IRQL BSOD is usually caused by hardware issues or incorrectly installed/bad drivers. It has nothing to do with a program executable. Try at least googling a bit before asking anything.
more simply, it is rally my very evil luck!!! Afte some more trying seems the BSOD appears only when in battlescaape mode, so the problems is more likely to be in the maps. Here waht openxcom.los says durin a "temple raid" mission:
[09-06-2018_17-31-42] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/AcademyNurseInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-47] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/AcademyCivilianInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-49] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/TraderCivilianInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/TraderEngineerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-53] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/GovtAgentInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-57] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/BanditBoyInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-31-58] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/BanditFussballerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-32-00] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/HumanMale3InventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-32-01] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/HumanLabourerInventoryImageM0.SPK
[09-06-2018_17-44-45] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_44M0.SPK
it did not happn in the Bounty mission (lvl D) so i beliebe hese masp are ok
Edit. quicksave provided. the briefin says he wheather is freezng cold but im not getting damage. All my gals have warrior harmor. Also, ive disabled any graphic filter (i was usin "scale) let's see what happens
Edit 2: also a geoscape save file
Edit 3: nvermind, for the firt tim t also crashed while in th workshop screen!
[09-06-2018_17-58-51] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_25M0.SPK
Game sometimes tells it not find some file, maybe i should try to reinstll the game? the download went without errors, some hint?