arc that must be clear in order to perform the throw. In the case of the hill much of the air above the top of the hill is full of tree.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Surrealistik on August 30, 2016, 01:42:47 am
Per my report about the AI there may be issues with Access Lift and Hangar pathing nodes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 30, 2016, 04:14:04 am
Yeah it's a puzzling problem... sometimes in the base defence missions the AI just won't move an unit forever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 30, 2016, 09:49:16 am
Throws have an arc that must be clear in order to perform the throw. In the case of the hill much of the air above the top of the hill is full of tree.

I'm aware that throws need an arc and no there are no tree caps to be found on the hill or any else on this particular map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 30, 2016, 10:15:30 pm
The first sentence of STR_IRON_TRIBE_UFOPEDIA doesn't make sence. Or does it?
While this important, if largely depopulated country can hardly be called a tribe nowadays, the origin of the name can be traced several centuries back, when the isles housed nothing but stone-age tribes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 30, 2016, 10:18:08 pm
I'm aware that throws need an arc and no there are no tree caps to be found on the hill or any else on this particular map.

Huh. If you could provide save pls. That's bizzare.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 31, 2016, 02:32:37 am
The first sentence of STR_IRON_TRIBE_UFOPEDIA doesn't make sence. Or does it?
While this important, if largely depopulated country can hardly be called a tribe nowadays, the origin of the name can be traced several centuries back, when the isles housed nothing but stone-age tribes.

Umm... how doesn't it make sense?
Several hundreds of years ago... the isle was ihabited only by stone-age tribes... the origins of country's name come from that period... nowadays it's no longer a land of stone age tribes... it's an important, modern country with low population.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 31, 2016, 03:35:43 am
It has coma problems:

"While this important, if largely depopulated, country can hardly be called a tribe nowadays, the origin of the name can be traced several centuries back when the isles housed nothing but some stone-age tribes."

It could stand to be split in a few easier sentences to sparse, especially for non-native players. Sort of like you just did ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 31, 2016, 03:38:18 am
It has coma problems

You mean it falls asleep at random?


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 31, 2016, 03:39:45 am
It could stand to be split in a few easier sentences to sparse, especially for non-native players. Sort of like you just did ;)

Well, I'm not a native myself, so...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 31, 2016, 05:21:13 am
You mean it falls asleep at random?


Yes, or rather its reader does as it's so long and convoluted.

Well, I'm not a native myself, so...
Neither am I, but I did get it after stumbling in the middle the first time (both upon reading it for the first time in the pedia and when reading it here). It just has too many bits all tacked together. Shorter sentences could accomplish the same thing while being more easier to process. If you don't want to change it, that's entirely fine, I was just explaining why someone might think that it's a broken sentence.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 31, 2016, 07:15:50 am
Believe me, it's nothing next to actual American fiction I translate for a living. So I didn't think I'm going overboard, since the authors of said fiction see nothing bad - bah! They love it! - in routinely writing sentences twice or thrice as long and convoluted. Sure I lack their skills but still, you are what you eat - that's what I read and that's what I write.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 31, 2016, 01:29:13 pm
Huh. If you could provide save pls. That's bizzare.

Eh? The second attachment to my original post is the save game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 31, 2016, 02:45:02 pm
I kinda enjoy the crowded sentences of the pedia articles - it makes it sound like a brainer rambling and being pedantic, quite similar to some people I know in academia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 31, 2016, 04:12:35 pm
Good point! I don't think the sentence is wrong (except it's coma problem for which I suggested a fix). It's pretty reasonable for a rambling brainer to be convoluted.

I just wanted to say it's indeed not that easy to parse and that's why some may have issues reading it, as reported above. Fixing that is of course optional.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 31, 2016, 04:26:41 pm
Umm... how doesn't it make sense?
Several hundreds of years ago... the isle was ihabited only by stone-age tribes... the origins of country's name come from that period... nowadays it's no longer a land of stone age tribes... it's an important, modern country with low population.
Well, I have no problem to understand its meaning (I translated it already), but the sentence looks strange to me. The comma makes it better, as Arthanor suggested.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 31, 2016, 04:57:57 pm
My entire jab was directed at the "coma" which should be "comma", that's what the joke was about. I thought it was a funny typo. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on August 31, 2016, 05:12:02 pm
Ah! See, English being my 2nd language is showing.. I never noticed the different spelling between coma and comma.

Thanks for poking fun at me for it! Now that's a mistake I won't make in more formal settings! :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 01, 2016, 01:03:43 am
This hill map block is bugged, only the small rocks and one log can be targeted with the throwing action, anywhere else leads to a unable to throw there message.

As far as I can say, this is caused by recently added bow fix:,4726.0.html
I've asked karadoc to have a look.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 01, 2016, 04:11:03 am
Eh? The second attachment to my original post is the save game.

My apologies. my fault for trying to help on minimal sleep.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Proboscis on September 03, 2016, 11:40:24 pm
WORKERs seem to be bugged right now, as when I try to buy one on my updated save, they immediately scroll backwards negatively. It gives me as many as it would take to fill my base's stores, and negative money instead of taking money. If I buy them, it gives me money, too. I seem to recall something similar happening a couple versions ago relating to trying to sell or ship slaves, too, but that seems to be fixed now.

Everything else in the new update works fine though, loving PSI vision. EDIT: PSI vision actually seems to make seduction way stronger because now it can work through walls. Might be unintended, though the only armor I think it really works on is Magical Girl, anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on September 04, 2016, 04:02:15 am
As far as I can say, this is caused by recently added bow fix:,4726.0.html
I've asked karadoc to have a look.
Ok. I've looked into it, and I've posted my detailed response in the other thread (,4726.msg71322.html#msg71322).

The short answer is that it seems to be a problem with the hill itself.

It is not caused by my arc fix, and the discrepancy between how it works with and without the arc fix is actually caused by an unrelated bug (!). I've posted a fix for the newly discovered bug; but the problem of not being able to throw onto that hill will have to be fixed some other way. I think fixing the hill itself would be the easiest way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 04, 2016, 09:43:58 pm
Can't buy workers, the ammount goes to -19 when you try to add some, not sure what causes it,
save included

save is ironmode.

(v .99c fresh install)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on September 05, 2016, 08:19:27 am
Looked into the Bootypedia, the topic arcanist rounds is cut off.  Looks like it could fit if the word 'Characteristically' were a bit shorter, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Petethegoat on September 05, 2016, 05:19:16 pm
Can't buy workers, the ammount goes to -19 when you try to add some, not sure what causes it,
save included

save is ironmode.

(v .99c fresh install)

Had this issue on a non ironmode fresh install. At some point after I first encountered it, it'd go to -17 instead of -19.
Hiring tough girls seemed to increase my workers normally though.

E: also, the Contacts: Merchants bootypedia entry seems to reset to unread very often. Not between multiple visits to the bootypedia at one time, but frequently nonetheless.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 05, 2016, 10:19:29 pm
flame arrows, seem to be dependant on flame arrows... and leads to flame arrows?

looks like an impossible research, correct me if I'm wrong

    cost: 5
    points: 20
      - STR_TORCH
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 05, 2016, 10:42:58 pm
Shit, should be BOW_H. Critical game breaking error right there :/
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 06, 2016, 03:43:13 am
ya I noticed It was kinda crucial, so I just removed the duplicate string and got past it that way, and now added the right string :)

ps. I love the updates. this is really fleshed out now, compared to just before the extended. I'm loving it :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 06, 2016, 10:43:03 am
Can't buy workers, the amount goes to -19 when you try to add some, not sure what causes it.

OXC doesn't support buying items with negative size.
I have fixed that, it will be OK with next EXE update.

E: also, the Contacts: Merchants bootypedia entry seems to reset to unread very often. Not between multiple visits to the bootypedia at one time, but frequently nonetheless.

Can you post your save?
(I think it will be something similar to this:,4058.msg66854.html#msg66854 but I'll need your save, otherwise I am looking for a needle in a haystack)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 06, 2016, 01:04:37 pm
OXC doesn't support buying items with negative size.
I have fixed that, it will be OK with next EXE update.

Ah, cool, nice to know :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: H0lyD4wg on September 06, 2016, 02:22:24 pm
Some of the PNGs used in XPiratez aren't well-formed according to the PNG format specification. This doesn't cause any serious problems, but when running OpenXcomEx from the command line on Linux, libpng complains about out-of-place iCCP chunks and that's pretty annoying.

This problem can be fixed by re-encoding the offending files, which I did (see attachment). I took care not to increase the file sizes (except for 1 file out of 46 that grew by 163 bytes), so that the fixed PNGs may be incorporated into the next release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 06, 2016, 02:35:03 pm
Thanks. That bugs me every time too :)
Hope Dioxine will include the fixed ones.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on September 07, 2016, 03:35:37 am
I'm playing... not the recentmost version, but whichever was up-to-date on the 2nd of August, and I have two things to report (alas, no screenshots).

One: the inventory screen graphics for a mortally wounded (i.e. little red crosses) Guild G.O. seems to be buggy. Instead of a proper full-colour image, it's sort of a weird outline in strange colours, and has a red background.

Two: just now, my radar has spotted a UFO travelling at Ludicruos Speed. I don't remember the exact number, but the speed was 6 or 7 digits... I clicked 'Center on UFO', and at the next 5 second tick I had a popup for a Mutant Pogrom (not sure if it was related, it was located outside my radar range, but what are the chances of these two things happening in two contiguous ticks?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on September 07, 2016, 04:07:00 am
What you caught was the emergency signal just as the pogrom was starting. That's expected. Certain pogroms start this way instead of having the usual terror ships.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on September 07, 2016, 04:56:03 pm
Ah, okay, good to know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on September 07, 2016, 04:59:18 pm
I forgot to mention, the crazy speed you see is the speed of light in knots (or whatever the unit is.. Been playing XComFiles too much!). That's why it's so fast,

Also, the corpse issue should be reported in Ivan's AltCorpse mod (,4424.0.html), not here, as it is a bug in that mod, not in the main Piratez mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 07, 2016, 06:05:52 pm
I forgot to mention, the crazy speed you see is the speed of light in knots (or whatever the unit is.. Been playing XComFiles too much!). That's why it's so fast,

Also, the corpse issue should be reported in Ivan's AltCorpse mod (,4424.0.html), not here, as it is a bug in that mod, not in the main Piratez mod.

Right: Bug fix is here:,4424.msg68172.html#msg68172
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 08, 2016, 07:27:41 am
game crashes when I get a base defense mission, crash code 0xc0000005
happens in save after a few hours.

it's this mission that crashes the game

    region: STR_EUROPE
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 480
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 169
    missionSiteZone: -1

if that helps
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Boltgun on September 08, 2016, 10:58:51 am
The game crashes on 99A, B or C at the geoscape at one specific date. I tried reloading a previous save with savescumming on which led me to crash at another later date.

OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 5) >= this->size() (which is 4)

My save is a bit of a mess, having gone through so many versions. Assuming it's caused by a specific UFO, if I wipe the alien strategy, does the mod will generate new missions for me?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 08, 2016, 11:34:04 am
game crashes when I get a base defense mission, crash code 0xc0000005
happens in save after a few hours.

MapBlock on position [x=5,y=1] (Sickbay) is NULL.
I guess Dioxine needs to test if it works as it should.
Map "XBR_66" probably doesn't exist.

The game crashes on 99A, B or C at the geoscape at one specific date. I tried reloading a previous save with savescumming on which led me to crash at another later date.
OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 5) >= this->size() (which is 4)
My save is a bit of a mess, having gone through so many versions. Assuming it's caused by a specific UFO, if I wipe the alien strategy, does the mod will generate new missions for me?

A broken messy save is infinitely better than no save.
If you have anything, attach it pls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Boltgun on September 08, 2016, 02:21:43 pm
A broken messy save is infinitely better than no save.
If you have anything, attach it pls.

I knew I forgot something, here you go.

Crashes on 29 May 2602 after 11:30.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 08, 2016, 03:22:55 pm
I knew I forgot something, here you go.

Crashes on 29 May 2602 after 11:30.

It crashes when determining town to terrorize.
Details in attachment.
I don't know exactly what needs to be fixed... if ruleset or code... I don't understand this alienMission->region->missionZones[objective]->areas[missionZoneSite] concept very well. But I'd guess it's the ruleset that's missing something (or your save got messed up).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 08, 2016, 04:26:30 pm
STR_CAT_PAWS_UFOPEDIA ... "...Skill: Skill: MELEE/2..."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 08, 2016, 05:03:41 pm
MapBlock on position [x=5,y=1] (Sickbay) is NULL.
I guess Dioxine needs to test if it works as it should.
Map "XBR_66" probably doesn't exist.

It does, just forgot to declare it in ruleset... Whoops.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Boltgun on September 08, 2016, 08:13:51 pm
It crashes when determining town to terrorize.
Details in attachment.
I don't know exactly what needs to be fixed... if ruleset or code... I don't understand this alienMission->region->missionZones[objective]->areas[missionZoneSite] concept very well. But I'd guess it's the ruleset that's missing something (or your save got messed up).

I got a spartan terror mission aiming missionSiteZone 5. So this is the problem. Editing this removes the crash.
Code: [Select]
  - spawnCountdown: 2340
    uniqueID: 72
    liveUfos: 0
    nextWave: 4
    race: STR_SPARTANS
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    missionSiteZone: 5

So, if cities has changed, this is only a save issue. Either way, the campaign can continue, thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 08, 2016, 08:17:02 pm
These mission are always aimed at Zone 3; I have no idea why and how a mission aimed at Zone 5 was generated.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 08, 2016, 11:20:41 pm
These mission are always aimed at Zone 3; I have no idea why and how a mission aimed at Zone 5 was generated.

It's just very poor naming in the code... and very confusing too.

They are always in the zone with index 3 (resp. objective=3). As you can see variable objective is used for indexing missionZones array.
But there is also a variable called missionZoneSite.... which is the worst name ever... indexing the areas array... and that one is 5.
I don't even know what it means exactly, I just know that the name is confusing as hell.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 08, 2016, 11:30:55 pm
Speaking about confusing things... I now have almost all enemy vessels researched, missing one or two only.
But the pilots I have in prison are gladly telling me about the same craft again... so far 6 pilots interrogated and they all told me about craft I already knew about.

This is ridiculously irritating and confusing.
I guess a cleanup of SHIPNAME vs SHIPNAME_DOCUMENTATION is necessary.
Telling me about the same ship twice is really unpleasant... and even more unpleasant is that having SHIPNAME_DOCUMENTATION doesn't unlock other technologies, which are unlocked by SHIPNAME for example... so I am forced to research the same ship twice. Grrrrr.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 09, 2016, 12:52:02 am
It has been cleaned up - maybe some odd bugs and omisions still linger, but it has been cleaned up a long, long time ago. You can check this yourself. However I've noticed people giving stuff I already know about as well, not only ships.

EDIT: the only error I found was on Govt Elite, who was giving STR_FIGHTER instead of STR_FIGHTER_BLUEPRINT.

I think it's the code what needs to be scrutinized.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 10, 2016, 01:49:37 pm
It has been cleaned up - maybe some odd bugs and omisions still linger, but it has been cleaned up a long, long time ago. You can check this yourself. However I've noticed people giving stuff I already know about as well, not only ships.

EDIT: the only error I found was on Govt Elite, who was giving STR_FIGHTER instead of STR_FIGHTER_BLUEPRINT. I think it's the code what needs to be scrutinized.

It looks OK in the ruleset, I must have researched them when they were still messed up... I'll add the missing stuff into my save manually.
Code is OK too btw.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on September 11, 2016, 08:00:34 am
On a pogrom, my last gal fainted, gave me the victory message when someone was wounded, I think the last enemy collapsed too, though I didn't see it.  still an abysmal failure.  I think I can figure out how to put a recent save up.

Also, looked through the full bootypedia, and ghost armor and the magical bullets research that I mentioned last time both went past where you could read them.

Finally, I believe space is default for next unit don't come back to this one, so maybe assisted vision should go elsewhere or the default should be changed.


Turned out the autosave was right when the last gal fainted.

I believe what I've put here is the autosave?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 11, 2016, 09:52:19 am
On a pogrom, my last gal fainted, gave me the victory message when someone was wounded, I think the last enemy collapsed too, though I didn't see it.  still an abysmal failure.  I think I can figure out how to put a recent save up.

Finally, I believe space is default for next unit don't come back to this one, so maybe assisted vision should go elsewhere or the default should be changed.

Thanks, fixed.

PS: space key is not a default for 'Next unit'. default is tab key.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Asheram on September 11, 2016, 02:43:57 pm
Not sure if it has been mentioned, but some walls of the Warehouse Wars (Can't remember their actual name) structures are thicker than they should be.
Some of the walls, (like the east of the major building) can be pressed up against, while the east of the smaller buildings (just below the large one) force you to stay a square away from them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 11, 2016, 03:08:04 pm
It's a normal X-com 'feature'. Fixing it requires writing a manual-override MCD patch, which frankly doesn't seem exciting enough for me, at least these walls aren't see-through thanks to this. When/if the 'see-through nightly' bug is fixed (reverted), it might be worth it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on September 12, 2016, 03:40:55 am
Thanks, fixed.

PS: space key is not a default for 'Next unit'. default is tab key.

Well, I've never changed any key binds, so I assume that "Space" was a Default in-use Key...

Tab is next Unit

Space is "Next Unit, Don't Come back To this one."

Took me a few hits to see what was going on, before I hit my own config page to check.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on September 12, 2016, 04:52:24 am
Another one I noticed was the shambler not being a valid melee target in all four spaces it takes up, and even if you can target it at times, it doesn't actually connect when you get a hit sound. Not sure if the last bit is a dodge related thing, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 12, 2016, 09:24:05 am
Well, I've never changed any key binds, so I assume that "Space" was a Default in-use Key...

Tab is next Unit

Space is "Next Unit, Don't Come back To this one."

Took me a few hits to see what was going on, before I hit my own config page to check.

The default for "next unit, dont come back" is empty/undefined, not space.
Maybe you changed it by accident.
To change it back, just use right click.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 12, 2016, 09:34:47 am
listing for number bullets in autofire is listed as: [x(0)] for all autofire items.

Also if the pedia entry for tome of lighting is accurate it does at most 2 base damage per pellet with max possible voodoo mastery on a gal and a 200% dmg roll. Even if the secondary stun effect effect is a massive multiplier IF its derived from normal damage range of 0-2 well.....Even with 80% armor pen feature its appears functionally useless. Which it most certainly is not from my testing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 12, 2016, 10:13:51 am
When/if the 'see-through nightly' bug is fixed (reverted), it might be worth it.

Are you referring to any specific commit?
If so, can you link it?

Another one I noticed was the shambler not being a valid melee target in all four spaces it takes up, and even if you can target it at times, it doesn't actually connect when you get a hit sound. Not sure if the last bit is a dodge related thing, though.

I could attack when positioned diagonally only.
But it took 20+ attempts with Tech Blade (with max stats girl) to kill him.
Not sure if that was the intention or not... let's wait what Dioxine says.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 12, 2016, 11:50:58 am
It's a normal 2x2 unit, nothing special about it, at least as far as I know. Copied from XCom-files.

Also if the pedia entry for tome of lighting is accurate it does at most 2 base damage per pellet with max possible voodoo mastery on a gal and a 200% dmg roll. Even if the secondary stun effect effect is a massive multiplier IF its derived from normal damage range of 0-2 well.....Even with 80% armor pen feature its appears functionally useless. Which it most certainly is not from my testing.

max v. mastery (before armor buffs) is 60*40 = 2400, divided by 100 it's 24, so it's not quite useless...

Are you referring to any specific commit?
If so, can you link it?

Of course not, I'm not a programmer who commited his life to OXC. I just recall that the objects used to be non-transparent if they were blocking the whole LoS (like UFO back walls).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on September 12, 2016, 05:56:42 pm
The default for "next unit, dont come back" is empty/undefined, not space.
Maybe you changed it by accident.
To change it back, just use right click.

No idea how it was done.  I actually had to look up where to go to fix it :D   

Maybe it was part of a config that got copied over or something...   

But it also appears like I'm not the only one with that - so perhaps there is some merit to the statement :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 12, 2016, 06:08:46 pm
max v. mastery (before armor buffs) is 60*40 = 2400, divided by 100 it's 24, so it's not quite useless...
Ah right multiplicative ooops my bad.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 12, 2016, 06:19:59 pm
It's a normal 2x2 unit, nothing special about it, at least as far as I know. Copied from XCom-files.

Well, LOFTemps are unusual, changing them to something else used more often in piratez helps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on September 12, 2016, 06:36:02 pm
In a fresh 0.99C.1 game - at the very beginning - in the black market appears, as for items used for manifacture, only scrap metal, and not also the superconductive wire and chemicals. Is it a bug?

Edit: if not sorry, must take a looooong break from the game...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 13, 2016, 04:49:10 pm
Not sure where to report it, but I got a bad mapblock, poor GO is stuck inside.

Also, it was probably reported already, but some of warehouse map "UFO"eastern walls block the tiles next to them. Which is inconvenient.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: H0lyD4wg on September 15, 2016, 02:03:37 pm
Game crashed when I tried to start a pogrom mission. More specifically:

I have also tried to diff the two save files and see if there are any differences beside the in-game clock and the gals' equipment, but as it turns out openxcom arbitrarily re-orders the contents of save files, and that makes diffs hopelessly noisy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 15, 2016, 02:20:48 pm
It fails during map generation, trying to place a frag grenade... probably trying to place it outside of map boundaries.

I'll have a closer look in the evening.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: H0lyD4wg on September 15, 2016, 02:32:25 pm
This one is more of a nitpick than an actual bug, but here goes:

When taking the Airbus, the 6th girl in the crew list (that is, the one piloting the craft) is positioned at the front-right corner of the craft, facing the front. This makes sense if you assume that vehicles in this setting (and the Airbus in particular) have their steering wheels on the right.

In the Aircar, on the other hand, gal #4 (the pilot) is in the back of the car, which makes less sense.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 15, 2016, 04:51:41 pm
Code: [Select]
      - name: AREA51BASE79
        width: 10
        length: 10
            - [4, 1, 0]
            - [4, 1, 0]
            - [4, 1, 0]
            - [2, 14, 1]

Map block size is only 10x10, but frag grenade is on position [2, 14, 1]... in case when this block is on the edges of the map, it will crash, because it will be outside of map borders.

In this case:
- map size(60, 60, 10)
- position(2, 14, 1) + offset(10, 50, 0) = position(12, 64, 1)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 15, 2016, 07:02:53 pm
A couple more blocked tiles.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on September 15, 2016, 08:30:52 pm
this is standard map, I find exactly same bugged tiles when I was testing TFTD
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 15, 2016, 08:54:33 pm
This one is more of a nitpick than an actual bug, but here goes:

When taking the Airbus, the 6th girl in the crew list (that is, the one piloting the craft) is positioned at the front-right corner of the craft, facing the front. This makes sense if you assume that vehicles in this setting (and the Airbus in particular) have their steering wheels on the right.

In the Aircar, on the other hand, gal #4 (the pilot) is in the back of the car, which makes less sense.

Changed this to conform to the pattern, but pilots can be chosen freely anyway, so does it even makes sense to bother?
Title: Blocked Watchtower Entrance - Every Mission
Post by: tormodino on September 15, 2016, 11:16:54 pm
Every Watchtower mission I get has the entrance blocked by the robot statue and a single enemy on the outside.
It goes down to a single hammerblow.
The issue is more one of the mission being a total cakewalk as well as the poor people inside starving to death unless I... rescue them.
Happens in all games I start.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 15, 2016, 11:33:34 pm
Read the mission briefing for the solution of this mystery.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tormodino on September 15, 2016, 11:44:12 pm
Missed that detail, so I retract that and will learn to read.
I still think it's a fair point. The mission is incredibly easy because of how it is set up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 15, 2016, 11:54:14 pm
Missed that detail, so I retract that and will learn to read.
I still think it's a fair point. The mission is incredibly easy because of how it is set up.

I think it's one of the mercy missions, there to ensure you have something to do even if you really suck... :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tormodino on September 16, 2016, 12:20:05 am
That's fair enough, and it's a good little starter mission. This is bugs, so I'll leave it. I'll post something if I actually have a decent suggestion about how to make it different.
Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on September 16, 2016, 02:53:26 am
It looks like the assorted starting missions are supposed to change as the game progresses, or will eventually, so as your crew gets more bold, they attack bigger and stronger targets from those specific guilds.  However, those missions aren't put in yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: H0lyD4wg on September 18, 2016, 07:37:14 am
Changed this to conform to the pattern, but pilots can be chosen freely anyway, so does it even makes sense to bother?

That depends on how players assign pilots in practice. If most people are going to assign their pilots manually, it really doesn't make sense to bother with a detail that would only be noticed by the few who use automatic pilot assignment. If, on the other hand, automatic assignment is the rule and manual assignment the exception, consistent positioning of pilots can be a nice touch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 18, 2016, 07:54:41 pm
My game crashed on death of one gal wearing Revenant armour.

I`ve also noticed that something is weird with Academy Engineer death animaton and corpse floor object - both of those werent displayed for me at least once. I got him with a tranquilizer dart from behind and the tile just became empty.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 19, 2016, 07:30:30 am
Try disabling AltCorpses and see if the issue persists.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on September 19, 2016, 11:01:45 am
In the tech-tree viewer, if I click the text which says "3 letters required in the Quick Search box.", it causes the game to immediately exit to desktop (with no error message or anything).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 19, 2016, 11:15:31 am
In the tech-tree viewer, if I click the text which says "3 letters required in the Quick Search box.", it causes the game to immediately exit to desktop (with no error message or anything).

Whoops, my bad, will be fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on September 19, 2016, 07:05:00 pm
I get a crash when finishing one of the pink ship missions by either killing or stunning the pilot.

Code: [Select]
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] StackWalk64 failed: 299
[19-09-2016 18:00:50] [FATAL] Crash dump generated at G:\OpenXcom_XPiratez\user\19-09-2016_18-00-50.dmp
[19-09-2016 18:00:55] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 19, 2016, 07:11:07 pm
I get a crash when finishing one of the pink ship missions by either killing or stunning the pilot.

If you could provide a save, it will be much easier to find the problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on September 19, 2016, 08:00:41 pm
I found some buggy terrain that costs no tu to walk on.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 20, 2016, 04:27:53 pm
I've got a save with the offending map block with no-TU-cost terrain.  Move any gal from the airbus to near Mean Venus and they'll cross by the hill and tree between them without using TUs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 20, 2016, 10:25:17 pm
Got another one, save attached.  Start moving Mean Venus towards Athletic Jasmine along the lake path and you'll find at least 2-3 spots that the TU cost is zero.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: H0lyD4wg on September 22, 2016, 06:55:48 am
I just had a pogrom mission generated without any civilians.
I know that there weren't any civilians on that mission (as opposed to civilians existing but getting killed before I can see them) because in the post-mission debriefing there was no lines for either civilians saved or civilian casualties.
Saves attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 23, 2016, 05:57:39 pm
Looks like it is impossible to acquire any kind of ammo for Military Shotgun/Blackops Shotgun through buying/manufacturing.
Can someone confirm?

edit: neverming, found the Shotgun AP Shells, manufacturing option is called "Shtg. AP Shells (6x10)", may be rename it to "M-Shtg AP Shells"?
Still cant find a non-AP ammo type though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 23, 2016, 06:20:36 pm
Military/Blackops Shotgun uses the same Shotgun Shells as the Domestic Shotgun for ammo - if you check the Bootypedia, the ammo image/damage is the same for the scatter shells.  Since the shells are shared across multiple weapons, it doesn't make much sense to name it after only one of them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 24, 2016, 05:58:18 pm
Military/Blackops Shotgun uses the same Shotgun Shells as the Domestic Shotgun for ammo - if you check the Bootypedia, the ammo image/damage is the same for the scatter shells.  Since the shells are shared across multiple weapons, it doesn't make much sense to name it after only one of them.
That makes a lot of sense, on many levels even. I feel kinda dumb now, lol.

Heres few tiles costing 0 TU to traverse in Ratman Rodeo map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on September 25, 2016, 11:05:12 am
On zero TU tiles, I wrote a tool to report floors with 0 TU_Walk, and if it works correctly, there are 2 of them.

Two maps are affected:

ISLANDURBAN03.MAP posn (2,8,0)

ISLANDURBAN2.MCD:17 is a hill slope, not sure if should be used as a floor.

And many instances of  FOREST.MCD:4  in SOLFOREST14.MAP.

This looks like a bug in FOREST.MCD:4 - its death tile is a burned floor one, LOFTs are ones for the floor,  but all TU settings are 0.

This accounts for the bugged forest map, I've met this bug myself. What's up with the ratman village I don't know.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 25, 2016, 01:46:02 pm
Thanks for the info, I will fix them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on September 26, 2016, 12:44:57 am
A map where you are stuck on your starting 10x10 tile. Is this a bug or a feature? And can something be done about it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 26, 2016, 10:59:05 am
A map where you are stuck on your starting 10x10 tile. Is this a bug or a feature? And can something be done about it?

I'm fairly (though not 100%) sure that it can also happen on vanilla polar maps. Preventing it would be hard and would restrict randomness a lot, so I guess it's acceptable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 26, 2016, 08:24:11 pm
I just had a pogrom mission generated without any civilians.
I know that there weren't any civilians on that mission (as opposed to civilians existing but getting killed before I can see them) because in the post-mission debriefing there was no lines for either civilians saved or civilian casualties.
Saves attached.

Code: [Select]
  - detected: true
    lon: 1.2757484167452551
    missionCustomDeploy: STR_ATTACK_BANDIT_RAID
    lat: -0.84927721402044065
    race: STR_BANDIT
    secondsRemaining: 36000
    texture: -2
    id: 3

Just a guess here, I didn't study the code too much.
It looks like the generic deployment (STR_TERROR_MISSION_NO_PENALTY with 16 civilians) gets overridden by the bandit race to STR_ATTACK_BANDIT_RAID deployment, which has no civilians.
Can't say if intended or not, but doesn't look like a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 26, 2016, 11:53:06 pm
I can't manufacture Night-Ops Gear and it's not visible in Bootypedia after its research. It's visible in debug mode.
Attached save just before the end of research, on the way from base raid.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 27, 2016, 01:39:35 am
I can't manufacture Night-Ops Gear and it's not visible in Bootypedia after its research. It's visible in debug mode.
Attached save just before the end of research, on the way from base raid.
Looks like you have to finish building a Workshop to manufacture those, I get Night-ops suit displayed in both Bootypedia and a "facility missing" tab in a manufacture screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on September 29, 2016, 11:20:56 pm
just a small thing, when filling the production window so it scrolls, you can't scroll all the way down, the last entry can only be seen partly, screenshot provided.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 30, 2016, 12:07:50 am
Looks like Deliverator has a hole somewhere. Results of inderect RPG hit below.

edit: also, is there a way to get out of that endless Sway Goverment loop without editing save file? Those are getting annoying and it feels like they are eating up other possible missions that may be more intersting.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on October 01, 2016, 07:48:51 pm
Upon knocking the cyberdisc out with swings form the power mace the game crashes. Possibly an Alt Corpse issue?

Edit: I did some further testing, and found that the game only crashes, if the cyberdisc is positioned on the map edge and at least one tile over the ufo. It can be knocked down just anywhere else without the game crashing. (I tested this by modifying the savegame.)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DoktorV on October 02, 2016, 06:46:47 am
Minor thing - the Stun Baton takes up 0.75 units of storage space, which is probably at least ten times more than intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on October 02, 2016, 01:39:42 pm
found a bug/exploit where if you finish a mission and your prison is full, you sell off some, and then load the autosave that saves just after a completed mission, then you get all the prisoners you sold off back, and your prison is overpopulated.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hashtastrophe on October 02, 2016, 03:12:12 pm
Not sure if this has already been reported or not but robbing guild engineers provides only one $1000 blue credit chip whereas their ransom/fence price is $70000.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 02, 2016, 06:08:37 pm
Upon knocking the cyberdisc out with swings form the power mace the game crashes. Possibly an Alt Corpse issue?

It's not alt corpse issue.
Game tries to access some tiles outside of the map (17,50,1) and (18,50,1) when applying gravity...

@Yankes: could you have a look? You'll probably understand it much quicker than I, since you've played with tile engine so much recently :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on October 04, 2016, 10:22:23 pm
It takes 3 the magical girls to extract one soul, it could be intentional, but it seems rather strange.

Also why does it rely on STR_RETICULAN_CORPSE, but not on magical girl?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hashtastrophe on October 06, 2016, 04:08:50 pm
Post-battle when you have multiple bases with prisons the transfer tab doesn't have a string assigned to it in the EN-US language set.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2016, 04:25:38 pm
Post-battle when you have multiple bases with prisons the transfer tab doesn't have a string assigned to it in the EN-US language set.

It will be there with the next PirateZ release.
PirateZ didn't (officially) upgrade to the newest OXCE+ exe, which you are using, yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 09, 2016, 11:40:28 am
So, I finally made my first Witch Outfit... and tried it out in a Hopper mission full of mostly unarmed civilians.

Girl's stats:
- voodoo strength: 54, effective 64 with outfit
- voodoo skill: 40, effective 50 with outfit

I tried both panic (terror) and mind control (possession) several times on various civilians from various distances (10 and 4 tiles)... with no effect whatsoever... is this intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 09, 2016, 06:44:13 pm
Certainly not intended, but I don't know how to explain this. I haven't playtested the newest version for VooDoo but the feedback from Surrealistik's very extensive use of it suggests he was able to MC everything and everyone who's not the very top-tier MC-resistant, and you can see that civilians have average MC resistance (Psi Str). Maybe there is some bug with voodoo attacks that I can't spot?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 12, 2016, 04:37:49 am
witches working normally here so far as "new battle" mode is concerned. Don't have witches in my campaign to verify with a "natural" situation though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 15, 2016, 04:38:11 pm
Made my first Ghost Outfit... and tried it out in a Hopper mission again.

Girl's stats:
- voodoo strength: 59, effective 69 with outfit
- voodoo skill: 39, effective 49 with outfit

Tried ghost beam on a poor guy next to Bonny, first hit 0% damage, second hit small damage (less than 20%)... ran out of TUs (spends 40% to shoot, so even worse deal than witch outfit)... certainly doesn't feel like "Star God powers". After that I stopped trying and just shot them all with bows out of frustration.

But 10 psi sense is a nice touch... maybe I'll use it at least for the sense if nothing else...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 15, 2016, 04:56:10 pm
I can only say that Surrealistik is playing a psi-heavy campaign and is getting great results, or so he says. I don't have my own tests so extensive to verify this. It's probably a question of "firepower"; he's running several witches at once, which makes sense since the crew cap is 18 (or more, later on). Shooting indeed is much simpler.
I'll be adding an alternative psi-amp next ver,. maybe you'll like it better.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on October 15, 2016, 05:34:26 pm
I've come to the conclusion that the ghost outfit is for scouting thanks to the invisibility and now psi-vision. My ghost replaces parrots for scouting and with the vision, they hug ufos on the outside to spot inside where the real boarders do the work.

The offensive power is negligible. I started my game with psi-strength training without thinking and even with capped stats the ghost beam was not very useful. It is a specialized tool for really high armor enemies where the little damage is compensated by ignoring the armor, but for regular use it's unusable. You run out of stamina way too fast and you can often fail to kill even a GO. The dagger is nicely, but getting this close means the enemy sees you and you've got no protection once you're seen.

I had success in a previous game with witches. The emergency mind control through walls was very useful when boarding. Haven't caught a provost in my new game to retry though, so that experience is out of date.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 16, 2016, 03:02:04 pm
@Arthanor: guess which gal was trying the outfit :P

Anyway, one more thing, the mutated reaper preview icon seems kinda wrong... bug or not? Attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 16, 2016, 03:13:34 pm
Not really a bug, the proper icons simply aren't painted yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on October 17, 2016, 12:55:10 am
@Arthanor: guess which gal was trying the outfit :P

Anyway, one more thing, the mutated reaper preview icon seems kinda wrong... bug or not? Attached.
Looks like a gazer icon to me, which I guess is better than a tank one ;)

Going home next week, then I'll be able to continue watching the game. Very much looking forward to it, especially now :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 23, 2016, 01:57:58 am
The door on the Triton is see-through for enemies on the outside from a certain angle.  In the attached save, end the turn and some Reticulans should be shooting through the right side of the door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 23, 2016, 08:00:36 pm
Just got STR_NEWSPAPER_020, which doesn't seem to exist :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 23, 2016, 08:12:55 pm
Whoops, the pedia entries were missing. It needs the following in Ufopaedia:

Code: [Select]
  - id: STR_NEWSPAPER_020
    type_id: 8
      - STR_NEWSPAPER_020
    listOrder: 55820
  - id: STR_NEWSPAPER_021
    type_id: 8
      - STR_NEWSPAPER_021
    listOrder: 55821
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 23, 2016, 08:26:56 pm

STR_NEWSPAPER_021 doesn't exist, only STR_NEWSPAPER_21

I fixed it on my end, just letting you know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 24, 2016, 08:33:19 pm
I'll be adding an alternative psi-amp next ver,. maybe you'll like it better.

Happy to report Tome of Lightning works!
Too bad I sold all my Liber Occulti earlier :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Styar Dark on October 27, 2016, 02:38:15 am
Have a problem with last version. Pilots are missing after missions with landed UFO. It works repeatedly with bus, don't verified it with other craft yet. Can attach savefile if needed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 27, 2016, 02:48:16 am
We need a little more than just 'missing' - are they no longer in your roster, like if they died or were outside the craft when you abandoned a mission, or is it just not remembering which hands were the pilots of a craft?  And saves are always useful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 27, 2016, 02:10:53 pm
The usual reason for 'missing' pilot is because she got wounded and left the craft for sickbay.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Styar Dark on October 27, 2016, 11:57:16 pm
Oh, thanks. I don't know that pilots rooster is the same as healthy hands :) No it is clear. Sorry for my incompetence )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on October 29, 2016, 01:49:02 am
I'm at the beginning of June, first year, and so far had only one terror mission (before researching contacts: mutant alliance). Is something wrong with my game? I know recurring terror has execution odds 65%, but just one terror in 5 month seems odd.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 29, 2016, 04:06:00 am
35%*5=7% so merely unlikely so far.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 30, 2016, 02:18:13 am
I'm at the beginning of June, first year, and so far had only one terror mission (before researching contacts: mutant alliance). Is something wrong with my game? I know recurring terror has execution odds 65%, but just one terror in 5 month seems odd.

The early game has been reshaped so you don't get heavy progroms early.  There have been some replacement missions in their place.  After the first 6 months you should start seeing more.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thisnameismeta on October 30, 2016, 11:38:19 pm
I'm getting a crash upon researching bullpup carbine through the gun almanach - if I try to scroll to the next topic when the item research screen comes up I get a crash to desktop. Closing the research screen avoids this problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on October 31, 2016, 01:33:23 am
I did a mission against a landed reticulan ship. The last enemy remaining was a mechtoid. He came out and shot down three of my girls, failing the mission for me. In the post-battle screen it said the mechtoid surrendered and indeed, I got a mechtoid as loot, and nothing else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 31, 2016, 02:38:11 am
I did a mission against a landed reticulan ship. The last enemy remaining was a mechtoid. He came out and shot down three of my girls, failing the mission for me. In the post-battle screen it said the mechtoid surrendered and indeed, I got a mechtoid as loot, and nothing else.

Where else was he supposed to go, all alone? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 31, 2016, 02:39:44 am
I did a mission against a landed reticulan ship. The last enemy remaining was a mechtoid. He came out and shot down three of my girls, failing the mission for me. In the post-battle screen it said the mechtoid surrendered and indeed, I got a mechtoid as loot, and nothing else.

What a freakish coincidence :) I even like that; the Mechtoid decided that the best way to end this sad episode is to head to pirate base and surrender himself :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2016, 08:40:41 am
What a freakish coincidence :) I even like that; the Mechtoid decided that the best way to end this sad episode is to head to pirate base and surrender himself :)

Might also be a nasty bug... I didn't test what happens when you lose the mission... it might actually be that all standing enemies capable of surrendering will surrender even if they won.
I'll test/fix it today.

EDIT: unfortunately, it's a critical bug... if you lose the mission (abort doesn't count), remaining enemies count as surrendered... will provide a fix today
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mobling on October 31, 2016, 10:47:03 am
Hello world, this is my first post on the OpenXcom forums. Props to all of you guys active in developing, supporting, and contributing to this amazing mod. But to cut to the chase, my game crashes immediately before the funding screen at the end of the first month. The error message indicates it has something to do with the new underwater treasure missions. 

Attached is a screencap of the crash and a save file shortly beforehand. Forgive me if I am not reporting bugs the right way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2016, 11:35:01 am
I'm getting a crash upon researching bullpup carbine through the gun almanach - if I try to scroll to the next topic when the item research screen comes up I get a crash to desktop. Closing the research screen avoids this problem.

Do you have a save for this?

It doesn't crash for me, but the "next" button shows the first topic (AIRBUS), since the current article index is reset to zero (which is caused by nonexistence of the pedia article for the gun almanach itself, which the game tries to display as well). Still... it should not crash.

PS: Can you please try if the attached save crashes for you?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thisnameismeta on October 31, 2016, 02:12:23 pm
Do you have a save for this?

It doesn't crash for me, but the "next" button shows the first topic (AIRBUS), since the current article index is reset to zero (which is caused by nonexistence of the pedia article for the gun almanach itself, which the game tries to display as well). Still... it should not crash.

PS: Can you please try if the attached save crashes for you?

I'll try the attached save tonight. I also have a save for testing that I can attach tonight too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 31, 2016, 06:02:37 pm
The error message indicates it has something to do with the new underwater treasure missions. 

Attached is a screencap of the crash and a save file shortly beforehand. Forgive me if I am not reporting bugs the right way.

Shit Murphy's Law. I made a typo which results in a fatal crash. Repaired file attached to downloads section.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: saladofstones on November 01, 2016, 05:19:37 am
Noticed two entries with reference to strings, instead of a research name
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mobling on November 01, 2016, 08:11:42 am
So the game crashes when I complete my first giant spider hunt. Attached is a save before the last spider is killed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 01, 2016, 11:06:26 am
Noticed two entries with reference to strings, instead of a research name

It's an artefact from version upgrade, not a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 01, 2016, 11:43:57 am
So the game crashes when I complete my first giant spider hunt. Attached is a save before the last spider is killed.

Fooog, another typo. That's what I get for not coding at home.

In piratez_factions.rul:
Code: [Select]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    costSell: 2500

should be:

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    costSell: 2500
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: saladofstones on November 01, 2016, 10:20:47 pm
It's an artefact from version upgrade, not a bug.

I'm guessing nothing bad will happen if I research it then?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 01, 2016, 11:20:56 pm
No since normally you'd get them automatically.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thisnameismeta on November 02, 2016, 12:37:50 am
Do you have a save for this?

It doesn't crash for me, but the "next" button shows the first topic (AIRBUS), since the current article index is reset to zero (which is caused by nonexistence of the pedia article for the gun almanach itself, which the game tries to display as well). Still... it should not crash.

PS: Can you please try if the attached save crashes for you?

The attached save crashes for me when gun almanach research finishes, I click view report, and then I click the arrow to move to the previous topic (rather than the next topic, I misremembered the crash). It doesn't matter what gun is actually researched by the topic, they all seem to crash the same for me. Attached is the save where I originally experienced the bug, but your save does the same thing for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 02, 2016, 01:00:35 am
Reporting a non-critical research bug. Bad Touch Bootypeadia page doesn't show because of a typo.

Code: [Select]
    type_id: 4

While it should be
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on November 02, 2016, 11:57:34 am
Minor bug. Everytime I change video setting from fullscreen with no filter to windowed with openxcom filter i got error message and game crashes:
Code: [Select]
[02-11-2016 10:37:42] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[02-11-2016 10:38:36] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1152x648x32...
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [INFO] Display set to 1152x648x32.
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] 0xa3d7f0 SDL_FillRect (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] 0x740033d0 InitOnceExecuteOnce (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] SymFromAddr failed: 487
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] 0x759362a0 BaseThreadInitThunk (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] 0x772b02e0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[02-11-2016 10:38:37] [FATAL] 0x772b02e0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
Title: Typo
Post by: Zharkov on November 02, 2016, 09:03:25 pm
Title: Yes, I still read the texts.
Post by: Zharkov on November 03, 2016, 06:19:39 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 04, 2016, 12:22:43 am
Fairy outfit is missing text for the ufopaedia article for the sea version; the ruleset calls for the text STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_OUTFIT_SEA_UC_UFOPEDIA, but the lang.rul file has it under STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_OUTFIT_SEA_UFOPEDIA.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 04, 2016, 07:43:46 pm

Dammit, 15 seconds too late :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 04, 2016, 09:56:24 pm
If it makes you feel any better, I think the research for the Sharkman Corpse is missing too. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 04, 2016, 10:31:46 pm
Thanks. I halted the upload anyway, no one plays on weekends :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 04, 2016, 11:39:37 pm
I play only on weekends. But maybe wait for new version. New camo is now different during day and during night.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 04, 2016, 11:48:46 pm
If this will be in soon, sure, it'll be better for me to wait.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 05, 2016, 01:39:30 am
"activeCamouflage" will be replaced by "camouflageAtDay" and "camouflageAtDark"
"predatorVision" will be replaced by "antiCamouflageAtDay" and"antiCamouflageAtDark"

the AtDay and AtDark variants are applied together with "visibilityAtDay" and "visibilityAtDark" respectively

Build tomorrow... need to get some sleep now :)

The attached save crashes for me when gun almanach research finishes, I click view report, and then I click the arrow to move to the previous topic (rather than the next topic, I misremembered the crash). It doesn't matter what gun is actually researched by the topic, they all seem to crash the same for me. Attached is the save where I originally experienced the bug, but your save does the same thing for me.

Well, sort of. it doesn't crash anymore... but proper fix would be for dioxine to add an entry for gun almanach itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 05, 2016, 03:13:57 pm
Well, sort of. it doesn't crash anymore... but proper fix would be for dioxine to add an entry for gun almanach itself.

Is this really neccessary? I want the almanach to show guns, not itself, when researched... It's kinda stupid if its shows itself since it's of no consequence (same story with the data disk).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on November 05, 2016, 03:46:43 pm
I frequently get swamp maps that are divided in half by water with the UFO on the other side, making navigating to the other side of the map without flying suits impossible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 05, 2016, 04:46:10 pm
It requires creating more mapblocks and will be handled in due time, with general upgrades to terrain. As of now, flying armor is readily available even in fairly early game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 05, 2016, 05:28:45 pm
Is this really neccessary? I want the almanach to show guns, not itself, when researched... It's kinda stupid if its shows itself since it's of no consequence (same story with the data disk).

The game was simply designed this way. You get the topic you have researched plus one free topic. There is no option to get only the free topic.

It doesn't crash anymore, so it's not absolutely necessary... until someone finds another crash somewhere else.
There will just be a small confusion that clicking on Previous and then on Next button doesn't bring you back to the same topic... caused by the game not being able to find an index for the non-existing almanach/disk topic (yes, game tries to open it, even if it doesn't exist).

As already explained somewhere, I could rework the whole research system to actually be consistent... but it would break all mods and vanilla too... so, yeah...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 06, 2016, 02:46:03 am
Having the books and data disks give a snarky and amusing description could be fun.  I'm not really good at this sort of thing, but I know there are funny people out there. Maybe the player base could come up with something.  I'm willing to try after I get over work.  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 06, 2016, 11:55:59 am
Yeah, the Courier has its own description page, so why not the Almanach?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 06, 2016, 12:41:01 pm
More.... work... :/ You monsters. At least it's very easy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Geneoce on November 06, 2016, 01:34:54 pm
I've gotten a crash when capturing unconscious giant spiders in a monster hunt mission, and a STR string on capturing live mutant fish that mentioned something to the tune of no alien containment. I dont have the saves but i'll keep an eye out for the next hunting mission/sea adventure. First time i've had a crash using this mod!

PS: typo in "Soldier: Female Uber" pedia first word in forth line "iterrogating" should be "interrogating"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 06, 2016, 05:14:54 pm
I've gotten a crash when capturing unconscious giant spiders

See several posts up for the fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on November 06, 2016, 05:27:03 pm
I researched a bounty hunting missions thing a while ago and it said that I'd get missions graded from A to C or something within the next few months. Haven't seen any.

Haven't gotten any underwater missions. Do I need to shoot down UFOs over water to get these?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 06, 2016, 05:51:28 pm
The bounty hunting arc is still only a rump. Currently it only gives access to underwater missions. As for them not happening... They work in tests, so must be bad luck. I've messed around a bit with it in the update, but I won't release it until the new camo engine is properly tested, I think.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 06, 2016, 07:26:17 pm
...but I won't release it until the new camo engine is properly tested, I think.

I may have interpreted the code incorrectly, but I think we have a bigger problem than camo:,4822.msg73841.html#msg73841
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 06, 2016, 08:06:58 pm
Wonky or not, at least its bugs are beneficial in equal amount to player and AI, so while it might be an engine problem, it's not a serious gameplay problem... At least I hope so. I will make some more tests.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 06, 2016, 08:10:57 pm
I will publish a workaround today.
Yankes' visibility scripts won't work properly anymore (they actually don't really work 100% now either because of psi vision), but I think you're not using them atm.

Also ohartenstein's dogfight stuff will be in.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 08, 2016, 08:20:07 pm
More.... work... :/ You monsters. At least it's very easy.

It never Ends. I wish, I had the energy to do some real modding, but alas...

But if you want me to write some flavour texts again, I could do that!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on November 09, 2016, 04:17:37 pm
Code: [Select]
Minor inconsistency:
Code: [Select]
new armors have: Melee Dodge: REACTIONS*30%
old ones: Melee Dodge %: REACTIONS*0.3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 09, 2016, 06:28:30 pm
Thx for nerfing the flechette gun, never thought I could convince you to take actions that quickly. Thanks skipper!

I found out something nasty with the new ship "Scorpion".
The cockpit spawnpoint (using the 6th soldier slot) is a dead end. There is no door and the elevator-platform doesn't work. I tried to use a flying outfit but every soldier is just *stuck* inside the cockpit for the entire mission.

I know that this ship is designed for dogfights but it's a 6man dropship for the early game after all.

Thx for the zombie-hordes btw :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 09, 2016, 06:45:43 pm
Either it's an artifact from updating and old .sav or something is missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on November 09, 2016, 06:54:45 pm
No Savegame, but a Crash at Geoscape while trying to advance time...  Been playing less than 30 mins...

Hope I'm attaching the right file.

I'll see if its replicatable from Autosave...  But was just random - not even end of month or anything, so possibly research or mission spawn related...


Yep, Advancing on 1 day into the 23rd and just Crashes out...    So Savegame attached !...


Dicking around with the Research (dropped Hoe to 0, increased Survival to 2) got me right through...  As did doing the *opposite*...  So regardless, its not fatal, I can move on, and I have no real clue as to what it could be... 

Apologies for not much useful advice!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 09, 2016, 07:56:46 pm

No typo, just new stat-strings and rule-sets for the growing techtree.

Usually those can only be seen if someone upgrades his current game.
New Games don't show those strings.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 10, 2016, 10:40:29 am
Either it's an artifact from updating and old .sav or something is missing.

Same here. I have not dared research one of them, but I suspect that the name is simply missing.
I started the game with 99D.1 and upgraded to 99E to get rid of the spider crash bug.

A possibly new crash bug: I sent my craft (that shiny fast bike) after a civilian ship, told it to shoot it down, but it missed with all three of those balls. then the game crashed.

Both issues show up in the attached log.

Another minor issue is that I could not catch the fish in the underwater mission (haven't tried sharkmen yet). The Message I get is also such a variable name, mentioning lack of alien containment facility.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 10, 2016, 10:41:49 am
Attach a save please, logs are useless.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 10, 2016, 10:51:13 am
Ok, too bad. I would have had a spider crash bug save, but none for this one, sorry. I will post one if it happens again.

Another possible bug I just remembered: One month I had ~ -1800 Reputation while it was positive in all other months so far. I have no idea where I got that reputation hit. The only thing I can imagine is that some research that is supposed to give 1000 or 2000 reputation actually subtracts it instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 10, 2016, 05:04:07 pm

Is it possible that the opposing factions (mercs/church/traders/academy) did alot of missions like "Sway Local Government" or "Bombardment"?
Are there any left-over hideouts on the globe?

Enemy hideout hits for -5 every day of existence and each successful supply-ship adds to the negative score.

What kind of research topics do you finished for reputation-gain/loss?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 10, 2016, 05:48:09 pm
Same here. I have not dared research one of them, but I suspect that the name is simply missing.

Yeah, like Zharkov says, these topics result from an upgrade and are invisible in a new game. Research them ASAP, probably even 0 Brainers will get them researched in 1 day.

A possibly new crash bug: I sent my craft (that shiny fast bike) after a civilian ship, told it to shoot it down, but it missed with all three of those balls. then the game crashed.

No idea. Save is needed.

Another minor issue is that I could not catch the fish in the underwater mission (haven't tried sharkmen yet). The Message I get is also such a variable name, mentioning lack of alien containment facility.

The only bug is the misplaced string. No screenshot? Please be precise about what the message was. I cannot really playtest live capture in the QC.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 10, 2016, 08:15:53 pm

No idea what those factions do, I am not that far yet and I have been rather low profile. I am close to a year of ingame time and have just begun to shoot down craft (100+ cargo/supply ships, some of which I captured on the ground).
I researched some stuff that gave 1000 reputation, one gave 2000. They were called something with economy, military something, I don't recall exactly. I had about five of those so far.
If there are hideouts they are all still there, I have no idea.

All I can say that my reputation/month was always positive, roughly in the 200-3500 range, and only once in between it was -1800. That's why I suspect a bug in those reputation research thingies.

Dioxine: I will keep save games in the future. I guess I will easily reproduce the fish thingy with the next underwater mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 11, 2016, 12:57:41 pm
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but it was interesting and could be useful.

If the last enemy is taken out with berserker fire, does it count them in the score?  I have a map that had 4 enemies, ninjas. 1 was definitely killed, 2 were stunned, and the last was hit by a berserking hand, I don't know if she was killed or stunned, and 1 lokk'narr was killed. ended up with 1 kill, 2 captures, and 2 looted corpses. I don't know if you ever loot civilians.

Actually would be useful to know in general if berserk kills count to the score, either positive or negative.
Title: Crash
Post by: Zharkov on November 11, 2016, 04:37:24 pm
Might not be so usefull, but says it should be reported to the developers - so here it is.

Edit after some testing: It runs fine, if the "savvy girl"- research is canceled.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 11, 2016, 06:35:58 pm
Yes, it was a non-existent reasearch... thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 11, 2016, 09:09:01 pm
I am not sure what happened here. I am drunk and I tried to catch one of those fishs alive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 11, 2016, 10:02:47 pm
I *HOPE* the string is STR_ALIEN_DIES_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FACILITY_1, but who knows...? Meridian?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 12:13:27 am
I *HOPE* the string is STR_ALIEN_DIES_NO_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT_FACILITY_1, but who knows...? Meridian?

How should I know? It's whatever is written in the "prisonType" attribute...,4830.msg69933.html#msg69933
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: stepbystep on November 12, 2016, 12:53:12 am
Playing in 0.99E, found a building that has a second level but the stairs don't connect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 12, 2016, 02:07:41 am
How should I know? It's whatever is written in the "prisonType" attribute...,4830.msg69933.html#msg69933

That helped a lot, thank youuu...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 12, 2016, 03:18:30 pm
I had a crash on the geoscape just now and I guess the log is helpful in this case. It says it misses some files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 03:29:00 pm
Dicking around with the Research (dropped Hoe to 0, increased Survival to 2) got me right through...  As did doing the *opposite*...  So regardless, its not fatal, I can move on, and I have no real clue as to what it could be... 

Apologies for not much useful advice!

The STR_REVOLVER_LT research topic is missing in the ruleset.
Just avoid researching "Hoe" and "Savvy Girl" until it is fixed...

I had a crash on the geoscape just now and I guess the log is helpful in this case. It says it misses some files.

It's the same missing research bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 12, 2016, 10:08:31 pm
As far as I can see there is no way to get rid of runts or brainers. IMHO they should be sellable.

A minor bug: The leather whip has a range of three, if it misses however it can have a far greater range. that's a bit odd.

It is possible to look into the regular raider ships near the front from the backside of the ship. From there you can see people walking up the stairs.I should have made a screenshot...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 10:23:32 pm
As far as I can see there is no way to get rid of runts or brainers. IMHO they should be sellable.

You can sell them, just like anything else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 12, 2016, 10:28:08 pm
An Enemy ship just turned up in the area of a base with regular hi-res radar, then flew into the area of another base with hyperwave decoder. The ship still showed up with only the information from the regular radar instead of the details from the hyperwave decoder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 10:29:59 pm
An Enemy ship just turned up in the area of a base with regular hi-res radar, then flew into the area of another base with hyperwave decoder. The ship still showed up with only the information from the regular radar instead of the details from the hyperwave decoder.

The information is refreshed only every half an hour... wait a little bit more, until xx:00 or xx:30 :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 12, 2016, 10:33:54 pm
You can sell them, just like anything else.

Not for me... see acreenshots and savegame.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 12, 2016, 10:44:47 pm
All your runts are working and all your brainers are researching.

If you want to sack them, first tell them to stop working...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 12, 2016, 10:49:30 pm
All your runts are working and all your brainers are researching.

If you want to sack them, first tell them to stop working...

Right, sorry, that was stupid of me...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 13, 2016, 01:08:51 am
So is there a specific place to look for the temporary fixes with each version?  I'm most interested in the newest one, naturally.  This topic is a bit too big and covers a few too many different versions to easily find the fixes I'd need.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 13, 2016, 01:54:13 pm
I got that air combat crash again. This time I have a save game but was unable to reproduce it reliably. What both crashes had in common: My ship ran out of ammo and the enemy ship moved away.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 13, 2016, 02:04:57 pm
I haven't been able to reproduce it either... I keep losing the Jetbike :) But it has to be a recent thing.... maybe has to do with Ohartenstein's air combat upgrades, or my implementation of them...?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 13, 2016, 04:19:28 pm
It's a strange time to crash if it's due to the upgrades; the only changes are on the ufo firing or being hit.  Maybe it's an interaction with how pilot experience is handled?  But that doesn't make much sense either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 13, 2016, 04:35:55 pm
I got that air combat crash again. This time I have a save game but was unable to reproduce it reliably. What both crashes had in common: My ship ran out of ammo and the enemy ship moved away.

Are you using OpenGL filters?
If yes, could you try reproducing the issue without them (on "Disabled" option)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 13, 2016, 05:48:41 pm
I had the filter on 'scale', changed to disabled now and will see whether it happens again. Is there a way to get more debug information in the log or something like that?

Reproducing is a bit hard in this case, jetbike with 50 mm cannon vs. shrine ship... but all three outcomes (win, lose, out of ammo) are possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 13, 2016, 05:50:59 pm
You could try to increase Jetbike's HP in the ruleset.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 13, 2016, 06:38:53 pm
Is it intentional the Military Police is cooperating with humanists?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 13, 2016, 06:54:49 pm
Yes, it's quite common. People keep asking about it and I don't really understand why. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 13, 2016, 09:56:10 pm
Historically, local police was always friendly to the KKK. Play Piratez, learn history :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 13, 2016, 10:02:31 pm
Historically, local police was always friendly to the KKK. Play Piratez, learn history :)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 13, 2016, 10:15:16 pm
Possible non-critical bug in research:

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_CODEX_RED
    requiresBaseFunc: [CPU]
    cost: 5
    points: 100
    needItem: true

Should that really unlock flame cannon report?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on November 14, 2016, 05:10:29 am
New 3.5 extended is crashing when loading x-piratez. I deleted my cfg file so it would load normally and it did, but when I selected to load the mod (no other mods) it crashed.

type of crash is 'appcrash', log file doesnt show anything unusual, program loaded fine without having any mods selected though.

edit: I also upgraded to the latest xpiratez (99E1) in addition to 3.5
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 14, 2016, 06:10:02 am
It will crash, since it's incompatible. Piratez use OXCE+ 3.3, not OXCE 3.5. Should probably work with OXCE+ 3.5, once Meridian finishes it, but in all probability I will have to release a new Piratez version after that as well; so it'll probably take around a month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 14, 2016, 09:02:42 am
It will run only with oxce+ 3.3
3.5 will not be compatible and will require a new piratez release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on November 14, 2016, 07:00:06 pm
I've actually had to register to do it, but...

I want to report a fatal crash - on trying to manufacture a Fortuna (I'm fairly certain it goes the same for other Bonny variants) I get a full shutdown-to-desktop crash - "A fatal error has occurred: code 0xc0000005". See the log attached for details. I can research it and so on, but the moment I select it for manufacture and click "Begin manufacture" button, the crash occurs.

I've tried to do a fresh install, thinking it was a punishment for my fiddling with the rules file too much. Modified the rules file on a fresh install only to remove dependecies and reduce time to 1 for appropriate research (to short-cut into manufacture option). Also removed the cloaking device from requirements (to not have to wait for it). Crash still occurs when trying to build the damn thing.

Attached all the relevant info.

EDIT: I'd attach the .dmp file as well, but the boards won't let me add a file with that extension. Give me a shout if you need it.

ps. Tee research topic for the space missions is missing a text -  STR_SPACE_MISSIONS_PREQ shows up in my research instead of  something less... 'code'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 14, 2016, 07:28:50 pm
I was able to reproduce the bug by doctoring up a new game save by adding all the materials and research for each different hull, and it crashes for all of the menacing hull variants.  See attached save, try any of the first four manufacturing projects, CTD.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on November 14, 2016, 07:44:37 pm
Addendum - I cheated in a Fortuna successfully by adding it to a save, so it's not an issue with the craft itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 14, 2016, 08:10:24 pm
Code: [Select]
    space: 30
    time: 1
    cost: 0
      STR_GOLD_BAR: 6

Edit:  Oops, deleted the first part of my post.  The STR_FUEGO_HULL and STR_MENACING_HULL should be switched in this manufacturing project, otherwise the gold codex/El Fuego are not available without editing the save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 14, 2016, 08:23:09 pm
Found a fix for the manufacturing issue - if you change the category of the manufacturing project from STR_SPECIAL_PROJECT to STR_CRAFT, you can successfully start and complete the manufacturing of a craft.

Conversely, to make sure the category was the issue, I changed the Hunter-Killer category to STR_SPECIAL_PROJECT and got a CTD on it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 14, 2016, 11:26:41 pm
I think STR_FUEGO_HULL should be in produced items and STR_MENACING_HULL in required items, no?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 15, 2016, 12:41:17 am
Yes, I mismatched them. I will release bugfix edition soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on November 16, 2016, 11:41:18 pm
It will run only with oxce+ 3.3
3.5 will not be compatible and will require a new piratez release.

Didnt know there was a difference between oxce+ and oxce.

Also bug report for Dioxine:

The metal grate stairs still sound like "water splashing" when walking up them, while some other tiles such as the metal walkway in front of the blue warehouse (warehouse wars) sound metallic like they should.

If it was left that way because of the metal staircases in underwater maps, I honestly dont think anyone is going to mind if they sound like metal stomping even underwater.

And with that, a suggestion while im still reminded of it:
Something that has always irked me about xcom is the inability of xcom agents or anything else to Climb up ruined structures. Like someone blows up a grenade and destroys a staircase, you cannot get up there now. While in real life (and based on the demands of the game to finish off all targets) people would find a way to do it. Some maps have buildings that can only be surmounted by one staircase.

The way that could be fixed is, having staircases not completely unusable, and retain their same walkability when destroyed, maybe even make them go through 3 phases of destruction so it takes alot of foolish demolitions to remove that capacity. Just that, the TU cost of moving on that staircase goes through the roof, like 30 TU then 50 TU. This simulates the soldier climbing up ruined stairs, though in reality it would probably take multiple turns to do so the game mechanics just arent available.

Which reminds me of the wooden staircases in the domestic/resort maps that completely disappear even if you just shoot them with a rifle.

Definitely an MCD issue, and thus could be turned into a standard mod as well, though for the best chips would include levels of visible destruction.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 17, 2016, 12:30:30 am
A very good idea with the stairs, but it'd require an insane amount of work, modifying ALL the maps, ALL the tilesets... I'll pass. Bright side, it makes flying suits vital in any build.

Also, which metal stairs are bugged? On which map?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on November 17, 2016, 01:27:00 am
A very good idea with the stairs, but it'd require an insane amount of work, modifying ALL the maps, ALL the tilesets... I'll pass. Bright side, it makes flying suits vital in any build.
yeah it was more of a public suggestion

bugged staircases: All the metal staircases in the adapted tftd port terror map blocks, such as the ones on the outside of buildings
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on November 17, 2016, 06:57:36 pm
Oh, this reminds me - the same map type. There's a building like a small, two-story tower with it's stairs pre-destroyed (not usable from the start), yet it is a spawn point for enemies. Once it took me 20 turns of running around with 4 aye-phones (only ones I had) to pinpoint it as the hiding spot of a last enemy (a humanist I think) that just refused to leave the building. If I had no a-p's (and no flying armors) I probably would have to abort, having no way to find that soldier. A fix would be either to make the stairs usable or remove the spawnpoint from the building. I'll attach a screenshot if I see the building.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dyne on November 17, 2016, 11:02:37 pm
Love the mod, awesome work.

Trouble: game crashes to desktop on attempting to assemble FORTUNA.
Any known cures?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 17, 2016, 11:09:45 pm
Love the mod, awesome work.

Trouble: game crashes to desktop on attempting to assemble FORTUNA.
Any known cures?

Yes, there's a bug in the ruleset, was already reported a few times.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 18, 2016, 04:11:33 am
I just randomly didn't get information on a weapon through a gun almanac, is that a bug or is it possible to just not get a get one free?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 18, 2016, 09:39:21 am
I need a save to be able to say something constructive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 18, 2016, 10:40:07 pm

I could have the conclusion: If you researched a gun AND researched the almanach at the same time and both finished the same day, you got the result for the normal gun research AND with bad luck you got the almanach to research you the exact same gun, losing you the free entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on November 18, 2016, 11:14:58 pm
I need a save to be able to say something constructive.

...  I legitimately enjoy almost everything you write in response to people, Diox.  I've long been a fan of that simple fact that YOU are the Creator.  You are the Designer.  You are the Arbitrator.  You are the decision maker.  You take no Crap.  Advice, on occasion, where warranted, sure...  But no Crap :D

I for one would love to see what you'd say, even if it was "not constructive"  :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Narvi on November 19, 2016, 09:43:18 am
Open XCOM crashes during enemy turn.

OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005

Save attached, just press end turn.

I'll do a bit more testing after lunch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 19, 2016, 11:37:53 am
Open XCOM crashes during enemy turn.
OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005
Save attached, just press end turn.

There are a few nodes in the map with z = -1.
Alien is trying to throw a grenade to one of them: [6,41,-1]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 19, 2016, 12:10:46 pm
How do you find/fix these nodes? All DESERT RMPs look perfectly fine in the mapview tool...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 20, 2016, 12:25:36 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 21, 2016, 08:29:26 pm
Hey. I've made a list of small issues I've come across so far (all still in the early game so far).

First, the grammar nazi section.
- Angel of Death: typo "ciivilians"
- Crate of Violence: typo "wider area that you'd think"
- Red Codex: "unlock ship's armory", should be "the ship's armory"
- Green Codex: "unlock Hull's medical facility", should be "the Hull"
- Red Revolution: "the evil" should be simply "evil"
- Contact: Smugglers: "the space" should be simply "space"
- Electro-flare: typo "nigh-gem"
- Recruit: Warriors: typo "Standarized"
- Contacts: Ship Junkyard: typo "crafts"
- Hidden Expanse: "worship Deep Ones' gods" should be "the Deep Ones' gods"
- #007: "make a break" should me "take a break"
- #056: typo "TU's"
- #058: pretty mangled overall. Suggest phrasing: "There is nothing shameful about the human body, yet there's a time and a place for everything."
- Bikini (Sea): "offers least" should be "offers the least"
- Eurosyndicate: "neither of which" should be "none of which", alternatively "none of whom".
- California Republic: typo "Allmighty"
- Forgery: "need to figure out yet" should be "have yet to figure out", alternatively "haven't figured out yet".
- Plastasteel Munitions: "Replacing the bullet mantle" should be ""By replacing the bullet mantle".
- Spartan Lieutenant: "without questions" should be "without question"
- Phobos Hits the Charts: There's a full stop at the end that shouldn't be there.
- Chem Grenade: This says "Demolitions: 100%", should that be +100%, as with the pickaxe?
- Ghostgates: "death-like state" should be "a death-like state", "a notion" should be "the notion" and "less so" should be "let alone". Moreover fully the second half of this article is one long, rambling sentence that meanders from one subject to another. and has little coherence. Suggest the following rewrite:
STR_GHOSTGATES_UFOPEDIA: "Rumours say the country is haunted, and if you take a wrong turn, you could find a vampire or worse. Legend has it, just after conquering the Earth, the Star Gods had to curb excess population levels of that time, so they resettled billions of people from the whole Euroasia onto the isolated subcontinent, only to destroy them with a host of nasty plagues, some killing outright, some causing slow agony, some putting people in a death-like state or doing even more bizarre things. While the notion that there could ever be a billion people living on the planet (let alone multiple billions) seems a bit of a stretch, Ghostgates is lush enough to make it plausible. However it also is definitely spooky, with its endless old boneyards and ruins, and its silent, big-eyed inhabitants, living in dozens of disparate counties and towns. Not to mention that the five aristocratic families of old, who have the right to elect the local Patriarch, could well be the vampires of legend judging by their looks and decadence."

Some other assorted things.
- The White Shambler disassembly numbers are wrong. They show 5/12/4 for the live specimen and 3/9/6 for the corpse. The final number is swapped between the two.
- Some grenades, including Willie Pete, Stun Grenade and Frag Grenade appear in the upper corner of a tile instead of the center.
- I think armors with "standard" inventory space, such as the Warrior Armor, should still show 25/25 in the description to avoid confusion. Personal preference.
- There is no "Skill" description for the Hammer, Chainsaw, and grenades-as-weapons items. These use ranged fire modes, but are not based on Firing Accuracy so I think the paedia should mention that.
- Integrated Devices counts as "Them", should probably be "Treasure".
- Ditto with Imp Corpse, Megascorpion Carcass. (Dark One Corpse and Demon Corpse are Treasure).
- Bad Touch benefits from kneeling bonuses. Seems unintentional, though I'm really not sure about that one.
- Suggest rephrasing STR_OK_5_SECONDS to "Aye - 5 secs", because it feels like an omission to leave it as default.
- [Edit] I also found an issue with the Pachyderm map. The starboard support is walkable:
(note also the misaligned Willie Pete in that image)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 21, 2016, 09:21:09 pm
Thanks for the pointers, fixes made.

As for the skills/kneelbonus on the 1-tile-range weapons, what difference does it make since they always hit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 21, 2016, 09:24:21 pm
Yeah, I guess. Consistency, I guess, since the paedia makes diligent mention of this everywhere else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 22, 2016, 01:58:26 am
Bad Touch and Good Touch getting a kneeling bonus amuses me a great deal.

On that Almanac thing I posted about a few days ago, I do have a save a bit before it, but it hasn't been consistent.  I'll see what I can do about it, I'm guessing a misspelling but don't have the know-how to check that out.  I can probably get a save to you though, will likely be on this post.


I started a new game, since I'm consistent like that, and ran into a bug involving raiders.  I've been stabilizing the unconscious gal, then rushing the other wounded gal to my ship where I foolishly left the grog. Then throwing a Molotov at that big guy near the ship entrance, hitting him with a heavy shotgun shell and sending the gals there running like pansies. I don't know what's going on, but crashing happens after that, sometimes. I hear a door open first, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 22, 2016, 01:24:52 pm
Looks like another instance of a z -1 node. I'll ask again, does anyone know how to find/fix such nodes?

As for how to avoid it, it is caused by AI trying to throw a grenade into a place that doesn't exist. Do not create grenade magnets on this map until it gets fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 22, 2016, 08:43:05 pm
I have built the El Fuego. It seems to be asymmetrical near the to stairs. On the outside places that look like you could walk onto can not be walked on. It also seems to posses quite a lot of holes for me to look out and possibly enemies to look in. Are this bugs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 22, 2016, 08:57:57 pm
Can you be more specific? Screenshots, saves?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 22, 2016, 11:16:15 pm
I'll post them when I have them.

In the meantime I researched 'Magischen-Motors'. If this is supposed to be German for 'magical engine', then it should be either 'Magischer Motor' (singular) or 'Magische Motoren' (plural).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 22, 2016, 11:30:34 pm
In the meantime I researched 'Magischen-Motors'. If this is supposed to be German for 'magical engine', then it should be either 'Magischer Motor' (singular) or 'Magische Motoren' (plural).

Not this again please.
It's been discussed multiple times already.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 22, 2016, 11:41:59 pm
In the meantime I researched 'Magischen-Motors'. If this is supposed to be German for 'magical engine', then it should be either 'Magischer Motor' (singular) or 'Magische Motoren' (plural).

Who said it was Goethe's German?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 23, 2016, 12:26:59 am
At least I have the reference this time:


Guessing the source will get you a cookie.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 23, 2016, 01:36:05 am
At least I have the reference this time:


Guessing the source will get you a cookie.

No idea what the source is, but guessing by the language used it was an American.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on November 23, 2016, 12:23:58 pm
STR_NEWSPAPER_018_UFOPEDIA ends with '!.'

These texts should be one line shorter:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 23, 2016, 01:27:53 pm
Found a visual gap. Screenshot attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 23, 2016, 07:12:30 pm
Is it a bug that you can not open doors if you know that someone is standing on the other side while you can when you do not know? Am I missing something? That applies not only to swinging but sliding doors as well and is very annoying.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 23, 2016, 07:17:48 pm
Is it a bug that you can not open doors if you know that someone is standing on the other side while you can when you do not know? Am I missing something? That applies not only to swinging but sliding doors as well and is very annoying.

Are you right clicking on them to open them? 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 23, 2016, 07:26:57 pm
Oh, that works? So far I have just walked through them... enemies do the very same and have not once just opened the door. Thanks, I will try.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 23, 2016, 07:54:39 pm
The attached savegame shows one occasion where I think that my guy should not be able to see the enemy. However, in some other map it was a lot worse, I should have saved then...
You can also check that you are not able to step vertically onto the upper stairs from the left, but I think that should be possible.
Some soldier should be able to fly and you can check that you can not fly onto and around a lot of areas that look like you can walk or fly onto.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 23, 2016, 07:56:32 pm
I have encountered a bug where you can see enemies but can not aim at them. At least the crosshair does not get yellow. There are two save games of such instances attached. Just try to aim at the spiders you can see.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2016, 08:25:52 pm
No 'aim bug'. All works fine.

However, the map of Fuego (and Fortuna) was indeed faulty, fix will be available in the next release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 24, 2016, 04:01:16 am
No 'aim bug'. All works fine.

However, the map of Fuego (and Fortuna) was indeed faulty, fix will be available in the next release.

Weird that you did not get the aim behavior... I did not get a yellow crosshair on the critter near the edge (first save) and another one (second save).
Maybe a different oxce+ version is a fault? I use 3.3+29be0a5 at the moment.

Another thing I noticed: the 'spend all time units' button does not do anything, or rather it can not be pressed at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 24, 2016, 04:01:59 am
Another thing I noticed: the 'spend all time units' button does not do anything, or rather it can not be pressed at all.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 24, 2016, 04:10:01 am
So all buttons are left-click, except this one? What logic is that?
Can someone please create a complete reference of all keys and mouse buttons of every screen in the entire game? It is a completely inconsistent mess.
You can right click the same thing on one screen but it does nothing on another, left click here, right click there, middle click somewhere else, why not introduce a compose key or something emacs-like...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 24, 2016, 04:15:58 am
So all buttons are left-click, except this one? What logic is that?

Vanilla developers set it like this to avoid misclicks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 24, 2016, 06:59:10 am
can someone double check the school graduation requirements please? I have everything according to the tech-tree viewer but its only updated to .99a1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 24, 2016, 09:41:32 am
At least I'm not the only one who does not know all the click/key combinations...
Just use the feature you didn't even know was there: use the built-in tech-tree viewer.
I think it's middle click on a research item. Then you get to a screen where you can move to other research items using left click. On that screen there's a button on the left bottom that gets you to a search screen. Use that to search for graduation and you should get a screen that shows you all requirements. The ones you do not have are pink if I remember correctly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 24, 2016, 10:02:21 am
Well okay that narrows down the problem at least. What the heck is human powered armor and where do i get it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on November 24, 2016, 04:13:07 pm
Well okay that narrows down the problem at least. What the heck is human powered armor and where do i get it?

Larger Guild UFOs will have guys in Power Armour.   (MARSEC Bodyguards).  Typically, these UFOs have Guild Reps on them, too.

Shoot them.  Lots.

The Bodyguards, that is.

Cap the reps if you can.;
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 24, 2016, 06:48:02 pm
Ah, the good old days, when Marsec Bodyguards were as prevalent as they were feared... :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 24, 2016, 08:53:12 pm
Fucking christ, it's the damn power armor parts isnt it. Which you do NOT get from researching live marsec bodyguards. That means i lost 5 gals in live captures, too actually hinder my own progress....fucking hell.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 24, 2016, 08:55:59 pm
Looks like another instance of a z -1 node. I'll ask again, does anyone know how to find/fix such nodes?

As for how to avoid it, it is caused by AI trying to throw a grenade into a place that doesn't exist. Do not create grenade magnets on this map until it gets fixed.

The culprit is the RMP files... one example is DESERT13.RMP.

I'll add some checks and logging to report such problems and prevent crashes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 24, 2016, 10:37:04 pm
I have another round of fiddly nitpicks.

- Ghoul Scientist: "The 'Scientist'" should be "The 'Scientists'", "abhorring" should be "abhorrent".
- Imp Demon: "with seemingly" should be "with a seemingly".
- Possessed Sarge: "arguing to be" should be "arguing that to be", "had clearly female" should be "had a clearly female".
- Auto-Ax: "Yet another proof" is fine per se, but the next sentence treats "proof" as an uncountable noun so "Yet more proof" is a better fit.
- Light Craft Weapons: ""and better stock" should be "and you'd better stock".
- #062: "Eyes can deceive you" should be "Your eyes can deceive you".
- Church Warmaiden: "called Maidens" should be "called the Maidens", "of Church's" should be "of the Church's", "Maiden's training" should be "The Maiden's training", "Maids" should be "Maidens", "of all Church's" should be "of all Church" (given space constraints).
- Gnome Tome #*: All commas between "type of gnome" and "who" should be removed.
- Gnome Tome #6: "she choose" should be "she chose".
- Test Flight: "crafts" should be "craft".
- Ancient Log AC06-B5: Felt the need to edit this a little for readability:
      STR_HISTORY_010_UFOPEDIA: "After Earth was flooded with alien artifacts, given to governments by the Star Gods or left after the Majestic 12 were dissolved, a vibrant black market for these goods soon emerged. This was initially a vast, global network of ruthless individuals who knew where to get the alien stuff and how to sell it well. This network was an arena of struggle between several criminal cartels, and the last one standing was known as Osiron. Thus, Osiron became the biggest player on the alien artifact market, both clandestine and legitimate. Then at some point they were approached by the Star Gods themselves, who offered them a deal: Osiron would stop trading psi tech, and the Star Gods would express gratitude with a steady supply of their devices. Moreover, Osiron would hold the exclusive right to develop psionic abilities, as well as manage wild psions by training or eliminating them. Osiron agreed and the Psi Academy was opened.{NEWLINE}Over time Osiron invested more and more in the Psi Academy, which eventually gained so much power that it gradually overgrew Osiron. The Academy by this point was ruled by an order of female Espers who spoke for themselves, while Osiron survived as their subordinate order."
- Catgirl: "Smuggler's" should be "Smugglers'", "scratching-proof" works better as "scratch-proof".
- Swimsuit (Sea): "out all" should be "of all"
- The Solar Governor: "get hold on all the passes" should be "get hold of all of the passes".
- Basic Engineering: "knowledge how" should be "knowledge on how".
- Dark Ones Summary: Suggest rephrasing of "I've ordered butchering of its fresh corpse" as "I had its fresh corpse butchered".
- Marsec Operative: "Trade Guild's military department, the" should be "The Trade Guild's military department,".
- Humongous Raider: "the Raider parties" works better as simply "Raider parties". Also, the last comma is best removed.
- Master's Cane: As "60% = Mastery*0.012" makes no sense, I suspect that should be a +.
- Better Tranquilizers: "given our knowledge" should be "given us knowledge".
- Marsec: "Under Star Gods'" should be "Under the Star Gods'", "an authority" should be "the authority", "protect Guild's" should be "protect the Guild's"
- Zero-G Missions: "the orbit" should be simply "orbit". Suggest rephrasing "there's the least interference with our Cloaking Devices" as "that's where our Cloaking Devices suffer the least interference". Also, this article is too long, the last sentence is not readable.

The following strings are fairly visible when inspecting items with middle-click, but have no translation. Suggest:
      STR_DIRECT_DEPENDENCIES: "Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_2_DEPENDENCIES: "Secondary Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_3_DEPENDENCIES: "Tertiary Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_4_DEPENDENCIES: "Quaternary Dependencies"
- Sniper Armor: It seems inconsistent to refer to negative "encumb" here while everywhere else this concept is treated as positive "carrying capacity". Suggest changing it to "+7 Carrying Capacity".
- Sniper Rifle PS clip manufacturing title is incorrect; it claims 12x5 but each clip only holds 10 rounds.
- It seems odd that the WP mortar shell has a blast radius of only 2 tiles while the WP grenade has a radius of 3.
- There's an issue with the stairway leading to the roof on the mall map tile; the roof extends over the upper-most tile of the stairway.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2016, 01:13:53 am
Fucking christ, it's the damn power armor parts isnt it. Which you do NOT get from researching live marsec bodyguards. That means i lost 5 gals in live captures, too actually hinder my own progress....fucking hell.

It pays off to capture them alive... to rob/enslave them for extras in addition to these parts. However I might add the power armor parts as one of things they talk about.

@BTAxis: nitpicks are fine, I don't give many fucks about English grammar anyway,  but please upgrade to the damned latest version before nitpicking, since some of these are false alarms, like these missing strings, which is wasted time for the both of us.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on November 25, 2016, 01:33:59 am
The culprit is the RMP files... one example is DESERT13.RMP.

I'll add some checks and logging to report such problems and prevent crashes.

Perhaps you're lucky, the latest merge on 3.5+proto (18 nov) included some nighly fixes in that department
sha's: 3e64d7d ; 4f40084 ; 12f1212 ; 0731b64 and 98400bb
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2016, 01:57:48 am
These fixes aren't 100% dependable. The map has been repaired anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 25, 2016, 04:53:49 am
I would agree putting power armor parts in the Marsec BG get one list. Given the relative importance of school graduation prerequisites missing out on one because your successful at capture on low frequency target feels janky. Now that i know what happened i find i could have shaved 8 months off my tech progression by sucking at tactical combat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on November 25, 2016, 05:31:46 am
If only interrogating live subjects gave you the loot that you'd get from killing them so you can research/use that too. Oh... wait...  ::)

Generally, it's not really worth the trouble to capture those guys. You can get most of what they tell you from other people and what they really matter for (at least for a good part of the game) is the power armor parts they give. The removal of the "gain body item from interrogation" might have been nice for things like not getting cultist bodies when interrogating humans in XComFiles, but for stuff like this it doesn't really work.

Boss brainer should be like: I don't care what you've got to say now. Strip naked, then maybe we can talk  ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 25, 2016, 09:27:52 am
Perhaps you're lucky, the latest merge on 3.5+proto (18 nov) included some nighly fixes in that department
sha's: 3e64d7d ; 4f40084 ; 12f1212 ; 0731b64 and 98400bb

I have tested/debugged on 3.5 actually.
The z level checks are not sufficient.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 26, 2016, 12:55:01 am
Found some more buggy terrain with no Tu cost to move across.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on November 26, 2016, 01:43:21 am
I have tested/debugged on 3.5 actually.
The z level checks are not sufficient.

Oh .. ok. Too bad it wasn't that easy.
Is it due to some changes in extended or do you consider it a 'bug' in regular OXC?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 26, 2016, 08:13:45 am
Oh .. ok. Too bad it wasn't that easy.
Is it due to some changes in extended or do you consider it a 'bug' in regular OXC?

Also in OXC. Warboy fixed it yesterday.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 27, 2016, 09:08:05 pm
More bits and bobs.

- Armored Church Beastmaster: "revealing pretty much unharmed" should be "revealing a pretty much unharmed".
- Reticulan Fusion Reactor: "get good market price" should be "get a good market price".
- Church Beastmaster: "who tends" should be "that tends", "idea on what" should be "idea of what", "wrong in the heads" should be "wrong in the head".
- Govt Enforcer: "of Trader's security" should be "of the Trader's security".
- Interstellar Travel: "limited number of vessels are" should be "limited number of vessels is". "otherwise" works better as "other means".
- Strange Message (1): "coincidence the base" is okay as is, but works better as "coincidence that the base", to fit the rest of the article. "Why nobody knows" should be "Why does nobody know".
- Coral X-Bow: "complex mechanism" should be "complex mechanisms".
- The Deep Ones: "have risen" should be "rose".
- Cyberdisc Examination: "is Star Gods'" should be "is the Star Gods'".
- Chucrch Zealot: "The Church" should be "the Church".
- Sectogre: "mammal's" should be "mammals'". Suggest changing "These are used" to "They are used" to avoid the suggestion that it is the creature's "equipment" that is used. "a very good protection" should be "very good protection".
- Spartan Scout: suggest changing "being" to "they are".
- Self-Charging Laspistol: "to hideout's" should be "to the hideout's".
- Hellerium Batteries: "such arrangement" should be "such an arrangement".
- Heavy Gunship: "in air" should be "in the air". Suggest rephrasing "Its sight means business" as "Its presence tells you the faction means business".
- Warship Hull: "gives them both" should be simply "gives them", "planet's" should be "the planet's" (alternatively "a planet's), "the amount" works better as "an amount".
- #002: "TU's" should be "TUs".
- Ancient Log UAC7-X1: "of Star Gods" should be "of the Star Gods", "Stellar Empire" should be "the Stellar Empire", "swan's song" should be "swan song", "in the earnest" should be "in earnest".
- Space Rangers' Law Pistol: Suggest changing "their military" to "Imperial military".
- Ancient Log 506A-22: "since early 1900s" should be "since the early 1900s", "that planet's" should be "that the planet's", "can fight" should be "could fight", "Stellar Empire's" should be "the Stellar Empire's".
- #005: "to you hand" should be "to your hand".

- AUX_SENTRY_CLUSTER_MISSILE does not have a translation (appears in the hit log)
- "D-A: Laser Rifle" should probably be "D-A: Lasgun", since the item is called Lasgun.
- Ditto "D-A: Laser Pistol" (Laspistol).
- Ditto "E: Cash Bag" (Bag of Cash).
- "E: Kevlar Mesh" doesn't follow the naming scheme. The Kevlar Mesh is the product, not the requirement. It should be named "E: Kevlar Armor Parts".
- *Stop Targeting Civilian Traffic* is in the Mysteries section while all other mission research (so far) is in Lore. Not sure if this is a problem.

- When using a Sentry Gun with the Fortuna craft, the sentry gun blocks the item stash. Perhaps the stash could be moved back a couple of tiles?
- Perhaps the Fortuna could have a ladder leading down from the egress hatch in the bottom so Hands without flying armor can get back inside if a Sentry Gun is blocking the main bay hatch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 28, 2016, 09:01:54 am
Regarding names: I found it very confusing for a while that the traders guild is named very inconsistently. Half the time it is abbreviated to guild, the other half with Trader or Trd. It took me quite a while to figure out that the traders and the guild are one and the same. I would suggest to make it consistent, one way or the other.

I also noticed that Meridian in his LP had the stash in the back of his craft, in what is probably the sickbay. Mine is at the door. There are benefits to having it right at the open door, but in Siberia it posed a problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2016, 09:20:55 am
It's the Traders' Guild, d'oh.

As for the stash position, it was a bug. The code for bonaventura variants was written before the stash location was changeable. Now it was moved to the proper place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on November 28, 2016, 12:11:14 pm
I know that now, but who says it's the only guild? Maybe there's something called just 'The Guild', maybe there's a Mercenary's Guild, A seamstresses Guild, whatever.
Seeing trader in some places and guild in others is confusing until one realizes that guild always means traders.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 28, 2016, 12:31:48 pm
I know that now, but who says it's the only guild? Maybe there's something called just 'The Guild', maybe there's a Mercenary's Guild, A seamstresses Guild, whatever.
Seeing trader in some places and guild in others is confusing until one realizes that guild always means traders.

AFAIK, there is a seamstresses' guild.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 28, 2016, 02:21:57 pm
AFAIK, there is a seamstresses' guild.

I've set mine up in China.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 28, 2016, 05:12:07 pm
Undersea adventure, Advanced launcher is valid object. Ammo not so much.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 28, 2016, 05:15:09 pm
Not standard rockets, but I think one or two of the special rocket loads can be brought underwater.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on November 28, 2016, 08:24:39 pm
I'd suggest to sort the knockout grenades somewhere by the other grenades.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 28, 2016, 08:35:35 pm
Not standard rockets, but I think one or two of the special rocket loads can be brought underwater.
IF that's the case carry on.
Title: Typos
Post by: Zharkov on November 29, 2016, 05:41:38 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on November 30, 2016, 01:27:44 am
On space mission Gals can't walk out the back door of the pachyderm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 30, 2016, 10:16:42 am
On space mission Gals can't walk out the back door of the pachyderm

It's an engine limitation; that's why all spaceworthy ships have an exit on a higher level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 30, 2016, 10:52:55 am
It's an engine limitation; that's why all spaceworthy ships have an exit on a higher level.

What kind of limitation?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 30, 2016, 11:33:35 am
There is no floor on level 0, so a soldier can't walk on it, but the craft is still there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 30, 2016, 11:39:55 am
There is no floor on level 0, so a soldier can't walk on it, but the craft is still there.

Is it possible to add invisible floor?

If not, maybe we can place the craft on level 1 instead (I could add support for that I guess, not sure).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 30, 2016, 11:45:31 am
Is it possible to add invisible floor?

If not, maybe we can place the craft on level 1 instead (I could add support for that I guess, not sure).

 If Dioxine is interested, maybe. I'm not really that familiar with space maps.

EDIT: What certainly has already been requested is some sort of skybox or something with stars in the background!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 30, 2016, 12:15:53 pm
It's a trick to make the player unable to reach the lowest floor and walk on it, d'oh, you can all laugh now :/
A real upgrade would be a support for some sort of parallax background.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 30, 2016, 01:10:20 pm
By the way, why does the accuracy of weapons sometimes change from one frame to the next? It's not really a problem for me, I'm just curious.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 01, 2016, 06:34:52 pm

- Guild Engineering: "Traders'" should be "the Traders'". Suggest rephrasing "knowledge to advance" as "knowledge that will let us advance".
- Join The Gold Rush, Get Rich!: "of human race" should be "of the human race", "in Alpha Centauri system" should be "in the Alpha Centauri system", "is all-time high" should be "is at an all-time high". Suggest replacing "crew" with "serve on". "in Guild Offices" works better as "from the Guild Offices".
- Smooth Captive: "and right amount" should be "and the right amount", "an we can" should be "and we can", "ransom they" should be "ransom them".
- Reapers Attack Again: "Eurasian Autonomy" should be "the Eurasian Autonomy", "a hamlet" should be "the hamlet", "the ban" should be "a ban".
- EuroSyndicate Lasrifle: "from where" should be "from whence".
- Large Barracks: "of Living Quarters" should be "of the Barracks", "contains small storage" should be "contains a small storage". Suggest rephrasing "expensive materials used" as "as the materials used are more expensive".
- Ghoul: "suffer the horrible Necron disease" should be "suffer from the horrible Necron disease", "the surroundings" should be "their surroundings", "falling organs" should be "failing organs", "disease they suffer" should be "disease they suffer from", "during the battle" works better as "during battles", "at a cost" should be "at the cost". Suggest changing "concussion" to "concussive damage" for consistency.
- Regeneration Chamber: Suggest replacing the second hyphen with a comma. "can provide" should be "it can provide".
- Ancient Log RX22-11: "outposts can be built" should be "outposts could be built", "only Marsec will" should be "only Marsec would", "the Marsec" should be simple "Marsec".
- Advanced Firearms: Suggest rephrasing "are known to be underpowered" as "are said to be underpowered".
- Crashed craft briefing: "while you takeoff" should be "when you take off".
- Warehouse Wars briefing: "we can turn" should be "we could turn".

- HAMMERMITE does not have a "class" designation (not that it's unclear what class it is mind you).
- When a craft is destroyed in air combat the message is "IS BLOWN TO PIECES". Maybe add "SHIPPING" there?
- Perhaps the Mining Laser should have a bonus to demolition. It feels underwhelming as both a weapon (it is outperformed by many other close range weapons) and a demolition tool (it is outperformed handily by the Pickaxe).
- The Shrine Ship writeup claims there is always a Reverend on board, but there has not been one in any of the Shrine Ships I've boarded. Also it claims a crew complement of max 16, but on high difficulties the number is in excess of this.
- Some articles, such as Church Warmaiden, Regeneration Chamber and Reaper are written on the explicit premise that the player obtained and researched the item in question, while it is much more likely they got it for free from an interrogation. Not comfortable with this. I think the articles should either be reworded, or not be given for free.
- Upon researching Old Earth Books for the first time, a message appears saying "We can now research Old Earth Books".
- The Canister Launcher is not shown in the Dmg: Chem equipment filter.
- Flintlock Gas Balls can't be used in the Musket. Not sure if this is intentional.

- Found a runabout with a walkable engine (apparently).
- A building that appears on the overpass slum map has a floor tile that extends over the stairs. This is also true for the boarded-up version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 01, 2016, 07:55:09 pm
- Upon researching Old Earth Books for the first time, a message appears saying "We can now research Old Earth Books".oarded-up version.

Could the "get one free" volumes be called something different: "Old Earth Encylclopedias" ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 02, 2016, 01:46:07 am
They cannot, really, since it's simply Old Earth Books (item) having a Get One Free list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 02, 2016, 01:48:08 am
Gals can extract tips on military tactics even from Twilight.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 02, 2016, 02:03:32 am
They cannot, really, since it's simply Old Earth Books (item) having a Get One Free list.

Thanks.  I wasn't sure how it worked.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 03, 2016, 05:25:52 pm
Confirming that the Shambler Loftemps for melee is still buggy.

I have Swagging Thug with a Tech Blade able to swing 5 times at 99%.  All are misses.  When reloading and trying other aspects, the only direction from which I was able to hit was the rear.  Three swings did down it from this side though.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 03, 2016, 06:22:51 pm
Shambler was lifted from XCOMFiles. I have killed it in melee many times, but indeed it has strange loftemps. I'll reset them to normal.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Thyl on December 04, 2016, 04:18:41 pm
Homing RPG exists in game data, and even have appropriate research topics, but unobtainable.
It can not be bought or produced and it's not present in loot enemy equipment tables.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on December 04, 2016, 10:19:21 pm
This terrain looks wierd. It seems as if the tiles are floating in the air.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 05, 2016, 12:16:28 am
 :o looks like a case of map tile edge mismatch. Some map structures take more then one tile to create. This happens most often on the slum tileset but there it's less noticeable due to general dilapidation.

From what i can tell it looks like part of a cave got cut off.

Though with the rocks like that map data corruption is also a possibility.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 05, 2016, 12:47:38 am
Pretty sure that's just a map tile. I've seen it lots of times on desert maps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pacotaco on December 05, 2016, 08:01:02 pm
Never had a problem with the game crashing before, first post ever. Also after activating debug mode I think I should just abort this mission anyway LOL

The culprit seems to be this Osiron soldier during hidden movement. I am playing on plunder me mode so the save is at the beginning of the mission, but it only takes two turns to crash. Also, can't upload the .dmp file?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 05, 2016, 11:13:50 pm
Never had a problem with the game crashing before, first post ever.

Hi pacotaco, welcome to the forum!

This is the same issue as reported already before few days ago. There is a map node with negative Z coordinate (probably in DESERT13.RMP).
This will be fixed in the next piratez release.

In the meantime, since you know how to turn on debug mode, I suggest to cheat a little and kill all aliens (Ctrl+K).
Or just abort the mission before it crashes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 06, 2016, 12:05:57 am
Or slightly less cheaty, killing just the offending orison should allow for play to continue. The faulty nodes are relatively few and the battlefield has to be just so to trigger the crash. Killing off a few foes and/or moving in a different way is sufficient to prevent that instance of a crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pacotaco on December 06, 2016, 06:05:13 am
Given my skill level and loadout of my crew I think only the first option is feasible. I ended up aborting and now the game has aborted me. This game is tough! Thanks for the help, I hope that gets fixed soon!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 08, 2016, 11:36:51 am
something unusual. Turn 1 of mansion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 08, 2016, 11:59:33 am
something unusual. Turn 1 of mansion.

and what exactly is unusual?

Commendation do not seem to count gun melee and delayed deaths properly. Gun melee is treated like DT_NONE, while delayed deaths caused by bleeding and fire are counted as unknown type of damage (and probably unknown weapon too).

Also, the commendations for wound healing do not work; ditto BT_GRENADE, BT_PROXIMITYGRENADE since they do not explode on player's turn (might be caused by changes introduced by OXCE).

ALSO! OXCE introduces owner-less items that can kill (timed explosives on the map, for example). Commendations probably do not know what to do with it. This might be the real cause of the crash.

Can you please re-test all these in OXCE 3.5?
Now we have the latest state and can start fixing what's still missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 08, 2016, 05:22:38 pm
The fact that an enemy is spawned directly adjacent to gal spawn. Not something i have ever encountered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 08, 2016, 05:50:45 pm
The fact that an enemy is spawned directly adjacent to gal spawn. Not something i have ever encountered.

They just got out of bed...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Arthanor on December 08, 2016, 06:02:19 pm
Normally: Gal and Penthouse owner do their business, owner gets up and goes somewhere, alarm goes off and gal is in position near the roof.

In this case: Gal and Penthouse owner do their business, owner gets up and... Alarm goes off! Gal punches owner in the face and gal is in position near the roof. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 08, 2016, 07:31:11 pm

- The Attack Of Violent Flare Females: Suggest renaming "Attack Of The Violent Flare Females". "eyewitness of" should be "eyewitness to", "were the flares" should be "was the flares", "just like they were having fun" works better as "as if they were having fun". There should be no comma in "pose, suggest".
- #086: "Only Mun Tzu could a tank and 4 girls at the same time." is missing a verb. Suggest "eat".
- #003: "a half" should be simply "half".
- Bossar: "Highly effective" should be "A highly effective", "sustained barrage" should be "a sustained barrage".
- DEFENDER (-): Suggest changing "dead pirate corpse" to "dead pirate's corpse".
- Pectoids: Threat or Hoax?: lots of issues here, did a full edit:
      STR_NEWSPAPER_020_UFOPEDIA: "Horror and panic have gripped the borough of Edinburg, Iron Tribe. The locals are reluctant to leave their homes after dark for fear of so-called 'Pectoids', animalistic creatures resembling Reticulans but possessed of great physical agility and aggression. As the locals have it, they glow in the dark with unholy light and leap to claw and bite their victims to slake their thirst of blood. The Academy has already issued a statement, informing that Pectoid sightings have been reported in various places for decades, and an investigation of every house in Edinburg would be a good idea. The Iron Tribe government, however, stubbornly refuses to give permission to do so. The Courier was able to interrogate a Reticulan who was recently arrested in Edinburg for Immoral Behaviour. 'Man, there are no Pectoids' said Mr. Dunk. 'We were simply so high on Atom Beer that we were glowing. We were unable to walk upright, much less harm anybody. That's all there is to this story.'"

- There does not appear to be a "0-G" filter in the equipment menu, though one can filter on it using quicksearch in the soldier equip screen.
- Canister Launchers, Small Launchers and Stun Bombs (and possibly other items) count as "strange treasure" even after they have been researched. Taking these items on missions and leaving them in the stash will inflate your score after a mission.
- "Data Mining (1 Disk)" should be spelled "Data Mining (1 Disc)" for consistency.
- Disassembly projects are prefixed with alternately "D-A" or "D/A". Suggest making this consistent either way.
- The Electro-Whip description does not mention it does Stun damage instead of health damage (unlike the descriptions for similar stun weaponry).
- The elevator tiles on the Pachyderm map are not considered to be inside the craft. This appears to be a fixable issue, as the elevators in the Deliverator are considered to be inside the craft.
- I found an Alien Base entrance map block where you can walk through a corner without opening either of the doors. This map block appears in FMP as well (with the same issue), so maybe this isn't the place to report it, but I don't know where else to turn.
- #056 claims the reaction check depends on Reactions multiplied by TUs. I'm convinced this is false. I've taken reaction fire from enemies who had lower Reactions AND fewer TUs than my unit (Cyclopses). Also, vanilla X-Com uses a different formula (Reactions * TUs / TUMax).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 08, 2016, 07:49:35 pm
How/when are you determining enemy reactions and TU? Reaction fire costs TU according to weapon snap fire cost, in addition to TU cost for changing facing to fire. Observing a unit after reaction fire has occurred could lead to false conclusions. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 08, 2016, 07:53:10 pm
I'm using a Mind Probe. The Cyclopses have less than 40 TUs maximum, and about 37 Reactions (this is on Superhuman). My unit that got reactioned had more than each at the time, though she DID spend over half her max TUS while the Cyclopses tend to reserve about 75%.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 08, 2016, 07:54:28 pm
The formula isn't changed from vanilla.  It's still percent TUs remaining multiplied by reactions to get the reaction check score.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 09, 2016, 05:55:47 pm
something unusual. Turn 1 of mansion.

Fully intentional but rare to occur.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 09, 2016, 08:45:44 pm
What I figured but good to check.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 11, 2016, 03:01:41 pm
Confirming that Gold Drill project is still messed up in 99E.2

"I think STR_FUEGO_HULL should be in produced items and STR_MENACING_HULL in required items, no?"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2016, 03:36:45 pm
Code: [Select]
    space: 30
    time: 1
    cost: 0
      STR_GOLD_BAR: 6
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 11, 2016, 04:54:02 pm
hmm.. maybe I didn't have the latest version.  :-\  thought for sure I did.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LadonLegend on December 11, 2016, 10:33:18 pm
Plasma Weapons Disassembly article in Bootypedia says "Plasma weapons can be broken into 4 main compontents: ", when it should say 5.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vesparco on December 12, 2016, 01:35:02 am
hi there,

After starting a new game and stunning what seems a civilian pilot. the game crashes (the guy near the gal in pirate outfit).

Log and savegame attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 12, 2016, 01:20:41 pm
hi there,
After starting a new game and stunning what seems a civilian pilot. the game crashes (the guy near the gal in pirate outfit).
Log and savegame attached.

The piratez_crowbar mod crashes on missing sound.

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_CROWBAR
    meleeHitSound: 79 # <----- missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 12, 2016, 02:24:44 pm
Hmm, apparently the Crowbar needs its own sound definition, even though Piratez is the master mod. This is surprising.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 12, 2016, 02:40:35 pm
Hmm, apparently the Crowbar needs its own sound definition, even though Piratez is the master mod. This is surprising.

Why is this surprising?
It works the same way as all other file-based resources (sprites, sounds, ...).
Vanilla BATTLE.CAT values go up to 55... everything else is mods content and starts at 1000 (e.g. in piratez 79 translates to 1079, in crowbar mod (depending on its position) 79 translates let's say to 6079).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 12, 2016, 02:51:21 pm
Why is this surprising?

Because you don't have to do that for vanilla sounds.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 12, 2016, 02:54:22 pm
That's how it always was.

Mods can use & override vanilla (vanilla != master) file-based resources... but mods cannot share file-based resources between each other, nor override other mod's resources directly (except for music files, since these are not technically vanilla)... unless you go over 1000 (or x000 in oxce) or below 0, in which case you're asking for trouble :)

EDIT: and piratez isn't even a master anyway... it's a servant mod of xcom1 master
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 12, 2016, 03:22:41 pm
EDIT: and piratez isn't even a master anyway... it's a servant mod of xcom1 master

Yes, and that's the whole point. :) I thought it had the same status as vanilla X-Com, and apparently I was very wrong.

BTW: can you even make a reference to a file in a different mod?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 12, 2016, 03:26:21 pm
Do the file definitions in the ruleset support using ".." to mean up one directory?  You could try using that, i.e. ../Piratez/Resources/Sounds/path/to/the/sound/you/want
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vesparco on December 12, 2016, 06:25:19 pm
The piratez_crowbar mod crashes on missing sound.

Good to know, I may disable it as there's plenty of other options to stun people.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on December 12, 2016, 09:14:29 pm
Do the file definitions in the ruleset support using ".." to mean up one directory?  You could try using that, i.e. ../Piratez/Resources/Sounds/path/to/the/sound/you/want

I don't remember if this could even work code-wise, but in any case this is a nightmare from the mod maintenance/debugging side and a thing one just doesn't do. Please leave the mods dependencies explicit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 14, 2016, 12:28:46 pm
When selling stuff at the end of a mission, items which are automatically selected to sell are not counted by the change-in-space-used calculation. And if you choose to keep them rather than sell them, the space used shows an increase rather than a decrease.

(This would be ok if the total space used wasn't including the auto-sell items; but that isn't the case.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on December 15, 2016, 01:56:25 am
When selling stuff at the end of a mission, items which are automatically selected to sell are not counted by the change-in-space-used calculation. And if you choose to keep them rather than sell them, the space used shows an increase rather than a decrease.

(This would be ok if the total space used wasn't including the auto-sell items; but that isn't the case.)

This one-liner fixes it:

Code: [Select]
diff --git a/src/Basescape/SellState.cpp b/src/Basescape/SellState.cpp
index c2effc9..e62eebe 100644
--- a/src/Basescape/SellState.cpp
+++ b/src/Basescape/SellState.cpp
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ SellState::SellState(Base *base, DebriefingState *debriefingState, OptionsOrigin
                                row.amount = qty;
                                _total += row.cost * qty;
+                               _spaceChange -= qty * rule->getSize();
                        std::string cat = getCategory(_items.size() - 1);

sorry no pull request, i'm in the middle of revamping my git repoes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 16, 2016, 05:53:31 am
Looks good, Stoddard. :)


I have another bug to report, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of information. All I can say is that the a cat girl dropped on top of one of my soldiers who was flying; the soldier was pushed to the side and the game crashed when the cat girl hit the ground. I have a screenshot of what it looked like after the crash; but unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the situation. Note that my soldier was originally positioned directly above where the cat girl is, but was pushed aside as she fell.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on December 16, 2016, 08:57:50 am
I am a bit confused as to who dropped on whom.

I know there is such a  mechanic in the game, but I guess it is very rarely used. It happened to me once in XCOM with OXCE+ 3.3 that en enemy dropped on one of my soldiers, knocking him aside and unconscious. No crash though, so it my be cat girl or XPiratez related somehow.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on December 16, 2016, 10:31:28 am
I have another bug to report, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of information. All I can say is that the a cat girl dropped on top of one of my soldiers who was flying; the soldier was pushed to the side and the game crashed when the cat girl hit the ground. I have a screenshot of what it looked like after the crash; but unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the situation. Note that my soldier was originally positioned directly above where the cat girl is, but was pushed aside as she fell.

The good old Gomba-Stomp. It happens sometimes, however I think the problem is your gal was flying.

What I think happend is that the gomba-stomp is supposed to knock your gal into a random nearby tile, knocked out, but troops since can't be both flying and knocked out, it caused the game to crash.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 16, 2016, 11:08:47 am
I have another bug to report, but unfortunately I don't have a lot of information. All I can say is that the a cat girl dropped on top of one of my soldiers who was flying; the soldier was pushed to the side and the game crashed when the cat girl hit the ground. I have a screenshot of what it looked like after the crash; but unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce the situation. Note that my soldier was originally positioned directly above where the cat girl is, but was pushed aside as she fell.

I have managed to reproduce goomba-stomping, even on the exactly same place as you, but my game didn't crash.
Also, I tried about 10x and my girl was never pushed... always just knocked unconscious.
There is a save attached... just load and click on end turn a few times... eventually a green catgirl should goomba-stomp one of your two girls... let me know if it crashes for you.

EDIT: ok, I could reproduce the crash on earlier version (OXCE 3.3+)... should be fixed in 3.5+ tho

EDIT2: the fix:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Starving Poet on December 17, 2016, 12:43:54 am
All the Ventura variants seem to be missing their craftInventoryTile definitions.  Unless they are meant to have their inventories exposed, then I'm just going to straight up cheat on end.   :)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 17, 2016, 04:04:13 pm
I get a 0xc0000005 error halfway through ground battles against academy ships. I once got past it by stunning an explorer

[17-12-2016 21:55:03]   [FATAL]   SymFromAddr failed: 487
[17-12-2016 21:55:03]   [FATAL]   0x74ed62a0 BaseThreadInitThunk (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[17-12-2016 21:55:03]   [FATAL]   0x77110ba0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
[17-12-2016 21:55:03]   [FATAL]   0x77110ba0 RtlSubscribeWnfStateChangeNotification (SymGetLineFromAddr64 failed: 487)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 17, 2016, 04:23:15 pm
That log tells us nothing - do you have a save where you can replicate the crash?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 17, 2016, 04:39:08 pm
oops, sorry, no. would the .dmp file help?
edit: oh, got it again. just end turn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 17, 2016, 04:53:01 pm
oops, sorry, no. would the .dmp file help?
edit: oh, got it again. just end turn.

It's the famous z=-1 node crash.
If you can't avoid it, just kill all aliens via debug mode and continue...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 17, 2016, 04:59:22 pm
ok, thanks. is there anything i can do to avoid it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 17, 2016, 05:12:20 pm
ok, thanks. is there anything i can do to avoid it?

Not really. Just need to wait for next piratez release.
You can decrease the probability by avoiding desert terrain missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Colonel Rick on December 18, 2016, 06:37:22 am
I haven't seen anything about it, but I also didn't want to dig through all 87 pages.  But when I do any mission with civilians, any civilian casualties caused by something like explosions or being set on fire count as though I killed them.  While it's mostly a minor concern, I just did a Progrom with the Dark Ones who like to use fire more than the church.

While I'm at it, I'm losing points for seizing treasure on base defenses.  That I do have a screenshot for.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 18, 2016, 07:04:26 am
Who was doing the Crackdown mission?  Certain items cause negative points when recovered from a mission, usual items from the corpses of government soldiers or civilians.  Also, do you have a save just before the mission ends?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Colonel Rick on December 18, 2016, 01:03:27 pm
Who was doing the Crackdown mission?  Certain items cause negative points when recovered from a mission, usual items from the corpses of government soldiers or civilians.  Also, do you have a save just before the mission ends?

It was the Spartans.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 18, 2016, 02:28:25 pm
It was the Spartans.

A save would help clarify.

But basically, for scoring purposes, everything you have in your base (that is not marked as irrelevant by a new ruleset flag) will be salvaged (again), i.e. most probably the negative points come from something you had in your base already before, not something the spartans brought with them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Colonel Rick on December 19, 2016, 12:56:32 am
I didn't even think about a save and I'm well passed it now.  Normally, I would concede to you, but this was a fresh base with only 4 Gals, 5 Merc Security, and some Euro Las Rifles.  The Gals didn't even have any armor yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 19, 2016, 05:19:51 pm
@Colonel Rick

I might got the solution for your problem (which is not a problem rather than a balancing tool)

Every Merc. Security carries a green paper in his inventory. This paper has the following effect:
[Strange Treasure Seized] - Score will be reduced by -50 !

Since you got 5 of those guys, your score has been decreased by -250 but you won the battle and got new loot thus your score has been increased by around +130 at the same time, resulting in only -120 score.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Colonel Rick on December 20, 2016, 01:31:39 am
That makes a lot of sense.  Thanks for the info.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 20, 2016, 08:56:43 pm
More things.

- Waspite Examination: There's a superfluous full stop at the end of the article.
- Cyclops: Suggest rephrasing "dog like" as "dog-like".
- Heavy Craft Weapons: "sample of troubles" should be "sample of the troubles".
- Ancient Log 221R-17: "commited" should be "committed".
- UAC Plasmagun: Suggest rephrasing "someone called UAC Corporation" as "a corporation called the UAC".
- Gauss Ammo Basics: Suggest rephrasing "luck and error" as "luck, trial and error".
- Fuild Rep: Suggest rephrasing "large security forces" as "a large security force".
- LOADER (SEA): "First" should be "Firstly", "second" should be "secondly". Suggest rephrasing "it allows to retain" as "it retains".
- LASCANNON: "into ship's power source" should be "into the ship's power source".
- Explosions Rock Downtown!: "in almost 1km radius" works better as "in a radius of almost 1km", "get your travel permission" works better as "get your travel permit".
- "Sleping Sattelite" mission should be spelled "Sleeping Satellite".
- School Graduation: Various issues. Suggest rewrite:
      STR_SCHOOLING_2_B_UFOPEDIA: "Long and arduous work has borne forbidden fruit. By bringing our knowledge to this level we have gained an understanding of sophisticated technologies. Still, it is possible to attain even greater power - but it's unclear what that's going to take."

- Several base blocks (including the empty block and the access lift block) don't have floors underneath the dirt on the upper ducts level, which means you can't tunnel through them without flying armor. Could floors please be added?
- Meridian's Special Autogun description claims all regular stats are the same as the Gyro-Stabilized Autogun, but they're not.
- I found a gal whose face changes when putting on Defender armor. As far as I can tell it only happens with this armor, though I haven't researched all the armors yet.
- I have a crash upon abandoning a botched base defense mission. Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 20, 2016, 09:21:53 pm
- I found a gal whose face changes when putting on Defender armor. As far as I can tell it only happens with this armor, though I haven't researched all the armors yet.

That's a funny one :P I'll leave that to Dioxine.

- I have a crash upon abandoning a botched base defense mission. Save attached.

I don't get the crash.
Can someone else try please?
Or maybe it's something from your mod (piratezBTCustom)?

But I get enemy surrenders, which is wrong, I'll fix that.

EDIT: fixed the crash too
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 20, 2016, 09:32:42 pm
Oh yeah, that, I forgot I had that active. It's just a few strings for the dependencies though. The entirety of that mod reads:
  - type: en-US
      STR_DIRECT_DEPENDENCIES: "Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_2_DEPENDENCIES: "Secondary Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_3_DEPENDENCIES: "Tertiary Dependencies"
      STR_LEVEL_4_DEPENDENCIES: "Quaternary Dependencies"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 20, 2016, 09:40:21 pm
That's harmless.
I don't know then... I really don't get the crash... let's wait if anyone else gets it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 20, 2016, 09:57:42 pm
Actually, it seems like it's intermittent. I just tested it again and could abort "properly" (yeah, there's surrenders), but trying it a second time caused the crash. Perhaps try aborting that mission a few times and see if it blows up?

On that note I had a crash earlier today when starting a Chupacabra Hunt mission, but that same mission started fine on the second attempt so sadly I can't provide you with a way to reproduce. But it's a data point so there you go.

[Edit] Attached the dump file for that crash in case it helps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 22, 2016, 12:17:53 am
A possible oversight, Blood axe is dependent on red codex only unlike the other deamon derived weapons. Additionally Hellblade is red or green codex.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on December 22, 2016, 12:36:10 am
I'm assuming it's a bug for healing gel to be available for manufacturing at game start.  Alternately, it's probably supposed to have a bootypedia article.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on December 22, 2016, 01:41:04 am
Yep, I noticed the same thing. IMHO it should be behind synthetic biosomethingorother research.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on December 22, 2016, 05:15:03 am
Cloaking device description doesn't fit.  Is the space limit on those things hardcoded or is it possible to change things like font size or something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 22, 2016, 01:36:16 pm
Yep, I noticed the same thing. IMHO it should be behind synthetic biosomethingorother research.

It should be behind 'healing gel' research, lol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 23, 2016, 03:35:39 pm
Actually, it seems like it's intermittent. I just tested it again and could abort "properly" (yeah, there's surrenders), but trying it a second time caused the crash. Perhaps try aborting that mission a few times and see if it blows up?


It never crashed for me (tried 20x)... but when I traced it step by step, I saw that I try working with the base's storage already after the base is destroyed (deleted from globe and from memory).
This instinctively should crash every time... but instead it most probably just read/wrote somewhere random in the memory :(

I'll fix that, and also set the base pointer explicitly to 0 to prevent any similar oversight in the future.
And I'll try to prepare a pull request for vanilla xcom too... this is potentially too dangerous... even though in vanilla nobody ever loses a base this way :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on December 25, 2016, 02:59:35 am
1. Surrender bug. When a warmaiden who started the mission knocked out and wounded was revived, she didn't count as a surrendered enemy and the mission didn't end until I knocked her out again.

2. It's possible to send chips to a base with no storage space, and then get stuck in the screen that forces you to sell your loot with nothing to sell (because the chips haven't arrived yet?)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 25, 2016, 03:25:39 am
1) Doesn't sound like a bug, since it wasn't you who stunned her first, if I read that correctly?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on December 25, 2016, 04:42:47 pm
They have no weapons and were knocked out already, no reason why they shouldn't count as surrendered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 25, 2016, 04:55:30 pm
They have no weapons and were knocked out already, no reason why they shouldn't count as surrendered.

Opinion against opinion.

Not having to do anything on your side... is a reason enough for me not to give it to you for free.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 25, 2016, 05:02:29 pm
Well, she wakes up, she notices that she was apparently saved and bandaged by some good soul... Morale restored! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 26, 2016, 11:05:41 am
Sometimes the list of active manufacturing projects doesn't fit. As in, I still can't see the bottom one when I scroll all the way to the bottom.

I'm pretty sure this is caused by the total length being miscalculated when there are multi-line projects.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 26, 2016, 12:01:12 pm
Sometimes the list of active manufacturing projects doesn't fit. As in, I still can't see the bottom one when I scroll all the way to the bottom.
I'm pretty sure this is caused by the total length being miscalculated when there are multi-line projects.

Already fixed in vanilla and oxce+ 3.5.
And it's just a wrong size of the table, happens also when you have only 1-line projects.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 27, 2016, 01:01:19 am
Cool. :)

Here's something minor:
I just got an end of month rating of "A SURREAL". It should probably just be "SURREAL".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on December 27, 2016, 07:43:00 pm
I think I've found a few bugs with commendations.

The following commendations don't seem to ever be awarded:

Some commendations are only awarded once when they imply they should be awarded multiple times, which includes this lot:

The Assaulter and Psycho commendations call for STR_MEDAL_ARCHER_DESCRIPTION as their description and stunning enemies by hitting them with gunbutts awards the Arouser commendation

I've had a look through the files in the Ruleset folder (In particular Piratez_planet) but I don't know why the above commendations are only being awarded once, or not at all. For Tank killer, Attitude problem and Dots I've noticed are the only commendations that call for a specific unit in their kill criteria. Beyond that I haven't got a clue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 29, 2016, 02:13:43 am
I've discovered a very minor graphical glitch with the fire extinguisher. When it is held and the gal is facing the camera, there is are a a couple of pixels of junk at the edge of the image.

Also, law article #013 has "strenght" instead of "strength".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 29, 2016, 05:02:16 am
Thanks, fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 29, 2016, 08:02:42 pm
Hello recently I had xpiratez crash to desktop. During battlescape mission (against raiders destroyer) I came to a point when game crashes after I end turn. Even when loaded the game and played it differently it seems that every time I end turn 6, game crashes. I got a windows message saying:

"OpenXcom  Error
OpenXcom has crashed: code 0xc0000005"

I also get this log and dump file (attached).

Could somebody help me? I would be very thankful!

Forum wouldn't let me attach dump file, so I had to zip it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 29, 2016, 08:06:00 pm
Can you attach a save file before the crash?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on December 30, 2016, 01:06:21 am

In the manufacturing screen it is possible for the list of available categories to get messed up. Here's how:

Search for something (which narrows the list of items), then middle click to open the research screen, then return to the manufacturing screen. After doing this, the list of available manufacturing categories will only include things which matched the original search, even clearing the search or searching for something else.

(You can return the full list by closing and reopening the manufacturing screen.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 10:39:27 am
In the manufacturing screen it is possible for the list of available categories to get messed up. Here's how:

Search for something (which narrows the list of items), then middle click to open the research screen, then return to the manufacturing screen. After doing this, the list of available manufacturing categories will only include things which matched the original search, even clearing the search or searching for something else.

(You can return the full list by closing and reopening the manufacturing screen.)

I cannot reproduce this, can someone confirm?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 30, 2016, 10:42:10 am
I'm having trouble healing a mercenary engineer. When I try it says there's no one there. I've also tried healing his unconscious form but it also doesn't work.

Also, I'm having trouble sometimes with my girls' TUs going to zero after sprinting. It happens a lot on mansion maps. Reloading always solves the issue though, so no problem there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 10:59:02 am
I'm having trouble healing a mercenary engineer. When I try it says there's no one there. I've also tried healing his unconscious form but it also doesn't work.

Looks like you cannot heal mind-controlled enemies... not sure if that's a bug or a feature.

Also, I'm having trouble sometimes with my girls' TUs going to zero after sprinting. It happens a lot on mansion maps. Reloading always solves the issue though, so no problem there.

And how is that a problem? If you spend all your TUs, they go to zero... maybe there's something missing in your description?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 30, 2016, 11:03:52 am
Looks like you cannot heal mind-controlled enemies... not sure if that's a bug or a feature.

And how is that a problem? If you spend all your TUs, they go to zero... maybe there's something missing in your description?

sorry, I meant they go to zero regardless of how many TUs the move should cost. especially for mansion missions, sometimes walking through a door will zero out TUs even if it's just a couple of steps away. When it occurs, the UI grays out (as if under reaction fire) even if no one shoots.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 11:26:52 am
sorry, I meant they go to zero regardless of how many TUs the move should cost. especially for mansion missions, sometimes walking through a door will zero out TUs even if it's just a couple of steps away. When it occurs, the UI grays out (as if under reaction fire) even if no one shoots.

OK, that's better :)
I have never seen it though, if you (or anyone) would have a save for it, that would help me find the cause.

EDIT: Btw. it's a bug that you can't heal mind-controlled enemies, I will fix that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 30, 2016, 01:11:52 pm
I noticed that when playing base OXC as well actually - maybe it ought to be fixed at that level?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 30, 2016, 01:41:26 pm
OK, that's better :)
I have never seen it though, if you (or anyone) would have a save for it, that would help me find the cause.

EDIT: Btw. it's a bug that you can't heal mind-controlled enemies, I will fix that.

Loading always fixes the problem, so I've got no saves for it.

Also, I just got the power mace and had a rude surprise when a cyberdisc exploded after being hit by it. I was under the impression that they don't explode when killed by melee weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on December 30, 2016, 03:01:40 pm
They don't explode when stunned. The weapon type has nothing to do with it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 30, 2016, 04:34:19 pm
Here is the mentioned save file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 04:43:52 pm
Also, I just got the power mace and had a rude surprise when a cyberdisc exploded after being hit by it. I was under the impression that they don't explode when killed by melee weapons.

It's not melee weapon, but melee attack/type.
You have probably used the ranged snap attack of the power mace... that's why it exploded.

EDIT: If you would use the melee "swing" attack, it would not explode. Power mace doesn't have melee attack, but plasma attack, so it would explode even with "swing" action.

They don't explode when stunned. The weapon type has nothing to do with it.

That's not true.
It doesn't depend on stun, depends on the type of attack... melee attack for example with a Bardiche, will not trigger the explosion.
See attached.

EDIT: along with melee type and stun type, also HE type and Incendiary type don't trigger the explosion by default
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2016, 05:14:11 pm
Afaik they don't explode if hit by Fire, HE, Stun or Melee damage, possibly also Chem. They explode from AP, Laser and Plasma (which is the type of damage Power Mace is using).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 05:38:41 pm
Here is the mentioned save file.

Well, that's a rather nasty bug.

There's a dying reaper (see attached), which dies when turn ends... and the game tries to convert it to corpse... but in the process it checks some tiles outside of map boundaries, where it fails on null pointer exception.

I don't know what it is, could be:
- a bug in oxce, yankes has been doing some changes there recently
- a wrong merge
- an incomplete merge (I noticed vanilla has some more conditions around calling this function than oxce)
- a bug in vanilla

I'll report to Yankes, he'll probably deal with it better than I can.

I also don't know how to avoid this bug in your save... killing all enemies in debug mode won't help either.
If you have an earlier save... try reloading... and don't kill a reaper if it's at the map border... wait until it is at least one tile away from border.

EDIT: my feeling is that lastPosition of the reaper should not be [59,24,0] but [58,23,0]... someone who knows more should confirm tho
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 30, 2016, 05:44:52 pm
Thanks, gonna reload whole mission. Catching those reapers alive was one of my main objectives, I didn't suppose any of them was wounded and is gonna die. Is there any in game possibility to check the status of stunned big enemy, a corpse left behind perhaps?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2016, 05:51:57 pm
Thanks, gonna reload whole mission. Catching those reapers alive was one of my main objectives, I didn't suppose any of them was wounded and is gonna die. Is there any in game possibility to check the status of stunned big enemy, a corpse left behind perhaps?

In the next version of piratez, they will have a "burning" indicator over them when they are on fire (and thus dying)... something similar to that you already see in my screenshot... just a bit nicer I guess :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 30, 2016, 10:39:43 pm
Oh that would be usefull- you can tell when enemy is burning as long as unit is not stunned. I thought smoke would extinguish fire but apparently it didn't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on December 31, 2016, 03:44:47 am
Well, that's a rather nasty bug.

There's a dying reaper (see attached), which dies when turn ends... and the game tries to convert it to corpse... but in the process it checks some tiles outside of map boundaries, where it fails on null pointer exception.

That sounds an awful lot similar to a crash when a player tank died on the south-west boundary of a map, reported by hellrazor for OXC some months ago. It was supposed to be fixed by commit: fa60079
If i remember correctly the most important part was:
Code: [Select]
+ if (_unit == _parent->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
+ {
+ _parent->getSave()->setSelectedUnit(0);
+ }
Without that piece of code any tile of the tank can serve as the starting point for the conversion to corpse process. While the conversion assumes the starting point is always the northernmost tile.

Perhaps something similar is needed for enemy units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on December 31, 2016, 04:54:58 am
Afaik they don't explode if hit by Fire, HE, Stun or Melee damage, possibly also Chem. They explode from AP, Laser and Plasma (which is the type of damage Power Mace is using).
sorry to go off topic, but is it possible to stun cyberdiscs? the existence of their disassembly project implies it's possible, but they are immune to stun and special damage, and the cattle prod doesn't seem to work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on December 31, 2016, 01:07:50 pm
That sounds an awful lot similar to a crash when a player tank died on the south-west boundary of a map, reported by hellrazor for OXC some months ago. It was supposed to be fixed by commit: fa60079
If i remember correctly the most important part was:
Code: [Select]
+ if (_unit == _parent->getSave()->getSelectedUnit())
+ {
+ _parent->getSave()->setSelectedUnit(0);
+ }
Without that piece of code any tile of the tank can serve as the starting point for the conversion to corpse process. While the conversion assumes the starting point is always the northernmost tile.

Perhaps something similar is needed for enemy units.
Thanks for highlighting that even if your example is wrong :D
Correct part of fix is this:
I tried yesterday find way to reproduce this bug without any success, game crash but this is because save is "corrupted". Bug happened before save, current reaper position is incorrect.
3.3 still have this bug, 3.5 have this fix from Warboy and I tried find bug in that version :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Slaughter on December 31, 2016, 11:14:20 pm
Almost forgot this one!

Weird house in which one can go up the ladder but not down in a Red Light Villa. Gals get trapped there if they can destruct their way out. Twice in fact. Weird.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on January 01, 2017, 01:42:47 am
I've got a grenade apparently stuck inside a wall. It doesn't _look_ like its inside the wall, but it has landed 1 level below where I'm able to stand; and when I drop other items on that square they land normally (ie. other items land on the level that I can stand on and thus pick up, but I cannot pick up this grenade).

I'm not sure that this one definitely a bug. Maybe it's "normal"... but it is a bit weird and annoying.

By the way, the grenade was thrown by "Twitchy Bastard", from right next where it got stuck.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2017, 02:22:01 pm
I'm not sure that this one definitely a bug. Maybe it's "normal"... but it is a bit weird and annoying.

I think it's caused by the "could not throw there fix" for "always missed with a bow fix".

I've seen an alternative fix for missing with a bow by Volutar somewhere... I'll have a look if it can be merged and if it replaces the two fixes above.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on January 01, 2017, 02:46:23 pm
I think it's caused by the "could not throw there fix" for "always missed with a bow fix".

I've seen an alternative fix for missing with a bow by Volutar somewhere... I'll have a look if it can be merged and if it replaces the two fixes above.
Or simply before punting item to tile check if fill completely like when unit try move on it. Units are move to upper tile and items should too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on January 01, 2017, 06:38:20 pm
I just rescued a shipwrecked gal, then added hire shipwrecked gal to manufacture (without any workers assigned), then canceled, and she was gone. I think this is a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 01, 2017, 06:49:41 pm
I just rescued a shipwrecked gal, then added hire shipwrecked gal to manufacture (without any workers assigned), then canceled, and she was gone. I think this is a bug.

It's been like this forever, since earliest vanilla. You always lose materials for a cancelled project.

But in this case I think it's totally OK to hack your save and add her back. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on January 01, 2017, 07:43:07 pm
OH! Even if no time has passed and nothing happened? That's very odd.
I cancel projects all the time and never noticed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on January 01, 2017, 07:44:20 pm
Maybe a tiny bug: Musket snapshot costs 33% TU, Bayoneted Musket snapshot costs only 30% TU.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on January 01, 2017, 10:59:15 pm
I think it's caused by the "could not throw there fix" for "always missed with a bow fix".

I've seen an alternative fix for missing with a bow by Volutar somewhere... I'll have a look if it can be merged and if it replaces the two fixes above.
I thought the fix for the "could not throw there" bug only changed the conditions for when a throw was allowed; and didn't change the dynamics of the throw or where the through would land. So I wouldn't have thought those changes would cause a problem like this. By the way, I wasn't aiming for the spot where it landed. I was aiming for those enemies on the ground.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2017, 11:11:20 pm
I thought the fix for the "could not throw there" bug only changed the conditions for when a throw was allowed; and didn't change the dynamics of the throw or where the through would land. So I wouldn't have thought those changes would cause a problem like this. By the way, I wasn't aiming for the spot where it landed. I was aiming for those enemies on the ground.

I honestly don't know... it was just a guess.
I'll have to reproduce and debug it to find out what's wrong... it's on my list, but not highest priority.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on January 02, 2017, 03:10:31 am
Fair enough.

Here's another small one, which I think should be easy to fix:
When transferring items to another base, the game currently does a simple storage check for the receiving base. This check has a couple of problem problems with negative-space items (i.e. slaves).

In short, when transferring positive space items the game should check the receiving base storage (as it does currently), but when transferring negative space items the game should instead check the sending base storage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 02, 2017, 04:53:38 pm
Sounds like a good limiter. In balance, you have your space at the receiving base immediately after starting to send slaves, which shouldn't be the case. So I think these 2 things balance themselves out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 02, 2017, 10:46:18 pm
Code: [Select]
[02-01-2017_18-33-50] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/PORTURBAN08.RMP Node #30 is outside map boundaries at X:20 Y:11 Z:1. Culling Node.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 02, 2017, 11:32:11 pm
Code: [Select]
[02-01-2017_18-33-50] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/PORTURBAN08.RMP Node #30 is outside map boundaries at X:20 Y:11 Z:1. Culling Node.

Actually I've just redone these routes on 30.12 - see attachment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: flying_teabag on January 03, 2017, 10:56:14 am
Hi guys

Been playing the Piratez mod for a while now and really loving it well done guys.

Not sure if this is the right thread to post this but I can't seem to research the "guns 4 us" in the latest.  Version I've have met all the other prerequisites but it never showed up.

Is this a bug or has the research tree changed and I've done something wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 03, 2017, 11:14:35 am
Is this a bug or has the research tree changed and I've done something wrong?

You need the following (in 0.99e2):
- Firearms & Munitions
- Our Abilities
- SHOTGUNS - Summary

In later versions, you'll probably need "Snubby" too.

Do you have all these topics researched?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: flying_teabag on January 03, 2017, 11:21:05 am
You need the following (in 0.99e2):
- Firearms & Munitions
- Our Abilities
- SHOTGUNS - Summary

Do you have all these topics researched?

Yes I do. Did I have to research them in a specific order? I've got up to "School Graduation" level almost on "Higher Studies".  But without that "guns 4 us" tech my weapons are pretty crap.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 03, 2017, 11:24:05 am
If you have 0.99e3 or later, you'll need "Snubby" research too.
Order doesn't matter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: flying_teabag on January 03, 2017, 11:29:23 am
If you have 0.99e3 or later, you'll need "Snubby" research too.
Order doesn't matter.

Ah Thank you very much meridian!  That's what was missing!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CaptainCorkscrew on January 03, 2017, 01:47:25 pm
I found a hole in the villa, see attached image. There are still some of places that are see-through in the villa and the temple, for example from the stairs at the front door of the villa one can see part of the dungeon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 03, 2017, 09:42:54 pm
That's not a hole, that's wall/stairs display bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on January 12, 2017, 01:09:58 am
The new item healing gel has no research requirements to be available for manufacture. I guess this is not intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nrafield on January 15, 2017, 08:48:00 pm
An impassable piece of jungle scenery can spawn under the entrance to the medical outpost, resulting in the entry becoming impossible. I've tried really hard to remove it with multiple black powder bombs and hammer smacks, but the bombs don't seem to do anything to it, and hammer smacks just wind up hitting the door instead. Since this is an early mission I think something should be done not to make it unwinnable just because of unfortunate scenery placement.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tylor on January 15, 2017, 08:51:09 pm
Yeah, it's a common problem and should be fixed, imho. But, it's possible to break a window with hammer and such to gain access.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on January 16, 2017, 03:32:26 am
Yeah map generation could use some conditional checks to ensure access. I recently had a TFTD map that was completely divided by the double thick walled rail-lines in 3 places. An extra 10 turns due to forced demolition.... >:(

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 16, 2017, 03:50:48 am
Not a map generation error here, it's an issue with the map blocks marked as LZ - the vanilla jungle LZ maps don't always play nice with non-vanilla UFOs, which is how the lab facility is treated in the code.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tylor on January 16, 2017, 07:22:45 am
Maybe this can be fixed by map design? Not having doors on the edge of block, have some fixed passable tile in front of doors so it is not overwritten by terrain - that sort of things
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 16, 2017, 11:22:26 am
Since this is an early mission I think something should be done not to make it unwinnable just because of unfortunate scenery placement.

Ever heard this game has a feature called "terrain destruction"?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nrafield on January 16, 2017, 02:13:20 pm
Ever heard this game has a feature called "terrain destruction"?

Have you read my post past the first sentence? I have already stated that I tried hitting it both with a hammer., which kept hitting the door instead of the obstacle no matter how hard I tried, I've also tried throwing black powder bombs to remove it, but they seemed to do nothing to the obstacle, despite clearly damaging the nearby surroundings. I literally don't have anything better as this was my second mission ever in this playthrough.

Anyway, I'm attaching the save if anyone wants to try and break in there. If you manage it, please elaborate in full detail.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 16, 2017, 02:32:15 pm
So the game always targets the door... sheesh. And the map creator made this tile with enough armor to withstand the BP bomb, for some unknown reason. This will be dealth with.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on January 17, 2017, 09:45:31 pm
Does shipwrecked gal recruit supposed to add a hand to my band? I rescued one and have the option to recruit and to hire. Hire is adding the worker (BTW, I don´t see this workers giving me more vault space My mistake). But recruiting is not adding a gal to the band. Maybe I´m confused? But I read the manufacturing description and say it should add an Escaped Lunatic. I´m attaching the savegame.


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 17, 2017, 10:20:17 pm
Does shipwrecked gal recruit supposed to add a hand to my band? I rescued one and have the option to recruit and to hire. Hire is adding the worker (BTW, I don´t see this workers giving me more vault space). But recruiting is not adding a gal to the band. Maybe I´m confused? But I read the manufacturing description and say it should add an Escaped Lunatic. I´m attaching the savegame.


She needs something to eat and some proper sleep. Wait 72 hours and check again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tylor on January 18, 2017, 01:12:19 am
Also, you can check Log->Transfers in hideout for stuff that is about to be received by your base. It includes recruited gals.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on January 24, 2017, 12:57:03 pm
Are STR_GODS_G? strings for future use? They are not visible in Bootypedia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 24, 2017, 05:14:00 pm
Yes, for future use.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Breki on January 27, 2017, 04:17:11 pm
Hello there

Is there a bug in the 0.99E3 version with the Heavy slugthrowers? They seem to do very little damage against almost every enemy. After shooting an academy drone with two shots and hitting, then I press CTRL + H and get 0 damage on both shots. Anyone else having this problem?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 27, 2017, 04:27:54 pm
Hello there

Is there a bug in the 0.99E3 version with the Heavy slugthrowers? They seem to do very little damage against almost every enemy. After shooting an academy drone with two shots and hitting, then I press CTRL + H and get 0 damage on both shots. Anyone else having this problem?

Yes, it's a known issue.
Will be fixed in next version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 27, 2017, 04:37:31 pm
Hello there

Is there a bug in the 0.99E3 version with the Heavy slugthrowers? They seem to do very little damage against almost every enemy. After shooting an academy drone with two shots and hitting, then I press CTRL + H and get 0 damage on both shots. Anyone else having this problem?

If you want to fix this before the next version, find Piratez.rul in (XPiratez Folder)/user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset, search for the entry "randomType: 5" - it should be under an item definition called "- type: STR_SLUGTHROWER_SHELLS" - and change it to randomType: 2.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Breki on January 27, 2017, 04:54:45 pm
Thank you for the assistance. It's my favorite weapon :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on February 06, 2017, 02:43:28 pm
Ver 0.99F
Can't select another language than English in Options. See the pic.

Edit: The same problem on 3 different PCs. Manual language change in options.cfg doesn't help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on February 06, 2017, 04:11:49 pm
Ver 0.99F
Can't select another language than English in Options. See the pic.
This mod is only set up for En-US. 

Derp. Ignore me please.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 06, 2017, 05:07:18 pm
But Bartojan is an "official" translator, he's been working on the Czech version of Piratez for ages and never had any issues. So this is a new thing - either on the mod/OXCE+ side, or his side.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on February 08, 2017, 05:47:39 am
Just a small one here - when viewed in the ufopedia the pictures Loot_Distribution.png & FUS.png show large amounts of pink where there should not be any - Ergo pallet problem


I've Included fixed ones below.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 08, 2017, 07:34:50 am
Anyone else have there gear pile start cooking off? It's happening about 1 in 5 battles with my fortuna at end of first player turn.  I checked to see if I perhaps left preprimed greandes by accident and that's not it. Whatever is going on reloading the initial battlescape save prevents the cook off.  Any ideas?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CrazyMode on February 08, 2017, 05:48:10 pm
I got some wierd staff here, in 99f build.

I have grenader build, its just a girl with good throw skil, armor+throw, and bunch pre-primed grenades. After update from 99e.3 to 99f i got this situations on battle fields: if girl have pre-primed grenades in HER inventory, there is chanse this grenades start detonate.
But they are detonate not in HER location, but in location of vehicle inventory.
Like 2 HE grenades in girl inventory, i move her out, check inv, HE still there, pres turn, TWO detonates inside vehicle. Check girl inventory, bout grenades gone/

I start new game, on 99f, edit save(to have gren from start), add grenades on base, take the fight.
Equip girl with pre-primed grenades and... got this bug again.
Any suggestion?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 08, 2017, 06:01:00 pm
This is an issue with an engine upgrade, you need the latest exe from Meridian's thread (,4187.0.html) to fix the bug.  You can also save on turn 1 and reload to fix this, but it might still be buggy until you get the fixed exe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on February 09, 2017, 10:58:41 pm
Bootypedia entries for some outfits/armour (,3626.msg78817.html#msg78817) aren't given during a new game with the current version. I haven't researched up to defender armour yet so I don't know the full list of bootypedia entries affected, but so far it includes Ganger, Adventurer, Scout and Tac vest.

There's a research string that simply says WEREWOLF_ARMOR. I assume it's supposed to be STR_WEREWOLF_ARMOR instead? Nevermind, I worked out which bootypedia entry this is.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CrazyMode on February 10, 2017, 04:25:20 am
This is an issue with an engine upgrade, you need the latest exe from Meridian's thread (,4187.0.html) to fix the bug.  You can also save on turn 1 and reload to fix this, but it might still be buggy until you get the fixed exe.

I update exe file, test a little, and looks like problems with grenades is gone.
Thank you for your advice.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on February 11, 2017, 01:27:57 am

Sorry if this is not a bug. In the picture attached, you will find a spot where the gal could be seen and shot.
Or... is that a window?.

Forget it. It is a windows. It is just the angle that make my gal unable to see the guy who is shooting her.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CrazyMode on February 11, 2017, 08:16:52 pm
After research rebel hybrid got CTD with message in log:
A fatal error has occurred: Research STR_REVOLVER_LT not found.

Original game start on 0.99e3, right now on 0.99f
I upgrade save using string from "Upgrading Saves Between Versions" topic.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 11, 2017, 08:38:47 pm
Yeah, it's already fixed for the next release. Just don't research them for now :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Carfax on February 12, 2017, 10:48:47 am
Hello to everyone

i just started playing this awsome mod a few days ago. I am enjoying it very much indeed. the research texts are very well writen and funny. i am laughing quiet often reading them. Very well done.

anyway enough of the praise here is my problem.
The Codex researches state they need 30 Workspace but i can´t allocate runts to the project even if i have no other projects running in my extractor (30 Workspace) only when i build a 2nd one i can start the project. So i apparently need more than 30 Workspace to start them buggers. It is not gamebreaking but a nuisance anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 12, 2017, 01:54:53 pm
The workshop space is working as intended. Any space requirement for a project is "overhead" above assigning any workers to it. Some projects are intentionally gated in this manner as a limiter on a player advancing without investing in there industry infrastructure. Compared to vanilla a single main base will not cover everything you will need.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Carfax on February 12, 2017, 02:42:04 pm
Thanks for the information. I didn´t know that the requirements and the workers ad up.
It makes sense to put some of the more potent stuff behind a barrier of some sort.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Imeryak on February 13, 2017, 08:45:37 am
I downloaded a new version (0.99.f1) of the mod, copied original game data, but i got an error when trying to launch it. Help needed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 13, 2017, 08:51:49 am
BATTLE.CAT is one of the original game's files. You seem to be missing it; try re-launching and changing master mod setting from tftd to ufo, then x-piratez.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Imeryak on February 13, 2017, 10:16:07 am
BATTLE.CAT is one of the original game's files

But it is not. BATTLE.CAT is alias for battlescape sounds file (SOUND1.CAT or SAMPLE2.CAT), and i have one of them ( in a right place.

UPD: I plugged in headphones and it all worked somehow. I think problem was that originaly my pc had no audiodevices (its only for work, duh), and that cause this little bug to pop up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ketonur on February 13, 2017, 07:29:19 pm
When i have pre-primed grenades they quite often teleport to the equipment place in craft and explode.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 13, 2017, 07:31:02 pm
When i have pre-primed grenades they quite often teleport to the equipment place in craft and explode.

They "teleport" when you change armor... and a slot they were in before doesn't exist anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ketonur on February 13, 2017, 09:18:47 pm
I don`t think that is the case. Let`s say that i prime grenade in turn one, put it back in my belt and go out from Pachyderm. I hit end turn and that grenade teleport inside of the Pachyderm and explode. I lost all of my stuff inside of Pachy as high explosive teleported from the middle of the map...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on February 14, 2017, 02:54:16 pm
Clearing ship inventory using ctrl-alt-backspace creates duplicates of most of the equipment on the ship. almost everything seems to have been duplicated except for a battleflag, x-grog and xg weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 14, 2017, 03:33:13 pm
Clearing ship inventory using ctrl-alt-backspace creates duplicates of most of the equipment on the ship. almost everything seems to have been duplicated except for a battleflag, x-grog and xg weapons.

Yes, sorry, probably a merge issue :( ... I'll fix it asap.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on February 14, 2017, 09:45:43 pm
Clearing ship inventory using ctrl-alt-backspace creates duplicates of most of the equipment on the ship. almost everything seems to have been duplicated except for a battleflag, x-grog and xg weapons.

Hmmm infinite ammo ...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 14, 2017, 10:27:40 pm
Hmmm infinite ammo ...

Actually, it only duplicates ammo-less weapons, so no infinite ammo :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on February 15, 2017, 01:56:00 am
Can we add an outfit that gives infinite ammo to the user? I figure it would include a headband for reasons.   :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on February 15, 2017, 04:51:49 am
I tried taking a prospector on an orbital mission, but my gals couldn't get out of the ship.
Not sure if its a bug, but I've also encountered 2 raider vessels with pirate clothing on the roof. also, is the mutated reaper's spit supposed to cost only 5 TUs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 15, 2017, 10:17:52 am
I tried taking a prospector on an orbital mission, but my gals couldn't get out of the ship.
Not sure if its a bug, but I've also encountered 2 raider vessels with pirate clothing on the roof. also, is the mutated reaper's spit supposed to cost only 5 TUs?

Ah yes, Prospector needs a fix.
The 5 TU cost is unimportant, since high energy cost should severely limit spit's usage anyway. Reaper is not a stationary turret.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on February 15, 2017, 01:24:43 pm
Ah yes, Prospector needs a fix.
The 5 TU cost is unimportant, since high energy cost should severely limit spit's usage anyway. Reaper is not a stationary turret.
I was going to add that I couldn't use x-grog on the reaper, but I suppose that's by design.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 15, 2017, 01:44:47 pm
Not so much a bug as a technical issue with 2x2 units. 2x2 are handled quite differently by the game engine. The usage in Priatez is well beyond what the original engine was made for.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 15, 2017, 02:56:00 pm
Ah yes, Prospector needs a fix.
The 5 TU cost is unimportant, since high energy cost should severely limit spit's usage anyway. Reaper is not a stationary turret.

If you wait for OXCE 3.7 (Yankes said a few weeks), it'll include my map generation code that can remove some of the hackishness from the orbital maps, including letting gals disembark the craft at its bottom level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 16, 2017, 12:21:53 pm
Clearing ship inventory using ctrl-alt-backspace creates duplicates of most of the equipment on the ship. almost everything seems to have been duplicated except for a battleflag, x-grog and xg weapons.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on February 16, 2017, 04:09:36 pm
syns can use alcohol on themselves, but are unaffected by other gals using them. medikits also can't seem to detect them.
This isn't a bug, but I noticed there are 2 researches named tank/battlecannon, one for building them and one for captured enemy tanks. maybe one should be renamed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on February 19, 2017, 12:07:01 pm
Purple turtle claims to have capacity of 12 and indeed 12 gals can fit in, but only 9 units spawn on the battlescape.

IDK if bug or not, but red codex unlocks three different crafts, while gray and golden only get one of them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 20, 2017, 10:10:24 am
Purple turtle claims to have capacity of 12 and indeed 12 gals can fit in, but only 9 units spawn on the battlescape.

IDK if bug or not, but red codex unlocks three different crafts, while gray and golden only get one of them.

I'll check that deployment again...

Also it's not much of a 'bug' than the reality - I can't conjure resources and crafts out of thin air, strange, eh? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: The Burning Yak on February 20, 2017, 04:43:49 pm
It appears I can't research Craft Missiles. I've got all the dependencies except one. SEAGULL. I've researched Seagull Missiles already. When I view SEAGULL in the tech tree viewer it appears to have no dependencies at all.

This is on 0.99F.  I'm thinking I may just need to update to the latest version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 20, 2017, 04:44:32 pm
Yes, this is a known bug with version 0.99F, should be fixed in the latest.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Morrandir on February 21, 2017, 12:37:00 pm
It seems that my gals cannot reaction fire with combat bows. Maybe it's intentional, since combat bows only have an aimed shot, and I seem to remember that reaction fire (for the player) works only with snap shots. Even if it's intentional, it's still at least a bit weird that hunting bows allow for reaction shots while combat bows don't...

While I'm at it, thanks for a truly amazing game! It has the potential to consume all my time and destroy my career, family and health – in a good way 8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 21, 2017, 04:21:14 pm
It seems that my gals cannot reaction fire with combat bows. Maybe it's intentional, since combat bows only have an aimed shot, and I seem to remember that reaction fire (for the player) works only with snap shots. Even if it's intentional, it's still at least a bit weird that hunting bows allow for reaction shots while combat bows don't...

Reaction shooting with a longbow? Really? Maybe in Diablo. :)

No, honestly, it makes as little sense as possible. Have you seen these things? They are as tall as you are, and you can't keep the arrow ready for more than a few seconds - maybe fifteen, if you are profoundly trained. And the gals' bows are probably scaled for their strength. Even if the combat bow is not a longbow, it doesn't really change much.

Hunting bows on the other hand are considerable weaker. While reaction firing from them is still a bit of a stretch, it is justified by game balance and not really that absurd.

While I'm at it, thanks for a truly amazing game! It has the potential to consume all my time and destroy my career, family and health – in a good way 8)

I know, mate. I think we all know it well. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Morrandir on February 21, 2017, 05:19:48 pm
No, honestly, it makes as little sense as possible. Have you seen these things? They are as tall as you are, and you can't keep the arrow ready for more than a few seconds - maybe fifteen, if you are profoundly trained. And the gals' bows are probably scaled for their strength. Even if the combat bow is not a longbow, it doesn't really change much.

Right, I hear you man – longbows are pretty hefty. But the way I think of reaction fire is that instead of doing your action actively, you stop (or walk/do stuff slower) and wait/give yourself more time to react. Consider this completely, utterly, totally fictitious situation that definitely never happened ( :'( ).

My archer gal with her brand new combat bow sees one of them pesky chupacabras in a distance. She could actively shoot, or – since we're doing reaction training here (d'uh) – she could just stand her ground and shoot the sorry bugger when it decides to move. Just like her pistol-equipped gal pals. The chupacabra smells some tasty uber blood, shrieks in glee and starts running like a mother***** on steroids right at me gal. But no worries, Cap'n, she's no swabbie, she'll put and end to it soon enough! But what is this, suddenly my gal is overpowered by the weight of the bow – look at the size of that thing! She puts all her might to lifting and drawing the bow, but to no avail, and as in her last act of pure desperation she tries to pick up an arrow with which to stab the raving little imp, the hell-spawn pounces ravenously at her, fangs and talons gleaming in anticipation. "Goodness me, how many time units do these creatures have?!", I think in horror as my gal is unceremoniously ripped to little pieces of mutant meat in front of all the useless swabbies that are in panic shooting at the foliage and each others' backs. And then it dawns on me: if only she had taken a slightly smaller bow with her! ;)

Hunting bows on the other hand are considerable weaker. While reaction firing from them is still a bit of a stretch, it is justified by game balance and not really that absurd.

So yeah, absurd or not, it would at least be nice to have some kind of warning on this in the bootypedia. I'm with you on the balance issue, though. It's also a nice trade-off between a more powerful weapon to use from a distance and a smaller, more portable, reaction-fire-capable weapon.

TL;DR OK no bug then! ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on February 21, 2017, 05:26:26 pm
TL;DR OK no bug then! ;D

Yep, bottom line: Only Snap Shot mode is used in Reaction firing. 

The weapons in PirateZ are balanced with that in mind.  Want to train throwing and reactions? Hunting Bow, Ninja Stars, Fuso Knives.  Want something that packs more punch than the Dinky Hunting Bow?  Combat Bow with Aqua Arrows, or Javelins, etc. 

That said, I love the Hunting Bow and Flame Arrows of the ability to plink over the airbus and deliver solid damage early on. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 21, 2017, 05:49:04 pm
Right, I hear you man – longbows are pretty hefty. But the way I think of reaction fire is that instead of doing your action actively, you stop (or walk/do stuff slower) and wait/give yourself more time to react. Consider this completely, utterly, totally fictitious situation that definitely never happened ( :'( ).

My archer gal with her brand new combat bow sees one of them pesky chupacabras in a distance. She could actively shoot, or – since we're doing reaction training here (d'uh) – she could just stand her ground and shoot the sorry bugger when it decides to move. Just like her pistol-equipped gal pals. The chupacabra smells some tasty uber blood, shrieks in glee and starts running like a mother***** on steroids right at me gal. But no worries, Cap'n, she's no swabbie, she'll put and end to it soon enough! But what is this, suddenly my gal is overpowered by the weight of the bow – look at the size of that thing! She puts all her might to lifting and drawing the bow, but to no avail, and as in her last act of pure desperation she tries to pick up an arrow with which to stab the raving little imp, the hell-spawn pounces ravenously at her, fangs and talons gleaming in anticipation. "Goodness me, how many time units do these creatures have?!", I think in horror as my gal is unceremoniously ripped to little pieces of mutant meat in front of all the useless swabbies that are in panic shooting at the foliage and each others' backs. And then it dawns on me: if only she had taken a slightly smaller bow with her! ;)

Hehe, it reminds me of my old GM, who used to say during combat: "Now it's going to be played as an RTS, but in turns". These are the problems with accurate representation of simultaneous actions in any turn-based game. Some games go far trying to mend these holes (like Jagged Alliance 2 and its system of variable starting TUs), but they'll never go away.

Luckily we also have games like UFO: Aftershock, or even X-Com Apocalypse, with their active pause system. It's good to switch to them sometimes.

So yeah, absurd or not, it would at least be nice to have some kind of warning on this in the bootypedia. I'm with you on the balance issue, though. It's also a nice trade-off between a more powerful weapon to use from a distance and a smaller, more portable, reaction-fire-capable weapon.

Not sure what the warning would be, since the big bow obviously doesn't have snap shots, so can't be used for reactions... Like Ivan said.

That said, I love the Hunting Bow and Flame Arrows of the ability to plink over the airbus and deliver solid damage early on. :)

Yes, Flame Arrows are a bit of a Do Everything Arrows. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on February 22, 2017, 08:35:33 pm

In version .99F1 quick search bar is missing, also from the options where you enable it. I double checked with pure distro version, without any of my old config files or saves, still no quick search bar.
There is option for it in the config file, but does not appear in the actual game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on February 22, 2017, 08:40:31 pm
Have you tried pressing "q"?  That's the key to bring up the search when it's hidden.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lancev on February 22, 2017, 08:57:21 pm
Is it intended that the new slave soldier cannot learn voodoo?
They are in the voodoo school for 2 month now, but apparently no progress. So I checked the save file, and what happens is, that for normal gals the voodoo skill jumps from -1 (=UNKNOWN Power) to some random positive value, but for the slave soldier it goes from -1 to 0 and the next day to a random negative number as usual.
Would be a pity, since as humans they should be good at it. On the other hand it's to dangerous maybe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 23, 2017, 03:51:46 am
Yeah there was a bug in their stat sets. Fixed (hopefully).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lancev on February 24, 2017, 02:38:52 am
Yeah there was a bug in their stat sets. Fixed (hopefully).

Yes, after fooling around with the ruleset a bit it seems that the maxStats for psiSkill needs to be larger than 0.

Another thing, not a bug, but are the Silver Towers really supposed to have such a high shield regeneration rate? Not sure whether it is at all possible to down this ship with in-game methods. Maybe with 4 Sabres with 2 Tesla Cannnons each.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 24, 2017, 11:19:59 am
Another thing, not a bug, but are the Silver Towers really supposed to have such a high shield regeneration rate?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on February 24, 2017, 02:36:55 pm
The 'Railguns Construction' technology depends on 'Gauss Defences', which breaks that part of the tech tree.

In previous versions, the specific research chain i'm looking at starts with Railguns Construction, which unlocked Craft Railgun, which in turn unlocked Gauss Defences.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bluberd on February 24, 2017, 05:25:49 pm
Have you tried pressing "q"?  That's the key to bring up the search when it's hidden.

yay, works, thank you :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sectopod on February 28, 2017, 10:10:33 pm
"Guerrilla Gear" can be researched without the research on "Camouflage" concept finished first. Though in the description of guerrilla gear is a reference to the camouflage concept.

"This combat outfit utilizes the newly discovered camouflage concept, as well as Kevlar weave .... "

Researching guerrilla gear became available after the research on "Kevlar Armor Parts" only. But I think you intended both being necessary.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xaphias on March 01, 2017, 01:56:03 am
oops, bug already reported.

love the stuff you're doing! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 02, 2017, 05:13:22 pm
Merc Hover tanks are stunable with impalers but yield no research item. In fact the yield no items at regardless of method destruction.

UPDATE: In addition "Bane of commendation X" for werewolves Appears as STR_werewolves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scorrpio on March 03, 2017, 05:41:44 pm
I noticed that in 99f1 you can't build Stills.  Ruleset has Still facility requiring STR_STILL research, but there is no such research.  I changed requirement to STR_INSPECT_MACHINERY, but I figure a fix is needed in the download snapshot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on March 04, 2017, 12:51:15 pm
Plunder mission only shows as a comm wave similar to certain terror missions, but never actually fires.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sectopod on March 04, 2017, 11:37:29 pm
Researching Giant Spider (alive) yields "Giant Spider Examination".
After that researching Giant Spider Carcass yields nothing.

Is this correct?

Thinking because researching Werewolf Carcass and Werewolf Savage (in that order) yielded "Werewolf Examination" and "Werewolf Savage".

Same with Blood Hounds. Ratman Brigand gave me "Blood Hound" but researching "Blood Hound Corpse" after that yielded nothing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on March 10, 2017, 01:30:25 pm
Map for ambulance vessel doesn't exist or the path is wrong.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 10, 2017, 01:34:30 pm
Map for ambulance vessel doesn't exist or the path is wrong.,4465.msg80331.html#msg80331
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 10, 2017, 07:14:07 pm
Not quite bugs but odd none the less. The first pic there are some clear holes adjacent to the supply feet through which the background is visible.

Second shot well someone had a mighty big plunger to get a reaper in there.

Note: screenshots taken in debug mode for clearer view of problems
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 10, 2017, 09:28:25 pm
Map imperfections. I will fix that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on March 14, 2017, 12:02:30 pm
Upon researching church beastmaster, I got research STR_REAPER not found crash.

EDIT: it's probably just an overshigh, but star god guardians spawn with low grade weaponry (LACCs, CAWSs etc.) on crashed escort ship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Fleshwit on March 16, 2017, 03:23:17 pm
Hi, I'm getting a consistent crash whenever I try to intercept medium UFOs. This is a relatively fresh installation (only a few days).  I tried re-copying over the UFO files to the right folder, and unzipping the XPirates installation on top and nothing. This is the error I recieve.

Code: [Select]
[16-03-2017_19-27-30] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
[16-03-2017_19-27-32] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

I'll attach my save. A medium UFO should appear almost right away, and as soon as the Airbus reaches it the crash happens.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 16, 2017, 03:44:12 pm
Hi, I'm getting a consistent crash whenever I try to intercept medium UFOs. This is a relatively fresh installation (only a few days).  I tried re-copying over the UFO files to the right folder, and unzipping the XPirates installation on top and nothing. This is the error I recieve.

Code: [Select]
[16-03-2017_19-27-30] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
[16-03-2017_19-27-32] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Already reported, see here (,3626.4185.html).  The fix is right on that page, it's a typo in the ruleset (Harverster should be Harvester).

I'll attach my save. A medium UFO should appear almost right away, and as soon as the Airbus reaches it the crash happens.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Fleshwit on March 16, 2017, 03:56:45 pm
Aha, I'd looked back in this thread a few pages and found nothing about it! Guess I should read the main thread too, eheh. Thanks, it worked.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 17, 2017, 05:00:13 pm
I took quite a break from this masterpiece of a Mod to find a load of new stuff and booty to claim.

Sadly my curiosity made me discover 6 things that aren't gamebreaking but not very pleasurable to look at.
1. Laslock Pistol 2. Rocket Launcer 3. Ghost Beam 4. Ball of Annihilation 5.+6. Nurse Medpack + Laser Lenses.

Someone else been forced to use dead chicks as weapons and tools?

Awesome work with the patches yet again!  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 17, 2017, 05:26:17 pm
Someone else been forced to use dead chicks as weapons and tools?

Typical example of overwriting default mod values with wrong indexes in your custom sub-mods.

What other mods are you using?

EDIT: looks like Alternate Corpses mod... please deactivate that, it's not needed anymore since quite a few versions ago.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 17, 2017, 05:56:38 pm
EDIT: looks like Alternate Corpses mod... please deactivate that, it's not needed anymore since quite a few versions ago.

Mod deactivated, all pictures now correctly displayed. Thx mate :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on March 18, 2017, 07:20:27 am
Upon researching church beastmaster, I got research STR_REAPER not found crash.

Go to and open \Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez.rul

Code: [Select]
  - delete: STR_REAPER
  - delete: STR_SECTOPOD
  - delete: STR_CYBERDISC

Removing the line '  - delete: STR_REAPER' gets around the problem. Not sure why that line was added in the newest version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Adak on March 18, 2017, 02:52:38 pm
Hey Guys,
I really like this crazy X-PirateZ mod and currently facing an issue that when trying to intercept (approach actually, as still don't have air-to-air weapons) medium shipping the openxcom crashes with below error:
[18-03-2017_11-45-06]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
[18-03-2017_11-45-11]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite InterceptionCIHarverster not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Attaching save file (just target 1 visible medium shipping with any of the craft from EU1 baser and wait until it closes)
X-PirateZ 0.99F.3, Extended 3.6+ (v2017-03-06).

It's not super big issue for now, but I will eventually want to hunt down those shippings ;-)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 18, 2017, 03:32:23 pm
DL the new version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on March 18, 2017, 07:57:13 pm
Ported my latest campaign to the new version. In the research screen, some of the entries (Aye-phone, Hypno panels, The Solar Governor) have had their names default to their vanilla counterpart (Motion sensor, Alien Entertainment, The Martian Solution).

I'm quickly looking through Piratez_lang.rul right now, but I haven't yet found anything obvious.

EDIT: Disregard above. Changed language options from UK to US.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Adak on March 18, 2017, 10:41:02 pm
DL the new version.

Works like charm :-)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on March 19, 2017, 02:12:13 am
Using v0.99 F4,

The game hangs (becomes unresponsive and must be forced to close) at the end of the day on my current save. I don't have any strong guesses for what is causing it, but I suppose it's probably something to do with research (since that's a significant thing that happens at the end of each day).

Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on March 19, 2017, 04:55:28 am
I wanted to be able to continue playing my game, so I took the time to debug this problem. I've identified the problem, and posted a patch which fixes it. I was posting on Discord as I worked through it. For reference, here's what I said on Discord:

I've opened it in a debugger, and found that it's caused by a recursive infinite loop inside SavedGame::getDependableResearchBasic
That function calls itself; and in this case it just continues to call itself indefinitely. I'm not yet sure what the function is meant to do, so I don't have a solution yet.
My best guess at the moment is that there is a tech which either lists itself as a prerequisite, or lists itself as an unlock.
Ok.. On second examination it might be a bit more complex. It could be a few different techs which list each other as unlocks. Obviously we could work out which techs are the problem by looking at what I'm researching the in save, but I think it's better to just fix the problem in the exe.
I've got an easy fix in mind. I'll post it in a minute.
ok. Done
Check this out, @Meridian
Code: [Select]
Fixed infinite loop bug in SavedGame::getDependableResearchBasic...
Loops of techs which unlock each other would previously cause this function to recursively call itself indefinitely. Techs which mutually unlock each other should now work correctly without problems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on March 20, 2017, 11:54:16 am
Can`t kill stunned enemy on this tile.
I have to pick him and move tile SE or SW and then shoot him on ground.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on March 23, 2017, 10:42:27 pm
It is minor but some of the oponents in eurosyndicate mission spawn with precision laser but no ammo for it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 24, 2017, 01:03:13 am
This crash has happened before but only now has it repeated.
First time it happened when I received 2 cloaking devices at one of my bases, clicked on "check yer hideout" and the game instantly crashed. There was no listed error, there was nothing listed in the crash log - the Game Window just disappeared without further ado.

(after I ran the game again it worked just fine)

Happened again today, this time for simply starting a new manufacturing project. Nothing got added to available build items on the previous research completion, though I forget what it is I was going to build. As soon as I click on New Production the game window disappeared.

It happened again and this time I caught a screen of it because the window didnt go away (it just ended up not responding).

Seems more like an OXCE+ error but I figured id post it here since this is under x-piratez.

Its doing it every time now, whether its at that base or the other base (their inventories are different). The most recent research topic unlocked was a Gun Almanac that gave me the CAWS shotgun.

I also got a Segmentation Default crash when I got another Gun Almanac researched but I dont know what item caused it - I tried to check the research results and it crashed without showing the item screen. Since the Gun Almanac gives a random get one free there's no telling which item it was.

(but this was NOT a segmentation default upon Game Load, this occurred during geoscape gameplay)

Methinks there is something fishy in your Manufacture Tree.

I started a new game just to see if it was going to keep hanging on me and the answer is no - however starting a new game just because, then loading my main savegame didnt keep it from crashing later.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 24, 2017, 03:20:25 am
and now its NOT crashing

I think my computer has a mind of its own sometimes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on March 24, 2017, 09:30:49 am
I'm think it's a problem from a T.S.R. file - an Antivirus program, Windows Media Player, the Task Manager ect... - You know, the ones that still run in the background, even after you close them.

They have affected my copy of Open X-Com before, however it's kinda hard to sort out which one is the culprit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 24, 2017, 07:23:38 pm
I'm think it's a problem from a T.S.R. file - an Antivirus program, Windows Media Player, the Task Manager ect... - You know, the ones that still run in the background, even after you close them.

They have affected my copy of Open X-Com before, however it's kinda hard to sort out which one is the culprit.

Thats entirely possible, I almost never reboot or shut down my computer, I put it in Hibernate because the ethernet/wifi is funky about not being able to turn it back on if it gets turned off due to low power or standby mode. Also I frequently have things going on in programs that I dont want to close (and a nagging fear sometimes that if I shut it down, it wont properly cold boot when I turn it back on).

Also I discovered a bug in OXCE+ that I didnt want to report, since im using a mod on top of xpiratez to modify stuff in the game. Rather than delete the Mandrake Linux SMG manufacturing entry and make a new entry so the manufacturing requirements were discarded, I simply modified str_sectoid_corpse: 0 without removing it.

Apparently the game code really didnt like that. I didnt see that coming since 0 is just another number and I didnt anticipate the code would barf when I did that. I guess because it would still have to print Integrated Devices under the manufacturing requirement and then also say it didnt require any (you'd think it would show up as Integrated Devices... units required 0)

(I dislike deleting entries and redefining them because if Dioxine changes the Listorder it will become a spaghetti mess and things will be shuffled to the bottom)

But it has also been insta-crashing for other reasons, like when i simply checked my base after I got those cloaking devices for the shipbuilding. Nothing has been changed about those.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on March 26, 2017, 02:58:41 pm
Inaccessible room with enemy inside (pogrom map)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 26, 2017, 04:43:36 pm
 :o how did i never notice that before? must have played pogroms on that tileset at least 30-40 times by now. But not game breaking given how flimsy most building walls are. Still time to move a door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 26, 2017, 05:16:53 pm
Hobbes' terrain hijinks. Not fixing this now, it'll be more efficient to do a general sweep/upgrade of ALL these terrains at once (building up workshop for someone's elses terrain takes time).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on March 27, 2017, 10:38:57 pm
And again - how to obtain "plasma subrifle"?
Who is using this gun? I`ve destroyed 4 bases and nothing...
Maybe it should be buyable? Or replace it with reticulan plasma gun???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 27, 2017, 11:18:20 pm
If you haven't been able to find it, that probably means you need to start taking on some bigger prey - i.e. larger military ships.  Or realize that crackdowns are sometimes gifts delivered straight to your door...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scorrpio on March 27, 2017, 11:32:53 pm
And again - how to obtain "plasma subrifle"?
Who is using this gun? I`ve destroyed 4 bases and nothing...
Maybe it should be buyable? Or replace it with reticulan plasma gun???
I got a couple of those when some Spartans rather foolishly decided to raid my base...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 28, 2017, 04:39:51 am
Not sure if this is a bug or just intentional to make the mission unblockable, but ive caught this before with a super huge velocity number before too. Radar actually picked up the "craft" moving through its scan zone. It did NOT produce a pogrom mission either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 28, 2017, 05:43:47 am
Comm Waves are intentional designed this way. Ideally the missions spawned by comm waves would not need a "craft" to spawn but the engine doesn't allow a pogrom from thin air.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 28, 2017, 11:09:20 pm
Not sure if this is a bug or just intentional to make the mission unblockable, but ive caught this before with a super huge velocity number before too. Radar actually picked up the "craft" moving through its scan zone. It did NOT produce a pogrom mission either.

These often come in two waves, the second of which will produce the Pogrom.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Crazy on March 30, 2017, 06:49:19 pm
Green Bong has no firing mode, so there's no way to use it.

XG Chaingun from my testing appears to be glitched, only getting a 20% accuracy bonus from kneeling instead of the 75% bonus that it should be getting according to the Ufopaedia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 30, 2017, 07:51:45 pm
XG Chaingun from my testing appears to be glitched, only getting a 20% accuracy bonus from kneeling instead of the 75% bonus that it should be getting according to the Ufopaedia.
Could also be an issue with the description. For all we know Dioxine meant higher then normally kneeling bonus.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 30, 2017, 08:07:30 pm
How are you calculating the accuracy bonus?  The kneeling bonus isn't a flat added percentage to the displayed accuracy on the cursor, it's a multiplier.  The 75% bonus (and that is the correct number from the ruleset) means that when kneeling the displayed accuracy should be multiplied by 1.75.  If you get a bonus of +20% on that displayed number, that means your base autofire accuracy is around 26%, right?  You're getting almost double accuracy from kneeling.

If that's not the case, then there could be a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: juff on March 31, 2017, 04:50:18 am
Kneel bonus for XG chaingun is 1.75 in ruleset. That should be 175 right?
edit: I mean, it's the only one written with decimals, so I assume that is an error
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 31, 2017, 05:38:24 am
Yes, kneel bonus is a multiplier to accuracy, so take standing accuracy and multiply it by 1.75 (which is +75%) for the XG Chaingun.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scorrpio on March 31, 2017, 08:13:02 am
Yeah final accuracy is whatever your standing accuracy times 1.75, not flat 75% added. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 01, 2017, 07:38:58 am
Crash to desktop with assertion failure after updating save.

File: Savegame/AlienStrategy.cpp, Line148

Expresion: found !=_reagionMissions.end()

I'm gona presume i edited the save incorrectly. Delete possible missions section is not a particularly precise instruction.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on April 01, 2017, 08:50:24 am
In previous version Harvester interception sprite was missing. Not sure about now. Also STR_ASSIG_PILOTS missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on April 01, 2017, 05:11:45 pm
Crash to desktop with assertion failure after updating save.

I have the same crash, it happens at the end of the month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 01, 2017, 06:25:34 pm
Hmm, then try deleting just

from 'available missions' in 'alien strategy'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on April 01, 2017, 07:10:28 pm
Looks like it works, no crashes so far. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on April 01, 2017, 07:11:14 pm
I have the same crash, it happens at the end of the month.

Same for me. I followed the update instructions. I test finishing the month ignoring everything else to see if things are working. Same error, appearing at the end of the month.

Hmm, then try deleting just

from 'available missions' in 'alien strategy'

Don´t touch the possibleMissions: then?. I say, only delete those two strings from that section?.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 01, 2017, 07:51:45 pm
Yeah that should do it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on April 01, 2017, 09:53:01 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 02, 2017, 02:22:21 am

This one should not be removed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 03, 2017, 08:24:08 am
I'm having trouble editing my save.  I've tried both cutting the entire possible missions and only the specified strings, but it the error still comes up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on April 04, 2017, 01:24:49 am
What error give it to you?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 04, 2017, 06:50:59 am
Same as the others were getting earlier, with the line 148 pop-up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 04, 2017, 07:22:46 am
This may or may not work but you could try resetting each of the region sections to the default "null" state. 

- region: STR_ARCTIC
      missions: ~

This would break any ongoing missions chains like gold/military transport and other multiwave missions, but should stop any conflicts between existing and new mission generation. No idea what other side effects could occur from "tricking" the game into thinking there are no missions running. Use at your own risk.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 04, 2017, 08:06:05 am
Okay, I'll give it a try once I get back to my main computer.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 04, 2017, 09:03:02 am
It's a blind shot, but maybe you could start a new campaign and then move the missions section from the new campaign to the old campaign? In the4 worst case you'll get some early missions later.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 04, 2017, 04:29:11 pm
What I had to do was re-edit my save (after initially deleting the entire "possibleMissions" section).  I had to open an earlier save, and copy that section back in.

Then I edited out all of the

Passed the end of the month with no problems.

(Its things like this that make Ironman a Really Bad Idea for a game like this still in development)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blackbeard2090 on April 05, 2017, 07:57:25 pm

small bug when transporting crew with the new devastator. I carried 6 hands, one mutated reaper and an advisor to a crash site. One hand wasn' t onboard, the last one in the crew selection row for the devastator under vessels.

The next mission i flew without the advisor. Now the lost hand was onboard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Phaethon on April 06, 2017, 08:55:29 pm
First and foremost I would like to thank Dioxine for all his work done so far and all the work that will follow.

Now to the problem at hand.

I have been playing XPirates from the previews release and updated just after the last patch.

Since I made a clean start of the game (no preserved saves) I started a new game and all seemed to be fine, alas once I complete the 4th month of gameplay the support from all nations / factions gets terminated and I lose my game. This happened twice by now.

Is there something I fail to understand or is this something normal and I am doing something wrong ?

I should note that I was well in my fifth year on the older versions of the game and nothing like that ever happened.

Thanks in advance for your reply.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 06, 2017, 08:57:47 pm
Do you have a save from just before the end of the 4th month?  It's hard to tell what's buggy and what's not if we don't have a save to look at.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Phaethon on April 06, 2017, 09:37:07 pm
Sorry, I just deleted everything to reinstall a clean game to patch and once it did so again I completely removed the game and files from my pc.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 08, 2017, 12:54:11 am
Finally got back to my computer.  I was trying Scorch's suggestion when I saw I had pasted the possibleMissions section in the wrong place.  I just moved my old data and it worked.  I'd just like to thank everyone who gave me advice.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 09, 2017, 12:01:25 am
Fun question:

What is "Human Powered Armor" in terms of an item?
I'm a bit puzzled how to obtain this thing...

Besides no clue how to get this I wonder why researching a Firebat-captive doesn't count for understanding power-armor.
I can't reach "Heavy Maschinery Training" due to this and  can't research school graduation. (besides too early for my taste to even waste brainer power to this topic - August 2602)

Am I missing something or do I have to roll double snakes on the dice to get the mission/vessel to plunder the item?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2017, 02:34:06 am
human powered armor is power armor parts. Power armor parts in turn are found from dead power armored foes like Marsec Bodyguards. Researching live captures of power armored foes will not yield the necessary item. One the few cases where a foe is worth more to tech progress dead then alive 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scorrpio on April 09, 2017, 03:19:16 am
Actually, some captive researches will.   I remember standing over my first Marsec Bodyguard bleeding on the ground, deciding whether to heal or kill.  Took him alive, researched him and got powered armor tech as free bonus. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 09, 2017, 06:58:55 am
To my knowledge Marsec Bodyguards are the only one with power armor on there get one free list. Even then there are ~10 items on that list. Death assures progress on a critical component of play.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 10, 2017, 06:36:42 am
I had the same issue with end of month crashing. Oddly the first month after updating allowed me to continue playing by pressing "ignore", but the next was a crash no matter what. Examining the save file it seems the game never fully reconstructed the possible missions section, so that does indeed seem to not be a good idea to remove. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 10, 2017, 03:38:52 pm
I had the same issue with end of month crashing. Oddly the first month after updating allowed me to continue playing by pressing "ignore", but the next was a crash no matter what. Examining the save file it seems the game never fully reconstructed the possible missions section, so that does indeed seem to not be a good idea to remove. :)

Correct:  You cannot remove the whole possibleMissions section.  This will crash your game.

You must remove out all of the

lines.  There are multiple copies of these in the save, one for each region, I believe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 10, 2017, 05:53:17 pm
Correct:  You cannot remove the whole possibleMissions section.  This will crash your game.

You must remove out all of the

lines.  There are multiple copies of these in the save, one for each region, I believe.
Actually in my case there were absolutely zero. I never needed to open the save in the first place. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MadHaTr on April 13, 2017, 04:02:56 am
Is it normal or a bug when I stun, in this example 2 reticulans, 1 a peon the other a reticulan hybrid.  Both had the Sleepy time and not the blood while on the ground.  Yet when I end mission, 1 is dead.  I notice this happening all the time.

Also a bug report.  Sorry happened a while ago in game.  Was on a harvester type ship(this is my first place so I am not to up on shit) on the bridge I was shooting a beastmaster out of armor, by the control consoles.  She goes down console blows up but I notice my view enemys went from 1 to 7 or more.(not sure why it showed them while the one was unconscience, maybe they were invisible at first until they moved)  I looked(from afar) and the breast master was on the ground sleeping so I moved out to look for other hostiles.  Well the beastmaster I guess woke up but it was really 7 of them, I had 7 or more armorless beast masters coming down from the bridge and causing all hell.   

So there is a some kind of beastmaster DUPE bug. 

I'm sorry I never grabbed the save, never thought of it at the time.  Felt I should report it anyway. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scorrpio on April 13, 2017, 06:27:22 am
To my knowledge Marsec Bodyguards are the only one with power armor on there get one free list. Even then there are ~10 items on that list. Death assures progress on a critical component of play.
Worst comes to worst, if game adamantly refuses to give you Marsec Bodyguards or such, you can order a pair of them from Mercs at 3.5mil a pop.   First one you need to research, and then you can rob the second one for his stuff, power armor parts included.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 13, 2017, 09:01:47 am
Is it normal or a bug when I stun, in this example 2 reticulans, 1 a peon the other a reticulan hybrid.  Both had the Sleepy time and not the blood while on the ground.  Yet when I end mission, 1 is dead.  I notice this happening all the time.

There is a mechanic where if you have more then 3x your current hp in stun you start ticking lethal. The lower your current hp compared to your maximum the more powerful the tick. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 15, 2017, 05:27:59 am
I have a crash on a downed ship.  The save starts with my fighter following a church fighter over the sea.  If I shoot it down once it gets over land and immediately assault it, I get a crash.  I assume it is a map generation issue, since sending another craft immediately still causes a crash but waiting a day seems to make it work.  I started this game on 0.99F.4 and upgraded when 0.99F.5 came out, but aside from some trouble editing my 'PossibleMissions' I have not had any other issues.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 15, 2017, 11:20:02 am
Save? We don't have a crystal ball. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2017, 11:28:41 am
Save? We don't have a crystal ball. :P

Good morning sunshine :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 15, 2017, 11:31:11 am
Good morning sunshine :)

...the letters are really small next to that big .png... and I wasn't here at all. >poof!<
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2017, 11:46:30 am
In other news... I couldn't reproduce the crash... can someone else try and confirm?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 15, 2017, 09:25:19 pm
No crash for me either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 16, 2017, 12:26:38 am
So this is weird.  I double checked and I was still getting the crash... until I left the missiles on.  I had been only using spitters and getting the crash, but when I downed it with missiles it worked fine.  Can you reproduce this?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on April 16, 2017, 02:29:22 am
Have a strange minor bug, maybe with the map?  I'm still fairly new to Piratez, and thought it was a good time to start over, so I did a fresh install with the current version, started a new game, and this is the first landed mission

If the gal with the shotgun (Flotsam Icicle) exits the ship and goes south west (towards bottom left of screen) she'll see a nurse at 18, 38, 0.  If I try to shoot the nurse with the ol shotgun it won't show the animation for firing, there will be no impacts, but it will play the sound, reduce TU and ammo count like she fired.  If I try shooting at 17, 38, 0 it will give a "can't see them" message and do nothing, like there was no LOS.  If I shoot at 18, 37, 0 it will shoot like normal.  It will work like normal if I try shooting with a musket gal, or run up and melee.  If I run the shotgun gal into the enemy ship she can shoot the others in there.

Obviously not game breaking, but figured I should report it.  Really enjoying this mod, by the way.  I think it might have ruined me for vanilla
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 16, 2017, 02:58:06 am
It simply means your buckshot missed completely and went out of the map (which means no hit animation). Buckshot skips bullet animation by default, so there was nothing to show except the discharge.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 16, 2017, 03:44:44 am
Found a fun one:  If you overload a vehicle, easy with the early ships, the game puts a negative number or whatever item on the ship, if you don't remove those, which is irritating to do, by the way, after the next mission, you will get however many of the item you were into the negatives with.

example: I loaded my aircar up and went over when I tried to add a tommy, which went to -55 and after the mission, I got 55 tommys as loot.

I can probably set it up again for a save if you're interested but it looks like it ought to be easy to duplicate.

Sadly I didn't save recently before loading that car, and I can't continue until I sell enough of them to allow storage, just going to have to endure the unearned profit.  :'(

Incidentally, any way to show how much storage space your ships have available/left? Especially as crew count towards it?


apparently until you actually take care of the negative number, it does the same thing for every mission you use that ship for.  I was OK(ish) keeping the profits from the first load, but how do I safely remove money from my total?

Or should I even worry about $165000x2 extra?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2017, 02:17:32 pm
example: I loaded my aircar up and went over when I tried to add a tommy, which went to -55 and after the mission, I got 55 tommys as loot.

I have fixed the issue in the newest OXCE+ (2017-04-14)...

... except for the case when you overloaded the craft before it was changed to have a storage limit. This can happen only if you upgrade PirateZ during the campaign. When starting a new campaign, this can't happen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2017, 02:36:44 pm
So this is weird.  I double checked and I was still getting the crash... until I left the missiles on.  I had been only using spitters and getting the crash, but when I downed it with missiles it worked fine.  Can you reproduce this?

No, I can't.

Why don't you just give us a save after shooting down the UFO and just  before landing (e.g. say no when you shoot them down and then target again the crash site)?
That way we don't have to beg RNG gods for same outcome as in your tests... just need a save right before the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: desert on April 16, 2017, 06:23:36 pm
Found a fun one:  If you overload a vehicle, easy with the early ships, the game puts a negative number or whatever item on the ship, if you don't remove those, which is irritating to do, by the way, after the next mission, you will get however many of the item you were into the negatives with.

example: I loaded my aircar up and went over when I tried to add a tommy, which went to -55 and after the mission, I got 55 tommys as loot.

I can probably set it up again for a save if you're interested but it looks like it ought to be easy to duplicate.

Sadly I didn't save recently before loading that car, and I can't continue until I sell enough of them to allow storage, just going to have to endure the unearned profit.  :'(

Incidentally, any way to show how much storage space your ships have available/left? Especially as crew count towards it?


apparently until you actually take care of the negative number, it does the same thing for every mission you use that ship for.  I was OK(ish) keeping the profits from the first load, but how do I safely remove money from my total?

Or should I even worry about $165000x2 extra?

I had a problem with this: the Aircar can only store 50 items, which is unreasonably low for a crew of 4. So I removed it in the ruleset, and in doing so I found that the Aircar is the only vessel with an item limit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2017, 06:28:41 pm
I had a problem with this: the Aircar can only store 50 items, which is unreasonably low for a crew of 4. So I removed it in the ruleset, and in doing so I found that the Aircar is the only vessel with an item limit.

Unreasonably low? :)
That's 12 items per soldier... you don't even have that many slots usually.

Original xcom had 80 items for 26 soldiers in the Avenger :P

PS: but I also don't see any reason for these limits... they just get in the way... and openxcom won't run on 4 MB memory anyway, so why bother...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 16, 2017, 07:10:47 pm
Yes, I'm fairly sure it was just a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 16, 2017, 10:34:36 pm
Here's a save on the way to the crash.  I tried it three times and it crashed every time, so if you don't get anything then I must have just borked something when I upgraded.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 16, 2017, 11:47:42 pm
That 50 limit includes the soldiers, who are worth around 5 space each.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2017, 11:56:57 pm
That 50 limit includes the soldiers, who are worth around 5 space each.

No, it doesn't (and it never did).
Soldiers don't occupy any space at all; only items do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 17, 2017, 12:08:47 am
You're right, they don't influence it, what I was seeing was the overloaded message keeping you from loading the ship even after it was completely empty, it reset if you left the inventory and went back.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2017, 03:43:46 am
I already said it was a bug, no item limit was ever intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 17, 2017, 06:46:31 am
As long as it was clearly shown and didn't have fits when you accidentally tried to overload it, ship limits would probably be fine, I'm OK with or without it.

Honestly I'm just glad I don't run into more bugs and that those we see are fixed quickly.  Everyone involved is awesome, especially Dioxine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 17, 2017, 12:08:20 pm
Here's a save on the way to the crash.  I tried it three times and it crashed every time, so if you don't get anything then I must have just borked something when I upgraded.

There is a 40x40 map.
First a 20x20 UFO (Fighter craft, VES_200 map) is placed in the very middle, see screenshot.
And subsequently a 20x20 craft (Nightmare craft, HUNTERKILLER map) cannot be placed anywhere and game crashes.

Used mapscript is:
Code: [Select]
  - type: DESERT
    - type: addUFO
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addBlock
      size: 2
      executions: 3
    - type: fillArea

Workaround: Turn on save scumming, so that UFO is placed somewhere else. Or just do anything that uses RNG before landing. Or use a smaller craft.
Fix: I'll leave that to Dioxine's creativity.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MadHaTr on April 17, 2017, 11:48:51 pm
Bug:  I had a sharp guy in the workshop ready to be robbed, the project had no been started and no assigned runts.  I forgot what Item sharp guy gives me so I thought I would remove it and add it back.  The bug , the sharp guy was deleted.

Autosave is before,  x1 save is after.   The ship is returning from a mission with the sharp guy in the autosave. Once it returns you may reproduce the bug by simply adding a sharp guy robbery with no runts and then removing it and trying to add it again. The sharp guy is gone.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 17, 2017, 11:51:56 pm
Unfortunately this is not a bug.  An items used in a manufacturing project are instantly consumed and are not redeemed if the project is cancelled.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 17, 2017, 11:58:19 pm
Unfortunately this is not a bug.  An items used in a manufacturing project are instantly consumed and are not redeemed if the project is cancelled.
Small clarification only the first set of inputs is irrevocably lost. If you have ordered multiples of something only one set of inputs is consumed at a time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 18, 2017, 12:54:42 am
When you click 'aye' in production, the resources are lost. Makes sense IMO since often resources are physically destroyed in the process.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: EricPhail on April 18, 2017, 01:23:37 am
Personally I feel the resources should be consumed upon completion of 1st manhour of production (but that is probably more difficult to setup). Means projects that leave no space in the workshop can be safely canceled if accidentaly started (eg. drill).  Seems strange things would be destroyed before a runt has swung a tool but as I said earlier the clicking 'aye' thing is probably a fair enough approximation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 18, 2017, 02:17:46 am
Only reason I hit aye is to check the pricing stuff, so far I haven't had anything that requires resources be worth enough to worry about that, though I understand it's eventually a thing.

Any way to have it consume the item at the first 5 seconds of actual production? so it requires leaving the base while there's actually runts assigned?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 19, 2017, 01:32:54 am
Would be good, but someone would have to code it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: emikochan on April 19, 2017, 06:41:27 am
Hi and thanks for making the greatest mod I've ever played ^_^

I'm getting a crash every time I try to manufacture the Healer outfit (saviour armour i think it's called?)

Only base i can build at is RataSum, i could try it at another base after building all the prereqs there but that'd take months...

Help please, can't seem to find anything about it when I use the search function.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2017, 10:17:48 am
Help please, can't seem to find anything about it when I use the search function.

Well, you're playing a 15+ month old version of XPirateZ, is there any place I can still download it from to try?
And which version exactly are you playing?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: emikochan on April 19, 2017, 10:21:48 am
Oh! is there a newer version? I only started playing a few months ago.

Version 2.5b+
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2017, 10:22:55 am
Oh! is there a newer version? I only started playing a few months ago.

Version 2.5b+

2.5b+ is the version of OXCE+, not PirateZ... piratez should be something like 0.9x or something... where did you download it from?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: emikochan on April 19, 2017, 10:34:02 am
hmm that's a good question, my history doesn't seem to show anything but the new version now, maybe the links were all updated.

I'm guessing I should just get the new one... I wonder if the save can be transferred at all ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2017, 10:52:18 am
You're not very good at answering direct questions, are you?

Anyway, I think you're probably playing piratez version 0.97C.
If that is the case, you can fix your issue by finding a file called "piratez.rul" and in the same directory, where this file is located, copy the "piratez.fix.rul" file, which is attached to this post.

As for upgrading... it is possible to transfer saves... but your version is so old, that it would be more trouble than it's worth.
I recommend starting a new campaign if you want to upgrade.

PS: newest version is 0.99f.5:,4465.0.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: emikochan on April 19, 2017, 12:25:53 pm
I didn't have the answer to that question, thanks though, will play the new version, is quite different, can't wait to see all the new stuff :)

Overwriting my piratez.rul file seems to make it crash
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2017, 12:33:35 pm
Overwriting my piratez.rul file seems to make it crash

Don't overwrite... just copy the new file to the same directory. You need both.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: emikochan on April 19, 2017, 12:36:06 pm
oh lol, it's way too late for my brain to be working it seems.

Working fine now, thankyou for your patience :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on April 20, 2017, 12:46:33 pm
Playing 0.99F5 had this problem.

When I researched the Pillow book I got Batglad KIA - Even though I haven't even started with the Superslave research.

Next attempt I got Superslave KIA - Again even though I haven't started with that line. I don't even have any slaves, only maids and squires.

Save Attached.

Edit: Fogot to mention - I am useing my Alternate graphics for 0.99F5 (naughty version) mod and my Repacement Images for Backgrounds/Bootypedia mod. Both these are Here (,4022.0.html) and Here (,5238.0.html)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 21, 2017, 11:08:20 am
Yeah it was added so you can have these techs without killing any slaves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on April 21, 2017, 11:50:11 am
Oh... I thought it was an error.  Nevermind.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on April 21, 2017, 10:38:55 pm
Pyroman slave armor research unlocks crusader armor reasearch and at the same time pyroman AND crusader armor for prodution.

Crusader armor shouldnt be allowed before Crusader Armor reaserch is done.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: desert on April 22, 2017, 02:12:46 am
An interesting incident in which vodka did not remove a wound from my gal, while I was facing a wounded civilian. When I turned away from the civilian, using the vodka healed my wound.

Taking all 3 uses of vodka while facing that civilian removes its wounded state. So there is a tag for 'no self-use' in the ruleset language, but is there a tag for 'only self-use'? Regardless, this use of vodka seems unintended.

Save attached with one use gone from vodka already to civilian.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on April 22, 2017, 02:36:41 am
If there's someone(a) next to your character(b) and they are looking at that person, a is the target, if you're not looking at them, then b is the target. If you're standing on the same tile as an unconscious person(c), then c is the target.  As far as I know, we have items that are other only, but none that are self only.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on April 23, 2017, 12:24:14 am
There is a 40x40 map.
First a 20x20 UFO (Fighter craft, VES_200 map) is placed in the very middle, see screenshot.
And subsequently a 20x20 craft (Nightmare craft, HUNTERKILLER map) cannot be placed anywhere and game crashes.

Used mapscript is:
Code: [Select]
  - type: DESERT
    - type: addUFO
    - type: addCraft
    - type: addBlock
      size: 2
      executions: 3
    - type: fillArea

Workaround: Turn on save scumming, so that UFO is placed somewhere else. Or just do anything that uses RNG before landing. Or use a smaller craft.
Fix: I'll leave that to Dioxine's creativity.

I was bitten by this (or a similar one) bug twice today. Both times no close-enough saves, so I lost ~1hr playtime total and can't reproduce.

Both times was downing a scout (1x1 map, right?) with a figher (VES200, 2x2 map, right?) and landing immediately.

Still very sure any crash is a blocker bug. Game must not crash, is all.

Looked into the code and I must say I don't know how to make sure this thing never happens. Maybe any ideas on that?

Code: [Select]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom20BattlescapeGenerator10deployXCOMEPKNS_21RuleStartingConditionE+0xccd) [0x65b5fd]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom20BattlescapeGenerator3runEv+0x278) [0x668478]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom19ConfirmLandingState11btnYesClickEPNS_6ActionE+0x2b0) [0x7fd360]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom18InteractiveSurface6handleEPNS_6ActionEPNS_5StateE+0x157) [0x71a9f7]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom5State6handleEPNS_6ActionE+0x73) [0x7e2a83]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom4Game3runEv+0x2f3) [0x713783]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(main+0x164) [0x57c0c4]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f4501add830]
[22-04-2017_19-45-54]   [FATAL] ./openxcom(_start+0x29) [0x57fdd9]
[22-04-2017_19-46-00]   [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: no xcom units could be placed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 23, 2017, 12:46:40 am
The easiest is to ask modders to never pick craft/deployment map sizes such that the UFO and the player craft cannot both be placed.  Another method would be to code in some kind of mapscript validation before the map generation in BattlescapeGenerator.cpp, such that if there's a possibility of one placement excluding the other due to map size, the craft and UFO are placed in opposite corners from each other... but that sounds like a headache to code.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2017, 01:12:21 am
Still very sure any crash is a blocker bug. Game must not crash, is all.

In this case, I would disagree.

1/ I disagree it's a bug... the game behaves as designed following a sound recipe and expecting reasonable inputs.

2/ I also disagree it must not crash... the game has exhausted all possible options to continue and is left with no other choice... it could maybe say why it is terminating in a log entry and/or custom exception message, but termination is still the only option (assuming we agree the recipe from point 1 is sound... but even if we don't agree on that, it's still not a bug, but rather an imperfect specification).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on April 23, 2017, 01:23:28 am
In this case, I would disagree.

1/ I disagree it's a bug... the game behaves as designed following a sound recipe and expecting reasonable inputs.

2/ I also disagree it must not crash... the game has exhausted all possible options to continue and is left with no other choice... it could maybe say why it is terminating in a log entry and/or custom exception message, but termination is still the only option (assuming we agree the recipe from point 1 is sound... but even if we don't agree on that, it's still not a bug, but rather an imperfect specification).

Well, I guess we differ on the definition of 'input'. From the player' s point of view, perfectly legitimate input was given - a command to land.

If the game can't generate a map due a bug in a mod, a bug in the game or whatever, that's no reason to drop all the progress the player made and did not save.

Fail gracefully, is all I wish. Now that isn't possible everywhere, but it's something to strive for I think.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2017, 01:28:19 am
Fail gracefully, is all I wish.

I'll have a look if an autosave just before a mission can be added easily; and if yes add it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2017, 01:05:40 pm
This bug is already fixed for the next release, no need to beat dead horse. Maps to small to always fit new 2x2 craft (which is a size I wasn't using before) were enlarged.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on April 23, 2017, 04:27:41 pm
The Solar Courier research can be done with 0 Brainers. Feature or Bug?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2017, 04:41:16 pm
The Solar Courier research can be done with 0 Brainers. Feature or Bug?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on April 24, 2017, 04:32:15 pm
Thanks guys for the mapgen crash bug discussion.
This patch fixes it until Dioxine releases the next version:
Code: [Select]
--- ../Dioxine_XPiratez_F5_orig/user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Factions.rul 2017-04-01 03:23:35.000000000 +0300
+++ user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Factions.rul 2017-04-24 14:58:38.372625308 +0300
@@ -33164,8 +33164,8 @@
             - STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_CLIP
             - STR_PIR_ALIEN_GRENADE
   - type: STR_SMALL_SCOUT
-    width: 30
-    length: 30
+    width: 40
+    length: 40
     height: 7

I'll highlight the embedded cyberdiscs in the escort:




Most likely the RMP nodes has to be fixed.

Also, sometimes ufos with double-doors are placed with doors facing the edge of the map, thus HWPs can't exit the craft even if they can reach the doors in the first place. Like the escort in the second screenshot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MickDick on April 26, 2017, 08:01:36 am
Had my first bug playing about 20 hours so far.

When raiding an enemy hideout, my equipment got spawned on a red tile.  Thusly, when I escaped after kidnapping, stealing, and otherwise causing mayhem to teach those foolish governments why they pay me and not them, all of my brought along equipment and supplies for the siege were "lost".

I didn't notice or maybe I saw and just wasn't paying attention.  I knew about this rule already and it just didn't click until after I spent somewhere over an hour+ fighting went to leave and noticed ALL of the crap in the resupply menu.  Probably about 2 million worth of equipment. wew.


Savegame attached.  (just before leaving the enemy hideout)  If you need an earlier one for any reason I can provide.

Not wanting to get downed in current playthrough from loss of all that gear, is there a simply cheat utility so I can reimburse myself?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 02:08:06 pm
Not wanting to get downed in current playthrough from loss of all that gear, is there a simply cheat utility so I can reimburse myself?

Yes, just change funds in the save-file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 02, 2017, 02:26:23 pm
A rather drastic approach would be enabling debug-mode in your save-file.

While in battle, press ctrl + d to enable debug.
now you can use one gal to 'move' every piece of equipment to a green tile.
Remember that enabling debug will drop morale/reapply damage form fatal wounds every time you open the inventory screen.
Opening the inventory screen also refreshes TU, Stamina and Stun-damage.

Sadly this will reveal the whole map and all enemies alive and even allows to control the A.I.'s movements and inventory.
If you only want to retreat without losing your gear, stick with moving the gear aside since using debug is legit cheating.

Ctrl + k will kill every enemy btw.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 02, 2017, 06:49:56 pm
or edit the item coordinates in the save file like this:
Title: That's new.
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 09:33:49 pm
There I was, thinking I was old enough to install the newest version all by myself, but no:

[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOINTRO/UFOINT.FLI
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [WARN]   cutscene definition empty: intro
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[02-05-2017_20-27-21]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

Where did I go wrong?
Title: Re: That's new.
Post by: Stoddard on May 02, 2017, 09:38:20 pm
There I was, thinking I was old enough to install the newest version all by myself, but no:

[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOINTRO/UFOINT.FLI
Where did I go wrong?

A file from the original game data files is missing. Check that you have them where they belong.
Title: Re: That's new.
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 10:00:58 pm
A file from the original game data files is missing. Check that you have them where they belong.

Nope, should run without UFOINT.FLI - tried it, just to be save, but then it just crashes after playing the intro!^^
Title: Re: That's new.
Post by: Stoddard on May 02, 2017, 10:08:18 pm
Nope, should run without UFOINT.FLI - tried it, just to be save, but then it just crashes after playing the intro!^^

Zip it all up and post then. Without the original files ofc.
Title: Re: That's new.
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 10:20:21 pm
There I was, thinking I was old enough to install the newest version all by myself, but no:

[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOINTRO/UFOINT.FLI
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [WARN]   cutscene definition empty: intro
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[02-05-2017_20-27-21]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

Where did I go wrong?

Actually, there seems to be a problem with the options.cfg - the one generated automatically (if there is none), doesn't work!

And when I use an old one, it looks like this:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 02, 2017, 10:48:36 pm
Interesting. Can you please zip up the whole installation without hte vanilla files and post it here? Both options.cfg files would be appreciated too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 10:58:29 pm
Interesting. Can you please zip up the whole installation without hte vanilla files and post it here? Both options.cfg files would be appreciated too.

Something is very wrong. This is the file that leads to the interesting effect. But it is just the old one from 9.99E_2.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 02, 2017, 10:59:39 pm
And this is the automatically generated one. It crashed the game for me.

Maybe something is wrong with the download. Is it intentional that no options.cfg is included in 99_F_5?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 02, 2017, 11:26:21 pm
Well i do recall that the intent for allowing a modder to hardlock certain options was to do away with shipping config files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 02, 2017, 11:52:53 pm

Can you hear me? Did you read my messages at all? Send the entire installation. One file or another don't tell anything. No one is going to do anything unless the crash is reproducible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 03, 2017, 12:01:38 am

Can you hear me? Did you read my messages at all? Send the entire installation. One file or another don't tell anything. No one is going to do anything unless the crash is reproducible.

Yes, I do read you. I am very thankful for your willingness to help, but I cannot send you the entire installation, because it includes copyrighted material (the original x-com files) and sending you the rest would be a reupload of the Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar - there is nothing else.

You could help me very much, if you could tell me the md5 of your Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar and take a peak, if options.cfg is included.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 03, 2017, 12:07:14 am
883fe09a5588f4442cda4077d344c3b1  Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar

Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar does not contain options.cfg.

I can not reproduce your crash with only options.cfg you uploaded.

I explicitly mentioned the exclusion of the original resources from any upload.

Maybe it's just bad RAM  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 03, 2017, 12:37:05 am
883fe09a5588f4442cda4077d344c3b1  Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar

K, that is identical to mine, at least.

Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_F_5.rar does not contain options.cfg.

But it does generate one, once you start OpenXcomExPlus37.exe?

I can not reproduce your crash with only options.cfg you uploaded.

I explicitly mentioned the exclusion of the original resources from any upload.

Maybe it's just bad RAM  :-\

Yes, you did mention this and I overlooked it, sry.

Let's try this your way:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 03, 2017, 03:36:27 am
But it does generate one, once you start OpenXcomExPlus37.exe?

As soon as you change any option and quit the options screen, yes.

Yes, you did mention this and I overlooked it, sry.

Let's try this your way:

Sorry for the tone in the previous message.

This gets a bit more exciting. In other words, unpossible. Even though the executable in the archive is Mar 12th and not the latest, the game doesn't not crash on me despite whatever I do to it, and knowing a bit of the code I can't think of anything that might cause that spectatular font corruption.

Besides, the options.cfg in your archive doesn't match the resolution of your screenshot.

What's your system?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AngelicJoker on May 03, 2017, 04:37:38 am
I've had a few instances where items dropped by a unit that panicked aren't saved when the game is saved and reloaded.  Is this a known issue?  I just lost one of my fancy new neural whips to this while trying to capture a Smuggling ship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 03, 2017, 10:04:13 am
This gets a bit more exciting. In other words, unpossible. Even though the executable in the archive is Mar 12th and not the latest, the game doesn't not crash on me despite whatever I do to it, and knowing a bit of the code I can't think of anything that might cause that spectatular font corruption.

Besides, the options.cfg in your archive doesn't match the resolution of your screenshot.

Yes, I changed the resolution with an editor at some point, so the screenshot has a higher resolution than the latest options.cfg that did not crash.
To be safe, I got the latest exe and data by Meridian. Still no good. And anyways won't explain why it runs on your rig.

What's your system?

Win 7 64bit prof 6.1 (7601) - while checking this, I couldn't help but notice, that something is weird about my .net framework. Is OpenXcomExPlus37.exe using that? OpenXcomExPlus33.exe is running perfectly, though.

EDIT: managed the .net framework, still not working

EDIT2: It works perfectly on a win 10 PC I have temporary access to. Phew, I am not the bug!^^
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 03, 2017, 07:08:23 pm
EDIT2: It works perfectly on a win 10 PC I have temporary access to. Phew, I am not the bug!^^

I seriously suspect that something is wrong with your hardware. The binary is basically self-contained, no .net, no fancy dependencies, so even if the windows installation is fubar, it should work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 03, 2017, 10:35:46 pm
I seriously suspect that something is wrong with your hardware. The binary is basically self-contained, no .net, no fancy dependencies, so even if the windows installation is fubar, it should work.

Mdsched says ram is fine, fdisk (or whatever it calls itself now, chkdsk?) says hard drives are fine, and dxdiag as well as amd tools say graphics are fine. I have no diagnostics for the cpus or the rest of the motherboard, but problems shouldn't be limited to this one .exe? I will try it on my other win 7 pc next.

EDIT: K, doesn't run on my other win 7 pc either. This is supposed to work with win 7, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2017, 12:26:40 am
Works on my Win 7 machine, albeit much worse then OXCE+35 and prior did. Initial loading time went from 45-60 secs to 4-5 mins after that version.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 04, 2017, 01:35:19 am
EDIT: K, doesn't run on my other win 7 pc either. This is supposed to work with win 7, right?

Of course must work on win7.

Initial loading time went from 45-60 secs to 4-5 mins after that version.   

Seriously weird shit. It's ~20 secs on an ancient Phenom II 945. Checking it out.

Try this build: Extended-3.7a+-ca2e93d-2017-04-24-win64.7z (

DLLs it depends on are in ( Just extract the .exe from the above, and everything from the dlls.7z into the oxce directory.

I don't have access to my windows box right now, but even under wine my build takes ~28 seconds to load as opposed to ~200 seconds for Meridian's.
There is something wrong with his build.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2017, 04:02:29 am
i kinda suspected something was fishy, but was leaning towards hardware fatigue for my personal experience. Glad to discount some evidence that this thing is failing. Cant afford to replace it just yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on May 04, 2017, 04:18:27 am
Cant afford to replace it just yet.

Get the dust out and it'll last until the caps die, and that most likely would be instantenous and years in the future.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 04, 2017, 07:28:14 am
Certainty true in the general case but my system was not the pinnacle of thermal engineering 6.5 years ago and being a laptop alot of normal thermal maintenance is functionally impossible without breaking components. Also my SSD is nearing the end of it lifespan so it slowly losing performance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 04, 2017, 10:57:18 am
Of course must work on win7.

Yeah, I thought so - what could be wrong with my PCs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2017, 11:41:54 am
I don't have access to my windows box right now, but even under wine my build takes ~28 seconds to load as opposed to ~200 seconds for Meridian's.
There is something wrong with his build.

That's strange.

I tried it now with PirateZ 0.99F.5, OXCE+ from 12.03.2017... takes 10 seconds for me to load.

And with the newest OXCE+ from 24.04.2017... it also takes 10 seconds.

Can someone else confirm?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 04, 2017, 11:46:37 am
With my old laptop it took 40s to load the game.
My new PC took 10s to load into the menu.

One funny thing is that the very first start after a new patch is faster to load. Every new start of the .exe takes longer for the system to boot the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on May 04, 2017, 04:11:08 pm
That's strange.

I tried it now with PirateZ 0.99F.5, OXCE+ from 12.03.2017... takes 10 seconds for me to load.

And with the newest OXCE+ from 24.04.2017... it also takes 10 seconds.

Can someone else confirm?
Loading time 36 seconds on my:
CPU: I5 3,4GHz; 8 GB RAM; Win10 64bit; system on SSD; game on Seagate SV35 - 7200 RPM with  64MB cache
another loading after that takes about 9 sec.

Confirmed on my PC: First start of the game after the restart of Win10 takes more than 30 seconds. Another starts less then 10 sec.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 04, 2017, 07:40:00 pm
Damnation, I am not giving up yet. Could anybody pls provide me with a options.cfg that works for him or her with 99_F_5 and win 7?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2017, 07:54:17 pm
Damnation, I am not giving up yet. Could anybody pls provide me with a options.cfg that works for him or her with 99_F_5 and win 7?

Just delete your options.cfg, the game will create a default one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 04, 2017, 08:04:23 pm
Just delete your options.cfg, the game will create a default one.

True, but that doesn't help. The game crashes, when I start it without an options.cfg. And it crashes when I start with the options.cfg created during the previous crash/start.

There I was, thinking I was old enough to install the newest version all by myself, but no:

[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOINTRO/UFOINT.FLI
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [WARN]   cutscene definition empty: intro
[02-05-2017_20-27-20]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[02-05-2017_20-27-21]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

Where did I go wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2017, 08:25:43 pm
Based on the screenshot with the funny unreadable text on the geoscape... I'd say you still have OpenXcom 1.0 installation somewhere.

You need to get rid of it completely, it WILL conflict both with the nightly installation and with OXCE+ installation.
Especially delete the "OpenXcom/data/" folder in your user home directory...

PS: If you can't find it, just back up what you need (saves, mods) and uninstall/delete everything that even remotely resembles OpenXcom, especially from your home directory... then start from scratch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 04, 2017, 09:02:02 pm
Based on the screenshot with the funny unreadable text on the geoscape... I'd say you still have OpenXcom 1.0 installation somewhere.

You need to get rid of it completely, it WILL conflict both with the nightly installation and with OXCE+ installation.
Especially delete the "OpenXcom/data/" folder in your user home directory...

PS: If you can't find it, just back up what you need (saves, mods) and uninstall/delete everything that even remotely resembles OpenXcom, especially from your home directory... then start from scratch.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2017, 10:23:39 pm
I assume this means it works now.... for future reference, what was wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 04, 2017, 11:38:15 pm
I assume this means it works now.... for future reference, what was wrong?

You were right, I had an old OpenXCom 1.0 install - desinstalling it was not enough, though. So I deleted every logfile, registry entry and reference I could find. That did it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scrabbletank on May 07, 2017, 08:33:27 am
Did something change with how infamy is calculated? I just started a new game (well, several) on 99F.5 and it doesn't seem to matter whatever I do I always end the first few months with scores below -500. In my most recent attempt I did a temple raid, 2 landed academy nurse ships, and a crackhouse raid. Between those 4 missions and research I should have been sitting at ~400-500, but I ended the month with -718.

Is anyone else getting this? I have yet to finish a month above 100 points, and get a mutiny within 6 months regardless of what missions or tech I do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 07, 2017, 08:50:04 am
That's earlier then I've been seeing the spikes of "fuck your score you lose now cause lol RNGebus" but your certainly not alone. Something is causing massive activity spikes, generally out of player vision in the first year. Hopefully Dioxine has figured out the culprit and will address it in the next patch. I haven't gotten the cause in radar yet despite several attempts.

In the mean time keep rolling the dice, it doesn't always happen. Or cheat your way past it by editing your save to increase your score when the spikes happen. Something defiantly borked IMO. Address it in what war way you see fit. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 07, 2017, 03:00:28 pm
So, bug with not turning tank turrets was mentioned before?
Title: Reticulan Bunker
Post by: Zharkov on May 07, 2017, 05:29:43 pm
The Reticulan Bunker has so many holes it should sink.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on May 08, 2017, 08:16:31 am
Hello. I have a little question.

I just investigate the piroman armor for the slave soldiers, and now I can produce piroman and crusader armor. But crusader armor article in bootypedia does not appear. Do I need another research to appear or is this a bug?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 08, 2017, 09:20:24 am
I encountered the same thing.
Yes you can produce it off the bat but you can read the article later once you have the ability to build chainmails.
I guess it's not supposed to work this early but slaves are paperthin anyway so the crusader-suit helps them to survive at least one bullet :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on May 08, 2017, 09:38:28 am
But I have chainmails right now... Maybe I need something more?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 08, 2017, 09:51:15 am
I can't check the techtree right now but I suggest there is an issue with the manufacturing rules.

It's only logical that you can't build crusaders if you can't build chainmails for your gals.
Did you picked red codex? You get 2 chainmails for free but this doesn't allows you to build those armors until further research.

The issue here is that the item crusader_slave (or something) needs no further research topic to be build in your workshop/extractor.
The armor is 'unknown' to your brainers but your workers know how to produce it.

It's a bug and later you'll be able to read through the article.
If you're impatient, start a Quick Battle, Press U in battlespace and just check the bootypedia for crusader-armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 08, 2017, 10:04:50 am
So, bug with not turning tank turrets was mentioned before?

Looks odd isn't it?
Those HWP's have quite the reactions to shot back without 'visually' turning the turret. Saving grace, the more vurnable flank is still at the same position.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 08, 2017, 09:00:00 pm
In the Piratez_lang.rul the first sentence reads:
"Indeed, we now have some understanding of how nuclear fision - that is, splitting of atoms - works."
However, the hyphen is not displayed correctly and it should be "fission" not "fision".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 08, 2017, 10:41:49 pm
Looks odd isn't it?
Those HWP's have quite the reactions to shot back without 'visually' turning the turret. Saving grace, the more vurnable flank is still at the same position.
Yes, odd. And i think only enemy tanks...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on May 09, 2017, 09:26:10 am
I can't check the techtree right now but I suggest there is an issue with the manufacturing rules.

It's only logical that you can't build crusaders if you can't build chainmails for your gals.
Did you picked red codex? You get 2 chainmails for free but this doesn't allows you to build those armors until further research.

The issue here is that the item crusader_slave (or something) needs no further research topic to be build in your workshop/extractor.
The armor is 'unknown' to your brainers but your workers know how to produce it.

It's a bug and later you'll be able to read through the article.
If you're impatient, start a Quick Battle, Press U in battlespace and just check the bootypedia for crusader-armor.

I use gray codex. I guess is a bug them. Checked the article using debuging. Maybe I can find in rules how the armor is displayed, but rigth now I barely have time for some play :P.

Anyways, thanks!.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 09, 2017, 09:28:20 am
After installing new version i got all my integrated devices transformed into sectoid corpses. And manufacturing stopped...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 09, 2017, 09:30:16 am
After installing new version i got all my integrated devices transformed into sectoid corpses. And manufacturing stopped...

save update to 0.99G:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on May 09, 2017, 02:57:43 pm

Oh, my bad. Sorry.

About underwater movement sound: using "movesound" number "212" causes CTD. In fact, any number more than "54" causes crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 10, 2017, 09:14:38 am
I can confirm that the new soundfile causes a crash.

However, it only plays for 'armors' that use bare feet to walk underwater.

Annihilator, Thief/Sea, Spacesuit and some others doesn't use the new soundfile. Treasure hunting underneath the surface is still possible to a certain degree.
Using the chiller suit sadly causes a crash too.

Another thing I encountered:
Feature or not, I used a battle-laser and a neural whip in certain situations where the enemy is pointblank to the adjusted tile.

In the HUD appears "Close Quarter Check Failed" or something and my hand misses the shot or spins left/right and shots the ground.
Is this a new feature not mentioned in the patch-notes?

I can work with that tho but it's quite confusing to go for an 1-tile autoshot and losing TU's for failing a former 100% hit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 10, 2017, 02:55:04 pm
It's a feature in the patch notes, Close Quarters Combat. See here (,5431.0.html) for a more in-depth explanation.  There's also an article to be unlocked in the bootypedia about it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 10, 2017, 02:59:57 pm
About underwater movement sound: using "movesound" number "212" causes CTD. In fact, any number more than "54" causes crash.

This is an OXCE+ bug.

Fix has been released:,4187.msg82858.html#msg82858
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 10, 2017, 03:25:40 pm
It's a feature in the patch notes, Close Quarters Combat. See here (,5431.0.html) for a more in-depth explanation.  There's also an article to be unlocked in the bootypedia about it.

This new feature is indeed very useful for very narrow passage-ways.
Just place your team next to the doors and role a dice for 'dodging' his shots. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 11, 2017, 12:45:28 am
Yay, indirect laser nerf(No gunbutt option). But more reason to pack small/light melee options which is good.

Napkin math with the values from the bootypedia yield a maximum of 84% chance to succeed vs 0 dodge with max stats before armor buffs. More then likely your average will be more in the 40-60% range.

Pack melee option for sure. Anything with decent dodge(30+) will effectively be immune to shots from adjacent tiles.

Xeno and blitz armor are defiantly more attractive now that they are likely to survive a rush that fails to drop the target in one turn.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dyne on May 11, 2017, 08:27:08 am
Underwater mission with Jellyfish crashes because of some missing sound on an attempt to move gals.
'Sound 212 in BATLLE.CAT not found'

EDIT: Fix released, my bad, loading now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on May 11, 2017, 01:07:53 pm
The 'useCustomCategories: true' setting in the new rulefile for me overwrites the categories in the fence, ship and black market screens with those from the 'equip craft screen' which is not helpful ans I don't think it is intended.

Setting that entry to false returns thing to normal for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: atroix on May 11, 2017, 04:53:32 pm
In the attached save a crash occurs. Its not consistent and only happens when the enemy or the gal shoots and CQ check is made and then some of the times they fire normally. The gal in question is "Wicked Kes"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 11, 2017, 06:28:32 pm
The 'useCustomCategories: true' setting in the new rulefile for me overwrites the categories in the fence, ship and black market screens with those from the 'equip craft screen' which is not helpful ans I don't think it is intended.

Setting that entry to false returns thing to normal for me.

I personally also don't like it too much.

But that's how the modders wanted it, so I implemented it that way... it is as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: atroix on May 13, 2017, 11:08:40 am
Another crash this time in quick battle. Selected Terrain "Forest Mountain"

[13-05-2017_09-54-56]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Height of map MAPS/JELLYFISH.MAP too big for this mission, block is 5, expected: 0
[13-05-2017_09-56-04]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Height of map MAPS/JELLYFISH.MAP too big for this mission, block is 5, expected: 0

Tried with different vessels the same crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 13, 2017, 11:13:30 am
Looks like all alienDeployments with a landing craft must be increased in height.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Morrandir on May 13, 2017, 02:17:55 pm
Got a non-fatal "map generation error" in a sea adventure (save attached). Not sure if it's related, but the booty for that mission was pretty laughable for mid second year - look at that picture and weep like I did! :o

Surely the game failed to load the treasure chest that was rightly mine!  ;D

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 13, 2017, 04:45:08 pm
Is it intentional that reaper cavalry doesn't surrender?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 13, 2017, 09:57:53 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 14, 2017, 10:39:27 am
Those ratlings are impressive swimmers! Sometimes their ground patrols spawn amd march in the ocean.

And, completely unrelated, why are airballs listed as weapons instead as ammo?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 15, 2017, 01:27:37 am
Thanks, fixed the airballs :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on May 15, 2017, 01:31:33 am
Is church CARDINAL supposed to spawn in the neophyte boot camp?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 15, 2017, 10:24:33 am
Is church CARDINAL supposed to spawn in the neophyte boot camp?

Yeah, that's where I got mine. Dioxine saw that and didn't say it was a bug, but he was a little surprised, so it might change in the future.

But it's still rather rare.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2017, 12:02:59 pm
In the attached save a crash occurs. Its not consistent and only happens when the enemy or the gal shoots and CQ check is made and then some of the times they fire normally. The gal in question is "Wicked Kes"

Found the issue... will be fixed in the next OXCE+ version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: atroix on May 15, 2017, 01:32:49 pm
Found the issue... will be fixed in the next OXCE+ version.

Thanks for your time
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: 2much on May 15, 2017, 05:29:58 pm
Crash while whipping Megapol officer at small crash site.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2017, 06:27:05 pm
Crash while whipping Megapol officer at small crash site.

If you were at the map edge, then it's the same issue as above... I will release a fix for that today.
Otherwise, more info would be needed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: 2much on May 15, 2017, 06:55:14 pm
Thank you! I think you're right. I stayed away from the edge and finished the mission successfully.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Haggashed on May 15, 2017, 09:33:15 pm
running around in the buff still crashes underwater.
Title: Typo
Post by: Zharkov on May 15, 2017, 09:38:16 pm
Typo, should read "out"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2017, 09:45:08 pm
running around in the buff still crashes underwater.

Do you have OXCE+ 2017-05-10 or higher?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Haggashed on May 15, 2017, 10:27:46 pm
Do you have OXCE+ 2017-05-10 or higher?

yes or more specifically i downloaded the fix in this thread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2017, 10:39:23 pm
yes or more specifically i downloaded the fix in this thread.

I was talking about this:,4187.msg82858.html#msg82858
While you're at it, one more crash fixed today here:,4187.msg83075.html#msg83075
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: 2much on May 17, 2017, 05:10:02 am
Been lusting after a recruitable Raider Scout, but even though recruit raider scout is the only unlockable left I keep getting rob raider scout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2017, 06:18:31 am
You don't have the tech required.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: 2much on May 17, 2017, 07:38:05 am
Ahh, thank you Dioxine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on May 18, 2017, 07:27:17 am
In the Mutant Alliance assassination bounty hunter mission 'Escape Tower', the vessel at the top of the tower is sealed and its doors cannot be opened. Not sure if its a bug or not, either way a hammer can breach it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 18, 2017, 10:50:11 am
Naturally it's sealed, that's the whole point of the mission, lol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bearinger on May 18, 2017, 04:05:47 pm
Just upgraded from F1 to G and my biggest concern is that i don't have the ability to hide Manufacturing projects in the hidden list. I don't know if this is a bug or if it was removed, either way my scroll wheel finger misses it dearly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 18, 2017, 04:17:28 pm
Just upgraded from F1 to G and my biggest concern is that i don't have the ability to hide Manufacturing projects in the hidden list. I don't know if this is a bug or if it was removed, either way my scroll wheel finger misses it dearly.

That happened in an earlier update already and you have to get used to it or filter your manuf.-list for (supplies ok).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2017, 04:35:51 pm
It has been (temporarily) removed.
Easiest to find what you need is to use quick search (press Q, enter a few letters, press Enter... with a bit of luck it will be the first item on the list).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bearinger on May 18, 2017, 08:01:41 pm
It has been (temporarily) removed.
Easiest to find what you need is to use quick search (press Q, enter a few letters, press Enter... with a bit of luck it will be the first item on the list).
Ah thank you! that search function helps a lot with the robbing and extracting; still hoping the hidden list makes an appearance in a later release :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Winderlies on May 19, 2017, 06:02:40 am
I'm having trouble with underwater sounds as well. I'm currently using a blowfish in a underwater mission, and all my gals are using nude "armor" with the exception of one, who is using the basic panty-only underwater "armor".

In version 2017-04-24-4, it says "Sound 212 in BATTLE.CAT not found" as soon as I try to move a nude gal inside the craft.

In versions 2017-05-10 and 15, it says it's sound 7212 instead.

Strangely, the gal dressed differently can move at will. Sadly, that wasn't enough to win the mission, so I had to abort.  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 19, 2017, 10:26:02 am
It's a bug in the code (not the mod). Download a new exe from Meridian's thread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 19, 2017, 10:31:22 am
It's a bug in the code (not the mod). Download a new exe from Meridian's thread.

Nope. This one is not my fault.

Sound 212 is genuinely missing in the PirateZ Naughty Mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 19, 2017, 10:42:09 am
Nope. This one is not my fault.

Sound 212 is genuinely missing in the PirateZ Naughty Mod.

Oh, sorry then. I thought it was that problem with custom floating sound.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 19, 2017, 01:08:01 pm
Ack, I forgot that there is no inheritance of resources :/ Will be fixed. For now, swimming in the nude is forbidden :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on May 19, 2017, 04:21:50 pm
I can't capture Merc's "Hovertank/Gauss cannon HWP". Furthermore, I can't even get it's wreckage.  It is not  in a loot, nether alive nor dead.  There is combat save file, tank on the ship roof.
One more thing. If gal have fan in her inventory, she will not get any heat stun damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 19, 2017, 05:16:25 pm
If gal have fan in her inventory, she will not get any heat stun damage.

A fan is meant to counter stun-dmg applied by " it's scorching hot". Your gal still takes the stun dmg but her stun-recovery is too good to show any new stun-dmg garthered at the start of the turn.

Dunno what's wrong with the tank tho
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on May 19, 2017, 05:21:52 pm
In 99F5 gal with fan will take heat stun damage (in "assault" and "chromeback" armour) and in 99G they will not get any (same armour). That's why I wonder. Not that I'm against it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 19, 2017, 05:28:29 pm
Whelp, better abuse as long as the set-up is viable :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 19, 2017, 06:43:24 pm
I can't capture Merc's "Hovertank/Gauss cannon HWP". Furthermore, I can't even get it's wreckage.  It is not  in a loot, nether alive nor dead.  There is combat save file, tank on the ship roof.

Hovertank corpse is missing battleType: 11 and recoveryPoints > 0.

Code: [Select]
    weight: 86
    floorSprite: 1305
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 22, 2017, 09:43:27 pm
There is an unnecessary apostrophe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 22, 2017, 09:47:47 pm
1. one more "f", pls
2. overtly makes total sense, but overly might be better
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 22, 2017, 09:57:29 pm
Someone pay that man for proof-reading.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: perekrylo on May 25, 2017, 01:07:46 pm
On hotkeys pedia entry, clear inventory & ship inventory is backsapce / ctrl+alt+bckspace but its default is x/ctrl+alt+x so it would seem (for a dummy like me) that they wont work. I believe it would be better if it says x instead :>
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on May 26, 2017, 11:29:33 pm
When you rob megapol apeman, you got bandages and synth mesh. There is no grav unit. Is it intended? How are they fly?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on May 28, 2017, 09:24:16 am
The attached save get endless "hidden movement" the end of this turn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on May 28, 2017, 10:08:12 am
There are "small craft" and "large craft" entries  in "gauss weapon disassembly", but there is none craft gauss weapon that I can disassembly (i.e. "gauss cannon").
There are "small craft" and "large craft" entries  in "plasma weapon disassembly", but there is none craft plasma weapon that I can disassembly (i.e. "plasma spitter").
I am need 4 grav units to produce "jugulator syn armour", but it is can't fly.  Why? Is it intended?
"Fusion ball" article in the bootypedia says that it is in a heavy weapon category, but it is missile weapon.
"Ghost" (armour suit) article in the bootypedia says that it is spaceworthy, but it isn't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 28, 2017, 01:40:48 pm
The attached save get endless "hidden movement" the end of this turn.

Code issue, reported to Yankes:,2915.msg83582.html#msg83582

I mentioned a potential fix in there, but I don't know if it is correct... so I'd wait for what Yankes says.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 28, 2017, 08:38:55 pm
There are "small craft" and "large craft" entries  in "gauss weapon disassembly", but there is none craft gauss weapon that I can disassembly (i.e. "gauss cannon").
There are "small craft" and "large craft" entries  in "plasma weapon disassembly", but there is none craft plasma weapon that I can disassembly (i.e. "plasma spitter").
I am need 4 grav units to produce "jugulator syn armour", but it is can't fly.  Why? Is it intended?
"Fusion ball" article in the bootypedia says that it is in a heavy weapon category, but it is missile weapon.
"Ghost" (armour suit) article in the bootypedia says that it is spaceworthy, but it isn't.

I imagine the craft entries are for future/unfinished content.

Fusion ball was recently changed i believe, guess the article didn't get changed as well.

The "spaceworthy" mentioned on the ghost is different from "zero-gee".  Spaceworthy refers to the first stage of the cydonia mission at the end of the game. Zero-gee are the rest of the space missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on May 29, 2017, 02:29:09 pm
Code issue, reported to Yankes:,2915.msg83582.html#msg83582

I mentioned a potential fix in there, but I don't know if it is correct... so I'd wait for what Yankes says.
Thanks for looking into it. What you said in the other thread sounds reasonable. ie. it sounds like someone needs to clarify what that function is actually meant to do before the bug is fixed - because currently that function is weird.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 01, 2017, 07:16:51 pm
Despite psi-capture act by default, I wasn't able to psi-capture  those werewolve savages using the master's cane.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 02, 2017, 03:09:49 pm
So, bug with not turning tank turrets was mentioned before?

Can you elaborate pls?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 02, 2017, 07:07:18 pm
When you rob megapol apeman, you got bandages and synth mesh. There is no grav unit. Is it intended? How are they fly?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: desert on June 04, 2017, 03:16:07 pm
Drakkar crew bug.

Drakkar dropship is meant to hold 12 hands, but the last 2 crew in the order are unavailable for ground missions. When going into a ground mission, the equip screen does not include the last two hands. During the mission, those two hands are inaccessible/unavailable. After the mission, the stats menu does not include the two hands. Once on the geoscape however, the vessel correctly shows 12 crew.

The problem is this, from the primary ruleset:

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 9, 1, 0]
      - [5, 9, 1, 0]
      - [4, 10, 1, 0]
      - [5, 10, 1, 0]
      - [4, 11, 1, 0]
      - [5, 11, 1, 0]
      - [4, 12, 1, 0]
      - [5, 12, 1, 0]
      - [4, 13, 1, 0]
      - [5, 13, 1, 0]
      - [4, 17, 1, 4]
      - [5, 17, 1, 4]

Namely, the final two slots. They seem to be meant to place the final two crew at the pilots seats, but because of the final value (4 rather than 0) or because the seats cannot be traversed by character movement, the game apparently prevents the hands from spawning at all. One way to resolve the bug would be to change the values of those two slots to be directly behind the penultimate pair, i.e. to

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 14, 1, 0]
      - [5, 14, 1, 0]

Version 0.99G1 attempts to address this issue by changing the slots to

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 16, 1, 4]
      - [5, 16, 1, 4]

but this doesn't work in enabling the two hands for combat for whatever reason.

Oddly I can't find any earlier reports on this issue. After all, unless you use the maximum crew capacity the Drakkar may tend to be less reliable than the Deliverator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 04, 2017, 04:37:26 pm
As you likely get the synth muscle from the megapol pigs, this fluff is out of date.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 04, 2017, 10:32:16 pm
Shouldn't the 0g missions research have some "!"?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on June 05, 2017, 06:19:00 pm
A wall out of place or something:


Also I encountered a reaper cavalry spawning on a roof of a house during a 'help lok'naars' mission, which then happily proceeded to walk all over the map at zlevel 2 - given 1-tile gaps between houses it could happily step them over. Seems like a bug in routes, and a bug in large unit pathfinding, where ground large units can walk when at least one tile of them is on some kind of a floor. the reaper in question happily walked with half of it hanging off the roof. Unfortunately i lost the save for that one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on June 05, 2017, 10:18:33 pm
Hit-animation of assault cannon (normal cannonball) seems to be broken.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 05, 2017, 11:15:16 pm
A wall out of place or something:

That's pretty normal for the slums tileset, the larger buildings exceed the size of the mix'n'match cubes map are normally made from. So freestanding walls or buildings missing one side are common. Or side of a building adjacent to ground floor encased yard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on June 05, 2017, 11:27:27 pm
That's pretty normal for the slums tileset, the larger buildings exceed the size of the mix'n'match cubes map are normally made from. So freestanding walls or buildings missing one side are common. Or side of a building adjacent to ground floor encased yard.

Oh, well .. I'd guess, the road block was supposed to have a building there by the side, but there is no way to express this dependency in the map script. If only maps were larger.. I'm getting claustrophoic sometimes and that leads to liberal application of nukes and dragons .. not good for the loot and/or civilians.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hellrazor on June 06, 2017, 02:21:07 am
The slum tileset was originally designed for UFO2000.
UFO2000 used a totally different map scripting language, leading to maps being designed in another procedural way.
There are actually a few more tilesets to which this also applies.

You need very specific mapscript configurations to actually make those tilesets work properly.
Procedural generation of the map is here only partially possible, due to how the maps are designed.

Either only give a limited procedural generation, by making some predefined maptile combination or rework the maps.
On this part, not correctly written mapScript, in my eyes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on June 06, 2017, 09:29:43 pm
The slum tileset was originally designed for UFO2000.
UFO2000 used a totally different map scripting language, leading to maps being designed in another procedural way.
There are actually a few more tilesets to which this also applies.

Ah, the memories.. Thanks to pointing this out. Seems like openxcom mapscript grew inadequate to the tasks, re other topic about placing factions in certain mapblocks. Maybe it's worth it to do another mapscript type (actually, side-by-side implementation of BattlescapeGenerator), to get rid of the limitations. Make it Lua, for example, but not encourage the free-form code as it was in ufo2k.

In other news, there appears a spelling error in 'Reedeem':

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 08, 2017, 12:15:32 am
Text missing!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on June 09, 2017, 01:16:29 am
user/mods/Piratez/ROUTES/VAMPCASTLE_31.RMP is missing from the archive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2017, 01:03:21 pm
Drakkar crew bug.

Unconfirmed. Re-checked and works as intended when tested here on v. 99G1. All 12 hands are spawned. Save plz?

Seems like openxcom mapscript grew inadequate to the tasks

Free-standing/missing walls look slum enough to me. It'd look strange if buildings were complete IMO.

user/mods/Piratez/ROUTES/VAMPCASTLE_31.RMP is missing from the archive.

Does it cause a crash? That map isn't even used for anything yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on June 09, 2017, 02:44:20 pm
Free-standing/missing walls look slum enough to me. It'd look strange if buildings were complete IMO.

You're the boss :) It just seemed strange.

Does it cause a crash? That map isn't even used for anything yet.

No crash, just something I found debugging some of my code.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 09, 2017, 06:47:25 pm
I believe I found a mission spawning bug that can lead to a tech tree dead-end.  I'm basing this on a lot of guesswork, so if I'm wrong about something just let me know.  I'm assuming:

1)  Assumption: The only place Mechtoids spawn is Reticulan missions and bases. 
2)  I *think* that means you need one of the two following missions: STR_MISSION_LOC_RET_BASE or STR_MISSION_RETICULAN_TRADING
3)  Assumption: The only place missions spawn is Piratez_Factions.rul
4)  Those missions aren't in the standard tables for any continent
5)  Assumption: So they need a wave event (missionScript)
6)  They only appear on three missionScripts: giftsOfBlood, giftsOfBlood_NoSway, and giftsOfBlood_Sway

But if I'm reading those missionScripts correctly, there are MULTIPLE ways to make reticulans stop showing up, ever.  For example: simply contacts: reticulan before getting a Mechtoid corpse (you're in swayrets, which doesn't have reticulans).  Or do contacts: reticulans and family ties.  That...actually takes you out of the giftsOfBlood entirely.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2017, 07:16:21 pm
And? What is so special about the Mechtoid Corpse? Am I missing something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on June 09, 2017, 08:00:05 pm
And? What is so special about the Mechtoid Corpse? Am I missing something?

It looks like its a prereq for Reticulan Power Systems, in turn a prereq for Power Tools Prereq, STC_RFR, Magnetic Containment, etc.  This might be a significant bottleneck?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 09, 2017, 08:29:54 pm
Basically what ivandogovich said; it prereqs into Reticulan Power Systems.  While that unlocks Power Tools, you can get that another way.  The real issue is it's a hard requirement for Magnetic Containment Field, which is in turn a hard requirement for Plasma Weapons, Tesla Coils, and...Higher Studies (and through that, Mars).  Which means the game is unwinnable.

The only source for Mechtoid corpse, other than a dead Mechtoid, is govt/Reticulan Files.  But that needs Fusing Human and Reticulan Tech...which requires Reticulan Power Systems.  So if you research Contacts:Reticulans prior to getting a Mechtoid Corpse (which I did), your game is done.  This probably doesn't pop up real often because Contacts requires the Reticulan Elder, which is only on Mechtoid missions.  But I stunned all of them.  Cattle Prods worked better than any guns I had at the time with that armor.

Because I like to provide solutions when I see stuff, here's a few candidates:
1)  Add the reticulan missions back into giftsOfBlood_SwayRets (you probably want to remove the limitation on Family Ties there, too, else the same problem will crop up if you research C:R and FT prior to getting your corpse, and currently I can't see any "giftsOfBlood" that is active in that case).
2)  Remove the corpse requirement from Reticulan Power Systems (not great from a flavor perspective)
3)  Create a 0-cost Mechtoid tech that's unlocked by live or dead Mechtoid research, use that as the dependency into Power Systems instead
4)  Move the Reticulan Files manufacturing back to Contacts: Reticulans - you already have to get the live-captured Elder to get that anyway, so it probably wouldn't hurt.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2017, 08:37:19 pm
Right, now I understand the problem. Will be fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 09, 2017, 10:38:50 pm
I think, this problem has been mentioned before. Sometimes, you start base missions with stuff and people on the red tiles. If you retreat, everything there is lost.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 10, 2017, 03:55:31 am
I think the "Hideout of Dr. X" triggers the X-prison mission and should therefore be marked with "!".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 12, 2017, 03:54:33 am
Apologies as I can't take screenshots, but the Prizes: Scoped Magnum appears not to give a Scoped Magnum nor the ability to buy them.  The Bootypedia description clearly indicates that it's supposed to be a new type of magnum (though Zaxx's page just calls it a Magnum).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 12, 2017, 06:08:36 am
Look at the magnum sprite; it has a scope on it.  I think I heard on discord discussion that this is intended, just a way to unlock acquisition of the magnum.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 13, 2017, 12:16:48 am
I have re-read the description and I believe you are correct.  I confused some of the text ("buy one and find out") in my mind with the Harpoon Carbine's (where it said "buy a regular one and research it").

There is another minor issue; some academy prisoners are out of place in the sort list (see screenshot).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 13, 2017, 10:10:12 pm
Add "o" please.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 14, 2017, 08:54:44 pm
STR missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: desert on June 16, 2017, 08:26:35 am
Unconfirmed. Re-checked and works as intended when tested here on v. 99G1. All 12 hands are spawned. Save plz?

I don't have the tech in G1 presently, but from the F5 game where I encountered it I have attached some saves. With the Geo-save, take the Drakkar at Aden/Base 3 (11 crew) to the Ratman Village, and the final hand will not participate. This is the case whether the ruleset map layout for the backmost pair is as in F5 (first Battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 17, 1, 4]
      - [5, 17, 1, 4]

or as in G1 (second battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 16, 1, 4]
      - [5, 16, 1, 4]

The third battle-save is with my adjustment applied to the ruleset; the 11th hand is now available.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on June 17, 2017, 02:29:28 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 20, 2017, 08:02:43 pm
Minor bug: the tech tree/ruleset shows Persuasion as a pre-req for several research topics (live captures), including Church Reverend and some of the Mercenaries... none of these appear to actually require Persuasion - you may research them without it, though slavify-ing them does correctly require it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 22, 2017, 05:15:27 pm
I don't have the tech in G1 presently, but from the F5 game where I encountered it I have attached some saves. With the Geo-save, take the Drakkar at Aden/Base 3 (11 crew) to the Ratman Village, and the final hand will not participate. This is the case whether the ruleset map layout for the backmost pair is as in F5 (first Battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 17, 1, 4]
      - [5, 17, 1, 4]

or as in G1 (second battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 16, 1, 4]
      - [5, 16, 1, 4]

The third battle-save is with my adjustment applied to the ruleset; the 11th hand is now available.

Loaded your save into my current version (G2 WIP), without you fixes, all 11 hands are available.

Minor bug: the tech tree/ruleset shows Persuasion as a pre-req for several research topics (live captures), including Church Reverend and some of the Mercenaries... none of these appear to actually require Persuasion - you may research them without it, though slavify-ing them does correctly require it.

This is due to research engine being buggy, Meridian's new OXCE+ will fix that issue (will be available in G2 version)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 26, 2017, 03:01:27 am
This savefile produced a "map generation error" in G1.  When I load it still shows the error, so hopefully it's helpful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on June 26, 2017, 03:02:29 am
On the attached sav (G1), I think there's a mismatch between the terrain type in-game and the minimap's display.  Just seemed weird.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 28, 2017, 12:43:52 pm
I don't have the tech in G1 presently, but from the F5 game where I encountered it I have attached some saves. With the Geo-save, take the Drakkar at Aden/Base 3 (11 crew) to the Ratman Village, and the final hand will not participate. This is the case whether the ruleset map layout for the backmost pair is as in F5 (first Battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 17, 1, 4]
      - [5, 17, 1, 4]

or as in G1 (second battle-save)

Code: [Select]
      - [4, 16, 1, 4]
      - [5, 16, 1, 4]

The third battle-save is with my adjustment applied to the ruleset; the 11th hand is now available.

I can confirm Dioxine's statement.
After loading geoscape save (in G1) and sending drakkar to ratman village, all 11 hands are correctly spawned.

Please try:
1. disabling your mod "altarmour ver: 1.12"
2. if that doesn't help, make a fresh piratez install, maybe your installation is corrupt
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 29, 2017, 02:20:08 pm
So, bug with not turning tank turrets was mentioned before?

Can I please get more details on this?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 29, 2017, 05:25:17 pm
The turret of A.I. HWP's like battlecannon tanks 'visually' don't turn thier turrets once they've shot your troops.

ALT button shows the actual facing but the visual feedback reads like the tank made a 180° reactionshot onto you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KateMicucci on July 05, 2017, 02:03:58 am
I am getting a base attack very early, in April.

It crashes to desktop with error "MAPS/ not found"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 05, 2017, 09:50:50 am
I am getting a base attack very early, in April.

It crashes to desktop with error "MAPS/ not found"

Does this applies to 0.99G2?

Edit: in such version, at very begginning o' game (researched nothing) appears AR clip in the bm. Bug? Shot attached :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 05, 2017, 12:52:25 pm
Forgot to add that map, please DL again a fixed version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 07, 2017, 06:12:15 pm
When you rob megapol apeman, you got bandages and synth mesh. There is no grav unit. Is it intended? How are they fly?

As funny as it is to think that it's a flying monkey, it's more likely that the robbery tables of the enforcer and apeman are actually switched with each other because robbing an enforcer gives a grav unit even though he doesn't fly at all.  Tested in 0.99G1, not sure if 0.99G2 has fixed it already.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 08, 2017, 01:51:07 pm
What are you talking about. Both fly, and both give grav units when robbed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 08, 2017, 03:16:52 pm
What are you talking about. Both fly, and both give grav units when robbed.

Are you telling me that pigs can fly?  I haven't seen them do so, although admittedly I don't really bother Megapol too much.

But the robbery thing still stands; robbing an apeman in 0.99G1 yields only bandages and synthmuscle mesh but no damaged grav unit.  Has this been fixed yet?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 08, 2017, 03:17:22 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 08, 2017, 04:21:55 pm
string missing

Btw, Dioxine, are you trying to drive us crazy? Even Dogs and Parrots need special accommodation now? What is next? An aquarium? An AI lounge for the Synths?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 08, 2017, 04:30:58 pm

Maybe just "shifty" is enough.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 08, 2017, 05:11:33 pm
Is this working as intended? I am wondering, because I have researched Super Hero Armor and Space Suit!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2017, 05:52:21 pm
Is this working as intended? I am wondering, because I have researched Super Hero Armor and Space Suit!

Can you post a save please?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 08, 2017, 08:46:51 pm
Btw, Dioxine, are you trying to drive us crazy? Even Dogs and Parrots need special accommodation now? What is next? An aquarium? An AI lounge for the Synths?
I imagine a yes to the aquarium, given that stunned mutant fish expire for lack of one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 08, 2017, 09:41:18 pm
I was thinking about underwater hazards like old anti-submarine mines still intact as a threatening area-denial for both factions to use.
Considering mutant fish I don't wanna spend a whole facility for fishes if those don't give me anything useful in return.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on July 08, 2017, 11:32:02 pm
Are you telling me that pigs can fly?  I haven't seen them do so, although admittedly I don't really bother Megapol too much.

They do, I saw one doing that, and dealing with him was a royal pain, since the only ranged weapons I had at the time were piercing.

On topic, my game crashes on underwater mission when I try to throw a spikeball at the enemy. It explodes as it should, but after that game throws out picrelated and crashes. Save and openxcom.log attached in archive, to reproduce the crash throw a spikeball near the deep one, or at the deep one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 09, 2017, 12:19:20 am
Disc-O-Death has the same TU cost for aimed and snap shot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on July 09, 2017, 02:56:33 am
Disc-O-Death has the same TU cost for aimed and snap shot.
That might be intentional, to ensure that reaction shots have lower accuracy (reaction always uses snap shot).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on July 11, 2017, 01:45:33 am
Shambler hunts pop up without monster hunt beeing researched. Intentional?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: karadoc on July 11, 2017, 02:41:25 am
Shambler hunts pop up without monster hunt beeing researched. Intentional?
I believe so, yes. It has always been that way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 11, 2017, 12:02:47 pm
They do, I saw one doing that, and dealing with him was a royal pain, since the only ranged weapons I had at the time were piercing.

On topic, my game crashes on underwater mission when I try to throw a spikeball at the enemy. It explodes as it should, but after that game throws out picrelated and crashes. Save and openxcom.log attached in archive, to reproduce the crash throw a spikeball near the deep one, or at the deep one.

@Dioxine: see attached explanation
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 13, 2017, 08:57:53 am
Thanks a lot for this one, fixed.

Shamblers and Disc of Death are WAI.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 13, 2017, 11:32:58 pm
This lavatory can only be reached when breaking down walls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 14, 2017, 03:37:11 am
Dunno how you achieved that, looks like a wrong tileset is used. This map doesn't look like that for me. Some of your walls changed into doors and vice versa.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 14, 2017, 10:33:30 pm
Is it intended that the riot shield has no sale value?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 14, 2017, 11:16:30 pm
no, too late tho :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jessemb on July 15, 2017, 12:40:31 pm
When I research "Destroyed Mk. 801," the game crashes when the research is complete.  I can avoid the crash by stopping the research before it finishes.

When it crashes, I get the following message:

OpenXcom has crashed: Research TECHNOCRACY_ARMOR_P0 not found.

Did I install this version of the mod wrong?  I'm fairly new to openxcom and x-piratez, so it wouldn't be terribly surprising.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 15, 2017, 08:12:21 pm
It's a bug, I will release a new version to fix it

Edit: Uploaded
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: flyingduck on July 16, 2017, 09:00:00 am

I'm an idiot and posted in the wrong thread.

Getting a CTD on month end.

[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\Amarok\Documents\OpenXcom\
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\Amarok\Desktop\X-Com 2\Dioxine_XPiratez
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\Amarok\Desktop\X-Com 2\Dioxine_XPiratez
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:\Users\Amarok\Desktop\X-Com 2\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:\Users\Amarok\Desktop\X-Com 2\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   requested file not found: openxcom.png
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[15-07-2017_23-40-31]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\Amarok\Desktop\X-Com 2\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods'...
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   reservedSpace for: piratez updated to: 3
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 3
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 3
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   Mapping resource files...
[15-07-2017_23-40-32]   [INFO]   Resources files mapped successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-36]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[15-07-2017_23-40-36]   [INFO]   Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[15-07-2017_23-40-46]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[15-07-2017_23-41-38]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_54M0.SPK
[15-07-2017_23-42-11]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_38M0.SPK
[15-07-2017_23-42-24]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Region REGION_LOC_HITMAN not found
[15-07-2017_23-42-47]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Region REGION_LOC_HITMAN not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 18, 2017, 09:17:26 pm
Life capture of crabs leads to ctd (cannot replicate)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 20, 2017, 10:42:42 am
Some line of sight issues from probably the diagonal wall

And some funny weed at a ratman village
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 20, 2017, 12:56:51 pm
That's not what I expected from funny weed...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 22, 2017, 05:51:59 pm
"turned out"
either "mostly" or "only"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 23, 2017, 07:40:40 am
That reminds me, does the public enemy have an image yet?  If not, then why not just take an ethereal picture like that one and give it public enemy colors?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Serpentium on July 25, 2017, 06:17:45 am
Playing with version 0.99G5.

I recently got around to using the updated Shadowbat and all is good, but there seems to be a problem when you have 9 gals on board the ship. When ever you start a mission, the last 2 gals on the list will vanish, leaving you with only 7 gals to use for the rest of the mission. Can anyone else confirm this?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2017, 02:47:46 pm
Can anyone else confirm this?

Yes, I can confirm.

Code: [Select]
      - [2, 10, 2, 2]
      - [3, 14, 1, 1]
      - [3, 5, 1, 3]
      - [2, 11, 2, 2]
      - [4, 15, 1, 0]  # doesn't work, not marked as starting tile and already contains an object (grav lift)
      - [4, 4, 1, 4]   # doesn't work, not marked as starting tile and already contains an object (grav lift)
      - [6, 16, 1, 7]
      - [6, 3, 1, 5]
      - [1, 8, 2, 2]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 25, 2017, 06:43:25 pm
Really? Those runts needed ages to build this tank, but now they disassemble and reassemble it in five seconds as practial joke?!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bacon_Hero on July 25, 2017, 06:46:11 pm
Really? Those runts needed ages to build this tank, but now they disassemble and reassemble it in five seconds as practial joke?!

Obviously they built the doors and walls after they got the hovertank in  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 25, 2017, 06:51:42 pm
Really? Those runts needed ages to build this tank, but now they disassemble and reassemble it in five seconds as practial joke?!

At this stage in the game walls shouldn't bother much but yes it's a fancy spawn point :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jcdenton0099 on July 25, 2017, 10:02:29 pm
Hi guys. I've compiled OpenXcom-oxce3.5-plus-proto on Linux Mint and copied the files from Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5. After activating the Mod, it crashes with this error:

Code: [Select]
[25-07-2017_19-41-31] [INFO] Scanning user mods in './user/mods'...
[25-07-2017_19-41-31] [INFO] reservedSpace for: piratez updated to: 3
[25-07-2017_19-41-31] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 3
[25-07-2017_19-41-31] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[25-07-2017_19-41-31] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[25-07-2017_19-41-34] [WARN] disabling mod with invalid ruleset: piratez
[25-07-2017_19-41-34] [ERROR] failed to load 'X-Piratez'; mod disabled for next startup
./user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Planet.rul: yaml-cpp: error at line 20623, column 9: bad conversion

I've checked the file and the line (1: ["STR_REBEL", "STATUS_DEAD", "FACTION_HOSTILE"]), doesn't look suspicious to me:
Code: [Select]
      killsWithCriteriaCareer: [1, 3, 7, 12, 18, 25, 33, 44, 66, 99]

Please help me out..compiling and setting up the mod has been such a pain so far and now that I'm so close (at least I get an error message) it still fails.  :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2017, 10:15:38 pm
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Current piratez is not (yet) compatible with newest OXCE+ , I warned you...

Compatibility information:
  - This build is based on OpenXcom Extended 3.9 and is NOT compatible with X-PirateZ 0.99G.5 or lower. Please wait for 0.99H

If you can't downgrade... workaround is to delete commendations ruleset from ./user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Planet.rul
or use the experimental version (attached)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jcdenton0099 on July 25, 2017, 10:26:13 pm
Ah sorry, I could swear I've read 0.99G.4 - my bad.

Is there a release date yet?

* And thank you for the workaround, much appreciated! *
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 25, 2017, 10:28:35 pm
Ah sorry, I could swear I've read 0.99G.4 - my bad.

Is there a release date yet?

It was 0.99G.4, you remember correctly... I updated it when 0.99G.5 came out... but I said to wait for 0.99H from the beginning :P

Release date uknown, probably not very soon... try that experimental file, the worst that can happen is that some commendations won't work... nothing critical.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on July 26, 2017, 12:45:50 am
2 wrong requirements for buildings in pedia:
STR_GRAV_SHIELD_UFOPEDIA - is Holo Device, should be Force Circuitry
STR_PSIONIC_LABORATORY_UFOPEDIA - is Hypno Device, should be Hypno Panel
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on July 26, 2017, 07:57:06 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: holdmyphone on July 27, 2017, 09:18:16 am
Hi and welcome to the forum.

Current piratez is not (yet) compatible with newest OXCE+ , I warned you...

If you can't downgrade... workaround is to delete commendations ruleset from ./user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Planet.rul
or use the experimental version (attached)

Hey there,

Same issue, compiled OXCE+ source only to find out the current X-piratez isn't compatible... argh! The experimental Piratez_Planet.rul seems to do the trick though, thanks a lot!

Sidenote, as a newcomer, it wasn't clear from the x-piratez mod page that you need OXCE+ and not OpenXcom-extended. It also says to dump the contents of "user" into the "install" folder, which is not exactly clear either. For me I had to do x-piratez/user/mod --> OXCE+/bin/standard to make it work. I feel like this knowledge would save people some grief if it were on the webpage.

edit: Apparently we're not good. The game will start but gives a segfault error and crashes when I try to start a battle. I tried the workaround instead of using the experimental ruleset, but no luck. Am I doing something wrong or should I just hold tight until 0.99H?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 27, 2017, 10:37:18 am
edit: Apparently we're not good. The game will start but gives a segfault error and crashes when I try to start a battle. I tried the workaround instead of using the experimental ruleset, but no luck. Am I doing something wrong or should I just hold tight until 0.99H?

When you start a normal ingame battle or when you use "New Battle" menu option?
 - If normal: please upload a save just before the crash so that I can have a look at it... it should not crash.
 - If New Batttle: please upload your options.cfg and your battle.cfg

And if there is anything useful in openxcom.log, that would be handy too.

Sidenote, as a newcomer, it wasn't clear from the x-piratez mod page that you need OXCE+ and not OpenXcom-extended. It also says to dump the contents of "user" into the "install" folder, which is not exactly clear either. For me I had to do x-piratez/user/mod --> OXCE+/bin/standard to make it work. I feel like this knowledge would save people some grief if it were on the webpage.

I don't know where it goes on linux, but "OXCE+/bin/standard" is not a very good place... it should be something like "some_kind_of_home_directory/openxcom/mods/"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 27, 2017, 02:49:53 pm
When compiling to OXCE+/bin/ and running from that directory, it should have the same folder structure as that in the Piratez download, and you can just copy over the folder structure of Piratez to OXCE+/bin/.  Alternatively, you can just copy the executable from OXCE+/bin/ to the decompressed Piratez folder, wherever it is, and run from there.

With the New Battle, you really have to know what you're doing if you don't want it to crash - not all missions work with all terrains. In fact, I'd say most missions are tailor-made to the terrain/map on which they take place. Best to test with a regular campaign rather than using New Battle with Piratez.

Edit:  The user and config folders default to ~/.local/share/openxcom/ and ~/.config/openxcom on Ubuntu for me, so I usually run the game with command line options to look in the same folder as my executable, to keep it all in the same place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 27, 2017, 05:49:42 pm
You also can't use syns and slaves in new battle (unless I missed how to make that work).
I only use new battle to check the newest items and pedia entries introduced to the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 27, 2017, 07:00:09 pm
You also can't use syns and slaves in new battle (unless I missed how to make that work).
I only use new battle to check the newest items and pedia entries introduced to the mod.

You can, you just have to delete or edit the battle.cfg file so a new set of soldiers is generated, which will include all of those available in the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 27, 2017, 07:11:37 pm
Oh~ thanks  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: holdmyphone on July 27, 2017, 09:09:56 pm
When you start a normal ingame battle or when you use "New Battle" menu option?
 - If normal: please upload a save just before the crash so that I can have a look at it... it should not crash.
 - If New Batttle: please upload your options.cfg and your battle.cfg

And if there is anything useful in openxcom.log, that would be handy too.

I don't know where it goes on linux, but "OXCE+/bin/standard" is not a very good place... it should be something like "some_kind_of_home_directory/openxcom/mods/"

My apologies, I mean a normal ingame battle, not the "New Battle" menu option. I just tested this option as well and it interestingly crashes most of the time with a segfault error, but worked once. I am not seeing anything obvious in the openxcom.log, but I'll upload it along with a save and battle.cfg just in case. I've tried putting the piratez user directory to the main folder like it appears in the unpacked x-piratez folder to be sure I'm not just putting the files in the wrong place, but I get the same errors.

When I compiled the game I cloned the git repo to my home folder (which I named ~/OXCE+), then compiled it there using make. It put the resulting executable in ~/OXCE+/bin. Basically the same as ( That's how I got the folder structure I have. Let me know if this method isn't kosher...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 27, 2017, 09:52:00 pm
Well, I see the issue.

You have compiled the master branch, which is basically vanilla, not oxce+.

For latest oxce+, you need the "oxce3.5-plus-proto" branch, as mentioned here:,4187.0.html
Btw. there are also links to linux builds there, maybe you can just download one of them...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: holdmyphone on July 27, 2017, 10:35:58 pm
Well, I see the issue.

You have compiled the master branch, which is basically vanilla, not oxce+.

For latest oxce+, you need the "oxce3.5-plus-proto" branch, as mentioned here:,4187.0.html
Btw. there are also links to linux builds there, maybe you can just download one of them...

Lol! OXCE, OXCE+, OXCE+proto. Ok, I'll try this. I'm on running Arch so I don't think any of those executables are applicable, sadly. Thanks for your assistance.

edit: It works(so far)! Thanks again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on July 28, 2017, 05:34:39 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 30, 2017, 01:12:42 pm
I've noticed 2 weird things since I started the new version
1) Academy sectoids?

I had a distress beacon so I went there and it was academy. Took down 2 cyberdisks and about 5 academy people. They looked like 2 academedicians, 2 academy nurses, 1 academy security and 1 academy explorer. I mistook the explorer for a beastmaster and shot it but KOd the rest. However early on we were taking wounds so I started dragging academedicians into the landing craft and it said they were sectoids. After the fight it said I had captured 3 sectoids.

2) Naming back to normal XCOM

Aye and Nay are Yes and no again. Difficulty settings are as normal with the highest being superhuman. The UFOpedia has the normal names and armor comes under heavy weapons platforms. There are still some things that are piratez like my soldiers being called hands and the new building names though

So I don't know. Are these bugs? Were those academy humans really sectoids?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on July 30, 2017, 01:37:12 pm
Do you have the language set en-US? if you don't you can get problems like that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KiriKaneko on July 30, 2017, 02:38:08 pm
That fixed it, thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on July 30, 2017, 09:55:27 pm
Is this normal?
Out of nowhere, Academy spawned 10-ish ships in single region (not all yet detected on screenshot) on sway government mission, including some of the heaviest ones and terror ship. 3 ships then went to land in exact same spot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on July 31, 2017, 09:02:32 pm
Have plenty of plasma pistols in stock, researched and all that, but I can’t equip them. Is that supposed to be? I can equip plasma subrifles just fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on July 31, 2017, 10:43:17 pm
Some weapons have genetic/psychic/whatever locks on them, I don't remember if normal plasma has that, but it could be the case.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on July 31, 2017, 10:55:25 pm
Yeah, IIRC usage of plasma pistols\rifles\heavy plasmas (at least) is locked behind "Unlocking Stellar Empire Plasma Weapons" technology.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on July 31, 2017, 11:51:33 pm
Well I just automatically assumed it has the same lock as small launcher and subrifle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 01, 2017, 05:02:51 pm
Well yea, plasma pistol isn't all that powerful, can be unlocked along subrifle. I will change that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 02, 2017, 12:45:09 pm
Early access plasma pistols? Sweet~
Those mansion missions won't know what hit 'em.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mammothus on August 02, 2017, 03:03:31 pm
Hey guys,

Since the latest update I've played about a couple months of in game time and I noticed something about the bounty hunting missions. I've got plenty of Zaxx and some Mutant Alliance missions, but no (0) Jack missions. Am I the only one who is experiencing this? It could be just RNG, but after about 10 total missions I'm not so sure. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 02, 2017, 04:21:12 pm
It's RNG. Just weather the storm and do alot of Zaxx missions. Those are the hardest to rack up favor with and offer very useful prices.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mammothus on August 04, 2017, 10:58:23 pm
Thanks! Yeah, I just got a Jack mission right now.

Military Supplies is a fine thing for sure....
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on August 06, 2017, 09:43:25 am
- When a unit uses moonshine on a friendly unit, the energy boost is given to the target, but the stun damage to the user. I think the stun damage should also be received by the target.

- In the batman armor description it says the rear armor is weakest, but in the actual values the rear armor is strongest.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on August 06, 2017, 10:46:51 am
- In the batman armor description it says the rear armor is weakest, but in the actual values the rear armor is strongest.

As the author of this text, I feel compelled to say: read again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 06, 2017, 05:54:23 pm
- When a unit uses moonshine on a friendly unit, the energy boost is given to the target, but the stun damage to the user. I think the stun damage should also be received by the target.

Can confirm that. Ally get's bonus energy and the user the stun. Guess we can't drug ViPs anymore with moonshine.
Tried to use moonshine on a random enemy (pest control manager) during debug. No stun damage applied. Guess that case of drug-abuse is out of the game now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 07, 2017, 06:19:43 pm
- When a unit uses moonshine on a friendly unit, the energy boost is given to the target, but the stun damage to the user. I think the stun damage should also be received by the target.

But I don't :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bacon_Hero on August 07, 2017, 08:23:17 pm
Dammit that was my early game strat  :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 07, 2017, 10:19:26 pm
Guess there goes the cheese strat to stunfeed leaders. Looks like the receiver now just shrugs it off instead of taking the boozele doozle effect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 07, 2017, 11:37:26 pm
Any way to just make non allies not take the negatives for that one?  I mean, the ultra medkit overdose strat is cool, but it requires a bit of trust between the assassin and the assassinated
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 08, 2017, 05:29:29 pm
Any way to just make non allies not take the negatives for that one?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 08, 2017, 10:40:05 pm
Any way to just make non allies not take the negatives for that one?  I mean, the ultra medkit overdose strat is cool, but it requires a bit of trust between the assassin and the assassinated

We can't have it because it's an exploit to surpass the ViP armor rating without running a risk to accidently kill them while attempting to stun them.
Also the force-feeding doesn't trigger retaliation via reactionshots.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 09, 2017, 12:01:47 am
That's what I meant.  It's funny, but not something you should be able to do to an active enemy.  You could do that sort of thing in Fallout, but I don't think you could ever do it to something actively trying to kill you.  Assassination only.

So if it's not possible to just turn off the negative for enemies, as Dioxine has stated, what we have is an acceptable alternative.  Heh, forcing moonshine down someone's throat might get a violent reaction, black eyes, broken noses, easy enough to justify some stun damage to the person doing the feeding.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Paidoss on August 11, 2017, 05:08:22 am
There seems to be an issue with the Shadowbat map. I took 9 Gals, but only 7 were actually deployed in battle. When i assaulted a base however, everything worked fine. Maybe something went wrong when the map was changed in the last update?

Loving the mod so far!

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 11, 2017, 05:52:04 am
Thanks! Something indeed went wrong, will be fixed in the upcoming release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on August 13, 2017, 12:58:07 am
Live capture of armored car -> ctd.

The entry in the priratez_factions.rul is missing!

Code: [Select]
    size: 4.0
    recover: true
    liveAlien: true
    prisonType: 2
    costSell: 80000

Or use this as a temp fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 13, 2017, 02:44:09 pm
Would be neat to make the 'captured' car your own aux-unit if you can successfully pull that trick.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 13, 2017, 05:36:17 pm
Maybe it'll fix itself when the ability to make your own armored cars is finally implemented.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 13, 2017, 09:25:53 pm
Maybe it'll fix itself when the ability to make your own armored cars is finally implemented.

Maybe it's too abusive as a bulletsponge to be worth implemented. With the knowledge to get a 'tank' early on would create a new 'rush armored tank' strategy asap.
With the airbus able to field 1x hwp you can field 1 car and 2 gals. The car just bumrushes the pistol-wielding civilians and anything short of a light cannon or lasergun.
The difficulty of the game would drop drastically.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: stvip on August 14, 2017, 03:50:11 am
For an Ethereal, you sure do lack faith.
It would be easy to gate the technology around the availability of similarly armored trappings (Plate and Revenant).  Moreover, even if it did offer significantly enhanced protection over those, the loss of four gals' stat gains (and it seems commendations might have mechanistic relevance in future updates as well) is a hefty price;  too heavy to consider for regular use on a 6-troop transporter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AngelicJoker on August 14, 2017, 06:09:37 pm
The Magical Girl research topic doesn't remove the prisoner after research.  I was able to research all the topics from researching the same captive over and over.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 14, 2017, 06:14:29 pm
The Magical Girl research topic doesn't remove the prisoner after research.  I was able to research all the topics from researching the same captive over and over.

That is intended.  'Researching' the magical girl is just having a friendly chat, so why shouldn't you be able to talk to her again?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AngelicJoker on August 14, 2017, 07:28:35 pm
Most other prisoners are let go after their 'friendly chat' so I figured she would be the same.  I guess she's OK with hanging around and chatting until she gets 'transformed' into cake.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 14, 2017, 08:55:40 pm
Considering the bio and origin of the magical girl, the true form is the 'gem' and not the girl itself.
Since the interogation is killing the physical husk of the girl and not the gem, the captive can re-interogated until all research topics are done or 'baking cake' happened.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 14, 2017, 08:57:58 pm
Considering the bio and origin of the magical girl, the true form is the 'gem' and not the girl itself.
Since the interogation is killing the physical husk of the girl and not the gem, the captive can re-interogated until all research topics are done or 'baking cake' happened.

It's mentioned in the article that the magical girls are not treated so much as prisoners, the fact that they take up prison space is just a way of representing that they're a living being and not just an item, but also not the same as one of your hands.  They hang around the base, and you can chose to spend some research time talking to them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 15, 2017, 07:09:31 pm
Since the interogation is killing the physical husk of the girl

Where does it say that interrog kills anyone?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 15, 2017, 08:16:15 pm
I assumed that because all other captives 'vanish' after the interogation/research.
I have no proof.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 16, 2017, 12:11:19 am
We've been over this, Bootypedia mentions on the Laboratory, that honorable interviewees get released.  I think animals get slaughtered, but I can't remember for sure right now.  I'm sure there are some that are outright killed after the interview, but you don't get loot from intelligent creatures you research, so it's a non-issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on August 19, 2017, 02:14:44 am
Could it be considered a bug that the song in the main menu, before you select anything, doesn't repeat?  It is a fairly decent length song, but seems odd still.

Customer page on the Mutant Alliance cuts off the last line, though as it's not in the game yet, it's not a huge problem.  I think I saw another too long description, but it was through random battle and I haven't unlocked it again yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 19, 2017, 08:41:47 am
Could it be considered a bug that the song in the main menu, before you select anything, doesn't repeat?  It is a fairly decent length song, but seems odd still.

Customer page on the Mutant Alliance cuts off the last line, though as it's not in the game yet, it's not a huge problem.  I think I saw another too long description, but it was through random battle and I haven't unlocked it again yet.

Together with 2 other tracks it's explicitly intentionally hardcoded to not repeat. Not a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 21, 2017, 08:14:54 pm
After the cave hunt i have researched obtained chitin plates. Research showed I can build scale mail armor now (because I have researched Survival before), but I really can't. Have I missed something?

Edit: I know now. I can't manufacture it without workshop. Am I right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SomeGuy on August 22, 2017, 11:43:42 am
I believe so. If you lack the building to make an item, it won't appear in the list. There's a sort order that'll show if you have facilities missing to make any items, and if you right click on them it'll show you which one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 22, 2017, 12:08:22 pm
I believe so. If you lack the building to make an item, it won't appear in the list. There's a sort order that'll show if you have facilities missing to make any items, and if you right click on them it'll show you which one.
Hmm, but the armor is not listed there.
Anyway, the message, that i can manufacture item is little bit misleading.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 22, 2017, 12:32:36 pm
After the cave hunt i have researched obtained chitin plates. Research showed I can build scale mail armor now (because I have researched Survival before), but I really can't. Have I missed something?

Edit: I know now. I can't manufacture it without workshop. Am I right?

I think it told you that you can research Scale Mail, not manufacture it... chitin plates and survival leads to scale mail research... which then unlocks manufacturing.

From your save:

Code: [Select]
  - STR_SCALE_MAIL # popped as available, but not discovered yet
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 22, 2017, 12:37:28 pm
I think it told you that you can research Scale Mail, not manufacture it... chitin plates and survival leads to scale mail research... which then unlock manufacturing.
Sorry, my bad. I just find it myself. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on August 22, 2017, 06:38:19 pm
My game crashes when loading certain battlescape saves. Autosaves seem to be ok. Here is what I found in log file:
Code: [Select]
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] Data folder is:
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] Data search is:
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] - C:\Users\Name\Documents\OpenXcom\
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] - D:\xpiratez\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] - D:\xpiratez\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] User folder is: D:\xpiratez\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5\user\
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] Config folder is: D:\xpiratez\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5\user\
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[22-08-2017_15-39-14] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 640x400x32...
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] Display set to 640x400x32.
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] Loading data...
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'D:\xpiratez\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_G5\user\mods'...
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] reservedSpace for: piratez updated to: 3
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 3
[22-08-2017_15-39-15] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[22-08-2017_15-39-17] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-39-27] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[22-08-2017_15-39-28] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[22-08-2017_15-40-13] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[22-08-2017_15-40-13] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-40-13] [INFO] Loading language...
[22-08-2017_15-40-13] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[22-08-2017_15-40-13] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] TU not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] STA not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] HP not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] BRA not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] REA not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] ACC not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] THR not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] MEL not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] STR not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] VOO not found in en-US
[22-08-2017_16-34-03] [WARN] DOO not found in en-US
Please advise.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2017, 06:41:07 pm
Can you please post a save? Logs are seldom useful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on August 22, 2017, 07:05:59 pm
Here is the corrupted savefile, hope it helps
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 22, 2017, 08:31:25 pm
Here is the corrupted savefile, hope it helps

Coordinates-out-of-map-boundaries issue.
See attached.

It may (or not) be similar to this error from XCF:,5047.msg82077.html#msg82077

I remember discussing it with Warboy... don't remember the outcome... but I think Solarius fixed the terrain and there were no code changes.
@Solarius: how did we fix it? do you remember?

This is not exactly the same issue, but might be related.
I will report to Yankes as this time it failed somewhere within lighting code.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 22, 2017, 09:25:00 pm
I can't remember exactly. But if you give me the map block, I'll have a look.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 22, 2017, 09:35:41 pm
I can't remember exactly. But if you give me the map block, I'll have a look.

Probably not the map... btw. you can load the save yourself to have a look... it crashes only sometimes... depending how badly outside the coordinate is : )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 23, 2017, 01:48:02 am
This could be error on my part, I will look on this when I find some time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 24, 2017, 01:30:56 pm
(transfering the loot just after the end of mission)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on August 24, 2017, 02:27:00 pm
I got the same bug again. It is a battlescape save, fighting a landed medium reticulan ship just as before. One more thing the crash message states it is a segementation fault:
Code: [Select]
[24-08-2017_13-24-21] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[24-08-2017_13-24-45] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 24, 2017, 07:12:39 pm
(transfering the loot just after the end of mission)

Looks like you have no burrow to contain animal captives.
That's what the missing string is supposed to be.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 26, 2017, 11:23:17 pm
At the end of ordinary mission I can not sell loot after sending some to another base. The selling button is gone.
After sending some other loot away, the button is back.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 26, 2017, 11:32:10 pm
You can't sell stuff on that first screenshot because you would not have enough store space... need to sell a bit more...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on August 27, 2017, 05:49:48 pm
Hopefully this hasn't been reported yet: I noticed that you can somehow stun and capture Academy Drones with the Handle and can research them, but doing the latter results in being given nothing. The drone placed at the Burrow disappears and... That's it. I'm not sure if I was intended to examine a broken bot first or anything, but I thought I would be given the option to dismantle them upon capture or something.

Second, one of the Bounty Missions, the lovely "Wreck this house without being noticed" one, upon completing it, I receive some tokens and a Lok'Tar villager which cannot be used for anything except for ransom. Is that intended?

Also, how does that particular mission work by the way? Can the game pick up how much of said house you destroy to complete the mission and give you the rewards?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 27, 2017, 06:30:11 pm
Hopefully this hasn't been reported yet: I noticed that you can somehow stun and capture Academy Drones with the Handle and can research them, but doing the latter results in being given nothing. The drone placed at the Burrow disappears and... That's it. I'm not sure if I was intended to examine a broken bot first or anything, but I thought I would be given the option to dismantle them upon capture or something.

I suppose it's unintended, but can't provide much additional info here. Probably a loose string.

Second, one of the Bounty Missions, the lovely "Wreck this house without being noticed" one, upon completing it, I receive some tokens and a Lok'Tar villager which cannot be used for anything except for ransom. Is that intended?

Yes, it's intended... And sort of inevitable.

Also, how does that particular mission work by the way? Can the game pick up how much of said house you destroy to complete the mission and give you the rewards?

Yes, it can. Technically speaking, the game counts destroyed tiles and the recovers them as tokens... Same as UFO walls are recovered as Alien Alloys.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mammothus on August 30, 2017, 08:12:21 pm
Hey guys,

I think I've found an error in the Bootypedia. For the "Armored Vaults", it mentions the only topic you need to research is "Inspect Machinery". However, in the ruleset, what I'm guessing is "Heavy-Duty Construction" is listed as a build requirement.


I definitely see I can't build them after researching the "Inspect..." topic and was a bit confused.  If this isn't a mistake, please let me know what I'm missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 30, 2017, 08:17:18 pm
Yes, that is correct.  The inspect machinery research project unlocks the pedia article on the armored vaults ("Hey, we took a look at this facility and know what it does now!"), you don't get to build them until you have some better knowledge of building facilities.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on August 31, 2017, 03:50:11 pm
Minor bug: it's not possible to put big item from the inventory on the ground if there is only one free collum. See the pics.
The right arrow moves items on the ground to the start of list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 31, 2017, 03:59:48 pm
Minor bug: it's not possible to put big item from the inventory on the ground if there is only one free collum.

Use Ctrl+click to drop the item quicker and without needing the free space.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 31, 2017, 07:31:36 pm
So, bug with not turning tank turrets was mentioned before?

The turret of A.I. HWP's like battlecannon tanks 'visually' don't turn thier turrets once they've shot your troops.

ALT button shows the actual facing but the visual feedback reads like the tank made a 180° reactionshot onto you.

Fixed, resp. implemented:
- all turreted units turn their turrets in the direction of the fire when they react (melee or ranged)
- all originally hostile and neutral turreted units reset their turret direction (back to direction of movement) every turn
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Aspa on September 03, 2017, 01:18:05 pm
Is it really intended that custom lasguns need 3 sectoid corpses?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 03, 2017, 01:32:21 pm
It is not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on September 03, 2017, 09:22:43 pm
Alongside the "birthday cake" commendation on month change several random ones are given.


Also "bomber" or whatever it is called, the one for 3 kills with bombs in 1 turn, is given randomly on mission end - to gals that have no explosive weaponry at all or even a single kill in that mission.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on September 04, 2017, 01:58:27 am
I believe that's just earned commendations being awarded retroactively. The higher tier service ribbons for a few commendations weren't being properly awarded in previous versions; now your hands are receiving their decorations that were left outstanding.

As for the 'bomber' commendation, I haven't got a clue. Things get a bit weird depending on who arms/throws the bomb.

On a similar note, I've observed gals not having poison gas bomb kills logged in their diaries.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 04, 2017, 06:35:38 pm
Few missing strings, or something...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 04, 2017, 11:38:26 pm
Well these names are invisible anyway :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kulverstukass on September 04, 2017, 11:45:19 pm
As result of live Cryssalid first research, this

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Research STR_CHRYSSALID not found
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Research STR_CHRYSSALID not found

I've took him from "zombie outbreak (instead of normal raid) at research post" mission

geoscape autosave, just pass time for a bit
latest, 99H with x-com 1 files
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on September 07, 2017, 12:14:39 am
Try this as a hotfix. See attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kulverstukass on September 07, 2017, 01:33:05 am
Try this as a hotfix. See attached.
Thank you, it werks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on September 07, 2017, 11:11:52 am
I can confirm that finishing the research of a live Chrissalid breaks the game. Thanks for the hotfix, I'll try it for the next time I stumble upon one of these (hopefully after a long time).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on September 07, 2017, 03:14:44 pm
Try this as a hotfix. See attached.

Good afternoon :) just downloaded the 0.99H and the abovementioned hotfix (,4058.msg87672.html#msg87672), used it over the one provided with the game, starting a brand new game i got the attached sceen in the very beginning. Researchig it seems t have no apparent consequence? A bug in the hotfix itself? How it can be fixed? Thanks again for your time <3

edit: link to the fix

edit2: pheraphs it is meant to be used once chrissalid is avaiable to research before the project is finished? If so, my bad...some clarification would be kind :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on September 07, 2017, 05:27:49 pm
Looks like I broke something. I'll have a look when I get back from work.


The research topic becomes available when you have a live chryssalid in your base's inventory, aka STR_CHRYSSALID_TERRORIST. The change of nomenclature for the chryssalid research strings between versions has lead to unintended results. I've done a quick and dirty fix (that hopefully works) by adding a requirement for the chryssalid research topic.

Code: [Select]
    points: 50
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true

see attached for a hot fix for the hot fix. Tested on new game starts, my current playthrough and Kulverstukass's save file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on September 09, 2017, 07:22:43 am
I noticed two text inconsistencies.  The Nude slave text still mentions special damage and the live Zombie Fatman article talks about extracting hellerium even though it no longer immediately unlocks zombie butchery.

Also, the Sunday Town Mission mentions only allowing "Mostly Harmless" weapons and has an outfit button, but it only removes my explosives (and flares) and the button shows no clothing for me yet but all the outfits I've tried are allowed.  Is this intended or just a sign of work in progress?

Edit:  I was looking through my topics when I saw the attached pages.  If I'm reading the color coding right, with purple for researched and pink for not, then I've managed to anger the Guild before alarming them.  Is this intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 11, 2017, 11:23:03 am
1) All armors are allowed as of now, so you don't see any. The lack of flares is a bug.

2) Yeah it is technically possible, if unlikely.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 11, 2017, 01:37:42 pm
1) VOO DOO abilities renamed to default PST, PSK (maybe intentionally?) - see the pic. What are their string_ids anyway? It is changed even in my translation.
2) Old rank Countess mentioned in STR_MASTERS_CANE_UFOPEDIA. Now the rank is Duchess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 11, 2017, 01:54:14 pm
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: guiliar on September 12, 2017, 01:12:20 pm
I've updated 0.99G.5->0.99H in the middle of battle (enemy base - Traders). Perhaps not the most wise choice, but I've immediately noticed, that my SEDUCTRESSes lost their powers (could use them, but no effect, even after 5 or 6 seduction attempts on basic GO unit in one turn, reloaded couple of times.
I've also noticed, that SEDUCTRESS outfit description disappeared from my Bootypedia, which seemed weird, because only change mentioned in changelog was different computation of Evasion.

Is this a bug, or perhaps there was some other change in techtree and I have to rediscover powers of seduction?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 12, 2017, 01:26:18 pm
A bug... fix is here:,4187.msg87520.html#msg87520

PS: and do not update during battlescape... please.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: guiliar on September 12, 2017, 03:40:58 pm
A bug... fix is here:,4187.msg87520.html#msg87520

PS: and do not update during battlescape... please.

Thank you very much.
And no, I will not any more :-)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 18, 2017, 04:13:18 am
Upgrading from G5 to H1 most of the way into year 2.

I run a custom mod for xpiratez but I turned it off and retried to see if this would happen and it still did. I did upgrade during a battlescape mission but this problem happened in geoscape.

After getting back from a (small supply ship) mission that landed at an enemy hideout, the time counter rolled over to the next day and the game crashed without an error message. Music continued playing, window became unresponsive. No information was noted in the log file.

This isn't a research issue because none of my research projects were scheduled to complete, and it wasn't the end of the month either. So this would have to do with something other than research most likely.

(since it takes about a minute to load the game for me I don't want to do any more debug on this, im just going to start a new save game and just have this one on the back burner)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 18, 2017, 09:13:29 am
Attach the save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 18, 2017, 09:36:47 pm
Attach the save?

Yeah sure why not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 19, 2017, 12:26:39 pm
After getting back from a (small supply ship) mission that landed at an enemy hideout, the time counter rolled over to the next day and the game crashed without an error message. Music continued playing, window became unresponsive. No information was noted in the log file.

This isn't a research issue because none of my research projects were scheduled to complete, and it wasn't the end of the month either. So this would have to do with something other than research most likely.

Doesn't crash for me... just freezes for 2-3 seconds until it figures out all the research dependencies.

Then it resumes and gives me the following research popups:
- destroyed mk.801
- hypno panel
- decrypted data disc

EDIT: when using debug version, it froze for about 1 minute for me, then recovered:
- if you're compiling your own version, make sure to build a Release build, not Debug build
- if you're not compiling yourself, maybe you have a bit slower machine... just wait until it finishes... and let me know how long it took please
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 21, 2017, 11:19:17 pm
EDIT: when using debug version, it froze for about 1 minute for me, then recovered:
- if you're compiling your own version, make sure to build a Release build, not Debug build
- if you're not compiling yourself, maybe you have a bit slower machine... just wait until it finishes... and let me know how long it took please

Im not a programmer and dont have a clue how to compile something. So im just using your standard stock executable. I do have a slow machine (single core 1600mhz, 2gb ram, windows 7) and it takes about 1 minute for the game to startup after running it.

I also frequently have a Browser with Facebook Messenger loaded in it which competes for memory, but it almost never has any real problems because of this (I need to have other things open just because I have contacts I have to stay connected to through the day).

Any idea why it could freeze for so long? I would also ask why it takes up 1 Gb of ram since piratez itself is only about 150mb at best...

Edit - I decided to let it sit there and chug at whatever it was doing and I guess after 30-60sec it finished the research dependencies bit and I was able to continue playing. Thanks for giving that insight.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 22, 2017, 12:03:48 am
Any idea why it could freeze for so long?

Because it has to calculate a lot.
The piratez tech tree is huge and the ruleset engine is too powerful... it allows too much and all that costs CPU time.
It can be improved either by making it less powerful (for example removing the "zero cost research" would save tons of time) or by making a new one (with simpler rules or just different rules, that are easier to check in such huge trees).
Both solutions would break compatibility... so... yeah.

I would also ask why it takes up 1 Gb of ram since piratez itself is only about 150mb at best...

When resources are loaded into memory, they are not compressed... you wouldn't want to decompress a GIF or PNG each time you want to draw it on the screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on September 22, 2017, 01:14:48 am
Because it has to calculate a lot.
The piratez tech tree is huge and the ruleset engine is too powerful... it allows too much and all that costs CPU time.
It can be improved either by making it less powerful (for example removing the "zero cost research" would save tons of time) or by making a new one (with simpler rules or just different rules, that are easier to check in such huge trees).
Both solutions would break compatibility... so... yeah.

When resources are loaded into memory, they are not compressed... you wouldn't want to decompress a GIF or PNG each time you want to draw it on the screen.
One possible improvement that do not change functionality is change of memory layout of data that program use. Slowest operation on current architecture is memory access (nearly 100 time cost of add instruction). Even more if we prepare some light weight auxiliary data structure that have only needed data we could reduce it even more. Look what I did with new lighting, game need do 100 time more calculations but overall speed is not reduced that much.
Something similar could be applied too to research tree.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 22, 2017, 04:56:22 am
When resources are loaded into memory, they are not compressed... you wouldn't want to decompress a GIF or PNG each time you want to draw it on the screen.
Understandable about the freezes. Though point of fact, when a program is chugging like that windows declares it to be non-responsive if you click on it (grays the window out) and may ask if you want to terminate the program.

Also in this case with the save file I posted I had underestimated the sheer amount of changes that had been made to the research tree between versions, which the game had to fully process. Guess that was the equivalent of when the patch update happened I just didnt expect it there.

One possible improvement that do not change functionality is change of memory layout of data that program use.

If you're taking up 1 Gb of ram, apparently it is loading ALL of the resources for the entire mod (and game) all into memory and then just leaving it there until it references it. I had no idea it was doing this so I was thinking there was something wrong with the way it was operating in memory.

Easy solution for that is don't load resources from the hard drive (only keep them queued) until the program actually needs to use them. Then for example at certain points where those resources wont be needed for awhile... unload them from memory. When a ground mission ends (also would apply to all tactical musics)... when you close the ufopedia...

(you could even go as far as to defer loading on demand for certain classes of images, such as only loading the paper dolls for units that you've actually seen the inventory screen of - how often does one successfully mind control an enemy unit for the majority of the game...)

Even on my computer the HD bump to load those resources would be barely noticeable, and on a modern machine it wouldn't even register.

There are a ton of game resources that you will probably never see until very late in the game, that are being loaded and just left there in memory unnecessarily.

Only exemptions I can think of for this would be anything in the native game package formats like the .dat files and terrain stuff. Safe to say that probably no modder, dioxine included, will package up the bulk of their mod into the arcane vanilla formats.

(for example if resources were being loaded on demand someone could technically modify some inventory or ufopedia graphic on the hd, open the ufopedia and look at the item and it would be different because it wouldnt have been retained in memory; rinse and repeat. There is no real functionality for this and I wouldnt care for using it that way, but its to illustrate an example)

Less resources floating around may also reduce stability problems and other overhead.


Possible Bug:
In my playthrough (which started on .99 G5) it seems that Spartan Ships are being used by Raiders, and Raider Ships are being used by Spartans. Screenshot attached. There's nothing wrong with the battles or anything, its just this switch is something that has been consistently going on ever since they showed up.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 22, 2017, 06:01:13 pm
1. As it currently goes, Piratez is not reccomended for machines with less than 3GB RAM. I'd welcome any performance improvement, but I'd be more grateful to increase drawing speed so the game doesn't slow down to a crawl with a maximized display and a very large map on my i5 quad core with 12GB RAM.
2. @Paperdolls: you do realize that you don't need to MC enemy units to see their paperdolls, right?
3. @Spartans/Raiders: it's all explained in game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on September 22, 2017, 07:49:37 pm
If you're taking up 1 Gb of ram, apparently it is loading ALL of the resources for the entire mod (and game) all into memory and then just leaving it there until it references it. I had no idea it was doing this so I was thinking there was something wrong with the way it was operating in memory.

Easy solution for that is don't load resources from the hard drive (only keep them queued) until the program actually needs to use them. Then for example at certain points where those resources wont be needed for awhile... unload them from memory. When a ground mission ends (also would apply to all tactical musics)... when you close the ufopedia...

(you could even go as far as to defer loading on demand for certain classes of images, such as only loading the paper dolls for units that you've actually seen the inventory screen of - how often does one successfully mind control an enemy unit for the majority of the game...)

Even on my computer the HD bump to load those resources would be barely noticeable, and on a modern machine it wouldn't even register.

There are a ton of game resources that you will probably never see until very late in the game, that are being loaded and just left there in memory unnecessarily.

Only exemptions I can think of for this would be anything in the native game package formats like the .dat files and terrain stuff. Safe to say that probably no modder, dioxine included, will package up the bulk of their mod into the arcane vanilla formats.

(for example if resources were being loaded on demand someone could technically modify some inventory or ufopedia graphic on the hd, open the ufopedia and look at the item and it would be different because it wouldnt have been retained in memory; rinse and repeat. There is no real functionality for this and I wouldnt care for using it that way, but its to illustrate an example)

Less resources floating around may also reduce stability problems and other overhead.
Of corse, but this is easier to say than done, it would require rewriting half of engine to support it. I only suggest optimization without refactoring whole game.
In many places OXC code is written suboptimal and with couple of tricks you could speed up everything 10 or more times.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 22, 2017, 10:25:10 pm
1. As it currently goes, Piratez is not reccomended for machines with less than 3GB RAM. I'd welcome any performance improvement, but I'd be more grateful to increase drawing speed so the game doesn't slow down to a crawl with a maximized display and a very large map on my i5 quad core with 12GB RAM.
2. @Paperdolls: you do realize that you don't need to MC enemy units to see their paperdolls, right?
3. @Spartans/Raiders: it's all explained in game.

1) news to me, figured specs were identical to standard openxcom
Personally I play the game windowed at 640x400 with x2 resolution (effectively 320x200), and no filters. There's alot of scrolling and minimap jumping involved.

2) have no idea how to do that, the only paperdolls ive seen for them are the ones referenced in bootypedia splashes

3) Okay no problem. I guess I just haven't done enough research to find out yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on September 23, 2017, 12:37:10 am
There commit that speedup 2x research checks:
Biggest grain is from sorting, probably another refactoring could increases this again 2x, but I will leave it for another time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 23, 2017, 09:42:07 am
There commit that speedup 2x research checks:
Biggest grain is from sorting, probably another refactoring could increases this again 2x, but I will leave it for another time.


How can sorting take so much time? Sorting is n*log_n operation, should basically take no time on lists with only a couple of thousands of entries, no?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on September 23, 2017, 03:58:25 pm
I added sorting to improve speed not other way around. With this I could do binary search for positions in vectors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 23, 2017, 06:52:39 pm
2) have no idea how to do that, the only paperdolls ive seen for them are the ones referenced in bootypedia splashes

M-click on enemy. This is of course explained in the "hotkeys" article, if one cares to read.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on September 24, 2017, 08:31:53 pm
In o.99H1 some rtmen rodeo maps need to be checked, sometimes i stumble across palmas in fron of doors  :'( see attachment
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 24, 2017, 10:06:48 pm
In o.99H1 some rtmen rodeo maps need to be checked, sometimes i stumble across palmas in fron of doors  :'( see attachment

Yeah ive had this problem and I almost thought it was intentional. But nobody would build a door right in front of a palm tree such that it couldnt be opened, which suggests this is a bug. Normally solved by taking a weapon that does 40+ damage and blowing a hole in the fence next to it, but it still fits the impassable bush trope.

(its too bad also that entire trees, light posts, and structures cant collapse like they do in xcom apocalypse when you blow out their support... but it is quite abit to ask for this oldstyle game system, an acceptable suspension of disbelief)

I would like to also add that in the Goblin Zaxx tomb raider hunt It Is Possible to get a starting zone that has no cavern entrances to the rest of the complex!

I dont know how likely this is because it only happened once to me, and just last night. I was spawned in the extreme upper left corner of the map, and the map block just to the right of it had no entrances (not even the little nooks on either side). I didn't take a screenshot or save of it (sorry).

My gals were armed with Harpoon Carbines/Tranq for catching the tomb runners but we didnt have anything heavy except hellerium grenades (dunno how hard those walls are to break, I just generally assume anything like that is indestructible - in vanilla the solid stone tiles had 255 armor).

What made things worse is that even though I Evac'd from the map with no loot whatsoever... I was forced to go all the way back to base without deviating course... and I missed a nice air combat opportunity because of it on the way back.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on September 25, 2017, 12:27:29 am
It is possible to break the stone walls.  I had a situation where the last two enemies were blocked off, so I used a max strength gal with a hammer to bust it open.  It took a while, since it sometimes took three tries to get a good damage roll and the walls had 'damaged' states before they were completely destroyed, but it is possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 25, 2017, 09:29:54 am

I would like to also add that in the Goblin Zaxx tomb raider hunt It Is Possible to get a starting zone that has no cavern entrances to the rest of the complex!

Doesn't it say in the desc. that you should bring a hammer or a pickaxe with you?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on September 25, 2017, 03:40:28 pm
and always in 0.99H1 after havin interrogated a Govt. Agent. i got as result "Conversion", a misison from the Church, don't know if it's normal  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 25, 2017, 03:43:56 pm
Been it laziness or dumb luck I have 1x hammer and 1x pickaxe in every dropship just in case I run into one of those situations.
It's no big deal to have the item sit back in your craft waiting to be picked up just for this one obstacle preventing your success.

Ofc once you've badass weaponry those tools become more or less obsolete but they'll get replaced either with a spare mining laser or a fusion torch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 26, 2017, 02:55:16 am
Doesn't it say in the desc. that you should bring a hammer or a pickaxe with you?

Been it laziness or dumb luck I have 1x hammer and 1x pickaxe in every dropship just in case I run into one of those situations.

I must have skimmed over it or thought it was just a tongue in cheek flavor text. Also I dont even have these items anymore (ill have to make some I guess). Like the assault cannon I just sold these things early on, like 3rd month and never looked back.

(next thing youll tell me is the shovel is actually useful for digging, or something)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 28, 2017, 08:43:02 am
I must have skimmed over it or thought it was just a tongue in cheek flavor text.

There is too little space for the luxury of meaningless text. Looks like some people have trouble even if it's spelled black-on-white for them, I can't help with that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 29, 2017, 12:04:24 pm
There is no other use for captured Lokk'Naar Villager from Bounty hunting mission than selling him for the money? No research?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bloax on September 29, 2017, 07:39:49 pm
He could give you a topic that granted you negative score because your mission wasn't to capture him, if that's what you want. % )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on October 01, 2017, 10:21:36 pm
There is no other use for captured Lokk'Naar Villager from Bounty hunting mission than selling him for the money? No research?

He could give you a topic that granted you negative score because your mission wasn't to capture him, if that's what you want. %

Yeah but then you'd only get hit with it once, though it could be a whopper (ie, everyone knows you're the kinda gals that will kill for loansharks, and you just cant amend that publicity). I guess it could be engineered with several research topics that each hit you but they all require a dead lokknar villager and requiresitem/destroyitem, so that the next progression in that tree doesn't get reached until another dead one is acquired (however this could be allowed to get nasty since it could impose missions to start up against you, and/or the amount of negative publicity could accelerate rather than be a flat penalty each time).

Those maps usually have 2 lokknar farmers though not one. Ive accidentally killed one because he was too close to the barn when the satchel charge went off, but the other one was still alive so the map didn't end immediately.

Using a research route like that however, if you only subdued the farmers they wouldn't die thus wouldn't produce the corpses (Goblin Zaxx does say not to kill, he says nothing about subduing them). But it would still end the mission since there would be no remaining enemies.

Makes me think there needs to be some Camo 1/1 fraidycat flying critter with invincibility that hides in the corner of the map, just to keep the foot in the door for the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FiendishDrWu on October 03, 2017, 12:22:53 am
3 small bugs I've seen, none of them very serious.

- The Siberia mission showed up on the 29th of a month; I ignored it until the 11th of the next month and then fought and won it.  Later that month, it showed up again

- Magical girl isn't consumed after being researched.  (Is this intentional?)

- After finishing the Hellerium Fuel Capsule research, I was shown the "What's the deal with the tiny drill?" Bootypedia page. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SomeGuy on October 03, 2017, 01:46:52 pm
Think Siberia base mission keeps appearing until you research the russian files.
For the magical girl, her "interrogation" is just having a nice chat with her not. . .whatever the brainers usually do so you can research her till you have everything.
Don't know about the last one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on October 04, 2017, 12:08:34 am
Hi, I'd like to report a crash in 0.99H1.

Humanist pogrom, knocked out one of the blue uniform guys. I step over his unconscious body, click the inventory button to see what he had, and the game crashes to desktop.

openxcom.log says:

[03-10-2017_23-01-01]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Invlid surface set 'BIGOBS.PCK' for item 'STR_NAZI_2_CORPSE_BATTLE': not enough frames
[03-10-2017_23-01-58]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Invlid surface set 'BIGOBS.PCK' for item 'STR_NAZI_2_CORPSE_BATTLE': not enough frames

And while I'm at it, the Bootypedia (and, I presume, inventory) images for Bandit Knife, Sickle and Pitchfork are bugged, displaying the inventory images of various stunned enemies.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on October 04, 2017, 12:28:41 am
And while I'm at it, the Bootypedia (and, I presume, inventory) images for Bandit Knife, Sickle and Pitchfork are bugged, displaying the inventory images of various stunned enemies.
I downloaded and installed that version but never experienced, maybe you have a messed up installation?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on October 04, 2017, 01:57:41 am
I downloaded and installed that version but never experienced, maybe you have a messed up installation?

Installed it the same way as earlier versions before. Not even sure how one could mess it up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 04, 2017, 10:53:34 am
Installed it the same way as earlier versions before. Not even sure how one could mess it up.

It looks like the metadata file is missing or incorrect. Please double-check.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on October 04, 2017, 12:28:37 pm
It looks like the metadata file is missing or incorrect. Please double-check.

OK, but which file is that? Like, what is its name?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 04, 2017, 03:26:57 pm
OK, but which file is that? Like, what is its name?

It's literally called metadata. I think the extension is .dat? I can't recall, which is really embarrassing.  :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 04, 2017, 03:51:29 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 04, 2017, 03:57:11 pm
If you are seeing "Stunned Enemies" as inventory items, you probably have a conflict with the Alt Corpses mod.  This mod is deprecated and should be removed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Premier on October 04, 2017, 09:44:32 pm
Removing Alt-Corpses solved both the crash and the Bootypedia images. Thanks for the help, folks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on October 05, 2017, 12:34:48 am
I have an issue when I shoot with the fire wand at the guard. The game stall after the shoot. No error, no response.

attached savegame.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on October 24, 2017, 10:49:02 pm
Devastator has 12 crew, but only first 10 are actually spawned in battlescape.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tkzv on October 25, 2017, 01:21:40 am
My base got attacked, all hands were present, but the parrot did not appear. After I won, I got a message "Not enough to fully re-equip squad, parrot: 1." And I never saw that parrot again. What happened to it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 25, 2017, 03:27:09 pm
Did the Burrows get destroyed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tkzv on October 25, 2017, 11:09:28 pm
Did the Burrows get destroyed?
Are you asking me? No, nothing got destroyed, nobody got killed, nothing got damaged.

Should I post the save files right after and a few days before the battle?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 29, 2017, 05:36:01 pm
The laslock shotgun is an infiltration-weapon but not the ammo for it. :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 30, 2017, 01:33:29 pm
Ooops, sorry :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 30, 2017, 08:14:40 pm
Not a big deal. Just a neat tool for non-mansion infiltration missions due to the small clipsize.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on October 30, 2017, 09:04:18 pm
I get some visual glitches with large creatures, don't know if it's the game or my crappy computer.

I also noticed that there is a limit of 5 for rags, with no obvious way to get more, and lore indicating that they should be available in infinite numbers.  I don't really use rags, so it's not a problem for me, but I felt I should bring it up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SquirrelofNukes on October 31, 2017, 12:21:44 am
Pardon me

I have some trouble with installation. I've looked at everything, and installed, but when I start it up it'll crash right then...
running mac os maverick
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 31, 2017, 12:46:03 pm
I get some visual glitches with large creatures, don't know if it's the game or my crappy computer.

I also noticed that there is a limit of 5 for rags, with no obvious way to get more, and lore indicating that they should be available in infinite numbers.  I don't really use rags, so it's not a problem for me, but I felt I should bring it up.

Yeah some large creatures and even tanks look a bit glitchy as they climb ramps. As long as they look pretty during your turn this is just a question of sprites. Nothing gamebreaking right?

In my current campaign (updated in between from H1 to H2) I can't use rags at all anymore.
The 'armor' is now tied to the item "Smelly Rags" and you only get 5 of those for your starting base. Can't see how to get more but not really necessary and 1 smelly rag is all you need if you wish to use the Jellyfish.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yataka Shimaoka on October 31, 2017, 01:00:35 pm
Pardon me

I have some trouble with installation. I've looked at everything, and installed, but when I start it up it'll crash right then...
running mac os maverick
The answer is plain and simple: Mac doesnt support .gif
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 31, 2017, 05:58:23 pm
"Escape Tower" spawned me a map without a dedicated 'tower' this time and instead scattered the enemies across a urban block map. I'd love to point out that the noble woman/ human mage and thier voodoo are quite overpowered for my taste.

They need no own LOS to oneshot hands with 90 health. Is there something fundamentally broken with this mission?

Save is attached, you only need to run into line of sight of anyone that's not the noble woman in the northwest corner and end turn.
The voodoo attack (if it hits and that's very likely) oneshots the gal.

There's no enemy craft and tower on this map and no green safety area.
To legally win you've to dodge LOS of every single enemy or quickly kill/ k.o. the noble woman.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on November 01, 2017, 12:58:56 pm
Crash when equipping the bike armor - pressing OK. Hand in question is in the devastator with 4 free slots available. Attaching log, but I don't see any specific errors there.

EDIT: that's when equipping through the inventory menu. If equipped through armor menu and assigned to craft, hand does not even show up in inventory.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 01, 2017, 02:49:43 pm
Crash when equipping the bike armor - pressing OK. Hand in question is in the devastator with 4 free slots available. Attaching log, but I don't see any specific errors there.

EDIT: that's when equipping through the inventory menu. If equipped through armor menu and assigned to craft, hand does not even show up in inventory.

The hand is still on the craft if bike armor is equipped through the armor screen, and their inventory will be available in the pre-mission equip screen. This is a known bug, fixed in the nightly EXE, we're just waiting for that to be merged to OXCE+. The first crash you mention could be missing mod resources, an engine bug, or some discrepancy in the ruleset; I'll look at it.

In the future, a save file with instructions to reproduce the bug is infinitely more useful than the openxcom.log file alone.

Edit: The crashing when equipping the bike armor is related to the bug that was fixed in the nightly - in order to get that inventory screen at the base, a 'fake' battlescape is created and your gals are placed on it.  However, it's too small for 2x2 units/armors, so those aren't placed, which is the reason why you don't see the bike's inventory when equipping from the armor screen first.  When you try to equip from the inventory screen and press 'OK,' the engine tries to reset the positions of all the gals in the fake battlescape, but crashes because it tries to place the bike on a tile that doesn't exist since it's too big.

Long story short, just equip the bike from the armor screen and wait to fill that gal's inventory until just before battle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 02, 2017, 04:44:43 pm

Just in case anyone downed a Strix-Zombie (delivering stun damage and depleting the HP below stun-level without killing = doesn't go boom) but got no live speciment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on November 02, 2017, 09:49:53 pm
Durning Loknars village defense I dont see their paperdoll when clicked with MMB - only their weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 03, 2017, 12:08:05 am
Durning Loknars village defense I dont see their paperdoll when clicked with MMB - only their weapons.

The Lokk'Nar's have no paperdoll right now. Not a bug, just no actual 'picture' for the sprite.

Edit: Dunno what's wrong with the Strix-Z but it seems like this particular Zombie can fall K.O. (stundamage through electric or daze) and delivering cutting damage thereafter but instead of shifting into the correct 'item' it turns to a corpse.
Maybe that's the issue here. (I also stop mentioning it now^^)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on November 05, 2017, 01:36:06 am
Minor text bugs:
STR_SHOOTA_MK3_UFOPEDIA Two mentions of same damage bonus with the long belt.
STR_BLOWPIPE_UFOPEDIA Two spaces near '400%'
STR_FLAMETHROWER_UFOPEDIA Semicolon after 'reload'
STR_SAKURA_STAFF_UFOPEDIA abandoned ')' after 0.024
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on November 07, 2017, 10:48:21 am
The blood rituals mission isn't spawning the altar thingy or any of the random stuff that's normally scattered around it including the castaway you can rescue.  Also some, not all, of the new castaway rescue missions aren't spawning the building that's supposed to be there.  You can see the square where it's supposed to spawn on the map though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 07, 2017, 01:42:03 pm
It's all RNG for the tileset. You got 'unlucky' in that regard.
The same is true for "Escape Tower" mission. A map without the tower+vessel is possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 07, 2017, 03:36:10 pm
For the Blood Rituals mission, there was a line missing out of the ruleset that prevented the altar from spawning.   I'm attaching my patched version of the file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: marcomon on November 10, 2017, 12:55:04 pm
After researching "Synthmuscle Mesh", if I choose to "view reports" I get a CTD with the attached message windows.
I had this problem with H1 and now with H2 build.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 10, 2017, 02:17:39 pm
That's odd, I didn't had the problem in H1 and neither in H2.
The synthmuscle mesh itself shouldn't have it's own bootypedia page, "view report" should give 'mercenary armor' to see the entry for merc. armor values.

Dunno what's happening there but this should work totally fine tho. All merc' relevant topics seem crash-free for my end.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 10, 2017, 10:17:42 pm
It's supposed to be Mysterious Tower.
Same is true for "They came from the Sea"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on November 11, 2017, 02:14:15 am
In new nightly, weapon `type: STR_RANGEFINDER`will cause fail to load because it do not use ammo items and do not have clip size.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 11, 2017, 02:44:14 am
Found a little issue with the new demon-filled towermap.

If the mapblock for the tower spawns at the lower edge of the map (see screenshot) it's impossible for footgals to access the stairs and get into the tower.
With one more row of 'flat earth' at this side of the mapblock, those cases could be solved.

Other than that, I guess shooting a hole into the walls might do the trick somehow too.

A pickaxe can roll high enough to break the one tile on the start of the stairs to open a passage to get into the tower by foot.
Leaves your team vulnerable to attacks from the inside while chopping the solid cursed rock out of existence.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on November 11, 2017, 11:38:18 pm
Is everything ok with Jellyfish in-build weapon? So far every FIRST shot from Arcane Ray just disapear (or hit the wall).
Also from time to time that guided "missile" doesn't use waypoints and take different route to the target.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 12, 2017, 12:10:28 am
There's a 'door' in that firing port that you have to open first, and there's only really that one direction to fire out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 12, 2017, 12:24:40 am
@Ragshak : yeah I was stumped a bit too with the Jellyfish.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on November 12, 2017, 12:32:26 am
Ha! Nice! Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 12, 2017, 08:32:53 pm
This is not a bug-report but more like a little suggestion regarding items needed to build facilities:

Hyperwave-Decoder = 6x Slave-AI - not big of a deal, users should salvage plenty of those during the run
Repulsor-Defence = 30x Force Circuitry - alone the extra items needed let the investment look really unfriendly to consider
Luxury Spa = 4x Slaves, 6x Maids - also not too big of an extra investment
Sickbay = 10x Med. Supply - if needed and surgery room isn't build yet
VooDoo School / Summ. Circle = 10x Hypno Panel each - Panels are hard to get and take quite some storage space.
Mint = 1x Industrial Scanner - Scanners are also very rare to get since those are linked to one specific kind of shipping atm
Ind. Printer = 3x Industrial Scanner - Like Mint if you get the lucky 4x Scanner drop from the shipping you can't have both or have to choose between 1x Printer and 3x Mint
Factory = 500x Plastasteel - Everyone should've plenty of that around
Power Station = 2x Large Ship Engine - Not a big deal but those are 400k worth of extra investment
Surgery Room = 3x Surgery Unit - unless you know that you need those 3x Units you might've sold too many of these for 75k
Computer Core = 20x Slave AI - necessary and usually only one core is needed to get the endgame tech

And now to my actual suggestion: Surgery Unit / Industrial Scanners and Hypno Panels need a hint that they're needed to build into facilities.
Right-clicking them into the 'Fence' screen doesn't show the player this information.
The scenario happening is for example: Player A researched 1x Industrial Scanner, found out about the use of those things and sold the rest for good money.
He/she decided to research Ind. Printer and suddenly realises that the facility needs 3x Industrial Scanner to be build.

This isn't totally gamebreaking but this minor detail missing in the 'Fence' screen once right-clicking specific items (with apperantly no use to them) suddenly have high value preventing Player A from building important facilities. Maybe for the to-do-list for later updates?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on November 13, 2017, 02:39:43 am
I run some experimental code that cross link researches on load and I find possible missing topics:

[13-11-2017_01-27-20]   [ERROR]   Unknow reserch STR_CANNON
[13-11-2017_01-27-20]   [ERROR]   Unknow reserch STR_SLAVERY
[13-11-2017_01-27-20]   [ERROR]   Unknow reserch STR_PIR_BLASTER_BOMB
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Carfax on November 13, 2017, 08:27:26 pm
Does the spoiler free tech tree nöt include living stuff ? I get spoilers for captured animals and people when i look at them in prison/ burrow? Is this working as intened?
iI personally think these points should also be included if possible.
Regards Carfax
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 23, 2017, 04:50:28 am
Is anyone else having trouble getting the Assault Bike to work with the Thunderhorse? I was using Metallo for quite some time and had no issue getting any of my gals to wear it... it showed up in the inventory equip screen just fine, and generated on the map just fine. Now that I have a Thunderhorse I can't get the Assault bike to work. If I add a certain gal to the crew of it in any other armour, she shows up in the inventory equip screens just fine (both at base and at mission launch). The moment I turn her armour to Assault bike though, I can no longer see her in either equip screen at all... she is listed as on-board, and the Thunderhorse shows 4 crew capacity taken up by her, but she herself isn't loaded into the equip screens. If I try to start a mission with her, the mission starts fine but she isn't in it in any form, nude or otherwise. Failing to load maybe? Again, no issues with the same thing in Metallo when it was my main, but Thunderhorse isn't working. Here's a save, try it yourself if you'd like.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 23, 2017, 05:10:19 am
Try putting her at the top of the deployment list?  There are some strange behaviors related to giving soldiers 2x2 armors, and one of them is that if the chosen spawn point isn't big enough for the size of the armor, then the soldier doesn't spawn.  The Thunderhorse has some spawn points that won't fit 2x2 armors, particularly towards the back of the craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 23, 2017, 07:06:03 am
Good suggestion, so I tested it out. I've now tried to use the assault bike in every available crew slot in the Thunderhorse, and she won't show up in inventory management in any form. I also tried unequipping the howitzer tank I also had on the Thunderhorse, and that doesn't change the problem with the Assault Bike not showing up. Odd.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2017, 07:16:38 pm
Hmm, adding screenshots taken from your save and my own tests... Nothing seems to be awry...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 23, 2017, 08:09:15 pm
OK, that's really odd. I've tried it again and I still have the same issue. If I equip Rising Dementia with any other armour, she's fine. Put the Assault Bike on her and she disappears from the inventory equip screen and the mission load equip screen, and doesn't show up in-mission. So what are you doing differently than me? If you're using my save there shouldn't be any differences, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 23, 2017, 08:17:48 pm
So I just tried unequipping everything from my Thunderhorse and transferring over other Assault Bike armours from other bases, and then re-equipping everything into the Thunderhorse. I can now get multiple bikes to load in-mission. This is odd because I tried that when I had just the one armour in base and re-equipping everything did nothing. Is there something about adding or removing an item from a stack of inventory items that reloads a variable or something? Why would two bikes work but my one bike wouldn't?

Anyways, appears to be working, sorry for wasting your time everyone...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 23, 2017, 08:48:23 pm
Whoops, spoke too early. Look at these two saves. The quicksave is a geo save from right before the battle... if you turn it back to base you can see that I have two gals with Assault Bike armour onboard. The battlescape 3 save is after I land... only one Assault bike (Indomitable Bunny) is in the mission... the other one (Drippin Titania) isn't in the mission at all. I tried reloading the quicksave and then landing at the mission to see if different missions change anything, but no matter what layout comes up the result is the same... Bunny's bike is in, Titania's isn't. Maybe these two saves will give some clarity as to what's going on?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2017, 09:01:37 pm
You need to put the gals in bike armors on the top of the list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on November 24, 2017, 12:07:41 pm
Awesome, that works perfectly. Thanks for the info Dioxine!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on November 24, 2017, 08:36:01 pm
Tech tree bug?
I've researched "Commando pistol" from Osiron security. I can manufacture clips. I got info that I can now purchase item, but I can`t. The pistol isn`t on the black market...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on November 26, 2017, 04:30:17 am
You might need a specific market unlocked first, though that would mean that the game saying it's available to buy is the error.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 26, 2017, 05:19:15 pm
The mission "Raynerd must survive" is an awesomely crafted map from a visual point and gives me the feeling of busting into a heavy-fortress wrecking havoc and rescuing fella mutants etc.

Gameplay-wise it's tedious to crack open all walls to find 'trapped' megapol foes.
Is it intentional that most of the doors don't open and all watch-towers been sealed off as well?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on November 27, 2017, 02:05:28 pm
I started playing this again after a while, awesome as I remembered, although I began a new game with lower difficulty (the 2nd of the list) so that I could reach the point I left faster before switching back (about August or so). However, as a complete surprise I stumbled upon a craft filled with goddamn Armored Zombies. They had good gear and protection but thankfully they can't shoot for shit. I checked if it was possible to defeat them with enough application of blunt trauma, but the most I managed to do was to stun one and steal his stuff before being forced into a tactical retreat.

Just for fun, I used the CTR+J/K combo trick to see what I would gain if I was to pass that mission (since I doubt there's a legit way of doing so), but then the game crashed with a Segmentation fault error.

Attaching a file so that you can check it yourselves. I'm using a few mods for music and minor gameplay fixes, but nothing major.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 28, 2017, 10:30:19 am
Gameplay-wise it's tedious to crack open all walls to find 'trapped' megapol foes.
Is it intentional that most of the doors don't open and all watch-towers been sealed off as well?

No it's a pure coincidence, lol :)

Just for fun, I used the CTR+J/K combo trick to see what I would gain if I was to pass that mission (since I doubt there's a legit way of doing so), but then the game crashed with a Segmentation fault error.

Yeah that's what happens when you use this trick on zombie troopers. Normal behaviour.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ElGrillo on December 01, 2017, 12:01:05 am
There's a bug in 0.99H2.
Bootypedia says fusion ball is a heavy weapon, but it can only be equipped as a Missile. Don't know which one is intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: the Ring Dang Doo on December 01, 2017, 04:06:59 am
Sorry if this is the wrong thread, but suddenly today my X-Piratez shortcut and .exe just run Open X-COM instead of X-Piratez.  Restarted my PC, re-installed the mod, no change.  Any insight?

[edit]This is the greatest forum in the world.  As soon as I post anything to it I find the answer myself.  I swear this doesn't happen to me everywhere.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 01, 2017, 09:07:57 am
There's a bug in 0.99H2.
Bootypedia says fusion ball is a heavy weapon, but it can only be equipped as a Missile. Don't know which one is intended.

In the version 0.99F.5 the Fusion-Ball Launcher was changed from HV to MS.
Maybe a spelling error but it is intended that the Fusion-Ball Launcher is a missle!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on December 01, 2017, 08:29:02 pm
Yeah that's what happens when you use this trick on zombie troopers. Normal behaviour.

I don't think so? I checked it in the random battle generator and the trick works fine. Nevertheless, I tried to win that map by controlling the zeds to kill themselves to see if there was a working reward screen, which it did. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 01, 2017, 09:06:15 pm
I started playing this again after a while, awesome as I remembered, although I began a new game with lower difficulty (the 2nd of the list) so that I could reach the point I left faster before switching back (about August or so). However, as a complete surprise I stumbled upon a craft filled with goddamn Armored Zombies. They had good gear and protection but thankfully they can't shoot for shit. I checked if it was possible to defeat them with enough application of blunt trauma, but the most I managed to do was to stun one and steal his stuff before being forced into a tactical retreat.

I checked the save just for terms of curiosity.
That's close to impossible to do without save-scumming. Those armored Z-Troopers have so much armor that they shrug off all of your damage caused even by high-roll rusty niner shots.
Even if you break past the initial health-pool the zombie would just lose his arm and turn into a melee threat with similiar large healthpool and armor and oneshot every gal he can reach.

Funny thing, the ship the zombies got is a smuggler ship! If you would manage to win this by a miracle you might find extremely valuable guns or armor-suits in the crates randomly generated inside the craft.

Without save-scumming and luck, that's a tough nut to crack with such limited resources and lack of damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 02, 2017, 02:04:53 pm
I don't think so?

Your thinking this or that doesn't change how the game works. Using a cheat code is not guaranteed to not crash the game, as it can cause unintended behaviour (like here).

Well of course you cannot defeat zombie troopers with rusty niners, lol.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: osood on December 04, 2017, 09:48:50 pm
Why my soldier does not get to point-blank, he shoots anywhere. I'm playing the latest version. This was in the previous.
Played in older versions of this was not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 04, 2017, 10:27:04 pm
Why my soldier does not get to point-blank, he shoots anywhere. I'm playing the latest version. This was in the previous.
Played in older versions of this was not.

This is close-quarters combat.  It's meant to prevent things like the chainsaw always hitting.  The better at melee and reactions your gals are, the less often this will happen.  Also, some weapons (like pistols, SMGs, and chainsaws) are better at close-quarters combat than bigger guns (rifles, cannons, etc.).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 04, 2017, 11:35:36 pm
it also applies to enemies FYI.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 05, 2017, 02:11:18 am
pardon the double post but actual bugs need reporting

With the new cruise ship map some of the elevators bottom floors are not visually solid allowing spotting into the hold from above.

Also the viper fighters roof glitches out after some turns rendering the interior impossible to view. it's acting is if the players view is on a higher layer when it is not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 05, 2017, 03:06:50 am
Can you post a screenshot? They looked just like any other elevators to me, although that map has been a hell to edit due to its size (that makes the tiles tiny in the view window, and the map editor lag like crazy).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 05, 2017, 03:55:06 am
i try and remember the next time it comes around, i only noticed on the last turn of the run while the ships crew finished off the deep ones. The enemy turn is not good for screen shots.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: osood on December 05, 2017, 11:19:43 am
I just shoot at the enemy, and she shoots in the side, this is nonsense
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 05, 2017, 11:33:11 am
I just shoot at the enemy, and she shoots in the side, this is nonsense

Shooting well-trained people from melee range with impunity was nonsense. This is correct and logical behaviour.
If you insist on shooting people from point-blank, at least make sure they don't know how to defend themselves, and that your attacker has good melee and reactions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on December 06, 2017, 02:35:50 pm
Manufacturing prize: saya rerquires prize: saya to be researched, instead of aliance favours.

Ran into couple of unarmed bandit  bosses while hunting shamblers, stuning both didn’t yield any captives, so that’s clearly a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 06, 2017, 05:02:13 pm
Also, the Mutant Alliance's prize list still has that "(X = unimplemented)" text even though everything's actually implemented now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on December 06, 2017, 05:52:45 pm
Seems even regular bandit boss cannot be captured.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 09, 2017, 06:14:10 am
loknarr shadow armor is unobtainable as it requires "stealthsuits" research, which has no other links, nor an object/person it can be gotten from. Seems like some links are missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 09, 2017, 07:22:02 am
Last I remember, steathsuits came from catgirls.

Anyway, here's a not-actually-a-bug report: I think the Old Earth Lab should mention its storage space of 50 in its description.  I was wondering why my starting base had 300 storage capacity when it only had Vaults, Armored Vaults, and a Burrow (75+150+25=250) until I read the ruleset and found the source of the last 50 storage.

Edit: Bug report for real this time: I can confirm what Martin said earlier about the bandit boss.  Stunned one during a Bandit Town mission and finished with him still stunned and not dead, yet he's nowhere to be found among my prisoners.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 09, 2017, 04:00:45 pm
In 0.99.H3 just experienced an enemy visual problem, though guy on save a sister mission, seems actually more a map prolem since the enemy is not visibe from a certain angle of view, here are screenshots and a saved game :) (the save was created using the 0.99.H2)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 09, 2017, 04:28:45 pm
I think I finally found the cause of the uncapturable bandit boss: Its corpse is flagged with "recover: false".  I'm hesitant to change it however, because the bandit boss corpse's stats seem different from the stats of all the other corpses so I'm not entirely sure if this was actually intentional; but if it is, then is there some other way to research the bandit boss?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 09, 2017, 11:26:02 pm
Last I remember, steathsuits came from catgirls.
cat girls drop "stealthsuit parts". Not the same research item/entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 10, 2017, 06:42:49 am
I finally decided to delete the "recover: false" text from the bandit boss corpse (and also changed Prize: Saya's requirement from itself to Prize: Alliance Favors so it can actually be manufactured now), just simple ruleset edits.  After all if the bandit boss was unrecoverable, then why does he have a complete research topic?

So just to recap those two bugs to be fixed for the next version, with thanks to Martin for reporting them first:
- Prize: Saya's manufacturing requirement is itself, making it uncraftable.
- Bandit Boss cannot be recovered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2017, 11:01:34 am
Yeah don't sweat, they've been both fixed days ago (as well as the stealthsuit problem) :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 10, 2017, 05:45:05 pm
I finally decided to delete the "recover: false" text from the bandit boss corpse (and also changed Prize: Saya's requirement from itself to Prize: Alliance Favors so it can actually be manufactured now), just simple ruleset edits.  After all if the bandit boss was unrecoverable, then why does he have a complete research topic?

So just to recap those two bugs to be fixed for the next version, with thanks to Martin for reporting them first:
- Prize: Saya's manufacturing requirement is itself, making it uncraftable.
- Bandit Boss cannot be recovered.

Would you mind posting your patched ruleset?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AngelicJoker on December 11, 2017, 10:35:30 am
I think two files need to be edited:

Piratez_Factions.rul -
     - Search for STR_BAN_15_CORPSE_BATTLE and delete the 'recover: false' line from that section to fix the Bandit Boss

Piratez.rul -
     - Search for STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_PRIZE_SAYA in the manufacturing section and replace the STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_PRIZE_SAYA under 'requires:' with STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_PRIZE_ALLIANCE_FAVORS to fix the Prize: Saya
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on December 12, 2017, 07:34:32 am
I made the change to the factions ruleset and then fought a new bandit town, but instead of getting the boss I got an item with a STR name matching the section I edited.  I took him down with seduction and a single wand of pain blast, so I don't think I had killed him.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 13, 2017, 01:38:27 am
That's a corpse (which humans aren't supposed to leave behind), so he dead.  Maybe try adding "battleType: 11" that all the other corpses have?

Anyway, is the reaper cavalry ever gonna get anything more descriptive than "???"?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 16, 2017, 04:54:56 am
Ran into couple of unarmed bandit bosses while hunting shamblers

I just got this too, expected shamblers but got bandit bosses instead.  They had absolutely no items on them at all and were completely harmless.

Is it actually a bug, or have shambler hunts finally become like all the other monster hunts where there's a chance they'll be something else other than what's advertised (like nomads instead of monsters, or blood hounds instead of spiders)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hixill on December 17, 2017, 02:54:14 pm
Just found a bug when I reloaded Autosave Geo. I sold prisoners exceeding my cap after mission and when I reloaded the autosave (which is just after the mission) the prisoners appeared in my inventory exceeding my prison cap. So I have 20 prisoners with a 15 cap. I attached a savefile.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pca on December 17, 2017, 04:46:38 pm
I experienced a freeze responding to a stranded government agent. After killing OpenXcomEx I got the following message:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 17, 2017, 07:01:16 pm
I cannot do much without a save. The message is really strange, since this terrain is not used in any mission yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pca on December 17, 2017, 09:58:00 pm
Ok, here is a save. The problem can be worked around by enabling savescumming and reloading.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 18, 2017, 05:15:06 pm
I took a boomosaur down with handles, but for some reason it ended up dead instead of stunned.  Is this like with the strix zombie where it dies even if you stun it and it luckily doesn't explode?  But while you can learn about the live strix zombie from the arcane tome, the only way to research a live boomosaur is to get one alive which doesn't appear possible if they always end up dead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: suicicoo on December 18, 2017, 09:09:51 pm

no crash here - just tried to do a "Escape Tower"-mission, but just couldn't find any escape tower ^^.
Version is 0.99H2
In the next try, it dug up the fitting mission - but i get -points for killing the inhabitants of the escape-craft?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 19, 2017, 12:50:26 am
Yeah, the lack of a tower happens sometimes; usually when roads get involved.  As for the negative points, the enemies other than the dogs, commando, and mage/noblewoman are mostly civilians so killing them is bad publicity; but if they're armed to the teeth, then taking the negative points would probably be preferable over getting your gals wounded or killed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 19, 2017, 01:54:07 am
BBHooD217, it's possible if unlikely that your boomasuar merely died from stun overflow. Even if it was the last foe the end of turn calculations fire one last time at the end of a mission so it could have ticked to death.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 19, 2017, 02:08:41 am
Except I hit it with nothing but handles (and prior to that a couple of API rounds from death blossoms, but I'm sure it has a ton of health to survive those).  It made no noise when it went down, but the body had no "Z" indicators (nor any fire ones either); it just went straight to dead.

Edit: Ran a bunch of quick battles on debug and I can confirm that whether by handles or by stun bombs (all stun damage and nothing else), boomosaurs do not get stunned but instead die.  It's currently impossible to get a live boomosaur, so no boozeosaurs for you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on December 19, 2017, 03:11:45 pm
It seems that not only bandit bosses get spawned on shambler missions, but there is also a chance to get all megascorpions replaced with armored cars (learned that the hard way)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on December 19, 2017, 08:12:29 pm
Two minor bugs with new Saya in 99H3:

1)  The customer:mutant alliance still has an explanation of "X" meaning unimplemented, even though all is implemented.

2)  Manufacturing the new Saya prize requires researching the *Saya* prize, rather than researching favors.  Saya is thus not reachable at present.

edit: Also, suddenly the Old Earth Lab grants 50 storage (at least on an old save).  This is actually awesome, but maybe should be listed in the Pedia?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on December 20, 2017, 10:55:31 am
There is one more very weird thing - during humanist arsenal assaults, those bastards (soldiers) shoot at me with officer pistols and somehow manage to instakill my well-trained gals in chainmail to the face. How is that possible???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 20, 2017, 12:27:40 pm
unlikely but still possible Hadza. Officer pistol does a base of 15 dmg+6 per rank of the user. This is multiplied by a random value between 0-200% range. Chain-mail has 45 front armor.   

So with a max roll a user would only need to be rank 2 too penetrate chain-mail. 15+12=27 27x2=54 

Rank 3 tops out at 66. Rank 4 tops at 78. Rank 5 tops at 90
Officer pistol gets pretty beefy in the right hands.

What rank foes hold is not exposed to the player so it could be anything.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 20, 2017, 02:52:50 pm
The reason for officer pistols being extra deadly in low-level enemies is that the rank index is reversed for enemy races compared to the player units. Your gals start at rank 0 and go up as they advance, but enemy commanders are rank 0 and generally increase to the peons at ranks 5-6. In order to work the way you'd expect for enemies, the rank bonus would have to be reversed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 21, 2017, 04:11:21 am
I've learned that enemies that explode on death always die when they get stunned even if they don't explode; that would explain why the cyberdisc, strix zombie, and boomosaur are uncapturable (short of luring them into your craft or other exit area and then aborting the mission with them inside).

So I guess the question is, can this behavior be fixed at all?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 21, 2017, 05:30:47 am
This behavior is from vanilla X-Com - capturing a live cyberdisc shouldn't ever happen in the original game, the only way to get the live research topic is to get it from an alien medic. This is true for any unit that explodes on death,and as such, getting a live one should be treated as a cool bonus exploit in the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 21, 2017, 06:40:44 am
That's fine and all, but there's currently no way of researching a live boomosaur (other than the aforementioned luring one into your craft) so the whole boozeosaur tech line from back when the boomosaur didn't explode on death is completely inaccessible now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on December 21, 2017, 10:46:17 am
Mercenaries can kidnap one for you, can’t they?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 21, 2017, 12:26:01 pm
Does psi capture work? Probably not, but mught be worth checking.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on December 21, 2017, 10:56:45 pm
Ok, help me out.  I can't see why I can't build a Nightmare at my second base ("build").  It looks to me like I have tons of everything needed.  I've stared at this enough that I can't see straight...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 22, 2017, 12:22:12 pm
Ok, help me out.  I can't see why I can't build a Nightmare at my second base ("build").  It looks to me like I have tons of everything needed.  I've stared at this enough that I can't see straight...

A Nightmare costs 900.000 $
You simply don't have enough credits.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 23, 2017, 07:27:33 pm
In 0.99H3 the ufopedia sprite of the axe s corrupted, i've  triple checjed and it is not an installation problem  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on December 23, 2017, 11:48:22 pm
A Nightmare costs 900.000 $
You simply don't have enough credits.
Hah!  That's hilarious.  My mistake.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 24, 2017, 05:36:03 am
So Stealthsuits don't work right now, but what would be using them if they did?  All I can think of is the Shadow armor for the Lokk'nar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on December 26, 2017, 09:47:19 am
I just did the mission where I had to defend a bunker from a horde of deep ones and all I got was the normal loot from deep ones.  The briefing said it was a bounty mission, so I assumed I would be getting some trophies.  Is this correct behavior?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 26, 2017, 05:30:21 pm
In all likeness you have vaporised the trophies, which indeed shouldn't be happening. I forgot to modify their destructiveness.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 26, 2017, 06:23:50 pm
The description for Railguns Construction still mentions Gauss Defenses (the actual building, not the research topic) as a requirement for making the XG weapons when it's no longer true.

Edit: For the new v0.99I1, I can't seem to research Academy Hierarchy.  It might be because the save I transferred over already had its prerequisite topics already researched, I even reresearched one of them (because they gave a new free topic) but to no avail.  This could be bad because Academy Hierarchy is now required to interrogate provosts.

Edit again: Right-clicking on a Cryo Prison brings up the general sell menu instead of the prisoners menu.  And also as a personal opinion rather than a bug report, I think 40 stasis pods to build one Cryo Prison seems a bit much.

Also, I think the music for the Aircar Race Finish map got swapped with one of the Geoscape music tracks.  Or was that intentional?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 27, 2017, 08:20:33 pm
Wow in the intro in the 0.99I1 was super ultracool! Though i'd humble suggesto, instead of the first and "anonymous" x-pratez initial writing,  a (maybe) better) "Dioxin'es extended piatez or openxcom" on an backgroud pic, but pheraphs i next versions... 8)

As for the sad things, sam as here (,4058.msg90841.html#msg90841) ufopedia axe spite is still corruted, and in the following screenhot there is a missing "h"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on December 27, 2017, 08:38:26 pm
Talking about the intro:

Not strictly a bug, but the last pic of the intro has a green background with a different green text overlay, becoming an eye-searing combination that is hard to read. Also, the text in some of the pics is way too long or not spaced enough, so that you barely have enough time to read everything before the page is changed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 28, 2017, 05:12:42 am
Wait, my mistake; the music in the Aircar map still plays in the Geoscape, after all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on December 28, 2017, 05:42:52 pm
Another weird bug to point out: Somehow my prison and secondary prison in construction suddenly became Cryo-prisons, much to my amusement, with the increased capacity they bring, although I couldn't check the prisoners' pool, bringing me to the sell menu as mentioned before. Their ufopaedia entry remains the same as well.
Building another prison seems to work though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on December 28, 2017, 08:08:44 pm
Another weird bug to point out: Somehow my prison and secondary prison in construction suddenly became Cryo-prisons, much to my amusement, with the increased capacity they bring, although I couldn't check the prisoners' pool, bringing me to the sell menu as mentioned before. Their ufopaedia entry remains the same as well.
Building another prison seems to work though.

Yeah, the CryoPrison upgrade when upgrading mid campaign is a bit of a surprise or easter egg.  The issue is that the old prison used the STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT from vanilla, and 99i1 is using this for the Cryo Prison. 

If you don't want to feel like you are cheating, you can edit your save and replace the shiny new Cryo Prisons with the new Jails.  Find and replace the       - type: STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT   facilities with       - type: STR_JAIL in your .sav.  this is the approach I took.

Also, the Cryo prison will get a fix applied in the next version, by allowing prisoner management with the right click instead of opening the fence menu.  To manually fix this, Open piratez.rul.  Add
    rightClickActionType: 1
To the       - type: STR_ALIEN_CONTAINMENT  entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on December 29, 2017, 12:22:07 pm
Started new game because it allways gets boring midgame and noticed those osiron security guys on escort ship (and probably everywhere else) now seemingly have broken AI and do not fire their guns or lob grenades in their turn (they can reactionfire as normal).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 29, 2017, 04:59:31 pm
those osiron security guys on escort ship (and probably everywhere else) now seemingly have broken AI and do not fire their guns or lob grenades in their turn (they can reactionfire as normal).

That is not even possible, dude, as the AI script is one for all. Neithere it is true as I have playtested the last version quite a lot. What you've been smoking? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 29, 2017, 06:08:39 pm
hey, sometimes the extended feauture to "see" an enemy by middle clicking on him on cetein versions work, or some others not...maybe it is a bug or depends on the mouse model used? I used a couple of different ones  ???

Edit: tried different mouse models, seems to be a version bug appearin on every new relase  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 29, 2017, 06:28:53 pm
Do you keep your options.cfg between new versions?  You should check to make sure that middle-click to drag scroll the battlescape map around is disabled.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 29, 2017, 07:51:51 pm
Do you keep your options.cfg between new versions?  You should check to make sure that middle-click to drag scroll the battlescape map around is disabled.

Wee i've chcked but all is ok...maybe would you plese which string o search/eventually add in options.cfg? And, hel, in 0.99I1 there s a civilian craf i try to ground assault, but whatever i do it always escapes. Here it is in the screensho

edit: actually no, i don't keep optinscfg every time i upgrade, my (veery) bad  :'( :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on December 29, 2017, 08:10:53 pm
That is not even possible, dude, as the AI script is one for all. Neithere it is true as I have playtested the last version quite a lot. What you've been smoking? :)

Then I'm afraid to say I must be smoking the same, as I can report seeing the same thing happen twice: First during a Distress Call mission there was a seemingly docile Osiron Security guard, then another one where I was lucky enough to land next to a small ufo where the O. Guards refused to leave the ship, moving back and forth to avoid my Gals but not doing much except as part of Reaction fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 29, 2017, 09:48:36 pm
Maybe Osiron sec got set to aggression 0 or something? low aggression units are more likely to do the dither dance thing when confronted with multiple foes. I have seen the dance result in zero offensive action at times.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 30, 2017, 08:35:49 am
I got some kind of Sea Oddity that sounded like it was a two-parter (and indeed, there's an Undersea Passage mission in the Quick Battle menu), but when I got there it just skipped straight to the Mysterious Island part.

Also, the description of Hellerium Fuel Capsules still mentions needing 500 of them when the actual requirements are only half of that.  And also as a side note, a lot of descriptions call it a Power Plant even though it's actually called "Power Station".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2017, 05:15:20 pm
I got some kind of Sea Oddity that sounded like it was a two-parter (and indeed, there's an Undersea Passage mission in the Quick Battle menu), but when I got there it just skipped straight to the Mysterious Island part.

Intended, the mission cannot work under current code, so there is only part 2 available. Besides, the idea was crappy anyway.

Then I'm afraid to say I must be smoking the same, as I can report seeing the same thing happen twice: First during a Distress Call mission there was a seemingly docile Osiron Security guard, then another one where I was lucky enough to land next to a small ufo where the O. Guards refused to leave the ship, moving back and forth to avoid my Gals but not doing much except as part of Reaction fire.

Like I said, that is not even possible; also nothing was changed in their unit entry for years. Human mind is a curious thing that likes to find patterns where there are none. I fought Osiron Guards several times lately and didn't notice anything strange. All units sometimes refuse to attack, especially those of low aggresion; also might be a question of having Sneaky AI turned off or on.

Also @niculinux
'Bugs' you're posting definitely do not exist. I have no idea how you achieve these results.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 01, 2018, 11:04:46 am
So I've done a couple of those Sunday Town missions, and I have a good idea of how they're supposed to play out.  The problem, however, seems to be that only regular zombies ever spawn; there's no funky zombie.  Of course, the problem could also just be me since I'm only playing on Veteran difficulty and not Superhuman or something.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 02, 2018, 11:47:57 am
Ah yeah it's a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on January 02, 2018, 04:11:41 pm
So, did my second they came from the sea after update, still not getting any kind of bounty... Do I not get anything if even 1 makes it inside or something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 02, 2018, 04:59:27 pm
Wtf. Post me a save so I can check it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on January 02, 2018, 11:24:49 pm
Umm, at the end of the mission or just any save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 03, 2018, 01:37:25 am
I have to ask: Has anyone else been able to research Academy Hierarchy, preferably from a new game started in 0.99I1?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on January 03, 2018, 08:09:09 am
Dioxine, I'm also not getting a bounty on that mission.  Here's a mid-mission save.  I can give a geo-save pre-mission if that's helpful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on January 03, 2018, 08:52:04 am
Also didn't get one from hell cruise though, idk if that's even implemented yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 03, 2018, 04:30:15 pm
I think I finally know what's wrong with Academy Hierarchy.  I somehow need it as an actual physical item to research it, which seems like a typo to me.  Or again, maybe my save transferring is really at fault here, I just dunno.

I hope I can figure this out soon.  I'm finally starting to capture provosts, and I apparently need that Hierarchy tech to interrogate them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on January 03, 2018, 11:07:02 pm
I think I finally know what's wrong with Academy Hierarchy.  I somehow need it as an actual physical item to research it, which seems like a typo to me.  Or again, maybe my save transferring is really at fault here, I just dunno.

I hope I can figure this out soon.  I'm finally starting to capture provosts, and I apparently need that Hierarchy tech to interrogate them.

For a quick fix, open up Piratez.rul and search for STR_ACADEMY_HIERARCHY (it's line 61885 on I1 if you haven't edited the file).  Three lines under that is a line that says "needItem: true" - change true to false and you should be set.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 04, 2018, 12:14:35 am
Dioxine, I'm also not getting a bounty on that mission.  Here's a mid-mission save.  I can give a geo-save pre-mission if that's helpful.

I will look into it, thanks.

This is really weird. I'd like that Geo save, might shed some light on this mystery. Somehow you got a fairly small number of Deep Ones and no Lobsters, neither any of the Deep Ones who carry good loot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on January 04, 2018, 09:23:59 am
Here's the geo save.  Turns out the most recent one I had was half a month back or so, but the same month.  So I just ran the clock forward a bit to give you this save - please don't judge at stuff like brainers doing nothing.

This is also the campaign that's had I think 7 smuggler MF-clones, but zero of the true mellineo mission...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 04, 2018, 12:32:52 pm
This is also the campaign that's had I think 7 smuggler MF-clones, but zero of the true mellineo mission...

That is fully intended, not every smuggler is San Holo :)

Checked the save, it seems the relevant alien ranks (ones with loot) refuse to spawn partially or completely on low difficulty level. Which is weird because they should...

EDIT2: The enemy spawning routine runs out of spawn nodes on the maps, and it only clusters the enemies to spawn all on Jack Sparrow difficulty. Hence, it doesn't spawn the guys with loot, as they're down the list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 04, 2018, 04:50:49 pm
Just a minor one: Robbing a human commando yields way less credits than his sell price.  I guess his sell price was changed at some point, but not his robbery loot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on January 04, 2018, 08:00:24 pm
Fun (probably buggy) enemy spawn point on the Bandit Cave mission.  Was having some trouble finding the remaining enemy...wonder how she got there?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 04, 2018, 08:28:10 pm
Fun (probably buggy) enemy spawn point on the Bandit Cave mission.  Was having some trouble finding the remaining enemy...wonder how she got there?

Getting there is as easy as walking... If you keep your eyes peeled. Really, you're calling a lovingly crafted feature, a bug? You're hurting my feelings. I love mystery, and caves are supposed to be fun. :)
Btw you seem to be doing fairly great, gz!

I don't even answer minor bug reports, not much to speak of, I think I fixed them all. Thank you for your alertness.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 05, 2018, 04:07:59 am
Checked the save, it seems the relevant alien ranks (ones with loot) refuse to spawn partially or completely on low difficulty level. Which is weird because they should...

EDIT2: The enemy spawning routine runs out of spawn nodes on the maps, and it only clusters the enemies to spawn all on Jack Sparrow difficulty. Hence, it doesn't spawn the guys with loot, as they're down the list.

Is there a way to fix this myself?  I think I'm about to get that bounty mission (it's called "They Came From The Sea", right?), and would hate to miss out on all those Jack tokens.  I mean, the Jack tokens are shafted enough as it is; GZ and MA tokens at least can be earned from other sources via trading in old money and captives acquired from non-bounty missions, but Jack has no such alternatives which is why he's the only one that I haven't gotten all the prizes yet three years in while the other customers are already all done prize-wise.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on January 05, 2018, 07:40:35 am
Getting there is as easy as walking... If you keep your eyes peeled. Really, you're calling a lovingly crafted feature, a bug? You're hurting my feelings. I love mystery, and caves are supposed to be fun. :)
Hah!  I had just happened to stop that Uber right in front of the exit, and what I was referring to as a "bug" was that neither she nor the hoe had vision on the other from one tile.  When I lost my patience and went into debug mode to find the last one (I'll admit I do this rather than wait for "Bug Hunt"), I still couldn't kill her because of the visibility.

On the other hand, moving that Uber one tile meant the hoe walked out and bam, stage over.  Huh.  Thank you for replying!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 05, 2018, 02:53:04 pm
Turns out I can fix it myself, it's just a matter of reordering the enemy deployments so that the ones that drop the tokens spawn first before all the rest.  In Piratez_Factions.rul, search for STR_LOC_DEEP_ONE_02 under alienDeployments and reorder the alienRank text blocks accordingly.  And might as well do the same to STR_LOC_PIRATE_CRUISE since that mission also deals with a horde of deep ones which might become too numerous to allow the enemies with sonic guns to spawn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 06, 2018, 03:22:12 am
Nah the cruise ship has more than enough spawns.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on January 06, 2018, 03:57:13 am
Incidentally the same spawn issue seems to occur with the daemon imperial probes. I've never seen Hell barons and cacodeamons appear on lower difficulty for those maps. I just never thought it worth the complaint given the difficulty of those particular foes vs the rewards.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 06, 2018, 04:23:45 am
This should be fixed as well, I made proper nodes (with Solar's help) for most terrains.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on January 07, 2018, 06:46:56 pm
Clicking "Logs" at base panel brings base summary screen. There is "Cryo Prison" entry and I think there should be only "Prisons".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on January 08, 2018, 08:49:48 pm
There's a tile on top of the staircase that shouldn't be there (circled in the image - look closely)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 09, 2018, 01:16:54 pm
A minor aesthetic issue. Nothing game breaking here :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 11, 2018, 02:40:05 am
Where'd the alien brain go?  I ended up having to kill all the ethereals and sectopods on Cydonia to win the game, but some versions before I was able to just blow up the brain to win.  Is this a bug, or was the brain intentionally removed so that you wouldn't be able to breeze through the final mission anymore?

Edit: And now I'm confused.  I fired up phase 2 Cydonia in quick battle a few times, and the alien brain was there.  My main game's already won, but I still wonder why it didn't spawn there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 11, 2018, 09:07:19 am
Looks like 'bad luck' for maptile generator.
Congrats to finishing the game. Now try another codex and/or harder difficulty :3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MistarRed on January 11, 2018, 06:52:37 pm
I think I found a bug.  When I use Moonshine on a friendly instead of on the user, the stun damage is applied to the moonshine user, not the recipient of the moonshine.  I had an archer run out of energy, so I sent someone to give them a sip.  The archer got the energy, while the moonshiner got the stun.  The archer was supposed to receive the stun.

Also Mutant Meat does not work below a certain hit point threshold, as the stun it gives is too high, so it aborts.  I am guessing this is by design, but it makes it not very useful in dire situations in a Mansion run.  Would prefer the stun stated in description and have characters go into a food coma, so someone needs to give them water.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 11, 2018, 07:47:06 pm
I think I found a bug.  When I use Moonshine on a friendly instead of on the user, the stun damage is applied to the moonshine user, not the recipient of the moonshine.  I had an archer run out of energy, so I sent someone to give them a sip.  The archer got the energy, while the moonshiner got the stun.  The archer was supposed to receive the stun.

Also Mutant Meat does not work below a certain hit point threshold, as the stun it gives is too high, so it aborts.  I am guessing this is by design, but it makes it not very useful in dire situations in a Mansion run.  Would prefer the stun stated in description and have characters go into a food coma, so someone needs to give them water.

Both of these were balance decisions - moonshine used to give stun to the target, so you could stun enemies by force-feeding them moonshine.  Mutant meat granting stun damage is to make it not exploitable for removing all wound recovery time, the fact that you can't use it if it would make you go unconscious is part of the engine - just like you can't use something if you can't pay the TU cost, you can't use something if it costs too much energy or would stun the unit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 12, 2018, 02:30:53 am
Congrats to finishing the game. Now try another codex and/or harder difficulty :3

What I should try first is not savescumming so much, which I couldn't help but do since this mod is just so much harder and more complex compared to UFO Defense.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on January 19, 2018, 09:25:28 pm
Was Playing my game this morning and while on a Sunken USO mission I suffered a crash to desktop.

Receaved this message

Code: [Select]
OpenXcom has crashed: Sound 8212 in BATTLE.CAT not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Thinking it was my mods, I disabled all of them and gave it another shot.  Same Error.

Went back to the previous Geoscape save and re-did the mission from that.  Nope, Still the same Error.

On the Mission Save (01 Battlescape.sav)
Previous Geoscape Save (01 Geoscape.sav)
Data Log (openxcom.log)

Anyone have any ideas what's wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 19, 2018, 10:00:04 pm
This is one of the cases in which the error message is useful - there's something that references a sound at index _212 (can't necessarily say what the blank is if you have multiple mods), but index _212 isn't found or loaded properly in an extraSounds definition.  When exactly did the crash occur? Randomly while doing nothing? When firing a certain weapon?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on January 20, 2018, 12:54:36 am
Started the mission,  went to move one of the gals, she took one step and crash

And no its not a mod - turned all of them off except Xpirates and it still happens.

Edit: Found the problem - missing sound file (I think it got removed by my anti-virus as corrupt), just had to recopy from the current version to fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 20, 2018, 12:41:05 pm
What antivirus are you using? Just to make sure I never install it. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 20, 2018, 05:05:53 pm
Sounds like an old Avira installation to me.
McAfee gives a damn about most archives downloaded.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on January 20, 2018, 07:44:24 pm
After some checking I don't think it was my anti-virus that corupted  it - In fact I'm not sure what did.

I've just checked Avast's Logs, and they haven't picked anything up for sometime, nor has my firewall.

So I have no idea how it became corupted, only that it was.

Looks like I'm going to have to do some maintinance on the PC this weekend then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 23, 2018, 03:23:13 am
The Reticulan tech tree still has a few holes left that could put a roadblock on your research.  More details in this post of mine here:,5345.msg91715.html#msg91715 (,5345.msg91715.html#msg91715)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on January 23, 2018, 08:16:34 am
I've had a minor error several days ago with Vodka not healing Fatal Wounds. The Vodka in question was found on one of my enemies - the Vodka I brought into battle worked just fine. Unfortunately I've overwritten the save file... I'll see if I can duplicate it.

A minor aesthetic issue. Nothing game breaking here :3

It does cause some pathfinding weirdness, though - if you click the tile with the error, the gal will climb up to the top of the staircase and then onto the bugged tile, wasting TUs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on January 23, 2018, 02:33:07 pm
The vodka should cure fatal wounds if applied correctly. I can imagine that you picked up the vodka from a dead/stunned body and tried to use it while standing on top of the corpse/stunned body. If this is true, the game auto-targets the body on the ground. I have no other solution to this riddle. Vodka works just fine for me.

I wasn't aware the tile in question has such an behavior screwing the path finding. In due time this might get fixed together with other tiles costing 0 TU's and so on.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on January 24, 2018, 08:37:28 pm
The Reticulan tech tree still has a few holes left that could put a roadblock on your research.  More details in this post of mine here:,5345.msg91715.html#msg91715 (,5345.msg91715.html#msg91715)

Any suggested fixes?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on January 24, 2018, 10:51:20 pm
Any suggested fixes?
Drop the get free from for Reticulan Hive. Everything else would need more rejigging of that section of the tech tree.
And if you're affected, the easiest way would be to add the missing techs to your save. Alternatively you could also edit Piratez_Factions.rul and replace "      STR_CONTACT_RETICULANS: false" with "#      STR_CONTACT_RETICULANS: false" wherever you find it. Remember to uncomment it after you got the missing techs or Reticulans will spawn forever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Narvi on January 31, 2018, 09:34:18 pm
Do Rebel Fighters not have maps implemented yet? I shot one down to research the contents and I get that fault that indicated 'missing mod content'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on January 31, 2018, 09:45:49 pm
Do Rebel Fighters not have maps implemented yet? I shot one down to research the contents and I get that fault that indicated 'missing mod content'.

They do have a map; that message you got is just the generic one given whenever a SEGFAULT happens.  Having a null pointer due to missing/mis-typed mod content is just a common reason for it.  Can you reproduce the crash, and do you have a save just before the crash happens?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2018, 09:57:42 pm
This is a simple bug - rank 11 is missing, so the game can't find the right unit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on January 31, 2018, 11:05:58 pm
This is a simple bug - rank 11 is missing, so the game can't find the right unit.
Replace it with rank 10 on line 37711 of Piratez_Factions.rul to fix it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Narvi on January 31, 2018, 11:35:27 pm
They do have a map; that message you got is just the generic one given whenever a SEGFAULT happens.  Having a null pointer due to missing/mis-typed mod content is just a common reason for it.  Can you reproduce the crash, and do you have a save just before the crash happens?

Here. Just send in the Fortuna to reproduce the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 01, 2018, 08:33:17 pm
Replace it with rank 10 on line 37711 of Piratez_Factions.rul to fix it?

Deleting rank 11 from alienDeployments for this mission should work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 05, 2018, 09:13:22 pm
Apparently the blowfish has some funny wall tiles that prevent melee attacks when standing on them. Its the tiles with the chairs.
Here is the link to Meridians analysis:,4187.msg92201.html#msg92201 (,4187.msg92201.html#msg92201)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Riph on February 06, 2018, 03:20:47 am
Hi Piratez.

I'm really enjoying the new Assault Bike. A wearable HWP was a crazy cool idea.

Two problems found so far, my apologies if already reported:
1) Ammo is not automatically loaded, you have to click and drop an ammo belt into it at the start of each mission. (Ufopedia article specifically says this should happen automatically, which is why I mention.)
2) Ammo appears to be totally consumed, regardless of how many shots were fired. I made 5 belts, went on 5 missions, and now they're all gone despite only firing about four times. If I had to speculate, I'd say that the Assault Bike MG is not playing nice with Statistical Bullet Saving, but that's only a guess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 06, 2018, 09:52:04 am
If the bullet-saving feature doesn't play along, you can only build a dozen ammo-belts to spare and keep remembering to reload the gun first before starting the mission.
In Starving Poet's let's play of X-Com Files something similiar has to be done with the scout-drone. He has to reload the A.I. first before actually starting the mission in battlescape.

A QoL change for future releases.
Considering the bullet-saving, you might just had bad luck that the RNG rolled too low to give you full belts back.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Riph on February 07, 2018, 02:34:41 am
Considering the bullet-saving, you might just had bad luck that the RNG rolled too low to give you full belts back.

I had the same thought, so I went back to retest.

In the second test, ammo was loaded but zero shots were fired, I used only the auto-ax.
Ammo belt was still consumed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 07, 2018, 10:05:16 am
I guess it has something to do with how the armor and it's in-built weapon works. The way we deploy the bike in comparision to a normal HWP is different since we have to use a special 'armor' and manually reload the mounted-gun.

HWPs with limited ammo are treated different in terms of ammo-spending/saving than normal guns with ammo clips.
My favourite HWP Howitzer can use it's mortar up to 8 times during an engagement. If I shot once with the mortar, It will only use 1 shell from my vaults after the battle.
Every shell is counted as it's own ammo-stack. Same for HWP/Battlecannon and the HWP/Flak.

The bike as a hybrid of a HWP and a soldier could get some fixes in how the ammo-saving/pre-saved reloading works but the boarding gun isn't the only selling point for this HWP/armor.
The auto-ax and the way it eats through almost everything while offering a decent healthpool and armor-value to soak up damage has to do it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Riph on February 07, 2018, 02:29:02 pm
Oh absolutely. The bike could be armed only with the Auto Ax and I'd still probably think it overpowered. I frequently deploy the bike with no ammo on a low risk mission just to save some cash.

I also agree on the HWP Howitzer being great. Though on this playthrough it seemed that the Assault Bike unlocked months earlier than the Howitzer, and the bike is so much faster and better armored that I'll probably just deploy a mortar man or two instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on February 07, 2018, 06:31:09 pm
Regarding ammo belts: yes, it is a problem with ammo consumption on HWP-armors, but it's fixed in later versions of OXCE+. You just need to update it, or wait for new version of the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on February 11, 2018, 09:22:42 pm
As recommended im posting this as a bug report. Normally I dont bother with aircar missions because they usually spawn too far away to reach. However in this save file the aircar mission will remain long enough to nab it.

The bug is that the Academy Student + Trophy are not spawning on the map. Some random loot is spawning (beers, vodka, meat ive seen so far). In one reroll nothing spawned at all on the map. Also no points are being given either.

Since that is a heck-o-lot of tokens from that trophy its kinda a big thing to be missing out on it.

(the savefile is set before launching my aircar, so youll have to launch the craft and skip a few popups before the car gets there - the only thing more painful is nosing around at the dismal status of my operation)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on February 11, 2018, 09:39:44 pm
I gave the save like 10 tries (latest update used just like you do) and the academy student + throphy spawns 100% of the time.

All I do is deploy and instantly end turn to cause the instant-win.

I suggest to reinstall the mod if this keeps happening.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on February 11, 2018, 09:58:06 pm
I gave the save like 10 tries (latest update used just like you do) and the academy student + throphy spawns 100% of the time.

Well I just realized one thing that I do differently, ive installed OXCE+ v3.10 (01/31/18) and the change in engine could, potentially, have something to do with this but I don't know why.
(so this may actually be a beta testing bug report regarding v3.10...)

It had one other bug that dioxine will have to address before the game would load too, which I corrected in the piratez.rul so that I could proceed (the Rangefinder item has to either be deleted, since it appears to be deactivated, or it needs to be given clipsize: -1 because the engine now cares about that sort of thing). Main reason im using 3.10 is because of the new added interface code allowing text color changes to ufopedia articles.

Just to double check I ran the aircar race again and got a slew of randomized loot, but no Academy Student and no Trophy. Pic related.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Riph on February 13, 2018, 12:14:03 am
For a quick fix, open up Piratez.rul and search for STR_ACADEMY_HIERARCHY (it's line 61885 on I1 if you haven't edited the file).  Three lines under that is a line that says "needItem: true" - change true to false and you should be set.

I just now ran into this problem in 0.99I.

This fix worked.  Thank you!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on February 14, 2018, 10:25:18 pm
Both of these were balance decisions - moonshine used to give stun to the target, so you could stun enemies by force-feeding them moonshine.

Im okay with this. It may seem comical but it reminds me of those cartoons where someone is held down and forced to drink a bunch of liquor and they get drunk.
(then again using liquor items on friendlies, or non-friendlies is tanamount to the same thing, even if its saving their life)

Questions like these make for very good game design discussion and problem solving tests.

It reminds me of using drug and poison items on npcs in fallout (in FO2 you're even supposed to use a Jet ampuole to poison weston in the NCR, in both games you can use the steal skill to reverse pickpocket plastic explosives or dynamite onto npcs too, though at least that involves a skill roll). In Fallout Tactics choosing a medic type to start as literally gives you Poison Hypos that you can just go up to someone and "use" on them and they'll fall over dead from massive poison dose, no skill roll required.

Its not the purview of this engine, but generally speaking an unfriendly character is going to be opposed to receiving treatment or items used on them regardless of the intention (small pox blankets mentality, dont know whats in that hypo). Which should require a melee attack roll to accomplish, and in place of conducting damage a success just means the "use" effects are delivered. Though when they're knocked out they do not get a chance to defend, so it can simply be used on them as if they were a friendly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 18, 2018, 11:01:41 am
Thanks for the bugreports. I believe I have all these (and many more) fixed. Release coming soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Darkfirephoenix on February 18, 2018, 05:52:15 pm
So... it seems like I screwed myself over and got Contacts: Reticulans BEFORE getting my hands on a Mechtoid, hence softlocking myself (because all endgame techs are locked BEHIND the Reticulan Powersystems, for which I NEED a Mechtoid)... is that intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on February 18, 2018, 09:27:35 pm
So... it seems like I screwed myself over and got Contacts: Reticulans BEFORE getting my hands on a Mechtoid, hence softlocking myself (because all endgame techs are locked BEHIND the Reticulan Powersystems, for which I NEED a Mechtoid)... is that intended?
It's a bug. More info here:,5345.msg91715.html#msg91715
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 03, 2018, 09:41:42 am
I just now ran into this problem in 0.99I.

This fix worked.  Thank you!

Same here .. Thanks
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 04, 2018, 03:45:48 am
The event which spawns the Secure Freight mission... which I just noticed started launching in my playtrough... is erringly Unlocked/Get1Free by all 4 of these techs... instead of Requires being used to require all of them.

At least Ethereal I believe said that it requires all four of those, and since "The Guild Is Alarmed" is on that list I do believe this is an error because otherwise the Alarmed stage wouldnt be necessary.

However this would mean that The Guild Is Angry would have to have intentionally been placed in the Get1Free category for each of those topics. As opposed to it instead having a Requires and listing those topics under it for the event/tech.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 04, 2018, 07:06:10 am
I've always thought that was actually intentional.  Because if you're on the way to getting gauss weapons and/or nuclear lasers, or are capable enough to capture a guildmaster, then obviously you're clearly ready for heavy freighters.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 04, 2018, 11:58:41 am
Good job with the research here.
But, I never heart of someone losing a campaign because he couldn't fight heavy freighters.
I let 4-5 heavy freighters do their job and never felt any impact @ my score worth mentioning.
If this turns out to be a real problem (for reasons I can't see right now) it could be turned into it's own topic like !Hunting for the big fish! (researchable switch like Organ Grinder)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 04, 2018, 10:26:20 pm
or are capable enough to capture a guildmaster.
Ethereal: good job with the research there

No what this means is if you even get a Broken Trader Engineer it will jump immediately to Guild-Is-Angry and spawn heavy freight. You dont have to capture or research a guildmaster at all. Also previously it would Require reaching The Guild Is Alarmed before it would progress to Angry so you knew you was getting closer to that retribution... you had to get the guildmaster, broken engineer, broken rep, plus all the ones under 'alarmed.

But contrary to thinking of the freight as an optional mission I think it should be a forced one, therefore like soviet russia it comes to you rather than you going to it... no exclamation points on this one, and there's nothing that the secure freight missions unlock for you (besides pain, do not remove your hand from the box paul atreidies). Underwater missions were required in order to get a slew of other important stuff.

The Guild Is Alarmed is supposed to be a warning that pissing them off further by interrogating and breaking higher escelon guys is going to cause some kind of blowback, which culminates in the secure freight. Whats the point of labeling it as such if its just going to change to them being that easy to set off... (it would be "The Guild Is Angry (Dep.)" like so many other meta-tech dependencies in the game)

Technically I can handle heavy freighter missions by being an asshole and bringing barrel bombs for each of my flying ladies, but thats not the point (the one I mentioned, I shot down and just left it there over the north pole). Im not ready for them, and like ive been explaining they're showing up too early anyway.

If it is an intentional change then I wont argue with that, the guild is just going to be more twitchy without warning. But since The Guild Is Alarmed is still there and named like it is im inclined to believe that this is a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 05, 2018, 03:04:32 am
You know where I got my very first guild rep the first time I played this mod?  From a heavy freighter.  That would not have been possible (and I'd have to pray for other missions where a guild rep can spawn, which could be whenever because RNG) if the "Guild Is Angry" topic had required all four of those research topics instead of only one of them.  So maybe it was an intentional change, or maybe it's a bug like you said.  But the only way to know for sure is to hear it straight from Dioxine himself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 08, 2018, 12:40:36 am
In 0.99I1 just experienced a crash during the very first prgrom in the game, here is an extrct f opencom.log:

Code: [Select]
[07-03-2018_22-07-47] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-47] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-48] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_379M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-49] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-49] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-50] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-52] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_379M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-52] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_111M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-54] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_111M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-55] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-07-56] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-22] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/ParrotInventoryImageM0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-33] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-33] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-33] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_379M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-34] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-34] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-08-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-09-01] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-09-03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-09-04] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-52] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_379M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-23-56] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-01] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-26] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-27] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-28] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_111M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-28] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-28] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-29] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-30] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-49] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-54] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-55] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[07-03-2018_22-24-57] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK

Of course, save game is attached

Edit: playing at duff level no. 5 (jack sparrow) but efiting my .sav files (with windows notepad) the diff level is set to it intended or is a bug? Anyway now set to 3 because the mod is too difficult for me  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 09, 2018, 01:04:35 pm
Early-game superhuman is indeed a tough nut to crack.
I'm not sure if a simple 'adjustment' via notepad does the trick to lower the overall difficulty.

If you proceed your current campaign to month 16 (something like june year2 or july year2) and you've to deal with stargods and random stargod crackdowns the fix might doesn't had worked as intended. Jack Sparrow difficulty gives you even less time to prepare for stargods and mercenaries. Also more enemy hideouts are going to spawn across the globe, something like 7 should be the case in average.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 09, 2018, 07:10:11 pm
oh tanks, but this stimulates or another topic :)

edit: i've yed and when i  overwrite a seved game, difficuty level moodifyed is crryed on :) dn't know if i ever will se the late part of the mod though... :o :o
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on March 10, 2018, 01:31:40 pm
There seems to be an issue with enviroment effects triggering, using 3.10 OXCE+. Attached is a save (Bug5.sav) from a mission that should have cold enviroment, but doesn't. It's not reproducible though. Loading a save before the mission and then going to the mission spawns a mission with the correct cold enviroment.

Next bug (Bug4.sav): Can't meele targets on stairs. You can hit them (hit sound plays), but the hit log says it is a miss.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 10, 2018, 05:32:16 pm
Reticulan Mechtoid probably should be immune to Bio damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 10, 2018, 07:57:06 pm
The inside is still a breathing living creature. So bio should work just fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 11, 2018, 12:31:05 am
Plus, do you really want to make the mechtoid even tougher to crack than it already is?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 11, 2018, 02:41:36 am
Plus, do you really want to make the mechtoid even tougher to crack than it already is?

I was just suprised that I can take it down with simple blowpipe. As far I remember, previously similar case was with Academy Drones and becasue of it blowpipe was nerfed from chem to bio damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 11, 2018, 09:36:12 pm
There seems to be an issue with enviroment effects triggering, using 3.10 OXCE+. Attached is a save (Bug5.sav) from a mission that should have cold enviroment, but doesn't. It's not reproducible though. Loading a save before the mission and then going to the mission spawns a mission with the correct cold enviroment.

Next bug (Bug4.sav): Can't meele targets on stairs. You can hit them (hit sound plays), but the hit log says it is a miss.

@Eddie: does work again the MMB to "analyze" an enemy in battlescape? In 0.99I1 is broken again; privided that depends by the .exe i guess; using it in inventory items brings up the bootyoedia cirrectly, instead
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 12, 2018, 11:38:55 pm
Noticed a very peculiar behavior that I dont think is mod or save related.
Caught a pogrom Comm Wave for bandits that didnt result in a mission (usually results in a pogrom immediately after you release the detection window). Later on caught a Terror Ship for humanists that roamed around southeast asia but didnt spawn a pogrom mission.

Ive had plenty of pogroms, I just figured these blips were supposed to always find a city to attack instead of roam around/miss and then disappear.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 13, 2018, 03:50:34 am
Comm Wave pogroms come in Series of two.   You may or may not detect the first mission, but it won't spawn a terror mission.  Its the second one that spawns the mission.

Pogroms from classic Terror Ship missions also come in pairs.  Classically, these missions will start with smaller vessels leading up to the terror ships.  Then the first terror ship scouts the area one final time.  The the second Terror ship will spawn the mission.

It is possible to have some of these missions overlap.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 09:08:51 am
The comm wave is a 'craft' just like those ratman scouting squads.
The former is just impossible to catch in 10 seconds worth of geoscape-time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 13, 2018, 10:12:19 am
They're not meant to be caught anyway; running a quick battle with a comm wave "craft" or brigand patrol "craft" just has them use the UFO small scout, so they're obviously not meant to be recovered like a normal craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 11:14:08 am
If you can catch up with this wave and 'dogfight' it, it'll certainly crumble to dust if it get's shot by any craftgun.
Like the same with brigand patrols.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 13, 2018, 01:32:25 pm
It takes around 32 TU to go from the upper starting tile to the one behind the landing gear on a Predator. Same if you go back. That just seems excessive?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 02:10:26 pm
No one demands you to leave the craft on turn 1.
Fighter-class ships are also not meant to be a comfortable 'dropships' like the menace-class ships and thunderhorse/leviathan.

For the small crew size you're totally save from enemy fire into your craft so that's a saving grace.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 13, 2018, 02:17:28 pm
You already start on the outside, next to the landing gear. Not safe at all. You don't need to use that tile, but it just seems weird.

I mainly use it to go after civvies and Megapol. 2 Gals in Heavy Suits or better with electro whips.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 03:13:14 pm
Is this for every deployment?
Guess that 'evil grass' really costs you TUs and Stamina.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 13, 2018, 03:54:26 pm
Yes, and it is just the one tile. Maybe the gals try to push the Predator every tim. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 04:17:53 pm
Speaking of the Predator craft.
If you can have this fighter, just wait for the even better version "Nightmare" to become available.
The effort to upgrade the hunter-killer into the predator isn't worth it if you can skip it and get a better ship.
The "Nightmare" also has a much better 'map' with 2 pilot-slots (+1 extra soldier = 3) with a fully sealed cockpit.
You start inside and can use a lift to climb on top of the craft or safely drop to the ground on turn 2.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 13, 2018, 04:53:20 pm
I agree with him, you should go from the Hunter-Killer straight to the Nightmare.  And then the Sabre when you learn Higher Studies.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 05:22:10 pm
Sabre is a long way to go tho. Nightmare is gonna be the longest stretch and strapping a light-shield generator onto one of your nightmare will massively reduce downtime and sometimes even save the craft in prolonged dogfights.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 13, 2018, 05:29:32 pm
I never built the Hunter-Killer. Then a Predator when I got it. A Nightmare at another base when that one was available. Also a Brave Whaler, but I have yet to produce its missile launchers. I wanted to try the crafts.

Most missions are done with the Fortuna, sometimes I still use the Airbus at my 2nd base just to get the girls there some workout. A Snake is my Sub, and soon the 4th base will free the Fortuna from space duty with a mining ship (or rather free me from changing the gals equipment).

I am still looking for a good replacement for my Eagles and Smartpistols though. Eagles just gut a new lease of life with MAG ammo, haven't equipped it yet though. Non-advanced ammo laser pistols are an option, and I don't have the death blossom yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 13, 2018, 08:40:16 pm
Get the death-blossom.
Also get the mini-cougar. One of the best one-hand pistol/smgs with extreme aim and volume of fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on March 13, 2018, 09:53:42 pm
Like the same with brigand patrols.
You can tractor beam brigand patrols if for some reason you want to fight a single low-value target.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 14, 2018, 12:52:18 am
I didn't realize that was possible.  Sounds like an actual brigand patrol "craft" (that's actually just brigands scattered all over the map with no actual craft) needs to be made now instead of just having it be a small scout manned by a single brigand.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 14, 2018, 09:02:57 am
Most missions are done with the Fortuna.

With the grey codex, you got the 'conversion launcher' and that rocket launcher is like one of the best and most reliable rocket to have for a very long time.

With your one brave whaler all you need are seagull missles and 2 more seagull launchers and that's gonna be enough to fight most opposition.
Yes you can't craft those missles and those are expensive but the conversion launcher outranges enemy fighters (not viper fighter tho) and sentries!!!
Best solution to blast those 'crackdown'-sentries out of the sky with mere seagull missles. Other codexes have to use expensive stingray- and lancer-missles to fight/outrange those crafts.

Only disadvantage of seagulls is the mediocre damage. Those rockets are meant to gun down other fighters and medium-sized crafts with 0-10 armor value.
Cruisers, heavy freigthers and all those bulky large/huge ships will soak up the damage entirely. As long as you can't buy meteor-missles 1-2 hammerite launchers will do the best to chew through the health pool.

Use your tank/fighters to remove the shields first. Those don't benefit from the armor value of the ship. Once those are down, bring in the rockets to punch through and finish it off.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 14, 2018, 11:14:36 am
Shooting down sentry crafts isn't just to keep them away from your hideouts if they're cracking down, they're (I think) also currently the only craft where Space Ranger guns can spawn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 14, 2018, 11:19:23 am
Namely the SR shotgun. Clips can be reproduced later but those badboys are stronger than the 'splatty' nuclear laser. Only snap and 9 rounds but great firepowr while benifit from the 34% armor ignore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 14, 2018, 06:10:54 pm
I didn't realize that was possible.  Sounds like an actual brigand patrol "craft" (that's actually just brigands scattered all over the map with no actual craft) needs to be made now instead of just having it be a small scout manned by a single brigand.

Thanks for the advice about the comm waves and terror ships, as it turns out they did spawn a mission a few days or a week later. Before anyone gets carried away this is the bugs/crash reports thread. So I posted my blurb about the bandit patrols in the main thread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on March 15, 2018, 02:09:40 am
Not sure if a bug or feature. When standing "in" the hedge tile, you cannot see out of it. But apparently, you can be seen while standing in it.
You need to step out of the hedge tile to see the drone. You can shoot the drone from the hedge tile and it will reaction fire back at you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 15, 2018, 12:54:19 pm
Explanation attached.

Basically your eye is in the hedge, but your weapon is not.

Code: [Select]
tile position [30,2,0]
LOF origin voxel [495 (30*16+15), 47 (2*16+15), 18]
LOS origin voxel [487 (30*16+7),  40 (2*16+8),  21]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 15, 2018, 03:27:12 pm
Using 0.99I1 with OXEC+ 3.10a game won't even load, see screenshot attached  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 15, 2018, 03:28:58 pm
Using 0.99I1 with OXEC+ 3.10a game won't even load, see screenshot attached  :'(

... The game tells you exactly what needs to be fixed in that screenshot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 15, 2018, 03:34:03 pm
... The game tells you exactly what needs to be fixed in that screenshot.

I'm not able to do that sorry...using the 3.10a one provided with the openxcom files game starts but segfaults, as soon as i activate it in the advanced options screen. The very latest string in the .log file:

Code: [Select]
OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod. Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 15, 2018, 06:41:06 pm
If you can't fix the range finder entry in the ruleset, then you won't be able to use 310a.  Stick with the executable that came with 99i.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 15, 2018, 10:54:11 pm
I modified mine to fix the rangefinder issue, so here you go.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 15, 2018, 10:55:51 pm
I modified mine to fix the rangefinder issue, so here you go.
thank you very much!! gonna hive a try asap  :-*

Edit: tryed, actually game starts but has same crash thin withopenxcom files 0.8.6 (points 2 and 3) as stated here (,5047.msg93790.html#msg93790):

Code: [Select]
OpenXcom has crashed: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid
I guess 3.10a is not ready for prime time, sadly  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 10:16:43 am
Patch it back and wait 1-2 weeks for the official update. Go play some games on steam in the meanwhile.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 16, 2018, 10:28:05 am
Patch it back and wait 1-2 weeks for the official update. Go play some games on steam in the meanwhile.

(offtopic) i 'don't play anything at all, only xpiratez, every now and then  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 10:57:26 am
Good decision. You must be a very busy (wo)man.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 16, 2018, 01:11:24 pm
Good decision. You must be a very busy (wo)man.

indeed!  ;D Heyin 0.99.I1 I've noticed that in the option description "wounded fight if base attached" there is a typo because the correct word is "exertion" not "extertion", at least i found it using wordreference; hope i'm not wrong  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 01:19:40 pm
This option is disabled for myself. Lost a good soldier in a previous campaign during a ratman-base assault because she had like 30+ sickbay days to recover and suddenly had to fight with 10/68 HP.
Unaware of stun/turn and damage/turn while k.o. she fell into a deep slumber forever.

If I feel really threathen to lose a base, I order dogs/lokk'nars and cheap hands to duke it out. Against any kind of opposition using plasma-weaponry it's all about numbers and enemy-contact is given from turn 1 so mass-panic can be avoided by simply killing some goons and losing some aux-units.
Elite crew is only needed for VIP capture but most of the time a waste. Also panzerfaust and flamers on mass!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 16, 2018, 08:52:44 pm
This option is disabled for myself. Lost a good soldier in a previous campaign during a ratman-base assault because she had like 30+ sickbay days to recover and suddenly had to fight with 10/68 HP.
That is realistic though, its best to let the runts and brainers cart them out on a stretcher while the bad guys are coming in through the other door.

I do got a question for ya though Ethereal, just on speculation... If you leave only HWPs at a base but no soldiers does that mean the base still folds if its attacked? I have since put 1 Lokknar lady in each base just to be safe but I had 3 Tamed Reapers in each one (they're small comms/intercept bases).

In vanilla this wasnt a problem - (I think) I had one base defense mission where the 4 Coelecanth/GCannons I had stocked there were able to defend it without any soldiers. Dunno if this has changed as of OXCE+ though.

Also mite be abit of a bug - but in vanilla if you successfully destroy a ship trying to land you collect all the loot and corpses from it, it immediately jumps to the debriefing report. But I dont believe it does this in OXCE+ or X-Piratez... which is kinda a big loss if I do say so.

Another thing about cheap base defense, when you get Refinery the chemicals become very easy to get and that means lots of explosives like barrel bombs. Ive heard there are special tiles that can destroy a facility if they are broken... do all map blocks have these or is it just certain facilities like the Lab/Power Plant etc that do. Because the Hangar is a perfect place to blow the hell out of stuff but I should know if its got a do-not-touch tile on it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 16, 2018, 09:00:51 pm
Still works. All HWPs and aux units will be placed and you can duke it out.
It will be tricky if you have to go downstairs with 2x2 units. Game works without a 'soldier' in the base.

Auto-recovery doesn't happen. Units are placed across the map and only engines are able to 'hurt' units by blowing up. Since all crafts have inside/outside spawns you'll never run into the situation of an auto-recovery.

The problem with the barrel bomb is to get the thing INSIDE the hangar in the first place. It's best to have a vault or barracks right next to the hangar and throw it in through the passage of the upper floor. Hand will most likely die in the process due to reaction fire. You can also use a flashbanger slave and sacrifice him.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 16, 2018, 11:54:45 pm
Still works. All HWPs and aux units will be placed and you can duke it out.
Cool just wondering.
By auto-recovery I meant if the base defenses blow up the enemy ship. That base defense score means something. But I could swear ive shot down enemies before and it doesnt even show me the debrief/loot screen, maybe my memory is fuzzy though. Allowing base defenses to crush them precludes getting captures but they often bring lots of snazzy stuff with them worth saving (plasma guns, plasma scorcher, etc). If base defenses brought down a battleship/dreadnought in vanilla you get the full loot of the ship.

Barrel bombing is as simple as getting up to the top, wait for next turn, come out the door and fall off the balcony, drop the bomb (2 TUs) then run for cover in the next room. Throwing stuff will invoke reaction fire, movement can invoke it, but you spend less TU this way and might only get shot at while running away. Depends on the faction you're being hit with I guess but from what ive heard only Stargod Waspites are a threat to this.

I often smash dudes with bombs, hellerium grenades and so on just by "dropping" it right in front of them as I run by them. They cant react to dropping an item. Its very mean, though you wont be able to get it in the same square as someone that way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 17, 2018, 12:24:42 am
If base defenses brought down a battleship/dreadnought in vanilla you get the full loot of the ship.

Uh, no.  Base defenses destroying an attacking craft has the same result as destroying (not crashing) an enemy craft with interceptors: The craft is completely gone so there's no battlescape and no loot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 17, 2018, 12:26:18 am
Ofc enemies can't shot you while you run at them since your TU reserves remain high. Nearly all A.I. units remain with little more than 30-40% of their max TUs left for 1-2 snapshots only.
With full TU's you can throw the bomb right in their face while they see you and can't react either.
Pointless to say. We just want the bomb planted, either by losing a brave soul or having a real 'roadrunner'.
With the hangar blown up time to smash the entry lift.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on March 17, 2018, 05:04:26 am
I do recall reading in a forum years ago that the original version of UFO Defense did have you looting a ships shot down in base defense. As I recall, in fact, it also provided a lot of Elerium. But this was changed in one of the updates, either 1.4 or one leading up to it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on March 17, 2018, 04:45:18 pm
You may be thinking of this bug: Base Defence Elerium bug
On DOS versions of UFO Defense, Elerium pods may spawn as items from the base stockpile during a Base Defence bug. Each pod represents 50 units of Elerium and will be normally collected after the mission, same as any other item such as Heavy Lasers or Blaster Bombs. HOWEVER. The program will potentially generate 1 elerium POD for every 1 UNIT of elerium in your inventory. Thus, if you had only 10 lasers and 50 Elerium listed in your Sell screen, you would see 10 lasers and 50 Elerium Crystals in your Soldier Equip Screen, which would translate to 50 Elerium pods and 10 lasers scattered around your base. This equals 2500 Elerium, BTW. You basically have the potential to multiply your elerium stocks by 50.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 17, 2018, 08:08:27 pm
That's not going to happen here. Elerium pods won't be generated in this mod so you can't get free stuff. It's the other way around that you can lose items scattered on the floor in the vents or in the burrow.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 17, 2018, 08:26:47 pm
But this was changed in one of the updates, either 1.4 or one leading up to it.
This was happening in TFTD back when I was playing it in 1996.
(also, why would I remember it, for it to be a thing, if it didnt happen)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 22, 2018, 12:58:28 pm
In new upload - A couple of observations

- Ufopedia should be Bootypedia. Alien Lifeforms should be factions. Xcom craft and armament. The menu has reverted back for the most part to normal Xcom.
- I can see Sectoid Commander, Sectoid Leader, Sectoid Engineer and Sectoid Medic up for purchase. Also shows up as Sectoid in battlescape. Yup something is gone wrong here. Academy shows up as Sectoid in Ufopedia.
- Church description is now titled Snakeman in Ufopedia
- Hunter Killer appears as Interceptor in 'Launch Interception'
- In new list of research, there is STR_MISSION_ACADEMY_CRUISE_PREQ
- Star God Coordinator in my prison shows up as Ethereal Commander
- Hellerium shows up as Elerium-115
- There seems to be quite a number of issues with language. My memory is fuzzy but 'Intercept' when going after a craft should be something else. Also 'Yes/No' should 'Yay/Nay' Right?
- About to attack Alien Hideout - It is now referred to as base. Also the standard Piratez text for attacking hideouts has reverted to normal Xcom text.
- Soldier Ranks have reverted to normal Xcom. Images of ranks are fine but titles e.g. Swabbie to Sergeant.. etc

Is anyone else having issues with this? Did a comparison between this and earlier version. 3 rulesets are missing from piratez folder.

- Piratez_lang.rul
- Piratez_lang-cs.rul
- Piratez_lang-pl.rul

Moved the three from previous version to newer version - That sorted most of the above out. Fingers crossed that game doesnt crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 22, 2018, 01:08:24 pm
There are tiles that have no movement cost.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 22, 2018, 03:39:15 pm
Is anyone else having issues with this?

No, only you.
Most likely incorrectly installed.

Did a comparison between this and earlier version. 3 rulesets are missing from piratez folder.

- Piratez_lang.rul
- Piratez_lang-cs.rul
- Piratez_lang-pl.rul

Moved the three from previous version to newer version - That sorted most of the above out. Fingers crossed that game doesnt crash.

These files are no longer required.
The translations were moved from /Ruleset to /Language

You won't have any crashes... but you also won't have the latest translations.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 22, 2018, 10:24:23 pm
Some weird thing at Lab after update.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 22, 2018, 10:46:43 pm
Infinity Ratmen spawn.

After updating I've got way too much missions (including low level like airrace).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 22, 2018, 10:47:37 pm
String: That's normal after updating during campaign.
It's the trigger for the mission you usually don't see if you play form scratch.

Ratman-army: That's the risk you take for updating mid-campaign.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jpnuar1 on March 23, 2018, 12:50:45 am
There are tiles that have no movement cost.
Same issue here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JamTheDane on March 23, 2018, 12:58:38 am
I got a sectoid medic almost right away too.
And some of the armors, at least the starter ones, seems to have 11, 12, 13, 14 as some of the resistance descriptions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 23, 2018, 03:00:13 am
Please ensure that your language is set to EN-US. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 23, 2018, 07:51:56 am
String: That's normal after updating during campaign.
It's the trigger for the mission you usually don't see if you play form scratch.

Ratman-army: That's the risk you take for updating mid-campaign.

Would upadating at the end of the in game month help? Or theres no difference for spawns?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 23, 2018, 08:17:47 am
Please ensure that your language is set to EN-US.

Thanks - This seems to be the solution after looking at the file in Notepad. I normally use the UK one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 23, 2018, 08:19:00 am
No, only you.
Most likely incorrectly installed.

These files are no longer required.
The translations were moved from /Ruleset to /Language

You won't have any crashes... but you also won't have the latest translations.

Not incorrect installation. More like change to EN:US. Was there advice for people to switch to US English?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 23, 2018, 11:52:43 am
It kinda felt like a 'given' to use american english in the first place.
Not all modders and players are americans and the difference between the english-languages is nothing to worth mention.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 23, 2018, 03:53:17 pm
It is stated in the readme that US English is the only fully supported language.

Anyway, I just had a Watchtower mission where every single enemy started outside the tower. Not sure if I was just extremly unlucky (most I had outside before was 1) or if it is a bug.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 23, 2018, 04:18:06 pm
Sounds like unlucky. Never happened to me so far. 1 outside at best, sometimes 2 on JS.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on March 23, 2018, 05:23:51 pm
Anyway, I just had a Watchtower mission where every single enemy started outside the tower. Not sure if I was just extremly unlucky (most I had outside before was 1) or if it is a bug.

Happened to me too. I wouldn’t call it a bug, an uninteded feature sounds like a better description in this particular case. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on March 23, 2018, 05:28:10 pm
Concur.  Enemies are spawning out side of facilities.  Megapol ship at night.  The wolfmen spawned in the woods instead of the ship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 23, 2018, 05:29:21 pm
Happened to me too. I wouldn’t call it a bug, an uninteded feature sounds like a better description in this particular case. ;)

Indeed; furst timebsaw this on 0.99I2a at "jack sparrow" difficulty. A "nice" surprise!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 23, 2018, 09:30:20 pm
Anyone else getting a crash when they are about to start the academy campus (from the geoscape) on their campaign?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on March 23, 2018, 10:30:40 pm
Anyone else getting a crash when they are about to start the academy campus (from the geoscape) on their campaign?
Yes, exact same error in exact same mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 23, 2018, 10:44:55 pm
i just got a second one and it opened fine but in a different location on the map. Reckon it has to do with the zone.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 23, 2018, 10:46:20 pm
No zone. Just placement RNG.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on March 24, 2018, 12:48:18 am
And another error as well, same mission
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JamTheDane on March 24, 2018, 01:04:25 am
Confirmed that the US english instead of UK english fixed the issues with sectoid naming, and some errors in the test in armors.
Default install put my language to Danish, and just picked one of the 2 English langauges at random :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Narvi on March 25, 2018, 05:35:10 pm
Is the audience in the Airbus Race mission supposed to give you points?

It's a bit easy to get a Dangerous rating for a one turn mission...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 26, 2018, 06:36:55 pm
There are tiles that have no movement cost.

Here's a list of floor tiles with zero movement cost from latest piratez version.
Some of them may be unused (or otherwise irrelevant), but worth checking all:

Code: [Select]
AVENGER        index:57
AVENGER        index:58
AVENGER_BL2    index:57
AVENGER_BL2    index:58
AVENGER_G3     index:57
AVENGER_G3     index:58
AVENGER_GR     index:57
AVENGER_GR     index:58
AVENGER_R      index:57
AVENGER_R      index:58
COMBITS        index:19
CULTEXTRA      index:36
MARSEC_INT_2   index:38
MARSEC_INT_2   index:39
STATION        index:5
UFOL83DIO_B    index:12
USOINT3        index:13
XB2BR          index:59
XB2BR          index:60
XB2BR          index:61
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on March 27, 2018, 02:46:01 am
It is stated in the readme that US English is the only fully supported language.

Anyway, I just had a Watchtower mission where every single enemy started outside the tower. Not sure if I was just extremly unlucky (most I had outside before was 1) or if it is a bug.

I just got this too, on a large map, too.  Is this a new setup for the Watchtower that you can get?  It's amusingly jerky if so.  If it is, I'm guessing the logic is that they all went out on a mission, or they just wanted sunflowers or something silly like that.  Wouldn't it make sense to leave one person in the tower, in case they need to be contacted?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on March 27, 2018, 04:50:51 am
What research is supposed to unlock the Silver Snake? I'm pretty sure I got it through bounty hunting, and that doesn't sound right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on March 27, 2018, 08:08:26 am
No, that's accurate; the Silver Snake is a bounty mission prize.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on March 27, 2018, 09:00:16 am
Not as a prize, from the research unlocking the bounty hunting.

I can't buy it, but I shouldn't know what it does, based on how I understand the bounties to work
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on March 27, 2018, 01:43:09 pm
Hi all!
I try to start one of the new campus carnage missions but the game crashes with either a seg fault or some unit message (see pic). Is there sth i can do on my end or should i just skip it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 27, 2018, 02:04:47 pm
Hi all!
I try to start one of the new campus carnage missions but the game crashes with either a seg fault or some unit message (see pic). Is there sth i can do on my end or should i just skip it?

@Dioxine: same issue as the other day:
deployment.type = "STR_LOC_ACADEMY_TOWN_COLD"
alienRank=11 # doesn't exist for STR_DOOM

@unarmed drifter: yes, you can either skip the mission, or change the alien race for this mission in the save file, to something compatible, e.g.:

Code: [Select]
  - texture: -44
    secondsRemaining: 163800
    id: 1
    lat: -1.1170107212763709
    lon: 0.73303828583761843
    race: STR_SECTOID_NONCOM                 # changed by Meridian, was STR_DOOM
    detected: true

Attached a fixed save game too, if you wanted to try... still easiest is to just skip it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on March 27, 2018, 03:49:28 pm
Thanks Meridian! Worked like a charm, but i still bailed after 5 deaths... :P

Great mod btw, @dioxin
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 27, 2018, 10:53:16 pm
Door blocked by furniture.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meyow on March 28, 2018, 07:25:39 am
I found a error in the ammunition /Sly (or at least in one of them).

Maybe I'm wrong, but should not there be a "Snubby Drum /Sly" on the production list?
All other ammunition /Sly appear on the list and can be produced, could anyone confirm if it is just me that Snubby Drum /Sly does not appear?

thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 28, 2018, 03:10:42 pm
Door blocked by furniture.

that is probably a level D Bounty hunting mission, the humanist one
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ragshak on March 28, 2018, 06:15:44 pm
that is probably a level D Bounty hunting mission, the humanist one

Nope, it is my first mutant pogrom and two enemies are locked behind such doors (each one at different flat).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meyow on March 28, 2018, 06:28:35 pm
Nope, it is my first mutant pogrom and two enemies are locked behind such doors (each one at different flat).
I had the same problem you're having, also on a terror mission, against humanists.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Flyingseawalrus on March 28, 2018, 08:39:22 pm
My game crashed when i went to a new mission. the mission was called Academy campus and i the game crashes when i get the `insert transport name here` approaching ´Academy campus´ message. the error message says OpenXcom has crashed: unit.
here`s the log
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   - C:\Users\no\Documents\OpenXcom\
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   - C:\STUFF\Dioxine_XPiratez Diamonds are forever
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   - C:\STUFF\Dioxine_XPiratez Diamonds are forever
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:\STUFF\Dioxine_XPiratez Diamonds are forever\user\
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:\STUFF\Dioxine_XPiratez Diamonds are forever\user\
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   requested file not found: openxcom.png
[28-03-2018_20-27-25]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:\STUFF\Dioxine_XPiratez Diamonds are forever\user\mods'...
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   reservedSpace for: piratez is: 3
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 3
[28-03-2018_20-27-26]   [INFO]   Mapping resource files...
[28-03-2018_20-27-28]   [INFO]   Resources files mapped successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-27-28]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[28-03-2018_20-27-38]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[28-03-2018_20-27-39]   [INFO]   Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[28-03-2018_20-28-13]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[28-03-2018_20-28-51]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Unit
[28-03-2018_20-28-51]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available

--- posts merged ---

*the mission was called Academy campus and the game crashes when i get the `insert transport name here` approaching ´Academy campus´ message.*

Now i feel like a dumass, i could have just edited it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 28, 2018, 09:18:45 pm
I had the same problem you're having, also on a terror mission, against humanists.

Yes, it depends on maps and tilesets used in various type of missions

Edit: @Flyingseawalrus: pease may you also attach a saved game if avaiable? Thanks ☺
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Flyingseawalrus on March 28, 2018, 10:34:21 pm
I`m pretty sure it´s this one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on March 29, 2018, 10:54:24 am
For Academy Counsellor, Slavery is incorrectly classed under Robbery.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on March 29, 2018, 12:22:02 pm
I found a error in the ammunition /Sly (or at least in one of them).

Maybe I'm wrong, but should not there be a "Snubby Drum /Sly" on the production list?
All other ammunition /Sly appear on the list and can be produced, could anyone confirm if it is just me that Snubby Drum /Sly does not appear?

thanks in advance.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 31, 2018, 06:40:40 am
Found an error. The stats for nerds for the HMG piloted Armored Car is listed as Charm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 31, 2018, 11:25:26 am
Found an error. The stats for nerds for the HMG piloted Armored Car is listed as Charm.

Would be nice if you pasted exact name of the article at least... I didn't find any "HMG" nor any "Armored Car" in Bootypedia...

Anyway, it is most likely correct, every Firearm with Ammo has damage type NONE (in piratez translated as CHARM), because the firearms don't do any damage... the ammo does.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 31, 2018, 01:06:07 pm
Is it intentional that tower crew spawns outside of tower?

Is it intentional that sequence is back to random in the sav-files? (,6167.0.html)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 31, 2018, 07:33:45 pm
Would be nice if you pasted exact name of the article at least... I didn't find any "HMG" nor any "Armored Car" in Bootypedia...

Anyway, it is most likely correct, every Firearm with Ammo has damage type NONE (in piratez translated as CHARM), because the firearms don't do any damage... the ammo does.

Apologies for any confusion i should have mentioned its part of the "More Cars and Tanks" submod. Even if it is correct technically its the only one with any type listed at all which is weird, and more misleading then simply leaving it off the weapon entry.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 31, 2018, 09:26:26 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 31, 2018, 09:40:06 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 01, 2018, 12:21:24 am
Apologies for any confusion i should have mentioned its part of the "More Cars and Tanks" submod. Even if it is correct technically its the only one with any type listed at all which is weird, and more misleading then simply leaving it off the weapon entry.

I see.
It shows damageType, because the clipSize is different from zero (i.e. can be fired without any ammo)... probably should be zero... I have asked Dioxine to confirm...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 01, 2018, 10:34:31 am
(western) Logic: The Hellerium makes it possible for the gals to settle there, not their need for it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 01, 2018, 01:59:20 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on April 03, 2018, 02:53:55 am
Encountered a bug where a Escape Tower mission spawned without the tower.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on April 03, 2018, 04:48:20 pm
It has been like that since the introduction of that mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 03, 2018, 06:10:56 pm
Sometimes your team catches the hunted squad before they can reach the tower at all (thus no tower on the map).
It's a bit tougher to deal with it BUT at least the master's cane hex-oneshot is gone so your team don't need to hide every turn to avoid getting sniped by the mage/noble woman.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on April 04, 2018, 02:56:18 am
More technically, the generated roads on the map sometimes don't leave enough room for the tower to spawn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 04, 2018, 05:34:21 pm
STR_PINUP_071_UFOPEDIA: Too long for the screen.
STR_SECTOPOD_UFOPEDIA: Ethereals instead of Star Gods?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 04, 2018, 07:34:09 pm
STR_SECTOPOD_UFOPEDIA: Ethereals instead of Star Gods?

Pretty sure you have the game set to play in en_GB.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 04, 2018, 11:05:30 pm
Pretty sure you have the game set to play in en_GB.
Nope. I play it in Czech. I stumbled on these strings during the translation, not in-game. All these strings are the same in en-US.yml and en-GB.yml.
STR_FLOATER_UFOPEDIA is in en-US.yml two times.
All files are from folder Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Language\. Ver. 0.99I2a.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 05, 2018, 01:07:35 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 07, 2018, 07:47:33 pm
The project to enslave academy counsellors is misfiled in the robbery category.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on April 09, 2018, 02:32:21 pm
It looks like (at least early) Osiron Security doesn't attack. Only does reaction fire.
Edit: savegame attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 09, 2018, 04:14:03 pm
When no output device (e.g., speaker, headphones) is plugged in, the game won't start.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 09, 2018, 04:32:10 pm
I managed to lure a Zombie Trooper into my vessel and retreated, but I did not capture him.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Starving Poet on April 09, 2018, 05:13:50 pm
I managed to lure a Zombie Trooper into my vessel and retreated, but I did not capture him.

You can thank me for that - after I captured a Mercenary Hovertank in my LP, the ability to do so was promptly removed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on April 09, 2018, 06:18:29 pm
You can thank me for that - after I captured a Mercenary Hovertank in my LP, the ability to do so was promptly removed.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on April 10, 2018, 01:27:04 am
Damn you, Starving Poet, ruined it for all of us! Although it does make sense. "Yeah, let's bring a completely operational Hovertank . . . then take off. What could possibly go wrong?"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on April 10, 2018, 02:13:39 am
Great, now boomosaurs have become even more nigh impossible to capture.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 10, 2018, 11:08:46 am
You can still try to M.C. them and go for psi-capture to get an alive speciment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 10, 2018, 11:39:39 am
Capture by liftoff is such a dumb idea it's never even occurred to me to try it. Can't believe people used it with a straight face.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 10, 2018, 12:38:23 pm
Capture by liftoff is such a dumb idea it's never even occurred to me to try it. Can't believe people used it with a straight face.

On the on hand, yes, on the other hand I think it was a hilarious feature and somehow fitted the theme as it was incredibly hard and risky.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lothalt on April 10, 2018, 08:40:02 pm
I've got the same problem as Flyingseawalrus (March 28, 2018, 08:39:22 pm).

Game crash while loading Academy Campus mission, after clicking YARR! upon arrival

[10-04-2018_19-08-53]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Unit
[10-04-2018_19-08-53]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 10, 2018, 09:10:33 pm
This is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release.
For now, please make sure you have savescumming on (in options) and reload from a save just before landing. Repeat until it works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 10, 2018, 10:07:11 pm
I've got the same problem as Flyingseawalrus (March 28, 2018, 08:39:22 pm).

Game crash while loading Academy Campus mission, after clicking YARR! upon arrival

[10-04-2018_19-08-53]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Unit
[10-04-2018_19-08-53]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available

Since i got the same prob on  March 27th, i'll quote Meridian and his changes to my save-file:

Code: [Select]
  - texture: -44
    secondsRemaining: 163800
    id: 1
    lat: -1.1170107212763709
    lon: 0.73303828583761843
    race: STR_SECTOID_NONCOM                 # changed by Meridian, was STR_DOOM
    detected: true
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 10, 2018, 10:55:31 pm
No... Academy Campus is a completely different problem. Too many buildings spawn on this map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 10, 2018, 11:29:01 pm
Oh sorry. I thought academy campus = academy campus carnage. (Also because of same "unit" message)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 11, 2018, 12:33:37 am
No... Academy Campus is a completely different problem. Too many buildings spawn on this map.

Oh sorry. I thought academy campus = academy campus carnage. (Also because of same "unit" message)

It has both problems. And this one was the same as you encountered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on April 11, 2018, 02:45:59 am
You can still try to M.C. them and go for psi-capture to get an alive speciment.

Changing their death behavior back to not exploding anymore is also an option.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 11, 2018, 09:18:43 am
It has both problems. And this one was the same as you encountered.

Oh damn. Sorry! I didn't realize this mission was borked twice.;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 12, 2018, 04:54:22 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BjornFellhanded on April 13, 2018, 11:14:03 pm
At nighttime mission I cannot see any enemies even when I am close enough to detect. On mars, which I just beat, it was so dark I could barely see on screen enemies? Any way to make nighttime darkness less brutal on my eyes for my next playthrough?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 14, 2018, 12:19:45 am
At nighttime mission I cannot see any enemies even when I am close enough to detect. On mars, which I just beat, it was so dark I could barely see on screen enemies? Any way to make nighttime darkness less brutal on my eyes for my next playthrough?

Press Scroll-Lock to turn on night vision... or use flares.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BjornFellhanded on April 14, 2018, 06:53:41 am
The fact that I beat this game without knowing that makes me sad. So much pain lol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 14, 2018, 10:56:48 am
The fact that I beat this game without knowing that makes me sad. So much pain lol.

If it makes you feel better, it made me sad too... ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 14, 2018, 07:00:03 pm
The fact that I beat this game without knowing that makes me sad. So much pain lol.

Yeah, Night Vision mode is a game-changer in the early game.  You often have the advantage in these early fights, if you fight in the dark.  I think most of my ground battles take place at night for the first year.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 14, 2018, 08:37:54 pm
Natural NV of 12 against 8-10 is a major factor fighting most civilians.
It turns even better once you've your first stack of night-ops armors to fully exploit the advantage of 'seeing better' and the slight aim-bonus with it.

You can try (or have to) fight nurses and other battles during the day but you simply run the risk that those flintlock pistols/rifles and early pee-shooters do hit your small crew.
All early wounds can lead to several WEEKS of sickbay time until you've a mess hall and/or the 'sickbay' facility itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 15, 2018, 10:25:45 pm
Maybe I am not supposed to break the wall there?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 16, 2018, 05:44:37 pm
Not a bug, but maybe the enemies in the X-Prison should profit from morale boosts as well? It seems pretty easy to get their morale down.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 16, 2018, 05:54:23 pm
4-6 galsonly
shivs only
rags/topless/nude only
That's not handicap enough sir?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 16, 2018, 05:59:31 pm
I had one injured gal. And I wasn't particularly careful. Lots of weaponless enemies on the upper floors because they had already thrown them away. And when the last medic or engineer was down I won by surrenders.
I admit that I researched the topic pretty late and used my best gals who have most of their stats at maximum.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on April 17, 2018, 01:50:50 am
Not a bug, but maybe the enemies in the X-Prison should profit from morale boosts as well? It seems pretty easy to get their morale down.
4-6 galsonly
shivs only
rags/topless/nude only
That's not handicap enough sir?

I'm sure that having at most 6 naked gals take half your buddies out with shivs would have sort of a negative impact on your morale, too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BjornFellhanded on April 17, 2018, 09:42:52 pm
Hey, in the black market, I am confused because the categories no longer have the shipyard tab, or a tab for recruitable soldiers. Am I missing something? It goes from auxilia to component and I don't see where to buy those things outside the all tab.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 17, 2018, 10:39:06 pm
q for quicksearch mate
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 18, 2018, 10:52:58 am
Dead naked peasants leave a useless STR_CORPSE_PIR_NUDE corpse.
Also aircar race finish gives a lot of score because of "free mutants survived" and a Cavalier achievement for everyone. Not sure if that was intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 18, 2018, 11:50:07 am
Free mutants spawn on the aircar race mission?
That's new indeed.

Maybe STR_CORPSE_PIR_NUDE fixes the item to exist in the debriefing.
Almost every corpse labelled 'dead' vanishes from the debriefing (loot) screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 18, 2018, 12:56:51 pm
Free mutants spawn on the aircar race mission?
That's new indeed.

Maybe STR_CORPSE_PIR_NUDE fixes the item to exist in the debriefing.
Almost every corpse labelled 'dead' vanishes from the debriefing (loot) screen.
Sorry i just made a typo, it's NUDE indeed.

- Fix: Restored missing audience in Aircar Race

There's a line in patch notes so this part is intended, however now this mission gives tons of free score and an achievement for every gal.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 18, 2018, 01:57:26 pm
As long as it benefits the player I suppose there's no urgent need to fix it.
Yes infamy bonus and such but the mission happens only once a month and sometimes you can't even reach it in time or at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Wayans on April 19, 2018, 02:51:21 am
[19-04-2018_01-44-47]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[19-04-2018_01-44-47]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[19-04-2018_01-45-04]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

When loading campus carnage :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 19, 2018, 04:52:44 am
[19-04-2018_01-44-47]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[19-04-2018_01-44-47]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[19-04-2018_01-45-04]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.

When loading campus carnage :(

Campus Carnage has some mapblocks that may not spawn correctly and may crash the game.  This will be addressed in the next update.  For now, turn on savescumming and try loading the mission a few more times or just skip it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on April 28, 2018, 01:34:56 pm
string missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 02, 2018, 12:43:40 pm
0.99 I2a

Mission type "STR_MISSION_ACADEMY_TOWN" ##!Campus Carnage!
can be triggered without proper research.

savedata attached below

also missed loc.strings:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 02, 2018, 06:53:46 pm
0.99 I2a

Unreachable building segments in campus carnage map blocks

Save included.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 03, 2018, 10:45:57 pm
missed loc.strings:

also misspelled string id in Piratez.rul

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2018, 08:17:56 am
Segmentation fault when trying to view Marsec hunter & sentry drone examination articles.

Also won the duel with Dr. X but i could only research her Aircar and the visor thingy, not the lady herself. Research viewer show lots of new inaccessible topics related to Dr.X that all seem to depend on a "Dr. X Caught" item that i did not get. More unfinished stuff or did some strings get mislabeled?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2018, 09:39:57 am
Segmentation fault when trying to view Marsec hunter & sentry drone examination articles.

Also won the duel with Dr. X but i could only research her Aircar and the visor thingy, not the lady herself. Research viewer show lots of new inaccessible topics related to Dr.X that all seem to depend on a "Dr. X Caught" item that i did not get. More unfinished stuff or did some strings get mislabeled?

Strange, if you caught her, you should be able to research her... That topic you mention is given automatically after interrog. Do you have her in your prison?

As for marsec drones, it's likely because they're missing paperdolls... dammit, I thought that since you can omit paperdoll in battle and have the unit work just fine, preview and all, shouldnt crash the pedia either... Sigh.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2018, 03:32:58 pm
Dr. X is indeed in the prison but no topic ever appeared. Digging around in the tech viewer would seem to indicate that something is mislabeled. The "Dr.X" topic has no links.  Edit: In fact quite a number of the new "X" topics don't seem to have links to anything either.

Unrelated, the articles for the swapped Marsec operative and bodyguard have the correct picture for there new incarnation but the text is identical to there previous versions.

Also maybe not a bug but there are 2 versions of living blood now with similar but not identical articles?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2018, 04:06:18 pm
Dr. X is indeed in the prison but no topic ever appeared. Digging around in the tech viewer would seem to indicate that something is mislabeled. The "Dr.X" topic has no links.  Edit: In fact quite a number of the new "X" topics don't seem to have links to anything either.

Unrelated, the articles for the swapped Marsec operative and bodyguard have the correct picture for there new incarnation but the text is identical to there previous versions.

Also maybe not a bug but there are 2 versions of living blood now with similar but not identical articles?

Her alias is STR_DOCTOR_X and the opening interrog is called STR_DOCTOR_X... Idk what is wrong...? Maybe because that research costs 0? Am I missing something?
With the missing topics with dr. X, well you will not be able to see the whole tree on the tech viewer, as it depends a lot on manufacturing items or spawning them by research... It can be only really checked by actually researching... Which doesn't seem to work for some reason? I do not understand what is the nature of the error I made...

I don't seem to see any problems with Marsec Operative or Bodyguard in my pedia, sorry... could you post pictures?

Living Blood: there is now a new item, called Zombie Juice, which replaced Living Blood in some cases (of zombie extraction). But their articles are not identical... It's the old article split in 2 halves and expanded upon in each case...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2018, 04:55:27 pm
Okay dug into the save file and i have both Dr. X herself and the initial topic you mentioned completed. However i never saw an article or popup for the topic. Nor is there one that i can find in the pedia. Last time something similar occurred it was a result of strings not matching between objects and there calls in the tech tree.

See attached screenies for issues with marsec changes, and my confusion with living blood.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 05, 2018, 04:58:28 pm
agreement error
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2018, 05:01:22 pm
Huh you seem to have some outdated language files, Legion... As I have neither of these errors. Now the question is, is the problem with you, or with the mod package I posted?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2018, 05:21:02 pm
Probably just incorrectly installed...

I see different things.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2018, 06:16:22 pm
Well did a fresh clean install and that cleared up the pedia problems at least. Other stuff still broke.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2018, 06:43:56 pm
Well what can I say... Interrogating dr. X should pop up the "Dr. X Caught" article (in the Journal). If that doesn't work... dunno why.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 05, 2018, 06:56:29 pm
I love the way the guild navigator has the head of the harkonnen house mentor :D
Brings up warm feelings from Dune 2 (genesis).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2018, 07:04:42 pm
Well what can I say... Interrogating dr. X should pop up the "Dr. X Caught" article (in the Journal). If that doesn't work... dunno why.

Works for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 05, 2018, 07:08:19 pm
Well after much pokeing Dr.X issue solved....sorta. For whatever reason the "STR_DOCTOR_X" tech apparently existed in the save before i finished the duel mission. Editing the save file to remove "STR_DOCTOR_X" from discovered techs, corrects the symptoms.  As to why it occurred......bwuh?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 06, 2018, 12:58:15 pm
Is it intentional that there can be 2 towers in the Escape Tower mission?

And, the higher part of the stairs makes some splashing noice when you walk them.

--- posts merged. No hiding from me! ---


When researching the Guild Medic, you can get str_zombie_corpse, but it does not exist.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 06, 2018, 01:42:14 pm
Is it intentional that there can be 2 towers in the Escape Tower mission?

...No? Wtf happened now...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BoJustBo on May 06, 2018, 01:51:04 pm
Good thing I have autosaves turned on so I only had to replay a few minutes.

Great mod by the way.

Edit: oh and the log file, I forgot to save it at the time so I dunno if it can help any.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 06, 2018, 02:24:12 pm
Is that the new version? And a new month?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 07, 2018, 02:56:36 am


We have two strings with same ID "STR_LOC_ATRIUM_CHURCH" but different text-content.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BoJustBo on May 07, 2018, 08:25:08 am
Is that the new version? And a new month?
Newest version yeah, but no idea of the time or such. Didn't realize that was important, will be better with info gathering if anything happens again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 07, 2018, 12:52:38 pm

Map tileset from "STR_LOC_CRACKHOUSE" with potential blocked enemy inside.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 07, 2018, 06:15:17 pm
Quite unlucky spawn for it. Pickaxe/hammer the fence or just shot him.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on May 10, 2018, 01:17:55 am
Is it intentional that the the Destroyed Mk.801 has no sale value?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 10, 2018, 02:46:42 am
...No? Wtf happened now...

Soo... work as intended?  ;D

Gals being stuck (from moving from lvl 3 to lvl 2 map). Save attached (check amber kitty).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: trichrono on May 10, 2018, 09:34:41 am
I also got an academy campus crash I will attach my log, some screenshots, and save that I made before heading toward the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 10, 2018, 11:16:57 am
Problem with Lobsterman "Lobsterman_Claw.png" image (some palette issues):

quick "dirty" fix in attach
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 10, 2018, 12:13:07 pm
And another "fix" for mr. lobsterman with transparent bg :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 10, 2018, 06:48:38 pm
Gals being stuck (from moving from lvl 3 to lvl 2 map). Save attached (check amber kitty).

You jumped into a hole, so you can only wait for mission end to get freed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JamTheDane on May 11, 2018, 09:04:47 pm
Getting repeatable crashes when trying to attack Campus Carnage (Cold), just like a few others. Its the newest version, and a new month.
Attaching log and savegame, my turtle from South American just launched for it.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 11, 2018, 09:47:29 pm
Getting repeatable crashes when trying to attack Campus Carnage (Cold), just like a few others. Its the newest version, and a new month.
Attaching log and savegame, my turtle from South American just launched for it.
I can give u a temporary "dirty" fix, it has a flaws, but those type of missions will start at least:

Overwrite the original file from \user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 12, 2018, 12:59:16 am
Care to share how did you fix it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 12, 2018, 02:19:07 am
Care to share how did you fix it?

For some unknown (for me) reasons OXC is trying to spawn mission type "STR_LOC_ACADEMY_TOWN" with wrong enemy type ("STR_DOOM"). So i force OXC to spawn correct enemy type:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]

Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Mission will still be tagged as "STR_DOOM", but those changes force to spawn correct enemy type.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 12, 2018, 05:39:24 am
God dammit, I thought I fixed this already, and it turns out I haven't done so completely... The problem is region STR_DOOMED_FARM pointing at academy campus' texture (-44) instead of doomed farm texture (-150) at some coordinates...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 12, 2018, 06:41:04 am
God dammit, I thought I fixed this already, and it turns out I haven't done so completely... The problem is region STR_DOOMED_FARM pointing at academy campus' texture (-44) instead of doomed farm texture (-150) at some coordinates...

Is this what I'm thinking?

Code: [Select]
        - [24, 24, -67, -67, -44] # Finlandia
        - [42, 42, -64, -64, -44] # Murmansk
        - [82.6, 82.6, -62.8, -62.8, -44] # Ural
        - [89, 89, -36, -36, -44] # Tybet
        - [211, 211, -60, -60, -44] # Alaska
        - [267, 267, -57, -57, -44] # Zatoka Hudsona
        - [303.6, 303.6, -48.6, -48.6, -44] # Nowa Funlandia
        - [290, 290, 16, 16, -44] # Andy
        - [11, 11, -62, 62, -44] # Norwegia
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 12, 2018, 09:17:16 am
Yes, exactly. I have no idea how I missed them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 12, 2018, 09:41:59 am
Yes, exactly. I have no idea how I missed them.

But now it is for sure  :D

Ok. here's "proper" fix:
I think it will require a new month.
And as before, overwrite the original file from \user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\

And temporary "dirty fix" will fix the issue for previously affected saves:
If you don't have any problems, don't use it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 12, 2018, 07:13:54 pm
Good work, FG!  Thanks!!!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 16, 2018, 01:20:41 pm
Wrong category type for "Crate of Violence".

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_COV

At the same time "Crate of Violence" marked AS CUTTING dmg type instead of "CONCUSSIVE"?  :o
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on May 17, 2018, 04:51:34 am
It's a box filled with explosives and chunks of metal, I think cutting is actually appropriate.  Could maybe use some extra explosive damage right at ground zero, but that thing is sending razors flying a fair distance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 17, 2018, 06:43:28 am
It's a box filled with explosives and chunks of metal, I think cutting is actually appropriate.  Could maybe use some extra explosive damage right at ground zero, but that thing is sending razors flying a fair distance.

In terms of logic, it's supposed to be "CONCUSSIVE", but placed into "PIERCING" and marked as "CUTTING"
It's not the way how the categories works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 17, 2018, 07:13:01 am
Wrong category, should be Cutting not Piercing.
Multiple damage types are not supported.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 17, 2018, 01:22:42 pm
I can produce Battle Rifle ammo, but I have not researched it yet. (Haven't gotten it for free either, it is still in my lab list.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 17, 2018, 02:28:39 pm
Do you know about the 'Infantry Rifle' tho?
Both guns use the same clip and both got the PS-ammo upgrade as well.

If you know what an infantry rifle is, you can manufacture the bullets for both weapons without knowing the 'battle rifle' version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 17, 2018, 02:49:28 pm
I'll have to look, but that might be it. Might have gotten that for free.

Edit: I did have the infantry rifle. I hardly ever use it, because I almost never see them and when I do I have better stuff. So I tend to forget about it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cheyyne on May 18, 2018, 12:28:09 am
Got a crash to desktop upon trying to start Academy Campus mission. Hopefully the picture contains the relevant details necessary:

Here's openxcom.log:

Code: [Select]
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Data folder is:
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Data search is:
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] - C:\Users\Default\Documents\OpenXcom\
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] - D:\Games\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_I2a\Dioxine_XPiratez
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] - D:\Games\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_I2a\Dioxine_XPiratez
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] User folder is: D:\Games\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_I2a\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Config folder is: D:\Games\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_I2a\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] requested file not found: openxcom.png
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1135x705x8...
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Display set to 1135x705x8.
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Loading data...
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'D:\Games\Dioxine_XPiratez_099_I2a\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods'...
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] reservedSpace for: piratez is: 3
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 3
[17-05-2018_12-53-23] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[17-05-2018_12-53-24] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-24] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[17-05-2018_12-53-31] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[17-05-2018_12-53-31] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] Loading language...
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[17-05-2018_12-53-40] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[17-05-2018_14-21-14] [WARN] STR_UNAVAILABLE not found in en-US
[17-05-2018_14-21-14] [WARN] STR_MISSION_ACADEMY_CRUISE_PREQ not found in en-US
[17-05-2018_14-21-14] [WARN] STR_SHARKAMAN_CORPSE not found in en-US
[17-05-2018_14-22-51] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Unit 8
[17-05-2018_14-22-51] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 18, 2018, 12:36:08 am
Got a crash to desktop upon trying to start Academy Campus mission. Hopefully the picture contains the relevant details necessary:

Reply #2260,4058.msg96533.html#msg96533
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cheyyne on May 18, 2018, 01:15:33 am
Reply #2260,4058.msg96533.html#msg96533

Thanks! I'll give it a try, mission disappeared before the new month but if it keeps having trouble, I'll let you guys know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Poulpiche on May 18, 2018, 12:52:09 pm
Got a crash to desktop in a Space Freighter Mission, at the end of one of my turns

I have try with a fresh reinstall of X-piratez but the problem is the same

ufortunately, no more information in the openxcom.olg


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 18, 2018, 01:00:46 pm
Looks like the game can't handle the pure awesomeness of 52 Turns in space. /jk

Maybe the A.I. did an invalid turn and caused the crash that way. One solution is debug-mode now.
Enable debug and ctrl+k everything to win the mission. Otherwise try the mission again the legit way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2018, 01:07:47 pm
Got a crash to desktop in a Space Freighter Mission, at the end of one of my turns
I have try with a fresh reinstall of X-piratez but the problem is the same
ufortunately, no more information in the openxcom.olg

Can you please attach a save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Poulpiche on May 18, 2018, 01:11:25 pm
Can you please attach a save?

yeah, sure, i've attached it on my first message
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2018, 03:49:53 pm
yeah, sure, i've attached it on my first message

There is an issue in the mod with the item/corpse recovery.

You can fix it by marking STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_CORPSE as non-recoverable, finish the mission and then set it back as recoverable.

In file Piratez_Factions.rul, find and modify:

Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_BAT_CAT_PEOPLE]
    size: 0.1
    costSell: 50000
    weight: 7
    bigSprite: 759
    floorSprite: 759
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
      energy: 14
    battleType: 11
    recover: false # <---------------- add this line, restart game, finish mission, save, remove this line and restart again
    recoveryPoints: -5
    armor: 85

Or, if you have a save before the mission, just ignore the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Poulpiche on May 18, 2018, 04:02:34 pm
There is an issue in the mod with the item/corpse recovery.

You can fix it by marking STR_MAGICAL_GIRL_CORPSE as non-recoverable, finish the mission and then set it back as recoverable
Thanks a lot, I will try it

EDIT : it works, thanks a lot  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Poulpiche on May 18, 2018, 04:56:47 pm
Sorry, but I have another crash, this time on the Geospace

it doesn't found a researsh STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2018, 05:22:57 pm
Sorry, but I have another crash, this time on the Geospace
it doesn't found a researsh STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE

Lucky Guy :)

Find this line and delete it... in Piratez.rul

Code: [Select]
    cost: 15
    points: 50
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true
      - STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE  # <--------------- delete this line
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Poulpiche on May 18, 2018, 05:26:25 pm
Lucky Guy :)

Find this line and delete it... in Piratez.rul
it works, you are awesome, thanks a lot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 19, 2018, 02:35:14 pm
Auto-Harpoon ammo:

STR_HARPOON_AUTO_AP_CLIP: Auto-Harpoon Clip/Aqua
STR_HARPOON_AUTO_AP_CLIP_XXX: "Auto-Harpoon Clip/AP (16x5)"

Something is wrong here  ::)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 19, 2018, 04:51:13 pm
Some errors:

we have 2 items:
  STR_LINGERIE: Exquisite Lingerie
  STR_PIRATEY_LINGERIE: Piratey Lingerie

and this production line:
STR_LINGERIE_XXX: "Piratey Lingerie (x25)"

which led us here:
    category: STR_MERCHANDISE
    space: 0
    time: 1000
    cost: 1500
    requiresBaseFunc: [WORKS, LIB]
      STR_PORN: 1
      STR_LINGERIE: 25
    listOrder: 14983

STR_LINGERIE_XXX: "Piratey Lingerie (x25)"
STR_LINGERIE_XXX: "Exquisite Lingerie (x25)"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 19, 2018, 10:39:16 pm
That's no error.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 20, 2018, 09:57:20 am
Bug or no bug. Not given the option to make Explosive Cannonballs anymore. Not given the option to make lokk narr longcoats. Latest version. You guys/girls are heroes. I love what you have done.


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 20, 2018, 11:00:14 am
  STR_THERMAL_SHIRT: Radiator Shirt
  STR_LIQUID_COOL: Radiator Shirt #<-- Liquid Cool?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 20, 2018, 11:17:09 am
Bug or no bug. Not given the option to make Explosive Cannonballs anymore. Not given the option to make lokk narr longcoats.

a) Not true
b) There never was, you buy them

  STR_THERMAL_SHIRT: Radiator Shirt
  STR_LIQUID_COOL: Radiator Shirt #<-- Liquid Cool?

Bleh. Yea.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 21, 2018, 01:39:32 am

not true?

Just wanted to know about why I cannot make explosive cannonballs anymore - is there some limitation maybe. Thanks for the heads-up about Lokk'naar clothing. This mod is packed with so much its hard to keep track :]

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pca on May 21, 2018, 09:48:08 am
Research: Is this intended?

Voodoo/Destruction requires Berserker outfit, which in turn requires red codex.

UI issue:

The arrows to rearrange soldiers in the armor equip screen are missing until sorting on anything (using the precompiled linux version)

QoL Suggestion:

Would it be possible to have the equip craft button go directly to armor equip screen in bases without crafts, it would make equipping garrisons more convenient?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2018, 09:54:36 am
UI issue:
The arrows to rearrange soldiers in the armor equip screen are missing until sorting on anything (using the precompiled linux version)

This was changed in the last version... so that longer craft names (e.g. HAMMERHEAD-1) and longer armor names (e.g. MAGNETIC-ION ARMOR) are still nicely visible.

Hint: you can turn on sorting column (and thus also up/down arrows) without actually rearranging soldiers automatically by Ctrl+click on a sort category from the combobox.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 21, 2018, 12:50:43 pm
Research: Is this intended?

Voodoo/Destruction requires Berserker outfit, which in turn requires red codex.

No, it's a bug. Scheisse. It shouldn't require Berserker anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 23, 2018, 04:30:46 pm
Not sure if bug or working as intended: you can't coup de grace with a poison dagger.
I guess it is the damage type, but it still feels strange.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 23, 2018, 05:17:44 pm
Not sure if bug or working as intended: you can't coup de grace with a poison dagger.
I guess it is the damage type, but it still feels strange.

Working as intended.  Coup de grace can only be delivered by weapons with cutting (melee in vanilla) damage type.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rikiswar on May 23, 2018, 10:38:02 pm
I found a bug where the Guild Space Technician Slavery requires Guild Spaceman
    category: STR_SALVAGE
    space: 0
    time: 400
    cost: 0
      STR_GUILD_SPACEMAN: 1 (Here)
    refund: true 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on May 25, 2018, 01:10:13 pm
Blocked tileset:

save attached below
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 25, 2018, 02:40:57 pm
When trying to send a tame werewolf to a base without burrows etc you get the aquarium screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 25, 2018, 05:47:34 pm
Wolves do need a burrow to be fed and kept save.
It shouldn't be possible to send them to those bases in the first place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 25, 2018, 05:49:03 pm
I know and I can't, but shouldn't the popup say that a burrow/den is needed? Right now it tells me I need an aquarium.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on May 25, 2018, 06:35:28 pm
Aquarium and burrow is the same.
The burrow keeps all dogs, hounds, parrots and wolves. So far you can't keep creatures from the sea (except those that can also breathe air like sharkmen)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on May 25, 2018, 07:31:48 pm
Just finished a Aircar Race Finish, and i've got a lot of thing i didn't expected, like 500 points for surviving mutants, or 6 youngs ubers.

Save is attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 25, 2018, 07:39:22 pm
Aquarium and burrow is the same.
The burrow keeps all dogs, hounds, parrots and wolves. So far you can't keep creatures from the sea (except those that can also breathe air like sharkmen)

I know all of that.
But unless the engine can't display different popups for different creature kinds I would still expect the popup to say burrow/den for land creatures. If that is not implemented yet, it is fine. But for new players it could be confusing, so it might be better to rephrase the popup text until aquariums are in.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on May 25, 2018, 09:17:07 pm
Actually, there are separate lines for "no land creatures"\"no sea creatures", what you have here is just a very minor bug. And burrow and aquarium are different, or would be if the mod had an aquarium.

Just finished a Aircar Race Finish, and i've got a lot of thing i didn't expected, like 500 points for surviving mutants, or 6 youngs ubers.

That is normal behaviour (mission autowins, so surviving "observers" count toward ending score), maybe with exception of young ubers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on May 26, 2018, 05:47:21 am
Just started a new game and LC-EP ammo shows up from the start.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 27, 2018, 02:48:18 am
Hi, I hope this is appropriate place to post a bug. I changed personnel in the airbus and it crashed.  I have the penultimate version installed. I hope this helps, best regards,


[26-05-2018_23-18-35]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[26-05-2018_23-29-46]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1360x768x8...
[26-05-2018_23-29-47]   [INFO]   Display set to 1360x768x8.
[26-05-2018_23-37-48]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_410M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-07]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_41M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-09]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_410M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-10]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_18M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-10]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-12]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_32M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-13]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_34M0.SPK
[26-05-2018_23-38-15]   [INFO]   requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_22M0.SPK
[27-05-2018_00-25-44]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[27-05-2018_00-25-44]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[27-05-2018_00-25-44]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[27-05-2018_00-25-44]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[27-05-2018_00-25-45]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[27-05-2018_00-41-17]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Unit
[27-05-2018_00-41-17]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available

--- posts merged ---

Just some additional information. the bug is repeatable and the crash occurs trying to initiate the Academy Campus mission. I think it is this mission which triggers the crash. I have never seen this mission before.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 27, 2018, 04:24:38 am
What version? This has been fixed twice lately.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 27, 2018, 05:05:16 am
Dioxine, version 3.10.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 27, 2018, 05:58:45 am
3.10 is a version of oxce+ (actually a series of version). I asked about mod version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 27, 2018, 09:38:17 am
Can you upload your save? If it works on Dioxine's end, it would mean you have an outdated mod version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on May 27, 2018, 06:46:47 pm
Is it intentional that the Luxery Barracks now features the same radar as the Outpost?

If so it should be mentioned in the Bootypedia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 28, 2018, 07:17:10 am
Both please give me a moment.

I am not a brainer girl.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 28, 2018, 07:21:36 am

Tante Mags
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 28, 2018, 07:49:46 am
Yeah so you're 2 versions behind.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tipie276 on May 28, 2018, 08:53:05 pm
Hey everyone!

Found a problem with the basic flak tank. When you fire its main gun the game chrashes. Tried both the standard and flechette ammo, same result.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on May 28, 2018, 09:14:48 pm
Yeah, turns out I forgot to reference the firing sound after changing it. Oops. Thanks for the heads-up, I'll fix it in the next version.

If you want a fix now, add

Code: [Select]
65: Resources/Sounds/CShottyFire.wav
in ruleset_tanks.rul under
Code: [Select]
  - type: BATTLE.CAT
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tipie276 on May 28, 2018, 10:57:24 pm
Awesome! Many t(h)anks
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on May 29, 2018, 07:55:09 pm
From time to time the following strange behavior apperas:

One of my units deal damage to an enemy unit and by that some nerby unit is healing a bit of stun damage.

In the attached save file "Electric Tombstone" was hitting the spartan with a Ninja stick. This resulted in "Bloody Katana" waking up from removed stun damage. (She was stunned a turn earlier by an enemy)

This behavior is difficult to reproduce, but it happened already a few times to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 30, 2018, 05:01:20 am
Hi Piratez!

I don't know if this is a bug more a way the game works:

I started extraction on a treasure chest but added zero engineers I then stopped production. I went  back to main page returned to  manufacture and the treasure chest had disappeared along with any possible extract.

I managed to stun a Mage and drag her back to base - she turned into a Noblewoman :D

Beste wuensche,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 30, 2018, 08:06:53 am
In the attached save file "Electric Tombstone" was hitting the spartan with a Ninja stick. This resulted in "Bloody Katana" waking up from removed stun damage. (She was stunned a turn earlier by an enemy)

There was a problem with stun recovery, should be fixed if you're using the latest Piratez/OXCE+. Also this behaviour is normal if you're in debug mode.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 30, 2018, 12:04:19 pm
I started extraction on a treasure chest but added zero engineers I then stopped production. I went  back to main page returned to  manufacture and the treasure chest had disappeared along with any possible extract.

I managed to stun a Mage and drag her back to base - she turned into a Noblewoman :D

Canceling a manufacturing project after it is started does consume the materials. In the case of multiples of the same item being in the order only the materials for one copy are lost.

There are some cases where units on the tactical map and there corresponding item in the base screens don't exactly match up in name. The nature of the game engine dictates that a Unit X from the tactical map produces live capture item y and corpse item z. Each of those items are discrete strings in the code. Hundreds of strings perhaps thousands are involved in the game, simple errors happen. But once a string is in use changing it later can break saves, mess up the tech tree, and other problems. Dioxine tends to leave the small errors alone, a name mismatch is minor compared to the effort needed to fix it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 30, 2018, 01:32:15 pm
I don't understand however, what "turned into a noblewoman" means.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on May 31, 2018, 12:15:19 am
I managed to stun a Mage and drag her back to base - she turned into a Noblewoman :D
Please note that the capture a mage bounty mission can alternatively spawn a Noblewomen. That's not what tripped you up, is it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on May 31, 2018, 01:06:25 am
I managed to stun a Mage and drag her back to base - she turned into a Noblewoman :D

No bug. Female mages are called Noblewoman in your prison.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on May 31, 2018, 01:58:45 am
No bug. Female mages are called Noblewoman in your prison.

~~^^  Yennefer!  ;D  :P

..but i report 1 big bug -- very extremely long time of starting the game itself..

so sloooow and loong duration of starting sequence screen..

(amybe loading of any of few tens - hundreds of nibi -nods ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 31, 2018, 04:17:01 am

was not thinking it was a bug that she was a Noblewoman (I'd expect a mage to be from the upper class) just happy it gave me research and a second gave me 200k :D

However, I have not completed the quest yet as there seems to be one enemy left - I don't think I am spoofing the quest by stuning her as I killed her too and it did not end. Plus, I have got to the escape ship on the tower and it is indestructible.

Not sure what to do.

Oh, and is a song that I researched a spoof on 'In the navy' ??? Very funny!

Best wishes,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 31, 2018, 05:58:07 am
The escape ship needs to be cracked open.  Acid Cannonballs are terrific.  Hammers and Pickaxes should do.  Any explosives bigger than grenades are good bets as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on May 31, 2018, 08:14:17 am
A fusion torch will do the trick.
You make a hole in the roof and then drop a grenade inside  :P

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on May 31, 2018, 10:00:18 am
Ivan and Nalca; genius ideas! I guess a hover suit or two is useful here...

Best regards,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on May 31, 2018, 03:47:19 pm
Ivan and Nalca; genius ideas! I guess a hover suit or two is useful here...

Best regards,


Yeah, even Grav Harnesses are really useful here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 31, 2018, 03:56:45 pm
I usually send 3 gals in grav harnesses up, use high explosive on the door and stun everyone that is left inside. A couple will move out and jump down, so usually it is not too dangerous to enter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 01, 2018, 12:21:53 am
I am still 2 versions behind but is the Merc commando robbery producing Muton corpses a bug?

Best Regards,


P.S TY for the tips on the Tower quest :]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 01, 2018, 12:40:22 am
Mercs are mutons in the ruleset - they use STR_MUTON_SOMETHING for most of their references, so this is likely just a translation error on your end - is your language set to en-GB by any chance?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 01, 2018, 01:03:44 am
Yes, I am going to change that and update the version too.

another issue is that I have a Blaster projector and bombs but cannot research them or equip soldiers. Maybe I have not got a piece of research yet that leads me to the Blaster.


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 01, 2018, 01:43:16 am
A decent portion of the high end weapons are locked behind gate techs. This is mostly for balance purposes cause certain missions, mostly raids vs player bases, will always spawn foes with the best weapons. A quirk of the engine that must be worked around.

Piratez tries, mostly successfully, to stretch out the technology advancement experience. If you could jump straight to the end game of weapons with a single successful base defense that would spoil much of the experience. Given how easy it is to win a base defense if you have any experience with it, gating the best rewards is warranted.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 01, 2018, 06:21:12 am
Hi Legion,

I love it how it is. Nothing should change. I like to feel I have achieved something. I used to be a Guild Mistress in Hellgate London and there was a serious use of a script in that game which made players very powerful at mid-game. It ruined the game for hoest players and it made it pointless for cheaters. The clue of these new players was always the same - they asked 'how can I level fast/make lots of $' and 99% started to use the cheat code.

I was a Guild Mistress in Skyforge and you can't cheat in that game so people came and went.

I have the library so I can't wait for the research possibilities!

Tante Mags
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: boss300 on June 05, 2018, 05:12:11 pm
Maybe I'm missing something, but many times when trying to use energy restoratives, turn units are expended and no energy is restored.  Affected units cannot regain energy from items for the entire turn, but usually are able to use them again next turn (if they survive)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on June 05, 2018, 06:20:46 pm
Are you sure you are not using them on the wrong people? Someone in front of them insteatd of themselves, or someone on the ground?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on June 05, 2018, 07:21:15 pm
There is a bug with random conditions, which leads to loose all available TU for a selected girl when she start moving.
0. Select the girl and quick save.
1. A girl is sitting in a house with 90/90 TU.
2. I give an order to the girl to move outside. It will cost 26 TU.
3. She open a door and then just stopped. With 0 TU left.
4. So i load the quick save, do the same steps (1-3) and it work as intended, no anomaly drops for TU.

It's a pretty rare bug, but it's very annoying sometime :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 08, 2018, 07:52:11 am
K, I  went to do a chupacabra hunt and it turned out to be a Temple of Sirius instead. never happened before when I did either.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 08, 2018, 07:57:59 am
Ah, not a bug, just using the temple as a background.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 08, 2018, 08:19:39 pm
Hello there! Doin'n a  ride on 0,99I2 and sadly got a crash during a "save a siste" mission type, th mao is the one for the red lanten villa. Attached here is an extract of openxcom.log file, right where errors happen to apper and of course  savefile :)

Code: [Select]
[08-06-2018_17-29-12] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_489M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-20] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_370M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-21] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_379M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-22] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-23] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-23] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-23] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-24] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_160M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-24] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_161M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-25] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-25] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_372M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-26] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-29] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_161M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-44] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_372M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-47] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_161M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_160M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-54] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-54] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-55] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-58] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-29-59] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_160M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-01] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_161M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_371M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_372M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_373M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-04] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-04] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_373M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-11] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_21M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-12] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_111M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-13] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_481M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-30-14] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_500M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-32-10] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/ParrotInventoryImageM0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-58-57] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-07] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-07] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-08] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_200M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-13] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_100M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-13] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_20M0.SPK
[08-06-2018_17-59-14] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_16M0.SPK

Edit: sorry, i meant i was on the .I2 branch. And game crashed after some time again, this tie no .log errors, but a saed game during a base defence, the moment when crashed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 08, 2018, 10:02:13 pm
Hello there! Doin'n a  ride on 0,99I2 and sadly got a crash during a "save a siste" mission type, th mao is the one for the red lanten villa. Attached here is an extract of openxcom.log file, right where errors happen to apper and of course  savefile :)

Edit: sorry, i meant i was on the .I2 branch. And game crashed after some time again, this tie no .log errors, but a saed game during a base defence, the moment when crashed

First of all, both saves have version 0.99j1 not 0.99i2.

Also, what do I have to do to reproduce the crash? I loaded both saves, played a few turns and nothing happened...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 08, 2018, 11:38:21 pm
First of all, both saves have version 0.99j1 not 0.99i2.
Sry, my (very bad) mistake) i'm on the .J1 build

Also, what do I have to do to reproduce the crash? I loaded both saves, played a few turns and nothing happened...

don't know, saving the above game by creating another save reduces the crashing frequdnce. Pgersphs xpriratez exe build generates corrutpet files every now and then? reallt don't know :'( i don't wanna stard a brand new gsme agsin so i'm gonna try playing  ocasionally :)

Edit: seems also that disabling auto saves game is also less prone to crash but keeps doing so, it is a kind of crash that eequires win 10 to rebbot; i experience rhis inly on that os and not linux. Suppose that rabdomly briken saved games are made when sometimes starting a brand new game..

Edit 2: sometimes it crashes as soon i start the game itself! well i thin it's really a oroblem in the executable
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on June 09, 2018, 08:40:09 am
You might have a dying HDD on your hands there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 09, 2018, 11:41:39 am
You might have a dying HDD on your hands there.
I've seen that the HD is fine,think it's a xoiratex build probkrm because it sometimes hapoen with certain relases oublished over time, some works sone don't
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 09, 2018, 01:22:08 pm
I have never seen or heard of OpenXcom causing a blue screen... it's also VERY unlikely.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2018, 01:58:53 pm
Niculinux has a talent of inventing new bugs nobody else can reproduce.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kammerer on June 09, 2018, 04:38:56 pm

IRQL BSOD is usually caused by hardware issues or incorrectly installed/bad drivers. It has nothing to do with a program executable. Try at least googling a bit before asking anything.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 09, 2018, 06:55:06 pm

IRQL BSOD is usually caused by hardware issues or incorrectly installed/bad drivers. It has nothing to do with a program executable. Try at least googling a bit before asking anything.

more simply, it is rally my very evil luck!!! Afte some more trying seems the BSOD appears only when in battlescaape mode, so the problems is more likely to be in the maps. Here waht openxcom.los says durin a "temple raid"  mission:

Code: [Select]
[09-06-2018_17-31-42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/AcademyNurseInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-47] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/AcademyCivilianInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-49] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/TraderCivilianInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/TraderEngineerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/GovtAgentInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-57] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/BanditBoyInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-58] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/BanditFussballerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-32-00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/HumanMale3InventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-32-01] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/HumanLabourerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-44-45] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_44M0.SPK

it did not happn in the Bounty mission (lvl D) so i beliebe hese masp are ok :)

Edit. quicksave provided. the briefin says he wheather is freezng cold but im not getting damage. All my gals have warrior harmor. Also, ive disabled any graphic filter (i was usin "scale) let's see what happens :)

Edit 2: also a geoscape save file

Edit 3: nvermind, for the firt tim t also crashed while in th workshop screen!

Code: [Select]
[09-06-2018_17-58-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_25M0.SPKGame sometimes tells it not find some file, maybe i should try to reinstll the game? the download went without errors, some hint?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on June 09, 2018, 08:40:01 pm
the BSOD appears only when in battlescaape mode

I have to agree with ppl above, a BSOD is the result of low-level software crashing or faulty hardware.

You should check the Blue Screen error code and windows logs for more info.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 09, 2018, 09:23:25 pm
actually i see the oroblem onky with xpiratez so i'd exclude the hardware

You should check the Blue Screen error code and windows logs for move info.

thanks, where i may find these? ☺

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on June 09, 2018, 09:57:30 pm
thanks, where i may find these? ☺
For windows logs check Event Viewer: WIN+R then type:"eventvwr.msc" and press ENTER
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 09, 2018, 10:00:48 pm
Ok, actually find some info usin the event viewer, there are  at least 10  :o :o and are "kernel power" labelled  the last one is the following

Code: [Select]
+ System

  - Provider

   [ Name]  Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
   [ Guid]  {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}
   EventID 41
   Version 6
   Level 1
   Task 63
   Opcode 0
   Keywords 0x8000400000000002
  - TimeCreated

   [ SystemTime]  2018-06-09T18:22:42.966226700Z
   EventRecordID 2043
  - Execution

   [ ProcessID]  4
   [ ThreadID]  8
   Channel System
   Computer Pc
  - Security

   [ UserID]  S-1-5-18

- EventData

  BugcheckCode 80
  BugcheckParameter1 0xffffd101f3658008
  BugcheckParameter2 0x0
  BugcheckParameter3 0xfffff801078227bc
  BugcheckParameter4 0x0
  SleepInProgress 0
  PowerButtonTimestamp 0
  BootAppStatus 0
  Checkpoint 0
  ConnectedStandbyInProgress false
  SystemSleepTransitionsToOn 0
  CsEntryScenarioInstanceId 0
  BugcheckInfoFromEFI false
  CheckpointStatus 0

Hey in the mentime 0.99J2 is up! Gotta install and update it aap and ket's see..

edit: sry for the typo i meant im on the J1 build (,4058.msg97743.html#msg97743)

edit 2: ok succesfully update to 0.99.J2 and the computer did not blow up  ;D ;D but first thing i noticed, on the former "what do"? botypedia topic suggests the bainer outfit is needed to mke a workhop, in the .J2 update it is already avaiable from start, soo the sceen may need updting too? screenshot attached

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 09, 2018, 10:35:30 pm
edit 2: ok succesfully update to 0.99.J2 and the computer did not blow up  ;D ;D but first thing i noticed, on the former "what do"? botypedia topic suggests the bainer outfit is needed to mke a workhop, in the .J2 update it is already avaiable from start

It is not? It still requires Electronics. Also the description doesn't mention Brainer Outfit but Runt Outfit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 09, 2018, 10:39:22 pm
edit 2: ok succesfully update to 0.99.J2 and the computer did not blow up  ;D ;D but first thing i noticed, on the former "what do"? botypedia topic suggests the bainer outfit is needed to mke a workhop, in the .J2 update it is already avaiable from start, soo the sceen may need updting too? screenshot attached

Radio Yerevan broadcasting again! XD
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 09, 2018, 10:40:35 pm
It is not? It still requires Electronics. Also the description doesn't mention Brainer Outfit but Runt Outfit.

ah ok then, in fact i already resarche "eletronics & electricity" topic. On to next... 8)

edit:...still BSOD ok i give up :'( never had such problem with xcomfiles mod anyway..very last thing: setting the .exe to be run in win 8 compatibility mode seems to make the gsme less crashy
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on June 10, 2018, 01:13:01 am
@Niculinux - try run X-Piratez on another pc,   / any device..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on June 10, 2018, 01:40:20 am
@Niculinox - try run X-Piratez on another pc,   / any device..

gonna try if possible. Now runts also need some lore..see in the next version :D hey ive noticed in bootypedia still some fixes are needed maybe, in fact flintlock pistol and muskets appear to be in the bow summary section, don't know if it intended. Over and out!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 10, 2018, 02:19:11 pm
Now runts also need some lore..see in the next version :D

They already do, got lore a few versions ago. Stop these uncontrolled time travels, dude :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on June 10, 2018, 03:39:40 pm
hehe, too much wine, vodkas :p ;D ;S
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 10, 2018, 07:00:25 pm
hehe, too much wine, vodkas :p ;D ;S

Time travel is usually associated with weed. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 11, 2018, 11:06:50 pm
Apparently Reapers have learned to function in space. Space freighter, with reapers outside the hull on the "roof" of the bridges between sections.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 12, 2018, 02:29:34 am
That is weird, there are no spawn points there...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 13, 2018, 05:45:21 am
Dunno but they was out there and not in the "north" garden arm like last space freighter i had. Of 3 total 2 where outside and the third was on the open floor above the main bay with the control room and bathroom on one edge.

--- Apology accepted, Admiral. Merging your posts.----

Apologies for the double post, but got another bug. Incorrect pathing through armory tower wall adjacent to NE door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 13, 2018, 05:54:25 pm
I still have no idea what happened on the Space Freighter, but the second bug, I found the source of (faulty tileset), fixed. Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on June 14, 2018, 08:29:46 am
I'm playing with the new Theban outfit, and I can't throw punch at enemy with it.
Looking at the other armors, the wench outfit has the same problem.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 14, 2018, 08:58:54 am
And how's that a bug? There was no unarmed option whatsoever for the last 20 years.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on June 14, 2018, 10:20:30 pm
But now there is an unarmed option on almost every armor, so when I saw the theban outfit without it, it looked strange.
I mean, nothing in the description suggest it can't do it.

As for the wench outfit ... Well, I really need to re-read the description after an update.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on June 15, 2018, 12:48:21 am
But now there is an unarmed option on almost every armor, so when I saw the theban outfit without it, it looked strange.
I mean, nothing in the description suggest it can't do it.

As for the wench outfit ... Well, I really need to re-read the description after an update.
For more info use ANALysis button:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on June 17, 2018, 01:00:21 pm
I got the third "strange messages" research and after a day it finished the research without any scientists - they were busy on other things and I did not trigger it by finishing research on discs or personal databases etc...

Best Regards,

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on June 17, 2018, 01:35:06 pm
Might be intentional.  Researching Solar Couriers is the same thing, you can leave it with 0 brainers and it'll finish the next day anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 18, 2018, 12:02:48 am
It is intentional that a few projects, generally repeatables that yield nothing but fluff have 0 cost. With cost 0 they will finish at the end of the next day once the projects are started.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Haggashed on June 19, 2018, 05:30:22 pm
not a major bug or maybe its intentional but the Theban Dress can't punch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on June 20, 2018, 02:13:25 am
One of the interception music tracks doesn't seem to be playing; when it comes up instead of the other tracks that do play, there's only silence while I chase down the shipping.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on June 23, 2018, 01:49:20 am
During a Cruising Counsellor mission I knocked out a Counsellor and three Thralls.  However I only captured the Counsellor.  Has anyone else captured a Thrall or are they bugged?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 23, 2018, 08:03:11 am
They're noncapurable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on June 27, 2018, 07:19:26 pm
STR_FISTY_UFOPEDIA: "A dagger is so un-posh in this time and age! This cute little thing improves the ancient art of pugilism with the added excitement of delivering a crippling electric strike straight to your opponent's jawbone. Attacks with lethal electrical currents. It will be even more effective in the hands of warriors who can land a particularly heavy blow.{NEWLINE}POWER Bonus: STRENGTH*0.4 + MELEE*0.1{NEWLINE}."

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 02, 2018, 05:21:12 am
The battlescape music in underwater missions sometimes doesn't play.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports; Stamina Recovery Bug
Post by: boss300 on July 02, 2018, 03:14:33 pm

Apologies in advance if this is a known issue.  I've played X-piratez for about a year, and update pretty regularly to stay on the latest build (I fuck up so much that its really no problem to start new games often)

One issue I've run into in every build I've tried is Stamina recovery items failing to provide any stamina back, despite using up turn units.  This has happened to me with moonshine, x-grog, and atom beer, and as you can imagine gets me killed almost every single time it happens.  Gals effected by this bug cannot recover stamina from any item on the turn where the glitch happens, but are able to restore stamina on the next turn (assuming they survive)

I hope this isn't a mechanic, because it really makes Stamina items kind of a detriment to equip, and makes it a lot harder to use high stamina cost items like large melee weapons and throwing weapons like javelins, fuso knives, axes etc (which I really like because they give high throwing acc low melee and firing gals the chance to be very dangerous)

Thanks to anyone who reads this and anyone working on the game, I really love this mod more than most games I've tried in the past 5 years.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports; Stamina Recovery Bug
Post by: Meridian on July 02, 2018, 04:25:43 pm
One issue I've run into in every build I've tried is Stamina recovery items failing to provide any stamina back, despite using up turn units.  This has happened to me with moonshine, x-grog, and atom beer, and as you can imagine gets me killed almost every single time it happens.  Gals effected by this bug cannot recover stamina from any item on the turn where the glitch happens, but are able to restore stamina on the next turn (assuming they survive)

Always look at the tooltip if you're healing yourself, or a friend (standing next to you or lying on the ground), etc.

You were probably applying stims to a different unit than you wanted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports; Stamina Recovery Bug
Post by: boss300 on July 03, 2018, 12:36:00 am
You were probably applying stims to a different unit than you wanted.

That's a really nice way to say I've been passing drinks out to people I'm swinging at
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 04, 2018, 08:17:17 am
My copy isn't letting me changed the control keys through the interface, I've been having to make changes directly in the options.cfg file. I can't figure out what would be stopping from doing it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on July 05, 2018, 06:36:12 am
My copy isn't letting me changed the control keys through the interface, I've been having to make changes directly in the options.cfg file. I can't figure out what would be stopping from doing it.
Depending on where you unpacked the game, your permission settings or your AV might prevent X-Piratez writing to the file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 05, 2018, 11:58:47 am
Other options in the same file can be changed from inside the game, just not the keys for some reason. I have it installed at c:\Games\XPiratez, so even the permission issues shouldn't affect this. And specifically what happens is when I click on the control to be changed, it does nothing, though if I right-click it will delete the key.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 05, 2018, 12:02:03 pm
Other options in the same file can be changed from inside the game, just not the keys for some reason. I have it installed at c:\Games\XPiratez, so even the permission issues shouldn't affect this. And specifically what happens is when I click on the control to be changed, it does nothing, though if I right-click it will delete the key.

What hotkey are you trying to set?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 05, 2018, 12:05:59 pm
Any of them, really. As of now the 3 I really wanted to change have been done manually. I moved the night vision toggle to N, and switch deselect unit with next unit. But on my next update I'd like to be able to do it through the interface . . . or at least know why XPiratez isn't letting me when the regular OpenXCom does.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 05, 2018, 12:19:20 pm
Ctrl, Alt and Shift are reserved, they can't be used.

Otherwise it works same as in OpenXcom, I don't see anything preventing changing keys in the source code.
Also never heard about such issue from anyone else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on July 06, 2018, 01:35:33 am
Small bug report:
When wearing the Admiral De Corazon, damage that should add moral (officers lash, pirate flag) does not add moral but removes it. I guess this is not intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 06, 2018, 12:14:09 pm
They're noncapurable.

Why?  The thralls have a research topic and everything, and there's no outside source that can give it to you for free.  Why make a research topic if no one's gonna ever be able to read it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on July 06, 2018, 12:28:11 pm
maybe its a place holder for later?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 06, 2018, 07:10:01 pm
Maybe because you were able to capture them by having one in your ship and then leaving?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 07, 2018, 01:18:01 am
There's no retreating in a Cruising Counselors mission due to a complete lack of exit areas, it's do or die like the EuroSyndicate and Sunday Town missions that also have no exit areas.  And besides, capturing by aborting with enemies in exit areas stopped being a thing a while ago which as a side note makes capturing boomosaurs even more nigh impossible now.

It's just weird because thralls have a research topic and they can even give tech for free.  Why go through all that trouble if none of it will be accessible?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 07, 2018, 02:40:18 am
i imagine they will have a function in the future, the related Arc is incomplete. Also having topics for everything a player might end up in possession of is good design, even if all topic says is "if you got this its a bug pls report."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 07, 2018, 04:43:31 am
I made the decision of them being uncapturable after making all this. This decision also can be reverted in the future. There is more stuff in the game that is not currently used, like the MERC fighter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 07, 2018, 12:52:18 pm
The new accuracy and power bonus indicators on weapons is cool, although they now block some long descriptions.  The text on the Dr. X's Lover article is also a bit too long as the last line is partially cut off.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on July 07, 2018, 02:54:41 pm
Crash after research (I think lokknarr scriptures)

Code: [Select]

[07-07-2018] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Research STR_MYTH_001 not found
[07-07-2018] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[07-07-2018] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Research STR_MYTH_001 not found

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Phaethon on July 07, 2018, 05:43:39 pm
Good day to all,

I upgraded today on the latest version (099.J3) and after migrating my save from the last version (099.J2) I seem to get errors on missions (ships) that are related to the Church faction.
The same behavior is also replicated on another set of saves that I have in a more progressed game with decoders that return Church traffic as Snakemen.
Is there a way to fix this or I need an update to get over it?
Thank you for your time in advance and props for all the hard work done so far in a remarkable mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 07, 2018, 08:29:48 pm
This is a side effect of internal changes. Try not to engage them, the problem will go away when alien missions get rerolled new month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 07, 2018, 09:46:08 pm
It is always a good idea to only upgrade at the end of the month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 08, 2018, 12:19:22 am
This is a side effect of internal changes. Try not to engage them, the problem will go away when alien missions get rerolled new month.

I got lucky, my current month seems to be completely devoid of any Church activity.

I guess that also explains why I had to research all of the Church unit examinations, but at least they were 0-brainer free tech since they're supposed to be given automatically anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Phaethon on July 08, 2018, 03:13:10 am
Thanks for the tips guys, after the month ended game is stable as usual.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 08, 2018, 12:11:01 pm
I feel like a silly ass about the key changes now. Turns out I thought the click was doing nothing because there's no visual indication it selected the key, and I'd never bothered to try pressing a key anyway to see if it still changed. My bad on that one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 08, 2018, 12:34:40 pm
Crash after research (I think lokknarr scriptures)

Code: [Select]

[07-07-2018] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Research STR_MYTH_001 not found
[07-07-2018] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[07-07-2018] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Research STR_MYTH_001 not found

Can confirm this, it happens when the scriptures try to give "Myths: The Second Snake".  It's strange because the article exists and there are no misspellings anywhere that I can find, yet the game just doesn't recognize it and crashes when trying to load it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 08, 2018, 05:18:08 pm
Can confirm this, it happens when the scriptures try to give "Myths: The Second Snake".  It's strange because the article exists and there are no misspellings anywhere that I can find, yet the game just doesn't recognize it and crashes when trying to load it.
Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_MYTH_001
    points: 200
    needItem: true
this code will fix it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 08, 2018, 06:00:11 pm
That does indeed explain it: It's completely absent from the Research section of the ruleset, so of course the game wouldn't recognize something that's not even there.

Thanks for the fix, and thank goodness it's an easy fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 08, 2018, 09:52:14 pm
Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_MYTH_001
    points: 200
    needItem: true
this code will fix it

What is the .rul file to edit? This affects the 0.99J3 build, i (sadly) presume?!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 08, 2018, 10:13:07 pm
What is the .rul file to edit? This affects the 0.99J3 build, i (sadly) presume?!

For 099J3 download ( and replace existing file:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 08, 2018, 10:27:06 pm
For 099J3 download ( and replace existing file:

thnks a lot! Hey just started a brand new game in 0.99J3 on an old x86 ubuntu 16.04 PC and using the tech tree viewer on "our culture" topic i get a "PIRATE /SLV" string, is it a typpo bug? See 'shiot attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 08, 2018, 10:55:55 pm
thnks a lot! Hey just started a brand new game in 0.99J3 on an old x86 ubuntu 16.04 PC and using the tech tree viewer on "our culture" topic i get a "PIRATE /SLV" string, is it a typpo bug? See 'shiot attached

Work as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AlienZimogor on July 08, 2018, 11:30:44 pm
Oh my god...
On a ironman caught by "segmentation fault". Ver: j2,j3
With only one save. Save cannot loadable. On a both versions.
Mission: ride to academy, what i do before crash: end turn, where: near ship. Time: month 3, armor: savage x2, pirate x3, adventurer x1, equipped weapons: savage sword x2, ak47, battlerifle, hammer, uzi, saber. Some tiles on a map burnt&smoked by molotov and frag. This is all what i remember.
Archive contains:
1. .cfg file
2. .sav file
3. .log file

Some observations:
This problem can't encountered in a version year ago(f3?)
This problem might be encountered everywhere: options menu, base screen, worldmap, battlemap, load game, save game, exit game...

What a joke: unlocked ironman in extreme-bugged mod, makes game unloadable. Time to make some extra autosaves(on a start month, on a 10th day, before battle, on a first turn, with free loading without time-waste), or cut ironman?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 09, 2018, 12:10:53 am
It loaded fine for me... does anyone else get a crash on this save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 09, 2018, 12:31:26 am
With only one save. Save cannot loadable. On a both versions.
Mission: ride to academy, what i do before crash: end turn, where: near ship. Time: month 3, armor: savage x2, pirate x3, adventurer x1, equipped weapons: savage sword x2, ak47, battlerifle, hammer, uzi, saber. Some tiles on a map burnt&smoked by molotov and frag. This is all what i remember.
I have tested with fresh 099j3 and i can't reproduce it. Here's a save file right after the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AlienZimogor on July 09, 2018, 01:02:22 am
Thanks for all, problem solved: something bad in a cfg. I don't know, what is broken, but renew game&delete config works. Thx to user, that make a screen with different layout(Meridian). And next for user, that saves my time(FG).
Probably thing that cause this: notorious openGL "supporting" on a old devices, like my ancient calculator. Encountered in openGL games&apps like renpy, niceboat engine, FOnline, and so on.
Switch to 1600x900 and applying filters make segmentations faults again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 09, 2018, 02:17:56 am
i get a "PIRATE /SLV" string, is it a typpo bug?

It's not a bug, it's the pirate outfit for slave soldiers.

Edit: Got a crash on trying to manufacture an exotic dancer.  I think it's a similar case to the scriptures where the thing is absent from the ruleset (the manufacture section in this case).  I was wondering why the item to be produced was "Gladiatrix to Exotic Dancer" instead of something like "EXOTIC DANCER".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AlienZimogor on July 10, 2018, 02:50:41 pm
And again faulted segmentations after some hours of playing.
Spent time with shamanic dances and sings, i finally find REAL CAUSE of this: different original game versions. Just replace classic UFO to UFO from collectors edition and problem dissolved.
I guess that in such cases the mod will definitely benefit from the "all-in-one" assembly(instead of raw mod), excluding such problems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 10, 2018, 04:06:25 pm
I am pretty sure it is still illegal to distribute the mod/open xcom in general with a version of X-COM.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 10, 2018, 05:18:09 pm
Also, I have never heard of this problem. Perhaps some files were simply missing from your first installment?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 10, 2018, 06:51:17 pm
Well, I know more than just the exe was changed when they updated to 1.4. Perhaps looking for data that wasn't there in a pre-1.4 version, which is why updating to collector's edition solves it. Then again, can also just plain be missing files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on July 10, 2018, 07:41:25 pm
I am pretty sure it is still illegal to distribute the mod/open xcom in general with a version of X-COM.

Yes, sadly we live in a  world where works of charismatic artists are much more protected than works of boring scientists and engineers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AlienZimogor on July 10, 2018, 11:43:05 pm
Looks like this(game from torrent, first match on a search page, like 99% users, who don't waste time for checking), but old version works correctly year ago. Simple updating to j2 cause this problem.
It is not a problem of creepy OXCE and mods, it is a problem with users, who have internets and variety builds of original game, but they haven't informed about NEEDFUL correct version. Original game can't tolerate with win7 or win10, and need a mods, dosbox, and circle begins... Most of internets users can't know about differences between "ORIGINAL GAME for 2018 pc-users" and "ORIGINAL GAME for 1995 pc-users". For usual human two of this is a just old game with scary graphics and still without boarding battles in 2k18. And what is actually worse from this, it is unclear.
Trivium way to overcome this: all-in-one version, most of mod-teams worldwide use this
"Legal" way to overcome this: some infromation about "right version" in a readme
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 11, 2018, 01:55:35 am
Looks like this(game from torrent, first match on a search page, like 99% users, who don't waste time for checking)

No offense, but speak for yourself.
Let's take a look at the readme:
Code: [Select]

Copy files from your original "UFO: Enemy Unknown"/"X-Com: UFO Defense" folder to the "OpenXcom_XPiratez/UFO" folder.

And by "Original", it means not_from_a_torrent.

A couple of bucks here:
or there:
can solve this issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 11, 2018, 02:33:58 pm
What FG says. Also the amount of mods that come with the game they mod is just a tiny fraction of all mods. The vast majority requires you to have the game and then install the mod in the appropiate place.

X-Com is on sale every couple of months, so if you don't want to pay the $ for it now just wait.

As for me, I haven't used torrents in years and if the only option to download something would be the torrent...well, fuck it then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 11, 2018, 05:42:52 pm
The heavy slugthrower's chem ammo doesn't seem to be using the right graphic, it looks like an eyeball and is too small for a 2x1 item.

The uber wheat, meanwhile, looks way too big for a 1x1 item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on July 11, 2018, 07:55:42 pm

And by "Original", it means not_from_a_torrent.

Well, you know, I still have my original Amiga floppies somewhere in the attic. And a ton of backups. I very much doubt they'll do well with current code.

So at least an obvious notice in the docs or something would be reasonable to expect.

Also 'original' can be thought to mean 'not collector's edition'.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 12, 2018, 01:47:10 am
Missed Tech STR_MEGAPOL_SMG for Mini SMG:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on July 12, 2018, 07:08:16 am
I had a some issues with a couple missions running the newest version J3.  I had a temple mission in the slums (the map with all the wrecked buildings and the elevated bridge running through the middle) and there was no temple building, there seemed to be the correct amount of enemies and all that so not a huge deal.  I also had one of my terror missions giving a segmentation fault, I accidentally saved over the save right before it happens so I can't provide one.  I looked at the openxcom.log file but it gave no indication of why it crashed, just the same generic message that pops up when the game crashes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 12, 2018, 08:13:37 am
That was probably due the the faction ruleset shift that happened to accommodate the new eridians faction. Until a new month rolls around and a fresh set of missions are generated, church missions may or may not function correctly. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on July 13, 2018, 01:27:56 am

Build my second base, built extractor there, cannot build Still there to produce alcohol. What gives?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 13, 2018, 01:37:38 am

Build my second base, built extractor there, cannot build Still there to produce alcohol. What gives?
You need Alchemy tech.
On a global map press Q, press Q again, then type: "Alchemy".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Teal on July 13, 2018, 07:13:24 am
Here's a crash, it happens whenever you attempt to land at the current mutant pogrom.
The only mod that adds major things is Cars and Tanks Plus.

The mission info from the save file is
Code: [Select]
  - lon: 1.8270979274502639
    lat: -0.77536252019848084
    deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION
    missionCustomDeploy: STR_ATTACK_DOOM_RAID
    id: 11
    texture: -1
    secondsRemaining: 10800
    detected: true

The save was started in 0.99J2, but it has been many months since updating.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 13, 2018, 11:58:09 am
Here's a crash, it happens whenever you attempt to land at the current mutant pogrom.
The only mod that adds major things is Cars and Tanks Plus.

The mission info from the save file is
Code: [Select]
  - lon: 1.8270979274502639
    lat: -0.77536252019848084
    deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION
    missionCustomDeploy: STR_ATTACK_DOOM_RAID
    id: 11
    texture: -1
    secondsRemaining: 10800
    detected: true

The save was started in 0.99J2, but it has been many months since updating.

It looks like "alienRank: 9" for "STR_DOOM_TERROR" has some problems. Here's temporary fix:
- alienRank: 9
- alienRank: 7
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 14, 2018, 06:20:46 am
I found the problem with the exotic dancer.  The manufacturing entries don't actually have anything defined to produce; specifically, they're missing this:
Code: [Select]

Just add that to the "STR_COURTESAN_MK2_FROM_COURTESAN" and "STR_COURTESAN_MK2_FROM_GLADIATRIX" entries and you can finally start making them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 14, 2018, 12:07:33 pm
I found the problem with the exotic dancer.  The manufacturing entries don't actually have anything defined to produce; specifically, they're missing this:
Code: [Select]

Just add that to the "STR_COURTESAN_MK2_FROM_COURTESAN" and "STR_COURTESAN_MK2_FROM_GLADIATRIX" entries and you can finally start making them.

OK. Here's updated for 099J3 ( ruleset. Download and replace existing file:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on July 14, 2018, 11:43:22 pm
Bug in STR_ATTACK_DOOM_RAID  alienDeployment  Piratez_Factions.rul:53565

It has alienRank: 9 while there are only 8 entities in the race. This crashes on battlescape generation for a terror mission.

Changing it to 7 fixes the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 14, 2018, 11:47:38 pm
Bug in STR_ATTACK_DOOM_RAID  alienDeployment  Piratez_Factions.rul:53565

It has alienRank: 9 while there are only 8 entities in the race. This crashes on battlescape generation for a terror mission.

Changing it to 7 fixes the crash.

Already fixed,4058.msg99139.html#msg99139   8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on July 14, 2018, 11:50:42 pm
Like this,4058.msg99139.html#msg99139 ?  8)

Yeah, the same one.

Maybe it's time we get set up a bug tracker and an scm for the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 15, 2018, 12:30:24 am

Maybe it's time we get a bug tracker and an scm for the mod.


--- posts merged. Don't rock the boat. m8 ---

It has alienRank: 9 while there are only 8 entities in the race. This crashes on battlescape generation for a terror mission.

BTW, can't find those race entities, can you tell where to look?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on July 15, 2018, 12:49:25 am
BTW, can't find those race entities, can you tell where to look?

user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Armors.rul:10134:  - id: STR_DOOM_TERROR
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 15, 2018, 12:59:43 am
user/mods/Piratez/Ruleset/Piratez_Armors.rul:10134:  - id: STR_DOOM_TERROR

Ah. Here they are ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mk-fg on July 15, 2018, 12:24:45 pm
I've played two "Organ Traffickers" ghoul chop-shop maps in a new 0.99J2/J3 game so far, and found that in both cases, there was a problem with ghouls spawning on the roof with no way for them to get down from there, and naturally no way for non-flying soldiers to get up either.
Not entirely sure if it's unintentional (i.e. a bug), but sure looks like it.

Example image for last of the two maps attached.

I did crudely highlight two things there:

A. Maybe issue can be easily solved by adding vertical ladders to these crosswalks (or in the corners there)?
They seem to be above otherwise empty areas anyway, and seem to be ubiquitous enough to always provide reliable access.

B. Roof itself is separated into twothree areas by fences, which probably means that adding sparse entry points (like 1-2 per map) might not be sufficient to access all of it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 15, 2018, 12:27:17 pm
I had that as well in a previous version. I used explosives to bring the ghoul down to my level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 15, 2018, 02:57:49 pm
when in doubt explosives  8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mk-fg on July 15, 2018, 03:06:50 pm
Given how spacey roof area is (pretty much whole map) and smoke everywhere (hard to see even if they walk near the edge), pretty sure it'd take quite a bit of explosions to destroy all the roofs indiscriminately without flying spotters.
And it's not just 1 random ghoul spawning there either (bug-hunt), was like 4 on that specific map iirc.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 16, 2018, 01:17:19 pm
I think the Church enemies have lost their shields.  I can't quite tell since I'm shooting them with piercing instead of lasers, but they don't occasionally flash yellow.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 16, 2018, 03:36:28 pm
I think the Church enemies have lost their shields.  I can't quite tell since I'm shooting them with piercing instead of lasers, but they don't occasionally flash yellow.

According to Yankes_Scripts.rul they stay the same.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 16, 2018, 09:53:18 pm
Oh. I know what's wrong with them. In 099J3 update the Church was renamed  from "SNAKEMAN" to "CHURCH" but Yankes_Scripts.rul hasn't been changed yet and still use old variables. Like
instead of
and so on. Here's a fix:

And here's cumulative fix for all known 099J3 errors:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rikiswar on July 17, 2018, 12:24:35 am
The heavy slugthrower's chem ammo doesn't seem to be using the right graphic, it looks like an eyeball and is too small for a 2x1 item.

The uber wheat, meanwhile, looks way too big for a 1x1 item.

The heavy slugthrower's chem ammo use the cabbage sprite because in both the Piratez.rul and Piratez_Resources.rul they have the same number (1228) assigned, which mean that X-Piratez use the entry that is below in the Piratez_Resources.rul, which is the cabbage sprite. This also has the effect of making entry 1229-1244 be one less then they should be. I have attached a picture of how the chem ammo should look like.

The Uber Wheat should most likely be a 3x2 item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 17, 2018, 11:06:13 pm
In 0.99J3 bootypedia'sw filntlock rifle image entry has its decription cutted, as the  attached screenshot displays
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 18, 2018, 12:28:21 am
That's not the only entry affected.  Seems the descriptions will need rewrites to accommodate for the new accuracy and power bonus displays.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rikiswar on July 18, 2018, 06:26:45 pm
In 0.99J3 bootypedia'sw filntlock rifle image entry has its decription cutted, as the  attached screenshot displays

There are 34 entries that are affected, which include: Ghost Dagger, Vampiric Sword, Hellblade, O'Harty's Gun, Dart Pistol, XG Pistol, Kustom Blunderbuss, Heavy Slugthrower, Super Shotgun, Mammoth Chain Shotgun, Arena Flak Cannon, Laslock Shotgun, Linux SMG, Linux Origami SMG, Boarding Gun, Reticulan Lasgun, XG Assault, Flintlock Rifle, Light Sniper Rifle, Custom Snipin' Gun, Precision Laser, Meridian's Special Autogun, Asuka Rifle, Ballista, Mortar, Shoulder Launcher, Laserball, Marsec Mega-Flamer, Tome of Lightning, Holy Handgrenade of Antioch, Scroll of Inconsensuality, Officer's Lash, Ghost Beam and Lucky Star.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Malekh on July 19, 2018, 11:39:25 am
Awsome mod, thanks' and glories eternal to the developer (and all the little helpers)!


[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_SNAKEMAN_NONCOM defined in deployment: STR_LOC_CHURCH_OUTPOST_COLD

(The quickfixes from post 2444 didnt seem to fix this - I'm just skipping the mission for now, but you might want squish the bug anyways).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 19, 2018, 01:23:58 pm
Awsome mod, thanks' and glories eternal to the developer (and all the little helpers)!


[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_SNAKEMAN_NONCOM defined in deployment: STR_LOC_CHURCH_OUTPOST_COLD

(The quickfixes from post 2444 didnt seem to fix this - I'm just skipping the mission for now, but you might want squish the bug anyways).

Old saves from previous version is causing this error. Just skip it and you will not face it again in the next game month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 19, 2018, 11:23:15 pm
DL this file please into user/mods/piratez/ruleset to fix the problem with Spectre transformations.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 20, 2018, 12:23:43 pm
DL this file please into user/mods/piratez/ruleset to fix the problem with Spectre transformations.

Just started a new game in 0.99J4 and among the starting gals there is Spectre, is this a bug related to that build? The above posted fix will patch it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 20, 2018, 01:09:11 pm
The above posted fix will patch it?

Nope. But

Code: [Select]
  randomSoldiers: 6>
Code: [Select]

will fix it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 20, 2018, 01:13:12 pm
Nope. But

Code: [Select]
  randomSoldiers: 6>
Code: [Select]

will fix it.

thanks but transformations.rul patched file (,4058.msg99653.html#msg99653) is still needed for the 0.99J4?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 20, 2018, 01:21:26 pm
thanks but transformations.rul patched file (,4058.msg99653.html#msg99653) is still needed for the 0.99J4?

If J4 archive called like "Dioxine_XPiratez_0_99_J4.rar" (first release), then you still need it, otherwise (Dioxine_XPiratez_099J4.rar - current link from the main thread) - no.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 20, 2018, 03:36:27 pm
The starting spectre thing was meant as a Halloween joke ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on July 20, 2018, 03:46:51 pm
The starting spectre thing was meant as a Halloween joke ;)

Now I see the subtitle "Halloween Comes Early"!!! Actually, it would be cool if some sort of that may be related to the computer clock, and be active only for a small amount of days  8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 21, 2018, 02:22:11 am
Game crashes for me, when switching display filter from sabre* to "disabled" and back (segmentation error)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on July 21, 2018, 06:36:19 pm
Hmm. Forum search didn't return anything, so here goes: Game crashing randomly with the message: "Research STR_MYTH_001 not found". Anything I can do to get past this?

(I think I was researching one of the LokNar Scriptures at the time, but ... well, the game crashed and I hadn't saved for some minutes, so I cannot be sure)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 21, 2018, 06:41:13 pm
Hmm. Forum search didn't return anything, so here goes: Game crashing randomly with the message: "Research STR_MYTH_001 not found". Anything I can do to get past this?

Fixed in 099J4 release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on July 21, 2018, 07:40:58 pm
HANDS menu in Hideout lost its Training button after upgrading to J4, assigning Gals to training can now only be done tough right clicking Dojos.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on July 21, 2018, 07:45:38 pm
It's not lost, try the drop-down menu in the lower left.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on July 21, 2018, 08:32:16 pm
Game crashed during a Spartan Mutant Pogrom:

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Sound 132 in BATTLE.CAT not found
[FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sound 132 in BATTLE.CAT not found
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 21, 2018, 08:43:27 pm
Game crashed during a Spartan Mutant Pogrom:

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Sound 132 in BATTLE.CAT not found
[FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sound 132 in BATTLE.CAT not found

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on July 21, 2018, 10:34:09 pm
I couldn't reproduce it with the closest save I had. I did verify the files in Steam, and copied them back over, though. Not sure whether that fixed it or if the error is just really random.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 21, 2018, 10:37:12 pm
I couldn't reproduce it with the closest save I had. I did verify the files in Steam, and copied them back over, though. Not sure whether that fixed it or if the error is just really random.

I can't reproduce it either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: XCOMJunkie on July 22, 2018, 05:09:58 am
It's not lost, try the drop-down menu in the lower left.

Interesting. I updated my save and was about to report the same bug. When I updated the xpirates files the "Hands" GUI didn't change, but once I researched Shakeup Ceremony the GUI updates and I no longer have a training button any more... it is replaced with the new bottom-left drop-down menu as you said. Thanks for pointing that out, I was overlooking it too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 22, 2018, 06:51:53 am
Font size oddity with apoc disciple
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on July 22, 2018, 02:16:41 pm
Fixed in 099J4 release.

Ah, thanks, since I just downloaded a few days ago I hadn't thought there was a new update already.
I'll install it right away - thanks again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 22, 2018, 07:23:48 pm
Got stuck in the "has lost conscious" screen.
Whenever I click it away, it comes again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 22, 2018, 08:57:42 pm
Got stuck in the "has lost conscious" screen.
Whenever I click it away, it comes again.

Hmm. i don't see anything like that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 22, 2018, 09:24:55 pm
It comes and goes.
When I reload the savegame, it seems not to occur anymore. Strange. Got this twice on the nuke launching map.

Here one other bug. Can`t read the whole text.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on July 23, 2018, 06:58:02 am
I had a weird issue with the palette earlier. It seemed colors were shifted to darker shades. I wasn't sure for a few minutes, but then reloaded a game and then it seemed normal. I'm not even entirely sure I didn't imagine it, but wondering if this is possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on July 23, 2018, 05:49:49 pm
Not sure if I just had very bad luck, but on 2 of 4 Infested Cellar missions generated so far part of the cellar was unreachable and thus the mission could not be finished. :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 23, 2018, 06:26:27 pm
Are these purple and green fields intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 23, 2018, 06:44:10 pm
Not sure if I just had very bad luck, but on 2 of 4 Infested Cellar missions generated so far part of the cellar was unreachable and thus the mission could not be finished. :(

Bad luck nothing else, always bring demolition tools to every mission. The spawning map chunk for tavern even helpfully provides a pickax if no other option is available.

Are these purple and green fields intended?

Yep, 0.99J4, added new types of farms to encounter, with different farm products then the usual apples.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 23, 2018, 06:55:59 pm
Not sure, if this is a bug, but:
I can only research few captives, but have a lot more in prison (can one get into position, that some people can`t be investigated anymore)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on July 23, 2018, 09:32:56 pm
I think people wrote several times, that you can easily check that by middle-clicking on the prisoner... really no need to ask.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 23, 2018, 09:34:37 pm
LouisdeFzuines needs to grind tokens to get bank/saya/alliance favours or he'll be stuck forever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 24, 2018, 01:49:04 am
Force blade's description still mentions it doing highly random damage when, according to the ANAL screen, it actually does a reliable 50-150% damage spread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on July 24, 2018, 10:22:22 am
Not sure, if this is a bug, but:
I can only research few captives, but have a lot more in prison (can one get into position, that some people can`t be investigated anymore)?

Keep the provost and esper (you'll need them later), rob/enslave the rest that don't have any research topics left.  What's happening is that each enemy that you capture has a pre-defined set of research topics that you can unlock via interrogations (middle mouse button is your friend here), once you unlock them all they don't show up in the research list anymore.  It's still worth capturing enemies you can't research anymore to give you more slaves, robbery loot, or just plain ransom cash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 24, 2018, 09:32:09 pm
Strange, I wanted to transfer Alliance Advisors from one base to the other, but got the message: "There are no animal cages at that hideout".
But it was possible to buy them in the appropriate base (without any beast den

Is this intended or a bug?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on July 24, 2018, 10:04:10 pm
Strange, I wanted to transfer Alliance Advisors from one base to the other, but got the message: "There are no animal cages at that hideout".
But it was possible to buy them in the appropriate base (without any beast den

Is this intended or a bug?
Did you buy it at your starting base with the Burrow still in it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 24, 2018, 10:07:26 pm
Strange, I wanted to transfer Alliance Advisors from one base to the other, but got the message: "There are no animal cages at that hideout".
But it was possible to buy them in the appropriate base (without any beast den

Is this intended or a bug?

Alliance Advisors is using
prisonType: 1

In current version there is no facilities with "prisonType: 1". As a result, you cannot transfer or sell them.

Quick fix. Open "\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez.rul"
find line 1903:

Code: [Select]
prisonType: 1
and change it with this one:

Code: [Select]
#prisonType: 1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 25, 2018, 05:09:42 am
Code: [Select]
  STR_MEDAL_FALLEN2_DESCRIPTION: "his gal has returned from Hell, only to be killed again. And possibly again. Will that stubborn wench ever learn?">
  STR_MEDAL_FALLEN2_DESCRIPTION: " T his gal has returned from Hell, only to be killed again. And possibly again. Will that stubborn wench ever learn?"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on July 26, 2018, 01:35:20 am
In the They Came From The Sea bounty mission, enemies with the trophies and rare loot (and even lobstermen) fail to spawn on Blackbeard difficulty when the map is the Island Community one.  They spawn just fine on all the other map types even on Blackbeard.

Also a tiny nitpick: The manufacturing text for disassembling laspistols still say "D-A" when all the rest say "D/A".

Edit: I don't think the Solar Governor's morale-debuffing effect is happening in the second half of the Cydonia battle.  I did do that battle with gals at or over 100 bravery and syns who don't care about morale, but I did notice that the text indicating the debuff wasn't there unlike in the first half.

Also, is it on purpose that the Zubrin has a crew capacity of 8 yet I'm doing the battle with only 7?  Where'd the missing gal go?  If it had been a regular battle instead of Cydonia where there was no going back, would I have recovered that missing gal after the battle or was she just gone?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 26, 2018, 11:29:55 am
7 gals out of 8 survived the trip in this coffin? This only means you are lucky!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 26, 2018, 12:02:41 pm
1 out of 8 got eaten or sacrificed as a decoy to land on mars.
Sounds like a bug similiar to long ago. Last occurance the victim was gone forever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 26, 2018, 12:11:56 pm
FFS, it's not a bug, it's a feature... Which was quite tricky to add, as far as I know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 26, 2018, 03:02:07 pm
Yeah the zubrin lets you try to hail mary the last mission, on much less tech, and with no assurance the crew will all arrive. But hey shave a year of your campaign time has to have some sorta downside.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 26, 2018, 04:36:19 pm
I applied the 'fix' for the ghost-gals spawning in a new game but they still spawn.
Am I supposed to work with 4 hands and 2 ghosts on JS supermutant?

I can make dis' work tho using peasants but just wanna double check.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 26, 2018, 04:49:35 pm
I applied the 'fix' for the ghost-gals spawning in a new game but they still spawn.

Hm. i don't think they can spawn after the fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 26, 2018, 05:25:57 pm
Found the correct fix. Problem solved.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 26, 2018, 05:38:19 pm
How can I remove the ghost gals spawning in the beginning?
Could you please share the fix?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 26, 2018, 08:36:25 pm
öffene das Ruleset für xpiratez

  randomSoldiers: 6

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on July 26, 2018, 08:42:40 pm
How can I remove the ghost gals spawning in the beginning?
Could you please share the fix?

Jul-26-2018 (for 0.99J4):
- fix: Alliance Advisors can be properly sold/transferred
- fix: No more random ghost girls at the beginning of a new game
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 26, 2018, 09:20:48 pm
Thank you Ethereal_Medic and FG.

I recommend, to answer here in English, so that everyone can benefit from your effort in helping me/all.
But only, if you want so.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 28, 2018, 07:29:25 pm
Something odd happens to me.
When I go with the mouse to the very bottom of the screen, the arrow changes to the windows arrow.
I think, this is rather new to me.

When startin other OXCE+ instances, that doesn`t happen.
I`m playing in fullscreen.

Can I change this somewhere in the options? I don`t want to change always back to windows.

EDIT: Issue vanished, after reboot...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on July 30, 2018, 11:56:00 am
I finally remembered to report a bug I hit a couple weeks ago while I was offline. I was using 0.99J1 at the time.

The problem is that openxcom crashes with a "UFO (Mapblock CSHOUSE_01) could not be placed on the map" error, as shown in the screenshot.

I've attached a savefile - if I loaded it and let the ship reach the mission (takes a few seconds), the bug triggered. I don't know whether this is still reproducible in 0.99J4. Also the log doesn't seem to include any relevant information; I wonder if a debug build of OpenXcomEx would help in that regard.

(As a side note, I'm grateful to the openxcom devs for including a suggestion to turn on save scumming, so that the map generator can create the map with a different PRNG seed and not crash :) )

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on July 30, 2018, 09:08:57 pm
Hi, I've had a Bounty Hunting mission involving a Human Mage spawn (the one with a 15 turn time limit), but when I got there I couldn't find him anywhere. The only enemy was a single Tough Guy. Is this a bug or am I just doing something wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 30, 2018, 10:02:55 pm
Not a bug, the majority of the enemies are inside the green hovercar at the top of the tower. There is no no door so you must break your way inside, with hammer pickax, explosives, ect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lobsterman Bait on July 31, 2018, 09:12:40 am
D'oh, looks like I just automatically assumed that transports are indestructible, like the Skyranger in the original game.   ::)
Thank you
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 31, 2018, 12:36:33 pm
D'oh, looks like I just automatically assumed that transports are indestructible, like the Skyranger in the original game.   ::)
Thank you

You've to aim for the doors or the floor-tiles to break it with a hammer/pickaxe.
Mining Laser works too but you'll get instantly shot from every foe inside the craft facing your direction.

The fastest and save way is to plant 2x high explosives on the door stacked up and boom -> vessel cleared.
Loot explodes, not true for trophies. To save loot you can use 1-2 poison-bombs instead.

You can mix up further by using 1x high explosive to break the door and let a non-lethal bomb explode second.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on July 31, 2018, 08:21:23 pm
I have a fun strategy if you have unlocked the grav harness :
Make a hole in the roof of the hovercar (with a fusion Torch) and drop some grenades. It's always fun to watch.
No reaction fire, and the loot is still alive (if you use the good kind of grenade) !

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on July 31, 2018, 08:34:54 pm
Got a strange bug:
I turned on the option, that landed vessels will be told to me.
But often enough I can`t see any vessel on the screen, when the message comes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 31, 2018, 08:50:57 pm
It is possible due to the way radar functions for a craft to still be tracked past the edge of your detection area. Radar only checks every half hour of geoscape clock, so something can leave range and still be reported on until the next check. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on August 01, 2018, 03:56:29 am
Bug with Ufo trajectory. Ufo is supposed to land (trajectory P3) but just vanishes. Save attached.

Reloading an earlier save with the Ufo choosing a different flight path will have it land just fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 01, 2018, 09:48:43 am
I found a spot in the jungle where I hear random sounds when my gal stops in a particular area, a few tiles around where the screenshot shows the currently selected gal. Included the save in order to demonstrate. This is in version 0.99J4.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 01, 2018, 12:51:41 pm
Sounds like you're using outdated files... but I will check it.

Edit: found it, fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 01, 2018, 05:50:00 pm
in 0.99j4 during the infested cellar mission seems like im stuck, there is a pickaxe, i grabbed it bu cannot figure how to dig to reach and bag those damn rats! I tried to hit around the map, but no results :( It's a bug in the map or what?

Edit: in the meantime, i flee, and in a bounty lvl D mission (free city - traitor's at large) seems airbus has landed in a middle of a building and cannot reach enemy! Luckily i have an assault cannon with exp cannonbaòò onboard, i'll trry
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 01, 2018, 06:36:47 pm
To use a pickax you need to be standing adjacent to the wall you wish to break, and fairly often you have to force fire(ctrl click) on the desired tile.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 01, 2018, 11:29:33 pm
To use a pickax you need to be standing adjacent to the wall you wish to break, and fairly often you have to force fire(ctrl click) on the desired tile.
got the point, destroyd some blocks on the very left side of the map, but still blocked  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 01, 2018, 11:53:46 pm
At one point, you get 'bughunt'-mode to help you find the rats. They glow as blue dots on the map.
The dungeon only has 2 floors it should be doable to hack through the walls with some time and effort.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 01, 2018, 11:57:41 pm
got the point, destroyd some blocks on the very left side of the map, but still blocked  :'(
Map blocks are square and the middle has the enemies. So try to dig toward that, not the very border.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 02, 2018, 01:07:24 am
I've hit another bug, this time regarding the transfer of beasts between bases.

The setup is having a big base, and a small base with no storage but just a good ol' burrow. Then, transfer some beasts from your big base to the small base.

The game will let me transfer the beasts without checking the storage space in the destination base. Therefore, it will reserve some space (64 units) of storage even though the burrow offers only 25 units of storage. Then, at the next hour tick the game checks the storage limits and prompts me to sell some booty... but I cannot sell nor transfer the beasts because they're still in transit. As there is nothing else in the small base, the game soft-locks.

In the attached save, see how my Australia base is waiting for some tamed reapers in 15 hours. When the in-game clock reaches 18:00, the bug appears. In the attached screenshot, see how the storage space shows up as (64:25) but there are no items in the base.

I'm using 0.99J4.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 02, 2018, 01:52:06 am
I just noticed that Evil Grass™ appears on missions regarding a Church temple on the wilderness.

I know that, internally, a Church temple is a 20x30 ""ship"", and that Evil Grass™ appears on whole 10x10 beneath any ship. But anyway, the Bootypedia entry for evil grass mentions that it becomes a nuisance when "disturbed by the landing of a ship". In the attached screenshot, notice how the movement across the grassy area at the side of the church footpath costs 8 per tile.

Evil Grass™ on Church temples makes sense according to the internals of the game... but it makes no sense if we are to believe the lore. Unless the Church has a tendency to plop down temples with a gigantic sky-crane helicopter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 02, 2018, 01:54:20 am
small category bug: handcannon and the arcane rounds are still tagged as plasma, same for merdian's auto gun.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on August 03, 2018, 04:35:26 pm
I suddently started facing missing strings every now and then.
For example, currently it's STR_ESOTECICA and STR_NEC_001 in research projects - I just researched STR_VOICES_OF_THE_DEAD.
I can also buy STR_EXPEDITION_RESEARCH on the black market.
I think the first ones I encountered were STR_PEASANT_ARMOR_LEGION_UC and STR_PIRATE_SWASHBUCKLER_UC.
Can I do anything to fix that?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on August 03, 2018, 04:53:25 pm
I suddently started facing missing strings every now and then.
For example, currently it's STR_ESOTECICA and STR_NEC_001 in research projects - I just researched STR_VOICES_OF_THE_DEAD.
I can also buy STR_EXPEDITION_RESEARCH on the black market.
I think the first ones I encountered were STR_PEASANT_ARMOR_LEGION_UC and STR_PIRATE_SWASHBUCKLER_UC.
Can I do anything to fix that?

Any details? Version, savedata, logs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on August 03, 2018, 04:54:26 pm
make sure your game is set to use EN-US
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on August 03, 2018, 05:25:34 pm
Any details? Version, savedata, logs?

Oh, sure - sorry. Version is 0.99J4.
In the log it just says it's missing those strings.
Quote from: logfile
[03-08-2018_12-24-24]   [WARN]   STR_VOICES_OF_THE_DEAD not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-26-32]   [WARN]   STR_NEC_001 not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-26-32]   [WARN]   STR_ESOTERICA not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-26-34]   [WARN]   STR_VOICES_OF_THE_DEAD_UFOPEDIA not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-31-36]   [WARN]   STR_EXPEDITION_RESEARCH_UFOPEDIA not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-32-38]   [WARN]   STR_SHAKEUP_CEREMONY not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-33-18]   [WARN]   STR_SLAVE_ARMOR_LEGION_UC not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-33-18]   [WARN]   STR_PEASANT_ARMOR_LEGION_UC not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-33-32]   [WARN]   STR_PEASANT_ARMOR_LEGION_UC_UFOPEDIA not found in en-US
[03-08-2018_15-38-49]   [WARN]   STR_QUADCANNON_UC not found in en-US

What do you need from the savefile?

In which file should the strings be? In mods\piratez\language\en-US.yml ? Cause this file does not contain those strings...

Display language is set to English (US).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on August 03, 2018, 06:17:31 pm
Oh, sure - sorry. Version is 0.99J4.
In the log it just says it's missing those strings.
What do you need from the savefile?

In which file should the strings be? In mods\piratez\language\en-US.yml ? Cause this file does not contain those strings...

Display language is set to English (US).

You should re-download 099J4 from the main thread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rezaf on August 03, 2018, 08:43:59 pm
Yeah, that fixed it, thanks FG. Weird.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DaEMon on August 04, 2018, 04:51:22 am

Crash happens when car arrives at "burning town" event.

Save attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on August 04, 2018, 06:51:54 am

Crash happens when car arrives at "burning town" event.

Save attached

Logs? i can't reproduce it with 99j4
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DaEMon on August 04, 2018, 10:24:14 am
where are the logs? Is it a file somewhere?

The version of the save is 0.99j4
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on August 04, 2018, 10:34:23 am
where are the logs? Is it a file somewhere?

The version of the save is 0.99j4

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 04, 2018, 02:28:17 pm
Can`t read the full pedia entry:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 04, 2018, 10:30:07 pm
in 0.99J4 ol' carabine in bootypedia is categorized in the sniping summary, while the scoped carabine in the rifles summary, is that intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 05, 2018, 01:28:31 am
Yeah that's intended odd as it might seem. What qualifies as a rifle is in the summary, 15% or greater armor pen on standard ammo and unlimited aimed range. So the scoped meets those criteria. The ole carbine lacks the armor pen and unlimited aimed range so its not a rifle by those narrow criteria.

That said ol carbine dose not meet sniper criteria so should not be in that section.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on August 05, 2018, 06:57:13 am
It seems more sensible that something with no aimed range limit should be in sniping, that's basically the intent of sniping is to take out a target from a very long distance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 05, 2018, 07:35:14 am
well no, the approximate battle scale is one meter per tile. The largest maps are around 60 x 60 tiles. A full length rifle that can't shoot the diagonal at 84m at full aim would be a piss poor rifle by even black powder standards. Remember that (Fire) mode range is the range at which the weapon starts to experience accuracy drop off for the mode.

So yes a full length rifle is unlimited, for the scale of the game. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 05, 2018, 01:10:53 pm
well no, the approximate battle scale is one meter per tile.

Or is it?
For a number of reasons (technical limitations, playability), games present you a more condensed world. Even Stalker does it, despite having realistic graphics: although the town of Pripet looks the same as the real deal, its buildings are in fact much smaller.
So even though the tile looks to be around one metre (compared to soldier sprites), they could just as well be three metres, just not represented directly for clarity of graphics. But honestly I wouldn't even try to guess at the exact number, the game doesn't need it and it would probably bring more problems in than it would solve.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2018, 05:24:38 pm
Yeah that's intended odd as it might seem. What qualifies as a rifle is in the summary, 15% or greater armor pen on standard ammo and unlimited aimed range. So the scoped meets those criteria. The ole carbine lacks the armor pen and unlimited aimed range so its not a rifle by those narrow criteria.

That said ol carbine dose not meet sniper criteria so should not be in that section.

8ve also noticed that painbringer smg is not in the sms section. Also im mot sure whether tommy should be in the rifles section, instead of smg as now (0.99J4) maybe bootypedia need some more rearrangment  :)

edit: noticed im able to produce alreay avaiable prizes too, for eg silver snake is always avaiable for production, even if i can buy, but thinks this is normal due to the game working. These are in my vaults, if i fence them i won't be able to buy/make use of these anymore?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 05, 2018, 05:57:07 pm
Painbringer is in the proper section (1-handed burst-capable pistols).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 05, 2018, 06:48:17 pm
Or is it?
For a number of reasons (technical limitations, playability), games present you a more condensed world. Even Stalker does it, despite having realistic graphics: although the town of Pripet looks the same as the real deal, its buildings are in fact much smaller.
So even though the tile looks to be around one metre (compared to soldier sprites), they could just as well be three metres, just not represented directly for clarity of graphics. But honestly I wouldn't even try to guess at the exact number, the game doesn't need it and it would probably bring more problems in than it would solve.

Oh sure it not exact, but im saying for at least the low end assumption does make rifles unlimited range, and even a 3m per tile still well within effective range for most full length rifles.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 05, 2018, 10:28:57 pm
In 0.99J4, sept 2602, i've unlocked the library but seems all of a sudden i cannot buy stun baton and handle anymore at the black market! Save attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ves on August 06, 2018, 12:24:37 am
I don't remember the handle to ever be buyable and am not sure about the stun baton. In my game i also can only manufacture both of them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 06, 2018, 03:45:35 am
You can only make handles, not buy them.  As for stun batons, I think they're buyable; or was that the cattle prod?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 06, 2018, 03:50:06 am
Handles and stun batons are build-able not buy-able, prod are purchase only not built.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on August 06, 2018, 01:05:14 pm
There is a "Master of <0>" Commendation in the Ufopedia. It showed up properly in the debrief (don't rememeber the full title, though), but  not in the pedia. It's the one you get for killing people with different wapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on August 06, 2018, 11:47:41 pm
Painbringer SMG doesn't spawn ammunition during Mansion mission, at least the chem one. Chem buckshots spawn so this should also right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 07, 2018, 06:30:19 am
There is a "Master of <0>" Commendation in the Ufopedia. It showed up properly in the debrief (don't rememeber the full title, though), but  not in the pedia. It's the one you get for killing people with different wapons.
That's not a bug. The "Master of {0}" condemnation can be given for every available weapon - so in the Bootypedia it's shown with a placeholder instead of cluttering it with a couple hundred (near-)identical entries.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 07, 2018, 01:55:57 pm
Painbringer SMG doesn't spawn ammunition during Mansion mission, at least the chem one. Chem buckshots spawn so this should also right?

You can check what spawns and what does not with equipment filter ('infiltration'). But yeah, it is a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on August 07, 2018, 05:56:49 pm
Is there a way I could fix this in a file somewhere  before it will be patched ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 07, 2018, 07:30:23 pm
Is there a way I could fix this in a file somewhere  before it will be patched ?

Edit Piratez.rul with a text editor, and search for the lines:


Change that into:


That should do the trick.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on August 08, 2018, 12:10:26 am
Thanks, it did.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 08, 2018, 01:59:52 pm
So, I just summoned a Spectre for the first time, and swapped Spectre outfit to Adventurer from Hands submenu, just because I could.
Is she meant to be perfectly fine after coming back from the dead?
edit: tried it again, raised Gal stays a Gal (as in soldier type), instead of being converted to something else.
edit2: I dont really remember if she is a Lunatic, Hand or Warrior if thats at all relevant.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 08, 2018, 03:08:46 pm
So, I just summoned a Spectre for the first time, and swapped Spectre outfit to Adventurer from Hands submenu, just because I could.
Is she meant to be perfectly fine after coming back from the dead?
edit: tried it again, raised Gal stays a Gal (as in soldier type), instead of being converted to something else.
edit2: I dont really remember if she is a Lunatic, Hand or Warrior if thats at all relevant.

I don't know if it was intended to be able to swap out of the spectre outfit, but this behavior is correct according to the ruleset; any dead hand allowed to undergo this transformation is turned into a "Hand" with the spectre armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 08, 2018, 05:16:51 pm
There is:

Code: [Select]
    producedSoldierType: STR_SOLDIER_SPECTRE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 08, 2018, 05:20:30 pm
The last release version has STR_SOLDIER_S there instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 09, 2018, 12:43:10 pm
Some gals got the triggerhappy condemnation after a mission without a single reaction shot. We spent all but the last 2 turns in the airbus and for those the gals outside had their guns pocketed. No melee reaction either.
Save from the last turn, I managed to kill the lobstermen with my axemurderers. Those guys have funny weapons as well, might make them mostly harmless.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 09, 2018, 02:45:38 pm
Some gals got the triggerhappy condemnation after a mission without a single reaction shot. We spent all but the last 2 turns in the airbus and for those the gals outside had their guns pocketed. No melee reaction either.
Save from the last turn, I managed to kill the lobstermen with my axemurderers. Those guys have funny weapons as well, might make them mostly harmless.
Yeah, Lobstermen with Hunting Bows (etc) are pretty funny. They are also extremely vulnerable to choking wands.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 09, 2018, 05:57:59 pm
If you use one girl to feed moonshine to another one, the first one recieves the stun damage(the energy is given to the second gal as it should). That's pretty wierd, im sure it worked correctly in the earlier versions?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ves on August 09, 2018, 06:17:53 pm
I think that was changed because you could stun enemies by force-feeding them moonshine in battle, which one could also consider to be weird. After battle that's a different story  :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 10, 2018, 12:15:41 pm
I think that was changed because you could stun enemies by force-feeding them moonshine in battle, which one could also consider to be weird. After battle that's a different story  :P

That's the exact reason. The abuse-case happened and VIPs like Guildmasters and Provosts got drugged with Moonshine until they dropped from the overstun.
Force-feeding makes no sense gameplay-wise so the moonshine is kept the way it is now and this is also a 'buff' to the item in general.

Your 'medic' now takes the stun-damage instead of the 'runner/bow(wo)man' once the item is used.
Every portion of stun-damage on a character reduces the natural energy-regeneration and since the medic gets "dizzy" instead of the receiving end, that's a good thing worth noticing.
Until you can stock up on better energy drinks like atom-beer, try using a teammate to feed the drink to the fighting teammate.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 10, 2018, 02:31:02 pm
So all units are treated the same in the engine? There's no way to differentiate between friendlies and enemies and have a different effect on use?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 10, 2018, 10:46:04 pm
So all units are treated the same in the engine?
Pretty much, yeah. That's also why you can, say, melee your own people.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on August 11, 2018, 04:32:20 pm

I noticed a wide difference between the expected awesomeness of Rod of Hellfire, and it's very disappointing performance in battle. So tried changing things in the rule-file to find what wasn’t working. After actually looking over the Ruleset Reference for OXCE+,  eventually decided to try adding RandomType: 2 to the item, and that did the trick (it changed the damage prediction and damage dealt from 5-10 to roughly 40-100).

The I checked the bootypedia for other burn-damage type weapons that might have the same issue and found that most launchers, the flamers, and some explosive also lack a RandomType, and from my testing they all seem to be in line with only doing the normal 5-10 Burn Damage.

I compared Fairy Dragon with and without RamdomType: 2, against deep ones. Without no one died (a lot fell unconscious due to the high stun multiplier) and with RamdomType: 2 a lot died outright and my Annihilator wearing Observer Gal (20 tile away 4 four levels up) goes down with critical high stun level.

Here is the list for all weapons I found were this is the case:

Rod of Hellfire
Canister Launcher Incendiary
Pyrotechnic Cannonball
Grenade Launcher Incendiary
Incendiary Rocket
Quad Launcher Black Napalm Bomblets / Fairy Dragon
Fire Minibomb
Fuel Flask
Heavy Flamer Tank
Molotov Cocktail
Incendiary Grenande
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 11, 2018, 10:51:03 pm
This is intentional behavior. There are 2 types of burn damage weapons, the list you mentioned does vanilla xcom fire damage, 5-10 ignoring armor, power is only used to derive radius of the aoe. The second type are those that do full damage listed and the fire effect. these are generally know as WP weapons.

Congrats on finding the value that governs the difference generally works. It is odd but its working as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 12, 2018, 02:03:36 am

Problems with my disappering tanks during base defense. Game version 99J2.

My base is attacked. I have there 25 rookies and 3 tanks. However when battle starts, tanks are gone, nowhere to be found.

Also in different base defence I reloaded earlier savegame and send all my 7 tanks to that base before attack happened. When I got attacked, only 3 tanks were in the battle.   

Any explanation?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 12, 2018, 07:18:36 am
There are only so many spawn points for 2x2 units in a base. Depending on what is in your base you may have several or none. Anything without a valid spawn point will not appear.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 12, 2018, 09:33:28 pm
At the end of the game I encounter finally a game-stopping bug.

Whenever I try to step with the soldier "insufferalbe top Vodoo" on the elevator, the mouse arrow disappears and won`t reappear. Game doesn`t actually crash, but I lose control of it. Can`t change the round either.

Problem dissappears, when playing severel round and THEN try to reach the elevator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 13, 2018, 01:12:55 am
There are only so many spawn points for 2x2 units in a base. Depending on what is in your base you may have several or none. Anything without a valid spawn point will not appear.
I reloaded game, started checking things and it finally hit me. It is about ammunition. There is problem with tanks, they are kept in bases with main gun not loaded. Ammo is instantly loaded when -a) you are adding tank as a auxilliary unit to a vessel -b) your base is attacked. If you do not have in base ammo for tanks then during attempt to add tank to a vessel there is warning message. But during base defense there is no messages about missing ammo and tanks are not present. And when you send tank from base to base it travels empty so you also need send ammo. 

Is it possible to change rules, so tanks can be used without ammo for main gun during base defense? Tank/Autocannon still have heavy machine gun and plenty of armor and mobility.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 13, 2018, 06:01:29 pm
Next bug in the Cydonia lvl. 2 mission:
The brain didn`t appear. Had to clear the entire map to finish the game.

Sorry for the savegame is at the beginning of the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 13, 2018, 06:17:39 pm
Bug maybe, but also a RNG thing if the maptile for the brain spawns at all.
Game's done either way so why bother?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 13, 2018, 06:25:10 pm
Yeah, but it has something satisfactory, when you can finish off the "boss" of the game.  8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 13, 2018, 06:41:26 pm
More a remnant of the old game. Alternative endings are rumored to be in progress.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 13, 2018, 07:21:19 pm
Oh well, just kill everyone I guess...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 14, 2018, 04:20:27 am
Few more bugs (game ver. 99J2):

1. During base defence sometimes one of my gals is spawned in hangar, in room next to north eastern corner. It is usually death sentence for her in the first round.

2. Stunned enemies after waking up are picking up weapons, which directly contradicts options.cfg. On "normal" mission it is extremly rare (2 times), but there was one mission where it was common and enemy even was picking up weapons taken from my gals (Big Ben SMG). It was "xxxx must survive" mission - freeing some mutant agent from Megapol prison.

3. Problems with terrain destruction - after terrain is destroyed to black tile, next hit can actually create something that never was there, like piece of wooden fence. Very rare, I have seen it once. But during mission in Megapol prison these problems are common. When you are trying use pickaxe on that brown terrain surrounding prison, after few hits terrain is created instead being destroyed. This is also possible in prison's basement, where floor is made of brown stuff.

4. Problems with sorting gals on list of hands. After few months of new game gals are listed in order of strenght instead of purchase order (and ID number). This also applies to roster right before tactical battle. I think that it only occurs in bases when dojos are built. I guess it has something to do with fact that gals in dojos train strenght at first and I use option "sort by strenght" when accessing training.                     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 14, 2018, 04:41:21 am
1) Bad luck. It happens when a gal gets assigned the spawn node for a friendly tank.

3) Yeah, this is intentional the basement floor is the bottom layer of the map, you wouldn't want to fall through the world now would you?

4) Any sorting always applies to the order in which gals are spawned. If you want to revert to original order select sort by original ID. Any sorting you do in either hands or craft equip screens is remembered across all states. Highest in the list is always given the first player spawn node.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 14, 2018, 03:42:44 pm
2) Yes the AI will pick up items to keep fighting you. That's intended.
The mission you refer to is "Raynerd must survive" and you're good to go using motion trackers and pickaxes/hammers to get through the doors and walls.
Don't leave stunned enemies alone, carry them around to stockpile them to nullify such an instance.
Pigmen are the only units worth keeping not-dead in this mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 14, 2018, 06:20:33 pm
Few more bugs (game ver. 99J2):

1. During base defence sometimes one of my gals is spawned in hangar, in room next to north eastern corner. It is usually death sentence for her in the first round.

2. Stunned enemies after waking up are picking up weapons, which directly contradicts options.cfg. On "normal" mission it is extremly rare (2 times), but there was one mission where it was common and enemy even was picking up weapons taken from my gals (Big Ben SMG). It was "xxxx must survive" mission - freeing some mutant agent from Megapol prison.

3. Problems with terrain destruction - after terrain is destroyed to black tile, next hit can actually create something that never was there, like piece of wooden fence. Very rare, I have seen it once. But during mission in Megapol prison these problems are common. When you are trying use pickaxe on that brown terrain surrounding prison, after few hits terrain is created instead being destroyed. This is also possible in prison's basement, where floor is made of brown stuff.

4. Problems with sorting gals on list of hands. After few months of new game gals are listed in order of strenght instead of purchase order (and ID number). This also applies to roster right before tactical battle. I think that it only occurs in bases when dojos are built. I guess it has something to do with fact that gals in dojos train strenght at first and I use option "sort by strenght" when accessing training.                   

1. Not a bug, a feature

2. Not a bug, a feature

3. Where? Your report is useless without specifics.

4. You appear to not understand what "sorting" is.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 15, 2018, 12:13:49 am
1. Not a bug, a feature
Are you saying that deploying my unit to a place in hangar I marked is a feature? Why ?   

2. Not a bug, a feature
Are you kidding me? Here is quote from options.cfg:

- active: false
   id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons

I have done countless mission with seductress as main shock troop, just becouse stunned enemies don't pick up weapons. Now you are telling me that they should pick up weapons? Very broken feature, doesn't work 99,99% of time.   

3. Where? Your report is useless without specifics.

Here is one screenshot from city/village map. There is section of fence that doesn't match the rest of fence around that house. It was created after missed shot hit burned ground. When I get again mission "Raynerd must survive" I'll get more screenshots. If you have access to that mission just go to basement and hit floor with pickaxe or try to dig tunnel in the hill slope to the prison wall. After destroying one or two tiles you will encounter indestructible tile. At first hit top third will be gone. After second hit you will destroy middle third of the tile, but third hit instead destroying bottom third actually will restore middle third. And so on ...   

4. You appear to not understand what "sorting" is.

I perfectly understand what sorting is. What I don't understand is why sorting from "Training" screen is affecting sorting on "Hands on deck" screen and precombat roster. Sorting on "Training" screen should be separated from other two as it is creating unnecessary mess. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 15, 2018, 12:23:49 am
@Vansi: as for poin 1) i have faced nearly 10 base crackdowns in a brand new game on 0.99J4 (jack sparrow mode), and gals always spawned in barrack vaults, radar, mess hall and corridors, i never seen them in an hangar. Maybe you update from an opder version, or pheraps just it's bad luck.

As for point 3) i never saw it, and i play this mod on and off for about 2 years, maybe again a problematic update or a map problem? More likely the second, but I'd try to reinstall it, i've done it sometimes since i had more than once corrupted installations
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 15, 2018, 02:26:33 am
@Vansi: as for poin 1) i have faced nearly 10 base crackdowns in a brand new game on 0.99J4 (jack sparrow mode), and gals always spawned in barrack vaults, radar, mess hall and corridors, i never seen them in an hangar. Maybe you update from an opder version, or pheraps just it's bad luck.

I am playing on highest difficulty since April and during 10, maybe 15  base defenses it happened to me 3 or 4 times. Right now I am not updating, 99J3 IMO breaks economy too much. I'll update when Reticulans show up and sectoweed will be buyable.

As for point 3) i never saw it, and i play this mod on and off for about 2 years, maybe again a problematic update or a map problem? More likely the second, but I'd try to reinstall it, i've done it sometimes since i had more than once corrupted installations
Outside mission "Raynerd must survive" I saw it only once and it is on that screenshot in my post above. But during mission "Raynerd must survive" terrain bugs I described are common and as soon as I get that mission again (or savegame with it) I'll take screenshots.     

More bugs (game ver. 99J2):

1. FUBAR numbers in ranged combat chance to hit. You can have chance to hit over 200% and still miss. Twice. If you are using Custom Sniping Rifle. Very rare, but happens. Misses with CTH over 100% are little bit common. 

2. FUBAR numbers in melee combat chance to hit. 100% CTH gives you in reality 20-30% of hits. CTH 60-70% gives you real CTH maybe 5%, and you can literally miss 15 times in row.

3. Gals are unable to rotate during melee reaction fire. If they don't face enemy perfectly then there is no reaction fire. Even rotating 45 degrees is too much.

4. You can't transfer Alliance Advisors between your bases. There is error message that at target base there is no animal cages. But you can transfer Attack Dogs, White Rabbits or Tamed Werewolfs. Or you can go to the target base and buy Advisor from Black Market.

5. Option "Smooth Bullet Camera" doesn't always work, especially when target is at the edge of the screen or right beyond (I am not talking about edge of the map).       
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 15, 2018, 02:46:32 am
What you call chance to hit is not really it, like in modern games. It's an accuracy of your attack. For ranged weapons its more like how tight a cone your bullets will spread. If you miss a lot of 200% attacks in an open field that might be a bug. But if your enemy has a waist high cover or a terrain cover you can hit those instead. Do you "miss" like your bullets go sideways or behind the enemy, or do you hit a terrain piece\cover?
For melee it's the same, it's how accurate you swing, most enemies have reasonably high dodge. Backstabbing helps a lot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 15, 2018, 02:49:53 am

1. FUBAR numbers in ranged combat chance to hit. You can have chance to hit over 200% and still miss. Twice. If you are using Custom Sniping Rifle. Very rare, but happens. Misses with CTH over 100% are little bit common. 

2. FUBAR numbers in melee combat chance to hit. 100% CTH gives you in reality 20-30% of hits. CTH 60-70% gives you real CTH maybe 5%, and you can literally miss 15 times in row.

1: this is entirely vanilla behavior. The displayed value is the estimated chance to hit. anything based on the original xcom uses realistic bullet modeling. Accuracy reduces the chances of deviation, by narrowing the cone of fire. But it will always have a chance to go wide. On the other side units are realistic object as well so even a poorly aimed shot can still hit something, particularly if its large.

2: the displayed chance is before a targets melee dodge is accounted for. The engine does not have the capacity to fetch the target in a square and its facing both of which affect how much dodge your dealing with. Attacking someone with significant melee training, or high natural agility from directly in front of them should be difficult. To increase your odds attack from the sides or rear of a unit. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on August 15, 2018, 03:29:47 am
I am playing on highest difficulty since April and during 10, maybe 15  base defenses it happened to me 3 or 4 times. Right now I am not updating, 99J3 IMO breaks economy too much. I'll update when Reticulans show up and sectoweed will be buyable.

Just on a guess, it sounds like you have more troops than spawn points, and when the enemy has less than full spawn points used your overflow is going into one of the hanger spawn points.  This used to happen to me occasionally on vanilla Xcom on bases where I was training/psi screening way too many troops.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 15, 2018, 04:46:11 am
Are you saying that deploying my unit to a place in hangar I marked is a feature? Why ?

Why not? The spawn priority there is low, however. Barracks and radars are preferred. However, if your base is overflowing with defensive units, it will happen. However this ain't a bad attack position...
Are you kidding me? Here is quote from options.cfg:

- active: false
   id: Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons

It is overridden by mod settings.

I have done countless mission with seductress as main shock troop, just becouse stunned enemies don't pick up weapons. Now you are telling me that they should pick up weapons? Very broken feature, doesn't work 99,99% of time.   

So, according to you, it works, or it doesn't work? Kinda conflicting messages there. And what precisely is broken, because you're quite incoherent there?

Here is one screenshot from city/village map. There is section of fence that doesn't match the rest of fence around that house. It was created after missed shot hit burned ground. When I get again mission "Raynerd must survive" I'll get more screenshots. If you have access to that mission just go to basement and hit floor with pickaxe or try to dig tunnel in the hill slope to the prison wall. After destroying one or two tiles you will encounter indestructible tile. At first hit top third will be gone. After second hit you will destroy middle third of the tile, but third hit instead destroying bottom third actually will restore middle third. And so on ...   

Allright, both found and fixed. Thank you.

I perfectly understand what sorting is. What I don't understand is why sorting from "Training" screen is affecting sorting on "Hands on deck" screen and precombat roster. Sorting on "Training" screen should be separated from other two as it is creating unnecessary mess.

What you don't know is that there is only a single list; the focus is on "Hands" not on various screens that access it. Not sure what do you mean by "mess", maybe try to keep it tidy or something. I certainly wouldn't want them separated, it is very useful that they're not when switching between all these screens.

Right now I am not updating, 99J3 IMO breaks economy too much.

Get used to it...

1. FUBAR numbers in ranged combat chance to hit. You can have chance to hit over 200% and still miss. Twice. If you are using Custom Sniping Rifle. Very rare, but happens. Misses with CTH over 100% are little bit common. 

Engine glitches. Not my authority. Take it to the OXC team. Advice: try to make sure the shot is more or less clear, this happens when the game gets confused over a difficult terrain feature, or a hill slope.

2. FUBAR numbers in melee combat chance to hit. 100% CTH gives you in reality 20-30% of hits. CTH 60-70% gives you real CTH maybe 5%, and you can literally miss 15 times in row.

Yeah you're a victim to a common XCOM player syndromme. Namely, you're exaggerating your inability to hit roughly x2 to x3. Tripling your numbers gives an approximate real odds of hitting; however, this heavily depends on the enemy and facing. Read up on Evasion in-game (basically, these numbers are lowered by enemy Evasion aka melee dodge). Since average Evasion is around 25-30% (higher from the front, lower from the back), 100% CTH gives about 70-75% odds of hitting.

Oh and B T W... You do realize that you can miss 15 times in a row even with a 99% chance, yes?

3. Gals are unable to rotate during melee reaction fire. If they don't face enemy perfectly then there is no reaction fire. Even rotating 45 degrees is too much.

Hardly a bug, more like a lack of feature. This has been discussed countless times. Again, not my authority. Contact OXC or OXCE+ developers.

4. You can't transfer Alliance Advisors between your bases. There is error message that at target base there is no animal cages. But you can transfer Attack Dogs, White Rabbits or Tamed Werewolfs. Or you can go to the target base and buy Advisor from Black Market.

I think this has been fixed already... After J5 comes out, give me a heads-up if this persists.

5. Option "Smooth Bullet Camera" doesn't always work, especially when target is at the edge of the screen or right beyond (I am not talking about edge of the map).     

Yet again, it sounds like an engine problem, not a mod problem. Contact OXC developers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Martin on August 15, 2018, 11:44:43 am
Should the large and heavy Painbringer SMG really be an infiltration weapon?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 15, 2018, 12:31:53 pm
Should the large and heavy Painbringer SMG really be an infiltration weapon?

Iteresting point, infiltration weapon shoulmbe those 1x1, 2x1 and 2x2
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 15, 2018, 09:28:33 pm
Humanist Arsenal "UFO" uses wrong tiles for northern and western walls - those cant be be walked upon, or flied through.

edit: Magical Girl isnt consumed upon research, can be used to unlock all of its topics.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 15, 2018, 10:59:05 pm
edit: Magical Girl isnt consumed upon research, can be used to unlock all of its topics.

She's not supposed to be - why would she?

Humanist Arsenal "UFO" uses wrong tiles for northern and western walls - those cant be be walked upon, or flied through.

Can you picture which ones? They seem ok to me...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 15, 2018, 11:21:13 pm
She's not supposed to be - why would she?

Can you picture which ones? They seem ok to me...
Sorry, messed up the saves, will do a proper report next time I get there. It just that walls on north and west side (minimap directions) of the building are "unhuggable". Windows work fine, but flyers have to move through roof to a take a peek (or a potshot) in there.
Also Jacks bounty "Double Crossing Dudes" description goes about using only infiltration weapons and armor, but apparently any armor is allowed. Vessel and weapon restriction work fine though. Map is apparently called "Bandit Warehouse".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on August 16, 2018, 01:20:10 am
Game Crashed at "Burning Town Mission" entering

OpenXCom has crashed: Height of map MAPS/MARSHIP.MAP too big for this mission, block is 7, expected 6
[16-08-2018_00-07-21]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Height of map MAPS/MARSHIP.MAP too big for this mission, block is 7, expected: 6

[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P0
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P1
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P2
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P3
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P4
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P5
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P6
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P7
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P8
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P9
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P10
[15-08-2018_23-33-13]   [ERROR]   Failed to load research SNAKEMAN_ARMOR_P11
[16-08-2018_00-07-21]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Height of map MAPS/MARSHIP.MAP too big for this mission, block is 7, expected: 6
[16-08-2018_00-07-21]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 16, 2018, 02:08:22 am
Sorry, messed up the saves, will do a proper report next time I get there. It just that walls on north and west side (minimap directions) of the building are "unhuggable". Windows work fine, but flyers have to move through roof to a take a peek (or a potshot) in there.

Allright, I think it'll be fixed now.

Also Jacks bounty "Double Crossing Dudes" description goes about using only infiltration weapons and armor, but apparently any armor is allowed. Vessel and weapon restriction work fine though. Map is apparently called "Bandit Warehouse".

You're imprecise. It doesn't say anything about infiltration armor, and has a slightly different list of allowed armors than usual infiltration.

Game Crashed at "Burning Town Mission" entering

Your ship is too big. Conqueror is 7 stories tall and the map is only 6. I'll make the map taller, but go to Cydonia already :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: darkestaxe on August 16, 2018, 02:09:14 am
Gals with the "repentia" rank can't wear pirate clothing. In the ruleset it seems that these gals are a separate soldier type "STR_SOLDIER_R" and are not listed under the relevant armors units: set.

I'm assuming it's a bug because the intro story/bootypedia doesn't say anything about some of the gals not wanting to be pirates, and I don't see any related research topics.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 16, 2018, 02:11:53 am
It's a halloween edition thing. All will be back to the norm with the new release. In short, Repentias are a midgame thing, and they will be explained when you will be able to legally get them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: darkestaxe on August 16, 2018, 02:17:42 am
Ah, so your not supposed to start with them?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 16, 2018, 02:05:58 pm
Ah, so your not supposed to start with them?

yes! Can't wait for next relase!!  ;D ;D ;D hey on episode 63 of silencer' playthrough ( at 0:57 is displayed a vanilla immage of the bootypedia pic of surgery unit once it was researched (there is a floater).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 16, 2018, 08:01:19 pm
The Humanist Trophy is shown to me as "weird thingy", but I have already researched it.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 16, 2018, 08:44:18 pm
Not a bug, afaik it is needed so it can still give you massive infamy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 16, 2018, 09:16:50 pm
Yeah, but researched gadgets shouldn`t remain unknown to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 16, 2018, 09:21:41 pm
Then you wouldn't get infamy points for it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on August 16, 2018, 10:07:47 pm
Checked it. "Bug" appears with other Trophys too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 16, 2018, 11:02:35 pm
Yeah, but researched gadgets shouldn`t remain unknown to me.

They're obviously not unknown since you know what it is ;)

But yeah, this is a side effect of making them Specialtype: to keep giving you Infamy even if you researched them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 17, 2018, 01:21:30 am
The Humanist Trophy is shown to me as "weird thingy", but I have already researched it.

How about changing the string "Weird things" in the score post-mission screen with "Bounty trophies & weird things found" or something like that? It might not solve the issue completely but should help with the confusion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 17, 2018, 08:50:13 pm
How about changing the string "Weird things" in the score post-mission screen with "Bounty trophies & weird things found" or something like that? It might not solve the issue completely but should help with the confusion.

If i appen to remember correctly, in debriefing screen are labelled "strange teasure seized", fight?

fired up 0.99J5 on win10 and after first month got a segmentation fault!  it happened during a ratmen rodeo (better check these maps) no save this time but logs tells of a generic segfault no no in depth report this time sorry.  :'(

edit: sry forgot to tell: on a distress beacon mission catgirls sprite in battlescape were blue but "inspecting" them by cliking on mousewheel shows them normal, but it was a mission set in a "freezin cold" map, so is that ok?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 17, 2018, 10:48:35 pm
edit: sry forgot to tell: on a distress beacon mission catgirls sprite in battlescape were blue but "inspecting" them by cliking on mousewheel shows them normal, but it was a mission set in a "freezin cold" map, so is that ok?
That's normal. A couple enemies have multiple sprite colors, but the Bootypedia article always show the same.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on August 18, 2018, 01:31:32 pm
Crash to desktop when trying to manufacture poison arrows:

Code: [Select]
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Item STR_BOW_H_QUIVER_POISON_XXX not found
[FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Item STR_BOW_H_QUIVER_POISON_XXX not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 19, 2018, 12:50:57 am
Few more bugs (game ver. 99J2)

1. Alliance Advisor can't be healed or given water by other gals. Now, during mission in cold climate (and probably in hot as well) he suffers 1HP/turn of stun damage and since both his hands are permanently occupied, he can't heal it by himself. No one else can help him, so after 30 turns he is down and totaly useless. 

2. Destroyed enemy tanks sometimes don't leave wrecks.

3. During mission with shot down Heavy Freighter I destroyed 6 enemy tanks, looted only 3. Wrecks weren't destroyed in battle. During mission with Terror Ship, I destroyed 4 tanks and looted only 2 wrecks. Is this some rule, bug or bad luck?   

Bugs during raiding enemy base:

4. Sometimes stack of my equipment is spawned on red elevator tile instead of green exit zone. Since this is only raid and I plan to retreat at some point without destroying base, I would have to move everything piece by piece to green tile in order to save it. But this would consume dozens of turns. Option number 2 is to abandon my stuff during retreat. Not really. So, reload.

5. Despite lots of room on upper level in green exit zone sometimes few gals are spawned on lower level. If there is no enemy contact, it is salvageable, but if there is enemy there, they are dead.

6. In case of spawning gals on lower level, my equipment tends to be spawned there as well. See point 4. Reload.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on August 19, 2018, 10:17:53 am

5. Despite lots of room on upper level in green exit zone sometimes few gals are spawned on lower level. If there is no enemy contact, it is salvageable, but if there is enemy there, they are dead.

Just out of curiosity, how many troops are you bringing to these missions ?  I've never had any troops spawn anywhere other than where you would expect them to on any base assaults I've ever done.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 19, 2018, 01:01:52 pm
Hey sry just found this on my hd, it's about the .J4 version, in ratmen rodeo map (ratmen village) dogs are able to attack me through a windows is this normal? No save avaiable sorry  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 19, 2018, 01:09:32 pm
Usually melee works through windows.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 19, 2018, 01:20:58 pm
Usually melee works through windows.

Ok thanks. Ah, uodated sav on .J5 between reasearch tooics it os the anchor, already introduced in previous version
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on August 19, 2018, 05:06:44 pm
Segmentation fault at mission end. :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 19, 2018, 05:59:13 pm
Just out of curiosity, how many troops are you bringing to these missions ?  I've never had any troops spawn anywhere other than where you would expect them to on any base assaults I've ever done.
Full Zeppelin, 20 gals. But since your troops are always split between two green exit zones, there should be no problem with fitting them there. Single exit zone is big enough for 30 gals, maybe even more.

Regarding Zeppelins, there is pretty nasty bug/design flaw/feature(?!). On the stern of third deck there is upward only elevator next to stack of my equipment (tile with barrel).  You can see through it from inside out and reverse. And what is especially treacherous you can also shoot through it in both directions.  This the one on the right in the screenshot, above engines and my nurse can see enemy through it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 19, 2018, 06:25:47 pm
Grenade Launcher FAE ammuntion turned to Napalm ammunition in J5, and now I just cant find it in Manufactoring menus.
Can anyone confirm that its gone?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 19, 2018, 07:50:26 pm
Segmentation fault at mission end. :(

That's half-a-year-old version... I don't even have the files to reproduce.
Try upgrading...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 20, 2018, 03:20:30 am
During mission my tank has been seriously damaged - down to 27 HP from 150HP. But not destroyed. After returning to base it is gone - there is one less tank on the craft equipment list. Is this a bug or heavily damaged tanks counts as destroyed?   

Game ver. 99J2
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 20, 2018, 08:46:05 am
Game ver. 99J2
You really should update to a current version. It's a waste of time to dig for errors in something that's seriously outdated.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 20, 2018, 10:56:34 am
Crash to desktop when trying to manufacture poison arrows:

in piratez.Rul, add lines:

Code: [Select]

Grenade Launcher FAE ammuntion turned to Napalm ammunition in J5, and now I just cant find it in Manufactoring menus.
Can anyone confirm that its gone?

It is not gone, just renamed to Napalm, like you already said, geez.

Regarding Zeppelins, there is pretty nasty bug/design flaw/feature(?!).

Neither of these, you should already know that elevators can be shot through...

Few more bugs (game ver. 99J2)

Jesus, dude, we have J5 already. Try replicating these errors in a version that isn't outdated.

1. Alliance Advisor can't be healed or given water by other gals. Now, during mission in cold climate (and probably in hot as well) he suffers 1HP/turn of stun damage and since both his hands are permanently occupied, he can't heal it by himself. No one else can help him, so after 30 turns he is down and totaly useless. 

Noted, but he's gonna be gone anyway, eventually.

2. Destroyed enemy tanks sometimes don't leave wrecks.

3. During mission with shot down Heavy Freighter I destroyed 6 enemy tanks, looted only 3. Wrecks weren't destroyed in battle. During mission with Terror Ship, I destroyed 4 tanks and looted only 2 wrecks. Is this some rule, bug or bad luck?   

Bugs during raiding enemy base:

4. Sometimes stack of my equipment is spawned on red elevator tile instead of green exit zone. Since this is only raid and I plan to retreat at some point without destroying base, I would have to move everything piece by piece to green tile in order to save it. But this would consume dozens of turns. Option number 2 is to abandon my stuff during retreat. Not really. So, reload.

5. Despite lots of room on upper level in green exit zone sometimes few gals are spawned on lower level. If there is no enemy contact, it is salvageable, but if there is enemy there, they are dead.

You do realise that such general musings with no concrete evidence are useless? Screenies please, or even better, saves (although J2 makes this pretty much hopeless, saves-wise). To repair a bug, replicating it must be possible on debugger's side.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 20, 2018, 11:26:07 am
It is not gone, just renamed to Napalm, like you already said, geez.
Its just gone up in a research tree, pardon my confusion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 20, 2018, 06:16:11 pm
in piratez.Rul, add lines:

Code: [Select]

I've done that but, game rufuses to boot the mod  :'( :'(

edit: all ok, the p was not aligned as you can see in the picture!

edit2 resesrche visit jack town but seems i cannot buy first aid kit. is that correct or am i wrong?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 20, 2018, 06:47:49 pm
I've done that but, game rufuses to boot the mod  :'( :'(

indentation (of the lines you added) is wrong
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 20, 2018, 07:28:26 pm
edit2 resesrche visit jack town but seems i cannot buy first aid kit. is that correct or am i wrong?
You can check requirements in the tech tree viewer.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 20, 2018, 09:08:14 pm
You can check requirements in the tech tree viewer.

Sorry, i forgot it requires Contact: Merchants

Edit: again in 0.99J5, not really a bug actually, but some in misions like "red lantern villa" scientific experiments" and wharehouse assaults mya the main enemy building be spawne not in very dense urbanized zones? like red lantern villa in the screenshot, here is also a save attached :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 20, 2018, 11:03:03 pm
Why would you not put a whore house in a densely populated area?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on August 20, 2018, 11:05:24 pm
Why would you not put a whore house in a densely populated area?

well at least not much? it's literally upon the housings!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 12:03:48 am
Neither of these, you should already know that elevators can be shot through...

I am kinda under impression that you are not paying attention here. This particular elevator on deck 3 goes only up, you can't go down to the deck 2, becuase deck 2 doesn't extends so far. Under that elevator is empty space between engines on lower level and that is outside the hull. So right under the elevator tile and above engines there should be solid deck 3 floor. Instead there is a hole in the hull. If this game engine limitation and that hole is impossible to patch, then move stack of equipment somewhere else, to a safe spot, as gals which are going there to resupply or restore lost HP can be killed from outside.   

Jesus, dude, we have J5 already. Try replicating these errors in a version that isn't outdated.

I need Reticulans to buy sectoweed from black market in order to keep production of medical supplies to make upgrade to J5. You apparently forgot that changes to economy should be evolution, not revolution. Changes in J3 killed economy in my current game, as they were instantly stopping production of med supplies. Only alternative was X-Grog and it was reducing my profit from production by 75%. I was then running deficit around 11 millions monthly, soon it will be 15 or 16 millions. These changes also introduced lots of unnecessary micromanagment with sectoweed production and distribution. And lets not forget that this entire game mechanic gets obsolote with arrival of Reticulans. Unless you will remove possibility of buying sectoweed on black market.

You do realise that such general musings with no concrete evidence are useless? Screenies please, or even better, saves (although J2 makes this pretty much hopeless, saves-wise). To repair a bug, replicating it must be possible on debugger's side.

You are very skeptical, so I'll try my best.
1. Mission with Heavy Freighter - save 1.rar and screenshot 1. Six tank destroyed, recovered only 3 wrecks. In the beginning of the mission I have destroyed 3 tanks with recoiless rifles mostly (there were wrecks). On screenshot I marked positions where these wrecks suppose to be (more or less). Ground is scorched from flamethrowers, that I was using against tanks prior to their destruction. I was not using any explosives. And next to the Turtle's front door there is bug with the fence that was spawned after firing on destroyed ground.
To finish that mission kill last tank hiding on motel parking.

2. Mission Siberia Base - save 2.rar and sreenshot 2. 8 tanks destroyed, 5 wrecks recovered, but one wreck next to the Zeppelin hull was probably destroyed by enemy fire. 2 wrecks are missing (destroyed tanks didn't leave wrecks) and I marked their position on screenshot (upper right corner). Two wrecks lies in the same spot next to Zeppelin. All enemy tanks destroyed without using explosives by my own tanks/autocannon, recoiless rifles and rifle fire. There is other bug with my tank in Zeppelin that have only 27 HP left. When you finish mission and return to hideout that tank will be gone. 
To finish that mission take down the last supersoldier with seductresses.

3. Raid on enemy base - save 3.rar and screenshot 3. Equipment spawned on red elevator tile instead on green exit zone tile. I already explained implications.

4. Raid on enemy base - save 4.rar and screenshot 4. Two gals with my equipment spawned on lower level. And  I already explained implications. To replicate that bug I needed to send Zeppelin with 20 gals, it didn't happend with Turtle and only 12 gals.

To replicate bugs with raiding enemy base I needed maybe 15 attempts, so they are rather common. 

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 21, 2018, 01:42:20 am
If this game engine limitation and that hole is impossible to patch, then move stack of equipment somewhere else, to a safe spot, as gals which are going there to resupply or restore lost HP can be killed from outside.

It is, but it was a really bad placement for such a hole indeed. I plugged it with something.

I need Reticulans to buy sectoweed from black market in order to keep production of medical supplies to make upgrade to J5. You apparently forgot that changes to economy should be evolution, not revolution.

rolls eyes And you are lecturing me on what basis? I forgot nothing.

You are very skeptical, so I'll try my best.

It is not about being skeptical, but being able to find a bug. I really have no time or desire for 12 hour long bug hunts based on "I might have seen something somewhere" that ends up in finding nothing.

1. Mission with Heavy Freighter - save 1.rar and screenshot 1. Six tank destroyed, recovered only 3 wrecks. In the beginning of the mission I have destroyed 3 tanks with recoiless rifles mostly (there were wrecks). On screenshot I marked positions where these wrecks suppose to be (more or less). Ground is scorched from flamethrowers, that I was using against tanks prior to their destruction. I was not using any explosives. And next to the Turtle's front door there is bug with the fence that was spawned after firing on destroyed ground.
To finish that mission kill last tank hiding on motel parking.

In both instances, I don't see any wrecks besides these who get recovered. If there were any more tanks, they have been likely obliterated by forces outside your control.
As for the missing tank, I dunno. I found 2 tanks at your base after returning from the mission.

4. Raid on enemy base - save 4.rar and screenshot 4. Two gals with my equipment spawned on lower level. And  I already explained implications. To replicate that bug I needed to send Zeppelin with 20 gals, it didn't happend with Turtle and only 12 gals.

Explanations were not needed, screenies were needed. Faulty spawn maps fixed, thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 03:24:08 am
And you are lecturing me on what basis? I forgot nothing.
On what basis? Changes in J3 to production of med supplies were too drastic. It is basically impossible to me to upgrade until I will able to cover around 15 milllions of deficit monthly. Unless I want start a new game. But I don't.

In both instances, I don't see any wrecks besides these who get recovered. If there were any more tanks, they have been likely obliterated by forces outside your control.

In heavy freighter mission I can dig out those "hypothetical" missing tanks from gals diares, but yes, missing wrecks could been destroyed without me noticing. In Siberia Base mission digging in diaries may be insufficient, as missing tanks could been destroyed by my own tanks. But it is impossible that missing wrecks were destroyed, as ground where they suppose to be is in perfect condition and they were destroyed by nonexplosives. And fact that you don't see any wrecks there is my whole point - destroyed tanks didn't leave wrecks as they suppose to. 
I can't upload on Youtube my entire missions just to prove my point. I'll attach save from begging of Siberia  mission - 5.rar. Enter god/spectator mode/map editor and count enemy tanks. Maybe that will help. 

As for the missing tank, I dunno. I found 2 tanks at your base after returning from the mission.
Oh, come on. I gave you all evidence you need. Check how many tanks is in Zeppelin inventory list after return to base. I have send on mission 2 tanks, alliance advisor and 11 gals - 20 slots occupied. Nobody died, one gal was wounded. But after the mission there is only one tank onboard and 15 slots occupied. And before mission there were 3 tanks in that base. I am attaching save made right before mission - 6.rar.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 21, 2018, 04:26:04 am
On what basis? Changes in J3 to production of med supplies were too drastic. It is basically impossible to me to upgrade until I will able to cover around 15 milllions of deficit monthly. Unless I want start a new game. But I don't.

I understand your problem with campaign in progress, but this is not a basis for a lecture. You're playing a WIP game and such stuff happens. As for the previous comment regarding bugs in outdated versions, it was merely stating of a fact that they're difficult to debug, and sometimes already fixed, so no need to take it personally.

And before mission there were 3 tanks in that base

According to your save, there is 2, not 3 tanks at that base, both onboard the Zepp. After mission (loaded from the previous save), both are accounted for. Check your stuff before raising alarm.

As for missing tank corpses, you don't need to upload anything to YT, just show me any proof of a tank corpse disappearing without a reason. Preferably a save from just before it happens with instructions how to replicate. What I found out was only that all existing (visible) corpses were recovered. I mean I could play the whole mission, but such a problem was never reported so I feel it would be a waste of time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 06:05:16 am
According to your save, there is 2, not 3 tanks at that base, both onboard the Zepp. After mission (loaded from the previous save), both are accounted for. Check your stuff before raising alarm.
Yes, you have right. I am sorry, my mistake. But I was 100% sure there were 3 tanks in that base and now I wonder what happened to the third one. And after mission one tank was automatically removed from Zeppelin inventory, because there was no longer ammo for it.     

As for missing tank corpses, you don't need to upload anything to YT, just show me any proof of a tank corpse disappearing without a reason. Preferably a save from just before it happens with instructions how to replicate. What I found out was only that all existing (visible) corpses were recovered. I mean I could play the whole mission, but such a problem was never reported so I feel it would be a waste of time.
You see there is a problem. When tank doesn't leave the wreck it happens in moment it is destroyed. There is animation of tank being destroyed and thats it - no wreck. Kinda hard to prove that in that spot should be lying wreck. And missions with enemy tanks in the field are so far rare.
If you are saying that there is no god/spectator mode or console commands and you can't reaveal map to check if there is really 8 enemy tanks in that Siberia mission, then reload save nr 5 from beginning of that mission, wait to turn 2 and exit Zeppelin to scout as much as possible. I have found that way 7 enemy tanks - save exp2.rar. There is isolated island on right side of the map with 4 tanks (only 3 are visible) and if you reload end of that mission (save 2.rar), you will find only 2 wrecks on that island and no sign of destruction that could destroy other 2 wrecks.   

And one more possible bug (game ver99J2).
To prevent selfdestruction of engine on supply ship I destroyed it with Asuka rifle. It was gone, but exploded anyway one turn later. I reloaded and on second attempt I destroyed engine with barrel bomb. This time it worked. So, is destruction of engine with rifle insufficient in sense that there must be certain amount of force applied in order to destroy it for good? Or destroying engine with rifle was bugged ?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 21, 2018, 07:25:53 am
I reloaded and on second attempt I destroyed engine with barrel bomb. This time it worked. So, is destruction of engine with rifle insufficient in sense that there must be certain amount of force applied in order to destroy it for good? Or destroying engine with rifle was bugged ?   

The engine is actually irrelevant.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 12:53:52 pm
The engine is actually irrelevant.
What is relevant?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 21, 2018, 01:22:07 pm
What is relevant?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 02:30:39 pm

Yes, indeed, how very informative answer.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 21, 2018, 03:01:17 pm
A peasant got Ice Cold Killer for killing 2 enemies in a turn. It was a shambler hunt and they all died on their own.

I guess this was because the first shot from her double barrel downed it and the second one killed it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on August 21, 2018, 03:02:20 pm
Yes, indeed, how very informative answer.

Cut down the sarcasm a bit, pal, it actually is informative.

If you were to provide a savefile from your supply ship mission, between the "I destroyed the engine" and "the ship self-destructed" moments, I bet my ass that we wouldn't find a STR_UFO_POWER_SOURCE because you destroyed it, but the STR_SELF_DESTRUCT_DEVICE and/or STR_SELF_DESTRUCT_DEVICE_PREQ would still be there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 21, 2018, 09:15:57 pm
All you really need to know is that busting up the engine with a gun won't stop self-destruct, while blowing it up with something big might do that. But you already figured it out, so there's nothing to discuss.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 21, 2018, 10:06:14 pm
All you really need to know is that busting up the engine with a gun won't stop self-destruct, while blowing it up with something big might do that. But you already figured it out, so there's nothing to discuss.
I wanted to know if that behavior is intentionial or bugged. I wanted a straight answer.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 22, 2018, 03:02:13 am
In layman's terms: There's a hidden self destruct mechanism in the engine room, and only a sufficiently powerful explosion can disable it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 22, 2018, 04:41:42 pm
I wanted to know if that behavior is intentionial or bugged. I wanted a straight answer.

Sorry, straight answers are spoilers so I try to avoid them ;) Unless it was bugged, then I'd say so.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 23, 2018, 12:53:06 am
Sorry, straight answers are spoilers so I try to avoid them ;) Unless it was bugged, then I'd say so.

Now, regarding tanks leaving no wrecks. I have forgot about my Loknar pilot and left her standing in corridor during base defense in my turn 1. So she is killed, usually during enemy turn 1, sometimes during enemy turn 2. But every time she is killed, there is no corpse. If I walk to that tile and enter invetory, there is no corpse on the ground. I hope this will be helpful also with the tanks. Save 7. rar and screenshot 7.

Edit: Wrong savefile attached, corrected.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on August 23, 2018, 01:10:51 am

Now, regarding tanks leaving no wrecks. I have forgot about my Loknar pilot and left her standing in corridor during base defense in my turn 1. So she is killed, usually during enemy turn 1, sometimes during enemy turn 2. But every time she is killed, there is no corpse. If I walk to that tile and enter invetory, there is no corpse on the ground. I hope this will be helpful also with the tanks. Save 7. rar and screenshot 7.

Looks like its a wrong save file.
Also if its a base defence then enemies are most likely sporting plasma or gauss weaponry, and those score so much damage that body can just desintegrate - its an actual OXCE mechanic.
Never seen desintegrated tanks though, too much HP on them, and 4 tile units might even be not subject to this mechanic.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 23, 2018, 02:11:59 am
wrecks have the ability to be destroyed like any other item on the ground, all it takes is sufficiently strong instance of damage after the wreck is spawned.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 23, 2018, 02:43:20 am
Looks like its a wrong save file.
Oops, thanks for info.

wrecks have the ability to be destroyed like any other item on the ground, all it takes is sufficiently strong instance of damage after the wreck is spawned.
It is situation when no wreck or corpse is spawned at all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 23, 2018, 03:08:04 am
Never seen desintegrated tanks though, too much HP on them, and 4 tile units might even be not subject to this mechanic.

Tanks and other large units can in fact be overkilled and leave no corpse just like with small units.  That might be one possible explanation for the lack of wrecks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 23, 2018, 04:16:11 am
Also if its a base defence then enemies are most likely sporting plasma or gauss weaponry, and those score so much damage that body can just desintegrate - its an actual OXCE mechanic.
Never seen desintegrated tanks though, too much HP on them, and 4 tile units might even be not subject to this mechanic.

Tanks and other large units can in fact be overkilled and leave no corpse just like with small units.  That might be one possible explanation for the lack of wrecks.

In previous situation when enemy tanks didn't leave wrecks I destroyed them mainly with tank/autocannon (120 dmg) and recoiless rifle (125dmg) and it reqiured several hits. I just had a base defence and my tank was destroyed in single hit by plasma scorcher and there was a wreck. But on the other hand I have right now supply ship mission, so I took tank for experimentation with nukes. In 3 attempts tank hit by nuke left wreck only once. So it may be a reason or not. Hard to tell.       
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 23, 2018, 04:33:29 pm
So an armored car can drive up the stairs on this 4-way pyramid you find in some underground missions. But it cannot drive back down, which makes it stuck on the top.
If details matter, the car is piloted\gal\HMG. The mission is archeological dig.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 23, 2018, 05:59:06 pm
So it may be a reason or not. Hard to tell.     

I'd definitely say it is overkill mechanics. I checked the settings, and to be vapped, a tank needs to take a hit which takes it to -50% max HP; definitely possible with plasma scorcher or nuke, or even autocannon (if after previous hit, the tank had 20 HP and you hit it for 150). I thought you knew about overkill...

So an armored car can drive up the stairs on this 4-way pyramid you find in some underground missions. But it cannot drive back down, which makes it stuck on the top.
If details matter, the car is piloted\gal\HMG. The mission is archeological dig.

A tank getting stuck in catacombs does not sound like a bug. Grab a pickaxe.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on August 23, 2018, 08:23:29 pm
Are the piloted X, Y and Z-Sectopod Bootypedia entries (and their weapons as well) locked behind some research other than their original %-Sectopod topic? I know they are there, because the Bootypedia in Debug mode shows them, but they are not available after appropriate research.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 23, 2018, 10:54:11 pm
I'd definitely say it is overkill mechanics. I checked the settings, and to be vapped, a tank needs to take a hit which takes it to -50% max HP; definitely possible with plasma scorcher or nuke, or even autocannon (if after previous hit, the tank had 20 HP and you hit it for 150). I thought you knew about overkill...
I only know things I observe or read about them in tips. And I would like right now straight answer - is the thing with not leaving wreck (tanks) or corpse (my Loknar pilot) definitely settled as expected game mechanics or this is a bug and I need provide more examples?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 24, 2018, 12:24:11 am
There is a valid expected mechanism for this particular result, overkill. However this is an unfinished mod on an ever evolving engine. Bringing up such questions is a good thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on August 24, 2018, 05:19:41 pm
So an armored car can drive up the stairs on this 4-way pyramid you find in some underground missions. But it cannot drive back down, which makes it stuck on the top.
If details matter, the car is piloted\gal\HMG. The mission is archeological dig.

:o lol, so this ("drive-up" fahr. up the stairs - is definitely feature, not bug ;D :p

but anyway, i´m still curious - was, is it intended, or just "random feature, by-product function (of tansk, big (quadru-foot, 4-wheels) vehicle? ? :S

but anyway 2:  if the tank could have drive´n up the stair, (he) it WOULD, could be possoble also "drive -down the stairs", doesnt ?  ..or ?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 24, 2018, 06:54:19 pm
Are the piloted X, Y and Z-Sectopod Bootypedia entries (and their weapons as well) locked behind some research other than their original %-Sectopod topic? I know they are there, because the Bootypedia in Debug mode shows them, but they are not available after appropriate research.

This is a question about Tanks&Cars submod, please ask the author - I simply don't know.

I only know things I observe or read about them in tips. And I would like right now straight answer - is the thing with not leaving wreck (tanks) or corpse (my Loknar pilot) definitely settled as expected game mechanics or this is a bug and I need provide more examples?

No, this is an expected behaviour. Although I can understand it looks confusing on tanks since the vaporization animation is less obvious than on humanoid units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 24, 2018, 08:24:39 pm
Are the piloted X, Y and Z-Sectopod Bootypedia entries (and their weapons as well) locked behind some research other than their original %-Sectopod topic? I know they are there, because the Bootypedia in Debug mode shows them, but they are not available after appropriate research.
The way the mod works, fake research topics are created to provide a different name for the Ufopaedia than elsewhere. The Ufopaedia topics are then unlocked by the correct research - except for the sectopods, where they're unlocked by the impossible-to-research ones. Go to ruleset_secto.rul and remove the _SUIT in the requires: section of all the ufopaedia: section entries.

And no, I don't know why the mod was constructed that way. My guess would be the author only recently found out about the cost 0 + dependencies trick.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on August 24, 2018, 11:04:02 pm
I'm getting a crash with a segmentation fault in the rat cellar mission.  It occurs when I have the archer shoot the further away rat.  Ironman save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 24, 2018, 11:40:15 pm
I'm getting a crash with a segmentation fault in the rat cellar mission.  It occurs when I have the archer shoot the further away rat.  Ironman save.

Thanks for the report... looks like an obstacle indicator related crash... trying to highlight an obstacle outside of map boundaries (above the map, along a steep parabola).

I'll fix it for next OXCE+ version.

PS: for now, try to do arc shots in a a less claustrophobic environment ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 25, 2018, 01:44:47 am
I can understand it looks confusing on tanks since the vaporization animation is less obvious than on humanoid units.

It's not confusing to me, the tank darkens and then disappears with no remains.  Looks like vaporization to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on August 25, 2018, 11:30:39 am
Sunday town spawns black cats. If a cat is killed by a funky zombie you get a normal full sized human zombie. Maybe make the cats non-zombifiable, or if it's not possible maybe remove them from this mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 25, 2018, 08:05:53 pm
No, this is an expected behaviour. Although I can understand it looks confusing on tanks since the vaporization animation is less obvious than on humanoid units.

It's not confusing to me, the tank darkens and then disappears with no remains.  Looks like vaporization to me.

I dare to say that I have never seen vaporization animation. Just standard death animation, when unit rotates, fall flat to the ground and vanish without remains. But maybe I wasn't paying enough attention, so I will drop it for now.   

And maybe vaporization animation should be more dramatic and obvious to avoid confusion?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on August 25, 2018, 09:48:56 pm
Pachyderm suffers the same problem as Zepplin. There is elevator between passanger cabin and pilot cabin and right under that elevator there is no solid deck, but hole in the hull. In normal missions it is not a problem, but in orbital mission Disruptive Transmissions I start in Pachyderm on level 13 and enemy is on platforms on level 5. In first turn when I move around passanger cabin gals are taking reaction fire from outside.

Savefile attached. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 27, 2018, 11:18:14 am
It is impossible to plug, since it's bottom level. So it stays that way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on August 28, 2018, 10:22:07 pm
Got a bug after taking off to Cydonia. The explosion of a crew (which is somehow got bugged from 8 gals to 1 gal) after the first step in the Zubrin vessel. 
The save file is attached. The version is 99J5.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 28, 2018, 11:07:27 pm
Not a bug, this is a feature of Zubrin.  You can go to mars much earlier than with a more powerful ship, but you randomly get between 1 and 8 of the gals you sent for the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 29, 2018, 12:47:33 am
Next time read the fine print. Did you really think that getting to Cydonia was easy? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on August 29, 2018, 03:56:02 am
Take it from someone who still managed to beat Cydonia in a Zubrin despite being one gal short: Keep going for the Conqueror.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: incas on August 29, 2018, 01:35:30 pm
I researched Poison tech and when I click "Begin Produce" on poison arrows I get a CTD.  (I don't have animal poisons in stock)

Code: [Select]
[29-08-2018_12-30-14] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Item STR_BOW_H_QUIVER_POISON_XXX not found
Haven't studied the thread, if you already know of this bug disregard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on August 29, 2018, 06:28:26 pm
I researched Poison tech and when I click "Begin Produce" on poison arrows I get a CTD.  (I don't have animal poisons in stock)

in piratez.Rul, add lines:
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on September 01, 2018, 09:26:47 pm
Any idea on whats making Pinky Demon immune to Neural Whip? Invisible one isnt affected either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 01, 2018, 10:47:29 pm
the whip is a 2d100 roll so it possible to do no damage, but it is rather unlikely to happen that many time in a row.

Played with the save and yeah mister pink there seems immune, and he shouldn't be. Can't figure out a reason why with my limited skills.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 02, 2018, 01:43:38 am
I got a problem with the secret base missions. In 90 % of the cases they don`t spawn any base.

In the changelog of 99J6 there is talk about fixes for spawning of the bases. But I don`t know, if the fix corresponds to the same problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 02, 2018, 10:37:24 am
I got a problem with the secret base missions. In 90 % of the cases they don`t spawn any base.

In the changelog of 99J6 there is talk about fixes for spawning of the bases. But I don`t know, if the fix corresponds to the same problem.

The STR_ALIEN_BASE mission is not flagged as alien base mission (objective: 2) and is missing other attributes too.
Currently it is just a normal ufo fly by mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 02, 2018, 12:57:37 pm
The STR_ALIEN_BASE mission is not flagged as alien base mission (objective: 2) and is missing other attributes too.
To make it spawn bases, it should look like this, right?

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_ALIEN_BASE
    points: 200
    objective: 2
    spawnZone: 4
          STR_SECTOID_NONCOM: 50
          STR_FLOATER_NONCOM: 50
          STR_SECTOID_NONCOM: 30
          STR_FLOATER_NONCOM: 30
          STR_SNAKEMAN: 30
          STR_MUTON: 10
          STR_SECTOID: 15
          STR_SECTOID_TERROR: 15
          STR_FLOATER: 15
          STR_FLOATER_TERROR: 15
          STR_SNAKEMAN: 20
          STR_MUTON: 15
          STR_SECTOID: 30
          STR_FLOATER: 30
          STR_SNAKEMAN: 20
          STR_MUTON: 20
          STR_SECTOID: 25
          STR_FLOATER: 25
          STR_SNAKEMAN: 15
          STR_MUTON: 35
        interruptPercentage: 20
        count: 1
        trajectory: P1
        timer: 13500
        count: 1
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 15000
        count: 1
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 60
        count: 2
        trajectory: P5
        timer: 60
      - ufo: STR_BATTLESHIP
        count: 1
        trajectory: P6
        timer: 60

Trajectory P6 is the default, so it does still have a landing in mission zone 4.

Some research seems to have been scrambled:
STR_VESSEL_GOVT_CRUISER (Govt Fusion Cruiser) is no longer obtainable.
STR_MISSION_GOVT_PATROL (Govt Business) has been removed from the research section, though the mission and Bootypedia entries still exist.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 02, 2018, 08:18:41 pm
Ah right I deleted the mission so it no longer carries over that data from the vanilla files. Thx.

As for the previous fixes, they were about something completely different (alien base maps).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 02, 2018, 11:25:41 pm
It seems, the pedia entry for the persuadotron 2000 has vanished. At least in J5. In the changelog for J6 nothing about that is mentioned.
You can read the entry for the "prize persuadotron", but not the item itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 03, 2018, 12:37:57 am
Have you actually researched the Persuadotron? Not the prize, but the item itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 03, 2018, 07:14:35 am
Some research seems to have been scrambled:
STR_VESSEL_GOVT_CRUISER (Govt Fusion Cruiser) is no longer obtainable.
STR_MISSION_GOVT_PATROL (Govt Business) has been removed from the research section, though the mission and Bootypedia entries still exist.
They're gone for good then?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 03, 2018, 09:19:12 am
Neither is gone, wtf dude ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 03, 2018, 12:30:23 pm
Govt Business has an article?

As for fusion cruisers, you used to be able to get info on them along with the govt siren from the Govt/Reticulan Files.  But now that they're just the Reticulan Files, it's no longer possible; I've never tried it but you might be able to capture govt sirens and get a documentation on the fusion ship by raiding a fusion ship yourself, the caveat of course being that you're gonna fight the hand that feeds you and said hand is now armed with sectoid tech.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 03, 2018, 06:15:05 pm
Have you actually researched the Persuadotron? Not the prize, but the item itself.
Ok it wasn`t researched. It was strange, since I was able to buy it. I equipped it direcly...and was so on not able to research it anymore.
Didn`t know, there are buyable items that need to be researched first to get the topic.
Never mind.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 03, 2018, 08:42:59 pm
Neither is gone, wtf dude ;)
Govt Fusion Cruiser has no techs that give it for free. No documentation either:

And Govt Business no longer exists as technology:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on September 04, 2018, 12:51:18 am
The bootypedia article for Govt Fusion Cruisers are still in (unless by documentation you mean the recoverable item from landed craft assaults). As for the technology string referring to itself as a prerequisite... uh... I can't explain that. I can't remember if anything changed, but in previous versions it's very possible to legitimately research those cruisers.

Govt Business is an article available at the start of the game, which is probably why there's no option to research it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 04, 2018, 06:48:49 am
As for the technology string referring to itself as a prerequisite... uh... I can't explain that.
It requires an item of the same name. It's a way to make the topic unavailable for research since no such item is obtainable - the logs work the same way.

Govt Business is an article available at the start of the game, which is probably why there's no option to research it.
Ah, there's my disconnect. In J4 it was a research topic, now it's given for free at game start. Never mind that part then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 05, 2018, 10:22:24 pm
I got a qestion about Space Freighter.
Clicking on Enemy Round results in almost 1 - 2 Minutes enemy round.
I was told on discord, that this is due to the amount of enemies. Can there be anything done about it, so that it isn`t so annoying to wait in the enemy round?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 05, 2018, 10:36:24 pm
Kill the enemies.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: netron on September 06, 2018, 02:32:39 pm
Crash after quickbattle ended, trying to display the report, the game crashes.

Chosen Settings: Ufo: Scout, Enemy Faction: Academy, highest difficulty level.
I checked out the gals and their inventory, but didn't change pre-battle.
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform10stackTraceEPv+0x26) [0x562016a48706]
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform9crashDumpEPvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x227) [0x562016a49e77]
./openxcom(_Z12signalLoggeri+0x33) [0x562016880323]
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f9e5a0cc060]
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom3Ufo9setDamageEiPKNS_3ModE+0x70) [0x562016e81750]
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom15DebriefingState17prepareDebriefingEv+0x4edb) [0x5620169cef5b]
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom15DebriefingStateC1Ev+0x2349) [0x5620169d1459]
./openxcom(_ZN8OpenXcom16BattlescapeState12finishBattleEbi+0x2d7) [0x5620169a9c47]
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Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 06, 2018, 02:38:30 pm
Crash after quickbattle ended, trying to display the report, the game crashes.

Chosen Settings: Ufo: Scout, Enemy Faction: Academy, highest difficulty level.
I checked out the gals and their inventory, but didn't change pre-battle.

Thanks for the report.
It is a known issue, I have fixed it here:

Fix will be available in the next version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 06, 2018, 09:14:42 pm
Not sure if bug...
But the difference in size is bugging me:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 06, 2018, 10:20:32 pm
Look next door, in the upgrade thread. The post by Ivan.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 06, 2018, 10:42:38 pm
Well, then look at the one by Dioxine right above.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 06, 2018, 10:43:00 pm
No, Rince Wind, that isn't precisely a bug, just an attempt by the engine to fit longer strings to a single line. Long strings get smaller fonts. Check out Alt+H hit monitoring in combat, that gets weird! Best seen taking snap or auto shots with SMGs, and check after each round of firing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 12, 2018, 01:39:42 am
Mission: Infested Cellar
Game ver. 99J2

1. Giant Rats are probably bugged or maybe their evasion rate is way too high. My gal with Melee 131 and CtH 163% just missed for 5 turns in row all her 55 melee attacks.

2. Rats have ability to destroy armor that is comparable to high end weapons. One rat can destroy 10 points of armor in single turn.
3. Map is often divided between several rooms with no connection and you need to dig tunnels to access them, and destroying single block requires three successful hits. Is this on purpose, since there is always pickaxe spawned? I mean this is mission with worthless rewards that I am doing only for experience. When there is access to entire map from beggining, it is very short mission, but when I need to dig for 10 or 15 turns, it is very frustrating waste of time.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 12, 2018, 03:30:23 am
Mission: Infested Cellar
Game ver. 99J2
1. Giant Rats are probably bugged or maybe their evasion rate is way too high. My gal with Melee 131 and CtH 163% just missed for 5 turns in row all her 55 melee attacks.

I don't normally adress outdated versions, but this seems important. From what I gathered, there seems to be a problem with hit detection on the rats, depending on where you stand in relation to them. Might be caused by them using the thinnest possible hitbox. I'll better change it.

The others are not bugs. I don't adress issues with grinding. "Armor damage comparable to high end weapons"? Not really, specialized low-tier weapons are already better at this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 12, 2018, 05:12:33 am
I don't normally adress outdated versions

Printer is almost ready and it should allow me to upgrade. And Reticulans will arrive any day....  maybe tomorrow... maybe next week in worst case... soon, I am sure.

Where the hell are they? Did they got lost in space or something???       

The others are not bugs.

Is all that digging in such low profile mission really neccessary? How about some rebalancing and reducing number of hits needed to destroy wall block to 1 from 3? Do you realize that sometimes digging one block takes several turns? And maybe tone down a little bit rat's ability to chew armor? Or maybe some reward for player - harvest rat's teeth and build handheld Tunnel Boring Machine from them? Or melee weapon with high armor damage?         
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 12, 2018, 06:15:59 am
The issues with maps being closed off sometimes is not something easily addressed. The nature of the map generation means that unless you expressly design all possible combinations of adjacency and rotation of the various parts to line up you will end up with closed off parts. That's 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 x total number of chunks possibilities. Assuming even say 8 possible chunks means you have 8192 possible variations. And that's just the intersections of 1 chunk, take a whole map and you have tens of thousands of possibilities.

The other option is to use static maps but that sacrifices variation of game play. Every encounter of a given mission would be identical. Now for something like the cellar that you only ever need to clear once that might be okay. But the underlying flaw of the map system will always exist.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 12, 2018, 06:24:18 am
Is all that digging in such low profile mission really neccessary?

Doing this mission more than once is unneccesary in the first place, and blocked areas appear maybe only once per 10 missions. This map is also used for other missions, though, and jumping through flaming rings just to "fix" that one is not my idea of a time well spent. Legion has adressed the case at more length above. Hey I even added the pick there, I hope it doesn't insult player's intelligence too much; I only did this because this is supposed to be low-threat mission and player can be forgiven for forgetting to think.

The rat ability is good as it is, it was funny to see master campers being discomforted by what is an extremely weak enemy otherwise, only because their tactics were ill suited for this type of mission. In short, I don't intend to remove the only challenge there is to be found in this mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 12, 2018, 08:25:08 am
Adding the pickaxe isn't even so insulting to those of us who forget to bring one. Half the time when I've had this mission the first time, that was also the first pickaxe I'd seen so far.

And there is too a reason to do this mission many times, to save the Friendly Cat! What are you thinking, Dioxine?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 12, 2018, 11:47:29 am
Do rats have high cutting resistance or is the problem the above mentioned? I hit a rat with a fuso sword a couple of times (at last according to the sound effect those were hits) and it didn't kill them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 12, 2018, 11:55:21 am
They don't have especially great cutting resistance. If you hit them (confirmed by the hit sound) and they don't care, then it's a hitbox bug.
Don't attack them diagonally and it should work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 12, 2018, 12:15:23 pm
And there is too a reason to do this mission many times, to save the Friendly Cat! What are you thinking, Dioxine?

You're absolutely right, it's advantageous to do so, but still not "neccesary" :) And cats were called "worthless" by Vansi anyway, weren't they :)

I mean this is mission with worthless rewards that I am doing only for experience. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 12, 2018, 12:38:06 pm
Good to know.

And I want cats, so far none have survived in the 2 cellar missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on September 12, 2018, 02:55:43 pm
And Reticulans will arrive any day....  maybe tomorrow... maybe next week in worst case... soon, I am sure.

Where the hell are they? Did they got lost in space or something???       

Man, all this sectoweed isn't going to smoke itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 12, 2018, 04:34:36 pm
I'll just chime in here on some observations of the cellar missions.   I've fought it 5 or 6 times and only had a blocked section spawn once.  It does take several turns of pickaxing to get through.

Saving cats is kind of a roll of the dice.  I've had the cats spawn right in rat clusters and go down before I ever saw them.  Other times they were safe no where near the rodents.

Despite the trouble reported with melee, the rats are super squishy.  The best tactic I can suggest is showing up with the fastest firing shot guns you have.  Even Ol shotguns work great, but domestics, mil shotties, and best yet combat shotguns, street sweepers, or assault shotguns.   These all do wonders on the rodent problems.  Bring as many gals as you can with shotties and you will do fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Marza on September 12, 2018, 04:51:54 pm
I've also observed that melee attacks against rats never seem to connect unless it is a reaction melee attack. Those do reliably connect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 12, 2018, 05:34:16 pm
Another good weapon against rodents are, unsurprisingly, incendiaries. They do not only kill them pretty reliably, but can also be used to block their way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 12, 2018, 06:03:06 pm
A line of gals with ninja stars works nicely. Pistols are fine too.

I forget, what do you get there that is of importance?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 12, 2018, 06:50:36 pm

And I mostly use shotguns down there, later on when my gals are better/when I can bring more I might not bother reequipping. (especially if I have no shotgun loadout saved because I was lazy.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 12, 2018, 07:42:36 pm
I forget, what do you get there that is of importance?

Its a source of cats.  I think Voodoo is gated behind cats.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 12, 2018, 07:51:12 pm
Ah, but they rarely survive though. More reliably you get a cat from the escape tower mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 12, 2018, 07:55:48 pm
In my experience they usually survive, so I guess it's another RNG thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 12, 2018, 10:28:04 pm
Game crashes, when shooting the brain on Cydonia. Can`t complete game now

Using OXCE+ 4.0.

Crash occurs, when two parts of the brain are being shot. The upper part and the right part.

"Segmentation fault"

Problem solved with latest version of OXCE4.0
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 12, 2018, 10:35:36 pm
Game crashes, when shooting the brain on Cydonia. Can`t complete game now

Crash occurs, when two parts of the brain are being shot.

Vanilla bug, introduced and solved recently, doesn't happen with oxce+ 3.10b.

If you have oxce+ 4.0, you'll need to download the latest one from here:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on September 12, 2018, 10:48:38 pm
That solved the problem. I had a bugged version of OXCE+ 4.0
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 12, 2018, 11:58:21 pm
You want cats because they're cats, of course! Who doesn't want a cat?

As of now I don't want to take them into battle, because they're forced up front, but they can be useful in base defense as a roaming scout. While a dog's Aye ability can cover a larger area, they can't get the vertical placement on their own, while cats passing by can tell you not only where the enemy is within their range, but what enemy it is and which way it's facing, as if you actually saw it.

But mostly just because they're cats.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 13, 2018, 02:02:37 am
Clearing the celler is a gate on progress in the bounty hunt tiers, you must beat it at least once.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 13, 2018, 03:23:15 am
It's good for rookie troop training too.  The rats aren't exactly lethal, and if you use shotguns accuracy isn't much of an issue and there's  plenty of them to shoot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 13, 2018, 04:34:44 am
The rat ability is good as it is, it was funny to see master campers being discomforted by what is an extremely weak enemy otherwise, only because their tactics were ill suited for this type of mission. In short, I don't intend to remove the only challenge there is to be found in this mission.

Yea, the rats really are reminding me Screamers:
Ok, but how about bigger rewards? That Handheld Tunnel Boring Machine made of rat's tooth starts grow on me...

And cats were called "worthless" by Vansi anyway, weren't they :)

Sadly, I never found any cats during that mission. But last time I found gem and recently I also discovered their importance in manufacturing.

Man, all this sectoweed isn't going to smoke itself.

When they arrive, I will be able to buy sectoweed on black market. This in turn will allow me to keep manufacture Medical Supplies, and I will be able to upgrade game from 99J2 to current version without crashing economy and killing my current game. Then I will stop report bugs from "ancient" release.... Dioxine will be happy.

I forget, what do you get there that is of importance?

It is a good place to train your team B, C, or D.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: darkestaxe on September 13, 2018, 08:12:14 am
I get a segmentation fault if a beastmaster surrenders while in her suit. I blasted the suit off her and knocked her out and was able to complete the mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 13, 2018, 08:16:09 am
I get a segmentation fault if a beastmaster surrenders while in her suit. I blasted the suit off her and knocked her out and was able to complete the mission.

save pls
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 13, 2018, 02:22:58 pm
Lesser and greater demons seem immune to the neural whip. I had:
- Two gals spend a full turn whipping a spectral demon to no effect.
- A syn spend most of a turn getting kinky with a demon to no effect.
- Most of my squad surround and gangbang a cacodemon with neural whips for nearly two turns to no effect.

Imps do go down in 1-2 hits as expected.
Either this is an incredibly unlikely sequence of peseudorandom numbers ( or a bug. Or perhaps a subtle commentary on man's struggle to subdue his own demons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 13, 2018, 05:35:56 pm
Does this concede with their resistances or not?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 13, 2018, 06:18:10 pm
No, they all have a 150% mind modifier and very little armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on September 13, 2018, 06:25:56 pm
I'm still not getting base spawns, I've only had two, before the patch, and I can't quite do star gods yet. Lol but this is making it hard to get the academy units I need.. idk if I need to restart the game or not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 13, 2018, 09:30:09 pm
I can second something screwy is happening with the pinky daemons and there shadowy cousins with regards to the whips. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 13, 2018, 09:46:49 pm
What OXCE+ version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on September 13, 2018, 10:54:23 pm
Something is bugged with Hangars. After fencing craft I cannot dismantle hangar because it says facility in use. There are no transfer, logs show that 1 out of 2 hangars are used. Reloading does not fix it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 13, 2018, 10:56:27 pm
Something is bugged with Hangars. After fencing craft I cannot dismantle hangar because it says facility in use. There are no transfer, logs show that 1 out of 2 hangars are used. Reloading does not fix it.

Probably its storage space is used.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 13, 2018, 11:10:28 pm
Hangars also supply 5 workshop space,  you may need to trim your workforce.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on September 14, 2018, 12:17:53 am
Thanks Ivan.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 14, 2018, 03:17:21 am
What OXCE+ version?
3.10a. I used the Pirztez 0.99J6b download as is.


The syn morale recovery isn't working. I used combat drugs with my syn and she stayed on 30 something morale for the rest of the mission. She was wearing jugulator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 14, 2018, 04:06:56 am
Something's not right, then. They're supposed to regen morale, according to ruleset values I entered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 14, 2018, 08:46:59 am
3.10a. I used the Pirztez 0.99J6b download as is.

But piratez 0.99j6b has 3.10b, not 3.10a ... ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 14, 2018, 12:14:29 pm
You're right, the main menu says 3.10b. I looked in XPiratez readme\OXCE_Readme.txt before which says 3.10a.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 14, 2018, 07:31:57 pm
No, they all have a 150% mind modifier and very little armor.

Ah I get it now. They're immune to Shock and therefore, to all stun damage without the "ignores shock immunity" flag.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 15, 2018, 10:23:17 pm
I am not sure if it is a bug, but I can interrogate the freak gal I got from research, but she wouldn't give me anything for doing so.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 15, 2018, 11:47:28 pm
Another bug from 99J2, well, because Reticulans still didn't arrived and last they have been seen in pub on Alpha Centauri. I wanted report this bug earlier, but kinda forgot about it.
So, in certain ship types, like Blowfish or Megapol Dropship there are folding chairs, and when you stand on tile with that folding chair, you can't interact with anybody else. Melee atacks don't work, and if I recall correctly also healing and giving water to someone else don't work. And target of action like using canteen on someone else will be redirected to gal holding canteen. Savefile from Dropship attached.           
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2018, 12:53:19 am
Well that is how engine works. Other options are either making these chairs immaterial, or impassable, and I don't like either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 16, 2018, 01:31:52 am
That is very strange. As I remember there is no such thing like folding chairs in vanilla game. Why adding to the Open Xcom feature that adds nothing to the game, but is impeding your abilities? 

And you didn't hesitated to add to ground level of Zeppelin impassable chairs and decorative stuff that looks like ventilation grill, they are narrowing central section to 2 tile width. I needed to remove them with pickaxe in order to gain some maneuevering space. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 16, 2018, 01:47:08 am
I am not sure if it is a bug, but I can interrogate the freak gal I got from research, but she wouldn't give me anything for doing so.

Actually, you will get something out of researching that freak gal.  It's just not research tech, which is why it doesn't show up in the tech tree viewer.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2018, 02:33:53 am
That is very strange. As I remember there is no such thing like folding chairs in vanilla game. Why adding to the Open Xcom feature that adds nothing to the game, but is impeding your abilities? 

Neither do I remember any half-naked mutant ladies in vanilla... As for the chair issue, I was blissfully unaware of its existence, I just wanted to have folded chairs in my ships. Would you rather sit on the floor? :) And what would walking into chairs even accomplish? And if something impedes me in xcom, I destroy it, what's more there is supposed to be to it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 16, 2018, 03:03:28 am
As for the chair issue, I was blissfully unaware of its existence, I just wanted to have folded chairs in my ships. Would you rather sit on the floor? :)

Yup, folding chairs are cool. But how about some consistent design and putting folding chairs into ground level of Zeppelin, to replace impassable chairs & stuff there ?   

And what would walking into chairs even accomplish?
Believe or not, but sometimes it very good spot to attack your enemies by surprise.  ;)

And one more question from 99J2. Is it normal that in base defense enemies are spawning in summoning circle 2 buildings away from elevator? In that base there is no hangars, only elevator, and in previous attack when SC wasn't build yet, enemies spawned only in elevator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 16, 2018, 03:33:23 am
Summoning Circles are a valid spawn location for enemy units, yes.

Also:  Reporting bugs for 99J2 is kinda irrelevent as the mod is on 99J6b right now.  Many J2 bugs have already been addressed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 16, 2018, 03:41:56 am
Ok, thanks for info. :) But is it valid spawning place for my units as well ? Both my and enemy unit suppose to spawn in the very same room?

And, yes, I know that 99J2 is "ancient". I will try to upgrade, soon, I promise.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2018, 04:40:33 am
Yup, folding chairs are cool. But how about some consistent design and putting folding chairs into ground level of Zeppelin, to replace impassable chairs & stuff there ?   

What inconsistency? Zeppelin doesn't need folding chairs. Is the fact that I use both folding and non-folding chairs a crime now?

Believe or not, but sometimes it very good spot to attack your enemies by surprise.  ;)

Yeah I figured only a camper would find such a thing... (since you admit it yourself...).  You won't like J6 at all, that is for sure :)

Is it normal that in base defense enemies are spawning in summoning circle 2 buildings away from elevator?

It is right there in Spawning Circle's description... read or die, remember?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 16, 2018, 05:11:55 am
What inconsistency? Zeppelin doesn't need folding chairs. Is the fact that I use both folding and non-folding chairs a crime now?

I don't give a damn if there are folding chairs on Zeppelin (but they are cool). But since making folding chairs impassable is big No-No, then why impassable ordinary chairs are tolerated on Zeppelin? Why don't make them passable? This is exactly inconsistent design.     

Yeah I figured only a camper would find such a thing... (since you admit it yourself...).  You won't like J6 at all, that is for sure :)

Yes, I am camper, I am not a player who is losing half the team every battle. Sometimes 10 or 20 turns passes before I leave safety of the Turtle, especially when enemy has nukes. And I really don't understand what uses have transporters with open ramp design - maybe except missions where transporter is not spawned on the map.
But in this case I entered tile with folded chair to simply block that passage and prevent flying pig from escaping outside.       

It is right there in Spawning Circle's description... read or die, remember?

1. I was more expecting that demons have chance spawn there during base defence, not enemies.
2. Is spawning of my gals and enemy units in the very same room correct or bug?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 16, 2018, 12:08:10 pm
I hardly ever loose people (and I have no idea how I lost the last one standing on the roof of the ship in the tower mission. The only outside enemy had been dealt with, and there was a small explosion and she died) and I am using the Scorpion at the moment.
No enemies with nukes yet, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2018, 01:44:38 pm
I don't give a damn if there are folding chairs on Zeppelin (but they are cool). But since making folding chairs impassable is big No-No, then why impassable ordinary chairs are tolerated on Zeppelin? Why don't make them passable? This is exactly inconsistent design.     

Because people would look shitty fused with a chair/standing on top of a chair? You're getting more and more ridiculous.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 16, 2018, 05:09:41 pm
2. Is spawning of my gals and enemy units in the very same room correct or bug?   

I believe that its possible for both sides to use the same spawn points.  I think that they fill up the ones assigned to their sides, then start filling any available spot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2018, 05:15:49 pm
To clarify, rooms have nothing to do with it, since "room" is nothing but a construct of player's mind :) Units are spawned at spawning nodes, which can be attributed to player, enemy, or enemy/civilian.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 16, 2018, 07:38:27 pm
I hardly ever loose people (and I have no idea how I lost the last one standing on the roof of the ship in the tower mission. The only outside enemy had been dealt with, and there was a small explosion and she died) and I am using the Scorpion at the moment.
No enemies with nukes yet, though.

I never used Scorpion, but I am assuming it is open ramp design? Well, I constructed  Thunderhorse, double the capacity of Turtle, much faster, but open ramp. And I took it to some test missions, because maybe open ramp design have some obvious tactical advantages that I don't see at first glance. First mission against Star Gods, I am to weak to kill them fast, and they are shooting inside cabin, but I have custom power armors, so it is still mostly under control. Second enemy turn, hellerium grenade tossed inside, but only one gal wounded. Third enemy turn, second grenade tossed inside, this time much deeper, 5 gals wounded and most of my equipment on floor is gone, as stack is spawned only 6 tiles from edge of the ramp. What is worst there is almost no hiding spots inside Thunderhorse, you are totally exposed, and when Sectopod arrives in the front of the ramp, massacre begins.   
Second test mission against Guild's Supply Ship, some Marsec prick shoots nuke inside during first turn. Out of 24 gals only 2 survived.       
And there is ramp itself. Using it cost additional TUs, bleeding your initiative. And when you stand in the middle of ramp going DOWN cost you 8 TU, but going UP cost only 6 TU.  ::)     

I believe that its possible for both sides to use the same spawn points.  I think that they fill up the ones assigned to their sides, then start filling any available spot.

I see that building Summoning Circle was a mistake. I need to demolish it or absolutly prevent enemy from invading my base. But what if I move SC as far as possible from elevator? Will that reduce/eliminate chance to spawn enemy there? Or maybe I will create literally backdoor for enemies to attack me from rear ?             
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 16, 2018, 07:41:01 pm
You could put it next to your hangar, so it doesn't matter if they spawn there. If you put it in the back, you can be attacked from the back.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 16, 2018, 08:28:21 pm
I have similar feelings about the thunderhorse. Took it to Siberia and an some asshole nazi tanker fired a shell inside. The gals were all in assault armor so they were fine but all the extra gear got vaporized. Shortly after it was scrapped in favor of a nice and cozy drakkar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 16, 2018, 11:39:58 pm
The open ramps of the Thunderhorse and Menace class are not made to make the ship a safe fire base, they are made to deploy your crew of Mayhem and Destruction.  The Thunderhorse has slots for two tanks to soak up reaction fire, or just lots of gals that can burn down with massed fire, any foes you see.  These craft are for Shock and Awe.  It can be a definite change for someone who is used to having nice doors to protect them from earlier craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgentFransis on September 17, 2018, 12:00:26 am
I don't need the doors to protect the gals, I need them to protect my precious stuff. In that Siberia mission I cleared out like 2/3 of the surface in the first turn and then ducked back in. On the enemies turn the tank rolled by and shot. There's not much you can do if a stray shot or grenade lands even slightly inside the craft. Shock and awe is all well and good but being forced to deploy all the gals out in the first turn in such a way as to protect the craft from stray fire, regardless of the tactical disposition outside, strikes me as a somewhat ridiculous constraint in a dropship.

At any rate I decided that tanks are useless and that I prefer smaller teams anyway so I'm sticking with the drakkar until Cydonia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 17, 2018, 02:26:13 am
The open ramps of the Thunderhorse and Menace class are not made to make the ship a safe fire base, they are made to deploy your crew of Mayhem and Destruction.  The Thunderhorse has slots for two tanks to soak up reaction fire, or just lots of gals that can burn down with massed fire, any foes you see.  These craft are for Shock and Awe.  It can be a definite change for someone who is used to having nice doors to protect them from earlier craft.

Beautiful approach. And it works. Against weaker enemy. If your enemy has shields, invisibility, nukes, superior personal weapons in terms of firepower and accuracy, superior reaction and can kill your elites in your best armor with single shot... then it is suicide.

In other words open ramp ship is excellent against weak enemy that you can perfectly defeat without open ramp ship. Kinda useless... but maybe one day I will discover its advantages.  ;D       

Or maybe I should research different Codex? 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 17, 2018, 03:59:26 am
I wouldn't say tanks are useless but they are situational.  They can usually soak up a hell of a lot of reaction fire (that would otherwise be putting holes in your gals) and they make pretty good mobile cover.  It's pretty nice to have one for Pogroms.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 17, 2018, 03:18:45 pm
Beautiful approach. And it works. Against weaker enemy. If your enemy has shields, invisibility, nukes, superior personal weapons in terms of firepower and accuracy, superior reaction and can kill your elites in your best armor with single shot... then it is suicide.

It is suicidal to camp an open-ramp ship, as you were trying to do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 17, 2018, 03:31:34 pm
Or maybe I should research different Codex?

Different codexes have no bearing on the late mid-end game open ramp ships.  Once you get past early game, almost all of the larger assault craft are open ramp concept.  A different codex might give you tools to be more aggressive, but often those tools are late to end game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 17, 2018, 03:34:43 pm
Regarding the summoning circle, you might as well keep it, it only spawns a single 1x1 unit, usually just a low rank one. Considering you start with someone in the room with them, its usually just a matter of walk a few steps and apply melee.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 17, 2018, 11:50:05 pm
It is suicidal to camp an open-ramp ship, as you were trying to do.

It was Star Gods Terror Ship on desert map. I tried several times, reloading to turn 1, but in open terrain, with only custom power armor and 2 tanks, but without shields or assasin armor spotters it was slaughter every single time. Simply not possible at my current tech level. And I defeated them during Mutant Pogrom in urban area using Turtle and no tanks, and only thing that threatened my victory was destruction of rear door. To stand in open outside the craft and survive against Star Gods I need better gear, but with me getting better gear they will loose part of their superiority and will be less dangerous enemy. And if I defeat them in open battle with better gear, my success will be attributed to that gear, not the ship I disembark from.     

Different codexes have no bearing on the late mid-end game open ramp ships.  Once you get past early game, almost all of the larger assault craft are open ramp concept.  A different codex might give you tools to be more aggressive, but often those tools are late to end game.

I was thinking about stuff from Red Codex regarding tactical combat.         

Regarding the summoning circle, you might as well keep it, it only spawns a single 1x1 unit, usually just a low rank one. Considering you start with someone in the room with them, its usually just a matter of walk a few steps and apply melee.

I am pretty sure that at least 2 enemy units spawned there, but not 100% sure. The bad thing is all hands in that base were recruits, who saw combat only once. They had impressive period of training in dojos, but training doesn't improve reactions, so their initiative was rather bad. And they even wasn't armed for melee. Good thing is I was playing in "spectator" mode, checking if Reticulans already left bars on Alpha Centauri and reached Earth. Attack occured only because I ignored enemy ship that was searching for my bases.   
I decided that SC will stay, since it is research base, but lesson is learned and I will rebuild Hyperwave Decoder there to minimalize possibility of detection and attack. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 18, 2018, 12:02:27 am
It was Star Gods Terror Ship on desert map. I tried several times, reloading to turn 1, but in open terrain, with only custom power armor and 2 tanks, but without shields or assasin armor spotters it was slaughter every single time. Simply not possible at my current tech level. And I defeated them during Mutant Pogrom in urban area using Turtle and no tanks, and only thing that threatened my victory was destruction of rear door. To stand in open outside the craft and survive against Star Gods I need better gear, but with me getting better gear they will loose part of their superiority and will be less dangerous enemy. And if I defeat them in open battle with better gear, my success will be attributed to that gear, not the ship I disembark from.

There's a simple solution for that problem,  run away, run far, run fast (at least until you have the tools to deal with star gods).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 18, 2018, 12:52:42 am
There's a simple solution for that problem,  run away, run far, run fast (at least until you have the tools to deal with star gods).
Like I said, if I am too weak open ramp ship won't help me. If I am strong enough then it doesn't matter what ship I am using.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DisgruntledXCOMer on September 18, 2018, 01:22:47 am

I have registered to this forum because I ran into an issue while playing this mod. So I haven't experienced any bugs, glitches or anything with exception of a typo in one place perhaps but now I've run into something odd. So it's the third base invasion (the ones invading are the dark ones faction I think, the not-doom guys anyway). So in the preliminary stage I shoot them with my building (vaults iirc) and so it hits, doesn't destroy them and then I have the battle in my base. With some struggle I clear them all by turn 15 or so. Now, the battle doesn't end at all.

Moving on, by turn 20 this bug hunt mode activates and tells me that there are enemies visible on the minimap. So I look and browse the entire four levels and I see nothing. There are no enemies in sight. The turns just keep rolling, I figured there would be a surrender trigger but no. Therefore I engaged on a hunt with my vast numerically superior forces and combing through the base I was unable to find any enemies either. It's now turn 200 and everyone keeps going insane every second turn.

What do I do at this point? Is this a glitch? The battle won't end on one hand and bug hunt won't show any enemies on another. What do I do? I'm attaching the save file for debugging purposes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 18, 2018, 01:47:30 am
Like I said, if I am too weak open ramp ship won't help me. If I am strong enough then it doesn't matter what ship I am using.   

It's the slippery slope argument every camper uses. You imply there is nothing in between "so easy that it doesn't require any effort" and "so hard you're forced to camp".

Moving on, by turn 20 this bug hunt mode activates and tells me that there are enemies visible on the minimap. So I look and browse the entire four levels and I see nothing.

Hmm I wonder what's that fat blue blob under you farm? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 18, 2018, 04:30:53 am
It's the slippery slope argument every camper uses. You imply there is nothing in between "so easy that it doesn't require any effort" and "so hard you're forced to camp".

You are under false impression that deploying fast your troops from proper open ramp ship will allow you to defeat stronger opponent. Partly you have right, there is window when marginally stronger enemy can be defeated by flooding him with numbers. But this window is narrow and soon your progress will make you on par/stronger anyway. If you are significantly weaker it doesn't work and causes losses that quickly trigger mass panic which is spiral of death. In my previous campaign I lost against Star Gods my main base full of my 30 elites in exactly 4 turns due to mass panic, without killing anybody. I didn't know about them anything and I was at maybe 25% of total research. It was bug hunt for them.           

Judging from your comments about campers you don't prefer prudent game style, and because of that personal preference you are forcing everybody to use essentialy zergling rush tactic with high losses. Everybody should play like you, and goal is achieved by designing most of the transporters suitable only to your playstyle.

You also said, that I as a camper won't like 99J6. So I read notes and probably you are talking about changes to morale system. I can't judge it yet, but from description it sounds like you replaced bad and primitive system with even worse one, specifically designed to force everybody to even more agressive playstyle or mass panic will kill all gals. But here I can be wrong, I didn't upgraded to 99J6 yet.               

And one more question. I just discovered  that I can't send  Thunderhorse to Hell Cruise mission. Is this bug or mistake? And if this is on purpose, what logic is behind this, because I can send there Zeppelin?                 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 18, 2018, 05:16:17 am
Eh i don't get what all the fuss is about.  If you can beat the guys, beat them.  If you can't beat them, run away.  The  ship you use is irrelevant.  If you want doors, use a Deliverator or a Triton.  I meant I get that is sucks when your ship lands and you're looking down the barrel of multiple tanks and any action you take will get you blasted, in those cases I just lift off and say screw it.  Most of the time it's not really an issue for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 18, 2018, 08:28:23 am
Judging from your comments about campers you don't prefer prudent game style, and because of that personal preference you are forcing everybody to use essentialy zergling rush tactic with high losses. Everybody should play like you, and goal is achieved by designing most of the transporters suitable only to your playstyle.

Don't judge because you will be judged. Like I said, there is a whole world between the 2 extreme cases of all-in camping and all-out charge, so "forcing everyone to play like I do" is simply a silly accusation. Especially since I cannot really play this, as I know too much (which is sad). You're dead wrong; I know much about camping because I know this tactic throughout. I also know that someone not used to offensive tactics will take severe losses until he learns how to fight (or quits), which will be hurtful to ego. [Maybe this sounds like "git gud" but frankly, holding such view is like saying that penalty for passive play in football is railorading into actually running across the field and thus losing the ball.]

Camping is of course the safest solution, but time consuming; in its extreme, it leads to player never leaving their ship and waiting for the enemies to come single-file nearby to kill or capture them. Because, why take any risks at all? (Maybe because of player's self-esteem? Naw, this cannot be counted on). In real situations, this could never have happened as overt camping is obvious to the enemy unless they don't even suspect your presence. But here we have a super dumb enemy and no possibility of bad stuff actually happening, no matter how long a player draws on what is supposed to be a quick raid-and-grab against a superior force. I could have been smug and go the same way the OG did (and many other games on the genre, like JA2) and simply remove most of campable spots. But that'd be boring, wouldn't it... My goal is not to make camping impossible but to put a suitable price on this tactic, to even out the massive advantage it gives to the player, so the decision to camp would be a risk/reward deal, not the default smart choice, and the camping itself should require taking more considerations - in comparison with open fight, camping is currently too predictable and thus, too easy. Camping is valid as tactics, but my career as a mod designer opened my eyes to the phenomenon of compulsive camping I described in the beginning of this paragraph. Since it is supposed to be a combat game, not a feelgood app, I need to take steps to counter such (ab)use. I am not under the delusion that I will end camping, nor do I intend to, I just need to add a price tag to it. Wouldn't want players to become fat and lazy!

And one more question. I just discovered  that I can't send  Thunderhorse to Hell Cruise mission. Is this bug or mistake? And if this is on purpose, what logic is behind this, because I can send there Zeppelin?               

Thunderhorse is too big and clumsy to hover gently enough (or land on water) to allow your troops to deploy on a moving ship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 18, 2018, 11:54:02 pm
OMFG. You really don't get it... Nobody told you? You are so blind and in love in your work, that you can't see it?


It is byproduct of all your bad and good design decisions, but mostly bad. It is also price paid for size and complexity. I never camped in original game. But here... Don't get me wrong, Piratez is best and biggest mod for UFO, but... it is also full of glaring flaws, inconsistent design, artificial limitations, absent features that are begging to be added, balance is all over the place... It has also lots of unfullfilled potential.

I could write here list of changes to potentialy reduce camping, but I am convicted that you will simply ignore it. This is free mod, and no one can force you to make any changes. And I am nearly100% sure that you have lost long time ago any objectivity regarding Piratez as you are your own boss. And instead of removing bad design choices that lead to camping, and gently encourage more aggressive plastyle, you will try force players into more aggresion by putting more restrictions and limitations on "campers". You will choose stick over the carrot.     

Thunderhorse is too big and clumsy to hover gently enough (or land on water) to allow your troops to deploy on a moving ship.
Let me guess. You have build model and tested it in your backyard. This is exactly this kind of artificial and unnecessary limitation, that is adding nothing to game, but only pisses off people and shows what kind of dev you are.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bloax on September 18, 2018, 11:59:54 pm
If you're such hot  *CENSORED* with a massive grasp over how to properly pull this game off, then make your own XPiratez+
with blackjack
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 19, 2018, 02:01:24 am
If you pull off the Blackjack and hookers, I'm on board! Everyone likes Blackjack and hookers.

Admittedly there are a lot of design choices that do encourage a bit of camping. Soldiers being more expensive and precious means you're less able to spend a few on assaults, so you need to treat them much more carefully. The major trick is one that several learned in vanilla X-Com, and several others either never caught on to or never cared because soldiers were cheap. Hold back, keep together, move slow, and depend a lot on reaction fire to take out moving enemies.

However there are already things in place, mostly from vanilla AI, that keep full on camping from working, including that AI enemies do not dependably rove around the board, and can often get themselves into a corner where they're basically camping. The better solution would be better AI, but even the best game AIs built by teams of highly skilled programmers . . . well, let's just say sometimes artificial intelligence looks an awful lot like natural stupidity even now.

Honestly, with some of the mods being developed for OXCE+, I'd love seeing the AI being revamped a bit to be more tactical in the way it handles things, but even there, we can go back to AI development for AAA games using highly skilled programmers paid to do nothing but develop that AI. Those games' AI still needs a lot of information built into the map to really work, at least fairly dependably and with an overhead small enough that a current consumer level computer can handle it. The kind of AI that can look at the maps the way they're designed now and be able to develop anything like decent tactical acumen would require a a pretty high end server level system with multiple Xeons and a full load of 192 gigabytes (or more, I haven't seen specs on a server class motherboard in a while) to be able to handle things without chugging. This means in order to make more advanced tactical AI, mapmakers have to go through and add a bunch of node information to help guide the AI.

Oh, and particularly if you do turn on sneaky AI, they don't all just run by your craft eventually. They tend to stay back out of where they've determined you can see them until they're ready to make attacks. If you're having trouble with them running in and overwhelming you, sneaky AI can make a rough start a bit easier, but makes the later hunt more difficult . . . and surprising. They do seem to do more genuine sneak attacks with that setting on.

Personally, I do a half camping start when I have a lot of gals. I don't want to run them all out and have them all sitting in the open with less than half their TUs left, so I send one or two pairs out each exit, and the others standing inside covering them. On the Menace class craft I even have 2 or 3 I send to the roof with sniper weapons. The snipers will stay there for several rounds, even when the rest are out and roaming around, in order to catch the few who will come out in their line of sight.

And if the enemy is using a nuke, and I'm not well engaged yet . . . I get back on board and get the hell out. Those nukes are not to be played with until you're into late game, and I still haven't gotten there, so maybe not even then. Although, I did get lucky on one last version. Fully engaged when i saw a mercenary with a nuke launcher, but managed to take him down before he could fire a shot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 19, 2018, 02:25:02 am
Dioxine have biased view of camping. He thinks that I camp in every mission and that I simply wait until all enemies came to my door. It is not the case. Camping is triggered by high threat level from very strong enemies.

Bad AI is one of many problems contributing to camping. Bad AI in order to provide challenge for the player is compensated by high end weapons with 90%+ real hit ratio and power that makes your armor completely irrelevant. Enemies with gauss and plasma weapons start appearing way too soon in campaign, when you are on 20%+ progress of total research.

And you don't need much to improve bad AI in Open Xcom. Right now action of enemy is choosen randomly, it stays in place, move aimlessly, move toward/from target or shoots at target. Cut down staying in place and aimless moves, put more emphasis on shooting. And take away from them super accurate weapons that can kill your elite with best armor in single shot. Because if you know that low level enemy like church neophyte can kill you with one shot, then you camp.                       
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 19, 2018, 02:53:33 am
The difficulty is pretty random for UFO's, it's just a matter of which missions spawn.  The ground missions aren't going to throw you any surprises (well not many), and will generally be consistent with their known (or unknown heh) danger levels.  For example you're not going to run into a ratman village mission and be hit by plasma weapons, likewise if you go poking your head in an enemy base don't expect to be dealing with holdout pistols.  There isn't really a gradual ramping up of difficulty like in vanilla, you can literally run into end game units and tech on your first landed UFO.  You aren't really meant to be able to smash every mission with impunity, sometimes you have to know when to get the hell out of there.

I don't really have much to add on the camping thing.  Sometimes it's an appropriate tactic.  More often though I don't have the patience for that, I'd rather kick in the door and stab everything or lob a few grenades, or light the whole map on fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 19, 2018, 03:15:58 am
In the end, it's Dioxine's mod so he'll make it in his vision.  If you don't like it, play a different mod or make your own mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 19, 2018, 04:02:38 am
You aren't really meant to be able to smash every mission with impunity, sometimes you have to know when to get the hell out of there.

I like to try every mission at least once, to see what is there. And sometimes these are very difficult missions and they require camping. Sometimes very hard missions can be beaten by camping, prudence and patience and burning lots of mutant meat. And some very difficult missions I did only once. For example, Heavy Freighter, crew 80+ and 6 tanks. And now I would like to see aggressive player in action against this numbers, like he takes 12 gals screaming and leaping into open field and defeats them.

And there is no impunity. I had to skip many missions because out of my 30 gals in my first base only 3 or 4 were ready for combat, rest was healing. But I am a bad camper and my playstyle must be eradicated.         

In the end, it's Dioxine's mod so he'll make it in his vision. 

Well I hope, that sometimes he will listen what others have to say.

If you don't like it, play a different mod or make your own mod.

Oh, but I like it. I just don't like where it is going. It looks like Dioxine is hellbent to take away freedom of playstyle from players, and this is never a good change. No one likes being forced to play in this or that way.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 19, 2018, 05:14:02 am
I like to try every mission at least once, to see what is there. And sometimes these are very difficult missions and they require camping. Sometimes very hard missions can be beaten by camping, prudence and patience and burning lots of mutant meat. And some very difficult missions I did only once. For example, Heavy Freighter, crew 80+ and 6 tanks. And now I would like to see aggressive player in action against this numbers, like he takes 12 gals screaming and leaping into open field and defeats them.

And there is no impunity. I had to skip many missions because out of my 30 gals in my first base only 3 or 4 were ready for combat, rest was healing. But I am a bad camper and my playstyle must be eradicated.

You're kind of missing what I'm getting at.  I'm not saying you shouldn't do certain missions, but you have to know when you're ready to do those missions.  Generally speaking if you feel like the only way to beat a particular mission is by camping, you're probably not quite ready for that mission yet.  And sure some of the bigger UFO's are a challenge, but if you have the tech to shoot them down you should have the tech you'll need to deal with the enemies on the ground as well.  Nobody is saying you should be suicidal or stupid when you attack, but you shouldn't expect to be able to be 100% safe either.  There is a middle ground between reckless charging and lining up outside a UFO and pressing end turn till you win.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 19, 2018, 06:54:52 am
You're kind of missing what I'm getting at.  I'm not saying you shouldn't do certain missions, but you have to know when you're ready to do those missions. 

I am attempting every mission, even when I know it will be hard. Camping help a lot against strong enemies during beginning of mission. But sometimes I retreat. First reason - repeated fire inside transporter that wounds many gals and breaks their morale. Second reason - destroyed doors, it kills your safe harbour inside Turtle. Third reason -  Star Gods. On maybe 10 attempts I defeated them so far only once, in urban enviroment during mutant pogrom. All other cases - shot down enemy ship, I retreated, as even camping is not enough. Simply I don't stand a chance in open area. Yet.         

Generally speaking if you feel like the only way to beat a particular mission is by camping, you're probably not quite ready for that mission yet.

Yes, you have mostly right, but I like to try anyway. :) There are supply ships, and you can do them only by camping. I did them several times and I stopped. Crew has a lots of big boom sticks, it is boring camping from beginning to almost very end, and there is nothing valuable on the ship.

And sure some of the bigger UFO's are a challenge, but if you have the tech to shoot them down you should have the tech you'll need to deal with the enemies on the ground as well. 

Right now (third year, third month) I can shoot down everything, except corvette and cruiser. I can clear up every ship, even cruiser, if it decides to land. If crew is armed with high end weapons, it requires camping.  But, if crew is Star Gods, even on small ship, well I can try for few turns, test weapons and tactic, but in the end they will force me to escape.         

Nobody is saying you should be suicidal or stupid when you attack, but you shouldn't expect to be able to be 100% safe either.

I don't expect safety on mission. There is always nurse and at least 50 pieces of mutant meat with canteens.       

There is a middle ground between reckless charging and lining up outside a UFO and pressing end turn till you win.

Of course. And I very doubt if you can win mission just by pressing "end turn" button.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 19, 2018, 01:33:01 pm
Dioxine have biased view of camping.

Dioxine has feedback. Feedback I am also familiar with.
This is an arms race against real campers, who exploit every tiny detail and then walk around boasting about their superior tactics and supremacy. Trust me, you have no idea.

Well I hope, that sometimes he will listen what others have to say.

Well, that's just disgraceful and rude.
You showed up here like, a week ago, and suddenly you are an expert on the history of Dioxine's customer relationship?

Now, regarding the actual topic, which is whether this recent change was good or not... I have no idea, haven't played the game yet. But I highly doubt it's so bad, since this system has been in the game before and it was even worse; it was only removed after Dioxine thought he went too far. So what we have now already is a compromise.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 19, 2018, 02:10:36 pm
OMFG. You really don't get it... Nobody told you? You are so blind and in love in your work, that you can't see it?


I already wrote just that, read before replying, will ya? It's tiring when they're not. I already wrote that allowing crafts with doors is the real enabler, but I don't want to remove them yada yada yada.
Let me guess. You have build model and tested it in your backyard. This is exactly this kind of artificial and unnecessary limitation, that is adding nothing to game, but only pisses off people and shows what kind of dev you are.   

Build a model? What is it, XXth century? We use computer simulations nowadays. And yeah I am aware players will be pissed off everytime something goes not as planned. Hit me with all that hate, dood. It ain't my first rodeo. Tell me exactly what kind of a dev I am.

Dioxine have biased view of camping. He thinks that I camp in every mission and that I simply wait until all enemies came to my door. It is not the case. Camping is triggered by high threat level from very strong                       

I don't know what you do as a player, and I don't care. For me, you're just a few letters in Firefox window, less real that a character from a visual novel. But you mentioned something, I commented back, then we started discussing the issue of camping. Cut down on that ego of yours, dude. The world doesn't revolve around you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 19, 2018, 08:21:32 pm
This is an arms race against real campers, who exploit every tiny detail and then walk around boasting about their superior tactics and supremacy. Trust me, you have no idea.

This is what really bothers you? Grow some thicker skin and ignore them. If this are your priorities for developing mod, then you are going to kill Piratez, just like Jagged Alliance 2 ver. 1.13 was killed by misguided devs.

Well, that's just disgraceful and rude.
You showed up here like, a week ago, and suddenly you are an expert on the history of Dioxine's customer relationship?

I am pretty sure, that if I cross that red line, Dioxine will tell me without your help. And Internet remembers. Dioxine has a past and history of certain behaviors. This is not only forum, where Piratez are discussed.   

I already wrote that allowing crafts with doors is the real enabler

You are wrong.

In original game sometimes in order to leave Skyranger and set boots on the ground 3 or 4 soldiers had to die. Missions where nobody on my side died were exception. Was I reloading, aborting mission? No. I was pressing on. Forward. No matter the losses. Or I could put to Skyranger 3 hover tanks and finish mission in 3 turns. But you have made changes, and this is impossible in Piratez.

You made cost of loosing gal too high. Loose two in single turn, and there is mass panic. Loose one elite officer, mass panic. Morale system in 99J2 is like doomsday device, primitive system, which is ignoring most important thing - answer to question "who is winning". System that is triggering panic when I defeated enemy and I am about to finish mission, nobody even shoots and there is no threat. And you took page from Firaxis jerks - panicked gal runs straight towards nearest enemy or shoots nearest ally.

And there is that absurdal notion that reactions can be trained only on mission, which prevents training combat ready replacements.

And it is very easy to suffers losses. You too soon overcompensated bad AI with powerfull and accurate weapons. And they don't sit in their shot down ships. No, they camp right outside your doors, armed with handheld nukes. Do you really don't see connection between nukes and camping?       

You did introduced artificial limitations like auxiliary slots. Starting ships have too small capacity and loosing few gals means that mission will be 50% or 100% longer or unwinnable.       
Hit me with all that hate, dood. It ain't my first rodeo. Tell me exactly what kind of a dev I am.

What is wrong with you, dude? Do you really think that I care so much that I have some feelings for you? You're just a few letters in Firefox window. 

Cut down on that ego of yours, dude.

That is funny how constatly you are bothered with my ego. I wonder what good, old Freud would say about that. My ego is not a problem, your is.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 19, 2018, 08:33:09 pm
Okay time to back off, FOR EVERYONE. This is obviously going nowhere but more insults. Keep to reasonable and constructive discussion. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on September 19, 2018, 08:42:34 pm
The More Cars and Tanks sub-mod is incompatible with Android version of OXCE 4.05379d75. Having it turned on causes OXCE to drop into folder select screen upon startup and it has to be disabled in options.cfg to start OXCE again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 19, 2018, 09:13:24 pm
Okay time to back off, FOR EVERYONE. This is obviously going nowhere but more insults. Keep to reasonable and constructive discussion.

Well I think there can be no constructive discussion when I'm criticized for things I have no influence on, because Vanilla Compatibility, like what a panicked soldier does, or how reactions can be trained (the last one is no longer fully true due to the new transformations system, but whatever).
I won't be even beating dead horses, explaining how handheld nukes were made to give F.U.N. to supply ship farmers and they almost never appear elsewhere etc. because these things are self apparent and obviously the critic isn't even attempting to adress my explanations.
But when such things happen, it usually means the critic has run out of live ammo and tries everything and anything, including my "past history of behaviour" of which I am proud of, and other sloppy attempts at insults.

Also by the way. Adressing maybe the only valid point. The cost of losing a gal I don't find high at all, and the panic spirals are more or less limited to when you're camping while trying to go for full capture at the same time, or during mop-up phase when it's inconsequential. You can protest all you want, but this is based on observation of hundreds of combats, fought by a number of different players. There could be some untested areas in J6, since the morale system was gutted, but we will polish that out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 20, 2018, 12:04:35 am
Another bug from 99J2.

There is cyberdisc on the slope, right outside middle door. No matter what, I can't hit it in melee, or rather I can hit it, but it is invulnerable to damage. Vibro blade makes sound like attack connected, but there is no damage to HP or armor. Nurse has mind probe.
I also noticed that vibro blade and vibro sword produce different sounds during attack. And there is no difference in sound when vibro sword hits or miss. Its kinda messy. 
VB miss - no sound
VB hit - sound 1
VS miss - sound 2
VS hit - sound 2

Save file attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 20, 2018, 01:58:52 am
And if you think there can be no constructive discourse, why respond? Either way, 3 days of you both hurling increasing amounts of vitriol at each other is quite sufficient. At the very least take it off the bug thread if it must continue.

Regarding the cyberdisk on a hill, are you sure that not just rolling poorly? Ctrl-H will bring up a report on your last hit. If that output is consistently zero there is an issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 20, 2018, 04:53:32 am
I reloaded several times, checked it with mind probe and even sended gal in blitz armor to attack other cyberdiscs. Despite her rather poor stats, she was able to inflict damage on those levitating ones.   

It is not about missing. It about hitting and not inflicting any damage by several gals during maybe 5 reloads, around 100 hits in total, maybe even more.     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 20, 2018, 08:32:12 am
What weapons are you using, Vansi? Those cyberdiscs are not easy to damage without powerful weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 20, 2018, 01:39:09 pm
Not really a bug, but it is Piroman in the research tree and Pyroman in the bootypedia for the slave armor. It is still the Piroman Shield in the Bootypedia though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 20, 2018, 02:56:24 pm
Problems with hitting enemies on slopes/stairs with melee (or actually not hitting them, despite sound indication kicking in) keeps resurfacing from time to time. I guess someone has to have a look at it. Does it persist if you upgrade to the newest OXCE+? (4.0 to be precise)

Oh and btw melee weapons do not make any sound when they miss. So a hit is always audible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 20, 2018, 06:45:03 pm
What weapons are you using, Vansi? Those cyberdiscs are not easy to damage without powerful weapons.
It is right in post there... Vibro blade and vibro sword. And cyberdisc has only
armor on all sides. 

Problems with hitting enemies on slopes/stairs with melee (or actually not hitting them, despite sound indication kicking in) keeps resurfacing from time to time. I guess someone has to have a look at it. Does it persist if you upgrade to the newest OXCE+? (4.0 to be precise)

I can try 99J6b to see what happens. Is this version good enough? 

Oh and btw melee weapons do not make any sound when they miss. So a hit is always audible.

I am pretty sure that vibro sword ALWAYS makes sound, but I'll check that again. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 20, 2018, 07:22:02 pm
I can try 99J6b to see what happens. Is this version good enough? 

You can use whatever version, just try newest OXCE+; it's usually backwards-compatible (but not always).

I am pretty sure that vibro sword ALWAYS makes sound, but I'll check that again.

There is no reason for that I can see in the files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 20, 2018, 07:36:55 pm
I'm pretty sure there was a sound for a miss, much like hearing a staff moving quickly through air.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 20, 2018, 07:42:50 pm
There's a default melee "swing" sound for every time you use a melee weapon, then an additional sound that only plays on melee hit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 20, 2018, 10:11:05 pm
Vibro sword is not bugged. Gal with low melee skill was attacking cyberdisc and hitting every time just probably because that is big target with low evasion, and she got considerable bonus to cth that is not reflected in shown cth.

--- posts merged ---

Is it enough to copy only .exe file to test this bug with cyberdisc on OXCE 4.0 ? Or everything what is there?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 20, 2018, 11:11:45 pm
You also need to copy the "standard" and "common" folders.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 01:24:01 am
You also need to copy the "standard" and "common" folders.

Ok, thanks, it worked.

So, in OXCE 4.0 bug, which is preventing cyberdisc on the slope from taking damage from melee attacks, still exist. But shooting works.

BTW... Dioxine, I could upgrade to current version long time ago. I was complaining that 99J3 killed my economy by including sectoweed into medical supplies recipe. And I didn't had any sectoweed. I had to wait until Reticulans arrive, so I could research Reticulan Contactcs and buy sectoweed on black market... All I needed was smallest of hints, that I can research that without any Reticulans actually showing up!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 21, 2018, 01:52:33 am
BTW... Dioxine, I could upgrade to current version long time ago. I was complaining that 99J3 killed my economy by including sectoweed into medical supplies recipe. And I didn't had any sectoweed. I had to wait until Reticulans arrive, so I could research Reticulan Contactcs and buy sectoweed on black market... All I needed was smallest of hints, that I can research that without any Reticulans actually showing up!

You can get sectoweed from a lot of places, and with plantations you can grow your own.  No reticulans required.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 21, 2018, 05:06:21 am
Well if he was on the early versions and had no sectoweed available the upgrade would crash your economy, the plantations require some "seed" crop to get going, and the unlock for purchase is not terribly obvious. The sectoweed feeding into nearly all medical products, and the nerf of low tier saves where both big hiccups in how overall economy worked. Both required hours of work for an experienced player like me to compensate for. I dont blame someone for not wanting to change the proverbial horse mid stream.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 07:14:58 am
You can get sectoweed from a lot of places, and with plantations you can grow your own.  No reticulans required.

In the beginning of the campaign I sold sectoweed as useless stuff on mission summary screen. It was later automatically sold after every mission with trash stuff. When 99J3 was published, I had no sectoweed, and medi supplies were my only source of income. Going back to Xgrog was cutting down my income by 75% and killing game. And I didn't know about chemicals. But I was like maybe 6 months from day, when Reticulans showed up in my previous game. So I thought "I'll wait a little bit and then I will able to upgrade after researching reticulan stuff and buying  sectoweed from black market".

And they didn't arrived yet. In copmparison to previous game they are late about 9 months. And with about 80 brainers I am soon possibly research everything I can, and lack of Reticulan technology blocks me from doing Higher Studies.               
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on September 21, 2018, 07:34:08 am
Well until they do eventually show up, stop auto selling sectoweed.  It's more common now so you should have enough to plant by the time you get some plantations up and running.  I'm only a few months into a new game and I already have like 80 sectoweed, that's more than enough to seed some plantations to be swimming in more sectoweed than I know what to do with heh.  You can try selling Chateau de la Mort, that's pretty sweet space bucks.  I don't recall ever selling medical supplies so I don't know how it stacks up in comparison though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 09:05:45 pm
I am now in 28th month of campaign and plastasteel forgery is on. One mint is also working.  And now, when I finally can buy sectoweed from black market, it turns out  that medi supplies made with purchased sectoweed is less profitable than hellerium extraction...

But even if I had enough sectoweed to start farming, change to economy based on medi supplies still was insane. I did few moment ago some test runs with purchased sectoweed in 99J6b. Single base with 145 runts manufactoring medi supplies used 96 sectoweed in 50 hours. Thats 1,92/hour. And then I had four such bases, so I would need 7,68 sectoweed per hour to sustain my economy. Now, single farm is producing 240 sectoweed in 24 days, but you need 12 to start new farm, giving you 228 netto. That  is 0,395/hour. 7,68/0,395 = 19,44 so I would need 20 farms to meet my hourly demand. In single base there is room for 8 farms, so 2 and half bases would need to be costructed and dedicated to farming sectoweed... And production of medi supplies after upgrading to 99J3 was stopped instatly because of lack of sectoweed, without waiting for farms... In my case it was almost instant game over.         

And farming breaks immersion. Pirates do not sow, they pay the iron price.  ;)   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 21, 2018, 10:39:22 pm
I am now in 28th month of campaign and plastasteel forgery is on. [..]

But even if I had enough sectoweed to start farming, change to economy based on medi supplies still was insane.
Why would you even care about Medical Supplies anymore? Plastasteel forging is roughly twice as profitable as Medical Supplies were before the economy changes. The next upgrade would be Privatizing World Peace followed by Armory Tower for the most profitable production possible.
Oh, and before I forget, you could've switched to producing Chemicals in those 9 months. It's slightly less profitable than Medical Supplies, but with nine months game time your increase in slaves should've made up for the difference. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on September 21, 2018, 10:47:52 pm

And farming breaks immersion. Pirates do not sow, they pay the iron price.  ;)

..and what, who is dead, - cant die (nomore
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 11:21:40 pm
Why would you even care about Medical Supplies anymore? Plastasteel forging is roughly twice as profitable as Medical Supplies were before the economy changes. The next upgrade would be Privatizing World Peace followed by Armory Tower for the most profitable production possible.

Plastasteel production started like 20 days ago. And with deficit about 28 millions I can't rely on plastasteel only. Sometimes you need to produce stuff like advanced power armor and 500 runts needs 15 hours for one piece.   

Oh, and before I forget, you could've switched to producing Chemicals in those 9 months. It's slightly less profitable than Medical Supplies,

If only I had knew about it. There is so much stuff to manufacture, and so many of them generates losses... I didn't check everything. And chemicals are not slightly, but about 25% less profitable.

but with nine months game time your increase in slaves should've made up for the difference. ;)

If I understand correctly slaves increase storage capacity and courtesans bring some profit, but in the end it not good investment. Did versions after 99J2 changed something ?     

Game version 99J6b , OXCE 4.0

Terror ship show up with messed up race description. During interception game CTDed. Screenshot + openxcom.log attached.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2018, 11:40:13 pm
Terror ship show up with messed up race description. During interception game CTDed. Screenshot + openxcom.log attached.

STR_SNAKEMAN_TERROR race doesn't exist in J6 anymore... which is most likely also the cause of the CTD.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 11:49:38 pm
Should I ignore it then ? What if let them land and do terror attack? Will it also crash if I meet them on the ground?     
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2018, 11:50:25 pm
Should I ignore it then ? What if let them land and do terror attack? Will it also crash if I meet them on the ground?   

Yes, it will crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 21, 2018, 11:58:25 pm
Ok, I'll ignore them. This can be only fixed in the next release, right?   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 22, 2018, 12:01:27 am
Ok, I'll ignore them. This can be only fixed in the next release, right?

It will fix itself automatically... next month, such missions won't be generated anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 22, 2018, 12:08:57 am
It is my fault then, as I upgraded from 99J2 to 99J6b on the first day of month... :)   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 22, 2018, 02:01:14 am
Oh right, the Church were formerly internally called SNAKEMEN.  Here I thought the actual Snakemen (internally called ERIDIANS) were now starting to do pogroms.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 22, 2018, 03:33:06 am
Game version 99J6b , OXCE 4.0

Old bug, I have seen it in 99J2, but forgot about it. Amount of animals (like attack dogs) that I can buy, is not limited by burrow/beast den capacity, but by animal's size and storage capacity. So I can have 95 dogs (even more if I purge storage) in base with single beast den.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on September 22, 2018, 06:38:59 am
You can edit the STR_SNAKEMAN_TERROR in the save file, but I can't say for sure what race to replace it with. Should be safe to replace it with any race that appears earlier in the month though. Dioxine could tell you the best fit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 22, 2018, 07:14:27 am
I think I put a warning about this, but it was awfully long time ago, J3 maybe? It fixes itself by the new month anyway. Wow what a blast from the past.
And Vansi, please stop spamming bug tread with your boring "economy problems" and philosophical remarks about what is pure piratey waifu and what is impure waifu. Pirates do not sow... ever heard about Vikings, dude? (if reply, please do in another tread).

About the dog bug, well, I cannot do anything about it maybe except removing doges. You can honorably keep the number of the doges in check or cheat like crazy, your choice.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on September 22, 2018, 05:07:27 pm
There is something fishy going on with space limits for beasts - those that use both burrow/den space and vaults space.

I've had some weird UI issues when I think I captured too many werewolves, or my reaper got stunned and counted as loot or something like that. Unfortunately, I lost that savegame. But it's something to look into sometime.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 22, 2018, 05:12:11 pm
I think beasts always count as loot after base defence, at least it seems so.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on September 22, 2018, 05:26:43 pm

If I understand correctly slaves increase storage capacity and courtesans bring some profit, but in the end it not good investment. Did versions after 99J2 changed something ?     

Slaves also provide profit equivalent to their storage.  ie a slave that provides 1 storage space also provides 1,000 per month.   In low numbers it doesn't make a huge impact but it can help as slave numbers pile up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 22, 2018, 11:06:10 pm
There is something fishy going on with space limits for beasts - those that use both burrow/den space and vaults space.

Yes, it seems so:

I purchased some Attack Dogs and Blood Hounds on a base without any Burrow or similar. After the base was attacked, the game prompted for me to move said animals as there was no kennel space for them.

I sold them and bough new ones.  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on September 23, 2018, 02:10:53 am
Game version 99J6b , OXCE 4.0

There is some weird bug in my current tactical battle. Gals are moving without spending TUs. First it is shown in path indicator and later confirmed as they move.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on September 23, 2018, 03:09:42 am
Yes, it seems so:

I purchased some Attack Dogs and Blood Hounds on a base without any Burrow or similar. After the base was attacked, the game prompted for me to move said animals as there was no kennel space for them.

I sold them and bough new ones.  :)

Lol  ;D  :D
it resembles me a ..real-life, (politics, /byroucratics,  /firms-corporates aspects of real-lifes.. you know, all those ..formalism, "pro-forma", etc..

( tsechise, czechisch "sweikism" )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on September 23, 2018, 04:13:37 am
hmn..  moving secvention ..{26~20-20~16},

{8-4-4-4-0} seems abit alike some ..overbuffer'ed variable, stack-buffer overflow..

btw. your english is very fine, alot better than mine..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 26, 2018, 06:16:32 pm
As Dioxines reaction seems to imply that it is a bug I'll post it here: I didn't have to research trophies to be able to produce tokens with them. I'll attach the save from the month after researching the brass badge, so someone else can check with the new trophies from those missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 26, 2018, 06:31:37 pm
I just confirmed that: all the projects that require an item BUT have 0 research cost (like trophies) are auto-completed along with your next research (IF you have the item). Not sure yet what to do with this - it is a bug in the sense it wasn't intended, and is caused by the new internal logic of the game I was unaware of. Also you will not see the research articles on completion. But it isn't a bug in the sense of breaking anything. I will think on how to handle it best.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on September 26, 2018, 10:43:45 pm
I'm getting a lot of crashes during Reticulan missions. All the cases are when blowing them up with Rocket Launcher. On reload and doing the same action someitmes work sometimes it crashes.

After writing that I had a crash when opening the Reticulan UFO door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 27, 2018, 10:35:33 am
I tried the save, killed all reticulans with heavy use of Launchers, no crashes for me...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on September 27, 2018, 01:45:33 pm
Like I said it's not always happening but it happens. Check the log I've attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 27, 2018, 02:29:14 pm
It seems to be an engine issue, array index out of bounds... crashes only when it touches some memory it is not allowed to touch.

It's not a new issue, I've seen it several times this year... don't know what's causing it.
I reported to Yankes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on September 27, 2018, 09:32:37 pm
Cannot start the game at all, the program throws me an error about:
[INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[ERROR]   Const name 'RuleList.xcom1' already used

What am I doing wrong?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 28, 2018, 02:49:57 pm
I think the Confederate Eagle has the wrong floor graphic:

Still J6B, haven't got to the end of the month to upgrade yet, so sorry if this has been adressed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports: 99J7 Bugfix
Post by: ivandogovich on September 28, 2018, 03:31:26 pm
Here is a quick Bugfix ruleset:

It addresses:
 - a manufacturing glitch for Contraband
 - Savage outfit morale degen should be -8 not -80

To use: Replace your \Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez.rul ruleset from your 99J7 build with the one attached to this post.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 28, 2018, 06:01:05 pm
Cannot start the game at all, the program throws me an error about:
[INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[ERROR]   Const name 'RuleList.xcom1' already used

What am I doing wrong?
Did it work before the update? Have you tried a clean "install" (delete everything, unpack the downloaded archive, move UFO/TFTD stuff into the correct folder)?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 28, 2018, 06:11:05 pm
I think the Confederate Eagle has the wrong floor graphic:

Still J6B, haven't got to the end of the month to upgrade yet, so sorry if this has been adressed.

Thanks, this and a couple other pistols had floor object 375 instead of 376 :)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ves on September 28, 2018, 09:00:33 pm
I think i have a problem in my game with space freighters not showing up at all.  The only significant research i think i'm missing is a "belter" and i suspect thats an enemy on that freighter mission. I also updated the version several times during this campaign, so that could be the issue. Might be RNG, but i am waiting for quite some time now and could buy the planet from the space governor by now. It would be an offer he can't refuse.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on September 29, 2018, 10:07:09 am
I think i have a problem in my game with space freighters not showing up at all.
It has only a 15% chance to spawn in any given month. In my game it took over a year after the research for it to appear.

The only significant research i think i'm missing is a "belter" and i suspect thats an enemy on that freighter mission.

I also updated the version several times during this campaign, so that could be the issue.
Didn't stop it from appearing in my game. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HT on September 29, 2018, 11:13:21 am
Did it work before the update? Have you tried a clean "install" (delete everything, unpack the downloaded archive, move UFO/TFTD stuff into the correct folder)?

Well yes, it worked before the last update perfectly. Thankfully, what you suggested works. Yay!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on October 01, 2018, 03:52:22 am
1. I can't dig in enemy base. Brown dirt blocks are indestructible. Tested by 2 gals in swiftsuits with pickaxes for about 10 turns. About 110-120 attempts, not a single success.   

2. Testudo armor has two different appearances.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 01, 2018, 06:52:50 am
Dunno about the enemy base blocks, but the testudo is functioning as crafted, these are sprite graphics and as such have separate graphics images for each directional facing. I imagine the difference comes from having to squish the original source to fit in the constraints allowed by the engine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on October 01, 2018, 10:04:32 am
I've just started a new game on 0.99j7 and came across this odd event.

When I went to a Church mission - Temple of Sirius - the one where you start without your ship, I was supprised to start with my ship, even though the breafing says you always start on foot.

I made a save of this, and then reloaded - same result.  I then tried several more times, aproximitly half started with the ship and half on foot.

included the mission save and a geoscape from just before the mission.

Any idea what's up?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 01, 2018, 10:46:07 am
1. I can't dig in enemy base. Brown dirt blocks are indestructible. Tested by 2 gals in swiftsuits with pickaxes for about 10 turns. About 110-120 attempts, not a single success.   

2. Testudo armor has two different appearances.

No idea about 1. (Which base?) but 2. is the result of having male and female torso, and the armor lacking a commnad to force the former no matter soldier's (internal) gender.

When I went to a Church mission - Temple of Sirius - the one where you start without your ship, I was supprised to start with my ship, even though the breafing says you always start on foot.

Already reported and fixed, thanx
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 01, 2018, 10:53:37 am
No idea about 1. (Which base?) but 2. is the result of having male and female torso, and the armor lacking a commnad to force the former no matter soldier's (internal) gender.

Doesn't forceTorso: 1 work here?
(Or was it forcedTorso?)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 01, 2018, 10:54:24 am
Yeah that was the flag that was lacking, obviously. I just wrote that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 01, 2018, 11:29:47 am
Yeah that was the flag that was lacking, obviously. I just wrote that.

Sorry, I misunderstood. I wouldn't if it was obvious. :P
Glad it's sorted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on October 01, 2018, 02:08:26 pm
About the base walls, in vanilla Xcom the only thing that could put a dent in those was blaster bombs so they are about as strong as the UFO outer walls even though they look like dirt.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on October 01, 2018, 09:48:46 pm
No idea about 1. (Which base?)

It is Academy base, raid to kidnap Provost. I was attempting to link together green exit zones by digging tunnels in upper level. And I am 100% sure it was possible in 99J2 and earlier versions. Savefile attached. In southern zone there are two gals in swiftsuits with pickaxes. It is possible to destroy metal wall, but not brown dirt block.

About the base walls, in vanilla Xcom the only thing that could put a dent in those was blaster bombs so they are about as strong as the UFO outer walls even though they look like dirt.

This is not vanilla, you can breach outer hull of cruiser (battleship from vanilla) by using pickaxes.   
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 01, 2018, 10:59:45 pm
This is not vanilla, you can breach outer hull of cruiser (battleship from vanilla) by using pickaxes.   

Up to Dioxine to answer if intended or not... but in my opinion this is definitely a bug.
You should not be able to crack open UFOs with a pickaxe, nor should you be able to dig tunnels through alien or xcom base "thick wall" with it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on October 01, 2018, 11:07:55 pm
It is Academy base, raid to kidnap Provost. I was attempting to link together green exit zones by digging tunnels in upper level. And I am 100% sure it was possible in 99J2 and earlier versions. Savefile attached. In southern zone there are two gals in swiftsuits with pickaxes. It is possible to destroy metal wall, but not brown dirt block.

This is not vanilla, you can breach outer hull of cruiser (battleship from vanilla) by using pickaxes.   

I guess I have a problem assuming people are following my train of thought, I know it can be tricky sometimes.  Earlier Dioxine said he didn't know anything about the problem, that would imply he didn't mess with the values associated with how strong those walls are (if that's even something that can be modded).  Since he didn't change the wall values it would mean that the vanilla values were being used.  You seemed miffed that you couldn't dig through "dirt", I was letting you know that even though it looked like dirt was in fact much stronger, and always has been.  If you were able to tunnel through bases before and are unable now you might want to ask about it in the OXCE forum since that's most likely why you can't anymore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 01, 2018, 11:26:52 pm
Up to Dioxine to answer if intended or not... but in my opinion this is definitely a bug.
You should not be able to crack open UFOs with a pickaxe, nor should you be able to dig tunnels through alien or xcom base "thick wall" with it.

I'm not advanced in Piratez on the missions to kidnap Provosts, but in the mission of bank heists
I tried for fun to use heavy stuff to dig a hole towards the basement (ground level vaults), and short of using dragon or baby nukes, the multi block thick dirt walls were actually reinforced by some sort of cylindrical structures. Quite neat! (I'm a Structural Engineer IRL, so thumbs up from me  :) ).
Therefore I assume it's the same for all of these heavy duty walls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on October 02, 2018, 05:37:46 am
Up to Dioxine to answer if intended or not... but in my opinion this is definitely a bug.
You should not be able to crack open UFOs with a pickaxe, nor should you be able to dig tunnels through alien or xcom base "thick wall" with it.

Well, I don't know... There are weird things in the mod. In the beggining of my current campaign (maybe second or third month) I had very serious problem with 3 enemy armored cars on terror mission. Black powder bombs were ineffective, I used all my molotovs to destroy 2 cars. Third armored car was destroyed by... barbarian sword and pickaxe.
And there is latest addition to the mod - cannibals (canny gals). It was suppose to be an easy mission, but to avoid overheating in tropics, I used gals only in custom power armor. And turns out, that this primitive savages, armed only with bows, blow pipes and javelins can wound and even kill a gal in power armor. Through frontal plate.   

On the other hand digging tunnels through enemy base was a lot of fun. It was taking lots of time, but I was able to raid with low level armors, like tactical or heavy armor.                       
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on October 02, 2018, 01:58:13 pm
So? I am pretty sure you can do the same with thrown weapons. And the bio damage of the poison stuff ignores half of the armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 02, 2018, 09:29:24 pm
On the other hand digging tunnels through enemy base was a lot of fun. It was taking lots of time, but I was able to raid with low level armors, like tactical or heavy armor.                       

While I agree there are balance issues, such as with the pickaxe, you're also seeing things that simply aren't there. The tileset for alien base in Piratez was last changed in 2013, you can see it for yourself. Hence it is not possible that "these tiles were diggable before but are indestructible now".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 02, 2018, 09:44:26 pm
While I agree there are balance issues, such as with the pickaxe, you're also seeing things that simply aren't there. The tileset for alien base in Piratez was last changed in 2013, you can see it for yourself. Hence it is not possible that "these tiles were diggable before but are indestructible now".

At least not caused by PirateZ mod.

We did fix some terrain damage code 3 months ago, because it was not 100% vanilla compatible... that may have reduced the damage of projectile-based weapons to terrain.... from 0-100% of to 25-75% of weapon's power.

Unless weapon's power or damage attributes were modded directly.

Whatever the cause may be... important is to know if it's a bug or a feature... the numbers can be tweaked to produce both results.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on October 03, 2018, 01:37:22 am
you're also seeing things that simply aren't there.

 Hence it is not possible that "these tiles were diggable before but are indestructible now".

What now? Am I hallucinating? Maybe I am a liar?  ::)
Maybe you should play your own mod from time to time, to see what is possible and what is not.

Unless weapon's power or damage attributes were modded directly.

Are you implying, that I modded Piratez to give myself ability to dig tunnels in enemy base? :o
If yes, that is very flattering, but I don't have any idea where to start.

Here is screenshot and save file from 99J2. It shows how much you can dig in enemy base in 4 turns with 7 pickaxes and barely 2 swiftsuits.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 03, 2018, 05:55:24 am
I'm not advanced in Piratez on the missions to kidnap Provosts, but in the mission of bank heists
I tried for fun to use heavy stuff to dig a hole towards the basement (ground level vaults), and short of using dragon or baby nukes, the multi block thick dirt walls were actually reinforced by some sort of cylindrical structures. Quite neat! (I'm a Structural Engineer IRL, so thumbs up from me  :) ).
Therefore I assume it's the same for all of these heavy duty walls.

To follow up my own post. Something else I remember is I fired w/ one of the concussive guns of one of the tanks (85 mm type, IIRC), on the side of the ground level vault of the bank building. Some terrain was taken but the path was blocked by these cylindrical structures. The view inside was still blocked. When I reached inside I saw the occupant of the room nearest to the impact all injured on the floor. I don't recall if there were missing items from the damage, but there was smoke and such. So the access may be blocked, but there is no immunity from shock waves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 03, 2018, 07:53:36 am
What now? Am I hallucinating? Maybe I am a liar?  ::)
Maybe you should play your own mod from time to time, to see what is possible and what is not.

I only wish I could play it more, dear. Playing and watching LPs takes a serious chunk of my free time as it already is. It also takes away from modding time.

Not calling you a liar, but hallucinations are quite common around here, due to all the RNG and other nontransparent circumstances involved. And some go an extra step and proceed to jump to conclusions that I somehow stealthily changed something (and in some rare cases, apparently just to personally spite a player). I deal with crazies daily, and no wonder, we're all crazies here...

As for the real reason, it seems Meridian already found it. These tiles have 100 armor. If OXC changed the terrain damage formula, they'd be much harder to damage. What are the chances, tho, that I've been doing the exact same thing as you did (namely digging in alien base) just mere weeks after the version came out? In a game that requires avg. 500 hours to fully play through? Get real. (Actually I never tried digging in alien bases, neither in vanilla nor piratez... seems comletely pointless but I don't judge...)

Also I concur that the terrain seemed somehow... too malleable, compared to vanilla... Good thing it was fixed, although some terrains, like the bank, will probably have to be rebalanced to allow hammers/pickaxes.

Sorry for the big post, but these things needed to be straightened out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vansi on October 03, 2018, 08:17:01 pm
(Actually I never tried digging in alien bases, neither in vanilla nor piratez... seems comletely pointless but I don't judge...)
Oh, come on. Digging in vanilla? How? With blaster launcher? But in Piratez? Completely different story. And there are reasons, but since you don't have time to play you don't see them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on October 03, 2018, 09:24:11 pm
Vansi, you ever heard of Joe Buckley of baen ebooks fame?

Multiple best-selling american sci-fi writers has him as a character in their novels.

They even wrote anthologies about him.

His name is certainly immortal by now.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 04, 2018, 12:04:36 am
Oh, come on. Digging in vanilla? How? With blaster launcher? But in Piratez? Completely different story. And there are reasons, but since you don't have time to play you don't see them.

With heavy plasma. Hell, every strong autofire weapon is a drill, that is like XCOM 101. And you're warping my words again. I said I don't have the time to play as much as I'd like. But also that I play as much as I can, and I watch other people play a lot.

Stop this bullshit. If you can't express yourself without bare-assed assumptions, and without pushing other people against the wall, it will only get worse for you. I see the reasons, of course, and I find them inane, but I wanted to keep it civil. Have it your way, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on October 04, 2018, 01:49:46 am
Bug with OXCE 5.1 and piratez last version

Research TROLLIUM make it crash.

Code: [Select]
[INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] Loading data...
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in 'standard'...
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:\Users\alfredo.nunes\Documents\Personales\Xcom\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods'...
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] reservedSpace for: piratez is: 4
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom1 updated to: 4
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] reservedSpace for: xcom2 updated to: 4
[03-10-2018_17-47-42] [INFO] Mapping resource files...
[03-10-2018_17-47-44] [INFO] Resources files mapped successfully.
[03-10-2018_17-47-44] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[03-10-2018_17-47-47] [ERROR] Unknown research TROLLIUM
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 04, 2018, 02:14:21 am
Bug with OXCE 5.1 and piratez last version

Use the bugfix ruleset I posted earlier in this thread:,4058.msg104201.html#msg104201
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on October 04, 2018, 02:30:43 am
Thanks! It works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on October 04, 2018, 08:35:17 am
Was . . . was TROLLIUM ever meant to be researched? I've only found one way to get it so far, and, well . . . it requires something that is technically "cheating".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on October 04, 2018, 08:47:09 pm
Was . . . was TROLLIUM ever meant to be researched? I've only found one way to get it so far, and, well . . . it requires something that is technically "cheating".
It was not. Changes in OXCE (if a required tech does not exist, it is not considered a requirement) mean that it becomes available, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 06, 2018, 08:33:22 pm
Got crash in J7, when killed Magic Girl the game stuck. Like no response to any interface buttons.
The trick is - I play with no save mode (SM mode). That mean i cannot go back to any other saves.
How can I fix this error to keep on the progress?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on October 06, 2018, 10:36:34 pm
poor Magic Girl! :o ;p

(..and poor those (slaughtered) kitty cats, too ;o )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on October 07, 2018, 01:18:05 am
Got crash in J7, when killed Magic Girl the game stuck. Like no response to any interface buttons.
The trick is - I play with no save mode (SM mode). That mean i cannot go back to any other saves.
How can I fix this error to keep on the progress?

Well first, as the mod is still being developed, bugs and crashes and whatnot are going to happen from time to time so having supermutant turned on is probably a bad idea, just stick with the honor system.  I don't play with ironman mode enabled so I'm not positive on this but there should still be some kind of auto save going on periodically (it may be an option you have to turn on/off).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 07, 2018, 01:54:39 am
Got crash in J7, when killed Magic Girl the game stuck. Like no response to any interface buttons.
The trick is - I play with no save mode (SM mode). That mean i cannot go back to any other saves.
How can I fix this error to keep on the progress?

I don't think you can. It gets stuck hard. I never had any reports on issues with Magical Girls, haven't changed anything with them for years, either. You should've maybe knocked her out instead, consider this a penance :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on October 07, 2018, 02:03:03 am
Got crash in J7, when killed Magic Girl the game stuck. Like no response to any interface buttons.
The trick is - I play with no save mode (SM mode). That mean i cannot go back to any other saves.
How can I fix this error to keep on the progress?

Here you go, save attached. EDIT: just click end of turn

But the bug is most curious, thank you for reporting.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 07, 2018, 08:36:48 am
A small one:

Entry in Bootypedia: Ruffian
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 07, 2018, 10:25:34 am
Here you go, save attached. EDIT: just click end of turn

Thanks alot for the fast response. Got a little heart attack there.
This game is brilliant.
Edit: there is a message "this savegame refers to an unavailable mode, some trouble may happen". Should I not pay attention there?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on October 07, 2018, 11:05:47 am
that usualy happens when you either activate a new mod or disable one and then trying to run the same save that had or didnt had them,even by just updating the same mod like tank and cars plus it can also show that message.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on October 07, 2018, 12:22:48 pm
Edit: there is a message "this savegame refers to an unavailable mode, some trouble may happen". Should I not pay attention there?

No, ignore this.

that usualy happens when you either activate a new mod or disable one and then trying to run the same save that had or didnt had them,even by just updating the same mod like tank and cars plus it can also show that message.

Was because references to some of my mods crept into the save. Warning should go away after next save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 07, 2018, 06:57:02 pm
having supermutant turned on is probably a bad idea
Well the true reason is that SM mode makes the game feel a lot more different. If it ends, it ends.
Not to mention a bunch of Star Gods almost ruined my second base, the whole team was panicking/under the control, the tanks and mutant reapers were destroyed, 20 dogs loaded with activated blast satchels as well as 20 bloodhouds helped a little. That's the battle, you see.
And if there's no savegame to come back to, you check every turn twice.
You should've maybe knocked her out instead, consider this a penance :P
That was an ocassion. Can't imagine any mature male that shoots the little girls.

Thanks to everyone who was paying attention to my request.
Stoddard, thank you very much again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 07, 2018, 08:29:51 pm
Well the true reason is that SM mode makes the game feel a lot more different. If it ends, it ends.

Well it also makes it super hard to share saves, ergo, to debug and analyze. Every pain is taken to assure buglessness, but I cannot guarantee no game crashing saves. Really, I recommend honor system instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on October 08, 2018, 10:37:37 am
Uber wheat takes 1x1 inventory space, but it's image is 2x3 large.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 08, 2018, 08:10:47 pm
Is it intended that alien assaulters to the base stuck to their places? I mean there is no script yet.
I believe that Mercenaries and Raiders won't move, just attack with reaction fire. Not sure about others.

And versa, attack on alien bases: Major of fractions stuck to their places. For example, academy drones even don't turn back, you can stay behind them for a number of turns.

The versions J4-J7.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 08, 2018, 08:26:10 pm
Post a save, Abyss?

Units should patrol between nodes.  So what you are describing doesn't seem right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 08, 2018, 09:39:12 pm
If these units are snipers but not spotters (which I don't know) then it is an AI bug. It will be resolved with the next version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 08, 2018, 10:15:13 pm
Post a save, Abyss?
Beg for pardon, that is Iron man mode. Nevertheless, it was the same problem before whan I played with saves in the J5. 
I will copy a save soon after the next attack.

If these units are snipers but not spotters (which I don't know) then it is an AI bug. It will be resolved with the next version.
They all stay, except for 10-15% units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 08, 2018, 10:20:58 pm
J7 has some attempt to address the spotter/sniper issue. 

Playing on Ironman....  Its not recommended.  Mainly due to ongoing development, but also because its very hard to verify issues when they arise due to lack of save games.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 09, 2018, 12:29:00 am
J7 fixed the sniper-spotter. The described behavior is abnormal. But nothing can really be said or done without a save to analyze.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 09, 2018, 12:39:47 am
J7 fixed the sniper-spotter. The described behavior is abnormal. But nothing can really be said or done without a save to analyze.
Will return back with save asap
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 09, 2018, 01:18:14 am
On a lazy Monday afternoon (it's a holiday over here), I'm playing the Mage Villa mission.

I get a CTD error. To repeat the error take the tank on the upper floor and shoot at the table right in front of it.

Attached are the saves and log error section.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 09, 2018, 04:30:33 am
Fixed. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 10, 2018, 03:58:55 pm
Post a save, Abyss?

Units should patrol between nodes.  So what you are describing doesn't seem right.

Here's the save
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 10, 2018, 04:19:22 pm
Here is another save for the turn where all moving stuff is killed. In this siege 60% of units appeared to be moving.
The tanks are always patrol. They'r good. The low-ranked guys too. But for commander and some other guys there is a one-stand game.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on October 13, 2018, 10:00:26 pm
There is a visibility bug, that can be seen in Siberia base.

The attach screenshot show that gal standing in front of open door doesn't see anyone, but one step inside and she can see whole corridor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 15, 2018, 02:00:02 am
A map oddity. Not 100% sure if it was reported already, but another one:

A map oddity on the Crypt of the Technomancer map. See attached screenshot.
If the unit highlighted moves forward the unit will cross the map corner as if there is nothing there, like curtains. I got surprised by a nasty zombie attack that came from there.
It could be intentional, as it's a mage's base after all  :)
By the way these maps are very pretty.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on October 20, 2018, 11:14:57 am
Had an instance of infested cellar that created 2 unreachable rooms. Had to cut through the walls.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on October 20, 2018, 12:43:00 pm
Not a bug, why do you think there is a pickaxe close to your spawnpoint?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on October 20, 2018, 04:48:21 pm
What pickaxe?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 20, 2018, 07:10:53 pm
What pickaxe?

The one laying by the stairs. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 20, 2018, 09:54:58 pm
Post a save, Abyss?
Units should patrol between nodes.  So what you are describing doesn't seem right.

Hello, IvanDogovich
I just was curious if the AI base attack/defence scripts are overviewed/enhanced in the new version, or they are the same by the moment?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 20, 2018, 10:11:40 pm
Upon researching contraband, I get this:

EDIT: It's just a label. The consumer goods can still be manufactured.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on October 21, 2018, 10:42:06 am
Contraband was accidentaly made available for sale last update in the black market so i dont think you were supposed to do that in the first place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 22, 2018, 12:18:57 am
Contraband was accidentaly made available for sale last update in the black market so i dont think you were supposed to do that in the first place.

I thought that's the idea of storing contraband for some time. In game mechanics said time is read as the delivery of the Contraband. When it arrives the runts can "open" the crates and sell the consumer products for a nice profit. It's essentially renting storage space.

By the way, another one:
Is the testudo slave armor actually exosuit ?
I just launched the Fortuna into orbit for one of these disruptive missions, and I got the unit in a escape pod instead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 22, 2018, 12:47:44 am
Exosuit it is, but its not 0-G. Subtle if important difference. An exosuit that is not also explicitly tagged as either sea or 0-G, is valid for stage 1 of cydonia and nothing else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 22, 2018, 02:06:15 am
I thought that's the idea of storing contraband for some time. In game mechanics said time is read as the delivery of the Contraband. When it arrives the runts can "open" the crates and sell the consumer products for a nice profit. It's essentially renting storage space.

Opening the crates was only added now. Contraband was taken off the game before because you could sell it from the postbattle screen when you got cargo space overflow - even before the Contraband arrived, thus wrecking the whole concept. One guy named Tylor proposed the solution with breaking it down to sell it for profit, so implemented it eventually.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 22, 2018, 05:53:28 am
Exosuit it is, but its not 0-G. Subtle if important difference. An exosuit that is not also explicitly tagged as either sea or 0-G, is valid for stage 1 of cydonia and nothing else.

Good point. I forgot about that.
I suppose I should have read the tag "0-G" in the Pedia next to tue suit. Same with "SEA".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 22, 2018, 12:00:38 pm


0.99J7 > 0.99J8
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 22, 2018, 08:14:26 pm
STR_MEDAL_MULTIPLEHITS_UFOPEDIA: You've received many hits during a single mission.{NEWLINE}4 hits minimum. 8 for Third Iron Skull. Only the best performing mission counts."

UFOPEDIA: You've > UFOPEDIA: "You've
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 23, 2018, 06:59:12 pm
1) frigging readme, nobody reads it anyway... :)
2) indeed... but how comes it doesn't crash the game???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on October 24, 2018, 09:39:06 pm
Haxxor is a pistol or sniper rifle?
Also "dissasembling weapons" two types of shortcuts: D-A and D/A.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: silencer_pl on October 24, 2018, 10:59:35 pm
There is a hole in deliverator. The spawn point near the ground floor door can be shot at from below. Can be reproduced in 0-g missions - specially the satellite with Terminator robots. The gal in the SS was shot on enemy turn from the front and below that was hiding in that little nook or whatever you call it that has open top.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 24, 2018, 11:08:40 pm
Yeah that is how grav lifters work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mostly_harmless on October 25, 2018, 12:50:20 pm
first of all, thanks for the great mod.

I found a bug when applying moonshine to a fellow gal.
The energy boost goes to the fellow gal as intended, however the stun damage gets added to the serving gal.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 25, 2018, 12:53:17 pm
It's not a bug... It used to be as you suggested, but players turned it into a stun weapon by forcing the booze on standing enemies, so Dioxine had to change it to as it works now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mostly_harmless on October 25, 2018, 12:56:24 pm
ok, thanks for the info.
I will try to find how I can get rid of the stun damage then. must be somewhere in the files I guess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 25, 2018, 01:01:00 pm
ok, thanks for the info.
I will try to find how I can get rid of the stun damage then. must be somewhere in the files I guess.

It's possible to do... But why even try? It's there for a reason.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mostly_harmless on October 25, 2018, 01:04:36 pm
Well, I want to have it as intended. Having the medic/barkeeper pass out after she served a couple of drinks is breaking my immersion. :)
And I can self-police myself to not abuse the moonshine on enemies.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 25, 2018, 01:49:55 pm
Fair enough. I think it's reasonable.
Sorry, I can't help now since I'm AFK, plus I don't know what the values should be... But I'm sure someone more in he know can write a small mod for you. Or you can try the Piratez server on Discord.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KZad Bhat on October 25, 2018, 03:30:52 pm
That does remind me though a Seattle area serial killer who targeted Native American women. He'd tie them up, and the force them to drink vast amounts of alcohol. When autopsies were done, the women were found with far higher BACs than are ever usually found, and it was theorized by medical examiners for a while that they'd been drinking so heavily for so long that they were able to function enough with ore alcohol in their blood, and keep drinking and raising that level even more.

That all changed when a white woman who hardly ever even touched alcohol in her life became his victim, and her reported history by her mother and friends flew in the face of the idea of being frequently drunk.

Basically, before that change, you could be this very same serial killer, and now you can't!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: armadilloTank on October 26, 2018, 06:39:02 am
Some of the newer farm tiles have 0 walking/running TU cost.  It was one of the death and taxes map sets. it happened at the start of a run and I kept playing so no save, sorry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 26, 2018, 12:20:08 pm
As we all know, leeks are the ultimate power source used by Vocaloids. Of course they give you unlimited speed!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 26, 2018, 02:35:27 pm
en-GB.yml from v.099_J8:
line 4754 and line 4755 are the same

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on October 26, 2018, 05:52:39 pm
I will try to find how I can get rid of the stun damage then. must be somewhere in the files I guess.
Replace STR_MOONSHINE in Piratez.rul with (or make a patch file):

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.1
    costSell: 100
    weight: 5
    bigSprite: 975
    floorSprite: 202
    handSprite: 864
    hitSound: 120
    battleType: 6
    medikitType: 2
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
    painKiller: 0
    stimulant: 4
    stunRecovery: -8
    energyRecovery: 25
    allowSelfHeal: true
      time: 10
      morale: -5
      energy: 8
      time: 30
      time: true
    isConsumable: true
    flatRate: true
    listOrder: 14809
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 27, 2018, 12:24:41 am
en-GB.yml from v.099_J8:
line 4754 and line 4755 are the same


en_US is the  approved version for Piratez
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 27, 2018, 12:54:37 am
en_US is the  approved version for Piratez
They are identical for 099_J8
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on October 27, 2018, 09:19:11 pm
I originally posted about this in the thread for little questions because I thought it was just a low chance fluke.  I had a merc secret base string of missions in Europe.  I have all of Europe covered with a decoder.  I didn't think I could handle any of the merc ships, so I just ignored them.  Didn't try to intercept or land at any of the grounded ships, they were completely unopposed, but no base showed up.  I thought there might be some kind of delay, like bases only spawn at the start of the month or something, so I kept playing.  The same month the Academy had a secret base mission in the Pacific, and I got a few of their landed ships in Hawaii.  2 frigates and I think a cruiser (vanilla battleship map).  No base for that one either.  There are some islands near Australia that I don't have coverage on, so I don't know for sure that they didn't set up one there, but about half the ships that landed in Hawaii did get raided and defeated.  Earlier in the campaign I did have an academy base show up in South Africa.  I had no coverage in the area at the time and found out about it from the rumors popup.

I had taken a break from the game and just got back into it at the end of August.  This campaign is a new one from that version (0.99j6).  I haven't updated since that install.  Unfortunately, I don't have a save from when it happened.  I'm attaching the oldest one I have, which I think was a month or two after it happened.  Not sure if that'll be helpful at all.

I haven't edited any of the rul files, and the only save game editing I've done was give myself some obsidian credit chips after I stupidly built a good chunk of a base without staffing anyone to defend it and it got wiped out.  I can't remember for sure now, but that may have happened before the academy base in south africa.

I generally don't like updating mid-campaign, so I was planning to stick with this version for a while anyway.  If I get any more secret base missions (especially ones that don't generate a base) I'll grab a save and post it here
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 28, 2018, 03:46:52 pm
You made no mention of it, so I have to wonder: Did you actually use your craft to patrol for bases?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on October 28, 2018, 03:56:11 pm
The Secret Base mission was patched in 99J6b.  This bug was reported and fixed already.

If you are not willing to keep up to date with current releases, you will be subject to whatever bugs exist in those version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on October 28, 2018, 08:26:24 pm
The Secret Base mission was patched in 99J6b.  This bug was reported and fixed already.
If you are not willing to keep up to date with current releases, you will be subject to whatever bugs exist in those version.
Hi there!
Taking advantage of the moment, were the unit patrol scripts for default secret base defence (Academy and Guild) somehow revised since the last version? In 99J7 enemy units were staying at their places like the dolls, only reacting to the movement and/or fire, while not aactually moving themselves.
The same was for the enemies attacking my bases (except for humanists and doom guys).
The ratio of stuck-to-the places units to patrolling units were from 40 to 90%. Depends I don't really know on what.

Also, I have a courage to take a look at AI battlefield scripts, in order to try myself in the mod advancement (humbly, 1% success probablility here I guess). Where can I start?
My point here is to try applicate differentiating battlefield strategies for the fractions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on October 29, 2018, 03:09:00 am
The Secret Base mission was patched in 99J6b.  This bug was reported and fixed already.

If you are not willing to keep up to date with current releases, you will be subject to whatever bugs exist in those version.

Apologies, at the time I first asked about it in the little questions thread I didn't know it was a bug because I'd had a base spawn earlier.  I just thought it was something I didn't know and went looking for odd/confirmation.  Dioxine's comment on it prompted me to gather more info and document it, and I didn't think to check if it was fixed already.

It's not so much unwilling as lazy  ;)  I'll be a bit more careful before reporting bugs in the future.  Sorry for wasting your time

You made no mention of it, so I have to wonder: Did you actually use your craft to patrol for bases?

The whole continent was covered by radars of one kind or another, and there were no supply ships.  That being said, I did hunt around a bit anyway
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 29, 2018, 03:36:51 am
Hi there!
Taking advantage of the moment, were the unit patrol scripts for default secret base defence (Academy and Guild) somehow revised since the last version? In 99J7 enemy units were staying at their places like the dolls, only reacting to the movement and/or fire, while not aactually moving themselves.

This bug has been fixed in j8. At least I think it was, please lookout if such behaviour persists in J8 (there was a bug in the executable, actually).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 29, 2018, 08:25:04 pm

line 661:
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})"
line 778:
  STR_SHOT_TYPE_AUTO: "Auto (x{0})" 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on October 30, 2018, 12:00:14 pm
Some missed strings in 099_J8:

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mostly_harmless on October 31, 2018, 02:13:53 pm
Thanks CC for the moonshine code hint. Will try that out next time.
I now stumbled upon another bug (or intended behaviour??).
One gal was low on energy and self administered a Stimm. The energy got boosted.
The odd thing happened with the stun reduction. That was given to a different gal unconsious on the ground on the other side of the map. And she popped up.
Happened two times independent from each other. Boosted the energy on gal 1 while reduced stun on gal 2 somewhere else.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on October 31, 2018, 02:32:06 pm
The second gal isn't getting any stun reduction elsewhere on the map, it's just that using the stim triggered a unit update and the game realized the other gal should be awake and wasn't yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 03, 2018, 05:00:12 pm
Unable to leave this basement in 099_J8:

upd. hm. looks like the stairs was previously destroyed in gunfight =\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on November 03, 2018, 06:55:05 pm
Unable to leave this basement in 099_J8:

upd. hm. looks like the stairs was previously destroyed in gunfight =\

what about try to ignite,blast-off those barrel in the corner of that northern room, to ..crush -off, pull-down.. the bricken wall
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LouisdeFuines on November 03, 2018, 07:20:45 pm
Does it only appear to me so, but since J8 this terrain appears every 3, 5 missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 03, 2018, 08:42:02 pm
Yes the junk village tileset was added to the pool for alot of common early missions(loknarr & ratmen villages, ufo ground battles, church of sirus, warehouse wars, ect)

So seeing it frequently is to be expected.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 05, 2018, 01:16:05 pm
Line of sight issue?

save attached

Dioxine: ah yeah, he's "inside" the chair.  that's because object is passable but has shape
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 11, 2018, 01:27:17 am
Blocked door.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on November 12, 2018, 11:13:13 pm
Typo in a magic garden:

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on November 16, 2018, 11:27:49 pm
Blocked paths...
1- tunnel/bunker under hill blocked by bushes (and enemy inside)
2- crypt of technomancer - enemy in unaccesible room.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on November 17, 2018, 06:07:29 am
Blocked paths...
Please do some context describe in the post, because sometimes the blocked paths are not a bug but a feature (like archeological works)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: panzertoter on November 19, 2018, 01:07:09 pm
Hi. When I try to load my cyberdisc/hmg on pachyderm - game crashes.

Edit: I can't load cyberdisc on ANY of my craft with aux space - game crashes immediately. Save file attached - cyberdisc and skyranger are at base 02.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on November 20, 2018, 12:13:13 am
Edit: I can't load cyberdisc on ANY of my craft with aux space - game crashes immediately. Save file attached - cyberdisc and skyranger are at base 02.
This section is being constantly revised, so the options are to wait some time or to keep playing without the cyberdiscs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: panzertoter on November 20, 2018, 12:16:46 am
This section is being constantly revised, so the best option is to wait some time or keep playing without the cyberdiscs.

Thx for reply, I'll play without them them!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 20, 2018, 12:53:06 am
Hi. When I try to load my cyberdisc/hmg on pachyderm - game crashes.

Edit: I can't load cyberdisc on ANY of my craft with aux space - game crashes immediately. Save file attached - cyberdisc and skyranger are at base 02.

Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_BAT_CAT_AUX]
    size: 12
    costSell: 300000
    monthlySalary: 20000
    transferTime: 96
    weight: 1
    bigSprite: 155
    floorSprite: 0
    handSprite: 0
    bulletSprite: 3
    fireSound: 80
    accuracyAuto: 60
    sprayWaypoints: 2
    tuAuto: 30
    battleType: 1
    clipSize: 144
    fixedWeapon: true
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3
    autoRange: 25
    autoShots: 4
    bulletSpeed: 16
    dropoff: 1
    customItemPreviewIndex: 6
    listOrder: 1300

\user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Pirates.rul - wrong clipSize for STR_LOOTED_CYBERDISC_HMG
STR_HMG_CLIP_LARGE clipSize is 200


Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
    clipSize: 144

Code: [Select]
    clipSize: 200
will fix this issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on November 20, 2018, 04:58:26 am
Just wanted to give an update on the base bug I reported a few weeks ago.  About a week after I posted that I updated to the current version, and I just recently had a base spawn.  Trader base too, which is lucky because I'm missing the guildmaster interrogation.  Now to dig him out of there...

Also, I was reading somewhere on here that when a nation cancels funding it will generate a base.  I've played vanilla so much over the years and never noticed/put that together.  So I checked, and that must be how I got the one base earlier on.  Rogue Fields (South Africa) stopped funding, and that's where the base was.  It's crazy that I'm still learning new things about this game after all this time
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 20, 2018, 05:26:54 am
Yeah the tradition of full documentation was never very strong in the 90s. Sure some dev probably had it all, but it was in sticky notes and other easily lost things that never got out to the general public. And OXCE community being a diverse and volunteer group are not the best at it either. Piratez probably holds the crown for the best documentation by a huge margin.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: panzertoter on November 20, 2018, 10:50:45 am

Thank you!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 20, 2018, 02:28:30 pm
line 63481
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_HYBRIDwrong rank sprite ID
Code: [Select]
    rankSprite: 74instead of
Code: [Select]
    rankSprite: 75
74: Resources/UnitUI/Rank_Loknar.png
75: Resources/UnitUI/Rank_Hybrid.png
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on November 20, 2018, 03:29:38 pm
Thanks for your bugfix/ruleset info, FG!  Much Appreciated!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on November 22, 2018, 07:40:09 pm
I just found something weird. In my current game, I decided to not research tanks, as to not clutter the research and workshop interfaces. I'm not really a HWP user.

Buuut, I managed to capture some academy cyberdiscs (hooray arena fireball launcher!!). Turns out that I'm able to manufacture some Cyberdisc/gatlinglaser, but when trying to put it on a ship, it complains about lack of ammunition.

I've had a look at the research tree, and the batteries for the cyberdisc/gatlinglaser are unlocked by the tank/gatlinglaser, which I haven't researched yet. It's confusing.

I suggest that researching the cyberdisc/gatlinglaser manufacture also unlocks its batteries. Alternatively, cyberdiscs could depend on their relative tanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 23, 2018, 01:18:58 am
capture cyberdiscs




That should be absolutely completely impossible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on November 23, 2018, 02:32:35 am



That should be absolutely completely impossible.

Not "capture" in the sense of "stunned", but rather in the sense of "apply generous quantities of fire damage, and academy cyberdiscs won't explode so they can be looted".

As far as I'm aware, this behaviour is the same in vanilla X-COM.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2018, 02:56:04 pm
I suggest that researching the cyberdisc/gatlinglaser manufacture also unlocks its batteries. Alternatively, cyberdiscs could depend on their relative tanks.

The cyberdiscs and all HWPs are in the middle of complete reconstruction (depreciation of HWPs in favor of 2x2 armors), but yeah, I applied the latter fix.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on November 23, 2018, 03:12:06 pm
The cyberdiscs and all HWPs are in the middle of complete reconstruction (depreciation of HWPs in favor of 2x2 armors), but yeah, I applied the latter fix.

TFW you report a bug but it's already being worked on  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2018, 07:01:17 pm
It won't be fully fixed before the process ends, which can take a few months.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Thunderwing280 on November 23, 2018, 08:32:12 pm
Hi dioxine
First time playing the mod, so much fun so far!
I found a mutant program with Deep ones in is this a bug?
Save here
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on November 23, 2018, 08:32:49 pm
Not "capture" in the sense of "stunned", but rather in the sense of "apply generous quantities of fire damage, and academy cyberdiscs won't explode so they can be looted".

As far as I'm aware, this behaviour is the same in vanilla X-COM.

Use [cutting weapon] with cyberdisc

That works as well. I down most of them either by Fuso Sword or by mortar.

@Thunderwing: Not a bug, Deep One pogromes are a thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Thunderwing280 on November 23, 2018, 08:43:07 pm
Ah thanks @Rince Wind
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on November 24, 2018, 05:51:15 am
I'm currently doing the TM's crypt, and it looks like I can clip through some of the walls. Looks like a bug in the solidity of the tileset, unless the crypt's owner actually wants to have holographic walls or something.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivansanchez on November 24, 2018, 06:15:06 am
And that doesn't seem to be the only thing in the crypt - it seems that an enemy spawned in a room that is unreachable for mysterious reasons,

(Screenshot made with debug mode on. Save is attached.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 24, 2018, 08:29:46 pm
Fixed the first one. The second one is intentional.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on November 25, 2018, 08:30:43 pm
Hello! Hey i really like the new backround image interface, but in the base screen while building, the palette is working properly or it si to fix ?

Also in a ratmen rodeo i've encountered zombies, it is that intended too? See attachments :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on November 25, 2018, 10:15:30 pm
Also in a ratmen rodeo i've encountered zombies, it is that intended too? See attachments :)

There is a small chance (5%) that zombies spawn here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on November 28, 2018, 02:12:14 am
099 J9.
Please take a look at the save, there is the same bug/feature when enemies don't move (and even turn) from turn to turn. Only react to the fire or autofire when on the line of the sight.
Map: new Loknaar village (mesh fences), Pogrom mission.
Straight after killing all the neutrals pogromists got frozen to their places.
The same question - lack of the scripts or bug?
If it helps: Basic X-COM is v. 1.4, straight from
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 29, 2018, 03:24:56 pm
Checked. They do move around.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on November 30, 2018, 12:49:14 pm
Checked. They do move around.
This is another save, the differen terror mission,
Again, after defeating all the civilians they do stuck to their places.
Check the boomosaurus east to the ship.

They started moving around either after:
- Alt-tabbing to write an issue questin to the forum
- Or uploading the savegame:) I bet the first.
What mechanics are suggested?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 30, 2018, 04:38:45 pm
Not a bug report, more like "is it supposed to be this way?".

The numbers on the blowpipe seem to be wonky. For accuracy it uses the quadratic formula like sniper rifles, but here 100% accuracy is obtained with an unimpressive 52 skill in throwing. The accuracy drops after range 8, but that doesn't really mean anything as the damage also drops after range 8. It drops by 12 per tile (points, not %). Damage is 5 + 0.25*reac, so at range 9 the damage has dropped to almost half and at range 10 it's below useful. Max range (for aiming) is 16 however. I guess either the max range for aiming is off or the damage dropoff was meant as % and not points (% not supported in the ruleset as far as i know).

Production time for the blowpipe darts is also off. The poison arrows for the hunting bow which are very similar cost 150 hours for 10 packs of 16 arrows, so one arrow is ~1h to make. Blowpipe darts cost 20h to make one pack of three, so ~6h for one. That seems a lot compared to the ~1h for a poison arrow.

Lastly there is the dart pistol with the basic darts. They are almost identical in damage to the poison arrows and blowpipe darts. However, poison arrows and blowpipe darts have tu damage, while the dart pistol darts have energy damage instead. Considering the uniformity of the other damage types (fire dealing moral damage, plasma having armor damage) I thought this might be an oversight.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 01, 2018, 10:08:59 am
It is true that poison style weapons lack the uniformity of other damage types. They dont even share all one damage type for that matter.

Blowpipes are an oddity where damage falloff outweighs accuracy falloff. But its been that way since there creation(at least iirc) so it pretty much has to be intended.

That is however rather expensive time cost for ammo, maybe worth a balance pass.

That dart pistols i think is to much of an apples to oranges comparison to be considered. Things like poison arrows and blowdarts, are low tech natural derivatives the gals cook up in the base. The dart pistol/rifle stuff is medium tech complex chemicals mass produced.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on December 02, 2018, 01:20:36 pm
I'm raiding a downed science vessel and one of the gals is seeing an enemy inside the ship that she shouldn't be able to.  It looks like there's a missing ceiling tile on top of the craft.  Enemy #2 for Gorey Katana (I really love the names in this mod) is on the third floor of the craft by the doors.  The ceiling tile for the inner corner appears to be missing.  It's not near an engine so it should be from crash damage.  I tried a quick battle too just to see if it was missing there too and it was.  Or I'm missing something obvious, which has been the case with my previous bug reports   :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 02, 2018, 03:39:41 pm
Yeah 2 small pieces of roof were missing. Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on December 02, 2018, 05:44:13 pm
Hello! So, Everytime I go for the aircar race, it always vanishes before I even get there, is this something new? I need a super fast ship? Or is it bugging out?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 02, 2018, 07:19:31 pm
The race is just to get to the mission, so yes, you need a faster ship. The disappearing is intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on December 03, 2018, 10:14:55 am
The race is just to get to the mission, so yes, you need a faster ship. The disappearing is intended.
That's a feature of this type of mission. You have to use the fast and furious small vehicle to win the race;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on December 07, 2018, 08:04:35 am
Not sure this would count as a bug, but I've got a church ship doing an influence mission.  I looked up influence to get an idea of the later waves, and it specifically mentions the Academy and Guild doing them.  So I guess it would be a bug if the church isn't supposed to also do them.  I don't know, I wasn't sure where else to mention it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on December 07, 2018, 08:16:07 am
Not sure this would count as a bug, but I've got a church ship doing an influence mission.  I looked up influence to get an idea of the later waves, and it specifically mentions the Academy and Guild doing them.  So I guess it would be a bug if the church isn't supposed to also do them.  I don't know, I wasn't sure where else to mention it
Ufopedia is incorrect - Influence missions are done by the (non-military versions of) Church, Academy, and Guild.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on December 08, 2018, 04:29:40 am
Good to know, thanks.  Ditto on the courier run description, just mentions guild and academy, and one just popped for church.  I'm just glad the church is back.  They took a very long hiatus and I need a cardinal.  I know I can buy one, but where's the fun in that?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 08, 2018, 09:08:23 pm
In 0.99J9 reserching the "personl database" topic, unlocks it but in the bootypedia it shiws as "humasn's stuff". Also, after havin completed the "bounty hunting" topic, in the bootypedia the silver's snake item apperas, but it it not obtinable, even before early bounty missions spawn Attached is a save.

Edit: Oh, and in the "humanist safwhouse" bounty mission there is a box bocking the way of one of my gals, another save and screensht attached :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2018, 06:02:17 am
Neither of these are bugs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on December 10, 2018, 06:06:55 pm

Dead-end without airmobile equipment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2018, 10:01:53 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FG on December 10, 2018, 10:45:39 pm

There is a little problem. The Watchtower.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2018, 12:48:06 am
If you don't know how to win, leave. It's not like it's forbidden on this mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 11, 2018, 02:01:37 am
Neither of these are bugs.

Regarding the Bootypedia, it's been proven time and time again to be confusing how some items (like Engineered Biomatter) are called something else entirely in the Bootypedia (Reticulan's Stuff in this case).  May I ask what the possible roadblock is to just have the affected articles be called the exact same as the items?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on December 11, 2018, 02:42:03 am
There a way to enter walls you can't break yet? Or is this buyers and cellars mission a complete bust to try and do?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on December 11, 2018, 09:54:34 am
There a way to enter walls you can't break yet? Or is this buyers and cellars mission a complete bust to try and do?

It's not the thread you should post questions. You can break walls in cellar mission with hammers (I never tested it), pickaxe, autoaxe and such.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2018, 08:42:16 pm
Regarding the Bootypedia, it's been proven time and time again to be confusing how some items (like Engineered Biomatter) are called something else entirely in the Bootypedia (Reticulan's Stuff in this case).  May I ask what the possible roadblock is to just have the affected articles be called the exact same as the items?

Legacy. Might be changed if it makes more sense and there is time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 13, 2018, 04:36:34 pm
Hello again  :) As of 0.99j9 watchtower missions seem nit to spawn anymore in swamp/water maps, but red lantern villas one happen to do it sometimes in industrial/port maps (TFTD tilesets) that should not suppose to happen; these may have to apoear in urban/rural/slums/outskirts maps? Not sure whether it is a bug but since i have not a saved game, please may someone check that? Thanks
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 13, 2018, 06:03:23 pm
Why wouldn't you have a brothel in a harbour?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 13, 2018, 06:08:51 pm
Why wouldn't you have a brothel in a harbour?
Yep, touristucal landscapes are fine, not industtisl zones, that was the point i forgot to note out  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 13, 2018, 06:49:33 pm
Where do you think the crews of the freighters that unload their containers just of of sight spend their evenings? ;)

(And in RL a lot of towns here have banned prostitution from the centers and forced them into the industrial areas at the outskirts.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 13, 2018, 07:38:28 pm
but red lantern villas one happen to do it sometimes in industrial/port maps (TFTD tilesets) that should not suppose to happen

It is supposed to happen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 17, 2018, 04:38:57 pm

Everything goes well in my game but I finish the month with negative score of under -2000 which is improbable as I have successfully fended off two base assaults, done several bounty hunts and missions. I cant find the cause for that many negative points.

That very month I had the ratmen patrols spawn many times around my base- maybe this is the cause? I remember there was bug of that kind once.

It is also worth noting that I have recently upgraded my game from version 0.99J3 straight to 0.99J9, but afaik that shouldn't cause any problems.

So can anybody help me with solving that? It would be sad to loose a good playthrough to some ridiculous bug.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on December 17, 2018, 04:59:06 pm
From a first glance of those files.

Probably had something to do with alien mission/presence in in North-Africa.
Alien score there >3500 while xcom only has 166.

P.s. This is also something you could spot yourself ingame by looking at the activity graphs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 17, 2018, 05:07:16 pm

Everything goes well in my game but I finish the month with negative score of under -2000 which is improbable as I have successfully fended off two base assaults, done several bounty hunts and missions. I cant find the cause for that many negative points.

That very month I had the ratmen patrols spawn many times around my base- maybe this is the cause? I remember there was bug of that kind once.

It is also worth noting that I have recently upgraded my game from version 0.99J3 straight to 0.99J9, but afaik that shouldn't cause any problems.

So can anybody help me with solving that? It would be sad to loose a good playthrough to some ridiculous bug.

Thanks in advance.

Nope. In 0 99j9 ratnen usually before attackin pirates base soawn between 5-10 rov9ng bands in the area; they are the only ones that do nit employ crafs AFAIK.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 17, 2018, 05:56:52 pm
Thanks for fast answers

That high activity in north africa is most probably caused by ratman patrols looking for my base. Yet they have not found it, while it was attacked by Academy and Doom monsters meanwhile.

But why do i get so many negative points for that? Is this intened to work this way? I was expecting to see a score around 2000 points, so gettting -4000 points for ratman activity sounds kinda strange.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 17, 2018, 06:16:55 pm
Thanks for fast answers

That high activity in north africa is most probably caused by ratman patrols looking for my base. Yet they have not found it, while it was attacked by Academy and Doom monsters meanwhile.

But why do i get so many negative points for that? Is this intened to work this way? I was expecting to see a score around 2000 points, so gettting -4000 points for ratman activity sounds kinda strange.

In fact that should not happen, it may have to do with uphradimg. Chack always that forum when switching to a newer version (,4133.msg106822.html#msg106822)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 17, 2018, 07:23:37 pm
I checked the thread before upgrading  and there were nothing about going from 0.99J3 to 0.99J9
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 17, 2018, 11:02:49 pm
I checked the thread before upgrading  and there were nothing about going from 0.99J3 to 0.99J9

Sorty, cannit help anymore  :'( wonder whether it msy depend even on the changes to the execurable itself? If you're on linux that file is updsted more frequently in-between relases version, i'd suggest akway to stick with the version provuded with a soecific relase, as well as upgrsde the mod ASAP when a new version is avaiable
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 18, 2018, 11:21:48 am
Ratmen patrols generate as many negative points per hour as any other UFO. The difference is, these patrols are very slow and therefore stay on the globe for a long time -> many points lost.
Shoot them down if you can :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on December 18, 2018, 11:33:11 am
Can't fight them. I got one Aircar with 25mm cannon which looses every engagement with Ratmen. Luckily I managed to load an earlier save and successfully caught two Church Medium's on the ground, thus getting enough points to come even  at the end of the month :)

However it is not a feature that works properly in my opinion, esspecially when combined with Doom monster patrols at the same time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 18, 2018, 12:10:51 pm
Ratmen patrols generate as many negative points per hour as any other UFO. The difference is, these patrols are very slow and therefore stay on the globe for a long time -> many points lost.
Shoot them down if you can :)
I guess they're are supposed to be fought on foot by expedition or convoy, not being bombed from the air (though it would be cool!) at the moment (0.99J9) aren't other means for land fighting,i wonder if some more would be added in futher verisons
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 18, 2018, 01:17:26 pm
One month with a negative score isn't a problem either.
And the thing you need for the patrols is high accuracy because they can dodge very well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 18, 2018, 01:38:42 pm
Can't fight them. I got one Aircar with 25mm cannon

Then you can.
If you cannot hit the target, put someone more competent in the cockpit. Works for me every time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on December 18, 2018, 01:45:28 pm
That high activity in north africa is most probably caused by ratman patrols looking for my base. Yet they have not found it, while it was attacked by Academy and Doom monsters meanwhile.
Well, the Conversion mission that happened in North Africa will have done more damage than the Ratmen Patrols did.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on December 18, 2018, 04:03:59 pm
I don't know if the scoring code has been changed, but negative score from UFO (Shipping) is -1 per 30 minutes. So it'd take a *lot* of time for ratmen to generate 4000 negative points. Each shipping (band) generates -48 points a day. I know they spawn in large numbers, but even assuming 10 bands at one time, it's still 8 days for -4000pts. I think the negative score might be from something else (conversions?), or a combination of 'something elses'.

On that note - is there a reason they even generate negative points? I'd assume it's engine limitation - can't exclude certain shipping/missions from point generation. But if it's not, I'd like to know why piratez are blamed for ratmen raids (which I assume are something of a standard in the 27th century) and in no way connected to major factions which we're supposed to be hurting.

As for hitting them - they have a lot of dodge, so unless you have a high to-hit bonus you might have crappy chances to hit. It even says so in the description of Roving Bands shipping.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on December 18, 2018, 04:24:31 pm
I think the negative score might be from something else (conversions?), or a combination of 'something elses'.
There was a Conversion mission - if left alone, that's 1400 points just from the landings - and even more from the fly-overs. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on December 19, 2018, 02:52:21 am
ratmen patrols are fairly tough to hit if you don't have a good pilot, at least with any of the early craft weapons.  It's certainly doable though I blast them off the map all the time.  An expensive option if you don't have a decent pilot is the conversion launcher from the grey codex, it always hits, just don't fire more than one missile at a time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on December 20, 2018, 01:49:21 am
If you get lucky with a sunken USO, an oscillator cannon is also a good weapon for roving bands.  It may be very underwhelming compared to its original underwater performance, but it's still highly accurate enough to take down those ratmen in a shot or two.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Negative on December 21, 2018, 08:31:56 pm
Lok'Naar shadow armor looks like the belt(?) is transparent from this angle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on December 24, 2018, 10:51:15 pm
Another 0.99J9 possible bug: when i engage the lock'naar farm misison if i let the 5 turn pass i get a really high score without doin' nothing, and a load of vegetables as loot! Please may someone check, sorry but i have no savedgame
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on December 25, 2018, 07:49:33 am
I don't think that's necessarily a bug.  It probably falls under the exploit category.  Me personally I'd rather blow up the barn and get the tokens along with the infamy but whatever floats your boat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on December 25, 2018, 11:41:19 am
I'd say it's neither a bug nor an exploit. The veggies are part of the 'new' farm terrains (not specific to the barn mission) and have given infamy for the last couple of versions. If it was a bug, Dioxine would have fixed it by now. I guess you can call it a 'farming mission'. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 27, 2018, 01:17:15 pm
I have added these intentionally with non-zero effort. The score was unavoidable, unless I set it for 0 which I don't want to. Really, complaining about positive score? :)

Lok'Naar shadow armor looks like the belt(?) is transparent from this angle.

Fixed, thx

Well, the Conversion mission that happened in North Africa will have done more damage than the Ratmen Patrols did.

Conversions cannot happen before April 2601. If you don't have the means to generate 2k points by then, be prepared to go into negatives (if you're unlucky).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 27, 2018, 01:30:50 pm
Well, if you are interested, we can set a divider to decrease the amount of items recovered from tiles for example to 25%... Less items, less points.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 27, 2018, 01:33:50 pm
I considered this, but no. 1 potato should always be recovered as 1 potato, not .2 potato...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 27, 2018, 02:19:58 pm
You're right - I suppose a new parameter would be required, a points divider.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on December 29, 2018, 05:37:47 pm
What is the point in harvesting such a huge positive score from the crops, anyway? Sell it? Well give man a fish and he will be full for a day...
I suppose the new category of items gained from both interrogation and special data discs: the agriculture tips (the genetic crops modifications or else); seeding materials (the monsanto's paradigm is on the way: the second generation crops are degenerative) and some more stuff that will make sense in the terms of a positive score.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 29, 2018, 05:49:21 pm
What is the point in harvesting such a huge positive score from the crops, anyway? Sell it? Well give man a fish and he will be full for a day...

Because if an item doesn't give a score, it won't be recovered. That's how the game works.
So it must at least be 1 point apiece.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 29, 2018, 07:07:43 pm
Because if an item doesn't give a score, it won't be recovered. That's how the game works.
So it must at least be 1 point apiece.

No longer the case, since introduction of the recover flag about a year ago (OXC and OXCE).

You can recover items also with recoveryPoints=0.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 30, 2018, 12:28:58 am
The score was unavoidable, unless I set it for 0 which I don't want to.

IT IS NOT A BUG. Is that clear enough?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on December 30, 2018, 07:01:08 pm
It is indeed clear that it is not a bug.

I take it as an incentive for precision. The crops are easy to destroy, so you gain more points for fuifiling the real mission objectives with precision than just bombing the whole map.

As with the Red Barn mission, while you gain points for crops if you do nothing, you do not get the Goblin Zaxx tokens, which seems intended. So it is a balance between getting actually paid by Zaxx for destroying the barn and extorting the farmer to pay you for not destroying it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on January 02, 2019, 11:15:00 pm
An handful of bugs in 0.99J10, regardin maps:

1) assaultim a medim civil vessel (labourer one) there is a tree underneat the ship that survived the òlanding

2) in traitor at large mission there si some furniture that prevente goin into a room upstairs where usually there is an enemy,. Need to destroy the stuff to get in.

3) Valuable coins is referred as singular. Am i wrong?

In the end , not really a gug, but the second track of geoscape track 1 - which i really like - is rarely picked up

Attached quicksaves and screenies :)

edit: added point 3)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on January 03, 2019, 12:06:13 am
3) Because 'bullion' used in the description is singular.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Negative on January 03, 2019, 05:30:49 pm
2) in traitor at large mission there si some furniture that prevente goin into a room upstairs where usually there is an enemy,. Need to destroy the stuff to get in.
That.s a barricade ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on January 03, 2019, 06:51:37 pm
That.s a barricade ;)

Ah reall? I never though these were imlemented!

in 0.99J10 a segmenttion fault, as always in win 10. Crash occourred when assaultin a small guil vessel

Code: [Select]
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] 0x88dd10 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] 0x8913a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] 0x401750 signalLogger(int)
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] 0x77def520 RtlCaptureStackContext
[03-01-2019_17-48-08] [FATAL] 0x77dd3a30 RtlAreBitsSet

Edit: oh, in a ratmen rodeo mission it is possible that HE grenades and black powder bomb cannot destroy a door, a white dor don't know if it is a metal one so is supposed to be explosie proof, but whatever for whi wants t check out. Ive trown a few in fron of these, and even on the roof of the containers but nothing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on January 05, 2019, 01:59:29 am
The "Admiral de Corazon" is bugged regarding moral damage (or is it a feature?). Specifically, moral damage is inverted. Attacks that should give moral (pirate flag, officers lash, vodka) decrease moral instead of adding it. Attacks that should drain moral (leather whip) will add it.

The effect is that when you use the pirate flag in that outfit, the blast will drain your moral to 0 and you are guaranteed to panic the next round. So flag + officers outfit is kinda wonky at the moment.

Once that is fixed, I would suggest increasing the daze damage resistance of the outfit a bit to prevent it from beeing too powerful. Right now the tu regain from the flag blast results in effective tu costs of: mistress 20, baroness 14, pirate queen 9
(blast centered on user, maxed tu and bravery)

Then again, I thought about the math a bit and concluded that a pirate queen using the flag in any outfit that has no stun resistance and tu bonus gets more tu back than flag use costs. So the officers outfit is actually balanced compared to that...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 06, 2019, 02:20:23 am
Last time I checked, the flag was not giving anything to the user (she was ignoring the TU gain). If they changed it, well, are you sure it now grants TU to the user?

Edit: oh, in a ratmen rodeo mission it is possible that HE grenades and black powder bomb cannot destroy a door, a white dor don't know if it is a metal one so is supposed to be explosie proof, but whatever for whi wants t check out. Ive trown a few in fron of these, and even on the roof of the containers but nothing

The weakest explosives won't be able to break metal doors. But maybe they're really a bit too strong. That terrain is kinda not polished yet. I just discovered a worse bug with fences in it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on January 07, 2019, 09:38:52 pm
Last time I checked, the flag was not giving anything to the user (she was ignoring the TU gain). If they changed it, well, are you sure it now grants TU to the user?

Double checked just to make sure. Yes, it affects the user, giving TU and moral.
Why would it not? It's a stun type explosion, anything that is not immune to stun is affected. You would need special scripts (giving holder stun immunity) to except the user from the effects.

If you are doing any scripting for it, may I suggest setting the moral of the user to 50 after use? Or grant immunity to panic for the holder? It just seems illogical that you do a confidence inspiring battlecry (DEATH TO THE STARGODS!!!!) and then panic the next round (because you have less than 50 moral). Especially silly since it's the high ranking officer that panics.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 09, 2019, 05:37:51 pm
It is made so that you cannot use the flag when low on Morale.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on January 10, 2019, 08:44:03 pm
It is made so that you cannot use the flag when low on Morale.

I understand the intention, yes. Maybe a different implementation can be found that avoids the side effects? (officer panicking after flag use)

- scale damage/effect with moral instead of / in addition to bravery and reduce moral cost.
- add a check "if moral < xx prohibit use" and reduce moral cost. Needs added ruleset, but should be very simple to add.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on January 10, 2019, 11:33:07 pm
1st is possible right now using scripts, weapon damage of hit can be reduce by any arbitrary amount you want.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on January 11, 2019, 04:57:22 pm
Not really a bug, but part of engine limitations I'm guessing, but, is the killer Droid supposed to have morale when disguised as human? Lol
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on January 11, 2019, 07:08:12 pm
Not really a bug, but part of engine limitations I'm guessing, but, is the killer Droid supposed to have morale when disguised as human? Lol

Why not? As a "perfect" disguise he should act like he panicked. Otherwise it wouldn't be that big of a suprise.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 12, 2019, 09:17:08 pm
It's immune to fear and morale loss last time I checked.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on January 13, 2019, 08:41:55 am
See, I went into the passenger ferrying mission and stunned the human version of it with 3 hits of a cattle prod, then it got the message tough girl went berserk and she ended up releasing all her bullets on me! If I get the mission again I can see if I can recreate it. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on January 20, 2019, 02:08:51 pm
The Arouser and Succubus condemnations can apparently be awarded for DAZE damage. One of my slave soldiers, named Všemil Horváth got them, after he spent the most of the City Raid/Beautiful People mission beating people over the head with the butt of his battle rifle.

Save file (after the mission) attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 20, 2019, 05:44:01 pm
The game only tracks if they knocked someone unconscious, it's that stupid.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 22, 2019, 09:31:00 pm
Okay, I think that you can get way too much infamy by doing your grocery shopping.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 23, 2019, 02:29:56 am
Okay, I think that you can get way too much infamy by doing your grocery shopping.
Yer stealing them crops, my Captain!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on January 23, 2019, 07:46:17 am
Okay, I think that you can get way too much infamy by doing your grocery shopping.

Cant award less then 1 point per recovered object. Engine limitation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 23, 2019, 11:32:52 am
Cant award less then 1 point per recovered object. Engine limitation.

K, but then it might be better to give no infamy for cabbage at all. It cannot stay this way. I got hundreds of points for an absolute catastrophe. (How is it even possible to lose a Hand by shooting up this one red barn?! I found out and it gave me minutes of laughter.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on January 23, 2019, 11:40:12 am
Fun fact: it is intended!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 23, 2019, 01:21:33 pm
Cant award less then 1 point per recovered object. Engine limitation.

Engine gives you the possibility to recover only a fraction of items, same as recovering only 50 alien alloys instead of 500 from a UFO for example.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on January 23, 2019, 03:21:19 pm
If you feel super guilty about getting all that infamy, go shoot up some civilians to tank your score some.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 23, 2019, 06:00:58 pm
If you feel super guilty about getting all that infamy, go shoot up some civilians to tank your score some.
Please, it will transform to the kittens-killer topic again :). But is it intended that crops score generates such an infamy OR is it a general unbalance? That is up to the modder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on January 23, 2019, 06:05:10 pm
Fun fact: it is intended!

This has been discussed before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 23, 2019, 06:12:17 pm
This has been discussed before.
Then how gals steal all the crops in five turns during the mission that presumes fast evacuation. From Lock'naars, who are eligible allies...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zippicus on January 24, 2019, 03:59:50 am
Please, it will transform to the kittens-killer topic again :). But is it intended that crops score generates such an infamy OR is it a general unbalance? That is up to the modder.

Well ultimately it's a single player game.  Anything you do only affects you.  If you don't like some aspect of the game you are perfectly free to avoid it or handicap yourself in some other way to make up for some kind of perceived imbalance.  And really, a few missions where you get some bonus infamy and a handful of space bucks isn't that big of a deal.  It's not like it's going to make or break a game.  On the plus side this kind of counterbalances those situations where the aliens are doing stuff outside  your radar range and tanking your score while you can't do anything about it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 24, 2019, 09:38:36 am
Just had a traders guild warehouse with a church occupants.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 24, 2019, 05:32:12 pm
Just had a traders guild warehouse with a church occupants.

That's not a bug, each fraction now has their own warehouses, although researched mission type generates only TG warehouses
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on January 25, 2019, 11:52:22 am
That's not a bug, each fraction now has their own warehouses, although researched mission type generates only TG warehouses

Actually the descriptoonnofnthe !Warehouse Wars! says that the guolds runs a network ofnsuch buildings so it is supposedntonbe referrednonly to it; plus kn warehouse battles i always and only encountered the guilds people so i think oy's s bug. Only Watchtowers are common to other factions too afaik.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 25, 2019, 12:55:59 pm
I have been playing Piratez for years and not even once seen the Warehouse Wars generated with a faction different than the Traders.
WTF are you guys playing?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 25, 2019, 01:04:20 pm
I have been playing Piratez for years and not even once seen the Warehouse Wars generated with a faction different than the Traders.
WTF are you guys playing?

Code: [Select]
  - type: commsTower
        STR_LOC_COMMS_TOWER: 100
        REGION_GUILD_OUTPOST_DESERT: 15      # <------------------------

  - type: commsTower1
        STR_LOC_COMMS_TOWER: 100
        REGION_GUILD_OUTPOST_DESERT: 15       # <------------------------

Also, just a random complaint, it would speed up searching for things in piratez ruleset a LOT if the ruleset files were divided by top level entities (same as in vanilla). Having everything crammed together slows me down significantly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 25, 2019, 03:19:53 pm
Hmm, indeed; never happened to me, but it's a bug all right.

As for the file structure, Dioxine justifies it with the autocomplete function which only works within the same file... Admittedly it drives everybody nuts, myself included :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 25, 2019, 04:22:05 pm
Is it intended that you cannot Punch in Destructor Armor?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on January 25, 2019, 09:54:06 pm
More a request than a bug report:
Is it possible to get a weather report for crashsites? As far as I know it's not always obvious what the environment is. I had a crashsite in england that was a cold environment. If the game did seasons I would also complain that this was in june :-P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: dedok13x on January 25, 2019, 11:59:48 pm
Getting random (sometimes it happens, sometimes not, without any obvious pattern. ~20 chance of crash) crashes right after clicking "OK" on initial equip/inventory screen before every tactical mission. Current walkthrough was started on 0.99J10 version in RU translation, then switched to ENG.

UPD: figured out that crashes (but not always) occurs when I try to move items with Ctrl.

UPD2: game also crashes when I trying to manually choose GMTACTIC9 and GMTACTIC10 soundtracks. UPD2.1: fixed this one by manual adding in directory Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\SOUND (where all soundtracks placed) OGG files named GMTACTIC9 and GMTACTIC10.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on January 26, 2019, 06:46:04 am
Is it intended that you cannot Punch in Destructor Armor?

Probably, at one point the sphere of annihilation power had a melee like option, but that was before it got moved to to the "Psi" power button interface. But like if you have destructor you have tons better options then barehanding something, i hope. Just keep something in the inventory for the purpose.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 26, 2019, 02:25:04 pm
More a request than a bug report:
Is it possible to get a weather report for crashsites? As far as I know it's not always obvious what the environment is. I had a crashsite in england that was a cold environment. If the game did seasons I would also complain that this was in june :-P

It depends on ground texture and random roll. Tropical textures tend to favor hot climates, Arctic textures tend to favor cold climates, others tend to favor temperate climates. But it is intended to not be 100% predictable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on January 28, 2019, 12:41:39 am
Not sure if it was bad luck or a bug, but I didn't get a liber occultus as loot from a cannibal camp.
No save unfortunately, because I only just realized that when looking through the screenshots.

Edit: Still j10, will update once I reach the end of the month.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on January 28, 2019, 09:58:06 am
Upgraded from J10 to J11, gave a quick shot, i was in oct 17 2601, researched ?we nned the male touch" nd it tells that we can now research "progman SS armor" but in the research it didn not show  :'( a savegame is attached here (,4102.msg109286.html#msg109286) gonna try again when i reach the very end of the month  ;)

Edit: i've also seen that in J10 "prize:autoccannons" gives two kind of 'em : autocannon and wp-autocannono, but the former doe not have neither bootypedia entrty nor weight description in the inventory,i suppose still needs full implementation?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 28, 2019, 02:04:08 pm
Anyone noticed the insane spread on flamethrowers if you shoot without line of sight? Well i expect some spread but not doing a 180° and about 40 tiles away. That definitely looks like a bug. Check my screenshots.

Edit: 1 more thing. Latest patch, you can loot a Sermon book from the church. It's not researchable and not used in any crafting. I assume it's not a vendor trash? The price is only 4k.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on January 28, 2019, 06:03:08 pm
In 0.99J10 and J11 (i jusp upgraded) there some kind of country (the one where mouse pointer is) which appear to have no name. Zooming nothing is diplayed, instead the near States are labelled. Bug or normal?

Edit: the brand new divergin path introduced in 0.99J11 is activated by completing the reseach topic "Recruitment". Now, since ot is the same name of the topic avaiable at the beginning of the game - which let you recruit gals - should the newer one be tenamed "Alternate recruitment" or something to distinguish from the initial one?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 29, 2019, 05:24:28 pm
If bugeye in advisor suit survives while being knocked out you get STR_CORPSE_HYBRID_ADVISOR in a loot screen. They actually survived, i double checked in a hands list.

Kinda weird noone reported it to this point, i guess they usually get oneshot :p
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on January 29, 2019, 06:13:29 pm
Hi Dioxine

Not sure if this counts as a bug-report.  The 'experimental' exe bundled with J11 doesn't want to work on my win7 32bit system, so I tried the latest one from xcomfiles (2019-01-16 I think) and that works a treat.

Edit: I'm going to try the 2019-01-23 exe from the openxcom.exe thread later and see if that works with J11.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 29, 2019, 06:38:27 pm
Not sure if this counts as a bug-report.  The 'experimental' exe bundled with J11 doesn't want to work on my win7 32bit system, so I tried the latest one from xcomfiles (2019-01-16 I think) and that works a treat.

Can you say what exactly didn't work?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 29, 2019, 06:41:19 pm
It is indeed curious, since the latest XCF also uses the experimental build from 16.01.2019.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on January 29, 2019, 09:25:01 pm
Can you say what exactly didn't work?

When I tried to run the game a warning came-up about 'this program is not compatible with your version of windows' or some such, so it might've been a 64bit vs. a 32bit problem.  As I stated in the 'upgrading problems' thread I DL'd the latest 32bit openexcomex exe (2019-01-23) from the openexcomex thread and it's working fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on January 29, 2019, 09:38:33 pm
Well, we do care... especially if you say to everyone on two main threads that the release is not working at all!

So, either it was your fault, in which case please take back what you said to the whole world about release not working... or it's a bug, in which case please try to help us find the cause.

Just shouting to everyone it doesn't work without any evidence whatsoever, is the lowest of the lowest.

I didn't mean to cause offence, I was just stating a problem I had.  It might well have been something I done that messed it up, though I think it was just that my version of win7 isn't compatible with the exe from the J11 bundle.  I've got it working now though by DL'ing your 32bit 2019-01-23 exe, and if that solution helps someone else with a similar problem then why shouldn't I say that?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 29, 2019, 09:40:41 pm
It's the 32/64 bit issue. Your edited reply confirmed that. Thanks for cooperation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on January 29, 2019, 09:49:26 pm
It's the 32/64 bit issue. Your edited reply confirmed that. Thanks for cooperation.

Glad to help.

The problem is I've got a 12 year old second-hand laptop that originally came with Vista but which I upgraded it to win7.  Guess I'll need to invest in a more modern one as newer games are going 64bit, including Openxcom (Xcomfiles & Piratez) by the looks of it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 29, 2019, 10:45:34 pm
Glad to help.

The problem is I've got a 12 year old second-hand laptop that originally came with Vista but which I upgraded it to win7.  Guess I'll need to invest in a more modern one as newer games are going 64bit, including Openxcom (Xcomfiles & Piratez) by the looks of it.

No rush, OXCE will be available in 32bit version for at least 10 more years :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 30, 2019, 03:45:22 am
Got crash with Comms Tower mission in J11, intended to train some new gals (warrior, 2 tier)
The game broke straight after the equipment screen.
UPD Somehow dependent on tactical armor W/O the helmet. With helmets works fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 30, 2019, 11:08:49 am
Running around naked, you naughty boii? Hehe. Looks like the armor definition for avatar #f39 (the purple haired one who wears a chain on her hips) is bonked, the chain put in position 3 instead of 4. Will be fixed, for now avoid excess nudity ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 30, 2019, 04:01:05 pm
Running around naked, you naughty boii? Hehe. Looks like the armor definition for avatar #f39 (the purple haired one who wears a chain on her hips) is bonked, the chain put in position 3 instead of 4. Will be fixed, for now avoid excess nudity ;)

Thank you  :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 30, 2019, 09:56:58 pm
Would be nice to mention the need of 30 Force Circuitry to build the Hideout Shroud in its description.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on January 31, 2019, 01:01:05 am
Looks like the latest patch locks Voodoo: communion from green and red. You need xeno taming, it needs amazon, and amazon is gold only now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on January 31, 2019, 09:10:08 am
Killgun can be produced before the actual research. Please check the tree.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on January 31, 2019, 11:15:38 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 01, 2019, 11:21:06 am
Would be nice to mention the need of 30 Force Circuitry to build the Hideout Shroud in its description.

Hideout Shroud doesn't need any resources, Force Circuitry or otherwise... ???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 01, 2019, 12:07:07 pm
Hideout Shroud doesn't need any resources, Force Circuitry or otherwise... ???

Sry, false alarm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 01, 2019, 04:47:08 pm
It seems to me that at some point in my game I should have gotten STR_CEREMONY_DEP. But I did not - might be due to upgrading vom J10 to J11.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 01, 2019, 06:11:59 pm
Some String hasn't been updated.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 02, 2019, 04:09:34 pm
In the production menu the Recon Quad is listed as trappings, while other "wearable" vehicles are listed as combat units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 02, 2019, 06:08:58 pm
string missing?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on February 02, 2019, 07:40:45 pm
what are those "ranks" (Matriarch, Lord, Admiral, FleetComm.) before the names of Gals ? :o ;S
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 02, 2019, 09:14:12 pm
what are those "ranks" (Matriarch, Lord, Admiral, FleetComm.) before the names of Gals ? :o ;S

There are the ranks of the vanilla ufo enemy unknown/ufo defence

In 0.99J11 i researched "!underground missions!" "before cavern hunting, but the latter unlocks the former...pheraps it is a bug, that is to say these mission may should be unlocked and researched once i completed the cavenr topic? Here is a save :)

I have also mada a base in indonesia but i've seen most missions (every kind of missions, progoms included) spawns in north and south america and in europe,  a few of them in asia, africa, indonesia and australia. Does it sound like a waspe of space  :'(

Edit: also, in some missions the briefing says "scratching hot" but actually in battlescape nothing happens, here a quicksave of a ratmen rodeo that is supposed to be "hot". I've seen this not happen in the "freezing cold" ones; but i think it be better double check
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Toothless Shark on February 02, 2019, 10:36:33 pm
I'm getting a crash when selecting my Pirate Queen in the inventory menu before tactical battle (the one in base works fine) or during tactical combat. Other gals seem to work fine.

Snipped from the log:

[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Sprite UBERGAL__3__CHAIN_F39 not found
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7ef470 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7f0930 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x401570 exceptionLogger()
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0xb56770 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0xcfdfa0 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0xd02f40 OpenXcom::ScriptGlobal::addTagType<OpenXcom::ScriptTag<OpenXcom::RuleItem, unsigned char> >()::{lambda(unsigned long long)#1}::_FUN(unsigned long long)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0xbfb060 OpenXcom::Surface* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Surface>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Surface*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Surface*> > > const&, bool) const
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x646dc0 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x873110 OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::updateSoldierInfo(bool)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x852860 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGame::primaryAction(OpenXcom::Position)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x878f90 OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::mapClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7e6a00 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7e73b0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7e3e20 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0xba73b0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7d7060 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x4016b0 SDL_main
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x9bd4f0 console_main
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x9bd610 WinMain
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   ??
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   ??
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7ffadcfa3020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[02-02-2019_21-14-32]   [FATAL]   0x7ffadd5e3670 RtlUserThreadStart
[02-02-2019_21-16-30]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite UBERGAL__3__CHAIN_F39 not found

It seems this happens no matter what armor or items i put on queen or what mission i try to do. This started happening after i updated the game from J9 to J11. I can provide save if needed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 03, 2019, 03:20:26 am
what are those "ranks" (Matriarch, Lord, Admiral, FleetComm.) before the names of Gals ? :o ;S

Never seen/heard about such ranks

It seems this happens no matter what armor or items i put on queen or what mission i try to do. This started happening after i updated the game from J9 to J11. I can provide save if needed

Already reported, only happens if you try to strip her naked.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 03, 2019, 10:41:57 am
In 0.99J11 i researched "!underground missions!" "before cavern hunting, but the latter unlocks the former...pheraps it is a bug, that is to say these mission may should be unlocked and researched once i completed the cavenr topic?
Its not a bug, there are 2 types of unlocking in tech tree. If it says "unlocked by:" then you only need a single researched topic to unlock this. If it says "depends on:" then you need to check all the requirements. In your case you probably had a cleared tavern cellar or recruiting lokknaars, which both unlock the underground missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 03, 2019, 11:56:35 am
Its not a bug, there are 2 types of unlocking in tech tree. If it says "unlocked by:" then you only need a single researched topic to unlock this. If it says "depends on:" then you need to check all the requirements. In your case you probably had a cleared tavern cellar or recruiting lokknaars, which both unlock the underground missions.

In fact, i accomplished an "infested cellar" mission before, thanks :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on February 04, 2019, 02:28:24 am
Hello hello! So, umm, recruited some newbies and stuff, one of them always crashes now?  The one at the very bottom center of the base in my save..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 04, 2019, 03:28:28 pm
Is the offending  newbie nude? There is a bug related to that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 04, 2019, 05:04:19 pm
A raider firebat from a raider gunship spawned with a rocket launcher + dagger. And he could shoot it, even though it's a strictly 2h weapon. Some kind of bug or the AI is using different rules?

Also i decided to test electric nets on him for the first time. Are they supposed to be the unlimited ammo weapon? I thought they would be like a throwing hammer, 1 use weapon for a very powerful throw.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on February 04, 2019, 10:01:19 pm
Part of the text in the battleflag pedia entry is cut.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on February 04, 2019, 11:32:10 pm
Some kind of bug or the AI is using different rules?
The AI is using different rules.
Are they supposed to be the unlimited ammo weapon?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 05, 2019, 09:58:28 am
As for the bugh reported here (,4058.msg109632.html#msg109632) just wanted only to  point out that it seems to happen in windows, since in linux i had no problem at all. Stronge, since in the quicksave attached i'm not using the chan outfit, but the ganger one.

Edit: it seems to happen randomly anyway; i started a brand new game on win. Dont' know whether the attached savefile is corrupted or not, maybe the usual bad luck on mine  >:(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Malekh on February 07, 2019, 11:08:18 am
Had the UBERGAL__3__CHAIN_F39 not found in assassin armor - quick way for the player to avoid it is to go to a gals inventory in equipment loadout screen in base (vessel - equipment - inventory) and hit m on the offending gal's screen - this allows you to change her apparance. Doesn't fix the bug, but at least dosen't crash the game each time I want to use my pirate queen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on February 07, 2019, 11:20:55 am
Hell's Keep doesn't have a walkway through potential evil grass all around. Right side and back seem to be missing it. Could be intended, it is Hell after all. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on February 08, 2019, 06:27:50 pm
There is a problem when transferring space occupying units to a base with small amount of vault space. I transferred 10 tamed reapers to a fresh base with a burrow. They now occupy 10 space each (100 total) in the target base (even though they are in transfer), while the burrow has only 25 vaults. At days end, the transfer is still in progress, but the base checks available space (exceeded) and moves me to the forced sell/transfer screen. Even if I move all the stuff out of the base, I'm still over the capacity 100 vs 25 and I can't transfer the damned reapers because they have not arrived yet. So i'm stuck in the sell window, with only option to kill the game.

While I wouldn't consider it even a minor bug (a pretty rare situation I'm in), it could ruin someone's day (especially on ironman).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 09, 2019, 08:27:15 pm
0.99.J11, ratmen rodeo, the terrain with grating, seems i cannot go on the other side.  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: cc on February 12, 2019, 09:18:58 am
Not sure if intended, but Lil'Ilya uses a heavy slot while Spike Rockets are now missiles.

Uber Wheat has a 2x3 image, but only takes up a 1x1 inventory space.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on February 12, 2019, 05:12:24 pm
Not sure if intended, but Lil'Ilya uses a heavy slot while Spike Rockets are now missiles.
Ilya has to stay heavy otherwise scorpion and metallo wouldn't be able to mount it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 12, 2019, 06:38:16 pm
The fact it uses the same ammo doesn't mean it has to use the same slot (vide Quadcannon vs 25mm cannon).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Toothless Shark on February 13, 2019, 01:45:50 am
2 bugs to report:

1) Killgun is buildable even if you don't have red codex. You can't research it but you can build it. I have a green codex. A streamer has grey codex. We both can build it.

2) Some missions have their 'what to wear' descriptions way too large to fit the window. This is usually a problem late game, when you have researched a lot of armors. Missions like 'bounty hunt B - capture the tech gnome' has nearly all armors available but the list can show less then half of them since they simply don't fit in the single window. In that example i had no idea if i can bring my harbinger or guardian armors to that mission. This is more of a OpenXcom or OpenXComEX problem then PirateZ one. The window simply needs to have scrolling ability. Similar thing is with descriptions of certain guns in this mod. They go outside of window area and you can't read the whole thing. Both bootypedia and mission briefing area needs to have scrollable windows to avoid these kind of issues. Data is there, we just can't see it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 13, 2019, 05:39:52 am
As of J11, the manufacture command for Slugthrower Shells is 5x10, but the Heavy Slugthrower's clip size is 4.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Toothless Shark on February 15, 2019, 08:52:37 pm
Had the UBERGAL__3__CHAIN_F39 not found in assassin armor - quick way for the player to avoid it is to go to a gals inventory in equipment loadout screen in base (vessel - equipment - inventory) and hit m on the offending gal's screen - this allows you to change her apparance. Doesn't fix the bug, but at least dosen't crash the game each time I want to use my pirate queen.

Seems that issue isn't only tied to stripping gal naked but to a picture #80 Aisha. When gal has said picture it will cause crash with exact same message as soon as you select her in battlescape. That's why changing gal's appearance works. So far i have seen this happen on said #80 portrait.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 16, 2019, 04:41:16 pm
Ah I understand now, why. The crash happens because her ID picture is drawn from nude outfit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on February 16, 2019, 05:22:57 pm
No shure if intended:

"Academy Comms tower" seems to spawn sometimes "distress Call" enemies. Also there is no "tower" on the map.

Guild Comms tower works as intended.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 17, 2019, 08:20:16 pm
With the 0.99.J11 executable ( 5.2, 21-Jan-2019 experimental build) seems to be a bug, i set the filter on "infiltration" in the craft equipping screen, but it is shown also non infiltration stuff in the personale inventory one. There's also a .sav attached.

Edit: typos
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on February 17, 2019, 08:32:56 pm
The switch only works for the craft equipment loadout selection, it does not work for the crew equip screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 17, 2019, 08:38:51 pm
The switch only works for the craft equipment loadout selection, it does not work for the crew equip screen.

Ah sorry for the fals alarm. Again, in 0.99J11 crackhouse night mission with the convoy, one of these span right next to a building
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on February 17, 2019, 08:56:11 pm
I gotta ask... So what? it's still accessible, you just have to walk around. Sure, you can't use the side door (unless you get creative with a pickaxe), but it's not like the second APC is completely blocked.

ps. LOL at the selected gal's name. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 17, 2019, 09:59:01 pm
The APC doesn't even have a side door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 19, 2019, 01:45:22 am
anything has a side door with sufficient application of force.  ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on February 19, 2019, 11:42:36 am
Cheers, I have a question,
Does Moloch work and how does it work?
Had a nice gal inside (stats are attached), weaponized with Purgatory whip and Crystal skull.
TU were regenerating, though not as I believed they will - ok, whatever  :).
As for the Stamina - it didn't replenish with each soul-cleansing hit making 100+ raw damage on the low level Traders Guild units.
What will be the solution?

For what I've found when Moloch is on:
Energy replenishes only when melee S-Gauntlet attack is inflicted
TU replenishes with Purgatory whip (no energy boost the same time)
Crystal skull either doesn't stack with Moloch OR doesn't work (tested with different layouts).
So, the effects don't stack up?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 20, 2019, 03:00:30 pm
They should stack, and they seem to be stacking from field tests.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Carfax on February 20, 2019, 08:27:50 pm
I always knew my Gals were evasive, but enough so to walk through the side of an airplane surprised even me  :o
Safefile and screenshot attached
Regards Carfax
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 21, 2019, 05:27:42 am
I could be misunderstanding this, but are Escape Tower missions (rank C mutant alliance bounty), completely broken? I had one where I didn't find a single enemy outside, I assumed they were all in the ship on top of the tower, but I couldn't open the door to the enemy craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 21, 2019, 05:39:15 am
Yeah intended that you have to break your way into the craft. You dont think somebody running for there lives wouldn't lock the door?  :o

And i will anticipate your next query. To break in use a pickaxe or sledge hammer with a strong gal. Explosives can also work but at the stage of the game your encountering that mission for the first time your explosives options are pretty low power.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on February 21, 2019, 07:31:12 am
That seems to be a recurring theme indeed. I think I have Fusion Torches as well, so that would just let me melt through everything.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on February 21, 2019, 10:18:45 am
That seems to be a recurring theme indeed. I think I have Fusion Torches as well, so that would just let me melt through everything.
Pickaxes are genrally better than Torches, at least they wont destroy both the wall and the floor in front of the unit. And also take way less set up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on February 21, 2019, 10:50:47 am
And you don't get shot by reactions as easily.
I just use HiExplosive if possible. Anchor to the roof might work as well, last time I tried this was before the roof got weakened though and I couldn't get through.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 21, 2019, 11:12:07 am
I just mortar everything. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on February 21, 2019, 12:01:51 pm
An elegant solution in these barbaric times. I approve.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 21, 2019, 02:28:35 pm
There is a problem when transferring space occupying units to a base with small amount of vault space. I transferred 10 tamed reapers to a fresh base with a burrow. They now occupy 10 space each (100 total) in the target base (even though they are in transfer), while the burrow has only 25 vaults. At days end, the transfer is still in progress, but the base checks available space (exceeded) and moves me to the forced sell/transfer screen. Even if I move all the stuff out of the base, I'm still over the capacity 100 vs 25 and I can't transfer the damned reapers because they have not arrived yet. So i'm stuck in the sell window, with only option to kill the game.

While I wouldn't consider it even a minor bug (a pretty rare situation I'm in), it could ruin someone's day (especially on ironman).

Will be fixed in the next OXCE version.

OXC (completely justified) assumes that aliens only take up alien containment space, not storage space.

OXCE will check the storage space as well... in case modders decide the aliens use storage space anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on February 23, 2019, 04:46:36 pm
Quicktip: in 0.99J11 uber wheat inventory title is not displayed when hovering mouse pointer over it, other food is ok.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on February 23, 2019, 08:25:10 pm
Attack dogs can be bought without having a burrow/beast den.

It works only if you have no facility which gives you the cooresponding prison space.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Abyss on February 23, 2019, 08:33:09 pm
Attack dogs can be bought without having a burrow/beast den.
It works only if you have no facility which gives you the cooresponding prison space.

You can buy AD and BH with and without corresponding prison space as they only depend on the spare space in the stores.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 28, 2019, 05:47:54 pm
"OpenXcom has crashed: std::bad_alloc
More details here: D:/spiele/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers."

Error message when I clicked the save button. Prevented me from making a screen shot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 28, 2019, 06:02:11 pm
"OpenXcom has crashed: std::bad_alloc
More details here: D:/spiele/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers."

Error message when I clicked the save button. Prevented me from making a screen shot.

We have a bug when creating a save/load list... please move all your older saves, except for the last 10-20 somewhere else in a backup directory and try again.

Out of curiosity, how many saves do you have and how big are they together?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on February 28, 2019, 07:05:22 pm
We have a bug when creating a save/load list... please move all your older saves, except for the last 10-20 somewhere else in a backup directory and try again.

Out of curiosity, how many saves do you have and how big are they together?

23 .sav, 2 .asav, 53.8 MB
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 28, 2019, 11:33:47 pm
23 .sav, 2 .asav, 53.8 MB

thanks, you helped discover some important issues. there will be a fix soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 01, 2019, 08:52:25 pm
string missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 02, 2019, 12:01:48 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on March 03, 2019, 10:08:40 am
Some weapons like dart rifle and whip use "hitSound: 1".

Depending on your original files (e.g. files from GOG version) this might lead to some annoying cracking sound when using.

If you want to get rid of it you may change the ruleset "hitSound: 1" to "hitSound: 999" for these weapons.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 03, 2019, 11:37:01 am
Some weapons like dart rifle and whip use "hitSound: 1".
Depending on your original files (e.g. files from GOG version) this might lead to some annoying cracking sound when using.
If you want to get rid of it you may change the ruleset "hitSound: 1" to "hitSound: 999" for these weapons.

GOG version uses identical sound effects as Steam version.

Also, there is no gun called "dart rifle"... did you mean "harpoon gun"?
Not sure how you define "annoying cracking" sound (maybe you can record it? so that we know what you mean), but for me it's not annoying with any combination of Steam/GOG 1.4/1.0 sound effects.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on March 03, 2019, 12:16:32 pm
GOG version uses identical sound effects as Steam version.

Also, there is no gun called "dart rifle"... did you mean "harpoon gun"?
Not sure how you define "annoying cracking" sound (maybe you can record it? so that we know what you mean), but for me it's not annoying with any combination of Steam/GOG 1.4/1.0 sound effects.

Yes I meant harpoon rifle. (But all weapons with hitSound: 1 have the same issue)

I assumed the issue was that "hitSound: 1" is filled with "garbage" for 1.4 as is written here:

I do not know how to record the "annoying cracking". It is very easily audible.
Maybe it is only specific to my computer or OS.

When I changed the "hitSound: 1" to another blank sound "hitSound: 999" in the piratez mod, the "cracking" was clearly gone.
So this is the fix for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on March 03, 2019, 01:05:15 pm
I have the same issue, i own "xcom:collector's edition" that provides an enemy unknown windows version, and it's the 1.4
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 03, 2019, 02:36:06 pm
Live or psi capture of the Zombie Sentinel makes the game jump.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 03, 2019, 06:29:50 pm
Hitsound on harpoon gun is exactly as intended. Not supposed to be blank, lol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: clownagent on March 04, 2019, 10:07:41 am
Hitsound on harpoon gun is exactly as intended. Not supposed to be blank, lol.

According to the Wiki, sound 1 is differently defined for different game versions. So players with game files 1.2 will experience an "empty" sound, players with game files 1.4 the "garbage" sound.

sounds from SAMPLE2.CAT

Code: [Select]
ref# offset length         Description
00 B8 01            02 2B         Snakeman slither
01 BD 2C            63 01  not used (empty in 1.2, garbage in 1.4)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on March 05, 2019, 06:03:21 pm
Playing with 1.4 version of base game.
Whenever a Dart Gun, Harpoon Gun, Harpoon Carabine or Automatic Harpoon Gun hit with any ammo that does not do a purple splash, there is a buzzing sound.
I suppose this could be the intentional sound of a harpoon, but if there is no equivalent in 1.2, that could be a problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 05, 2019, 07:09:53 pm
I'm also having difficulty opening the save and load menu. It takes a few seconds to open, but if I open it too many times in a short timeframe, like before and after an intercept, then it just hangs forever and the game softlocks. Never brings up an error message, but the only way to get out of it is by closing the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on March 05, 2019, 07:15:29 pm
I'm also having difficulty opening the save and load menu. It takes a few seconds to open, but if I open it too many times in a short timeframe, like before and after an intercept, then it just hangs forever and the game softlocks. Never brings up an error message, but the only way to get out of it is by closing the game.

This should be fixed in recent builds. Try the 5.3 (,5258.0.html)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 05, 2019, 11:35:10 pm

This should be fixed in recent builds. Try the 5.3 (,5258.0.html)

I mean it's nice, but I'll just wait for it to be included in the next version of Piratez.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on March 06, 2019, 12:12:59 am
I mean it's nice, but I'll just wait for it to be included in the next version of Piratez.

Your choice.

But, where do you think the exes in Piratez come from?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 06, 2019, 01:06:10 am
If I'll get the updated Extended executable anyway, no reason to download the standalone. Reduces computer bloat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 06, 2019, 10:12:36 am
If I'll get the updated Extended executable anyway, no reason to download the standalone. Reduces computer bloat.

Ah, yes, the famous computer bloat, makes sense.

So, if the breaks on your car stop working, you don't immediately repair them... because you're buying a new car in 2 years anyway, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on March 06, 2019, 12:26:01 pm
Ah, yes, the famous computer bloat, makes sense.

So, if the breaks on your car stop working, you don't immediately repair them... because you're buying a new car in 2 years anyway, right?

cue in the ashtray joke
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 07, 2019, 03:25:47 am
Ah, yes, the famous computer bloat, makes sense.

So, if the breaks on your car stop working, you don't immediately repair them... because you're buying a new car in 2 years anyway, right?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 07, 2019, 11:05:57 pm
Also, this isn't necessarily a bug, but Armored cars have a bizarre tendency to spawn in bathrooms and other places that they cannot leave.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 08, 2019, 12:23:35 am
Also, this isn't necessarily a bug, but Armored cars have a bizarre tendency to spawn in bathrooms and other places that they cannot leave.

That's definitely a bug, but we need at least a screenshot to find and fix the problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 08, 2019, 07:06:11 pm
Will this help?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 08, 2019, 07:12:52 pm
Will this help?

Yes, thank you. Fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 08, 2019, 07:29:20 pm
Cool. I also had a situation where it spawned in a garage that was blocked by a box. Didn't screencap it though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 08, 2019, 08:46:00 pm
Fond wish: AI that can shoot/hack its way out of crap spawns. Plasma packing mercs being rendered pointless, by waist high shrubbery, has stopped being hilarious after a few years.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on March 08, 2019, 10:13:00 pm
Fond wish: AI that can shoot/hack its way out of crap spawns. Plasma packing mercs being rendered pointless, by waist high shrubbery, has stopped being hilarious after a few years.

I'd rather first have power armor walking through walls. But this too.

How to design all this though..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 09, 2019, 04:56:59 am
well the "blast self free" would be something like bug hunt in timing, if a unit can't path more the X tiles away from start point for Y turns, check if weapons can breach nearby surfaces, if yes pick at random and fire/swing. Tie to aggression value so hyper aggressive units start breaking shit quickly, low aggression stuff like civilians almost never.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 09, 2019, 11:04:52 pm
This could also be used to destroy doors player is hiding behind :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on March 09, 2019, 11:20:11 pm
..or walls /bricks too
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 11, 2019, 01:00:47 am
This might be an intended mechanic, but if it isn't (and it better not be an intended mechanic), my Armored Cars aren't spawning for a base defense mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2019, 01:01:57 am
This might be an intended mechanic, but if it isn't (and it better not be an intended mechanic), my Armored Cars aren't spawning for a base defense mission.

A save would help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 11, 2019, 01:08:03 am
Before or after the mission begins?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 11, 2019, 01:19:45 am
Here you go. I have two Armored Car*HMG, but they will not spawn in the mission. Just pass a couple hours on the Geoscape and the mission will begin.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2019, 02:09:16 pm
Here you go. I have two Armored Car*HMG, but they will not spawn in the mission. Just pass a couple hours on the Geoscape and the mission will begin.

Looks like the Armored Cars are not HWPs, but an "armor" that your soldiers can wear.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on March 11, 2019, 04:21:56 pm
yap, sure, if those HWPs are  listed as, among, *wearable"

(..armor, kinda )

heh, ArmoredCars, APC (Infantry Fighting Vehicle), or even MBTtanks, ~~ as wearable ..super'armor!


guys it seems you invented whole new brand, very new ..warfare category, of "vehicles"

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 11, 2019, 06:24:33 pm
Looks like the Armored Cars are not HWPs, but an "armor" that your soldiers can wear.

I mean, I can see why that is I guess, due to them not being autopiloted like vanilla HWPs? But it still seems a strange choice. I wouldn't have complained if they attacked my main base, but they attacked my secondary base, where I only have enough soldiers to man all my craft, and I thought I could use Armored Cars to defend it, because soldiers are such a big expense. I don't recall it saying anything in the description about them needing to be manned, but maybe that's just my remembrances from vanilla X-Com speaking. Still, thanks for the help. Guess I need all my bases to have 8 soldiers just to man an army of armored cars.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 11, 2019, 06:52:47 pm
Have you never checked the armours section or what? :o
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 11, 2019, 07:03:14 pm
Again, like I said, secondary base, didn't bother with armor, used to them being unmanned in vanilla. Just put two and two together and assumed they would be unmanned. Probably should have been a bit suspicious when I didn't see them in the equipment section of the craft menu.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 11, 2019, 10:09:11 pm
I don't recall it saying anything in the description about them needing to be manned

Other than they being called PILOTED VEHICLES, and follow up instructions regarding handling them? Sounds like you both never read it and never tried using them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 11, 2019, 11:34:02 pm
Lokk'Naar/Peasants/Slaves are cheap and I think  gals can't pilot the cars anyway are they are too big (the gals, not the cars).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Stoddard on March 11, 2019, 11:44:55 pm
I think  gals can't pilot the cars anyway are they are too big (the gals, not the cars). (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 12, 2019, 12:04:14 am
Other than they being called PILOTED VEHICLES, and follow up instructions regarding handling them? Sounds like you both never read it and never tried using them.

You've got that right. Again, I just assumed they were like vanilla HWPs and that they didn't need a pilot. This is like, the third time that I thought a legitimate play mechanic was a bug. I love your game, but It just causes me constant brainfarts.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 12, 2019, 07:24:49 am
Lokk'Naar/Peasants/Slaves are cheap and I think  gals can't pilot the cars anyway are they are too big (the gals, not the cars).

No, gals can definitely pilot HWPs. Probably very uncomfortable, but it's still doable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 12, 2019, 07:54:40 am
Depends on the platform, everything gets to drive the armored cars, but that about it. Handful of HWP are loknarrs only, but the majority are non gals.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on March 13, 2019, 12:31:54 pm
They were desperate to keep me out... :D

I have been able to fire and see through the back of the 1st floor wall of the Snake and see through the porthole (and be shot at) in the Airbus. Is this okay?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 13, 2019, 09:57:14 pm
Yes, the filling cabinet in the hopital, and the being shot through some craft windows are intentional.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on March 14, 2019, 12:18:44 pm
well, here is a log of crashy things. Maybe, I have not upgraded my J12 properly? I missed out J11.


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 14, 2019, 03:10:20 pm
well, here is a log of crashy things. Maybe, I have not upgraded my J12 properly? I missed out J11.


That's an out of memory error.
You need to upgrade OXCE to version 5.3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on March 16, 2019, 03:50:18 pm
Pefect! TY Meridian :] Nice Youtube vids too...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 19, 2019, 01:36:13 pm
Hull Plating is hard to manage and might not be working as intended. If you equip Hull Plating, your ship needs repairs. (This might represent the time needed to armor the ship.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 19, 2019, 09:22:42 pm
Not sure, maybe intentional again. Dark Ones in Blood Ritual with weapons usually found in Cannies and Deep Ones?

Nice bow, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 19, 2019, 10:09:31 pm
Yes, impoverished Dark Ones are a sad reality of our times.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 19, 2019, 11:25:12 pm
Yeah, weapons are per mission, not per faction that can be on the mission(unless your making copies of each mission for each participating faction, which omg mod bloat). And of course werewolfs have just inbuilt weapons, as aux style units.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 21, 2019, 11:13:45 pm
Hull Plating is hard to manage and might not be working as intended. If you equip Hull Plating, your ship needs repairs. (This might represent the time needed to armor the ship.)

It cannot be done any other way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pca on March 22, 2019, 02:46:10 pm
Another crash report, missing image. Possibly for a dialog?

Updating to the lates OXCE+ and changing to default options changed nothing.

I have both hicolor-theme and gnome-icon-theme installed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 22, 2019, 03:19:42 pm
Another crash report, missing image. Possibly for a dialog?

Updating to the lates OXCE+ and changing to default options changed nothing.

I have both hicolor-theme and gnome-icon-theme installed.

The missing image is irrelevant for OpenXcom... it's an image in the default error dialog of your OS (or something like that).

The actual crash in OpenXcom is something missing in the alien mission ruleset (or at least something related to that).

If you can upload a save from before the crash happens, I can check what it is exactly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pca on March 22, 2019, 03:44:28 pm
This is the save, crash occurs just before craft lands.

Thanks for the help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 22, 2019, 04:30:06 pm
This is the save, crash occurs just before craft lands.
Thanks for the help.

Your save was corrupted, don't know why.
I changed this:

Code: [Select]
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 427
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 165
    missionSiteZone: 45     # <--------------- was 1045

Fixed save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 23, 2019, 03:19:00 am
It will not let me craft Recruit Brainer: Castaway Gal. I have all the resources, and the sidebar says I have enough resources, but the start project button doesn't appear.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on March 23, 2019, 01:45:20 pm
Do you have the living space?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 24, 2019, 07:52:54 am
Do you have the living space?

I hate myself so much right now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 25, 2019, 03:52:24 pm
It seems that the "extraction" of Vampire Dudes and Girls is intended, however, they cannot be captured. When stunned, they become a Vampire Bat. When psi-captured, you get a Vampire Bat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 25, 2019, 08:10:37 pm
You can take some Cannonballs for underwater missions, but not the Assault Cannon itself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 25, 2019, 09:29:32 pm
You can take some Cannonballs for underwater missions, but not the Assault Cannon itself.

Not the regular Assault Cannon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 26, 2019, 02:27:18 am
Here's something that i'm 99% certain is an actual glitch. A demon became buried in the walls of the dirt fortress, and was unable to be killed. And I couldn't destroy the wall because there was no floor and I had no gals with flying armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 26, 2019, 03:07:58 am
How the????
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 26, 2019, 05:58:54 am
How the????

Here's what I think happened. I used rockets on the demons, and blew up the walkway they were standing on, causing them to fall into the dirt. One of the demons I merely knocked unconscious without wounds, and they woke up. Now they're in the dirt, and I can't do anything to them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on March 29, 2019, 12:11:13 pm
string missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on March 29, 2019, 11:20:23 pm
Tower shield stats and pedia entry on Plate mail dont match in regards to stat scaling.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on March 30, 2019, 05:16:59 am
Always crashes on an Underwater Assets mission.
"OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_DEEP_ONE_SEA_UNDERWATER defined in deployment: STR_SEA_SUNKEN_TOWN.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CZ on March 30, 2019, 01:49:07 pm
About the accuracy of shooting, to relate not only to your units, but also to all opponents. When approaching the enemy, shooting right front of you from any distant weapon gives a miss in almost 90% of cases, went off to the 1st square and shoot even with a novice gal and hit (the enemy also miss you either). For testing started a new game J12, the complexity of Jack Sparrow. Sorry for bad english (not my native lang.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 30, 2019, 07:29:43 pm
About the accuracy of shooting, to relate not only to your units, but also to all opponents. When approaching the enemy, shooting right front of you from any distant weapon gives a miss in almost 90% of cases, went off to the 1st square and shoot even with a novice gal and hit (the enemy also miss you either). For testing started a new game J12, the complexity of Jack Sparrow. Sorry for bad english (not my native lang.)

It's not a bug, it's a feature!
If enemy unit is standing next to yours (and vice-versa) there is additional RNG check of CQC to shooting any ranged weaponry (doesn't matter the target). It's meant to simulate warriors dodging, or even grabbing your weapon. Pistols have the biggest chance to get positive RNG check, while bigger guns have lower.

I recommend reading every single bit of information in "Bootypedia", otherwise playing on this difficulty might be not the best idea.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on March 31, 2019, 11:57:50 am
This lovely feature was inplemented a good year ago.
It's meant as a "realistic" feature since no sane being would stand still and eat the pointy end of a rifle without twitching or spasm in some manner.
This feature makes fighting in sealed environments very beneficial for melee-solutions in case shotguns can't solve the problems ahead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on March 31, 2019, 07:31:49 pm
Reaper (4x4) unit can not go through plantation. It can make them useless in hideout defense.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on April 01, 2019, 05:24:05 am
It seems that the "extraction" of Vampire Dudes and Girls is intended, however, they cannot be captured. When stunned, they become a Vampire Bat. When psi-captured, you get a Vampire Bat.

I think that's just a Cyberdisc situation; they're actually impossible to capture, but they still have extraction options anyway in case something goes wrong.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 01, 2019, 05:14:21 pm
The rules of psi-capture change as the code changes, not much I can do except to be ready for all outcomes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on April 02, 2019, 07:36:02 am
Dioxine, I loved that iLarps 1 gun in J13; much better and lighter than gauss but it seems to have stopped working today.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on April 03, 2019, 06:44:17 am
These two tiles in hideout assault are impassable along one diagonal on foot.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: peirceg on April 03, 2019, 06:31:49 pm
Always crashes on an Underwater Assets mission.
"OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_DEEP_ONE_SEA_UNDERWATER defined in deployment: STR_SEA_SUNKEN_TOWN.

I am also having this problem!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 04, 2019, 03:49:24 am
These two tiles in hideout assault are impassable along one diagonal on foot.

Pretty sure thats a vanilla tile chunk issue(the purple garden). Probably intentional keep by this point. Though having two aligned like that is just bad map RNG.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: a0kribu on April 04, 2019, 06:20:42 am
If by vanilla you mean OG then that one had less vegetation and was passable merry go round.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 04, 2019, 03:12:30 pm
Did durathread working change? I have tools and blades and durathread researched, but working never came up. Rip workshop! Lol
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on April 04, 2019, 03:21:11 pm
Did durathread working change? I have tools and blades and durathread researched, but working never came up. Rip workshop! Lol
You need a Stapler from Warehouse Wars.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 04, 2019, 03:25:24 pm
You need a Stapler from Warehouse Wars.

Wow, little changes that suck without a tech tree viewer. Haha ty! <3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on April 04, 2019, 06:21:04 pm
Wow, little changes that suck without a tech tree viewer. Haha ty! <3

At this point what is the reason to have tech tree viewer disabled? Just don't use if you feel it's cheating, then use if you are about to post a question. This way is faster.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 05, 2019, 01:21:00 am
At this point what is the reason to have tech tree viewer disabled? Just don't use if you feel it's cheating, then use if you are about to post a question. This way is faster.

Well, unless meridian snuck in the ability to open it in the Android app without MMB... That's the reason Haha
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 05, 2019, 01:26:53 am
Well, unless meridian snuck in the ability to open it in the Android app without MMB... That's the reason Haha

Yes, you can open it by pressing Q on Geoscape.
Tested on Android, works quite nicely, just needs a keyboard icon enabled in the notification bar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 05, 2019, 01:32:28 am
Yes, you can open it by pressing Q on Geoscape.
Tested on Android, works quite nicely, just needs a keyboard icon enabled in the notification bar.

I'll figure out how to get that up in game then, thanks~ <3
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on April 05, 2019, 04:45:32 am
Some thoughts on gambling:
If you sell the coupons, money return is about 5x to 10x what you pay. --> never sell the $1000 blue chips, gamble them all.
If you keep the coupons, money return is on average a little more than you put in.
If you have a mint and can make the blue chips, profit skyrockets with gambling.
--> adjust the sell value of the coupons, perhaps?

To claim the coupons, you need casino researched, which requires activities: commercial, which requires the flight plans from a heavy freighter.
If you can take on a heavy freighter, nearly everything you can get from the lower tier coupons is worthless, which is a shame.
Right now it's best to just sell the lower tier coupons right away.

Make lower tier coupons claimable with lower tech, when the items you could get would actually be useful. Outfits and culture tech is required to get into (higher class) casinos in town, where the coupons can be reclaimed. For example sailor outfit enables the copper coupons reclaim, persuasion the next tier, then seductress outfit one more tier.
Alternatively, casino tickets (item drops, from sharp guy for example) allow to reclaim one coupon per ticket.
Or combine the two - fancy outfit for lower/mid tier, fancy outfit + fancy casino ticket for high tier.

Also: Is it intentional that the corridor provides base functionality [CAS, GAMB] ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 05, 2019, 08:40:55 pm
Hi, 2 questions today. 1, is it intentional to get to where my loknar is in this save? (my tablet hates screenshots.) And two, is the loknar cache supposed to be no night vision? I'm asking cause I couldn't see crap in that cave! usually have on automatic night vision cause I can't get it to work otherwise
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 06, 2019, 06:13:08 pm
Oh, also, found an amazon outfit without having gold codex. Is that intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 06, 2019, 10:38:15 pm
Amazon has been part of the loot in certain missions for some time now. But if that still intended is a good question.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 07, 2019, 11:41:17 am
One of the best outfits for archers and hit-&-run melee-specialists.
It's "okay" to have one around but with 20armor across the board it's far from game-breaking to get some for free.

Looting a random tac-vest just feels better in comparision.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on April 08, 2019, 08:27:50 pm
Just some text errors. UAC Rifle Aqua clip is listed as a regular UAC Rifle Clip on the build screen, and Mansion Robberies say that they have a 32 turn time limit on the briefing screen, but they actually have a 36 turn time limit (not that I'm complaining about that last one).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 10, 2019, 08:11:31 pm
Anyone had any issues installing J13a? It just plays UFO's opening, then crashes with a segmentation fault and the log doesn't contain anything useful beyond a few [WARN]s that some optional mods have been disabled because they have dependencies on xcom2. Does X-Piratez require the TFTD data files now as well as UFO's due to the underwater missions? The installation instructions didn't indicate anything new was required, and .99f4 still works fine on my machine. (Yeah, I've been gone a while)

Nope, it wasn't the TFTD files.

[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   0x896d00 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   0x8984c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   0x401670 signalLogger(int)
[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   0x77ac5030 RtlKnownExceptionFilter
[10-04-2019_13-22-36]   [FATAL]   0x77a8979f RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[10-04-2019_13-22-40]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
More details here: D:/openxcom/Dioxine_XPiratez_J13a/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

Doesn't really tell me anything. Does that make sense to anyone else?

RESOLVED - New bug report:

Something is missing/wrong with the included options.cfg. The game just tries to boot UFO and then crashes. Copying the one from 99f4 caused J13a to boot without issue.

The Geoscape button text is all garbled. Everything else is fine, it's on en-us.

Actually, changing the language setting doesn't appear to do anything at all. en-uk, still garbled, all other text still normal. ru, all text is still English, Geoscape buttons still gibberish. Russian patch is not enabled, just checked that.

All this is on a 100% clean install and a brand new campaign. Perhaps something went missing at some point and people upgrading their games mid campaign have been unintentionally providing previous versions of some files?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 10, 2019, 08:30:54 pm
There's an options.cfg? Weird...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 10, 2019, 09:16:53 pm
There's an options.cfg? Weird...
It's right next to the crashlog in the user folder. I assumed it was included intentionally to set X-Piratez as the default game mode and preset the extended options. As far as I recall it's been there as far back as version .97.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 11, 2019, 12:59:48 am
Anyone else showing up nude when equipping chiller for undersea missions?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 11, 2019, 03:26:00 am
the options file is not included in the package, it is however generated as part of startup if one does not already exist. The default generation could be flawed thou, perhaps retaining options that no longer exist(options cleanup happened recently), or pathways that are no longer valid(common and standard folder now operate as compressed zips.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 11, 2019, 05:24:00 am
the options file is not included in the package, it is however generated as part of startup if one does not already exist. The default generation could be flawed thou, perhaps retaining options that no longer exist(options cleanup happened recently), or pathways that are no longer valid(common and standard folder now operate as compressed zips.)
Perhaps so. But curiously the surely equally outdated one generated back in F4 corrects whatever the issue is with generating a new one. Perhaps that has something to do with the Geoscape buttons being wonky. I understand they got some sort of a graphical facelift, and something is presumably not pointing them towards the data they're looking for.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on April 14, 2019, 11:30:10 am
I have a hybrid with the sea version of an armor, on a surface mission.

Everyone else is fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: niculinux on April 14, 2019, 05:06:25 pm
Bug in 0.99J13 watchtower map, seems the enemy is unreachable

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 20, 2019, 07:17:42 pm
I can't use my Gatling Cyberdiscs.
When I want to load them onto a transport it says that I need the ammo. Which I have. Popup has another name for it though, maybe that is the problem?
I can't build a non advanced clip either.

They don't show up in base defence missions either, which are why I built them in the first place.

Edit: Ok, so the non advanced ammo works. I can't produce it yet, as I am lacking a power plant.
Just changing the compatible armor in piratez.rul to the same as the laser car armor isn't enough, it seems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on April 24, 2019, 04:53:12 am
I cannot reach the Voodoo: Excess cuz amazon outfit became Gold codex exclusive stuff. I'm using grey codex but I doubt who joined after J11 and earned green codex can research the voodoo: excess too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 25, 2019, 03:18:28 am
I can't use my Gatling Cyberdiscs.
When I want to load them onto a transport it says that I need the ammo. Which I have. Popup has another name for it though, maybe that is the problem?
I can't build a non advanced clip either.

They don't show up in base defence missions either, which are why I built them in the first place.

Edit: Ok, so the non advanced ammo works. I can't produce it yet, as I am lacking a power plant.
Just changing the compatible armor in piratez.rul to the same as the laser car armor isn't enough, it seems.

Weren't HWPs completely retooled, or did that only apply to tanks?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 25, 2019, 11:09:23 am
Cyberdiscs are still without pilots. So my guess is, that regular HWPs can only make use of a single type of ammo, as you can't change it in the inventory, obviously. So I just changed them to use the advanced ammo I had made for them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 25, 2019, 11:41:33 pm
The migration to all piloted is incomplete, disks being the last holdout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on April 26, 2019, 12:14:24 pm
Maybe we can keep the cyberdisk as the only non-piloted HWP.
Considering the size of the flying saucer only a gnome should be able to fit into it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 26, 2019, 12:29:29 pm
I think Dioxine said something like that on the discord as well, so I doubt they will be transformed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2019, 12:33:38 pm
Thank you for the reports everyone, I fixed every issue mentioned for the J14 release (except those minor map/tile weirdness and hardware/software issues which I know nothing about).

Reg. Cyberdiscs:
Yes, I plan to keep them non-piloted. Their HWP nature means they can only use a single type of ammo.
Also Sectopods are still pilotless, but this I plan to remedy on J15.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 27, 2019, 12:46:47 pm
Something wrong with this string:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 27, 2019, 12:52:47 pm
It's a corpse recovery problem (you shouldn't be getting that item at all). I think I fixed it recently.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 27, 2019, 01:24:06 pm
Thanks for the information. Sold it for a whopping nothing. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on April 28, 2019, 08:47:17 pm
I cannot reach the Voodoo: Excess cuz amazon outfit became Gold codex exclusive stuff. I'm using grey codex but I doubt who joined after J11 and earned green codex can research the voodoo: excess too.

Can confirm. My green codex magical girl stuff is locked by gold codex.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on April 30, 2019, 12:48:07 am
STR_AIRBALLS_M_UC is missing weaponType: 2

Also, the Golden Pistol seems a bit too strong compared to the Golden Rifle, especially the autoshot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 30, 2019, 06:44:56 am
Quoted from elsewhere for sanity and visibility
Officers outfit + Pirate Flag is bugged at the moment. Specifically, when wearing the Officers Outfit, moral damage is inverted. Getting hit by a handle will drain your moral, getting hit by a whip will give you moral.
So when you use the Flag, you also get hit by the blast and because of inverted moral damage your moral is then 0.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on April 30, 2019, 01:39:49 pm
Can confirm. My green codex magical girl stuff is locked by gold codex.
Thx. Appreciate it.

Are Theben (SEA) and some Interrogation manafacturings(guild engi., acad engi., etc) intended to be researched?
or something wrong happened?
after upgrading mods and saves, they didn't appeared at first.
however when I reloaded same file, these problems happened. 

PS) In J12, when I research every clerks, game always comments
"we can now produce
rob: Clerk(0/2/0)
S: Clerk(0/2/0)
Work: Clerk"
I'm not sure that it was fixed in J13 or J14.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on April 30, 2019, 04:52:31 pm
Oh never mind that. They disappeared when time goes
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on April 30, 2019, 07:02:05 pm
Thank you for the reports everyone, I fixed every issue mentioned for the J14 release (except those minor map/tile weirdness and hardware/software issues which I know nothing about).

I was just coming to report that J14 generates a proper .cfg/doesn't do whatever weirdness J13 was doing on a clean install. All good, and thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on April 30, 2019, 11:28:53 pm
I get a CTD if I land to recover the crash of this enemy craft.

See attached screenshot and save.

log portion relevant to crash:
Code: [Select]
[30-04-2019_13-27-11] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[30-04-2019_13-27-11] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x6371c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x638960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x425ad0 signalLogger(int)
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x7633d575 CreateProcessAsUserW
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x77d45030 RtlKnownExceptionFilter
[30-04-2019_13-29-20] [FATAL] 0x77d0979f RtlInitializeExceptionChain
[30-04-2019_13-29-50] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.

EDIT: 2.
If someone is trying to replicate the error, can you try to move any base facility ? It seems somehow CTRL+LMB doesn't work anymore for me. It works if I start a new game. Funds are not a problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 01, 2019, 12:47:34 am
I get a CTD if I land to recover the crash of this enemy craft.

STR_RATMEN race doesn't have alienRank 14.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 01, 2019, 11:05:43 pm
Wrong race attributed. Fixed. Will be releasing hotfix today.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on May 02, 2019, 05:02:01 am
Might be an OXCE issue, but the Light Sniper Rifle has a listed damage of 0-0 if you hit CTRL+M. Holding ALT in the inventory screen shows the damage range normally. Maybe CTRL+M isn't taking 2d100 rolls into account? The gun is definitely hitting hard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: blaahund on May 02, 2019, 07:23:24 pm

thanks for an amazing game.

Upgraded recently and ran into the weird issue that I can no longer manufacture blossom clip/HVAP rounds as well as 85 mm HVAP battlecannon shells.
Those are the ones I've noticed at least. I can still produce other HVAP ammunition.

I'm on v.J13a and Extended 5.4 (v2019-04-22)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 02, 2019, 10:15:39 pm
Might be an OXCE issue, but the Light Sniper Rifle has a listed damage of 0-0 if you hit CTRL+M. Holding ALT in the inventory screen shows the damage range normally. Maybe CTRL+M isn't taking 2d100 rolls into account? The gun is definitely hitting hard.

CTRL+M is only for melee damage. Light Sniper Rifle has no melee, so 0's are shown for the melee damage preview. The equivalent for ranged weapons is holding ALT while aiming with the cursor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on May 03, 2019, 03:00:55 am

thanks for an amazing game.

Upgraded recently and ran into the weird issue that I can no longer manufacture blossom clip/HVAP rounds as well as 85 mm HVAP battlecannon shells.
Those are the ones I've noticed at least. I can still produce other HVAP ammunition.

I'm on v.J13a and Extended 5.4 (v2019-04-22)

Did you check the tech tree? Some stuff has new requirements or unlocks in J13/14, and not all of the changes are listed in the changelog. (Frag grenades now require Gun Emporium for instance)

CTRL+M is only for melee damage. Light Sniper Rifle has no melee, so 0's are shown for the melee damage preview. The equivalent for ranged weapons is holding ALT while aiming with the cursor.

Ah, I see. I had not made that distinction.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on May 04, 2019, 03:50:54 pm
So I found out what is the deal with moral damage and bravery. Moral damage, as in weapons dealing moral damage, uses a similar formula used for psi panick attacks.
That means: damage is multiplied by (110 - bravery)/100

- with bravery 110, you are immune to any moral damage
- for bravery >110 damage is inverted

This is why moral damage with the officers outfit is inverted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2019, 06:10:12 pm
Upgraded recently and ran into the weird issue that I can no longer manufacture blossom clip/HVAP rounds as well as 85 mm HVAP battlecannon shells.
Those are the ones I've noticed at least. I can still produce other HVAP ammunition.

Manufacturing both items require knowledge of the weapon in question and Nuclear Munitions (j14a).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on May 05, 2019, 11:22:58 pm
I can summon the shade of a dead Slave Soldier (Or a Lokk'Narr).

And the result will be the shade of a Gal.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 06, 2019, 02:03:30 am
Shade are a fixed unit type, so the bug is that you can covert dead other classes, not that you get a shade.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ikaff on May 07, 2019, 04:03:20 pm
In the quick battle, there are genies who fight against everything, is it a bug or so conceived?
Genies appear on the battlefield suddenly, like a third party, and fight against everyone.
before version 14 this did not happen
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on May 07, 2019, 07:07:35 pm
In the quick battle, there are genies who fight against everything, is it a bug or so conceived?
Genies appear on the battlefield suddenly, like a third party, and fight against everyone.
before version 14 this did not happen

To the best of my knowledge, djinn are spawned by a Lamp of Darkness Shadow Lamp. In normal play, I believe this is supposed to function as a player faction spawned unit (dynamically spawned that is, from the lamp object itself). In quick battle, if the game is randomly spawning a djinn as a normal unit, it may not be inheriting an ownership and defaulting to the civilian faction.

As I type this however, I can no longer find JIM's Bootypedia entry. Perhaps I was not meant to see it in the first place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: blaahund on May 12, 2019, 04:45:51 pm
Manufacturing both items require knowledge of the weapon in question and Nuclear Munitions (j14a).

I cannot see Nuclear Munitions at all in the tech tree. I got Hellerium, Chemic, Explosive Munitions and on... but can't see Nuclear. Got Nuclear Battery researched too. I'm on an save I've kept going for a year :s
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 14, 2019, 06:13:09 pm
In this map there's the potential for this one room to get blocked off by a cabinet and it's really annoying, especially considering enemies can spawn inside that room.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Devon_v on May 15, 2019, 06:14:59 pm
So, I know this isn't exactly a bug, but I'd like to bring up the Officier's Pistol.

I just had a gal lose roughly 40HP though 80% pierce and 35 armor. So basically it hit for somewhere around 100 damage as a basic pistol class weapon. The backwards alien rank system just makes it a gimmick in a gal's hands, and a totally out of curve super weapon in the hands of an enemy grunt. If the guy hadn't walked most of his TUs away, and she wasn't wearing the heaviest armor I can field, she probably would have died.

I've been trying to come up with some sort of solution for it, like having an enemy version which has to be manufactured into a Piratez version so they can use different damage maths, but I don't know if it's possible to prevent the gals from just using the reversed version as their own super-grunt pistol.

Failing that, is there any way of having a "recovered as" flag for items? I'm pretty sure it exists for corpses, but I don't know how extensive it is. That would still allow gals to briefly use the backwards version in battle, but then it would correct itself upon transport back to the hideout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on May 15, 2019, 11:48:01 pm
In the quick battle, there are genies who fight against everything, is it a bug or so conceived?
Genies appear on the battlefield suddenly, like a third party, and fight against everyone.
before version 14 this did not happen

Try testing a quick mission without any items. I believe you will find several primed items in your craft. 2 Jims and 1 Sinister Device of Doom
The Jims spawn the genies, the Sinister Device of Doom will eventually explode.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on May 16, 2019, 03:33:16 am
This may be a weird OXCE/Win10 thing, but the J14a is showing up as half the width/height of J13a even with the same config file.

Given my screen resolution, it seems J14a is actually the correct one.  But I liked the old scaling effect (my hardware gripes, hard, if I change the resolution to 4x higher).  Anyone have any ideas?  I've messed some with the "high DPI" override in Win10, but the old executable didn't require them so I don't really know what to do...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2019, 10:38:34 am
This may be a weird OXCE/Win10 thing, but the J14a is showing up as half the width/height of J13a even with the same config file.

Given my screen resolution, it seems J14a is actually the correct one.  But I liked the old scaling effect (my hardware gripes, hard, if I change the resolution to 4x higher).  Anyone have any ideas?  I've messed some with the "high DPI" override in Win10, but the old executable didn't require them so I don't really know what to do...

It's an OXC change. Windows scaling settings are now ignored.

You should be able to change your openxcom settings (resolution and scaling) to have the old look without any performance loss.

Let's say your Windows has 200% scaling, your openxcom resolution was 1280x800 and your openxcom scaling was "1/2 display".
Now, you can set openxcom resolution to 2560x1600 and openxcom scaling to "1/4 display" to have the same effect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kikanaide on May 16, 2019, 04:51:12 pm
Meridian - appreciate the reply.  Unfortunately, the advice isn't matching my experience.  I'm guessing the internal Windows scaling is cheaper than the stepped-up SABR-Xcomified setting.  The consequence is that upping the resolution through OXCE kicks on my system fan, instantly, and starts to lag the graphics. 

Do you have a suggestion for a less-intensive image setting that still results in readable text?  The Sabr filter looks great but now I can't run it at a decent screen size...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2019, 05:36:15 pm
Do you have a suggestion for a less-intensive image setting that still results in readable text?  The Sabr filter looks great but now I can't run it at a decent screen size...

The only setting I can recommend is "No display filter"... I find all filters disgusting and unreadable.
But that's just my personal opinion.

I'll try to clarify the 2x resolution increase vs. 2x scaling increase with OXC devs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 16, 2019, 08:04:09 pm
The only setting I can recommend is "No display filter"... I find all filters disgusting and unreadable.
But that's just my personal opinion.

I'm glad to see eye to eye with you on this one... ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on May 19, 2019, 01:56:54 am
Since it just came up in the questions thread:

My thoughts on making air combat more balanced - change dodge to be a multiplier. So Ufos accuracy is multiplied first by craft evasion and then by pilot dodge.
Example: Ufo accuracy 70, craft dodge 30, pilot dodge 40
0.70 * (1 - 0,30) * (1 - 0,40) = 0,294
That would be 29,4 hit chance for the ufo. Right now hit chance would be 0 with these numbers.

I'm aware that this needs ruleset modification and will affect other mods too if it's not an option you can turn on or off. Just want to put that idea out there in case you like it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Boksi on May 28, 2019, 01:48:26 pm
I'm getting a crash from a base invasion.

[FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Something is wrong in your map definitions, craft/ufo map is too tall?
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x6371c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x638960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x425980 exceptionLogger()
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0xc86228 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x555b50 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::addBlock(int, int, OpenXcom::MapBlock*, bool)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x746dff90 atol
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x55d590 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateBaseMap()
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x564680 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x56d870 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x770ca0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::handleBaseDefense(OpenXcom::Base*, OpenXcom::Ufo*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x749810 OpenXcom::BaseDefenseState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x662b00 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x662f40 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x7278b0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x65dbd0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x425b90 SDL_main
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0xab5390 console_main
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   ??
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x751c8470 BaseThreadInitThunk
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x77c74140 RtlAreBitsSet
[28-05-2019_10-34-14]   [FATAL]   0x77c74140 RtlAreBitsSet
[28-05-2019_10-34-23]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Something is wrong in your map definitions, craft/ufo map is too tall?
More details here: F:/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.

I've attached a save that I fortunately made shortly before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Negative on June 01, 2019, 10:46:18 pm
In this map there's the potential for this one room to get blocked off by a cabinet and it's really annoying, especially considering enemies can spawn inside that room.
Think about it as if it was a barricade. Like someone moved this cabinet to block the way so you don't get him/her ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 02, 2019, 01:11:29 am
Bring pickaxes and hammers with you. If not in backpack at least have 1-2 sitting in the skyranger.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2019, 08:35:44 pm
Think about it as if it was a barricade. Like someone moved this cabinet to block the way so you don't get him/her ;)
That looks like the kind of cabinet that's like built into the wall. Heck it might even be a stove. Are the health and safety regulations being followed for this apartment?

And yeah I know I can and should bring pickaxes or hammers with me but it's not exactly fun having to resort to them.

Also in another apartment complex I had a set of stairs that led up into a wall and that allowed me to pass through the wall. I somehow doubt that's intended behavior.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on June 04, 2019, 02:48:21 am
Crashing in geoscape, I guess when trying to create this mission:
Code: [Select]
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 97
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 101
    missionSiteZone: 31

Code: [Select]
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 31) >= this->size() (which is 9)
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x6371c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x638960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x425980 exceptionLogger()
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0xc86228 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x964c60 OpenXcom::AlienMission::think(OpenXcom::Game&, OpenXcom::Globe const&)
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x77e6e0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time30Minutes()
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] 0x78ade0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()
[04-06-2019_01-47-20] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[04-06-2019_01-47-29] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 31) >= this->size() (which is 9)

Save attached.

Edit: Fixed it by changing missionSiteZone from 31 to 4.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on June 10, 2019, 05:49:50 am
im missing "xPirateyz´Lore story.. pics" intro, by Dio, at very beginning of game

(just when starting x-Piratez, it show me only 1screen with logo of Piratez, but not thet Lore, -backstory´ Intro.. °°

dnt know if bug, or intended, - or did you removed that Lore intro ? :o :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on June 10, 2019, 06:00:04 am
im missing "xPirateyz´Lore story.. pics" intro, by Dio, at very beginning of game

Have you checked your settings - It can be turned on or off under the general settings tab
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 10, 2019, 10:56:40 am
Check options and enable "Play Intro"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on June 10, 2019, 11:49:01 am
That screen ist only a loading screen. The cinematics should start afterwards if you don't press anything. It basically replaces the "dos" loading screen that was there before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on June 12, 2019, 12:05:37 am
@Dio: wrong link of  J15 archive :
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 12, 2019, 12:07:08 am
I took it down because of an error. Now posted link to repaired archive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on June 12, 2019, 02:44:06 pm
Hey folks, in .J.15 there is a bug with the prepbox string. Here some screenshots:

Edit: posted a saved game here (,4102.msg113854.html#msg113854) Please check it also because i have four assassination trophies but cannot manufacture (redeem) them. Same goes for the titanium and tritanium casino coupon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on June 15, 2019, 11:53:44 pm
Have you researched the Humanist trophy and built the gambling building required for redeeming coupons?

Edit: Looked into your savegame. Your assasination trophy manufacture is in the Hidden tab in manufacturing, you must have hidden it by mistake. As for reclaiming the coupons, you are missing the required research for reclaiming them. You have the facility needed, but are missing some research.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on June 18, 2019, 11:26:08 pm
I do believe i found a paradox! You need to research magical med kit to research savior outfit. Though, you need to research savior outfit to research magical medkit! (Unless I'm missing something, tech tree says they rely on each others research to be researched) so, does anyone know what to put into my save to have it researched?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 19, 2019, 02:37:34 am
It is a bug. The dependency of Saviour on the medikit should be removed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ninawindia on June 19, 2019, 02:55:34 am
It is a bug. The dependency of Saviour on the medikit should be removed.

I kinda figured as much. Oh well, till future updates then. Hehe
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on June 20, 2019, 11:31:35 am
Another one, temple of sirius raid on central USA, the briefing says weather is "scratching hot" but i don't seem to take stun damage. Save is attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on June 20, 2019, 12:20:52 pm
I am lead to understand that weather forecasts are not 100% accurate. Just like real life!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 21, 2019, 12:41:32 am
I am lead to understand that weather forecasts are not 100% accurate. Just like real life!
Correct. No perfect information is kinda a theme here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on June 21, 2019, 03:43:12 pm
Prepare for every environment.
Equip beer and canteens to keep the energy high and stun low.
Stimms work nicely as well once you can affort them.

Nicely prepared you can sustain soldiers in heavy suits in hot regions and missions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on June 23, 2019, 07:07:48 pm
Is it just me, or spartans in this very early mission (survivalists) have grossly larger night vision than I do? I was shot by a scout from about 25 tiles away and kept getting pounded from all sides not even seeing who does it (I even turned off L lights, even that didn't help). Do they share their targets (as in if one sees a gal, they all do)? Also, is it intentional that we don't have clear indication of who is in darkness and who isn't?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on June 23, 2019, 10:40:03 pm
Don't use night vision to find out who is in the light and who isn't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 23, 2019, 10:47:14 pm
Also, is it intentional that we don't have clear indication of who is in darkness and who isn't?


Don't use night vision to find out who is in the light and who isn't.

Night vision doesn't say absolutely anything about units being visible or not.
Night vision is used to draw explored TERRAIN in dark monochrome color instead of just pure black. It also highlights your units, regardless of any light conditions.

If it helps, compare it to xcom2012 night missions, it is quite similar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on June 24, 2019, 01:19:23 am
Yes, so do not use it, in other words turn it off, to see who is actually standing in the light.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 25, 2019, 04:30:44 am
Yeah spartans are one the groups of foes that share LOS info and some of there units have quite good NV.

Lighting state(day/night) is unfortunately something the engine fails to communicate well, and rebuilding/remaking the UI to add in all the missing elements for new features is not something any OXCE engine developer has yet taken up. And honestly for multi project compatibility reasons, may never.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on June 25, 2019, 10:38:34 pm
Is it just me, or spartans in this very early mission (survivalists) have grossly larger night vision than I do? I was shot by a scout from about 25 tiles away and kept getting pounded from all sides not even seeing who does it (I even turned off L lights, even that didn't help). Do they share their targets (as in if one sees a gal, they all do)? Also, is it intentional that we don't have clear indication of who is in darkness and who isn't?

This needs some explaining, as the mechanic at work is *very* unintuitive.

What you experience is the sniper/spotter mechanic. Spartan scouts have the *spotter* poroperty. If they get a glimps of one of your units, they know their location for x amount of turns (usually 2 or 3). No matter if they actually see them, they know the location. You can stand in complete darkness 40 tiles away and they still know the location. They have map hack on your unit.
Next: hitting a spotter enabled unit with a ranged weapon enables the spotter behaviour. You can shoot the spartan scout in the back from 40 tiles away, standing in complete darkness. If the shot connects, the scout sees the unit that made the shot.

Now to do some actual shooting or grenade throwing, the unit must have the *sniper* property. That is a value of for example 33%. This means that unit has a 33% chance to shoot at a target it can not see, but a spotter has knowledge of.
What I'm unsure about is if killing a spotter cancels the knowledge of your unit, but I would assume that is the case. Not sure if unconcious does the same.

As far as I know there is no way in game to find out which units are sniper/spotter. You have to look in the ruleset.

Bottom line, night mission or smoke tactics won't protect you from beeing shot at with sniper/spotter enemies.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on June 30, 2019, 12:47:41 am

I see, thanks for a good explanation! I might have been spotted, yeah.
Ouch, this mechanic is actually terrifying. You shoot at some pesky scout and get your butt kicked by the entire map in return. Harsh.

Is it early WIP or something? Makes me wonder why is it never mentioned in bootypedia. My gals almost got decimated by the field gun from one of those highwaymen camps and the only thing that saved them was that I backed up the save. Now I know that it fires back at the one who shot it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2019, 02:10:45 pm
I see, thanks for a good explanation! I might have been spotted, yeah.
Ouch, this mechanic is actually terrifying. You shoot at some pesky scout and get your butt kicked by the entire map in return. Harsh.

Is it early WIP or something? Makes me wonder why is it never mentioned in bootypedia. My gals almost got decimated by the field gun from one of those highwaymen camps and the only thing that saved them was that I backed up the save. Now I know that it fires back at the one who shot it.

What's so strange in this? You have squadsight, why AI should not? The AI also always used this mechanics, but only to launch blaster bombs and use PSI. What is new is only making AI use it for normal attacks as well, if certain preconditions are met.

Also don't post questions about mechanics in bugreports.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jungybrogan on June 30, 2019, 08:34:32 pm
It's June 2602 and I've only ever encountered werewolves once (Blood Ritual).  Is there a way to spawn them or encounter them again? 

The 5 werewolves I initially captured could only be butchered, after all the required taming research. Is werewolf taming bugged period, or is it exclusive to initial captures only?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 01, 2019, 03:01:03 pm
Werewolves spawn only for the mission "Blood Rituals" and you either roll Cunny Gals / Doom Guys or Werewolves.

It's entirely RNG which enemy team you'll get but the werewolves are the best payoff since you can capture the entire bunch with flying armor and cattle prods.

There's no way to get a specifique spawn. Roll the dices.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 02, 2019, 01:19:43 pm
Werewolves spawn only for the mission "Blood Rituals" and you either roll Cunny Gals / Doom Guys or Werewolves.

It's entirely RNG which enemy team you'll get but the werewolves are the best payoff since you can capture the entire bunch with flying armor and cattle prods.

There's no way to get a specifique spawn. Roll the dices.

By the end of 2602 i only encoutered werewolves (in my 4 or 5th game started from scratch) so i guess either i wae extremely unlucky or pheraphs the enemies in that mission need to be more "randomized"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 02, 2019, 01:37:41 pm
By the end of 2602 i only encoutered werewolves (in my 4 or 5th game started from scratch) so i guess either i wae extremely unlucky or pheraphs the enemies in that mission need to be more "randomized"

The enemies in that mission are perfectly randomized. Which is exactly why you've only seen one type.
Unless "randomized" (with quotation marks) means something different than randomized. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: jungybrogan on July 03, 2019, 08:10:10 pm
Blood rituals themselves seem to spawn rarely.  They almost never show up outside of the early game, meanwhile, Guild outpost missions occur so frequently that I sometimes get multiples on the world map.  Perhaps Werewolves should have a chance to spawn in a ground raiding party, like the raiders, or randomly as a lone unit during missions (like black cats sometimes appearing in cellar/overworld missions)? 

Has anyone gotten past the only butcherable issue and successfully tamed one?  Are they named units or auxiliaries? 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 03, 2019, 08:44:31 pm
Has anyone gotten past the only butcherable issue and successfully tamed one?  Are they named units or auxiliaries?

Tamed Werewolves are AUX units, using a HWP slot in your craft.
So far you can only "train" bloodhounds and dogs (in case they're named)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on July 03, 2019, 10:05:48 pm
erhaps Werewolves should have a chance to spawn [...] randomly as a lone unit during missions (like black cats sometimes appearing in cellar/overworld missions)?

Now I'm thinking of making the diggable room in the cellar contain a very alive and very pissed werewolf. Kinda like the Hidden Fun Stuff in Dwarf Fortress.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 04, 2019, 12:32:46 am
Like a were...something in Dwarf Fortress that someone walled in. The fortress around them may die, but they won't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: netron on July 04, 2019, 02:14:37 pm
Circular Tech Dependency:
Ball of Annihiliation needs Destructor Outfit.
Destructor Outfit needs Ball of Annihilation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 05, 2019, 01:24:02 am
Already reported and fixed, thx.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on July 07, 2019, 04:53:14 pm
Looted boss armor research impossible, because used not item, but armor suit name.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 09, 2019, 01:20:06 am
Fixed, thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 11, 2019, 11:58:07 am
J15, "scientific experiments" mission, an academy nurse is trapped by water. See.

Edit: path also is blocked near the building. Better double check that map for other bugs

Edit: another crash when in inventory mode:

Code: [Select]
[11-07-2019_14-06-57] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite MHUMAN__12__OP_GLASSES_ not found
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x6371c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x638960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x425980 exceptionLogger()
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0xc86228 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x8853e0 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x5c48c0 OpenXcom::InventoryState::init()
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x65dbd0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x425b90 SDL_main
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0xab5390 console_main
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] ??
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x74f90400 BaseThreadInitThunk
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x76f36540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[11-07-2019_14-06-58] [FATAL] 0x76f36540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[11-07-2019_14-07-09] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite MHUMAN__12__OP_GLASSES_ not found
Edit 3: as for log see the 2d quicksave.

Edit 4: after some tries, the problem seems to be with a paperdoll/avatar, sorry cannot remember more precisely, because changing it and making it wearing the operator armor game won't crash
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on July 11, 2019, 07:16:18 pm
Gals do not automatically change the armor according to weather conditions, like they used to.

edit: Stranded Goverment Agent spawns either only Ballers or only Dogs, WAD?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 11, 2019, 09:59:00 pm
edit: Stranded Goverment Agent spawns either only Ballers or only Dogs, WAD?

all i've ever met, so i presume yes, as it been that way since introduction of mission
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 12, 2019, 02:11:49 pm
Again, in J5 ol' carabine is abrle to gunbutt but the descripion donen not tell about it.

Edit: wrong version number
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on July 12, 2019, 02:33:45 pm
what (exactly) is this *strike ?

i think it is smthng new in game, at least i didint remember i see it before ( ~~few months, 1~2 years ago..)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on July 12, 2019, 03:09:04 pm
Strike is "Gunbutt" (melee using your weapon)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 12, 2019, 04:11:05 pm
Aside from this (,4058.msg114657.html#msg114657), in J5 between musket and bayoneted musket seems there are no differences
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 12, 2019, 10:21:16 pm
It is the same thing, one just has a bayonett, why would there be any other differences?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on July 12, 2019, 11:36:48 pm
It is the same thing, one just has a bayonett, why would there be any other differences?
For consistency? Bayonetted AK has 2% less accuracy IIRC.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 15, 2019, 02:29:45 pm
For consistency? Bayonetted AK has 2% less accuracy IIRC.

Looking at bootypedia images there i cannot see that. How is that? (,4058.msg114661.html#msg114661)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ridаn on July 15, 2019, 04:37:57 pm
Looking at bootypedia images there i cannot see that. How is that? (,4058.msg114661.html#msg114661)
For consistency? Bayonetted AK has 2% less accuracy IIRC.
Some guns get more accurate, some less, some stay the same. No consistency needed.

Named Dogs Bite doesnt consume energy, WAD?

edit: should Singer Zombie ever panic? Because I got her to panic with flaming arrows. I just ran hordes of peasant militias, which make for decent archers.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on July 16, 2019, 10:46:03 am
For consistency? Bayonetted AK has 2% less accuracy IIRC.
AK is a 'modern' rifle, properly balanced - attaching a bayonet makes it front-heavy, which does influence accuracy. A musket is not balanced properly, quite heavy and generally unwieldy, so attaching a piece of metal at the end does not matter. It's inherent inaccuracy is much larger than any losses due to balance/weight consideration
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on July 16, 2019, 01:55:17 pm
maybe it's not a but, but my 4 gals are striking a possessed sargeand it does not get hit
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on July 16, 2019, 03:06:24 pm
Intelligent zombies (singer, strix) are intended to panic when on fire. Also they can surrender.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rangerh on July 17, 2019, 06:36:40 pm
Testing some quick battle in latest x-piratez, i ran into a crash in this setup :


Code: [Select]
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_ATTACK_RUFFIAN_BASE_RAID not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_ATTACK_RATMEN_BASE_RAID not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_ATTACK_NECRO_RAID not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_ATTACK_NINJA_RAID not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_VESSEL_POL_CHASER_LATE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_VESSEL_POL_CRUISER_LATE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_VESSEL_POL_INTERCEPTOR_LATE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_VESSEL_POL_DROPSHIP_LATE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_VESSEL_POL_PATROL_LATE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_RACE_SPIDER not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_RACE_RAT not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_FLOATER_MANSION not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] STR_SECTOID_MANSION not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-35] [WARN] MAP_WHITEBASE_INFLIL1 not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_COMRCURBAN_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_DAWNURBANA_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_DAWNURBANB_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_INDUSTRIALURBAN_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_MADURBAN_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_PORTURBAN_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_SLUMURBAN_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-39] [WARN] MAP_URBANWAR_WHOREHOUSE not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-30-40] [WARN] MAP_ORBIT_COMMS_DISRUPTION not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-31-11] [WARN] MAP_SEWERS_SMUGGLERS not found in en-US
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: basic_string::_M_create
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x6371c0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x638960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x425980 exceptionLogger()
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0xc86228 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0xe1f9e0 std::vector<long long, std::allocator<long long> >::operator=(std::vector<long long, std::allocator<long long> > const&)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x56d870 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x7f2100 OpenXcom::NewBattleState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x662b00 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x662f40 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x7278b0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x65dbd0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x425b90 SDL_main
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0xab5390 console_main
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] ??
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x767f0400 BaseThreadInitThunk
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x77876540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[17-07-2019_17-31-40] [FATAL] 0x77876540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[17-07-2019_17-32-07] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: basic_string::_M_create
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 17, 2019, 07:00:33 pm
Crashing on QB is normal if you choose improper race for the mission. It is not supported as a feature - use at your own risk.

Gals do not automatically change the armor according to weather conditions, like they used to.

Appears you don't use the proper OXCE version (the one supplied with the mod).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: W1rm on July 19, 2019, 12:00:01 am
Good day.

I have a problem with gear too,
for example: In Underwater mission all armor change in to topless.
Use android version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on July 19, 2019, 08:22:21 am
Are you using armors that are appropriate for underwater?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: W1rm on July 19, 2019, 02:34:27 pm
Are you using armors that are appropriate for underwater?

Ofcourse I use underwater armor: chiller , bikini, swimsuit, even nude, all of them change to topless on
underwater mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on July 22, 2019, 09:39:53 pm
I have a problem with gear too,
for example: In Underwater mission all armor change in to topless.
Use android version.

Have you checked all the mods you are useing are the latest version?

Useing old and/or outdated mods has been known to cause this problem.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: W1rm on July 24, 2019, 06:20:18 pm
Have you checked all the mods you are useing are the latest version?

Useing old and/or outdated mods has been known to cause this problem.

Reinstall fix this problem, thx.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mercy on July 26, 2019, 01:45:46 am
Putting a Bugeye Advisor into a Car*105RR does NOT give the car its usual properties, increased HP, etc.. but the car retains the Bugeye's abilities..  "WTF?!-moment" after landing. The most disturbing is the cars HP - is this built from paper? - and one shot costs 114 TU.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on July 26, 2019, 02:31:09 am
that bugeye guy still needs grind some perks and skills for recon, /light tanks tier´crew ~~°°  :p ;D  lôl

(like *brothers in arms, or *driving dynamics, etc.. :D)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on July 29, 2019, 11:46:32 am
Hi, in J15 Atom beer do not add energy. Is there some change in functionality?

I have version without any mods or changes, just downloaded from link here and copied original XCOM files in it. New game, no old saves used.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 29, 2019, 02:56:33 pm
Are you sure you applied it to the correct person? If there is someone on the ground or in front they will get it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on July 29, 2019, 04:30:37 pm
Are you sure you applied it to the correct person? If there is someone on the ground or in front they will get it.

Uff that could happend, I have to check it later. Thank you, this does not come to my mind.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rangerh on August 11, 2019, 12:25:42 am
I don't know if it's a real bug or some temporary oddity or some gameplay stuff i'm unaware.
My assault squads fly on a Scorpion, so when they land i can have a good idea if i can take the mission or should just run away as some enemies are spawned close to the ship.
Except that time in which i was basically in the unknown as i was facing enemies that i had never faced before, so i deployed all the gals on the ground and battled through the map for a while and in the UFO i started to notice some specific enemies that i think my Gals weren't equipped to defeat at that point of my game.

So i called everyone back to the Scorpion with some quickly grabbed loot, and when i used the emergency retreat button it was always telling me that i had Gals outside, when clearly all of them were in the Scorpion, after a lot of trial and error in moving the gals around (always inside the Scorpion) i finally managed to not have that warning anymore and could then get away without leaving anyone.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on August 11, 2019, 03:47:17 pm
The close-spawn of enemies is unique to the scorpion. 2 tiles are dedicated to always spawn enemies close to the craft for a quick assault onto them.
It's mentioned in the discription of the craft: [...] to land right on top of your enemies [...] or something like that.

This mod has no linear difficulty curve like the mess that's xcom2000 and xcom2.
Several missions are available through-out the entire campaign to train new recruits. Fighting enemy factions (and their crafts) is alot more difficult.
If your arsenal is not advanced enough to deal with the opposition, just skip the mission.

There's no doom-clock in this game and you can affort to lose the "support" of various regions since your infamy pays the bills now instead of the council-members.
Piercing weapons bring you "this far" through the game, at some point you have to bring laser and plasma and other exotic weaponry to deal with the likes of mercenaries and star gods.
MELEE is OP. Use it frequently!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 11, 2019, 06:56:34 pm
I haven't played around much with Melee.

Maybe I should get some Stormy and Purgatoria armor, give them Electro Swords and go to town.
What's some other good Melee armor?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rangerh on August 11, 2019, 07:20:24 pm
The close-spawn of enemies is unique to the scorpion. 2 tiles are dedicated to always spawn enemies close to the craft for a quick assault onto them.
It's mentioned in the discription of the craft: [...] to land right on top of your enemies [...] or something like that.

That's not the problem i'm reporting as this feature of the scorpion is exactly why i decided to get one so i can quickly know what type of enemies are there, the problem is the fact that not all of the inside of the scorpion is considered as being actually inside when it comes to retreat , only a few tiles inside of the scorpions are.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 11, 2019, 09:07:15 pm
I haven't played around much with Melee.

Maybe I should get some Stormy and Purgatoria armor, give them Electro Swords and go to town.
What's some other good Melee armor?

Swiftsuit and Blitz

That's not the problem i'm reporting as this feature of the scorpion is exactly why i decided to get one so i can quickly know what type of enemies are there, the problem is the fact that not all of the inside of the scorpion is considered as being actually inside when it comes to retreat , only a few tiles inside of the scorpions are.

It is a game engine quirk, elevator tiles do not count as being in the ship.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rangerh on August 14, 2019, 05:03:17 am
Ah so that was that, thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on August 16, 2019, 03:56:55 am
Text of Public Enemy has last line missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kevlar Bullfrog on August 19, 2019, 05:52:45 pm
The manufacturing job to unpack the prepper's box doesn't show up correctly. The job works fine and produces the guns but it's listed as BLAHBLAH_EXAMPLE_COMMANDLINEINTERFACENONSENSE (not that exactly but I'm away from my computer and don't remember the specifics).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on August 22, 2019, 12:16:28 am
Had a crash in Devil's Reef when a deep one shot a sonic rifle at a steep angle up and missed. For some reason the second part of the mission let me use surface trappings and weapons, maybe that caused the crash.
Please find the log and save file attached.

The one gal that had an underwater-worthy suit (swiftsuit) switched properly to the underwater type.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 24, 2019, 10:40:14 am
Had a crash in Devil's Reef when a deep one shot a sonic rifle at a steep angle up and missed. For some reason the second part of the mission let me use surface trappings and weapons, maybe that caused the crash.
Please find the log and save file attached.

The one gal that had an underwater-worthy suit (swiftsuit) switched properly to the underwater type.

Are you using the OXCE version provided with the mod, or did you update?
The mod is not yet compatible with the newest OXCE when it comes to enviroments and such.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 24, 2019, 02:09:42 pm
Are you using the OXCE version provided with the mod, or did you update?
The mod is not yet compatible with the newest OXCE when it comes to enviroments and such.

Both the log file and the save game contain information about the OXCE version used.
Right on the top.

He's using the one provided with the mod.

The game crashes when it tries to render the particle clouds (bubbly stuff that remains after the projectiles fired underwater).
The crash is caused by missing transparency lookup tables, that need to be defined... see "transparencyLUTs" in xcom2.

Or just change the weapons to not generate any vapor clouds.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 24, 2019, 10:12:05 pm
Both the log file and the save game contain information about the OXCE version used.
Right on the top.

He's using the one provided with the mod.

Must be nice to be able to check files anywhere. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: thevideogameraptorboggle on August 27, 2019, 04:23:57 am
Is the Persuadotron 2000 supposed to not have a UFO/Bootypedia entry?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: armadilloTank on August 29, 2019, 03:27:02 am
The stair tile on the Fortuna in the red box cannot be stepped on. None of my peasants can walk on that tile.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on August 29, 2019, 03:51:45 pm
It's not the Fortuna's problem, it's the jungle LZ map blocks. Try removing the bush under that part of the ramp.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 29, 2019, 08:19:22 pm
You can take an Assault Bike to the Devil's Reef, but when it goes to the 2nd stage the Gal just gets to keep the weapons, which are kinda hard to use. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 31, 2019, 12:37:56 am
Something bad is happening with that mission... I gotta look into it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on September 02, 2019, 01:24:30 pm
In 0.99J17 version, just after having researchd "Fire walk with me" the reports screen gives some strange output. Please look at the save.

Edit. seems to occour with also other entries
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 02, 2019, 03:06:38 pm
Replace the "Common" and "Standard" directories with those from newest OXCE to fix that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mercy on September 02, 2019, 03:15:39 pm
Replace the "Common" and "Standard" directories with those from newest OXCE to fix that.
Aha! Thank You for the tip: gonna fix this one then.


Bounty Hunt C, Bandit Caves weirdness:



FIXED after following Dioxine' suggestion at top of this post:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 03, 2019, 03:11:34 am
I updated to J17 mid campaign.
I noticed that the research/production items that were new no longer are marked as blue, nor the items cycle colours with right click.
Was this intended, is a bug, or am I missing something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 03, 2019, 03:28:02 am
The color markers where shifted to a user option, which is off by default Alex_D.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on September 03, 2019, 11:55:28 am
Again, in 0.99J17 i've noticed taht o'harty gun once researched and manufacured does not apper in the "tools of the trade" section of bootypeid. Middle mouse click on it in inventory does not show any info at all. Please chech the save attached.

Edit: in fact, in theinventory screen, even ammo is not displayed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 04, 2019, 01:45:25 am
The color markers where shifted to a user option, which is off by default Alex_D.

Thank you for the tip.
Indeed these are new options (to me).
Also it seems the STR need text.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on September 04, 2019, 02:24:39 am
I getting this error when I try to run J17


And YES I do have the Microsoft Visual Studio 2015-19 files - both 32 and 64 bit versions.

This is the only program effected - does anyone have any ideas?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 04, 2019, 01:47:34 pm
This is the only program effected - does anyone have any ideas?

Try using official OXCE version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on September 04, 2019, 09:48:13 pm
Try using official OXCE version.

Which version would that be please?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 05, 2019, 02:37:47 am
Official version doesn't support loading splashscreen, and that won't do for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 05, 2019, 10:59:44 am
Which version would that be please?,5258.0.html
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Roxis231 on September 05, 2019, 11:16:03 am
Ok - got that, and it's working now.

However, didn't you make a version of extended for J16 that used the splash screen?

Is it possable to do this for J17?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 06, 2019, 09:46:28 pm
Only got around to posting this now, so please ignore if it has been fixed for j17.

Some string troubles with the zombie panic:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on September 08, 2019, 01:43:40 am
Hello,  :)

Please read my attachments about some bugs with research, production, and missions in the game.

In short: Some debug strings always visible, some production is impossible to complete because of incorrect counting of components and special missions don't have a description of allowed equipment, etc.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 08, 2019, 04:44:56 am
I believe something is odd with the allowed armors for this mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 08, 2019, 06:17:54 pm
Fixed Mad Gnome and Sunday Town, thank you, guys.

As for the missing strings, it should not happen in j17 anymore - maybe it's just russian version being outdated?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 08, 2019, 10:24:53 pm
As for the missing strings, it should not happen in j17 anymore - maybe it's just russian version being outdated?

As others pointed out, it seems the latest OXCE fixed the missing strings I encountered.
Code: [Select]
version: Extended 5.6.2
build: " (v2019-08-15)"
  - "piratez ver: v. J17 OXCE 5.6.1x Aug-2019"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on September 11, 2019, 12:56:59 pm
In 0.99J17A seems i cannot purchase frag grenade, plus cannot even manufacture o'harty's gun, since it's not dislayed even in the manufacture menu. Seems to have prequisites for both, i think it's a bug. Please check the file attached

Edit: also, in the condemntion munu *show only new button is not displayed at all
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on September 11, 2019, 01:02:34 pm
The button has never been there, I'm pretty sure.

Still on j16, so disregard if it has been fixed:

Rob: Marauder of Apocalypse
requires a Sadist of Apocalypse, not a Marauder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 13, 2019, 12:16:30 pm
There are strings in the game, that are not in the transifex. I've found strings about sacks of vegetables. See the images.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on September 13, 2019, 10:24:21 pm
The attached screenshot is from the entry room at the center of the bottom level of the space freighter.  I believe the wrong damaged tile is being used to replace the yellow diagonal striped floor tile.  The replaced tiles have animated vertical display on the upper right side which is used elsewhere on space freighter map as part of a multi-tile control console.

Apologies if this has already been addressed as my version (.99J8) is almost a year out of date.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on September 14, 2019, 11:53:03 am
wait why are you playing on a version that is almost a year old?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on September 14, 2019, 06:34:27 pm
wait why are you playing on a version that is almost a year old?

Well, I'm a slow player and I wanted to finish the game using the same version as I started with.  I only reported this issue because I didn't see it mentioned by anyone before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 15, 2019, 12:31:47 pm
There are strings in the game, that are not in the transifex. I've found strings about sacks of vegetables. See the images.

I'll update the strings.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 17, 2019, 11:36:28 am
In the new strings:
Typo: Bomber XI -> Bomber IX
Little inconsistency: Codex of Transfiguration vs Grimoire of Transfiguration
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 17, 2019, 12:53:16 pm
Thanks Bartojan, fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Troubleshooter on September 17, 2019, 05:15:11 pm
I just downloaded the new version and started a new game and I could have sworn that there used to be 10 slots for load out presets, but now the list doesn't pop up so I only seem to have the one. Am I missing something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 17, 2019, 05:40:13 pm
I just downloaded the new version and started a new game and I could have sworn that there used to be 10 slots for load out presets, but now the list doesn't pop up so I only seem to have the one. Am I missing something?

Check your hotkey settings in the options.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 20, 2019, 10:12:04 am
Map in Infested Cellar mission divided to 2 separate parts. Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 20, 2019, 06:13:42 pm
Walls can't be crushed using fusion-torches / hammers / pickaxes?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 20, 2019, 10:54:21 pm
Probably can. But it should be a normal cellar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on September 21, 2019, 06:50:27 am
But it should be a normal cellar.

I find the infested cellar to be unusual in that it is two stories deep.  Maybe the owner tried to wall off the infested portion earlier and when that failed decided to call the exterminators...  Or maybe a previous owner used the walled off section to store contraband.

I don't think it is a bug; I think it is an optional/random feature of the Infested Cellar mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on September 21, 2019, 07:12:00 am
^^ i like that such mini - stories..
and back-ground mini plots and story-arc  8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on September 21, 2019, 06:22:15 pm
Either we call it "Mini-Story" or "Screwed by RNG".
Same can happen to the mission with the cellar full of rats/scopions/etc.
Always pack up pickaxes hammers and a single f-torch to deal with unlucky level-creation.

The f-torch should be able to melt the upper floor to drop into the lower level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on September 21, 2019, 11:57:06 pm
I find the infested cellar to be unusual in that it is two stories deep.  Maybe the owner tried to wall off the infested portion earlier and when that failed decided to call the exterminators...  Or maybe a previous owner used the walled off section to store contraband.

I don't think it is a bug; I think it is an optional/random feature of the Infested Cellar mission.

..or amybe tjhose blocked, closed part of cellar was oldest, and .."deepest",  and as such was haunted and "Zone" infested - the previous´ly owners often experienced there haunting ghost, mutanted (radiated) eeries, and creepy creatures, and various mysteriously, fringe and oddy, unexplicated *Zone" - phenomenas .. they closed it all, excluded the horrible area with ferro-concreted, /bricks´ed strong wall..

i definately would like such mission.. (ghaunted cellars, ghosted dungeon..)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on September 24, 2019, 02:17:52 am
Typo in text
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on September 24, 2019, 09:25:20 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 26, 2019, 12:23:25 am
I thought manufacturing named blood hounds was bugged, until I found out that it needs the blood hounds that you buy from the Alliance and not the enemy blood hounds that you can capture.  The confusion comes from the fact that both kinds are called "blood hound" but are in fact separate entities.  If enemy dogs are guard dogs and player dogs are attack dogs, then I suggest renaming one of the blood hounds as well.  Something like "allied blood hound" for the player blood hound.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 26, 2019, 02:55:49 pm

Did you verify it's actually not working, or just "think"? Because it looks good at first glance, and I don't remember any issues with it.

I thought manufacturing named blood hounds was bugged, until I found out that it needs the blood hounds that you buy from the Alliance and not the enemy blood hounds that you can capture.  The confusion comes from the fact that both kinds are called "blood hound" but are in fact separate entities.  If enemy dogs are guard dogs and player dogs are attack dogs, then I suggest renaming one of the blood hounds as well.  Something like "allied blood hound" for the player blood hound.

That is just nitpicking. You cannot turn enemy blood hounds into yours, so by what twisted logic you would be able to turn them into named ones?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 26, 2019, 03:23:10 pm
Well, you can tame other enemies like reapers, werewolves, and gazers.

But you're right, this is nothing worth wasting time over and I apologize.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 27, 2019, 01:49:26 am
No problem, man. I'm afraid of making too much of a mess with overtly long naming...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on September 27, 2019, 02:40:47 pm
Did you verify it's actually not working, or just "think"? Because it looks good at first glance, and I don't remember any issues with it.

Nope, I didn't verify. That is why I wrote I *think* it's supposed to be that string. I stumbled about it by finding "Fartbags" and "Fartbag" in the tech tree viewer, and wondered what the difference is. Then I looked in the ruleset and failed to find out how one could aquire STR_CELATID research.
I thought if I posted it, you would immediately be able to tell if it is a typo or intentional. So I should have added, ignore post if that string is intentional.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on September 27, 2019, 03:52:18 pm
There's a typo in this particular ammo's category string.  It might affect something.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 30, 2019, 11:58:31 pm
Are 'Refreshment' and 'Freshness' referring to same thing, or they are 2 different things in the newest strings on Transifex?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 02, 2019, 04:01:48 am
Freshness is the name of the new resource bar. Refreshment, if your referring to the canteen of, is the act of drinking to relive thirst.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on October 02, 2019, 11:41:27 am
Freshness is the name of the new resource bar. Refreshment, if your referring to the canteen of, is the act of drinking to relive thirst.
Some buildings have text 'Refreshment: x' in the newest strings now. I assume buildings regenerate x points of freshness to units in the Hideout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on October 02, 2019, 03:09:37 pm
Dunno bug or feature.
Look at save. Go in a controlled enemy inventory and you will see "activated trigger" on the belt slot. (blinking red square)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 02, 2019, 03:48:18 pm
Dunno bug or feature.
Look at save. Go in a controlled enemy inventory and you will see "activated trigger" on the belt slot. (blinking red square)

Nah, no bug.
Just Dioxine hacking left and right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on October 02, 2019, 06:19:49 pm
Nah, no bug.
Just Dioxine hacking left and right.
Will this have a gameplay recoil?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 02, 2019, 06:58:54 pm
Will this have a gameplay recoil?

Not sure what the question means.

Yes, it has impact on the game, as author intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Everain on October 04, 2019, 07:37:34 am
Gals wearing seductress outfit loosing morale from morale restoring abilities of green lighter and battle flag.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on October 04, 2019, 11:23:15 pm
Gals wearing seductress outfit loosing morale from morale restoring abilities of green lighter and battle flag.

That's not a bug but intended behavior. If your bravery is above 110, items that alter moral as "damage" have inverted behavior. Getting hit by a flamethrower gives you moral if your bravery is above 110.

Ask Dioxine why he wants it that way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on October 06, 2019, 02:44:43 pm
I can explain the bravery >110 as such:
The unit is so cold-blooded to a point that everything "fearsome" only makes the unit even more brave and stronger.
Kinda like "I've seen everything. A bit of burn-damage is like a walk in the park."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Warface on October 09, 2019, 07:30:10 pm
I just downloaded J17A and space/sea missions are not recognizing my space suits and chillers. Defaulting to pods & topless no matter which armor I equip.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on October 10, 2019, 12:53:10 am
Did you install properly? Because at least sea missions work for me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Warface on October 10, 2019, 11:10:57 pm
Did you install properly? Because at least sea missions work for me.

I reinstalled last night. Started a new game though. Maybe i should go run the other one for a bit and see if it worked. Unfortunately I didn't save the last 0-g mish. I had changed the default in the .rul for the time being since I had plenty of those armors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on October 12, 2019, 02:47:52 am
I researched a hallucinoid corpse but did not get the examination the tech tree says I should have.  Instead it seems I got the article for a living one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Warface on October 12, 2019, 05:18:21 pm
Did you install properly? Because at least sea missions work for me.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on October 12, 2019, 11:42:07 pm
String STR_LOOT_DISTRIBUTION_UFOPEDIA - there is old rank Baroness instead of the new Princess (STR_COLONEL).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on October 13, 2019, 12:32:29 am
Enemy in inaccesible place.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on October 14, 2019, 03:09:42 pm
Different number of kills for Third Iron Skull in STR_MEDAL_PSYCHOKILL_UFOPEDIA  and  STR_MEDAL_PSYCHOKILL_DESCRIPTION.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on October 17, 2019, 09:09:16 pm
Another inaccessable place on farm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 18, 2019, 09:03:44 am
There's already a typo in this latest version: It's not November yet.

Edit: I found a slightly more serious typo.  Fun-Go's description says it restores 15 morale, but the analysis reveals that part of its action cost is "morale: 15" which means it actually takes away 15 morale instead.  So currently, it gives absolutely no benefits whatsoever.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on October 18, 2019, 12:47:10 pm
Text too long
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 19, 2019, 12:59:16 pm
Disassembly for the phantom whip has STR_PHANTOM_WHIP_DISASSEMBLY as its text.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on October 21, 2019, 11:04:09 am
Actually, might be an OXCE bug, but in 0.99K1 setting "maximize info display" off actually it doest do waht the option tells. Please report it to the maintainers?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 21, 2019, 11:14:29 am
Actually, might be an OXCE bug, but in 0.99K1 setting "maximize info display" off actually it doest do waht the option tells. Please report it to the maintainers?

And what doesn't work?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on October 21, 2019, 11:25:29 am
And what doesn't work?

ok sorry, i depends anlo on the geoscape and battlescape size settings. Doesn't mind, false positive
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Troggnostupid on October 24, 2019, 05:34:38 pm
Can't produce Drill. Have 75 alailable workshop space
And can't manage my runts when Drill on manufactore list with 0 runts
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on October 24, 2019, 06:17:33 pm
Can't produce Drill. Have 75 alailable workshop space

You actually need at least 76 workshop space to produce the drill. The project itself takes 75 space, and then you need more space for the runts. I think it works as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 25, 2019, 12:12:33 am
Mad scribblings' Bootypedia description only says "STR_MAD_SCRIBBLINGS_UFOPEDIA".  That string currently doesn't exist so you're probably already gonna fix it anyway, but I still thought it should be mentioned.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on October 26, 2019, 05:24:50 pm
OMG :o After upgrade my save file, all mission start like this. all guis and gals is unable to move. moreover start of turn 2 all gals being panicked or berzerked regardless of morale stats. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on October 26, 2019, 05:37:29 pm
I guess you didn't follow the instructions from the upgrading saves thread.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on October 26, 2019, 06:11:07 pm
Oh its exec upgraded. didn't noticed that. it worked fine right now. thx anyway
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Balbinator on October 27, 2019, 06:10:40 pm
Trees (palm) not fully spawned.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on October 27, 2019, 11:45:38 pm
Item resistances seem to be bugged.
I have a gal in grav harness in cold enviroment. She has a shawl, ushanka, durathred bra and space towel in her inventory, but she is still taking health damage. I'm pretty sure that's not supposed to happen.

Some ruleset digging revealed the problem: cold damage of the aura is damageType 18, while the resistances on the items is for damageType 17. Heat is now 17 while heat resistance on items is 16. So currently, cold resistance on items protects from heat, while nothing protects from cold.

I've corrected the values in Yankes_Scripts.rul, attached is the updated file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 28, 2019, 12:20:25 am
Disassembling a heavy lascannon tank coughs up a machinegun.  Pretty sure that's not supposed to be there since the tank itself makes absolutely no use of any machinegun-like weapon (the kind that shoots bullets and not lasers, that is).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: misterx on October 28, 2019, 01:48:29 pm
In 0.99K1 all of a sudden seems i cannot manufacture banaid anymore. maybe there is some bugs with research that disables it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 29, 2019, 10:09:21 am
I was expecting the usual four stasis pods with gals in them, but instead there are just these four chairs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bracer on October 29, 2019, 11:32:10 pm
I started multiple new playthroughs since the new update came out, but didnt even got to finish the first year. Problem is that at some point after the first half year i get multiple hundred negativ score per day ( looking at the chart). It is impossible to counter this with missions. Maybe Dioxine accidentally changed the negative score value for secret bases ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on October 30, 2019, 08:12:41 am
The manufacture of AP heavy laser clips doesn't need any chemicals.  I know this can't be right because it doesn't match up with all the other AP laser clips which do need chemicals to make.

Edit: Description of small disruptor (purple) shields mentions needing a summoning circle to make them, but this isn't actually the case and a summoning circle is not needed at all.

I'm not entirely sure about this next one, but the analysis shows the mace of power having all the extra stun damage on the plasma attack instead of the electric attack like the description suggests.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on October 31, 2019, 04:19:07 pm
STR_PIR_OFFICER_UFOPEDIA, STR_DEMONIC_ARMOR_UC_UFOPEDIA, STR_INFERNA_ARMOR_UC_UFOPEDIA have pain immunity. Shoudn't it be some lvl of pain resistance now?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 31, 2019, 05:55:04 pm
In 0.99K1 all of a sudden seems i cannot manufacture banaid anymore. maybe there is some bugs with research that disables it?

...bandaid didn't exist before K1...

Maybe Dioxine accidentally changed the negative score value for secret bases ?

No, it's not even possible afaik.

I was expecting the usual four stasis pods with gals in them, but instead there are just these four chairs?

Looks like an accidental victim of tileset move cost bugfixes...

STR_PIR_OFFICER_UFOPEDIA, STR_DEMONIC_ARMOR_UC_UFOPEDIA, STR_INFERNA_ARMOR_UC_UFOPEDIA have pain immunity. Shoudn't it be some lvl of pain resistance now?

They do not have it? Are you sure?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 01, 2019, 07:53:12 am
The technomancer's examination refuses to be researched.  Both the live and dead technomancer can be researched, and yet it still won't show up.

Edit: Has it always been that when a tamed werewolf hits with its claw attack, it takes stun damage for some reason?  It doesn't seem right to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Drasnighta on November 01, 2019, 04:56:36 pm
The technomancer's examination refuses to be researched.  Both the live and dead technomancer can be researched, and yet it still won't show up.

Edit: Has it always been that when a tamed werewolf hits with its claw attack, it takes stun damage for some reason?  It doesn't seem right to me.

Yeah.  Because eventually they get sleepy from all of that Corpse Eating...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 01, 2019, 07:50:45 pm
Edit: Has it always been that when a tamed werewolf hits with its claw attack, it takes stun damage for some reason?  It doesn't seem right to me.

It hasn't always been like that but it was changed a while ago. They feed on their victims, which gives stun like when you eat mutant meat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 01, 2019, 09:27:19 pm
Their description makes no mention of this, only how a successful claw attack takes some extra TUs and gives extra energy.  Nothing about stun.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 01, 2019, 11:37:43 pm
Moonshine also gives no more stun damage to the user.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on November 03, 2019, 02:19:42 pm
I went to a demonic temple, which was overrun with rats. While that was strange (previous temples had bogeymen), it did not seem too out of place. But then the rats panicked and the last one surrendered, giving me -60 points.
Save at the start of the mission attached.

Edit: After some research, I found out that the D.I.L.D.O. I got from that mission was a person, not an item, so maybe it was her that surrendered. The Giant Rat I got as well could have just been stunned. But I still don't get the -60 points from her surrendering.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 03, 2019, 04:52:22 pm
That's mechanics, you will get positive score off her capture only after researching her.
Rats don't surrender.

Their description makes no mention of this, only how a successful claw attack takes some extra TUs and gives extra energy.  Nothing about stun.

How fucking fussy you can get about slight details? You can apparently SEE it does stun damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: magus1 on November 05, 2019, 02:18:42 am
Dio-kun, don't get riled by the germans.... :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 05, 2019, 05:02:18 pm
Not sure if bug or intended behavior:

Idol commendation - should be awarded for 3 stuns in a mission.
In the last mission one of my hybrids got it, but I'm not sure if he actually deserved it. He controlled one doom soldier, that then shot another one. The other went down bleeding, then died the next round. Later he shot another doom soldier that also went down bleeding, then died.
The diary lists the two bleeding soldiers as stunned and also as killed. I would have expected it only counts as a stun if they survive, but ok.
And the third stun? Does the mind control count as a stun?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on November 05, 2019, 10:47:58 pm
Not sure if this is the right place - There is an error within the message when you research Communications.

3rd line from the bottom reads 'Ethyrnet is how Jack can contact us and his all tribes, it's how .....'

Correct to 'Ethyrnet is how Jack can contact us and all his tribes, it's how .....'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 05, 2019, 11:29:07 pm
Not sure if intended or not:

In the convoy, the north-western wall at the exit only extends halfway down from the top. You can't see out, but you can be shot at. It looks like a solid wall all the way to the ground, but it is not.

In the first picture you can see Mary Celeste Biehn, who just got shot at by the G.O. to the north. Looks like a solid wall there, so the shot should not be possible.
The second picture shows the fps look from her view, where you can see the wall is open at the bottom.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 07, 2019, 06:30:04 am
Yeah that's funky but intentional. So far as i know it was cut that way to help pathing for your 2x2 units. 2x2 get very picky about clear space around them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LytaRyta on November 07, 2019, 06:48:16 am
from what program (editor) do you get such image ? (this bottom pic.)

(..and what exactly is it, any 3d graph of fps, frame per seconds, or such?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 07, 2019, 04:05:06 pm
The first person look is created by the game itself. Just press F10, the picture is saved to your savegame folder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 14, 2019, 12:39:44 am
I researched a hallucinoid corpse but did not get the examination the tech tree says I should have.  Instead it seems I got the article for a living one.

The corpse giving info on the live specimen is on purpose because you can't actually capture live hallucinoids due to a lack of a proper containment for them.  That aquarium-type facility will probably be implemented eventually, but not right now since only a scant few undersea creatures can make use of it and they're not really that vital.

The examination not being given, now that's the real bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on November 18, 2019, 03:36:38 pm
Sitzkrieg is still bugged in the latest version. Looks like the bounty tokens get destroyed after the turret explodes. I searched and found people reporting the same problem in march, so maybe it wasn't fixed completely or resurfaced in later versions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 20, 2019, 09:03:55 pm
It has been fixed, however. You can still destroy them if you use Chinese Dragon I guess, but not from turret explosion. A player just finished this mission and had no problems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 21, 2019, 12:59:56 am
I had a sitzkreig that didn't drop any battle tank parts, but the tokens were fine.  I also had a B rank deep one bounty mission yield only a token or two, but that was only one out of several and all the rest worked properly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2019, 10:05:16 pm
I also had a B rank deep one bounty mission yield only a token or two

This was a bug at some point, yes, but I believe it is fixed for good now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on November 23, 2019, 11:10:26 pm
Monster hunter condemnation has STR_DEMON_TERRORIST listed as enemy giving the condemnation. I would have thought bogeymen were meant by that, but they are STR_DEMON. No enemy with STR_DEMON_TERRORIST actually exists.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2019, 11:59:35 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 25, 2019, 02:49:13 pm
blocked off room in an apartment complex. you can open the door, but not enter
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 25, 2019, 04:19:07 pm
Ah yes, the hotel blocks never fail to amaze every installment they're in.  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2019, 04:36:44 pm
The author of the map apparently envisioned it that way and I don't see any heresy in it either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on November 25, 2019, 05:59:15 pm
is that the author?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 26, 2019, 04:50:12 pm
The walls are thin enough to punch through with most small arms.
Also always bring a hammer and pickaxes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LadonLegend on November 26, 2019, 08:34:12 pm
I'm getting a segmentation fault crash relating to building a new base on the geoscape. In the attached save file, the game sometimes seg faults when pressing "Begone" next to "Choose a place for yer new hideout". It doesn't seem entirely consistent, but I have managed to get this crash three or four times testing it. When it happened, it war after clicking on a location to build a base (such as south america), canceling the pop up window, and then pressing the described button.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 26, 2019, 08:44:52 pm
I'm getting a segmentation fault crash relating to building a new base on the geoscape. In the attached save file, the game sometimes seg faults when pressing "Begone" next to "Choose a place for yer new hideout". It doesn't seem entirely consistent, but I have managed to get this crash three or four times testing it. When it happened, it war after clicking on a location to build a base (such as south america), canceling the pop up window, and then pressing the described button.

I am aware of this issue, but I could not reproduce it yet :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on November 27, 2019, 02:57:18 am
That also happened to me once.  When I couldn't reproduce it, I dismissed it as a freak anomaly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 06, 2019, 12:40:21 pm
Is nepotism working for anyone? The money is deducted, but my gals don't get any freshness, no matter if they have 50 or 27.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 06, 2019, 01:54:46 pm
ive had it work. Post save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 07, 2019, 12:55:36 pm
Save attached, I tried again with Illigal "Flunky" Rat and Lovely "geiz2" Strangler.

I still use streamlined armor and vehicle manufacturing, if that matters.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 07, 2019, 04:48:56 pm
It works for my part and boosts the freshness once for +15 as it should.
With only a handful of gals that are allowed to use this feature early in the game I stick to not use the feature.
It's expensive and a niche feature (cool by design) and has the most use in the later stages of the game to boost your surviving elite crewmembers.
Kinda like all the gals from day1 onwards will have the highest rank and most stats. I doubt it's intended to boost the freshness above a certain threshold with this feature.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 07, 2019, 06:44:39 pm
Those gals have around 30 freshness and the limit is 70 according to the Uber statpage.
Later on you elite gals are probably at max anyway, it is probably most useful in the early midgame when $100k stops being an issue and and want to push some gals.
I updated my game, these are gals that are basically maxed, apart from freshness.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 07, 2019, 09:02:27 pm
Good ol' lategame crackmarines  ;D
Brutearmor+ and plasma-weaponry supported by fusion-explosives.

Now with even more crack in it thanks to stat-bonuses.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 08, 2019, 01:17:40 am
Ah, but it seems that Brute makes the gals loose freshness more quickly than harbinger, for example.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on December 13, 2019, 12:23:02 pm
Nepotism does not work for me either. I can click as long as I want and nothing happens. The girl later shows NEPOTISM in her achievements, though.
I attached an OLD savegame from some days ago, there's only one gal that is legit for the transformation, not sure what her name was, she died in a later mission... :'(

And the gyrocopter armor HMG seems to have problems remembering that it is loaded with ammo, I load it in the base and give it one additional ammo clip to go. When the tac game starts, only the unloaded clip in the inventory is there. Not a big issue, i simply place 2 clips in the inventory, alright.  :)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2019, 06:39:40 pm
All 2x2 armours (including vehicles) have issues with remembering ammo loading. You need to pay attention to that in the pre-battle equipment screen, and load the weapon if needed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on December 17, 2019, 01:32:36 pm
Yep. Figured that out.

I found the reason for the non-working Nepotism, btw: The recovery time for the transformation is ZERO and that does not seem to work. Once I changed it to 1 it worked.

Fwiw, I have to stop playing X-Piratez. It simply soaks up so much time, that everything else in my life comes to a halt.  :)
I have to admit I thought I invest several hours into it every day and make good progress, but once I realized that after weeks of playing it 5 to 6 hours a day, sometimes more, I still hadn't progessed even remotely to what I would consider a milestone, i stopped.

That and I wanted to mod again.  ;D

The mod is good: No two ways about that.
Balance is mostly fine. However some things did not work for me (and yes that's probably a "me" only thing, so feel free to have a different opinion and don't go ballistic because you have another opinion).
So here's how I experienced and played the tactical game and my thoughts:

-Imho the mod needs some tweaking in terms of TU usage (vanilla behaviour grenades and especially Sniper rifles are too punishing, not much (lower their TU usage by ~4 TUs and they are perfect) but to be honest I gave up on anything that needed priming and also switched to rifles for my shooting gals, simply because they are much more useful.
Also picking something up from the ground into the backpack basically uses most TUs, which I found a bit too restrictive. Same for manacles, you turn around and oops, have to wait another turn. Which defeats the purpose, they are meant to allow your troops to move on and not guard a stunned victim. Still, it was easier to simply let a girl guard the victim than going through the hassle of using manacles. And usually the fight was over before the manacles were used. And sometimes they even woke up and I preferred to simply stun them again instead of using the manacles which are prone to the close-combat-shot-avoiding-thing. You get the picture  ;)
-Sniper rifles... Either you kneel/stand up and then have to use snap (which OF COURSE misses because its lousy accuracy) or you can't move, which is impossible on all 60x60 maps, which basically most maps are. So rifles it is. Forget their slightly lower accuracy, if you are mobile then you will be close enough to hit.
-Shotguns and SMGs... well I used them at the beginning because I had nothing else, but once I had rifles I simply skipped them as well. Their range wasv too short for my style of playing.
-I tried chem ammo and it works but in the long run normal ammo with more damage simply is the better solution. No need for a second weapon/gal, also eases the logistics.
-Melee boiled down to CattleProd/Ninja stick/Handles for everyone and maybe ONE or Techswords on the entire team. Nothing else was needed.
-Bows... I never used them much. I tried for a while, but once I had boom-fruits and stick-grenades, they became obsolete. That and the rogue armor made the girls too vulnerable.
-Pistols. Apart from the Kustom Handgun for special missions they were dead weight for my kind of playing. If close, I used melee, for anything else: Boom fruits/stick-gerenades and rifles.

So what my game boiled down to was this loadout: Rifles for everyone, stun melee for everyone, stickgrenades/boom-fruits for everyone. All the specialization did not really work for me.
Psi and things like the Cobra-Staff were also not worth the hassle (remember I hadn't progeressed too far), maybe this changes later...

TLDR: The mod is fine, but slightly too restrictive in certain areas. Maybe lower some requirements SLIGHTLY.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on December 17, 2019, 02:40:48 pm
^^ try X-COM~Files!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 18, 2019, 02:11:28 am
I will point out that manacles are something of a relic/artifact at this point. They where made a very long time ago and there function is obsoleted by new mechanisms. Once upon a time they where essentially permanet knockout on anything you could bring them to bear on. But things change and Dioxine hasn't really found a way to make them do there intended task since without some worse side effects.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 18, 2019, 10:23:37 am
I don't have any in-depth knowledge regarding balancing, but it seems to me that a lot of Civilian's points are deliberate decisions. In X-Com, explosives are king and the go-to option in most situations, so making them less attractive sounds okay (bearing in mind they're still very good, just a bit more hassle). Similarly, sniper rifles are so much superior that they need some drawbacks to make assault rifles viable (and honestly, getting into prone position is hardly unexpected). Shotguns and SMGs are indeed most useful early, but later on they still retain certain important roles, depending on the mission.

Piratez is an incredibly diverse mod, which on purpose addresses various player types. Nobody uses everything, because everyone has a different playstyle. It is also forgiving enough to give you some leeway in avoiding stuff you don't like.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on December 18, 2019, 11:53:37 am
Solarius is partially right. Most of my points are caused by my personal preferences and playstyle.

Still, unless you encounter a perfectly flat terrain and have direct LOS, sniper rifles are too difficult (imo) to deploy. My personal solution would be to lower their TU by the amount I described above (lower by -4 TU) and decrease their damage accordingly. At the moment you can only fire an aimed shot with a sniper from an airbus if you have someone opening the door for you and an enemy standing directly in LOS. I am not saying that they can't be used, but in my battles I prefered the more reliable damage output of rifles. Sure they are weaker, but you can fire up to 3 times, they have a good aim-accuracy and you can move and shoot and hide in one turn.

Making explosives less attractive by using loads of TU lead only to one thing in my campaign: I simply added explosives/throwables to everyone to compensate for the decreased per-turn damage output, which of course lead to even more realization that the TU usage is too high. The problem with the grens set up like that is: It will leave your gals out in the open and then you want to make sure the enemy can't harm you and all you then do is throw even more grenades. etc etc.

Again my solution would be to decrease the TU usage SLIGHTLY allowing your gals to go back into cover, making the gameplay a bit more streamlined. And no, not 2 grenades per turn, don't get me wrong, all i would recommend is a SMALL decrease of TU usage, juts like with the manacles and sniper rifles.

Manacles... The solution is simple: make them melee weapons, decrease TU's slightly (- 4 TUs) so that you can turn around before using them. Done. All problems solved.

The mod apart from that is fine (what an understatement) and I had no other problems. I really liked the fact that you can chose several ways to play it, there is always something that you can do if don't like doing another thing. Sometimes I got frustrated because I could not go on new missions because I lacked certain troops, crafts, weapons or equipment, but those weren't missions that were overly important, so it's not a big deal.

I especially liked that MELEE was really useful and proved to be a real alternative to shooting everything. The need for capturing enemies alive enforced an almost complete stun-melee-weapon loadout, though. Which is a shame as the huge variety of melee weapons in X-Piratez is excellent and lots of fun. A "solution" to change that, would be to enable the looting of corpses, but that's a terrible and dirty-cheap idea and please don't do that.  ;D

So, overall the mod would get a 95% rating from me. It is absolutely worth playing, IF you have the time.
Good job, dioxine!

^^And yeah I played X-Files before it also gets a similar rating. Haven't tested the newest version yet, but I doubt that it got less good.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 18, 2019, 02:07:11 pm
You already loot corpses, depending on who you kill it yields different stuff.
But you don't get money, of course, why whould you?

You don't need to capture everyone. While that is the optimal way, it also gets boring. Later on especially you don't need another 20k and the added synthmuscle mesh (or whatever) that you get from robbing/enslaving instead of killing.
So I'll happily let my Blood Axe + Furiosa Armor Gal kill an entire ship of Mercs in a turn or two.

Sniper rifles and other heavy weapons require good positioning. You bring the sniper to a place where she can cover a lot of ground without moving and start killing. The sniper doesn't need to see the target, she only need a line to fire on it. At night snipers are terrifying, because they don't care, as long as there is a spotter. Flying armors are really good for snipers as well, just park them above your ship once you cleared the vicinity.

Explosives on everybody has been my go to since the original TftD (only played the OG years later), it is more a standard loadout than almost anything else.
I haven't played a lot with the recent changes, but it seems it makes grenades and similar weapons comparativly less good in the hands of experienced gals with maxed time units while making them more viable for lesser members of the crew. Also grenades can be thrown over obstacles, so often you can just stay in cover. Or use a 40mm grenade launcher. Stronger gals can have one in the backpack as secondary weapon.

I love assault rifles and similar weapons - but in piratez they are one of the weakest choices until you get lasguns (and enough ammo) or smartrifles in my opinion. Only when rifles surpass LACCs they get good. (not neccessarily damage, but the combination of damage, ammo capacity, weight and accuracy)
With HEAT ammo or at least AP ammo shotguns stay relevant. There are always gals that need training and HEAT/AP lets you kill most enemies with great accuracy at short to medium ranges, no shooting skill required.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on December 18, 2019, 03:41:43 pm
Still, unless you encounter a perfectly flat terrain and have direct LOS, sniper rifles are too difficult (imo) to deploy. My personal solution would be to lower their TU by the amount I described above (lower by -4 TU) and decrease their damage accordingly. At the moment you can only fire an aimed shot with a sniper from an airbus if you have someone opening the door for you and an enemy standing directly in LOS. I am not saying that they can't be used, but in my battles I prefered the more reliable damage output of rifles. Sure they are weaker, but you can fire up to 3 times, they have a good aim-accuracy and you can move and shoot and hide in one turn.

I disagree on this. Sure extremely early game sniper rifles can be quite difficult to use, but when you get Sniper gear, accuracy for most sniper rifles gets close to if not past 100% with snap shot on most targets. At that point I'm mostly using aimed shot to get ~100% accuracy shots on targets without LoS, pretty much the only weapons capable of doing this aside from maybe the justiculator and the other one I'm forgetting.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on December 18, 2019, 07:26:22 pm
Solarius is partially right. Most of my points are caused by my personal preferences and playstyle.

Still, unless you encounter a perfectly flat terrain and have direct LOS, sniper rifles are too difficult (imo) to deploy. My personal solution would be to lower their TU by the amount I described above (lower by -4 TU) and decrease their damage accordingly. At the moment you can only fire an aimed shot with a sniper from an airbus if you have someone opening the door for you and an enemy standing directly in LOS. I am not saying that they can't be used, but in my battles I prefered the more reliable damage output of rifles. Sure they are weaker, but you can fire up to 3 times, they have a good aim-accuracy and you can move and shoot and hide in one turn.
-Sniper rifles... Either you kneel/stand up and then have to use snap (which OF COURSE misses because its lousy accuracy) or you can't move, which is impossible on all 60x60 maps, which basically most maps are. So rifles it is. Forget their slightly lower accuracy, if you are mobile then you will be close enough to hit.

Snipers get good again when you get flying armors. A gal on the top of the map has pretty long reach with them.
Also, I do not know which sniper rifles you used, but at least with some of them, you can move a few tiles and still use aimed shot with trained gals.

Manacles... The solution is simple: make them melee weapons, decrease TU's slightly (- 4 TUs) so that you can turn around before using them. Done. All problems solved.

As I understand them, they are designed to be used on already downed hostiles, which melee can not do. A standing opponent is obviously going to resist being cuffed quite well.
But I did not use them either. I did not see the point, since most foes, once stunned, would surrender even if they woke up.

Bows are also good, for the same reason that grenades still are. Shoot over obstacles.
Pistols can be carried in QD slot and thus are ready as backup for gals with weapons bad at close range (Launchers, Snipers).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on December 18, 2019, 10:59:20 pm
Bows also have the distinct advantage of having one of the if not the best light source in the game. Flaming arrows can be used to light surrounding terrain and since throwable light sources were nerfed (have a chance of breaking upon impact), the fact that you get so many in a single pack really works out well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on December 18, 2019, 11:39:15 pm
The fact that they go out is nice as well. Unless they start a bushfire.

Pistols also make handy weapons for weaker members of the crew, especially those that only have one hand slot, like bugeyes. You don't always have a good 1 handed SMG for your melee gals as well, so I usually give them pistols. Things like eagles and magnums pack a punch and have decent range.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 19, 2019, 12:42:03 am
Sorry to continue the bug and crash report derail but +1 to the previous 5 posts by Rince Wind, MemoryTAS, and Mathel

Great things:  Sniper rifles that your gal can effectively use with snap shot,  Flaming arrows as temporary light source, pistol as a low tu secondary weapon for basically anyone not using a primary weapon that can perform like a pistol, swords and other melee weapons that don't trigger reaction fire or ai spotter/sniper when approaching and attacking from behind.

Not so great:  manacles.  I haven't been able to employ them effectively either.  Seems more effective to have a gal guard and restun as necessary. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: new_civilian on December 19, 2019, 12:23:25 pm
Oh yes Mathel, i forgot that (melee->stunned). Well maybe it would be better than to use a negative-stimpack approach like I did with my old Tranquilizer mod. IIRC the first X-Piratze versions even had it that way.

Regarding all the sniper tips: Well, yes, maybe I hadn't progressed enough into the game to make snap-shots worthwhile. True.
It's hard to make a general report on something without seeing the lategame.

But at the beginning (if you can call 1.5+ years ingame-time beginning) rifles were much more useful for my style of playing, especially with hover armor gals. So I stuck with them and had some really good results. Especially with a combined boom-fruit/stick-grenade support).  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 19, 2019, 08:12:50 pm
More then 1 way to get the job done.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CPLT-K2 on December 19, 2019, 09:35:17 pm
Sniper rifles?
Oh, you mean (heavy) machine guns.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 20, 2019, 12:18:55 am
Sniper rifles?
Oh, you mean (heavy) machine guns.

Um, no.  Those two weapon classes have different applications.  Sure there are plenty of cases where either could be used effectively, but for many of those a rifle class or pistol class would probably be an even better choice.  Consider a case where a melee gal ends up out of TUs next to power armored enemy.  Do you really want to spray low accuracy rounds that have low chance of dropping the power armored dude?  You'll most likely just end up dropping the melee gal instead.  The right sniper class weapon used by an accurate gal wearing appropriate armor can snap shot the power armored enemy twice, if necessary, with good odds of dropping him and almost no risk of hitting the adjacent melee gal.

On the other hand, if you can get 4 or so pajama wearing mooks, spread too far for one grenade, but in a narrow field of fire and no friendlies down range, go ahead and spray the machine gun between waypoints.  If the gun has a lot of rounds in its auto shot mode, you might get all four.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CPLT-K2 on December 20, 2019, 11:57:35 am
Um, no.  Those two weapon classes have different applications.  Sure there are plenty of cases where either could be used effectively, but for many of those a rifle class or pistol class would probably be an even better choice.
It was a lousy attempt at a joke since the calculations that go into hit&damage feel so against me at the worst of times I just adopted the position of favoring quantity over quality when choosing weaponry for my gals. I usually do end up with pistols though.
With snipers I expect results each and every time, but when they fail, it just stings so much more. MGs don't hit with every round, but usually deliver when they do. Both require similar setup to use too.
Consider a case where a melee gal ends up out of TUs next to power armored enemy.  Do you really want to spray low accuracy rounds that have low chance of dropping the power armored dude?  You'll most likely just end up dropping the melee gal instead.  The right sniper class weapon used by an accurate gal wearing appropriate armor can snap shot the power armored enemy twice, if necessary, with good odds of dropping him and almost no risk of hitting the adjacent melee gal.
Against power armor?
My results would be just about the same: both failing to do (enough, if any) damage and/or hurting melee gal.
No, the correct answer would be to have another melee gal with them as laid out in plenty of places but #054 stuck to me: "Never do it alone. A pair is much better. Four makes a party."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 20, 2019, 05:14:56 pm
Try poison dagger against enemies in power-armor.
Cuts through the armor like butter. Requires an agile melee fighter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 21, 2019, 12:21:54 am
The reason I mentioned the power armor was a couple of nights ago one of my assassin wearing, experienced gals (wasn't maxed) one shotted a marsec bodyguard with a snuffy snapshot from the front at about 25 tiles away.  I wasn't in a situation where I had to kill it right away. I expected to use the 2nd assassin and maybe the two battle laser gals on the squad to deal with it. I just got lucky with the damage roll on the first snap shot.

The poisoned dagger is indeed a great, available early, can opener.  Unfortunately the map I was on had essentially no cover, and the heavy freighter was too far away to reach in one turn from the triton.

Another early bio type weapon to consider and an armor choice to enhance it:  blowpipe w/poison darts on a good thrower gal with maxed reactions wearing chromeback.  She can one shot star god guardians.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on December 21, 2019, 03:22:12 pm
The blowpipe has been changed several versions ago and is of debatable use in it's current state. Damage now scales with stamina, and you get 36 damage at 150 stamina. The damage is good, but the range sucks now. After 5 tiles you loose 4 damage per tile, so at 8 tiles and more it is worse than a dart pistol with basic ammo.

Basically, you need to get so close for the damage to be good that you might as well just use melee.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 21, 2019, 09:24:10 pm
I guess I shouldn't be surprised the blowpipe got nerfed.  Would a synth be effective with it?  The advantage it had over the poisoned dagger against a star god guardian was that it would hit pretty much every time with a decent thrower.  My strong melee gals whiff too much against a star god guardian.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on December 23, 2019, 02:20:49 pm
Potential bug I realised when reading a different topic.
2) More importantly Brainers' race is not determined, since they can be Ubers or Gnomes (or maybe even someone else).

Neither is slaves'. Megapol Wolfmen can be made into slaves, who can then be made into human Slave Soldiers. If race is important, this should be looked into.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on December 23, 2019, 04:36:57 pm
That's nitpicking.
Slave is slave. Maybe the megapol dorks get drugs to turn back to human?
You can enslave the pigman as well and the lasher wears a mask while having a human body. It's a freakin' videogame in the end.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on December 23, 2019, 08:28:36 pm
Which is why I did not point to it before Dioxine stated that race of brainers would be a concern if they were made into soldiers. If it would be important for brainers, it should be important for other units as well.
The Civilising Beastmen research mentions Epos of Gilgamesh. I doubt the beer and sex would alter someone's genetic code.  But as it requires Medical facility, I guess it is more involved.
As Pigmen are made into a type of slave that can not become a unit, I only pointed to Wolfmen.

In all, I guess the need for Medical facility explains it somewhat, though performing gene alteration in a Sick-bay is strange.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on December 23, 2019, 10:59:57 pm

Science fiction is full of examples of aliens looking like humans and humans looking like aliens.  I don't think the race thing can't be overcome by a bit of story or lore.  The wolfmen do have their monster teeth removed when being turned into slaves, maybe there are other changes as well.

As for this:
... though performing gene alteration in a Sick-bay is strange.

Tell that to Beverly Crusher.  ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 26, 2019, 06:55:18 pm
Potential bug I realised when reading a different topic.
Neither is slaves'. Megapol Wolfmen can be made into slaves, who can then be made into human Slave Soldiers. If race is important, this should be looked into.

Wolfmen need to be "un-beastmenized" before they can be slaves. You need to research proper tech, need to have a medical facility ect. It's not genetic alteration, just surgery and teaching, yet close enough to make a wolfman look more or less like a human (I remind you that you don't hire purebloods). His physiology is the same anyway. The difference between Uber and Gnome is much greater.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on January 31, 2020, 03:14:29 am
now i just try, and look-around un K2 /K3 version of PirateZ, - but when i try to load some of my previous, alrdy older games (from J4 - J9 versions..), it crashes, with note "that saved game uses a some mods which are turned-off, /or not actually present..

..but now i just dont know, which tjhose sub-mods i was used in those old savegames,

how (and where) i could identify, which mods were installed, and has been used, in the recently, (older) savegames..

[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.1.1 (v2019-11-02)
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Platform: Windows 64 bit
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   - C:/Users/LytaRyta/Documents/OpenXcom/
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   - C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Attempted locale:
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Detected locale: C
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 640x480x8...
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Display set to 640x480x8.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in ''...
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/xcomutil.exe): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/units.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'sde/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'eXPANDED_terror/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/blackbird V0-4(n-s).zip, 'blackbird/'): modId blackbird already mapped in, skipping standard/blackbird V0-4(n-s).zip/blackbird/
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/armors.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/XcuSetup.bat): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/XcomUtil 9.7.exe): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Resources/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Ruleset/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/Rocket mobile Launcher, 'Missile Launcher Weapon/'): Failed to map, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/Rocket mobile Launcher, 'Mobile Rocket Launcher Archos/'): Failed to map, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/Rocket mobile Launcher, 'Resources/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Resources/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Ruleset/'): Failed to map, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Railgun/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Resources/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Ruleset/'): Failed to map, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/Piratez_Armors.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, standard/Piratez.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'data/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'ruleset/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, 'Armor_Stealth_Suit/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/, '__MACOSX/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   mapZippedMod(standard/2015-07-22, 'Nightly/'): No metadata.yml found, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in xcomutil-9_6, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in expanded_terror_v2.2, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in blackbird V0-5, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in blackbird V0-4(n-s), skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in XcomUtil, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): Can't scan X-Piratez, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Veterency_1_0, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): Can't scan UFOpediaMedalsTemplates3, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in SoldierExtended, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in SniperRifle, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Ruleset, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Rocket mobile Launcher Archos, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Retaliator, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Resources, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Railgun_OpenXCOM_mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in PowerSuitHelmOff, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): modId oxce+strings already dirmapped in, skipping OXCE+ Missing Strings
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): Can't scan Mobile Rocket Launcher Archos, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): Can't scan Missile Launcher Weapon, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in LukesextraUFOs, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Laser_Sniper_Rifle, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in GenderDetailUp, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in GenderDetail, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in CheatSoldierStat, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): Can't scan Black_Cat Mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Armor_Stealth_Suit, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Alien_Research_Mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in Advanced_Medikit_v1.0, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in AWACS1.3, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('', 'standard'): No metadata.yml in 2015-07-22 Nightly, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/'...
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/xcomutil.exe): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/units.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/armors.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/XcuSetup.bat): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/XcomUtil 9.7.exe): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/Piratez_Armors.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModZipRW(rwops, C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/mods/Piratez.rul): Ignoring zip: failed finding central directory
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in xcomutil-9_6, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in expanded_terror_v2.2, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in blackbird V0-5, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in blackbird V0-4(n-s), skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in XcomUtil, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Veterency_1_0, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId Veterency already dirmapped in, skipping Veterency
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan UFOpediaMedalsTemplates3, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId SoldierSpecialization already dirmapped in, skipping SoldierSpecialization
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId SoldierExtendedXCOM2 already dirmapped in, skipping SoldierExtendedXCOM2
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId SoldierExtendedXCOM1 already dirmapped in, skipping SoldierExtendedXCOM1
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in SoldierExtended, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in SniperRifle, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Ruleset, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Rocket mobile Launcher Archos, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Retaliator, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Resources, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Railgun_OpenXCOM_mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-19]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in PowerSuitHelmOff, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId OpticalElerium already dirmapped in, skipping OpticalEleriumV0-94b
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId oxce+strings already dirmapped in, skipping OXCE+ Missing Strings v1.1
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): modId oxce+strings already dirmapped in, skipping OXCE+ Missing Strings
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan Mobile Rocket Launcher Archos, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan Missile Launcher Weapon, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in LukesextraUFOs, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Laser_Sniper_Rifle, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in GenderDetailUp, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in GenderDetail, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in CheatSoldierStat, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan Black_Cat Mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Armor_Stealth_Suit, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Alien_Research_Mod, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in Advanced_Medikit_v1.0, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in AWACS1.3, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): No metadata.yml in 2015-07-22 Nightly, skipping.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [INFO]   no master already active; activating xcom1
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[30-01-2020_05-28-20]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled
Error for 'CYBERDISC_WEAPON': offset '-2' has incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on January 31, 2020, 03:15:13 am
well, a little bit ..cleaner, but still  anywayz.. :/

how to correctly add, /install all those little (sub)mods? ??  for fluenly, errorlessly running? 

[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.1.1 (v2019-11-02)
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Platform: Windows 64 bit
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   - C:/Users/LytaRyta/Documents/OpenXcom/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   - C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Attempted locale:
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Detected locale: C
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 640x480x8...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Display set to 640x480x8.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in ''...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/'...
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [WARN]   scanModDir('C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/', 'mods'): Can't scan Black_Cat Mod, skipping.
[31-01-2020_02-06-56]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[31-01-2020_02-06-57]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[31-01-2020_02-06-57]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[31-01-2020_02-06-57]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[31-01-2020_02-06-58]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[31-01-2020_02-06-58]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled
Error for 'CYBERDISC_WEAPON': offset '-2' has incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK'

...another try :o :/

[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.1.1 (v2019-11-02)
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Platform: Windows 64 bit
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   - C:/Users/LytaRyta/Documents/OpenXcom/
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   - C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   User folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Config folder is: C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Attempted locale:
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Detected locale: C
[31-01-2020_02-43-07]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 640x480x8...
[31-01-2020_02-43-08]   [INFO]   Display set to 640x480x8.
[31-01-2020_02-43-08]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[31-01-2020_02-43-08]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in ''...
[31-01-2020_02-43-08]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in 'C:/DATA~~(D)/Games/Dioxine_XPiratez_K2/user/'...
[31-01-2020_02-43-13]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[31-01-2020_02-43-13]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[31-01-2020_02-43-13]   [INFO]   - piratez v0.99IJ4 OXCE 3.10b 14-Jul-2018
[31-01-2020_02-43-13]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[31-01-2020_02-43-14]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: xcom1
[31-01-2020_02-43-14]   [ERROR]   cannot find broken mod in mods list: xcom1
[31-01-2020_02-43-14]   [ERROR]   clearing mods list
[31-01-2020_02-43-14]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-Com: UFO Defense'; mod disabled
Error for 'CYBERDISC_WEAPON': offset '-2' has incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 31, 2020, 11:22:08 am
You're trying to run Piratez with the wrong OXCE version. Use the one provided with the mod.

If it still doesn't work, come again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on February 05, 2020, 11:21:00 am
ook, already running well, thx,

just 1minor ..fringe thing - now i just started (for try and look for news) new campaign, and besides those 3 obligates very first entry topics for "research" (meetings at hall, look-around at machinery, visit nearby town, and hire local peasants), it gives any Space Monster as i suppose by look-at, Harbinger of (from) Hell :o :S lôl

(..what is, apparently, and suppoesly middle, - near end game tier.. thing to research..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 05, 2020, 11:00:12 pm
ook, already running well, thx,

just 1minor ..fringe thing - now i just started (for try and look for news) new campaign, and besides those 3 obligates very first entry topics for "research" (meetings at hall, look-around at machinery, visit nearby town, and hire local peasants), it gives any Space Monster as i suppose by look-at, Harbinger of (from) Hell :o :S lôl

(..what is, apparently, and suppoesly middle, - near end game tier.. thing to research..

It is relatively easy to bork up the research tree and have something show up at the very beginning that shouldn't.  Perhaps you have a conflicting mod installed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 10, 2020, 11:49:24 pm
I wrote a script that fixes the pirate flag morale inversion issues. Now the pirate flag will not reduce the morale of your troops with bravery >100.

Code: [Select]
      IS_BATTLECRY: int

      - offset: 1
        code: |
          var ptr RuleItem item_rule;
          var int temp;
          damaging_item.getRuleItem item_rule;
          item_rule.getTag temp Tag.IS_BATTLECRY;  #check if attacking item is pirate flag
          if neq temp 0;
            unit.Stats.getBravery temp;  #check if bravery is >100
            if gt temp 100;
              set to_morale 0;           #prevent the item from affecting moral,
            end;                         #which it would reduce for bravery >100
          clear temp;

A similar approach can be used to fix similar inversions for example in fire and plasma damage. (Right now, getting hit by fire or plasma will increase your morale if bravery >100). But I don't know where this inversion is a feature and not a bug. Need Dioxines input for that.

File with script is attached, simply place it in the ruleset folder of piratez mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 11, 2020, 04:52:41 pm
Thank you for the effort but this has been discussed before and is intended. I personally disagree because it's counterintuitve to understand for most players.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 11, 2020, 09:26:35 pm
Are you sure it's intended specifically for the battle flag? Please post a link to that discussion, I would really like to know the arguments for why this is a good idea.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: amjh on February 12, 2020, 04:22:41 am
I wish high-level bravery would be rebalanced in general, but that would require an engine update and data file updates to unmodded content.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on February 12, 2020, 05:28:47 am
Are you sure it's intended specifically for the battle flag? Please post a link to that discussion, I would really like to know the arguments for why this is a good idea.

Perhaps you never saw this post in the OXCE main thread:

So morale damage is no longer inversed when above BRA 110? Not a big thing, but, EDDIE, why? Why did you do that to me? Why do you hate me? (We both know that only Piratez use >110 BRA) I just only learned about it now.

As to why he wants it that way, you'll have to ask him.  My guess is perhaps ultra high bravery is a form of insanity.  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 12, 2020, 08:26:56 am
As to why he wants it that way, you'll have to ask him.  My guess is perhaps ultra high bravery is a form of insanity.  :)

That is in fact the design intent. If your so brave someone trying to root around in your skull is less annoying then a fly your probably well of the deep end. or a robot.

I don't have a direct quote to provide atm since the discussion i had with dioxine was on the discord server many months ago. But we had many days of discussion over it, and while i don't agree with it because it's unintuitive, that's the way
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 12, 2020, 08:10:46 pm
I saw how Dioxine reacted to my proposal. I never understood that reaction and never saw any arguments why he wants it that way. I'm just curious what the reasoning is, I'm sure there is one.

The only thing I could think of was to make some units much harder to mind control by making it impossible to lower their moral by psi panic attack. If the rest is then unintended side effects, that can be remedied by selective scripts as I tried to do here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 12, 2020, 08:13:07 pm
I saw how Dioxine reacted to my proposal. I never understood that reaction and never saw any arguments why he wants it that way. I'm just curious what the reasoning is, I'm sure there is one.

I remember he had some complex plans to use that feature, but I don't think it came to fruition.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 13, 2020, 07:23:33 am
That is feature of the engine present in vanilla anything with 110 bravery or more is immune to MC and takes virtually no damage from panic(all non weapon morale hits for that matter). It's how you make robots be robots when it comes to psi. But robots don't have commendations and bravery buffs from gear either.

Beyond 110 is the untouched realm of the wierdness, only present in mods(and even then very few).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Khazaar on February 14, 2020, 02:59:54 pm
I noticed two things that might be bugs:

Training neposim doesnt remove the crewmembers from that available training unlike other trainings. It would be nice if the cremembers would dissapear bc I retrainded a Gal by accident and it doesnt do anything, it just costs money...

Training MMA on very high skilled members (eg. Freaks or very powerful Gals) actaully reduces hp freshness and other skills, I´m not sure if that is intended or a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Eddie on February 14, 2020, 03:16:23 pm

Needs two added lines to prevent double nepotism. But I'm not sure if it's feature or bug. I've attached a file where I changed it, needs to replace the current one in your mod folder.

Transformations reducing stats is a mix of engine limitation and balance. I've explained it here,5345.msg121385.html#msg121385 (,5345.msg121385.html#msg121385)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on February 17, 2020, 04:54:07 pm
Zapper in Bootypedia

- Error in spelling of accuracy - it is spelt accurracy in the game currently. Change to 'accuracy'
- last line should IMHO be 'disallowing a faster re-fire rate'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on March 19, 2020, 03:54:02 pm
The new versions of OXCE appear to be incompatible with K3, I can load save files just fine, but I just went to start a new game and openxcom crashed with a segmentation fault.
The precise error message was:
[19-03-2020_09-52-49]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x5f0440 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform10stackTraceEPv
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x5f14c0 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform9crashDumpEPvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x41c260 _Z12signalLoggeri
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7b478cd0 __wine_exception_handler
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7bc72300 call_exception_handler
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7bc722e0 EXC_CallHandler
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7bc74030 NtRaiseException
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7bc750c0 raise_segv_exception
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   ??
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x7a5270 _ZN8OpenXcom12NewGameState10btnOkClickEPNS_6ActionE
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0x6127a0 _ZN8OpenXcom18InteractiveSurface10mouseClickEPNS_6ActionEPNS_5StateE
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0xe9c180 _Znwj
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   0xf8f560 RGBtoYUV
[19-03-2020_09-52-58]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[19-03-2020_09-53-02]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 19, 2020, 10:04:26 pm
1/ it is compatible

2/ please upload the whole log

3/ did you update properly? including "standard" and "common" folders from newest OXCE?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on March 22, 2020, 07:26:21 pm
Meridian I apologize, this was my bad :(. The update to OXCE was not causing it, apparently a small starting time unit modification mod I had installed was conflicting with starting a new game in xpiratez as of the latest OXCE. It was totally random, but whatever, I have deactivated that mod and it works fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vangrimar1 on April 01, 2020, 05:20:20 am
The new version is not compatible with 32-bit system? What the hell?! >:(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 01, 2020, 11:27:32 am
By the way, just installed the L1 version on a 18.04 x86_64 ubuntu mate machine, and once started the game crashes by segmentation fault. Check the log, please  :'(

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 01, 2020, 11:45:16 am
 find the 32 bit version of oxce here,5258.0.html (,5258.0.html)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 01, 2020, 12:10:19 pm
By the way, just installed the L1 version on a 18.04 x86_64 ubuntu mate machine, and once started the game crashes by segmentation fault. Check the log, please  :'(

Something is wrong with Audio... maybe linux users are familiar with what exactly can that be?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 01, 2020, 12:21:36 pm
Something is wrong with Audio... maybe linux users are familiar with what exactly can that be?

I installed also timidity, but moving the data files in my /home folder solved that strange issue  :o
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ivandogovich on April 01, 2020, 06:55:04 pm
Tiny Bug (L1): 

Sludgehammer mfg project is wrong category:

Line 112088 of Piratez.rul

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 01, 2020, 07:09:20 pm
Autoequip puts stuff in the wearables section.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 01, 2020, 07:20:14 pm
Autoequip puts stuff in the wearables section.

Right, it's an OXCE issue and has been reported already.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on April 02, 2020, 04:37:35 pm
I don;t know if this a bug or a map problem.  I had a Bank Robbery mission last night without the bank!  Kiilled all the Guild guys anyway and got some stuff, but no treasure chests or anything like that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Torchwood on April 02, 2020, 05:30:10 pm
It's a little hiccup during map rework. Fortunately, it is easy to fix.

Go in the mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez_faction.rul file
Look for the following block:
    alertBackground: RAID_BACKGROUND.SCR
    alertDescription: STR_LOC_ELFMAN_BROS_BRIEFING
      palette: 2
      background: RAID_BACKGROUND.SCR
      showTarget: false
    duration: [25, 50]
    width: 60
    length: 60
    height: 10
    turnLimit: 20
    chronoTrigger: 1 #(0-lose, 1-abort, 2-win)

Replace with:

    alertBackground: RAID_BACKGROUND.SCR
    alertDescription: STR_LOC_ELFMAN_BROS_BRIEFING
      palette: 2
      background: RAID_BACKGROUND.SCR
      showTarget: false
    duration: [25, 50]
    width: 60
    length: 60
    height: 10
    turnLimit: 20
    chronoTrigger: 1 #(0-lose, 1-abort, 2-win)
    customUfo: STR_LOC_ELFMAN_BROS

(tl;dr: change the last line from "spawnUfo" to "customUfo")

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on April 02, 2020, 06:15:46 pm
Thanks Torchwood.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 02, 2020, 06:39:10 pm
Ah, so THAT is what they meant by a "bank robbery"!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on April 03, 2020, 03:27:31 pm
Ah, so THAT is what they meant by a "bank robbery"!

Yea, somebody stole the whole f***ing bank!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 04, 2020, 01:31:52 pm
Might be deliberate, but if Aurora in the VIP Aurora entry is called by the German word for princess it should be Prinzessin, not Prinzesin.

Mind you, language changes all the time. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 04, 2020, 09:52:41 pm
She's Canadian though. They probably mangled it up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 05, 2020, 09:17:50 am
Almost certainly mangled up. 600 odd years of mutation of language after all.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 06, 2020, 03:23:30 pm
Something wrong with a wound calculations? Ratman brigand reaction fired with a bow for no damage, yet the gal gets a wound.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 06, 2020, 04:50:41 pm
Bows in general have "RandomHealth" set to true so hits do some random percentage including zero. But this alter is after wound calculation. So can get wound but take no damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 06, 2020, 05:33:24 pm
OK so I'm like 90% sure my soldier should be able to go down the stairs but somehow can't:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 07, 2020, 08:06:33 pm
All mentioned bugs fixed, bugfix release today or tomorrow.

Also Eddie, please don't try to second-guess my design decisions. Inverted Morale loss at BRA >110 is intended - if you don't like the weirdness, block all ways to get BRA >110.

As for the Nepotism thing, yes, it is fully intended. You can give gifts to the favorite gals as many times as you like, but the bonus is one-time. Who has the right to stop giving undue favors?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 08, 2020, 04:42:02 pm
L1 version, the last line is pheraphs cutted down?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hadza on April 09, 2020, 12:24:33 pm
Seems like "They came from the sea" and sea anomaly missions have missing maps, they crash whenever I try to get into them (Devil's reef is ok)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 09, 2020, 12:44:06 pm
There is a probable bug - always on L1 - ground assauting a medium ship, the path towards east seems to be blocked
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 09, 2020, 03:09:08 pm
L1 version, the last line is pheraphs cutted down?

Whatever version that is, it's not L1. Could be some mod conflict.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 09, 2020, 03:21:31 pm
Whatever version that is, it's not L1. Could be some mod conflict.

Actually using 0.99L1, the only other mod activated is the OAK patch provided with latest version of xpiratez.

Edit: usin 6.4.2 version of openxcom extended

Edit 2: i'va also noticed that whrn returnin to hideout after a bounty kevel D mission"sins of the father" the money purse and bag of cash are already avaiable to manufacture going in that menu from debriefing screen, while the coins not, these are avaiable once player troops return home
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 09, 2020, 04:56:38 pm
Actually using 0.99L1, the only other mod activated is the OAK patch provided with latest version of xpiratez.

Checked and re-checked. Impossible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2020, 05:03:25 pm
Checked and re-checked. Impossible.

Funny scaling and aspect ratios, non-square pixels, modified fonts and other perversions could theoretically cause this.

Can you upload your options.cfg file @xcomfan?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 09, 2020, 06:52:03 pm
I am an edge case here as I have been using multiple hacks to get OXCE to work with mods on mac, but I figure I should report this anyway.

When I attempt to run the pirates .exe that comes with the mod, it simply doesn't open. And because it has never opened or managed to run ONCE, I don't have the logs and therefore have no idea what's causing it.

Not a huge concern as I downloaded the standard download OXCE win 64 version and it works just fine, but I wanted to report it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 10, 2020, 10:15:29 am
Funny scaling and aspect ratios, non-square pixels, modified fonts and other perversions could theoretically cause this.

Can you upload your options.cfg file @xcomfan?

Sure. I've also attached a .sav file which i ralized overwriting the one made with L1 where i lost a bran new secon base :,(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 10, 2020, 12:20:53 pm
Sure. I've also attached a .sav file which i ralized overwriting the one made with L1 where i lost a bran new secon base :,(

It's caused by "OAK patch for RU Piratez" mod, which changes piratez pedia for reticulan peon... turn the mod off and it will work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on April 10, 2020, 04:23:25 pm
It's caused by "OAK patch for RU Piratez" mod, which changes piratez pedia for reticulan peon... turn the mod off and it will work.

Yes, but the patch pic is way more cooler...hope it would be integrated in the mod someday.

Edit: absolutely no offence xpiratez is great!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 13, 2020, 06:41:36 pm
first of all, thanks for the quick and beautiful work, dioxine!

found some minor bugs in one of the new maps, see attached pictures.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 13, 2020, 10:18:04 pm
Can't go through this doorway because it's above the stairs:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 13, 2020, 11:21:13 pm
Are you sure the stairs aren't right at the wall?
Maybe someone is behind the door, then you can't path there, too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 13, 2020, 11:37:00 pm
Are you sure the stairs aren't right at the wall?
Maybe someone is behind the door, then you can't path there, too.
There was nobody behind the door, the square beside the door drops you down to the floor below.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 07:04:17 pm
Here's an interesting crash: I had thought the AI knew not do do this.

I had an endless enemy turn loop in one of the caves missions. So I turned on debug mode to figure out what was going on, and found that a drifter was attempting to walk to a tile with one of my units on it. Because my unit was in one of those passable diagonal stretches, the bandit couldn't see them and couldn't walk to that tile. I was going to try the ctrl-w to warp them away from that tile and hopefully fix the glitch, but before that happened the game seg-faulted.

Also, is there a way to deactivate debug mode without going back into the config file?

Attaching a screen shot:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on April 15, 2020, 07:58:33 pm
Just save and reload.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 08:33:01 pm
Just save and reload.

I did a while ago :). I was just reporting it as the name of the thread suggests.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2020, 10:19:19 pm
I did a while ago :). I was just reporting it as the name of the thread suggests.

Both developers and modders are not responsible for anything you do in debug mode.

Debug mode is a debug tool for devs and it can make the game crash, quite easily.
Not a valid bug report.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 10:39:01 pm
Both developers and modders are not responsible for anything you do in debug mode.

Debug mode is a debug tool for devs and it can make the game crash, quite easily.
Not a valid bug report.

Yes except  if I hadn't gone into debug mode the enemy turn literally wouldn't have ended...

So me going into debug mode allowed me to diagnose the issue, instead of me simply reporting a never ending opponents turn.

Which would you have preferred?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2020, 10:59:00 pm
There is a 98% chance that the game segfaulted only because you went to debug mode.

So you didn't diagnose the issue, you just created a different issue.

I would have preferred the never ending turn report... to which I would have responded that it is a known issue and can be solved by fixing the map to not contain any diagonal passages.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 15, 2020, 11:47:03 pm
I was documenting the entire series of events, next time I report a crash I will diagnose the cause and report it here for (possible) fixing. In my first post I could easily have left out the segmentation fault part as I completely recognized that that was my doing. I just wanted to provide the entire sequence of events.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on April 16, 2020, 06:34:38 am
For the following, refer to vadracas's screenshot image several posts above. 

There are a number of issues with those narrow (1 tile width) diagonal passages in the cave maps.  While tight squeeze passages certainly are common in underground cavern systems and thus they fit the ambiance of the cave maps, the game engine just doesn't handle the diagonal ones well.  I wonder if changing the diagonal path tiles and the filled tiles whose corners block line of sight through the passage such that a small gap appeared would be enough to resolve the problems with them.  If not, then is it a requirement to have traversable tiles edge connected instead of only corner connected to each other? (Ignoring changing level up or down for simplicity of discussion)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on April 16, 2020, 11:54:22 pm
cave maps are painful to play, i'd say in this case sacrifice realism for gameplay and remake caves into wide, more fantasy-like caves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 16, 2020, 11:58:07 pm
But I like my narrow spaces...  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on April 17, 2020, 01:00:33 am
cave maps are painful to play, i'd say in this case sacrifice realism for gameplay and remake caves into wide, more fantasy-like caves.

tbh the only problems I have with cave maps are the diagonals and how it can sometimes be difficult to find the last guy. Widening out the diagonals would probably help with the bug but also annoying line of sight issues where you can't see somebody standing a tile diagonally over. Your only ways to deal with that are waiting for them to move or using like a pickaxe or something, which could possibly take a number of turns to make any real progress anyways.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 17, 2020, 01:25:09 am
tbh the only problems I have with cave maps are the diagonals and how it can sometimes be difficult to find the last guy. Widening out the diagonals would probably help with the bug but also annoying line of sight issues where you can't see somebody standing a tile diagonally over. Your only ways to deal with that are waiting for them to move or using like a pickaxe or something, which could possibly take a number of turns to make any real progress anyways.

Before my never-ending end-turn bug, I had a bandit boss stationary blocking my way out of the diagonal space that I needed to pass through to save someone who was bleeding out. :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on April 17, 2020, 01:45:37 am
Widening out the diagonals would probably help with the bug but also annoying line of sight issues where you can't see somebody standing a tile diagonally over. Your only ways to deal with that are waiting for them to move or using like a pickaxe or something, which could possibly take a number of turns to make any real progress anyways.

This is why in my previous post I was wondering if shaving off the occluding corners of the adjacent solid rock tiles would be sufficient while keeping the diagonal passage 1 tile wide.  Or if the diagonal passage would have to be widened by replacing some of the adjacent solid rock tiles with open tiles which would effectively widen the diagonal passage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 17, 2020, 02:08:12 am
This is why in my previous post I was wondering if shaving off the occluding corners of the adjacent solid rock tiles would be sufficient while keeping the diagonal passage 1 tile wide.  Or if the diagonal passage would have to be widened by replacing some of the adjacent solid rock tiles with open tiles which would effectively widen the diagonal passage.

That should work...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 17, 2020, 08:31:43 am
It does solve the looping and occlusion, but then it's only a secret passage to the players perception. The UI for foe warning would still work and you could be attacked but the player wouldn't see shit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rubber Cannonball on April 17, 2020, 07:51:44 pm
I can live with them being somewhat of a pain to find.  But as they stand right now they are mostly a player exploit that the AI can't do much about.  As for the player not being able to see much in certain areas of the map, I guess I got used to that in the original Diablo game.  It is symptomatic in many fixed isometric view games.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on April 18, 2020, 03:30:00 pm
That town has a problem with it seaside. It should be on the border, not in the middle of the map.
The mission is a Mutant Culling with Eridians.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on April 21, 2020, 12:34:34 am
Some sprites of gals with the boathook. An excess pixel in the corner. Please see the attachment.

By the way, how to insert images in reply?

And could anyone advise how to fix that by myself? What file need to be decompiled and by what program?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on April 21, 2020, 01:22:35 am
And could anyone advise how to fix that by myself? What file need to be decompiled and by what program?

Nothing needs to be decompiled :). What you need to do is look in the resources subfolder of the xpiratez mod and find, in that veritable hoard of images, the boathook image and edit that pixel out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on April 21, 2020, 06:25:03 am
Nothing needs to be decompiled :). What you need to do is look in the resources subfolder of the xpiratez mod and find, in that veritable hoard of images, the boathook image and edit that pixel out.

I found that the image of a hook itself is clear. The pixel is a part of a second picture. So the problem in the code. Please see the attachment.
The file is Bosak_H.png  ( ...\Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\Resources )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2020, 10:00:23 am
So the problem in the code.

Code is correct.
Image is wrong.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on April 21, 2020, 08:49:32 pm
Mission "Academy Outpost"

Missing animation of one door then a gal walking through. See attachment.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on April 23, 2020, 04:10:49 pm
In mission 'Imprisoned Raynerd' :

I tried to liberate a Raynerd without killing everything in the prison, and it failed.
No Raynerd as loot, and a malus for 'bystander killed by others'.

See Attachment for a save just before the end.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sanyaskillpro on May 02, 2020, 07:16:49 pm
Pyramid of pain(from a probe) can spawn is this new winter village tileset. Not sure if this is intended, looks wierd to have a green pyramid with palms surrounded by snow.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 05, 2020, 07:40:19 pm
0.99L1A1, maybe not serous, but i captured in a prepper cam mission a "marauder of apocalypse, rersearched and shows..

edit: english is not my mthertongue but in the #132 topic there is a missing "of" between "so" and "workers"?

edit 2: the guild medic description is ok? Seems that is needed to specify these need an academy licence to work?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on May 11, 2020, 01:36:47 pm
The guild medic has a guild licence, why would he need an adacemy one? I doubt the academy would give a male a licence anyway.

I don't see anything wrong on the other pictures either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 12, 2020, 11:19:22 am
ok, hey always in 0.99L1A1 very last month a random event brough to my main hideaout a krazy hassan leaftlet, but it's not present in the research pool. here is a quicksave, might be an occasional bug? Please check if it's useful
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on May 12, 2020, 02:54:40 pm
You already researched it... You don't research this twice. Please check the tech tree viewer(q on the geoscape) before assuming there is an error.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 12, 2020, 03:12:13 pm
You already researched it... You don't research this twice. Please check the tech tree viewer(q on the geoscape) before assuming there is an error.

ah so it's not the decripted data discs? I assumed to, anyways please check that save because nutil now there are certain missoin and enemies i havent encountered yet such the highway house and stormrats
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on May 12, 2020, 03:22:30 pm
All I have to say is that if their unlocked, they have about a 15% chance per MONTH, you're probably having bad luck.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on May 12, 2020, 09:09:54 pm
Screenshots from OpenXcom are just black void for me so here is save file.

Gal (in Sailor "armor") standing on the tile that has hedge is practically blind and can't notice enemy that is standing next to her.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 19, 2020, 12:16:30 pm
Here in my .sav i can manufacture gyro stabilized gun, but i cannot even buy an autogun, but ive researched, it that normal?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on May 19, 2020, 12:20:57 pm
Xcomfan, hit q on the geoscape and search for autogun in the prompt. Click the result that says autogun and check whether or not you've researched everything required to purchase it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 19, 2020, 01:27:45 pm
Xcomfan, hit q on the geoscape and search for autogun in the prompt. Click the result that says autogun and check whether or not you've researched everything required to purchase it.
ok sorry, i thought it might have been an overlooking assuming the fact it would make more sense if gal have knwlodge of a gun that they can make a modification on, like the clockwork gun, don't know if even Dioxine would care about! ;D

Edit: from meridian let's play at 39:46 ( there is a typo in "perseverance"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on May 19, 2020, 02:06:32 pm
There's a difference between knowledge and the contacts required to buy something-ex: You could understand how a nuclear bomb works, but is anyone going to sell it to you?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 11:08:17 am
There's a difference between knowledge and the contacts required to buy something-ex: You could understand how a nuclear bomb works, but is anyone going to sell it to you?

That is also true, i though same thing when just finished writing the post :o

oh, and in 0.99l1A1 there is something wrong with the inventory, when moving items, don't know wheteher have already been reposrted
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 11:15:25 am
oh, and in 0.99l1A1 there is something wrong with the inventory, when moving items, don't know wheteher have already been reposrted

old OXCE version
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 11:30:35 am
old OXCE version

ok, suppose it's the 6.4, since i'm using the one provided with that mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 11:41:58 am
ok, suppose it's the 6.4, since i'm using the one provided with that mod.

what exact OXCE version are you using?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 11:56:22 am
what exact OXCE version are you using?

As of now, 6.4.2. Just donwloaded the 6.5.1, doing the organ grinder mission, but the problems till persist, maybe it's the .sav file? Attacking it, if are these files, any way to solve this?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 11:58:50 am
As of now, 6.4.2.

PirateZ is using so you were NOT using the one provided with the mod.

Just donwloaded the 6.5.1, doing the organ grinder mission, but the problems till persist, maybe it's the .sav file? Attacking it, if are these files, any way to solve this?

What's wrong? Looks OK to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 12:01:43 pm
PirateZ is using so you were NOT using the one provided with the mod.

What's wrong? Looks OK to me.

ok sorry, just overlooked. Anyway might be a specific linux bug, or maybe i need some component in the OS to be installed? Usin ubuntu mate 18.04, if someone knows how to help, otherwise gonna live with that  :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 12:05:05 pm
ok sorry, just overlooked. Anyway might be a specific linux bug, or maybe i need some component in the OS to be installed? Usin ubuntu mate 18.04, if someone knows how to help, otherwise gonna live with that  :D

Can you please tell us what the bug is?
I told you I don't see anything wrong with the picture you posted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 12:14:47 pm
Can you please tell us what the bug is?
I told you I don't see anything wrong with the picture you posted.

If you look at the screenshot here when selecting and moving an items in the inventory, there are offset numbers (,4058.msg127749.html#msg127749)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 12:19:49 pm
If you look at the screenshot here when selecting and moving an items in the inventory, there are offset numbers (,4058.msg127749.html#msg127749)

I don't see any offset numbers
which number is offset? they are on the same place where they always have been...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 21, 2020, 12:31:36 pm
I don't see any offset numbers
which number is offset? they are on the same place where they always have been...

here these are, with the (,4058.msg127742.html#msg127742). With the new 6.5.1 there still the one highligthed, but it's a minor thing then
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 02:20:22 pm
here these are, with the (,4058.msg127742.html#msg127742).

No, that's with 6.4.2.
In it is already correct.

With the new 6.5.1 there still the one highligthed, but it's a minor thing then

That's also correct, the backpack begins there, its first columns is just hidden.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on May 21, 2020, 07:16:40 pm
as reported in Discord. Piratez L2 crashes after the upgrade from previous version.

Attached is the save and log. To reproduce just pass the time.

EDIT: After discussing it with Meridian on Discord, it was found that one research tech was causing the crash b/c the item was missing after the update.
Thus, maybe check your research panel and stop some if not all research items. Then re-activate them one by one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 22, 2020, 10:30:44 am
Just upgraded from 0.99L1A1 to L2 and in the research tree there are a couple of duplicates i already researched. Don't know if other weird things gonna happen, please check the save.

Edit. also afte reseaching socializing, it still highlights
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: vadracas on May 22, 2020, 01:42:00 pm
Just research them again, it's fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on May 24, 2020, 09:41:39 pm
As mentioned in discord, a CTD if the Party Dress is equipped onto a gal from the base / vessels / equipment screen.

Attached are the log and save files.

Code: [Select]
[24-05-2020_14-32-15] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[24-05-2020_14-32-15] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite UBERGAL__6__J_WATCH_BSVR"" not found
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x5a0520 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x5a1390 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x41c880 exceptionLogger()
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0xb657e0 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0xd472c0 void std::iter_swap<__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > > >(__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >, __gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData*, std::vector<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData, std::allocator<OpenXcom::ScriptProcData> > >)
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0xd4cb60 std::__detail::_Compiler<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char> >::_M_expression_term<true, true>(std::pair<bool, char>&, std::__detail::_BracketMatcher<std::__cxx11::regex_traits<char>, true, true>&)::{lambda(char)#1}::operator()(char) const
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0xc200d0 OpenXcom::Surface* OpenXcom::Mod::getRule<OpenXcom::Surface>(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, std::map<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, OpenXcom::Surface*, std::less<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > >, std::allocator<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const, OpenXcom::Surface*> > > const&, bool) const
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x789b00 OpenXcom::Mod::getSurface(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, bool)
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x548820 OpenXcom::InventoryState::init()
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x5b8780 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x980b20 console_main
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x980c40 WinMain
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] ??
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] ??
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x7ff9e25b4020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[24-05-2020_14-36-22] [FATAL] 0x7ff9e31e3670 RtlUserThreadStart
[24-05-2020_14-36-28] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite UBERGAL__6__J_WATCH_BSVR"" not found
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 25, 2020, 11:31:07 am
Just research them again, it's fine.

i researched it but it keeps appearing in the research tree, in L2A2. It's like the gnome or there is something wrong? Attached is a save

Edit: there is one more space in between words :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 26, 2020, 01:39:51 am
Check the tech tree before assuming it's a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 26, 2020, 12:24:36 pm
Check the tech tree before assuming it's a bug.

So i assume it's a feature then, ok. And the autogun clip is quite "insecure"'s 1x1 or 1x2?

Edit: In the hawk enemy outside can shoot me but i cannot shoot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CPLT-K2 on May 26, 2020, 06:49:10 pm
Edit: In the hawk enemy outside can shoot me but i cannot shoot
All normal and working as intended, unit sees at eye level but shoots from their hip.
For further reading start from:,6414.msg103608.html#msg103608
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on May 26, 2020, 07:51:38 pm
all right thsnks, also godly brain in L1A1has no description
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 26, 2020, 11:35:27 pm
all right thsnks, also godly brain in L1A1has no description

It does... The price is the description, not some auto-generated field.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: amjh on June 02, 2020, 01:37:41 am
Melee attacking enemies standing on the top part of stairs seems broken, all attacks miss.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2020, 03:35:57 am
Melee attacking enemies standing on the top part of stairs seems broken, all attacks miss.
I've been running into this a lot too on all sorts of slopes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 02, 2020, 04:42:53 am
This is not a flaw/bug about the mod. The engine is at fault. Its what happens when you bodge new systems(melee) onto ancient work.

If you feel the terrain is at fault, that is a valid complaint for this sub forum. Please show first person screenshots(F10) to support your claim.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2020, 08:18:16 am
This did not happen in previous versions of the mod. Melee was a thing in vanilla X-COM with the stun rods, it really wasn't bodged in. I will find an opportunity to upload a save as it is quite consistent.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on June 02, 2020, 02:13:49 pm
I have found a graphical issue in latest version (clean install, only saves from previous versions) - when person standing on stairs, in the view from higher floor, the floor overlap the half of the person.
This never happen to me before. When I will be at home I will post a picture. I´m not sure if this is fault of the graphic filter (do not remember now which I´m using),  or something else.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 02, 2020, 02:43:12 pm
I have found a graphical issue in latest version (clean install, only saves from previous versions) - when person standing on stairs, in the view from higher floor, the floor overlap the half of the person.
This never happen to me before. When I will be at home I will post a picture. I´m not sure if this is fault of the graphic filter (do not remember now which I´m using),  or something else.

fixed here:,6586.msg128154.html#msg128154
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on June 02, 2020, 07:48:32 pm
fixed here:,6586.msg128154.html#msg128154

Great, thank you Meridian
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on June 04, 2020, 12:30:07 pm
i had the same issue as Corento and took Meridians suggestion to heart, ie overwrote the exe and the corresponding folders.
now the game is throwing at me lots of low-level missions (rat rodeo, distress call etc). the sibirian base mission popped up again even though i have the russian files.
is there something i can do to heal my save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 04, 2020, 12:40:24 pm
i had the same issue as Corento and took Meridians suggestion to heart, ie overwrote the exe and the corresponding folders.
now the game is throwing at me lots of low-level missions (rat rodeo, distress call etc). the sibirian base mission popped up again even though i have the russian files.
is there something i can do to heal my save?

there is most likely nothing wrong with your save file

- low-level missions like ratmen rodeo and distress calls appear during the entire game
- and siberian base will stop appearing only the NEXT month after RESEARCHING the russian files, just having them does not stop the mission, also researching them at the beginning of the month does not stop the mission from popping in the middle of the month
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on June 04, 2020, 12:52:48 pm
thx for the heads up, i will monitor the situation and see how things unfold  8)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on June 04, 2020, 05:25:17 pm
Crashes at 9 o'clock. hope this save make Xpiretz more better.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 04, 2020, 05:34:32 pm
Crashes at 9 o'clock. hope this save make Xpiretz more better.

There have been some breaking changes in the piratez research tree.

Try removing all current ongoing research, and then add it again.
(or if you have patience, try removing it one by one and see which one helps)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on June 05, 2020, 03:27:11 am
There have been some breaking changes in the piratez research tree.

Try removing all current ongoing research, and then add it again.
(or if you have patience, try removing it one by one and see which one helps)
Oh thank you. I'll try it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: scout2kr on June 05, 2020, 01:31:48 pm
Thx Meridian, In my case it was Angel witch and Fire witch, which need Tech "Socializing".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 05, 2020, 01:53:48 pm
Here's a save file that demonstrates the slope issue that was being discussed earlier. It makes the "hit" sound even though hitting ctrl+h reveals a miss.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 05, 2020, 02:59:54 pm
Here's a save file that demonstrates the slope issue that was being discussed earlier. It makes the "hit" sound even though hitting ctrl+h reveals a miss.

It should be fixed in OXCE 6.5.3.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 05, 2020, 08:14:06 pm
In 0.99L2 the bootypedia seems to need some more order, for e. the haxxor one is listed among pistols. Also attached there is a file created with L1, saved at 28 dec 2601, loaded with L2 but it goes in segmentation fault. Here is the log, testet on elementary os 5.1:

Code: [Select]
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.5.3 (v2020-05-28)
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Platform: Linux
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Data folder is:
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Data search is:
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /home/nico/.local/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/share/gnome/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/share/pantheon/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /home/nico/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] - ./
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] User folder is: ./user/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/nico/.config/openxcom/
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Attempted locale: bg_BG.utf8
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Detected locale: bg_BG.utf8
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1366x705x32...
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Display set to 1366x705x32.
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Loading data...
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[05-06-2020_19-07-23] [INFO] Scanning user mods in './user/'...
[05-06-2020_19-07-24] [ERROR] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[05-06-2020_19-07-24] [INFO] Active mods:
[05-06-2020_19-07-24] [INFO] - piratez vv. L2 OXCE 6.5.1 21-May-2020
[05-06-2020_19-07-25] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[05-06-2020_19-07-30] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1366x705x32...
[05-06-2020_19-07-30] [INFO] Display set to 1366x705x32.
[05-06-2020_19-07-35] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[05-06-2020_19-07-36] [INFO] /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg: No such file or directory
[05-06-2020_19-07-36] [INFO] /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg: No such file or directory
[05-06-2020_19-07-36] [INFO] /etc/timidity/freepats.cfg: No such file or directory
[05-06-2020_19-07-36] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_1
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_2
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_3
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_COLD
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HOT
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MAGMA
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_ORANGE
[05-06-2020_19-07-43] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[05-06-2020_19-07-55] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[05-06-2020_19-07-55] [INFO] Loading language...
[05-06-2020_19-07-56] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[05-06-2020_19-07-56] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)+0x36) [0x557664db8676]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x477) [0x557664db9217]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(signalLogger(int)+0x43) [0x557664bf42e3]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f640785bf20]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::RuleItem::isAlien() const+0x0) [0x5576650a8750]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::Base::getUsedContainment(int) const+0x1a1) [0x55766516a9e1]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time1Hour()+0xd84) [0x557664ef95c4]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::timeAdvance()+0xd8) [0x557664efe6e8]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)+0xcb) [0x557664eb3d8b]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(OpenXcom::Game::run()+0xdd) [0x557664dd887d]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(main+0x175) [0x557664bd20d5]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f640783eb97]
[05-06-2020_19-09-15] [FATAL] /home/nico/OpenXcom/OpenXcomEx(_start+0x2a) [0x557664bd8b3a]
[05-06-2020_19-10-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: ./user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 05, 2020, 08:59:30 pm
In 0.99L2 the bootypedia seems to need some more order, for e. the haxxor one is listed among pistols

That's because it uses the same ammo as the i-Gun, which is a pistol.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 06, 2020, 06:06:38 pm
Updated to OXCE 6.5.3, for testing purposes strarted a new game in L2, and im trying to shoot that academy nurse on a slope and cannot hit, myabe it's a map bug? here's a save

Edit: a purple fuel distributor it is not supposed to be inside of a building (red lantern villa mission)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on June 09, 2020, 07:06:58 pm
And why can't it?
For one - it can be a car diagnostic workstation, not a fuel pump. High tech version of this. (
Two, since many vehicles are battery powered, this can be a charging station.
Three - even if it is a fuel pump, that is still in the realm of possibility. While not economical in our times (with gas stations just about everywhere), in 2600 it might be entirely possible that you get fuel deliveries once every month (or three) so you need your own fuel tank and pump to operate a car. And there's probably no safety regulations that would forbid you to put it inside your garage (especially if you already run a brothel).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 10, 2020, 11:16:00 am
Fair points, ok. Hey better to check, updated oxce to 6.5.3 and in battlescape assault pistols are not automatically loaded even if the clip is in gal's inventory  ???
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: stax77 on June 10, 2020, 06:38:55 pm
Fair points, ok. Hey better to check, updated oxce to 6.5.3 and in battlescape assault pistols are not automatically loaded even if the clip is in gal's inventory  ???

As far as i know, you are not supposed to manually change OXCE version as it is custom-tailored for every Piratez version that it comes packed with. If you do anyway, i would expect a few things to break, but that does not really qualify as a "bug".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 10, 2020, 06:55:40 pm
As far as i know, you are not supposed to manually change OXCE version as it is custom-tailored for every Piratez version that it comes packed with. If you do anyway, i would expect a few things to break, but that does not really qualify as a "bug".

Ok gonna stick with the bundled one. But as for the niner magnum clips in L2 once researched are avaiable in the black market, are these supposed to be a manufacturable only type of ammo like handcannon rounds?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 10, 2020, 07:05:21 pm
upgrading from 6.5.1 to 6.5.3 doesn't have any negative side effects, only positive
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 12, 2020, 04:02:57 pm
Well sometimes upgradin the executables produces weird effects, again in L2, maybe the article title need some size increasing. if not, sorry i though so.

Attached a save, nov 2601 switched from blackbeard to john silver, and encountered mercenaries already!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Noodles on June 13, 2020, 10:41:00 am
Game crashes after STR_VESSEL_BOGEYMAN_FLOCK_HUNT shot down.
Assert at src/Savegame/AlienMission.cpp:846

Steps to reproduce:
- Let the intercepting SCARAB do its thing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 13, 2020, 12:54:50 pm
Game crashes after STR_VESSEL_BOGEYMAN_FLOCK_HUNT shot down.
Assert at src/Savegame/AlienMission.cpp:846

Steps to reproduce:
- Let the intercepting SCARAB do its thing

Doesn't crash for me.
Can you attach the log file?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Noodles on June 13, 2020, 01:57:32 pm
Doesn't crash for me.
Can you attach the log file?

Log file attached, but I don't think it will help you much. Do you have random seed preservation off by accident? I didn't delve too deep, but I got the impression that there are two outcomes for destroyed "ships": landed and crashed, and it's the landed condition that causes problems. I can circumvent this problem by commenting out the assert line and changing the ufo status to "crashed", but I assume such a radical measure (assert) is there for a reason.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 13, 2020, 03:19:51 pm
Log file attached, but I don't think it will help you much.

It helped :)

I tried on Linux like you and it (correctly) crashes.
On Windows, it (incorrectly) doesn't crash... assert is ignored for some reason.

There are 2 bugs:
- one in OXC, crash condition is sometimes _damage > 50% and sometimes _damage >= 50%
- one in OXCE, crash condition sometimes considers kamikaze UFOs and sometimes not

I will provide a fix soon.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Noodles on June 13, 2020, 03:46:26 pm
It helped :)

I tried on Linux like you and it (correctly) crashes.
On Windows, it (incorrectly) doesn't crash... assert is ignored for some reason.

There are 2 bugs:
- one in OXC, crash condition is sometimes _damage > 50% and sometimes _damage >= 50%
- one in OXCE, crash condition sometimes considers kamikaze UFOs and sometimes not

I will provide a fix soon.

Thanks. They always say that having builds on different platforms helps catching bugs you might otherwise miss. Nice to see this in action.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 13, 2020, 05:11:02 pm
Thanks. They always say that having builds on different platforms helps catching bugs you might otherwise miss. Nice to see this in action.

Hotfix here:

Windows download:
Linux download: currently n/a... build yourself :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: marlborodead on June 14, 2020, 01:45:34 am
shoot ship turret dies crash
frame missing in 'TURRET_ALLOY.PCK' for armor 'STR_TURRET_BLUEARMOR'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 15, 2020, 01:07:08 pm
L2 with 6.5.3 oxce+, once i abort the mission, then cannot sell animal in excess, the button does not appear?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on June 15, 2020, 03:05:46 pm
It only appears when you selected enough to sell.
Have you, perhaps, deconstructed your animal pen while researching an animal? I see you are researching one while at 0 capacity, which should be impossible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 15, 2020, 03:17:01 pm
It only appears when you selected enough to sell.
Have you, perhaps, deconstructed your animal pen while researching an animal? I see you are researching one while at 0 capacity, which should be impossible.

ok sorry i just overlooked it since the game assumes that you have both a prison and an animal pen so do not dismantle these! i think that is impossible to solve that situation unless i edit the save and remove the animal i captured...doh!!!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on June 17, 2020, 11:32:32 am
I can't research "!Demonic Sacrifice!" and "Dr.X's Protégée", but I have all the tech needed. I also never recieved the "Message", so I can't do "Zero Tolerance to Zero Tolerance" either.
PS: Also, I can't get the "Voodoo Initiation".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 17, 2020, 11:44:39 am
I can't research "!Demonic Sacrifice!" and "Dr.X's Protégée", but I have all the tech needed. I also never recieved the "Message", so I can't do "Zero Tolerance to Zero Tolerance" either.
PS: Also, I can't get the "Voodoo Initiation".

always attach a .sav file, please  :)

edit: not know it it counts as bug but my main base under attack of dark ones, there is some pink spots once was a pinky demon corpse

edit 2: dark ones are supposed to to progoms? I think not, according to bootypedia are demoniac forces apperain randomly, unless the are driven by someone, but this depends how far goes into the plot.. ehere another save

edit 3: in the same progome is that supposed to be a roor? See screenshot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on June 18, 2020, 11:57:25 am
Well, this is not my last save, but this one should work as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 19, 2020, 10:08:29 am
I can't research "!Demonic Sacrifice!" and "Dr.X's Protégée", but I have all the tech needed. I also never recieved the "Message", so I can't do "Zero Tolerance to Zero Tolerance" either.
PS: Also, I can't get the "Voodoo Initiation".

After review of the save i can answer some of your issues.

Voodoo Initiation and demonic sacrifices are blocked because a certain event prerequisite will never fire on lowest difficulty. Nearly everything voodoo related is disabled on lowest difficulty by the is lockout.

Not sure whats going on with protegee and the message.

That said your only a few VIPs away from being able to start making the final craft for a win. Acquire a Cardinal(church bases, shrine ships, or bought), A guild-master(Traders bases, very large trader ships like battleships, or bought), Academy provost(base, large ships, or bought) And either a Public enemy(found rarely on the smuggler ship that is a Millennium Falcon expy) or A stargod coordinator(Silver towers or bases). Lastly a Belter(From space freighters, or as a get one free from broken smuggler negotiators(which can be found by progressing the city arc after terminal terror mission)  After that you can do the end game.


Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on June 19, 2020, 10:39:44 am
After review of the save i can answer some of your issues.

Voodoo Initiation and demonic sacrifices are blocked because a certain event prerequisite will never fire on lowest difficulty. Nearly everything voodoo related is disabled on lowest difficulty by the is lockout.

Not sure whats going on with protegee and the message.

That said your only a few VIPs away from being able to start making the final craft for a win. Acquire a Cardinal(church bases, shrine ships, or bought), A guild-master(Traders bases, very large trader ships like battleships, or bought), Academy provost(base, large ships, or bought) And either a Public enemy(found rarely on the smuggler ship that is a Millennium Falcon expy) or A stargod coordinator(Silver towers or bases). Lastly a Belter(From space freighters, or as a get one free from broken smuggler negotiators(which can be found by progressing the city arc after terminal terror mission)  After that you can do the end game.

I'll just start the game from the beginning then on second difficulty, then. I am really grateful you took your time to help me. Cheers.

Edit: Oh, and, before someone Molotovs on my house, I play on easiest difficulty, because I always played X-Com on lowest, since I was a kid that did not know English, but I still wanted to play TFTD (I did not like EU). I also do all sorts of self imposing challenges, like no equipment/weapons/craft I can't make myself, no slave soldiers, just 3 bases, no explosive weapons, etc. so I get enough fun and challenge as it is. I don't need bragging rights for being hard-core.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on June 19, 2020, 01:01:57 pm
L2 again, there are some duplicate regards to "airball" in mmanufacture section or is that nomal? Save and 'shots attached

Edit: autogun PS ammo is a 2x2 intended? the sprite need to bie stretched a bit
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 19, 2020, 02:31:35 pm
Read the bootypedia entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hyton on June 22, 2020, 11:22:55 am
I have gotten a crash report  when ever i got attacked at my base and i think i've figured out whats happening.

early on i had made it so there was only 1 way into the rest of the base using the access lift and a corridor but i replaced the corridor with a barracks (so the Gals were closer to the hanger to better defend) Turns out the game doesn't like that and crashes every time if i get a base assault because i replaced the corridor, cause it apparently overlaps and causes a fatal error

I felt i should report this .. uhh i think its a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 22, 2020, 12:04:45 pm
I have gotten a crash report  when ever i got attacked at my base and i think i've figured out whats happening.

early on i had made it so there was only 1 way into the rest of the base using the access lift and a corridor but i replaced the corridor with a barracks (so the Gals were closer to the hanger to better defend) Turns out the game doesn't like that and crashes every time if i get a base assault because i replaced the corridor, cause it apparently overlaps and causes a fatal error

I felt i should report this .. uhh i think its a bug.

can you upload your save?

if it overlaps, then it is not a bug
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 22, 2020, 07:18:57 pm
Windows download:
Why upload file to site which have expired SSL certificate and could be dangerous? I'm getting warning in Firefox. It's not good. Of course I can accept the risk (I did it already) but it looks suspicious.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on June 22, 2020, 07:21:23 pm
Why upload file to site which have expired SSL certificate and could be dangerous? I'm getting warning in Firefox. It's not good. Of course I can accept the risk (I did it already) but it looks suspicious.

It was not uploaded there.
That's the build server, the file was created there directly.
I have no access to that server and cannot update certificates.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: arbee81 on July 03, 2020, 02:55:06 pm
Not sure if this is a bug or just unexpected behavior.  I was trying to transfer a craft to another base that had an empty hangar.  The craft was empty.  At the time I had started building a large barracks over two regular barracks at the empty hangar base.  When I tried to transfer the craft it gave an error that there were not sufficient accommodations for the ship's crew.  I did have more people than I technically had barrack space at that time, since the 2 barracks were being built over.  Once the large barracks finished I was able to transfer the craft.

At the time I thought it was quirk of the build-over feature, but figured I should report it just in case.  I didn't think to grab a save at the time, but I'll see if I have an old save from around that time
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on July 03, 2020, 07:20:34 pm
This is bug, craft should not check for free space in that case.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on July 03, 2020, 10:56:55 pm
I confirm I find myself in the same situation. I was upgrading my regular barracks to luxury barracks and when I tried to transfer an empty craft to the base with the ongoing upgrades, the transfer was also blocked due to lack of accommodations.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on July 07, 2020, 11:18:05 am
I'd think it's intended. You can transfer a craft with a crew on board, so I think the game does need to check living quarters,
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on July 19, 2020, 03:32:26 pm
I just had a missile strike destroy 3 of my buildings, an extractor, a still and, I think, a barracks and now I can't rebuild them, or build anything else in those spaces. It says 'facility in use'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 20, 2020, 06:22:59 pm
That glitch is the result of buildings being destroyed that are part of a prerequisite chain. It is a know bug that is being worked on. in the mean time either roll back to an earlier save and hope stuff doesn't break. Or you can edit your save to replace the still and extractor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on July 20, 2020, 07:15:19 pm
Destroying buildings is evil, all invariants go out window.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on July 20, 2020, 10:40:44 pm
I hope that I fixed this bug in next version
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on July 24, 2020, 12:26:22 am
That glitch is the result of buildings being destroyed that are part of a prerequisite chain. It is a know bug that is being worked on. in the mean time either roll back to an earlier save and hope stuff doesn't break. Or you can edit your save to replace the still and extractor.

Prerequisite chain for buildings (say a still requires an extractor to operate), or also simply buildings are in use (i.e. accommodations or manufacturing)? I imagine the in-game solution is to stop the manufacturing to free up space, and perhaps move to another base (or fire) the surplus runts and hands.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 24, 2020, 08:54:06 pm
The former. The other cases are resolved already. Runts are unassigned>projects are canceled. Storage overflow bring up the sell screen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on August 09, 2020, 08:33:37 am
Unsure if this should be reported here, but in the rat-hunt mission, I got a disconnected room with three rats in it and no way to access it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: stax77 on August 09, 2020, 08:38:03 am
Unsure if this should be reported here, but in the rat-hunt mission, I got a disconnected room with three rats in it and no way to access it.

There's a pickaxe on the floor near where your troops deploy...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on August 10, 2020, 08:16:35 am
Ahhh, I see!

Also, I don't know if typos go here, but the trophy production item "Prize: Supressed Pistol" should be "Prize: Suppressed Pistol".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yglorba on August 11, 2020, 11:01:12 am
Ran into an unwalkable tile that looks like it's supposed to be walkable - I've seen this structure several times, and every time, the upstairs doorway (the one in front of me in the screenshot) is unwalkable, can't be opened, can't path through it, etc.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 11, 2020, 01:30:26 pm
That is the game protecting you from going into a small room with an RPG. ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tiger on August 13, 2020, 02:24:20 pm
When I right click on a line in the purchasing menu it disappears - so now I cant buy plastasteel anymore  :-X
How do I get it back?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: stax77 on August 13, 2020, 07:28:06 pm
When I right click on a line in the purchasing menu it disappears - so now I cant buy plastasteel anymore  :-X
How do I get it back?

In the upper left corner of the purchasing menu, click the button saying "All items" and select "Hidden" from the dropdown menu.
Right click the plastasteel again, then change the filter back to "All items".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tiger on August 13, 2020, 08:22:29 pm
In the upper left corner of the purchasing menu, click the button saying "All items" and select "Hidden" from the dropdown menu.
Right click the plastasteel again, then change the filter back to "All items".

Thanks that was easy   ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: netron on August 16, 2020, 01:36:38 pm
The lifts on the scorpion craft do not count as an evacuation zone, the rest of the craft appears to count.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 16, 2020, 02:01:12 pm
I think that is an engine limitation, lifts never count.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 16, 2020, 02:10:33 pm
I don't know if it's a technical limitation, but yes, lifts are not good for entry/exit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mechanique on August 20, 2020, 03:06:10 pm
There is "austerity dress" armor available from start. Equipping-equipping it from craft inventory gives $200 chip every time. Is that a bug or is there some sort of penalty for using it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 20, 2020, 09:23:28 pm
Yeah dress issues are known. Some engine level problems with the object handling. it may or may not be solved in next update.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 24, 2020, 02:14:02 pm
There is "austerity dress" armor available from start. Equipping-equipping it from craft inventory gives $200 chip every time. Is that a bug or is there some sort of penalty for using it?

Checked - these chips are never actually added to your hideout's stores.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on August 26, 2020, 03:20:46 pm
In L3 did a successfull base invasion mission repelling the dark ones, a sec cam destroyed displayed in battlescape the messsge "Security camera did mot make it", that in previous version did not showed up, please i don't have a .sav file but may you check, guys? Thanks in advance  :)

Edit: oh in the bounty leved D mission "traitors at large"vin a map there are a couple of small basements with no door it is supposed? And the heavy rifle in battlescape can strike but in the description nothin is told about
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 26, 2020, 05:01:50 pm
1. It's normal behaviour when something burns to death, for example.
2. False - you have the doors in front of you, and I just checked, these buildings can be entered.
3. I didn't feel like writing it. Not very important, just takes up space. I might remove all these descriptions, as it is immediately self-apparent in battle, and you can check precise stats in Anal anyway.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on August 27, 2020, 08:04:56 pm
L3, some other minor things

1) green thingh tile in a shot down vessel assault mission (it was a gunship if i remember well) (screen0005)
2) tree right near scoprion exit tiles assaulting a civilian vessel (screen0006)
3) the building does not have a door to acces the very first basement levels, player is supposed to go upstairs and then downstairs (screen0007)

for the last one here's a quicksave
Title: Typo
Post by: Zharkov on August 27, 2020, 10:55:32 pm
Medical supplies are in great value [...]

Medical supplies are of great value [...]


Medical supplies are in great demand [...]

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on August 30, 2020, 01:16:52 pm
Scholars from the Eurosyndicate believe it is "cuisine".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on August 31, 2020, 04:52:38 pm
L3, the brand new party mission  8), my gal went through the stairs and got behind the door, please mind check the save :)
Title: typo
Post by: Zharkov on September 01, 2020, 06:45:32 pm
space missing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 04, 2020, 06:18:52 pm
There is a major bug in L3 regarding enemy morale recovery pointed out by user legionof1 in the main thread (,3626.msg131188.html#msg131188), to fix open the file "Piratez_Armors.rul" with a text editor and look for the section at line 16022 (if usin and editor with line counting)

Code: [Select]
flatHundred: -0.1
manaNormalized: 13.0
moraleCurrent: -0.7
bravery: 0.8

replace the vaules -0.7 and 0.8 respectively with -0.07 and 0.08

Also, durin a "death and taxes" mission an ally dog accidentally triggered worm's tear gas, but fence is not supposed to stop smoke? see save and screenshot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 05, 2020, 01:06:35 am
Thanks for the catches, Zharkov.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: amjh on September 05, 2020, 08:57:26 pm
This car is stuck.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gabag on September 06, 2020, 01:45:25 am
So I keep running into a fatal error when I’m running a zombie mission. I’m able to move my gals around and I can see a normal zombie, but when I go to see what enemy #2 is it’ll crash saying ‘Sprite CHRYS.pck is not found.’

I have OXCE installed from the gold edition copy of UFO Defense that comes packaged with Terror from the Deep.

Any idea where the unit sprites would be in the original xcom folders? I have a feeling I might have missed something when I was bringing them to OXCE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ves on September 06, 2020, 03:29:26 am
It's in the UNITS Folder.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 06, 2020, 05:30:01 am
This car is stuck.

Thanks, fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 08, 2020, 11:03:03 pm
Instead of instead on it is actually instead of.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 09, 2020, 07:37:26 pm
Don't know but maybe is: in L3 please someone might check the power stun value for dart pistol and haroppon gun? usin on the ground the pistol seems to be far more effective thna the harpoon when it comes to stunning, also i killed some people usin the pistol's sleep dart clip :O when i hit someone the target sprinkles with some purple stuff :O
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 09, 2020, 09:09:25 pm
Seems intended, the dart pistol Daze ammo is a 1 tier higher tech. So it should be compared to the Harpoon tranquilizer ammo you get from the same tech and not the stun bolts.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 09, 2020, 09:22:46 pm
If I wear Ganger armor (85 CUTTING) and Shepherd's Staff (Says 15% less Cutting damage), you would expect your CUTTING to be 70, right? Well, it's not. It's 77?
Huh? It says 15% reduction but it only decreases it by 8%? Clearly there's a bug here.

The problem is in Yankes_Scripts.rul where it incorrectly calculates the reduction. The formula it uses is:
Final resist = Armor resist - (1 - Item resist) * (Armor resist - Item minimum resist)

For the above example, this makes it: 0.85 - (1 - 0.85) * (0.85 - 0.30) => 0.85 - 0.15 * 0.55 => 0.85 - 0.0825 => 0.7675 => 0.77

The forumula it should be using instead should be:
Final resist = Max(Armor resist - (1 - Item resist), Min(Item minimum resist, Armor resist))

This would make it: Max(0.85 - (1 - 0.85), Min(0.30, 0.85)) => Max(0.85 - 0.15, 0.30) => Max(0.7, 0.3) => 0.7
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 09, 2020, 10:05:36 pm
Not a bug. This is the function that all such resist items where designed around. Diminishing returns with a hard floor. Otherwise you can very easily reduce incoming  damage to below armor and therefore become immune to harm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 09, 2020, 10:31:36 pm
Not a bug. This is the function that all such resist items where designed around. Diminishing returns with a hard floor. Otherwise you can very easily reduce incoming  damage to below armor and therefore become immune to harm.

Diminishing returns? What are you talking about? There's no "Diminishing returns" in that function. Also, it's not a hard floor at all because this part of the function is bugged also. As it stands, this function is just badly written and confusing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 09, 2020, 10:53:43 pm
Diminishing returns? What are you talking about? There's no "Diminishing returns" in that function. Also, it's not a hard floor at all because this part of the function is bugged also. As it stands, this function is just badly written and confusing.

Diminishing returns are in the component, which you identified as "(Armor resist - Item minimum resist)".

Correctly, it should be "(Current resist - Item minimum resist)", where "Current resist" is equal to "Armor resist" only at the beginning of the iterative calculation and gradually gets smaller and smaller with each item... diminishing returns.

The function and the whole script (and this whole feature concept!) is confusing, I give you that... that doesn't mean it's wrong.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 09, 2020, 11:19:41 pm
Well, the main problem is in the description an item of what it says it provides. If I have only one item, without any stacking or diminishing returns going on, the item saying it gives 15%, but actually gives only 8%... this can only be described as a bug, even if a visual one.

A player doesn't care about what goes on under the hood of the game. If the game tells them that they have 100% chance to hit something, and they miss, then they're going to get mad. And if such discrepancies keep happening, then eventually the player will ragequit and delete the game. That's why it's important to provide the players with correct information, which in this case, it is not. And I'd like to ask you to fix it. Either fix the function, or fix the description.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 09, 2020, 11:38:25 pm
Well, the main problem is in the description an item of what it says it provides. If I have only one item, without any stacking or diminishing returns going on, the item saying it gives 15%, but actually gives only 8%... this can only be described as a bug, even if a visual one.

Completely agreed.
I understood what you wanted to say in the first post, and I reacted specifically only to the second post.

A player doesn't care about what goes on under the hood of the game. If the game tells them that they have 100% chance to hit something, and they miss, then they're going to get mad. And if such discrepancies keep happening, then eventually the player will ragequit and delete the game. That's why it's important to provide the players with correct information, which in this case, it is not.

A normal player will never notice this particular issue.
May I ask how you found out?
The game never communicates these percentages in any form... and the difference between 70% resistance and 77% resistance is practically indistinguishable from a slightly better or slightly worse RNG roll.

Edit: 70%, not 60%, 85-15=70

And I'd like to ask you to fix it. Either fix the function, or fix the description.

I can't do that, I'm not the script author nor the mod author.
Let's wait for their feedback.

But removing all numbers from descriptions of such items sounds like a good idea to me ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 10, 2020, 12:15:53 am
Cutting resistance is pretty noticeable since melee tends to be many small attacks that will kill you if they do any damage.  E.g. dogs won't hurt you at all in scale but can  kill you in a single turn in warrior.  (30 armor 80 cutting vs 30 armor 60 cutting)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 10, 2020, 01:32:11 am
May I ask how you found out?
The game never communicates these percentages in any form... and the difference between 70% resistance and 77% resistance is practically indistinguishable from a slightly better or slightly worse RNG roll.

Edit: 70%, not 60%, 85-15=70

But removing all numbers from descriptions of such items sounds like a good idea to me ;)
Math still fails me lol, yes, 70, not 60.
In the description of Shepherd's Staff it says "Wielding Shepherd's Staff as a weapon reduces Cutting damage taken by 15% (to a min res. of 30%)". This doesn't say much, so I tested it out by stunning an enemy and then giving it a cutting damage weapon. I tried stacking (it's funny that stacking the staves stacks the morale penalty, but not the resistances - another bug?), and seeing what the maximum damage taken was. Needless to say, I was very disappointed to find out that the damage reduction was not what I expected it to be. In most other games resistances stack in more logical ways. Well, later I found out that the script writes the actual resistance in the savegame file, so you can just read it from there. Anyway, 15%, 8%, the difference isn't much, but it's enough to turn a "possibly useful weapon" into "garbage".
Yeah, removing all the numbers, including damage, from the descriptions of all items would be the best, right? Players should choose their favorite weapons based on feelings ;)

Cutting resistance is pretty noticeable since melee tends to be many small attacks that will kill you if they do any damage.  E.g. dogs won't hurt you at all in scale but can  kill you in a single turn in warrior.  (30 armor 80 cutting vs 30 armor 60 cutting)
Does wielding Shepherd's Staff help against dogs? It doesn't. Because the reduction is too small. So it's currently a useless item for this purpose. The purpose being, a swappable resistance item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 10, 2020, 01:46:29 am
Oh I was just replying to meridian.  It would make a difference if it gave the displayed value (e.g. warrior + 15% staff vs 8% staff)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 10, 2020, 02:13:12 am
Yeah, removing all the numbers, including damage, from the descriptions of all items would be the best, right? Players should choose their favorite weapons based on feelings ;)

OK, so what would be your counter-proposal... assuming the authors want to keep the algorithm the way it is.
What description would you write?

Oh I was just replying to meridian.  It would make a difference if it gave the displayed value (e.g. warrior + 15% staff vs 8% staff)

I shouldn't even be replying to this, but since you insist:
I just tried standing in a warrior armor next to 4 guard dogs for 4 turns in a humanist villa, they attacked me well over 60-70 times and did a grand total of 17 damage... big whoop.

Anyway, even if you find one specific combination of circumstances, attack type, armor, weapon, difficulty, equipped items and god knows what else to "prove me wrong"... in 99.8% of the combinations, the few percent resistance difference MAKES NO FU*KING DIFFERENCE. Your 0.2% doesn't prove me wrong, it proves me right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 10, 2020, 02:16:38 am
Hmmm, does difficulty affect attack damage?  Because I have been dropped from full hp by a single dog in warrior.  Maybe it was just an insane fluke.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 10, 2020, 02:27:47 am
Hmmm, does difficulty affect attack damage?  Because I have been dropped from full hp by a single dog in warrior.  Maybe it was just an insane fluke.

Actually yes, for dogs it does depend on difficulty... yet another proof that any small resistance deviation is negligible compared to other factors.
For the record, I was testing on standard Veteran difficulty.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 10, 2020, 02:32:05 am
Well, I don't mean to get into a big argument (or any argument, I don't see a big reason to angry over something so trivial), so I'll just give my final 2 cents here.  If the difference between warrior and scale is just 20 resistance and is the difference between being invulnerable and killed in one turn, kinda seems to make a massive difference.

But yes, shepherd's staff and studded stockings might be  the only protective gear cases where it matter.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 10, 2020, 11:43:16 am
OK, so what would be your counter-proposal... assuming the authors want to keep the algorithm the way it is.
What description would you write?

Personally, I wouldn't want to keep this algorithm in this shape. If you want to have diminishing returns, then I would change it so that resistances are multiplied. eg. 3 items with 15% decrease damage would stack like 0.85 * 0.85 * 0.85 = 0.61 (I can change the script code if you want). And then rebalance the resistances values on the items (assuming rebalancing would be needed).

If you want to write a description, well, currently, if I have no Cutting resistance on armor, and put on Shepherd's Staff, the Cutting resist granted is 10% (1 - (0.15 * 0.7)), so changing the description and writing that the staff grants 10% Cutting resist would be closer to the truth (altho it would still function very inconsistantly due to how minimum resists on items vary - the order of items shouldn't matter, but it does).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 14, 2020, 05:10:35 pm
In L3, "bring down the watchtower" mission, there si a tree missin its trunk
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 15, 2020, 09:00:27 pm
There's a bug in the terrain in front of Red Lantern Villa (LT_HOUSE_02G), where movement costs zero or half the normal TU.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 16, 2020, 05:45:36 pm
Personally, I wouldn't want to keep this algorithm in this shape. If you want to have diminishing returns, then I would change it so that resistances are multiplied. eg. 3 items with 15% decrease damage would stack like 0.85 * 0.85 * 0.85 = 0.61 (I can change the script code if you want). And then rebalance the resistances values on the items (assuming rebalancing would be needed).

It works a bit more complex than that. 3x "15% with a minimum of 30" in that algorithm would be  x = 0.3 + (y-0.3) * 0.85 * 0.85 * 0.85, where y is your basic resistance, dependant on armor worn, and x is your final resistance to that type of damage. Also lmao, order should not matter? Order does always matter. It's physical items, not mathematical constructs.
The fact you don't understand the formula, doesn't mean it's wrong. If you're that smart, maybe you will however know how to put it down in natural language in a way that would be concise, yet more precise  than it is. Your proposed 7 or 8% would also be a lie, since it depends on what kind of armor you wear. The other proposal (10 if it's 100) is on the other hand very vague (what if it isn't?).
So in short, you spammed my bug report board fighting windmills, instead of simply asking on some thread dedicated for questions, or creating a new thread. Not very nice.
All you had to do was to read INGAME description:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 19, 2020, 02:17:34 pm
Is it intentional that the lobster picks up a bow to shoot the gals?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 19, 2020, 06:53:04 pm
Yeah, it's possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 24, 2020, 07:29:09 pm
It works a bit more complex than that. 3x "15% with a minimum of 30" in that algorithm would be  x = 0.3 + (y-0.3) * 0.85 * 0.85 * 0.85, where y is your basic resistance, dependant on armor worn, and x is your final resistance to that type of damage. Also lmao, order should not matter? Order does always matter. It's physical items, not mathematical constructs.
The fact you don't understand the formula, doesn't mean it's wrong. If you're that smart, maybe you will however know how to put it down in natural language in a way that would be concise, yet more precise  than it is. Your proposed 7 or 8% would also be a lie, since it depends on what kind of armor you wear. The other proposal (10 if it's 100) is on the other hand very vague (what if it isn't?).
So in short, you spammed my bug report board fighting windmills, instead of simply asking on some thread dedicated for questions, or creating a new thread. Not very nice.
All you had to do was to read INGAME description:
Sorry, it looks like I was a bit too hasty with my judgements. And sorry for spamming this thread - this problem really bothers me.
I have studied the algorithm a bit more and I understand it well now. However, the problem remains. The resistances provided by items don't match their descriptions. With the formula as it is, it's impossible to create descriptions (short of including the whole formula in every description) that would match the observed reductions.

The only solution is to change the formula to be simpler and more intuitive.

I've attached the script (Edit: Updated to L4) with the formula changed from:
Code: [Select]
CurrentResist = CurrentResist - (1 - ItemResist) * (CurrentResist - ItemMinimumResist) to
Code: [Select]
CurrentResist = Max(CurrentResist - (1 - ItemResist) * (CurrentResist), ItemMinimumResist), or more simply put,
Code: [Select]
CurrentResist = Max(CurrentResist * ItemResist, ItemMinimumResist)
With this, the descriptions now precisely match the damage reductions, since the ItemMinimumResist is no longer acting as a multiplier, but as a floor.
If my armor has 200 Cold Resist, and I put on a Fancy Shawl (says 25% reduction), it gets reduced to 150 Cold Resist.
If I already have 50 Cold Resist, then the item has no effect, because the reduction under ItemMinimumResist (50% for Shawl) isn't applied.
If I had two (stackable) shawls, then the reduction would be 200% * 0.75 * 0.75 = 112. So the diminishing returns are still there.
If I have 100 Plasma Resist (which is normally the case), and I put on Floating Sandbags (where it states that Plasma damage is "cut in half", the damage is now actually cut in half, whereas before it was actually only cut by a quarter.

I'm not sure why ItemMinimumResist served as a multiplier in the first place. It seemed like a really bad design choice, because it creates a lot of confusion, while providing no benefits compared to using it as a floor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 25, 2020, 05:12:27 am
The formula was designed to reduce the effectiveness of multiple items stacking together, as requested by Dioxine. That is, one good item should be better than multiple smaller ones trying to add up to the same effect. Resistances are the strongest form of defense, and this script isn't just a "fix", it's a straight buff in the player's favor on top of a system that a lot of work was put into to balance and already works as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 25, 2020, 11:06:23 am
The formula was designed to reduce the effectiveness of multiple items stacking together, as requested by Dioxine.
You say so, but I don't see how the formula was achieving that. All it did was reduce the effectiveness of all the items.

For example:
With the original formula:
If I have 250% resist and one item with 50% reduction, and 50% minimum, then the reduction is by 100. If I used two items with 25% reduction and 50% minimum, then the reduction would be 50 for the first item, and 37.5 for the second item. So, reduction by 100 from one item, compared to reduction by 87.5 for two items, this means that the actual diminishing effect is 12.5%.

With the altered formula:
If I have 250% resist and one item with 50% reduction, and 50% minimum, then the reduction is by 125. If I used two items with 25% reduction and 50% minimum, then the reduction would be 62.5 for the first item, and ~47 for the second item. So, reduction by 125 from one item, compared to reduction by 109.4 for two items, this means that the actual diminishing effect is 12.5%.

In other words, even thought I altered the formula, the diminishing effect of stacking multiple items remains absolutely the same. So if "the formula was designed to reduce the effectiveness of multiple items stacking together", I have demonstrated that the altered formula does it by exactly the same amount. Now, if you want to increase the diminishing effect, there are several ways to achieve that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 25, 2020, 02:47:20 pm
Okay, granted. But again you demonstrate that your new formula is making each item more effective than they are now, meaning the numbers would have to be rebalanced. As noted before, the issue was in how the numbers were communicated, not how effective these items are. You're essentially asking for all these numbers to be reconsidered to solve your personal problem with the feature.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 25, 2020, 07:32:08 pm
Still with version v.L3l  - there seems to be a problem with taking these blue turrets "alive".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 26, 2020, 02:14:25 am
Still with version v.L3l  - there seems to be a problem with taking these blue turrets "alive".

It should not be possible to take these turrets "alive" by any means, they have capturable: false flag.

The only solution is to change the formula to be simpler and more intuitive.

You really think I'm gonna throw away my finely crafted formula in favor of yours, crude? It is like it is to avoid absurd situation where armor with shitty resistance, if equipped with enough items, will be better than armor custom-built to withstand a certain kind of damage; how much mileage do you really expect from fitting plate mail with barbed stockings? Or putting a crude gas mask on top of a decent 50% gas mask provided by armor? The answer, the difference should be negligible at best, and this is what this script allows. This hard floor is needed to keep things sane. The only solution, actually, is for you to deal with it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 26, 2020, 01:18:45 pm
You really think I'm gonna throw away my finely crafted formula in favor of yours, crude? It is like it is to avoid absurd situation where armor with shitty resistance, if equipped with enough items, will be better than armor custom-built to withstand a certain kind of damage; how much mileage do you really expect from fitting plate mail with barbed stockings? Or putting a crude gas mask on top of a decent 50% gas mask provided by armor? The answer, the difference should be negligible at best, and this is what this script allows. This hard floor is needed to keep things sane. The only solution, actually, is for you to deal with it.

Can you provide an example, where an armor with shitty resistance becomes better than a specialized armor, due to items? Also, I don't know about you but, the kind of air I breathe, it doesn't matter which gas mask the air came through, the filtration should be the same. If the mask is a part of the outfit, or if I'm holding one onto my face, the filtration should be the same, no?

Anyway, the problem remains. Currently, the items are lying to players since the resists that they provide don't match their descriptions (Floating Sandbags say they cut the damage in half, but they only reduce it by a quarter).

Here's some alternative solutions:
- Write different descriptions: Instead of saying "The shawl reduces the effects of Cold damage by 1/4, up to 50% final Resistance", say "At 250 Cold resist, the shawl will reduce it to 200". "At 100 Cutting resist, Shepherd's Staff will reduce it to 90". "At 100 Plasma Resist, Floating Sandbags will reduce it to 75", so you provide an example where the formula is applied on the most common armor resist value.
- Add a stacking penalty. Change the script so that when stacking occurs, a larger penalty is added. The first item has normal effect, the second item has only half effect, the third item has only a third, and so on.
- Make the resist application customizable. Change the script by adding a new per-item variable, for instance, RESIST_MODE, which allows you to specify the way in which the resists for this item is applied. Basically, this would allow you to use a different formula for each item. For instance, you could write a formula where an item has only half the effect if the resist is below a certain value, or you could write a formula that makes your current resist worse, or a formula where resists change by a static value instead of multiplication (a lighter in a blizzard won't have any effect, but it would warm you up on a cold day), etc.
Title: typo
Post by: Zharkov on September 26, 2020, 04:57:28 pm
Still with version v.L3l
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 26, 2020, 05:07:24 pm
L4, minor glitch in main hideout
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 26, 2020, 05:48:09 pm
Still with version v.L3l

Might be intentional, but there was a Tough Girl in a Govt Cutter where I would have expected a Govt Pilot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 26, 2020, 06:09:32 pm
Again in L4, seems that black square in that type of building - a couple of these present in a mutant progom map - cannot be accessed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on September 26, 2020, 06:45:33 pm
It should not be possible to take these turrets "alive" by any means, they have capturable: false flag.

Nevertheless, found the same problem with the Battle Tank in Sitzkrieg.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 27, 2020, 12:31:29 pm
L4, a plant crosses vessel's wall
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 27, 2020, 03:12:40 pm
Burrow says "facility in use" in L4 when trying to remove in Europe.  However, I have over 10 living space, 10 animal space, and 25 storage free.  I am assuming this is related to the burrows in the north america base being negative animal space on account of having 3-4 missile strikes pummel it into oblivion causing all the burrows to go poof from connectivity issues.  After the strikes I had a storage check, but no animal space check.  Recently debriefed and bought some more recon expeditions.

Edit: selling the dogs in the bugged base doesn't help actually, not sure what the issue is.  Game's also crashed shortly after selling the 26 dogs from inventory, possibly related.  I also think I had 4 missile strikes, which I didn't think was possible, but I could have misremembered.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 27, 2020, 04:18:38 pm
A minor incongruence in L4, smartpistol manufacturable clips are supposed to be plastasteel only, since the bootypedia description says that kind of clip is reduced to 22 from 25, but in the manufacture screen might be added a /PS suffix, for claication sake?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 28, 2020, 12:30:12 am
Yeah, above save has had 6 missile strikes in May now after playing it a bit more (in addition to the odd facility in use bug).  There seems to be some sort of double retaliation bug or something, as the initial event should only have 3, and the ongoing missiles event comes the month after.

Update:  Once burrows get built in the blown up base, the other base is functional again.  So it appears having dogs/peasants with no existing burrows in a base kinda borks the game a bit and selling them doesn't help.

Another update: Random burrow facility in use bug happened again.  Just no clue really.  Another possibility is maybe transfers are getting counted twice for inventory space related to building facilities or something.  Probably not though.  Completely empty base doesn't have the issue, but a base without transfers does.  Possibly just dogs in general screw it up atm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 29, 2020, 05:53:33 pm
It is not a bug, but in the second half of jan 2603 still cannot find the riot shield! i even have  particle weapons!!! Doin a city raid mission...please remove from the crucial requirement for research?  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 29, 2020, 06:37:59 pm
If it's not a bug, you might want to use another thread heh.  In any case, if you absolutely cannot find one, you should eventually get it just from interrogating military police and megapol enforcers.  In particular magapol enforcers (the flying pigs) have a very short research list.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 29, 2020, 07:14:34 pm
If it's not a bug, you might want to use another thread heh.  In any case, if you absolutely cannot find one, you should eventually get it just from interrogating military police and megapol enforcers.  In particular magapol enforcers (the flying pigs) have a very short research list.

I know but once again merely relying on luck it'frustrating, kinda a russian roulette!! anyway... ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 30, 2020, 12:06:55 am
L4, minor glitch in main hideout

Can't see the glitch.

Anyway, the problem remains. Currently, the items are lying to players since the resists that they provide don't match their descriptions (Floating Sandbags say they cut the damage in half, but they only reduce it by a quarter).

Do you really think using unfair language like "lying" will help? Sandbags are a relic item, which is almost impossible to get, sure, it might have outdated description, but using is as a typical example is using loaded dice. You claim the description is wrong, but you seem to be more interested in pushing your idea for script changes. You are incapable of listening, or help, you only want to push your own vision, while not even really understanding how the current script works, or its ramifications (which can easily be judged from your answers). If you want to start fights, this forum is not the best place for it.
In short: script stays as it is. It is exactly how I want it to be. Case closed.
I will think about better phrasing, however.

Edit: it was you who was lying, sandbags do cut damage in half (*up to maximum resist of 50%).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 30, 2020, 03:46:01 am
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on September 30, 2020, 09:19:46 am
Can't see the glitch.

As for this post (,4058.msg132199.html#msg132199) i thought it was one, i have circled it in this, don't know it it's a real thing :)

I still cannot find the tiot shield even in jan 2603!! I spotted a few megapol cars, but even with hyper wave decoder....maybe these shuld be more common like civilian vessels? (,4058.msg132323.html#msg132323)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 30, 2020, 01:59:29 pm
Delian, your asking to change a core formula of the mod and all the balance derived from it. This is at the very least 100s of hours of additional work because each affected item must be edited individually. So every armor and resistance  gear would need to be redone. Well over a thousand  objects. And the gain is a minor improvement in clarity. If you want this your gonna have to do it yourself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 30, 2020, 07:48:11 pm
you seem to be more interested in pushing your idea for script changes. You are incapable of listening, or help, you only want to push your own vision, while not even really understanding how the current script works, or its ramifications (which can easily be judged from your answers). If you want to start fights, this forum is not the best place for it.
In short: script stays as it is. It is exactly how I want it to be. Case closed.
I will think about better phrasing, however.

Edit: it was you who was lying, sandbags do cut damage in half (*up to maximum resist of 50%).

Let's say your salary is 1000€. Your employer says that "they're increasing employee salaries by 50%, but only up to 1400€". What do you think this means? Every normal person would understand that this means that their salary would be increased by 50% to 1500€, but because of the 1400€ limit, their salary would only be increased to 1400€. This is normal English and this is how everyone would understand this sentence. I don't know what language you speak, but yeah, in English, this is how people would understand such a description.
I understand the formula perfectly well, but this formula simply isn't properly translated into item descriptions, and as such, yes, I can say that the description is lying because, quite simply, what's written is false in its meaning, that is, it differs from what actually happens. I'm not lying - you can ask anyone you want. "I have a value of 100 and I cut it in half, up to 60. What's the new value?". Everyone would answer "60". And this is the problem.
If me providing possible solutions to a problem offends you (pushing a vision? what?), then sorry, I'll be careful and refrain from doing so in the future.

Delian, your asking to change a core formula of the mod and all the balance derived from it. This is at the very least 100s of hours of additional work because each affected item must be edited individually. So every armor and resistance  gear would need to be redone. Well over a thousand  objects. And the gain is a minor improvement in clarity. If you want this your gonna have to do it yourself.

There are only 28 items that provide resistances. And I've already rebalanced them. For myself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on September 30, 2020, 07:55:45 pm
Alright, just in case the burrow bug hasn't been solved, figured out the issue, it's just incorrectly dealing with animal space when you want to remove them if you have more than one burrow.  Regardless of the # of burrows and excess animal space you have, you can only have 10 animal space in use if you want to remove a burrow.  I assume the same is true of beast dens, only with 25.

So currently, you need to remove all but 10 dogs if you want to remove a burrow, then buy back the dogs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on October 01, 2020, 02:51:51 pm
Edit: it was you who was lying, sandbags do cut damage in half (*up to maximum resist of 50%).
He is not lying. The descriptions are indeed wrong. if the following formula from earlier in this thread is accurate,
Final resist = Armor resist - (1 - Item resist) * (Armor resist - Item minimum resist)
the sandbags cut the difference between current vulnerability and minumum vulnerability (50%) in half. If the formula is not to change, you could change the text from "Decreases damage by x% down to N." to "Decreases difference between foo resistance and N by x%." for all the affected items.

That way, you would have to rebalance nothing, merely change text for resistance equipment.

Edits:red. Self correction.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 02, 2020, 04:46:33 pm
He is not lying. The descriptions are indeed wrong. if the following formula from earlier in this thread is accurate,the sandbags cut the difference between current vulnerability and minumum vulnerability (50%) in half. If the formula is not to change, you could change the text from "Decreases damage by x% down to N." to "Decreases difference between foo resistance and N by x%." for all the affected items.
Edits:red. Self correction.

Ah! So the real issue is me having trouble with understanding how a native English speaker would interpret "up" and "down" in this context. Okay, that is something real: my mastery of English proven insufficient. It happens.
Couldn't we have started off this, instead of these walls of text about the neccesity to change my scripts and salaries? I'm taking no salary for making this mod.
Also I already stated I will look into changing descriptions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on October 03, 2020, 02:56:09 am
I don't know about the specific items, but the bootypedia topic on items that change defensive stats does state that they're more useful for more primitive designs, or words to that effect.  Seems clear to me that stacking benefits is going to have less effect real fast.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bublebree on October 06, 2020, 12:51:03 pm

I have a bug. Its problem with creating slave soldiers.

I play version L2, choose "Gals are superior" path. I use only statstring mod, nothing else, but I did made some changes to base piratez game, usually minor tweak to make the game more to my liking. I dont think my modifications are the cause of this problem, only change related to SS in modified training caps.

Steps leading to crash:
(save 1)I create Slave soldiers, wait for them to arrive to base. When I click "Hands" tab in main base, game crashes. This is visible in save file, just time skip to moment they arrive to base. Another strange thing is that they all have same name "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" (visible in "transfers" tab).

(Save 2) When I dissemble statstring mod, another problems shows: no SS are made as result of manufacture recipe. I do recipe, it shows progress and consumes resources, but no SS show in "transfers" tab and they are not created. But crash doesnt appear.

I have included 2 save files, crash log, and statstring archive.

I more info is needed, let me know :-)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2020, 01:45:31 pm
Steps leading to crash:
(save 1)I create Slave soldiers, wait for them to arrive to base. When I click "Hands" tab in main base, game crashes. This is visible in save file, just time skip to moment they arrive to base. Another strange thing is that they all have same name "John Doe" or "Jane Doe" (visible in "transfers" tab).

Doesn't crash for me; and the names are also looking good.

I dont think my modifications are the cause of this problem, only change related to SS in modified training caps.

I'd say the modifications are the issue.
Try with unmodified piratez and see if it helps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bublebree on October 07, 2020, 02:22:29 pm
I'd say the modifications are the issue.
Try with unmodified piratez and see if it helps.

Yea, it was the modification. I even found out what was the problem. Turns out ruleset .rul files are very sensitive to white symbols. I had "tab" at beginning of some lines instead "space".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 07, 2020, 02:32:04 pm
Yea, it was the modification. I even found out what was the problem. Turns out ruleset .rul files are very sensitive to white symbols. I had "tab" at beginning of some lines instead "space".

Yes, YAML doesn't support tabs.
Only spaces can be used.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports - Gal Party Equipment Screen Crash
Post by: Retroactive on October 11, 2020, 04:13:53 am
Hello, I'm getting a crash on the equipment screen for the "Gal Party" mission when attempting to shuffle through my gals, as soon as I try to go past "Echo Helga".

Steps to reproduce crash:

1. Go to equipment screen and try to go past "Echo Helga".

Playing on the latest version  L4 "Mad Melee Massacre".

No mods, on davy jones difficulty.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports #F42 Cyra Avatar/Party Dress crash
Post by: Retroactive on October 11, 2020, 10:27:41 am
After investigating the crash some more I found that Avatar #F42 Cyra (the one with cyan hair and a robotic right eye) caused the crash when you use it with party dress and then try and view the gal in the equipment screen.

And this makes the game crash even when not on the mission.

The gal I was trying to select during the party mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 11, 2020, 08:58:55 pm
There's a bug in localization:
GMTACTIC8: "Synthetic Dreams" -> The title of the song is "Rise". The artist is "Makeup and Vanity Set".
GMGEO11: "Vanity Set" -> The title of the song is "Solo Nobre Must Fall (Theme from Brigador)". The artist is "Makeup and Vanity Set".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bublebree on October 12, 2020, 10:35:16 am

there is potentional mistake in L4 with Red Shield. In Yankey_script.rul in section about red shield, damage type 16 (stab) is in 2 lines, both for 25% resistance and shield bypass. Bootypedia says the damage type Stab has 25% resist.

Code: [Select]
                  # Weaker element does 25% damage
                  else or eq damaging_type 4 eq damaging_type 12 eq damaging_type 16; #Laser, Electric, Stabbing
                    set shieldResistCoeff 25;

                    # Stronger element either ignores shield, or does 250% damage (Fire, EMP)
                  else or eq damaging_type 14 eq damaging_type 15 eq damaging_type 16; #Warp, Mind, Stabby
                    return power part side;
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal on October 15, 2020, 11:23:07 am
First of all, thank you so much for the great job you have done.
  As a result of long-term use of the Zeppelin (many thanks to its creator), I could not stand it and, all the same, dug through additional doors at the opposite wall. I post the results here, because I have not found a more suitable topic.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 21, 2020, 06:16:48 pm
Typo in MYSTERIES -> Combat Stress BootyPedia:
"fer too long" -> "for too long"
Don't think it's due to author's colorful writing style.

Same in JOURNAL -> !Monster Hunt"
"fer example" -> "for example"
Here it's probably intentional, even though "for" is used in last sentence.

Gonna contribute that to Brainers' radiation exposure and stop reporting unless critical.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: khade on October 23, 2020, 01:53:19 am
Fer could be piratey speech, which your crew uses early on in the game.  As they get more civilized they drop a lot of it, but they do use it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on October 23, 2020, 02:04:22 pm
Fer could be piratey speech, which your crew uses early on in the game.  As they get more civilized they drop a lot of it, but they do use it.

Note that the chief Brainer often does it on purpose or sarcastically. ("Soylent not good. Meat good.")
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on October 24, 2020, 08:08:43 am
I found a room in the technomancer's lair that was disconnected from the rest of the base.  After I tunneled to the room I found a hallway leading to a wall near where I started. The area has several doors that look like walls so was there a terrain mix up?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 25, 2020, 10:07:15 pm
Not a mixup persay, just the terrain randomization mixing with the fact that the best we can do for a "locked" door is a solid wall.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 26, 2020, 06:39:21 pm
"Personal Labs" does not have "Study" service mentioned in its Tech Tree entry. I do consider it unintended or at least an oversight.

Was a major cause of headache yesterday as I tried to figure out illogical Hellerium dependency when planning a Still in new base. Apparently you can't build Still without researching Alchemy, you can't get Alchemy without Hellerium, and you can't research Hellerium without "Study", which requires Still. Only alternate way through this bottleneck (and only in starting base) is brute forcing RNG for Hellerium freebie, but that comes so much later I'd already have 8 bases fully set up with 1 empty space remaining - for Still.
I was able to overcome this problem via online BootyPedia (offline looks broken in L4) which told be about Personal Labs but this isn't very good or long term solution. Not to mention spoiler galore.

Service is clearly mentioned in BootyPedia however but the problem with that is obvious. Too much stuff happens between then and now that we forget and we're not savants to keep it all in our heads. So please add it in tech tree where it belongs, to bring it in line with other relevant buildings. While we're at it might as well add services as searchable string in existing tree viewer mechanic (so "medic" brings up Sickbay [f] for example).

Well shit, "Personal Labs [f]" does have "Study" mentioned... hehe. In light of this I'll put the last part in suggestion thread as even with the string there it didn't help all that much as you can see.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 26, 2020, 06:48:13 pm
"Personal Labs" does not have "Study" service mentioned in its Tech Tree entry. I do consider it unintended or at least an oversight.

I can see it.

So please add it in tech tree where it belongs, to bring it in line with other relevant buildings.

We cannot add or remove anything from the tech tree entries, they are auto-generated and are never wrong.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 26, 2020, 07:07:43 pm
Yeah I just fukken noticed my mistake... not that it would help me as it still relies on player's memory. Or maybe it would, hard to say.
What about searchable services string in tech tree, cannot be done too? That would definitely help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 26, 2020, 07:23:02 pm
What about searchable services string in tech tree, cannot be done too? That would definitely help.

Can be done, but I don't want it.

Search by anything else than the name is confusing as heck.
You can nicely see it in the Inventory search, which searches not only by the item name but also by the item category name.
So when you search let's say for Precision Pistol and enter "prec" as your search expression, you'll get an endless list of junk instead of Precision Pistol only... all because there is a category which contains the word precision. Btw. there is also a category containing the word pistol... so searching for Precision Pistol is practically impossible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 26, 2020, 07:42:06 pm
That's a shame but I understand. Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on October 29, 2020, 07:17:08 pm
Mod side, Dioxine is going to add an event gently reminding(or insultingly reminding, depending on who you ask) people to build Personal Labs if they haven't done so by a certain month. As usual, he expects people to just ignore it.

Amusingly enough, you are not the only one who had the exact same trouble with the Study function, right down to the wild goose chase of recursive dependencies, and the word from the mouth of god is 'working as intended'.

Dio considers the tech tree viewer a cheat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 29, 2020, 07:38:55 pm

there is potentional mistake in L4 with Red Shield. In Yankey_script.rul in section about red shield, damage type 16 (stab) is in 2 lines, both for 25% resistance and shield bypass. Bootypedia says the damage type Stab has 25% resist.

Thank you, a good catch.

Typo in MYSTERIES -> Combat Stress BootyPedia:
"fer too long" -> "for too long"
Don't think it's due to author's colorful writing style.

Same in JOURNAL -> !Monster Hunt"
"fer example" -> "for example"
Here it's probably intentional, even though "for" is used in last sentence.

Both intentional. I know how to write "for", lmao.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 31, 2020, 04:33:44 am
Hotfixes for L5 (crashes and other hijinks on Nuke maps):

Another critical bug detected:
Piratez_factions.rul, lines 19226 and 32008:
STR_CANNY is supposed to be STR_CANNYS
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 31, 2020, 06:31:07 pm
Quick check:
These go into \User\mods\Piratez\MAPS (first two) & \User\mods\Piratez\TERRAIN (third)?

In existing L4 ruleset file there's nothing close near mentioned lines. Closest I got are 18808 & 20437 (both with "S" at end); & 32053. Are you perhaps using references from your personal updated WIP version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on October 31, 2020, 07:22:32 pm
Quick check:
These go into \User\mods\Piratez\MAPS (first two) & \User\mods\Piratez\TERRAIN (third)?

In existing L4 ruleset file there's nothing close near mentioned lines. Closest I got are 18808 & 20437 (both with "S" at end); & 32053. Are you perhaps using references from your personal updated WIP version?

Indeed it is. On win 10 in notepad press ctrl + g to display the go to the line menu and insert the value above. It's the only singular 0f the ones you will find in the file
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2020, 07:25:27 pm
Are you perhaps using references from your personal updated WIP version?

No, he's referencing the published L5 version.
Please read.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 31, 2020, 08:40:00 pm
No, he's referencing the published L5 version.
Please read.
My bad, didn't notice L5 was released.
Same problem persists in new Piratez_Factions.rul as in old L4 one though. Nothing remotely close to the lines mentioned.

...and insert the value above...
You're confusing me. Hotfix says nothing about inserting but rather replacing.

Is it a problem to just upload the fixed file?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2020, 08:50:58 pm
My bad, didn't notice L5 was released.
Same problem persists in new Piratez_Factions.rul as in old L4 one though. Nothing remotely close to the lines mentioned.

It is exactly where he says it is.
Screenshot attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 31, 2020, 08:59:07 pm
Guess I'll wait L6 then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wolfreal on October 31, 2020, 10:14:31 pm
Here you have corrected Piratez_Faction.rul file.

The ruleset goes here:

The files for MAPS, the one below, goes in Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\MAPS


The file with the MCD:
Goes here: Dioxine_XPiratez\user\mods\Piratez\TERRAIN

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on October 31, 2020, 10:38:46 pm
You're confusing me. Hotfix says nothing about inserting but rather replacing.
Sorry, actually i meant using notepad on win 10 the above mentioned shortcut which will prompt a window askin "go to the line" and the insert the line number Dioxine referenced ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on October 31, 2020, 10:50:21 pm
Np. I'm on Win7 and its Notepad has go-to grayed out so I used Word.

All I wanted, ThankS!

In my case lines are 19437 and 32236.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: xcomfan on November 01, 2020, 01:36:20 pm
A bug in 0.99L5, started a new game and i can already research aqua plastics, i captured a guild engineer actually but still have not researched him yet, so it's smoething wrong, probably..

Edit: a messed string regarding the "assault on winter mission" research seems to also be in there
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on November 01, 2020, 04:30:55 pm
Loaded xcomfan's sav and in the L5's bootypedia text is not completely formatted, seems the description is to fit the garyed box, but not in all items, oh ok, again it gonne be done in upcoming version, nothing too fancy

Edit: in that version, seems the research tree was somewhat revisioned, there are some mismatched strings
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 01, 2020, 05:16:51 pm
Aqua plastics can be always researched, if you have the items.

The strings are not "messed up", they're just not supposed to be ever seen by the player. Tech tree viewer is "use at your own risk" feature.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 02, 2020, 08:59:58 pm
Bug fix for L5A2 (manacles not working)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 03, 2020, 06:03:44 pm
Unsure if bug:
Animal Skinning ( states (hides/meat/misc) but with B: Werewolf (2/6/7) ( and B: Shambler (5/12/6) ( something don't add up.
In Werewolf case it seems 6 & 7 should switch places; and in Shambler case it all fits together only if we ignore 2 weapons.
Do weapons in these cases not count as "misc", or are purposely left out?

Didn't check other examples as I hope a script handles value generation and it's only a matter of tagging items correctly to fix it all. Maybe stuff slips through as they get added into the game. If not, I could report other possible similar discrepancies I come across manually. Assuming my understanding of bracket values isn't at fault to begin with.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 04, 2020, 04:49:49 pm
A glitch in the Matrix has been found:
BootyPedia: CAPTAIN'S LOG -> Undersea Operations (
"Melee Combat. with..." -> "Melee Combat. With..."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 09, 2020, 07:31:06 pm
Unsure if bug:
Animal Skinning ( states (hides/meat/misc) but with B: Werewolf (2/6/7) ( and B: Shambler (5/12/6) ( something don't add up.

Thanks for checking, but these bracket numbers are a relic anyway, since nowadays you can see what will be produced in the workshop project window. So I don't pay that much attention to updating them. Maybe should remove them altogether, but it's a lot of quite pointless work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 10, 2020, 04:41:50 pm
Maybe should remove them altogether, but it's a lot of quite pointless work.

It's not pointless for the translators... :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 12, 2020, 07:57:51 am
Typo in Superslave ( entry:
"from his eyes und generally" -> "from his eyes and generally"
Would understand if it were about a Humanist, ja. But nein here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 12, 2020, 07:21:42 pm
Typo in Superslave ( entry:
"from his eyes und generally" -> "from his eyes and generally"
Would understand if it were about a Humanist, ja. But nein here.

Humanists are not Germans. Don't put such racist comments here, please.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 14, 2020, 08:15:24 pm
#76 ( "(it normally shows 'Normal')" -> (it normally shows 'Default')

Out of style Thv -> ThV (5-Thv compared to 178-ThV in whole BootyPedia)

You wouldn't last long with the Humanists!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on November 18, 2020, 01:31:13 pm
There seems to be an inconsistency between the Golden Shields article, which states that plasma deals full damage, and the refractor armor article, which states that the shield is strong against plasma. They can't both be right.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 20, 2020, 10:01:15 am
Got a proper bug for a change: Skip "Next Turn" screen....YARR! option is ignored on radiation maps.
Hit end turn on attached save to illustrate.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on November 20, 2020, 01:52:16 pm
If armored car is halfway at ramp then autoshot (25 mm cannon) only produces single shot but takes tu for full auto. Screen and save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 20, 2020, 04:00:49 pm
If armored car is halfway at ramp then autoshot (25 mm cannon) only produces single shot but takes tu for full auto. Screen and save attached.

Known bug.
Categorized as "won't fix".

EDIT: we will try again
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 20, 2020, 05:14:35 pm
Back to BootyPedia: Lynx SMG's operational description is misleading on both counts.
It fires slower than Skorpion SMG but with higher accuracy. Range is the same.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 21, 2020, 09:29:28 pm
Lynx does fire faster, though; higher RPM on both burst and full auto modes. You have mixed something up.
But I have reduced its range, that was indeed an omission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 22, 2020, 10:24:43 am
I recall with other weapons faster means higher cyclic fire rate as in more rounds per burst. More rounds in Auto/Snap mode and/or less TU % usage. Not actual speed of physical projectiles or their rate of fire (mechanically irrelevant you'll agree). Is semantically inconsistent while Scorpion outmatches Lynx in fire rate but is worse in accuracy and Pedia doesn't reflect that. Something like 'slower fire rate at increased accuracy but reduce range' for Lynx makes sense.
As I write this... just noticed that Lynx does cost less TU to use so description partially holds. If Lynx shared Skorpion's Auto (x8) it would be perfect imo.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 22, 2020, 12:58:26 pm
Probably known but, in Fence screen, RMB on Bounty Tokens (any) shows previously available and used items (prizes, badges, etc) as ***. Like they are yet to be researched. For example Prize: Piranha turns into *** after getting the prize. Makes it look like it's yet to be researched, like it is the case with every other item in Fence screen. I guess the reason is because consequent items in reward chain disable previous ones and that's somehow tied to that info popup via code?

Also, is there any place I could check for known bugs?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 23, 2020, 12:09:22 am
The discord server is your best bet, Dioxine tend to fix stuff as soon they are brought up. Such a document would be more or less pointless most of the time, given how fast fixes tend to roll out, even if most of the time by corrected files posted on the server.. I've brought up issues in the past that got fixed in less then 5 mins.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 23, 2020, 12:11:09 am
Probably known but, in Fence screen, RMB on Bounty Tokens (any) shows previously available and used items (prizes, badges, etc) as ***. Like they are yet to be researched. For example Prize: Piranha turns into *** after getting the prize. Makes it look like it's yet to be researched, like it is the case with every other item in Fence screen. I guess the reason is because consequent items in reward chain disable previous ones and that's somehow tied to that info popup via code?

Also, is there any place I could check for known bugs?

Prizes and similar things are un-researched and disabled after they've been done.
That's why it shows ***

Not a bug, just a side effect.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 23, 2020, 05:06:49 am
Scorpion vs. Lynx
Autoshot: 8x2 vs 6x3, Lynx 2 rounds more.
Burst: 4x4 vs 4x3, Lynx 4 rounds more.
Really there is nothing "partial" here.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 23, 2020, 10:19:02 am
There is and I know you know it. I'll just wait patiently for an inevitable fix. Won't even gloat :p

I'm aware of Discord just hate using it. Speed of addressing fixes don't bother me. May drop in if I'm desperate for urgent XPz related advice, in case Hammers get ninja nerfed (I can smell it in the air).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on November 24, 2020, 11:05:59 am
Damage calculation for "Powers of Seduction" is off, at least according to CTRL+M.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 24, 2020, 02:53:15 pm
Ctrl+M displays MELEE damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 07, 2020, 04:34:07 pm
Hotfixes for L6:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 09, 2020, 02:33:43 am
Can anyone confirm this graphical glitch in manufacture screen that occurs when list gets super huge?
In the image I'm holding LMB and dragging.
(load save, goto 1st base, open new production menu)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 09, 2020, 09:00:49 pm
CHOKING   101 -> 100?
Almost went blind. Hope it's a typo!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 10, 2020, 01:59:41 am
It's there specially for you to notice it's not 400%, since 100% gets omitted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 10, 2020, 03:02:40 am
It's far more obvious in-game, just posted pedia link coz it's easiest although difficult to notice in that format (was told it's auto-generated from game). Typically I don't pay attention to resistances unless the armor values passes my "check". Been putting high hopes in every armor that looks like a good successor to old aging Metal I still use (partial replacement began with Synthsuit) but always hit undesired TU or Weight penalty roadblock. That's how I caught it.
Honest to God I don't go around with a magnifying glass or anything like that, just report when I stumble on something that stands out. Have noticed a handful of extra "a" & "the" along my journeys but thought let's leave it as part of the charm.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 10, 2020, 06:15:19 am
This one was easier to spot -
Image looks like copya pasta from RU version. Or foreshadows some kind of Euroasian Autonomy dealings? :p
Most out of place thing however is the sudden UI button position / design change.

Props for filling early-game gaps and retrofitting stuff. Researched the topic after one of regular civs I thought I exhausted all topics from suddenly had 6 more added. Provides for some truly unique gaming experience when it develops right under your feet (when it's done right ofc, money grabbin F2P crap excluded). At 35% I'm already fearing the end nearing, like with a good book.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 11, 2020, 10:34:20 am
Another 101. Unbeelievable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 11, 2020, 12:58:52 pm
What's so unbelieveable? I already explained I put these on purpose.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 11, 2020, 07:27:51 pm
Sorry if I missed it but what's the explanation?

Couple more:
If you go into let's say Savvy Girl ( and follow last 6 research topics she yields, they all break existing UI formatting as in my earlier report. Some have cyrillic text also. Haiku is cool but doesn't fit into established narrative.

Pillow Book debug leftovers in attachments.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on December 11, 2020, 07:44:02 pm
Sorry if I missed it but what's the explanation?

Any damage value of 100% will not be shown on the ufopaedia. By using the trick of adding 1 Dioxine ensures that a player can notice it is not (the expected?) 400%.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 11, 2020, 08:07:55 pm
Expected: when it's not there it's 100%. Why complicate with arbitrary exceptions?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on December 11, 2020, 08:19:15 pm
I cannot really comment on the Dioxine's rationale. But ... this is not the kind of adaption you do on a whim, couple that with impressive work delivered already i assume there is a pretty good reason to go this route.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 11, 2020, 08:22:09 pm
Then that makes two of us :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 12, 2020, 09:13:24 pm
The point with the non defaults is that lots of people wrongly assuming what the default actually is. 100% for full damage is not a common convention to display. These days we tend to see subtractive models rather then multiplicative.   

This leads to lots of repetitive questions on the defaults, and wrong assumptions because the engine makes defaults invisible without clicking through several more actions. So easier to next nearest % to force display.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 13, 2020, 06:44:14 am
I'm brushing up on my math before taking on School Graduation when I noticed something (attachment).
Presumably automatic formula handles average total damage of weapons (ANAL screen) but gets it wrong with accuracy above 100%. In this case it's Conversion Launcher.

Didn't notice the new analyse screen for weapons until yesterday so I reckon that's one of the new tricks too. Original designer of weapon screens nailed intuitive information presentation so even in XPZ case of many weapons I was able to determine the best one without relying on formula (not at all because it's so damn OP, just how I like it!). One thing I didn't expect however is how relatively powerful Bulldog's 50mm DPM is, although dishing out that damage is short lived. Good work by adding this, thank you.

UPDATE: DPM is also affected. Should be 135.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tarkalak on December 13, 2020, 09:40:24 am
Expected: when it's not there it's 100%. Why complicate with arbitrary exceptions?

Most human-like enemies have CHOKE (a.k.a. smoke) damage modifier of 400%, it is the default for humanoids without gas mask or other protection from smoke. So the player might assume that this is the default and not check for, let's say some enemy with gas mask, having 100%.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 13, 2020, 09:08:35 pm
People are so bad at assumptions in this joint. Appreciate the 3rd explanation but I don't meant to brag when I said I got it the 1st time. I'll ask again: why override existing expectation of 100% = blank? Why cater to idiots (excuse my Chateau de la Mort)? So many things to assume in this game but it's decided to handle this one in the most clumsiest way. Part of the charm is allowing players to get royally F'd by their own assumptions. Let them suffer. Let me thrive. Delete 101s.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on December 13, 2020, 11:50:48 pm
Well sadly you are in the severe minority then, as much as Dioxine might agree with you, it's not worth spending the time to field the same question thousands of times. I've been around the project for years now, and it was the same set of stupid questions over and over, eventually we got tired of the repetition. Only so many times you can politely answer the same slice of stupid. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 14, 2020, 02:41:30 am
Feared as much. Well I understand now, the severity might break my back too. If only Meridian could write his "no" script for such questions, we could restore the glorious 100s! Thank you as well for your contributions, whatever they may be. What are the chances I could sneak up tiny changes behind Dioxine's back through you?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2020, 03:13:06 am
The practical difference between 100% and 101% is practically nil, so why does it matter anyway if it's 100 or 101?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 14, 2020, 03:49:39 am
It's an aesthetical design travesty and as of recently symbolizes the downfall of human spirit!
It may appear like I'm having fun with this, but I ain't. Will pain me every time I come across it...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 14, 2020, 04:16:35 am
More debug text stuff (using en-US.yml hotfix from Discard). Affected research paths are all of them except "Recruit her".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 14, 2020, 04:53:30 am
With the time you've debated this, it would have been easier to instead use a text editor to replace the offending 101's in the ruleset with 100's. Find and replace is a great feature.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 14, 2020, 06:43:11 am
101 is as good a number as 100. All numbers are equal. Reject false standards of mathematical beauty, embrace equality!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: tarkalak on December 14, 2020, 11:15:56 am
101 is as good a number as 100. All numbers are equal. Reject false standards of mathematical beauty, embrace equality!

Theorem: All numbers are interesting. Interesting is defined as having a unique property.
Proof: Lets assume that there are interesting and non-interesting numbers.
1. There will be one non-interesting number that is the smallest (by absolute value if you consider the negatives too).
2. So the smallest non-interesting number is definitely an interesting number.
3. Now we have another smallest non-interesting number which turns it into an interesting number by 2.
Repeat 2 and 3 for each of the remaining non-interesting numbers.
Theorem -- proven. Hasta la vista baby!

Mind that symmetry is considered beautiful, 101 is symmetric, therefore it is better than 100.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 14, 2020, 02:14:14 pm
It's an aesthetical design travesty and as of recently symbolizes the downfall of human spirit!
It may appear like I'm having fun with this, but I ain't. Will pain me every time I come across it...

Get off my f***ing back, will you? That nitpicking is annoying as heck. I won't change it. I don't see how this is in any way unaesthetic. Deal with it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 15, 2020, 06:44:28 am
Is Synthmuscle Mesh supposed to be up there together with Trappings in the Fence list? It's not an armor on its own but a component. While Durathread/Kevlar Mesh, Kevlar/Power Armor Parts components all have their own section down bellow. Think of searching a card in a shuffled deck vs ordered one, except this mtf has over 300 cards. Before anyone mentions, search function slows the process down when moving category items in bulk (if you can even remem the names).
Hope this isn't too nitpicky for our little princess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on December 16, 2020, 11:44:27 am
@Nilex (niculinux?)  hey, gosh :/  sustainly nitpitching..

you should be pleased, and gladly thankful -for someone modding and continuously furthetr developes, (practically mostly gratis, for almost no pay´ments) such G-oldie game..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 17, 2020, 12:34:30 am
I am :)
The same courtesy should go to people who report bugs n stuff. By playing rigorously and taking the time and effort (not everyone is photo-shop artisan) to concisely write up a report. Gratis. As opposed to get called a cheater on the entrance.
The 101 thing is complete bullcrap and will remain for as long as it's there. More so when the reason why is considered. He should have gotten tough when the time was right, lol.
The most funny thing is my short crusade ended on the previous page but people like digging up old graves. So, any uglies whose fingers are tingling: the matter is over. Can't get any clearer than that. If you got anything personal to say go whine to your mom and dad instead. The bugs reports will be coming (but not all of them hehe).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 17, 2020, 11:25:31 am
In BootyPedia, DOOM 2 armor description omits the minus sign in "Wt: -10" (screen 1), while online pedia shows it ( Error is only visual, mechanically OK.

In Tech Tree viewer, Nuclear-Powered Lasers displays redundant School Graduation dependency (screen 2). Hellerium Munitions ( already have SG dependency. If this is intended for whatever reason (leftover for before HM was added, cleanup of similar cases too complex) then ignore. It's just that it's very obvious here or I wouldn't have spot it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ZoA on December 17, 2020, 07:37:52 pm

You should change your user name to Neelix  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Skybreaker on December 18, 2020, 01:44:57 am
Game crashes when trying to look up JUGULATOR/SYN or JUGULATOR/SYN (SEA) in bootypedia. Same thing if I want to see the result from the research screen. 0-G can be accessed without any problems.

Edit: Built the armor and equipped it. Works normally on missions. Only bootypedia entry crashes the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on December 19, 2020, 06:41:47 pm
Fired up 0.99L6, and as for small bandit camp mission, if the description in the geoscape is clicked the mission description is displayed ok, but once a craft is sent to engage the mission, the briefing right before the action not..

Edit: on L6, usin the tech tree viewer, other strings are missin, see screnshots
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 22, 2020, 03:48:43 pm
Vampires are categorized in Hellerium Extraction but do not yield Hellerium.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 24, 2020, 09:16:11 pm
Advanced Launcher looked like a winner until I saw Snap TU cost. When compared with the rest of its category it's actually the slowest firing. When compared with direct technological predecessor, the Rocket Launcher, it's slightly better but again higher Snap TU cost ruins it. 52% feels as if it should have been 42%, to bring the weapon in alignment with the description.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on December 25, 2020, 11:49:13 am
I've never had issues with it and I used it quite extensively (MAG rockets FTW!). If you account for the reload cost, you will not be able to fire it twice in a turn anyway, even with 42% TU's. Plus, since it's use requires much thught and planning (having it's user in the right position at the right time against the proper opponent) I never use the 'hail mary' snapshot option - I like to maximize the hit chance for important shots.

On the lore side - if you fire it without really aiming (Snap) it still takes slightly more time to set up, due to advanced electronics, than it's simpler predecessor. While in Aimed you actually use the electronics for faster target acquisition/lock.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 25, 2020, 12:55:02 pm
MAG rockets are a hail mary, period. Next best thing is RR with PS ammo but it instantly becomes worthless in comparison. My point is either the text is wrong or Snap TU cost. 42% brings it in line with other improvements over Rocket Launcher (for example 75% -> 72% for Aimed TU). If 52% stays then RL remains a better choice (less thought and planning required).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on December 25, 2020, 06:28:33 pm
Canister Launcher ( references both ammo types causing armor damage but only chem is mentioned, and three are displayed. Wording is bit confusing so trip to analysis screen is necessary (chem & burn cause armor damage).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on December 27, 2020, 09:30:10 pm
Canister Launcher ( references both ammo types causing armor damage but only chem is mentioned, and three are displayed. Wording is bit confusing so trip to analysis screen is necessary (chem & burn cause armor damage).
The canister launcher is practically worthless anyway, the only benefit is its 1x3 sized. That 3 shot capacity tanks it real hard. Consider it an npc item they can use to wound you, but doesn't really help you out. A pure liability. The chem damage isnt even AOE, and a shotgun with chem is going to destroy people alot worse than that.

But thats not why im posting.
There is a coordinate mismatch for mission generation that I think was supposed to be in southern africa but dioxine got it off slightly, its out in the ocean. Ive had a mission come up here for a Trader's Guild Warehouse too. And yes the mission is on land... without there being an island there.
Playing L6 version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 02, 2021, 07:00:03 pm
This small bug concerns online BP only. In SERVICES ( screen all those cyan links are missing an extra #. Currently they are dead links.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 02, 2021, 07:09:50 pm
This screen has white pillar-boxing for some reason (attachment), while every other has regular black pillars. Got it shorty after finishing that 4-stage Red Mage dungeon some days ago (forgot to post then). Interestingly I was unable to find it on online BP. Not even gonna try finding it in-game. My screen ratio setup is black pillar-boxed to 16:10, working as expected until this screen showed up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 05, 2021, 09:30:59 pm
Ninja Badge loot displays as Weird Thingie even after it has been researched long ago.
UPDATE: same with Merc Bizcard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 06, 2021, 05:15:16 am
Prisoners with "Item required" attribute (unlike usual "Item destroyed") take up one additional prison space while they're being researched. Examples are Captive Maiden and few Dr. X states (Hired, Affection, For Sale) and probably all others with same attribute.
Regarding Captive Maiden, its attribute should probably match other captives (Item destroyed) but a free Courtesan is a free Courtesan.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 11, 2021, 09:01:10 am
This one becomes super obvious when you try to replenish stock via manufacture but can't find it there. Only it is but under a nonsensical name. Hellerium Rocket is called Plasma Rocket in manufacture, practically unfindable until you deduce from tech tree it's the item you need. It's logical to apply the name to Fusion Rocket since it takes 2 Hellerium to produce 1 Rocket, similarly to Plasma weapon clips. While Hellerium Rocket also requires Chemicals. Was curious so I checked discord and Plasma is, for whatever reason, accepted by everyone except one bug report which got ignored.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on January 11, 2021, 06:28:04 pm
Map Errors

Not a lethal bug but look at this terrain mapscripting. Besides the water, that stairway is one way, its also the Only stairway crossing that pier. Hover stuff doesn't work well in chem so I didnt bring it to the mission. (Its a Snakeman Culling). Over on that side are Chryssalids that for whatever reason I just couldn't target from the Building across the street. So I had to sit here with gals and super shotguns hoping to pick off any that wandered close enough by dangling someone on the edge tile (melee range).

Second screenshot is IDK if its actually a bug but for some reason EGGPLANTS are really in style. I forget which map this was, probably one of those psychedelic maps with the sectoweed bales. But look at how it boosted my score. I dont mind but id rather other important things got scored better than something that has zilch game impact.
(If you count the silly mushrooms I basically just got like 400 infamy from crap I found on the ground)

Mission was a Bandit Town but I dont think that matters particularly in this case.

Edit - Third screenshot is a Reticulan base in a hot zone (probe generated) which somehow failed to generate any of the architecture map blocks. It was ironically even tougher to fight than usual because it was ALL out in the open with Zero cover except the ship. Fourth picture the Rets even lined up bunched in one spot on the first turn (the armored car grinded them into pulp though).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 18, 2021, 10:53:00 am
Stray pixel, all variants (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on January 19, 2021, 07:10:29 pm
Inconsistent ordering of Apoc cult in pedia. Examinations are OK.
Normally it goes from weakest -> strongest threat (within a faction), typically encountered in same order too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on January 26, 2021, 07:17:22 pm
More MAP errors and possibly an ENGINE BUG.
im using android version of openxcom

Gal Party
At the Party there are NO EXIT TILES.
Thats a huge problem. It doesn't make any sense either.
Especially since you're likely to send your most elite Hands to the party for their melee skills.
It should probably go out in the parking lot and it probably only needs to be a 3x3. Please dont make a joke about "I wanted to leave but I was drunk and couldn't find the door!"

- - -

Sea Oddity / Tunnel
I failed to get a screenshot in time but the Big Brick thing where I guess the Orange Exit tiles are located I think only has an exit on its lower left side... it spawned on the left side of the map blocking off any way to get in it. Because it takes up a whole 10x10 map chunk.

Im not aware of any armors that allow you to 'fly' underwater so I couldn't get up into any of the upper level holes, which im assuming are actually there for deep ones to swarm out of and get you (all 8 of my hands were using Looter if it matters). I killed 2 deep one nomads but the 3rd was obviously in the Brick and he wouldn't panic or come out.

I save hacked to stun him. You cant use Grenades underwater so I couldn't throw anything in through the holes to blast him.

It needs to have a entrance of some kind on at least 3 sides or it needs to be smaller by 1 on each side, or it needs to be a 20x20 which is decorated to look like normal terrain around the Brick.

(all this to pick up a silly d.i.l.d.o. - who Died anyway because one of my gals with a Stapler shot her after the Ghosts made her go berserk)

- - -

Space Freighter
Soft Lock / Immense Lag  (ENGINE BUG)
EVERY TIME a DOOR is opened there is at least a 6 Second freeze before the character steps through it. During the enemy movement phase this just goes on for like 6-7 minutes with the door opening sound effect playing pretty much like a broken record.
It even takes several seconds to open up the options menu to load game out of it (since I had to check if OXC was just locked up).

I can understand huge numbers of enemies bogging down the game but this happens when a DOOR OPENS... not when the character Steps... so there is some other laborious check taking place here besides just doing a lighting or visibility check.

The only other time I see this happen is on Heavy Freighter maps when opening the storage closets on the lower feet of the ship. It simultaneously opens all the doors in that line, there is a noticeable lag but it only happens there and its only like 1 second.

I had 3 Hands who came in on a Nightmare with Heavy Suits and Boom Guns with 20 shots each, lots of explosives, and I was prepared to use picked up guns in case there were lots of opponents. Thats at least 50 kills coming.

One of them got bitten real bad by a Reaper on turn 2... So I just assumed victory and Stunlevel Nuked the whole map in the save file. I haven't checked but I dont think there are any Exit Grid Tiles in the hangar either.

I remember seeing early pics of x-piratez where there was a huge ship with tons of thrusters on the side of it out in the desert - I figured that was the actual space freighter (what's that map? was it the original space freighter landed?)

There is also an engine bug of some kind that happens on some Underwater maps where there's a significant pause during every Step a character takes. I see it happen for sure on Underwater Assets maps, so there aren't huge numbers of enemies, and its not a huge map either. Game doesn't have a problem with adjusting lighting on regular night maps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on January 26, 2021, 07:55:00 pm
Chiller outfits let you 'fly' underwater, as do frogman suits for peasants or males.  The benefit of both of these is that you don't need extra oxygen either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on January 26, 2021, 09:38:24 pm
Chiller outfits let you 'fly' underwater, as do frogman suits for peasants or males.  The benefit of both of these is that you don't need extra oxygen either.
Still if there isnt an entrance on that lower left side then there's no Regular entrance to even get to the 2nd stage of the mission, and there's nothing in the mission description to suggest thats a problem. In fact a "tunnel" suggests it goes DOWN and that it will be recessed into the ground tiles 2 or 3 floors down much like the infested cellars. Im looking for a hole.
I suspect that Brick also has a 10 spot spawner for that deep one as a goalie, making sure you have to get in there to kill all enemies.

(I was running heavily armed, air muskets with WP ammo, and 5 Minilaunchers with a bunch of Fire Minibombs)

Overall, bad design.
Id also wonder what the point is just to get a since they dont really do much and you get plenty from ratman caches. I figure there should be magic gear items there, something actually worth something. I mean it could just be a lesson that some missions just suck and you just ignore that kind after you get burned with it.
I mean NOW that I know its possible to 'fly' underwater and its built into that map as a requirement (hey what about the 1-3 gals who cant 'fly' and reach the exit tiles?)... well I can plan for it.
But Now having played it I know its NOT worth even going there, so there's not going to be a 2nd try because its pointless. At least in Sunken Ships you can find Shadow Orbs. Id go for it if there were Dark Ones with UAC Plasma Rifles for me to snatch, or a big steaming pile of Aqua Plastics.

Abit like the Space Freighter, after I stunlevel'd everyone I noticed just how nasty some of those critters might've been... I actually might not have been able to handle those Droids and even with boom guns im not sure if the Ship Officers could be taken down (red shields). There were bodyguard armor parts there but the only other benefit was a Damaged Syn on the ship.

Yeah well, you find Damaged Syns in some of the regular Orbital Missions too and zorching a few guild guys in 0-G is a heck of alot easier. Thats where I remember getting like 5 Syn Gals overall in a previous playthrough. I haven't hit that type of orbital derelict ship in this playthrough yet.

Thats all speculative or opinion though. There is still a Bug there. And there are serious bugs with everything else I described.

Also No Exit Grid is a big problem no matter what kind of map it is. Because that means reloading a Geo save to get out of it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on January 27, 2021, 02:04:54 am
Im not aware of any armors that allow you to 'fly' underwater

Most sea armors let you 'fly' underwater, there are only a few exceptions and it's because they're either heavy armor or syns.  I thought it'd be common sense that you can fly underwater to simulate swimming, then I remembered that the makers of TFTD didn't think so either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 03, 2021, 02:49:21 pm
Some more miss-categorization. Off top of my head a good criteria here to be considered a robot is being autonomous (incl. respective corpses in this case, for simplicity sake). It should cover all present and future cases.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on February 04, 2021, 05:32:34 pm
Most sea armors let you 'fly' underwater, there are only a few exceptions and it's because they're either heavy armor or syns.  I thought it'd be common sense that you can fly underwater to simulate swimming, then I remembered that the makers of TFTD didn't think so either.
But in TFTD, all your guys are wearing Looter (Sea), and thus cannot "fly".

Abit like the Space Freighter, after I stunlevel'd everyone I noticed just how nasty some of those critters might've been... I actually might not have been able to handle those Droids and even with boom guns im not sure if the Ship Officers could be taken down (red shields). There were bodyguard armor parts there but the only other benefit was a Damaged Syn on the ship.
The Space Freighter is described to be more of a smash-and-grab, you're not actually expected to fight your way through the entire ship. You can get Orbs from this, though.

Red Shields are actually way easier to deal with than Blue Shields, because they have much lower resistance to the heavy damage types you can throw at them. In fact, since they provide no defense whatsoever against Mind, I just neutral-whip everyone senseless, which I was going to do anyway, so as far as my playstyle is concerned, Red Shields basically don't exist.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on February 05, 2021, 12:57:09 pm
Seems to be some sort of bug involving double missile strikes.  Just basically got an early game over out of the blue when 18 buildings in my main base got pulverized by 6 waves of the x3 missiles so basically the whole base was lost to connectivity.  Pretty sure only 3 waves are intended in a month.

TBH not sure why these strikes are in the game since you can lose to one dice roll but that's a separate issue xD
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 05, 2021, 01:11:01 pm
Strikes on Jack Sparrow difficulty are indeed punitive BS. But so is the whole setting at that point. Clown car ships(escorts with 6+ terror units), bonkers enemy stat buffs, ect.

But on all the other difficulties the player is the one with agency as to when the strikes start. If you somehow manage to clear a disruptive transmissions before getting up even marginal AA defense with an extra month of lead time you kinda asked for it.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on February 05, 2021, 01:24:47 pm
Yeah it's just disappointing since there's nothing you can do if it happens in june.  Just time to restart, particularly in this double bugged one.

Anyways, I'm wondering if it's related to double base defenses.  I have on occasion gotten two ratmen defenses immediately after one another, but that was a year ago, not sure if that was fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on February 05, 2021, 09:16:59 pm
Strikes on Jack Sparrow difficulty are indeed punitive BS. But so is the whole setting at that point. Clown car ships(escorts with 6+ terror units), bonkers enemy stat buffs, ect.
I think the key to winning on Jack Sparrow is the Blood Axe and its ilk: It's a weapon which effectively scales to the enemy's stats, since the more HP they have, the more TU you can get out of them when you whack them with it. At a certain point, you hit a breakpoint and unlock Infinite Killing Spree. I just mowed through an entire Merc ship of like 30-40 guys on turn 1 that way, every Merc you introduce to the sharp blade of your axe gives back more TU than it cost to do this, the rampage only stopping when you run out of enemies you can reach. Because of the sheer number of enemies and their increased HP that JS gives you, it sets off chain reaction where you just bounce from enemy to enemy refilling your TUs as you slay them, periodically chugging your canteen or being stimpacked by medics to not pass out.

Guns, in contrast, scale very badly to this, because no matter how many TUs you have, you can only fire so many shots, and if it takes that many more extra shots to kill, your stopping power plummets like a rock. But TU-refunding melee doesn't care how many HPs the enemy has, the more the merrier.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Helix_Nebula on February 09, 2021, 04:35:46 pm
Got this CTD. If anyone got a quick fix, it will be appreciated (Renaming a file or something like that).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on February 09, 2021, 09:51:53 pm
The temporary workaround appears to be "don't look at the bootypedia entry for the Jugulator". The armor itself works, and the autosave be able to let you continue the game without reading the resulting page.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 09, 2021, 10:20:03 pm
link to the discord post with the fix (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Helix_Nebula on February 09, 2021, 11:05:23 pm
The temporary workaround appears to be "don't look at the bootypedia entry for the Jugulator". The armor itself works, and the autosave be able to let you continue the game without reading the resulting page.
I guess that does work, but it looks pretty, i wanna see it in all its pixelated epicness. XD

link to the discord post with the fix REDACTED

Sadly don't have access.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on February 10, 2021, 01:29:09 am
*waves hand* this is the site you are looking for
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 10, 2021, 01:46:07 am
Sadly don't have access.
Enter via 2) here:,4862.0.html
Create a throwaway account or whatever and then hotfix link will work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Helix_Nebula on February 10, 2021, 03:04:23 am
Enter via 2) here:,4862.0.html
Create a throwaway account or whatever and then hotfix link will work.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on February 11, 2021, 10:37:41 pm
I'm not sure if this is a bug with Piratez or just xcom in general but I had a Courier ship performing a courier mission in the pacific region, and after following it for a while it 'landed' in the middle of the ocean and the map used for the fight was the surface of Mars map. The geoscape picture is as soon as the game returned to geoscape so where the ship is, is where the ship 'landed'.
I think this happened before, a freighter I was following also landed in the middle of the pacific, but I was following with an interceptor instead of a transport and so I declined to attack and the ship just immediately took off again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on February 11, 2021, 11:31:33 pm
I've also seen multiple temple raids in the ocean, west of africa.  No special map, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on February 12, 2021, 07:55:10 am
It'd be interesting if UFOs landed in the middle of the ocean ended up in the underwater map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 12, 2021, 02:48:20 pm
I'm not sure if this is a bug with Piratez or just xcom in general but I had a Courier ship performing a courier mission in the pacific region, and after following it for a while it 'landed' in the middle of the ocean and the map used for the fight was the surface of Mars map.

It's a Piratez bug, or more specifically, a problem with designed mission areas vs. land mass.

The Hawaii islands are often problematic when these two aren't perfectly aligned...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on February 13, 2021, 01:04:16 am
I've seen an enemy craft with a Pacific mission zone try to land on Hawaii, but it missed the mark and immediately took off again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 13, 2021, 08:13:35 am
I've seen an enemy craft with a Pacific mission zone try to land on Hawaii, but it missed the mark and immediately took off again.

Yes, Hawaii was moved more west compared to vanilla... but mission zones are still where Hawaii was before (and where there's only ocean now).

Either move Hawaii back where it was; or move mission zones to the new Hawaii location.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kevL on February 16, 2021, 01:09:44 am

in Piratez.rul

ll. 11066,11067 - damageAlter for STR_QUARTERSTAFF

ToTile: 0.2
ToTile: 0.2

is duplicated. The YamlDotNet library for c# doesn't like ...


ll. 39006,39007 - STR_MINE_ACID

damageType: 6
damageType: 6
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 16, 2021, 01:47:00 am
No dupes in my vanilla L6 ruleset.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kevL on February 16, 2021, 02:43:44 am
i downloaded from dropbox today,4465.0.html

perhaps downloads are out of synch

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 16, 2021, 03:20:18 am
Hm I checked again in original archive are you're right, dupes you mentioned do exist in vanilla L6. My bad sorry.
It seems to have been fixed via hotfix in the meantime even though I searched before answering you to make sure.
Anyway that's fixed, along with handful of other stuff, but hotfixes are scattered around on discord channel.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 16, 2021, 03:11:45 pm
Sprite wpnactive not found OXCE android crash as soon as I press yes to begin mission

You did not install OXCE for Android correctly.

Or more likely, you have overwritten OXCE for Android files by files from Piratez (which comes with OXCE for Windows).... don't do that, copy only mod files, not OXCE files.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 17, 2021, 10:28:16 am
After researching Market of Wishing and all available listed items, Cannon and Flamer remain non purchasable.
Cannon apparently can only be obtained via MoW for its research, unlike the Flamer which is a RNG box reward.
This may even make Mega-Cannon the only item that can be purchased before being researched but it don't work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BBHood217 on February 18, 2021, 04:24:33 am
afaik, neither of those guns are properly implemented yet (mega-flamer as a gamble reward isn't what I'd call a reliable drop).  Those might be a placeholder for when Marsec finally stops playing nice and brings in the elite guard, but anything can change in future versions.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 18, 2021, 09:24:04 am
Yeah assets not fully implemented. The weapons have been around for some years now, without the unit art for there wielders coming along. that you can get a some of them at all is a sign of progress.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 19, 2021, 03:23:58 am
Yeah that was one possibility. Usually WIP stuff is more obvious, that one felt more like a bug.

This one I'm not too sure if it's supposed to be happening or me not understanding full mechanic at play:
Gal in Annihilator, both hands occupied with non-melee weapons, retaliates with Super Gauntlet anyway.
From what I've gathered it shouldn't be possible. End turn in attached save (7z coz +6MB) to demonstrate.

Situation can be useful unless a weak enemy needs to survive which is the case here. Not the first time it happened too, is just how it is.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 20, 2021, 09:39:24 am
Inaccurate MA token cost in Master Crafted Weapon Parts bootypedia entry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on February 21, 2021, 09:38:36 am
Aside handful of known and mentioned but as of yet unobtainable items I haven't seen Warhammer ( reported yet. It's in the tech tree (part of Tomb Guardian armor?) but cannot be obtained as far as I looked into it.

Next report is unusual because mechanically it works normally but rather illogically:
Combo of #065 ( and MASOCHIST ('s Blood Magic ( results in not getting VPW training unless targeting enemies with the Blood Magic buff. Which is comical because the wearer is blind so 50% accuracy penalty is always applied in that case. Not to mention feeding enemy reaction fire (double masochist). If possible I recommend an exception for Blood Magic targets so that hitting allies also train VPW.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bonakva on February 28, 2021, 07:47:57 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 28, 2021, 10:10:35 pm
aye. Graphical layering glitch.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on March 04, 2021, 02:34:43 am
Bug report - missing string (US English).   Landing at a small bandit camp, I get this picture, so it has the string id of "STR_LOC_BANDIT_CAMP_SMALL_BRIEFING", with an appropriate background art. :)

Attached, not sure how to paste it in or embed it.  Guess I'd have to upload it somewhere for that?  Never mind, it works!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 09, 2021, 09:51:24 pm
Another stray pixel, all variants (
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 11, 2021, 12:56:48 am
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgrailLord on March 20, 2021, 06:26:19 pm
My game crashes when I turn on the mod for Cyrillic names and start a new game. Loading a previously saved game and hiring recruits does not cause a crash (names are in Cyrillic, as they should). I don’t know if this is related to certain types of recruits or only starting ones, but I’m pretty sure it is the latter. Here is the stack:

[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x5b1ca0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x5b2b10 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x9a9e60 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff81857c6e0 _C_specific_handler
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff818591e50 _chkstk
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff818541020 RtlRaiseException
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff818590a70 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x76d9c0 OpenXcom::Armor::getSize() const
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7a3960 OpenXcom::Mod::newSave(OpenXcom::GameDifficulty) const
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x730530 OpenXcom::NewGameState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x5ce5b0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x6856c0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x5c9c80 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x41c950 SDL_main
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x9ab990 console_main
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x9abab0 WinMain
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   ??
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   ??
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff8173f7020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[20-03-2021_21-13-51]   [FATAL]   0x7ff818542630 RtlUserThreadStart
[20-03-2021_21-13-57]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on March 20, 2021, 06:52:53 pm
My game crashes when I turn on the mod for Cyrillic names and start a new game.

In \mods\Piratez Russian Names\Ruleset\
open the file: PiratezRusNames.rul
and at the bottom of the file, delete the following section:
Code: [Select]
      - delete
      - SoldierName/XNekomimi-rus.nam
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: AgrailLord on March 21, 2021, 02:08:31 pm
In \mods\Piratez Russian Names\Ruleset\
open the file: PiratezRusNames.rul
and at the bottom of the file, delete the following section:
Code: [Select]
      - delete
      - SoldierName/XNekomimi-rus.nam
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 22, 2021, 09:12:33 pm
this building has an incorrect spawn spot type in it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 23, 2021, 08:59:25 am
In my infinite wisdom I unintentionally concocted some weird Masochist/Witch synergy where Witch serves as meat shield with TU/morale drain from Wand of Pain warfare, followed by a Masochist replenishing all of it using Blood Magic. Theory mostly checks out but in practice the Morale of targeted Witch unit is also drained instead of being replenished. Looked in rules and couldn't explain why this is happening so I removed the "-" from "ToMorale: -2.0" and then it started replenishing Morale as expected. Strangest thing is TU behaves normally as one would expect of Morale. Now I'm bit confused if all Morale affecting tools are reversed in such way.

To reproduce: load save, use Hell Jill's Blood Magic on Spotty Rifle, as shown in the picture.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 24, 2021, 08:54:52 am
Couple old ones I didn't report before:

Eridian Beastmaster and Warchief don't have their own paper doll with armor resistances. Assuming they share those stats with regular Warrior, which does have a doll, there's one slight issue even in that case: if player kills all Warriors on the map and continues the battle next day it becomes difficult to remember or examine what he is dealing with when all that's left are Beatsmasters and a Warchief.

Iron Wind targeting reticle always shows 5-10 damage if ALT is pressed, when it should be closer to 320 in my example. Found out the hard way when I tested it inside my Fortuna some time ago. Dayum. Wonder what was the inspiration for this weapon coz it reminded me similar one from a book I read long ago (same goes for Flechette guns).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on March 25, 2021, 07:01:01 pm
Bandit Warehouse mission apparently has a Ships requirement that doesn't really make sense. But either way its NOT listed in the Briefing... only mentions Infiltration... and since "what to wear?" doesn't list ships it HAS to be mentioned.

I dont have any of these ships at any of my bases because I have my Codex ship and a couple Pachyderms.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 25, 2021, 08:12:07 pm
In my infinite wisdom I unintentionally concocted some weird Masochist/Witch synergy where Witch serves as meat shield with TU/morale drain from Wand of Pain warfare, followed by a Masochist replenishing all of it using Blood Magic. Theory mostly checks out but in practice the Morale of targeted Witch unit is also drained instead of being replenished. Looked in rules and couldn't explain why this is happening so I removed the "-" from "ToMorale: -2.0" and then it started replenishing Morale as expected. Strangest thing is TU behaves normally as one would expect of Morale. Now I'm bit confused if all Morale affecting tools are reversed in such way.

To reproduce: load save, use Hell Jill's Blood Magic on Spotty Rifle, as shown in the picture.

Your "infinite wisdom" was quite much planned from the start. As for Morale reverse, it happens if target has >110 BRA.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 25, 2021, 08:19:39 pm
Iron Wind targeting reticle always shows 5-10 damage if ALT is pressed, when it should be closer to 320 in my example. Found out the hard way when I tested it inside my Fortuna some time ago. Dayum. Wonder what was the inspiration for this weapon coz it reminded me similar one from a book I read long ago (same goes for Flechette guns).

Ask me again about my inspirations, I dare you. Can't you frigging just accept I'm a creative person? There actually was an "inspiration", but it was my own earlier work. Telling you all about it would require telling you my life story, most of which is private. Can't you just buzz off, Neelix? Trying to pick my brain? Use a stone axe.

Iron Wind works as intended.

About lack of Eridian paperdolls: You wrinkle your nose about reused gfx? Pay me, or make new gfx. Or accept I can't do everything.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on March 25, 2021, 09:29:12 pm
^^ btw.what is that Iron Wind gun ?

(i just couldnot find a much about it, even at google)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 26, 2021, 09:03:16 pm
First word in new L8 facility needs to be in past participle.
Alenium radar became HWD but kept fickle 80% detection.

Master of the {0} condemnation: remove "instead" word.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 27, 2021, 04:56:48 pm
Triton and this particular Mansion floor tile set both produce same walking on water sfx.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RolandVasko on March 28, 2021, 06:59:28 pm
Couple old ones I didn't report before:

Iron Wind targeting reticle always shows 5-10 damage if ALT is pressed, when it should be closer to 320 in my example. Found out the hard way when I tested it inside my Fortuna some time ago. Dayum. Wonder what was the inspiration for this weapon coz it reminded me similar one from a book I read long ago (same goes for Flechette guns).

what is this Iron Wind,  such the gun ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 28, 2021, 09:06:03 pm
Ah somehow I missed your earlier question, my bad. Iron Wind ( is a special weapon only available while wearing CHORT /DISPERSED ( armor. To get it is a task in itself. But once you do... Jesus. Most powerful weapon system in the game. Makes Blaster Launcher look like smoke dispenser. For example when fired on Mansion map it creates a 20-square wide sphere in which most matter, living or dead, disappears. It easily washes away landed enemy UFOs too, along with any content inside. Paired with Crystal Skull you basically become an unstoppable matter-sucking Black Hole. As sugar on top the wearer restores bunch of health each turn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on March 30, 2021, 05:05:57 pm
Iron Wind is too powerful even for XPZ to contain.

Load save and use selected Chort's Iron Wind on marked target square.
(47% hit chance so it may take a few tries, once hit XPZ always crashes)

No active mods.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 30, 2021, 05:18:37 pm
Thank you, fixed. Issue with terrain.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ElGrillo on March 30, 2021, 11:56:30 pm
I'm not getting the "condemned!" condemnation.
Actually, I don't remember ever getting it.
Any Idea what It might be?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on March 31, 2021, 12:33:56 am
I'm not getting the "condemned!" condemnation.
Actually, I don't remember ever getting it.
Any Idea what It might be?
For whatever reason it's always marked as "Not awarded yet" in the bootypedia. You will never see it obtained after the end of a battle either. It's given by other condemnations (typically murderer). To check all the condemnations a unit has, go to Hands, click on a unit and press the + icon next to a unit's armor. That's the only way you can find out if they have condemned.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on March 31, 2021, 02:45:27 pm
So I just noticed that if a syn with a blood axe and nothing in the other hand (so clawed gauntlet because chiller (a)) attacks with the gauntlet he still gets bonus tu and stun damage from the blood axe. Is that intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 02, 2021, 07:05:52 pm
yes, vamp effects must work in this fashion or stacking is not possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 19, 2021, 05:40:50 pm
Piratez.rul => STR_MASTERS_CANE => damageAlter => ToHealh

It should be "ToHealth"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vasja on April 20, 2021, 04:25:26 pm
Hello. I have a little question.

Church Exalt vs 'SKULLSTRIDER' armor with floating sandbags.

Church Exalt:
  Melee = 100.
Force lance:
  damage type = LASER
  damage = 50 + Melee*0.6 = 55 .. 165 (with 50-150% spread).
  Armor effectiveness: 0,5
  Front armor = 165
  Damage modifier LASER = 100
Floating sandbags:
  Las 50/50

In total, we should have 165 * 0.5 armor versus 165 * 0.5 maximum damage (exalt cannot normally penetrate armor), but in practice, the resistance from the bags does not work and the SKULLSTRIDER dies quickly.

How can this be fixed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 21, 2021, 04:51:36 am
It is possible that an attack from the front arc, even with melee, can still strike side armor and would in this case still do damage on a max roll.

Also depending on rounding you still might take damage frontally as well. half front armor is exactly the same as a max dmg roll after resist. But either vlaue is a whole number so which gets rounded how matters.

And if you can take any damage at all you will lose some armor, and that adds up eventually in the exalts favor. Given how fast the force lance is at 12 TU per swing an exalt can throw up too 12 attacks in a turn.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vasja on April 21, 2021, 05:30:09 am
It is possible that an attack from the front arc, even with melee, can still strike side armor and would in this case still do damage on a max roll.

Also depending on rounding you still might take damage frontally as well. half front armor is exactly the same as a max dmg roll after resist. But either vlaue is a whole number so which gets rounded how matters.

And if you can take any damage at all you will lose some armor, and that adds up eventually in the exalts favor. Given how fast the force lance is at 12 TU per swing an exalt can throw up too 12 attacks in a turn.

Damage can still be taken, but it shouldn't be that huge. I compared the sandbag option with the option where I just directly changed the armor damage modifier from 1.0 to 0.5 in the Piratez.rul file without sandbags, and the difference in survivability is enormous. I've tried variations with different weapons and it looks like this bug only works for melee weapons. For melee weapons, sandbag resistance is not added to armor resistance at all.
Maybe the script is not working properly somehow?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on April 21, 2021, 05:54:31 am
Maybe a dumb question but you've put Sandbags in hand slot, right? Even though putting them somewhere else should be impossible.
Another thing, dunno if matters: Skullstrider has 75% vulnerability to concussive and bags lower it further 50%, totaling 25%. But allowed is 30% so maybe the script disables the whole sandbag resistance package?
Other than that I have no idea.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vasja on April 21, 2021, 06:07:49 am
Maybe a dumb question but you've put Sandbags in hand slot, right? Even though putting them somewhere else should be impossible.
Another thing, dunno if matters: Skullstrider has 75% vulnerability to concussive and bags lower it further 50%, totaling 25%. But allowed is 30% so maybe the script disables the whole sandbag resistance package?
Other than that I have no idea.
Sandbags in hand slot.
It is not clear why it does not work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 21, 2021, 06:19:52 am
Hurm, further investigation will be needed, but does sound like a bug. Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on April 21, 2021, 10:59:16 am
Hello. I have a little question.

Church Exalt vs 'SKULLSTRIDER' armor with floating sandbags.

Church Exalt:
  Melee = 100.
Force lance:
  damage type = LASER
  damage = 50 + Melee*0.6 = 55 .. 165 (with 50-150% spread).
  Armor effectiveness: 0,5
  Front armor = 165
  Damage modifier LASER = 100
Floating sandbags:
  Las 50/50

In total, we should have 165 * 0.5 armor versus 165 * 0.5 maximum damage (exalt cannot normally penetrate armor), but in practice, the resistance from the bags does not work and the SKULLSTRIDER dies quickly.

How can this be fixed?
A side effect of how protective items work. It was discussed at length before.
The "minimum defence" of protective items is not a cutoff, but an asymptote to which the item's protection approaches.
The actual calculation is:
Final resist = Armor resist - (1 - Item resist) * (Armor resist - Item minimum resist)

With skullstrider, sandbags and laser, the calculation would be.
Vulnerability= 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.5)=1-0.25=0.75

So Laser damage is 0.75% effective against this combination, not 50% effective.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vasja on April 21, 2021, 11:36:28 am
A side effect of how protective items work. It was discussed at length before.
The "minimum defence" of protective items is not a cutoff, but an asymptote to which the item's protection approaches.
The actual calculation is:
With skullstrider, sandbags and laser, the calculation would be.
Vulnerability= 1-(1-0.5)*(1-0.5)=1-0.25=0.75

So Laser damage is 0.75% effective against this combination, not 50% effective.

Oh, OK
Thanks for the clarification.
If so, then there is no bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yirtimd2 on April 23, 2021, 07:54:35 am
Guys I think I found some strange bug - in the mission "Bank Robbery" from goblins' bank where you need to rob elves's bank I killed all enemies but mission did not finish there. So I guess in bank building there must be some bug of, ehh, building spawning or something because when I go down in its' dungeon there is only stairs and nothing else.

So I think in this place it should generate bank's treasury room or something but there are only stairs and nothing else. Or maybe I am stupid and just dont get it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on April 23, 2021, 10:41:01 am
...I go down in its' dungeon there is only stairs and nothing else.
Or so it seems. Don't the walls texture strike there as little odd though?
But yeah I think everyone gets stuck here. I found a solution on YT video.
If you visit with strong Gals use a Hammer on the walls, everyone else use a Fusion Torch. In end-game, for fun, I brought a Chort /Dispersed to exert my vengeance. On the wall, on the Bank, on people inside, on the damned loot, even on myself. Everyone got a piece of Iron Wind (literally and figuratively)!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yirtimd2 on April 23, 2021, 12:51:09 pm
Thank you Nilex! Now I can finally finish this mission ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on April 23, 2021, 02:27:21 pm
Is Dungeon of Death known to occasionally spawn a walled-off section, with enemies inside? Every other enemy is down.

All equipment is forbidden except for two Hammers found on the map and I don't even know if those can be used to dig through thick stone walls. In attached case I used Saint outfits exclusively so all hands are occupied leaving me without means to break through. Green exit zone in the south (3rd level) can to be used to avoid this soft-lock, but I'm doubtful the intended purpose goes beyond offering a regular retreat.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yirtimd2 on April 23, 2021, 06:20:03 pm
Wow, and I thought my case was hardcore.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 24, 2021, 05:53:29 am
The hammers are indeed the intended answer and will crack the walls, but given that you can bring all saints might be an oversight in current build. The mission predates saints existence. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 24, 2021, 09:31:26 am
The Oxygen Tank needs 25TU to use, but the FROGMAN Oxygen Tank (SPC_OXYGEN_TANK) needs 30TU

I would expect them to use the same amount of TU, or the frogman using less.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on April 24, 2021, 09:59:42 am
The hammers are indeed the intended answer and will crack the walls, but given that you can bring all saints might be an oversight in current build. The mission predates saints existence.
Always though Hammers are meant for cages since in over dozen DoD visits nothing similar happened despite having some truly labyrinthine dungeons. Only one time previously I encountered a similar case, in Archeological Dig, but there a single Pickaxe was the answer and I could also hear the sounds of Rats coming from beyond. It's good to know Hammers can serve the same purpose here, thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 24, 2021, 01:57:01 pm
Sleep Dart Clip is missing RandomStun: false

--- merged ---

SPACE SUIT (SEA) resists should be DAZE 55, CUTTING 75

--- merged ---

The PINUP #078 is incorrect. It says that the "Evasion of the enemy closest to gal's front" is used, but actually, the CQC check is done for every enemy next to the gal. Each enemy's direction is also properly considered. For example, if you have 100% CQC acc (100MEL & 100REA & 100% CQC firearm) and there are two melee enemies with 50% dodge and 50% back penalty, one directly facing you and other one facing away, then you have to pass two CQC checks to successfully fire - the first check has 50% to pass, the second one has 75% to pass; in total this would give you 37% chance of success.

--- merged ---

The PINUP #045 says that when Stun level is 6x your current health, you take 2HP damage per turn. But actually it's 9x.

--- merged ---

Combat Bow Stun Arrows should have RandomHealth: true
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 26, 2021, 11:50:36 am
In future Delain you can just edit a single post as you find more errors.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 04:45:03 pm
In future Delain you can just edit a single post as you find more errors.

I merged the posts manually, because Jesus Christ.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 26, 2021, 07:48:54 pm
In future Delain you can just edit a single post as you find more errors.
I intentionally put each issue in its own post. Are you saying that, when reporting bugs, it's better to put all of them in a single post and make a huge mess?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 08:09:24 pm
I intentionally put each issue in its own post. Are you saying that, when reporting bugs, it's better to put all of them in a single post and make a huge mess?

While we here do not mind much, multi-posting on forums is considered bad behaviour all over the internet and has always been. Please do not take it personally, we're cool, but I felt that I needed to clarify.

As for keeping reports separated, I hardly see a reason to do so. In fact, I've never seen such an idea being used. But that's me ;)

But it's all unimportant. The point is that you reported stuff and we are grateful to you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 27, 2021, 11:12:45 pm
There's a bug in reactions to enemy melee attacks.

When you melee attack enemies, they get a reaction opportunity after each attack. This is fine.
When enemies melee attack you, you do not get a reaction opportunity after each attack. Instead, you only get to react after the last chained melee attack.

In other words, enemies are able to melee attack continuously and spend their entire TU pool without you ever reacting (cuz you ded). So this bug makes melee fighting quite unfair and it especially f's you over if you're trying to only rely on your melee skills and reactions to keep you safe.

Edit: There's also a bug with reactions exp to enemy melee attacks. I've had units gain over a 100 reaction exp in a single turn before even though the actual number of reaction attacks I made was like 5. In fact, they gain exp even with 0 reaction attacks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on April 27, 2021, 11:48:56 pm
This is an engine issue and may take some time to be addressed, thank you for the report.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on May 01, 2021, 06:27:02 pm
Personal Attention transfer time is 6 hours instead 6 days. No rush.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 01, 2021, 10:17:00 pm
Personal Attention transfer time is 6 hours instead 6 days. No rush.

Already known (and presumably fixed), but thanks. For now, consider it happy hours :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DaEMon on May 02, 2021, 10:37:53 pm
This may not be a bug, but I have zombies corpses and captured ones and I cannot research them because they do not pop in the research screen. Maybe I am missing some prereq. tech?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 02, 2021, 11:52:43 pm
This may not be a bug, but I have zombies corpses and captured ones and I cannot research them because they do not pop in the research screen. Maybe I am missing some prereq. tech?
You can use the tech tree viewer (q key on geoscape) to check if you're missing something. It's likely you're missing medical services though, which can be obtained through sickbay and better.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on May 05, 2021, 11:13:11 am
Justlaunched the brand new 0.99L10 on windows, with extended mod sound and oka patch, and it sgfaults, here are the relevant strings of openxcom.log file:

Code: [Select]
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[05-05-2021_10-09-57] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1920x1017x32...
[05-05-2021_10-09-58] [INFO] Display set to 1920x1017x32.
[05-05-2021_10-09-58] [INFO] Loading data...
[05-05-2021_10-09-58] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[05-05-2021_10-10-00] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Users/NICOLA/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/'...
[05-05-2021_10-10-07] [ERROR] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[05-05-2021_10-10-08] [INFO] Active mods:
[05-05-2021_10-10-08] [INFO] - piratez vv.L9 OXCE 7.0 13-Mar-2021
[05-05-2021_10-10-08] [INFO] - OAK-RU v7.5 30-APR-2021
[05-05-2021_10-10-08] [INFO] - piratezCitiesLore v0.1
[05-05-2021_10-10-08] [INFO] - Piratez High Quality Sounds v0.99
[05-05-2021_10-10-09] [INFO] Loading begins...
[05-05-2021_10-10-09] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[05-05-2021_10-10-09] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[05-05-2021_10-10-11] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[05-05-2021_10-10-25] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[05-05-2021_10-10-25] [INFO] Loading ended.
[05-05-2021_10-10-25] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[05-05-2021_10-10-27] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[05-05-2021_10-10-43] [ERROR] Sound::load(Resources/Sounds/Ambient/Green_Village.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-43] [ERROR] Sound::load(Resources/Sounds/Ambient/IRRAD.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-46] [ERROR] Sound::load(set1/ASMGfire.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(basic/commandoRifleFire.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/assaultRifle02.wav): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/ak47ramshackle01.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/ak47ramshackle02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/ak47ramshackle03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/holdoutPistol03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/uacCarbine01.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/uacCarbine02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/uacCarbine03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set2/blackmarch01.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set3/HaloBRfire01.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set3/HaloBRfire02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(basic/damage100B.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(basic/damage100C.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/oldRevolver02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/oldRevolver03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/snubby02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/snubby03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/rotogun03.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set1/armoredCarMachinegun02.ogg): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-47] [ERROR] Sound::load(set5/doomPSXssg.wav): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [ERROR] Sound::load(piratezHMG.wav): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [ERROR] Sound::load(set6/ClintEastwoodMagnum.wav): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [ERROR] Sound::load(set6/80sShotgunBlast.wav): mix error=Out of memory
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_1
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_2
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_3
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_COLD
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HOT
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MAGMA
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_ORANGE
[05-05-2021_10-10-48] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[05-05-2021_10-10-53] [ERROR] std::bad_alloc
[05-05-2021_10-11-04] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x5b6d50 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x5b7bc0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x9ba390 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x7ffce8b5c6e0 _C_specific_handler
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x7ffce8b71f60 _chkstk
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x7ffce8b21020 RtlRaiseException
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] 0x7ffce8b70b80 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] ??
[05-05-2021_10-11-05] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[05-05-2021_10-11-11] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/Users/NICOLA/Dioxine_XPiratez/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2021, 12:05:22 pm
Just launched the brand new 0.99L10 on windows, with extended mod sound and oka patch, and it segfaults, here are the relevant strings of openxcom.log file:

The error message says "not enough memory".

Btw. L10 doesn't exist, there is only L9.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on May 06, 2021, 02:32:54 pm
The error message says "not enough memory".

Btw. L10 doesn't exist, there is only L9.

Oh sorry my bad, i want to refet at L9. I used win 10 on a x86_64 machine, hope this might help
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 10, 2021, 09:57:33 am
Are raiders now supposed to be holding crackdowns with Bombers? I don't remember seeing tons of Raiders in heavy warships before, but as of L9, this has apparently become a thing?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on May 10, 2021, 01:44:15 pm
0.99L9, after unlocked the black market once the topic "Contact:Merchants" handcannon shots are avaiable to buy. Bug?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 10, 2021, 04:56:44 pm
Are raiders now supposed to be holding crackdowns with Bombers? I don't remember seeing tons of Raiders in heavy warships before, but as of L9, this has apparently become a thing?

Been a possibility for awhile now, crackdown are an exception to the normally available craft for factions. That said bombers are a extreme rarity even on crackdowns, go buy a lottery ticket.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on May 10, 2021, 05:42:57 pm
Probably not a bug, but interesting.   Was following a Cutter on a Survey mission in the Pacific, just NE of Hawaii (with a Snake).  Was hoping to follow it back over land, but it changed directions to head away from land, so I was just going to shoot it down.  Just as I was reaching to click on the "shadowing" icon to engage, it landed!  Was expecting some kind of underwater map, to be honest, but the map it gave was old-school Cydonia surface!  No environmental effects (and my troops were in their normal armor, not sealed in any way).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 11, 2021, 08:10:47 am
Yeah zoneing errors most likely, screenshot of the globe location would be helpful.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on May 11, 2021, 07:56:41 pm
I don't have a screenshot, but I have a saved game at battlescape entry, so I can get one for you.   On inspection of that save file, I did find these longitude and latitude data which might be helpful without the screenshot.  And as I said, it was just NE of Hawaii.

At the beginning of the file, where it shows where the camera is, it has:
Code: [Select]
globeLon: 3.5327107708878929
globeLat: -0.65350934290387441
globeZoom: 3

Then under "ufos", it has this data:
Code: [Select]
  - lon: 3.6136323881260304
    lat: -0.37691295722331153
    id: 399
      lon: 3.6845736722389328
      lat: -0.43175238542920535
      type: STR_WAY_POINT
      id: 0
This had an altitude of "ground" - and that current location is very close to the camera location in the first block.  And in the battlescape data, it says the map block terrain names are all "Mars".   :)   I'll have to check the save again, but I don't think it gave me the loot for a landed cutter (small loss, but still) - and no, the cutter wasn't on the map.

Let me know if you still want any screen shots.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on May 12, 2021, 02:50:14 pm
Nurse's medkit - the use of "stimulant" or "painkiller", I believed one of them should be restoring either morale or energy, and it does neither.  Tried both, aiming at a soldier that was down both.  When I then looked at the ANAL tab and checked Defaults, it does 0 recovery of morale, energy, or freshness.  It does do 20 stun recovery, presumably under stimulant. 

If painkiller doesn't do anything, then please remove the charges of it, to avoid player confusion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 12, 2021, 03:21:04 pm
They work as designed, however the design is pretty opaque. the painkiller action is mostly hardcoded like vanilla. It will only restore morale lost due to damage taken events, and not beyond that. Given that highest rank unit present and bravery both mitigate the amount from such events, you tend to not lose very much at all.

the issue is that anything you make a "medkit" will always demand either the triple function or wounds only. Until OXCE devs elect to unhardcode how medkits work you will be stuck with the useless painkiller, if you want both stim for energy and wounds on the same object.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on May 12, 2021, 09:14:26 pm
This was already done some time ago, default behavior is same as always but you can run script hook that can override it to do any thing you want.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: gijoe on May 12, 2021, 11:36:55 pm
On 0.99L9 once i research "niner magnum clips" - unlocked by reserching "shiny niner" first, these are avaiable to the black market for buying. Should supposed to be manufactured instead?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 13, 2021, 12:22:34 am
No, you sometimes need to research items in order to buy them off the black market.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 14, 2021, 06:59:54 pm
Rod of Bliss is listed as a one-handed melee weapon and yet requires both hands. Is it supposed to be two-handed or one-handed? It doesn't look all that large relative to other one-handed items.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on May 14, 2021, 08:22:38 pm
Chest of Coins should not be destroyed when researched, considering other trophies of the same values aren't.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on May 21, 2021, 01:31:20 pm
Picked grey to try the new stuff. Is is normal to receive "a message from red oni" event multiple times that does nothing after that first time? Because I get it regularly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 21, 2021, 08:45:26 pm
Shoulder Launcher, although it is says it goes on your shoulders and is flagged to fit in shoulder slots, cannot actually be put in any shoulder slot because for some reason it is 2x2 and thus too large. Probably also can't be fired from such a slot as implied, but this might be an engine limitation.

Also, Bugeye Cybermage Armor, despite being both an Exosuit and Flight-Capable, cannot into space?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 21, 2021, 10:55:20 pm
Shoulder Launcher, although it is says it goes on your shoulders and is flagged to fit in shoulder slots, cannot actually be put in any shoulder slot because for some reason it is 2x2 and thus too large. Probably also can't be fired from such a slot as implied, but this might be an engine limitation.

Also, Bugeye Cybermage Armor, despite being both an Exosuit and Flight-Capable, cannot into space?

True, cant shoot from inventory is an engine limit.

Does sound like an oversight to me, but it might have to with the flight mechanism. Outside a gravity well you can't fly with just bending gravity. Maybe it has no thrust mechanism? only dio knows
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 22, 2021, 11:21:06 pm
True, cant shoot from inventory is an engine limit.
Probably, but the inability to even put it in a shoulder slot definitely isn't. If the item is to be made viable thematically as written, it should probably have no firing cost, since the TU cost of firing would be subsumed in the engine-required limitation of moving it to a hand slot and then back.

Does sound like an oversight to me, but it might have to with the flight mechanism. Outside a gravity well you can't fly with just bending gravity. Maybe it has no thrust mechanism? only dio knows
That doesn't make any sense either, since the same mechanism for flight is used by other suits that can into space. Plus we never actually leave a gravity well, the gravity in orbit is actually only slightly lower than it is on the surface, and certainly higher than it is on Mars. Since other exosuits that can fly can into space, why not this one?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 22, 2021, 11:42:33 pm
Since other exosuits that can fly can into space, why not this one?
Not all exos are space. Harbinger, loader for example. We may not agree with the logic of why but there is one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 23, 2021, 04:33:45 pm
Well, the Harbinger and Loader cannot into space because they cannot actually fly, so if put in space they would just float there uselessly. That logic thus seem apparent. But the Cybermage has no such limitations, so the logic of why it cannot into space is unclear and not explained anywhere.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on May 24, 2021, 10:28:18 pm
I'm not sure this is a bug, but wanted to ask.  Peeking at my save file, there was a Deep Ones mission that has a ridiculously long spawn timer.  It originally spawned at start of March 2602, I don't remember doing the "wave 0" mission, which was evidently some time in mid to late April, but at start of May 2602, it is showing "nextWave=1", with a spawn countdown of 68 days (98910).  Is that appropriate?

EDIT - sorry, legion, adding the data block for the mission:

Code: [Select]
    race: STR_DEEP_ONE
    nextWave: 1
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 98910
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 271
    missionSiteZone: -1

If you need it, the current ID for ALIEN_MISSIONS to start this month was 349, so you can see it's an old mission, comparatively.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on May 24, 2021, 10:34:30 pm
More details please. Mission name at the very least.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on May 26, 2021, 06:50:01 pm
Edited my post to add the details of the mission, sorry.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on May 27, 2021, 09:10:37 am
Sending CONQUEROR on Beach Sweep bounty mission results in crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on May 28, 2021, 02:28:36 pm
The built-in GHOST outfit dagger, "Ghost Ops", displays ?-? in melee damage popup as well as not invoking BootyPedia entry upon MMB click. SAINT's built-in weapons exhibited same behavior until fixed an update or two ago so I thought to mention the dagger.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 30, 2021, 03:53:56 pm
Not sure if intended but this spider is in a position I cannot directly reach. I assume it spawned there and cannot get out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 30, 2021, 08:29:22 pm
Looks reachable to me. You can access it in a large number of ways: Fly over, use your sword on the fence, or shoot out the barrels, to name a few. Compared to the other much less reachable positions mapgen produces, where you might not have any awareness you even SHOULD be trying to reach that position, this is nothing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 30, 2021, 08:47:25 pm
I'm well aware of how to reach the enemy (I actually just shot it), but the threat of early game monster hunt missions is their ability to swarm you, and they can't really swarm you if they get stuck like this. I'm not saying that there aren't worse instances, just that it exists. There's a gate in the fence but it's on the wrong side for this particular spider to escape. Again if this is intended that's fine but it doesn't feel intended to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 31, 2021, 06:14:14 pm
There's a gate in the fence but it's on the wrong side for this particular spider to escape. Again if this is intended that's fine but it doesn't feel intended to me.
The gate looks there to me. It's the same as the other identical enclosure next to it, the gate is the spot on the west side, yes? The spider could just head out the gate. It apparently chose not to, and that's why it is now a flaming corpse.

Nice shooting, BTW. You managed to somehow set just the spider on fire without setting anything else on fire.

As for how intended it is, well, it's a very random mapgen, and sometimes accessibility of areas can be rather impaired. ONE spider unable to zerg you probably isn't a big deal. Not that I've ever encountered monster hunts where enemies swarm effectively. They tend to just get confused and mill around in aimless circles going nowhere in particular.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on May 31, 2021, 07:07:05 pm
The gate looks there to me. It's the same as the other identical enclosure next to it, the gate is the spot on the west side, yes? The spider could just head out the gate. It apparently chose not to, and that's why it is now a flaming corpse.

Nice shooting, BTW. You managed to somehow set just the spider on fire without setting anything else on fire.

As for how intended it is, well, it's a very random mapgen, and sometimes accessibility of areas can be rather impaired. ONE spider unable to zerg you probably isn't a big deal. Not that I've ever encountered monster hunts where enemies swarm effectively. They tend to just get confused and mill around in aimless circles going nowhere in particular.
Actually there were two spiders stuck, I just took a screenshot of the alive second one. The first I used flaming arrows on. I was unable to directly reach the position directly adjacent to the spider, meaning I couldn't squeeze between the barrels for whatever reason.

As for getting swarmed, it can happen depending on where craft is in relationship to most the monsters. They usually behave a bit smarter if you're out in the open as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on May 31, 2021, 10:43:02 pm
As for getting swarmed, it can happen depending on where craft is in relationship to most the monsters. They usually behave a bit smarter if you're out in the open as well.
I dunno, I've seen them do some pretty perplexing things...well, the AI in general often does some perplexing things, vacillating seemingly randomly between curiously derpy and psychic. Sometimes they, despite clearly being able to see me, run derpily in random directions, other times they psychically zoom in despite having no reason to have seen me (and I checked in the save, they hadn't).

And I'm not sure it counts as them behaving smarter if you're behaving dumber. Standing in the open in X-Com = instant defeat. If you don't end your turn with 0 enemy contacts, you've already lost.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 01, 2021, 02:17:52 pm

And I'm not sure it counts as them behaving smarter if you're behaving dumber. Standing in the open in X-Com = instant defeat. If you don't end your turn with 0 enemy contacts, you've already lost.

I don't mean literally out in the open but at least if you venture from your craft there's a fair shot of being ambushed. And with the amount of enemies you sometimes get in monster hunt, getting 0 enemy contacts can be rather difficult.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 01, 2021, 09:18:20 pm
Yeah, fortunately, monsters don't have ranged attacks, unlike stock X-Com enemies, so it's much more manageable. Be sure to prioritize the ones that can actually reach you. And shoot them from the roof.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 01, 2021, 10:01:00 pm
Roof? If you have a vehicle where you can get onto the roof or have things like grav harnesses, of course monster hunts are no longer a challenge (minus maybe the times you get hunters). I'm talking first couple months monster hunts.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 02, 2021, 05:17:10 pm
You get monster hunts in the first couple of months? Usually I have more important things on my research roster than unlocking those, whereas raiders can show up at any time, which gives you your first Grav Harnesses.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2021, 07:20:21 pm
I go for them early for a potential source of Chitin Plates that doesn't take a million manufacturing hours for a mere chance (cave hunt). Also is a back-up source of animal poison in case I don't get the event or want more.

After the first like 4 months or so hunters have a chance of appearing, so I want to get to it before then.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 02, 2021, 09:16:32 pm
Is there something amazing that you do with chitin plates? I always end up with a pile of them and there doesn't seem to be a lot you can do with them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 02, 2021, 09:23:00 pm
Scale Mail is a good armor for early game and Slayer is a decent option for Lokks especially in Ratmen caves where they could easily be one shot otherwise. Late game there's barely any usage for them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 02, 2021, 11:02:13 pm
I don't think I've ever used either of them. They have TU and energy penalties and their resistance is not high enough to resist penetration by anything, so in my view, they're basically useless and actively impede your survival through TU/Energy penalties. Until you get armor that is impenetrable by the bulk of what enemies are using, the only useful defense is to hard break contact, otherwise you're dead.

At least that's how it is on JS, because enemies never miss there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 03, 2021, 01:23:48 am
I play on the middle difficulty and disagree with your assertions but I think this is getting a bit off topic.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 03, 2021, 05:45:47 am
At least that's how it is on JS, because enemies never miss there.

Well that a JS problem. JS is very all or nothing. More balanced difficulties having middling improvements to armor is good, because your top exp gals are not magically inferior to some security chump.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 03, 2021, 12:53:04 pm
Well that a JS problem. JS is very all or nothing.
Yes, and anything which works there works anywhere, even if it does sort of enforce a hard absolutist attitude towards everything because you can no longer afford weasel-words. It cuts out all the wishy-washyness. It's either amazing or it's worthless trash.

I'm not sure how that would affect armor, though. As far as I know, JS doesn't change how damage and arpen work, so a weapon that pens 30 armor still pens 30 armor on Easy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on June 03, 2021, 02:46:47 pm
Cutting is a good damage type to resist early game, especially with the recent changes that allow for reaction to melee attacks. Additionally, not every shot early game is super deadly, there's plenty of like pistols and stuff that deal fairly low damage and this helps resist them. While avoiding taking any damage is ideal, sometimes that's extremely difficult (some guy pops up from out of nowhere or something) and so armor can help provide safety.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on June 14, 2021, 10:15:23 pm
Same small error is logged every time HIDEOUTS screen is first opened:
[WARN]   Image Resources/CraftWeapons/Harpoons_Base.png (from lodepng) has incorrect transparent color index 255 (instead of 0).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on June 17, 2021, 05:51:21 pm
So i just got bomber promotion for smacking to death 3 (prone) enemies with a hammer in a single turn in dungeon of death. That's some dynamite hammer :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 18, 2021, 02:56:01 am
working as implemented(damage greater then X targets in a round with concussive type, y times per rank), but maybe not as intended. Thou given the relative clunkyness of hammer against a breathing foe it was maybe not considered possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 18, 2021, 09:38:07 pm
The hammer isn't even all that clunky. I figured the "warhammer" version of it intended to be an upgrade would somehow be more accurate, but it turns out that, against pretty much every foe, the warhammer is actually LESS accurate than the standard hammer and so the warhammer is actually total junk, as it does the same damage, for the same TU, at far lower accuracy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on June 19, 2021, 12:50:39 am
Well the warhammer is an upgrade in the sense that it s a real melee weapon, the normal hammer being a psuedo ranged weapon suffers from CQC which means it's defended by a dual stat check vs just checking against evade. So more a side grade then anything.

As to clunkyness 24 flat TUs is pretty expensive so unless your useing TU vamp, or the bad guys just gaggle up for you most units are not gonna get 3 separate targets that often. just the 3 swings in a turn is 72 TUs which leaves a maxed gal before commends with 2-3 tiles of movement. Stars really need to align to make it possible in most battles.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: username on June 19, 2021, 01:13:13 am
Well the warhammer is an upgrade in the sense that it s a real melee weapon, the normal hammer being a psuedo ranged weapon suffers from CQC which means it's defended by a dual stat check vs just checking against evade. So more a side grade then anything.
Yes, but enemies that require hammering always have way higher evade than a CQC check. And because the normal hammer is pseudo-ranged, once it passes CQC, it always hits, whereas the warhammer won't. As all targets worth hammering at all tend to be high-ranking, they often have decent evasion scores, where the horrible intrinsic accuracy of a warhammer means they will pretty much always evade it, but the hammer will usually pass CQC and thus bypass evade and hit. Thus, the warhammer performs worse against these kinds of targets, where it's supposed to perform better. The warhammer ALSO performs worse vs. large targets that don't have CQC, so if you're trying to hammer a tank, the regular hammer ALWAYS hits because the tank has no CQC deflection or evasion while the Warhammer can still fail due to its intrinsic hit-chance under normal conditions still being sub-100.

As such, there exists no real targets where the warhammer performs better at hammering than the regular hammer. You save a single measly TU/Energy in exchange for an attack that will most likely never hit anything.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: icemasteryeti on June 26, 2021, 07:01:12 pm
The Red Mage's quest seems to be bugged in my game, I researched the "Red Mage's Quest" research almost an in game year ago and I'm getting the "The Red Oni" event every month but it just pops up the "you are getting a call" message and nothing else happens. The Aurora events also seem to have stopped after the first few even though it looks like there's more to that as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dogbarian on June 28, 2021, 01:12:00 am
Typo in the research result for the Simulacrum Legs, the word "frigtheningly" should be "frighteningly"  (transpose "t" and "h").  Arguably "frightfully" fits better there, but that is more dealer's choice.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on June 30, 2021, 01:34:20 am
Im not sure if this has been changed and it gave me a chuckle when I first used it - but the Ninja Sickle uses the "rawwr" sound effect that monster melee does. When it should probably use something more like the "swissh" sound effect from the harpoons.

in the newest L9 edition the "water walking" sound effect has come back for the Triton rubber floor tiles and also the red carpet 2nd floor Mansion floor tiles too - which makes mansions abit more agonizing than normal.

Another issue and im not sure what it means...
I keep getting an Event that pops up where it says "It appears you're getting a video call from a demon" (or oni) and its the red mage lady background I think.

Well... It doesn't actually seem to do anything else like post a letter afterwards or spawn loot or an event. And its come up multiple times (I think 3 times so far). So I mean its kinda funny but unless the #times it pops up does something or if it inserted a research topic... might be a broken event.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on July 07, 2021, 04:53:44 pm
Don't know how I never noticed it before, but on the city raid missions none of the apartments have a bathroom!  Do rich people not poop or wash?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 07, 2021, 07:40:43 pm
this absence is due to a lack of asset space. Each tileset only has 250ish pieces allowed. And most complete tiles for buildings and such take between 2 and 7 distinct pieces to create. It goes pretty fast.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on July 07, 2021, 07:58:44 pm
I understand that, I'm just saying it's a bit weird.  :)

It doesn't stop me enjoying the game though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 08, 2021, 04:43:23 pm
Thanks, I'm happy to know it's not just me who is bothered by it...
looks at vanilla
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on July 10, 2021, 11:05:54 pm
City Raid missions also have very little in the way of LOOT despite being rich mofos, in their own damn home. (suggest:  CONSUMER GOODS since they are consumers, with goods).

I think City Raids are really all about just providing you with Sharp Gals to turn into Taskmasters, and the Clerks who open up the Technocracy Stakeout missions. You lose points on these missions... you do not gain any serious infamy or respect for doing it.

Some Bugs to Report before the new release...

- UAC Pistol might count as Infiltration but its AMMO does not.
So... either the UAC Pistol is just so big it cant be infiltrated and should have that category removed for it. Or the category was left out for its ammunition. Also it has Aqua ammunition but I dont think ive seen it go underwater.

- Awesome Party map is bugged because there is no Exit Grid.
You need to be able to gtfo, like in the bottom corner of the map in the parking lot.
If you roll Ghosts or Bogeymen and cant handle it - you lose your gals and ship, so a player is just gonna reload the Geo save prior to it and skip the mission. Even on Supermutant mode having to play through up to possibly 10 days of Geoscape can be an okay tradeoff to keep veteran gals. This is just bad design and gets annoying.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Emru on July 11, 2021, 02:08:40 pm
Hi, I have a problem with starting XPiratez
OXCE 7.0.12, self compiled, Linux
XPiratez L9 downloaded from Moddb
Game does not load the mod, vanilla works just fine, game log reports error in XPiratez ruleset
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.0.12 (v2021-06-20)
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Platform: Linux
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Data folder is: /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - ./
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   User folder is: /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Config folder is: /home/user/.config/openxcom/
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Attempted locale: en_US.utf8
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Detected locale: en_US.utf8
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1024x576x8...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Display set to 1024x576x8.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   no master already active; activating xcom1
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[11-07-2021_13-00-32]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets done.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading ended.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading fonts... Font.dat
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Lazy loading: 1
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Making palette backups...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Data loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Loading language...
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Language loaded successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   OpenXcom started successfully!
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[11-07-2021_13-00-33]   [INFO]   Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[11-07-2021_13-00-34]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [ERROR]   FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[11-07-2021_13-01-47]   [INFO]   - piratez vv.L9 OXCE 7.0 13-Mar-2021
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[11-07-2021_13-01-48]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[11-07-2021_13-01-54]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: piratez
[11-07-2021_13-01-54]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'X-Piratez'; mod disabled
Error for 'STR_BOUNTY_HUNTING_CHALLENGE_MA': wrong node type, expected a map at line 112613

How can I fix it? Should I compile older version of OXCE? I found,9745.msg139493.html but I did not find solution. Has anyone the same problem?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nilex on July 11, 2021, 05:27:08 pm
No need to recompile, just remove line `    getOneFreeProtected:` from main "Piratez.rul".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on July 13, 2021, 07:23:04 am
while nilex's solution will solve the failure to run, what you are facing is an issue caused by version mismatch, and it may have unintended results. the latest version of XPZ is intended for OXCE and is packed with it for good reason. You can try and find the correct version, or wait around a week or so for the next relese which should be conncurrent to latest available oxce at that point.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hitthat on July 19, 2021, 10:11:04 am
hello, just installed and playng l10 and in the attached map i got a wall alongside that i cannot cross! Hope i'll manage to destroy with muskets, because with minicannon i cannot...(maybe another bug)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on July 19, 2021, 01:18:23 pm
hello, just installed and playng l10 and in the attached map i got a wall alongside that i cannot cross! Hope i'll manage to destroy with muskets, because with minicannon i cannot...(maybe another bug)

That's normal. Even to standard X-com. Always be ready to break some walls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 19, 2021, 06:52:27 pm
Fresh run starting with L10, Smelly Rags are marked as $0 sell price. However from the post mission completion screen, I was able to get $1 per Rag. Not sure how that one worked. The sell price was properly $0 when selling from a base however.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MemoryTAS on July 21, 2021, 04:41:12 pm
Downloaded the latest version after the crash fixes (L10.3) and found a door that's not solid:

EDIT: Apparently I also found a door that doesn't open properly:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on July 22, 2021, 01:04:46 pm
When your Slave-soldier or Hero, in Immolator Armor, equips Blood Axe and one hand is empty, every hit of his flame restores a few action points and endurance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 22, 2021, 03:08:44 pm
Thanks for all reports, updated version will be uploaded soon (re-download L10).

Also to people like Delian I'd like to remind to not post suggestions in this thread, it's meant for bugreports only.

re: Warhammer. It's not meant as an "upgrade", it's meant as a hammer which AI is able to use.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on July 22, 2021, 04:20:56 pm
Just had the doors on the above map as well. The left outer door doesn't properly open (you can still walk through it after "opening", but the graphics don't update and you can't look through it). The right outer one doesn't work at all, you can just walk through there.
The door to the small room in the middle (the one between the outer doors) opens to just reveal a solid wall.

Edit: The south-west wall of this building is more like a curtain.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 01, 2021, 11:09:20 pm
Hi, playing L10 compiled on linux, after many hours on this campaign I got a segfault!
how to reproduce:
-load the attached savefile
-wait a few hours, a lokk naar mission will pop up
-send the airbus to the mission
Accepting the mission crashes the game with segmentation fault.
Another weird thing, this mission disappears in just a couple of hours, don't know if that's normal.

Note that if I send the airspeeder it doesn't crash.

The game seems to work fine otherwise.

Edit: I sent the very slow "BIKES" from the other outpost to delay the mission from disappearing, the next day I sent the airbus and no crash, still worth investigating imho.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 01, 2021, 11:26:08 pm
Didn't crash for me.
Can someone confirm?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 02, 2021, 12:00:45 am
Weird, maybe it's platform dependent, anyways here's the log
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2021, 12:17:47 am
Weird, maybe it's platform dependent, anyways here's the log

Mapblock error.

There have been a couple of updates to L10 after release, try re-downloading the newest package.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hereToReportBug on August 02, 2021, 12:38:19 am
Mapblock error.

There have been a couple of updates to L10 after release, try re-downloading the newest package.

Damn, sorry to waste your time then. Thank you!

Edit: tried the same save on the latest update and it works.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on August 02, 2021, 07:44:19 pm
So I've been shadowing craft with the mission in the pacific when suddenly it lands in the middle of the ocean and the map is cydonia surface instead of landed ufo.
I assume this is a bug because there was no craft on the map, just the crew.
Here's a screenshot and a save in that mission so you can check the geoscape location.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 03, 2021, 07:51:49 pm
known issue, thou it is at a deeper level then the usual fixes, so it might or might not be fixed in the next release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on August 03, 2021, 11:08:52 pm
Fair enough. Here's another thing. I assume it's a side effect of that new faction bases, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 04, 2021, 12:16:00 am
Yep, it's an artifact of the mission strings changing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: smzp on August 11, 2021, 12:46:35 pm
linux openxcom extended 7.0.14, not run:
ERROR: During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for "PYRAMYD_ARMOR": first battle corpse item need have corpse item type
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 11, 2021, 02:17:01 pm
linux openxcom extended 7.0.14, not run:
ERROR: During linking rulesets of armors:
Error for "PYRAMYD_ARMOR": first battle corpse item need have corpse item type

You need OXCE v7.0 to run Piratez

7.0.14 is not supported yet
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: smzp on August 11, 2021, 04:29:34 pm
Thanks for reply.
find 7.0 oxce version, its work fine now
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on August 18, 2021, 09:48:56 pm
In the UAC vaults mission the game crashes.
In the attached save if you hit end turn the ai turn starts as normal, but part way through the game crashes.

This is the second UAC vaults mission I've done, in the first one it did crash in the ai turn once but when I reloaded and tried again it didn't repeat and I completed the mission perfectly. So it may not reproduce every time; although in this one I've tried it 3 times and it has crashed every time.
Only other information is that in the 2 missions the enemies where different so I would guess it's not specific to them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kalandoran on August 20, 2021, 06:01:03 pm
I am eager to get the shadow lamp, but all attempts to shot down the roaming little suckers end up blowing them up. I`ve tried several types of weapons all with the same result.

It is maybe a bug or am I missing something? THX
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 21, 2021, 12:18:44 am
just keep trying, preferably with very weak weapons like single 25 mm or charger laser. They have very little health so they are easy to overkill.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on August 22, 2021, 02:48:59 am
I am eager to get the shadow lamp, but all attempts to shot down the roaming little suckers end up blowing them up. I`ve tried several types of weapons all with the same result.

It is maybe a bug or am I missing something? THX
Protip: there are two types of swarms. The ones with the radar always blow up. You want the ones without the radar.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on August 22, 2021, 07:34:17 pm
I am eager to get the shadow lamp, but all attempts to shot down the roaming little suckers end up blowing them up. I`ve tried several types of weapons all with the same result.

It is maybe a bug or am I missing something? THX

If you fail in any other option - then first research Tractor beam. Two of them will be enough to 100% land them down.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on August 27, 2021, 10:56:20 am
0.99L10.7, a reider thug have been beating me through the airbus, please check
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 27, 2021, 02:44:24 pm
0.99L10.7, a reider thug have been beating me through the airbus, please check

Well, it's a window, you can shoot through it and also melee through it... Not a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on August 27, 2021, 09:26:38 pm
0.99L10.7, a reider thug have been beating me through the airbus, please check

the new and improved airbus is a death trap, leave it as quick as possible (aka turn 1).
the AI is usually much better than me in finding shooting angles through the windholes
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rince Wind on August 30, 2021, 12:21:38 am
Not sure if it just never came up in my games and is working as intended, but I have never seen a gal distress call without a house before.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on August 31, 2021, 02:52:16 am
I had 3 gal distress calls already and none of them had actual gal to rescue. Is that normal?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on August 31, 2021, 06:10:12 am
I had 3 gal distress calls already and none of them had actual gal to rescue. Is that normal?
Can be, distress calls dont always got someone to rescue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on August 31, 2021, 03:44:23 pm
Can be, distress calls dont always got someone to rescue.

same like "beast hunt" (or how it is called) and you get humanist, or other human oponents... All gals equiped for the spiders, and after first look out from window and I have to reequip them completely...
But I love this kind of suprises :).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SkalarHaubitze on September 02, 2021, 10:47:31 am
Hello, first time trying to launch Piratez on Linux. OXCE loads fine but Piratez does not; it gives several errors of the kind, "There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)" and "There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)".

[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.0.19 (v2021-08-29)
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Platform: Linux
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Data folder is: /usr/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /home/username/.local/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /home/username/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /var/lib/snapd/desktop/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - ./
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   User folder is: /home/username/.local/share/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Config folder is: /home/username/.config/openxcom/
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Attempted locale: aa_DJ.utf8
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Detected locale: aa_DJ.utf8
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1920x1080x8...
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Display set to 1920x1080x8.
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/username.local/share/openxcom/'...
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - piratez vv.M1 OXCE 7.0 29-Aug-2021
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   - piratezCitiesLore v0.1
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Loading begins...
[01-09-2021_23-19-57]   [INFO]   Pre-loading rulesets...
[01-09-2021_23-19-58]   [INFO]   Loading vanilla resources...
[01-09-2021_23-19-58]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets done.
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_NAZI_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_AUR_2': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_BUTCH': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_DOOM_SPIDERDEMON_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_FIELD_GUN_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GHOST_GAL': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ARMORED_CAR': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ELITE_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ENFORCER_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_GENERAL_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_MP_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_LOKNAR_VILLAGER': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BRUTE_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BUGEYE_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_FEMALE_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_LAMIA_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_MALE_CIV': Unit is capturable but there is no live alien item with same name or civilianRecoveryType
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_ROBOT_MAID': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_GLADIATRIX': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MAID': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MANAGER': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_SKILLED': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GIRL': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GUY': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_WORKER': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_SOLDIER': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_CANNON_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_HOVER_GAUSS_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_NAZI_CANNON_TERRORIST': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [INFO]   Supressed Error for 'STR_YEOMAN': There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
[01-09-2021_23-20-02]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of units:
Error for 'CIVILIAN_LOKNAR_1': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'CIVILIAN_LOKNAR_2': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'CIVILIAN_MUT_3': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'CIVILIAN_MUT_4': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'CIVILIAN_MUT_5': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'FEMALE_CIVILIAN': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'MALE_CIVILIAN': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_BLACK_CAT_CIV_RECOVER': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_BRUTE_SAILOR_CIV': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_JIM_HAPPY': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (unit have spawn)
Error for 'STR_PARROT_PIR': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_SLAVE': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_SLAVE_GLADIATRIX': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MAID': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MANAGER': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_SLAVE_SKILLED': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_VAULT_GIRL': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_VAULT_GUY': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_WORKER': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Error for 'STR_YEOMAN': There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 02, 2021, 10:51:43 am
Hello, first time trying to launch Piratez on Linux. OXCE loads fine but Piratez does not; it gives several errors of the kind, "There is live alien item but unit is not recoverable (missing capturable)" and "There is civilianRecoveryType but unit is not recoverable (missing armor recover)".

You need OXCE 7.0, not OXCE 7.0.19
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: SkalarHaubitze on September 02, 2021, 11:39:50 am
You need OXCE 7.0, not OXCE 7.0.19
Thank you for your timeliness. Yes, a little fiddling around with makepkg and everything seems to be running smoothly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 07, 2021, 10:37:47 pm
Also to people like Delian I'd like to remind to not post suggestions in this thread, it's meant for bugreports only.
I don't know why you think I'm posting suggestions here, but all the bug reports I made I consider as possible bugs. Any flaw in software, visual or functional, can be a bug. Sometimes percieved flaws are intended behavior, and I try my best to search the forums first to find out if it's intended. But if I can't find anything, and I think there's a high chance the behavior is unintended, then I make a report. If it turns out that it's not a bug, then at least other people will be able to search and find this info (assuming you reply to the report and say it's not a bug).

Chest of Coins - The fact that this item is destroyed when researched, I think it could be a bug. The reasoning is: It's inconsistent with other trophies of high value, for instance, Assassination Trophy,
Sivalinga Stone, or Execution Trophy, they're not destroyed when researched. Also, the name of the item suggests that it's a collection of 30x "Ol' Coins" items. If I already lost 1x Ol' Coins through research, it logically doesn't make sense to lose another 30 of them.

SPACE SUIT (SEA) - I wrote that resists should be DAZE 55 and CUTTING 75. Even though I used the word "should", it doesn't mean this isn't a bug report. Anyway, the reasoning is this: Most underwater armors have CUTTING 75 resist, right? But right now, SPACE SUIT (SEA) has CUTTING 80. So there is inconsistency between the resists of these armors. Maybe it's intended behavior that NUDIST (SEA) provides better CUTTING resist underwater than SPACE SUIT (SEA)? I don't know, but I think it's a bug.

Sleep Dart Clip - Stun weapons usually have damage type DAZE, which has RandomStun default value of "false". However, this ammo has a damage type of BIO, which has a RandomStun default of "true". So even though "Stun damage multiplier" of this ammo is "2.0", because of the randomization, the stun factor is only "1.0" on average. This means that, on average, the stun damage would equal the health damage, making this a very deadly stun weapon. This is somewhat inconsistent with the description of the weapon (utilizing tranqualizers) and the name of the clip (Sleep Dart?), because at face value, one would not expect tranqualizers to be this deadly (it's tranqualizer, not deadly poison). It also doesn't make logical sense that effectiveness of the tranqualizer substance would change from one shot to the next.

Pinups #045 and #078 - Typos and incorrect information are usually considered as non-functional (visual) bugs. In the two reports that I made regarding these two pinups, I double checked to make sure that the information is actually incorrect. Well, I hope these are fixed some day, but I understand that such visual bugs are low priority.

Combat Bow Stun Arrows - I used the word "should" here to be concise in what I consider to be a bug. As far as bows go, almost all of the arrow types have "RandomHealth" set to "true" (RandomStun is also default "true"). However, this specific arrow type does not have a "RandomHealth" value set, and thus it uses the default "false" value. Considering most arrows have both RandomHealth and RandomStun set to "true", it is inconsistent that this one arrow type would have it set to false (and thus deal more health damage than expected, which is especially unfortunate considering this was supposed to be stunning ammo).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 07, 2021, 11:14:12 pm
0.99.M1.5.1 to manufacture a battle flag a small ship engine is needed? It is intended or pheraphs it's an oversight?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 07, 2021, 11:34:13 pm
0.99.M1.5.1 to manufacture a battle flag a small ship engine is needed? It is intended or pheraphs it's an oversight?

Battleflag has needed an engine for quite some time, i don't personally agree with how complex it is to build one given it's practical performance. But that's the design and i can't respect making TU restoration of any sort rare/difficult 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on September 08, 2021, 05:12:45 pm
This might be something very old but I've encountered big units on crafts that do not have double doors of any sort. One such craft had 2 cyberdisks in control room which have just 1x1 elevator.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 09, 2021, 05:42:00 am
An unfortunate flaw of the engine, not all terror units(cyberdisks, Chryssalids, ect) are the same size, but for technical reasons need to share the same spawning points when different factions share the same ship layout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on September 09, 2021, 10:09:25 am
An unfortunate flaw of the engine, not all terror units(cyberdisks, Chryssalids, ect) are the same size, but for technical reasons need to share the same spawning points when different factions share the same ship layout.

It's not a flaw of the engine, engine allows to specify small spawn points and large spawn points.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 09, 2021, 11:52:26 am
It's not a flaw of the engine, engine allows to specify small spawn points and large spawn points.

Dioxine is mindful of that, but mistakes happen. Please provide screenshots.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 09, 2021, 08:37:07 pm
It's not a flaw of the engine, engine allows to specify small spawn points and large spawn points.
Oh good to know, i was not aware.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 16, 2021, 12:17:55 am
When aborting a mission, Parrots are lost even if they're in the abort zone.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 16, 2021, 01:54:23 am
Some terrain bugs at STR_NINJA_BASE_1_ASSAULT
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gremlion on September 19, 2021, 07:54:41 pm
I managed to put myself in a cage :)
I built beast den over burrow, game didn't prevent me from doing it. In the next hour it asked me to free beasts, 3 of them were researched at the time, so it was impossible to sell them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rhadmaty on September 20, 2021, 11:19:05 pm
I have been completely unable to research Slavery in my last campaign(or rather, its pre-requisite tech "Who is Who") despite researching dozens of prisoners of all kinds.
I have also been unable to use tech tree viewer, it just doesn't display any topics and search function doesn't do anything either. Does the game function properly with a Steam version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 21, 2021, 12:25:14 am
BONDAGE /PEA (STR_PEASANT_BONDAGE_GEAR_UC) is missing personalLight setting. HOVERTANK* as well.

Also, psst, don't tell Dioxine that...

Anyway. Next, there is an inconsistency with Traitor Smoothie/Bugeye. If you kill them in a mission, they drop an Assassination Trophy. However, if you capture them and manufacture "Execute: Traitor Smoothie", the manufacture will produce 75x MA tokens. This is problematic because the Assassination Trophy is required to research *The Mutant Alliance*. So if you capture them instead of killing, you might not see them again for a long time and be unable to progress with research. I suggest this be fixed so that manufacturing Execute yields the trophy instead of the tokens, since logically you are killing them in both cases...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on September 22, 2021, 11:57:38 pm
Disruptive Transmissions mission causes a 500 point Abort penalty... when the description for the mission clearly says that if you abort you successfully take down the satellite anyway (i guess by physically ramming it with your spaceship).

The -500 Despawn penalty makes sense but the -500 Abort penalty makes absolutely no sense. Seeing as that just encourages you to not bother going up there at all until you have lasrifles and spacesuits to kill the terminators.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 23, 2021, 07:46:43 pm
I have been completely unable to research Slavery in my last campaign(or rather, its pre-requisite tech "Who is Who") despite researching dozens of prisoners of all kinds.
I have also been unable to use tech tree viewer, it just doesn't display any topics and search function doesn't do anything either. Does the game function properly with a Steam version?
The steam version of the base game files are identical to other sources. However attempting to run the mod and oxce from the steam install will not function properly, nor will running OXCE from the steam install folder. For best results unpack the mod in a separate location and copy the base game files listed on this page ( Run OXCE once to generate needed folders then copy over saves and config files.

If this does not resolve your issue post a save so it can be examined for other problems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 29, 2021, 02:26:45 pm
Some terrain bugs at STR_NINJA_BASE_1_ASSAULT

Where is this bug? You normally post a wall of text, but here you don't elaborate. Does it allow you to enter the bunker? That doesn't seem possible, it's also not clear on the screencap.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 29, 2021, 02:32:23 pm
BONDAGE /PEA (STR_PEASANT_BONDAGE_GEAR_UC) is missing personalLight setting. HOVERTANK* as well.

Also, psst, don't tell Dioxine that...

Thanks for bug report on armors.
I won't comment on your weird fantasies regarding the other part. It works exactly as intended.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 29, 2021, 03:45:21 pm
Where is this bug?

The two screenshots represent two places with invisible walls, so you need to walk around them to get from where the character is standing, to the selected tile like the path with TU's shows.

Thanks for bug report on armors.
I won't comment on your weird fantasies regarding the other part. It works exactly as intended.

You're welcome. So everything else is then as intended "by design"? Ok, thank you. That's all you needed to say.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nety on September 29, 2021, 10:08:35 pm
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but i need to research (with zero cost) Zombie Beauty (Preq), unlike VIP: Kashub (Preq) and Basic Engineering (Preq.).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on September 30, 2021, 03:28:14 am
usual behavior for techs added mid save that would normally be triggered by something else. like an event or chained from another tech. These have cost zero but since you can't perform the trigger you need to do them manually by starting them as a project where they will complete on the next day, no need to assign brains.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 01, 2021, 01:28:07 pm
In the STR_LOC_BANDIT_CAMP_TEMPERATE, the BANDIT_WATCHTOWER (the one with the Prepper Box on top) can spawn with grass underneath the stairs, which blocks the stairs and prevents you from walking up.

There's also some other buildings on this map which spawn without flooring and thus can have flora block the stuff inside the buildings.

This is in version M1.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on October 01, 2021, 01:51:56 pm
spawn with grass underneath the stairs, which blocks the stairs and prevents you from walking up.
you can shoot the grass :)
or flamethrower it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on October 05, 2021, 01:26:00 am
Loot screen after base defence is empty. Upgraded to M2 over clean M1. Tactical save on last turn attached.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kos on October 05, 2021, 12:09:19 pm
Bug: OpenXcom has crashed: Live alien item definition is missing. Unit ID = 1000006; Type = STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST; Status = 7; Faction = 1; Orig. faction = 1; isSurrendering = 0
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 05, 2021, 04:12:48 pm
The two screenshots represent two places with invisible walls (missing node links?), so you need to walk around them to get from where the character is standing, to the selected tile like the path with TU's shows.

There is inedeed back walls of the bunkers there, but your path shows nothing abnormal - you walk two steps forward and one to the right. This solution is also commonly used when double back walls are needed in such a shape as there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 07, 2021, 01:00:17 am
There is inedeed back walls of the bunkers there, but your path shows nothing abnormal - you walk two steps forward and one to the right. This solution is also commonly used when double back walls are needed in such a shape as there.

Oh, so this problem is due to the limitation of the map files. Then, can't you place two content items on a single tile to simulate both back walls? Through a script, or merging two terrains, or something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on October 07, 2021, 02:27:34 pm
Just did one of the new shadowlands and got this. I assume it's for the lost souls that were on the map in the cages.
Btw how do you capture them then? There are recipes that uses them now.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zharkov on October 10, 2021, 01:43:43 pm
Cyberdisk does everything in its power to not be taken alive!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aku on October 10, 2021, 03:27:08 pm
But we what?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 11, 2021, 03:27:54 pm
But we what?
"but we need to devise proper rituals first."
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 12, 2021, 06:11:04 am
Oh, so this problem is due to the limitation of the map files. Then, can't you place two content items on a single tile to simulate both back walls? Through a script, or merging two terrains, or something?

Lol do you take me for an idiot? Ofc I didn't do it that way only because it is not possible. Problem can be solved, but in a complex way, so the time investment is not worth correcting such a minimal error.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 17, 2021, 05:49:22 pm
Can you see a turret in first screen? But it is there!
Placing a EMP grenade and... BOOM! There it is.

I got this situation by using Nuclear Charge.
A few days ago same was with bigger turret, in front of ninja base.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 17, 2021, 09:26:05 pm
There's a problem with Jack's prize, SS-Prize: Contraband. On higher difficulties, producing Consumer Goods from Contraband isn't profitable anymore due to reduced sell prices.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 18, 2021, 02:39:33 am
Can you see a turret in first screen? But it is there!
Placing a EMP grenade and... BOOM! There it is.

I got this situation by using Nuclear Charge.
A few days ago same was with bigger turret, in front of ninja base.

Seems like geometry issues, the turrets are rather short for a unit so it's possible the platform is blocking line of sight to units below while you still have line of sight to the occupied tiles. Seeing a tile just means getting LOS to any voxel of the whole volume, a unit is any voxel of the unit's hitbox. A tile is i think 16 or 18 tall but the turret is like 10 or so.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on October 18, 2021, 09:18:57 am
My dragon with 4 tractor beams was intercepted by fighter... After defenceless dragon has been destroyed, fighter landed. Is it bug or feature?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on October 20, 2021, 02:26:22 am
Is this a bug or it is intended? Haven't met any ghost gals in current campain, haven't been on mysterious island.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 26, 2021, 01:42:56 pm
Not a bug, I guess...
But uncomfortable. If you bring non-flying platforms to defend that friendly general (btw, is he present on battlefield?) it can be jammed by allied 25-mm gun.
It's ok, if it spawn near the ninja truck - it gonna blow anyway, but if it spawn somewhere deeper, the only way to free it fast - kill 25-mm gun yourself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on October 26, 2021, 01:47:32 pm
Low key jelly of the amount of hp you lokk tank has.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on October 27, 2021, 11:24:27 am
(btw, is he present on battlefield?)
As stated in the briefing hes appears after some number of turns, and then usually gets himself killed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 27, 2021, 09:12:56 pm
Low key jelly of the amount of hp you lokk tank has.
Yep. But she still can die from single EMP grenade. Maybe I need to set her hp to 200?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on October 28, 2021, 11:04:58 am
The obviois question. Why not kill the sandbags instead of the gun?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 28, 2021, 01:58:51 pm
The obviois question. Why not kill the sandbags instead of the gun?
1. it takes minimum 2 shots from 60mm gun.
2. If it 85-mm tank, it machinegun often requires full turn to destroy at least one block. You're lucky if in takes only 1 burst
3. Somehow razor wire is blocking your movement too, so... more shots.
4. And, when the God of Tuffluck is staring at you, you realize that there is at least one more soldier, blocking your way, even if you destroyed those sandbags.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on October 28, 2021, 02:47:52 pm
Well, then it's not a question of "you MUST kill the field guns" but rather "I kill the field gun because it's more expedient".

That is, of course, quite a difference.

That said, reducing fortification with a tank gun sounds like pain indeed. But a gal with a vibroaxe can free such a tank in half a turn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on October 28, 2021, 08:54:04 pm
Well, then it's not a question of "you MUST kill the field guns" but rather "I kill the field gun because it's more expedient".

That is, of course, quite a difference.

That said, reducing fortification with a tank gun sounds like pain indeed. But a gal with a vibroaxe can free such a tank in half a turn.
MUST kill, because if tank will stuck a few turns, other tank might take too much damage, too much damage will take also other part of your team AND those idiot NPCs, absolutely insane moving under bullet storm. As result - more damage to team (and it's almost global defeat on highest difficulty) and less rating (which is the same).

Really pain.
A gal with it CAN be solution, but again, there is couple moments for it:
1. You must have that axe and gal, who can effectively swing it. I have no melee gals, only syn and one lokk'nar
2. Even in case you have a gal with axe, it must spawn near the tank. So... more pain.
The only and obviously easier way - save game right before landing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: dafirek on November 04, 2021, 02:48:54 pm
Cyberdisk does everything in its power to not be taken alive!
in    user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez_Faction.rul find STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST(the one with rank and race), for me it was row 17057, go down to capturable and add liveAlien: STR_CYBERDISC_TERRORIST in a new row under it. don't forget to use 4 spaces instead of tab, or else the game crashes on launch. if you want I can share my fixed rul file too.

+ a question to the dev: STR_ARMORED_CAR_TERRORIST and STR_ARMORED_CAR_NAZI_TERRORIST both have a live alien item, but they are also capturable: false, so they are instakilled if knocked unconscious. it shows up in the log as a suppressed  error, so I would like to know if they were meant to be capturable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on November 04, 2021, 03:02:19 pm
+ a question to the dev: STR_ARMORED_CAR_TERRORIST and STR_ARMORED_CAR_NAZI_TERRORIST both have a live alien item, but they are also capturable: false, so they are instakilled if knocked unconscious. it shows up in the log as a suppressed  error, so I would like to know if they were meant to be capturable.

No, the other way around.

The warning says that it would be nice to set the live alien item to "empty" so that it is clear(er) that it's unused.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: dafirek on November 04, 2021, 03:51:41 pm
No, the other way around.

The warning says that it would be nice to set the live alien item to "empty" so that it is clear(er) that it's unused.
That fixed it. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on November 06, 2021, 06:27:02 pm
Not exactly a bug, but... There is a jungle biome south of Caspian sea. Maybe some kind of rocky desert will be more appropriate?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on November 06, 2021, 08:15:47 pm
Not exactly a bug, but... There is a jungle biome south of Caspian sea. Maybe some kind of rocky desert will be more appropriate?
Not a bug. It is old map from X-com 1, so... it must be like this)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on November 06, 2021, 08:17:14 pm
Common terror mission.
All citizens spawned in one place, and guess what? Half of them were killed by single grenade.
I think this is bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on November 07, 2021, 12:21:41 am
50 kills vs 30 kills in strings:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on November 07, 2021, 02:26:13 am
I have Golden Codex, not Green. Either error in tech tree or in bootypedia enrty.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: qwertzy on November 08, 2021, 10:26:31 pm
I tried to copy in a changed "Piratez_Factions.rul" file. Not sure if it caused this crash report (was not using the most recent m2.2 version yet).
But now that crash occurs even after deinstallation of both open xcom and the original game and reinstallation as well as updating the version.

After a few more deinstallations, looking for files not erased and re-installing it works again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: sofist_ps on November 19, 2021, 12:48:41 pm
1) sabre fighter goes for freighter
2) fighter follows freighter - icon 1 apears
3) ninja jet intercepts barracuda fighter
4) ninja jet was blown down
5) icon 1 disapears
6) fortuna goes for freighter
7) fortuna follows freighter - icon 2 apears, but there is no icon 1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on November 22, 2021, 06:46:11 pm
This map was an infested cellar mission, the blue dots are the remaining rats, but they seem to be in an inaccessible area, and I don't think you can blow up those walls, maybe I'm wrong.
I even killed the poor cat because the mission wasn't ending before the bug hunt mode was activated.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Peteruta on November 22, 2021, 08:29:39 pm
Hoi Berrgen. Use Pickaxe for the walls... Its laying there in the Dungeon...
The poor Cat... How can you? Its a good Spy the Miauz.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ethereal_Medic on November 22, 2021, 09:30:36 pm
Have a pickaxe or (steam)hammer with you every mission just in case the map shuffler is rude.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on November 23, 2021, 10:17:33 am
This map was an infested cellar mission, the blue dots are the remaining rats, but they seem to be in an inaccessible area, and I don't think you can blow up those walls, maybe I'm wrong.
I even killed the poor cat because the mission wasn't ending before the bug hunt mode was activated.
Intended, sorta. The map randomization occasionaly cuts of map parts. Apply the provided pickaxe on the ground in the starting area if you didnt bring your own. It's a good rule to always pack a hammer or pickaxe on every mission just in case you need to make a new door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on November 23, 2021, 09:28:30 pm
 I forgot totally about pickaxes, my fault, I usually dont put heavy tools into Lokk'Nars, but I will try.
What made me think that you can't destroy those walls was because they were full squares, not like in houses or fences.

Thanks everybody for the answers, now I'm a bit ashamed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Peteruta on November 24, 2021, 06:11:30 pm
All good.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on November 26, 2021, 11:53:27 pm
typo in the 'Pedia page for Manhacks. "Achived" instead of achieved.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on December 02, 2021, 12:19:50 am
The game crashes when entering the mission, It's a Distress call (cold). The blowfish is already on the way.

Edit: Afterwards I tried the mission with the airbus and it worked well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on December 02, 2021, 08:09:46 pm
Potential mission generation bug. Temple mission spawned in the middle of the ocean.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: dronnoh on December 07, 2021, 04:35:52 pm
Upgraded Runts seem to not have Gentle Push ability. It is listed in the Bootypedia, but i couldn't use it.
Also, whatever the BIG_GNOME is, it now crashes the game from Bootypedia due to the lack of sprites
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 15, 2021, 09:22:16 am
polar map block crash
to reproduce: let it run and start the academy mission
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 15, 2021, 02:41:20 pm
polar map block crash
to reproduce: let it run and start the academy mission

Doesn't crash for me. Battlescape attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 15, 2021, 10:28:40 pm
Quote from: Solarius Scorch
Doesn't crash for me.

hm, it crashed three times in a row, so i assumed consistency. One hour ago i had another crash on a extreme cold mission with the same message as Berggen has posted.  i have game version M3.0.1., should be the most up to date.
I'm not a modder, but there's something going on with those polar maps.

the game got also insanely hard  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on December 15, 2021, 11:59:29 pm
hm, it crashed three times in a row, so i assumed consistency. One hour ago i had another crash on a extreme cold mission with the same message as Berggen has posted.  i have game version M3.0.1., should be the most up to date.
I'm not a modder, but there's something going on with those polar maps.

the game got also insanely hard  :'(

The latest piratez version is 3.2.1, so perhaps the bug has been fixed and that's why Solarius isn't getting it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on December 16, 2021, 12:13:35 am
The latest piratez version is 3.2.1, so perhaps the bug has been fixed and that's why Solarius isn't getting it.
thx, downloading right now
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on December 21, 2021, 02:20:35 am
Mission "They Came From The Sea". Deep One's reinforcements are friendly to player.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: wisery on December 25, 2021, 02:29:36 am
Mission "Refuelling Station". Walls are full of holes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MaxdH on December 28, 2021, 10:39:58 pm
Mission "sleeping Satellite" has the same problem : You and the enemies can Walk through some Walls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 29, 2021, 04:35:05 pm
99% sure it's already fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: T-Rez on January 01, 2022, 12:41:19 pm
First time trying to get this mod to run on Arch Linux. Crashes at startup because STR_DIVEBOMBS_M_UC must have a projectile speed greater than 0.

Looks like the entry for STR_DIVEBOMBS_M_UC in Piratez.rul is missing the following lines:

Could someone please help me out with what these values should be?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2022, 04:40:36 pm
Could someone please help me out with what these values should be?

projectile speed should be 4
you don't need to define the projectile type, nor clip
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: T-Rez on January 01, 2022, 04:44:43 pm
projectile speed should be 4
you don't need to define the projectile type, nor clip

It works now.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 05, 2022, 04:28:46 pm
i re-installed piratez believing it's the new M3.2.1 version, but the new save still says "piratez ver: v.M3.0.1 OXCE 7.1.4 20-Oct-2021".
and it still crashes :(
attached is the save - let it run and click through the equip screen before the battle starts (mission itself will start fine though)
i'm doing sth wrong, but what?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on January 09, 2022, 09:25:02 am
So I updated to M4 and I am able to research ?Peasant Revolution?. This is in spite of the fact that I have researched ?Gals are better? before updating. The Tech Tree Viewer says they should be mutually exclusive.

Save attached.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 09, 2022, 12:43:04 pm
So I updated to M4 and I am able to research ?Peasant Revolution?. This is in spite of the fact that I have researched ?Gals are better? before updating. The Tech Tree Viewer says they should be mutually exclusive.

Save attached.

It's a normal artifact from updating your campaign.

To fix, edit your save by looking at this section:


and add these lines below it:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 10, 2022, 04:05:22 pm
In 0.99M4 unkocked the "ghetto gun" from contects:merchants if im not mistaken but bootypedia article is missin, though it's still buyable from black market middle clicking on it does nothing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Requiem on January 10, 2022, 10:13:27 pm
trying to update to 4.1 from 4.0
and recieving this error on launch:

with old options.cfg,
[ERROR]   During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'AUX_CARRRAMBA': Wrong index 8999 for sound set BATTLE.CAT

with fresh
[ERROR]   During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'AUX_CARRRAMBA': Wrong index 5999 for sound set BATTLE.CAT

I had Scolding Parrot mod, is there anything i can do about it quickly? (except deleting it)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 10:26:12 pm
I had Scolding Parrot mod, is there anything i can do about it quickly? (except deleting it)

review the mod and fix the missing sound for AUX_CARRRAMBA, or set the sound index to -1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Requiem on January 10, 2022, 10:39:58 pm
Trying to find it but cant figure out wich string to update, i am complete noob :(
Mod is from wiki wtf downloads and i thought its official, on 4.0 mod works fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 10:56:52 pm
Find this in Ruleset/Piratez.rul within the Parrot mod

Code: [Select]
    size: 0.1
    weight: 0
    bigSprite: 1350
    bulletSprite: 27
    hitAnimation: 240
    fireSound: [480, 481, 482, 483, 484, 485]
    hitSound: 999
    invWidth: 2
    invHeight: 3

and change "hitSound: 999" to "hitSound: -1"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Requiem on January 10, 2022, 11:04:09 pm
Thanks, you saved my parrot. :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on January 11, 2022, 03:54:08 pm
The wolfman 'pedia article claims it has spot 3. It actually has spot 5. The armor article does have the correct value.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 12, 2022, 02:45:25 pm
0.99M4.1, fuel distributor in the middle of rural map. Also a machinery tle is missing, please check that map for other possible overlookings. Also, not neccesairly a bug, but scout and adventurer outfit turn into ganger when grounding on a cold land, but this not applies for the ganger one while goin in an hot wheater zone; please in that case might be possible with next update that in such cases it would turn in an adventurer one? Won't take much time to tacke off a jacket before goin into misison.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on January 12, 2022, 05:45:57 pm
Because the Ganger is not actually bad in heat being at 99%, while scout and adventurer are past the threshold for HP damage from cold.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on January 13, 2022, 05:21:21 am
Ending turn in this exact state causes a neverending turn for me reliably (M4.0).  Moving the 4 gals from the curtain to the temple entrance rsolves it. I'm guessing there's some sort of pathfinding/ai failure involving me blocking both sides of the curtains.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on January 20, 2022, 02:58:56 pm
The luxury spa has an enemy spawn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on January 20, 2022, 04:55:44 pm
There seems to be an issue with the Pirate Hunt mission. I just fought a base defense against a landcruiser, and two more are on the way.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 20, 2022, 05:34:23 pm
Ending turn in this exact state causes a neverending turn for me reliably (M4.0).  Moving the 4 gals from the curtain to the temple entrance rsolves it. I'm guessing there's some sort of pathfinding/ai failure involving me blocking both sides of the curtains.

Yes, exactly.
Known mapmaking issue.

There seems to be an issue with the Pirate Hunt mission. I just fought a base defense against a landcruiser, and two more are on the way.

A new feature.
Dio asked me to do it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on January 20, 2022, 06:38:45 pm
A new feature.
Dio asked me to do it.

Is there some way to turn it off? I don't want this in my game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on January 21, 2022, 01:52:39 am
Some achievement acquiring is broken.
It is funny to see how gal raising "Femme Fatale", killing with trench's gun stabbing thing))

Ed. AND! If you only knockdown enemy and manage to capture it, so you will rise "Arouser"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 26, 2022, 10:56:50 am
0.99M4.1.2, that graphic asses it's quite messy...also thre is a wall of a wrong asset, i believe. Savefile is here (,4102.msg143526.html#msg143526), luckily!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mikmac on January 27, 2022, 01:57:44 pm
FYI. Game crashes in load vessel screen with message: "Sprite FHUMAN_12_GLASSES_M28 not found " .
(Game apparently fails to load a specific peasant in nun outfit?)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 27, 2022, 06:51:20 pm
FYI. Game crashes in load vessel screen with message: "Sprite FHUMAN_12_GLASSES_M28 not found " .
(Game apparently fails to load a specific peasant in nun outfit?)
had the same. update fixes the problem
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mikmac on January 27, 2022, 09:27:01 pm
Hmm... what update? I have M4 1.2.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on January 27, 2022, 09:48:18 pm
@mikmac after the update i didn't encouter this bug anymore, but apparently it's still there
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 03, 2022, 06:50:06 pm
MINX has INVIS instead of CAMO

SS-Prize: Contraband still hasn't been fixed; Due to the 60% sell price coefficient on the hardest difficulty you're not making any profit there. Is it not a bug?

Hyena Bite (AUX_HYENA_WEAPON) has experienceTrainingMode: 26 (train VooDoo skill). Is this intended?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Greep on February 04, 2022, 02:31:59 am
You'd have to program an exception to consumer goods for the contraband thing, probably not worth it.  If it were added, should probably also add it for gold/silver/alenium which are supposed to be the hoarder currencies.  Probably liabilities as well, so selling rocks and paying taxes isn't easier.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 04, 2022, 02:44:48 am
Originally you were making 480k profit per contraband so... could simply change Contraband buy cost to 0 and change "Consumer Goods (x36)" into "Consumer Goods (x16)". 16x Consumer Goods sells for 480k (288k on hardest).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: legionof1 on February 04, 2022, 04:08:13 am
You make a fair point about the contraband.

Certainly a mismatch between minx description and stats, at least from the outside pedia view.

I think the voodoo skill gain is intended on the rider bite, voodoo skill has been a stand in for mental and charisma like attributes before. And getting the mount to chomp better is an animal training/empathy thing
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scamps on February 04, 2022, 12:43:59 pm
Not sure about gold, but credit chips probably should not be discounted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: S1mancoder on February 05, 2022, 04:29:39 pm
Got a persistent segfault (but not critical part of game) on latest OXCE (7.5.1)

Save file attached, to replicate:
Hideouts->Vessels->Airbus*->Crew->Infamous La Fay hand stats via rightclick->Armor list->Middle click on Hyena armor

No idea if there are other ways to replicate.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 04:48:46 pm
Got a persistent segfault (but not critical part of game) on latest OXCE (7.5.1)

Save file attached, to replicate:
Hideouts->Vessels->Airbus*->Crew->Infamous La Fay hand stats via rightclick->Armor list->Middle click on Hyena armor

No idea if there are other ways to replicate.

likely OXCE issue, will check

EDIT: it doesn't crash on my local environment and also not on Yankes' local environment... it will take some time (a few days probably) to find out why it crashes with the build from the build farm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 06, 2022, 05:44:35 pm
I could not fix it... or even find the exact issue, just symptoms.

I will revert the related changes and release OXCE 7.5.2 without them.

PS: it will be properly added in the next release
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 06, 2022, 07:36:04 pm
STR_HEAVY_LASER has power defined even though it uses ammo which has its own power.

STR_HEAVY_LASER and AUX_RETRIBUTION_LAUNCHER have damageType defined even though they use ammo with its own damageType.

The ammo STR_HWP_INCENDIARY_ROCKET isn't used by any weapon. There exists AUX_BOOMOSAURUS_WEAPON, but it has infinite ammo.

Triggerhappy condemnation says it's awarded for attempting reaction fire. But actually it's awarded for... "enemies downed during enemy's turn" where grenades/mines don't count.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on February 09, 2022, 11:15:07 am
Valkyrie condamnation does not work as expected.
I just got it on a dead peasant. Not even my greatest peasant.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 09, 2022, 11:23:18 am
Valkyrie condamnation does not work as expected.
I just got it on a dead peasant. Not even my greatest peasant.

This commendation only considers dead soldiers, living are completely ignored.

It is awarded to "the best dead soldier so far".

Best = having highest total mission score (from all missions together).

EDIT: rookies are excluded
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on February 09, 2022, 04:53:41 pm
So thats how it works. Thanks, Meridian.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 10, 2022, 10:16:41 am
You're right in that the description of the condemnation is wrong. "at the moment of her death, she was the greatest pirate in your crew" can only be understood as the greatest among all the hands, dead and alive ones, so the description should be changed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 12, 2022, 09:34:07 pm
There's a bug in HitFX-basic.rul. It often happens to me that I shoot an enemy with a shotgun, but the enemy doesn't flash in any color, even when I do significant damage. The bug is in the fact that only the last pellet is considered for recoloring, so if the last pellet does no damage, there's no color indication. The correct behavior would be for the pellet damage of all the pellets to be tallied up, before doing the recolor logic.

STR_FUSO_KNIVES should probably count towards STR_MEDAL_NINJA_NAME instead of STR_MEDAL_PIRATE_NAME.
AUX_FISTO and STR_KUNG_FU_ALT can award STR_MEDAL_WRESTLER_NAME, but these conditions are redundant since only enemies use these weapons... oh, is that in case of Mind Control?

Cobra Staff melee attack says it uses "sleep poison". HP damage is reduced, but there's no stun damage? Probably missing ToStun damage modifier.

The pinups granted by Dating Saya event research list, researching Mutant Alliance Files (MAF), and researching Ninja units are very similar, but there's some discrepancies:
STR_PINUP_089, 135, 141 can be obtained from Saya, but not by Ninjas or MAF
136, 143, 152, 153 can be obtained from Ninjas, but not from Saya or MAF
025 can be obtained from MAF, but not from Saya or Ninjas
018, 037, 059, 063, 088 can be obtained from Saya and MAF, but not from Ninjas
069, 084, 103, 114, 115, 121, 122, 129, 139 can be obtained from Saya and Ninjas, but not from MAF
134 can be obtained from Ninjas and MAF, but not from Saya

STR_MEDAL_BETRAYER_1 to STR_MEDAL_BETRAYER_9 are missing "recovery:" line before "morale:". In other words, negative morale recovery for this condemnation is bugged.

STR_CAMO_PAINT_UC and STR_PEASANT_DIVER_UC are missing visibilityAtDark
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on February 22, 2022, 04:32:36 pm
I just completed a Friends in Govt attacked.

In the process, I lost a Lokk'Naar in an armored car (4RPG). And one of the objects I got is a STR_CORPSE_LOKNAR_COAT. I don't think that's supposed to happen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nord on February 25, 2022, 01:11:43 pm
Hi. Looks like hand cannon magic bullets have wrong hit animation. Now it is part blue fire, part smoke. Maybe it is intended, but looks like a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 26, 2022, 12:21:02 pm
Not sure if it's a bug, but you know what's driving me crazy? Doing night missions and hearing birds singing or rooster cock-a-doodle-do's. It's freaking night, animals should be sleeping!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 26, 2022, 12:26:06 pm
Not sure if it's a bug, but you know what's driving me crazy? Doing night missions and hearing birds singing or rooster cock-a-doodle-do's. It's freaking night, animals should be sleeping!

I wish we could make it dependent on the day time!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 26, 2022, 12:33:59 pm
Pretty sure there wouldn't be any birds singing even during the day, with all the gunfire around.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on February 26, 2022, 01:08:19 pm
animals should be sleeping!

it's the post-apocalypse, their sleep schedule is all fucked up
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 26, 2022, 05:22:40 pm
Pretty sure there wouldn't be any birds singing even during the day, with all the gunfire around.

B-but we only used melee... :-[
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on February 28, 2022, 06:10:45 pm
hellerium driven birds sleeps half year and another half sign all time
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 01, 2022, 10:03:17 pm
Something's fucky (screenshot) in the NUKE_CITY. Can walk through walls, there's holes in the ground next to some stairs, can't climb up some stairs because you just fall through, can also walk through some fences. From savegame: lastUsedMapScript: NUKE_CITY_6; flattenedMapTerrainNames: NUKE_CITY_NORAD_6; flattenedMapBlockNames: NUKECITY04

STR_FAE_ROCKET_XXX is too profitable

Plasma Rocket (STR_NUKE_ROCKET) should either be renamed or damage type changed to actually be PLASMA.

LIL' ILYA fires Spike Rockets, but its weapon type is LIGHT? Also, Spike Rockets require Divebomb tech to manufacture? Neither of these two makes sense.

Producing STR_HUMAN_CITY_GIRL_SALVAGE requires 400h of labor and a Leather Whip, it also requires Persuasion tech. This seems rather unusual/expensive to produce only a SLAVE MAID. Is this a bug? Shouldn't the product be a SLAVE GLADIATRIX or something?

I tried using Black Cat's "Cat Purring" to restore morale, but it only restored 1 morale?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Whatifred on March 19, 2022, 06:13:37 am
Fuso knives are giving "traditional" commendation fairly sure they should give "radical"? (ignore me if I am just wrong)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: FiendishDrWu on March 25, 2022, 02:39:11 pm
I was playing the latest "Five Captains" release (after importing my save from the prior version) and encountered a bug: I was asked to research a "personality test" and did so (I picked Lazy) - it completed and I saw the result (Wise), but a day later I received a message that I'd failed to pick one and my crew picked for me with -50 infamy.  I was about to go to bed when this happened, so I didn't probe further, but I can poke around with it more 12+ hours from now. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 25, 2022, 04:54:15 pm
I was playing the latest "Five Captains" release (after importing my save from the prior version) and encountered a bug: I was asked to research a "personality test" and did so (I picked Lazy) - it completed and I saw the result (Wise), but a day later I received a message that I'd failed to pick one and my crew picked for me with -50 infamy.  I was about to go to bed when this happened, so I didn't probe further, but I can poke around with it more 12+ hours from now.

Apparently an effect of upgrade mid-campaign... The event however should not have any lasting effect except -50 infamy - unless I don't fully understand how the events work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 25, 2022, 05:09:43 pm
Line 174 and 179 are duplicate entries for monthlyCost
Line 974 and 978 are duplicate entries for refundValue
Line 2278 and 2282 are duplicate entries for battleType
Line 3167 and 3175 are duplicate entries for battleType
Line 3389 and 3397 are duplicate entries for battleType
Line 5050 and 5053 are duplicate entries for battleType
Line 28798 and 28807 are duplicate entries for bulletSpeed
Line 35607 and 35609 are duplicate entries for ToArmorPre
Line 95808 and 95809 are duplicate entries for recovery
Line 146044 and 146045 are duplicate entries for STR_SHADOW_ORB_GREEN
Line 148466 and 148469 are duplicate entries for refund
Line 148477 and 148484 are duplicate entries for refund

Line 16858 anchor StatblockGovtEnforcer already exists. Should be StatblockGovtElite
Line 16885 StatblockGovtEnforcer should be StatblockGovtElite
Line 19674 firstMonth should be lastMonth
Line 60605 duplicate entry for music

the local xpedia is bugged (crashes during parsing so not all data is parsed)
To fix local xpedia: edit Piratez_Globals.rul and add the following line at the bottom of the file:
Code: [Select]
downloads: []
and then run xpedia.bat again
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 25, 2022, 11:20:14 pm
Thanks A LOT, Delian.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 25, 2022, 11:34:18 pm
You're welcome. I love you too.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on March 27, 2022, 09:28:10 pm
Would it be possible to have the Crew vote - Lazy-Ass Captain event happening the month after the Personality Test event?

I just got them both on the same day, making it impossible for me to chose my path.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 27, 2022, 10:32:30 pm
Code: [Select]
[27-03-2022_21-27-34] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(TERRAIN/XBR1NEUTRAL.MCD): requested file not found.
[27-03-2022_21-27-34] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: FileRecord::at(TERRAIN/XBR1NEUTRAL.MCD): requested file not found.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 28, 2022, 12:17:08 am
Yes I know, I uploaded my files in haste and forgot a couple. Current download should be fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 29, 2022, 11:53:50 pm
Something's fucky (screenshot) in the NUKE_CITY. Can walk through walls, there's holes in the ground next to some stairs, can't climb up some stairs because you just fall through, can also walk through some fences. From savegame: lastUsedMapScript: NUKE_CITY_6; flattenedMapTerrainNames: NUKE_CITY_NORAD_6; flattenedMapBlockNames: NUKECITY04

I've fixed that wall, also found one flight of broken stairs on that map, but without screenshots I can't do much more - it's searching for a needle in a haystack. The map has around 3000 tiles. Please document map bugs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 30, 2022, 12:04:55 am
LIL' ILYA fires Spike Rockets, but its weapon type is LIGHT? Also, Spike Rockets require Divebomb tech to manufacture? Neither of these two makes sense.

Producing STR_HUMAN_CITY_GIRL_SALVAGE requires 400h of labor and a Leather Whip, it also requires Persuasion tech. This seems rather unusual/expensive to produce only a SLAVE MAID. Is this a bug? Shouldn't the product be a SLAVE GLADIATRIX or something?

I've already asked you multiple times to not post your suggestions in this thread, only bugreports. I will not explain myself.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 30, 2022, 12:20:56 am
Cobra Staff melee attack says it uses "sleep poison". HP damage is reduced, but there's no stun damage? Probably missing ToStun damage modifier.

STR_CAMO_PAINT_UC and STR_PEASANT_DIVER_UC are missing visibilityAtDark

You are in error:
1. That attack uses Daze damage which has ToStun 1.0 by default;
2. These armors have NV=9 which, again, is default.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 30, 2022, 11:09:19 am
I've already asked you multiple times to not post your suggestions in this thread, only bugreports. I will not explain myself.

Thanks for checking out these other bug reports of mine. As I previously mentioned, everything I post in this thread I consider a "possible bug", despite the wording I might use (for suggestions I use a different thread (http://",5821.0.html")). In case a report is not a bug, then you simply need to say that the specific reported feature is "By Design" and the problem is solved, no explanation needed. But I'd still like to apologize because, like every human being, I make mistakes, and it's sometimes impossible to tell whether a feature is a bug or not. In that case, isn't it still better to make a report instead of staying quiet? Please don't take these bug reports as personal attacks, I'm not trying to troll you or anything.

You are in error:
1. That attack uses Daze damage which has ToStun 1.0 by default;
2. These armors have NV=9 which, again, is default.

Ah, sorry, my bad. I missed those defaults. On the topic of NV, I guess I was confused because, all armors, except those two, have visibilityAtDark defined, even when the value is 9.

I've fixed that wall, also found one flight of broken stairs on that map, but without screenshots I can't do much more - it's searching for a needle in a haystack. The map has around 3000 tiles. Please document map bugs.

Thanks! I'll be on the lookout for any bugs the next time the map comes up during my gameplay.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 30, 2022, 01:51:42 pm
Sorry for being a little harsh as well, you're invaluable help in bug squashing.
Re: Hit FX (damage flash being displayed only for the last pellet in shotguns). The author of the script is aware of this, he asked the OXCE devs about the same thing when writing it and the short answer is: it cannot be done.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: TheFluffy on March 31, 2022, 03:09:27 am
I had a crash trying to do a crashed rogue courier in the farmlands of europe between the two mountain ranges of france and germany, included as per the error message's instructions are my save, log, and screenshot.

to recreate: simply send my littlebird or airbus to the crash and attempt to do mission, as per how to do it outside of my save I guess just shoot down a rogue courier anywhere and attempt to do the mission?

mods used: moar hiring, Vd music addon V1.3.2 (not sure if these affect anything but better safe than sorry)

edit: version of piratez is M5.0.1 in the event that isn't the current version anymore
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on March 31, 2022, 11:01:17 am
Current version is M5.2.0, so upgrade and try again.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on March 31, 2022, 02:54:23 pm
The bootypedia says that damaged facilities can be repaired by left clicking on them, but that isn't true. Left clicking just dismantles the facility.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on March 31, 2022, 04:40:19 pm
Have you actually tried it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on March 31, 2022, 06:56:01 pm
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on March 31, 2022, 08:24:55 pm
Then that problem is with a specific building. Which one? Leftclolicking should transform the building into another level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on March 31, 2022, 08:26:30 pm
Armored Vaults, in this case.

I initially left clicked it only to be told it was in use. After freeing up 250 storage space, I was then only allowed to disassemble it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on March 31, 2022, 08:33:28 pm
It repairs DAMAGED buildings. Undamaged ones it razes.

EDIT: But Armored Vaults were indeed bugged. Fix will be available in 5.2.1 later today.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: BTAxis on March 31, 2022, 09:36:12 pm
Awesome! Thanks a 10^6.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: TheFluffy on March 31, 2022, 10:59:39 pm
Current version is M5.2.0, so upgrade and try again.
works perfectly now, thanks! also thanks for not reaming me for my smoothbrainism of not even checking if bug was already fixed or not  :D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: bublebree on April 01, 2022, 08:22:39 am
Bootypedia entry for peasant Aqua armor both standart and EVA version say "thv. 20%" but ruleset has defined
Code: [Select]
Heatvision: 30
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 05, 2022, 12:56:33 am
I started a STR_LOC_COMMS_TOWER_TEMPERATE mission, but for some strange reason, possibly a bug, all the enemies spawned outside of the UFO, even though the alienDeployment has enemies with percentageOutsideUfo defined in the 25% range. Is it because the ufo spawned right next to the craft? It doesn't always happen when doing this mission, only sometimes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 05, 2022, 10:51:07 am
I started a STR_LOC_COMMS_TOWER_TEMPERATE mission, but for some strange reason, possibly a bug, all the enemies spawned outside of the UFO, even though the alienDeployment has percentageOutsideUfo defined in the 25% range. Is it because the ufo spawned right next to the craft? It doesn't always happen when doing this mission, only rarely.

It depends on many things, including which terrain was used.

What prompts you to suspect that it's a bug? I don't see any buggy behaviour in your description.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 05, 2022, 11:16:43 am
What prompts you to suspect that it's a bug? I don't see any buggy behaviour in your description.

For this alienDeployment, some of the enemies have a "percentageOutsideUfo: 0" defined, and, unless I'm misunderstanding something, this would normally mean that these enemies should have a 100% chance to spawn inside the UFO (the comms tower building). And usually they do, but in the attached .sav they didn't.

I think it's because the nodes inside the ufo have rank: 0, while the nodes outside the ufo have rank 2, so the nodes outside get filled first. So the question is, is this intended design?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 05, 2022, 02:32:13 pm
For this alienDeployment, some of the enemies have a "percentageOutsideUfo: 0" defined, and, unless I'm misunderstanding something, this would normally mean that these enemies should have a 100% chance to spawn inside the UFO (the comms tower building). And usually they do, but in the attached .sav they didn't.

As far as I know, percentageOutsideUfo only applies to actual UFO landings, not ground-based missions (even if they feature a "UFO"). I am only 90% sure, though.

I think it's because the nodes inside the ufo have rank: 0, while the nodes outside the ufo have rank 2, so the nodes outside get filled first. So the question is, is this intended design?

Only Dioxine can say, but I don't think he just mashed buttons at random. :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 05, 2022, 03:12:56 pm
As far as I know, percentageOutsideUfo only applies to actual UFO landings, not ground-based missions (even if they feature a "UFO"). I am only 90% sure, though.

If there's no ufo, then all the aliens get spawned "inside":
Code: (from BattlescapeGenerator::deployAliens) [Select]
bool outside = RNG::generate(0,99) < (*d).percentageOutsideUfo;
if (_ufo == 0)
    outside = false;
So I guess you're right. The difference between outside and inside is that... aliens that were supposed to spawn outside only spawn on rank 0 nodes. But if the "percentageOutsideUfo" setting is ignored, then why would Dio set it up for all the enemies for all the missions?

Anyway, here's another example, Scientific Experiments (STR_LOC_ACADEMY_OUTPOST_DESERT). All of the enemies spawned outside of the building, which doesn't really make sense (unless they love the scorching desert heat over cool building interior).

Again for the same reason, which is that nodes outside have rank 2 while the nodes inside have rank 0 (well, some have rank 8 ).
The medic (rank 3) here has defined percentageOutsideUfo: 0, so he should spawn inside. But for rank 3 enemies, the hardcoded node rank priorities are { 7, 6, 2, 8, 3, 4, 0 }, meaning they would first fill nodes with rank 7 then 6, then 2, etc. The nodes inside do have high priority set, but because of the low rank, they're never filled. Hmm, maybe the problem is in the nodes outside having rank 2?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on April 15, 2022, 10:09:59 am
There's been a significant bug reported on Matrix, involving doubling your brainers if a get one free is researched at the same time as the literal item.

This looks like an OXCE issue.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: PaladinF1 on April 15, 2022, 10:45:57 pm
Hello. I've got cave endless enemy turn bug. I found same one in this topic, also have that diagonal tiles problem probably.

What should I do?

Version M5.1.

UPDATE: so, today I found solution - used debug mode to finish mission.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 25, 2022, 03:24:01 pm
I started a STR_LOC_COMMS_TOWER_TEMPERATE mission, but for some strange reason, possibly a bug, all the enemies spawned outside of the UFO, even though the alienDeployment has enemies with percentageOutsideUfo defined in the 25% range. Is it because the ufo spawned right next to the craft? It doesn't always happen when doing this mission, only sometimes.

If terrain has ranked alien spawns, especially with high priority - which can happen, it is physically impossible to check every mapblock in existence, and some terrains NEED those to differentiate between spawns of civilians and enemies in Pogroms - if such set of circumstances happen, enemies will spawn outside of the object because higher priority spawns.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on April 26, 2022, 01:54:46 pm
0.99M5.2.1, not proprerly a bug, maybe, but astrorock track in the battlescape jukebox has its name written in capital letters, while others not.

Moreover, i ground assaulted an academy nurse airbus that landed in an highly radiactive msp, but since that terrain seems to damage its inwalkers (?? oh come on... XD), maybe human enemies are supposed not to not land there? Sorry do not have battlescape save this time arournd >.<

Edit: usual typos
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 26, 2022, 07:40:57 pm
If terrain has ranked alien spawns, especially with high priority - which can happen, it is physically impossible to check every mapblock in existence, and some terrains NEED those to differentiate between spawns of civilians and enemies in Pogroms - if such set of circumstances happen, enemies will spawn outside of the object because higher priority spawns.

Yeah, I understand now. Basically, there are two types of problems here:
1. Rank 0 nodes should be Rank 2
2. Rank 2 nodes should be Rank 0

The first problem occurs when a mission uses a pogrom terrain (example is the 1st sav (;topic=4058.0;attach=56503) I attached), but still includes a ufo (or enemy bunker / building). In this case you need to make sure that the nodes inside the ufo (in the sav, the ufo terrain is COMMS_TOWER) have Rank 2 or higher. If the nodes inside the ufo can be corrected to have Rank 2, then the problem is solved because the Rank 2 nodes on the pogrom terrain outside won't get higher priority.

The second problem occurs when a mission doesn't use a pogrom terrain (example is the 2nd sav (;topic=4058.0;attach=56516) I attached), but the terrain outside still has Rank 2 nodes. A terrain, which isn't a ufo and isn't used in any missions that require saving civilians, should not have any Rank 2 nodes. So if you correct the terrain (in the sav, the problematic terrain is DESERTX), to have Rank 0 nodes instead of Rank 2, then the problem is solved, because nodes outside won't get priority over the nodes inside.

To help you out a bit, I did a little bit of mission terrain analysis.
In total, there are 14 terror missions, and 21 deployments with an explicit number of civilians.
Code: [Select]
The missions themselves aren't important, but the terrains they use are. The said terrains are:
Code: [Select]
So this is a list of pogrom terrains (terrains used by deployments with civilians). Probably some exceptions on it, but in general, these terrains should already have Rank 2 nodes in them to differentiate between aliens and civilians. However, these are the *only* terrains that need Rank 2 nodes. Any terrains that aren't on this list (and aren't ufos) should have Rank 0 nodes instead.

I'm not able to directly query the map files, so I can't automatically find which terrains have node rank errors. But, maybe I can check deployments...
Code: [Select]
This is a list of non-pogrom deployments which use pogrom terrains. These deployments need to be checked for the 1st problem, that is, any sort of ufo/special building in these deployments needs to have at least some Rank 2 or higher nodes inside, otherwise a pogrom terrain will get priority and all the aliens will spawn outside. Perhaps you can ask someone to do the checking for you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2022, 02:27:36 pm
Yes this is what I meant with spawn priorities. However, the comms tower for example has several priority 8 and even 10 spawns (highest), so it is done properly, manual combing of the hundreds or thousands of mapblocks to assure some terrain doesn't override it - I have better things to do.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 29, 2022, 04:14:53 pm
Uhh, I wasn't talking about the Node Priority property (in MapView, it's called "Spawn Weight" (technically wrong), but in .sav it's called "priority"). The game checks Node Rank before the Node Priority when spawning enemies. Only if two nodes have the same Rank, it will fill the one with the higher Node Priority first.
Rank 2 Priority 0 node will be filled before Rank 0 Priority 10 node. So Node Priority is ignored if the node Rank isn't correctly set. Yes, you correctly set the Priority, but not Rank.

Ok, so you don't want to manually go through all the terrains/map blocks to find errors. That's fine. Then, can I directly report which terrains definitely have errors?

In this case, COMMS_TOWER is 100% problematic, because all the nodes in this terrain have a wrong Rank set. Rank 0 nodes in all the COMMS_TOWER route need to be set to Rank 2 (or higher).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hedin on April 29, 2022, 05:01:35 pm
This is my third time to setup this mod, and i have a persistent problem. When i install X-Piratez on Linux they are BUGGED.
1) Error on starting X-Com: Clip_Size for Hoverbikes, Grimmoires and some other weapons is missing. Ruleset Pirztez.rul
So, ok, i have modified file, and started the game, but then:
2) Shop is fully opened from the beginning(including The World Is Mine)
3) Glitched images in bootypedia, on the Parrot entry game crashes.

I obliviously botched the installation somewhere... Normal X-Com and TFTD are working fully and glitchlesly(as far as i can see)
Previous times i had an option to play X-Pirates on Windows and it was working perfectly. Now i don't have such luxury.
Linux Version: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS.
Things I did:
1) Unpacked "Extended-7.5.3-f94c8c56f-2022-02-07-bionic-x86_64" into ".local/share/openxcom/"
2) From Dioxine_XPiratez_M5.2.1 took contents of /User folder
3) Copied game files of original X-Com and of TFTD into UFO and TFTD folders as instructed
4) Applied Universal patches to UFO and TFTD
5) Put .appimage from*git-builds/ into ".local/share/openxcom/"
6) Tried to run the game.

P.S. I am not pro user and English is not my language. Linux was installed to learn how to use it(Seriously, modern windows have started to lag on my 3 months old main computer). PC i am using is old... As is it was bought in 2004. Using my newer MAIN computer is not an option for many reasons.
        Is there any "Modern" installation guides? The latest i found is from year 2017
P.S.S. Finally managed to launch piratez through wine... is that a progress? But seriously i have started to write this bug report 3 days ago and instead of finding actual instructions, i am like Brainer gals, have to go with scientific pocking method XD
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 29, 2022, 05:51:29 pm
5) Put .appimage from*git-builds/ into ".local/share/openxcom/"

With this step, you have likely overridden step 1 and installed OXC instead of OXCE.
(Piratez doesn't work on OpenXCom, it requires OpenXCom Extended)

Try again and skip step 5.

If it doesn't work, attach the log file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2022, 06:12:36 pm
Uhh, I wasn't talking about the Node Priority property (in MapView, it's called "Spawn Weight" (technically wrong), but in .sav it's called "priority"). The game checks Node Rank before the Node Priority when spawning enemies. Only if two nodes have the same Rank, it will fill the one with the higher Node Priority first.
Rank 2 Priority 0 node will be filled before Rank 0 Priority 10 node. So Node Priority is ignored if the node Rank isn't correctly set. Yes, you correctly set the Priority, but not Rank.

Ah I see, we had a communication problem. What you mean is spawn ranks (0 - civ/scout, 1- xcom, 2+ various ranks of enemies weighed by rank table like soldier, navigator, engineer, leader etc); and yes, ranks 2+ are prioritized by enemies over rank 0. I have checked and fixed the comms tower - turned out the vast majority of spawns were indeed set for rank 0, instead of being set for proper corresponding ranks of enemies. It should work now, but will also completely bottle up the enemies in the tower... but I guess it's better than empty tower...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Hedin on April 29, 2022, 06:23:00 pm
Try again and skip step 5.
It worked... kinda.

At first it was not running, At all. And with no logs.
Through console it stated "error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"
After 3 iterations of installing requested libraries (last was yaml-cpp and yes, i had different version of it from my previous attempts), it opened error message, that told me to send .log file to forum or discord, but no .log file was generated.
In the end OpenXcomEx run with no console. And it finally work as intended.

Thanks for help.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on April 30, 2022, 10:52:45 am
Cave's corners hide enemies, while blocking movement.
In the image attached, the gal attempts to walk past a hiding corner, bumping into an enemy, and stops.
I'm not sure if a ranged weapon (e.g. gun) will allow her to shoot, but it doesn't allow a melee weapon, as 'there's nobody there'.

In addition, if you gain sight on the enemy (in this case, coming from the other side to gain vision), the gal will still be unable to attack them.

Expected: if attempting to enter a tile is force-blocked by an enemy, the movement should stop, the enemy be shown, and could be attacked as normal.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Torchwood on April 30, 2022, 12:04:55 pm
This is a known issue, you can find a reference to it in bootypedia hints.

Currently, there's no good way to fix this. For now, you'll just have to wait for enemies to move, or bring digging tools. You could take advantage of this weirdness yourself to hide no units with little to no TUs left.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scamps on May 02, 2022, 04:18:58 pm
N1.01. Gals (in sailor uniform) were unable to participate in a temple robbery. A general mission, not a bounty one. Only peasants paricipated. A save from just after the mission, if it helps.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on May 04, 2022, 10:48:50 am
Very small bug in 0.99N.1.0.1, during an interception is played a track named "GMINTER06"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Avalanche on May 05, 2022, 02:21:35 pm
I've got a crash in a base defense mission in M5.2.1 (I haven't updated yet). At the end of turn 4 during hidden movement the game hangs and then eventually crashes to desktop. I restarted the mission and got another crash at the end of turn 4, but if I just skip every turn I can make it to turn 5 so I'm pretty sure there's some sort of trigger, but since the crash happens in hidden movement I just haven't been able to figure out what it is.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 04:23:34 pm
I've got a crash in a base defense mission in M5.2.1 (I haven't updated yet). At the end of turn 4 during hidden movement the game hangs and then eventually crashes to desktop. I restarted the mission and got another crash at the end of turn 4, but if I just skip every turn I can make it to turn 5 so I'm pretty sure there's some sort of trigger, but since the crash happens in hidden movement I just haven't been able to figure out what it is.

The neutral STR_SLAVE unit at [17,50,2] is trying to use its STR_HELLGUN, but the weapon doesn't have any shot modes (probably because the unit doesn't have any psi skill which is required by the weapon).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 06:43:44 pm
Found the issue, it happens only during the base defense.

First bug: not only aliens, but also civilians/neutrals try to destroy your base facilities :)
Second bug: even though the weapon was correctly discarded during attack planning (as not usable), it is wrongly considered again during patrol planning (patrol routine includes attacking base facilities)

I'll fix both in the next release.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Avalanche on May 06, 2022, 12:49:34 am
Thanks for the help, that solved the problem! Luckily I was able to rush a girl over there and had just enough TUs to have a "polite chat" with him about discharging weapons in the base. Mission complete.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nikodemos on May 06, 2022, 10:20:19 pm
Not sure if a bug or an oversight, but the Catgirl version of the Bikini does not grant bonus XP.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on May 07, 2022, 05:21:13 pm
Funny, once you have fully charged Nekomimi Fighter (CLAW) - you can send it to Cydonia immediately.
There is a diminutive chance to finish game before 50% of researches and even without Mission B Badge :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Psyentific on May 07, 2022, 09:58:55 pm
Funny, once you have fully charged Nekomimi Fighter (CLAW) - you can send it to Cydonia immediately.
There is a diminutive chance to finish game before 50% of researches and even without Mission B Badge :)
Speedrun strat: Start in Eurasian Autonomy to get a Baby Nuke, get Workshop to make a Baby Nuke (Timed), then use THE CLAW to send a brave Catgirl to Cydonia
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: anonymous on May 08, 2022, 01:34:37 pm
Game crushes at the end of the month. No idea why.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 08, 2022, 02:51:24 pm
Game crushes at the end of the month. No idea why.

The alien base cannot find the upgrade rule for its current age of 13 months.

Code: [Select]
      15:                                                                  # <--- change this number from 15 to 0 (in `Piratez_Factions.rul`)

The definition for age from 0 to 14 months is missing, you can fix it by changing the number 15 in the definition to 0 (zero).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Progger on May 09, 2022, 09:06:58 am
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_MEDAL_ROOMSERVICE_NAME #capture maids
    soldierBonusTypes: [STR_MEDAL_ROOMSERVICE]
    sprite: 5
      killsWithCriteriaCareer: [10]


Is that how it's meant to be? Very interesting service ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 09, 2022, 11:44:39 am
Yes, Snakemen are the Church :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gunjob on May 09, 2022, 08:30:18 pm
Hi guys. I have a segmentation fault when I try to start a ninja raid site mission. I've had this mission twice before - the first one loaded correctly, but I escaped after the first turn, and the second one had the same problem. Is it possible to do something with it? I could just skip this mission, but how likely are these errors to block me from some important mission?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 09, 2022, 09:55:40 pm
Hi guys. I have a segmentation fault when I try to start a ninja raid site mission. I've had this mission twice before - the first one loaded correctly, but I escaped after the first turn, and the second one had the same problem. Is it possible to do something with it? I could just skip this mission, but how likely are these errors to block me from some important mission?

It's a map generation issue.
The mapscript wants to add a line (addLine command), but likely doesn't find the necessary mapblocks.
The mapblocks are not found, because the site is in the ocean and there's no globeTerrain.

Attached is a fixed save... I moved the site a little bit, back on land.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gunjob on May 09, 2022, 10:31:36 pm
wow Thank you so much man!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DarthTheIII on May 14, 2022, 09:44:23 am
The bars that got added to the top of access lifts are mean.  What’s it take to bust through them?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on May 14, 2022, 02:10:47 pm
I've encountered a case where the unit refused to attack. In the image, my gal is standing behind an enemy, and can't attack with the handle (or punch).
The enemy is clearly seen, stands there (blocks movement/clicks), and attacks target & hit it as expected.
There is a platform above and below, so the enemy can't accidentally be on a different Z level.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2022, 04:27:50 pm
If you still have the save, I can explain it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2022, 08:49:20 pm
Found the issue, it happens only during the base defense.

First bug: not only aliens, but also civilians/neutrals try to destroy your base facilities :)
Second bug: even though the weapon was correctly discarded during attack planning (as not usable), it is wrongly considered again during patrol planning (patrol routine includes attacking base facilities)

I'll fix both in the next release.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on May 20, 2022, 06:07:31 pm
Following the discussion currently in the main thread, I read the czech list of names for Slave Soldiers.

I noticed that some names and surnames are duplicite.
From names: Durin
From surnames: Burian, Kapóne, Lukas, Lí, Medvídek, Radegast, Roháč, Wrajt

There are also cases where there are two names which mean and sound the same, but are written differently. I assumed these cases are intentional.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: teddybbeer on May 21, 2022, 05:31:45 pm
Mission is missing description.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nobody on May 21, 2022, 08:24:42 pm
Repeated crash.  Error box said 'Segmentation Faulting'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Progger on May 22, 2022, 08:41:56 am
Repeated crash.  Error box said 'Segmentation Faulting'.,4058.msg146001.html#msg146001 (,4058.msg146001.html#msg146001)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Earthquake on May 25, 2022, 06:44:30 pm
i have an invisible kitty in a Tony Stark Armor!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on May 25, 2022, 09:27:02 pm
Some strange behaviour with the movement.
When flying, for some reason some of the movement path doesn't appear.
It occurs in specific tile region in specific Z, as shown in the picture.
Attached a save game for easier debugging, if the case is unknown.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on May 26, 2022, 10:45:32 am
Raider Arms Factory mission is missing it's string.

Then when I researched a live Raider Flame Guard, game crashed with the following error.

Correction: It crashed when I clicked the Show Result button, not when the research was complete.
Title: Temple of Sirius Crash
Post by: deekin on May 27, 2022, 11:44:50 pm
Taking the El Fuego to the Temple of Sirius mission in the attached save causes a crash with the error message "no xcom units could be placed on the map".
Removing the custom unit deployment on the El Fuego (by removing and adding a unit in the crew select screen so that the Preview* button becomes Preview) seemed to "fix" the crash.
A custom unit deployment that is just a copy of the default deployment also crashes, so I do not think the actual placement of the units is the cause of the issue.

Some people in the Xpiratez bug report chat room reported that they were NOT able to reproduce the issue with the provided save. I downloaded a fresh copy of the latest Xpiratez (vN1.1) and was still able to reproduce the issue myself, so I don't believe any of my settings or file corruption is to blame.

I'll be happy to provide any other info or help with testing if needed
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: doctor medic on May 29, 2022, 10:16:16 am
I got an issue with starting the game and getting the issue of Error for 'STR_NONE_UC': The first battle corpse item must be of item type 'corpse' (battleType: 11)

I had to update xpiratez for a long time so it might be related to that?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on June 09, 2022, 11:08:08 pm
Encountered a strange bug with tanks. Apparently, they have no rear... only a front. And it's impossible to hit the real directly.
I've attached a save with two tanks - if you hit them from behind, there's a random (50/50?) to either hit the front or side, regardless of your position.
In the pic attached, the gal stood behind and to the left of the tank, shredding some of its armor with a vibro axe. While hitting every attack, she only damaged the right and front armor.
The expected behavior is to hit only the back armor, and possibly the left (though at this angle, seems like it shouldn't be the case).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on June 10, 2022, 02:55:58 pm
This one would need a save to see. (Or at least a full screenshot, really need to see more than 3 pixels to make sense). Enemy tanks are turreted, right? Maybe that was the "front" of the tank, but the turret was swiveled back? So you thought you attacked back left, you were actually hitting front right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on June 10, 2022, 06:58:04 pm
This one would need a save to see. (Or at least a full screenshot, really need to see more than 3 pixels to make sense). Enemy tanks are turreted, right? Maybe that was the "front" of the tank, but the turret was swiveled back? So you thought you attacked back left, you were actually hitting front right?

Reattached the save to this post.
I've attempted to attack from all four directions, I seem to primarily hit Front regardless of the direction (tested with the teleport debug feature).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on June 19, 2022, 01:19:14 pm
Terrain bug in VES_CRASHPLANE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on July 17, 2022, 06:23:38 am
Map error with the CONVOY. Enemies at the right angle can apparently shoot through the seam between the roof and glacis plate of the apc. Screenshots and Save attached. If you move the selected gal to the indicated spot, the ass ninja with the CD pistol will waste her through the craft wall.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on July 30, 2022, 08:52:12 pm
Apples can overheal.
Anna Puma (Wearing Unipuma outfit) was wounded, so I had her eat apples. When I eventually looked at her stats screen, I found out she had 60/58 HP.

Edit: Oh, the extra HP gets removed before next turn.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 03, 2022, 10:15:15 pm
Edit: Oh, the extra HP gets removed before next turn.

A moment of bulletproofness? :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 06, 2022, 03:55:23 pm
PARTY DRESS /CAT has Bare Hands instead of Nekomimi claws. Is this intended?


"S-Prize: Omega Rifle" gives Omega Rifle research for free. But "Preq: Omega Rifle" requires Omega Rifle to be researched first :thonking:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kato on August 07, 2022, 02:22:05 pm
PARTY DRESS /CAT has Bare Hands instead of Nekomimi claws. Is this intended?
A bug. Must be claws.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: rotarytone on August 08, 2022, 08:27:39 pm
Getting segmentation fault on the end-of-month. I'm guessing it's hitting an error when generating new missions, but not sure what those missions might be missing that's causing the fault.

No mods except xpiratez and some sprite and pedia image edits.

The save is minutes from the end of the month, just advance time and you'll hit the crash. Thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on August 08, 2022, 09:46:09 pm
Getting segmentation fault on the end-of-month. I'm guessing it's hitting an error when generating new missions, but not sure what those missions might be missing that's causing the fault.

No mods except xpiratez and some sprite and pedia image edits.

The save is minutes from the end of the month, just advance time and you'll hit the crash. Thanks in advance!

There is a mistake in alien base upgrade definitions.

Fix here:,4058.msg146001.html#msg146001
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HerrytheHeadcrab on August 25, 2022, 09:04:18 pm
I have been having issues with armor and wearable equipment not preventing environmental damage from hot or cold environments.

The in-game article states that it should only cause the 1HP dmg over 200% vulnerability to a specific temperature but I have noticed my units taking damage in scale armor (which has a base modifier to cold of 140% and even with a shawl and a towel she still takes damage)

The same appears to happen with other armors above 100% Damage modifiers. Tried and tested it with militia, scavenger, shepard, and a bunch of other armors and it is always the same result, each turn the unit takes 1HP damage as well as the other negative effects, no matter of equipped protective gear. Not sure if this is some issue on my end or if this can be replicated by others.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 26, 2022, 11:59:11 am
There's 3 types of coldness (all have the same name, Freezing Cold)
Normal Cold - needs 208% or less resist
Intense Cold - need 83% or less cold resist
Deadly Cold - needs 41% or less cold resist

Certain missions, like Reservoir Dog or Shambler hunt can have Intense Cold. Deadly Cold can sometimes appear when a ufo's landing site is on a "solid ice" texture.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scamps on September 12, 2022, 06:17:08 pm
Reproducible crash on mission map generation
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Bartojan on September 24, 2022, 09:06:54 pm
I'm playing and translating after a while. I'm not sure if the Piranha has been changed or if there is some mistake. The pictures show different vessels. Is it a bug, or only picture inconsistency?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on September 25, 2022, 12:36:29 am
I'm playing and translating after a while. I'm not sure if the Piranha has been changed or if there is some mistake. The pictures show different vessels. Is it a bug, or only picture inconsistency?

I don't have an artist to paint pictures for me, so yes, it is just inconsistency - it was the best I could find.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Rangerh on October 25, 2022, 04:18:29 am
A couple of days ago i got the early base assault from the academy folks with the current xpiratez.
No error but the whole battle despite there weren't much attackers and i didn't had much gals yet was actually very slow, as if it was totally ignoring my animation speed option (i always have it to the max) with all my troops walking slowly like they do with the default settings.

Every other battles before and after that base assault, pogrom included have been very fast (i mean everyone was walking very fast due to the animation speed setting on max).

Anyone observed this in their game ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on November 01, 2022, 04:25:32 pm
Did not occur to me to have a save file on hand long after the fact, but here is a bug or merely an unforeseen if still legitimate outcome of a game feature:

A MegaScorpion hunt mission spawned, flied over to hunt them, and I see that they were replaced by Ratman Brigands.

Normally this is nothing unusual, missions occasionally feature a different enemy set than expected, most commonly the zombies.

But the two things that made this one funnily unusual is that they were a lot of them (AFAIK the game cannot re-adjust the numbers for the new enemy set, which can lead to some rather "interesting" scenarios) and that every single one of them had a MegaScorpion Sting/Tail in their inventories.

So now I'm imagining that a lot of angry wannabe rat ninjas were sloppily disguising themselves as scorps by tying the Stings on their backs, as they waited for the Piratez to arrive and to exact revenge on them for one Rodeo too many.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on November 01, 2022, 05:07:39 pm
So now I'm imagining that a lot of angry wannabe rat ninjas were sloppily disguising themselves as scorps by tying the Stings on their backs, as they waited for the Piratez to arrive and to exact revenge on them for one Rodeo too many.
This what briefing screen warned you about (if you read briefing screens at all, of course): another hunter party arrived first. So what is the bug you were talking about? The number of hunters?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on November 01, 2022, 06:53:35 pm
This what briefing screen warned you about (if you read briefing screens at all, of course): another hunter party arrived first. So what is the bug you were talking about? The number of hunters?

Or the ratmen arrived first, killed all the scorpions, and looted their stingers. You caught them red handed with illegal animal parts in their pockets, and the penalty for poaching is death.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on November 02, 2022, 09:50:37 am
This what briefing screen warned you about (if you read briefing screens at all, of course): another hunter party arrived first. So what is the bug you were talking about? The number of hunters?

I thought that referred to the bystanders that occasionally spawned in these hunting missions?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on November 06, 2022, 02:46:08 pm
I went to a primal hunt mission with catgirls wearing furs and they ended naked in the middle of a deadly cold mission against shamblers.

It smell like a bug.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sahti Waari on November 14, 2022, 12:09:43 am
Hello, I just downloaded new version of X-piratez (N2_1_0) and got this error.
-Fresh version. Nothing altered.
-Files from original steam game X-Com copied into UFO folder. Only readme is overwrited.

The game not loaded.

See attachment. (screenshot and log file)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Progger on November 14, 2022, 07:03:31 am
Some error and solution here (,3626.msg150014.html#msg150014)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Fugazza on November 16, 2022, 07:52:22 am
Not a bug, just a little detail

Some bottom floor tiles inside Snake landings counts as outside tiles when you retreat, losing troops in those (few) specific tiles.

Well, aint much more than a nuisance (head count when retreat is issued), but be careful

PD: Can't specify which missions, just saw that happen with a Snake ship
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gremlion on November 16, 2022, 08:23:10 am
gravitic lift tiles, had this one recently.
Title: [CRASH] Game crashes near the end of Dr. X Mansion
Post by: Garr on November 16, 2022, 01:43:56 pm
When playing the Dr. X Mansion mission at some point at the end of the mission (probably the end; there may be more enemies active - have not checked) the game crashes; crash screen attached.
One of the messages in the log states the following:
[16-11-2022_09-18-17]   [INFO]   MCD HANGAR2_SCI object 22 has invalid DieMCD: 51
Save file taken just before the end of the turn, just before the crash. Several notes:
* A single remaining enemy I am aware of (may be more around) is currently mind controlled and has a grenade under their feet;
* On a previous stage of the mission (in the canyon) remaining enemies hidden inside the mountains were killed via file edit; their status was manually changed to 6 and health - to 0, and no other line was edited. It is probably unrelated, but I wanted to cover all bases.
* The error refers to something missing from the segment in the existing mission; however, the file has not been manually edited ever since the current section of the game began.

Please help me find the reason for this behaviour.
Title: Re: [CRASH] Game crashes near the end of Dr. X Mansion
Post by: Garr on November 16, 2022, 01:45:10 pm
Attaching the picture

EDIT: Since attaching the save file is impossible for some reason, here is a link to the file on my Google Drive:
Title: Re: [CRASH] Game crashes near the end of Dr. X Mansion
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 16, 2022, 03:44:42 pm
Terrain issue, now fixed. Case closed. :)
Title: Re: [CRASH] Game crashes near the end of Dr. X Mansion
Post by: shinr on November 17, 2022, 07:07:45 am
Terrain issue, now fixed. Case closed. :)

Does this mean that I have to wait for the new version, or will there be a new file I can replace the old, buggy one with?
Title: Re: [CRASH] Game crashes near the end of Dr. X Mansion
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 17, 2022, 10:32:13 am
Does this mean that I have to wait for the new version, or will there be a new file I can replace the old, buggy one with?

The bug only appears when you destroy a certain tile.

But if you want to avoid this, you can replace the file I attached. (Should be OK even during battle, but no guarantees.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on November 18, 2022, 10:43:55 pm
Just a minor sprite tweak, it probably has not been corrected in recent versions.
Domestic Shotgun never quite looked centered for a 1x3 sprite so I shifted it down 2 pixels. No other changes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: VenatorStorm on November 20, 2022, 10:09:11 pm
For some reason I keep on getting this after I just installed it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on November 21, 2022, 08:47:58 am
For some reason I keep on getting this after I just installed it.

Delete it, make a clean-install, and overwrite the research.rul in the cities lore submod with the file provided here:,3626.msg150029.html#msg150029
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: denisog on November 21, 2022, 09:10:46 pm
Hey guys there is a bug, i cant send fortuna on mission with gudrun. The problem is that i have gudrun on the fortuna. But modal window tells me that i dont. i share my saved game if needed.
Title: Re: Temple of Sirius Crash
Post by: Paratoos on November 28, 2022, 06:55:51 pm
Taking the El Fuego to the Temple of Sirius mission in the attached save causes a crash with the error message "no xcom units could be placed on the map".
Removing the custom unit deployment on the El Fuego (by removing and adding a unit in the crew select screen so that the Preview* button becomes Preview) seemed to "fix" the crash.
A custom unit deployment that is just a copy of the default deployment also crashes, so I do not think the actual placement of the units is the cause of the issue.

Some people in the Xpiratez bug report chat room reported that they were NOT able to reproduce the issue with the provided save. I downloaded a fresh copy of the latest Xpiratez (vN1.1) and was still able to reproduce the issue myself, so I don't believe any of my settings or file corruption is to blame.

I'll be happy to provide any other info or help with testing if needed

I had the same issue but was sending 2 Gnomes to the Highway Star bike mission underwater with a Blowfish.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: hegirim on December 03, 2022, 04:15:26 pm
crash on mission start

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 10, 2022, 05:32:01 am
Very minor bug that may only be affecting me for whatever reason.

The BootyPedia entry for the Assault Bike Super Shooty Gun (AUX_SHOOTA_MK3) has the wrong list order, so it appears in the wrong place. It has the list order of 1192, instead of 11092. This means it appears between the Robo-Parrot and Armored Truck Turret entries instead of between ASSAULT BIKE and Auto-Ax (Bike).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Phaethon on December 13, 2022, 07:58:16 pm
Hello everyone, I don’t follow any other forums apart from this one so I will put a few findings here, if those are already resolved just let me know. There is a typo in the RULES right now concerning the reliance of some techs and manufacturing that prevents some items to be researched or be made, the reliance on base facilities is noted as PSI while the value in the rules is set to PSION, replacing all PSION values with PSI in the rules file seems to fix the problem, another issue that I have is the absence of the D.C Portable Mortar as an item from all missions that used to have some in earlier releases of the mod, namely Siberia Base and the Faction Supply ships, is there a change that those are not available anymore or is this expected and the item needs to be acquired via other means? This issue is preventing research of the Blaster Launcher thus blocking access to Armor piercing lasers as well as all Fusion weapons and ammunition in the game. Thank you in advance for looking at this and keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on December 21, 2022, 07:46:20 am
there is a bug regarding the new inventory system introduce in N2, for details see here (,5345.msg151439.html#msg151439)

Does anybody know  whether it has been fixed in the N3 version?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on December 21, 2022, 05:15:26 pm
Using version v.N3, I'm trying to down a Ninja landcruiser with a battle tank, and "Enemy's too high to intercept".

How that thing is flying ?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 21, 2022, 07:10:32 pm
Using version v.N3, I'm trying to down a Ninja landcruiser with a battle tank, and "Enemy's too high to intercept".

How that thing is flying ?

Turns out that the attack run on a hideout is hardcoded. It always goes at alt=5. Therefore, sorry, engine limitation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on December 22, 2022, 12:28:01 am
Turns out that the attack run on a hideout is hardcoded. It always goes at alt=5. Therefore, sorry, engine limitation.
Dang it. What I'm going to do with that battle tank now ?

Another bug. The Ramses gun can go into space, but it's ammo cannot.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on December 22, 2022, 03:15:03 pm
Dang it. What I'm going to do with that battle tank now ?

Another bug. The Ramses gun can go into space, but it's ammo cannot.

I have the same thing with the Meridian Special Autogun, it's in the inventory in space but has no ammo.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on December 22, 2022, 08:11:24 pm
Are you sure Meridian's in Space and not underwater instead?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on December 22, 2022, 08:33:54 pm
Are you sure Meridian's in Space and not underwater instead?

Oops, you're right.  How could I get those confused?*

*Starting early on the Christmas wine replies my girlfriend. :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 23, 2022, 06:28:22 pm
It can only fire its special ammo underwater. Normal Autogun ammo cannot be used in that fashion.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on December 24, 2022, 06:24:41 pm
It seems that there is some invisible wall in the stairs, you can´t go up from this tile.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 25, 2022, 12:42:19 am
It seems that there is some invisible wall in the stairs, you can´t go up from this tile.

Thanks, fixed. A floor tile was missing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on December 29, 2022, 09:56:18 am
Using the project Recruit: Catgirl Tourist, I can recruit catgirls without having any catgirl tourists in my dungeon hotel.
Looking at the others projects of the same type, It should need a tourist.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 29, 2022, 01:01:30 pm
Using the project Recruit: Catgirl Tourist, I can recruit catgirls without having any catgirl tourists in my dungeon hotel.
Looking at the others projects of the same type, It should need a tourist.

Wasn't thin fixed in the latest version? I remember it being fixed...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on December 29, 2022, 10:52:43 pm
I've got a wild STR_MISSION_CHURCH_CAMP in the research screen, without translation.

(Also, I'm on V.N3)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lopendrik on December 30, 2022, 09:24:55 pm
When I try to attack Ninja HQ game crashes
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on December 31, 2022, 12:08:40 pm
I don't get any crash... can someone reproduce?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on December 31, 2022, 02:43:12 pm
this can be fixed bug, one version had radar range and not defined craft to spawn. if you have last version then its fixed, but probably some fixes or validation on our side would be welcomed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on December 31, 2022, 04:34:22 pm
I think it got fixed in a sneaky release.

It crash for me in V.N3, yet I've found a N3.1.3 on moddb.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lopendrik on January 01, 2023, 01:01:17 pm
Yeah, I've got a N3 version. Thanks for the tip!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on January 06, 2023, 05:11:25 pm
Playing on N3.1.3
Building the Thunderbird causes a crash due to the fixed Megachaingun being improperly defined in Piratez.rul. It's defined as "fixedWeapons: [STR_UAC_MEGACHAINGUN]" when it should be "fixedWeapons: [STR_UAC_MEGACHAINGUN_UC]".

The Thunderbird also seems to have a resource file improperly assigned in Piratez_Resources.rul. "- type: INTICON.PCK" has "Resources/Planes/Thunderbird_Dogfight.gif" assigned for both 232 and 243, which results in the minimised dogfight icon looking weird (no background). I think 232 should be "Resources/Planes/Thunderbird_Minimised.gif" instead, that gets it looking correct for me at least.

It does not appear possible to unlock the researches "STR_TRADERS_COM_KNOWHOW" (GUILDMASTER'S SECRETS), "STR_ACADEMY_COM_KNOWHOW" (ACADEMY PROVOST'S SECRETS) and "STR_MUTANT_ALLIANCE_LORE" in the game due to bugs in Piratez.rul. The Mutant Alliance Lore has needItem set to True which seems to prevent it from unlocking.

Much belated edit (28/01/23):
Realised I should put the instructions on how to fix the Provost and Guildmaster bugs here so people can find it more easily.
If you are deep enough into the lategame for VIP interrogations and don't want to wait for a patch, here's how to fix it.

Get your favorite text editor and open up (starting from your OpenXCOM folder) user\mods\Piratez\Ruleset\Piratez.rul

To fix the academy provost, look for an entry that looks like this:
    cost: 35
    points: 100
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true

To the getOneFreeProtected section, add the following lines:

For the guldmaster:

Look for this:

    cost: 35
    points: 100
    needItem: true
    destroyItem: true

This one doesn't have a getOneFreeProtected section, so you need to add one yourself. Just below
      - STR_FISTY
Add this:

Careful with editing that file, make a backup first, don't use any tab-indentations, only spaces. If you tamper with it improperly, OpenXCOM will give you an error message if you start it.

And in case you're wondering why the academy provost is called Sectoid Commander in code, let's just say this mod used to be a palette swap that just replaced X-Com weapons with pirate-y counterparts. It's come a long way since, but some of internal references still call academicians sectoids, traders floaters and church snakemen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on January 08, 2023, 03:34:17 pm
When Skyranger-1 arrives into the Ninja Outpost, game crashes with segfault.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 08, 2023, 04:05:34 pm
When Skyranger-1 arrives into the Ninja Outpost, game crashes with segfault.

It doesn't crash for me (oxce 7.8, piratez N3.1.3).
Can someone reproduce?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on January 08, 2023, 04:44:21 pm
It doesn't crash for me (oxce 7.8, piratez N3.1.3).
Can someone reproduce?

Updating from N3.1 to N3.1.3 fixed it. Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on January 15, 2023, 08:42:18 pm
The cabbage are *highly* explosive. Shoot one and find out.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 16, 2023, 04:57:53 pm
Yes they are highly explosive - on this special Hellerium-rich map. Problem?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on January 16, 2023, 07:24:43 pm
See, I *was* half sure it was a feature I just hadn't seen yet, but *somebody* told me to submit a bug report.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: mikKoi on January 17, 2023, 05:41:36 pm
Hi. Tiny (x2) mapblock ‘bug’ found! Secret backrooms in URBAN_WASTE were not very well hidden after all. Some tile destruction was needed to get the VIP pass, but left me worried about those poor AI dudes, because handy humane tricks aren't known to them and therefore not very fair. :-\

Also, if passable, I think that room would be good for fighting scenes of many kinds:
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cat123 on February 02, 2023, 10:30:31 am
Playing on N3

OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: map block XBR_110 is not defined in terrain XBASE.

Code: [Select]
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.8 (v2022-10-29)
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] Data folder is:
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] Data search is:
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] - C:/Users/User/Documents/OpenXcom/
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] - C:/Games/X-Piratez N3/
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] User folder is: C:/Games/X-Piratez N3/user/
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/Games/X-Piratez N3/user/
[02-02-2023_14-22-46] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.

Code: [Select]
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] Loading data...
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/Games/X-Piratez N3/user/'...
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] Active mods:
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] - piratez vv.N3 OXCE 7.8
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] - OAK-RU v8.2 23-OCT-2022
[02-02-2023_14-22-47] [INFO] - piratezCitiesLore v0.336
[02-02-2023_14-22-48] [INFO] Loading begins...
[02-02-2023_14-22-54] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[02-02-2023_14-22-56] [INFO] Loading ended.
[02-02-2023_14-22-57] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[02-02-2023_14-22-58] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!

Code: [Select]
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: map block XBR_110 is not defined in terrain XBASE.
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] 0x51d970 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateBaseMap()
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] 0x522dd0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, OpenXcom::RuleStartingCondition const*)
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] 0x527880 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] 0x6ee3d0 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::handleBaseDefense(OpenXcom::Base*, OpenXcom::Ufo*)
[02-02-2023_14-23-10] [FATAL] 0x6f2a50 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::time5Seconds()
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cat123 on February 02, 2023, 11:24:13 am
crashes after 5 seconds. after research
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 02, 2023, 02:05:45 pm
Playing on N3

OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: map block XBR_110 is not defined in terrain XBASE.

I see this entry in Piratez.rul, line 71046.

Are you on v.N3.1.3?

crashes after 5 seconds. after research

Doesn't crash for me, but it might be caused by your extra mods which I don't use.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cat123 on February 02, 2023, 02:36:30 pm
no N3 (X-Piratez N3)

Is version 3.1 already out?
did not see
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 02, 2023, 03:27:36 pm
N3.1.3 was released 24.12.2022...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on February 02, 2023, 03:53:01 pm
N3.1.3 was released 24.12.2022...

To be honest there was no post about it here on the forum.

And the 2 main download places say "Latest Download Link (N3 20-Dec-2022 Clear Skies)" and "[MAIN] XPiratez - v.N3 20-Dec-2022 Clear Skies".

I wouldn't strictly call that "released".

PS: also it doesn't help that version N3.1.3 still says only N3 in the metadata.yml and on the start screen
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cat123 on February 02, 2023, 03:55:46 pm
Thank you. downloaded X-Piratez N3 v1.3 everything works here. ;D ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 02, 2023, 05:49:39 pm
Dang, I didn't expect there would be no message on the forum, sorry. I follow the Matrix server...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 08, 2023, 12:33:40 pm
I generally only announce hotfixes on the ModDB page (and ofc Matrix), but yeah, sorry about metadata, I forget about it all the time.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Gremlion on February 08, 2023, 12:57:37 pm
In the N3.1.3 I was unable to butcher fartbags, looks like a broken dependency.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on February 18, 2023, 12:57:43 am
Holo-Spikey SMG is missing its description in the ufopedia.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on February 18, 2023, 11:41:49 am
error on Globe. Just advance in time few hours...
completely new instalation M4.1 + saves from previous N3.1.3 (no cyberdiscs yet) + config
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 18, 2023, 12:30:42 pm
I have rolled the game for 1.5 days. No crash. Congratulations on finishing to crush the rocks :)
This means both mod and save are fine. I suspect piratezCitiesLore submod is the culprit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Corento on February 18, 2023, 01:35:22 pm
I´ve runned it without piratezCitiesLore and still same error...
I will try to reinstall or remove config from old version and make new...

edit - sorry I´m stupid. I have instaled M4.1 not N4.0.1 .... I have all downloads in one folder.... apologies for inconvenience.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 21, 2023, 10:27:23 pm
The following manufactures seem to be too profitable:

STR_ANNA_PUMA_EVENT and STR_UNI_PUMA_EVENT spawn the puma sisters. However, they have old stats, from before the nerf. Their stats should be changed to reflect the changes to the base nekomimi stats.

STR_TK_DEVICE should probably not generate smoke.

In Piratez_Factions.rul, lines 26051 and 26055 are duplicate.

On the topic of Bootypedia, I used the old local xpedia, but when opening the html file, the parser throws a few errors. Editing Piratez_Factions.rul and replacing regionsWithCities to RegionsWithCities seems to do the trick. I use the old one because in several cases it's less buggy than the new one.
The site... did you try turning off Cloudflare CDN? There seem to be some issues with how redirections are set up.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ruberto on February 22, 2023, 06:33:13 am
After upgrading to latest version, combat no longer goes into "find the last bastard" mode after 16th turn.
 Was this super-helpful feature removed or am i missing something?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on February 22, 2023, 09:44:21 am
That was not changed, likely you are missing some other condition.

I would bet that it's more than 2 enemies left or they are not 'stuck'.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ruberto on February 22, 2023, 11:20:09 am
That was not changed, likely you are missing some other condition.

I would bet that it's more than 2 enemies left or they are not 'stuck'.
What do you mean "stuck"?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on February 22, 2023, 12:37:05 pm
Difficult to say, since this is some AI wizardry I have no clue how it works, but the enemies have to be repeating the same patrol between the same nodes to trigger rat hunt.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ruberto on February 22, 2023, 12:54:46 pm
Difficult to say, since this is some AI wizardry I have no clue how it works, but the enemies have to be repeating the same patrol between the same nodes to trigger rat hunt.
That's strange, before the last update, it functioned perfectly well...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on February 22, 2023, 01:19:24 pm
It works exactly the same bow, having it had trigger several times for me just last night. I dunno what you wish me to tell you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kamivax on February 23, 2023, 05:55:47 pm
the Space Freighter missions seem to consistently crash for me, so i'd taken to just ignoring them and making up for the penalty, but i would like to actually get to do them. It doesn't crash part way through the mission, it just crashes when i start the mission, which is really upsetting. i know i run mods not everyone might run, but they only seem to affect the start of the campaign and the piranha (so it's less terrible) so i doubt those mods cause the crashes
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 24, 2023, 11:30:13 am
the Space Freighter missions seem to consistently crash for me, so i'd taken to just ignoring them and making up for the penalty, but i would like to actually get to do them. It doesn't crash part way through the mission, it just crashes when i start the mission, which is really upsetting. i know i run mods not everyone might run, but they only seem to affect the start of the campaign and the piranha (so it's less terrible) so i doubt those mods cause the crashes

Sent a Dragon to your space freighter site, it launched without issues.
I don't know how these extra mods work, so I can't say if they may be responsible. But it's either them or your installation is borked.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kamivax on February 24, 2023, 09:53:35 pm
Sent a Dragon to your space freighter site, it launched without issues.
I don't know how these extra mods work, so I can't say if they may be responsible. But it's either them or your installation is borked.
i tried with a new install and the mods disabled (after making sure things won't break) and it works now. it might have been the mods, but they've done their jobs so i can keep them disabled
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on February 28, 2023, 01:18:23 pm
IN N4.0.2 there is an entry labelled STR_ maybe reference is missin', please check
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 28, 2023, 02:04:58 pm
It's a dummy object needed for mapgen.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on March 18, 2023, 02:14:51 pm
Apparently you can't go up these towers, at first I thought I broke the stairs in the shooting, but then I found a second one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on March 18, 2023, 09:25:29 pm
In armor select screen, you are able to select both HARBRINGER and HARBRINGER (EVA).
Originally, I was not sure if this was a bug or not, but recently I have discovered, that HARBRINGER (EVA) thus selected can not be brought to underwater missions.

I have discovered it during an Underwater Assets mission, but I suspect it happens in other underwater missions as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vahn on March 19, 2023, 10:21:08 pm
Saving a craft loadout while having a filtered option enabled deletes the saved loadout
only hapens with auxilia,treasure,components,documentation,artefact and not equipped filters
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ChilliBart on March 24, 2023, 11:20:15 am

Firstly, wonderful mod. Thanks for the hard work. Currently playing version N4.0.2 and I think something is up with my rank score. For the first 3 months my score increased and I achieved rank: racketeer. Then in April score dipped due to low missions and since then I've achieved boss & crime lord but no achievement. This means I am blocked from getting access to Krazy Hanza, cloaking device etc. I understand that you can only rise by one rank a month but how can i rise above racketeer? Is there a file I can edit or do I need to restart.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dr1ven1 on March 25, 2023, 08:27:52 am

I have a problem with a plantation facility. I cannot remove the facility as it says that its in use. Nor can I build any other plantation over it due to the same problem. Is there anyway to remove the facility trough manipulating the game files/save?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on March 25, 2023, 09:29:23 am

Firstly, wonderful mod. Thanks for the hard work. Currently playing version N4.0.2 and I think something is up with my rank score. For the first 3 months my score increased and I achieved rank: racketeer. Then in April score dipped due to low missions and since then I've achieved boss & crime lord but no achievement. This means I am blocked from getting access to Krazy Hanza, cloaking device etc. I understand that you can only rise by one rank a month but how can i rise above racketeer? Is there a file I can edit or do I need to restart.

Thanks in advance

Not a bug, I think you need to research The Solar Courier you get from a pogrom to progress.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Scamps on March 25, 2023, 09:19:19 pm

I have a problem with a plantation facility. I cannot remove the facility as it says that its in use. Nor can I build any other plantation over it due to the same problem. Is there anyway to remove the facility trough manipulating the game files/save?

Try to remove your apiary first :) (Or whatever else depends on plantation)

(While I understand the hack, being unable to grow seectoweed/boomfruit in that case breaks immersion...)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dr1ven1 on March 27, 2023, 08:48:01 am

Try to remove your apiary first :) (Or whatever else depends on plantation)

(While I understand the hack, being unable to grow seectoweed/boomfruit in that case breaks immersion...)

That solved it. Thanks! :-D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2023, 03:26:55 pm
Saving a craft loadout while having a filtered option enabled deletes the saved loadout
only hapens with auxilia,treasure,components,documentation,artefact and not equipped filters

Game only saves what is visible and selected on the screen.
If nothing is visible or nothing is selected, it deletes the saved layout (or better said saves an empty layout).

There is nothing special about auxilia, treasure, etc. Try with parrots, silver bars, etc.
"Not equipped" by definition has nothing selected, so this will always delete the layout.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on April 11, 2023, 07:15:50 am
The Gnomedisc Lascannon is stored as the wrong item. It's stored as the 14mm version and so any built Lascannon versions can't actually be used.

If anyone wants to fix it for themselves:
Open Piratez.rul, search for - type: STR_GNOMEDISC_LASCANNON_ARMOR_UC to get to the correct entry, and replace storeItem: STR_GNOMEDISC_14MM_ARMOR with storeItem: STR_GNOMEDISC_LASCANNON_ARMOR
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on April 12, 2023, 01:54:58 pm
N4.0.2 church boot champ misison, a plant is blocking dutchman exit door
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 12, 2023, 09:36:33 pm
N4.0.2 church boot champ misison, a plant is blocking dutchman exit door

Not a bug, it's a normal thing in the wilderness.
Use a chainsaw or some other tool to cut vegetation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on April 15, 2023, 12:25:29 pm
My game crashes when a new month ticks over.
In the attached save just run it for a couple of in game hours till the month ticks over.

I've fixed it for myself by turning on save scumming, so the random number seed is changed when I reload, presumably it hasn't fixed the problem though it just isn't trying to spawn that mission any more.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 15, 2023, 12:54:34 pm
My game crashes when a new month ticks over.
In the attached save just run it for a couple of in game hours till the month ticks over.

I've fixed it for myself by turning on save scumming, so the random number seed is changed when I reload, presumably it hasn't fixed the problem though it just isn't trying to spawn that mission any more.

I don't know what happened, but there is no such region as REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE. However, there is a region called REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2. Maybe try to edit your save file and replace REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE to REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RonEverson on April 15, 2023, 03:58:15 pm
Hi There,
im new to the forum so please pardon me if this has already been brought up  - there is so much to read here that I am not sure as to yes or no.

There seems to be a conflict in base buildings.

BEE HIVE - requires PLANTATION - Only Plantation.
Does NOT work with Weed Plant or BoomFuit plant.
It blocks 1 Plantation/Requires 1 Plantation not allowing to 'grow' on it.
(If you try to upgrade the basic plntation, it states FACILITY IN USE.)

Could it be changed in its building log source to work also with upgraded Plnatation please?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: unarmed drifter on April 15, 2023, 08:07:25 pm
well, you have to decide between money (weed), fun (boom) and security (bees). can't have all three ;′)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RonEverson on April 15, 2023, 10:11:24 pm
well, you have to decide between money (weed), fun (boom) and security (bees). can't have all three ;′)

Well yes, maybe, but it to some extent kinda disrupts the 'feel' of building usefullness/linking/dependancies.
It would be nice if it would be inter-locked as a working dependancy for all 3 variations of plantations.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on April 17, 2023, 12:34:32 pm
I don't know what happened, but there is no such region as REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE. However, there is a region called REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2. Maybe try to edit your save file and replace REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE to REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2?

So i went into my save file and it had both REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE and REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2. I changed the former to be the same as the latter so I had 2 of them but I don't know if that helped or not as I overwrote that save with a later save in the same play through and that got rid of the duplication.

I suspect it wouldn't have however as the game still crashes at the end of the month for the same reason despite the save now having only REGION_LOC_LOKNAR_VILLAGE_DEFENSE_2 in the save file.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 17, 2023, 01:57:24 pm
My game crashes when a new month ticks over.
In the attached save just run it for a couple of in game hours till the month ticks over.

Likely version upgrade problem. No mission in the last build requires this non-existing region.

Could it be changed in its building log source to work also with upgraded Plnatation please?

No, bees cannot survive on weed or boomfruit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2023, 03:23:59 pm
Code: [Select]
name: "X-Piratez"
version: "v.N4.0.2 OXCE 7.8"
description: "The year is 2601. You run a gang of mutant pirates. Rob aliens and their human proxies for fun, profit and power."
author: "Dioxine"
id: piratez
reservedSpace: 6
isMaster: true
master: xcom1
resourceConfig: Ruleset/Piratez_Globals.rul
  - UFO
requiredExtendedVersion: "7.8"

@Dioxine: Please remove the `loadResources: - UFO` entry from the metadata.yml file.

This attribute is intended for top-level masters only (xcom1, xcom2, etc.)
Not-top-level masters (e.g. 40k, piratez, xcf, etc.) don't need it; and it can cause some file load order issues.
Normal mods (e.g. twots, fmp, etc.) also don't need it and the game already ignores it.

In OXCE v7.9, the game will automatically ignore it also for not-top-level masters (e.g. 40k, piratez, xcf, etc.), but please remove it so that other modders don't copy it from your mod by accident.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2023, 01:45:30 pm
@Dioxine: Please remove the `loadResources: - UFO` entry from the metadata.yml file.

I had to add it for the vapor trails to start working. Is it no longer needed?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2023, 02:01:29 pm
You have made me unsure now.

As far as I know only `resourceConfig: Ruleset/Piratez_Globals.rul` is needed for vapor trails.

But I will double-check and let you know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on April 23, 2023, 02:07:25 pm
The cold damage mechanic doesn't seem to be working properly. My soldiers are suffering health damage even though their cold resistance is below 200%, but low enough resistance does protect them.

1 of my soldiers, Grinnin Cat, has warrior armour and a shawl, she isn't suffering damage if I take the shawl off though then she starts to. Another soldier, Voodoo Devil, has only warrior armour, no shawl, and she is taking damage.

In the attached save just check their health before and after an end turn.

Likely version upgrade problem. No mission in the last build requires this non-existing region.

Might it be this again? And how do I fix this, I've downloaded N4.0.2 and that's what the log says is being loaded so I assume I installed it correctly but the previous issue I had where the game crashes at the end of the month due to it trying to do a mission in a non-existing region still occurs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 23, 2023, 02:19:38 pm
The cold damage mechanic doesn't seem to be working properly. My soldiers are suffering health damage even though their cold resistance is below 200%, but low enough resistance does protect them.

The damage formulas for cold have been changed a few versions ago (more hp damage, less energy damage; which also means hp damage happens at higher resistances). This has been in changelong. As far as I know, the 200% value known to veterans of old version does not appear in any place of the game as official information. If it does, please point it out, and I will correct it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on April 23, 2023, 02:50:54 pm
In the hostile environment bootypedia page it still says that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Jimboman on April 23, 2023, 04:34:29 pm
Might it be this again? And how do I fix this, I've downloaded N4.0.2 and that's what the log says is being loaded so I assume I installed it correctly but the previous issue I had where the game crashes at the end of the month due to it trying to do a mission in a non-existing region still occurs.

Did you remove your old version?  I ran into problems in the past by simply installing over the old one, which doesn't work.  You need to remove the old one (in the mods directory) but you don't need to remove the openxcom exe or anything if you have the latest one, just remove the xpiratez mod directory and put the new one in.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2023, 05:50:05 pm
@Dioxine: Please remove the `loadResources: - UFO` entry from the metadata.yml file.

I had to add it for the vapor trails to start working. Is it no longer needed?

You have made me unsure now.

As far as I know only `resourceConfig: Ruleset/Piratez_Globals.rul` is needed for vapor trails.

But I will double-check and let you know.

I have checked the code and also done a few tests with piratez and I can't find any reason why `loadResources: - UFO` would be required (or even relevant).

I confirm my recommendation.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nictis on April 27, 2023, 02:20:41 am
I'm unsure if it is intended or a mistake in the code, is the Revolution HQ supposed to change from a prison for humanoids to a beast den type prison when damaged? It is unclear why this would happen but the Pedia shows it going from prison type 1 to 2 and that's how it works in game if damaged.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Claireity on May 01, 2023, 04:16:52 pm
I feel a bit confused. Running a gray codex game and I think I might be softlocked due to research. I'm at the Boss rank but to get to the next one it tells me I need to interrogate a faction leader. Ok, but problem... I can't interrogate them. The option to do so is locked behind getting the Big Boss rank (which leads to Diplomacy research). And well, I can't get that rank without interrogating. See the problem? Now I'm sure there's some hidden thing I'm missing or it doesn't mean literally interrogate (which would make it misleading) but I'm a bit puzzled. Any advice? Or is this a bug after all?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: CPLT-K2 on May 01, 2023, 07:52:28 pm
Fairly certain going from boss to big boss just means to have one researched from the "Any Leader or VIP" category.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Claireity on May 01, 2023, 09:03:35 pm
Oh? Seems to be taking forever though, no matter how well I do. I thought perhaps it was more literal. I'll try a couple more months and try to score high.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on May 13, 2023, 09:08:43 pm
N4.0.2, on an "archeological dig" mission i renember i cannot exit fron the map - one with the zombies - because of missing stairs that lead to the green exit area, once i leave it. Sadly i don't have screenshots or saves, please may someone perform a double check? Thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ashghan on May 14, 2023, 11:57:44 am
Not a bug, but an incosistency. The new manual promotion system (if on) makes the requirement of Princess od War to be of a Princess rank irrelevant.

Suggestion is to rework the pay increase into the condemnation itself, and just have the description "However, she considers herself a Princess and demands to be paid accordingly". This will allow her to be any rank, but still be a major hit to your finances.

Another solution would be for to these options set as fixed: Manual promotions on, disallow demotions(not sure if possible), disallow automatic promotions. So you can manually select who gets promoted in an RPG-ish way, but it's a permanent decision (barring any... "unforseen accidents" ;) )
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on May 14, 2023, 01:07:34 pm
I'm unsure if it is intended or a mistake in the code, is the Revolution HQ supposed to change from a prison for humanoids to a beast den type prison when damaged?

A mistake, known bug, fixed, thanks

Not a bug, but an incosistency. The new manual promotion system (if on) makes the requirement of Princess od War to be of a Princess rank irrelevant.

Suggestion is to rework the pay increase into the condemnation itself, and just have the description "However, she considers herself a Princess and demands to be paid accordingly". This will allow her to be any rank, but still be a major hit to your finances.

Another solution would be for to these options set as fixed: Manual promotions on, disallow demotions(not sure if possible), disallow automatic promotions. So you can manually select who gets promoted in an RPG-ish way, but it's a permanent decision (barring any... "unforseen accidents" ;) )

I hope this manual promotion system can be disabled permanently in mod settings. It's not meant to be used in XPZ, I didn't ask for this option, and I don't like it a tiny bit.

EDIT: and I just did. It does not fit with my vision of XPZ; I don't want it to be a game with total and absolute control of player over their soldiers and other agents which have their own will (like govts).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on May 17, 2023, 10:32:44 am
0.99N4.0.2 should be "the guild" instead of "the academy"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 17, 2023, 11:03:51 am
0.99N4.0.2 should be "the guild" instead of "the academy"

No... Have you actually read the article?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on May 17, 2023, 11:10:33 am
No... Have you actually read the article?

emh...sorry!! :-[

Edit: as for "plastasteel munitions" description says it can increase magazine caacity by one/fifth. While this happens for the assault rifles, (from 20 to 25) it occurs not for the battle rifle (still 20). Don't know whether other weapons are affected please check? Also when in battlescape battle rifle soes not automatically load magazine when in battle, please check this as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on May 22, 2023, 10:15:34 pm
I was wondering why the ninjas were so weak and puny in my current run, while they were a pain in the ass in my others run.
I mean, i've unlocked assault armor and hovertank, yet no serious ninja threat and I can't start a war with them.

Turn out, I killed them so hard on the geoscape that I had no chance to do the "Attack on Govt" mission (You need to let the ennemy craft do it mission).
So I couldn't get the "Officers defended from ninjas" topic, which is needed for the "Ready for Ninja War" event (it unlock the *Pirates vs. Ninjas* research, which prevented hard ninja missions - or the ninja base - from spawning.

PS : I upgraded in the middle of the save, so maybe it played a role.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on May 26, 2023, 02:14:10 pm
Another one:

I've managed to get a CLAW, with the Jasana cannon. But that cannon did not reload, even after 3 days.
Then, I disabled / reactivated the cannon (by chance) and only after that it started to reload ...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 05, 2023, 06:36:36 pm
It's normal for built in craft weapons of all kind. Please direct this report to OXCE team.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on June 06, 2023, 02:39:33 pm
0.99N4.0.2, the arrival spot should not supposed to be as in attached picture?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 06, 2023, 02:53:39 pm
0.99N4.0.2, the arrival spot should not supposed to be as in attached picture?

Read the goddamn briefing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on June 06, 2023, 03:10:51 pm
Read the goddamn briefing.

oh yes but i thought that green spot should be linked via a green corridor to the edge of the map, or at least supposed to be place more near the edges. ok, whatever!!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on June 11, 2023, 05:12:44 pm
I don't think "Sun Martial Rituals (Preq)" is supposed to have a research time.

The other pre-requisite summing researches do not, while this one has two dashes worth of research time. Looking into the files, I see that it's "cost: 10".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: justtresspassing on June 11, 2023, 09:25:17 pm

I've upgraded to latest version, and it has disabled my option to go Mars. Some new research is required? I had not built Conqeror yet, but had martian lander built and Cydonia unlocked.

Second thing - please change skin color of star god operator, i've lost a year ingame because it is the same sprite as a novice. I've realized my mistake during final mission on Mars...

Third - I've missed whole ninja war thing after it is has started - somebody has posted this bug on the forum before I believe. Probably because of shooting down everything what appeared on the radar.

Fourth - please change colour of exit elevator in Mars missions, or put explicitly in mission briefs that it is GOLD. I've lost three days running around hangar level looking for an exit. There is blocked shaft under the ship and unused lift, which is very confusing.

And my thoughts about finale: After almost 5 months of playing, I've got the very last level - sacred cavern on 3 dif. level. Amount of save scum was beyond believe, but it was rather stupid idea playing this mod the first time on medium :) I've cleared all aliens outside and manage to kill KOSCHEY boss (it is called  Kościej in polish by the way) but his ability to spam attacks without LoS was terrible and stupid. Generally usage PSIonics without LoS was always an awful thing for me in the base game, i always turn it off in adv. options of openxcom. Generally it was somewhat playable until to this very moment. But beacuse of final levels design - they are one after another without any way to resupply or recover, I couldnt replenish stats of my guys and thay started to fall unconscious. Finally I gave up and edit savegame just to complete this whole thing :/ You could loot some stuff in previous levels, but on this difficulty level half of my team went crazy when looking for anything useful beacuse of governor aura. There should be some things added between this levels to the team inventory - maybe as found during travelling between maps. Or maybe a possibility to change team members - maybe as a suprise for player like second team of additional troops. Probable the only way was to tu run through levels as fast as possible, but where is fun in that...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 12, 2023, 04:45:05 am
As for conqueror getting locked up, no Mars option on lander - I don't know, would need a save.

As for the final level design, well, I don't know what to do with it. The author put 3 years of his work to improve my near-vanilla Cydonia and... there are serious difficulty issues. I still made it easier compared to original. But I don't want to just ditch it or change it in significant ways. Apparently though the author's plan for player to journey slowly through these levels does not agree with their design.

There are people who completed it, but the overwhelming opinion is 'too hard'. My long term plan of solving it is to stick to plan for alternative endings, but, yes, it will take a lot of time.

No enemy in game should be able to break through highest VDEF available to player (I mean mind control, panic or damage is fine), on that I agree. But if you straight say you don't want no-LoS psionics at all, I won't ever be able to satisfy your wishes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on June 12, 2023, 10:52:52 am
Can you, please, change 2-nd level briefing text to something more informational and less misleading? Right now it looks like this:
The tunnels discovered under the pyramid lead to the residence of the Solar Governor. The emergency evacuation system has been disabled and now he is locked up in his bunker like a spider in a jar! But it's better to hurry up before it gets fixed, otherwise it was all in vain. You are pretty sure there are several ways to get inside... Is it the voice of intuition or someone else's? Some of your crew will assault the main entrance, while others gonna check if there is any way to get into the technical corridors. YARRR, Cap'n! Victory or death!
First of all, there is no info about the fact, that you troops are being chased by many-many angry mercenaries which will result in turn 1 reinforcement directly on top of your spawning spot!
Second, even more important, text is very misleading. Normally, if a mission has several levels, briefing says that you need an access lift. No indication that this is not a final level and the fact that Solar Governor tried to evacuate leads to logical conclusion that he is inside that big ship. Spoiler alert, he is not! After your troops miraculously break their way in the ship and not found the brain, you notice a room inside the ship surrounded with tiles that instantly kills (and you cannot fly over them). After few sacrifices to science you realized that red shields prevents being killed (also explosions can destroy those tiles). You approach the door, but it refuses to open! It is good thing that you brought an axe with you, don't you? You cut through that door and... nothing inside! Well, this room definitely looks like an entrance for a brain, but, as briefing said, evacuation system has been disabled, so brain is probably sitting below, there is another hidden room you just realized! You make your way through tunnels, then you realize that this hidden room has no entrances at all and is surrounded by very strong walls. Good thing that you brought BFG with you, don't you? (Not actually tried BFG, I gave up far earlier and used Ctrl+D.) You crack that room open and... only 4 turrets awaits you! No brain. Then, if you are very lucky and smart, you disable night vision, that was turned on most of the time (there are lot of dark places in this level), and finally notice an access lift tiles...

Is all of this intended? Is it intended to trick players to believe that Solar Governor is inside that ship? I am very concerned that someone completed this mission fair and square (without reloading and without knowing anything in advance, including hidden loot with sanity replenishment)!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on June 12, 2023, 12:10:20 pm
Can you, please, change 2-nd level briefing text to something more informational and less misleading? Right now it looks like this:First of all, there is no info about the fact, that you troops are being chased by many-many angry mercenaries which will result in turn 1 reinforcement directly on top of your spawning spot!
Second, even more important, text is very misleading. Normally, if a mission has several levels, briefing says that you need an access lift. No indication that this is not a final level and the fact that Solar Governor tried to evacuate leads to logical conclusion that he is inside that big ship. Spoiler alert, he is not! After your troops miraculously break their way in the ship and not found the brain, you notice a room inside the ship surrounded with tiles that instantly kills (and you cannot fly over them). After few sacrifices to science you realized that red shields prevents being killed (also explosions can destroy those tiles). You approach the door, but it refuses to open! It is good thing that you brought an axe with you, don't you? You cut through that door and... nothing inside! Well, this room definitely looks like an entrance for a brain, but, as briefing said, evacuation system has been disabled, so brain is probably sitting below, there is another hidden room you just realized! You make your way through tunnels, then you realize that this hidden room has no entrances at all and is surrounded by very strong walls. Good thing that you brought BFG with you, don't you? (Not actually tried BFG, I gave up far earlier and used Ctrl+D.) You crack that room open and... only 4 turrets awaits you! No brain. Then, if you are very lucky and smart, you disable night vision, that was turned on most of the time (there are lot of dark places in this level), and finally notice an access lift tiles...

Is all of this intended? Is it intended to trick players to believe that Solar Governor is inside that ship? I am very concerned that someone completed this mission fair and square (without reloading and without knowing anything in advance, including hidden loot with sanity replenishment)!

to be honest, the text you are complaining about - sounds very good to me.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 13, 2023, 02:30:36 pm
I see no mention of any ship in this briefing, but I did add something about reinforcements.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: justtresspassing on June 15, 2023, 10:39:06 pm
Anyway, big thanks for making and maintaing this awesome mod! I had not this much much fun playing a game for quite a long time! Most of my complains about diff. curve at final levels come directly because of playing on Blackbeard. Probably on J.Silver this would be OK with some knowledge what to expect. But I don't mind a challenge, the best parts for me were raids on enemy bases made with bunch of catgirls in blitz armors. My best catgirl had 200TUs in Blitz and 175 in Termicator Armor. Rushing at and killing sectopods single-handed was very satisfying. My most used weapon in the end stats was an Electro Sword :]
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 16, 2023, 02:14:53 pm
My most used weapon in the end stats was an Electro Sword :]

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on July 05, 2023, 12:23:44 pm
Really like the random hidden movement screens introduced in 099N5.2.0, but sadly it doesn't seems to work in some misison eg in humanists villa i did not see, also sometimes in other misison cannot remember more, sorry. Moreover th "long knife" weapon seems to be upside down in the bootypedia menu, see screenshot attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Denadan on July 07, 2023, 04:30:06 am
crash on attack alien base.

to reproduce - attack alien base-6 in europe(just north from europe base)

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Semaforus on July 08, 2023, 02:04:43 pm
to reproduce - wait a few minutes
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on July 15, 2023, 07:04:45 pm
I have no idea if this is a bug or some recent change. I'm in second year January and i did not have a single Academy ambulance appear. No base raid, nothing to shoot down, so being one year in to campaign I still do not have "hideout search orders". Do I really just have a bad luck, or is there condition i have to meet?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 15, 2023, 07:27:06 pm
I have no idea if this is a bug or some recent change. I'm in second year January and i did not have a single Academy ambulance appear. No base raid, nothing to shoot down, so being one year in to campaign I still do not have "hideout search orders". Do I really just have a bad luck, or is there condition i have to meet?

Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but just to be sure: you haven't sold your radar, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Cristao on July 16, 2023, 03:30:03 pm
I have no idea if this is a bug or some recent change. I'm in second year January and i did not have a single Academy ambulance appear. No base raid, nothing to shoot down, so being one year in to campaign I still do not have "hideout search orders". Do I really just have a bad luck, or is there condition i have to meet?

post a save file ..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Faustion on July 16, 2023, 11:01:26 pm
Completing mission "Scum & Villainy" by retreating by exit tiles (assuming that's intended rather than stay to fight reinforcements) deletes everything your craft was carrying
Also briefing says no retreat but mission has exit tiles  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on July 18, 2023, 08:24:35 am
Sorry if this seems like a stupid question, but just to be sure: you haven't sold your radar, right?
No, I did not. The only questionable thing I did was upgrading mid campaign from 5.0.2 to 5.2.1.
There is no save of this. I just edited the needed item in, because I just assumed that something happened that should not have.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: pqcvbd on July 21, 2023, 03:38:13 pm
file update N5.0.2(or 0.3?) to N5.2.1
crash when day 17th.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 22, 2023, 02:01:53 am
Completing mission "Scum & Villainy" by retreating by exit tiles (assuming that's intended rather than stay to fight reinforcements) deletes everything your craft was carrying
Also briefing says no retreat but mission has exit tiles  ;D

Busted building - the reskinned tileset has fewer tiles than the original, which results in random replacement, including green tiles.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on July 25, 2023, 04:46:04 am
Not quite sure if this is a thing but in the little questions thread someone mentioned the Missile Sentry (ie, 8 spike rockets)...

Now, im someone who uses the Skyranger alot on training missions. Because that's 12 Lokknarrs with Infantry Lasers and Cyberpunk trappings. As far as I know it doesn't have any other exit than the OG exit ramp. So if you bring a Missile Sentry it will trap all your characters in the transport. There isn't a side door.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on July 25, 2023, 01:34:10 pm
I sent a squad on a "Devil's reef" mission, including a ghost using the revamped vampy armor.
I ended with a naked gal (Nudist (SEA)) with a body, despite the briefing saying I could use the vampy armor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: kelltozet on July 26, 2023, 11:20:27 pm
The ninja war doesn't start after STR_NINJA_WAR_READY event?
Ver. is N5.2.1
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Faustion on July 26, 2023, 11:25:53 pm
Turn 1 Base Defense: enemy spawned in Luxury Spa
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: RSSwizard on August 02, 2023, 05:08:01 am
I Am playing an old version but I dunno if this has ever been a problem, I haven't seen it before and im not sure what would've caused it (I didn't mod anything related to it).

Reticulan Vats mission and every single mob that was captured inflicts negative score. As far as I know captures hardly ever inflict negatives, certainly not smoothies or rets. This was a regular B level Bounty mission not the bounty challenge.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on August 03, 2023, 01:34:54 pm
I am not actually 100% sure, but I think Smoothies cause neg score, unless they were previously researched.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: iwantbax on August 05, 2023, 05:31:27 am
file update N5.0.2(or 0.3?) to N5.2.1
crash when day 17th.

Checked pqcvbd's bug is the same as mine.
Somehow missions can't spawn in region: STR_INDIAN_OCEAN targetZone: 1 targetArea: 5
in pqcvbd's case, the mission is darkTowerExploration, in mine it is SewersOfTheDead, but indian ocean in piratez_planet looks correct.

It looks like there are only 4 areas at most considering exception screenshot

Fixed pqcvbd's save in attachment
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 07, 2023, 06:02:06 pm
I've found the likely cause of this: data overflow from original game files. I didn't add commands to delete original regions which might have been the cause of unintended behaviour.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: MaxdH on August 15, 2023, 09:07:42 am
possible bug:
playing v. n2
no cydonia code researched
my claw fighter (got it from some event) can fly to cydonia. Its only him.

save (i think) attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on August 15, 2023, 02:18:13 pm
We're up to N5 now, man. There's no support for old versions, in general. Why not update to N5?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yugian on August 19, 2023, 08:21:01 am
Did the Vector Glitch get fixed? Been suffering from that myself- and unsure if a fix got pushed out or not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on September 12, 2023, 04:12:28 pm
I've gotten to November 2601 and I haven't gotten the codex yet.
I've never had trouble getting it before so I don't think I've forgotten any obvious steps to get it and I've gotten the spacious hull and the bio-plasma gun.
I believe I'm just waiting for the anomaly to stabilise, but I've been waiting about 6 months now.

Edit - I accidentally added the wrong save, this is now the correct save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on September 13, 2023, 01:05:10 am
Search your special project tab in manufacture for something unfamiliar. Anomaly should stabilize next month from activating it. Definitely not 6 months.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on September 14, 2023, 11:56:36 am
I've checked the special project tab, I've done the collapse anomaly and there is nothing else unfamiliar in there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on September 21, 2023, 02:04:17 pm
Why I cannot apply medi-kit to a "Green Lighter"? It says "nobody there". It it somewhat important, because Green Lighter will be stunned after few turns without stimulation.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on September 22, 2023, 02:44:05 pm
What medikit? Also what terrain cause there might be some LOS shenenigans possible.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on September 22, 2023, 03:54:16 pm
Advanced Medipack, to be precise. Other medicine also fails. No this is not a tall grass issue.
You can test that using Quick Battle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ruberto on October 08, 2023, 04:33:26 pm
As I try to assault enemy base, I get attached error.
In attached Save file my craft is about to land on the base in question.
How to solve it?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 08, 2023, 06:04:35 pm
You got hit by an old bug, base was spawned with a wrong race (it was N4 or early N5 build when this was possible to happen, and the base persisted in wrong state since then). Find in your save a base crewed by STR_FLOATER_ELITE race and change it to STR_FLOATER.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ruberto on October 09, 2023, 07:03:15 am
You got hit by an old bug, base was spawned with a wrong race (it was N4 or early N5 build when this was possible to happen, and the base persisted in wrong state since then). Find in your save a base crewed by STR_FLOATER_ELITE race and change it to STR_FLOATER.
I mass-replaced STR_FLOATER_ELITE with STR_FLOATER (file attached, craft about to land on base again), but the same error persists
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: John___Doe on October 11, 2023, 06:14:36 am
Encountering a crash on geoscape on the current patch, 6.0.3, due to missing research STR_IGUN. Occurs just after the autosave.

Edit: fixed with direction from Dioxine:

In the pirates_events.rul, go to STR_LAZYSORE_GUN_RESEARCH and delete 'STR_IGUN' from the list of possible outcomes.

Dio also said there is a second event bug: in the pirates_events.rul, go to STR_RED_WAY_OF_THE_SWORD and replace 'STR_TURRET_BLUE_ARMOR' with 'STR_TURRET_BLUE_CORPSE'
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Soban on October 12, 2023, 01:47:25 am
I ran into an error with "STR_TURRET_BLUE_ARMOR"when I was in flight on the global map.
What do you recommend to do?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kpekep on October 12, 2023, 10:32:33 am
After researching Recruit: Catgirl (pic. 1), there is an info that now you can buy nekomimi's power cells. I wonder if this should be fuel batteries for new Firefox craft? And if yes then it doesn't allow you to buy them, and only way to get it is to research with personal lab (pic. 2). I am not an expert of older version so maybe it's just an old info about power cells and I misunderstood it?

And while I am here, is there any difference between buying Outlaw Catgirl and common Catgirl except cloth and price (30k vs 50k)? Because for me they seem exactly the same and cheaper version has better stats.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Soban on October 12, 2023, 05:51:35 pm
I ran into an error with "STR_TURRET_BLUE_ARMOR"when I was in flight on the global map.
What do you recommend to do?

Thank you, Dioxine, patch 6.0.4 fixes this problem.
But then...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on October 13, 2023, 09:06:57 pm
Rod of Bliss can't be used. I tested it on the Star God Operative that Báječná Žíla is standing on, on Tak Mohorovicic that I accidentally brought onto the mission in a crate, and on a random standing gal.

None of them could be targetted by the medical use of Rod of Bliss.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 14, 2023, 03:03:17 am
Rod of Bliss can't be used. I tested it on the Star God Operative that Báječná Žíla is standing on, on Tak Mohorovicic that I accidentally brought onto the mission in a crate, and on a random standing gal.

None of them could be targetted by the medical use of Rod of Bliss.

No idea. Even in ANAL it says: viable targets: enemy on the ground, friendly on the ground, neutral on the ground. Please take this to OXCE team, could be a new engine bug...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 14, 2023, 07:46:26 am
No idea. Even in ANAL it says: viable targets: enemy on the ground, friendly on the ground, neutral on the ground. Please take this to OXCE team, could be a new engine bug...
It may be because SG Operatives are bleed immune, and the Rod of Bliss can't be used on bleed immune targets.
I made a small mod that changes the Rod to be usable on bleed immune targets, so you can try that and see if it resolves the issue. It worked for me in a quick battle, and allowed me to use a Rod on a downed SG Guardian when I couldn't without the mod.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on October 14, 2023, 09:09:20 am
I discovered it is because medikits can't be used on bleed immune targets and reported it as such on OXCE bugs.

Edit: But now, that I see there is an option to allow medikits to bypass this, I removed that message.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on October 14, 2023, 11:20:50 am
This explains the same problem with "Green Lighter", thanks.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 14, 2023, 05:50:01 pm
Thanks for the fix of the Rod. Green lighter behaviour is intended (he gets baked), the only way to keep him afloat would be to use a weapon that removes stun (NOT medikit).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on October 15, 2023, 12:02:55 pm
Also I want to mention some unexpected (but logical and, sadly, unavoidable) situation when a unit with limited sight looks at a unit with camouflage.  For example, when "bat glad" with his 25 sight at day tries to aim at "ninja gal" with her -15 day camo, it may appear that "bat glad" became just blind. There are even more extreme examples, of course.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HyperOS on October 16, 2023, 12:08:54 am
Thank you, Dioxine, patch 6.0.4 fixes this problem.
But then...

Same problem, random research crash...
With 6.0.4 no any crash...but 6.0.5.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kaskardness on October 18, 2023, 10:21:42 am
Yep, same error
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Progger on October 21, 2023, 01:07:03 pm
You can find and remove MEGASCORPION_ARMOR from Piratez_Events.rul
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: HyperOS on October 21, 2023, 05:11:55 pm
You can find and remove MEGASCORPION_ARMOR from Piratez_Events.rul

It doesn't solve the problem, we just skip the research.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on October 22, 2023, 02:32:52 am
The game stopped crashing for me after I added below code to Piratez.rul:

Code: [Select]
  needItem: true
  destroyItem: true

I put it above GIANT_BEETLE_ARMOR code which looks the same except name - it seems other armors have such entry but megascorpion one was missing?
Note I only quickly checked if there is crash - can't say right now if game will not crash later
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 22, 2023, 09:54:43 am
I made a small mod including the fix to the MEGASCORPION_ARMOR research that should prevent the crash. You can use it if you don't want to mess around with file editing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Black2Cat on October 23, 2023, 04:18:53 am
Crash on GEOSCAPE Blue Turret crash just skip ahead
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on October 25, 2023, 10:42:52 am
0.99N6.0.7 missing string for the golden rifle procurement research.

Edit: ground assaultin an heavy gunship, osiron security guys seems to come ut from the marked ship wall, while i cannot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Berggen on October 25, 2023, 06:57:52 pm

Edit: ground assaultin an heavy gunship, osiron security guys seems to come ut from the marked ship wall, while i cannot

If I remember correctly this ship, he didnt cross that wall, it should be a door above him in the second floor.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zesty on October 28, 2023, 09:55:49 pm

Most enemies are stuck and refuse to move, 11 turns in. Which is a bit of a problem considering they have full TUs and reaction the hell out of me if I poke my head out...
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on October 29, 2023, 10:48:41 pm
file update N5.0.2(or 0.3?) to N5.2.1
crash when day 17th.

I think the issue had finally been nailed. These bugs MIGHT appear in mid-late game for everyone, so here's simple solution-

Remove from Piratez_Planet.rul three lines with this command, looking like this:
    missionRegion: STR_NORTH_AMERICA
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on October 29, 2023, 11:26:02 pm
Most enemies are stuck and refuse to move, 11 turns in. Which is a bit of a problem considering they have full TUs and reaction the hell out of me if I poke my head out...
On the last part, I'm almost willing to call it a feature and not a bug  :)
Like the OXCE AI has learned on how to camp, battle square style.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zesty on October 30, 2023, 12:12:22 am
On the last part, I'm almost willing to call it a feature and not a bug  :)
Like the OXCE AI has learned on how to camp, battle square style.

Yeah its actually kind of funny how much more effective that is than actually coming after me. My melee girls would easily massacre them if they ran forward.

The only problem is that they haven't figured out how to turn to face me so they can see me for reaction fire.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on October 30, 2023, 10:18:11 am
On the last part, I'm almost willing to call it a feature and not a bug  :)
Like the OXCE AI has learned on how to camp, battle square style.
Base defense is pretty much the only mission when such behavior is unacceptable. For once aliens are the one who attacks, so they should not camp.
If aliens would figure out how to camp in all other missions, that would be invaluable. (Although standing completely still is also not desirable, they should be spotted with motion scanners.)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 01, 2023, 06:10:25 pm
I wish this kind of thing happened to me just once in the 100s of base defenses so I could finish a base defense in 2 turns lol! But no, they are always swarming, which can be quite !fun! if defenders are thin :) Zesty must have been born under some unholy lucky star or has a real talent to Hideout construction that causes such unheard of behaviour :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on November 04, 2023, 06:23:28 pm
Got a possible bug on one map - this is "professional pest control" mission. Exterminator equipment is placed next to him where tree is, instead of under him (on pre-mission equip screen his eq from the ground was not available) - because of it it cannot be picked up without clearing the tree. Attaching save.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on November 05, 2023, 12:04:49 pm
Similar to above possible map issue - ship door are blocked by vegetation so enemies cannot leave (though it is shot down enemy, so may be like bad luck, but still there should be no enemies outside then xD)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: UnholyAngel on November 08, 2023, 02:01:44 pm
My game crashed when it tried to generate the STR_SMUGGLER_BASE.

I attach the log that doubtlessly describes the problem better than I could.

edit: Locking at save I am confused why the issue even come up at this point, given that the mission should not spawn anything for a while yet.

    race: STR_SMUGGLER
    nextWave: 0
    nextUfoCounter: 0
    spawnCountdown: 12457
    liveUfos: 0
    uniqueID: 783
    missionSiteZone: 8

edit 2: I apologize, I now know what and it was mistake and not a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on November 09, 2023, 11:07:16 am
Yet another map issue - reapers placement makes them unable to leave the house - even though there is destroyed wall where they will fit, map edge will not allow them to move there.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zesty on November 10, 2023, 02:07:57 am
I wish this kind of thing happened to me just once in the 100s of base defenses so I could finish a base defense in 2 turns lol! But no, they are always swarming, which can be quite !fun! if defenders are thin :) Zesty must have been born under some unholy lucky star or has a real talent to Hideout construction that causes such unheard of behaviour :)

So is there something I should know when building my bases to avoid this bug? Are they trying to path to a specific tile that I'm blocking somehow?

And yeah, if I knew this would happen it would be easy. I just normally don't equip the grenades during base defense since throwing in low ceiling rooms is problematic.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 11, 2023, 02:16:36 pm
So is there something I should know when building my bases to avoid this bug? Are they trying to path to a specific tile that I'm blocking somehow?

No idea dude, it is you who managed to do that first. Only you can know the secret (another explanation could be very low computer specs, I guess?).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Zesty on November 12, 2023, 05:20:12 am
No idea dude, it is you who managed to do that first. Only you can know the secret (another explanation could be very low computer specs, I guess?).

Definitely not a computer spec problem (7600x, 32 GB ram).

Obviously I laid out the base to give them a long path to walk through but I'm not sure how I did it still.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Soban on November 13, 2023, 04:17:04 pm
I started the game anew with version N6.0.7 but still couldn't avoid this error  :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on November 15, 2023, 03:28:45 pm
0.99N6.0.7, missing string in battlescape jukebox
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nefandi on November 29, 2023, 09:06:41 am
I'm playing the latest version, but I'm noticing some of the rank locked researches are not triggering. I've hit boss, but I'm not getting Krazy Hanna. Is there a way to fix in notepad?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on December 01, 2023, 06:38:38 am
Sounds like you're missing some research prereqs.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on December 02, 2023, 07:43:06 pm
Sounds like you're missing some research prereqs.

I bet you are missing
"Solar courier". You get it from "Pogrom" missions. You have to research one
to advance to Boss rank.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on December 13, 2023, 11:10:51 am
0.99N.6.0.7,not properly a bug, bug govt agents and military ploce should not be supposed to wield sabres (pirate weap?) adn hunting rifles (civ weap?) don't know about the razor, but spartans often carry these, not sure about govt agents with these
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on December 14, 2023, 10:28:22 am
You have to give more info than that man. Which mission?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on December 14, 2023, 11:42:33 am
You have to give more info than that man. Which mission?

Ground assaulting a light gunboat, once i shot It down
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 16, 2023, 02:41:28 pm
0.99N.6.0.7,not properly a bug, bug govt agents and military ploce should not be supposed to wield sabres (pirate weap?) adn hunting rifles (civ weap?) don't know about the razor, but spartans often carry these, not sure about govt agents with these

It's your opinion. They are quite capable of using them properly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: EleriumWard on December 17, 2023, 03:59:13 am
Tried to extract the files, but I got an error. Cannot open the zip file to see the content either.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on December 17, 2023, 10:53:35 am
The main archive is .rar. Perhaps you are trying to open it as .zip instead?

I had no trouble extracting Dioxine_XPiratez_N7.rar, and was able to look into afterward.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Taka on December 17, 2023, 10:07:16 pm
Long time player, 1st time poster.

Got crash ´Research MAGGOT_ARMOR not found`.
Included log-file and save before crash.

I hope I got those right.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on December 18, 2023, 02:07:00 am
Already known bug, but thank you. I will update the mod tomorrow.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: DarthTheIII on December 18, 2023, 06:57:09 am
I've just grabbed the newest update and started a new campgain, I think one of the new pedia entries is not working properly.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on December 19, 2023, 09:34:52 am
0.99N7.0.1, start a new game, and type in the tech tree viewer "STR", it gives various topics, and the line in the screenshot..once i click on it. Please mind to do as i did every single update? Might be a good choice to find something weird..thanks!  :D

edit: typos..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 20, 2023, 05:40:27 pm
Got a crash when assaulting a downed bandit car. Here's the error message, and the save is attached:
[FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Race STR_RATMEN does not have a member at position/rank 14

Looking into it, the cars are being spawned by STR_BANDIT_ROBBERS_ASSAULT_STANDARD, and Ratmen are a race option for that. Since they only have members defined up to position/rank 10, it crashes.
STR_CANNYS are also an option for that mission with the same issue, and would probably also cause a crash for the same reason.

Also, STR_SIVALINGA_RESURRECTION_EVENT seems to have an error in its definition. I think one of the triggers is mistakenly PSI_LAB, when it should be STR_PSI_LAB. I'll quote from the ruleset.
Code: [Select]
    firstMonth: 2
       PSI_LAB: true
       STR_SIVALINGA: true
       STR_SHADOWS: true
       STR_GODS_E2: true
    executionOdds: 69
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: lenin-kerrigan on December 26, 2023, 08:56:51 am
Crash while trying to drop on new enemy vehicle crashsite
Save is attached
Error message: Race STR_BANDIT_VILLAGE does not have a member at position/rank 14
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on December 26, 2023, 10:44:53 am
Crash while trying to drop on new enemy vehicle crashsite
Save is attached
Error message: Race STR_BANDIT_VILLAGE does not have a member at position/rank 14

I added a single ruffian member to STR_BANDIT_VILLAGE list and I could embark on all crush sites you had present in that save.

I tried doing the same to STR_RATMEN members list, but I still get the same crush, no matter how many members I add. I do not understand how this fix works in one case and does not in the other :(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Benjamen86 on December 28, 2023, 10:56:41 pm
I'm getting a crash when trying to embark onto a crashsite as well. Attached a save file. To recreate, use the little bird to attempt to land at the crashsite east of the base.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on December 29, 2023, 04:31:53 pm
I'm getting a crash when trying to embark onto a crashsite as well. Attached a save file. To recreate, use the little bird to attempt to land at the crashsite east of the base.

The quick fix I made before works for your crush site. I have also removed both Ratmen and cannys as possible opponents from those new missions and adjusted weights for bandits.
File in attachments.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Benjamen86 on December 29, 2023, 05:42:46 pm
The quick fix I made before works for your crush site. I have also removed both Ratmen and cannys as possible opponents from those new missions and adjusted weights for bandits.
File in attachments.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 03, 2024, 11:46:25 am
0.99N7.0.3.4,  an handful of issues:

1) gun almanac is not supposed to give sports rifle, but it canbe gotten also by researching human mage. Now i have recovered the former, but searching in the topics pool it won't show, maybe a mispelled/dupliated item entry?

2) i have started a game wiht an old xpiratez version, updated to 0.99N7.0.3.4, met the prequisites for !warehouse wars! bu i cannot see in my research topics!?

3) LC-PS ammo are not shown in the bootypedia, only the electric ones have a dedicated page

See attachments :)

edit: sorry my fault, i still have not researched these!
edit 2: please check also here:,4102.msg160752.html#msg160752

maybe there is abug or bootypedia is not updated
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on January 04, 2024, 12:13:21 am
0.99N7.0.3.4,  an handful of issues:

2) i have started a game witht an old xpiratez version, updated to 0.99N7.0.3.4, met the prequisites for !warehouse wars! but i cannot see in my research topics!?

You do have "Mess Hall" in base to meet Culture requirement, right?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 04, 2024, 12:34:51 am
You do have "Mess Hall" in base to meet Culture requirement, right?

actually i dont' far from the game niw, i left a save for checking..

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 04, 2024, 12:55:48 am
0.99N7.0.3.4,  an handful of issues:

1) gun almanac is not supposed to give sports rifle, but it canbe gotten also by researching human mage. Now i have recovered the former, but searching in the topics pool it won't show, maybe a mispelled/dupliated item entry?

I don't understand the issue. GA is definitely supposed to give you Sports Rifle.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 04, 2024, 12:59:47 am
I don't understand the issue. GA is definitely supposed to give you Sports Rifle.

problem is: in the screenshots it's the only thing left to research, but "gun almanac" won't show in the research topics pool  :'(
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on January 04, 2024, 01:01:03 am
You need to possess the actual item to research it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 04, 2024, 01:08:10 am
You need to possess the actual item to research it.

unless im going round the bend i remember i recovered one from a ground assaultin an academy ship, but i forgot to attach a save...well if everything is alright nevermind..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ada on January 04, 2024, 03:10:48 am
I can't build boom plantation in new version.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sotild on January 09, 2024, 02:26:23 pm

After the last update, I no longer can start the game. I just got some error message about "default HWP capacity cannot be negative" for several different crafts.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Meridian on January 09, 2024, 03:09:49 pm

After the last update, I no longer can start the game. I just got some error message about "default HWP capacity cannot be negative" for several different crafts.


update to vN7.0.2 :,3626.msg160531.html#msg160531
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sotild on January 09, 2024, 05:30:17 pm

update to vN7.0.2 :,3626.msg160531.html#msg160531

Thank you, that worked perfectly!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on January 10, 2024, 07:12:36 am
I've recruited Castaway Gal. Bootipedia says she will be lunatic like an original crew and won't take any salary. I expected to see lunatic reward in her diary but there is non. So later in game if I forgot her origin it's difficult to determine if this particular soldier takes salary or not.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on January 10, 2024, 07:18:26 am
Mission Zombie Hunt. Every turn there was a message that high radiation damaging freshness and shields. But from a lore we know that Gals wear rare earth metals to keep their bodies healthy irradiated so their can last longer outside of zones. And radiation damages their freshness which is inconsistent.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sotild on January 12, 2024, 12:06:21 am
Hello again.

I seem to get the ninja event where they take your money. But it seem to be the highest amount possible for the event, and it happends in the first few days of the game.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on January 12, 2024, 05:39:40 am
Hey. You seem to have downloaded a broke version that was only up for a few hours before replaced. You should download the newest version. It was fixed in the last one.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Xylon666Darkstar on January 15, 2024, 10:51:09 pm
Game crashes attempting Sunken Treasure mission in Sea of Japan regarding unknown race: STR_GHOST_UNDERWATER. Save game and SS attached.

Only mods used are Torchwood's Armors, Vd Music Addon v1.3.2, Stuffies v0.052, Piratez Cities Lore. Disabling these addons and attempting the missions still simulates the same crash and message.

Edit: Running with the latest XPiratez version release V.N7.0.2 and OXCE Brutal AI 7.9.23

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on January 24, 2024, 10:02:40 pm
Hello, great mod I enjoy playing it. The mission where a player are to kill rats in a celler. Two enemy left, but I can't reach them. After big hunt started I've tried to breach the wall with an acid cannon ball, but no luck. Any tips? Save attached
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on January 24, 2024, 10:14:15 pm
Hello, great mod I enjoy playing it. The mission where a player are to kill rats in a celler. Two enemy left, but I can't reach them. After big hunt started I've tried to breach the wall with an acid cannon ball, but no luck. Any tips? Save attached

Look for a pickaxe in the tile you start the mission. It will be on bottom floor. If you have a Gal with good (closer to 80) strength on that mission, she can use it to demolish walls.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nephalem on January 25, 2024, 10:01:32 am
I can't build boom plantation in new version.

Fast fix for boom plantation



Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on January 25, 2024, 08:12:31 pm
Zombie Sentinel's "Sentinel Gun" has a weird animation for me. It shoots plasma as normal, but then some weird red square flickers over each tile it hit.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 04, 2024, 03:55:38 am
Unmaker condemnation says "Night Vision every 3rd level", but its 1st level already adds night vision (2nd level doesn't tho)

Grav Cannon says it shoots in a straight line. It should probably be in the "Launchers" category instead of "Arcing Long-Range"

STORMCAT should have CAMO instead of INVIS
SHADE says INVIS 10, but it's only invisible during the day. if this is intended, then description should be corrected.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sectoid_No123 on February 04, 2024, 03:42:55 pm
I don't know if it's an OXCE issue, but:
my crew was doing an academy outpost mission, I enter their building and there were two self charging laser pistols inside
one of my gals picks it up leaving one pistol lying there (the turn before the mission's end the pistol was still on her)
But at the mission debriefing loot window shown only 1 laser pistol, meaning the pistol gal picked up was lost
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on February 04, 2024, 07:25:57 pm
Have you checked after mission if you have 1 or 2 of those laser pistols in storage? It might just not be reported, because it was in inventory.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Sectoid_No123 on February 04, 2024, 07:35:49 pm
Yes, I did check
Only one pistol
I also ran into a similar issue when I just lost a gear that was dropped on the battlefield
Maybe I'm just hallucinating
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on February 04, 2024, 08:38:55 pm
Did the pistol on the ground perhaps get blown up?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 05, 2024, 01:39:16 am
But at the mission debriefing loot window shown only 1 laser pistol, meaning the pistol gal picked up was lost

Academy outpost can't spawn 2 of the same laser pistols on the ground. It spawns Self-Charging Laspistol + Pocket Las-Charger.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Lianjan on February 14, 2024, 05:18:50 pm
Encountered this on my playthrough, reproduced in quick battle debug mode. In the first screenshot I can't path to where the cursor is, it looks like I can only path through this corridor tile in one axis which you can observe by the path hint of the previous click. I tested inside the rooms too and the crossable axis is inverted.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: exilim03 on February 17, 2024, 02:21:23 am
Game crashes attempting Sunken Treasure mission in Sea of Japan regarding unknown race: STR_GHOST_UNDERWATER. Save game and SS attached.

Only mods used are Torchwood's Armors, Vd Music Addon v1.3.2, Stuffies v0.052, Piratez Cities Lore. Disabling these addons and attempting the missions still simulates the same crash and message.

Edit: Running with the latest XPiratez version release V.N7.0.2 and OXCE Brutal AI 7.9.23


Played on version N7.0.1. I have the same error. Updating to N7.0.4.5 did not help. Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on February 20, 2024, 08:50:23 pm
Termicator armor has no unarmed strike.

Correction: It has unarmed strike, but it is only accessed through PSI power icon, rather than through selecting an empty hand. I am not sure if this is something that can be fixed by mod though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: njiopuiiyp on March 04, 2024, 01:33:34 pm
first of all, I have to say the maker of Piratez is a genius. Where does he/she got the ideas!

Not sure if it's a bug in my case, I think my game stopped progressing. I attached my sav is anyone is interested in looking at it. I did use CE to edit money.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: KricKraken on March 07, 2024, 10:19:14 pm
Just wanted to open with saying how grateful i am to all of the hardworking people who work on all these mods. the whole open xcom project. finished vanilla a couple times and moved on to files. right now I'm playing through piratez and it is quickly becoming one of my favorite game. Anyways. I encountered this bug for this under water mission in piratez. the mission is sunken treasure. I'm guessing its just a map load issue. attached is the save and error message. the error happens when you try to initiate the mission. the save is immediately before. thank you again. i will try and post as much as i can to help the project. i spend copious amounts of time playing these mods and would like to help however i can.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on March 08, 2024, 07:12:25 am
Once is a happenstance. Twice is a coincidence. Thrice is an enemy action hidden movement a bug.

I was early in a run when I found out I about this underwater crash, and knowing that I could run into it cooled my desire to play further.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blazen on March 09, 2024, 01:05:45 pm
I can't build boom plantations, I'm confident I have the relevant research but it doesn't appear in the build list.

Edit - In the same save I've researched 'stop targeting civilian traffic' but they still appear occasionally.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Fugazza on March 14, 2024, 01:08:10 am
RMB on the Luxury Condo gets you to the Fence Screen. Shouldn't it get you to the Training screen?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on March 16, 2024, 11:09:42 am
When attempting to go to Pirate Treasure on north coast of Somalia, game crashed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Emru on March 16, 2024, 09:41:03 pm
Hey, I'm getting crash on startup on OXCE 7.12.1 due to negative number of HWP in crafts' definitions. XPiratez version is N7.0.1
I did 's/vehicle: -1/vehicle: 0/' on Piratez.rul, now it's launching.
Here is the log
Code: [Select]
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.12.1 (v2024-03-03)
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Platform: Linux
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Data folder is:
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Data search is:
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /home/user/.local/share/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /var/lib/flatpak/exports/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - /usr/bin/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] - ./
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] User folder is: /home/user/.local/share/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/user/.config/openxcom/
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-00] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Attempted locale: C.utf8
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Detected locale: C.utf8
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1356x727x8...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Display set to 1356x727x8.
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Loading data...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[16-03-2024_20-32-01] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/home/user/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'piratez': unexpected symbol
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [WARN] Error in version number in mod 'OAK-RU': unexpected symbol
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] FileMap::mapExtResources(xcom2, TFTD): external resources not found.
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] Active mods:
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] - piratez vv.N7.0.1 OXCE 7.9.20
[16-03-2024_20-32-02] [INFO] - piratezCitiesLore v0.336
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading begins...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[16-03-2024_20-32-03] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES, zone: 2, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES_3, zone: 1, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-05] [WARN] Mixed area types (point vs non-point), region: REGION_CITIES_4, zone: 1, area: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Loading fonts... AmigaFont.dat
[16-03-2024_20-32-14] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_1
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_2
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_BATTLESCAPE_3
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_COLD
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_ACID
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SEA
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_DGOOD_SPACE
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_HOT
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MAGMA
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_MARS
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_OLDEDAYS
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating a new palette: PAL_ORANGE
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating transparency LUTs for PAL_BATTLESCAPE...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Creating transparency LUTs for hybrid custom palettes...
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] After load.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_NAZI_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ARMORED_CAR_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_AUR_2': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_AWAKENED_CORPSE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_BOLSHOY_GUARD': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CIVILIAN_KNIGHT_ERRANT': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CIVILIAN_TRIBAL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_CYBERSCARAB_DRONE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_DOOM_SPIDERDEMON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_DREADKNIGHT': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_FIELD_GUN_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GHOST_GAL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ARMORED_CAR': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_DETECTIVE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ELITE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_ENFORCER_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_GENERAL_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_GOVT_MP_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_HITLUR': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_KILLBOT_HERO': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_LOKNAR_VILLAGER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_NAZI_WARPSOLDIER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_OGRE_WORKER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BRUTE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_BUGEYE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_FEMALE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_LAMIA_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_REBEL_MALE_CIV': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_RECON_DRONE': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding 'liveAlien:' or 'civilianRecoveryType:' to recover.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ROBOT_MAID': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SECTOPOD_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_CIV': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_SWAT': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SKELETON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_GLADIATRIX': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MAID': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_MANAGER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_SLAVE_SKILLED': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GIRL': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_VAULT_GUY': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WORKER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_ELITE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_ELITE_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_GUARD': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_GUARD_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_SOLDIER': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_WRAITH_SOLDIER_FEM': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_CANNON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_HOVER_GAUSS_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_XTANK_NAZI_CANNON_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_YEOMAN': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_ZBOSS': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[16-03-2024_20-32-18] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of crafts:
Error for 'STR_AIRBUS': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRBUS_STANDARD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRCAR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRSPEEDER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRTRUCK': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AIRVAN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_AVENGER': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BATTLE_TAXI': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIGENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIG_BIRD': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BIKES': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BRIG': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_BUCKAROO': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CADILLAC': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CAVES_DROP_ENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHARIOT': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CHURCH_ENTRY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_CONVOY': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DELOREAN': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DELOREAN2': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DEVASTATOR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DRAKKAR': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_DROPSHIP': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_EXPEDITION': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FATSUB': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FAUST': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIREFOX': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FIRESTORM': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FORTUNA': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Error for 'STR_FUEGO': Default HWP capacity cannot be negative.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: aziza on March 26, 2024, 03:08:48 pm
XPZ (with no other mods)
In the first mission with default aircraft and weapons
Enemy Girl atacked my afk soldier in melee through the aircraft wall on the 3rd or 4th move, my soldier melee-counterattacked through the aircraft wall too and killed her
Title: Нет открываются исследования
Post by: Kanzas on March 26, 2024, 07:01:41 pm
Я не могу продвинутся дальше по сюжету, яя уже даже при помощи быстрых сохранений начитерил себе все нужные призы из ящиков и коробок, получил все 4 ключа доступа, поймал всех боссов 4 из 4. Прогресс остановился, не могу получить Уиз, золотой значек А и прочее.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on March 27, 2024, 09:15:07 am
(Как же мне надоело всем новичкам рассказывать про, а иногда и про дерево исследований...)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Edgar on March 31, 2024, 11:20:12 pm
Hi everyone,

I'm experiencing a crash to desktop while in Geoscape and just passing time. Can't make sense of the message error: " fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 7) >= this->size() (which is 5)".

Latest save & log file in attachment.

Thanks to all the people involved in the development of this brilliant Mod!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on April 01, 2024, 10:52:06 am
Hi everyone,

I'm experiencing a crash to desktop while in Geoscape and just passing time. Can't make sense of the message error: " fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 7) >= this->size() (which is 5)".

Latest save & log file in attachment.

Thanks to all the people involved in the development of this brilliant Mod!
I've had this happen to me once before as well. I don't know why it happened, but I do have a solution:

Open up the save in a text editor and search for "missionSiteZone: 7". There's only one instance of it in this save. Replace it with "missionSiteZone: 4".

That fixed the issue when I tried it on this save and prevented the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Edgar on April 01, 2024, 08:02:48 pm
I've had this happen to me once before as well. I don't know why it happened, but I do have a solution:

Open up the save in a text editor and search for "missionSiteZone: 7". There's only one instance of it in this save. Replace it with "missionSiteZone: 4".

That fixed the issue when I tried it on this save and prevented the crash.

Thanks, it worked like a charm!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on April 06, 2024, 12:59:11 pm
In my current playthrough I chose "?Dr. X? Prank her" and "?Gudrun the Knight?" path, which appears to be the most developed path currently.
This path allows you to fight humanists on the moon. Once I beat "Black Sun Outpost" I researched acquired "Black Sun Orders". Text said:
STR_BLACK_SUN_ORDERS_UFOPEDIA: "{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}'The Leader Project has entered its critical phase. The Super Aryan, Otto Zander, walks amongst us! However, we still need more Glitterdust to pull him to our side of the portal at the Temple. Once this is done the Moon will be ours, and then, the whole world! Nothing can resist the purity and the concentrated power of the Super Aryan manifested in Humanity's greatest living warrior. Intensify the Glitterdust extraction, for we cannot fail so close to the hour of victory!'{NEWLINE}(-500 score)"
"Very strange text" - I thought at the first time, but now I am confident, that this is a bug. More appropriate text should be:
STR_GDX_132_UFOPEDIA: "The Black Sun orders allowed us to crack some of Humanist communication codes. Now it's only a question of time before we locate their HQ and stop their 'Leader Project'. Whatever it is, it's likely something we will not like a bit."
but this text i already used elsewhere.
And it looks like currently there is no such mission after the victory in "Blacksun High Temple"...  :-[
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: peonpenpen on April 09, 2024, 11:05:20 pm
Hi everyone,
I followed the glorious parh of the peasant revolution but could not recruit the basic revolutionary peasant: it did not show up in the recruitment options, despite the "advanced" revolutionary girl guide showing up
I tweaked the settings for revolutionary_girl recruitment in piratez.rul and removed the glamour requirement and I could recruit them fine
Also, I had glamour in stock, so it should have worked

That is all,
Thank for this great game!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on April 10, 2024, 09:14:54 am
Looks like you haven't researched glamour yet.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on April 10, 2024, 01:08:26 pm
I've updated OXCE to 7.12 on my Android. Now dogs live in barracks and I have two Pirate princess
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on April 10, 2024, 01:27:32 pm
Works as intended. The "free" dogs are removed. All live in barracks and can be trained now.
I hope it'll eventually be done to werewolf's and other units as well.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on April 10, 2024, 01:45:11 pm
Works as intended.
Dogs trained? They look pretty expandable for me. Also piratin' tips says there is can be one pirate princess only - I have two.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Iazo on April 10, 2024, 02:15:36 pm
It says there can be only one pirate queen, not princess. And even that is not quite as cut and dry, if you manage to bring some back from the dead.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 24, 2024, 02:14:05 am
Error in Piratez_Factions.rul, Line 8982:
AUX_NAUGHTY_TENTACLE -> damageAlter -> duplicate key ToWound

Manufacturing Gnome Shielded SWJ (STR_GNOME_COMBAT_JACKET_SHIELDED) requires a... Sectoid Corpse (STR_SECTOID_CORPSE). I don't think those are obtainable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 24, 2024, 10:18:13 am
SHADE says INVIS 10, but it's only invisible during the day. if this is intended, then description should be corrected.

SHADE is always in daytime conditions, though. Thanks for the other reports.

XPZ (with no other mods)
In the first mission with default aircraft and weapons
Enemy Girl atacked my afk soldier in melee through the aircraft wall on the 3rd or 4th move, my soldier melee-counterattacked through the aircraft wall too and killed her

Are you sure there was no window involved? You can melee through windows.

In my current playthrough I chose "?Dr. X? Prank her" and "?Gudrun the Knight?" path, which appears to be the most developed path currently.
This path allows you to fight humanists on the moon. Once I beat "Black Sun Outpost" I researched acquired "Black Sun Orders". Text said:"Very strange text" - I thought at the first time, but now I am confident, that this is a bug. More appropriate text should be:but this text i already used elsewhere.
And it looks like currently there is no such mission after the victory in "Blacksun High Temple"...  :-[

I'm not sure what is the basis for your claims. You get the database, then you have to research the mission (which gives you the second text which you imply should replace the 1st). And there definitely is such a mission.

Hi everyone,
I followed the glorious parh of the peasant revolution but could not recruit the basic revolutionary peasant: it did not show up in the recruitment options, despite the "advanced" revolutionary girl guide showing up
I tweaked the settings for revolutionary_girl recruitment in piratez.rul and removed the glamour requirement and I could recruit them fine
Also, I had glamour in stock, so it should have worked

This is for bug reports, not for posting cheats.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on April 24, 2024, 07:51:22 pm
Manufacturing T.030 Rockets-EMP (STR_HWP_ROCKETS_3_EMP) is too profitable.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on April 29, 2024, 08:24:47 pm
I'm not sure what is the basis for your claims. You get the database, then you have to research the mission (which gives you the second text which you imply should replace the 1st). And there definitely is such a mission.
No, there is something messed up with messages, you should check this. After winning an outpost I am getting not "database", but "orders". And these "orders" talks about Zander as if I already know about him. After capturing "database" from HQ I am notified that Zander is resurrected (this supposed to be the first mention of Zander (except random stuff from "old books")). Then I beat Zander in the "Shadow Realm", learn that this was not real Zander, but real Zander also exists and told me that killing "Big Brain" is not enough... Looks like the current plot ends on this moment, but judging from this "strange text" from "orders" there will be some final mission against Black Sun with real Zander fighting on our site...
I cannot explain more clearly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 29, 2024, 08:50:20 pm
I did check it before writing a reply. To be absolutely clear - you mean this text? It does speak of Zander as if the receiver of the message knows him, yes. Because this is not adressed to you, obviously, it's internal Humanist orders to the local commander. Unless I don't understand what you mean.

"{NEWLINE}{NEWLINE}'The Leader Project has entered its critical phase. The Super Aryan, Otto Zander, walks amongst us! However, we still need more Glitterdust to pull him to our side of the portal at the Temple. Once this is done the Moon will be ours, and then, the whole world! Nothing can resist the purity and the concentrated power of the Super Aryan manifested in Humanity's greatest living warrior. Intensify the Glitterdust extraction, for we cannot fail so close to the hour of victory!'{NEWLINE}(-500 score)"
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on April 29, 2024, 09:16:48 pm
Because this is not adressed to you, obviously, it's internal Humanist orders to the local commander.
  :o Oh, my! That explains everything... Now I can sleep without worries!
Unrelated question: are there plans to develop this "killing brain is not enough" Zander's statement? That would be super cool.
Another unrelated question: are there plans for an alternative ending for "TITOR" ship? Right now "TITOR" is just a replacement for the "CONQUEROR", but I don't think that current final mission is doable with only 16 people.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on April 29, 2024, 09:25:36 pm
Hello, great game guys. I see it made with a lot of love.
Crashes before a mission, error: unknown race

I'm on n7.0.4 on running Android. I guess update N8 fixes this?When updating to v.N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis, do I need to edit save file?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on April 30, 2024, 12:40:43 pm
Here in 0.99N8, shadowbat bootypedia page says it uses 2x missile slots and 2x shatow tech, while it actually has n. 1 lt/dv, n. 1 heawy weapon, n. 1 misisle and n. 1 shadowtech. Maybe a quickfix patch might deal with it?

As for upgrades, since the M-versions of the game it has been entroduced the ?captain who? in order to allow a more custom game experience, but it happens in the very early game, so if you're upgtading from an old save you will miss it,  but actually during the game if you do something - i don't know if it a random event or not - you will get a "nihilist captain" event window and soon after the one regarding the captain who test. So the related window l pop up anyway in geoscape or there is something specific player has to to to triger it in case it never happened? The time is jan 2602, every such month it will happen?

Edit: attached an updated saved game, (source L2 development branch here ( so i researched airtruck but cannot buy it, but im able to manufacture it, since it apears in the production screen (no screen sorry)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2024, 04:08:24 pm
Here in 0.99N8, shadowbat bootypedia page says it uses 2x missile slots and 2x shatow tech, while it actually has n. 1 lt/dv, n. 1 heawy weapon, n. 1 misisle and n. 1 shadowtech. Maybe a quickfix patch might deal with it?

Your screenshots show Snake, not Shadowbat. Snake indeed is armed like you describe.

As for upgrades, since the M-versions of the game it has been entroduced the ?captain who? in order to allow a more custom game experience, but it happens in the very early game, so if you're upgtading from an old save you will miss it,  but actually during the game if you do something - i don't know if it a random event or not - you will get a "nihilist captain" event window and soon after the one regarding the captain who test. So the related window l pop up anyway in geoscape or there is something specific player has to to to triger it in case it never happened? The time is jan 2602, every such month it will happen?

This event always appears randomly if you don't have idea: faith

Edit: attached an updated saved game, (source L2 development branch here ( so i researched airtruck but cannot buy it, but im able to manufacture it, since it apears in the production screen (no screen sorry)

Working as intended, it's a manufacturable craft.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on April 30, 2024, 04:26:23 pm
Your screenshots show Snake, not Shadowbat. Snake indeed is armed like you describe.

This event always appears randomly if you don't have idea: faith

Working as intended, it's a manufacturable craft.

I found kinda stange the airvan and aircar are purchasable while airtruck not, so i thought it was a bug, but sorry for the snake/shadobat...

Your screenshots show Snake, not Shadowbat. Snake indeed is armed like you describe.

This event always appears randomly if you don't have idea: faith

Working as intended, it's a manufacturable craft.

ok so how does it work with older saves where ideas and personality test were not present at all?

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on April 30, 2024, 04:54:53 pm
You should get the choices next month after updating. There can be some irregularities, but the overall system should work.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on April 30, 2024, 11:02:58 pm
The latest official released version is 7.12

I did not release 7.12.5, use at own risk.
There is no apk build for android.

Meridian's answer is above.
I can't launch Xpiratez. Error: "This mod requires OXCE v7.12.5 to run correctly". Currently is installed Extended-7.12-2510727-2024-02-24-android.apk
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on May 01, 2024, 07:19:59 pm
You should get the choices next month after updating. There can be some irregularities, but the overall system should work.

ok i tried my previous save some posts ago ( and it seems to work and so the rank system but the biggest problem is the latter: i got into jan 2602 and was promoted to brigand, the month before i already unlocked hinter killers, while as of now it is locked behind "pirate air force" which in turn is locked behind an higer rank  (cannot remember what it is).

so with the saves prior the inroduction of ranks it feels like cheating, but then i guess for the "loyal" player there is no chance but to start a new game..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: minimen on May 02, 2024, 09:02:35 am
Meridian's answer is above.
I can't launch Xpiratez. Error: "This mod requires OXCE v7.12.5 to run correctly". Currently is installed Extended-7.12-2510727-2024-02-24-android.apk
So there no way to launch Piratez with N8 update on Android?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zRrr on May 03, 2024, 12:57:37 pm
So there no way to launch Piratez with N8 update on Android?

Try reducing required OXCE version to 7.12.0. Only thing that requires 7.12.5 is Quivering Palm attack on new Blood Dragon armor, with 7.12.0 it'll still work, but do 10x less wounds.

Edit metadata.yml in mods/piratez folder, change

Code: [Select]
requiredExtendedVersion: "7.12.5"

Code: [Select]
requiredExtendedVersion: "7.12.0"
or remove that line entirely.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on June 19, 2024, 03:45:47 pm
As per tip #105:
- CHARM should not trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: true is missing on the following items:
Cupid Gun

- ranged CONCUSSIVE should trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: false is missing on the following items:
LC-HE Ammo, HE Grenade, Proxy Grenade, T.030 Rockets-DP
I'm unsure about Throwing Hammer and Cannonball. The hammer doesn't trigger self-destruct, but Cannonball does, yet they're both non-explosive ranged arcing CONCUSSIVE attacks.

- melee and thrown LASER should not trigger enemy self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: true is missing on the following items:
Photonic Spear

- DAZE should not trigger self destructs.
Here I'm unsure about Firecrackers. They trigger self-destructs, yet a much more deadly Riot Grenade does not, which seems inconsistent.

- non-thrown ranged CUTTING should trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: false is missing on the following items:
CD Pistol Clip, CD Rifle Clip, CD Cannon Clip

- CHOKING should not trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: true is missing on the following items:
T.030 Rockets-Gas, Biotank's Chemogun, VAM Gas Rounds, Synthmuscle tail, 40mm Grenade/Gas, Grenade Pack/Gas, Mortar Shell/Gas, Gas Rocket, Death Spores, Poison Gas Grenade, Poison Gas Mine, Mumbleball, P.Spell: Ashes of Babylon

- EMP should not trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: true is missing on the following items:
Scourge Clip/EMP

- MIND should not trigger self-destructs. IgnoreSelfDestruct: true is missing on the following items:
Dreamchaser, Dreamcrusher, Dreamingun, Dreamshooter, Dreamzooka

COLD... I dunno why it's included in the tip; there's no weapons with cold damage.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Mathel on June 23, 2024, 01:17:33 am
Got CtD on BlackSun HQ somewhere between turns 75 and 80.
Something about object 62 not being defined.

Here is the last autosave.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 23, 2024, 02:04:19 pm
Thank you, fixed the self-destruct errors and the CtD on Black Sun HQ map.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on June 27, 2024, 12:13:45 pm
N8, researchers as bootypedia description says should carry little firearms, i caught up one instead - while ground assaulting a medium vessel - that carries an assault smg...isn't it a bit too much for "study people"?

edit: in a temple of syrus mission, there is an hydrant in the middle, maybe it might need to be moved elsewhere?

edit: post made intellegible  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 27, 2024, 03:55:09 pm
Assault SMG is basically the definition of a "light firearm", duh.

As for the other thing, it's unrelated to temples, it's just a normal feature of this city terrain. Also why it's even autism inducing? Perfectly normal placement.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: McBlackjack on June 30, 2024, 09:38:34 am
Found a possible bug.

I should be able to build a new body farm over the top of a body farm (empty) according to the facility description.

It's currently not working as intended. I am getting the error message "CANNOT BUILD HERE Existing facility cannot be upgraded over by selected facility."

The only thing I can do with the body farm (empty) is to dismantle it.

I have more than 50 life support systems.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on June 30, 2024, 01:58:46 pm
I think I fixed it, thank you.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on July 02, 2024, 11:21:47 am
N9, a simple oversight(?) AP heavy shotgun shells are 8 instead of 7

edit: also in a ratmen rodeo map, should not be a metallic net instead of a wodden fence in the screenshot attached?

edit 2: batlteaxe has presumibly a wrong handob, it's the one of an ordinary axe?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on July 02, 2024, 03:35:32 pm
N9, a simple oversight(?) AP heavy shotgun shells are 8 instead of 7

edit 2: batlteaxe has presumibly a wrong handob, it's the one of an ordinary axe?

Thanks, fixed the ammo count. As for the battleaxe, there does not exist a special handob for it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Felis7 on July 03, 2024, 12:05:25 pm
error "Sprite AIR1_BACKGROUND.SCR not found "
game updated n8 ->n9, no crash on n8 version
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: LuigiWhatif on July 04, 2024, 06:49:55 am
I encountered a map generation bug on N8, so apologies if it has already been fixed.  During a Demon Bait mission in the tentacle caves I was unable to defeat all enemies.  I eventually used debug and found a section in the bottom right that was cut off from the rest of the map. 
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Alex_D on July 04, 2024, 08:43:28 pm
I encountered a map generation bug on N8, so apologies if it has already been fixed.  During a Demon Bait mission in the tentacle caves I was unable to defeat all enemies.  I eventually used debug and found a section in the bottom right that was cut off from the rest of the map. 
Oh, that map. Complicated to defeat all enemies.
I think a spawned pickaxe will solve those issues.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: InotDead on July 05, 2024, 09:29:27 pm
error "Sprite AIR1_BACKGROUND.SCR not found "
game updated n8 ->n9, no crash on n8 version

I encountered the same problem.
Seems like a simple missing ressource mapping.
Attached is a temporary fix I made myself for the time being, just replace your Piratez_Resources.rul with this one.
Or modify it yourself, all I did was add these lines:

  - typeSingle: AIR1_BACKGROUND.SCR
    fileSingle: Resources/Backgrounds/Air1_BCK.gif

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on July 09, 2024, 03:18:21 pm
0.99N9.0.1, during a deep one progom, seems a tile must be passed around instead of going straign on it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 09, 2024, 03:56:09 pm
0.99N9.0.1, during a deep one progom, seems a tile must be passed around instead of going straign on it

This is called "a wooden log". You will find them in a forest. ::)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on July 10, 2024, 11:09:43 am
This is called "a wooden log". You will find them in a forest. ::)

emh.. but the isometric view does not allow complete vision sometimes...anyway her ein an humanist safehouse misison, gate is placed in an unrechable side of the fence, so it's impossible to enter in the house in the screenshot. Better move to an accessible side?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on July 11, 2024, 04:25:00 pm
emh.. but the isometric view does not allow complete vision sometimes...anyway her ein an humanist safehouse misison, gate is placed in an unrechable side of the fence, so it's impossible to enter in the house in the screenshot. Better move to an accessible side?

I have encountered this one too - AI will get stuck there but you may just destroy the fence.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ciqasty on July 28, 2024, 07:50:04 pm

Got "No mercy for traitors" mission with map where one unit is spawned in a location without exit.
Attaching save and screenshot
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on July 30, 2024, 03:14:29 pm
N9.0.1 a little bug in a sentry vessel map during a gorund assault, there is grass in between vessel walls !?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on July 31, 2024, 02:43:29 pm
Deployment STR_LOC_ATRIUM_CHURCH uses D_ATRIUM map. D_ATRIUM map has most nodes of rank 0. This causes all the enemies to spawn outside the building (because outside terrain is JUNGLE or JUNGLETEMPLE, and those terrains have some rank 2 nodes). Please fix the node ranks of the D_ATRIUM map.

AMAZON armor descriptions says 140% energy recovery, but actual stats are for 120%.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on August 03, 2024, 06:44:21 pm
Ahoy Mateys!

Ran into a bug when reaching the Ninja Raid mission site, it crashes the game to desktop.
Log and save attached, thanks for your help in advance and have a great day!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 04, 2024, 03:02:52 pm
So far I cannot find or replicate the bug. Do you remember on what kind of texture the Ninja Raid mission spawned?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kharim on August 04, 2024, 03:09:15 pm
Well... here you go, just realised that depending on angle it can look like it is in water or on arctic terrain.
Changed the mission marker location manualy to a lilttle bit to north and it prevented the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on August 04, 2024, 09:12:06 pm
I can't send the Firefox on a aircar race mission. That should be possible, since it's a craft that run on dollaros nekomimi nuclear batteries, and not on hellerium.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on August 05, 2024, 04:40:09 pm
It's not about fuel type. It's a "car" race, not "interplanetary dropship" race.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 12, 2024, 08:15:10 pm
Manufacturing T.030 Rockets-EMP (STR_HWP_ROCKETS_3_EMP) is too profitable.
This still hasn't been fixed.

AVENGER (S) and AVENGER (S-SRL) description says it has 66 shields. But the actual value is only 2.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Nalca on August 13, 2024, 12:29:03 am
It's not about fuel type. It's a "car" race, not "interplanetary dropship" race.
But the scorpion, which is faster than the Firefox and look like a flying murder machine is fine...

Anyway, I scrapped that Firefox after paying twice it's price in fuel in one month, and now I have a Prowler cannon in my inventory.
Since it's a built-in weapon of the Firefox, not available through other means, it's feel like an oversight.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ahlundra on August 13, 2024, 08:59:57 am
i'm trying this mod for the first time, running the terror from the deep from gog, did just as the mod said, unziped the mod and copied all the files inside the original folder to the UFO folder inside piratez mod folder

clean install, nothing extra. I keep getting some database error
from what i've seem in the log, it's trying to find some files that doesn't exist in my game folder

checking the folder the closest file to the ones the mod is asking for is called, not
I made a copy of the file and named it and left both in the folder, seems to be working just fine... for now...

so, i'm leaving this post here if someone else has this problem and to check if anyone knows the right solution to the problem and if what I did can give me trouble later lol

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 13, 2024, 10:33:28 am
You can't run Piratez on Terror from the Deep. It's a mod for UFO: Enemy Unknown (the fist game) and it utilizes some of its resources.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ahlundra on August 14, 2024, 04:18:35 am
You can't run Piratez on Terror from the Deep. It's a mod for UFO: Enemy Unknown (the fist game) and it utilizes some of its resources.

Oh, that explains it them, tought terror from the deep was a better version with base game and some kind of expansion included lmao
I'm gonna check out enemy unknown, GoG probably have that one too, thanks for the clarification.

btw the game seems to be working fine after I changed the file name, didn't throw any error yet but the menu graphics does seem to be somewhat strange, dunno if it's because it is a DOS game or if it's because i'm using the wrong game, I wonder how that is even working lol

gonna try with the first game and see how it turns out
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 14, 2024, 10:12:58 am
btw the game seems to be working fine after I changed the file name, didn't throw any error yet but the menu graphics does seem to be somewhat strange, dunno if it's because it is a DOS game or if it's because i'm using the wrong game, I wonder how that is even working lol

TFTD uses a different palette, so no wonder the graphics look strange.

What is a wonder is that the mod runs at all... XD I don't recommend testing it further, though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: exilim03 on August 17, 2024, 01:21:33 pm
I wanted to replace the picture in UFOpedia in version 9.0.1 from the old version 7.0.1. After replacing the picture, in the game when opening an article with a changed picture, a white background appears and the cursor turns into a dot. What could be the problem?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: R1dO on August 17, 2024, 05:03:08 pm
Last time i saw somebody having a related problem (background becoming a different color) it turned out they were using an image with a filename ending on "_cpal" where the first color in the pallet (index 0) corresponded to the background color.
Perhaps that is the case here.

As for the "cursor becomes dot".
I've only seen that problem from a linux user trying to trick it's system to think it had SDL1.2 by manually creating symlinks to the SDL2.0 binaries (which is not the recommend way for one to solve missing library problems).
Given you description that it only happens on articles with replaced images I'd doubt that is the case here though.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Yankes on August 17, 2024, 07:21:41 pm
Could you post this image you try override? If I would guess both problems could be caused by palettes as R1dO said (cursor are forced to use same palette as image).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: exilim03 on August 17, 2024, 08:53:14 pm
Could you post this image you try override? If I would guess both problems could be caused by palettes as R1dO said (cursor are forced to use same palette as image).

Here are the images of the current version and the old version. In the old version the image name is "XX72", in the new version "AI_Swimsuits_CPAL". I renamed the old image and replaced it in the folder instead of the current image.

Last time i saw somebody having a related problem (background becoming a different color) it turned out they were using an image with a filename ending on "_cpal" where the first color in the pallet (index 0) corresponded to the background color.
Perhaps that is the case here.

Thanks, it helped. In the ruleset in Piratez_Resources.rul and Piratez.rul files, I changed the line BIG_SWIMSUITS_CPAL to BIG_SWIMSUITS and everything became fine.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on August 21, 2024, 05:00:37 pm
This still hasn't been fixed.

AVENGER (S) and AVENGER (S-SRL) description says it has 66 shields. But the actual value is only 2.

Thanks, I missed these EMPs. But you're wrong about Avenger. The armor itself has 2 shields, only to create the glow effect. The actual 66 is on the physical shield item.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 25, 2024, 10:32:32 pm
The actual 66 is on the physical shield item.
As, I missed that. That explains it, thanks.

Items that regenerate stats (morale, energy, etc) per turn, regenerate twice as much as written in description. For instance, Demon Skull description says it regenerates 2 energy and -2 morale per turn, but every turn you'll actually regenerate 4 energy and lose 4 morale. That's because you regenerate once on your half-turn, and once on enemy's half-turn. If this is intended, then description of such items should be corrected.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on August 28, 2024, 10:11:46 am
hello, 0.99N9.5.6 here, i've recovered a couple of flechette guns but seems i cannot research these, but seems there are no particular prerequirements needed, please could you double check? Here i have a save
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 28, 2024, 11:08:07 am
It's stated on the screenshot. To research these you need the "Unlocking Stellar Empire Weapons" tech.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on August 28, 2024, 03:44:46 pm
It's stated on the screenshot. To research these you need the "Unlocking Stellar Empire Weapons" tech.

oops my bad, sorry..

but as of 099N9.5.6 assault and auto rifle are nearly's not really a bug but some more differences would make more sense, for instance the auto one lack of the stock, so that might justify it to be more lightweight, should be  7 instead of 8, and a bit less accurate in the firing. see screenies attached

offtopic note: i really liked the old auto rifle sprite..i hope maybe someday we will see it again as an early black market weapon..
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: eharper256 on August 28, 2024, 06:52:46 pm
Curious issue I spotted yesterday: I had 2 Mad Scribblings that were unused for a while since I had a bad habit of selling Consumer goods in the post mission screen without remembering them (lol). Finally remembered to not do that, so queued those up in Workshop. Looking at the work report, it gave me a Loli Chainsaw and Irradiator.

Was quite happy with this after looking them up on the wiki, as I was training a silly melee Gnome as a meme build with N9000; went to immediately equip this in Hands > Inventory, did that with the chainsaw. But then, I clicked through my inventory over and over, thinking, Where Is this Irradiator? Looked up the image on wiki to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Most bizarrely, going to the Fence Goods/Shipping screen, it is there. I decided to ship it to my 2nd base in case that resolved it, but nope, same issue at that base, it is there, but never equippable. I did also double check to see if someone had randomly picked it up for use, but nope. It is also not researchable, though that's understandable as I'm far off the prerequisites.

Out of interest, I went back to the Auto-Geoscape save which was still just after that mission, tried queueing the 2 Mad Scribbles again. Gave a different result of Militarised Raygun and Kruger; and again, Militarised Raygun was not in the inventory equip screen, just like Irradiator, so it seems re-produce-able.

I also then backed up my save, and used Notepad++ to quickly grab the STR_IRRADIATOR from my second base into my first and change the quantity to 2. Still no luck. Sold one of the two. Still nothing. Really weird, seems to have almost completely prevented me from seeing them ever again (lol).
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on August 28, 2024, 09:27:07 pm
Are you surprised that Mad Scribblings can give you items that you can neither use (because of tech prerequisites), nor research (due to further prerequisites)? That's not a bug tho.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on August 29, 2024, 12:49:43 am
Curious issue I spotted yesterday: I had 2 Mad Scribblings that were unused for a while since I had a bad habit of selling Consumer goods in the post mission screen without remembering them (lol). Finally remembered to not do that, so queued those up in Workshop. Looking at the work report, it gave me a Loli Chainsaw and Irradiator.

Was quite happy with this after looking them up on the wiki, as I was training a silly melee Gnome as a meme build with N9000; went to immediately equip this in Hands > Inventory, did that with the chainsaw. But then, I clicked through my inventory over and over, thinking, Where Is this Irradiator? Looked up the image on wiki to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

Most bizarrely, going to the Fence Goods/Shipping screen, it is there. I decided to ship it to my 2nd base in case that resolved it, but nope, same issue at that base, it is there, but never equippable. I did also double check to see if someone had randomly picked it up for use, but nope. It is also not researchable, though that's understandable as I'm far off the prerequisites.

Out of interest, I went back to the Auto-Geoscape save which was still just after that mission, tried queueing the 2 Mad Scribbles again. Gave a different result of Militarised Raygun and Kruger; and again, Militarised Raygun was not in the inventory equip screen, just like Irradiator, so it seems re-produce-able.

I also then backed up my save, and used Notepad++ to quickly grab the STR_IRRADIATOR from my second base into my first and change the quantity to 2. Still no luck. Sold one of the two. Still nothing. Really weird, seems to have almost completely prevented me from seeing them ever again (lol).

You can't use advanced weapons and items before researching them.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: eharper256 on August 29, 2024, 10:06:04 am
You can't use advanced weapons and items before researching them.
Oh I see. Had no idea, first playthrough, and all the other guns I've found (including Lasers) haven't needed that, so assumed otherwise. My memory of original X-COM is a little dim from my last OpenXCOM play a decade ago, can't recall if you needed that for Plasma. Apologies then; here's me thinking I'm helpful lol. ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on August 29, 2024, 01:56:38 pm
Exactly. Laser weapons are the highest tier you are allowed to use without research. And that is not even all of it. You can still research gauss and plasma weapons and won't be able to use them anyway because of "biocode" thing.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 04, 2024, 04:39:16 pm
0.99N9.5.6 bootypedia descripion says tha pest control managers wear flying suits but i never saw there do so, plase might someone confirm that i am wrong ro double check? Thanks!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on September 04, 2024, 06:18:12 pm
You mean, you never saw them fly, or sprites does not look like they wear flying harness? Because they do fly.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 04, 2024, 07:22:34 pm
You mean, you never saw them fly, or sprites does not look like they wear flying harness? Because they do fly.

I meant i never saw them fly; but if there is  wrong from my end please.ignore my previous post. On to the next! :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: deltarno on September 13, 2024, 06:31:15 pm
Got a strange one.  Just started up a new 7.7 game, and while I'm only a month in, every ufo contact I get is giving me full information like I have a hyperwave decoder.  I doubt this is intentional, but I'm curious if anyone else has had this happen to them?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 13, 2024, 07:18:15 pm
Someone didn't read the patch notes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: deltarno on September 15, 2024, 12:54:08 am
Ayup, realized it afterwards.  My mistake.   :P
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 15, 2024, 11:22:33 pm
In Piratez_Armors.rul, ETHEREAL_ARMOR6 has duplicate antiCamouflageAtDay key. Did you mean the 2nd one to be antiCamouflageAtDark?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 16, 2024, 01:41:08 pm
In Piratez_Armors.rul, ETHEREAL_ARMOR6 has duplicate antiCamouflageAtDay key. Did you mean the 2nd one to be antiCamouflageAtDark?

Thanks, probably a bug; fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 17, 2024, 10:50:03 am
0.99N9.7.7, my barracuda shoots down a bandit car (flag "the academy") and metallo is on its way to recover, but game crashes speaking about a STC_SECTOID_TERROR string not foun or something.. here are screenshots, saves and log. To continue play i guess i have to skip that mission *sigh*

Edit: seems that all kind of that mission recovery are affected. For now, just gonna skip
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on September 18, 2024, 11:18:48 am
Since we had this position 14 bug in previous releases, can someone ELI5 me on the nature of it?

I assume that some mission types, crew types and combinations of there of had to be manually adjusted to account for new changes, one by one, which considering XPZ's size means that some slip through the cracks.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 18, 2024, 01:49:12 pm
Since we had this position 14 bug in previous releases, can someone ELI5 me on the nature of it?

I assume that some mission types, crew types and combinations of there of had to be manually adjusted to account for new changes, one by one, which considering XPZ's size means that some slip through the cracks.

I'd also ask for double cjacking "hassan special offer" buying thing, since i unlocked in the game, but after some research - cannot remember what was - the debriesfin research screen told that now we can research it
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 18, 2024, 02:09:36 pm
Since we had this position 14 bug in previous releases, can someone ELI5 me on the nature of it?

At the beginning of the month, the Mutant Pogrom (STR_ALIEN_TERROR) mission was generated. The first wave was a Fighter (STR_VESSEL_FIGHTER), which you shot down. By shooting it down, you generated a retaliation mission, Wasteland Trouble (STR_BANDIT_ROBBERS_ASSAULT_STANDARD), which took on the original terror mission race (STC_SECTOID_TERROR). The Wasteland Trouble mission's first wave was a Bandit Car (STR_VESSEL_BANDIT_CAR), which has aliens ranked 14, 10, 11 deployed. But the original race only consists of ranks up to 7, which crashed the game. The bug is in generating a wrong retaliation mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Kanzas on September 20, 2024, 07:54:53 pm
Подскажите верси 9,0 на базе в кидонии этап 2. Я всех как мне кажется убил. взял сенсоры движения просмотрел все комнаты, нашел пещеры/тунели не понимаю что мне делать дальше.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on September 24, 2024, 08:28:05 am
Подскажите верси 9,0 на базе в кидонии этап 2. Я всех как мне кажется убил. взял сенсоры движения просмотрел все комнаты, нашел пещеры/тунели не понимаю что мне делать дальше.

I haven't reached Cydonia myself, but from what I recall from similar questions in the past is that level/stage 2 is a "reach the exit to progress" type of mission, not "Kill-'Em-All".
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 25, 2024, 11:06:27 am
0.99N9.7.7., there is a weird bug regarding dismantling rubble, here in the screenshot as soo i dimantle it, a burrow is created, dafaq?

Also, analytics room description says in its description that is needed for school graduation while actually only the analytics research topic is needed, so please update that establishment description. A save is attached too  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 25, 2024, 01:28:04 pm
Clearing rubble to create a burrow isn't a bug.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 25, 2024, 03:48:35 pm
Clearing rubble to create a burrow isn't a bug.

oh...but why the heck such behavior? It's kinda tricky...might it be removed please? Maybe Dioxine would listen?! (better yet read) :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on September 25, 2024, 04:20:22 pm
Think of it as a consolidation prize. You paid 100k to make more space, and you get 75k burrow as a result, so effectively you only lost 25k. Also, the burrow builds a bit faster. After the burrow is built, you can build something else over it (with reduced cost and build time)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on September 25, 2024, 04:55:14 pm
Think of it as a consolidation prize. You paid 100k to make more space, and you get 75k burrow as a result, so effectively you only lost 25k. Also, the burrow builds a bit faster. After the burrow is built, you can build something else over it (with reduced cost and build time)

OK thanks. And please nevermind that analytics i "reported" because under service required shoud be written "analytics rooms" not jus "analytics". Same for the other services, please might be the requirement screen be made more clear?  :-\
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: John___Doe on September 26, 2024, 08:26:00 am
OK thanks. And please nevermind that analytics i "reported" because under service required shoud be written "analytics rooms" not jus "analytics". Same for the other services, please might be the requirement screen be made more clear?  :-\

Multiple facilities provide the Analytics service.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: alexander steel wolf on October 03, 2024, 12:40:05 pm

I started a new campaign with the N7 version and have been updating as new versions appeared. Now I've researched "associate dr.x" and I'm not getting "blackmailing dr.x" (so I can't challenge and capture it). Has something changed and is there another requirement that I am not aware of, or is it a bug?

Thank you in advance.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 03, 2024, 01:00:39 pm
I'm not getting "blackmailing dr.x"

post sav file
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: alexander steel wolf on October 03, 2024, 04:58:44 pm
Ok, it's the first time I've done this. I have uploaded a sav file with my current game. If I've gotten confused, please let me know.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on October 03, 2024, 05:23:32 pm
Ok, it's the first time I've done this. I have uploaded a sav file with my current game. If I've gotten confused, please let me know.
Figured out the problem. You've got the research topic available, but hidden from the normal list.

You need to open the research projects window, and click on the drop-down button in the bottom left that says "Default". That will expand the list and you can select "Hidden" to see all the topics in that list. Blackmailing Dr. X isn't the only topic you've hidden either. Screenshot attached of the hidden list and what you need to click.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on October 05, 2024, 12:43:31 pm
I'm not sure which version this was changed in, but there seems to be a bug in Piratez_Globals.rul:

Code: [Select]
  extendedMovementCostRounding: 1 #0-floor, 1-standard, 2-up

Both wrong value and wrongly documented (
0 = Floor, 1 = Round(0.5 up), 2 = Round(0.5 down)
It should be set to 0 or 2, not 1.
0 is standard.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dispector on October 10, 2024, 08:57:21 pm
The text for research "Hideout's Tunnels" apparently has been altered, now it doesn't fit.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blind Cedrick on October 18, 2024, 02:46:05 am
crash on pirate treasure mission
   OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_GHOST_UNDERWATER defined in deployment: STR_SEA_PIRATE_TREASURE
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on October 18, 2024, 02:35:25 pm
crash on pirate treasure mission
   OpenXcom has crashed: Map generator encountered an error: Unknown race: STR_GHOST_UNDERWATER defined in deployment: STR_SEA_PIRATE_TREASURE

Are you up to date with XPZ updates?

This was fixed back in April.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Blind Cedrick on October 19, 2024, 05:10:48 am
I think I fixed this. I had installed the current build. I reinstalled just in case. Still didn't work. They were both clean installs.

The fix?
I installed an older build and then installed the current one on top. So I'm guessing that something got lost in the rebuild
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: TunsstenFox on October 22, 2024, 01:34:55 am
I'm attempting to enter an orbital mission but receive a crash as soon as clicking Yes to start the mission. Attaching a save right before the crash. Sending the Fortuna from the primary base to the Orbital Mission causes the crash.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on October 24, 2024, 01:43:59 pm
It seems that gals hired through glamour recruitment are missing the Star trait/condemnation, save attached. Pure Escalope and Pure Ghost are the glamour recruits I just hired. Worried Miku and Unchained Calves were hired the same way several months ago.

This campaign was started on v7.12.5 and later migrated to v7.13 by moving the save folder, no files were overwritten.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on October 27, 2024, 01:00:50 pm
When you craft and research the gambler trophy it gives you a tech called Gambler in the trophy section. The bug is that the name of the tech is offset to the right, so the list appears like:

Tech 1
Tech 2
Tech 4
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on November 03, 2024, 01:36:53 pm
1. Windows commonly found on aircars like the starting Airbus and the Snake seem to allow vision for shooting, but not vision for revealing parts of the map. For instance the window opposite the door on the airbus works normally but the window next to the door doesn't grant vision. Same with the side windows on the Snake.

2. If you try to install a battery overcharger on the scorpion it complains about being out of fuel as soon as it takes off. Canonically it's a hybrid with the battery powering antigravity for lift and thrust coming from chemical engines, so an overcharger wouldn't allow it to fly any faster. However there should be a more elegant way of disallowing overchargers that won't confuse the player, particularly since it does allow you to install a battery.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on November 04, 2024, 04:50:06 pm
I encountered a terrain bug during a Bandit Town mission. A highwayman spawned in the very corner of the map as part of a wave of reinforcements. That corner just happened to be fenced in rendering him unable to move.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on November 06, 2024, 01:27:57 pm
When you research a live celatid (fartbags) it doesn't unlock anything. Either the unlock comes from the corpse instead or there simply isn't any codex entry for the live fartbag.

Not sure if this is a bug or not, but definitely confusing because this is the opposite of every other living creature I have ever research so far.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: termidor on November 18, 2024, 12:18:27 am
On last version Aztek queen pedia resource is missing, crashing the game when ending the primal canny gal mission.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 25, 2024, 04:25:44 am
Thanks for the bug reports. Fixed version uploaded. I could not replicate issues with space mission crash or missing Star trait; both work when I loaded the saves.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on November 25, 2024, 09:24:03 am
Star trait shows normally in the new version, must have been a glitch I guess.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on November 26, 2024, 11:01:56 am
Updatred to N101.1.1 and smmes  there are some srtings missing in the "we need craft weapons" research dependencies
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on November 26, 2024, 01:54:07 pm
STR_CAMO_PAINT_UC (Camo Paint for Gals) has visibilityAtDark set to 9 instead of 12.

I'm assuming this is actually a bug, since there's nothing indicating this is intentional, but I don't know when it was introduced. Looking at the archived copies I have, it's been present since at least N6.0.7.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on November 26, 2024, 04:31:58 pm
STR_CAMO_PAINT_UC (Camo Paint for Gals) has visibilityAtDark set to 9 instead of 12.

I'm assuming this is actually a bug, since there's nothing indicating this is intentional, but I don't know when it was introduced. Looking at the archived copies I have, it's been present since at least N6.0.7.

The line adding NV was accidentally deleted at some point, it seems, probably during some Catgirls update when Anticamo was added to many armors. Therefore it uses default value of 9.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on November 27, 2024, 09:32:52 am
Updated to N10.1.1.1 and seems there are some srtings missing in the "we need craft weapons" research dependencies A STC string also appears when completed the "take me to your dealer" topic.

Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on November 27, 2024, 02:03:10 pm
OXCE in the update is 7.13, but GROUND {0}/{1} is only added in OXCE 7.14
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on November 27, 2024, 02:14:25 pm
OXCE in the update is 7.13, but GROUND {0}/{1} is only added in OXCE 7.14

maybe was custom added?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: termidor on November 29, 2024, 01:04:48 am
Thanks for the bug reports. Fixed version uploaded. I could not replicate issues with space mission crash or missing Star trait; both work when I loaded the saves.
I got the same issue with space mission, error being that no enemy units could be ñlaces or smth like that.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: raledon on December 03, 2024, 01:24:46 pm
Minor issue I just noticed thanks to the government agents - there are two different techs called *Family Ties*
This seems like it shouldn't be the case
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on December 10, 2024, 02:19:03 pm
Minor issue I just noticed thanks to the government agents - there are two different techs called *Family Ties*
This seems like it shouldn't be the case

That concerns N10.1.1.1,  in fact the topic *zero tolerance to zero tolerance* has two *family ties* duplicated antry. Also thereis a missing string in the regaring the secret societies whatsoever

Edit: gambler text in the bootypedia menu index  needs centering
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: boss300 on December 19, 2024, 04:30:43 pm
Not sure if this is a bug — my game is not unlocking the ranks for getting high scores. The new(ish) mechanic where you unlock rankings —rogue entrepreneur boss etc. each 1000 points on the scale. Multiple times, when surpassing last months rank by multiple thousands of points, I don’t actually get the bootypedia entry for the rank I received, or even the next incremental step — just nothing. I got rogue one month, next month I got 7000 points — nothing. Next months I get 7000 points again, and I got the 5000 point rank instead. Is it only every other month? Happened to me again at 9k.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: shinr on December 19, 2024, 07:16:46 pm
Not sure if this is a bug — my game is not unlocking the ranks for getting high scores. The new(ish) mechanic where you unlock rankings —rogue entrepreneur boss etc. each 1000 points on the scale. Multiple times, when surpassing last months rank by multiple thousands of points, I don’t actually get the bootypedia entry for the rank I received, or even the next incremental step — just nothing. I got rogue one month, next month I got 7000 points — nothing. Next months I get 7000 points again, and I got the 5000 point rank instead. Is it only every other month? Happened to me again at 9k.

You cannot skip ranks due to how the engine and research works.

As for next rank after Rogue, you need to research !!Bounty Hunting!! (which won't show up without Rogue Rank and Violence researched), receive a trophy from completing one such bounty (Since unlocked missions generate next month after researching them, it means that you cannot advance in rank in February>March March>April), research said trophy and have enough infamy.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on December 19, 2024, 08:18:50 pm
Damn, so we can't start bounty hunts until April? And we can only reach Rank: Racketeer (RANK_03) in May? That's like the game saying: Fuck you, you're not allowed to progress no matter how well you're doing. In other words, it's bad game design.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: nicedayright on December 21, 2024, 04:30:08 am
A lot of the recent changes are about tuning for a longer early game, and postponing bounty hunts is a part of that. Especially with the upcoming(?) small hangars for early game interceptors and ground vehicles. A lot of that is wasted if a player can just push for pirhana's and 30mm cannons by month three. I get that a lot of people who've been sharpening their early game strats for a while are going to feel cheated by the deliberate pacing, but I can't hate it.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: eharper256 on December 21, 2024, 11:33:21 am
A lot of the recent changes are about tuning for a longer early game, and postponing bounty hunts is a part of that. Especially with the upcoming(?) small hangars for early game interceptors and ground vehicles. A lot of that is wasted if a player can just push for pirhana's and 30mm cannons by month three. I get that a lot of people who've been sharpening their early game strats for a while are going to feel cheated by the deliberate pacing, but I can't hate it.

Which is fine, but the Captain's Logs really need to be pushed back and the alien activity reduced further in early months to compensate. Or in general, honestly. Early bounty hunts were the saviour for helping keep your score above water early, now they're gone but the pressure to keep it up is still there.

I do get what Delian is saying, Modern game design tends towards tougher early games being puzzles you have to solve, and then gradually removing the restrictions on you, making you feel like a badass that needs to put less effort in as time goes on. There IS a good reason for that, it helps people stay engaged as it feels like genuine progress is happening.

Take stuff like playing Rimworld and Factorio and Minecraft (with mods) where going from a shack and stone pickaxe at the start all the way up to a fully automated mega-factory/colony/mob farm occurs. People love this so much that it's practically a copycat industry. And people love to optimize and speedrunners are wildly popular for a reason.

XPZ feels like it wants to keep you in the mire forever, though, and that will be expanding with the early game being lengthened.

I'm on a break from my current game because in late year 2 there was an exhausting amount of missions every month to do, even when I was deliberately skipping crash sites. I got the impression that 'boy this is really dragging' and I started this on N9.5.6, so skipping chunks of that early stuff initially. Like, I'd do a whole evening's session after coming back from work, and in about 4 hours of time I'd get to play, I'd get through 2-3 in-game days, and that was a bit demoralising.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ferrosol on December 21, 2024, 01:02:25 pm
I'm still on n10 so this may have been fixed already but I'm getting Witch missions as a Soreass Green captain. Which shouldn't be a chaos saint?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: eharper256 on December 21, 2024, 03:51:29 pm
I'm still on n10 so this may have been fixed already but I'm getting Witch missions as a Soreass Green captain. Which shouldn't be a chaos saint?

Dead sure you aren't actually a Jackass rather than Soreass Captain?

Check the in-game tech viewer to see what ideas you have. If you've got all four, something went wrong somewhere.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ferrosol on December 21, 2024, 10:39:51 pm
Dead sure you aren't actually a Jackass rather than Soreass Captain?

Check the in-game tech viewer to see what ideas you have. If you've got all four, something went wrong somewhere.

Yup definitely a Soreass and definitely not a chaos saint.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: greattuna on December 21, 2024, 11:22:40 pm
I'm still on n10 so this may have been fixed already but I'm getting Witch missions as a Soreass Green captain. Which shouldn't be a chaos saint?

You sure you didn't just unlock them the normal way? Witch quests aren't a saint-unique thing, saints just get them a lot earlier.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ferrosol on December 21, 2024, 11:45:37 pm
You sure you didn't just unlock them the normal way? Witch quests aren't a saint-unique thing, saints just get them a lot earlier.

This might be it then. I assumed they were saint exclusive.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: metagameface on December 22, 2024, 01:22:54 am
(v.N10.0.2) For some reason, I'm not able to research Nitro Booster. I have the prerequisites, and there's no facility listed as being required before it can be researched. Save attached in case there's something specific to my save that's causing this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on December 22, 2024, 01:43:01 am
You misclicked and set it to Hidden.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: metagameface on December 22, 2024, 01:51:00 am
Oh, ha, didn't even notice that was a thing on the research menu. My bad!
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Detective on December 23, 2024, 03:23:36 pm
Hi! I've been having an issue with captain's rank not advancing beyond Brigand.

In this save I have Our Culture and Who's Who researched, and the month ends with a 6.3k score, which should fulfill the requirements for Rogue.

I'd be grateful for some help here as the campaign is blocked on this.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: zombieguy223 on December 23, 2024, 04:46:37 pm
Hi! I've been having an issue with captain's rank not advancing beyond Brigand.

In this save I have Our Culture and Who's Who researched, and the month ends with a 6.3k score, which should fulfill the requirements for Rogue.

I'd be grateful for some help here as the campaign is blocked on this.
The event triggers fine for me when the next month comes up, so I don't know why it doesn't appear for you. Looking at the save, it wouldn't have triggered on previous months (July-September), since you didn't meet the score requirements.

So, I don't have an answer but I do have a solution. I've edited the save and added the event to be triggered soon after the save is loaded. That should get you back on track.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Detective on December 23, 2024, 05:03:58 pm
The event triggers fine for me when the next month comes up, so I don't know why it doesn't appear for you. Looking at the save, it wouldn't have triggered on previous months (July-September), since you didn't meet the score requirements.

So, I don't have an answer but I do have a solution. I've edited the save and added the event to be triggered soon after the save is loaded. That should get you back on track.

Thank you! This actually works fine with the original save, I'd just expected the event for Rogue to trigger immediately after the month turns over, while it actually happens 3h after midnight.  ;D
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Vakrug on December 25, 2024, 11:03:11 pm
There is a crash during cutscene after completing the second part of "Valley of Mariners" mission. Just a missing Green_Pods_5.png file. You can manually create it and put it in cutscenes folder to prevent the crash.
I am using relatively old version (v.N9.7.7 OXCE 7.13). Maybe in 10-th version this bug is already fixed.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 15, 2025, 05:07:44 pm
In the 10.2 ver once i complete "gnome" research, i got always in the new production possibilities "now we can manufacture recruit brainer: gnome" but such message is supposed to appear only once gnome topic is completed for the first time?
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Ultimoos on January 15, 2025, 06:42:56 pm
This applies to every other entity that results in manufacturing job. Osiron Security has 50 something topics and every single time you interrogate them you are reminded that you can rob and enslave them. I'm sure you just did not pay attention to it before.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on January 23, 2025, 01:15:11 pm
This applies to every other entity that results in manufacturing job. Osiron Security has 50 something topics and every single time you interrogate them you are reminded that you can rob and enslave them. I'm sure you just did not pay attention to it before.

ah allright thanks. N10.2 don't know ifit might be a bug: ground assaultin a local govt excavator, there si a building next to vessel which has not access upstairs. might be annoyng if some unit(s) has it spawn point there
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Tamren on February 01, 2025, 09:23:44 am
A lot of the recent changes are about tuning for a longer early game, and postponing bounty hunts is a part of that. Especially with the upcoming(?) small hangars for early game interceptors and ground vehicles. A lot of that is wasted if a player can just push for pirhana's and 30mm cannons by month three. I get that a lot of people who've been sharpening their early game strats for a while are going to feel cheated by the deliberate pacing, but I can't hate it.
I've actually been looking forward to this, it's a bit too easy to just blitz your way through the early ranks just by doing every mission that comes along. This makes a lot of the early game content quickly obsolete and you may not even encounter some of it, in my current campaign I made it to boss rank before even a single fort defence battle, and I only ever saw two couriers total before they stopped spawning.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on February 02, 2025, 12:38:35 am
A lot of the recent changes are about tuning for a longer early game, and postponing bounty hunts is a part of that. Especially with the upcoming(?) small hangars for early game interceptors and ground vehicles. A lot of that is wasted if a player can just push for pirhana's and 30mm cannons by month three. I get that a lot of people who've been sharpening their early game strats for a while are going to feel cheated by the deliberate pacing, but I can't hate it.

I've actually been looking forward to this, it's a bit too easy to just blitz your way through the early ranks just by doing every mission that comes along. This makes a lot of the early game content quickly obsolete and you may not even encounter some of it, in my current campaign I made it to boss rank before even a single fort defence battle, and I only ever saw two couriers total before they stopped spawning.

Yes, i think that too, hope next update will be...a game changer  ;) ;)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 19, 2025, 08:45:32 pm
Damn, so we can't start bounty hunts until April? And we can only reach Rank: Racketeer (RANK_03) in May? That's like the game saying: Fuck you, you're not allowed to progress no matter how well you're doing. In other words, it's bad game design.

No, that's not the reason. Reason 1: to not separate players into noobz and pros so harshly (the latter knowing to beeline BHs in January, the other not). Reason 2: the early score opportunities got much more abundant due mostly to bandit cars (which interception actually depends on how you're doing, they're not free points like BHs), so there is no reason to pump player's early score so much anymore, it would result in overabundant money and too easy/fast rank progression. Reason 3: Due to all of this and more, I felt the need to prolong the earliest game phase, before you can blow everything off the water with the use of BH prizes.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 19, 2025, 10:22:50 pm
No, that's not the reason. Reason 1: to not separate players into noobz and pros so harshly (the latter knowing to beeline BHs in January, the other not). Reason 2: the early score opportunities got much more abundant due mostly to bandit cars (which interception actually depends on how you're doing, they're not free points like BHs), so there is no reason to pump player's early score so much anymore, it would result in overabundant money and too easy/fast rank progression. Reason 3: Due to all of this and more, I felt the need to prolong the earliest game phase, before you can blow everything off the water with the use of BH prizes.

Well, your solution now basically puts everyone into the "noobz" category. Everything's locked behind ranks, and rank progression doesn't scale well with skill. Whether I get 3k or 30k points, both will only increase my rank by 1.
Why did you put ALL the bounty hunting missions behind a single topic if you didn't want people to beeline to it? Wouldn't the problem be solved simply by moving BH's down the tech tree, for instance, behind Captain's Log #1?

Also, what bothers me is that Rank: Rogue unlocks BH missions, and then immediately the next rank requires a BH trophy. This practically guarantees that you can't rank up next month, because the BH missions didn't spawn yet. So I think it would be better if the requirements for Rank: Entrepreneur and Rank: Racketeer were swapped.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Dioxine on February 20, 2025, 12:40:06 am
This 'doesn't scale well with skill' is a subset of a different problem, 'you can relatively easily earn much more points that the rank system was designed for due to all the new opportunities' (even with BH moved back).

Weaving the BH ranks into captain ranks system is not a bad idea, but I don't like it since it would put all eggs into a single basket, that is, tie progression in both things to a single metric.

The Racketeer requirement is indeed intended to postpone the rank by one more month, although perhaps the solution is too heavy handed. The key unlock is Rank 2 anyway for Car Thieves, so perhaps alternative change can be undertaken: to move BH's to Rank 1.
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: ontherun on February 20, 2025, 04:39:14 pm
This 'doesn't scale well with skill' is a subset of a different problem, 'you can relatively easily earn much more points that the rank system was designed for due to all the new opportunities' (even with BH moved back).

Weaving the BH ranks into captain ranks system is not a bad idea, but I don't like it since it would put all eggs into a single basket, that is, tie progression in both things to a single metric.

The Racketeer requirement is indeed intended to postpone the rank by one more month, although perhaps the solution is too heavy handed. The key unlock is Rank 2 anyway for Car Thieves, so perhaps alternative change can be undertaken: to move BH's to Rank 1.

This is not the place where discuss more deeply (since it is a bug report dedicated thread) but i think there might me two possibilities:

1) unlock is Rank 2 anyway for Car Thieves, along with the bounty missions, in that case add some more early missions (3/4) to  provide for the bh missions

2) to move BH's to Rank 1

again, i think both would be fine.  :)
Title: Re: Bugs & Crash Reports
Post by: Delian on February 21, 2025, 03:23:01 pm
The craft RACER has
but then it has
    weaponTypes: [[5],[5]]
So 3 weapon strings, but only 2 weapon slots (neither of which is GEAR SYS). Are the strings wrong, or is the GEAR SYS weapon slot missing?

In VES_CRASHPLANE you can fly in through the side walls on the right side.