The goal of this project is to make huge community modpack well balanced with multi-language adds for strings (en-GB, en-US and fr strings for begining).
I have indexed all existing mods and classified in the following way :
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2027.msg19553#msg19553) - core : the main tech tree
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2158.msg21326#msg21326) - vessel : improved fighter, longrange fighter, ultimate fighter ...
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2159.0) - personnal armour : combat uniform, jump armor ...
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2160.0) - basic weapon : sniper, shootgun, grenades, machinegun, knife, ...
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2161.0) - advanced weapon : plasma, gauss, railgun, laser, dart-rifle, FushionTorch ...
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2162.0) - hwp : all tanks and overtanks, sectopods, ...
[HERE] (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2163.0) - misc : maps, new units, custom rulset's, gfx/sfx improvements, ...
Of course I will not included the totality of the existing mods, but to choose most interesting and to balance them in the game.
Thanks for your support !
EDIT: The above threads are no longer valid, this is the only active Final Mod Pack thread.
The collection has since grown to a huge multimod with a high level of internal intricacy. It still its initial ideas though, which is to put various interested mod content in one place and also to balance them against one another. This is what we do here.
The list of included mods is quite long, so check the description on the mod page.
Enjoy our collection!
- Solarius Scorch
For clarification: the FMP is not meant to change core features of the game. It is not an total conversion, it's more of an expansion pack. Therefore I haven't touched anything that would influence gameplay too much, except making laser and plasma way less available - that was necessary in order to do things I wanted to do.
My current project, The X-Com Files (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html), a successor to the Final Mod Pack, is much bolder with the changes.
- Solarius Scorch
NEWEST VERSION HERE: https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack
(Requires nightly build version 2018-04-28 or later)
OXCE ADDON HERE: https://openxcom.old.mod.io/final-mod-pack-extended-addon
(Requires OXCE engine, of course)
Here's a video tutorial on how to install the mod, by Ivan Dogovich:
GitHub repo here (https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack).
Oooh, I want in! I'm not from France, but I speak decent French, and I wanted to do a similar project myself. :)
Is there a development plan for this megamod? I would like to see it, hopefully propose something... :) I believe my main help would be with balance, as I believe this is the most important problem with our modding community (everyone's giving insane stats to everything).
Thanks a lot ! I am very interested by yours opinions to find a good balancing :)
The next step, and big part, it's to combine the very interesting "slowTechProgress" mod with "Alien Armoury Expanded_1.0.2" or/and "TerranPlasmaWeapons" (and maybe one or two Tank mod).
In last I include some weaponmod (sniper, shootgun, ...) but it's more easy (just checked the compatibility). Chiko's gfx are very interesting too !
Good decision. I guess if we want to use Alien Armoury Expanded (which I recommend; after all it's my own mod ;) and one of my most successful ones), we should start with this, since it may affect other mods.
Slow tech Progress... Oh boy D: There were so many contradictory ideas ion that thread that I'm not really sure what it does any more. I know I liked some of them, and at the same time hated some others. I guess we'll have to discuss it from scratch, if you want my contribution... I have my own vision which I can share. :)
As for the additional basic human weapons (shotguns, snipers etc.), I'm all for it. This part needs balance badly, but it's also really interesting.
Also let me ask, do we balance the game for the UfoExtender accuracy or not? I would personally lean towards using this, since it seems to make the game more fun to me, although I hated it with a passion at first; its main good point is making some space for non-auto weapons (because hitting with auto fire is borderline impossible at any real distance), and therefore makes the equipment more varied (sniper rifles, machine guns). I will adapt though.
I found Slow tech Progress interesting because in the vanilla game the resale of aliens artefacts gives too much money. With only 3 probes you can practically fill up laboratory with scientists ! And if the alien weapons researchs is more long/difficult, it will give more space to other secondary weapons.
I still miss retreat to have a precise idea on this mod in particular, but I do not want to withdraw any options which make it to improve the interest of this game. And it's possible to use only a partial of mod. So all is question of balance.
Personaly I use the precision according to the distance (I use many thing :p). For the few weapons which I tested, Sniper is very powerful, shootgun nearly useless, and minigun very funny (2 hits on 20 fire, not bad for 8% accuracy !) :)
All right then, let me say my preferences regarding plasma weapons:
I am in favour of making them harder to research. I'm not sure how yet - or rather there are many options - but I think they're a bit too easy to invent now.
What I am not in favour is forbidding X-Com soldiers from using alien weapons when researched. Alien weapons are normal guns, with a trigger and everything, and the aliens themselves are humanoid, so preventing the player from using them as is and forcing him or her to make new "terran plasma weapons" is an extremely lame, gamey, unbelievable concept. Of course we can have new terran plasma weapons in addition to the alien armament, if we find it necessary (plasma shotgun maybe, or whatever we want; I got nothing at the moment).
I also play with the idea of slightly delaying lasers - maybe by forcing the player to research UFO Power Source first (as power supply is the only major problem we currently have in real life with hand-held lasers). I have more ideas here, but let's take small steps :)
As for the shotgun, I like them, but I'm using a slightly modified version. ;)
PS. Is there anyone else involved in this project? :)
Thanks for your idea ^^
I joined you about the laser technology, moreover I am always surprising to start by developing the laser pistol! In the order of things, it should be to start with the Canon of the vessel, then to gradually reduce the size of the weapon towards the pistol which I find very useful as a secondary weapon.
The idea of related the laser to the discovery an energy source is good, but I will rather see dissociating from technology alien, except with allien alloys (searches on batteries lithium-Ions-Alloy for example, and it's possible to manufacture alloy).
It's an interesting idea, but also rather shocking. The idea of starting with large lasers is controversial, but I kinda like it actually. However, those various stages of power sources... I find it rather stretching, to be honest. My main gripe comes with the hybrid battery, which comes from any biological alien autopsy - why? Aliens aren't really that different from Earthy organisms, so where does this special battery come from?
Perhaps it would be better to turn to alien cyber implants? What I mean is either Floater (flottant) or Muton autopsy. Both these races are proven to have cybernetic enhancements, which could be meaningful here.
Also, I would rather move the Heavy Laser from the Laser Cannon step and move it further, perhaps to the Laser Rifle stage or parallel to it). The weight difference between an aircraft cannon and a hand-held weapon is enormous, and between two hand-held weapons - not so much.
The rest of the graph looks fine to me, except maybe the Laser Shotgun. :)
in order to keep the "slow tech progress" issue from spamming your thread, I re-opened the original discussion here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1582.45 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1582.45)
I like your ideas. maybe it would be possible to semi-fragment this "overhaul mod" into one central "FMP.rul" which can be supplemented by optional "FMP_addonXY.rul" subsets?
the main ruleset would change the research tree in general, perhaps adding more tech levels or whatever, and the addon-rulesets would cover the additional weapons/craft/armors/whatever that you may or may not use?
Thanks for your replies, I need to dig it :p
I have another idea for Laser Tech. It's 100% based on real human technologies. Ok, it is not 100% correct from the scientific point of view but I like this path. Alien alloy and Elerium just help to optimise last weapons.
Hmm... I'm definitely not a fan of Empty Levels (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EmptyLevels) in games, and that's exactly what this plan does: you need to research Tech 1, which gives you nothing, then Tech 2, which also gives you nothing, and then finally Tech 3, which gives you big fat nothing. Only the fourth tech gives you anything real, so we can simply roll the first three into one single research called "Laser Technology" - and hey, that's what the original game did.
My point is that sure, we can build a new tech tree, but we need these items to mean something - or at least a large majority of them. We should also make most techs prerequisites for more than just one more advanced tech, so that they would be more meaningful and create a more interesting mesh of dependencies.
As for the next part of the tree... Items destroyed when used up? No clips? Lol, why would I threw away a perfectly fine laser gun just because it ran out of juice? And even if it made sense, which it totally doesn't, it's impossible to code it in. No, either we have normal clips or unlimited shots; there's simply no other option.
Below is a suggestion for modification of the tech tree. It still contains some empty techs, but no more than the original game.
(Note that I included a suggestion for gauss weapons tech tree - it's mostly as an example, though I do entertain it as a possible alternative for lasers.)
I admit to have been a little extreme ;D But I am not convinced to put alien tech in laser tree is a good thing, for me that must human research only.
Is on the other hand, to use the aliens interrogations to resolve aliens technologies is a super idea !
I see you new gauss mod, I will compare this masterpièce with railgun_v2 mod.
For moment I does finish to compile all crafts in once mod.
I admit to have been a little extreme ;D But I am not convinced to put alien tech in laser tree is a good thing, for me that must human research only.
No problem, we can always assume that this technology is already known before day 1. :) But my main intention was to delay laser weapons tech a little, to make standard firearms viable for a longer period than 2 weeks. ;) And since we did not have the capabilities of building laser rifles back in 1999 (and we still don't now), I thought it must be alien tech somehow... But we can find another solution if needed.
Is on the other hand, to use the aliens interrogations to resolve aliens technologies is a super idea !
It's already in the game, but sadly, largely underused in my opinion. ;)
I see you new gauss mod, I will compare this masterpièce with railgun_v2 mod.
You mean tyran_nick's mod? It's completely different. Read my readme to know more about it.
For moment I does finish to compile all crafts in once mod.
Good luck! :)
Done ! (download in first post)
But I need some help for testing, balencing and with this strange "listOrder" (?!?) instructions.
good night
Done ! (download in first post)
But I need some help for testing, balencing and with this strange "listOrder" (?!?) instructions.
good night
I'll take care of the listOrder, don't worry :)
EDIT: listOrder flags are mostly done. I just didn't do the [crafts] section yet, because I don't have the tools for it at the moment, but manufacture, research and ufopaedia are ready. No other changes were made to the file.
Up to date first post with new version of first add-on and some informations additional on this project.
Thanks for the credits in the readme, but I didn't actually do any balance checking yet. XD I'm only responsible for the listOrder flags.
I will do that though. ;)
Sorry about double posting, but I feel this should be separated.
I did something for the Greater Good today. To have it out of the way, I decided to make a compilation of all human firearms and other things available from the store at the beginning of the game. This mod is therefore a collection of various Earth weapons from many creators, combined into one ruleset.
I do not claim any credit for these items (except for those I made of course), as they are mostly unmodified. However, I did some balancing changes that were absolutely necessary (as some of these items were definitely overpowered, compared to other weapons).
As I explained above, all weapons presented here are available from the store for purchase. The only exception is the Scatter Laser (that needs to be researched and produced), which was part of the Minigun mod, which I didn't want to break into pieces; I can do it if you think it gets in the way.
As of 1.0, this compilation contains the following mods:
- Combat Knife, by Warboy1982
- Grenade Launcher, by Warboy1982
- HMG, by Dioxine
- LMG, by Ryskeliini
- Magnum, by Ryskeliini
- Minigun, by Solarius Scorch
- Shotgun, by Warboy1982 and Dioxine (a patchwork of their mods)
- SMG, by Ryskeliini
- Sniper Rifle, by toshiaki2115
- Taser, by Ryskeliini
Although the main purpose of this mod was to create a single ruleset for the French Mod Pack, but it can be used as a standalone collection by anyone.
I hope this will prove useful to the project, or at least to someone who might want to use it separately. Naturally, I am open to suggestions and criticism. I would also like to know if there are any starting weapons out there that should be here but aren't.
CAUTION: This mod was balanced for the "UFO Extender Accuracy" option, which severely decreases autofire accuracy at long ranges. If you disable that option, you'll probably find Heavy Machine Gun next to useless (since its main advantage is solid medium-ranged autofire).
Good, now It's a little more clearly.
I am looking for the "custom grenade" mod, with the flammer and stun hand grenade.
Stun grenade is not flashbang, but it will may help to capture aliens. For exemple :
- hand Stun grenade power : 35
- Tazer power : 45
- Stun Rod power : 65
What do you think about it ?
ps : Taser does not want to work :( Game crash when bullet hit something or reach max distance ... I search if there is an incompatibility with another MOD.
Good, now It's a little more clearly.
Splendid! I'm especially curious about balance issues - I took really good care of it, but external audit is always good.
I am looking for the "custom grenade" mod, with the flammer and stun hand grenade.
Stun grenade is not flashbang, but it will may help to capture aliens. For exemple :
- hand Stun grenade power : 35
- Tazer power : 45
- Stun Rod power : 65
What do you think about it ?
I think 45 is a tad too much for the taser, regarding what it should be able to stun (floaters) and what it shouldn't (chryssalids), and also when compared to the stun rod.
As for the stun grenades, I am not against them per se (I actually use this mod), but I don't think it mimics flashbangs very well. A flashbang will incapacitate you for a while, but won't actually put you to sleep. We would need a special new flag for this, "blind" or something :)
ps : Taser does not want to work :( Game crash when bullet hit something or reach max distance ... I search if there is an incompatibility with another MOD.
If you are using my latest compilation mod, I'm sure that's not the issue - I checked with various speed settings, everything's fine. Be sure to get the newest git, otherwise... I don't know.
Oh, and I may add a flamer, but I'm hesitant, as it looks kinda bad with the current code.
These numbers sound balanced for human technology that works quite well on sectoids (and civilians) but becomes unreliable when thougher foes appear.
I didn't actually play with Simon-v's stun grenades, but he balanced their high usefulness by having them need a base Stun bomb, (which needs Elerium to manufacture). So it's basically a human improvement over the Stun Launcher.
These numbers sound balanced for human technology that works quite well on sectoids (and civilians) but becomes unreliable when thougher foes appear.
They are not balanced vs. aliens. They are balanced vs. vanilla human weapons: the rifle, the heavy cannon etc. The Ufopedia states that these are state-of-the-art weapons, the best Earth can offer, so other designs cannot be any better without being cheesy.
Want to kill Mutons? Research something. :P
Or buy a lot of rockets.
Oh yes, a mini-pluton rocket ! ;D
Oh yes, a mini-pluton rocket ! ;D
We call it Blaster Bomb :D
Something worries me. (not you of course :P )
I have playing sometime with UFO: AI v2.5, in my opinion the tactical possibilities are much more important than XCom whereas the ground is not destructible and the random generation levels very limited.
To add equipements may to bring more interest for the management part but it is a little tiedous if that does not bring anything to the tactical part. For exemple I find that the small equipments is not very exploited to vary the tactical game. Ok knife is a good thing, but using grenades (high cost TU) and pistols is too difficult (and I'm not understand how using shootgun with effectiveness).
Your opinion has, which are the means of improving the tactical possibilities with OpenXCom mecanics ?
A good question. Let me explain how I see it.
1. Pistols. I don't use them much, but there are players out there who consider them the best starting weapon! This is due to their fast, accurate Snap Shots.
2. Magnum. I can't say if it's better or worse than the standard pistol, but I guess it would be useful for pistol fans. Time will tell.
3. Grenades? How do you even play without them? :P That would be hard as hell!
4. SMG. I admit, it's kind of crappy, since it can't realistically be any better; still, I wanted it in the armoury, so it's there.
5. Shotgun. I like it a lot, as it is useful and different from everything else. It also has two very different ammo types, which adds to the tactical value. I think there's no issue here, though obviously there are people who won't use it (because they use pistols for example :P ).
6. Taser. It's more of a gimmick than anything else, but people seem to like it and the sprite is nice, so...
7. Sniper Rifle. A matter of choice, but I find it useful for the UFOExtender accuracy, so I think it's fine.
Regardless, your question is an important one and we need to keep it in mind in the future!
Personally I use only very little the grenades, I prefer to use auto-canon with explosive ammunition (and tank/rockets). Only stronger soldier can carry It, but It's more efficient than standard hand grenade ! And explosions make smoke ...
Which clearly illustrates that all these weapons are tactically viable and have their own fans. Even pistols. ;)
Should I add the flamethrower after all? And what about the incendiary grenade?
More questions:
I would like to add a PDW - a light, two-handed weapon for close encounters. Bigger than the SMG, but not definitely as accurate as the rifle (but with better fire rate). I just need to find or make the right spriteset.
Another thing I'm thinking of is an heavy, or "anti-tank" sniper rifle (an analogue of the Barett) - stronger than the standard sniper rifle, but with no Snap Shot and way less manoeuvrable.
Finally, I would like to reiterate that as much as I don't like "empty" research, I don't like "empty" weapons either - ones that add nothing to the game, because they're either unused or tactically very similar to other weapons. Hence all my hesitation and questions.
(Sorry if I have a little difficult to write my ideas in English.)
The comparison with "UFO:AI" is interesting, because on this game I use practically all the equipments, whereas on XCom I am satisfied with only 2 or 3 configurations, because the others did not seem to me viable (but I know that is not true).
For exemple If I dont like grenades, that is because it's practically not possible to prime it and to throw it in the same turn. Why not decrase TU's for grenades using ?
So, It should be made sure that each equipments their use is particularly effective on a given tactical configuration. And in same time, possible combinations is increased.
I'm interested to test flamethrower (and any other weapons), for incendiary grenade I think it is good tactical option for blocked alien progression.
Finally for research, i'm agree with you. Maybe for later It will interseting to use aliens interogations for unlock some technologies (for exemple, engineer for unlok alien navigation or power source).
(Sorry if I have a little difficult to write my ideas in English.)
Nah, your English is fine :)
The comparison with "UFO:AI" is interesting, because on this game I use practically all the equipments, whereas on XCom I am satisfied with only 2 or 3 configurations, because the others did not seem to me viable (but I know that is not true).
For exemple If I dont like grenades, that is because it's practically not possible to prime it and to throw it in the same turn. Why not decrase TU's for grenades using ?
Because would make them ridiculously overpowered? :P
Let me explain: I rarely have trouble with priming and using the grenade in the same turn. It's a matter of planning, I guess. If I don't do it now, I can always do it the next turn.
Besides, there are certain tricks: you can for example prime the grenade, drop it (2 TUs), step aside (4 TUs), then use another soldier to pick it up and then throw it. ;)
So, It should be made sure that each equipments their use is particularly effective on a given tactical configuration. And in same time, possible combinations is increased.
Agreed! These are my objectives too.
I'm interested to test flamethrower (and any other weapons), for incendiary grenade I think it is good tactical option for blocked alien progression.
OK, I'll include them both in the next version then. For the flamethrower, I'll use Dioxine's sprites, because they're nice and easy. For the incendiary grenades, I'll use TFTD ones for now, until we get some nicer sprites.
Finally for research, i'm agree with you. Maybe for later It will interseting to use aliens interogations for unlock some technologies (for exemple, engineer for unlok alien navigation or power source).
OK. Tonight (hopefully) I'll make a better diagram for suggested tech tree.
EDIT: Update of the compilation - now with incendiary grenades and flamethrowers!
Fine !
I renamed the project to "Final Mod Pack", I dont want that project interest only french people !
Because would make them ridiculously overpowered? :P
In UFO:AI and Xenonaut, it's not ! I never understand the interest of delay system in XCom for grenades. Using a tricks for the same thing ? it's strange !
Nah, your English is fine :)
Thanks, with some help from systranet.net :p
Fine !
I renamed the project to "Final Mod Pack", I dont want that project interest only french people !
Because this is THE REAL ULTIMATE MOD! (https://www.realultimatepower.net/) :D
Now. I have attached a fragment of the new, proposed tech tree.
In this line of thought, I propose to:
1) Make alien interrogations necessary to the laser tech;
2) Make the player research some techs necessary for capturing live aliens.
I made this diagram using Dia (https://dia-installer.de/), an excellent program for graphs I just discovered. I suggest we use this from now on, since we can't realistically work on .pngs. (.dia file in the zip.)
EDIT: I just noticed something that may be misleading: at the very top, it says "any live alien autopsy". By this, I mean not a living alien (that would be weird - it's an autopsy after all), but a biological alien, as opposed to a Cyberdisc or a Sectopod.
EDIT: some handobs were wrongly numbered in that previous file. Here's an update too.
Wow :o I will see all that.
Update first post with new addon. Of course it's need to balance it much more.
Yeah, I'll need to think of the armours... I'm not really ready for this, it's too much of a task at the moment.
All I can say at this point is that I'm not very enthusiastic about all these beginner armours (kevlar, dragonskin), for a simple reason: either they'll be ridiculously overpowered (like they are now) or they will add little to the game.
Since X-Com troops already have some armour, even when not armoured, I always assumed they wear some elementary protection. Why go beyond this assumption? Plasma fire is too strong to make a big difference anyway.
If we had enemies with human weapons, then I can see these armours playing some role - because human weapons are weaker and have different damage types. Against plasma, however, it's just a gimmick that will artificially expand your lists.
No problems, we will see that more later.
For dragonskin I hesitated to include it, but it's maybe interesting to see an strong human armour (front armour near to personnal armour value) but with penalities (weight, stamina and reactions - to see for TU's). Yes against Plasma it's not significant but kevlar is better than nothing ? (or set to 0 armor for uniform and lower kevlar maybe)
In addition I don't see the level of damage modifier.
Another thing, I think it's will be well if the tanks are in a separate rulset.
I continuous to look at your proposals :)
No problems, we will see that more later.
For dragonskin I hesitated to include it, but it's maybe interesting to see an strong human armour (front armour near to personnal armour value) but with penalities (weight, stamina and reactions - to see for TU's). Yes against Plasma it's not significant but kevlar is better than nothing ? (or set to 0 armor for uniform and lower kevlar maybe)
In addition I don't see the level of damage modifier.
Damage modifiers, stat penalties/bonuses and other armour features is something that needs to be addressed in a complex way, at the same time. We need to make an Excel table with all armours and their stats... Then analyse it.
BTW, I think there's plenty of room for more armour types - some may give less armour but more mobility, etc.
Another thing, I think it's will be well if the tanks are in a separate rulset.
I agree. I'll do it when... uh, when I get to that. :) For now, we're still in the design stage; for example we still don't know what to do about plasma, to make it accessible later. (In UFO: Extraterrestrials, you simply needed a live Commander for that, but it's a bit crude.)
I continuous to look at your proposals :)
Well, for now I'm attaching an update of the tech tree. :) Fenyo's ideas were included.
Of course it's still unfinished, but it is growing.
The "Nuclear Laser" is more powerful than plasma and gauss ?
The "Nuclear Laser" is more powerful than plasma and gauss ?
It has unlimited ammo.
I'm not sure if it should be stronger; maybe a little.
As requested by Ktulu, I made a tank compilation. Bear in mind that the Minigun Tank should be removed from the weapons compilation mod - I posted a new version too.
You sleep sometime ?
All I can say at this point is that I'm not very enthusiastic about all these beginner armours (kevlar, dragonskin), for a simple reason: either they'll be ridiculously overpowered (like they are now) or they will add little to the game.
I think that's when you repurpose the armor to use the extra "modifiers" we can use in OXCOM.
I always wanted a special "assault" armor using the best human technology could provide; but weighing 50 pounds through ceramic/titanium laminate plates so that the first guy off the skyranger or the first guy through the small UFO door doesn't die 100% of the time from a plasma pistol; but would be heavily encumbered by the weight of the armor.
All I can say is that I'll see what I can think of. :)
For now, I'm putting together a new tank compilation... With gauss cannons and scout drones. :)
- Tree tech :
If I understand, Laser and Gauss can be developped at the same time. Bbut Laser focus to destruction with scater and Gauss focus to accuracy with sniper ?
- Stun tech :
Other thing, do you think to include the Dart Rifle in adv weapon ? We can lowered power of alien stun bomb and to develop research for each alien biology and make special dart for each species ?
I finaly try Tazer, I found It too much powerfull. 22-25 May more balanced value. And Stun grenade for 15-18 ? :P
- Basic weapons :
Now I like shootgun with AC ammunition 8) But may rebalanced it with lower accuracy.
For Sniper Rifle acuracy is too high too, 120%-130% is easy to reach, even if soldier can fire only once time.
Flamme thrower : ouch ! need to rebalenced too. It useful in spaces will have been confined, but there is enormous collateral damage for the soldier who uses it. Finally I am not very convinced of the tactical value of this weapon.
- Tree tech :
If I understand, Laser and Gauss can be developped at the same time. Bbut Laser focus to destruction with scater and Gauss focus to accuracy with sniper ?
Sort of, but it's a bit more complicated:
Advantages of laser:
Better damage type,
Faster shooting (especially snap shots),
(ultimately) Unlimited ammo,
Lower weight,
(for craft cannon) Better range.
Advantages of gauss:
Higher damage,
Faster aimed shots,
More accuracy,
(for craft cannon) Better rate of fire.
This is just a general list of course, there are some nuances.
- Stun tech :
Other thing, do you think to include the Dart Rifle in adv weapon ? We can lowered power of alien stun bomb and to develop research for each alien biology and make special dart for each species ?
Yeah, I'd like to add Stun Rifle weapon too, if there are no objections. I think it's really fun, but I guess it depends on how late the Stun Launcher appears.
A separate clip for each species wouldn't be that good IMO. That would simply be too many clip types, for little gain (if any). Most aliens have similar physiology anyway (and similar to ours too).
As for the Stun Launcher itself, I would prefer not to change vanilla items without a good reason. I like it the way it is, even if it makes Dart Rifle obsolete at some point.
I finaly try Tazer, I found It too much powerfull. 22-25 May more balanced value. And Stun grenade for 15-18 ? :P
I don't think it's too powerful at all. Bear in mind that it has such a short range that you can as well use a Stun Rod, which is much more powerful and cannot miss, and also has no clips (while taser has only 2 charges). Taser's best feature is that it is small and handy, otherwise I prefer the Stun Rod. If the taser was any weaker, it would be useless; besides, it's still not as strong as I (as a player) would like. ;)
As for the Stun Grenade, I have never actually used them yet, so... no comment. :)
- Basic weapons :
Now I like shootgun with AC ammunition 8) But may rebalanced it with lower accuracy.
Perhaps. It's way less accurate than the rifle, but stronger. More snap shots, but ultimately far less bullets per turn. Good for UFO storming, but so-so in the open field...
Oh damn, I just don't know. :P
For Sniper Rifle acuracy is too high too, 120%-130% is easy to reach, even if soldier can fire only once time.
The accuracyAimed value for the normal Rifle is 110. Sniper Rifle has to be better than that. Perhaps 160 is a bit much, yeah... But it's not much more than the Plasma Sniper Rifle. Well, I guess we could reduce all snipers - these two and the Gauss Sniper Rifle - by 10, but on the other hand they aren't very easy to use, so they need some advantage. If you think they're still too good, I'll reduce their accuracy a little, no problem. (Just remember that the Heavy Plasma Gun has accuracyAimed at 110, and it's not a sniper rifle at all.)
Flamme thrower : ouch ! need to rebalenced too. It useful in spaces will have been confined, but there is enormous collateral damage for the soldier who uses it. Finally I am not very convinced of the tactical value of this weapon.
This weapon is more for fun than anything else, but I find it moderately useful. Still, I agree it can be better balanced, I'm just not sure how. Perhaps a simple increase in max range would be enough?
EDIT: I've attached an Excel file with stats for all weapons I'm using personally, from various mods. Most of them, if not all, I would like to see in our project, so it may be useful for everyone. :)
A separate clip for each species wouldn't be that good IMO. That would simply be too many clip types, for little gain (if any). Most aliens have similar physiology anyway (and similar to ours too).
At the moment it's not supported : The engine has one damage type hard-coded as "stunning", so it's not possible to make several ones that get 100% resistance from the other species.
It would work for a "toxic gun", so that at least you would get a good reason to perform autopsies and all live terrorist (and medic) interrogations.
At the moment it's not supported : The engine has one damage type hard-coded as "stunning", so it's not possible to make several ones that get 100% resistance from the other species.
It would work for a "toxic gun", so that at least you would get a good reason to perform autopsies and all live terrorist (and medic) interrogations.
Agreed. The Dart Rifle is more of an exception, and it's more of a gadget than actual weapon (though it can stop an alien from eating you, if you hit and it's weakened).
Now, an upgrade! I've added Tank/Gauss and Hovertank/Gauss to the tank compilation. Next, Scout Drone.
EDIT: Of course I had to screw this up. :/ But it's fixed now. At least it has the Scout Drone now, which I think finalizes the tank chapter (well, not really, since I want to make new sprites for some tanks that don't have them, but this can wait as it doesn't affect the project in any meaningful way).
Sorry about double-posting, but this would be confusing otherwise.
So, I started working on the armour concepts. I haven't coded anything yet, and honestly I think it would be best to leave it to you, Human Ktulu, since you already started doing this. I focused on what to do with the armours we have.
First, we have the beginning armours: Uniform, Combat and Dragonskin; in other words, light, medium and heavy. These gave me a headache, since they should be either useless or overpowered. Yeah, I'm not a big fan of Earth armours - plasmas mostly ignore them anyway; but apparently you want them and people certainly like having tactical options, so I did my best to make them usable and balanced. I talked with Dioxine, and here's what we decided:
No armour: no changes. Vanilla items should stay as they were, because the game was balanced with them in mind.
Combat armour: armour values 28/12/16/12; it is the most generous we can give without becoming unrealistic, based on what these armours can do in real life. Also none of the damage reduction % nonsense, except for armour piercing attacks, because that's what they were made to do. And a little acid bonus. Also -5 to TUs, Stamina and Reactions (that last one because of the helmet). Weight 8.
Dragonskin: 35/16/30/12. Similar profile, Melee damage bonus since it's metal (it won't do anything against Reapers anyway :P ), bigger Stamina penalty, weight 12.
Yes, I know these armours aren't so good. Still, this is the best the 1999 technology can realistically offer. They would be much more useful if we fought enemies with human weapons (because again, that's what they were made for), but they still offer some marginally better protection than the uniform for the cost of mobility and reactions. I suggest giving them reasonably low prices.
Then we have the second tier of armours: Alien Alloys. We have the Personal Armour and let's not change it if we don't have to. Then there's my Jump Armour, which is generally a Personal Armour with smaller armour values, so there's not much to talk about either.
And finally there's the Psionic Armour which... well, I don't really know what to do with. I don't want it to simply be a Personal Armour with better Psi Strength, because that's kinda dull, and also why not a Psionic Armour based on a Power Suit or a Dragonskin as well? I would like to see something more imaginative, but I haven't found anything yet. Or we can just scrap that idea and make a "Carapace Armour" - a heavy armour made of Alien Alloys, with some penalties but better protection than the Personal Armour (something like a better Dragonskin).
Finally, the best armours. We have the Power Suit and the Flying Suit, which I don't really want to modify for the same reasons. But since we already have 3 early armours and 3 medium armours, why not make 3 armours here too? I dream of a Terminator Armour - an Elerium-powered, ultra-heavy monster with some big-ass weapons that normal suits can't even lift. :)
Anything else? Well, I'm loosely thinking about a separate branch of armours caused "synthmuscle armours", which don't offer as good protection as normal armours (thinner, lighter plating), but give some good stat bonuses (because you have some excessive strength left). It's just an idea though.
Naturally, all new armours (psionic armour or its equivalent, as well as the "terminator") would require new sprites, which is a pain, but maybe we can steal and alter some of Dioxine's designs. :P It'll still be a lot of work though.
I'm attaching an .xls file with all this information. It consists of two spreadsheets: one (Normal) is with the armours as they are now, the other (Proposed) contains new values I came up with. Please have a look at it. :)
Not bad !
After playing few times with this addon, I'm agree with you. Give +5 TU for basic uniform is a bad idea.
For the Psionic Armor, the goal is to help the weakest soldier's in bravery and psi strengh resist a little more at psi attack, sort of mind shield. I wanted to avoid giving too much advantage by equipping the energy and flying suits with this function, but to give the chance to the soldiers who have only 10 points of bravery.
Best armours : I never use or produce Energy suit's. Why ? It's just a flying suit in less better.
a few questions regarding the armours in the .xlsx file
what are 'Under' and '% none'? i assume the none is simply a blank, a nothing percent(why add it to the .xslx?) and that 'under' refers to the armour underneath the soldiers, and if this is true, why list it for non-flying armours? the only time that you would otherwise take damage is grenades that land directly at your feet.
also, why are the % modifiers different for the powered armours and the personal armours? they are made of the same material, so wouldn't they be susceptible to the same damage types?(the exceptions being smoke and stun)
what is the benefit for dragonskin armour? same 'under' rating and a worse AP rating, combine with worse acid rating, it seems far worse than the generic combat armour
just some questions and thoughts i had about this, this project seems amazing, keep up the great work guys! i might also recommend keeping a change log and newer files in the OP, makes it easier for people to find all of the latest parts.
Regarding armor. I downloaded existing mod 4 or 5 days ago and tweaked it according to my feelings, and the result is almost the same as Solarius Scorch described :) but i think those weight are a little too high, im using 7 foor dragonskin, 6 for combat armor and 4 for kevlar, and they are still quite cumbersome for rookies, so leaving them without any armor is a viable alternative. I already tweaked the armor values, making them generally weaker than alloy armor and frontal armor always the strongest.
I dont think reaction penalty is a good idea, since x-com soldiers reactions already suck.
I also have some new ideas which im about to test, but i dont have experience in creating new sprite sheets, i cant release new armor without new graphics for public:)
Im going to add:
Assault armor: early game, researchable and manufacturable. Strong frontal armor, weak sides and rear, high weight. I suppose this armor will help keeping your engeneers busy if you play with long research mods, before you start using alien alloys.
Fire-Acid-proof beam-deflecting armor: early game, researchable and manufacturable. Light armor with low armor values, fire immunity, 50-80% acid resistance, 15-40% laser resistance, 10-20% plasma resistance. Or so. Lets you use a lot of incendiaries in close quarters.
Biomechanical suit: based on live muton research and personal armor. Provides a bit less frontal armor, more rear armor, adds some TU, stamina and strength. VERY expensive production.
My idea for psi-armor is that it must isolate psi-activity: lower psi-skill and raise psi-strength, to avoid boosting psi-capable soldiers even further.
When using Firearms Compilation 1.2, the Scatter Laser shows up at game start in the UFOpaedia. Can't manufacture it or anything, but it's visible. Is this a side-effect or a mini-bug?
Not bad !
Thank you :)
For the Psionic Armor, the goal is to help the weakest soldier's in bravery and psi strengh resist a little more at psi attack, sort of mind shield. I wanted to avoid giving too much advantage by equipping the energy and flying suits with this function, but to give the chance to the soldiers who have only 10 points of bravery.
I understand, but the problem is that it seems to be more of an item than a suit - something to be used separately, like a passive Psi-Amp. It was much better in some other games, like UFO: Aftershock (where helmets were separate from the armour) or UFO: Extraterrestrials (where there was actually a special slot for "mind shields" - basically tinfoil headgear.
Having said that, I don't think soldiers with Bravery 10 need any help - they will improve with time. It's worse for those with low Psi Strength, as there's nothing we can do for them, but I also don't think boosting their Psi Strength with an item would be fair. The only honest application of this feature would be to enhance Psi Skill, but psionics make the game super-easy already and I don't want to make it even worse. (I might change my mind since the "line sight only" psionic attacks option has been introduced recently, but I haven't checked it yet.)
Best armours : I never use or produce Energy suit's. Why ? It's just a flying suit in less better.
I do use them. The Flying suit is goddamn expensivei n terms or Elerium, and especially with the Plasma Beam Mod (where Elerium is needed as ammunition).
a few questions regarding the armours in the .xlsx file
what are 'Under' and '% none'? i assume the none is simply a blank, a nothing percent(why add it to the .xslx?)
"None" damage denotes damage with no associated type, or "type 0" in terms of the ruleset. See description for damageType flag in the Ruleset Reference (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_%28OpenXcom%29).
and that 'under' refers to the armour underneath the soldiers, and if this is true, why list it for non-flying armours? the only time that you would otherwise take damage is grenades that land directly at your feet.
Or up to 1 tile away, then it also hits your under armour.
Which is what happens, like, every mission. :P
also, why are the % modifiers different for the powered armours and the personal armours? they are made of the same material, so wouldn't they be susceptible to the same damage types?(the exceptions being smoke and stun)
It's how it was in the vanilla game, so I didn't want to change their properties withoug a good reason. Well, the material is the same, but the technology is probably quite different. I think we can accept this.
what is the benefit for dragonskin armour? same 'under' rating and a worse AP rating, combine with worse acid rating, it seems far worse than the generic combat armour
It protects better against APs than the Combat Armour. Frankly, I don't understand this question. Are you referring to the fact that it's 80% instead of 70%? But the difference in armour values more than offsets this, so I don't think that's it?
just some questions and thoughts i had about this, this project seems amazing, keep up the great work guys! i might also recommend keeping a change log and newer files in the OP, makes it easier for people to find all of the latest parts.
Thanks! It's all more of a preparation phase now, but yeah, we made a few things already.
I agree about the changelog, but I'll leave it to Human Ktulu, because it was his idea. :P (Please, pretty please!)
PS. I know that the Plasma Tank doesn't work for some reason - it has 0 ammo when taken on a mission. Id didn't even work in the original mod where I took it from. I'll fix it soon.
EDIT: I fixed the tank, but now I'm thinking of making plasma ammo for plasma tanks... So I'm not uploading yet. :D
Thanks for returns !
As Solarius said, the project is in preparation phase, for the moment we are defining the broad outlines. I will add in first post latest packages, but that remains WIP versions. As soon as the base of this mod is established, we will be able more easily to make a changelog.
(I might change my mind since the "line sight only" psionic attacks option has been introduced recently, but I haven't checked it yet.)
Moreover the question of extra passive equippements need to be cleared : it's possible or not ?
Moreover the question of extra passive equippements need to be cleared : it's possible or not ?
AFAIK it can't be done right now, without modifying the code. But I think it's too early for that :)
Hi, I return on Tech Tree :P
About the "nuclear laser weapons", you thought of using the resources of the railgun mod ?
For UFO navigation, it will be well to pass by a interrogation alien, the navigator. If not the vessels "Sentinel" and "Thunderstorm" can beings too quickly discovered !
[EDIT] Hum, more I see your tree tech, and more i like it ! :-*
The Engineer doesn't unlock anything in vanilla, he could be a prerequisite somewhere (Navigator unlocks the precious Hyperwave decoder)
I use DIA (superb software !) to make a little working and to thus better understand the approach of Solarius.
I replaced label "Alien power system" by "Alien technology" and connect it to plasma research.
13 laser-something-techs looks like overkill to me
2 of 3 "enabler"-techs leads to a month waiting period for scientists
(3 days till first ufo, 2 days till corpse researched, 2 days till alien biology researched, 18 days build time, 2 day till next ufo for living alien, 2 days till living alien researched , 2 days till alien researched, 2 days till alien technology researched
best case (2 days for each research) = 33 days until you can start researching anything useful
(yeah you can do elerium, motionscanner, medikit but mostly the scientists are waiting around doing nothing :( )
About the "nuclear laser weapons", you thought of using the resources of the railgun mod ?
Actually, I wanted to use the Piratez sprites. It's complicated to explain, but generally speaking, nuclear lasers have colours like the Laser Rifle, while normal lasers are green. It's a colour scheme I got accustomed to, so I thought other people might be too. But we can of course do it differently, for example use the recent recolour mod.
But... please, let's not use the railgun mod graphics. :P
[EDIT] Hum, more I see your tree tech, and more i like it ! :-*
Thanks! XD It's a bit of a hit or miss, but I'm trying.
The Engineer doesn't unlock anything in vanilla, he could be a prerequisite somewhere (Navigator unlocks the precious Hyperwave decoder)
I agree. I have a few ideas, but haven't really decided yet. UFO Power source maybe?
(Yeah, I can see you did the same on your tree)
I use DIA (superb software !) to make a little working and to thus better understand the approach of Solarius.
I replaced label "Alien power system" by "Alien technology" and connect it to plasma research.
Alien interrogation is not much of a prerequisite though - it's almost the same. If it was a Commander, then sure.
I looked at your tech tree, it looks much clearer than mine. :D Otherwise I can't see many differences, if any; which means that either I can't look (which is possible), or that we have a consensus (which would be great).
13 laser-something-techs looks like overkill to me
Hmm... We can reduce the number by merging the Laser Cannon and HWP Laser technologies. It would be the prerequisite to laser hand weapons, and Laser Weapons would be the prerequisite to Laser Defence. I think it's the only place we can make a cut. And I did so - let me know if I should revert it, but I think it's better this way.
Oh, and I did the same for the Gauss tree.
2 of 3 "enabler"-techs leads to a month waiting period for scientists
(3 days till first ufo, 2 days till corpse researched, 2 days till alien biology researched, 18 days build time, 2 day till next ufo for living alien, 2 days till living alien researched , 2 days till alien researched, 2 days till alien technology researched
best case (2 days for each research) = 33 days until you can start researching anything useful
(yeah you can do elerium, motionscanner, medikit but mostly the scientists are waiting around doing nothing :( )
I think it's not so bad. As you said, you can start researching Motion Scanner straight away, and by the time they're done, there's fair chance the troopers will be back with some dead Sectoids to operate on. Then there are Alien Alloys, Mind Probe, Elerium... Sure, if you hire 100 scientists, you can outpace your alien artefacts acquisition, but I think we can discourage this model for early games anyway.
Besides, if we want to slow down the technological progress, we need to make it harder. :) We could make some tech harder in terms of research points to give the scientists something to do, but I think it makes no difference really.
EDIT: I made a new version of the firearms compilation mod - added Yrizoud's early medikit, so that you wouldn't have to watch your soldiers die before you discover the actual Medikit. Naturally, it's big, heavy and unwieldy.
(We could make it researchable if you think it's too good. Then it would basically be a purely human effort at making something that cures plasma burns.)
EDIT 2: I had an idea regarding psionic items. We can make psi belts! Basically just make a 4x1 item, so that fits nowhere except the belt slot, and voila. Of course Warboy would have to enable it first (adding a non-removable flag for a non-armour item is necessary, otherwise it would cause problems), but chances are this will happen.
About the armors, here is what I use in my personal mod:
Uniform mod (almost no protection), buyable from start
Personal Armor (boost bravery +10)
Jump Armor (boosts reaction+10) using your original stats
Power Suit (armor stats from original Flying Suit) no flying, midgame
Flying Suit (armor stats from the original Power Suit ) flying, but weak +adds 20 PSI-Defense, mid- to-endgame
Ultimate Suit (Sunfire armor with sligthly better armor than the Power Suit), flying and adds 20 PSI-Defenses, final game
I am very content with this settings. Every armour served a purpose during the game. And it forced me to make tactical decisions when equipping units.
About the armors, here is what I use in my personal mod:
Uniform mod (almost no protection), buyable from start
Personal Armor (boost bravery +10)
Jump Armor (boosts reaction+10) using your original stats
Power Suit (armor stats from original Flying Suit) no flying, midgame
Flying Suit (armor stats from the original Power Suit ) flying, but weak +adds 20 PSI-Defense, mid- to-endgame
Ultimate Suit (Sunfire armor with sligthly better armor than the Power Suit), flying and adds 20 PSI-Defenses, final game
I am very content with this settings. Every armour served a purpose during the game. And it forced me to make tactical decisions when equipping units.
Maybe it is tactically diverse and even balanced, but it makes little to no sense.
Bonus to Bravery? I assume it has a blind visor? :)
Jump Armor +10 Reactions? Does it have neural injectors or something? If so, why other armours don't have it?
Flying Armour +20 Psi Defense? Why other armours don't have it if it's possible?
I actually like switching around Power Suit and Flying Suit's stats. It makes sense.
The Ultimate Suit is certainly worth considering.
I entirely reconsidered the advanced weapons to obtain something simpler and more coherent.
At beginning of game, I entirely withdrawn the laser technology with the profit of weapons Gauss, as natural evolution of the conventional human armament (after alloy ammo in dependency).
In parallel, the player will be able to develop the Alien weapons to gain in fire power, but with for counterpart the very expensive in Elerium.
The laser technology will come only tardily with the portable nuclear energy source.
I have to voluntarily separate technologies from the vessel of that of the weapons, because even if energy is similar are application is different.
I like it. I like it a lot.
(BTW, we can drop the "nuclear" part from the lasers, right? Because right now there are no other lasers?)
I think you should regroup the gauss weapons with their respective clip, because separately they don't serve any purpose.
I think you should regroup the gauss weapons with their respective clip, because separately they don't serve any purpose.
I agree. It doesn't really matter that much if you do them together or not (as long as prerequisites are the same), so I didn't mention it at this stage, but yeah... Discovering them together makes more sense.
I'm completly ok with you. ;D
But if the laser's techs are developed tardily in game, which level of power you thinks that it must be ?
A little more of vanilla game or similar ?
There are interesting things in Flako diagram's, but broadly I found it too heavy and complex. I think that the challenge is to take the good ideas without overloading the game.
But if the laser's techs are developed tardily in game, which level of power you thinks that it must be ?
A little more of vanilla game or similar ?
I would like to keep it as vanilla as possible. A fast, auto-fire weapon with a good damage type (most aliens aren't resistant to lasers) is still invaluable, even if not as strong as some other guns. Plus, I don't want to alienate people who just got used to how lasers are and don't want any changes.
There are interesting things in Flako diagram's, but broadly I found it too heavy and complex. I think that the challenge is to take the good ideas without overloading the game.
His ideas are for another thread, so they could be made with something slightly different in mind. Still, at least some of his ideas are very interesting - like having to interrogate several aliens instead of just one to unlock some research.
Ok so, for advanced weapons we have :
- Alien Armoury Expanded
- Gauss Mod
- Scatter Laser (and maybe a little graphic mod for other laser weapons)
- Dart Rifle
- Fushion Torch
- Mind Missile (good or bad idea ?)
I think we can forget "Terran Plasma Weapons" ?
If not What else ?
Yeah, I think we can forget the Terran Plasma Weapons mod, unless we come up with something really new. I keep thinking about a Plasma Shotgun, but it sounds a bit... silly. Still, I think it would be cool. ;)
As for other stuff, there are a few small mods that I think are worthy (or more!) to be added, particularly:
- Ryskeliini's Elerium Mace (after some serious nerfing),
- Clownagent's Mind Missile (perhaps with a whole new launcher and a set of rockets to simplify and streamline things, but I like the general idea),
- perhaps Civilian's Heat-Ray mod - I haven't tried it out yet, but it looks solid (though I'm against fixed TU cost in this case).
Of course I'm only talking about weapons here; there are other mods I consider worthy or even essential (for example Shadow's Power Suit Helm Off, or Civilian's various terrain mods), but we'll get there later.
Ryskeliini's Elerium Mace
Why not ?
Clownagent's Mind Missile
I see extra guided-missile for standard rocket launcher, this is it ?
perhaps Civilian's Heat-Ray mod
mmh, I dont know. I need to test it, and if this weapon use alloy and elerium, we need to found a good place in advanced weapon's tech tree.
Of course I'm only talking about weapons here; there are other mods I consider worthy or even essential (for example Shadow's Power Suit Helm Off, or Civilian's various terrain mods), but we'll get there later.
Yes, we will see that more later with the other "extra addons" packs.
If not I reconsidered the tech tree for vessels ;D
This time I tried to play with mind prob research and Falko's idea for fuel.
Finnaly, I found too complex to use 2 or 3 alloy quality.
I see extra guided-missile for standard rocket launcher, this is it ?
Yes, but after some thought I decided it would be better to make a new Rocket Launcher and new rockets (Small, Large and Incendiary, unless we do something differently). The reasons are:
1) To make the system more clear - new weapon, new ammo.
2) To make it more logical - how do you control the missile with no controls on your Rocket Launcher? You need a special Rocket Launcher!
I also think we could use standard rockets as raw materials for new, mind-guided rockets (after all we just need to install the psi control device). Unless we make completely new rockets.
mmh, I dont know. I need to test it, and if this weapon use alloy and elerium, we need to found a good place in advanced weapon's tech tree.
Same here. It's just a possibility.
I see extra If not I reconsidered the tech tree for vessels ;D
This time I tried to play with mind prob research and Falko's idea for fuel.
It looks fine to me :) Though frankly I don't know the exact parameters of these new planes, and I'm too tired to do it now. :P
I see extra If not Finnaly, I found too complex to use 2 or 3 alloy quality.
I actually like this, it was elegant and solved some problems regarding various equipment... But all right, we can do without it.
the first time i started using i mods i put a bunch into the folder and realized after my first game .. it was too easy
now i always try to balance my changes
make something important easier should be balanced by making something related harder
more better weapons <-> make alien tougher
make plasmabeam/clips(/fuel) eat your elerium <-> give the option to recycle elerium based items (recycled items are not sold +cost for producing/recycling of items)
additionally i try to make choices available
the normal thunderstormstorm mod give a awesome craft after alien alloy (no elerium usage, early in game, fast speed, health ~= firestorm, downside: 1 weaponslot)
way overpowered / to early available
in the tree i proposed you can get to the first (a bit better) craft with [alien alloys, plasma rifle/clip, resistance alloy]=4 techs, the other crafts need 6, 11,12 techs compared to avenger with 16tech+5 engineers-alien research
in my idea heap is
research useful earth-technology-crafts <--> make the range of ufo random
my thoughts on the earth crafts:
Advanced Fuel => 2 Elerium+2000$=10 Fuel units
that way new crafts use elerium but only 1/5 of the firestorm-avenger type crafts
item based fuel consumption is based on "fly time" not speed as the default crafts do
the fuel refill rate can be used to distinguish between crafts in regard to fuel consumption
Alloy skyranger: there was somewhere a 16-soldier skyranger i wanted to reuse but i cant find him anymore
i will try to make distinctions between crafts in a way that 'getting the "last" craft' is best is not always true
e.g. skyranger vs. alloy skyranger
- alloy skyranger has less fuel reserves then original
+ alloy skyranger has more speed (less weight in hull/fuell)
+ alloy skyranger has 2 more soldier slots
+/- alloy skyranger still costs rent (1/2 rent of skyranger (maintenance, technicians, ..) )
+ alloy skyranger has a sell value (slightly above production costs)
- alloy skyranger can not be repaired (repairRate=0 untested)
for the earth-tech-fighter crafts i dislike the craft1->craft2->craft3->craft4 with craft4=best in all regards - therefore my tree give the choice of craft3 or craft4 after depending on craft2 and some other stuff
normal fuel, high speed and acceleration, one weapon slot, fast refuel, fast repair, high rent (2/3 of interceptor), health=2-3x interceptor (destroyed in one shot unlikely), very small fuel reserves (cant fly further than 1,5*hyperwavedecoder range), can make a good profit with selling
[alternative: fast repair/high rent OR no repair, no rent, cheap to build]
needs elerium enhanced fuel, speed/acceleration between interceptor and firestorm, one weapon slot, slow refuel, slow repair, low rent (1/5 of interceptor), health=slightly less than firestorm, fuel reserves huge/enough to fly to any point on the globe and patrol for some time, has double the radar range, no profit by selling
craft3 and craft4:
both: 2 weapon slots
fuel reserves: 2/3 globe reachable <-> enough fuel to fly around globe 2 times
consumption: needs 2-3 more fuel than craft2 <-> needs 2/3 fuel
speed: should be similar perhaps on with higher speed, less acceleration the other with a bit less speed, higher acceleration
rent/repair: high <-> low
manufacture costs: can make profit <-> can make no profit
not sure what sprites/names go to what craft or in regard to craft3/4 what property is assigned to what craft i first plan to get my balancing mod "random ufo range" done
I decided it would be better to make a new Rocket Launcher
You can always make it "use" an existing launcher as component, in order to free the inventories of the "obsolete" weapon.
Oh when you said "essential", it reminded me of the daichi blade. Overpowered IMO with its default stats, but every OpenXCOM player should try it once.
Maybe it is tactically diverse and even balanced, but it makes little to no sense.
Bonus to Bravery? I assume it has a blind visor? :)
Jump Armor +10 Reactions? Does it have neural injectors or something? If so, why other armours don't have it?
Flying Armour +20 Psi Defense? Why other armours don't have it if it's possible?
I actually like switching around Power Suit and Flying Suit's stats. It makes sense.
The Ultimate Suit is certainly worth considering.
The bonus to bravery is actually realistic, ask why modern-day soldiers are actually given armour and especially helmets, it is NOT because those could stop any real high-powered projectile.
The bonus to reaction: I made this because of your description (ufopediatext) mentioning increased mobility ;)
The flying armour is no longer a flying armor only, it now is a PSI-Suit in my game. the other armours do not have it because they are older and less advanced, simple as that. ;D
About the Ultimate Suit: Make sure it is NOT completely invulnerable, more than 130 armor is too much.
oh and feel free to edit/change the Heat-Ray weapon stats if you want to use them. :)
Other versions of diagramms ...
now i always try to balance my changes
make something important easier should be balanced by making something related harder
Not a bad mindset. Though I think our project is a bit complex, so it'll need some broad strokes anyway (and a lot of testing).
my thoughts on the earth crafts:
I don't really have any strong opinion on it yet, but it looks fine. Do you have more specific stats in mind? I'd like to see a table for comparison.
You can always make it "use" an existing launcher as component, in order to free the inventories of the "obsolete" weapon.
Yeah, it's logical. Upgrade the missiles, upgrade the launcher!
Oh when you said "essential", it reminded me of the daichi blade. Overpowered IMO with its default stats, but every OpenXCOM player should try it once.
That's the combat knife, right? Yeah, it's already rebalanced and added to the gun compilation mod. 8)
The bonus to bravery is actually realistic, ask why modern-day soldiers are actually given armour and especially helmets, it is NOT because those could stop any real high-powered projectile.
No, but it's good against shrapnel.
Anyway, that's not how Bravery works. It's checked only when many soldiers on your side die. Therefore, more effective armour means Bravery bonus for everyone. ;)
Besides, why not a bonus to the Power Suit then?
The bonus to reaction: I made this because of your description (ufopediatext) mentioning increased mobility ;)
Well, it flies. :)
The flying armour is no longer a flying armor only, it now is a PSI-Suit in my game. the other armours do not have it because they are older and less advanced, simple as that. ;D
Yeah, that's fine. But I need to think about psionic outfits in general, I'd prefer a wearable item (preferably a belt, since it can only go in one place if it's 1x4). This would have to be enabled by the developers first though.
About the Ultimate Suit: Make sure it is NOT completely invulnerable, more than 130 armor is too much.
The HPG can go through 130 armour with some luck. But I get what you're saying, and I agree.
oh and feel free to edit/change the Heat-Ray weapon stats if you want to use them. :)
Thanks :) It depends on how clutter the tree is. But I really like your design. :)
Other versions of diagramms ...
One thing: you can't use a plane as a component for making another plane - the code won't allow this. This is because you may have several planes in your base, each of them with a different set of weapons, so the game wouldn't know which one to choose.
here something for the FMP team :)
some ideas... and more :D
here something for the FMP team :)
some ideas... and more :D
Wow, thanks! My birthday is coming up, so it'll be my first present. :D
I'll unpack it soon.
EDIT: Inspired by your mod, I have an idea on how to make an alien plasma shotgun that fits the aliens' feeling: a one-handed weapon named Plasma Caster, basically a heavy pistol with scatter shots. It looks a bit like this (https://www.strategycore.co.uk/site/assets/files/1184/alien_laser_pistol.jpg).
Jackpot ! :o
Seriously, Thanks a lot Civilian ;)
In my side, I try to finalise a WIP tech tree.
[EDIT] So, this is my last WIP suggestion, without Civilian's data (I want a Saber-Laser ! Ziouuuv Ziiiiiiouuuuv ! :P ).
Sorry for disappearing for 2 days, I was a little busy. Let's continue then!
In my side, I try to finalise a WIP tech tree.
Some thoughts:
"Gauss Missile Defence" - I don't think it has any missiles. ;) It should be just "Gauss Defence", just like "Laser Defence".
Improved/Advance Gauss Weapons are just stronger, right? I'm okat with this, but I don't know if it's technically possible; I'll have to consult an expert. ;)
Then, there are plasma/fusion weapons. If they are available too early, then it's all for nothing; they must be more difficult to obtain. One live alien is not enough, but what else?
...and today I discussed it with Dioxine, and we have a plan! Listen to this:
- Each alien Engineer you interrogate gives you one random tech, using the "get one free" feature in the ruleset (the same that Medic uses). There are a number of techs available to choose, let's say there's 10 of them. These techs are free - you get it right after researching the Engineer.
- In order to get plasma technology tree, you need five different techs from Engineers. Therefore if you are very lucky, you can have them after interrogating 5 Engineers, but you're probably going to need more until all 5 techs are found. It's the same for fusion weapons, although some techs may be the same as for plasma weapons.
- Other techs may lead to other things, like lasers or whatever.
This has a number of advantages:
- Advanced alien weapons are delayed.
- You get empty techs, but they're cool.
- There will be more cool articles in the Ufopedia, covering technical aspects of alien technology.
What do you think?
[EDIT] So, this is my last WIP suggestion, without Civilian's data (I want a Saber-Laser ! Ziouuuv Ziiiiiiouuuuv ! :P ).
This is perfectly possible now, thanks to the latest changes in the game :) Actually, I wanted to do it a long time ago... :)
Also, seeing as Gauss weapons seem to be accepted into the mod, I'll add them to the Firearms Compilation.
"Gauss Missile Defence" - I don't think it has any missiles. ;) It should be just "Gauss Defence", just like "Laser Defence".
why not, the main idea is to propose a defensive building at this stage of the game.
Improved/Advance Gauss Weapons are just stronger, right? I'm okat with this, but I don't know if it's technically possible; I'll have to consult an expert. ;)
Attention, only clips ! The weapons are the same one. But maybe, we can make explosive bullet for Advanced (fusion) Gauss Clips and incendiary bullet for improved (plasma) gauss clips ... ? Or we can maybe forget this and give only standard clips ?
Then, there are plasma/fusion weapons. If they are available too early, then it's all for nothing; they must be more difficult to obtain. One live alien is not enough, but what else?
...and today I discussed it with Dioxine, and we have a plan! Listen to this:
Each alien Engineer you interrogate gives you one random tech, using the "get one free" feature in the ruleset (the same that Medic uses). There are a number of techs available to choose, let's say there's 10 of them. These techs are free - you get it right after researching the Engineer.
In order to get plasma technology tree, you need five different techs from Engineers. Therefore if you are very lucky, you can have them after interrogating 5 Engineers, but you're probably going to need more until all 5 techs are found. It's the same for fusion weapons, although some techs may be the same as for plasma weapons.
Other techs may lead to other things, like lasers or whatever.
This has a number of advantages:
- Advanced alien weapons are delayed.
- You get empty techs, but they're cool.
- There will be more cool articles in the Ufopedia, covering technical aspects of alien technology.
What do you think?
I like this ! If it is possible technically I think that it is very a good idea (I read somewhere something about that ...).
Also, seeing as Gauss weapons seem to be accepted into the mod, I'll add them to the Firearms Compilation.
Great ! :)
For the future, I hope someone create the sprits for saber laser ^^ Finnaly, It's the heat-ray who give me this idea.
I'd like to see more emphasis placed on human weaponry development that's spurred on by alien technology exploitation.
I always found it a bit silly that right from the start, you could research LASER WEAPONS, which basically obsoleted all the starting human gear within the first month of operations; when in real life; laser weapons require an enormous energy density -- thus they've been fixed and fed by a power plant or semi fixed (naval mount fed by warship powerplant).
Yet somehow X-COM somehow manages to make some sort of battery allowing 255 shots with enough lethality in each shot to one shot mortally wound an unarmored person and have good-ish penetration on armored targets?
At the very least; we're talking about battery technologies being somewhere between TNT (4.6 MJ/kg) and Gunpowder (3 MJ/kg); and approximately twice that of the present non rechargeable state of the art for lithium batteries (1.8 MJ/kg).
Speaking of that; I once read a interesting SF story by David Drake called "Redliners" that posited electric explosives instead of chemical explosives.
Basically, a piece of metal was violently overloaded with a deliberate electric arc; which created an explosion of considerable force, which could be dialed up or down in violence as needed by varying the current sent into the arc.
I like this ! If it is possible technically I think that it is very a good idea (I read somewhere something about that ...).
Great ! :)
It is possibler see Medikit_need_alien_and_room.rul in the zipfile of https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2055.0
you have to create invisible dependency-techs that has all combinations of your techs in it (here 2 normal aliens+1terorist+1 out of 3 alien rooms)
- name: STR_MEDI_KIT_DEP_0
cost: 0
unlocks: [STR_MEDI_KIT]
- name: STR_MEDI_KIT_DEP_18
cost: 0
unlocks: [STR_MEDI_KIT]
- name: STR_MEDI_KIT_DEP_179
cost: 0
unlocks: [STR_MEDI_KIT]
all dependency-tech unlock the researchable tech and the research topic needs all dependency-techs in their "dependencies" list
- name: STR_MEDI_KIT
doing this manually is tedious
there is one problem (at least it was a problem 4-5 days ago)
if you have such a tech dependencies and you research an living alien as last dependencies you will not get a "you can research [TOPIC] now" message it appears in the research list silently - if the last research is a dead object (like a room or rifle) it works
I like this ! If it is possible technically I think that it is very a good idea (I read somewhere something about that ...).
I think you also may make only certain races' engeneers know certain secret research topics needed for plasma weapons. So you will have to capture engeneers from different races, e.g. sectoids, floaters and snakemen.
I'd like to see more emphasis placed on human weaponry development that's spurred on by alien technology exploitation.
I always found it a bit silly that right from the start, you could research LASER WEAPONS, which basically obsoleted all the starting human gear within the first month of operations; when in real life; laser weapons require an enormous energy density -- thus they've been fixed and fed by a power plant or semi fixed (naval mount fed by warship powerplant).
Yet somehow X-COM somehow manages to make some sort of battery allowing 255 shots with enough lethality in each shot to one shot mortally wound an unarmored person and have good-ish penetration on armored targets?
At the very least; we're talking about battery technologies being somewhere between TNT (4.6 MJ/kg) and Gunpowder (3 MJ/kg); and approximately twice that of the present non rechargeable state of the art for lithium batteries (1.8 MJ/kg).
Agreed! That's why we're pushing towards lasers as a mid-game weapons, requiring quite a lot of research into alien power systems. If you look at Ktulu's latest diagram, you'll probably like the results.
Speaking of that; I once read a interesting SF story by David Drake called "Redliners" that posited electric explosives instead of chemical explosives.
Basically, a piece of metal was violently overloaded with a deliberate electric arc; which created an explosion of considerable force, which could be dialed up or down in violence as needed by varying the current sent into the arc.
Interesting, although I don't really know what we can do with this. :) But it's good to have such ideas in the bank, you never know when they become useful.
It is possibler see Medikit_need_alien_and_room.rul in the zipfile of https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2055.0
you have to create invisible dependency-techs that has all combinations of your techs in it (here 2 normal aliens+1terorist+1 out of 3 alien rooms)
I thought about using the mechanism that the Medic enables - you get something like this from Engineers:
cost: 192
needItem: true
- etc.
So getting plasma weapons would require STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS, STR_MICROGRAVITY_GENERATOR, STR_CHARGED_PARTICLE_CHAMBER and some other techs I haven't thought of yet (these are just examples). Fusion weapons would require STR_ALIEN_FUSION, STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS and some other techs again.
I think you also may make only certain races' engeneers know certain secret research topics needed for plasma weapons. So you will have to capture engeneers from different races, e.g. sectoids, floaters and snakemen.
It's possible, but I don't like it all that much - all races' Engineers should have the same knowledge, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fix all of their equipment...
It's possible, but I don't like it all that much - all races' Engineers should have the same knowledge, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fix all of their equipment...
Yeah, thats kind of unrealistic. Just a possible gameplay idea.
I thought about using the mechanism that the Medic enables - you get something like this from Engineers:
cost: 192
needItem: true
- etc.
So getting plasma weapons would require STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS, STR_MICROGRAVITY_GENERATOR, STR_CHARGED_PARTICLE_CHAMBER and some other techs I haven't thought of yet (these are just examples). Fusion weapons would require STR_ALIEN_FUSION, STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS and some other techs again.
that would avoid the mentioned problem but it does not help if you want some "X-tech OR Y-tech"-dependency then you only get correct research messages if your X/Y-techs are directly researched and not given by getOneFree or lookup
that would avoid the mentioned problem but it does not help if you want some "X-tech OR Y-tech"-dependency then you only get correct research messages if your X/Y-techs are directly researched and not given by getOneFree or lookup
But what's the problem? You need to collect, say, 5 techs which are all prerequisites for one more advanced tech. There are no dependencies involved, since there's no "optionality": it's not like you need tech A or tech B to get tech C, you need both A and B to get C. So I fail to see the issue.
there is no issue if you "need both A and B to get C"
the is only an inconvenience (missing "you can research [tech] now"-text) if you combine the vanilla-plasmabeam-technique (to get an OR dependency) with lookup/getonefree delivered techs
there is no issue if you "need both A and B to get C"
the is only an inconvenience (missing "you can research [tech] now"-text) if you combine the vanilla-plasmabeam-technique (to get an OR dependency) with lookup/getonefree delivered techs
I'm not completely sure, I get mixed messages regarding this issue.
But even if it's not displayed, it's not a big issue - it'll come up on the research list anyway. While inconvenient, I think it shouldn't really change anything in what we do.
Agreed! That's why we're pushing towards lasers as a mid-game weapons, requiring quite a lot of research into alien power systems. If you look at Ktulu's latest diagram, you'll probably like the results.
While you're at it; could you reverse the typical order of weapons development?
In Stock XCOM we go like:
Pistol -> Rifle -> Heavy Weapon -> Craft Weapon -> Base Defense
Which is a bit odd to me. Shouldn't it be reversed; so that:
Base Defense -> Craft Weapon -> Heavy Weapon -> Rifle -> Pistol
To follow the general trend of miniaturization of a new technology?
First, you build a huge 50 ton weapon, then you manage to shrink it down to 500-1000 lbs (craft weapon); then down to 50-60 lbs (heavy weapon), further to 8-10 lbs (rifle), and finally 2-4 lbs (Pistol).
While you're at it; could you reverse the typical order of weapons development?
In Stock XCOM we go like:
Pistol -> Rifle -> Heavy Weapon -> Craft Weapon -> Base Defense
Which is a bit odd to me. Shouldn't it be reversed; so that:
Base Defense -> Craft Weapon -> Heavy Weapon -> Rifle -> Pistol
To follow the general trend of miniaturization of a new technology?
First, you build a huge 50 ton weapon, then you manage to shrink it down to 500-1000 lbs (craft weapon); then down to 50-60 lbs (heavy weapon), further to 8-10 lbs (rifle), and finally 2-4 lbs (Pistol).
That's exactly what we've been doing since the beginning of this thread. :P
Interesting, although I don't really know what we can do with this. :) But it's good to have such ideas in the bank, you never know when they become useful.
Maybe eventually (after TFTD is in the game) there could be variable yield weapons that you chose the explosive power for before firing?
That's exactly what we've been doing since the beginning of this thread. :P
Sorry if I'm rehashing things you've already hashed over :'(
Regarding Medikits, is it possible to have a single-use medikit that only stops one (1) fatal wound at the beginning of the game, to represent standard battlefield medicine circa 2000?
No stimulants or painkillers; as all the space is taken up by the stuff needed to stop a sucking chest wound.
It always bugged me that you had to research this to keep your soldiers from dying from easily preventable wounds at the start.
Regarding the use of alien research to unlock medikits; you probably have thrashed this out; but what if autopsying a chrysallid or snakeman unlocks ADVANCED COAGULANTS based on research of weird stuff found in their blood; which enables super quick clotting agents; allowing compact medikits with multiple fatal wounds capability?
Sorry if I'm rehashing things you've already hashed over :'(
Hehe, no worries. Though you might want to actuall read the thread to see what we're trying to do, should be interesting.
Regarding Medikits, is it possible to have a single-use medikit that only stops one (1) fatal wound at the beginning of the game, to represent standard battlefield medicine circa 2000?
I don't think so. You can make a 12 charge medikit, but that's it.
But who told you that 2000 medicine was any worse than the one today? :P
Regarding the use of alien research to unlock medikits; you probably have thrashed this out; but what if autopsying a chrysallid or snakeman unlocks ADVANCED COAGULANTS based on research of weird stuff found in their blood; which enables super quick clotting agents; allowing compact medikits with multiple fatal wounds capability?
What we have in mind is giving you a cumbersome starting medikit - basically the one made by Yrizoud - and then an advanced, compact one, which is the original medikit.
Regarding Medikits, is it possible to have a single-use medikit that only stops one (1) fatal wound at the beginning of the game, to represent standard battlefield medicine circa 2000?
use: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1782.msg16419#msg16419
it can heal 3 wounds (3 instead of 10 for all types, it is heavier and bigger 2x2)
i like it as a starting medikit
use: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1782.msg16419#msg16419
it can heal 3 wounds (3 instead of 10 for all types, it is heavier and bigger 2x2)
i like it as a starting medikit
Yeah, that's the one. :)
Regarding Medikits, is it possible to have a single-use medikit that only stops one (1) fatal wound at the beginning of the game, to represent standard battlefield medicine circa 2000?
No stimulants or painkillers; as all the space is taken up by the stuff needed to stop a sucking chest wound.
It always bugged me that you had to research this to keep your soldiers from dying from easily preventable wounds at the start.
Regarding the use of alien research to unlock medikits; you probably have thrashed this out; but what if autopsying a chrysallid or snakeman unlocks ADVANCED COAGULANTS based on research of weird stuff found in their blood; which enables super quick clotting agents; allowing compact medikits with multiple fatal wounds capability?
I've been working on medicine stuff. Single-use field dressings are possible, but they behave like a medikit anyway, they do not disappear when used and recharge for next mission. I find this quite a nonsense.
I think for the start there must be a big medikit containing 3 heals and 5 or so stimulants and painkillers.
I also added tranquilizer kit - a small medipack with reversed stimulant
painKiller: 0
heal: 0
stimulant: 6
woundRecovery: 0
healthRecovery: 0
stunRecovery: -20
energyRecovery: 0
tuUse: 20
I find it quite useful to make sure an alien dont wake up in the middle of the mission, also it has some offensive potential, yet much weaker than stun rod.
I think final improvement over medikit may be improved health recovery when healing wounds, implementing knowledge about chrysallid fast regeneration
That tranquilizer thing works? :o Very interesting idea!
I'd expect it to work on humans, but not aliens (or civilians). Am I wrong? :o
It's not bad if you use alien bleeding mod. You may heal an stunned and wounded alien ... but in any event, an alien which awakes is inoffensive because it is unable to collect a weapon (exept Chryssalid of course ::) ).
I was simply stating that as of now, healing won't work for either aliens or civilians. And the civilians part is sorta wrong...
I'd expect it to work on humans, but not aliens (or civilians). Am I wrong? :o
Yes it works, and vanilla medikit always did too :) It works on both stunned aliens and not stunned ones (and civilians too). If they get tranquilized (their stun goes higher than health) they will go unconcious on the end of x-com turn or after being hit by any sort of weapon. Large units are not affected at all.
I also wanted this to drain energy but that was too glitchy.
Here are the graphic files I use (made by me, based on awesome civilian medkit graphics).
I was simply stating that as of now, healing won't work for either aliens or civilians. And the civilians part is sorta wrong...
I can heal aliens in my build of the game. Since i play with bleeding aliens enabled that is quite essential to keep them alive till the end of the mission. No bugs have been observed, they are treated just like x-com units.
It's not bad if you use alien bleeding mod. You may heal an stunned and wounded alien ... but in any event, an alien which awakes is inoffensive because it is unable to collect a weapon (exept Chryssalid of course ::) ).
And psi-aliens. And if you dont want spend time catching those awakened aliens across the map :)
I can heal aliens in my build of the game. Since i play with bleeding aliens enabled that is quite essential to keep them alive till the end of the mission. No bugs have been observed, they are treated just like x-com units.
Very interesting. Are you using a custom build?
Although frankly, I'm not a fan of healing aliens with human medikits. Sure, it makes the game harder, but nonetheless.
The graphics are very nice though! :)
Very interesting. Are you using a custom build?
Although frankly, I'm not a fan of healing aliens with human medikits. Sure, it makes the game harder, but nonetheless.
The graphics are very nice though! :)
No, just the last nightly build. Thanks, feel free to use :)
But who told you that 2000 medicine was any worse than the one today? :P
There have been a lot of advances in bleeding edge tactical (battlefield) medicine from 1999 to 2014; mostly driven by the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. Among the new stuff (as of 2006) was:
One-Armed Tourniquet -- you can tie it with only one arm, where previous designs needed two.
HemCon bandage made from an extract from Shrimp cells -- it can stop bleeding almost instantly through a tight bond.
Using expensive clotting drugs designed for hemophilacs to stop bleeding in people suffering from massive trauma from IEDs.
Etc. Even back then, the pentagon was putting forth requests for a portable ultrasound device that would stop internal bleeding with intense ultrasound.
There have been a lot of advances in bleeding edge tactical (battlefield) medicine from 1999 to 2014; mostly driven by the Iraq/Afghanistan wars. Among the new stuff (as of 2006) was:
One-Armed Tourniquet -- you can tie it with only one arm, where previous designs needed two.
HemCon bandage made from an extract from Shrimp cells -- it can stop bleeding almost instantly through a tight bond.
Using expensive clotting drugs designed for hemophilacs to stop bleeding in people suffering from massive trauma from IEDs.
Etc. Even back then, the pentagon was putting forth requests for a portable ultrasound device that would stop internal bleeding with intense ultrasound.
Well, it's all very interesting... Though I'm not sure how much of an actual difference it actual makes on the battlefield. I mean, it's not like back in 1999 we used leeches and vodka.
In the meantime, I'm putting together a Polish translation of these mod parts, since I'm using them in my own game (the devs asked to hunt for translation bugs, so I'm forcing myself to play in Polish, which feels weird :P).
Some quick feedback after actually playing OpenXcom for a while ;D
The Sniper Rifle is WAY too accurate. 160%? Even the super-guided missile launcher has already 125%, 160% allows for sure-fire hits even when using 2-handed weapons in each hand, even when being wounded, flying AND who-knows-what-else.
The flamethrower is really appreciated, it fills a gap in X-Com.
The medi-pack... It looks great, but let me be honest, the short days without the original kit leave no real need for it. It is working flawlessly, looks great, but it is basically unused.
Slightly OT: After starting a new campaign with all possible (of my own) mods, I realized one thing: More is not automatically better, e.g. I added throwing knives and they worked fine, but just like with the civilian medi-kit: There is no need for them. After I realized that I deleted/removed a lot of redundant weaponry from my mod-soup. And sudenly the game starts to become clear and more enjoyable. After that I removed more (default game) redundant weapons/ammo, made the Auto-Cannon a AP-only-Minigun and the Heavy Cannon a HE-only-cannon an the more i removed the better the game became!
Some new weapons/equipments however ADDED to the game-play, the Jump Armour, the Combat Knife, the E-Mace, the flame-thrower, the shotguns and some others. The Sniper Rifle is nice to have, but surprisingly it is less useful than one could think, the default rifle is usually more than enough for any long-range purposes.
So, here is what I personally learned for myself: If you add an ALien race/ weapon/ armour/tank etc make sure it:
1. ADDS something unique (e.g. Lobsterman with incredibly tough armour like in TFTD, flame-thrower etc)
2. FILLS an existing gap (Jump Armour etc).
3. REPLACES something existing for a change (I am working on some Laser-Weapon-Replacer-mods, completely replacing the Laser-weapon-tree with something else, the first one will be a (weker) low-tech magneto-weapon)
Ok enough OT from me ;D
Good work on your mods, guys!
Some quick feedback after actually playing OpenXcom for a while ;D
Excellent! :)
The Sniper Rifle is WAY too accurate. 160%? Even the super-guided missile launcher has already 125%, 160% allows for sure-fire hits even when using 2-handed weapons in each hand, even when being wounded, flying AND who-knows-what-else.
I see what you mean. But well, let's compare it with the Rifle:
Weapon | Power | Acc Aim | Acc Snap | Acc Auto | TU Aim | TU Snap | TU Auto | Clip size | Weight |
Rifle | 30 | 110 | 60 | 35 | 80% | 25% | 25% | 20 | 11 |
Sniper Rifle | 35 | 160 | 80 | N/A | 50% | 33% | N/A | 10 | 11 |
So, the sniper rifle has very little to offer except accuracy: it has no auto shot, it's not really that strong and it has low fire rate. One bullet is unlikely to kill any alien, including Sectoids, and you can't compensate with more dakka. It is accurate, yes, but it's not all that useful when it comes down to it.
Besides, while I didn't use it that much, I regularly use Plasma Sniper Rifles which have almost as much accuracy: 150. And I certainly miss my Aimed Shots sometimes.
However, one thing: this mod was balanced for the UFO Extender accuracy (otherwise many weapons would make little sense, like the HMG for example). For vanilla, the Sniper Rifle probably isn't as balanced.
The medi-pack... It looks great, but let me be honest, the short days without the original kit leave no real need for it. It is working flawlessly, looks great, but it is basically unused.
I agree, but the vanilla Medikit will be harder to research. We just haven't rewritten the tech tree yet.
Slightly OT: (...)
While some compromise can be achieved between elegance and richness, I agree with your philosophy. And I know Human Ktulu does too, because he raised the issue of having too many items in the game on several occasions. Therefore, while I'm not sure if we're radical enough, I think we will more or less fulfil your expectations here. ;)
Now, my fellow designers: has anyone actually started coding something already? :)
Is anyone else having trouble using the Raven? Across a few different games, I'm getting instant crashes whenever a Raven engages a UFO, or when I try to sell the Raven. My last playthrough I had to make a new base just filled with hangars so I could ship all them somewhere to open up space.
The CTD doesn't have an error or anything, the game just disappears once it gets within about a millimeter of an alien ship
Is anyone else having trouble using the Raven? Across a few different games, I'm getting instant crashes whenever a Raven engages a UFO, or when I try to sell the Raven. My last playthrough I had to make a new base just filled with hangars so I could ship all them somewhere to open up space.
The CTD doesn't have an error or anything, the game just disappears once it gets within about a millimeter of an alien ship
I haven't used the plane mod yet, as I didn't want to break my campaign. I should be trying a new one very soon, so we'll see.
Now, I was thinking about the new alien tech we're supposed to be getting at random from interrogations. Here's what I came up with until now. Of course, it's work in progress, subject to changes, discussion etc. Just tell me if you like the general direction.
---=== FROM ENGINEERS ===---
Many alien designs, including plasma weapons, feature a particle acceleration chamber. Based on gravity modulation, this component accelerates small lumps of matter to whirl at great velocities, creating enough heat to produce plasma. This process is very fast, but it requires E-115 to provide the necessary amount of energy.
[plasma weapons component]
Anti-matter is an excellent source of energy, but it is also why it's extremely unstable. The aliens have overcome this problem by a clever application of gravity fields, separating the anti-matter from normal matter and thus preventing them from reacting with each other, as long as the field is in place. This discovery is likely to bring great advancement to the human civilization, and can certainly be used against the alien threat.
[fusion weapons component]
While the Elerium element is extremely efficient at releasing large amounts of energy at once, it can also be used to initiate a fusion reaction. While not as efficient, a fusion blast is far cheaper and easier to create. Combined in the right proportion with a highly energetic crystalline material, this allows for violent discharges of energy, emitting large amounts of heat but very little radiation. This discovery can potentially revolutionize human warfare against the eliens.
[fusion weapons component]
[Alien Grenade component, probably the only prerequisite besides the actual item]
[possibly gives some sort of fusion explosives - like a grenade stronger than the human Grenade, but not as strong as the Alien Grenade? Yeah, Xenonauts, I'm stealing ideas from you]
Alien Gravity Generator is in fact a graviton emitter, which can amplify, nullify or modulate gravity fields on small scales. While it has no direct combat application, it is sure to be a great boon to human space exploration, atmospheric flight and many fields of engineering.
[plasma weapons component]
[fusion weapons component]
[Small Launcher component]
[Grav Shield component]
[needed for UFO construction?]
[needed for anything that employs alien lifts, if it happens]
This large-scale device is used in Alien Bases to assist large UFOs with precise landing. It employs artificial gravity to decrease and otherwise manipulate mass of large objects at up to 400 metres. It is, however, far too bulky to be mounted on any flying craft, even the largest UFOs, and therefore provides no advantage to our troops.
[Grav Shield component]
While plasma have been known to human science for decades, it remained highly unpredictable and difficult to produce in a controlled environment. The alien culture seems to have overcome these obstacles centuries ago, thanks to some dedicated mathematical equations and technological advancements derived from them. Now we are able to understand and copy this equipment for our own energy needs.
[plasma weapons component]
Instead of integrated microprocessors, the aliens use specially grown crystal matrices to create logic machines. While not inherently faster, these crystals allow for a multi-threaded communication between its nodes, therefore achieving and even surpassing the theoretical quantum computer. Now we have the rough understanding on how these alien 'electronics' work and even how to program them, but sadly we do not possess the technology to make them from scratch - we need to rely on whatever we can gather on the battlefield.
[prerequisite for advanced tanks, sectopods etc.; may require an actual "alien electronics" component or not, not sure yet]
Delta rays are completely different from any other sort of radiation known to humanity, as they are shifted out into something that can only be described as 'hyperspace'. These rays generally do not interact with ordinary matter or energy, so they are harmless to humans and impossible to detect with ordinary equipment. They do, however, react with the Elerium element, exciting its atoms and destabilizing their structure, therefore allowing for quick conversion from matter to energy. Unfortunately, the right frequency to provoke this reaction makes their range extremely short, which prevents us from disrupting alien weaponry on the battlefield.
[prerequisite for Hyper-Wave Decoder]
[prerequisite for Elerium]
[prerequisite for fusion weapons]
[prerequisite for plasma weapons]
---=== FROM MEDICS ===---
While there are many types of alien life forms, they do share certain neuropsychological features that are either inherent to their species or artificially inserted. These features allow the aliens to cooperate in a hive-like manner, despite obvious biological differences. These common patterns seem to be related mostly to non-verbal communication, internal visualisation and transmission of simple emotions. Now we can have expect to be able to somehow tap into their interpersonal communication channels and possibly use it to our advantage.
[Mind Probe prerequisite (which in itself should be a prerequisite to psionics]
While humans use electrical impulses to cause a neural system to overload, the aliens have developed a much more efficient and safer method, based on gravitic distortion. A gravity wave of a fine-tuned frequency disrupts higher brain functions within a fraction of a second, while leaving other bodily functions unharmed. This method is extremely effective in temporarily disabling humans, be it on the battlefield or in alien surgery rooms.
[Small Launcher component]
This mod grows and grows, ideas upon ideas
i want to suggest an idea how to manage this
first i would split the one big awesome mod into parts:
here are all .rul-items,graphics,.. that are integrated into (most of) the mods
that way anybody who starts with this mod can dis/enable parts of the mod with less chance to crash - the items them self are there they are hidden and is less likely to crash the game if one plays with the additional mod parts
all new items/crafts that can be bought at start have costBuy=0 => hidden
all new items/crafts/techs have STR_ALIENS_ONLY as requirement => hidden
One could try to make FMPBaseData as similar to Vanilla Xcom as possible
or use this to introduce new central concepts like "alien technology" or "power source miniaturization" or "different alloys" or ... and integrate this into a mostly normal game
earth tech: shotgun, simple medikit, sniper rifle, knifes,...
for directly available weapons the rule is a simple
costBuy: [your value]
for tech/weapons that are allowed with enabling this part remove the STR_ALIEN_ONLY requiremnt is deleted
requires : []
enables a laser-like gaus research tree
remove the STR_ALIEN_ONLY requirements
adds the raven,sentinel,thunderstorm,.. +new fuel?
remove the STR_ALIEN_ONLY requirements
psi armor, jump armor (dont see the point in >10 armor types but why not)
remove the STR_ALIEN_ONLY requiremnts
remove the STR_ALIEN_ONLY requiremnts
enables elerium/armor/psiolin/alienCPU recovery/recyling
add some more variety
was not mentioned in the thread IIRC
here it is a bit more complex - there is a dependency: a more complex weapon research tree needs gaussweapons in most diagrams i saw in the thread
solutions: - mention this dependency in the readme
- just "copy" gauss-mod in this mod = no complex tree without gauss
- have a 1-day-tech that replaces all gauss based dependencies in the tree and enabling gauss weapons mod part "removes" the easy-1-day-tech and replaces it with gauss techs
that part gives an option to have 13 laser techs or the known treeladder for laser and stuff
add live alien reseasrch to some specific techs dependencies
plasma beam mod, ...
increase the research costs for all/some techs
regardles of the dis/enable state of a tech this mod part can still increase the cost in the basemod
lower the sell price for some things
further ideas...
perhaps you could see the mod part names have +,= or - as delemiter - that way a user can see what part is giving a benefit, is neutral or makes the game harder
what do you think about this?
Well Falko, I used to think the same. However, the experience with Dioxine's Piratez! mod shows that users simply cannot be trusted to handle anything complicated. Said mod consists of three rulesets, all of which must be enabled, and also one folder was supposed to be removed, and it was already too much for some people. Therefore I don't believe these options would work.
What we could do as a compromise is to release one big ruleset, and then separately publish a set of smaller rulesets for those who want more options (I think most people don't). I may be wrong, but that's how I'm seeing it right now.
Now, if I may change the subject: which one of us would handle making the ruleset? I suppose Human Ktulu would be most qualified, as the leader of the project, as long as he feels up to it. I made several parts, but I'm not sure I can handle something this big. Naturally, everyone can publish parts of the mod, but there must be only one person to really integrate them all into one file.
Well I make some took a little time to let a little "rest", like cooking :)
Currently I'm consulting some fans of XCom to know if there are other remarks and ideas about the technological tree. The basic idea is more or less defines now, I go worked on the parts defines in the first message. Once a base of works will be finished will be to us able to integrate additional elements, and and finally the work of balancing.
Do not be anxious if that evolves slowly, and still thank you for all your remarks and proposals !
OK, perfect.
While I agree we're still in the design phase, I just started making the tech tree ruleset for myself... Which doesn't mean it's set in stone ;) Or that I'll be writing it all by myself :D
Uh... So I couldn't really hold it in and actually started making the ruleset. :P
List of changes so far:
- Medikit requires Alien Surgery
- Alien Biology unlocked by autopsies of non-mechanical aliens
- Alien Containment requires Alien Biology
- Added 8 new 'component' techs for alien Engineers
- Added 'Plasma Weapons' tech and made all plasma weapons dependant on it
- Added 'Fusion Weapons' tech and made blaster launcher and blaster bomb dependant on it
- Added 'Alien Neuropsychology' tech and made Mind Probe dependant on it
- Added 'Alien Subjugation' tech and made Small Launcher and Stun Bomb dependant on it
- Added 'Alien Codes' tech that is gained from Navigators and made Hyper-Space Decoder dependant on it
- Added 'Alien Optical Processor' tech and made Hyper-Space Decoder and Mind Probe dependant on it
- Added 'Alien Power Systems' tech and made Gauss weapons dependant on it
- Laser Weapons require UFO Power Source
It's all subject to revision of course.
I wonder what to do with lasers; as of now, they're actually after plasma weapons, and I think it's not exactly good. Perhaps I'll make them use some of the new sub-techs? (EDIT: nevermind, I made them require UFO Power Source for now.)
I wonder what to do with lasers; as of now, they're actually after plasma weapons, and I think it's not exactly good. Perhaps I'll make them use some of the new sub-techs? (EDIT: nevermind, I made them require UFO Power Source for now.)
Why not leave basic lasers independent from alien tech? maybe make elerium-based power sources unlock advanced lasers, with larger clip capacity. I think lasers must stay terran weapon and be a slightly weaker alternative to plasma. They may be balanced by increacing researh time, so player must face a question what to research first.
Wow, really ambitious mod here! :o :o
About the UFOExtender accuracy setting: Ok that completely explains everything. I don't use the option so I can not give feedback there. Fwiw, I am working on a new mod (when not playing OXC, so it will take a long time), it will make the game more difficult and "bare-bone", my plans are e.g. to remove HWPs completely, replace laser weapons with weaker Magneto weapons, remove the flying suits no ability to use alien weapons and and and. The main idea is to focus on infantry tactics without any advanced weaponry. Its your groundtroops and the aliens, nothing else. ;D Inspiration cam from the Kiryu-Kai, an old local/national/japanese anti-alien force with very limited(but elite) funds and equpiment, they were mentioned in the X-Com timeline docs.
I already made the first raw pictures/icons/sounds for the weapons, but I still have to make the handobjects, which is something I really have diifficulties with, so a release is FAAAAAAAR away :D
It will be (compared to other mods) a rather stripped-down and clear gameplay, but I became so overwhelmed by all the good weapon mods outthere, that I wanted something more simple. That and I have to find a way to keep the workload managable... ;D
Why not leave basic lasers independent from alien tech? maybe make elerium-based power sources unlock advanced lasers, with larger clip capacity. I think lasers must stay terran weapon and be a slightly weaker alternative to plasma. They may be balanced by increacing researh time, so player must face a question what to research first.
That's more or less what we want, the devil is in the details. :) We've actually figured it out before, but now that I started making the ruleset, I think it's a bit crude and probably too dependant on the alien tech.
About the UFOExtender accuracy setting: Ok that completely explains everything. I don't use the option so I can not give feedback there. Fwiw, I am working on a new mod (when not playing OXC, so it will take a long time), it will make the game more difficult and "bare-bone", my plans are e.g. to remove HWPs completely, replace laser weapons with weaker Magneto weapons, remove the flying suits no ability to use alien weapons and and and. The main idea is to focus on infantry tactics without any advanced weaponry. Its your groundtroops and the aliens, nothing else. ;D Inspiration cam from the Kiryu-Kai, an old local/national/japanese anti-alien force with very limited(but elite) funds and equpiment, they were mentioned in the X-Com timeline docs.
A Kiryu-Kai mod would be really cool. I can imagine it would be a bit of an "alternate history" mod, where the KK was successful enough to prevent formation of X-Com. I can see a lot of new climatic content and general anime feeling. ;) (90's anime no less!)
...or it can present the story of "why Kiryu-Kai failed and X-Com became a necessity" :P
And while we're not exactly going there in this project, I can appreciate some spartan qualities in a game.
update of my experimental ruleset attached. Some more items and dependencies created.
Yesterday, Falko brought up a valid point, that it will take goddamn ages to get any substantial tech from the aliens. I though about it and found a way to help with this a little:
I intend to make a series of "data slates" that would be given at random to alien Commanders in bases. Researching these slates would give one of these new component tech. Therefore, if you're really bad at capturing aliens, you can still raid their bases.
Ideally, this knowledge would rather come from the alien command centres (so you'd have to capture them intact), but assigning new effects to MCDs is complicated and I don't know how to make it give random tech.
Can you modify the diagram in first post for better visualisation of your proposal ?
Can you modify the diagram in first post for better visualisation of your proposal ?
I can, but with so much new tech it'll be kinda messy... :P
But yeah, I'll do it. I need a bit of time to do so.
OK, here it is. I hope I haven't made any glaring errors, since I got lost in all those versions and had to build this almost from scratch. At least I found a few things to fix.
I omitted tanks from the diagram, it's already a bit confusing without showing them; but they're there. :)
Yeah, I know it's not exactly as we discussed - there are small changes. They are there because, well, during working on it some decisions just appear as logical...
Hello Solarius,
I have seen this tree tech and I have one question : when is it weapons plasma to recover on the alien ? no need to know to manufacture them to use them !
Hello Solarius,
I have seen this tree tech and I have one question : when is it weapons plasma to recover on the alien ? no need to know to manufacture them to use them !
Fair point. However, I don't really know how to go about it yet...
Basically, there are two possibilities:
1) Alien weapons are just weapons. Interrogate any sentient alien and he'll sing what button to push to make the plasma beam appear.
2) Alien weapons have some mumbo jumbo safety triggers that prevent us from summoning said plasma beam, even when pushing the right buttons.
Problem with the first possibility: it's trivial. Even researching plasma weapons is unnecessary, just use a hot iron spike on that Floater and he'll tell you everything.
Problem with the second possibility: it's probably stupid. I've seen many proposed solutions to this, and I think they all sucked.
Since we have the consensus (I think) that we don't want plasmas to appear as our weapons too early and push everything else aside, then we must deal with option two. Since I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't be stupid, I decided to... well... ignore the problem for now. Until we think of something that would more or less keep the present setup and also justify why torturing some poor Sectoid wouldn't give you the ability to use them. Hopefully.
Plasma weapons aside, I started a campaign with these rules and I must (immodestly) say that I really like the pacing. It's April already, I'm using the same old weapons, hunting live aliens for little bits of information and loving it!
EDIT: Can we please add Civilian's upgraded Skyranger as the Alloy Skyranger? It has a new tileset, two more soldier slots and a more sensible layout, but is similar. It just makes a nice flow, perhaps the first real upgrade of X-Com. I can attach the updated Vessel mod if you want.
Fair point. However, I don't really know how to go about it yet...
Basically, there are two possibilities:
1) Alien weapons are just weapons. Interrogate any sentient alien and he'll sing what button to push to make the plasma beam appear.
2) Alien weapons have some mumbo jumbo safety triggers that prevent us from summoning said plasma beam, even when pushing the right buttons.
Problem with the first possibility: it's trivial. Even researching plasma weapons is unnecessary, just use a hot iron spike on that Floater and he'll tell you everything.
Problem with the second possibility: it's probably stupid. I've seen many proposed solutions to this, and I think they all sucked.
Since we have the consensus (I think) that we don't want plasmas to appear as our weapons too early and push everything else aside, then we must deal with option two. Since I couldn't think of anything that wouldn't be stupid, I decided to... well... ignore the problem for now. Until we think of something that would more or less keep the present setup and also justify why torturing some poor Sectoid wouldn't give you the ability to use them. Hopefully.
Plasma weapons aside, I started a campaign with these rules and I must (immodestly) say that I really like the pacing. It's April already, I'm using the same old weapons, hunting live aliens for little bits of information and loving it!
My opinion about plasma is very simple. You can use alien weapons after researching it like in vanilla, but to reproduce them and develop new plasma tech (e.g. plasma beam) you gonna go through that painful tech tree challenge. So you will be limited to those weapons and ammo that you recover until you figure out how to reproduce them. (And if alien equipment self-distruction is enabled you should not have lots of plasma weaponry)
Another option would be: You are able to use them, but not to manufacture them or their clips. Also would make stun more important (if you use the self-destructing weapon option)
or their clips.
Of course, it goes without saying :)
My opinion about plasma is very simple. You can use alien weapons after researching it like in vanilla, but to reproduce them and develop new plasma tech (e.g. plasma beam) you gonna go through that painful tech tree challenge. So you will be limited to those weapons and ammo that you recover until you figure out how to reproduce them.
That's what I thought, too; however, the problem is, there is a steady income of plasma clips that outweighs your needs by far. Therefore, the only difference would be not having plasma cannons - which admittedly is significant, but doesn't affect ground combat at all (save for hovertanks). So while logical and all, this solution is sadly not enough. Unless we develop it somehow :)
(And if alien equipment self-distruction is enabled you should not have lots of plasma weaponry)
No, this option is beyond retarded from a logical point of view and I don't even consider it. :) Even for the sake of game balance. (For why it's retarded, there were many discussions already, but it mostly comes down to the fact that this sort of a safety measure would be extremely susceptible to enemy sabotage, possibly disarming an entire army with a push of a button. Plus some other safety/technical issues.)
Or simply use "Terran Plasma Weapon" mod and make alien weapon unuseable for humain. But maybe allow to recycle it.
- ...
- Alien Biology unlocked by autopsies of non-mechanical aliens
- Alien Containment requires Alien Biology
- ...
I propose you an idea
To be unlocked, Alien Containment needs :
- Alien Biology
- Alien Food Researched
- Alien Entertainment Researched
- Alien Reproduction Researched
- Examination Room Researched
- Alien Surgery Researched
To build an Alien Containment :
- Alien Containment Researched
- Some Raw Materials
- n Alien Food
- m Alien Entertainment
- 1 Alien Reproduction (some parts of it are required)
- 1 Examination Room (some parts of it are required)
- 1 Alien Surgery (some parts of it are required)
- Money
I propose this for two reasons :
- to postpone alien containment research
- because Alien Food, Alien Entertainment, Alien Reproduction, Examination Room and Alien Surgery are unused, what is a little bit frustrating
(based on your NEW+Mod PDF)
you cant define raw materials for facility building (just money+time)
with live aliens needed for everything and 5 new needed things for Alien Containment why not just change the building time for laboratory to 90 day for the first 3 month there would be almost nothing to do -> same result :)
I do not wish to complex this part more than necessary. If it need alive aliens to make research, it is necessary to be able to place them easily.
EDIT: Can we please add Civilian's upgraded Skyranger as the Alloy Skyranger? It has a new tileset, two more soldier slots and a more sensible layout, but is similar. It just makes a nice flow, perhaps the first real upgrade of X-Com. I can attach the updated Vessel mod if you want.
Why not ? Actualy i use Skyranger & Avenger sides doors.
you cant define raw materials for facility building (just money+time)
You are right, too bad... Thanks for info
with live aliens needed for everything and 5 new needed things for Alien Containment why not just change the building time for laboratory to 90 day for the first 3 month there would be almost nothing to do -> same result :)
You are not wrong...
I do not want to convince you (in fact you help me a lot), anyway just to explain what I have in mind :
(Most of following ideas are not from me)
1) If, for example , you define :
- Any live alien is needed for Containment Research
- A live Sectoid Medic is needed for Medikit Research
- A live Muton Soldier is needed for Plasma Pistol Research
- A live Muton Leader is needed for Plasma Rifle Research
- ...
final idea is to assign some missions to your soldiers any time you want to progress (sometimes even to produce)
2) To make it playable and understandable, have to explain this somewhere, I have in mind : in previous research result
For example, once Plasma Pistol research has been completed, Research result could specifiy at end of report : "Leads to following Research : Plasma Rifle - Needed : Live Muton Leader"
But do not take care of this, you make a really good job
I do not wish to complex this part more than necessary. If it need alive aliens to make research, it is necessary to be able to place them easily.
Yeah, this. It's already a bit hard to get anywhere, let's not make it even harder - the player needs to feel some progress.
Or simply use "Terran Plasma Weapon" mod and make alien weapon unuseable for humain. But maybe allow to recycle it.
Well, as I said many times, aliens have hands like us. Why would they be able to use weapons we don't.
Why not ? Actualy i use Skyranger & Avenger sides doors.
Oh good, I'll attach a slight modification of your craft mod to include this.
I will give my advice even if I am not invited to ;)
My advice alone is nothing, but in case many would think the same, this would mean that this should be perhaps discussed
So, I like this idea of Terran Weapons
Your argument explaining that Aliens have hands like humans is right
But aliens have not same brain as humans
So it could be, that we are simply not able to use directly their technology, as they have thought it with their own brain
However, research make us able to create a similar one, not exactly the same
And we are not living in same conditions, not on same planet, not on same environment, not from same culture, ...
In fact I vote for Terran Weapons because I like their look and the work done is of high quality...
Perhaps can it be something done in a later step
Your "Long SkyRanger" is nice
my prefered playstyle in regard to plasma is now plasma weapon nerfed for humans + terran plasma as update option
Guys, I really don't want to come off as unwelcoming to your ideas, I am actually desperate for them, but while I can't speak for the whole team, I cannot suspend my disbelief that high. Aliens have different minds, sure, but they interact with the same outside world that we do, and tools in their hands must work the same ass in our hands. Especially tools with a purpose as primal as killing.
I was thinking about some sort of a psionic lock on alien weapons (note how they don't have scopes!), but it's of no use - the actual mechanism is purely physical, so our scientists would easily circumvent any safety guards given enough time. Which is exactly what happens in vanilla, I think.
And by the way: the problem isn't that alien weapons are too powerful in X-Com hands; the problem is that you get them too soon, which invalidates almost all other weapons so you don't have the time to enjoy them.
Now, regarding my test campaign. I decided to become a little more forthcoming to the players and move the getOneFree feature with key techs to Leaders and Commanders as well. The reason is, Engineers are a bit too easy to come by in enough quantities, and even if you catch one, it'll likely result ion something useless, like some UFO information. Since Leaders and Commanders must come from somewhere, I assume they may have some engineering and medical knowledge, so now they also yield this information (but not the standard UFO/alien race info).
In May, I encountered a Large Scout with Ethereals (playing on Veteran). Man, this was unbelievably hard with no sci-fi weapons; I certainly wouldn't have managed without save scumming. I somehow managed with explosives, a flamer and a minigun, but man. Still, I kinda like this balance, after all you don't have to win, or even attempt, every mission.
I also increased Tank/Cannon's damage, because it was next to useless. It's still nothing awesome, but at least it has a chance to kill a mid-tier alien now. Update in the attachment (also new sounds etc.).
Continue to stay the course, even if sometimes we issue a different opinion : your job is globally excellent and coherent, and will provide big improvements
EDIT : Solar, a question...
I tried to open your Skyranger with Mapview I just downloaded from Luke portal (version "updated") and there is an error anytime I try to open SKYRANGER, however it works with any other
- I renamed first all of your files PLANE_X.xxx to PLANE.xxx
- Icopy them in a new UFO directory, in respective subdirectories
I tried with original Skyranger files, same failure (Exception due to data key that does not exist in dictionnary)
Could you tell me which tool (an eventually which release) you used to work on Skyranger ?
(I tried this version https://openxcommods.weebly.com/general-map-creation.html then https://github.com/pmprog/OpenXCOM.Tools/tree/master/Distribution, and another lnk I found on this site, but same result)
you get them too soon, which invalidates almost all other weapons so you don't have the time to enjoy them.
IMO the most "reasonable" system would be that those weapons are awfully inaccurate in human hands in the beginning, because they simply lack the training. An interesting "side effect" is that this practice would consume clips of the specific weapon.
EDIT : Solar, a question...
I tried to open your Skyranger with Mapview I just downloaded from Luke portal (version "updated") and there is an error anytime I try to open SKYRANGER, however it works with any other
- I renamed first all of your files PLANE_X.xxx to PLANE.xxx
- Icopy them in a new UFO directory, in respective subdirectories
I tried with original Skyranger files, same failure (Exception due to data key that does not exist in dictionnary)
Could you tell me which tool (an eventually which release) you used to work on Skyranger ?
(I tried this version https://openxcommods.weebly.com/general-map-creation.html then https://github.com/pmprog/OpenXCOM.Tools/tree/master/Distribution, and another lnk I found on this site, but same result)
It's a little mistake in ruleset. Replace the 2 strings "PLANE_2" to "PLANE_X". Solar may already corrected that. I tried this vessel and it's very interesting path !
It's a little mistake in ruleset. Replace the 2 strings "PLANE_2" to "PLANE_X". Solar may already corrected that. I tried this vessel and it's very interesting path !
Yeah, I think I messed up, it was extremely late. :P
It's a little mistake in ruleset. Replace the 2 strings "PLANE_2" to "PLANE_X". Solar may already corrected that. I tried this vessel and it's very interesting path !
But it has nothing to do with Ruleset as I am speaking about opening it with MapView and not playing with it
Solar, could you just tell me which tool you used to update it, as it seems MapView does not succeed to read it ?
I didn't use any tools like these, I just took a finished map from Civilian's package and added it to the ruleset. I never tried to open it myself.
I'll add these files again, in their raw state.
I'm return on tree tech. I understand what you want to do and I am of agreement on the principle. But it is as much important to find occurrences interesting. I currently concentrate myself on this problem.
On the other hand, this project takes proportions considerable on this thread. I propose to separate it by sections and preserving this thread for the techtree. I occupy myself to create the corresponding threads.
Thanks !
[EDIT] Done ! Now, please to talk in valid section with quoting if necessary. This thread only continu for tech tree part.
Well done for the split, Human
Always in order to share some ideas with you (that you will consider or not, no problem from my side as I am creating my own mod too), I will illustrate my suggestion of "displaying research goals"
Let's have a look at the example of MediKit : as I have integrated the wonderful Luke's civilian Medikit, I added some steps to reach enhanced MediKit
Better is to display screen shots
1) First is "Onboard Medical Research" (very quick) just to request for researching 2) "Alien Surgery"
Next step is 3) "Alien Mecical Research" (very quick) just to annonce the need of 4) "Alien Medic" and 5) "Alien Alloys"
Note that "Sectoid Medic" unlocks "Alien Medic Principles"
It does not properly display "we can now study : Alien Medical Principles", it has to do with Unlocking system but I have not found yet the cause of this
At the end, researching 5) Alloys Alien will set MediKit as available
This could be done in more or less steps
The idea is to drive player so that he can make choices depending on his strategic goals
I attach ruleset in case someone is interested (it includes an attempt of english translation). Warning : this is a wip whose goal is to evaluate principle of adding objectives forms (lot of value are not relevant, but improve testing conditions)
Thanks Aldorn! I stole a little bit of your code, it's better than what I came up with.
As for my trial campaign, I think I'll have to start over. Accumulated small mistakes of my ruleset that kept coming up really distorted the balance of my game... So perhaps it would be best to start from the beginning.
For the tech tree I have maybe an idea of compromise. If aliens artefact use an complex "mind & genetic locking" unbreakable system, Human's can't use directly plasma/fusion weaponry. These articles can only be "dismounted" (produce special weapon parts item) or sold. As soon as research is finished, the weapons can only be manufactured with "weapon parts", and allow to manufacture this spare items (complex manufacturing).
We can use "terrain plasma" mod for the mod architecture, but using the same sprite for "alien" item and "terran" item. We can only make new labels, exemple for plasma rifle :
- Plasma Rifle (alien weapon unuseable for human)
- Retrofit Plasma Rifle (for human)
Idea for the plasma rifle weapons part (research with random system of engineer interogation ?) :
- Plasma Filter (give by item and advanced plasma physics)
- Gravity Containement (give by item and alien gravity generator)
- Particle Accelerator (give by item and particle acceleration)
- Rays Concentrator (give by item and Delta radiation)
For resume : you kill an alien, take alien weapon, dismount it in workshop and study weapon part with engineer interogation. Finally this allow it to manufacture the weapon component, and "assemble" new weapon manufacture.
What do you think about this ?
For the tech tree I have maybe an idea of compromise. If aliens artefact use an complex "mind & genetic locking" unbreakable system, Human's can't use directly plasma/fusion weaponry.
As much as I hate raining on your parade (since I also want to solve this problem), I don't think it could be any sort of genetic/psionic safety check - something like this would be hacked pretty quickly... But I know you understand this, judging from your next ideas. :)
These articles can only be "dismounted" (produce special weapon parts item) or sold. As soon as research is finished, the weapons can only be manufactured with "weapon parts", and allow to manufacture this spare items (complex manufacturing).
But... but... it's basically the same thing. :) You can't use plasma weapons, but you can dismantle them and put them back together, which means you still end up with the same Heavy Plasma - okay, it may look different, but it's the same weapon really, just without any safety checks or other needless stuff.
I do like your plasma parts, but there are two issues:
1) They're basically unnecessary to the gameplay. Because I think the idea of "take apart and rebuild" plasma weapons adds little to the game, both gameplay-wise and logical-wise.
2) I think we'd have to make components for other weapons and equipment too, to make things balanced and smooth.
So, well, I would like some more technical semi-products, but they'd be kind of anal to take care of all the time...
Now, regardless of whether we add them or not, I would also like to present another approach to the problem. When in doubt, go back to the roots, and such roots to me is Hobbes' novel X-Com: Unknown Menace (https://www.fanfiction.net/s/245417/1/XCOM-The-Unknown-Menace), which I sort of forgot about until now. In this book, Hobbes proposed a simple explanation for the plasma weapons: calibration. Elerium clips must be calibrated very frequently (like, every 24 hours), otherwise they will not function. And this calibration is a tricky thing to do, requiring plenty of knowledge.
What does it offer us? Well, let's see again on what we need to make plasma weapons according to my current proposal:
cost: 500
points: 25
However, in order to use plasmas we don't need to know how to make them, only how to calibrate them. Therefore, perhaps this would be in order:
cost: 500
points: 25
This is a bit easier to unlock, but sort of explains why you can now use plasma weapons. This would allow you to research plasma pistol, plasma rifle etc., but you wouldn't be able to build them, only use them. and you certainly don't get Plasma Cannons!
(Naturally, STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS_CALIBRATION would be one more dependency for Plasma Weapons.)
cost: 500
points: 25
And analogically, there would be a similar modification for the fusion weapons.
What do you think?
PS. Your weapon component suggestion is still possible, I am not against it on principle (because it's cool!), but we need to make sure it won't become too tiresome to use.
I will give my opinion once more ;)
As you know, I like terran weapons
But I have to admit that your idea is very sexy : discovering how to use Plasma weapons, but not be able to build them, neither weapons nor ammunition
After all, humans have already possibility to build Laser and Gauss weapons...
Finally, perhaps will I use these Terran weapons sprites for alien side (as elite weapons for Reptoid ? or Ethereal ?) with no possibility for human to calibrate them...
Hum, "calibrate" operations ... Not bad, I need to think on that. :P
[EDIT] Ok, I understand your proposal. The difficulty is that it is now necessary to take into account the probabilities. In the last situation, we researchs laser pistol in 7 steps, and use plasma (pistol+rifle+sniper+heavy+caster+blaster ?) in 7 steps too if you have enormous lucky. So for laser you have only 12.5% chance to found "anti-matter containement" in first, and for plasma you have 37.5%, then 28.5% and finally 16.5% of chance to found the 3 using empty tech in first.
It's not easy to to anticipate all possibilities, but it's possible to unlock laser and plasma in same time 50% of time ?
Human Ktulu, frankly I didn't really understand your post. I assume your question is: how much easier, statistically speaking, is it to get hand-held laser weapons than plasma weapons calibration?
Provided that your percentages are right, then (according to Dioxine's calculations) you have 18/1000 chance to get plasma weapons calibration in just 7 steps, as opposed to 160/1000 chance to get hand-held laser weapons. Therefore, you'll almost never get plasmas before lasers, and you'll probably have lasers much earlier than plasmas.
I'm still messing around with the tech tree though, so I'm not sure if Anti-Matter Containment should be necessary for hand-held lasers (and hand-held Gauss weapons). Perhaps UFO Power Source would be enough? Then you would get them some time in late March or April, I guess, which is definitely not as fast as in vanilla game, so you still have time to play with traditional firearms (first without, then with alloy ammo). On the other hand, that would mean we're losing the miniaturisation aspect: you have Laser Cannon, and then you can research Laser Rifle straight away, with no additional technology needed, which is a bit weird (hence Anti-Matter Containment was introduced). I would be happy to hear your opinion here.
A separate idea: now at the very beginning of the game, the only thing you can research before the first UFO appears is the Motion Scanner. I was wondering if perhaps you would have to research tanks as well, just to make things more complicated... But that would mean you'd have to produce them too. What do you think?
On the other hand, that would mean we're losing the miniaturisation aspect: you have Laser Cannon, and then you can research Laser Rifle straight away, with no additional technology needed, which is a bit weird (hence Anti-Matter Containment was introduced).
Without reopening debate on miniaturisation, it would be nice if this "miniaturisation aspect" could be proposed as an option, letting us free to activate it, or not... ::)
Without reopening debate on miniaturisation, it would be nice if this "miniaturisation aspect" could be proposed as an option, letting us free to activate it, or not... ::)
I have no idea we've had such a debate. What was its outcome?
Also, what do you mean by an option? Two different rulesets?
I have no idea we've had such a debate. What was its outcome?
Vanilla is Laser Weapons > Laser Pistol > Laser Rifle > Heavy Laser
I assume miniaturisation concept is to invert this sequence, and if I well remember (but right now I don't find any mention about this...), this had been debated in the past somewhere on this site, with many arguments in favour of this concept, and many against it
Also, what do you mean by an option? Two different rulesets?
I let you find the better way ;)
(Certainly in a later step, as an improvement of your Final Mod Pack, go on your way)
Vanilla is Laser Weapons > Laser Pistol > Laser Rifle > Heavy Laser
I assume miniaturisation concept is to invert this sequence, and if I well remember (but right now I don't find any mention about this...), this had been debated in the past somewhere on this site, with many arguments in favour of this concept, and many against it
Well, it was settled some time ago that we get big guns first, and hand guns later - as proposed by Human Ktulu and accepted by me, while nobody objected. So I assume this is what we're doing. Of course if I'm wrong, please reprimand me :)
I let you find the better way ;)
(Certainly in a later step, as an improvement of your Final Mod Pack, go on your way)
Sure, there can be variants at some point, but for now we need one clear-cut, coherent concept... Of course debates and criticism are still good. :)
By the way, I'll attach the current state of the tech ruleset - for reference and as a backup. It's very WIP though.
Sure, there can be variants at some point, but for now we need one clear-cut, coherent concept... Of course debates and criticism are still good. :)
I agree this ;)
Since I haven't received any reply yet concerning the miniaturization issue, I finally decided to go with it - now you can research Power source Miniaturization to be used in laser and Gauss weapons. I'll start a new campaign and see how it works.
Solarius, could you make a status on this part of FMP ? I mean : do you think it is completed, or do you plan to include some more new research topics ?
Solarius, could you make a status on this part of FMP ? I mean : do you think it is completed, or do you plan to include some more new research topics ?
I think it's more or less completed, except the armours which we haven't done anything with yet.
However, "more or less completed" in this case means "not really completed", since I'm still playing around with small details and I'm sure some of you guys are doing the same, or will be. I'll post an update soon.
Plus, I'm sure the mod will evolve over time, as OpenXCom develops and opens new mechanics to play with... And of course with new great mods that will be worthy of incorporating into the project!
EDIT: an update. Remember it requires the newest Firearms Compilation v. 1.7 ruleset to work with this properly.
If you're using Alien Armoury Expanded, use the version I'm attaching here as well.
WARNING: the tech tree ruleset contains stuff related to new alien races, such as Waspites and Reptoids. This shouldn't cause problems, but if it crashes (for example because you interrogate a Medic and get info on Waspites), then this content will have to be removed or you'll have to install these races.
Thanks dude
I am sure you know that, anyway I take the risk to give you some advice about your ruleset, in order to make it easier for people like me to reuse/integrate it as a part of a more global mod : better is to not repeat standard values that do not change :
- lesser chance to redefine same rules with different values (in different mod files)
- avoid checking systematically original values that have finally not been updated
For example, rather than
cost: 450
points: 30
needItem: true
- name: STR_ELERIUM_115
cost: 450
points: 60
needItem: true
cost: 450
points: 30
a nice way could be
- name: STR_ELERIUM_115
Congrats for the job ;)
I am sure you know that, anyway I take the risk to give you some advice about your ruleset
Yeah, thanks, I know this is in no way presentable nor user friendly. :P I should reorganize this somehow...
Done. I grouped techs by whether they're old (modified) or new, as well as removed some stuff which went to the weapons ruleset.
Solar, beware that "STR_ER_SYSTEMS_UFOPEDIA" has to be replaced with "STR_ALIEN_POWER_SYSTEMS_UFOPEDIA"
Solar, beware that "STR_ER_SYSTEMS_UFOPEDIA" has to be replaced with "STR_ALIEN_POWER_SYSTEMS_UFOPEDIA"
Thanks, indeed. Fix posted.
Regarding my test play:
At the end of September 1999, project X-Com was terminated. Yes, I lost the game.
What happened? Frankly, I have no idea. All I know is that two months in a row I got over -4000 points. This certainly wasn't happening during the previous months, so I suspect it has something to do with the latest build. Sure, there were several Battleships I did nothing about, but during the last month, I cleared two alien bases, netting ~1250 each! So I don't know what has gotten into the game.
What now? First, I'll check all the mods (especially those which weren't made by me) to confirm that there's no error in alien activity data. Then I will have to start from the beginning, I guess. This will certainly cause a delay in the FMP creation, but I need to be sure that it's not an issue with the mod.
Regarding my test play:
At the end of September 1999, project X-Com was terminated. Yes, I lost the game.
What happened? Frankly, I have no idea. All I know is that two months in a row I got over -4000 points. This certainly wasn't happening during the previous months, so I suspect it has something to do with the latest build. Sure, there were several Battleships I did nothing about, but during the last month, I cleared two alien bases, netting ~1250 each! So I don't know what has gotten into the game.
What now? First, I'll check all the mods (especially those which weren't made by me) to confirm that there's no error in alien activity data. Then I will have to start from the beginning, I guess. This will certainly cause a delay in the FMP creation, but I need to be sure that it's not an issue with the mod.
:, (
Which difficulty level you play ? In max level I found more difficult to intercept UFO. You have cover all planet with radar monitoring ?
ps : Sorry for moment it's very difficult for me to fallow/develop this project. I have all trust to Solarius and hope return with you very soon.
Which difficulty level you play ?
Veteran. Which, apparently, I am not. XD
In max level I found more difficult to intercept UFO. You have cover all planet with radar monitoring ?
Not completely, I got a little too relaxed maybe; I had 4 bases (Turkey, South America, the US and Mongolia). I certainly should have had South Africa and Australia too, and perhaps Antarctica.
And I should have hired more than 50 scientists.
ps : Sorry for moment it's very difficult for me to fallow/develop this project. I have all trust to Solarius and hope return with you very soon.
Thanks for your kind words. This project is still a common work, and we won't let you down! :)
Researched Alloy Ammo. However, the report showed the Ufopedia page for Auto-Cannon alien alloy magazine instead.
So I checked everything. All strings, relations, the stuff. Everything's fine.
After an hour or so, I still can't find anything wrong with the ruleset. And the issue persists.
I know what is wrong. I will post the solution.
Strange is that I just discovered this as I had 4 issues with UFOPAEDIA.
I know what is wrong. I will post the solution.
Please do! This waiting is killing me! :D
(Even though after you explain this, I will probably feel a sudden urge to lobotomise myself for being an idiot.)
(Even though after you explain this, I will probably feel a sudden urge to lobotomise myself for being an idiot.)
Absolutely not, that was very hard to find
But finally...
I will take example about issues that occured, hoping it will help you to solve yours (I am confident)
I had this kind of UFOPAEDIA settings
XCOM Enforcer
type_id: 3
HoverTank Gauss
type_id: 3
Alloy Ammunition
# Alien Alloy Ammunition
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
And I faced some strange behaviour, as for example
1) XCOMEnforcer :
- clicking on Mind Probe under UFOPAEDIA : text was ok, title was ok, but image was wrong (was Plasma Rifle sprite, but in fact that was accurately XCOMEnforcer weapon sprite), and there was a power value on right side.
- once on Mind Probe, clicking on >> did not jump to next item but to some HWP
- once on Mind Probe, clicking on << did not jump to previous item but to some UFO
In fact, it behaved as if Mind Probe pointed on XCOMEnforcer UFOPAEDIA entry
2) Alloy Ammunitions :
- as soon as research on Allloy Ammunition was performed, it displayed "Alloy SkyRanger" UFOPAEDIA report, rather than "Alloy Ammunition" UFOPAEDIA report
- under UFOPAEDIA, selecting Alloy ammunition was not displaying "Alloy Ammunition" UFOPAEDIA report (under Advanced Research section) , but PISTOL AA CLIP UFOPAEDIA report (don't ask why, but I added report for any ammunition : regular, gauss, laser, plasma, and also alien alloy)
- then using << or >> made it jump into WEAPONS section
In fact, it behaved as if Alloy Ammunition pointed on first AA Ammo UFOPAEDIA entry (also PISTOL AA CLIP)
To avoid such strange behaviour, we have to follow rules below
1) Always have one and only one "requires:" for any UFOPAEDIA entry (cf. XCOMEnforcer below)
2) Reciprocally, this "requires:" has to trigger one and only one UFOPAEDIA entry (cf. Alloy ammunition below)
3) If necessary, create a new RESEARCH entry with cost 0 including as dependencies the corresponding "requires:"
I tried to use lookup, ... to make it work, nothing to do : I made it work only this way
XCOMEnforcer : fixed as follows
type_id: 3
# XCom Enforcer
cost: 0
points: 0
Alien Alloy Ammunition : fixed as follows
# Alien Alloy Ammunition
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
Since I apply these rules, I have no more issue with Ufopaedia entries neither with Research reports...
Hmm... Thanks, that's interesting, but I don't think it relates to my problem, since I don't have multiple prerequisites in the Ufopedia.
type_id: 8
This is the entire entry.
And the research is:
cost: 600
points: 30
Completing this research gives access to all alloy ammo types (STR_RIFLE_AA_CLIP, STR_HC_AA_AMMO, STR_AC_AA_AMMO, STR_HMG_AA_CLIP, STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP etc.)
Maybe - just maybe - the problem somehow lies in the fact that I have it divided into two separate rulesets. I'll try merging them, but I need Ktulu's approval first. Besides, I don't think it would matter.
Strange is that your description is exactly same behaviour as my 2)
Upload both your file and I will have a look
Strange is that your description is exactly same behaviour as my 2)
Upload both your file and I will have a look
Thanks. Here's both parts of the mod.
(Note that there are cases of addressing to other files, for example the Alien Armoury Expanded and new aliens, but they aren't relevant.)
I tried your files and faced exactly same behaviour as described in previous post (cf. 2) Alloy Ammunition (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2027.msg24510#msg24510))
Description of issue
a) Completing research on Alloy Ammo does open "Auto Cannon AA Ammo" report instrad of "Alloy Ammo" report
b) When opening "ALLOY AMMO" report
- if click on >>, jump to first HWP entry
- if go back (also using <<), jump to "Auto Cannon AA Ammo" entry
c) When opening "ALLOY AMMO" report again
- if click on <<, jump to last Craft weapon "Cannon"
- if go back (also using >>), jump to "Auto Cannon AA Ammo" entry
The hint I gave you in 2) will fix it
Here is your problem
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
And here below the solution
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
type_id: 4
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
- name: STR_HC_AA_AMMO
cost: 0
points: 0
- name: STR_AC_AA_AMMO
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
cost: 0
points: 0
To test it, I just made following modifications
- Alien Alloys -> cost = 1 ; needItem = false
- Alien Ammo -> cost = 1
And it works now like a charm :)
Goddamnit, it worked!
Thanks a million Aldorn, I'd never thought it worked like this...
I'm glad to help you sometimes as your contribution on this forum is just enormous ;)
For balance I would suggest that Lasers weapons need the research and use of alien alloys. This would delay their implementation and encourage the use of convential weapons and their mods for longer.
It won't change much, since in this design you get to research Alien Alloys much earlier anyway. Still, your suggestion is reasonable, since Alien Alloys are supposed to have some cool properties. On the other hand, there is a research names Alien Power Systems that can be researched after any sentient alien is interrogated which is needed for almost all alien tech, I guess this covers conduction despite not being directly related to Alien Alloys. (Or perhaps it should have Alien Alloys as a prerequisite?)
Actually I would like to begin a Long War topic. Should I post this under Suggestions or Modding/Experiments.
I think Modding/Experiments would be best.
And finally there's the Psionic Armour which... well, I don't really know what to do with. I don't want it to simply be a Personal Armour with better Psi Strength, because that's kinda dull, and also why not a Psionic Armour based on a Power Suit or a Dragonskin as well? I would like to see something more imaginative, but I haven't found anything yet.
How about a psi shield/ helmet. I don't know about the difficulty of creating helmets, but a belt carried shield might work.
- Each alien Engineer you interrogate gives you one random tech, using the "get one free" feature in the ruleset (the same that Medic uses). There are a number of techs available to choose, let's say there's 10 of them. These techs are free - you get it right after researching the Engineer.
- In order to get plasma technology tree, you need five different techs from Engineers. Therefore if you are very lucky, you can have them after interrogating 5 Engineers, but you're probably going to need more until all 5 techs are found. It's the same for fusion weapons, although some techs may be the same as for plasma weapons.
This has a number of advantages:
- Advanced alien weapons are delayed.
- You get empty techs, but they're cool.
- There will be more cool articles in the Ufopedia, covering technical aspects of alien technology.
What do you think?
Each engineer must provide something or its to random. (Unless it were for a prolong war mod.
While you're at it; could you reverse the typical order of weapons development?
In Stock XCOM we go like:
Pistol -> Rifle -> Heavy Weapon -> Craft Weapon -> Base Defense
Which is a bit odd to me. Shouldn't it be reversed; so that:
Base Defense -> Craft Weapon -> Heavy Weapon -> Rifle -> Pistol
To follow the general trend of miniaturization of a new technology?
First, you build a huge 50 ton weapon, then you manage to shrink it down to 500-1000 lbs (craft weapon); then down to 50-60 lbs (heavy weapon), further to 8-10 lbs (rifle), and finally 2-4 lbs (Pistol).
True, but poor for game balance/ enjoyment, unless rifle and pistol were unlocked at the same time.
I propose you an idea
To be unlocked, Alien Containment needs :
- Alien Biology
- Alien Food Researched
- Alien Entertainment Researched
- Alien Reproduction Researched
- Examination Room Researched
- Alien Surgery Researched
To build an Alien Containment :
- Alien Containment Researched
- Some Raw Materials
- n Alien Food
- m Alien Entertainment
- 1 Alien Reproduction (some parts of it are required)
- 1 Examination Room (some parts of it are required)
- 1 Alien Surgery (some parts of it are required)
- Money
I propose this for two reasons :
- to postpone alien containment research
- because Alien Food, Alien Entertainment, Alien Reproduction, Examination Room and Alien Surgery are unused, what is a little bit frustrating
(based on your NEW+Mod PDF)
Like this idea! But how about removing alien reproduction. One could use it for making clones of one's own soldiers to be activated if the cloned soldier dies (with the same stats). just a thought from a cretin who doesn't even recognise what language your coding in.
reading this thread I became some what lost especially as I was download files a I went.
I ended up with a folder full of files.
ie FMP mod files:
Adv_weapons_tech_v2.2_WIP PNG
Armour chart(1) zip
Armour chart zip
BigDrugPack gif
diagramms zip
ExtraVessel_v2 WIP png
ExtraVessel_WIP png
ExtraVessel_WIP zip
Firearms_Compilation_1.1.1 zip
Firearms_Compilation_1.1 zip
Firearms_Compilation_1.2 zip
Firearms_Compilation_1.3 zip
Firearms_Compilation_1.4 zip
FMP_addon_ExtraVessel_v0.9.4 zip
FMP_tech_tree_WIP_v1.0 zip
plasma_shotgun_for_sscorch zip
Skyranger_2 zip
Tanks_Compilation_1.0.1 zip
Tanks_Compilation_1.1.1 zip
Tanks_Compilation_1.1 zip
Tanks_Compilation_1.3 zip
TranquilizerGraphics zip
UFO Tech Tree WIP modified png
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite v2.1.dia zip
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite v2.1 png
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite v2 png
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite v2 zip
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite png
UFO Tech Tree WIP rewrite zip
UFO Tech Tree WIP v3.dia
UFO Tech Tree WIP v3 zip
UFO Tech Tree WIP zip
Weapon chart zip
I am assumming that I can ignore all of the struck through entrys.
A summary and a pinned post with latest files only would also be of help.
Would you please not double-post so much, and especially not n-post? :P
How about a psi shield/ helmet. I don't know about the difficulty of creating helmets, but a belt carried shield might work.
Exactly my idea. It's not possible right now, but... some day, maybe. :P
Each engineer must provide something or its to random. (Unless it were for a prolong war mod.
Oh, but every Engineer provides one thing. Only the order of these things is random.
True, but poor for game balance/ enjoyment, unless rifle and pistol were unlocked at the same time.
Even if they aren't, they will be very close on the tech tree, being essentially the same tech in a slightly different package.
I think I'll delay tougher alien races, or at least decrease their numbers in early months, since fighting big Muton ships with rifles (even with alien alloy ammo) and grenades is suffering. With a number of new races added, this shouldn't be a problem.
Would you please not double-post so much, and especially not n-post? :P
Sorry posting as I was reading the whole thread, mea culpa.
Exactly my idea. It's not possible right now, but... some day, maybe. :P
can't one just add a flagged value to the psi defense calculation?
Oh, but every Engineer provides one thing. Only the order of these things is random.
Even if they aren't, they will be very close on the tech tree, being essentially the same tech in a slightly different package.
Oh now I get it.
I think I'll delay tougher alien races, or at least decrease their numbers in early months, since fighting big Muton ships with rifles (even with alien alloy ammo) and grenades is suffering. With a number of new races added, this shouldn't be a problem.
Good idea, at least until more weapons are researched.
can't one just add a flagged value to the psi defense calculation?
The problem is, stat modification can only be given to armour now; and certainly not to items that can be taken off during battle.
Therefore, one would have to write a code that prevents an item from being removed during battle (with the appropriate flag for the ruleset), and then this code would have to be accepted into the game... Then we could make the item. (Most likely a psi belt, size 4x1.)
Good idea, at least until more weapons are researched.
Actually, I've just done it. They're not exactly earlier, but less likely to be encountered. (Especially Mutons had crazy chances to come up.)
The problem is, stat modification can only be given to armour now; and certainly not to items that can be taken off during battle.
Therefore, one would have to write a code that prevents an item from being removed during battle (with the appropriate flag for the ruleset), and then this code would have to be accepted into the game... Then we could make the item. (Most likely a psi belt, size 4x1.)
Actually, I've just done it. They're not exactly earlier, but less likely to be encountered. (Especially Mutons had crazy chances to come up.)
And you can't modify an existing armour to add a belt?
And you can't modify an existing armour to add a belt?
What do you mean "modify an existing armour to add a belt"? What would this accomplish?
The entire point of adding a belt (or a helmet, or any other psi item) is to not have to modify armours. Because you can modify armours, but I don't want to make a second version of every armour, with the only difference being added psi protection. That would be just a bad design.
Therefore I want a new class of item, which could be worn regardless of the item used. A belt is the simplest way to do so, but of course we could also make a completely new slot named "helmet", "mind shield" or whatever.
you can add armors like
no armor + belt type A
no armor + belt type B
no armor + belt type C
personal armor + belt type A
personal armor + belt type B
personal armor + belt type C
flying armor + belt type A
flying armor + belt type B
flying armor + belt type C
power armor...
then you add the color armor mod (i would love to use that one)
but then you have 4(+4 modded)*3 belt types*8 colors 192 armor types
(only modded armor/color=12 armor ok,.. with 4 extra armor+without color=24 armor types)
it a question of the userinterface
if a armor has a basetype "combat, personal, flying,..." so you see only one item in the sell/producttion list
in the armor-equip screen you can select the basetype
and in the inventory screen before! the attack you would have the option to select a subtype
so personal armor is fixed but you can select belt3+colorGreen
that would be a solution that hopefully avoids huge code changes
a better solution would be of course items that can change stats + inventary slots restrictions to specific itemtypes
Yes, Falko, exactly what I'm thinking. :)
Yes, Falko, exactly what I'm thinking. :)
His first idea was what I had in mind. Various armours+- belt.
Is there a plan to bring all aspects of the The Final Mod Pack into one thread (I'm finding it all over the place) or is it still largely at the developmental stage.
His first idea was what I had in mind. Various armours+- belt.
Is there a plan to bring all aspects of the The Final Mod Pack into one thread (I'm finding it all over the place) or is it still largely at the developmental stage.
There are numerous threads, but this one is considered the main. At least I think so. :P
I'm currently working on merging everything into one ruleset. This will take a while...
There are numerous threads, but this one is considered the main. At least I think so. :P
I'm currently working on merging everything into one ruleset. This will take a while...
If you need, I could provide you some help
If you need, I could provide you some help
Once it's released, I would really appreciate French translations... After all it was originally the whole point of the mod. :)
As for now, I think developing a system of work division would be more time-consuming than me finishing the ruleset by myself. I'm pretty close now. :)
Once it's released, I would really appreciate French translations... After all it was originally the whole point of the mod. :)
As for now, I think developing a system of work division would be more time-consuming than me finishing the ruleset by myself. I'm pretty close now. :)
Sure I will
Actually, I think I have all strings in one place already. Attached is the file with the strings in all languages that are represented in the mod, though most are incomplete.
I can translate from French, but not to French. :) So if you could fill in the blanks, I'll include them in the ruleset ASAP.
Translators to other languages are welcome too!
Since we're on the subject of armours, that reminds me of something I keep meaning to ask.
Since we now have stat effects attached, is it possible to have power suits add strength and encumberance, for example?
Always struck me that a Fallout-esque element would make a lot of sense there, and would add extra utility to the top tier armour beyond simple durability. Might make it interesting to add very heavy weapons that can only be used with suit augmentation?
Since we're on the subject of armours, that reminds me of something I keep meaning to ask.
Since we now have stat effects attached, is it possible to have power suits add strength and encumberance, for example?
Yes, it's easy to do. Armours can modify all stats. Like this (from the Piratez mod):
tu: -15
reactions: -15
So this particular armour is woefully slow.
Always struck me that a Fallout-esque element would make a lot of sense there, and would add extra utility to the top tier armour beyond simple durability. Might make it interesting to add very heavy weapons that can only be used with suit augmentation?
Yeah, this is planned. At some point. Soon. :)
Actually, I think I have all strings in one place already. Attached is the file with the strings in all languages that are represented in the mod, though most are incomplete.
I can translate from French, but not to French. :) So if you could fill in the blanks, I'll include them in the ruleset ASAP.
Translators to other languages are welcome too!
I will do it on thursday or friday, and will consider en-US as reference
I first compared en-GB and en-US
- Lacking in en-GB compared to en-US
STR_ALIEN_RAID: Alien Surprise Raid
STR_NATIVEURBAN: Native (Farm + Jungle)
STR_RAIDERS_EARLY: Special Alien Crew (Early Game)
STR_RAIDERS_LATE: Special Alien Crew (Late Game)
STR_RAIDERS_MID: Special Alien Crew (Mid Game)
- Duplicated in en-GB
STR_CORPSE_JUMP_ARMOR: Damaged Jump Armour
To compare, I put en-GB in a first file, en-US in a second file, sorted them both then compared (see attached files)
or use the modtester :) :
STR_SNIPER_RIFLE', 'STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA', 'STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP defined multiple times in extraStrings en-US
STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS in fr but not in en-GB,
STR_HWP_GAUSS_SHELLS in fr but not in pl
es/de/sk/ru/cz/it many missing stgrings
Yeah thanks, I know it needs cleaning up... I'll do that myself, but I can't translate it :)
Updated the file, since there were some issues with coding.
Since I can't edit the first post, I'm putting it here:
And it can be downloaded from here: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
It's not perfect yet, but it's fully functional and works as intended.
I don't have much else to say, since everything is in the readme. Have fun playing! :D
I'm a bit skeptical about this whole "final mod pack" idea. The name suggests YOUR vision of good balance and good mods are the only true. I always dislike such arrogance...
Maybe you should rename it to "Solar's mod compilation" or something like that. I plan to make my own mod compilation in future (when I get down to playing the game again), but with only a portion of mods included and rebalanced (to improve variety to a certain extent, for example - exclude mods that add overpowered items in the game that, when balanced, make no sense anymore; also, I don't like having 10 weapons of exactly same stats with different icons).
In my opinion,
it is a welcome feature have a big mods that was well checked to mod compatibility.
and its test eventualy will produce warning on incompatibility
As all mods, someone could remarks what he does not like or could changes as he prefer.
For the name ... its a name ...
Since I can't edit the first post, I'm putting it here:
And it can be downloaded from here: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack)
It's not perfect yet, but it's fully functional and works as intended.
I don't have much else to say, since everything is in the readme. Have fun playing! :D
Does this need/expect the latest nightly?
Also can't seem to find it in the mod options. But the I just added it to my previous mod game folder. Will try reinstalling vanilla and the the FMP.
I really wanted to use this mod pack, but when i installed it every time i went to run openxcom it would say "openxcom has stopped working". this makes me sad.
I really wanted to use this mod pack, but when i installed it every time i went to run openxcom it would say "openxcom has stopped working". this makes me sad.
Bummer. I did install the nightly 07_01_0845 and am not having any problems like you describe. Don't know if that has anything to do with it; I didn't try it with 1.0. I also added the Commendations mod 0621 without any problems (thus far).
Will the Mass Accelerator Mod be added? I know there is some issues with the graphics not being up to the standard but it is a new, interesting tier that can be justified with a powered up tier of aliens.
So, I have not read through this entire post. Is the research progression tree in the op still accurate for the fmp? If not can someone direct me to the latest version of it? I started a playthrough yesterday and would like to confirm that research topics are being unlocked properly.
So, I have not read through this entire post. Is the research progression tree in the op still accurate for the fmp? If not can someone direct me to the latest version of it? I started a playthrough yesterday and would like to confirm that research topics are being unlocked properly.
Hi Longshanks,
Many thanks for your offer. The truth is, there's way too many items to really answer it here, but the general ideology of the mod is as following (marked as spoiler for those who'd prefer to discovered it themselves):
At first, you can only research the Motion Scanner. Once you have your first UFO remains, you can examine Alloy Alloys and then research Personal Armour and Alloy Ammo, but you won't get anywhere with plasma and the like. You should start with alien autopsy, which will lead you to Alien Containment and therefore living aliens. The first interrogation will unlock Alien Power Systems, which will give you the option to dissect alien tech like UFO Power Source. Later, further interrogations and dissections will unlock other tech, including building blocks for lasers, gauss rifles and plasmas.
I would also like to know if you suffer from the Medipack crash bug. This is a strange issue that some people have, and I need more info. (As I understand, having a Medipack in your inventory crashes the game on battle end.)
i got the crash if i put the medipack in my hand and turn (walking straight ahead works fine - so i can heal others if they are standing norteast of my doctor - perhaps its a feng shui thing :) )
i got the crash if i put the medipack in my hand and turn (walking straight ahead works fine - so i can heal others if they are standing norteast of my doctor - perhaps its a feng shui thing :) )
Now I think it's because the Medipack handob has only 1 gif file. Should I define its dimensions somehow? Falko, you please help... ;)
from original rul file:
- type: BIGOBS.PCK
102000: Resources/Medipack/BigMedipack.gif
102001: Resources/Medipack/FloorMedipack.gif
- type: HANDOB.PCK
102002: Resources/Medipack/MedipackH.gif
width: 256
height: 40
subX: 32
subY: 40
yes they need the width/sub stuff but the id are too high in original mod
OK, I fixed that pesky problem with the Medipack. The latest version is currently being uploaded to the mod site.
Warning: Because of the latest change in the night builds from CYDONIA_DEP to COMMANDER_PLUS, I had to change the ruleset accordingly. Make sure you have version openxcom_git_master_2014_07_03_0820 or later installed, or you may be unable to finish the game! Get it from https://openxcom.org/git-builds/.
EDIT: Immediately after that I made 0.5.2, which adds one very useful item. :)
Here's another little problem I've run into:
size: 0.1
costSell: 104
weight: 3
bigSprite: 84
floorSprite: 4
hitSound: 22
hitAnimation: 26
power: 33
damageType: 1
clipSize: 18
battleType: 2
armor: 12
attraction: 1
listOrder: 2205
listOrder: 2205 groups this ammo with the rifle ammo, which looks odd. Changing it to 2005 works fine.
Oh, and would it be possible to maintain a modpack for the milestone version too? I'm not exactly eager to install nightlies...
I'm a bit skeptical about this whole "final mod pack" idea. The name suggests YOUR vision of good balance and good mods are the only true. I always dislike such arrogance...
Maybe you should rename it to "Solar's mod compilation" or something like that. I plan to make my own mod compilation in future (when I get down to playing the game again), but with only a portion of mods included and rebalanced (to improve variety to a certain extent, for example - exclude mods that add overpowered items in the game that, when balanced, make no sense anymore; also, I don't like having 10 weapons of exactly same stats with different icons).
Hey mate, who is the more arrogant :
- the one who is one of the biggest contributors on this forum (more than 1200 posts whose 50%+ are plenty of sense) and try to make a compilation for others to play with
- or the other one who comes from nowhere and decides this initiative was just arrogance
I think you should better not have used such a word ;)
Considering this was just an error from your side, about your opinion, your are not wrong : this "Final Mod Pack" is not the only way to make a compilation, you are working on your own, as I do and some others
I think a better way would have been to just make your suggestion of renaming, using your arguments that are not so bad but without the roughness of you first post, and perhaps would you have had a chance to convince his owner(s)
or use the modtester :) :
Hi Falko
You seem to have made a great job here
I tried this (15-20 min) but I found there was to many displayed errors
Do you think you could add some "button" to select/unselect all options, in order to be able to check error types one by one ?
Do you think you could add some "button" to select/unselect all options, in order to be able to check error types one by one ?
there is if you click on "show errorselection"
Edit: sorry misread - will think about it
listOrder: 2205 groups this ammo with the rifle ammo, which looks odd. Changing it to 2005 works fine.
Yes, thank you. I fixed this typo.
ListOrders are in a bit of a beta state now, some are missing etc., so there will be more mistakes like this. The mod is fully functional, but still unpolished. :)
Oh, and would it be possible to maintain a modpack for the milestone version too? I'm not exactly eager to install nightlies...
I would love to, but sadly I would have to clone myself for this, since the changes are complex and numerous and would have to actually be done twice. Plus, the features that require the nightly builds really allow for a nicer game (primarily, better access to alien knowledge, which is essential here).
Nevertheless, I do not expect you to update the game every day, only when something critical is changed. This happened today and is unlikely to happen again soon... Unless it does, since our devs are on the roll. :)
I'm a bit skeptical about this whole "final mod pack" idea. The name suggests YOUR vision of good balance and good mods are the only true. I always dislike such arrogance...
Maybe you should rename it to "Solar's mod compilation" or something like that.
Sorry about not addressing this earlier, I somehow missed your post, honestly. And I should address this properly.
The truth is, I agree that it sounds arrogant. The story is, it was started by Human Ktulu under the name "French Mod Pack", and then it evolved into this compilation, so he renamed it "Final Mod Pack" to preserve the acronym. Yeah, I don't really like it either, but that's the trademark and we can't do much about it - or at least I can't, because it's simply not just my work. (And for this reason it can't be "Solar's Mod Pack" either, even though I made 95% of it.)
Aldorn, thanks for defending me, but I have to admit Phobos is right... Still, it's just a name, so let's roll with it for now.
I plan to make my own mod compilation in future (when I get down to playing the game again), but with only a portion of mods included and rebalanced (to improve variety to a certain extent, for example - exclude mods that add overpowered items in the game that, when balanced, make no sense anymore; also, I don't like having 10 weapons of exactly same stats with different icons).
Then I wish you success, since my own priorities are exactly the same! I agree that the OpenXCom community is plagued with overpowered items, so I took great care to rebalance all of them and make sure they are different from each other and not relevant to tactics. Otherwise there would be way more weapons. :)
Finally, there's a new version 0.5.3 that fixes and adds some minor stuff - enjoy. :)
Hello, my first post here. A long time XCom fan since the 90s and who's week was made by the discovery of OpenXCom 1.0 AND a mega mod. I cant thank those who have done this enough. The no more 80 item limit has had me partying for days! And now the megamod!
I do have a suggestion though, I've just played an MiB mission and it took severe suspension of belief that MiBs could have possession of a UFO. It might be better to have the MiBs "meeting" the aliens and XCom rumbles the party in a mixed crew type mission, much more believable than MiBs flying around in small scouts.
Hello, my first post here. A long time XCom fan since the 90s and who's week was made by the discovery of OpenXCom 1.0 AND a mega mod. I cant thank those who have done this enough. The no more 80 item limit has had me partying for days! And now the megamod!
I do have a suggestion though, I've just played an MiB mission and it took severe suspension of belief that MiBs could have possession of a UFO. It might be better to have the MiBs "meeting" the aliens and XCom rumbles the party in a mixed crew type mission, much more believable than MiBs flying around in small scouts.
Thanks for the kind words!
As for the MiB mod, it's true that the engine limitations forced certain simplifications. Nevertheless, I decided to include this work, as it adds a lot of fun to the game and seemed worth it to me.
Any suggestions regarding MiB can be posted on https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2180.0 which is the MiB's thread.
Found another typo, this one caused a program crash when I tried to browse the ufopaedia:
size: 6
costSell: 594000
transferTime: 96
weight: 1
bigSprite: 92
floorSprite: 0
handSprite: 0
bulletSprite: 8
fireSound: 65
Anyone knows whether this should be added into the bugtracker?
I'd say add it to the bugtracker: even bad configuration should not be able to crash the game
i prefer crashes (with a bit more information than now)
without crashes the modder do not fix errors and the errors add up in the mod
I'd say add it to the bugtracker: even bad configuration should not be able to crash the game
Any bad configuration will crash the game.
Sorry about the typo, I'll release a new version soon.
Sorry about the typo, I'll release a new version soon.
No problem, I've fixed my copy myself, I'm only posting it here so you can fix it in the next release.
Come to think of it... Your mod is primarily a compilation, so is anybody fixing the original mods if they contain an error too?
No problem, I've fixed my copy myself, I'm only posting it here so you can fix it in the next release.
Come to think of it... Your mod is primarily a compilation, so is anybody fixing the original mods if they contain an error too?
I can't guarantee that, I just don't know. :) But I'll try to report stuff to the creators.
Still, this particular tank is from my own mod. And it's fine there, the error was created on import.
I am testing french translation before upload
I found an error in US/EN files (release 0.5.3) :
- Lines 15212 & 15554 : STR_THUNDERSTORM_INTERCEPTOR: Thundestorm Interceptor => Thunderstorm Interceptor
EDIT : french translation attached (based on release 0.5.3)
Cool, thanks! I've included this in the latest version.
Apart from fixes, I experimentally made laser and gauss weapons easier to research, since they were taking ages to discover.
Any other new mods being considered for addition? Maybe a list of possible mods not added yet, or a poll to see which mods people want to see added most?
Also, certain mods people might consider "over the top" or not "graphically appealing" like "Mass Accelerator Technology" might be made optional, with a
note that explains why it might not be in ppls best interest to install.
Any other new mods being considered for addition? Maybe a list of possible mods not added yet, or a poll to see which mods people want to see added most?
Sure, I'm considering new possibilities all the time. Can't say much at this point, since I'm currently polishing what is already there.
As for the list, well, there is one: of the mods included. Making a list of all OpenXCom mods in the world would be difficult, and futile. If it's not on the list, it's not included!
Also, certain mods people might consider "over the top" or not "graphically appealing" like "Mass Accelerator Technology" might be made optional, with a
note that explains why it might not be in ppls best interest to install.
There's no way to make a feature optional - it it's there, it's there. Well, if it's X-Com equipment, you don't have to sue it. :) But I'm trying to keep nearly everyone happy.
And if the mod is not included in the pack, it is indeed "optional" - you can run it separately along the FMP.
An update! Some fixes, some improvements and some upgrades. Download it from the usual place.
Oops, two errors. Download 0.5.4b, or you'll never research Medikit or Lasers/Gauss.
Any other new mods being considered for addition? Maybe a list of possible mods not added yet, or a poll to see which mods people want to see added most?
Sure, I'm considering new possibilities all the time. Can't say much at this point, since I'm currently polishing what is already there.
As for the list, well, there is one: of the mods included. Making a list of all OpenXCom mods in the world would be difficult, and futile. If it's not on the list, it's not included!
Also, certain mods people might consider "over the top" or not "graphically appealing" like "Mass Accelerator Technology" might be made optional, with a
note that explains why it might not be in ppls best interest to install.
There's no way to make a feature optional - it it's there, it's there. Well, if it's X-Com equipment, you don't have to sue it. :) But I'm trying to keep nearly everyone happy.
And if the mod is not included in the pack, it is indeed "optional" - you can run it separately along the FMP.
An update! Some fixes, some improvements and some upgrades. Download it from the usual place.
Oops, two errors. Download 0.5.4b, or you'll never research Medikit or Lasers/Gauss.
you can include:
*improved nations
*Scout armour
*hq sounds
and thx for the mod ;D ;D ;D
i update to last version and i dont see mekit and laser weapons
Thanks for the input, Arr!
Well, HQ Sounds are probably nice, I haven't checked them out yet. I need to do it ASAP.
Improved Nations are a bit incomplete, so I don't want to add them now; what bothers me the most is lack of national borders. If they are done, I'll probably add them too. (But this mod is easy to run along the FMP, so for now you can just enable both.)
Honestly I don't know what the Scout Armour is, but I haven't started working on the armours in general yet. I have some notes and ideas though. :)
And what's Debriefing_soldier_stats? :o
Sorry: is this https://www.openxcom.com/mod/soldier-diaries-stat-tracking
But in this momment i don see the research of laser weapons and medickit
Sorry: is this https://www.openxcom.com/mod/soldier-diaries-stat-tracking
Ah. No no no, this is a great thing but unfinished, requires exe substitution, prevents nightly updates and I don't want to force on the players something that I don't use myself because of all the above. :) Hopefully it gets integrated into the game soon, I can't wait myself.
But in this momment i don see the research of laser weapons and medickit
Yes. And? :D
This researchs normally are avalible at the start of the game?? I see the bug log of the laster version. If idont see this research in my game. I have a bug game??? Sorry for my english. Im spanish
this mod changes the research tree - one aim is to make a longer game
so laser/medikit are not available at the start
if you do not want that at the moment you can only deactivate the mod
but you can buy shiny new weapons and a basic medikit in the store
Ok, i understand. No problem. Great mod and 1 more time thx
Honestly I don't know what the Scout Armour is, but I haven't started working on the armours in general yet. I have some notes and ideas though. :)
My own attempt at creating an OXC mod. Not even a day old, so don't be surprised you're not aware of it. Myself, I'd wait and see what people think before including it into a compilation mod. I'm glad arrakis69ct likes it but I'd wait for more opinions.
My own attempt at creating an OXC mod. Not even a day old, so don't be surprised you're not aware of it. Myself, I'd wait and see what people think before including it into a compilation mod. I'm glad arrakis69ct likes it but I'd wait for more opinions.
Yes, thanks, I've seen it in the meantime. Well, I do have something similar in mind, but working on armours should be done in a complex manner; one cannot simply take them one at a time and just add to the game, they should form a coherent system. One of the basic guidelines for this modpack is not changing vanilla items, but otherwise it should all fall together. Therefore, I will naturally consider any good armour mod, but they'll likely be subject to adjustments.
You know, let me attach the armour summary file. If anyone's interested, it contains basic info. See this post: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2159.msg26485#msg26485
I've seen the armor list and it's shaping up to be very interesting. I think it's interesting to have multiple armor paths, instead of the original game where there's a very linear progression through 3 types.
Personally, I think the best way to balance an accuracy/reaction enhancing armor (which I can see you're attempting according to the armor spreadsheet) would be to have it reduce stamina and strength. In principle, the line of armor works by secreting an adrenaline-like substance which stimulates the control and reaction of muscles, but causes exhaustion to set in quickly.
Maybe something like this:
Armor 1 (non-flying):
Front: 65
Side: 55
Rear: 50
Under: 50
Stamina: -20
Bravery: 15
Reaction: 15
Accuracy: 15
Strength: -10
Armor 2 (flying):
Front: 80
Side: 70
Rear: 60
Under: 60
Stamina: -30
Health: -5 (would this reduce the maximum health or would it be applied as if the soldier was injured?)
Bravery: 25
Reaction: 25
Accuracy: 25
Strength: -20
Thanks. I'll certainly consider this, though the main issue is when the armour would exactly appear in the game, and therefore what are its competitors (Personal Armor, or Power Suit?).
I'm not that enthusiastic about stat enhancement through biochemical agents though. The reason is the same as for enhancing psionics: this is not related to what you're wearing, so you could just as well get high on a berzerker drug and wear a Power Suit. That's why I wanted to stick to purely engineering-related reasons for enhancing Accuracy and Reactions, and just handwave it somehow saying it wouldn't be possible of a heavy armour because of butts... uh, I mean, because of a sensor array that is integrated into the suit and doesn't allow for heavy plating.
Well, I do have something similar in mind, but working on armours should be done in a complex manner; one cannot simply take them one at a time and just add to the game, they should form a coherent system. One of the basic guidelines for this modpack is not changing vanilla items, but otherwise it should all fall together. Therefore, I will naturally consider any good armour mod, but they'll likely be subject to adjustments.
I'm not sure whether you're talking about armor mods in general or your own compilation, so I'll take the bait, assume the former and argue. Because I do believe that many standalone mods do have their merit and many can work together or be used as a component in further mods }even if in modified form).
Many mods are created simply to add options, to let players choose something better suited to their play style. Let me display a little arrogance and use my own mod as an example. I've created armor that is less armoured than a Power Suit, becomes available *after* you've already researched the Power Suit, costs about as much as a Power Suit (elerium cost is the same as for vanilla Power Suit) and offers a modest TU boost. Nothing game-breaking, it fills the armor-rating gap between Personal Armor and Power Suit and offers a mild bonus to make it more appealing to players less concerned about soldiers' safety.
I'd say that makes it coherent with the vanilla game and compatible with most mods that don't make any big changes to it, regardless of it being a standalone mod. And the same goes for many other standalone mods - they fill gaps in the vanilla game or offer alternatives that are not overpowered but different.
Ah, I meant making a compilation of armours, like this one. :) I wasn't referring to making separate mods at all; in fact, I actually made one (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/jump-armour).
Thanks. I'll certainly consider this, though the main issue is when the armour would exactly appear in the game, and therefore what are its competitors (Personal Armor, or Power Suit?).
I'm not that enthusiastic about stat enhancement through biochemical agents though. The reason is the same as for enhancing psionics: this is not related to what you're wearing, so you could just as well get high on a berzerker drug and wear a Power Suit. That's why I wanted to stick to purely engineering-related reasons for enhancing Accuracy and Reactions, and just handwave it somehow saying it wouldn't be possible of a heavy armour because of butts... uh, I mean, because of a sensor array that is integrated into the suit and doesn't allow for heavy plating.
For biochemical agents, I suppose you could handwave it as the chemicals have to be slowly and continuously administered by the suit's mechanisms as large doses would be overly hazardous.
But to stick with engineering reasons, the suits could be called the Electric Suit (the first one) and Jolt Suit (the second one.) They function by stimulating muscles using small (non-harmfull) doses of electricity that keep soldiers on edge, which leads to exhaustion after a while. Because of the accelerated exhaustion, it is not recommended that soldiers with the suit carry a heavy equipment load.
As for where they fit in, I think the Jolt Suit would make a nice compliment for the Advanced Synthsuit. Their armor values are similar (both are good but not strong enough to withstand the stronger weapons with any consistency), but they serve opposite purposes, one aiding sniper style soldiers and the other one aiding scouts. The Electric Suit could compliment the basic synthsuit if I tone down the armor.
For biochemical agents, I suppose you could handwave it as the chemicals have to be slowly and continuously administered by the suit's mechanisms as large doses would be overly hazardous.
Yes, but the same can be implemented in any other armour.
But to stick with engineering reasons, the suits could be called the Electric Suit (the first one) and Jolt Suit (the second one.) They function by stimulating muscles using small (non-harmfull) doses of electricity that keep soldiers on edge, which leads to exhaustion after a while. Because of the accelerated exhaustion, it is not recommended that soldiers with the suit carry a heavy equipment load.
Hmm, maybe... It leads to a possible TU bonus coupled with a Strength penalty. I'll add it to possible concepts. :)
As for where they fit in, I think the Jolt Suit would make a nice compliment for the Advanced Synthsuit. Their armor values are similar (both are good but not strong enough to withstand the stronger weapons with any consistency), but they serve opposite purposes, one aiding sniper style soldiers and the other one aiding scouts. The Electric Suit could compliment the basic synthsuit if I tone down the armor.
Maybe so. I'll think of it one step at a time, unless I think of/someone proposes something ground-breaking, which would pave the way to a total change of paradigm. :)
Here's an idea for a psionic armor type that I don't think breaks the suspension of disbelief too severely (though feel free to disagree with that assertion.) The idea is basically this - embeded within their robes, ethereals have a small network of devices that work to further enhance the species' strong psionic and telepathic mental abilities (basically their own version of the psi-amp, except that it enhances a natural ability for the ethereals instead of developing a new power like the psi-amp does for X-com.) These devices cease functioning when an ethereal loses consciousness or dies. However, X-com engineers have developed a method to create a similar "robe" for X-com agents by salvaging parts from the robes of ethereal corpses and augmenting them with psi-amp technology.
Robe of the Ethereal
10 Ethereal corpses
1 psi-amp
Front: 40
Side: 35
Rear: 25
Under: 20
Bravery: 10
Reaction: 15
Psionic Strength: 20
Psionic Skill: 15
Robe of the Ethereal Elite
25 ethereal corpses
2 psi-amps
Front: 55
Side: 50
Rear: 45
Under: 40
Bravery: 20
Reaction: 20
Psionic Strength: 35
Psionic Skill: 25
Does anyone think this has potential, or is it just a bit goofy?
@ the_third_curry
Does anyone think this has potential, or is it just a bit goofy?
I have not read the whole thread, :o but, yes this has great potential!
And it can always be tweaked. :)
It is a bit goofy, yes, but fun enough to at least be considered (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/RuleOfFunny). :D It's way better than many such ideas, which are both goofy AND dead serious (I mean, middle school dead serious). I sort of like it.
Here's an idea for a psionic armor type that I don't think breaks the suspension of disbelief too severely (though feel free to disagree with that assertion.) The idea is basically this - embeded within their robes, ethereals have a small network of devices that work to further enhance the species' strong psionic and telepathic mental abilities (basically their own version of the psi-amp, except that it enhances a natural ability for the ethereals instead of developing a new power like the psi-amp does for X-com.) These devices cease functioning when an ethereal loses consciousness or dies. However, X-com engineers have developed a method to create a similar "robe" for X-com agents by salvaging parts from the robes of ethereal corpses and augmenting them with psi-amp technology.
Robe of the Ethereal
Does anyone think this has potential, or is it just a bit goofy?
I would say that it is a solution in search of a problem. Armor 40 is, by the time you can spare 10 ethereal corpses, a bit pointless. Sure, a psionic often stays in your craft, so he doesn't need armor, but then he won't need that +10 Reaction either. And the question remains, why not wear at least personal armor under that robe? It is not like the armor disrupts psionic powers, is it?
Why while I do find the idea of using remains of ethereals as a basis for psi-boosting tech sensible, this specific armor seems too impractical to me.
And not to be accused of only criticizing, here's my idea for a psi-modifying armor:
Tinfoil Field Suit
Utilizing the Power Suit technology, the Mind Shield technology and a few more advances, this Power Suit variant is designed to keep those of our soldiers who were born with weak psi defences combat-viable. The downsides are lower armor protection and the tinfoil field slightly disrupting the wearer's neural pathways.
Power Suit technology, Mind Shield technology, Tinfoil Field Suit technology
7 Elerium, 10 Alien Alloys
Front: 95
Side: 75
Rear: 65
Under: 60
Reactions: -5
Firing: -5
Psionic Strength: +50
Psionic skill: -75
Weight: 12
This would be armor that would let you field some of your old veterans who were not lucky enough to have a high psi score without fear that they will wipe out your own squad. They will become a little weaker, a little more vulnerable, but still better than rookies. And it would be up to the player to balance training psi-strong rookies and improving his/her old vets. Oh, and the logic behind the psi-skill penalty is that if you want to block all incoming psi signals you'll have problems with outgoing signals too.
Okay, I admit I do not understand, like, at all why everybody wants psi armours. OK, Ethereal robes are a fun idea, but why 80% of suggestions are related to psi?
Come on people, psionics is strong enough as they are now, there's no need to make your psions even more badass. On the other hand, if you think they're too dangerous or annoying when used against you, there's always the option of turning it off. Simple as that. Making specific armours to change it in either direction adds nothing to the game in itself and that's it.
Well, I wouldn't have proposed one if it wasn't to show a design I'd consider more sensible and yes, I do think that psi-amp is more than a little overpowered. But I do understand the perceived need for psi armor.
Early game, people hate unpredictable and sometimes devastating psi attacks. There's little you can do to protect yourself and if you're unlucky, the first time you capture a live psionic is when you meet ethereals. Not a good time to begin researching psi-labs, then building them, then training your soldiers... Psi armor would help, right?
Mid game, you tend to discover that you can retire four out of five of your precious veterans, because their psi strength is too low and there's no way of improving it. All the effort you've put into keeping them alive was for naught, because you know that sending them to Cydonia would be suicidal. But if you could improve their psi defence...
So I'd say that most people are not asking for more badass psions. They're trying to justify creating armor that would make their precious soldiers more resistant to some of the most devastating attacks in the game.
Okay, I admit I do not understand, like, at all why everybody wants psi armours. OK, Ethereal robes are a fun idea, but why 80% of suggestions are related to psi?
I can't speak for others, but I definitely don't care about psionic skill being higher, I just threw that in there with the ethereal robe because it seemed consistent with the idea. Psionics are brokenly powerful for ethereals before you get psi-labs, and presumably that's the reason why so many people are requesting armor to neutralize it (that and all the other major ideas for armor seem to be covered.) However, once you start getting very good psi soldiers, they become broken for the human player. To me, flat out turning psionics off just feels a bit cheap and robs the ethereals of their primary trait.
Personally, I think the best way to balance psionics would be to make mind control based on line-of-sight, but keep panic as it is, and then cap psionic skill at maybe 60 or 70 for X-com soldiers. Psionics would still be useful, but it would greatly cut back on the mind control spamming on both sides.
Seeming a little noobish and everything (As I kinda am) to both XCOM and OpenXcom...
I was wondering if there was a mod with a tracked plasma tank, instead of a hover plasma tank. It's just something I was thinking of a while back. Are there any in this mod, or any place where I can find one? I take it this mod pack would have something of the sort.
(If this isn't the place to ask this, please direct me to a proper location :))
Okay, I admit I do not understand, like, at all why everybody wants psi armours. OK, Ethereal robes are a fun idea, but why 80% of suggestions are related to psi?
Come on people, psionics is strong enough as they are now, there's no need to make your psions even more badass. On the other hand, if you think they're too dangerous or annoying when used against you, there's always the option of turning it off. Simple as that. Making specific armours to change it in either direction adds nothing to the game in itself and that's it.
One could say that working on new armour types to mitigate incoming damage is pointless because you can always lower enemy damage instead.
I do partially agree, that nullifying hostile psi is close to turning it off, but keep in mind mods are often intended to be used in "bundles". Such armour could have much more sense when combined with mod that changes psi powers. :)
I would like to assure everyone that I'm not so biased against psi armours that I wouldn't consider it. I value all your input, and also I wouldn't say that you want more powerful X-Com psionics - I was referring to the general populace, not you gentlemen. Frankly, I don't know what to so with this yet, but naturally I'll keep thinking.
One could say that working on new armour types to mitigate incoming damage is pointless because you can always lower enemy damage instead.
True, but OpenXCom is a tactical game, with shoot-outs being its core idea, and being a complex system. The psi system is pretty crude, there's not much you can do with it, because there are so few elements in it. That's why making it more fun by adding more stuff is extra hard. (That's why I'm playing with line of sight only psi myself, because it makes the game more interesting IMHO, but that's my private opinion and shouldn't have any impact on the FMP.)
I was wondering if there was a mod with a tracked plasma tank, instead of a hover plasma tank. It's just something I was thinking of a while back. Are there any in this mod, or any place where I can find one? I take it this mod pack would have something of the sort.
Welcome to the forums! And yes, there's a track plasma tank inside. :D
Tried the mod pack out for the first time last night, I was loving it. It was not buggy as I thought it would be and everything was going smoothly. Still trying to figure out how to get laser weapons though :P
But that was until I got to my first Terror Mission.
I noticed everything was slower. My squad, the aliens, the civilians, even the bullets. I wondered what was going on, but my first thought was that my settings were a little messed. After a thorough investigation, this was not the case. Instead, the height of the map was three units taller than it should be. That means that there were three unused floors below the map, and there were the other four height units that applied to the map. This made the map 7 units high in total.
On my next mission, and the mission beforehand, I did not encounter this.
I had only the FMP on at the time.
Thanks for the feedback, glad it's mostly okay. :)
Yes, the terror missions are indeed 10 tiles tall. It is so to allow for Luke83's city terrain, which has underground segments and some tall buildings, and therefore is 10 layers tall instead of 4. Only some city missions use this terrain, but the height setting is for all instances of a given mission, so I had to either make all terrors 10 high or exclude Luke's mod, and I really wanted it in.
I don't think much can be done here. But if this is really problematic, you can open the ruleset and search for this fragment (currently row 3642):
width: 50
length: 50
height: 10
civilians: 18
And change height from 10 to 4.
However, if you do get Luke's terrain (which happens about 1 per 6 cases), you'll probably get a crash, because it won't fit in the game space.
Sorry I can't be more helpful, but compromises must be made.
Oh, and there's an update coming tonight or tomorrow. there'll be some new stuff, but mostly rebalancing and tech tree tweaking. For example, lasers will be more available, because I really made them a little too hard to reach. :)
Version 0.5.5 is online. I'm not really sure about this release, since some YAML validators choke on the ruleset (while others say it's okay), but I can just as well look for any errors when it's already distributed. Just be careful, there may be dragons.
As always, get it here: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
This release contains the following changes:
- Added Expanded Ubase mod.
- Added Hazmat Armour mod.
- Added X-Com Cyberdisc (green sprite provided by Civilian).
- Changed Men in Black lasers to clip versions.
- Moved sprites to sprite sheets in order to save disk space and make loading faster.
Lasers difficult?? With all the new wepons i dont need lasers XD
MiB laser weapon's clips are named "STR_LASER_[WEAPON]_MIB_CLIP," just so you know. It's only for the weapon's clips. It's the only issue I see with the weapons when I entered the new battle menu.
No other issues found on the Battlescape side of the game.
MiB laser weapon's clips are named "STR_LASER_[WEAPON]_MIB_CLIP," just so you know. It's only for the weapon's clips. It's the only issue I see with the weapons when I entered the new battle menu.
No other issues found on the Battlescape side of the game.
Oh, I forgot to make strings for them. Thanks for the info.
It'll be fixed tomorrow, along a general update for the Men in Black (because Robin has just released a new version).
A ieda for make. When finish a mission see the update of stats on the soldiers. This is interesting for the strategic of the group
A ieda for make. When finish a mission see the update of stats on the soldiers. This is interesting for the strategic of the group
Do you mean as in a list of kills for the soldiers like a status report or a chart of how much stats the soldiers gained from the mission?
The first one of those is available here through shoes' Soldier Diaries, which is not sadly not compatible with this mod because it's an EXE: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1718.0
The second is being worked on by Roujin and has been requested before, but it's still in the experimental phase and may not be stable/compatible with this mod. You can check out Roujin's progress here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2461.0
When you say 'not compatible', do you mean they cant be run together at all or just that it cant be included in the compilation and needs installing separately? I've been watching the diary mod progress and it looks fantastic. I always found myself wanting for something like that in vanilla xcom.....too hard to remember who did what otherwise.
When these mods are complete, I'd be very happy to use them. For now, we wait. :)
In the 0.5.5b (in case of any future release will be generated), a small mistake :
-> Replace STR_RMOR with STR_JUMP_ARMOR (Line 16962)
When you say 'not compatible', do you mean they cant be run together at all or just that it cant be included in the compilation and needs installing separately? I've been watching the diary mod progress and it looks fantastic. I always found myself wanting for something like that in vanilla xcom.....too hard to remember who did what otherwise.
I might should have phrased that a bit better.
I really like the Soldier Diaries mod (I'm using it right now) and it is flexible and will run with most mods, probably this one as well. The problems are 1) It will need to be installed separately because it's an EXE whereas this mod isn't 2) Shoes is still ironing out the bugs in the Soldier Diaries 3) Because it's an EXE, Shoes has to merge the mod with nightlies, whereas this modpack works with any nightly release unless something in the build breaks it.
So basically, you can install the Soldier Diaries mod with this one and see how well it works, but that mod can't be merged with this one at the moment, and you'll have to wait on Shoes to fix bugs and merge with nightlies. Probably nothing will go terribly wrong, but there could be some minor issues.
In the 0.5.5b (in case of any future release will be generated), a small mistake :
-> Replace STR_RMOR with STR_JUMP_ARMOR (Line 16962)
Ah thanks, I'll fix it now. Stupid EditPad.
I really like the Soldier Diaries mod (I'm using it right now) and it is flexible and will run with most mods, probably this one as well. The problems are (...)
Yep, exactly this. I simply don't want to add a mod that has technical issues, and especially one that affects nightly updates (which I'm using myself). But it can run along the FMP and I don't expect any conflicts, so at this point it's up to the user if they want to use it or not.
Really nice mod. I love how it adds all the new stuff making the game much more diverse and interesting, while at the same time it makes it much harder and longer.
Although, I believe there's a nasty bug somewhere here...
At first I was playing Veteran Ironman with only Final Mod enabled (+some options), afters few months of doing OK I finally got my butt kicked by some aliens and lost all my men and ship in terror mission. Nothing from what I couldn't recover. I've started to rebuild my strength, but at the end of the month instead of losing some income I got information that X-Com is no more and aliens won. Well, "I suck" I said to myself and started again...
Second try with the same settings. Doing fine, few months passed, MiB starting to show up. Had some trouble with them and with aliens, lost some men, but it wasn't a disaster. Waited for new month to get some cash and upgrade the base, but suddenly I got like -4500 score out of nowhere. Next month had some ups and downs, but it wasn't that bad, still it ended in X-Com being disbanded and alien win.
Third try, same settings. Doing really well. Few months (3-5, can't remember) passed. Kicking alien asses hard. Nice month for me - won terror mission with only one soldier dead, shot down couple of smaller UFO, all crash-site missions won with no casualties. Ignored one very large UFO, but didn't have a power to even scratch it for now. Expected like 700-1000 score at the end of the month, but I got like -4300. "Where the hell did that came from?!" asked myself. Well, next month I tried even harder - everything went great, but at the end of the month I still somehow got terrible score and game ended.
I thought that game was bugged, but when I tried it without the mod, it's almost a year now and I'm constantly getting around +1000 to +2000 score each month, so it must be something with the mod.
For Final Mod I was using latest nightly at that time, which was "2014-07-09 18:15" build I believe. For clean OpenXCom I used current nightly. I'll try how the mod works on latest nightly when new version (with updated MiB) will be available. Hopefully that game-breaking bug will be gone by itself by that time.
Best regards.
Hey Daedalus,
Judging from your description, I have a theory that it's the MiB who are lurking somewhere beyond your radar scope. How good is your radar coverage?
I don't know this mod that well, but I'll investigate.
It looks like it is indeed caused by a landed Men in Black "base". Here's an excerpt from the Ufopedia on alien scoring, hopefully accurate:
Each UFO that flies over the Earth (per 30 mins): 1
Each UFO that lands (per 30 mins): 2
So if you have a MiB base somewhere, which counts as a landed UFO, you're losing 2880 points in 30 days - easily crippling your war effort.
The solution? Expand your radar coverage to ensure there are no MiB bases operating for any extended period of time. If this is infeasible, well, I'll have to think of changing the mod, or at least notifying Robin about the issue... More feedback is appreciated.
Yeah, I thought that this can be MiB related, since it starts near the half of the year, when MiBs begin to show up. By that time I had 1 or 2 bases, so I covered two continents at most. Not much, but still I think you shouldn't get so low score for events that are beyond your reach - especially when you combine it with harder overall gameplay (modified tech tree).
edit: Oh, ok. That explains a lot. So there's currently no other way than to build as many bases as possible to cover most of the Earth or have your ships patrol the skies all of the time, and then rush to destroy MiBs as soon as you spot one. Quite challenging. ;) Shame that MiB bases cannot be added as normal alien bases, but well... I'll try how it works on the new version of the mod. When we can expect one?
For this problem a mod of awacs may be interesting
Well, one thing I did was to halve MiB mission weights. Not a solution but surely helps, and I don't have to fight so many waves of MiB instead of aliens.
There's also another instrument of control, so basic that I forgot about it: the graphs. Frankly, I have never used them at all, except for an occasional curiosity, but with MiBs they should be a great help. If you notice a spike in UFO activity somewhere, it's easy to send a craft there to see if there's perhaps a MiB base.
It's now much easier to fight the MiB if you know how to. I made a radar base (just access lift + large radar system) on each continent, covering like 95% of the Earth's lands. Works well... at least for now.
What bothers me is that those little buggers tend to build their bases just outside of your radar coverage. Most of the bases I have destroyed so far were placed out of my radar range and some of them I found only by accident (following a UFO or going for other MiB base).
What's even more bothering, they can somehow build their bases on the water (or on one-pixel, non-visible islands), so if you won't spot and follow the initial UFO, which then spawns the base, then you're pretty much f***ed, since you got like 1% chance of finding the base later on somewhere in the middle of an ocean.
Base was somewhere between those two jets:
BTW, during this playthrough I haven't spotted those new aliens added by the mod (got plenty of them previously, though). It's more than half a year now and I didn't see even a single one... I just hope it's a bad luck, not some issue with the latest nightlies.
Hmm... That is very weird behaviour on the MiB. I haven't noticed them trolling me that much by avoiding the radars, and I certainly haven't seen them building bases at sea. You could be just unlucky, or there's some technical issue.
As for the new races, they're certainly there, but random dice gods are random. I've never gotten Gazers myself, though Reptoids and Cerebreals are frequent and Chtonites show up occasionally. Each game is different like that.
Indeed, randomness is random when it comes to alien races. Just playing with Robin's two new aliens, I got 1 waspite ship in the first 9 months or so and then I suddenly got a wave of about 4 of them.
About the MiB bases on water, well, I saw a similar thing happen to me. Some distance off the west coast of Africa, near Nigeria.
If we could find out how to replicate and intentionally cause those UFO-on-water situations, that would be really cool. Imagine Oil-Drilling-Platform terror missions... or cruise ship missions for xcom1... :)
my guess would be a screwed up ufoTrajectories definition
e.g. taking the ufoTrajectories of a "fly over mission" to define a base/landing mission
but since i never worked with this stuff its just a guess
Small bug report...
In 0.5.5b version I found this under the "ufopaedia" between MiB laser pistol clip and laser rifle clip:
- id: STR_LASER_
type_id: 4
listOrder: 3825
I believe it should look like this, right?
type_id: 4
listOrder: 3825
Thanks for the bug report. I was notified before about it (and it was fixed), but there's never too much attention.
I'll release the new version really soon, it'll contain more laser goodness (I mean, more sensibility) and of course fixes. I'm not touching the trajectories for now though; I think Robin should be notified first (and it would be great if you guys post it, since I haven't really seen it with my own eyes).
There's a new version in town: 0.5.6. It's slowly taking shape of a more-or-less mature product, at least in the weapons department (this time, mostly lasers). I have also updated the Men in Black stuff by Robin, fixed Labship and Sentry Ship maps.
Thanks for the updated. Quick (very small) bug report:
type_id: 4
listOrder: 3825
Should be:
There's also a leftover string in FR translation:
But I don't think it matters... My compare tool just pointed it out, so I'm reporting. ;)
Thanks for the report, I made a fixed version 0.5.6b - it's available for download.
i have a middle play, in tfe 5 month, i load the game no problem, but in the inventori screen i see de gauss weapons, i dont research them i dont see in the ufopedia, but is ready to play, may be a bug????
Yeah, there seem to be no requirements set for gauss and MiB laser weapons in ruleset, so once you get them from MiB's, you can use them. Not sure if it's intentional, though.
Another problem in a mission of mib i see a tank. When i destroy the game crash
i have a middle play, in tfe 5 month, i load the game no problem, but in the inventori screen i see de gauss weapons, i dont research them i dont see in the ufopedia, but is ready to play, may be a bug????
It's not a bug, it's because I enabled them if you take them from the MiB. When you research them, they'll appear in the Ufopaedia.
Do you think it's too confusing? I'm still experimenting...
I think its are enable must be appear in ufopedia. The confussion is the no aparition of them in ufopedia
Nah, I think it's fine - you can use it, since it's human weapon, but detailed information will appear only when you research this technology. Reasonable enough.
The problem of the tank have solution??
If have the exact problem (MiB and Tank kill).
They are using a laser Tank.
If i kill it, the tank turns (like every other big unit turns) and then the game crashes.
It seems like there is no picture of a "dead" tank or mislinked or sth.
Thus i am stuck.
Temporary solution:
In File "FinalModPack.rul" change:
spriteSheet: MIBTANKS.PCK
spriteSheet: MIBTANKS.PCK
Now the tank can be killed (and it is a Corpse problem).
I would rather change this....
floorSprite: 900
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 901
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 902
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 903
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
To this...
floorSprite: 141
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 142
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 143
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
floorSprite: 144
invWidth: 0
invHeight: 0
recover: false
Derp. Looks like the 0.6 version must come now to fix this silly mistake on my part. As always, thanks and sorry.
And it's available on the mod site. Apart from this fix, it contains new pictures by our talented Vulgar Monkey, who agreed to illustrate many of the new techs. One of his pictures is actually the mod's main pic on the site.
Attention, translators: due to the pics taking up half the window, some texts had to be truncated to fit the screen, most notably Alien Biology. Please make sure that your language version is also short enough.
Solarius, would you be interested in adding laser sniper rifle and laser equivalent of shotgun (like the scatter laser from XCOM 2012)? I can provide the ready-to-use code and sprites, since I already implemented it for myself as an addition to your mod. The sprites are not super fancy, but they'll do.
Thanks for the hard work.
I like this very much.
Two short questions about the mod and the tech tree:
1. Seeing as you reached version 0.6 is it actually possible to beat the game right now or is it still too early?
2. I'm now in my 4th month and desperately in need of new weaponry. I captured some Navigators and researched everything up to Gauss Cannon and Laser Defense, but there still isn't anything for my soldiers popping up.
The last 5 missions were only Gazers, so I can't stun them as hard as I try since I'm stuck with prods, tasers and Dart Rifles.
It's really getting bad. Like Xcom bad... ;D
Solarius, would you be interested in adding laser sniper rifle and laser equivalent of shotgun (like the scatter laser from XCOM 2012)? I can provide the ready-to-use code and sprites, since I already implemented it for myself as an addition to your mod. The sprites are not super fancy, but they'll do.
Laser sniper rifle sounds reasonable, laser shotgun - I'm not sure really. But I guess seeing your sprites would be nice, thanks for the offer! There's always demand for weapon sprites, if not for the FMP then for other projects/people.
I need to think about it, but I think at least the sniper laser is a good idea.
Thanks for the hard work.
I like this very much.
Two short questions about the mod and the tech tree:
1. Seeing as you reached version 0.6 is it actually possible to beat the game right now or is it still too early?
The mod only adds stuff, it doesn't remove or change any elements (well, except the tanks, which were improved a bit). This means that yes, you're able to finish the game as it is, it'll just probably take longer, since research paths to Cydonia or Bust and Avenger have more steps.
2. I'm now in my 4th month and desperately in need of new weaponry. I captured some Navigators and researched everything up to Gauss Cannon and Laser Defense, but there still isn't anything for my soldiers popping up.
The last 5 missions were only Gazers, so I can't stun them as hard as I try since I'm stuck with prods, tasers and Dart Rifles.
It's really getting bad. Like Xcom bad... ;D
The only thing I can recommend (besides getting the latest version, which makes access to lasers easier) is interrogating Engineers, Medics, Leaders and Commanders. They hold the secrets to advanced alien weaponry.
In the meantime you should be able to gather some lasers and gauss guns from the Men in Black. Their lasers have limited clips and aren't as strong as true X-Com lasers, but they're still very useful. And gauss weapons are really strong, although tough aliens tend to be resistant to AP damage.
Hopefully this helps!
It will, but I'll restart for a third time. ;)
Feels just like then when I was still a teenager with the DOS version.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
@Solarius Scorch
Any ideas as to what the next major addition will be at this point?
@Solarius Scorch
Any ideas as to what the next major addition will be at this point?
Sooner or later I need to sit down and start working on the armours. There are five armours to make, and this is seriously scaring me, since I've barely started working on my first set of sprites (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2639.0). I have some ideas, but it'll take time.
A much more accessible thing is adding the elerium bombs by Fatrat (fired from the Small Launcher), which I already did. But it's a minor thing.
Oh, and I would like to add more UFOs, perhaps another faction (see the link above), and maybe also one more squad carrier if I manage to fit it somewhere.
And once it's viable, I would like to add tons of neutral combatants, from police officers to military personnel to crazy Texans...
Laser sniper rifle sounds reasonable, laser shotgun - I'm not sure really. But I guess seeing your sprites would be nice, thanks for the offer! There's always demand for weapon sprites, if not for the FMP then for other projects/people.
I need to think about it, but I think at least the sniper laser is a good idea.
Well, those are nothing special, like I said. Sprite for scatter laser was actually made by Chiko - I only cut some pixels here and there to make it smaller. Laser sniper is just a modified laser rifle with a small scope (edit: seems like I only took it from UFO:TTS and rescaled it long time ago, so I'll have to make a new one...). I only have bigobs for them, since they're very similar to laser rifle.
I also have a heavy, .50 caliber sniper rifle if you want one. While searching for new sniper rifle sounds I found a really cool one, but it was too powerful for current sniper rifle, so I made new rifle from scratch for my own satisfaction. ;) It's big, it's heavy, it's less accurate, it has low ammo, aimed shot takes 90% TUs, but it deals almost as much damage as heavy cannon. Again, only bigobs for this one...
I added a quite significant close range accuracy penalty to it, so it's only good for long range sniping.
Oh, and while we at that... Today while I checked Pirates ruleset I've noticed that many weapons have "aimRange" parameter set. I checked how it works in-game and I must say that it's just brilliant! Adding this parameter with proper values to all of the weapons would greatly enhance overall gameplay. Finally choosing between different weapon types for close-mid-far encounters would have more sense and sniper rifles with proper "minRange" value would be good only for sniping distant targets. I know it would be a lot of work to balance it, but are you even considering to implement such things?
Well, those are nothing special, like I said. Sprite for scatter laser was actually made by Chiko - I only cut some pixels here and there to make it smaller. Laser sniper is just a modified laser rifle with a small scope (edit: seems like I only took it from UFO:TTS and rescaled it long time ago, so I'll have to make a new one...). I only have bigobs for them, since they're very similar to laser rifle.
Are you intended to provide these sprites ?
I would be personnally interested...
EDIT : perhaps were you able to answer this "request (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=383.msg27335#msg27335)"
Thanks for the pics Daedalus. They look quite nice, I'd be interesting in using both the laser sniper rifle and the heavy sniper rifle! Though I'd take away the latter's Snap Shot option.
Oh, and while we at that... Today while I checked Pirates ruleset I've noticed that many weapons have "aimRange" parameter set. I checked how it works in-game and I must say that it's just brilliant! Adding this parameter with proper values to all of the weapons would greatly enhance overall gameplay. Finally choosing between different weapon types for close-mid-far encounters would have more sense and sniper rifles with proper "minRange" value would be good only for sniping distant targets. I know it would be a lot of work to balance it, but are you even considering to implement such things?
Basically, yes. But I haven't done this yet, and I would actually accept help. :)
a idea for a armour, less protection but may be iluminated the area, similar than a flare, ideal for night combat
a idea for a armour, less protection but may be iluminated the area, similar than a flare, ideal for night combat
How about making Cyberdiscs glow...? :D
a idea for a armour, less protection but may be iluminated the area, similar than a flare, ideal for night combat
Ideal from alien point of view ?
In a base mission in the 3 tu rn i see 6 muton crazy running for me. In less 10 tu rns the mission is finish
In a base mission in the 3 tu rn i see 6 muton crazy running for me. In less 10 tu rns the mission is finish
It's hardly related to the mod, but... Well, losing is fun (https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/index.html)! :q
It's hardly related to the mod, but... Well, losing is fun (https://www.bay12games.com/dwarves/index.html)! :q
What is this ?? It has a nice look, some ultima I/Angband/... design
I will test it if it's a stand alone game, thanks for the link :)
What is this ?? It has a nice look, some ultima I/Angband/... design
I will test it if it's a stand alone game, thanks for the link :)
An indie gamer not knowing Dwarf Fortress? O_o Damn, this community is a virgin.
I need to make a thread about it. :)
How about some of the new mods like WEAPON REWORK/EXPANSION and COLORED ARMORS?
Here is something about research.
I just noticed that often times you don't get a notice when new research is unlocked.
It's there in the topics but easy to miss.
Is there any way to change that?
Sadly I can't give a specific topic right because I just noticed by accident.
the last few topics I researched were Alien Leaders, so maybe that's the problem?
Hello! I'm fairly new to Open Xcom and wanted to mention that I LOVE this mod. Been enjoying it for about 30 hours over the last few days.
Edit: Nevermind, found I just couldn't read... :D
Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been extremely busy recently.
How about some of the new mods like WEAPON REWORK/EXPANSION and COLORED ARMORS?
Every mod is being considered. I generally don't want to change vanilla items, but if I find a place for new weapons, why not. As for the armours, I haven't really started yet on this part... :)
Here is something about research.
I just noticed that often times you don't get a notice when new research is unlocked.
It's there in the topics but easy to miss.
Is there any way to change that?
Sadly I can't give a specific topic right because I just noticed by accident.
the last few topics I researched were Alien Leaders, so maybe that's the problem?
Hmm, sadly I don't know why it happens, but I noticed it too. It's not unique to the FMP anyway.
Hello! I'm fairly new to Open Xcom and wanted to mention that I LOVE this mod. Been enjoying it for about 30 hours over the last few days.
Edit: Nevermind, found I just couldn't read... :D
Nevermind, I didn't see that. :D Enjoy the mod!
Version 0.6.1 is up:
- I added the Elerium Bomb mod by Fatrat and a a Laser Sniper Rifle by Dioxine.
- I finally gave in and modified the two starting vanilla tanks. I gave the Tank/Cannon an explosive charge (since it felt almost useless to me, due to the Tank/Minigun; it could require further balance though, since explosive charges are deadly). The Tank/Rocket Launcher can now fire two rockets at once, since it clearly has two missile launchers.
- I fixed some vanilla missions possibly not appearing; kudos to Hobbes for spotting this problem.
- I updated Hobbes' Terrain Pack updated to the newest version.
- I reworked all flying armours (essentially, the entire Grav Armours mod by Clownagent). You no longer use a Floater corpse to produce them; instead, you extract the gravity unit from a Floater corpse in a separate manufacturing process, and then use this unit for the actual armour. You can also produce this unit from scratch after you research Alien Gravity Generator.
- I added and fixed some listOrders. Some are probably still missing, but at least we're getting somewhere.
Gah! You beat me to it. I was going to make explosive ammo for the Tank/Cannon and autoshot for the Tank/Rocket Launcher.
I also noticed you had auto shot laser tanks...
D'aw. I was having fun testing out my own models. Oh well. This mod is good fun. As the OP states, not for everyone. It's fun, but it's really hard during the first terror missions due to Cyberdisks. Really fun mod. I've tried it out on two occasions, but the Cyberdisks keep killing half my team due to lack of laser weapons. Tank/Rocket Launchers help, but only to a point. When I did get the lasers, I was confused because I hadn't met MiB yet and we were producing clones of their weapons :P Great fun. Loved it. Didn't finish it due the save being corrupted because of my own stupidity...
Permission to look at your code to see where I keep going wrong with my own tanks? I won't take anything without your permission, I just want to see where I keep going wrong with my own tanks. I've so far only made one, a Tank/Plasma (not a hover) and it was really confusing to me at the time.
PS: I'm new to modding.
Gah! You beat me to it. I was going to make explosive ammo for the Tank/Cannon and autoshot for the Tank/Rocket Launcher.
Lol. Sorry. :) But I'd be happy to hear some opinions on balance, since I didn't have the time to test it thoroughly.
I also noticed you had auto shot laser tanks...
Yeah. The general idea is: threaded tanks have the auto-shot option and better snap shot accuracy, because hovertanks have minor stabilization issues, but they are more resilient and faster (and, obviously, hovering).
D'aw. I was having fun testing out my own models. Oh well. This mod is good fun. As the OP states, not for everyone. It's fun, but it's really hard during the first terror missions due to Cyberdisks.
Hey, that's not me, that's vanilla! :P
Although I admit me taking away early lasers from you makes them worse. My advice would be: use fire. Flamethrowers work well on Cyberdisks.
Tank/Rocket Launchers help, but only to a point. When I did get the lasers, I was confused because I hadn't met MiB yet and we were producing clones of their weapons :P
Heh. :P I was hoping this wouldn't be happening, considering how prevalent the MiB are. Still, this isn't a problem I guess, since the weapon descriptions only mention the MiB use them, there's no actual erroneous logic... I think.
Great fun. Loved it. Didn't finish it due the save being corrupted because of my own stupidity...
Ouch. :( But don't worry, start again, each new version keeps getting better! ;)
Permission to look at your code to see where I keep going wrong with my own tanks? I won't take anything without your permission, I just want to see where I keep going wrong with my own tanks. I've so far only made one, a Tank/Plasma (not a hover) and it was really confusing to me at the time.
No, common people are forbidden from looking at my sacred code! :P But seriously, do whatever you wish with it; much of it was made by other people anyway. And I think that a modder who forbids others from reusing their work, and expecting people to honour this, is in need of professional help. And a smack on the head. :)
Lol. Sorry. :) But I'd be happy to hear some opinions on balance, since I didn't have the time to test it thoroughly.
I'd suggest adding Autoshot to the Tank/Cannon. I think someone stated that the calibre was 20mm-30mm. Usually these cannons are autocannons/chain guns, and are fired in bursts. I think make it a little more realistic, and possibly with more use - rivalling that of the Tank/Rocket Launcher.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfXLEURxozc#t=45 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfXLEURxozc#t=45)
Adding in civilian's "new" (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2064.0) tanks, or at least the Artillery tank, would be a nice addition. I found the Artillery tank to be very useful for both close and long range support on downed UFO missions and landing sites. I added autoshot myself and made the ammo capacity a little bigger, due to Grenade Launchers usually firing a few times, like on the AAV-7A1 AMTRAC.
Yeah. The general idea is: threaded tanks have the auto-shot option and better snap shot accuracy, because hovertanks have minor stabilization issues, but they are more resilient and faster (and, obviously, hovering).
Reasonable. Even though Lasers have little to no recoil (2 million times less than .22).
Hey, that's not me, that's vanilla! :P
Although I admit me taking away early lasers from you makes them worse. My advice would be: use fire. Flamethrowers work well on Cyberdisks.
It's weird how the flamethrowers worked on them :p But hey, XCOM Logic. I find spamming grenades and rockets help a little bit.
Heh. :P I was hoping this wouldn't be happening, considering how prevalent the MiB are. Still, this isn't a problem I guess, since the weapon descriptions only mention the MiB use them, there's no actual erroneous logic... I think.
It was probably my fault considering I only get a new base every month until I'm financially stable. But I'm just going to presume that Governments of the world felt bad that MiB already had lasers and I didn't :p so they gave us their designs
Ouch. :( But don't worry, start again, each new version keeps getting better! ;)
Just about to start a new playthrough. Might give it another go if no other mods catch my interest in the coming week.
No, common people are forbidden from looking at my sacred code! :P But seriously, do whatever you wish with it; much of it was made by other people anyway. And I think that a modder who forbids others from reusing their work, and expecting people to honour this, is in need of professional help. And a smack on the head. :)
All right! Thanks. I promise I won't plagiarize your code. I'll just stroll on in and see what's wrong with my own code and make it a little bit better. I was thinking of making a HWP compilation that adds AutoShot to most tanks and combining most tanks that people have made into one mod pack - within reason and credits of course.
I'd suggest adding Autoshot to the Tank/Cannon. I think someone stated that the calibre was 20mm-30mm. Usually these cannons are autocannons/chain guns, and are fired in bursts. I think make it a little more realistic, and possibly with more use - rivalling that of the Tank/Rocket Launcher.
Sure, this can be done, but we need to decide: either this, or explosive rounds.
Unless the blast power is significantly decreased, to something like 30 (which is much more deadly than an AP round with strength 30, as explosives hit against under armour, which is usually puny).
What do you think?
Adding in civilian's "new" (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2064.0) tanks, or at least the Artillery tank, would be a nice addition. I found the Artillery tank to be very useful for both close and long range support on downed UFO missions and landing sites.
I've been thinking about something like this, but I don't have a clear vision of how to balance it yet.
Reasonable. Even though Lasers have little to no recoil (2 million times less than .22).
It's not just recoil, it's a mechanical limitation of smoothly rotating the barrel in small increments - one of the biggest struggles of anti-air cannons today.
It's weird how the flamethrowers worked on them :p But hey, XCOM Logic. I find spamming grenades and rockets help a little bit.
Nothing we can do about it, so let's pretend it's all normal. :)
It was probably my fault considering I only get a new base every month until I'm financially stable.
One per month should be enough, as long as you are adamant about it. Not having the Earth well covered is the easiest way to lose with the Men in Black on. Remember to watch the graphs for sudden UFO activity spikes - after all these years, graphs are finally useful! :) Do it especially when you are doing poorly points-wise, and you don't know why. If you find some consistent activity in an unsupervised region, it's almost for sure a MiB base which will ruin your game within a month or two. (This is not my own design, it's Robin's, but I kinda like it for its harshness...)
But I'm just going to presume that Governments of the world felt bad that MiB already had lasers and I didn't :p so they gave us their designs
You mean you discovered hand-held lasers the normal way (Power Source Miniaturization) and then got the Ufopaedia articles and manufacturing options, right? Nothing weird happened? And if it did, what version were you playing?
All right! Thanks. I promise I won't plagiarize your code. I'll just stroll on in and see what's wrong with my own code and make it a little bit better.
No problem, do with this what you want, though if you use large portions of it please credit the author, be it myself or someone else.
I was thinking of making a HWP compilation that adds AutoShot to most tanks and combining most tanks that people have made into one mod pack - within reason and credits of course.
It's a good idea, I actually made something like this myself, but be warned that modding tanks is tricky. You have my permission to use my tank/turret sprites if you want, since I think it's pointless to do it again, unless you want some graphic files that I don't have. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask for help.
Sure, this can be done, but we need to decide: either this, or explosive rounds.
Unless the blast power is significantly decreased, to something like 30 (which is much more deadly than an AP round with strength 30, as explosives hit against under armour, which is usually puny).
What do you think?
I modified the Tank/Cannon in my most recent playthrough to where it auto-fired and it was still very underpowered compared to either the Tank/Artillery or the Tank/Rocket Launcher. Reducing blast power would probably be best in this situation.
I've been thinking about something like this, but I don't have a clear vision of how to balance it yet.
I'm not sure if I'd consider the Tank/Artillery OP or just fun in my most recent playthrough. I used it for long and close range, and it was effective. It was kinda like a buffer zone between Rocket and Cannon. But, if possible, making it inefficient at close range might be helpful. Since it is called Tank/Artillery after all.
It's not just recoil, it's a mechanical limitation of smoothly rotating the barrel in small increments - one of the biggest struggles of anti-air cannons today.
Again, very reasonable.
One per month should be enough, as long as you are adamant about it. Not having the Earth well covered is the easiest way to lose with the Men in Black on. Remember to watch the graphs for sudden UFO activity spikes - after all these years, graphs are finally useful! :) Do it especially when you are doing poorly points-wise, and you don't know why. If you find some consistent activity in an unsupervised region, it's almost for sure a MiB base which will ruin your game within a month or two. (This is not my own design, it's Robin's, but I kinda like it for its harshness...)
It's a really fun mod, it's a curveball thrown to XCOM. Managing their own traitors while fighting off an alien invasion. It's very harsh, but that's to be expected of another organization rivalling that of XCOM.
You mean you discovered hand-held lasers the normal way (Power Source Miniaturization) and then got the Ufopaedia articles and manufacturing options, right? Nothing weird happened? And if it did, what version were you playing?
It was meant as a joke :P
No problem, do with this what you want, though if you use large portions of it please credit the author, be it myself or someone else.
Of course. Though this will take at least two weeks to look at the tank mods, make them balanced/usable and then make them into one big mod (Which will be my first to make public).
It's a good idea, I actually made something like this myself, but be warned that modding tanks is tricky. You have my permission to use my tank/turret sprites if you want, since I think it's pointless to do it again, unless you want some graphic files that I don't have. And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask for help.
I'm planning on asking for help. I already have a handful of mods to convert to the mod pack. I just need to give it a name and configure it all in Notepad ++. Of course I'll probably make a handful of threads, or one thread, concerning the assistance I need. I will make a couple of tanks available from the start and then make more available as time progresses. I may take some influence from the HWP section of your mod pack, and even take some inspiration from most of the tanks you have in the mod (I.E Hover/Rocket Launcher) and attempt to make it so every vehicle is still viable especially after you research hover tanks and hover/plasma. Probably by taking a chapter from your "book" so to speak and make hovers have more armor, but no auto.
While this is all off topic, I appreciate your help. I was thinking of starting in a couple hours. Start a thread probably an hour after that due to the help I would need :P
Is there a diagram that shows the changes on the tech tree brought by this mod?
Honestly, I've never used the Tank/Cannon in the vanilla game.
I modified the Tank/Cannon in my most recent playthrough to where it auto-fired and it was still very underpowered compared to either the Tank/Artillery or the Tank/Rocket Launcher.
Maybe the Tank/Cannon could get a burst-fire where it shoots 5 times.
About tanks.... This is a question for the more (than me) knowledgeable modders here: Would it be possible to mod a tank with TWO weapon systems (just like a soldier holding a weapon in each hand)? For example a tank with a large calibre cannon (with just aimed/snap fire capacity) AND a smaller caliber autocannon with auto fire and less powerful ammo. What do you think? Someone tested that concept? Thanks! (Or may be... Tanks!) 8)
By the way: I would like to give a million thanks to the author(s) of this super-mod, because is completely fantastic, and also is very alive and kicking with frequent updates! It rocks!! ;D
*deletes all existing mods*
*downloads Final Mod Pack*
Giving it a go to see how it goes! Think I will struggle mostly with the revamped research tech tree, but I like a challenge!
Ok, straight in, you probably know about it....
Why is there a UFOpedia page showing Alien Containment, yet it is not available to build or research?
Do you have an up to date Research Tree diagram by any chance?
Is there a diagram that shows the changes on the tech tree brought by this mod?
There were some, but at the moment I don't have anything remotely up to date, and I don't feel like spending hours on this today - sorry. :)
I'll ask Falko if he still has that diagram generator. If he doesn't, I'll probably force myself to do this. :)
Honestly, I've never used the Tank/Cannon in the vanilla game.
Maybe the Tank/Cannon could get a burst-fire where it shoots 5 times.
Yeah, maybe... Basically an Auto-Cannon with explosive rounds and higher rate of fire.
About tanks.... This is a question for the more (than me) knowledgeable modders here: Would it be possible to mod a tank with TWO weapon systems (just like a soldier holding a weapon in each hand)? For example a tank with a large calibre cannon (with just aimed/snap fire capacity) AND a smaller caliber autocannon with auto fire and less powerful ammo. What do you think? Someone tested that concept? Thanks! (Or may be... Tanks!) 8)
Sadly, it's not possible at this time. But I'm hoping for this too! :)
By the way: I would like to give a million thanks to the author(s) of this super-mod, because is completely fantastic, and also is very alive and kicking with frequent updates! It rocks!! ;D
Hehe, thanks! I admit it's tremendously fun for me as well. :D The only problem is, any new stuff I'm making is somehow related to the FMP, which sometimes poses problems if I want to make some standalone mod... ;)
*deletes all existing mods*
*downloads Final Mod Pack*
Giving it a go to see how it goes! Think I will struggle mostly with the revamped research tech tree, but I like a challenge!
It's not as hard as it used to be... You can get lasers within a few months. They're not as good as the vanilla lasers, which come up much later, but they're comparable.
Nevertheless, this mod does make the game harder... Watch out for alien activity beyond your radars. :)
Ok, straight in, you probably know about it....
Why is there a UFOpedia page showing Alien Containment, yet it is not available to build or research?
Umm, yes you are right, I've never noticed this. It is a bug, will be fixed in the next release.
What about bugs that's a few months old which has been incorporated?
I.e. Medical First Aid.... says it costs 10 TUs to use it, but actually costs 20 TUs.
Learnt the hard way, failed to save my comrades in time....
Scout drone has a tiny picture in inventory when it is killed, taking up 1 slot rather than 6 slots.
Finally, I am using Tank/Cannon with this mod, but I certainly wasn't expecting this to be explosive, was this intentional?
What about bugs that's a few months old which has been incorporated?
I.e. Medical First Aid.... says it costs 10 TUs to use it, but actually costs 20 TUs.
Learnt the hard way, failed to save my comrades in time....
Okay, I'll modify the description. I never really read that wall of text. :P
Scout drone has a tiny picture in inventory when it is killed, taking up 1 slot rather than 6 slots.
Well, I will appreciate if someone makes a better bigob. :)
Finally, I am using Tank/Cannon with this mod, but I certainly wasn't expecting this to be explosive, was this intentional?
See posts on this page. :P
Ah yes sorry I see the discussion about explosive cannons! Think I prefer nnonexplosivies! Also, when the drone is destroyed, a message comes up saying "scout has been killed " which isn't normal for a tank...
Solarius: Thanks for your answers! I also hope the possibility of making two weapon tanks be enabled sometime in the future...
You are THE MAN! Thanks again for your excellent and undoubtely hard job! I am slowly making an "Add-on" mod for the FMP adding some little things I would like to give my X-Com Special Forces!! 8)
This looks a little bit lonely/mismatched after researching Alien Alloys Ammo...
I thought this bug was fixed long ago...?
I'll have a look at it ASAP.
What about this:-
A short range radar and a long range radar registers as two long range detection range?
I dont recall seeing this in Vanilla OpenXcom?
Sorry, just trying to help detect bugs!
What about this:-
A short range radar and a long range radar registers as two long range detection range?
I dont recall seeing this in Vanilla OpenXcom?
Sorry, just trying to help detect bugs!
Yeah, I'm grateful.
I did nothing to the radars though... Weird.
its the same behaviour without any mod
Yeah, I'm grateful.
I did nothing to the radars though... Weird.
You are correct, seems to be nothing to do with your mod.
Ran a vanilla Xcom on latest GIT build and the same problem persists.
Don't think this has been mentioned but I researched a floater corpse and got what looked like the the anti-grav research results instead of the floater autopsy results. Still have the option to research the antigrav though.
Don't think this has been mentioned but I researched a floater corpse and got what looked like the the anti-grav research results instead of the floater autopsy results. Still have the option to research the antigrav though.
OK, I'll have a look at it... Thanks.
(This sounds like a probably bug on my part. Doing all those antigrav stuff was complicated.)
A way to test it is to build a ruleset, to be loaded after your FMP ruleset, which :
- set all research cost to 1
- allows buying any item
- eventually make all items producible
This way, you can simulate research tree, buying needed items when you want to have them
I made my own rulesets but they should not be fully compliant with your own FMP, as my mod is a little different
Anyway I provide them in case it could help you
A way to test it is to build a ruleset, to be loaded after your FMP ruleset, which :
- set all research cost to 1
- allows buying any item
- eventually make all items producible
Or you can simply edit the save. It is faster, but requires some understanding of how the game works; for example, what poppedResearch is.
Frankly, I'm using both methods.
Thanks for the hint, I will try it
There were some, but at the moment I don't have anything remotely up to date, and I don't feel like spending hours on this today - sorry. :)
I'll ask Falko if he still has that diagram generator. If he doesn't, I'll probably force myself to do this. :)
I'll happily analyse the rulesets and produce a research diagram if you like?
Not sure if this is to do with the FMP or not but I thought I'd start here and if I get redirected elsewhere I'll report it there.
Investigated a small sized UFO crash site (forgot to ID it, sorry) in a Skyranger and this is how the mission started. (https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/) https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/)
Not sure if this is to do with the FMP or not but I thought I'd start here and if I get redirected elsewhere I'll report it there.
Investigated a small sized UFO crash site (forgot to ID it, sorry) in a Skyranger and this is how the mission started. (https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/) https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/ (https://www.flickr.com/photos/57278801@N04/14767417444/)
That's pretty cool. :D But unlikely to do anything with the FMP.
Were you able to complete the mission? Do you have any other mods enabled? Are you using nightlies?
This looks a little bit lonely/mismatched after researching Alien Alloys Ammo...
I checked and it works fine to me. This means either of the two:
1) You're using an outdated version.
2) Somehow by upgrading to the newer version, something did not update properly. This sometimes happens with the research tree.
Either way, there's nothing I can do to fix this, because it's not broken. And it shouldn't break your campaign anyway.
Don't think this has been mentioned but I researched a floater corpse and got what looked like the the anti-grav research results instead of the floater autopsy results. Still have the option to research the antigrav though.
It looks like the antigrav module info takes precedence over the autopsy info, and only one item can be displayed after research is complete, even though both should be displayed. I moved the antigrav module ufopaedia trigger to antigrav armour, since it's not that jarring. A more solid solution would be to create a new research item, I'll experiment with it.
That's pretty cool. :D But unlikely to do anything with the FMP.
Were you able to complete the mission? Do you have any other mods enabled? Are you using nightlies?
I had the same problem a while back. It's MiB. When I down one of their transports, my guys spawn in both my Skyranger and their Transport. Same with the firestorm/lightning maps too.
I had the same problem a while back. It's MiB. When I down one of their transports, my guys spawn in both my Skyranger and their Transport. Same with the firestorm/lightning maps too.
Ah, that makes sense. It's also kinda my fault, since I convinced Robin to make the MiB use Earth crafts. :)
Anyway, please report this bug in the Men in Black thread.
I checked and it works fine to me. This means either of the two:
1) You're using an outdated version.
2) Somehow by upgrading to the newer version, something did not update properly. This sometimes happens with the research tree.
Either way, there's nothing I can do to fix this, because it's not broken. And it shouldn't break your campaign anyway.
Actually using the FMP mod from the modsite (v 6.1) and latest nightly GIT builds. No other mods are included or enabled.
I will download and reinstall OpenXcom and FMP and check again.
I will download and reinstall OpenXcom and FMP and check again.
If it doesn't work, try starting a new campaign.
Fresh install with OpenXcom, game files, FMP mod AND a new campaign.
The issue still persists.
You will find it if you go to UFOpedia, select Skyranger page, click Next Next Next Next, and you will find the same screenshot, it is located just before Tank/Scout or Tank/Cannon page.
I had a quick look and it is not same issue as previous
Anyway, I found an error in ruleset V0.6.1 : look for "- id: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER" (line 11576), attributes are not defined
Could it be that this kind of issue come back still HOVERTANK have been implemented ?
Because I see something that doesn't make me confident : declaring a ufopedia dependent on many requirements
As an example
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1620
It seems to me that this may cause strange behaviour
It has to be checked, but I guess a ufopaedia entry should always have only one "requires:"
If need more, create a research topic with cost 0 that include these requirements, then declare this new research entry as unique requirement of ufopaedia entry
Beware that I did not yet make all the tests to affirm this
Fresh install with OpenXcom, game files, FMP mod AND a new campaign.
The issue still persists.
You will find it if you go to UFOpedia, select Skyranger page, click Next Next Next Next, and you will find the same screenshot, it is located just before Tank/Scout or Tank/Cannon page.
Damn. You are right; it displays fine when researched, but not when browsing the Ufopaedia.
I think I know how to fix this, but it'll take some work. Will be done though... eventually. Now it's fixed.
Anyway, I found an error in ruleset V0.6.1 : look for "- id: STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER" (line 11576), attributes are not defined
Sorry, but... what attributes? I don't understand the problem. (The article displays just fine.)
Because I see something that doesn't make me confident : declaring a ufopedia dependent on many requirements
As an example
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1620
It seems to me that this may cause strange behaviour
Well, bluntly speaking, it's not my code - it's Harry's. I haven't 100% screened every mod I've included, I only fix problems that I can find, and I found nothing wrong with this. So I assume this code is correct and multiple prerequisites work, although I'm not confident enough to use this feature myself.
If it is confirmed that this causes weird behaviour, then of course I'll fix it. :)
Sorry, but... what attributes? I don't understand the problem. (The article displays just fine.)
I was speaking about this, but if it works, don't pay any attention
I was speaking about this, but if it works, don't pay any attention
Oh... Okay. Sorry, I'll have a look at it and come back to you. :)
Quick question - what do I need to research alien weapons?
Quick question - what do I need to research alien weapons?
In short, you need to interrogate many Engineers, Leaders or Commanders. Every time you do, you get a random research, and each alien weapon requires several of them.
You also need some basic stuff like the UFO Power Source, but you'll almost certainly have it before collecting plasma and fusion prerequisites.
Ah, I see. So it's not enough to capture a variety of aliens - quantity matters too?
Ah, I see. So it's not enough to capture a variety of aliens - quantity matters too?
Yes, definitely so. Live capture is the pillar of this mod.
Now, for something completely different: I'm thinking of making the Large Radar System researchable, so that the Small Radar System wouldn't be obsolete from day 1. However, I'm also wondering if it wouldn't make the game too hard, with shorter detection ranges. Besides, the LRS is obsoleted anyway by the Hyper-Wave Decoder. What do you think?
That Maybe the small radar system should simply be removed from the game.
Detection mechanics in XCOM have always baffled me ???
That Maybe the small radar system should simply be removed from the game.
Detection mechanics in XCOM have always baffled me ???
Right, I had the same feeling
Yes, definitely so. Live capture is the pillar of this mod.
Now, for something completely different: I'm thinking of making the Large Radar System researchable, so that the Small Radar System wouldn't be obsolete from day 1. However, I'm also wondering if it wouldn't make the game too hard, with shorter detection ranges. Besides, the LRS is obsoleted anyway by the Hyper-Wave Decoder. What do you think?
Perhaps group this idea with an awacs
Well I don't really want to remove the content. I don't personally care about the small radar, but I feel it might be too arbitrary in an already very arbitrary mod.
Perhaps group this idea with an awacs
We could do that, but I dread the very idea of having to manually patrol the globe. I'd rather have a 100% radar coverage. :P
We could do that, but I dread the very idea of having to manually patrol the globe. I'd rather have a 100% radar coverage. :P
I meant for the beginning
Once the big one is researched, you get back the 100% radar coverage possibility
I meant for the beginning
Once the big one is researched, you get back the 100% radar coverage possibility
OK, I'll think about it. Not for the next release, but probably right after. :)
Well I don't really want to remove the content. I don't personally care about the small radar, but I feel it might be too arbitrary in an already very arbitrary mod.
Well, I hear your feelings, but in all honesty SRS adds ZERO to the game...it's not that the LRS costs too much, and having percentages stack up right until the HWD (which obsoletes the radars altogether) it's STILL a bit silly....the HWD shouldl be used in ADDITION to the radar, not in substitution.
Thinking about it anyway, detection mechanics in XCOM need some sort of fixing to be more scalable....or maybe be substituted by a satellite network.... ::)
We could do that, but I dread the very idea of having to manually patrol the globe. I'd rather have a 100% radar coverage. :P
Manually patrolling the globe is meaningless since you should patrol the WHOLE atmosphere....also the game mechanics do not play on your favor since you can only set ONE waypoint at a time (unless I'm missing something) and patrolling becomes a chore.
I'd rather see a "radar tech" tree in which your 'radar/network' becomes more efficient at decoding Alien transmission and detecting UFOs, while having 100% coverage (or having coverage only on countries that actually fund XCOM) on the globe....too bad this mostly defeats the purpose of intel graphs (which I use EXTREMELY sparingly).
If only is abalible the short radat. The mib may do the game harder if dont detect the missions in time.
Another q. Ihave this error. Only play with your mod. When i entry in a mission
Well, I hear your feelings, but in all honesty SRS adds ZERO to the game...it's not that the LRS costs too much, and having percentages stack up right until the HWD (which obsoletes the radars altogether) it's STILL a bit silly....the HWD shouldl be used in ADDITION to the radar, not in substitution.
Precisely. I would like the HWD to only give you information that the radars don't, which is race and mission. The speed and size would still require a radar. (Not sure what to do about UFO type.) Or maybe the HWD wouldn't detect the UFO at all, only worked on those detected by radars?
Anyway, this would require heavy code modification, so for now it's mostly academic. :)
Thinking about it anyway, detection mechanics in XCOM need some sort of fixing to be more scalable....or maybe be substituted by a satellite network.... ::)
Manually patrolling the globe is meaningless since you should patrol the WHOLE atmosphere....also the game mechanics do not play on your favor since you can only set ONE waypoint at a time (unless I'm missing something) and patrolling becomes a chore.
Right. The satellites aren't a bad idea, though I don't know how exactly it'd work yet.
I'd rather see a "radar tech" tree in which your 'radar/network' becomes more efficient at decoding Alien transmission and detecting UFOs, while having 100% coverage (or having coverage only on countries that actually fund XCOM) on the globe....too bad this mostly defeats the purpose of intel graphs (which I use EXTREMELY sparingly).
True. Well, they do come useful now, because of the MiB. :)
If only is abalible the short radat. The mib may do the game harder if dont detect the missions in time.
Yeah, certainly... Well, you still need to mind the graphs.
Another q. Ihave this error. Only play with your mod. When i entry in a mission
Damn, you're correct - I somehow lost this map file. I'll attach it here as a hotfix.
Im having a problem that when I do not manage to shoot down battleship on retaliation mission, then game crashes to desktop without any error message as soon as battleship reaches my base.
I tried to prepare my Ravens near the base, however battleship speed is too high (3200 knots) to catch it with more than two Ravens. I have reloaded dozen times and tried different variations without success.
I´m using only this mod pack and enjoying greatly new experience so far. Therefore I would appreciate if someone can help me out.
Save attached. Battleship will appear at 9:30 over UAE.
At the moment i dont have problems. In my game i shot down over 200 ufos. May be uodate the game to last nighlie and try again
Im having a problem that when I do not manage to shoot down battleship on retaliation mission, then game crashes to desktop without any error message as soon as battleship reaches my base.
I tried to prepare my Ravens near the base, however battleship speed is too high (3200 knots) to catch it with more than two Ravens. I have reloaded dozen times and tried different variations without success.
I´m using only this mod pack and enjoying greatly new experience so far. Therefore I would appreciate if someone can help me out.
Save attached. Battleship will appear at 9:30 over UAE.
A work around in case you want go on until issue is solved : set the damage capacity of battleship to 100 so that you can destroy it
How to :
- exit game
- backup your OpenXcom folder (winzip or so)
- open XCom1Ruleset.rul with notepad++
- look for "ufos:" section
- update damageMax from 3000 to 100
- run game and load savegame
- shoot it up
- save game and exit
- set damageMax back to 3000
- have fun
Hi, I have the same problem when a battleship attacks my base (I don't try shooting it down, just letting aliens enter - Polish hospitality :P). When initializing defence mission the game closes without error or warning. I've made some experiments selling out some equipment right before alien assault and the reason seems to be a problem related to smoke pellets. When I have them more than needed for loading drones I have in the attacked base (6 per scout drone), the game closes. When I haven't spare smoke pellets, base defence mission initializes perfectly. I'm not a modder so I'm not sure, but maybe the game is trying to place smoke pellets on battlescape? For now I just replenish smoke pellet stock to the needed number after every mission and I don't have any problem with base defence.
By the way it's great, challenging mod. I love the idea of longer research which makes you to develop tactics depending on what tech you get in interrogations. Thank you for your work on it. Can't wait to play new releases with loads of new balanced stuff. :)
Guys, good news: there is indeed a problem with the smoke pellets, and one that can be easily fixed.
Many thanks Cineko88, without your info it'd take me who knows how long. I wouldn't know myself, because I don't normally use drones...
I'll post an updated version ASAP! Like, within an hour I hope.
EDIT: It's up on the mod page! Sorry about this, I'm trying to screen all mods I'm including, but it's just too much data. Now we have one bug less.
Well, as far as I can tell, small radars are pretty pointless in any given scenario - in all my experience, I've only had one for as long as it took me to build a big one, and they never came up again. I might suggest a crossbreed of radar and transmission resolver - high {total?} likelihood of detection, but with no additional information.
A question. How many elerium needs the plasma beam for the ships. In my game is drinking all elerium!!!
A question. How many elerium needs the plasma beam for the ships. In my game is drinking all elerium!!!
1 unit of Elerium per shot. :D
(Yes, this makes me feel good :) )
Hello Solarius! Thanks for updating the mod!
As there were a rush of mod updates today, I would like to ask if you included in the FMP the following latests versions:
- Gauss Mod v1.5
- Terrain Missions Pack v1.9.7
- Recycled Alien Collection v1.3
Thanks again! 8)
- Gauss Mod v1.5
- Terrain Missions Pack v1.9.7
- Recycled Alien Collection v1.3
No. 1 and 3 are my mods, which belong to the FMP and will always be updated with it (actually, the FMP is updated first, because that's what I'm actually playing!). And Hobbes' work will be updated too, since I'm basically his cultist. :P
Solarius: so, you tell me that your own two mods (gauss and Recycled Aliens) will ever be up to date.... but could you integrate the latest Terrain/Missions v1.9.7? Or will it be added in next update?
Thanks for a fabulous work!!! Your mega-mod really gives the player a totally fresh experience with X-Com!
Solarius: so, you tell me that your own two mods (gauss and Recycled Aliens) will ever be up to date.... but could you integrate the latest Terrain/Missions v1.9.7? Or will it be added in next update?
Yes, certainly. Although it'll take a while, since the FMP is in tatters now due to the development of alien hybrid project that should have been a separate mod but somehow is not. :P
Thanks for a fabulous work!!! Your mega-mod really gives the player a totally fresh experience with X-Com!
Thank you very much and rest assured this is not our last word. :)
1 unit of Elerium per shot. :D
(Yes, this makes me feel good :) )
Quick check then, are there any weapons available with a decent range to them, apart from the starting missiles?
Quick check then, are there any weapons available with a decent range to them, apart from the starting missiles?
Not really. The only new craft weapons in FMP are Alloy Cannon and Gauss Cannon, and both are short-ranged.
Hmm. It might be something worth looking into. I agree that vanilla plasma cannon is more than a little OP, but given that elerium is a limited resource, using it as ammo tips the scales on the opposite extreme. As it is, the game lacks a middle ground weapon - for example, an alloy railgun that has high range, but low damage and ammunition that needs to be manufactured. The resource cost for the ammo might be easier to adjust to balance the pros and cons of mainstream use than using elerium.
Finally i return to avalanches missile. The cost is too high tu use plasma beams. In a month i can down over 20 ufos. Normally 5 or 6 in the first week of the month. And the weapons of short range are useless. The ships repairing needs a lot of more time
Solars, there are definitely too many items that can be manufactured in your mod !!
But now there is a feature that solves it... :)
Too many items? Dude, you should see the Piratez mod. :D
As for the "low damage, long range" weapon, Avalanche is the way to go. I could rebalance air combat, but frankly I don't see the need. I like the fact that Plasma Beam is no longer the only choice, but it's still viable. After all you don't have to take down every single UFO, there are other ways of fighting them (like tailing them until they land, for example), or you can send four planes against one UFO.
Too many items? Dude, you should see the Piratez mod. :D
I like the fact that Plasma Beam is no longer the only choice
And now the Avalanche Missile is.
And now the Avalanche Missile is.
Well, it's a dynamic thing. For a time, E-115 is a problem, but then it evens out.
Nevertheless, I use mostly laser cannons.
Well, it's a dynamic thing. For a time, E-115 is a problem, but then it evens out.
Nevertheless, I use mostly laser cannons.
You mean close-range, lots of misses and slow firerate death traps?
I made my own ruleset which increased their range, and now I use them a lot more than I used to. First time I used the things my interceptor was destroyed by a terror ship :'(
I made my own ruleset which increased their range, and now I use them a lot more than I used to. First time I used the things my interceptor was destroyed by a terror ship :'(
I just lost two interceptors to a single Fighter.
This is real suffering! :P
Long story short, I don't want to say it'll never change, but for now I'm enjoying the balance as it is.
I must have messed up somehow but...
game works great with this mod, but I've equipped a couple of new weapons (Sniper Rifle, Shotgun), and in Battlescape they look super-weird, like sort of greenish and divided into a bunch of sections. It looks like a glitch. Any idea what I did wrong and/or how to fix it?
Also, just ran into some sectoids, and their weapons look odd too.
Vanilla weapons look normal.
EDIT: Apparently the weirdness is only when looking, like, horizontally right along the screen. If facing vertically down along the screen, looks fine. This is OS X 10.8, by the way.
I must have messed up somehow but...
game works great with this mod, but I've equipped a couple of new weapons (Sniper Rifle, Shotgun), and in Battlescape they look super-weird, like sort of greenish and divided into a bunch of sections. It looks like a glitch. Any idea what I did wrong and/or how to fix it?
Also, just ran into some sectoids, and their weapons look odd too.
Vanilla weapons look normal.
EDIT: Apparently the weirdness is only when looking, like, horizontally right along the screen. If facing vertically down along the screen, looks fine. This is OS X 10.8, by the way.
So, is this a graphics problem or something with your hardware after all?
Bear in mind I've never really seen a Mac in my life, therefore... :)
So, is this a graphics problem or something with your hardware after all?
Bear in mind I've never really seen a Mac in my life, therefore... :)
It looks like a software problem to me, either something with the mod files or OpenXcom. I just now installed OpenXcom 1.0, applied universal patch, then applied this mod and enabled it. Then New Battle from main menu. Here is what heavy laser looks like when soldier looks right vs. down.
So something is wrong. Anyone else seen this? What could it be?
If I disable the mod, heavy laser looks normal.
EDIT: Works fine in Windows though. :(
In options have a option i remember better sprites or similar. This adjust the sprites to resolution try enable or disable it
The Mod is great and i had fun to try the game with it again after a lot of years!
My beginner questions ist because after some month in game i encountered very powerful aliens and have nothing really to defend myself against them. There are mutons, Ethereal and Sectopods. I have no laser or plasma weapons against them. Only alloy improved ammunition and rocket launchers. I have researched a lot and captured a lot of aliens but now it seems the aliens are overpowered to me.
On what depends the higher aliens to appear? Research?
I have attached a savegame to show what i mean.
Help is always welcome.
kind regards,
In options have a option i remember better sprites or similar. This adjust the sprites to resolution try enable or disable it
Unfortunately that did not fix it.
It looks like this person had exactly the same problem -- they seem to be running on Linux (also a Unix'y OS).
Could it have something to do with Unix line endings or something along those lines? What can we do to help fix it?
The Mod is great and i had fun to try the game with it again after a lot of years!
Yay! Good for you! :) Thanks.
My beginner questions is because after some month in game i encountered very powerful aliens and have nothing really to defend myself against them. There are mutons, Ethereal and Sectopods. I have no laser or plasma weapons against them. Only alloy improved ammunition and rocket launchers. I have researched a lot and captured a lot of aliens but now it seems the aliens are overpowered to me.
On what depends the higher aliens to appear? Research?
I have attached a savegame to show what i mean.
Help is always welcome.
kind regards,
Oh believe me Lordi, I can emphatize... I'm in July now and fighting Mutons is such a chore.
I looked at your save and you're making good progress, actually you're doing better than me! Congratulations on researching the Stun Bomb already, this should make things a bit easier.
As for dealing with tough alien races, well, there's no simple answer. I just wouldn't go against Ethereals yet, because you can't win and it's not obligatory anyway. If there's a terror, go there and immediately take off back to base - you'll get negative points, but not as many as if you weren't there at all. Against smaller teams, just do what you think you can; after all the X-Com project won't be terminated just because you ignored a crashed Large Scout.
Now, for laser weapons, you need: laser technology (which you already have), UFO Power Source and an Engineer. This will give you Power Source Miniaturization, which will power hand-held lasers and gauss weapons.
As for the plasma/fusion research, it requires interrogating a number of Engineers, Leaders or Commanders. You need specific techs out of a longish list, so it's a bit random when you get all plasma prerequisites. Use lasers/gauss for now. :)
Last tip: build laser tanks. They're way better against Mutons than AP ammunition.
What game settings do you recommend for this mod? I.e. I cannot decide on whether alien bleeding should be suppressed or not.
What game settings do you recommend for this mod? I.e. I cannot decide on whether alien bleeding should be suppressed or not.
I use it; makes combat marginally easier, but live capture is way harder, so I think it makes the game harder overall.
I can go through options one by one, but they're mostly neutral to the FMP, so I'll only list the ones I think are relevant:
canManufactureMoreItemsPerHour: ON. Some stuff builds fast, mostly alloy clips.
alienBleeding: ON, like mentioned above. Mutons are almost impervious to small arms fire, but hitting them many times makes it possible to kill them through fatal wounds.
battleInstantGrenade: OFF. This is just lame and somewhat invalidates Grenade Launchers.
battleUFOExtenderAccuracy: ON. This is quite important, as all weapons were balanced for this (though I guess you could play vanilla accuracy, but the game will be less detailed).
showMoreStatsInInventoryView: ON. Not vital, but will be of use when dealing with some armours which modify stats.
weaponSelfDestruction: OFF. This would make your game harder and also be quite silly.
alienBleeding: ON, like mentioned above. Mutons are almost impervious to small arms fire, but hitting them many times makes it possible to kill them through fatal wounds.
The downside to this, however, can be that it will almost always lead to aliens who have been severely injured but stunned dying from fatal wounds. It's not something to rely on, but can be an useful situation when it comes up.
Side note, what's required for mind probe use?
The downside to this, however, can be that it will almost always lead to aliens who have been severely injured but stunned dying from fatal wounds. It's not something to rely on, but can be an useful situation when it comes up.
Yeah, it makes the game harder in this regard. I just said so in the previous post. :)
Side note, what's required for mind probe use?
Alien Neuropsychology and Alien Optical Processor. Not that much if you have some luck with the interrogations.
Got it. It should make it easier to pinpoint valuable targets.
One more question - is the tech tree diagram in the OP still valid, or has the mod changed any of it?
One more question - is the tech tree diagram in the OP still valid, or has the mod changed any of it?
It's completely outdated. :P
I'll make a new one... When I can...
Cool. Actually, is there some kind of viewer I can use in the meantime? I could probably knock a diagram together if that's the case.
Cool. Actually, is there some kind of viewer I can use in the meantime? I could probably knock a diagram together if that's the case.
The agreed upon software for this would be Dia. It's not perfect, but it does its job, it's freeware, besides I don't know of anything better or even as good.
It would be cool if someone else did the diagram, the FMP team would really appreciate this. :)
Ohhh. I mean the viewer for the tech tree code. Or, so as not to derail further, is there a thread that goes in depth about that aspect of modding?
Ohhh. I mean the viewer for the tech tree code. Or, so as not to derail further, is there a thread that goes in depth about that aspect of modding?
Which file is it stored in?
Which file is it stored in?
I think you should start learning by analysing something smaller and less complex than the FMP... Like, pretty much any other mod. Like something that just adds some weapons.
First read this: https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_%28OpenXcom%29 :)
I used your idea of Grav Module (as I did with most of FMP ideas ! :P)
I share what I implemented then starting from that* :
- I added also "Armor Conversion" (to make a flying armors from non flying armors + consuming grav modules)
- I added "Gravity Generator" (from Alien Gravity Generator + Grav Module researches), that is for Hovertanks what is Grav Module for armors
- I also added "Hovertank conversion" to make hovertanks from tanks (consuming Gravity Generator)
* : This has more sense in my mod as I heavily decrease all selling costs, also conversion and recycling are a necessity
I used your idea of Grav Module (as I did with most of FMP ideas ! :P)
Of course! Making mods is like writing RPG adventures: it's the art of stealing. :) (With emphasis on art.)
- I added also "Armor Conversion" (to make a flying armors from non flying armors + consuming grav modules)
Yes, I thought about it too, but ultimately decided that the differences between these armours' construction run too deep to convert one into another. It's debatable though.
- I added "Gravity Generator" (from Alien Gravity Generator + Grav Module researches), that is for Hovertanks what is Grav Module for armors
What I did was that "UFO Construction", which needed to build hovertanks, has "Alien Gravity Generator" in its prerequisites.
Since there is no difference between alien gravity generator and X-Com gravity generator, I've decided to skip the extra step. A GG is a GG.
- I also added "Hovertank conversion" to make hovertanks from tanks (consuming Gravity Generator)
Uh... How? O_o
That's like taking a rowing boat, putting tracks on it and calling it a tank. Can be done if you're really determined, but that's not how you build tanks. :)
Uh... How? O_o
That's like taking a rowing boat, putting tracks on it and calling it a tank. Can be done if you're really determined, but that's not how you build tanks. :)
I'd imagine it's more or less taking the turret and slapping it onto a hovertank chassis. But that's all I can say for this.
In FMP, I can see for example under "research:" topic
cost: 100
points: 25
needItem: true
I wonder about this "needitem: true", as there does not exist any item of same name
Does it work well ?
As it is given via getOneFree, I should have defined it without needItem neither requires/dependencies but with cost 0
instead of needitem true a dependencies : [STR_ALINE_ONLY] would be better/less confusing
In FMP, I can see for example under "research:" topic
cost: 100
points: 25
needItem: true
I wonder about this "needitem: true", as there does not exist any item of same name
Does it work well ?
As it is given via getOneFree, I should have defined it without needItem neither requires/dependencies but with cost 0
Yes, the needItem: true is necessary. Otherwise you would be able to research it on your own, since the very start of the game, while the intention is to be only available from alien interrogation.
In other words, this item is unresearchable, unless you bypass its prerequisites by getOneFree from alien interrogation. This mechanism is used in the original ruleset, too - for example, for alien missions:
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
Or for UFOs:
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
points: 50
needItem: true
instead of needitem true a dependencies : [STR_ALINE_ONLY] would be better/less confusing
I don't know what it is, I've never seen it before, this is way more confusing to me. :P
Yes, the needItem: true is necessary. Otherwise you would be able to research it on your own, since the very start of the game, while the intention is to be only available from alien interrogation.
In other words, this item is unresearchable, unless you bypass its prerequisites by getOneFree from alien interrogation. This mechanism is used in the original ruleset, too - for example, for alien missions:
Right !
I'm quite sure I already asked you, I just forgot it... I will add a comment for next time my brain boils
instead of needitem true a dependencies : [STR_ALIEN_ONLY] would be better/less confusing
or perhaps dependencies : [STR_UNLOCKED_BY_GETONEFREE]
Even dependencies : [UNLOCKED_BY_GETONEFREE]
If the item is unresearchable by direct means, there's no need to put the research cost in the ruleset. One line less :)
If the item is unresearchable by direct means, there's no need to put the research cost in the ruleset. One line less :)
But points could not be set to zero, right ?
But points could not be set to zero, right ?
Sure they can, many projects in the vanilla have cost 0. That means they're researched as soon as you get the prerequisites, with no research project involved.
Sure they can, many projects in the vanilla have cost 0. That means they're researched as soon as you get the prerequisites, with no research project involved.
I was speaking of points
Have a look in your FMP at line 14231, some _ are missing
cost: 550
points: 30
needItem: true
The agreed upon software for this would be Dia. It's not perfect, but it does its job, it's freeware, besides I don't know of anything better or even as good.
It would be cool if someone else did the diagram, the FMP team would really appreciate this. :)
dia would be way not useful for FMP :)
i use https://gephi.github.io/ to work with bigger graphs
the vanilla+FMP connection-network has 600 nodes and 1900 connections (after removing all elements that are not connected)
i attached the image1 as a legend
2 pdf files one with all connections and one "only" with research
its obviuos such a tree is difficult to read
if i would have to do it would do it in gephi itself because there is some nice functionality so you can see what connections are where (image2-detail)
and last but not least the gephi file itself
I was speaking of points
Lol, OK. Sorry about this.
Have a look in your FMP at line 14231, some _ are missing
cost: 550
points: 30
needItem: true
Well, f*ck. Sorry again, I'll fix it ASAP.
And Falko, this looks amazing.
dia would be way not useful for FMP :)
i use https://gephi.github.io/ to work with bigger graphs
the vanilla+FMP connection-network has 600 nodes and 1900 connections (after removing all elements that are not connected)
i attached the image1 as a legend
2 pdf files one with all connections and one "only" with research
its obviuos such a tree is difficult to read
if i would have to do it would do it in gephi itself because there is some nice functionality so you can see what connections are where (image2-detail)
and last but not least the gephi file itself
Madre de dios XD
Guitaaaa con los researchs
dia would be way not useful for FMP :)
i use https://gephi.github.io/ to work with bigger graphs
the vanilla+FMP connection-network has 600 nodes and 1900 connections (after removing all elements that are not connected)
i attached the image1 as a legend
2 pdf files one with all connections and one "only" with research
its obviuos such a tree is difficult to read
if i would have to do it would do it in gephi itself because there is some nice functionality so you can see what connections are where (image2-detail)
and last but not least the gephi file itself
Or in Excel, Visio, ... and manually
But it's right that it's difficult given that there are many requires, needitem, dependencies, getOneFree, unlocks, ...
It's a chinese puzzle
This below is absolutely not the FMP, and it's just to help me building global tech tree. Sure it is no enough...
The tool you used at beginning of FMP seemed interesting
I'm afraid FMP does not work on case-sensitive filesystems. There are several files which are referenced in the ruleset using a different case to the one used for the file in the filesystem. So OpenXcom refuses to start.
Attached is a patch to fix it; one could, of course, rename the files instead.
This caused a crash on going to Battlescape. Perhaps it would be a good idea to check the case on all the files? I did an automated check on the paths in the ruleset, and my patch fixes all those. But it seems some files are not referenced so obviously.
I have a slight problem
After researching Dart Rifles, I started manufacturing 14 of them but canceled it at 13 since I didn't actually want a full set, and I cannot manufacture anything else after canceling.
I have a slight problem
After researching Dart Rifles, I started manufacturing 14 of them but canceled it at 13 since I didn't actually want a full set, and I cannot manufacture anything else after canceling.
Holy shit I'm retarded, I didn't have enough money to start the manufacturing so it didn't go into the next screen. I have a pretty good grasp on the save file code now at least.
I'm afraid FMP does not work on case-sensitive filesystems.
Many thanks. I am aware of the problem, but it's not always easy to catch all the bugs, even with tools. Your list will make things much easier.
Holy shit I'm retarded, I didn't have enough money to start the manufacturing so it didn't go into the next screen. I have a pretty good grasp on the save file code now at least.
Good :)
Also, the cute little single-square smoke-firing HWP looks like it's going nuts and rotating rapidly on the spot when it drives. I assume there's some mistake with the graphics, like referencing the wrong one or something?
Also, the cute little single-square smoke-firing HWP looks like it's going nuts and rotating rapidly on the spot when it drives. I assume there's some mistake with the graphics, like referencing the wrong one or something?
I can't confirm anything like this, it drives normally for me.
I guess yours has just a really funky AI. :) (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-boying)
Also, the cute little single-square smoke-firing HWP looks like it's going nuts and rotating rapidly on the spot when it drives. I assume there's some mistake with the graphics, like referencing the wrong one or something?
Since you already mentioned being on a case sensitive OS, are you using Linux by any chance? If the sprites for the scout vehicle are split into many files in a folder, the Linux OpenXCom does not access the right ones. It can cause issues with weapon mods, new aliens and most likely little robots too..
Since you already mentioned being on a case sensitive OS, are you using Linux by any chance? If the sprites for the scout vehicle are split into many files in a folder, the Linux OpenXCom does not access the right ones. It can cause issues with weapon mods, new aliens and most likely little robots too..
Aaaah, that would be it. I should have thought about it myself.
The reason I didn't was because I thought I moved everything to sheets long ago... But I missed the drone.
Oh well, it'll be fixed in the next version.
This sprite issue is tricky. It works for everyone except (the few) Linux users, so when we have an issue everyone is like: "Works for me! You must be doing something wrong :P"
The more of us who know, the more likely we are to think of it :D
I just want to report a little bug: In the ruleset file of the Final Mod Pack, in the Ufopaedia entry for the Autocannon AA Clip, the section line (number 12768) says: "WEAPON AND EQUIPMENT"... this causes that the AC_AA_Clip to appear in the game ufopaedia. As I see that all other Alien Alloy ammo clips are not shown as individual entries of the ufopaedia, I think that this would be a little mistake. In consequence, I believe that the line in question shoud read "section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE".
I just want to report a little bug: In the ruleset file of the Final Mod Pack, in the Ufopaedia entry for the Autocannon AA Clip, the section line (number 12768) says: "WEAPON AND EQUIPMENT"... this causes that the AC_AA_Clip to appear in the game ufopaedia. As I see that all other Alien Alloy ammo clips are not shown as individual entries of the ufopaedia, I think that this would be a little mistake. In consequence, I believe that the line in question shoud read "section: STR_NOT_AVAILABLE".
It's actually intentional. The game only shows up to 3 clips per weapon, so if I added a 4th one to the Auto-Cannon, it would be invisible. That's why I made a new Ufopaedia article.
Yes, you are right... The fourth ammo type will not show in the Auto Cannon page... Sorry! :-)
Slightly off the precise topic, but: how does one install an updated version? Just unzip it on top again?
It would be awesome if OpenXcom had a mod system where mods could be placed in a self-contained folder, and a file defined whether any of the files therein replaced files from the base system. That would make adding and removing (and upgrading) mods much more of a simple process.
Also, given that this mod is quite complicated and very awesome, would it be heretical to suggest source control and a proper bug tracker, rather than an eternal forum thread? :-)
Slightly off the precise topic, but: how does one install an updated version? Just unzip it on top again?
Yeah, that will do it, though it's best to remove the old files first to ensure there are no remains clogging up your disc space.
It would be awesome if OpenXcom had a mod system where mods could be placed in a self-contained folder, and a file defined whether any of the files therein replaced files from the base system. That would make adding and removing (and upgrading) mods much more of a simple process.
This may happen with the upcoming revamped mod engine. I don't know how exactly it'll work yet.
Also, given that this mod is quite complicated and very awesome, would it be heretical to suggest source control and a proper bug tracker, rather than an eternal forum thread? :-)
I'll think about it, but frankly I don't know how to go about that at this point. :)
And now, for something completely different: I would also like to know if you like the Alloy Skyranger as it is, or should I rather substitute it with one of Aldorn's latest designs? https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2706.msg29153#msg29153
To be honest, I like the Skyranger's layout more. Maybe I'm simply more used to the Skyranger but the limited field of view from out of the Alloy Skyranger is something I'm still uncomfortable with.
However, the thing that bugs me most is its name. It doesn't fit into the CRAFT column in the armor selection window and makes the whole row ugly. Truth is, I've actually shortened it in my copy of the mod.
I am partial to side doors - the ramp shooting gallery has been one of my pet peeves with UFO {as opposed to TFTD}, so I'd be in favor of those.
Hey, i can't get Alien weaponry technology research project, so no plasmas and fussion. In the picture provided in the first page of this thread says that Alien weaponry technology research should be available after any alien interrogation.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Yeah, that will do it, though it's best to remove the old files first to ensure there are no remains clogging up your disc space.
But that's the thing - how do I know which files are from the mod? (This is what I mean about using self-contained directories.)
I'll think about it, but frankly I don't know how to go about that at this point. :)
Github is fairly easy to use. If you need some help, I'd be glad to provide it.
But that's the thing - how do I know which files are from the mod? (This is what I mean about using self-contained directories.)
Just go to Resources and delete the FinalModPack folder.
The ruleset file will be overwritten anyway, and maps/terrains... well, I don't know which are functional myself. :P (Probably some aren't.)
Github is fairly easy to use. If you need some help, I'd be glad to provide it.
I'll probably take you up on this offer. :)
Yay! Good for you! :) Thanks.
Oh believe me Lordi, I can emphatize... I'm in July now and fighting Mutons is such a chore.
I looked at your save and you're making good progress, actually you're doing better than me! Congratulations on researching the Stun Bomb already, this should make things a bit easier.
As for dealing with tough alien races, well, there's no simple answer. I just wouldn't go against Ethereals yet, because you can't win and it's not obligatory anyway. If there's a terror, go there and immediately take off back to base - you'll get negative points, but not as many as if you weren't there at all. Against smaller teams, just do what you think you can; after all the X-Com project won't be terminated just because you ignored a crashed Large Scout.
Now, for laser weapons, you need: laser technology (which you already have), UFO Power Source and an Engineer. This will give you Power Source Miniaturization, which will power hand-held lasers and gauss weapons.
As for the plasma/fusion research, it requires interrogating a number of Engineers, Leaders or Commanders. You need specific techs out of a longish list, so it's a bit random when you get all plasma prerequisites. Use lasers/gauss for now. :)
Last tip: build laser tanks. They're way better against Mutons than AP ammunition.
Thank you for your reply. Good to know i'm not the only one fighting a hard game with the modifications used. But i'm enjoying it very much. Now i have Gauss weapons and tanks and they are a lot better against the Mutons than the alloy or normal weapons. :-)
Thank you for your tips. Please keep on your good work!
kind regards
You're welcome. :)
Now, version 0.8 is up! There's actually quite a bit new stuff, but mainly:
- Added a new race, the Hybrids. This is actually a separate mod I'm making; it's sort of in beta, but finished enough to be released here. Inspired mostly by Hobbes' epic novel Phantom Menace, hybrids are half-alien agents who do intelligence work for the invaders. They use Earth weapons and are somewhat similar in concept to Robin's Men in Black. I added them mostly for fluff, but also to give you some easier enemies at the beginning of the game (though we'll see if they're actually easier!).
- Added a new craft weapon called Stormlance Missile. Think Stingray that's stronger than Avalanche, based on fusion explosives. This was introduced to make craft weapon choice a bit more varied. (A new picture will probably be added, for now it's using the Stingray.)
- Added Armoured Vest by Ryskeliini and Robin. It's useless against plasma, but may be useful against Hybrids and the MiB.
- I made a bigob for the Scout Drone. It's not very cool, but it's better than nothing.
- Hobbes' Terrain/Missions Pack was updated to the latest version.
- Lasers require Elerium now to produce. Hate on! :P
- Tougher aliens appear later. Because I can be merciful too.
- Some cleanup of map files and listOrders.
- Fixed case-sensitiveness and some other minor bugs.
Since I did a lot of rebalancing and added some significant new content, your feedback is even more appreciated than usual!
- Lasers require Elerium now to produce. Hate on! :P
Looks like I'm not using FMP for my next playthrough.
Well, you can always alter the ruleset.
I think it's a great idea. It fixes so many things.
What's the problem with this? I always have thousands of units of Elerium spread through all my bases. It gets less cluttered when Plasma Cannon enters the scene, but I think there's still far too much Elerium.
Besides, you can use Gauss weapons.
More elrium.arrrgh i need a spacecontract with aliens to fight with others aliens. Or minning the moon in the future XD
I depends where you want to position laser weapons. In the FMP, you have gauss weapons as well, so increasing the requirements for lasers might be reasonable. It just depends on what you want achieve. In the XCom Armoury Expanded, I chose to increase the laser and plasma requirements too. Overall, it nets me more time playing with rifles, removes the absurdity of lasers being developed by ~20 researchers in a few weeks (If it were that easy, arms manufacturers the world over would already by selling them), and makes plasma into a more endgame weapon.
If you consider gauss and lasers to be early game alternatives to each others, adding Elerium (and alloy?) to it is a bit harsh. If you want to promote the progression from conventional to gauss to lasers to plasma, that might work well.
I did not look at the ruleset, but making plasma research depend on Elerium, and requiring one/a few eleriums per weapon could make sense if lasers are intended to be an "late midgame/early endgame" weapon. Requiring elerium for power clips.. What's the point of lasers then if they are as demanding to produce but weaker than plasma? I guess easier access in your research tree, but it's nice if the weakness and ease of access also comes with ease of manufacturing.
Elerium lasers : In vanilla, I have had some playthroughs were I was unlucky with detection and crashes, and couldn't capture an intact UFO power source (and thus Elerium) until my tenth or twelth battle, in February or March.
In the FMP, you have alloy ammo and gauss weapons to hold you up until you find elerium. I think that kind of delay is not unreasonable, if lasers require something like 1-2 elerium per weapon, 0 for clips. Then even getting one power source is enough to outfit your squad and it is one more reason to try to assault landed UFOs instead of making them crash.
1 elerium per clip, as I said above, would conflict with plasma and seems like a really harsh thing to do to lasers.
What's the problem with this? I always have thousands of units of Elerium spread through all my bases. It gets less cluttered when Plasma Cannon enters the scene, but I think there's still far too much Elerium.
Besides, you can you Gauss weapons.
You say that like for the past two playthroughs I didn't capture an Alien Power Source intact until August. Listen, not all of us know the secret to acquiring everything you need on your second UFO. It would take me in game months before I could acquire anything of value which would move my game forward. That's why I don't like the idea of all this Elerium being tossed around and used in every goddamned mod now. I would be stuck on alloy ammo for a long time, and that doesn't seem appealing to me in July.
Canonly, even in XCOM 2012, lasers needed nothing more than Alien Alloys/Nothing at all. I can deal with Alien Alloys being tossed around to produce lasers, that is a good balance that I've gotten used to with XCOM 2012. In fact, the first time I played UFO, I was surprised at how fast I got the laser weapons.
But Elerium Laser weapons? It just seems like you are trying too hard to make everything longer, more drawn out, and harder with Final Mod Pack. I generally see no point in using laser weapons now. I'd rather just skip them if possible and head straight to plasma in that case. I'd stick to Gauss Weapons if I had to until I got plasma. Would be a lot cheaper than producing Laser weapons, since I'd already have stocks upon stocks of plasma weapons.
My true feedback? Alloys for Laser Weapons. That's it. Want Elerium Laser weapons? Put Roxis's Elerium Laser Weapons mod into FMP.
That sounds a bit harsh. I fully agree with Solarius on making the game longer. I also think that making lasers dependent on some alien tech makes sense.
I like using alien alloys more. In a normal playthrough, you don't know what to do with all you get from UFOs, since you only really use it to make armors and then a few UFO based crafts. I like the idea of evolving limited resources:
1- Early game: Money
2- Midgame: Alloy (easier to get, need it for armor, ammo, lasers and the first craft upgrades)
2- Endgame: Elerium (for plasma, power/flying suits and as fuel)
While money restricts you, you build up a reserve of alloys, through which you go quickly when you get to the midgame and money is no longer an issue. Then you go through a period of alloy limitation while hopefully building up an elerium stash. Enters endgame, you've made what you needed with the alloys and go through your stash of elerium while hopefully getting enough to keep going.
It feels very rewarding as a player to get to the next stage: suddenly your workshop churns out all this new stuff and you can experience the sudden increase in power. Over time, the aliens become more challenging again and, hopefully, just as it gets rough you break through the next stage, etc.
That sounds a bit harsh. I fully agree with Solarius on making the game longer.
I'm just saying he's trying too hard now to accomplish this.
While I agree with the aim, I can't comment on the implementation in this case as I don't play with the FMP.
I would agree with you that it has to be done in a way that's enjoyable. The game should be fun for longer, not just longer, and that's why I was suggesting ways in which I think it might be possible. (I am looking into something very similar for my mod).
I'm just saying he's trying too hard now to accomplish this.
I think the requirement to have elerium research for laser weaponry makes sense as it seems daft to unlock guass and laser weaponry at same time!
I think it is now at the point it is very well balanced out allowing to make use of all resources and wide range of weaponry available throughout as months go on. I do not think it should now be more complicated and longer
The vanilla game made it too easy to skip all of the weapons but go to plasma weapons which kinda acts a shortcut for everything.
I still feel that you cannot really compare xcom 2012 as they are both completely different games which happens to have the name "xcom"
I think the requirement to have elerium research for laser weaponry makes sense as it seems daft to unlock guass and laser weaponry at same time!
But this doesn't change the fact that now Laser Weapons are more expensive than before. This makes them on par with Plasma weapons, even though they are weaker, making them less cost-effective for what they are worth. It would probably be easier to research them but not produce them in order to get to Plasma weapons and stick to the cheaper Gauss weapons.
I think it is now at the point it is very well balanced out allowing to make use of all resources and wide range of weaponry available throughout as months go on. I do not think it should now be more complicated and longer
Yes using all the resources but more resources = more expense. Like I had said above, this makes lasers much more expensive without a damage boost or anything of the like. Gauss weapons would be cheaper to manufacture, and I would much rather have those than Lasers when heading for Plasma weapons.
The vanilla game made it too easy to skip all of the weapons but go to plasma weapons which kinda acts a shortcut for everything.
Final mod Pack negates this by adding hell of a lot more research options. Took me a few ingame months to get laser weapons.
I still feel that you cannot really compare xcom 2012 as they are both completely different games which happens to have the name "xcom"
I do not see why you make this claim, but do as you wish. I believe it would be more balanced were Laser Weapons to use Alien Alloys instead of Elerium.
Solaris Scorch: ping me an email at gerv at gerv dot net if you want to chat about getting the FInal Mod Pack into source control. I promise you, it will both make development easier, and allow more people to contribute.
One piece of feedback, although I've only really played a little bit - there are far too many starting weapons. It looks like you took every mod and threw the kitchen sink in there. It leads to player bewilderment. I'd reduce it a bit.
Also, did you make the cyberdisks extra tough? I got a Sectoid terror ship and got wiped out single-handedly by two of them...
Solaris Scorch: ping me an email at gerv at gerv dot net if you want to chat about getting the FInal Mod Pack into source control. I promise you, it will both make development easier, and allow more people to contribute.
First of all, this will increase quality of mod. I catch many bugs in my code when I take last look on changes I was committing. This is mainly because you can see changes highlighted. Many source control can show changes in graphic files too, this can be handily in this case too.
I suggest git & GitHub for source control tool.
- Added a new craft weapon called Stormlance Missile. Think Stingray that's stronger than Avalanche, based on fusion explosives. This was introduced to make craft weapon choice a bit more varied. (A new picture will probably be added, for now it's using the Stingray.)
I cannot see craft launchers for the stormlance missile, yet i can only purchase the missiles itself?
If you consider gauss and lasers to be early game alternatives to each others, adding Elerium (and alloy?) to it is a bit harsh. If you want to promote the progression from conventional to gauss to lasers to plasma, that might work well.
That's exactly how it is! Lasers are definitely mid-game weapons, unless you get some from the Men in Black earlier - but you can't reproduce them anyway, so it's not really related.
Elerium lasers : In vanilla, I have had some playthroughs were I was unlucky with detection and crashes, and couldn't capture an intact UFO power source (and thus Elerium) until my tenth or twelth battle, in February or March.
In FMP, it's extremely unlikely to get lasers that early. In my current game I got them in the second half of the year. My playstyle was not really optimized, since I cared more about going forwards quickly than doing everything perfectly, but still you need at least several months to collect all prerequisites to lasers; I think July would be reasonable.
In the FMP, you have alloy ammo and gauss weapons to hold you up until you find elerium. I think that kind of delay is not unreasonable, if lasers require something like 1-2 elerium per weapon, 0 for clips. Then even getting one power source is enough to outfit your squad and it is one more reason to try to assault landed UFOs instead of making them crash.
Well, clips require Elerium too, but it's only 1 unit per clip. By the time you can make them, you'll probably have much more Elerium than you need at that point.
Or, from a different perspective: 1 Elerium is 1 Plasma Beam shot. Considering you can make a whole clip from this amount, or later an eternally charged weapon, I don't think it's too harsh. Come on, how many Laser Rifles do you need, 15? I think you'll likely need 25 advanced laser weapons in total, unless you have a gigantic force or lose them often.
1 elerium per clip, as I said above, would conflict with plasma and seems like a really harsh thing to do to lasers.
But plasmas are normally acquired months later. Besides, who's even producing plasma clips, when you have immeasurable amounts of them stored? :)
You say that like for the past two playthroughs I didn't capture an Alien Power Source intact until August. Listen, not all of us know the secret to acquiring everything you need on your second UFO. It would take me in game months before I could acquire anything of value which would move my game forward. That's why I don't like the idea of all this Elerium being tossed around and used in every goddamned mod now. I would be stuck on alloy ammo for a long time, and that doesn't seem appealing to me in July.
No Elerium until August? Come on man, you're pulling my leg here. As I said, I'm not playing very well, but I still have thousand of units! I mean, a UFO Power Source in a downed UFO has only 75% chance of exploding, and you probably get at least 10 ships per month, and some of them with multiple Power Sources. I think getting Elerium is not hard at all, and not just because I'm such a pro (because I'm not); it's pure statistics.
Canonly, even in XCOM 2012, lasers needed nothing more than Alien Alloys/Nothing at all. I can deal with Alien Alloys being tossed around to produce lasers, that is a good balance that I've gotten used to with XCOM 2012. In fact, the first time I played UFO, I was surprised at how fast I got the laser weapons.
Hmm... I never really considered this particular detail to matter at all. I added the Elerium requirement for logic only, not for balancing, because it seemed insubstantial to me. I just thought it's weird that you need to research UFO Power Source to get to a tech that doesn't use this technology at all. Frankly, I never expected anyone to care.
But Elerium Laser weapons? It just seems like you are trying too hard to make everything longer, more drawn out, and harder with Final Mod Pack.
That's the general idea, though finding the sweet spot between "too quick" and "too long" is hard... :P That particular issue concerns many decisions, not just lasers. As I mentioned before, I didn't think this change to lasers was meaningful in any way, considering how abundant Elerium seems to be in my opinion. But I guess I need more opinions. :)
I generally see no point in using laser weapons now. I'd rather just skip them if possible and head straight to plasma in that case.
I'd stick to Gauss Weapons if I had to until I got plasma. Would be a lot cheaper than producing Laser weapons, since I'd already have stocks upon stocks of plasma weapons.
My true feedback? Alloys for Laser Weapons. That's it. Want Elerium Laser weapons? Put Roxis's Elerium Laser Weapons mod into FMP.
I don't really know this mod, so I'll refrain from commenting. :)
I have no problem with lasers requiring Alien Alloys, this can be justified. But to be honest, I keep finding myself having trouble with getting enough Alloys rather than Elerium. :P Fortunately, you can produce them.
I'm just saying he's trying too hard now to accomplish this.
I should explain further: I'm not really trying to make the game longer for its own sake, I'm trying to give all stages of weapons some time. I never liked the fact that your basic rifles and other firearms get obsolete after a month, because it makes them pointless. So now we have the following stages:
1) Firearms (normal ammo, then alloy ammo) - around 6 months
2) Lasers/Gauss weapons - around 4 months
3) Plasma - later
Of course some weapons retain their usability after their age has ended, but that's beside the point.
Nevertheless, I treat such feedback very seriously and may actually back off from the Elerium in lasers. But it really puzzled me; of all things that were controversial, of so many instances of making the game harder, this one get attention? I never thought it would...
But this doesn't change the fact that now Laser Weapons are more expensive than before. This makes them on par with Plasma weapons, even though they are weaker, making them less cost-effective for what they are worth.
Yes, of course they're less effective, resource-wise. However, they come much earlier. And you can't really fight large Muton crews with rifles, so they're helpful in getting to plasmas, which is likely another few months unless you capture and interrogate Engineers like crazy.
It would probably be easier to research them but not produce them in order to get to Plasma weapons and stick to the cheaper Gauss weapons.
Well, you don't have to research lasers to get anything else... So if you don't like them, you can just ignore them. That's why the mod has alternative paths: Gauss weapons which are stronger and cheaper to produce, but doing AP damage, and lasers which do Laser type damage (which is better due to alien resistances) and which at some point get unlimited shots, but are weaker and less accurate 9that last thing is a vanilla thing).
Solaris Scorch: ping me an email at gerv at gerv dot net if you want to chat about getting the FInal Mod Pack into source control. I promise you, it will both make development easier, and allow more people to contribute.
OK, I'll contact you, thanks :)
One piece of feedback, although I've only really played a little bit - there are far too many starting weapons. It looks like you took every mod and threw the kitchen sink in there. It leads to player bewilderment. I'd reduce it a bit.
Oh believe me, everything was carefully selected and most content was unused. :P I can understand the list is a bit long though... Still, every single weapons has a different tactical role, so I wouldn't know which one can be removed. :)
Also, did you make the cyberdisks extra tough? I got a Sectoid terror ship and got wiped out single-handedly by two of them...
Nope, I changed nothing vanilla except the two starting tanks. They're just that badass. (I personally think the best way to deal with them in early game is the flamethrower, if you can get close enough.)
I cannot see craft launchers for the stormlance missile, yet i can only purchase the missiles itself?
Well, shit. I forgot to disable the buying option for them. (They should only be manufacturable by you.) I'll post a fixed version soon.
To sum up this very long post, I am confused about the entire Elerium lasers issue... I mean, how much will you spend all laser stuff you're ever make, 50 units? Maybe 100 if you build insane amounts of clips and laser tanks... But I need more feedback regarding this. Can you tell me the month you get the lasers (both normal and improved) and how much Elerium you have at that point?
EDIT: I'll just add that the best source of Elerium are alien bases. You get a lot for something you should be doing anyway. :P
Seriously guys, playing vanilla, by July/August I am starting to sell Elerium because I have far more of it than I'll ever need. If you're not securing 150+ Elerium from downed UFOs monthly, you're doing something wrong. Not even mentioning Alien Bases and landed Battleship hunts (each worth 200 Elerium - enough to build 200 clips, far more than needed before unlimited-ammo lasers arrive).
I can't comment on the FMP specifically, but unless you changed something, 10 UFOs/month is more than I encounter in the first 6 months.
When you have limited radar coverage, it is hard to get the ones far from your base(s).. In fact, in my latest game, I'm in March, having encountered 10 UFOs.. and I'm at 150 Elerium. Which I guess is enough to outfit the squad with elerium requiring lasers, but depending on when other things come (ex.: flying/power suits at 16 each), it will get short really fast. I know those probably come much later in the FMP, but still, I can't say I've ever had a game where Elerium wasn't in short supply. Your experience of having more than you know what to do with surprises me (and seems to point at something basic I do wrong, since Dioxine concurs).
Making an eternally charged weapon for 1 elerium is fine, making laser clips require 1 each seems like a big expense in mid-game. Especially since, unlike plasmas, you can't scavenge those clips from aliens.
The XCom cannon issue is an entirely different thing too, but it seems to support no elerium (or only as a focusing element), instead of using it as an energy source.
How does everyone get so much elerium?
I never once get any landed battleships. I shoot down every UFO and I rarely, if ever get a Power Source. It takes me a long ass time to get any kind of Elerium.
And for some reason, Alien Bases never appear for me. Probably because I shoot every UFO I see down and don't let them build them during the early game, but come on aliens. Throw me a bone here. You're giving everyone tonnes of elerium.
I can't comment on the FMP specifically, but unless you changed something, 10 UFOs/month is more than I encounter in the first 6 months.
I think it's because I put a lot of emphasis on radar coverage. A base with a radar and one interceptor isn't expensive to maintain, but it really helps you get points.
When you have limited radar coverage, it is hard to get the ones far from your base(s).. In fact, in my latest game, I'm in March, having encountered 10 UFOs.. and I'm at 150 Elerium. Which I guess is enough to outfit the squad with elerium requiring lasers, but depending on when other things come (ex.: flying/power suits at 16 each), it will get short really fast. I know those probably come much later in the FMP, but still, I can't say I've ever had a game where Elerium wasn't in short supply. Your experience of having more than you know what to do with surprises me (and seems to point at something basic I do wrong, since Dioxine concurs).
Well, it's hard to compare FMP to the vanilla, because for example you can extract grav units from Floaters so you don't have to build them (less Elerium needed), but yes, I agree with your general reasoning.
The thing with FMP is, before you find any way to spend Elerium, you'll probably have a big stash of it. At least that's what my experience shows.
Making an eternally charged weapon for 1 elerium is fine, making laser clips require 1 each seems like a big expense in mid-game. Especially since, unlike plasmas, you can't scavenge those clips from aliens.
No, but you can scavenge them from the Men in Black. It's not quite the same, since you don't encounter this faction very often and you never have enough clips, but still - I don't really produce laser clips, because once I learn how to, I almost immediately get to endless lasers. However, this is not guaranteed for every game.
The XCom cannon issue is an entirely different thing too, but it seems to support no elerium (or only as a focusing element), instead of using it as an energy source.
Well, it's probably the harshest thing about Elerium usage in the entire FMP. :) I wanted to make it so that it's not the only choice, but then after some reports I decided it was too harsh, so I added the Stormlance.
I never once get any landed battleships. I shoot down every UFO and I rarely, if ever get a Power Source. It takes me a long ass time to get any kind of Elerium.
And for some reason, Alien Bases never appear for me. Probably because I shoot every UFO I see down and don't let them build them during the early game, but come on aliens. Throw me a bone here. You're giving everyone tonnes of elerium.
Well, perhaps you're just unlucky? This is a random game, every campaign is different has its own peculiar points. You probably just need to go by with gauss in this case. :)
Easy. Put a skyranger in a ufo and wait. When land start the mission automatic
As a compromise, why not implement the clip consolidation feature, where you don't use up every clip which has had one shot fired out of it, but instead can consolidate the remaining shots into clips so you only lose clips for as many shots as you fired?
That would mean you would have to make laser clips quite a bit less often.
But yes, to me it doesn't make game-world sense for lasers to require Elerium, or even to have clips. Laser is an existing earth technology, and only requires power.
I think clip consolidation is already implemented in OpenXCom, isn't it? (See here (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Differences_to_X-COM_%28OpenXcom%29))
At the end of the mission, ammo from clips is totalled, so you only lose enough clips to match the total ammo used (as opposed to losing any used clip).
I'm pretty sure the clips of all laser weapons represent a power pack, to provide the necessary power to fire. It's not ammunition, but more like a new battery to put in after the one you were using ran out. Many a setting with laser based weapons has power packs. It is a high energy weapon, changing the battery doesn't seem outlandish.
Regarding Elerium, maybe laser weapons are an Earth technology, but we can't find a power source to make it work until Elerium becomes available? Elerium is said to be a great source of energy, better than what we have on Earth. So either you need to have a truckload of batteries following every soldier, or you need Elerium in your clip. It can be rationalized if you want to, although maybe not while following established XCom cannon.
A idea. Put lasers clips but depending of materials. More power. For ex basic clip. Only money less damage. 2 clip with alien alloy. Medium damage or 3 clip with elerium. High damage.
May be change the clips for materials only and have 3 tipes of wepons withouths clips. Similar than vainilla laser. Only change the colour. Red normal. Blue alloy. And green elerium
Started a playthrough in Poland, missed the first day's interception (Australia is far!), succeeded the second but no elerium. Now it's 31st January and I get a night terror mission in Australia, with only the starting weapons :'(
You probably just need to go by with gauss
If I read the ruleset correctly, Gauss tech requires an intact power source - which is the same requirement as Elerium.
It's a pity that there's so little choice in early game... 1 topic at the very beginning (motion scanner), 2 trees after the first crash recovery(alien bio & alloys).
I think this is a great effort that is being made to get together all the mods but I'd also like to toss in something for your guys to reflect upon:
"The Danger of More
'Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.' -- Antoine de St. Exupery
Every new object has a cost, not just in what it takes to create, test and manage, but the player has to keep track of it as well. In general we should only add items because they offer a significant improvement to some aspect of the game, and not just to have more units, more resources, etc.
It sounds good to be able to offer a long list of new objects. That was much of the appeal of the very popular Civ3 Double your Pleasure (DyP) mod. But the success of DyP wasn’t because of all the new objects, but because each one had a distinct functional purpose. Adding buildings is easy, making them truly worthwhile is the hard part.
Is it needed? Would it be missed if it was taken out? Is it functionaly unique? If the answer to these is no, it should be considered for removal."
Here's the original Modders Guide (https://kael.civfanatics.net/files/ModdersGuide.pdf) from which the above citation was taken.
But yes, to me it doesn't make game-world sense for lasers to require Elerium, or even to have clips. Laser is an existing earth technology, and only requires power.
And where do you think this energy comes from? :P
The only problem with hand-held lasers is energy requirement. The only thing X-Com offers in this regard is Elerium, and that's exactly what was used.
A idea. Put lasers clips but depending of materials. More power. For ex basic clip. Only money less damage. 2 clip with alien alloy. Medium damage or 3 clip with elerium. High damage.
That could work, I'm not saying no. But those money-only clips would have to be really crappy to remain believable. :)
May be change the clips for materials only and have 3 tipes of wepons withouths clips. Similar than vainilla laser. Only change the colour. Red normal. Blue alloy. And green elerium
Alloy is not an energy source, which is the only issue. But we could have two tiers at least. The downside would be, the equipment lists are already quite long...
Started a playthrough in Poland, missed the first day's interception (Australia is far!), succeeded the second but no elerium. Now it's 31st January and I get a night terror mission in Australia, with only the starting weapons :'(
It's a pity that there's so little choice in early game... 1 topic at the very beginning (motion scanner), 2 trees after the first crash recovery(alien bio & alloys).
Yeah, the choice isn't very big at the very beginning. Maybe it'll change at some point, if something comes up... But I personally don't think it's a big problem.
And your first terror will be with starting weapons almost always anyway.
And lasers/gauss are designed to be competitive against each other. I'd gladly make their prerequisites slightly different, but frankly I don't really know how to do it elegantly.
I think this is a great effort that is being made to get together all the mods but I'd also like to toss in something for your guys to reflect upon:
"The Danger of More
'Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.' -- Antoine de St. Exupery
Every new object has a cost, not just in what it takes to create, test and manage, but the player has to keep track of it as well. In general we should only add items because they offer a significant improvement to some aspect of the game, and not just to have more units, more resources, etc.
It sounds good to be able to offer a long list of new objects. That was much of the appeal of the very popular Civ3 Double your Pleasure (DyP) mod. But the success of DyP wasn’t because of all the new objects, but because each one had a distinct functional purpose. Adding buildings is easy, making them truly worthwhile is the hard part.
Is it needed? Would it be missed if it was taken out? Is it functionaly unique? If the answer to these is no, it should be considered for removal."
I very much agree with this point. And I believe I stuck with it throughout the process of creation, for better or worse. I also think that Human Ktulu feels similarly.
Yes, there are many new objects in this mod. However, there could easily be four times as much if we included everything we could find that looked fine. So I think I can say that I at least tried hard streamlining everything and giving every weapon etc. a unique purpose.
For example: in the last update, I finally included some Earth weapons like AK-47 or Uzi. However, these weapons are only used by alien supporters on Earth; you can sell them if you get them, you can even use them if you really want to, but you can't buy them, since it wouldn't make sense for X-Com to buy weapons that are 50 years outdated and with generally worse stats (they only use the best, most modern example of everything).
Having said that, it should be emphasised that FMP is not just about new equipment, but also new alien races, new terrain etc. Yet it's the equipment that remains in the spotlight - probably unsurprisingly, since it influences the tactics more than anything else.
Now, I would like to outline what comes next - partially to motivate myself, but of course for feedback too:
- New armours. The concepts were made months ago, but making new sprites is scary to me (by now I have only done the hybrids from scratch, and it wasn't completely from scratch) and it'll take time. Most of them will follow the "less armour than a standard suit from similar tech level, but with a stat bonus instead" pattern. Their objective is to 1) give the player more power over troop specialization (if they want something like this - not everyone does, but you can always stick to vanilla armours) and 2) to make alien autopsies give something useful as a nice bonus. And there will be one armour significantly tougher than Flying Suit (especially in the lower regions), but really unwieldy.
- Weapons rebalance. I want to add range dropoff stuff to make weapons more different from one another. I've already done it with shotguns - now they're more deadly than before in close quarters, but their accuracy drops really fast.
- More alien hybrid stuff. This is a bit of a pet project of mine, and the FMP is a nice environment to cultivate it, as long as you guys don't find it bothersome (just say so if you do). More stuff is required before I release it as a separate mod.
- Changing the Alloy Skyranger to a better model. Still haven't decided which one, honestly this is a bit of a headache, but I feel most people don't like the current one much and I'm not crazy about it either.
- Fixing bugs, naturally. In the next version I'll fix the Stormlance bug (making it non-buyable) and a bug with the hybrids being way too well-armoured for what they're wearing.
Just a few quick comments:
1- I greatly respect your endeavor of building such a complex mod. Juggling everything to make it into a sensible whole is quite a task and I very much appreciate that you make it available to everyone.
2- The manual that was linked also talks about the beauty of modular mods. How it allows everyone to play with their preferred combination. As shown by the laser issue, maybe you are reaching a point where a more modular approach would work well? Like a "basic" FMP, which contains everything that makes the soul of the FMP (new races, UFOs, MiB, Terrain, Research Tree, whatever you think it is), and a "FMP Options", which contains mods that are intended to work with the FMP but not necessary, like the AK-47 and laser clips, or maybe even some races/UFOs/Terrain that do come in standalone mods.
Alloy is not an energy source, which is the only issue. But we could have two tiers at least. The downside would be, the equipment lists are already quite long...
Maybe you can make a really good battery out of alien alloys? Batteries use a combination of materials, maybe instead of the LI-ion/NiMH/Ni-Cad tech we use now, XCom can come up with a AlienAlloy-ion or NiAA combination that holds power better. It wasn't invented on Earth because we never knew of whatever alien alloys are, but that doesn't mean that it is not within Earth's possibility to supply power to laser rifles (as alloys can be manufactured on Earth).
Or approach it as alien alloys being the only material which may contain a miniature nuclear reaction that powers the rifle. Once the Hydrogen, Uranium or whatever inside is consumed (through fusion or fission), the pack is useless. The alloy is "only" the packaging/shielding, but without it the whole clip would be impossible.
- Weapons rebalance. I want to add range dropoff stuff to make weapons more different from one another. I've already done it with shotguns - now they're more deadly than before in close quarters, but their accuracy drops really fast.
Have you considered adding in some of the new tanks I added in myself from "Tanks, Drones, Sectopods? Oh my!" (E.g Hovertank/Scatterlaser, Tank/Artillery to name a few) and possibly some of the balances I made to make it slightly more realistic when compared to vehicles of X-Com's time? There will be a new update soon anyways.
Just a few quick comments:
1- I greatly respect your endeavor of building such a complex mod. Juggling everything to make it into a sensible whole is quite a task and I very much appreciate that you make it available to everyone.
Thank you! It's great fun for myself as well. :)
2- The manual that was linked also talks about the beauty of modular mods. How it allows everyone to play with their preferred combination. As shown by the laser issue, maybe you are reaching a point where a more modular approach would work well? Like a "basic" FMP, which contains everything that makes the soul of the FMP (new races, UFOs, MiB, Terrain, Research Tree, whatever you think it is), and a "FMP Options", which contains mods that are intended to work with the FMP but not necessary, like the AK-47 and laser clips, or maybe even some races/UFOs/Terrain that do come in standalone mods.
I fully understand the value of modular mods. Actually, this is what FMP was supposed to be. However, the various elements are so intertwined, so dependant on one another, that I would find it extremely hard to divide. If for example you make a module with Earth weapons (shotguns etc.) and not use it, what will happen to the alloy ammo for these weapons, because you used this? And if you include the alloy ammo with the weapons, what if you don't want this feature? Or what if you include new armours that depends on new alien autopsies, but not the aliens themselves? Or what about the (modified) MiB if you don't use gauss weapons - they'll need new loadouts? And so on.
Perhaps one day it'll be possible to quarter the FMP somehow, but I can't really see it happening now. I'm not nearly that badass of a modder. :P
3-Maybe you can make a really good battery out of alien alloys? Batteries use a combination of materials, maybe instead of the LI-ion/NiMH/Ni-Cad tech we use now, XCom can come up with a AlienAlloy-ion or NiAA combination that holds power better. It wasn't invented on Earth because we never knew of whatever alien alloys are, but that doesn't mean that it is not within Earth's possibility to supply power to laser rifles (as alloys can be manufactured on Earth).
Having thought about it, I think it would be possible to use alien alloys as an excuse for better batteries. However, I fear adding new items on a whim, since getting around the manufacturing menu is already too long for my tastes (though still nothing when compared to Piratez :P). But I promise to think about it more.
Have you considered adding in some of the new tanks I added in myself from "Tanks, Drones, Sectopods? Oh my!" (E.g Hovertank/Scatterlaser, Tank/Artillery to name a few) and possibly some of the balances I made to make it slightly more realistic when compared to vehicles of X-Com's time? There will be a new update soon anyways.
Of course! I just didn't get around to studying it yet. And considering I evolved my own balance philosophy here, it won't be so easy. But I plan to do it.
Having said that, it should be emphasised that FMP is not just about new equipment, but also new alien races, new terrain etc. Yet it's the equipment that remains in the spotlight - probably unsurprisingly, since it influences the tactics more than anything else.
Indeed, my first battle was full of new and well-balanced stuff : A sectoid "+"-shaped ship with a very interesting design, and a single blast of plasma caster which hit several rookies and had me scrambling for medkits in turn 3 of the first battle.
You complainin'? Well, I'm here to do likewise :)
I've started myself a new game, using FMP and my own mods, set it to ironman superhuman. Now it is April, all I've got is alloy ammo and some armors (not even enough personal armors for the whole squad) and BLAM comes main base defense against sectoids and cyberdiscs. I've barely survived and reinforcements from my other bases are on their way and BLAM a second helping of the same. Two thirds of my men are dead, all the tanks are scrap metal and I still have no living leader or commander.
I've already had two missions against mutons, my first terror was sectoids and the second one too, the only time I saw a floater was my third terror and the only time I saw snakemen was a large scout in a new forrest terrain full of hills (it had caves too). The RNG must be out to get me.
So the line about tougher aliens appearing later in the game has me kind of wondering. Could we *please* have more floaters and snakemen during the early game? Sectoids are not exactly weak when you're miles away from psi-labs. My latest mission is another terror and it is gillmen chtonites and boy am I happy to see them...
I'm glad you are rethinking the alloy battery pack :) I think it might be the best way to appease the crowds ;) As for adding items, you indeed do have to pick which ones, otherwise it is very easy to get too many.
I fully understand the value of modular mods. Actually, this is what FMP was supposed to be. However, the various elements are so intertwined, so dependant on one another, that I would find it extremely hard to divide. If for example you make a module with Earth weapons (shotguns etc.) and not use it, what will happen to the alloy ammo for these weapons, because you used this? And if you include the alloy ammo with the weapons, what if you don't want this feature? Or what if you include new armours that depends on new alien autopsies, but not the aliens themselves? Or what about the (modified) MiB if you don't use gauss weapons - they'll need new loadouts? And so on.
Perhaps one day it'll be possible to quarter the FMP somehow, but I can't really see it happening now. I'm not nearly that badass of a modder. :P
From my experience of adding something to a mod only to find out it was impossible to unlock because I had made a typo in the "requires" list, I think you can do it like this (as a pseudocode summary of a shotgun ruleset):
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
requires: Elerium Ammo
No research entry
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
uses: Alien Alloy
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
uses: Elerium
requires: Elerium Ammo
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
requires: Elerium Ammo
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
What this does is provide all the information required to have the extra stuff, but nothing to unlock it. If another mod you have happens to contain an Alloy Ammo or Elerium Ammo research topic, *poof* the shotgun stuff will become available alongside the rest. To keep the illusion complete, use the proper list orders so the extra shotgun stuff fits right where it belongs on lists with the other mod.
You can also define prerequisite to things even though you are not using them, in your research tree. Let's say I come up with a new weapon type, Laser Blasters, as a powerful alternative to Plasma, but since I just want to win, I make it have no prerequisites. Nothing prevents you, in your mod, to list my opening tech: "Laser Blaster Weapons" and add a list with all kinds of prerequisites, so it fits in your universe. If someone plays your mod without Laser Blasters, they will never see it (no cost = not available for research; no ufopaedia = doesn't show anywhere). If someone adds that mod, suddenly it is not available from the start when used with the FMP, but instead unlocked when the requirements are met.
The trickier bit is when prerequisites are already listed, since they overwrite your list if loaded after your mod. The only possibility then is to delay those prerequisites or, more likely, agree with the modder to make a FMP compatible version.
In fact, I think it might be interesting if, as a community, we came up with a list of "anchor points" for mods. Techs like "Alloy Ammunition" or "High Energy Weaponry" for plasma level tech. If I make a new shotgun, I can just depend on the anchor of "Alloy Ammunition" to make my shotgun alloy ammo available. If I make a new Laser Blaster tech, I can just depend on the anchor of "High Energy Weaponry" to unlock it.
Different mods could then define what the pre-requisites of these anchors are, the FMP one way, while the XAE could define them differently, and a basic mod called "anchor points" could define what we agree should be the vanilla behavior where pre-requisites can only be vanilla research topics (ex.: Alien Alloy unlocks Alloy Ammo; Elerium + Alien Alloy + UFO Power Source unlocks High Energy Weaponry).
My idea in batteries clip is:
Baterie standard nirmal clip building with techology actual. Is similar than a batteri of mobile and the idea is in the construction of batterie 30% carcase ant the rest quimical for energy.
Alloy batterie. The alloy is better more hard and the proportion is 5% for case and the rest for energy componets. This is the difference of the weapon. More damage for the difference of the quatity of componets. If you buy a laser weapon withouth clip you have more space for energy components. This is the idea. Sorry if i dont explain better
And elerium dont have explain XD. The ithe for them is use alloy and elerium XD
And another question.
In my game i see sectopods in 3 missions. 20 missions along i dont see more. And i dont have corpose to rebuild.
May be ppssible other option to build them
If you're planning on adjusting the dropoffs for balancing, I believe I read that you can set the dropoff for weapons to a negative number and create weapons that fire worse as you get closer. This could help balance weapons that are intended to be long-range.
I think I've finally come to terms with it.
I've tried this mod at least four times now, and every time I just back out, uninstall it, install my own preferred mods and start a new game. I do not like Final Mod Pack in it's current state.
Let me reiterate that.
In it's current state.
I have faith in Final Mod Pack though. Once it's V.1.0a/b I'll retry it again. For now, I cannot play around with it.
It's not Final Mod Pack, it's me. I just think too many thing can be tweaked and shortened though I can do nothing about it but complain on a forum. And while you might appreciate it, you probably wouldn't appreciate what I had to say about it.
Listen. This is a good mod. A very good mod.
Just not a mod for me in it's current state.
Aaarrrgh... Either the RNG *is* out to get me, or the mod still needs some balancing. Granted, I'm playing on ironman superhuman, but still...
It is June and I'm finally researching a laser rifle. I already have it in ufopaedia thanks to some glitch but I'm finally researching it. So my weapons so far have been earth firearms with alien alloy ammo. Which kinda sucks considering my main enemies for the past two months have been mutons. Power 40*0.6=24 versus armor 20 mutons is not very funny but rifles and LMGs are my best general-purpose weapons so that's what most of my men use. And I'm using up so much alien alloys I've actually had to manufacture some.
I have four bases, two of them with HWDs and I've managed to shoot down all the scouts I've detected. But I've had to defend my main base three times, twice against sectoids and once against my own mechtoids, and my number three base now has a second muton battleship incoming. My first two terrors were sectoids, the third one floaters (a blessing) and the fourth one.snakemen (plus I've shot down several terror ships). I've aborted the fifth terror because it was mutons at night. In fact I'm fighting mostly mutons since May and the fight is becoming a chore. The first base defence against mutons took me 91 turns and I've had to pick up ammo from storage room floors because most of my guys ran out of it. Sure, all but two of them were garrison rookies, but still.
So I'm really hoping that the laser rifles I'm researching will give me a turnover point because I do need one. I've researched tons of things I have no obvious use for and which give me no immediate benefit. I can finally begin researching laser and gauss and plasma weapons but right now I'm still fighting the aliens using the same weapons I've been using months ago and it feels like I've had to reasearch tons of stuff and there's already 55 (I've just counted them!) more research topics on my list (not counting the few more from my other mods). I've been using laser hovertank for like a month but my men still use LMGs and no powersuits?
So I definittely understand XCOMFan419's feelings. Maybe I'm more patient, so I'll fight on, at least for some time, but I feel like the 0.8 version of the FMP is much more frustrating to play than the 0.5 version I've been using before.
Not sure if this is the right place for this observation and to be honest I haven't a clue about designing mods but on looking @ the rulset for the final mod I noticed something that seemed odd to me. My very limited understanding of the air combat had the interception window open @ standoff range which I think is 75km but on looking @ the new Raider ship its weapon range is 82km. How does this work in practice?
Not sure if this is the right place for this observation and to be honest I haven't a clue about designing mods but on looking @ the rulset for the final mod I noticed something that seemed odd to me. My very limited understanding of the air combat had the interception window open @ standoff range which I think is 75km but on looking @ the new Raider ship its weapon range is 82km. How does this work in practice?
Autofire XD
Starting a new game - so far, I've had no problems getting gauss and laser weapons fairly early, but in the past games it took me forever to research elerium, essentially leading to a situation where if I could survive to research psi-amp, I had comparatively weak weapons, but could PSI-control everything in sight. Looking at the ruleset, though, it looks like a poor RNG streak, sicne Delta Radiation that's its prerequisite is attainable both from leaders and engineers. I'll try to keep notes of this game.
By the way, I suspect it's a bug - last game I couldn't research the stormlance launcher, but the missiles are purchasable in the general store.
Or you're unlucky in this, because in my game, I'm already using the Stormlances. Yes, I got so tired of not being able to research the other weapons that I've researched it so I'd have *some* new weapons and yes, I'm buying those Stormlances. I know them being for sale is almost certainly a bug but hey, the game is trying so hard to kill me I'll take this help. Especially since Stormlances are more like a convenience, they make easier a job I can do with Avalanches too.
Oh well, about time to go and let that muton battleship land.Pity they weren't willing to wait till I finish that laser rifle research :)
Or you're unlucky in this, because in my game, I'm already using the Stormlances. Yes, I got so tired of not being able to research the other weapons that I've researched it so I'd have *some* new weapons and yes, I'm buying those Stormlances. I know them being for sale is almost certainly a bug but hey, the game is trying so hard to kill me I'll take this help. Especially since Stormlances are more like a convenience, they make easier a job I can do with Avalanches too.
Oh well, about time to go and let that muton battleship land.Pity they weren't willing to wait till I finish that laser rifle research :)
Yes it is a bug 're stormlance, Solar mentioned earlier in this thread that the fix will come with next release
I'm afraid there's something else that needs fixing. I've shot down a ufo and when I try to land, the game crashes with a vector::_M_range_check error.
I'm not sure what might be causing it and a part of the problem is that the downed ship comes from my own mod (so I can't turn my mod off to test just the FMP); but the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP. My own ship is basically a renamed terror ship with different deployment data and 60*60 URBAN terrain and like I've said, the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP (I went ahead and manually copied the ironman savefile so I could hunt the bug down).
Anyone has any idea what might be causing this? I can't turn the FMP off for this one mission becauce I'd lose all the FMP stuff and I do want to try this mission because it might give me psionics.
I'm afraid there's something else that needs fixing. I've shot down a ufo and when I try to land, the game crashes with a vector::_M_range_check error.
I'm not sure what might be causing it and a part of the problem is that the downed ship comes from my own mod (so I can't turn my mod off to test just the FMP); but the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP. My own ship is basically a renamed terror ship with different deployment data and 60*60 URBAN terrain and like I've said, the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP (I went ahead and manually copied the ironman savefile so I could hunt the bug down).
Anyone has any idea what might be causing this? I can't turn the FMP off for this one mission becauce I'd lose all the FMP stuff and I do want to try this mission because it might give me psionics.
Put your savegame
Here it is, you'll need both the FMP and my own Mechtoids mods to make it work.
I'm afraid there's something else that needs fixing. I've shot down a ufo and when I try to land, the game crashes with a vector::_M_range_check error.
I'm not sure what might be causing it and a part of the problem is that the downed ship comes from my own mod (so I can't turn my mod off to test just the FMP); but the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP. My own ship is basically a renamed terror ship with different deployment data and 60*60 URBAN terrain and like I've said, the mission loads fine when I turn off the FMP (I went ahead and manually copied the ironman savefile so I could hunt the bug down).
Anyone has any idea what might be causing this? I can't turn the FMP off for this one mission becauce I'd lose all the FMP stuff and I do want to try this mission because it might give me psionics.
Can you post the ruleset for your mod? The issue might be with the Battlescape definitions.
OK, here's the mod (or you can download it from the modserver).
And I'll admit the bug is leaving me quite confused because I'm using my own alienDeployment, which doesn't exist in the FMP, I'm only using vanilla maps/terrains and the mission works fine when I turn the FMP off. So the bug is likely caused by either a bug in the FMP or by an incompatibility between my mod and the FMP and I see no reason for either. The game crashes even when I ditch all the FMP equipment, I'm fighting my own alien race, the map uses URBAN terrain which the FMP doesn't modify (and crashes even when I delete this from my modfile). My prime suspect is new UFO maps, considering I've copypasted vanilla terror ship and FMP mods those, because other than that, there's (I think) no other reason for the FMP to crash it.
Sorry, it took me a while, since a new job is taking a lot of my time and energy. I'm still here though, and as determined to work on the FMP as ever!
Thanks for all the feedback, it's priceless. I'll try to address all your questions.
I've started myself a new game, using FMP and my own mods, set it to ironman superhuman. Now it is April, all I've got is alloy ammo and some armors (not even enough personal armors for the whole squad) and BLAM comes main base defense against sectoids and cyberdiscs. I've barely survived and reinforcements from my other bases are on their way and BLAM a second helping of the same. Two thirds of my men are dead, all the tanks are scrap metal and I still have no living leader or commander.
Where is your base located? I learned the hard way that putting your first base in France is a guaranteed way to get a visit from the aliens once a month. :P Normally I start in south-western Russia, around Crimea (not a political message)
, and it never looked like this.
I've already had two missions against mutons, my first terror was sectoids and the second one too, the only time I saw a floater was my third terror and the only time I saw snakemen was a large scout in a new forrest terrain full of hills (it had caves too). The RNG must be out to get me.
So the line about tougher aliens appearing later in the game has me kind of wondering. Could we *please* have more floaters and snakemen during the early game? Sectoids are not exactly weak when you're miles away from psi-labs. My latest mission is another terror and it is gillmen chtonites and boy am I happy to see them...
I guess it would be possible, but it's already pretty balanced. Here's the percentage for alien races for the first three months:
Sectoids: 60%
Floaters: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 55%
Floaters: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Snakemen: 5%
Sectoids: 60%
Floaters: 20%
Snakemen: 10%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 20%
Chtonites: 30%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 50%
Floaters: 30%
Anthropods: 20%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 25%
Anthropods: 25%
Snakemen: 10%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 30%
Snakemen: 20%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 30%
Sectoids: 40%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 30%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 30%
Snakemen: 10%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 30%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 30%
Anthropods: 10%
Sectoids: 30%
Floaters: 30%
Chtonites: 20%
Anthropods: 20%
Retaliation works differently and has no set races.[/spoiler]
As you can see, Sectoids only have a significant advantage in the research missions, since they're, well, researchers. Most menial and combat missions are mostly undertaken by other aliens. But yes, you the RNG hates you, you'll get your least prefered race 80% of the time. :P
[quote author=Arthanor link=topic=2027.msg29505#msg29505 date=1407793445]
From my experience of adding something to a mod only to find out it was impossible to unlock because I had made a typo in the "requires" list, I think you can do it like this (as a pseudocode summary of a shotgun ruleset):
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
requires: Elerium Ammo
No research entry
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
uses: Alien Alloy
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
uses: Elerium
requires: Elerium Ammo
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
requires: Alloy Ammo
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
requires: Elerium Ammo
- Shotgun
- Shotgun Shell
- Shotgun Alloy Shell
- Shotgun Elerium Shell
What this does is provide all the information required to have the extra stuff, but nothing to unlock it. If another mod you have happens to contain an Alloy Ammo or Elerium Ammo research topic, *poof* the shotgun stuff will become available alongside the rest. To keep the illusion complete, use the proper list orders so the extra shotgun stuff fits right where it belongs on lists with the other mod.[/code]
Frankly, I'm, not sure what your advice contains. If it's about how to control typos, well, I guess I'm doing fine with a little help from Falko's tools. If it's about how to split the ruleset into multiple rulesets (which I think is the case), then I agree, but it's still too complex to try at the moment.
In fact, I think it might be interesting if, as a community, we came up with a list of "anchor points" for mods. Techs like "Alloy Ammunition" or "High Energy Weaponry" for plasma level tech. If I make a new shotgun, I can just depend on the anchor of "Alloy Ammunition" to make my shotgun alloy ammo available. If I make a new Laser Blaster tech, I can just depend on the anchor of "High Energy Weaponry" to unlock it.
Different mods could then define what the pre-requisites of these anchors are, the FMP one way, while the XAE could define them differently, and a basic mod called "anchor points" could define what we agree should be the vanilla behavior where pre-requisites can only be vanilla research topics (ex.: Alien Alloy unlocks Alloy Ammo; Elerium + Alien Alloy + UFO Power Source unlocks High Energy Weaponry).
It's certainly an idea worth discussing. I think it deserves a separate thread though, since it concerns many mods, not just FMP. :)
Baterie standard nirmal clip building with techology actual. Is similar than a batteri of mobile and the idea is in the construction of batterie 30% carcase ant the rest quimical for energy.
Sadly, a human tech battery will never be able to power even a humble laser firearm, period. Not even now, after the revolution brought by the development of cell phones, and even more so back in 1999. This is just unfeasible.
Alloy batterie. The alloy is better more hard and the proportion is 5% for case and the rest for energy componets. This is the difference of the weapon. More damage for the difference of the quatity of componets. If you buy a laser weapon withouth clip you have more space for energy components. This is the idea. Sorry if i dont explain better
Yeah, the battery size and weight matters, but even a large and heavy alien alloy battery would only be as good as the alloys are good in energy storage - which is definitely better than human solutions, but not overly so, or the aliens wouldn't need the Elerium for hand weapons. If alloy batteries do get in the game, they'll be really small... Like, 1 shot only for the Heavy Laser, 6 shots for the Laser Rifle and the Laser Pistol. Something like this.
And another question.
In my game i see sectopods in 3 missions. 20 missions along i dont see more. And i dont have corpose to rebuild.
May be ppssible other option to build them
No. :P
...Well, maybe. :P But this mod plays with the idea of making each campaign different depending on what gets randomly chosen to throw at you. In some games you might not even get the lasers at all, since you get plasmas early, in other games you can't find Cyberdiscs so you don't get your own, and so own. This will be further capitalized on with armours, which will largely depend on alien races.
If you're planning on adjusting the dropoffs for balancing, I believe I read that you can set the dropoff for weapons to a negative number and create weapons that fire worse as you get closer. This could help balance weapons that are intended to be long-range.
Oh, I never thought about that - many thanks. But there's the minRange flag, which essentially does the same. I'll probably use it for the sniper rifles.
Using a negative dropoff value... well, I don't know how to use it sensibly. It reminds me of the Warhammer 40.000 weapon named Conversion Beam, which gets stronger as the firing distance increases... But it's a Space Marine weapon, and therefore obviously silly and unfair. :P
I think I've finally come to terms with it.
I've tried this mod at least four times now, and every time I just back out, uninstall it, install my own preferred mods and start a new game. I do not like Final Mod Pack in it's current state.
Let me reiterate that.
In it's current state.
I have faith in Final Mod Pack though. Once it's V.1.0a/b I'll retry it again. For now, I cannot play around with it.
It's not Final Mod Pack, it's me. I just think too many thing can be tweaked and shortened though I can do nothing about it but complain on a forum. And while you might appreciate it, you probably wouldn't appreciate what I had to say about it.
Listen. This is a good mod. A very good mod.
Just not a mod for me in it's current state.
No problem man. The readme even says directly this is not a mod for everyone. I have no problem with that, though of course it would be nicer if everyone loved your work. ;)
Anyway, I'd like to reiterate that I do read every single complaint and take it into consideration. And I introduce most of them, as long as they don't collide with other ideas that I want to keep.
Aaarrrgh... Either the RNG *is* out to get me, or the mod still needs some balancing. Granted, I'm playing on ironman superhuman, but still...
It is June and I'm finally researching a laser rifle.
Well, I think it's pretty early. :)
I already have it in ufopaedia thanks to some glitch but I'm finally researching it.
It's not a glitch, it's an attempt to "appease the masses". :P Since laser weapons were aready seen in the hands of Men in Black, and could be used by X-Com soldiers if picked up, people complained they couldn't see their stats. So I made them available, and now people are complaining again... See what I'm dealing with here? :P
Sorry, let's get back on topic.
So my weapons so far have been earth firearms with alien alloy ammo. Which kinda sucks considering my main enemies for the past two months have been mutons. Power 40*0.6=24 versus armor 20 mutons is not very funny but rifles and LMGs are my best general-purpose weapons so that's what most of my men use. And I'm using up so much alien alloys I've actually had to manufacture some.
I have four bases, two of them with HWDs and I've managed to shoot down all the scouts I've detected. But I've had to defend my main base three times, twice against sectoids and once against my own mechtoids, and my number three base now has a second muton battleship incoming. My first two terrors were sectoids, the third one floaters (a blessing) and the fourth one.snakemen (plus I've shot down several terror ships). I've aborted the fifth terror because it was mutons at night. In fact I'm fighting mostly mutons since May and the fight is becoming a chore. The first base defence against mutons took me 91 turns and I've had to pick up ammo from storage room floors because most of my guys ran out of it. Sure, all but two of them were garrison rookies, but still.
Yeah, same here. I hope that moving the mutons to at least July, as it is now, will help. (The exception is Alien Flyby, which allows Mutons in June.) But if you were playing with an earlier version, you'd get them much earlier, probably even if you switch to the latest version during your campaign (because the missions were already generated for this month). In short, it should be easier with the newest version.
If it's not enough, I can move them further down the timeline.
So I'm really hoping that the laser rifles I'm researching will give me a turnover point because I do need one. I've researched tons of things I have no obvious use for and which give me no immediate benefit. I can finally begin researching laser and gauss and plasma weapons but right now I'm still fighting the aliens using the same weapons I've been using months ago and it feels like I've had to reasearch tons of stuff and there's already 55 (I've just counted them!) more research topics on my list (not counting the few more from my other mods). I've been using laser hovertank for like a month but my men still use LMGs and no powersuits?
So I definittely understand XCOMFan419's feelings. Maybe I'm more patient, so I'll fight on, at least for some time, but I feel like the 0.8 version of the FMP is much more frustrating to play than the 0.5 version I've been using before.
0.8 is definitely more accessible than 0.5, because lasers are way easier to get. If it feels harder, then it's probably due to RNG... But that's what I think. I need more data. :)
Not sure if this is the right place for this observation and to be honest I haven't a clue about designing mods but on looking @ the rulset for the final mod I noticed something that seemed odd to me. My very limited understanding of the air combat had the interception window open @ standoff range which I think is 75km but on looking @ the new Raider ship its weapon range is 82km. How does this work in practice?
The Raider Ship never actually shows up, it's only a way to generate a new type of ground mission. So its stats are irrelevant.
Starting a new game - so far, I've had no problems getting gauss and laser weapons fairly early,
Mister, you're luckier than both me and the others. :)
but in the past games it took me forever to research elerium, essentially leading to a situation where if I could survive to research psi-amp, I had comparatively weak weapons, but could PSI-control everything in sight. Looking at the ruleset, though, it looks like a poor RNG streak, sicne Delta Radiation that's its prerequisite is attainable both from leaders and engineers. I'll try to keep notes of this game.
I've been thinking about making psi harder to get, but whatever you do, it'll always become a game breaker at some point. That's why I play with "line sight only" psionics, even if it makes the game easier against Ethereals. The game just feels better to me. Still, this is a general option, not related to FMP, so do with it what you prefer.
By the way, I suspect it's a bug - last game I couldn't research the stormlance launcher, but the missiles are purchasable in the general store.
Yeah, it's been reported before and will be fixed.
And as for the M range error that Harald reported, I'll look into it, but if your alienDeployments part contains 3 equipment levels per unit (or indeed any number other than 4), then it's not compatible with the FMP, which requires 4 levels. So crashes are expectable.
Whew, I guess that's it for now. I hope this post is not too long for all of you to read... And I know that it's not always what you wanted. Still, it's a complex development and I'm doing my best :)
PS. Has anyone encountered the Hybrids? Do they work?
Where is your base located? I learned the hard way that putting your first base in France is a guaranteed way to get a visit from the aliens once a month. :P Normally I start in south-western Russia, around Crimea, and it never looked like this.
Northern Africa. And I guess I just got unlucky with the RNG, because in my experience, base placement has little to no effect on base defense missions.
I guess it would be possible, but it's already pretty balanced. Here's the percentage for alien races for the first three months:
I'm relatively OK with Jan-March, I even wouldn't mind more floaters and snakemen. Too many Sectoids meant too many psi-capable enemies and I was too busy trying to stay alive to capture any leaders (especially since I didn't know which ones were leaders). Then a few chtonites and floaters and snakemen and then came a huge jump in difficulty with the mutons. I must have angered the RNG god and it seemed as if the midgame aliens have simply vanished within half a dozen missions. Truth is, yYour post made me take a look at your ruleset and the values look good even for April to June, so I must have been simply unlucky.
It's not a glitch, it's an attempt to "appease the masses". :P Since laser weapons were aready seen in the hands of Men in Black, and could be used by X-Com soldiers if picked up, people complained they couldn't see their stats. So I made them available, and now people are complaining again... See what I'm dealing with here? :P
I see. But I've never met a single MiB during this game and then it seemed like I've finally got around to those laser rifles and then it seemed like I had to research them twice. Having the ufopedia entry and not having the actual weapons available added to my frustration. I guess not many people get to laser weapons purely by researching alien data slates plus captured aliens, so this behaviour is not that frequent.
Yeah, same here. I hope that moving the mutons to at least July, as it is now, will help. (The exception is Alien Flyby, which allows Mutons in June.) But if you were playing with an earlier version, you'd get them much earlier, probably even if you switch to the latest version during your campaign (because the missions were already generated for this month). In short, it should be easier with the newest version.
If it's not enough, I can move them further down the timeline.
Actually, the second base defense was (almost) easy. I was expecting them, so I've stored lots of proximity mines and HE autocannon ammo and high explosives and I've only lost two guys and a rocket tank versus some 22 aliens. Not bad, for untrained garrison troops with no armor against mutons on ironman superhuman.
And as for the M range error that Harald reported, I'll look into it, but if your alienDeployments part contains 3 equipment levels per unit (or indeed any number other than 4), then it's not compatible with the FMP, which requires 4 levels. So crashes are expectable.
My own mod uses the same four itemlevels your mod uses - I've learned this lesson some time ago - so this should not be a problem. In fact I've even tested my mod with vanilla game and it causes no crashes even when I've defined four itemlevels. The vanilla game simply never uses the last itemlevel, making such a mod compatible with both 3- and 4-itemlevels mods.
Which is what has me so confused. Other than the new terrorship maps, there's seemingly no reason for that crash. Using the New Battle feature, I can even initiate a mission against such a ship using both your mod and mine and it works, so I see no other likely explanation. I've even tried to remove the terrain parts of my deployment rules, to make sure the game would load the terrain based on where the ship went down, and the game still crashes.
I guess I just got unlucky with the RNG, because in my experience, base placement has little to no effect on base defense missions.
This is untrue. Of course there IS a secret as UFO's follow set patterns but simply checking the code would be cheating :) Anyway there are bad spots like Hawaii (and generally close to any city) where you're guaranteed monthly (if not bi-weekly) visit, and there are sweet spots - one is Transylvania where (depending on exact placement) I've once managed to get no assault for 2 years straight despite dozens of Retals launched over Europe.
This mod is very cool :)
How ever I have one thing to change/fix:
I just found what appears to be MiB Man in Black base or something 8)
(I just started playing FMP so please spoilers!)
1) At end there was a super thought guy, he took 5 shoots from sniper rifle, 5-6 shots from pistol, and finally a heavy laser shot took him... wtf? I mean, is that correct behaviour? I play on the 2nd hardness level (not the easiest but the next one)
2) I was looking forward to get research on all the recovered items, how ever I see no new research objects!
- I have 3 kinds of MiB corpses, they can't be researched?
For me it lacks narrative atmosphere like "whaaat the fuck was that?" moment in game, e.g. make a story telling research item (at minimal cost) that will show some information about how Xcom is puzzled by discovering MiB and all
- They where using some suits like black hazmats, I would expect to research them
- If I would had captured them alive (I didn't this time) it would be logical to hold them even without need for alien containment... technically maybe they could be stored as inventory?
Though it's a bit strange to hold man as item... though they were man in... BLACK, if you know what I mean 8)
- There was alien nade, I don't see option to reseach it.
- What about all the laser weapons, no research here either?
Of other things, the new weapons seem not all-right:
- the machines guns, and mini guns, all have INCREDIBLE spread, while being low powered. Maybe make them all a BIT less accurate at least.
- the mini gun should really have a serious punch, maybe 40? To compensate make it even heavier to handle
- the submachine gun has not cool sound... see how it is in games like SWAT series.
- make another a really cool submachine gun, like a cooler riffle, e.g. 4 shoots, at power like riffle -3, better aim, low weight
- the magnum's sound is mistaken? it sounds like dart gun
One of the files is wrongly names (you see this error on real OSes like Linux, that see difference between uppercase/lowercase in file names):
should be:
or the other way around (fix it in .res and the leave the file name as handob_UZI.png)
Either way this mod is very cool, thanks! :)
OK, here's the mod (or you can download it from the modserver).
And I'll admit the bug is leaving me quite confused because I'm using my own alienDeployment, which doesn't exist in the FMP, I'm only using vanilla maps/terrains and the mission works fine when I turn the FMP off. So the bug is likely caused by either a bug in the FMP or by an incompatibility between my mod and the FMP and I see no reason for either. The game crashes even when I ditch all the FMP equipment, I'm fighting my own alien race, the map uses URBAN terrain which the FMP doesn't modify (and crashes even when I delete this from my modfile). My prime suspect is new UFO maps, considering I've copypasted vanilla terror ship and FMP mods those, because other than that, there's (I think) no other reason for the FMP to crash it.
EDIT: OK, meanwhile I managed to download it. What I noticed is this:
Unless I'm mistaken, you need to also add there the regular Abductions, etc., missions, otherwise the game won't generate them.
width: 50
length: 50
height: 4
civilians: 8
Trying to set the terrain of the UFO as URBAN doesn't work since the game automatically gets the terrain from the location where the UFO has landed/crashed on Geoscape. But you can add civilians.
The Raider Ship never actually shows up, it's only a way to generate a new type of ground mission. So its stats are irrelevant.
Solaris, unless you've adapted the Raider Ship for the FMP, on the Terrain Pack the Raider Ship shows up and it is possible to shoot it before it reaches its ground target. And the stats definitely are relevant there :)
Oh well, I've found the source of my problema and it was my own error. So let me apologize for suspecting FMP was the cause.
It was as simple as one missing itemlevel. But I've never noticed during my testing because I've been loading my mod last and my mod uses three itemlevels. And then I've installed a new version of FMP and the mod loading order has changed and the bug manifested itself.
EDIT: OK, meanwhile I managed to download it. What I noticed is this:
Unless I'm mistaken, you need to also add there the regular Abductions, etc., missions, otherwise the game won't generate them.
You are mistaken, the game generates other missions normally. I wouldn't have been able to fight all the sectoids and mutons and floaters and so on if it didn't.
width: 50
length: 50
height: 4
civilians: 8
Trying to set the terrain of the UFO as URBAN doesn't work since the game automatically gets the terrain from the location where the UFO has landed/crashed on Geoscape. But you can add civilians.
Again, this code *works*. I've tested this with the New Battle feature, even during my own testing of the mod, and I've tested it now that I've fixed my mod. Yes, I would be happier if I knew of another way of modding in terror-like missions but I don't so I'm stuck with this.
But thank you all for trying to help anyway.
I see. But I've never met a single MiB during this game and then it seemed like I've finally got around to those laser rifles and then it seemed like I had to research them twice. Having the ufopedia entry and not having the actual weapons available added to my frustration. I guess not many people get to laser weapons purely by researching alien data slates plus captured aliens, so this behaviour is not that frequent.
OK, I agree, I'll change it back. If anyone complaints... well... please be there for me... :D
Actually, the second base defense was (almost) easy. I was expecting them, so I've stored lots of proximity mines and HE autocannon ammo and high explosives and I've only lost two guys and a rocket tank versus some 22 aliens. Not bad, for untrained garrison troops with no armor against mutons on ironman superhuman.
My own mod uses the same four itemlevels your mod uses - I've learned this lesson some time ago - so this should not be a problem. In fact I've even tested my mod with vanilla game and it causes no crashes even when I've defined four itemlevels. The vanilla game simply never uses the last itemlevel, making such a mod compatible with both 3- and 4-itemlevels mods.
Interesting. Well, it's not completely okay, since the enemies won't be using their best equipment, but it's still better than crashing.
Which is what has me so confused. Other than the new terrorship maps, there's seemingly no reason for that crash. Using the New Battle feature, I can even initiate a mission against such a ship using both your mod and mine and it works, so I see no other likely explanation. I've even tried to remove the terrain parts of my deployment rules, to make sure the game would load the terrain based on where the ship went down, and the game still crashes.
I'll leave this to you and Hobbes to figure out. :q There are many possible reasons for this particular error and I can't say much.
This mod is very cool :)
Yay, thanks! :D
How ever I have one thing to change/fix:
I just found what appears to be MiB Man in Black base or something 8)
(I just started playing FMP so please spoilers!)
1) At end there was a super thought guy, he took 5 shoots from sniper rifle, 5-6 shots from pistol, and finally a heavy laser shot took him... wtf? I mean, is that correct behaviour? I play on the 2nd hardness level (not the easiest but the next one)
2) I was looking forward to get research on all the recovered items, how ever I see no new research objects!
- I have 3 kinds of MiB corpses, they can't be researched?
For me it lacks narrative atmosphere like "whaaat the fuck was that?" moment in game, e.g. make a story telling research item (at minimal cost) that will show some information about how Xcom is puzzled by discovering MiB and all
- They where using some suits like black hazmats, I would expect to research them
- If I would had captured them alive (I didn't this time) it would be logical to hold them even without need for alien containment... technically maybe they could be stored as inventory?
Though it's a bit strange to hold man as item... though they were man in... BLACK, if you know what I mean 8)
These are all interesting issues. However, I think you should direct them to the mod's author, Robin, in this thread: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2180.0
Apart from a bit of changing weapon loadouts for MiB to make them consistent with the rest of FMP, I did nothing special to his mod, so I can't really talk about it much. But I can tell you there is a small research tree related to the MiB organization.
- There was alien nade, I don't see option to reseach it.
- What about all the laser weapons, no research here either?
It's not so easy, go interrogate some Engineers. :P
Of other things, the new weapons seem not all-right:
- the machines guns, and mini guns, all have INCREDIBLE spread, while being low powered. Maybe make them all a BIT less accurate at least.
By "spread" you mean "broad firing cone"? If so, why make them even less accurate?
The miniguns are already very inaccurate. And Heavy Machine Gun is so hard to use that making it any less accurate would make it useless, I guess. But of course these are balancing issues which are always up for dispute.
- the mini gun should really have a serious punch, maybe 40? To compensate make it even heavier to handle
....why? It wouldn't be much of a minigun then, it would be some sort of a super-auto-cannon. Which would probably smear the user against the nearest wall. :q
- the submachine gun has not cool sound... see how it is in games like SWAT series.
Duly noted. I need to replace this sound, as well as the Magnum's. I just never got around to do that.
- make another a really cool submachine gun, like a cooler riffle, e.g. 4 shoots, at power like riffle -3, better aim, low weight
I thought about a PDW, which is somewhat like you described, but ultimately decided against it because there are so many weapons already. I might go back to the idea if people demand it though. :)
One of the files is wrongly names (you see this error on real OSes like Linux, that see difference between uppercase/lowercase in file names):
should be:
or the other way around (fix it in .res and the leave the file name as handob_UZI.png)
Ouch, sorry - it happens sometimes. I'll fix it ASAP.
Either way this mod is very cool, thanks! :)
Glad to hear that!
Solaris, unless you've adapted the Raider Ship for the FMP, on the Terrain Pack the Raider Ship shows up and it is possible to shoot it before it reaches its ground target. And the stats definitely are relevant there :)
....I'll be right back. :P
(Oh, and the next version will feature this: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/ironfist-dropship)
Interesting. Well, it's not completely okay, since the enemies won't be using their best equipment, but it's still better than crashing.
I'm aware of this so I gave my modded aliens their best equipment on level 2 and copied it on level 3 :) I know, this means they'll be using their best equipment more often, but I see no other workaround that works.
Version 0.9 is online.
It contains some nice stuff: the abovementioned dropship, the Tactical Lightning mod by x60mmx (making Lightning marginally useful), and of course some fixes/rebalancing.
You are mistaken, the game generates other missions normally. I wouldn't have been able to fight all the sectoids and mutons and floaters and so on if it didn't.
There are two types of missions generated by the game.
Abductions, Harvest, Alien Base, Infiltration and Research (the ones defined under regions) are randomly selected from a table according to their mission weights. Until the 6th month the game only chooses 1 random mission, afterwards it chooses two.
From my observations so far the game will not generate any these missions if you mod any of the regions and don't include the original missions. This happens because a mod that alters the mission weights completely replace the original mission weights rather than complement them.
Besides those missions, the game is hardcoded (i.e. can't be modded or altered) to generate a series of additional missions:
* A Sectoid Research mission on the 1st month, on the region where your base is located
* A terror mission each month
* Retaliation missions are possible in case UFOs are shot down.
* An additional retaliation mission is added either by reaching the end of 1999/2000 (month depends on the difficulty level) or by researching The Martian Solution.
This explains why you are seeing the original aliens as you mention.
I noticed this with my Terrain Pack since it adds 2 new missions and after a while I noticed that I hadn't gotten any Alien Base, Research, etc. after a game year and only Retaliation and Terror missions in addition to my new missions.
Again, this code *works*. I've tested this with the New Battle feature, even during my own testing of the mod, and I've tested it now that I've fixed my mod. Yes, I would be happier if I knew of another way of modding in terror-like missions but I don't so I'm stuck with this.
New Battle allows you to define the variables more freely (but also with a few restrictions of its own) than the campaign game. Since you added URBAN to the list of terrains it should appear available on New Battle but that doesn't mean that it will appear during the campaign game.
And here I am merely quoting from the ruleset documentation on the wiki (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_(OpenXcom)#Alien_Deployments) that was written by the developers:
terrains list of string IDs of the terrain to choose from to generate this map. This is not used for UFO sites where the terrain comes from the Geoscape.
From my observations so far the game will not generate any these missions if you mod any of the regions and don't include the original missions. This happens because a mod that alters the mission weights completely replace the original mission weights rather than complement them.
OK, I'll look into this, but I don't think that's how it works. Right now I've tried to load my mod first, then the FMP and then I've started a new game. Possible missions in the savefile include both my missions and the FMP missions.
New Battle allows you to define the variables more freely (but also with a few restrictions of its own) than the campaign game. Since you added URBAN to the list of terrains it should appear available on New Battle but that doesn't mean that it will appear during the campaign game.
Feel free to download my savegame and my mod, you can test it yourself. The downed terror ship sits in a city terrain. Yes, I've read the reference guide too and yes, I'd hoped the UFO would use city terrain if landed and Geoscape-based terrain if downed. Turned out even the downed ship uses the ruleset-defined terrain.
The hover tanks dont have ufopedia page......
The hover tanks dont have ufopedia page......
But they do :o
OK, I'll look into this, but I don't think that's how it works. Right now I've tried to load my mod first, then the FMP and then I've started a new game. Possible missions in the savefile include both my missions and the FMP missions.
My advice would be for you to ignore the FMP while developing and testing a mod - let Solaris worry about how everything gets integrated, otherwise you're limiting yourself and your mod by trying to get everything integrated.
I may also be wrong about this assertion but I've played two or three games with my terrain pack where after a year I did not have a single alien base being built and never saw any Harvest/Abductions missions. And I'm not a code expert but from my limited understanding of code syntax some things replace the original ruleset while others complement it and on this case it seems to me it replaces the code.
Feel free to download my savegame and my mod, you can test it yourself. The downed terror ship sits in a city terrain. Yes, I've read the reference guide too and yes, I'd hoped the UFO would use city terrain if landed and Geoscape-based terrain if downed. Turned out even the downed ship uses the ruleset-defined terrain.
If you're telling me that you've also checked the reference than I have no reason not to believe you. It's simply something that I never tried doing myself and I'm glad I've learned something new since from my experience trying to use conditions originally designed for different missions usually does not work. And it makes sense that it always uses the Urban terrain regardless of being landed or crashed.
I've managed to research and manufacture a Xcom CyberDisk tank. But it is fitted with a laser weapon.
It seems daft to me that I havent been able to unlock anything about Lasers yet I can use and manufacture laser cannons in this tank?
Oh the same thing applies to Plasma!
I've managed to research and manufacture a Xcom CyberDisk tank. But it is fitted with a laser weapon.
It seems daft to me that I havent been able to unlock anything about Lasers yet I can use and manufacture laser cannons in this tank?
Oh the same thing applies to Plasma!
Hmmm... You're right. I can't remember the tree that well right now, but if it is like you say, than I'll have to do something about it.
Now, I wonder about adding Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters Mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2806.0). However, my main problem with this is:
- If I leave the current Living Quarters as they are (at 50 inhabitants), then the Improved Living Quarters would have to be something like 250 people. And that's way too much.
- If I do as Dioxine suggested and reduce normal Living Quarters to 25 beds (with reduced maintenance and cost) and set the big ones to 125, it would be much better, but some people here will put me on their hit list.
Any thoughts?
Hmmm... You're right. I can't remember the tree that well right now, but if it is like you say, than I'll have to do something about it.
See your ruleset
cost: 20
points: 20
I researched all of the above three dependencies.
Probably worth adding two dependencies, the laser cannon & plasma cannon?
Now, I wonder about adding Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters Mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2806.0). However, my main problem with this is:
- If I leave the current Living Quarters as they are (at 50 inhabitants), then the Improved Living Quarters would have to be something like 250 people. And that's way too much.
- If I do as Dioxine suggested and reduce normal Living Quarters to 25 beds (with reduced maintenance and cost) and set the big ones to 125, it would be much better, but some people here will put me on their hit list.
Any thoughts?
My personal opinion (dont know about the others), I would say it is unnecessary. Typically I build 2 Living quarters, to enable me to have 100 staff. More than enough for one base! So 125 staff as you propose makes sense...
But my major gripe is the fact of having 2x2 tiles, when it is normally 2 tiles to have 100 staff, is a massive loss of limited precious available space for building facilities in a base. I feel this would be a nuisance. unless a better balance is struck, this is most likely the area I would edit back to normal when using this mod. (Everything else is pretty spot on - well done Solar!)
Now, I wonder about adding Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters Mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2806.0). However, my main problem with this is:
- If I leave the current Living Quarters as they are (at 50 inhabitants), then the Improved Living Quarters would have to be something like 250 people. And that's way too much.
- If I do as Dioxine suggested and reduce normal Living Quarters to 25 beds (with reduced maintenance and cost) and set the big ones to 125, it would be much better, but some people here will put me on their hit list.
Any thoughts?
The way I see it it's four steps forward and twenty five steps back.
See your ruleset
cost: 20
points: 20
I researched all of the above three dependencies.
Probably worth adding two dependencies, the laser cannon & plasma cannon?
Yeah, it should be fine...
Maybe I should add another, with a heavy machine gun? :)
My personal opinion (dont know about the others), I would say it is unnecessary. Typically I build 2 Living quarters, to enable me to have 100 staff. More than enough for one base! So 125 staff as you propose makes sense...
But my major gripe is the fact of having 2x2 tiles, when it is normally 2 tiles to have 100 staff, is a massive loss of limited precious available space for building facilities in a base. I feel this would be a nuisance. unless a better balance is struck, this is most likely the area I would edit back to normal when using this mod. (Everything else is pretty spot on - well done Solar!)
Yes, it would make things a bit harder. Still, I wonder if it's so bad. Having a bigger facility has its positive sides, like shorter building time than 4 separate blocks.
I wonder if we could leave the basic one at 50 and make the big one 150 or so, and also give it some storing capacity to make up for the increased surface? It would be the "casual" setup, since you could not build the big quarters if you didn't want to, and still play as before.
The way I see it it's four steps forward and twenty five steps back.
I'll take it as a no. :P
(But it's so pretty...)
Yeah, it should be fine...
Maybe I should add another, with a heavy machine gun? :)
Good idea!! I just realised, if adding plasma weapons and laser weapons as a prequisite, this would pose a problem, it means both of these technologies would have to be researched to produce a Cyberdisc??? A little reshuffle of the research items may be required to divide these items into two?
Or perhaps, as you say, add Heavy machine gun or Cannon Cyberdisc, then this would act as a prequisite item required to research for laser or plasma cyberdisc?
Yes, it would make things a bit harder. Still, I wonder if it's so bad. Having a bigger facility has its positive sides, like shorter building time than 4 separate blocks.
I wonder if we could leave the basic one at 50 and make the big one 150 or so, and also give it some storing capacity to make up for the increased surface? It would be the "casual" setup, since you could not build the big quarters if you didn't want to, and still play as before.
Good idea..... that would make me consider it seriously.
See what others think then!
My advice would be for you to ignore the FMP while developing and testing a mod - let Solaris worry about how everything gets integrated, otherwise you're limiting yourself and your mod by trying to get everything integrated.
I've ignored it at first and my mod worked fine. Then I've tested it with the mods like Alien Armory and FMP and it *seemed* to work fine. But then my experiements changes mod loading order and the bug manifested itself. The mod worked as a standalone mod with the vanilla game. But when I've loaded a mod with four itemlevels (such as the FMP) *after* my own mod, FMP's alienItemLevels replaced my own and the missing fourth item level for one of the alien ranks caused the crash.
So I do agree that a mod should first be able to work alone. But then I've had to try to make sure it would also work with the other mods people use. All I can do now is wait for other bugs to show up.
I may also be wrong about this assertion but I've played two or three games with my terrain pack where after a year I did not have a single alien base being built and never saw any Harvest/Abductions missions. And I'm not a code expert but from my limited understanding of code syntax some things replace the original ruleset while others complement it and on this case it seems to me it replaces the code.
Like I said, I'll try to look into this, though I'm afraid it won't be today. I'll post my results once I've learned more.
Now, I wonder about adding Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters Mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2806.0). However, my main problem with this is:
- If I leave the current Living Quarters as they are (at 50 inhabitants), then the Improved Living Quarters would have to be something like 250 people. And that's way too much.
- If I do as Dioxine suggested and reduce normal Living Quarters to 25 beds (with reduced maintenance and cost) and set the big ones to 125, it would be much better, but some people here will put me on their hit list.
Any thoughts?
I have no reason to put anyone on a hit list, every mod author is free to create whatever they wish. However... I would mod the basic living quarters back to 50 if you went the 25 beds route.
Maintenance costs are almost never an issue, the most limiting aspect of base design is the limited space. My main base usually has ~190 to 240 people and needing 8 to 10 tiles instead of 4 or 5 for Living Quarters would make me too unhappy. I'm already unable to place in sufficient base defenses and four more tiles is too high a price.
Yeah, it should be fine...
Maybe I should add another, with a heavy machine gun? :)
This is the temporary fix for Xcom cyberdisc.
In my case, xcom cyberdisc becomes researchable. When researched, nothing happens! Presumably, manufacturing department will confirm this can be manufactured when laser or plasma has been researched. This may baffle other users though!
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1450
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1451
Another point to note, "STR_ALIEN_DATA_SLATE: Alien Data Slate".... I am able to constantly research this item over and over and over again till I received all of the information. Was this intentional? Or would it be better that this object is to be destroyed once researched?
Good idea!! I just realised, if adding plasma weapons and laser weapons as a prequisite, this would pose a problem, it means both of these technologies would have to be researched to produce a Cyberdisc??? A little reshuffle of the research items may be required to divide these items into two?
Or perhaps, as you say, add Heavy machine gun or Cannon Cyberdisc, then this would act as a prequisite item required to research for laser or plasma cyberdisc?
Yeah, I'll go that route. Thanks for the input!
But when I've loaded a mod with four itemlevels (such as the FMP) *after* my own mod, FMP's alienItemLevels replaced my own and the missing fourth item level for one of the alien ranks caused the crash.
So I do agree that a mod should first be able to work alone. But then I've had to try to make sure it would also work with the other mods people use. All I can do now is wait for other bugs to show up.
If this really is the case, then there's nothing we can do - the mods won't get any more compatible.
Perhaps creating 4 levels was a bad idea... But it was hard to fit everything into 3, and I wanted more control over what gets unlocked when.
I have no reason to put anyone on a hit list, every mod author is free to create whatever they wish. However... I would mod the basic living quarters back to 50 if you went the 25 beds route.
Maintenance costs are almost never an issue, the most limiting aspect of base design is the limited space. My main base usually has ~190 to 240 people and needing 8 to 10 tiles instead of 4 or 5 for Living Quarters would make me too unhappy. I'm already unable to place in sufficient base defenses and four more tiles is too high a price.
OK, I'll do it the soft way then... And maybe provide an additional ruleset for those who want more challenge? I'm not sure if it's necessary.
This is the temporary fix for Xcom cyberdisc.
In my case, xcom cyberdisc becomes researchable. When researched, nothing happens! Presumably, manufacturing department will confirm this can be manufactured when laser or plasma has been researched. This may baffle other users though!
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1450
type_id: 3
listOrder: 1451
Yeah, it'd work, but I think a Cyberdisc/Cannon would be more understandable from the user's point of view. Unless you think it's a bad idea?
Another point to note, "STR_ALIEN_DATA_SLATE: Alien Data Slate".... I am able to constantly research this item over and over and over again till I received all of the information. Was this intentional? Or would it be better that this object is to be destroyed once researched?
Well, it should work well with the "completed research destroys the item" option turned on... Which is why I haven't noticed until now.
I may be forced to remove this. :( This is just a helping hand to get plasmas anyway.
Hmmm... You're right. I can't remember the tree that well right now, but if it is like you say, than I'll have to do something about it.
Now, I wonder about adding Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters Mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2806.0). However, my main problem with this is:
- If I leave the current Living Quarters as they are (at 50 inhabitants), then the Improved Living Quarters would have to be something like 250 people. And that's way too much.
- If I do as Dioxine suggested and reduce normal Living Quarters to 25 beds (with reduced maintenance and cost) and set the big ones to 125, it would be much better, but some people here will put me on their hit list.
Any thoughts?
The problem in my base is the size. I use the defend base. This is the 3 hangar in front. And the 3 line empty. Only the acces base. My problem is the space. And i prefer put 4 living quarters and have 200 people. Normally 100 sci 30 soldiers and the rest engi. 2 laboratory 2 workspace. The radar sistem 4 stores the defenses and the mental defense and the live alien fac. This facility for me is a lol. totally unnecesary
Pd: a facility that use 2 square and give 125 ex. More expensive may be interesting or a combo 100 lives and storage may be interesting.
Pdd: A facilty with 4 squares eq to 200 lives and a storage may be interesting
Yeah, it'd work, but I think a Cyberdisc/Cannon would be more understandable from the user's point of view. Unless you think it's a bad idea?
Makes complete sense, I agree with you there. Doesn't leave the users confused going "WHERE'S MY BL&&DY CYBERDISC"!
The amended code is just so that I can carry on with using the mod being played as it should be played.
Well, it should work well with the "completed research destroys the item" option turned on... Which is why I haven't noticed until now.
I may be forced to remove this. :( This is just a helping hand to get plasmas anyway.
It seems like a good idea though, maybe suggest that the mod is to be run with "destroy item when researched"?
P.S. I'm in first year May now and haven't got to Plasmas/Laser/Guass just yet! Though I'm furiously working on trying to stun much aliens I can, with nav/medic/engineer being a bonus if it happens!
If this really is the case, then there's nothing we can do - the mods won't get any more compatible.
Perhaps creating 4 levels was a bad idea... But it was hard to fit everything into 3, and I wanted more control over what gets unlocked when.
Ummm... The mods are perfectly compatible now. And using four itemlevels is a good idea too, I would have used it myself if I didn't wish to maintain compatibility with the vanilla ruleset. So other people can do what I did, i.e. define four itemlevels even when they don't need them. The fourth level causes no crashes with vanilla ruleset and comes into play if you use four levels.
This whole mess came into being because I forgot to copy one itemlevel for one alien rank. And it didn't show up during my first testing because it was dependent on mod loading order.
Would I like a better system for defining alien loadouts? Yes. But we don't have one at the moment and I don't have one I could propose so I'll simply have to be more careful in the future.
The big living quarters aren't for everyone, especially with limited personnel cap (my idea was you don't need a 50-man living quarters for a radar base, 25 men are more than enough so why waste cash?); certainly not for defensive base setups. I'm personally using an "assault" base setup, which is much alike defensive in regard for 3 hangars on top, only with the difference of 4 (instead of 1) access points to storm the hangars by turn 3-4 in a three-pronged attack (sides proceed faster, the central group naturally slower, as it has to clear the lift), and no space wasted on defensive systems of any kind (and that's a LOT of space), so I have no problem running 300-personnel main base in the vanilla (150 sci, 100 engineers).
So with my setup, 2 big living quarters provide 250 personnel (forcing me to stop myself at 2 labs), that's 8 space, +hangars = 20 space, + labs&workshops = 24 space, +HWD&containment = 26 space, +2x psi lab = 28, +lift = 29, leaving me with 5 tiles for stores or whatever (2 tiles on the sides of the lift must stay empty).
The idea was to both make radar bases cheaper and force the player to spread research and workshops across 2-5 bases. But it would force less turtling and everyone should be entitled to turtling if they like so :) Especially since it DOES make the game harder.
So, I'm not sure if this has been addressed yet, but I'm getting crashes whenever I research any living Hybrid. There's no error window brought up, just an immediate CTD whenever I finish the research on a captive. It doesn't apply to researching a Hybrid corpse.
The only mods I'm using besides FMP are the No Psyonics, Improved Ground Tanks, and Improved Heavy Lasers options. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it?
Need to lodge an issue with the cyberdisc mod/research in general.
I'm playing a game on ironman/superman and I just got the cyberdisc plasma platform. I happily made it thinking it would help me take out aliens even better than my old tank/laser however I remembered how poorly it went when I made the laser cyberdisc.
These things are so weak that it's ridiculous not only that the worst thing that could happen happened.
https://imgur.com/BVsI6EE (https://imgur.com/BVsI6EE)
So here's the backstory;
- Mission start, move cyberdisc out MiB agent reaction shot lands cyberdisc implodes with one f**king shot
- I laugh at my misfortune thinking it couldn't happen twice
- Move out my next cyberdisc and it is once again reactioned on and after one hit explodes killing my entire team all my armor and weapons
https://imgur.com/wM2kmOY (https://imgur.com/wM2kmOY)
- Leaving me with 3 squaddies to clean up
https://i.imgur.com/UTxFxcu.png (https://i.imgur.com/UTxFxcu.png)
Here's my problem why is the cyberdisc so f**king weak? It's alien technology refurbished yet our human tanks can take 10x the beating and they don't implode and murder any nearby friendly's to make matters worse.
This really need to be rebalanced they need equal armor to tanks or more to be a viable asset. Not to mention it takes a cyberdisc corpse to make these and they havn't been around in my game since the first 3 months so I have no way to farm them back.
This is a huge balance issue in my opinion and needs to be looked at.
A double-edged sword should not be so easily taken down.
The Cyberdisc is exactly the same as its alien counterpart. After all, this is the same thing, just reprogrammed. Yeah, it's not too badass, but I can't make it any better without compromising logic.
As for the hybrid crash, I'll certainly look at it within 48 hours.
Figured that would be the response sorry for over-reacting but it is painful to lose your entire squad to that.
Shouldn't they at least be able to take more than one hit? Or at least disable the huge explosion it does if that's even possible?
It just seems kind of silly to use something that has a chance to kill your entire crew if you get unlucky.
Figured that would be the response sorry for over-reacting but it is painful to lose your entire squad to that.
Shouldn't they at least be able to take more than one hit? Or at least disable the huge explosion it does if that's even possible?
It just seems kind of silly to use something that has a chance to kill your entire crew if you get unlucky.
Well, in the original game you could easily be killed by a Blaster Bomb after your first turn... This is not the case in Openxcom, but it's still a mean game, and that's why we love it. :q
But more constructively, I think it's mostly a matter of tactics. The Cyberdisc is not a tank, rather a flying heavy weapon platform. Since you're using an Avenger (and most people will have Avenger or at least Ironfist by the time they employ Cyberdiscs), you have some freedom in what goes out first.. So you don't have to expose your Cyberdisc to too much danger. With Skyrangers it's not so easy of course.
Hi guys :-)
french newbie here.
First, let me thank the openxcom devs, i am amazed of the game quality :-)
Next, kudos to the FMP team, it certainly add great flavour :-p
I'm playing it for two weeks now and like it a lot. It's the 0.7 version.
I'm a fan of the small launcher and the stun bombs, and never saw them appear in the research; so I went to look into the FMP ruleset.
The string defining the launcher is botched (spaces and no STR_ at the beginning).
Hope this helps you :-)
Hi Day, welcome to the forums!
(Did you know that FMP at first stood for French Mod Pack? :)) )
Anyway, thanks for the message, but I think I fixed this long ago - it's 0.9 now, and it looks fine to me.
Hi Solarius, thank you :-)
Oh yes, that's right, I read that somewhere. Well, if you're in Paris, I owe you a beer :D
Hmm, ok I'll do an update; thanks :-)
Hmm. After a couple of games {and some ruleset digging}, I think I've figured out what it is that frustrates me so much. Namely, that a lot of tech advances, even the crucial ones, are dependent on acquiring specific aliens. That, in turn, is dependent on the game's own whim - for example, you can't research power armor until you've researched the Cybermite, which only spawns with Anthropods, which in turn may or may not show up in the game at all, depending on how the game decides to roll the dice for active species. While, in theory, this can be circumvented by capturing various medics, those appear far too infrequently to be a practical solution.
So, my suggestion would be to increase the frequency at which medics and engineers spawn in small ships, as those appear to be {intentionally or not?} the vast majority of craft that tend to spawn, replacing some of the navigators, especially as those are generally worthless when it comes to research. Keeping leaders limited to larger ships is still good, as they are guaranteed to spawn there.
Another option, though more labor-intensive, would be to adapt the tech tree to make use of "junk" rank aliens - researching a soldier, or navigator, for example, gives one free hidden prerequisite for one of the techs granted by other ranks. That way, quantity can become a quality, so even though the random chance of getting the kind of captures you want may or may not be on your side, investing into both capturing and researching enough of the ones that are guaranteed to spawn will eventually get you where you need to be.
Some issues report: after unlocking the manufacture of the Hovertanks, they are available to be manufactured, and deplyed in the battlescape, but they don't show in the ufopedia... I think this has to do with the ufopedia section requisites: I read that "New Fighter Craft" is a requisite... This ufopedia requisite is different from the research requisite. Also in the same ufopedia section, the entry for the Hovertank Launcher seems to be incomplete, because it shows only the id line and nothing else...
Another problem: immediately after finishing the research on a captured "Hybrid Agent" alien, tha game crashes (The "view report" screen does not show before the program shuts down. If one has that alien unit "conained" in the base without researching on it, or while it is being researched, there seem to be no problem, the same when you sell that alien, there is no crash. But immediately after finishing the reserach, something cause the program to crash.
Most likely there isn't proper Pedia entry for the creature/race (depending where the research topics directs), or misplaced picture in said entry.
This part is missing from the research:
- name: STR_HYBRID
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
I'll fix it tonight.
As for the alien interrogations, at this moment I do not plan any major changes to the tech tree... I am more thinking about making early game easier, but this requires some work.
Hey Solarius, congratulations on overtaking the project founder himself for most forum posts.
Hey Solarius, congratulations on overtaking the project founder himself for most forum posts.
Thanks, but I'm only an administrator, he's the founder. :)
i think he talked about SupSuper
you are a board administrator?
i think he talked about SupSuper
you are a board administrator?
I thought he meant Human Ktulu, who started the FMP...
...but I'm not so sure right now. :D
I thought he meant Human Ktulu, who started the FMP...
...but I'm not so sure right now. :D
I meant SupSuper. You now have the most posts of anyone on the forum:
Ok I found a small bug, the gauss-cannon rounds(x50) for craft, are placed in Weapons instead in Ammunition.
Btw: for Gauss HWP, it's shells are produced one by one, and 60 are needed... you need to produce 60 individual pieces of ammo before deploying the tank, is that intended? It takes almost as long as producing the tank itself afair.
Maybe it should come in packages of 10 shells per produced item, or maybe it could deploy with 30 instead.
Also, an option to deploy not fully armed tanks would be nice imo.
Ok I found a small bug, the gauss-cannon rounds(x50) for craft, are placed in Weapons instead in Ammunition.
Btw: for Gauss HWP, it's shells are produced one by one, and 60 are needed... you need to produce 60 individual pieces of ammo before deploying the tank, is that intended? It takes almost as long as producing the tank itself afair.
Maybe it should come in packages of 10 shells per produced item, or maybe it could deploy with 30 instead.
Also, an option to deploy not fully armed tanks would be nice imo.
I tried updating the FMP ruleset due to the hybrid research crashing bug but it doesn't allow me to change it, is there a known workaround for this? It won't let me save it even if I use administrative rights.
Game crashes when researching Hybrid Supervisor.
Please do fix it.
Also will my save game with that research already in progress work when fix is released and I install it?
Run the mode through modtester.
"lookup: STR_HYBRID" entry but no research: name: STR_HYBRID entry
(thanks Falko)
Ok I found a small bug, the gauss-cannon rounds(x50) for craft, are placed in Weapons instead in Ammunition.
Ugh, I thought I've fixed this ages ago... Are you sure you're using the latest version? I have no access to the files right now...
Btw: for Gauss HWP, it's shells are produced one by one, and 60 are needed... you need to produce 60 individual pieces of ammo before deploying the tank, is that intended? It takes almost as long as producing the tank itself afair.
Maybe it should come in packages of 10 shells per produced item, or maybe it could deploy with 30 instead.
While I can't change the mechanics of HWP deployment, I will check if the ammo can't be produced any faster.
Also, an option to deploy not fully armed tanks would be nice imo.
The devs have spoken nd said it would be too easy. I am in no position to argue with them... :)
I tried updating the FMP ruleset due to the hybrid research crashing bug but it doesn't allow me to change it, is there a known workaround for this? It won't let me save it even if I use administrative rights.
This is something way beyond the scope of my knowledge, and certainly not a problem concerning the mod itself, but I think you should be able to do this if you copy the file to some other location (not in the Program Files folder), edit it and then copy it back. Or just move the entire Openxcom folder to another location, because Program Files sucks.
Game crashes when researching Hybrid Supervisor.
Please do fix it.
Yep, working on it. Sadly, this particular part of the mod is really beta... I probably shouldn't have included it yet.
Also will my save game with that research already in progress work when fix is released and I install it?
No, it should be fine. Should.
Run the mode through modtester.
"lookup: STR_HYBRID" entry but no research: name: STR_HYBRID entry
(thanks Falko)
Yes, that's exactly the case. A few posts ago I explained how to fix it, and soon I'll release a new version.
Thanks for all the feedback!
Thanks for your hard work :)
I'm just uploading 0.9.1, which contains the fixes, and also add two new features: Dioxine's big Living Quarters (the starting base now has them!) and NeoWorm's Alloy Sword.
Now it's time to get to work on 0.9.2! :)
(BTW would anyone be able to help drawing new armours?)
Guess what, 0.9.2 is online. :P I just had to.
(It adds Laser Shotgun, because smexyvami asked me nicely, and also depowers the Alloy Sword which was way too deadly for something not made of lightsaber stuff.)
Well I finally beat XCOM with the FMP mod pack last night on superman/ironman - was very challenging I had to turn Psi to line of sight only to manage. I lost like 3 squads to ethereals (rip in pieces)
It was very - very challenging I literally had to do the last mission with a bunch of rookies and mostly launchers/launcher tanks and 2 guys that had their psi skill strong enough to make the psi-amp very handy.
By the way is it normal that your save game is deleted when you play on ironman and finish the game? I assume that's by design.
Congratulations, Bfox! As far as I know, you are the first to achieve this. I therefore have the honour to bestow the rank of First Final Commander on you!
As far as deleting the save goes, I have no idea. But other people probably do.
I have 150 ele, build the fastest interceptor, have heavy gauss, I fight ethereals now..
and still I can't research plasma weapons! is that normal? I have no more reseach subjects, did power suply, navigation, ofc. alloys, corps of sect float ether, captured live aliens (but not high levels yet).
I have 150 ele, build the fastest interceptor, have heavy gauss, I fight ethereals now..
and still I can't research plasma weapons! is that normal? I have no more reseach subjects, did power suply, navigation, ofc. alloys, corps of sect float ether, captured live aliens (but not high levels yet).
You need to capture a sectoid/snakeman/etheral/muton/floater of rank engineer or above. 3 other pre-requisites just say "need item" which I assume refers to the data slates.
/edit I find it a little odd that we are not allowed to use these captured weapons until we know how to perfectly recreate them, surely you only need to know what the buttons do, how to load it and how to fire it?
You need to capture a sectoid/snakeman/etheral/muton/floater of rank engineer or above. 3 other pre-requisites just say "need item" which I assume refers to the data slates.
Yes. Actually, the data slate gives the same stuff as the aliens; I just wanted a secondary system, for people who really hate capturing aliens (but these slates are rare).
/edit I find it a little odd that we are not allowed to use these captured weapons until we know how to perfectly recreate them, surely you only need to know what the buttons do, how to load it and how to fire it?
You'll know why when you you have researched it. :) I basically went with Hobbes' explanation, as used in his Unknown Menace novel.
I play OXC with the final mod pack and it is nice! I feel like if I am a little child again who played X-com on his old 386 pc :)
But a few questions popped in my mind during these two days I play (in game it is december now and have about 56million $):
- What is the exact rank pre-requisite of plasma weaponry? Leaders of Sectoid\Snakeman and Anthropod just gave me a short entry how the elerium-reaction works in the weapons but no access for the weapon research. Already have laser- and gauss-weapons and toxigun (what I have ammo but I can not research it for some reason)...
- What do I need for small launcher? Already researched the stun- and elerium-ammo but the launcher is not appeared for research and thus I can not use it in combat.
- What about spitters? I have 4 different corpse in my storages but my scientists can not research them as an autopsy. And all of them have the display of a combat knife in battlescape inventory! Is this a bug?
- MiB. I met them only one time in form of a landed very large ship. They were chicken against my laser- and gauss-rifle troops (just like Mutons). How often do they appear? Where could I find them or how could I research them? I have recovered some data slate or what from them along with tons of corpses. Can these be researched at all or it is free to sell them?
- Floaters are intentionally so rare? During ~110 UFOs only a very small contained Floater so far! No bases, crashes or terrors! But I met tons of Sectoids and Chitons or what those yellow Gillmans called...
- It is just me or Sectoids really became thougher as time passes? At the beginning a rifle shot killed them but lately they need 2 direct shots from laser rifle or gauss rifle (it means 100-140 delivered damage as a minimum - yes, I use the TFTD damage system!).
- And could be shared a tech-tree or a rank table? I do not clear about the new alien ranks like grunt and packmaster! I captured Anthropod grunt, soldier, packmaster and leader and I do not know what is the real difference between them since none of them told anything usefull...
I play OXC with the final mod pack and it is nice! I feel like if I am a little child again who played X-com on his old 386 pc :)
But a few questions popped in my mind during these two days I play (in game it is december now and have about 56million $):
- What is the exact rank pre-requisite of plasma weaponry? Leaders of Sectoid\Snakeman and Anthropod just gave me a short entry how the elerium-reaction works in the weapons but no access for the weapon research. Already have laser- and gauss-weapons and toxigun (what I have ammo but I can not research it for some reason)...
- What do I need for small launcher? Already researched the stun- and elerium-ammo but the launcher is not appeared for research and thus I can not use it in combat.
I can't research the small launcher ammo types, but I do have the launcher done :p
As for the Plasma weapons you need to capture any rank other than soldier... Be warned though there are 4 different tech lines you need to run up to get the plasma weapons.
Hobbes story, do I have to buy it somewhere or is there a link to it?
/edit the only workable tech upgrades I have completed (100 scientists, May) personal armor raven/alloy sky ranger and dart gun/type A :) I have had to learn alot of new load outs/tactics for the early game.
Cut the authors some slack, the FMP research tree is still bugged, because of how huge it is (and shifting all the time);
- Rare sightings of some aliens. This doesn't have to be by design. With around 10 alien races available, and only about 2 missions per month (3 from the fall 1999 onwards), and the fact some missions go by undetected as they're happening far away, some aliens WILL be hard to encounter in some games due to random factor.
- Hobbes' novels are available on fanfiction.net. Good stuff but they're HUGE so reserve a lot of time :)
- Aliens do get their stats boosted as the time passes (Health, Accuracy, Reactions, TUs, Strength), as well as getting higher stats based on the diff level. This still seems strange with TFTD damage formula in force...
Yep I agree as I'm into April on my current game and have only encountered Floaters, Reapers & Sectoids so far. Took me til the middle of March to get any weapon better than convential ones except for Railguns. Exciting times and stuff ahead though. As the mod says it is very heavily influenced by live alien capture. Without psi abilitiess this would have been extremely hard but for the Batman mod I've also got going, gives your cock eyed rookies a chance. Also it helped to tweak the Xcom1 and Final Mod .rul files in respect to facilities and Xcom craft and intial starting stats of troops.
Once you get the Elerium Mace you basically need to zerg rush aliens (I had to use this over the dart rifle as I couldn't for a long time get any of the upgraded clips) you basically have to not care about your soldiers and capture as many as feasible.
This is much much easier in confined spaces (like UFO's/bases etc.) until you get engineer's then they unlock some sort of ocular implant research for plasma weapons I'm not sure what other research you need to get this but this is what opened it up finally for me.
For a long time I was just using Gauss weapons.
Ethereal's are just insane you basically have to hide your entire squad in the sky-ranger and pray your HWP's can clean up the outlying ones so you can capture some inside the UFO's and zerg rush stun them (sometimes these bastards take three stun hits)
Once you get the psi-amp though and train up some strong psi users the game becomes exponentially easier to mind control / drop equipment and capture.
What's happening with the Alien Data Slate, seeing this remains researchable forever with one item with the latesst version you uploaded?
Took me a while to respond, I was working on graphic resources for the Commercial tileset (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2358.msg30404#msg30404) and you know how it is... I need a break from FMP once in a while. :)
As for the aliens' appearance, it's largely a matter of random numbers. Each campaign is different in this regard; sometimes I mostly fight Floaters, and another time I almost never see them. That's normal.
Hobbes' novel can be found here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?action=post;topic=2027.555;last_msg=30509). Read it.
Also it helped to tweak the Xcom1 and Final Mod .rul files in respect to facilities and Xcom craft and intial starting stats of troops.
Care to elaborate on what exactly you changed? I'm curious!
Once you get the Elerium Mace you basically need to zerg rush aliens (I had to use this over the dart rifle as I couldn't for a long time get any of the upgraded clips) you basically have to not care about your soldiers and capture as many as feasible.
This is much much easier in confined spaces (like UFO's/bases etc.) until you get engineer's then they unlock some sort of ocular implant research for plasma weapons I'm not sure what other research you need to get this but this is what opened it up finally for me.
For a long time I was just using Gauss weapons.
Ethereal's are just insane you basically have to hide your entire squad in the sky-ranger and pray your HWP's can clean up the outlying ones so you can capture some inside the UFO's and zerg rush stun them (sometimes these bastards take three stun hits)
Once you get the psi-amp though and train up some strong psi users the game becomes exponentially easier to mind control / drop equipment and capture.
Yep, all valid tactical advice! Though it should be added that the Stun Rod, while weaker, has one advantage over the Elerium Mace: it always hits.
And man, kudos for even fighting Ethereals with no decent weapons... :)
What's happening with the Alien Data Slate, seeing this remains researchable forever with one item with the latesst version you uploaded?
It appears that you need to enable the "item is destroyed on research" option to prevent this cheat. I need to include it in the mod description.
I always found the maces to be too much of a hassle to be worth it. Their hit rate is so abysmal that you're much better off with the stun rod.
Personally, I used the stun grenades quite a bit. It took me forever to research the launcher, but I got the grenades really early. Stronger than the stun rod and the dart gun, and the blast radius makes them much easier to actually use than either.
I increased the speed of some of the craft, made Avalanche, Fusion Ball and Stormlance 6 ammo. As I was getting creamed on Superhuman changed all but access lift in base facilities to 1 day construction, $1000 to build/maintain and their capacity. I also reduced the cost of soldiers, scienctists & engineers dramatically. Initially I only changed FA and REACTION stats for new troops til I had 25 over each of 8 bases. The game may seem too easy now to some players but I think it's still a challenge as I've lost a troop even with all the tweaking. On a further point are live hybrid important in the long term and bigger picture as the game crashes if you research one, you can research a corspe though. Is this a bug as I know this point has already been raised. See my attached save file.
No offense to you Solar, but did you even test the Hybrids or did you just slap them into FMP and call it a day? Most of the bug reports here are about the Hybrids now.
Thanks SIMON.
What version are you using? The hybrid problem was fixed two releases ago (or was it?).
No offense to you Solar, but did you even test the Hybrids or did you just slap them into FMP and call it a day? Most of the bug reports here are about the Hybrids now.
I slapped them into FMP, tested with debug, tested some quick Battles and then called it a day. :P The research part was not tested and I forgot to add one entry... But it should be fine now, no?
Okay so I have a confession to make, as I said earlier I've had to learn a lot of new tactics while playing this mod. One of my tactics involves not botherin to research aliens until I have the important stuff... even though all of my troops have the dart rifle in their back packs :/
2 missions later I have every single rank of sectoid and chtont (sp lol) and a tunlun across my bases. Oh HAI gauss tech :)
Also you weren't wrong about hobbes' work being long but worth the read :)
I'm currently running of the nighty of 08/21/2014 11:20 and using version 0.9 of the final mod pack. An interesting thing happened last night, one of bases had to do a defense vs Ethereals in April, is this just another random part of the mod as I thought Ethereals didn't appear til @ least June!
I'm currently running of the nighty of 08/21/2014 11:20 and using version 0.9 of the final mod pack.
Yeah, that one's still buggy, please use 0.9.1 o better yet 0.9.2.
An interesting thing happened last night, one of bases had to do a defense vs Ethereals in April, is this just another random part of the mod as I thought Ethereals didn't appear til @ least June!
Yeah, I'm afraid Alien Retaliation don't seem to respect the timetables! This can be extremely nasty, true. I can't do anything about this...
By the way, with the next version armour overhaul will finally start. I will add an alloy version of the human combat armour and move Personal Armour a bit higher on the tech tree. I will also balance the Personal Armour and Power Suit a bit; while I didn't want to change the original stuff, I need to do something about them if we want to get anywhere with potential alternatives. Don't worry, they won't get any worse in most respects, and I think they'll overall be even better.
Don't worry, they won't get any worse in most respects, and I think they'll overall be even better.
Solar, Buffing something? No way. I should go back to bed. When I wake up everything will be back to normal and the Personal Armor will require two sectopod corpses and a UFO power source.
But slightly related:
I get it "realism" but it's annoying. If I want my soldiers to wear armour I can buy from the start it's just aesthetics in a game where everything is brown. Even so, it helps against early game plasma pistols and will allow some survivability for the few good men that are sent out on the first missions that have 0 accuracy and 0 health.
Plus they look cool when wearing armour.
Solar, Buffing something? No way. I should go back to bed. When I wake up everything will be back to normal and the Personal Armor will require two sectopod corpses and a UFO power source.
Not true! I'm buffing the aliens all the time!
Suffer the weight or buy more rookies.
I get it "realism", but it helps early game for the few good men.
The few good men shouldn't be on the front line, they should be 2nd line taking sniper shots at spotted targets. I think 5-10% of recruits are keepers which means 90%+ are cannon fodder laying down their lives to keep the elites alive...
This approach calls for a Commissar armor: boosts Bravery big time (cool hats and coats fill you with self-confidence!) so the elites wearing it don't give a damn about the rookies dying by the score :)
Ruthless, all of you. Some of us like to play conservative and make sure at least half of the guys we send out on missions make it to see the end of the First Alien War :P
But really. That's why I use armour mods that let my soldiers survive early game. Kinda pains me whenever a soldier dies.
Everyone has their own methods, I don't like losing rookies either. But even if I rarely lose people in the field, there are 2 things...
1. Skyranger is a damned deathtrap, even with OXCom cheating in player's favor (aliens do not use area effect weapons during the first turns);
2. UFO breaching is ALWAYS risky, no matter how good your preparation is. Unless of course you click 20 turns away and never enter the UFO, which is kinda... abusive.
Ruthless, all of you.
Gotta tell you, I hate it when people die. The thing is though, I know whats coming. Early game I prioritise those who'll be able to take the cyberdiscs I know to be coming. Once I get the psy labs I dance Gangam style, and protect those who can withstand the etherals. Your troops can be assets or they are liabilities, troopers will die so which do you protect?
PS yeah I know I could pre-screen assets from liabilities, but someone will die...
Yep that did the trick version 0.9.2. By the way I think Ironfist is brilliant as u have a chance to catch Supply ships now without blowing them to bits and losing all the E115. What's in the future versions of the Final Mod pack or is it wait and see?
Mostly wait and see, but my main focus is likely to be on armours now. Related to this, perhaps a line of really heavy guns that can only reasonably be carried if you're using armours with weight capacity bonus. The rest depends on many factors, mostly what mods come up. :)
Solar, should Alloy Skyranger be sold at a NIL price, given that it is a rental item at a reduced price if we build it for the owner?
Mostly wait and see, but my main focus is likely to be on armours now. Related to this, perhaps a line of really heavy guns that can only reasonably be carried if you're using armours with weight capacity bonus. The rest depends on many factors, mostly what mods come up. :)
That doesn't rightly make sense to me. If you are talking juggernaut armour or something to protect your soldiers from early game plasma pistols and explosions, why would the weight capacity of the armour help them hold a big gun? I would imagine that it would do quite the opposite, weighing them down severely if they weren't slow enough holding a rifle and a grenade with four strength units left.
If you are talking ExoSuits, those carry themselves and increase everything that the soldier does. Really expensive and experimental, but again they carry themselves. A soldier wearing an exosuit did standard exercises until he was bored
Also, I don't see why a tactical vest should weigh you down almost as much as a rifle.
Solar, should Alloy Skyranger be sold at a NIL price, given that it is a rental item at a reduced price if we build it for the owner?
Well, it was how the original mod worked, and I did nothing to change it. It's basically an issue with license - X-Com doesn't have one to produce and sell Skyrangers, it may only convert it to its own purposes.
That doesn't rightly make sense to me. If you are talking juggernaut armour or something to protect your soldiers from early game plasma pistols and explosions, why would the weight capacity of the armour help them hold a big gun?
Ever heard of Power Suits?
Also, I don't see why a tactical vest should weigh you down almost as much as a rifle.
I agree, it should weigh you down way more, but I didn't want to be unreasonable.
Ever heard of Power Suits?
Why yes I have. I thought you were assuming that early game armours would have this bonus for some reason.
I agree, it should weigh you down way more, but I didn't want to be unreasonable.
By technicality, the armour should weigh less since it is being supported by your lower torso, much more sturdy than your hands. And besides, typical kevlar vests worn by the military weigh roughly 6.5 pounds, while a rifle weighs in at 7.5 pounds with 30 rounds and a magazine. Something heavier like DragonSkin weighs in at about 10 pounds. Various different bomb protection suits come in at different weights, but are typically 15-20 pounds. Most tactical vests, which have pockets in them usually (might come in as a handy feature) take the weight off the shoulders and move it to the lower torso, making the vest a little lighter on the soldier.
TL;DR typical armoured vests weigh less than a carbine/assault rifle and because of where the weight is put on the soldier, weighs a lot less than it should. Meaning that to be realistic, the weight of the armour should weigh less than what is currently is in FMP.
Take that for realism.
Why yes I have. I thought you were assuming that early game armours would have this bonus for some reason.
Lol no :D
By technicality, the armour should weigh less since it is being supported by your lower torso, much more sturdy than your hands.
True, but:
And besides, typical kevlar vests worn by the military weigh roughly 6.5 pounds, while a rifle weighs in at 7.5 pounds with 30 rounds and a magazine. Something heavier like DragonSkin weighs in at about 10 pounds. Various different bomb protection suits come in at different weights, but are typically 15-20 pounds. Most tactical vests, which have pockets in them usually (might come in as a handy feature) take the weight off the shoulders and move it to the lower torso, making the vest a little lighter on the soldier.
The weighs you're giving (as far as I can understand ancient units of measurement) are for relatively light tactical suits, basically what is built in the X-Com uniform (after all it does have some armour value). Remember it's 1999, not 2014. The combat armour is something heavier, to be used against aliens... Oh you know, this is sci-fi.
I don't know where you're taking your numbers from, XCOMFan419, but the MTV body armor currently being deployed with US Marines weighs 30 pounds, and the old and tested Interceptor vest (IBA) - 27 pounds. And that's even without helmet.
Hello: Another small bug report, the newly incorporated Laser Shotgun, is visibible in the Ufopedia before it being researched... I think it is a problem of the requisites in the ufopaedia entry...
The weighs you're giving (as far as I can understand ancient units of measurement) are for relatively light tactical suits, basically what is built in the X-Com uniform (after all it does have some armour value). Remember it's 1999, not 2014. The combat armour is something heavier, to be used against aliens... Oh you know, this is sci-fi.
(For future reference: The American M4 Carbine weighs 6.36 lb (2.88 kg) empty, 7.5 lb (3.4 kg) with 30 rounds. Meaning that the Xcom Rifle weighs roughly the same with a larger bullet size but decreased magazine size.)
Okay, let me pull up the facts again.
Improved Outer Tactical Vest used by the American Military, (IOTV) medium size (complete with all components and pockets filled) weighs in at 13.9kg, or around 30 pounds. But this includes - but is not subjected to - 3 magazines for a rifle, a grenade, first aid bandages, food, broken down MREs, notebook, pens, maps, radio batteries, (for company mortar 60mm guns) a 60mm mortar round, a belt of 100rds of 7.62mm for the M240B machine guns, more ammo, 2 x 1qt canteens (can't always trust a Camelback), VS-17 marking panel, small squad handheld radio, flex cuffs, candy, a book to read, more ammo in mags, weapons cleaning kit, phrase book of the local language, compass, GPS and some other luxuries such as an ice pack or a candy bar. Reminder, this is ALL in the tactical vest. Now taking most of this stuff out, the armour weighs about half of what it is. Again, taking in consideration that the weight is spread across the torso and limited on the shoulders, it should weigh a little bit less than half of that. BUT most Xcom operatives will not take anything but an extra magazine or a grenade into the fight, meaning that the IOTV weighs even more less than 30 pounds.
(Source: A US Army Vet, 82nd Airborne edit: made it sound like I was the army vet. I'm not, by the way.)
BUT IOTV was in service in 2006. The OTV weighs 3.6 kilograms more than the IOTV, and the OTV was in service since the late 1990's. Meaning that most tactical vests the Xcom Project would purchase would weigh roughly around 8 kilograms, or 17-18 pounds.
Typical Kevlar Vests used by Military and Police forces around the world (different from tactical vests. No pockets and less armour plating) are around 6-8 pounds (3.5 kilograms), while civilian ones weigh 10-15 pounds (5-6 kilograms)
Now Dragon Skin armour, in it's current state, has no pockets and protects against a Fragmentation Grenade at point blank range and from most infantry firearms. It weighs in at approximately 5.5 lb (2.5 kg) with level 3 protection. This is the current iteration of Dragon Skin armour, and includes no pockets but has it's armour plating. I am not sure if there is a level higher than the Level 3 protection that it is currently at.
Here, we have a full body suit, the Interceptor Body Armour. IOTV and OTV are apart of Interceptor Body Armour, but do not use the full set of Interceptor Body Armour. This includes protection on the arms, legs, better coverage of the torso and groin protection. Other packages include a neck piece and even a combat diaper to protect super sensitive areas. The arm and leg areas are considered Level 2 combat armour since they do not protect from .44 Magnum rounds, but this is a case of pure penetration power and not Directed Energy Weapons which mostly rely on equal amounts of Heat and Kinetic energy. Plasma weapons are no exception. While they might provide limited protection against plasma pistols, taking a hit and protecting the soldier from most of the damage, they will not protect against anything else. These neck, arm, leg, and groin add-on make the armour weigh in at 33.1 pounds, or 15 kilograms.
Lastly, the last body armour I am going to cover, is the PASGT, or Personal Armour System for Ground Troops. Not based entirely in america, this is the most likely armour the Xcom Project would buy. Designed in the mid 1970's the PASGT refers to the helmet and vest together. In the US army the PASGT was simply referred to as Kevlar, or even Flak Vest. Other applications include night vision goggles and a riot control visor for the helmet. Speaking of which, provides limited protection against rifle ammunition, according to informal tests. The US army used PASGT in the vest format, which weighs in at 16.5 pounds or 7.4 kilograms. Overvest variants of PASGT nearly doubles this weight, at 25 pounds and 11.3 kilograms, but overvest was considered too bulky and most preferred to use one vest.
So what does all of this mean?
Remember how I said the rifle, when filled, weighs around 7.5 kilograms?
Well let's translate that. The Xcom Rifle weighs roughly around 9-11 strength points, when filled with ammunition. Considering weight distribution techniques and the LACK of equipment that Xcom Operatives/Agents/Soldiers receive, it roughly translates into anywhere from 3-7 strength points for armours. 7 for armour like Interceptor Body Armour, which is full coverage, and Overvest PASGT. In the middle are armours like Dragon Skin torso armour and OTV. Lastly we have basic Kevlar armour, which should weigh near to nothing, something like 2-4.
Again, all for the realism.
I don't know where you're taking your numbers from, XCOMFan419, but the MTV body armor currently being deployed with US Marines weighs 30 pounds, and the old and tested Interceptor vest (IBA) - 27 pounds. And that's even without helmet.
I covered that in my newest post. Most of the weight is from the equipment carried into battle is from other equipment. See my post for answers.
I covered that in my newest post. Most of the weight is from the equipment carried into battle is from other equipment. See my post for answers.
This is quite OTT....
It's only a game!
I guess OpenXcom should begin with a warning "The nature of this videogame is not designed to stimulate real-life".
Yeah you've cited a lot of wiki but there is a serious flaw in your logic, if not outright misinformation. Basing on YOUR OWN WORDS: How 7.5 pound rifle (11 xcom weight loaded) should weight MORE than a full interceptor body suit (circa 30 pounds)?
And yeah it's not a simulation and weighs are skewed to keep game balance (I tend to see weapon's weight as combination of actual weight, ease of carrying and recoil), but even without that, something is wrong with someone's logic here.
Yeah you've cited a lot of wiki but there is a serious flaw in your logic, if not outright misinformation. Basing on YOUR OWN WORDS: How 7.5 pound rifle (11 xcom weight) should weight MORE than a full interceptor body suit (circa 30 pounds)?
And yeah it's not a simulation and weighs are skewed to keep game balance (I tend to see weapon's weight as combination of actual weight, ease of carrying and recoil), but even without that, something is wrong with someone's logic here.
Right. Getting information without books is hard (I lean more towards heavy armour, aircraft and missiles rather than infantry equipment)
But this is FULL body armour, not in Final Mod Pack. I was just adding it in for reference. FMP, to my knowledge (last used in 0.8) has a few armours that cover the torso. The fact that they weighed as much as a rifle bothered me. I could get that the Hazmat suit weighed something, but a simple Kevlar vest? Nah mang nah. I just don't like it how people are adding weight to the armours when the Vanilla game doesn't. There's simply no point to them since there are better armours available basically from the getgo if you are smart about it with alien alloys. Sure, this is a better strategy, but some people like variety. I LOVE variety in my games. That's why I like this modding community, because it adds so much more colour than the old Gray/Brown combo of the vanilla game. But when there's something useless in the game that could add variety? That just pushes my buttons.
Either way, doesn't matter to me. I'll take the two hours to find every weight value of the armours in the ruleset and take them out. I will do that it takes to get my variety, one way or another.
You've spent 2 hours learning (which is never bad) but you haven't bothered to even check the FMP and find out the Weight 8 body armor provided there quite reliably protects against rifle hits, which places it in the same ball park as 30-pound Interceptor body armor.
You've spent 2 hours learning (which is never bad) but you haven't bothered to even check the FMP and find out the Weight 8 body armor provided there quite reliably protects against rifle hits, which places it in the same ball park as 30-pound Interceptor body armor.
To put this in perspective, I like to bring up the average of good soldiers out there. I use Warboy's statstrings instead of the ones supplied since I don't want to bring up a notepad document translating every number, letter and symbol used in it. That being said, over around 20+ games (only 9 of which completed) I have accumulated a small, but promising number of good soldiers to bad soldiers.
1 out of every 3 soldiers purchased are actually worth it. While this may seem trivial, most of them - when equipped with armour - only have enough to carry a loaded rifle. (Most soldiers I purchase have ~25 strength value because of RNG). 8+11=19 strength points used. I have roughly 4-5 left over for a magazine or a grenade. During terror missions, this is not enough. And I am not going to sit there all of the first month purchasing and selling soldiers if they have ~30 weight value when they are recruited due to money and time constraints with UFO's flying all over the place. So not only is it convenient for weight armours to be taken out of FMP and most armour mods, it also makes my guys look better compared to the old brown coveralls which are...brown.
I never understood the good/bad soldier discern. Well, maybe for the Psi Strength, yes. But other stats? They depend on experience. All soldiers of the same level are similar.
Everybody has his/her playstyle and there's no "wrong" way of winning the game.
In my experience, the first deciding stat is FA. There's a *huge* difference between FA 45 and FA 65 and I'm not going to wait fifteen mission for a soldier to improve to a value I can get from a rookie. Plus I don't want to endanger my other soldiers by placing weak links into my teams. So I tend to become more and more selective in my hiring process as I'm getting richer and richer. I take everybody in January but come say July, I've got a base or two dedicated mainly to screening rookies. I'll hire fifty soldiers and sack everybody with a low FA or strenght under 25. And keep the rest, because the other stats are not that important. After all, I've already got a group of veterans, I do have some specialists already, so all the rookies have to do at first is shoot things and get some experience. This first selection process means I keep say twenty soldiers out of fifty.
The second deciding stat is (obviously) psi strength. When I play with little to no savescumming I tend to retire my soldiers after fifteen missions. I keep them (by this time I can easily afford to pay for them and they're far better garrison troops than rookies anyway) and wait for Psi-labs. Which is where I learn which three quarters of my veterans better stay out of any combat that might send them against psionics again. Those twenty rookies in my recruiting base get tested too and I sack those with too low psi scores. I tend to be rich enough to be able to field two teams of psi-strong soldiers so there's no point in giving experience to soldiers I won't be able to send to any mission I might have to. So, out of fifty hirees, I get half a dozen combat-ready rookies.
Some of you will surely say that spending about half a million to get one rookie is not that efficient. And I know it isn't and I do know that this is a game. But I don't like losing my soldiers and I do tend to have this kind of money available so I do this anyway and feel better about doing my best for making sure as many of my guys as possible come back from a mission.
Some of you will surely say that spending about half a million to get one rookie is not that efficient.
If I were a Council Member politician I'd only say, "See? I was telling you XCom is getting way too much money! We should at least put some tax on these Laser Cannons, for God's sake..." :)
Everybody has his/her playstyle and there's no "wrong" way of winning the game.
So I tend to become more and more selective in my hiring process as I'm getting richer and richer.
as far as i see it the balancing issue is not soldier selection but easy money :)
but that there is an balancing issue here is also a matter of opinion
I doubt you'd be able to reach a balance in the games finances, you could possibly do it if OXCOM 1 was split into 3 different games which 3 different geo-political landscapes and financial situations. If you included TFTD (which would make so much more logical sence if it came before EU) it'd probably end up at 5 chapters (First Contact, Turning The Tide, Reinforcements, Burning Skies, Killing The Hive).
Oh and if you guys are having trouble early game I just threw this together:
Rocket Tank - power increased to 100 ammo reduced to 6 (35% 1 shot chance against cyberdiscs)
GL Tank - fires (18) 40mm grenades and takes the role of the vannilla rocket tank
Auto Cannon Tank - 'Cause 3xHE is better than a single AP shell right?
Nice! But it should be noted that the tank in the FMP was modified to fire HE ammunition. (And the tank launcher has an "auto" mode firing 2 missiles.)
Lol sorry I havent actually tried out the tanks, it was just one of my peeves about the vannila game (and if I had any graphical talent the gren tank would look like this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M50_Ontos)). Also it may have been inspired by a bit of vodka while reading hobbes' work :)
In regard to the armor discussion
Most soldiers are expected to carry 80 to 150 pounds of gear. Which does include their armor.
The Strength stat in xcom is highly unrealistic as far as how it pertains to the gear they carry around.
Armor weight shouldn't even enter the equation, just forget about it. Maybe for a specific, very heavy armor that doesnt support itself like a bomb disposal suit.
We can just say that all of that extra weight they are expected to carry, like the millions of dollars it takes to tunnel out your building facilities and procure your aircraft which you never see either. And their Strength stat represents "how much over that" they can handle.
These guys are Spec Ops out of the box . . . Navy Seals . . . Spetznatz . . . they carry logs up and down the beach for miles.
And by the way why is the Minimum Weight of all items at least 3?
I remember if I modded items to have weight of 1 in vanilla the game had problems calculating throwing arcs for them. But presumably that shouldnt be a problem anymore.
Last I checked a hand grenade weighs 1 pound and so does a pistol magazine. IRL.
I wouldnt mind being able to make some items simply weightless in mods too (maybe ill try that). They still take up inventory space anyway.
Lol sorry I havent actually tried out the tanks, it was just one of my peeves about the vannila game (and if I had any graphical talent the gren tank would look like this (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M50_Ontos)). Also it may have been inspired by a bit of vodka while reading hobbes' work :)
Ah yes something that won't embarrass me.
The M50 Ontos was a close support weapon that was used during the Vietnam War, roughly 300 were made. The concept was to use Recoilless Rifles so they could stick as many damn guns on it as possible to support troops in battles\. While inaccurate because of several issues involving vehicles with more than one gun, it did not see service past the Vietnam war. However, Xcom could use such a weapon for inaccurate - yet powerful - fire support when engaging the Alien threat due to the Recoilless Rifle's spread.
Hell, a Recoilless Rifle little line could be interesting. Sure there would only be a HWP and a small rocket launcher that resembles a Recoilless Rifle (eg. Carl Gustav) but it could add a little bit more to the game in terms of explosives.
In regard to the armor discussion
Most soldiers are expected to carry 80 to 150 pounds of gear. Which does include their armor.
The Strength stat in xcom is highly unrealistic as far as how it pertains to the gear they carry around.
Correct. That's why, in my opinion, the armour's weight does not correspond directly to its mass, but is rather a function of how much it slows you down due to its mass.[/quote]
Yes, but where do you draw the line? I assume a "non-armoured" agent is wearing such a non-weight armour, as is indicated by the stats. However, a Personal Armour is a goddamn plate mail; I understnad alloys are light, but there's no way it doesn't slow you down.
Having said that, some of the armours that are coming will not have weight despite being reasonably full-body, like the flexible Synthsuit (Muton-based).
These guys are Spec Ops out of the box . . . Navy Seals . . . Spetznatz . . . they carry logs up and down the beach for miles.
And here, my friend, our opinions differ. :) In my world, supported by evidence (starting stats), these guys are hardly trained soldiers, they're field agents that take up weapons. Few of them seem to have had significant military training, no? :)
And by the way why is the Minimum Weight of all items at least 3?
I remember if I modded items to have weight of 1 in vanilla the game had problems calculating throwing arcs for them. But presumably that shouldnt be a problem anymore.
Interesting, I should try it myself. Thanks for the info.
Item weight 3 is a soft limit introduced by sane microprose people to prevent crazy throwing ranges (wt 2 flies 50% further than 3, and 1 - 3x further), and also to streamline equipment for ease of playing (1 tile = 3 wt being a rule of thumb, so the weight corresponds to perceived size of an object).
Dioxine - Item weight 3 is a soft limit introduced by sane microprose people to prevent crazy throwing ranges.
Easy, if weight is less than 3 (including 0) treat it as if its 3.
Solarius - Correct. That's why, in my opinion, the armour's weight does not correspond directly to its mass, but is rather a function of how much it slows you down due to its mass.
In Dungeons & Dragons this is why they not only had armor weights for suits of armor, they also had them arranged in tiers of proficiency too. Not only did you have to be strong, you also had to be proficient with armor otherwise it did bad things to you.
Personal Armor is made out of rigid metal plates but its not done sloppy. Its similar to the D&D equivalent of any kind of Medium Armor made out of Mithril.
Oh gahd am I really making dungeons & dragons references here?
Nope, im just agreeing with you.
And here, my friend, our opinions differ.
I got the impression they were Spec Ops but because of Gameplay Balance they had to nerfed. Also how are you going to have Veterancy when they're already at peak of performance.
Maybe they were recruited from desk jobs after they've been pushing pencils too long and have generally lost their touch.
But go talk to Jesse Ventura and im pretty sure he will say that you dont lose much of that edge, no matter how long you've been complacent. Many dont know that Jesse Ventura, while also being an actor and one of the guys responsible for the "Big Man with a Minigun" trope, he was also bona fide Spec Ops before that. Every Marine ive talked to has said you really don't lose that touch, even if out of the service you've developed a beer gut.
I mean soldiers could be amped up to start with, but to equal their greater capabilities the aliens would have to get jacked out too with lightning fast reactions and an enormous number of TU.
I like the idea of game balance where "everybody is broken" but that often turns out to be a trainwreck too.
I was always under the impression that XCOM was filled with special forces too. I mean, they're a top secret global government conspiracy and humanity's best hope at stopping the alien threat, so why would it be filled with random people they picked up off the street (as their stats suggest?). I think it'd make a bit more sense balance-wise if your recruits all had improved stats, but the earlier aliens were all made tougher to compensate. Really, until the Mutons arrive, there's no real reason why the regular military or even local police shouldn't be able to handle the aliens.
Solar, have you considered taking some of the things from Final Mod Pack that are not apart of other mods (i.e Stormlance Missile, Hybrid Race and the Laser Shotgun) and putting them up separately for other's enjoyment? I personally would like to see some of these other parts of FMP separate that I cannot find myself/make myself for convenience. Of course I could just delve into the code and CTRL+C and CTRL+V, but look how that turned out last time with the Xcom Cyberdiscs and Tanks, Drones, Sectopods? Oh My! (For reference, I couldn't get the cyberdiscs to work due to Solar's FMP magic.)
Also, with the new update...
YOU BROKE THE BASE RULE! I saw the new base layout and I just asked myself...why? You have the Access lift between three buildings to the Hangar, meaning all attempts to create a chokepoint are foiled. I tried out the newest FMP and I had an early Base Assault (18 days into the game) and I was ANNIHILATED. Lost the game and everything. And you can't fix it since the Access Lift is right in the middle, making it like the old base. It is indeed much harder, but also causes confusion to newer players who are used to their access lifts being right beside the hangars (such as myself, I use XcomUtil's Defensive Base [not the improved version because that's just cheating])
I did some editing of the english translation of the UFOPedia for grammar, spelling and clarity. Tried not to be too heavy handed. Here it is if anyone's interested.
Solar, have you considered taking some of the things from Final Mod Pack that are not apart of other mods (i.e Stormlance Missile, Hybrid Race and the Laser Shotgun) and putting them up separately for other's enjoyment? I personally would like to see some of these other parts of FMP separate that I cannot find myself/make myself for convenience.
I did it with some things, but admittedly not all... I think the Stormlance is kind of irrelevant in a normal game, the hybrid race is simply unfinished (I need to do more missions and maps), and the Laser Shotgun... well I just haven't found the time yet. But it's planned.
Of Also, with the new update...
YOU BROKE THE BASE RULE! I saw the new base layout and I just asked myself...why? You have the Access lift between three buildings to the Hangar, meaning all attempts to create a chokepoint are foiled. I tried out the newest FMP and I had an early Base Assault (18 days into the game) and I was ANNIHILATED. Lost the game and everything. And you can't fix it since the Access Lift is right in the middle, making it like the old base. It is indeed much harder, but also causes confusion to newer players who are used to their access lifts being right beside the hangars (such as myself, I use XcomUtil's Defensive Base [not the improved version because that's just cheating])
While I don't honestly think it's any worse than your normal starting base, I admit it's sort of beta. Maybe you could suggest a better arrangement? A simple drawing would suffice.
I did some editing of the english translation of the UFOPedia for grammar, spelling and clarity. Tried not to be too heavy handed. Here it is if anyone's interested.
Ooooh! Awesome! I'll look at it ASAP, probably over the weekend.
I did it with some things, but admittedly not all... I think the Stormlance is kind of irrelevant in a normal game, the hybrid race is simply unfinished (I need to do more missions and maps), and the Laser Shotgun... well I just haven't found the time yet. But it's planned.
I - and others if they wish to help - could probably dissect FMP's code to make most things that aren't already in mods into new mods. Maybe even make an entire thread for dissected FMP mods that haven't already existed beforehand. I think it would be an interesting concept. I think most, if not all, of the things in Final Mod Pack would contribute to a normal game.
While I don't honestly think it's any worse than your normal starting base, I admit it's sort of beta. Maybe you could suggest a better arrangement? A simple drawing would suffice.
One not-so elaborate diagram coming up soon.
Also, with the new update...
I saw the new base layout and I just asked myself...why?
While I don't honestly think it's any worse than your normal starting base, I admit it's sort of beta. Maybe you could suggest a better arrangement? A simple drawing would suffice.
And that is why I always build my own base. I have a couple of suggestions but I need to wait for a base assault to see the fire lines of the LQ.
And that is why I always build my own base. I have a couple of suggestions but I need to wait for a base assault to see the fire lines of the LQ.
I like!
@XcomFan, if you dont like FMP starting thing, just enable custom start layout option?
@Solar, the IronFist ended up on the edge of map again on another mission.... my poor tanks!
Hahahahaha just had a real nasty fight, tried to treat it like defending a single corridoor instead of 2 distinct ones. I will never use the large facility in a small base again :). Also did you guys change the rules about fire? I saw 4 sectoids walk through it and 2 cyberdiscs park in it ???
What about this as a way to defend your base? Living quarters is put far away as possible so more soldiers can spawn there, much easier to station your troops.
I have a couple of suggestions but I need to wait for a base assault to see the fire lines of the LQ.
Yes, it's certainly good defence, but it also looks kind of gamey. I was going for a more natural look for the default base. If anybody wants the metagame defence configuration, they're welcome to use the custom layout; exactly like in the vanilla game.
@Solar, the IronFist ended up on the edge of map again on another mission.... my poor tanks!
Ouch. I really should take care of this... When I have the time. Over the weekend, hopefully.
Hahahahaha just had a real nasty fight, tried to treat it like defending a single corridoor instead of 2 distinct ones. I will never use the large facility in a small base again :). Also did you guys change the rules about fire? I saw 4 sectoids walk through it and 2 cyberdiscs park in it ???
Well, new content means new tactical surprises. :) I'll say, modding success! :D
And nope, there were no changes to the fire mechanics. It's hard-coded.
@Solar, could you direct me to the tools etc to construct/edit a craft?
@Solar, could you direct me to the tools etc to construct/edit a craft?
All I used was MapView, to make the map itself. And of course a graphics editor for the base/Ufopedia graphics, and a text editor for the ruleset. :)
You should add alternate ruleset, "casual starting base" :) Although placing the lift not adjacent to any hangar is too hardcore even by my standards :)
Seriously though, you should make a map that looks believeable but it is easier to re-configure than the standard one, as in "not having to blow up 2 hangars". Or NOT use my big quarters on startup and leave things vanilla.
Just wonder that others also met these bugs\glitches or just my OXC is so happy and funny:
- Can not research Spitter alive or dead at all
- Spitter corpse\unconscious body is a COMBAT KNIFE!!!
- Salamandron has no ufopaedia entry for living specimen and it's body is a dead Reaper
- Terrors with Waspites are always cause crash or freeze but other missions involve them works normally
- Weapons have higher accuracy than 150% tend to miss if used aimed shots (7 times from 10)
- Some terror maps have areas what can not be accessed normally only if walls of furnitures got destroyed prior
Definately not experienced this, as i have researched the spitter myself.
Perhaps delete OpenXcom, download it, copy Xcom data files over into OpenXcom folder, download a fresh 0.9.2 FMP version, extract and paste it into OpenXcom, say yes to overwrite all files.
It should work then....?
Here's an update with my own repeated mistake removed.
Yes, it's certainly good defence, but it also looks kind of gamey. I was going for a more natural look for the default base. If anybody wants the metagame defence configuration, they're welcome to use the custom layout; exactly like in the vanilla game.
Well, new content means new tactical surprises. :) I'll say, modding success! :D
And nope, there were no changes to the fire mechanics. It's hard-coded.
Must have been a courner fire free then :( The cyberdiscs worry me because that probably means at sectopods and some others will ignore fire tiles too :'(
You should add alternate ruleset, "casual starting base" :) Although placing the lift not adjacent to any hangar is too hardcore even by my standards :)
Seriously though, you should make a map that looks believeable but it is easier to re-configure than the standard one, as in "not having to blow up 2 hangars". Or NOT use my big quarters on startup and leave things vanilla.
I wish we had bigger bases, offset by needing control rooms, power plants and separate corridoors that don't run through the middle of sensitive science labs and right next to my soldiers beds. But the new LQ and FMP in general is deffinately a modding success :)
Here's an update with my own repeated mistake removed.
Many thanks, it was extremely useful. Changes will be added to the next release.
Hey I'm new to using final mod pack and I keep hitting dead ends in research, for instance I have psi-lab and mind shield but no psi amp, and I can't find a way to research gauss and laser weaponry despite meeting the prerequisites I see in the tech tree. Is it just a matter of conducting more interrogations? It's getting tedious fighting mutons with alloy weapons
Here's an update with my own repeated mistake removed.
I start not to understand the whole thing.
I downloaded and installed OXC 2 weeks ago then installed the patch as adviced on the main page. Then installed final mod pack 8 days ago as the attached text file said.
Then I met the above mentioned bugs (+ I met some more => Alien bases and terrors tend to crash if I bring X-com cyberdisc with my squad, X-com sectopods usually can not spot UFOs even if they shot them 2-5 squares away right in front of them - Soldiers need to spot them!- and some aliens in raider groups tend to stay idle)...
Then I applied your ruleset on the "still latest FMP" and the whole OXC crashes right as I launch it. I were need to rewrite with the old rul-file to able to start the game again. I do not a coder but it seems for me that some strings not works as they need to do so (as much as I understood from the rul-files the whole OXC based on strings and tags).
And why do not pick the aliens up their weapons if this option is set as "yes"? I use only the Final Mod Pack and the Rail guns mod for OXC. Possible that incompatibility causes my problems? Or need to install some other mods aswell to get rid my annoying bugs?
Hey, Solar, here's an idea.
I see in the Manufacturing background, there's an Autocannon and a Rifle, plus some mags and some ammo. My current thinking is that you make the non-best earth technology for purchase, but have the earth's best technology stuff manufacturable from the start/have some really easy early research, taking only a few hours with 5 scientists. This would make everything slightly more evil as you don't have good rifles from the absolute get-go. Afterall, you are the master of rebalancing everything so much it works in the favour of the aliens. ;D [/joke]
Eh. Just a thought. Feel free to ignore me :P
Hey I'm new to using final mod pack and I keep hitting dead ends in research, for instance I have psi-lab and mind shield but no psi amp, and I can't find a way to research gauss and laser weaponry despite meeting the prerequisites I see in the tech tree. Is it just a matter of conducting more interrogations? It's getting tedious fighting mutons with alloy weapons
Well, if you're saying you have the prerequisites, then you do, but if you can't research it, then it means you probably don't...
Psi-Amp requires:
- Mind Probe
- Psionics
Mind Probe requires:
- Alien Neurosychology
- Alien Optical Processor
Psionics require interrogation of a psionic alien.
Laser rifles require:
- Laser Cannon
- Power Source Miniaturization
Power Source Miniaturization requires:
- UFO Power Source
- Interrogation of an Engineer
Hopefully this helps.
I start not to understand the whole thing.
I downloaded and installed OXC 2 weeks ago then installed the patch as adviced on the main page. Then installed final mod pack 8 days ago as the attached text file said.
Then I met the above mentioned bugs (+ I met some more => Alien bases and terrors tend to crash if I bring X-com cyberdisc with my squad, X-com sectopods usually can not spot UFOs even if they shot them 2-5 squares away right in front of them - Soldiers need to spot them!- and some aliens in raider groups tend to stay idle)...
Then I applied your ruleset on the "still latest FMP" and the whole OXC crashes right as I launch it. I were need to rewrite with the old rul-file to able to start the game again. I do not a coder but it seems for me that some strings not works as they need to do so (as much as I understood from the rul-files the whole OXC based on strings and tags).
Indeed, this is strange. Jayden's fixes will be integrated into the next version of the FMP, so hopefully this won't be a problem any more.
And why do not pick the aliens up their weapons if this option is set as "yes"? I use only the Final Mod Pack and the Rail guns mod for OXC. Possible that incompatibility causes my problems? Or need to install some other mods aswell to get rid my annoying bugs?
Aliens only pick up weapons that were dropped in the alien turn, to prevent the player from luring them into traps with thrown weapons as bait. (Hopefully this mechanic will take a more mature form at some point.)
Having said that, it should be noted that one would have to modify the Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons.rul file and add all the new stuff there, apart from FinalModPack.rul itself.
Hey, Solar, here's an idea.
I see in the Manufacturing background, there's an Autocannon and a Rifle, plus some mags and some ammo. My current thinking is that you make the non-best earth technology for purchase, but have the earth's best technology stuff manufacturable from the start/have some really easy early research, taking only a few hours with 5 scientists. This would make everything slightly more evil as you don't have good rifles from the absolute get-go. Afterall, you are the master of rebalancing everything so much it works in the favour of the aliens. ;D [/joke]
Eh. Just a thought. Feel free to ignore me :P
You're evil. You might have modding potential... :D
Is it intentional that the Toxigun and the Toxigun Flask require two completely unrelated prerequisites to unlock? If it is intentional, might you consider changing it? The gun itself can get researched really early on, but I can never get the ammo until like June. Especially considering that it's a completely worthless weapon compared to just about everything other than the starting equipment, it's a bit silly that you need to capture enough Leaders to unlock Alien Gardens before you understand how a jar of acid works.
Oh, and an unrelated question. Would it be possible to put the enemy stats into the UFOPedia (kind of like in the Pirates mod) after you research the specimen? I've played through a few times, and I'm still not really sure what weapons are good against some of the new aliens.
Is it intentional that the Toxigun and the Toxigun Flask require two completely unrelated prerequisites to unlock? If it is intentional, might you consider changing it? The gun itself can get researched really early on, but I can never get the ammo until like June. Especially considering that it's a completely worthless weapon compared to just about everything other than the starting equipment, it's a bit silly that you need to capture enough Leaders to unlock Alien Gardens before you understand how a jar of acid works.
Hmm, the first intention was to get this tech from the alien garden-like structure, so theoretically it could be gained in very early game, if you manage to assault an Alien Base. It couldn't be done, so I did what I did... But you're right, I'll allow research from the clip alone, but manufacturing will still require Alien Gardens.
Oh, and an unrelated question. Would it be possible to put the enemy stats into the UFOPedia (kind of like in the Pirates mod) after you research the specimen? I've played through a few times, and I'm still not really sure what weapons are good against some of the new aliens.
I'll see what can be done. It's a good idea.
Maybe I will be a bit off-topic now but I did not want to create a new topic for this as it is much like a humble idea...
When I was younger (about 8 ) and played X-com at the first time I loved the blue cloak floater showed in the ufopedia. It made me mod the original floater sprites to that. And now in OXC I met a muton commander. The red one from intro! Awesomely badass and ultra cool! And it gave me the idea to have separate sprites for alien officers, or mostly for commanders.
This is the blue floater I saved with PCKview and could be the floater commander sprite.
The question is: If I make the sprites for the alien commanders (+ inventory portrait) could it be implemented in FMP? And I also need the help to code them as I have no clue where and how to do that.
And I started another thing what needs no coding. I saw that many entry illustrations are from TFTD and looks odd in ufopedia. I want to change these entry pictures and if must draw new ones (Chtonite, reptiloid and so on) to fit more among the other entries. Here is two example what I mean:
What do you think? If I can have the coding help I will open a separate topic for this, promise, but I need some opinions first if it worth that 3-6 hours what need to rework the battlescape sprites + 1 hour for the inventory sprites...
1. I have the blue-cloaked floater spritesheet ready to implement at Solar's whim, so no need to burden yourself with that one. The other leaders/commanders are a fair game afaik... as long as Solar wants them, that is, so it's better to wait what he says (it'd certainly make the game a bit easier :) ).
2. Your Pedia graphics weren't done properly. Never paste over; prepare a RGB picture, THEN change the palette while converting to indexed color. If you can't get it to look good, just send the RGB png you've prepared and we'll make it look good in the Pedia :)
1. I have the blue-cloaked floater spritesheet ready to implement at Solar's whim, so no need to burden yourself with that one. The other leaders/commanders are a fair game afaik... as long as Solar wants them, that is, so it's better to wait what he says (it'd certainly make the game a bit easier :) ).
OK. I wait. But the blue floater was not a burden I used it in vanilla X-com since ages (although sometimes vanilla X-com shows transparency glitches but not always).
2. Your Pedia graphics weren't done properly. Never paste over; prepare a RGB picture, THEN change the palette while converting to indexed color. If you can't get it to look good, just send the RGB png you've prepared and we'll make it look good in the Pedia :)
These were just test run to show what I meant. I put them into OXC for myself and they works well but I shall follow your advice and send you the PNGs if I shall make them. Now sketching the Tunlun and the Chtonite to looks like they described instead of TFTD-copy-pastes. Hope I shall find a good solution and a good picture.
While distinct leaders would indeed make the game easier, I've heard way too much about how hard it is, so I think it wouldn't be bad!
Yeah, I'll gladly add a Floater Leader/Commander, and possibly the same for some other races if they're ever made.
...Or may be add them as a "Elite" floater warriors? To make them a credible threat in middle game and beyond, because regular floaters are not a challenge once you have a good soldier squad...
Making them more resistant to mind control and giving them better stats... Yuo will have your nice looking new floaters, but you would not be able to tell which one is the commander. Just a suggestion... Thanks for sharing!!! 8)
...Or may be add them as a "Elite" floater warriors? To make them a credible threat in middle game and beyond, because regular floaters are not a challenge once you have a good soldier squad...
Making them more resistant to mind control and giving them better stats... Yuo will have your nice looking new floaters, but you would not be able to tell which one is the commander. Just a suggestion... Thanks for sharing!!! 8)
Not a bad idea, but I think it'd be better to make completely new aliens. Which I'm sure will happen. :D
Put the atack dogs..... Lol
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Blue floaters are officers or according to the ufopedia picture medics. But I still think that commanders need distinctive look. And it is not such a big thing to make the graphics (I work on it just for fun right now as well as the new ufopedia alien pictures).
Here how my blue floaters looked like in the vanilla X-com (DosBox screen capture):
And this could be the inventory (It is theoretically use the Ufo-palette if I do it well with NeoPaint):
But there are a few things. First I saw that PCKview saves the pck-image tables in a different size like the png\gif tables bear in the FMP resources. Is this bad? Or the game shall use it well? And why is different the x-y dimensions afterall?
And still, If the graphics are done and passed\accepted someone need to code them. What is the harder part I think.
And some more FMP-related thing... I reported that Salamandron have no ufopedia entry... I captured two of them. Researched both but got no ufopedia entry and report! But while I interrogated a sectoid medic I got the Salamandron entry as a result!
WTF from the deepest I think! But still no spitter and small launcher research options but I have plenty of them in my storages. I already have blaster launcher, plasma weapons, psi-amp and mass-accelerator weapons. And I have no more interrogation options for alien leaders and commanders only engineers, navigators and medics.
Did I missed some pre-reqs? And how could MiB researched if research them is even possible at all. And why do they appear? Because some countries made a pact with aliens?
Put the atack dogs..... Lol
The dogs... Are already there! :)
(Also used by the MiB.)
Blue floaters are officers or according to the ufopedia picture medics. But I still think that commanders need distinctive look. And it is not such a big thing to make the graphics (I work on it just for fun right now as well as the new ufopedia alien pictures).
An interesting point. All right, we'll see how it goes.
And some more FMP-related thing... I reported that Salamandron have no ufopedia entry... I captured two of them. Researched both but got no ufopedia entry and report! But while I interrogated a sectoid medic I got the Salamandron entry as a result!
OK, it's possible that the Salamandron isn't properly linked to the autopsy pic. I'll check.
WTF from the deepest I think! But still no spitter and small launcher research options but I have plenty of them in my storages. I already have blaster launcher, plasma weapons, psi-amp and mass-accelerator weapons. And I have no more interrogation options for alien leaders and commanders only engineers, navigators and medics.
The small launcher depends on gravity stuff, Engineers should do fine here. But the ammo is dependant on Medics.
And how could MiB researched if research them is even possible at all. And why do they appear? Because some countries made a pact with aliens?
No, they appear randomly. They're just your competition. :)
If the alien pacts with some countries..... Game over
Is important build and cover all the planet you must have bases and outpost
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Bad news: your radar coverage, interceptions, score etc. are irrelevant. Each month there is a chance an Alien Infiltration mission will start, and once it happens, there is no way to stop it from succeeding, even if you shoot down all the UFOs.
However, there is no direct proof that you can get an early "game over" through losing too many countries.
I got some more ideas - I think soon you shall hate me like hell - about ufopedia. Here is some png pictures for alloy skyranger and alloy cannon:
The skyranger really need some blur but I am not sure how shall blurred pixels treated during palette conversion.
And some screens from the PS game over video for ufopedia alien researches:
Possible Alien retaliation, alien infiltration and alien terror\flyby... Maybe need some resize for them. What do you think?
Nice walls. Ant the cover is needed to down the ufos.
Ok i dont see dogs in the game. Arrrgh may be corrupt my game normally i update forever the mod to last version and update to last nightlies. May be corrult the game??? I dont see ethereal sectopods or dogs. I only see 1alien base and defeat. And the time go along and i dont see more. I have cover all planet and i shootdown over 90% of ufos. I dont know
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Duke_Falcon, thanks for the pics! I'm not sure if I'll use them yet, but they certainly have potential.
Arrakis69ct, I don't understand what you are saying... Dogs aren't in the FMP yet.
Ok. Sorry i am confused
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This mod is compatible with improved living quarters and large storage mod???
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This mod is compatible with improved living quarters and large storage mod???
The big Living Quarters are already in, and the big Stores will be added very soon (maybe today, since I already have it integrated on my local installation).
Ok waiting and thx
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- Some terror maps have areas what can not be accessed normally only if walls of furnitures got destroyed prior[/size]
Can you post pictures of the maps where this happens?
Donamite or rocket launcher. I use them to break the walls and enter. Operation surprise XD
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Can you post pictures of the maps where this happens?
Not really. Since the game reached 2000's may I not gone to any terror missions except MiB. But it was a big parking place with cars and 4-level houses\domiciles. On the second floor homes have a room what's door could be opened but a furniture stands in front of them what need to destroy to enter the room. Furniture is outside the room what troopers want to examine (always set the AI a spitter into one of these rooms!)...
Anyway, today finished the game. Raped Cydonia and laughed into the face of the elite Ethereal guards. It was big fun! OXC with Rail gun (what I hope shall be implemented into FMP) and FMP it was a real threat and a good game to play! What I did not reached in any ways (checked after reload in debug mode the ufopedia - all entries were there even those I can not research anyway) are the following (I simply had no more interrogation\research options left no matter what did I captured\salvaged anywhere):
Spitter autopsy (not even alien medics make this entry!)
Cybermite (no medics nor technicians tell the secret of this thing and without small launcher I had no chance to capture one alive!)
Small launcher (all the other weapons were in my disposal and I knew both ammo for this aswell)
MiB (captured a full base's crew alive but nothing happened and corpses can not be examined)
Strange thing what I experienced during interrogations that some alien entries could be tell by medics while others by technicians. Could it be done that all cybernetic thing belong to technicians except autopsies while all organic things to medics? Just wonder, the game could be well finish without these or without the above mentioned things.
Still interesting that in debug-mode I did have all the ufopedia entries without error! And I see there is only 2 MiB related entires although one of them suggest to capture a MiB commander for more infos...
And if rail gun mod shall be implemented into FMP may I suggest some things? Mass accelerating weaponry (MAW) really needs some rebalance! Earth-bond technology is better than alien? MAW damages must be lower a bit. And the craft weapon is overpowered! It may keep the weapon range but damage must be only a bit bigger than laser cannon but must be weaker than plasma cannon! Even it's freedom from elerium is acceptable but 120 rounds is way to much! Give it 50-60 instead. But this is maybe only me who thinks this...
Anyway, I really must have a very big Thanks! for the FMP! It make a cool game far better and enjoyable. I waiting where should it further developing! And I hope even I could offer some little bits for the future FMPs...
Dioxine mentioned that I may send pictures here for you to correct\convert them.
May I open a new topic for that?
Anyway, here is the first two in 24bits BMP format, the Tunlun terrorists:
Why the difference in stature? The sprite shows the Tunlun as a golem-like bastard and the autopsy say they have hard skin. Maybe their hard skin is a strudy but bulky carapace what need to remove prior of the autopsy? May their hard coverage a genetic augmentation made by the aliens? It left open some questions what may lead to future items and researches...
Well, if you're saying you have the prerequisites, then you do, but if you can't research it, then it means you probably don't...
Psi-Amp requires:
- Mind Probe
- Psionics
Mind Probe requires:
- Alien Neurosychology
- Alien Optical Processor
Psionics require interrogation of a psionic alien.
Laser rifles require:
- Laser Cannon
- Power Source Miniaturization
Power Source Miniaturization requires:
- UFO Power Source
- Interrogation of an Engineer
Hopefully this helps.
I've lost several games now because I just can't find these empty techs. What is Alien Neuropsychology or Alien Microprocessor? Am I just supposed to research leaders until I randomly get the empty techs I need? In my last game and my current one I finally got to Gauss, but in my current one I also just researched a sectoid commander and didn't unlock psionics. Are the requirements different for those too? Is it possible to disable this empty tech nonsense?
You need to them interrogate medics. Engineers. And leaders
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I've lost several games now because I just can't find these empty techs
When you say you've lost several games do you mean actual games, or just missions? I'm half way through september now still using avalanche missiles and guass weaponry (although I do have flying power armor). Hold onto your missile launchers/auto cannons and switch to IC ammo (don't forget the grenades!)I think I burned through 16 missiles and 20 grenades going against an etheral terrorship :)
I've definitely lost games because of how difficult it is to advance. The last game I played my base got invaded by while I was still using alloy ammo. I technically won the mission, but I lost pretty much the entire base when a structure got destroyed right below the access lift.
In my most recent game, I only very narrowly avoided a loss. Gazers started appearing very early on, and they're almost impossible to handle when you're using alloy ammo. It got to the point where I'd only be able to actually do about a third of them missions that popped up. My only saving grace was that floaters and those floating brain bastards would attack all of my secondary bases constantly, so I could grab a few points that way.
Even more importantly though is the absolutely terrible luck I had with catching engineers, and the worse luck I had with research topics from leaders/commanders. I didn't get a single engineer of any race until September. I was using alloy ammo until November, when I finally got gauss. I then used gauss until April of next year, where I got plasma, fusion and the psy amp (after getting psy powers in February of the first year). Yes, I said plasma and fusion. I got plasma weapons and blaster bombs before any of the laser techs. It was absurd.
Edit: I guess the takeaway is that it'd be nice if the leaders/commanders dropped research topics in a specific order. I shouldn't unlock how to mass produce guided fusion warheads before I figure out the MIB laser pistol.
I've definitely lost games because of how difficult it is to advance. The last game I played my base got invaded by while I was still using alloy ammo. I technically won the mission, but I lost pretty much the entire base when a structure got destroyed right below the access lift.
Even more importantly though is the absolutely terrible luck I had with catching engineers, and the worse luck I had with research topics from leaders/commanders.
Destructable facilities should always be behind the firing line rather than part of the front line.
I actually ignored alloy ammunition, I concentrated on building Dart/As early on and left a full compliment of them on the sky ranger. I had 14 snipers+ACs+Rls+Dart with 3 ammo loads for each weapon (and 3 pyro'nades each) and when going against a small ship I'd load the first 10 with DRs and the last 4 with RLs and stun everything. I just worry about the wieght capacity of the sky ranger ;)
I do agree with you on the laser tech though, half way up the plasma research tree we have everything we need to make both the vehicle mounted laser and a man-portable prototype laser (even if the magazine is the size of a rocket and only have 10 shots).
Thanks for the input, everyone. I don't have the time to respond properly right now, but rest assured I do read it all and pay attention to what is said.
Now, let me announce version 0.9.3. It contains some new stuff and fixes:
- Changed Scatter Laser's sprites to one drawn by Rockfish, because the former will be reused as something else.
- Some armour stats juggling.
- Corpse weights adjusted (inspired by NoelBuddy (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2884.0)).
- Added Alloy Vest (Earth Combat Armour made from Alien Alloys).
- Added Alloy Knife, to accompany the sword.
- Better image for the MiB Heavy Laser (by Dioxine).
- Made image for the Stormlance (somewhat crappy, but better than nothing).
- Toxigun Flask can now be researched without the Alien Gardens tech (but not manufactured).
- Updated Dioxine's Improved Living Quarters mod to the latest version.
- Many English fixes, by Jayden.
I see you incorporated the changes to IronFist.
Yet again, I do end up on the edge of the map, but as you shortened the ship by one tile, my tanks can now finally return to its ship!
Another point to note, I am not sure but, there is a wierd tile looking out of place, on Polar Mountain terrain - see screenshot.
Thanks, I'll check - might be an Ironfist issue (though right now I think it's not).
First let me say thank you to the mod creator and if anyone from OpenXcom is around, thanks to them to!
I have just started experimenting with mods on open xcom, tried a few standalone out and everything worked fine.
Found your wonderful mod pack and thought it would be nice to have a complete balanced mudpack instead of frankensteining a bunch together that might not be stable/balanced together.
Long story short, I followed the instructions for install to the letter and everything works fine until I try to place the expanded living quarters via a custom base setting.
I thought this might be a prob with custom initial base so I turned that option off. I started a new game and now I can do everything except once I click to enter my base, openxcom crashes.
I am using the 1.0 windows installer (latest stable) version of open xcom. I am only enabling the recommended options when starting a new game, ufo extender accuracy and research spent on use.
I am thinking the crash is related to the living quarters mod? I have attached my save game.
On a side note, I would add I am playing the game off of a flash drive, if that matters. It worked fine before using the FMP.
from https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
Requires nightly build version openxcom_git_master_2014_07_03_0820 or later! Get it from https://openxcom.org/git-builds/.
AH! Thank you so much for pointing that out, im such a noob.
Thanks again!
Just got latest build and it works like a top, thanks so much
(https://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/05/904592809e15a29d59b2d01690bc2301.jpg) may be this a bug???
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https://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/05/904592809e15a29d59b2d01690bc2301.jpg (https://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/05/904592809e15a29d59b2d01690bc2301.jpg) may be this a bug???
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I had the same thing. I didn't do a screen capture. So I also confirm it happened near the same location too. Too quick to land, instead I sent a Skyranger to patrol the area in case there was an alien base in the ocean! Nothing happened.
that is the latitude=0/longtude=0 position i guess someone screwed with the missionzones/cities/regions/trajectories ...
- New UFOPedia Edit. A-lot of minor corrections. en-US and en-GB are now consistent, with differences between US and UK spelling (armor v.s. armour) maintained. Edited 0.93 entries. Will correct inconsistent spacing at beginning of sentence issue caused by previous editing program after the next update.
- Any intention to include content from 'Equal Terms' mod? I am particularly interested in the inclusion of UFO Extender accuracy stats for various weapons. (Though that I personally also never liked the HC and AC is beside the point ::)
What about the 'Enforcer' and 'Scout Armor' mods?
If not, No worries. I'll likely just include them in my own Home-Brew version.
- Love the good work you've done on this. I myself regularly run games with 10-30 mods to enhance the depth and scope of game play, but tweaking them so that they all work seamlessly together and are balanced is a huge project that I regularly do not have time for. I truly appreciate the magnitude of the task you've taken on.
Yesterday start a new game with more difficult. Have 400000000 in the bank is bad. But i see weapons on ufopedia ex rpg or hunting rifle that i cant manufacture or buy. Is this normal?
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Yes, these are the stats of some "civilian" weapons. The ufopedia makes it clear that they are not as good as the military equivalents that you can buy. Still, if you somehow find some during a mission, you can use them.
Anyway, today finished the game. Raped Cydonia and laughed into the face of the elite Ethereal guards. It was big fun!
OXC with Rail gun (what I hope shall be implemented into FMP) and FMP it was a real threat and a good game to play!
I don't think I'll ever implement the railguns as they are, but I'm thinking about a second generation Gauss weapons. Maybe. :)
(That would give us an excuse to have both TFTD gauss sprites and Sir Thebus' gauss sprites in the mod.)
Spitter autopsy (not even alien medics make this entry!)
Spitters should research properly... They did for me anyway. Your install was somehow faulty, seeing as you couldn't get some research... Well, at least you could finish the game, and with an added difficulty of not having the Small Launcher! Not bad.
Strange thing what I experienced during interrogations that some alien entries could be tell by medics while others by technicians. Could it be done that all cybernetic thing belong to technicians except autopsies while all organic things to medics? Just wonder, the game could be well finish without these or without the above mentioned things.
Yes, this is exactly the case.
And if rail gun mod shall be implemented into FMP may I suggest some things? Mass accelerating weaponry (MAW) really needs some rebalance! Earth-bond technology is better than alien? MAW damages must be lower a bit. And the craft weapon is overpowered! It may keep the weapon range but damage must be only a bit bigger than laser cannon but must be weaker than plasma cannon! Even it's freedom from elerium is acceptable but 120 rounds is way to much! Give it 50-60 instead. But this is maybe only me who thinks this...
Yeah, some rebalance would be in order. But like I said, if I ever add the "railgun II" tech it'll probably be done more or less from scratch. It boils down to "I will probably add something at some point"... :)
I've lost several games now because I just can't find these empty techs. What is Alien Neuropsychology or Alien Microprocessor? Am I just supposed to research leaders until I randomly get the empty techs I need?
In my last game and my current one I finally got to Gauss, but in my current one I also just researched a sectoid commander and didn't unlock psionics. Are the requirements different for those too? Is it possible to disable this empty tech nonsense?
Oh believe me, I hate empty techs myself. However, as a modder I have to make some compromises in order to achieve the main goals - in this case, making firearms last longer and plasma available later. At least I'm trying to give most techs some sort of a boon, but it's still a long way to go.
I've definitely lost games because of how difficult it is to advance. The last game I played my base got invaded by while I was still using alloy ammo. I technically won the mission, but I lost pretty much the entire base when a structure got destroyed right below the access lift.
Ouch. Never happened to me, but it could well happen... It could happen in vanilla too.
In my most recent game, I only very narrowly avoided a loss. Gazers started appearing very early on, and they're almost impossible to handle when you're using alloy ammo. It got to the point where I'd only be able to actually do about a third of them missions that popped up. My only saving grace was that floaters and those floating brain bastards would attack all of my secondary bases constantly, so I could grab a few points that way.
Since 0.8, I've pushed the tougher races later, but it's still not guaranteed you'll have lasers on time, much less plasma. This is something that I'm still working on.
Even more importantly though is the absolutely terrible luck I had with catching engineers, and the worse luck I had with research topics from leaders/commanders. I didn't get a single engineer of any race until September. I was using alloy ammo until November, when I finally got gauss. I then used gauss until April of next year, where I got plasma, fusion and the psy amp (after getting psy powers in February of the first year). Yes, I said plasma and fusion. I got plasma weapons and blaster bombs before any of the laser techs. It was absurd.
Lol :)
Edit: I guess the takeaway is that it'd be nice if the leaders/commanders dropped research topics in a specific order. I shouldn't unlock how to mass produce guided fusion warheads before I figure out the MIB laser pistol.
It can't be done, but considering it's basically random data stolen from a far more advanced culture, some schizotech is justified. :)
- New UFOPedia Edit. A-lot of minor corrections. en-US and en-GB are now consistent, with differences between US and UK spelling (armor v.s. armour) maintained. Edited 0.93 entries. Will correct inconsistent spacing at beginning of sentence issue caused by previous editing program after the next update.
Thanks! Incorporating it will take some time, but I'll definitely use your expertise, it's invaluable.
I'll use this as an excuse to ask: what is your opinion on double spacing? I know it's a traditional British thing, but I noticed that it's not perfectly consistent and most modders ignore this rule. I generally use it, since the vanilla version had it, but I'm not sure now...
- Any intention to include content from 'Equal Terms' mod? I am particularly interested in the inclusion of UFO Extender accuracy stats for various weapons. (Though that I personally also never liked the HC and AC is beside the point ::)
I don't really know that mod yet, I need to get a better look. But what do you mean, UFO Extender accuracy stats?
What about the 'Enforcer' and 'Scout Armor' mods?
If not, No worries. I'll likely just include them in my own Home-Brew version.
The Enforcer is a cool idea, but I'm waiting for code changes that will stop him from eating the weapon you gave him. :(
As for the Scout Armour, I'll certainly consider it if it has proper graphics. I just don't know. :)
- Love the good work you've done on this. I myself regularly run games with 10-30 mods to enhance the depth and scope of game play, but tweaking them so that they all work seamlessly together and are balanced is a huge project that I regularly do not have time for. I truly appreciate the magnitude of the task you've taken on.
Thanks! It's the main goal of FMP. :)
(https://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/14/09/06/e6c5ab9d5e69235a2de3f88ca68e1d78.jpg)this play is a joke. Another ghost site
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Lol, dat "screenshot" :P
But there seems to be a problem. What exactly is that UFO? Is it MiB? Hybrids? Raid?
I'll use this as an excuse to ask: what is your opinion on double spacing? I know it's a traditional British thing, but I noticed that it's not perfectly consistent and most modders ignore this rule. I generally use it, since the vanilla version had it, but I'm not sure now...
- Personally I am in favor of it as it is part of the original game, also in my opinion, it looks neater. The removal of it in my previous edits was due to the previous editing app I was using on my phone rather than a preference.
I don't really know that mod yet, I need to get a better look. But what do you mean, UFO Extender accuracy stats?
-As you likely know, UFO Extender added Range Based Accuracy, which was carried over into OpenXCOM as an optional rule in the Advanced menu. With this option enable the game has the ability to read extra range related stats from the Item entry. Specifically, Range based accuracy drop-off and min/Max effective ranges for each attack type outside of which the accuracy is drastically reduced. Equal Terms mod defines theses extra variables for the weapons included in it and the base game so that for example: using a sniper rifle to perform an aimed shot within it's minimum range actually has a realistically reduced accuracy. This combined with the reduced speed and accuracy of a snapshot with this weapon practically requires your sniper to carry and use a short/med range secondary weapon. There are many other such additions that altogether fairly remove the 'silver bullets' of a heavy weapon combined with autoshot and forces a more varied tactical approach to equipment and attack profiles.
The Enforcer is a cool idea, but I'm waiting for code changes that will stop him from eating the weapon you gave him. :(
-I was actually planning to add to the Franken-Mod I use at home a MkII Enforcer with heavier armor and a flamethrower secondary, and a MkIII with flying capability and a rocket launcher either as primary or secondary. Probably have to drop the MkI's armor a bit and then only slightly improve those stats for the MkII and MkIII and drop their TU's a little(representing greater weight) for the sake of maintaining some illusion of game balance. If I get it working, I will attempt to contact MickTheMage to either hand the changes over to him or permission to publish it as an expanded version.
As for the Scout Armour, I'll certainly consider it if it has proper graphics. I just don't know. :)
- The graphics are good, though I personally don't like the helmet.
Lol, dat "screenshot" :P
But there seems to be a problem. What exactly is that UFO? Is it MiB? Hybrids? Raid?
I am early in the new game. I dont know but is the secon ind sea i see over 20 secs and run out. The skiranger no see alien base. Normally the mib base stay static dont move. I dont know.
Can i save the game and see anithing in save file for this??
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- Personally I am in favor of it as it is part of the original game, also in my opinion, it looks neater. The removal of it in my previous edits was due to the previous editing app I was using on my phone rather than a preference.
Ah, that explains it, thanks.
-As you likely know, UFO Extender added Range Based Accuracy, which was carried over into OpenXCOM as an optional rule in the Advanced menu. With this option enable the game has the ability to read extra range related stats from the Item entry. Specifically, Range based accuracy drop-off and min/Max effective ranges for each attack type outside of which the accuracy is drastically reduced. Equal Terms mod defines theses extra variables for the weapons included in it and the base game so that for example: using a sniper rifle to perform an aimed shot within it's minimum range actually has a realistically reduced accuracy. This combined with the reduced speed and accuracy of a snapshot with this weapon practically requires your sniper to carry and use a short/med range secondary weapon. There are many other such additions that altogether fairly remove the 'silver bullets' of a heavy weapon combined with autoshot and forces a more varied tactical approach to equipment and attack profiles.
But FMP has already implemented these features! :) Granted, it's not exactly a robust system yet, but it's there and will be expanded upon.
-I was actually planning to add to the Franken-Mod I use at home a MkII Enforcer with heavier armor and a flamethrower secondary, and a MkIII with flying capability and a rocket launcher either as primary or secondary. Probably have to drop the MkI's armor a bit and then only slightly improve those stats for the MkII and MkIII and drop their TU's a little(representing greater weight) for the sake of maintaining some illusion of game balance. If I get it working, I will attempt to contact MickTheMage to either hand the changes over to him or permission to publish it as an expanded version.
I want more armours too, but they're problematic because they need complex graphics. Therefore they will appear when they will appear.
However, I have my own ideas about what kind of armours are needed... So any graphics submitted may be used for something else than intended by the author. :D
Rejoice, Warboy's new engine update allows for HWP secondary weapons so the "inventory eating" should happen less often... Btw does anyone know what the new ruleset options are used in detail?
A question about the craft plasma cannon. It uses Elerium as ammunition.
I noticed that the craft appears to re-arm with clips of 10 units of Elerium as opposite to the numbers of shots used. I tried:
Normal two gun mount and shooting:
Stock 128-6(one ufo)-4(another ufo)= 118 but it's 108 after re-arming. So 10 more than expected is used.
Tried shooting with only one gun:
Stock 108 -2 (from gun#1 only) = 106, but it's 98 after re-arming. So 8 more.
The mod ruleset says:
- type: STR_ELERIUM_115
clipSize: 1
Am I doing something wrong? Currently using the plasma beam cannon may not be very elerium-bang-effective.
Would it be possible to add in stun rounds for the blaster launcher? Researchable after stun bombs, stun grenades and blaster bombs perhaps and made using 2 stun bombs and 1 elerium.
A question about the craft plasma cannon. It uses Elerium as ammunition.
I noticed that the craft appears to re-arm with clips of 10 units of Elerium as opposite to the numbers of shots used. I tried:
Normal two gun mount and shooting:
Stock 128-6(one ufo)-4(another ufo)= 118 but it's 108 after re-arming. So 10 more than expected is used.
Tried shooting with only one gun:
Stock 108 -2 (from gun#1 only) = 106, but it's 98 after re-arming. So 8 more.
The mod ruleset says:
- type: STR_ELERIUM_115
clipSize: 1
Am I doing something wrong? Currently using the plasma beam cannon may not be very elerium-bang-effective.
Bluntly speaking, I'm not sure. I did some testing back when I introduced the weapon, but I'm not able to decipher the code.
However, whatever the case, I think both mechanics are acceptable, although naturally one is easier on the player than the other.
Would it be possible to add in stun rounds for the blaster launcher? Researchable after stun bombs, stun grenades and blaster bombs perhaps and made using 2 stun bombs and 1 elerium.
Yeah, it'd be possible. I'm not sure if I'll do it for the Blaster Launcher, but there's also a possible Advanced Rocket Launcher coming up, and I'll consider adding guided stunning missiles to one of them.
Bluntly speaking, I'm not sure. I did some testing back when I introduced the weapon, but I'm not able to decipher the code.
However, whatever the case, I think both mechanics are acceptable, although naturally one is easier on the player than the other.
I did some testing. It appears the number 10 is hard-coded somehow. Based on the 2014_09_08_0214 nightly:
use of Elerium as ammo = INT( 10 / clipSize ) * ROUNDUP( #roundsfired / 10 , 0 ); where clipSize >=1 and integer.
Boring raw data:
clipSize: 1 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 106 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 2 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 3 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 120 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 4 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 5 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 6 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 7 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 8 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 9 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 10 == 126 -8x2 (8 shots from two guns 42/42) = 110, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 1 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 106 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 2 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 3 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 120 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 4 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 5 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 122 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 6 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 7 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 8 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 9 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 10 == 126 -15x1 (15 shots from gun #1 35/50) = 111, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 1 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 2 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 3 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 123 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 4 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 5 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 124 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 6 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 7 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 8 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 9 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 10 == 126 -1x1 (1 shot from gun #1 49/50) = 125, but it reports 125 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 1 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 76 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 2 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 101 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 3 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 111 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 4 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 5 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 116 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 6 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 7 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 8 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 9 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
clipSize: 10 == 126 -50x1 (50 shots from gun #1 0/50) = 76, but it reports 121 elerium units after rearming.
Thanks for your hard work, Alex.
Do you think this information could be added to the Ufopedia wiki?
the "hardcoded" "10" is the rearming rate
there seems to be a buggy calculation in
int CraftWeapon::rearm(const int available, const int clipSize)
int needed = 0;
if (clipSize > 0)
{ https:// +(clipSize - 1) for correct rounding up
needed = std::min(_rules->getRearmRate(), _rules->getAmmoMax() - _ammo + clipSize - 1) / clipSize;
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? _rules->getRearmRate() : available * clipSize;
setAmmo(_ammo + ammoUsed);
_rearming = _ammo < _rules->getAmmoMax();
return (clipSize <= 0)? 0 : ammoUsed / clipSize;
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? _rules->getRearmRate() : available * clipSize;
should be
int ammoUsed = (available >= needed)? needed * clipSize : available * clipSize;
but that is just a guess i do not have the time to test now :(
spanish translation v2
update to 10/9/14
is pending of correction but is mi working initial release
I finished with the Alien commanders of the original X-com (except Muton what already done):
The zip contains the following:
- PCK and TAB files of the commanders (sheet bmp files also included but PCKview export them different size like the FMP png sheets have, so I put them back into PCK)
- Inventory pictures
- Ufopedia pictures (I liked the XenoOps muton commander entry, maybe alien commanders have separate "alive" pedia entries?)
Also wonder if Ethereal commanders may not wield weapon but bear the same psi-blast what Cerebreals AND mind controll abilities... Afterall they are the strongest psykers of their kind not?
And if elements shall borrowed from XenoOps mod may I ask that all the new aliens shall borrowed? Both muton guards and the armoured sectoid?
Maybe it is just me but I like the new aliens more than new weapons or such. It makes encounters more variable and not always Sectoids-floaters-mutons line-up like the vanilla X-com had...
And it may result more complex hybrid crews (raiders if remember correctly their "callsign").
Thanks, Duke! I've checked and what I think:
- Floater is nice, though I had something like this already.
- Ethereal: DAT SWAG! An interesting concept, though it'd need some polishing, especially the battlesprite.
- Snakeman: owwwww, why did you give the cloak the same colour as the skin? Why not green, for example? Yeah, green would be good. Or maybe black.
- Sectoid: I don't really like the idea of an armour as rank indicator. It's a different gear, doesn't belong with the concept.
Also wonder if Ethereal commanders may not wield weapon but bear the same psi-blast what Cerebreals AND mind controll abilities... Afterall they are the strongest psykers of their kind not?
It's possible, but I'm not really convinced it would make much of a difference. Cerebreals are more unique this way, and Ethereals, well, have hands. :)
And if elements shall borrowed from XenoOps mod may I ask that all the new aliens shall borrowed? Both muton guards and the armoured sectoid?
I'll have to think about it. Anyway, these sprites are ready, so I can integrate them myself.
Maybe it is just me but I like the new aliens more than new weapons or such. It makes encounters more variable and not always Sectoids-floaters-mutons line-up like the vanilla X-com had...
And it may result more complex hybrid crews (raiders if remember correctly their "callsign").
I totally agree! And I plan to get rid of the TFTD sprites too (essentially made new ones for the recoloured TFTD aliens), so that we could have proper hybrid games. B)
I noticed that the version listed at the top of https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack is 0.9.2. Isn't 0.9.3 out?
I noticed that the version listed at the top of https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack is 0.9.2. Isn't 0.9.3 out?
Yeah, it's hard to update the number in all the places. :P
Yeah, it's hard to update the number in all the places. :P
and update with the translation to spanish XD
Pd may be a fail in research tree. I can research baterie of elerium. But i dont see elerium to research at this moment???
Thanks, Duke! I've checked and what I think:
- Floater is nice, though I had something like this already.
- Ethereal: DAT SWAG! An interesting concept, though it'd need some polishing, especially the battlesprite.
- Snakeman: owwwww, why did you give the cloak the same colour as the skin? Why not green, for example? Yeah, green would be good. Or maybe black.
- Sectoid: I don't really like the idea of an armour as rank indicator. It's a different gear, doesn't belong with the concept.
- I though I shall give some more shades for the Ethereal gem and the "ribbons" just forgot to use the good palette and PS messed up like that. As it has now use the good palette (since it is in PCK) I shall work on it.
- Green cloak? Hmmmm... I think they shall disappear on grass or jungle much like Mutons do. But black - dark grey - is a good idea. I shall give it a try (want to change the inventory\pedia aswell or they may have green or golden or whatever).
- For Sectoid I first wanted something like I used in my OG-conversion: Sectoid head with Ethereal body... But Sectoid have more sprite sequences in different order and it may cause some trouble... And most of the users may laugh upon the result as such scale it looks hilarious. Then I recently finished XenoOps where the armoured sectoids description give me the idea. Sectoids do not use armour as they regard themselves as expendable? But Commanders must be rare and thus not as expendable, right? So a bit more protection for them seemed a good idea. I want to keep the armour but eager to give it a red cloak (then it shall have a meaning to have an armour). Or give them also a one-eye optical implant? Sectoids are hard to edit toward whatever ways...
I totally agree! And I plan to get rid of the TFTD sprites too (essentially made new ones for the recoloured TFTD aliens), so that we could have proper hybrid games. B)
What if you keep the current sprites and the new colour-adapted ones could be the Commanders? For Reptoid and Chtonite it may be explained by gender diversity assuming that males\females are stronger in those species and thus "rule" the weaker gender. The current red Reptoids may be the females, for example, sampled like the dragons in a film I saw once (there were thousand female dragons but only one, big and aggressive male). OR (!) it could be explained that sub-adults (line or low-rank specimens) are not exactly looks like as adults (commanders, as age make wiser as they say). What missing, trully missing, is the corpse floorobj-sprite for the Salamandron (I checked and my FMP did not contain such a sprite among the resources and thus the game show them as dead Reapers).
And I shall soon send two new aliens if interested (well, one since the "Crabman" is a Lobsterman where I corrected the death animation sprites as they were devoit of dark and brown pixels). Maybe not the most imaginative aliens but I used them to train my non-existing pixel-art skills.
Also there is a tons of Ufopedia pictures in my topic (well, the Tunlun still ugly but overall the rest is useable, still need Chtonite and Cerebreal larvas though). And drop together a quick crystal sword for aliens (the one the Floaters use on the examine room graphic).
Ahhh, I work on to much thing and most of them is useless. Take them as concepts...
I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.
I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319
In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.
- I though I shall give some more shades for the Ethereal gem and the "ribbons" just forgot to use the good palette and PS messed up like that. As it has now use the good palette (since it is in PCK) I shall work on it.
OK, we'll see what happens.
- Green cloak? Hmmmm... I think they shall disappear on grass or jungle much like Mutons do. But black - dark grey - is a good idea. I shall give it a try (want to change the inventory\pedia aswell or they may have green or golden or whatever).
Yeah, green tends to disappear on grass, though I never thought that much of it. Anyway, please do what you think is best!
- For Sectoid I first wanted something like I used in my OG-conversion: Sectoid head with Ethereal body... But Sectoid have more sprite sequences in different order and it may cause some trouble... And most of the users may laugh upon the result as such scale it looks hilarious. Then I recently finished XenoOps where the armoured sectoids description give me the idea. Sectoids do not use armour as they regard themselves as expendable? But Commanders must be rare and thus not as expendable, right? So a bit more protection for them seemed a good idea. I want to keep the armour but eager to give it a red cloak (then it shall have a meaning to have an armour). Or give them also a one-eye optical implant? Sectoids are hard to edit toward whatever ways...What if you keep the current sprites and the new colour-adapted ones could be the Commanders?
Yeah, armoured Sectoids from XenoOperations are bizarre, but tempting. How about this:
- Create a rare race of Sectoids, call them Mechtoids, use XOps' sprites (he agreed) for them.
- Also take the Mechtoid armour, recolour it, make it Commander.
This will preserve a sense of coherence.
For Reptoid and Chtonite it may be explained by gender diversity assuming that males\females are stronger in those species and thus "rule" the weaker gender. The current red Reptoids may be the females, for example, sampled like the dragons in a film I saw once (there were thousand female dragons but only one, big and aggressive male). OR (!) it could be explained that sub-adults (line or low-rank specimens) are not exactly looks like as adults (commanders, as age make wiser as they say). What missing, trully missing, is the corpse floorobj-sprite for the Salamandron (I checked and my FMP did not contain such a sprite among the resources and thus the game show them as dead Reapers).
As for the Reptoids, I don't worry about them much, since I am going to make new sprites for them. The reason is, TFTD is coming up and I don't want to use simple recolours in the same game (assuming hybrid games will be possible).
Salamandrons are missing the dead tile sprites because Dioxine hasn't ripped them. :) His reasoning was that a dead Triscene looks very, very dead, and it hurt his sense of immersion when the lizard was merely incapacitated, so he used the Reaper corpse as a lesser evil. I... never got around to rip it myself.
Oh, and the Salamandron will have to be changed too due to the TFTD, but in this case I think a simple recolour will be enough.
I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.
Thanks! And congratulations on your patience! :)
I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319
In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.
I haven't updated the exe for a few weeks, I should do it at some point.
But tell me, what tank was it? What was the target? And what terrain was used?
I totally enjoy this mod because I had to restart so often.
Sometimes it gets tedious to start from scratch but every game is so different after the first weeks.
I ran into a game breaking problem after I had upgraded to this nightly: openxcom_git_master_2014_09_13_0319
In the terror mission in this game I wanted my tank to shot, but that crashes the game.
I don't know if it's the nightly update or the mod pack because I didn't play much and my tank hadn't fired until now so the last few battlescape missions were okay.
I haven't updated the exe for a few weeks, I should do it at some point.
But tell me, what tank was it? What was the target? And what terrain was used?
from irc
build 2014-09-11 09:45, and every build afterwards, crashes xcom when popping smokes from a modded-in drone camera unit (lebashar rebalanced and MIB are installed). Crash happens the moment sfx for projectile hitting the ground plays.
can you open up whatever ruleset adds the drone camera and put the weapon up on pastebin or something?
specifically, the ammo the smoke launcher uses, and the hitAnimation defined for it
hitAnimation: 26
change that to 0
hitAnimation refers to the sprite to use when a projectile hits its target
for HE/smoke/incendiary weapons this field did nothing whatsoever
until about two days ago when i made the explosion sprites moddable
the explosion spritesheet has 8 entries, using hitAnimation: 26 tells it to start at frame 26. there is no frame 26
the author probably got this via lazy copy/paste, and as it was vestigial at the time, it went unnoticed
Bet that broke a bunch of mods. Take THAT mods!
que sera sera
they'll be thanking me later
also: please post this error in the thread for whichever mod this is
so hopefully i don't get inundated with reports for this issue :P
Thanks Falko. I fixed the issue.
Wanted to post a new version today, but there's so many new possibilities and so much new content that I can't stop modding! :) I'll try to do it soon though.
Recoloured the snakeman's cloak to black\grey. Now test it in-game how it looks like.
These are my "things" I mentioned earlier. Maybe Altoid could be the Sectoid commander, but they looks much different (Altoids are recolour but have sense instead of Aquatoids on dry land).
My current idea to Sectoid commander is to keep the armour, just recolour the purple parts and give them a green cloak, or black cloak with green edges instead of golden. The reworked sprites in Paint looks promising so far.
Checking the Xcom1 basic ruleset and the FMP ruleset I found that there are several weapons with the hitAnimation: 26 line... Should all of them be changed to hitAnimation: 0 or this is necessary only for the weapons that make HE/Smoke/Incendiary damage?
Checking the Xcom1 basic ruleset and the FMP ruleset I found that there are several weapons with the hitAnimation: 26 line... Should all of them be changed to hitAnimation: 0 or this is necessary only for the weapons that make HE/Smoke/Incendiary damage?
Only those that have HE/Smoke/Incendiary damage. :)
Two minor things that I've noticed:
1) In the alien bases, it's possible to walk diagonally through at the pictured area without opening either door.
2) This one is a bit nit-picky, but the "Alloy Skyranger" name tends to slightly overflow the text space at several areas.
I just realized that FMP is the Long War mod for OXC
Long war is long war XD... But is similar agree the best of actual modders and put the game more interesting. I only use fmp
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Version 0.9.4 is up, and it contains many changes!
- Finally coded the Alien Electronics component, necessary for building Sectopods and Stormtrooper Armours (and possibly more in the future) and only available by disassembling alien robots.
- Made Auto Cannon, Heavy Cannon and Proximity Mine researchable (at a small cost).
- Added Tactical Sniper Rifle (sprite by Dioxine).
- Added Landmine (available to buy).
- Added new Stormtrooper Armour (sprites by XOps).
- Added Multi-Launcher (sprite provided by RSS Wizard).
- Added Advanced Rocket launcher (sprite ripped from Shadow Warrior, converted by Dioxine) that fires Large Rocket, Elerium Rocket (ripped from Xenonauts, converted by Dioxine) and Mind Guided Rocket (by Clownagent, formerly launched from Rocket Launcher).
- Added special sprites for Sectoid Commander (made by XOps), Muton Engineer (made by Dioxine) and Floater Commander.
- Added new Muton ranks: Praetorian and Guard (sprites by XOps).
- Added a machete (for hybrids and other rabble).
- Salamandron can bite now (beta feature, we'll see if it works properly).
- Shorter arrival time for craft cannon rounds.
- Alloy Sword takes more storage space.
- Made the Elerium Mace a bit more accurate, but requires Alien Subjugation.
- Removed two faulty UFO maps.
- Tank/Laser Cannon is a separate (cheap) research now, because of new coding possibilities with the latest nightly that will soon be used.
- Updated Hobbes' Mission/Terrain Pack mod.
- Fixed a bug with drone smoke launcher.
- Fixed new UFO maps, by Grzegorzj.
- More English fixes by Jayden.
As always, get it here: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack. But before installing, please download the latest nightly, or you may experience some bad mojo!
Recoloured the snakeman's cloak to black\grey. Now test it in-game how it looks like.
These are my "things" I mentioned earlier. Maybe Altoid could be the Sectoid commander, but they looks much different (Altoids are recolour but have sense instead of Aquatoids on dry land).
My current idea to Sectoid commander is to keep the armour, just recolour the purple parts and give them a green cloak, or black cloak with green edges instead of golden. The reworked sprites in Paint looks promising so far.
I actually like the Altoids concept, though they should be a bit more different visually from their Sectoid brethren. And as I said before, I'm unwilling to add more TFTD races, because they'll be clashing with a possible hybrid game, so I don't really want the Crab Men.
Having said that, Paint and .bmp is not suitable for sprites. At all. If I wanted to use them now, i wouldn't know where to start; processing them to a stage where they could be used would be a lot of work.
Why don't you make a mod yourself, and see how it works out? You have the sprites, all that is needed is the ruleset. Take Robin's gazer race, for example, and modify it.
And speaking of space-faring alien races, you know what we could have? The Aerials. You know, those from X-Com Interceptor (not the SOAD song).
Two minor things that I've noticed:
1) In the alien bases, it's possible to walk diagonally through at the pictured area without opening either door.
Yeah, I noticed that too. I'll have a look at this map at some point, but I'm not sure if it's a bug.
2) This one is a bit nit-picky, but the "Alloy Skyranger" name tends to slightly overflow the text space at several areas.
Any ideas on how to name the craft? Airstraker? Stormranger? :)
I just realized that FMP is the Long War mod for OXC
And ever getting longer. :)
Thanks for the praise, guys. I promise to keep providing more.
The new Tactical Sniper Rifle is positioned incorrectly. It's a small glitch though which most people probably won't even notice, so I won't be releasing a new version just to fix this. Anyone who cares can fix it by modifying this part:
size: 0.3
costSell: 11000
weight: 14
bigSprite: 193
floorSprite: 174
handSprite: 136
bulletSprite: 14
fireSound: 62
accuracyAimed: 150
tuAimed: 80
battleType: 1
twoHanded: true
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 20
listOrder: 2215
Change invWidth: 2 to invWidth: 1 to fix the weapon.
Hello Solarius:
Reading through the new v0.9.4 ruleset I saw that in the manufacturing entry for Repair Stormtrooper Armor, it says that one Flying Suit Corpse is required... May be this was copied from the Repair Flying Suit entry and remained uncorrected?
Thanks for the new update!
Reading through the new v0.9.4 ruleset I saw that in the manufacturing entry for Repair Stormtrooper Armor, it says that one Flying Suit Corpse is required... May be this was copied from the Repair Flying Suit entry and remained uncorrected?
That's right. :P
I'll fix it later today...
For now, here's the fixed ruleset.
Stormtroooer sales XD. Along the day i up with spanish trans
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Having said that, Paint and .bmp is not suitable for sprites. At all. If I wanted to use them now, i wouldn't know where to start; processing them to a stage where they could be used would be a lot of work.
Why don't you make a mod yourself, and see how it works out? You have the sprites, all that is needed is the ruleset. Take Robin's gazer race, for example, and modify it.
For sprites I use MsPaint while for the rest PhotoShop. Trully, none of these are adequate at all. That is why I re-pack the finished sheets into pck (what MUST NOT used in game, as I experienced so far!). I do not know what tools do you use but I think the beginning was pck. So I decided to make pck files.
I do not want to make a mod myself. Or not now for sure. I actively make mods for Open General what easier than OXC for sure (no coding) but still lot of work (world setting, equipment files, units and maps graphics, scenarios and campaigns just to rework a lot after playtests). It took me 7 months to finish Xeno General (I think I post it into "others" section where I do not really found Haikus so far) and now working on Fantasy General and a Dune mod parallel (and even help with People's General mods). Making OXC mod now is impossible (or needs extreme amount of energy to slow down the time) but making graphics is different. It is an excercise and finesse of something I have a paper certification already (well, the certification states I am a general artist, not digital or painter, a graphician instead, still I continously try digital medias...).
Soon pack the reworked snakeman and ethereal commanders (if I read it well, sectoid commanders not need anymore). Snakeman looks good but sometimes it is invisible (that is why not use my pck files directly). Only sometimes. I think that was the main reason why do you not mess the pck files... Or not...
For sprites I use MsPaint while for the rest PhotoShop. Trully, none of these are adequate at all. That is why I re-pack the finished sheets into pck (what MUST NOT used in game, as I experienced so far!).
I use Photoshop as well, but why Paint? It doesn't preserve the palette, it doesn't preserve transparency, it doesn't do anything that is required when working with Openxcom. Photoshop does, so why bother with Paint? I'm just curious.
(I also use Paint, but for other stuff.)
I do not know what tools do you use but I think the beginning was pck. So I decided to make pck files.
That's not good. I mean, it could technically work, but it is not recommended at all (ask the devs). Use spritesheets or at least sprites for best results.
Soon pack the reworked snakeman and ethereal commanders (if I read it well, sectoid commanders not need anymore).
Yeah, sorry - I forgot to write this explicitly.
Snakeman looks good but sometimes it is invisible (that is why not use my pck files directly). Only sometimes. I think that was the main reason why do you not mess the pck files... Or not...
If you use the correct palette, it'll be fine. Just edit the spritesheet.
Try Paint.Net instead? It's a bit more versatile.
paint.net cant edit indexed png/gif in any useful form
why are you talking about sprite software here -> https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2676.0 is better
Update the spanish versio to last mod version with the fix of the sniper tactical
Any ideas on how to name the craft? Airstraker? Stormranger? :)
How about SkyRaider?
SkyMarshall? :P
in my case i rename for a order:
Eur-SkyAl01 for aleation
Afri-Sky01 Normal skyranger
Asi-Rav01 for raven ....
for me is more easy to choose in the list of interceptions
normally have 10 inteceptors in dance and 2 transports
3 mainbases 1 science 2 engi and 3 both with 2 interceptors x base and 1 transport. normally all bases with 3 hangars
the rest outpost with 1 interceptor
found a few things that seems well let's say interesting ^^"
- Machete shows 0 Dmg in the ufopedia don't think that this is intended
- also Craft Gauss Cannon Roungs cost 4k to produse and sell for 160k that's a liitle bit too much
also added some screenshots
after installing the new version of FMP i loaded a saved game which had version 0.93 maybe some of these bug are from this
Update the spanish versio to last mod version with the fix of the sniper tactical
Thanks! I'll add it when I sit down to mod again.
How about SkyRaider?
SkyMarshall? :P
All are valid. :P
Machete shows 0 Dmg in the ufopedia don't think that this is intended
It is technically correct. The weapon does 0 damage by itself, but it adds the user's Strength to it (like the Alloy Sword, but unlike knives).
I must write a better description...
also Craft Gauss Cannon Roungs cost 4k to produse and sell for 160k that's a liitle bit too much
Oops. I think I screwed up here. I'll fix this ASAP.
also added some screenshots
after installing the new version of FMP i loaded a saved game which had version 0.93 maybe some of these bug are from this
The first is a common problem for me :/
The second is a missing string, I'll fix it now.
Many thanks for the info!
There is only one reason why I use MsPaint: pixel editing. It is the best for me so far to edit pixel-by-pixel. And it literally not use any memory while I use it not like PhotoShop. PhotoShop+WinAmp+Mozilla+some txt files with notes and my laptop turn into a slow little slug\snail.
Anyway, both snakeman and ethereal commanders are ready but I want some experiment with them. And I saw the blue floaters' cloak lost the golden edge? May I put it back? Or it was intentional?
Anyway. Restart OXC today with the latest FMP. Bugs I found so far (not downloaded your latest attached rules as such rules always crash my OXC - maybe they also need the latest nightly?):
Right at the beginning pedia contains and show alloy vest and stormtrooper armour entries. Both are late tech (at least need alien alloys be researched I think)... Machete does 0 damage?! And not available to buy (it is also a civilian weapon?).
Dogies! This was the best idea ever! Love them! My only heart ache is that I can not dub them like Wulfie and Sharptooth :)
And Altoids. I adapted them from Xeno General what I attached an encyclopaedia (here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/lvn7q8i9iec3bj6/Encyclopedia.exe ). XG was strongly influenced by X-com. If you read the paedia you shall understand why they resembling so much to sectoids (took me 8 days to make that encyclopaedia).
On week two I was raided by Sectoids. Sectoid commander looks strange at first but as I remember the description from XenoOps it is more than logical to use that sprite for them. Was I good idea IMO.
And Altoids. I adapted them from Xeno General what I attached an encyclopaedia (here: https://www.mediafire.com/download/lvn7q8i9iec3bj6/Encyclopedia.exe ). XG was strongly influenced by X-com. If you read the paedia you shall understand why they resembling so much to sectoids (took me 8 days to make that encyclopaedia).
On week two I was raided by Sectoids. Sectoid commander looks strange at first but as I remember the description from XenoOps it is more than logical to use that sprite for them. Was I good idea IMO.
Hey Duke, what a nice work that Xeno General Encyclopaedia is!!! A crossover between X-Com and one of the "childs" of Panzer General (Two of my favourite ever games!!!) Where can I learn more about this mod or to be able to download it if possible?
Thanks for sharing your hard work! 8)
How about SkyRaider?
SkyMarshall? :P
SkyMarshall sound like the most logical progression in keeping with the Sky + law enforcement scheme.
SkyMarshall sound like the most logical progression in keeping with the Sky + law enforcement scheme.
really dont rename the ships????, for me the name is secondary i nedd to organice then!!!
really dont rename the ships????, for me the name is secondary i nedd to organice then!!!
Well, some people mind the overflow. Would you rather have "Alloy SkyRngr" or something?
Hey Duke, what a nice work that Xeno General Encyclopaedia is!!! A crossover between X-Com and one of the "childs" of Panzer General (Two of my favourite ever games!!!) Where can I learn more about this mod or to be able to download it if possible?
Thanks for sharing your hard work! 8)
Not so long ago I made a mod for the Open General platform (Turn based engine of the Panzer General 2 but wastly extended and expanded and as fully moddable as Open X-com) what is more or less based upon X-com. It interprets my version of the aliens history as how they crossed through the space and subjugated many races to twist them to those abominations what appeared on Earth finally.
The mod's installer's link and some description could be found here:
But before you do anything with the downloaded exe (what is the installer) go here for the basic Open General and a very good description how to use, set up or mod it:
Hope you will like the mod and it's story!
FMP related...
Alien data slate is infininte source of alien tech now. Last time I could research it only once but now I can research it again and again. I sold it after three "free techs" as it may ruin the whole game :S
FMP related...
Alien data slate is infininte source of alien tech now. Last time I could research it only once but now I can research it again and again. I sold it after three "free techs" as it may ruin the whole game :S
Read the mod instructions/readme/previous posts, dude. You're supposed to turn the "SPEND RESEARCHED ITEMS" option to "ON".
Read the mod instructions/readme/previous posts, dude. You're supposed to turn the "SPEND RESEARCHED ITEMS" option to "ON".
It set as on. It was such from the beginning I started play OXC.
No problem. I sold it. And I will do so if found any more.
It set as on. It was such from the beginning I started play OXC.
No problem. I sold it. And I will do so if found any more.
works for me as intended ...
And here, my friend, our opinions differ. :) In my world, supported by evidence (starting stats), these guys are hardly trained soldiers, they're field agents that take up weapons. Few of them seem to have had significant military training, no? :)
Stats don't support the theory about lack of training.
tu: 35
stamina: 65
health: 30
bravery: 80
reactions: 30
firing: 30
throwing: 50
strength: 20
psiStrength: 5
psiSkill: 0
melee: 50
- type: XCOM
tu: 50
stamina: 40
health: 25
bravery: 10
reactions: 30
firing: 40
throwing: 50
strength: 20
psiStrength: 0
psiSkill: 0
melee: 20
tu: 60
stamina: 70
health: 40
bravery: 60
reactions: 60
firing: 70
throwing: 80
strength: 40
psiStrength: 100
psiSkill: 16
melee: 40
Even min stat soldiers have higher tu and firing accuracy than civilians.
It set as on. It was such from the beginning I started play OXC.
No problem. I sold it. And I will do so if found any more.
What you're saying cannot be true and everyone knows that. I'm using the same mechanics in my mod for dozens of items and never once it has failed.
Regarding other things:
Skymarshall FTW.
Agreed with Sturm's logic on soldiers' stats, "training" or "lack of training" are relative things, and a civilian seems to be the only watermark available. True, this makes it hard to explain how your soldiers turn from "trained" to "superheroes"... Anyway this discussion always comes back... It's a matter of personal opinion really.
Pixel editing: you can pixel edit in Photoshop (while in Indexed Color mode). A crucial difference with Paint: your pictures do not need tedious post-processing to become useable by the game.
What you're saying cannot be true and everyone knows that. I'm using the same mechanics in my mod for dozens of items and never once it has failed.
I think my version failed since the first install. Not just the infinite data slate. No way to research spitter autopsy. Spitter corpse is a combat knife for me and if try pick up the game crashes.
Something went wrong along the install if only I have these troubles. Or something was wrong with the vanilla x-com?
I shall completely remove both (clean registry aswell) and reinstall everything again.
well i have a strange bug to report not sure whether it is from this mod or OXC itself ...
once one of my soldiers is minde controlled and is about to act the game crashes not sure what to do about it
i instelled the latest nightly of OXC as the version 0.94 came out as well as FMP 0.94
i'll attach a save file so could anyone test if this can be reproduced?
Irina Ilie is one of the soldiers who get mind controlled
just end the turn and watch the game crash ^^"
ill also upload my option settings
mods wise i only have FMP, HQ Sound and Statstring on
forgot to mention im using lubuntu not sure whether this matters or not
It set as on. It was such from the beginning I started play OXC.
No problem. I sold it. And I will do so if found any more.
Update to last nightbuild
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Version 0.9.4 is up, and it contains many changes!
As always, get it here: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack. But before installing, please download the latest nightly, or you may experience some bad mojo!
Has anyone tested it under Android?
Agreed with Sturm's logic on soldiers' stats, "training" or "lack of training" are relative things, and a civilian seems to be the only watermark available. True, this makes it hard to explain how your soldiers turn from "trained" to "superheroes"... Anyway this discussion always comes back... It's a matter of personal opinion really.
Well, even trained soldiers are green at the start and become veterans later. I had a discussion about it with a game developer that served as a medic in military and he told me that according to research people change physiologically when they win fights - for example testosterone increases. Veterans are also less likely to die after receiving the same wound than green soldiers, so HP rising is justified to some point.
Though yeah, it's weird that they can become more powerful than alien species engineered for combat.
But before installing, please download the latest nightly, or you may experience some bad mojo!
Yeah, I was such an idiot... I downloaded the necessary nightly but forgot to install it.
Now almost everything works correctly. Chtonite and Reptoids have no inventory portrait, everything is plain black. But it is not important. Mind-controll them is not worth the time. Mind-controll is pretty useless by the way... both in vanilla and in OXC. Easier to shot down anything with laser rifles or plasma rifles...
Anyway, some training facilities would be good. Cycling the 10 men crews to train them in missions has so much hassle. But need to implement a border how far their stats may improved by such facilities - like you know training do not equal with real experiences - and what could they train (bravery could be trained? Reaction, accuracy and power could be...).
Are MiB troops ever assault x-com bases? Almost a dozen of their crafts searched my base with "alien retaliation" but no battleships ever launched to attack. I always let them find my base (not shot them down with the Ravens) but they never come.
They fear :)
I've had a MiB assault on my base, yes.
I'd be willing to do some legwork {figuratively speaking} regarding color-coding various alien ranks. Anything I should know?
i like more color for ranks what but the downside of this is the uselessness of mindprobe
i frequently used it to determine what aliens were worth the stunning-risk
no i can spare the 3-4 mindprobe guys in the background
for me its a bit of a gameplay change to an easier mode
Well, it varies. The mind probe can be rather useless with the line of fire option enabled as it is.
Well, even trained soldiers are green at the start and become veterans later. I had a discussion about it with a game developer that served as a medic in military and he told me that according to research people change physiologically when they win fights - for example testosterone increases. Veterans are also less likely to die after receiving the same wound than green soldiers, so HP rising is justified to some point.
Though yeah, it's weird that they can become more powerful than alien species engineered for combat.
I checked the manual and apparently X-Com has "the world's finest pilots, soldiers, scientists and engineers". Which would imply that realistically, these guys should be statted-out like special forces soldiers. I think there are tens of thousands of them around the world, so realistically, it would be possible to recruit only from elite units without ever being in danger of the recruit pool drying up.
0.94 Edit
New Entries Proofread for both en-US and en-GB. Double Spaces reinserted. Trailing spaces trimmed. Fixed broken Alloy Ammo UFOPedia reference.
Apologies I haven't been around lately, I played volleyball a lot and last night I went bowling.
well i have a strange bug to report not sure whether it is from this mod or OXC itself ...
once one of my soldiers is minde controlled and is about to act the game crashes not sure what to do about it
I haven't tested it yet, but I strongly doubt it comes from the FMP...
I'd be willing to do some legwork {figuratively speaking} regarding color-coding various alien ranks. Anything I should know?
It's a very broad question. Most of the difficulty comes to the fact that it's an artistic work. And just don't mess up the palette.
0.94 Edit
New Entries Proofread for both en-US and en-GB. Double Spaces reinserted. Trailing spaces trimmed. Fixed broken Alloy Ammo UFOPedia reference.
Thanks, will have a look ASAP.
well i have a strange bug to report not sure whether it is from this mod or OXC itself ...
once one of my soldiers is minde controlled and is about to act the game crashes not sure what to do about it
i instelled the latest nightly of OXC as the version 0.94 came out as well as FMP 0.94
i'll attach a save file so could anyone test if this can be reproduced?
Irina Ilie is one of the soldiers who get mind controlled
just end the turn and watch the game crash ^^"
ill also upload my option settings
mods wise i only have FMP, HQ Sound and Statstring on
forgot to mention im using lubuntu not sure whether this matters or not
I have this same issue and I'm on a Sectoid mission with a very large ship...completely stuck now, can't make it to end of current turn as it crashes as soon as one of my guys gets mind controlled.
I haven't tested it yet, but I strongly doubt it comes from the FMP...
I've just tested to see if it really is FMP causing the problem, here are my results
Test 1. Load current game with FMP enabled - Crash on Mind Control
Test2. Disable FMP and load current game (game just crashes, totally incompatible with vanilla)
So new Test
Test 1. Load old game with FMP enabled - Crash on mind control
Test 2. Load old game with FMP disabled - everything works fine
Result - FMP causing the problem :(
I have this same issue and I'm on a Sectoid mission with a very large ship...completely stuck now, can't make it to end of current turn as it crashes as soon as one of my guys gets mind controlled.
the way i got around those missions is i activated save scumming and saved everytime at the end of a turn then ended it and everytime any of my soldiers got mind controlled i loaded the save and tried to get to a turn where my soldier would resist the mind control or other actions would be taken (like panic or even berserking)
I have no problem with mind-controll. Only that my snipers shot way to precise under alien controll...
the way i got around those missions is i activated save scumming and saved everytime at the end of a turn then ended it and everytime any of my soldiers got mind controlled i loaded the save and tried to get to a turn where my soldier would resist the mind control or other actions would be taken (like panic or even berserking)
i've been using this method too, it's how i've got so far. But now i'm completely stuck, i've reloaded about 100 times and there's always a mind control. my only option now is a fix
i've been using this method too, it's how i've got so far. But now i'm completely stuck, i've reloaded about 100 times and there's always a mind control. my only option now is a fix
indeed that sucks ...
got a question about HWPs
i noticed that there is not that much difference between the laser and plasma HWPs only 5 points more weapon power (laser 110, plasma 115, gauss 95 )
as far as normal weapons go gauss is much better than laser not sure about plasma yet don't have them researched yet
i also wanted to use a gauss tank the other day so i build one then i noticed that each shell costs 3,6k to produce and you need 60 of them to even be able to get a gauss tank in the skyranger ... imho that's a bit too much
my suggestion would be to reduce the costs or make the current gauss HWP shells behave like rifle clips so that one shell reloads a tank's mag completely
You need to start employing Commissar tactics in combination with the save scumming. When you reload shoot the weak minded soldiers so there's no chance of them getting controlled... but again that's only an overly complicated situational fix that doesn't address the underlying issue.
I wish i could, but I've not researched psionics. This is pretty early on, just sectoids
i quite like the word Commissar though :) word of the day - added to vocab
The word it's self is actually a russian word for a type of political or military officer. But in WWII that was the rank of the officers who would stand behind the front line and shoot anyone who stepped backwards. In Warhammer you put them in a squad and if they fail a moral check the commissar shoots the officer and the squad doesn't run away, and will kill your psychics if they screw up to prevent alien influence.
If you keep track of which troops are being controlled before the crash kill/stun them before ending the turn when you reload.
i've been trying that, but if i kill one, they mind control another, i've not got enough time units to kill them all
crepe. :(
I have this same issue and I'm on a Sectoid mission with a very large ship...completely stuck now, can't make it to end of current turn as it crashes as soon as one of my guys gets mind controlled.
Update to last nightly
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i've just systematically updated to each previous nightly for the last whole week. same issue on every one.
also i've got my own thread in the troubleshooting section and somebody just told me they have the same issue using the piratez mod, not FMP
i'm out of ideas :s
The word it's self is actually a russian word for a type of political or military officer. But in WWII that was the rank of the officers who would stand behind the front line and shoot anyone who stepped backwards.
Untrue, that job was given to special NKWD units (rarely deployed). Soviet Union used many kinds of Commissars (non-military armed agents), one type of them was indeed assigned to squads as a political officer whose job was to keep unit's morale and dedication to the cause of the communism high (true, you spoke something politically incorrect in his presence, you could find yourself onboard one-way train to Siberia).
If the unit deserted, it was actually the Commissar (along with unit's commander) who was getting shot, privates were usually treated more lightly. Instances of officers shooting their own soldiers weren't, I think, more widespread in USSR than in any other country of these times (I think Germans did the most of it).
a new nightly is up that fixes the problem :) thx all
Glad the bug was fixed. This time I was right saying it wasn't my fault. :P
got a question about HWPs
i noticed that there is not that much difference between the laser and plasma HWPs only 5 points more weapon power (laser 110, plasma 115, gauss 95 )
True, but this is the vanilla formula. We could differentiate them somewhat, but that'd be a significant meddling with original content, and I'm recultant to do so with this mod (after all, it's supposed to add stuff from various mods, not modify vanilla items).
i also wanted to use a gauss tank the other day so i build one then i noticed that each shell costs 3,6k to produce and you need 60 of them to even be able to get a gauss tank in the skyranger ... imho that's a bit too much
my suggestion would be to reduce the costs or make the current gauss HWP shells behave like rifle clips so that one shell reloads a tank's mag completely
I made the bullets a bit cheaper, but you can't have tank mags in Openxcom. (It's frustrating, I know.)
I need some feedback from you guys: do you want multiple colour variants of X-Com armours, like in Shadics' mod (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/colored-armors)?
While it would be nice to be able to issue individual armours to your soldiers, based on rank, personality or whatever else, it would also clutter the armour selection screen, since most armours would have like 6 versions or so (identical in stats). So I'm really torn on this.
I agree that it would clutter the screen though, I can see how some people would like having the option. What about making an additional .rul file that adds this feature for those who want it?
While it would be nice to be able to issue individual armours to your soldiers, based on rank, personality or whatever else, it would also clutter the armour selection screen, since most armours would have like 6 versions or so (identical in stats). So I'm really torn on this.
I like the idea of this, but at the same time, it'll only clutter it far too much, it'll end up being more annoying than useful.
The problem is repeat all armours in her variants. When go to manufacture select may be a chaos
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Today, 17:15
Most probably it's a FMP problem. Recommended addressing to mod author.
i found another oddball
check this one out
i think it doesn't work because the unit is a 4 tiles unit and i only mind controled one tile? but then it should also not work outside the ship ...
Got a new problem
aliens attacked my base, but not like anything i've ever seen before.
theres snakemen, mutons, sectoids, chrysallids, cyberdiscs and 2 new aliens that i've never seen before, all attacking at the same time.
the two new aliens are Gazer's and Reptoid's
anyway, after about 30 turns i've managed to kill everything, but the game doesn't end. I've thoroughly searched the map several times and spammed up to 160 turns just to see if anything makes an appearance, but when i click end turn, it just flashes straight to new turn without any time for mobs to have a turn - as if i have everything mind controlled.
I've trapped my 4 stunned mobs in a small room where i can restun them without them running all over the place. i've even tried killing them to see if the mission ends. If I abort mission I just lose my base of course. any1 got an idea what's up?
attached is the save file
ahaha i figured it out, I enabled debug mode and discovered a chrysallid patienly waiting upstairs not moving around - problem solved
It's a very broad question. Most of the difficulty comes to the fact that it's an artistic work. And just don't mess up the palette.
Working within the palette shouldn't be an issue - I'm assuming the one from the stickied thread is the colors I'd have to work with?
What would be the format they'd be useful in? For that matter, where can I pull up the sprite sheets for all alien races? Should I try to stick to a single color scheme for each rank? Not palette swapping the entire sprite, of course, just enough details and highlights to make them recognizable.
i found another oddball
check this one out
i think it doesn't work because the unit is a 4 tiles unit and i only mind controled one tile? but then it should also not work outside the ship ...
That's interesting, but I don't think I did anything that would cause problems here. The Salamandron is a unit like a Reaper... there shouldn't be any difference. Maybe it's an engine glitch after all? Was the Salamandron on the ground?
aliens attacked my base, but not like anything i've ever seen before.
theres snakemen, mutons, sectoids, chrysallids, cyberdiscs and 2 new aliens that i've never seen before, all attacking at the same time.
Must be a Raider team. I'll leave it on, it sounds fun. :q
Working within the palette shouldn't be an issue - I'm assuming the one from the stickied thread is the colors I'd have to work with?
Frankly, I can't remember. Just take any sprite that you know works correctly and work with it. Remember to use software that doesn't do any palette optimization.
What would be the format they'd be useful in? For that matter, where can I pull up the sprite sheets for all alien races? Should I try to stick to a single color scheme for each rank? Not palette swapping the entire sprite, of course, just enough details and highlights to make them recognizable.
That's a matter of artistic preference, you must work it out yourself. :)
ahaha i figured it out, I enabled debug mode and discovered a chrysallid patienly waiting upstairs not moving around - problem solved
How i enable debug mode???
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Re armour, I'd go further and say that while it's great that we can have all these different variants, it's getting to the point where it'd really benefit from the armour selection UI being given a full overhaul. If that is even possible, anyway.
That's interesting, but I don't think I did anything that would cause problems here. The Salamandron is a unit like a Reaper... there shouldn't be any difference. Maybe it's an engine glitch after all? Was the Salamandron on the ground?
im not sure in this case
but i encountered the same bug on a different map
got control of a salamandron outside an ufo FoW outside works as always but as soon as i opend the door
the tiles of the door were cleared but nothing further
that's a really strange bug/glitch
just researched sectopod construction and noticed that sectopod laser and sectopod plasma have the same specs but sectopod plasma needs 10 more elerium to be produced
is this intended?
That's a matter of artistic preference, you must work it out yourself. :)
Works for me. Still, any ideas on how to pull out the sprite sheets? I tried using pckview, but it just hangs when I try to open a file.
Edit: Nevermind, I was using an old version.
Edit Edit: But now I'm confused. Pulling up a Sectoid spritesheet, most of the colors it uses are on the palette - but not all of them. What, exactly, are the restrictions regarding color use?
Edits all the way down: Nevermind, I think I got it. For sectoids, option one might be a full-scale body recolor - considering they're all clones, being bred for specific purposes fits the theme. Option number two might just be a band around the cranium - more subtle, not sure if the placement is okay, but it might be workable.
missing text in FMP 0.9.4:
got a reply regarding the Fog issue here is a quote
from FMP rulesets:
standHeight: 30
From Xcom1Ruleset:
standHeight: 23
...unit height should not go above 24. FOV calcs have been capped indoors
just researched sectopod construction and noticed that sectopod laser and sectopod plasma have the same specs but sectopod plasma needs 10 more elerium to be produced
is this intended?
Yes, because it has unlimited plasma shots. That's the same case as with tanks: plasma cannons need Elerium.
(Perhaps it should be overhauled, so that you produce plasma "clips" from Elerium? But currently it6's impossible for tanks.)
missing text in FMP 0.9.4:
Arrrrgh sorry. It happens periodically. I'll fix it.
got a reply regarding the Fog issue here is a quote
That's exactly what I thought, too. I'm not sure if I should change it or not, since the Salamandron is obviously taller than that and it doesn't seem to cause problems...
Got another missing text string for str_cyberdisk_disassembly in 0.9.4:
Ranked Sectoids - I opted for a simple band around their heads in favor of full recolors because, in all honesty, I think the latter would have looked more than a little silly. I briefly considered only recoloring the eyes, but that would have only identified their rank if hey were facing the camera.
Would this work?
Now, floaters. I'm not sure about the commander color scheme, though.
The commander color scheme uses the Floater's default color streak, so I used a similar-looking streak instead - however, that makes the visual difference between the two rather small, and thus might be hard to distinguish between the two.
I could use an entirely different color, but I'd prefer to keep the color-coding as consistent as possible.
Or I could recolor the soldier's cloak into something else, but that's the kind of fundamental design change I'm a little leery of undertaking.
I like the headpiece on the Sectoid, at least the Leader could profit from this solution. Really nice.
Floaters, yeah, they should keep their capes. I like your results, but...
...but why would you use .bmp?! :'( Not only it'll require doing the entire transparency work, but it'll be a pain to fix the sprites themselves, because I'm sure there'll be errors.
I figured that's what pckview exports into, that's what would be most easily imported.
I'm guessing PNG instead?
I'm guessing PNG instead?
Yes, that'd be best. Please. :)
The core races, in glorious PNG.
I am not happy with Ethereals, but with loose robes and no distinguishing features, there's not much left to highlight. On the upside, they only have three used ranks.
Seems that I found a bug.
First of all, I' playing latest Android build, but this seems not to be a problem. I'm just started new game on Superhuman difficulty and got big ship with Sectoid Leader in January. After finishing this mission I found an alien data slate, which I have researched an next. And now the problem - after research I could investigate it again and again, so now in late February I have already researched elerium and delta radiation - and still have data slate in inventory. Should it not have been consumed after first investigation?
Seems that I found a bug.
First of all, I' playing latest Android build, but this seems not to be a problem. I'm just started new game on Superhuman difficulty and got big ship with Sectoid Leader in January. After finishing this mission I found an alien data slate, which I have researched an next. And now the problem - after research I could investigate it again and again, so now in late February I have already researched elerium and delta radiation - and still have data slate in inventory. Should it not have been consumed after first investigation?
look in advanced options - "research consumes item" needs to be turned on manually
I found another issue, and this one's a crasher : p
It seems that STR_MUTON_MEDIC is missing its items: entry. The upshot of this is that when you stun one to take home, the game crashes on the debriefing screen since it tries to look up the rule info for each item in the base's storage and can't find any info for STR_MUTON_MEDIC.
here's the stack trace, for the "technical" proof:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00000000009059f2 in OpenXcom::RuleItem::getAlien (this=0x0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Ruleset/RuleItem.cpp:665
665 return _liveAlien;
(gdb) bt
#0 0x00000000009059f2 in OpenXcom::RuleItem::getAlien (this=0x0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Ruleset/RuleItem.cpp:665
#1 0x0000000000989823 in OpenXcom::Base::getUsedContainment (this=0x6bf4d40) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Savegame/Base.cpp:1111
#2 0x000000000075b585 in OpenXcom::DebriefingState::recoverItems (this=0x6677900, from=0x6d91fc0, base=0x6bf4d40)
at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/DebriefingState.cpp:1119
#3 0x00000000007588e3 in OpenXcom::DebriefingState::prepareDebriefing (this=0x6677900)
at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/DebriefingState.cpp:853
#4 0x00000000007532d7 in OpenXcom::DebriefingState::DebriefingState (this=0x6677900)
at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/DebriefingState.cpp:157
#5 0x00000000006fb631 in OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::finishBattle (this=0x5b0b250, abort=false, inExitArea=10)
at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/BattlescapeState.cpp:1956
#6 0x000000000073459c in OpenXcom::NextTurnState::close (this=0x5a8a0b0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/NextTurnState.cpp:172
#7 0x00000000007344c3 in OpenXcom::NextTurnState::handle (this=0x5a8a0b0, action=0x7fffffffd3f0)
at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/NextTurnState.cpp:144
#8 0x0000000000797ea5 in OpenXcom::Game::run (this=0x4e20bb0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Engine/Game.cpp:237
#9 0x000000000065b25e in main (argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffd788) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/main.cpp:68
(gdb) frame 1
#1 0x0000000000989823 in OpenXcom::Base::getUsedContainment (this=0x6bf4d40) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Savegame/Base.cpp:1111
1111 if (_rule->getItem((i)->first)->getAlien())
(gdb) print i
$1 = {first = "STR_MUTON_MEDIC", second = 1}
(gdb) print _rule->getItem((i)->first)
$2 = (OpenXcom::RuleItem *) 0x0
The core races, in glorious PNG.
I am not happy with Ethereals, but with loose robes and no distinguishing features, there's not much left to highlight. On the upside, they only have three used ranks.
Yay! I need time for this, but I'll certainly use at least some of them.
I found another issue, and this one's a crasher : p
It seems that STR_MUTON_MEDIC is missing its items: entry. The upshot of this is that when you stun one to take home, the game crashes on the debriefing screen since it tries to look up the rule info for each item in the base's storage and can't find any info for STR_MUTON_MEDIC.
You are correct! The entry was missing. I added it, thanks.
As it turns out, they may or may not work after all. I've been using PCKview to export them, and apparently it has some... palette issues. So, I'm going to retry with BombBloke's tools and see where that takes me.
As it turns out, they may or may not work after all. I've been using PCKview to export them, and apparently it has some... palette issues. So, I'm going to retry with BombBloke's tools and see where that takes me.
Run them through Falko's pallette converter?
Did Muton medics messed with Waspites?
I researched a Waspite commander and I got a free alien (so far only medics granted this or engineers the mechanic races) but Cydonia not unlocked to research. I were need to capture another commander for that (this time it was a Sectoid).
And something is wrong with the Drones. Hybrids are eager to attack in the first few turns (then enough of them killed to keep them constantly panicked) but Drones just come, move BUT so far they never even tried to fire. Not funny as without them Hybrids are not dangerous even for just-recruited rookies.
By the way what determines the aliens' grenade using habits? Mutons and Chtonites are often throw grenades the rest of the races I never seen to do so. Or it corresponding to the game's difficulty?
Did Muton medics messed with Waspites?
I researched a Waspite commander and I got a free alien (so far only medics granted this or engineers the mechanic races) but Cydonia not unlocked to research. I were need to capture another commander for that (this time it was a Sectoid).
The Waspite Commander entry is fine, I checked.
And something is wrong with the Drones. Hybrids are eager to attack in the first few turns (then enough of them killed to keep them constantly panicked) but Drones just come, move BUT so far they never even tried to fire. Not funny as without them Hybrids are not dangerous even for just-recruited rookies.
They fire at me!
Maybe you were just lucky?
By the way what determines the aliens' grenade using habits? Mutons and Chtonites are often throw grenades the rest of the races I never seen to do so. Or it corresponding to the game's difficulty?
I think it has more to do with the fact they're physically strong races, so they can throw far.
0.9.5 is up! Not that much new content, but it fixes some bugs:
- Introduced various colours of Waspites.
- Fixed some bugs regarding new armours.
- Renamed Alloy Skyranger to Skymarshall.
- Gauss tank shells are cheaper.
- Added Assault Rifle (sprites by XOps, slightly altered) which uses Rifle clips.
- Modified Stormtrooper Armour - new helmet and is now black.
- Fixed Alloy Clip for the Rifle, as it had 30 bullets instead of 20 (why nobody has noticed this?).
- Updated Hobbes' Mission/Terrain Pack mod.
- Fixed the Muton Guard crash.
Hello: Some reports about details to be corrected in FMP v0.9.4...
1) The Stormtrooper armor is visible in the Ufopedia, even if it has not been researched (it should be only after completing its research, I think)
2) The new manufacturing topics: STR_SECTOPOD_DISASSEMBLY, STR_CYBERDISC_DISASSEMBLY and STR_CYBERMITE_DISASSEMBLY are lacking their respective strings in the extra strings section, and they show as "STR_XXX..." in the manufacturing list.
THanks for the big work, Solarius! :-)
Thanks for the new version!
I am glad you changed the color of the stormtrooper armor... Not that the green was bad, but it did not look like "X-Com Issue" to me! 8)
Actually, about the Hybrid drones - when psi-controlled, I notice they have no weapons at all, despite the UFOpaedia entry.
May be a fail. I sell a skiranger without unequip anithing. And i have all equip soldiers and armours. But my gauss tank ni is here. Me be run out similar jhonny 5 Lol
Pd the fail of ammunition of rifle. I am with gauss and lasers now, i dont use in this momment weapons initials
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Spanish Trans Update to last version
And a idea. I use the atack dog 1 per transport for me is a great explorer and cannon fodder XD but i think the dog may be train to stun aliens??? Not all but may be a % of atacks to stun and have the aliens live
And may have a 2 tipe of dog with clothes similar than a armour. Kevlar o alien alloy. To have a dog with armour or more hp
Yay SkyMarshall!
And may have a 2 tipe of dog with clothes similar than a armour. Kevlar o alien alloy. To have a dog with armour or more hp
Ooh, I second the kevlar/alloy vest dogs!
Although, that may be a coding problem if there is still not yet a way to put HWPs as special components for crafting. And possibly a logic problem if you make dogs w/alloy vests purchasable through the store after research (aka "How did the civilians get access to Alien Alloys!?")
I manufacture dogs. In context if only the armour. But can manufacture advanced dogs
May be rename the actual dog to civilian dog or cop dog. An the second more powerfull the army dog or advanced dog.
Se podrian fabricar los perros. En teoria seria solo la armadura pero a efectos del juego seria un hpw mas.
Podriamos renombrarlos a perro civil. Perro militar o algo asi. El caso seria diferenciarlos
Pd. I think the dog need count as soldier in the count to barracks. An cover 1 space ind the living quarters
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Pd. I think the dog need count as soldier in the count to barracks. An cover 1 space ind the living quarters
It would be nice to have a "living dog" that you can rename, gains experience fighting aliens and can change armors, for sure. Unfortunately, the game currently only supports one type of soldiers. So unless you want all your soldiers to be dogs, it's not possible to have a dog soldier.
As it is, a HWP is a pretty good approximation of the dog any ways. It comes fully trained and ready for action. The only things missing is swapping armours, but that might be possible using manufacture.
Thanks for all the comments about dogs, they're really nice, but I believe they should rather be in the Attack Dog mod thread... :)
A suggestion, which I think will help look things better: Now that the Heavy Cannon and the Autocannon are "researchable" items (no longer able to be purchased from day 1), they should be added as requisites for their respective Alloy Ammo types... Example: To be able to produce and to see in Ufopedia Auto Cannon Alloy Ammo, it would be needed to research Alien Alloys AND Auto-Cannon, the same for the Heavy Cannon AA ammo.
A suggestion, which I think will help look things better: Now that the Heavy Cannon and the Autocannon are "researchable" items (no longer able to be purchased from day 1), they should be added as requisites for their respective Alloy Ammo types... Example: To be able to produce and to see in Ufopedia Auto Cannon Alloy Ammo, it would be needed to research Alien Alloys AND Auto-Cannon, the same for the Heavy Cannon AA ammo.
That was my intention. However, reality ensued. :P
That was my intention. However, reality ensued. :P
From this day forward, all Reality is to be Rejected. Embrace Surreality only!
Cheers, Ivan ;)
I found another missing string: str_repair_stormtrooper_armor
I have to admit I'm seriously tempted to increase bravery of commanders. I've stormed several commander-carrying battleships by now and every single one of them died before my troops saw him.
Unintentional commander suicides, coupled with the fact that new crew mixtures mean too many battleships carry no useful commanders, are making me bored. I have *everything* ready for Cydonia, I've researched everything but Commanders and Cybermites.
So what should I do? Use psiamps to disarm everyone but terrorists but keep them alive so the commander doesn't panic? Up the bravery? Anything else?
So what should I do? Use psiamps to disarm everyone but terrorists but keep them alive so the commander doesn't panic? Up the bravery? Anything else?
I don't know, it seems like a weird problem to me to be honest, but one not related to the FMP. It doesn't make Commanders any more rare or more prone to blow themselves up with Blaster Launchers.
So what should I do? Use psiamps to disarm everyone but terrorists but keep them alive so the commander doesn't panic? Up the bravery? Anything else?
Hope you get lucky. That's what to do.
As the Commander of the RNG I will file a complaint and a request for whoever is responsible for making commanders more panicky than normal be repremanded ASAP.
Can't quite get how panicking Commanders make them harder to catch. If anything, it should make them easier to catch, since they drop weapons.
Warboy tinkered something with "panic mode" lately, maybe you should wait till he works out what exactly he's done :)
FWIW, I've had no issues getting commanders in my current FMP game. I usually take a "stun everything" approach (I'm loving the elerium mace!), though I'm not sure if that has any effect on morale..
I guess I simply got unlucky. But recently I've tried to make an effort to finish my campaign and it seemed like I was either getting battleships with no usable commnders (read e.g. Mutons) or the commanders blew themselves up or something else killed them. The only alien base I know of is, guess what, Mutons.
I do know this is most likely another case of RNG being bitchy but I'm playing on ironman so every commanderless battleship assault makes me grumpy. I'm in February now, crashed ufo assault count is something like 130 and the urge to ignore other ufo types is strong. But I don't want to risk fscking up.
And while I do realize this suicide problem has little to do with FMP, at least directly, the amount of Raider crews which contain no commanders makes the wait for a say Sectoid battleship even longer. So commanders *are* harder to come by in FMP than in vanilla. Hence the idea that maybe I could do something to increase their survivability.
Try not to do actions that cause panic. Ergo Stun and Mind control.
Get plenty of dart rifles and elerium maces. Maybe a Psi-amp or four, and get them all. Make sure to be covert about it, otherwise blaster bomb risk.
Solar, love the mod, good stuff, I just started another play thru after beating piratez and noticed something weird on this play thru.
The Gauss pistol doesn't seem to be affected by range like the other weapons. I have ufo extender accuracy one, but my Gauss pistol is way OP since it seems to keep its accuracy at almost any range.
I was using latest nightly and latest edition of FMP. Sadly, I lost the save or I would attach.
I start a new game and i see some fails in tech tree. I can use the ironfist when i dont research e115. I think to use and manufacture them the research is needed. Other i am building the cm and the amp-si without the investigation of e115. May be by the random investigation aquired by interrogation. But i think this is no normal order to get them
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The Gauss pistol doesn't seem to be affected by range like the other weapons. I have ufo extender accuracy one, but my Gauss pistol is way OP since it seems to keep its accuracy at almost any range.
OK, I'll have a look at the code a bit later. I'm not on my laptop now...
I start a new game and i see some fails in tech tree. I can use the ironfist when i dont research e115. I think to use and manufacture them the research is needed.
This is actually intentional; the reasoning is, you don't need to understand exactly how Elerium works to use it, as long as you have the engine. This isn't so with more advanced craft, since they're way more different from Earth planes. (If I added E-115 to the requirements, the Ironfist would quickly be overshadowed by later designs.)
Other i am building the cm and the amp-si without the investigation of e115. May be by the random investigation aquired by interrogation. But i think this is no normal order to get them
Why would Psi-Amp require Elerium? :o
Why would Psi-Amp require Elerium? :o
I guess because manufacturing Psi-Amps requires Elerium. Otherwise, no idea...
I guess because manufacturing Psi-Amps requires Elerium. Otherwise, no idea...
Hmmm. Maybe I should change this...
Hey, at least it'll balance out the elerium lasers! :P
I guess because manufacturing Psi-Amps requires Elerium. Otherwise, no idea...
Yeah. For this. If need the elerium tu build the object. You need know the elemment. I think
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I love this mod. Especially the added ufopaedia graphics and other small pictures were very (and pleasantly) surprising, very good quality and in-style. Definitively a must-have mod.
Oh, I see you are working on a new FMP+ mod... have to check out that thread right away. :)
My tiny contribution to this huge project...
I love this mod. Especially the added ufopaedia graphics and other small pictures were very (and pleasantly) surprising, very good quality and in-style. Definitively a must-have mod.
Thanks! I've been your fan for a long time (assuming you're the same Civilian), so it matters a lot to me.
BTW, I ran into some problems with the MiB, but don't worry - I'm working on it.
There seems to be an issue with the Ironfist, unless that's WAI - its range doesn't seem to cover the entire globe, thus going from Siberia to South America results in a low fuel message before the transport can reach the destination.
The ironfist have low cover range. In your case use the base in usa and create the 2 intervention team XD
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Well, it's an early design, without even needing the Elerium to be completely understood. What did you expect? :)
Thanks! I've been your fan for a long time (assuming you're the same Civilian), so it matters a lot to me.
BTW, I ran into some problems with the MiB, but don't worry - I'm working on it.
Yes, I am, I only changed my email-account and re-registered. :)
There seems to be an issue with the Ironfist, unless that's WAI - its range doesn't seem to cover the entire globe, thus going from Siberia to South America results in a low fuel message before the transport can reach the destination.
Forget Ironfists. They consume precious E-115 and have short effective range. Use Skyrangers or alloy versions. Still, keep two squadrons in arms is a good idea.
Anyway, I need some technical help. More precisely have some maybe unorthodox questions:
- How can I code flamethrower as an organic weapon (clipsize: -1) for an alien? I want firebreath...
- How does a code looks like what give weapons to specific alien races exclusively (instead of plasma to use)?
- Where need to put the descriptive codes of the second terror races? Afterall, there is need some order in the ruleset to keep or the game could handle no matter how mixed the code is (I mean some codes for research is in the end while a few other entries in the beginning and such)? I saw that different mods' rulesets use different shorting methods for the codes...
Just wonder if MiB craft could jam our intercepting radars alien vessels why can't do that? A more advanced race may not have any problem to do so, right?
- How does a code looks like what give weapons to specific alien races exclusively (instead of plasma to use)?
You can't, unless you use built-in weapons. That is, you need to create new mission types, new UFOs and new alien deployments. And you only let say new race X appear in NewMissionX. Trouble is, the mission might come up even in January, so you might have to let e.g. Floaters take race X's place for the first few months and use vanilla weapons on the first itemlevel. Not a perfect solution, though, as some floaters will be seen with the new weapons too. Or you might create the first itemlevel and the new race as a whole weak enough to remain reasonably beatable with human weapons.
- Where need to put the descriptive codes of the second terror races? Afterall, there is need some order in the ruleset to keep or the game could handle no matter how mixed the code is (I mean some codes for research is in the end while a few other entries in the beginning and such)? I saw that different mods' rulesets use different shorting methods for the codes...
Does this help?
This is where you define what string ID/unit name fills which role. Say you create a unit named STR_Galaxy_Overlord. You use this name instead of the STR_NEWRACE_COMMANDER in the example above and the Galaxy Overlord will serve as that race's commander.
There's no set order for the various sections in a ruleset file. You can use IDs in a rulefile even if you define them fifty lines later. Just make sure you never define a section twice in one file, i.e. you should never put say two "regions:" into one rulefile.
Tested the mod yesterday more thoroughly and found some glitches and things that seemed odd.:
-Many Ufopedia entries are visible from start that shouldn't be (mostly the alien-alloy related equipment)
-The Machete does 0 damage according to the Ufopedia.? (maybe you are using a strength-applied approach on it, haven't checked that)
-The Hazmat Armor... well, it seems rather useless, sure it is nice to have full protection from flames, but the armor strength is terrible, making it something to avoid. A small boost would be fine imo.
-The Stormtrooper armour inventory screens... They are somewhat .... odd. They look out of place or unproportionakl or something , I can't put my finger on it.
I really liked some features:
-The researches for proxy grenades and other things
-The nice selection of weapons
-The new MIB weaponry
-The slowed-down game
The mod contains a good and very complete selection of addons, well done, the small glitches however make it feel a bit unfinished, especially the Ufopedia entries were a bit immersion-breaking for me. Apart form that: This is a keeper! :)
I am playing third game with this mod. About the first one I'd like to forget very fast, it was quick game which ended in April or May :).
The second one was Genius with FMP 0.9.2, the current one is Superhuman with FMP 0.9.5.
As previously suggested I turned the option "research uses equipment" on and I am stucked now. It is October now and I managed to gather 3 data slates till now. Thanks to some medic and engineer investigations I have flying suits, gauss snipes and psi amps (luckily catched sectoid leader) but still no elerium based technologies (no laser, no plasma, no fusion). I am able to catch any terror ship (no battleships coming), but they come either without leaders or the leaders have no slates. Moreover, there are no alien bases I could assault to find new slates.
Data slates seem to be more serious problem when I analyse my previous game. I didn't sell any and I finished the game with 3 of them - after ca. 18 in-game months of playing.
Despite of these problems I would recommend this mod to every XCOM fan - this is how the game should look like. I still can remember how "refreshing" was playing it for the first time.
Tested the mod yesterday more thoroughly and found some glitches and things that seemed odd.:
-Many Ufopedia entries are visible from start that shouldn't be (mostly the alien-alloy related equipment)
That's new. Can you please tell me which ones? It certainly doesn't show for me.
-The Machete does 0 damage according to the Ufopedia.? (maybe you are using a strength-applied approach on it, haven't checked that)
Yeah, exactly. I am planning an overhaul of Ufopaedia articles on melee weapons.
-The Hazmat Armor... well, it seems rather useless, sure it is nice to have full protection from flames, but the armor strength is terrible, making it something to avoid. A small boost would be fine imo.
I pondered this a lot. I think adding some armour wouldn't exactly break the game, but it wouldn't help much, either. The Hazmat was meant only for flamer operators, with a nice added bonus of being quite resistant to acid (which is rather unique), so I guess I'll leave it as it is.
-The Stormtrooper armour inventory screens... They are somewhat .... odd. They look out of place or unproportionakl or something , I can't put my finger on it.
I've stolen it recently from the excellent mod by XOps. Dioxine said something about making a better version, so I'll wait until it happens. :)
The mod contains a good and very complete selection of addons, well done, the small glitches however make it feel a bit unfinished, especially the Ufopedia entries were a bit immersion-breaking for me. Apart form that: This is a keeper! :)
Well, it is unfinished, hence the 0.x number. ;) Still, this problem with the Ufopaedia is odd and has never been reported before. Info, please?
As previously suggested I turned the option "research uses equipment" on and I am stucked now.
To be honest, I am not sure what the problem is. Slates are useful, but most of your research should come from caught aliens - especially Engineers and the highest ranks.
Having said that, I admit you do get stuck in the game sometimes. It gets better after you research lasers. :)
By trial and error I'm beginning to be able to manually edit the ruleset files of the different mods I have on to the type of game that suits me but can't seem to work out how to correct the ufopaedia image of the reinforced shotgun shells from a corpse to what it shud be. I have just updated to final mod pack 0.9.5 today and it's still there, help please!
One final note if I may ask, I assume the "machete" damage=0 as strength is applied but can't locate it on the purchase screen or manufacture screen. The same is true for "dynamite" but it's there in the ufopaedia.
Question, though - is there any way of increasing the ratio of engineers in small craft? There's plenty of navigators, but those are by and large useless.
Question, though - is there any way of increasing the ratio of engineers in small craft? There's plenty of navigators, but those are by and large useless.
Yeah, it can be done by modifying the alienDeployments section. But I think it would be pointless; if the game is too hard, I'd rather make Navigators more knowledgeable. But I don't think it's necessary, and it would kinda destroy the entire caste setup...
Slates are useful, but most of your research should come from caught aliens - especially Engineers and the highest ranks.
Having said that, I admit you do get stuck in the game sometimes. It gets better after you research lasers
But it doesn't. It was the case at the beginning, so I could get a flying suites and gauss weapons, but now I get only information about alien ships (engineers) and species (medics).
IMO the research needs some more polishing and balance. Lasers should compete with gauss, but they depend on elerium. In my last games I developed lasers much later than gauss and used this technology only to produce some tanks (against sectopods and cyberdisks). Wouldn't it be better to make extra dependency for laser and allow to research it before gauss?
Another issue - I played yesterday a MiB terror mission. MiB came with tanks and doggies. Since my team is psi powered I could control some enemy units and noticed, that doggies have no teeth. I mean they cannot attack anyone (comparing to xcom dogs). Is is a bug? I could also remember a hybrid fort mission with drones (but it was 0.9.2) where drones flew around without giving any shot.
IMO the research needs some more polishing and balance. Lasers should compete with gauss, but they depend on elerium.
Actually, normal lasers don't depend on Elerium, only the better ones do.
In my last games I developed lasers much later than gauss and used this technology only to produce some tanks (against sectopods and cyberdisks). Wouldn't it be better to make extra dependency for laser and allow to research it before gauss?
I'm not sure what you mean. Are you saying lasers should be more available than gauss weapons? Then why add more prerequisites to them?
Anyway, lasers and Gauss guns are balanced against each other. Lasers are weaker, but have better damage type. At least that's how I imagined this, not sure how well it went.
Another issue - I played yesterday a MiB terror mission. MiB came with tanks and doggies. Since my team is psi powered I could control some enemy units and noticed, that doggies have no teeth. I mean they cannot attack anyone (comparing to xcom dogs). Is is a bug?
Dogs are such lovely pets, they won't bite their masters even when psi controlled. :)
Seriously though, I just don't know. I need to have a good look at this...
I could also remember a hybrid fort mission with drones (but it was 0.9.2) where drones flew around without giving any shot.
That's weird, they shoot just fine for me. I'll run some tests later.
Thanks for the reports!
The ufopedia problems were iirc the alloy armor and other alloy based equipment. Sadly I didn't write down everything, but I simply scrolled through the ufopedia with the NEXT buttons and here they were.
About the Hazmat armor:
I am using (in my mod soup) a starting armor mix of:
the usual camo armor mod with low protection AND the gasmask armor which has no additional protection but boosts TU and Stamina slightly along with smoke protection. the idea (or excuse, lol) for that is that the soldiers receive additional combat drugs through the inhalator. It makes both armors useful, one for the strong soldiers and one for the weaker.
Maybe you could try something similar? :)
May be interestin a partial block of atack psy or a plus to defense psy. May be for the material of the armour. The plome is greater arrgh XD
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Sorry if I'm in the wrong topic.
I've wanted to try out your mod on the linux version of openxcom, unfortunately it hits a segfault when clicking on bases on geoscape. This is just happening on the mod, I can play it without problems on the non-modded version.
Anyways, after recompiling the version 1.0 of openxcom with debugging signals, here's the output with backtrace (please tell me if you need any more information):
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
OpenXcom::BaseView::draw (this=0x4c6c4b0) at src/Basescape/BaseView.cpp:379
379 frame->setX(x * GRID_SIZE);
(gdb) backtrace
#0 OpenXcom::BaseView::draw (this=0x4c6c4b0) at src/Basescape/BaseView.cpp:379
#1 0x0000000000590503 in OpenXcom::Surface::blit (this=this@entry=0x4c6c4b0,
surface=surface@entry=0x4ad6ae0) at src/Engine/Surface.cpp:506
#2 0x000000000041f0c1 in OpenXcom::BaseView::blit (this=0x4c6c4b0, surface=0x4ad6ae0)
at src/Basescape/BaseView.cpp:498
#3 0x000000000058f6ca in OpenXcom::State::blit (this=0x4b14890)
at src/Engine/State.cpp:170
#4 0x0000000000500758 in OpenXcom::Game::run (this=0x4a717e0) at src/Engine/Game.cpp:295
#5 0x00000000004103b2 in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>)
at src/main.cpp:67
And last and not least, as I'm a fan of the original UFO: enemy unknown since it was out, I wanted to thank you and everybody in this community for the job that you've done and made it live once more.
Use the latest nightly build, this mod doesn't work with 1.0
Actually, normal lasers don't depend on Elerium, only the better ones do.
cost: 50
points: 10
Taken from 0.9.5.
BTW, found one more glyth:
cost: 0
points: 0
- STR_
I think it should stay STR_ALLOY_AMMO there.
The ufopedia problems were iirc the alloy armor and other alloy based equipment. Sadly I didn't write down everything, but I simply scrolled through the ufopedia with the NEXT buttons and here they were.
That's OK, we'll see if it is reported from other people too, then fix it if it's broken.
About the Hazmat armor:
I am using (in my mod soup) a starting armor mix of:
the usual camo armor mod with low protection AND the gasmask armor which has no additional protection but boosts TU and Stamina slightly along with smoke protection. the idea (or excuse, lol) for that is that the soldiers receive additional combat drugs through the inhalator. It makes both armors useful, one for the strong soldiers and one for the weaker.
Maybe you could try something similar? :)
I am not big on combat drugs, I just don't really believe their usability outside giving the soldier more energy for a significant cost.
If I ever add a stimulator, it'll probably act like this: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2417.msg24174#msg24174
May be interestin a partial block of atack psy or a plus to defense psy. May be for the material of the armour. The plome is greater arrgh XD
There has never been such a material in the X-Com canon, and psi armours always feel cheaty anyway.
cost: 50
points: 10
Taken from 0.9.5.
Uh yeah, what I meant was that you didn't need Elerium to make them, but indeed you need to understand the process to miniaturize the device. I just wanted lasers to be a bit less available than the gauss weapons, but maybe I was wrong? I've spent so much time pondering this, I need to change the perspective...
BTW, found one more glyth:
cost: 0
points: 0
- STR_
I think it should stay STR_ALLOY_AMMO there.
Yes, you are right, thank you.
Uh yeah, what I meant was that you didn't need Elerium to make them, but indeed you need to understand the process to miniaturize the device. I just wanted lasers to be a bit less available than the gauss weapons, but maybe I was wrong? I've spent so much time pondering this, I need to change the perspective...
I played it only few times (the mod is just huge, therefore), but always at the time when I got delta radiation I could develop elerium and plasma calibration. Besides from months knew gauss and over half of the team equipped with gauss sniper (the only advanced weapon with two aimed shots). So then I could choose between laser rifles and heavy plasmas.
If it were up to me I would try to move laser a bit forward, allowing it to be developed at the near time when gauss tech is. Advanced laser could require elerium, but the last should be moved forward too.
Do the techs acquired from engineers and slates any specified order or they come in random?
I played it only few times (the mod is just huge, therefore), but always at the time when I got delta radiation I could develop elerium and plasma calibration. Besides from months knew gauss and over half of the team equipped with gauss sniper (the only advanced weapon with two aimed shots). So then I could choose between laser rifles and heavy plasmas.
If it were up to me I would try to move laser a bit forward, allowing it to be developed at the near time when gauss tech is.
It was never as drastic in my case, but okay, you've convinced me. For now, I'll change the lasers' prerequisites to be the same as the gausses. It would be nice to differentiate these at some point, but for now, let it be so.
Do the techs acquired from engineers and slates any specified order or they come in random?
They're completely at random.
Another short game - gave up after encountering Ethereals before capturing a single engineer or recovering Elerium. Hypotheses follow;
I think I've narrowed down the cause of my research troubles - engineers only have a 25% chance of spawning outside the ship, which means that when the engines blow, they're likely to be taken out by the explosion, making them unlikely to spawn, especially in small craft. Also, though this may have been the roll of the dice, there seem to be lopsided odds of landing vs. flying UFO missions, further diminishing the odds of capture.
Some questions as well; is stuff like dynamite, AK-47s etc supposed to be buyable or not? They're mainsteam terrestrial technology, so I don't see why not, but they're not defined as such in the ruleset. Also, what are the pros and cons of grenade launchers vs. thrown grenades?
Finally, a suggestion - given that fusion torches come far enough in the game that they're obsolesced by other equipment, rename it as hullcutter, make it available as part of the laser research branch and increase the TUs used to 100% - that would make it available early enough to be useful, but its usage would make its user vulnerable {otherwise I can see a motion sensor/hole/shoot maneuver that might be too unbalancing}.
Another short game - gave up after encountering Ethereals before capturing a single engineer or recovering Elerium.
The answer is:
I think I've narrowed down the cause of my research troubles - engineers only have a 25% chance of spawning outside the ship, which means that when the engines blow, they're likely to be taken out by the explosion, making them unlikely to spawn, especially in small craft. Also, though this may have been the roll of the dice, there seem to be lopsided odds of landing vs. flying UFO missions, further diminishing the odds of capture.
I haven't modified either of these factors.
Almost 100% UFOs land at some point. Pursue them until it happens. Ironfist works well.
Yes, most Engineers are inside and therefore are somewhat prone to being blown up, but it's also easier to sneak upon them and stun them.
Some questions as well; is stuff like dynamite, AK-47s etc supposed to be buyable or not? They're mainsteam terrestrial technology, so I don't see why not, but they're not defined as such in the ruleset.
They're sub-par weapons, often half a century old, why would X-Com buy this crap? They have access to much better and affordable weapons (Rifle etc.), so I didn't want the buying list to become clogged with junk.
Also, what are the pros and cons of grenade launchers vs. thrown grenades?
It's a tactics thing, too broad to cover here. In short, launched grenades are weaker and less accurate, but they explode instantly and have virtually unlimited range (though prone to miss at greater distances).
Finally, a suggestion - given that fusion torches come far enough in the game that they're obsolesced by other equipment, rename it as hullcutter, make it available as part of the laser research branch and increase the TUs used to 100% - that would make it available early enough to be useful, but its usage would make its user vulnerable {otherwise I can see a motion sensor/hole/shoot maneuver that might be too unbalancing}.
I think 100% is too much, since you wouldn't even be able to make a minuscule turn and use it. But I may balance it further.
Finally, a suggestion - given that fusion torches come far enough in the game that they're obsolesced by other equipment, rename it as hullcutter, make it available as part of the laser research branch and increase the TUs used to 100% - that would make it available early enough to be useful, but its usage would make its user vulnerable {otherwise I can see a motion sensor/hole/shoot maneuver that might be too unbalancing}.
I find this idea great. I used torch in two or three missions and then flew to Cydonia - they code definitely too late. And TU set to 90% should be enough.
Another short game - gave up after encountering Ethereals before capturing a single engineer or recovering Elerium. Hypotheses follow;
I think I've narrowed down the cause of my research troubles - engineers only have a 25% chance of spawning outside the ship, which means that when the engines blow, they're likely to be taken out by the explosion, making them unlikely to spawn, especially in small craft. Also, though this may have been the roll of the dice, there seem to be lopsided odds of landing vs. flying UFO missions, further diminishing the odds of capture.
Some questions as well; is stuff like dynamite, AK-47s etc supposed to be buyable or not? They're mainsteam terrestrial technology, so I don't see why not, but they're not defined as such in the ruleset. Also, what are the pros and cons of grenade launchers vs. thrown grenades?
Finally, a suggestion - given that fusion torches come far enough in the game that they're obsolesced by other equipment, rename it as hullcutter, make it available as part of the laser research branch and increase the TUs used to 100% - that would make it available early enough to be useful, but its usage would make its user vulnerable {otherwise I can see a motion sensor/hole/shoot maneuver that might be too unbalancing}.
When you touch metal ufo.
i want the aliens live jajajajaja
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I find this idea great. I used torch in two or three missions and then flew to Cydonia - they code definitely too late. And TU set to 90% should be enough.
What ucel said, the fusion weapons are too late.
about to do another FMP run, is 0.9.5 the latest? Open xcom mod site down, so couldn't check there.
Also, I can't recall, does this mod contain any content from equal terms?
about to do another FMP run, is 0.9.5 the latest? Open xcom mod site down, so couldn't check there.
Yeah, it's the latest, but there are several errors. 0.9.6 is coming up, I just want to finish the MiB update before releasing it, and it's taking like forever. (I'll try to do it tonight.)
Also, I can't recall, does this mod contain any content from equal terms?
Probably not, since Equal Terms is a "new approach" type of a mod, while the FMP is a "keep things vanilla" philosophy.
As for the upcoming 0.9.6, there are following changes planned (apart from bug fixes):
- flat TU cost for knives (much like the sword already has),
- more accessible Fusion Torch and lasers,
- minor changes to alien armour resistances, to emphasize on using various weapon types,
- a late MiB variant, with Sectopods and power armours. (Assuming it'll work.)
And what about coloured armors? Should we expect them in 0.9.6 or later?
And what about coloured armors? Should we expect them in 0.9.6 or later?
A poll among the players showed that people generally think that so many armours with the same stats would clutter the list, an opinion I happen to agree with. This has outweighed the obvious aesthetic advantage.
But some of these resources will still be used in some form; for now, the black Power Suit is used by the MiBs.
I wish there were a way to dynamically assign a "accent color" to soldiers, which would then be used on armor shoulder pads, helmets (stripe) or something..
@ucel: it should be relatively straightforward to write a FMP compatible mod for colored power and flying suits using the ruleset that come with that mod. Just change the stats of the different armors and change the required items for manufacturing to fit the corresponding ones in the FMP.
I've decided to release 0.9.6.
I am not completely, zillion percent sure that the new MiBs won't crash your game, but I've done many tests and it seems all right.
Here's the list of new additions and changes:
- Added a late variant of the MiB (credits to Falko - Sectopod, Shadics - Power Suit and XOps - Stormtrooper Armour).
- Added enhanced sprites for the Jump Armour (by Xeno Viper).
- TU cost for using knives is flat rate now.
- Laser weapons and the Fusion Torch are easier to develop.
- Rebalanced alien armours a little.
- Introduced Elerium extraction from alien clips and explosives (based on Falko's mod).
- Minor tweaks of alien races composition.
- Added Alien Raiders as a (unlikely) race for some standard missions.
- Blaster Bomb costs 5 Elerium now, Fusion Ball costs 8 Elerium.
- Power armours and most tanks are now somewhat weaker to lasers.
And the bug fixes:
- Fixed prerequisites for Auto-Cannon and Heavy Cannon alloy clips.
- Fixed armour translation stuff.
- Fixed a broken string for the AA Pistol Clip.
- Fixed missing Assault Rifle description.
- Fixed Hovertank/Launcher Ufopedia page.
Since the mod portal is down, I'm putting the file on Mediafire for now. Here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/b8q7inw4di5uvs4/Final+Mod+Pack_0.9.6.zip
That's it, have fun!
Is the MiB stuff supposed to be nearly instantly manufacturable (all you need are corpses). They listed immediately in "manufacture->new production" when starting a game. How does xcom know this?
Is the MiB stuff supposed to be nearly instantly manufacturable (all you need are corpses). They listed immediately in "manufacture->new production" when starting a game. How does xcom know this?
Well, I could add a research prerequisite, but it would be hard to determine; if you find this stuff, you can just take it (the manufacturing process is just a mechanism to make it possible). And I didn't want to make the armour itself a prerequisite, because by then you wouldn't really need to steal from the MiB.
But I am very open to suggestions.
I've decided to release 0.9.6.
And when can we expect 1.0 ? :-)
And when can we expect 1.0 ? :-)
At the very least I need to make, or find, 3 or 4 more armours. :)
- Synthsuit: Made from Muton bodies (synthmuscle extraction). Bonus to TUs, bonus to Stamina, research necessary: Muton + medical stuff.
- Advanced Synthsuit: As above, but also: bonus to Strength, better protection, research: to be determined.
- Symbiotic Suit: Biological suit, adds Health, necessary research to be determined (generally medical).
- Juggernaut Suit: TUs penalty, very good armour (especially bottom - vs. Grenades & Plasma Blaster), lowered Reactions due poor visibility.
I actually have them statted already:
Armour | Front | Side | Rear | Under | % None | % AP | % Inc | % HE | % Las | % Plas | % Stun | % Melee | % Acid | % Smoke | Wght | Fly? | Mod? | Tus | Stam | Hlth | Brav | React | Acc | Throw | Str | PsiStr | PsiSkl | Mel |
Synthsuit | 40 | 35 | 30 | 25 | 100% | 80% | 130% | 80% | 110% | 110% | 100% | 70% | 120% | 0% | 0 | N | m | 20 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Adv. Synthsuit | 80 | 70 | 60 | 50 | 100% | 80% | 130% | 80% | 110% | 110% | 100% | 70% | 120% | 0% | 0 | N | m | 20 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Symbiotic Suit | 35 | 35 | 35 | 35 | 100% | 100% | 120% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 70% | 100% | 140% | 0% | 0 | N | m | 10 | 40 | 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Juggernaut Suit | 130 | 100 | 90 | 90 | 100% | 90% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 100% | 80% | 100% | 100% | 0% | -35 | N | m | -20 | 0 | 0 | 0 | -10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Too much info out of nowhere? Well, sorry :)
Dioxine has a synthsuit and Juggernaut armor. The Juggernaut might be a bit on the 40k ork side. But the synth suit would fit right in. Course this is piratez mod stuff
Dioxine has a synthsuit and Juggernaut armor. The Juggernaut might be a bit on the 40k ork side. But the synth suit would fit right in. Course this is piratez mod stuff
Yeah, but it'd still require a lot of work. An X-Com operative looks very different from an orky grrrl. :)
If anything, it looks like the Juggernaut suit would be power armour like that of the Xenonaut's Predator Battle Suit, where as instead of decreasing TU's it increases strength, only allows use for heavy weapons (but not rocket launched which is stupid) and has poor visibility. I don't think it should decrease TU unless if it is not power armour.
Also, on the topic of armours, does the Personal Armour have a weight value?
If anything, it looks like the Juggernaut suit would be power armour like that of the Xenonaut's Predator Battle Suit, where as instead of decreasing TU's it increases strength, only allows use for heavy weapons (but not rocket launched which is stupid) and has poor visibility. I don't think it should decrease TU unless if it is not power armour.
Something like that I guess, though I haven't played Xenonauts all that much (despite having pre-ordered it) and therefore can't say much.
And it is slow despite being powered, because 1) it's very stiff for maximum protection and 2) it's heavy as f*ck.
Also, on the topic of armours, does the Personal Armour have a weight value?
Yeah, weight: 5. It's light, but not that light.
Quick note, I like the ability to extract elerium from equipment, but I might suggest a shorter name for the manufacturing list. I'd recommend something like "Elerium-115 (Item Name)", as that would allow it to fit in the window.
Quick note, I like the ability to extract elerium from equipment, but I might suggest a shorter name for the manufacturing list. I'd recommend something like "Elerium-115 (Item Name)", as that would allow it to fit in the window.
Agreed. I'm still experimenting with this, and your suggestion is definitely better than most solutions.
You'd probably have shorten it to E-115(x), Heavy Plasma Clip etc. is a long name and I'm not quite sure it'd all fit.
I wonder if there is a possibility to not have a manufacture list but different sub-menus for equipments to manufacture. Like Ufopedia. A sub menu for alien weapons, another for clips and so on. This way there are not much problems of how much items are manufacturable for a long while.
Or make items obsolate? For example obsolate alloy weapons and ammo when player able to produce plasma, gauss or laser weapons. This also shorten the manufacture list. Who built obsolate weapons? Maybe those whom produce them to sell. But true, Raven is one of the first things one may research and remain the most usefull untill the endgame.
Just a small idea. Alternative line-up in alien research (see attached screenshots). I think it worth to consider it - I myself not tried to alter the tech-tree on such level...
Nice artworks
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I wonder if there is a possibility to not have a manufacture list but different sub-menus for equipments to manufacture. Like Ufopedia. A sub menu for alien weapons, another for clips and so on. This way there are not much problems of how much items are manufacturable for a long while.
But it's already possible. You can filter the list two only show weapons, or craft, or armours, and so on. FMP adds one new category (basic component), but I can make deeper changes.
Or make items obsolate? For example obsolate alloy weapons and ammo when player able to produce plasma, gauss or laser weapons. This also shorten the manufacture list. Who built obsolate weapons? Maybe those whom produce them to sell. But true, Raven is one of the first things one may research and remain the most usefull untill the endgame.
I don't think I'd like automatic removal of items, because you never know what the players might want to use - because they like the item, or because they have trouble with components and want something cheap, or perhaps they like the produce/sell ratio. So I'm not too keen on this idea.
And yeah, nice artwork!
Maybe he's using 1.0? I haven't got the nightly to work on my (Linux) computer yet and I can say 1.0 only has a (potentially REALLY) long list. Proper sorting with categories and listOrder helps a lot, but it's still not as good as the menus given in the more recent version. I'm sure you're already doing that any ways.
thread name changed, [THE FINAL MOD PACK] isn't a very good tag.
thread name changed, [THE FINAL MOD PACK] isn't a very good tag.
Thanks a lot. I wasn't the author of this thread, so I couldn't do much about it.
i figured, want me to do the rest?
i figured, want me to do the rest?
Yes, please, that'd be nice.
(Sorry for the delay, I'm both overworked and sick. Life is meh.)
Hey, playing latest FMP, running into a spot of trouble. I am playing ironman and after about 5 games losses finally have a sav that I am doing ok. Prob I have now is I am stuck with a CTD and of course since it is ironman, I have no other saves to revert to.
I am just running FMP and I think psi los, with ufo extender acccuracy. no custom exe or other mods.
I am in a terror site, looks like cerebrals if I am reading save file right. Right after the inventory screen, boom CTD, no error given. I tried putting all the cerebrals TU to 1 thinking maybe it was something they were doing, but no luck, I am thinking since it is CTD on my turn right after inventory screen, maybe is map problem?
I have attached sav and cfg if anyone wants to help, i would greatly appreciate it, as this is my first successfullish ironman game ever and I am loving playing iron man, makes the game feel much diff. But if this crash is unfixable I may have to go to faux ironman where I just don't save/load except as checkpoints and when logging off.
Thanks and loving the mod!
I can't really check right now, but it looks like a map problem (I'm not completely sure of course) or maybe missing resources for X-Com equipment... Please try download and install the latest version of the mod and the nightlies again, hopefully this helps. Otherwise I'll try and do something about this... uh, tomorrow?
Hey, playing latest FMP, running into a spot of trouble. I am playing ironman and after about 5 games losses finally have a sav that I am doing ok. Prob I have now is I am stuck with a CTD and of course since it is ironman, I have no other saves to revert to.
I am just running FMP and I think psi los, with ufo extender acccuracy. no custom exe or other mods.
I am in a terror site, looks like cerebrals if I am reading save file right. Right after the inventory screen, boom CTD, no error given. I tried putting all the cerebrals TU to 1 thinking maybe it was something they were doing, but no luck, I am thinking since it is CTD on my turn right after inventory screen, maybe is map problem?
I have attached sav and cfg if anyone wants to help, i would greatly appreciate it, as this is my first successfullish ironman game ever and I am loving playing iron man, makes the game feel much diff. But if this crash is unfixable I may have to go to faux ironman where I just don't save/load except as checkpoints and when logging off.
Thanks and loving the mod!
As far as I experienced Cerebreals always crash on terrors. Crash land or landed vessel missions they work properly except if there is a terror ship in question. Seems that mostly the Cerebreal terror unit causes the problem somehow. And I checked with latest versions... Problem still exist.
drawingRoutine: 15
set that to 16 and it should work now
in the last weeks there were changes in the order of the tftd-drawingroutines
Falko, thank you sooooo much, that fixed it!
And to everyone else who responded, thanks too, I really love how not only does the community provide such great mods, but is willing to lend a helping hand to layman who just wanna play some modded xcom!
Yep, I had the same conclusion, but Falko beat me to it. :) Thanks!
So, I've got a random question for you guys. Are there any aliens which have high HP but low armor?
I ask because I've been playing around with different weapons a bit lately, and it occurs to me that a lot of the high shot number, low damage weapons are cool, but ultimately seem pretty useless for anything other than accuracy training. Has anyone been able to make good use of things like the SMG or miniguns or plasma casters?
That's a question I asked myself as well, since I want to use shotguns and other short range, high number of shots weapons as breaching weapons. Once you look into it, aliens actually have very low armour values most of the time.
Just looking at Front Armours (since that's usually the highest), it barely goes above 50 (gazers, ethereals, sectopods) and usually 35 looks like a lot (Cyberdiscs have 34, mutons ~30), with 10-20 looking like the normal range.
Most tough aliens indeed seem to fall in the "low armour, high HP category". ~10 armour/70 health for anthropods, ~30/140 for mutons, ~15/65 for reptoids. Regular/weak aliens have 5-15 armour and ~40 health. The only balanced aliens are gazers (~70 armour and health) and ethereals (~50 for both).
By opposition, XCom personal armour is already 50 for front armour, 100 for power armour! The MiB also has more armour than health, because they use similar armours as XCom.
The FMP shotgun type weapons indeed have damage issue, with the plasma caster capping at 35 even 5 hits will do little damage. That's especially true for aliens shooting at XCom troopers wearing even personal armour (70% chance of no damage for a hit, 1-20 damage if you "roll" high against personal armour with EU damage rules and 95% chance of no damage with TftD rule, up to 3 damage).
Bringing the plasma caster up to pistol damage (~50) already could be huge improvement and would help the aliens too. If a plasma pistol can do 50 damage 3 times with an autoshot, it doesn't seem outlandish that a weapon designed for short range mayhem could do the same at the cost of long range capabilities, but that's for Solarius to consider.
For the endgame armoured aliens (Mutons, Gazers, Ethereals), I think it makes sense that you would need to bring heavier weaponry. Heavy Laser/Plasma rifles work pretty well with their ~80 damage. Afterall, you don't destroy a tank with one million pistol shots, you use one AT missile, it's similar in this case: You need some extra punch.
Bringing the plasma caster up to pistol damage (~50) already could be huge improvement and would help the aliens too. If a plasma pistol can do 50 damage 3 times with an autoshot, it doesn't seem outlandish that a weapon designed for short range mayhem could do the same at the cost of long range capabilities, but that's for Solarius to consider.
I thought about it a lot and finally settled on how it is now. The reasons:
1) I wanted a weapon that can actually be survived by an unarmoured X-com trooper with no extraordinary luck, yet is not weak.
2) I also wanted a weapon that would be unique.
3) There aren't many plasma casters on the battlefield, so it's not that much of an issue. And even if an alien has a plasma caster and you're wearing a power suit, well... they also have grenades...
Fair enough. The idea of a "mass destruction" but relatively weak weapon in the early stage of the game is actually quite interesting. It shows the contempt of the aliens for humans: "We can murder them by the dozens" kind of. The use for late game become more limited however.
It's too bad that aliens can't handle multiple weapons, or think: "This guy is wearing a power suit, I better throw a grenade instead of firing my pistol."
Me again...I just researched fusion weapons calibration (finally, capturing aliens way more dangerous than killing em).
Problem I am having now is it seems I still cant use plasma weaps. The research report i got said I could now use alien weapons found on battlefield. My stores are stuffed full of plasma stuff but won't let me equip on my crafts. Am i missing some more research to use em?
sav and cfg attached if that helps.
You need more research. The energy contention of delta gamma. You need interrogate leaders or engineers. I think
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Yeah, that worked, I must have read fusion weapons calibration wrong, I got a leader or two and now I have plasma, payback to MIB was sweeeeeeeeeet
Any plans to integrate YetMoreUFOs here?
Any plans to integrate YetMoreUFOs here?
Yeah... when I find the time. ::)
The mini gun hand sprite seem to be a little mixed up. Attached is a corrected version.
The mini gun hand sprite seem to be a little mixed up. Attached is a corrected version.
Wow, I don't know when this happened. Thanks!
In other news, I've started adding some UFOs from Grzegorz's Yet More UFOs! mod.
I'm thinking of adding sonic weapons from TFTD, giving them High Explosive damage type but with 0 radius, so they'd behave like any normal shooting weapon (Dioxine came up with this). But I haven't yet found a way to implement this in a logical way, so I think I'll pass for now...
PLease add them, if anyone can do that in a logical and cool way than you (ok and maybe Dioxine, too) :)
This weekend I took a closer look at the newest version and...
I like it a lot!
You really managed to give XCom the feeling of a new game, it is more (in a good way) like Xenonauts or something now, lots of weapons implemented in a way that makes sense, clever research trees (-the things the aliens leave, won't spoil here too much), the new races (The Hybrid ones are cool), the new crafts.
And the scout armour is very cleverly implemented, too, I really like the way you added them to the game (found on certain units and need to be researched)
Wow. 8)
I have to admit the last time I tested the (older) vversion I did not have the time to test it thoroughly, but now that I had: Really nice and complete package, sir.
And three times yes, add those new UFOs!
I've just started a new game with the newest version and noticed, that from the beginning you can "manufacture" suit extraction from MiB. Maybe add Investigate MiB as a prerequisite?
I've just started a new game with the newest version and noticed, that from the beginning you can "manufacture" suit extraction from MiB. Maybe add Investigate MiB as a prerequisite?
That wouldn't be logical, as MiBs are normal humans wearing human armour. I don't think it would be impossible to wear a Personal Armour taken from a dead body. But okay, I'll think about it.
The issue is that it's visible as (the only ) manufacturing possibility from day 1 - despite the player initially having no idea what a MIB is.
Also started a game:
There is HC ammo in the starting base despite the cannon being not available, probably a mistake.
Dogs are extremely potent scouts, ultra-cheap at 5000$ with no monthly cost. You could easily raise this to 20k, maybe balance with bravery 10 so they are the first ones to panick when things go wrong.
As for weapons, I'm still dubious about the usefulness of miniguns : At long range, precision rifles, rockets or even basic grenades are much more reliable.
The assault rifle is an interesting and balanced variant of the stock rifle.
Some of the graphics may benefit from a bit of cleaning up (from memory : kalashnikiv, land mine), though I should bring this up to the original creators.
The issue is that it's visible as (the only ) manufacturing possibility from day 1 - despite the player initially having no idea what a MIB is.
Fair point. Catching a live MiB isn't so hard after all.
Also started a game:
There is HC ammo in the starting base despite the cannon being not available, probably a mistake.
Yeah, thanks.
Dogs are extremely potent scouts, ultra-cheap at 5000$ with no monthly cost. You could easily raise this to 20k, maybe balance with bravery 10 so they are the first ones to panick when things go wrong.
I can't see dogs panicking before humans, unless to a factor that doesn't concern humans much (like scent). As for the price, I've never actually used them myself, so I might have to test them better before determining the price; thanks for bringing my attention to this.
As for weapons, I'm still dubious about the usefulness of miniguns : At long range, precision rifles, rockets or even basic grenades are much more reliable.
Well, it's mostly there for the rule of cool. :P Though it happened to me once that I mowed down three Floaters with one salvo, each of them positioned in a completely different place! :)
The assault rifle is an interesting and balanced variant of the stock rifle.
Thanks for the input, I was wondering if it isn't too similar to the Rifle...
Some of the graphics may benefit from a bit of cleaning up (from memory : kalashnikiv, land mine), though I should bring this up to the original creators.
The mine is mine (no pun intended), and I have no delusions about it. :P Some help would be appreciated.
I can't see dogs panicking before humans, unless to a factor that doesn't concern humans much (like scent).
Remember this is "starting gear" tier, not endgame Cyberdogs. Low morale would mimic how the dogs are the first to escape the player's direct control when things start going wrong, at least because the dogmaster is wounded or killed or too nervous to control him efficiently.
And figure this: XCOM's german shepherds rush into the dark barn. They come back hesitantly, a weird look in their eyes, a single thought in their mind: KILL!
Version 0.9.7 is up!
- Some more UFO maps added from grzegorzj's Yet More UFOs! collection.
- Some ruleset cleanup.
- Laser Cyberdiscs are now orange, with orange weapon sprite.
- Added Medikit hand sprite by Ivan Godovich.
- Added some urban map blocks I made in spare time.
- Using MiB armours now requires MiB Activity researched.
- Fixed erroneus starting ammo.
- Dogs have Bravery 10 now and are more expensive.
Mine proposal
Edit: a less monochrome variant
Mine proposal
Edit: a less monochrome variant
Pancakes? I love pancakes!
- A Sectoid Soldier, Probably
Very pretty, I'm taking it.
- Some more UFO maps added from grzegorzj's Yet More UFOs! collection.
- Some ruleset cleanup.
- Laser Cyberdiscs are now orange, with orange weapon sprite.
- Added Medikit hand sprite by Ivan Godovich.
- Added some urban map blocks I made in spare time.
- Using MiB armours now requires MiB Activity researched.
- Fixed erroneus starting ammo.
- Dogs have Bravery 10 now and are more expensive.
Last time I checked, Ivan was not a higher deity, even though we all want him to be :P
Nevertheless, Nice update! Will play it if I have the time!
Hello I'm just wondering if this a bug or actually part of the mod. But i can't seem to research any weapons beyond the advanced firearms range. I have reaserched the guass and laser weapons project but i can't se any other laser of gauss weapons beside the guass cannon and laser cannon. Is there a specific technology i need to research before i can start seeing those weapons?
If you haven't already, be sure to capture and interrogate (any) alien engineer.
If you haven't already, be sure to capture and interrogate (any) alien engineer.
Thank you it worked! :D I Just realised there is a tech tree pdf.
I'm not sure if this is WAI or not, but it does strike me as a problem - namely, alien convoy missions and "Medium" sized ships can't be realistically intercepted until the late game, but they show up very early. They will easily outrun a Thunderstorm, and their landings don't last nearly long enough to be caught by troop transports. The end result is basically free points for the aliens, which is an extra piece of trouble when it's too early to get good globe coverage to compensate the score with shooting down other UFOs.
A little feedback on wimped dogs :
Got a base defense at the end of first game month (sectoids/cyberdiscs). The four dogs in the base kennels were helpful in spotting aliens, though I lost 2. Usually my own soldiers would be psi targets, but when I used dogs to scout closer to the hangars, they froze or panicked easily. One ran in circles VERY close to a mine I had planted to close off a hallway.
I assume it's the mix of reasonable psi power (40 iirc) and abyssmal bravery, I feel it's a very interesting balance. Dogs can't rush and bite alien psionics, unless they get a lucky bravery roll.
Not sure if this has been fixed in 0.97, but in 0.96 the Anti-Material Rifle (Heavy Sniper Rifle) usues the handobjects from the ordinary sniper rifle, which don`t really fit. I checked and Dioxine has better (original) ones in his Piratez Mod. 8)
Thank you it worked! :D I Just realised there is a tech tree pdf.
I'm not sure if this is WAI or not, but it does strike me as a problem - namely, alien convoy missions and "Medium" sized ships can't be realistically intercepted until the late game, but they show up very early. They will easily outrun a Thunderstorm, and their landings don't last nearly long enough to be caught by troop transports. The end result is basically free points for the aliens, which is an extra piece of trouble when it's too early to get good globe coverage to compensate the score with shooting down other UFOs.
I'm not sure which missions you mean - probably not hybrid convoys, since they don't fly at all. (Although they are rather fast, which is intended but still a matter of balance.)
A little feedback on wimped dogs : (...)
OK, it sounds fun! I really should begin a new campaign to test the balance, but I still haven't managed to complete my current one, so... :P
Not sure if this has been fixed in 0.97, but in 0.96 the Anti-Material Rifle (Heavy Sniper Rifle) usues the handobjects from the ordinary sniper rifle, which don`t really fit. I checked and Dioxine has better (original) ones in his Piratez Mod. 8)
I'll see what I can steal. :D
Yep, the Ground Convoy missions. They use the Small and Medium Ground Convoy UFOs, with a max speed of 5000 and an acceleration of 10. For comparison, a Thunderstorm rates a 4000 and a 4, making it literally impossible to catch until you have all the prerequisites to make Firestorms and Tormentors. The UFOpaedia entry also lists it as basically a freight mission, which doesn't really jibe with speeds that would put ICBMs to shame.
Yep, the Ground Convoy missions. They use the Small and Medium Ground Convoy UFOs, with a max speed of 5000 and an acceleration of 10. For comparison, a Thunderstorm rates a 4000 and a 4, making it literally impossible to catch until you have all the prerequisites to make Firestorms and Tormentors. The UFOpaedia entry also lists it as basically a freight mission, which doesn't really jibe with speeds that would put ICBMs to shame.
The funny thing is, these UFOs should not be able to move at all. I didn't have much luck spawning them, so I can't say for sure, but they seem to be bugged. I'll fix them.
Ahhh. Well, in the meantime, I just edited my ruleset and took off a zero. I'll see how that goes.
Was previously using Just did a fresh install of OpenXcom (I broke something), installed 0.9.7 on fresh install, get an error:
Error with unit: STR_ALIEN_DRONE_TERRORIST: Unit height may not exceed 25
Make sure you installed OpenXcom correctly.
This shows up in the DOS-looking window right as OXC tries loading at the very start. OpenXcom works just fine with your mod disabled. I opened your mod and found the offending unit, but its standing height is at 21. Not sure what's going on >.> I compared its stats to the one in, they're identical.
This is absolutely the ONLY mod I have installed, and it is the ONLY mod I am trying to enable.
Using openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232 Nightly.
+1 on the crash bug. Fresh install of Openxcom, grabbed latest nightly (openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232), unzipped. Openxcom works fine. Activated FinalModPack.rul, Openxcom restarted as it does when activating mods, and BOOM! crash to console window showing the same thing endersblade saw.
In same boat as endersblade, Final Mod Pack is the only mod installed, and the only one I'm trying to activate.
Windows 7 32-bit.
It's a check added two days ago, floatHeight+standHeight should be < 25
These are the three offenders.
These are the three offenders.
Thanks for pointing it out. Yeah, I have always been aware of this discrepancy, but left it as it was since there was no problem with it and I felt it was appropriate. So it was a design decision, mostly.
Now I need to change it...
EDIT: is online. It's basically a fix, but I also added Yrizoud's landmine. Thanks, mate!
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I have noticed one minor problem. The starting medkits have a shown TU cost that doesn't match up with the actual cost. It's not really a big issue, but it's one which has been around for a while.
I don't know if this has been brought up yet, but I have noticed one minor problem. The starting medkits have a shown TU cost that doesn't match up with the actual cost. It's not really a big issue, but it's one which has been around for a while.
I know, but I have no idea how to fix it. Either it's hardcoded or I'm missing something obvious.
A solution would be making all medikits identical in terms of TU use, but where's the fun in that?
Just downloaded the latest nightly and the new update to FMP and got this. I don't know if it's a bug in the new nightly or the modpack, but now you know.
Reverting back to openxcom_git_master_2014_11_16_0533 seems to have fixed it. Several newer nightlies seems to reproduce the problem as well.
Just downloaded the latest nightly and the new update to FMP and got this. I don't know if it's a bug in the new nightly or the modpack, but now you know.
Reverting back to openxcom_git_master_2014_11_16_0533 seems to have fixed it. Several newer nightlies seems to reproduce the problem as well.
I think I'm gonna strangle someone. :P Probably myself.
I need to sit down and do some tests, but I don't know if it's the mod being incompatible with the newest nightly or it's a bug in the nightly itself.
Does it happen often?
(Of course, this can be attributed to X-Com going into action with full force. Screw buildings integrity!)
EDIT: Apparently Warboy is doing some mighty work on the map generator. Let's for now assume these are temporary problems. If they persist, I'm sure mods can be altered to ensure smooth functioning.
I got it consistently even after reloading on the geoscape. (Save-scumming is on, so seeds are randomized each time.) 5 landings on the same crash-site, different layout every time but the pilot decided to crash into buildings every single time.
the definition where a craft can land is not "type: 1" anymore but "group: 1"
so adding "group: 1" for all "type: 1" should help
group 2-4 is used for the operation addline (to make roads)
so here hopefully one can do a similar fix
i did not see anything in the scripts in reagerd to the old "type: 5...8" i assume its not used anymore
Question, do Muton Praetorians fall under the leader category for research purposes? {a glance at the ruleaset implies no, but I might be misreading}
Also, what are the steps required for adding/replacing a new alien sprite? I did some basic race recolors a while back, but I realized that I need to recolor the inventory sprites as well {at the very least}. Is there a tutorial or something one might recommend?
Looking for some info. I'm cheesing by playing with the 'always daytime' mod on, but I noticed rather quickly that several missions were still at night. I've managed to find a couple of them and add them to the daytime mod, buy I'm still missing a few. Could you please list off all the different ground missions that this mod adds? I've tried going through the .rul file but again I'm still missing some. Most if not all of the missing ones have to do with MiB.
Hi, I've a problem with Final Mod Pack This game is always crashing on terrorsite mission - returning to Windows. I have newest nightly version. Any possible reasons? Thanks for help!
What other mods are you running? This includes any of the built in ones that come with OpenXcom.
I've been experimenting with the dart rifle requirements a bit. The idea is that, because of the increasing variety of alien species being introduced into the mod {no complaints there!}, locking research behind specific aliens puts too much emphasis on random chance of those aliens appearing {last game, for example, I didn't encounter floaters until the following year}. So, I've tried hammering out a different approach.
The idea is to break the aliens into specific brackets for mid and late game, then require the dart research to depend on either of several aliens for each prerequisite.
To simplify, for example, for dart clip B, one needs to autopsy a Floater OR a Chtonite, plus a Reaper/Spitter, a Sectoid/Anthropod, Waspite/Tunlun, Snakeman/Reptoid and finally Chrysalis/Salamandron.
The tweaked ruleset is in the attachment - I'm testing it right now.
The idea is to break the aliens into specific brackets for mid and late game, then require the dart research to depend on either of several aliens for each prerequisite.
To simplify, for example, for dart clip B, one needs to autopsy a Floater OR a Chtonite, plus a Reaper/Spitter, a Sectoid/Anthropod, Waspite/Tunlun, Snakeman/Reptoid and finally Chrysalis/Salamandron.
The tweaked ruleset is in the attachment - I'm testing it right now.
Great idea... I'm kind of running into the same thing with my dart pistol mod in the UpClose Modpack. I'm missing Snakes and Chryssies as my only encounter has been on a terror mission that I aborted. I've been thinking it might be nice to have a 2/3 or 3/4 requirement to let me advance the dart clips. I'm at the point that the A clip, won't do much more than tickle mutons, etc, but I really need Dart C clips. I'll take a look at your ruleset.
Hmmm. Looking at my savegame after a dissectoidion*, it might not be working.
Let's see - I have this defined in the ruleset....
points: 0
needItem: true
Buy my savegame is only showing the sectoid autopsy as completed. Any ideas what I might be doing wrong?
* I regret nothing
EDIT: Nevermind, I figured it out - for some reason, GetOneFree only applies to living alien research. However, the underlying problem persists. Can I make the suggestion of, as the game progresses, either increasing the weight of mixed crew craft, or increasing the frequency of alien medics? Swapping one of the navigators for a medic in the fighter ship deployments might make them less useless.
My biggest complaint has got to be research and pacing. I got the research done to go to mars before I ever got power armor, plasma weapons, or even the avenger. Of the original aliens, I've seen chryssalids, snakes, floaters, and ethereals. Cyberdiscs, reapers and sectoids. I haven't seen a muton, silicoid, and possibly others? I didnt see chryssalids until november, floaters in september. I can't recall all of them. I keep getting MiB missions, when they are really nothing more than an annoyance.
I LOVE all the new races, while I know you aren't responsible for their existence, it is really nice to have so many. But researching most of them seems to be pointless.
And to go along with aliens, spitters seem to have at least three different corpses. Only one of them gives you the UFOpaedia insert, the rest do nothing.
A lot of the research seems to just be fluff and filler. Trying to figure out what is needed to research certain weapons is annoying. I got the stun launcher researchedz but never did figure out what gave me the research for the stun bomb. And stun the crap out of everything! I usually bring back at least 80% of the aliens on a mission alive. (Selling live aliens nets twice as much as dead with that mod on.)
What other mods are you running? This includes any of the built in ones that come with OpenXcom.
Hello, i've only this mod on my computer (turning on "yes" in OpenXcom panel)
For next version add this mods :
Retaliator -> https://www.openxcom.com/mod/retaliator
Moriarty's Power Armor / Flying Armor -> https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=493.0
Alien Remix -> https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2580.0
personal-armor-variants -> https://www.openxcom.com/mod/personal-armor-variants
SCOUT POWER ARMOR ->https://www.openxcom.com/mod/scout-power-armor
Improved Uniforms, Kevlars, Dragon Skin & Combat Armor -> https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1857.msg17377#msg17377
Hello, i've only this mod on my computer (turning on "yes" in OpenXcom panel)
Are you running the latest nightly version of the game?
RE: Alien Remix
I love this mod, adds a lot of randomness to missions. However, FMP currently uses a lot of user made aliens as well, would they get the remix treatment as well?
Are you running the latest nightly version of the game?
Yes. Unfortunaltelly, the same mistake appears (returning to Windows on starting terrorsites, without error information)
Okay, the preliminary version of the color-code project is a go. Right now I've managed to recolor the floaters according to rank - no corpse or inventory look changes yet, that's a secondary thing.
Next up, Chtonites. I can't think of any proper highlight points, so I may recolor the entire body. Yay, nay?
How do you even pronounce chtonite lol?
Recoloring the whole bode would be fine. Mutons already have at least two different colors with this mod, green and black. Shouldn't be an issue.
I'm also thinking whether or not I should recolor navigators - currently they don't differ much from regular soldiers, in terms of stats or research they barely differ from soldiers, and in a lot of cases they're easier to capture than soldiers. Should I leave them as it is, recolor them for the sake of verisimilitude, or leave them, but allocate a color scheme in case they become more relevant in a future update?
Chtonites are done, in theory. I'm not sure whether the color difference between soldiers and commanders is too subtle. Thoughts?
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/33551029/FinalModPack.rar {hopefully I packed the folder hierarchy correctly}
Although it's cool to have variety in the colors, going by rank may be the wrong way. Need to capture a leader? That's the blue one! An engineer? Red one! No more waiting for the Mind Probe squad to Id your targets before picking which weapon to shoot it with.
Our military forces have learned about a century ago that it was a bad idea to highlight your officers by giving them big hats and stuff, because it just makes them easier to snipe out. Why would the aliens not know this?
In some cases it can be interesting (reproducing the muton commander from the intro, having an extra tough "muton black guard" or "darth vader floaters") but I think a blanket application turns it into smarties easy mode.
That's actually the issue it's supposed to address - FMP's research tree is based around acquisition of rare {and thus high-value} aliens. The initial stun tools are of middish potency, and their improvements require very specific breakthroughs from very specific aliens to unlock, increasing the need for raw luck. Identifying those targets creates a much more deterministic playstyle, which I consider preferable to luck of the draw.
In theory, the color-coding could be contained within a separate ruleset that could be turned on or off?
Although it's cool to have variety in the colors, going by rank may be the wrong way. Need to capture a leader? That's the blue one! An engineer? Red one! No more waiting for the Mind Probe squad to Id your targets before picking which weapon to shoot it with.
Our military forces have learned about a century ago that it was a bad idea to highlight your officers by giving them big hats and stuff, because it just makes them easier to snipe out. Why would the aliens not know this?
In some cases it can be interesting (reproducing the muton commander from the intro, having an extra tough "muton black guard" or "darth vader floaters") but I think a blanket application turns it into smarties easy mode.
Who uses a mind probe? I just run in and stun EVERYTHING. Let the scientists sort them out, and sell the ones I don't need.
Also, you're trying to bring real life into a game. STAHP. This mod requires you to capture specific ranks, and having them colored makes things easier. It does not make it cheese-level easy. The problem is, there is no true hierarchy, per se, amongst the aliens. You'd think Engineers would stay near the engine room, Leaders/Commanders in the command room, etc, but a lot of the time they're all out fighting with the soldiers. How many times have you found engies and squad leaders and such running around outside the ship? I do all the time. Commanders, obviously, less so. Point being, having to sacrifice a gun slot in order to take a mind probe, or just stunning everything like I do, isn't as challenging as trying to find that one specific alien you need, and make sure you get him back alive.
I think this mod should be a separate rule set though. Obviously there will be some people who want to use the mod, but not this particular type, and being able to turn it on or off would make things a lot easier.
The ability to identify targets is supposed to be a breakthrough in itself: The Mind Probe. Who uses it? People who want to stun the right alien and like a challenge instead of having them paint a target over their whole body? Stunning everything also works, of course, and is in general worth it IF you can do it.
Of course at the beginning it's supposed to be hard to find the right alien. It's the first time you see them, you're not supposed to know who's who. Nor that the red one is the one you need either. As you say, it makes the game easier. I don't get the claim that having free information makes the game more challenging than having to work for that information (TUs spent on the mindprobe are not spent killing/stunning aliens) or work with a limited subset of weapons (only stun ones). Maybe what you meant is that it made the game less entertaining for you and more like a chore. It makes it more of a challenge for me, and thus more entertaining.
It all comes down to preferences, indeed. Play the game this way, sure. I'm just pointing out that making it an innate feature of the FMP would make it less attractive to some of us.
OK, took me like two weeks to find the time to post here... Needless to say, the mod hasn't made much progress. :P
the definition where a craft can land is not "type: 1" anymore but "group: 1"
so adding "group: 1" for all "type: 1" should help
group 2-4 is used for the operation addline (to make roads)
so here hopefully one can do a similar fix
i did not see anything in the scripts in reagerd to the old "type: 5...8" i assume its not used anymore
That would explain a lot.
How do you know this, Falko? The Ufopaedia says nothing on the matter. Is there any further info available? Can I delete the "type: 1" entry, or does it need to stay? Do I change "type: 2" to "group: 2" etc.?
Question, do Muton Praetorians fall under the leader category for research purposes? {a glance at the ruleaset implies no, but I might be misreading}
No, they shouldn't give you Leader-only information. They only fill the leader slot.
Also, what are the steps required for adding/replacing a new alien sprite? I did some basic race recolors a while back, but I realized that I need to recolor the inventory sprites as well {at the very least}. Is there a tutorial or something one might recommend?
Sadly, I do not know any tutorial. The most important partis to stick to the same palette, so using an appropriate image editor is essential; Photoshop would be good, and reportedly some other software that I can't remember (but not GIMP, unless you really know well how to work with it, and certainly not Paint).
Looking for some info. I'm cheesing by playing with the 'always daytime' mod on, but I noticed rather quickly that several missions were still at night. I've managed to find a couple of them and add them to the daytime mod, buy I'm still missing a few. Could you please list off all the different ground missions that this mod adds? I've tried going through the .rul file but again I'm still missing some. Most if not all of the missing ones have to do with MiB.
Are you looking for a list of custom missions added to the FMP? Please specify, and I'll help as I can.
I've been experimenting with the dart rifle requirements a bit. The idea is that, because of the increasing variety of alien species being introduced into the mod {no complaints there!}, locking research behind specific aliens puts too much emphasis on random chance of those aliens appearing {last game, for example, I didn't encounter floaters until the following year}. So, I've tried hammering out a different approach.
The idea is to break the aliens into specific brackets for mid and late game, then require the dart research to depend on either of several aliens for each prerequisite.
To simplify, for example, for dart clip B, one needs to autopsy a Floater OR a Chtonite, plus a Reaper/Spitter, a Sectoid/Anthropod, Waspite/Tunlun, Snakeman/Reptoid and finally Chrysalis/Salamandron.
The tweaked ruleset is in the attachment - I'm testing it right now.
It's certainly a good idea which I should have implemented some time ago, but I never found the time. I'll gladly accept some help here. For now I won't be integrating anything, so please take your time with the testing, and I'll certainly consider you a helping hand!
Can I make the suggestion of, as the game progresses, either increasing the weight of mixed crew craft, or increasing the frequency of alien medics? Swapping one of the navigators for a medic in the fighter ship deployments might make them less useless.
Sure, this could be changed. I like mixed crews too, I'm just hesitating on the exact percentages.
My biggest complaint has got to be research and pacing. I got the research done to go to mars before I ever got power armor, plasma weapons, or even the avenger.
Well, it happens; not always, but sumetimes it does. But is this really bad? While discovering alien conspiracy is difficult, it's definitely as hard as actually going to a different planet with decent gear and blow up their HQ! Sure, in the vanilla game you usually could get the best stuff before you were able to crack most of these secrets, and it made some sense too, plot-wise, but I think it wasn't exactly better. But these are just my musings; I won't be defending this position to the death, so changes are possible.
Of the original aliens, I've seen chryssalids, snakes, floaters, and ethereals. Cyberdiscs, reapers and sectoids. I haven't seen a muton, silicoid, and possibly others? I didnt see chryssalids until november, floaters in september. I can't recall all of them. I keep getting MiB missions, when they are really nothing more than an annoyance.
I LOVE all the new races, while I know you aren't responsible for their existence, it is really nice to have so many. But researching most of them seems to be pointless.
This is just random number gods' work. The way the game works, you can repeatedly fight the same two or three races over a bigger part of the year and not see anything else. There's not much I can do here!
And I personally think MiBs are more dangerous than many aliens, especially when they use plasma guns.
And to go along with aliens, spitters seem to have at least three different corpses. Only one of them gives you the UFOpaedia insert, the rest do nothing.
Sadly, I don't know how to fix this. It's the same in Robin's original mod.
A lot of the research seems to just be fluff and filler. Trying to figure out what is needed to research certain weapons is annoying. I got the stun launcher researchedz but never did figure out what gave me the research for the stun bomb. And stun the crap out of everything! I usually bring back at least 80% of the aliens on a mission alive. (Selling live aliens nets twice as much as dead with that mod on.)
Yeah, I added some empty techs to move plasma weapons further away and also organize the progress more logically. I'll try to add some fun stuff to some of these techs, but it ain't easy.
RE: Alien Remix
I love this mod, adds a lot of randomness to missions. However, FMP currently uses a lot of user made aliens as well, would they get the remix treatment as well?
I haven't worked on the Alien remix yet. For now we have mixed crews, which is sort of the same thing.
Yes. Unfortunaltelly, the same mistake appears (returning to Windows on starting terrorsites, without error information)
Might be related to the recent changes in the terrain code. Or maybe you're just missing some files?
Oh, and Quinch: have fun with recolouring. :) I actually want to change the chtonites' sprite to adjust it to the inventory picture by Duke Falcon (with metal pauldrons and goggles), but it's a lot of work.
How do you know this, Falko? The Ufopaedia says nothing on the matter. Is there any further info available? Can I delete the "type: 1" entry, or does it need to stay? Do I change "type: 2" to "group: 2" etc.?
Warboy answered a lot of my questions https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3138.0 in irc
i plan to add the newest commits / ruleset changes to the modtester and will take a look at the code/test the new stuff then so my advice is untested (on my part)
as soon as i find the time for this i can document a bit and perhaps make an example map script
Warboy answered a lot of my questions https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=3138.0 in irc
i plan to add the newest commits / ruleset changes to the modtester and will take a look at the code/test the new stuff then so my advice is untested (on my part)
as soon as i find the time for this i can document a bit and perhaps make an example map script
But I still hope this'll go into Ufopaedia too :)
Now that I'm starting to hit battleships, I'm running across all sorts of map problems. I keep getting CTDs with an error message "Something is wrong in your map definitions, craft/ufo map too tall?" And on other UFOs, particularly larger ones (and sometimes including battleships) my Ironfist or Avenger will appear stuck inside the terrain as well as the UFO. Like, all three of them are connected. Some missions I've had to abort because a wall from a building or the UFO was completely obstructing the offramp, and I had no way of getting out.
Again, FMP is still the only major mod I'm running. My personal mod has no affect on anything of this nature. Running 9.7.1 on current (11/26) nightly.
Oh, and Quinch: have fun with recolouring. :) I actually want to change the chtonites' sprite to adjust it to the inventory picture by Duke Falcon (with metal pauldrons and goggles), but it's a lot of work.
Yeah, palette swaps are as far as I'm willing to go for now. Any chance you have the original Tasoth sprite sheet on hand, by the way?
Now that I'm starting to hit battleships, I'm running across all sorts of map problems. I keep getting CTDs with an error message "Something is wrong in your map definitions, craft/ufo map too tall?" And on other UFOs, particularly larger ones (and sometimes including battleships) my Ironfist or Avenger will appear stuck inside the terrain as well as the UFO. Like, all three of them are connected. Some missions I've had to abort because a wall from a building or the UFO was completely obstructing the offramp, and I had no way of getting out.
Yeah, I'll try to fix this new problem according to Falko's info, when 1) I have the time and 2) when I gather more info on the new ruleset definitions. For now, I suggest using older nightlies, preferably from October; the newer ones don't introduce any features that FMP would use.
Yeah, palette swaps are as far as I'm willing to go for now. Any chance you have the original Tasoth sprite sheet on hand, by the way?
Sadly, no. This can be extracted from TFTD, but the tool doesn't work for my PCs.
Falko sent me a message that his awesome tool actually works with pcks. Check it here: https://falkooxc2.pythonanywhere.com/spriteconvert
Now you can do it yourself :)
Yep, he sent me the link too!
{I didn't realize I had to upload both TAB and PCK files, derp}
Yeah, I'll try to fix this new problem according to Falko's info, when 1) I have the time and 2) when I gather more info on the new ruleset definitions. For now, I suggest using older nightlies, preferably from October; the newer ones don't introduce any features that FMP would use.
I was having the same problem, with the map glitches and definitions problems, following your advice I went through the nightly list;
I found that the "openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip - built 2014-11-17 11:36" works quite smoothly.
https://openxcom.org/git_builds/openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip (https://openxcom.org/git_builds/openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip)
The immediate following nightly mentions major mapping changes, I imagine that is where the problems started.
On a side note: Just got back into UFO a couple of months ago, after a few rounds of the normal game, decided to look into mods for the game... I am thoroughly impressed with what I have found! I understand the work is not all yours, however I'd extend the same gratitude to all contributors - Thank you for the amazing work! I look forward to seeing where it goes!
Solarius: I didn't find credits for the AK, I dunno if it's originally yours.
Here's my cleaned version, based on image references for "akm"
Not sure if I should make the metal one shade darker
I was having the same problem, with the map glitches and definitions problems, following your advice I went through the nightly list;
I found that the "openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip - built 2014-11-17 11:36" works quite smoothly.
https://openxcom.org/git_builds/openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip (https://openxcom.org/git_builds/openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip)
The immediate following nightly mentions major mapping changes, I imagine that is where the problems started.
On a side note: Just got back into UFO a couple of months ago, after a few rounds of the normal game, decided to look into mods for the game... I am thoroughly impressed with what I have found! I understand the work is not all yours, however I'd extend the same gratitude to all contributors - Thank you for the amazing work! I look forward to seeing where it goes!
Thank you! This is a temporary measure, but it's certainly helpful.
Solarius: I didn't find credits for the AK, I dunno if it's originally yours.
Here's my cleaned version, based on image references for "akm"
Not sure if I should make the metal one shade darker
Danke :) It was actually made by Dioxine, I'll notify him too.
And I like the colour as it is, after all the background is black.
Oh, and Quinch: have fun with recolouring. :) I actually want to change the chtonites' sprite to adjust it to the inventory picture by Duke Falcon (with metal pauldrons and goggles), but it's a lot of work.
Those were my only good looking works for OXC so far :)
I am more a man of ideas. Not like if I not... Well, forget this. It is easier that way:
Ima good with ideas
Ima good with graphics in general
Ima sucks pixelart
Ima sucks coding
Ima sucks with my own mod
But Ima good to train Rottweilers. Or so far both my dogies are good little dogies...
And just to push the limits of you patience bit further, some attached awesomeness (decide if in the good or the wrong term) comes!
Muhahaha! <= Dat was an evil (s)laughter U know...
Hi everyone. I'm from Ukraine.
I installed Final Mod Pack.
Some strings looks like STR_SHOTGUN
I found that in my language version - ru no translates for some strings.
I hope it's OK.
And some new researches has no picture and no description.
Is this OK too or it's becaouse of unfinishing of mod?
How i can set the picture and description by myself?
Excellent work, Duke! Thanks for sharing! 8)
Sanuich : The FMP brings together many mods created by different people. A lot of translations are missing for many languages.
You can look at the end of the file 'FinalModpack.rul' : The russian strings are under the line " - type: ru"
I counted >400 strings missing there, so it's a lot of work remaining :/ (The original strings are in English, under both "type: en-US" and "type: en-GB")
I don't know if empty Ufopedia screens have same reason or not.
Quick note, the thread for the FMPranks mod is up, if anyone feels like field-testing it.
Hey people.
So just a small question if I may. I'm using this pack on one of yesterdays nightlies. However it seems to crash a lot. I assume because the nightly causes mishaps with the FMP pack.
What build is suggested to use in regards to FMP? I found a few saying October builds and links but the links seem to be somewhat dead.
Hope to hear something.
Thanks in advance.
Well upon digging out 3 October builds. One from the start of October, one from Mid October and one from End of October. All 3 crash upon landing at a Terror Site.
New games on all 3 instances also.
A second note. Whats with ships spawning inside buildings and such?
I can't use tanks due to this problem.
After more digging. I've noticed it's due to a change in map gen. However I still cannot find a build that works with FMP. And ones linked all end up being dead.
Yeah, I was about to post about that. Past three games I have spawned in a farmhouse. Just the last one I spawned in a freaking UFO! This is getting ridiculous, and it's barely playable.
Yeah, I was about to post about that. Past three games I have spawned in a farmhouse. Just the last one I spawned in a freaking UFO! This is getting ridiculous, and it's barely playable.
Yup. Thus far. Early, mid or late October builds, various November builds or the latest night builds. Cause crashing to desktop at Terror Missions, and if a mission does work. Usually my landing site is IN a building or a UFO or even floating midair.
Weirdest was a large scout, and it was spawned into each other, but both floating about 2 tiles off the flow. It was....interesting.
I really hope someone will shed some light on this.
To clarify. I've also tried enabling and disabling nearly all options that come with the Base OpenXcom in thoughts it was some sort of conflict, but I can't figure it out.
So...unless someone can point us to a build that works flawless with FMP and is still downloadable. This mod pack is entirely unplayable.
try adding this rulset
it makes a simple type: 2 => groups: [2] conversion for types 1-4 + adds the urban script for all terrains with roadtypeodds
there are types 5-8 used in same base attack missions at least these need a second or third look
also its a untested (just search/replace the rulfile) dirty fix
try adding this rulset
it makes a simple type: 2 => groups: [2] conversion for types 1-4 + adds the urban script for all terrains with roadtypeodds
there are types 5-8 used in same base attack missions at least these need a second or third look
also its a untested (just search/replace the rulfile) dirty fix
Interesting. It now just gives me a "Map failed to fully generate" error now. As attached.
Would it be safe to assume at this point I might aswell give up and move on and hop that it eventually gets updated to work with the new OXC?
Hi all.
I'm having the same issues with FMP. Trying 05-12 night build, with FMP. Crash in Terror Missions, and alien base missions show the "map could not generate" message. Tried with windows 7 sp1 and in linux debian 7 compiled from git. I tried with 0.9.6 and with early november windows nightly build, the same happens. Using the new battle options, I saw that some missions, like MIB mansion and other (did not take note on all that i test), the ship generating in middle of building is a regular issue.
I want to help in the debug of the issue. But when the game crash i don't know where to look for what happens.
The most basic information you can supply is what you were trying to do when the game crashed.
"I was starting a mission and the game crashed" is almost impossible to work with.
"I was responding to a sectoid terror mission in a skyranger. It was the first time I deployed a laser rifle" is a lot more useable. The best is a game save (with a LIMITED number of mods, ideally just the FMP, so it is easy to reproduce the issue) a few seconds before the crash.
The best way to debug something is to repeatedly trying to do it, but changing little things. In the example above, if it's the first time you deploy a laser rifle, maybe try without. If that works, the problem is probably with the rifle, etc.
As it is, though, there has just been a HUGE overhaul of how maps work in OpenXCom, making nightlies after a certain date entirely different from earlier ones. Mods designed for the earlier versions (ie all mods) have to be modified to work in the new nightlies (and will then not work in 1.0 and early nightlies).
If your craft spawns in a building and/or UFO, that's a map issue. Similarly, if the FMP tweaked some things for terror missions (or defined new "terror" missions), those probably crash too when starting because required things are missing. There's not really anything to investigate anymore. Someone just needs to get elbow deep in the FMP code and update all the maps stuff (not fun).
Ideally someone could upload an old build from before the changes as a stop gap, until the mods get updated. I use a build from the 27th of october and that seems to have been a sweet spot for nightlies (most features implemented properly but before the map scripts, so works with most stuff). The other thing is for people to fix their mods, but that takes time and effort and I know Solarius is already really busy right now.
All terror missions crashed for me so far...
Can somebody please post a link to 27th of october build ? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Because it isn't the map, weapons, craft or aliens from my test causing the issue.
I tested many times with new battle and regardless of the alien type, your landing craft, squad numbers, loadout, alien tech level, darkness setting etc etc. Terror missions just CTD without any sort of error. It's just a plain process dump without a log.
For me it always crashes on any mission in singleplayer. No log given, except this from openxcom.log:
[09-12-2014 00:56:53] [WARN] No free channels available
[09-12-2014 00:56:54] [WARN] No free channels available
[09-12-2014 00:56:54] [WARN] No free channels available
I've used Early, mid and late october builds, November and currently month nightlies.
I've had issues with all of them. However. It is only terror missions and the mapgen that seems to go awry.
Still. I'm posisitve that the mod maker will ammend or workout the issue at somepoint. :)
here an example how to make URBANA terrain working in FMP (and restricting Terrormissions to that terrain)
# - URBAN2
- name: URBANA
script: URBANA
- name: URBAN00
width: 10
length: 10
type: 2
groups: [2]
- name: URBAN01
width: 10
length: 10
type: 3
groups: [3]
- name: URBAN02
width: 10
length: 10
type: 4
groups: [4]
- name: URBAN03
width: 10
length: 10
type: 1
groups: [0, 1]
subType: 0
frequency: 3
- name: URBAN04
width: 10
length: 10
type: 1
groups: [0, 1]
subType: 0
frequency: 3
- name: URBAN05
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN06
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN07
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN08
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN09
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN14
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN15
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN16
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN17
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN18
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: SOLBAN01
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 1
- name: SOLBAN02
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 1
- type: URBANA
- type: addCraft
- type: addLine
label: 1
direction: vertical
executionChances: 50
- [1, 1, 4, 1]
- type: addLine
label: 2
conditionals: -1
executionChances: 50
direction: horizontal
- [1, 1, 1, 3]
- type: addLine
conditionals: [-1, -2]
direction: both
- [1, 1, 3, 3]
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 4
- type: fillArea
problem with my first fix was setting URBAN script for all "road type" terrains
but that urban script contained hardcoded blocks informations
- type: fillArea
blocks: [3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
freqs: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
and for some/all? modded terains these blocknumbers did not work so i just made a copy of the urban script and removed the block/freqs properties
tried it 3-4 times in new battle and seems to work
thanks a lot for this astoundishing work :)
however i get a crash once I try to land on a terror site.
How do I get more log ? Debug at true doesn't generate more log
I use:
+ openxcom_git_master_2014_12_10_1553
+ Final Mod Pack_0.9.7.1
Thanks for this great mod and your awesome work!
I'm really looking forward to when you are able to fix the terrain issues! The first mods (Terrain Pack) are already adapting to the new map scripting.
However until then, for those of you who can't get it to run with the new nightlies, this is the last one I know of that works with FMP without problems (thanks to davoguha):
Have Fun!
Thanks for this great mod and your awesome work!
I'm really looking forward to when you are able to fix the terrain issues! The first mods (Terrain Pack) are already adapting to the new map scripting.
However until then, for those of you who can't get it to run with the new nightlies, this is the last one I know of that works with FMP without problems (thanks to davoguha):
Have Fun!
So i managed to get this working with no apparent issue, with the nightly in the quote above. Otherwise , using the latest nightlie , ships were merged with the terrain.
But on my fifth or sixth mission I encountered invulnerable mutons and crysalids, who were also using mind control and such. Prior to that in a terror mission i was fighting ciberdisks with 2-3000 effective hp and before that the furries with 1500 or so effective hp.
Needless to say the game is unplayable. Most of what I've seen otherwise was great , except the heavy weapons that used 70 to 90% ap , in a game with no cover ... there is literally NO point in having them use more then 51%.
I thought about some times reading here how X-com landing crafts stuck in buildings. I wonder why not crashed UFOs end up their harsh landing in buildings? Afterall it could easily happen, not true?
I know it may hard to code if possible but will it not interesting to see a heavily damaged UFO crashed half into a 3-levels block house? Or a barn set ablaze the surroundings?
I wonder why not crashed UFOs end up their harsh landing in buildings? Afterall it could easily happen, not true?
that would happen if the ufo crashes in a terrain with buildings what they do not do (by default)
Just a sign I'm alive and kicking. Well, trying to update the FMP, but I'm missing a lot of information, and the information on the wiki page (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_%28OpenXcom%29#Map_Blocks) is grossly inadequate.
I'll do what I can now, then start pestering people for answers. For example, how do you set an alien base command centre?
here an example how to make URBANA terrain working in FMP (and restricting Terrormissions to that terrain)alienDeployments:
# - URBAN2
- name: URBANA
script: URBANA
- name: URBAN00
width: 10
length: 10
type: 2
groups: [2]
- name: URBAN01
width: 10
length: 10
type: 3
groups: [3]
- name: URBAN02
width: 10
length: 10
type: 4
groups: [4]
- name: URBAN03
width: 10
length: 10
type: 1
groups: [0, 1]
subType: 0
frequency: 3
- name: URBAN04
width: 10
length: 10
type: 1
groups: [0, 1]
subType: 0
frequency: 3
- name: URBAN05
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN06
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN07
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN08
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN09
width: 20
length: 20
- name: URBAN14
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN15
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN16
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN17
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: URBAN18
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 2
- name: SOLBAN01
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 1
- name: SOLBAN02
width: 10
length: 10
frequency: 1
- type: URBANA
- type: addCraft
- type: addLine
label: 1
direction: vertical
executionChances: 50
- [1, 1, 4, 1]
- type: addLine
label: 2
conditionals: -1
executionChances: 50
direction: horizontal
- [1, 1, 1, 3]
- type: addLine
conditionals: [-1, -2]
direction: both
- [1, 1, 3, 3]
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 4
- type: fillArea
problem with my first fix was setting URBAN script for all "road type" terrains
but that urban script contained hardcoded blocks informations
- type: fillArea
blocks: [3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
freqs: [3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
and for some/all? modded terains these blocknumbers did not work so i just made a copy of the urban script and removed the block/freqs properties
tried it 3-4 times in new battle and seems to work
Falko, why is it
groups: [2]
Instead of
groups: 2
And why did you leave
type: 2
in the ruleset?
And what's the deal with all that mapScripts stuff, like "direction: vertical", "addBlock" and so on? The Ufopaedia page mentioned it, but contained no real information on what it does. Apparently you learned this from somewhere, so. :)
TLDR, if the Ufopaedia article is made useful, I'll gladly fix the maps. Right now, I can't see this happening.
"how do you set an alien base command centre?"
take a look at the existing scripts
first part:
- type: addBlock
groups: 2
executions: 2
- type: addBlock
size: 2
groups: 3
and - name: UBASE
- U_WALL02
- name: UBASE_00
width: 20
length: 20
groups: 3
- name: UBASE_01
width: 20
length: 20
- name: UBASE_02
width: 20
length: 20
- name: UBASE_03
width: 20
length: 20
- [2, 14, 1]
- name: UBASE_04
width: 10
length: 10
groups: 2
revealedFloors: 1
- name: UBASE_05
width: 10
length: 10
- name: UBASE_06
width: 10
length: 10
- name: UBASE_07
width: 10
length: 10
groups: 1
- name: UBASE_08
width: 10
length: 10
- name: UBASE_09
width: 10
length: 10
- name: UBASE_10
width: 10
length: 10
- name: UBASE_11
width: 10
length: 10
# UBASE_12 is impassable, 13 and 14 are apparently unused.
# in the interest of preserving an original experience,
# they have been disabled by being added to group 5, which is unused in the scripts.
- name: UBASE_12
width: 10
length: 10
groups: 5
- name: UBASE_13
width: 10
length: 10
groups: 5
- name: UBASE_14
width: 10
length: 10
groups: 5
- name: UBASE_15
width: 20
length: 20
groups: 4
it adds two blocks of group 2 and one of group 3
if you take a look at the asignemnt in the terrains only the commandcenter ubase_00 has type 3 so its always placed the xcom placement ubase=04 is group2 ans with executions:2 is placed two times before the map is filled with other blocks
its a bit confusing because normally the types 2-4 are the default groups used by the addlines command for roads here these numbers are used for different stuff but it works fine because no addline commands in the alinebase script
Falko, why is it
groups: [2]
Instead of
groups: 2
a terrain can be member of multiple groups
internally all "just a number" group declarations are converted into a list
and i like to be consistent instead of jumping between sometimes list sometimes number i prefer only list
but you can use "just number" without a problem
And why did you leave
type: 2
in the ruleset?
to make it somwhat workable with old and new nightlies/1.0
And what's the deal with all that mapScripts stuff, like "direction: vertical", "addBlock" and so on?
addline has a direction parameter it can be used for roads in a terror site with only vertical or only horicontal or both directions
addblock tries to put a block in a free space in a map
lets take a look at the first aiienbase command - type: addBlock
groups: 2
executions: 2
it adds a block of group "2" two times (executions :2)
what terrainblock is group 2 is defined in terrains
you can do more stuff with executionchances, condinal , freq(uencies) max( occurances),....
Apparently you learned this from somewhere, so.
pestering warboy and trying stuff for myself :)
TLDR, if the Ufopaedia article is made useful, I'll gladly fix the maps. Right now, I can't see this happening.
i would say the mapscript needs its own page describing how conditionals groups, labels terrain ,.. interacts with each other is IMHO more than the already long ruleset-file description site needs
it adds two blocks of group 2 and one of group 3
if you take a look at the asignemnt in the terrains only the commandcenter ubase_00 has type 3 so its always placed the xcom placement ubase=04 is group2 ans with executions:2 is placed two times before the map is filled with other blocks
its a bit confusing because normally the types 2-4 are the default groups used by the addlines command for roads here these numbers are used for different stuff but it works fine because no addline commands in the alinebase script
Ah, thanks.
Now how was I suppose to know that? :P
a terrain can be member of multiple groups
internally all "just a number" group declarations are converted into a list
and i like to be consistent instead of jumping between sometimes list sometimes number i prefer only list
but you can use "just number" without a problem
Okay, makes sense.
Thanks for all the answers Falko, your dedication really shows. Sadly, it only highlights that without proper documentation, this mod can only be abandoned. I am not going to spend days over something like that, because I do not have the time.
Sorry, if it was allready reported, but i have a serious bug. Antytime i click on the base screen, i get ctd. I've dissabled all of the other mods but it doesn't helped. The only thing, besides Openxcom i use currently is Soldier Diaries. Maybe anyone had same problem and can help me?
Thanks for all the answers Falko, your dedication really shows. Sadly, it only highlights that without proper documentation, this mod can only be abandoned. I am not going to spend days over something like that, because I do not have the time.
Not that I'm telling you what to do with your time but... How about leaving out, at least for the time being, the parts that cause these problems, i.e. the new maps, and keeping everything else? You can always add them back in once the other mod authors update their map mods, right?
I've recently finished updating the ruleset of the Terrain Pack to the latest nightly, so that should fix the issues with crashes using the terror site terrains (at least those in the pack). I'm not going to release a new version of the Terrain Pack soon but I can make the ruleset available to fix the FMP.
Are there any other terrains (made by other contributors) that are causing issues? If so, I can fix them.
What tool may be use to alter\create new terrains\bases\ufos\crafts?
And where could be found and XP compatible version?
Not sure if this is the right thread to ask but openxcom.com leads me here when I click on "forum link".
Is there any progress on fixing the terror mission crash? I've seen people have been mentioning it back in the beginning of december. It doesn't seem to leave logs or anything the game just shuts out as a terror mission is about to start :(.
either use the old version linked a few pages back or wait for it to get updated
either use the old version linked a few pages back or wait for it to get updated
Problem is the nightlies that work with FMP are now so old that the files are no longer available for download :-(
Would it be OK for somebody to upload a relevant nightly elsewhere and post a link here?
Would this work?
Yep, that one should work. The latest one I know to work with FMP is openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232.zip
another Dropbox link for the 11/17 build:
Do you have any idea when an updated version to work with Latest Nightly or 1.0 and up so that sectopod HWP is no longer incompatible?
Ideas as follows :
The AWACS mod should be merged , then when you add it you should make advanced radars appear after alien alloy research is done as radar would be able to be updated to that level of materials.(or add a super small range regular radar small and large at start up)
Secondly shorten the radar dome of everything it's hard to understand how a single radar can have about 2,680 miles scan the length of the usa, about 300 miles for small radar and 5-700 for large advanced radar .
Mod https://www.openxcom.com/mod/breaching-charge (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/breaching-charge)
Breaching charge needs to be added
Mod https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1513.105 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1513.105)
A new button should be added to the building list under build base for build outpost or something along those lines that has only like 3 - 5 squares of base building for small radar outposts and more of a challenge,when merged with the mod for Improved nations mod https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1513.105 (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1513.105) would make the game greatter and the wold seem much bigger also the aircraft and UFO speeds would be slower based on size so that on 1 minute time interval that a small ufo takes about 5 seconds or so at max zoom to cross the screen.
Is there a mod to make crash sights not disappear till the mission is successful? sucks losing and not having a second go in ironman mode should be allowed
Should be an attack target that well do destruction equal to the size of bomb used before mission starts and after map generation. sort of a softening the target prior to landing and to keep equal would be random spot to simulate missing and cost in score an example would be
crash occers send bomber with Jdam's destroys random 12x12 area and subtracts from mission complete score of -72 with 12x12 equaling 144 then cut in half
the bombs could cost a lot too equaling to the level of tech bombing used.
The idea of the original game was to give the constant feel of being one step behind the aliens until all research was done the aliens should always have just a slight advantage in gameplay mechanics so that you are always left scrambling.
A weird situation I encountered using the above last good nightly and latest FMP, over openxcom installed with data from the steam version of dos xcom:
I shot down a scout over the African desert and went to it, and it turned out to be Chtonites (only one left alive). The problem was that all tiles except for maybe a stranded patch of desert were black, and walking over the black tiles missed out on the TU/cursor information and lacked animations from the characters.
I'm only using FMP and no other mods, and normal desert maps with vanilla tiles work fine.
What OS? What git version? Any screenshot?
Windows 10, openxcom_git_master_2014_11_17_1232 , Final Mod Pack_0.9.7.1 , was a crashed Chtonite scout mission in the middle of the african continent. Couldn't get a screenshot for some reason but it was basically the skyranger in a sea of black, with a little patch of desert to the north east and the crashed scout to the north west.
Couldn't get a screenshot for some reason but it was basically the skyranger in a sea of black, with a little patch of desert to the north east and the crashed scout to the north west.
This sounds to me an issue with the terrain generation. The game for whatever reason could only load the UFO, Skyranger and one 10x10 map, and since it couldn't load the rest, it was left as black.
This might not be the right thread for suggestions but Idk where else to suggest for FMP.
I like the attack dogs and think they're a great addition, but I wish there were some research paths for them.
If you research a couple things involving alien cloning and entertainment, maybe you can manufacture the dogs.
Add with some armour tech to be able to give them armour/upgraded versions,
combine with melee and stun bomb techs to be able to train them to also be able to use a stun attack,
maybe a tech to slightly increase their carrying capacity so you can mount high explosives?
A funny bug with attack dogs is that you can use save/load profiles to unequip their attack and put it on people..
So maybe even clone canine-soldier hybrids for maximum bad end? Do a dog-only letsplay, Dogmentation; You've defeated Cydonia, but at what cost?
I also wish MiB somehow could be scripted. It'd be nice if they were a game-long encounter separate from aliens, but their technology progressed along side xcoms, maybe 5% ahead. That way you're fighting another faction that could potentially be fielding powerful things without being in the situation of fighting stormtroopers with weapons that can't even hardly damage them.
I also think it'd be neat if early ufopedia entries were changed a little to hint at just how important rushing to subdue engineers and leaders was early game. I made it to july with an empty research list before I finally gave up and looked in the ruleset how to even get some of the basic vanilla xcom researches. (You *have* to capture and interrogate specific aliens, and even then its only a random chance you get the technology you want)
Guess I'm just used to normal xcom where you just capture a leader and a commander and a navigator and you're good to go. Didn't even know about how important engineers were made in this mod, and didn't even have a clue there was a random chance list thing going on.
I also wish MiB somehow could be scripted. It'd be nice if they were a game-long encounter separate from aliens, but their technology progressed along side xcoms, maybe 5% ahead. That way you're fighting another faction that could potentially be fielding powerful things without being in the situation of fighting stormtroopers with weapons that can't even hardly damage them.
This is how I've got the MJ12 faction designed on the mod I'm currently working at: you're going to fear them ;)
This is how I've got the MJ12 faction designed on the mod I'm currently working at: you're going to fear them ;)
Can't wait. :D
Now, anyway... A new version is released! Thanks to help from Falko, Hobbes and Warboy, I finally updated the terrains to work with the latest nightly. It's still rather beta, so no promises, but I think it should work.
Well, you are about 3 hours too late with the update :)
I have just recorded the first episode of my FMP LP (with version will be published tomorrow 05:00 CET.
But thanks for the update anyway, I thought it's definitely abandoned after a couple of months of inactivity.
Glad I was wrong.
Ufopaedia entry for Precise alloy shaping?
Well, you are about 3 hours too late with the update :)
I have just recorded the first episode of my FMP LP (with version will be published tomorrow 05:00 CET.
Not a problem, you can just update the mod and the nightly and continue as normal.
Glad to hear about this playthrough, it should be informative to me and of course I am happy people play this!
Ufopaedia entry for Precise alloy shaping?
I think it probably looks too different from the game style, but I'll have a second look, thanks. :)
Ufopaedia entry for Precise alloy shaping?
Dioxine will definitely be interested on this for his Piratez mod.
Not a problem, you can just update the mod and the nightly and continue as normal.
OK, so which nightly do you recommend?
OK, so which nightly do you recommend?
The latest one is probably fine (probably, since I haven't extensively tested it).
The FMP should be always up-to-date with the nightly, only recently it was way late due to the extensive nightly changes and my lack of time.
After having this modpack recommended to me and playing it for a bit, I decided to map out the tech tree in Cmaptools, it's complete enough that you should be able to get most of the research-able items in the pack, though I'm aware of some missing researches and mistakes.
If you find a mistake or item that isn't in this map, send me a PM detailing what the item was and what research gave you it.
[v2 - Added missing live engineer dependent techs, added dart clip dependencies]
After having this modpack recommended to me and playing it for a bit, I decided to map out the tech tree in Cmaptools, it's complete enough that you should be able to get most of the research-able items in the pack, though I'm aware of some missing researches and mistakes.
If you find a mistake or item that isn't in this map, send me a PM detailing what the item was and what research gave you it.
It looks absolutely impressive. It's not the first FMP tech map I've seen, but it's the first one I've understood. ;)
This tech tree is still subject to changes, so if you want to keep it up to date you'll probably have to make corrections.
Oh, and what exactly are the "????" parts?
For Solarious
Into FMP pack rel 9.8 there is a map named MADURBAN39 but it is not used into ruleset :o
Terrain pack rel 3 does not contain/reference it
OK, I'll fix it, thanks.
This tech tree is still subject to changes, so if you want to keep it up to date you'll probably have to make corrections.
Oh, and what exactly are the "????" parts?
I will update as I play new versions and read patch notes regarding research, for the most part it is easy to make changes as long as I have information about where to make them.
And the "????"s are the placeholders for relationship text in Cmaptools, given that I made this up in an hour after looking at the beginning of an Xmind version and retching I haven't deleted them or added things in to them. They do like to tangle up otherwise straight relationships though!
A possible replacement for Cerebreal? Attachment is a bit messy in colours but Xcom palette is not "myself-friendly".
Also want to ask that if I draw UFO schematics someone could make those? Somehow my MCD tools work wrong as all the loaded vanilla UFOs are a mess of walls but nothing else. Same goes for all the other things: Ufo bases, Xcom bases and crafts, terror sites... Not know what is wrong so I thought may not hurt to ask...
The sprite looks interesting. I'll try it to see how it looks in the game.
As for the MapView, you probably haven't defined the parameters properly. If you send me the files, I shall give it a try.
In UFOpedia, I can see items (from the very beginning), which I cannot purchase or research:
- Alloy Vest
- Stormtrooper Armour
- Alloy Knife
- Machette
- Dynamite
- Snub nose pistol
- Uzi
- AK-47
- Pump action shotgun
- Hunting rifle
- RPG launcher
Is that a bug or a feature?
Also, when I researched Chtonite Corpse, I was not told that I can now research Alien Biology... bug or feature?
- Machette
- Dynamite
- Snub nose pistol
- Uzi
- AK-47
- Pump action shotgun
- Hunting rifle
- RPG launcher
Those are Hybrid race weapons, you can use them (if you get to loot them) right away, no research required - so they get Ufopedia entry as "unlocked" right at the start.
- Alloy Vest
- Stormtrooper Armour
- Alloy Knife
Those are probably bugs.
By the way, seeing how FMP adapted Xops Power Armour/Stormtrooper armour and Assault Rifles, would it be possibe to incorporate Xops Mechtoids and Overlord races in the future? They even got fancy ufopedia entries with autopsies and stuff. I still havent seen their terror units though.
- Machette
- Dynamite
- Snub nose pistol
- Uzi
- AK-47
- Pump action shotgun
- Hunting rifle
- RPG launcher
Those are Hybrid race weapons, you can use them (if you get to loot them) right away, no research required - so they get Ufopedia entry as "unlocked" right at the start.
- Alloy Vest
- Stormtrooper Armour
- Alloy Knife
Those are probably bugs.
Exactly. (Though I thought I fixed it already.)
By the way, seeing how FMP adapted Xops Power Armour/Stormtrooper armour and Assault Rifles, would it be possibe to incorporate Xops Mechtoids and Overlord races in the future? They even got fancy ufopedia entries with autopsies and stuff. I still havent seen their terror units though.
Possibly. I haven't checked Xops' stuff in ages, but I'll have a look.
In other news, the Industrial map is buggy when used as a UFO crash site - no UFO appears. I've fixed it already and I'll release it soon.
Attaching a fixed ruleset.
Hey Solarius... curious if you are interested in including the updated combat knife.
There is more discussion in the thread, but basically it has been balanced a bit, and a "hit" sound has been added to give feedback to the player.
Cheers, Ivan :D
In other news, the Industrial map is buggy when used as a UFO crash site - no UFO appears. I've fixed it already and I'll release it soon.
I`ve encountered another map with same problem, not sure how it called but its like a tropical city - a lot of wooden fence, 1store barns, palm trees and other vegetation, and few 3-4store buildings. There were some floaters but no UFO to breach, so I thought it was a feature or something.
edit: found a picture of it in Hobbes Terrain Pack mod page
The sprite looks interesting. I'll try it to see how it looks in the game.
As for the MapView, you probably haven't defined the parameters properly. If you send me the files, I shall give it a try.
I reinstalled the whole thing and now it works. I just need to clean the registry before reset it.
Now I need to learn how to use this thing to create new things and not just alter those what already exist...
Translated into Russian may have inaccuracies
I have Final Modpack 0.98 installed.
Also, I have "openxcom_git_master_2015_02_03_0012" version of the patch.
Using Windows 7
On loading, and finished the few researches, the game silently crashes to desktop.
Set time to 1-day, skip through research and shipping screen, then it crashes.
I just got filthy rich.
Craft Gauss Cannon Rounds (x60)
30 engineer hours
Cost per unit 4000$
Can be sold for 160000$ each.
Fix, please :)
Translated into Russian may have inaccuracies
This is not a translation but a dump. Unedited text from Google translator.
I have more or less normal version of translation for FMP, that i just made.
Yes, mistakes might be present, but at-least you can read and understand this.
I ask forgiveness for my possibly bad English.
I have a problem with the FMP version 0.9.8.
I tried different versions of nightly, but is does not help.
After some time on the world map occurs an event, because of which the game silently crashes to desktop.
This event depends on time. If you use the same save file then the game crashes at the same moment of in-game time.
I do not make any research, production or transportation.
Usually it happens in March or April.
This is not a translation but a dump. Unedited text from Google translator.
Только начал игру и хотел хоть как то играть. Думаю вы сможете дополнить перевод до 098
I just got filthy rich.
Craft Gauss Cannon Rounds (x60)
30 engineer hours
Cost per unit 4000$
Can be sold for 160000$ each.
Fix, please :)
Hmm... You're right. :) Somehow the bullets got the price tag for the cannon.
This is not a translation but a dump. Unedited text from Google translator.
I have more or less normal version of translation for FMP, that i just made.
Yes, mistakes might be present, but at-least you can read and understand this.
I ask forgiveness for my possibly bad English.
Sadly, I can't really attest myself which one is better. I'll take your word for now and will change the translation into your version. (But more feedback is necessary here.)
Oh, and there's a bug with some custom maps where the UFO doesn't appear. I'll fix it.
I have a problem with the FMP version 0.9.8.
I tried different versions of nightly, but is does not help.
After some time on the world map occurs an event, because of which the game silently crashes to desktop.
This event depends on time. If you use the same save file then the game crashes at the same moment of in-game time.
I do not make any research, production or transportation.
Usually it happens in March or April.
Can you please provide the savegame?
Sadly, I can't really attest myself which one is better. I'll take your word for now and will change the translation into your version. (But more feedback is necessary here.)
As soon as the 098 will work fine for me, I will improve and supplement my translation for this version.
Can you please provide the savegame?
Of Course. Crash time is around 23:00 April 1.
Только начал игру и хотел хоть как то играть. Думаю вы сможете дополнить перевод до 098
Как только заставлю работать 098, думаю, займусь. Она у меня вылетает, а на 0971 полет нормальный :) .
Can we speak Russian on this forum?
Can we speak Russian on this forum?
No, that is considered an impolite thing to do at all international communities I`ve been part of. At least provide a google translation after your post.
Нет, это считается невежливым на всех англоязычных форумах на которых я был. Хотя бы прогоняйте через пост через гугл переводчик и закидывайте его под текст.
Hello gentlemen,
Is there an old nightly I should be using with this mod to run it smoothly?
I seem to be having problems with constant crashes with the nightlies I've tried so far.
Hello gentlemen,
Is there an old nightly I should be using with this mod to run it smoothly?
I seem to be having problems with constant crashes with the nightlies I've tried so far.
It seems to work fine with the version openxcom_git_master_2015_02_02_2100, although the changes are so rapid I can't make promises.
As soon as the 098 will work fine for me, I will improve and supplement my translation for this version.
Pretty please.
Of Course. Crash time is around 23:00 April 1.
I'll test it as soon as I can, which is when I finish moving house and unpack my PC.
Are you using any other mods?
Are you using any other mods?
No, just FMP 0.9.8. But works fine for me.
I think this is the same crash Ranakastrasz have,i just tried his save file.
No, just FMP 0.9.8. But works fine for me.
I think this is the same crash Ranakastrasz have,i just tried his save file.
That's weird, I don't think I've done anything to the Geoscape with this update. But of course I'll investigate.
Do you think it could be related to some research that are being conducted, or manufacturing, or something like that?
I don't know but if it's not research or manufacture based, it makes me think of alien missions. Looking into that save, there are two (!) Floater terror missions in Antarctica (ID's 6 and 8 ). Could it be that they have wrong maps or targets? Does the FMP have "cities" in Antarctica to terrorise?
Do you think it could be related to some research that are being conducted, or manufacturing, or something like that?
Most likely, this crash is happens when some ufo or terror or alien base is detected. Maybe this is base attack event.
I do not make any research, production or transportation.
As I said, I stopped all of them for testing.
Does the FTP have "cities" in Antarctica to terrorise?
There are not (as in there is no red-dot-cities on the map), but I found some lines for McMurdo station, Vostok station and Amundsen Scott station in ruleset
# cities:
# - name: STR_VOSTOKSTATION # Russian
# lon: 116.782
# lat: 75.2393
# - name: STR_MCMURDOSTATION # American
# lon: 171.575
# lat: 79.0707
# - name: STR_AMUNDSENSCOTTSTATION # American South Pole
# lon: 0
# lat: 90
And it should probably look like
- name: STR_VOSTOKSTATION # Standard View
lon: 116.782
lat: 75.2393
- name: STR_MCMURDOSTATION # Standard View
lon: 171.575
lat: 79.0707
lon: 0
lat: 90
Yeah, try to remove the hashes from the ruleset - it should help.
Failing that, try to delete this Antarctica mission from the save.
Looks like a significant slip-up on my part... Thanks for the help in my moment of weakness, guys. :)
Just run a test on AllLife save - and got a Terror Mission in McMurdo.
Here is a fixed version of rul. file for 0.9.8 FMP, if anyone is intersted.
edit: my deepest apologies, I`ve attached an outdated .rul file. Got an updated one from from previous page, fixed it and attached again.
Crazy aliens for wanting to go to Antarctica..! It feels like that area should have its own specific mission(s) to do with frozen stuff. Or maybe that's the follow up to the Antarctica terror where you get to go and collect alien ice cubes.
Crazy aliens for wanting to go to Antarctica..! It feels like that area should have its own specific mission(s) to do with frozen stuff. Or maybe that's the follow up to the Antarctica terror where you get to go and collect alien ice cubes.
Alien crystals eh?
Thanks for the help, Ridаn, Solarius Scorch, Arthanor!
Antarctica terror missions were the cause. :)
Thanks for the help, Ridаn, Solarius Scorch, Arthanor!
Antarctica terror missions were the cause. :)
Yeah, looks like the region was chosen, but there were no cities to attack. :)
Update soon.
update with this..... LOL
update with this..... LOL
I actually like these vanilla burly girls. :q
And these breastplates are kind of... eh... less plasma-dissipating? :)
A small and insignificant problem: choosing english (UK) in language options breaks the Ufopedia and all instances where you can see the names and description of the items. There doesn't seem to be a problem with english (US) or any other language, but I thought you should know this.
A few of us are having some display bugs with 0.9.8, as detailed here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3355.0.html
What mod in the modpack is responsible for the dogs?
I'd like to bother the author to add in 2 things:
1. A takedown secondary weapon that does stun damage
2. armoured dogs of various types that you 'manufacture' by using attack dogs as an ingredient. Really you're just making armour for them and training them.
At least power armour.
Also do you plan on fixing gauss stuff? The manufacture/sell for a lot of it is broken.
The most broken is craft gauss rounds though; set 100 engineers inf producing and selling and watch the money rain.
Also a recent change to ufo disengage timers means its pretty damn hard to catch ships sometimes because their disengage timer needs to be doubled.
If the fmp has not been updated to the latest nightly, you should just use an older one (or go in the rules et and change values for the timers, it's not that hard). I'm sure Solarius will get to it eventually.
Regarding the dog, Dioxine can up with it if I remember well and if you search here or on the mod site, you could probably find it. The XCom Armoury Expanded has dogs in personal armor equivalent. I didn't go further as I don't really like the idea of powered armored dogs. Too much investment in alien tech and resources when you can just get another dog. Sadly that's how armies think even for their soldiers. If a new suit of armor came out for millions, no country would buy it even if it might save some soldiers. Apparently you can put $ on soldiers life and if you are pragmatic, you can certainly do it for dogs.
The takedown idea is good but it seems like too good of an option. You would pretty much always rather stun than kill, unless the damage is significantly lower at which point I don't know if it's useful. I gave my dogs a "motion scanner" that requires mind probes. It represents XCOM reading the mind of the dog who can hear/smell aliens nearby. It's quite useful and complementary to the bite.
My thought is that, while yes I guess they're expendable, through research you could find all sorts of ways to enhance or buff dogs with cybernetics and armour and electronics/psi packages. Sure they're expendable but they're basically a HWP but fill a role that no other HWP does; a super speedy scout with melee ability. Expand on them as a modular platform. Just because they're expendable doesn't mean there isn't potential to improve them as a tool.
As for the takedown, yeah I've experimented with changing damagetype to 6 and it makes subduing aliens a lot easier. Like a speedy little drone that has a stunrod attached. I figure however, if you make the takedown ability like 1.5 or twice the damage of melee but take like 75% or so TU to accomplish, it would mean you'd have to stash them somewhere hidden but nearby the target, and on the next turn if they survive they can basically ctrl-sprint over and start dragging the alien over. For tougher aliens you'd have to use a pack of dogs together to do it.
It's a shame there's no way to simulate them pinning and keeping it down so an xcom soldier can sedate it. That'd be the real way to do it.
I agree that there is potential with dogs. I quite like them and that's why I spent the time to make an upgraded one in personal armor equivalent and the motion-scanner thing. I gave the armoured ones a carrying capacity as well so they could take gear (another way dogs are used in war). I did have a dog drop a grenade in front of two sectoids and run away but usually it does not come into play much. And then I ran out of ideas that weren't faster/tougher/meaner, which isn't really adding much to the game.
As far as I am concerned, the main use of the dogs is to spot aliens and the basic dogs already do that well. Well enough that in my current playthrough, I don't even bother giving them the armor. It doesn't save them all that often and it's much less trouble to just buy another one.. Maybe I need to increase the price.. but then it's not so good for the early game which is when they should be the most useful (early humans need all they can muster to cope with the invasion, later an armoured veteran operative with alien tech is better than anything).
I don't really use dogs to attack aliens because reaction fire on the way in destroys them. I guess maybe that's an argument for increasing the armor, but if they can close in easily they become a bit too good. I did have an hilarious occasion when a dog reaction attacked a reaper to death though, that was great! They do really well as ambushers around corners with the high reaction and fast, accurate bites.
Sometimes I get lazy and use only the attack dogs to do missions while all the soldiers just chill out by the skyranger and it works if I manage the dogs intelligently.
Its a factor of approaching them from angles, and using cover/line of sight to end turns in so they walk right past.
On a side note, I tried flying an ironfist ship from china to south america and was disappointed when it ran out of fuel 3/4ths of the way there.. even though it had a 100% load of elerium.
Intentional that the ironfist's range is bad compared to the normal skyranger? Once I found out about that limitation, I mothballed the ironfist in a remote base and replaced it with a skymarshal which is far better in a lot of ways currently for me.
A small and insignificant problem: choosing english (UK) in language options breaks the Ufopedia and all instances where you can see the names and description of the items. There doesn't seem to be a problem with english (US) or any other language, but I thought you should know this.
Yup, it's a bug. Fixed in my local version, will update soon.
What mod in the modpack is responsible for the dogs?
It's here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2878.0.html), available for download.
I'd like to bother the author to add in 2 things:
1. A takedown secondary weapon that does stun damage
Can you please be more specific? You mean for the X-Com, or the aliens too? What type, range?
We already have the Small Launcher, the Stun Rod, the Taser, and two types of stun grenades. I can't really see much space for development, though I'm open to ideas.
2. armoured dogs of various types that you 'manufacture' by using attack dogs as an ingredient. Really you're just making armour for them and training them.
Perhaps, but I'm not prepared to make sprites for them. If they show up, I'll consider it (I'm sure they'd work great for the MiBs, heh heh).
Also do you plan on fixing gauss stuff? The manufacture/sell for a lot of it is broken.
The most broken is craft gauss rounds though; set 100 engineers inf producing and selling and watch the money rain.
Also a recent change to ufo disengage timers means its pretty damn hard to catch ships sometimes because their disengage timer needs to be doubled.
Yep, both fixes are coming soon. I just need to compile a newer version and am still working on a few things.
On a side note, I tried flying an ironfist ship from china to south america and was disappointed when it ran out of fuel 3/4ths of the way there.. even though it had a 100% load of elerium.
Intentional that the ironfist's range is bad compared to the normal skyranger? Once I found out about that limitation, I mothballed the ironfist in a remote base and replaced it with a skymarshal which is far better in a lot of ways currently for me.
The Ironfist has its issues, as it relies upon semi-researched alien tech. This is intentional, and I personally don't think it makes the craft that much hampered - unless you prefer to keep only one base, which has its problems. I always have several bases and never really noticed Ironfist's short range.
Nah I meant just like the attack weapon for attack dogs but for taking down. Like I said earlier, it's a shame there's no way to simulate them pinning and keeping it down so an xcom soldier can sedate it. That'd be the real way to do it.
As for the Ironfist, I meant that to me with my lazy way of playing, with a crazy silly one main base and a bunch of outlying outposts, the Ironfist has these advantages over the skymarshal:
1. Tougher in combat, but since vanilla xcom ufos don't start attacks, this doesn't mean much.
2. Somewhat easier/cheaper to use access and egress points
3. Can hold like 2 more infantry (I go heavy on HWPS)
4. Has a flat surface on top that anyone can access
And skymarshal excels over the ironfist in these areas:
1. Doesn't use Elerium as a fuel
2. Much longer range
3. Has a backplate for cover from reactionshots for situations where you land with half the aliens facing your skyranger exit
4. flush with the ground so there's no ramp shenanigans to worry about eating your TU
5. Can get earlier in research and manufacturing tree
Also, I've found that I never use gauss weapons in FMP. Ever. By the time I can research them I already have enough elerium that I go for laser weapons every time, especially since gauss and laser weapons are researchable choices at the same time.
With gauss, although there's definitely power and weight and firemodes on its side (and the silly 8bitish sounds are cool), lasers are just so much better. Entirely due to the damage type, because you never know what alien type you're going to face before you land, and lasers are all around good vs everything, whereas gauss will wreck some enemies and be completely worthless against countless others.
So, my thought is maybe move gauss a bit up the tech tree? Maybe put them as a result of the advanced firearms tree + some alien ufo research?
That way, you start with what xcom starts with, work up to autocannons and such, down a few ufos and a terror mission, and do research that doesn't require interrogation to get gauss.
I know it doesn't make sense conceptually because of the power source limitations, but gameplay wise It's a significant upgrade in firepower that works on early aliens but starts to become severely hampered as you go along due to damagetype resistances.
Alternatively maybe add explosive/incendiary for the starting conventional weapon set as well once you research it? I've really found that the basic assault rifle becomes my mainstay until I get dart rifles/lasers, because all the other options have problems with accuracy or lack of autofire or weight or such.
I guess I could try experimenting with shotguns, as I have usually avoided them, but I've noticed that aliens use them at extreme range with incredible efficiency..
Especially because of the way the projectiles work.
First couple times I played FMP, I'd go multiple turns with an alien shooting a shotgun at my team and not knowing until people keel over dead or start bleeding out for no good reason.
Then I find theres some alien on a skyskraper with a caster who's been taking potshots, but not showing up on alien turn, explaining all the random potholes that keep showing up.
Also, I've found that I never use gauss weapons in FMP. Ever. By the time I can research them I already have enough elerium that I go for laser weapons every time, especially since gauss and laser weapons are researchable choices at the same time.
With gauss, although there's definitely power and weight and firemodes on its side (and the silly 8bitish sounds are cool), lasers are just so much better. Entirely due to the damage type, because you never know what alien type you're going to face before you land, and lasers are all around good vs everything, whereas gauss will wreck some enemies and be completely worthless against countless others.
So, my thought is maybe move gauss a bit up the tech tree? Maybe put them as a result of the advanced firearms tree + some alien ufo research?
That way, you start with what xcom starts with, work up to autocannons and such, down a few ufos and a terror mission, and do research that doesn't require interrogation to get gauss.
I know it doesn't make sense conceptually because of the power source limitations, but gameplay wise It's a significant upgrade in firepower that works on early aliens but starts to become severely hampered as you go along due to damagetype resistances.
It makes sense. It would require more deviation from the original mod, but it's mine anyway, so I don't mind. Choosing the right prerequisites will be tricky (conceptually), but I'll think about it.
Alternatively maybe add explosive/incendiary for the starting conventional weapon set as well once you research it? I've really found that the basic assault rifle becomes my mainstay until I get dart rifles/lasers, because all the other options have problems with accuracy or lack of autofire or weight or such.
Nah, it'd make the rifle too good, especially with how accurate and handy it is. HE ammo is god.
I guess I could try experimenting with shotguns, as I have usually avoided them, but I've noticed that aliens use them at extreme range with incredible efficiency..
Especially because of the way the projectiles work.
First couple times I played FMP, I'd go multiple turns with an alien shooting a shotgun at my team and not knowing until people keel over dead or start bleeding out for no good reason.
Then I find theres some alien on a skyskraper with a caster who's been taking potshots, but not showing up on alien turn, explaining all the random potholes that keep showing up.
I'm guessing aliens with toxiguns. This junk is dangerous to lightly armoured troops.
Oh, and in the next update there'll be railguns, or super-Gauss guns.
Re: railguns, does that mean the following weapons like in the attachments.
Re: railguns, does that mean the following weapons like in the attachments.
I'm guessing you've attached the old mod with blue and green guns? (Can't check right now.)
Well, as much as a gun resembles another gun. :)
Here's some pics, I'm currently using the mass accelerator weapons but not the railgun as if I mind right the resources and rul.files in both are named "railgun" which was a bit awkward to have them both on @ the same time. The "electro magnetic" railgun was actually quite useful to have as the research was available from the start.
Yep, that's the one.
Well, there's no substantial connection between the mods, and I won't be using the resources. Only the general idea is similar (though the old mod is rather unscientific about railguns).
Any thoughts of working the awacs mod into FMP? Those mobile radar planes are super handy.
On a side note, I played a bit of the last version of ufo: 'the two sides' ever released, with a friend. The .99 version. I played aliens and my friend absolutely trucksticked me in every tactical combat because he abused smoke cover and firing blindly in a direction he thought my aliens were in. Smoke actually blocks line of sight in that game and works pretty dang well.
I also thought it was neat that aliens (even the ai controlled ones) could retaliate against/chase down your planes. It really makes flying skyrangers around all willy nilly an actual danger.
Any thoughts of working the awacs mod into FMP? Those mobile radar planes are super handy.
No, I'm not going to base it on any custom EXE at this point. Too many problems with updates.
It is possible to add planes with large fuel reserve, large radar coverage, no capacity and no weapons, which would essentially be AWACS.
The problem is that I don't think you can set their detection change (planes always detect UFOs) and you can't tweak base radars as much. This makes AWACS a bit overpowered, but could be balanced by rental cost (elerium fuel cost for advanced variants?), refueling time and the fact that it uses a 2x2 hangar instead instead of a 1x1 radar tile.
Does anyone use miniguns and HMG with current stats they have? May be some tweaking is warranted? I`m just curious.
Does anyone use miniguns and HMG with current stats they have? May be some tweaking is warranted? I`m just curious.
I think the main problem is not the weapon itself, but the kind of mission that dominates in the game: direct assault. Defensive missions in open areas would make the miniguns more viable.
Anyway! Here's the new version 0.9.9: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
- Fixed the bug with UFO not appearing on some terror maps.
- Fixed the bug with some items visible in the Ufopaedia too early.
- Expanded the Russian translation by aleksandr777.
- Updated the mod according to the latest changes in the game (interception timers).
- Removed Antarctica from the region list to avoid crashing.
- Fixed a British English translation bug.
- Improved the Alien Data Slate sprite.
- Introduced railguns (high-tier Gauss weapons).
- Fixed broken Gauss Cannon ammo selling prices.
- Included many handobs by Ivan Godovich and CryptoCactus.
- Added Synthsuit (sprite by Robin).
- Threaded plasma HWPs now have autofire.
Great, only 2 small comments:
1. maybe you should update the nightly requirement warning on the mod site to at least: openxcom_git_master_2015_02_12_0912.zip (because of the interception timers)
2. it is Ivan Dogovich, not Godovich... not sure why so many people do the same mistake ;-)
Great, only 2 small comments:
1. maybe you should update the nightly requirement warning on the mod site to at least: openxcom_git_master_2015_02_12_0912.zip (because of the interception timers)
Agreed. Thank you.
2. it is Ivan Dogovich, not Godovich... not sure why so many people do the same mistake ;-)
That's exactly why, because everyone's calling him that. :) Sorry, I'll fix this.
Regarding new Synthsuit armour - around October 2014 there was a bug with multi stat modifying armour, making operatives wearing said armour unassignible to any transport and making them not appear during base defence mission (and I think you can`t "sell" them too).
I`ve lost quite a few nerve cells because of that, and I`m not sure if that bug is fixed.
Only time (to my knowledge) this problem surfaced was in Piratez mod, with late-game armours pumping operatives full of battle drugs and modifying a lot of stats, including STR. Singular STR bonus worked okay (Synthmuscle suit etc), but in conjunction with other stat bonuses you were guaranteed a no-fun time.
Only method of fixing it ingame I found is to remove said armour from operative (or equip some another one) and run any mission with different crew (even just making battlescape appearance and aborting should work, I think).
Posting this just in case this bug still persists, because FMP Synthsuit modifies a lot of stats, STR included, and someone might lose a favourite operative by just unassigning him from craft (or him getting a wound), never to assign again.
Thanks for the heads up, but I don't think this bug persists - the Stormtrooper Armour also modifies stats, yet it's been working fine so far, and it's been in the mod for months.
2. it is Ivan Dogovich, not Godovich... not sure why so many people do the same mistake ;-)
Heh, and I always thought it was because people were recognizing my deity-like qualities. ;)
Heh, and I always thought it was because people were recognizing my deity-like qualities. ;)
That is a likely explanation.
Thx for update :)
Does anyone use miniguns and HMG with current stats they have? May be some tweaking is warranted? I`m just curious.
I've been playing the mod for a few weeks now and I can't really find much of a use for the minigun or the HMG in my team. I play with the accuracy extender script settings, so most of the autoshot attacks have little to no accuracy beyond point blank, this means that in my game only the low TU cost autoshot weapons get used, as they have to run up to the enemy to engage and then run back behind cover before they get blasted by any of the aliens they didn't kill. So most missions my assault rifle troopers supported by sniper rifles (over 100% accuracy across the map on aimed shot with half my TUs to spare!) do most of the fighting. The HMG and the miniguns kind of just sit back and watch (or throw grenades).
On another note, I also play with the alternate movement script, allowing for sprinting, and I'm finding this makes the sniper rifles dominate the battlefield. I have just researched Gauss Sniper Rifles. My team is now mostly Gauss sniper rifles. They have mobility, do a lot of damage, and they barely ever miss. It seems a bit silly clearing out UFOs with sniper rifles, but hey, that's X-Com baby!
And that's why sniper rifle need a minimum range and a big dropOff value. Makes them efficient at long range, not at close range and that leaves a place for other weapons.
The accuracy extender just nerfs some weapon beyond reasonable values and leaves other ones to shine. It is a great tool for balancing because you can create all kind of profiles, but it is not really a balancing tool in itself.
Or, less drasticly, just push Aim TU cost to 80%+, and Snap to 55%+... And normal weapons should see some more use. Conversely, make SMGs very accurate in autofire. This should balance things out.
Just saw a Meridian Let`s Play FMP last episode (15th), and it looks like there is a hole in the 2nd floor of that Very Large Research/Lab ship, somewhere around it`s single ground floor entrance. You can see alien fire at around 25:53 and at 27:50 in the video.
It`s weird, because I remember it being patched up a long time ago.
Also a Commander probably should not be on that ship.
1. maybe you should update the nightly requirement warning on the mod site to at least: openxcom_git_master_2015_02_12_0912.zip (because of the interception timers)
So, the Android users have to wait for an update :(. Grrr
Just finished XCOM: Enemy Within and wanted to go back to better game.
Hello, everyone!
I've started the work on a new edition of the Russian translation. It's the first part of it and some sort of a demo-version. I'll continue the work and maybe make further corrections to this part but I think it's already better than the previous versions.
Update: some fixes of the errors; new translated lines.
Finally got around to testing .99 on linux
HandOb_BlasterBomb.png is referenced in the rul file as Handob_BlasterBomb.png, so it won't load on linux until you change HandOb_BlasterBomb.png->Handob_BlasterBomb.png or alter the rul file to reference HandOb_BlasterBomb.png
Just saw a Meridian Let`s Play FMP last episode (15th), and it looks like there is a hole in the 2nd floor of that Very Large Research/Lab ship, somewhere around it`s single ground floor entrance. You can see alien fire at around 25:53 and at 27:50 in the video.
It`s weird, because I remember it being patched up a long time ago.
...yes. I'll investigate.
Also a Commander probably should not be on that ship.
On the contrary, it's entirely possible. Research missions are crucial to the alien effort, much more than hauling stuff or terrorizing mugols, and the Lab Ship is the apex of a research mission.
As an aside: i forgot I had the pirates name folder still when running FMP but these names amuse me enough that I don't care.
Wow. X-Cows attack.
Now, my next dream is to include Chasers from UFO: Extraterrestrials as a new alien race:
It's just such a nice concept, an early race with high mobility and decent AP armour, but otherwise rather sucky. Making the sprite is a bit overwhelming though.
Hi! Any possibilities of having Sonic weaponry from TFTD in-game?
So I finished my version of the translation. If there are some bugs/errors, please, PM me and I'll try to correct them.
And also I'd like to say thanks to Solarius Scorch for his great work. Even the volume and the quality of the texts impresses, not to mention a gameplay part of the modpack.
So I finished my version of the translation. If there are some bugs/errors, please, PM me and I'll try to correct them.
And also I'd like to say thanks to Solarius Scorch for his great work. Even the volume and the quality of the texts impresses, not to mention a gameplay part of the modpack.
Looks great, do like.
Hi! Any possibilities of having Sonic weaponry from TFTD in-game?
It's not a technical problem, but how? Who would use it? Where would it fit? There's already many weapon types, and new ones still come up (I've just made the heretical move of giving aliens a laser rifle; but since the Sectopod has a laser too, I guess it's acceptable).
I would be more welcoming towards adding sonic weapons, but there are two issues:
1) Damage types are hardcoded now. We can't add a new damage type, and no damage type seems appropriate. Well, melee type maybe.
2) With TFTD coming up, I'm secretly hoping for some sort of a hybrid game. Therefore, I'd prefer to at least postpone sonic guns.
So I finished my version of the translation. If there are some bugs/errors, please, PM me and I'll try to correct them.
And also I'd like to say thanks to Solarius Scorch for his great work. Even the volume and the quality of the texts impresses, not to mention a gameplay part of the modpack.
Thank you very much! I'll certainly use your version. And I'll probably have a couple new requests, with new content coming up in the next release.
Besides, the new version should be 1.0... :)
Ey Solarius, is the FMP compatible with the newest nightly?
Hey, long time no see. I've started playing FMP again, and I'm running into some problems. I'm in October, and the game keeps crashing to desktop with no error message. I've fiddled around a bit, (reverting to earlier saves from the previous month, shooting down different UFOs, halting research, and so on), and no matter what I do, the game always crashes at approximately the same time. I've attached a copy of the save, and I was wondering if someone could look at it.
I'm running it on the 2-22 nightly, though I've also tried it on the newest version with the same result. FMP is version 0.9.9. In addition to FMP, i'm also using a few of the stock mods; psionic line of sight, improved ground tanks, improved heavy laser (which doesn't do anything as far as I can tell, i just forgot to take it off), always daytime, and improved high explosive damage.
Quick guess at the issue:
liveUfos: 0
spawnCountdown: 540
nextUfoCounter: 0
nextWave: 3
uniqueID: 48
Do you have cities in Antarctica? If you don't, you have a faulty version of the FMP that sends aliens (snakemen in this case) to terrorize Antarctica, only for them to get there and freeze to death looking for a place to terrorize.
I think Solarius solved that in a later version of the FMP. To redeem your save, I would suggest replacing STR_ANTARCTICA with STR_EUROPE or STR_NORTH_AMERICA, which will send the snakemen to a place where they can find civvies to terrorize.
Thank you Arthanor! That solved the problem. Unfortunately, now Paris is filled with zombies. Such is life.
That said, I'm definitely using the newest version of FMP, so it's a little odd that the issue is still there. The other new features added in .9.9 all work fine.
I'm glad it works!
Removed Antarctica from the region list to avoid crashing.
Solarius did indeed do something in the version 0.9.9, but it looks like the mission still got assigned? Or did you upgrade the mod mid-game? If the terror mission was launched in a previous version, it was in its scouting waves and updating the mod (which presumably prevents the terror from being launched) won't fix the crash from an already launched mission.
I'm fairly sure that I started a new game for this version of the mod, but I'm not positive. That could well be the issue. It's probably a safe assumption unless someone else has a similar issue.
Ey Solarius, is the FMP compatible with the newest nightly?
Not at this point. I'll fix it in a few days.
And sorry about that Antarctica thing. Really. :)
Not a problem. I've since had a few more aliens attempt to terrorize Antarctica, but I've been able to shoot the terror ships down before they land.
In unrelated matters, do you think it could be possible to add a way to make smoke grenades instead of having to buy them? I like having smoke around, and it's needed for the medi-gas grenades, but my inventory fills up after a few months and unless I buy a ton of them early on, I run out fairly quick.
That's peculiar.. The problem should arise as soon as the UFO spawns: It has no city to aim for. You should not even have time to detect it, let alone shoot it down.
In unrelated matters, do you think it could be possible to add a way to make smoke grenades instead of having to buy them? I like having smoke around, and it's needed for the medi-gas grenades, but my inventory fills up after a few months and unless I buy a ton of them early on, I run out fairly quick.
Well, can't you... you know... manage your stores better? :) Build more, sell stuff, found new bases? Or failing that, simply edit the ruleset and increase the stores capacity ten times?
The problem you described is so general that I'd have to make everything manufacturable, because hey, you might need it at some point. And besides it'd be a bit silly.
That's peculiar.. The problem should arise as soon as the UFO spawns: It has no city to aim for. You should not even have time to detect it, let alone shoot it down.
Not necessarily. I am not sure about this, but a UFO trajectory consists of several stages, and maybe the game only crashes when the assault stage kicks in (when the UFO goes straight for the city, which happens after some wandering).
Well, the reason I ask about smoke specifically is that everything else already can be manufactured. Pretty much all guns, all ammos, most explosives, and all damage types are things you can make really early on. I mean, I guess there's no way to make flares, but since they're reusable and incendiaries work just as well, there's no point. But unless I'm missing something, the only way to get smoke is either to buy it or blow something up, which probably isn't great for inside of the skyranger.
It's not really a big deal though, so I can live without it.
As for the terror mission, it's possible that it the ship wasn't actually about to engage in a terror attack. It was a terror ship, on a terror mission according to the Hyperwave Decoder, but I didn't wait around to see if it actually tried to land or not. If I wind up with more terror attacks on Antarctica, I'll make a save and play around a bit to see what happens.
1. So, I got a crash too on FMP 0.9.9 and can't continue with my LP :-(
I guess I have the same problem:
- uniqueID: 6
liveUfos: 0
spawnCountdown: 10440
nextUfoCounter: 0
nextWave: 2
Can I do something else than send them to another zone? Maybe add some cities to Antarctica somehow?
2. Also, why do I have only one mission?
I checked the saves and I have 2 missions in January (1=research & 2=terror), but only one mission in February (4=terror) and again only one mission in March (6=terror)... shouldn't I have at least two?? Unique IDs 3 and 5 are not visible in any save...
3. Last thing, I had big spikes of alien activity on 1st of February and 1st of March... cca 500 points for aliens.... but there was no terror mission.... what's going on? And does it maybe relate to above problem?
1. Open a data/ruleset/FinalModPack.rul file with a notepad and find a section
# cities:
# - name: STR_VOSTOKSTATION # Russian
# lon: 116.782
# lat: 75.2393
# - name: STR_MCMURDOSTATION # American
# lon: 171.575
# lat: 79.0707
# - name: STR_AMUNDSENSCOTTSTATION # American South Pole
# lon: 0
# lat: 90
# missionWeights:
Those are all disabled, but your terror mission probably started prior to upgrading to 0.9.9, and scout ships were unable to find cities to terrorize (because those were disabled too, only region existed), so now when a terror ship spawned it is unable to target anything.
to get through the error swap above section with
- name: STR_VOSTOKSTATION # Standard View
lon: 116.782
lat: 75.2393
- name: STR_MCMURDOSTATION # Standard View
lon: 171.575
lat: 79.0707
lon: 0
lat: 90
This will unlock 3 antarctic cities for aliens to terrorize. When a terror mission is complete you can swap it back, or keep playing with those 3 antarctic stations still present on geoscape. It is just that they can have tropical city terrain, which is somewhat silly.
2. I do not know enough to comment on this.
3. I saw your Let`s play (it`s fun to watch, keep it up!) and those graph spikes are probably Hybrid race or MiB race missions. Mechanically they are represented by a landing site, which stays inert for a very long time scoring you negative points. Early on you have to find those through graphs and radar coveage of interceptors.
Yeah, what Ridan said. Or I think you can simply change the terror mission to something, else, or delete it altogether... I'm not sure at this point.
Pity it came to this. Bugs that are fixed but still present in the save are a problem. If you can't deal with this, please send me the save and I'll do it.
As for the spikes of activity, I can't say for sure without looking at the save, but it's possible you've been screwed over by the Dice Gods and got two raid missions early. Or maybe you have a Man in Black/Hybrid base somewhere - check which region it is and search it.
Thanks guys, it worked.
Glad it worked for you.
Now, regarding less missions... I started a new game to test this and indeed the aliens seem to be more benign than they should be. However, they do their stuff just fine, it just takes them longer to start.
If there are missions 4 and 6, there must have been missions 3 and 5. The numbers also work: #3 as the first mission of February, #5 as the first of March (both followed by the obligatory terrors). It very much sounds like you got missions that are short to execute for both months.
One way to verify is to start an new game (with exactly the same mods as you did for your LP) and look under the alien strategy part of the save. It will tell you every mission that could be generated. Now look at your current save and check the difference. The missions missing from your saves are the one that were done.
OK, so I compared it.... it was an incredibly painful process, because it is not sorted... but I took my time ;-)
The result: I am missing exactly 2 missions (other 4 were probably not taken from the list at all: all 3 terror missions and the introductory alien research in january):
Is this the type of mission, which doesn't register as terror site and has probably just one UFO in it that causes 500-600 points in alien activity?
Yep, a successful raid nets the aliens 500 points a piece.
You're just screwed by dice. :)
Good work checking them all! Now we know that the game works properly. It's annoying to miss two missions in a row for a LP though..
Maybe raids could be given low weights for the early months, to give players some time to setup better radar coverage? Or a message like for terrors if that's possible with the new mission stuff!
Hi! I'm back to X-COM and my favorite mod. Anything big I've missed?
Maybe raids could be given low weights for the early months, to give players some time to setup better radar coverage? Or a message like for terrors if that's possible with the new mission stuff!
OK, I halved all instances of this mission - it should be fairly rare. Hopefully it won't become too rare - I've never seen them myself!
Hi! I'm back to X-COM and my favorite mod. Anything big I've missed?
Welcome back, and thanks! Well, nothing tremendously major I believe, mostly updating the mod to follow the nightly But the next release 1.0 will be something of previously unseen magnitude. :)
Some of the sections of the factory raid map are buggy. There are certain stairs that cannot be climbed and I think I've got an alien stuck in a room on one of the upper floors that I just can't get to. I've tried high explosives and rockets to try to flush the alien out, but all it ends up doing is destroying the floor tiles surrounding his prison which means I can't throw any more high explosives up there as the walls are still intact. It's quite annoying. Are the walls indestructible or does it just require higher tier weapons?
Hi guys,
Trying to start a playthrough on a fresh install of OpenXcom nightly 2015_02_22_0621 with Final Mod Pack 0.9.9 . No other mods installed, clean datafiles etc. Complete fresh install.
Running fine until I hit 29th January, 10:00. The minute it hits this date and time the game just crashes to desktop. No error throws or anything, the window literally just closes. Running on Windows 7 64bit if it helps. Any suggestions with how I can debug this? Complete noob at such things, and would like to beable to push forward with this. I'm gonna try installing the latest nightly and see if that helps, but thought I'd post here and see if anyone else had seen this.
Okay upgraded to Open Xcom Nightly 2015_03_07_1051 and appears to have fixed. Sorry to bother you guys :)
I had a crash too in March, it was a terror mission in Antarctica, which couldn't find any city there and just crashed.
Wondering if this may have been the same, I've got save scumming off. Would updating the OpenXCom files reset the seed perhaps?
Some of the sections of the factory raid map are buggy. There are certain stairs that cannot be climbed and I think I've got an alien stuck in a room on one of the upper floors that I just can't get to. I've tried high explosives and rockets to try to flush the alien out, but all it ends up doing is destroying the floor tiles surrounding his prison which means I can't throw any more high explosives up there as the walls are still intact. It's quite annoying. Are the walls indestructible or does it just require higher tier weapons?
Sadly, I don't know. I guess you should ask Hobbes, since it's his work. I'll try to investigate though.
There are two different solutions described in the FMP thread:
1/ find the mission in the save and change the region to something else (e.g. Europe)
2/ find the region in the FMP ruleset and enable the cities, which are commented out
Running fine until I hit 29th January, 10:00. The minute it hits this date and time the game just crashes to desktop. No error throws or anything, the window literally just closes.
That very much sounds like the time a UFO would go for a city to launch your end of month terror mission. You can look into your save (just check a few pages back in this thread for the instructions) to see if that's the case. Meridian's solutions are the right ones.
Sadly, I don't know. I guess you should ask Hobbes, since it's his work. I'll try to investigate though.
This sounds like the stairs bug (https://openxcom.org/bugs/openxcom/issues/836), and I've never redesigned the factory to try to minimize this issue. I'd actually recommend that you remove the Alien Raids from the FMP since I've long removed that kinda of mission from the Terrain Pack.
This sounds like the stairs bug (https://openxcom.org/bugs/openxcom/issues/836), and I've never redesigned the factory to try to minimize this issue. I'd actually recommend that you remove the Alien Raids from the FMP since I've long removed that kinda of mission from the Terrain Pack.
Thanks, maybe I will, but it'll probably mean more broken saves. :P
It's gotta be said, this modpack is pretty fun!
I'm really enjoying the special missions and the variety of races to fight against.
The MiB mission where they're having a meeting with the sectoid leader and his hybrids was a blast to play through and it very much sets up the MiB as alien-dealing goons rather than just misguided humans. Two thumbs up to the guys who came up with that mission.
I like the arsenal of early weapons available, though a few of them have been phased out of my squads after letting me down far too often (SMG and the miniguns). The laser weapons are good and will be distributed amongst my men, and when it comes to Gauss weapons, the Gauss Sniper Rifle is king. Actually, the Gauss Sniper Rifle might be a little too good compared to its Gauss brethren (maybe lowering the ammo count on it would help balance it?)
I am wondering a little bit about production strategies though, is there anything I should be manufacturing for money, or is it all pretty much balanced profit wise?
Last I've played, mass-producing motion sensors seems to be the biggest moneymaker. That or gauss cannons, I forget.
Last I've played, mass-producing motion sensors seems to be the biggest moneymaker. That or gauss cannons, I forget.
I think it was the gauss cannon ammo, which was incorrectly priced. The cannon, well, it wasn't anything outrageous, though I can't remember exactly.
As for the sensors, they were unchanged from vanilla.
I have been enjoying the FMP thoroughly lately after I got an itch for my X-COM fix. I am not done yet but it's great fun. It makes for a nice expansion pack for the original UFO EU. And I thought I should give some Feedback. Perhaps you see something you deem worthwhile to change. Of course it is hard to read up in a mega thread on whether something was discussed already. So bear with me and my wall of text grouped in spoilers.
Also real spoilers ahead.
Starting Equipment
The starting equipment gives a good number of options from the get go. It makes the beginning of the game less grenade spammy which I like very well. But there are few odd bits I want to comment on.
Assault Rifle vs Rifle
The assault rifle is too similar to the normal rifle for my liking. Especially as the AS is superior to the rifle in (almost) all aspects. With lower TU requirements and a higher auto-accuracy the AS is better while the rifle doesn't have a niche of its own. Switching the TU costs for the aimed shot between the AS and the rifle might make the latter viable as a marksman rifle. So it is kind of a sniper rifle with the possibility to use auto mode.
Machine Guns vs Miniguns
In my book the LMG and HMG are better than both miniguns. Or at least I can't work the miniguns properly due to the high accuracy drop-off. The bigger minigun is interesting but it can't match the HMG's accuracy which is the same over the entire map. I prefer the higher firepower of 8 shot compared to the 20 rounds fired by the bigger minigun. The LMG is in a good place being more of an automatic rifle and its lack of an aimed shot enforces it being used as a LMG.
Now if there was just a suppression mechanic...
Advanced Firearms
Alloy Ammo
It greatly lengthens the lives of the ballistic weapons. Love that a lot. Considering that new weapon tech went far back, this is a great way to keep the standard equipment in the game. Especially the alloy ammo for the Heavy Cannon and the Auto Cannon is very strong. The Auto Cannon with AA ammo can replace the LMG for enemies with tougher armour and damage resistances.
Multilauncher, Flamethrower and Tactical Sniper Rifle
I don't really know when I should be using the Multilauncher. I am rather scared that the soldier is going to do more harm than good with the auto mode. And its too similar to the auto-cannon with HE ammo which I am also not using except for destroying foliage perhaps.
At least the flamethrower seems to be a good idea for cleaning out rooms in an UFO with a hazmat suit on. I haven't tried that yet but it seems to be an intelligent move.
The tactical sniper rifle is also an odd weapon I am not sure what to do with. It's way lighter than the HMG but the HMG is accurate enough, shoots 8 times destroying cover up to the target and it manages to kill the target as well. The HMG also has almost the damage and only takes a bit more TU. For a stationary shooter I'd prefer the HMG, assuming my soldier can carry it.
Comparing the TSR to the normal sniper rifle, the TSR's high TU costs and the lower aimed accuracy, despite the ufopaedia stating otherwise, it loses too much mobility for what I perceive as too little gain. As long the rocket launcher has better TU requirements with more fire power I don't really see the TSR's niche as another static weapon. Perhaps giving the TSR a viable snap shot costing 55% TU with an accuracy of 100% or something might allow it to be more interesting.
Ballistic Vest
The ballistic vest is way too expensive for a not so decent armour that has to be replaced each time a soldier dies. I suppose being able to repair armour is something you want to keep for the higher level armour pieces, as they require a specific manufacture process. But the vest should be made more viable IMHO. The only screw to turn seems to be its cost. The cost of the ballistic vest should be way lower than the cost to the hire a soldier serving as a human shield. Something along the price of the hazmat might do it. Perhaps $12 000 could be an okay price for helping the more important soldiers to survive. Then I might even consider buying it. But I can't imagine it to become a standard issued piece of equipment even then, especially when you are still struggling for money. The alloy vest on the other hand replaces what the personal armour is in stock as an easily replaced piece of equipment. Thinking about it, the personal armour should perhaps cost more money and production time than to manufacture an alloy vest. The personal armour is repairable so in the long run you will save money and resources either way.
Improved Interceptor
The Raven is pretty much broken in my mind. It is way better than a interceptor which is fine, but it uses standard fuel and it has no monthly fee! The lack of a monthly fee greatly eases the economic decisions in the game. I am running with 10+ Ravens which would cost me 6 million dollars a month if they were interceptors. At least give them some sort of rental fee for the fuel and maintenance. Part of the maintenance can be argued by replacing the engines and anything that is not necessarily made with the alien alloys. I still didn't bother to research the next interceptor.
Also I haven't lost a Raven yet when tackling battleships. Considering that I am using 4 Ravens for the battleship which are equipped with 1 Avalanche and 1 Stingray each, I would have lost plenty of interceptors by now. There have been a few close calls though. The Raven requires ages to be repaired but still perhaps toning down the max health from 350 to 250 might also bring the Raven in line and I would be scared of Battleships again.
Research Tree
I like that it takes longer to research useful technologies such as the personal armour and the laser weapons. What bothered me was that Gauss and laser weapons became available at the same time. It was a no brainer really to go for laser weapons. A different damage type and ammoless weapons while not sacrificing (too much) damage potential is too hard to pass up. To make Gauss more viable, E115 should be a research requisite for laser weapons. Especially as you need it for manufacture the laser weapons and it hardly makes sense that you can use a power source that you hardly know anything about. On the other hand it would be highly entertaining if the laser weapons could go haywire because the E115 is acting up. Either by jamming or blowing up in one's face.
Perhaps the MiB laser weapons could be its own tier before you get the actual laser weapons? ... I just realized that it takes Elerium for its clips while them doing less damage than the X-COM laser weapons. Removing the necessity of E115 for manufacturing the clips might make the MiB laser weapons a viable option. Unless they are supposed to be similar to the AK47 in such a way that they aren't intended to be used by X-COM but by the opposition instead.
It's great to play on more varied maps. The only issue I take with is that some maps don't contain the (shot down) UFO. The first time I met the hybrids in their vans I had thought that it was the clean-up crew recovering the aliens and their UFO. Therefore I had assumed that the map was replaced with these vans. But going at a landed or freshly shot-down non-van convoy UFO thing with the aliens being around but the UFO not, it starts to gnaw on my nerves :p. Especially if one plays with aliens weapons being destroyed on death, the economic impact is being increased. And if the UFO is supposed to have self-destructed, it would ease my mind by visiting a huge crater instead of a bunch of idyllic farm houses.
I don't know if "Fixed the bug with UFO not appearing on some terror maps." is related to this point. For reference I started with 0.9.8, updated to 0.9.9 and I am running on the OpenXCOM build compiled on Feb 15th. And the farm houses are one of the new terrain sets that have new houses. I can take a screenshot if you like.
Aliens & UFOs
I love the variation I have seen so far and some aliens also seem like they have found their niche. If only I wasn't facing mostly floaters for 6 months straight. Perhaps mixed crews would be a great thing, assuming it's not a feature for later yet.
Also like always in X-COM some UFOs hardly show up. For example that very large science vessel with that special Sectoid should show up more than once till August in Superhuman. And I only have seen the MiB once. Perhaps I have tough luck in that regard. So far I have been mainly fighting the small Y and + shaped UFOs, as well as terror and battle ships.
What's interesting is that the FMP seems to have added new alien missions such as "Alien Flyby". It would be amazing if less common UFOs would be picked by these missions. Perhaps special missions can be created for the less common vessels? "Aggressive Research" starting with an abductor instead of a large scout. Would that make sense?
Also these small fighter UFOs are a bitch to dogfight. They keep escaping very early and very often. Which is cool as it requires different tactics for them and even if it's only using the Avalanche in aggressive mode.
The only thing I wish is that the hybrids in the van missions were actually a threat. Except for the RPG they have a hard time doing anything to your troops once you have some armour. Same with the spitter terrorist.
As for the spitter terrorist, it frightened me a helluva lot when I saw it doing its thing after being shot at long enough. Same feelings during the first encounter with a Cerebreal. I guess you can tell now what I was exactly afraid of.
As for the hybrid van "UFOs". Could a different (new) UFO picture be shown instead of the abductor's picture? Since it only moves with 500 speed units, one can tell them apart easily enough. But it would be nice if one could do so during interception as well.
And now for some random questions:
Is there a reason for the ship rail cannon not requiring E115 during manufacture while the rail gun tank does? Otherwise it makes for a great money maker.
Is FMP supposed to be played with psionic line of fire? The Cerebreal kinda suggests it.
Would it be possible to add a line to each weapons' description about its weight and when the accuracy begins to drop off?
And in the same vein the autopsy reports could state the percents for damage reduction rates. It might be a bit gamey but then nobody would have to dive into the ruleset if one wants to know.
I hope that feedback is of some use. And good job for getting through all of this.
First of all, many thanks for the extensive review, Buscher. Some of your ideas were similar to the direction I took recently, while others inspired me to make some additional adjustments. I'm not prepared to comment on everything right now, the new version will speak for itself; I'll just say that the hybrid convoys are not supposed to be ships at all, just the vans (an immovable location on the map), and hopefully I'll get it to work as intended.
Now, for the announcement:
Version 1.0 is here!
(It's sort of beta, but I believe it shouldn't burn down your house.)
- Added Juggernaut Suit (rough shape mostly by Dioxine, worked on by Solarius Scorch,
- hopefully will be improved).
- Added Toxi Suit (by trollworkout, slightly altered by Solarius Scorch).
- Added some Alien Base mapblocks by Luke83 and Hellrazor.
- Added a new alien weapon, Alien Laser Rifle (stolen from "War of Shadows" by jackstraw2323).
- Added Light Pistol (stolen from Dioxine's "Piratez" mod).
- Added some Ufopaedia descriptions.
- Added many new terrains by Hobbes.
- New Grenade Launcher sprite (by Dioxine).
- Better Excavator map (by Dioxine).
- Increased the number of item levels in deployments from 4 to 5.
- Gave plasma weapons some range limits (it's plasma after all).
- Increased SMG autofire accuracy.
- Increased the Battleship map, because it was too easy to storm.
- Better Flamethrower and Flamethrower Tank sprites (by Gifty and Dioxine).
- Recoloured Armored Vest sprites by Dioxine, because he said they sucked dick.
- Moved armour adaptation and repair to a new "Maintenance" category.
- Snubnose is 1x1 now (and also sprite enhanced by Dioxine, at my request).
- Rebalanced all sniper rifles to make them fire for more TUs.
- Complicated research a little.
- Rearranged the Ufopaedia.
- Rearranged starting soldier positions in Ironfist, now the last two men are positioned next to the ladder in the back (code credits: Dioxine).
- Rifle fires faster in Aimed mode.
- Armoured Vest is way cheaper.
- Decreased Raven's max health.
- Fixed the bug with some railguns not requiring Elerium to produce.
- Added missing listOrder for the Synthsuit production.
- Fixed a crash when using the Rail Cannon.
- Fixed UFO not appearing on Native terrain.
- Aliens of the same race now should leave only one corpse type.
- Removed the "Alien Raid" mission.
- Fixed (hopefully) convoy trajectories.
Starting a new game is not necessary, but recommended in order to avoid weird research effects.
Yay, new FMP version!
By the way, can I suggest grabbing Dioxine`s Gauss Craft Cannon image for Ufopedia? Current one is somewhat ugly, imo, and both Gauss and Railgun craft weapon have the same image.
Solarius Scorch, I'm sorry but as far as I can see you haven't used my translation of the modpack in Russian. Was it intentional or did you forget about it :)? None the less I'll translate the new version of the pack and I'll try to make all of the needed changes in accordance with the 1.0 version.
1.0! Trying it out now!
Slight capitalization error prevents the ruleset from being loaded on Linux:
line 27940 Toxisuit -> ToxiSuit (in the pathname)
Also line 28000 Handob_BlasterBomb -> HandOb_BlasterBomb
Yay, new FMP version!
By the way, can I suggest grabbing Dioxine`s Gauss Craft Cannon image for Ufopedia? Current one is somewhat ugly, imo, and both Gauss and Railgun craft weapon have the same image.
I kind of forgot about it. Yeah, I'll have a look.
Solarius Scorch, I'm sorry but as far as I can see you haven't used my translation of the modpack in Russian. Was it intentional or did you forget about it :)? None the less I'll translate the new version of the pack and I'll try to make all of the needed changes in accordance with the 1.0 version.
Yes please. And yeah, I forgot, plus I have several people offering Russian translations and it's hard to choose. :)
1.0! Trying it out now!
Slight capitalization error prevents the ruleset from being loaded on Linux:
line 27940 Toxisuit -> ToxiSuit (in the pathname)
Also line 28000 Handob_BlasterBomb -> HandOb_BlasterBomb
Thanks, fixing now.
So, I am trying to upgrade to FMP v1.0 and it looks quite OK. I have a few questions and some feedback though:
1. There are now no cities in Antarctica again and I still have a terror mission there. This time the game however doesn't crash... instead the terror UFO lands! Is this a new feature in OpenXcom or in FMP?
2. I think you have a problem in ruleset... you gave aimRange to plasma pistol clip instead of plasma pistol weapon... I may be wrong though, I'm a ruleset newb ;-)
3. I am trying to research some new stuff to catch up with changes and when I research Alloy Blades I get description of Alloy Knife instead... in UFOpedia I can still find also the correct article.
4. At the end of the month, my game crashed again :-( However it looks like it was because it generated (for the 3rd time in a row lol !!!) Alien Raid mission, which was removed... after I removed it from my save, it works fine again.
1. There are now no cities in Antarctica again and I still have a terror mission there. This time the game however doesn't crash... instead the terror UFO lands! Is this a new feature in OpenXcom or in FMP?
I have no idea. It could be some other terror type or whatever else. I'd have to investigate the save to know.
2. I think you have a problem in ruleset... you gave aimRange to plasma pistol clip instead of plasma pistol weapon... I may be wrong though, I'm a ruleset newb ;-)
Heh, my bad. It was a quick job. :)
3. I am trying to research some new stuff to catch up with changes and when I research Alloy Blades I get description of Alloy Knife instead... in UFOpedia I can still find also the correct article.
That's why I separated the Alloy Blades research topic from the knife... to avoid what you've just described. Is it a new game? If not, then it's normal to have glitches like this one.
4. At the end of the month, my game crashed again :-( However it looks like it was because it generated (for the 3rd time in a row lol !!!) Alien Raid mission, which was removed... after I removed it from my save, it works fine again.
Yeah. I predicted this. :P
1. This post might be related too: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3489.msg41036.html#msg41036
Save attached, mission appears on 20th of March... I use current nightly (13.3.2015) and FMP 1.0
3. Also visible in the same save. It's not a new game, just upgrade.
I got a crash when loading a MIB mission for the following landed ufo:
- speedRadian: 0
speed: 0
id: 23
landId: 19
damage: 0
altitude: STR_GROUND
direction: STR_NONE_UC
status: 1
detected: true
secondsRemaining: 24860
mission: 5
trajectory: H0
trajectoryPoint: 1
fireCountdown: 0
escapeCountdown: 667
lon: 0.4209732067627345
lat: -0.8224758757858442
speedLon: -0
speedLat: -0
lon: 0.1892239788352116
lat: -0.8534960278196091
id: 0
I'll compile a debug binary to see if I can get a useful backtrace. The code is current as of 2015 March 16.
edit: here's the backtrace:
#0 0x00000000009a8814 in OpenXcom::AlienDeployment::getDimensions (this=0x0, width=0x7fffffffd208, length=0x7fffffffd20c, height=0x7fffffffd210) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Ruleset/AlienDeployment.cpp:180
#1 0x0000000000721c17 in OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run (this=0x7fffffffd1c0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Battlescape/BattlescapeGenerator.cpp:336
#2 0x00000000008876d4 in OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick (this=0x59a3700) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Geoscape/ConfirmLandingState.cpp:165
#3 0x00000000007c7a44 in OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick (this=0x5a0abe0, action=0x7fffffffd440, state=0x59a3700) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Engine/InteractiveSurface.cpp:306
#4 0x00000000007c7451 in OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle (this=0x5a0abe0, action=0x7fffffffd440, state=0x59a3700) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Engine/InteractiveSurface.cpp:185
#5 0x00000000007af5a4 in OpenXcom::State::handle (this=0x59a3700, action=0x7fffffffd440) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Engine/State.cpp:228
#6 0x00000000007bf2d7 in OpenXcom::Game::run (this=0x4e9dbe0) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/Engine/Game.cpp:236
#7 0x0000000000666e08 in main (argc=3, argv=0x7fffffffd738) at /home/myk/src/openxcom/src/main.cpp:68
It seems that the following line in BattlescapeGenerator.cpp is returning null:
AlienDeployment *ruleDeploy = _game->getRuleset()->getDeployment(_ufo?_ufo->getRules()->getType():_save->getMissionType());
Some hopefully helpful context:
(gdb) print _ufo->getRules()->getType()
(gdb) print _game->getRuleset()._alienDeployments
$4 = std::map with 29 elements = {["STR_ABDUCTOR"] = 0x7fffdc208580, ["STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT"] = 0x7fffdc210ba0, ["STR_BASE_DEFENSE"] = 0x7fffdc212bd0, ["STR_BATTLESHIP"] = 0x7fffdc20b7c0, ["STR_EXCAVATOR"] = 0x7fffdf17f300,
["STR_FIGHTER_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdf180bf0, ["STR_HARVESTER"] = 0x7fffdc180f50, ["STR_KEEP"] = 0x7fffdf164b20, ["STR_LAB_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdf1844d0, ["STR_LARGE_SCOUT"] = 0x7fffdc17fa10, ["STR_MANSION"] = 0x7fffdf160e80,
["STR_MARS_CYDONIA_LANDING"] = 0x7fffdc2156d0, ["STR_MARS_THE_FINAL_ASSAULT"] = 0x7fffdc217000, ["STR_MEDIUM_GROUND_CONVOY"] = 0x7fffdf15eae0, ["STR_MEDIUM_SCOUT"] = 0x7fffdc11cba0, ["STR_MIB_BASE_LANDING"] = 0x7fffdf190ee0,
["STR_MIB_COVERUP_0"] = 0x7fffdf185320, ["STR_MIB_COVERUP_1"] = 0x7fffdf188fa0, ["STR_MIB_COVERUP_2"] = 0x7fffdf18b7e0, ["STR_MIB_TERROR_MISSION"] = 0x7fffdf18dff0, ["STR_PORT_ATTACK"] = 0x7fffdf1778b0,
["STR_RAIDER_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdf192d50, ["STR_SENTRY_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdf182470, ["STR_SMALL_GROUND_CONVOY"] = 0x7fffdf15cd40, ["STR_SMALL_SCOUT"] = 0x7fffdc11bd70, ["STR_SUPPLY_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdc20d710,
["STR_TERROR_MISSION"] = 0x7fffdc20f040, ["STR_TERROR_SHIP"] = 0x7fffdc209ae0, ["_MIB"] = 0x7fffdf163f60}
So STR_MANSION_MIB is not in the deployments map. Could it be that the "_MIB" one is a typo and it should be "STR_MANSION_MIB" on line 34367 of FinalModPack.rul?
Edit: Not sure if it's appropriate, but changing "_MIB" to "STR_MANSION_MIB" in FinalModPack.rul does fix the issue.
Edit: Not sure if it's appropriate, but changing "_MIB" to "STR_MANSION_MIB" in FinalModPack.rul does fix the issue.
Yeah, it's a typical (but deadly) problem. Thanks for tracking it down.
n/p, and I must say, the mansion MIB map is awesome : ) On superhuman, it was an incredibly intense firefight, especially with tech-free starter weapons.
I ran into another glitch -- an enemy sub just landed in the middle of the ocean between Africa and South America. I'm posting this here because other posts (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg33493.html#msg33493) indicate it's a mod problem, not an engine problem.
The ufos entry looks strange to me, but that might just be because I don't understand the intricacies of what's going on:
- speedRadian: 0
speed: 0
landId: 22
id: 28
damage: 0
altitude: STR_GROUND
direction: STR_NONE_UC
detected: true
status: 1
secondsRemaining: 37610
mission: 6
trajectory: P7
fireCountdown: 0
trajectoryPoint: 4
escapeCountdown: 0
lon: 5.759586531581287
lat: 0.3577924966588375
lon: 4.785814574182172
lat: -0.3854424676221793
id: 0
speedLon: -0
speedLat: -0
What is a terror ship doing at a waypoint instead of a terror site?
Hi Solarius
3. so that bug with UFOpedia entry of Alloy Knife showing when research of Alloy Blades is finished also happens when I start a completely new game... definitely worth having a look at
1. there is indeed a problem with terror missions... and also some other missions after nightly build from March 3rd... since FMP 1.0 says it requires nighly from March 4th (i.e. even newer), a fix for various missions is required.
I have posted a partial fix for some missions (incl. terror site) on the other thread (mentioned above)... but MIB, Hybrid and other new missions may require a fix too.
Version 1.0.1 is up! But it's just a fix. Credits go to all the bug crunchers.
Nice! Thanks for the quick update!
The blaster bomb capitalization is still a problem (line 28010), though:
Handob_BlasterBomb.png -> HandOb_BlasterBomb.png
Nice! Thanks for the quick update!
No problem. I've actually thought that these missing lines in mission definitions would be taken from the basic ruleset, but apparently they weren't, so I added them.
The blaster bomb capitalization is still a problem (line 28010), though:
Handob_BlasterBomb.png -> HandOb_BlasterBomb.png
OK, I missed this one. Will fix in the next release.
I miss Falko's old tool, it was great for catching such things... :)
I miss Falko's old tool, it was great for catching such things... :)
I think his old tool is still there at the old link.... (I don't have it with me right now, but its probably in a thread somewhere)
This one?
{yay for never clearing one's history!}
Yeah, thanks guys, but my concern is that it is no longer compatible with the nightly...
the rulcheck is currently noct fullt compatible with the nightly
also the online rulchecker cant check filenames because he does not have the images/zipfile anymore
i remember i have a half done script here somewhere that could check and fix most of the issues perhaps i should add a gui to it and publish it
the rulcheck is currently noct fullt compatible with the nightly
also the online rulchecker cant check filenames because he does not have the images/zipfile anymore
i remember i have a half done script here somewhere that could check and fix most of the issues perhaps i should add a gui to it and publish it
Quick explainer: rulcheck is fully working, but if your ruleset already include the changes it will display those as errors. Ignore those and it's still very useful to check if everything else is working OK :)
Ey Solarius, did you really needed to put all the files of the terrainpack into FMP?
How about you make an extraruleset file call it FMP_Terrain_Pack_Nightly.rul, adjust the terrainpack ruleset file you need and you won't need to integrate all the other files of it. Just mention that people can use it, or should use it.
EDIT: OMG he did this with a couple of other mods too, which i would have used as optional (extraufo's etc..)
I don't wanna know how you keep things clean and updated.
Ey Solarius, did you really needed to put all the files of the terrainpack into FMP?
How about you make an extraruleset file call it FMP_Terrain_Pack_Nightly.rul, adjust the terrainpack ruleset file you need and you won't need to integrate all the other files of it. Just mention that people can use it, or should use it.
EDIT: OMG he did this with a couple of other mods too, which i would have used as optional (extraufo's etc..)
I don't wanna know how you keep things clean and updated.
The purpose of a mod pack is to provide a no-headache solution for the player, that's why it's an "all-in-one" product.
Besides, keeping separate rulesets in such a complex project is very challenging, and often impossible in many non-obvious ways - everything is connected.
As for how I keep things updated... Well, by regular updates. :)
The purpose of a mod pack is to provide a no-headache solution for the player, that's why it's an "all-in-one" product.
Besides, keeping separate rulesets in such a complex project is very challenging, and often impossible in many non-obvious ways - everything is connected.
As for how I keep things updated... Well, by regular updates. :)
Well so you integrate everything as you go on. hm.. also a way.
I may be hitting a bug - when responding to a port attack {first one of the game, I didn't even know they got implemented!}, I get a "vector::_M_range_check" error. I'm including the save.
I may be hitting a bug - when responding to a port attack {first one of the game, I didn't even know they got implemented!}, I get a "vector::_M_range_check" error. I'm including the save.
...yes, I get it too. But I have no idea why.
Stupid question: Did you check the equipment given to the aliens for a port attack? The Terrain Pack uses only 3 levels, if the FMP uses 4+, that causes a vector M error.
Not a stupid question, but the deployments are identical to those from the normal Terror - apparently no problem here.
EDIT: 1.0.2 is online.
I followed Dioxine's way and got rid of the Port Attack mission, because it was acting up. Now the new terrain (by Hobbes) appears in the normal Terror missions.
(WARNING: If you have a Port Attack mission active, this update will probably crash your game. Remove that mission from your save.)
I'm an idiot. Download 1.0.3.
I miss Falko's old tool, it was great for catching such things... :)
It looks like the capitalization of HandOb_BlasterBomb.png got mussed again in 1.0.3 (now on line 27737):
Handob_BlasterBomb.png -> HandOb_BlasterBomb.png
Hmm, now the game promptly CTDs if I try to save. Both geoscape and battlescape.
It looks like the capitalization of HandOb_BlasterBomb.png got mussed again in 1.0.3 (now on line 27737):
Handob_BlasterBomb.png -> HandOb_BlasterBomb.png
But the filename is Handob_BlasterBomb.png, not HandOb_BlasterBomb.png - so what's the problem?
Hmm, now the game promptly CTDs if I try to save. Both geoscape and battlescape.
Sounds bad. I'll investigate.
EDIT: I got the same thing. But my game saves normally.
What exactly does "FinalModPackRanks" do?
Oh, it's that supplementary mod I did a while back that recolors enemies according to rank. Also, looks to be mission-related - I deleted the AlienMissions section from the save so that saved normally.
Edit: Ah, here we go. One of the scheduled waves was a port attack, so changing it to terror fixed that.
EditEdit: And for something utterly innocuous, Yellowknife, Lapaz and Goosebay are lacking strings.
But the filename is Handob_BlasterBomb.png, not HandOb_BlasterBomb.png - so what's the problem?
Not from what I can see when I unzip the 1.0.3 archive:
$ ls Resources/FinalModPack/Weapons_Compilation/ImprovedHandObs/*BlasterBomb.png
Oh, it's that supplementary mod I did a while back that recolors enemies according to rank. Also, looks to be mission-related - I deleted the AlienMissions section from the save so that saved normally.
Edit: Ah, here we go. One of the scheduled waves was a port attack.
Ah, I'm glad.
Not from what I can see when I unzip the 1.0.3 archive:
$ ls Resources/FinalModPack/Weapons_Compilation/ImprovedHandObs/*BlasterBomb.png
I can't really explain it - but you're right. I think something went wrong with overwriting files at my end. I'll fix it.
In other news, I added openable side doors to the Skymarshall, because it was basically a coffin.
Oh no now my commander will be a scout. :'(
Oh no now my commander will be a scout. :'(
The last ones will be the first, right?
Oh no now my commander will be a scout. :'(
A true leader lead his troops personally, right?
Big like for the Skymarshall, BTW!
In other news, I added openable side doors to the Skymarshall, because it was basically a coffin.
Oh YES, best news ever!
Obviously it works in-game (or at least it parses fine), but I found the research tree visualizer doesn't parse the manufacturing items correctly. For example,
listOrder: 3230
borks out at: "- STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 35"
From the other thread, TheBigSot commented that:
It appears that " - " doesnt go with value list Item
is "- STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 35" the correct syntax for the requiredItems element, or should it be "STR_ALIEN_ALLOYS: 35"?
Obviously it works in-game (or at least it parses fine), but I found the research tree visualizer doesn't parse the manufacturing items correctly.
You are correct, thank you. Fixing the wrong entries now.
Started another game over the week with 1.01 now updated to 1.0.3 and the OpenXCOM Nightly 2015-03-04-01:47.
First terror mission was a port attack on the Seychelles Island, so I got a _M_range_check of course. That's when I updated the FMP to 1.0.3 and set the port_terror to terror_mission in the savegame. It ended up being a Savannah-esque map without civs but I could finish it.
Second terror mission, this time with the following savegame entry (savegame is attached):
- lon: 1.352630170295605
lat: -0.2268928027592629
id: 2
texture: -1
secondsRemaining: 18000
In Bangalore, I get another vector::_M_range_check.
With Sectoids it's gonna end horrible once it works.
Fixing the wrong entries now.
And in that vein I found a bug with the Alloy Cannon not removing any ammo from the base. It was the opposite, I even got ammo for free when I unloaded the Alloy Cannon from the craft.
Comparing it to other entries I found that it didn't have a clipSize entry. After adding that, it took the ammo correctly from the base's inventory.
size: 0.1
costSell: 900
transferTime: 48
clipSize: 50 #added this line
listOrder: 631
But for heaven's sake if you are fixing the requiredItems for the Alloy Cannon and its ammo, reduce the required alloys for 50 rounds from 4 pieces to 1. Otherwise the ammo is absurdly more expensive than Stingrays. Even with 1 Alien Alloy for 50 rounds, it's already 4.5 more expensive than the normal cannon rounds and I suppose the (Alloy) Cannon's strong suit should be the low cost for its damage potential.
And since I asked about the E115 requirements for the Ship Rail Cannon, I simply added the required materials for the current ruleset for now.
space: 6
time: 360
cost: 240000
listOrder: 255
requiredItems: #added this line
STR_ELERIUM_115: 5 #added this line
I found some bugs
I use last FMP and night compilation from 17.03
1) On some mission ufo or my skaranger are placed inside buldings
2) Another when my trops are landing on crash ufo ( large Abductor ) I got it two times now...
There is no ship only building with some MiB and one alien (most in case sectoid )
And PS:
Good work with pack:)
The savegame I uploaded apparently changed the conditions for the m_range_check to happen. At least it shows the Savannah-esque setup so it's good to look at it as well.
With this attached savegame you should get the error when you disengage the Raven and wait for the terror ship to start its business. Then send the Skyranger in response.
I just hope renaming the savegame and editing the savegame's internal name didn't do too much.
I Have been playing FMP extensively and have to report port attacks are occurring at least once a month which results in a range check. The only way i have to get around this is to shoot the terror ship down before it happens. Also, I have noticed that base attack missions sometimes will appear out of no where with no incoming battleship to start them. When they do start; however, they run fine.
I no longer have the save unfortunately. I did park the skyranger over the base to test it, and put the timer on one minute and no bs appeared.
Even though the Port Attack was removed, you may have some save info left which causes the problems. I don't really know, yet.
As for the craft landing on buildings... This shouldn't happen with a late nightly. Are you sure you have it installed properly?
As for balancing, it is deliberate that the rail cannon doesn't require Elerium - it draws energy from the ship's reactor. Well, maybe Elerium is required for some other things?
Oh, and thanks for the clipSize thing.
I had a hunch that the vector thing could be about the terrains because I got a Savannah for some reason when I loaded the savegame with the present terror mission. And I think I found the or one culprit.
With that hunch I went through the terrains list, deleting everything but one for each of them.
width: 50
length: 50
height: 6
civilians: 12
And I found that I get the error when I left either one of these two in the FMP ruleset.
This is reproducible with the terror_Bangalore save.
EDIT: The reason for getting a different terrain than the terror one is probably due to this issue (https://openxcom.org/bugs/openxcom/issues/894). Funny how things come together.
Hmmm for now all is OK
Thx :)
Thanks for the info Buscher. So this beyond my control, which is bad since I can't fix it, but it also means I don't have to. :P But seriously, all I can do is to cite main part of the bug report:
If a Missionsite is generated e.g. a Terrorsite and you directly send troops to the Missionsite the correct texture and terrain gets displayed. If you save the game after the Missionsite is generated and you reload the game and send troops to the Missionsite, the wrong texture and terrain gets displayed.
So kids, don't reload your save. Take what the game throws at you.
Thanks for the info Buscher. So this beyond my control, which is bad since I can't fix it, but it also means I don't have to. :P But seriously, all I can do is to cite main part of the bug report:
So kids, don't reload your save. Take what the game throws at you.
Well i guess it is some kind of rounding error or a wrong saving of the coordinates, this problem exists in its current form after they merged https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/pull/992 (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/pull/992)
So i guess it is related to that.
The only way to actually proof this would be to check if the MissionsiteMarker and the Position of the City (in case of a Terrormission) are totally identical. If not it would explain the wrong texture asignment (because of a slight coordinate mismatch.
Actually, since a few episodes (not published yet) my Hawaii base is about 100 km more east... floating on the ocean surface :-) Could it be related? Or maybe somebody moved Hawaii islands more west?
Actually, since a few episodes (not published yet) my Hawaii base is about 100 km more east... floating on the ocean surface :-) Could it be related? Or maybe somebody moved Hawaii islands more west?
That could be the case. Do you have an older savegame with the base still on the correct position (hawaii land mass)? So you could edit the coordinates of this base in the savegame file to place it back on to land once again.
And one more: when I order Skymarshall to follow a UFO and the UFO lands, it doesn't ask me to start a mission immediately... and the UFO landing site is displayed about 50 km away from the Skymarshall's position (Skymarshall is not moving anymore)... I thought it's a one time bug, but I can reproduce this too... weird.
And one more: when I order Skymarshall to follow a UFO and the UFO lands, it doesn't ask me to start a mission immediately... and the UFO landing site is displayed about 50 km away from the Skymarshall's position (Skymarshall is not moving anymore)... I thought it's a one time bug, but I can reproduce this too... weird.
When does this occur?? After relloading a saved game or in the middle of the gameplay?
Could you provide savegames? Because i am inclined to track this thing down !
When does this occur?? After relloading a saved game or in the middle of the gameplay?
During the gameplay, it will be visible also in one of the next 5 episodes... not sure which one.
Actually, I'm not sure if it's related to the mod or a bug in the game itself, but when intercepting UFOs with Thunderstorms {and maybe other interceptors, these are just my mainstays}, they will randomly stay next to the crashed UFO, not using fuel, until the crashsite vanishes.
My money's on a game bug, though.
Actually, I'm not sure if it's related to the mod or a bug in the game itself, but when intercepting UFOs with Thunderstorms {and maybe other interceptors, these are just my mainstays}, they will randomly stay next to the crashed UFO, not using fuel, until the crashsite vanishes.
My money's on a game bug, though.
I also experienced that, but I played Piratez. Sometimes after downing UFO interceptors do not return to base automatically.
Actually, I'm not sure if it's related to the mod or a bug in the game itself, but when intercepting UFOs with Thunderstorms {and maybe other interceptors, these are just my mainstays}, they will randomly stay next to the crashed UFO, not using fuel, until the crashsite vanishes.
My money's on a game bug, though.
I have encountered this also. It is a bug but not a really bad one since you manually order new back to base or somewere else.
So, uh, I might have mis-communicated something, so I'd like to clarify. I didn't only talk about the change of the terrain code for a terror site when saving the game. There is still this vector::_M_range_check issue that I do not think is related to a port attack being stuck in my savegame. At the least there is no mention thereof in the sav file.
Instead I found during my investigation/experimentation with the ruleset that some blocks selected by the terrains INDUSTRIALURBAN and RAILYARDURBAN seem to be creating this error. This is of course assuming that you don't save the game once the terror site was created and therefore the terrain hasn't changed to a non-terror site terrain.
Assuming you are using this terror_Bangalore.sav and leave only INDUSTRIALURBAN in the terrains list for STR_TERROR_MISSION (FMP ruleset 1.0.3 line 9856) it should crash the game.
For testing change this
width: 50
length: 50
height: 6
civilians: 12
to this
width: 50
length: 50
height: 6
civilians: 12
- INDUSTRIALURBAN #removed all terrains but this one
But once you remove the blocks 4, 5, 6, 7 from INDUSTRIALURBAN (FMP ruleset 1.0.3 line 6930) before undoing the previous change...
For testing change this
- type: addCraft
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 4
- type: fillArea
blocks: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17]
freqs: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2]
to this
- type: addCraft
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 4
- type: fillArea
blocks: [3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17] #removed 4,5,6,7
freqs: [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2] #removed 2,2,2,2
... it works again. So I am not sure if there is a problem with those four blocks. I don't know how to take a look at those.
As for RAILYARDURBAN I couldn't make out neither head nor tail to which blocks might be a problem.
Naturally it's entirely possible that I messed up the game in a way. Of course I have replaced the ruleset with the original 1.0.3 just now to circumvent some odd modifications acting up but one can never know for sure.
It'd be nice to verify this if one of you just happen to have a terror mission to test with. I'd offer to take a look at it on Wednesday, as long as the savegame contains a terror ship that is about to touch down but hasn't done so yet.
As for the interceptor not heading back after successfully shooting down an UFO, I have also encountered it. I just don't have a savegame for the bug tracker.
Thanks for the info Buscher. So this beyond my control, which is bad since I can't fix it, but it also means I don't have to. :P But seriously, all I can do is to cite main part of the bug report:
If a Missionsite is generated e.g. a Terrorsite and you directly send troops to the Missionsite the correct texture and terrain gets displayed. If you save the game after the Missionsite is generated and you reload the game and send troops to the Missionsite, the wrong texture and terrain gets displayed.
So kids, don't reload your save. Take what the game throws at you.
This was fixed in the latest nightly (24.03.2015) Since i found the error in the c++ code :)
This may also have some influence towards other errors which were encountered, since everything are missionSites even landed or crashed UFO's. But my understanding of the code is pretty rudamentary.
From Hobbes' thread:
Just tested Industrial terrain 4 times and everything seems OK. I'd also like to know if he was using the fixed map blocks for Railyard or the old buggy ones.
I should have the latest version of all terrain files in 1.0.3, but just in case I'll copy them again.
FYI: That change of terrain seems to be fixed with the latest nightly but it still creates that vector error.
It would be nice if you could link to the post directly next time . :D I have found it easily but just in case the search function fails and whatnot. And I am really curious as to whether there is a version discrepancy of the map tiles/blocks or not.
EDIT: I am dumb. I could just have clicked the link to the quote.
btw Solarius have you ever considered making a Research Tree Graphic for the FMP?
btw Solarius have you ever considered making a Research Tree Graphic for the FMP?
There's a tool for that made by a helpful soul, look in this thread. (I can't find it right now.)
I think I know what's the problem but I can't figure out the why. Either way I can offer a solution or rather workaround to the vector issue.
The problem is that I got the 1 in a billion of a savegame seed that causes these crashes. And it's rather picky as well by choosing which terrain blocks/alien deployment it wants to crash with.
I have found the seed value in the savegame and I tried to toggle a few bits. Toggling the LSB didn't change the behavior while replacing the seed value with another number did. I am not sure if Warboy would appreciate me spilling the beans, so I am gonna leave it there.
As for the solution/workaround, assuming someone gets such a seed and plays without savescumming, this is the way to fix it:
Enable savescumming, head to a tactical mission (important!), make a new save, disable savescumming, continue playing.
What are the odds of getting a problem such as this...
Solaris, check alienDeployments for Terror Missions. The FMP defines 5 item levels but there are several alien ranks that only have 4 item levels defined on alienDeployment.
Also, check the .ru statstrings since there's some incorrect indentation on the STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA entry.
Solaris, check alienDeployments for Terror Missions. The FMP defines 5 item levels but there are several alien ranks that only have 4 item levels defined on alienDeployment.
Yeah. I think I've fixed it already, but thanks for the extra eyes.
Yeah. I think I've fixed it already, but thanks for the extra eyes.
I'm wondering if this is the cause for the vector m range crashes, but I think that any issues with this would crash the mission when it is being generated.
1.0.4 is online. It fixes some bugs and it's also the first (probably not last) version of the improved Skymarshall.
Please let me know how it goes.
Thanks Solarius, you're really spending a lot of time on this, don't you?
Which nightly would you recoomend? I am considering openxcom_git_master_2015_03_26_1845.zip, but I am afraid of one commit there (from yesterday)... judging just by the name it sounds like it could break stuff, but I don't really understand what it does... this one: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3db6da256841183d482344662634c1468bab6270
Thanks Solarius, you're really spending a lot of time on this, don't you?
Which nightly would you recoomend? I am considering openxcom_git_master_2015_03_26_1845.zip, but I am afraid of one commit there (from yesterday)... judging just by the name it sounds like it could break stuff, but I don't really understand what it does... this one: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3db6da256841183d482344662634c1468bab6270
I have no idea. I don't really have time for thorough tests at the moment. But I'm guessing 2015_03_26_1845 is kind of necessary, otherwise bad things could happen with terrains.
Thanks Solarius, you're really spending a lot of time on this, don't you?
Which nightly would you recoomend? I am considering openxcom_git_master_2015_03_26_1845.zip, but I am afraid of one commit there (from yesterday)... judging just by the name it sounds like it could break stuff, but I don't really understand what it does... this one: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3db6da256841183d482344662634c1468bab6270
Looks like it reverts stuff back to the way it was, recent nightlies made terrain texture override terrain defined in alien deployment, but prior system allowed for more options and latest versions of terrain pack were already built upon that system.
Thanks Solarius, you're really spending a lot of time on this, don't you?
Which nightly would you recoomend? I am considering openxcom_git_master_2015_03_26_1845.zip, but I am afraid of one commit there (from yesterday)... judging just by the name it sounds like it could break stuff, but I don't really understand what it does... this one: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/3db6da256841183d482344662634c1468bab6270
That commit had two proposes: install item recovery during, and at the end of multi-part missions for TFTD (this shouldn't cause any problems). And a recent change I asked Warboy to reverse, where terrains assigned to textures would override terrains listed in alienDeployments, which limits designing new missions. This last change might cause issues but they should be minor, like terrains being wrongly assigned.
Thanks for the additional explanations, guys.
As for the tech tree questions, look at this post (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg37981.html#msg37981), Shifter55 attaches a cmap file with a (slightly outdated now) FMP tech tree.
Hopefully it'll be useful, or at least an inspiration.
Hello folks :)
1.0.4 version downloaded from the mod portal is not compatible with 1.0 milestone right? Hell 1.0 users cannot play any mod at all, i suppose, attached here's a shot.
Output of the .log file:
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] Data folder is:
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] Data search is:
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /home/nicola/.local/share/openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/share/ubuntu/openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/share/gnome/openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/local/sharehttps://openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/sharehttps://openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/local/share/openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - /usr/share/openxcom/data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] - ./data/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] User folder is: /home/nicola/.local/share/openxcom/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] Config folder is: /home/nicola/.config/openxcom/
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:25] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:26] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:26] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 872x715x8...
[28-03-2015 13:26:26] [INFO] Display set to 872x715x8.
[28-03-2015 13:26:26] [INFO] Loading ruleset...
[28-03-2015 13:26:29] [INFO] Ruleset loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:29] [INFO] Loading resources...
[28-03-2015 13:26:29] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] Resources loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] Loading language...
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] Playing flx, 320x200, 890 frames
[28-03-2015 13:26:31] [INFO] Using software scaling routine. For best results, try an OpenGL filter.
[28-03-2015 13:26:43] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 872x715x8...
[28-03-2015 13:26:43] [INFO] Display set to 872x715x8.
[28-03-2015 13:26:43] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:43] [INFO] Loading ruleset...
[28-03-2015 13:26:45] [WARN] yaml-cpp: error at line 0, column 0: bad conversion
[28-03-2015 13:26:45] [INFO] Ruleset loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:45] [INFO] Loading resources...
[28-03-2015 13:26:46] [INFO] Loading extra resources from ruleset...
[28-03-2015 13:26:46] [INFO] Resources loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:46] [INFO] Loading language...
[28-03-2015 13:26:46] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[28-03-2015 13:26:46] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
Of course it's not compatible with 1.0, I'd have to give up half the content in this mod. :P
I just got Floater Commander corpse from a terror mission... is this a bug or a feature?
PS: I'm playing FMP 1.0.4
PS2: release notes to 1.0 say: "Aliens of the same race now should leave only one corpse type."
PS2: release notes to 1.0 say: "Aliens of the same race now should leave only one corpse type."
I think this change was mainly related to a certain critter,
that dropped three different corpses.
But I suppose it would be nice if the floater leaders and such wouldn't drop a *COM_CORPSE clustering up the sell and research screen. But I don't know which impact that would have on the battlescape.
In unrelated news, the alloy cannon is the most expensive thing in the entire craft arsenal now. Not that I am a raving lunatic about it, the opposite is true, but I want it to be somewhat viable. One full load or 200 shots now cost $112.000. That's 16 alloys (sell/manufacturing price $6.500 each; x16 = $104.000) + engineering time + base cost. By comparison one set of avalanches cost $27.000 which is currently in my game the least cost-efficient way to down UFOs, assuming one does not care about the repair time. To make a more fair argument, to achieve the same damage potential you would need three loads of avalanches but that's still only $81.000. If you are curious, I can attach my current craft weapon comparison calc table.
My suggestion is to either set the required alloys to 1 which would make the ammo still very expensive, remove it entirely then it is slightly more expensive than cannon ammo or make bigger clips x100 or even x200 and require only 1 alloy for them. The last suggestion, though, will most likely break savegames for people who use the alloy cannon already.
That weapon destruction on death rule has made me a real bean-counter. :P Also you forgot to set the clipsize for the alloy cannon's ammo.
In more positive news. Playing with standard weapons (excluding advanced weapons) I like how you balanced them. All of them have sufficient benefits and drawbacks to put them in a niche. I ended up with assault rifles with standard rounds for my grunts and rifles with alloy ammo for my snipers who would have an chance to hit >90%. Lesser snipers got the sniper rifle but they had to invest more TU. With that major nerf for the sniper rifles' TU the tactical sniper rifle also became very attractive. So good job!
Also that maintenance cost for the Ravens really hurts but it's a good pain. ;D The Thunderstorm is pretty cool and with a higher tier cannon a beast.
I would like to add a few pennies to the balance discussion. I hope this critique is not to harsh. I love your mod and I only intend the best and contribute in a slightly minor way as to make FMP even better.
I have play tested the FMP up until rail weapons and I must say the deal breaker/unbreaker for a successful play through is a dependency on obtaining an engineer of some type. Unlocking laser/plasma/rails is a must. If you capture many navigators but miss out on engineers then you have the capacity to shoot down craft but you start to loose the capacity to deal with the ground situation. For instance once Mutons start popping up your normal weapons + alloy ammo is ineffectual. This is especially true for MIB missions. The normal soldiers can be removed fine however the heavily armored ones are ni impossible to take care of even with standard grenades. (this is pre discovery that the tactical sniper rifle came with HE ammo which I haven't tried yet. I avoid MIB missions at all costs. One because they are confusing and they don't drop that much good loot.
The other issue is capturing live aliens. It takes 2-3 months to get an alien containment facility going. Live aliens captured before completion of this structure are useless.The stun weapons you get are not great. The stun pistol is worthless to start off with. It has such a low percent chance to hit, you have to get in at very close range, and if you do hit the odds that you are going to successfully stun the target are very low. The stun rod is good, but you do have to get very close and alien reaction fire can be quite severe. The dart gun is inaccurate as all hell and is more likely to get your soldiers killed in the process of capturing a single live alien and you have to land many many shots to capture it.
I would suggest beefing up the stun equipment slightly as FMP relies heavily on capture but the stun equipment, in my opinion never really got looked at up close but was simply inserted to vary out weapon load outs. Simply giving small tweaks to the power and accuracy of existing tech would go along way to make capturing live aliens fun and enjoyable, and not a painful frustrating luck based process. Walking close to an alien and missing 4 of 6 tazer shots, not stunning it and it ends up killing 3 soldiers after the turn is over is not very fun. I would much rather set up a well placed and coordinated trap, loose 3 soldiers moving into position, and capturing a live alien with a single satisfying shot. (new video coming up demonstrating that in the LP.)
Through all this you actually have to find a live engineer which means you will be sacrificing many many troops. The chance that you will find an engineer is slim because they are one of many types and with ineffectual stun weaponry a hard catch. That coupled with the already narrow window to catch one of these engineers makes it a make or break moment for each play through.
After you get an engineer the tree opens up very very quickly. All the sudden you are breezing through the research as the tree opens up right to rail cannons. This makes the heavy plasma and other plasma tier weapons not as useful because you can unlock rails quick.
You may disagree with some details here but I think the real issue is there is no real intermittent weapon in between standard human weapons and the rest of the tech. I think the alien laser rifle would fill this gap quite nicely. So my suggestion is a very simple one. Give players access to both alien laser rifle AND alien laser rifle clip on the same research.
As it stands now, I can get to alien laser but not the clip and that is often times where I get a little stuck as I have to go hunt another engineer on an ever closing window of opportunity.
Alien Power Miniaturization is the keystone for the whole ground game and I think that alien rifle clip should not be tied to it so that you have at least something to answer to the monthly terror missions and large/very large UFO's. I would go further to suggest some more intermediate tech between human weapons and rail cannons and put another barrier in between them so that you can fully flush out and use all the tactical laser weapons for a while before moving on like in the air game, which is my opinion, in a much better place.
There are many thing I like about the air tech. There are a lot of intermediate steps. You start out with a standard interceptor with cannons and sting rays, then you unlock the alloy cannons (which is quite expensive) then you unlock laser and guass weapons. Along the way you get the Raven, a new Sky Ranger, then once you get a navigator you get access to the thunderstorm which is pretty awesome. Then ultimately you get the Tormentor which rules the skies. Even the endgame air game is balanced because refueling comes after a full repair so you need many of these crafts to perform well. I really love where the air game is despite the early bind small fighters can get on the player. The air games strength comes in it granular nature with an ever increasing array of tech that makes sense and can deal with upcoming and more powerful threats. This is something the ground weapons lack.
Conversely if you only find engineers and no navigators, then shooting down ufo's from the very beginning is extremely rough because the small fighters cannot be countered by standard interceptors. This leaves to a different kind of problem with alien retaliations. If you cant shoot down small fighters you cant stop them from finding your base, and therefore larger and larger ufo's will come your way which are harder and harder to handle. This will peak to a base attack (SuperHuman) a difficulty scale that is way way out of your league. I had base attacks very early and had to contend with blaster launchers, extremely tanky terror units and mind control with machine guns sniper rifles and HE packs. This did not go well as soon as the mind control hit i was done for.
Maybe make it so that small fighters can be downed by either several standard interceptors by making them more easily catch able (slower) but still just as dangerous, or slightly less dangerous so that you can do it solo but only by sustaining heavy damage on a single interceptor, or beef interceptors up a few notches. This would allow a player to counter a very early and severe fighter attack and prevent dangerous early escalation of alien retaliation missions with only impossible very large ufos flying around and the eventual and inevitable tomb stone engraving base defense mission.
For some reason I seem to be unlocking the air tech faster than the ground tech. Is this because both leaders and navigators give you access to air tech, and only engineers give access to ground tech? I would have to look at the code but I think that is right. Therefore, maybe have the leaders give access to either ground tech or air tech. That way engineers are always ground, navigators are always air, and leaders can be both. That makes sense and may balance out the research a little. In short, add alien power miniaturization to alien leader research.
Maybe I'm talking out of my butt, but that is my two cents (probably a quarter now that im looking at this posts size) on the balancing act that is FMP.
Great work! I Wouldn't be writing this if I didn't love the project.
See you out there
can update the avenger????
with copy and update the files is ready???
Hello and thanks for the valuable input guys. I can't stress how important it is, as one tends to lose perspective over time.
I just got Floater Commander corpse from a terror mission... is this a bug or a feature?
PS: I'm playing FMP 1.0.4
PS2: release notes to 1.0 say: "Aliens of the same race now should leave only one corpse type."
I think this change was mainly related to a certain critter,
that dropped three different corpses.
But I suppose it would be nice if the floater leaders and such wouldn't drop a *COM_CORPSE clustering up the sell and research screen. But I don't know which impact that would have on the battlescape.
Apparently I missed this one. Sorry! Will be fixed.
In unrelated news, the alloy cannon is the most expensive thing in the entire craft arsenal now. Not that I am a raving lunatic about it, the opposite is true, but I want it to be somewhat viable. One full load or 200 shots now cost $112.000. That's 16 alloys (sell/manufacturing price $6.500 each; x16 = $104.000) + engineering time + base cost. By comparison one set of avalanches cost $27.000 which is currently in my game the least cost-efficient way to down UFOs, assuming one does not care about the repair time. To make a more fair argument, to achieve the same damage potential you would need three loads of avalanches but that's still only $81.000. If you are curious, I can attach my current craft weapon comparison calc table.
My suggestion is to either set the required alloys to 1 which would make the ammo still very expensive, remove it entirely then it is slightly more expensive than cannon ammo or make bigger clips x100 or even x200 and require only 1 alloy for them. The last suggestion, though, will most likely break savegames for people who use the alloy cannon already.
That weapon destruction on death rule has made me a real bean-counter. :P
Well, I significantly lowered the monetary cost of the ammo production as well as cut the alloy cost by half, to 2 per 50 rounds. While it takes a lot of material to produce 50 Vulcan bullets, I don't think it's as much as a full body armour. Hopefully it'll help.
Having said that, the alloy cannon is an intermediate between the ballistic cannon and the gauss/laser one, so it doesn't have to be overly cost-efficient. :P
Also you forgot to set the clipsize for the alloy cannon's ammo.
Now, that sounds bad. I can't remember now, it was modded when I knew much less about OpenXCom, and it was mostly trial and error - and apparently this version worked.
Is there an actual problem with it?
In more positive news. Playing with standard weapons (excluding advanced weapons) I like how you balanced them. All of them have sufficient benefits and drawbacks to put them in a niche. I ended up with assault rifles with standard rounds for my grunts and rifles with alloy ammo for my snipers who would have an chance to hit >90%. Lesser snipers got the sniper rifle but they had to invest more TU. With that major nerf for the sniper rifles' TU the tactical sniper rifle also became very attractive. So good job!
Thanks, it's partially your doing. :)
Also that maintenance cost for the Ravens really hurts but it's a good pain. ;D The Thunderstorm is pretty cool and with a higher tier cannon a beast.
I think that airforce development might actually be a bit too fast... But then again, maybe not - I think all craft are being used.
I would like to add a few pennies to the balance discussion. I hope this critique is not to harsh. I love your mod and I only intend the best and contribute in a slightly minor way as to make FMP even better.
True critique is never too harsh.
I have play tested the FMP up until rail weapons and I must say the deal breaker/unbreaker for a successful play through is a dependency on obtaining an engineer of some type. Unlocking laser/plasma/rails is a must. If you capture many navigators but miss out on engineers then you have the capacity to shoot down craft but you start to loose the capacity to deal with the ground situation. For instance once Mutons start popping up your normal weapons + alloy ammo is ineffectual. This is especially true for MIB missions. The normal soldiers can be removed fine however the heavily armored ones are ni impossible to take care of even with standard grenades. (this is pre discovery that the tactical sniper rifle came with HE ammo which I haven't tried yet. I avoid MIB missions at all costs. One because they are confusing and they don't drop that much good loot.
Well, yes. On the other hand, it's an early source of lasers and other good stuff (in limited quantities).
BTW I had a (late) MiB retaliation mission yesterday. Lost a decently defended secondary base... Wow.
As for the tactical sniper HE ammo, I don't really like it myself after all - it basically sucks, lacking the stopping power against most enemies. I'll make it a bit stronger.
Oh, and about Mutons and the like before energy weapons... Fire is pretty good. I've just won a battle against Gazers using only starting weapons and advanced firearms, mostly thanks to a flamethrower and its brave (and now quite dead) operator.
Remember that you don't have to win every battle, so it's okay if you pull out from the tougher ones. You'll get there in time.
The other issue is capturing live aliens. It takes 2-3 months to get an alien containment facility going. Live aliens captured before completion of this structure are useless. The stun weapons you get are not great. The stun pistol is worthless to start off with. It has such a low percent chance to hit, you have to get in at very close range, and if you do hit the odds that you are going to successfully stun the target are very low.
I can't really make it any more accurate, it's just a pistol-shaped wire launcher, but I can consider making it a bit more powerful.
The stun rod is good, but you do have to get very close and alien reaction fire can be quite severe. The dart gun is inaccurate as all hell and is more likely to get your soldiers killed in the process of capturing a single live alien and you have to land many many shots to capture it.
Hey, it's not that bad for a goddamn dart gun. I've actually improved it already, can't really make it even better.
I would suggest beefing up the stun equipment slightly as FMP relies heavily on capture but the stun equipment, in my opinion never really got looked at up close but was simply inserted to vary out weapon load outs. Simply giving small tweaks to the power and accuracy of existing tech would go along way to make capturing live aliens fun and enjoyable, and not a painful frustrating luck based process. Walking close to an alien and missing 4 of 6 tazer shots, not stunning it and it ends up killing 3 soldiers after the turn is over is not very fun. I would much rather set up a well placed and coordinated trap, loose 3 soldiers moving into position, and capturing a live alien with a single satisfying shot. (new video coming up demonstrating that in the LP.)
Through all this you actually have to find a live engineer which means you will be sacrificing many many troops. The chance that you will find an engineer is slim because they are one of many types and with ineffectual stun weaponry a hard catch. That coupled with the already narrow window to catch one of these engineers makes it a make or break moment for each play through.
Yes, I know all that. That's how it's supposed to be.
You see, probably the most important goal of FMP is to introduce more gameplay elements in a meaningful way - so that the player could experience all the tech stages. It would be pointless to add more firearms to the game if they were replaced by better weapons within two in-game months. That's why I made sure you're stuck with rifles, shotguns and whatever advanced firearms you research for quite some time. This could be three months, could be a year - it's up to you to somehow get your hands on the alien knowledge. This is exactly the challenge I am aiming for, because it supports the goal I've described above. And it's quite rewarding to the player, I think - as long as you don't run out of things to research, which isn't typical. And I think it also makes each game unique, since you may get lucky and get Alien Subjugation very early, which makes things a breeze in comparison.
Does it make the game more dificult? In some ways, yes, but in a "soft" way, since you probably won't lose the game much easier than on vanilla. And there's also the option of decreasing difficulty if you feel like it.
After you get an engineer the tree opens up very very quickly. All the sudden you are breezing through the research as the tree opens up right to rail cannons.
Do you mean too quickly? I was worried about this...
This makes the heavy plasma and other plasma tier weapons not as useful because you can unlock rails quick.
Yes, and what's the problem with that? It's good for diversity to give plasma weapons some competition, right? :)
Besides, what competition? Plasma is overall best anyway. Maybe except for sniping.
You may disagree with some details here but I think the real issue is there is no real intermittent weapon in between standard human weapons and the rest of the tech. I think the alien laser rifle would fill this gap quite nicely. So my suggestion is a very simple one. Give players access to both alien laser rifle AND alien laser rifle clip on the same research.
And disable all human weapons straight away? Nah. :P
Gauss weapons are supposed to be the intermittent thing, along with alloy ammo. The alien laser rifle isn't hard to get, either, you only need one Engineer.
As it stands now, I can get to alien laser but not the clip and that is often times where I get a little stuck as I have to go hunt another engineer on an ever closing window of opportunity.
Like I said, as intended.
(Hey, if you think this is hardcore, try playing the ACM Mod for UFO: Aftershock! :) The first time you meet the Cultists is always a brutal wake-up call, and you have to beat them, unlike in Openxcom. Yet, I can't imagine playing Aftershock game without this great mod.)
Alien Power Miniaturization is the keystone for the whole ground game and I think that alien rifle clip should not be tied to it so that you have at least something to answer to the monthly terror missions and large/very large UFO's. I would go further to suggest some more intermediate tech between human weapons and rail cannons and put another barrier in between them so that you can fully flush out and use all the tactical laser weapons for a while before moving on like in the air game, which is my opinion, in a much better place.
Can you please specify if it's a difficulty issue, or more of a pacing/design issue? Does the game suddenly throw too much stuff at you after a long period of fasting, or something like that?
Anyway, I can't see how the alien laser clip can not be related to the miniaturized power source. After all, it is a miniaturized power source. If you could have this technology without having UFO Power Source Miniaturization, you wouldn't ever need UFO Power Source Miniaturization, since you could apply any laser alien laser clip-related technology that would essentially do the same thing (powerful hand weapons and armours). That's partially why the Toxigun was introduced - to offer some sort of alternative to high-voltage weapons, however narrow.
I don't mean I don't want to change anything, I just don't know what can be done, and primarily if there's even the need to do so.
There are many thing I like about the air tech. There are a lot of intermediate steps. You start out with a standard interceptor with cannons and sting rays, then you unlock the alloy cannons (which is quite expensive) then you unlock laser and gauss weapons. Along the way you get the Raven, a new Sky Ranger, then once you get a navigator you get access to the thunderstorm which is pretty awesome. Then ultimately you get the Tormentor which rules the skies. Even the endgame air game is balanced because refueling comes after a full repair so you need many of these crafts to perform well. I really love where the air game is despite the early bind small fighters can get on the player. The air games strength comes in it granular nature with an ever increasing array of tech that makes sense and can deal with upcoming and more powerful threats. This is something the ground weapons lack.
Thanks for the kind words. I think it could be because the air game is much simpler and less dependant on luck. Hmm, perhaps it would be better if there was less randomness in the ground combat research... On the other hand, I personally prefer it. I don't know, I need to think about it, and also hear more about it from you and the others.
Conversely if you only find engineers and no navigators, then shooting down ufo's from the very beginning is extremely rough because the small fighters cannot be countered by standard interceptors.
But Navigators are a dime a dozen, present on virtually any UFO. Besides, I think ground combat is more important in Openxcom, since you can always assault landed UFOs and bases (not to mention terror sites).
This leaves to a different kind of problem with alien retaliations. If you cant shoot down small fighters you cant stop them from finding your base, and therefore larger and larger ufo's will come your way which are harder and harder to handle. This will peak to a base attack (SuperHuman) a difficulty scale that is way way out of your league. I had base attacks very early and had to contend with blaster launchers, extremely tanky terror units and mind control with machine guns sniper rifles and HE packs. This did not go well as soon as the mind control hit i was done for.
I know. I love it. :)
But more seriously, 1) I don't think shooting down Fighters is that hard if you have two Interceptors, and 2) Base Assaults frequency depends a lot on random dice and base location. In the vanilla, you can have an attack every week or two, or not experience any throughout the game. I don't think the FMP changes this too much.
Maybe make it so that small fighters can be downed by either several standard interceptors by making them more easily catch able (slower) but still just as dangerous, or slightly less dangerous so that you can do it solo but only by sustaining heavy damage on a single interceptor, or beef interceptors up a few notches. This would allow a player to counter a very early and severe fighter attack and prevent dangerous early escalation of alien retaliation missions with only impossible very large ufos flying around and the eventual and inevitable tomb stone engraving base defense mission.
Aren't you exaggerating a little? :P
Anyway, no nerfing the Fighters! They're exactly as they should be. Want to shoot them down - put your heart into it. And if you fail, well, base defense missions are rarely very bad. (Bear in mind I lost a base yesterday to an attack by MiBs, so they are a threat, but they should be!)
For some reason I seem to be unlocking the air tech faster than the ground tech. Is this because both leaders and navigators give you access to air tech, and only engineers give access to ground tech? I would have to look at the code but I think that is right. Therefore, maybe have the leaders give access to either ground tech or air tech. That way engineers are always ground, navigators are always air, and leaders can be both.
That's how it's been since the very beginning - Leaders and Commanders give access to everything Medics and Engineers do. I'm not sure about Navigators at the moment, but I think that too.
That makes sense and may balance out the research a little. In short, add alien power miniaturization to alien leader research.
Sure, this can be done. (Though I'd be really pissed if I got this instead of, say, Fusion Explosives.)
Maybe I'm talking out of my butt, but that is my two cents (probably a quarter now that im looking at this posts size) on the balancing act that is FMP.
Great work! I Wouldn't be writing this if I didn't love the project.
See you out there
Thanks a lot Jstank, it was really valuable, helped me think and also offered some simple adjustments. Hopefully I'll hear more from you!
can update the avenger????
with copy and update the files is ready???
? What's wrong with the Avenger?
Hi Solarius,
I can't provide such extensive feedback as JStank yet, I'm still in March of my first playthrough only... but still I'd like to add a few words:
1/ I don't feel too threatened/underpowered yet... I mean human weapons are still OK (I have faced sectoids/cyberdiscs, floaters/reapers, hybrids/drones and chtonites/tunluns so far).
2/ I do have access to Gauss and also Laser weapons research already in March, I really don't think it's that hard to do... I will stick to human weapons though for the time being, I don't like it when aliens don't have a fighting chance
3/ Overall, FMP seems to be doing exactly what I expected (was hoping for)... make the game harder and longer; and that's good. In vanilla, if you know what to do, you can have Heavy Plasmas, Plasma Cannons, Power Suits, Hyperwave Decoders and Psi-amps already in April (most of it already in March)... and that's just too early.
Once I am finished with the playthrough, I will post a LOT more feedback and suggestions... for now, a big THANK YOU for making my favourite game even better.
Thanks for taking the time to consider my view points.
After more play testing I will see if I can catch any more oddities.
Keep up the good work
Having said that, the alloy cannon is an intermediate between the ballistic cannon and the gauss/laser one, so it doesn't have to be overly cost-efficient. :P
Yeah, I start to look at it the same way. The alloy ammo for the battlescape weapons is also very expensive but it keeps them going for longer. It's one of the only upgrades you get till you have your alien containment filled to the brim with prisoners. As such it makes sense that the less alien interrogation dependent upgrades are less cost-efficient. :)
Now, that sounds bad. I can't remember now, it was modded when I knew much less about OpenXCom, and it was mostly trial and error - and apparently this version worked.
Is there an actual problem with it?
Without the clipsize, the alloy cannon's ammo is essentially free as it doesn't take any while still loading the gun. If you unmount the cannon, you even get free money as you end up with more ammo than before.
Here, so you don't have to look for too long.
size: 0.1
costSell: 900
transferTime: 48
clipSize: 50 #added this
listOrder: 631
I think that airforce development might actually be a bit too fast... But then again, maybe not - I think all craft are being used.
Do you mean in terms of researching new craft or building too many fighters? In the latter case I can assure you that the newly introduced maintenance cost for the Raven reduced my overall spending as I now need to keep money at the bank each month. In my last month it was 2.2 million dollars I couldn't cover with the countries' funding.
As for the tactical sniper HE ammo, I don't really like it myself after all - it basically sucks, lacking the stopping power against most enemies. I'll make it a bit stronger.
How do you feel about the heavy cannon's HE ammo compared to the TSR? Perhaps I am undervaluing the higher potential fire rate of the HC, but I wouldn't want to see a bullet having a greater blast radius than a shell. Thinking about it, you could reduce the blast radius of the TSR HE while increasing its damage. That might make sense.
Yes, I know all that. That's how [stunning] is supposed to be.
I didn't think it's too bad so far. Except for that darned Etheral who didn't drop after 8 soldiers hit it with stun rods and tazer rounds repeatably, just to have the dog bite its back till it dropped. Then it bled to death. >:( At least I got its weapon.
After you get an engineer the tree opens up very very quickly. All the sudden you are breezing through the research as the tree opens up right to rail cannons.
Do you mean too quickly? I was worried about this...
Definitely! I literally got the rail cannon research after I had researched the gauss cannon. And its cost of 40 science points(?) didn't make it any better. Replacing one tier in one gameday is quite something.
Besides, what competition? Plasma is overall best anyway. Maybe except for sniping.
And theoretically cracking sectopods in one shot if you haven't changed the damage reduction values.
As such I have put the rail tech for my game behind the E115 research to keep some progression. E115 is probably not a good choice, but at least it's farther back in the research tree. And E115 is required to manufacture the rail weapons.
Can you please specify if it's a difficulty issue, or more of a pacing/design issue? Does the game suddenly throw too much stuff at you after a long period of fasting, or something like that?
In the previous game I got gauss, laser and rail in a very short time. Currently I am running with gauss and haven't researched the alien laser gun yet for presumably laser tech. So that's good. But the rail.......
Thanks for the kind words. I think it could be because the air game is much simpler and less dependant on luck. Hmm, perhaps it would be better if there was less randomness in the ground combat research... On the other hand, I personally prefer it. I don't know, I need to think about it, and also hear more about it from you and the others.
Except for getting the examination room as a reward for the interrogation I don't mind too much randomness either.
Anyway, no nerfing the Fighters! They're exactly as they should be. Want to shoot them down - put your heart into it.
I haven't tried to shoot them down with interceptors as I always had Ravens by then. And if I didn't the Skyranger would do the job. Except for fighter's tendency to flee before the avalanche comes in range, they aren't too annoying. It's kind of a mini battleship that needs a bit effort to reduce it to ashes. I like that.
And I gotta join with Meridian in thanking you to make the game even more awesome. ;)
P.S. This is probably going to be the longest page ever.
Yay, more posts!
Thanks Meridian, glad to have your opinion. I won't respond to it in detail, because there's nothing I can say really, but duly noted.
Without the clipsize, the alloy cannon's ammo is essentially free as it doesn't take any while still loading the gun. If you unmount the cannon, you even get free money as you end up with more ammo than before.
Here, so you don't have to look for too long.
Thank you, kind sir!
Do you mean in terms of researching new craft or building too many fighters? In the latter case I can assure you that the newly introduced maintenance cost for the Raven reduced my overall spending as I now need to keep money at the bank each month. In my last month it was 2.2 million dollars I couldn't cover with the countries' funding.
I actually meant craft design - you get the Sentinel pretty quickly, and by this time you already have Ravens and Thunderstorms. Is it too cluttered? Spreading them more would be hard...
How do you feel about the heavy cannon's HE ammo compared to the TSR? Perhaps I am undervaluing the higher potential fire rate of the HC, but I wouldn't want to see a bullet having a greater blast radius than a shell. Thinking about it, you could reduce the blast radius of the TSR HE while increasing its damage. That might make sense.
Okay, so I did. We'll see how it goes.
Definitely! I literally got the rail cannon research after I had researched the gauss cannon. And its cost of 40 science points(?) didn't make it any better. Replacing one tier in one gameday is quite something.
And theoretically cracking sectopods in one shot if you haven't changed the damage reduction values.
As such I have put the rail tech for my game behind the E115 research to keep some progression. E115 is probably not a good choice, but at least it's farther back in the research tree. And E115 is required to manufacture the rail weapons.
In the previous game I got gauss, laser and rail in a very short time. Currently I am running with gauss and haven't researched the alien laser gun yet for presumably laser tech. So that's good. But the rail.......
Well, it requires Anti-Matter Containment, which makes it a bit of a gamble. But it's a bit easy to get if you are lucky with interrogations. Should I add some additional prerequisite? If yes, what would that be? (It shouldn't be too hard, or you'll have it after plasma.)
Now, for the news: 1.1 is on its way. It'll contain the following tweaks:
- Made Alloy Cannon rounds ten times cheaper in money and twice cheaper in Alien Alloys.
- Increased Taser power from 38 to 44.
- Increased Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Ammo damage from 50 to 56, but with a small radius.
But of course this wouldn't be enough for an upgrade by from 1.0.X to 1.1, so prepare for a surprise! It has to do with a new mission and... Cydonia.
sorry. i refer the update to version 1.1 of improved avenger
sorry. i refer the update to version 1.1 of improved avenger
I believe I haven't included it in the FMP. It's just your normal Avenger.
upss more sorry . i disconnect in a time. i think i find a bug with the md. if in option of the game in language are more option. i think for the mod. if i dont select es in my case i dont see in spanish. if i rename the language to normal name in ruleset don need select the es option. sorry for my bad english.......
upss more sorry . i disconnect in a time. i think i find a bug with the md. if in option of the game in language are more option. i think for the mod. if i dont select es in my case i dont see in spanish. if i rename the language to normal name in ruleset don need select the es option. sorry for my bad english.......
No need to apologize, your English is certainly better than my Spanish, but frankly I haven't understood much. I believe the issue is with the Spanish language of the mod, to which I can only say that there's no Spanish translation of the FMP except for a few lines.
If it's about something else, please send me a PM with explanation - can be in French if you prefer.
Is there any decent way to get at least normal Laser Weapons in the FMP?
Because i am stuck at alloy ammo and fighting Mutons.
I will edit the Ruleset so i have normal Laser Weapons.
All well balanced my ass.
Is there any decent way to get at least normal Laser Weapons in the FMP?
Because i am stuck at alloy ammo and fighting Mutons.
I will edit the Ruleset so i have normal Laser Weapons.
All well balanced my ass.
Well, if it's 2 hc 4 u to catch one living Engineer, I suggest you play something else.
this is the translation complete of spanish. is my first release of actual version may be minorbugs i solve with the time
need to select es in language
se necesita marcar es en lenguage
and the txt
this is the translation complete of spanish. is my first release of actual version may be minorbugs i solve with the time
need to select es in language
se necesita marcar es en lenguage
and the txt
Thanks! I'll integrate it soon, together with the Russian update which is long overdue.
Is there any decent way to get at least normal Laser Weapons in the FMP?
Because i am stuck at alloy ammo and fighting Mutons.
I will edit the Ruleset so i have normal Laser Weapons.
All well balanced my ass.
There are...certain oddities for sure in there but so far IMHO it is balanced. For one you should not gun for lazers IMHO (Again IDK for sure first time I am trying this) but try to get some engineers to research Gauss tech. Its a stronger in all accounts than lazers but they lack autoshot (small loss again IMHO).
I have certain pecurialities and remarks Solarius on certain shall we say quality of life tweeks, but I am not sure on some of them, Ill need a day or two to be more certain however its gonna be a wall of a post.
That said this mod makes the game waaaaaaay better and more realistic than the original GJ to all people making this.
I have a question though: Is there a research tree somewhere available?
That said this mod makes the game waaaaaaay better and more realistic than the original GJ to all people making this.
definitely agree on this. I can't see myself going back to vanilla after playing with FMP!
I have a question though: Is there a research tree somewhere available?
There is a tool that will give you a visual "tree", but it's like a file system tree, not like a UML diagram or anything. Still, it's quite useful. You can get it from this post (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3364.msg39285.html#msg39285)
Well, if it's 2 hc 4 u to catch one living Engineer, I suggest you play something else.
I have several Engineers captured and researched.
Well got Laser Weapons unlocked, together with Plasma and Blaster Launchers....
Sorry but you really need to rework your research here big time.
Also making Laser Canons (most profitable Item to produce and sell) need Elerium to be manufactured takes a big component out from the game for me.
Which is having bazillion of bases stocked with troops ready to fight each with a Skyranger and multiple interceptors to respond. When i saw this i realized,
that this mod is not for me. And that it is boring, despite all the added content.
Well got Laser Weapons unlocked, together with Plasma and Blaster Launchers....
Sorry but you really need to rework your research here big time.
Sure, but why?
Lasers can be produced after Alien Laser Rifle + Clip, which only require (from memory) Alien Power Systems and UFO Power Source Miniaturization, which comes from UFO Power Source and a living Engineer. If it doesn't work like that for you, then indeed something is wrong, but I don't think it's the mod - it hasn't been reported by anyone. Gauss are even a little easier, since you don't have to research the alien weapon.
I realize it's frustrating, but it's definitely not intended, and most probably not coded either. Perhaps it's because of switching between FMP versions, as this part was being worked upon recently, or maybe some sort of conflict with other mods.
Also making Laser Canons (most profitable Item to produce and sell) need Elerium to be manufactured takes a big component out from the game for me.
1) Production for selling is completely unnecessary, I don't do this and have way more money from loot than I can spend.
2) Elerium is plentiful (you don't have many ways to spend it for quite some time), so I think you can use at least some for profit if you need this.
Which is having bazillion of bases stocked with troops ready to fight each with a Skyranger and multiple interceptors to respond. When i saw this i realized,
that this mod is not for me. And that it is boring, despite all the added content.
Well, it's long indeed. I guess it's a matter of taste. Some more features will come up, but it requires moving to OpenXCom Extended, and I'm not quite ready for this yet.
Copy/pasting this here because I posted it in the wrong thread.
This constitutes my opinions and in no way it should be seen as looking down on the mod or rage or whatever. I compiled this with the hope it might give you some insights and make the mod better nothing more nothing less, so lets do this:
1) Issue the TFTD maps. While those are awesome and I like the design overall, I found certain of them to be huge and overtly complex. I had a terror mission in a resort and I felt I was replaying the old Cruise liner missions from TFTD trying to find every freaking alien in every freaking corner. And eventually I found a cyberdisc stuck in a room which had a single door (but thats another matter which is related to the originals unit placement). In other words those maps are beutifull and well designed but they are a strain to the player. Not because he will be unable to finish them or they are hard but because they suffer from hunt the alien syndrome.
I know that probably this is just me and that there is nothing to be done about it really, but I thought I will say it.
2)On the same course I liked every new alien race in the mod so far, but again I was a bit thrown down when I saw the new alien races (and the gauss weapons) using the skins from TFTD. Again I know its not wrong but it throws me a bit off. Especially the gauss tech which is a tech developed in the second war. Would it be possible to rename Gauss into something else? Again I know this something that it is only me, but I have a knack for lore.
3)In one of my starts I litteraly received as a first mission the base defense. I had 1 UFO detected and shotdown and then by Jan 5 I was attacked. Surely one UFO shot down is not enough to warrant an alien retaliation mission right?
4)Laser-Plasma-Gauss-Rails. This needs to be adressed a bit I fear. There is litteraly no reason why you should try to research Lasers anymore. With the time you can spent on having all the nessesary components to fully unlock the laser reasearch, you are better off beelining to go directly to Gauss which is actually more effective and if you are Auto happy then jump directly to Rails and be done with it. Lazers require some tweeking. Either make them easier to research or a slight damage boost to make them a clear alternative to Gauss, because honestly the Auto shot tradeoff simply doesnt cut it.
5)Armors. So far I am using alloy armors I havent progressed further. However I feel that even the not so humble alloy vest is too strong for what it provides. It makes you almost immune to lazers (which is ok I guess after all its alloy) but the weird things start with plasma. Unless its a really lucky shot the notsohumble alloy vest might resist a full autoshot from a plasma rifle and ever since I upgraded to ally armor this got even worse. I am not a sadist, but I dread to think what powersuits will do :D
6) Shotguns. IDK why the alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle but I wants me an alloy scatter round pl0x. Or I would settle with a high powered shotgun variant with scatter shot. I luv me shotguns on everything below 50ish accuracy.
7)Speaking of armors and their too stronkiness (yes thats a new word), I found it amusing that said alloy armor could resist and srug off a full auto from plasma rifle but a Hybrd Ak-47 was able to penetrate the armor like it was paper. Three times.
Russians and their engineering?
8)The Sentinel requires a small edit in its description to say it is powered up by Elerium IMHO its not clear.
9)Its too easy to get Psilabs although the entertainment requirement might not be so obvious, to someone who knows it might allow for psionics from month 2 which might lead to full hard on psi squads that would make the etherials cry like babies in the end game.
10)Speaking of which going into your second mission and getting attacked by psionics is a bit....I wet my pants ok? I thought somehow they were etherials because I had no eye contact. Might want to dissable the sectoid leader psi powers for a couple of months and combine it with a psilab research path overhaul to delay psi in general.
11) You might want to reconsider the fact that when you have researched an alien weapon, the ammo must became automatically available to research. After all those things are clips, even if you dont know how to build more, you can simply slide them in and fire yes? And since the damn alien gave you the specifics for the entire function of the weapon why wouldnt he tell you of the clip?
12)Research randomness. Now this is the big question of the mod. Why should it be random and why I have litteraly to captuare the alien invasions entire command stracture to get access to their tech? What are the egg heads in my labs doing then? Engineers will provide only so many research options the rest you need leaders+ for. And while I always felt the original had bonked it in that specific department that their only thing to give was the martial solution and the cydonia mission, this mod is a bit to leader happy. You need to capture them all and the results you get are random and you get things that might lead you nowhere at your current state. I still cant understand what optronics are supposed to do, but I believe that they have to do with craft desings. Or I hope so....
So what I propose is this: Limit the need for engineers and Leaders. I dont think you should need more than 6 (total) and the tech tree should be made a bit more linear and less random. Leader/engineer 01 gives you access to tech x, then 02 gives access to tech Y and all of them branch out on specific fields.
I think that would be a good way to make things less random and allow you to reach specific avenues (for example I might be a nut and not care for my soldiers but want to speed up avionics).
13)We need a message after specific research is completed in regards to husks/corpses and their dissasembly from the Engineers and their uses thereoff.
14) The X-com Cyberdisk without having research plasma and lasers can be made available. I understand that rewiring the weapons of the cyberdisk can be possible, but then we are running on the oximoron of been unable to fire a laser rifle because the egg head didnt write a manual on it and how to load the clips on it :D
15)The skymarshall sometimes (due to extended size I guess) gets its ramp access completely blocked in the densly terrain new maps which only allows deployment by the rear exits. I would also like to say that I find the boxes deployed in front of the ramp to be completely out of place as well as the fact it is on storie one and the weels are hanging from the wings :D. I dont believe that those are the answers to provide cover durring deployment, or to be precice that eart tech craft should provide such things. Or at least do it a bit more believable?
16)And something that occured to me: I have researched the toxisuit but I was wondering: Does the powersuit allow you to use flamers? One would expect from a completely sealed off containment unit to do so.
Thats it for now. Again those my thoughts on the subject and are not to be taken as mandatory things to be changed. Just what I believe I would tweek if I had the skill to mod the game. Awaiting your reply with interest. Again GJ and as myk002 said, from henceforth I cant play the original without this mod.
I'd like to comment on a few of the above points, some for, and some against.
2)using the skins from TFTD
These are from the mods that FMP aggregates. If you'd like to contribute new sprites/graphics to those mods, I'm sure they'd take them.
5)Armors too strong
Maybe.. On the other hand, they *are* expensive. This just comes down to balance. Is the mortality rate really too low? I could go either way on this one
6) alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle
I've actually wondered the same thing. Of course I took advantage of it -- using AP ammo essentially gives you a very accurate rifle -- but I fear this may be unintentional/OP, though of course the proper place to discuss that would be in the source mod thread, not FMP
11) researching an alien weapon making the ammo automatically available to research
I can see both sides of this. In previous discussions, it was brought up that whereas the weapon does not need power miniaturization, the clips do (logically). However, this does deviate from the normal "research flow" established by vanilla items. I'd be in favor of either dropping the power mini requirement for clips or making power mini also a requirement for weapons. Disjointing the weapon from the clip I think is too confusing.
12)Research randomness
This is actually my favorite part of the mod (though I would love to see the ideas in the vanilla rebalance mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3509.0.html) integrated). Randomness fosters replayability, and forces you to perhaps try new tactics. I like this aspect.
13)New manufacturing notification for disassembly jobs
That would be nice -- which mod do these come from?
I would like to comment on point 2
With a little bit of reskin work you could make guass tech into Pulse rifles
You know the one Ripley used against Xenomorphs in Aliens.
2)using the skins from TFTD
These are from the mods that FMP aggregates. If you'd like to contribute new sprites/graphics to those mods, I'm sure they'd take them.
I am not critising them in the spirit they are good/bad. I just said that they look a bit out of place. That said trust me that if I knew how to do such things or if I was good at it (you have a greater propability teaching my fish to do it than me :D )I would be up to the task. I do not say that someone should change them either, just that for me and me alone is a bit of a turn down in a rather excelent work.
5)Armors too strong
Maybe.. On the other hand, they *are* expensive. This just comes down to balance. Is the mortality rate really too low? I could go either way on this one
I dont think they are expensive. Nor that they should be. And I cant really tell about the mortality rate because I dont keep statistics but in vanilla the general idea is: a few plasma shots and you are down with alloy armor. Yes it can and will protect you but its not something to depend on. In this mod somehow alloy armor gave me an unconsious sense of "Its ok I can take this risk, armor will save me" whereas in the normal it was a nail bitting experience. It is my belief that both the alloy vest and armor could do with a slight % reduction on plasma and laser protection respectively. And that issue with the Hybrid rifles might be a thing to look into.
6) alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle
I've actually wondered the same thing. Of course I took advantage of it -- using AP ammo essentially gives you a very accurate rifle -- but I fear this may be unintentional/OP, though of course the proper place to discuss that would be in the source mod thread, not FMP
Yeah I just posted this on the spirit that it may need some look into it, since it sounds unintentional. I wouldnt call it OP because if it could make scatter damage with multipliers it could be even more potent. However as is now, its risky albeit serious answer to terror missions with cyberdisks. Since multiple shots from them and sniper rifles could down them in a time frame where you cant. Its risky its grind but it can be done. However using a shotgun I expected it to be scatter damage. It was a WTF momment when I saw the missile :D
11) researching an alien weapon making the ammo automatically available to research
I can see both sides of this. In previous discussions, it was brought up that whereas the weapon does not need power miniaturization, the clips do (logically). However, this does deviate from the normal "research flow" established by vanilla items. I'd be in favor of either dropping the power mini requirement for clips or making power mini also a requirement for weapons. Disjointing the weapon from the clip I think is too confusing.
If all it takes is to combine both research topics to make them available at the same time then so be it. Just having the one and unable to research the other is comfusing and dare I say silly?
12)Research randomness
This is actually my favorite part of the mod (though I would love to see the ideas in the vanilla rebalance mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3509.0.html) integrated). Randomness fosters replayability, and forces you to perhaps try new tactics. I like this aspect.
This is a matter of perspective (and I respect yours) however one should remember that this is a double sided coin. Whereas you see replayability and force to adapt, I see an inability to lay out my strategy and plan in a strategy game (and X-Com is a strategy game) and forcing me to deal with random problems that have nothing to do with my capabilities. Sure the game has quite a number of random factors, however its beuty (to me at least) was that despite its randomness once you learned how things worked out, you could lay down your plans and progress accordingly to your needs. This is the bet that X-com had won vs the random element and this is the bet a lot of games who have it fail. I dont say that the mod doesnt do its job well. I say that (according to my perception) it can mitigate the randomness factor a little bit, allowing it to do its job (make the game enjoyable) a lot better.[/quote]
13)New manufacturing notification for disassembly jobs
That would be nice -- which mod do these come from?
No idea. I posted this here because I thought this is the place to do so and because I know Solarious is working all around the mod and its add ons. If there is another are to post by all means link it to me.
EDIT: BTW can someone tell me what I need to do to get the good ol' medkits back? (that is research them) :D
Copy/pasting this here because I posted it in the wrong thread.
This constitutes my opinions and in no way it should be seen as looking down on the mod or rage or whatever. I compiled this with the hope it might give you some insights and make the mod better nothing more nothing less, so lets do this:
1) Issue the TFTD maps. While those are awesome and I like the design overall, I found certain of them to be huge and overtly complex. I had a terror mission in a resort and I felt I was replaying the old Cruise liner missions from TFTD trying to find every freaking alien in every freaking corner. And eventually I found a cyberdisc stuck in a room which had a single door (but thats another matter which is related to the originals unit placement). In other words those maps are beutifull and well designed but they are a strain to the player. Not because he will be unable to finish them or they are hard but because they suffer from hunt the alien syndrome.
I know that probably this is just me and that there is nothing to be done about it really, but I thought I will say it.
This is a matter of taste. I certainly don't think they're overly complex, actually TFTD was FAR worse, or at least that's what my memory says. Nevertheless, I'm keeping them, especially since some maps are pretty open.
As for the large units spawning ion wrong places, I agree it's a bug, but I think we should notify Hobbes - it would be much more productive to do it at the source. (Hobbes, I know you can see this. ;) )
2)On the same course I liked every new alien race in the mod so far, but again I was a bit thrown down when I saw the new alien races (and the gauss weapons) using the skins from TFTD. Again I know its not wrong but it throws me a bit off. Especially the gauss tech which is a tech developed in the second war. Would it be possible to rename Gauss into something else? Again I know this something that it is only me, but I have a knack for lore.
What can I say? I fully agree, but we need to make compromises. I would love to have custom sprites for these, but at this point I don't have the time, and when I do I'll be making a new enemy (actually started it already, it's the Chaser from UFO: Extraterrestrials - very fast, weak, but reasonably resistant to solid projectiles). But maybe some day either I or some nice person makes these sprites and I'll be more than happy to use them.
3)In one of my starts I litteraly received as a first mission the base defense. I had 1 UFO detected and shotdown and then by Jan 5 I was attacked. Surely one UFO shot down is not enough to warrant an alien retaliation mission right?
It's not related to the mod, it just happens. Base location is important; if you choose a particularly bad spot, you'll get visitors all the time.
4)Laser-Plasma-Gauss-Rails. This needs to be adressed a bit I fear.
Arrgh. :) No escape from this!
There is litteraly no reason why you should try to research Lasers anymore. With the time you can spent on having all the nessesary components to fully unlock the laser reasearch, you are better off beelining to go directly to Gauss which is actually more effective and if you are Auto happy then jump directly to Rails and be done with it. Lazers require some tweeking. Either make them easier to research or a slight damage boost to make them a clear alternative to Gauss, because honestly the Auto shot tradeoff simply doesnt cut it.
I politely disagree - lasers are better in my opinion. But they're worse in your opinion. Which probably means they're balanced. :P
My reasoning is, autofire is crucial in close-quarter combat, since it often happens that you hit an alien with the Gauss, he survives due to a low damage roll and retaliates. With autofire, it's less likely. Besides many aliens are resistant to AP damage, which makes Gauss weapons not so great despite their higher damage output. So each type has its quirks; I personally prefer lasers for their reliability, but then again there are things they're not as good at as lasers.
5)Armors. So far I am using alloy armors I havent progressed further. However I feel that even the not so humble alloy vest is too strong for what it provides. It makes you almost immune to lazers (which is ok I guess after all its alloy) but the weird things start with plasma. Unless its a really lucky shot the notsohumble alloy vest might resist a full autoshot from a plasma rifle and ever since I upgraded to ally armor this got even worse. I am not a sadist, but I dread to think what powersuits will do :D
I haven't done anything to the Personal Armour, except giving it some weight. I haven't changed vanilla plasma weapons either, except for making them a bit less accurate over long distances. Therefore you're experiencing vanilla behaviour.
And Alloy Vests are worse than the Personal Armour in every aspect, though their frontal armour value is comparable (44 vs. 50).
6) Shotguns. IDK why the alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle but I wants me an alloy scatter round pl0x. Or I would settle with a high powered shotgun variant with scatter shot. I luv me shotguns on everything below 50ish accuracy.
You want alloy scatter? No problem! I just didn't think people would be much interested in this and never went around to do so. I'll add it soon.
7)Speaking of armors and their too stronkiness (yes thats a new word), I found it amusing that said alloy armor could resist and srug off a full auto from plasma rifle but a Hybrd Ak-47 was able to penetrate the armor like it was paper. Three times.
Russians and their engineering?
As i explained above, it's just randomization. (And headshots.)
8)The Sentinel requires a small edit in its description to say it is powered up by Elerium IMHO its not clear.
Yeah, it uses Elerium. Okay, added some info, thanks.
9)Its too easy to get Psilabs although the entertainment requirement might not be so obvious, to someone who knows it might allow for psionics from month 2 which might lead to full hard on psi squads that would make the etherials cry like babies in the end game.
Maybe, though it's still a bit better than vanilla. Once the FMP moves to OpenXCom Extended, it'll be possible to make it even better. For now, I suggest playing with the line-of-sight-only psionics option.
10)Speaking of which going into your second mission and getting attacked by psionics is a bit....I wet my pants ok? I thought somehow they were etherials because I had no eye contact. Might want to dissable the sectoid leader psi powers for a couple of months and combine it with a psilab research path overhaul to delay psi in general.
Well, it's kind of canon to let them have psionics, and I don't want to change this. What we could do it to make them useless for psi research, but that wouldn't make sense. Well, at least it's hard to catch them in the first months.
11) You might want to reconsider the fact that when you have researched an alien weapon, the ammo must became automatically available to research. After all those things are clips, even if you dont know how to build more, you can simply slide them in and fire yes? And since the damn alien gave you the specifics for the entire function of the weapon why wouldnt he tell you of the clip?
At least it allows you to pick up an alien rifle during battle and use it without knowing how its clip works, yet you can't take the clips (they need to be calibrated periodically to stay useable and you need to know how to do it). It's a bit controversial, I know, but that's how vanilla works too and I didn't really want to change it.
12)Research randomness. Now this is the big question of the mod. Why should it be random and why I have litteraly to captuare the alien invasions entire command stracture to get access to their tech? What are the egg heads in my labs doing then? Engineers will provide only so many research options the rest you need leaders+ for. And while I always felt the original had bonked it in that specific department that their only thing to give was the martial solution and the cydonia mission, this mod is a bit to leader happy. You need to capture them all and the results you get are random and you get things that might lead you nowhere at your current state. I still cant understand what optronics are supposed to do, but I believe that they have to do with craft desings. Or I hope so....
Actually you don't need Leaders for anything more than in vanilla, all the rest is provided by Engineers, Medics and Navigators.
And optronics is for something else... :) Okay, I'll tell you, because you wouldn't be able to recognize it once you know it: Power Suits. (More in the future.)
So what I propose is this: Limit the need for engineers and Leaders. I dont think you should need more than 6 (total) and the tech tree should be made a bit more linear and less random. Leader/engineer 01 gives you access to tech x, then 02 gives access to tech Y and all of them branch out on specific fields.
I think that would be a good way to make things less random and allow you to reach specific avenues (for example I might be a nut and not care for my soldiers but want to speed up avionics).
This can be done, but frankly I like it random, since every campaign is different. I'm not saying no to improvements, though - and preferably more alternatives.
13)We need a message after specific research is completed in regards to husks/corpses and their dissasembly from the Engineers and their uses thereoff.
OK, I'll think about it, though at this point I am unsure on how to do it, technically.
14) The X-com Cyberdisk without having research plasma and lasers can be made available. I understand that rewiring the weapons of the cyberdisk can be possible, but then we are running on the oximoron of been unable to fire a laser rifle because the egg head didnt write a manual on it and how to load the clips on it :D
Does it mean Cyberdisc/HMG? Sure, it's possible! :)
15)The skymarshall sometimes (due to extended size I guess) gets its ramp access completely blocked in the densly terrain new maps which only allows deployment by the rear exits.
Yeah, I don't like it either, but I don't think it's a bug/bad design. It just happens. (You can blow up any obstacles.)
I would also like to say that I find the boxes deployed in front of the ramp to be completely out of place as well as the fact it is on storie one and the weels are hanging from the wings :D. I dont believe that those are the answers to provide cover durring deployment, or to be precice that eart tech craft should provide such things. Or at least do it a bit more believable?
I did some work on the Skymarshall, but never liked the result. So consider the current one a temporary version, hopefully. (I'll accept help.)
16)And something that occured to me: I have researched the toxisuit but I was wondering: Does the powersuit allow you to use flamers? One would expect from a completely sealed off containment unit to do so.
Yeah, powered armours are immune to fire.
Thats it for now. Again those my thoughts on the subject and are not to be taken as mandatory things to be changed. Just what I believe I would tweek if I had the skill to mod the game. Awaiting your reply with interest. Again GJ and as myk002 said, from henceforth I cant play the original without this mod.
Many thanks for all the careful thoughts, it's more than helpful! I love reviews like this one, they're a major force in making the mod better.
So, to do immediately:
- alloy scatter,
- Cyberdisc/HMG (or something).
6) alloy ammo transforms the shotgun into a rifle
I've actually wondered the same thing. Of course I took advantage of it -- using AP ammo essentially gives you a very accurate rifle
It's not just the alloy ammo, it's the same with normal solid shots.
But... very accurate? Why? Sure, it's accurate up close, but quickly becomes useless over distance. I personally don't like shotguns much.
13)New manufacturing notification for disassembly jobs
That would be nice -- which mod do these come from?
No special mods, it was made for the FMP specifically. Same with the shotguns and AA ammo really, even though both ideas aren't mine.
I would like to comment on point 2
With a little bit of reskin work you could make guass tech into Pulse rifles
You know the one Ripley used against Xenomorphs in Aliens.
*cough*railguns*cough* :)
EDIT: BTW can someone tell me what I need to do to get the good ol' medkits back? (that is research them) :D
Sure, you need Alien Reproduction, Alien Surgery and a living Medic.
Speaking of the Medikit, I am thinking of yet another item: a 1x1 healing spray, available from the start, which stops bleeding but doesn't recover any HP. The reason is that the First Aid Kit is so heavy and cumbersome, only 2 or 3 people in the squad can carry it. Do you think it's necessary, or maybe it should stay like it is to emphasize the importance of a dedicated field medic?
Speaking of the Medikit, I am thinking of yet another item: a 1x1 healing spray, available from the start, which stops bleeding but doesn't recover any HP. The reason is that the First Aid Kit is so heavy and cumbersome, only 2 or 3 people in the squad can carry it. Do you think it's necessary, or maybe it should stay like it is to emphasize the importance of a dedicated field medic?
I think this is a good tool early, to keep troops from dying out.... it should have a high $$ cost though (and TU?), to keep the First Aid Kit somewhat relevant. Otherwise, it would just make the First Aid Kit obsolete. If you don't add health, a downed trooper, would be stabilized (they won't bleed out) but they wouldn't regain consciousness. I like it. :)
Speaking of the Medikit, I am thinking of yet another item: a 1x1 healing spray, available from the start, which stops bleeding but doesn't recover any HP. The reason is that the First Aid Kit is so heavy and cumbersome, only 2 or 3 people in the squad can carry it. Do you think it's necessary, or maybe it should stay like it is to emphasize the importance of a dedicated field medic?
How about a "turniquet"?
How about a "turniquet"?
Tourniquet is actually a decent idea, because it takes time to apply one. :)
How do you insure that the trooper remains unconscious?
How do you insure that the trooper remains unconscious?
The trooper lost health to a certain point and gained some stun from the damage that they took.
They lost consciousness because the Stun is more than their remaining health.
They are bleeding out.
You tourniquet them, and stop the bleeding.
Stun damage decreases 1 pt per round, so it is possible, as you imply that they could "come to" but they would be most likely very low health.
If you had used a med kit, you would have stopped the bleeding and boosted health a bit which usually brings their health back above stun level and they regain consciousness, often immediately.
So with this idea, its just much more likely they will stay down longer.
Tourniquet is actually a decent idea, because it takes time to apply one. :)
Yep. Lightweight, but more difficult to apply to the injured compared to a "healing spray". It's old but effective technology. They only stop bleeding. So you can give it higher time units than the standard medi-kits or first-aid kits (if possible) to help balance it out.
Thanks for the spelling correction :)
I think this is a good tool early, to keep troops from dying out.... it should have a high $$ cost though (and TU?), to keep the First Aid Kit somewhat relevant. Otherwise, it would just make the First Aid Kit obsolete. If you don't add health, a downed trooper, would be stabilized (they won't bleed out) but they wouldn't regain consciousness. I like it. :)
Thanks Ivan.
Actually it would be possible to add an item that heals wounds but deals damage (scalpel?). But I think it'd be too hardcore. :P
How about a "turniquet"?
Maybe. Or bandages. The actual form is a minor decision here. I think a spray dispenser would be easier to manage in the inventory... Okay, to be frank, I have no idea how to draw it properly to fit the game. :P
Regarding those early life savers.
In first aid skin adhesives are used.
That is nothing more than sterile super glue,
For unmanageable bleeding there's fibrin glue which is basically poured into the wound.
Last but not least there are medical staplers.
I have spent some time thinking about the topic of weapon tiers. Gauss and Laser seem to be okay as Laser has extra non-random non-meta requisites. For rail though if you interrogate enough aliens you can essentially skip Gauss entirely which kinda sucks. Looking at the Gauss Rifle's description it states that Gauss weapons have problems with over-heating which might be due to the power system or whatever explanation.
So the first idea was to add an extra research for cooling systems which can be applied to the experience with Gauss weaponry to allow for more powerful but not over-heating weapons. That would have been another of those random meta research topics which wouldn't have solved the problem assuming you would interrogate enough aliens before.
Following on those thoughts the second idea was to add more meta research which would be the requirement for more meta research. The idea boils down that you have to research items-based research topics first such as each item part of the Gauss Weaponry. Once all of them are researched you would get a topic with preliminary research to cooling components. The results would basically state that we need more cooling but we don't know how exactly to do it, but we have prepared a set of questions for the next alien engineer who visits us. This would be the prerequisite for obtaining the actual cooling systems meta research topic allowing the development of rail guns.
But I don't think that adding even more meta research is a good gameplay mechanic as the player probably wants to get something for every milestone.
The third and last idea is connected to that the UFO power generator has an efficiency of 99% and therefore hardly creates waste (=thermal) energy using Elerium-115. The Gauss tier would represent the first dabbling in advanced kinetic weapons while the Laser tier represents dabbling into weapons using E-115 which also deals with the temperature problem. With the experience made in both trees the scientists create a kinetic weapon which is using an extremely efficient power source with the lessons learned about cooling Laser weapons. They can get rid of the heat problem sufficiently to allow auto-fire on all rail-guns and beefing up the damage at the same time. In terms of gameplay one would have to research every Gauss and Laser item and then you get the rail-guns topic. Together with the antimatter containment there would be enough requirements which are obtainable before going to the Plasma tier.
For something different: I don't know how Elerium fuel works but if the Sentinel really takes Elerium and it has a fuelmax of 400, does that mean it requires 400 units of E115 to refuel it completely?
Regarding those early life savers.
In first aid skin adhesives are used.
That is nothing more than sterile super glue,
For unmanageable bleeding there's fibrin glue which is basically poured into the wound.
Last but not least there are medical staplers.
Yes, that's precisely what I meant. Though I haven't yet decided.
I have spent some time thinking about the topic of weapon tiers. Gauss and Laser seem to be okay as Laser has extra non-random non-meta requisites. For rail though if you interrogate enough aliens you can essentially skip Gauss entirely which kinda sucks. Looking at the Gauss Rifle's description it states that Gauss weapons have problems with over-heating which might be due to the power system or whatever explanation.
So the first idea was to add an extra research for cooling systems which can be applied to the experience with Gauss weaponry to allow for more powerful but not over-heating weapons. That would have been another of those random meta research topics which wouldn't have solved the problem assuming you would interrogate enough aliens before.
That's basically how the tree already works. It is assumed that the anti-matter containment tech provides tools for energy management on unprecedented levels, which allows you to build a heat sink big enough. There could be an empty (meta) tech that like STR_SUPERHEAT_STORAGE gets unlocked with anti-matter containment and leads to railguns, but I'm not really keen on empty tech which gives you nothing - better incorporate it into the proper end research and make it more expensive. Unless there would be something else that STR_SUPERHEAT_STORAGE leads to, but I don't know what.
Following on those thoughts the second idea was to add more meta research which would be the requirement for more meta research. The idea boils down that you have to research items-based research topics first such as each item part of the Gauss Weaponry. Once all of them are researched you would get a topic with preliminary research to cooling components. The results would basically state that we need more cooling but we don't know how exactly to do it, but we have prepared a set of questions for the next alien engineer who visits us. This would be the prerequisite for obtaining the actual cooling systems meta research topic allowing the development of rail guns.
But I don't think that adding even more meta research is a good gameplay mechanic as the player probably wants to get something for every milestone.
Precisely. All it would accomplish would be making the tech tree much more complicated and harder to control, with plethora of research that gives you nothing. So I'm not convinced, unless there's more stuff to unlock or whatever.
The third and last idea is connected to that the UFO power generator has an efficiency of 99% and therefore hardly creates waste (=thermal) energy using Elerium-115. The Gauss tier would represent the first dabbling in advanced kinetic weapons while the Laser tier represents dabbling into weapons using E-115 which also deals with the temperature problem. With the experience made in both trees the scientists create a kinetic weapon which is using an extremely efficient power source with the lessons learned about cooling Laser weapons. They can get rid of the heat problem sufficiently to allow auto-fire on all rail-guns and beefing up the damage at the same time. In terms of gameplay one would have to research every Gauss and Laser item and then you get the rail-guns topic. Together with the antimatter containment there would be enough requirements which are obtainable before going to the Plasma tier.
So you basically mean adding all Laser Weapons as a prerequisite to Railguns? Sure, we could do that.
For something different: I don't know how Elerium fuel works but if the Sentinel really takes Elerium and it has a fuelmax of 400, does that mean it requires 400 units of E115 to refuel it completely?
Frankly? I never bothered to check. :P
So you basically mean adding all Laser Weapons as a prerequisite to Railguns? Sure, we could do that.
plus all Gauss weapons if I had my way ;).
Frankly? I never bothered to check. :P
I was curious enough to check. With the help of savegame editing I found out that the Sentinel requires 16 E115 and the Firestorm 4.
This matches if you compare fuelMax to refuelRate.
Sentinel [fuelMax = 400; refuelRate = 25]: 400 / 25 = 16
Firestorm [fuelMax = 20; refuelRate = 5]: 20 / 5 = 4
I'd assume it's the same for all others.
And I finally understand what Dioxine means by "milage" for Piratez crafts.
Just a quick mention regarding all the engineer woes - a little while back I made a sidemod for FMP that recolors or highlights aliens to indicate which rank they hold. So far I haven't hit any bugs, but if anyone's interested, there's an old thread with the download link here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3188.msg36551.html#msg36551).
Just a quick mention regarding all the engineer woes - a little while back I made a sidemod for FMP that recolors or highlights aliens to indicate which rank they hold. So far I haven't hit any bugs, but if anyone's interested, there's an old thread with the download link here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3188.msg36551.html#msg36551).
Thanks, I've been considering it too. Actually, some races already have distinct Engineers - Mutons (those black Geordi-goggles dudes) and Waspites (they share their green colour with Soldiers).
I'll think about it.
I will certainly incorporate some of this into FMP (if you agree), except for those which already have different sprites.
If you want to delay a weapon tier like Rail or Gauss appearance in the game, you can set up some artifical thresholds, requiring a lot of scientists and engineers hours investment, as well as a huge sum of money. Call it Prototyping.
How it may work:
You get a Gauss Weapons tech (for example) after the same unlocks as now, but it will be just theoretical stuff. Gauss Weapons tech would provide you with manufactoring option - a Handheld Gauss Weapon Prototype. This prototype will cost a lot of money and engineer hours to manufacture.
After a prototype is complete you will be able to research it, consuming the prototype in a process, and unlocking actual Gauss weapons.
To make sure Prototype doesnt just clog up manufactoring list, you may actually make it profitable to sell it on the market.
Lasers wouldnt need a prototype - there is already an Alien Lasrifle.
If you want to delay a weapon tier like Rail or Gauss appearance in the game, you can set up some artifical thresholds, requiring a lot of scientists and engineers hours investment, as well as a huge sum of money. Call it Prototyping.
How it may work:
You get a Gauss Weapons tech (for example) after the same unlocks as now, but it will be just theoretical stuff. Gauss Weapons tech would provide you with manufactoring option - a Handheld Gauss Weapon Prototype. This prototype will cost a lot of money and engineer hours to manufacture.
After a prototype is complete you will be able to research it, consuming the prototype in a process, and unlocking actual Gauss weapons.
To make sure Prototype doesnt just clog up manufactoring list, you may actually make it profitable to sell it on the market.
Lasers wouldnt need a prototype - there is already an Alien Lasrifle.
It's a very interesting idea and I hope I won't forget about it, but I don't think Gauss weapons need more delay.
I will certainly incorporate some of this into FMP (if you agree), except for those which already have different sprites.
If you want, go right ahead. I do remember some of the posters objecting to it when I initially introduced it, though, since the random factor adds to the difficulty and some like it that way.
If you want, go right ahead. I do remember some of the posters objecting to it when I initially introduced it, though, since the random factor adds to the difficulty and some like it that way.
It is controversial, but I made this decision a long time ago. I just didn't have the sprites for many alien classes.
Either way, I don't mind. You could pack both rulesets into the same zip file and let the players turn it on or off as they want, so there's no need for compromise.
Quinch, I went through your work and applied it in the FMP. I took: all Snakemen (except for the Medic, which doesn't exist in the game) and shuffled the colours a little bit, all Floaters (made bigobs too), Sectoid Commander (not the other ranks, I didn't want all of them to wear circlets).
I didn't touch the Mutons because they were already using custom sprites, Reptoids because I want completely new sprites for them, or Chtonites because I can't see why they would different in colour.
Either way, I don't mind. You could pack both rulesets into the same zip file and let the players turn it on or off as they want, so there's no need for compromise.
Maybe, but FMP is supposed to be a no-brainer to install, so I didn't want to burden the players with such decisions. Besides, I think additional visual cues are fair in this case, with live capture being crucial and so on. Veterans already have a fairly good idea on who is where.
Hey! My game crashes at terror mission.
I believe it is because of that terror unit inside building (managed to kill him - then I've finished mission without any further problems).
Savegame attached.
Hey! My game crashes at terror mission.
I believe it is because of that terror unit inside building (managed to kill him - then I've finished mission without any further problems).
Savegame attached.
*scratch scratch*
No idea why. Maybe some old maps problem?
Hey! My game crashes at terror mission.
I believe it is because of that terror unit inside building (managed to kill him - then I've finished mission without any further problems).
Savegame attached.
What is the terror unit behavior that causes the game to crash?
I've have absolutely no idea. Propably movement? Other units worked fine, just like this one up untill that moment.
Just loaded the save, and the culprit is a Snakeman that panics and then it crashes. I've got no idea why though.
Just loaded the save, and the culprit is a Snakeman that panics and then it crashes. I've got no idea why though.
Drops an item for which the floorOb crashes it?
Drops an item for which the floorOb crashes it?
It has already dropped its plasma rifle and it is carrying vanilla items.
Maybe I'm missing something, but what's the point of the LMG? I just installed the mod a few days ago, and I've yet to find a decent reason to use the weapon. It's not totally useless, but I couldn't find anything it could do that other weapons weren't better at.
The LMG isn't impressive at area denial and squad support. The range and accuracy is too low to safely cover a leap frog forward.
The LMG doesn't seem to be great for an offensive point man or a defensive vanguard. It's too slow for a scout to rush and fire with. It doesn't do enough damage to hold against mass attack. It might be good marching forward in a tight urban environment, but it seems awkward to fire and doesn't reliably kill things.
The LMG is light and effective at close range, but are other weapons. In a mano-a-mano breach I would rather trust the shotgun and the magnum. They also have the benefit of extra range. When hitting a bunch of targets close together, I'd rather use a flamethrower (or possibly a minigun-I don't really understand those weapons either).
In short, I feel like the LMG does everything in a mediocre way with poor adaptability. Any LMG fans out there to prove me wrong?
I'm not sure my voice counts, but I personally use LMGs regularly. Both them and the HMG have very good autofire accuracy (relatively speaking) and are therefore good at mid-range combat.
LMG started to be really useful when I've bumped up the autofire range to 20. Before that, not so much - it suffers from Accuracy Extender's "autofire only when 1 tile away" problem. Definitely didn't phase out shotguns or rifles either, as it offers neither fast shot or long-ranged accurate shot.
Another school is to do it like Hobbes did in his Redux - his LMG has laughable TU costs for all types of shots - but I'm not sure if it's the right way, as it makes a machinegun scout's weapon.
Otoh FMP's LMG might simply not suit my playing style which is either go for a sure kill at 1-3 tile range or snipe from outside enemies' FOV.
I'm not sure my voice counts, but I personally use LMGs regularly. Both them and the HMG have very good autofire accuracy (relatively speaking) and are therefore good at mid-range combat.
How do you use them? I've always felt that the accuracy was too poor to use the LMG effectively at mid-range. In terms of raw DPS, the magnum is better. If it's important that something needs to be dead that turn and I can't get a sniper/grenade launcher on it, I like to use the flamethrower. I feel that the guaranteed kill range of the flamethrower and the LMG are fairly similar.
Haven't got a lot things to contribute to the discussion at hand but I got something else.
I tried to talk my brother into playing FMP which stopped at the hurdle that the FMP hasn't got a German localization. After a few hours I got something that borders to a 70% or something complete translation to German. Except for the meta tech, alien missions as well alien descriptions and a few other things, everything should be translated. Didn't get around to the Gauss and Plasma weapons yet though but I want to share what I got anyway. I didn't replace the previous existing lines. Perhaps I might end up completing it next weekend, unless someone else wants to finish it. Proof-reading is welcomed.
Next thing on the agenda is that there is a hole in the Skymarshall. See gamesave. Just load the save and fire with Zdenka at the target from where she stands.
And I modded my game so Railguns require the entire Gauss + Laser tree first. I got them at the end of August after postponing Laser Weapons for a while. The Heavy Gauss put a lot of holes into those MiB armored troops but I got scared of the Muton stories in this very thread even though I haven't met a single of them yet. I suppose I could have gotten them by July or August. But I was pretty surprised that there was no individual gun (pistol + rifle + ...) research. Oh well, I don't know whether they should or not. But I would increase the research cost for the Railguns by a tenfold. And september seems to be a good time to finally rock with Rails out.
I tried to talk my brother into playing FMP which stopped at the hurdle that the FMP hasn't got a German localization. After a few hours I got something that borders to a 70% or something complete translation to German. Except for the meta tech, alien missions as well alien descriptions and a few other things, everything should be translated. Didn't get around to the Gauss and Plasma weapons yet though but I want to share what I got anyway. I didn't replace the previous existing lines. Perhaps I might end up completing it next weekend, unless someone else wants to finish it. Proof-reading is welcomed.
Wow, that's great. I'll be happy to add it to the mod, when I get around to adding translations.
Next thing on the agenda is that there is a hole in the Skymarshall. See gamesave. Just load the save and fire with Zdenka at the target from where she stands.
Yeah, I know. I've fixed it already, will be in the next release.
And I modded my game so Railguns require the entire Gauss + Laser tree first. I got them at the end of August after postponing Laser Weapons for a while. The Heavy Gauss put a lot of holes into those MiB armored troops but I got scared of the Muton stories in this very thread even though I haven't met a single of them yet. I suppose I could have gotten them by July or August. But I was pretty surprised that there was no individual gun (pistol + rifle + ...) research. Oh well, I don't know whether they should or not. But I would increase the research cost for the Railguns by a tenfold. And september seems to be a good time to finally rock with Rails out.
I've already added STR_LASER_WEAPONS to the prerequisites. I didn't want separate projects for all the railguns because I thought it would be a pain to research a number of weapons AGAIN, but then maybe I should.
Is this compatible with Soldier Diaries? I threw soldier diaries haphazardly to test. It crashed. However, that's because I threw it in with the latest nightly and FMP version without checking.
In short, no. Soldier diaries is not updated to the latest nightly. FMP definitely requires the latest nightly. Soldier diaries is largely compatible with simple things like graphics and weapon mods, but not larger mod packs that vary missions etc.
It's a good thing I kept a backup! Thank Ivan!
miss code
STR_GOOSEBAY:Goosebay in canada is a city
and yellowknife also
i see the code of STR_CARTAGENA: but i dont see the city in geoscape
i see the code of STR_CARTAGENA: but i dont see the city in geoscape
Blame the Romans :)
cartagena in south america
blame the spanish XD
Thanks, I'll fix the missing city names. (It was hard to catch them all.) And indeed there are some strings in the ruleset which aren't used, just deal with it :)
Blame the Romans :)
Lawl. :)
Also, I'll rethink the LMG.
yep i think do excesive damage for the tus that cost fire it
and recemtly i see a mod for diverse in power suit ant other armors, recoloured in function of sex and nacionality. may be interest for recognise the members.... is a idea
and recemtly i see a mod for diverse in power suit ant other armors, recoloured in function of sex and nacionality. may be interest for recognise the members.... is a idea
Yeah, it's a cool feature, I'll definitely think about it.
Armor based on gender and nationality...
Hey there, black man! Don't touch that power suit! Only whites are allowed to wear that! :)
Armor based on gender and nationality...
Hey there, black man! Don't touch that power suit! Only whites are allowed to wear that! :)
Er... I was thinking of ranks... :)
Wow. Have your armor colored by rank? That could be great! :)
yeah for ranks are interesting
I`d rather have control over colour, I liked that idea about manufactoring coloured armours from a basic one.
Then you can just assign ones with distinct colour to high ranking operatives, if you want.
Dont forget that stuff colored by script reverts to original colours during dying animation and so does floorobject/corpse. It doesnt look nice.
I`d rather have control over colour, I liked that idea about manufactoring coloured armours from a basic one.
Then you can just assign ones with distinct colour to high ranking operatives, if you want.
Dont forget that stuff colored by script reverts to original colours during dying animation and so does floorobject/corpse. It doesnt look nice.
Awww, that'd be a problem. I think I'm not using it then, at least before it's fixed.
I think I'll release a new version soon, I just need to test the missions part a bit and it is a bit of a bitch to test.
Dont forget that stuff colored by script reverts to original colours during dying animation and so does floorobject/corpse. It doesnt look nice.
dying animation? It should be still colored. Corpse can't be colored because different code is responsible for drawing it than units. Over all I can made them colored too but it require new code to handle it. I already did that in my experimental branch once but I didn't want push Warboy too far with my wild ideas.
To add this, I require two things:
a) people want this
b) Warboy agree that this is worth including
dying animation? It should be still colored. Corpse can't be colored because different code is responsible for drawing it than units. Over all I can made them colored too but it require new code to handle it. I already did that in my experimental branch once but I didn't want push Warboy too far with my wild ideas.
To add this, I require two things:
a) people want this
b) Warboy agree that this is worth including
Just checked it up and it is indeed working. I do remember that it wasnt working few nightlies ago, and kinda didnt pay any attention attention since (probably because it started working and didnt hurt my eyes anymore, haha).
I do apologize for this piece of misinformation.
It might just be my personal opinion, but I feel that Magnums might be too good at almost everything. They excel at mid range skirmishing. They are reliable, accurate, and mobile, and are superior to the miniguns, machine guns, pistol, and rifles in most cases. They are also effective at close range because of the large and reliable burst damage each shot deals. In addition, they hit and kill targets at long range about as reliably or more reliably than the rifle, because the sum of the aimed shots are about as accurate and Magnum shots are more likely to penetrate armour.
I'm not even mentioning that the Magnum is a one-handed weapon light enough to be carried by the weakest soldiers. When a month of time passes, the superiority of Magnums becomes even more pronounced. Tougher, more heavily armoured targets like the Men in Black Enforcers make lower damage weapons less useful and the armour penetration of the Magnum even better.
The magnum isn't game-bustingly overpowered, but many other options seem to pale in comparison.
Hey Solarius, took me a while to reply.
Thanks for taking my suggestions as that, I have seen a lot of people getting offended when someone offers opinions on their work, and take it as rude, glad you are not one of them.
Also, on one of my points it seems I was completely wrong (the one about armors). It seems it was lucky shots that got absorbed from the armor. In later missions I got predictably slaughtered (as it should be). Also in regards to my question about the Hybrid totting rifles that something might be wrong, i was mistaken too. I never saw they had sniper rifles.I just saw the shot and automatically thought its a standard rifle.
Sorry if those caused a hassle.
Oh and another thing: In regards to the shotgun scatter on the alloy munitions: I dont 'want' to make them single shot as opposed to scatter. I just thought a shotgun been a shotgun would have scatter shots regardless of the ammunition matterials. Or so I think. If you believe the way its handled now is better then do it that way :) I just find it odd.
Keep up the good work buddy.
I actually like Shotgun`s Alloy ammunition, it is still a smoothbore weapon after all, and I do not think that making pellets out of very light and hard to deform alien alloys is a good idea.
Just for the record, I'm fine with AP and alloy shotgun rounds being single-shot (which, now that I've read up on shotguns I realize is a perfectly legit kind of shotgun ammo).
Thanks pilot00, man :)
I actually like Shotgun`s Alloy ammunition, it is still a smoothbore weapon after all, and I do not think that making pellets out of very light and hard to deform alien alloys is a good idea.
They, uh... They're way fast. :)
Just for the record, I'm fine with AP and alloy shotgun rounds being single-shot (which, now that I've read up on shotguns I realize is a perfectly legit kind of shotgun ammo).
I've added the new ammo already, so for now I'll leave them there on the "don't like it, don't use it" basis. There's not much to prevent such ammo, and since somebody wanted that, hey, why not? I can always remove it later.
As I move further into the campaign, I'm loving the experience.
Right now, March is my Men in Black Month. I love the juxtaposition between regular missions and the sleek, dark firefighting of the Men in Black. I'm currently raiding a landed very large UFO, and it was extremely tense to learn that I was invading some sort of governmental meeting or MIBBY facility.
The way the game is set up makes me wonder-am I a morally grey character? My soldiers just blew up a passing dog with rocket-launcher reaction fire. It was absolutely excessive force, and I could have simply tased the dog and brought it a warm, nurturing environment.
You've inspired me... Live MiB dogs should be recoverable! :)
You've inspired me... Live MiB dogs should be recoverable! :)
Hella sweet! I know I can't name dogs, but the dog I brought with a stun rod will always be Lassie in my heart.
Unfortunately, Lassie (and every single member of my team but a single scout) was blown up by what appeared to be a blaster bomb. Even more unfortunately, there's no way to tell the difference between dead bodies and unconscious soldiers from the minimap, so the lone survivor is going to have to make a break for it alone and abandon the bodies of his comrades. C'est la vie!
a electrical dog
mmmmmmm Pokemon........
a electrical dog
mmmmmmm Pokemon........
Power armored and cyber assisted dogs? With plasma cannon mounted broadsides.
Ok seriously Nobody mod that.
Well, they already have prehensile tongues... or opposable thumbs, given the dexterity with which they can manipulate stun rods or medkits.
I actually like Shotgun`s Alloy ammunition, it is still a smoothbore weapon after all, and I do not think that making pellets out of very light and hard to deform alien alloys is a good idea.
Well, if we're trying to go for realism { :P}, alloy weapons would likely be a better avenue of development. Unless I'm mistaken, the main limitation of the power of a bullet that can be loaded in a weapon is the strength of the barrel - too much pressure, and it would simply fall apart under the pressure of the detonation. Thus, having sturdier rifle materials would allow for more powerful bullets {let's go for alloy as well, no point mixing custom and non-custom armaments}. Automatic weapons would also benefit, as alloys would presumably have a better heat tolerance and allow for longer bursts.
Just throwing that out, anyway. It would probably be too much work to implement.
As a side note, what's the whole deal with the whole recolor stuff in the save files? Does it allow for recoloring units on the fly or something?
Well, they already have prehensile tongues... or opposable thumbs
yes. these dogs are /very/ well trained : )
re: alloy weapons -- reality notwithstanding, I like that it's just the ammo. having to manufacture an entire new set of firearms would be a bit too much, I think.
Edit: I think I found an issue with the new SkyMarshall: my unit can see an enemy outside the top (closed) door. Savegame attached.
the marshall have windows XD
ah, i c : ) that's all good then.
I made it a bit further down the line in the mod and I have to say one big word:
IDK how you pulled it off dear Sir(s), but the balance is there and it is good, despite a few small shortcomings. From a mod that adds such a huge amount of things one could only excpect tragic mistakes, not in this work though.
My only concearns are the alloy cannon and the Dart launcher though.
More on this tomorrow though.
Good job mate(s)
Thank you! You can now test the next version, as 1.1 was uploaded.
- Made Alloy Cannon rounds ten times cheaper in money and twice cheaper in Alien Alloys.
- Increased defensive abilities of Cydonia.
- New secret alien mission added.
- Increased Taser power from 38 to 44.
- Increased Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Ammo damage from 50 to 56, but with a small radius.
- Some new Ufopaedia pics for craft weapons (stolen from Piratez).
- Added scatter ammo made from Alien Alloys (it isn't visible in the Ufopaedia, because it's the fourth ammo type and only three are allowed).
- Railguns require Laser Weapons.
- Floater officers no longer leave separate corpses.
- Blocked inventory on tanks.
- Increased LMG's autofire range to 25.
- Added some missing city strings.
- Added special sprites for many alien ranks, made by Quinch.
- Fixed Skymarshall doors.
Looks cool. I have yet to play this full mod, because I'm still working on vanilla XCOM. I certainly can't wait to try my hand at this. But I do want to mention, my 10 year old son is having a blast just playing this mod with the battle generator. He loves the variety of the weapons, terrains, mission sites, and enemies.
Dammit, SS, every time I start a game, you implement new stuff!
Curse youuuuu!!
{starts new game}
Will this break anything if I upgrade?
Looks cool. I have yet to play this full mod, because I'm still working on vanilla XCOM. I certainly can't wait to try my hand at this. But I do want to mention, my 10 year old son is having a blast just playing this mod with the battle generator. He loves the variety of the weapons, terrains, mission sites, and enemies.
It's nice you can enjoy the game like this. :)
Dammit, SS, every time I start a game, you implement new stuff!
Curse youuuuu!!
{starts new game}
Most of the changes are late-game-related, but suit yourself. :)
Will this break anything if I upgrade?
Probably not, I haven't removed any missions, UFOs or items.
Probably not, I haven't removed any missions, UFOs or items.
What about the officer corpses? I have a few of those in my stores. Should I delete/sell them before upgrading?
Some wording change suggestions:
disappeared ancestors -> lost ancestors
hold hue -> ? bold hue?
that couldn't -> that we couldn't
it doesn't -> that doesn't
What about the officer corpses? I have a few of those in my stores. Should I delete/sell them before upgrading?
I think not, but I haven't tested it and it won't hurt to do so.
Some wording change suggestions:
disappeared ancestors -> lost ancestors
Not a bad idea. But it's a mission, so it should have a mission-like name.
hold hue -> ? bold hue?
Gold hue. :P
that couldn't -> that we couldn't
it doesn't -> that doesn't
Apparently I didn't make a good job with spellchecking.
Actually, I forgot to add Psionics as a prerequisite to the Blaster Launcher. It wouldn't change much, since you probably have psi already by this time, but it's logical.
And I still need to integrate that Russian version...
disappeared ancestors -> lost ancestors
Not a bad idea. But it's a mission, so it should have a mission-like name.
I meant more grammar-wise. looking for their disappeared ancestors -> looking for their lost ancestors. it sounds odd (to me, at least) to have "disappeared" take an object.
btw, I can't wait to try out the new mission (and the changes to cydonia). It looks awesome : )
Edit: another couple capitalization mismatches:
line 29030: Resources/FinalModPack/Alt_aliens/Floater_Medic/FloaterMedic.png
the filename is floaterMedic.png
line 29037: Resources/FinalModPack/Alt_aliens/Floater_Navigator/FloaterNavigator.png
the filename is floaterNavigator.png
Ah right, sorry. I shouldn't type while in classes. :P
Will be fixed.
Ah right, sorry. I shouldn't type while in classes. :P
Will be fixed.
Am i glad that i do not need to type filenames, vim allows me to call the filenames while editing :P
a idea, the objects can i sell with security. i says that i dont need in a future. may be in a colour to identify and sell with security....
for the ammo you can do a new window and contiue next in the ufopedia. in other weapons you do this
Haven't finished the translation yet but I found two bugs or inconsistencies related to the late-game:
The strings for the damaged Juggernaut Suit are called
instead of
instead of
STR_UFO_CONSTRUCTION which is used by all other Hovertanks.
also you should probably change the string
STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_CORPSE to "damaged Stormtrooper Armor" instead of just "Corpse" for the manufacturing screen.
Just for the record, I'm fine with AP and alloy shotgun rounds being single-shot (which, now that I've read up on shotguns I realize is a perfectly legit kind of shotgun ammo).
My "problem" with that is that the game/mod has an abundant number of single shot long/medium ranged weapons and the shotguns were a Godsent short range burst weapon, for your blindass rookies. Plus it makes it close combat quarters a blast (litteraly :P). Storming a UFO was never more fun. So transforming it into another rifle was not something that sat right with me, I was litteraly using shotguns to snipe cyberrdiscs two screens away. Not that its impossible to have a single shot round. But those are my 2 cents and not an opinion, not something I try to enforce. Seems though Solarius like the good sport he is, took care of tastes in the best possible facion :D
Some remarks regarding the Harpoon rifle:
I believe the intial stun damage is quite spot on. After all you dont want to make the stun rods obsolete by the get go. However there is...a mess? On how to progress up the cycle to get the second clip. I know it unlocks with autopsies but I dont know if there are any specific needed or a tottal number accumulated? Assuming it is less or equal to 5-6 (which with the proliferation of races in the mod) it is an easy matter to deviate outside your research path and doesnt make the stun launcher useless (however it is a mystery to me how to unlock the ammo for it).
That said the c clip is a whole lot of trouble to get hold of. I believe it requires all the autopsies right? That is really bad imho. I can understand the theory behind it but....By the time you do this there is no reason to have the c clips. You might want to adjust the path a bit. It would make an excelent decision making tool:
Use the stun bombs/grenades who are aoe and cost elerium or use the less expensive and single target rifle?
BTW I assume the new version is ok with the old versions saves right?
- Added scatter ammo made from Alien Alloys (it isn't visible in the Ufopaedia, because it's the fourth ammo type and only three are allowed).
You might want to do it the way the autocannon does it for example. A new entry directly after the cannons specs. Or the plasma weapon clips.
I believe the intial stun damage is quite spot on. After all you dont want to make the stun rods obsolete by the get go. However there is...a mess? On how to progress up the cycle to get the second clip. I know it unlocks with autopsies but I dont know if there are any specific needed or a tottal number accumulated?
A few specific autopsies, I don't think it is possible to do otherwise. But I might make it a bit easier, like "either Sectoid or Floater AND either Snakeman or Muton", for example.
That said the c clip is a whole lot of trouble to get hold of. I believe it requires all the autopsies right? That is really bad imho. I can understand the theory behind it but....By the time you do this there is no reason to have the c clips. You might want to adjust the path a bit.
I think you're right... I guess I'll use some alternative sources too. But you'll still need several autopsies, including high-level aliens.
BTW I assume the new version is ok with the old versions saves right?
Yeah, probably. :)
You might want to do it the way the autocannon does it for example. A new entry directly after the cannons specs. Or the plasma weapon clips.
I don't really like it, but I guess I'll have to.
Thanks for the feedback!
And thanks for the bug hunting, Buscher.
BTW has anyone found the new ship/mission? I know it can't be missed. ;)
I think you're right... I guess I'll use some alternative sources too. But you'll still need several autopsies, including high-level aliens.
It doesnt have to be easy, just to get out from the "Ok, I researched it, but it has no value in this game phase" area.
Another question: Are there any after effects from Ignoring MIB missions (except the score loss)? Like the Alien infiltration for example has a permenent effect.
I very much liked the implementation of the MIB base mission, very nice execution. Their commanders are really tough b#*&^@#s and they dont want to stay down if stunned :D
Hey Solarius,
I checked a FMP-enabled terror mission against antrhopods (I think it was Jstank let's play) and I noticed that spitters' have their own death scream and hatching sound, replaced by some default death scream. Now, the death scream being replaced isn't a problem (use what you like of course!), but the hatching sound (which is used upon death by the spitter variant that "resurrects") being replaced by a death scream doesn't sound right, since what you see is the shell cracking and the (now shell-less) spitter sneaking out (instead of him dying).
(Maybe just by looking at the anthropod mod ruleset it isn't so clear: the are 4 spitter variants: vanilla, retract, retres, and naked. The "naked" is what the "retres" variant leaves behind when it is killed, exactly like a chryssalid spawns out of a zombie. But in case of the "retres" spitter, the death animation shows just the shell breaking and the slug inside coming out of it unscratched; this is to give the illusion that your hit only broke the shell of the creature instead of killing it and spawning a new one; when this happen it should play the "hatching" sound instead of a death cry).
BTW I upgraded successfully, so can confirm: No saves were hurt durring the update :P
The only thing that happens, is that for some reason, Gauss, Plasma, Fusion and Laser weapons as well as the alloy scatter need to be researhed again even though you have access to them already. Wonky but I dont think it causes problems.
EDIT: One thing I noticed about the Alien drones (the hybrid terror weapon): It can be stunned and it panics, dont know if this is intentional but its supposed to be a mechanical unit right?
Quick note, capturing a Sectoid guardian crashes the game. Ending the mission with everything dead is fine.
It doesnt have to be easy, just to get out from the "Ok, I researched it, but it has no value in this game phase" area.
Yeah, though in this case it boils down to the same thing. :)
Another question: Are there any after effects from Ignoring MIB missions (except the score loss)? Like the Alien infiltration for example has a permenent effect.
Not really, but the score loss for MiB bases are so debilitating you can't ignore them. ( I mean losing a four-digit number of points over a month.)
I very much liked the implementation of the MIB base mission, very nice execution. Their commanders are really tough b#*&^@#s and they dont want to stay down if stunned :D
It's mostly Robin's work. :) I only added dogs, sectopods and power armours.
Hey Solarius,
I checked a FMP-enabled terror mission against antrhopods (I think it was Jstank let's play) and I noticed that spitters' have their own death scream and hatching sound, replaced by some default death scream. Now, the death scream being replaced isn't a problem (use what you like of course!), but the hatching sound (which is used upon death by the spitter variant that "resurrects") being replaced by a death scream doesn't sound right, since what you see is the shell cracking and the (now shell-less) spitter sneaking out (instead of him dying).
(Maybe just by looking at the anthropod mod ruleset it isn't so clear: the are 4 spitter variants: vanilla, retract, retres, and naked. The "naked" is what the "retres" variant leaves behind when it is killed, exactly like a chryssalid spawns out of a zombie. But in case of the "retres" spitter, the death animation shows just the shell breaking and the slug inside coming out of it unscratched; this is to give the illusion that your hit only broke the shell of the creature instead of killing it and spawning a new one; when this happen it should play the "hatching" sound instead of a death cry).
First of all, I'm honoured that you checked out the FMP. :) Much of its best qualities are taken from your mods.
As for the screams... yeah, sopunds like a bug to be investigated.
Speaking of Spitters, I also made all types leave a single Geoscape body, because seeing four different Spitter Corpse items on the selling list was a bit jarring.
BTW I upgraded successfully, so can confirm: No saves were hurt durring the update :P
The only thing that happens, is that for some reason, Gauss, Plasma, Fusion and Laser weapons as well as the alloy scatter need to be researhed again even though you have access to them already. Wonky but I dont think it causes problems.
Huh. Weird. :)
EDIT: One thing I noticed about the Alien drones (the hybrid terror weapon): It can be stunned and it panics, dont know if this is intentional but its supposed to be a mechanical unit right?
Funny as it is, I think it shouldn't do that. :)
Quick note, capturing a Sectoid guardian crashes the game. Ending the mission with everything dead is fine.
Where the hell did you find a Sectoid Guardian? O_o They're not supposed to appear in this game at all! (Not assigned to any mission yet, though the unit is there in the data.) But I'll fix it.
Where the hell did you find a Sectoid Guardian? O_o They're not supposed to appear in this game at all! (Not assigned to any mission yet, though the unit is there in the data.) But I'll fix it.
Speaking of which I found a Muton Pretorian (nice graphics BTW). But so far (I am in mission), got it stunned and it works without problems.
Speaking of which I found a Muton Pretorian (nice graphics BTW). But so far (I am in mission), got it stunned and it works without problems.
Yeah, they've been in the game for some time. (I think the sprites were made by XOps, though I'd have to check when I'm at home.) Sectoid Guardians, on the other hand, are not supposed to appear at all - I intend to use them on Mars when it's technically doable, but they're not really finished. (And they are by XOps too, if I'm not mistaken.)
Yeah, they've been in the game for some time. (I think the sprites were made by XOps, though I'd have to check when I'm at home.) Sectoid Guardians, on the other hand, are not supposed to appear at all - I intend to use them on Mars when it's technically doable, but they're not really finished. (And they are by XOps too, if I'm not mistaken.)
What about Muton guardians?I run on one too. I am currently in a crashed battleship mission.
What about Muton guardians?I run on one too. I am currently in a crashed battleship mission.
Yeah it's all good. Sectoid Guardians are the only rogue race that shouldn't appear in the game. Yet.
Yeah it's all good. Sectoid Guardians are the only rogue race that shouldn't appear in the game. Yet.
Ok. Seems its not a random occurance though. I just shot down (destroyed though) A UFO which the decoder identified the race as sectoid guard.
And another thingie you might want to check the UFOpedia toxic suit armor entry. You get the STR_TOXI_SUIT_UFOPEDIA as a description.
Where the hell did you find a Sectoid Guardian? O_o They're not supposed to appear in this game at all! (Not assigned to any mission yet, though the unit is there in the data.) But I'll fix it.
That's.... actually a good question. There's nothing triggering them in the actual ruleset, but they showed up anyway, in a fighter craft. I'll keep an eye out, but I suspect it might be a game bug.
Maybe a retal mission? This is the usual suspect in such a case.
You reworked the Cydonia mission, didnt you, you naughty person :P
My psi-freak squad is crying!
You reworked the Cydonia mission, didnt you, you naughty person :P
Only a little. :P
Only a little. :P
Bug reports:
The Etherial guardians in the inventory screen dont leave a corpse behind but shotgun ammo with the name STR_WHITE ETHEREAL.
Also on the Geoscape in South America the city (?) of Lapaz has STR_LAPAZ showing.
Only a little. :P
EDIT: Aaaaaaaaaand finished. Wow, the experience with this mod was awesome.
A small suggestion:
Might want to tone down the psi strength of the Etherial guardians. I brought a squad with psi trained (from the mod) soldiers and the weak ones had 60 psi strength to use as magnets. Not only they got controlled but soldiers up to 70+ got too. The only thing that saved me was to reload and play the mission with line of sight active, which IMHO brings psionics to Apocalypse level, that is borderline useless. And I was playing on Veteran, I dont want to even think what might happen in superhuman. With psi train on, you can grind your time and reach 100 true, but with it off, and the tendency of soldiers having random psi strength IDK what will happen.
Thanks! I'll fix the corpse issue in the next release. But I won't be making these guys any weaker for now, I need to do more tests first.
And also, great job! I think you are only the second person to be congratulated here for finishing the campaign. Now you can start again, since a lot has changed in early game! :)
Thanks! I'll fix the corpse issue in the next release. But I won't be making these guys any weaker for now, I need to do more tests first.
And also, great job! I think you are only the second person to be congratulated here for finishing the campaign. Now you can start again, since a lot has changed in early game! :)
Meh, I did play only on Veteran level and with a lot of save scumming so....
Y definently I will play the mod again. I think I cant play vanilla anymore now.
But I have to make a run on the Piratez mod. Assuming I figure out how to survive :)
But I have to make a run on the Piratez mod. Assuming I figure out how to survive :)
[ThreadJack]Feel free to share with me, anything you come up with! (I'm kinda lost right now with the myriad of research topics!)[/ThreadJack]
Version 1.1.5 is out!
- Blaster Launcher requires Psionics.
- Updated Russian version.
- Added an Ufopaedia entry for the new alloy scatter ammo.
- Fixed a bug with Toxi-Suit Ufopaedia entry.
- Added research for the Sectoid Guardian.
- Completely redesigned Dart Rifle tech tree.
- Updated Spitter screams (by Robin).
- Swapped Firestorm and Lightning on the tech tree.
- Firestorm now requires Alien Electronics.
- Rebalanced the Scout Drone.
- Plasma Casters are cheaper.
- Fixed broken graphics for the Cydonia squad (thanks pilot00 for pointing this out).
No saves should be harmed by this update.
O.o new update nice ;)
Rebalanced the Scout Drone
What is the idea behind this rebalancing?
(I see that it costs 50k instead of 200k, but has reactions 40 instead of 110.)
If that's true, I really don't see why I should buy it anymore.
Before I was willing to pay extra for supreme reactions... but now I can just buy dogs, which are still 5x cheaper and better in every relevant attribute. Or have I missed something important?
PS: and please don't nerf the dogs because of this post :)
Well, it was reeeaaaallly unrealistic with Reactions this high. This is an experiment, but I believe it is possibly worth using, because of the smoke and all.
Just a small question:
Are STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_B_PREQ1 and similar which do not have any strings to be researched?
And the requirements for STR_REPAIR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR still call for a STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_CORPSE string called "Corpse" instead of a "Damaged Stormtrooper Armor"
Thanks for your hard work as always.
Well, it was reeeaaaallly unrealistic with Reactions this high. This is an experiment, but I believe it is possibly worth using, because of the smoke and all.
Then I would recommend reactions at least 55-60... 40 is effectively equivalent to 0.
Also, if the smoke is to be a saving grace, it needs to produce a cloud as big and as thick as a smoke grenade. Currently, a smoke grenade under your feet protects you from all sides. A smoke from the drone under your feet doesn't protect you at all. You need to put the smoke in front of you and thus it will protect you from that direction only.
Just a small question:
Are STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_B_PREQ1 and similar which do not have any strings to be researched?
No, you get them for free with the research of corpses.
Unless you have researched the necessary corpses already (and upgraded to new version). Then you get these as research objects... to "repair" the already-discovered-items list.
Then I would recommend reactions at least 55-60... 40 is effectively equivalent to 0.
Also, if the smoke is to be a saving grace, it needs to produce a cloud as big and as thick as a smoke grenade. Currently, a smoke grenade under your feet protects you from all sides. A smoke from the drone under your feet doesn't protect you at all. You need to put the smoke in front of you and thus it will protect you from that direction only.
OK, I'll increase it up to 60 again and see what happens.
Just a small question:
Are STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_B_PREQ1 and similar which do not have any strings to be researched?
Yes, they only show up because of the transition between versions (you wouldn't see it normally). Just place 1 scientist on them and they'll be finished in minimum time.
And the requirements for STR_REPAIR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR still call for a STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR_CORPSE string called "Corpse" instead of a "Damaged Stormtrooper Armor"
Ah, right, now I understand the problem. Thanks for the tip.
Mr. Scotch, changing the Scout Drone's reactions removes or nerfs the unique niche it had. Before, it could investigate extremely dangerous situations where you could not afford to lose a crew slot to anti-dog reaction fire. Right now, the Scout Drone feels weird. Basically, it feels like a flying dog that n't kill people. Thanks.
Mr. Scotch, changing the Scout Drone's reactions removes or nerfs the unique niche it had. Before, it could investigate extremely dangerous situations where you could not afford to lose a crew slot to anti-dog reaction fire. Right now, the Scout Drone feels weird. Basically, it feels like a flying dog that n't kill people. Thanks.
It does not even fly.
Its not that well armoured either, plasma rifle kills it through face armour 50% of time. And most of the time it wont be hit from front side.
110 reaction was working well mechanically (turn1 scouting) yet dogs still were superb choice (cheap and expendabe, can run, can be MC magnet etc).
With 60 reaction, even with current pricing, Scout tank needs hp boost and side armour of at least 40 (so same for front and side), imo.
*sigh* fine, I get it. I'm bringing it back to 200. :)
If we wanted to make it a bit more realistic, my proposal would be like this:
- costs 60'000$ (you need to pay for the life-long professional training (before the dog was able to join xcom) and for somebody to take care of him/them during his service in xcom)... and it's still only 1.5x more than a rookie... not mentioning rookie costs you more each month
- TU: 80
- stamina: 90
- health: 25
- bravery: 80 (instead of 10... I think dogs wouldn't panic like humans... but I may be wrong)
- reactions: 70
- armour: 0 everywhere
- bite: 40 damage
- psi strength: 40
Smoke drone/Support (...yeah, anything with reactions less than 60 cannot be called a scout, ever):
- costs 1000$ (it's basically a toy, made in China) + 450$ for 3 smoke grenades = 1450$
- TU: 70
- stamina: 140
- health: 10 (it's a toy)
- bravery: 110
- reactions: 10 (it's a remotely operated toy... don't think you can react at all if something unexpected happens)
- armour: 0 everywhere
- ammo: 3 pre-primed smoke grenades (all stats like a real smoke grenade), throwing range: 1-3 tiles, cost of the "throw" 25% of TUs
- psi strength: 110
I may sound like the bore of the party but: After extensive use of both of drones and dogs(and even more if we take into account Meridians proposal of equalising the smoke cloud of the drone with the grenades cloud), I kinda feel its like well....cheating. You remove some risk/reward situations/strategies of the game by simply throwing money at them, especially now with the huge reduction in price for the drone. You dont risk your men, you dont risk your HWPs because you have a cost semi-efficient way of scouting and whith the smoke grenade=drone grenade in radius we throw the grenade strategies out the window.
While I cannot with my heart in the right place advocate their complete removal (after all whoever doesnt like them simply doesnt use them), I believe the reactions reduction was a good step, however agile and small they are they still run the risk of been heard/seen, so been practicaly immune to the reaction fire is IMHO wrong.
I agree with Meridians change for the most part except the pricing of the drone and the smoke granade radius. I wont repeat the grenades consearns but I think the drone should be a price that would at least put some thought for its well beeing. 1450$ is a trivial price and with its small frame (space wise) you could load 4-5 in each mission and call it a day even all of them are destroyed, effectively spamming them and making it a no brainer. Putting 4 of them in every mission sounds a good deal to me already. Selling just one plasma weapon after each mission and you call it even (actually you make a profit too).
Just my thoughts dont any of you take personal guys :)
STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_B_PREQ1 can you put this lines to translate???? i dont find in the ruleset
You can put on only 3 on board (limit for HWP's).
My comments were not about overpowering them... they were about giving them some real use. I have to say (after good use of them) the scout tanks are at the moment (FMP 1.1.5) absolutely useless:
1. reactions (I was using them for this) are now same as average soldier... so I can just buy a soldier for much cheaper
2. smoke... is just a joke!... I have tried it again few hours ago recording episode #41... I put a smoke cloud in between me and the enemy (with maximum number of smoke tiles between us) and the enemy could just see and shoot through it without any problems... as if it wasn't there
So either make it a good scout (=good reactions) or good support (=good smoke)... otherwise it doesn't have any use in the game.
As for the price... for a good scout I am willing to pay hundreds of thousands (cost of 5-15 rookies)... for a good smoke support I am willing to pay maybe tens of thousands (max. 2 rookies price).
Of course, putting both skills on the drone is too OP... so I vote for only one of them... I don't care which.
You can put on only 3 on board (limit for HWP's).
My comments were not about overpowering them... they were about giving them some real use. I have to say (after good use of them) the scout tanks are at the moment (FMP 1.1.5) absolutely useless:
1. reactions (I was using them for this) are now same as average soldier... so I can just buy a soldier for much cheaper
2. smoke... is just a joke!... I have tried it again few hours ago recording episode #41... I put a smoke cloud in between me and the enemy (with maximum number of smoke tiles between us) and the enemy could just see and shoot through it without any problems... as if it wasn't there
So either make it a good scout (=good reactions) or good support (=good smoke)... otherwise it doesn't have any use in the game.
As for the price... for a good scout I am willing to pay hundreds of thousands (cost of 5-15 rookies)... for a good smoke support I am willing to pay maybe tens of thousands (max. 2 rookies price).
Of course, putting both skills on the drone is too OP... so I vote for only one of them... I don't care which.
Well, it might be useless right now, but the very fact that you will have a unit that costs 1k to spot you the enemy location for no risk involved and even bite their bullets, is ok in my book even if it dies. And well three to four is not really a big problem :P
I dont feel they are overpowered in the sense. I feel just with their very existance (and this goes to dogs as well but their use is a bit more limited) is denying the risk aspect of the game. That in itself is a big (again IMHO) minus on itself. Loading them with extra stuff (like a normal gas cloud and over the board reactions) is going to remove more aspects of the game. Though again one can advocate with crappy reactions you can use them as bullet magnets, which all boils down to their low price.
At least thats my take on the subject. Dont club me for it :)
2. smoke... is just a joke!... I have tried it again few hours ago recording episode #41... I put a smoke cloud in between me and the enemy (with maximum number of smoke tiles between us) and the enemy could just see and shoot through it without any problems... as if it wasn't there
Smoke "thickness" is not moddable, so it's the same as produced by grenades. I'm not expert, but it seems smoke stays mostly at the level of the explosion. Floating aliens can often look down at your characters while their LOS does not cross enough smoke tiles to block sight. Same danger for your flying soldiers and HWPs, if they pop their head above the smoke they will get shot down by land aliens.
I agree with Meridians change for the most part except the pricing of the drone and the smoke granade radius. I wont repeat the grenades consearns but I think the drone should be a price that would at least put some thought for its well beeing. 1450$ is a trivial price and with its small frame (space wise) you could load 4-5 in each mission and call it a day even all of them are destroyed, effectively spamming them and making it a no brainer. Putting 4 of them in every mission sounds a good deal to me already. Selling just one plasma weapon after each mission and you call it even (actually you make a profit too).
I agree with the price. It should be high. The scouts are not chinese toys, because it's designed to military spec and probably has real good cameras on it (and grenade launcher). Anyone one working near or with government contractors (at least in U.S) pay large amounts of money to contractors for military equipment. Current robotic technology in the U.S. military is expensive stuff. A few years ago, 650 recon scout robots were sent to Afghanistan for 13.5 million dollars, so that comes out to about $21,000 a piece. Those didn't have grenade launchers on them, just cameras and remote control capability. https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/military/story/2011-10-16/military-sends-robots-to-afghanistan-to-protect-troops/50796644/1 (https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/military/story/2011-10-16/military-sends-robots-to-afghanistan-to-protect-troops/50796644/1)
Smoke "thickness" is not moddable, so it's the same as produced by grenades. I'm not expert, but it seems smoke stays mostly at the level of the explosion. Floating aliens can often look down at your characters while their LOS does not cross enough smoke tiles to block sight. Same danger for your flying soldiers and HWPs, if they pop their head above the smoke they will get shot down by land aliens.
Its not about thickness really (in case of drone, not overall), but about radius, and I`m 99% sure that radius of smoke explosion is moddable.
So may be modify drone smoke pellets damage to cover 3 tiles in all general directions? It is enough for complete cover unless alien stumbles into cloud.
I`m also not sure how much of difference 3D explosions option makes, because I kept it at "2" for ever.
I agree with the price. It should be high. The scouts are not chinese toys, because it's designed to military spec and probably has real good cameras on it (and grenade launcher). Anyone one working near or with government contractors (at least in U.S) pay large amounts of money to contractors for military equipment. Current robotic technology in the U.S. military is expensive stuff. A few years ago, 650 recon scout robots were sent to Afghanistan for 13.5 million dollars, so that comes out to about $21,000 a piece. Those didn't have grenade launchers on them, just cameras and remote control capability. https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/military/story/2011-10-16/military-sends-robots-to-afghanistan-to-protect-troops/50796644/1 (https://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/military/story/2011-10-16/military-sends-robots-to-afghanistan-to-protect-troops/50796644/1)
That doesnt concearn me so much (but I admit some realism is necessary), I am more concearned about throwing aspects of the game into obscurity. A steep price can help regulate that.
Smoke "thickness" is not moddable, so it's the same as produced by grenades. I'm not expert, but it seems smoke stays mostly at the level of the explosion. Floating aliens can often look down at your characters while their LOS does not cross enough smoke tiles to block sight. Same danger for your flying soldiers and HWPs, if they pop their head above the smoke they will get shot down by land aliens.
For the record: it was a muton and we were both on ground level.
Its not about thickness really (in case of drone, not overall), but about radius, and I`m 99% sure that radius of smoke explosion is moddable.
So may be modify drone smoke pellets damage to cover 3 tiles in all general directions? It is enough for complete cover unless alien stumbles into cloud.
I`m also not sure how much of difference 3D explosions option makes, because I kept it at "2" for ever.
All you need is to raise explosion power to 60 to have a smoke-grenade equivalent (smoke radius scales with its "power"). I'm also pretty sure that smoke initially disperses horizontally, only later it floats up.
If posible order the bases in the base screen???
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Version 1.2 is online.
- All craft cost money now (because maintenance).
- Fixed the string with Stormtrooper Armour Repair.
- Scout Drone's Reactions brought up to 90, because it's so small and cute and inconspicuous, as well as made the smoke effect bigger.
- Enhanced Miniguns and Multi-Launcher.
- New icons for the Skymarshall.
I especially encourage you to give the miniguns a second chance. ;)
Version 1.2 is online.
Nice! More things to steal borrow for my mod ;)
Soooo I'm not sure if this is the right place to gush about this but I'm doing it anyway.
Vanilla Xcom was beginning to feel very same-y till i came across this mod (currently using version 1.1.5). Now Xcom has numerous new ways to kick my ass again ...simply because it has restored the "unknown" factor in enemy unknown. I have no idea what i will face next. Even with the plethora of new weapons at my disposal encouraging new playstyles, I still find myself repeatedly yelling:
"what the hell is a Chtonite?"
"What the hell is a tunlun?"
"The hell is this blue thing...and why wont these snail things DIE!!!??"
"A red Tasoth? and a freakin DINOSAUR? WITH MISSILES???"
So as you can possibly surmise, I've been having a blast with this so far.
Thanks sooo much to Scorch and Hobbes and everybody who contributed to making this huge mess of an awesome mod possible.
Cheers from the Caribbean :)
Version 1.2 is online.
- All craft cost money now (because maintenance).
- Fixed the string with Stormtrooper Armour Repair.
- Scout Drone's Reactions brought up to 90, because it's so small and cute and inconspicuous, as well as made the smoke effect bigger.
- Enhanced Miniguns and Multi-Launcher.
- New icons for the Skymarshall.
I especially encourage you to give the miniguns a second chance. ;)
Only if you make them researchable and costing alien alloys to build. And slightly lower their strength requirement (because alloys). I dont remember back in the day mingun totting troopers :P
Only if you make them researchable and costing alien alloys to build. And slightly lower their strength requirement (because alloys). I dont remember back in the day mingun totting troopers :P
The strength requirement is so you can't have minigun totting troopers. Not until a months or two into the campaign, where fighting alien and sniffing plasma turns your scared newbies into competent shock troopers. It makes perfect sense.
Version 1.2 is online.
- All craft cost money now (because maintenance).
- Fixed the string with Stormtrooper Armour Repair.
- Scout Drone's Reactions brought up to 90, because it's so small and cute and inconspicuous, as well as made the smoke effect bigger.
- Enhanced Miniguns and Multi-Launcher.
- New icons for the Skymarshall.
I especially encourage you to give the miniguns a second chance. ;)
Wow, this is the best update so far... it changes everything I was complaining about in the last 2 episodes and also things I will be complaining about in the next 3 episodes... I even checked if I didn't publish the episodes too early lol... but I guess Solarius can just read minds... yeah, that must be it.
So, my feedback:
1. Craft maintenance... excellent job on that! I really like that all craft now cost something. What I like even more is that they don't cost too much. For example it was profitable to sell Raven(s) at the end of the month and manufacture them again at the beginning of the next month... now such craziness is not possible. Also, I will probably start building more craft and shoot down UFOs :-) Until now it felt like waste of money (on craft maintenance)... Once again, this change is AWESOME!
2. I see you have changed smoke power of scout tank from 55 to 60... and I thought, wtf that will not help... but then I checked smoke grenade and it has also power 60... uhm, what? Is there really such a difference between 55 and 60? I couldn't test it yet.... but I remember that smoke grenade does a MUCH bigger smoke cloud than scout tank.... does it depend also on something else than power??? Btw. reactions 90 are fine, I would gladly accept even 70-80, if you still think it's too much.
3. I will definitely try miniguns again! Even though I said few episodes ago the opposite ;-)
4. I may even try multi-launcher again! Even tho I said the opposite last episode ;-)
5. Thank you so much for update of STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS_UFOPEDIA... it confused me a lot, now it's clear
6. nice new sprites for skymarshall!
7. STR_TANK_CANNON's reactions increased from 20 to 200 is just a bug, right?
The strength requirement is so you can't have minigun totting troopers. Not until a months or two into the campaign, where fighting alien and sniffing plasma turns your scared newbies into competent shock troopers. It makes perfect sense.
Yeah tottal perfect sense, because even today in 2015 we have minigun totting troopers using earth science... M8 do you know what will happen to a human if he fires a chain gun like this from the recoil alone? There is no way even a strong human can fire the damn thing without servo assistance and stablilizers and remain as he was. And earth science hasnt made these practical yet asside from fixed platforms or mounted on craft/vehicles. Why would they be in the games time frame without extra research been used by a single guy without assistance?
As to the second part (Not until a month or two). Why would you use a minigun if you have an autocannon with three types of ammo and arguably less requirements to handle or even more exotic weapons dependent on how well you did*? My case rests on making the minigun a decision based on effectiveness and cost as to opposed to high STR no brainer, that you have access from the start (which you wont use later because you would have better options, how many people used the heavy machine gun? I tried but the requirements make it practicly useless).
Hence my alien alloy requirement suggestion (mitigates in theory the recoil and lowers the weight making it able to be handled by a strong guy) and a slight boost to damage to compensate for the matterial and time spend on research. So to sumarise: Experimental weapons + Allien alloys -> Heavy chain guns = Minigun + Light minigun (Had it be on me I would put the auto cannon here as well). IMHO it will make a costly heavy weapon which will have a balance between power output, weight and been able to be used as opposed to forgotten. And having to spend time to research and matterials to build those will make it a desicion as opposed to a freebe for a high STR guy.
The final answer will come from Solarius anyway. This is his mod hence his vision, I am just throwing arguements/ideas.
*To clarify something: I am not the breed known as a power player, and I do understand the need for additions for enjoyments sake. I really do, but I would like to see everything having its practical uses and tradeoffs. Even if its just for fun.
Yeah tottal perfect sense, because even today in 2015 we have minigun totting troopers using earth science... M8 do you know what will happen to a human if he fires a chain gun like this from the recoil alone? There is no way even a strong human can fire the damn thing without servo assistance and stablilizers and remain as he was. And earth science hasnt made these practical yet asside from fixed platforms or mounted on craft/vehicles. Why would they be in the games time frame without extra research been used by a single guy without assistance?
Not true. Both in Predator and Terminator 2 real miniguns were used, so there you have visual evidence it is possible and the recoil isn't as violent as you say. What you won't see is a hidden power cable, running to a 50 kgs battery providing electricity for the gun. However, with 2015 advanced batteries, you could probably bring down the weight of the power source to about 10 kgs or even less, making it more or less portable... however, miniguns aren't used by infantry since they're useless in that role - even if someone could carry and fire it, there is little practical reason to do so. The only viable use for them is to sweep a landing zone and force enemies into cover, that's why they're mounted on US transport helicopters.
Oh yeah and making them lighter would make the recoil stronger, not weaker.
Wow, this is the best update so far... it changes everything I was complaining about in the last 2 episodes and also things I will be complaining about in the next 3 episodes... I even checked if I didn't publish the episodes too early lol... but I guess Solarius can just read minds... yeah, that must be it.
Thanks! I admit I learned a lot from watching your LP, it's a great source of information (I still haven't finished, currently I'm a little after the Hybrids research). And I'm still not done; I need to add more info on the weapons, like amount of bullets, whether it adds Strength, and so on.
1. Craft maintenance... excellent job on that! I really like that all craft now cost something. What I like even more is that they don't cost too much. For example it was profitable to sell Raven(s) at the end of the month and manufacture them again at the beginning of the next month... now such craziness is not possible. Also, I will probably start building more craft and shoot down UFOs :-)
I never thought it would be important at all, so I'm glad I thought about this. :) Well, your LP inspired me again.
2. I see you have changed smoke power of scout tank from 55 to 60... and I thought, wtf that will not help... but then I checked smoke grenade and it has also power 60... uhm, what? Is there really such a difference between 55 and 60?
Yes. The smoke size comes in increments, and 60 is the minimal value for this particular size.
Btw. reactions 90 are fine, I would gladly accept even 70-80, if you still think it's too much.
Doesn't make much of a difference. I just thought 90 would be more or less fine for something that can hide well in grass. (Assuming it's relatively silent.)
3. I will definitely try miniguns again! Even though I said few episodes ago the opposite ;-)
4. I may even try multi-launcher again! Even tho I said the opposite last episode ;-)
5. Thank you so much for update of STR_ADVANCED_PLASMA_PHYSICS_UFOPEDIA... it confused me a lot, now it's clear
Thanks. I probably need to fix much more... More feedback will be appreciated.
6. nice new sprites for skymarshall!
It's Dioxine's work. I think I forgot to credit him. D:
7. STR_TANK_CANNON's reactions increased from 20 to 200 is just a bug, right?
Yes. :P I was messing with the small drone and edited the wrong unit.
Yeah tottal perfect sense, because even today in 2015 we have minigun totting troopers using earth science... M8 do you know what will happen to a human if he fires a chain gun like this from the recoil alone? There is no way even a strong human can fire the damn thing without servo assistance and stablilizers and remain as he was. And earth science hasnt made these practical yet asside from fixed platforms or mounted on craft/vehicles. Why would they be in the games time frame without extra research been used by a single guy without assistance?
According to my (limited) military knowledge, the main problem with miniguns was the weight of batteries required for the revolving barrels, which at the time (in the 70's) would be prohibitive. Using the weapon itself would be fine (the Predator movie was relatively sensible here), as long as you were strong and braced yourself (hence the high TU cost).
Nowadays, thanks to advances in power supply technologies (mostly thanks to cell phone batteries and the like) the weight would be fairly small, but the idea for a minigun is no longer on the table because of modern tactics being different (read: Iraq is not Vietnam). But AFAIK it totally could be done. Especially in a game like X-Com.
As to the second part (Not until a month or two). Why would you use a minigun if you have an autocannon with three types of ammo and arguably less requirements to handle or even more exotic weapons dependent on how well you did*? My case rests on making the minigun a decision based on effectiveness and cost as to opposed to high STR no brainer, that you have access from the start (which you wont use later because you would have better options, how many people used the heavy machine gun? I tried but the requirements make it practicly useless).
Heavy machine gun with alloy ammo is pretty savage at long distances. Nevertheless, I recognize that some weapons are less popular than others... It's a matter of careful balance. But I don't really care, I believe that it allows the players to adapt different strategies. Of course, I'm still balancing them to ensure there are no obvious choices... With varied results, but I think I'm slowly getting there (with your help).
Hence my alien alloy requirement suggestion (mitigates in theory the recoil and lowers the weight making it able to be handled by a strong guy) and a slight boost to damage to compensate for the matterial and time spend on research. So to sumarise: Experimental weapons + Allien alloys -> Heavy chain guns = Minigun + Light minigun (Had it be on me I would put the auto cannon here as well). IMHO it will make a costly heavy weapon which will have a balance between power output, weight and been able to be used as opposed to forgotten. And having to spend time to research and matterials to build those will make it a desicion as opposed to a freebe for a high STR guy.
The final answer will come from Solarius anyway. This is his mod hence his vision, I am just throwing arguements/ideas.
*To clarify something: I am not the breed known as a power player, and I do understand the need for additions for enjoyments sake. I really do, but I would like to see everything having its practical uses and tradeoffs. Even if its just for fun.
Duly noted. I think I'll wait a little bit and see how the new weapons are received.
Not true. Both in Predator and Terminator 2 real miniguns were used, so there you have visual evidence it is possible and the recoil isn't as violent as you say. What you won't see is a hidden power cable, running to a 50 kgs battery providing electricity for the gun. However, with 2015 advanced batteries, you could probably bring down the weight of the power source to about 10 kgs or even less, making it more or less portable... however, miniguns aren't used by infantry since they're useless in that role - even if someone could carry and fire it, there is little practical reason to do so. The only viable use for them is to sweep a landing zone and force enemies into cover, that's why they're mounted on US transport helicopters.
Oh yeah and making them lighter would make the recoil stronger, not weaker.
...And there you beat me to it, darn. :) But yeah, that was my line of reasoning. (BTW we haven't discussed it with Dioxine before responding. :) )
Not true. Both in Predator and Terminator 2 real miniguns were used, so there you have visual evidence it is possible and the recoil isn't as violent as you say. What you won't see is a hidden power cable, running to a 50 kgs battery providing electricity for the gun. However, with 2015 advanced batteries, you could probably bring down the weight of the power source to about 10 kgs or even less, making it more or less portable... however, miniguns aren't used by infantry since they're useless in that role - even if someone could carry and fire it, there is little practical reason to do so. The only viable use for them is to sweep a landing zone and force enemies into cover, that's why they're mounted on US transport helicopters.
Oh yeah and making them lighter would make the recoil stronger, not weaker.
Ok you are saying to me that Swatz actually fired that thing? Sorry but I dont buy it that is possible for a single human to fire it even when braced. If it was even with the combined weight to be around 30-40 kg it would be enough to lay waste a whole area and it would be the perfect heavy weapon for squad deployment, which is not the case. I believe as it is the weapon is ideal as mounted but I cannot believe (I Dont know the specifics) that a human can possibly keep it stable to fire by himself. And that comes from having fired a (quite limited I admit) number of military rifles myself.
And you might be true that the thing making it lighter will increase the recoil, I havent thought this through. Well, let the strength requirements be the same then.
Anyway as I said, I am just voicing some thoughts loudly not demanding anything.
EDIT: An intresting read on the problems of it:
remember that he game is in 1999 year, in this year the batteries are niquel cadmio and starting in global day to day
may be a second stage of miniguns with less kg and more power, and alloy ammo.... may be.....
Not sure what I'm doing wrong. I unzipped the file and copied the main files to OpenXCOM data but it isn't working.
Sorry to hear that, but:
- Is there a specific error? Can you post it?
- What OS are you using?
- What Openxcom version are you using? 1.0, nightly? (must be nightly)
- Have you enabled the mod in the game menu?
- Have you copied the files correctly, ie. MAPS to MAPS, TERRAIN to TERRAIN etc.?
Sorry, but a simple "it doesn't work" isn't going to get you much help. I need more details.
Yeah, in the movies they fired it at much reduced RPM rate, naturally. They did fire it though.
A perfect squad weapon, though? Hardly. What is good in firing more bullets if the enemies are already hidden. You need weapons either to kill an exposed enemy or supress him, and minigun is an overkill (while being cumbersome as hell) in both roles. As for artillery role (to annihilate enemies), forget it, though. Even a 1000 bullets isn't enough to do any serious damage to infantry in cover over a say, 100x100 meter area. That's about 1 bullet per 10 square meters. You really need a LOT more firepower to really sweep such an area (and we have rockets to do that trick).
Pilot00, I agree with you on many points. Part of the issue is that the rocket launcher usurps the role of the minigun. In real life, rocket launcher backblast means that it could never be used to clear a landing zone like it is used in Xcom. Because XCom rocket launchers can be fired inside the craft, there's no reason to use the minigun to clear the way.
Theoretically miniguns would be good at killing swarms of terror units, but XCom can just throw heavy explosive packs instead. The minigun is inherently awkward.
As it goes, I'm happy with the direction Solarius seems to be going. The miniguns were definitely underused and the multilauncher never made that much sense. Adding craft maintenance makes money tighter, which adds some challenge to the strategic layer.
Ok, sorry for the lack of details.
I believe I have the latest nightly thingy from the list.
The mod doesn't show up in the game menu. I assume it's gonna read either FMP or Final Mod Pack.
I copied MAPS, Terrain, etc,. at once and pasted it directly into the OpenXCOM folder. Maybe that is the problem? I had to do it separatel? Maybe I done goofed?
it goes in the data folder
it goes in the data folder
I copy and pasted them there several times.
I copy and pasted them there several times.
Can you join the IRC channel? I can probably walk you through it.
Cheers, Ivan :D
And select them in options-》 mods. Don't forget
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Installing FMP.
Start by installing OpenXcom 1.0.
- Get the windows installer and let it do its thing. It will find the resources from the original game and copy them in. You may need to point it to your original game directory .
- Down load the nightly. Copy it into your OpenXcom directory.
- Down Load The Final ModPack: Copy it into your OpenXcom/data directory.
Follow the instructions below
- Open the "OpenXcomdata" folder,
- Copy the "Rulesets", "Resources", "MAPS", "ROUTES" and "TERRAIN" folders to the "OpenXcomdata" folder, merging with existing folders with the same name (some files will be overwritten, so you may want to back them up),
- Enable the mod from the Game Options menu.
- Make sure you use the "item is destroyed on research" option, or else you will be able to research the Alien Data Slate over and over, which would be a cheat.
- Please note that all weapons were balanced for "UFO Extender Accuracy" option turned on, since it makes combat more interesting and varied. You don't have to you it, but it's recommended.
Requires nightly build version openxcom_git_master_2015_03_04_0147 or later! Get it from https://openxcom.org/git-builds/.
A minor update to 1.2.1 is online.
- Added some useful info to the Ufopaedia for certain items (like whether a melee weapon adds the user's Strength to damage or how many bullets auto-shot fires).
- Fixed a bug with Tank/Cannon being ultrahyperreactive.
- Updated Hobbes' terrain pack to the newest version (3.5.2).
Maybe I should uninstall and try again? Cause it still isn't showing up.
Are you enabling it in options?
I think I found the issue. For the nightly, I think I copied the whole folder rather than the subfolders with the files I needed, so there are text documents where they shouldn't be. I don't know if that makes a difference.
I don't think it should, I extracted the nightly to to the OpenXcom folder.
I check the game options constantly.
[jumps off a cliff and powerbombs an old lady]
Edit: And I fall immediately on my face because it said the mod failed to load.
Error reads
yaml-cpp: failure at line, zero column zero. Bad conversion.
I'd like to convert my hand upside this file's head.
@ Saviour. I'm rendering a video right now. should be up in about 1/2 hour maybe.
Ok, folks. Here's a Tutorial Video for installing FMP.
Cheers, Ivan :D
Savior, I'm really sorry about your experience. It must be frustrating beyond measure. Yet, I have no idea what could be wrong - this is not typical at all.
Ivan, you're the MVP. I'm totally linking your tutorial in the FMP readme.
Yep. I'm an idiot. I didn't show enabling FMP in advance section. XD
Yep. I'm an idiot. I didn't show enabling FMP in advance section. XD
Lawl, indeed. But I'm linking it anyway... :) Maybe you could add a caption or something.
Good call. Annotation added. ::)
Ok. I made the annotations more pronounced and reuploaded it and deleted the old version. Please use this link if you are going to link it:
Spitter Autopsy UFOpedia entry:
"The enzyme is then stored in a camera..."
Should read:
"The enzyme is then stored in a chamber..."
Cheers, Ivan :D
Spitter Autopsy UFOpedia entry:
"The enzyme is then stored in a camera..."
Say cheese...
"The enzyme is then stored in a camera..."
Should read:
"The enzyme is then stored in a chamber..."
Lol, and I thought it must be one of those double/triple/quadruple-meaning words, which are so abundant in English language and confuse the heck out of me. Turns out to be just a typo... d'oh.
Lol, and I thought it must be one of those double/triple/quadruple-meaning words, which are so abundant in English language and confuse the heck out of me. Turns out to be just a typo... d'oh.
Me too. :P
Well, it does sound life science-like.
(Changed now.)
Btw. from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/camera
[Late Latin, room; see chamber.]
[1700–10; < Latin: vaulted room, vault < Greek kamára vault; compare chamber]
camera - First meant "vault, chamber."
See also related terms for vault.
Btw. from https://www.thefreedictionary.com/camera
[Late Latin, room; see chamber.]
[1700–10; < Latin: vaulted room, vault < Greek kamára vault; compare chamber]
camera - First meant "vault, chamber."
See also related terms for vault.
Can confirm that I read Camara as well, which is also a medical term, meaning hollow bone space.
In architecture it also means arc.
Yeah, English is pretty amazing (as its such a blasted mixture of so many different languages, and bastardizes things willy-nilly). And yep, the Latin meaning of Camera does fit, and the photographic device takes its name for the same reason (the chamber between the lens and the film/sensor). But modern English has transitioned to chamber to fit this meaning. :D
i need your help........
i need a savegame with all discovered and ready to manufacture. i need to a correct transalation of the components and rename them for the longer of words in spanish.... if anybody have please up the file and thx for your time
pd: may be posible integrated all the original string to translate the original game... them
i need your help........
i need a savegame with all discovered and ready to manufacture. i need to a correct transalation of the components and rename them for the longer of words in spanish.... if anybody have please up the file and thx for your time
pd: may be posible integrated all the original string to translate the original game... them
If only you asked 2 days ago :(
I understand. I need a save game of some body to correct translate the mod to Spanish.
Lo pongo en español, mi inglés es sencillo. Necesito la ayuda de alguien que me pueda pasar una partida con todo desbloqueado para ver y corregir la traducción al español,
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Maybe try the "debug mode" of the game? I think this gives you all the research and you can just check the UFOpedia?
noob question. how???
noob question. how???
I think I might have a bug report! I assaulted a landed small UFO, and the first turn I saw a muton facing away from the Skyranger right next to the open cockpit. I sent one of my attack dogs it in to attack it in the back and draw the muton's reaction fire. But the muton never reacted to any of the 5+ bite attacks, even up to it's death.
I save scummed and confirmed it did turn around when troops shot at it, meaning it did have time units for reaction fire. But the enemy didn't register the dog's attacks as something it would fire against. This doesn't seem like it should be doing that.
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I think I might have a bug report! I assaulted a landed small UFO, and the first turn I saw a muton facing away from the Skyranger right next to the open cockpit. I sent one of my attack dogs it in to attack it in the back and draw the muton's reaction fire. But the muton never reacted to any of the 5+ bite attacks, even up to it's death.
I save scummed and confirmed it did turn around when troops shot at it, meaning it did have time units for reaction fire. But the enemy didn't register the dog's attacks as something it would fire against. This doesn't seem like it should be doing that.
Melee attacks do not trigger reaction fire if you keep yourself out of enemy LOS.
That is very strange, they used to.
Hi, everyone!
A new version of the Russian translation is ready. It contains numerous error and bugfixes (such as a too long text of some topics) and the translation of newly added lines since the 0.9 version of the FMP.
Thanks Kammerer, I pulled it in.
And now, 1.3 is online.
- Aliens can now use explosives from turn 1.
- Sniper rifles are now less accurate on extremely short distances.
- Fixed the ruleset to follow latest nightly.
Not much, but significant stuff. :)
Melee attacks do not trigger reaction fire if you keep yourself out of enemy LOS.
That doesn't seem very intuitive, to be honest. If a unit is being attacked, they should at least turn around to face where the damage is coming from. It doesn't make sense for a enemy to sit there passively while being attacked, especially when they do have the TU to do so. I've actually noticed that this kind of behavior seems to also be making attack dogs more powerful then I *think* they were designed to be, because they can sprint away from the skyranger and kill sentries facing away from the squad. If troopers were to engage, they would have to worry about the possibility of taking fire.
I think it qualifies for a bug report, it's an engine thing, not a mod thing.
Not sure if it's only upgrade problem on my side or a general issue, I'll report it anyway.
After researching Muton Corpse, I get STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ01 as next possible research instead of getting it for free.
Screenshot and savegame attached.
Not sure if it's only upgrade problem on my side or a general issue, I'll report it anyway.
After researching Muton Corpse, I get STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ01 as next possible research instead of getting it for free.
Screenshot and savegame attached.
It's an upgrade problem. Put 1 scientist on the job and it should be completed within a day. (Though it should be STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ1, not STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ01 - I assume it's a typo.)
Sounds like the next episode. :)
It's an upgrade problem. Put 1 scientist on the job and it should be completed within a day. (Though it should be STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ1, not STR_DART_RIFLE_CLIP_C_PREQ01 - I assume it's a typo.)
Sounds like the next episode. :)
You're too quick, I wanted to edit my post :) I just tried it on a new game (cheated in Muton corpse and a couple of scientists) and it happens too. Save attached.
You're too quick, I wanted to edit my post :) I just tried it on a new game (cheated in Muton corpse and a couple of scientists) and it happens too. Save attached.
OK, you're right - there was a slight discrepancy that I didn't think would matter. I removed it and now it works.
Great, thanks.
I guess the other prerequisites will be fixed too in the next update (i.e. I don't need to report them).
translation update and corrected to spanish to last version
translation update and corrected to spanish to last version
Awesome, thanks. Adding to the mod.
EDIT: I changed all Cuerpo Flotador variants to simply "Cuerpo Flotador" - without the Lider/Nav/etc. A dead Floater is a dead Floater. :)
Also, yesterday I added the AWACS mod by redv (with very minor tweaks to fit it in the FMP). Now I wonder if it should have any impact on normal base radars. (I used the normal AWACS ruleset, not the one with removed base radars, because I'm not really willing to go that far and I'm still on vanilla OXC, not Extended.)
Awesome, thanks. Adding to the mod.
EDIT: I changed all Cuerpo Flotador variants to simply "Cuerpo Flotador" - without the Lider/Nav/etc. A dead Floater is a dead Floater. :)
Also, yesterday I added the AWACS mod by redv (with very minor tweaks to fit it in the FMP). Now I wonder if it should have any impact on normal base radars. (I used the normal AWACS ruleset, not the one with removed base radars, because I'm not really willing to go that far and I'm still on vanilla OXC, not Extended.)
Thx I have dude if they are needed to specific research XD
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I maybe the odd one of the bunch I think some of the mods in the FMP are lacking in quality in times. There is a point where having over twenty different types of weapon just makes the game more cluttered than fun. Just don't install things from FMP willy nilly, check the thread about the original mod for more info about and etc.
I'd appreciate some more info on this. Right now I have no idea what exactly is wrong.
I'm doing whatever I can to make all weapons different, and it's not like I'm taking whatever modders produce. Of course people who are ultra-purist will consider some of them superfluous, but I can't really satisfy them and I'm not planning to try.
Besides, everything in the FMP is meshed together, so you can't really install "things from FMP" any more than "things from TFTD". :P
So far I have found use for almost every weapon.
I am struggling with HMG and Minigun though... nobody can carry it... and by the time they'll be able to... well, they won't have to.
In any case, FMP is a masterpiece... and for those, who don't want to go through the torture of compiling a mod pack themselves (make various mods compatible and balanced), I can highly recommend it!
I'd appreciate some more info on this. Right now I have no idea what exactly is wrong.
I'm doing whatever I can to make all weapons different, and it's not like I'm taking whatever modders produce. Of course people who are ultra-purist will consider some of them superfluous, but I can't really satisfy them and I'm not planning to try.
Besides, everything in the FMP is meshed together, so you can't really install "things from FMP" any more than "things from TFTD". :P
mmm this mod is greatest. Make the game more bigger and complete. The people that play first time may be find a little hard but for veterans that play the game. This is the more bigger. I play the game minimum 1 time for year and I play minimum 15 years and more. And this last year with this mos is the greatest game that I play in my life. This is my preferred game and mod
Great work and thx for the lot of time to do this and update regularly
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Thanks for the nice words guys. Though I wouldn't mind to hear some deserved criticism. ;)
But! 1.4 is online. It was a bit quick, I know, but I had some free time this weekend and used it well.
- Added the AWACS mod, by redv (Hawkeye battle map by Dioxine).
- Added a Gauss Defences base facility.
- Added an E-115 grenade for the Grenade Launcher.
- Made a proper Scout Drone weapon sprite.
- Added some missing Elerium recovery options (Plasma Sniper Rifle Clip, Elerium Bomb).
- Fixed a small bug regarding Dart Rifle clips research.
- Faster minigun bullets.
- Tweaked some list orders.
- Updated the Spanish version (by arrakis69ct).
- Some fixes to the Polish version.
A lot of new stuff, you really had a lot of time this weekend ;-)
Two comments:
1. dependencies:
are still wrong... should be autopsy instead of corpse.
2. did you replace small radar by workshop in starting base by design or by accident?
A lot of new stuff, you really had a lot of time this weekend ;-)
Two comments:
1. dependencies:
are still wrong... should be autopsy instead of corpse.
Huh... Huh. :o
2. did you replace small radar by workshop in starting base by design or by accident?
Ouch. :P Needs fixing.
EDIT: Fixed and uploaded as 1.4b.
the mod site might need another kick -- 1.4b doesn't seem to be downloadable from https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack/download/91e0d2e8
edit: maybe Jo5hua is doing something with the site right now -- nothing seems to be downloadable at the moment
edit: ok, all good now.
One thing I noticed is that STR_LAPAZ is not defined for en-US. It's in en-GB, but not en-US.
I'd appreciate some more info on this. Right now I have no idea what exactly is wrong.
I'm doing whatever I can to make all weapons different, and it's not like I'm taking whatever modders produce. Of course people who are ultra-purist will consider some of them superfluous, but I can't really satisfy them and I'm not planning to try.
Besides, everything in the FMP is meshed together, so you can't really install "things from FMP" any more than "things from TFTD". :P
Okay, I'll bite...
I'd guess that these feelings have several causes. One of them is the sheer scope of the mod and the time it takes to research all the options. Many weapons are obsolete by the time a player researches them. However, I see no remedy for this, because if you do want to offer various options to suit different playstyles AND you need to keep the research slow enough to keep the game reasonably balanced then there'll will likely always be weapons a player will skip at first and find useless later on.
Another problem is that of micromanagement. The more weapon types and loadouts one has in a squad, the more time it takes to manage it all. And even one dead/wounded/sacked/transfered soldier can lead to more micromanagement and even soldiers becoming stronger with experience can lead to yet more micromanagement. Logistics of it all add even more micromanagement when a player has to track stocks of five or ten or more different ammo types.
And some weapons have do very narrow niches or are next to useless. If I was to select a few examples, I'd pick these:
- miniguns; they are defensive weapons but the game is mostly about assault missions
- HMG; the same problem as with the minigun, plus sniper rifles are usually much better alternative
- SMGs and shotguns; short range firefights are to be avoided, so short-ranged weapons are a problem
- incendiary anything; the flame damage is so low as to make them next to useless damage-wise, flares suffice for nighttime missions that can't be avoided
- fusion weapons; too specialized to be worth their weight for most of the time
depending of your sistem of assault.
i use the shotguns with alloy ammo. i never assault in open. i try ever hidde my troops. and i prefer close combat(discover,move,shoot,hide), now i discover gauss weapons 5 months later. i know but shock a engeneer has been hard in this party for me XD
miniguns are perfect if you use a defensive base, similar to the hmg and lmg, when you have a soldier ready for use you have more advanced weapons to assault.
incendary........ light in nights only
and the fusion i dont have experience
and the general tactic, explosions explosion and more explosions XD..... when no have missiles shotguns XD
i have a dude with the awacs, the awacs detect only ships in flight??? detect alien bases??? detect mib bases and ships?? detect hibrids???
this is for put in her descrption in the translation. thx
And some weapons have do very narrow niches or are next to useless. If I was to select a few examples, I'd pick these:
- miniguns; they are defensive weapons but the game is mostly about assault missions
- HMG; the same problem as with the minigun, plus sniper rifles are usually much better alternative
- SMGs and shotguns; short range firefights are to be avoided, so short-ranged weapons are a problem
- incendiary anything; the flame damage is so low as to make them next to useless damage-wise, flares suffice for nighttime missions that can't be avoided
- fusion weapons; too specialized to be worth their weight for most of the time
This finds me in tottal agreement, except the shotguns part. I always had in my roster a group of shotgunners for 2 reasons:
1)They usually had very bad aim, thus scatter shot training
2)UFO assaults and terror missions usually end up in close quarters fighting. Its more effective to have a shotgunner enter the building/ufo and clean house than a rifle totting dude. Plus, with the single shot AP ammo after a while they do more damage vs specific targets than rifles, even with alloy tips before you unloclk them lazors.
And a personal one to the list would be said lazors. IDK for you but I prefered the accuracy of the Gauss tech to the burst of the lazers. Then again this is subjective because in my first run, I had a very minimal casualty rate.
i have a dude with the awacs, the awacs detect only ships in flight??? detect alien bases??? detect mib bases and ships?? detect hibrids???
this is for put in her descrption in the translation. thx
Unless something changed in the mechanics of the mod in the latest version, MIB and Hybrid missions spawn up as normal UFO And then immediately land. Even the base type missions. If the AWACS is just a mobile radar it can detect everything normally (that is based on its detection chance).
thx for the info.
new translation update
i change hawkeye to bat. in spanish sound better "ojo de gavilan -> Murcielago" and a bat is a natural radar XD
may be this a error
and a posiblebug in this sav in this position the rocketer fails ever in the iron fist with aimed shot
depending of your sistem of assault.
i use the shotguns with alloy ammo. i never assault in open. i try ever hidde my troops. and i prefer close combat(discover,move,shoot,hide), now i discover gauss weapons 5 months later. i know but shock a engeneer has been hard in this party for me XD
miniguns are perfect if you use a defensive base, similar to the hmg and lmg, when you have a soldier ready for use you have more advanced weapons to assault.
incendary........ light in nights only
and the fusion i dont have experience
and the general tactic, explosions explosion and more explosions XD..... when no have missiles shotguns XD
Like I said, different playstyles :)
And I'll concede the shotguns to some degree, truth is I've used them for some base defences in the past.
However, I don't like CQB. Reaction fire can be a pain in the posterior and the RNG is a vengeful god. So I roll in with a HWP in a scouting role, drop some smoke and try to shoot the aliens from beyond their visibility range.My preferred CQB weapons are high explosive, LMG and multilauncher. So I don't have much use for SMGs or shotguns. But I'm *happy* that they're there, they do add more options and require no research of their own (unless you do want to use them).
But miniguns? Too heavy to give to regular troops, too low power to give to those few soldiers who can use heavy weapons because I need those to carry more hard-hitting weapons like rocket launchers, multilaunchers, sniper rifles etc. Much better to defend my bases with proximity grenades, high explosives, HWPs and whatever my regular weapons are at the moment.
Incendiary? Flares are light, require few TUs, last the whole fight unless blown up and all soldiers can use both flares and damage-dealing weapons. Giving a soldier incendiary weapon means he's basically only useful for illuminating the battlefield and in some terrains he's unable to do that on most of said battlefield because most incendiary weapons are direct-fire. So I remain unconvinced.
And I do agree about the explosives. In fact I'm still thinking about modding in a light mortar, something like L9A1. But I'll take grenades, high explosives, rockets, proximity grenades and grenade launchers too :)
I'd appreciate some more info on this. Right now I have no idea what exactly is wrong.
You are not doing anything wrong, I just find some of the weapons get replaced at a pace where you can not use them for good duration of time. Its more of a problem how fast research is done.
As far as incendiary goes, I found the flamethrower to be invaluable in taking out cyberdiscs and reapers. After watching Meridian use them so effectively on his LP, I've been taking a few with me on every mission.
I didnt use close combat weapons too in my first run on the FMP. But now that I am in the middle of my Pirates run, I am starting to remember why I was trying to rush Vibro blades in TFTD. They are far from useless, in fact its the fault of the original X-Com with its lack of them and thus generating weak soldiers and in a combination with an inability to open doors, that led us to believe that Close quarters combat is uselss.
As to the minigun I proposed a stop gap solution a few pages ago, but then again I am thinking it should receive the Pirates treatment. Have the light one available to however will eventually be able to carry it, and then research a bigger version with a staggering rate of fire and more massive damage that would require the loader suit to work.
may be this a error
and a posiblebug in this sav in this position the rocketer fails ever in the iron fist with aimed shot
OK, thanks! I'll have a look when I can.
Very interesting weapon discussion there. I'll refrain from commenting for now, mostly because I'm in the middle of something, but will read carefully.
(One thing worth of note: melee weapons will be better once I switch to OXC Extended. Because you'll be able to train hand-to-hand combat at your base.)
Lol we need bases more bigger XD
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1.4.1 is online.
Sorry, but the only change this time is fixed strings... :)
I would agree that miniguns aren't useful. In that respect, they are exactly how they are in life. Too cumbersome vs other options (shotgun, assault rifle, flamethrower, toxigun) to use in close quarters combat, too unwieldy vs the assault rifle to use in cover-to-cover close range skirmishing, insufficient damage vs rockets and machine guns for point defense, and too inaccurate and poor at range for anything else.
The only way I see it being useful is against loads of small, squishy targets bumrushing me eg. hybrids. However, that is never something that's a big deal anyway. Might as well pack some real guns eg. Magnum and just use lots of snap shots. The minigun actually reduces the amount of soldiers stat improvement because it can only do one shot per turn.
I would agree that miniguns aren't useful. In that respect, they are exactly how they are in life. Too cumbersome vs other options (shotgun, assault rifle, flamethrower, toxigun) to use in close quarters combat, too unwieldy vs the assault rifle to use in cover-to-cover close range skirmishing, insufficient damage vs rockets and machine guns for point defense, and too inaccurate and poor at range for anything else.
The only way I see it being useful is against loads of small, squishy targets bumrushing me eg. hybrids. However, that is never something that's a big deal anyway. Might as well pack some real guns eg. Magnum and just use lots of snap shots. The minigun actually reduces the amount of soldiers stat improvement because it can only do one shot per turn.
I certainly agree, from the purely tactical point of view. However, where's the fun in that? :)
No, really. Miniguns are there mostly because a wargame with no miniguns is a meh wargame. :P
the strings of gauss defenses are bad again....
the strings of gauss defenses are bad again....
They look fine to me.
They look fine to me.
what are you language?
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what are you language?
Official supported languages are US English, British English and Polish.
Other languages are added if a translator submits them.
...don't tell me the problem is lack of Spanish strings?
No I see in en UK and en us
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No I see in en UK and en us
OK, I'll recheck it when I get home.
It's fine, all three languages are fine, dude... -_-
This may be a bad time to mention this, but
is still missing from en-US (it's in en-GB, just not en-US)
This may be a bad time to mention this, but
is still missing from en-US (it's in en-GB, just not en-US)
You're right O_o
Bad time is a terror mission at night XD
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omg the work to put this mod to new system of oxc.
my words of gratitude for all the modders and all stuff of ocx.
A few more missing strings:
[07-05-2015 08:13:32] [WARN] STR_DESERTMOUNT not found in en-us
[07-05-2015 08:13:32] [WARN] STR_GOLDBASE not found in en-us
They come up in the New Battle screen when choosing a mission.
1.5 is online.
The only real difference is updating to the new modding system, but I figured it was urgent. So here it is.
Thx. thx and thx.
1.5 is online.
The only real difference is updating to the new modding system, but I figured it was urgent. So here it is.
I think you missed including a metadata.yml file. It should look something like this:
# metadata.yml for the Final Mod Pack
name: "Final Mod Pack"
version: "1.5"
description: "A collection of about 70 mods, merged together and balanced. Adds a ton of content and makes the game longer and more varied."
author: "SolariusScorch"
id: "final-mod-pack"
master: xcom1
I think you missed including a metadata.yml file. It should look something like this:
Of course I missed including it. It was prepared, but never added to the archive.
Kids, never update when you're about to pass out from exhaustion!
Re-uploading now.
So, I have upgraded to the latest nightly and FMP 1.5b and everything seems to be OK.
During the upgrade, I have looked through the new save too (as always)... and I found a STR_ALIEN_DIPLOMACY mission. Not being able to resist the temptation, I have skipped all the other UFOs so that I could look at this mission, but to my big disappointment nothing happened.
@Solarius: is this mission not ready yet or am I doing something wrong?
@all: did anyone see this new mission already and can confirm that it works?
Attached are 2 saves (test1.sav at the beginning of the month; test4.sav just before the UFO is supposed to appear)
So, I have upgraded to the latest nightly and FMP 1.5b and everything seems to be OK.
During the upgrade, I have looked through the new save too (as always)... and I found a STR_ALIEN_DIPLOMACY mission. Not being able to resist the temptation, I have skipped all the other UFOs so that I could look at this mission, but to my big disappointment nothing happened.
@Solarius: is this mission not ready yet or am I doing something wrong?
@all: did anyone see this new mission already and can confirm that it works?
Attached are 2 saves (test1.sav at the beginning of the month; test4.sav just before the UFO is supposed to appear)
This mission is intended to be very rare. In fact, it hasn't ever generated for me (and it was included a good month or two ago), but then I don't play much.
I would actually appreciate if anyone encounters it, just to be sure it works properly.
This mission is intended to be very rare. In fact, it hasn't ever generated for me (and it was included a good month or two ago), but then I don't play much.
I would actually appreciate if anyone encounters it, just to be sure it works properly.
So I have found it after all... one of the UFOs I thought belonged to a different mission was actually it.
Attached is a screenshot of interception screen... the UFO doesn't have any picture (that's how I found it) and two screenshots from battlescape in debug mode.
But holy shit... this mission is too hard :-) I don't know how I am supposed to make it... this will be a real challenge.
So I have found it after all... one of the UFOs I thought belonged to a different mission was actually it.
Attached is a screenshot of interception screen... the UFO doesn't have any picture (that's how I found it) and two screenshots from battlescape in debug mode.
The battlescape is fine. The interception screen clearly needs some work. Well, at least it's functioning.
Could you please provide a save? I'll need it to test the fix.
But holy shit... this mission is too hard :-) I don't know how I am supposed to make it... this will be a real challenge.
Do your best! :)
Oh damn these guys spawn on missions now :o Scawwwwwyyyyyyyyyy.
Oh damn these guys spawn on missions now :o Scawwwwwyyyyyyyyyy.
It's an optional challenge, and it's worth it :)
It's an optional challenge, and it's worth it :)
Didnt say it isnt :)
I just crapped my pants, thats all.
Kids, never update when you're about to pass out from exhaustion!
: )
I'd suggest you change the id line from
id: Final Mod Pack
id: final-mod-pack
so it's consistent with the id used on the mod portal. that way autoupdate tools will be able to find your mod on the site.
: )
I'd suggest you change the id line from
id: Final Mod Pack
id: final-mod-pack
so it's consistent with the id used on the mod portal. that way autoupdate tools will be able to find your mod on the site.
No problem, but I can't remember it from the update guide.
No worries - it was kinda buried in the Additional info for mod authors section:
- id (same as the name)
the internal id that this mod is known by. savegames, configuration files, and other mods' metadata files will refer to the mod by this string. if you make the value of this attribute the same as the id you used when uploading to the mod portal (https://www.openxcom.com), then autoupdate tools may be able to use it to check for new versions.
I'll highlight it to make it more noticeable, since it is important.
edit: I'm getting a bunch of file not found errors:
[09-05-2015 21:26:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10F0.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M0.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10F1.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M1.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:09] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M2.SPK
Am I not loading something right in the file map or are there really missing resources? I certainly don't /see/ those files anywhere...
The battlescape is fine. The interception screen clearly needs some work. Well, at least it's functioning.
Could you please provide a save? I'll need it to test the fix.
Attached two saves: one before interception, one after the UFO crashed.
edit: I'm getting a bunch of file not found errors:
[09-05-2015 21:26:02] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10F0.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:03] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M0.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10F1.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:06] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M1.SPK
[09-05-2015 21:26:09] [INFO] requested file not found: UFOGRAPH/MAN_10M2.SPK
Am I not loading something right in the file map or are there really missing resources? I certainly don't /see/ those files anywhere...
They are the paperdolls for the green tactical vest. They are under ...\mods\Final Mod Pack\Resources\FinalModPack\Armors_Compilation\Armored_Vest. And the mod works correctly at my end.
Attached two saves: one before interception, one after the UFO crashed.
Thanks! Will investigate.
EDIT: Found the syntax error, line 7633 should be "modSprite: InterceptionEnvoyShip" instead of "sprite: InterceptionEnvoyShip".
The transalation to spanish to last version 1.5
and the rule again
in the next update i want to edit the ufopedia and agree tothe ships if the fuel tipe of ships are fuel or elerium
this update are important, if not the game are middle spanish middle english
Thanks, it's updated.
On a side note, I just lost my main base to the meanest alien crew I've ever seen. :P
You have pics?
You have pics?
Not really, I didn't have the time to take any - Chryssalids zombified a third of my team, another third was mind-controlled by Ethereals, and the rest (plus one tank) either panicked or was shot to pieces by two Gazers and a Muton. Took several turns at most.
Honestly, if I weren't the creator of this, I would be really mad! :)
Whaaaat? :o
Is this waiting for me too... or is it only some new feature being developed at the moment?
Whaaaat? :o
Is this waiting for me too... or is it only some new feature being developed at the moment?
It's been in the game for half a year or more. :) I was just unlucky.
Ironman are bad sometimes. XD......
By chance, is that a "heavy raiders" (i cant remember the exact name right now) retaliation mission? If so, I just BARELY survived an attack recently. Chrysalids, Mutons, Ethereals, Sectopods and Gazers. If i didnt JUST finish manufacturing laser weapons i may not have won. I lost many good soldiers and tanks though :'(
Very tough.
Loved the challenge
By chance, is that a "heavy raiders" (i cant remember the exact name right now) retaliation mission? If so, I just BARELY survived an attack recently. Chrysalids, Mutons, Ethereals, Sectopods and Gazers. If i didnt JUST finish manufacturing laser weapons i may not have won. I lost many good soldiers and tanks though :'(
Very tough.
Loved the challenge
I didn't have proper lasers yet, just alien laser rifles Gauss weapons and alloy ammo. And one Gauss tank. Plus I've just sent half my veteran squad to another base (lucky them).
Nevermind, though; X-Com is still alive and recovering!
So I have finally finished translating FMP to German. While it's not the most beautiful, it's perfectly functional, for the most part consistent and it fits in the damned standard resolution. I put it in my rulefile 1.4 so it should work. Maybe notepad++ will replace spaces with tabs again though.
Chasing your string adds was quite a ride now and that yellow Christmas tree (the UFO) is apparently the reason for all the new stuff. Cool.
And for something unrelated, I found my game in a some weird situation. There was a MIB/Hybrid mission landing on the ocean next to South Africa. Of course it ended up crashing as it couldn't find a biome, but it worked fine after I changed the coordinates. It probably was just a fluke of the engine but I wanted to let you know anyway.
Hi Solarius,
i was able to shot inside the LABSHIP, from the groundlevel on my playthrough of the FMP.
So i took the freedom to take a look at the map, and noticed a lot of missing groundtiles on the diagonal walls and such.
I also removed some wrongly placed ones.
Since i wanna use this Map also in my Mod i decided to fix it. Please take a look (see attached File)
Hey guys !
I really enjoy this mod so far. Lost my 1st attempt .
I have a few suggestions... some of them must be impossible to do but I'll post them anyway.
1- I always wanted to know why there is no infrared google or night vision for the xcom agent. Make it a research maybe ?
2- If #1 is impossible, how about adding a flashlight as a piece of equipment that you could put on your soldiers shoulder to get more light ?
3- Is it possible to have 2 weapon on a tank ? Machinegun and a rocket launcher for example ?
4- Is it possible to extend the range the motion scanner ? Maybe the scout tank could have one ? ( By researching it maybe ? )
More to come as I play the mod :)
No problem, but I can't remember it from the update guide.
A way to remember the id is the last field of your mods url: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
Hi Solarius,
i was able to shot inside the LABSHIP, from the groundlevel on my playthrough of the FMP.
So i took the freedom to take a look at the map, and noticed a lot of missing groundtiles on the diagonal walls and such.
I also removed some wrongly placed ones.
Since i wanna use this Map also in my Mod i decided to fix it. Please take a look (see attached File)
Hmm, are you sure you had the latest map? Because this is something I've fixed months ago. But possibly I haven't finished the job, so I'll certainly take a look, thanks!
Hey guys !
I really enjoy this mod so far. Lost my 1st attempt .
I have a few suggestions... some of them must be impossible to do but I'll post them anyway.
1- I always wanted to know why there is no infrared google or night vision for the xcom agent. Make it a research maybe ?
2- If #1 is impossible, how about adding a flashlight as a piece of equipment that you could put on your soldiers shoulder to get more light ?
3- Is it possible to have 2 weapon on a tank ? Machinegun and a rocket launcher for example ?
4- Is it possible to extend the range the motion scanner ? Maybe the scout tank could have one ? ( By researching it maybe ? )
More to come as I play the mod :)
Thanks Bob.
At this point the only viable thing is the two-weapon tank, which is feasible but I've never figured out how to balance it and if it's at all needed.
As for the nightvision thing, it'll be possible if/when I move the project to Openxcom Extended (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2915).
Hmm, are you sure you had the latest map? Because this is something I've fixed months ago. But possibly I haven't finished the job, so I'll certainly take a look, thanks!
Well i took the map from the newest Version of the FMP. Maybe you forgot to put it in.
Btw Solarius iam going to make some variants of it.
Like a turned version, a version with other internals.
And i also (for myself) will remove those dropdoors, because they are annoying.
Hmm, are you sure you had the latest map? Because this is something I've fixed months ago. But possibly I haven't finished the job, so I'll certainly take a look, thanks!
Here is a recent example (FMP v1.3) of the Lab ship issue: https://youtu.be/30r0Eb4VJik?t=33m50s
Also I think there may be something wrong with the outer walls of the Fighter: https://youtu.be/Pgd3LIfRENM?t=9m5s
EDIT: I can provide saves, if necessary...
Here is a recent example (FMP v1.3) of the Lab ship issue: https://youtu.be/30r0Eb4VJik?t=33m50s
Also I think there may be something wrong with the outer walls of the Fighter: https://youtu.be/Pgd3LIfRENM?t=9m5s
EDIT: I can provide saves, if necessary...
Meridian, could you test this with the fixed Map i provided?
You can find it attached here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg44651.html#msg44651)
The Zip file only contains, LABSHIP.MAP, i placed a lot of groundtiles on the diagonal walls, and replaced faulty ones were i could find some.
It is also possible to shoot into the Labship on the diagonal walls, from the groundlevel, if you catch the right spot.
My Tank Rocket Launcher was able to kill the Sectoid Mind Controller this way.
I think that with tha placed ground tiles you should not have those issues any more.
But i had no time to test, but i oriented myself on how other (vanilla) maps were handling those diagonal walls.
Feedback appreciated.
The Fighter has a missing Cornerstone there, so you get a LOS and probably LOF, but thats a easy fix.
Btw Solarius iam going to make some variants of it.
Like a turned version, a version with other internals.
And i also (for myself) will remove those dropdoors, because they are annoying.
Older versions of the FMP do not include these doors, so you can just use it. Use a version prior to 1.0.4 - unless you mean you like the doors themsleves, just not the sliding mechanism.
Good luck with the mapmaking!
As for the Lab Ship, I played the map many times and never noticed anything wrong, but I'll certainly give it a check.
I have the defense mission in a secondary base
2 ethereals
1 crisálida
5 muton
1 black men. Unknow for me
Only 15 recruits. With 15 missile launchers and 30 big missiles
10 deaths
1 missile failed and hit the ethereals
5 winners promoted to Sargeant
Cold in the body XD....
And i winning thx to defense system base. I hope
Yeah, I can imagine. :)
And I just lost another base, this time to Gazers. Definitely not my month.
Hellarzor, regarding the Lab Ship, since you're at it, could you please enlarge the 2nd level central axis? Right now it's smaller than the 1st and 3rd level sections, and I forgot to fix it.
Solarius a question. You have planed add the gym of extended??? I think is very interesting utlity. And may be possible when finish a mission see the changes of ability of soldiers?? I see a path a time ago but I Don't know how to use
Solarius a question. You have planed add the gym of extended??? I think is very interesting utlity.
Yes, it is planned.
And may be possible when finish a mission see the changes of ability of soldiers?? I see a path a time ago but I Don't know how to use
I'm not sure what you mean, changes in stats have always been visible in the game, since 1994.
I sais a windows similar at this
Yeah, I can imagine. :)
And I just lost another base, this time to Gazers. Definitely not my month.
Hellarzor, regarding the Lab Ship, since you're at it, could you please enlarge the 2nd level central axis? Right now it's smaller than the 1st and 3rd level sections, and I forgot to fix it.
I have a long weekend coming, so i guess i will have time to look into it.
But yes i have also noticed this that the central section part is smaller then the upper or lower level parts.
I was actually thinking of just making the central section, one consistent layer without the wallgaps inbetween.
This would give the opportunity to put a really nice lab or two in there, since with current configuration, making rooms is not really possible, or at least hard.
I also thought about how to compensate for removing the triple door near the cows on the central section.
The idea would be place a door on the toplevel and let the alien walk on the roof (like on the Excavator), place approriate routes and nodes with respective importance level so the get manned by a few aliens. And put some spawnpoints near the central shaft, were Alien with Plasma Sniper Rifle could spawn, which would snipe you from the roof.
But this is just a idea.
I sais a windows similar at this
Does "modder" sound like a "coder"? :P
I have a long weekend coming, so i guess i will have time to look into it.
I was actually thinking of just making the central section, one consistent layer without the wallgaps inbetween.
This would give the opportunity to put a really nice lab or two in there, since with current configuration, making rooms is not really possible, or at least hard.
I can't see why we couldn't have two (or more) maps for the same ship. The only rule would be to retain the same external view, otherwise the map won't match the interception screen.
I also thought about how to compensate for removing the triple door near the cows on the central section.
The idea would be place a door on the toplevel and let the alien walk on the roof (like on the Excavator), place approriate routes and nodes with respective importance level so the get manned by a few aliens. And put some spawnpoints near the central shaft, were Alien with Plasma Sniper Rifle could spawn, which would snipe you from the roof.
But this is just a idea.
I'm a bit sceptical about the walking on roof idea, since the Excavator is a technical ship (the big lift is in fact a large drilling device - I imagine that the excavated material is launched through the roof), while a Lab Ship should be more standard. I'm not against additional doors, but we shouldn't force the aliens to leave the ship's interior to get to another section.
Oh, and the triple doors are for moving the cow in. How else would they move the cow in? :)
Oh, and the triple doors are for moving the cow in. How else would they move the cow in? :)
Beam me up, Scotty. 8)
I can't see why we couldn't have two (or more) maps for the same ship. The only rule would be to retain the same external view, otherwise the map won't match the interception screen.
Of course the exterior look will not be changed.
I'm a bit sceptical about the walking on roof idea, since the Excavator is a technical ship (the big lift is in fact a large drilling device - I imagine that the excavated material is launched through the roof), while a Lab Ship should be more standard. I'm not against additional doors, but we shouldn't force the aliens to leave the ship's interior to get to another section.
Well 2 or 3 could be partolling up there and sniping you when you advance.
Oh, and the triple doors are for moving the cow in. How else would they move the cow in? :)
How do the cow get into the Harvesters?? There are tiles which represent a loading door in the ground.
Oh, and the triple doors are for moving the cow in. How else would they move the cow in? :)
Via catapult, like the middle ages :D
This way
I actually really like the triple loading door on the second level. it makes the map tactically interesting to have enemies paratrooping onto the map from above, and if you have flying suits, it allows for another avenue of ingress.
I actually really like the triple loading door on the second level. it makes the map tactically interesting to have enemies paratrooping onto the map from above, and if you have flying suits, it allows for another avenue of ingress.
Depends on how you like to drink your poison. I had an excavator (pretty much the same shape) intercepted and when I entered the battle, I had snakemen litteraly raining from the destroyed tiles. It wasnt pretty :)
It's raining. Snakeman .....
The better of the map is this. You Don't know when rain enemies XD
Hi Solarius,
take a look the Fixed Labship Map :)
I also encreased the size of middle section to fit the lower and upper level.
See Screenshot or take a look for yourself ingame, Map attached in zip file.
Okay, so I' ve just played through the Cydonia mission, using FMP1.2.1. And while the first part was okay, the second makes me ask what the fsck?!?
My *weakest* soldier had psi 89 and I've spent most of the mission blocking all my soldiers inside the deployment areas using two of my HWPs! I've had aliens mindcontrol some of them since trun two! So I won the mission by first hiding in my deployment zones, dropping down to take shots from my lascannon hovertanks at any aliens passing by and then *very* carefully exploring the base with two of those hovertanks while the remaining two had to stay back and block the lifts so my indcontrolled/panicking soldiers wouldn't run away and get themselves killed.
It was only say two thirds into the mission that I've dared to let two of my soldiers leave the deployment zones and join the fight and one of those panicked once too.
And what my complaint is? Well, I'm not complaining that the mission was too hard. Yes, I was quaking in my boots at first, waiting for that blaster launcher shot that would kill half my squad. But after a while it dawned on me that none of the ethereals wield those, in fact most of my enemies only had melee weapons, so the mission was not *that* hard. My complaint is that the stage has made all my efforts to put together a good squad pointless.
I could have taken a bunch of random rookies in jumpsuits to that stage instead of my hardened veterans in flying suits and the result would have been the same. My veterans, some of them with dozens of mission under their belts, have managed to kill *one* alien during that whole stage. Oh, and one of them blew the alien brain to pieces by plasma blaster fire. But they've spent the rest of the stage hiding, panicking and being mindcontrolled.
So what the heck is the logic behind this? Okay, I get it, Ethereal top brass is supposed to be psionic badasses, but the gameplay sucks as a results. UFO is largely a squad-based game and discovering one's veteran squad is basically irrelevant for the final stage of the game is both disappointing and infuriating. I love this mod but this last stage was mostly frustrating and boring, with an undertone of fear caused by the fact that having one HWP destroyed more of less halved my mobile force for much of the stage. So what gives? And could we please go back to a design that lets us *use* our soldiers? :-[
@Harald Grey:
Hmm, I think it was an RNG thing. The Ethereals should mostly wield ranged weapons (really good ranged weapons), the melee one shouldn't be too popular. It's weird, and I'm genuinely sorry it was disappointing, but it was pretty random. Apparently there was a fencing tournament going on in Cydonia on that day or something...
Well, at least it wasn't walking in the pie as usual.
Thanks! I've already downloaded your latest Hardon Expansion Mod this morning and used the map from there. I presume it's the same one?
@Harald Grey:
Hmm, I think it was an RNG thing. The Ethereals should mostly wield ranged weapons (really good ranged weapons), the melee one shouldn't be too popular. It's weird, and I'm genuinely sorry it was disappointing, but it was pretty random. Apparently there was a fencing tournament going on in Cydonia on that day or something...
Well, at least it wasn't walking in the pie as usual.
Ehrmmm... I'm not complaining that too many ethereals had melee weapons. I'm complaining that many of them had psi abilities so strong that even my PSI 99 soldiers were more or less defenceless and I've been unable to use any of my soldiers during much of the second stage.
It felt like the enemy was cheating. I've had about the best XCOM agents can get PSI-wise and yet they've been as defenceless as rookies encountering their first sectoid leader. I've had to disarm my whole team and keep them blocked inside deployment zones by parking HWPs on the lifts so my agents wouldn't walk away and get themselves killed. There was (AFAIK) nothing I could have done to prevent those debilitating psi attacks and this turned all my soldiers into potential traitors and sources of panic.
My best agent had psi str 98, psi skill 51, cydonia was his 62nd mission. He has spent the majority of the last stage panicking or being mind controlled. So why bother with selecting, training and equiping my soldiers when I've had to kill all aliens but one with HWPs? And why design a stage in a way that turns all the player's soldiers from assets into liabilities?
Or was I too hasty setting out for Cydonia? Is there some tech I could have researched that would have protected my agents?
@Harald Grey:
Hmm, I think it was an RNG thing. The Ethereals should mostly wield ranged weapons (really good ranged weapons), the melee one shouldn't be too popular. It's weird, and I'm genuinely sorry it was disappointing, but it was pretty random. Apparently there was a fencing tournament going on in Cydonia on that day or something...
Well, at least it wasn't walking in the pie as usual.
Thanks! I've already downloaded your latest Hardon Expansion Mod this morning and used the map from there. I presume it's the same one?
Depends on which version you got. The one in forum post zip is definitly the correct one.
Are these Ethereals really that hardcore? I thought I only bumped their psi stats a little. Let's see:
Normal, standard Ethereal:
psiStrength: 50
psiSkill: 40
And here's a typical white Ethereal:
psiStrength: 75
psiSkill: 50
Okay, he's way more robust Psi-Strength wise, in order to be less controllable... But yeah, it'll somewhat boost his psi attack too. (I have no idea how much exactly, I am a strong independent modern man and I have disregard for formulas.) But, as comparison:
Ethereal Commander:
psiStrength: 65
psiSkill: 50
Only slightly worse. And this is a peasant Ethereal, not a member of the Order. And the Order is hardcore.
For completion, here's the psi stats for the biggest motherfucker in the Order, colloquially named "The Grand Master" by our research team:
psiStrength: 85
psiSkill: 80
Strong? Yeah, but I bet some of your people assaulting Cydonia are at least as good. And he's supposed to belong to an ancient psychic badass race (though the ancient part is disputable).
And that's why their stats are like they are.
Of course I accept the fact that while logical, it may make the game less fun. I'll think about it, but I don't think I can do much without overhauling the entire psi system (which is likely to happen, by Yankes' grace), or just nerfing the Order down to the peon Ethereals who dirty their hands with Earth assaults.
If you want can use the option psy on only direct sight
I use and are less difficult. In my opinion is more real
Are these Ethereals really that hardcore?
I haven't been to Cydonia yet, but I have seen the "Diplomacy" mission already.
I took 10 best psi soldiers with me with the following psi strengths: 100,100,98,98,97,95,95,94,92,92.
7 of 10 were mind controlled in the first turn, 1 was killed.
In the second turn all 9 remaining soldiers were mind controlled and I lost the mission.
I am not saying it is impossible to win... obviously you can take HWP's (or turn on psionic LOS option)... it just doesn't feel right.
Since the diplomacy mission is very rare (and optional)... I don't care.
But if Cydonia is the same... then it needs rebalancing... otherwise I will have to attack Cydonia with HWPs only... which I think was not the design you had in mind when creating the mod, right?
All right then, I'll definitely tone them down - for now, that is.
Are these Ethereals really that hardcore? I thought I only bumped their psi stats a little. Let's see:
I told you so a few pages back, that makes 3 of us now (though I havent played the latest version). You either overdid it a bit or there is something wrong :D
To reiterate: I finished the game because I turned Psi line of sight on (only for that mission) and that is AFTER I reloaded before I launched the mission and turn psi STR training to max out my soldiers, which turns psi useless all things considered and still I had soldiers when facing multiple etherials succumbing with 1-2 attacks.
EDIT: From what I understand you want to have a faction of head honchos been able to melt brains correct? Might I suggest you simulate that by having one distinct guy as the leader with such psi ability?Or two. And tune a bit the rest. No need to make them on par with the others just tone them down a bit.
Am i wrong for not really wanting this changed? I am actually looking forward to having the final frustratingly brutal romp with the Elite of the Elite....actually be a final frustratingly brutal romp with the Elite of the Elite.
The "boss level" should feel like a boss level, no? One where you just barely scrape through through sheer skill/strength of will (and all that other heroic crap).
As i have not played Cydonia yet, my opinion is subject to change tho lol
Am i wrong for not really wanting this changed? I am actually looking forward to having the final frustratingly brutal romp with the Elite of the Elite....actually be a final frustratingly brutal romp with the Elite of the Elite.
The "boss level" should feel like a boss level, no? One where you just barely scrape through through sheer skill/strength of will (and all that other heroic crap).
As i have not played Cydonia yet, my opinion is subject to change tho lol
There is no right or wrong, there are opinions :D
Is there a right or wrong comment on which food tastes better for example?
However I think this comment by Harald_Gray: So why bother with selecting, training and equiping my soldiers when I've had to kill all aliens but one with HWPs? And why design a stage in a way that turns all the player's soldiers from assets into liabilities?
Summarises the whole "issue" if you call it as such.
EDIT: Also the difficulty level is already increased because that level combines the Etherials (weather moded or not) with another iconic favorite enemy of X-Com that induces nightmares...
EDIT2: Speaking of Mars/Cydonia, does anybody find it odd that nobody of the moders has added the fabled face on the stage 1 map?
-----Looks at Solarius way for a moment and then wistless inoccently.....-----
That face would be a tad too big to be shown. :) I'm quite sure the original authors would do it in the first place...
Anyway, 1.5.1 is uploaded.
- Enemies should pick up weapons now.
- Trimmed the mod by removing unchanged vanilla maps.
- Fixed the super-secret mission sprite and toned down The Order members.
- Updated the Spanish and German translation (thanks Arrakis69ct and Buscher).
- Updated Hobbes' Terrain Pack to the newest version. Fixed Lab Ship map (by Hellrazor).
That face would be a tad too big to be shown. :) I'm quite sure the original authors would do it in the first place...
Map size cannot be modified or some of the Pyramids deleted? I believe there are more than 5. Anyways it was just a suggestion.
Awesome! Thanks for the fixed lab ship too, I was getting annoyed by shots through the foor when I was approaching the ship.
I know everyone knows where to go, but when you release a new version, it might make it more convenient for people if you add in a link to https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
btw, typo in the install instructions in the "which options should I use" section:
You don't have to you it, but it's recommended.
Map size cannot be modified or some of the Pyramids deleted? I believe there are more than 5. Anyways it was just a suggestion.
But it's a whole big mountain! That would be some map... We'll think about it. :)
btw, typo in the install instructions in the "which options should I use" section:
Oops :)
But it's a whole big mountain! That would be some map... We'll think about it. :)
A man is entitled to his deams even if they never come true right? :D
Scotch, have you considered increasing the amount of stun damage smoke does? that would make the Hazmat armour more useful, and add a little more time pressure (as it stands, hanging around in smoke has almost never been a big deal).
edit: scotch lol. The finest single-malt Scotch.
A man is entitled to his deams even if they never come true right? :D
Right, right. :)
Scotch, have you considered increasing the amount of stun damage smoke does? that would make the Hazmat armour more useful, and add a little more time pressure (as it stands, hanging around in smoke has almost never been a big deal).
edit: scotch lol. The finest single-malt Scotch.
Lol. :)
Yeah, it's possible be drastically decreasing all non-helmeted armours' smoke res to 400% or so, like Dioxine did in Piratez. I'm not sure I want it, well maybe.
Okay, so I've run some numbers on that Cydonia mission and I'm afraid we're running into those formulas you've avoided, Solarius. The reason is that unlike most of other things in xcom, psi effects are notably non-linear. I'll give you the results:
Psi Str 85 and skill 80 give psi attack strength 136. Psi defense for a soldier with those same numbers is 101 which, assuming a distance of 25, gives the ethereal 62.5% chance of mind control. Even a hypothetical psi str 100 / skill 100 soldier has psi defense 120, leading to roughly 28.6% chance of being mindcontrolled (again, assuming distance of 25; the probability goes up when you get closer to the mindcontroller).
Multiply these numbers by the number of psi attacks the ethereals dish out and we get exactly the effects we're observing. So many soldiers get mindcontrolled that it is better to block them to prevent them from moving where they'd likely get killed and to only use HWPs to kill enough aliens to make it relatively safe to use one's soldiers again.
It boils down to basic formulas...
Defense is dependent on Psi Str + 1/5*Psi Skill
Attack is dependent on Psi Str * Psi Skill
So the defense raises in a linear fashion, while attack raises exponentially. That's why you have to be very careful when assigning such values (and also why 100/100 soldiers/ethereals are absolute monsters in attack but wimps in defense against each other).
Maybe you just were doing it wrong, Harald. Instead of taking any chances of getting MC'ed, go full aggressive, scout with tanks as much as you can and MC every Ethereal, giving them no chance to retaliate with their own attacks (as they have never seen any of you soldiers) :) Not saying that such a mission is much fun, either - but at least you'd have to enact a radical, unusual tactic :)
Maybe you just were doing it wrong, Harald. Instead of taking any chances of getting MC'ed, go full aggressive, scout with tanks as much as you can and MC every Ethereal, giving them no chance to retaliate with their own attacks (as they have never seen any of you soldiers) :) Not saying that such a mission is much fun, either - but at least you'd have to enact a radical, unusual tactic :)
I've MCed my way through Cydonia so many times (though not in any of the latest versions of FMP) that this time I've decided to attack even though I haven't researched psi-amps yet. As you've mentioned, the game becomes somewhat boring once you've researched psi-amps anyway.
Plus I'm not sure this tactic would've worked as the toughest mind-controllers are unlikely to wander near deployment zones.
Hehe right there's really nothing radical in spamming MC :) Too bad this mission forces you to do this. I'm trying to balance Psi-amps for my mod as well, and I think you either have to give them a finite range, or drastically incrase power loss over distance. And be really careful with allowing anyone really high psi scores, as the attack becomes invariably dominant over defence.
I feel a little selfish in asking, but...
I was wondering when you would be adding in my new railgun sprites, as I put a lot of love into them and I'm quite proud of them. But if you if you like the old ones better, maybe I could try to spruce them up for you? It's just they look rough to me and it's a bit embarrassing.
Or possibly the old and new ones could be used for two different weapon types?
Hello, everyone!
A new version of the Russian translation is ready. There are some translation errors fixes, newly added strings are integrated, changed the translation of some strings to meet the latest updates.
I feel a little selfish in asking, but...
I was wondering when you would be adding in my new railgun sprites, as I put a lot of love into them and I'm quite proud of them. But if you if you like the old ones better, maybe I could try to spruce them up for you? It's just they look rough to me and it's a bit embarrassing.
Or possibly the old and new ones could be used for two different weapon types?
Frankly I just think I like the old ones best, the newer ones look a bit too cartoonish to me (even though X-Com is rather cartoonish in itself). They're very nice of course, they just don't fit with other weapons as well as the old ones, IMHO. But I think the new graphics are available for anyone who likes them better.
Hello, everyone!
A new version of the Russian translation is ready. There are some translation errors fixes, newly added strings are integrated, changed the translation of some strings to meet the latest updates.
Thanks! It goes straight to the files.
Well at least I know now.
I'm wondering what it is that makes them look to cartoony? Is it the colour scheme? Is it the overall design?
And since you like the old ones better I may put some work into them to make them look a bit more polished, if I can make time.
I'm wondering what it is that makes them look to cartoony? Is it the colour scheme? Is it the overall design?
I dunno, I think they're just too colourful. Would be more at home in TFTD, actually.
And since you like the old ones better I may put some work into them to make them look a bit more polished, if I can make time.
Sure, but I'm already pretty happy with how they are now. :)
I was thinking I could simply lower the color saturation on the guns as a simple fix. If I did that would you think that is sufficient?
EDIT: I tried to test out the new less colorful sprites, but I couldn't get FMP to work with the new OXC despite having put it in the mod folder and enabling it in options. I'm tired of trying to get it to work.
Here's an idea of how it looks, anyway.
(https://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o605/GrandSirThebus/HeavyRailgun_zps5oqhskta.gif) vs (https://i1150.photobucket.com/albums/o605/GrandSirThebus/Railgun%20Sprites/HeavyRailgun_zpsysu2iljp.gif)
Congratulations on reaching the 1st place in "Most viewed in all time" category. Well deserved.
I was thinking I could simply lower the color saturation on the guns as a simple fix. If I did that would you think that is sufficient?
I definitely like the one one on the left better. But you know, I thought it would go much better with TFTD, while the older versions that I'm using fits with the first X-Com game.
EDIT: I tried to test out the new less colorful sprites, but I couldn't get FMP to work with the new OXC despite having put it in the mod folder and enabling it in options. I'm tired of trying to get it to work.
And that's some really troubling info. I haven't heard any complaints regarding FMP installation for ages. What exactly is wrong?
Congratulations on reaching the 1st place in "Most viewed in all time" category. Well deserved.
Haha, thanks. Honestly no idea why, there are far better mods out there. Well, apparently some (moderately) creative stealing pays off. :)
And that's some really troubling info. I haven't heard any complaints regarding FMP installation for ages. What exactly is wrong?
I'm really not sure, I mean I unzipped FMP, put it into the mods folder where the save files are and then enabled it in OXC mod options and the game played just like vanilla. I'm going to delete OXC entirely as well as all my settings and attempt to reinstall.
-I'm assuming it goes like this
-install OXC
-download the latest nightly and apply it
-drop original XCOM files into the UFO folder
-run the game
-put mods into the mod folder,
-enable them in OXC
EDIT: I'm clearly doing something wrong. When I run OXC it's telling me "ERROR: TERRAIN/BLANKS/TAB not found"
This is after I placed the original XCOM resources into the folder UFO
I had exactly the same error before I've changed all resource paths in my mod, but Solar said everything works fine in his mod without changing any file paths, which really puzzled me at that time... maybe it doesn't?
Also I got "unknown format" error when I tried to have a closer look at your sprites... On every software I have... How did you do that??? I want to know the magic trick :)
And that's some really troubling info. I haven't heard any complaints regarding FMP installation for ages. What exactly is wrong?
I've just installed 1.5.1 and tested it on New Battle without any issues.
You may want to get rid of the /FinalModPack/ subfolder inside the Resources folder since it is unnecessary now. Just use Notepad++ Replace function and change:
On its next version I'm also going to change the name of the Terrain Pack folder in /Mods and remove the version number, so that you don't need to include any of its files (Geoscape/map/RMP/terrain/etc) and can simply refer to the Terrain Pack folder in the ruleset. I'll do this for Redux on the next version.
-I'm assuming it goes like this
-install OXC
-download the latest nightly and apply it
-drop original XCOM files into the UFO folder
-run the game
-put mods into the mod folder,
-enable them in OXC
Try it like this:
- Download latest nightly
- Drop original files in UFO folder
- Put mods into the Mods folder on the OpenXCom folder in your My_Documents folder (where save games are located)
- Run game and enable mods
I've just installed 1.5.1 and tested it on New Battle without any issues.
Thanks for the info. Hmm, then maybe it has to do with Thebus' system?
You may want to get rid of the /FinalModPack/ subfolder inside the Resources folder since it is unnecessary now. Just use Notepad++ Replace function and change:
Of course, but the program doesn't care either way, so I didn't want to put the extra work to change the paths, since there are many paths. :) Maybe someday.
On its next version I'm also going to change the name of the Terrain Pack folder in /Mods and remove the version number, so that you don't need to include any of its files (Geoscape/map/RMP/terrain/etc) and can simply refer to the Terrain Pack folder in the ruleset. I'll do this for Redux on the next version.
Try it like this:
- Download latest nightly
- Drop original files in UFO folder
- Put mods into the Mods folder on the OpenXCom folder in your My_Documents folder (where save games are located)
- Run game and enable mods
OK, once it happens I'll integrate it the best way I can.
SO! Solarius Scorch and I have just worked out the issues. I was somehow missing folders and files after transferring things over, I have no idea how, but I screwed it up!
Anyways, It's fixed now with a fresh download of the OXC nightly and FMP 1.5.1 and everything in it's proper place
Here is a download link for anyone that wants the more desaturated looking railguns
https://www.dropbox.com/s/peq5mo9fp22ybyk/Desaturated%20Railguns.zip?dl=0 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/peq5mo9fp22ybyk/Desaturated%20Railguns.zip?dl=0)
I am offering a suggestion, a redesign of the fighters interior.
See Picture:
Can you also explain why did you change it?
From what I can see, you removed the dangerous spot in the middle by putting a wall there... if that is the only change I vote against it.
Can you also explain why did you change it?
From what I can see, you removed the dangerous spot in the middle by putting a wall there... if that is the only change I vote against it.
Well first you could watch and shoot from one room to the other, second i wanted seperated rooms, also it only has now 1 Power Source.
But the routes are laid in a ambush, much harder to storm, at least thats the intension.
Well first you could watch and shoot from one room to the other, second i wanted seperated rooms, also it only has now 1 Power Source.
But the routes are laid in a ambush, much harder to storm, at least thats the intension.
Sounds good! Can we try it somehow?
That was the intention :>
That was the intention :>
Then I would be more than happy to include the new map. :)
Then I would be more than happy to include the new map. :)
You can try it out first if you like (see attached zip file).
I hope it is abushiness enough :)
Sounds good! Can we try it somehow?
Jeah here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg45444.html#msg45444)
We'll have to fit another engine somewhere, for consistency.
Hellrazor, would you like to do it yourself? Because I'm afraid it's a necessity.
We'll have to fit another engine somewhere, for consistency.
Hellrazor, would you like to do it yourself? Because I'm afraid it's a necessity.
Right! It somehow got lost. Here you go! Btw i am useing a Medium Scout crew on those fighters.
btw i am written with a small "h" :)
I'd like to report two small issues:
- STR_ETHEREAL_WHITE_CORPSE is shown instead of proper description (see screenshot)
- Tank/Laser Cannon is somehow considered to be a live alien and is currently located in my Alien Containment facility :-) (see screenshot)
I can provide also saves if necessary.
I also added a turned Version of the Fighter Interior,
see for your self:
Right! It somehow got lost. Here you go! Btw i am useing a Medium Scout crew on those fighters.
Great! Will be added to the next version.
btw i am written with a small "h" :)
...Why would a name be not written with a capital name? In the hacker culture maybe...
I'd like to report two small issues:
- STR_ETHEREAL_WHITE_CORPSE is shown instead of proper description (see screenshot)
Yeah, the string was missing. An easy fix.
- Tank/Laser Cannon is somehow considered to be a live alien and is currently located in my Alien Containment facility :-) (see screenshot)
I can provide also saves if necessary.
This is something I can't explain. I haven't changed the unit at all!
I also added a turned Version of the Fighter Interior,
see for your self:
Your files are 0 kB and cannot be viewed. But I've downloaded the map and checked, it's fine. Thanks!
Your files are 0 kB and cannot be viewed. But I've downloaded the map and checked, it's fine. Thanks!
Well somehow the attachmentuploads seems to be ahving a problem there.
I deleted the old attachments and uploaded them again, now it is also visible.
Two more glitches:
1. when I finish research of Envoy Ship, nothing happens... and nothing is added to ufopaedia either as far as I can see
2. when I finish research of Ethereal Speaker, "Alien Diplomacy" is added to ufopaedia, but doesn't pop up... I just found it by accident (when looking for the envoy ship:)
This is something I can't explain. I haven't changed the unit at all!
Edit: nevermind, it will be fixed in the newest nightly by a simple if statement
Btw Solarius, i noticed in my testrun a wrong placed wall tile in the new fighter Interior turned Map.
So alien scould walk into the engine room from the ambush spot.
I already corrected this, here on my local machine.
Attached zip contains corrected map :>
Edit: nevermind, it will be fixed in the newest nightly by a simple if statement
the second point affect me all the time, i never see popup of advanced laser, railgun tech, and other techs....
I'd grown so decadent, so used to all the fancy new toys this mod gave me that my first sighting of ethereals wiped half the squad in the first damn turn. I knew i should have gotten my squad to drop all of their weapons, but I got goddamn cocky and forgot just how powerful ethereals are at psyching.
I finally understood the point of toxisuits. Being able to run a team of toxisuit soldiers with toxiguns would mean that having my soldiers mind controlled would be less of a big deal. Then, I would be able to capture an ethereal with a reasonable chance of success. it's already August and I haven't captured any psi-capable aliens yet through luck and mistakes.
Hi Solarius :)
I made some more Variants for your Excavator UFO.
You might wanna take a look at those here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg45837.html#msg45837) and here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg45838.html#msg45838)
With best greetings :)
To your request Solarius,
see attached zip file :)
Make sure to credit me, because i spent quite some time on those maps, creating them and testing them.
Sure I will, you totally deserve it. :)
Great maps.
So there is a built-in mod for OXC that makes all the missions daylight or night. I was wondering if you could post a list of all the missions in FMP so I can add them to these two mods? Deja Vu, I think I've asked this before, but I can't find a list anywhere. It seems to be mostly the MiB missions that I can't locate.
So there is a built-in mod for OXC that makes all the missions daylight or night. I was wondering if you could post a list of all the missions in FMP so I can add them to these two mods? Deja Vu, I think I've asked this before, but I can't find a list anywhere. It seems to be mostly the MiB missions that I can't locate.
They're listed under alienDeployments. Here's the entire thing as of now:
EDIT: Version 1.5.2 is online.
- More Fighter variants (by Hellrazor).
- More Excavator variants and fixes (also Hellrazor, thanks man).
- Fixed missing strings.
- Fixed missing Ufopaedia description for one vessel.
- Updated Russian strings (by Kammerer).
- Fixed some Urban routes (by Dioxine).
Version 1.5.2 is online.
w00t! : ) thanks! downloading now!
So there is a built-in mod for OXC that makes all the missions daylight or night. I was wondering if you could post a list of all the missions in FMP so I can add them to these two mods? Deja Vu, I think I've asked this before, but I can't find a list anywhere. It seems to be mostly the MiB missions that I can't locate.
# Based on XcomUtil by Scott Jones and BladeFireLight
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
- type: STR_KEEP
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
- type: STR_LAB_SHIP
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
Here in this map. The alíen can shoot and evade the wall
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
They're listed under alienDeployments. Here's the entire thing as of now:
EDIT: Version 1.5.2 is online.
- More Fighter variants (by Hellrazor).
- More Excavator variants and fixes (also Hellrazor, thanks man).
- Fixed missing strings.
- Fixed missing Ufopaedia description for one vessel.
- Updated Russian strings (by Kammerer).
- Fixed some Urban routes (by Dioxine).
# Based on XcomUtil by Scott Jones and BladeFireLight
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
- type: STR_KEEP
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
- type: STR_LAB_SHIP
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
shade: 0
Thank you both :-) It was the Coverup missions I was missing.
Here in this map. The alíen can shoot and evade the wall
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
I am not sure if Solarius put it in, but See here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg45643.html#msg45643).
I am not sure if Solarius put it in, but See here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg45643.html#msg45643).
Yeah, it's definitely in.
Hi Solarius, i found the issue with the fighter maps.
- U_EXT02
- U_WALL02
You need to add UFOL83 towards the terraindata and everything should work fine. The Version i used of UFOL83.MCD is in Excavator package i gave you.
- U_EXT02
- U_WALL02
- UFOL83
Sorry for forgetting to mention this in the first place :)
Btw is it intentional that Power Suits reduce the Soldiers Timeunits? (Just noticed while testing the Fightermaps.)
Hi Solarius, i found the issue with the fighter maps.
Sorry for forgetting to mention this in the first place :)
No problem, it's my fault for not checking this. Or rather that I checked and then forgot.
I'll fix it tonight.
Btw is it intentional that Power Suits reduce the Soldiers Timeunits? (Just noticed while testing the Fightermaps.)
Yeah, it's an attempt to add some depth to the armours. They get more carrying capacity too.
Edit: Fighter is fixed in 1.5.2b.
I see the release notes have been updated at https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack but the download is still 1.5.2, not 1.5.2b. Is it still uploading?
I see the release notes have been updated at https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack but the download is still 1.5.2, not 1.5.2b. Is it still uploading?
Apparently something went wrong. I'll reupload the thing.
EDIT: Upload doesn't work. O_o Let's wait a bit.
Yeah, it's an attempt to add some depth to the armours. They get more carrying capacity too.
You can put in the descripción. I researh today the armours and when i use. I am crazy... The capacity is increased... Great work
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
Apparently something went wrong. I'll reupload the thing.
EDIT: Upload doesn't work. O_o Let's wait a bit.
PM me on IRC o.0 will try help, it should be working.
PM me on IRC o.0 will try help, it should be working.
Hi, I don't have access to IRC right now, but I still can't upload. It is "saved successfully", but doesn't show on the files list.
Here's the file in question: https://www.dropbox.com/s/trq59ia6i15njen/FinalModPack_1.5.2b.zip?dl=0
Hi, I don't have access to IRC right now, but I still can't upload. It is "saved successfully", but doesn't show on the files list.
Here's the file in question: https://www.dropbox.com/s/trq59ia6i15njen/FinalModPack_1.5.2b.zip?dl=0
Maybe you have to many Version files. Array full :D
Try to delete the oldest one and see what happens, when you then try to upload.
Maybe you have to many Version files. Array full :D
Try to delete the oldest one and see what happens, when you then try to upload.
Well this would suck. I believe the point is to keep old versions, for historical and practical purposes.
I'll try this anyway, I guess losing one wouldn't be much of a problem.
Hi, Solarius
Yeah, it's an attempt to add some depth to the armours. They get more carrying capacity too.
Then you wanna also alter the ufopaedia description, the current one:
A powerful new protection for soldiers, this armor is powered by an Elerium energy source and greatly amplifies the speed and strength of the wearer, it offers the best protection yet for combat troops.
IMO implies rather a TU increase (speed).
Good call Gix, I've changed it.
Anyway, still can't upload the file. It confirms successful upload, but nothing changes.
Good call Gix, I've changed it.
Anyway, still can't upload the file. It confirms successful upload, but nothing changes.
Sorry for the trouble, I'm working on it now.
There is a tile missing in the Skymarshall map (left from the upper door), i attached a fixed version. I really like the added doors, it now almost looks and feels like the Xenonaut transporter! :)
And I also attached a different base_view icon i made some time ago but never could get to work...
Oh and btw, when enabling the debug mode I found some missing STR_ings in the research screen, you might want to look at that.
Apart from that: Fine mod, feels like Ufo:EW and Xenonauts combined!
Sorry for the trouble, I'm working on it now.
Cool. Good luck with that :)
There is a tile missing in the Skymarshall map (left from the upper door), i attached a fixed version. I really like the added doors, it now almost looks and feels like the Xenonaut transporter! :)
Thanks! I wonder why nobody noticed it before, myself included. :)
And I also attached a different base_view icon i made some time ago but never could get to work...
Not bad, but I think I'll stick with the current one.
Oh and btw, when enabling the debug mode I found some missing STR_ings in the research screen, you might want to look at that.
Which language are you using?
EDIT: Thanks to Jo5hua, the uploading works again! Go and grab your latest version now! :)
Hello fellow FMP fans!
I did a tech tree for FMP this week... and it took too much time not to be shared... check the attachment.
Hello fellow FMP fans!
I did a tech tree for FMP this week... and it took too much time not to be shared... check the attachment.
Very nice Meridian. Let's hope Solarius doesn't change any of it too much :)
Yeah, nice and useful! It already helped me identify some impending changes. :D
For instance, MiB Medic (and probably some other MiBs) should give info about Hybrids.
Objection! Alien Gardens is not useless, it gives Toxigun ammo production.
A little thing I noticed-
It's hard to tell whether a research is for a special kind of rocket/blaster bomb or for a craft weapon. For instance, I couldn't tell whether the stormlance missile and the mindguided missile were for the blaster bomb or for craft. It would be nice if all craft weapon entries were named "___ Craft ____" to make things a little more clear.
STR_STORMLANCE_MISSILE: Stormlance Missile --> STR_STORMLANCE_MISSILE: Stormlance Craft Missile
STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Gauss Cannon --> STR_GAUSS_CANNON: Gauss Craft Cannon
I also noticed this string while looking through the ruleset.
I have never seen this pop up. On the most recent nightly, I had a laser ground tank destroyed by a 'lid. There was no notification. I'm assuming that this is a bug.
I really love this modpack (I got raped by Raider yesterday and loved every minute of it), and I'd like these minor quality of life changes.
I have never seen this pop up. On the most recent nightly, I had a laser ground tank destroyed by a 'lid. There was no notification. I'm assuming that this is a bug.
I am pretty sure that this is a string attached to the wreckage, in order to recover and repair it. Though I might be wrong.
I am pretty sure that this is a string attached to the wreckage, in order to recover and repair it. Though I might be wrong.
No, it's just a wording change from "TANKS DESTROYED", because it now also covers dogs and drones.
Anyway, I'm getting it displayed as normal. I think it is installation problem or some particular nightly.
As for the craft cannons... Yeah, I guess.
It's kinda weird that I'm not seeing the popup when nobody else is. I'll just assume it's a quirk in the nightly or in the way I installed it.
On a different note, gauss pistols are strangely weak. The description implies that they should be excellent weapons, better than gunpowder based guns. However, the magnum with AlienAlloy rounds is equal or slightly better. The Gauss Pistol does 50 AP damage where the magnum does 47 AP. However, the magnum is slightly more accurate and requires fewer TUs.
Magnum with AlienAlloy rounds
Ammo costs 320+1 alien alloy, meaning that 6 bullets costs 5300.
STR_GAUSS_PISTOL_CLIP costs 1820 dollars to manufacture, so the gauss pistol is slightly cheaper to use.
It just seems weird to me that the Gauss pistol, which unlocks around the middle of the game, is a cheaper equal to a weapon you can use in month 1 or 2. Is that intentional?
I think the Magnum is just too strong. :) I guess I'll need to rebalance things again, maybe using range limits... But it'd affect all one-handed weapons, so it could be a bit too much for this mod.
It's kinda weird that I'm not seeing the popup when nobody else is. I'll just assume it's a quirk in the nightly or in the way I installed it.
it doesn't get displayed in a popup. it gets displayed on the summary page after a battle completes.
That is an awesome chart. Thanks, Meridian!
I think the Magnum is just too strong. :) I guess I'll need to rebalance things again, maybe using range limits... But it'd affect all one-handed weapons, so it could be a bit too much for this mod.
Yeah and the bullets are more bigger. Dont touch the Mágnum XD
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
Hi Solarius,
So, while doing th tech tree I found a few redundancies (in my opinion):
1. Gauss weapons shouldn't require Alien Power systems (already covered by UFO Power Source)
2. Laser weapons shouldn't require Alien Power systems (already covered by UFO Power Source)
3. UFO Navigation in Flying Suit research is covered already by Power Suit/Optronics/OpticalProcessor
4. Optical Processor and Alien electronics in Stormtrooper armour are covered already by Power Suit
5. Alien Electronics for Advanced rocket launcher are covered by optical processsor already
6. Alien grenade for Elerium rocket is covered already by advanced rocket launcher
7. Elerium-115 for Mind controlled missile is covered by launcher/grenade too
8. Alien electronics for blaster launcher are covered by optical processor already
Also some potential issues:
10. Gazer leader gives psionics, but commander not?
11. Alien electronics require STR_TROLLIUM, lol? :)
12. Alien Data Slate says it requires Alien Codes and Alien electronics, but I can research it even without it
13. Psi-amp doesn't require Psi-Lab?
14. Firestorm has more requirements than Avenger??
And some questions:
15. Why do you have to research Laser Tank, but not other tanks?
16. Why does Laser Tank require Motion scanner research?
17. Why dont Plasma defences require Plasma Cannon like all other types of defences?
18. Shouldnt Heavy transporter (ironfist) depend on Improved skyranger instead of Improved interceptor?
19. Why are plasma weapons unlocked by plasma weapon calibration instead of "plasma weapons"?
20. Why are fusion weapons unlocked by fusion weapon calibration instead of "fusion weapons"?
And finally some suggestions:
21. Medi-gas grenade is either too weak; or too far in the tech tree => I would suggest moving it to dart clip B instead of dart clip C
22. Plasma weapon calibration doesn't really need "Alien Power Systems"... you will certainly have researched it before you can get there (and it looks stupid on my chart :)
23. Alien laser rifle clip, should require also alien laser rifle in my opinion... otherwise it is quite weird to have the clip, but not the rifle
Solarius, I am using US-English, should I use GB to avoid the missing STR`s?
Anyway I found three missing/wrong tiles in the Labship and corrected them for you (as it is one of my favourite UFOs). I will also post it in the YetMoreUfo thread.
Anyway I found three missing/wrong tiles in the Labship and corrected them for you (as it is one of my favourite UFOs). I will also post it in the YetMoreUfo thread.
Could you provide a Screenshot of the tiles in question?
Since i reworked the Labship not so long ago and if i missed something i wanna know :>
EDIT: Jeah, you used the old Labship Map, which is full of LOS, and LOF errors. Check out the new Version of the FMP, it has a overworked version of the Labship, without all the errors. You will certainly enjoy it.
If tanks don't have a popup when they are destroyed, then I suggest that this be included. It's a little bit strange that dogs and soldiers get the popup, but tanks don't get the glory of a recognized death.
So, while doing th tech tree I found a few redundancies (in my opinion):
1. Gauss weapons shouldn't require Alien Power systems (already covered by UFO Power Source)
2. Laser weapons shouldn't require Alien Power systems (already covered by UFO Power Source)
3. UFO Navigation in Flying Suit research is covered already by Power Suit/Optronics/OpticalProcessor
4. Optical Processor and Alien electronics in Stormtrooper armour are covered already by Power Suit
5. Alien Electronics for Advanced rocket launcher are covered by optical processsor already
6. Alien grenade for Elerium rocket is covered already by advanced rocket launcher
7. Elerium-115 for Mind controlled missile is covered by launcher/grenade too
8. Alien electronics for blaster launcher are covered by optical processor already
Thanks, I've fixed/reworked all of them.
Also some potential issues:
10. Gazer leader gives psionics, but commander not?
11. Alien electronics require STR_TROLLIUM, lol? :)
Yeah, it's a dirty hack, but it's as designed. :P
12. Alien Data Slate says it requires Alien Codes and Alien electronics, but I can research it even without it
It's an engine problem. I hope some day it will work as required; for now, leave it be (apparently, aliens write them in plain English).
13. Psi-amp doesn't require Psi-Lab?
No, you don't need a Psi-Lab if you happen to have a psyker. :P In practice though, Psi-Ampo alone won't give you much. But you can try! :)
14. Firestorm has more requirements than Avenger??
And some questions:
15. Why do you have to research Laser Tank, but not other tanks?
16. Why does Laser Tank require Motion scanner research?
These two questions are tied. Laser Tank is supposed to have a motion scanner built in, by at the time it was not working correctly, and then I forgot about it. (Other tanks will mostly have guns as secondary weapons, but this one is different.)
17. Why dont Plasma defences require Plasma Cannon like all other types of defences?
Errare humanum est. Fixed.
18. Shouldnt Heavy transporter (ironfist) depend on Improved skyranger instead of Improved interceptor?
No, they have nothing in common. The Ironfist has much more to do with some fighter designs.
19. Why are plasma weapons unlocked by plasma weapon calibration instead of "plasma weapons"?
20. Why are fusion weapons unlocked by fusion weapon calibration instead of "fusion weapons"?
Because plasma/fusion weapon calibration doesn't give you full knowledge of the technology. It allows you to use these weapons, but you can't produce them, nor conduct any further research on the technology. Only proper plasma/fusion weapons cracks these secrets completely.
And finally some suggestions:
21. Medi-gas grenade is either too weak; or too far in the tech tree => I would suggest moving it to dart clip B instead of dart clip C
I agree. Done.
22. Plasma weapon calibration doesn't really need "Alien Power Systems"... you will certainly have researched it before you can get there (and it looks stupid on my chart :)
Well, yeah, but there's a very slim chance you'll have all the prerequisites (though interrogations) without having APS researched... Which is astronomically slim indeed, but still, why not take it into account? :P
23. Alien laser rifle clip, should require also alien laser rifle in my opinion... otherwise it is quite weird to have the clip, but not the rifle
It's consistent with how vanilla works. I can change it, but I don't feel it's appropriate.
Many thanks for all the help! Best kind of post. :)
Solarius, I am using US-English, should I use GB to avoid the missing STR`s?
Are there missing STRs in US-English? There shouldn't be - both languages are fully supported. If something's missing, then there's a bug.
If tanks don't have a popup when they are destroyed, then I suggest that this be included. It's a little bit strange that dogs and soldiers get the popup, but tanks don't get the glory of a recognized death.
I think it depends on whether the unit is 2x2, or maybe if it's mechanical, or both. Anyway, I think I can't fix it, unless somebody does it for me or at least confirms it's possible in the current version.
after salamander autopsy with a salamander corpse and a non-fireproofed armor (I think about Personal armor but Synthmuscles one could work also) you could produce a fireproof version of the armor (maybe red sprite version)
you get a 0% fire damage (or perhaps -100% for the Synthmuscles one).
If you have the alien reproduction tech and salamander autopsy for the price of at least a salamander corpse you can produce a salamander corpse. (maybe this can be done for mutons too for synthmuscles).
As these pertain to the Final Mod Pack, and not vanilla OpenXcom, you might want to post these suggestions in the FMP thread:
Solarius you peek at my new Version :)
I fixed some minor issue with the Labship Cow.
Also now all my Fighters do have 2 Power Sources, so you can just hop them over if you like.
Also more Fighter Maps and 3 more Excavator variants.
Sentry Ship i will start soon. :)
Solarius you peek at my new Version :)
I fixed some minor issue with the Labship Cow.
Also now all my Fighters do have 2 Power Sources, so you can just hop them over if you like.
Also more Fighter Maps and 3 more Excavator variants.
Sentry Ship i will start soon. :)
Great! I'll wait a bit to include everything at once.
Great! I'll wait a bit to include everything at once.
Jeha, probably the best, guess. Did you actually include the CitxAddOnTerrain from Civilian?
Since i am planning to, but din't had time to remake the old Mapscript into the new... But i will probably find some time this week i guess.
Jeha, probably the best, guess. Did you actually include the CitxAddOnTerrain from Civilian?
Since i am planning to, but din't had time to remake the old Mapscript into the new... But i will probably find some time this week i guess.
Nah, haven't touched the maps. For now I'm waiting on Hobbes to fix what's broken.
after salamander autopsy with a salamander corpse and a non-fireproofed armor (I think about Personal armor but Synthmuscles one could work also) you could produce a fireproof version of the armor (maybe red sprite version)
you get a 0% fire damage (or perhaps -100% for the Synthmuscles one).
But what armours would receive a fire-proof upgrade? All of them? I'm afraid it'd clutter up the menus, not to mention there's plenty of sprites to be made.
I don't think it makes sense anyway; salamander skin is heat-resistant, but not a magical item. It wouldn't make a human immune to fire.
Because plasma/fusion weapon calibration doesn't give you full knowledge of the technology. It allows you to use these weapons, but you can't produce them, nor conduct any further research on the technology. Only proper plasma/fusion weapons cracks these secrets completely.
Well, that's what I was thinking/hoping for originally, but it doesn't work that way.
I just tested it as follows:
1. I started a new game and gave/edited myself 10 heavy plasmas and clips. I also edited the STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS_CALIBRATION into discovered items as the only research done. And bought 40 more scientists.
2. I am immediately able to research both the heavy plasma and its clip. After they are researched, I can also immediately produce them (without having discovered STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS)
Furthermore, after discovering the heavy plasma and clip I got STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1 for free, which allows me to research Plasma Cannon too (same like in vanilla)... which I think should also not be possible without STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS... but it is.
I can provide a save if necessary, but I guess it is really easy to reproduce on your own.
Edit: I didn't test fusion weapons, but I think they suffer the same problem (if not even worse)... literally nothing requires/depends on STR_FUSION_WEAPONS in the research/manufacture ruleset.
1. Dart Rifle clip A is not a perquisite for Dart Rifle clip B, despite Dart Rifle clip B being a perquisite for Dart Rifle Clip C.
2. It's not clear that the Alien Data Slate only gives alien engineering secrets. For a long time, I believed that Alien Data Slate gave a random technology I had already unlocked. Until I read the tech tree, I had believed that the Alien Data Slate gave general information, like about Alien Missions and Medical Knowledge.
The Alien Data Slate entry currently reads
> Alien Data Slates are portable devices used to store crucial technical information regarding the invasion. They can only be found in possession of aliens of the highest rank and should be investigated as soon as possible.
Crucial technical information sounds more like logistical data than data on blueprints. I would suggest instead-
> Alien Data Slates are portable devices used to store specialized technical information. They can only be found in possession of aliens of the highest rank and should be investigated as soon as possible.
3. The hybrid xenopedia entry is somewhat strange in how it handwaves the appearance of the aliens.
> STR_HYBRID_UFOPEDIA: Alien Hybrids are crossbreeds between humans and Sectoids, created for infiltration and monitoring of Earth, as well as various tasks related to the alien invasion. Even though they obviously look unhuman, they possess a camouflage technology that allows them to walk among our people undisturbed. They remain under limited psi control by their masters, but their loyalty mostly depends on intimidation and indoctrination. The Hybrids work similarly to human intelligence organizations and use equipment available on Earth almost exclusively.
The "camouflage technology" line weirds me out. The hybrids don't use alien technology in their day to day lives. I would suggest
> STR_HYBRID_UFOPEDIA: Alien Hybrids are crossbreeds between humans and Sectoids, created for infiltration and monitoring of Earth, as well as various tasks related to the alien invasion. They appear inhuman, but are sufficiently human in appearance to mask themselves with commercial cosmetics and prosthetics. They remain under limited psi control by their masters, but their loyalty mostly depends on intimidation and indoctrination. The Hybrids work similarly to human intelligence organizations and use equipment available on Earth almost exclusively.
Many thanks to you for making this mod and Meridian for making this tech tree. I died laughing when I realized that I got every single technological secret except for the ones I wanted most eg. Alien Subjugation for the small launcher, Gravity Generator for Plasma weapons and power armour.
Well, that's what I was thinking/hoping for originally, but it doesn't work that way.
I just tested it as follows:
1. I started a new game and gave/edited myself 10 heavy plasmas and clips. I also edited the STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS_CALIBRATION into discovered items as the only research done. And bought 40 more scientists.
2. I am immediately able to research both the heavy plasma and its clip. After they are researched, I can also immediately produce them (without having discovered STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS)
Furthermore, after discovering the heavy plasma and clip I got STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1 for free, which allows me to research Plasma Cannon too (same like in vanilla)... which I think should also not be possible without STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS... but it is.
I can provide a save if necessary, but I guess it is really easy to reproduce on your own.
Edit: I didn't test fusion weapons, but I think they suffer the same problem (if not even worse)... literally nothing requires/depends on STR_FUSION_WEAPONS in the research/manufacture ruleset.
I've tested it before and I think it worked. Anyway, I can't see how it wouldn't work from the ruleset. I'll check it of course.
1. Dart Rifle clip A is not a perquisite for Dart Rifle clip B, despite Dart Rifle clip B being a perquisite for Dart Rifle Clip C.
Dart Rifle Clip A cannot be a prerequisite to anything, because it doesn't exist. :P You get it along the Dart Rifle.
2. It's not clear that the Alien Data Slate only gives alien engineering secrets. For a long time, I believed that Alien Data Slate gave a random technology I had already unlocked. Until I read the tech tree, I had believed that the Alien Data Slate gave general information, like about Alien Missions and Medical Knowledge.
The Alien Data Slate entry currently reads
> Alien Data Slates are portable devices used to store crucial technical information regarding the invasion. They can only be found in possession of aliens of the highest rank and should be investigated as soon as possible.
Crucial technical information sounds more like logistical data than data on blueprints. I would suggest instead-
> Alien Data Slates are portable devices used to store specialized technical information. They can only be found in possession of aliens of the highest rank and should be investigated as soon as possible.
Yeah, I guess. (Though it's not only engineering knowledge that can be found.)
3. The hybrid xenopedia entry is somewhat strange in how it handwaves the appearance of the aliens.
> STR_HYBRID_UFOPEDIA: Alien Hybrids are crossbreeds between humans and Sectoids, created for infiltration and monitoring of Earth, as well as various tasks related to the alien invasion. Even though they obviously look unhuman, they possess a camouflage technology that allows them to walk among our people undisturbed. They remain under limited psi control by their masters, but their loyalty mostly depends on intimidation and indoctrination. The Hybrids work similarly to human intelligence organizations and use equipment available on Earth almost exclusively.
The "camouflage technology" line weirds me out. The hybrids don't use alien technology in their day to day lives. I would suggest
> STR_HYBRID_UFOPEDIA: Alien Hybrids are crossbreeds between humans and Sectoids, created for infiltration and monitoring of Earth, as well as various tasks related to the alien invasion. They appear inhuman, but are sufficiently human in appearance to mask themselves with commercial cosmetics and prosthetics. They remain under limited psi control by their masters, but their loyalty mostly depends on intimidation and indoctrination. The Hybrids work similarly to human intelligence organizations and use equipment available on Earth almost exclusively.
Yeah, it's kinda brutal, but they clearly look inhuman and we can't say they don't. Anyway, this is how alien agents usually manage in conspiracy theories, right?
Many thanks to you for making this mod and Meridian for making this tech tree. I died laughing when I realized that I got every single technological secret except for the ones I wanted most eg. Alien Subjugation for the small launcher, Gravity Generator for Plasma weapons and power armour.
Haha, it happens. :)
2. It's not clear that the Alien Data Slate only gives alien engineering secrets. For a long time, I believed that Alien Data Slate gave a random technology I had already unlocked. Until I read the tech tree, I had believed that the Alien Data Slate gave general information, like about Alien Missions and Medical Knowledge.
Yes, that is my mistake, somehow the arrow is missing on the chart. Alien Data Slate gives both engineering and medical secrets.
I will update the chart once a new version of FMP is out... and Plasma/Fusion weapons are fixed (or explained).
> STR_HYBRID_UFOPEDIA: Alien Hybrids are crossbreeds between humans and Sectoids, created for infiltration and monitoring of Earth, as well as various tasks related to the alien invasion. Even though they obviously look unhuman, they possess a camouflage technology that allows them to walk among our people undisturbed. They remain under limited psi control by their masters, but their loyalty mostly depends on intimidation and indoctrination. The Hybrids work similarly to human intelligence organizations and use equipment available on Earth almost exclusively.
The "camouflage technology" line weirds me out. The hybrids don't use alien technology in their day to day lives. I would suggest
Camouflage? That piqued my curiosity. Why not hybrid research -> hybrid camouflage tech -> stealth suit? :)
Camouflage? That piqued my curiosity. Why not hybrid research -> hybrid camouflage tech -> stealth suit? :)
I guess it's... defensible. :)
But I guess it would have to be dependent on something else too, since Hybrids are early enemies and stealth tech should not be.
Camouflage? That piqued my curiosity. Why not hybrid research -> hybrid camouflage tech -> stealth suit? :)
I think the text doesnt mean actual military pattern camo, but a tech that 'shapes' their characteristics to look more humanlike. That said although at first I were neutral on the text change, perhaps it would make more sense to edit it, as to suggest a more 'terrestrial' use of tech/equipment for this purpose. Something akin to their physiology been inhuman but humalike enough to enable effective impersonating (for a lack of a better word).
I think the text doesnt mean actual military pattern camo, but a tech that 'shapes' their characteristics to look more humanlike.
Yeah, it's some sort of visual field mumbo jumbo, possibly psi-related. Which makes it valid as a stealth suit prerequisite.
Psi-field that makes them appear like normal humans to other normals. That was my original thought regarding the camoflage. It sounds fine, until you wonder why XCOM agents can spot them as enemy units. So not really sure about the whole thing. If its make up and cosmetics, fine... they just aren't wearing any when you catch them at their resorts or conventions or whereever they are. If its PSI, maybe when they are with other aliens the field is turned off or something.
It sounds fine, until you wonder why XCOM agents can spot them as enemy units. So not really sure about the whole thing.
They wear those handy glasses.
Meridian, I tested and it looks fine - having Plasma Weapons Calibration alone doesn't give you access to Plasma Weapons. I'll have to simulate half a campaign to test it more thoroughly, but for now it's peachy.
They wear those handy glasses.
I still remember this movie. Adromenda something? Or was it the aliens were from Andromenda?
While it kinda would make sense, after all applying a fibre layer on the armor itself wouldnt be that difficult, there actually is no real reason to do so though. Power armor, Flying suits,loaders, Hazmat and toxic are all immune to fire.
The title was They Live!. A must see for an X-Com player. :)
Meridian, I tested and it looks fine - having Plasma Weapons Calibration alone doesn't give you access to Plasma Weapons. I'll have to simulate half a campaign to test it more thoroughly, but for now it's peachy.
OK, I will make a video right now to show what I mean.
Here is a video, which shows at least that:
1. After researching "plasma weapons calibration" I cannot use the guns... you said I should be
2. After researching heavy plasma+clip I can research the plasma cannon... which should not be possible without "plasma weapons" tech as you said
3. After researching heavy plasma+clip I can manufacture both... which should not be possible without "plasma weapons" tech as you said
PS: if I misunderstood something, I am sorry in advance
New game created after clean nightly install. FinalModPack 1.5b installed. Save game below. Crash happens shortly after on geoscape.
Save Game: https://1drv.ms/1KnEexX (https://1drv.ms/1KnEexX)
Running windows 8.1 Pro
The title was They Live!. A must see for an X-Com player. :)
Oh right!
New game created after clean nightly install. FinalModPack 1.5b installed. Save game below. Crash happens shortly after on geoscape.
Save Game: https://1drv.ms/1KnEexX (https://1drv.ms/1KnEexX)
Running windows 8.1 Pro
Sound like the Alien wanna start a Mission in a Region which is either nonexistent, wrongly defined.
Thanks. I'll deal with all that shit when I can.
I noticed this while playing FMP 1.5b...
Crashed Sentry ship, Floater race, Officer-887 "Lioness" and her two rookies in training (I prefer codenames for my soldiers, they sound cooler than regular names, and the numbers are there to uniquely identify them) are out grenade-spamming the hell out of them (because they're all grenadiers, even Officer Lioness), and the Floater shoots a Heavy Plasma which whiffs over Lioness' head and hits the door of the Skymarshall.
Was that supposed to happen?
If you don't trust me, I have a savegame. If you try to get Lioness or one of her Rookies to go into the Skymarshall, you will notice a severe lack of left door.
Gah, I should mention, that Savegame uses the Soldier Diaries mod. Pretty sure that could cause problems if you're not using that mod... though not sure.
Yeah it's normal, these are internal doors and therefore not as sturdy. :)
As for the bugs, I'll try to deal with them during the weekend and then release version 1.6.
Yeah it's normal, these are internal doors and therefore not as sturdy. :)
As for the bugs, I'll try to deal with them during the weekend and then release version 1.6.
hm.. maybe i have finished some more UFO Maps until then, so you can directly include them :)?
hm.. maybe i have finished some more UFO Maps until then, so you can directly include them :)?
Yes please :)
Seems the alien engineers have gonne all inovating on their designs lately :P
EDIT: I believe there is something fishy with the scout drones. I have 2 and both of them start their turn with movement points allready spent akin to been overweight? I would normally think this is done as emotional comforting, because my whole crew is over capacity but machines dont have emotions right? :o
Sick animations on the drone btw!
Seems the alien engineers have gonne all inovating on their designs lately :P
New on UFO Designers Digest: The Battleship with a literally spiraling Interior! Labyrinthine nightmare!
EDIT: I believe there is something fishy with the scout drones. I have 2 and both of them start their turn with movement points allready spent akin to been overweight? I would normally think this is done as emotional comforting, because my whole crew is over capacity but machines dont have emotions right? :o
Sick animations on the drone btw!
Yeah, I noticed this too. I also notice that when the scout drone expends all of its smoke pellets, the TUs return to normal (70) within the start of the next turn. Scorch did something weird to the weight of the smoke pellet ammo pack...
I also notice that when the scout drone expends all of its smoke pellets, the TUs return to normal (70) within the start of the next turn. Scorch did something weird to the weight of the smoke pellet ammo pack...
If it's indeed the case, it will be easy to fix. :)
(Unlike some other stuff.)
Yeah, I noticed this too. I also notice that when the scout drone expends all of its smoke pellets, the TUs return to normal (70) within the start of the next turn. Scorch did something weird to the weight of the smoke pellet ammo pack...
Yep, can confirm. I am thinking seriously about starting a career as a beta tester. I cant seem to play anything without uncovering bugs, its like a curse. I found one on an Atari side scroler once for crying out loud.
Love the mod, I registered to say that.
And ask one thing, maybe request.
Are we still able to eventually turn around and start manufacturing XCOM tech for profit?
That was an incredibly useful ability.
Love the mod, I registered to say that.
And ask one thing, maybe request.
Are we still able to eventually turn around and start manufacturing XCOM tech for profit?
That was an incredibly useful ability.
I believe that you still can, just use the tech that doesn't cost alloys or elerium.
Like gauss weapons for example! Or MiB laser weapons (NOT the ammo). They do make quite hefty profits, so I think...
I believe that you still can, just use the tech that doesn't cost alloys or elerium.
Like gauss weapons for example! Or MiB laser weapons (NOT the ammo). They do make quite hefty profits, so I think...
I might be experiencing some sort of glitch then.
I've encountered MIB, I took an Agent and a Coordinator alive.
I've got nothing to research, I'm up to Imp Alloy jets & troop transport (Skymarshal & Raven) and Alloy ammunition varieties.
I'm looking at several MIB laser weapons, a couple gauss & a bevvy of alien weaponry including the damn stun launcher.
But none of my live interrogations have unlocked the research blades for them.
Trying to take an Ethereal alive with alloy weaponry & dart rifles is some final destination tier stuff.
I might be experiencing some sort of glitch then.
I've encountered MIB, I took an Agent and a Coordinator alive.
I've got nothing to research, I'm up to Imp Alloy jets & troop transport (Skymarshal & Raven) and Alloy ammunition varieties.
I'm looking at several MIB laser weapons, a couple gauss & a bevvy of alien weaponry including the damn stun launcher.
But none of my live interrogations have unlocked the research blades for them.
Trying to take an Ethereal alive with alloy weaponry & dart rifles is some final destination tier stuff.
Have you at least have any Gauss cannons or researched the alien laser rifle? If so, then all you need is the elerium battery, which can be obtained by capturing an alien engineer. Only then can you unlock such weapons to manufacture.
Love the mod, I registered to say that.
And ask one thing, maybe request.
Are we still able to eventually turn around and start manufacturing XCOM tech for profit?
That was an incredibly useful ability.
Yeah, most vanilla items are completely unchanged, if that's what you mean. So you can still mass-produce laser cannons or whatever.
Meridian: Thank you so much about the report. I think I have it sorted now. You were right, some data got corrupted at some point, and now it should work again. I just need to clarify that Plasma Weapons Calibration doesn't enable you to use the weapons in question straight away, you still need to research them individually.
As for the Plasma Cannon... I have no idea why this happens. The ruleset seems fine in this regard. I guess it's a coding problem, I'll have to circumvent it by deleting the fuck of all the suspicious research items and add it back again.
Yep, works again.
About the plasma cannon:
In FMP ruleset, there is a "dependency", but not a "requirement" on the STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS. So if some other technology "unlocks" the STR_PLASMA_CANNON then the dependency will be ignored. In FMP ruleset, there is nothing which unlocks it (that's why I was confused at first), but in the vanilla, it is unlocked by any of the following: STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1, STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP2.
So -- if I understand the "dependencies", "requires" and "unlocks" correctly -- it is not a coding error.
There are several ways of fixing it, but I guess you figured it out already.
One question though: did you consider turning FMP into a master (i.e. total conversion)? Altough total conversion doesn't "feel" right, technically it would prevent conflicts between vanilla and FMP rulesets and also make your work easier I think.
About the plasma cannon:
In FMP ruleset, there is a "dependency", but not a "requirement" on the STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS. So if some other technology "unlocks" the STR_PLASMA_CANNON then the dependency will be ignored. In FMP ruleset, there is nothing which unlocks it (that's why I was confused at first), but in the vanilla, it is unlocked by any of the following: STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP1, STR_PLASMA_CANNON_DEP2.
So -- if I understand the "dependencies", "requires" and "unlocks" correctly -- it is not a coding error.
You are correct - this particular code was fine, I just didn't account for some factors. Now it's working as intended, at least according to preliminary tests.
One question though: did you consider turning FMP into a master (i.e. total conversion)? Altough total conversion doesn't "feel" right, technically it would prevent conflicts between vanilla and FMP rulesets and also make your work easier I think.
I thought about it, but the vanilla rulesets do change periodically, and keeping it updated would be a nightmare. I'd rather avoid it if possible, and for now it seems possible.
I am trying to clean up my alien containment, so I wanted to assign all captives for research/interrogation.
But it seems that I am not able to assign all of them, for example (see screnshot):
- ethereal guardian
- hybrid worker
- MiB coordinator
I think I have researched guys like them already... so maybe you cannot research them twice?? That is the only thing which comes to mind... can you please check? Saves attached (one before assigning the research and one after).
PS: using FMP 1.5.2b
PS2: I think I had the same problem with Anthropod Grunt few weeks earlier... I just sold him... but seeing that it happens with others, I decided to report a bug
Well i am comeing over to leave some presents here ;)
Following package contains:
- 9 Fighter Maps,
- 11 Excavator Maps
- 14 Sentry Maps
- 1 Labship Map (Minor Cow fix)
I totally forgot which ones you already have, so i just gave you the whole collection :D
Unfortunatly, a turned Version of the Labship and a variant of it are not ready now for release, but soon :)
Thanks! Now I can post version 1.5.3 online.
- MiBs are a bit more talkative.
- Got rid of Chryssalids on Mars (didn't make sense) and replaced it with Muton Commanders.
- Beautified the horrible vanilla Grav Shield map.
- Added and fixed many UFO variants (by Hellrazor).
- Fixed some errors with the tech tree (thanks Meridian).
- Fixed the mess with Plasma and Fusion weapons (thanks again, Meridian).
- Medi-Gas is more accessible now.
- Some surprise changes to alien races.
- Two new Forest maps, because I was getting irritated with vertical forrests.
- Fixed the Scout Drone's Strength problem.
- Fixed a problem with Avenger being available too soon.
@Meridian: The prisoners handling code keeps changing, so I don't know right now. :)
Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle and Heavy Plasma now require STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS for manufacturing.
However Plasma Sniper Rifle, Plasma Caster and Plasma Blaster don't... is that by design or not? Test save attached.
Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle and Heavy Plasma now require STR_PLASMA_WEAPONS for manufacturing.
However Plasma Sniper Rifle, Plasma Caster and Plasma Blaster don't... is that by design or not? Test save attached.
...no, not by design... >.<
Fixed and re-updated.
I think I have researched guys like them already... so maybe you cannot research them twice??
I'm pretty sure this is correct -- if researching an alien will give you no benefit (all ufopedia entiries that the alien could unlock are already unlocked), the alien doens't appear as a potential research topic. A nice enhancement here is to add that info the alien containment screen so you know who you can safely evict.
Solarius two questions:
First of all I have no idea how to do it, but I would like to help you translate this to Greek if possible. The only thing I can think of, is throught txt format and then send this to you for copy pasting. Does this interest you? (yes I have the free time to do it).
Second, there are a plethora of grammatic mistakes in the English format, as per the above are you interested in ironing this out?
EDIT: Hm....I just found the wiki article about how to do it, crossing fingers.
Solarius two questions:
First of all I have no idea how to do it, but I would like to help you translate this to Greek if possible. The only thing I can think of, is throught txt format and then send this to you for copy pasting. Does this interest you? (yes I have the free time to do it).
Absolutely! Just copy the en-us section of the ruleset to another file and edit the strings. Remember to save it under UTF-8; if you're unsure about this, just work with a copy of the FMP ruleset, with everything else removed.
Second, there are a plethora of grammatic mistakes in the English format, as per the above are you interested in ironing this out?
Would be nice, I keep correcting mistakes but it's not that easy to catch them all.
Ey Solarius,
would you mind some Labship variants without this large loading door?
I will make some Versions within the next days, so you can decide for yourself which to pic or not.
Anyway i noticed that there only exist 10 Abductor and only 8 Terrorship Maps, as variants (who i know of).
So i guess this number has to be incraesed also ^^
Also have you ever considered making tanks repairable? (if their corpse is completly collected at the end of a successful mission)
Ey Solarius,
would you mind some Labship variants without this large loading door?
I will make some Versions within the next days, so you can decide for yourself which to pic or not.
I think the door is important to communicate the function of this room, and by extension the entire ship. Sure, loading could be done with a grav lift built into the floor, but there clearly is no such lift. So I'd prefer to keep the door for design purposes.
Anyway i noticed that there only exist 10 Abductor and only 8 Terrorship Maps, as variants (who i know of).
So i guess this number has to be incraesed also ^^
Well... Why not. :) If you feel like it.
Also have you ever considered making tanks repairable? (if their corpse is completly collected at the end of a successful mission)
This would be trivial to make, but I wonder if it's really necessary. You have plenty of money and workforce in the FMP, and tanks generally don't require special materials. So I'm hesitating.
Absolutely! Just copy the en-us section of the ruleset to another file and edit the strings. Remember to save it under UTF-8; if you're unsure about this, just work with a copy of the FMP ruleset, with everything else removed.
Would be nice, I keep correcting mistakes but it's not that easy to catch them all.
I am not sure what all of this means :P. You mean using a hex editor and manualy translate them via the ruleset files?
I tried it via the translations route on the translations thread and it works with a programme named transifex. I assume its not the same?
If its not well, ill try finding out on my own, but in the mean time assuming you find the time to spent, PM with a set of instructions if possible*.
EDIT: One thing I found a bit immersion breaking: The MiB lazers. I mean those IMHO should be renamed somehow. I have researched lazers without even coming into contact with MiB so, I cant understand why those lazers are called MiB since I built them. I propose the tech itself be renamed, to "Prototype Lazer technology" and the weapons "Prototype lazer pistol" etc the names ofc are just examples. Would be nice to add to the text that this is the first attempt from X-Com to reverse engineer this type of tech and as on going research proceeds it might be feasable to produce more powerfull examples etc.
*EDIT2: What I did is this: Opened a copy of the ruleset with the notepad. I found the section labeled as extraStrings:
- type: en-US
Bellow it has everything in the Pedia and the names of the terror sites. I assume thats it correct?
I have to rename it to type: gr-GR
and then delete everything in the "" and and replace it with the Greek text right?
I am not sure what all of this means :P. You mean using a hex editor and manualy translate them via the ruleset files?
I tried it via the translations route on the translations thread and it works with a programme named transifex. I assume its not the same?
No no, it's something else completely. I am referring to a part of the ruleset file, in this case FinalModPack.rul. If you open it in a normal text editor, like Notepad or EditPad, you can edit ruleset files - no special software is necessary.
When you open a ruleset file, you'll find a number of sections, depending on what the mod does. The FMP ruleset is monstrous (nearly 1.5 MB of text!), so perhaps it'd be better to examine some simple mod instead to get an idea on how it works - any mod which adds new text is valid (for example, any mod that adds new weapon). Open the .rul file in a text editor and (usually at the bottom, though not always) you'll find a section which starts with this:
This denotes a section of translations. Naturally, it only covers the new stuff, other strings are pulled from the vanilla language files.
Now, inside you'll find strings like these:
- type: en-us
Or something to this effect. It denotes start of a particular language section - in this case, US English.
Under this section you have all the added/modified strings. For example:
STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE: "Cyberdisc Corpse"
STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP: "Heavy Plasma Clip"
And so on.
So, to add a new language, you need to:
1) create a new language entry (akin to "- type: en-us" - I don't know how Greek is coded in the game at the moment),
2) copy all added/modified strings from another language to the new language,
3) replace the text in inverted commas with the translation.
Remember to keep the same amount of spaces before every line, or it'll crash. And remember to keep it coded in UTF-8, or you'll get weird signs instead of non-English characters.
Hopefully that was reasonably clear.
EDIT: One thing I found a bit immersion breaking: The MiB lazers. I mean those IMHO should be renamed somehow. I have researched lazers without even coming into contact with MiB so, I cant understand why those lazers are called MiB since I built them. I propose the tech itself be renamed, to "Prototype Lazer technology" and the weapons "Prototype lazer pistol" etc the names ofc are just examples. Would be nice to add to the text that this is the first attempt from X-Com to reverse engineer this type of tech and as on going research proceeds it might be feasable to produce more powerfull examples etc.
Yeah, this morning I've been thinking exactly that. It made more sense in some previous versions, but not any more. I think I'll just call them lasers, and the normal lasers will be "X-Com lasers" or something.
Ok, I think I am doing this correctly. Keep your fingers crossed.
EDIT: I have proceeded as far as STR_Alien Diplomacy, there are several STRs without "" do I proceed to do the same? Namely delete the text and replace it as normal adding the "" ?
EDIT2: Apparently the notepad saves them automatically with UTF-8 encoding so there is that :P
There is a ton of stuff there, but I expect to have this finished sometime soon.
Ok, I think I am doing this correctly. Keep your fingers crossed.
EDIT: I have proceeded as far as STR_Alien Diplomacy, there are several STRs without "" do I proceed to do the same? Namely delete the text and replace it as normal adding the "" ?
EDIT2: Apparently the notepad saves them automatically with UTF-8 encoding so there is that :P
There is a ton of stuff there, but I expect to have this finished sometime soon.
Add "" :> It will not do any harm, and will prevent from getting some weird errors in some cases.
I always add "" to all strings in extraStrings.
Add "" :> It will not do any harm, and will prevent from getting some weird errors in some cases.
I always add "" to all strings in extraStrings.
Yeah, I'm gradually adding them too, but it's too massive a job to do it straight away. :P
Well I am reluctant to take any action by myself since I am in unknown waters so to speak.
EDIT: There is a group as such: MALE_CIVILIAN3: Civilian
Without any STR. Do I change those or leave them alone?
Yeah, I'm gradually adding them too, but it's too massive a job to do it straight away. :P
it's actually not that hard with the right tools. here's a GNU awk script that can do it for you in one go:
BEGIN { inExtraStrings=0 }
/^extraStrings/ { inExtraStrings=1 }
/^ +STR_/ { if ( 1 == inExtraStrings ) { $0 = gensub(/^([^:]+: *)([^\"\r]*)\r?$/, "\\1\"\\2\"", -1) } }
{ print $0 }
If you put that code in a file, say "quotify.awk", you can fix the ruleset like this:
awk -f quotify.awk <FinalModPack.rul >FinalModPack.rul.corrected
A tiny bit before the 50% of the translation is complete.
it's actually not that hard with the right tools. here's a GNU awk script that can do it for you in one go:
BEGIN { inExtraStrings=0 }
/^extraStrings/ { inExtraStrings=1 }
/^ +STR_/ { if ( 1 == inExtraStrings ) { $0 = gensub(/^([^:]+: *)([^\"\r]*)\r?$/, "\\1\"\\2\"", -1) } }
{ print $0 }
If you put that code in a file, say "quotify.awk", you can fix the ruleset like this:
awk -f quotify.awk <FinalModPack.rul >FinalModPack.rul.corrected
No you got me hooked on regex and awk... damn you myk002....
Now you got me hooked on regex and awk... damn you myk002....
Don't do it! If you go there, there's no way back ;-)
Just a small idea: Why not add the TFTD original UFOs, I made that for my personal mod and they look surprisingly good and everything works fine (animation, doors, ramp-files). I used the ones that were combo-patch-fixed by the latest XcomUtil (on the CE version)) and had zero problems. There are only 9 rmp's and 9 map's and some terrain files to copy. :)
Just a small idea: Why not add the TFTD original UFOs, I made that for my personal mod and they look surprisingly good and everything works fine (animation, doors, ramp-files). I used the ones that were combo-patch-fixed by the latest XcomUtil (on the CE version)) and had zero problems. There are only 9 rmp's and 9 map's and some terrain files to copy. :)
I can understand this premiss and it would indeed be a cool thing, but IMHO having added several TFTD alien races in (albeit with other names) and gauss weapons, already messes with immersion a bit. Better not strech it to the breaking point.
it's actually not that hard with the right tools. here's a GNU awk script that can do it for you in one go:
BEGIN { inExtraStrings=0 }
/^extraStrings/ { inExtraStrings=1 }
/^ +STR_/ { if ( 1 == inExtraStrings ) { $0 = gensub(/^([^:]+: *)([^\"\r]*)\r?$/, "\\1\"\\2\"", -1) } }
{ print $0 }
If you put that code in a file, say "quotify.awk", you can fix the ruleset like this:
[sarcasm]Thanks, why haven't I thought of that. :P [/sarcasm]
I'm not a complete n00b, I've taken some courses in programming (mostly Java), but I don't know what awk is and I certainly am not going to learn it just to fix something like this.
Just a small idea: Why not add the TFTD original UFOs, I made that for my personal mod and they look surprisingly good and everything works fine (animation, doors, ramp-files). I used the ones that were combo-patch-fixed by the latest XcomUtil (on the CE version)) and had zero problems. There are only 9 rmp's and 9 map's and some terrain files to copy. :)
Sure, it can be done, but I haven't found a formula for using them.
I can understand this premiss and it would indeed be a cool thing, but IMHO having added several TFTD alien races in (albeit with other names) and gauss weapons, already messes with immersion a bit. Better not strech it to the breaking point.
Yeah. I would love to use new sprites for these races, but I don't think it'll ever happen.[/code]
Regular expressions are awesome when used in moderation :)
I have a simpler method of doing this:
1. Add an item ('problem').
2. Check if it works mechanics wise and repair problem if neccessary.
3. Add language strings for the item.
4. If the game crashes with a yaml error, add ""s to the strings.
5. If it doesn't, problem -> voidNull.
6. Start working on the next item ('problem').
Here, I updated the Skymarshal a bit:
1. The landingears now have lights, those help when disembarking
2. The soldiers at the doors now deploy with their face towards the doors!
- [4, 7, 0, 0]
- [5, 7, 0, 0]
- [4, 8, 0, 0]
- [5, 8, 0, 0]
- [4, 9, 0, 0]
- [5, 9, 0, 0]
- [4, 10, 0, 0]
- [5, 10, 0, 0]
- [4, 11, 0, 0]
- [5, 11, 0, 0]
- [4, 12, 0, 0]
- [5, 12, 0, 0]
- [4, 13, 0, 0]
- [5, 13, 0, 0]
- [4, 14, 0, 6]
- [5, 14, 0, 2]
Never understood why the designer made it a single storie craft with the wheels installed on the wings.
Never understood why the designer made it a single storie craft with the wheels installed on the wings.
Well yes that one of the main points of it which i do not like about it, but nothing that cannot be changed.
I guess i have to rework it's map and recolor it's MCD file, if i wanna use it in my Mod (alloy Blue for the win!)
Thanks Civilian, I'll have a look tonight. But I don't think I'll use the lights, because it screws with automatic recovery of E-115; I'd have to manually add this component to every UFO Power Source in the game, and it's a bit hackish.
Maybe I'll do something like this if I ever move FMP to Openxcom Extended.
My vote is probably not worth much, but I would prefer if you didn't move to OXCE.
Thanks Civilian, I'll have a look tonight. But I don't think I'll use the lights, because it screws with automatic recovery of E-115; I'd have to manually add this component to every UFO Power Source in the game, and it's a bit hackish.
Maybe I'll do something like this if I ever move FMP to Openxcom Extended.
Maybe we could overwork the MCD file, add in a component which provides light without placing items an the map?
Thanks Civilian, I'll have a look tonight. But I don't think I'll use the lights, because it screws with automatic recovery of E-115; I'd have to manually add this component to every UFO Power Source in the game, and it's a bit hackish.
You know you have to do this far every UFO Map! Those are like 180 Maps at the moment...
Maybe we could overwork the MCD file, add in a component which provides light without placing items an the map?
Yeah, it's possible! But I'm not sure if it's desirable for every player.
You know you have to do this far every UFO Map! Those are like 180 Maps at the moment...
I know, that's why I said I'm not crazy about it. :P
[sarcasm]Thanks, why haven't I thought of that. :P [/sarcasm]
Hrm, perhaps it would have been more useful of me to just attach the fixed version..
If you have a work in progress version you'd like me to update instead, I'd be happy to.
I updated the script a bit to handle the DOS line endings a bit more gracefully:
BEGIN { inExtraStrings=0 }
/^extraStrings/ { inExtraStrings=1 }
/^ +STR_/ { if ( 1 == inExtraStrings ) { $0 = gensub(/^([^:]+: *)([^\"]*)$/, "\\1\"\\2\"", -1) } }
{ print $0 }
tr -d '\r' <FinalModPack.rul | awk -f quotify.awk | sed 's/$/\r/g' >FinalModPack.corrected.rul
Hrm, perhaps it would have been more useful of me to just attach the fixed version..
If you have a work in progress version you'd like me to update instead, I'd be happy to.
I updated the script a bit to handle the DOS line endings a bit more gracefully:
BEGIN { inExtraStrings=0 }
/^extraStrings/ { inExtraStrings=1 }
/^ +STR_/ { if ( 1 == inExtraStrings ) { $0 = gensub(/^([^:]+: *)([^\"]*)$/, "\\1\"\\2\"", -1) } }
{ print $0 }
tr -d '\r' <FinalModPack.rul | awk -f quotify.awk | sed 's/$/\r/g' >FinalModPack.corrected.rul
Awesome, thanks Myk! I'm attaching the UNRELEASED VERSION BADOOM-DAMMM of the mod. Please run it through your beastie.
Btw Solarius i resized and did some fixes on Luke83's Expanded Terror Maps.
I still have to rework the routes and nodes to make them much better :>
Take a look here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg46856.html#msg46856)
Those are only the 5 New Blocks he made, but i resized the whole set.
My vote is probably not worth much, but I would prefer if you didn't move to OXCE.
What the guy above said, the ideal would be to have the mod work on both, but since it aint gonna happen keep it here.
Please run it through your beastie.
sure thing. attached.
sure thing. attached.
Awesome, thanks!
On a completely different note, I thought I'd post a list of my favorite weapons so far. I'm in the late middle game right now, so this might change by the endgame, but so far I like:
- flamethrowers. this is the ultimate terror unit destroyer. I dismissed this weapon as useless at first, but after seeing it tear apart reapers, cyberdiscs, and even sectopods in one autoshot, I always bring a few along with me now
- assault rifles. the low tu requirements, cheap ammo, and 4-shot burst make this weapon useful even in the late game. I bring them along for anything squishy - sectoids, snakemen, anthropods, hybrids, etc. and give them to whoever needs firing accuracy experience.
- AP Sniper rifles. that is, gauss sniper rifles and then later railgun sniper rifles. excellent accuracy and damage means the back line hits harder and more often, resulting in fewer deaths for the front line.
I use many other weapons as well, of course, but these tend to be my top three.
On a completely different note, I thought I'd post a list of my favorite weapons so far. I'm in the late middle game right now, so this might change by the endgame, but so far I like:
- flamethrowers. this is the ultimate terror unit destroyer. I dismissed this weapon as useless at first, but after seeing it tear apart reapers, cyberdiscs, and even sectopods in one autoshot, I always bring a few along with me now
- assault rifles. the low tu requirements, cheap ammo, and 4-shot burst make this weapon useful even in the late game. I bring them along for anything squishy - sectoids, snakemen, anthropods, hybrids, etc. and give them to whoever needs firing accuracy experience.
- AP Sniper rifles. that is, gauss sniper rifles and then later railgun sniper rifles. excellent accuracy and damage means the back line hits harder and more often, resulting in fewer deaths for the front line.
I use many other weapons as well, of course, but these tend to be my top three.
Cool thanks for the tips! I've started up a campaign recently, so I'll see what these do for me as well!
An update of the Russian version is ready. It contains some very small fixes and the translation of newly added strings. Since I can't already see any grave errors, I think I can consider it as 1.0. As always any corrections are much appreciated.
Not sure what you think the problem is with the lights, maybe you did not understand me correctly: I only changed the landingears in mcdedit so that they are light emitters. I did NOT add any objects. No problems should appear.
Oh and here another update and improvement:
Improved Skymarshal for the FMP (Final Mod Pack ver.1.5.3b)
This is an alternative/fix/update to the Skymarshal in the Final Mod Pack.
The differences to the original 1.5.3b Skymarshal are:
-Added a backdoor
-Now you can walk/stand on the last tiles of the Skymarshal
-Added light emitters to the landing gear
-The soldiers at the small doors now start with their face towards the doors
-More accurate Base craft icon
Drop the Skymarshal folder into your OpenXcom mods folder
Enable this mod in the options and make sure it is loaded in the mods list AFTER the Final Mod Pack, otherwise the old version is loaded.
Final Mod Pack team for adding the side doors which made my craft (originally named Skytransit btw) so much better.
The new MCD files are from the FIXED_AVENGER_DOORS mod, I recolored them accordingly.
Hopefully this new version will be included by default in the next FMP version... :-)
Civilian (aka New_Civilian) 2015
Not sure what you think the problem is with the lights, maybe you did not understand me correctly: I only changed the landingears in mcdedit so that they are light emitters. I did NOT add any objects. No problems should appear.
Ah ok you did it over the MCD. I guess you should have clarified this more.
I personally would remove all the doors on the craft. Doors are for pussies and they are in the way of your blaster troopers staying behind in the craft :)
But that is my personal opinion.
Ah ok you did it over the MCD. I guess you should have clarified this more.
I personally would remove all the doors on the craft. Doors are for pussies and they are in the way of your blaster troopers staying behind in the craft :)
But that is my personal opinion.
We all know you love some whip lashes on the back while you play m8 :P
We all know you love some whip lashes on the back while you play m8 :P
Nah he's just whining he didn't figure out the Blaster X Door problem yet (hint: Mr. Spock, step out of the transporter!) ;)
Nah he's just whining he didn't figure out the Blaster X Door problem yet (hint: Mr. Spock, step out of the transporter!) ;)
Why should i? I can stand on a bazillion of Blasterbombs in the transport.
Why should i? I can stand on a bazillion of Blasterbombs in the transport.
Feeling the power between your legs there laddie? (Armageddon reference).
Is it just me or are heavy lasers really atrocious weapons?
Based off Meridian's little LP they come off as having absolutely terrible accuracy combined with a huge TU cost on each shot.
Or is this done intentionally so that having strong laser weapons is a huge pain in the butt specifically to indirectly buff sectopods?
Is it just me or are heavy lasers really atrocious weapons?
Based off Meridian's little LP they come off as having absolutely terrible accuracy combined with a huge TU cost on each shot.
Or is this done intentionally so that having strong laser weapons is a huge pain in the butt specifically to indirectly buff sectopods?
heavy lasers
for when you want to kill tanks
Is it just me or are heavy lasers really atrocious weapons?
Based off Meridian's little LP they come off as having absolutely terrible accuracy combined with a huge TU cost on each shot.
Or is this done intentionally so that having strong laser weapons is a huge pain in the butt specifically to indirectly buff sectopods?
I personally buffed the Accuracy of Heavy Laser:
power: 90
accuracySnap: 80
accuracyAimed: 130
tuSnap: 33
tuAimed: 50
With this it is a decent Sniper Weapon :)
But still weaker and less Accurate then my adaptation of the Plasma Sniper Rifle:
accuracySnap: 90
accuracyAimed: 140
tuSnap: 30
tuAimed: 45
An update of the Russian version is ready. It contains some very small fixes and the translation of newly added strings. Since I can't already see any grave errors, I think I can consider it as 1.0. As always any corrections are much appreciated.
Thanks! Pulling it in.
Not sure what you think the problem is with the lights, maybe you did not understand me correctly: I only changed the landingears in mcdedit so that they are light emitters. I did NOT add any objects. No problems should appear.
Oh, OK. I indeed misunderstood. :)
Nevertheless, I'm not sure if the players will want it. I'm not saying it's not a good idea, I just find it hard to guess - it makes things a bit easier after all. Some opinions would be nice.
Oh and here another update and improvement:
-Added a backdoor
-Now you can walk/stand on the last tiles of the Skymarshal
-Added light emitters to the landing gear
-The soldiers at the small doors now start with their face towards the doors
-More accurate Base craft icon
Great! I'll take a look at it soon. It looks very promising.
BTW if I were you, I'd totally release it as a separate mod for the vanilla game too!
I personally would remove all the doors on the craft. Doors are for pussies and they are in the way of your blaster troopers staying behind in the craft :)
But that is my personal opinion.
Well, in 1% of combat situations it'll indeed be a liability, because you need to nuke something up close (and have Blaster Launchers already). Which is already kind of an exploit if you ask me, X-Com craft being indestructible and all.
In 99% of combat situations the doors allow you to escape the flying coffin that is the Skyranger/Skymarshall and actually survive an early alien grenade lobbed inside, finish the mission faster by having more arcs of fire and generally NOT be a pussy turtle. :) No, seriously, having more exits is ALWAYS better, and I've never heard otherwise from any player (and it works in real life military vehicles, too). But I may disregard something, so please don't take it as a rant, I'm just summarizing things that always seemed obvious to me.
Is it just me or are heavy lasers really atrocious weapons?
Based off Meridian's little LP they come off as having absolutely terrible accuracy combined with a huge TU cost on each shot.
Or is this done intentionally so that having strong laser weapons is a huge pain in the butt specifically to indirectly buff sectopods?
I dunno, ask Julian. :) I haven't really change Heavy Laser stats. In X-Com, lasers in general have poor accuracy, and I didn't do anything with this concept.
Actually, I'm more worried about the usefulness of Laser Sniper Rifle.
Well i made the Heavy Laser basically into a Sniper Rifle :)
Well i made the Heavy Laser basically into a Sniper Rifle :)
Yeah, that's the classic way to go about it (XComUtil did it). I've considered it too, but ultimately decoded it worked just fine as it was, against other FMP weapons.
btw Solarius, i just made a Proper HandOb for the Plasma SniperRifle Clip:
I am also making a proper Floorob the one from the FMP is soooooooo BIG ;D
Oh and here another update and improvement:
Improved Skymarshal for the FMP (Final Mod Pack ver.1.5.3b)
Excellent work! I'm adding it straight away.
Well, except the icon. It's... well... bad. It may be a bit closer to how the craft looks like in the battlescape, but X-Com has never been very concerned with this, and besides I'd rather change Skymarshall's battlescape colouration (to alloy blue).
btw Solarius, i just made a Proper HandOb for the Plasma SniperRifle:
You mean a handob for Plasma Sniper Rifle Clip, right? :)
I am also making a proper Floorob the one from the FMP is soooooooo BIG ;D
Well, it's a trade-off between visibility and realism. I'm not against making smaller clips, but it'd have to be all clips, and that's a lot of work. :)
I dunno, ask Julian. :) I haven't really change Heavy Laser stats. In X-Com, lasers in general have poor accuracy, and I didn't do anything with this concept.
Actually, I'm more worried about the usefulness of Laser Sniper Rifle.
If I was to take an educated guess then lasers have bad accuracy in vanilla X-Com because they have infinite ammo, since there's only two ways to balance out infinite ammo in xcom - either low damage or low accuracy, since missing means a little bit less with no ammo to waste.
I'm not really seeing the advantage to using the heavy laser over laser rifles - which are much faster - unless we're talking about sectopods or something.
So bumping its accuracy up by a bit would help make it less of the big turd its big, brown sprite tries to convey.
*reads Solarius`answer and throws in yet another improvement*
I managed to fix a default XCom "bug" in your Planes_2.MCD, that special tile from the set was a "C" shaped tile and one could see through it (partially), which caused some weird shootings going on in some weird situations :-)
And well... the icon is different, not bad, how dare you say that of my lovely icon!? ;D` :P
Anyway, it is an alternative, not less, not more, it's your mod, you decide ;D
You mean a handob for Plasma Sniper Rifle Clip, right? :)
Well, it's a trade-off between visibility and realism. I'm not against making smaller clips, but it'd have to be all clips, and that's a lot of work. :)
Jeah i meant the Clip of course :D
Well i so far have nearly all HandOb and FloorOb's for my Items, i am still mising a few. But the list is pretty small. (Actually only 3 or 4 Items)
Never understood why the designer made it a single storie craft with the wheels installed on the wings.
To get rid of the time wasting and dangerous ramp????? Guys where have you been the last 20 XCom years? Ramps suck. ;D
And here to the guy who said keep TFTD out. See what you are missing... :D ;)
And well... the icon is different, not bad, how dare you say that of my lovely icon!? ;D` :P
Well I should probably keep quiet, being the author of the Skymarshall icon Solar is currently using, but it might be just a matter a perspective. Your icon looks good enough... as long as you're using that blur filter you're using. But AFAIK Solar hates blur filters, and if someone wants crystal-sharp pixel art, well, your icon is a very primitive pixel art. Sure you can take it as a rant of a pixel artist (I do prefer pixel art over blur, true), but it wasn't my intention. It would be disrespectful directed at such a decent modder as yourself. My intention was to show that what looks good from your perspective (seen through a display filter) isn't neccesarily looking good from other people's perspective (those who don't use display filters).
And here to the guy who said keep TFTD out. See what you are missing... :D ;)
Seeing how lovely all this stuff from TFTD looks like on your screenshot... can somebody explain why some stuff from TFTD taken over to FMP looks really awful?
For example:
- TFTD ufopedia articles (chtonite, reptoid, ...)
- TFTD dead/unconcious alien sprites in the inventory screen
- probably some more...
Is it a real problem with colour transformation, or was the person doing it just not skilled enough?
If it can be done better... could someone please have a look at it? It would improve the game experience by a lot!
Seeing how lovely all this stuff from TFTD looks like on your screenshot... can somebody explain why some stuff from TFTD taken over to FMP looks really awful?
For example:
- TFTD ufopedia articles (chtonite, reptoid, ...)
- TFTD dead/unconcious alien sprites in the inventory screen
- probably some more...
Is it a real problem with colour transformation, or was the person doing it just not skilled enough?
If it can be done better... could someone please have a look at it? It would improve the game experience by a lot!
Meridian, TFTD uses diferent Color Palettes, i guess this is the main Problem.
Meridian, TFTD uses diferent Color Palettes, i guess this is the main Problem.
Yes I know, but why some stuff looks very nice (see example from Civilian) and some looks really awful (see my post above)?
Maybe some of it is also "human error"... just thinking out loud...
EDIT: I cannot test it myself (I don't know how it works and would probably only cause "human error"... that's why I'm asking if somebody who knows how it works could have a look at it and check if it's a human error or not)
To get rid of the time wasting and dangerous ramp????? Guys where have you been the last 20 XCom years? Ramps suck. ;D
The ramp isn't dangerous. It provides cover.
Having to depart from lvl 1 instead of lvl 0 has some serious advantages, you can easily deploy into all direction for example.
When i testplayed the FMP a little bit, i was honestly so offended by the Skymarshal, together with some other things, that i skipped playing it.
The ramp isn't dangerous. It provides cover.
Having to depart from lvl 1 instead of lvl 0 has some serious advantages, you can easily deploy into all direction for example.
When i testplayed the FMP a little bit, i was honestly so offended by the Skymarshal, together with some other things, that i skipped playing it.
That's an interesting opinion.
1/ I can understand how ramp helps going (easier) into multiple direction... Skymarshall has two new doors for that... shame you cannot shoot diagonally when standing at the doorstep. Otherwise it would be perfect.
2/ However, I really fail to see how ramp provides cover (or any other advantage).
In my opinion even Skyranger (not Skymarshall) without a ramp would be a lot safer... not to mention Skymarshall's additional protection.
If anything ramp makes it harder for you to spot aliens, although they can see (and shoot at) you.
And even if you are indeed lucky enough to spot them in mutual surprise, you will usually have to take one more step (or kneel down) because of no line of fire... and the alien(s) will reaction fire.
Ramp is a death trap...
Well I think speaking of being "offended" is simply childish. Whatever Skymarshall is, it is most definitely NOT a "Hellrazor's Perfect Dropship" (if such a thing exists at all - design your own dropship before throwing such large stones, Hellrazor). No. As I understand this, Skymarshall is basically a quickly prototyped dropship that tries to adress the major problems of the Skyranger - namely, being an Omaha-Beach style flying mass grave (and limited speed and troop capacity). Skymarshall solves some issues while introducing a few new issues. Normal stuff. If it is so bad a weapon in your Commander's eyes, don't use it at all. Definitely it forces changing your approach to the landing zone problem. But it's always your decision. Maybe there should be more varied dropship designs available for those who are dissatisfied with the Skymarshall and want to push the technology further towards perfection. Whatever they consider to be perfection.
I'm not really seeing the advantage to using the heavy laser over laser rifles - which are much faster - unless we're talking about sectopods or something.
You know, that's what I've thought about Heavy Lasers since the 90's. :) So it's... kind of the same.
So bumping its accuracy up by a bit would help make it less of the big turd its big, brown sprite tries to convey.
Maybe so. I just didn't want to change things unless absolutely sure it's necessary. I'd like to hear more opinions first.
If I was to take an educated guess then lasers have bad accuracy in vanilla X-Com because they have infinite ammo, since there's only two ways to balance out infinite ammo in xcom - either low damage or low accuracy, since missing means a little bit less with no ammo to waste.
Maybe, but I don't think it really matters. People like pointing this out, but have you ever used all your plasma clips? I don't think I have.
*reads Solarius`answer and throws in yet another improvement*
I managed to fix a default XCom "bug" in your Planes_2.MCD, that special tile from the set was a "C" shaped tile and one could see through it (partially), which caused some weird shootings going on in some weird situations :-)
Hmmm, I think I've fixed that at some point. I'll have to double-check.
And well... the icon is different, not bad, how dare you say that of my lovely icon!? ;D` :P
I'll get back to this in a second. :)
But AFAIK Solar hates blur filters
Shit. This! I haven't thought about this. It might look better with the blur.
However, to say I don't like the filters is a gross understatement. :P I wish they never existed. :P
Seeing how lovely all this stuff from TFTD looks like on your screenshot... can somebody explain why some stuff from TFTD taken over to FMP looks really awful?
For example:
- TFTD ufopedia articles (chtonite, reptoid, ...)
- TFTD dead/unconcious alien sprites in the inventory screen
- probably some more...
Yeah, all that, partially for technical reasons, but it also should be noted that some TFTD graphics were downright horrible. :P
I'd spend time improving them, but I'd rather replace them with better original sprites.
The ramp isn't dangerous. It provides cover.
It has its merits, yes; especially when you're already on level 0. But it makes you lose so many TUs that it is indeed a bit problematic.
Still, the biggest problem is that there's only one exit, and this is bad news for your soldiers.
Having to depart from lvl 1 instead of lvl 0 has some serious advantages, you can easily deploy into all direction for example.
When i testplayed the FMP a little bit, i was honestly so offended by the Skymarshal, together with some other things, that i skipped playing it.
You know what, I wasn't a huge fan of it either at first. But so many people liked it that I just ran with it and started improving on it. THen I started to really like it.
There is another map I liked, but my soldiers were adamant not to spawn in it. (Even if I reproduced the map wholly by maself from scratch.) So I jossed the idea.
Maybe so. I just didn't want to change things unless absolutely sure it's necessary. I'd like to hear more opinions first.
After seeing how effective flamethrowers are on sectopods, I sold all my lasers and just took a few flamethrowers on all my crafts. As they currently stand, I consider the entire laser lineup to be fairly useless. I'm just glad when the aliens are wielding them because it means they'll miss : )
After seeing how effective flamethrowers are on sectopods, I sold all my lasers and just took a few flamethrowers on all my crafts. As they currently stand, I consider the entire laser lineup to be fairly useless. I'm just glad when the aliens are wielding them because it means they'll miss : )
In vanilla, laser pistol and rifle are relatively useful. Heavy laser less so, maybe there it could use a little improvement.
In FMP, "MiB-level laser weapons" are basically a starting tech. They should be crap... otherwise what would be the point of upgrading to gauss/rail/advanced laser/plasma? ;-)
After seeing how effective flamethrowers are on sectopods, I sold all my lasers and just took a few flamethrowers on all my crafts. As they currently stand, I consider the entire laser lineup to be fairly useless. I'm just glad when the aliens are wielding them because it means they'll miss : )
This probably will change, if just a bit, when I release the Chaser race. :)
Been playing the game with the death coffin (skyranger) and still I am against having the skymarshall the way it is.
A dangerous ramp, doesnt mean a completely illogical craft design and a random buffer just because.
And here to the guy who said keep TFTD out. See what you are missing... :D ;)
I am the same guy.
Lovely as the sprites and the job done on this as they are, I still prefer to miss them. Unless you plan on using them for a custom tailored instalation or something that has nothing to do with TFTD.
But still leave TFTD to TFTD. I dislike continuity problems.
That's an interesting opinion.
1/ I can understand how ramp helps going (easier) into multiple direction... Skymarshall has two new doors for that... shame you cannot shoot diagonally when standing at the doorstep. Otherwise it would be perfect.
2/ However, I really fail to see how ramp provides cover (or any other advantage).
In my opinion even Skyranger (not Skymarshall) without a ramp would be a lot safer... not to mention Skymarshall's additional protection.
If anything ramp makes it harder for you to spot aliens, although they can see (and shoot at) you.
And even if you are indeed lucky enough to spot them in mutual surprise, you will usually have to take one more step (or kneel down) because of no line of fire... and the alien(s) will reaction fire.
Ramp is a death trap...
Well I think speaking of being "offended" is simply childish. Whatever Skymarshall is, it is most definitely NOT a "Hellrazor's Perfect Dropship" (if such a thing exists at all - design your own dropship before throwing such large stones, Hellrazor). No. As I understand this, Skymarshall is basically a quickly prototyped dropship that tries to adress the major problems of the Skyranger - namely, being an Omaha-Beach style flying mass grave (and limited speed and troop capacity). Skymarshall solves some issues while introducing a few new issues. Normal stuff. If it is so bad a weapon in your Commander's eyes, don't use it at all. Definitely it forces changing your approach to the landing zone problem. But it's always your decision. Maybe there should be more varied dropship designs available for those who are dissatisfied with the Skymarshall and want to push the technology further towards perfection. Whatever they consider to be perfection.
The whole point (for me at least) has nothing to do with the ramp, or weather it is good or bad. It is from an aircraft design perspective. I cannot fathom a troop tansporter to be landing on level with the ground, having its wheels attached to the wings (do I need to go over with descriptions on this?) and the very fact that it has two boxes spawning out of thin air to provide cover. The whole thing reeks artificial easy mode. In contrast we can use the Thunderstorm, it provides you with a super alternative which you can use for sniping as well and has a huge cargo hold. Still though the design makes sense. I am not against tools to make my life easier but the design on this was made bad just to make it a safe skyranger. Which finds me against it. If we take the time to brainstorm this we could easily find altrenatives to redesign it without losing its utility.
But all things considered its small potatoes, my problem with it in reality is that it looks artificial in a place where attention to detail was paid.
I have been using a modded, upgraded skyranger, which is simply longer and has two openings on the side. I also agree that the craft as presented is ezmode artificial. Big blocks and ground level doesn't look right. Automatic doors are neat, but they make no sense for a transport designed to land in a hot zone and quickly deploy. XCom needs to clear the LZ FAST, not linger behind doors taking potshots at the aliens surrounding the whole craft. The only reason that this is a viable strategy is that XCom crafts are indestructible.
If the AI could behave properly and shoot it (I bet a heavy plasma can damage the engines, let along a blaster bomb or elerium grenade), and it was destructible, you'd see more crafts like Dioxine's piratez craft for fast aggressive deployments and fewer of these weird safe ones.
for the more advanced avenger and lightning, maybe.. They are presumably proper made alien alloy crafts with sturdy constructions (as shown by their higher HP) and don't have exposed engines. For planes, it is gaming the game.
The Skymarshall is indeed far better than the Skyranger. If it didn't allow any extra soldiers at all, or even reduced the number of soldiers I could bring by one, I would still choose it over the Skyranger. Even if I were allowed two fewer soldiers than normal, there are many missions I would bring a Skymarshall on. For instance, the protection and automatic doors are a massive help during terror missions.
The Skymarshall is indeed far better than the Skyranger. If it didn't allow any extra soldiers at all, or even reduced the number of soldiers I could bring by one, I would still choose it over the Skyranger. Even if I were allowed two fewer soldiers than normal, there are many missions I would bring a Skymarshall on. For instance, the protection and automatic doors are a massive help during terror missions.
Nobody disputed that though :) The problem is that it needs to fuck my immersion in order to do it :P
If the AI could behave properly and shoot it (I bet a heavy plasma can damage the engines, let along a blaster bomb or elerium grenade), and it was destructible, you'd see more crafts like Dioxine's piratez craft for fast aggressive deployments and fewer of these weird safe ones.
Thats the second thing the new one did right. No craft forts for you, get out there and do your job or flee.
Nobody disputed that though :) The problem is that it needs to fuck my immersion in order to do it :P
I'm no engineer, but I think alloys are sturdy enough for the wings to support the weight of the craft. I mean, it's ridiculously good. I agree it looks a bit bizarre to us though.
Just to break my silence, I'd add that the SkyRanger and Interceptor were prototypes in dealing with a threat humanity had yet to understand and based solely on human technology.
In terms of immersion, I'd be shocked if XCOM made an upgrade craft that didn't take into account what they learned about fighting aliens, as well as the benefits of improved alien alloy. I mean, how many operatives need to get toasted going down the ramp before an XCOM engineer goes: "Hmmmm... maybe that ramp could be improved...." All XCOM improvements slowly go from earth-inspired tech to sci-fi, so in my mind the Alloy Skyranger is just a step away from what we know and towards what humanity can do with this new tech.
I'm just saying.
Hi all,
I've been having a blast playing Final Mod Pack for the past few days, but I'm getting hung up on a few aspects.
While starting off is pretty easy, I find I end up getting outclassed in terms of weapons very quickly, with seemingly no way to gain an advantage. I've gone almost five months with normal ballistics because I haven't been able to research anything more advanced than a Toxigun. I've gotten to Gauss research but it hasn't let me make personnel-level weapons, just craft weapons, tanks, and base defenses. Likewise, I've been able to research alien laser rifles but not their clips, which makes it impossible for me to use them or produce them. Does anyone have a link to the full tech tree for the mod? Is it in the files somewhere? I know it might be considered cheating but I'd rather I looked at the tech tree and figured out what order to research things rather than bumble around until I'm going up against Mutons with rifles and heavy cannons.
Secondly, I've been able to shoot down MiB ships fairly easily, but once they're on the ground it's a different story. Three separate occasions I've had to deal with a blaster bomb to the inside of the skyranger that's completely wiped my squad. Should I just not bother engaging the MiB until I've progressed further?
You need to capture and interrogate/research a live alien engineer.
That will open Alien Laser Rifle Clip and Elerium Battery (which opens other gauss weapons).
A tech tree is available several pages earlier, it has a few bugs, but I will upload a new version soon.
You shouldn't be seeing enemies with Blaster Launcher yet in the 5th month I think... but if you do, you can either ignore them... or play more aggresive (Skymarshall has three exists, you can cover a lot of ground in the first turn, while spreading out your troops to avoid squad wipes... of course you'll lose some soldiers, but not all)... and don't forget using grenades, they are the most powerful weapon in xcom ;-)
You need to capture and interrogate/research a live alien engineer.
That will open Alien Laser Rifle Clip and Elerium Battery (which opens other gauss weapons).
A tech tree is available several pages earlier, it has a few bugs, but I will upload a new version soon.
You shouldn't be seeing enemies with Blaster Launcher yet in the 5th month I think... but if you do, you can either ignore them... or play more aggresive (Skymarshall has three exists, you can cover a lot of ground in the first turn, while spreading out your troops to avoid squad wipes... of course you'll lose some soldiers, but not all)... and don't forget using grenades, they are the most powerful weapon in xcom ;-)
Meridian, how about making a Research Tree Graphic? I found it rather helpful, to have this for my mods and i think player also will appreciate it.
You can use DIA to draw it together :)
Meridian, how about making a Research Tree Graphic? I found it rather helpful, to have this for my mods and i think player also will appreciate it.
You can use DIA to draw it together :)
I have made a diagram already, that's what I was talking about.
Anyway, I have updated the diagram to newest version (v1.5.3b) and uploaded it in a separate thread, so that it is not so easily lost/overlooked:
Just to break my silence, I'd add that the SkyRanger and Interceptor were prototypes in dealing with a threat humanity had yet to understand and based solely on human technology.
In terms of immersion, I'd be shocked if XCOM made an upgrade craft that didn't take into account what they learned about fighting aliens, as well as the benefits of improved alien alloy. I mean, how many operatives need to get toasted going down the ramp before an XCOM engineer goes: "Hmmmm... maybe that ramp could be improved...." All XCOM improvements slowly go from earth-inspired tech to sci-fi, so in my mind the Alloy Skyranger is just a step away from what we know and towards what humanity can do with this new tech.
I'm just saying.
Well, without the mod they did now didnt they? Untill they build the lightning, and we all know how usefull that is. Still I fail to see, what an...ill placed wheel in the wing has to do with capabilities in tech? A design fail is still a design fail.
I'm no engineer, but I think alloys are sturdy enough for the wings to support the weight of the craft. I mean, it's ridiculously good. I agree it looks a bit bizarre to us though.
Yeah but attaching the landing gear on them and having the belly of the aircraft litterally scratching the surface of the landing zone? And since we are talking about a VTOL aircraft, imagine the angles the wheels will take when the wings reposition.
Still I fail to see, what an...ill placed wheel in the wing has to do with capabilities in tech?
Yeah but attaching the landing gear on them and having the belly of the aircraft litterally scratching the surface of the landing zone? And since we are talking about a VTOL aircraft, imagine the angles the wheels will take when the wings reposition.
Yes, it is completely unrealistic and even ugly as heck! I think everyone agrees.
It's just an easy fix, a compromise if you will, to get rid of the greatest weakness of the Skyranger and increase playability, nothing more nothing less. If you (or anybody else) has time, you can create a completely new realistically-looking craft with the same floor plan as Skymarshall... but it's a lot of work.
Yes, it is completely unrealistic and even ugly as heck! I think everyone agrees.
It's just an easy fix, a compromise if you will, to get rid of the greatest weakness of the Skyranger and increase playability, nothing more nothing less. If you (or anybody else) has time, you can create a completely new realistically-looking craft with the same floor plan as Skymarshall... but it's a lot of work.
Lets be clear about something: I NEVER asked for it to be scraped, I never said its useless and I never demanded anything in general. I just said its a silly design and I am going in with the flow of the discussion since there seems to be a contradictory opinion. Nothing is wrong with exchanging opinions.
Excellent, then I guess all of us agree and we can finally stop this discussion.
Excellent, then I guess all of us agree and we can finally stop this discussion.
Oooooor we can improve the design. :) I'd rather have someone else do it, since I just don't have the time now.
You can't really improve it - yeah you can raise the ship's belly into the air, for example, but this would kill the most important advantage of Skymarshall. I guess the only way to do it would be to design such a tileset/map that keeps all the tactical features but allows to present the unconvinced with a compelling proof of realistic and sound engineering :)
You can't really improve it - yeah you can raise the ship's belly into the air, for example, but this would kill the most important advantage of Skymarshall. I guess the only way to do it would be to design such a tileset/map that keeps all the tactical features but allows to present the unconvinced with a compelling proof of realistic and sound engineering :)
I don't see any advantage with it being stuck on the ground. Hugging your soldiers under the skyranger has a big advantage, you can focus fire on targets in nearly all directions.
Something which is really important for killing enemies as soon as you spot them. I rather deploy quickly and secure my landing zone then being stuck in whatever flying coffin i have arrived in. Preferably skipping turn 1, to reduce reaction fire.
Firing in all directions = getting yourself surrounded. Seldomly a good idea :)
While Skymarshall isn't ideal, it allows to concentrate fire while providing cover. Disembarking is faster, you can start real action by turn 1-2, instead of turn 3 (you can't get these soldiers any faster under the Skyranger's belly, especially since you're forced to skip turn 1). If you happen to land in such a way that either side of Skymarshall is more or less clear, you can disembark a good deal of soldiers by turn 1, and start to flank the enemies on the other side by turn 2. Such a thing is impossible with Skyranger - you're completely exposed from all directions.
You can't really improve it - yeah you can raise the ship's belly into the air, for example, but this would kill the most important advantage of Skymarshall. I guess the only way to do it would be to design such a tileset/map that keeps all the tactical features but allows to present the unconvinced with a compelling proof of realistic and sound engineering :)
I dont believe that elevating the level and placing its wheels in the proper place would terminate its usefullness. It can use the side doors still with a rapel type lader, there is one such thing in the wharehouse terror mission (or thats how I call it dont know its real name) and it functions. The automated doors in the back (as far as I know) can still be retained, the only thing that would be lost if someone wants to make the design a bit realistic is to remove those boxes, which will reduce cover but they make no sense either way.
Version 1.5.4 is online.
Not that many changes, but it's been sitting on my drive for too long, so I'm releasing it anyway:
- Some new race combinations.
- Improved Skymarshall (by Civilian).
- Russian language update (by Kammerer).
- Fixed broken Fusion Torch hit animation.
if someone wants to make the design a bit realistic is to remove those boxes, which will reduce cover but they make no sense either way.
ya know, those aren't boxes. they're the tail end of the craft. go up a level and you can see the roof connecting them.
Version 1.5.4 is online.
w00t thx Solarius!
ya know, those aren't boxes. they're the tail end of the craft. go up a level and you can see the roof connecting them.
I have seen that but to be honest it never occured to me that this is the case. It seems like a reverse ramp opens and connects with the seamingly magical boxes. Not that it is better if this was a 'tail'.
Just a wild idea: Why not add a moon-mission before you go to cydonia? Should be easy enough to do, just use the Area 51 tiles along with some grey ground tiles... :) maybe even with advanced MiB troops there?
Just a wild idea: Why not add a moon-mission before you go to cydonia? Should be easy enough to do, just use the Area 51 tiles along with some grey ground tiles... :) maybe even with advanced MiB troops there?
It's a nice idea, though I'm not sure how it could be done. Maybe make the final mission a 3-level mission, the first one being on the Moon?
It's a nice idea, though I'm not sure how it could be done. Maybe make the final mission a 3-level mission, the first one being on the Moon?
This misión give a special item. With this item you research and unlock the final mission
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This misión give a special item. With this item you research and unlock the final mission
Yeah, but we'd have to disable this mission afterwards, so that it's not done twice.
And the more important thing, I don't really know how to code this - I suppose cloning the Mars mission setup should work (except it being the final mission of course).
It would be much more feasible to make the final mission a three-parter (for the reasons you described -- there is no current way to have a non-cydonia one-time mission.)
For me, the fusion torch isn't actually cutting through UFO walls. It murders sectoids and floaters just fine, but UFO walls don't take any damage. Neither interior nor exterior walls seem to melt at all.
^IIRC It has a certain chance to melt through the hulls, but does not all the time.
FWIW, I was bored and played around with the different XCom tools and came up with this.... It is not a full mod, just something I toyed around with, but after a while I realized that it actually could be worth uploading, so here you go... ;D
A replacement for the default FMP Skymarshal for those who like to test something new.
It's basically a re-skinned XCom TFTD Triton craft with some layout changes. It is longer (has room for 30 people), can transport 5 HWPs, has a huge door on each side, and has some small invisible light-emitters at the tip of the wings and at the nose for night missions (press "L" to toggle the in-game "soldier" lights to see it better). The soldiers at the doors are even deployed with their faces towards the doors so you don't need to bother with turning them around at the start.
As I saw in a "Let's play" video by meridian some people (hi meridian) are bothered with the 3D tiles around the upper doors, which realistically prevent you from shooting through the craft, so I simply avoided those tiles for this mod. Now you can shoot/walk/throw/pogo/dance/run/fly/glide/slide/party/camp/woosh/smirgle/flarb/etc. directly at the wall of the craft on both sides. It actually is no problem at all, as those tiles are not visible anyway due to the different style of the new craft. They are necessary on the original Skymarshal, though and thus have to remain there.
Those people who complained about "missing" ramps and landing gears of the original Skymarshal: THIS NEW plane has 4 hover-engines on the roof (apart from the two main-engines in the wings which are monitored by the two devices inside, in case you wonder) and lands directly on its belly-hover-area, it is a VTOL craft with alien-alloy-reinforced belly-section. Now, finally, ramps and landing gears are a thing of the past. Forever! Rest in Peace! Good Bye! Sayonara! Auf Wiedersehen! Begone! Au Revoir! Yippee-yay!
Side-note: In original XCom (and OpenXCom as it uses the original tile-sets) the ramps are bugged, try e.g. shooting with an HWP in auto-fire mode when on the uppermost tile of the ramp: Only one shot is fired. Try walking a Sectopod along those ramps: It suddenly emits the float sound and floats/falls down! And even worse: The time-units required for those three ramp-tiles are NOT the same for those tiles themselves, which confuses the game even more. And in some versions of the game the aliens can shoot through the ramps. The AI path-finding on the ramps is also flawed as the units usually simply jump/drive/float down right away to avoid the TU costs.... Do I need to say more? No? Thank you! I knew you would agree.
No wonder they went for the easier and stable solution in TFTD.
I did not, by default, include any Base-hangar icons this time. The last ones I made were greeted too harshly, lol. However I threw some into this zip that you can rename and use.... Use them at your own risk, I will not pay for headaches and or broken glasses.
I also fixed the see-through-hole in the original TFTD-Triton tile-set in this mod. Not sure if anybody would ever discover that, but better fixed than not.
Copy the Triton Folder into your Mods folder, activate it in the game options and make sure it is loaded AFTER the FinalModPack, done.
Do not switch to the new craft when on a tactical mission as it will maybe cause problems. Wait for your troops to return then swap crafts.
Feel free to use these files in any way you see fit. Original Terrain and map files are from TFTD.
new_civilian 2015
p.s. I thought about renaming the Craft Skyfisher as a reference to the underwater-warfare in TFTD, but didn't. You can easily change that by editing the rul-file in a text-editor (use e.g. Notepad++ in YAML mode. It's freeware.)
Interesting. I'll have to decide between this, the original and another design I'm trying...
Little-known fact: I actually came up with the name "SkyMarshall" way back when people were complaining about the name "Alloy SkyRanger" being too long.
A better name for this I think would be SkyHarpoon.
One reservation I have on reusing TFTD assets (in FMP or elsewhere) is that when TFTD gets playable in OpenXcom, all these elements will look oddly familiar, almost out-of-place in TFTD.
Little-known fact: I actually came up with the name "SkyMarshall" way back when people were complaining about the name "Alloy SkyRanger" being too long.
Aaaaand thank you for this. :)
A better name for this I think would be SkyHarpoon.
Maybe, but the name stuck already, so... :)
One reservation I have on reusing TFTD assets (in FMP or elsewhere) is that when TFTD gets playable in OpenXcom, all these elements will look oddly familiar, almost out-of-place in TFTD.
I fully agree. Still waiting for someone to make new sprites. :P
Really like the look of the Skyfish, especially the interior and the amount of troops/tanks capacity is excellent. Was wondering if it can be used as a stand alone mod for use in any playthrough not just FMP. I assume that what I'm asking would involve some tweaking to the .rul file as it is based on the Skymarshall from FMP, namely research, manufacture etc.
Maybe, but the name stuck already, so... :)
I'm saying the "SkyFisher" should be "SkyHarpoon." The SkyMarshall is good as it is ;)
Random feedback/commentary:
The skymarshall is fine as is. Lorewise i understand what solar was trying to do (xcom hobbling together alien metal scraps on an old skyranger to try to make a slightly more efficient and sturdy troop carrier.) Even its layout forces a change in tactics- which IMO, adds to the experience of the game.
The skyranger is indeed a coffin with wings and soldiers routinely get slaughtered trying to secure that little exit area (a brutal but essential part of the game as i imagine securing any "hot" area should be).
The skymarshall just changes those dynamics, as does the Ironfist(if i recall the name correctly).
Every new transport brings with it a unique opportunity to change playstyles. It leaves us with the choice to use what suits us best. For me, I prefer long war type games so i tinkered with the fmp ruleset a bit to ensure that my game runs for at least 1.5 years before i can even think about smelling Cydonia.
That being said, every time i unlock a new transport, my tactics shift to maximising the opportunities presented by the new transport(i dont stick to any one jet because of the way "i like to play")
Adding to the list of transports however would stretch the game even further (not that i mind at all ;D). However how will such a plane with huge carrying capacity be balanced? Make it very tough but slow?
Anyway, i look forward to seeing what progress is made. Till then, i'll be shooting sectoids
soldiers routinely get slaughtered trying to secure that little exit area (a brutal but essential part of the game as i imagine securing any "hot" area should be).
IMO, it's mostly a challenge of gameplay balance:
- If troops start too far from aliens, player systematically spends several minutes of game time just moving, with 1% chance of actually meeting an alien in the first turns.
- If troops start too close, tactic is severely hampered by how the soldiers are packed in the carrier and block each other. Player has to spam smoke and stall until the aliens fall one by one, it takes many turns until the last soldier can actually exit the transport. Aircraft with door is very unfair for aliens, aircraft without is very unfair for player.
Thanks for the input Trinibwoy. I wonder what changes you made? I thought going to Cydonia in under 1,5 years is already pretty tough in FMP, so I'm curious. (Or maybe I just can't play.)
Aircraft with door is very unfair for aliens, aircraft without is very unfair for player.
Very true. But the aliens at least can defend inside the UFO, which gives them some compensation. :)
Thanks for the input Trinibwoy. I wonder what changes you made? I thought going to Cydonia in under 1,5 years is already pretty tough in FMP, so I'm curious. (Or maybe I just can't play.)
I wouldnt say that. I'm just a very aggressive player. I tend to spam magnums and stun rods early on and this affords me lots of captures. Who doesnt fall with the first couple zaps gets shot.
The past couple games i played left me with quite a number of sectoid, snakeman and floater navs engineers and leaders. Researching those unlocked the majority of techs for me pretty early on.
By december, i was poised to nuke mars.
To compensate for my aggressiveness(and feeling like i missed loads of content) i just tinkered with the deployment data-delaying certain alien appearances, and the little spreadsheet thingie that determines item levels- ensuring that the bigger weapons will more likely come into play a lil later in the war as things escalate. Finally i just lowered the amount of available engineers on any given mission/ship to reduce the likelyhood of me accumulating a hoard of researchable goons- making the game more interesting for me.
Again, im not trying to interfere with your flow in any way, its simply small changes to accomodate my preferences. This Mod adds so much that its hard to not want to interfere sometimes ;D
IMO, it's mostly a challenge of gameplay balance:
- If troops start too far from aliens, player systematically spends several minutes of game time just moving, with 1% chance of actually meeting an alien in the first turns.
- If troops start too close, tactic is severely hampered by how the soldiers are packed in the carrier and block each other. Player has to spam smoke and stall until the aliens fall one by one, it takes many turns until the last soldier can actually exit the transport. Aircraft with door is very unfair for aliens, aircraft without is very unfair for player.
Many turns? i am out of this coffin within on turn 2 lastyl on turn 3... No clue how you guys play.
Many turns? i am out of this coffin within on turn 2 lastyl on turn 3... No clue how you guys play.
I play like you, and it works because as I said, Openxcom manages the balance rather well.
But if multiple aliens (especially chryssalids or cyberdiscs) are 10 steps from the ramp, you can't risk running straight into their arms through smoke, you have to at least kill one or two of the ones that you see from your starting position, to get some breathing room. Since only 2 or 4 soldiers are in shooting position, it can take quite a few turns, especially with smoke to stall.
I play like you, and it works because as I said, Openxcom manages the balance rather well.
But if multiple aliens (especially chryssalids or cyberdiscs) are 10 steps from the ramp, you can't risk running straight into their arms through smoke, you have to at least kill one or two of the ones that you see from your starting position, to get some breathing room. Since only 2 or 4 soldiers are in shooting position, it can take quite a few turns, especially with smoke to stall.
Well jeah waiting for the smoke can be tricky. I usually skip turn 1 if nothing is spotted without me moving any units. If i spot something it simply needs to die, even if this means disembarking fully on turn 1. Having preprimed Smoke Grenades in shoulder slots makes this tactic somewhat usable, since you can just drop the smoke grenade towards your feet, only costing you 4TU.
Chryssalids uhhhh.... let's say either you skip the mission of you go for it.
Chryssalids uhhhh.... let's say either you skip the mission of you go for it.
You're a true survivor! :)
when a version of this mod with open xcom extended??? XD.....
when a version of this mod with open xcom extended??? XD.....
Not at the moment. It's a lot of work and there's not much interest in it.
In the early part of the game (FMP), in a sectoid terror mission, how do i killed 10 cyberdiscs?
they are mostly immune to any projectile weapon, i need to use high explosive to reliably kill cyberdiscs, sometimes i have to use 2 or 3. they have extreme accuracy and firepower. i would be able to take our 7-8 but then i run out of weapons and guys before i could finish them all off. at this point i have no strong weapons that can effectively kill cyberdiscs.
If you have soldiers with high accuracy, rocket launcher + large rockets, otherwise high explosives indeed. Early sectoid terrors are some of the worst. The difficulty level you pick also influences the number of aliens (along with their accuracy and resilience), so maybe dial it down a notch?
well i went with genius difficulty (4) on my first few runs with ironman because i have played original x-com quite a bit and everything was fine until the terror missions. i killed a few cyberdiscs no problem with grenade and high explosive spam but they kept coming and i ran out.... afterwards i counted 10 cyberdiscs at least. im the original x-com, i would have laser pistol by the first terror mission and auto at close range with that is quite effective against the 3-4 cyberdiscs or so, also the high explosives are effective as well and only 30% of the first terror mission will be sectoid. however in FMP, you dont get any advanced weapons and you run into TEN cyberdiscs. only high explosive is effective against them and using high explosive is risky because it takes a lot of action point and only work at close range and you need high strength guy if you dont wanna blow yourself up. and if you prime the bomb and end turn and a random disc pop up and shoot the guy dead then good bye team. oh and occasionally a sectoid will throw a grenade at you.
i also try abandoning the mission but i get hit with terror each month of sectoid and lose the game...
large rocket is good but require line of sight unlike throwing bomb when you can scoot around.
well i went with genius difficulty (4) on my first few runs with ironman because i have played original x-com quite a bit and everything was fine until the terror missions. i killed a few cyberdiscs no problem with grenade and high explosive spam but they kept coming and i ran out.... afterwards i counted 10 cyberdiscs at least. im the original x-com, i would have laser pistol by the first terror mission and auto at close range with that is quite effective against the 3-4 cyberdiscs or so, also the high explosives are effective as well and only 30% of the first terror mission will be sectoid. however in FMP, you dont get any advanced weapons and you run into TEN cyberdiscs. only high explosive is effective against them and using high explosive is risky because it takes a lot of action point and only work at close range and you need high strength guy if you dont wanna blow yourself up. and if you prime the bomb and end turn and a random disc pop up and shoot the guy dead then good bye team. oh and occasionally a sectoid will throw a grenade at you.
i also try abandoning the mission but i get hit with terror each month of sectoid and lose the game...
large rocket is good but require line of sight unlike throwing bomb when you can scoot around.
Shotguns with solid alíen alloy ammo. And large misiles. This is my default equip in the initial missions. "Yes all with rocket launchers"
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
I would also recommend fire weapons, especially flamethrowers. They do wonders against Cyberdiscs.
fire takes forever to kill something meanwhile the cyberdisc is shooting back
Shotguns with solid alíen alloy ammo. And large misiles. This is my default equip in the initial missions. "Yes all with rocket launchers"
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
i thought about all rocket strat but you cant know whats gonna be in a terror mission. i dont wanna pack boom booms because i might kill civilians and blow up loot if its not sectoid.
but i guess you dont have a choice...
Some examples of early Sectoid/Cyberdisc terror missions on Superhuman:
- end of January: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYbxOJw0m6k&index=9&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIhI8tBeYKHa_VoVYeVW67R
- end of February: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IYBX0mzMuc&index=15&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIhI8tBeYKHa_VoVYeVW67R
- beginning of March: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H25c8xQGEs&index=19&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIFsiJLbZIfaoRVsY5qmx09
Some examples of early Sectoid/Cyberdisc terror missions on Superhuman:
- end of January: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYbxOJw0m6k&index=9&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIhI8tBeYKHa_VoVYeVW67R
- end of February: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IYBX0mzMuc&index=15&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIhI8tBeYKHa_VoVYeVW67R
- beginning of March: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3H25c8xQGEs&index=19&list=PLe0K-GUDQkNIFsiJLbZIfaoRVsY5qmx09
unfortunately those are not the same as the FMP games i am currently playing, whereby i dont have laser weapons and i have to fight 10 cyberdiscs
unfortunately those are not the same as the FMP games i am currently playing, whereby i dont have laser weapons and i have to fight 10 cyberdiscs
The last one (beginning of March) is a FMP game.
And if I remember correctly, I had lots of Cyberdiscs as well... and no laser weapons.
fire takes forever to kill something meanwhile the cyberdisc is shooting back
I thought the same thing with flamethrowers when I first played FMP, but then I found out that the flamethrower ignores armor and actually does more damage to big 4-square terror units. I play on Superhuman and cyberdiscs will routinely die to a couple of good hits from the flamethrower. The trick is to catch them when they're at ground level and to use smoke grenades (or smoke caused by the high-explosives you've been pelting them with) to mask your approach so you can get in range.
My early squad loadouts usually included 2 flame throwers, 2 rocket launchers with 6 - 9 rockets, 10 - 15 high explosives, 10 - 15 smoke grenades, and 12 - 15 regular grenades. I found the only time cyberdiscs were really scarey is when they were flying high, because then they'd see over the smoke and pick off anyone who would try to scout ahead. Of course, there was that one mission where a few of them were hiding on top of my skyranger and decided to reveal themselves the turn after my officers jumped out of the craft... That battle didn't end well.
Solarius a slight Bug report:
Came just over the IRC.
Your ruleset lists a map called FIGHTER1.MAP, but you do not have a file named like it.
Maybe you renamed them wrongly or so?
Solarius a slight Bug report:
Came just over the IRC.
Your ruleset lists a map called FIGHTER1.MAP, but you do not have a file named like it.
Maybe you renamed them wrongly or so?
Got it. Will be fixed.
A small question Solarius: is FMP compatible with the newest nightly? I'd like to upgrade and I see some notes to modders, so I thought I would ask first.
- Note to modders: New Battle map names now start with "MAP_" to avoid conflicts.
- Note to modders: This makes UFOs "briefingText" obsolete, as now you can specify custom briefing text directly in the alienDeployment's briefingData.
A small question Solarius: is FMP compatible with the newest nightly? I'd like to upgrade and I see some notes to modders, so I thought I would ask first.
- Note to modders: New Battle map names now start with "MAP_" to avoid conflicts.
- Note to modders: This makes UFOs "briefingText" obsolete, as now you can specify custom briefing text directly in the alienDeployment's briefingData.
No idea how the mod behaves under the newest lightly yet. :P But I haven't received any complaints, so I guess it should work.
Hi Solarius,
would you mind if i redesign the Route Nodes for the Labship?
I so far have a turned Version ready to go and one Variant (also with turned Map).
I also have found and fixed some Minor Bugs on the Sentry Maps.
I did also redesign the Route Nodes for the Fighters, the Sentry Ship and the Excavator.
I did stick to your orignal Route Nodes in the general layout, but i added Importences, to
control the behaviour of the Aliens a little bit.
Let's say the Aliens in Excavators have now a strong tendency to walk around the roof :)
For example ;)
Let me know if it is ok todo something similar towards the Labship, and i can provide you within the next coming days,
with a upgrade package containing those changes.
Hi Solarius,
would you mind if i redesign the Route Nodes for the Labship?
I so far have a turned Version ready to go and one Variant (also with turned Map).
No, I certainly don't, though I would appreciate some info on what was changed.
I did stick to your orignal Route Nodes in the general layout, but i added Importences, to
control the behaviour of the Aliens a little bit.
I did also redesign the Route Nodes for the Fighters, the Sentry Ship and the Excavator.
No problem, as long as the aliens start in the UFO and generally defend it, rather than go out to hunt X-Com. Fighter is a defensive design, and the crew is poorly armed.
Let's say the Aliens in Excavators have now a strong tendency to walk around the roof :)
For example ;)
Well, I think it works pretty well - it makes the UFO more dangerous, and why wouldn't the AI take advantage of this.
Let me know if it is ok todo something similar towards the Labship, and i can provide you within the next coming days,
with a upgrade package containing those changes.
Yes, absolutely. Thank you. :)
No, I certainly don't, though I would appreciate some info on what was changed.
Some screenshots of some route layouts would be ok as info i presume.
No problem, as long as the aliens start in the UFO and generally defend it, rather than go out to hunt X-Com. Fighter is a defensive design, and the crew is poorly armed.
That was actually the intension of the Importence Points and it works pretty well, even thou i am useing larger crews, but the behaviour should be similar.
Well, I think it works pretty well - it makes the UFO more dangerous, and why wouldn't the AI take advantage of this.
Enemies with flying ability are really something with this ;)
Yes, absolutely. Thank you. :)
OK, i keep you updated.
Hi Solarius,
if you do not mind, i will attach here a reworked Version of the Labship Routes.
If you find time, please take a look at them. I added Importance Points and some more nodes outside and on the roof.
Aliens with flying ability will move up to the roof and patrol there ^^
The Variant Version i made doesn't have the Cow anymore, but has instead a Lab for human experimentation.
As compensation it has a door towards the roof (haven't made the Routes for it yet thou).
See Zip File attached.
The labship is my favourite new ufo type, it really is something when the aliens jump out of that door in the south and start firing right away, cool! A good opportunity to get reaction training (or killed lol). Smoke is essential here however, otherwise the aliens will stay at the door and inside and snipe your guys off. :D
I love this ufo type! 8)
Hi Solarius,
if you do not mind, i will attach here a reworked Version of the Labship Routes.
If you find time, please take a look at them. I added Importance Points and some more nodes outside and on the roof.
I had a quick look and it looks very nice. Some people would say it's way too many nodes, but I do not think so. :)
Aliens with flying ability will move up to the roof and patrol there ^^
The Variant Version i made doesn't have the Cow anymore, but has instead a Lab for human experimentation.
As compensation it has a door towards the roof (haven't made the Routes for it yet thou).
It's OK if there's no cow in a different version, as long as it's justified by having something else. So I'm all for it.
The labship is my favourite new ufo type, it really is something when the aliens jump out of that door in the south and start firing right away, cool! A good opportunity to get reaction training (or killed lol). Smoke is essential here however, otherwise the aliens will stay at the door and inside and snipe your guys off. :D
I love this ufo type! 8)
Thanks! Do you think the same of the Supply Ship with the loading gate? ;)
@Solarius: I've just seen a quite nice Boomasaurus corpse in Ivan's LP. Maybe you can re-use it for the Salamandron corpse? Currently Salamandron corpse looks like a Reaper corpse, which somehow doesn't fit...
@Solarius: I've just seen a quite nice Boomasaurus corpse in Ivan's LP.
Heh heh, I tend to think about it as the "cheapest corpse-gfx in the mod" :)
A long promised gift is now here attached.
Solarius there is a Readme.txt in the Zip file please read it for further Information.
- Reworked Routes for Fighters, Sentry Ships, Excavators and the Labships
- Fixed Sentry, Excavator and Labship Maps
- 3 New Labship Maps (1 turned Version, 1 variant with turned Version)
@Solarius: I've just seen a quite nice Boomasaurus corpse in Ivan's LP. Maybe you can re-use it for the Salamandron corpse? Currently Salamandron corpse looks like a Reaper corpse, which somehow doesn't fit...
Yeah, I've meant to do it, just forgot. :)
A long promised gift is now here attached.
Solarius there is a Readme.txt in the Zip file please read it for further Information.
- Reworked Routes for Fighters, Sentry Ships, Excavators and the Labships
- Fixed Sentry, Excavator and Labship Maps
- 3 New Labship Maps (1 turned Version, 1 variant with turned Version)
Excellent! You serve the Federation well, soldier! :)
I'll integrate it ASAP.
Excellent! You serve the Federation well, soldier! :)
I'll integrate it ASAP.
I will work on a few more variants of all types, but i am gonna push them towards you in packages. May take while thou.
I will work on a few more variants of all types, but i am gonna push them towards you in packages. May take while thou.
If you do so, I have a request: can you please add info on which UFO type is which? Because if all I see is UFO210.map, I don't know at first if it's a Labship, a Sentry or what, so I need to check it in MapView and it's a bit of a hassle. A short text info would be perfectly enough (or the ruleset).
If you do so, I have a request: can you please add info on which UFO type is which? Because if all I see is UFO210.map, I don't know at first if it's a Labship, a Sentry or what, so I need to check it in MapView and it's a bit of a hassle. A short text info would be perfectly enough (or the ruleset).
Ok :)
UFO_180 = Fighter
UFO_190 = Sentry Ship
UFO_200 = Excavator
UFO_210 = Labship
I decided to build upon the vanilla naming system of UFO's.
When I research rail weapons, i can manufacture rail rifle and rail sniper rifle but the ufopedia entries for them do not appear.
When I research rail weapons, i can manufacture rail rifle and rail sniper rifle but the ufopedia entries for them do not appear.
Have you researched Gauss Rifle and Gauss Sniper Rifle?
yes i have
did you mean:
1/ when you researched topic "railguns", the ufopedia articles for "rail rifle" and "rail sniper rifle" did not pop up automatically?
2/ when you researched topic "railguns", and you went to ufopedia to manually look for articles "rail rifle" and "rail sniper rifle" you didn't find them anywhere?
if you meant 1/ then it is as it's supposed to be
if you meant 2/ can you tell us which version of openxcom and FMP are you using? maybe provide a save file too?
ok nvm i found it. there were so many entries that it got lost.
thx :)
hmmm what's a good short range weapon when ur at gauss/rail tech level? gauss rifle doesnt have auto and rail rifle has very high auto TU cost and low accuracy.
@chrysalidskilledmydog: flamethrower and toxigun
I just got this error (see attachment).
Also, even without ever researching any MiB laser weapons, after researching "advanced laser weapons" I can see all new laser weapons in the ufopedia... I guess that's not intended.
Solarius screwed up the Mapnumbers :P
i found some bugs on Excavator Maps!
See attached zip file, with the patchesones.
Many thanks Razor, patch was merged. (I'll have to do a release soon.)
In the meantime, I'm wasting time, as evident in the attachment... But it works and is quite charming. :P
(Sprite taken from Diablo.)
Many thanks Razor, patch was merged. (I'll have to do a release soon.)
In the meantime, I'm wasting time, as evident in the attachment... But it works and is quite charming. :P
(Sprite taken from Diablo.)
Is that a Diablo 2 Scorpion? Will you add it as a Terrorunit?
Btw Solarius do you wanna have the "Armored Cyberdisc" and "Armored Sectopod" Sprites?
Is that a Diablo 2 Scorpion? Will you add it as a Terrorunit?
Yeah. I have no specific plans for it now, I was just playing around. Maybe someone would want it.
Btw Solarius do you wanna have the "Armored Cyberdisc" and "Armored Sectopod" Sprites?
I don't know anything about these. Tell me more :)
Yeah. I have no specific plans for it now, I was just playing around. Maybe someone would want it.
I don't know anything about these. Tell me more :)
I am referring to those guy here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg47228.html#msg47228)
SolariusScorch: Maybe you want to add this mapblock to your MIB Terror mission: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2180.msg48602.html#msg48602
And I also edited the layout of the Triton/Skysomething addon a bit (made it smaller, corrected lights and map-scanner-icons). Here you go. You will need the original files from (iirc) page 114, this is just a hotfix. :)
And yes, actually I had not intended this as an official replacement, it's just a fun alternative. :)
I am referring to those guy here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg47228.html#msg47228)
Ah, right. I like them, but aren't they recolours? There are several Sectopod versions in the FMP (including one that is completely different, by Harry), and also coloured Cyberdiscs.
SolariusScorch: Maybe you want to add this mapblock to your MIB Terror mission: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2180.msg48602.html#msg48602
Why not? It looks rather fine. A bit modest and emptyish, but I guess you can't really do more with the original mapblocks. I'll try to add it and see how it goes.
And I also edited the layout of the Triton/Skysomething addon a bit (made it smaller, corrected lights and map-scanner-icons). Here you go. You will need the original files from (iirc) page 114, this is just a hotfix. :)
And yes, actually I had not intended this as an official replacement, it's just a fun alternative. :)
OK, I'll have a look too. :) Though I don't think we can make it smaller, game-wise.
EDIT: I'll add this market when I learn how not to fuck up map generation in the process. Simply adding it to the type: fillArea (blocks and freqs) doesn't fulfil that condition, and the rest is way more mysterious to me than an average Java code.
Ah, right. I like them, but aren't they recolours? There are several Sectopod versions in the FMP (including one that is completely different, by Harry), and also coloured Cyberdiscs.
The sprites are indeed recolors, but the defined Units are for the Aliens so they have more terrorizing Terrorunits.
Mainly increased Armor, removed vulnerabilities. I will probably increase there TU's somehwat.
If you are interested feel free to "steal" them from my Mod.
@Solarius: is the new version coming out this week, or later? Just asking if I should wait a few more days, or start recording now; I want to pre-record about 12 episodes latest this weekend.
@Solarius: is the new version coming out this week, or later? Just asking if I should wait a few more days, or start recording now; I want to pre-record about 12 episodes latest this weekend.
In this case I'll release it until tomorrow. I could do it now, but I'd like to introduce the mall mapblock first (and I need someone to tell me how). If such a person doesn't manifest, I'll just push the current changes and add the block at a later time.
I just started a new game on a new computer with the latest nightly and it seems like shotguns don't give any experience/stat gains from buckshot hits. I've got a guy with two kills and he's still a rookie. Heh.
I just started a new game on a new computer with the latest nightly and it seems like shotguns don't give any experience/stat gains from buckshot hits. I've got a guy with two kills and he's still a rookie. Heh.
That's weird. I'll try to investigate, but I don't think I will be able to do much even if I confirm it - it would be a code problem.
I think you're only getting XP for hitting with the 1st pellet. AFAIK Warboy made it so to prevent getting insane XP from shotgun hits (ie for each pellet separately).
I think you're only getting XP for hitting with the 1st pellet. AFAIK Warboy made it so to prevent getting insane XP from shotgun hits (ie for each pellet separately).
Ah okay, makes sense.
Version 1.6 was released.
- Updated to the newest nightly. (Not really taking advantage of the new options yet, but hopefully won't crash on you.)
- Additions and fixes by Hellrazor: fixed an error with Fighter, errors with Excavator variants, a better route network for the Labship, Fighter and Sentry, more Labship variants.
- Some changes to descriptions: MiB lasers are no longer called MiB, X-Com advanced lasers are called nuclear lasers, Raiders are now called Mixed.
- Fixed a bug with Scatter laser not requiring Elerium.
- Fixed a bug with advanced lasers being displayed in Ufopaedia too early (thanks, Meridian).
- Added a dedicated Alloy Cannon image, by Mick the Mage.
- Added a big mall to the Expanded Urban terrain, by Civilian.
Please test it for me. :)
Ah okay, makes sense.
Version 1.6 was released.
- Updated to the newest nightly. (Not really taking advantage of the new options yet, but hopefully won't crash on you.)
- Additions and fixes by Hellrazor: fixed an error with Fighter, a better route network for the Labship, Fighter and Sentry, more Labship variants.
- Some changes to descriptions: MiB lasers are no longer called MiB, X-Com advanced lasers are called nuclear lasers, Raiders are now called Mixed.
- Fixed a bug with Scatter laser not requiring Elerium.
- Fixed a bug with advanced lasers being displayed in Ufopaedia too early (thanks, Meridian).
- Added a dedicated Alloy Cannon image, by Mick the Mage.
- Added a big mall to the Expanded Urban terrain, by Civilian.
Please test it for me. :)
You forgot to mention the Map fixes for the Excavator Maps :P Or didn't you put them in.
You forgot to mention the Map fixes for the Excavator Maps :P Or didn't you put them in.
I did, but I was sure it was the previous one; sorry! :( I'll fix it.
Did you forget to upload it? :) On openxcom.com I still see only v1.5.4
Did you forget to upload it? :) On openxcom.com I still see only v1.5.4
...I don't know what happened. :P Fixed now. Sorry!
Please test it for me. :)
OK, I tried and found the following:
1. both tiers (mib & xcom) of laser weapons are called just "laser" for me... I don't see "nuclear laser" anywhere (using en-GB)... same for ufopedia, same for production, same for inventory
EDIT: scratch that... for some reason my language reset to "ar" ??? the translation is now OK
EDIT2: but the research topic is now called "Nuclear Laser xxx" even before I research advanced laser weapons... so it says for example research of "Nuclear Laser Pistol" finished, but I can only manufacture of course Laser Pistol...
2. as I was going through ufopedia, I found more items which are displayed sooner than they should be, this time Stormtrooper Armour... I guess you should check all items, which have been changed recently in the tech tree.... I think you've updated the research tree only and forgot about ufopedia entries (and maybe even production dependencies?).
I think it was all advanced armours, some advanced craft, advanced rocket launcher with various ammo, probably some more stuff...
one word of advise, split your ruleset up.
It is much easier to implement new stuff, even when working over multiple files.
Each section one file, like the xcom1 ruleset.
OK, I tried and found the following:
1. both tiers (mib & xcom) of laser weapons are called just "laser" for me... I don't see "nuclear laser" anywhere (using en-GB)... same for ufopedia, same for production, same for inventory
It looks fine to me... I checked. Are you sure you're checking the right type of laser?
2. as I was going through ufopedia, I found more items which are displayed sooner than they should be, this time Stormtrooper Armour... I guess you should check all items, which have been changed recently in the tech tree.... I think you've updated the research tree only and forgot about ufopedia entries (and maybe even production dependencies?).
Possibly, yeah. I'll have to have a good look soon.
one word of advise, split your ruleset up.
It is much easier to implement new stuff, even when working over multiple files.
Each section one file, like the xcom1 ruleset.
I don't really want to, but I guess I'll have to. Yeah.
I don't really want to, but I guess I'll have to. Yeah.
Mine is organized like this: (extraStrings will be made into *.yml files in the future)
You could even do a organisation of the Resources (see Screenshots).
If I update my FMP install will that wreck my LP save?
I'm using FMP 1.5-ish, is there much risk of detonation here? :P
If I update my FMP install will that wreck my LP save?
1.6 should be fine (I say should be, since I don't know what version you're using etc., but I'm fairly sure it'll be OK).
1.6.1 which is in the making (and hopefully to be released, like, today or something) will require redoing research on nuclear lasers, or doctoring your save, because nuclear laser-related strings are different now (because there was a complication between weapon name and research name).
I'm using FMP 1.5-ish, is there much risk of detonation here? :P
Very little. :P
1.6.1 is there.
- Fixed wrong clip being displayed for the Rail Rifle.
- Fixed a problem with incorrect laser names during research (WARNING: may require you to research them again).
- Fixed some incorrect Ufopaedia settings (items being shown too early).
- Split the ruleset by sections.
Note that your lasers research may disappear!
Hi, Solarius
I think there's a misplacement for Kuwait City:
[66.6, 66.6, -34.31, -34.31, -1, STR_KUWAITCITY] - those coordinates are actually around Ghizil in Afghanistan...
Wikipedia says Kuwait city is around 29.4N 48E, i.e. [48.0, 48.0, -29.4, -29.4, -1, STR_KUWAITCITY]
Also, Fiji's capital [178.5, 178.5, 18.13, 18.13, -1, STR_FIJI] is Suva.
And, finally, please find attached some other cities across the world (I use a slightly modified OXC that appends instead of replace the mission zones)
Thanks, I'll post it over to the Terrain Pack thread.
Ooops - sorry - didn't know where it actually belongs.
is there any calculation on what items to manufacture for profit?
is there any calculation on what items to manufacture for profit?
Most vanilla items should work, e.g. Medikit, Motion scanner... and I've heard that Rail Cannon is also a cash cow.
I never have the time to manufacture for profit. :P I keep repairing armours and making new clips. :P
EDIT: 1.6.1b is online.
Some fixes. Thanks, Meridian.
Download doesn't work for me, don't know why...
I've reuploaded it a few times, but I can't upload anything downloadable. The site must be broken.
I'll just upload the new files for now, to be installed on 1.6.1.
EDIT: Apparently it works now. Please try again. (Note that it's still called 1.6.1, because magic.)
Ey Solarius,
i just started redoing the routes on the resized Lukes Expanded Terror Maps (i stripped the cellars and replaced some tiles for better looks). Once i am finished are you interested in those? I need to do this anyway, since we wanna mix those up with Madurban Maps in the Terrain Pack.
Ey Solarius,
i just started redoing the routes on the resized Lukes Expanded Terror Maps (i stripped the cellars and replaced some tiles for better looks). Once i am finished are you interested in those? I need to do this anyway, since we wanna mix those up with Madurban Maps in the Terrain Pack.
Sure, I haven't touched these routes, so feel free to improve on them. (Which doesn't mean you can only improve things I haven't touched. Probably. Haha.)
I found several problems. The sale is not a machete , a knife only . After investigating toxic rifle ammunition , they do not appear to produce.
Medi-kit ... will appear later ?
Congratulations to page 120.
Since version 1.5 this mod gets even better and better.
Only a small map problem with the Skymarshall.
Maybe they should install some chainsaws and sprayers filled with agent orange into the main ramp.
Thanks for the hard work.
Well, it's a jungle. ;)
Hello, everyone!
I'm back from the work on the translation of OpenApoc in Russian and I have a translation of an updated version of the FMP. As always, it contains the translation of newly added strings and some fixes in the previously translated lines.
P. S. Thanks, Solar, for keeping your modpack updated :).
Thanks Kammerer, I'll update ASAP.
I found several problems. The sale is not a machete , a knife only . After investigating toxic rifle ammunition , they do not appear to produce.
Medi-kit ... will appear later ?
Sorry I missed your post.
Machete is not available for sale, because it sucks and it wouldn't make sense for X-Com to buy it (knife is better and is the designated bladed weapon).
As for the toxic ammo, you need to research Alien Gardens in order to learn about biochemistry necessary to produce it.
As for the Medi-Kit... Yeah. You need to invest in the medical stuff to get them.
I conviniently leave some Route fixes here,
so Meridian doesn't have to complain any more about aliens camping the Labship like crazy.
Also some Minor Route fixes for the Excavators.
Next up will be Lukes Expanded Terror Maps. But not today ;)
Thank you!
Hey, everyone! ;)
A brief question - is there any possibility to switch on and off particular mods out of that compilation?
I was hoping to do that in the game, mod menu, but there was only one line with the whole MegaMod set.
That is a fantastic one compilation, without any douts, but some features are too much for me, not a good experienced Earth defender at all :)
I just want to have some graphic changes/improvements for the very beginning at OpenXcom. I tried to set up every single mod manually, but some of them are not updated anymore, since included into Final Mod Pack. And I failed and got my game broken due to some mods incompatibility. And yes, after a while, I would deffinetly want to try new options. So I don't want to dig out all the mods separately again. Just want to put a switch ON next time at the options I prefer.
I tried to find something looks like a config file in the mod dir, but there was none.
So, would anyone kindly help me with a tip or a page of that thread, where I can find the solution of my problem.
Thank you.
Not a native Eng speaker, sorry for mistakes.
Hey, everyone! ;)
A brief question - is there any possibility to switch on and off particular mods out of that compilation?
I was hoping to do that in the game, mod menu, but there was only one line with the whole MegaMod set.
That is a fantastic one compilation, without any douts, but some features are too much for me, not a good experienced Earth defender at all :)
I just want to have some graphic changes/improvements for the very beginning at OpenXcom. I tried to set up every single mod manually, but some of them are not updated anymore, since included into Final Mod Pack. And I failed and got my game broken due to some mods incompatibility. And yes, after a while, I would deffinetly want to try new options. So I don't want to dig out all the mods separately again. Just want to put a switch ON next time at the options I prefer.
I tried to find something looks like a config file in the mod dir, but there was none.
So, would anyone kindly help me with a tip or a page of that thread, where I can find the solution of my problem.
Thank you.
Not a native Eng speaker, sorry for mistakes.
Sadly no, it's not possible to run individual parts of this mod. It was the idea initially, but the various pieces have so many dependencies on each other and so many balance issues would arise that it was proven unfeasible. For example, if you have a research that depends on something added, and remove the prerequisite, then you have to modify the research to depend on something else. Also, by taking away something you can easily make the game too easy or too hard, for example because you no longer have medium-tier weapon but you can't research plasma either, because it's made to be available much later.
in the readme, there's a list of individual mods that were used, so you can just download them separately. Be warned however that they often aren't balanced against each other in their raw state, and some FMP content was never released outside this compilation.
EDIT: 1.6.2 is online.
- 1.6.2: Excavator and Labship route fixes by Hellrazor.
- Better autopsy pics by Mick the Mage.
- Updated Russian version by Kammerer.
Thanks guys, you all rock!!!
Dziękuję, Solarius Scorch!
Well then, will set up manually.
But I still think this mod strongly need some switchers, though. 70 mods is not a joke, deffinetly. I've studied the list carefully, and there are some mods that makes me so much distracted. But the wast majority sounds way too cool to miss them.
Dziękuję, Solarius Scorch!
Well then, will set up manually.
But I still think this mod strongly need some switchers, though. 70 mods is not a joke, deffinetly. I've studied the list carefully, and there are some mods that makes me so much distracted. But the wast majority sounds way too cool to miss them.
All right. All I can do to help is to give you some pointers. Just PM me or something if you have questions.
Hi, I do not know much English so that google translator FOREVER.
I have a problem, I can not in any way set the mode. I downloaded the installer and install the game using as a basis HSOM1. And where exactly to put mode'll never know, in the instructions written in the document where the user, but there is no sense to put fashion probyval to the root of the game, and surprisingly it starts to crumble but during the game. Also note that it is necessary to download Nightlies, which I downloaded and tried to put the game even longer run.
(для русских мало ли =)
Привет, я плохо знаю английский так что google переводчик форева.
У меня проблема, не могу никак установить моды. Скачал установщик и установил игру взяв за основу ХСОМ1. А куда конкретно поставить моды ума не приложу, в инструкции написано в документы, там где пользователь, но туда смысла нет ставить моды, пробывал в корень игры, и на удивление она запускается но рушиться во время самой игры. Так же обратил внимание что надо скачивать Nightlies, я их скачал и попробовал поставить, игра вообще перестала запускаться)
Answered that man in PM. In Russian.
Thanks Kammerer, I'll update ASAP.
Sorry I missed your post.
Machete is not available for sale, because it sucks and it wouldn't make sense for X-Com to buy it (knife is better and is the designated bladed weapon).
As for the toxic ammo, you need to research Alien Gardens in order to learn about biochemistry necessary to produce it.
As for the Medi-Kit... Yeah. You need to invest in the medical stuff to get them.
Then why is the machete in ufopedii ? If you can not buy?
Would you like to make any weapon able to strike and stun ?
The "civilian" weapons are documented in Ufopedia so that if you recover some in a battle, you know their stats.
The "civilian" weapons are documented in Ufopedia so that if you recover some in a battle, you know their stats.
Exactly. You may encounter these weapons (machete, uzi, kalashnikov, domestic shotgun etc.) and can keep/use them, but it doesn't make much sense since they're crap and you can buy much better ones in the store.
I could add them to the store of course, but again, they're generally sub-par when compared to standard X-Com equipment and would just clutter the purchase list.
In fact Solarius, you could make them non-recoverable (recover=false). If the player never really needs to keep and use them, it doesn't change a thing, and this lets you reduce the amount of Ufopedia "new info" (for old players).
In fact Solarius, you could make them non-recoverable (recover=false). If the player never really needs to keep and use them, it doesn't change a thing, and this lets you reduce the amount of Ufopedia "new info" (for old players).
You are right, but then I don't want to take it away from people who just want to use AK-47 for fun. I feel it would be unfounded to prevent them from doing so just because I said so. If they don't want to, they can always sell it - missions with these are rare enough to not make this a problem.
Is it normal to see almost 10 excavators in one month? I've just restarted with FMP, and my first month has been a lot of landed excavators with Sectoids near my base. Not complaining, because I'm making moolah. I just seemed odd to have so many.
Is it normal to see almost 10 excavators in one month? I've just restarted with FMP, and my first month has been a lot of landed excavators with Sectoids near my base. Not complaining, because I'm making moolah. I just seemed odd to have so many.
No, it's not normal. But it can happen. :) It's just RNG trolling you (unsuccessfully, like you said).
BTW Excavators are great for having so many Engineers. Engineers are crucial in FMP.
That's good to know. I do have 2 live engineers already, so my last mission I better get one more (last day of the month).
Hi, it's me again, thank you very much for the assembly, it is amazing.
Can I add mode to the assembly? it will not break?
I want to put this is https://www.openxcom.com/mod/mass-accelerator-weapons (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/mass-accelerator-weapons)
Nobody came up with mod night vision goggles? annoying me that people see on 9 cells, while 20 aliens
Hi, it's me again, thank you very much for the assembly, it is amazing.
Thank you, good sir.
Can I add mode to the assembly? it will not break?
I want to put this is https://www.openxcom.com/mod/mass-accelerator-weapons (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/mass-accelerator-weapons)
No, it won't break, and isn't even very unbalancing (you need to research heavy plasma first, which is hard in FMP). But you would have to remove or change STR_HEAVY_LASER dependency, because FMP has no STR_HEAVY_LASER research, so you'll never be able to research accelerators.
Nobody came up with mod night vision goggles? annoying me that people see on 9 cells, while 20 aliens
This is possible in Openxcom Extended. The Piratez Extended mod uses it to good effect.
Hi Solarius,
fresh out of the Mapeditor (i tested them of course), i hereby present you with "Lukes Expanded Terror Reworked".
All routes have been either fixes or completly remade.
Several wall tiles and details have been fixed, for full experience.
I also stripped away the cellars and the underground levels, since they caused serious trouble.
Also some teasers attachend.;)
Solarius please read the README.TXT in the zip file.
Awesome, thanks. I'll take care of this right when it gets cooler. :)
Awesome, thanks. I'll take care of this right when it gets cooler. :)
I hope the people will like it.
Removing the cellars is the most biggest change.
In any case i can't see Mapview for a week, especially after doing ~140 routenodes today on CF18....
Modes on a permanent day doesn't always work. Maybe it's worth add mod "MASS ACCELERATOR WEAPONS" in the build?
That apartment building looks like a nightmare to breach in a terror mission...
I imagine Chryssalids lurking under the beds. :'(
But that was your plan all along, wasn't it?
That apartment building looks like a nightmare to breach in a terror mission...
I imagine Chryssalids lurking under the beds. :'(
But that was your plan all along, wasn't it?
Hey, I think there is some contradiction in the Gauss UFOpedia entries regarding overheating and autofire:
STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: "Gauss weapons feature a powerful coil which propels small projectiles using electromagnetic force. Gauss bullets are much faster than traditional bullets, and therefore much more powerful, but also have a rather short range, since they quickly burn up in the atmosphere. Due to the extreme heat produced by Gauss weapons they are capable of automatic fire."
STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "An extended and modified version of the Gauss Pistol, the Gauss Rifle is a very accurate and extremely powerful hand weapon. The bullets' small size allow for a large clip that takes long to deplete. The weapon's obvious downside is lack of autofire setting, as it would cause instant overheating."
The first one is probably a typo, should probably read like this:
STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: ...Due to the extreme heat produced by Gauss weapons they are incapable/not capable of automatic fire."
Also, now that Laser Cannons have an elerium cost, are motion scanners basically the best thing to manufacture for profit?
Hello Solarius,
may i interest you in something devious and devilish for the FMP?
If so click here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg49609.html#msg49609)
Hey, I think there is some contradiction in the Gauss UFOpedia entries regarding overheating and autofire:
STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: "Gauss weapons feature a powerful coil which propels small projectiles using electromagnetic force. Gauss bullets are much faster than traditional bullets, and therefore much more powerful, but also have a rather short range, since they quickly burn up in the atmosphere. Due to the extreme heat produced by Gauss weapons they are capable of automatic fire."
STR_GAUSS_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "An extended and modified version of the Gauss Pistol, the Gauss Rifle is a very accurate and extremely powerful hand weapon. The bullets' small size allow for a large clip that takes long to deplete. The weapon's obvious downside is lack of autofire setting, as it would cause instant overheating."
The first one is probably a typo, should probably read like this:
STR_GAUSS_WEAPONS_UFOPEDIA: ...Due to the extreme heat produced by Gauss weapons they are incapable/not capable of automatic fire."
Yes, indeed. A funny one. Thanks.
Also, now that Laser Cannons have an elerium cost, are motion scanners basically the best thing to manufacture for profit?
I dunno, I never cared about such stuff. I just made the prices look okay.
Hello Solarius,
may i interest you in something devious and devilish for the FMP?
If so click here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg49609.html#msg49609)
Devilish, yes. ;) I'll think about something.
I got kinda stuck as I spent alien electronics I got early in the game on the stormtrooper armors and now I cannot build Avenger to finish the game. Tried raiding base and landed ufos, but got nothing. I am one year in the game and have pretty much everything but the 1 electronics part to build the avenger.
Also please reduce the gain for HWP gauss and rail shells (I pretty much stop there as I made buttload of money and did not need to bother anymore, perhaps there are others imba items). They earn 340 per human hour so it is game breaking (and I cannot resist :)). I believe there are more. Ideally cap for the production should be 50 $/h balance wise.
gold ship 1 whole game?
Thank you, this is a great mod! But i've encountered an issue. Some event appears at 21 feb 1999 (6:11:30am) that crashes the game:
"Assertion failed!...
File: Ruleset/RuleRegion.cpp
Line: 216
Expression 0 && "Invalid zone number"
I can't determine what and where appears, so i attach my savegame. Hope someone can help me to work this out.
Got the last version of OpenXcom (1.0 GIT, 2015-08-12), FMP ver1.6.2. No other mods installed, only FMP.
Thanks in advance!
Where can I get 1 alien electronics to finish the game? I spent mine and cannot get a new one no matter what.
I tried destroying cyberdiscs by AP, laser, explosions. Advanced and basic MIBs, killing sectopods by melee and whatnot. I let all possible ufos that land and finished the mission. I destroyed alien base. Still no electronics. I got nothing after I researched it and as I did waste it on 2 stormtroopers armors I cannot finish the game now as I cannot build Avenger. This is kinda game-breaking.
Where can I get 1 alien electronics to finish the game? I spent mine and cannot get a new one no matter what.
You can extract it from:
- MiB Stormtrooper corpse
- Sectopod corpse
- Cybermite corpse
- Cyberdisc corpse
I got kinda stuck as I spent alien electronics I got early in the game on the stormtrooper armors and now I cannot build Avenger to finish the game. Tried raiding base and landed ufos, but got nothing. I am one year in the game and have pretty much everything but the 1 electronics part to build the avenger.
Like Meridian said, you can "make" Alien Electronics by disassembling certain units. It's not exactly easy, but perfectly doable.
Also please reduce the gain for HWP gauss and rail shells (I pretty much stop there as I made buttload of money and did not need to bother anymore, perhaps there are others imba items). They earn 340 per human hour so it is game breaking (and I cannot resist :)). I believe there are more. Ideally cap for the production should be 50 $/h balance wise.
Sure, I'll fix that. Since I never produced for money, I'm not very good at balancing this.
gold ship 1 whole game?
Can you please rephrase it in English?
If you mean you've only encountered one such ship in your campaign, then it's pretty normal - this is supposed to be rare.
Thank you, this is a great mod! But i've encountered an issue. Some event appears at 21 feb 1999 (6:11:30am) that crashes the game:
"Assertion failed!...
File: Ruleset/RuleRegion.cpp
Line: 216
Expression 0 && "Invalid zone number"
Ouch. I can't say what it is straight away, since I won't have the time to check before the weekend, but it's probably something like a terror mission in a region with no cities. To continue, I suggest opening your save in a text editor (I recommend EditPad or Notepad++) and deleting all alien missions, just in case. New missions will be spawned next month.
Ouch. I can't say what it is straight away, since I won't have the time to check before the weekend, but it's probably something like a terror mission in a region with no cities. To continue, I suggest opening your save in a text editor (I recommend EditPad or Notepad++) and deleting all alien missions, just in case. New missions will be spawned next month.
But he should post the missions here too, so we can have a look and diagnose if it might be that ;) If he just deletes them, we will never know and then someone else might run into the same bug!
But he should post the missions here too, so we can have a look and diagnose if it might be that ;) If he just deletes them, we will never know and then someone else might run into the same bug!
Ky3bMu4 attached the save, so I hope I will post it when I know the cause. ;)
Ah! Missed that! All good then :D Onwards to a bug free FMP!
I totally forgot that I need to dismantle the sectopod/cyberdisc/MIB stormtrooper ... oops :). Anyway I edited my save earlier and finished the game in like 10 minutes (got kinda OP squad). I play UFO for almost 20 years (all 7,5 strat. games) and I must admit a really enjoyed it with your mod so kudos. Can't wait for the new X-com2 now :)
I mean that's the ship (https://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1508/5a/630b19d1abdd.png)
He appeared only once. For the past five years, it is not, it is a norm?
Yes, this one is intentionally very rare.
I have no idea what is wrong with Ky3bMu4's save, and at this point I'm afraid to ask.
I mean that's the ship (https://s016.radikal.ru/i334/1508/5a/630b19d1abdd.png)
He appeared only once. For the past five years, it is not, it is a norm?
You were actually extremely lucky to see that ship even once. I've gone through, iunno, over a decade of gameplay without seeing that thing.
Ey Solarius :)
Just found some really minor Bugs on 2 of the LabShip Maps.
Fixed Maps attached (i renamed them already for you :))
Ey Solarius :)
Just found some really minor Bugs on 2 of the LabShip Maps.
Fixed Maps attached (i renamed them already for you :))
Yay thanks :D Renaming is much appreciated too :D
Hey guys, a thanks, a bug report, and a mod offer:
First, the most important part. I've been playing with this mod for a few months now and I'm really enjoying the work you've put in. This has completely revitalized my interest in XCOM, which I previously hadn't played for almost a decade. New weapons, new enemies, new maps, and a much longer play cycle really bring this experience together. So, thanks for bringing this world back to life.
Second, a bug report you may or may not be aware of. When I started encountering Sectoid guardians I stuck enough darts in it to knock it out, only to have the game crash each time I ended the mission. Going back to the save I confirmed that by destroying the captive or killing the guardian the game was able to continue. This has persisted between 1.54 and 1.61, and has occurred each time I've found these foes. I might suggest that there's something off about the base item, but I don't really know. I can provide a save, if it's useful.
Thirdly, over the course of play I've put together a small handful of modifications that I think add to the game. It's a weird combination of a few new units (like a manufactured attack dog wearing synth-suit armor) and a few little balance changes (like adding strength to the damage of the elerium mace, which I personally believe underpowered considering its accuracy deficit against the stun rod). They rely on the other mods, though, and wouldn't work as a standalone. I don't know if you're interested or not, but if so I could post them up for perusal.
Hey guys, a thanks, a bug report, and a mod offer:
First, the most important part. I've been playing with this mod for a few months now and I'm really enjoying the work you've put in. This has completely revitalized my interest in XCOM, which I previously hadn't played for almost a decade. New weapons, new enemies, new maps, and a much longer play cycle really bring this experience together. So, thanks for bringing this world back to life.
Thank you. This is exactly why modders mod. :) (also to add boobs to their games, but that's another matter)
Second, a bug report you may or may not be aware of. When I started encountering Sectoid guardians I stuck enough darts in it to knock it out, only to have the game crash each time I ended the mission. Going back to the save I confirmed that by destroying the captive or killing the guardian the game was able to continue. This has persisted between 1.54 and 1.61, and has occurred each time I've found these foes. I might suggest that there's something off about the base item, but I don't really know. I can provide a save, if it's useful.
Hmm. I can't say I'm very surprised, since they're a late addition and I could never find them in my campaign to test them properly. I guess you are right, something must be missing in relation to the geoscape item "live Sectoid Guardian". Should be easy to fix, I'll have a look later today.
Thirdly, over the course of play I've put together a small handful of modifications that I think add to the game. It's a weird combination of a few new units (like a manufactured attack dog wearing synth-suit armor) and a few little balance changes (like adding strength to the damage of the elerium mace, which I personally believe underpowered considering its accuracy deficit against the stun rod). They rely on the other mods, though, and wouldn't work as a standalone. I don't know if you're interested or not, but if so I could post them up for perusal.
Sure I'm interested. Can't say much without seeing it, but I have nothing against upgraded dogs, and the mace can be looked at again (the entire stunning equipment is a bit of a mess, since I don't like the basic Stun Rod hitting automatically, but on the other hand making captures harder would probably scare away the players). Just drop it somewhere here or whatever suits you, and I'll have a look.
Ey Solarius,
would you be interest in some other Power Suits / Flying Suits Sprites?
I am just putting together some standalones. I post some Screenshots later.
Ey Solarius,
would you be interest in some other Power Suits / Flying Suits Sprites?
I am just putting together some standalones. I post some Screenshots later.
You know I am. :)
You know I am. :)
I just noticed that i actually did the same sprites you already had in the FMP for Moriaties Power/Flying Suit :D
So nevermind this.
I just noticed that i actually did the same sprites you already had in the FMP for Moriaties Power/Flying Suit :D
So nevermind this.
No problem. :D I'm thinking of some upgraded versions anyway, with less movement restrictions. I know the penalty to TUs is controversial, but I still believe it profitable to the balance. Still, for those who want to get to the very end of the tech tree it could be attractive to get a faster armour of similar values.
Version 1.6.3 released.
- Integrated Luke's Extended Terror, modified by Hellrazor (under Urban Alternative).
- Gauss and railgun tanks ammo is cheaper to sell now.
- Added a Small Scout to the Alien Terror wave.
- Fixed a problem with Harvester maps (by re-applying maps by Grzegorz).
- Fixed a bug with catching Sectoid Guardians crashing the game.
- Added some missing listOrder flags for sorting research items.
The rare geoscape crash problem still persists, sorry. I just can't find it yet.
Hi Solarius,
Check the positions of your cities!
- [308.54, 308.54, -64, -64, -1, STR_NUUK]
- [308.8, 308.8, -64.07, -64.07, -2, STR_NUUK]
Don't bother of the different texture asignment, your not useing the Port Attack mission from the Terrainpack.
This just a example, which might lead to crashes, since craft trying to land on those location, will lead to crashes.
It is also possible that your missionszones are somewhat off.
I presume you are using the older Version of the TerrainPack stuff,
i assume Version 3.6.
Here is a diff of the City Locations between Version 3.6 and Version 3.7
< - [337.68, 337.68, -64.39, -64.39, -2, STR_REYKJAVIK]
> - [337.99, 337.99, -64.47, -64.47, -2, STR_REYKJAVIK]
< - [3.125, 3.125, -6.20, -6.20, -1, STR_LAGOS]
> - [3.10, 3.10, -6.36, -6.36, -1, STR_LAGOS]
< - [67, 67, -24.875, -24.875, -1, STR_KARACHI]
> - [67.39, 67.39, -24.9, -24.9, -1, STR_KARACHI]
< - [132.02, 132.02, -33.03, -33.03, -1, STR_HIROSHIMA]
> - [131.87, 131.87, -33.88, -33.88, -1, STR_HIROSHIMA]
< - [141.27, 141.27, -43.66, -43.66, -1, STR_SAPPORO]
> - [141.46, 141.46, -43.69, -43.69, -1, STR_SAPPORO]
< - [180.13, 180.13, -63.86, -63.86, -2, STR_ANADYR]
> - [179.31, 179.31, -63.91, -63.91, -2, STR_ANADYR]
< - [308.54, 308.54, -64, -64, -2, STR_NUUK]
> - [308.8, 308.8, -64.07, -64.07, -2, STR_NUUK]
First line is Version 3.6 and second line is Version 3.7 respective.
Those changes were made because of random geoscape crashes, which originated from Cities which were not properly sitting on land locations.
You can follow this up if you are interested in it, in the Terrain Pack Thread, see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg44410.html#msg44410).
I hope correcting these city locations, will fix those random crashes for all FMP users.
Best regards hellrazor
EDIT: but you also wanna check your Australian mission zone see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg43789.html#msg43789)
Many thanks for the cities fixes, I've been meaning to do it for some time.
but you also wanna check your Australian mission zone see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg43789.html#msg43789)
It looks to me the same as mine, with the exception of not having Fiji.
Sorry for the spam,
No problem, but you can just merge these posts by editing, no? :)
Many thanks for the cities fixes, I've been meaning to do it for some time.
It looks to me the same as mine, with the exception of not having Fiji.
No problem, but you can just merge these posts by editing, no? :)
Done ;)
Was watching the last Meridian's video and the Holodrone seems to be missing "constantAnimation: true" for its armor type, since it stands completely still instead of spinning around:
Was watching the last Meridian's video and the Holodrone seems to be missing "constantAnimation: true" for its armor type, since it stands completely still instead of spinning around:
That's curious, I never knew it was animated. :) Another quick fix.
EDIT: Not as quick. Which routine would that need? Because it's not animating for me.
That's curious, I never knew it was animated. :) Another quick fix.
EDIT: Not as quick. Which routine would that need? Because it's not animating for me.
Try this, but adept the Armor values accordingly:
spriteSheet: HOLODRONE.PCK
allowInv: false
frontArmor: 20
sideArmor: 20
rearArmor: 20
underArmor: 20
drawingRoutine: 16
constantAnimation: true
movementType: 1
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.5
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 1.0
- 0.0
loftempsSet: [ 4 ]
Thanks Hellrazor, this did the trick... Uh, I mean, I added the constantAnimation: true flag to another armour by mistake. *facepalm*
Yeah the routine is 16 (Biodrone).
Maybe you checked the wrong version of the mod? Gazer mod has two versions (exactly because of drawingroutine differences for the Holodrone): a 1.0-compatible legacy version, and a nightly-compatible current version. FMP AFAIK uses nightly, so you should use the latter version (IIRC even the sprite is different).
Yeah the routine is 16 (Biodrone).
Maybe you checked the wrong version of the mod? Gazer mod has two versions (exactly because of drawingroutine differences for the Holodrone): a 1.0-compatible legacy version, and a nightly-compatible current version. FMP AFAIK uses nightly, so you should use the latter version (IIRC even the sprite is different).
Yeah, thanks, it was another problem that was simply an omission.
Anyway, looks like I'll have to release the next version sooner than I thought...
Btw Solarius you didn't mentioned the minor Mappatches i gave you, do you forget to put them in?
Btw Solarius you didn't mentioned the minor Mappatches i gave you, do you forget to put them in?
Aww, sorry, I think I forgot to mention it. I'll credit you in the next version. Many apologies.
EDIT: Version 1.6.4 is online.
- Fixed some globe map issues.
- New Chtonite death scream (taken from Daedalus' pack for the FMP - so I sort of canonized it).
- Fixed Holodrone's animation.
Question, is this still not compatible with Commendations mod? Or is it me? I can't get them to work together. I have the latest nightly and the Commendations nightly version as well. It would always crash when entering a battle. :(
Question, is this still not compatible with Commendations mod? Or is it me? I can't get them to work together. I have the latest nightly and the Commendations nightly version as well. It would always crash when entering a battle. :(
It crashes for me too, on Geoscape. I don't know why, no idea how to check.
I'm getting a crash when it goes to the first alien turn during a terror mission. Thankfully I can just abort the mission and keep going.
EDIT: I just saw that you updated the mod so I'll point out that I was using 1.6.3 if it matters.
I'm getting a crash when it goes to the first alien turn during a terror mission. Thankfully I can just abort the mission and keep going.
EDIT: I just saw that you updated the mod so I'll point out that I was using 1.6.3 if it matters.
Sorry about that. I can't see anything immediately wrong, so it's probably some problem with nodes.
Does it happen when you load a save before the battle and generate a new map? (Toggling the save scumming option may be necessary.) If it loads just fine, then it's 99% a nodes problem and I'll notify Hobbes about this.
(On a side note, responding to this post crashed my browser. -_- )
Sorry about that. I can't see anything immediately wrong, so it's probably some problem with nodes.
Does it happen when you load a save before the battle and generate a new map? (Toggling the save scumming option may be necessary.) If it loads just fine, then it's 99% a nodes problem and I'll notify Hobbes about this.
(On a side note, responding to this post crashed my browser. -_- )
I made a save right before (I'll post it in case it helps) and the same thing happened. I tried it with save scumming and the first turn loaded fine. I'd say it's a map issue like you said.
On the plus side I was going to try and brave fighting Chryssalids, which likely would have ended badly. So the bug might have saved some of my grunts lives.
Solarius, would be nice to have a fmp also for opentfdt, what about? Thare are hundres of sprites along the forum, that may be adapted for tne game, so no need to make brand new from scrath ;D
Solarius, would be nice to have a fmp also for opentfdt, what about? Thare are hundres of sprites along the forum, that may be adapted for tne game, so no need to make brand new from scrath ;D
Sure, go ahead. :P
Sure, go ahead. :P
for instance, helping this openTFTD project (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3914.0.html) would be great, see my suggestion in there!! 8)
I feel that the tech tree could use some work. The biggest issue is that Elerium-115 can be research only after getting one of the random topics. This leads to things like unlocking gear that uses Elerium-115 long before you know what the heck the magic space rocks even do (in my latest game I had railguns and nuclear lasers well before I researched Elerium). I'd change it so that you can research it pretty early (around the same time as alien alloy, so maybe after you research your first engineer), but can't use it for anything advanced.
I also found two error in city names. First St. John's (Newfoundland, Canada) is misspelled as St John. Secondly Happy Valley-Goose Bay is spelled Goosebay. While the Happy Valley part isn't a must (the two places merged), there should be a space in there.
Those two error were easy to pick up since I live in St. John's. I must say it was fun to have a local terror mission even if the map had palm trees in what should be a boreal forest... Nice job RNG!
I feel that the tech tree could use some work. The biggest issue is that Elerium-115 can be research only after getting one of the random topics. This leads to things like unlocking gear that uses Elerium-115 long before you know what the heck the magic space rocks even do (in my latest game I had railguns and nuclear lasers well before I researched Elerium).
This shouldn't happen, since UFO Power Source is needed for these advancements. I'll check if there is an error in the tech tree.
The only thing that actually allows use of Elerium without researching it is the Ironfist transporter, using the principle of parroting alien tech without understanding it (put som E-115 in the alien engine, press a button, enjoy the power). But the general power output is poor.
I also found two error in city names. First St. John's (Newfoundland, Canada) is misspelled as St John. Secondly Happy Valley-Goose Bay is spelled Goosebay. While the Happy Valley part isn't a must (the two places merged), there should be a space in there.
These names were taken from another mod, by another personh. I haven't personally checked every city on Earth against a map, only visually, and since I've never heard of these places before, I couldn't catch it. Considering one is an ordinary medium-sized town and the other is a big village, I feel excused. :P But of course I will correct it.
Those two error were easy to pick up since I live in St. John's. I must say it was fun to have a local terror mission even if the map had palm trees in what should be a boreal forest... Nice job RNG!
Well, I guess it was worth keeping it in the mod then. ;)
This shouldn't happen, since UFO Power Source is needed for these advancements. I'll check if there is an error in the tech tree.
The only thing that actually allows use of Elerium without researching it is the Ironfist transporter, using the principle of parroting alien tech without understanding it (put som E-115 in the alien engine, press a button, enjoy the power). But the general power output is poor.
Well the thing is you can research and use the UFO Power Source before you can even name the fuel. At the same time you can use it to fuel lasers or rail guns. What I was saying is that you should at least be able to name it before you use it. With alien alloy you can research it, but you can't really use it for much really early. Personal Armour for example requires a second research (which takes any live alien I think). I was thinking that you get the E-115 topic as soon as you find it, but to use it you still need the other info as it already is.
To sum it up I just found it werid that you could use a weird space rock as a power source without even naming it.
To sum it up I just found it werid that you could use a weird space rock as a power source without even naming it.
Well, it's an understandable concern, I'll think about it.
EDIT: I think it looks better now. :) Will go to the next release.
Dear Solarius
havin tryed the 1.6.4 verison i've noticed some inconguencies
1) Since there is an assault rifle there may be no need to include the vanilla one, also because share same ammo
2) In the ufopedia there are ak-47 and uzi but cannot buy them (!??!?!) but in the meantime there's a machine gun. My advice is: include ak and uzi, and assault rifle and smg may be improved verison on these weapons, to be researched and manufactured (basically a swap, kinda)
3) if uzi finds its way may be slight modified to broaden the barrel and made less higher, like the real one:
Concept idea: (https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/86/Uzi_1.jpg/300px-Uzi_1.jpg)
(from wikipedia :D )
Hope you'd appreciate :)
Dear Solarius
havin tryed the 1.6.4 verison i've noticed some inconguencies
1) Since there is an assault rifle there may be no need to include the vanilla one, also because share same ammo
2) In the ufopedia there are ak-47 and uzi but cannot buy them (!??!?!) but in the meantime there's a machine gun. My advice is: include ak and uzi, and assault rifle and smg may be improved verison on these weapons, to be researched and manufactured (basically a swap, kinda)
1) While there might be some truth to that I have found both rifles useful. I tend to mix the two and have a mix of them on my main troops. The AR is much better inside the UFOs, but worse at shooting outside at long range. Thus my AR guys tend to be the first ones in while the rifle guys cover them from farther back.
2) Those weapons are used by two new ingame factions that use mostly earth weapons. They start off much weaker then X-COM and are not much of a threat if you have good armour (with Personal Armour only RPGs and TNT are any threat to you unti they get advanced weapons). I think they are meant more as favouring to set the factions apart from X-Com.
1) While there might be some truth to that I have found both rifles useful. I tend to mix the two and have a mix of them on my main troops. The AR is much better inside the UFOs, but worse at shooting outside at long range. Thus my AR guys tend to be the first ones in while the rifle guys cover them from farther back.
2) Those weapons are used by two new ingame factions that use mostly earth weapons. They start off much weaker then X-COM and are not much of a threat if you have good armour (with Personal Armour only RPGs and TNT are any threat to you unti they get advanced weapons). I think they are meant more as favouring to set the factions apart from X-Com.
Thanks for explanation. Actually, i suppose they're usable once recovered :)
The skyranger in FMP has the sidedoor, near the cockpit, like the one feature in New Skyranger mod by Aldorn? (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=1145.0) If not please, i reallly like it. Plus the standard exit always cost a xcom operative slaughter when engagin!
Yesterday tryed FMP 1.6.4 it at superhuman, and by 3 month i lost 1 skyranger, have been beaten at 3 terror sites and retreated from 1 ground assault, it's really hell on earth (cit) ;D
Hey Solarious, may you give some research hint to achieve laser weapons, without too much spoiler of course, please?
Version 1.7 is online.
- Modified the tech tree to make Elerium a prerequisite to all energy stuff.
- Better starting Melee for X-Com units.
- Fixed Canadian city spelling mistakes.
Is there a problem with the modsite atm as I get the attached when trying to download v1.7.
Is there a problem with the modsite atm as I get the attached when trying to download v1.7.
Hmm, I've reuploaded it, try it now.
Yep got it fine, I was wondering if the attached diagram for the research tree is out of date now or is it still valid as it's from v1.5.2.a. Can't remember whether this came with this version or someone on the forum constructed it.
Yep got it fine, I was wondering if the attached diagram for the research tree is out of date now or is it still valid as it's from v1.5.2.a. Can't remember whether this came with this version or someone on the forum constructed it.
Yes, this magnificent tech tree made by Meridian it is outdated now. The changes are: Elerium-115 now requires only UFO Power Source (and the item of course) and then leads to the Elerium Battery stuff. Topics that required Elerium-115 before now require Delta Radiation, and possibly also Elerium-115.
Thanks for the update, I thought it might have been Meridian but it should be a rough guide if I get stuck at any point. When I'm playing though I like to have a printed out version beside me though I'm still figuring out how to make it appear larger as it's so detailed, which isn't a complaint, when I print out a copy of it the writing is very small that I almost need a magnifying glass to see some of the entries. I've tried various apps(Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, Paint, Photo Gallery and Windows Photo Viewer) to open it with to see if I can maybe print it out larger over 2 pages but no luck yet, any suggestions?
I have it printed out on A3 paper and it looks quite OK.
I guess you have used A4, which indeed is too small for this.
Btw. I will update the diagram to v1.7 today or tomorrow... so maybe wait a little bit before you print another copy.
Thanks Meridian and yes it's an a4 printer.
Those two error were easy to pick up since I live in St. John's. I must say it was fun to have a local terror mission even if the map had palm trees in what should be a boreal forest... Nice job RNG!
Actually the RNG wasn't involved but rather the globe settings. This will be fixed for the next version of the Terrain Pack.
Researching Chtonite Medic researches a random alien (corpse or captive) instead of Chtonite Medic. After researching, I can continue to research the medic. So far, at least Cerebral Larva autopsy and Celatid have been researched, havent even seen one of those yet. Not sure if it is related to something else or not, but am more than happy to help troubleshoot.
Edit to the above post, it seems to have gone away after researching medi-gas grenade. I have a save file from before I researched it if it is wanted.
I've compared the Chtonite Medic entry to other Medics and they look the same to me, at least for now. Have you researched any other Medics?
I think the confusion here is pretty basic.
@MakingUserSoIDontGetFined: Medics in general (including Chtonite Medic) are giving you information about other alien races too. They give you one random alien autopsy or live alien information. What you described is normal behaviour. You could continue researching Chtonite Medic, because you probably had more than 1 in the alien containment. If you had 20, you could research it 20 times...
Could someone tell me where I can turn off the "item is destroyed on research" option.
Also, can I turn off Psionics without affecting the mod?
Thanks in advance and thanks for all your efforts with the mod.
Could someone tell me where I can turn off the "item is destroyed on research" option.
In main menu, click on "Options", then click on "Advanced" and find entry called "Spend researched items"... then click on it until it says "NO".
Also, can I turn off Psionics without affecting the mod?
Most probably yes, why don't you try it and let us know :-)
Thanks for your reply
It was already set to "No", but noticed there was a problem when I got one of the Tablets, researched it and it was still there!
Any other ideas, I am running 1.6.4
It was already set to "No", but noticed there was a problem when I got one of the Tablets, researched it and it was still there!
That is exactly why it is recommended to have it on "Yes" for this mod... so that Alien Data Slates disappear after research.
Sorry, my fault, I worded the original question wrong:(
Ill try the mod with psi turned off and let you know how I get on.
Thanks again
Where can i find the tech tree? Is it in any of the FMP folders?
I can't research alien laser rifle clip for some reason is why i'm asking. Already did elerium, alien laser rifle ect. I have tons of them in my general stores too, so i do have them to research. Odiously, without it i can't continue to research laser weapons.
Where can i find the tech tree? Is it in any of the FMP folders?
It was made by Meridian and can be download from here https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3714.0.html. (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3714.0.html.)
I can't research alien laser rifle clip for some reason is why i'm asking. Already did elerium, alien laser rifle ect. I have tons of them in my general stores too, so i do have them to research. Odiously, without it i can't continue to research laser weapons.
Hopefully the tech tree will help you with that, I can't really say anything else that already is there. Might be a bug, since I've tampered with the tech tree recently, but it's too early to say now.
ON the latest nigthy 2015_09_12_0815, in battlescape happens that my soldier see the enemy, but sprite is not displayed; do not have a screenshot right now but i remember that it occured with the Antropod alien (the blue one from xcom: apocalyps).
ON the latest nigthy 2015_09_12_0815, in battlescape happens that my soldier see the enemy, but sprite is not displayed; do not have a screenshot right now but i remember that it occured with the Antropod alien (the blue one from xcom: apocalyps).
Interesting. Without the save I can't say much, but... interesting.
In other news, I'm adding pWWWWa's plasma melee weapons (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/plasma-melee-weapons) to the FMP.
Interesting. Without the save I can't say much, but... interesting.
In other news, I'm adding pWWWWa's plasma melee weapons (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/plasma-melee-weapons) to the FMP.
Super! hey how about to use my awesome resources here: click (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3934.0.html) see "invitation" in first post! ;D
Super! hey how about to use my awesome resources here: click (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3934.0.html) see "invitation" in first post! ;D
Thanks, but I have enough guns for now. :)
OK! One more thing: since i think it is not necessary to have 2 rifles from the biginning - assault rifle and rifle (vanilla) - i'd suggesto to have only the assaul ton at thr beginning, later the other one may be researched and manufactured, with the name improved rifle or better yet, x-com rifle! 8) If this proposal meets some favor, please, ma you change the vanilla sprite since i never stood it :o for some examples see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3924.0.html), i'll be just spoiled for choice! ;D
Edit: please at least may you use my"Uzi" in place of the submachine gun? And a new starting skyranger as the one shown here (plane.png) (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1145.msg10757.html#msg10757)?
Edit: please at least may you use my"Uzi" in place of the submachine gun? And a new starting skyranger as the one shown here (plane.png) (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1145.msg10757.html#msg10757)?
Only for you to consider ;D and also bucause i never stood that submachine gun sprite either :,( though it's very futuristic, total recall style :P
Only for you to consider ;D and also bucause i never stood that submachine gun sprite either :,( though it's very futuristic, total recall style :P
X-Com weapons are all futuristic, so I guess the SMG blends rather well. There's already an Uzi, currently used by hybrids (and in the future other factions).
X-Com weapons are all futuristic, so I guess the SMG blends rather well. There's already an Uzi, currently used by hybrids (and in the future other factions).
Ah ok missed that. Maybe it may have featured as a buyabel startin' wepon, an then the the futu-SMG may be had to research ( eg. topic improved firearms), with improved firepower and slightly increased range. Over and out! :-X
Hi Solarius Scorch, love the FMP!
Is it possible however to turn off the explosion flash when HWP's fire etc, it is a cool effect but find it a bit distracting as I tend to use HWP's alot.
Thanks :)
The flash is part of OpenXcom itself, not FMP... and I also find it EXTREMELY irritating :(
The relevant piece of code is here:
It computes the brightest color by rounding each pixel to the closest-lower multiple of 16 (0-15 become 0, 16-31 become 16, etc...)
The effect could be made much more subtle, for example
pixel = ((pixel / 16) * 16 + pixel) / 2;
This maps colors 0-15 to 0-7 (instead of all 0)
The flash is the most irritating when the game pauses to show death notification... with the flash being frozen in the background. The flash itself is fine, but as it is now, it's either weird - why should a tiny explosion lit up the whole map? - or invisible due to the screen being swamped by a huge sea of flame anyway. It doesn't produce actual light either - you might get lucky and spot someone during that split-second, but your soldiers won't.
I have researched Blaster Bomb first.
Afterwards I have researched Blaster Launcher... and after that the game told me I need to research Blaster Bomb (again?) to be able to manufacture Blaster Launcher... although it is actually "Fusion Weapons" research that's missing for manufacturing.
Not sure if you can do anything about it... just in case, attached is a save just before the Blaster Launcher research is finished...
Yeah, looks like a bug in the ruleset for manufacturing. Thanks for the report.
Version 1.7.1 is online.
- Added plasma blades, by pWWWa.
- Made the first Martian stage a bit more interesting.
- A small fix regarding blaster bomb production.
- Added a graphic file of the entire tech tree, by Meridian.
The download link has a special character again and thus is not downloadable.... Jo5hua if you're out there, it would be really nice to fix this at some point.... please.
The download link has a special character again and thus is not downloadable.... Jo5hua if you're out there, it would be really nice to fix this at some point.... please.
Re-uploaded the mod.
BTW the new plasma blades have plasma weapons calibration as the only prerequisite. In the future I might add more requirements to produce them.
Had a very large ship landing. Assaulted it and it turned out to be a giant MIB base of sorts. With Laser HWP's and Enforcers and the likes. I assume this is normal?
This looks like another one that I am going to give a try with my cheat modes ...
Had a very large ship landing. Assaulted it and it turned out to be a giant MIB base of sorts. With Laser HWP's and Enforcers and the likes. I assume this is normal?
Yeah. This will be revamped later, using the new TFTD mechanics, but for now it works as a UFO - though it should spawn already landed.
This looks like another one that I am going to give a try with my cheat modes ...
But any bug reports will be treated suspiciously. :)
Yeah. This will be revamped later, using the new TFTD mechanics, but for now it works as a UFO - though it should spawn already landed.
It had spawned landed. My mistake for not making that clear. I was just a tad confused was all at the time of it happening. :D
Don't know if it's appropriate to post it here, since I think is also vanilla behavior (not sure, though), but...
I managed to mind control a terror unit (it's weapon ruleset item bigSprite being -2). Once selected to do some damage with... CTD, since no protection in RuleItem::drawHandSprite.
Solved by adding a new ruleset containing a good bigSprite (along with it's copypasta from FMP).
I think for this cases some BIGOBS additions are in order (not an artist myself) for the terror weapons...
Don't know if it's appropriate to post it here, since I think is also vanilla behavior (not sure, though), but...
I managed to mind control a terror unit (it's weapon ruleset item bigSprite being -2). Once selected to do some damage with... CTD, since no protection in RuleItem::drawHandSprite.
Solved by adding a new ruleset containing a good bigSprite (along with it's copypasta from FMP).
I think for this cases some BIGOBS additions are in order (not an artist myself) for the terror weapons...
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Just to clarify, you mean that using vanilla fixed weapons crashes the game while modded fixed weapons do not, am I understanding this correctly? (Can't test it ATM.) If so, I can look at this, sure.
Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Just to clarify, you mean that using vanilla fixed weapons crashes the game while modded fixed weapons do not, am I understanding correctly? (Can't test it ATM.) If so, I can look at this, sure.
Hi. No. I think both could crash it. Not sure if it actually happens in vanilla. Maybe in debug mode when selecting a terror unit with livingWeapon which has usually it's bigSprite to -2. Now in vanilla there may be a protection against negative numbers, but in mods the bigSprite is calculated as modIndex×1000+bigSprite from ruleset(modIndex being the mod place in the current mod list). This applies for All non vanilla sprites. And also to the corresponding resources. Then it may be also a programming glitch.
I mind controlled a cryssalid in FMP and a MIB sectopod. And both crashed when selected, until I created a supplementary minimod where I put the unit's weapon bigSprite to 93 (a tank turret in FMP) and also added in the minimod the same resource line from FMP. And now it works, the game is stable and as a bonus I have some nice turrets in the cryssalid 's right hand.....
Hmmm, thanks. I'll think about it, that's what I can promise.
I have just tried out Plasma Blades and I have to say I am very disappointed... either the accuracy is very low, or RNG gods are mocking me... you'll be able to see it in episode #114 when it comes out (in about 2 weeks).
I had waspites under psi control, hitting them mostly from behind, sometimes from the side.
Stats on soldiers:
Kjotleik: melee accuracy 40 (this is the maximum you can start with I think)
miss: 6
hit: 4
kill: 2
Merlin: melee accuracy 39 (almost max)
miss: 8
hit: 3
kill: 1
Shinobi: melee accuracy 25
miss: 9
hit: 1
kill: 0
Total: 23 attempts => 3 kills ... WTF? Scatter laser across the whole map is more effective than that...
Well, these are fairly low melee accuracy values. Currently this stat is initially 20 - 60, which means that you need to be careful who you are equipping with melee weapons, and even the best ones are only so-so at the beginning.
On the other hand, some alien species are melee experts, so they employ these weapons quite effectively (or should, this is still largely untested).
To sum up, plasma weapons are not useless, but problematic. Otherwise they would be too good.
Hmmm... out of my total of 104 soldiers, currently the best has melee stat of 41.
There is just no reason to use melee weapons for me then (except for stun rod, which seems to always hit). To survive 20+ missions and actually 20+ close encounters without reaction fire (to train the skill) seems impossible to me...
Hmmm... out of my total of 104 soldiers, currently the best has melee stat of 41.
There is just no reason to use melee weapons for me then (except for stun rod, which seems to always hit). To survive 20+ missions and actually 20+ close encounters without reaction fire (to train the skill) seems impossible to me...
Actually, I have to correct myself: initial melee is 20-70, not 20-60.
And it works like that. I've just tested it - melee 60+ is pretty common among rookies (a minority of course, but still).
Is it possible that there's some issue with versions?
Soldier's stats are rolled when he's recruited, if these were recruited before Solar buffed soldier's Melee (which was quite recently), they will have their Melee in 20...40 range...
Soldier's stats are rolled when he's recruited, if these were recruited before Solar buffed soldier's Melee (which was quite recently), they will have their Melee in 20...40 range...
Ah, you're right! Just checked, it was added only in v1.7. Since then I recruited only about 10 soldiers (I guess they were unlucky) and the rest is pre 1.7.
Maybe there needs to be a "knight armor" in the FMP, which protects better but restricts vision too much to be good for shooting (ie -firing accuracy), so that soldiers can walk up to enemies to melee them and have a chance to survive?
Or a ninja outfit which boosts reaction/TUs/stamina (to help with walking up to hit things and avoiding reaction fire) but highly diminishes the amount a soldier can carry, meaning they can take a sword and not much more.
Half serious, but the idea of doing melee in power suits (especially with the -TUs from the FMP) seems weird, so a branch of melee dedicated armors could be interesting.
Btw. what does the miss on melee even represent?
You can't actually miss from point blank, can you? It could represent a chance of aliens using some advanced close combat self defense techniques... but unless they were trained by Chuck Norris himself, an average rookie should still land 80-90% of the hits in my opinion.
The damage is of course another story... I agree a normal combat knife should not hurt a Muton at all (it should hit though! and cause 0 damage)... but a plasma blade? I hope Plasma Sword will be better... I mean unless you have another sword to block the attack (and you are attacked from the front side), there's no way on Earth you can avoid being hit, right?
I guess that's part of the abstraction of turn based combat? There's no way someone would stand there and look straight as you walk all the way around him to hit him in the back. As a fencer, I can say it's much harder to land a telling blow on somebody than it seems like, especially as the game "tricks your perception" and displays him standing still looking away.
If melee always had 100% to hit, it would work better representing what we actually see on the screen, but it would be a pretty poor system. It is a lot easier to dodge a sword than a bullet, and I guess that's what melee misses represent. Your opponent dodged your attack, not because they're great, but because you're not great at using that weapon. As a soldier becomes more skilled, that chance to be dodged will become smaller, as it should.
Yes, turn-based abstraction is probably a valid argument.
Still, if I charge full frontal, they should reaction-fire at me and kill me... if I sneak from behind... well they shouldn't even know what hit them.
I have a lot of experience in melee playing Piratez, and it's absurdly easy to perform a back attack - and in 75% of cases, the "back attack" goes like this: you run up from the front, relying on much higher TU reserve than the victim to buff your effective Reactions compared to theirs, then you pass the victim, turn around and hit them in the back. Not much of a sneak attack :)
And melee no longer provokes Reactions - it did when Warboy first tackled Melee, but then somehow it was removed. Now you can murder people in plain sight and no-one will Reaction-Fire you. Not neccessarily a bad thing, too - at least you know you're guaranteed to attack without retribution, but worth bearing in mind when balancing melee weapons.
Then you take one step and *dakka dakka* *pew pew* *fwoosh* *BANG* as that triggers reaction fire from all the witnesses. But at least you got the bugger before they took you down ;)
Also, it is indeed almost always worth attacking from the back for armored targets. Those extra steps cost about one swing but reward you with much lower armor. It's a lot easier to exploit armor weaknesses in melee than when firing, something I try to avoid doing by just walking up to my enemy, because it makes no sense to land all your blows in the back (and the AI doesn't do that, it hits you from wherever was closer, so it's unfair too).
Maybe there needs to be a "knight armor" in the FMP, which protects better but restricts vision too much to be good for shooting (ie -firing accuracy), so that soldiers can walk up to enemies to melee them and have a chance to survive?
Or a ninja outfit which boosts reaction/TUs/stamina (to help with walking up to hit things and avoiding reaction fire) but highly diminishes the amount a soldier can carry, meaning they can take a sword and not much more.
You've been playing too much Piratez lately. ;)
But seriously, while these are interesting concepts, the FMP's goal is to expand on the existing scope of the game without changing it too much. That's why most changes are mostly "more of the same stuff" than "new mechanics". This sort of thing sometimes seep through though, like the plasma blades.
Half serious, but the idea of doing melee in power suits (especially with the -TUs from the FMP) seems weird, so a branch of melee dedicated armors could be interesting.
But in reality, power suits are not that good for melee, because they're slow. I could give them penalties to Melee Accuracy too, though for now I've considered this unnecessary.
Btw. what does the miss on melee even represent?
You can't actually miss from point blank, can you? [...]
Well... That's the issue with games in general, at least those who use some sort of attack roll and Armour Class system. It's abstracted. Yes, there are many combat factors in melee, like dodging, manoeuvres, armour (the kind that deflects blows to the side rather than stop them), and so on. X-Com, and FMP, are not games about melee, so I don't think a very deep system is necessary here. Arthanor's and Dioxine's comments are also quite spot-on.
What could be improved upon is the accuracy not dependent on the target's stats, but it can only be remedied with OpenXCom Extended - by increasing chances to hit in melee and balancing it with Dodge values that differ between races and ranks. But FMP is a mod for vanilla and it'll stay that way, at least until I start working on FMP 2.0 (The X-Com Files).
OK, I tried it again on fresh game and used guys with 65-70 melee stat... the results were... decent... probably still not better than firing aimed shots with minimum firing accuracy (40), but decent enough to consider using it. I will give it a try next time I play FMP.
Btw. sorry for thread-jacking, I just realized this doesn't really belong here.
You've been playing too much Piratez lately. ;)
But seriously, while these are interesting concepts, the FMP's goal is to expand on the existing scope of the game without changing it too much. That's why most changes are mostly "more of the same stuff" than "new mechanics". This sort of thing sometimes seep through though, like the plasma blades.
But in reality, power suits are not that good for melee, because they're slow. I could give them penalties to Melee Accuracy too, though for now I've considered this unnecessary.
Haha, yes :) And I specifically mentioned power suits, everybody knows power armor is the awesome. Was just thinking of ways to tweak a power suit into something that's more suited for melee: Either more protective or faster variants. The FMP power suits, as you say, are not quite good for melee, but you can't really walk up to aliens in personal armor either..
OK, I tried it again on fresh game and used guys with 65-70 melee stat... the results were... decent... probably still not better than firing aimed shots with minimum firing accuracy (40), but decent enough to consider using it. I will give it a try next time I play FMP.
Yes, melee weapons are intended as secondary at best. I'm happy to hear they have some limited use.
Btw. sorry for thread-jacking, I just realized this doesn't really belong here.
Why? This is exactly the kind of feedback I'm looking for! Don't worry!
Haha, yes :) And I specifically mentioned power suits, everybody knows power armor is the awesome. Was just thinking of ways to tweak a power suit into something that's more suited for melee: Either more protective or faster variants. The FMP power suits, as you say, are not quite good for melee, but you can't really walk up to aliens in personal armor either..
You'd be surprised :)
Looking for a melee-oriented armour? There's already one: Synthsuit. I'm planning an advanced version with better protection, but I need to make/find the sprites.
Plasma swords + two guys with melee 52 and 59.
Attempts: 8
Hits: 8
Kills: 8
That's more like it!
EDIT: one question too... AWACS and SKYRANGER have both fuel capacity of 1500, but AWACS can stay in the air for 5.0 days, whereas SKYRANGER only 1.5 days... how should I interpret the numbers?
Plasma swords + two guys with melee 52 and 59.
Attempts: 8
Hits: 8
Kills: 8
That's more like it!
Haha, congrats!
EDIT: one question too... AWACS and SKYRANGER have both fuel capacity of 1500, but AWACS can stay in the air for 5.0 days, whereas SKYRANGER only 1.5 days... how should I interpret the numbers?
Well... AWACS is lighter and carries no load? :)
Yeah, but isn't the ufopedia entry for fuel capacity sort of pointless then? If I can't compare them... I know it is another story for elerium-fueled craft, but at least craft with same fuel type could have some logical numbers :)
It is logical. Flight Time = Fuel Capacity / Speed. Speed is either full or half (when in Patrol mode). Simple. :) When Speed is below 100, craft burns no fuel at all (at least if it's jet fuel craft, Elerium craft burn at lower rate afaik).
< Almost obligatory thanks for both OpenXCom and this fantastic mod pack! />
I'm having a blast, but would like to report two crashes.
- Git version: openxcom_git_master_2015_10_10_0133.zip
- Game was started with "Final Mod" and the following "vanilla mods": "Aliens pick up weapons", "XcomUtil: Starting Defensive Improved Base", "XcomUtil - Statstrings"
- Game uses the UFO EU DOS data pack.
Terror Mission Crash
I'm getting a crash during the alien turn on the attached map.
The crash seems to occur right after a unit opens a door. (SFX heard playing)
- Crash upon pressing end turn if save scumming is disabled, randomly if enabled.
- All vanilla mods were disabled before entering terror mission.
- This is early in the game, first terror mission.
- Game uses the UFO EU DOS data pack.
Base Purchase Screen
In the base purchase screen an item named "XCOM" is listed for $0.
If I try to purchase it, the game crashes.
Thanks for the report, and the praise.
Well, frankly, this is a strange error... I'm not saying my mod is perfect, but it looks too severe to be a mod's problem. I guess there are several possibilities, but the most probable is that your data is corrupt (either original files or the Openxcom installation). The weirdest thing is that XCOM item in the shop - this is completely new to me.
I haven't tried the newest build though, so it's possible something changed. I'll check.
I suspect the issue has to do with the latest nightly, which references introducing multiple soldier types.
If I use the oldest available nightly, no crashes happen.
Which seems to be confirmed again by the fact that the Android version (which uses an even older version), runs flawlessly.
Excellent (compilation of) mod(s)!
(In my eyes, a requirement if you've finished vanilla)
I suspect the issue has to do with the latest nightly, which references introducing multiple soldier types.
If I use the oldest available nightly, no crashes happen.
Which seems to be confirmed again by the fact that the Android version (which uses an even older version), runs flawlessly.
Excellent (compilation of) mod(s)!
(In my eyes, a requirement if you've finished vanilla)
Also: oh boy... I really don't have the energy to update it now. But I'll have to :)
The XCOM item is because of some changes in the latest nightly.
The change in the ruleset are pretty small:
- - type: XCOM
+ - type: STR_SOLDIER
+ costBuy: 40000
+ costSalary: 20000
day: 1
month: 1
year: 1999
-costSoldier: 20000
costEngineer: 25000
costScientist: 30000
timePersonnel: 72
What about min stats, max stats and stat caps? Or is it not implemented yet? Anyway, hats off to the devs, so much goodies :)
What about min stats, max stats and stat caps? Or is it not implemented yet? Anyway, hats off to the devs, so much goodies :)
They are also in those files, i only wanted to show Solarius the changes. To not overburden him with big code segments.
The github commit in question can be found here (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/abbdf63056d7c20a268955dd0967242f83fed2d7)
Awesome. Thanks for the help!
EDIT: 1.7.2 has been updated.
- Updated to match the latest nightly.
- Light Pistol also has aimed shot now.
- HandOb for Dynamite (by Dioxine).
- Fixed a bug with Plasma Blade being two-handed.
- Sniper Rifles have dropoff 3.
- Fixed Anthropod melee stat (was too high).
Soooo Solar...
Last night while playing FMP i got my second ever golden ufo encounter. (First time was in a previous playthrough a while back and the white ethereals all had heavy plasmas and shot my team almost all to hell-they didnt even have to mindrape em)
This time, they had weird looking weapons (including heavy plasmas) and it was my first complete wipeout in this playthrough. From getting panicked and killing friends, to being blown apart by plasmas and grenades, to having my own xcom-cyberdisc shot to crap and kill 3 soldiers in the explosion, to two soldiers being sniped by what i can only assume is a long range shotgun of some sort....but my real question(forgive my long winded story-the challenge was thrilling) comes from the event that caused the actual wipe.
Literally everything on the screen just exploded.
Initially i wondered if that was a blaster bomb, but i have no recollection of blaster bombs causing such a large explosion. My tank and 2 of my 3 last surviving soldiers were caught in these huge explosions that came outta nowhere.
Is that normal?
Should i just say "thats xcom baby" and try again?
Cuz now im kinda afraid of those golden ufos. Dont know if to just expect the entire battlefield to go to hell after a few turns.
Is that normal?
They have more advanced blaster launchers (can fire up to 3 times per turn).
Also they have fire launchers, which produce explosion effects too.
Then they have shotgun-like stun weapons; indiana-jones-like electric whips; and star-wars-like photonic blades (i.e. light sabres).
And very good PSI skill... not as freakishly good as in earlier versions, but good enough not to take any soldiers with less than 90 psi strength on the mission.
Yeah, this mission is absolutely brutal, and totally optional. It may give you very nice tools though, and some unique info.
Having just started a run through of FMP v1.72, nightly 2015-10-10, I was wondering on several points:
I'm into May of the first year but haven't encountered MIB yet, currently on a Reptoid terroor mission. Secondly do all the races have a helpful hint as to their rank for example floaters and their different colored cloaks or a Sectoid Commander wearing a gold bandana.
I like the look of the alien laser rifle, just currently researching the clip. Are there any plans to expand this alien laser weapon to include pistol, heavy and sniper variants?
Having just started a run through of FMP v1.72, nightly 2015-10-10, I was wondering on several points: I'm into May of the first year but haven't encountered MIB yet, currently on a Reptoid terroor mission.
That's nothing strange, the races that appear are largely random, and the one you mentioned is also a race. Well, it's more complicated, since this particular one has their own missions, and each region can have only one mission generated in a given month, but it's still a matter of RNG.
Secondly do all the races have a helpful hint as to their rank for example floaters and their different colored cloaks or a Sectoid Commander wearing a gold bandana.
No, not all of them. There's no rule here, some races have all ranks visible, some none, some are in-between. It's a matter of this particular race's culture, if we can call it so.
I like the look of the alien laser rifle, just currently researching the clip. Are there any plans to expand this alien laser weapon to include pistol, heavy and sniper variants?
Not really, the rifle is already pretty weak. Its only advantage is that it doesn't lose accuracy over long distances as much as plasma. (And to give early armours more meaning.)
Hmmm, thanks. I'll think about it, that's what I can promise.
FYI just posted Pull Request #1062 CTD when no bigSprite for this...
which I just closed - I used some older buggy build, (prior to sep 29 when a thing about negative sprites in mods was fixed)...
Sorry about the commotion
FYI just posted Pull Request #1062 CTD when no bigSprite for this...
which I just closed - I used some older buggy build, (prior to sep 29 when a thing about negative sprites in mods was fixed)...
Sorry about the commotion
No problem, glad it's fine now.
(And sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed your message.)
In other news, I think I should make an announcement: the development of the Final Mod Pack on my part is slowly coming to an end.
Yes, you heard right. I don't think there are more than a couple releases left. Of course it's still possible that someone else will take over - the FMP has always been supposed to be a community project (even though I'm the only one actively developing it, with some help from Hellrazor).
But... do not despair! The reason I'm announcing this is because I want to concentrate on the "FMP+" aka "The X-Com Files" project, which is basically FMP on steroids (and Yankes' Extended code). Because it's so much more I can do with the FMP, with a deeper story and mechanics and everything, and real agents in suits and cool shades who go around investigating chupacabras. And if I have the time and energy to work on the FMP, then it's probably better if I do something even cooler, especially since it'll have all the same stuff that the FMP has.
So let's hope it all works out. :)
No problem, glad it's fine now.
(And sorry for the late reply, I somehow missed your message.)
In other news, I think I should make an announcement: the development of the Final Mod Pack on my part is slowly coming to an end.
Yes, you heard right. I don't think there are more than a couple releases left. Of course it's still possible that someone else will take over - the FMP has always been supposed to be a community project (even though I'm the only one actively developing it, with some help from Hellrazor).
Uhh thanks for the mentioning, but i really didn't do much to help.
I always thought that the FMP was going to be a neverending project so to say, but obviously not.
But... do not despair! The reason I'm announcing this is because I want to concentrate on the "FMP+" aka "The X-Com Files" project, which is basically FMP on steroids (and Yankes' Extended code). Because it's so much more I can do with the FMP, with a deeper story and mechanics and everything, and real agents in suits and cool shades who go around investigating chupacabras. And if I have the time and energy to work on the FMP, then it's probably better if I do something even cooler, especially since it'll have all the same stuff that the FMP has.
So let's hope it all works out. :)
Extended Codebase hm... wanna see how this ends up, once the code development stops suddenly.
Uhh thanks for the mentioning, but i really didn't do much to help.
I always thought that the FMP was going to be a neverending project so to say, but obviously not.
Neverending projects are really bad for you, unless you have no other ambitions :)
Neverending projects are really bad for you, unless you have no other ambitions :)
Well the mod discription at least gives the implication that is would be endless, to integrate more and more stuff.
But i guess there exit limits for all of this.
Well the mod discription at least gives the implication that is would be endless, to integrate more and more stuff.
But i guess there exit limits for all of this.
Well it could be endless, and as I said, it can well be, if someone wants to add stuff to it. I probably will, too, since there will be more releases before I am finished with it.
Besides, the new project is in fact the same thing, just under a new name and with broadened possibilities. Basically I don't want to switch to Extended with the FMP, because it'd be too different from a normal mod, which is kind of the point for the FMP. And besides, in the new project I want to make bigger changes that would be suitable for the FMP.
Well it could be endless, and as I said, it can well be, if someone wants to add stuff to it. I probably will, too, since there will be more releases before I am finished with it.
Besides, the new project is in fact the same thing, just under a new name and with broadened possibilities. Basically I don't want to switch to Extended with the FMP, because it'd be too different from a normal mod, which is kind of the point for the FMP. And besides, in the new project I want to make bigger changes that would be suitable for the FMP.
As long as you find the time to integrate the new Alien Base modules and maybe some new vanilla UFO variants, i will make into the FMP, i will not complain :P
It seems to me that MiB missions aren't really worth doing. they don't give you loot or technology.
Since I'm playing v1.72 ATM, they do give you power sources, navigation and elerium if you follow the ships and let them land but whether or not you get any useful guns etc depends on the difficulty level and how far you're into a game. In my current game MIB do have laser and gauss weapons but they also still have grenades and smg's, December of the first year. I think and Solarius will correct me if I'm wrong but it also depends on which item set the RNG picks for them. My experience is that you're not going to get a ton load of plasma weaponry but some useful stuff none the less.
Hi guys,
I know this may not be the right place to ask this question but FMP is the mod I am currently using and it has contributed to literally half my available soldiers crammed in the hospital with various injuries...plasma burns...reaper bites... (and please forgive me if it sounds dumb or has been previously addressed)
Is the upper limit for hiring soldiers/ engineers/ scientists still 255 like in the original XCOM or has OXC done away with those caps and i can hire my little zerglings en masse?
These missions have been kicking my ass.
Hi guys,
I know this may not be the right place to ask this question but FMP is the mod I am currently using and it has contributed to literally half my available soldiers crammed in the hospital with various injuries...plasma burns...reaper bites... (and please forgive me if it sounds dumb or has been previously addressed)
Is the upper limit for hiring soldiers/ engineers/ scientists still 255 like in the original XCOM or has OXC done away with those caps and i can hire my little zerglings en masse?
These missions have been kicking my ass.
The 255 Scientists/Engineer maximum doesn't exist anymore, but you are limited by how many base modules you can build.
The maximum of 1x1 base modules you can place is 36.
1 Storage
1 Radar / Hyperwave Decoder
leaves you with 34 places, each Lab or Workshop needs a Living Quarter, so this halves the numbers again.
So you can effectivly house 17 Labs or Workshop in 1 base, resulting in a maximum of 850 Scientist or Engineers per base.
It seems to me that MiB missions aren't really worth doing. they don't give you loot or technology.
Like SIMON said, it depends. They're often using lasers, which may prove invaluable before you have your own laser tech, and you can steal their armours too. But I can't say they're terribly profitable.
The fighter with 2 ethereal leaders are truly a gift from the xcom god.
Just finished the last mission of FMP...
... and I would like to thank Solarius Scorch and everybody else who has contributed to this mod for an incredible experience that it was.
I can recommend this mod pack to everyone, who loves XCOM and wants to try something fresh, but still needs the feeling of the good old original.
Can't wait to try more mod packs, expansions and total conversions... arrrgh!
Just finished the last mission of FMP...
... and I would like to thank Solarius Scorch and everybody else who has contributed to this mod for an incredible experience that it was.
I can recommend this mod pack to everyone, who loves XCOM and wants to try something fresh, but still needs the feeling of the good old original.
Can't wait to try more mod packs, expansions and total conversions... arrrgh!
And I thank you Meridian for sticking with the FMP for so long. I'm sure it was a significant factor for the FMP's popularity, and also what's better for a modder than watching other people play?
I will certainly stick with your X-Piratez LP. Arrrr!
Just finished the last mission of FMP...
... and I would like to thank Solarius Scorch and everybody else who has contributed to this mod for an incredible experience that it was.
I can recommend this mod pack to everyone, who loves XCOM and wants to try something fresh, but still needs the feeling of the good old original.
Can't wait to try more mod packs, expansions and total conversions... arrrgh!
Well i do have one waiting for you to suffer throu aehh test it out.
Good LP and i hope the quality of the FMP will further increase, so i can contribute to it and steal from it ;)
Hi Solarius,
We do now have customizeable Death sounds check it out here (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/61c2601c628d99083669be613876b50b74e67a8e)
Which also means adding the deathSound to all unvanilla Civilians or a lot of CTD's will happen in Terrormissions.
Unable to access FMP Timed out (The connection was reset)
Hi Solarius,
We do now have customizeable Death sounds check it out here (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/61c2601c628d99083669be613876b50b74e67a8e)
Which also means adding the deathSound to all unvanilla Civilians or a lot of CTD's will happen in Terrormissions.
Oh, cool. I'll have a look at it when I have some time, thanks for the info.
Unable to access FMP Timed out (The connection was reset)
Works for me. May have been a problem with the site, it's probably OK now.
Works for me. May have been a problem with the site, it's probably OK now.
Still timing out, even when I find it in categories and click view mod. I do not have this problem with other mods.
Still timing out, even when I find it in categories and click view mod. I do not have this problem with other mods.
Does this direct link (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack/download/UbZnOe6p) work for you?
The modportal can be sometimes slow to load, sometimes it takes 1 or 2 or even 3 seconds to show the page, maybe your browser gives you a timeout or so?
Does this direct link (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack/download/UbZnOe6p) work for you?
The modportal can be sometimes slow to load, sometimes it takes 1 or 2 or even 3 seconds to show the page, maybe your browser gives you a timeout or so?
Worked perfectly. Thank you so much. (Squeal of delight whilst skipping of to a sunlit laptop).
I tried updating, but I can't seem to be able to download the new file. I'll try and wait it out.
Hi Solarius,
i want bring something to your attention:
<Warboy> hellrazor_, yeah, any mission that generates a missionSite needs to exist in missionScript form only, and not in the mission weight tables
Was a followup on this (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg54337.html#msg54337) and this (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg54335.html#msg54335)
The Final Mod Pack might be effected because of the MID_TERROR Missions. So maybe you recheck that. Should get rid of this random CTD's some people had :)
Hi Solarius,
i want bring something to your attention:
<Warboy> hellrazor_, yeah, any mission that generates a missionSite needs to exist in missionScript form only, and not in the mission weight tables
Was a followup on this (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.msg54337.html#msg54337) and this (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3550.msg54335.html#msg54335)
The Final Mod Pack might be effected because of the MID_TERROR Missions. So maybe you recheck that. Should get rid of this random CTD's some people had :)
Thanks, but I haven't introduced such missions yet. I think.
EDIT: Oh, so it concerns terror missions? Maybe I should re-check it after all...
Meanwhile, I got tired of trying to upload the new version to openxcom.com and decided to put it on Dropbox. At least for now. Anyway, version 1.7.3 is online and downloadable at https://www.dropbox.com/s/q6mu9oxlxibwt8d/Final_Mod_Pack_1.7.3.zip?dl=0.
- Added Healing Spray, Stims and Painkillers (all sprites stolen from jackstraw2323's War of Shadows mod, though the first one was heavily altered, and floorobs were added).
- Updated Hobbes' terrains to the latest versions and added Slums.
Currently playing v1.72 with nightly 2015-10-10 and have encountered terror units on a landed Anthropod supply ship, I thought and from looking at the deployments rul file that this wasn't possible. Is this a glitch or because Anthropods only have 3 ranks is the AI using tu's to make up the numbers? See attached save and screenshot.
Every race has 8 ranks (in the vanilla, you can increase that number in OXC), that includes Terror Units. For Anthropods, the ranks are simply repeated.
^Solarious - must I use the latest nightly with your mod? I want to give the commendations mod a try and it requires a particular nightly..
^Solarious - must I use the latest nightly with your mod? I want to give the commendations mod a try and it requires a particular nightly..
Not necessarily the latest, but certainly the one after multiple soldier types.
^Which nightly is that?
hi, i want to say im enjoying my current gameplay with the mod, its completely amazing the amount of work and love you guys put in this...btw..im already running a superhuman ironman campaing and im around april-may i think...its 1.7.2 saves compatible with the new 1.7.3 patch?, thanks.
^Which nightly is that?
I don't know any more, sorry. :D I should probably investigate over the weekend, we'll see how it goes. (I'm helping Dioxine with Piratez right now and temporarily neglecting the FMP.)
hi, i want to say im enjoying my current gameplay with the mod, its completely amazing the amount of work and love you guys put in this...btw..im already running a superhuman ironman campaing and im around april-may i think...its 1.7.2 saves compatible with the new 1.7.3 patch?, thanks.
Thanks, and good luck! (Hopefully there will be no terror crashes.)
Does anyone know how to calculate Expected Damage (ED) from the Shotgun in FMP?
From what I can read in-game, it has a 7-bullet shot with 15 damage each. For Aimed Shot it has a 175% accuracy.
In my head that gives [7 shots x 15 damage x MIN(1;1.75 x Soldier Accuracy) = 105], for soldier accuracy of 100%.
Is this correct? Is there a spread-of-bullets part that makes less than seven shots hit? Does the game count every one of the seven as hit or miss, after one calculation? Does the game calculate hit/miss for each of the seven shots, individually?
Please inform me of what is correct... I am about to start a new game with FMP 1.7.3, and would really like to know what kind of damage I can expect from a Shotgun at point-blank range...
Also, does the Melee weapons always hit? I see there is no mention of hit-chance for the Combat Knife in-game. Stun Rod says it always hits, regardless of your soldiers Melee Accuracy (I presume). Is it the same with the other Melee weapons, or are their hit-percentage just hidden?
Thanks in advance. I really like this mod, having seen Meridian's playthrough and now testing it out for myself a little bit. Good Job Solarius!!!
Thank you :)
Shotgun weapons fire each pellet separately, which means all of them can hit or none of them, or some of them. If all of them hit then yes, the total damage is very high, but each pellet deals damage separately and armour is subtracted each time, so pellet weapons are pretty useless against armour, because a single pellet is pretty weak.
Melee weapons don't always hit, they are dependent on Melee stat. But they are pretty fast.
Which reminds me.. why do you have the melee weapons page as item descriptions, instead of how Dioxine has them in Piratez? (with stats, like other weapons). It's a bit.. uninforming(?)..
Which reminds me.. why do you have the melee weapons page as item descriptions, instead of how Dioxine has them in Piratez? (with stats, like other weapons). It's a bit.. uninforming(?)..
I'm not sure what you mean. Would you like more info in the description?
Shotgun weapons fire each pellet separately... each pellet deals damage separately and armour is subtracted each time...
Melee weapons don't always hit, they are dependent on Melee stat. But they are pretty fast.
Thank you for the clarification. I will of course test this out in-game. But now, at least, I know that I can expect Shotguns to be amazing against Sectoids, but next to useless against enemies in armour.
I think Arthanor meant that he would like to see TU percentages for using Melee weapons...
Really like the inclusion of the Healing Spray in 1.7.3. I've calculated the costs to a little over 9 000 to produce one unit, but it is researchable from game's start. A BIG advantage when the First Aid Kit is too heavy, and the Medi-Kit a long way away...Thanks!
Why is it that no-one has made Nightvision-goggles for this mod-pack? Maybe as part of an expensive armour?
I think Arthanor meant that he would like to see TU percentages for using Melee weapons...
Indeed! The melee weapons as featured in Meridian's LP use a weird UFOPaedia type where the biogob is shown at the top, but text takes the whole space instead of getting a page with % to hit and damage. Knowing the accuracy (and if it uses melee skill or not) is rather important, as was shown by meridian rushing in thinking it's 100% like the stun rod and then missing profusely.
PS3!Why is it that no-one has made Nightvision-goggles for this mod-pack? Maybe as part of an expensive armour?
As far as I know, vision range is not moddable in normal OpenXCom. Only in Extended. That's why Piratez has night vision stuff but the FMP doesn't.
Indeed! The melee weapons as featured in Meridian's LP use a weird UFOPaedia type where the biogob is shown at the top, but text takes the whole space instead of getting a page with % to hit and damage. Knowing the accuracy (and if it uses melee skill or not) is rather important, as was shown by meridian rushing in thinking it's 100% like the stun rod and then missing profusely.
OK, I'll look into it.
As far as I know, vision range is not moddable in normal OpenXCom. Only in Extended. That's why Piratez has night vision stuff but the FMP doesn't.
Yeah... Besides, I could include the invisible alien race mod, as well as the invisible armour, but I've decided against it because not everyone likes chasing ghosts.
@Solarius : Do you have an inventory image for the Sectoids with the circlet crown? ( Trying to nab one for the bootypedia)
@Solarius : Do you have an inventory image for the Sectoids with the circlet crown? ( Trying to nab one for the bootypedia)
Like this? (I made it myself, it's a bit ugly)
You are my Hero!! :D
Hey. I got a question Will this https://www.openxcom.com/mod/soldier-specialization work with the FMP? Also maybe a way to implement it in next update? or something like it?
Im having lots of fun with the mod. And also noticed this thing https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3644.0.html From Meridians Forumn on FMP. Im wondering. How do you install this? Or if its possible to implement in the next FMP release. Call me stupid if you like. Im pretty computer literate. But i have no idea how to use github. Nor do i feel there is a good enough basic install instructions for this.
Thanks for all the hard work in keeping this mod up to date and Alive. Feels good to play a game that is challenging and especially with a mod to change the whole feel of it to be brand new.
Hey. I got a question Will this https://www.openxcom.com/mod/soldier-specialization work with the FMP? Also maybe a way to implement it in next update? or something like it?
Yes, this should be compatible with FMP.
Im having lots of fun with the mod. And also noticed this thing https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3644.0.html From Meridians Forumn on FMP. Im wondering. How do you install this? Or if its possible to implement in the next FMP release. Call me stupid if you like. Im pretty computer literate. But i have no idea how to use github. Nor do i feel there is a good enough basic install instructions for this.
Thanks for all the hard work in keeping this mod up to date and Alive. Feels good to play a game that is challenging and especially with a mod to change the whole feel of it to be brand new.
This is a custom executable mod. You need to build your own version. Not easy.
But I have asked developers to add it into the base game and I think they were not against it, so we just need to wait until they do it.
Alright. Thanks for the response Meridian.
I guess ill just hope and wait that the box gets implemented into next iteration of night build.
Or can i just copy paste my night build folder over into that folder?
I'm having an issue with the game closing itself when I end my turn. It doesn't matter what I do before the end of the turn, or if I do anything at all. This hasn't been a problem on previous missions.
For the past several turns I've been hearing a UFO door open and close, but I've checked every part of the ship without finding an enemy.
EDIT: Looking through the .sav, it says the mission is a success, but it isn't over?
I'm having an issue with the game closing itself when I end my turn. It doesn't matter what I do before the end of the turn, or if I do anything at all. This hasn't been a problem on previous missions.
For the past several turns I've been hearing a UFO door open and close, but I've checked every part of the ship without finding an enemy.
EDIT: Looking through the .sav, it says the mission is a success, but it isn't over?
Sorry but I was unable to load it at all, because of some yaml error.
There are two possibilities for this: either this file was edited by hand with an error, or it was made with a different OpenXCom version (I haven't updated the FMP in a while).
I'm running the latest nightly, so maybe that's the issue. I'll try using an older version. Thank you very much for trying :)
I'm running the latest nightly, so maybe that's the issue. I'll try using an older version. Thank you very much for trying :)
OK. But now I have another idea why the save doesn't work for me: it seems to rely on the quick slot mod, which I don't have. If you can, please send me another copy of the save without this mod, so that I could load it and check.
Here you go, quick slot disabled version.
Here you go, quick slot disabled version.
Sorry, it still won't load.
I should try it on other versions, too...
No need to go through that much trouble; it was probably some sort of fluke. I'll let you know if it happens again though, and will play without Ironman from now on
Well, I've got a brand new save for you to try it out on! It's on the nightly from the third (openxcom_git_master_2015_12_03_2332.zip) because I'm a dolt and thought I could will it into working. No quickdraw slot mod this time, though.
No need to go through that much trouble; it was probably some sort of fluke. I'll let you know if it happens again though, and will play without Ironman from now on
Well, I've got a brand new save for you to try it out on! It's on the nightly from the third (openxcom_git_master_2015_12_03_2332.zip) because I'm a dolt and thought I could will it into working. No quickdraw slot mod this time, though.
OK, I managed to load it after upgrading to the latest nightly.
In short, I don't know what is wrong. The game crashes when I enter the inventory, when I finish the turn, when the alien dies... I have never seen such an unspecified case, and nobody has reported anything like this. I would guess caused by juggling versions of mods and/or OpenXCom in the middle of battle, but I really can't say.
Please just reload Geoscape before the battle and check if the mission goes right.
I've started to play a little on FMP 1.7.3.
So far I'm enjoying myself.
One little thing, though. I've noticed Kuwait City is placed as far east as Pakistan-ish (just west of Islamabad). Will the location be corrected in the next version? Can I do this myself by editing a file, without making the save-file un-loadable? If so, a little recipe would be nice...
Yours Sincerely
One little thing, though. I've noticed Kuwait City is placed as far east as Pakistan-ish (just west of Islamabad). Will the location be corrected in the next version? Can I do this myself by editing a file, without making the save-file un-loadable? If so, a little recipe would be nice...
Sure, you can open regions_FMP.rul and go to line 497:
- [66.6, 66.6, -34.31, -34.31, -1, STR_KUWAITCITY]
This line contains normal, real coordinates for the city (66.6 E, 34.31 N). Just change it to correct values, it won't break your campaign (maybe unless you have a terror there).
Thanks for bringing it to my attention, and for the praise too. I'll fix this myself, just need to check the coordinates. :P
Korrekt coordinates here.
- [66.6, 66.6, -34.31, -34.31, -2, STR_KABUL]
Kabul not Kuwait :P
Korrekt coordinates here.
- [66.6, 66.6, -34.31, -34.31, -2, STR_KABUL]
Kabul not Kuwait :P
34.31 yes, but the other seems to be 69.10, not 66.6.
Nevermind though, I'll fix it when I get to it.
Could someone identify the latest nightly not currently showing problems with FMP?
I want to create a simple, complete instruction set for newbies, and I don't want to have to account for problems outside of that effort.
This line contains normal, real coordinates for the city (66.6 E, 34.31 N). Just change it to correct values, it won't break your campaign (maybe unless you have a terror there).
Thanks. Kuwait City is 29 degrees 22 minutes North, 47 degrees 58 minutes East.
Works perfectly.
I cannot find Kabul, though. Is it supposed to be on the map? If so, can I just insert a new line with the co-ordinates to the city? Which file tells OpenXCom that STR_KABUL is to be named Kabul on the map?
Thanks. Kuwait City is 29 degrees 22 minutes North, 47 degrees 58 minutes East.
Works perfectly.
I cannot find Kabul, though. Is it supposed to be on the map? If so, can I just insert a new line with the co-ordinates to the city? Which file tells OpenXCom that STR_KABUL is to be named Kabul on the map?
Kabul isn't really on the map, there's only a leftover translation string. I may as well add it.
Kabul isn't really on the map, there's only a leftover translation string. I may as well add it.
If you want a lot more cities, you could always try these...
This is a 7z-file I put up on MediaFire:
https://www.mediafire.com/download/ad2vvq7ke3bggc1/ExtraCitiesOnWorldMap.7z (https://www.mediafire.com/download/ad2vvq7ke3bggc1/ExtraCitiesOnWorldMap.7z)
Not all cities are 100% correctly placed here. Both because I'm not sure about their location, and because some of them had to move a bit in order to allow players to read the city-names...
And please tell me if I got any of them really messed up (wrong continent, wrong hemishpere etc.)
Thanks, I'll see if I can fit something more if the map allows (it's already cluttered).
Just started playing this. I didnt read through the thread yet so going in blind. Only enabled my better soldiers and armor mod. However is there a place where you advice which options to select e.g. lose items on research?
Just started playing this. I didnt read through the thread yet so going in blind. Only enabled my better soldiers and armor mod. However is there a place where you advice which options to select e.g. lose items on research?
Get Alien Containment ASAP (requires alien autopsy -> alien biology) and then capture any aliens you can for interrogations (soldiers don't know much). Otherwise it's similar to the vanilla game.
I believe Cristao was asking about recommended Advanced Settings in Options menu.
You can find that written on openxcom.com, but basically it is just Destroy items on research, and UFOExtender accuracy. The rest is up to you...
I believe Cristao was asking about recommended Advanced Settings in Options menu.
You can find that written on openxcom.com, but basically it is just Destroy items on research, and UFOExtender accuracy. The rest is up to you...
Thanks. Correctimon.
In FMP 1.7.3 the Alien Alloy Ammunitions normally increases average damage in the 25% to 37% range. With two exceptions. The Sub Machine Gun only get a 10% increase, while the Auto-Cannon gets a huge 52% increase.
A - Is this done on purpose? If so, what is the reason behind such a choice?
B - If it is an "accidental" mistake, will the damage increases be corrected in the future, to correspond with the 25-37 range?
I've gotten myself into a position where I lost both of my first two Terror Missions (on Superhuman). Apparantly standard AP Ammo is not particularly good, and I cannot even research more advanced weapons, yet. By the way, Snakemen just shrugs off an ordinary Rifle. The only reliable weapons at the moment are Rocket Launchers and Tactical Sniper Rifles. I must say this mod brings the game up to another level of challenge. I love it, so far...
In FMP 1.7.3 the Alien Alloy Ammunitions normally increases average damage in the 25% to 37% range. With two exceptions. The Sub Machine Gun only get a 10% increase, while the Auto-Cannon gets a huge 52% increase.
A - Is this done on purpose? If so, what is the reason behind such a choice?
B - If it is an "accidental" mistake, will the damage increases be corrected in the future, to correspond with the 25-37 range?
The SMG could be an arbitrary choice, but I can't really remember the exact reasoning; I'll think about it. The Auto-Cannon is probably a bug, I'll fix it in the next release.
I've gotten myself into a position where I lost both of my first two Terror Missions (on Superhuman). Apparantly standard AP Ammo is not particularly good, and I cannot even research more advanced weapons, yet. By the way, Snakemen just shrugs off an ordinary Rifle. The only reliable weapons at the moment are Rocket Launchers and Tactical Sniper Rifles. I must say this mod brings the game up to another level of challenge. I love it, so far...
Thanks. As for the tougher enemies in early game, I really recommend flamethrowers and all sorts of explosives to deal with bigger threats.
I like my shotguns, smoke grenades, alloy sword, grenade and rocket launchers. My only problem is the speed of research. Because I like capturing so much (stun rods). I have a lot of research.
i love the mod by far, and i have a couple of ideas rolling across my mind lately, i was thinking if its possible to make the "movement grenade" (i forgot the name sorry), be a dependant project for the movement scanner detector, it makes both sense that you first need some advance in the detection tecnology before you realize you could aply it into a weapon, also it would help to streamline the starting projects, and reduce them into three topics just as vainilla, but this is more a roleplaying "issue" (you could also considerate this as a nerf because i tend to upgrade into those nades ASAP).
i love the mod by far, and i have a couple of ideas rolling across my mind lately, i was thinking if its possible to make the "movement grenade" (i forgot the name sorry), be a dependant project for the movement scanner detector, it makes both sense that you first need some advance in the detection tecnology before you realize you could aply it into a weapon, also it would help to streamline the starting projects, and reduce them into three topics just as vainilla, but this is more a roleplaying "issue" (you could also considerate this as a nerf because i tend to upgrade into those nades ASAP).
Yeah, it makes sense. I'll do that :)
Hello, again. :)
Does anyone know if there has been any discussions about allowing non-penetrating damage to do damage to the Armour?
I mean, if I walk around in my "Front: 50-protected" Personal Armour, and get hit with what turns out to be a 49-damage shot... not only do I escape with no health-reduction, but my Armour is un-touched as well.
Logically, I'd assume if the Armour gets hit it would take some damage. This would have to work both ways, though. If I used a Shotgun against an armoured target, the pellets should "eat away" at the armour until it was damaged enough to allow the weaker weapons to actually do some health-damage.
I know that in the original game the armour got damaged with 10% of the "penetrating damage" (not total calculated damage). What I'd like to see is a change to damage armour with 5 % of final calculated damage (not penetrating damage), rounded down. But limited to 50% of the remaining armour's value, to avoid a total destruction of said armour.
This way, a Sub-Machine Gun (average damage: 20 AP) would damage armour by one (1) point, if it rolled average damage (and the target's armour didn't have any damage-reduction percentages against AP). My 12-man squad would be able to take down an armoured alien (although it would take a long time) by "peanut" weapons alone (would be a lot of fun). On the other hand, "lucky" Plasma Rifle shots in-my-face would damage my armour (even if it didn't damage my health).
Would this even be possible to code in FMP?
Please link to discussions (if you've had them before), as I just thought about this (and haven't come up with all the arguments for/against it, yet).
I think it is a good idea to link Motion Scanner/Proximity Grenade research, as you've decided to do (see post above). Supporting that idea!
Armour damage without health damage is not possible in OpenXCom. It is possible with OpenXCom Extended though, and I will consider it for the X-Com Files mod, which will be FMP on drugs. :)
Armour damage without health damage is not possible in OpenXCom. It is possible with OpenXCom Extended though, and I will consider it for the X-Com Files mod, which will be FMP on drugs. :)
Thank you for the information.
I wish you good luck with the development.
I'll try to keep my eyes open for a test-release during the latter half of 2016. I hope you will be able to get something test-worthy in time for christmas next year (!).
Yours Sincerely
Kjotleik :)
Oh, I hope to have the first version earlier. :) Many thanks for the encouragement. If you want to follow the project, here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2961) is the relevant thread and here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4183.0.html) is some other stuff.
As for the FMP, I have the next version ready, but since I've integrated the Commendations mod it's taking forever to release it, as I am trying to keep the Polish version up to date and these descriptions take forever to translate and I'm really fed up with it. I might just release it half-done, since I don't even know if anybody plays it in Polish at all. :)
Hey, I'm getting occasional crashes out of the blue in the battlescape, always at the very end of the aliens' turn. The game quits without an error dialogue or anything and I can't find a log file of any kind, although I might not be looking in the right place. I'm using the latest version of the mod and a week-old nightly.
Hey, I'm getting occasional crashes out of the blue in the battlescape, always at the very end of the aliens' turn. The game quits without an error dialogue or anything and I can't find a log file of any kind, although I might not be looking in the right place. I'm using the latest version of the mod and a week-old nightly.
Sorry to hear that. Would you have a save? It's hard to say anything otherwise, especially since there have been no crash reports lately.
It could be related to faulty terrain, but it's uncertain.
I reinstalled completely and I haven't had the problem again, although I'm not sure why as everything is identical except for the save itself, since I started over. If it comes up again I'll get you a save.
I reinstalled completely and I haven't had the problem again, although I'm not sure why as everything is identical except for the save itself, since I started over. If it comes up again I'll get you a save.
OK, please let me know if the problem persists. Could be some corruption issue.
Now, let me announce that version 1.8 was released.
- Added Commendations mod.
- Fixed a derpy landing on Slums terrain.
- Alien Habitat now sells for 280000 (was 100).
- Added some cities and fixed Kuwait City location.
- Auto Cannon Alloy Ammo is less powerful.
- Fixed many minor errors in various rulesets.
- Proximity Grenade requires Motion Scanner now.
- Fixes to Hobbes' terrain, by Hobbes.
Hello! I just started playing FMP a few days ago, and it is amazing. I've played around with OpenXcom before, but after Firaxicom, Long War, and Xenonauts, I was never able to get into another game of vanilla X-Com. All of these new options and rebalances are so fantastic, it's like playing for the first time again.
I'm going in blind, minus the readme warnings about game settings and the need for captures, and I've been very much enjoying myself, but I've hit one snag that I'm unsure about. Cyberdiscs. It makes sense to me that small arms just bounce off them now, but they can take a half dozen hits from alloy tactical rifles and shrug off grenades and even rockets. I have difficulty destroying even one in three turns, let alone dealing with the 4+ that show up. I'm wondering if I'm missing an obvious weakness (I've made no attempt to use fire, which has been my answer to Reapers and Spitters), or if early game Cyberdiscs are meant to be something you just get back on the Skyranger when you see them.
I was able to defend my base from a shockingly early assault (loved that) because I layed it out with defense in mind and had long corridors to just pound away at them turn after turn with everything I had, but the poor sight lines on the terror maps combined with their mobility makes them almost impossible to fight.
I do have TFTD's damage scaling enabled as I have never liked the idea that a weapon can strike an unarmored target to no effect, but would that be enough to throw things out of balance despite resulting in more consistent damage?
With TFTD damage rules, you can only kill them with rockets, HE packs, or fire (or stun rods). With normal damage rules, they should also eventually succumb to AC/HC AP ammo.
With TFTD damage rules, you can only kill them with rockets, HE packs, or fire (or stun rods). With normal damage rules, they should also eventually succumb to AC/HC AP ammo.
Even reverting to UFO damage rules they absorb a staggering amount of fire now. It's taking the entire magazine of a multi-launcher to drop just one.
Two issues I've noted:
The commendation screen after battle is using the wrong palette, it's all pink and orange. It's working correctly everywhere else. I believe this is the 12/21 nightly.
I looked at the tech tree to try to explain where an issue seemed to be coming up with the alien laser rifle, but I notice that you can get the gun itself after an interrogation, but you cannot put the clip in it unless you interrogate an engineer. Was this supposed to gate manufacture behind an engineer interrogation? It seems odd that the gun is understood, but putting the clip it in is a mystery.
Even reverting to UFO damage rules they absorb a staggering amount of fire now. It's taking the entire magazine of a multi-launcher to drop just one.
Have you tried spamming HE packs? If you weaken a cyberdisk with a rocket hit and then slam an HE pack down its throat, it's almost guaranteed to die.
(sometimes they don't though, but that's really bad luck)
Thanks for the kind words, Devon!
Actually, fire works pretty good against Cyberdiscs. I really recommend flamethrowers; aliens are apparently too advanced to think about protecting their tanks against something that primitive. :P Of course it doesn't mean they'll die easily, but at least they die reliably. Softening them up with rockets or HEs is advised.
(Note that I haven't changed anything about Cyberdiscs, you just don't have easy access to lasers like in vanilla.)
I looked at the tech tree to try to explain where an issue seemed to be coming up with the alien laser rifle, but I notice that you can get the gun itself after an interrogation, but you cannot put the clip in it unless you interrogate an engineer. Was this supposed to gate manufacture behind an engineer interrogation? It seems odd that the gun is understood, but putting the clip it in is a mystery.
Yeah, more or less. The rifle itself isn't based on any mysterious technology that would be impossible to decipher by X-Com engineers, but the clip uses Elerium and so requires Elerium tech. To be honest there were so many changes regarding lasers that I can't remember exactly how it works right now, but since you can't use plasmas without researching them first, it is logical to assume you can't use Elerium batteries either. But as I said, the gun itself has no special requirements (as opposed to plasma weapons, which require several techs from the field of theoretical physics, like anti-matter containment), so at least after research you can pick it up on the battlefield and use it... But I'll think about it again, maybe all these changes led to something illogical.
As for the Commendations, no idea what could be wrong; it's not related to the mod itself.
Devon_v I totally understand your frustration with Cyberdisks. Maybe its a FMP thing, maybe its an OpenXcom thing. They are early game DEMONS to deal with. I cringe in fear every time I get a Terror Mission with Sectoids.
This is not a complaint though.
I actually prefer the difficulty they present as it really adds to the early game the feeling of "Oh Crap! There's no way to stop these things without great sacrifice".
I know that my best and brightest soldiers may go home in body bags after a mission.
It makes the threat of the aliens sooo much bigger.
Whatever it is about them that makes fighting them so difficult, even with alloy weapons and early laser tech, DONT CHANGE IT! Its brutal but rewarding. And it forces different tactical thinking as I have to direct my soldiers to get within lobbing range to pepper every disk with rockets and HE packs.
It's all true. But I would also add that in the event that you can't win, there's no shame in packing up and leaving. You won't lose your campaign because of that, it's a normal thing to do. (Unless it's an assault on your base.)
Yeah, more or less. The rifle itself isn't based on any mysterious technology that would be impossible to decipher by X-Com engineers, but the clip uses Elerium and so requires Elerium tech. To be honest there were so many changes regarding lasers that I can't remember exactly how it works right now, but since you can't use plasmas without researching them first, it is logical to assume you can't use Elerium batteries either. But as I said, the gun itself has no special requirements (as opposed to plasma weapons, which require several techs from the field of theoretical physics, like anti-matter containment), so at least after research you can pick it up on the battlefield and use it... But I'll think about it again, maybe all these changes led to something illogical.
The specific issue is that I have recovered clips from the battlefield, but I am not allowed to load them on the Skyranger because I don't know what they are. I can put the guns on, but they don't load themselves. I think the gun might need two ammo clips, the existing one, which would unlock with Alien Laser Rifle research but be unbuildable, and an identical "human" Alien Laser Rifle Clip which can be built after Engineer/Elerium to allow manufacturing.
I didn't try fire because I assumed it couldn't possibly work since every armored X-Com unit is immune. :)
Similarly I don't pack HE packs because I'm not used to anything needing that level of damage to bring down. I'm learning otherwise. :)
This extended time on chemical projectiles makss the game play so differently, I'm kinda shocked these are stock Cyberdiscs. Even Reapers are credible threats and they used to be jokes. I have abandomed two missions after 3+ Cyberdiscs attacked simultaneously.
Completed the mod on veteran. My most hated enemy - Sectopods. There was a mission where I ran out of incendiary grenades and hadnt discovered plasma or laser yet. That was tough. I had to abort the mission.
With a combination of the following, I was able to hold my own in the mission.
Flying Armor,
Alloy Sword,
Plasma Sword,
Alloy Shotgun,
Alien Grenade,
High Explosive
Stun Rod
Smoke Grenade
Normal Grenade
Rocket Launcher
Grenade Launcher
Once I discovered Psiamp though it was game over. Pure pwnage. GREAT MOD!!! I had no crashes and it was interesting getting the new races. I wish people would post their comments about the different enemies including those snail enemies.
The specific issue is that I have recovered clips from the battlefield, but I am not allowed to load them on the Skyranger because I don't know what they are. I can put the guns on, but they don't load themselves. I think the gun might need two ammo clips, the existing one, which would unlock with Alien Laser Rifle research but be unbuildable, and an identical "human" Alien Laser Rifle Clip which can be built after Engineer/Elerium to allow manufacturing.
I didn't try fire because I assumed it couldn't possibly work since every armored X-Com unit is immune. :)
Similarly I don't pack HE packs because I'm not used to anything needing that level of damage to bring down. I'm learning otherwise. :)
This extended time on chemical projectiles makss the game play so differently, I'm kinda shocked these are stock Cyberdiscs. Even Reapers are credible threats and they used to be jokes. I have abandomed two missions after 3+ Cyberdiscs attacked simultaneously.
Rocket Launchers and incendiary grenades from grenade launchers worked for me on veteran. Once I had super soldiers - even alloy/plasma swords worked. PS you think cyberdiscs are bad - RUN FROM ANY ETHEREAL TERROR MISSION!! SECTOPODS ARE HORRIBLE. EVEN THE ETHEREALS ARE TOUGH!! >:( >:(
PS Dont use small rockets vs Cyberdiscs. Get the large or normal ones NOT the small ones!!
Thanks Solarius for the update! Just some kind of suggestion, to better distinguish the FMP from other mods such as equal terms and similia: how about to split the starting weapons: the buyable onse and the advanced/researchebal ones?
I explain: now we have some real world alike stuff (ak47 and stubnose) and ontthe fancy generic (assault rifle, rifle) so my thought is: have some real ispired stuu directly buyable from the beginning, eg other than the aforementioned ak-47 at least 2-3 assault rifles - maybe the kappa weapons mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3918.0.html) may be a good source since it's the only mod to feature "real guns" and moving the "vaanilla" rifle and the assault rifle, laong with the tactical tactcal sniper rifle and a second shotgun (to be named assault shotgun) in the manufacturable weapons unlockable when the "advanced firearms" topic is researched. Of course "xcom weapons" should be a bit powerful.
I hope i made myself clear, it's quite a nice distinction that may add some more challenge, maybe. this may be done with next future relase (1.9?) :) Cheers
Rocket Launchers and incendiary grenades from grenade launchers worked for me on veteran. Once I had super soldiers - even alloy/plasma swords worked. PS you think cyberdiscs are bad - RUN FROM ANY ETHEREAL TERROR MISSION!! SECTOPODS ARE HORRIBLE. EVEN THE ETHEREALS ARE TOUGH!! >:( >:(
PS Dont use small rockets vs Cyberdiscs. Get the large or normal ones NOT the small ones!!
Sectopods are always bad news. With the altered progression I'd expect to actually be using lasers at that point though which might help.
Throwing HE packs at them takes them down so fast it's kinda silly. I guess the other explosives were still hitting the front and side armor rather than the under armor. Makes a big difference. I now have a dedicated grenadier with the strength and accuracy to really sling that stuff.
I'm on veteran myself, it's been too long since I played plus the whole going in blind thing.
I haven't mentioned the content because I presume praise there should be directed to the original creators. The reimagined Spitters are indeed awesome, as is the appearance of the Arthropods making an actual link to Apocalypse outside of the vague suggestion that the psi-microbes were controlling the Ethereals.
Gotta say, this game is real interesting when you can't find any alien engineers. My elite troops are Toxi-Suited commandos, armed with flame, shock, and blade. When heavy armor shows up, "Hurricane" deals with it by unleashing the madness that is eight high explosive packs on one human. Three tanks and "Radar"'s motion tracker help direct the assault while the colonel and commander hover over the battlefield armed with their tac50s.
It's not like I don't take prisoners. I have two containment units, and I still have to take the grunts out back and shoot them. The engineers just seem to like to hug the power source on the way down, or jump in front of reaction fire or something. :)
Sectopods are always bad news. With the altered progression I'd expect to actually be using lasers at that point though which might help.
Throwing HE packs at them takes them down so fast it's kinda silly. I guess the other explosives were still hitting the front and side armor rather than the under armor. Makes a big difference. I now have a dedicated grenadier with the strength and accuracy to really sling that stuff.
I'm on veteran myself, it's been too long since I played plus the whole going in blind thing.
I haven't mentioned the content because I presume praise there should be directed to the original creators. The reimagined Spitters are indeed awesome, as is the appearance of the Arthropods making an actual link to Apocalypse outside of the vague suggestion that the psi-microbes were controlling the Ethereals.
I must be unlucky. I threw so many HEs and nothing happened to the Sectopod. What I used was incendiary weapons - INC Grenades - everything to make the ish burn.
I must be unlucky. I threw so many HEs and nothing happened to the Sectopod. What I used was incendiary weapons - INC Grenades - everything to make the ish burn.
I threw the HE at the Cyberdiscs, they're the ones that die in one blast. I haven't seen any Sectopods yet.
The specific issue is that I have recovered clips from the battlefield, but I am not allowed to load them on the Skyranger because I don't know what they are. I can put the guns on, but they don't load themselves.
Yeah, I understand. I guess I'll have to streamline it a little bit. Hey, does anybody know if adding two research topics to "required" in the item block works?
I think the gun might need two ammo clips, the existing one, which would unlock with Alien Laser Rifle research but be unbuildable, and an identical "human" Alien Laser Rifle Clip which can be built after Engineer/Elerium to allow manufacturing.
Maybe, but at that point you can start manufacturing your own lasers, whch are better.
PS Dont use small rockets vs Cyberdiscs. Get the large or normal ones NOT the small ones!!
Small Rockets are generally pointless, since you can buy unlimited Large Rockets and money is not an issue. Hmmm, maybe I should do something about this...
Thanks Solarius for the update! Just some kind of suggestion, to better distinguish the FMP from other mods such as equal terms and similia: how about to split the starting weapons: the buyable onse and the advanced/researchebal ones?
Nah, there's already enough starting weapons (some say way too many). You'll be moving to alloy ammo very quickly anyway. But in X-Com Files things will be different, you'll probably like it.
I haven't mentioned the content because I presume praise there should be directed to the original creators.
The reimagined Spitters are indeed awesome, as is the appearance of the Arthropods making an actual link to Apocalypse outside of the vague suggestion that the psi-microbes were controlling the Ethereals.
Which is BS if you ask me, but that's beside the point. To me, Arthropods in OpenXCom are just another alien race, with no special considerations for the species from Apocalypse, which has its own tactical profile and that's it.
As for the Sectopods... There are no good methods to use against Sectopods. :) Just throw what you have at them and pray it's enough.
Which is BS if you ask me, but that's beside the point. To me, Arthropods in OpenXCom are just another alien race, with no special considerations for the species from Apocalypse, which has its own tactical profile and that's it.
See, my biggest beef with Apocalyse was the sudden 180 from Enemy Unknown. Being attacked by an interstellar colilition suddenly changes to being invaded by a metamorphic lifeform from another dimension. Encountering prototype Arthropods during the first war at least provides some foreshadowing. Since they're a dead end of the life cycle and the aliens don't appear ready to deploy the Multiworms, X-Com has no reason to believe there's anything more to it at this point. Also Spitters were pretty much the dumbest design in the entire series so the new ones are just awesome.
I mean Apoc could have hung on to the Chryssalids at least. It was kinda like new game, new monsters, continuity be damned. Heck it wasn't until Interceptor that someone sat down and wrote a coherent timeline.
On the technical front, however the Gauss weapons are set up works. After researching the Gauss craft weapon I was able to use, but not build, all of the MiB Gauss weapons and their clips.
See, my biggest beef with Apocalyse was the sudden 180 from Enemy Unknown. Being attacked by an interstellar colilition suddenly changes to being invaded by a metamorphic lifeform from another dimension. Encountering prototype Arthropods during the first war at least provides some foreshadowing. Since they're a dead end of the life cycle and the aliens don't appear ready to deploy the Multiworms, X-Com has no reason to believe there's anything more to it at this point. Also Spitters were pretty much the dumbest design in the entire series so the new ones are just awesome.
I mean Apoc could have hung on to the Chryssalids at least. It was kinda like new game, new monsters, continuity be damned. Heck it wasn't until Interceptor that someone sat down and wrote a coherent timeline.
Yep, can't agree more. I generally still like Apocalypse though.
On the technical front, however the Gauss weapons are set up works. After researching the Gauss craft weapon I was able to use, but not build, all of the MiB Gauss weapons and their clips.
Yeah, well, they don't require that much tech, except for a new energy source.
Funny enough I never used Gauss. Went from AP/Alloy/Grenades to Laser to Plasma to PsiAmp
Small Rockets are generally pointless, since you can buy unlimited Large Rockets and money is not an issue. Hmmm, maybe I should do something about this..
If you use the Rocket Launcher as a "Sniper Rifle" from the back, the 75 vs 100 damage can be the difference between obliterating everything in the vicinity... or just the enemies, leaving your frontline-soldiers alive to fight another...turn. This means the Small Rocket is far from pointless!
Of course, I could use (and do) the Tactical Sniper Rifle's explosive ammo, but that is only 56 damage. Multi-Launcher has damage of 70, but a 10 % less accuracy with aimed shot (105 vs 115) compared to the Rocket Launcher.
Out in the open, with no soldiers in front of your Rocket Launcher, you're quite right that it is pointless to use anything but the Large Rocket... but that is just one of the possible uses...
There is as expected a high risk involved in using Rockets as "sniper rifles," but if the alternative is that your frontmen ends the turn without cover five to ten blocks from a tough-to-take-down enemy... :o This is especially a scenario for when you don't have the time to wait, but must rush the enemy (think early psionic aliens).
Oh, and have a great 2016!
You too, and everyone! :)
Yeah, rocket sniping is not really my style (2 crazy 4 me), but I can see how it can be viable. Plus Small Rockets are lighter, which I sort of ignored in my previous post.
Funny enough I never used Gauss. Went from AP/Alloy/Grenades to Laser to Plasma to PsiAmp
I had a very brief window due to my troubles in locating an engineer, but yes there's not much point in building any Gauss yourself since lasers are right around the corner.
About the Gauss tech what I mean is I was able to use, but not produce, Gauss weapons without researching them or the Elerium Battery. With the Alien Laser Rifle the clip remained unuseable until researched, at which point it was obsolete because I now had X-Com laser research availible. Those guns might have been useful way back when I actually researched them, and the limited availible ammo would require them to be used sparingly.
I had a very brief window due to my troubles in locating an engineer, but yes there's not much point in building any Gauss yourself since lasers are right around the corner.
About the Gauss tech what I mean is I was able to use, but not produce, Gauss weapons without researching them or the Elerium Battery. With the Alien Laser Rifle the clip remained unuseable until researched, at which point it was obsolete because I now had X-Com laser research availible. Those guns might have been useful way back when I actually researched them, and the limited availible ammo would require them to be used sparingly.
I agree. I was happy when I saw the rifle in my inventory. Then I entered battlescape and it wasnt working!! >:( >:( By the time I could research the clip, I had better weapons.
..and now since FMP is a kinda "complete" mod, i really think it deserves a first-update post, in the form of a general intro & download, as ufo redux (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3328.0.html) 8)
..and now since FMP is a kinda "complete" mod, i really think it deserves a first-update post, in the form of a general intro & download, as ufo redux (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3328.0.html) 8)
Sadly I can't. The first post isn't mine. :P
I'm still thinking about the Alien Laser Rifle. Haven't decided what to do with it yet, but I did plenty of other work, so it's okay. :P
Sadly I can't. The first post isn't mine. :P
I'm still thinking about the Alien Laser Rifle. Haven't decided what to do with it yet, but I did plenty of other work, so it's okay. :P
Oh, i did not pay attention! Maybe it's time to start a brand new dedicated thread ? 8) As for an alien laser rifle, i might even try to make some sort, just keep an eye on my playground! (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3934.msg50864.html#msg50864)
Maybe grab a Subforum?
Then you should be able to alter stuff as you see fit.
Also something i need to do for my own mod in the future.
Maybe grab a Subforum?
Then you should be able to alter stuff as you see fit.
Also something i need to do for my own mod in the future.
That's what i meant. In the meantime for an alien weapon, see here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3934.msg57152.html#msg57152):)
is the alien data slate OP or something? it seems like you can just research it again and again too get free researched things.
is the alien data slate OP or something? it seems like you can just research it again and again too get free researched things.
Only if you don't read the very simple instructions and leave your "spent research items" option turned off. :P
As for the Sectopods... There are no good methods to use against Sectopods. :) Just throw what you have at them and pray it's enough.
I haven't played FMP yet but in vanilla, one of the better ways to fight them is with heavy lasers or laser tanks, and with the improved heavy laser stock mod in Open Xcom, you can really take them down easy. I beefed up the heavy laser in my mod, then added a heavy auto-laser which is like the autocannon but laser. And I added a more powerful laser tank. They're not that much stronger than vanilla but it helps get over the armor cause the original heavy laser isn't actually very strong. I used to use laser rifles for sectopods actually--just have a hovertank burn off their reaction fire, then unload some auto-shots into them. I don't know what laser weapons FMP has to offer but if there's powerful lasers, that's probably the answer.
Also, blaster bombs are the answer to ANYTHING.
Good luck. Lasers didnt work for me. What worked was incendiary weapons - grenades, grenade launcher, incendiary rocket. Lasers - NAH!!
Fire. Kill them with fire.
I'd say that all the mechs should be altered to take WAY less damage from incendiaries, because it's silly how easy they are to drop with flamers.
Alloy Blades are also insanely effective against everything. If you have a dedicated capture agent using the Stun Rod they will end up with great melee accuracy. Mine ended up with 107% accuracy, 112TUs, and around 100 damage in a Synthsuit. Went into a downed saucer and cut down three Gazers in one turn. Ninja, yo.
High Explosive packs are also highly effective against everything. My grenadier can now carry nine of them and throw them a good 20 tiles. Not much lives through the first.
hi guys, i want to throw a few things up, again im enjoying so much the mod and everythings feels great...and just a personal thought but i have see a lot of people arguing how strong are the cyberdisc now but i managed to kill one using ONLY standard weaponry (one magazine of LMG at close quarter and three burst from a standard rifle using normal amunnition) and it got just kaput!.
i want to point out a few bugs i noticed but they are mostly with the "base game" so imma post it in other place ...some of them are for example getting strange colored reports for commendations...or gettint the health bar swaps it color after you got a fatal wound (swaps from red to green).....
but one thing idk if its have something to do with the mod is the actual fact that when you are in a base defense most of your items appears dropped in the floor of the hangars, it would be a minor issue except for the fact most of your enemies tend to appear there, specially "HEAVY UNITS" (cyberdisk)..and because you tend to drop all your explosion down there to get those basterds down it have the nasty effect of make you lose a lot of items in the skirmish...its pretty lame and also annoying because most of the time you dont have an idea of what items you lost....so if this related to the mod or its something else?.
Ps im playing in superhuman and i already fought my first base defense mission...im loving this thanks again for your work!.
ps2: this is the aftermath of the attack..i managed to survive it, and we finally pin down this MOFO who was personally responsable of the death of my two best soldiers including my captain and revenge must be served cold ;)
Has anyone else been having a graphical glitch with the Large Living Quarters in the latest nightlies? I tried to reinstall everything from scratch and it still come up.
Edit: Forgot to mention versions!
The facility looked normal in 2016_01_02_0303 but starting new research problems had strange lag before the window would open.
I've tried several newer versions and the research lag is gone but I get the graphical glitch in the screenshot.
i can reproduce this
I think the new nightly enforces some palette stuff, so you're either 100% down with the original palette or you get penalized like this. This is my guess based on what SupSuper said about new changes. At least it looks like a f*cked up palette, however it worked with Nightlies for more than a year (I'm the author of Large Living Quarters).
but one thing idk if its have something to do with the mod is the actual fact that when you are in a base defense most of your items appears dropped in the floor of the hangars, it would be a minor issue except for the fact most of your enemies tend to appear there, specially "HEAVY UNITS" (cyberdisk)..and because you tend to drop all your explosion down there to get those basterds down it have the nasty effect of make you lose a lot of items in the skirmish...its pretty lame and also annoying because most of the time you dont have an idea of what items you lost....so if this related to the mod or its something else?.
Yes. It's because hangars give some storage space. I think I'll remove it after all.
Congrats on base defence by the way!
As for the Large Living Quarters, I'll look into it... Or wait on Dioxine to do so. :P
The palette stuff is due to using lodePNG when loading 8bit PNG's (needed for OSX).
The problem with the png's from those facilities is that the palette is truncated, and the transparency value
is set to something like 255 (if i remember correctly). Apparently SDL by itself honored the transparency layer, while lodepng tries to
set the transparency index before passing it on.
It took me a few attempts to 'fix' those images (i'm not a pixel guru).
The attached ones should work in the versions before and after commit b3b199c4
Thanks r1Do.
If it happens again, would simply using gif format instead of png fix the problem?
Unfortunately i am to unfamiliar with gif to say anything definitive about that.
If my understanding of the OXC code is good enough it looks like gif is handled by lodePNG as well.
That would imply that the same errors would give the same results... but that's just speculation.
One thing that i want to try out (hopefully this evening) is what happens in both cases, e.g. before and after specific commit, when flattening the png files.
If that works satisfactory (it should, given how the indexed files are supposed to be build-up according to ufopeadia (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=PALETTES.DAT) and the post of SupSuper), it might just be as easy to flatten those images before publishing.
- Use 8-bit PNG (recommended: Photoshop, Aseprite).
- Use vanilla palettes.
- Don't optimize palettes.
- Transparent color must always be palette index 0 (first color).
Thanks. But if this means editing several thousand files, then we have a problem. :P
Luckily those rules are not different than before. So most files will be ok, and its only needed when errors arise.
Unfortunately the exact problem is still not known, and the guidelines seem very vague to me.
Do the color indices of the palette need to match the exact RGB of the game's palette ? AFAIK, no, because sprites are loaded before the game even knows which palette will be used to display them.
The index of pixels expected to be transparent has to be zero, OK, but does this color also HAVE to be transparent as per the PNG specification ? It's the opposite of what's required for GIFs, which must not have transparent color zero :o
- Using a "tRNS" chunk ? Does it HAVE to be a 256-byte chunk with 1 time "0" and 255 times "255" ? Or can it be shortened to 1 x "0", which has the same meaning ?
- What if there's an alpha channel which gives an alpha of zero to all 0-index pixels ? Does it more harm than good ? It's not supposed to be PNG standard (color type 5 in Image Header, forbidden (https://www.libpng.org/pub/png/spec/1.2/PNG-Chunks.html#C.IHDR)), but some painting program make them, and they actually render OK in web browsers.
The file worked great! Thanks so much for fixing it so fast!
The palette stuff is due to using lodePNG when loading 8bit PNG's (needed for OSX).
The problem with the png's from those facilities is that the palette is truncated, and the transparency value
is set to something like 255 (if i remember correctly). Apparently SDL by itself honored the transparency layer, while lodepng tries to
set the transparency index before passing it on.
It took me a few attempts to 'fix' those images (i'm not a pixel guru).
The attached ones should work in the versions before and after commit b3b199c4
I'm not a fan of the MIB, will removing them from alienRaces_FMP, alienDeployments_FMP, etc break anything?
I'm not a fan of the MIB, will removing them from alienRaces_FMP, alienDeployments_FMP, etc break anything?
No, if you also remove them from Missions etc. it should work fine.
BTW are there other palette issues that need to be fixed?
I made a completely new version of Reptoids, see pic. Do you like it more than the original? Please tell me if I should replace them with these.
(un)luckily for me i've not encountered them i my current play through.
But looking at the sources i would say, i prefer this one.
Thanks for the input. I'll replace them, and if anyone wants the old sprites, I'll change it back.
I made these new Reptoids for X-Com Files, because I want to have real Tasoths there and so couldn't use their sprites. Besides the new ones (in suits) are much more appropriate for what they are: alien CIA (in accordance with the popular myth).
Anyway, new version will be published tonight, unless I get ideas.
EDIT: New version 1.8.1 available for download.
- Alien Laser Rifle Clip can now be used (but not manufactured) earlier.
- Increased firepower on Uzi and SMG.
- On Assault Rifle, autofire takes longer.
- Fixed Large Living Quarters palette (by R1dO).
- Fixed broken routes on some maps (with help from Hellrazor).
- New Reptoid sprites!
Yep, the new Reptoids are Awesome!
- Increased firepower on Uzi and SMG.
- On Assault Rifle, autofire takes longer.
Thanks for the balancing. If I have read the in-game UFOpaedia correct, a full TU turn of Auto-Fire now gives the same expected value for both the Assault Rifle and Sub Machine Gun (with AA Ammunition), while for standard ammo the SMG is 11% better than the Assault Rifle. I can actually see myself using SMG's early on now (in their role as close quarters weaponry, of course), while before - the huge damage advantage of the Assault Rifle made the SMG obsolete from game's start.
But despite the nerf, the Assault Rifle is clearly better than the Rifle (Full TU Auto-Fire). Now a 71% advantage, against a 157% advantage before the reduction from three to two Auto-Fire rounds per turn.
Now it actually makes sense to use SMG's inside UFO's and buildings, Assault Rifles at medium range outdoors (or corridors) and Rifles for open terrain maps (of course, combined with one or two snipers carrying Sniper Rifles - staying at a distance).
Time to start a new 1.8.1 game, testing my conclusions... 8-)
Obviously, once we see stronger enemies than the early greys, explosives is still the go-to-weapon-of-choice!
- Alien Laser Rifle Clip can now be used (but not manufactured) earlier.
- New Reptoid sprites!
Thanks for these. The reptoids especially as I just couldn't see them as anything but recolored tasoths.
hi, nice to see the new update and while thats coming up i want to suggest two mods i found some time before and imho worth using paired this mod:
first its the alternative smoke graphics from meridian, at first sight it doesnt look too much, but if you play some missions, you'll notice how usefull is the mod per se, if you see it, you'll notice how its "easier" to see stuff inside smoke and its less annoying.
the second one is overhauled xcom mod from civilian, it changes drastically all the base "textures" into something much better, they make it less "brownish" and more gray metallic one :) . also it brings more light into the base and it looks more military and less cave (you have complete 20 tiles ilumination inside the bases anyways).
i would love to give you the links but sadly i dont have a decent internet now, sorry :'( :'( :'(...
ps:i am working in a translation into spanish so my brother can play this mod..but after all i also decided to make it in english (im adding fluff text into most of the ufopaedia entries...)so it would be very usefull if someone could provide me a late game save, specially if is one with most (if not all) the entries unlocked, thanks a lot folks!.
hi, nice to see the new update and while thats coming up i want to suggest two mods i found some time before and imho worth using paired this mod:
Thank you.
first its the alternative smoke graphics from meridian, at first sight it doesnt look too much, but if you play some missions, you'll notice how usefull is the mod per se, if you see it, you'll notice how its "easier" to see stuff inside smoke and its less annoying.
Robin, not Meridian... Unless you mean the non-animated version. :)
Yeah, I've wanted to do it, but I had some technical problems and then I've met with some resistance as some people really don't like it. So I've finally decided that it's simple enough to use it as a separate mod if anyone wants to. But this could change :)
the second one is overhauled xcom mod from civilian, it changes drastically all the base "textures" into something much better, they make it less "brownish" and more gray metallic one :) . also it brings more light into the base and it looks more military and less cave (you have complete 20 tiles ilumination inside the bases anyways).
Hmm, can you link it? I don't think I've seen it before.
i would love to give you the links but sadly i dont have a decent internet now, sorry :'( :'( :'(...
...sorry, I take it back :) I'll search for it myself.
ps:i am working in a translation into spanish so my brother can play this mod..but after all i also decided to make it in english (im adding fluff text into most of the ufopaedia entries...)so it would be very usefull if someone could provide me a late game save, specially if is one with most (if not all) the entries unlocked, thanks a lot folks!.
There's a better method:
- Go to your user folder.
- Open options.cfg with a text editor.
- Find a line that says "debug: false" and change it to "debug: true". If it doesn't exist at all, create it.
- Save the file.
- Run the game.
- In Geoscape, press Ctrl+D.
- Now you have access to all Ufopedia articles, congratulations!
Oh, and I would be grateful for a Spanish translation if you have it. ;)
hi compadre...im back to the civilization so i have a much better internet now..those are the mods i talked you about:
smoke(it doesnt have a preview image but imma attatch one later)
https://www.openxcom.com/mod/alternative-smoke (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/alternative-smoke)
this one actually HAS preview images on it...
https://www.openxcom.com/mod/x-com-base-overhaul (https://www.openxcom.com/mod/x-com-base-overhaul)
ps: about translator, well im venezuelan so i handle spanish ;D ;D...if you need help translating the mod i could try to give you one hand on it i guess, if you could send me the files i need to change, or that had not been translated and i help you, its funny but i preffer to play the game in english xDD.
edit: i found a palete error in the gauss defense building :)
im sorry for the double post >_<.
pics attached:
the gauss error, a smoke preview(i know it seems weird but if you test in on the game you'll notice a improvement over vainilla smoke imho) and also as a personal doubt..i found a few "strings" of research topics on the lab...its normal or its an error >_<?
hi compadre...im back to the civilization so i have a much better internet now..those are the mods i talked you about:
Buenos dias! Yeah, thanks for the link. I'll look into it, though I'm not sure if other people will want to change this... I guess more feedback would be nice.
ps: about translator, well im venezuelan so i handle spanish ;D ;D...if you need help translating the mod i could try to give you one hand on it i guess, if you could send me the files i need to change, or that had not been translated and i help you, its funny but i preffer to play the game in english xDD.
Well, everything is in the extraStrings.rul file... If you're making a Spanish version, I'd simply like to add it to the general release. If you agree, of course.
edit: i found a palete error in the gauss defense building :)
Oh thanks, I'll have a look at it.
As for the untranslated strings, you shouldn't be seeing these unless you mess with the mod. Not a bug. ;)
If you're interested in adding the Extra Explosions mod I already went through and added the effects to the only items I found missing from the original mod. I've attached the new .rul file.
If you're interested in adding the Extra Explosions mod I already went through and added the effects to the only items I found missing from the original mod. I've attached the new .rul file.
Thanks, I'll have a look at it when I have some time. I somehow missed this.
In other news, new sprites for the Cerebreals are ready. Now I just need to make the Chtonites and their terror units to get away from TFTD graphics. (I'll change the tunluns into something else, too. I have mastered the big unit sprite making and nothing can stop me!)
I have mastered the big unit sprite making and nothing can stop me!)
Bring them on... ;D
Fire of desire
What terror now awaits
horror never abates
the master of creatures, dark and foul
his desires, nightmares of my soul
It's time to take the fire
from my heart into my hand
to turn the state from dire
and march through the land
Let me hire soldiers with pyromania
no mercy aliens - next mission I will scorch
my flames of fire spreads - as do your inertia
your bravery will melt - like ice next to a torch
(C)Kjetil Hvattum, 2016
i see the new structure...... translating again the last to spanish-es. and i am with hype to see your new mod......XD
--- posts merge - Solarius Scorch ---
hi, nice to see the new update and while thats coming up i want to suggest two mods i found some time before and imho worth using paired this mod:
first its the alternative smoke graphics from meridian, at first sight it doesnt look too much, but if you play some missions, you'll notice how usefull is the mod per se, if you see it, you'll notice how its "easier" to see stuff inside smoke and its less annoying.
the second one is overhauled xcom mod from civilian, it changes drastically all the base "textures" into something much better, they make it less "brownish" and more gray metallic one :) . also it brings more light into the base and it looks more military and less cave (you have complete 20 tiles ilumination inside the bases anyways).
i would love to give you the links but sadly i dont have a decent internet now, sorry :'( :'( :'(...
ps:i am working in a translation into spanish so my brother can play this mod..but after all i also decided to make it in english (im adding fluff text into most of the ufopaedia entries...)so it would be very usefull if someone could provide me a late game save, specially if is one with most (if not all) the entries unlocked, thanks a lot folks!.
The mod is translated to spanish spain. Her code is es-es if you want use...
Otra cosa es que quieras traducirlo al español latino que su código es es-419 si mal no recuerdo. Si necesitas ayuda ya sabes. Pídela...
Enviado desde mi ECOO E04 3GB mediante Tapatalk
Bring them on... ;D
Fire of desire
What terror now awaits
horror never abates
the master of creatures, dark and foul
his desires, nightmares of my soul
It's time to take the fire
from my heart into my hand
to turn the state from dire
and march through the land
Let me hire soldiers with pyromania
no mercy aliens - next mission I will scorch
my flames of fire spreads - as do your inertia
your bravery will melt - like ice next to a torch
(C)Kjetil Hvattum, 2016
This should be made into a metal song. (Especially since I'm stealing stuff from Diablo.)
The mod is translated to spanish spain. Her code is es-es if you want use...
I think the Spanish translation is very incomplete and probably outdated, too.
This should be made into a metal song. (Especially since I'm stealing stuff from Diablo.)
Unfortunately, I'm not good at making music. I can write words, but that's it.
If you, or anyone, actually manages to fit this little poem in with some kind of melody... be my guest! 8)
It'd be interesting to hear how it turned out...
The translation only need the last medals incorporación and the name of 3 wepons. The Rest is complete... And i added new strings to complete the ufopedia
Ive read the info on Final Mod pack and have seen Meridian's U tube games, I'm am just trying to confirm,
are alien fighter craft, the hybrids, the attack dogs, and recce robots, actually included in Final mod pack, as although they are part of Meridian's cool Final mod pack youtube campaigns they are not listed in the final mod pack literature on this site.
Other than the nighty which thanks to a reply from meridian, I have just installed, do I need any other actual mods, to get the above extras.
Guidance appreciated
Yes, all of the above is included in the Final Mod Pack already.
I would recommend also:
1. HQ sounds for FMP: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/high-quality-sounds
2. Cydonia's Fall OST: https://www.openxcom.com/files/UFO_Cydonias_Fall_OST.zip
Hi, its me again, just a few suggestion again, as said before im playing in superhuman so this is more like personal thoughts, there is a lot of things i though these days but i forgot most of them so expect a lot of edits after i start remember things....
caution walltext ahead..take your precautions....
Now its possible to make aircraft a crafting material :D!, my suggestion is to use interceptor to build raven but lessening a lot the cost, but increasing the Alien Alloys cost in order to balance.
I have found that money its not a problem after march-april , i have three bases and im swimming in money after selling a lot of stuffs from missions and crafting a few stuff in order to inject cash to my pockets, so i suggest increasing a little the cost int early tier projects, for example the alloy vest cost the same as personal suit, i would suggest increasing the cost of the later, im okay with the fact they cost the same AA (because personal suit is unlocked after the advanced cutting thingy so its logical that after they found a better way to cut AA they found more efficient ways to use it) , but they cost the same cash price and that feels kind of dull, there should be some kind of "decision punishment" stuff deciding if you want to standarize the suits over the vest, just think about the "BATSUIT"...is not worth to make all infantry use 200 k clothes..but maybe officials or key soldiers!, because money its not a problem its not so HARD decision, but increasing the cost will make the alloy vest find a niche use in your troops, a cheaper alternative to better protection because the personal suit is already superio in every single way.
I found the HMG being completely useless, in my mind, they are suposed to be used mostly in base defense, sitting down inmobile in bottle necks, spitting tons of bullets against enemies, but instead they are way to heavy to even shoot no matter what you try, i suggest reduccing their wheight, so soldier could just carry them across the map and settle down in some point and then wait until the next turn to shoot (imagine they have to arm the tripod and stuff), i had guys with 70+ str and still being unable to shoot it because they require way too much TUs and because they are too heavy, it ends eating a lot of TUs from soldiers, also if the tu cost is enough to cut half the TUs aviable from a soldier in half it should ever feel a lot more "LOGICAL", i hope you understand what i mean.
Also there is a new feature to allow starting units to being edited...i suggest increasing their stats...why? because just starting the game you have to face your first question...ignore all the early ufos landings until you get more troops, or risk your more precious soldiers for money but having the possibility of get them wipped out of your ranks...also because there is the "first to serve" medal , i feel there should be some additional need to protect them other that a "flashy unique medal" you know?, they are the first to serve because they are the most fitting soldiers they found sounds very fitting and logical.
also as just veeeeeeery veeeeeery personal taste...i hate the "recruit" and "squaddie" terms, i always edit it to being called RECRUITS and PRIVATE because it feels way more militar-ish and also its pretty normal that most of your troops its compossed from privates(they are the backbone of any army anyway).
also take a look on this two mods:
this one adds more battleships layouts
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html)
and this one is specially usefull, because sadly most of the ufos in the mod are quite buggy so if you approach from certain directions you can magically peek a boo inside the ufo layout..
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html)
So, this is my thoughts until now...what do you think about them?.
also take a look on this two mods:
this one adds more battleships layouts
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html)
and this one is specially usefull, because sadly most of the ufos in the mod are quite buggy so if you approach from certain directions you can magically peek a boo inside the ufo layout..
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html)
So, this is my thoughts until now...what do you think about them?.
The Darkened UFO vanilla variants Mod, already contains the Extra Battleship Mod, i also added 1 Battleship design i created myself.
There may be a problem about Ufo map naming :'(
I wish I play he Darkened UFO vanilla variants maps and the maps contained into FMP/Redux that you did not reworked
Which them are now :-\
Hi, its me again, just a few suggestion again, as said before im playing in superhuman so this is more like personal thoughts, there is a lot of things i though these days but i forgot most of them so expect a lot of edits after i start remember things....
Cool, feedback is good. :)
Now its possible to make aircraft a crafting material :D!, my suggestion is to use interceptor to build raven but lessening a lot the cost, but increasing the Alien Alloys cost in order to balance.
I don't think it'd be logical, since both planes look completely different. It'd be easier to build the Raven from scratch.
I have found that money its not a problem after march-april , i have three bases and im swimming in money after selling a lot of stuffs from missions and crafting a few stuff in order to inject cash to my pockets
That's actually normal for X-Com. :P
so i suggest increasing a little the cost int early tier projects, for example the alloy vest cost the same as personal suit, i would suggest increasing the cost of the later, im okay with the fact they cost the same AA (because personal suit is unlocked after the advanced cutting thingy so its logical that after they found a better way to cut AA they found more efficient ways to use it) , but they cost the same cash price and that feels kind of dull, there should be some kind of "decision punishment" stuff deciding if you want to standarize the suits over the vest, just think about the "BATSUIT"...is not worth to make all infantry use 200 k clothes..but maybe officials or key soldiers!, because money its not a problem its not so HARD decision, but increasing the cost will make the alloy vest find a niche use in your troops, a cheaper alternative to better protection because the personal suit is already superio in every single way.
Sure, I can make it more expensive. Like you said, it's not very consequential.
I found the HMG being completely useless, in my mind, they are suposed to be used mostly in base defense, sitting down inmobile in bottle necks, spitting tons of bullets against enemies, but instead they are way to heavy to even shoot no matter what you try, i suggest reduccing their wheight, so soldier could just carry them across the map and settle down in some point and then wait until the next turn to shoot (imagine they have to arm the tripod and stuff), i had guys with 70+ str and still being unable to shoot it because they require way too much TUs and because they are too heavy, it ends eating a lot of TUs from soldiers, also if the tu cost is enough to cut half the TUs aviable from a soldier in half it should ever feel a lot more "LOGICAL", i hope you understand what i mean.
I think I do, but sorry, I can't make it an overpowered alternative to the rifle. ;) HMG is useful, but it's not a no-brainer, you need to know how to use it. My favourite tactics is using it with a flying armour, just floating in a corner at a high altitude and auto-sniping everyone. Yes, it's heavy as fock, but otherwise it would be too good - you need a specialist.
Also there is a new feature to allow starting units to being edited...i suggest increasing their stats...why? because just starting the game you have to face your first question...ignore all the early ufos landings until you get more troops, or risk your more precious soldiers for money but having the possibility of get them wipped out of your ranks...also because there is the "first to serve" medal , i feel there should be some additional need to protect them other that a "flashy unique medal" you know?, they are the first to serve because they are the most fitting soldiers they found sounds very fitting and logical.
To be honest, I couldn't understand your request. :o Yeah, I get it you want better starting stats (they have always been editable BTW), but I have no idea why...
also as just veeeeeeery veeeeeery personal taste...i hate the "recruit" and "squaddie" terms, i always edit it to being called RECRUITS and PRIVATE because it feels way more militar-ish and also its pretty normal that most of your troops its compossed from privates(they are the backbone of any army anyway).
I'm sticking to the original names for clarity's sake, but it's extremely easy to make a separate mod just for that. Simply make a text file with extension .rul and write this in it:
- type: en-US
STR_ROOKIE: "Recruit"
Of course if you use some other language than EN-US, change the "- type: en-US" part.
also take a look on this two mods:
this one adds more battleships layouts
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4258.0.html)
It's already integrated and will be bundled with the next release.
and this one is specially usefull, because sadly most of the ufos in the mod are quite buggy so if you approach from certain directions you can magically peek a boo inside the ufo layout..
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4283.0.html)
I'll do it too I think, but it'll take more time.
There may be a problem about Ufo map naming :'(
I wish I play he Darkened UFO vanilla variants maps and the maps contained into FMP/Redux that you did not reworked
Which them are now :-\
This scares me too. :)
There may be a problem about Ufo map naming :'(
I wish I play he Darkened UFO vanilla variants maps and the maps contained into FMP/Redux that you did not reworked
Which them are now :-\
Whats the issue with names of the files?
Is there a issue with the map names?
the problem is to discern which maps you have changed and which you have created
from those unvanilla maps that you have discarded.
We want yours maps and the discarded too.
the problem is to discern which maps you have changed and which you have created
from those unvanilla maps that you have discarded.
We want yours maps and the discarded too.
Well, i only have interior variants of vanilla Maps.
Yes and I want play them
but I like those in FMP/Redux too
The problem is to obtain a unique list of all ufos, without duplication.
In your pack exists some ufo with different name already contained into FMP/Redux mods
Yes and I want play them
but I like those in FMP/Redux too
The problem is to obtain a unique list of all ufos, without duplication.
In your pack exists some ufo with different name already contained into FMP/Redux mods
The pack only contains UFO's which have the same external hull as vanilla ones.
So it does not include a 2 level Medium Scout for example, since it is not a vanilla UFO in strict sense.
The file naming is based upon the original game files.
Usually it goes like this:
UFO_110 normal medium scout
UFO_110a turned normal medium scout. etc..
Only exception are Battleships, since they do not have turned Versions.
And what i also should mention, i edited the UFOL83.MCD, the maps will show errors, if the wrong version is used. Of course this modified file is included in the Mod.
UFO_110a turned normal medium scout. etc..
In the old naming convention (luke83 extra ufos, which FMP as well as Piratez are using), ufo_110a would be modified floor plan, while ufr_110 woul be turned version (and ufr_110a turned version of ufo_110a). Aren't your recent changes confusing?
In the old naming convention (luke83 extra ufos, which FMP as well as Piratez are using), ufo_110a would be modified floor plan, while ufr_110 woul be turned version (and ufr_110a turned version of ufo_110a). Aren't your recent changes confusing?
Well i found the old naming system confusing, so i stick with how the vanilla named its files and simplified it.
And honestly, i do not care. They mod is fully functional and does what it is supposed to do. You can use the files like you wish. If you do not like the names, rename them.
I have some funny situation, and I'm not sure, is this because of difficulty setting, or modification - my sentinels craft repairing from the fight with battleships for 15-20 days... and it's really much more easy to built some new sentinel interceptors, which my base can do in roughly 2-3 days. Maybe some modification in craft repair rate is needed?
I have some funny situation, and I'm not sure, is this because of difficulty setting, or modification - my sentinels craft repairing from the fight with battleships for 15-20 days... and it's really much more easy to built some new sentinel interceptors, which my base can do in roughly 2-3 days. Maybe some modification in craft repair rate is needed?
Sadly, I don't think this can be adjusted with ruleset. I think the more HP a craft has lost, the longer it will be repaired, so naturally planes with more HP will take longer to make.
Actually, looks like it is possible after all - the Ruleset Reference mentions a variable called repairRate (default 1). I have no idea if it works though; can anyone shed a light on it?
Actually, looks like it is possible after all - the Ruleset Reference mentions a variable called repairRate (default 1). I have no idea if it works though; can anyone shed a light on it?
It works.
repairRate 2 means repairing is twice as fast... repairRate 10 means 10-times faster.
You can specify also decimal numbers. E.g. repairRate 0.5 would be 2x slower than normal.
It works.
repairRate 2 means repairing is twice as fast... repairRate 10 means 10-times faster.
You can specify also decimal numbers. E.g. repairRate 0.5 would be 2x slower than normal.
Thanks, I'll look into it then.
BTW the next release will happen when I'm done with Chtonite sprites. :P
Thks for fast reaction on my post! It's really pain in the rear, when it's much more easy to me to bulild new craft from the scretch for rougly 2 days, when repair of the craft is 18 days... Maybe I try to tweak it a little by myself...
Soldiers, as all other ranks, give you general race information and give you the technology to get tier 2 craft weaponry. Navigators give you mission information and allow you to start researching the Hyperwave decoder. Engineers give you ship information, allow you to get tier 2 infantry weaponry and armor and, apparently, sometimes, information about mechanical enemies and other technologies. Leaders in general will research any random alien technology or object (even the ones you might be researching), with sectoid/ethereals giving you Psi Lab and Mind Shield.
Is all of that correct? To get above tier 2 (gauss and basic laser), I need to keep interrogaing leaders until randomly one of them give me either rail/nuclear or unlock alien plasma?
I also noticed you can "dissect" cyberdisks for Alien Electronics, but you can't research them. The only way to do so is by leader interrogation, and it is kinda of an important technology, as it gives you tier 3 armor and maybe more stuff.
Edit: I didn't thought this thread was meant for FMP questions as well. Thought it was strictly for development. I will remember to use it next time.
I am getting a crash at turn one. Just throw a smoke grenade at the left side of the middle of the ramp, in the ground and end turn.
I am getting a crash at turn one. Just throw a smoke grenade at the left side of the middle of the ramp, in the ground and end turn.
Yeah, I confirmed the crash, sorry but I have no idea what can be wrong. Maybe it's a conflict with some other mod? Maybe it's a map problem? I just don't know, I haven't changed anything regarding this.
EDIT: I experimented further, tried to load up the save in Yankes/Meridian's OXCE v. 2.9. The save won't even load, instead I got this:
A map problem? that would be weird, since I haven't encountered any problems with Farm, ever. But also might be a result of version differences.
NotCIAAgent, does it help if you load before the mission and get another map generated?
well, if I throw the grenade at the ramp or at the right side of it, the game wouldn't crash. I tried waiting a few hours around the landing point to see if I could get a different map, but I couldn't. Regardless, the bug wasn't really a game ending problem to me, I just reported it for the sake if bug reporting.
I tried waiting a few hours around the landing point to see if I could get a different map, but I couldn't.
To get a different map, turn save scumming on in the advanced options and then reload the save and go to the mission. Should generate a different map.
A map problem? that would be weird, since I haven't encountered any problems with Farm, ever. But also might be a result of version differences.
Looking at the error description it looks an awful lot like a c++ error message, not necessarily a game-map problem.
Looking at the error description it looks an awful lot like a c++ error message, not necessarily a game-map problem.
Yeah, though I really don't know what to do with this. Especially since it's the first time I've seen it. Some help would be greatly appreciated, everyone.
In other news, the next version is pretty much ready apart from very minor details, but I'm sick and I've been devoting my free time and energy first to watching Avatar: The Legend of Korra and then fanboying well more like fangirling about it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_I4UZuALp4). :)
Hello there, i just had some really nice playing time with your mod pack and after having some ideas, i wanted to openly ask something:
Could i use your framework and your mod compiliation as a base for another overhaul, if i link to your mod and credit you? (Ill obviously give all the other mod authors their credit too.)
If you are interested in what i want to do: I want to create a experience that is different in a way that you have significantly less money and heavy weaponry available at the start, as well as a bigger shortage of materials and more steep step-for-step like progression in research. Then in the Battlescape i will also overhaul the game to give you less, stronger and more expensive agents with more unique equipment sets, while also increasing alien numbers and decreasing their strength because the maps always feel so empty to me.
I'd be very happy if you allow this to me and maybe even give me some tips on how to do some stuff? Thanks already!
Greetings from Germany, TheProfessional
Hello The Professional,
Yes, absolutely - go for it. Most of my resources are taken from other people anyway, so I don't have the moral right to hoard them even if I wanted to. :)
BTW I'm kind of doing something similar with my next project, The X-Com Files, where you start at the Mulder & Scully stage (handguns, cars and leather coats) and slowly build up from there. But it's unlikely we'll do it in a similar way, and furthermore we can exchange resources further if we both go far enough.
Yeah, though I really don't know what to do with this. Especially since it's the first time I've seen it. Some help would be greatly appreciated, everyone.
Your best bet will probably passing it on to a OXCE dev (although i believe thats something you've already came up with ;))
Something different then.
For the next version of FMP could you consider using TFTD style clip loadouts for the HWP minigun. So a player won' t need to purchase 200 separate shots, when 10 autoshot bundles suffice.
E.g. something like
clipSize: 200 # Add this line
size: 0.01 # Was 0.001
costBuy: 400 # Was 40
costSell: 300 # Was 30
weight: 10 # Was 1
clipSize: 20 # Was 200
It would impact current games (e.g. free ammo) but it seems much friendlier to a player. It does need a nightly from 16-11-2015 (de7a9e26) or later though.
Thanks R1dO, I had no idea this change was finally introduced.
BTW I'm kind of doing something similar with my next project, The X-Com Files, where you start at the Mulder & Scully stage (handguns, cars and leather coats) and slowly build up suffer from there. But it's unlikely we'll do it in a similar way, and furthermore we can exchange resources further if we both go far enough.
Here fixed it for you :)
hi Solarius,
attached zip contains 124 Darkened UFO Maps, including all vanilla ship variants, also the battleships, and the Ufo from SolarsNewUfo Mod (Fighters, Sentries, Excavators and Labships) in their darkened Variants. Also included Ruleset example file and needed modified terrain files.
HF useing them if you like, if possible give credit :)
Here fixed it for you :)
Now, regarding the FMP: Version 1.9 has been uploaded.
Since the mod portal is now definitely dead (I mean you can't upload anything), I'm putting the file on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyotjlgz2aquak0/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.zip?dl=0
- New Cerebreal sprites.
- New Salamandron corpse floorob.
- New sprites for Chtonites too, since I'm getting rid of all TFTD sprites (Chtonite corpse made by Bloax, cheers).
- Chtonite terror units are Silacoids now, since I never really liked Tunluns and Silacoids fit this race perfectly.
- Personal Armour takes longer to build and is more expensive.
- Basescape palette fixes.
- Advanced X-Com craft repair is faster.
- New Battleship maps, by Cooper.
- Streamlined Farm terrain.
- Fixed one Forest Mountain map block (mountain cave with impassable entrance).
- Light Machine Gun Clip size increased from 30 to 40.
- Changed how Tank/Minigun ammo is handled.
Now, regarding the FMP: Version 1.9 has been uploaded.
Since the mod portal is now definitely dead (I mean you can't upload anything), I'm putting the file on Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cyotjlgz2aquak0/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.zip?dl=0
- New Cerebreal sprites.
- New Salamandron corpse floorob.
- New sprites for Chtonites too, since I'm getting rid of all TFTD sprites (Chtonite corpse made by Bloax, cheers).
- Chtonite terror units are Silacoids now, since I never really liked Tunluns and Silacoids fit this race perfectly.
- Personal Armour takes longer to build and is more expensive.
- Basescape palette fixes.
- Advanced X-Com craft repair is faster.
- New Battleship maps, by Cooper.
- Streamlined Farm terrain.
- Fixed one Forest Mountain map block (mountain cave with impassable entrance).
- Light Machine Gun Clip size increased from 30 to 40.
- Changed how Tank/Minigun ammo is handled.
Did you already incorporate the new UFO Maps? If so, damn that was quick.
Did you already incorporate the new UFO Maps? If so, damn that was quick.
Oh no, mostly scraps from the new mod and bugfixes. Frankly I don't have the time now, too much other critical modder work. But I'll get there.
Oh no, mostly scraps from the new mod and bugfixes. Frankly I don't have the time now, too much other critical modder work. But I'll get there.
Oh ok, nevermind i posted them here as i said on the IRC, HF with them once you find time.
Hello there, its me again, with a question:
In which way are the different weapon techs, (so Laser, Gauss, Nuc. Laser, Rail and Plasma) and the different armors balanced? Did you tier them in a certain way?
Also, this doesn't really belong here, but since i am new: Where would i post to get help with/request sprites?
In which way are the different weapon techs, (so Laser, Gauss, Nuc. Laser, Rail and Plasma) and the different armors balanced? Did you tier them in a certain way?
It's a complex question. It would be easiest if you have a look at Meridian's FMP Tech Tree that is bundled with the mod - look for a file named FMP_Tech_Tree_by_Meridian.png.
But to sum it up briefly:
Weapons: first you have normal firearms, then firearms with alien alloy bullets, then gauss and lasers, then railguns and plasma.
Armour: First you get Earth armours (combat armour, hazmat), then alloy armour (alloy vest, personal armour), and then powered armour (power suit, juggernaut suit). Each tier also have a flying variant, like flying suit to power suit. There are also other, more specialized armours, like toxi-suit or synthsuit.
Also, this doesn't really belong here, but since i am new: Where would i post to get help with/request sprites?
You can either do it here if it's not too much, or send me a private message. Or you can write me an e-mail, that would probably be best; I'll send you my address via the PM.
Do you mean that you would actually be doing sprites? Because i meant more like where i should create a thread for spriting requests.
Anyways, there was one thing that hindered me. I tried to add in a new weapon, Fusion Rifle, it all worked out perfectly, and then i tried adding sprites to it. Just a recolor of the Rail Rifle that looks like this:
When i looked in game though, it suddenly looked all screwed up.
Do you know why this is? I honestly have no idea, i am worried that it is becauser i used Paint.net or something though.
Do you mean that you would actually be doing sprites? Because i meant more like where i should create a thread for spriting requests.
We'll see when there are resources to share. :)
Anyways, there was one thing that hindered me. I tried to add in a new weapon, Fusion Rifle, it all worked out perfectly, and then i tried adding sprites to it. Just a recolor of the Rail Rifle that looks like this:
When i looked in game though, it suddenly looked all screwed up.
Do you know why this is? I honestly have no idea, i am worried that it is becauser i used Paint.net or something though.
X-Com has a fixed palette. See the zip I attached (for Photoshop, no idea if Paint.net will read it):
Battle.act: Used for files that only appear in battlescape, like maps, unit sprites or floor objects.
Paleta.act: Use it for things that appear both in battlescape and geoscape, like the one you're trying (mostly bigobs, because they are used in inventory as well as the Ufopedia).
Ufo-research.act: Used for big Ufopaedia articles, like autopsies.
Basebits.act: Used for the base screen (facilities, aircraft).
Interwin.act and Inticon.act: Used for aircraft in the interception screen.
Got a bit of feedback regarding Psionics and Gazers.
Psi Amp's costs are at fixed 25 tu, both Mind Control and Panic. I assume those are the vanilla costs. However, if I get a high tu (veteran) unit and put them on the Synth Suit (+20 tus), I can get up to 100 tus, which means 4 Mind Controls. On a high strength/skill soldier (over 80 strength, over 50 skill), that means 4 aliens controlled each turn. The 4 psionic soldiers in my ship made every single other soldier completely obsolete, as dogs are better scouts. Not complaining. But that might affect the balance you seek for the mod.
Gazers are, I suppose, a mid game combat race. They got a reasonable armor (can be pierced by focused Gauss fire, though) which makes them challenging, but I find their health pool a tad bit excessive, as they more often than not shrug off High Explosives direct blasts with over half their health. In other words, they are just too tough, even against plasma. So maybe taking out 20 life points or something like that from the base stats would be nice?
X-Com has a fixed palette. See the zip I attached (for Photoshop, no idea if Paint.net will read it):
Ah, thanks for clearing that up. I was already worried that my game is broken.
I did take a look at your big X-files project, and you seem to have quite a bit planned. Gonna continue nontheless though, i have some unique stuff in mind, like the Fusion Weapons for endgame, more grenade launchers and a few more weapons per tech tier, armors with body shields, exosuits, stuff like that.
Thanks for your help at the start, i think i am gonna be heading into a thread of my own. ;) If you are interested in some assets, just ask, i guess; ill be doing the same.
Psi Amp's costs are at fixed 25 tu, both Mind Control and Panic. I assume those are the vanilla costs. However, if I get a high tu (veteran) unit and put them on the Synth Suit (+20 tus), I can get up to 100 tus, which means 4 Mind Controls. On a high strength/skill soldier (over 80 strength, over 50 skill), that means 4 aliens controlled each turn. The 4 psionic soldiers in my ship made every single other soldier completely obsolete, as dogs are better scouts. Not complaining. But that might affect the balance you seek for the mod.
Well, at least it gives you the option to use the Synthsuit. :P I think balance depends on options: if you play with direct line of sight for psionics, this means you can still do so but must put you psion in danger, since the Synthsuit is hardly as tough as power armours.
Gazers are, I suppose, a mid game combat race. They got a reasonable armor (can be pierced by focused Gauss fire, though) which makes them challenging, but I find their health pool a tad bit excessive, as they more often than not shrug off High Explosives direct blasts with over half their health. In other words, they are just too tough, even against plasma. So maybe taking out 20 life points or something like that from the base stats would be nice?
I think that'd make them too tame. But the most important thing is that how Robin made them, and I generally don't alter what doesn't need altering. I promise I'll think about it though.
Well, at least it gives you the option to use the Synthsuit. :P I think balance depends on options: if you play with direct line of sight for psionics, this means you can still do so but must put you psion in danger, since the Synthsuit is hardly as tough as power armours.
Rather interestingly, that would make the Psions play more like scouts or, at least, second line scouts. They would move around the battle field, spot an enemy, and mind control it, more often than not using it to kill other enemies. Interesting, but a little problem: it would reduce the enemy's psionic danger significantly. Maybe a loopsided option where only the player would need LOS to use psions would make for a more challenging alternative, possibly justifiable (we are not as skilled as the inherently psionic aliens, after all).
AFAIK it can be done, isn't there a mod for that? I think so at least.
Anyway, psi is always a problem to balance. Actually, nobody's has ever satisfactorily resolved it yet. So eventually I too the position of "if people want to abuse it, they will abuse it, so if they have it a little easier it doesn't matter much because they're abusing the system anyway".
isn't there a mod for that?
It can certainly be done. You can set the LOS requirement can be added to mind probe, the alien psi-amp or the human psi-amp to do what you want. For humans, you can even have multiple psi-amps to establish tiers. Something like:
- t1: requires LOS, high TU cost;
- t2: requires LOS, low TU cost;
- t3: no LOS req, high TU cost;
- t4: no LOS req, low TU cost (ie the original!)
I've attached a mod for two tiers (t1: LOS required, fast, based on sectoids; t2: vanilla psi-amp, based on ethereals) that I worked on for the XAE before Piratez abducted me. Would be cool to see something like it go into the FMP.
Is this already integrated on FMP's research tree? As in, is it compatible?
The mod Cooper linked to should be compatible. Just load it after the FMP (use the arrows to put it in the list lower down).
I don't think the mod I liked to is compatible with the FMP, as they both modify research. If you load it after the FMP, it should work and replace whatever the fmp does for psychic stuff, but I don't guarantee anything. The research tree is huge and there might conflicts, or it might just not fit the mood properly. Best wait for Solarius to look at it unless you want to make a FMP mod yourself.
I find LoS Psionics to be the best way to play because it eliminates OP X-Com psions and prevents every Ethereal mission from being a stupid panick fest.
Gazers are only strong mid-game, IMO. High Explosives wreck them and alloy swords will eventually become auto-kills. I had one late game synth-ninja cut down three of them in one turn.
If there's something OP in the game, it's High Explosives. Once you have a character wih good strength and throwing accuracy you can kill anything other than a high-flying Cyberdisc. My best grenadier ended up with flying armor, pinpoint aim, and could carry seven charges to start the mission. Double throw kills anything.
AFAIK it can be done, isn't there a mod for that? I think so at least.
Anyway, psi is always a problem to balance. Actually, nobody's has ever satisfactorily resolved it yet. So eventually I too the position of "if people want to abuse it, they will abuse it, so if they have it a little easier it doesn't matter much because they're abusing the system anyway".
I think i actually managed to balance it out to some degree.
I increased PSI Defences for all Aliens and made Ethereals and some other lategame units immune to mindcontrol or nearly immune. I also made the PSI Amp very hard to get via the research tree. You can still get access to the Psi Lab very quickly to actually screen and train soldiers passivly, but active PSI usage in the lategame is restricted towards early game races, so you can mop up those mission quickly. But you still need to fight normally vs PSI hardened or immune Aliens.
So it makes PSI still powerful and it helps to speed up missions against psi weak aliens, but you still have enemies which are not effected by this.
I actually do not like the Psionic Line of Fire thing. Psi Aliens and Soldiers are better kept in the background doing their attacks from there. It also impacts the alien usage of Psi greatly, since Sectoid Leaders/Commanders usually reside in a Commandcenter or Navigationroom, far away from your Soldiers.
So in essence Psionic Line of Fire makes the games way to easy, since the alien usage of Psi is basically nullified.
So in essence Psionic Line of Fire makes the games way to easy, since the alien usage of Psi is basically nullified.
If that is your biggest gripe with Psionic Line of Fire you can opt to limit it's effect to humans (psi-amps and optionally mindprobes) only.
If i've read that specific ruleset correctly .. that is ;)
yup, you can require any of the items to require LoS. I like applying it only to an early version of the psi-amp, then later in the game enable the player to develop a second version that doesn't require LoS. A mind probe that requires LoS is fairly useless (rarely where you need it and you rarely need it enough to bother bringing it to where it could be useful) and as hellrazor said, it hinders the aliens a lot.
I would like to report a little bug/incoherence in FMP. Although Hawkeye&Darkstar aren't available from starters, they're shown in the base information's monthly costs panel. This is happening because those crafts lack the corresponding requirements in craft_FMP.rul:
The corresponding ufopaedia's are good, they have the same requires...
Good catch, I somehow missed that, thanks.
I've spent two months waiting for a sectoid base/terror mission/base attack so I could get alien electronics to build the avenger and finish the game. The game finally gave me two sectoid base attacks in a row but neither had any cyber disks to drop the electronics. Please add alien electronics to more enemies (other than MIB agents they haven't been giving any either) or provide a way for the player to manufacture it themselves because as it is the game isn't ending until RNG allows it.
I've spent two months waiting for a sectoid base/terror mission/base attack so I could get alien electronics to build the avenger and finish the game. The game finally gave me two sectoid base attacks in a row but neither had any cyber disks to drop the electronics. Please add alien electronics to more enemies (other than MIB agents they haven't been giving any either) or provide a way for the player to manufacture it themselves because as it is the game isn't ending until RNG allows it.
Sorry about it, you were just really unlucky. Yeah, I'll think about it - maybe make another Muton subrace with Obliterators totally innocuous tanks as terror units, they would yield electronics too.
(These units are already made for another mod of mine, it'd be easy to add them. They are pretty tough.)
Just got my shit packed in by Cthonites in a terror mission. Placement screwed me. Had one with a plasma caster overlooking the Skyranger's back from a good sniping position. Also screwed up a lot, like when I acidentally killed a guy while trying to demolish a wall with a rocket.
By the way, what's up with the Cthonites? They seem to have no interesting abilities.
By the way, what's up with the Cthonites? They seem to have no interesting abilities.
Nothing's up really, they just complete a niche among starting races: they have no psi like Sectoids and no flying abilities like Floaters, but they are more resilient. I know they're no rock stars. :P
They will be more interesting in X-Com Files, since as an underground race they will have underground bases (or more like villages, really).
EDIT: Added frigging rocket tanks to some Muton deployments to give the player more sources of Alien Electronics. Have a nice day. ^_^
Some balance issues:
1) Psi is totally overpowered. If you have psi amps you need no weapons more, you need not even step out of the transporter. It's a fun killer.
I would suggest to integrate following options from "Customizable Psi/Blaster Balance Mod":
- Psi-Amp Line Of Sight: X-COM must be in line-of-sight to the target to use the Psi-Amp.
- Psi Amp Time Units Cost 45: Using the Psi-Amp costs 45 time units instead of 25.
- Expensive Psi-Amp: The Psi-Amp is more expensive and requires more special materials. This includes 2 mind probes. Manufacturing mind probes are also no longer possible.
I would also decrease Psi Strength/Psi Skill of the X-COM Soldiers, both, starting and max (see "Psi Threat Reduced" option).
2) Skymarshall is better as Ironfist
Ironfist was supposed to be a better craft, but i think, that Skymarshall is a way better.
- all doors are closed at the end of turn (soldiers are safe)
- doors are better placed (3 directions, no stairs)
- main door is better defended
- more fuel (unlike Ironfist Skymarshall can reach any point)
- less cargo space (IMHO not important, Skymarshall has enough space)
- speed, damage etc. (fuel and craft layout are a way more important for transporter)
Hello and thanks for the feedback.
Some balance issues:
Well, Final Mod Pack is a project that doesn't deviate too much from the basic game, and the proposed changes are in my opinion a bit too much to be included in the mod, as they alter basic game mechanics. I am aware of the problem, but I prefer for the end user to apply such changes themselves if they wish.
In OpenXCom: X-Files, which is among other things FMP on steroids, I will tackle this problem in some way.
2) Skymarshall is better as Ironfist
Duly noted. Though Ironfist also has the roof hatch, which I think should be mentioned too. I'll think about it.
LMG AA rounds power is 40, just as normal rounds - should be higher, right?
LMG AA rounds power is 40, just as normal rounds - should be higher, right?
Yes, it was reported before and will be fixed in the next release. Really sorry about that.
Yes, it was reported before and will be fixed in the next release. Really sorry about that.
Don't be sorry - you've done a really wonderful job with this mod...
Don't be sorry - you've done a really wonderful job with this mod...
More on my game, I'm in March and just got my base assaulted (will play when I get back home):
- Is the game intended to be played with alien weapon self-destruction? It does leads to a harder game and makes captures more important.
You know, if I planned on being even more evil, I would give all aliens a itty-bitty elerium explosive armed on 2 turn trigger, which they drop when stunned, so that if you don't do it right, the alien self-destructs along with his things. Quite weak, just strong enough to blow gear and body. Aliens, what aliens? There are no aliens. Aliens don't exist. You're saying its aliens, but its not aliens.
- It is just me or in FMP the two saddest X-COM weapons - namely, the standard issue X-COM Pistol and the Cannon - are even sadder? The Pistol looks downright useless compared to the Magnum's huge firepower and the SMG's quick snap-shots and sweet bursts. It was already pretty much a thing you gave to your grenadiers in case they could't deploy grenades, its now even more useless. Pretty much the only thing it does better than the magnum is faster, more accurate snap shots. Maybe giving it auto-shot would be the answer, but it would get into the SMG's turf.
- The Heavy Cannon wasn't very used in vanilla, if I remember right. I remember using it as low-powered rocket launcher, useful for shooting Cyberdisc from afar at best. It is another weapon in a sad niche - lacks the Auto-Cannon's bursts, has more precision but it is clearly inferior to the Tac Sniper Rifle, and if you need to thrown a bomb with precision somewhere the Grenade Lancher is far better.
- Gotta love the weapon variety, especially because it makes soldier roles and weapons more important. I usually send the "Close-Quarters" fighters with magnums, shotguns, SMGs and ARs to assault the UFO while my riflemen and heavy weapon specialists fight in the outdoors. The two Miniguns can be cool in close spaces too but its main use seems to be base defense. Flamethrowner is actually a bit too powerful I think, even Cyberdiscs get one-shotted by it. Does every explosion deliver all the damage?
- Is the combat knife even useful for something? Seems to be back-up weapon for desperate snipers or people with low TUs. Would rather carry a batton and stun aliens. Inb4 someone say the combat knife saved his operation.
- What about adding range info to the UFOpaedia? Makes it easier to differentiate the weapons.
- Any plans to add some enemies I saw in the mod portals? Like Mechtoids and Xcom2 "Pectoids"?
- Do aliens have a preferred enemy: Attack Dog secret rule? I swear, poor doges rarely make it past turn 2. Its like the plasma is attracted to them.
- What hapened to the more nations mod? Used be on the mod. I liked how I had to think more about base placement rather than the old "Europe, then North America then East Asia then the rest of you wait for it or die" base placement.
Hi Slaughter.
More on my game, I'm in March and just got my base assaulted (will play when I get back home):
How did it go? :)
- Is the game intended to be played with alien weapon self-destruction? It does leads to a harder game and makes captures more important.
Oh hell no :) Actually you are the very first player I've met who uses this option at all.
Well, it's not like you can't, but I'm not taking any responsibilities. ;) But yeah, it can be done, at least theoretically.
You know, if I planned on being even more evil, I would give all aliens a itty-bitty elerium explosive armed on 2 turn trigger, which they drop when stunned, so that if you don't do it right, the alien self-destructs along with his things. Quite weak, just strong enough to blow gear and body. Aliens, what aliens? There are no aliens. Aliens don't exist. You're saying its aliens, but its not aliens.
Nah, running to the alien to pick up the damn mine would be too easy and just be a hassle. Trust me, I've spent a long time wondering about these things and I couldn't find a sensible justification for weapon self-destruction, as all technical measures could and eventually would be circumvented by X-Com engineers.
- It is just me or in FMP the two saddest X-COM weapons - namely, the standard issue X-COM Pistol and the Cannon - are even sadder? The Pistol looks downright useless compared to the Magnum's huge firepower and the SMG's quick snap-shots and sweet bursts. It was already pretty much a thing you gave to your grenadiers in case they could't deploy grenades, its now even more useless. Pretty much the only thing it does better than the magnum is faster, more accurate snap shots. Maybe giving it auto-shot would be the answer, but it would get into the SMG's turf.
Well, I didn't want to tweak vanilla weapons (and I didn't, except for the plasmas which now have slightly limited range, but it's unlikely that an average player would even realize it). As for Pistol vs. SMG, it seems that opinions regarding them might be divided.
Yeah, neither of them is very good. But they do have their advantages beyond the simple damage category.
- The Heavy Cannon wasn't very used in vanilla, if I remember right. I remember using it as low-powered rocket launcher, useful for shooting Cyberdisc from afar at best. It is another weapon in a sad niche - lacks the Auto-Cannon's bursts, has more precision but it is clearly inferior to the Tac Sniper Rifle, and if you need to thrown a bomb with precision somewhere the Grenade Lancher is far better.
Really? I know many players who definitely favour HC over AC for its accuracy and (to a lesser degree) damage. I'm a bit torn myself, but I'm sure HC isn't worse than AC.
You're saying that the tactical sniper rifle is better than the HC, but can you elaborate on this? Because I can't really see how they're interchangeable.
- Gotta love the weapon variety, especially because it makes soldier roles and weapons more important. I usually send the "Close-Quarters" fighters with magnums, shotguns, SMGs and ARs to assault the UFO while my riflemen and heavy weapon specialists fight in the outdoors. The two Miniguns can be cool in close spaces too but its main use seems to be base defense. Flamethrowner is actually a bit too powerful I think, even Cyberdiscs get one-shotted by it.
Yeah, sounds more or less as intended. Though I can't see how the Flamethrower can kill a Cyberdisc with one attack. :) At least on higher difficulties - are you playing on Beginner?
Anyway, I think Flamethrower is fine when you consider its drawbacks. But I'll listen.
Does every explosion deliver all the damage?
Uhh, can you explain? :)
- Is the combat knife even useful for something? Seems to be back-up weapon for desperate snipers or people with low TUs. Would rather carry a batton and stun aliens. Inb4 someone say the combat knife saved his operation.
Well, it's not meant to be a very good weapon, and your assessment seems correct. I use it for fun though, and sometimes - rarely - its quickness can prove useful in close quarters.
- What about adding range info to the UFOpaedia? Makes it easier to differentiate the weapons.
It'd be nice, I'll probably do it some day. But it's painful work. :P
- Any plans to add some enemies I saw in the mod portals? Like Mechtoids and Xcom2 "Pectoids"?
I added some, some were rejected for various quality-related issues. If something nice comes up, sure, I'd be happy to add them.
- Do aliens have a preferred enemy: Attack Dog secret rule? I swear, poor doges rarely make it past turn 2. Its like the plasma is attracted to them.
I think that's because they're mainly scouts, so they're usually seen first. And then the aliens lock onto them, even when they can't see the doge anymore.
- What hapened to the more nations mod? Used be on the mod. I liked how I had to think more about base placement rather than the old "Europe, then North America then East Asia then the rest of you wait for it or die" base placement.
I don't recall anything like it being erased from the mod. Maybe you were using some additional mod?
Anyway, adding more nations would be nice, but making new countries is kamikaze work. If anyone could contribute here, then mister, you're a better man than I. :P
Hi, Solarius
The reptoid autopsy ufopaedia picture is... well... IMO unrelated to the subject?
Better suited IMO to an alien technology...
And a question - is the FMP's page on the mod (openxcom.com) site working? I think no (after an age of waiting, there opens and shows the v1.8.1). If so, I'd suggest to add in your first post in this thread the download links for this mod (like a sticky note or so)...
FYI: a Twitch Streamer is taking on FMP:
Hi Slaughter.
Hi Solarius!
How did it go? :)
Been busy with study, actually didn't get around to it yet. I had 32 men, conventional weapons, rifles and SMG had alloy ammo made (didn't get time to make ammo for the others). So far I think I beat most of the Sectoid assault force, both through the chokepoint and because I had four soldiers isolated near the Hangars at start (Don't ask me why). I think I lost as many soldiers from mind control homicide/suicide as I have lost from the aliens' direct attacks. Had a panic wave from a horrible two turns but it seems things are getting back to normal.
Currently I'm preparing to mount an assault against the Hangars, as I think the remaining aliens are camping there and spamming psi attacks and blaster bombings. I gotta get to it after I finish studying - I play on my Android with the Android port actually, say hi to Nadir for me.
Oh hell no :) Actually you are the very first player I've met who uses this option at all.
Well, it's not like you can't, but I'm not taking any responsibilities. ;) But yeah, it can be done, at least theoretically.
Once I started to use it I realized vanilla X-COM makes it too easy to simply kill UFO crews and sell their stuff. Now you have to do captures if you want that sweet loot.
Nah, running to the alien to pick up the damn mine would be too easy and just be a hassle. Trust me, I've spent a long time wondering about these things and I couldn't find a sensible justification for weapon self-destruction, as all technical measures could and eventually would be circumvented by X-Com engineers.
I find weapon self-destruction quite rational, through I'm surprised you never ran with it and made it drop alien weapon components, like in the remake.
Well, I didn't want to tweak vanilla weapons (and I didn't, except for the plasmas which now have slightly limited range, but it's unlikely that an average player would even realize it). As for Pistol vs. SMG, it seems that opinions regarding them might be divided.
Yeah, neither of them is very good. But they do have their advantages beyond the simple damage category.
SMG has a burst mode, pistol doesn't, Magnum has way more power. SMG also has cheapo snap shot so its great for UFO assaults.
Btw, I was wondering why the AR and the Rifle have equal damage. Looking from their appearance, the Assault Rifle seems to be a 5,56mm rifle, one of the smaller designs, looks like one of these para rifles/carbines, while the Rifle is bigger and clearly looks like a weapon meant to take in the 6,5mm intermediary round. Bit odd.
Really? I know many players who definitely favour HC over AC for its accuracy and (to a lesser degree) damage. I'm a bit torn myself, but I'm sure HC isn't worse than AC.
You're saying that the tactical sniper rifle is better than the HC, but can you elaborate on this? Because I can't really see how they're interchangeable.
Tac Rifle has HE ammo too and far more precision. At least that's how I see it.
Yeah, sounds more or less as intended. Though I can't see how the Flamethrower can kill a Cyberdisc with one attack. :) At least on higher difficulties - are you playing on Beginner?
Anyway, I think Flamethrower is fine when you consider its drawbacks. But I'll listen.
You can't? Because I'm pretty sure every time I tried, the Cyberdisc became churrasco. Its a sure-shot kill, doesn't even explode. And I play superhuman, always did after my first playthrough ever of X-COM.
Uhh, can you explain? :)
Flamer makes multiple "explosions". Does every explosion deliver 42 damage?
So far the only thing I didn't kill with fire have been Silacoids.
Hi, Solarius
The reptoid autopsy ufopaedia picture is... well... IMO unrelated to the subject?
Better suited IMO to an alien technology...
They are medical tools and a lab space in general. I thought it was obvious, but maybe it's not. :P
I'd happily add a real autopsy picture if I had one.
And a question - is the FMP's page on the mod (openxcom.com) site working? I think no (after an age of waiting, there opens and shows the v1.8.1).
Nope, it's still not working.
If so, I'd suggest to add in your first post in this thread the download links for this mod (like a sticky note or so)...
I thought the page would be down temporarily, but maybe I should edit that first post...
I'm not comfortable with it since it's not my post, but I guess it can't be helped. I'll wait a few more days though.
FYI: a Twitch Streamer is taking on FMP:
Thanks, I'll check it out when I have some time.
Been busy with study, actually didn't get around to it yet. I had 32 men, conventional weapons, rifles and SMG had alloy ammo made (didn't get time to make ammo for the others). So far I think I beat most of the Sectoid assault force, both through the chokepoint and because I had four soldiers isolated near the Hangars at start (Don't ask me why). I think I lost as many soldiers from mind control homicide/suicide as I have lost from the aliens' direct attacks. Had a panic wave from a horrible two turns but it seems things are getting back to normal.
Currently I'm preparing to mount an assault against the Hangars, as I think the remaining aliens are camping there and spamming psi attacks and blaster bombings. I gotta get to it after I finish studying - I play on my Android with the Android port actually, say hi to Nadir for me.
I will :)
Anyway, looks like you'll be fine. Cyberdiscs are always a bit of a problem, but you'll be fine.
Once I started to use it I realized vanilla X-COM makes it too easy to simply kill UFO crews and sell their stuff. Now you have to do captures if you want that sweet loot.
That's how it is. That's how it always has been. Actually the FMP makes it much more important to capture live aliens than the vanilla game, since you need to interrogate them more. A lot.
I find weapon self-destruction quite rational, through I'm surprised you never ran with it and made it drop alien weapon components, like in the remake.
Remake? What remake? There was no remake.
Anyway, if you convince me that self-destructing weapons make any sense, I'll eat my mouse pad. As I said, I spent a lot of time on this, talked to a lot of people, came to a conclusion that there's no way this would be realistic. I'm not saying people shouldn't use it, but I want no part in this nonensical mechanics. Because it's silly.
SMG has a burst mode, pistol doesn't, Magnum has way more power. SMG also has cheapo snap shot so its great for UFO assaults.
I agree. Though I think the SMG is a bit weak to be used in snap shot mode at short distances, and fort long distances it's woefully inaccurate.
Btw, I was wondering why the AR and the Rifle have equal damage. Looking from their appearance, the Assault Rifle seems to be a 5,56mm rifle, one of the smaller designs, looks like one of these para rifles/carbines, while the Rifle is bigger and clearly looks like a weapon meant to take in the 6,5mm intermediary round. Bit odd.
They have equal damage becaus they use the same ammo. Sure, I could change this, but then the AR would have to be really weak.
Tac Rifle has HE ammo too and far more precision. At least that's how I see it.
I think it's a matter of personal style. I don't use the tac rifles much because they're so inflexible, but I'm glad someone does.
You can't? Because I'm pretty sure every time I tried, the Cyberdisc became churrasco. Its a sure-shot kill, doesn't even explode. And I play superhuman, always did after my first playthrough ever of X-COM.
Hmmm, maybe I'm just unlucky. But I guess it wouldn't be good to decrease its damage. After all, you have to deliver the damage first, and the flamer's range is quite poor.
Flamer makes multiple "explosions". Does every explosion deliver 42 damage?
So far the only thing I didn't kill with fire have been Silacoids.
Yes, each explosion does the damage as stated in the Ufopaedia.
Doesn't have the Tactical Sniper Rifle only have an aimed shot, and a slow one too? In theory, heavy cannons are good for delivering exlosive or incendiary payloads in relatively close quarters, and Autocannons do the same with more spread and, I think, less explosion range?
Hi, Solarius
I thought the page would be down temporarily, but maybe I should edit that first post...
I'm not comfortable with it since it's not my post, but I guess it can't be helped. I'll wait a few more days though.
It's understandable, that's why I said in my line (will emphasize): YOUR first post
...which makes the thread's second post ;).
And a manufacture suggestion - all manufacture-able items (equipment for instance, don't know how the game will behave on a craft disassembly - probably won't like it) could be disassemble-able, in order to recover some goodies (e.g. alien alloys, grav modules, elerium)...
Doesn't have the Tactical Sniper Rifle only have an aimed shot, and a slow one too? In theory, heavy cannons are good for delivering exlosive or incendiary payloads in relatively close quarters, and Autocannons do the same with more spread and, I think, less explosion range?
Yeah, that's exactly what I meant, they're quite different weapons. The tac rifle can either be considered very good or useless, depending on your style.
Hi, SolariusIt's understandable, that's why I said in my line (will emphasize): ...which makes the thread's second post ;).
OK :)
And a manufacture suggestion - all manufacture-able items (equipment for instance, don't know how the game will behave on a craft disassembly - probably won't like it) could be disassemble-able, in order to recover some goodies (e.g. alien alloys, grav modules, elerium)...
You already can get elerium from everything that contains it. Is there anything else you'd like to be recoverable?
Hi, Solarius
You already can get elerium from everything that contains it. Is there anything else you'd like to be recoverable?
Maybe you want to recover/recycle some alien electronics from owned cyberdiscs or grav modules from obsolete armors...
Hi, SolariusMaybe you want to recover/recycle some alien electronics from owned cyberdiscs or grav modules from obsolete armors...
That's fairly easy to do, but is it worth cluttering the lists?
Alright, so I beat the base assault. Lost 27 out of 36 soldiers. Lost a lot to the psi puppet theatre (featuring today - kill your friends in a orgy of madness, panic and mind control), then blaster bombing, then by miscaulculating how many aliens there were and subsequently walking into stupid ambushes of aliens who like to camp on second floors. Would have lost less if I didn't decide to do more captures at the end.
Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Hey everyone, i just discovered OpenXcom and with it the Final mod pack and played extensively while aging backwards to my childhood when i kicked the alien asses over and over again. And again. And then again once more. In ocean. Sick right?
Anyway i really ENJOY the mod and openXcom. I would like to post some feedback which sort of "ruined" some game moments.
1 - From time to time, at the game start i ran out of research projects. Basically before capturing my first live alien my scientists (50) were bored for a month almost. I might be the only loser who did not capture a live alien before he ran out of research projects. But maybe this could be solved by reevaluating research durations of certain items or adding a text note to some research texts "A live alien would help in understanding further technology".
2 - Weapons. I gained weapons like this and i think its WRONG. For a long time i had conventional weapons. Mostly rifles and shotguns which feel too powerfull and too precise compared to a best of the best in the world of rifles. After that i got the Cannon and Autocannon which i almost never use because Rifles and Shotguns. Tactical sniper rifle came and yes, it is great. But then i got Alien Laser rifle, Then i researched Laser rifles and i think Gauss rifles were researchable as soon as the laser rifles. So i built like 20 Laser rifles only to finish Gauss research one week later and switched all the laser weapons for GAUSS. Meh there needs to be something that prohibits from thinking about the Gauss weapons right after Elerium. Worst moment was, when i then discovered Nuclear Laser weapons which were Weaker then both the Laser and Gauss weapons. I might miss something here or maybe i was lucky, but i think the research tree should go from worst to best and in this case the player should discover Nuclear Laser, then laser, then after long time Gauss, then after long time Railguns / Plasma (i didnt get Plasma yet). Or maybe i miss some point? If Nuclear weapons arent dependable on Elerium then it needs to be more RARE. Since i sat on 2000+ Elerium (Veteran difficulty) long before i needed it. (Yeah i am not bad with rifles and Alloy clips)..
3 - Crafts and armaments. The crafts are simply a dissapointment for me. Just as it was with the original Firestorm back in 1994. Perhaps some tuning is in order. US airforce or any other would not implement a fighter that is not a generational leap from the last one. Going from Interceptor to Raven is a good solid advance. Problem with the craft weapons is that they have short range and the newer interceptors are then all the time in repair. In modern day with modular technology a repair to the crafts should either be much quicker, or made through available Engineers (can we do Interceptor repair just as we repair Personal armor??). Otherwise the short range weapons feel totally useless. I mean does anyone of you fly with laser or gauss cannon?
4 - Oh there should TOTALLY be a mention, that IRONFIST is not a GLOBAL craft and it cannot reach the other side of Earth on one tank. (Didnt get further down the tech tree yet). I mean from the Fuel tank its sort of evident, but i researched Ironfist only to go Quickly back to Skymarshall. Yes i operate mostly from one base so its MY fault. But if there was a mention that it cant fly anywhere i would build it at all. Missed a Terror mission in Brazil due to that :) (My main base is in Siberia).
These are just some notes that i would like to express on an otherwise great JOB on a great MOD that i VERY MUCH ENJOY. Thank you for reading.
Hey everyone, i just discovered OpenXcom and with it the Final mod pack and played extensively while aging backwards to my childhood when i kicked the alien asses over and over again. And again. And then again once more. In ocean. Sick right?
Yeah, that's our life.
Welcome on board, Glademist! (Are you a Fulletal Glademist by any chance?)
Anyway i really ENJOY the mod and openXcom. I would like to post some feedback which sort of "ruined" some game moments.
:'( I'll take it like a man.
1 - From time to time, at the game start i ran out of research projects. Basically before capturing my first live alien my scientists (50) were bored for a month almost. I might be the only loser who did not capture a live alien before he ran out of research projects. But maybe this could be solved by reevaluating research durations of certain items or adding a text note to some research texts "A live alien would help in understanding further technology".
Not a bad idea in general, but I find it hard to identify which points on the tech tree would benefit from this.
2 - Weapons. I gained weapons like this and i think its WRONG. For a long time i had conventional weapons. Mostly rifles and shotguns which feel too powerfull and too precise compared to a best of the best in the world of rifles.
well, they are supposed to be the best of the best, experimental X-Com weapons provided by who-knows-whom. it's reflected in the several classical weapons that also appear in the mod, like AK-47, which are invariably worse (maybe except Magnum, this baby is pretty savage).
After that i got the Cannon and Autocannon which i almost never use because Rifles and Shotguns. Tactical sniper rifle came and yes, it is great.
It's a matter of playstyle. I received feedback from many people regarding this, and everyone pointed to someone else as either useless or OP, so I'm inclined to just think that everything is fairly balanced at this point.
Besides, I didn't want to change vanilla weapons - rifles and cannons are exactly as in the original game. Shotguns are new, so we can discuss these.
But then i got Alien Laser rifle, Then i researched Laser rifles and i think Gauss rifles were researchable as soon as the laser rifles. So i built like 20 Laser rifles only to finish Gauss research one week later and switched all the laser weapons for GAUSS. Meh there needs to be something that prohibits from thinking about the Gauss weapons right after Elerium.
Yeah, it happens. Not necessarily, but these weapons are often discovered close to each other. But I'm not sure it's that bad, since there's always need for diversity.
Besides, Alien Laser Rifle sucks. Its only advantage is lightness, and that it's your first laser ever so you can... uh... kill Sectopods... Nevermind.
Worst moment was, when i then discovered Nuclear Laser weapons which were Weaker then both the Laser and Gauss weapons.
They are way better than normal lasers.
Gauss weapons have more damage, yes, but it's AP damage which many aliens are resistant to. (They also need no clips, but that's another thing.)
3 - Crafts and armaments. The crafts are simply a dissapointment for me. Just as it was with the original Firestorm back in 1994. Perhaps some tuning is in order. US airforce or any other would not implement a fighter that is not a generational leap from the last one. Going from Interceptor to Raven is a good solid advance. Problem with the craft weapons is that they have short range and the newer interceptors are then all the time in repair. In modern day with modular technology a repair to the crafts should either be much quicker, or made through available Engineers (can we do Interceptor repair just as we repair Personal armor??). Otherwise the short range weapons feel totally useless. I mean does anyone of you fly with laser or gauss cannon?
I do, Plasma Beam is hard to get :)
Anyway, OXC doesn't allow for much fun with planes, so I did what I could. My X-Com Files mod - the next generation of FMP - will be more advanced, as it will be based on OXCE version, with more options.
4 - Oh there should TOTALLY be a mention, that IRONFIST is not a GLOBAL craft and it cannot reach the other side of Earth on one tank. (Didnt get further down the tech tree yet).
OK, I'll add it in the description.
I mean from the Fuel tank its sort of evident, but i researched Ironfist only to go Quickly back to Skymarshall. Yes i operate mostly from one base so its MY fault. But if there was a mention that it cant fly anywhere i would build it at all. Missed a Terror mission in Brazil due to that :) (My main base is in Siberia).
Well, you said it, that was your own choice :) I don't think having one base is a strategy worth tailoring the entire mod to, so I won't do that, sorry.
These are just some notes that i would like to express on an otherwise great JOB on a great MOD that i VERY MUCH ENJOY. Thank you for reading.
Thanks for your feedback!
Hi, thanks for reply. I am sorry if i felt offensive in my feedback i really appreciate all the work in the mod and would love to help if i ws capable. I was looking at the weapon research tree and maybe could invest some time and thought in it myself. Not to play smart.
I am not Fulletal Glademist - or it doesnt make sense to me. I made my nickname for a character in World of Warcraft in 2007.
It's a matter of playstyle. I received feedback from many people regarding this, and everyone pointed to someone else as either useless or OP, so I'm inclined to just think that everything is fairly balanced at this point.
Besides, I didn't want to change vanilla weapons - rifles and cannons are exactly as in the original game. Shotguns are new, so we can discuss these.
Oh thats true, it was just my point of view and i might have sounded like a moron. Its true. I saw many youtube videos where those HC and AC were used extensively and efficiently (think M.O.A.B.).
Yeah, it happens. Not necessarily, but these weapons are often discovered close to each other. But I'm not sure it's that bad, since there's always need for diversity.
Besides, Alien Laser Rifle sucks. Its only advantage is lightness, and that it's your first laser ever so you can... uh... kill Sectopods... Nevermind.
You are probably right. Maybe if i wasnt so lazy i would equip soldiers based on their stats or expected enemy encounter. For that i am lazy and uneducated. So maybe if i invested more time into reading the weapon descriptions i would loose less soldiers in the process.
Eh? They are way better than normal lasers. Gauss weapons have more damage, yes, but it's AP damage which many aliens are resistant to. (They also need no clips, but that's another thing.)
Oh i was sure there was something i missed. Must re read the description again. Sorry about that. And yes i didnt realize Gauss weapon is AP and working against armor. Sorry about that.
I do, Plasma Beam is hard to get :)
I will try then too!
Anyway, OXC doesn't allow for much fun with planes, so I did what I could. My X-Com Files mod - the next generation of FMP - will be more advanced, as it will be based on OXCE version, with more options.
Oh thats too bad then. It would make so much sense if you could repair planes with your engineers. Or i think so.
Well, you said it, that was your own choice :) I don't think having one base is a strategy worth tailoring the entire mod to, so I won't do that, sorry.
Oh i would not expect you to do that.
Thanks for your feedback!
I thank you for the MOD. And sorry for sounding like a moron probably. I will try to be more constructive and read more and use more of the options the mod and the game gives me. Thanks again for it.
Thanks for the response, Glademist. I actually agree with at least some of your points, but FMP is not supposed to be a total conversion mod, only a bit of enrichment of the vanilla game. I encourage you to wait for my next project, The X-Com Files (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=2961), which will address some of the issues and make many of them irrelevant (it will be a very different experience and the mod will be much more malleable).
As for the Fullmetal Glademist (I made a typo before), it was a reference to Fullmetal Alchemist which is a badass manga. :)
Alright, so I beat the base assault. Lost 27 out of 36 soldiers. Lost a lot to the psi puppet theatre (featuring today - kill your friends in a orgy of madness, panic and mind control)
I have usually no problem with the base assault. 12-14 soldiers, soldiers with low psi strength have no weapon (only smoke grenades, motion scanner etc.). I use a lot of smoke grenades and dogs as scouts and lost max 2-3 soldiers. Aliens normally attack (psi) the soldiers with the lowest psi strength.
1 - From time to time, at the game start i ran out of research projects.
I have normally far too much research projects to research, never had such a problem.
2 - Weapons. I gained weapons like this and i think its WRONG.
I agree, that Gauss Rifles are better as Laser Rifles. Maybe a little more damage?
I was able to research Rail Weapons right after Gauss/Laser Weapons. Perhaps more dependencies for Rail Weapons in research tree?
Autocannon is good with HE Ammo, but the soldier must be a Schwarzenegger to carry such a weapon.
Flamethrower is well balanced. You can kill a cyberdisc or a reaper with one shot, but Flamethrower is a short range weapon and is not so good against some aliens.
Grenade launcher - very good (low TU cost, area damage, not so heavy as Autocannon).
3 - Crafts and armaments. ... Otherwise the short range weapons feel totally useless. I mean does anyone of you fly with laser or gauss cannon?
I agree, that the craft weapons are a little unbalanced.
Laser/Gauss Cannon - useless (short range, low damage).
Rail Cannon - very good (a way better as Laser/Gauss).
I go usually the way 2x Avalanche -> Avalanche/Rail Cannon -> Plasma Beam/Rail Cannon or Fusion Ball Launcher/Rail Cannon or Fusion Ball Launcher/Plasma Beam
4 - Oh there should TOTALLY be a mention, that IRONFIST is not a GLOBAL craft and it cannot reach the other side of Earth on one tank.
I have already mentioned that Skymarshall is better as IRONFIST. Not only the fuel is the issue, but also the craft design (Skymarshall is a way better if you try to keep your soldiers alive).
Ironfist changes incoming. :P
I have usually no problem with the base assault. 12-14 soldiers, soldiers with low psi strength have no weapon (only smoke grenades, motion scanner etc.). I use a lot of smoke grenades and dogs as scouts and lost max 2-3 soldiers. Aliens normally attack (psi) the soldiers with the lowest psi strength.
Indeed, the "I screen everyone so they get great psi and then can give everyone weapons" is actually a worst tactic than keeping a few psi-weak soldiers to act as psi-rods. By having psi-weak soldiers get MC'd, you make the alien waste their TUs on getting a soldier which can't do much for them instead of attempting the low chance but high reward MC of a soldier with good psi and a weapon. There's a role for everyone, even if it is just to get your mind destroyed by aliens to save your pals from getting it..
Any suggestions regarding alien base raid? There's a Sectoid Base sitting pretty in Indonesia and insulting me with its very existance.
Tried a test raid on it and it started well, but eventually the aliens mind-raped and attritioned my team into submission.
I like how the new close combat weapons did nice. Minigun was great in close-quarters, flamers rock and stun rods are a great anti-cyberdisc solution for lightly armed soldiers.
Thinking about trying for real once I get the Skymarshal, Proximity Grenades and maybe Alloy Vests.
Enviado de meu SM-G3502T usando Tapatalk
Any suggestions regarding alien base raid? .... it started well, but eventually the aliens mind-raped and attritioned my team into submission.
Did you bring some PSI lightning rods? ie. soldiers with Weak PSI, to take the brunt of the enemy's mind attacks? Just give them stun rods and medikits so they won't hurt anyone. :)
So today there was some disturbance in some top-of-the-world town called Borrow, I think in Kwanada. Seems like Illegal Aliens were causing some terror amongst the townsfolk.
So I arrived there and it was a great multicultural festival. The entire sectoid empire decided to show up. Some rowdy disturbance, I could hear the townsfolk screaming from miles away. The illegals decided to show me what they learned of our culture so they shot fireworks and weapon hail salutes. Saddly, they don't understand our traditions and fired weird incendiary rockets and plasma at me instead of at the sky. I showed them why this was a bad idea but they persisted.
The ilegals had a large mob, and my Skyranger was placed between a lot of buildings, so the aliens mobbed me to the point I could barely get out without being shot. It was a enriching experience! So enriching my squad suffered Diversity Overload! Had eventually to abort and let the local authorities deal with it.
End of month: Like -500 or -700.
Also China liked the Diversity to much they signed a pact with the Aliens. Granted, alien activity there was through the roof and I had no base nearby, but I thought China was more hardcore than that!
I should have heard my aunt - she was right, CHINESE ARE NOT HUMAN: CONFIRMED!
Plans for next month (April):
- Stun more aliens for loot
- Get more alien alloys for ammo
- Make more alloy bullets.
- Phase out Interceptors, build Ravens.
- Upgrade Skyranger to Skymarshal so I can get 2 extra troopers on deck.
- Get money from alien loot so I can buy more Engineers. My poor twenty engineers are overworked from day to night making alien alloys (I ran out of them, never saw that happen), stun rods and motion detectors.
- Research Heavy Cannon (its not available at start in FMF), Alloy Vest and Tac Sniper Rifle, they may provide the edge I need in Terror Missions.
- Interrogate these aliens I got in containment (I got some soldiers, two Navigators and a Engineer sitting pretty there)
- Recruit more soldiers for my second base's garrison
- Send superfluous Riflemen and Snipers to Freedom Fortress (X-COM North America) to be part of the garrisons. Snipers rarely die anyway. Too much good sniper fags in fact, I would rather have some more useless rookies to be part of the UFO Breach Teams and strong dudes to carry Heavy Weaponry (Grenade Launcher, Autocannon, Rocket Launcher, Flamer, Minigun, etc).
Did you bring some PSI lightning rods? ie. soldiers with Weak PSI, to take the brunt of the enemy's mind attacks? Just give them stun rods and medikits so they won't hurt anyone. :)
I think Psi bait/lightning rods are a gamey tactic.
--- posts merged by Solarius Scorch ---
LOL went to a grounded UFO and there were weirdos with guns there. Human, I guess, they looked weird. Then the psi puppet threater began.
Featuring: Rookie with HE-loaded Autocannon.
The show was short, but it was a blast.
Result: Four wounded survivors, a lot of precious STUFF destroyed.
New X-COM ground rule: No more HE-loaded autocannons on the Skyranger.
- use psi-rods (the soldiers, that are the primary psi attack targets are the ones, who have the lowest psi strength)
- use a lot of smoke grenades (1-2 between your soldiers and aliens to break the line of sight). If they are not seeing you, they can't shoot at you. Smoke is useless if you have not enough of it, it's either 100% effective or 100% useless. You can still shot, if one of your scouts sees the aliens. It's a huge advantage.
- use dogs/scout tanks as scouts (i prefer the dogs, because they are 5x cheaper and can bite the alien ass :) )
- use rookies with low stats as secondary scouts (cannon fodder).
- don't hurry, let the aliens come to you and spend their TUs (you can stay in the skymarshall for the first turn and use the motion scanner afterwards)
- weapons (example for 12 soldiers): 2 rocket launchers (large rockets), 2 grenade launchers (or auto-cannons), 2 sniper rifles, 1 flamethrower, 5 assault rifles. Magnum is good as secondary weapon.
- use the HE-ammo carefully, because you can destroy the corpses/items that you can sell
- capturing live aliens is very important (commanders, leaders, engineers, navigators, medics). Use stun rods.
- avoid the night fights, if possible (if ufo crash lands, you can wait till morning)
- use electro-flares in the night fights
- use strafe left/right function (ctrl-click). If you trigger the reaction fire, your front armour can save you (front armour is better as left/right armour).
- research alloy ammo and personal armor ASAP
- switch to Skymarshall ASAP
- switch to Raven ASAP
- use avalanche launchers as craft weapons
- manufacture items for profit (motion scanner, then alien laser rifle)
- you will need 100-150 scientists and as much as possible engineers (manufacture for profit). I usually have 150 engineers in the main base and 250 in the secondary bases
- i usually have 3 mind shields per base (only secondary bases)
- use a good base layout (see Ufopedia: Base Layout Strategy)
- don't sell floater/muton/cyberdisc corpses, you will need them later (you can sell some floaters, if you have too many)
- your primary research targets are:
* psi lab / psi-amp
* flying armour
* Rail Weapons
I would strongly recommend the Let's play from Meridian (Youtube: Let's play OpenXcom FMP HD)
Ey Solarius,
i hope that the further explanations about the Mapfiles were helpful for you.
Also i you have any UFO Maps which need a small overwork please let me know. (as mentioned in the PM)
Hi, Solarius
The stormtrooper armor shall appear in ufopaedia only when it's research is completed. As now, it appears when it's research is available:
cost: 220
points: 10
listOrder: 2810
ufopaedia: current, corrected:
type_id: 5
listOrder: 1810
Thanks, it was some old code. Fixed.
Just have to tell you that the Juggernaut armor is my favourite piece of armor mod ever! Thanks for all your hard work!
Just have to tell you that the Juggernaut armor is my favourite piece of armor mod ever! Thanks for all your hard work!
Thanks! The battlesprite was made by jackstraw2323, I only made the doll (with Dioxine's enormous help). :)
So. After reworking my battle strategy i claimed all continents in November. Discovered and trained a deadly squad with Psionics. And since then was loosing only one or two soldiers per missions due to me being dumb. The mod made the game so so much enjoyable.
I might switch to TFTD dmg calculations since it feels weird that the weapons do no damage from time to time. But how i was happy when i survived a plasma blast at the start of the game, yeah. I am being cocky now with Flying suits and Psi-Amps. Another bonus from Psi-Amps is capturing of aliens and i ditched all Stun items.
I wanted to perhaps note if Stun grenade works as intended? There is usually need to deploy 3-4 to stun a Sectoid. I think it needs a buff. Or i used it wrong. Stun rods - didnt use, to dangerous for my soldiers. Dart guns. Meh i lost a ton of soldiers to reaction fire after hitting with a Dart Gun failing to incapacitate. But yeh i can imagine a "wounded tiger". He doesnt fall to ground instantly as well.
As for the crafts. The Fuel capacity in number feels really weird. What kind of unit is it anyway? I mean when building a Tormentor after Thunderstorm the fuel difference is almost terrifying. But it still has global coverage. Might we update the desription somehow? Is it hours in flight? Maybe update it with something like "Continental reach" or "Global reach" or "Patrol craft reach". Sorry i am just writing what i think "bothers me". It did in original version too. Meh i still remember my dissapointment with Firestorm. Alien technology and meh range. One can see the UFOs flying indefinitely almost.
Anyway, great mod once again.
p.s. *still didnt meet Mutons or Ethereals in November.
Thanks for the feedback.
I'll think about the stun grenades, but it's likely you were just unlucky.
As for the fuel, I don't really comprehend this system myself. :P Anyway, it's not my system, it's an X-Com thing.
I have just discovered this.
Do you have any docs on what is included in this mod pack? The OP just points to a bunch of threads and then states that they are now defunct, and this is the only valid thread; there was no wiki or other doc link in the OP.
I have just discovered this.
Do you have any docs on what is included in this mod pack? The OP just points to a bunch of threads and then states that they are now defunct, and this is the only valid thread; there was no wiki or other doc link in the OP.
Yup, used content with credits is available both in the readme file and on the mod portal.
I have a question. In Meridian's Lets Play i have seen many MiB missions, but i get only floaters, snakemans etc. (november), no MiB, no mutons. I rarely see some alien races (chtonites, chryssalids etc.) but very often floaters and snakemans (sometimes sectoids, anthropods, spitters, gazers or hybrids). Have i missed something?
Do you have any docs on what is included in this mod pack? The OP just points to a bunch of threads and then states that they are now defunct, and this is the only valid thread; there was no wiki or other doc link in the OP.
Additionally I would recommend using the Debug Mode (Ctrl-D), that unlocks all articles in the Ufopedia.
I have a question. In Meridian's Lets Play i have seen many MiB missions, but i get only floaters, snakemans etc. (november), no MiB, no mutons. I rarely see some alien races (chtonites, chryssalids etc.) but very often floaters and snakemans (sometimes sectoids, anthropods, spitters, gazers or hybrids). Have i missed something?
Unlikely, it's just a matter of randomness. There are many races/factions, so you just don't get to see some for a long time.
Additionally I would recommend using the Debug Mode (Ctrl-D), that unlocks all articles in the Ufopedia.
Sure, you can do that (if it doesn't work, make sure you have debug set as "true" in the config). But it's up to you if you want to spoil it to yourself :)
Hi, Solarius
Don't know if it's on purpose, but ufopaedia and manufacture for STR_HOVERTANK_LAUNCHER:
type_id: 3
space: 30
time: 1200
cost: 900000
Don't think we want the ufopaedia entry before uncovering the fusion missile(or at least when the fusion missile prerequisites for research are met)...
Good catch, thanks.
Hi, Solarius
You need to add the 'spriteInv' entry to a lot of bunch of armors for aliens (basicaly to everyone who doesn't have allowInv: false):
And restrict inventory to the ones wielding built-in weapons:
Hope this is the exhaustive list...
Well, I don't have the inventory dolls for these. I mean doing the white Ethereal should be sort of easy, but the others? I'll add them when I make/steal them, or if someone else contributes.
As for the inventory restriction, I'll have a look at it. Never really paid attention here. :P
Hi, Solarius
Well, I don't have the inventory dolls for these.
Oh, they're there (gif's - hope they work as GIF format, the MIB's are so - or need png? Which means MIB are also missing inventories):
- Races_Compilation/WhiteEtherealRace/inventory_ETHEREAL_WHITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/HybridRace/inventory_HYBRID.gif
- Races_Compilation/ChtoniteRace/inventory_CHTONITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_GAZER.gif
- Races_Compilation/WaspiteRace/inventory_WASPITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/WaspiteRace/inventory_WASPITE_XXXXXX.gif
- Races_Compilation/ReptoidRace/inventory_REPTOID.gif
Hi, SolariusOh, they're there (gif's - hope they work as GIF format, the MIB's are so - or need png? Which means MIB are also missing inventories):
- Races_Compilation/WhiteEtherealRace/inventory_ETHEREAL_WHITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/HybridRace/inventory_HYBRID.gif
- Races_Compilation/ChtoniteRace/inventory_CHTONITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_GAZER.gif
- Races_Compilation/WaspiteRace/inventory_WASPITE.gif
- Races_Compilation/WaspiteRace/inventory_WASPITE_XXXXXX.gif
- Races_Compilation/ReptoidRace/inventory_REPTOID.gif
Wait wait wait, I... oh, crap. You were right, and I was sure I added them all... I just assumed that if the inv pic is not there, must be something I never had the sprite for. :P Serves me right for not reading carefully.
I just assumed that if the inv pic is not there, must be something I never had the sprite for. :P
This is the case for some ufopaedia images (I think) - Cerebreal, cerebreal larva (TFTD biodrone, maybe?), reptoid autopsy - think you can reuse here the former/older TFTD tasoth autopsy(I mean an autopsied corpse doesn't need clothing ;))
This is the case for some ufopaedia images (I think) - Cerebreal, cerebreal larva (TFTD biodrone, maybe?), reptoid autopsy - think you can reuse here the former/older TFTD tasoth autopsy(I mean an autopsied corpse doesn't need clothing ;))
If I have some time, maybe. But help would be appreciated, since I'm swamped with more critical modding work. ;)
Hi, Solarius
A suggestion - since both Firestorm and Avenger require 1 Alien Electronics to build, shouldn't also the Tormentor, maybe also the Lightning require the same?
Hi, Solarius
A suggestion - since both Firestorm and Avenger require 1 Alien Electronics to build, shouldn't also the Tormentor, maybe also the Lightning require the same?
Not necessarily, the Tormentor is completely different (mostly non-alien) tech, and the Lightning is just... sorta primitive.
Version 1.9.1 is up.
Get it here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rmbjn02o2el7015/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.1.zip?dl=0
- Gave Assault Rifle a much faster aim, but slightly less accurate.
- Fixed LMG clip.
- Fixed some advanced craft appearing where they shouldn't.
- New Battleship variants by Cooper.
- New spites for the Assault Laser, more in line with other advanced lasers.
- Mutons sometimes get rocket hovertanks now, deal with it.
- Fixed Hovertank/Launcher appearing in the Ufopedia too soon.
- Fixed alien inventory doll issues.
Thank you so much for still working on this excellent brainchild of yours.
Also thank you that I now an excuse to restart the campaign so I can discard that last Cyberdiscddebacle I had.
You might want to put a note that this mod is only compatible with nightlies until 2016-04-09.
Due to this announcement (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3287.msg61958.html#msg61958).
For later versions the attached adapted file should work almost as before, only difference is that the AI is limited based on difficulty. If you want the limit to apply to XCOM as well change the -1 to 9 (same as default blaster).
You might want to put a note that this mod is only compatible with nightlies until 2016-04-09.
Due to this announcement (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3287.msg61958.html#msg61958).
For later versions the attached adapted file should work almost as before, only difference is that the AI is limited based on difficulty. If you want the limit to apply to XCOM as well change the -1 to 9 (same as default blaster).
Thanks man. I completely lost touch with the main branch.
I've integrated your changes and uploaded it again as 1.9.1b: https://www.dropbox.com/s/348o00fzgpx75e4/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.1b.zip?dl=0
@zetzet13: My pleasure!
I have completed my first MiB terror mission yesterday and i have some questions/suggestions.
1) I was surprised to see that a heavy trooper carries a simple rifle. It leaves not even a scratch on flying suit. Other MiB soldiers have shotguns and similar weapons. What they are supposed to do with this? Bring my soldiers to laugh? ;)
The same applies to aliens. Plasma Caster, Plasma Pistol, Alien Laser Rifle etc. are useless against good armor. It's ridiculous. The aliens supposed to be dangerous, not laughable. Only weapons with >40 damage can do any harm to flying suit, but only 80+ weapons can be considered as dangerous (weaker weapons need a lot of luck).
2) Perhaps a general Openxcom question. Why the aliens throws no grenades? I have changed turnAIUseGrenade to 0, but this doesn't help. They are ignoring the grenades completely.
3) Shotgun-like weapons are useless. They are short range and are only good against enemies with a low armor (auto-shot is more effective).
4) Laser/Gauss weapons are obsolete, if there are rail/plasma weapons and rail weapons can be researched easily (i have finished the research in august).
5) Melee weapons are almost useless. TU cost ist comparable to normal weapons and a damage is not really better.
6) Dogs are OP. They are very cheap and can do 40 melee damage (only 8 TU = 400 damage/turn). The rifles must have alloy ammo to do the same damage. 20 damage were more realistic and perhaps 12 TU/hit. Price must be 20000-30000. They still remain very useful, because the dogs are very good scouts and they can save the soldiers from be killed.
7) Tanks are almost useless. They are very expensive and are not really better as soldiers with a good armor. Perhaps the X-Com Sectopods can be used, because they are very well armored and can't be destroyed so easy. For the price of one tank i can buy a lot of dogs or rookies to train.
8) Difficulty. The game is too easy even on superhuman. In other TBS you can lose easily on hardest difficulty levels (e.g. HoMM, Eador, ...), but not in X-Com.
- unlimited money (workers + rail cannon gives me ca. 2M/workshop/month and i have 4-6 workshops/base).
- harmless UFOs (plasma beam and the only threat is a battleship, but a tormentor can shot a battleship easily down with rail cannons). In X-Com 3 even a smallest UFO can do damage.
- ground battles are easy, if you are careful (smoke grenades + dog scouts = win)
I have completed my first MiB terror mission yesterday and i have some questions/suggestions.
1) I was surprised to see that a heavy trooper carries a simple rifle. It leaves not even a scratch on flying suit. Other MiB soldiers have shotguns and similar weapons. What they are supposed to do with this? Bring my soldiers to laugh? ;)
Yeah, I'm aware of the problem... But i don't know what to do about it. If it was OXCE, no problem, you can define a different deployment for a different race (because mechanics-wise, early MiBs and late MiBs are different races with the same missions).
What I could do is give them separate ships, missions etc. But that's a lot of work which I really don't want to be doing, since I don't really develop the FMP any more, except for small changes/bugfixes or because I have the resources. And this would be a really inelegant solution. I guess we'll have to live with some of the MiBs carrying weaker weapons.
The same applies to aliens. Plasma Caster, Plasma Pistol, Alien Laser Rifle etc. are useless against good armor. It's ridiculous. The aliens supposed to be dangerous, not laughable. Only weapons with >40 damage can do any harm to flying suit, but only 80+ weapons can be considered as dangerous (weaker weapons need a lot of luck).
Alien Laser Rifle is an early crappy weapon, yeah. Which still can kill you easily if you're not wearing a Power Suit. The Plasma Caster is not a crappy weapon and indeed it will kill you unless you wear a Power Suit. Well, Power Suits are neat, eh?
To sum up, the only way to make all aliens dangerous to humans in Power Suits would be to give them all Heavy Plasmas. Which would be really boring and also give you way too many HP clips. ;) So instead I've decided to keep the weaker weapons, but in limited quantities. Plasma Casters are mainly used for self defence by non-combatants like Navigators, and the Alien Laser Rifles are... well, if you're an alien trooper with a bad luck, you get stuck with an Alien Laser Rifle. War never changes, even if you're from Mars.
Besides, most of them have grenades. Which can screw your heavy armours up.
2) Perhaps a general Openxcom question. Why the aliens throws no grenades? I have changed turnAIUseGrenade to 0, but this doesn't help. They are ignoring the grenades completely.
They don't. I mean, they shouldn't, and in my experience they use the grenades normally. Maybe you're especially good at denying them grenade attacks? :)
3) Shotgun-like weapons are useless. They are short range and are only good against enemies with a low armor (auto-shot is more effective).
Take these "useless" weapons from me and I'll bite! :P Shotguns are the best, when use correctly. It's just that not everyone uses compatible tactics. I'm not really heavy on them either, but I know many people consider them too good.
4) Laser/Gauss weapons are obsolete, if there are rail/plasma weapons and rail weapons can be researched easily (i have finished the research in august).
Good work! It usually takes much longer.
5) Melee weapons are almost useless. TU cost ist comparable to normal weapons and a damage is not really better.
But the cost is rarely above 10 TUs.
Yes, they are situational weapons, but I believe they can be useful. A knife only weighs 4 or 3 units and it can save your life in a close encounter, so it's often a good idea to take it just in case.
BTW did you know melee attacks don't provoke reaction fire? So using a knife is sometimes better than, say, a pistol.
6) Dogs are OP. They are very cheap and can do 40 melee damage (only 8 TU = 400 damage/turn). The rifles must have alloy ammo to do the same damage. 20 damage were more realistic and perhaps 12 TU/hit. Price must be 20000-30000. They still remain very useful, because the dogs are very good scouts and they can save the soldiers from be killed.
I'm a bit torn here, but at least you can't take many of them (except in base defence) and they prevent you from taking tanks, so there are associated costs.
To be honest I don't know how to balance it further (without getting rid of the dogs altogether), so suggestions are welcome.
7) Tanks are almost useless. They are very expensive and are not really better as soldiers with a good armor. Perhaps the X-Com Sectopods can be used, because they are very well armored and can't be destroyed so easy. For the price of one tank i can buy a lot of dogs or rookies to train.
Then by all means do so. Nobody's forcing anyone to use tanks. But they are vanilla assets and I'm not deleting them just because some people think they aren't good enough. Actually, my tanks are better than the original, so I don't know what else I could do without making them OP.
Besides, an X-Com unit without a tank is usually a unit with way more casualties. They don't matter much game-wise, but I'm not sacrificing the lives of my men just to save a couple dollars, which I have way too many anyway. :P
8) Difficulty. The game is too easy even on superhuman. In other TBS you can lose easily on hardest difficulty levels (e.g. HoMM, Eador, ...), but not in X-Com.
That's how the game is written. Blame Mr. Gollop and Co. :P
I could definitely crank up the difficulty to some degree (more aliens, better aliens), but the FMP is not a total conversion, it's more of an add-on. So basic things stay.
You'll probably like my next project better in this regard, since it's pretty heretical in many ways. :)
- unlimited money (workers + rail cannon gives me ca. 2M/workshop/month and i have 4-6 workshops/base).
True, but see the previous point.
Besides, I'm not really interested in the game's economy. X-Com is a combat game, so I don't really mind not having to worry about damn columns in the damned books. :P Because you can't really buy yourself a win here, you still need to do everything yourself - money primarily translates into more bases, which I think is okay.
- harmless UFOs (plasma beam and the only threat is a battleship, but a tormentor can shot a battleship easily down with rail cannons). In X-Com 3 even a smallest UFO can do damage.
What would you like me to do, put a Battleship-class cannon on every Scout? Some UFOs are dangerous, other not so much. That's just how they are. Again, I could change them, but that would be a major change, beside the scope of this mod. Plus, I would have to design it from scratch, since it's rather tricky to balance.
- ground battles are easy, if you are careful (smoke grenades + dog scouts = win)
Maybe you just need a harder game, try X-Piratez :)
Take these "useless" weapons from me and I'll bite! :P Shotguns are the best, when use correctly. It's just that not everyone uses compatible tactics. I'm not really heavy on them either, but I know many people consider them too good.
Maybe in early game the shotguns are good, but they are limited. Short range + enemies must have low armor. Sectoids can be easily killed with any weapon, i don't really need the power of the shotgun.
BTW did you know melee attacks don't provoke reaction fire?
But you must come closer to use a knife and the movement provokes reaction fire.
But the cost is rarely above 10 TUs.
My mistake. I have used only the plasma swords (20 TU).
I'm a bit torn here, but at least you can't take many of them (except in base defence) and they prevent you from taking tanks, so there are associated costs.
I would use the tanks, if they costs 200-300k, but 500-1000k (+extra costs) ... Most of the tanks can still be killed with one shot. Sectopods are good (well armored + good damage).
What would you like me to do, put a Battleship-class cannon on every Scout? Some UFOs are dangerous, other not so much.
Many UFOs have the range 42km and plasma beam 45km. Changing the range of the plasma beam to 42km gives the aliens a chance.
Maybe in early game the shotguns are good, but they are limited. Short range + enemies must have low armor. Sectoids can be easily killed with any weapon, i don't really need the power of the shotgun.
That's true. Well, it all depends; OTOH you could be using buckshot then.
I'm not trying to advertise shotguns, but I heard so many good things about them that I can't improve them further, sorry.
But you must come closer to use a knife and the movement provokes reaction fire.
But not when you come from the back. See, I told you it was very situational! :)
My mistake. I have used only the plasma swords (20 TU).
Yeah, they're crap. But should work well on heavy armour (so is mostly useful for aliens).
I would use the tanks, if they costs 200-300k, but 500-1000k (+extra costs) ...
Yeah, but there's usually so much money on your account...
Many UFOs have the range 42km and plasma beam 45km. Changing the range of the plasma beam to 42km gives the aliens a chance.
OK, I'll think about it. Thanks!
There are two entries for STR_BLASTER_BOMB in manufacture_FMP.rul. A bug perhaps?
There are two entries for STR_BLASTER_BOMB in manufacture_FMP.rul. A bug perhaps?
Oops. Thanks, will be fixed.
Hi Solarius. I am developing a command line tool that generates Ufopedia from .rul/.yml files (Java).
You can select the mods (comma-separated list) and the tool generates the Ufopedia for this mods (articles + filterable tables).
It was intended mainly for FMP, but can be used with any mod (Openxcom Nightly Ruleset).
- Table views (filtering, sorting etc.)
- Article views (like https://ufopaedia.org)
- Categories: units, items (weapons, armors etc.), crafts, craft weapons, base facilities, manufacturing (with profit), research, general Ufopedia articles
Low prio TODOs/nice to have:
- Openxcom Extended Ruleset support
- Research tree diagram
Do you have any suggestions? Have i missed something?
More tools are always welcome, though I personally think making Ufopedia articles is so trivial that using an automatic tool is more hassle than doing it by hand, but you can never be sure how it turns out in the end.
If I was to choose a tool to be created, I'd probably stick with an update on Falko's tools: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2349.0.html These are immensely useful, but some of them are outdated.
As for the sorting stuff, Meridian already did it for OXCE: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4187.0.html; you may find it helpful.
More tools are always welcome, though I personally think making Ufopedia articles is so trivial that using an automatic tool is more hassle than doing it by hand
Making Ufopedia articles is trivial? Hmm. There are ca 400 items in FMP, ca 180 manufacturing entries etc. I personally would need a couple of months to do it by hand.
Pros of the tool:
- you can generate a whole Ufopedia with one click
- you can use any mod combination
- you can use multiple template "themes" (tables, articles etc.)
- some data can be calculated automatically (manufacturing profit, weapon effectiveness, psi-defence, average armor strength etc.)
- you can easily compare two or more items (or units, or ...) in the table view (select the rows and click "show only selected rows")
- you don't need to track the changes and modify ufopedia by hand for each change (simply execute the tool)
- ...
If I was to choose a tool to be created, I'd probably stick with an update on Falko's tools: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2349.0.html These are immensely useful, but some of them are outdated.
It was intended to be used by gamers (and modders). I play the FMP and i miss the FMP-Ufopedia. In-game Ufopedia has only basic infos (no weapon weights, dropoff, no table view etc.). If i need to find a good item to manufacture for profit, i need to go through all items and compare them. It's annoying.
I have planed a second tool - Ruleset Batch Modifier. You can define the rules to modify the Rule-Files. With this tool you can modify existing mods, e.g.
- increase the armor of the aliens (leave the good armored aliens unchanged and give the weaker aliens better armor (e.g. +50%)).
- replace all weak weapons in deployments with more powerful (this mod can be activated in the late game)
As for the sorting stuff, Meridian already did it for OXCE: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4187.0.html; you may find it helpful.
I have not found the sortable tables in this thread. Not for FMP anyway. Have i missed them somehow?
OK sure, give it a try and we'll see what happens.
I have not found the sortable tables in this thread. Not for FMP anyway. Have i missed them somehow?
It wasn't for FMP, but OXCE. I meant that you could use his code maybe.
EDIT: I moved all posts regarding GitHub to a new topic (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4534.0.html). It will be way easier to continue there.
EDIT: I moved all posts regarding GitHub to a new topic (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4534.0.html). It will be way easier to continue there.
Hi, Solarius
Would be useful to mention the GIT repo in your first post, and state maybe also the date of your last FMP package upload there (I mean the dropbox or whatever link). Thanks.
Hi, Solarius
Would be useful to mention the GIT repo in your first post, and state maybe also the date of your last FMP package upload there (I mean the dropbox or whatever link). Thanks.
OK, done!
The Final Mod Pack on the home page is not updated. Secondly, Is there a way, the secondary High Quality Sounds Mod to integrate fixed? This is only 3.5 MB in size and improves the FMP significantly!
The sniper rifle makes there is no longer just "Plop" it does "Wrooommm". Even the dog sounds is much more realistic! ;D
The Final Mod Pack on the home page is not updated.
I know.
It would be if the site's fancy Flash-based uploader worked. But it's been down for months and and this point I'm pretty much ignoring its existence, like every other modder.
Secondly, Is there a way, the secondary High Quality Sounds Mod to integrate fixed? This is only 3.5 MB in size and improves the FMP significantly!
The sniper rifle makes there is no longer just "Plop" it does "Wrooommm". Even the dog sounds is much more realistic! ;D
Yes, but I prefer to leave this decision to the player, since many people have a strong preference to the traditional theme. But I did steal a few sounds from the High Quality Sounds Mod. :)
I have an idea. How about a HWP with no weapon, but very well protected (armor 180-200?). It can be used as a moving obstacle to hide behind (+relatively safe scouting).
I have an idea. How about a HWP with no weapon, but very well protected (armor 180-200?). It can be used as a moving obstacle to hide behind (+relatively safe scouting).
I often thought about that idea, too.
It could also have some kind of shield-mechanism. It is technically possible to mod a unit that spawns in place where another one dies. That could (in theory) be used to look like a shielded unit losing its shield and then driving/moving on without it. IIRC the war-of-shadows mod beta had an Ethereal leader with a shield. Why not adopt thatmmechanism for the tank wortkarg proposed...
I often thought about that idea, too.
It could also have some kind of shield-mechanism. It is technically possible to mod a unit that spawns in place where another one dies. That could (in theory) be used to look like a shielded unit losing its shield and then driving/moving on without it. IIRC the war-of-shadows mod beta had an Ethereal leader with a shield. Why not adopt thatmmechanism for the tank wortkarg proposed...
You mean using the zombification mechanics? Yeah, I think it should be doable, but there are many questions that can only be answered with trials and tests (does it work on mechanical units, does it work on large units. is the new unit properly aligned with X-Com, etc.).
In terms of gameplay, for HWPs which automatically heal at end of fight, this is not so different from having lots of Hit Points.
Well, it does work with big units and they can even spawn a small unit then (it does so in the war-of-shadows mod). Not sure about the alignment, but my gut says it will work fine ;)
In terms of gameplay, for HWPs which automatically heal at end of fight, this is not so different from having lots of Hit Points.
true, but it would look great! :)
Well, it does work with big units and they can even spawn a small unit then (it does so in the war-of-shadows mod).
Really? Because I tried doing the same and it didn't work; well technically it did, but there were all sorts of glitches like invisible, unkillable units.
Well, yes, it did, I even managed to copy-n-paste those aliens in my own personal mod-soup back then.... 8)
Actually there were even two transformations happening to that Ethereal Leader (if that was the name)
First it was a Ethereal 2x2 with a blue shield bubble (really nice graphics btw)
After you destroyed that it turned into a Xcom2012 inspired 4-armed 1x1 Ethereal without shield, but with a nice helmet, and then, when destroyed once again, it turned into a 1x1 blue-energy-crystal.
Of course the spawned units have to rely on built-in weapons, I don't think that equipping them like normal aliens works, but that is a minor problem.
I see, maybe it's a matter of version.
Just came across an unusual crash, when I try to go to land site 66 openxcom crashes but if I shoot the MIB stealth bomber down I can do the crash site mission okay-see attachments.
Just came across an unusual crash, when I try to go to land site 66 openxcom crashes but if I shoot the MIB stealth bomber down I can do the crash site mission okay-see attachments.
Probably just something with the Nightly. I too started to get crashes when I updated to the April 2016 nightlies. I don't believe FMP is at fault here. I may be wrong, of course, but that's what I think right now.
I recommend to stick with the last nightly you didn't experience crashes with. Or check for updates very, very often. Update as soon as you can, and use the auto-save option.
Lately, I've had to load the auto-saves a number of times due to Runtime Error crashes.
Just came across an unusual crash, when I try to go to land site 66 openxcom crashes but if I shoot the MIB stealth bomber down I can do the crash site mission okay-see attachments.
Maybe it is not the FMP, but the logfile states that MAPS/FOREST17.MAP is not exitent. Maybe it fails because of the missing map (unable to generate Map?)
Maybe it is not the FMP, but the logfile states that MAPS/FOREST17.MAP is not exitent. Maybe it fails because of the missing map (unable to generate Map?)
Yeah, it is a new map block. I'll check if it's declared correctly.
EDIT: Of course it wasn't. Sorry, I changed some map names and missed a few entries.
EDIT: ...and fixed a critical loading bug. Here's the fixed version: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2w85bkdjfyjjf98/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.1e.zip?dl=0
I know you're busy with the OpenXCom X-Files project right now, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
Can you include the Corridor base facility from Piratez into the FMP mod?
I was just thinking about how it would be a faster way to construct new bases with defence in mind, avoiding to use the General Stores facility to make long corridors (as some are fond of doing). Faster base construction, less maintenance costs (and construction costs) and no danger to the base's stored (un-researched) supply of plasma weapons when using Rocket Launchers to defend. :o
This is just a friendly request. If you don't have the time (or think it is not worth it) I understand. Just thought I could ask. :)
Can you include the Corridor base facility from Piratez into the FMP mod?
No problem, I'll just have to think about how exactly it should work. I never really used corridors. What the numbers should be, for example. Any suggestions?
EDIT: I made the sprite, but it doesn't work with the nightly. It looks perfectly fine with OXCE though.
I don't normally work with the standard nightly, so I don't know what's wrong. Attaching the file here.
EDIT: Never mind, updating the .exe did the job.
One thing i noticed about your image is that the first non-transparant pixel of the palette is defined greenish instead of white. But since that color is not used i doubt that's the problem.
Anything else looks ok in mtPaint
Do you have a ruleset snippet that goes with the sprite so i can test ingame?
One thing i noticed about your image is that the first non-transparant pixel of the palette is defined greenish instead of white. But since that color is not used i doubt that's the problem.
Anything else looks ok in mtPaint
Do you have a ruleset snippet that goes with the sprite so i can test ingame?
spriteShape: 3
spriteFacility: 317
buildCost: 75000
buildTime: 12
monthlyCost: 2000
mapName: XBASS_24
But as I said, it works fine with the latest nightly, so not an issue.
But as I said, it works fine with the latest nightly, so not an issue.
You just Ninja'd my post ;)
Glad it works
No problem, I'll just have to think about how exactly it should work. I never really used corridors. What the numbers should be, for example. Any suggestions?
Wonderful :)
At least I think it should have a build-time shorter than that of the General Stores. About five days perhaps? And the cost could be about $50k. After all, it is not meant for huge main-bases, but rather for quick construction of a defensible radar-station or storage-base (somthing like that). Maintenance could be about $5k, in that case.
If I want to expand the base into a full production- or military-base later on, I'd have to replace them (most probably) later on anyways - with "useable" facilities.
Can I just put the png-file somewhere, and copy the code-bit in your later post to make it work? In that case, where? Or do you have a 1.9.1f somewhere, including the Corridor (I don't see a download-link in your post).
Thanks. My numbers are a bit higher than you suggested, but still nothing outrageous.
You can't really make the facility without the battlescape map which I haven't posted. But I'll post a new version in a moment, because why not.
EDIT: here it is: https://www.mediafire.com/download/g5b4l5xw6dymnit/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.2.zip
Thanks. My numbers are a bit higher than you suggested, but still nothing outrageous.
1.9.2 downloaded, and tested. It works, thank you very much! :)
One thing, though. When I start a new game, I get a Large Living Quarters instead of one General Stores and one Living Quarters. Is there a particular reason why we are given a $2.25M facility instead of two facilities worth a total of $550K?
And I admit to "cheating" as I changed the Corridor's buildCost to $50K and buildTime to 6 days after installing 1.9.2 (but then again, I've also changed the stats of the soldiers a bit to get it more in line with what I like (higher Health, larger range of TU's (40-60) and set max caps at either 100 or 80 for all stats. Plus some other minor nerfs).
1.9.2 downloaded, and tested. It works, thank you very much! :)
Haha! Impeccable Man strikes again! 8)
One thing, though. When I start a new game, I get a Large Living Quarters instead of one General Stores and one Living Quarters. Is there a particular reason why we are given a $2.25M facility instead of two facilities worth a total of $550K?
I just wanted to give the player a better start, since you will probably need more staff than in vanilla.
And I admit to "cheating" as I changed the Corridor's buildCost to $50K and buildTime to 6 days after installing 1.9.2 (but then again, I've also changed the stats of the soldiers a bit to get it more in line with what I like (higher Health, larger range of TU's (40-60) and set max caps at either 100 or 80 for all stats. Plus some other minor nerfs).
Well I don't really know, I didn't want to go too extreme. Maybe your numbers make more sense. I'll be honest: I can't see how this even matters, given how much money you have. So I don't really care if it's $50000, $75000 or $100000.
6 days seems a bit short, but doable.
Hello. Firstly, thanks for an awesome mod. I haven't had this much fun playing a game since the original Xcom back in the day.
I'm on my first play-through and I was wondering what the MiB armour adaptation does? I "manufactured" it but I can't see that it did, or that I got anything.
Hello. Firstly, thanks for an awesome mod. I haven't had this much fun playing a game since the original Xcom back in the day.
I'm on my first play-through and I was wondering what the MiB armour adaptation does? I "manufactured" it but I can't see that it did, or that I got anything.
As for the MiB armour, it should give you a free armour taken from the MiB - either Personal or Power Suit.
Ah, so it's just a regular personal armor then?
Ah, so it's just a regular personal armor then?
Yeah, MiB use pretty much the same tech as X-Com. Sure, we can make everything new for them, but I think that'd be a wasted effort.
I just wanted to give the player a better start, since you will probably need more staff than in vanilla.
After some consideration, I've come to the conclusion that this is a good thing.
It lead me to understand I have some money free, as I don't need to build a couple of Living Quarters immediately. Therefore I can afford to build both a Large Storage Facility and a General Stores (in addition to regular purchases). This increases my storage to 100 (10 days) and 375 (24 days) during the first month, due to the fact that I have removed the storage-capacities of Hangars. My personal opinion is that it is more valuable to not blow up my own storage of weapons/equipment when using explosives in base defense missions, than having the 25 extra (75 total) storage capacity in Hangars at my starting base.
I'll start a new game this weekend, and see how it goes. Probably not going to get too many high-loot missions during the first ten days anyways...
Had to restart my game because all my OXC folders disappeared from my smartphone. I don't get it either. Nearing end of January, its 30th and I'm going to assault a UFO then go back to base and wait for the other shoe to drop.
Doing well because of all the stuff I sold. No Alien Contaiment yet but soon -stunning aliens just to get loot. 40 scientists already, 40 engineers soon.
Found two bugs:
1. Wanted to get me some light in a night mission, so I threw a incendiary grenade near a UFO. The explosion somehow phased through the hull and killed a Sectoid I was going to stun to steal his stuff!
2. There was this UFO - I walked near it and somehow my soldier could see inside it.
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1. Wanted to get me some light in a night mission, so I threw a incendiary grenade near a UFO. The explosion somehow phased through the hull and killed a Sectoid I was going to stun to steal his stuff!
2. There was this UFO - I walked near it and somehow my soldier could see inside it.
Thanks. I'm working in this, but it's going to take a looong time.
The bugged UFOs with saves - not sure which one is the first bug, but the second is labelled:
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Hi! I was playing version 1.8.1 for a while and have a few questions.
Can I replace the data with the 1.9.2 version without harming the current saved games? I'm making a series for the amusement of friends and if I would need to start over it's better to know beforehand.
Also, my research seems to be at a standstill after I captured the sectoid chain of command up to Leader from a terror mission. From what I can gather I'll need to raid alien bases to advance past laser/gauss in tech. I'm at the 19th of June and haven't discovered any bases. Do aliens not do that until later in this version? Or should I leave aliens alone every now and then instead of zealously following them via the graphs?
Also, since breaking the tech tree wide open happens at about the same time you can capture a commander, is it safe to assume that these incredible toys are mostly for the invasion of cydonia?
Edit: If difficulty is relevant to my questions, I'm in Veteran mode.
Can I replace the data with the 1.9.2 version without harming the current saved games? I'm making a series for the amusement of friends and if I would need to start over it's better to know beforehand.
I had a quick look and I'm 99% sure there should be no issues. Just don't update in the middle of a tactical mission!
Also, my research seems to be at a standstill after I captured the sectoid chain of command up to Leader from a terror mission. From what I can gather I'll need to raid alien bases to advance past laser/gauss in tech. I'm at the 19th of June and haven't discovered any bases. Do aliens not do that until later in this version? Or should I leave aliens alone every now and then instead of zealously following them via the graphs?
AFAIR if you concentrate on Engineers, you should be fine with plasma weapons. Some other crucial research requires highest officers, but it's the same in vanilla.
Also, since breaking the tech tree wide open happens at about the same time you can capture a commander, is it safe to assume that these incredible toys are mostly for the invasion of cydonia?
I'm not sure which toys you mean, but I'd say there's no equipment in the FMP which is made specifically for Mars. It's different in my newer mod, "The X-Com Files" (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html), but it's not very advanced yet.
Ah, that explains a lot. I looked at the tech tree and thought that since alien leader, alien engineer, and alien data slates all led to alien engineering secrets you would need all three to break the tech tree open. Same thing for medical secrets. I like the idea that you need to capture a lot of those aliens to advance rather than just needing one of each rank to unlock everything. Thanks for the prompt reply!
A little question, just out of curiosity...
In units_FMP.rul all hybrids use the HYBRID_ARMOR0.
Then, who is supposed to use HYBRID_ARMOR1 and HYBRID_ARMOR2 that I find in armors_FMP.rul?
A little question, just out of curiosity...
In units_FMP.rul all hybrids use the HYBRID_ARMOR0.
Then, who is supposed to use HYBRID_ARMOR1 and HYBRID_ARMOR2 that I find in armors_FMP.rul?
I'm not sure to be honest, it was two years ago, but I suppose it's some leftover data.
I'll have a look at it later.
If you're going to release a new version it might be worthwhile to go over research as well.
Latest nightlies introduced a new modding value called "destroyItem"
see change recoverItems (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/ff2b9d8e146294b159479a5d3bc2d43e11c40713) and ufopaedia reference on research (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_%28OpenXcom%29#Research).
A ruleset example can be found at official dev commits (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/5ca2865cb2c68c5639d246e6b1b1af808a6f0bcd)
If you're going to release a new version it might be worthwhile to go over research as well.
Latest nightlies introduced a new modding value called "destroyItem"
see change recoverItems (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/ff2b9d8e146294b159479a5d3bc2d43e11c40713) and ufopaedia reference on research (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_%28OpenXcom%29#Research).
A ruleset example can be found at official dev commits (https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/5ca2865cb2c68c5639d246e6b1b1af808a6f0bcd)
Oh dear.
All right, I'll check...
EDIT: The destroyItem flag is straightforward, but what about the corpses? Should I change anything if I want to keep it the way it was? What can be done with this, can you rule if the corpse is destroyed or not using the flag? I can't see any concrete information about this and truth be told I don't really have time for tests right now.
Corpses do not need the flag. At least it was not added towards xcom1 or xcom2 ruleset with warboys commit.
EDIT: The destroyItem flag is straightforward, but what about the corpses? Should I change anything if I want to keep it the way it was? What can be done with this, can you rule if the corpse is destroyed or not using the flag? I can't see any concrete information about this and truth be told I don't really have time for tests right now.
If i understand the code correctly ... the "destroyItem" is needed for each item (weapon, elerium,alloys, corpses and live aliens) that must be destroyed after research.
This option will NOT give you a corpse when researching a live alien (it can only incinerate the live alien when you're done learning from them). If you need a corpse after research, advice the players to activate the "retainCorpses" (replacement of "recoverItems" option).
Please note that using the option "retainCorpses" while not using the rule "destroyItem" on a live alien will give a free corpse together with the live alien (free money when sell live aliens is also on).
OK, thanks! That's all I wanted.
I'll publish a new version when I'm done with map stuff I'm currently doing.
EDIT: It's ready! download from: https://www.mediafire.com/download/4cbj4y4drdryrrx/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.3.zip
(I'm pretty sure I screwed up something again.)
Btw, got more bugged UFOs on saves in this link - I hope I'm helping:
Hey Solarius, why not get yourself a forum subsection for FMP and X-COM files? Its a big mod and this topic is too small for it now.
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Sorry, I kinda forgot. It's in the readme, but I'll put it here:
- Implemented Hellrazor's darkened (non-transparent) ship maps.
- Small update of rulesets to match the newest nightly.
Btw, got more bugged UFOs on saves in this link - I hope I'm helping:
It doesn't allow me to download the file, saying I've exceeded my data limit. Can you please use MediaFire, Google, Dropbox or something, you know... that is known to work? :P
Or just tell me what the bug is, if it's possible.
Hey Solarius, why not get yourself a forum subsection for FMP and X-COM files? Its a big mod and this topic is too small for it now.
Michal actually offered this already, but I declined since I'm not developing the FMP much. Could have been a mistake. I can ask him about this, but I'm not sure what we could do with a subforum beside having this thread...
Your data limit? Weird. Try tomorrow. I will take a look at it tomorrow.
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Solarius, it works fine in this other computer in my university. Did you download to browser or did you click the megasynch button?
Also the bug is UFOs through which one can see.
About a sub-forum, I can think of lots of threads:
- Download links
- FMP modmods
- Bug/crash reports
- Future plans
- Ideas and suggestions in general
- General feedback and playstyle discussion, etc.
EDIT: BTW, gunporn observation: Am I the only one who thinks the description of the Sniper Rifle is nonsensical? "12,4mm" bullet? That's anti-materiel rifle size bullet, and the Sniper Rifle looks like it fires a normal caliber - you know, 5,56m, 7,62mm or even the same 6,5mm bullet the X-COM Rifle uses. With a bullet that large, the damage should be double the normal rifle. The description clearly doesn't make sense.
Interestingly, the description fits... the Tac Sniper Rifle, which is bigger, deals a lot of damage (65!), can fire explosive rounds and looks a lot like a Anti-Materiel Rifle to me.
Solarius, it works fine in this other computer in my university. Did you download to browser or did you click the megasynch button?
To browser, I think.
Can you maybe just zip it and attach it to the post here?
Also the bug is UFOs through which one can see.
Can you remember its type?
About a sub-forum, I can think of lots of threads:
- Download links
- FMP modmods
- Bug/crash reports
- Future plans
- Ideas and suggestions in general
- General feedback and playstyle discussion, etc.
OK, I'll ask Michal again.
EDIT: BTW, gunporn observation: Am I the only one who thinks the description of the Sniper Rifle is nonsensical? "12,4mm" bullet? That's anti-materiel rifle size bullet, and the Sniper Rifle looks like it fires a normal caliber - you know, 5,56m, 7,62mm or even the same 6,5mm bullet the X-COM Rifle uses. With a bullet that large, the damage should be double the normal rifle. The description clearly doesn't make sense.
Interestingly, the description fits... the Tac Sniper Rifle, which is bigger, deals a lot of damage (65!), can fire explosive rounds and looks a lot like a Anti-Materiel Rifle to me.
Yeah, I never really noticed... Well, this mod is big. :) I'll do something about it.
Can't attach files through tapatalk, that's why I sent you mega links.
here it is
Can't attach files through tapatalk, that's why I sent you mega links.
here it is
OK, thanks! Should be fixed now.
Small error i noticed while looking at the logs:
Probably due to alienRaces_FMP.rul @ 62:
should that not be replaced by?
I think both may be needed. Thanks, I'll check.
Everything seems to be in order in my version:
Which is correct. It's a Muton variant with Obliterators as terror units, not a new race.
Thanks for the clarification.
In that case the string definition is still missing in the 0.9.3 download extraStrings_FMp file.
(Or was your code fragment an attempt to lure me into pasting that information into my local installation ;))
Thanks for the clarification.
In that case the string definition is still missing in the 0.9.3 download extraStrings_FMp file.
(Or was your code fragment an attempt to lure me into pasting that information into my local installation ;))
That's really strange, since this line exists in my version and it was added several releases ago.
Whatever the case, it should be fixed in the next release. (If it's not, then it must be some other reason... But I have no idea what.)
That's strange indeed .. i suspect ethereal involvement ;)
Some other observations regarding obliterators in the download of 1.9.3:
* In Items_FMP.rul@57 , STR_OBLITERATOR_TERRORIST has the following entry: listOrder: ???
, is that intended?
* In commendations_FMP.rul@346 the killcriteria for STR_MEDAL_ANTITERROR_NAME uses 1: ["STR_OBLITERATOR", "STR_LIVE_TERRORIST", "FACTION_HOSTILE", "STATUS_DEAD"]
, somehow i suspect that STR_OBLITERATOR_TERRORIST was meant (as is also used in the definition STR_MEDAL_SAPPER_NAME [@278]).
* extrastrings_FMP.rul does also seem to miss a translation for STR_OBLITERATOR_DISASSEMBLY
That's strange indeed .. i suspect ethereal involvement ;)
Makes sense :)
Some other observations regarding obliterators in the download of 1.9.3:
* In Items_FMP.rul@57 , STR_OBLITERATOR_TERRORIST has the following entry: listOrder: ???
, is that intended?
Yes, some items just don't have a listOrder bcause I never did it for one reason or another (such as, I couldn't be bothered yet). In these cases I leave an "???" entry to track that it needs to be done.
* In commendations_FMP.rul@346 the killcriteria for STR_MEDAL_ANTITERROR_NAME uses 1: ["STR_OBLITERATOR", "STR_LIVE_TERRORIST", "FACTION_HOSTILE", "STATUS_DEAD"]
, somehow i suspect that STR_OBLITERATOR_TERRORIST was meant (as is also used in the definition STR_MEDAL_SAPPER_NAME [@278]).
* extrastrings_FMP.rul does also seem to miss a translation for STR_OBLITERATOR_DISASSEMBLY
OK, I'll have a look at it. Thanks!
The reason for such omissions is that I don't really play FMP any more, I only add stuff sometimes.
You're new best thing is taking that much time eh :D
Nevertheless you're still doing great by still supporting this mod.
I'm glad to be of any help ... saves you time (or more correct , takes some of your time, but less than having to discover it yourself) ;)
Aren't zombies on fire supposed to not turn into Chrysalids if you kill them? Because I've fought a terror mission with them on it and that didn't happen
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Aren't zombies on fire supposed to not turn into Chrysalids if you kill them? Because I've fought a terror mission with them on it and that didn't happen
I am unaware of any such mechanics in any version of Openxcom.
Aren't zombies on fire supposed to not turn into Chrysalids if you kill them? Because I've fought a terror mission with them on it and that didn't happen
Only if you kill them with fire... just setting them on fire and then killing them e.g. with plasma will not work.
Only if you kill them with fire... just setting them on fire and then killing them e.g. with plasma will not work.
I heard about the original game, but is this reproduced in Openxcom?
I'm not saying it isn't, just looking for confirmation.
I heard about the original game, but is this reproduced in Openxcom?
I'm not saying it isn't, just looking for confirmation.
I didn't find anything specific in the code handling this situation... but contrary to common sense that might also be a sign that it actually works like that (since you have to explicitly tell the program to do the conversion... and it might be missing in whatever part of code that handles decrease of HP by burning).
Easiest will be just to test it.
Easiest will be just to test it.
I was curious so I tested this. Killing a zombie with fire (I used an autocannon with incendiary ammo) still yields a Chrysalid in OXC. No idea what it did in the original game, but the wiki article doesn't seem very reliable on this issue as it says, "Incendiary damage mechanics are not fully understood."
I've read there are modded incendiary weapons that are pretty good, but in the vanilla game does anyone even bother with the incendiary weapons? They're pretty useless aren't they? I used the rockets once in awhile to light up a large area, but that's about it.
The vanilla fire weapon aren't very impressive. I've played a bit with fire grenades however (from a mod), as it's a much more versatile way to deliver fire : It's not a better damage-dealer than a grenade, but every time I've used it to deny an area to enemies (they don't like standing in fire), it has succeeded.
I think the entire "kill it with fire" thing is from some modified version of the original game. I remember hearing about it, but can't remember which version it was - certainly not XComUtil.
I've read there are modded incendiary weapons that are pretty good, but in the vanilla game does anyone even bother with the incendiary weapons? They're pretty useless aren't they? I used the rockets once in awhile to light up a large area, but that's about it.
If you're unlucky enough to, say face a sectoid base defense in January, the incendiary autocannon can take out a cyberdisc in a single auto-fire volley if you're a little lucky. - Almost guaranteed to take it out in two - and it doesn't explode if killed via fire.
Zombies that died from the incendiary explosion did not hatch a Chryssalid in the original.
I'm not sure if the fire damage from being set on fire hatched one or not (The fire damage calculated during end turn), but it is known that the incendiary explosion itself prevents them from hatching.
I am using a bit of a older version. Just noticed Ironfist fuel capacity is 60. Oh, and went to a base defense where I could walk through a corner between two doors.
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I am using a bit of a older version. Just noticed Ironfist fuel capacity is 60.
Is it wrong?
Oh, and went to a base defense where I could walk through a corner between two doors.
Can you please provide a screenshot or something?
I have tried to use incendiary in the original game and even when aliens catch fire they seem to take no damage from the fire. I'd seen a reaper (supposedly weak to incendiary) take multiple hits from incendiary and then walk around for multiple turns on fire and still require a few AP rounds to finish it off. That basically means the incendiary didn't even hurt it, since it only takes a few AP rounds to kill it from full health.
More recently I made a 90 power rapidly firing small launcher with incendiary, and tested it against reapers. They definitely took damage. The first shot knocked a reaper out cold but that was clearly a fluke as further shots failed to cause significant damage to the reapers and no reaper ever died from incendiary alone no matter how many times it was shot. They also never caught fire.
In the original game, a unit passing a turn while standing in fire, if they were still standing in fire at the start of their next turn, they would be lit on fire. I only observed this once, but one of my own soldiers lost half of their health and gained zero fatal wounds during a single turn while on fire.
I have noticed that several of the units have weaknesses or resistances and these are often mentioned in the autopsy reports. You can use this information to defeat some of the harder aliens with conventional weaponry if your weapons technology is behind the curve. There's just one problem:
. . alien . . . . weakness
cyberdisc -- explosive (despite its explosive resistance, this is the best ammo to use against it)
reaper -- actually explosive (it has no explosive resistance and is a 2x2 unit)
snakeman -- no weakness
chryssalid -- no weakness
muton -- explosive if anything (resistant to AP, low under armor)
silacoid -- explosive
celatid -- other celatids
ethereal -- no weakness
sectopod -- laser https:// slight secondary to explosive
The problem is that if it has a weakness, it is generally weak to explosives. Explosives can and will defeat any alien. AP will not always work, lasers are not always a good option, and plasma will not work well against sectopods. But you can win the game using only explosives. The only units that actually resist HE damage type are 2x2 units with low under armor, meaning you just need a bigger bomb.
I haven't played FMP yet but I was thinking the aliens need more variety in their weaknesses. There should be some creatures resistant to explosive that are weak to AP--especially armored units I think. AP stands for armor piercing, after all. I think I'm going to write up a mod like that.
Food for thought.
I did some small tweaks, but mostly kept the aliens vanilla. The FMP isn't supposed to diverge too much.
I'll probably be more creative with X-Com Files.
I have actually been noticing the weaknesses A LOT more in my FMP game, here's from my experience:
- Cyberdisc: Its horribly vulnerable to fire. I often one-shoot Cyberdiscs with flamers in base defense missions. I also followed a tip in this thread and found out that Auto-Cannon bursts with Incendiary can also do the same thing. I think I once killed one with a Incendiary Grenade. In missions with lots of small doors and closed spaces, a good tactic is to attack them with Stun Rods.
- Silacoids: In vanilla, by the time they roll around they are harmless. In FMP they show up much earlier, and they are a pain. They're pretty much bulletproof, and completely fire-proof. Only way to kill these things is explosion or lots of bullets.
- Muton: Piercing resistance makes it nearly immune to Alloy bullets, and allow them to tank gauss sniper shots. Lasers rock vs Mutons.
- Gazers: No laser resistance? Also more fire-proof than Cyberdiscs.
- Chrysalids: Closest thing they have to a weakness is a good old burst fire to the face. They're the one alien that can't do anything about that, no react attack.
I now always take mixed Gauss/Laser teams.
But I agree that resistances should be more important.
- Cyberdisc: Its horribly vulnerable to fire. I often one-shoot Cyberdiscs with flamers in base defense missions. I also followed a tip in this thread and found out that Auto-Cannon bursts with Incendiary can also do the same thing. I think I once killed one with a Incendiary Grenade. In missions with lots of small doors and closed spaces, a good tactic is to attack them with Stun Rods.
Well, in the vanilla it would be the same with AC-IN ammo... But yes, flamers are very effective, as long as you can use them. But one-shotting them? What difficulty are you playing - not Beginner?
- Silacoids: In vanilla, by the time they roll around they are harmless. In FMP they show up much earlier, and they are a pain. They're pretty much bulletproof, and completely fire-proof. Only way to kill these things is explosion or lots of bullets.
I hope it's good? :)
- Muton: Piercing resistance makes it nearly immune to Alloy bullets, and allow them to tank gauss sniper shots. Lasers rock vs Mutons.
- Gazers: No laser resistance? Also more fire-proof than Cyberdiscs.
Gazers are somewhat difficult to put down, but their general sluggishness make them relatively easy targets. Saturate them with anything better than rifles.
- Chrysalids: Closest thing they have to a weakness is a good old burst fire to the face. They're the one alien that can't do anything about that, no react attack.
I now always take mixed Gauss/Laser teams.
But I agree that resistances should be more important.
I'm not going to tweak the resistances too much from the vanilla. X-Com Files is more bold.
I captured a reptilian officer and for some reason the game lets me research him more than once. With more than once I mean maybe 10+ times. If this intentional or is it bugged somehow? I know there was a setting in OpenXcom that the game deletes the researched thing, but I can't find it anymore.
I'm using the latest nightly build and the latest FMP.
Great mod btw. Love it!
I captured a reptilian officer and for some reason the game lets me research him more than once. With more than once I mean maybe 10+ times. If this intentional or is it bugged somehow? I know there was a setting in OpenXcom that the game deletes the researched thing, but I can't find it anymore.
No, you're not supposed to research the same alien multiple times.
I don't know what's going on with the nightly right now... Can anyone else confirm it's happening?
No, you're not supposed to research the same alien multiple times.
I don't know what's going on with the nightly right now... Can anyone else confirm it's happening?
Okay, strange then. Before the Reptoid leader I had a MiB medic that I also could research a couple of times until he finally disappeared.
I've researched a lot of aliens twice in the original X-Com as well as vanilla OpenXcom. I feel like there's a script that allows a live alien to be researched a second time if in the first research project it is used to unlock a special project and then the second time you are supposed to get its normal research value, but I haven't verified this.
I hope that helps you figure out where the bug is coming from.
I remember a similar conplaint in the OXC thread in RPGCodex with MiB medic
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Version 1.9.3b released.
All right guys, there were a few errors regarding aliens not disappearing after interrogation... Now it should be fixed. I also added Ivan's new bigob for the Sectoid Commander.
I uploaded the fix to the mod site: https://www.openxcom.com/mod/final-mod-pack
Please let me know if you can download it in the first place.
I've tried several times both from the link provided and direct through the mods section in openxcom.org but all I get is the attached.
Okay, I'm done with the site. Here's the proper link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/bip010d98qaz1oa/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.3b.zip
Playing devil's advocate for a moment FMP v1.9.3b was the first mod in several days that I haven't been able to update via the buggy site. Personally I don't know what's wrong as the site seems to go through bouts of working reasonably with no response at all.
Playing devil's advocate for a moment FMP v1.9.3b was the first mod in several days that I haven't been able to update via the buggy site. Personally I don't know what's wrong as the site seems to go through bouts of working reasonably with no response at all.
I have no idea why it happens, it's a .zip like any other mod.
Maybe it's too big? But then again, it's less than 10 MB.... The X-Com Files is several times as much, not to mention the X-Piratez.
I have no idea why it happens, it's a .zip like any other mod.
Maybe it's too big? But then again, it's less than 10 MB.... The X-Com Files is several times as much, not to mention the X-Piratez.
How many files you have? When I delete some old from my page I managed to access it again.
Okay, I'm done with the site. Here's the proper link: https://www.mediafire.com/download/bip010d98qaz1oa/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.3b.zip
Nice work man!
How many files you have? When I delete some old from my page I managed to access it again.
OK, I'll experiment further.
Nice work man!
Thank you!
Nope, deleting several previous versions didn't help.
Hello, I noticed that shotgun with AP shells did not fire pellets, but only one bullet, with very high accuracy. I checked the rul file, and it seems that the "shotgunPellets: 7" line (seen in normal shells) is missing. Is it a bug or is it intended ?
Thank you!
Hello, I noticed that shotgun with AP shells did not fire pellets, but only one bullet, with very high accuracy. I checked the rul file, and it seems that the "shotgunPellets: 7" line (seen in normal shells) is missing. Is it a bug or is it intended ?
It is intended, because, well... it's an AP bullet. A breneka, I suppose.
Also the high accuracy is only at very close distances, you'll notice it drops fast with every tile.
It is intended, because, well... it's an AP bullet. A breneka, I suppose.
Also the high accuracy is only at very close distances, you'll notice it drops fast with every tile.
Thank you for your answer.
I didn't noticed a strong accuracy drop with distance. My rookies where able to hit ~75% of the time with snap shots, even 10 tiles away, while with vanilla rifles they were able to hit only ~50% of the time, with aimed shots. Aren't accuracySnap=130 and accuracyAimed=175 too high compared to other weapons? Moreover, AP shotgun shells killed in 1 shot, while 2 or 3 shots were often needed with rifles. It feels that either they are overpowered, or vanilla rifles suck. I feel no reason to use them in the early game.
That said, I only played two missions so far, so I may be wrong... Also, it may be that smoke affect rifle accuracy much more than shotguns.
Smoke doesn't drop accuracy at all, but you're correct in observing that shotgun slugs are pretty dang powerful at short and mid-ranges. The rifles have two things still going for them - longer range and faster firing rate. The range is obvious when trying to hit a scouted target beyond visual range, shotguns struggle to do that. The lack of auto shot you'll notice if the AP slug rolls low damage and fails to kill at close range; your soldier probably won't survive the reaction fire. Against low-armor targets, spreadshot and auto shot are less likely to fail to kill.
That being said, I love me some AP slugs, and like that they give me a strong option against all rifles, all the time, and shotguns are great for training firing for low-accuracy soldiers.
I didn't noticed a strong accuracy drop with distance. My rookies where able to hit ~75% of the time with snap shots, even 10 tiles away, while with vanilla rifles they were able to hit only ~50% of the time, with aimed shots. Aren't accuracySnap=130 and accuracyAimed=175 too high compared to other weapons? Moreover, AP shotgun shells killed in 1 shot, while 2 or 3 shots were often needed with rifles. It feels that either they are overpowered, or vanilla rifles suck. I feel no reason to use them in the early game.
Hmm, you may be right. The very fact that shotguns are more accurate at very short distances is as designed, but I may have gone a bit too far. I'll compare it with other mods and then decide.
That said, I only played two missions so far, so I may be wrong... Also, it may be that smoke affect rifle accuracy much more than shotguns.
Smoke doesn't affect accuracy, only spotting. (Yeah, this mechanics could use some more complexity.)
That being said, I love me some AP slugs, and like that they give me a strong option against all rifles, all the time, and shotguns are great for training firing for low-accuracy soldiers.
...Yeah, I really need to look at it more. :D
Pity that vanilla Openxcom doesn't support greater sight distances than 20. I've set it to 40 in X-Com Files, my mod which uses OpenXCom Extended +, and it was bullseye.
I've changed shotguns to be less accurate at medium distances. They're still very good at close combat. We'll see how it goes.
I've changed shotguns to be less accurate at medium distances. They're still very good at close combat. We'll see how it goes.
Hm. In FMP 1.9.3a/b both snap and aimed shots have a max range of four (4) and a dropoff of four (4). I suspect you incresed the dropoff-value. How much?
This is only (maybe) a problem with the AP Shells (non-pellets), in my opinion. Even at max distance before dropoff pellet-rounds are not too reliable, since a lot of the pellets miss their targets. Standing next to, or maybe with one tile in-between you and the target, Shotguns with pellet-ammo are just awesome! But farther than four tiles away I'm actually preferring the Assault Rifle with auto-shots (4 bullets) instead.
Shotgun AP Shells is more a competitor to the Auto-Cannon, in my opinion (40, 50 with AA, power vs AC's 44). And the only reasons for using Shotguns with AP Shells instead of the latter is if your soldiers are too weak to carry it, if you're facing very early (before AC is available) Snakemen (Shotgun 40 power > Rifle 30 power) or that you haven't researched it yet! The reason being the low range of the Shotguns.
Obviously, Grenades/HE solves everything... but that was not the topic here!
Hm. In FMP 1.9.3a/b both snap and aimed shots have a max range of four (4) and a dropoff of four (4). I suspect you incresed the dropoff-value. How much?
accuracySnap: 135
accuracyAimed: 155
aimRange: 14
snapRange: 8
dropoff: 6
Like in Piratez.
This is only (maybe) a problem with the AP Shells (non-pellets), in my opinion. Even at max distance before dropoff pellet-rounds are not too reliable, since a lot of the pellets miss their targets. Standing next to, or maybe with one tile in-between you and the target, Shotguns with pellet-ammo are just awesome! But farther than four tiles away I'm actually preferring the Assault Rifle with auto-shots (4 bullets) instead.
Maybe, but it's stronger!
Shotgun AP Shells is more a competitor to the Auto-Cannon, in my opinion (40, 50 with AA, power vs AC's 44). And the only reasons for using Shotguns with AP Shells instead of the latter is if your soldiers are too weak to carry it, if you're facing very early (before AC is available) Snakemen (Shotgun 40 power > Rifle 30 power) or that you haven't researched it yet! The reason being the low range of the Shotguns.
Maybe. I don't really mind if shotguns become obsolete, since they're useful for a while.
yeah, it's the combination of high accuracy and single projectile AP shells that may be overpowered. Please note that I am not requesting any changes, as I have very little experience with this mod. I just wanted to be informed about design choices.
Anyway, thanks for developing this mod and keeping this game alive. Great work.
At your service, Princess!
accuracySnap: 135
accuracyAimed: 155
aimRange: 14
snapRange: 8
dropoff: 6
Oh. I'm confused now. I thought I had the latest FMP 1.9.3b (from the link in your post). There both aimRange and aimSnap is four (4).
If this change is correct, you've increased the Shotgun's aimRange by 250% and snapRange by 100%.
Then my comments clearly are not valid for such a weapon, since I based it on the old stats for ranges. I hope you don't mind too much, but when this version reaches me, I'll reduce the ranges to half of what you have here. It's a Shotgun, after all, not a Heavy Cannon.
Oh. I'm confused now. I thought I had the latest FMP 1.9.3b (from the link in your post). There both aimRange and aimSnap is four (4).
If this change is correct, you've increased the Shotgun's aimRange by 250% and snapRange by 100%.
Yes. But the dropoff is 6 now. This makes a huge difference (hopefully).
Then my comments clearly are not valid for such a weapon, since I based it on the old stats for ranges. I hope you don't mind too much, but when this version reaches me, I'll reduce the ranges to half of what you have here. It's a Shotgun, after all, not a Heavy Cannon.
We'll see how it works.
Woah - those values turned them from completely useless to a fantastic early game weapon.
Nope, deleting several previous versions didn't help.
I delete around 1/3 of all my downloads, right now I have 46 files and previously I had around 80.
I could barely open my page and now its usually work with long loading but work (except when I try open your page then any page on portal work).
I delete around 1/3 of all my downloads, right now I have 46 files and previously I had around 80.
I could barely open my page and now its usually work with long loading but work (except when I try open your page then any page on portal work).
It worked! Well, I had to upload the file twice, since the first one generated a non-working link, but it seems okay now.
So, new version is ready for download:
Fixed a problem with the Corridor and rebalanced the shotgun.
see this
may be interesting include them......
@Solarius Scorch.
Thanks. The download works now. Good! 1.9.3c, here I come...
Just one question:
Wouldn't it be consistent if both the Pump Action and the Laser Shotgun followed the same ranges as the starting Shotgun?
I see they are still in the mod with both ranges set to four (4) and dropoff four (4). It is only the one (STR_SHOTGUN) that has gotten the new stats.
At lest the Pump Action should have the new stats, because the Hybrids use them. Hybrid weapons are weaker than regular XCom weapons as is. Leaving them with the old ranges for Pump Action would be too much of a handicap for them, don't you think?
Wouldn't it be consistent if both the Pump Action and the Laser Shotgun followed the same ranges as the starting Shotgun?
I see they are still in the mod with both ranges set to four (4) and dropoff four (4). It is only the one (STR_SHOTGUN) that has gotten the new stats.
At lest the Pump Action should have the new stats, because the Hybrids use them. Hybrid weapons are weaker than regular XCom weapons as is. Leaving them with the old ranges for Pump Action would be too much of a handicap for them, don't you think?
I'll be honest, this is a bit of a test run. If the shotgun gets good reviews, I'll apply these settings to other similar weapons too.
And here I thought nobody would notice. :(
After updating it seems the normal sniper rifle got broken:
I think you may be using some other version of English. This mod works with en-US and en-GB.
After updating it seems the normal sniper rifle got broken:
That happened on my thing too.
I think you may be using some other version of English. This mod works with en-US and en-GB.
I'm using English US.
I'm using English US.
Hmm, hard to say... The language file is there.
Anyone else has problems with the strings?
Anyone else has problems with the strings?
English (UK) works for me. No problems.
But I haven't researched Alien Alloy Ammunition yet, so I only got the one clip in the UFOpaedia so far. I started a new game with 1.9.3c.
I'll be sure to let you know if it changes... (but maybe not this weekend, as I'm busy preparing to move to a new apartment).
I can confirm that the strings for the Sniper Rifle are missing in the en-US language, but not the en-GB language. I checked the ruleset myself:
- type: en-US
STR_ROCKET_PACK: "Rocket Pack"
STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: "Advanced Rocket Launcher"
STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Utilizing the Alien Optical Processor, the Advanced Rocket Launcher can be aimed faster than the original design and is able to fire guided missiles."
STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Explosive ammunition causes violent detonation on hit, which is destructive to both enemies and the environment."
STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary ammunition releases flammable agent on hit, causing immediate immolation of the target."
STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO: "Incendiary Ammo"
STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO: "Explosive Ammo"
STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS: "Advanced Firearms"
STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS_UFOPEDIA: "Working upon the most recent advances in human engineering, a number of weapon designs was developed to give the X-Com troops more firepower and flexibility on the battlefield."
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Tactical Sniper Rifle"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_HE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This heavy sniper rifle sacrifices mobility for accuracy and power."
STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR: "Stormtrooper Armor"
- type: en-GB
STR_ROCKET_PACK: "Rocket Pack"
STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER: "Advanced Rocket Launcher"
STR_ADVANCED_ROCKET_LAUNCHER_UFOPEDIA: "Utilizing the Alien Optical Processor, the Advanced Rocket Launcher can be aimed faster than the original design and is able to fire guided missiles."
STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Explosive ammunition causes violent detonation on hit, which is destructive to both enemies and the environment."
STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary ammunition releases flammable agent on hit, causing immediate immolation of the target."
STR_INCENDIARY_AMMO: "Incendiary Ammo"
STR_EXPLOSIVE_AMMO: "Explosive Ammo"
STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS: "Advanced Firearms"
STR_ADVANCED_FIREARMS_UFOPEDIA: "Working upon the most recent advances in human engineering, a number of weapon designs was developed to give the X-Com troops more firepower and flexibility on the battlefield."
STR_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Sniper Rifle"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Sniper Rifle Clip"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This precision rifle is more powerful than a standard rifle and has excellent accuracy. However, it is harder to use and has a low rate of fire."
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE: "Tactical Sniper Rifle"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_HE_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle HE Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP: "Tactical Sniper Rifle Alloy Clip"
STR_HEAVY_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA: "This 12.7-mm caliber sniper rifle sacrifices mobility for accuracy and power."
STR_STORMTROOPER_ARMOR: "Stormtrooper Armour"
You can see the difference between the two codes above the Heavy Sniper Rifle entries.
I probably didn't have to prove it, but it's still good to save Solarius Scorch some time, right?
(Another quick note: while searching in Notepad++, I found that the Sniper AA Ammo string for the italian language (it-IT) is missing, too.)
You can see the difference between the two codes above the Heavy Sniper Rifle entries.
Thanks! No idea how it happened, since it's all there in my copy, but... whatever. I'll fix it.
(Another quick note: while searching in Notepad++, I found that the Sniper AA Ammo string for the italian language (it-IT) is missing, too.)
Was it there before? Because Italian is quite incomplete.
Nice guys :)
This is such a good mod.
you really do not need to keep seperate strings for en-US and en-GB, the differences are marginal at best.
Keep things simple and clean:
- type: en-US
strings: &STRINGS_EN
STR_OPENXCOM: "OpenXcom - Hardmode Expansion Mod{NEWLINE}v0.99.3 by hellrazor"
##END en-US
- type: en-GB
strings: *STRINGS_EN
##END en-GB
you really do not need to keep seperate strings for en-US and en-GB, the differences are marginal at best.
Keep things simple and clean:
OK, so whom should I offend, the Americans or the British? :P
Because I would have to discontinue one version.
Hrhr, I never saw any differences, it is english in both cases and both can read and understand, so who would seriously care?
Hrhr, I never saw any differences, it is english in both cases and both can read and understand, so who would seriously care?
Hellrazor, please don't take it personally, but you are neither British no American, and therefore you have no right to say anything on the matter. The same applies to me anyway, that's why I'm not willing to disable such a, well, feature. (It's a different case with a mod which never had the two versions.)
If native English speakers assure me that it's not a problem, then I'll be happy to drop one version.
Well I seriously do not get the differences between british and american english. For me its both the same - english.
But of course do as you see fit.
Well I seriously do not get the differences between british and american english. For me its both the same - english.
But of course do as you see fit.
There are very slight differences, mostly in spelling certain words (i.e. color (en-us) vs colour (en-gb)). I don't think its overly bothersome to a great deal of people. My impression is that British readers may be more sensitive to it, but that may just be my American bias. If someone is kind enough to give me an "Anglicized" version of extraStrings for one of my mods, I'd happily add it, but I think that either culture could use either translation.
What I have noticed in the Modding community here, is a tendency to make en-us the defacto version. Even if no other version exists, an en-us version is usually sufficient for the mod to be playable by the vast majority of the OpenXcom community.
That said, hellrazor: I love your demo on how to use ruleset pointers to duplicate all the en-us stings! I remember hearing it was possible but never really looked into how to do it. I Love it!
And @ Solarius: Sorry for off-topic, but I thought the en-us/en-gb discussion was interesting.
Not an offf-topic at all, this is actually very relevant.
Though I still don't know what to do. :) I'll just try to fill any holes, that's all.
Not an offf-topic at all, this is actually very relevant.
Though I still don't know what to do. :) I'll just try to fill any holes, that's all.
Hi, Solarius
You could (but is a hell of a work) keep the commons in one and put in the other only the differences...
@Solarius: pleas may you reso firts post, such this one (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3328.0.html) so we may get a full overview? Whatever, thanks :)
@Solarius: pleas may you reso firts post, such this one (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3328.0.html) so we may get a full overview? Whatever, thanks :)
Maybe, but it's Human Ktulu's post, I don't really want to mess with it too much :)
Maybe, but it's Human Ktulu's post, I don't really want to mess with it too much :)
Please would you tell him? :-\
Please would you tell him? :-\
I haven't seen him for years.
Just chiming in here. Kudos to Human Kthulu, for getting this off the ground and a working reality. However, we are into the realm of "abandoned mod" (though we aren't really, because Solarius Scorch as done a great job of carrying the Torch and keeping it alive).
I think in cases like these (Abandoned Mods), it makes sense to re-work the Opening Post so that it best reflects and supports the currently supported version of the mod. It helps that you (Solarius) have moderator powers and can do this. I would go so far as to support changing the ownership of Opening Posts in situations like this. In this case, you could compromise and put HK's original post in spoilers, and rework the post.
An alternative is retiring the original thread, and starting a new one with the new owner. An "(ARCHIVE)" tag might be enough to flag it as out of date, and allow the new one to carry in the current build).
Unfortunately, this situation is somewhat of a hazard of a community like this, as the human landscape varies according to people's interests and availability. Not everyone can be a Hobbes. ;)
As a native English speaker who has been around the world at this point...
I would say so just for simplicity sake on making sure ufopedia etc etc etc works and only having to worry about "English" language. Unless, we are going DEEP into English they are virtually identical until we get into some esoteric portions of colloquial speech....
That is to say, will we ever have to worry about birds, rubbers, hookers, and queens in OXC? :)
Would such a turn of phrase as "bumming a fag" ever be a concern?
No, but "armor" vs. "armour" is, for example.
Not sure how much of a problem it is, though.
I played the original in all its GB English greatness. That part doesn't matter. However, bug chasing sucks.
What is needed is transifex acces for conpleted mods. For proper translations.
What is needed is transifex acces for conpleted mods. For proper translations.
Hell yes.
1.9.4 is online.
- Fixed SOLFOREST14 map (by Dioxine).
- Added Alien Subrifle.
- New Magnum sprite (by Yrizoud).
- Fixed some missing EN-US strings.
- Better Hybrid face, by Civilian.
The most important thing is adding the Alien Subrifle to the aliens' armoury. It is not very strong (for a plasma), but more than enough to reliably kill X-Com soldiers in personal armours.
I'm new here, so I don't know if a question about how the mod works goes here... but here it goes.
I am capturing Sectoid leaders, and when I research them they give me random stuff, instead the Psi lab.
The last one that I researched gave me Alien Surgery.
Is this intended? How can I do to save precious alive sectoid leaders, and make them give me useful stuff when researched?
Thanks a lot!
I'm new here, so I don't know if a question about how the mod works goes here... but here it goes.
I am capturing Sectoid leaders, and when I research them they give me random stuff, instead the Psi lab.
The last one that I researched gave me Alien Surgery.
Is this intended? How can I do to save precious alive sectoid leaders, and make them give me useful stuff when researched?
Thanks a lot!
If you're capturing leaders en masse, you're already doing great. :D But here's how it works, roughly:
- Medics tell you about living things and some medical technologies, like Alien Surgery.
- Engineers tell you about machines and theoretical stuff required to comprehend alien tech (very important).
- Navigators tell you about communications and, well, navigation.
- Leaders and Commanders tell you about all three branches.
So Leaders and Commanders do not hold any special knowledge that is chosen randomly. They do give you some special knowledge, but it's automatic once you research one of these and is not random. In other words, there's no need to "save" them for anything.
Hi Solarius,
Thanks for all your work on this mod.
I've discovered a bug. There is no research item for "STR_OBLITERATOR" leading to a crash when this research is randomly given in response to certain interrogations.
It took me a while to figure it out, but I fixed it by adding the following to the \rulesets\research.rul file:
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
(I just copied the entry for STR_OBLITERATOR_AUTOPSY and changed the name).
Interestingly STR_OBLITERATOR_AUTOPSY and other STR_OBLITERATOR items are the first in the research.rul file; perhaps STR_OBLITERATOR was cut off the front of the file?
Thanks again.
Oh damn, you're right. I'll fix it in the next release. Thanks!
And welcome to the forums!
I've decided to release a new version, because of this critical fix.
Version 1.9.4a can be downloaded from the Mod Portal.
- Fixed Obliterator research crash.
- Fixed Elerium Mace graphics.
Just took a closer look at your new aliens (Cerebreal and Reptoid): Wow, those are clever and nice!
The Cerebreal in a disc ufopedia entry is cool. And funny and cute, it almost makes me sorry to shoot them. :)
I want one as a pet! :)
That said: You should maybe go even further with the Reptoid and add a version w/o the suit.
Seeing all your nice work I seriously wish I had a better hand with those unit-graphics.... ::)
Just took a closer look at your new aliens (Cerebreal and Reptoid): Wow, those are clever and nice!
The Cerebreal in a disc ufopedia entry is cool. And funny and cute, it almost makes me sorry to shoot them. :)
I want one as a pet! :)
That said: You should maybe go even further with the Reptoid and add a version w/o the suit.
Seeing all your nice work I seriously wish I had a better hand with those unit-graphics.... ::)
Thanks! But to be honest I didn't do that much:
The Reptoid uses standard suit sprite, plus the tail which I think I drew. I certainly drew the head, which is probably my greatest spriting achievement. ;) And the head in the inventory is a heavily reworked Argonian from Daggerfall. A non-suit version would be good, maybe later.
The Cerebreal sprite is mostly cannibalized from Diablo: Hellfire. Diablo in general has very nice sprites to convert.
What I'm trying to say is that I'm not a pixel artist, I mostly just steal creatively. ;)
We all stand on someone's shoulders. :P
So Leaders and Commanders do not hold any special knowledge that is chosen randomly. They do give you some special knowledge, but it's automatic once you research one of these and is not random. In other words, there's no need to "save" them for anything.
Thanks for the info. So, then it means that leaders and commanders are just needed specifically for psi stuff (sectoid leader/commander) and Cydonia or Burst, right? (since all other stuff you can get from engineers, navigators and medics)
What did happen to me, is that I researched a sectoid Leader, expecting go push the research towards psi stuff (lab, amp, etc), and I got... alien food, or something like that. And the worst is that I obviously had tons of alien food (and other stuff like surgery and other things, that in vanilla were useless but now they aren't apparently :P). So, I have changed now my "research politic", to research stuff first, and then interrogations, to avoid "wasting" an alien interrogation in getting something I can research from the thing itself.
I'm not sure, but it also happend to me that I interrogate an alien (I thought it was a leader) and it gave me nothing. I don't know if it a bug. Maybe was a navigator and I had all that navigators give... don't know. I don't know if, when you have gotten all that a certain interrogation gives you (let say, navigators), you can still research a navigator to get nothing.
Any how, great mod, great work.
if it's ok, I will post my comments and experiences in the next post :)
So, some weeks ago I though about that awesome game that Xcom is, and checking the web I found... openxcom! awesome!
And after some more research, I found, there are mods! OMG!
So I installed FMP, and these are some of my comments
Overhall great.
- The remade tech tree is cool. Makes the game longer and more logical. Apparently the weapons and equip is not "the next is always better". This forces to tactical decision. In vanilla was kind of easy to reach plasma cannons, and then everything is very easy. I am August and I still have no idea how plasma works. I need more alien engineers to confess I guess :P. The downsize is that the game maybe becomes TOO long, and the risk of becoming repetitive arises. Long and big tech tree is cool, but maybe shorter research times would be nice. I have 150 scientist and I always have the feeling that my research goes very slow, because I have tons of things to research (for example, my "interrogations queue" is huge, about 20 aliens waiting to be interrogated). But the problem of becoming too long and therefore repetitive is partially compensated with other stuff of the mod such as:
- Random alien ship room distribution. As far as I know, the alien ships have random doors and rooms distributions. Or a least several. I think this is the best contribution to avoid the game to become repetitive. I have had very funny (and stressing) tactical missions, thinking about how to storm the ship having no idea how it is inside.
- the introduction of more species, and the Hybrids and MiB. Although my only contact with Hybrids is Hybrids Castle (few of them). No contact with MiB yet.
- to avoid repetitiveness, I think it would be cool to have short of missions (like in UFO2012). The hybrid Castle is the best (as far as my game is, the only) example of this.
possible bugs I have found:
- when in a corner of a ship, if an alien is diagonal from you, you can see him, shoot him (with out pressing "ctrl" to "shot blind") but the shot always misses hitting the corner against you, even if the alien is right next to you.
- once happened to me: an alien ship appears. I intercept it. By the picture it is an abductor. Crashes down. I send the Skyranger... but then the mission is a Hybrid Fortress ¿? I can provide with a savegame if needed.
I will post more comments along my game. I am enjoying it a lot :)
oh! by the way. I checked and I have found few tech trees around, but I don't know which one is the most updated. Could you point me out to the last one?
There is a tech tree image in the FMP mod folder.
one more thing: apparently now Aliens DO pick up weapons :P
I was doing some "morale training": after disarming every sectoid in a battleship, just two remaining, a leader and an navigator. The leader is surrounded by my unarmed soldiers, panicking them, and the navigator is just waking around unarmed, so, me not paying him any attention. Few turns later, he goes in the the ship, comes back armed with a heavy plasma.... hell happen against my men lol.
Never play with the aliens, else they might play with you and they play really mean :P (Also, it's totally immersion breaking for me, but to each their own)
Just chiming in here. Kudos to Human Kthulu, for getting this off the ground and a working reality. However, we are into the realm of "abandoned mod" (though we aren't really, because Solarius Scorch as done a great job of carrying the Torch and keeping it alive).
I think in cases like these (Abandoned Mods), it makes sense to re-work the Opening Post so that it best reflects and supports the currently supported version of the mod. It helps that you (Solarius) have moderator powers and can do this. I would go so far as to support changing the ownership of Opening Posts in situations like this. In this case, you could compromise and put HK's original post in spoilers, and rework the post.
An alternative is retiring the original thread, and starting a new one with the new owner. An "(ARCHIVE)" tag might be enough to flag it as out of date, and allow the new one to carry in the current build).
Unfortunately, this situation is somewhat of a hazard of a community like this, as the human landscape varies according to people's interests and availability. Not everyone can be a Hobbes. ;)
Or maybe closing this thread/linking it to a new one, with addad in the name (from version1.9.4 and up) for instance?
Or maybe closing this thread/linking it to a new one, with addad in the name (from version1.9.4 and up) for instance?
Nah, that would make no sense. But I decided to actually add more info to the first post, hopefully it helps.
Amazing work on this mod, thank you
I have a question though. How do you guys deal with these terror missions? I skipped the first 4 or 5, i'm in september now and i go to try one and there are 5 obliterators. I have all the nuke lasers, the railguns, but no plasmas or blaster bombs. How do you deal with these missions? I tried a few early on with the MiBs and just could not deal with the terror hwp. Using HE grenades is just kinda boring. Is that really the only way to stop these things? Sectopods, and tanks? Now obliterators? I have no idea how i'm supposed to do this. thanks
If you find HE grenades boring, you could spice it up with high explosives and large rockets. The heavy railgun also does a ton of work against thick armor. Don't forget that flamethrowers are an option against 2x2 units, dealing an average of 28 damage on each of 8 shots if they all hit and assuming normal incendiary resistance - they are my go-to for rookies vs. cyberdisks.
If you find HE grenades boring, you could spice it up with high explosives and large rockets. The heavy railgun also does a ton of work against thick armor. Don't forget that flamethrowers are an option against 2x2 units, dealing an average of 28 damage on each of 8 shots if they all hit and assuming normal incendiary resistance - they are my go-to for rookies vs. cyberdisks.
Thanks for the reply. I meant the explosives when i said HE grenades, since you toss them like grenades, so I've tried that. It just seems extremely difficult. I'm playing on veteran and i went two turns with my whole squad of rail rifles, 2 heavy rails, and 2 heavy nuke lasers, and in two turns i couldn't down an obliterator that was outside my front door. And there were 4 of them in sight when i popped out of the truck. I just don't get how you're supposed to take these things down, them and the tanks and sectopods. My whole squad can't get them down in a single turn. Thanks for the tips, anything else you can think of i'll be glad to hear. I'll try the flamethrower thing when i restart.
Haha what is this gold ufo with the grey ethereals in it? I got it in february.
--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
Again, thank you for your work on this mod
You're welcome!
The golden ship is a rare Pokemon. :)
Heya Solarius, heres a link for the video tutorial for installing FMP if you'd like to put it in the initial post.
Video Tutorial: Install FMP
Heya Solarius, heres a link for the video tutorial for installing FMP if you'd like to put it in the initial post.
Video Tutorial: Install FMP
Thanks, done so!
I've received a Segmentation Fault error while using this mod pack. I don't know what's causing it, other than maybe a research completing which doesn't have an output. Two different games using this pack, and twice it's happened.
The log file just says it might be something missing, could there be a file missing, maybe?
Is anyone else getting this?
Edit: Might be something to do with researching a Gazer Engineer.
Can be many things... if you attach a save, I'll be able to tell exactly what it is.
This is the save that causes the error.
This is the save that causes the error.
The gazer engineer is trying to give you "STR_OBLITERATOR" for free... which however is not a valid research topic (doesn't exist in the ruleset).
Just remove the gazer from your research until Solarius can fix it...
The gazer engineer is trying to give you "STR_OBLITERATOR" for free... which however is not a valid research topic (doesn't exist in the ruleset).
Just remove the gazer from your research until Solarius can fix it...
Weird, I'm sure I've fixed it before.
I'll fix it, sorry.
Weird, I'm sure I've fixed it before.
I'll fix it, sorry.
I have debugged on v1.9.3... not sure what version is used in the save, that's not written anywhere... which is actually something that should be implemented asap. I'll talk to DEVs.
I have debugged on v1.9.3... not sure what version is used in the save, that's not written anywhere... which is actually something that should be implemented asap. I'll talk to DEVs.
Mod version I'm using 1.9.3a.
OpenXCOM version Nightly 2016-09-25 17:26
Mod version I'm using 1.9.3a.
OpenXCOM version Nightly 2016-09-25 17:26
Current FMP version is 1.9.4a ::)
That's odd, since I downloaded from the link and it just gave me 1.9.3a
Edit: Downloading the new one now. The link in the start post is still 1.9.3a, just used the link from the mod site and it gave me 1.9.4a.
That's odd, since I downloaded from the link and it just gave me 1.9.3a
Edit: Downloading the new one now. The link in the start post is still 1.9.3a, just used the link from the mod site and it gave me 1.9.4a.
No, I'm the one who should apologize, I forgot to delete that temporary link.
At the request of my friend I made a translation of the final mod-pack (V1.9.4a) and corrected some mistakes in my own language (hun).
If you think it would be appropriate to be added to the installer, so it would be translated into several languages, this is still one of the great game.
Regards: F.E.K.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4_Fy9Q2o056RFlhMlU2cXhnZXM?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4_Fy9Q2o056RFlhMlU2cXhnZXM?usp=sharing)
At the request of my friend I made a translation of the final mod-pack (V1.9.4a) and corrected some mistakes in my own language (hun).
If you think it would be appropriate to be added to the installer, so it would be translated into several languages, this is still one of the great game.
Regards: F.E.K.
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4_Fy9Q2o056RFlhMlU2cXhnZXM?usp=sharing (https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B4_Fy9Q2o056RFlhMlU2cXhnZXM?usp=sharing)
Thank you! I'll attach it to the next release, whenever that happens. I'd do it now, but the website doesn't seem to like it.
Hi. I'm playing 1.9.4a on the latest nightly and I'm seeing some weird issues:
Firstly, there seems to be very little variety in alien races. I'm in November 1999 and for months now all I've been seeing is MiB with a smattering of Sectoids from time to time. There were also Floaters and Anthropods early on and even a Reptoid UFO (once), but they disappeared. Now it's just mostly MiB. In 1.5.1 (the previous version I played) I was seeing a lot more races such as Mutons and Ethereals, but I haven't seen those at all so far. Also, all the UFOs I'm seeing are small, nothing bigger than that. The aliens also don't seem to be building bases. I'm really not sure what's going on here. Any advice?
Secondly, it is impossible to capture a MiB Commander. The reason for this is that, apparently, the Commander turns into a Coordinator when he is stunned. Notice the difference between a live and dead version of the exact same enemy:
This has got to be some kind of bug, right? It's not me doing something wrong, is it?
Hi, and thanks for the info!
Firstly, there seems to be very little variety in alien races. I'm in November 1999 and for months now all I've been seeing is MiB with a smattering of Sectoids from time to time. There were also Floaters and Anthropods early on and even a Reptoid UFO (once), but they disappeared. Now it's just mostly MiB. In 1.5.1 (the previous version I played) I was seeing a lot more races such as Mutons and Ethereals, but I haven't seen those at all so far. Also, all the UFOs I'm seeing are small, nothing bigger than that. The aliens also don't seem to be building bases. I'm really not sure what's going on here. Any advice?
This part seems like natural RNG shenanigans. I haven't changed mission structure for ages, so apparently you just suffer from a MiB phase. This can happen with any faction. If the problem persists for another 2-3 game months, please inform me.
Secondly, it is impossible to capture a MiB Commander. The reason for this is that, apparently, the Commander turns into a Coordinator when he is stunned. Notice the difference between a live and dead version of the exact same enemy:
This has got to be some kind of bug, right? It's not me doing something wrong, is it?
It took me quite a bit of time to examine this problem and wow, indeed there are some subtle discrepancies between units, armours, items (for living and dead MiBs) and names. In short, some names were a bit misleading. I rewrote MiB rank labels and I hope it'll work now. (Which means whenever I manage to upload the damn mod. If this continues, I'll have to migrate to MediaFire or something again.)
Thanks for the info!
Yep, I think you're probably right on the RNG thing. Right after I posted that I got a whole bunch of large UFOs of varying types, heh. Still Sectoids though, but I suppose I'll just soldier on. Thanks anyway!
Apropos, the awards seem to be a little wonky here and there too. For instance, a lot of my people are getting the Taking Names award despite not meeting the criteria (several ranks missing from the list). I looked at the rule for that particular award though, and it seems to be written properly, so maybe this is an issue with the awards system itself. But oh well, I don't mind. I think the awards are great, and I'm not gonna complain if my soldiers get a few more of them.
Thank you! I'll attach it to the next release, whenever that happens. I'd do it now, but the website doesn't seem to like it.
I'm glad to find it useful ;)
Have a nice day!
Aye - the RNG can be a pain - I extended out my last playthrough to 100% research everything and I never once saw the gazers - had to get all their research through medics and the like.
I updated to the latest nightly today and got an error at the end of a mission. The error has to do with the recent changes regarding "missing mod content". The error:
[17-10-2016_22-47-29] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Item STR_WEAPON_UNKNOWN not found
[17-10-2016_22-47-36] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Item STR_WEAPON_UNKNOWN not found
I inspected my save and there are 110 instances of "STR_WEAPON_UNKNOWN" in there, in the kill lists. Now, I don't know if this is a legitimate issue with the mod, or if this is the bleeding edge of OpenXcom itself that's causing the problem, but I figure I'd better bring it up here first, and if the mod's not the problem I can kick it over to the OCX bug tracker. Either way, it seems to be fine if I don't use the latest nightly.
I've attached my save. Just kill the last enemy to finish the mission and the error will pop up.
Edit: Forgot to mention, that save relies on a couple of small mods I made for myself, a custom version of the statstrings and a tweak mod to the FMP. Neither of them are really relevant here, it's just some adjusted numbers.
Hi BTAxis
It's the commit from 16/10. It says
SupSuper, Sun Oct 16 20:50:38 2016
Add error messages for missing mod content, this should hopefully make it easier for modders to catch typos.
Please report if you get "not found" errors incorrectly.
The STR_WEAPON_UNKNOWN is not from FMP, but vanilla, I think it dates from some time, having something to do with the diaries part - hard to follow due to directory reorganization...
I think you can safely post a bug...
Well, I posted about it on the tracker, we'll see.
I have a strange bug (?), I think.
Look at the attached file.
I always get an error starting up the game. In line 8, column 9. It says "illegal map value."
Ln 8, Col 9 is, by the way, the colon (!).
I just copy/pasted from the commendations_FMP.rul file in the first place.
This file works just fine. Never had any problems with it.
With the exception of faulty commendations, but that has nothing to do with this.
I tried deleting/replacing the colon itself.
No change.
I tried deleting the whole line, writing it myself.
No change.
I may be a bit tired, overlooking the obvious.
Would be nice if someome could point out the obvious for me, in that case. :-[
I always get an error starting up the game. In line 8, column 9. It says "illegal map value."
Ln 8, Col 9 is, by the way, the colon (!).
The real error is just ABOVE. The 'delete' key shall be indented like the 'type' key on the reported line (including the preceding dash).
The real error is just ABOVE. The 'delete' key shall be indented like the 'type' key on the reported line (including the preceding dash).
Puh! Thanks gix!
I appreciate the help in finding that it was the "delete-line" and not the colon itself. I would've thought of that too late for me to fix it before running out of patience. :-[
Now it works, after I deleted the whole delete-line. ::)
First I tried indent, but I got another error-message. Not same as before. So I deleted the line. And now it works.
Thanks again...
Hi Kjotleik
First I tried indent, but I got another error-message. Not same as before. So I deleted the line. And now it works.
To see how indent works, see e.g. items_FMP.rul in FMP... And also the white-spaces(no mixing white-spaces and tabs) count as well, the dash, everything...
The message made perfect sense when you read the rul. The YAML parser thought that you inserted a main category called delete, but the OXC doesn't had it, so it couldn't understand your key presence there...
So during my FMP game, I've made a few tweaks in a submod to fix some perceived issues. My submod currently reads:
accuracyAuto: 38
accuracySnap: 65
accuracyAimed: 80
tuAuto: 25
tuSnap: 20
tuAimed: 30
accuracyAuto: 38
accuracySnap: 65
accuracyAimed: 80
tuAuto: 25
tuSnap: 20
tuAimed: 30
listOrder: 3480
accuracySnap: 55
accuracyAimed: 80
tuSnap: 21
tuAimed: 35
listOrder: 3485
listOrder: 3492
autoRange: 30
listOrder: 1910
I made tweaks to the laser pistols and the gauss pistol, because after researching these, they felt pretty useless and a waste of research. Especially the gauss pistol is slower AND less accurate than the magnum, while doing pretty much the same damage as the magnum alloy ammo. This is bad, because to get to the gauss pistol you need to invest a significant amount of time, while the magnum is available from the start. I brought the accuracy and TU cost in line with the magnum, and now it feels like a modest upgrade to the hand cannon type sidearm. Similarly, the tweaks to the laser pistol make it a fair upgrade to the regular pistol. I did not touch the rail pistol, because it does so much more damage than any other sidearm, so worse performance there is fine.
The scatter laser got its auto range upped to 30, to match the minigun. I think this is fair, as it is written up to be a laser version of the minigun, and frankly without this change I would never even consider using it.
I also added/changed the list orders for some items that didn't have one, particularly the nuclear laser weaponry, and moved the photon blade up with the rest of the melee weapons.
Now, I'm still not happy with a few things. First and foremost is the way the rail weaponry unlocks. The entire arsenal becomes instantly available once the master rail weapons tech is unlocked, which is weird because you have to separately research every single other weapon in the game. Yes, they're supposedly improved versions of the gauss weapons, but the nuclear lasers are improved versions of the MiB lasers, and you don't get those free either.
Next, I think the rail weapons are altogether too good. They have pretty much no drawback beyond being AP weapons (which isn't much of a drawback) while dealing absurd amounts of damage. I'm okay with them as top tier weaponry, but I'm thinking perhaps they should be a little less end-all. I'm thinking about lowering the amount of shots per clip. I've never ever had to reload a rail weapon, or indeed any weapon past the starting weaponry. It'd lend a bit of personality to the family, I'd say. Also: lose the auto-shot on the heavy railgun. The heavy class is rather defined by its high-damage, low rate of fire character, and I think an auto-shot doesn't fit the profile.
Moving on, I find that the laser weapons have gotten rather snowed under, compared to older versions of FMP. Moving up from MiB lasers to "proper" lasers is fine, but the nuclear family unlocks pretty late, well past gauss, and by then you don't need it anymore. The gauss family outperforms lasers in every way, and then not long after the railguns one-up the gauss weapons rather badly. This leaves the nuclear lasers nowhere (apart from the scatter laser, which is great).
This is especially true for the poor laser sniper rifle. I want to like it, I really do, but it's just such a bad weapon. It's the least accurate of all sniper rifles, AND it does less damage than even the tactical sniper rifle. The only weapon it outperforms is the basic sniper rifle, which is hardly difficult. I considered buffing it a bit, but... well. In the UFOpaedia it's written up as basically being a slightly souped-up laser rifle, and I suppose that's exactly what it is. Its current stats make sense. Alas.
One more thing I'd like to say about the weapons: it's a bit sad that the variety in weapons the starting arsenal provides is nowhere to be found in the other families. I wouldn't mind seeing improved cousins of the LMG and HMG for example. At least there's the scatter laser to take over from the minigun, and there's a laser shotgun (even though it's kind of crap).
Finally, given the longer game FMP offers, I think Elerium income should be lower. Because I went on so many missions I had Elerium coming out of my ears after a while. Especially the MiB were showering me with the stuff. I'd say reducing the amount per item to 25 would help keep things in check, and for myself I might go as low as 10. That said it would be nice if bases yielded a lot of Elerium, but I don't think there's an easy way to do that.
--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
By the way, there's a small map error on the large storage facility. A wall behind a cabinet is missing.
I made tweaks to the laser pistols and the gauss pistol, because after researching these, they felt pretty useless and a waste of research. Especially the gauss pistol is slower AND less accurate than the magnum, while doing pretty much the same damage as the magnum alloy ammo. This is bad, because to get to the gauss pistol you need to invest a significant amount of time, while the magnum is available from the start. I brought the accuracy and TU cost in line with the magnum, and now it feels like a modest upgrade to the hand cannon type sidearm. Similarly, the tweaks to the laser pistol make it a fair upgrade to the regular pistol. I did not touch the rail pistol, because it does so much more damage than any other sidearm, so worse performance there is fine.
The scatter laser got its auto range upped to 30, to match the minigun. I think this is fair, as it is written up to be a laser version of the minigun, and frankly without this change I would never even consider using it.
I also added/changed the list orders for some items that didn't have one, particularly the nuclear laser weaponry, and moved the photon blade up with the rest of the melee weapons.
OK, this should be interesting. Sadly I don't really have the time to balance FMP, so if you post your sub-mod, I think many people would want to try it.
Many of your issues were already fixed in the X-Com Files mod, but I can't just copy this because of some mechanics that are missing from the nightly.
Good point on the Gauss Pistol, I'll fix it. Laser Pistol stays the same for now to keep it more compatible with vanilla - its laser damage type is also a boost.
Now, I'm still not happy with a few things. First and foremost is the way the rail weaponry unlocks. The entire arsenal becomes instantly available once the master rail weapons tech is unlocked, which is weird because you have to separately research every single other weapon in the game. Yes, they're supposedly improved versions of the gauss weapons, but the nuclear lasers are improved versions of the MiB lasers, and you don't get those free either.
I'll probably tackle it at some point. It's been good enough for quite some time, but I agree it's somewhat awkward.
Next, I think the rail weapons are altogether too good. They have pretty much no drawback beyond being AP weapons (which isn't much of a drawback) while dealing absurd amounts of damage. I'm okay with them as top tier weaponry, but I'm thinking perhaps they should be a little less end-all. I'm thinking about lowering the amount of shots per clip. I've never ever had to reload a rail weapon, or indeed any weapon past the starting weaponry. It'd lend a bit of personality to the family, I'd say. Also: lose the auto-shot on the heavy railgun. The heavy class is rather defined by its high-damage, low rate of fire character, and I think an auto-shot doesn't fit the profile.
OK, I'll give them a nerf in clip size. The explanation was that the "bullets" are quite small, but maybe they need relatively bigger magazines?
Moving on, I find that the laser weapons have gotten rather snowed under, compared to older versions of FMP. Moving up from MiB lasers to "proper" lasers is fine, but the nuclear family unlocks pretty late, well past gauss, and by then you don't need it anymore. The gauss family outperforms lasers in every way, and then not long after the railguns one-up the gauss weapons rather badly. This leaves the nuclear lasers nowhere (apart from the scatter laser, which is great).
I think it's not that bad, but I'll give it more thought.
This is especially true for the poor laser sniper rifle. I want to like it, I really do, but it's just such a bad weapon. It's the least accurate of all sniper rifles, AND it does less damage than even the tactical sniper rifle. The only weapon it outperforms is the basic sniper rifle, which is hardly difficult. I considered buffing it a bit, but... well. In the UFOpaedia it's written up as basically being a slightly souped-up laser rifle, and I suppose that's exactly what it is. Its current stats make sense. Alas.
The problem with X-Com lasers is that they're generally inaccurate. So I'm not sure what can be done without making it more accurate or powerful...
One more thing I'd like to say about the weapons: it's a bit sad that the variety in weapons the starting arsenal provides is nowhere to be found in the other families. I wouldn't mind seeing improved cousins of the LMG and HMG for example. At least there's the scatter laser to take over from the minigun, and there's a laser shotgun (even though it's kind of crap).
Some upgrades are possible, but there are some technical limitations... For example you can't give bigger weapons to Mutons only (you can in OXCE+, which is what I've done). I'll think about it too.
Finally, given the longer game FMP offers, I think Elerium income should be lower. Because I went on so many missions I had Elerium coming out of my ears after a while. Especially the MiB were showering me with the stuff. I'd say reducing the amount per item to 25 would help keep things in check, and for myself I might go as low as 10. That said it would be nice if bases yielded a lot of Elerium, but I don't think there's an easy way to do that.
I'll check. :)
--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
By the way, there's a small map error on the large storage facility. A wall behind a cabinet is missing.
Thanks, I'll fix it too.
Many thanks for sharing your thoughts! A very productive post. :)
OK, I'll give them a nerf in clip size. The explanation was that the "bullets" are quite small, but maybe they need relatively bigger magazines?
Yeah, I figured that. I was also thinking about maybe nerfing accuracy or power instead, but that just doesn't make much sense. There's no reason why they should be less accurate than early game weapons, and their power is what they're all about.
The problem with X-Com lasers is that they're generally inaccurate. So I'm not sure what can be done without making it more accurate or powerful...
Agreed, really. The lasers are about being mediocre BUT generally better than early game weapons. My gripe is mostly that the nuclear lasers came into play well past their time to shine, but that might have been due to bad luck and/or poor research priorities on my part. Stats wise I think they're probably where they need to be.
Some upgrades are possible, but there are some technical limitations... For example you can't give bigger weapons to Mutons only (you can in OXCE+, which is what I've done). I'll think about it too.
I've been keeping an eye on OXCE, once it's brought up to speed with the nightlies it might be worth looking if some of its features can be used for FMP. Some of the alien races could do with a little more diversity I think - particularly the Chtonites and Waspites don't feel much different than, say, Anthropods or Floaters. We'll see.
I won't be converting the FMP for OXCE+, as it's supposed to be easily accessible and promote the project. But if you want more, go play X-Com Files. :) It contains the entire FMP material.
Buffing aliens is also an OXCE+ thing, since I can go crazier there.
At the very beginning I would like to thank for this great mod. I came back after a years of break from UFO Defence and game experience is just brilliant! New XCom and XCom 2 are way behind, especially with such great mods and mod comunnity as yours!
My game core rules and tweaks: Superhuman, TFTD damage rules, PSI only at LOS, Alien weapons sefl destruct
Some feedback:
- Still, after years, there is no "gym faciillity" mod :) Really would like to see something like this.
- MiB addition - there is no way to capture Commander. Stunned Commander leaves Cooperator corpse.
- All "Very Large" ufo landing missions got one and the same ufo layout (three level ship with "orbit" in the middle level").
- Variety of armors. It is really nice to see such additions BUT I dont see a point in giving penalties while wearing armor. Vests are useless at every stage of the game. Personal Armor is an illusion of protection. Personal Armor -15TU is too punishing. Last few rmors are really good if not OP. Way more effective are smokre grandes and "smoke armor" - if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot at you.
- Grav Module - IF I would know earier that floaters corpses are so crucial for the campaign I would never sold them. Now I am stuck with no such modules and no Floaters running around.
- New enemies. For half of the current game I was stuck with Anthropods. Then Gazers and MiB. Few times Sectoids and Floaters. Now something have changed and I see from time to time Snakemen.
- Weapon damage. Even with Railguns I have problems with killing enemies like Gazers or their terror unit (I hate those snails). I found that the most efficient way of killing is by using High Explosives - even in late game.
- Is there a pattern for Gazers terror unit to "stand up" and leave its shell? First teerorr mission with those guys was really dramatic without proper amunts of Explosives.
- UFOPAEDIA shows some weapons like Hunting Rifle etc. How to get acces to them?
- Love new research tree :) You should also give some love to aliens Soldier class and use them in research.
- MIND PROBE comes to late. There sould be other way to see some basic info about enemies (some sort of scanner maybe in Motion Scanner research path).
- For some reason I had no need to shoot a single ufo so far - I always wait and see where they land.
- Some sort night-vision device would be nice.
- Soldiers DNA modifications maybe?
- I am running millitary orgnization and still need to gamble soldiers stats? There should be way to buy soldiers for specific role.
- Money comes to easy with production.
- I see that some aliens have different color patterns - is there an info which alien class have which color?
- and finally would like to see a list of all implemented mods to know what to avoid.
Best regards!
At the very beginning I would like to thank for this great mod. I came back after a years of break from UFO Defence and game experience is just brilliant! New XCom and XCom 2 are way behind, especially with such great mods and mod comunnity as yours!
Thank you very much good sir!
My game core rules and tweaks: Superhuman, TFTD damage rules, PSI only at LOS, Alien weapons sefl destruct
It's not my role to tell people how they should play their games, but if you want to know my opinion:
- TFTD damage rules disqualify some weapons and is overall weird. It eliminates critical hits and lucky saves, making the game more grindy in general. So I don't like it much.
- Alien weapons self destruct mechanics is so retarded that I don't even know where to start; I'll just say that if the weapons worked like that, we could blow up the entire Cydonia by simply hitting it with a correctly modified beam. :) But I consider it useful as a sort of self-imposed challenge, if one is into that.
- I hope you're using the UFO Extender Accuracy too, otherwise the game is just cheesy (shooting an alien across the entire map is exactly as hard as 15 tiles away when using aimed shots, for example).
Some feedback:
- Still, after years, there is no "gym faciillity" mod :) Really would like to see something like this.
There is no code for it in the vanilla game. X-Com Files, my next project, contains it, as it's based on OXCE+ branch of the exe - see here for more details (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html).
- MiB addition - there is no way to capture Commander. Stunned Commander leaves Cooperator corpse.
Yes, it was reported already... It's fixed, but I'm waiting for the mod portal to work again to publish the next version.
- All "Very Large" ufo landing missions got one and the same ufo layout (three level ship with "orbit" in the middle level").
Eh? You mean the Lab Ship? But it's not the only Very Large - there's also the vanilla Battleship.
- Variety of armors. It is really nice to see such additions BUT I dont see a point in giving penalties while wearing armor. Vests are useless at every stage of the game. Personal Armor is an illusion of protection. Personal Armor -15TU is too punishing. Last few rmors are really good if not OP. Way more effective are smokre grandes and "smoke armor" - if they cannot see you, they cannot shoot at you.
So what's new in X-Com. :D
The problem aren't the armours, but lack of enemies other than standard aliens with plasma rifles. The abovementioned X-Com Files address this problem much more thoroughly.
- Grav Module - IF I would know earier that floaters corpses are so crucial for the campaign I would never sold them. Now I am stuck with no such modules and no Floaters running around.
Tough. :) But you can also produce grav modules on your own.
- New enemies. For half of the current game I was stuck with Anthropods. Then Gazers and MiB. Few times Sectoids and Floaters. Now something have changed and I see from time to time Snakemen.
Looks pretty normal for X-Com.
- Weapon damage. Even with Railguns I have problems with killing enemies like Gazers or their terror unit (I hate those snails). I found that the most efficient way of killing is by using High Explosives - even in late game.
Yep. On the other hand, they have little good points other than toughness...
- Is there a pattern for Gazers terror unit to "stand up" and leave its shell? First teerorr mission with those guys was really dramatic without proper amunts of Explosives.
Eh? No, they have no stages.
- UFOPAEDIA shows some weapons like Hunting Rifle etc. How to get acces to them?
They are sometimes used by Hybrids. They're not really worth finding though, except for collection purposes.
- Love new research tree :) You should also give some love to aliens Soldier class and use them in research.
What would they speak about? Serioously, I'm open to suggestions.
- MIND PROBE comes to late. There sould be other way to see some basic info about enemies (some sort of scanner maybe in Motion Scanner research path).
Present me with more details and I'll think about it. Maybe an early device with range 1?
- For some reason I had no need to shoot a single ufo so far - I always wait and see where they land.
Which is a perfectly valid strategy in X-Com. :)
- Some sort night-vision device would be nice.
X-Com Files again :)
- Soldiers DNA modifications maybe?
There are some difficulties with it, namely producing a new unit from an old unit with their stats, name etc. carried over.
- I am running millitary orgnization and still need to gamble soldiers stats? There should be way to buy soldiers for specific role.
Could be added rather easily, but I think it would go against the game's spirit. The FMP is meant to remain close to the original concept, just with more content added.
- Money comes to easy with production.
Then don't abuse the system. :P Again, this is how the game has worked since forever. I don't really have the ambition to overhaul the entire economy.
- I see that some aliens have different color patterns - is there an info which alien class have which color?
Not exactly, but you can learn it through experience. Otherwise it'd be too boring. :)
- and finally would like to see a list of all implemented mods to know what to avoid.
Ummm... Did something happen to the readme file?
Anthrpod's terror unit Spitter comes in few variations: standing on his feet with shell (easy to kill), standing on his feet without shell (hatching from his shell if enough damage is done) and lying in shell (higly resistant to damage in this form). From time to time that terror unit change stance from 1 to 2 and vice versa. Wuld like to know is there a way to force that unit to stand up.
About Soldiers. I had in mind weapon prototypes and arena like bulding for passive train with alien soldiers. Or another way to increase soldiers stats. Or maybe forced fake base defend mission with only one room full of captured aliens :)
Mind Probe. I would suggest Scout tank unit (that little one) with scanning module instead of smoke. Effect similar to Mind Probe with 10-15 activation range.
Huh, magically now I see readme file :D Thanks.
I'm eager to try X-COM Files after ending current run.
1) In myopinion Stormtrooper and Power armor adaptation (from dead MiB) shouldnt be allowed without Power/Stormtrooper armor tech discovered. Same for MiB Commander and Power Armor.
2) Game allows to keep more live aliens than avaible slots in AC facillity. There probably should be pop up message "Not enough room" like for Storage facillity that is full after a mission.
2) Game allows to keep more live aliens than avaible slots in AC facillity. There probably should be pop up message "Not enough room" like for Storage facillity that is full after a mission.
All you need to do is to go to Options/Advanced and set a "YES" for "Storage limits for recovered items" and "Live alien sale." This is standard OXC settings you can turn on/off to your liking. Default is off, I think. :)
Thanks Kjotleik. I have both options enabled but for some reason only storage limit works. And yes I have more than 20 aliens in AC.
EDIT: How to reaserach Plasma Sword? Is there a research path for this or I need to take one of those from enemy? (I use weapon self destroy option).
If you enabled the option after getting those 20 in the AC it is entirely possible that the game won't complain until the next mission (with live aliens as trophy). It depends if the check occurs on geoscape time interval or on mission end.
Also, unless something has changed, i believe the option "weapon self destruct" is not recommend for FMP (makes it almost impossible to research some weapons).
Hi, I'd like to ask you for opinion. I would like to add a new starting craft, a smaller and cheaper version of Skyranger (as an addition, not replacement). I have two candidates:
Working name "Cuteranger", final name likely to be "Skyraider". Made by Dioxine.
This one comes from the War of Shadows mod by jackstraw2323, but was reworked by me due to being unfinished. Originally named "Dragonfly" and I'd stick with it.
Both crafts have space for 8 people.
So, which one do you like better?
Given the two - the cuteranger - having that rear exit makes all the difference.
I really like the look of the Dragonfly, but having the side doors like the Cuteranger is a huge step up in deployment tactics... could you possibly edit the Dragonfly map to have a second exit?
could you possibly edit the Dragonfly map to have a second exit?
Yes, but not easily. I'll think about it, but I don't want to do that straight away - too much work.
The second craft is far more eye-appealing. After playing the newer starts of PirateZ I have a much deeper appreciation for smaller craft. I'm not sure how it would stand up against SkyRangers without a side door though for most players.
I'd say the dragonfly. I kinda like it's looks [1].
Besides that i think the first one would better serve as an early game improvement of the skyranger with a comparable price tag, due to the following reasoning:
* The tactical advantage of front 'doors' is something that Xcom came to realize after a few battles surrounded by enemies, hence they want a quick solution.
* Adding doors is a structural nightmare (in the mechanical sense). Requiring shortening of the craft due to weight limitations. The increase in production complexity ($$$$) would undo any materials savings.
[1] To me it's looks would probably improve if the tail is shortened by 1 or 2 rows.
Hi, I'd like to ask you for opinion. I would like to add a new starting craft, a smaller and cheaper version of Skyranger (as an addition, not replacement). I have two candidates:
So, which one do you like better?
From the pictures, I'd have to agree with those who say the "Skyraider." Purely because of the extra door close to the front of the craft. But aesthetically I like the "Dragonfly" better. Function over fashion, I guess is what I try to say here.
I assume it will have shorter range (half the globe, or maybe even shorter?) than the Skyranger/Skymarshall crafts. Maybe a little bit faster and cheaper, as well. Then it would be a nice additional craft to keep around for small and close by missions, instead of a second Sky-ranger or -marshall. Kind of like a B-team craft.
If you can find ways to differentiate between them (maybe ranges/speed/HWP's) they could both be viable choices to give different pros and cons.
Oh, and one more thing. I'd like them to be buy-able. In the beginning of the game, you don't really have Workshop-space for craft-construction anyway. If you have, you are sure to have more pressing matters to take care of before spending all those resources on a new craft. Like ammunition and armour.
I won't be disappointed by any choice you make, though. Both are looking good enough to me.
All right, Skyraider it is! The Dragonfly, maybe later, but it's kinda outdated in comparison. If you like it, try it in X-Com Files!
I'll see what else I can port from XCF to FMP and then make a release. It's long overdue, since I wanted to wait until the portal is fixed, but now I no longer think it'll ever happen.
I'm playing the FMP. I've made it to May, 2000. I've researched about as much as I can. I've got the know-how to build the Avenger, but I don't have any alien electronics. Where on earth do these things live?
I thought it was the envoy ship, which I've encountered twice. I shot down the second one, but didn't get any.
Alien Electronics can be recovered by disassembling alien robots, but you must also gain the knowledge about it from some alien engineer or officer.
Thanks! Now....to run into some cyberdiscs, cybermites, or Sectopods.
I've yet to run into an Obliterator or Sectopod. Is that common? I had an Ethereal base defense mission and they had cyberdiscs.
I've yet to run into an Obliterator or Sectopod. Is that common? I had an Ethereal base defense mission and they had cyberdiscs.
Yes, sometimes they have Sectopods, sometimes Cyberdiscs.
Now, I have an announcement to make: all FMP translators, assemble! There are some new strings for the next version!
STR_SKYRAIDER_UFOPEDIA: "This plane can transport up to 10 people with unprecedented speed."
STR_MELEE_UFOPEDIA: "For most fighters, melee weapons are only for desperate situations, but some agents rather enjoy their strong points: power and speed."
STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "Pistols have a number of advantages: they suffer no penalty from one-handed use, are fast-firing, light and easy to carry. Their main problem is limited effective range."
STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "Sub-machine guns have long auto shots, are one-handed, relatively light and have large clips. They are however quite inaccurate and their damage value is generally unimpressive."
STR_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Rifles are very accurate, also at long distances. They often have autofire mode. They are highly versatile, the only significant disadvantage being that they require both hands."
STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Shotguns deal relatively high damage. They are fast and very accurate, but only at short distances. They often use scattershot ammunition which works great against lightly armored targets."
STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Cannons are big, bulky weapons that deal high damage. They tend to have decent Aimed Shot accuracy and average Snap Shot accuracy. Some Cannons also have Auto-Shot mode and/or unusual ammo."
STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "Rocket launchers shoot self-propelled rockets, usually with an explosive charge. They are slow to use and can be heavy, but they deal massive damage and often have good damage radius."
STR_MACHINE_GUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Machine Guns are powerful, accurate and have good, long auto-shots. They are quite heavy though and have limited use other than suppressive fire."
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Sniper Rifles require high Firing Accuracy to be effective, but in the right hands are extremely accurate and powerful. However, they are quite slow to fire. Their accuracy often drops at very short distances."
STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Incendiary weapons deal direct damage and also cover an area with flames. Fire deals damage every turn to all units standing in it. Fire doesn't cause fatal wounds, but may cause immolation of the target unit. A burning unit will take damage every turn, as if it was standing in fire, and has a chance to stop burning every turn. Armor does not protect from fire, but may in some cases reduce damage by a set percentage."
STR_MELEE: "Melee Weapons"
STR_PISTOLS: "Pistols"
STR_RIFLES: "Rifles"
STR_SHOTGUNS: "Shotguns"
STR_CANNONS: "Cannons"
STR_LAUNCHERS: "Launchers"
STR_MACHINE_GUNS: "Machine Guns"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES: "Sniper Rifles"
STR_INCENDIARIES: "Incendiaries"
Help is welcome!
Hi, Solarius Scorch!
Here's the Russian translation.
STR_SKYRAIDER_UFOPEDIA: "Этот летательный аппарат способен перевозить до 10 человек с беспрецедентной скоростью."
STR_MELEE_UFOPEDIA: "Для большинства оперативников оружие ближнего боя - крайнее средство в критической ситуации, но некоторые бойцы уважают его за скорость и наносимый урон."
STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "У пистолетов есть ряд преимуществ: они не имеют штрафов при стрельбе с одной руки, скорострельны, легки и удобны в переноске. Главная их проблема - низкая эффективная дальность."
STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "Пистолеты-пулеметы позволяют вести огонь длинными очередями, рассчитаны на ведение огня с одной руки, относительно легки и имеют магазин большой емкости. Однако их точность и огневая мощь невысоки."
STR_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Винтовки обладают высокой точностью даже на больших дистанциях. Также нередко у них есть режим автоматического огня. Они весьма универсальны, и единственный их недостаток в том, что при стрельбе их необходимо держать обеими руками."
STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Дробовики причиняют относительно высокий урон. Они быстры и очень точны, но только на коротких дистанциях. В них зачастую заряжают картечные патроны, которые обладают высокой эффективностью против легкобронированных целей."
STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Пушки - это большое, тяжелое оружие, которое наносит высокий урон. Они облаждают неплохой точностью прицельного огня и средней - при стрельбе навскидку. Некоторые пушки также обладают режимом автоматического огня и/или могут заряжаться необычными боеприпасами."
STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "Ракетные установки выстреливают ракеты с собственным двигателем и чаще всего с фугасной боевой частью. Подготовка к выстрелу из них занимает много времени, но они наносят огромный урон и зачастую причиняют разрушения в большом радиусе."
STR_MACHINE_GUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Пулеметы наносят большой урон, точны и позволяют вести огонь очень длинными очередями. Однако они обладают довольно большой массой, а сфера их применения довольно ограниченна, помимо ведения огня на подавление."
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Снайперские винтовки требуют от стрелка высогого навыка точности для ведения эффективного огня, но в правильных руках они чрезвычайно точны и обладают большой мощью. Однако их скорострельность совсем не высока. На коротких дистанциях их точность чаще всего заметно снижается."
STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Зажигательное оружие наносит прямой урон и покрывает территорию огнем. Огонь каждый ход наносит урон всем боевым единицам, которые находятся в зоне, покрытой пламенем. Огонь не вызывает критических ранений, но тот, кто в нем находится, может в свою очередь воспламениться. Горящей боевой единице наносится урон каждый ход, как если бы она все еще находилась в зоне огня, и каждый ход существует вероятность, что пламя на ней погаснет. Защитное снаряжение от огня не защищает, но в некоторых случаях способно снизить урон на некоторый процент."
STR_MELEE: "Оружие ближнего боя"
STR_PISTOLS: "Пистолеты"
STR_SMGS: "Пистолеты-пулеметы"
STR_RIFLES: "Винтовки"
STR_SHOTGUNS: "Дробовики"
STR_LAUNCHERS: "Пуск. установки"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES: "Снайп. винтовки"
STR_INCENDIARIES: "Зажиг. оружие"
I really wish I could find some time to translate XCF and Piratez :(.
That's OK, both mods are kinda still changing, so translating at this point seems premature.
As or the STR_SKYRAIDER, is is intended that it's not translated?
No, of course not, it's my mistake, here's the line: STR_SKYRAIDER: "РЕЙДЕР".
No, of course not, it's my mistake, here's the line: STR_SKYRAIDER: "РЕЙДЕР".
I'll wait a couple more days for more translations, than I'll release the damn thing. :P
You know, one day I gotta stop being lazy and start translating X-COM and its mods for pt-br
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If you wanted to go with the Dragonfly later and have an alternative exit, you could open a 2x1 area in toward the cockpit so some troops could jump down, but couldn't come back up without hover capabilities. Kind of like the Menace class from X-Piratez.
The mod is great, I'm having a ball going through my first playthrough. I'm trying to come up with an answer to Muton hover tanks, I'm guessing lasers are not the right answer like for the rest of the Mutons. But I can keep trying until I figure it out. It's a lot of fun to rediscover XCOM, and that I need to use more than just the newest gun I unlocked is great.
If you wanted to go with the Dragonfly later and have an alternative exit, you could open a 2x1 area in toward the cockpit so some troops could jump down, but couldn't come back up without hover capabilities. Kind of like the Menace class from X-Piratez.
OK, thanks for the idea. I'll think about it, though at this point I'm not sure that this kind of deployment fits classic X-Com... OTOH it's still way safer than the vanilla Skycoffin. :)
The mod is great, I'm having a ball going through my first playthrough. I'm trying to come up with an answer to Muton hover tanks, I'm guessing lasers are not the right answer like for the rest of the Mutons. But I can keep trying until I figure it out. It's a lot of fun to rediscover XCOM, and that I need to use more than just the newest gun I unlocked is great.
Muton tanks (Obliterators) do not really have any significant weaknesses; they are not as well armoured as Sectopods though. So good luck!
If you wanted to spin the Dragonfly, you could say "Some of the more aggressive government special forces commands have been lauding these as a means to land and quickly get into the fight before the aliens can set up a proper response." Or some easy write off. I just like having more options. But also, given how the Avenger only has the back door, I think you're right.
I did finally get through the Obliterators, it just took me switching off the TFTD damages. I guess I absentmindedly turned it one when I was doing a set up.
If you wanted to spin the Dragonfly, you could say "Some of the more aggressive government special forces commands have been lauding these as a means to land and quickly get into the fight before the aliens can set up a proper response." Or some easy write off. I just like having more options. But also, given how the Avenger only has the back door, I think you're right.
Maybe I'll do it with some other craft, since I think the Dragonfly is just too small. But perhaps I can give it to the MiBs, I even made a darker version of it:
I did finally get through the Obliterators, it just took me switching off the TFTD damages. I guess I absentmindedly turned it one when I was doing a set up.
Well, at least it led to something good! ;)
And about the new version: still waiting for translations (only got it from Kammerer, thanks). If they don't appear until tomorrow, they'll have to wait for the next release!
MiB doesn't have a Very Small craft yet, do they? It could be how they start Retaliation missions, like how aliens use Scouts. As it stands, I don't really feel like MiB does a whole lot. But it's nice to have some humans to shoot once in awhile. It makes my personal armor feel like it does something.
But I look forward to Files! I can't wait to see what you have for us there.
I like the Dragonfly
Version 1.9.5 is online!
Get it from: https://www.mediafire.com/file/5wlcrbz2acbw0uk/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.5.zip (as the mod portal is failing)
- Added Skyraider (is now starting craft).
- Added Dragonfly for the Men in Black.
- Added new city blocks by Civilian.
- Added new Desert blocks.
- Gauss Pistol fires faster.
- Smaller Rail clips.
- Fixed the Ufopaedia entry for Advanced Laser Weapons.
- Fixed a small error in the XBASS_09 map.
- Fixed a small error in the DAWNURBAN12 map.
- Cleared some problems with Men in Black corpses.
- Added Hungarian translation, by F.E.K.
- Two new mapblocks for Commercial terrain.
- Added new soldier nationalities and names.
Version 1.9.5 is online!
Oohhh. I know what I'm going to do next weekend... (still busy with some christmas-stuff I'm afraid).
Thanks for uploading through MediaFire. It's a much better alternative than the mod-portal (unfortunately).
When I try to load a Battlescape Save I get CTD with the error message saying there is a segmentation error.
When I try to load a Battlescape Save I get CTD with the error message saying there is a segmentation error.
It's a problem with the nightly, not the mod. Try updating the game, I think it is already fixed.
Hi! A great mod!
I've just got this problem (nightly from yesterday, Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.5.zip as well):
~/.local/share/openxcom/xcom1$ openxcom
(zenity:22793): GLib-GIO-ERROR **: No GSettings schemas are installed on the system
Trace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)
OpenXcom has crashed: MAPS/DESERT15.MAP not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers.
Aborted (core dumped)
Indeed I don't have such map neither in among the mod files
nor among the oroginal xcom files. Desert maps end at DESERT11.MAP.
Attaching the whole log.
A funny thing, I've copied DESERTMOUNT15.MAP to DESERT15.MAP, but it still crashes, this time complaining about missing DESERT16.MAP. Now this looks more like a nightly bug, not a mod bug, but I will keep it here, until you tell me to report it elsewhere.
Edit: now I see how it works --- when I removed DESERT12.MAP and higher from Ruleset/terrains_FMP.rul, the mission is generated fine. So probably missing files...
Uhhh, indeed, these files are missing... sorry guys, no idea how this happened!
Version 1.9.5b is uploaded. Get it from https://www.mediafire.com/file/6i904b2h1h6g59c/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.5b.zip
I've just tested the savefile with the new archive, the desert mission works flawlessly. THank you!
Now, I have an announcement to make: all FMP translators, assemble! There are some new strings for the next version!
Well, hungarian translation is here:
STR_SKYRAIDER_UFOPEDIA: "Ez a repülő soha nem látott sebességgel szállíthat akár 10 embert is."
STR_MELEE_UFOPEDIA: "Bár a legtöbb katona csak végső esetben használ közelharci fegyvert, mégis vannak akik élvezik az erősségeit: erő és sebesség."
STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "A Pisztolyok számos előnnyel bírnak: nem szenvednek hátrányt az egykezes használatkor, gyorsan tüzelnek, könnyűek és könnyen hordozhatóak. A fő problémájuk a korlátozott hatótávolság."
STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "A Géppisztolyok egy kézből leadott, hosszú automata sorozatok leadására képesek, viszonylag könnyűek és nagy a tárkapacitásuk. Azonban meglehetősen pontatlanok és az általuk okozott sérülés általában nem túl nagy."
STR_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "A Puskák nagyon pontosak nagy távolságokra is. Gyakran sorozatlövésre is képesek, nagyon sokoldalúak. Egyetlen jelentős hátrányuk az, hogy mindkét kezet lefoglalják."
STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "A Shotgun-ok viszonylag nagy sebzéssel bírnak. Gyorsak és nagyon pontosak, de csak rövid távolságokra. A gyakran használt páncéltörő lőszerrel remekül működik könnyen páncélozott célpontokon is."
STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Az Ágyúk nagy, terjedelmes fegyverek, nagy sebzéssel. Megfelelő célzott lövés pontossággal és átlagos kapás lövés pontossággal rendelkeznek. Néhány ágyú sorozatlövésre és/vagy szokatlan lőszerrel való tüzelésre is képes."
STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "A Rakétavető saját meghajtású rakétát indít, általában robbanótöltettel. Ugyan nehézkesen használhatóak és nehezek, de hatalmas sebzést okoznak nagy területen."
STR_MACHINE_GUNS_UFOPEDIA: "A Géppuskák erőteljes, pontos és hosszú automata sorozatokra képesek. Nagyon nehezek, csak korlátozottan használhatóak másra mint zárótűz leadására."
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "A Mesterlövész puskák használójuktól magas tüzelési pontosságot igényelnek hogy igazán hatékonyak legyenek, de megfelelő kezében rendkívül pontos és erős fegyverek. Meglehetősen alacsony tűzgyorsasággal bírnak. Nagyon rövid távolságokon gyakran romlik a pontosságuk."
STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "A Gyújtó fegyverek direkt sebzésükön kívül a célterületet is lángokba borítják. A tűz minden minden alkalommal sebezi az összes benne álló egységet. A tűz nem okoz halálos sebeket, de nagyon legyengítheti a célba vett egységet. Egy égő egység minden körben sebeződni fog mintha a tűzben állna, és minden körben van esélye hogy elalszanak rajta a lángok . A páncélzatok nem védenek a tűztől, de bizonyos esetekben egy megadott százalékban a károkat mérsékelhetik."
STR_MELEE: "Közelharci fegyverek"
STR_PISTOLS: "Pisztolyok"
STR_SMGS: "Géppisztolyok"
STR_RIFLES: "Puskák"
STR_SHOTGUNS: "Shotgun-ok"
STR_LAUNCHERS: "Rakétavetők"
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES: "Mesterlövész puskák"
STR_INCENDIARIES: "Gyújtófegyverek"
Thanks, I'll put it to the next version.
By the way, here's some new strings that will be necessary:
STR_PLASMA_SUB: "Plasma Subrifle"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Plasma Subrifle Clip"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_UFOPEDIA: "This light plasma weapon is very efficient against standard infantry."
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP_UFOPEDIA: "This small object is used as a power source for the Plasma Subrifle. It contains a small quantity of Elerium that can be recovered."
STR_BREAKDOWN_STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Elerium (from Plasma Subrifle Clip)"
Please translate people, when you find some time.
Ok and what exactly is a Subrifle?
I mean does it have a specific purpose in tactical combat?
Ok and what exactly is a Subrifle?
I mean does it have a specific purpose in tactical combat?
It's a new alien weapon (well, new to the FMP, it's been in X-Com Files for a while). Basically a fast-shooting plasma rifle with only snap shots. It works a little like standard blasters from Star Wars or other classic sci-fi guns, being fast, single-shot and not very accurate.
It was specifically made to fit the AI (which generally prefers snap shots) and not be overly useful to the player.
Here's the translation and some fixes to previously translated lines.
STR_PLASMA_SUB: "Плазменный карабин"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Магазин плазменного карабина"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_UFOPEDIA: "Это легкое плазменное оружие весьма эффективно против обычной пехоты."
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP_UFOPEDIA: "Этот небольшой предмет служит источником энергии для плазменного карабина. Он содержит небольшое количество элериума, который мы можем извлечь."
STR_BREAKDOWN_STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Элериум (из Маг. плазм. карабина)"
STR_PISTOLS_UFOPEDIA: "У пистолетов есть ряд преимуществ: они не имеют штрафов при стрельбе с одной руки, скорострельны, легки и удобны в переноске. Главный их недостаток - низкая эффективная дальность."
STR_SMGS_UFOPEDIA: "Пистолеты-пулеметы позволяют вести огонь длинными очередями, рассчитаны на ведение огня с одной руки, относительно легки и имеют магазин большой емкости. Однако их точность и огневая мощь весьма невысоки."
STR_SHOTGUNS_UFOPEDIA: "Дробовики причиняют относительно высокий урон. Они быстры и очень точны, но только на коротких дистанциях. Зачастую в них заряжают картечные патроны, которые обладают высокой эффективностью против легкобронированных целей."
STR_CANNONS_UFOPEDIA: "Пушки - это громоздкое, тяжелое оружие, которое наносит большой урон. Они обладают неплохой точностью прицельного огня и средней - при стрельбе навскидку. Некоторые пушки также обладают режимом автоматического огня и/или могут заряжаться необычными боеприпасами."
STR_LAUNCHERS_UFOPEDIA: "Ракетные установки выстреливают ракеты с собственным двигателем, которые чаще всего оснащены фугасной боевой частью. Подготовка к выстрелу из них занимает много времени, но они наносят огромный урон и зачастую причиняют разрушения в большом радиусе."
STR_SNIPER_RIFLES_UFOPEDIA: "Снайперские винтовки требуют от стрелка высокого навыка точности для ведения эффективного огня, но в хороших руках они чрезвычайно точны и обладают большой мощью. Однако их скорострельность совсем не высока. На коротких дистанциях их точность чаще всего заметно снижается."
STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Зажигательное оружие наносит прямой урон и покрывает территорию огнем. Огонь каждый ход наносит урон всем боевым единицам, которые находятся в зоне, покрытой пламенем. Огонь не вызывает критических ранений, но тот, кто в нем находится, может воспламениться в свою очередь. Горящей боевой единице наносится урон каждый ход, как если бы она все еще находилась на горящей территории, и каждый ход существует вероятность, что пламя на ней погаснет. Защитное снаряжение от огня не предохраняет от действия огня, но в некоторых случаях способно снизить урон на некоторый процент."
Thanks Kammerer! I can always count on you. :)
Sorry, one more fix.
STR_INCENDIARIES_UFOPEDIA: "Зажигательное оружие наносит прямой урон и покрывает территорию огнем. Огонь каждый ход наносит урон всем боевым единицам, которые находятся в зоне, покрытой пламенем. Огонь не вызывает критических ранений, но тот, кто в нем находится, может воспламениться в свою очередь. Горящей боевой единице наносится урон каждый ход, как если бы она все еще находилась на горящей территории, и каждый ход существует вероятность, что пламя на ней погаснет. Защитное снаряжение не предохраняет от действия огня, но в ряде случаев способно снизить урон на некоторый процент."
[Sorry for the broken English]
Hi Everybody. First, I want to congratulate the team for the great job compiling this pack. It make all the (Open) Xcom experience more awesome than ever.
I do not know if this is the correct forum to post this, but I think I found a bug in one of the mods in the mod pack. I think is the one that add new UFOs. Sometimes, it appears that the aliens can shoot trough the UFOs walls. See attached some pictures and the savegame where I find this error. I have to admit that I add some other mods to the FMP base, but none add weapons, or new scenarios, or new aliens. I tested this savegame without theses mods and the result is the same.
Some screenshots to make my point.
This first ScreenShot shows where was the Sectoid who can shoot through walls.
Those two images show where were the affected tittles/soldiers. The last one image have some very hard to see blue "circles" that show the plasma shots that can go through.
Those two savegames have the exact point where the issue is happening. I have been fiddling with the savegame in the geoscape before this mission, but only cheating with soldiers and adding more missions. I don´t think this can cause this bug. It is not the first time it happens, but it is the only one I had saved.
I hope this can help to solve this issue. Or maybe it is not an issue, and I hope some here illuminate me :=).
Thanks in advance.
PD. Need editing. Learning to proper add images to post.
Edit 1. Added savegame without the other mods, remove the other savegames, shoots made again.
Edit 2. I use the mod Veterancy, without it, I can not load the savegame. I think the same will happens with the airsoft pistol mod.
Edit 3. Added a savegame where you don´t need any aditional mod. Same issue.
*Hushing into the Thread...*
*Shudders, when seeing that the map bug is so old and known...*
*Downloads FMP 1.9.5b..*
*Fixes maperrors for Solarius...*
*Quitely leaves attached fixes..,*
*Hushing into the Thread...*
*Shudders, when seeing that the map bug is so old and known...*
*Downloads FMP 1.9.5b..*
*Fixes maperrors for Solarius...*
*Quitely leaves attached fixes..,*
Sorry for make you Shudders. I´m using FMP 1.9.5b for the record, and the last nightly build (Well, the truth is that I download the build in January 2).
Thanks for the fixes. I tested in some generated battles and it looks like working. Units can see but not shoot through the floor. In the savegame does not work but I think that this is obviously because the map is already generated.
Thanks again.
Sorry for make you Shudders. I´m using FMP 1.9.5b for the record, and the last nightly build (Well, the truth is that I download the build in January 2).
Thanks for the fixes. I tested in some generated battles and it looks like working. Units can see but not shoot through the floor. In the savegame does not work but I think that this is obviously because the map is already generated.
Thanks again.
They should not be able to see through the floor either. Need to make so LOFT screenshots to check if the really can.
The original Supplyship map had a missing floor tile, so the enemies were able to shoot through.
The savegame map is stored in binary format in the savegame, so yes once it is generated you have to live with it for the current battlescape save.
They should not be able to see through the floor either. Need to make so LOFT screenshots to check if the really can.
The original Supplyship map had a missing floor tile, so the enemies were able to shoot through.
The savegame map is stored in binary format in the savegame, so yes once it is generated you have to live with it for the current battlescape save.
Sorry. They can not see neither. Confirmed. It was a confusion.
Thanks again for the fix.
Sorry. They can not see neither. Confirmed. It was a confusion.
Thanks again for the fix.
OK, just rechecked myself and yes everything should be fine.
Another beer Solarius owns me :P
Thanks, I'll put it to the next version.
By the way, here's some new strings that will be necessary:
Please translate people, when you find some time.
The hungarian translation has already made. (Final Mod Pack\Ruleset\extraStrings_HU_FMP.rul, line 1081-1084 and line 645)
STR_PLASMA_SUB: "Plazma Karabély"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Plazma Karabély Tár"
STR_PLASMA_SUB_UFOPEDIA: "Ez a könnyű plazma fegyver nagyon hatékony az átlagos gyalogsággal szemben."
STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP_UFOPEDIA: "Ez a kisméretű eszköz a Plazma Karabélyhoz tartalmaz tölteteket. Kis mennyiségű Eleriumot tartalmaz amit visszanyerhetünk belőle."
STR_BREAKDOWN_STR_PLASMA_SUB_CLIP: "Elerium (Plasma Karabély Tárból)"
OK, just rechecked myself and yes everything should be fine.
Another beer Solarius owns me :P
Sure, sure. It would be nice of you to show up to get them some day. :P
Thanks for the help. It was one of my first maps and has never been revisited. Nobody has ever complained about it, though; I never noticed anything wrong with it either. I guess I kill aliens too fast. :P
The hungarian translation has already made. (Final Mod Pack\Ruleset\extraStrings_HU_FMP.rul, line 1081-1084 and line 645)
Sure, sure. It would be nice of you to show up to get them some day. :P
Thanks for the help. It was one of my first maps and has never been revisited. Nobody has ever complained about it, though; I never noticed anything wrong with it either. I guess I kill aliens too fast. :P
I took the freedom to "darken" them :)
All should be dandy now.
When i coming in alien base..
what happened?
restart not work.
(https://i6.imageban.ru/thumbs/2017.01.07/8c5c97b89e13d8da7510a1ee273ccd69.jpg) (https://imageban.ru/show/2017/01/07/8c5c97b89e13d8da7510a1ee273ccd69/jpg)
i use latests versions of openxcom+final mod pack from installed steam version Ufo Defence.
When i coming in alien base..
what happened?
restart not work.
(https://i6.imageban.ru/thumbs/2017.01.07/8c5c97b89e13d8da7510a1ee273ccd69.jpg) (https://imageban.ru/show/2017/01/07/8c5c97b89e13d8da7510a1ee273ccd69/jpg)
i use latests versions of openxcom+final mod pack from installed steam version Ufo Defence.
Are you using the nightly version or 1.0 version?
Are you using the nightly version or 1.0 version?
openxcom_git_master_2016_12_30_1057.exe + https://www.mediafire.com/file/6i904b2h1h6g59c/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.5b.zip
openxcom_git_master_2016_12_30_1057.exe + https://www.mediafire.com/file/6i904b2h1h6g59c/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.5b.zip
I am using the same nightly for me it works. Maybe Solarius has to recheck the mapscript.
I am using the same nightly for me it works. Maybe Solarius has to recheck the mapscript.
OK, checking it now...
Well, I launched a number of tests and all bases generated correctly.
I also checked the map script; there is no addCraft in there. In fact, it is completely unchanged from vanilla.
So either there is something wrong with your install, or there is an elusive rare error with alien bases. Both possibilities exist.
Try enable save scumming and check again, maybe?
OK, checking it now...
Well, I launched a number of tests and all bases generated correctly.
I also checked the map script; there is no addCraft in there. In fact, it is completely unchanged from vanilla.
So either there is something wrong with your install, or there is an elusive rare error with alien bases. Both possibilities exist.
Try enable save scumming and check again, maybe?
I tried a few Alien Base assaults from New Battle screen.
And on a few cases i got a CTD.
Check the terrain definition, the entry modules need to have "groups: [2]" set.
I tried a few Alien Base assaults from New Battle screen.
And on a few cases i got a CTD.
Check the terrain definition, the entry modules need to have "groups: [1]" set.
Weird, this code and alien base in general is as old as death. Maybe some subtle changes to the .exe? Or maybe I just normally screwed up and everybody has been too polite to report it.
I'll check and fix if necessary.
Weird, this code and alien base in general is as old as death. Maybe some subtle changes to the .exe? Or maybe I just normally screwed up and everybody has been too polite to report it.
I'll check and fix if necessary.
Sorry its "groups: [2]" not one. Just rechecked with the terrain definition of my alien bases.
Sorry its "groups: [2]" not one. Just rechecked with the terrain definition of my alien bases.
Yeah, you are right after all. Apparently my Alien Base code was outdated. All entry blocks were labelled as group: 6 instead of 2.
Moreover, these blocks are also marked as type: 6. I can't even remember what it was for, but I think it's a remnant feature now?
Anyway, this was indeed a stealth bug; the base generated fine for me. Sorry about that, I'll fix it ASAP.
EDIT: Version 1.9.6 is uploaded.
- Added Plasma Sub.
- Some new Polar maps.
- Added one Alien Base map.
- Fixed a bug with Alien Base terrain generation.
- Fixed Supply Ship maps (by Hellrazor).
- Additional translations by Kammerer and F.E.K.
So, i try delete mods and found bug with Terrain Pack mod from Hobbs.
Was disable this and game start normally.
with Terrain Pack v4.1 dosn't work alien base, if disable this mod, mounth can't be ending.
How can i added my answer in https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2358.1395.html ?
Hello again.
I downloaded 1.9.6, and tested the supply ships. They´re working fine.
But now, in a debug game, I find a similar error in other ship
Take a look at the images. The soldier in the first floor can shoot the sectoid and the disc on the second one.
I uploading the savegames, the images, and here I copying what I think is the important part of the savegame that will help people identify in what map is the problem.
width: 50
length: 50
height: 4
globalshade: 0
turn: 1
selectedUnit: 30
- U_EXT02
- U_WALL02
- UFOL83
I hope this can help.
Edit: I check and the other side of the ship suffer from the same issue.
Thats not an error. Your looking up one of the dropdown doors.
Or how else do you think this cyberdisc would be able to leave the second floor and terrorize civilians?
So, i try delete mods and found bug with Terrain Pack mod from Hobbs.
Was disable this and game start normally.
with Terrain Pack v4.1 dosn't work alien base, if disable this mod, mounth can't be ending.
FMP is not compatible with Terrain Pack, because it contains most of Terrain Pack.
really? in terrain pack mods more folders & files ((
so, how can ending mounth without TP mod?
It can be done, but it's too complex to explain in a post.
FMP readme states clearly that:
Generally, yes. However, since this is so complex, there is a significant risk that it will conflict with something else. It certainly works with all rulesets released with the game, like the XComUtil elements.
Before applying the mod, make sure it's not already included in the package! If it is, expect a conflict of some sort.
And in the included mods list below:
* Terrain Pack, by Hobbes
Adds new terrains to fight on, as well as new alien missions.
Sorry, but if you haven't read the readme, you can only blame yourself.
it everything is clear. Wait what to do? start again the game?
it everything is clear. Wait what to do? start again the game?
In essence you have to remove the regions from the terrainpack from the savegame or make sure the regions do fit with the ones from FMP.
it everything is clear. Wait what to do? start again the game?
You could also try removing the offending content from your save - in this case, the South Pacific region. That's the only practical way of doing this.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Hellrazor. :D
sorry for my noobs questions, but i found two items STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC.
Remove any string leads to preservation loading error.
help me please.
sorry for my noobs questions, but i found two items STR_SOUTH_PACIFIC.
Remove any string leads to preservation loading error.
help me please.
I recommend a restart, and revise the list of mods you are usingLukes Extra UFO's for exmaple is old and outdated.
The current version of the FMP has a adaption of newer bug free (rechecked by me) already.
Here the list of mods you have slapped on:
- "xcom1 ver: 1.0"
- "AlloyAmmo ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "BPersonal_armor_by_shadics ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "Extra Explosions_v1.1b ver: 1.0" - No clue
- "FMP_addon_ExtraVessel ver: 1.0" - No clue never heard about this mod
- "LukesextraUFOs ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "OpenXCom_Unlimited_Waypoints ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "PSXMusic ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "PSXSFX ver: 1.0" - FINE
- "PSX_Static_Cydonia_Map ver: 1.0" - Not Compatible with FMP (you want a randomly generated map right?)
- "Shotgun ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "SniperRifle ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "TFTD_Damage ver: 1.0" - YOU REALLY WANNA GIVE YOU THIS PAIN? (If you do not know what it does leave it off)
- "UFOextender_Gun_Melee ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "XComCyberdisc ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports ver: 1.0" - Should be integrated into FMP
- "XcomUtil_High_Explosive_Damage ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "XcomUtil_Improved_Ground_Tanks ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "XcomUtil_Improved_Heavy_Laser ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot ver: 1.0" - Fine (but intercepting with your Skyranger...)
- "celebrate-diversity ver: 1.1" - No clue
- "eXPANDED_terror ver: 1.0" - old not compatible - Should be integrated into FMP
- "UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches ver: 1.0" - Fine
- "XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base ver: 1.0" - Should be fine, no clue if FMP restricts Alien Containment
- "final-mod-pack ver: 1.9.6"
I recommend a restart, and revise the list of mods you are usingLukes Extra UFO's for exmaple is old and outdated.
The current version of the FMP has a adaption of newer bug free (rechecked by me) already.
made adjustments.
Darkened_UFO_Vanilla_Variants will be correct with FMP?
made adjustments.
Darkened_UFO_Vanilla_Variants will be correct with FMP?
Its already integrated into the FMP.
Dude, the readme I mentioned HAS A DETAILED LIST OF INCLUDED MODS.
but such about Darkened_UFO_Vanilla_Variants nothing said in readme, and how do I know - it is included in the mod or not?
Comrade commando says included))
Dude, the readme I mentioned HAS A DETAILED LIST OF INCLUDED MODS.
Makes some camomile tea for Solarius Scorch.
It is said to calm down people.
Makes some camomile tea for Solarius Scorch.
It is said to calm down people.
I am very calm, but my parents are teachers and I believe in strong commandship. :P
Thats not an error. Your looking up one of the dropdown doors.
Or how else do you think this cyberdisc would be able to leave the second floor and terrorize civilians?
Thanks hellrazor!. That make a lot of sense! It is a little weird to spawn a cyberdisc in this little room if you ask me, but thinking in this way well, you got a point.
Sorry anyways. Just trying to give my grain of sand.
Actually, darkened UFOs should be all included in the mod... But I'm not 100% sure, so it's not on the list. I'd rather not use it.
If you have any other mod that isn't on the list, please ask.
Acvtually, darkened UFOs should be all included in the mod... But I'm not 100% sure, so it's not on the list. I'd rather not use it.
if author of FMP is not sure whether there is in this supplement "darkened UFOs" and does not advise to use it, the better I will not use it.
if author of FMP is not sure whether there is in this supplement "darkened UFOs" and does not advise to use it, the better I will not use it.
Even if you use it, it will only replace the UFO maps, functionalitywise you shouldn't notice a difference.
I use a translator, I'm sorry. Here is my problem: when using the mod for colored armor sprites soldiers incorrect. all white blond or blonde. Although once I installed an older version of mod (_ when mods it was necessary to throw in the game folder, and the folder OPENXCOM throw to the original UFO (openxcom 1.0) and everything was fine). Also incorrect sprites flying armor, which is built in this mod
Hello again.
I have a another question. I know FMP is intended for "vanilla" OXC, but I´m curious about what can be the behaviour of this mod pack if you use OXCE or OXCE+. Obviously, I have tested the game with those two, and looks like playable. For the very short tests I did with a already started savegame, the only thing I see weird was that a alien retaliation mission that was not scripted in original savegame spawn from I don´t know where.
Does anybody have tested this? What are your experiences?. Does the mod maintainers (Thanks Solarius) (and Ktulu) have any opinion about it?
i will do a test myself, but it is not a "pureblood" test (I like to add other mods and well, I cheat a little adding some more missions in the first month in the base region).
I have done some tests. The game works almost flawless. I got a map error only, just a message about recording something in log, the only thing I found was this:
[10-01-2017_01-21-14] [WARN] STR_TERROR_SITE_ not found in en
It appears to be something missing in the english translation.
The other details is that alien bases are not displaying. I have this in the savegame
- lon: 1.4691175686677607
lat: -0.60509633944893593
id: 5
discovered: true
but the square of the base does not appears. I try to set discovered to false, and open the savegame in normal OXC, sending all the crafts again, checking it gets discovered, but the base does not appear. I will now try to put this same base in a new "vanilla OXC" to see whats happens.
Again, I know FMP is not intended to be played with OXCE or OXCE+.
EDIT2: Tried to correct some grammar.
-- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
Well, the string " deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION" on the alien base section sounds a little weird, so I remove it by hand and then the base appears in all three (OXC, OXCE, OXCE+).
Some idea why this happens?.
Well, the string " deployment: STR_TERROR_MISSION" on the alien base section sounds a little weird, so I remove it by hand and then the base appears in all three (OXC, OXCE, OXCE+).
Some idea why this happens?.
There was a bug in the nightlies a while back, which was fixed in: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/8e1e390558cfd976855473027234f0b36ee4c700
and this one here: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/acd4eb30c7ff7013d93a7f55a71acc595e965e85
No clue how up to date OCXE or other forks are.
Thanks Hellrazor. I will test some vanilla and post in the forks threads. It does not appear to be a problem with FMP then.
OXCE+ is backwards-compatible, so I'm sure it should work just fine with FMP. The mod doesn't contain any super new features that could probably be unsupported by OXCE+.
Regarding that bug: I don't think OXCE+ is buggy like this, someone would probably have noticed. Are you sure you got the right files? Or maybe it's a problem with a save?
No clue how up to date OCXE or other forks are.
Extended/Plus pulled in the nightly branch changes just a few months ago, so it is compatible. There hasn't been much new feature development since then in nightly, and any recent bugfixes were pulled in too.
Is there anyway to read the ufopedia entries from the mod's files? I just beat my first run, but I most definitely did not get all of the research topics and I'm curious to read what I missed.
Is there anyway to read the ufopedia entries from the mod's files? I just beat my first run, but I most definitely did not get all of the research topics and I'm curious to read what I missed.
Open your options.cfg, make sure that it says:
debug: true
Run the game, press Ctrl+ D. Now you're in debug mode and everything is open.
Open your options.cfg, make sure that it says:
debug: true
Run the game, press Ctrl+ D. Now you're in debug mode and everything is open.
Hey, thanks! This is what I'm gonna do, but out of pure curiosity where are the entries stored in the files? I can find the images associated with them easily enough, but where does the actual text come from?
--- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
Ehm, actually I just got home and I'm trying this now and it doesn't seem to be working. The line in options.cfg definitely has,
debug: true
on it, but pressing Ctrl+D on both the main menu and in a new game just after messily setting up the first base doesn't seem to be doing anything. Tried both right and left Ctrl buttons.
No idea why it's not working for you, I use it all the time for modding... Maybe you've modified some other copy of the file? Can someone help?
Anyway, all text is stored in extraStrings_XX_FMP.rul, XX denoting the language that interests you.
Sorry if I´m posting this here when I should post it anywhere.
Regarding the alien base behaviour that I see using FMP with OXCE+, I made some experiments. (I know, not intended to work this way, but backward compatible so...).
I set this experiments:
First Experiment:
Mod list:
- "xcom1 ver: 1.0"
- "Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Gun_Melee ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Statstrings ver: 1.0"
- "oxce+strings ver: 1.0"
I know that OXCE+string is only needed with oxce+, but I did not deactivate it in the other ones for convenience.
Information from savegames:
OXCE+ Savegame
version: Extended 3.5+
build: " (v2017-01-06)"
OXCE Savegame
version: 3.5
build: " Extended"
OXC Savegame.
build: " git 2016-12-30 10:57"
version: 1.0
I added this alien base missions to the savegames:
region: STR_EUROPE
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 10
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 3
missionSiteZone: -1
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 10
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 4
missionSiteZone: -1
I run a game month and this is the result:
OXC Savegame: Both bases show.
OXCE Savegame: Both bases show.
OXCE+ Savegane:
With this, I confirmed that the builds are working Ok with vanilla.
Then, I tried again, with FMP,
- "xcom1 ver: 1.0"
- "Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Gun_Melee ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire ver: 1.0"
- "UFOextender_Starting_Avalanches ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Pistol_Auto_Shot ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Skyranger_Weapon_Slot ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Starting_Defensive_Improved_Base ver: 1.0"
- "XcomUtil_Statstrings ver: 1.0"
- "final-mod-pack ver: 1.9.6"
- "hqsoundsfmp ver: 1.0"
- "oxce+strings ver: 1.0"
version: 1.0
build: " git 2016-12-30 10:57"
version: 3.5
build: " Extended"
version: Extended 3.5+
build: " (v2017-01-06)"
Added the same bases mission in the savegames.
Run one game month.
OXC Savegame: Both bases show.
OXCE Savegame: No base showing
OXCE+ Savegane: No base showing
So, the error appears when FMP is added and used in OXCE or OXCE+.
I read alienMissions_FMP.rul, and see this line
spawnZone: 4 #Mission zone for alien bases
So, I modified the added alien base mission, and set a new experiment with missionSiteZone changed from -1 to 4.
region: STR_EUROPE
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 10
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 3
missionSiteZone: 4
nextWave: 0
nextUfoCounter: 0
spawnCountdown: 10
liveUfos: 0
uniqueID: 4
missionSiteZone: 4
run again with OXCE and OXCE+. Same issue, deployment is STR_TERROR_MISSION. The same happens with normal gameplay, not adding base missions by hand.
There was a bug in the nightlies a while back, which was fixed in: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/8e1e390558cfd976855473027234f0b36ee4c700
and this one here: https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/acd4eb30c7ff7013d93a7f55a71acc595e965e85
No clue how up to date OCXE or other forks are.
Both commits are already included in OXCE and OXCE+.
You can btw. very easily check on github, how big the gap is.
For OXCE+ github says: "This branch is 971 commits ahead, 27 commits behind SupSuper:master."
Again, I know FMP is not intended to be played with OXCE or OXCE+.
OXCE+ is backwards-compatible with vanilla... the only breaking change is the new lighting engine from OXCE... but there should be an option soon to switch to original lighting engine.
FMP alienMissions is lacking siteType definitions.
points: 50
objective: 2 #Built a alien base
spawnZone: 4 #Mission zone for alien bases
points: 150 #Pact score only awarded on month end
objective: 1
spawnZone: 4 #Mission zone for alien bases
This is required since https://github.com/SupSuper/OpenXcom/commit/8e1e390558cfd976855473027234f0b36ee4c700 which was commited in July 2016....
Keep your Ruleset updated!
EDIT: Attached the corrected ruleset on this post.
Thanks Hellrazor (Taking care of writing it the correct way ;) )
I added the siteType: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT to the corresponded missions and it works perfectly.
I tried to look at the github of FMP to push the correction, but it says the version is 1.9.1.
Thanks, Hellrazor.
/8e1e390558cfd976855473027234f0b36ee4c700 which was commited in July 2016....
Keep your Ruleset updated!
Easy for you to say, when I haven't used the vanilla nightly for a year. I did my best to follow the changes and I succeeded in 95% of cases, but since I don't have any real contact with it, it was doomed to fail. That's why I have to rely on external help.
I tried to look at the github of FMP to push the correction, but it says the version is 1.9.1.
There is a Github, but it wasn't me who posted it there (I only gave permission) and I certainly don't maintain it... If someone wants to take care of it, it would be nice.
Anyway, I'll post a fix, too.
Thanks, Hellrazor.
Easy for you to say, when I haven't used the vanilla nightly for a year. I did my best to follow the changes and I succeeded in 95% of cases, but since I don't have any real contact with it, it was doomed to fail. That's why I have to rely on external help.
There is a Github, but it wasn't me who posted it there (I only gave permission) and I certainly don't maintain it... If someone wants to take care of it, it would be nice.
Anyway, I'll post a fix, too.
Nevermind, glad i remembered this issue.
It needs to be also under STR_ALIEN_INFILTRATION, or alien bases from infiltrations will not correctly be generated.
EDIT: I can only recommend github for modding, it makes things easier. and you can keep track of your thoughts and stuff.
OK, many thanks.
Hmm, it looks like in Piratez this isn't present either... But it contains
which may or may not fix the issue.
What is this even responsible for? Why was it added? Do I need it in X-Com Files?
OK, many thanks.
Hmm, it looks like in Piratez this isn't present either... But it contains
which may or may not fix the issue.
What is this even responsible for? Why was it added? Do I need it in FMP?
Yes you need it otherwise alienbases will not show up.
Well, they do show up in Piratez...
And what's the deal with siteType: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT for alien infiltration? How is this related at all? I don't want to introduce changes I don't understand.
Solarius, my Knowledge of github if near to zero, but I can try to update all the rulesets in the repository to 1.9.6 at least (making the corresponding branch), and try to post updates every time you update the pack.
BTW. the MIB base missions is intended to work as a infinite time landing? Or it is just a workaround?.
I search for siteType: in all the .rul in X-piratez and don´t get any hit. Maybe they use something different?.
To end, as far as I understand, STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT for alien infiltration is because at the end of the infiltration mission, aliens generate a base, and you need that siteType: in every mission that generate at the end a place. TBH, I don´t know how the code works (Or any c++). It is just my guessing but, alien terror missions should not have a siteType: too?.
Solarius, my Knowledge of github if near to zero, but I can try to update all the rulesets in the repository to 1.9.6 at least (making the corresponding branch), and try to post updates every time you update the pack.
Sure, go ahead. It's an open project after all.
BTW. the MIB base missions is intended to work as a infinite time landing? Or it is just a workaround?.
It's an intended workaround - not a very elegant one, but yes, the landing time is very long (I think a year or two).
I search for siteType: in all the .rul in X-piratez and don´t get any hit. Maybe they use something different?.
No idea, hence my question here. :)
To end, as far as I understand, STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT for alien infiltration is because at the end of the infiltration mission, aliens generate a base, and you need that siteType: in every mission that generate at the end a place. TBH, I don´t know how the code works (Or any c++). It is just my guessing but, alien terror missions should not have a siteType: too?.
Makes sense to me, although I can't say anything... this is completely new to me, and there's no documentation to speak of.
Version 1.9.6b is online.
Get it from https://www.mediafire.com/file/crbu5c6a9yxongb/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.6b.zip
- Fixed alien base spawning.
- Fixed hair/skin colours.
Thank you for update ::)
Tell me please what to do for research final battleship?
Thank you for update ::)
Tell me please what to do for research final battleship?
The final ship need "alien eletronic" part (from sectopod)
Asus Z00AD
I have examined the corpse and the living sectopod. and what else is needed for progress?
I have examined the corpse and the living sectopod. and what else is needed for progress?
The alien electronic extract from the sectopod (of course research first).
Asus Z00AD
I do not understand you. I say that already researched sektopod (alive and dead)
I do not understand you. I say that already researched sektopod (alive and dead)
You want to research or product final ship?
The research tree --> see this topic firs post (fmp-tech_tree attachments).
The production need alien electronic: factory --> sectopod disassembly (Required wrecked sectopod)
Asus Z00AD
Unfortunately, I'm in the Russian version. But I understand that this is another bug, because I have studied everything.
No bugs with ships and alien electronics. ALIEN ELECTRONICS is a material you need to produce ship same as Elerium, Navigation and Propulsion. You need to kill a sectopod and create electronics from its corpse in Workshop.
Kill sectopod. research in factory disassembly sectopod.
alien electronics still missing in the study, though it is present in the inventory.
I am trying to install this mod.
When I go into Advanced Options for Geoscape there is no option for enabling 'destroy/spend item upon research' or anything that looks like it may do this. The install page for the mod says that this should be enabled. What do I do?
I am using the latest nightly of OpenXcom.
I am trying to install this mod.
When I go into Advanced Options for Geoscape there is no option for enabling 'destroy/spend item upon research' or anything that looks like it may do this. The install page for the mod says that this should be enabled. What do I do?
I am using the latest nightly of OpenXcom.
Sorry, it's my fault - this option no longer exists (replaced with specific settings) and I forgot to remove this part from the readme. So please ignore that part.
Thank you for reading the instructions, it's a rare sight. :)
I've played through FMP twice now, and have to say it's quite involved. I have a couple of thoughts:
1. Have you considered adding something similar to a heavy personal armor, to bridge the gap between Personal/Jump armor and Power/Flying/Stormtrooper Armor?
2. I think an alloy based craft missile should be added, to bridge the gap between stingray and stormlance (I think avalanche missiles shouldn't be in the game, but I can just not use them...)
3. I feel the Alien Data Slates/Leader/Commander research is a bit wonky. I think there should be an order in how the research is given: Fusion Explosives (unlocking grenades/elerium bomb), then the delta radiation for stun launchers, then optronics and other related research, then plasma, fusion and finally antimatter for rail guns. You could change the research on Nuclear Lasers to come in after fusion/optronics, rather than introducing it with rail tech. It makes nuclear lasers available and useful. It also puts rail guns all the way at the back. As powerful as they are, that's fitting. Even if you run into sectopods early, they can be killed with high explosives/incendiaries/heavy guass (Had to do that during a terror mission)
4. The Battleship version where the power sources are in the center rather than the four legs is missing the diagonal "rear" walls that run along the upper left to lower right sides.
5. Are you considering increasing melee accuracy starting stats? The 20-30 it is now is asking troops to get killed missing their 4-5 whacks at the enemy.
6. There was some discussion earlier in the thread about what reseaching alien soldiers should give you in addition to what it unlcoks now. How about a ufopaedia entry of the alien's stats? I've been trying to figure out their states for awhile now, and outside of psionic control, I can't find a list.
Great job on the mod. It's thoroughly enjoyable. Except when you run into Ethereals and Waspites unexpectedly. In June. JUNE! I wonder if they should up after you research certain things? I had waged a fairly bloody war with the Sectiods and had rail tech in April this time around.
I've played through FMP twice now, and have to say it's quite involved. I have a couple of thoughts:
Thanks, man!
1. Have you considered adding something similar to a heavy personal armor, to bridge the gap between Personal/Jump armor and Power/Flying/Stormtrooper Armor?
Yes, but I've never had resources for this. Well, until recently - I made a similar armour for X-Com Files and so it may actually happen. Thanks for the positive feedback.
2. I think an alloy based craft missile should be added, to bridge the gap between stingray and stormlance (I think avalanche missiles shouldn't be in the game, but I can just not use them...)
There isn't much that can be done to make stronger missiles other than fusion explosives... So, no.
3. I feel the Alien Data Slates/Leader/Commander research is a bit wonky. I think there should be an order in how the research is given: Fusion Explosives (unlocking grenades/elerium bomb), then the delta radiation for stun launchers, then optronics and other related research, then plasma, fusion and finally antimatter for rail guns. You could change the research on Nuclear Lasers to come in after fusion/optronics, rather than introducing it with rail tech. It makes nuclear lasers available and useful. It also puts rail guns all the way at the back. As powerful as they are, that's fitting. Even if you run into sectopods early, they can be killed with high explosives/incendiaries/heavy guass (Had to do that during a terror mission)
Unfortunately the engine won't let me do this; all getOneFree researches must be equal.
4. The Battleship version where the power sources are in the center rather than the four legs is missing the diagonal "rear" walls that run along the upper left to lower right sides.
OK, I'll check, thanks.
5. Are you considering increasing melee accuracy starting stats? The 20-30 it is now is asking troops to get killed missing their 4-5 whacks at the enemy.
Sure, I can do that.
6. There was some discussion earlier in the thread about what reseaching alien soldiers should give you in addition to what it unlcoks now. How about a ufopaedia entry of the alien's stats? I've been trying to figure out their states for awhile now, and outside of psionic control, I can't find a list.
Not a bad idea. Quite a bit of work, though. Would appreciate help here. :P
Great job on the mod. It's thoroughly enjoyable. Except when you run into Ethereals and Waspites unexpectedly. In June. JUNE! I wonder if they should up after you research certain things? I had waged a fairly bloody war with the Sectiods and had rail tech in April this time around.
No, it's all randomness. ;) Good luck!
It's fun. I'll look forward to the melee accuracy upgrade when you get around to it. I'm getting bored with my playstyle of scout with tanks and aimed shot from safety strategy. It works, but.....well. I want to try something a bit more suicidal, like pistols and swords or something.
Or maybe a human weaponry only run, and just get super duper close to cyberdiscs and sectopods and use flamethrowers. The only thing that stops me is gazers. They've become my new hated alien. Stupid turtles.
I went through the game without any problems. I started again at a high level of complexity. I captured eight bases, and now the game crashed when departing the base (
It crashes for me too, but you have so many mods enabled that I don't even know if the problem is with my mod or the other ones... I am 75% sure it's mine, but can't really be sure.
removed the questionable and unnecessary. but the game I have passed without a single mistake.
removed the questionable and unnecessary. but the game I have passed without a single mistake.
Yes, I did it too, but I'm not sure what's left in the save.
Anyway, I still think it's my mod which is faulty, but why it would suddenly happen? I haven't seen such an error before, and this code is years old. Unless it has something to do with recent nightly changes.
Anyway, I can't resolve this, as I checked all I could think of and the log isn't helpful at all...
Anyway, I can't resolve this, as I checked all I could think of and the log isn't helpful at all...
- name: UBASE_19
width: 20
length: 20
type: 7
groups: 3
- [15, 26, 1]
Hmmm... You mean the item is beyond the map? And the game crashes because it can't place it?
Thanks a lot, I'd never, ever find it myself...
BTW that's the worst thing about modding; you just don't get any information on what goes wrong. Meridian added some very useful tools to OXCE+ to make the log more helpful, but they are for specific problems, this one not being one of them. I don't know what I'd do without Meridian...
Uploading a new version, hopefully no more things like this one. (How did it even happen? 26x15? Seriously? Was I drunk or possessed?) Get it from https://www.mediafire.com/file/njr14inr645aj06/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.6c.zip
Hmmm... You mean the item is beyond the map? And the game crashes because it can't place it?
Many times it just ends up in another map block, but if the map block is generated on the south/east edges of the map, it would be placed off the map... and ka-boom.
Many times it just ends up in another map block, but if the map block is generated on the south/east edges of the map, it would be placed off the map... and ka-boom.
Yeah, I get the picture. I screwed up big time and gave a few people trouble. Sorry!
Hmm, maybe we could make a list of common crashes to show up in the log... Would be great for noobs like me.
Yeah! Work it! ))
After installing OpenXCom, I chose to download the FMP.
However, when I try to activate the 'ruleset' directory, OpenXCom throws a wobbly. It is looking for a file called IMPROVEDGLOBE.DAT. I've already checked and the file is exactly where the game is looking.
Is this because I have installed OpenXCom on a secondary drive, well away from its usual location?
My XCom version is Steam.
After installing OpenXCom, I chose to download the FMP.
However, when I try to activate the 'ruleset' directory, OpenXCom throws a wobbly. It is looking for a file called IMPROVEDGLOBE.DAT. I've already checked and the file is exactly where the game is looking.
Is this because I have installed OpenXCom on a secondary drive, well away from its usual location?
My XCom version is Steam.
Actually installing the game (any game) "well away from its usual location", which I presume is Program Files, is in many cases a very good thing to do. So that's not it.
Maybe try running as admin, or make sure you are?
Gotta say this mod is interesting!
I haven't beaten vanilla xcom yet but this mod, as well as the older, imo SUPERIOR mechanics is refreshing! I found the new xcom, and this mod, and man is it great.
This said, I have a few things to point out
1 : compatibility with other vanilla openxcom mods seems odd, particularly gun melee (it works, but does not apply to the NEW guns...which would be handy, and make aliens with no ammo a threat still) and alien bleeding. Alien bleeding works, but it seems like it should be disabled for gazers, reason being, it is almost IMPOSSIBLE to capture one with bleeding on, as stun does not work well on them and any attacks big enough to be worth using, cause fatal wounds. I've caught one, by literally using a med kit to heal it after a stun, but thats a PRETTY extreme length to go for a capture. I also think with how sturdy they are, perhaps bleeding just shouldn't be a factor. This also goes for any other extremely hard shelled beasts out there, as normal stuns don't work without extra damage, and extra damage does wounds...which...makes capturing nearly impossible.
2: Research seems a bit odd... I get it prioritizes capturing new aliens, but between the different classes to capture, and them all having stuff to learn from, and stun weapons being much less effective, it seems like a pain in the neck sometimes to do that. It would be nice if there was perhaps, more chances of data slates which also gave research, but was also much less reliable than studying a live alien, as I'm stuck at research around November of the first year, and my stats show I've captured HALF of all aliens I've encountered... maybe I'm not going in far enough, but its a thought. I'm also on my first year so what do I know? its just obnoxious trying to capture say, a sectoid medic, when 1, I cannot identify it, and 2, can't really check as to which alien classes I've researched already, as far as I know. This is made worse by "rare" encounters, like MIB, or hybrids or others... I only have MIB agents researched, as all others are incredibly hard to capture alive. Its also a bit odd how say, I know how to create a laser rifle, but my scientists cannot figure out how to make a laser shotgun, without getting this info from the aliens themselves... I guess maybe alternatives to capturing, be it very slow research, or whathaveyou, would be incredibly handy
3: gun classes could use some love. I honestly loved the SMG, but once you get lasers, you can never use them again effectively. Would be nice to get a laser variant of it to use, as the smg was a sweet weapon, but is quickly useless due to low damage, and kinetic damage type, making it barely tickle stuff like gazers. And honestly, a bigger "machine gun" variant might be interesting too... Infact, its pretty disappointing that you get all tons of varying kinetic weapons, but so few options for lasers... What about a laser magnum pistol? or smg? just a thought... But I understand there may not be art assets for this, or that it would take time to do. Though honestly, even pallet swaps would be neat.
Sorry if I'm ignorant of the presence of features, or information, I realize I haven't beaten this, but its just my input so far. I'm admit-ably a noob to the old xcom, so sorry if I'm completely missing anything.
I've caught one, by literally using a med kit to heal it after a stun, but thats a PRETTY extreme length to go for a capture.
I can understand you were surprised, but it's expected from the player... Though creatures vulnerable to fatal wounds will more regularly "faint" even from non-stun damage, and can thus be captured if you finish the mission or heal them before they bleed to death. It's very random, so don't rely on it for precious individuals (commanders), but it regularly provides a prisoner or two.
It's a very frequent "tactic" in mods like XCOM Files or Piratez.
I share your critic about the difficulty of identifying alien (ranks). It's easier in vanilla thanks to an easily researchable item, and I don't think it's a good gameplay element to have postponed it behind a research that the player can't really control.
Thanks for the input. Regarding the alien ranks, I took some steps to make them more easily identifiable, but in some cases it's not really possible - Sectoids don't wear clothes.
@yrizoud : I understand what you are trying to say with bleeding, except that gazers in particular, are waaaay tougher than anything else I've ever encountered. I actually turned off bleeding JUST for them, which is honestly a bit irritating, as I really LIKED bleeding otherwise, but them with bleeding was just impossible to capture. Its kind of annoying : on one hand I love it, because a floater bleeding to death has saved my ass before, but on the other hand, gazers, and to a MUCH lesser extent, alien commanders are beefy enough where you need a bit more damage.
Kinda makes me wonder if advanced fire arms could make a big, beefed up version of the tazer, firing a small harpoon, firing far more volts, but having only 2 shots, and being a full sized weapon, heh... Big, big tazer, with a higher stun, harder to aim and shoot, but stuns like a baseball bat to the face, and a slight boost to range.... kinda like a compromise between the stun-rod and the dart rifle (dart rifle is nice, but does jack against armor)
Kinda reminds me of the heavy machine gun actually, its stats look amazing, until you realize you literally cannot use it for almost anyone, unless you either work them out for several missions, or get power armor. Would be nice if explicit automatics had a "burst" function for this reason, like a halfway between auto and snap. As much as I like things like miniguns, they are far less flexible than rifles or pistols because of this...but I suppose its part of the balance??
@scorch well, I did just start using the mind probe, which helps, but the mind probe is something which needs research too...
....I think the biggest thing would be multi branch research, so your research does BETTER if you get an alien, but is not completely stopped if you don't capture them. I DO like how capturing them is more important, just not to the point where if I fail to capture x race z rank, part of the research tree is locked out.
Perhaps you could keep original research, but with maybe 5x - 10x delay in research compared to interrogations, and a note upon researching alien biology, that interrogations are better? This way its clearly better to capture, but your scientists don't just sit around with their thumbs up their butts if you can't capture anything... Because is aggravating to have 2 labs, and 100 scientists, and nothing to do, and have to sack half the work force.
An electric harpoon is an idea I had too, but I think vanilla OXC can't support its mechanics. I'll probably add it to X-Com Files, which uses OXCE+.
Machine guns are highly specialized, yes, but I can't see any way to make them more practical without making them OP. Either you can use them or you have to do without.
Your ideas regarding research are sound, but I don't think I can make them work with this game. I'll keep them in mind, though.
For the record, XCOMUtil had an experimental mod where interrogated aliens gave a flat boost to one of the topics you were researching. ie: if you had a stun launcher project in progress, interrogation of a medic made it advance by 20% or something. The basic numbers were 500% however, so researching a plasma weapon without "help" from captured soldiers would take many months.
I'm not sure it was fully balanced, but I found it pretty intuitive, and it managed to avoid frustration.
For the record, XCOMUtil had an experimental mod where interrogated aliens gave a flat boost to one of the topics you were researching.
Yeah, I remember that feature, it was really cool. I'd love seeing this in OXC, preferably with some options to tweak.
Never had problems installing a mod before. Can't get this pack to appear in the in game options menu.
Tried the Milestone, tried the latest nightly, reinstalled Openxcom, reinstalled UFO defense. Cannot get it to appear.
Everything else works fine and the mod pack is happily sitting in my mods folder of my Openxcom folder in my documents.
Any common issues that cause this? This pack not work past a certain build? I remember the main page saying it works past a certain 2015 build.
Sorry if this is the wrong place for this but I can't find anywhere else, I've tried every guide and tutorial which all just translate to "Put in mods folder". I've been fiddling for two hours at this point.
Here's a video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1WUpX9n7gY) that goes over the installation of the latest nightly, which you need for this mod, and the installation of the mod itself. I'd suggest deleting all of the openxcom files you have right now and try IvanDogovich's instructions.
A complete reinstall, making sure to clear all openxcom files on my C drive, sorted it.
I deleted the obvious stuff last time but there was some stuff hiding in my app data after the uninstall.
I also made sure to add and check the mod this time before touching the openxcom options and config, but that's probably irrelevant.
IvanDogovich's video was one of the videos I troubleshooted with, but considering his instructions are literally:
-Run the install.exe
-Extract the pack to the mods folder
I doubt I got it wrong before checking it.
My best guess is that the problem was not cleaning up properly after the milestone uninstall.
Thanks for your help.
@ jackts
I'm currently having the same issue with the Final Mod Pack.
I started a topic about it but have yet to receive any usable solutions.
I have reinstalled both the original xcom from steam and also Open Xcom but it dosent show in my mods list either.
@ jackts
I'm currently having the same issue with the Final Mod Pack.
I started a topic about it but have yet to receive any usable solutions.
I have reinstalled both the original xcom from steam and also Open Xcom but it dosent show in my mods list either.
I'm not sure what exactly solved it for me but I can give you the steps I took:
-Uninstall Xcom and Openxcom, search your C: drive (or wherever you installed) for "openxcom" and delete anything you find. Make sure you delete the openxcom files in your appdata folder. If you haven't done so already reveal the appdata folder (google this if needed) it's hidden by default. Skip anything it won't let you delete.
-Install the latest nightly of openxcom with the install executable. When it asks for the install location, place it in "my documents".
-Launch the game to the main menu then close it.
-Extract the mod pack folder to the "mods" folder in the openxcom folder in my documents.
-Launch the game. If it worked it will be at the very bottom of the list of mods in the game settings.
The only differences between this and every other install I tried.
- Installing openxcom to My Documents.
- Clearing all the appdata folders.
- Adding the mod before fiddling with any settings or config stuff.
Good luck
I really love this mod by the way thank you for the hard work you put into this. It really makes the game even more fun than it was.
I just fired this mod up after a long hiatus from OXC. I'm not sure if I did something wrong, but here are some of the issues I ran across:
Sectoids - they stopped appearing before I could ever capture one alive.
In three games, Veteran, Superhuman and Superhuman, I have never once ran across a Chrysalid or Celatid.
The spacing between alien types showing up seems really quick at the start (like I mentioned, Sectoids disapear fast), and then insanely slow at the end, which I love the slowness, but the researching doesn't keep up. In all three games, I got the research and gear necessary to complete the game before I ever even researched anything psi-related. I never saw an Ethereal until I went to Mars. In one game I researched some medics to uncover various other alien species that I never actually ran across in any game.
Interceptor research is spaced out weird. You get the updated interceptor from alloy research fairly soon, but then you don't get anything for quite a while. And then you get upgrades so quickly that they will be outdated before you even finish crafting them.
Some of the craft just felt like fluff, and nothing I would actually use. The one really fast interceptor with only one weapon slot I never found a use for.
I could research the blaster bomb, but never got the research for the launcher. I dug in the files and saw it requires psi research. This doesn't make any sense at all, they are not mind guided.
Along the same vein, I researched the small bomb and ellerium bomb long before I ever got to research the small bomb launcher.
MiB don't seem to...go anywhere. After the first research, it mentions you should capture a Commander to find out more. I managed to get one, TWO, in fact, but it didn't do anything for me.
I'm trying really hard to find a use for any weapon that isn't a sniper rifle. I equip all of my high accuracy units with them, burn as many TUs as I can to move them to the tops of buildings or other high places, and then just basically reaction fire the entire map, or shoot anything that comes out of hiding. Flying armor just makes this even more silly.
Similarly, Shotguns are absolutely amazing for clearing large ships and bases. Being able to point-blank all those pellets into an alien, really clears things out quickly.
I had an overabundance of Ellerium. Even taking into account Plasma Weapons now require it to charge, in my last game when I left for Cydonia I had a combined total of about 3k among my bases.
In an older version of this mod, the MiB were ridiculously hard. I loved it. In this version, by the time I run across them I have decent armor and they are still shooting at me with conventional weapons. Same with Hybrids. I never once had an MiB related mission that I even took damage on, much less lost a unit.
Electronics are freaking impossible to find. Cyberdiscs seemed to have gone the way of the dodo about mid game, and I never saw Sectopods until Cydonia. I never checked to see if I could make them, but they were in great need when I had none and no way to get more.
What type of damage do Gauss Weapons deal? Are they just another form of Laser weaponry?
Something I think would be amazing, make Rail weapons the endgame for XCOM. Leave plasma to the aliens. Those weapons are just boss.
The primary advantage to laser weapons in the OG was the lack of a clip. Giving them clips really gimps their usefulness.
My first two games, I played with your mod completely unedited. Third game I tweaked some numbers, as far as armor and weapons go, so that I could keep using certain weapons and armor longer. I didn't touch anything major, and nothing that gave me a clear advantage. Sorry for the long post. I do love this mod, I refuse to play OXC without it, but it has some issues.
I agree with Enders talk of sectoids disappearing, It is true, in some games i play i see a sectoid ship in the first two months, and than i see completely different things like anthropods or chtionites. But i think that is just based on bad luck, because i have also had games where sectoids are common for the first year and chtonites are rare. The MIB i finally saw after 3 games. But that is just the nature of having so many aliens, it is random. The electronics i do agree with, have yet to find one after many many missions, even fully intact landing ships.
I just came here honestly to ask, has extendend inventory been tried with this mod? is it compatible? it says it may cause awkward alien behavior so i did not try it.
Wow, such a long post! The truth is I don't develop FMP very much any more (X-Com Files is practically FMP 2.0), so won't do very broad changes, but I do add stuff occasionally and still care about it deeply, so input is always valuable.
Regarding alien races: it all comes down to randomness. Exactly like in vanilla, except FMP has a bit more races to choose from, so a particular race will appear less frequently on average.
In your example it looks like you didn't get the races that give psi (Sectoids, Ethereals, Cerebrals) - a rare, but possible and fully legitimate case. It means a no-psi campaign, sorry. But psi is not really necessary for winning, so better luck next time! (Same with Alien Electronics, which are mostly tied to the same races.)
Oh, and about the Blaster Launcher: it is blocked by psi because of how OP it is. Yes, it isn't mind-guided per se, but its interface is a bit more advanced than optronics and requires mastering psi engineering fore the circuits. Arbitrary, yes, but it was a conscious balancing decision.
Interceptors... I'll try rethink them, but there's not that much you can do - either you have the few techs that are related to them, or you don't. Breaking it would require complete redesign of everything, so it's unlikely at this point, but I'm open to suggestions.
MiBs are not very developed at this point - actually, it's Robin's initial mod with only three new units added - but I will work on it later. I'll certainly add a MiB Psi Ops which will also lead to psionics, in case you don't get psi aliens again.
But there were no changes as to how they work, so they didn't get any easier - randomness strikes again.
Weapon balance is a bit of a problem. OXCE+ gives you much more options to work with, but vanilla - which FMP is built for - is rather simplistic. But I am not really a fan of sniper rifles, they are good as a specialist weapon, but can't see how you could work it as a main weapon. Or maybe you could, but it would be totally anal to play. And shotguns are highly situational.
Too much Elerium? Sell it... What a weird complaint. ;)
Gauss weapons use AP damage. It shoots bullets, but very very fast bullets. So fast they liquefy and evaporate quickly on their way (hence their limited range on crafts), but are very powerful despite low mass.
Railguns are a more advanced version; the are already in the mod, and many people consider it superior to plasma.
Advanced laser weapons have no clips and are overall better.
I just came here honestly to ask, has extendend inventory been tried with this mod? is it compatible? it says it may cause awkward alien behavior so i did not try it.
You mean Alien Armoury Expanded? Yes, it is included.
>:( wrong!
;D i meant the mod that allows you to use more inventory by adding slots like left chest or right chest https://www.openxcom.com/mod/expanded-inventory
This one. It is not default in the mod as i do not see them in my mod right now. Ill have to try it later. Anyways i love this mod, and i agree with many decisions made, even the laser rifles with clips it extends the game, where as in the default it was pretty easy to win by just hiring mass rookies who with stun prods as meat shields to stun.
Thanks for the post, Solarius! Nice to see you're still around :-)
I am well aware that FMP is a conglomeration of mods and therefore you are not solely responsible for them. I guess I should've stated that, my critiques weren't supposed to put you in a corner ;-)
The Elerium thing wasn't so much a complaint. I just remember in ye olde days of OG, it wasn't nearly as easy to come by until much later. I was stockpiling the stuff before April.
I asked about the Gauss specifically in relation to what it was good against. Cyberdiscs and Silacoids early on are an absolute bear to take out because AP doesn't work very well against them. I'll have to give Gauss a test...in my later games I just sort of skipped over it because I researched something better almost immediately after (it might have been plasma? I can't remember anymore).
I'll try to drag out the first month or so without researching too much to see if I can make Sectoids stick around longer.
As far as the interceptors go, you don't need to reinvent the wheel lol. I just feel like the gap between the first and second upgrades is too long, and the rest of them are too short. I researched the firestorm and then immediately researched the tormentor, which I found to be a superior ship. So I never bothered with the firestorm.
Maybe my problem is I'm just burning through research too fast. I have an entire base dedicated to it, with a team of 500 scientists cranking away at anything I pick up.
>:( wrong!
;D i meant the mod that allows you to use more inventory by adding slots like left chest or right chest https://www.openxcom.com/mod/expanded-inventory
Aaaah :D
I think it should be compatible, but wasn't included.
This one. It is not default in the mod as i do not see them in my mod right now. Ill have to try it later. Anyways i love this mod, and i agree with many decisions made, even the laser rifles with clips it extends the game, where as in the default it was pretty easy to win by just hiring mass rookies who with stun prods as meat shields to stun.
Yes... That was pretty much the point. :)
Thanks for the post, Solarius! Nice to see you're still around :-)
I am like the Force, and will be with you - always. ;)
I am well aware that FMP is a conglomeration of mods and therefore you are not solely responsible for them. I guess I should've stated that, my critiques weren't supposed to put you in a corner ;-)
Nah, these are perfectly legitimate questions. And while it is a collection of mods, it is my responsibility to balance things between them.
The Elerium thing wasn't so much a complaint. I just remember in ye olde days of OG, it wasn't nearly as easy to come by until much later. I was stockpiling the stuff before April.
Yeah, happens to me too... I'll think if this needs addressing, and how.
I asked about the Gauss specifically in relation to what it was good against. Cyberdiscs and Silacoids early on are an absolute bear to take out because AP doesn't work very well against them. I'll have to give Gauss a test...in my later games I just sort of skipped over it because I researched something better almost immediately after (it might have been plasma? I can't remember anymore).
Well, Gauss weapons indeed do relatively poorly against Mutons and such. But they are very strong weapons, stronger than lasers. Still, plasma is more advanced and thus better - Gauss are meant to be equal to lasers (greater base damage, but less effective vs. some aliens, no auto-fire, heavy). Railguns are more on the level of plasma though.
I'll try to drag out the first month or so without researching too much to see if I can make Sectoids stick around longer.
If you mean the initial Sectoid mission, it'll e complete when it's complete, regardless of your research.
In the first month, there is always a Sectoid mission in your first base region. But it's the only fixed thing; later it's a matter of chance.
As far as the interceptors go, you don't need to reinvent the wheel lol. I just feel like the gap between the first and second upgrades is too long, and the rest of them are too short. I researched the firestorm and then immediately researched the tormentor, which I found to be a superior ship. So I never bothered with the firestorm.
Yeah, the Tormentor is more advanced. But my point was that it would be hard to fill this gap, because there are no technologies to base these fighters on.
Maybe my problem is I'm just burning through research too fast. I have an entire base dedicated to it, with a team of 500 scientists cranking away at anything I pick up.
You are insane. Absolutely insane :P
I seem to recall there was a mod, either for OXC or the OG, that modified how the up and down arrows worked in places like the Lab and Workshop, probably inventory, etc too. Like, you could press down when there were zero selected and it would max out how many scientists/engineers you had, for engineering you could hit down on the items to craft and it would make infinite. Ring a bell? Any way to implement something like that in FMP?
Right-click on the arrow.
I seem to recall there was a mod, either for OXC or the OG, that modified how the up and down arrows worked in places like the Lab and Workshop, probably inventory, etc too.
Meridian is absolutely right - it is built-in OXC feature. And there are more:
Meridian is absolutely right - it is built-in OXC feature. And there are more:
There's nothing on that link lol.
Edit: Ah, nvm, the last ) isn't being taken into the link. Thanks!
---- posts merged - Solarius Scorch ---
Right-click on the arrow.
Thanks, I'll give that a shot!
So I finally ran into a new race, the reptoids! Lol they wear suits :-P Ran into an issue though, it was a V.Large ship, I stunned a Commander, Navigator, Leader, and...I think an Engi. Of the four I tagged, only the Nav and Leader showed up at base. I'm not sure if I'm capped out on Commander research yet, but it should still return with me, shouldn't it?
Edit: Just did it with a Floater Commander...stunned him (he was the last alien), didn't make it back with me.
Weird... Can someone please confirm this?
Weird... Can someone please confirm this?
It seems to be random. Since that post I have cleared a Sectoid and Floater VL ship. I equipped all dart guns with clip B on the entire 12 man squad on each. Stunned every single alien. I stunned the Commander on both ships. The sectoid didn't make it home, but the floater did. I then did another floater VL, and the commander didn't make it back.
My Alien Containment is completely empty - I sell off anything I don't need, research the rest. I remember there was a bug in the OG that eventually your containment flat couldn't hold anymore aliens after you played one game for too long, but again, some aliens DO come back, some don't.
Aliens that randomly disappear/escape on route to our spa. That sounds annoying.
If possible can you attach save(s) from the last turn of those missions. That makes it easier to reproduce, explain and possibly fix.
Hmm, that'll be hard to pull off, but I'll see what I can do.
Just played a game with nighties+FMP
Chtonites (al least leader and engineer maybe others) aren't discarded after interrogation (standard races or alien datapad are discarded as the rule states)
I don't know if its only chtonites or if it's all the races from FMP.
EDIT: Forgot to say Love your mod. Great Work !
Thanks for the report. The code looks fine to me, so my bet is that something's wrong with your installation, but I am open to evidence.
hard to give more evidences, my saved game is on another computer but my installation is very simple 1.0+nighties from march 2017+FMP and just another mod for better starting stats so an installation problem is unlikely
I think that's your problem: mixing 1.0 with nightlies is bad idea.
Try using nightlies only.
hard to give more evidences, my saved game is on another computer but my installation is very simple 1.0+nighties from march 2017+FMP and just another mod for better starting stats so an installation problem is unlikely
Which version of FMP are you using?
I have overwrote a 1.7.x version. I haven't played for a long time
I have updated the nighty version also with the windows installer
COMMENDATIONS-FIX in latest nightly
This file (se attachment) should work with FMP 1.9.6c and the latest nightly.
File-attachment removed. Use Final Mod Pack 1.9.7.
Many thanks, Kjotleik!
I have released a new version 1.9.7:
- Added MiB Psi-Ops.
- Commendations fix (by Kjotleik).
Since Jo5hua's stupid site is as useless as ever, I put it on Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/c5mtvxs310qy49g/Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.7.zip
Ok, just end cydonia mission. So feedback. 1 Half of game it was openxcom_git_master_2017_03_15_1915, 2 half -- openxcom_git_master_2017_04_02_0910
portable install. lvl 3 difficulty. W/o psy. About 1 year game time.
1. Science not so understanding and endless. In other words it's very strange and not intuitive research map. For example it's very strange that u cant research aliens weapon simple for use whithout product it, but u can sell them out (who need it? Why?)...Same question about alien ships weapon. What kind of weapon they use on ships? When I have plasma cannons on my ships it's still need shorten distance to start attack than ufo. WTF? Ok, if that, I want grab this gun from ufo when capture it, research and use on my ships. In fact most part of the game I was forced to use only avalanshes.
Laser cannons -- useless piese of crap and need strong rebalance.
Btw about research "Cydonia or die" in my game opens without destoying any bases. I think it needs less quantity of leaders and commanders in ufo's. Or maybe only commanders can drop a datachip. And hey where's the datachips about alien bases location??? No datachips? Okeey just for example: in my third part of game the cerebreal race build a base on earth... I follow their supply ship to the place of landing, but didn't find the base. I capture their ship and of course didn't find any enter. I sent AWACKS to non-stop pathrol that point and didn't find any base. About 2 game months AWACKS and Darkstar together pathrol that point and..didn't find any base... Btw first sectiod base i find by raven when it simply returning from dogfight. And yes, ravens pathrol with AWACKS and Darkstar periodically too. Seems need to review criteria of chance of finding aliens bases.
When research authopsy ends there are no messages about that u may now disassemble something. It's logical that u recieve messages about all new ingeneering manipulations after any type of research. Or at least text in the end of authopsy research descripion.
And WTF? I cant kill any captured aliens for parts or authopsy on my own base! Even sectopods!
2. Elerium mace didn't work properly. In fact stunning mace still work better even on sectoid. Only use paralyse granades when research. Example: about 15 times elerium mace attack or 4! paralyse grenades work the same on gaser solder.
Rail pistol seems need to be rebalance in cost of AP and accuracy. In fact when u choose between Rail, plasma and nuclear laser pistols rail is a bit useful. Same to Rail Sniper rifle. IMHO if some weapon have autoshot regime, it must cost less AP than Snap because main idea for autoguns weapon is to do more dpm with less accuracy then snap weapons. Maybe some weapons need to disable autoshot regime at all to be more reality.
3. Last patch didnt work. Error on load commendations_FMP.rul. Tested on openxcom_git_master_2017_04_02_0910 and the last on apr 18. And after that all mods will need to turn off and reinstall.
Muton, Waspite, Reptiloid races not met at all the time. Maybe seem 4 Mutons in Cydonia. So cant product synth suit. Obliterators was not met too.
Luke's extra UFOs addon didnt work untill I installed it separate.
4. Needs:
---Training centre for recruits to increase their base skills (shot/stamina/str/react/throw/melee) Depending on the difference of ranks of teacher and recruits (yes u need to assign one of high ranked soldiers for work in centre) they will train faster or more effective.
---Medical center and medical research branch, so now u can research alien med tech and.. cant use it in any way (medpack dont count). It's very irrational in small military&research organization.
Thank u all. Have lot of Fun and a bit of nostalgia. Good work! But dont stop.
Thanks for the report!
Frankly, 80% of your points were about vanilla X-Com - FMP was not not meant to overhaul everything, only add some new stuff. If you're looking for something less vanilla-flavoured, you can try X-Com Files - FMP's successor.
As for the crash, you need to update your OpenXCom to the latest nightly.
Yes and no, because new races new weapons and new tech that opens some new stuff, is performed by FMP but maybe not so good balanced as needed for complex propper functionalities.
For example: in 1/3 and 2/3 parts of game its critically need good suit like synth suit but there is no mutons from whom i possible to "disassemble" parts for suit. FMP contain mod that incert muton commanders, so i expect that of course muton solders will be too, but.. no mutons in game process. Why? Meybe some mods have bugs and kill mutons chance activity or missions i dont know, but i'm sure mutons must be in game process. So i feedback it like FMP bug.
Example 2: FMP contain mod that insert new Juggernaut suit. Its very protective suit in that u may ate to face a full round from laser sectopod without emotions even without damage... but... Cryssalids with one strike turn u into zombie. HOW ITS POSSIBLE???? Its some kind of cosmo-magic? And one more strange thing whith this suit: dont step in fire tile at the end of turn -- u start to burn and take damage incide it. So it have laser resist but no fire resist? Where the logic? I'm sure this situation can be fixed w/o editing core code. Maybe i'm wrong.
And so on..
BTW in top of my post versions of OpenXcom thay works. When 1.9.7 released I just download newest version of platform and try it on that. Not working till i replace new .rul file by old version.
For example: in 1/3 and 2/3 parts of game its critically need good suit like synth suit but there is no mutons from whom i possible to "disassemble" parts for suit. FMP contain mod that incert muton commanders, so i expect that of course muton solders will be too, but.. no mutons in game process. Why? Meybe some mods have bugs and kill mutons chance activity or missions i dont know, but i'm sure mutons must be in game process. So i feedback it like FMP bug.
How does it differ from vanilla?
Example 2: FMP contain mod that insert new Juggernaut suit. Its very protective suit in that u may ate to face a full round from laser sectopod without emotions even without damage... but... Cryssalids with one strike turn u into zombie. HOW ITS POSSIBLE???? Its some kind of cosmo-magic? And one more strange thing whith this suit: dont step in fire tile at the end of turn -- u start to burn and take damage incide it. So it have laser resist but no fire resist? Where the logic? I'm sure this situation can be fixed w/o editing core code. Maybe i'm wrong.
How does it differ from vanilla?
BTW in top of my post versions of OpenXcom thay works. When 1.9.7 released I just download newest version of platform and try it on that. Not working till i replace new .rul file by old version.
I don't really understand what you are saying, but the newest version of the mod (1.9.7) works with the newest nightly. I just checked to confirm.
How does it differ from vanilla?
How does it differ from vanilla?
I don't really understand what you are saying, but the newest version of the mod (1.9.7) works with the newest nightly. I just checked to confirm.
I am also having some trouble getting mods to work (probably because I'm an idiot, though.)
I have the 04-23 nightly, which is the latest one, installed over a previous nightly. I get this error (it's the last entry in the log I attached) when I try to boot up OpenXcom. When I try to boot up OpenXcom, it successfully boots up, but with Final Mod Pack deactivated. (so, WAD)
This doesn't appear to be a FMP specific issue, because I got essentially the same message (error @ something something, bad converstion) when I tried to install the commendations.
I have my mod unzipped and in the mod folder. It's been a really, really long time, and I've kinda forgotten how all this works.
EDIT: Never mind, I'm a fool that didn't realize that FMP requires OpenXcom Extended.
EDIT: Never mind, I'm a fool that didn't realize that FMP requires OpenXcom Extended.
It doesn't... must be something else.
I have my mod unzipped and in the mod folder.
Looking at the log, you probably have another (older) copy of FMP in the "standard" folder... this is probably causing all the issues. Try deleting that and keep only the one in "mods" folder.
Enjoying FMP immensely. Ran into a reptilian terror mission tonight and one of the salamander terror units landed an auto shot into the skymarshall. Had to smoke to put the fire out and the resulting grievous injuries, deaths, and unconsciousness made for an interesting mission. Never thought incendiary would make things so interesting. I want to mention though that upon researching that terror unit there was no UFOpaedia entry for it like there was for the reptilian.
Also a question, do the MiB establish bases? I have had heavy consistent MiB activity in a region for some reason but no bases or anything
Hello folks! I've played FMP before about a year ago and it was great fun. I started another game up two days ago but ran in to a problem last night; the game crashes on launching a terror mission, with the only message (either in popup or log) being
"blah blah blah...
[25-04-2017_12-52-24] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[25-04-2017_12-52-51] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Unit MALE_CIVILIAN6_CORPSE not found
[25-04-2017_12-52-54] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Unit MALE_CIVILIAN6_CORPSE not found
Extra information has been saved to openxcom.log.
If this error was unexpected, please report it to the developers."
I've tried looking through for typos, I've tried making all Civilian6 references in the ruleset use Civilian5's files instead (which just makes civilian7 start causing issues), I've gone through editing out any reference to any of the 'new' civilians (making all references point to the vanilla default civilian, but this just leads to one of the MIB corpses to start causing the same problem).
I also toyed with duplicating the MALE_CIVILIAN6 unit in the units ruleset file and titling it MALE_CIVILIAN6_CORPSE which then leads to the same error message but with Unit MALE_CIVILIAN6.pck not found.
I'm stumped. I'm usually pretty decent at sorting these things out (even if just through sheer persistence if not any actual skill), but I've got no idea what else to do to try and sort this out. I'm using the 2017_04_19_2217 nightly and FMP v1.9.7, but also have a few other mods; Combat-UniformArmors, Expanded_Inventory, Expanded_Terror_Reworked, HQSounds FMP, and Personal Armor Variants. For what it's worth, I haven't found anything relating to Expanded_Terror_Reworked's files causing the problem, though it was my first guess. Knowing me though, I'm likely to be completely wrong lol. Also the save seems to run fine with ETR disabled until it has the same exact crash at the terror mission.
Anywho, any help at all would be appreciated. I've uploaded my save file in case it's useful or anyone wants to take a look at it themselves, and I appreciate any/all help!
I might have broken something... Let me check.
OK, I loaded up your save and managed to launched the mission. It all works just fine - see the attached save.
I guess either your install is borked, or the mod conflicts with some of your other mods.
Hopefully it helps!
I'm surprised, I was rooting around so much through FMP because I thought something in it was the source of the issue, but that's actually great to know! Now I've got some idea of what to do to fix things. Thanks a bunch!!
If I manage to fix it I'll report back, in case anyone else ever has a similar error. Cheers!
--- posts merged ---
Yep! Figured it out. Damn I wasted a good three or four hours and all it took was someone to point out my installation. Figured out it was definitely my install of FMP causing the problem and, for curiosity's sake, went through to find the file. I don't wan to bother going further into it now that I can actually play (yay!), but turns out I messed something up in my alienRaces_FMP.rul file. I don't explicitly remember editing it any, but I did have all of the rulesets open in np++ when I was initially screwing around with a few things (making rifles less garbo, less variation in soldier stats, just little personal preference things). $10 says I accidentally tabbed to it and pressed a key, or deleted a line, or something like that. The downfall of 'save all files' I guess. Whoops :3
Anywho, thanks a bunch! I appreciate your checking on the save for me! (:
Glad you managed to work it out. :)
Such are the troubles of children who tend to take toys apart... But they often grow up to be engineers, or in this case modders. ;)
I wanted to play this mod and i started it. It was awesome with so many researches and choices to use. It was wonderful.
I played at 3. diff with some save scumming. So i hit all the UFO's and terror sites.
BUT, at 3. month, i got 2 bases which covers America and Europa with west asia.. but the number of ufos was so few.. i mean 1-2 missions at 3. and 4. month. I made 3. base at 4. month. Even i assault a battleship at 1. month, i only see a small and a large mission at whole 3. and 4. month. My monthly point was -300 at 3. month but still + money gain.. at 4. month, i get -700 point but still + monthly gain but i lost the game suddenly even i did not lost any country or anything..
What is the problem here? What did i wrong?
Hard to say, but it was probably a Men in Black base. These guys are dangerous.
If you check the graphs, you'll see where a spike of alien activity occurs. Check that area for enemies.
Hard to say, but it was probably a Men in Black base. These guys are dangerous.
If you check the graphs, you'll see where a spike of alien activity occurs. Check that area for enemies.
Yeah I done a mib mission. But should I find it's base? I mean as I said the mission numbers where extremely low. And it looks harsh to lose the game to just a unfound base.
MiB base is technically a UFO that just lands for a really long time, so it's actually a bigger score hit than an alien base. Use the activity graphs and craft radars to your advantage!
Yeah, I'd happily make it less dangerous, but I can't.
...At least now there is a reason to check these graphs. (I never used them in vanilla.)
I looked for another possible mission with my crafts and saw another MIB mission. After i done it, i passed that month. So i continue to play now.
Just, as a very old X-Com player and Xenonauts Modder, i think i can share my thoughts about this awesome mod.
1. New aliens, alien weapons, alien ufos, just all about the enemies are totally great!
2. The new weapon arsenal is great too but at some point they fail to deliver their main purposes. I am a huge fan of heavy burst weapons like miniguns and heavy hitter snipers. I checked most of them at this mod. But as a result, i stuck with assault rifle types. Why?
- Heavy burst weapons are mostly useless because most of the enemies dies with normal rifle bullets mostly. If there is an enemy with resistance, you can't kill it even with tons of bullets anyway. Like big terror units are resisted against AP damage and most of them survive against Alloy rifle bullets of 8-10. So it means a good 3 burst of rifle burst from assault rifle. So if u got a big minigun or HMG, you will overkill an enemy or won't hurt him at all because of heavy resistance or much worst accuracy of this weapons compared to assault rifles. Assault rifle damage is just well balanced and that weapon gives you the time for any manuever too. If i want to clean a bunch of enemies standing at one room (only saw it at MIB missions) i would use explosives rather then an area-burst weapon because even i overkill them, i won't able to get items because the aliens will die anyway and the inventory will be lost. I used them much at Xenonauts modding, because that game got a suppression mechanic. But at this game, there is nothing like that. I would love to have them with much better acc at least, so i can be sure that the enemies will be killed at the huge TU i used to fire them.
- As tactical burst weapons, i used assault rifles unit auto-cannon and then laser rifle. They are just best against all other types.. better then shotguns even short range, better then heavy weapons because of more shoot per turn with better acc, better then snipers because of the move-free TU use, better then pistol because i don't see any reason to use pistols at all, better then cannon/launchers because of the maps with tons of obstacles already on the way. %90 of the maps i played are way crowded with obstacles. There is nearly no place to put your snipers, heavy shooters, cannon users to position. Every time, my rifle soldiers cleaned the target before those other guys take position and shoot. Even i position them, the aliens mostly go for out of LOS. Ufo maps are little with no long range fight needed and terror missions are full of building type objects. So all aliens are at rooms or very tight places. Even you can take position and fire with weapons which needs tons of TU, there is no time to run.
- Heavy weapons got a balancing problem about the damage output and shoot per turn. For example a heavy laser with 75 damage. I got laser rifles with 50 damage which can fire about 7 shots per turn. Heavy weapon's damage is very low with it's very bad acc. Heavy and snipers are one shot- one kill weapons. Heavies are low range, low acc but if hits, the enemy should feel it. Snipers are high range, high acc, slower, lower then heavy damage but still can kill a random enemy. A heavy laser with this TU and acc should have at least 125 damage maybe more.. if u make range lower it could go to 150.. and much lower ammo per clip btw..
- Snipers got a huge problem because of the map layouts as i said. Tactical sniper is totally useless. I respect the concept but still it should have lower TU for fire and much more damage to consider to use at least with alloy bullets.
- Shotguns are crazy slow.. I use always stun rather then shotgun when i am at shotgun range of an enemy.
3. Stun is very weak. I mean the dart weapons got huge penalties, every thing is ultra low. So rather then trying shooting a random alien with 2-3 dart rifle users from med range, i prefer to sneak slowly and go for melee stun. There is no stun explosives or AOE stun weapons like cannon bullets or grenade launcher grenades.
4. The crafts are very nice but weapons are limited. I would like to see much more variations of missile type long range craft weapons. Alloy cannons are useless and i prefer avanlanche to even laser cannons. Most of the big ufos are landing anyway so i only shoot down the little ones mostly. But some upgraded missiles for early to mid game is a must.. Raven is good for early game but it needs weapons.
5. Tanks are left alone too. I would like to see alloy versions of them.
6. Dogs need love too. Genetic or cybernetic dogs or weredogs needed for fast patrol/sudden attack unit types. I really like dogs and they have a good tactical point to use.
This could be a totally awesome mod for people who likes the default game soul but as i mentioned, it needs some touches at some points (Raven mods got many thinks to fill that places) and some balances for tactical approaches. Sry for bad english and i hope you don't get offended from my critics.
Thank you!
Many thanks for the detailed review.
To most of these points I can respond: try X-Com Files, which are essentially FMP 2.0. Many of your ideas are more or less addressed there, or at least I'm striving to do something similar.
I'm still trying to improve the FMP too, but I think the vanilla mechanics are just too constricting to get much further.
Many thanks for the detailed review.
To most of these points I can respond: try X-Com Files, which are essentially FMP 2.0. Many of your ideas are more or less addressed there, or at least I'm striving to do something similar.
I'm still trying to improve the FMP too, but I think the vanilla mechanics are just too constricting to get much further.
I just don't want to leave vanilla atmosphere, just want to have new things. I read some posts about X-Com files and it looks something different.
I just don't want to leave vanilla atmosphere, just want to have new things. I read some posts about X-Com files and it looks something different.
Yes, it is different in the sense it's not as much about aliens; aliens are just the top enemy. But in terms of game balance, mechanics etc., it is a straight continuation of the FMP, making use of additional options provided by OXCE+.
Yes, it is different in the sense it's not as much about aliens; aliens are just the top enemy. But in terms of game balance, mechanics etc., it is a straight continuation of the FMP, making use of additional options provided by OXCE+.
I see. Just after a limit, adding something more and more with even good will and tactical plans, does not work as intended. I mean, the default game got "pistol" but you want to have 3 types of pistols, but at the end, the difference becomes just so little at the game world, just it does not worth for the effort and it becomes a shore rather then an edition. You try to use different point of view but again, the game world can't make it fit into itself. At the end, if you don't role play, you just go for the best option and even at an ultimate balance, there will be always best options and those will be %5-10 what you created. After years of calculation and excel sheets, you see that sooner or later, and start to not bother with it so much.
I hope you continue to update this mod too because all of the other mods are way different then vanilla. Maybe i can work on this too to add what i see missing.. as i said, some craft weapons and tanks and some rebalancing could make this mod perfect.
First, I want to say thank you for this amazing compilation. Second, I want to report what I believe is a bug. I'm not sure if this showed up after or before I did the research for the MiB Psi Ops (bottom line). Or maybe it has nothing to do with the research, I don't know. Sorry.
Yes, the Psi Ops corpse name is missing... Thanks for letting me know.
Hey solarius
I played the mod much more and I want to share my new thoughts.
I liked the all enemy types much more. They are very good and balanced and way cool. New colors and armors of the races are awesome. MiB is very nice and when I go for first terror mission with sectobots and laser tanks it was a great mission to play. There is so many types of enemies, it's hard to find them in short term. So some races disappear for long time periods at later. I did not see at reptilian at late. Mutton are unique too.
There is something lacking at stun weapons. Ranged stun weapons are very weak so you need to go melee mostly. But getting and Armour for melee fight is hard too. Ellerim mace got a big problem about stunning because even with tons of hits u can't stun a mutton or ethereal. Stun stick is still better option. I don't know what is the problem.
At research chain, there is a huge randomization. You need to get very important researches from mostly engineer and leaders. But if you are unlucky u get only crap ones. I am at very late game but I still did not get alien electronics and without it I can't create many essential researches. I can't even craft advanced rocket launcher. Same goes to explosives, I get the fusion explosives so late that I stuck with high explosives for decades. This randomization needs a balance. You can give some essential research to navigators and medics. You can erase lame old ufo infos from engineer. This is a serious point.
All of the negative reviews I done about weapon types are gone when I get nuclear lasers and rail weapons. Scatter laser is well balanced minigun, so I thing early hmgs should need a accuracy buff to be useful. Same for heavy weapons and snipers, they need to be a bit faster and more dps.
Rail guns are the coolest weapons I ever see. They are very useful. Lasers are nice but they could get a buff when fusion weapons researched. Now there is fusion weapons research but it does not give anything new.
MiB is cool as I said but they did not add anything new to the tech tree as I see. So they are a bit useless. I think they can be linked some important research.
At terror missions, the numbers of terror units are as much as normal units. It's good to have much terror units as they are created for it but still normal units should be a bit more. At MiB terror mission I killed about 6 tank and about same numbers of humans.
As result, it's the best mod with vanilla feel. I liked it so much. The only problem is the ultra random research. Sometimes you get a important research very early or a basic research very late. This is the only problem I see at this mod.
Please consider this with a patch. Even u stop to work on this mod, this one deserves a final touch too.
Thx very much.
Not. Yeah some battleships got big map problems here and there.
Hi, guys. Amazing mod! Thank you!
There is a bug in battlescape. North walls of battleship always missed. Screenshots attached
name: UFO_160
- U_EXT02
- U_WALL02
- UFOL83
Add UFOL83 towards the Battleship terraindata.
It is missing there.
Line 567 in ufos_FMP.rul
Hi, guys. Amazing mod! Thank you!
There is a bug in battlescape. North walls of battleship always missed. Screenshots attached
Add UFOL83 towards the Battleship terraindata.
It is missing there.
Line 567 in ufos_FMP.rul
Thanks... But how did this happen? No idea!
Anyway, attaching a quick fix.
I liked the all enemy types much more. They are very good and balanced and way cool. New colors and armors of the races are awesome. MiB is very nice and when I go for first terror mission with sectobots and laser tanks it was a great mission to play. There is so many types of enemies, it's hard to find them in short term. So some races disappear for long time periods at later. I did not see at reptilian at late. Mutton are unique too.
Thank you. I was aiming for races which are actually unique to some degree, not just more numerous.
There is something lacking at stun weapons. Ranged stun weapons are very weak so you need to go melee mostly. But getting and Armour for melee fight is hard too. Ellerim mace got a big problem about stunning because even with tons of hits u can't stun a mutton or ethereal. Stun stick is still better option. I don't know what is the problem.
Perhaps just bad luck, since the weapon looks okay in the ruleset. I can't really say.
At research chain, there is a huge randomization. You need to get very important researches from mostly engineer and leaders. But if you are unlucky u get only crap ones. I am at very late game but I still did not get alien electronics and without it I can't create many essential researches. I can't even craft advanced rocket launcher. Same goes to explosives, I get the fusion explosives so late that I stuck with high explosives for decades. This randomization needs a balance. You can give some essential research to navigators and medics. You can erase lame old ufo infos from engineer. This is a serious point.
Is it the ame in every campaign. If yes, then something is wrong. If no, then it is as designed.
All of the negative reviews I done about weapon types are gone when I get nuclear lasers and rail weapons. Scatter laser is well balanced minigun, so I thing early hmgs should need a accuracy buff to be useful. Same for heavy weapons and snipers, they need to be a bit faster and more dps.
Maybe, I have been balancing them for ages. :D (OXCE+ options would be a big help...)
Rail guns are the coolest weapons I ever see. They are very useful. Lasers are nice but they could get a buff when fusion weapons researched. Now there is fusion weapons research but it does not give anything new.
You mean even better lasers? I guess it's doable... But are they really needed?
MiB is cool as I said but they did not add anything new to the tech tree as I see. So they are a bit useless. I think they can be linked some important research.
May happen. I'm rethinking them a bit.
At terror missions, the numbers of terror units are as much as normal units. It's good to have much terror units as they are created for it but still normal units should be a bit more. At MiB terror mission I killed about 6 tank and about same numbers of humans.
These are vanilla settings, more or less.
What difficulty are you playing?
It's nice to see any more plans about it.
I worked on some weapon images today. Maybe u like them. I would like to see work on more TFTD images to make them fit UFO but i don't have the TFTD default images and i failed to get them from PCK's badly :).
As the default weapon branch i would like to see more default style images. I looked for awesome weapons mod and it has awesome default weapon style shotgun, snipers, and so on.. anyway.. just an idea..
As more laser weapons.. probably not, but plasma weapons can have a second tier.. awesome weapons plasma weapons are well fit too... for now rail weapons are much better then all weapons. But the solution is at the enemies resistances. If you make more solid differences between enemy races resistances, all weapons will be usefull regardless of stats. For example if mutons became only laser vulnerable (like %30 plasma/ap damage) then even your first laser weapons became essential. So you would need to gear up against the every enemies. With this method you can make every final tier weapons (plasma/ rail/ nuclear) stats nearly same with specialties but easy to balance.
Mutons, etherals and other units, they dies with 2-3 rifle bullets with rails, nuclear laser and plasma rifles without much problem. So the resistances can create a huge difference at tactical approaches.
I worked on some weapon images today. Maybe u like them.
Yes, very nice.
I would like to see work on more TFTD images to make them fit UFO but i don't have the TFTD default images and i failed to get them from PCK's badly :).
Is there any image extractor available around?
If not, I can probably implement something over the weekend.
Hi, guys. Amazing mod! Play second day and very happy to meet so much interesting things in this old game XCOM. Thank you for all.
I've found some bugs. Be cool if smbdy will patch them. Screenshots attached
1. There is a bug in battlescape. North walls of battleship always missed (1-2 Scrnshots). Solution here (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg84114.html#msg84114)
2. Also maybe(?) missing walls in another ship. (3rd scrnshot)
3. Maybe bug with wood and brick walls in farm battlescape (4th)
4. Russian language went out the screen in Raider craft issue (5th)
Is there any image extractor available around?
If not, I can probably implement something over the weekend.
I can't found any extractor which works, or simple to use. So i worked on some more on the TFTD weapon files i can find here and there.
4. Russian language went out the screen in Raider craft issue (5th)
Sorry for the problems with the Russian language. It's my fault. I just need to come back to work on the translation since it is out of date and contains numerous mistakes. I wanted to do that after I'd be happy with an XCF translation.
I would like to start from beginning but my modding hype kicked in again. I am mostly an image editor guy rather then coding or creating stuff from zero. As i said before, the vanilla feeling is very important to me so when i see some strange/unfitting art at a mod, it does not catch me. There is so many great, lore friendly designs at this forums.. sadly some of them buried for 2-3 years.
Anyway, this mod created the most rich vanilla feel at me so i want to add something to it, or rather then adding, advance the points already created.
MiB is a great edition with all their darker stuff which fits them well. I like darker stuff too. It gives much more atmosphere. probably for this reason, i like TFTD much more but sadly there is no mod with this caliber at TFTD and i don't have time to create one alone.
As a vanilla game lover and laser maniac, i could never like the laser weapons because of their strange shapes and not fitting rifles (as art). Laser weapons should have more darker with more lights in it for my taste. I checked some vanilla laser concepts done by other people still i just can't find something for me. The nuclear lasers are nice concepts but they are a bit forced to try to be different, or it's me maybe. And they are not black!!! :)
Anyway, for short, i edited the default laser weapons and add some news from here and there. I think they are way cooler then original and fits to MiB very well. The problem is, yellow color. It's very hard to create something yellow with the UFO color palette, every yellow wanna be orange at final palette infusing. I managed it some manual editing.
And i think we can use different laser colors. Nuclear lasers can have red beams. Some one got red beams i can use?
I hope you like them. I made all images needed. I still need TFTD images to work on them thoe..
I can't found any extractor which works, or simple to use. So i worked on some more on the TFTD weapon files i can find here and there.
Attached are all TFTD bigobs, extracted directly from BIGOBS.PCK.
Attached are all TFTD bigobs, extracted directly from BIGOBS.PCK.
Thank you! Can i have hand and floor ones too?
Thank you! Can i have hand and floor ones too?
Sure, here you go.
Sure, here you go.
Thank you again! But if it won't be much... can i have all the images (not map related ones) from UFO and TFTD from you? so i can mix them all..both aliens, vehicles, plane images.. all :)
Thank you again! But if it won't be much... can i have all the images (not map related ones) from UFO and TFTD from you? so i can mix them all..both aliens, vehicles, plane images.. all :)
Thank you very much. Those will help me very well.
What should I do if I want to convert this mod to xce+? Is it a very long progress?
What should I do if I want to convert this mod to xce+? Is it a very long progress?
I try to keep OXCE+ backwards-compatible with vanilla... so ideally, you don't have to do anything to convert :)
Right now, there is one incompatibility (the Commendations ruleset), in OXCE+ it is still a bit older than in latest vanilla. You can fix that by using the Commendations ruleset from an earlier FMP version (1.9.6 or earlier).
However, I think Solarius wanted to keep FMP compatible with vanilla, i.e. not use any extended features... something to consider.
I try to keep OXCE+ backwards-compatible with vanilla... so ideally, you don't have to do anything to convert :)
Right now, there is one incompatibility (the Commendations ruleset), in OXCE+ it is still a bit older than in latest vanilla. You can fix that by using the Commendations ruleset from an earlier FMP version (1.9.6 or earlier).
However, I think Solarius wanted to keep FMP compatible with vanilla, i.e. not use any extended features... something to consider.
Solarius mentioned that this is nearly final version and he already works on another mod as next step to FMP. But the speciality of FMP is the vanilla feel. It's not special hard, it's not something new approach, it's just xcom with new things to make it richer and better. This is very important to me. For this reason I choose to work with it.
I plan to make an add on mod for it for now, but I don't know how far I can go. Xce and xce+ got tons of new cool things to consider, but I don't have any urgent need of those things for now. I asked it because maybe I go for deeper at modding, I can need some extra features.
I asked it because maybe I go for deeper at modding, I can need some extra features.
OK... it should be easy... if you need any help, just shout.
It may be conducted to the terrain. Some grounds can be destroyed by explosion, and some can ignite.
Some of the tundra maps are particularly flammable in this manner. I like to think of it as Oil Soaked ground. ;)
Well, i am in the tundra righ now, and there is no flammable ground in reality, just swamp and sand. ;D But in game everithing is possible. ;)
OK, I will review this terrain. :)
I fixed those errors in my mod a long time ago.
@ Solarius
Feel free to pick the appropriate TUNDRA files from the attached zip.
I fixed those errors in my mod a long time ago.
@ Solarius
Feel free to pick the appropriate TUNDRA files from the attached zip.
Thanks. What are the differences?
Thanks. What are the differences?
Fixed burnability, and some corrected die mcd's.
Try it out yourself.
Hi, guys. Continue to explore FMP. This is great game, very interesting to play. Thanks for it.
Have found that game crashes when try to enter battlescape of alien hybrid's small convoy by avenger craft. Be cool if somebody solve the problem. Save attached. Thank you
P.S. Can help with ENG-RUS translation of texts. Interesting to translate medals issues.
Hi, guys. Continue to explore FMP. This is great game, very interesting to play. Thanks for it.
Have found that game crashes when try to enter battlescape of alien hybrid's small convoy by avenger craft. Be cool if somebody solve the problem. Save attached. Thank you
Can you attach a save please?
(what you attached is not a save, it is just a config file for new battle)
Can you attach a save please?
(what you attached is not a save, it is just a config file for new battle)
Yes, reatached.
Yes, reatached.
Thanks, however it doesn't crash for me :/
Can someone confirm the crash?
LOVE LOVE LOVE FMP!!!! :) :) :)
Have finished Cidonia. Usually I passed vanilla XCOM in two days. This mod I have passed in twelve days of hard gaming. Very glad to play.
Thanks to all who had a hand in the project! I love you :) ;D ;D You make me happy.
There is some review.
Diversity of:
1. Stuff (especially guns). It makes playing very interesting, cause you need to know optimal guns for squad, you need to try many variants with armor, guns and squad. Very happy to see this abundance of stuff. Scatted laser very pleased. It perfect gun. Very cool that this gun have very quick rate of fire. Be cool to add such quick shots to every gun with autoshots. Rail weapons also brings much pleasure for game process. Also cool idea to drain elerium from clips and bombs. Especialy enjoy of sniper weapons. It's great idea to add this stuff in game.
2. Aliens. Lot types off aliens brings interest in game, so you need to learn and reseach so much variants of weapon using against them.
3. Crafts. Makes game more interesting to know how works all tipes of crafts.
4. Alien crafts. It's just cool, makes game not so boring in process.
5. Maps. It's very cool! Very glad to see so much variants of maps!!! It makes the game interesting. But with time I have learned some maps features and already knew that alienfighter mission will brings 3 aliens in craft, who never be outside at start of the mission. It means that this type of mission became predictable and bored, so will be cool if there will be some more variants of starting of the same maps. Also have pleasure to watch so much terror maps variants.
6. Manufacturing things. It's cool to see so many variants.
7. Dificulty. All of the above makes the game challenging and therefore interesting. Don't know who to thank, but the game has a almost perfect balance.
8. Medals. Good idea to bring it in the game. Mayby need to make some bonuses for some medals.
1. Minor bugs with RUS translation, some bugs with map stuff. For example, sometimes doors not opens, soldiers just pass through it.
1. More quick speed of flight of bullets and speed of autoshots. Perfectly if they will flight and shooting like a scatted laser shots.
2. More quick speed of soldiers. Be cool if they will like a lighting :D
3. Be great if sometimes aliens will intercept players crafts.
!!!Question. The project has an donation account? Give link if "yes". Create if "no" :)
Thanks to everybody who made this mod.
1. Minor bugs with RUS translation,
I'm really sorry about that. I promise I'll return to the FMP translation very soon since most of the work on polishing the XCF translation is already done.
The mod is awesome. I already played to the late stages of the game and the only bug I encountered is that some of Skymarshal's tiles are screwd.
1. I have a habit to hide flying units behind the fins.
There are four squares in the tail behind the fins, but due to the incorrect tile properties of Skymarshal, only 2 of them are accessible.
The right fin is OK, see attached fmp-sm-tail-2.png, but the left fin is totally inaccessible, as if it is filled with something solid
(see attached fmp-sm-tail-1.png and fmp-sm-tail-3.png).
2. The property of the slant wing edge is also screwed, though it is not as bad as for the left fin.
The movement on the slant wing edges is possible, but due to the incorrect properties, the movement around the edges requires zigzag movements of 6 TU each,
instead of the straight movements of 4 TU each.
it is shown on attached fmp-sm-wing-*.png
3. I once encountered reaction fire from the inside of the Skymarshal's hull through the walls, from the soldiers facing the big exit, to their forward-left. But It was only once and I have no proof (save game, etc).
But it should not hurt to also check the properties of hull walls/hull walls+wings.
The mod is awesome.
Confirm (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg84481.html#msg84481)
3. I once encountered reaction fire from the inside of the Skymarshal's hull through the walls, from the soldiers facing the big exit, to their forward-left.
Thanks for the nice words, and yes, I'll review this craft :)
Try using these files. But I can't promise there won't be any weird effects, like units phasing through fins.
Thanks! Much better.
skymarshal's wings are now fixed. Left fin being solid is fixed.
Unfortunately, there is still a small bug -- they can't shoot through fins,
but they can MOVE through them.
--- posts merged ---
attached saved game for a quick test
--- posts merged ---
"like units phasing through fins"
Oops, sorry, I didn't notice it first.
Overall, everything else is OK, as far as I tried to test.
I still think it's better like this.
"I still think it's better like this."
Yes, of course. Much better and the difference is worth including in the next release.
A total unrelated question here @ Solarius.
Would you mind me "stealing" the commendation mod stuff out of the FMP?
I searched for the standalone version of it but couldn't really find it.
Atotal unrelated question here @ Solarius.
Would you mind me "stealing" the commendation mod stuff out of the FMP?
I searched for the standalone version of it but couldn't really find it.
If you get it updated, feel free to post it in the old commendations thread. :)
Atotal unrelated question here @ Solarius.
Would you mind me "stealing" the commendation mod stuff out of the FMP?
I searched for the standalone version of it but couldn't really find it.
Sure! But it was practically done by Ivan, I only made some adjustments to account for new alien races and such.
Sure! But it was practically done by Ivan, I only made some adjustments to account for new alien races and such.
Jeah I saw that, just fished out the respective rulesets.
If you get it updated, feel free to post it in the old commendations thread. :)
Could you point towards the respective thread?
Could you point towards the respective thread?
This is the one with the UFOpedia entries. https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3048.html
That may be what you need, otherwise, the original Soldiers Diaries thread is here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1718.html
This is the one with the UFOpedia entries. https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3048.html
That may be what you need, otherwise, the original Soldiers Diaries thread is here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1718.html
I already extracted everything from the FMP. Which seems to be most updated Version i could find.
The naming is a mess...
I post it here and in https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,3048.html once i finished reworking it.
I will not add new graphics or new strings.
I already fixed the broken palettes on all files and made proper spriteset for de Commendations and Decorations.
I fixed the Skyranger problem. The problem was that the left top fin was being placed as content instead of as a wall. I shifted the images a bit and rewrote the map to place the fins as west walls one block to the east of where they were. It looks about the same but should act correctly now. The fins should be impassible and block fire. I also fixed the LOFTs of the left fin to match the right fin, the old LOFTs for the left fin were completely wrong.
To implement the fix, you simply have to replace the following files with the ones provided:
I assume the Alloy Skyranger uses the same map and route files as the original. If not, you'll either have to edit the ruleset to use PLANE for the Alloy Skyranger map, or you'll have to edit the Alloy Skyranger's map to place the fin correctly with the new tileset.
Be advised that if your MapView is calibrated to check the original game folders for files, you'll have to move all of the files I provided into the main game folders, which will cause name conflicts. If that's too difficult for you, you can provide me a map of the Alloy Skyranger and I'll fix it and upload it here.
I'd like to see this fix implemented into FMP perhaps. It corrects a long-standing map bug with the Skyranger. I am updating all of my PLANE maps to work with this change.
edit: somehow the fix version wound up with a bug which caused the top of the Skyranger ramp to block movement. I don't know how this change happened but I have resolved it and re-uploaded the files. If you downloaded it before this message, you may have gotten the bugged copy.
Bug: missed tile in desert map
Weird... Well, thanks, I'll check.
I fixed the Skyranger problem. The problem was that the left top fin was being placed as content instead of as a wall.
Is this an issue with the Ranger that should be included in the Universal Patch?
Is this an issue with the Ranger that should be included in the Universal Patch?
I do not presume that... That is just Reaver's and my own reinterpretation of tiles. I am not even sure if it's completely glitch-free. But I certainly wouldn't mind if people use it.
I tried to get 1.9.7 running with the latest nightly, but I get an error with commendations:
[08-08-2017 22:59:42] [ERROR] failed to load 'Final Mod Pack'; mod disabled for next startup
D:\Documents\OpenXcom\mods/Final Mod Pack/Ruleset/commendations_FMP.rul: yaml-cpp: error at line 0, column 0: bad conversion
I verified that I have 1.9.7 and without FMP activated the game runs fine.
I saw someone playing openxcom with this modpack and thought it would be worth giving a go, and after a few noobish errors installing I'm pretty sure I have it all installed correctly but I keep getting an error.
It's the latest github nightly (AFAIK) 2017-08-11
~\OpenXcom\mods/Final Mod Pack/Ruleset/commendations_FMP.rul: yaml-cpp: error at line 79, column 9: bad conversion
I understand this is a cult game and has a small subset of people who mod but as this was one of the only modpacks available I would have thought it would work.
I hope someone can tell me why this doesn't work and how to fix it, I'd like to play XCOM again without the troubles that came from an old DOS game.
The issue is that the commendations ruleset format has changed in the nightly executable builds since the latest release of FMP - either remove commendations_FMP.rul, or look around the forums to see if somebody posted an updated version of this ruleset.
Are you using 1.9.7? It's supposed to work.
Just tested with newest 1.9.7. an newest nightly works totally fine.
Hi there,
new guy here please be tolerant :)
I just downloaded openxcom and installed final mod (had some issues with it since it crashed a lot of times when I tried to open the ufopedia on combat knife (and many other items). Anyway finally got it working and got stuck on mission 5(terror site)
The only thing alive on the board are my marines, my minigun tank, one civilian and 3 stunned silacoid terrorists) and the game will not end.
The terrorists wake up after some time, I stun them again and the battle continues to not end.
For reasons unknown, I was unable to actually kill the terrorists. On one of them, I used up 20 tank minigun shots in the face (point blank) 2 shotgun mags and 2 grenades (to the face) and nothing.
I am running windows 10 64 bit here are the mods that I am using:
thx in advance for any help
Hello and well meet,
the openxcom and FMP has get me back to the game after couple decades. Side of too little pixels the game still beats many modern games thst csn be beatin in hardest level in under 40h. The FMP brings the game lot closer that i would imagine to see if aliens would invade. Shotguns, HMGs and drones and the like you would see in army nowdays. So huge thank you and all the modders for this piece of art.
There are couple things that dont feel quite right.
First of all there seem to be no real soldiers. To my understanding the soldiers are the best of the best chosen to protect our planet, yet some of them wold not clear any countries basic boot camp. Well, most of them. Equpped with assault rifle, two spare clips, light flare, grenade and a first aid bandage and most soldiers are over their limits unable to shoot anymore. The shittiest modern soldiers gets 1/10th of that pay are required to carry their personsl equipemnt or they are not working anymore.
After the dust settles the soldiers gain remarkable boost to their stats. Even to reaction that is a scinetific fact to reduce when people get older.
So would a mod be included where soldiers would feel more soldiers and also advance slower?
The melee combat seems pointless as hitting a enemy is as good as winning in a lottery. Stun rod is the only reasonsble option when ele mace offers ˜20% hit chance versus 140% of shotguns at the same range. Getting into melee range with someone that has a heavy plasma aimed at you is already a huge risk. Not having even a decent chance of hitting just makes the melee useless aspect in the mod (game) and autohitting aliens jt feels like insult top of it all.
Could some balancing be made with the melee section?
Couple bugs, when the alineecointaiment gets full and some room is made in the prompt window it does not lead to corpses nor cash gained. They just disapear.
interrogation on aliens yeld quite often to zero info. Not even info of the next UFO flyby or terror site or boost to researchs or anything at all. And agzin i cant sell the living sectoid soldier that gave me zero info nor its corpse.
Again, huge thanks for the work you've done. I buy you a beer if you ever come to finland.
Greetings Ek1, and many thanks for the favourable review.
I will address your points below, but first I would like to clarify that the FMP is not meant to change core features of the game. It is not an total conversion, it's more of an expansion pack. Therefore I haven't touched anything that would influence gameplay too much, except making laser and plasma way less available - that was necessary in order to do things I wanted to do.
My current project, The X-Com Files (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html), a successor to the Final Mod Pack, is much bolder with the changes.
First of all there seem to be no real soldiers. To my understanding the soldiers are the best of the best chosen to protect our planet, yet some of them wold not clear any countries basic boot camp. Well, most of them. Equpped with assault rifle, two spare clips, light flare, grenade and a first aid bandage and most soldiers are over their limits unable to shoot anymore. The shittiest modern soldiers gets 1/10th of that pay are required to carry their personsl equipemnt or they are not working anymore.
After the dust settles the soldiers gain remarkable boost to their stats. Even to reaction that is a scinetific fact to reduce when people get older.
So would a mod be included where soldiers would feel more soldiers and also advance slower?
This is an example of a vanilla feature I didn't dare to touch. What can be done is making starting soldiers, well, better. But it would take away the character development process from vanilla, and I didn't want to do that...
Honestly, in my headcannon for decades these people aren't even real soldiers, they are more like detectives looking for aliens around the world. Therefore, they lack proper training and learn on the fly. Doesn't make sense? Well, blame Microprose! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(The The X-Com Files mod capitalizes on this element, and also allows you to train these random chumps at your base before going on real missions. And gives them proper suits, ties and leather coats.)
The melee combat seems pointless as hitting a enemy is as good as winning in a lottery. Stun rod is the only reasonsble option when ele mace offers ?20% hit chance versus 140% of shotguns at the same range. Getting into melee range with someone that has a heavy plasma aimed at you is already a huge risk. Not having even a decent chance of hitting just makes the melee useless aspect in the mod (game) and autohitting aliens jt feels like insult top of it all.
Could some balancing be made with the melee section?
Melee weapons are meant to be last resort, otherwise it'll be too good (like in some FPS games where knives are better than rifles). Is this done perfectly? Hell no. Can it be done better? Probably not with vanilla OXC engine.
Again, it works better in The X-Com Files, mostly thanks to the training facility.
Couple bugs, when the alineecointaiment gets full and some room is made in the prompt window it does not lead to corpses nor cash gained. They just disapear.
It's something that should be addressed to the game developers, since as a modder I'm not responsible for such code. It's the same as vanilla game, I only add units, weapons etc.
interrogation on aliens yeld quite often to zero info. Not even info of the next UFO flyby or terror site or boost to researchs or anything at all.
That shouldn't happen... Unless you only have one last thing to get from a captive, and you start interrogating two captives. In this case only the first one researched will give you anything.
And agzin i cant sell the living sectoid soldier that gave me zero info nor its corpse.
I don't quite follow... You can't sell an alien? Or are you referring to the fact that you've interrogated someone for nothing?
Again, huge thanks for the work you've done. I buy you a beer if you ever come to finland.
Oh, I would be happy to! Finland is an absolutely amazing country, I loved it! (Was there in 2011, went to the Ropecon convention to give a lecture with Dioxine.) Fantastic place, I would very much like to see more of it!
Solarius Scorch==>.., they lack proper training and learn on the fly. Doesn't make sense? Well, blame Microprose! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(The The X-Com Files mod capitalizes on this element, and also allows you to train these random chumps at your base before going on real missions. And gives them proper suits, ties and leather coats.)
I always thought the nations were sending the ash and trash and not seriously trained individuals and for the most part, are experimenting with how serious they want to be in supporting resistance to the alien threat. The governments are operating with plausible deniability with their public:
"There are no aliens, no need for alarm, just a gas leak. Call your utility company."
This I purport seeing how quickly the various countries withdraw funding and making deals with the aliens if things go south.
Yes, that too; in fact, both explanations are related and complimentary.
I will address your points below, but first I would like to clarify that the FMP is not meant to change core features of the game. It is not an total conversion, it's more of an expansion pack. Therefore I haven't touched anything that would influence gameplay too much, except making laser and plasma way less available - that was necessary in order to do things I wanted to do.
Well either i am too damn good in this game or the weapons still come really fast. Its october and i got heavy plasm in my repertoire (although i still go with shotguns as, well, they are fucking shotguns).
My current project, The X-Com Files (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4595.0.html), a successor to the Final Mod Pack, is much bolder with the changes.
I suggest you edit the opening post of that project mod to describe what the mod actually is and also keep it update about the mods state. If you happen to surf to the forums mod section directly, without visiting openXcom first, there is little hints what the mod is all about. Would reduce WTF's/second.
This is an example of a vanilla feature I didn't dare to touch. What can be done is making starting soldiers, well, better. But it would take away the character development process from vanilla, and I didn't want to do that...
Honestly, in my headcannon for decades these people aren't even real soldiers, they are more like detectives looking for aliens around the world. Therefore, they lack proper training and learn on the fly. Doesn't make sense? Well, blame Microprose! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(The The X-Com Files mod capitalizes on this element, and also allows you to train these random chumps at your base before going on real missions. And gives them proper suits, ties and leather coats.)
Well, got any mod to point me to that would have soldiers that are worth 20k/month?
Melee weapons are meant to be last resort, otherwise it'll be too good (like in some FPS games where knives are better than rifles). Is this done perfectly? Hell no. Can it be done better? Probably not with vanilla OXC engine.
Well the stun rod has been the weapon for melee but as sometimes it simply does not offer enough juice I presumed the other weapons would offer more SMACK effect although with the cost of accuracy. I didn't suspect they would be attacks made eyes closed. I see it as a high risk vs reward tactical choice when burning most of your points to get up and personal with enemy geting reaction shots the whole way while getting there ending into no points to run into cower is balanced in my eyes. Lost good deal of soldiers while trying to brawl sectoids alone.
Again, it works better in The X-Com Files, mostly thanks to the training facility.
Is that training facility a standalone mod and does it reduce the silly advanacement speed othervise?
That shouldn't happen... Unless you only have one last thing to get from a captive, and you start interrogating two captives. In this case only the first one researched will give you anything.
It reduced significantly after i started to interrogating them one at time.
I don't quite follow... You can't sell an alien? Or are you referring to the fact that you've interrogated someone for nothing?
After interrogation there is nothing left of the subject, neither corpse nor subject to be sold.
Was there in 2011, went to the Ropecon convention to give a lecture with Dioxine.
About or really with?
Well, got any mod to point me to that would have soldiers that are worth 20k/month?
I think that is aways going to be subjective since a soldier is not just the pay you give per month, but other things like insurance to families, food, maintenance (apart from the building itself) and other intangibles that are part of that 20K. You also can edit the .rul files to make the costs less.
Soldiers + mod has more advanced skilled soldiers you can hire
I do not really care for the android and clones since earth tech is bullet stage until alien raids yield better items through research, but their veteran and police trained soldier for hire tiers, for example, may be what you are looking for:
Sorry for the delay in response, I am currently on vacation.
I suggest you edit the opening post of that project mod to describe what the mod actually is and also keep it update about the mods state. If you happen to surf to the forums mod section directly, without visiting openXcom first, there is little hints what the mod is all about. Would reduce WTF's/second.
To be honest, I don't think there's anything WTF inducing in the description. This mod is not many things. ;) But I thought it won't hurt, so I added this clarification.
Well the stun rod has been the weapon for melee but as sometimes it simply does not offer enough juice I presumed the other weapons would offer more SMACK effect although with the cost of accuracy. I didn't suspect they would be attacks made eyes closed. I see it as a high risk vs reward tactical choice when burning most of your points to get up and personal with enemy geting reaction shots the whole way while getting there ending into no points to run into cower is balanced in my eyes. Lost good deal of soldiers while trying to brawl sectoids alone.
Well, I have already increased max starting melee... I think knives are bad, but just right. ;)
Is that training facility a standalone mod and does it reduce the silly advanacement speed othervise?
After interrogation there is nothing left of the subject, neither corpse nor subject to be sold. About or really with?
I think that's how it works now... I'm not sure, should something be done, code-wise? I don't follow nightly changes that well.
I think that's how it works now... I'm not sure, should something be done, code-wise? I don't follow nightly changes that well.
Was that not always the way it worked, either sell the detainees or interrogate them (which is an an uncertain risk reward / proposition) and when done either you either got good information or wasted your time but in either instance no aliens to sell. The original game did not have the ability to sell live aliens, you only could research them out of containment.
Is this mod compatible with OpenXCom Extended at all?
Is this mod compatible with OpenXCom Extended at all?
Yes, it is.
Yes, it is.
I could've sworn that this was what I needed to show weapon weight in strings, along with TU cost when moving items around the inventory. Where do I go for that? I can't seem to find it among the mods on the site.
I also got this when trying to launch an interception:
[17-09-2017_09-29-27] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Interface geoCraftScreens not found
[17-09-2017_09-29-55] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Interface geoCraftScreens not found
It doesn't do this when running the game vanilla, Area 51, or FMP. Only with Extended. What I downloaded only contains the executable. I feel like I'm missing something else...
I could've sworn that this was what I needed to show weapon weight in strings, along with TU cost when moving items around the inventory. Where do I go for that? I can't seem to find it among the mods on the site.
Here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5258.0.html
I also got this when trying to launch an interception:
[17-09-2017_09-29-27] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Interface geoCraftScreens not found
[17-09-2017_09-29-55] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Interface geoCraftScreens not found
It doesn't do this when running the game vanilla, Area 51, or FMP. Only with Extended. What I downloaded only contains the executable. I feel like I'm missing something else...
"geoCraftScreens" interface was removed a few weeks/months ago... if you get this error, you are using incompatible files (new data files but old executable)... just use the newest files from the link above... you DON'T need OpenXcom nightly, OXCE+ comes with all necessary (and compatible) files... just extract and run... same as nightly.
But... you just said that Final Mod Pack is compatible with OXCE. In order to even run it, it says on the mod page I need the latest nightly.
But... you just said that Final Mod Pack is compatible with OXCE. In order to even run it, it says on the mod page I need the latest nightly.
It is compatible with OXCE+ and you don't need latest nightly.
Where does it say OXCE+ needs latest nightly??
On this page:
Requires nightly build version 2017-04-15 or later! Get it from http://openxcom.org/git-builds/.
That means the FMP needs nightly, not that OXCE+ needs nightly.
OXCE+ doesn't need nightly, because it fully contains it already.
I'll repeat it one more time, just in case:
1. You can play FMP with latest nightly.
2. You can play FMP with latest OXCE+.
3. You cannot play FMP with a random mix of latest nightly and OXCE+.
Started over with a fresh install using only the milestone, OXCE, and FMP. Everything seems to be working right now. Thanks.
EDIT: Nope, I seem to have a map error on a Terror Mission. It said to send the logs to the devs, but the map seems to be running ok so far.
[17-09-2017_21-58-38] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/PORTURBAN08.RMP Node #30 is outside map boundaries at X:20 Y:11 Z:1. Culling Node.
[17-09-2017_21-58-38] [INFO] Bad node in RMP file: ROUTES/PORTURBAN05.RMP Node #19 is outside map boundaries at X:20 Y:6 Z:3. Culling Node.
I explored every corner of the map and didn't notice anything wrong with it. Though obviously I saw no port. I started the mission again by backing out to a save at the Geoscape and flying to the mission site one more time to generate a different map. No errors that time.
Thanks, but don't worry about it - it won't be a problem.
I will fix it anyway.
Started over with a fresh install using only the milestone, OXCE, and FMP. Everything seems to be working right now. Thanks.
I saw you had issues with amiga fonts on irc... try this one: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,1713.msg76884.html#msg76884
It's not really clear how to install this. Assuming everything in the Language folder of the .zip goes in the Language folder of openxcom, and the other stuff goes in the previous directory, nothing seems to happen.
It's not really clear how to install this. Assuming everything in the Language folder of the .zip goes in the Language folder of openxcom, and the other stuff goes in the previous directory, nothing seems to happen.
It's packaged as a normal mod.
Just extract the entire content of the zip file into the /mods/ directory (along other mods you probably have) and activate the mod.
No need to copy anything into any extra directories.
Oh, durr. I should've known that. Forgive me, I've only been awake the past hour or so. Glad you decided to help again, I just didn't want to make a new thread JUST for something so minuscule. Spamming's not my thing. Thanks again. :)
May we get a changelog in the first post please, like other mods? :'(
Hello everyone,
Long time no see in this thread. Once I was the translator of the Russian version, but since the 1.2 version or something like that I haven't had time (and bravery, to be honest, because major changes were brought by Soldier Diaries and Commendations in one of the OXC nightlies) to work on the translation. But finally I found some time to update the translation. Now the Russian FMP and XCF are as close as possible to each other. Medals and other stuff is also translated from scratch. I fixed some typos, mistakes, and long strings. I hope you'll lilke this. Also I'm attaching the translation of OXCE+ for those who who want to get QoL improvements introduced by Meridian and don't want to get mixed interface languages.
@Solar, as usual, there's a list of found problems that will be really long this time. Most of them were already addressed in XCF, but some are FMP specific. Here's the list:
Given to a soldier who has succesfully defended many regions
Wiliam Ernest Henly
Joseph Campebell
Missing first name, no whitespace after the hyphens
John Stewart Mill
Powerful recoil and obtuse handling make it unsuitable for longe-range
despite its reptillian appearance
with other artefacts of alien technology.
This feat is unparralled
three longrange hits
suffered such depradations by this XCOM hero
to recognize a soldier's extreme prociency
with the standard issue hand grenate
the tremendous sacrfice that these valiant troops
This award is based on the cummulative number
This medal issued when as soldier has fallen unconcious on the field
and painkillers from their medkits
Given to a soldier who has made regular use of the medikit on the battlefield
Usually medi-kits.
Dropping targets during an enemy turn, reduces the threat
The comma is unnecessary here.
The miniaturized elerium core
by a massive, for its size, elerium core
Should be written with the capital E.
Night Operations against a foe that can see almost twice as far as your soldiers is harrowing in the extreme
I think this should be in plural.
keep their companions in arm
English dictionaries suggest in plural only.
STR_DUSHAMBE: "Dushambe"
STR_MOMBASSA: "Mombassa"
STR_LILONGUE: "Lilongue"
STR_BENGUI: "Bengui"
STR_PETROPAVLOVSK: "Petropavlovsk"
STR_CHEYLABINSK: "Cheylabinsk"
STR_AMESTERDAM: "Amesterdam"
STR_ASUNCION: "Asuncion"
STR_PETROPAVLOVSK: "Petropavlovsk" - we decided to replace this by Petropavl.-Kamchatsky
This order is bestowed upon fallen the soldier who is the highest of their rank at the time of their demise. This award will be presented to the deceased to recognize that they had the highest score for their rank at the time of their death.
These sentences are almost identical. I think you can easily remove the first one.
MALE_CIVILIAN7: Civilian - missing quotes
STR_MIB_MEDIC: "MiB Scientist", STR_MIB2_CORPSE: "MiB Medic Corpse" - the same as it was in XCF - the scientist became medic after his death.
XCOM/X-Com - the organization is called XCOM in the Commendations section, but it is spelled X-Com everywhere else.
-Darth Vader - one hyphen, no whitespace before the name
--Thomas Carlyle - no whitespace
- Ralph Christopher 'River Rats' - one hyphen
- Frank Gill Slaughter 'Battle Surgeon - one hyphen
- Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - one hyphen
- Audie Murphy - one hyphen
- CaddyShack - one hyphen
- Independence Day - one hyphen
- 1 Sam 17:49. - one hyphen
- Military Dictionary - one hyphen
-Virgil Goode - one hyphen, no whitespace
-Isaac Asimov: 'The Zeroth Law of Robotics' - one hyphen, no whitespaces
- Robert W. Black - one hyphen
- Kid Ink - one hyphen
- Zeus (Hercules) - one hyphen
- Invictus - By Wiliam Ernest Henly - one hyphen
- Nelson Mandela - one hyphen
- Shakespeare --Romeo & Juliet - one hyphen before the author, two hyphens before the work for the first time, missing first name
- Victor Hugo, Les Misérables - one hyphen
- Barack Obama - one hyphen
-- (David Hackworth) - brackets
(Monty Python and the Holy Grail) - brackets
--G. K. CHESTERTON - capitals, no whitespace
--The Kingdom - no whitespaces
entire than to destroy them.' ― Sun Tzu - one emdash instead of two hyphens
You cannot choose your battlefield,
Verses are usually separated by hyphens, but they are missing here.
.. these scrappy little
This soldier has seen it all..
Two points instead of three
award for 3,6,9, and 12 kills.
Missing whitespaces
Medal of Sacrifice, Order of the Reaper, Crucio, Imperio, Globetrotter, Master of Puppets
Many thanks Kammerer. I'd never find the time to do it myself, especially since 90% of these were in texts written by other people.
Greetings! ^_^/
I just finished a game of X-Com with the Final Mod Pack installed, and it was glorious. ^_^
My play through has left me with a few questions though.
The first being I got information on three aliens from captured aliens, but never actually encountered them during the game. I was pretty dedicated about shooting down and sending a landing party to each crash site. Do they only appear during special conditions?
I'll list the three aliens with a spoiler tag just in case someone reading this hasn't seen them yet and doesn't want the mystery revealed.
- "Cybermite"
- "Obliterator"
- "Cerebreal Larva"
My second question is more of an observation about something strange I noticed, I think it's a bug:
After defeating an MIB ship an entry for "STR_MIB_PSI_OPS_CORPSE" appeared in my bases inventory.
Judging by the name and the fact that there was a PSI Ops MIB present during the mission I'm guessing that the corpse's name isn't loading correctly for some reason.
Thank you to everyone involved in creating the Final Mod Pack, you've made a great game even better.
Greetings, umm, Mr. Brain. Glad you have enjoyed the mod!
The three aliens you mentioned are all terror units. Apparently you just haven't encountered this race on a terror mission or in other places that has terror units.
The missing string must be some old bug, because it's there in my copy. What language are you using?
That explains it. I made a special effort to shoot down any alien ship that seemed to be on its way to attack a city and the crash site was often under water preventing ground combat from occurring.
In the OpenXcom Video settings I have "English [US]" selected on the "Display Language" tab.
I guess it is an old bug then. Will be fixed with next release.
You may already know this but i just wanted to make sure. The 2017_10_30 open xcom nightly broke the mod you get an error when you try to load it. It says weapons needs ammo on the nightly changelog.
You may already know this but i just wanted to make sure. The 2017_10_30 open xcom nightly broke the mod you get an error when you try to load it. It says weapons needs ammo on the nightly changelog.
OK, many thanks, I would never know that.
EDIT: What's broken? Seems to work for me.
oh maybe just broke for me
when i try to load the mod with the 2017_10_30_2248 build i get this message:
[31-10-2017_16-57-18] [ERROR] failed to load 'Final Mod Pack'; mod disabled for next startup
Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.
it works fine with the previous nightlies so i tought the weapons needs ammo change broke the mod
oh maybe just broke for me
when i try to load the mod with the 2017_10_30_2248 build i get this message:
[31-10-2017_16-57-18] [ERROR] failed to load 'Final Mod Pack'; mod disabled for next startup
Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleAmmo item.
it works fine with the previous nightlies so i tought the weapons needs ammo change broke the mod
Yes, you were completely right. With Meridian's help, I have located and removed the problem.
Please download 0.9.8. It also contains some other fixes.
im glad you fixed it. :)
since i'm here i want to say thanks to you and everybody that worked on this i played this mod a lot and enjoy it very much.
Solar, sorry to trouble you, but as I see you did not use my updated Russian translation. Why? It's better in all respects than the old version you had to use for a couple of years. Anyway, I'll try to update it to the 1.9.8 version asap.
Solar, sorry to trouble you, but as I see you did not use my updated Russian translation. Why? It's better in all respects than the old version you had to use for a couple of years. Anyway, I'll try to update it to the 1.9.8 version asap.
Ah sorry man, I haven't looked at the FMP for many months and I have completely forgotten.
I will make another release, but can you please post the translation again? I'm unsure as to which version is best.
Ah sorry man, I haven't looked at the FMP for many months and I have completely forgotten.
I will make another release, but can you please post the translation again? I'm unsure as to which version is best.
No problem :). Here's the updated version which you can use and some more found typos:
This feat is unparalled
John Stewart Mill - his second name is Stuart
This medal issued when soldier
The indefinite article is required
STR_MIB_SECTOPOD_CORPSE - missing string
Thanks, all updated.
STR_MIB_SECTOPOD_CORPSE doesn't need a string, as it never appears.
Yes, you were completely right. With Meridian's help, I have located and removed the problem.
Please download 0.9.8. It also contains some other fixes.
Do you mean 1.9.8 that is listed on the first page? Sorry but I'm not sure what I'm doing lol!
Edit: Got it! All working now. Thank you!
Do you mean 1.9.8 that is listed on the first page? Sorry but I'm not sure what I'm doing lol!
Edit: Got it! All working now. Thank you!
Yeah, 1.9.8. Sorry :)
I am getting the following error after activating Final Mod Pack (Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.7) on Open Xcom (openxcom_git_master_2017_11_09_0437.exe):
"Error: failed to load' Final Mod Pack' ; mod disabled for next start up Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleammo item, Make sure you installed OpenXcom Correctly. Check the wiki documentation for more details."
Any help? Thanks. Justin
I am getting the following error after activating Final Mod Pack (Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.7) on Open Xcom (openxcom_git_master_2017_11_09_0437.exe):
"Error: failed to load' Final Mod Pack' ; mod disabled for next start up Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleammo item, Make sure you installed OpenXcom Correctly. Check the wiki documentation for more details."
Any help? Thanks. Justin
Hi Justin.
You seem to be using some old version. Simply update to the current one and check again.
I am getting the following error after activating Final Mod Pack (Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.7) on Open Xcom (openxcom_git_master_2017_11_09_0437.exe):
"Error: failed to load' Final Mod Pack' ; mod disabled for next start up Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined. Please use 'clipSize: -1' for unlimited ammo, or allocate a compatibleammo item, Make sure you installed OpenXcom Correctly. Check the wiki documentation for more details."
Any help? Thanks. Justin
The problem is that you use 1.9.7 version of the Final Mod Pack. Don't. Get 1.9.8. See i had this very same error trying to make 1.9.7 to work with current nightly. Then i downloaded 1.9.8 (it wasn't hard to find), installed it the same way i did install 1.9.7 (obviously removing all 1.9.7 mod files 1st), - and that helped. I did not do anything else, just updated from 1.9.7 to 1.9.8, and that error was no more.
P.S. This is my 1st post in this forum. This mod is great, playing it last few days. Those new Firaxis' Xcom games _pale_ in comparison to OpenXcom + FMP, in my humble opinion. And by the way, you'll see some people saying they miss the ability to open doors without going through. Well, little they know! You can open any door any time without going through by simply right-clicking on a tile "behind" the door, having the active soldier standing right in front of the door and facing it. Cool huh? :)
Hey, don't know wheteher it have been asked before, but haow about to have a dedicated subforu for the Final Mod Pack, as the other megamods (x-piratez and so on)? May be a good idea because this thread is quite a mess, guys :'(
Hey, don't know wheteher it have been asked before, but haow about to have a dedicated subforu for the Final Mod Pack, as the other megamods (x-piratez and so on)? May be a good idea because this thread is quite a mess, guys :'(
I've decided it was too late. I don't really develop FMP any more and there is not much going on.
I am trying to install the Final Modpack, but i can't get the mod to work. In the OpenXcom installation FAQ, it says a mods folder is supposed to be created automatically when running the game for the first time, but that never happened for me. I created a mods folder myself and installed the final modpack into it, but the option to activate the mod never showed up in the mods section of the options menu anywhere on the list. I reinstalled fmp again and nothing happened. I created a folder titled "OpenXcom" myself on my desktop and made sure all the files match the FAQ perfectly, and the game runs fine, with the only problem being that the Final Modpack won't show up in the options menu to activate
Are you using the nightly or the milestone?
I am using the Nov 9 2017 nightly. I just installed the game to a separate location using the installer instead of doing it manually this time, and the same problem occurs where a mods folder is not created automatically when running the game, which i'm assuming is causing the game to not recognize it or something.
Try deleting the openxcom installation, then reinstall, it might be a problem at your installation
Idk if this is a problem with the latest nightly, but i tried using the one from Nov 8 and it worked without a hitch, thanks for the help
Hmm, might be related to the new fix...
Good Day to all of you!
As Capturing live aliens is always fun i added gun melee to the new weapons of the FMP. Some exeptions.
Oh you did wanna punch that alien with your flamer? Too bad you burst into flames ::)
Install Instructions: Just extraxt the zip into your openxcom folder and activate the mod (Gun melee FMP) in the options menu.
Not sure but it will probably be wise to change the mod order to load this after the FMP core
I was interested in your mod but it didn't seem to work until I tweaked and simplified it-see attached. Tested on latest nightly 2017-11-09.
I was interested in your mod but it didn't seem to work until I tweaked and simplified it-see attached. Tested on latest nightly 2017-11-09.
I just made a clean install with the latest nightly build and my melee mod version worked fine.
Were your problems in later stages of the game and did you load my melee mod after the FMP?
Regards Carfax
Yes I loaded it after FMP but only tested it in battle mode.
Hm it does work fine for me in battle mode. Just missed the concussion blaster,the alien multilauncher and the light pistol. Fixed it and reuploaded the mod.
Can anyone else try my version and respond if there are any problems.
Regards Carfax
Hello modmakers and modusers,
First i wanna say thank you for all these awesome mods and the modpack. I am haveing so much fun with the game right now.
The secound thing is a question. Is there any website or file with a more detailed list of alien stats?
The UFOPedia only documents the vanilla aliens, but there are so many more in this modpack. The info i am most intrested in is the armor colors of the aliens, which tell the player what role the alien has (Leader, soldier, engenier, navigator, medic,....).
Or maybe there is a way to open the gamefiles and look it up myself? Any hints on which files i need to check or which tool to use?
I really whish the alien autopsies and/or interrogations wouldgive you this kind of info.
Anyway,i hope someone can help me here. :)
Hello modmakers and modusers,
First i wanna say thank you for all these awesome mods and the modpack. I am haveing so much fun with the game right now.
Thank you!
The secound thing is a question. Is there any website or file with a more detailed list of alien stats?
Not that I know of, no. Some people wrote tools for extracting such info from the files, but I don't think there is a good release.
Or maybe there is a way to open the gamefiles and look it up myself? Any hints on which files i need to check or which tool to use?
Any text editor. Everything is in human readable yaml format.
I really whish the alien autopsies and/or interrogations wouldgive you this kind of info.
Alas, there is not enough space. :)
Hi. Really love your mod pack, been playing it for a while but had a question. Is there a way to disable one of the mods in the modpack? I am not a huge fan of the MIB missions and would love to be able to play without them showing up.
Thanks :) and keep up the good work
Sorry, no easy way to do that... You would have to remove them from the tables, I guess. I don't have much experience with this table, since I prefer generating missions by locations and scripts.
No worries!
I was having a look through the rulesets anyway, so might have a poke and see if I can remove all the MIB related things without breaking it :P
Hi, First time installing.
When ever I try to activate the Final Mod Pack, and Open X-com restarts, it give me this error message saying "Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined."
Hi, First time installing.
When ever I try to activate the Final Mod Pack, and Open X-com restarts, it give me this error message saying "Weapon STR_ELERIUM_MACE has clip size 0 and no ammo defined."
Same answer as before and before and before: use the latest mod version, not some that was made long ago for a different Open X-Com version.
I'm using 1.9.7 which is the latest version on the open X-com site.
Is there somewhere else to download it or is this the latest version?
Nevermind. I'm a bit brain dead and didn't check the version on this forum post.
Nevermind. I'm a bit brain dead and didn't check the version on this forum post.
No worries :)
I wonder if I can do anything to make this more transparent...
Finally decided to give this a shot, after some weeks of finally getting th hang of the awesomeweapons mod
What kept me away was the the researchtree.. it's so damn cumbersome >_< and as an p[layer that exclusively plays on superhuman, i was a bit scared :P Awesomeguns already had me fail the first month a few times due to wrong research and manufacture decisions.
But i have to say it is not that bad, i'm doing better then at the start of awesomeweapons (maybe that experience helped)
Now somewhere in july and it's going pretty ok. weapon tech is slow but i get by pretty ok with what i have. List of dead soldiers is pretty long though, since io try to get as many live captures as possible >_<
I made a small submos for FMP, this aubmod is just simple statstrings, nothing fancy, compatible with any mod
Im actually made this for my self use but, what the hell
Hey there,
I'm getting a fatal error at some point after starting a new game (usually someday during the first week):
[15-12-2017_14-41-46] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_TERROR in region: STR_NORTH_AMERICA, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 6 but this region only has zones valid up to 5.
[15-12-2017_14-41-58] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Error occurred while trying to determine waypoint for mission type: STR_ALIEN_TERROR in region: STR_NORTH_AMERICA, mission tried to find a waypoint in zone 6 but this region only has zones valid up to 5.
Using openxcom_git_master_2017_12_15_0634.exe and Final_Mod_Pack_1.9.8. Clean installation, no other mods enabled.
Sometimes the region is STR_NORTH_AMERICA, sometimes STR_PACIFIC, sometimes some of the others.
I'm not very good with the coding and scripting and I'm not sure what's going on, so any suggestions will be appreciated.
Cheers ;-)
That sounds serious, but also weird. I haven't change mission code in years, and I can't remember any such reports.
I know Warboy did some upgrades on the code recently, perhaps my ruleset suddenly became incompatible? I have no idea.
There is a small discussion about that on discord atm.
Chances are there was a small oversight on the upgrades. My guess is that this is something that will be fixed pretty soon (knowing the bug-fixing speed of Warboy).
Hi Solarius,
I've just noticed some (non-gameplay) errors with the mod.
* In the provided readme.txt under the section "WHAT OPENXCOM OPTIONS SHOULD I USE?" the advice to enable the option "item is destroyed on research" is still mentioned. Since FMP relies on a nightly version that does not ship with that option you might want to remove that line, it can only confuse the few that actually read those handy files.
* The "extraStrings_GB_FMP.rul" and "extraStrings_US_FMP.rul" still use 1.9.7 for "STR_OPENXCOM". The other languages seem to be correct.
Thanks, I will correct it for the next version. I must find some goodies to justify it.
Pardon, where do I find a list of the included mods? I want to download a specific mod, the one that adds the armors like the Juggernaut suits, synthsuits, "stormtrooper" armor, etc, and I'm pretty sure that mod is in this mod. :P
Pardon, where do I find a list of the included mods? I want to download a specific mod, the one that adds the armors like the Juggernaut suits, synthsuits, "stormtrooper" armor, etc, and I'm pretty sure that mod is in this mod. :P
The list of mods is...
...in the README!
Dude, have you tried the first post? I see the attachment there
The Mediafire link in the first post should be up to date. Please let me know if you have any issues.
I have uploaded FMP to Transifex:
If you want to join our translators team, please drop by!
Started the mod along with a friend, and we both are getting the same vibe from early game: that it should be called the Final High-Explosive Pack.
Are there any modmods to remove the ridiculous amount of "Armour Piercing" damage-immune enemies from the early game? Or at least tone them down? I can only toss so many High Explosives at Silacoids and MiB Tanks.
Besides that though, well done on the mod.
Well, it's the very spirit of vanilla X-Com. :D
I didn't want to change alien units or damage types... So there was not that much choice.
I did much broader strokes in X-Com Files.
If you didn't want to alter stats, then it might have been patently unwise to move a lategame unit to February.
I do it all the time.
Oh, I did. Doesn't make it any less boring/unintuitive though.
If that's the route the design philosophy decided to go down, it would have been a bit more prudent to include an enemy or two that wasn't vulnerable to anything except...say, incendiaries, for example, or maybe something later on that completely negates Plasma or Lasers (assuming nothing of the sort exists already) thus requiring an answer with the other.
As it is, the three major offenders (3 AFAIK anyway: MiB tanks, silacoids, and those goofy terror snails) just seem arbitrarily thrown in. I know the guy was talking about the vanilla X-Com spirit or some vague term like that, but things being completely immune to all your AP weaponry simply did not exist in the vanilla game until long after you were expected to have ditched it all.
Either way, I was asking if any such modmods existed to kinda iron out the gameplay experience. If not, no big deal.
I haven't touched FMP balance for years. I will have another look.
No pressure, no worries!
It's not the end of the world by any means.
I will say the mod is fantastic all-around. I've been streaming it every other morning and it's fun discovering all the new nuances and the chat (who range from my normal uninitiated regulars to X-Com vanilla vets to FMP gurus) providing their feedback as well.
Thanks! Happy to hear that.
I will check the mission/race tables for a possible future release.
but things being completely immune to all your AP weaponry simply did not exist in the vanilla game until long after you were expected to have ditched it all.
Looking at the starting weapons in FMP I find the following able to penetrate the armours of the MiB Terrorist Tank:
[% are for breaching Rear/Side/Front armours, respectively]
A. Magnum (yes, a pistol!), 21% - 1% - 0%
B. Sniper Rifle, 14% - 0% -0%
C. Shotgun (AP, 40 dmg), 25% - 6% - 0%
D. LMG, 9% - 0% - 0%
E. HMG, 45% - 32% - 18%
F. Minigun, 14% - 0% - 0%
This is BEFORE you get Alloy Ammunition. A HMG with Alloy rounds will have a [57% - 46% - 36%] chance to breach. So get your soldiers' strength up ASAP!
You have plenty of opportunities with AP alone. If you know where to hit the Tank where it hurts the most.
Of course, it's high health (150) makes it very likely it will shoot back during the several turns it takes to kill it. But it is possible with AP alone.
By the way, a High Explosive will have a 77% chance of breaching its under armour when thrown onto it. It won't kill it, but take down its health. And reduce its under armour so that it is eventually possible to kill it off with regular grenades. Eventually.
But, you are right. It is a VERY tough enemy to be up against early game. It will probably survive multiple turns before you can take it out. Unless you're in position with plenty of Incendiary/High Explosives/Large Rockets.
Edited due to me forgetting the HE damage modifier for the Tank. 77% after modifier.
Wait, does the Tank Terrorist have a different stat splat? I was under the impression it was identical to the X-Com Tanks.
Wait, does the Tank Terrorist have a different stat splat? I was under the impression it was identical to the X-Com Tanks.
Armour is identical (Front: 90, Side: 75, Rear & Under: 60), but Health is increased from 90 (our Tanks) to 150 (MiB Tanks). AP rounds do 100% damage, while HE does 75%.
Maximum damage from ONE High Explosive is therefore 110 x 1.5 x 0.75 = 123. This gives a total Health-reduction of (123 - 60) x 4 = 252. Instant death. If the HE is thrown exactly on the Tank, that is. If it lands two tiles in front of the Tank (Front Armour) it does 123 - (2 tiles x 10 damage reduction = 20) = 103 damage, giving a Health reduction of (103 - 90 (front)) x 4 = 52. Tank survives with 150 - 52 = 98 Health left.
However, an average damage-roll is 110 x 1.0 x 0.75 = 82. This gives a total Health-reduction of (82 - 60) x 4 = 88. The Tank survives with 150 - 88 = 62 Health left. Since you can assume half of the time that the HE does lower damage than average, it may take a few HE's/Large Rockets to take the thing down.
I think the math is correct. Should I've messed up, or made a wrong assumption, please let me know. Few things are worse than being wrong without anybody actually bothering to tell me.
I noticed that X-Com soldiers firing the shotgun appeared to be pointing it at themselves when discharging the weapon.
Attached is a sprite sheet that has been altered to prevent this suicidal battle strategy.
I've also included the original file so they can be quickly visually compared. (File is from FMP Version: 1.9.8 )
Lol, you're right. Thanks!
I making some translation for FMP and I dont understand this string : STR_MEDAL_REVIVE_DESCRIPTION
Given to a soldier who returned from the brink a fellow soldier.
I am not comfortable with idioms ::)
I think they need a language review... that particular sentence doesn't make any sense to me.
I have also read a few medal descriptions while playing today and some of them looked like they missed a few words here and there... probably some copypaste errors are to blame, and frequent updates in the past by multiple authors.
I agree, I had the same problems.
Ok I found explaination for this damned idiom :
on the brink of (something)
On the verge of doing something or of having some imminent event happen, especially that which is bad or disastrous.
So :
Given to a soldier who returned from the brink a fellow soldier.
Given to a soldier who has just save comrade to imminent death
And that is the Angel Cross 8)
Given to a soldier who has just save comrade to imminent death
And that is the Angel Cross 8)
In other words... "given to a soldier who returned a fellow soldier from the brink of death."
If you only write "from the brink," the question is: From the brink of what?
That is what makes the sentence awkward.
Good job looking into the texts. Some of them are a bit odd.
I am trying to include the soldiers diversity mod into the FMP mainly because i want the flags. As far a i could see it the Names were allready included, but how do i get these Flags displayed in the Soldiers pannel? Just activating the mod additonal to FMP doesn't work and including the rulesets and the other files with the mods of FMP doesn't work either. Any Ideas?
Regards Carfax
I am trying to include the soldiers diversity mod into the FMP mainly because i want the flags. As far a i could see it the Names were allready included, but how do i get these Flags displayed in the Soldiers pannel? Just activating the mod additonal to FMP doesn't work and including the rulesets and the other files with the mods of FMP doesn't work either. Any Ideas?
The flags require using OXCE+ instead of the standard branch.
Thanks Scorch
Meanwhile i figured it out myself. Before i jut got the OXCE+.exe not the all the files. Corrected that and now it works. Thanks anyway
Regards Carfax
Hi guys. Started playing FMP after long time again. I have two big problems now.... nr. 1 being major problem.
1) Already half of my experienced crew doesnt have full HP, resulting in low TU, accuracy etc. But they arent wounded. I can assign them to craft, they wont heal over time when staying at base. Half of my troops are currently crippled and i cant find any way how to fix them.
2) Is there any way how to disable MiB mod? Last time i played it, it was already pain in ass. Alliens have common sense, they defend good strategic points. But not MiB. They just split all across map, making them both easy target but also you spend hour searching them all (thanks for new maps with caves, they love to hide there....). Anyway, that wasnt such big issue, but now... now MiB blow up everything. Theres plenty of guys with some ridiculous mini nuclear weapon (never though ill consider devils bomb as tickle thing...). Blast radius at least 15 tiles, vaporizing everything except craft walls. Havent found out yet what that thing is. Every mission i had with them ended up with like 70-80% map turning into wasteland. And their AI....ok, this shot would kill 1 xcom soldier and like 4 MiB comrades... BAM. Mhm, this shot would kill me... BAM. Wtfh is that, why dont they just run with tripped grenades to me. Its just BAM BAM BAM all time, with absolutely no sense. MiB AI has obviously no idea about that blast radius.
Ive stopped going these missions and ill never go there again...kinda shame, i wanted to know whats "storyline" behind MiB. But when theres no difference between clearing area or throwing nuke there..why bother clearing. Havent found any usefull salvage anyway there. But i dont know what consequences shooting them down and leaving crash sited will have. Bad score obviously... but im curous if its enough to stop/slow down their agenda.
EDIT: My base invaded, im calm, couse i have nice defensive layout. But wait, its mighty MiB, ignoring classic spawnpoints. Spawning all their tanks into radar rooms, so instead of my troops camping chokepoint, my troops are cornered into several areas. Tanks are invulnareable to my weapons anyway, so goodbye base. Really, that MiB mod is lovely.
1) Already half of my experienced crew doesnt have full HP, resulting in low TU, accuracy etc. But they arent wounded. I can assign them to craft, they wont heal over time when staying at base. Half of my troops are currently crippled and i cant find any way how to fix them.
Upload a save (or at least a screenshot), I will have a look...
You can find that soldiers at base1, top rank at start of list. After last masacre at big UFO theres just few left, but should be enough.
I havent played modified UFO much, so i can just simply missunderstand some mechanic. Its most likely cause. But if not, i have idea bellow.
I have a feel that it can be related to stun damage. Becouse in that last massacre i had only two survivors, one of them was great general who wiped out half map. He survived with full hp (miracle, took few hits), but after that misson, he got crippled too. But he got plenty of stun dmg (do i understand it correctly, stun dmg is when part of heath bar turns almost white?) maybe some lasted to end of mission.
This is perfectly normal.
The dark red shows health your soldier started with (cca 35) and the light red shows the improvement (for a total of cca 55).
Same for all other stats.
If you start the mission with less TUs than maximum... it is because you have overburdened your soldier... the carrying capacity is equal to soldier's strength... if you give give more, there is TU penalty.
Ah ok, sorry about fuss. I guess i started overloading my soldiers at one point then... although i dont load them with much stuff and i use same setup from beginning. Ill make some calculations then. Thanks for fast response.
EDIT: or dont be a idiot and enable extra inventory informations...
or dont be a idiot and enable extra inventory informations...
I use Nightlies version "openxcom_git_master_2018_02_22_0631" and Final Mod Pack 1.9.8
How investigate Alien Data Slate? Already almost the end of the game, has accumulated 10 units,
and in research such a points there is no. Researching Alien Data Slate - impossible...
I second this. After my last fail i didnt dare to ask another question, happy someone else did it for me :D. Have two units, not end tech yet, so i was hoping it will unlock one day? Maybe interogate MiB high rank?
Researching alien data slates requires Alien Codes and Alien Electronics.
It is a pity that this information is not in ufopedia.
Thank You, Solarius Scorch! And where to get Alien Codes?
Alien Codes and Alien Electronics should be investigated? But they are already researched.
How investigate Alien Data Slate, in section "Research" or "Manufacture"? in section "Research" I do not have such an item, as shown in the previous screenshots. in section "Manufacture" can't find.
Or Alien Codes should it be in the storage? Then where to get Alien Codes?
I had crashes due to missing sounds for LightMachinegun and Submachinegun.
Sounds were present, but the length of the foldernames was the problem.
Renamed resource folders to "SMG" and "LMG" and adjusted the paths in the rules and then it worked.
Alien Codes is not an item, it's a research.
Uhh, I can't remember how exactly I set it up these years ago. :P But it worked.
It is a pity that this information is not in ufopedia.
Thank You, Solarius Scorch! And where to get Alien Codes?
Alien Codes and Alien Electronics should be investigated? But they are already researched.
How investigate Alien Data Slate, in section "Research" or "Manufacture"? in section "Research" I do not have such an item, as shown in the previous screenshots. in section "Manufacture" can't find.
Or Alien Codes should it be in the storage? Then where to get Alien Codes?
Thats weird. I researched Aliec Codes long time ago, i think interogating navigator gives that. And now i just got Alien electronic from interogating leader (thanks god, discs always explode and no ethereals yet). And i got immedietaly option to research data slates.
I had crashes due to missing sounds for LightMachinegun and Submachinegun.
Sounds were present, but the length of the foldernames was the problem.
Renamed resource folders to "SMG" and "LMG" and adjusted the paths in the rules and then it worked.
I can't confirm either of the 2 issues, both work fine for me... also, why would the length of folder names be a problem?
Perhaps he is on windows and is using some special location causing the filepath length (count of characters, e.g c:\\some_long_path\target_file) to become longer than 260 characters.
That is ... if openxcom does not use some unicode version for PATH traversal
See MSDN documentation (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247(v=vs.85).aspx), heading" Maximum Path Length Limitation"
Even more weird is, there is no message on startup.
If the sound was missing, there should be a NULL pointer error and exit.
If windows pathing was the problem, it should persist through the entire program, not just the execution of the sounds and result in sound not being found.
Also, the missing sound was 58 or so, but the game told me "sound 3058" was missing.
In the TFTD mod, sound 95 was the problem, game told me "sound 1195" was missing.
I was using the supplied TFTD 2.07 exe for the latter mod.
It seems like the sounds to be used ingame, not on loading, receive an additional index in steps of x * 100 and then cannot be found of course.
Completely inexplicable to me, but so it is.
Also, the missing sound was 92 or so, but the game told me "sound 3092" was missing.
In the TFTD mod, sound 95 was the problem, game told me "sound 1195" was missing.
I was using the supplied TFTD 2.07 exe for the latter mod.
It seems like the sounds to be used ingame, not on loading, receive an additional index in steps of x * 100 and then cannot be found of course.
Completely inexplicable to me, but so it is.
Yes, this is by design.
Each mod has its own range it can use for resources...
... so if two different mods define an image or a sound with ID = 42... one gets for example 1042 and the second gets maybe 5042.
This way they will not conflict with each other (and won't overwrite their respective resources).
PS: and it is in steps of x * 1000, not x * 100
But I am quite sure the TFTD mod sound 95 tried to use index 1195, so 1100 more. Maybe my windows too. After all, it is supposed to work once the sound is loaded sucessfully.
Then only 1 question remains. Why is the sound being found at game startup, but later missing when about to be used?
But I am quite sure the TFTD mod sound 95 tried to use index 1195, so 1100 more. Maybe my windows too. After all, it is supposed to work once the sound is loaded sucessfully.
You would need to show me to believe that :)
Either it was 95 => 1095 or 195 => 1195.
Jokes aside, 95 => 1195 is really not possible, it must have been something else going wrong.
Then only 1 question remains. Why is the sound being found at game startup, but later missing when about to be used?
I don't know.
Maybe it is found during startup... but not loaded... and then when the game tries to access it during runtime, it just finds a null pointer.
Why is it not loaded, and why doesn't it crash there... needs to be debugged.
EDIT: But again, since it didn't crash... I assume it was a completely different issue.
Regarding the sound index I completely agree. The code of my custom exe does not support my observation. Must have been wrong.
For the crash despite existing sounds I'm satisfied for the moment by bypassing the issue with shorter path/filenames.
I may investigate the matter in the future, since it is curious.
On base defense, I had half my stuff scattered in my hangars. Is this intended?
I expected my stuff to be stored in my...stores. Cannot use explosives in my hangar this way.
Second, I noticed that "stun grenade" (the one made from stun bombs) hand item has a black background around it, instead of a transparent background.
Tried to fix it in my .GIF editor, but it messed up the colors on saving.
What editor is recommended for editing the games .GIF and .PNG files?
On base defense, I had half my stuff scattered in my hangars. Is this intended?
I expected my stuff to be stored in my...stores. Cannot use explosives in my hangar this way.
Hangars have storage capacity too.
In OXCE+ you can also define on which tiles the stored items can be (e.g. those small hangars rooms for example)... but since FMP is for vanilla, nobody defined it.
PS: not being able to (ab)use explosives in base defense is sorta nice side effect :P
Second, I noticed that "stun grenade" (the one made from stun bombs) hand item has a black background around it, instead of a transparent background.
Tried to fix it in my .GIF editor, but it messed up the colors on saving.
What editor is recommended for editing the games .GIF and .PNG files?
Attached a fixed one... there will be e new FMP version in few weeks, with all such things fixed.
Thanks for the file.
What editor did you use, or recommend to be used on an old 32bit system?
Smaller is better. I tried GIMP, but it failed to install.
I'd like to replace some things, like SMG with a P-90, make some dark guns brighter. I can barely see the shotgun in the slots.
I used IrfanView for palette correction.... it's not really an editor... just viewer and converter.
Sometimes I use Photoshop CS2.
But I don't create graphics... for my coding and debugging purposes, MS Paint + IrfanView are enough.
Recommended are: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2676.0.html
If you want a P-90, Solarius Scorch has one in X-Com Files.
There are any plans for 2.0 or the mod is in his ultimate form at 1.9.8? Just to know if is good to wait or start now a new run with this fantastic mod! :)
There are any plans for 2.0 or the mod is in his ultimate form at 1.9.8? Just to know if is good to wait or start now a new run with this fantastic mod! :)
The "2.0" for this mod is X-Com Files, any more versions here are just bugfixes.
Thanks for the reply! So I'm waiting for XCom Files 1.0! :)
Alien Codes is not an item, it's a research.
Uhh, I can't remember how exactly I set it up these years ago. :P But it worked.
Thats weird. I researched Aliec Codes long time ago, i think interogating navigator gives that. And now i just got Alien electronic from interogating leader (thanks god, discs always explode and no ethereals yet). And i got immedietaly option to research data slates.
Thank yours, it's really weird. Perhaps it is bug. I created a Bug report https://openxcom.org/bugs/openxcom/issues/1392
Tell me, please, in the course of the game can I update the version (or will it introduce new bugs):
1. Nightly vesion
2. Final Mod Pack
3. Is it possible with the Final Mod Pack to use the mod Extended https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2915.0.html
4. Is it possible with the Final Mod Pack to use the mod Extended+ https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5251.0.html
If possible (paragraphs 3 & 4), in the course of the game can I update the version (or will it introduce new bugs):
5. Extended
6. Extended+
Anything you do anywhere can introduce bugs... that's life.
If you accept that, it's 99.9% safe to do any of the 6 things you asked above
Thank yours, it's really weird. Perhaps it is bug. I created a Bug report https://openxcom.org/bugs/openxcom/issues/1392
Mod issues don't belong into bug tracker.
And instead of screenshots, please provide a save.
And instead of screenshots, please provide a save.
Attached the save. On Base " 5 " is 10 Alien Data Slate, but in Research is missing such choice.
(Maybe I don't understand something. Or search in the wrong place.)
You can't research alien data slate because you have already researched everything it can give you.
I Express my gratitude for you, Meridian!
Today I added Extended+ to Final Mod Pack. I will continue to play with these mods together.
Thought the Final Mod Pack consists of 60+ of the most needed mods, and it turns out to be still very useful your an additional mod "Extended+" :) (Can't find where did the information about 60+?)
Is there any list of mods that are compatible with the Final Mod Pack?
I would like to make one small suggestion... maybe you already implemented that in xcom files. I have trouble with assaulting alien base. Im going with two HWP and 10 soldiers. Last time i got 2 HWP and 6 soldiers at one acces lift, 4 in second. And now in my current assault I got 2HWP and 7! soldiers at one lift, leaving second lift with 3 soldiers only. I think it would be nice if units deployment would be much more equal.
Or did i miss some way how to affect initial deployment?
I would like to make one small suggestion... maybe you already implemented that in xcom files. I have trouble with assaulting alien base. Im going with two HWP and 10 soldiers. Last time i got 2 HWP and 6 soldiers at one acces lift, 4 in second. And now in my current assault I got 2HWP and 7! soldiers at one lift, leaving second lift with 3 soldiers only. I think it would be nice if units deployment would be much more equal.
Or did i miss some way how to affect initial deployment?
Honestly the only way I can think of to fix this is to make sure only one lift spawns. But that would limit the max crew size.
Hello, Solarius (and the rest of you amazing people here on this forum)
I don't know if there will be any soonishly released bug-fix versions of FMP 1.9.8.
In case there will not, here are a few changes I have made to two rul-files.
The first change, in particular, should be implemented if you are currently playing FMP 1.9.8, as I'm almost 100% certain it is an oversight.
I have not changed the files themselves, of course.
I have made my own little FMP Addon mod in which I change stuff.
If any of these changes are indeed on purpose, I'd like for you to mention just that.
I can easily change back to what it is supposed to be, if I made any hastily and wrong assumptions.
line 1397
corrected to [armor: GAZER_ARMOR2]
Explanation: Commanders use ARMOR2 in other races. ARMOR2 currently in-game, but unused, for Gazers.
line 1407
corrected to [rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST]
Explanation: insert new line 1407 to give unit its missing rank.
line 1575
corrected to [rank: STR_LIVE_TERRORIST]
Explanation: insert new line 1575 to give unit its missing rank.
line 374
- 1.0
corrected to [- 0.0]
Explanation: MIB_PSI_OPS_ARMOR is the only MIB officer armor that can go down due to smoke inhalation. An oversight, for sure?
line 709
- 1.0
corrected to [- 0.0]
Explanation: Floater Leader armour. Either Floater minnions should be susceptible to smoke, or the Leader should certainly not either.
line 733
- 1.0
corrected to [- 0.0]
Explanation: Floater Commander armour. Either Floater minnions should be susceptible to smoke, or the Commander should certainly not either.
line 1278
- 1.0
corrected to [- 0.0]
Explanation: MIB officers are invulnerable to smoke. I think regular troops should be as well. But I may be wrong in this case.
lines 1280 through 1321
MIB_ARMOR1(Navigator/Engineer) and MIB_ARMOR2(Medic) have identical stats.
Have not changed, but wondering. Would be logical to have a difference. Could've used ARMOR1 on Medic as well if no change.
Tell me, please, in the course of the game can I update the version (or will it introduce new bugs):
1. Nightly vesion
2. Final Mod Pack
3. Is it possible with the Final Mod Pack to use the mod Extended https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2915.0.html
4. Is it possible with the Final Mod Pack to use the mod Extended+ https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,5251.0.html
@OldGamerX-com/anyone who is wondering: I am using OXCE+ installed on top of Nightly(latest versions), with the universal patch installed on top of both. It is working well with FMP, and the OXCE+ functionality is allowing me to expand many weapons and armors with new values and customized armor degradation, allowing me to rework this vast mod to my own designs. So yes, this works with OXCE+ and Nightly very well, but don't expect good stability or sensible gameplay if you combine with other mods, especially ship or research altering ones. FMP adds and alters many things.
I am using OXCE+ installed on top of Nightly(latest versions), with the universal patch installed on top of both.
I will just add that this is not a good idea and NOT the recommended installation procedure.
(If you know exactly what you're doing, it will work... but if not, you may/will have issues mixing the two together... you have been warned.)
The recommended procedure is to install OXCE+ WITHOUT installing nightly first.
OXCE+ has all the necessary files and doesn't require nightly at all.
PS: you can of course have both nightly and OXCE+ installed at the same time... just put them into separate directories... don't mix them...
I will just add that this is not a good idea and NOT the recommended installation procedure.
(If you know exactly what you're doing, it will work... but if not, you may/will have issues mixing the two together... you have been warned.)
The recommended procedure is to install OXCE+ WITHOUT installing nightly first.
OXCE+ has all the necessary files and doesn't require nightly at all.
PS: you can of course have both nightly and OXCE+ installed at the same time... just put them into separate directories... don't mix them...
I second that. This is difference to OXCE that only is published as single exe and need nightly data to work, overall this have flaw if you use mismatch versions of nightly and OXCE it will not work correctly. Additional is that Meridian add lot of new stuff that need new things in data folder, this made OXCE+ incompatible with nightly data folder.
Probably I will need switch to Meridian model too at some point, but this have very low priority because primally publish channel of my OXCE is Meridian OXCE+ :)
With Meridian's extensive help, I am preparing a new version of the FMP.
There were some changes in the strings, meaning that some translations must be updated. If you want to help, please visit https://www.transifex.com/openxcom/openxcom-mods/final-mod-pack/ and give it a try!
I really love openxcom. It has made this old game very playable and fun even today. I am running into a problem though and I think it is being caused by this mod. I'm new to Xcom for the most part so I don't know the research tree by heart, but something seems wrong. I've been researching all the laser items I could. I've done rifle and cannon, now I have one called laser defense that I can research. That is all great, except I don't recall ever getting to research laser pistol. The real problem is that I can't seem to equip any of them. I've been manufacturing laser rifles for a while now and none of them can be used or even see from the equipment page.
I didn't start my game from the beginning using final mod pack. I'm thinking that maybe that is the problem. What can I do? Do I just have to start over? Is this problem not related to this mod? What can I do to solve this issue?
I love the work you all have done. Thanks for your help. I think I will be playing this game for a long time thanks to this community.
Firstly, thanks for your kind words!
Secondly, this is a very strange bug. Perhaps you could provide a save?
At last! At long, long last! (https://twitter.com/billcipher_bot/status/706579812714831872) Final Mod Pack ver. 2.0 is online!
Many thanks to Meridian, who did the lion share of the work, updating the mod to the newest nightly in all sorts of ways. Without him it would never happen, or at least not at this quality level.
Also many thanks for all the translators on Transifex.
Yeah, I've tried to research everything I can think of. I thought that laser pistols were pretty early in the game. I'm fairly certain that something is glitched up. I can produce the rifle and the cannon now, but can't equip them. The final mod pack and the commendation mod is the only ones I have active.
I'm also super interested in trying out the Piratez and x-files editions later on. I'm wanting to do a playthrough of all the xcom games. It looks like I'll be on the originals for a whole lot longer than I thought. :)
It could just be a user error though. I'm a total noob. I'm loving the game so far though.
Where is a link to the new version of the final mod pack? Can I use that even though I've got a game running a older version?
Where is a link to the new version of the final mod pack? Can I use that even though I've got a game running a older version?
Its in the first post. :)
You don't have Laser rifles yet... missing research
You also don't have Alien laser rifles yet... also missing research
You can manufacture Alien Laser rifles... which is most probably a bug... not enough pre-requisites defined for manufacture in the mod.
You can upgrade to 2.0... but you need to upgrade openxcom nightly too... and your soldiers will lose all their commendations, except for "original 8" after the upgrade.
You don't have Laser rifles yet... missing research
You also don't have Alien laser rifles yet... also missing research
You can manufacture Alien Laser rifles... which is most probably a bug... not enough pre-requisites defined for manufacture in the mod.
You can upgrade to 2.0... but you need to upgrade openxcom nightly too... and your soldiers will lose all their commendations, except for "original 8" after the upgrade.
Okay. I will have to look at the research tree in the final mod pack more closely. I've researched a lot of stuff. Some of those were alien laser weapons, like the laser cannon and laser rifle. I'm really not sure what else I can research that would be related. It feels like I should have been able to research laser pistols before cannons. Dunno.
I'm sure it is 90% me. I'm updating the game and the mod pack now. Maybe that will help. If not I'll just start the game over. I don't think I was too far in any way. Thanks for the reply and help.
You're missing "Elerium Battery" for Laser Rifle research.
And you're missing "Alien Power Systems" for Alien Laser Rifle research.
Also, it's not a bug that you can manufacture Alien Laser Rifle... you just have access to "Laser Weapons" research, which you should not have... most likely because you have started the game without FMP... researched Laser Weapons... and only after that you have installed FMP.
That is the thing though, I don't have the option for either of those to be researched. Is that because I haven't done something in the game or it just a glitch? I don't see "Elerium Battery" or "alien power sources" available.
Although, I'd want to say that I remember the power source one being available earlier in the game. It is weird. I can research about 20 different things at this point in the game, none of them seem related to laser weapons. Well, besides the laser defense.
Both Elerium Battery and Alien Power Systems depend on other things which you also don't have yet... and those things may depend on more things... it's not a bug... you just need to research more stuff... I would recommend starting by researching some live aliens...
Thank you!!!
That is all I was making sure about. I'd see some xcom: ufo defense playthroughs and noticed that they got to laser weapons super fast. I felt like I was still in the dark ages and couldn't figure out why. I see it is just me now. Thanks. Sorry for questions and confusion.
I really appreciate the help a lot. You guys rock. Thanks for all the work you do.
Since I've already come in here asking dumb questions, I'm going to keep it up.
1. Is there a list of the 80 something mods that are included in the final mod pack? I'd like to have an idea of what all is being changed in comparison. I didn't see anything like that in the mod folder or throughout the first part of this thread.
2. Does anyone have a copy of the vanilla tech tree? I found the one for the final mod pack and I'd like to compare them.
I don't really understand the question about the list. I mean it's in the readme, but from the context I gather it's not enough?
Vanilla tech tree is widely available on Google.
I see it now. It is below the changelog. Sorry.
I've found a bug. This is the ruleset:
sprite: 42
totalSoldierRevives: [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
the "totalSoldierRevives" criteria is not working. All soldiers will get Angel's cross medal each mission.
To correct the bug just delete "Soldier" in that criteria.
sprite: 42
totalRevives: [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
Anyway, this bug is in Commendations mod itself, and has nothing to do with FMP.
Another small thing i noticed is that the item added in the mod, STIMS, is called "STR_STIMULANT" but that string is used by medikit and will be capitalized in ufopedia.
I solved that renaming that item "STR_STIMULANTS"
- type: STR_STIMULANTS (in items.rul)
- id: STR_STIMULANTS (in ufopaedia.rul)
- STR_STIMULANTS (in extrastrings.rul)
- STR_STIMULANTS_UFOPEDIA (in extrastrings.rul)
I've found a bug. This is the ruleset:
sprite: 42
totalSoldierRevives: [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
the "totalSoldierRevives" criteria is not working. All soldiers will get Angel's cross medal each mission.
To correct the bug just delete "Soldier" in that criteria.
You need the latest nightly as of openxcom_git_master_2018_04_24_2218. This "totalSoldierRevives" was added to fix the Angel Cross being awarded to non-soldier revives.
The behavior you describe is exactly what happens when you have the latest Commendations against an older nightly. Since the variable doesn't exist in older nightlies, it's hitting random memory accesses with random numbers therefore random awards of Angel Cross.
You need the latest nightly as of openxcom_git_master_2018_04_24_2218.
Im using Oxce+ 3.10a which is based on nightly (v2018-04-03)
Afaik is the last version and it's a standalone mod.
I dont know if i can copy latest nightly files in the Oxce+ folder to get an updated version.
If that's not possible looks like I have to wait for an Oxce+ update by developers.
Im using Oxce+ 3.10a which is based on nightly (v2018-04-03)
Afaik is the last version and it's a standalone mod.
I dont know if i can copy latest nightly files in the Oxce+ folder to get an updated version.
If that's not possible looks like I have to wait for an Oxce+ update by developers.
Okay, makes sense now. The changes from the nightly have not been integrated into OXCE+ as of yet. So, I would go back to Commendations < 3.0 for now until Meridian updates OXCE+.
Semi-related to the thread, seeing as I'm using the FMP.
I'm trying to set up a sort of unofficial class system based on my soldier's stats, so I can get an idea of what kind of equipment to give them, but I need help coming up with the kind of stats would be needed for each class. Could you guys help me out? Here's the classes I've thought up so far:
Assault: Your rank-and-file rifleman, armed with assault rifles.
Close Combat: Gets up close with shotguns, swords, and stun batons.
Heavy Weapons: Equipped with either machine guns for suppressive fire, or rocket launchers for hard-targets.
Grenadier: Basically a lighter version of Heavy Weapons. Uses grenade launcher.
Sniper: Long ranged weaponry.
Scout: Lightly armed with pistols, submachine guns, or carbines. Medic: Equipped with at least a medkit, and possibly one light weapon like a handgun or knife.
Support: Carries smoke grenades, high explosives, mines, scanners, extra ammo, and/or extra medical supplies.
What kind of stats would I need for each class?
Also, feel free to suggest other classes I could use.
I've been playing the heck out of this mod and I'd like to say two things about it. (about 30+ hours of gameplay and still no end in site)
1. Why am I able to re-research the same thing over and over again? I swear I have researched alien food 3 times now. Sigh.
2. Why are there so many superfluous weapons? I feel like I am just stumbling over myself trying to figure out what gun to manufacture ammo for at this point. There have to be 50 guns and 20 of them do similar things. I understand that there is some need to lessen the desire for plasma or lasers, but this might be slightly overkilling. Just barely.
Overall the game has been fun and the pacing seems good. I think whoever put this together took a great amount of care in doing it. I'm just not sure why I keep researching the same stuff. I also don't understand why there is so many things to research when few of them seem to be relevant. I just don't understand if there is an endgame need for 3 types of skyrangers.
Dunno. Just my opinion so far with this mod.
1. Why am I able to re-research the same thing over and over again? I swear I have researched alien food 3 times now. Sigh.
This certainly doesn't seem normal... I guess it's some sort of misunderstanding, or an installation error? Anyway, this mod is like 4 years old, and I've never heard about this.
2. Why are there so many superfluous weapons? I feel like I am just stumbling over myself trying to figure out what gun to manufacture ammo for at this point. There have to be 50 guns and 20 of them do similar things. I understand that there is some need to lessen the desire for plasma or lasers, but this might be slightly overkilling. Just barely.
Sincerest apologies. My next mod will only have one weapon of each type, to eliminate the stress of choice. :P
But I'm glad you're having fun! :)
It has been pretty good. I also don't understand why I can research the same stuff multiple times. I know this is an older mod, but I swear to you I can. At least 3-4 different things have been researched multiple times.
Overall the mod is really good. I guess the idea of having so many weapons is that you can try different ones on each playthrough. When you first get going it is kind of overwhelming though. If you're a veteran to the game I bet it very much appreciated.
Hopefully, I can manage to finish this playthrough even though the tree keeps making me research the same stuff. I finally got lasers and seem to be at least somewhat close to the endgame now. maybe....
Some things can be researched multiple times, e.g. prisoners, data slates, etc.
Alien Food cannot be researched multiple times.
Please provide a save, where you can do this...
Some things can be researched multiple times, e.g. prisoners, data slates, etc.
Alien Food cannot be researched multiple times.
Please provide a save, where you can do this...
I swear I had a lot of stuff that I could redo over and over. Especially stuff like autopsies, alien food, and something else 2-3 times each. It has been pretty strange. The whole tech tree, in general, has been weird.
I think it is my save though that is messed up. I started the game in vanilla before I knew about the mod. So about 3 hours into the game I transferred the save. Now I think that something is glitching up. That or the tree is sort of convoluted. I really can't tell. Something is up.
Overall the game has been good. I've enjoyed it so far. I just honestly feel like I'm researching a lot of stuff and not really moving very far. Many things seem redundant or duplicates. It is just confusing and I can't tell if it is just bugging or not. Sorry for harping about this stuff. I am just trying to make sure I am doing things right.
Just wanted to stop by and say I appreciated the modpack! Just finished a superhuman playthrough and it really added quite a bit to the game for me.
Some interesting tidbits for people...
-Flamethrower absolutely destroys almost all terror units cept the silacoid. I had a really lazy base manage to survive aggressive retaliation consistency base-raids with.... 10 soldiers. Each had simply a flamethrower. 1 cannon and eventually laser tank to stop silacoids. Flamer insta-gibs cyberdiscs/sectoids, floaters and reapers, snakemen but not cryssalids (although killing a zombie with the flamers initial damage seems to trigger a cryssalids spawn, but cryssalids love to end turn on your face stacked with a zombie so you just make a big flame roast with your other 9 hazmat soldiers. Or use your tank to eat some swipes, back away and then roast. I thought ethereals would be an issue but if just use the same strategy against sectoids, it works the same. Mind control is of no concern, you are immune to fire. Simply sit back and roast whatever pokes its head near. Wait for a sectopod to come close and spend its TUs moving, then roooooooooast. It made me highly tempted to try a flamer only playthrough actually (with a method to fight only silacoids of course).
-Another really stupid tactic is to add about 30 high explosives to the base and DO NOT BUILD THE LARGE LIVING AREA!!!!!! Make the small one, since the large one has storage. Simply use your hangers as your only method of storage which should be fine. Simply prime all 30 of them in the gear up screen, start the battle, get in position with your flamers for anyone in the access lift, end turn and watch the fireworks. A bit exploity, but REALLY amusing. Against floaters I finished a base defense during my second turn this way. Large quarters will make high explosives spawn with some of your soldiers, so dont do that.
-The magnum and tac sniper are god-tier OP early game. 38 damage beats out all starting gear, has the accuracy of an assault rifle aimed shot and near pistol snapshot aim. Research alloys and alloy ammo ASAP and you suddenly have a gauss pistol with 50ish damage. Then simply get your tac sniper with some HE/AA rounds and you are fine till mutons/gazers. Use AA round vs cyberdiscs and MiB tanks. (You must hit the rear of the tanks though to really do reliable damage)
-To be as vague as possible, the final mission without using mind control looks absolutely brutal. I had to resort to my backup plan 100/100 PSTR/PSK MC squad i left on the lift during phase 2 after being absolutely massacred by Obi-wan and his tiny little taser lightsaber thing, and the rest of the crew. After i started rolling out the MC team I saw the rest of what was waiting. I used Mr Obi-wan etherea on a muton commander, and it one shot him. Thats like 200 damage from 1 melee lol... No wonder my power suits melted. Al the other gear I saw was equally... strong. Cleared out the base using MC and finally finished the modpack. I think it might be borderline impossible without spawning near the brain room to do that with flamers or no MC. I saw dual shot blaster launchers and everything...
All in all, really fun. Enjoyed the modified research system based upon captures and all the additions!
I had a soldier with Anti-Grav Module Armor. He died in battle.
Ater the mission, in loot screen, I got TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module.
Now my engineers can repair TWO modules so I will get an extra armor.
Is this a bug, or WAD? If an Anti-Grav Module Armor Soldier dies, is it normal to have TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module for that?
Thanks for your detailed and interesting summary, Alpha!
;)I had a soldier with Anti-Grav Module Armor. He died in battle.
Ater the mission, in loot screen, I got TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module.
Now my engineers can repair TWO modules so I will get an extra armor.
Is this a bug, or WAD? If an Anti-Grav Module Armor Soldier dies, is it normal to have TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module for that?
Definitely looks like a bug. I will check if it's a mod problem.
I had a soldier with Anti-Grav Module Armor. He died in battle.
Ater the mission, in loot screen, I got TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module.
Now my engineers can repair TWO modules so I will get an extra armor.
Is this a bug, or WAD? If an Anti-Grav Module Armor Soldier dies, is it normal to have TWO Damaged Anti-Grav Module for that?
I can't reproduce this... would you be able to provide a save where this happens?
I can't reproduce this... would you be able to provide a save where this happens?
Sure. I still have the save.
Click on Inventory.
Under the soldier "LMG Mick Quinn" there is my only dead soldier, who got that armor.
Kill the last spotted sectoid with "HMG Ariel Yosef" the flying sniper and you will get 2 Damaged armors in loot, despite just one soldier died.
The others two screens says
"Xcom soldier killed...... 1"
"damaged antigrav module.......2"
Just for debugging reference, since i can only do a simple .sav dive based on current computer access.
Could it be that the 1st damaged armor is rewarded due to having one soldier dead (id: 17) while the 2nd damaged armor is rewarded due to the unconscious soldier (Id: 20)?
Could it be that the 1st damaged armor is rewarded due to having one soldier dead (id: 17) while the 2nd damaged armor is rewarded due to the unconscious soldier (Id: 20)?
Your idea is brilliant. I'm sure that unconscious soldier is the cause of the second armor.
I totally forgot that one sectoid had small bomb launcher and stunned that soldier, so there are 2 "corpse" with armor and two armors are recovered.
So the bug is that unconscious soldiers will count as extra armor everytime.
Your idea is brilliant. I'm sure that unconscious soldier is the cause of the second armor.
I totally forgot that one sectoid had small bomb launcher and stunned that soldier, so there are 2 "corpse" with armor and two armors are recovered.
So the bug is that unconscious soldiers will count as extra armor everytime.
Yes, it's a mod issue.
Here's a fix:
size: 0.4
weight: 34
bigSprite: 130
floorSprite: 131
invWidth: 2
invHeight: 3
armor: 20
battleType: 11 # <-------------------- this line was missing
recover: true
costSell: 4000
listOrder: 10511
Final Mod Pack ver. 2.0b is online.
It's just a fix of corpse double recovery, plus an update of Italian language.
Thank you!
Final Mod Pack (FMP) 2.0b is compatible with OXCE +?
Thank you!
Final Mod Pack (FMP) 2.0b is compatible with OXCE +?
Yes, pretty much any mod for OXC is compatible with OXCE+, unless it relies upon recent changes in the OXC engine.
Will this mod (Final Mod Pack (FMP)) be updated?
This is a very cool mod! ;)
I am not planning to update it much, since I am focusing on X-Com Files now - pretty much FMP 2.0. You can try that :) But sometimes there are small updates to the FMP, too.
What is "X-Com Files?"
What is "X-Com Files?"
Even if the forum search tool is an alien concept to you, you should at least read the first post which contains all relevant info. :)
I found, thank you, sorry!
It is very interesting...
Can I use it together X-Com Files+FMP?
I found, thank you, sorry!
It is very interesting...
Can I use it together X-Com Files+FMP?
There is no point, as XCF contains the entire XCF and much more. So please don't :)
There is no point, as XCF contains the entire XCF and much more. So please don't :)
Probably, it means that "XCF contains the entire FMP and much of the sea", right?
I'll download :)
Yes, I meant to say that the XCF contains the entire FMP and much more, sorry. :P
Typing from the office is hard. :D
So I am curious (and apologies if this is the wrong place to ask but I can't find where else then) but what if when moving the mod pack over to the user/documents openxcom mod folder, you never have FMP appear under the mods tab in options? The modpack is there, and I watched that video instructional but it just never loads up or detects that it is there. Thank you in advance your all amazing for your work with this project. <3
So I am curious (and apologies if this is the wrong place to ask but I can't find where else then) but what if when moving the mod pack over to the user/documents openxcom mod folder, you never have FMP appear under the mods tab in options? The modpack is there, and I watched that video instructional but it just never loads up or detects that it is there. Thank you in advance your all amazing for your work with this project. <3
Hmm, do you have Terror from the Deep set as the current game? Then it would only show TFTD mods, which FMP is not.
Hello again! So I got a screenshot of both the mod folder with the path location, and then a screenshot in-game confirming the mod not appearing (this also has the version # at the top, 5-10). From everything I have read it should just be adding it to that folder like I have done.
Hello again! So I got a screenshot of both the mod folder with the path location, and then a screenshot in-game confirming the mod not appearing (this also has the version # at the top, 5-10). From everything I have read it should just be adding it to that folder like I have done.
That indeed looks OK.
Let's try a different approach... can you just start a new game, make a save and find that save on your hard disk? Once we know where the game is writing to, we will know also where it is reading from.
That indeed looks OK.
Let's try a different approach... can you just start a new game, make a save and find that save on your hard disk? Once we know where the game is writing to, we will know also where it is reading from.
I did that and found out where it was writing to. Different spot but now it works finally thanks!
I did that and found out where it was writing to. Different spot but now it works finally thanks!
Where does it write to then?
Where does it write to then?
So it created a folder/section of openxcom under /users/documents/openxcom and this was the path I knew about. It had the mod folder included and looked exactly like the correct one. After saving games and not finding them there though I was able to search the name of the save and find the proper place. So the same exact folder setup instead of being there is in programfiles/openxcom/user/mods (not100% on this path since I am not on that computer but the gist was it was in the main game folder under programfiles instead of documents). I just coppied the modpack over from the first to second mod folder and it loaded up in working order. Ive never played classic xcom so I am glad to finally get this setup running.
Are Synthsuits supposed to look like attached?
Are Synthsuits supposed to look like attached?
@Solarius: This might be my mistake... I replaced only the spritesheet by the one from XCF during gif=>png migration... maybe some ruleset changes are needed too?
You're right, there was a change of the sprite at some point.
Attaching a quick fix; later I will think of a release. Any ideas for other upgrades?
Final Mod Pack ver. 2.0b is online.
It's just a fix of corpse double recovery, plus an update of Italian language.
Hi, Solarius
The en-GB Language lacks the 'en-GB:' section (as opposite to en-US)...
The same applies to several others: ru, pl, de, etc... While fr, cs, etc... have their corresponding headers.
Wouldn't be nice to 'standardize' it? One way or another?
This may be a silly question but as I'm currently playing this mod v2.0b, does the attached mod not work with FMP? According to the readme it shouldn't cause a problem. I have tried having it lower in the mods list than FMP but the heavy laser and nuclear heavy laser are still 75 & 84 damage respectively rather than 120.
Hi, Solarius
The en-GB Language lacks the 'en-GB:' section (as opposite to en-US)...
The same applies to several others: ru, pl, de, etc... While fr, cs, etc... have their corresponding headers.
Wouldn't be nice to 'standardize' it? One way or another?
You are right... Transifex is doing this and I have no idea why.
This may be a silly question but as I'm currently playing this mod v2.0b, does the attached mod not work with FMP?
Nope, it won't work.
EDIT: Yes, Transifex is currently bugged. Awaiting a fix.
Heya, I love FMP and it's one of the only X-Com mods that I continuously return to. It's got the right blend of additional content with a difficulty level that's not too hard.
I was wondering, if I run it with OXCE, can I set it up with the same vision/line of sight rules as Piratez? Like, I want to try playing FMP without abusing the whole 'Shoot the alien from outside his line of sight' strategy I've come to rely on. Is this possible?
Yes, it is definitely possible. All you need is to make a new entry in the vars ruleset (or preferably a separate mod) to define the new range.
I can't remember the exact syntax, but Meridian provided it somewhere.
Please help, when defending the base, when I meet an alien, the game is crashed because of an incomprehensible error, attach the log and save file. I use the latest version of the mod.
Please help, when defending the base, when I meet an alien, the game is crashed because of an incomprehensible error, attach the log and save file. I use the latest version of the mod.
Yes, their hot animation does not exist. Thanks, fixing.
EDIT: Uploaded version 2.1. Just some fixes, including the above.
Hello, Solarius Scorch!
First of all, I`d like to say a thousand of thanks for FMP creation. To say that it is good is to say nothing. Playing "Ironman" mode is really awesome, but sometimes stressful ). And idea to use alien corpses for production armor and weapon is pretty smart!
Is it possible to show in ufopedia alien characteristics/resists after researching their corpses? I think it would make a game more strategic to allow make plans how to equip soldiers before landing. Also it is relevant to XCOM armor, because not all resists are shown.
Hello, Solarius Scorch!
First of all, I`d like to say a thousand of thanks for FMP creation. To say that it is good is to say nothing. Playing "Ironman" mode is really awesome, but sometimes stressful ). And idea to use alien corpses for production armor and weapon is pretty smart!
Thank you very much! Though most praise is deserved by the modders. ;)
Is it possible to show in ufopedia alien characteristics/resists after researching their corpses? I think it would make a game more strategic to allow make plans how to equip soldiers before landing. Also it is relevant to XCOM armor, because not all resists are shown.
It's possible to do, but a lot of work. I am sort of working on that, slowly.
And all resistances are always shown on X-Com armours. there is even a scrollbar when needed.
Just registered to say thanks!
Original x-com has captured my attention again and again ever since I received the demo as an 11-year old with a CGW magazine subscription.
Mods finally caught my attention on this latest revisit; FMP first up. Its been great so far! I wish I could level-up and name the dogs though lol. I've been pairing them with scout tanks and some fire support, love this new combo, when i can flank behind successfully.
I read a request or two earlier in the thread for dog armor; that would be kinda cool too, though they fit in well enough w/o. Names/skill training would be sweet, if you ever revisited this aspect for FMP.
Mod is great as-is though, thanks again!
Thank you for not forgetting FMP!
I've left X-Files till better times, so I'll remember the good old FMP...
Thank you all for the kind words!
I will keep updating this mod pack whenever I have something new to add.
Thanks guys for that new release. I'm glad you solved troubles "no-image" weapons for Mac ! Now I can enjoy it :). Thanks !
is the alien base layout different in FMP? I had 2 soldiers survive back to the lift w/ a unconscious leader after blowing the 16 command table bits; but the base stayed :(
is the alien base layout different in FMP? I had 2 soldiers survive back to the lift w/ a unconscious leader after blowing the 16 command table bits; but the base stayed :(
Would you have a save?
I'm ashamed to admit that I had backed-up my ironman save mid-base.. so yes I do. Checked the save and objectivesneeded showed 20, not 16... so I went back and replayed... turns out there was another room across the base with 4 more consoles sticking out of the wall.
Had never seen that 2nd command centre area; couldn't say if it was FMP or an obscure part of vanilla I had never seen/noticed.
Anyway it all worked as expected once I found that bit. On the way back to the lift from that 2nd area, the last alien was killed, but I def had the "base destroyed" dialogue come up. Probably just user error here :)
Apparently this time the aliens remembered about redundancy. ;)
What soldier stat dictates the accuracy of the grenade launcher? Is it throwing or firing accuracy? I tried looking through the files to figure it out for myself, but I couldn't figure out where to look or if that sort of thing would even be visible from the outside.
Also, tangentially related, has anyone found a good use for incendiary grenades? I usually ignore them, but I consistently see them in grenade-related mods so I figured someone must have found a use for them.
Firing accuracy.
Also, tangentially related, has anyone found a good use for incendiary grenades? I usually ignore them, but I consistently see them in grenade-related mods so I figured someone must have found a use for them.
I could be confusing them with some other grenade, but I believe i had some success early in my game by stacking them, as they don't blow each other up the way HE grenades do iirc. On night missions they double as a flare. More commonly a dropship floor item though
I could be confusing them with some other grenade, but I believe i had some success early in my game by stacking them, as they don't blow each other up the way HE grenades do iirc. On night missions they double as a flare. More commonly a dropship floor item though
You are correct - fire does not damage items, so these grenades can be stacked.
Since I found that the structure of the language yml file has changed slightly, I have corrected (and attach this post) the updated file.
Have a nice day ;)
Since I found that the structure of the language yml file has changed slightly, I have corrected (and attach this post) the updated file.
Have a nice day ;)
Thanks, but... I'm not sure if I can replace the copy on Transifex with your file. Perhaps you could make the changes on Transifex, to make sure nothing is lost?
Hello, Solarius Scorch.
1. The synthsuit is buggy again. The head doesn`t turn together with body very often. A soldier goes ahead, but his head looks back ))
2. Which ruleset is responsible for frequency ufo appearance on geoscape? how to reduce/increase its` value?
Thank you in advance!
Hello, Solarius Scorch.
1. The synthsuit is buggy again. The head doesn`t turn together with body very often. A soldier goes ahead, but his head looks back ))
Yes, I haven't fixed it yet, as I haven't determined which routine it is...
2. Which ruleset is responsible for frequency ufo appearance on geoscape? how to reduce/increase its` value?
It's alienMissions_FMP.rul and regions_FMP.rul, possibly also missionScripts_FMP.rul, depending on what you want to do... This system is pretty complex.
Thanks, but... I'm not sure if I can replace the copy on Transifex with your file. Perhaps you could make the changes on Transifex, to make sure nothing is lost?
I have just replaced the missing parts (originally all the medal descriptions were given, but they were missing from the current version, though originally they were included)
I have just replaced the missing parts (originally all the medal descriptions were given, but they were missing from the current version, though originally they were included)
I see. Still, I would really prefer if patching the Transifex was done by someone who actually speaks Hungarian. (I probably could copy it, but will only do it as a last resort.)
Yes, I haven't fixed it yet, as I haven't determined which routine it is...
I see.. it is not critical for playing )
It's alienMissions_FMP.rul and regions_FMP.rul, possibly also missionScripts_FMP.rul, depending on what you want to do... This system is pretty complex.
Yeah, that’s enough for my goals.
Look, I cannot understand the following: every time I`ve researched alien laser rifle and appropriate clips, its vanished from production menu. Sometimes immediately after researching, sometimes I can produce a couple. And now the toxigun flask has vanished too. What is the problem? I have to research something else or this is bug?
You mean something was available for production and then it wasn't? That's not possible even if I wanted to make it so. Sorry, but I need more data.
I'm sure that's temporary, happened once because I pressed a wrong tab in the manufacture menu. If you are suggesting something like you press it to manufacture, and you thought you pressed cancel, the game will remove it from the list as it manufactures the item, making you think it disappeared. Have you checked if the product in question being produces or not? Because OXC doesn't have a feature like that, though OXCE+ has it, its a special tag that can be modded in, BUT not present on FMP
You mean something was available for production and then it wasn't? That's not possible even if I wanted to make it so. Sorry, but I need more data.
Good evening, Solarius Scorch.
Yes, this a true and happen every time I play FMP (more than 4 months). After researching "Alien power systems" the "Alien laser rifle" is become available for investigation. But! I can only use it in battle, not produce. Screenshots and save are attached. By the way, in this topic, one guy wrote the same. He also claimed, that he has to research some items twice. And I thought, that it is necessary for some alien artifacts ))
Sorry for complaining, but your advice would be very appreciate.
After researching "Alien power systems" the "Alien laser rifle" is become available for investigation. But! I can only use it in battle, not produce.
Wait... This is a completely different issue. "Use but not produce" is perfectly normal, but before it was "I`ve researched alien laser rifle and appropriate clips, its vanished from production menu". WTF?
Wait... This is a completely different issue. "Use but not produce" is perfectly normal, but before it was "I`ve researched alien laser rifle and appropriate clips, its vanished from production menu". WTF?
I think, I got the reason. After first investigation, the game said in appropriate message that I can manufacture rifle and I proposed that I really can. But that was wrong. Player can only use it. Alien laser rifle is available for production after "laser weapon" researching. It`s clear now. So, it means that the flusk is also require additional technology to be produced. I should see tech-tree to understand.
Thank you! Sorry to trouble you and for my english.
Thanks for reporting!
Can anyone confirm the wrong message?
I see. Still, I would really prefer if patching the Transifex was done by someone who actually speaks Hungarian. (I probably could copy it, but will only do it as a last resort.)
Ok, I fully understand you.
Transifex see bugy, some label missing/changed somehow. Hmm... Maybe I should register for the transifex and work the translations right there. More eyes see more :)
(I would have time... ;))
Ok, I fully understand you.
Transifex see bugy, some label missing/changed somehow. Hmm... Maybe I should register for the transifex and work the translations right there. More eyes see more :)
(I would have time... ;))
Thanks for understanding. I realize it's a bother, but I think it's the only way to do it right.
Thanks for understanding. I realize it's a bother, but I think it's the only way to do it right.
Eh... i registered to trasiflex, go to update FMP translation... some time later: error 500 Page unavailable.
pff. I will try later ;)
...later: citation complette ;)
Great! Thanks again. I will pull it when I'm releasing the next update.
Hi folks probably in the wrong section who can i get to look at my save file? also where would I find it? The Plasma weapons do not seem to be unlocking and I wanted to make someone aware of the possible bug. Thanks
v2.1 -> sprite pb
It seems that sprites for "Gauss weapons" and "Railgun" are inverted in v2.1
v2.1 -> sprite pb
It seems that sprites for "Gauss weapons" and "Railgun" are inverted in v2.1
Yes, it was a change in concept, following a similar theme in X-Com Files.
Is there a link for older version of TFM, so I can use the last OSX build which uses nightly 3/21/18? Or would TFM v2.1 *mostly* work with 3/21/18?
Is there a link for older version of TFM, so I can use the last OSX build which uses nightly 3/21/18? Or would TFM v2.1 *mostly* work with 3/21/18?
Any changes between the versions are unlikely to be an issue, since there were no significant changes over the past months.
I can't seem to get FMP to work with HQSounds anymore, has the most recent update borked compatibility? Trying to load with both enabled crashes before I get to the main menu.
I wanted to ask what is the use of the initial vanilla Interceptor Cannon? The range is 10m and you cannot get close enough to any craft to use it without taking dmg or even being destroyed. I have always thought it should have some kind of use but unless I just cannot see it the thing is utterly useless.
Clearly Avalanche missiles and even Stingray are way better and totally viable. Lastly an idea. Why is there not an improved version of the basic missiles? It seems like there should be a progression there up to the more powerful advanced weapons. A better Avalanche with either better range if possible or at least greater carrying capacity.
Same for stingray. Or at least a mid range missile that combines the two. Something. Just a thought.
Or alloy missiles, Elerium missiles? Just some ideas.
I appreciate a lot playing FMP with its approach to keep the flair of the game close to the original.
However, there is one thing which I don't like:
The battle maps are much more cramped than it used to be in the venerable game from the 90s.
That's fine for terror missions which ought to be painful, but when shooting down an ufo over arctic terrain just to see dozends of hills, each with a cave and several tunnels in it (how realistic is that??), I wistfully think back to the open battles on flat arctic terrain of the original game.
Or you shoot down an ufo in the middle of Africa and then you wonder how your Skyranger managed to land in a spot completely surrounded by winding two-story "farm" buildings with flower gardens and whatever. I mean, take a random spot in the middle of Africa, what is the chance that you will encounter only a single building nearby, let alone the luxury gardens and TV devices etc.
The addition of new map tiles is fine and welcome, but it should be made sure that the balance open-vs-cramped tiles is not changed too much.
I appreciate a lot playing FMP with its approach to keep the flair of the game close to the original.
However, there is one thing which I don't like:
Or you shoot down an ufo in the middle of Africa and then you wonder how your Skyranger managed to land in a spot completely surrounded by winding two-story "farm" buildings with flower gardens and whatever. I mean, take a random spot in the middle of Africa, what is the chance that you will encounter only a single building nearby, let alone the luxury gardens and TV devices etc.
The addition of new map tiles is fine and welcome, but it should be made sure that the balance open-vs-cramped tiles is not changed too much.
Agreed on this point in general.. I havent noticed the issue in connection to any geography necessarily, and I love the added mission variety overall, but sometimes the maps are indeed a little odd in connection to the ufo/crash that started them.. i've shot down several "UFO"s, or chased and raided "landed" ships, only to find a hybrid or MiB fortress of some kind with no craft or crash or damage whatsoever in sight.. I've let these scenarios stretch my imagination to accept that somehow these UFO's were full of pre-fab building parts or something, and the ship themselves dismantled/destroyed before my arrival. The missions themselves are generally fun; I'd be happier, though, if these maps were tweaked in some way, maybe made bigger to also include the ship or wreckage itself.. or to spawn as fixed landing sites only, or some other indicator rather than as "UFO"s, if that were possible.
Sorry for the brevity, writing from work:
1. The interceptor cannon is exactly the same as in vanilla, so you should rather ask Gollop. ;) But I am using it a lot, to avoid blowing small UFOs to pieces. And it's super cheap.
2. I get the complaint about the terrains, though TBH nobody has ever complained about this before, so I paid no attention to it. Should I decrease probability of these dense terrains?
3. These missions with MiB and Hybrids should not have UFOs at all, it was simply the only way to implement them. I believe it's possible to do it more elegantly now; I should have a look.
2. I get the complaint about the terrains, though TBH nobody has ever complained about this before, so I paid no attention to it. Should I decrease probability of these dense terrains?
I generally enjoy these fwiw; it would be cool if the chance of buildings increased/decrease based on some assessment of how populated the area is (distance from nearest city?), but I understand this might be a lot of work under the hood here.
3. These missions with MiB and Hybrids should not have UFOs at all, it was simply the only way to implement them. I believe it's possible to do it more elegantly now; I should have a look.
if they could appear as just "landed" for the entirety of their existence on the geoscape, or with an indicator like the terror missions, this might "fit" better with what they are up close. As it is, sometimes they seem to appear this way (or maybe my radar just doesn't pick them up), but sometimes they fly around and have to be shot down/chased & raided.
Agreed on this point in general.. I havent noticed the issue in connection to any geography necessarily, and I love the added mission variety overall, but sometimes the maps are indeed a little odd in connection to the ufo/crash that started them.. i've shot down several "UFO"s, or chased and raided "landed" ships, only to find a hybrid or MiB fortress of some kind with no craft or crash or damage whatsoever in sight.. I've let these scenarios stretch my imagination to accept that somehow these UFO's were full of pre-fab building parts or something, and the ship themselves dismantled/destroyed before my arrival. The missions themselves are generally fun; I'd be happier, though, if these maps were tweaked in some way, maybe made bigger to also include the ship or wreckage itself.. or to spawn as fixed landing sites only, or some other indicator rather than as "UFO"s, if that were possible.
MiB directive: Deploy the troops, and the craft fly away... (or self destruct the damaged ship) ;D
OK, for now I fixed hybrid convoys. The rest will be... much more involved. ;)
And I made sure special terrain is picked less (and thus be more special!).
I'll see what else I can improve and will release - hopefully soon.
1. The interceptor cannon is exactly the same as in vanilla, so you should rather ask Gollop. ;) But I am using it a lot, to avoid blowing small UFOs to pieces. And it's super cheap.
This really didn't answer my question. I do not understand the Cannon that is default equipped from the start of the game on an Interceptor. The range is 10m. If I try to get that close to even a small craft my Interceptor is damaged. No fighter pilot would close that range unless absolutely necessary especially if he has a better alternative like missiles.
There is no reason to use the Cannon is my point. The range is crap and puts your fighter at risk from day one. Clearly the game is designed not to really be a shootout so early on, unless you like taking on targets you cannot handle. If my fighters are going down or being damaged and cannot fly from the first couple of UFOs then that becomes a real problem.
So I equip missiles and sell my Cannons. I would love to see the basic Cannon get more love so its useful is my point. It just doesn't seem to fit in. I will do a save and try a few set ups with Stingray and Cannon combos but I just don't see the point of this weapon. Its mute.
What do you mean by "blowing UFOs to pieces" I thought that no matter the weapon when shooting down a UFO there was a 75% chance any power source would blow no matter the weapon you used. Has this piece of data changed now to be dependent on the weapon type used? Clearly bullets would do less overall dmg than an explosion. Can you clarify?
I am grateful for the pack it makes Xcom even better than the patched original by a long shot. Lizards in suits? Really?
And I made sure special terrain is picked less (and thus be more special!).
Sounds good!
Maybe it would also be nice to add some open tiles to the additional terrain, for more balance. Like soft hills of low height. Mountains *without* cave in it. Open landscape only with a tiny shed on it. Grassland with a small pond. etc.
1. The interceptor cannon is exactly the same as in vanilla, so you should rather ask Gollop. ;) But I am using it a lot, to avoid blowing small UFOs to pieces. And it's super cheap.
This really didn't answer my question. I do not understand the Cannon that is default equipped from the start of the game on an Interceptor. The range is 10m. If I try to get that close to even a small craft my Interceptor is damaged. No fighter pilot would close that range unless absolutely necessary especially if he has a better alternative like missiles.
There is no reason to use the Cannon is my point. The range is crap and puts your fighter at risk from day one. Clearly the game is designed not to really be a shootout so early on, unless you like taking on targets you cannot handle. If my fighters are going down or being damaged and cannot fly from the first couple of UFOs then that becomes a real problem.
So I equip missiles and sell my Cannons. I would love to see the basic Cannon get more love so its useful is my point. It just doesn't seem to fit in. I will do a save and try a few set ups with Stingray and Cannon combos but I just don't see the point of this weapon. Its mute.
To paraphrase Vader, "player decisions do not concern me". If you do not want to use the cannon at all, that's fine. This is why we have multiple options to choose from.
However I feel the need to point out that while many players forego the cannon in favour of another Avalanche, this is literally the first time in 21 years of me playing X-Com that I see anyone saying that the cannon is useless. Oh well, there are all sorts of different people. :)
What do you mean by "blowing UFOs to pieces" I thought that no matter the weapon when shooting down a UFO there was a 75% chance any power source would blow no matter the weapon you used. Has this piece of data changed now to be dependent on the weapon type used? Clearly bullets would do less overall dmg than an explosion. Can you clarify?
I was referring to the "UFO destroyed" situation, where there is nothing left to investigate. A common occurrence in X-Com with Small Scouts, might also happen with Medium Scouts. Unless you use the cannon.
I am grateful for the pack it makes Xcom even better than the patched original by a long shot. Lizards in suits? Really?
You're welcome! :)
Maybe it would also be nice to add some open tiles to the additional terrain, for more balance. Like soft hills of low height. Mountains *without* cave in it. Open landscape only with a tiny shed on it. Grassland with a small pond. etc.
I'm slowly working on such things. Some are already implemented in X-Com Files and need to be ported.
However I feel the need to point out that while many players forego the cannon in favour of another Avalanche, this is literally the first time in 21 years of me playing X-Com that I see anyone saying that the cannon is useless. Oh well, there are all sorts of different people. :)
Cannon is useless, I never said it, because I never felt a need to say it.
Still, some people use it and it is a part of the game... no reason to remove it.
Don't like it? Don't use it!
if you're considering any further tweaks, it would be nice if the ironfist item location was a bit further inside... all my toys keep getting blown up :D
if you're considering any further tweaks, it would be nice if the ironfist item location was a bit further inside... all my toys keep getting blown up :D
Yeah, it's a common problem. :D
Damn, I can't even remember if there's a way to do it in vanilla. :P
Cannon is useless, I never said it, because I never felt a need to say it.
Still, some people use it and it is a part of the game... no reason to remove it.
Don't like it? Don't use it! Meridain (hope i spelled that right)
I knew it! I am not trying to argue whether it should be removed or whether to use it or not. I simply don't see how or why its even in the game and why it has never been re-balanced. Its fine, I was just curious if I was missing the magic of the "Cannon". I am slowly learning C# and started playing with the files. I found the "Cannon" and fixed it.
So much better with different stats. Makes the early game way more fun with it being useful but still a sufficient risk. Combat with UFOs was exciting and not me just catching them and shooting them down at max range with barely any risk.
Meridain (hope i spelled that right)
almost, but no
I am slowly learning C# and started playing with the files.
C# won't help you much.
It's either YAML for rulesets or C++ for code.
C# won't help you much.
It's either YAML for rulesets or C++ for code.
Got it right this time. Well I am to far into C# to start a new language at this point. I am sure C# will help me when I start to dig into C++. That is an assumption of course.
May I ask what mod you are using for the smoke effect? The graphics look better, and the sound mod?
To whomever,
I also have a ton of questions about this mod pack. Is there a place with info I can reference? For example what weapons do you use as the stronger aliens show up? I have never aborted before until now. I either went all in or died trying. Now I have been leaving especially with Gazers. Do you have any advice? It seems explosive is the way to go but that is unfortunate as the other weapons seem to be to weak now to be much help. (conventional)
I finally captured an Engineer and it just opened up a huge tree of new weapons. Based on this if I had known I would have gone after the early missions more fiercely to get early Engineers as the 1st month or two was much easier than month 6.
So any tips or such?
I finally captured an Engineer and it just opened up a huge tree of new weapons. Based on this if I had known I would have gone after the early missions more fiercely to get early Engineers as the 1st month or two was much easier than month 6.
My experience was much the same, except it took me to month 13 to clear the bottleneck. The effect, though, has been fantastic, as I've had to rely on conventional weapons for a long time, of which there is an ample selection in FMP, and the few laser/gauss I've been able to collect from missions, saving these for special occasions. After I cleared the initial stages, and found tactics that could avoid major squad wipes most of the time, I only had anthropods/MiB/Hybrids, w/ the odd other race occasionally showing up, and couldn't stun anything of value for a long time. I finally got a sectoid commander in a jungle pyramid, grabbed his body and evac'd, and more recently sectoid and floaters have reappeared in greater numbers, allowing me to finally access engineers and gauss/railguns/lasers.
The gauss/lasers have come all at once mostly though. I might have prefered to need an engineer even to unlock each next one, to draw out the progression further, as suddenly in the span of about a month, my former logistical concerns are all but gone.
The gauss/lasers have come all at once mostly though. I might have preferred to need an engineer even to unlock each next one, to draw out the progression further, as suddenly in the span of about a month, my former logistical concerns are all but gone.
I completely agree. The tech comes way to fast once you get the engineer. I started making laser weapons with clips to find out "Nuclear" laser weapons do not need clips in the same month. Gauss, I am not even using because rail opened up at the same time and is superior. I think there are to many "weapon" types imo. Gauss or Laser but not both. Not unless the game is balanced more to give each a part in the progression.
I am curious to see if plasma is even better than rail guns. I can see having choices but unless they are meaningful choices more weapons that do similar things just clutter up the game. Each choice should be significant or not at all.
I completely agree. The tech comes way to fast once you get the engineer. I started making laser weapons with clips to find out "Nuclear" laser weapons do not need clips in the same month. Gauss, I am not even using because rail opened up at the same time and is superior. I think there are to many "weapon" types imo. Gauss or Laser but not both. Not unless the game is balanced more to give each a part in the progression.
I'm at the early part of this phase, ie finally got the battery unlock and got the alien laser, as well as the ability to research the other lasers and gauss and advanced lasers (each of which is a matter of days now with the 14-month x-com industrial complex pushing R&D). The gauss research is unlocking both the gauss and rail versions of corresponding weapon. It's not too many weapon types imo, but just too much too fast.. I'd definitely wanna keep the variety, but I'd separate out gauss/rail more through research somehow, maybe force pistol -> rifle -> heavy or rifle -> pistol -> heavy on each weapon category's research (why bother with pistols, really?), and more engineer captures (or MiB scientists, these are hard to stun) for each stage. Even if at end-game, there is a clearly 'best' choice of gear, I'd love FMP even more if each had its era for a month or so in the progression through the tree on the way there.
I have ideas on how to improve this situation... Sadly, vanilla OXC (as opposed to OXCE+) doesn't support them. :P
(What I would like to do is to add an advanced laboratory which would be required for high end weapons... But alas, building functions are not supported by OXC. So sad.)
Well we may disagree on the amount of weapons but I do agree the progression is to clumped. Personally I think less is more here with weapons in this case without the spacing for them.
I have ideas on how to improve this situation... Sadly, vanilla OXC (as opposed to OXCE+) doesn't support them. :P
(What I would like to do is to add an advanced laboratory which would be required for high end weapons... But alas, building functions are not supported by OXC. So sad.)
that sounds cool.. maybe you could tie these unlocks to something only obtainable in alien base? maybe i don't understand the full subtleties, but its generally my policy to leave the bases up and farm the supply ships once a country has been inflitrated... game could use some more motivation to raid these directly i think.
anyway, w/e direction you take it, thanks again!
Alien bases aren't that hard, though. At least not objectively. I think we need something stronger.
Alien bases aren't that hard, though. At least not objectively. I think we need something stronger.
I was half expecting more multistage stuff in FMP.. is this even possible? attacking a base should be 2-stage i think, to make it harder... a lot of the hybrid and MiB fortresses look like entrances to something underground
Yep, two stages are definitely possible... I'll think about it.
solariusscorch: Just a tiny change to the alloy skyranger... I moved the front wings (and wheels) one tile forward, it gives you much more protection that way when opening the door without blocking the view. And i fixed one tile which was a Wall when it should be an object (bug comes from original XCOM).
Is there exists document with full research tree of this mod?
Is there a difference in researches if im using OpenXcom Extended 3.10 ?
I already found PNG file with complete research tree inside mod archive
FUF it's complicated
solariusscorch: Just a tiny change to the alloy skyranger... I moved the front wings (and wheels) one tile forward, it gives you much more protection that way when opening the door without blocking the view.
Thanks! Makes sense.
And i fixed one tile which was a Wall when it should be an object (bug comes from original XCOM).
Yeah, I fixed it myself last week... :D
Is there a difference in researches if im using OpenXcom Extended 3.10 ?
It should work just fine, go for it.
Shotgun is a cheating wepon
It's too precise.
It says that accuracy suffer from distance much but anyway it's much more accurate then rifle, alien laser rifle...
shoot time shoud be rised and accurecy reduced
Shotgun is a cheating wepon
It's too precise.
It says that accuracy suffer from distance much but anyway it's much more accurate then rifle, alien laser rifle...
shoot time shoud be rised and accurecy reduced
You are literally the first person ever to say this... Shotguns in OXC are so inaccurate that most players (though not all) consider them useless. (In OXCE+ you can tweak them much better.)
I am not trying to argue here, or play the contrarian, but I am not sure what to think about this... I am missing the frame of reference.
I enjoy the way shotgun works overall... the range aspect of it feels a little binary -- ie a small distance near max range makes it drastically more/less effective, but its a nice rookie weapon, whereas the others require soldiers w/ at least some basic accuracy. at best i'll equip 2 in a squad, though... Maybe it could be tweaked slightly but nerf it too much and i probably wouldn't use it
maybe there's a play-style that exploits its strengths, though.. agree that more context is needed
Yep, two stages are definitely possible... I'll think about it.
I tried throwing something together myself, and I think I understand your reluctance a little better now. Seems OXC does not connect the alien base to the geoscape terrain its in.. ie a surface-level base battlescape won't feel right most of the time (defaults to mars, unless overridden manually in ruleset)
anyway, as my summer time off runs out, i'm gonna drop my ruleset here, in case you or someone else takes another look down the road.. maybe save a few mins, or even catch something i missed. FYI I tried using the 'pyramid rebirth' UFO's posted by Luke elsewhere on these forums as the surface base structures.. they seem to work adequately, but you'll need to grab the assets from that thread
- type: STR_PSCOUT
sprite: 0
damageMax: 50
speedMax: 2200
accel: 12
power: 0
range: 0
score: 50
reload: 56
breakOffTime: 200
name: PSCOUT
- U_EXT01
- U_WALL01
- name: PSCOUT
width: 10
length: 10
sprite: 1
damageMax: 200
speedMax: 2400
accel: 9
power: 20
range: 15
score: 75
reload: 56
breakOffTime: 250
- U_EXT01
- U_WALL01
- name: PABDUCT
width: 20
length: 10
- type: STR_P4
sprite: 2
damageMax: 250
speedMax: 2700
accel: 9
power: 20
range: 34
score: 125
reload: 48
breakOffTime: 300
name: P4_A
- U_EXT01
- U_WALL01
- name: P4_A
width: 20
length: 20
sprite: 4
damageMax: 500
speedMax: 4000
accel: 8
power: 40
range: 22
score: 250
reload: 48
breakOffTime: 500
- U_EXT01
- U_WALL01
- name: PHARVEST
width: 20
length: 20
- alienRank: 6
lowQty: 1
highQty: 3
dQty: 1
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 7
lowQty: 0
highQty: 2
dQty: 1
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 5
lowQty: 5
highQty: 7
dQty: 4
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 4
lowQty: 1
highQty: 2
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 3
lowQty: 1
highQty: 1
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 2
lowQty: 1
highQty: 2
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 1
lowQty: 2
highQty: 4
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 0
lowQty: 1
highQty: 1
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
width: 50
length: 50
height: 4
textOffset: -16
background: BACK01.SCR
showTarget: false
markerName: STR_ALIEN_BASE
markerIcon: 7
genMissionFreq: 6
alienBase: true # this is only to tell new battle mode what to do with this deployment
points: 5
- alienRank: 6
lowQty: 1
highQty: 3
dQty: 1
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 7
lowQty: 0
highQty: 2
dQty: 1
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 5
lowQty: 5
highQty: 7
dQty: 4
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 4
lowQty: 1
highQty: 2
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 3
lowQty: 1
highQty: 1
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 2
lowQty: 1
highQty: 2
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 1
lowQty: 2
highQty: 4
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
- alienRank: 0
lowQty: 1
highQty: 1
dQty: 0
percentageOutsideUfo: 0
width: 60
length: 60
height: 2
shade: 15
textOffset: -16
background: BACK01.SCR
showTarget: false
objectiveType: 3
markerName: STR_ALIEN_BASE
markerIcon: 7
genMissionFreq: 6
alienBase: true # this is only to tell new battle mode what to do with this deployment
objectiveComplete: [STR_ALIEN_BASE_CONTROL_DESTROYED, 500]
points: 5
- type: addUFO
- type: addUFO
- type: addCraft
- type: fillArea
Yeah, it's no small feat to do it well.
Thanks for the initiative, hopefully this will be helpful somehow!
I hear ya... took me hours to figure out the rulesets, but for naught. Definitely gained some appreciation for yours and others' work though.
Have you thought of using those pyramid rebirth UFOs in FMP? seems it would fit well w/ the vanilla-focus, since these were hidden files in the original and all
You are literally the first person ever to say this... Shotguns in OXC are so inaccurate that most players (though not all) consider them useless.
Ok. I will not feeel myself as a cheater.
Soldier with 84 Acuracy standing with
Alien Laser rifle has 40% result acuracy (the number near the aim cursor) of Snap Shot
and 66% Acuracy with Shotgun rifle of Snap Shot
(AUTO SHOT Alien Lasre rifle - 16%)
Both hands busy
Distance ~ 12
30% Alien Laser
18% Shotgun rifle
(AUTO SHOT Alien Lasre rifle - 0%)
Distance ~ 20
You shure it's OK?
And it's only numbers on practice i hit with shotgun very often from very high distance
Seems like rounds of shotgun has more size and hits more foten.
Maybe it depends on my style of game.
I feel Alien Laser rifle (and all other weapon before gauss and laser) useless compare to shotgun
Damage of Shotgun on practice much more then Laser Rifle
Time needed for snap shot for ShotGun and LAser Rifle is almost the same
So on medium distance We have the same acuracy with better Damage
In close combat Shotgan just the best
6 rounds is enouph for me
And inside a base or ship shotgun with scatter brings death
I don't pretend something if most of people think that it's ok
I just don' want to feel like cheater
Ok. I will not feeel myself as a cheater.
Soldier with 84 Acuracy standing with
Alien Laser rifle has 40% result acuracy (the number near the aim cursor) of Snap Shot
and 66% Acuracy with Shotgun rifle of Snap Shot
(AUTO SHOT Alien Lasre rifle - 16%)
Both hands busy
Distance ~ 12
30% Alien Laser
18% Shotgun rifle
(AUTO SHOT Alien Lasre rifle - 0%)
Distance ~ 20
You shure it's OK?
And it's only numbers on practice i hit with shotgun very often from very high distance
Seems like rounds of shotgun has more size and hits more foten.
Maybe it depends on my style of game.
I feel Alien Laser rifle (and all other weapon before gauss and laser) useless compare to shotgun
Damage of Shotgun on practice much more then Laser Rifle
Time needed for snap shot for ShotGun and LAser Rifle is almost the same
So on medium distance We have the same acuracy with better Damage
In close combat Shotgan just the best
6 rounds is enouph for me
And inside a base or ship shotgun with scatter brings death
I don't pretend something if most of people think that it's ok
I just don' want to feel like cheater
i think maybe you might have a point on the shotgun snap vs laser snap numbers. I'm not sure. I think the AP dmg is the reason for this disparity, though whether it needs to be that large? i don't know, i never noticed this problem while playing.. i did eventually move from rifle/assault rifle to more shotguns for acc, but more cuz i kept wiping squads and starting over w/ shit rookies that needed extra aim, then cuz i thought it was OP. I never equipped a vet with shotty after early game.
I find the shotgun lack of auto makes it not so good breach weapon; i'm surprised to find you prefer it there. Even on the squishiest aliens, I find it only 1-shot kills about 50/50, and if I put a shotgun 1st through the door & land a hit, often get a turning reaction fire at point blank... ie dead. But an auto-shot wep on a decent soldier doesn't have this prob nearly as much.
I found Alien Data slates but can't research. They just in my storage
in tech tree they just initial item with no requirements
What i need to research them
I hear ya... took me hours to figure out the rulesets, but for naught. Definitely gained some appreciation for yours and others' work though.
Have you thought of using those pyramid rebirth UFOs in FMP? seems it would fit well w/ the vanilla-focus, since these were hidden files in the original and all
took another stab at this... i'm going with a alien habitat/garden terrain for the surface. just did a quick test, seems to work. the appearance isn't nearly as jarring as "mars on earth".. Won't have any time to play for a few days but I'm gonna park it here in case anyone else is interested. I'll try to iron out any problems in a week or two, and maybe build a little more mapblock variety in. 1st stage is just set to kill everything.. 2nd stage is not changed from fmp alien base map & objectives.
right now there's a missionscript ruleset to start an alien base w/in 1st few days of 1st month, for testing... delete that file to make it work 'normally'
I found Alien Data slates but can't research. They just in my storage
in tech tree they just initial item with no requirements
What i need to research them
I faced that Alien Electronics required for Alien Data Slate
So tech tree from Mod archive is not correct or there's something unclear
Enjoying the mod throughly, but this apparently easy fix was driving me nuts.
I was out with my team playing with the scout tank, and it got shot. Well darn, at least it wasn't one of my guys. And it let me know which direction the alien was in. It served it's purpose.
Comes to the end of the mission and I see the score screen. -50 points. My jaw hit the floor. I lost 2 rookies and the suits are more worried about the drone? How the hell did that happen?
The thing costs 50k which is worth taking a bullet to save a 40k rookie's life if they have potential. The POINT of the drones is to save lives. If I told my guys to execute a farmer I would get the same amount of political backlash. That... is just awful. It's not even justified by cost.
I stopped using the drones on that ground alone for a long time. Eventually I tried attack dogs and was worried about the same thing, but at -6 that seems perfectly sane. Losing a half-million dollar tank nets -20, same as a rookie, which is sensible. It hurts a lot financially, but is politically tolerable.
Eventually I figured out to set 'value: 10' for 'STR_SCOUT_DRONE' in my units_FMP.rul file, but it seems like it should come standard.
Also, is the light machine gun's autofire not affected by UFO EXTENDER accuracy drop off option? Is that a bug?
Also, tangentially related, has anyone found a good use for incendiary grenades? I usually ignore them, but I consistently see them in grenade-related mods so I figured someone must have found a use for them.
I use Incendiary Grenades often. I usually have one team member in a hazmat suit, the designated pyromaniac with >20 bravery, 35+ strength and 80+ throwing accuracy. This is the only role in MY army you can get away with being a bad shot. He wields as a sidearm a flamethrower, machine pistol/pistol or nothing. As a primary he carries as many incendiary grenades as possible, and some smoke / normal grenades.
Whenever some alien is in an awkward-to-shoot place he lights up the area from afar with his already-primed arsenal while my other guys keep behind good cover. Sectoids and MiB cook pretty well. Nobody wants to stand near him, and he keeps to himself. FAR away from anyone else. If he ever dies once out of the ship, anything nearby is going up in flames.
It's a pretty specialized role, I probably wouldn't want more then one in a squad. I mean... a whole team of pyromaniacs would just be ridiculous... right? Hmm...
The incendiary grenades also act as a rich man's flare, and is definitely more combat versatile per pound then flares. The fires don't keep burning very long though, so it's not a complete replacement.
They reward a cautious, methodical playstyle, where you generally keep control of the situation and don't have 'Oh shit someone take this alien down NOW!' moments all the time. The reduced urgency means you can wait a round or two to see if the alien cares more about being in cover or on fire.
By the way, an alien dying by ongoing fire damage is not a kill for the person responsible for the fire. My poor pyro isn't getting his due in ranks, cred and XP and awards. Talk about being unappreciated. Is this fixable? Seems like a good candidate for a commendation too.
Yep, the drone costing 50 points is a bug. I have already fixed it on my end a week ago and will release an update soon.
A great modification kept in the old ufo convention.
FMP will it be further supported ?
Im asking because i read somewhere that it will not be.
By the way, an alien dying by ongoing fire damage is not a kill for the person responsible for the fire. My poor pyro isn't getting his due in ranks, cred and XP and awards. Talk about being unappreciated. Is this fixable? Seems like a good candidate for a commendation too.
I hope it can get fixed, however it'll be difficult and might not happen. The game doesn't track what caused a fire. The best solution is to find some ways around it:
1.) Make sure the incendiary hits targets so you get hit credit.
2.) Use fire to soften them up and finish them off with more shots or a grenade.
3.) Perform some special training missions just to boost your flamer-operative's experience.
If you're really desperate to make a change, you can edit the experienceTrainingMode for the weapon and choose something more substantial.
https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4230.0.html (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,4230.0.html)
A great modification kept in the old ufo convention.
FMP will it be further supported ?
Im asking because i read somewhere that it will not be.
I will maintain if further, but major innovations are unlikely.
Is there a way to edit the tech tree? At the point that you can research it, the mind probe is useless. You're supposed to be able to use it to identify ranks of aliens, so you can capture them for research... but by the time you can research the mind probe, there's a good chance you're pretty much done researching absolutely everything else, unless you get lucky with a captured medic. I'd like for the mind probe to be available to research once you've captured any live alien. Or at least once you've interrogated any medic/engineer/leader. I'm having to resort to stun-grenading entire swaths of aliens just to get the one or two aliens I need, at which point I'm wondering why I'm bothering to even bring regular firearms to the missions.
The color-coding helps, but it's not an ideal solution when I have mind probes that have been sitting in my inventory for practically the entire game...
Is there a way to edit the tech tree?
Find and open file called "research_FMP.rul".
Find this rule:
cost: 600
points: 25
needItem: true
Change as desired.
I found an oversight of one brand or another.
type_id: 3
cost: 70
points: 10
listOrder: 510
I have Laser Tanks in my UFOpedia, but I can't build them. Apparently I still need to research them.
I poked around and the conclusion I came to is one of two things. Either the UFOpedia gives you the Tank entry ahead of schedule when you research Laser Cannons, -OR- you're supposed to get Laser Tanks when you research Laser Cannons and it has a research entry by mistake.
Hmmm, it's fine on my side. Probably a problem with an older version.
I don't know what to tell you, I downloaded it four days ago, same time as the Nightly I applied it to.
Is the Laser Tank supposed to be free with the Laser Cannon, or did the UFOpedia entry just pop up early for me? If it's not doing that on your end, I'd like to adjust my end appropriately.
I don't know what to tell you, I downloaded it four days ago, same time as the Nightly I applied it to.
Is the Laser Tank supposed to be free with the Laser Cannon, or did the UFOpedia entry just pop up early for me? If it's not doing that on your end, I'd like to adjust my end appropriately.
OK, maybe it was fixed in this (yet) unreleased version and I just can't remember. (Which is very likely.)
EDIT: Ah no, I was just blind. Fixing now.
The ufopaedia entry for STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON should require STR_TANK_LASER_CANNON, not STR_LASER_CANNON.)
- Changed weights on terrain types (mountainous terrain is picked less often).
- New terrain: cacti-less desert (for outside of the Americas).
- 2 new jungle map blocks.
- Hybrid convoys are now fixed missions (not UFOs).
- Repairing Stormtrooper armour no longer requires Alien Electronics.
- Fixed point value of the Scout Drone.
- Fixed Skymarshall map (by New Civilian).
- Minor fixes to maps.
Link in the opening post, enjoy!
Hey there, got a repeating crash whenever I send a lander to a crash site. I think it might be the alien ship type not playing nice with the terrain. Save included just before the Skymarshal reaches the site. I tried to figure out more on my own but the only thing I can really say is that enabling Save Scum so that the game will reroll the area doesn't seem to work.
I was using Nightly version 1.0 git 2018-08-17 08:57 and Final Mod 2.2
Edit: Got another North African UFO crash site and it crashed again, this time actually giving me crash information.
[04-09-2018_20-16-39] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Terrain DESERTMOUNT_NOCACTI not found
[04-09-2018_20-16-39] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[04-09-2018_20-17-29] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Terrain DESERTMOUNT_NOCACTI not found
Looks like there is no possible terrain for texture 7 lon 46.3478 lat -16.6523.
Recommended advanced settings and mods?
Recommended advanced settings and mods?
Adv. settings:
"UFO Extender Accuracy": YES
Mods: none
Mods: none
I'm gonna disagree here, though on purely subjective basis. I'm surely a minority here, but I find the item limits for craft an essential vanilla element. Most seem to feel that this was not a game design element so much as a technical issue, or that its a very abstract limit (ie should be weight-based), and these are both true perhaps, but FMP's variety of items makes things too easy w/ no limits.. you can bring an entire base store's worth of weapons and ammo, making for very powerful non-vanilla tactics, and nullifies a subtle-but-significant advantage of the HWPs.
The vanilla technical limitation imo was not that there were item limits, but that larger craft were still stuck on 80 items. Anyway i've posted a ruleset in another thread started by me on this sub if anyone's interested
in oxce 4.0, the following delete statements will be required
I have updated a fixed version 2.2b, contains the missing trajectory and terrain.
Also, today the FMP debuts on the Mod.io!
Was finishing out October, I had downed a Very Large ship and rather than assault it at night, I opted to let time pass and let daylight come, soon as the clock hit 23:59:59 however, the game crashes and gives me this error.
[14-09-2018_14-56-41] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Error proccessing mission script named: invasion, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
[14-09-2018_14-56-41] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[14-09-2018_14-58-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: invasion, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
Save file included.
Was finishing out October, I had downed a Very Large ship and rather than assault it at night, I opted to let time pass and let daylight come, soon as the clock hit 23:59:59 however, the game crashes and gives me this error.
[14-09-2018_14-56-41] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Error proccessing mission script named: invasion, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
[14-09-2018_14-56-41] [FATAL] Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[14-09-2018_14-58-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: invasion, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
Save file included.
Looks like a problem with version change mid-campaign.
Open your save file with a text editor, look for STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY (under possibleMissions) and delete every line containing this string... Should help.
EDIT: Actually I've done it for you... Please check attached :)
Oof, didn't realize there'd be an issue like that. Thank you.
--- posts merged ---
The North African deserts are causing CTDs again. Don't have an error message. Save included. I'm using 2.2B
The North African deserts are causing CTDs again. Don't have an error message. Save included. I'm using 2.2B
Weird - the game just closes, no message, nothing in the logs O_O
Can I have some help here please? I don't know what's wrong, this is seriously weird.
Hey. I have the same. I put a message on mod.io
Quote: Just got a terrain missing crash. Desert near Tripoli. Any Way I can send you a save to check it out? - Yeah, another one, the African desert seems to be the culprit.
I am working around that at the moment with not doing missions in the african deserts and not shooting them down over the african desert. But other Deserts seem fine or its not happening every time. Can't really put my finger on it.
I'll try to force one and put up the log file.
Here's the Log.
[15-09-2018_12-58-38] [WARN] No free channels available
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Map generator encountered an error: No valid terrain found.
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x6242b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x627b80 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x401580 exceptionLogger()
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0xa0f2a8 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x46c190 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x633f00 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x634360 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x6324a0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x62aed0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x401820 SDL_main
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x854370 console_main
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] ??
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x76b88460 BaseThreadInitThunk
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x77b92f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
[15-09-2018_13-00-37] [FATAL] 0x77b92f40 RtlValidSecurityDescriptor
Sorry about that. With Meridian's help, I managed to fix the issue. Please download 2.2c.
Sorry about that. With Meridian's help, I managed to fix the issue. Please download 2.2c.
Will do.
Just on a side note. The Meridian, from YouTube? The X-Com Let's Player?
Just on a side note. The Meridian, from YouTube? The X-Com Let's Player?
Yes, but also the man behind OpenXCom Extended+ (OXCE+) and many pieces of openxcom code.
There's an OpenXCom discord, you might recognize some names from there.
Solarius: Thank you.
Any tips on expanded research for the FMP? I think I'm using an outdated version (1.9.7) but I didn't want to update and potentially screw up my saved game. I'm on Difficulty 3 in 2018-09-15 and I'm at a standstill in tech. I pay 100 scientists to interrogate one live alien a month then tell me we've learned nothing of interest.
I'm using Personal Armor which can't do much against all the Heavy Plasma I'm starting to see. I'm hoping to get to Power Suits somehow and whatever other armors might have been added. But the troops are starting to lose hope...
Various additional spoiler-y information on my situation:
I've captured multiple leaders, engineers, and medics, which are the classes that appear to bottleneck most of the tech. But at this point engineers are just giving me stats on various ships. I am just starting to see a few Mutons but only in missions with Gazers as the main enemy. There has been a base full of Gazers in the Antarctic like... forever, but I've been unable to pop it because my Gauss Weapons are insufficient. So I can't get in there to stun everyone with my Stun Rods, Dart B, or Gas Grenades. That seems like the obvious solution (try to capture a Commander). Though I'm fairly sure I've interrogated one before and we didn't learn much.
This compilation is amazing by the way. I am just now getting into it, obviously. But seriously well done. This used to be my favorite game as a kid. I even remember the commercial. "Wow! I nailed that alien!"
I can't speak for anything further back than 2.1, but my understanding is all of the good stuff is blocked behind leader interrogations and the Alien Data Slate which some of them carry (And indeed you need to interrogate leaders in order to get the tech to research the slate.). Having Alien Electronics from Cyberdisc wrecks I think also contributes.
Engineers are your main target for technical stuff like plasmas, since they're easiest to bag. And Medics for the biotech. Navigators are about as useful as in vanilla.
And yes, this is the best game ever in the whole world. :)
Thanks for the replies! It sounds like I need more leader interrogations since I have data slates but haven't been able to research them yet. That's probably the major stumbling block. I will get right on that (like, loading the game up, sending my men to their deaths right now).
Thanks again.
Just a Question as I just finished my first playthrough.
How do I get to discover/research/use the weapons/equipment those Ethereals on Mars use?
I've never seen it before. I found out something about the "Inner Circle" but nothing more.
It's only possible if you intercept, shoot down and beat a very rare ship. Otherwise these weapons are Cydonia-only.
Hello, guys!
Here is some crash in OpenXCOM FMP. Will be glad if it will be fixed
Hello, guys!
Here is some crash in OpenXCOM FMP. Will be glad if it will be fixed
Try updating to the newest nightly. if that fails try updating to FMP 2.2c and if that fails try starting a new campaign. (with the updated nightly and FMP) :(
I can't see your screen, just the error message, but I suspect it's the problem from 2.2b with a missing texture for African/Asian deserts. Please update the mod to 2.2c.
Hey Solarius, Just found another UFOpedia gaff. I researched a Salamandron Terrorist and didn't get their entry. I poked about and found that the research ruleset has both
cost: 0
points: 50
needItem: true
listOrder: 9913
cost: 110
points: 50
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
Meanwhile the UFOpedia entry looks like this.
type_id: 7
text_width: 158
listOrder: 9355
So a bogus entry for the Salamandron interrogation exists and the UFOpedia is looking at that to fire instead of the proper entry. I even went in there and changed the UFOpedia's target and it was on the list as it should be.
There aren't any bogus researches here, but indeed there is a bug - the STR_SALAMANDRON_TERRORIST entry should have this line:
The same problem exists for the Holodrone.
Updating the mod to 2.2d right now. Thanks for the notification!
There aren't any bogus researches here, but indeed there is a bug - the STR_SALAMANDRON_TERRORIST entry should have this line:
The same problem exists for the Holodrone.
Updating the mod to 2.2d right now. Thanks for the notification!
Everything works. Thank you
Now the map correctly load.
I have attaches the save which crashes. There is Marshall goes to UFO crashsite.
It loaded fine here
I am using the latest nightly + FMP 2.2d.
Is there any way to view the resistance of alien units to various damage types? I was surprised that didn't show up as part of the autopsy the way resistance shows up for armor research.
Is there any way to view the resistance of alien units to various damage types? I was surprised that didn't show up as part of the autopsy the way resistance shows up for armor research.
It's a bit of work, but yes, it's doable - in a way.
You can create armour entries for alien units, which work and look the same as your armours in the Ufopaedia:
Something like this?
Yeah, that's exactly what I am looking for. I was just wondering if the data was available inside or outside of the game.
Every time I take a Skymarshal down to a Jungle map, the damned pilot manages to land the craft in the bushes. The rear bay is always choked with plants that makes demolitions an attractive option to clear them, but a harsh lesson of blowing up every single weapon and piece of gear on the floor of the transport has made that now very unattractive.
In the screenshot, all of the black area was large plants. Outside of extending the floor so prevent plants from spawning I don't know what to do about this other than just avoid the damned jungle.
OK, I will add a new landing block to make this situation more rare. :)
OK, I will add a new landing block to make this situation more rare. :)
could you just make the gear spot near one of the front doors? or mid-ship? I enjoy the effect for w/e reason.. I imagine finding any spot to land in the middle of the jungle would be a great challenge for a pilot... ie is the pilot supposed count every leaf and blade of grass before he/she puts down? no, just needs to get the ship down somewhere near the UFO, bushes or no bushes. In general, x-com jungles are already too easy to move around in imo
its really just the floor gear spot in the sky marshall that makes it a problem (ironfist has similar placement problems, but for other reasons)... often I'll just leave the bushes and park my HWP all mission to preserve the gear on the floor, and cuz w/o explosives they take too much ammo to clear.
Every time I take a Skymarshal down to a Jungle map, the damned pilot manages to land the craft in the bushes. The rear bay is always choked with plants that makes demolitions an attractive option to clear them, but a harsh lesson of blowing up every single weapon and piece of gear on the floor of the transport has made that now very unattractive.
What about this: Use high explosive with higher timer setting, such that when it explodes, the rear door of the Skymarshal is closed again and protects your gear.
Anyway, I agree that this situation should not happen. It's just not realistic that those trees (and the Skymarshal) both survived the landing.
The Skymarshall is made with Alien Alloys... It can survive a controlled landing just fine. 8)
Seem to have encountered a missing string for the first mission I got, hybrid supply or something.
Also, could I convince you to reverse the starting base layout? Hangers at the south end of the base gives the AI doors to hide behind, you want the hangers at the north end :)
EDIT: Also, the Ufopedia has an incorrect description for the large living quarters. It says it's more cost efficient than standard living quarters at 2.25M + 60k a month for 200 people, yet 4 normal living quarters is 1.6M + 40k a month for the same number of people. Large living quarters is more space-efficient since it has 1 built in storage, but even building 4 living quarters + storage is more cost efficient than large living quarters
OpenXCom's settings let you customize the base's starter layout. Look in options and then advanced.
Ufopedia says that the stun rod can't miss. This in incorrect, it can miss if wielded without the offhand free, giving it 80% accuracy.
Is it intentional that high explosives aren't buyable on the market or creatable through manufacturing? They show up in the Ufopedia as a starting weapon. EDIT: Nevermind this. Just figured out that "hide item" thing in OpenXcomEx.
OpenXCom's settings let you customize the base's starter layout. Look in options and then advanced.
I understand this, but if FMP is going to give a better layout from the beginning there's no reason to choose the worse setup. Using the fully planned base feature feels too much like cheating, and fixing the starting base in FMP requires re-buying the incredibly expensive large living quarters.
Ufopedia says that the stun rod can't miss. This in incorrect, it can miss if wielded without the offhand free, giving it 80% accuracy.
Good point... But I can't make it impossible to use with one hand only, and I don't want to change the description, as it's generally true.
I understand this, but if FMP is going to give a better layout from the beginning there's no reason to choose the worse setup. Using the fully planned base feature feels too much like cheating, and fixing the starting base in FMP requires re-buying the incredibly expensive large living quarters.
Better? Worse? And who decides on which is which? Certainly not me, I don't give a damn about the base layout.
So I've just figured out that Chrysalids can make zombies out of attack dogs. Human zombies. It's not a huge deal, but was really janky, so figured I'd report it.
So I've just figured out that Chrysalids can make zombies out of attack dogs. Human zombies. It's not a huge deal, but was really janky, so figured I'd report it.
Yes, but I don't think it's possible to prevent it in OXC (as opposed to OXCE).
Hey Everyone I translated the missing strings for the mod, also corrected various typos and rewrote some sections of the commendations section that were janky in Hungarian. I attached the file :) PM me if something is missing and I'll fix it. Great mod by the way, thanks! Also I can correct the typos in english I noticed them when I translated the section, but ignored them. If anyone's interested, just tell me and I'll do it :)
Hey Everyone I translated the missing strings for the mod, also corrected various typos and rewrote some sections of the commendations section that were janky in Hungarian. I attached the file :) PM me if something is missing and I'll fix it. Great mod by the way, thanks! Also I can correct the typos in english I noticed them when I translated the section, but ignored them. If anyone's interested, just tell me and I'll do it :)
Hi Hixill,
Thanks, but please do it through Transifex. I can't control the versions by hand, especially in languages I don't know. :)
I tried to run final_mod_pack_2.2.d on a fresh install of OPXE 5.1
Got crashes on several weapon entries in Ufopedia, e.g. the sniper rifle.
Error report said this indicated something missing and should be reported.
Not sure if the final mod pack is even supposed to run with OPXE though (sorry if I overlooked this information somewhere)?
Yes, it should work fine... I get no crashes.
Thanks for the fast reply. I downloaded everything a second time, did a new install and it now works. To the best of my knowledge, somehow one or more files must have turned up corrupted during my first try. Sorry for the inconvenience.
On another note: my attack dog knows how to fire a gun?! Not really a problem, of course. Guess this isn't worth to fix since that would require a special "dog unit" soldier type? Just asking out of interest.
Ok. Didn't know that (from the sprite I assumed it to be just an ordinary dog). :-)
I just gained rail weapons and nuclear laser weapons at the same time. I'm quite disappointed by the nuclear lasers, for example power 85 of the nuclear heavy laser is only a small improvement over the (already fairly disappointing) power 75 of the standard heavy laser. I expected at least power 100, maybe 120 like the improved heavy laser in XComUtil.
OTOH, rail weapons feel so much overpowered. Heavy rail with power 150 regularly destroys outer ufo walls, something which has been preserved to more cumbersome weapons like fusion torch or fusion ball launcher so far. (Side note: Actually, this is not purely beneficial. I lost an experienced soldier in a reaction training ambush at an outer ufo door when the aliens started shooting through a hole created by the reaction fire of a heavy railgun, instead of coming out through the door.)
Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see any reason why I should produce only a single nuclear laser weapon instead of rail. They are less precise and much less powerful. They don't need clips, ok, but with the high capacity clips of the rail weapons, that's marginal. Also, the fact that some particularly nasty opponents (read: sectopods) are vulnerable to laser damage doesn't make much of a difference in the view of power 85 (heavy nuclear laser) vs. power 150 (heavy railgun).
So far, this doesn't feel balanced at all to me. I know that you guys put a lot of effort in balancing things, so let me ask: What is the motivation behind the choice of the stats of rail weapons and nuclear laser weapons?
Railguns aren't balanced against nuclear lasers, but against plasma. They are simply a higher tier, even if you got them at the same time in this campaign.
Laser weapons (both tiers) are balanced against Gauss weapons.
Also the Heavy Rail weighs 24 vs the... 7? of the Laser Rifle. Only a couple soldiers can use the damn thing without tanking their TUs until they've seen some action. It's also worth noting that AP is the most resisted damage type in the game. They do have downsides.
Also the Heavy Rail weighs 24 vs the... 7? of the Laser Rifle. Only a couple soldiers can use the damn thing without tanking their TUs until they've seen some action.
You should compare same weapon types, of course.
Rail Rifle:
weight: 11
damage: 100 AP
aimed: accuracy 110 / TU 80%
snap: accuracy 70 / TU 35%
auto: accuracy 36 / TU 47%
Nuclear Laser Rifle:
weight: 8
damage: 60 laser
aimed: accuracy 100 / TU 50%
snap: accuracy 65 / TU 25%
auto: accuracy 46 / TU 34%
Heavy railgun:
weight: 20
damage: 150 AP
aimed: accuracy 100 / TU 70%
snap: accuracy 60 / TU 35%
auto: accuracy 36 / TU 55%
Heavy nuclear laser:
weight: 18
damage: 85 laser
aimed: accuracy 84 / TU 75%
snap: accuracy 50 / TU 33%
auto: ---
Comparing heavy railgun vs. heavy nuclear laser, I cannot imagine any situation where I would pick the laser. The heavy nuclear laser is a big disappointment, really.
Rail rifle vs. nuclear laser rifle looks a bit better, as the laser rifle is significantly faster, which might make it the better choice for assault soldiers attacking light armored enemies. The damage disadvantage is still severe, though.
It's also worth noting that AP is the most resisted damage type in the game. They do have downsides.
That's true, but as I wrote that doesn't make up for the huge damage difference. 100 AP vs. 60 laser for the rifles, and 150 AP vs. 85 laser for the heavy guns.
Railguns aren't balanced against nuclear lasers, but against plasma. They are simply a higher tier, even if you got them at the same time in this campaign.
Laser weapons (both tiers) are balanced against Gauss weapons.
This comes as a surprise to me. Railguns and nuclear laser weapons really felt like the same tier to me (the same for Gauss and basic laser weapons). I just checked research_FMP.rul. Maybe I missed something, but isn't the essential prerequisite over Gauss / basic laser weapons the antimatter containment tech in both cases?
So you will get railguns and nuclear lasers at the same time in practically all games.
Also, I think for overall balancedness / diversity it would be nice if nuclear laser weapons were considered top tier together with rail and plasma weapons, such that they are the best choice among these weapon classes at least in a few situations like fighting sectopods (like it was in the original game, but isn't true any more due to the presence of the 150 AP heavy railgun).
Only by now I noticed that the nuclear laser weapons are exactly the same as the laser weapons of the original game, and the basic (_MIB) laser weapons are a weaker version.
What about making the original laser weapons the basic version (but with clips), and having a nuclear version with better stats?
For the original game, there was the fairly widespread consensus that the heavy laser is underpowered from a balancing point of view. For example, that resulted in an option to improve the stats of the heavy laser in XComUtil (which might have been be a bit over the top though with power 120). The above suggestion (nuclear lasers as an improved version of the original laser weapons) would provide an elegant way to introduce a more balanced heavy laser, without modifying the stats of the original weapons.
I don't really want to change the research tree by this point, but you intrigued me with these nuclear lasers (I really should just call them blasters like in X-Com Files).
Since you seem to be pretty good with the tree, what would you suggest as prerequisites for these advanced lasers?
For nuclear lasers (and maybe also basic lasers), why not bring the MiB into play? Aliens gave the laser technology to them. So interrogating a high rank MiB would make a good prerequisite, or maybe some MiB data slate could be introduced.
Thinking again about my disappointment with the nuclear lasers:
I think I would already be satisfied with the following change: Change the stats of the basic heavy laser to the stats of the current nuclear heavy laser (that is the heavy laser from the original game). That would also fit the image. And improve the stats of the heavy nuclear laser to power 100 or 110 and faster operation, such that it compares vs. the heavy railgun similarly as the nuclear laser rifle compares vs. the rail rifle.
For nuclear lasers (and maybe also basic lasers), why not bring the MiB into play? Aliens gave the laser technology to them. So interrogating a high rank MiB would make a good prerequisite, or maybe some MiB data slate could be introduced.
Thinking again about my disappointment with the nuclear lasers:
I think I would already be satisfied with the following change: Change the stats of the basic heavy laser to the stats of the current nuclear heavy laser (that is the heavy laser from the original game). That would also fit the image. And improve the stats of the heavy nuclear laser to power 100 or 110 and faster operation, such that it compares vs. the heavy railgun similarly as the nuclear laser rifle compares vs. the rail rifle.
And this is the kind of suggestions I like: to the point!
I can modify the heavy lasers as you suggested, no problem... But I am not sure if this would really solve the nuclear lasers problem. It looks like a solution for a different kind of problem, namely "heavy lasers suck" (I assume). So I'm not sure if I should treat it independently, or would it actually be enough to make nuclear lasers useful?
As for the MiB, aren't they too easily found/captured to make a difference?
And this is the kind of suggestions I like: to the point!
Thank you!
There have emerged different aspects in this discussion.
(1) "Heavy lasers suck"
True, many think that the heavy laser from the original game is disappointingly underpowered. FMP gives us the chance to correct that. And there is even a way to do this without violating the principle of FMP of not changing the stats of the original items! Just put the original heavy laser into the lower tier family of laser weapons, while taking the original laser pistol and rifle to the higher tier family of nuclear lasers.
The fact that the images of the original lasers are already assigned in this way might be seen as an omen that this really is the way to go!
(2) "The nuclear lasers problem"
I'm not sure what you mean here. I guess it is the discussion if nuclear lasers should be considered top tier together with rail and plasma? In my opinion, they should. To give more variety to the game. And to resemble the original game, where lasers have been the first choice among the gun-type weapons in a few (but critical) situations like fighting sectopods.
I can modify the heavy lasers as you suggested [...] would it actually be enough to make nuclear lasers useful?
Good question. Maybe yes, if simultaneously the power of the rail weapons is reduced a bit. Power 125 should be enough for the heavy railgun, and would also prevent it from destroying outer ufo walls. That should really be preserved to weapons like fusion torch or fusion ball launcher.
(3) Currently, rail weapons and nuclear lasers will show up at the same time.
Due to their dependence on the same key tech (antimatter containment). I really like the idea of bringing the MiB into play. MiB missions are super nasty and currently, the reward is thin. I usually cancel those missions, not worth the hassle. But things would definitely change when basic and nuclear laser weapons are added to the jackpot.
Basic laser weapons could (additionally) depend on interrogating an MiB-enineer, and nuclear laser weapons on an MiB-commander. Or add some data medium object to the Hybrid-MIB-Meeting mission (containing secret blueprints on nuclear laser weapons the hybrids give to the MiB) and make the advanced laser weapons dependent on that instead.
As for the MiB, aren't they too easily found/captured to make a difference?
The basic laser weapons shouldn't be too hard to get IMO. We could assign more techs to the MIB-engineers (early things like multi-launcher, tactical sniper rifle, explosive ammo, incendiary ammo, heavy cannon, auto cannon), to make it more unlikely that they talk about the laser weapons.
Nuclear lasers will be much harder to get. Capturing a live commander is not so easy. And in the other variant (MiB-hybrid-meeting) the player has to be lucky enough that the mission is randomly generated at all. Maybe it would even make sense then to make this a guaranteed mission in some month.
Sorry for the delay!
(1) "Heavy lasers suck"
True, many think that the heavy laser from the original game is disappointingly underpowered. FMP gives us the chance to correct that. And there is even a way to do this without violating the principle of FMP of not changing the stats of the original items! Just put the original heavy laser into the lower tier family of laser weapons, while taking the original laser pistol and rifle to the higher tier family of nuclear lasers.
The fact that the images of the original lasers are already assigned in this way might be seen as an omen that this really is the way to go!
Sorry, I'm not sure I understand... Is it about graphics, or items? Could you please write it in a way that even I can understand?
(2) "The nuclear lasers problem"
I'm not sure what you mean here. I guess it is the discussion if nuclear lasers should be considered top tier together with rail and plasma? In my opinion, they should. To give more variety to the game. And to resemble the original game, where lasers have been the first choice among the gun-type weapons in a few (but critical) situations like fighting sectopods.
Well, they are still useful after you get plasma.
But I might just rebel and increase lasers' accuracy across the board (like I did in X-Com Files). This would give them more of a niche. What do you think?
Good question. Maybe yes, if simultaneously the power of the rail weapons is reduced a bit. Power 125 should be enough for the heavy railgun, and would also prevent it from destroying outer ufo walls. That should really be preserved to weapons like fusion torch or fusion ball launcher.
Hmm, OK, it's an idea. But railguns are already at a disadvantage of dealing AP damage, which is generally not that great against high level enemies.
(3) Currently, rail weapons and nuclear lasers will show up at the same time.
Due to their dependence on the same key tech (antimatter containment). I really like the idea of bringing the MiB into play. MiB missions are super nasty and currently, the reward is thin. I usually cancel those missions, not worth the hassle. But things would definitely change when basic and nuclear laser weapons are added to the jackpot.
Basic laser weapons could (additionally) depend on interrogating an MiB-enineer, and nuclear laser weapons on an MiB-commander. Or add some data medium object to the Hybrid-MIB-Meeting mission (containing secret blueprints on nuclear laser weapons the hybrids give to the MiB) and make the advanced laser weapons dependent on that instead.
A bit situational... But I like the general direction.
The basic laser weapons shouldn't be too hard to get IMO. We could assign more techs to the MIB-engineers (early things like multi-launcher, tactical sniper rifle, explosive ammo, incendiary ammo, heavy cannon, auto cannon), to make it more unlikely that they talk about the laser weapons.
Nuclear lasers will be much harder to get. Capturing a live commander is not so easy. And in the other variant (MiB-hybrid-meeting) the player has to be lucky enough that the mission is randomly generated at all. Maybe it would even make sense then to make this a guaranteed mission in some month.
OK, I think I get the idea.
I am kinda shy about changinhg basic lasers' prerequisites to MiB, since it's so unlike X-Com... But I will consider this. ;)
I saw in an older play through of this mod pack people had multi blaster launchers. How do I get them as I cannot figure it out from looking at the rulesets.
They're dropped from a very rare alien mission. You'll know the ship when you get a look at it during interception.
Ah the gold one? Can I make them and their ammo once I get one or am I stuck with what I can loot?
You can't make ammo for the Blaster Multi-Launcher.
(Which perhaps should be changed.)
I would REALLY like to be able to make ammo for the multi blaster launcher. Maybe require a capture of the Ethereal Ambassadors from their envoy ship to get the recipe for the ammo? As it is I'm fine with the launcher being unbuildable but being able to make ammo for it would be so so good if it is sutably expensive and not easy to unlock.
Also which is better? The railguns or plasma weapons?
And I seem to have the sprites of the Gaus Weapons in place of my railgun weapons for some reason. Or did the old guas sprites get changed to the railgun sprites?
Hello, Solarius Scorch!
I've got a crash nearly the end of the game, so it's sad to drop everything in this moment. :'( Maybe there is a way to solve the problem somehow? And the problem is:
[21-11-2018_13-20-45] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Error proccessing mission script named: recon, mission type: STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY is not defined
Everything worked well untill now.
Thanks and sorry. I will check ASAP.
(I swear, those hybrids are easily the most troublesome thing in this mod.)
I think it should be fine... Are you sure you have the latest version of the mod?
I would REALLY like to be able to make ammo for the multi blaster launcher. Maybe require a capture of the Ethereal Ambassadors from their envoy ship to get the recipe for the ammo? As it is I'm fine with the launcher being unbuildable but being able to make ammo for it would be so so good if it is sutably expensive and not easy to unlock.
I don't really have a say in this as I have never tried the FMP (maybe after I finish the LP for Area 51 I'll give that a try too), but to me it sounds like a good balancing for a very OP weapon that you have to painstakingly loot the ammo for it to use, it sounds like it makes it more like a special thing to solve extremely hard problems, but you are always encouraged to try any other method before resorting to this option.
I don't really have a say in this as I have never tried the FMP (maybe after I finish the LP for Area 51 I'll give that a try too), but to me it sounds like a good balancing for a very OP weapon that you have to painstakingly loot the ammo for it to use, it sounds like it makes it more like a special thing to solve extremely hard problems, but you are always encouraged to try any other method before resorting to this option.
Your reasoning is sound, but in this case it's not that applicable, because this particular weapon is so rare that you are unlikely to ever encounter it before Cydonia. This means that if you are lucky enough to find the weapon in the first place, you can't realistically replenish your ammo by looting.
Therefore I agree that it should be manufacturable. I really hope it won't break the balance...
Thanks and sorry. I will check ASAP.
(I swear, those hybrids are easily the most troublesome thing in this mod.)
I think it should be fine... Are you sure you have the latest version of the mod?
Yeah. Recently I updated It's version to latest 2.2d. After 2-3 days of playing this version I get this error.
Missions are generated at the beginning of each month. So if your mission was generated incorrectly, the problem will probably persist even after the update.
To solve it, try reloading a save from the previous month. Alternatively, you can edit your save file to remove or replace the faulty mission.
this particular weapon is so rare that you are unlikely to ever encounter it before Cydonia. This means that if you are lucky enough to find the weapon in the first place, you can't realistically replenish your ammo by looting.
but this also means that this weapon is not really required to win the game though, but if found, makes it easier. In this case, if you need to capture it to manufacture it, the luck factor will be multiplied by you being able to replenish the ammo.
Just in a general perspective, in case of a narrow win/loss situation, not finding this weapon before going to Cydonia might result in a loss, if you find it, it'll be an easy win. So if you keep it very rare and hard to find with a launcher that can't be reproduced, but very powerful and let the player get the ammo for it, there's no way it won't screw the balance. It either will be too easy if found, or too difficult if not found.
but this also means that this weapon is not really required to win the game though, but if found, makes it easier. In this case, if you need to capture it to manufacture it, the luck factor will be multiplied by you being able to replenish the ammo.
Just in a general perspective, in case of a narrow win/loss situation, not finding this weapon before going to Cydonia might result in a loss, if you find it, it'll be an easy win. So if you keep it very rare and hard to find with a launcher that can't be reproduced, but very powerful and let the player get the ammo for it, there's no way it won't screw the balance. It either will be too easy if found, or too difficult if not found.
Yes, again you make a lot of sense, but I am not sure if this weapon is all that great. It's a variant of the Blaster Launcher with less powerful munitions but a whole clip of them. Destructive? Absolutely. Overpowered? Yes, but I don't know if more than the standard Blaster Launcher.
As it is now, if you don't find it, you still have standard Blaster Launchers - less fancy, but with more oomph and ultimately similar in use. If you find it, you probably get more chances to attack (since it's faster) and can use it when moving more, which is certainly nice, but I don't think it's "easy win".
The situation is exacerbated by the fact that other such super rare weapons are generally of unlimited use.
but this also means that this weapon is not really required to win the game though, but if found, makes it easier. In this case, if you need to capture it to manufacture it, the luck factor will be multiplied by you being able to replenish the ammo.
Just in a general perspective, in case of a narrow win/loss situation, not finding this weapon before going to Cydonia might result in a loss, if you find it, it'll be an easy win. So if you keep it very rare and hard to find with a launcher that can't be reproduced, but very powerful and let the player get the ammo for it, there's no way it won't screw the balance. It either will be too easy if found, or too difficult if not found.
just make an edit the research and manufacture rule files to make the ammo buildable after research.
just make an edit the research and manufacture rule files to make the ammo buildable after research.
That's what we're discussing, yes. :P
Is this FMP compatible with the new, unified OXCE?
Is this FMP compatible with the new, unified OXCE?
Yes, it should be.
EDIT by Meridian: Yes, it is.
I tried to play in OXCE with this mod (and nothing else) and I get this error (and it won't run)
[07-05-2019_12-20-44] [ERROR] Error linking 'STR_ALIEN_ELECTRONICS' in research: Unknown research 'STR_TROLLIUM'
I tried to play in OXCE with this mod (and nothing else) and I get this error (and it won't run)
[07-05-2019_12-20-44] [ERROR] Error linking 'STR_ALIEN_ELECTRONICS' in research: Unknown research 'STR_TROLLIUM'
Already solved on discord, old FMP version.
I missed the Discord discussion. Do I need to change anything in the mod?
I missed the Discord discussion. Do I need to change anything in the mod?
Thanks, appreciated.
Could I suggest a small change?
It is logical that STR_AUTO_CANNON is machinegun like weapon. In FMP machine guns have extended auto range for balance. But STR_AUTO_CANNON is missing it.
I suggest to add autoRange: 30
Orignal stats are unaffected
I've uploaded the change.
Good point, thought I'll make it 25 - it's not exactly a machine gun.
Hi all, just wanted to drop a thanks for this mod and the hundreds of hours that surely went into the selection and balancing- what an awesome time.
Thank you very much!
BTW I am planning an update some time soonish. Nothing revolutionary, but there will be some minor improvements.
Good to know and a also a big thank you scorch.
I will sqash some aquatic aliens in the meantime then after my last failed failed Superhuman/Ironman attempt.
Regards Carfax
Also, man cyberdisks suuuuuck unless you're packing
flamethrowers! I'm watching Lewis and Ben save the world in parallel with my playthrough, thank goodness they tried the flamer. My first terror mission was on the railyard map, and the entire rail line itself was a cyberdisk kill zone with 4-5 cybers. Even once I realized it was the flamethrower I needed, I still lost 6 troops. Stocking three of them on the skyraider from now on! Maybe packing incendiary ammo will work too? Don't tell me :)
Also loving the larger office towers and the labyrinthine pathing, requiring lots of on-the-fly decisions and tactics.
I have released a new version: 2.2e.
- New Hybrid graphics.
- New Jungle landing block.
- Overhauled bigobs to remove negative indexes.
- Increased Auto Cannon's aim range.
- Fixed FRNITURE death tiles association.
- Fixed some fences.
I'll give feedback on any changes I notice from 2.2d. I'm in May of year one on my first playthrough (on Experienced- I've beaten the vanilla game once like 10 years ago) and I have never had this much fun playing xcom. Man, the fricking minigun is amazing amounts of fun. As long as you get the scouts [way] out of the way first.
Makes the game crash on the new version of the game; openxcom_git_master_2019_06_17_0106.zip
Makes the game crash on the new version of the game; openxcom_git_master_2019_06_17_0106.zip
What is the error message?
I can't see the error message anymore. It crashes immediately now. Is there any error log i can find? It was about a file in the final mod pack.
I can't see the error message anymore. It crashes immediately now. Is there any error log i can find? It was about a file in the final mod pack.
I think you're not using the latest FMP version, do you have FMP 2.2e (released 7 days ago)? You need this version for the newest OpenXcom.
Please help me!
I want the MIB to become stronger gradually during the game (I have a lot of problems in battles because of their tanks, the game because of this is not fun).
In the file alienRaces_FMP.rul, I created many subtypes of MIB
- id: STR_MIB_1_2
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_3_4
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_5_6
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_7
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_8
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_9
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_10
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_11
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_12
retaliation: false
- id: STR_MIB_13
retaliation: false
and smoothly divided them by months in alienMissions_FMP.rul.
points: 0
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 100
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 100
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 20
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 10
STR_MIB_7: 20
STR_MIB_8: 50
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 50
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 10
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 50
STR_MIB_11: 20
STR_MIB_12: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 50
STR_MIB_12: 20
STR_MIB_13: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 30
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 20
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 30
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 20
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 30
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 20
count: 1
trajectory: P0
timer: 6000
count: 1
trajectory: P0
timer: 7800
count: 1
trajectory: P2
timer: 7800
count: 1
trajectory: P0
timer: 7800
count: 1
trajectory: P3
timer: 9000
count: 1
trajectory: P4
timer: 3000
count: 1
trajectory: P4
timer: 750
count: 1
trajectory: P2
timer: 1500
points: 0
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 100
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 100
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 20
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 10
STR_MIB_7: 20
STR_MIB_8: 50
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 50
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 10
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 50
STR_MIB_11: 20
STR_MIB_12: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 50
STR_MIB_12: 20
STR_MIB_13: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 30
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 20
STR_MIB_10: 15
STR_MIB_11: 25
STR_MIB_12: 35
STR_MIB_13: 25
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_11: 20
STR_MIB_12: 40
STR_MIB_13: 30
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_11: 15
STR_MIB_12: 40
STR_MIB_13: 35
count: 1
trajectory: T0
timer: 35000
count: 1
trajectory: T1
timer: 35000
count: 1
trajectory: T2
timer: 35000
- type: STR_MIB_BASE
points: 0
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 100
STR_MIB_1_2: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_3_4: 100
STR_MIB_3_4: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 100
STR_MIB_5_6: 50
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_5_6: 20
STR_MIB_7: 50
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 10
STR_MIB_7: 20
STR_MIB_8: 50
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_8: 20
STR_MIB_9: 50
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 10
STR_MIB_9: 20
STR_MIB_10: 50
STR_MIB_11: 20
STR_MIB_12: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 50
STR_MIB_12: 20
STR_MIB_13: 10
STR_MIB_10: 20
STR_MIB_11: 30
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 20
STR_MIB_10: 15
STR_MIB_11: 25
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 30
STR_MIB_10: 10
STR_MIB_11: 20
STR_MIB_12: 30
STR_MIB_13: 40
count: 1
trajectory: B0
timer: 15000
I found their ship on the ground, but when trying to land, the game collapsed.
Please tell me what I need to fix, so that my new races work normally.
Can we get a child forum for this mod?
Please help me!
I want the MIB to become stronger gradually during the game (I have a lot of problems in battles because of their tanks, the game because of this is not fun).
Instead of modding the tanks out, have you considered heavy explosives? A few of those always did the trick for me.
The answer to every and any early game threat like those Exalt tanks is rookies with horrible stats you can throw away charging them with flamethrowers. It's been working well in my S-Human run. Cyberdiscs, spitters, Exalt tanks, all toasted in 1 or auto shots. But wait, why can't we build alloy tanks?
I know how to kill them (actually I didn’t try a flamethrower, thanks), that’s not the point. The fact is that MIB are the most powerful enemies in the game at this stage (0-6 month). Not just the strongest, but much, much stronger than others. Fighting with any other race is just an easy walk, and fighting with an MIB is a real challenge. There is clearly no balance. That is the main problem that I would like to fix.
Well, they use alien weapons but have human stats... So this outcome is inevitable.
This is balanced by the fact that they appear rarely, unless the RNG says otherwise (as in your case, it appears).
Still, I find it surprising that you think the MiBs are tougher than Mutons and Ethereals.
Mutons and Ethereals have not yet appeared, but I am sure that they (at least Mutons) will not give me as much trouble. The reason for all is their tanks. Each such tank is two times stronger than Cyberdisk. Even before the first month ended, the terror mission with four tanks appeared! And since then they appear 2-3 times more often than all other races (while there were only Sectoids, Floaters and Snakemans and once Hybrids) put together. If you look at the numbers that are responsible for the frequency of occurrence of the MIB, then it is not clear to me why they should appear rarely. They appear in accordance with these numbers. I have already reduced them by 30% for my game, but in order to achieve a better balance, I think it is necessary to ensure that their tanks do not appear from the very beginning of the game. I see that the growth of the force of the race has already been implemented for MIB by creating two races: MIB and LATE_MIB, I just want to expand this mechanics, can you tell me how to add more types of races for MIB so that they work normally? I tried to figure it out, but I can't catch the logic. It is interesting to me to understand this, not only for balancing the MIBs, but also because it is an excellent mechanic.
Well, in short, you need to make a niew alienRace and then add it to the appropriate alienMissions. For more info, go here (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)).
attraction: 10
cost: 10
Is it a mistake?
Is it intentional that you can make ~$110K per engineer per month (about 4x their salary) by producing the
craft Railgun Cannon?
Not that I'm complaining, since the game is kicking my ass right now and I'm churning through money, thanks to the fact that I haven't hit the Engineer lottery yet so every mission is my troops with alloy weapons vs. a ship full of Gazers... which they can barely damage.
At least I have Railgun Tanks... which a Holodrone can destroy in a single turn.
None of this should be interpreted as criticism, as I am loving this playthrough.
...wait I just realized I'm playing with TFTD damage. AUGH! Is that recommended for this mod?
attraction: 10
cost: 10
Is it a mistake?
No, I don't think so... Why?
Is it intentional that you can make ~$110K per engineer per month (about 4x their salary) by producing the (...)
Yeah, by this point money don't even matter. Carry on.
Not that I'm complaining, since the game is kicking my ass right now and I'm churning through money, thanks to the fact that
This is as intended (though doesn't always happen). You should look for other methods to fight Gazers, there are a few alternatives to guns.
At least I have (...)
Well. The game would be boring otherwise, no? :)
None of this should be interpreted as criticism, as I am loving this playthrough.
Au contraire, thank you for the meaningful feedback!
...wait I just realized I'm playing with TFTD damage. AUGH! Is that recommended for this mod?
Definitely not. It throws the entire balance out of the window.
(Also, TFTD model sucks balls IMO. but that's my opinion.)
No, I don't think so... Why?
The attraction of an ordinary pistol is maximum? Like a blaster rocket launcher? IMO it should be 5... well, or 7, like all the rest of simple weapons in this mod, including ammo for this pistol.
Research cost 10? It seemed to me that this is not the easiest device to study, to be the cheapest research possible. Seems just zero got lost. )
The attraction of an ordinary pistol is maximum? Like a blaster rocket launcher? IMO it should be 5... well, or 7, like all the rest of simple weapons in this mod, including ammo for this pistol.
10 is not a maximum, it's just a number.
Yes, these numbers are kinda all over the place. There are hundreds of items, and the effect of attraction is pretty marginal anyway. I realize it an be improved, but the effect will be negligible, and that's a lot of work...
But In this case, since we're discussing it already, I set attraction 8.
Research cost 10? It seemed to me that this is not the easiest device to study, to be the cheapest research possible. Seems just zero got lost. )
Okay, you're totally right. I misunderstood before. :) Fixed.
time: 600 !!!
It takes more time to make one pathetic jar of healing spray than to make a Medi-Kit! This time it seems, here is an extra zero... :)
time: 600 !!!
It takes more time to make one pathetic jar of healing spray than to make a Medi-Kit! This time it seems, here is an extra zero... :)
Hmm, maybe? I will decrease it for sure.
Hello, I encountered weird crash which killed my game (can't get past certain point of time) - log is in attach. How can I fix it?
It looks like there is no necessary line in the "languages" files. I think it will be in all languages.
Hello, I encountered weird crash which killed my game (can't get past certain point of time) - log is in attach. How can I fix it?
Looks like an artifact from some old version. STR_HYBRID_GROUND_CONVOY doesn't exist anywhere.
If you attach a save, I can have a look.
It looks like there is no necessary line in the "languages" files. I think it will be in all languages.
Thank you, fixed.
P.S.: is there a way to switch gauss weapon model for railgun and vice-versa? I liked it more the older way.
Thanks, I will check later.
Here)P.S.: is there a way to switch gauss weapon model for railgun and vice-versa? I liked it more the older way.
Yes, all you need to do is to switch the numbers for bigob, floorob and handob (in items_FMP) between the corresponding weapons, for example Heavy Gauss and Heavy Railgun.
This is as intended (though doesn't always happen). You should look for other methods to fight Gazers, there are a few alternatives to guns.
Indeed, I managed to find a great one, namely:
packing 20 High Explosives and handing them out like candy
RE: TFTD; Definitely not. It throws the entire balance out of the window.
Also, in my 2.2e playthrough, I just had a STR_HYBRID_CONVOY_SMALL pop up. Fun little mission, and I think the name was correct/localized in most places "Small Hybrid Convoy", but at least somewhere the 'STR' line of text appeared instead, and needs to be replaced by the localized name. I think it was on the intercept screen, and perhaps the mission screen as well. I'll attach a .sav when I get home, or find and patch the offending line myself.
Yeah, it was reported before. I will release an update soonish, but I want to port some cool stuff from the X-Com Files, and this takes time.
Before updating I suggest to pay attention to these things:
1) Now, after the range of automatic firing of the auto-cannon has been increased, at long distances (starting from 21) the auto-shot is more accuracy than the snap-shot...
2) Toxigun (without flask) weighs only 3. Like a grenade. I think it should be more. For now, this is the perfect spare weapon.
3) CostSell of Alloy Vest is 60,000, while the costSell of personal armor is 50,000. I think it needs to be fixed. For my game, I corrected the sale price of Alloy Vest at 40,000.
4) bravery of fighting dogs is only 10. They start to panic before anyone else. This is not very similar to "highly trained dogs are fully capable in battlefield conditions". Maybe it makes sense to increase this value? In my opinion, a well-trained combat dog is not afraid of anything at all.
5) What a lousy sound of shooting a light machine gun? What is interesting, in the same folder is a file with a much better sound! Did you forget to use it? :)
Thank you for the report, these indeed sound like bugs. I will address them.
Regarding dofs: their low morale is mostly to simulate being distracted (they're dogs after all) rather than afraid; this is why their sniffing action damages morale as they get restless. It's not a perfect implementation, but I don't think it can be made better.
As for the MG sound, which file do you propose?
4) bravery of fighting dogs is only 10. They start to panic before anyone else. This is not very similar to "highly trained dogs are fully capable in battlefield conditions". Maybe it makes sense to increase this value? In my opinion, a well-trained combat dog is not afraid of anything at all.
The dogs panicking easily makes sense to me- they're just dogs, after all- and attack dogs in this game are, frankly, *awesome* enough as it is. $10k for a speed demon with a huge melee punch! I feel a little guilty using them; a guilt only counterbalanced by having to endure that awful sound when they die... :'( :'(
5) What a lousy sound of shooting a light machine gun? What is interesting, in the same folder is a file with a much better sound! Did you forget to use it? :)
For the love of everything, use Daedalus' High Quality FMP Sounds! https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2502.0.html
Yeah, it was reported before. I will release an update soonish, but I want to port some cool stuff from the X-Com Files, and this takes time.
o.O what sorts of things? More goodies? I have two requests from my almost-complete first playthrough (difficulty=2):
1. A Fire Extinguisher. I have watched, helpless, as a valiant trooper burned slowly to death after suiciding himself into a Cyberdisk.
--- but then again, there should be a reason to fear fire, and the hazmat/toxisuit has to have some use.
2. An end-game upgrade for the Shotgun's "slug" fire mode ("Depleted Elerium" shells, or something)! The shotgun kicks so much ass, and I want to take them into Cydonia so bad.
--- but then again, I'll probably take them with Alloy rounds anyway, if I have to. That 150% accuracy is just impossible to forego.
Finally, The Scatter Laser does not have the 'autorange=30' that the Minigun has. I've added it in, in my local copy, and it makes the Scatter Laser a hilarious amount of fun, just like the Minigun was early-game. Was that omission intentional?
Sadly, extinguishers require OXCE, so it's a no-no for a vanilla mod like FMP.
Better shotgun shells are possible, but I need to think about it and check what you can do with the vanilla engine. But there are toxiguns. ;)
I'll see about the Scatter Laser.
As for the planned content:
- New alien race, the Chaser (from Xenonauts). An early race (equivalent to Sectoids and Floaters), very fast and somewhat armoured, but squishy inside. They will be accompanied by Celatids.
- Muton terror units overhaul. Since Celatids are now with Chasers and Silacoids with Chtonites, Mutons need new terror units. They will have Obliterators (Cyberdiscs on crack - in fact they already do, but I have better sprites for them and will generally do some review of them) and female commandos with funky weapons (like thrown discs of doom).
EDIT: I have loaded the new text onto Transifex. Please kindly deal with the localizations, the sooner are done, the sooner I'll release 2.3. I think all the texts are also in X-Com Files, so if there's an X-Com Files localization in your language, Transifex will automatically suggest this to you - therefore no creative work needed.
Hey everyone,
Let me start by saying I love this mod. I am having an issue with Hybrid missions. See pictures I've attached. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?
Thank you.
This will be fixed with the next update. Just wait :)
Just finished my Difficulty = 2 playthrough with a successful Cydonia assault. Well done, this mod is awesome. Loved the balance throughout; still hoping for my Plasma and Elerium slugs. I think we want an Advanced Shotgun/Alloy Shotgun that can accept a few different loads (like the Advanced Rocket Launcher). It could take a small accuracy or TU penalty vs. the normal shotgun (actually, I think the regular shotgun needs a nerf), lose a point or two of weight, and cost 1-2 alloys to produce.
Loads could include the normal AA rounds plus new slugs (Plasma and Elerium?), maybe a fusion/acid flechette round as well (less powerful than the Toxigun), and/or a stunbomb-based Stun round @ ~50 power (slug) or 4x20 (pellets)?
Is there a repo where I can mockup the changes myself for your review? :)
Glad you liked it!
I will release the next version very soon, afterwards we can discuss the changes. ;)
GitHub link is in the opening post.
EDIT: Version 2.3 has been released.
- New race: Chaser (sprites by Voidavatar and Finnik).
- New unit: Muton Shader (sprites mostly by Dioxine).
- New weapon: Death Disc.
- New Obliterator sprite.
- Some rebalances and fixes.
EDIT: Version 2.3b has been released.
- Fixed Obliterator research.
- Fixed Chaser commendation.
- Fixed XCOMBITS references.
New version of FMP - Starting a new campaign! 8)
I'll be off saving the earth... or, rather - in my case, having my bases overrun by retaliation-missions... :o
Attachment added - That's X-Com, baby!
The joys of early game FMP, with nerfed accuracies for rookies.... ::)
I've just finished changing all of the bigSprite: variables that had negative index values assigned to them in the FMP's version 1.9.8 release items_FMP.rul file. (Using Yankes's code found here: LINK (https://github.com/Yankes/Final-Mod-Pack/commit/bdad8bb33713577259d0f36a779d50da295a9dd3))
This file is out of date, but just in case anyone else needs a version of 1.9.8 that is compatible with the current OpenXcom nightlies release I'm attaching it to this post to save them some time.
If your reading this and are unsure of what it is, please download the latest version of the Final Mod Pack instead (Version 2.3b is the current one (https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack)) and ignore this post as it only effects an older version of the mod.
In the FinalModPack_readme.txt for V2.3b I noticed these changes that may be preventing a crash condition found in the older V1.9.8:
2.1: Fixed a crash on Cerebreal attack.
2.2c: Fixed incorrect terrain texture coordinates.
2.2b: Fixed a missing trajectory. Fixed a missing terrain.
2.2d: Fixed some research related microbugs.
If possible could you please elaborate on what was fixed?
Especially about the Cerebreal attack crash, I don't think I've encountered it in V1.9.8 so far. Was the crash introduced in a later version?
Why would you confuse people with a fix for an obsolete version?
Please use the newest FMP version instead; the fixes are already included.
Why would you confuse people with a fix for an obsolete version?
That was not my intention, I'll edit my previous post to attempt to mitigate the chances of that by highlighting that the attached .rul is out of date.
Please use the newest FMP version instead; the fixes are already included.
Normally that would be the best option and I do intend to play V2.3b through as well later, but a the moment I need the old V1.9.8.
Which is a shame as V2.3 adds more enemies and V2.2 changes how Hybrid convoys are handled.
I'm definitely going to need to run that version through later, lots of new cool stuff.
I'm a bit curious though.
Why would you need the old v1.9.8?
As far as i know Solarius usually includes steps to convert old saves in case something breaking is introduced.
Couple of problems in research_FMP.rul:
cost: 150
points: 75
needItem: true
destroyItem: true
listOrder: 1898
cost: 0 <====
points: 50 <====
needItem: true
cost: 620
points: 25
points: 25 <====
Yes indeed, these are bugs. Thanks, I'll fix them soon.
Hi Solarius
I was fooling around with the commendations/ribbons and came up with a Globetrotter Medal. I am no Pixelartist though. I also added the ribbon for Hand to Hand Kills for the Soldier Diary which was missing. Everybody can freely use my work and add them to their liking.
Regards Carfax
edited the Medal slightly by darkening the Globe replaced the file
I'm a bit curious though.
Why would you need the old v1.9.8?
I'm seeking to complete a V1.9.8 Genius difficulty run with Iron Man setting on before moving on to the latest FMP version and attempting a higher difficulty.
The reason for running the older version is there have been some balancing changes since V1.9.8 and additional enemies have been added.
So although V2.3b is the better version it is technically a different campaign.
Basically I'm just completing some old unfinished business before taking a shot at the modern version of the campaign. ^_^
Fair enough, that is good reason for wanting to keep the old version on your computer.
Hi Solarius
I was fooling around with the commendations/ribbons and came up with a Globetrotter Medal. I am no Pixelartist though. I also added the ribbon for Hand to Hand Kills for the Soldier Diary which was missing. Everybody can freely use my work and add them to their liking.
Regards Carfax
edited the Medal slightly by darkening the Globe replaced the file
Wow, thank you. I'll certainly include it, with credits and everything.
One question does not give me rest: is it normal that MIB and hybrids fly on a chic mansion? Is there any explanation for this? :) Perhaps it was supposed that these missions (meeting of MIB & Hybrids) should be static, like a convoy of hybrids?
Hello people! I had been lurking around here for a while and decided to register as I've got things to say.
First I would like to express my gratitude for the openxcom team for making this whole darn super awesome game work on modern machines! I've been a huge fan of UFO since forever and after my XP tabletop fried, I haven't been able to play the game. Until I found openxcom. Then I want to thank Solarius & co. for FMP, this is magnificent! Its like the old game made perfect with surprises behind every corner. I love the new aliens and weapons and the tech tree is so cool now, I have tried to not spoil too much as I took on playing the FMP without knowing much and I love it. Its like my good old xcom with familiar mechanics, but at the same time, its brand new!
I just started a Veteran playthrough and holy shit what a jump in difficulty from Experienced. Its absolutely brutal, I met Chtonites before Sectoids. It seems that upping the difficulty made the aliens much more aggressive. On experienced it seemed that I had the initiative 99% of the time, but on Vet the aliens just keep on attacking without giving me time to organize my troops. The deployment seems to be the deadliest point of the battle now, with luck the slaughter begins after few turns. Its great!
Then I would like to report a bug I discovered, its not a game breaker, but for some reason the game isn't keeping count of crashed UFO's, every time I've shot down a UFO, it says "Crash site-1". Is there anything I could do to fix this? It doesn't break the game, everything seems to work as usual, its just a nuisance as I like how I can keep count on how many crafts I've shot down. (I'm using the latest version of both openxcom and FMP, the only other mod I have on is high quality sounds.)
And lastly, I have a question about the tech tree, I've had a look at it, but I don't remember much as I want to figure it out myself, but this much I want to spoil, what are the requirements to reseach the hyperwave decoder? It needs several things now, that much I know of. Not much of a problem as I'm making good use of AWACS and stacking radars... But its so nice to have full knowledge of what the aliens are up to. :D Can't wait to get that far.
On my vet playthrough I'm now in the end of january and I'm already making good progress on alloy ammunition and advanced firearms, I really want that tactical sniper rifle soon. Btw the weapon balance seems perfect! It has made me play very tactical and smart and there's the sense of urgency to get better weaponry asap, also how conventional weapons can keep up with alloy ammo etc., its fantastic! Got to love that minigun, saved my ass so many times. ;)
One question does not give me rest: is it normal that MIB and hybrids fly on a chic mansion? Is there any explanation for this? :) Perhaps it was supposed that these missions (meeting of MIB & Hybrids) should be static, like a convoy of hybrids?
Yes, precisely - it is a technical limitation. Or more precisely, it used to be at the time I made it. Now it can be made more elegantly, I just never got around to remaking it. (I did it for the convoys though.)
Hello people! I had been lurking around here for a while and decided to register as I've got things to say.
Velcome to my kastle. :3
First I would like to express my gratitude for the openxcom team for making this whole darn super awesome game work on modern machines! I've been a huge fan of UFO since forever and after my XP tabletop fried, I haven't been able to play the game. Until I found openxcom. Then I want to thank Solarius & co. for FMP, this is magnificent! Its like the old game made perfect with surprises behind every corner. I love the new aliens and weapons and the tech tree is so cool now, I have tried to not spoil too much as I took on playing the FMP without knowing much and I love it. Its like my good old xcom with familiar mechanics, but at the same time, its brand new!
That's nice to hear! This is pretty much why this mod was made in the first place.
I just started a Veteran playthrough and holy shit what a jump in difficulty from Experienced. Its absolutely brutal, I met Chtonites before Sectoids. It seems that upping the difficulty made the aliens much more aggressive. On experienced it seemed that I had the initiative 99% of the time, but on Vet the aliens just keep on attacking without giving me time to organize my troops. The deployment seems to be the deadliest point of the battle now, with luck the slaughter begins after few turns. Its great!
You mean the Skyranger being a death trap? ;)
Just for clarification, difficulty doesn't affect alien AI directly (as far as I know anyway), but it gives the aliens better stats, which may allow them to do more in a turn.
Then I would like to report a bug I discovered, its not a game breaker, but for some reason the game isn't keeping count of crashed UFO's, every time I've shot down a UFO, it says "Crash site-1". Is there anything I could do to fix this? It doesn't break the game, everything seems to work as usual, its just a nuisance as I like how I can keep count on how many crafts I've shot down. (I'm using the latest version of both openxcom and FMP, the only other mod I have on is high quality sounds.)
That's definitely weird. But it's not something that can be affected by a mod, so it's an issue with the game.
And lastly, I have a question about the tech tree, I've had a look at it, but I don't remember much as I want to figure it out myself, but this much I want to spoil, what are the requirements to reseach the hyperwave decoder? It needs several things now, that much I know of. Not much of a problem as I'm making good use of AWACS and stacking radars... But its so nice to have full knowledge of what the aliens are up to. :D Can't wait to get that far.
Just a hint then: Alien Optical Processor.
On my vet playthrough I'm now in the end of january and I'm already making good progress on alloy ammunition and advanced firearms, I really want that tactical sniper rifle soon. Btw the weapon balance seems perfect! It has made me play very tactical and smart and there's the sense of urgency to get better weaponry asap, also how conventional weapons can keep up with alloy ammo etc., its fantastic! Got to love that minigun, saved my ass so many times. ;)
I hope you'll have an interesting, challenging, fun campaign!
Velcome to my kastle. :3
That's nice to hear! This is pretty much why this mod was made in the first place.
Its great! You have added so many things I have silently wished for while playing the original.
I have to say it out loud that oh boy do I love the miniguns! I'm yet to try the HMG as my soldiers aren't up the task of hauling the thing around the battlefield just yet. But to have a heavy machine gun of some kind as a support weapon is awesome! I now have at least one as a backup along with one or two grenade launchers, rocket launcher guy and two dedicated snipers. The front guys rarely have to shoot at all unless they get close and personal with the bugs. 8)
You mean the Skyranger being a death trap? ;)
Just for clarification, difficulty doesn't affect alien AI directly (as far as I know anyway), but it gives the aliens better stats, which may allow them to do more in a turn.
Exactly. I do the deplyoment usually quite carefully, smoke grenade --> scouts/dogs/tank out ---> if safe enough, out with the first squad. I think it might be a combination of (bad)luck and aliens having higher reaction stat on veteran. I rarely wait the first turn btw. But it seems that openxcom has this part so well done, many missions start as if aliens are staging an ambush as if they know to wait for my men to arrive. ;) This is one of the small things that have always made UFO awesome game, the "dumb" AI some times seems so smart... All it needs it just luck with alien placement and the type of map and deployement can be total hell to do even with all the tactics that usually make it easy.
That's definitely weird. But it's not something that can be affected by a mod, so it's an issue with the game.
Just a hint then: Alien Optical Processor.
I hope you'll have an interesting, challenging, fun campaign!
Yea, I thought so right after posting, the mod doesn't touch the mechanic of keeping count of things at all... I have never seen this happen before and I wonder if something happened with the save game? On my other games this hasn't happened. It doesn't seem to affect the game at all, only that every shot down UFO read "crash site-1".
Alien optical processor... Hmmm, I wonder if there's an alien engineer around who might know something about it. ;) Or perhaps I can extract one from some place. My base is stuffed with weird alien tech nobody seems to know damn thing about, I guess I'll hoard more and present the eggheads in R&D with all that alien crap. 8)
Thank you sir, I'll definitely post an after action report when its done. ;)
I installed X-com Files too and had a quick look at it. I'm thinking of completing at least one campaign with FMP first and then see what horrors await my agents who can't hit the broad side of the barn. I'm in for getting my ass handed to me.
I just loaded my last savegame and it seems that the crash site count started working, I shot down a scout and it now says "crash site-2" even though it would really need to be five or six or something. I have no clue how this happened, I've never seen this before. It must be something about openxcom itself.
Holy shit what an introduction to the Men in black. On my previous game, they showed up with scoutships, or was it a MiB Stealth bomber or what which showed up the most. Now I got a landed very large UFO in Brazil... I was expecting either Sectoids or Anthropods which have been showing up the most. Little did I know that it was a MiB terror site.
What a battle! My losses weren't too bad, a cannon HWP, three dead, one wounded. Those MiB laser tank things are a real pain in the ass to deal with. The first one I just shot with everything I had as all the heavier firepower was elsewhere. Killed one of my own in the process but that rocket was essential as there were about four soldiers in the open and the HWP was just in front of them. Then there were two more in the edge of the map, luckily blocked by houses and some fence.
It took three high explosive packs, two rockets and insane hail of bullets to wreck the fuckers. I love it how tough those things are! Its forcing me to to play tactical and smart as they slice unarmoured people like butter.
One thing I don't like too much so far is that I have to blindly capture aliens, I have no clue when I'm able to research the mindprobe.
Those MiB laser tank things are a real pain in the ass to deal with.
I think the next six months they will be the main headache for you :)
According to my feelings, MIBs appear too often and in the presence of their tanks they are much stronger than other enemies appearing at this time. Please write your impressions later. I am doing a submod, I want to understand if this needs to be adjusted or not.
I think the next six months they will be the main headache for you :)
According to my feelings, MIBs appear too often and in the presence of their tanks they are much stronger than other enemies appearing at this time. Please write your impressions later. I am doing a submod, I want to understand if this needs to be adjusted or not.
Lets see what the gods of randomness will have in store for me. :D I just had my second base defense, just days after sending bunch of rookies there, the base is in Australia and Sectoids attacked out of nowhere. I didn't even have a single HWP there and took kind of aggressive stance, the grey bastards had four or five cyberdiscs with them. It took nine lives, three rockets and several downright suicidal close assaults to deal with them.
Cyberdiscs are tough as heck, but I think the MiB tank takes even more punishment. Same tactics work though, HE + large rockets + everything there is to fire at them. Actually I think one went down with shotguns loaded with alloy scatter ammo after one or two HE packs.
Hey, will MiB do base assaults? I don't think I've seen all missions they do, so far downed small crafts, one terror site and once I got the secret base type of thing in siberia. Funny how the place was so perfect for that one. Btw, I really enjoy the variety of different landscapes and I think so far I have been just scratching the surface. 8) In my last game I had a lot of MiB activity, on the current one, only the one terror mission so far so at the moment definitely not too often. I didn't mind them earlier either, gives kind of change of pace to the run-off-the-mill alien missions.
What kind of submod are you working on?
Ok, keep in touch.
Nothing revolutionary, just a little more content (basically, drones, after all, we live in 2019, and not in 1999 :) and something else), much more orderliness and a bit more balance (our sectopod has 100TU, and the enemy's 64 ... is not very fair). And more research :) Main principle: do no harm, I follow this carefully. I create the perfect game for myself. But, of course, I will share it.
Geoscape drones?
Our sectopod? I didn't remember there's that kind of thing coming up, I'm yet to see how it works... I haven't spoiled too much of the FMP techtree so far, I noticed something about XCOM cyberdisc. But sectopod... That's one heck of a HWP to take on a mission.
Solarius Scorch, you there? I have a question regarding the added alien races, I've so far had the questionable pleasure to meet chtonite, anthropod(my favourite newcomer so far, something about them gives me the creeps.), chaser and men in black... I know there's a nasty thing called gazer and what was it, a waspite? But that's not all of them, right? How many new alien species I can expect to kick my ass? I don't want to spoil the endgame too much, but just how many are there?
And I dread to think what is the terror weapon of mutons now... It must be something way worse than Celatid or Silacoid.
Geoscape drones?
No, Battlescape. But there are ideas about a couple of geoscape drones, how about SR-72? :)
Our sectopod? I didn't remember there's that kind of thing coming up, I'm yet to see how it works... I haven't spoiled too much of the FMP techtree so far, I noticed something about XCOM cyberdisc. But sectopod... That's one heck of a HWP to take on a mission.
Sorry for the spoiler :)
I have a question regarding the added alien races, I've so far had the questionable pleasure to meet chtonite, anthropod(my favourite newcomer so far, something about them gives me the creeps.), chaser and men in black... I know there's a nasty thing called gazer and what was it, a waspite? But that's not all of them, right? How many new alien species I can expect to kick my ass? I don't want to spoil the endgame too much, but just how many are there?
I think you got all of them. Of course, each race is accompanied by their own terror unit.
And I dread to think what is the terror weapon of mutons now... It must be something way worse than Celatid or Silacoid.
No, Battlescape. But there are ideas about a couple of geoscape drones, how about SR-72? :)
Sorry for the spoiler :)
What kind of drone you're thinking about? Something that flies and shoots I guess? :D Or an airborne scout drone?
And heck yea I could think of a geoscape drone, that would be neat. It would be specially cool if somebody came up with 1x1 hangar for those... Perhaps something fast but squishy with one weapon pod or something. But there's so many choices for interceptors already. How to make it fit in there? On the other hand, more freedom of choice is never bad in my opinion.
No problem about spoiler really, that's just one more cool thing to look onto.... I'm guessing it takes quite a lot of research to get as sectopod is supposed to be end game top tier thing.
I think you got all of them. Of course, each race is accompanied by their own terror unit.
Oh yea and wasn't there some special varieties of mutons and ethereals too? And I read a mention about some super secret ufo with special stuff on it? Damn this is so so awesome! I knew it, you wouldn't team mutons up with anything nice and rosy anyway. :D Btw, fantastic work on balancing the starting races with celatid and silacoid. I think its a perfect fit and those darned celatids melt rookies like its nobody's business.
I just played some neat missions again. Second MiB terror site, the map was quite similar of the first one, this one also in Brazil. For some reason they just love to terrorize South America. This time I knew how to deal with their tanks on my flank, yep, they did it again and survived without casualties. Both tanks ended up wrecked by HE pack + assist from two grenade launchers and airborne snipers with HE ammo. I got a lucky damage roll on both as it was much less pain in the ass this time.
Then I had a Sectoid terror site on that island just east of Sri Lanka, the name escapes me... That had the crazy mapset with tall buildings, some of which were kind of derelict. I didn't give a damn about the civvies and played it slow, I had to deal with five cyberdiscs. And they are so effin tough nuts to crack! But bullet + grenade spam and close assaults did it. I managed that mission also without casualties, my rocket HWP was nearly knocked out, but survived with just four hitpoints. I noticed the tactical sniper rifle with HE ammo does a good job on helping punch cyberdiscs out. I guess this is due to all four corners taking splash damage? Anyway, those things are a royal pain in the ass.
I'm thinking about disabling the LOS rule for psionics. I don't know how to deal with it as with it on its quite rare to get a psi attack as I tend to play rather slow, but without it, any psi alien mission would be a death fest. So far its not much of a problem as I think the FMP has near perfect difficulty balance even without the over the top psionics. I wonder if there will ever be a better middleground for this?
Is there any special pre-requisites for the Alien data slate? I recovered one from an alien base but it not appears among the available research topics. I captured many living aliens from all ranks and I already have even Cydonia or Bust researched.
I had no living Ethereals, Cerebreals so far.
I use the FMP 2.1
Is there any special pre-requisites for the Alien data slate?
I think you need "Alien Codes" & "Alien Electronics" research.
Solarius, what the hell have you done with Snakemen? I wonder where the Chrysalids are now.... F***ing dinosaurs who spit incendiary rockets in autofire? 8)
Seriously! I was so surprised, first time I met these goddamn lizards, I made them eat laser, rockets and HE packs. Thankfully they go down quite easily. I didn't even bother to try shooting at them with bullets. One of my best snipers did a hell of a close assault, took out two of them in one blast and got some shrapnel on her face in the process.
If this is what snakemen have as their terror weapon, what the heck has been done with chrysalids? No no, do not spoil it, I want to be surprised instead. Hmmhmm... Are they their own race or do they accompany some newcomers now, I wonder.
I had my first meet up with mutons last night. I hate them with a vengeance. They are impervious to bullets as usual, but what the heck is that grey looking one, just a new skin for certain rank? At least those were just scouts and not terrorships or anything with terror units.
Relax, Chryssalids are still there... Only sometimes they're substituted by Salamandrons. :)
Right, so now its either barbecue with samandrons or run, just run with xeno's, uh I mean chryssalids. Neat to know. I just had a base defense not long ago and it was snakemen. Luckily they had just the barbecue dinosaurs with them. I beat that mission without casualties.
I have now played my veteran game quite far, its half way september. I'm reaching laser & gauss weapons finally, I think I'm missing only one thing to get hyperwave decoder, I already researched the sentinel and so on. Some times the game still feels too easy. But the difference to experienced is randomness. I had one base defense on which I lost nine soldiers in the cleanup. Then I assaulted sectoid base which I won without any casualties... On most small missions I don't loose anyone, but it can all change really quickly... I didn't see much of that on lower difficulties.
I'm thinking of starting another game on genius perhaps.
I will still applaud the balance, every time I get something better, the aliens get harder to deal with. And no bugs, everything seems to work smoothly.
I'm in a bit of dead end with dealing with Mutons at the moment. I'm yet to reach anything more powerful than normal/alien laser rifle and I lack a good method on dealing with the green goblins close quarters... The problem is that I don't want to sacrifice all my experienced crews on dealing with Mutons. I did two tactical withdrawals in a row. There was a Muton base mission and I had to abort assaulting the battleship. I didn't take other casualties than the dog, but my rocket HWP was nearly knocked out. Aaand, they had those hovering rocket spitting lovelies around. I only saw one, but decided to pull out regardless. I gave it quite a hammering but it just kept on going. I wonder how much rockets and grenades will it suck before going down? I was considering a close HE pack assault but decided not to. Oh and it was a night mission too.
Then I aborted the recovery of the other supplyship. Securing the LZ would have been a total pain in the ass as RNG decided that I need to have at least one muton on each side and really close, too close to toss explosives around unless I would go kamikaze on them. I have been "stuck" on other research for a while, I guess I should go for all the neat weaponry ASAP. It seems that greenies are on the menu now all the time. The aliens sure have an stranglehold on me now unless I make drastic progress on research to get heavier weaponry. I think I'm now reaching the point where nearly all conventional weaponry will soon be obsolete.
Well, Mutons are supposed to be the elites. You can always try using swords! ;)
Thanks for the tip. ;) I started a new game on the side of the old one as I'm bit more aware of the tech tree now... Mutons sure are a royal pain in the ass.
Version 2.4 is online.
- Added missing ranks to Cybermite and Holodrone units.
- Improved the armour of Gazer Commander.
- Added Globetrotter medal graphics (by Carfax).
- Added autopsy picture for Chaser (by Voidavatar).
- Fixed some terrain tiles (0 armour).
- Updated translations.
- Minor fixes.
I saw one mod with alloy tanks for OXCE and I wondered if we could have alloy tanks in FMP too.
Same idea for the training room (even if I don't know where I could build this in my bases since a complete base already use the 36 squares.access(1) Hyperwave decoder (1), 3 hangars (12) 2 labs (2) with 100 scientists 2 workshops (2) with 70 engineers ,30 soldiers ,1 large living quarter(4), 1 large storage (4) 3 Psi Labs (3), 1 alien detention (1), for defense 4 fusion defenses, 1 grav shield, one psi cloak (even if when you have the tech bases are mostly known) (6))
I wonder if it's possible to have a bigger base grid and extra space could be used only for corridors or other structural improvements. for internal defense
Also I wonder if it's possible to have levels in some buildings like the alien containment, psi lab, training, infirmary each level adds 10 persons to a limit of 50. After all 1x1 buildings can handle 50 people
I saw one mod with alloy tanks for OXCE and I wondered if we could have alloy tanks in FMP too.
We could, but standard tanks are pretty sturdy already. Alloy tanks would be nearly unstoppable, and I don't want to nerf normal tanks to make room for alloy ones.
Same idea for the training room (even if I don't know where I could build this in my bases since a complete base already use the 36 squares.access(1) Hyperwave decoder (1), 3 hangars (12) 2 labs (2) with 100 scientists 2 workshops (2) with 70 engineers ,30 soldiers ,1 large living quarter(4), 1 large storage (4) 3 Psi Labs (3), 1 alien detention (1), for defense 4 fusion defenses, 1 grav shield, one psi cloak (even if when you have the tech bases are mostly known) (6))
Same idea? As in, alloy gym??? ;D
Sorry, I have no idea what you mean.
I wonder if it's possible to have a bigger base grid and extra space could be used only for corridors or other structural improvements. for internal defense
Not really, unless you talk some developer into it. And there are balance issues which make this endeavour not that attractive.
Also I wonder if it's possible to have levels in some buildings like the alien containment, psi lab, training, infirmary each level adds 10 persons to a limit of 50. After all 1x1 buildings can handle 50 people
Possible, but it's a lot of work and I doubt it's that needed.
"same idea" was not clear sorry. The gym mod exists in buiding mod pack for oxce but not in FMP.
I may switch for oxce at some point (base game, xcom file and oxce installed already since OXC mods seems compatible with OXCE I can install FMP on OXCE, I have no reason to stay with OXC). Adding a compatibility tag of mods for most major mods or conversions could be nice by the way
One thing I really wanted to be able to do is to upgrade power armor to fly suits (because actually I'm low on floater corpses) there's a mod that can do that but it doesn't take into account the antigrav modules
"same idea" was not clear sorry. The gym mod exists in buiding mod pack for oxce but not in FMP.
I may switch for oxce at some point (base game, xcom file and oxce installed already since OXC mods seems compatible with OXCE I can install FMP on OXCE, I have no reason to stay with OXC). Adding a compatibility tag of mods for most major mods or conversions could be nice by the way
Well FMP is strictly OXC, and that's that.
One thing I really wanted to be able to do is to upgrade power armor to fly suits (because actually I'm low on floater corpses) there's a mod that can do that but it doesn't take into account the antigrav modules
But can't you manufacture grav modules later?
actually I can't, all I can do is grav module extraction but I have only one floater from a mixed race mission
if I produce power armor they will finish in my base defense units, my deployed units using flying ones ASAP.
Being able to upgrade power suit to flying suit could be a nice addition. You produce power armor and they aren't wasted when a floater ship has the good idea to come. Same when/if you can produce grav module, you just upgrade power armor
space: 4
time: 800
cost: 10000
listOrder: 2609
Yes, you can. :P
Hobbes has forbidden usage of his terrain resources in any other mod, so I've temporarily removed X-Com Files from the portal until I remove all the content. Don't panic; this is not a big deal. It will take a while, though.
I noticed that in the Final Mod Pack(V2.3) the "Heavy Machine Gun" FloorOb did not appear to be rendering the entire image.
The image was 32 x 48 pixels whereas other FloorObs are 32 x 40.
So I reduced the size of the image and that seemed to fix it.
Original Image:
Fixed Image:
How can i update the picture with the correct one?
How can i update the picture with the correct one?
Before doing this I suggest making a backup of the original floorob_HMG.png file before replacing it as the Final Mod Pack is currently not available for download.
The file you are looking to replace can be found inside the Final Mod Pack's folders here:
As the file name and file format are the same as what the Mod is expecting everything should work just by placing the image inside that folder.
(Unless there has been a change involving the Heavy Machine Gun between version Final Mod Pack V2.3 and V2.4. I'm using V2.3)
It works, thanks.
Thank you!
When I go to that download page from 1st post - to https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack
it says: "This mod is hidden . Only team members and moderators can view it. If this is your mod login now to manage it."
am I missing something?
am I missing something?
FMP contains the Terrain Pack (TP) made by Hobbes. After Hobbes decided to deny his TP to be used in other mods, Solarius Scorch has removed access to the download until he can remove the TP from FMP.
After that is done, FMP will be up and downloadable again. It will just take a little bit of time.
Would be cool then to create one day a new tileset.
Too bad Im not a graphics artist.
As of now, all forbidden terrains were removed from the openxcomfiles have been removed, let's hope we'll have not to wait too much for the final mod pack :)
When I go to that download page from 1st post - to https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack
it says: "This mod is hidden . Only team members and moderators can view it. If this is your mod login now to manage it."
am I missing something?
Sent you a download link. Someone being a dick about something that doesn't matter shouldn't ruin other people's enjoyment.
I have question about github FMP repository mentioned in the first post
Is it actual? It appears it is not.
And did anyone try or plan to make somewhat like community version of this mod there anyone can contribute?
I have question about github FMP repository mentioned in the first post
Is it actual? It appears it is not.
Why does it appear not actual?
It appears actual enough to me :/
And did anyone try or plan to make somewhat like community version of this mod there anyone can contribute?
No such thing ever worked.
If you have more than 2-3 authors, it will fall apart.
You can contribute by making PRs, just don't expect the author will accept them all (or any).
Better discuss upfront.
Why does it appear not actual?
It appears actual enough to me :/
Ops, my bad. It is really actural:
Some terrain fixes
SolariusScorch committed on 24 Oct
Looks like it is readme text quite old.
No such thing ever worked.
If you have more than 2-3 authors, it will fall apart.
Is that OpenXCom mod specific? I mean other projects survived having insane activity per weak from bunch of random pepole. For example this:
It has around 6 developers and dozens of random cotributors. Dozens of Pull request passed during 2 weeks. This includes codebase edits, json edits and even mods for that game.
To be fair this project has some sings of being, well, mess (I can critisize this project for hours). But it is still stable and fun to play. And it survived more than 8 years it that state. So with proper control and properly inmpelented Continious Integration with unit tests even insane activity is possible.
I am actually surprised that mods for OpenXcom is almost always sole works (of course with sharing resources from other mods).
OpenXcom mods have 0 developers involved and 1-2 modders (and maximum 1 being the owner).
OpenXcom modders (with very few exceptions) are not developers (majority are not even IT people), they don't know how source control or continuous integration even works or what it is (no offense intended).
We have accountants, lawyers, geologists, etc. here... all doing this as a fun hobby.... not as any kind of serious IT project.
Also, people just make their "dreams come true", and I can assure you, everybody has a different dream...
Let's be glad that at least some of the mods are even published on github... I couldn't expect more.
OpenXcom mods have 0 developers involved and 1-2 modders (and maximum 1 being the owner).
OpenXcom modders (with very few exceptions) are not developers (majority are not even IT people), they don't know how source control or continuous integration even works or what it is (no offense intended).
We have accountants, lawyers, geologists, etc. here... all doing this as a fun hobby.... not as any kind of serious IT project.
Also, people just make their "dreams come true", and I can assure you, everybody has a different dream...
Let's be glad that at least some of the mods are even published on github... I couldn't expect more.
Hm... So they can be teached and helped with maintaining. It is rather interesting vector of work. Intresting thing to consider.
So when will the mod be available again? I have an itch to scratch after Phoenix Point let down and decided to do a whole series binge play.
Running such a project is possible even for a sociologist (like me). But it would consume a huge deal of time and energy I would rather devote to actual modding.
Having said that, if someone makes a new map and it's not crap, it has a fair chance of being added to various mods. Some people, for example Civilian, already do this and I added quite a bit of such maps. A whole terrain would be even better, but from my experience it should be done by one person (or a very close collab between two), but after it's done, anyone can make and propose additional mapblocks.
As for the FMP, I have just finished the overhaul for XCF, so now I can start doing the same for the FMP. Shouldn't take terribly long.
I just have a few questions to ask regarding modding FMP.
I have been playing UFO Enemy Unknown since it was first released in 1994 (Yes I am quite old lol) and absolutely love OpenXcom and FMP especially. But I have found that over the years my tactics and strategies have become too good and I win the game on the hardest level every time. Because of this I taught myself simple modding and have doubled armors of Aliens, increased movement points of Aliens made Xcom facilities and ships vastly more expensive so much so that a SkyMarshall costs 5 million and a Raven costs 8 million. Bases cost far more to construct and living quarters only house half the number of men. Labs and Workshops also have half the capacity and I dont use Psionics even though I allow the Aliens to still use them. And even with these alterations I still win every time if I can get past the first three months.
So What I am asking, is if there is a way to make the final mission have more than two levels. Ideally I would like to have 4 levels for the final mission if it is possible. The standard surface level followed by a narrow cave complex containing many chrysallids then a next level consiting of warrior Mutons and Gazers and finally the last level with the brain and Ethereals. If it is possible to mod I would love to learn how to make these levels and would also make all Alien bases two or three Levels eventually.
Many thanks for all your hard work on this excellent mod and any help would be much appreciated.
I just have a few questions to ask regarding modding FMP.
I have been playing UFO Enemy Unknown since it was first released in 1994 (Yes I am quite old lol) and absolutely love OpenXcom and FMP especially. But I have found that over the years my tactics and strategies have become too good and I win the game on the hardest level every time. Because of this I taught myself simple modding and have doubled armors of Aliens, increased movement points of Aliens made Xcom facilities and ships vastly more expensive so much so that a SkyMarshall costs 5 million and a Raven costs 8 million. Bases cost far more to construct and living quarters only house half the number of men. Labs and Workshops also have half the capacity and I dont use Psionics even though I allow the Aliens to still use them. And even with these alterations I still win every time if I can get past the first three months.
I wish you all the best on your path of the modder! :)
So What I am asking, is if there is a way to make the final mission have more than two levels. Ideally I would like to have 4 levels for the final mission if it is possible. The standard surface level followed by a narrow cave complex containing many chrysallids then a next level consiting of warrior Mutons and Gazers and finally the last level with the brain and Ethereals. If it is possible to mod I would love to learn how to make these levels and would also make all Alien bases two or three Levels eventually.
Many thanks for all your hard work on this excellent mod and any help would be much appreciated.
Yes, this is definitely possible. You would need to make the new terrain, so I would suggest checking out this thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,7664.0.html). Anything else would be secondary and much more trivial to make by comparison, but here is the ruleset manual (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Ruleset_Reference_Nightly_(OpenXcom)).
...And now, I am pleased to announce that the Final Mod Pack is back with version 2.5!
- Removed all terrains made by Hobbes.
- Fixed DESERT14 map.
That is excellent news Solarius. I thank you for your help. I will get to work on it over the Christmas holidays.
Have a great Christmas everyone.
How can i fix desert14 map without updating the mod? I dont wanna lose the terrains. Is it enough to copy the new desert14.map inside the mod?
How can i fix desert14 map without updating the mod? I dont wanna lose the terrains. Is it enough to copy the new desert14.map inside the mod?
Yes, should be. Also overwrite desert14.rmp, just in case.
Thank you and merry christmas.
Sounds just great, thank you and everyone involved in creating it <3
And marry Christmas 🎄 (a bit late but still) along with upcoming happy new year.
Only 5 things I'd like to see added to fmp:
- armored heavy suit, alloy heavy suit, and cyber armor from xcf added to the mod.
- alien precision plasma/plasma eliminator from xcf/piratez. (Should be rare and require alien electronics to manufacture.
- add light cannon into mod, I'd love it as a sort of heavy shotgun.
- add alloy buckshot ammo for the autocannon and heavy cannon for extra versatility.
- make juggernaut suit look less like an ugly Fischer price chew toy. I mean, come on man!
Some of these can be done, but the FMP tech tree is kinda too flat for most - too many steps in too little time, I think.
We'll see, thanks for the info.
Too flat?
I mean, the heavy suit could be locked behind advanced firearms and high explosive ammo.
The alloy heavy suit should be locked behind alloy ammo.
The cyber armor could be locked behind ufo navigation and alien power systems and feature a greater vulnerability to lasers.
The plasma eliminator/precision plasma could be disassembled for one alien electronics, a piece of alloy, and 4 elerium, and should be locked behind the same things that power armor is.
A gym and medical bay would be nice but not necessary yet.
OK, I'll think about that. :)
Hi, played through this mod fairly recently and enjoyed it. I'm just wondering though, what are the approximate appearance rates of the various races? On experienced difficulty, I never saw a cerebreal or reptoid force the entire game... gazers only once. Can't seem to find the information in the ruleset, or prehaps I'm blind?
It's very random. The first few months are devoid of the more difficult races, but after 10 months or so, all races participate.
As for actual ratios, they vary by mission. For example, the alien terror mission (after above-mentioned month 10 as an arbitrary cutoff) can feature any race, with more popular races being 2 to 3 times more likely. The chance for Reptoids on a terror mission is average, and for Cerebreals it's small, but it can vary between other missions.
I remember one game some financially difficult months because I mostly got MIB missions that generate far less money. It was kinda weird that XCom accountants were praying for alien invasion. Of course all accountants were arrested and interrogated.
Hi everyone loving this mod but thing I've run into a problem I'm able to manufacture alien laser rifle but there's not option to make the ammunition for it is this a glitch and will I have to start again as I'm sure I could manufacture them before then after researching laser weapons it dissappeared.
It's not a glitch. You need to first research elerium 115 in order to make alien laser rifle clips.
I've already researched it, so not sure what's happening I swear I could manufacture them before them BAM! Just disappeared after researching laser weapons it's gone
I've already researched it, so not sure what's happening I swear I could manufacture them before them BAM! Just disappeared after researching laser weapons it's gone
Attach save-file
Do you have the miniaturization tech?
I've been looking at the effectiveness of various weapons against sectoids for this mod currently. You might be suprised to know that the shotgun (alloy slug) appears to have the highest effectiveness of all combat tech for one-hit-kill probabillities at snap and possibly even auto against a basic sectoid until gauss sniper (snap) is used.
the average range of engagement in a confined space is aproximately 10 squares.... the range penalty at 8 doesn't reduce accuracy below 100%. Shotguns with slug ammunition have a 73.50% chance of killing a sectoid on a single shot. Paired with a sniper rifle (alloy) at a 80% one-hit-kill probabillity at range, this is basically the ultimate riflemen combination for early game combat against sectoids
What can I say - shotties work very well in their specific niche, if you manage to keep the spread in check.
After the year of my absence here, it is so great to see that work is still going on and new ideas had been implemented! A thousand of thanks to author and all people involved in. This Mod is really awesome!
@Solarius: care to add the viper assault cannon mod (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2582.msg122075.html#msg122075)?
Version 2.6 has been released.
- New Urban blocks from Amuys and Sanya Skill Pro.
- Fixed a rare crash on when starting a mission on the southern hemisphere.
1) It looks like a bug:
Chtonite (all ranks)
floatHeight: 2
I thought they walk with their feet.
2) Question:
STR_ANTHROPOD and STR_ANTHROPODB include an absolutely identical list of ranks. For what? What's the point?
1) It looks like a bug:
Chtonite (all ranks)
floatHeight: 2
I thought they walk with their feet.
It's not just Chtonites, but several other units too! What a strange bug.
2) Question:
STR_ANTHROPOD and STR_ANTHROPODB include an absolutely identical list of ranks. For what? What's the point?
You're right, at this point I can remove it.
Hello found a bug here been binge playing your mod-pack for 3 days straight. I finally unlocked the research for plasma weapons and clips.
Bug#1 Well I researched the clips FIRST then the plasma weapons SECOND and a message popped up when I finished the weapon saying I need to research the clip to manufacture, but I already researched the clip and now I cant manufacture plasma weapons and ammo cause no research option. This makes me really sad cause I worked really hard researching and capturing aliens to get to the end game. You should know you made the tech trees. Do you think you can make a fix cause its ruining the end game?
Complaint#1 Ok I like that you added new aliens but you need to make it where they drop loot = to the UFO value. Example: I just went 2 yes 2 months with no weapon/artifact drop mobs and I am pushing into the 3rd.. All insects and men in black missions non stop. The only thing of value on any size ship is power supply and navigation taking down a Large and dont even make a million in sales.
MiB missions pfft.. Look man Running 7 bases costs money $$$$$ When you take away the only source of the cash the player bankrupts. I had 30 million saved up and now I'm about to bankrupt cause I cant get any loot from ufo's.
I understand that it adds to the game but these no loot drop encounters should be limited to a week at most... It destroys the financial structure that holds the x-com project together. Oh and the MiB missions base/terror should be limited to 1 time per play through it was a nice easter egg but its not cute over and over again without pay.
It came up with another research for plasma weapons after i did some the opposite way and now I can manufacture the ammo/weapon was weird how it did it tho.
Bug#1 Well I researched the clips FIRST then the plasma weapons SECOND and a message popped up when I finished the weapon saying I need to research the clip to manufacture, but I already researched the clip and now I cant manufacture plasma weapons and ammo cause no research option. This makes me really sad cause I worked really hard researching and capturing aliens to get to the end game. You should know you made the tech trees. Do you think you can make a fix cause its ruining the end game?
Sorry, this is a bit confusing. Are you saying that you could manufacture something and now you can't? Or was the message about manufacturing something displayed where you could manufacture it before?
Most likely it is an issue between the options to use plasma weapons and manufacturing them. I don't think it's an actual bug, or everyone would complain.
Complaint#1 Ok I like that you added new aliens but you need to make it where they drop loot = to the UFO value. Example: I just went 2 yes 2 months with no weapon/artifact drop mobs and I am pushing into the 3rd.. All insects and men in black missions non stop. The only thing of value on any size ship is power supply and navigation taking down a Large and dont even make a million in sales.
MiB missions pfft.. Look man Running 7 bases costs money $$$$$ When you take away the only source of the cash the player bankrupts. I had 30 million saved up and now I'm about to bankrupt cause I cant get any loot from ufo's.
I understand that it adds to the game but these no loot drop encounters should be limited to a week at most... It destroys the financial structure that holds the x-com project together. Oh and the MiB missions base/terror should be limited to 1 time per play through it was a nice easter egg but its not cute over and over again without pay.
Which races are used is totally random, just like in vanilla (including MiBs). Still, I'm not sure how the race can affect your budget so badly, since they use the same equipment (except Cerebreals, who don't use any).
Also if you are facing with budget problems, maybe start saving? Going from 30 million to 0 sounds pretty weird.
It came up with another research for plasma weapons after i did some the opposite way and now I can manufacture the ammo/weapon was weird how it did it tho.
So does it work or not?
I think there might be a terrain issue in 2.6. No errors in openxcom.log, but there are obvious missing tiles in the ground. Attaching a screenshot. Which bits are relevant from the savegame to identify which file this is?
Yeah, some issue with terrain, thanks. I'll have a look.
Some days ago I've started new game with new FMP 2.6. Now I've got a OXC crash (see image below) and am wondering: what to do? I've read some pages earlier (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg103375.html#msg103375) about shaman voodoo with save file, but will it help permanently and without any loss? I mean game (or something) have placed these lines in save file so there is a need for them or they may be restored even after deletion.
Found a different solution without altering save files: loaded latest battlescape save and took a different set of actions that lead to the end of battle. After that there was no crash.
And I also found some bugged terrain, not sure if it the same tileset from different angle or not.
Hi everyone loving this mod but thing I've run into a problem I'm able to manufacture alien laser rifle but there's not option to make the ammunition for it is this a glitch and will I have to start again as I'm sure I could manufacture them before then after researching laser weapons it dissappeared.
I'm having this same issue. I researched Alien Laser Rifle but never got an option to research the clips for it even though I've researched Elerium-115
Save file is attached.
Some days ago I've started new game with new FMP 2.6. Now I've got a OXC crash (see image below) and am wondering: what to do? I've read some pages earlier (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2027.msg103375.html#msg103375) about shaman voodoo with save file, but will it help permanently and without any loss? I mean game (or something) have placed these lines in save file so there is a need for them or they may be restored even after deletion.
OK, everything should work now.
And I also found some bugged terrain, not sure if it the same tileset from different angle or not.
This works fine now, too.
I'm having this same issue. I researched Alien Laser Rifle but never got an option to research the clips for it even though I've researched Elerium-115
Save file is attached.
But you clearly have both in your Ufopaedia...
Examining the save confirms it.
Version 2.7 has been released.
- Overhauled Geoscape to tidy up some terrains.
- New terrains: Postindustrial (by Dioxine), Commercial, Forest Marsh, Native Urban.
- Fixed and improved Port (by Dioxine), Forest (many blocks by Finnik), Desert and Farm terrains.
- Enabled City terrain for UFO landings.
- Fixed some walking units floating a little over the ground.
- Removed an unneeded variant of Anthropod race.
This version has some deep changes to the globe, so please report any unusual behaviour.
But you clearly have both in your Ufopaedia...
Examining the save confirms it.
Yeah I noticed that as well. Oddly I never researched it and it doesn't show up in the list of items I can manufacture. I'll try a new playthrough with the new version and see if it happens again.
How nice, a new version while i am still in the early stages of a new play-through. Me happy and willing to test "unusual behavior" ;)
I did a basic diff with respect to the previous version (to get a feeling if it is safe enough to upgrade for my comfort level) and found a number of values that are marked as oxce only in the ruleset reference.
I'm not sure about the impact on the mod, but found it worth mentioning.
For "units_FMP.rul", the entries: floatHeight:
For "mapScripts_FMP.rul", the entries:
P.s. If you decided that oxce is required for newer versions of this modpack, you can just ignore those points.
Unit floatHeight is OXC too.
The other two are OXCE only.
Thank you for conforming and sorry for the first one. Did not look good enough i suppose.
Oops! should have checked.
Will this cause problems with terrain generation? I think not, since standard roads are defined, but let me ask just in case.
BTW I shouldn't be saying this, but I'm getting tired of developing the FMP, since OXC soesn't seem to support even simple, essential functions... I know it's not really supposed to, because it's "to play the original game", but it makes FMP development pretty frustrating.
Although i'm quite the noob when it comes to mapscript i did some testing using the "skirmish" (new battle) function.
Using the "Terror mission" setup with the following terrains (if i understand the rules correctly those are the only ones affected):
- Postindustrial (mapscript: INDUSTRIALSLUM)
- Port with Pier (mapscript: PORTTFTD)
The 1st one loads correctly and seems ok.
The 2nd one crashes consistently with the following log entries.
[23-05-2020_15-49-39] [FATAL] ./openxcom(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::addLine(OpenXcom::MapDirection, std::vector<SDL_Rect*, std::allocator<SDL_Rect*> > const*)+0xe9) [0x5574d0fc4fb9]
[23-05-2020_15-49-39] [FATAL] ./openxcom(OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*)+0xfcc) [0x5574d0fc82ac]
Although this seems more related to a "rects" definition. Altering the "mapscripts_FMP.rul" to the snippet below (e.g. disable the "rects") allows loading and then it looks ok.
- type: PORTTFTD
- type: addLine
direction: vertical
verticalGroup: 5
# rects:
# - [5, 0, 1, 6]
- type: addCraft
- type: addUFO
- type: addLine
direction: vertical
- type: addBlock
size: 2
executions: 4
- type: fillArea
So from a basic look it seems the "verticalGroup" and "horizontalGroup" by themselves do not negatively affect map generation. Although i'm not sure how those maps are supposed to look like, they just seem ok at first glance ;)
As for your last comment:
If anyone has earned the right to make such a statement it surely must be you.
By maintaining/developping 2 huge mods you are in the unique position to experience first hand how much the 2 ruleset capabilities have diverged (from a modder perspective).
You have maintained FMP for longer than i can remember (thank you for that) and i can only say that it shows character you are still willing to spend time on a mod that limits you on what you can use (ruleset wise) while your skills has been honed to the capabilities of OXCE.
What exactly is OpenXCom Extended? Is there a version of FMP that runs with it? I feel like I've missed something important (wouldn't be the first time lol).
OpenXCom Extended is OpenXCom that is Extended in modding capabilities and FMP should not needed it as it should be compatible with normal OXC
OpenXCom Extended is OpenXCom that is Extended in modding capabilities and FMP should not needed it as it should be compatible with normal OXC
I see. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I thought by the posts above that Solarius Scorch was maintaining two versions of the same mod pack or something. One for OXC and one for OXCE. English is my first language but I never said I was very good at it ;D
Although i'm quite the noob when it comes to mapscript i did some testing using the "skirmish" (new battle) function.
Using the "Terror mission" setup with the following terrains (if i understand the rules correctly those are the only ones affected):
- Postindustrial (mapscript: INDUSTRIALSLUM)
- Port with Pier (mapscript: PORTTFTD)
The 1st one loads correctly and seems ok.
The 2nd one crashes consistently with the following log entries.
So from a basic look it seems the "verticalGroup" and "horizontalGroup" by themselves do not negatively affect map generation. Although i'm not sure how those maps are supposed to look like, they just seem ok at first glance ;)
Thanks! You're one of the most reliable people in the community. Thanks for your continuous support through these years.
Anyway, removing that command will generate the map fin, just without the pier... It generates a second railroad instead. Bummer.
I'll just remove the entire command from this script.
As for your last comment:
If anyone has earned the right to make such a statement it surely must be you.
By maintaining/developping 2 huge mods you are in the unique position to experience first hand how much the 2 ruleset capabilities have diverged (from a modder perspective).
Well the OXCE is explicitly made to play the original game and nothing more complex.
Which is really frustrating for a modder - there's only so much you can do with it, and I reached this point years ago.
I see. Sorry for my misunderstanding. I thought by the posts above that Solarius Scorch was maintaining two versions of the same mod pack or something. One for OXC and one for OXCE. English is my first language but I never said I was very good at it ;D
No worries. but it's actually the other way around, I maintain two different mods for OXC and OXCE :)
EDIT: Mod updated to 2.7a to fix this bug.
No worries. but it's actually the other way around, I maintain two different mods for OXC and OXCE :)
That is awesome! Thank you for the hours of entertainment you have provided to me with FMP!
You're very welcome.
Please let me know if there are any other issues, since I don't actually play the FMP now.
Are the Red Tasoths still in the game? I never encountered them during my playthrough.
Do you mean reptoids? If so they are still in v2.7a.
No, in an old version, there were enemies that look at TFTD Tasoths, but red.
No, in an old version, there were enemies that look at TFTD Tasoths, but red.
The changelog for Final Mod Pack V1.8.1 lists one of the additions as "New Reptoid sprites!" so it appears the red version was swapped out in favor of the suit wearing green ones.
If you want to exchange the current ones for those more similar to your previous encounter here are the images from Final Mod Pack V1.7.3 for the Reptoids.
Sprite Sheet:
Ufopedia Live Reptoid:
Ufopedia Reptoid Autopsy:
Additionally Duke Falcon made some Ufopedia images (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,2898.msg31394.html#msg31394) that are more in line with the X-Com: Enemy Unknown / X-COM: UFO Defense style that perhaps you would be interested in using if you choose to make the swap.
Duke Falcon's Ufopedia Live Reptoid:
Duke Falcon's Ufopedia Reptoid Autopsy:
Got it. I thought they were a different enemy altogether
I beat the game and the waspites never showed up. Are they normally the last aliens to show up?
in the latest version:
As far as I understand, there are no such civilians in the FMP. I think because of this, the game may crash.
I beat the game and the waspites never showed up. Are they normally the last aliens to show up?
I've had a run where Waspites were very common, one where they barely showed up and another where I did not encounter them at all.
My guess is that the appearance rate of the Waspites versus the other aliens is randomly determined.
This may be changed in a more recent version of the FMP than the one I played through.
(I was running version 1-9-8, the current version is 2.7a.)
As far as I understand, there are no such civilians in the FMP. I think because of this, the game may crash.
You're right, and moreover, these civilian types don't make any sense here. Thanks, fixed (removed the whole section).
My guess is that the appearance rate of the Waspites versus the other aliens is randomly determined.
Yes, like all alien races ever... (barring some exceptions, like Sectoids in the first month)
And also, the color palette has become like in X-com Files, which personally does not please me at all :(
An express investigation allowed me to solve my problem with the palette (just delete the corresponding file from the GEODATA folder), but I think it should be solved for everyone :)
No idea how it happened - it was not intended. I suppose I copied this file by mistake.
Fix uploaded.
Wow, this thread has been quiet for a long time. :D
I got back into playing FMP since ages ago and I love it. Too addictive this is. I just downed my first ever golden UFO, that was intense! Made it with only one casualty, only alloy ammo and ordinary weapons, lots of high explosives and smoke did the job. And I got a prisoner.
I'm hoping to finish this playthrough and then I'm on to X-com Files. Great to be back at it.
Thanks for the kind words, and I'm please to announce:
FMP 2.8 has been released.
- New terrains: Muddy Rocks, Arboreal Rocks, Chilly Rocks, Sandy Rocks, Sandy Rocks Alternative, Snowy Rocks, Tropical Rocks, Mountainous Rocks, Tundra Plains, Arboreal Plains, Muddy Plains, Chilly Plains, Sandy Plains, Sandy Plains Alternative, Tropical Plains, Wasteland (by Bullet Designer), Rice Farm (by the C.M.P. Team: Luke83, b__0 & Efrenespartano).
- Overhauled and expanded Alien Base.
- New Forest map (by Brain_322).
- Obliterator Autopsy picture (by Brain_322).
- Fixed some minor Forest and Swamp issues.
Thanks for the kind words, and I'm please to announce:
FMP 2.8 has been released.
- New terrains: Muddy Rocks, Arboreal Rocks, Chilly Rocks, Sandy Rocks, Sandy Rocks Alternative, Snowy Rocks, Tropical Rocks, Mountainous Rocks, Tundra Plains, Arboreal Plains, Muddy Plains, Chilly Plains, Sandy Plains, Sandy Plains Alternative, Tropical Plains, Wasteland (by Bullet Designer), Rice Farm (by the C.M.P. Team: Luke83, b__0 & Efrenespartano).
- Overhauled and expanded Alien Base.
- New Forest map (by Brain_322).
- Obliterator Autopsy picture (by Brain_322).
- Fixed some minor Forest and Swamp issues.
Awesome! Do I have to start a new game or does the update work with my current save? I'm so far in the game and had so much good luck with things I wouldn't want to start another game right now. :D
I upped the difficulty from Veteran to Genius and its intense!
This time around I started using attack dogs extensively, also for attacking, not only scouting. Helps a ton clearing the LZ and taking aliens down in rapid succession which often results in all out panic on their end. I had to do a tactical retreat once too, really cool, the suicidal Sectoid commander decided to nuke half of my squad with blaster bombs and send couple of cyberdisks my way so it was better to dust off.
FMP is my favorite mod, there's no way around it, every addition feels organic and in the right place.
Many thanks!
The game should work fine from an older save, but as usual, don't upgrade during a tactical mission, just in case.
Tested before I checked back here, works like a charm. I'm curious, which version of the commendations mod is in the latest FMP version?
Little update on my game, those god forsaken sectoids just rolled out sectopods to hang around them! I haven't seen this before... I had to do two quick dust offs , only weapons which do more than scratch them are explosives and rockets. The scientists are way too busy interrogating captured aliens and they seem to not care much about how the troops are doing on the ground.... Those darned eggheads at the R&D. ::)
I didn't poke around to see if that was some mixed crew or just sectoids having a stroll in a park with their favorite robot toys, that remains to be seen. But Solarius, you're just plain evil setting up stuff like this and I love it. 8) Another new curiosity was to see a mixed crew of MiB, hybrids and sectoid leader in the mix. So now they're totally in cahoots as I expected.
I'm playing an almost ironman game, letting my poor soldiers die and be replaced, I'm in September '99, only half way in and so far its second deadliest month. but no worries, I got 26 million $ so plenty of money to push new rookies into the meat grinder. To hell with ethics, the bugs must perish no matter the price. >:(
I just had the first glimpse of some of the new terrains, really nice work! I'm yet to see what's done with the alien base terrain. :D Can't wait.
I'm curious, which version of the commendations mod is in the latest FMP version?
It is not the newly updated version, but you just have to replace the commendation resources folder to update the ufopedia entry.
If you should be annoyed by some text of the commendations mod being to long to display i have edited the language file accordingly and will attach it here. Feel free to use it in any shape or form
copy and paste the resources folder of the commendations mod to C:\Users\(username)\Documents\OpenXcom\mods\Final Mod Pack and overwrite the existing commendations folder. The language file goes to C:\Users\(username)\Documents\OpenXcom\mods\Final Mod Pack\Language
Regards Carfax
It is not the newly updated version, but you just have to replace the commendation resources folder to update the ufopedia entry.
If you should be annoyed by some text of the commendations mod being to long to display i have edited the language file accordingly and will attach it here. Feel free to use it in any shape or form
copy and paste the resources folder of the commendations mod to C:\Users\(username)\Documents\OpenXcom\mods\Final Mod Pack and overwrite the existing commendations folder. The language file goes to C:\Users\(username)\Documents\OpenXcom\mods\Final Mod Pack\Language
Regards Carfax
Thank you. Done. :D
Commendations & soldier diaries is one of my favorites, I really like how it makes generic soldiers into individuals. Back in the day when I was playing the original game, I made up such a system myself, made up symbols for different accomplishments and added them at the end of the soldiers name and kept track on it. I still mark down which soldiers are the most experienced and decorated, when ever they bite the dusts, then just the name tells me who is who. Another layer of micromanagement there.
There's a new commendations version? :o
I think with "new commendations mod" people are referring to the one HellRazor posted on mod.io (https://openxcom.mod.io/commendations).
Looking at his git fork (https://github.com/hellrazor4223/Commendations) a few new medals were added (in march 2020). Also some restructuring of files (not sure how that plays out when you try to integrate).
So far it seems to be working fine along the latest FMP.
In my game I have finally hit the brick wall and had to adjust the research efforts to compensate. Sectopods are showing up more than before and they're trouble walking, I just did a little test, shot down terror ship, at least four Sectopods roaming around, I shot at them with everything I had and ran out of HE + rockets as expected. One lost soldier and tactical retreat, the science team is now busy working on laser weapons and doing nice progress. I'm also able to research rail guns, I have never got to the point of trying those out yet so its gonna be interesting. I don't even know how the rail weapons look like or how they perform. 8) Just awesome, even after so many hours put in the FMP keeps giving me new things. I really like how tediously long the research tree is, even with 100 scientists working 24/7 its taken up to late September and there's no end in sight.
Solarius, I have a question for you, what are the armor stats of Sectopod at Genius difficulty? HE + Rockets feel like shooting fireworks against a tank. :D
Sorry, I don't know the exact values of difficulty bonuses... But I haven't messed with them in FMP, so they're the same as in vanilla - should be described somewhere in the Ufopedia.
Solarius, I have a question for you, what are the armor stats of Sectopod at Genius difficulty? HE + Rockets feel like shooting fireworks against a tank. :D
Sorry, I don't know the exact values of difficulty bonuses... But I haven't messed with them in FMP, so they're the same as in vanilla - should be described somewhere in the Ufopedia.
The UFOpaedia site (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Difficulty_Levels#Alien_Stats) mentions that any difficulty level above "Beginner" uses 100% of an alien's armor. With the "Beginner" setting using only 50% of the enemy armor stat.
My game just crashed, it said "invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD" and then something about a log file. And I clicked the window too soon. Where's that crash log located?
The UFOpaedia site (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Difficulty_Levels#Alien_Stats) mentions that any difficulty level above "Beginner" uses 100% of an alien's armor. With the "Beginner" setting using only 50% of the enemy armor stat.
Yes, but that's armour, while the question was about stats.
My game just crashed, it said "invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD" and then something about a log file. And I clicked the window too soon. Where's that crash log located?
I'd appreciate more info here.
I'd appreciate more info here.
I presume the file in question is the openxcom.log? It seems that the earlier stuff has been overwritten, there's only info about my latest restart from last night. Darn it. Anyway, I wasn't able to reproduce that crash, I have played a bunch of missions on cactiless desert terrain without issues. If it happens again, I'll be not so hasty, take screenshots and report back here.
Martian, thanks, but that didn't tell anything about the exact stats I was looking for. I've seen those stats somewhere ages ago, doesn't really matter, but I was just asking out of curiosity if Solarius had made some touches to the Sectopod. (Knowing how the FMP works, nope, vanilla stuff hasn't been tampered with.)
Ok, the game crashed again and now I got a screenie of the message and the logfile. This is what it says about the error:
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: invalid MCD file: TERRAIN/MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD, check log file for more details.
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x54edd0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x5526a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x40dac0 exceptionLogger()
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0xa38bd8 MPEGaction::MPEGaction()
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x4c2800 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::generateMap(std::vector<OpenXcom::MapScript*, std::allocator<OpenXcom::MapScript*> > const*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x4c6ab0 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x5d6b80 OpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState::btnYesClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x572f90 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::mouseClick(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x5733f0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x5bfbd0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x569520 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x40dd60 SDL_main
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x87dd20 console_main
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] ??
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x76406340 BaseThreadInitThunk
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x77c97b40 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[06-12-2020_15-38-12] [FATAL] 0x77c97b40 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
I've tested this terrain and it seems to work fine. So either your installation is botched or it's something more involved - I'd need a save to investigate further.
I've tested this terrain and it seems to work fine. So either your installation is botched or it's something more involved - I'd need a save to investigate further.
Here you go, I'll attach it.
I tried this few times and got a curious result, it worked several times when I sent Ironfist dropship there, then trying it again makes the same crash happen no matter what. Only mods I have in use are FMP, HQ sounds for FMP and Cydonias Fall soundtrack (Including several songs I added to geo + battle.) I don't think this could be caused by mods as there's nothing to cause conflicts.
Hmm... Perhaps I should make a clean install of the game and see what happens.
Clean install with the same everything as mentioned above and the crashing continues. It seems to be quite random, just a moment ago it worked two out of five times. Very weird, it seems the "nocacti desert" is the only thing that does it.
Well, I tried like 20 times (with and without savescumming) and could not get even one crash. It's not a proof of anything by itself, but I can't fix a problem which I can't see...
Well, I tried like 20 times (with and without savescumming) and could not get even one crash. It's not a proof of anything by itself, but I can't fix a problem which I can't see...
That's odd. I did a fresh install of both the game and FMP and that didn't do a thing. The crashing seems to be random, happened about 3/5 times I tried it. It doesn't make any sense, I'm using the latest versions of everything and there's no mods which have anything to do with generating the maps so it can't be conflicting mods.
Anyway, other than this weirdness the latest FMP works like a charm and I love it. :D Yesterday I shot down and cleared my second ever Ethereal envoy. Those things mean business. I really like it how shooting one down spawns that intense scouting and retaliation, last time it took them a while to find a base to strike, lets see how it goes this time. Does shooting down the envoy ship spawn a retaliation mission every time or is just RNG gods being nasty?
Retaliation odds depend on difficulty, but AFAIR even at Superhuman it is not 100%.
So that intense scouting and retaliation by the Etherial order was all about the RNG gods wanting to punish me for my success in dealing with them? Neat. 8) Lets see if that questionable luck repeats itself.
After first envoy ship shot down, all I got for a while was Etherial order scouts looking for my base which was really cool, another example of how this game feels intelligent in the way it does things. It felt just right, I would presume aliens being pissed off to high heavens for their important big shots being shot down, killed or captured by some bunch of human cattle with peashooters. ;D
My current game has went on to January 1st 2000.... Recently the eggheads at R&D have made major breakthroughs, I have been intentionally slow with research, not skipping anything, now I've got railguns, lasers, mind guided missiles and Ironfist, going towards powersuits and UFO construction and so on. It appears that I managed to capture so many aliens I got almost all the tech tree opened up by now, there's still a long list of things to research. Its so cool that three labs + 150 scientists still are not enough to make it quick and simple. I love the feeling of goin in for a long haul and not getting any easy pass to the endgame. Now three of my bases have strike capability, two with ironfists, three with skymarshalls, 30 soldiers in each base.
This is my first FMP game where I finally get a lot of Snakemen, this time around they have the damned bugs with them, I haven't seen a single of those fire spitting dinosaurs yet. Last time I played this far, it was all dinotanks, now its Chryssalids. :D I had to slightly tweak my tactic, less smoke, way slower pace, dogs kept alive no matter the price and my team sniping away from afar. The mind guided missile is fantastic! Slightly lower damage doesn't matter that much as I have two heavy weapon guys toting Advanced launchers. Shot down terrorships are quite fun to play with when there's huge gaping holes where the UFO engines were, easy as pie to clean up the second floor, just guide some missiles inside and watch the fireworks.
Interestingly, Floaters, Chtonites, Chasers and Sectoids have taken a leave while now its all snakemen left and right. There's also a huge number of retaliation scouts doing rounds, I keep shooting them down and mostly ignore the battleships to save the fleet for more important stuff. I would really love to get to try out my defensive strategy with snakemen companied by Chryssalids. Then there's also MiB and Muton retaliation in the works. Plenty of them, I think at least five different groups are on the lookout for my bases. Still no mind shields so these will eventually come out of the woodwork. I love difficult base defense missions as they can be a real challenge. I almost feel compelled to just let them keep scouting and find me.
By the way, I have only seen them once, but what's the thing about Sectoids who have some type of armors on them? Almost like a Sectoid version of personal armor or something. :D I researched one of them but that didn't give any extra information. I wish they would appear again. Also my unlucky run in with Sectoids who got Sectopods with them ended in those few times, but oh by the gods that kind of crew is insane to take on! I don't know about now as my guys have plenty of laser weapons, maybe that + tons of explosives will work on the metal menace pretty well. 8)
The cactiless desert crash still keeps happening, but its very random. Some times it wont happen, other times it does. I'm just trying to avoid missions on deserts for now. Perhaps when I finish this game, I'll reinstall everything and see if that bug still keep appearing.
Its been amazing run so far. The game balance feels just right, I keep getting punished for every mistake and I got to play smart and be ready to change tactics any moment. The weapons are just awesomely put together, when ever something feels powerless, there's a updated version coming up to counter the difficulties and turn the tide, that until the aliens come up with new nasty surprises. Looking at the statistics, in the last two ingame months the casualties are lower. For now, its calm before the storm as I've clearly postponed a lot of alien missions by constant interceptions.
Now this was a surprising and nice move, its all numbers game I suppose. So far I remember shooting only one small Reptiod scout down somehwere months ago, suddenly out of nowhere, Reptoids do a retaliation on my main base. :D I had never had a fight with them before and to see them first time for real in a base defense mission was really cool. I presume there will be a ton of retaliations on the way, every few days there's something scouting and there's a plethora of races at it. I got my first touch of the Rail sniper rifle, that thing is a beast! All low/mid tier aliens drop like flies.
hello there
I get the same error as Hexhammer.
I keep getting 'sorry you're not allowed to post external links' whatever useful info I submit, otherwise I'd provide full logs and code references.
Anyway it's about object 87 having 0 armor of MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD, which is not allowed by oxc code.
Having opened this .MCD with MCD Edit, it's a quick fix to set any other value, althought I'm not sure what this tile is used for and so what value it should be.
hello there
I get the same error as Hexhammer.
I keep getting 'sorry you're not allowed to post external links' whatever useful info I submit, otherwise I'd provide full logs and code references.
Anyway it's about object 87 having 0 armor of MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD, which is not allowed by oxc code.
Having opened this .MCD with MCD Edit, it's a quick fix to set any other value, althought I'm not sure what this tile is used for and so what value it should be.
Thanks, mate!
Nevertherless, I checked this and there seems to be no problem with MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD. Object 87 has armour 25, not 0. Was it different for you?
Thanks, mate!
Nevertherless, I checked this and there seems to be no problem with MOUNTSAND_NOCACTI.MCD. Object 87 has armour 25, not 0. Was it different for you?
when I opened it with MCD Edit, I saw armor value '0'. Setting to (arbitrary) 200 fixed it for me. I'm running the game on Linux, I dont know if this could be that somehow the armor value for this is loaded differently?
what program do you use to check the value? I can give a another try, using a freshly DLed FMP.zip and MCD edit and/or other tools.
Hey there! :D
I would like to report the exact same thing as Hexhammer. I can repro it 100%. I only have the ImprovedHandObs and Skyhawk-UFO-MT32-Music mod installed
also, thanks for the mod pack, its awesome.
Thanks guys. I suppose there was some misplacement of file, or some other corruption, so I just uploaded a new version 2.8c:
- Improved Laser Rifle bigob (by Brain_322).
- Water pools slow you down.
- Fixed a random terrain crash on Desert Mountain Alternative.
- Minor terrain fixes.
- Water pools slow you down.
I don't remember encountering any pools of water that X-Com soldiers could traverse in my last playthrough, I'm guessing this is some new map based wizardry that has recently been made possible?
This sounds like it will provide some interesting tactical situations. (https://openxcom.org/forum/Themes/InsidiousV1-k/images/post/thumbup.gif)
(Does it only effect X-Com units or can aliens also get bogged down?)
Hi, i'm playing FMP for the first time, i'm on the third month and i like the innovations: the new models for the ships, aliens and weapons...
However i have run in a few situations that i dont know how to react, for example, i have shot a silacoid with more than 10 shots from the basic guns and it didnt die, then reload the game and thrown 3 grenades just to see it still alive, this also happened with the cyberdisk (to be fair, i think that on vanilla when i face the cyberdisk for the first time i already have laser weapons, maybe it is also the answer with the silacoids since we mostly see then with the mutons, idk...), however it seens to die with 2 grenades and some shots.
In conclusion, i'm lost and i tried to find tutorials to help me out but since its a compilation of mods, it has been really hard to find the answers.
Anyway, i hope that i can pass through this learn curve and apreciate the mod, but i dont know if i'll have the patience without the tutorials/wikia.
Thanks guys. I suppose there was some misplacement of file, or some other corruption, so I just uploaded a new version 2.8c:
- Improved Laser Rifle bigob (by Brain_322).
- Water pools slow you down.
- Fixed a random terrain crash on Desert Mountain Alternative.
- Minor terrain fixes.
great, thank you! trying it out now :D
While having fun with another FMP playthrough I encountered the following error:
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Height of map MAPS/COMRCURBAN43.MAP too big for this mission, block is 6, expected: 4
Not sure how i can fix it on my end (maps are outside my comfort zone), hence me posting it here.
If needed i can attach the log file and a save just before it happens.
This needs a modification in alienDeployments (the height parameter).
I'll check and fix ASAP.
EDIT: 2.8d has been released. Its only change is fixing map sizes to prevent this crash.
Thank you for that.
Indeed something i would not have thought off as the culprit.
Learned something today ;)
I thought I would point out a relatively minor problem I'm having with the game now. It seems I can produce all of the medipacks I want, but they won't show up in any inventory. I can't load them on to a plane, nor can I sell them.
When I look at what the engineers are producing, it will say 5 of 10 produced, but those 5 won't show up anywhere. I've tried producing them at other bases as well and then won't show up there either.
This is the only item I've run into with this problem. I can produce all the healing sprays I want, and they work fine, it's just the medipacks I can't see to use or sell.
I thought I would point this out in case wants to know. It's not a big enough issue, so don't worry about it too much.
One other quick question. About the only reason I care about the medipacks is that 1/3 of my soldiers are wounded, and many for extended periods of time.
I was looking through the forums and can see references to infirmaries, but not in FMP. I have also seen references in the forums to OXCE vs OXC, and which mod was on which, (sorry, I don't know all the details of this mod, or modding in general).
Can I add an infirmary type mod to my game? Is there one compatible with FMP?
I love the FMP, but right now I'm sending in tons of rookies because all my A-Team are down for 30-60 days with wounds. My commander is out for 75 days, and that one hurts. 2.5 months in this game is an eternity.
Thanks for all of your work with this game. I've loved Xcom since it first game out, (still got the original box in my basement somewhere). It's great being able to still play this game, and even better having it continue to evolve and get even more challenging.
I can't see anything wrong with Medikits, and in fact I don't think they're any different form vanilla. But if anyone can confirm an issue with this, I'm all ears.
Med Bays are possible, but only in OXCE, whereas the FMP was made strictly for OXC (it will run on OXCE with no problems, but I want to keep it 100% compatible with people who use vanilla OXC, so no special OXCE features are used). If you want a more OXCE-like game, I recommend playing FMP's successor, The X-Com Files.
I can't see anything wrong with Medikits, and in fact I don't think they're any different form vanilla. But if anyone can confirm an issue with this, I'm all ears.
Med Bays are possible, but only in OXCE, whereas the FMP was made strictly for OXC (it will run on OXCE with no problems, but I want to keep it 100% compatible with people who use vanilla OXC, so no special OXCE features are used). If you want a more OXCE-like game, I recommend playing FMP's successor, The X-Com Files.
Thanks for the fast reply. I'll just assume one of my files is screwed up somehow and not worry about it. Right now all my soldiers carry two healing sprays and that will just have to be good enough.
How would I tell if I am running the OXCE version? Do I have to do something special to make that happen? I assume i'm on regular OXC since FMP runs, but how would I get the OXCE version for X-com Files?
I'll keep playing through with the way things are now, but maybe the next run through I'll do the X-Com Files for something different.
Thanks again for your help.
How would I tell if I am running the OXCE version?
You can tell by:
- the name in the window title
- or by the name on the start screen
- or by the color of the icon (green-ish vs pink-ish)
Four suggestions:
A sick bay / infirmary: unlocked after you research medkits. Increases the recovery speed of wounded agents.
A gym: allows you to train up your agents to a certain level of improvement. Any further improvements have to be earned by sending agents on missions (and hopefully survive).
Make tritanium vests and personal armor more resistant to plasma weapons? As it stands both are almost entirely useless against anything more than ayy laser weapons (which they don't use that much of.)
Change the assault rifle to fire the same 5.56mm nato round and give it 26-28 damage and 30 round magazines vs sharing the same ammo as the rifle? This would give a much bigger difference between the weapons and really make commanders think about which weapons to bring.
Howdy! New to all of this, only stumbled across OpenXCOM recently and enjoying revisiting some pleasant gaming from the past. Now I'm checking out mods, and in looking at this one, found an old YouTube series with two guys playing it (the "Lewis & Ben Save the World" thing. They are remarkably shit at the game, but in some of the tips they were given (which they ignored, by and large), there were a number of flaws with the mod pointed out. Many of these were more in the opinion variety, and I'll table those for now until I make up my own mind after looking carefully at the data. But some pointed out real flaws, for instance the mission RNG. In delving into the data, it's clear that your math is off in many places in the mission race randomization (many of the totals add up to 110% or even more).
In reading the change log, I didn't notice anywhere that this has been touched, and I'm looking at the latest upload. And what I don't know is where the RNG is for deciding which missions the game chooses to throw at you in a given month, so maybe I can get some guidance on that?
Thanks for collecting all of these mods into one place and mashing them together! I look forward to playing with it.
In delving into the data, it's clear that your math is off in many places in the mission race randomization (many of the totals add up to 110% or even more).
Those numbers are weights, not percentages, they don't have to add up to 100.
For example weights SECTOID: 5, FLOATER: 5, SNAKEMAN: 10, MUTON: 5 correspond to percentages SECTOID: 20%, FLOATER: 20%, SNAKEMAN: 40%, MUTON: 20%.
Those numbers are weights, not percentages, they don't have to add up to 100.
For example weights SECTOID: 5, FLOATER: 5, SNAKEMAN: 10, MUTON: 5 correspond to percentages SECTOID: 20%, FLOATER: 20%, SNAKEMAN: 40%, MUTON: 20%.
It's good to know that they aren't a percentage, thanks for that confirmation, after I posted this, I was looking at the vanilla data and saw from there that they didn't add up to 100, either. I came back to edit the post, but it hadn't been released yet. So for missions, it works to add his additional content races, even though in several of those, I still think his application is a little uneven. For instance, adding extra races has the overall effect of lowering other races, so perhaps in some months or missions, the vanilla races might need to be bumped higher (or in some cases, lower - for instance, replace some Floater weight with some Cthonite weight in early months). Willy-nilly adding extra items on there is okay, but feels off to me (and I agree, this is just my opinion).
I would still argue his math is off in mission-related data - looking at the region.rul data, all he did was add additional entries to add weights for his MiB and hybrid missions onto vanilla weights, with no adjustment to the vanilla values to compensate. That creates situations where his new missions will have much higher overall weight than vanilla missions, which I do not think is the intent. An example (to save you from pulling up both and comparing), the vanilla weights for Central Asia missions are Alien Research 5, Alien Harvest 5, Alien Abduction 6, Alien Infiltration 10, Alien Base 8. In FMP, the author then adds MIB Coverup 16, MIB Terror 10, MIB Base 4, Alien Flyby 9, Hybrid Meeting 10, Hybrid/Mib Meeting 5, and Hybrid Base 5. Original total weight: 34 (so I'm taking what you said to mean 14.7% Research, 14.7% Harvest, 17.6% Abduction, 29.4% Infiltration, and 23.5% Base). New total weight is 94, so the original missions are cut drastically, and the heaviest weighted item is now MiB Coverup at 17%, the previous high of infiltration has dropped to 10.6%, and the original "UFO" missions only occur a combined 36% of the time.
I think MIB and hybrid weight should be only perhaps 25% of additional content, and the original missions should be still 75% of the weight. But I'm free to adjust those as I see fit. :)
A sick bay / infirmary: unlocked after you research medkits. Increases the recovery speed of wounded agents.
No such option. It exists in OXCE, and I'm using it in The X-Com Files.
A gym: allows you to train up your agents to a certain level of improvement. Any further improvements have to be earned by sending agents on missions (and hopefully survive).
No such option. It exists in OXCE, and I'm using it in The X-Com Files.
Make tritanium vests and personal armor more resistant to plasma weapons? As it stands both are almost entirely useless against anything more than ayy laser weapons (which they don't use that much of.)
But why would you even research Personal Armour then?
Change the assault rifle to fire the same 5.56mm nato round and give it 26-28 damage and 30 round magazines vs sharing the same ammo as the rifle? This would give a much bigger difference between the weapons and really make commanders think about which weapons to bring.
Meh, micro for the sake of micro.
I would still argue his math is off in mission-related data - looking at the region.rul data, all he did was add additional entries to add weights for his MiB and hybrid missions onto vanilla weights, with no adjustment to the vanilla values to compensate. That creates situations where his new missions will have much higher overall weight than vanilla missions, which I do not think is the intent. An example (to save you from pulling up both and comparing), the vanilla weights for Central Asia missions are Alien Research 5, Alien Harvest 5, Alien Abduction 6, Alien Infiltration 10, Alien Base 8. In FMP, the author then adds MIB Coverup 16, MIB Terror 10, MIB Base 4, Alien Flyby 9, Hybrid Meeting 10, Hybrid/Mib Meeting 5, and Hybrid Base 5. Original total weight: 34 (so I'm taking what you said to mean 14.7% Research, 14.7% Harvest, 17.6% Abduction, 29.4% Infiltration, and 23.5% Base). New total weight is 94, so the original missions are cut drastically, and the heaviest weighted item is now MiB Coverup at 17%, the previous high of infiltration has dropped to 10.6%, and the original "UFO" missions only occur a combined 36% of the time.
I think MIB and hybrid weight should be only perhaps 25% of additional content, and the original missions should be still 75% of the weight. But I'm free to adjust those as I see fit. :)
The numbers are as they are, it's a very simple and straightforward list. Perhaps there are too many MiB missions. But looking at North America, which is relatively heavy in these missions: all weights add up to 184, whereas MiB missions take up 43 points, which is less than 25%. So what's your point?
The numbers are as they are, it's a very simple and straightforward list. Perhaps there are too many MiB missions. But looking at North America, which is relatively heavy in these missions: all weights add up to 184, whereas MiB missions take up 43 points, which is less than 25%. So what's your point?
You're not counting hybrid missions. And North America has the highest weight of vanilla missions, other areas are much lower, so that's cherrypicking.
North America - vanilla missions + new alien missions (UFO flyby and Alien Diplomacy) (101/184) 58%, MiB missions (43/184) 23%, Hybrid missions including Hybrib/MIB mission (35/184) 19% - so MIB + Hybrid is 42%
South America, the numbers are 56%, 20%, 24% (44% MiB + hybrid)
Europe - 54%, 24%, 22% (46% combined)
North Africa - 45%, 29%, 26% (55%)
South Africa - 43%, 27%, 30% (57%)
Central Asia, I posted already, but for completeness - 47%, 32%, 21% (53%)
SE Asia - 60%, 26%, 14% (40%)
Does that better illustrate my point?
As I said, now that I know where it's coming from, I can adjust to my heart's content, but I think it should be a little more prominent in the mod's description that about half of the missions will be non-UFO content. I mean, those missions provide little actual progress towards the goal, beyond solder training (and for the hybrid missions, a few more chances to capture a psi-capable alien). I'm most certainly over-simplifying that, and quite likely even missing something there, but that's a quick opinion.
I mean, the other stuff you have put together, the other additions are cool enough without the hybrid/MIB stuff, I'm tempted to do a few play-throughs with them zeroed out completely.
On a side note, I find it odd that the weight of Alien Base missions in Europe is so low. All the playthroughs I've done over the years, I never really noticed how the incidence of base attempts were low there, but I usually have good radar coverage in Europe, so the waves for that mission were always intercepted. I guess it kind of makes sense, larger population density makes it harder to hide a base there.
Sorry, I understood hour question to be about MiB specifically, not non-UFO content in general.
I can of course reduce this amount, but I'd like to hear more opinions first - do you people feel that you you get a lot of MiB missions?
Europe has lower chance for alien bases because it's densely populated. It's the same with South-East Asia.
From my current playthrough i must say, yes there are a lot of MiB missions i've had so far. Good source of cheap armor and middle tier weapon loot (if they do not blast away half your team because you are overconfident :)) ).
However, the amount of missions is not something i would regard as unreasonably out of balance compared to "normal" missions.
As for bases in Europe.
Attached image shows the first (floater) base that popped up some time ago.
Might have to sacrifice some rookies to the RNG gods for being that kind.
Yeah, it's kind of interesting, in my current playthrough of mostly vanilla (added a couple of mods to start experimenting) before starting to try some of the megamod packs, I have bases that popped up in Portugal and Norway. I just stepped on the Portugal base, which was also turned out to be a floater base. RNG is funny. Now I'm curious whether it was in exactly the same spot as yours!
I haven't intercepted a supply ship on the northern base yet, to identify its race.
European bases can spawn within the 5 pink rectangles.
Bug: I somehow got a -7k score despite doing everything to thwart the aliens. I dont know if it was because I'm playing an older version or not but that was very weird. Lost the game instantly for that.
Bug: I somehow got a -7k score despite doing everything to thwart the aliens. I dont know if it was because I'm playing an older version or not but that was very weird. Lost the game instantly for that.
What do the graphs say? You claim to do everything to thwart the aliens, but are you really sure?
Such a situation is usually caused by a MiB base somewhere you can't see. Check your graphs and if you notice any weird spikes, investigate the area.
EDIT: Version 2.8e has been released.
- Fixed brain spawn on Cydonia.
- Fixed Floater's grav device color (thanks The Martian).
- Fixed Mogadishu location (thx R1dO).
- Minor fixes.
Hi Solarius Scorch!
Thank you for continuing to update this version. I'm still loving it!
I found a map error on one of the newer map tiles. The texture for a box is floating high in the air. Screenshot and savegame attached.
Hi Solarius Scorch!
Thank you for continuing to update this version. I'm still loving it!
Thank you! :)
I found a map error on one of the newer map tiles. The texture for a box is floating high in the air. Screenshot and savegame attached.
I see the boxes in your save, but couldn't reproduce it.
You have a number of other mods active, what is "mykmod ver: 1.0"?
Mykmod is just my personal customizations, unlikely to affect anything map-related, just a custom initial base layout and a few tweaks to soldier minimum stats.
I noticed that the floating boxes were only around the skymarshall. Could it be a conflict with that craft's extra length?
Mykmod is just my personal customizations, unlikely to affect anything map-related, just a custom initial base layout and a few tweaks to soldier minimum stats.
I noticed that the floating boxes were only around the skymarshall. Could it be a conflict with that craft's extra length?
Like I said, I tested the Skymarshall on various maps and couldn't reproduce the issue. Nobody has complained about this before either, and I'm sure people would. I'm fairly sure it's something on your side.
I'm playing FMP v2.8e. Found some terrain tiles with zero moving cost (see images below). Do you need save file or something more to check?
Thanks, no save needed. I'll investigate.
EDIT: Fixed. It's a bit crude for a solution, but the player won't notice... 8)
What was the problem about? By grass images I guess tile should have heightened unusual moving cost. Did map author forget to set tile properties?
And will fixes come with next version of mod and will be the version compatible with current saves?
What was the problem about? By grass images I guess tile should have heightened unusual moving cost. Did map author forget to set tile properties?
No, I simply changed how grass works, to make it count as ground and not as an object. But I haven't updated the terrains. So this time I did it and also fixed some jungle maps (they share a tileset).
The crudeness is about the fact that now on jungle maps, grass is still placed as an object (even though it's ground now), but the only issue I can see right now is that it is slower to move through (as two ground costs stack), but it is legit enough in a jungle.
And will fixes come with next version of mod and will be the version compatible with current saves?
It will be compatible. I release periodically. You can always get the latest "nightly" from my GitHub: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack
No, I simply changed how grass works, to make it count as ground and not as an object.
Then this grass will be indestructible unlike wheat is in wheat fields. Sometimes it's handy to clean up path with grenade(s)...
There is one more thing, which i don't know what it is (typo or feature or what), but it keeps bothering me. A noun "hold" usually means something inside ship, used for containment, not outside appearance. Hence my doubts in red ellipse on the image below.
Then this grass will be indestructible unlike wheat is in wheat fields. Sometimes it's handy to clean up path with grenade(s)...
What...? Sorry, but it sounds ridiculous. Why on Earth would I do something this absurd?
There is one more thing, which i don't know what it is (typo or feature or what), but it keeps bothering me. A noun "hold" usually means something inside ship, used for containment, not outside appearance. Hence my doubts in red ellipse on the image below.
Yes, of course I meant gold, thanks.
This might be a dumb question, but how do I get alien electronics? I had 5 or so I got in the early game that all got used or sold, and now I need more for my production, but for the life of me I can't figure out where to get it. I haven't gotten any from ufos in the last few months, and I dont see it on the manufacturing screen even though I do belive I've researched it.
I believe you have to disassemble sectopods to get them
and cyberdiscs...
Like the mod, have a few problems with progression. Too much is locked behind capturing high rank aliens to unlock higher tech. These can be impossible to find depending on what RNG spawns for you. I did one battleship assault around May/April vs. floaters where I captured 2 leaders and 1 commander but it's now July and I've had nothing but Anthropod and MiB missions, neither of which generate high rank aliens. The only exception was two chtonite and a single waspite mission where I didn't get anything. I'm sitting around with nothing to do with my researchers while 350 engineers churn out endless money from motion scanners.
- Give all aliens high ranks to capture.
- Trim down the number of MiB missions.
- Move the mind probe much earlier in the tech tree so it can be used to see alien ranks. As it is it's kind of at the end of the tech tree so it's mostly useless by the time you could get it.
- Make the alien race appearances more varied if you can. If its possible to exclude an alien race that has appeared from appearing again for a certain amount of time that'd work well. As it is I've not seen snakemen, ethereals, mutons, cerebreal, chasers, gazers, or reptoids. Maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky but not getting to see all the aliens kind of sucks.
Hi, and thanks!
I've decreased the chances for all MiB missions. I think it was a needed change.
As for the high ranks, there should no issue with finding high-ranked aliens (capturing may be a different matter). You only need a couple anyway, since almost everything can be found from Medics and Engineers, who are ubiquitous.
EDIT: 2.6f has been released.
- Less MiB missions.
- Grav module can be recovered from Waspites.
- Better Dart Rifle graphics (by Brain_322).
- URBITS tile 22 is destructible.
- Fixed Waspite research (thanks R1dO).
- Fixed Junkfarm terrain movement costs.
- Fixed Jump Armor sprite (thanks The Martian).
- Fixed position of HC and AC AA clips (by Brain_322).
- Fixed civilian corpses recovery.
EDIT 2: 2.6g has been released, relevant for those who play on OXCE.
What was the problem with the Waspite research?
What was the problem with the Waspite research?
Sorry, I can't remember. It's fixed, so why keep it in my head? :)
The problem with that research was that if you had a steady supply of live waspite medics you could do the research over and over again, even if all the free research topics you get for researching the medic were already done.
A bit of a player trap.
EDIT: 2.6f has been released.
Hello neighbour, very glad to see you're still working on this cool mod! (and overall on OpenXCom)! 8)
If I want to play "like UFO1 but expanded" then is this still the mod to pick? Just go with the newest version?
My current project, The X-Com Files, a successor to the Final Mod Pack, is much bolder with the changes.
- Solarius Scorch
How these two relate nowdays? Is X-com Files a suepr-set that further extends FMP?
Is X-Com files "finished" as much as FMP currently?
I wanted to play some serious ironman game, so would be good if thing doesn't break and is also kinda "final"
Maybe I'm blind, but where is the full description of this mod?
I can't see any "show full description" or anything on the mod page on https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack
Suggestion on current version of the FMP v2.8g
I think a lot of the manufacturing costs should be looked at and considered some re balances.
For example many of the items that are created with alien alloys I think are imbalanced, for example:
Cost $12k, Alien Alloys: 3
Cost: $60, Alien Alloys: 2
I guess I'm thinking more realistically speaking but that a huge disparity because I would think 50 rounds on a military gatling cannon is more material then a single sword.
Also, I think that the AA_Cannon rounds was prices at $60 is because it cost $6.5k to produce 1x alien alloys, so in retrospect these two items cost likewise
I saw a lot of these inconsistencies, probably my OCD, and they may already be something you're considering in the future.
Thanks for listening.
Also, I'm totally hooked on X-Com Files, so pretty much will be running that game now, thinking that these suggestion would apply there also?
After almost one year break I got back into my game I had started already ages ago... After updating to the latest FMP, things have been working smoothly. Only good things to say about the current state of the mod.
But there's something I'd like to know about, what the hell is that super mega nasty terror unit mutons have floating around? :D I just attempted a base raid, I kept pelting the damn thing with rockets and plasma and nothing seemed to take it down, does this thing just require something with a bit more oomph? Like a blaster launcher? Don't spoil too much, I'm yet to even know what the hell that thing is called... But heck, nothing seemed to even scratch it... And of course I had forgotten to bring mind probe to actually see what kind of a beating does that cursed device take. And the damn mutons are already scouting for a retaliation... I'm in serious trouble with those things unless I get something heavy enough to knock them out. I guess its time to change research priorities a bit... (I have been slow on it on purpose to add some challenge.)
This is very interesting, there was a Muton base mission happening on Antarctica, I messed up and sent the squads there too late and missed the battleship and the other supply ship... So I loaded a game prior to not mess it up. I swiftly shot down both excavators and expected the others to show up any moment, but its already the day after and the other UFOs never showed up. Is this a way to postpone a base mission, by shooting down the excavators or just a fluke?
It's not a glitch. You need to first research elerium 115 in order to make alien laser rifle clips.
Sorry im a bit late to the game here.
- Using x com final mod pack with OXCE
Researched laser rile ammo, was using it, then after a mission i was prompt that i needed to manufacture more clips/refills for the laser rile.
It wasn't available and hasn't been since.
By the way, amazing job on this. i am totally blown away by this new mod game.
Oh and to add to my previous post, im using version 2.8 final mod pack
Good news, I believe I understand what was happening with the laser rifle ammo clips.
I was able to use the laser rifles and had. Clips. Possibly those clips were from loot I had picked up from crash sites, terror missions, etc.
But I wasn’t able to manufacture them anymore. Something happen at some point in the research tree that must have reset that.
However, today I was able to research “batteries”. And a bunch of other latter items came up for further research (laser pistol, laser clip), and also the one I was looking for “Alien laser rifle clip”.
Not sure if that helps anyone but it is what it is.
So I beat the FMP a couple weeks ago and decided to give it another go. The second time around I was surprised to see some aliens I didn’t see the first time around like the Gazza. Seen a lot of salamadrons the first time around, hardly any now. Also was over whelmed with those blue aliens the first time. Only seen them once this time.
What a great collection of mods put together here. I think the plasma weapons are a little too far off. Meaning should be a little easier to get. Though once plasma is obtained, it’s over for the aliens. It’s just impossible to handle a terror attack full of mutton’s with laser rifles. Believe it or not the assault rifles with alloy ammo (a pretty basic component that can be used early on) is a keeper. Even towards the end of the game, I have two gunners using assault rifles with alloy shots. The 4 banger auto shot is also helpful.
I’m so impressed with this game and the FMP. Open x Com.
Thank you to all for your hard work. Truly amazing. Too bad we won’t see more of these. This is a gem.
Sorry for disappearing for a few months... I'm still here and modding ::)
Hello neighbour, very glad to see you're still working on this cool mod! (and overall on OpenXCom)! 8)
You're welcome, neighbour! :)
If I want to play "like UFO1 but expanded" then is this still the mod to pick? Just go with the newest version?
Yeah, that's pretty much what this mod is, an unofficial expansion and lengthening.
How these two relate nowdays? Is X-com Files a suepr-set that further extends FMP?
Is X-Com files "finished" as much as FMP currently?
I wanted to play some serious ironman game, so would be good if thing doesn't break and is also kinda "final"
The X-Com Files is indeed FMPs younger and bigger brother, but also it's different in concept - it's more complex, harder, and not really alien focused (you mostly fight humans).
Also, it's definitely playable, but still pretty far from being finished.
Maybe I'm blind, but where is the full description of this mod?
I can't see any "show full description" or anything on the mod page on https://openxcom.mod.io/final-mod-pack
Not sure what I could add here besides the first paragraph...
Suggestion on current version of the FMP v2.8g
I think a lot of the manufacturing costs should be looked at and considered some re balances.
For example many of the items that are created with alien alloys I think are imbalanced, for example:
Cost $12k, Alien Alloys: 3
Cost: $60, Alien Alloys: 2
I guess I'm thinking more realistically speaking but that a huge disparity because I would think 50 rounds on a military gatling cannon is more material then a single sword. (...)
You're probably right. I should re-examine these prices, but it's a lot of work, and since something like a tritanium sword is science fiction anyway, at least some inconsistencies can be handwaved...
Also, I'm totally hooked on X-Com Files, so pretty much will be running that game now, thinking that these suggestion would apply there also?
Yes, but the XCF is balanced differently and more rigorously. Controversies may still appear, of course, since how much material is neded for a sword (including the neessary waste) is debatable.
After almost one year break I got back into my game I had started already ages ago... After updating to the latest FMP, things have been working smoothly. Only good things to say about the current state of the mod.
But there's something I'd like to know about, what the hell is that super mega nasty terror unit mutons have floating around? :D I just attempted a base raid, I kept pelting the damn thing with rockets and plasma and nothing seemed to take it down, does this thing just require something with a bit more oomph? Like a blaster launcher? Don't spoil too much, I'm yet to even know what the hell that thing is called... But heck, nothing seemed to even scratch it... And of course I had forgotten to bring mind probe to actually see what kind of a beating does that cursed device take. And the damn mutons are already scouting for a retaliation... I'm in serious trouble with those things unless I get something heavy enough to knock them out. I guess its time to change research priorities a bit... (I have been slow on it on purpose to add some challenge.)
Well, glad to have a unit which actually provides danger in a different way than simply by flinging hot plasma at you :D
Be glad that the basic OXC doesn't support energy shields! ;)
This is very interesting, there was a Muton base mission happening on Antarctica, I messed up and sent the squads there too late and missed the battleship and the other supply ship... So I loaded a game prior to not mess it up. I swiftly shot down both excavators and expected the others to show up any moment, but its already the day after and the other UFOs never showed up. Is this a way to postpone a base mission, by shooting down the excavators or just a fluke?
Yes, shooting down UFOs slows their relevant mission.
Also, thanks for all the kind words everyone. I will keep adding bits to this mod!
Can someone tell me if this mod is actually working fine on superhuman difficulty or if it's just TOO DIFFICULT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING
it's like the 8th time i try on ironman/superhuman and my feeling is that there is just no way someone can finish this with this difficulty setting, am i right or i'm just playn bad?
Can someone tell me if this mod is actually working fine on superhuman difficulty or if it's just TOO DIFFICULT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING
it's like the 8th time i try on ironman/superhuman and my feeling is that there is just no way someone can finish this with this difficulty setting, am i right or i'm just playn bad?
I've completed it on Difficulty Level 4 (Genius). I haven't done a level 5 (Superhuman) run of the Final Mod Pack yet but I think it should be possible.
Tips on surviving at higher difficulty levels:
My advice is to move always with priority on cover and rely on mutual surprise (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Reaction_fire_triggers) to prevent immediate reaction fire.
And smoke, lots of smoke. Try to keep a thick barrier of smoke between you and the enemy almost constantly.
If you are using the "Alternate movement method" option, walking around corners by "Strafing" so that any aliens and the X-Com soldier will see each other at the exact same second triggering mutual surprise.
Information on "Alternate movment method" setting:
Holding CTRL while selecting movement makes soldiers run. If it is a only movment by a single tile they will keep the direction they are facing if the movement is to the left or right of the soldiers currently faced direction. (Running takes more energy)
When opening doors, don't open it with the soldier who is going to step through. Instead have a second soldier diagonal with the doorway that opens it with right-mouse click.
If the aliens start trying to mind control a soldier make them drop their weapons and don't rely on them for the mission.
For base defence remember that aliens will be coming in through the access lift and the hangers so build the layout around that.
Also during a base defence mission you can field many more tanks then when you are on a normal mission.
I've completed it on Difficulty Level 4 (Genius). I haven't done a level 5 (Superhuman) run of the Final Mod Pack yet but I think it should be possible.
Tips on surviving at higher difficulty levels:
My advice is to move always with priority on cover and rely on mutual surprise (https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php/Reaction_fire_triggers) to prevent immediate reaction fire.
And smoke, lots of smoke. Try to keep a thick barrier of smoke between you and the enemy almost constantly.
If you are using the "Alternate movement method" option, walking around corners by "Strafing" so that any aliens and the X-Com soldier will see each other at the exact same second triggering mutual surprise.
Information on "Alternate movment method" setting:
Holding CTRL while selecting movement makes soldiers run. If it is a only movment by a single tile they will keep the direction they are facing if the movement is to the left or right of the soldiers currently faced direction. (Running takes more energy)
When opening doors, don't open it with the soldier who is going to step through. Instead have a second soldier diagonal with the doorway that opens it with right-mouse click.
If the aliens start trying to mind control a soldier make them drop their weapons and don't rely on them for the mission.
For base defence remember that aliens will be coming in through the access lift and the hangers so build the layout around that.
Also during a base defence mission you can field many more tanks then when you are on a normal mission.
Thank you
can someone please also tell me why the soldiers stats are sometimes going down and not coming up again?
Other than being wounded?
The next best reason would be equipping them with some specific armor (some have negative stat "bonuses").
I'm about to complete a genius ironman run, and oh boy have no words to express how much I admire both who made all these mods and the genius who grouped them in such a balanced way! It would be practically impossible for me to go back to the vanilla game, it was the ultimate xcom experience! I have three observations to make:
1 It seems to me that there is some small bug or at least inaccuracy in the search tree, especially as regards the ammo of the laser rifle, the ammo of the toxigun and maybe some other small thing, maybe something is also due to some translation error
2 Dogs are great early game when your soldiers are very weak, but when you start to have heavy armor, gauss and especially plasma they are definitely overpowered. having 4 or or 5 dogs at that point seems to cheat. Maybe the TU are really just too much
3 I may have been particularly unlucky in my superhuman runs, and I will definitely try again, but the feeling I have is that the gap between genius and superhuman is gigantic. maybe trying again with the experience of now I will find it more feasible, but I really remember a notable difference, it didn't seem possible to be able to beat it
Can someone tell me if this mod is actually working fine on superhuman difficulty or if it's just TOO DIFFICULT TO EVEN THINK ABOUT TRYING
it's like the 8th time i try on ironman/superhuman and my feeling is that there is just no way someone can finish this with this difficulty setting, am i right or i'm just playn bad?
I Just beat the game last night on Superhuman (finished Cydonia on superhuman). So yes, its very beatable.
Is it difficult ? Hell yes. Takes for ever to kill sectopods and Cyberdisks. They have like Superhuman life. Not only that but the population of aliens (spawned enemy's) is ridicules. I've had some missions with 49 kills in one mission. However this helps boost your solders stats really early on.
The key here is to use High Explosives. They have 200 Damage. that means one hit will blow these mechanical alien pricks into pieces.
Your real problem are aliens like Gazza or Ethrals who you shoot 6 times with heavy Plazma and does hardly nothing.
Keep every single solider armed with a high explosive in one hand (already primed).
- When in doubt, throw it out.
Good luck Commander.
Sorry for the double post but here are some tips for the Final Mod Pack on Superhuman...
1 - Smoke bombs. In higher difficulty modes, you need smoke. Once you land, sometimes there will be up to 5 or 6 aliens waiting at the ramp. So once you pop one solider out to scout the battlefield, you'll be picked off instantly and the solider will be turned into a pile of meat on the ground.
2- Early on, use the grenade launcher and assault rifles (research AP ammo ASAP).
3- once you get your hands on the multi launcher, manufacture as many rocket packs as possible. it only takes 3 good hits with the multi launcher to take out a cyberdisk.
4- Use high explosives for Sectopods. their armor is thick. if all possible, hit them from the back (their armor is weaker from the back). They also go down easier with laser weapons.
5- Before you get your hands on Plazma, get the heavy Rail guns. they are not as accurate but they do major damage to your enemy's.
6- Anti gravity suits will be the first flying suits available in the research tree. If on a Terror mission with Snakemen, there are sure to be Chrysalis. their powers are useless against you as long as your not on the ground. fly above them and pick them off.
7- Always carry a couple chumps with you to open the doors during battle scape missions. Let them be the sacrifice for your good solders you want to keep and build stats for.
8- Don't just sack solders. Sometimes the worse stats solders will turn into hero's.
9- Put your best snipers in the rear of the Skymarshall. These 2 guys see a lot of action popping out the 2 rear doors These 2 solders will also end up being your best at some point. You can also turn one of them sideways and click the right button to open the door (instead of dropping on the ground where you are vulnerable).
10- Built multiple labs and multiple workshops. once you get rolling around March of 1999 you should have 2 labs/100 scientists and 2 workshops/80 engineers.
Get the engineers working at all time to make money. I have found one can make 50 motion detectors a month in the early stages of the game to rake in a lot of cash. This will pay for hired solders, engineers, scientists.
Victory screen for Superhuman
Version 2.9 is released!
- New soldier nationalities: Armenian, Belarusian, Croatian, Cuban, Estonian, Faroese, Icelandic, Indonesian, Iranian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Latvian, Mexican, Mongolian, Saudi Arabian, Senegalese, South African, Swiss, Tajik, Thai, Ugandan, Uzbek, Vietnamese.
- Some name files expanded.
- 4 new Jungle maps (collab with Dioxine).
- 1 new Postindustrial map (by Dioxine).
- Battleship walls are less transparent.
- Improved graphics for some ranked aliens (by The Martian).
I was told that FMP doesn't play well with the new OXCEs. I have tested it and found no issues, but let me know if there's something off.
Thank you so much Solarious.
Do install over the old one i have ? or just add it ?
Looking forward to trying this out.
I appreciate yours and everyone else's efforts here. You have really made me love this game even more.
You're very welcome!
And to reply, it's an new version, not a hotfix.
No bugs found here in newest version of OXCE, Great new version of FMP.
Is there a change in Alloys recovered from crash sites? I think I noticed a considerable difference (less in this latest mod) but it could just be me.
Merry Christmas my friend to all other alien hunters, happy holidays, new year.
No bugs found here in newest version of OXCE, Great new version of FMP.
(I hope to add some more OXCE-only goodness... but we'll see howe it goes.)
Is there a change in Alloys recovered from crash sites? I think I noticed a considerable difference (less in this latest mod) but it could just be me.
No, I haven't touched it.
Merry Christmas my friend to all other alien hunters, happy holidays, new year.
And the same from me! :) (even if it's a bit late)
A bug was noticed when counting odds - when you stand in front of the gate, which is 2 cells and make your way through the closed gate diagonally, it counts 8 odds, but in reality 4 odds for opening the gate and 6 odds per step diagonally.
Well, the feature is a little unpleasant when you shoot from a turn at a highlighted enemy, but you yourself still do not see him, then you turn and one may not be enough for the shot itself, because turning is still a movement. Similarly, when, while moving, you notice the enemy on the turn - he managed to turn as if with a strafe, but the strafe itself did not occur, but a turn occurred and the enemy was noticed, and therefore the turn was counted and the strafe was not.
Well, the situation was very similar to restarting the game:
I play superman. On January 1, I caught a very small one and twice wounded an alien in it and then pumped well the throw simply by throwing objects several times per turn for several moves until the alien died from fatal wounds on the 5th turn. And the result - on January 5, a battleship flew to my base with revenge (!). Obviously, the murdered one was the son of some mafia boss and she came with the whole gang to take revenge on me. The first move - the most hardcore - I look out from behind the bend, and at the exit from the gateway, a cyberdisk stands and shoots a warning, it's good that I missed. I had to drive him all over the base before he croaked. As a result, there were 5 such quaks, and even 18 aliens, two of which were with plasma blasters and - where they dug them up - one Martian brain knows for sure, but I will ask him about it at the end of the game - has not yet made it to the avenger yet. 32 moves scattered the guts of the aliens at his own base in the end - well, he had such protection to the tentaculates ... The oil of what was looking for ammunition all over the base because there was not enough, Duck also caught a joke - I open the doors, two cyberdiscs lit me, I shoot at my neighbor , but it is not he who shoots in response, but the distant one and misses hitting the neighbor - he explodes and explodes the distant one and takes me, the one who fired, with two pieces of the wall and the gate behind the company. It crashed, of course notably.
Misunderstandings continue:
- if a player throws something under him, he necessarily turns to the south before that and one is spent per turn, although I did not ask him to turn. therefore, if you are facing north, you can throw it on the cell to the north for the same number of odes and then stand on it.
- If you shoot at the target without first highlighting, then the projectile simply flies through the invisible target and flies further. This means that on unlit targets you must use bombs or guided missiles in order to shoot exactly at the place, regardless of what is on it.
- shooting from a pump-action shotgun, you can hit an ally and inflict damage to him in 1hp - friendly - get a black order for this (you had to duck, Karl, so as not to get a slap on the head) and ... My soldier does not go to the hospital for one day - a cuff 1 from a friend does not need treatment. What can I say - I was lucky, the system forgave me.
- strangeness with a dog. It turns out that it can be additionally equipped before the battle and in the battle itself. That is, you can give her a grenade and she can cock it (a full turn is spent) and on the next turn throw it by 2 cells and move away by 5. Moreover, the dog can be given a pistol (regular, pocket, short free, laser, nuclear laser, plasma ) and she will be able to shoot from it, though almost without moving, but maybe you can throw this weapon at her, force her to pick it up, shoot and throw it. Accuracy is 0%, but the main thing is that she can do it. With its 80 odes at the start, this is a very useful unit, especially when defending a base, when someone needs to open the gate and move away.
- many write that the best layout of the base is all 3 hangars on top and the airlock connects to one of them and then the rest of the buildings go through it. There is a more successful configuration - three gates. Hangars are placed from below, the gateway clings to the average at coordinates 4.4. And the radar is 4.2. This gives passages covered by the gates of the hangars themselves, and thus in the airlock you have three gates and in the passage with the radar - 1. You have a decent delay to regroup after the first wave and before it and an alternative passage to eliminate difficult opponents. But for quiet maneuvers, you need 2 cells, and therefore I place the workshop, laboratory and living areas in a 2 * 3 rectangle next to these two buildings. I get a very compact and well-defended base.
- I built a corridor and it turned out to be an absolutely useless building - really, it would be better to place a storage there - and it will add space and build it faster. Maybe it is worth changing the construction time (ideally 2 days) and adding something there for defense, such as gates at all 4 ends or turrets or additional passageways on the second floor with stairs to the first. That is a tactical advantage.
- Oddities with a reconnaissance drone - he knows how to shoot with smoke, but with 0% accuracy (!) That is, he cannot be asked to smoke someone, only himself. This would be very helpful when attacking 2 * 2 with enfilade fire, when you need to shoot someone under the cover of smoke. In other words, the drone should be given the accuracy of the shot, otherwise it makes no sense to buy it even as a scout - a dog with a smoke grenade can handle it cheaper and better.
- pharmacy oddities - it does not heal for non-fatal wounds. That is, if there is a fatal wound, it heals it and cures 3xp, and if there is no wound, then it does not heal anything, even if it spends one. The bottom line is that I do not yet know how to treat scratches. And by the way, I was able to heal the alien with a pharmacy and get a field doctor for it. Yes, the alien was under control and without a weapon, but I suddenly wondered what would happen if I came up to him from behind and stuck a stimulator ... Fallout Foreva.
- a multi-rocket launcher is an imbalance from the start and its power would be reduced for balance. Damage from 70 to 58-60 and the number of shots in the queue from 4 to 3 and cut the size of the magazine from 8 to 6. Otherwise, the whole campaign is passed without any difficulty with this installation - after all, it weighs only 17 kg with a box and we add a bulletproof vest. Many soldiers have 25 strength at the start. The bottom line is that we get a single-celled pumpable rocket tank, which can be regarded as cheating. Well, there is a desire to equip it with a box with incendiary or smoke rockets and thus receive an additional type of damage (68-70 if balanced) and a replacement for a reconnaissance drone.
- the final ending is one, no matter how I wet this brain (!). They write to me that I treated him to plasma, but I did not. It is worth in the text of this ending to indicate exactly how you hit the brain, otherwise it’s not clear.
Well, the brain is a building, an inanimate object that I cannot probe or take control, although I would like to. This would allow you to get an alternative ending in which you enter into a contract with the brain and become similar to MHF or their subdivision (half-loss).
- Your base cannot be determined if there are no buildings in it for living soldiers - living quarters, workshops, laboratories. I checked on the base with a hangar, an airlock and a radar - even having caught aliens three times near it, I did not get revenge - the patrol ship simply did not smell it. On the other hand, if there are living quarters, workshops, laboratories, but no soldiers, then even if there is air defense, the base can be captured without ground combat.
- Air defense - suitable only for the defense of the base and then it is worth remembering what it is attacked with - only with a battleship with 3200 hp. And the defense deals 500-800 damage with a hit probability of 50-80%. The bottom line is that you need to build from 5 to 13 (!) Such air defense systems - to glue the base with them in the literal sense. This made them useless in the old hsom. Maybe it is worth changing this in a new one by making attacks on the base even with a patrol ship and also doubling the damage done. Otherwise, even an anti-gravity shield does not greatly reduce the bulkiness of such a defense - you need 4 cells for it at least so that you can shoot down a battleship. Well, or give the air defense the ability to shoot down the same UFO at a certain distance from the base, which will allow you not to fly after them in fighters or a fighter plane to lure the UFO under the base so that the air defense will deal with it.
- an interesting question arose - why should I fly to Kydonia on the avenger? Why can't I get there by any ship using Elerium-115 with a cargo hold? That is, lightning (8,1,30), firestorm (10,1,20), fist (18,4,60) avenger (26,4,60). This will add more alternate playthroughs for the final battle. You will say that 26 people are difficult to get through there, but it was difficult for me to transfer them all to the elevator while part of the team was covering and my move lasted a long time because it was necessary to move everyone. Therefore, many times I flew with an incomplete composition or actively used tanks.
- well, and one more thing - I just can't see the full map of any base except when defending. I would like it. But for now ... What is not there is not and this is sad.
- a feature was noticed when defending the base. If you have wounded at the start of her defense at the base, then they are healed instantly and go into battle with full characteristics.
Google translate help for you.
Google translate help for you.
For you too, even more as you are one and there is many readers.
Google translate help for you.
Truth to be told, Kato is Russian, just like me. However, this is an international forum, so publicly we all speak the language conceivable to the vast majority of the forum visitors. If you don't care about others, why should they even care about your opinion? Moreover, this mod's author doesn't speak Russian, not even to a degree, so whom are you talking with when publishing these huge posts then? Even if the author machine translates them, he will hardly get any idea from your writings, as you don't adapt your language at all, although I have to admit that DeepL does a surprisingly good job here. Finally, most of your ideas-complaints go way beyond the scope of this mod as they require heavy engine modifications. So if you want things like alternate endings and changing map building mechanics, better move these suggestions to the OXCE section of the forum.
What the ship in the picture?
And yes, sectoid commander in my right hand...
What the ship in the picture?
And yes, sectoid commander in my right hand...
I believe it's the large Harvester.
Spoiler alert..
Aliens will shoot (and drop down) from the 3rd floor ship door in the captains quarters.
- An old mistake that has not yet been fixed - if you have built a sufficient amount of anti-missile defense to fight off a battleship, then after its destruction above the base, knowledge of the base's location is not reset and the battleship continues to arrive at it regularly every week until either the base is destroyed or the base will not be defended during ground assault with the help of infantry and armored vehicles. Unfortunately, to verify this fact, more than 10 air defense buildings had to be built, which took up a decent chunk of the base. This means that this method of defense is still ineffective.
- Celatids and Cerebreal fly, but the anti-gravity module cannot be removed from them, since they are of natural origin and these aliens are small in size. Whether it is possible to blind an anti-gravity module from two anti-gravitational glands of these aliens is still unknown, but I would like to try.
- A large harvester is difficult to board because it only has one ground entrance. In this case, a good solution would be to use a dog or rocket tank to open doors and repeatedly detonate the elevator shaft. Undermine until there is no one to approach and then you can begin to capture. if the commander came out, then it is worth putting him to sleep and taking him out of the UFO, otherwise he will simply be blown apart by the next explosion. It is also better to actively use the brain probe to determine the rank of aliens, so that you can capture medics and navigators. Whether there are engineers on this ship is unknown. I also did not find out if it is possible to capture the ship from above through the roof using flying armor or hovertanks, but it is worth trying to check this.
What the ship in the picture?
It's a Lab Ship.
- An old mistake that has not yet been fixed - if you have built a sufficient amount of anti-missile defense to fight off a battleship, then after its destruction above the base, knowledge of the base's location is not reset and the battleship continues to arrive at it regularly every week until either the base is destroyed or the base will not be defended during ground assault with the help of infantry and armored vehicles. Unfortunately, to verify this fact, more than 10 air defense buildings had to be built, which took up a decent chunk of the base. This means that this method of defense is still ineffective.
I believe it's a function of the game engine, not the mod... I could modify this, but it would only work in OXCE, not vanilla. (I'll probably do this anyway.)
- Celatids and Cerebreal fly, but the anti-gravity module cannot be removed from them, since they are of natural origin and these aliens are small in size. Whether it is possible to blind an anti-gravity module from two anti-gravitational glands of these aliens is still unknown, but I would like to try.
But they don't use anti-gravity modules...
Well, maybe Cerebreal larvae do.
- A large harvester is difficult to board because it only has one ground entrance. In this case, a good solution would be to use a dog or rocket tank to open doors and repeatedly detonate the elevator shaft. Undermine until there is no one to approach and then you can begin to capture. if the commander came out, then it is worth putting him to sleep and taking him out of the UFO, otherwise he will simply be blown apart by the next explosion. It is also better to actively use the brain probe to determine the rank of aliens, so that you can capture medics and navigators. Whether there are engineers on this ship is unknown. I also did not find out if it is possible to capture the ship from above through the roof using flying armor or hovertanks, but it is worth trying to check this.
Not sure what you mean - is the UFO too hard to assault? Not worth it?
- The flying laboratory is not difficult for boarding, there is just a special tactic when conducting it, and I told it, that is, this is an experience and not a complaint.
- In addition, I was asked to translate my notes above into English, which I did. I hope that now they will become clear to you.
- Well, I noticed that the hybrids use a single-cell drone with a laser cannon on board and I can even stun it and capture it, but then ... I can't make anything like a cyberdisk out of it in the workshop, but an employee on the X-forces side com. that is, there is no analogue of a reconnaissance drone with a laser rifle on board.
- A discrepancy was noticed between the models of the ships of the hybrids and the real buildings from which they attack on the map. I see spaceships when attacking and it seems that I am attacking flying islands with castles located on them. There is a proposal to depict them in the pictures when attacking by fighters. It will look like an Easter egg - a reference to one of the versions of the game, where the bases were located on such flying islands - Laputa.
another oddity - for the production of an anti-gravity module, I need the corpses of flyers. I have these flyers, but alive - 5 soldiers. They are not researchable because I already have a opened flier. When selling, I will receive only the money and not the module. I go into the prison and try to kill these 4 soldier flyers by selecting them as unusable samples, but - they do not die, they simply disappear without the appearance of the corpses of the flyers. That is, they are killed very skillfully - without leaving corpses as building material for workshops.
Hello, first and foremost thanks oh so much to all the contributors, this did MORE than breath new life into an old game. So many of the mods are things my friend and I dreamed about and wished for when we played this game so many years ago.
That said, I went through a heck of a time capturing an MiB psi ops person two times, but both times they are not taken alive and thus I cannot make progress with psi research. I have psi labs/training but can't use mind probes. Is this a feature or a bug?
- The flying laboratory is not difficult for boarding, there is just a special tactic when conducting it, and I told it, that is, this is an experience and not a complaint.
Sure, I get that.
As a side note: there's a certain type of player who considers Lab Ship the hardest shit in the mod... But it really depends on your tactics.
- Well, I noticed that the hybrids use a single-cell drone with a laser cannon on board and I can even stun it and capture it, but then ... I can't make anything like a cyberdisk out of it in the workshop, but an employee on the X-forces side com. that is, there is no analogue of a reconnaissance drone with a laser rifle on board.
Maybe some day. I have some sprites, it's only a matter of work.
- A discrepancy was noticed between the models of the ships of the hybrids and the real buildings from which they attack on the map. I see spaceships when attacking and it seems that I am attacking flying islands with castles located on them. There is a proposal to depict them in the pictures when attacking by fighters. It will look like an Easter egg - a reference to one of the versions of the game, where the bases were located on such flying islands - Laputa.
I hope to just make it work better :) However, it's pretty hard in vanilla OXC.
another oddity - for the production of an anti-gravity module, I need the corpses of flyers. I have these flyers, but alive - 5 soldiers. They are not researchable because I already have a opened flier. When selling, I will receive only the money and not the module. I go into the prison and try to kill these 4 soldier flyers by selecting them as unusable samples, but - they do not die, they simply disappear without the appearance of the corpses of the flyers. That is, they are killed very skillfully - without leaving corpses as building material for workshops.
Indeed, I see the problem... But I'm not sure what to do. The only solution I can think of is adding a lot of manufacturing projects to turn living aliens into dead aliens, but it's not very elegant, and also rather grim.
Hello, first and foremost thanks oh so much to all the contributors, this did MORE than breath new life into an old game. So many of the mods are things my friend and I dreamed about and wished for when we played this game so many years ago.
Many thanks, in the name of the whole community!
That said, I went through a heck of a time capturing an MiB psi ops person two times, but both times they are not taken alive and thus I cannot make progress with psi research. I have psi labs/training but can't use mind probes. Is this a feature or a bug?
Hmm... I can't see anything wrong at a glance, would you have a save?
Sorry went well past by now, this FMP is so addicting! I got past the research block so I guess it was just me not capturing the right people. But are the MiB psi people part of the research tree? Can they be taken alive? In my game even though I stun them, they show up as dead.
Off topic/rant. I open up visual on UFOs out of muscle memory and this one time there was a gold colored UFO (envoy mission I believe). So excited to shoot it down and check it out... did not catch I was just off a coast and over water. Damn... I guess these missions are super rare?
Sorry went well past by now, this FMP is so addicting! I got past the research block so I guess it was just me not capturing the right people. But are the MiB psi people part of the research tree? Can they be taken alive? In my game even though I stun them, they show up as dead.
Off topic/rant. I open up visual on UFOs out of muscle memory and this one time there was a gold colored UFO (envoy mission I believe). So excited to shoot it down and check it out... did not catch I was just off a coast and over water. Damn... I guess these missions are super rare?
Yeah those envoy ships are like easter eggs. There's a lot of cool stuff that can be found on those ethrals. It can't be reproduced, but it can be salvaged and reused.
As far as the MIB, yes the MIB coordinators can be caught and interrogated.
Yeah those envoy ships are like easter eggs
Is there anyway to get them to spawn on purpose? I'd really like to catch one. So upset I shot it like inches off a coast line.
You are probably waiting for new tests and notes from me, but I am now at a dead end. As I said, the aliens found one of my bases and now every 4 days a warship flies there. I shoot him down because I have 7000 base defense, that is, 14 missile defense, moreover, I often save and load the save if the defense fails. But even this only helps to delay time and nothing more. I've managed to survive 4 attacks so far and in that time research and build a laser cannon storm on all my bases. I know that two such thunderstorms are strong enough to hold out until they shoot down a battleship. But this does not solve the problem either, because the battleship simply leaves the battle with a speed of 5000 with a maximum thunderstorm speed of 4000. I looked at the speeds of the other ships and realized that if the battleship does not go into battle on its own, then I will only be able to intercept it with a tormentor (6200 ) and avenger (5400). It seems that the tactic has developed - to play for time by actively overwriting until the moment when I grow up to these aircraft in terms of technology and then still intercept the warship. Let me remind you that I just decided to test all alternative methods of repelling a retaliation attack - except for the ground defense of the base. And I ran into the following difficulty - the number of missions per month per region is limited and in the Australian region everything was blocked by the retaliation mission, but as it turned out, not only in Australia - the battleship begins its direct flight to the base in neighboring regions, and therefore in them the retaliation mission clogged list of possible missions. Bottom line - I have half of the regions hanging with this mission, which means that there are simply no other missions there. I have been intercepting single small ships in regions far from Australia for a month now and, of course, I do not get a single engineer. I simply have nothing to explore, and due to the presence of only small missions, my rating has dropped to about 3000 per month. Even terrors do not occur - apparently I intercept them at the stage of small missions and they have been transferred more than once. In general, I even got a little bored and started working on new proposals for expanding the technology tree and production projects. That's what I came up with in the very first moments ...
- The problem of obtaining anti-gravity modules from living flyers has two solutions.
a) rejected living samples of aliens are simply killed and become corpses, and you can already safely sell them as corpses or disassemble them into organs.
b) A new recipe for the production of an anti-gravity module appears in the workshop - from a living flyer, but since the flyer is alive, in addition to the anti-gravity module, we can also extract controls from its body - for example, alien electronics or their cloak - an object occupying 2 * 1 cells and allowing you to additionally protect the fighter from a certain side simply if he stands in certain slots - a backpack - from behind, legs - from below, shoulders - from above, left hand - to the left, right hand - to the right, belt - in front. the cloak-shield gives additional protection +10 in a certain segment to the already existing armor set dressed on a fighter and weighs only 2 kg. Yes - we can put them 2 in the shoulders (+20 on top), 3 in the backpack (+30 in the back), 2 in the waist (+20 in the front), 1 in each arm (+10 on the left and +10 on the right) and 2 in the legs (+20 from below), but it will take us a lot of slots and add weight and protection will increase slightly, but if we don’t have more high-tech armor or we wear a synthetic suit, then this is an excellent gain, moreover, strictly selective - designed to resist hits from a certain side . I think that after the advent of such technology, flyers will become even more valuable and everyone will strive to capture them alive - segment armor is worth it even if only one +10 segment comes out of one live flyer.
However, that's not all I've come up with. I had a question - why are there so few flying armor kits - after all, you can think of attaching this anti-gravity module to the rest of the non-flying armor kits, provided that the kits themselves were not bought on the market but previously produced by you in the workshop. That is, I received new types of armor:
a). Flying bulletproof vest (sp) - protection is approximately 34 15 15 21 13.
b). Flying chemical protection suit - protection approximately 25 30 30 30 20.
v). Flying synthetic suit - defense approximately 35 30 30 25 20.
G). Flying juggernaut armor - protection is approximately 120 95 95 85 80.
e). Flying assault armor - defense approximately 70 65 65 55 40.
I have not yet calculated the rest of the characteristics of these types of armor, but what they are approximately - it is also not difficult to calculate.
That's all for now, but I don't stop thinking - so there might be more suggestions to expand the tech tree.
Is there anyway to get them to spawn on purpose? I'd really like to catch one. So upset I shot it like inches off a coast line.
Not that I know of.
But the hyper wave decoder is your best friend. keep an eye out for them.
Godar, what difficulty are you on? It's important for the alien retaliation issue.
As for your anti-grav module recovery, sorry but I only understood 5% of it, which is "let us mince live aliens for parts". I don't get how inventory slots relate to this problem.
As for more flying armours - there are as many s were made. It's like asking why we don't have more rifles, or maps, or music...
Difficlty is impossible. 20% retaliation.
The second idea is that from a living alien it was possible to obtain two products in the workshop or a more complex product than from a dead one. And not so that from a dead one you can get a product, but nothing can be obtained from a living alien.
At the expense of flying armor and segment armor. I understand that it needs changes in the gameplay or additional pictures with characteristics, but they just don’t exist. I just submitted an idea, but if it remains at the level of an idea, then this is normal.
Difficlty is impossible. 20% retaliation.
I never tested at this difficulty... It's pretty extreme. Can anyone else confirm?
The second idea is that from a living alien it was possible to obtain two products in the workshop or a more complex product than from a dead one. And not so that from a dead one you can get a product, but nothing can be obtained from a living alien.
The thing is, I don't really like the idea of butchering sapient beings for body parts.
At the expense of flying armor and segment armor. I understand that it needs changes in the gameplay or additional pictures with characteristics, but they just don’t exist. I just submitted an idea, but if it remains at the level of an idea, then this is normal.
What's a "segment armor"? And what do you mean by "at the expense"? Do you mean to replace them with something else?
Small translation error. Segmental armor - additional armor on a specific side - top, bottom, left, right, front and back. Stacks with existing armor. The way it works - a shield made at the factory from the corpse of a certain alien is placed in a certain slot. Occupies 2*1 cells. You can put several pieces in the slots and they are summed up among themselves.
- Feet - bottom. (fits 1 segment in each leg).
- Shoulders - top. (placed in each shoulder for 1 segment).
- Left hand - left (1 segment).
- Right hand - on the right (1 segment).
- Backpack on the back - behind. (fits 3 such segments).
- Belt - in front. (2 segments fit).
If you hold this segment of armor in your hand, then you can throw it, or you can hit the enemy close to it like a shield with a stun effect.
At the expense of butchering living aliens - I am also against such use and I am for the introduction of control modules into them so that they can fight on our side in missions on an ongoing basis, but then how are we different from the men in black? You can then even come up with an ending, if we take the Martian brain under control or prisoner, then we conclude a non-aggression pact with aliens and our ideas coincide with the ideas of the men in black. The result - they become our division along with hybrids and sectoids and flyers. But it smacks of a betrayal of humanity and therefore is a bit of a losing ending. Enemy aliens can neutralize control over our aliens - just use the psi-amplifier.
There is another way out - to expand the list of armored vehicles produced directly from living or dead enemy armored vehicles, that is, to include in this list, in addition to the cyberdisk and sectopod and hybrid disk, other types of armored vehicles. For example, spitter and salamandron, holodron.
There is also an idea about the use of missing operatives - they are automatically captured and they are implanted with a control module and given weapons. In this case, when you go on a mission to capture the alien base or supply the alien base - the lost operatives appear on the map and fight against you in the armor in which they were lost and you can stun them or take them under your control and if they are at the end of the mission are on your side or neutralized - they return to base and again become your operatives after going through the treatment in the infirmary - they return with 1 additional fatal wound and 1 additional lost health - so that they have something to heal. This will make it possible to tell a story about them, how they were captured, what they did with them there, and how they were released from captivity and returned to duty.
Small translation error. Segmental armor - additional armor on a specific side - top, bottom, left, right, front and back. Stacks with existing armor. The way it works - a shield made at the factory from the corpse of a certain alien is placed in a certain slot. Occupies 2*1 cells. You can put several pieces in the slots and they are summed up among themselves.
I have no idea how to do that, and I doubt it can be done even with scripts. Sorry.
At the expense of butchering living aliens - I am also against such use and I am for the introduction of control modules into them so that they can fight on our side in missions on an ongoing basis, but then how are we different from the men in black? You can then even come up with an ending, if we take the Martian brain under control or prisoner, then we conclude a non-aggression pact with aliens and our ideas coincide with the ideas of the men in black. The result - they become our division along with hybrids and sectoids and flyers. But it smacks of a betrayal of humanity and therefore is a bit of a losing ending. Enemy aliens can neutralize control over our aliens - just use the psi-amplifier.
That's theoretically possible, but a bit outside of scope of the FMP. :)
There is another way out - to expand the list of armored vehicles produced directly from living or dead enemy armored vehicles, that is, to include in this list, in addition to the cyberdisk and sectopod and hybrid disk, other types of armored vehicles. For example, spitter and salamandron, holodron.
Also kinda too involved for the FMP.
There is also an idea about the use of missing operatives - they are automatically captured and they are implanted with a control module and given weapons. In this case, when you go on a mission to capture the alien base or supply the alien base - the lost operatives appear on the map and fight against you in the armor in which they were lost and you can stun them or take them under your control and if they are at the end of the mission are on your side or neutralized - they return to base and again become your operatives after going through the treatment in the infirmary - they return with 1 additional fatal wound and 1 additional lost health - so that they have something to heal. This will make it possible to tell a story about them, how they were captured, what they did with them there, and how they were released from captivity and returned to duty.
Interesting, but about as realistic as including an Arcanoid segment to the mod. :P
Hi, I just played through a game of UFO Defense with the Final Mod Pack and really enjoyed it! One aspect I really liked that I haven't seen anywhere else is the reddish tint to the Alien Base textures in the second part of the Cydonia assault. Is that from some other mod that has been incorporated into this one? Is there a standalone mod that does this to the Cydonia base?
Hi, I just played through a game of UFO Defense with the Final Mod Pack and really enjoyed it! One aspect I really liked that I haven't seen anywhere else is the reddish tint to the Alien Base textures in the second part of the Cydonia assault. Is that from some other mod that has been incorporated into this one? Is there a standalone mod that does this to the Cydonia base?
Hi! I made these recoulours myself, and I don't think it's been published in any other mod, apart from X-Com Files (which has a lot of FMP stuff). I can make such a standalone mod if someone's interested.
Hi! I made these recoulours myself, and I don't think it's been published in any other mod, apart from X-Com Files (which has a lot of FMP stuff). I can make such a standalone mod if someone's interested.
Personally, I would love to use those red Mars base textures with other mods, or even a "pretty much vanilla" playthrough. If it isn't too much work.
Personally, I would love to use those red Mars base textures with other mods, or even a "pretty much vanilla" playthrough. If it isn't too much work.
OK, I can do that.
For Cydonia only, or should I simply replace vanilla files for all alien bases?
OK, I can do that.
For Cydonia only, or should I simply replace vanilla files for all alien bases?
Just for Cydonia. It made the otherwise familiar base terrain feel different and unfamiliar, and look a bit more like subterranean Mars. It was great.
Just for Cydonia. It made the otherwise familiar base terrain feel different and unfamiliar, and look a bit more like subterranean Mars. It was great.
All right, here you go! :)
All right, here you go! :)
Thank you! This is great.
Hi Guys,
Does the FMP work on OpenXcom Extended?
Hi Guys,
Does the FMP work on OpenXcom Extended?
Hi Guys,
Does the FMP work on OpenXcom Extended?
Like a charm. Been using it on OXCE latest versions for about 6 months now. It's great.
A bit of a n00b with mods and OXCE so excuse the ignorance.
What options (psionic LOS, strafing, etc) are recommended for the best experience with FMP?
For the best experience, the options should be left at their default values and no other mods should be used.
Do you not have to activate alternate movement methods or is that overridden by the mod ?
Do you not have to activate alternate movement methods or is that overridden by the mod ?
You don't have to do anything.
The default and best experience is with the alternate movement methods turned off.
That's why it is a default.
Of course, you (or anyone else) can have a completely different definition of "best experience" than I (or anyone else); "best" is highly subjective after all.
Feel free to tweak to your personal liking.
All I can say is that I use alternative movement methods; else the art of going around corners forces me to take take one a step away from the wall, and then diagonally back. I find it annoying, so why not just strife. But that's me.
Started today this mod for first time on openxcom port for vita.
Mod works fine,but on this mission city defense(see attach),there are
some tiles are purple (like some textures are missing),on this stage there are not only on that place on screen.
And and this mission first time met purple slime(can see on attach),
how to kill this thing? Tried machine guns,shotgun,assault riffle,flamer...it takes lots of shots but still lives,only stun rod with savescam can work on those sometimes.
Also is there a way to improve accuracy for soldiers,besides of stats?
And is there possible to somehow heal yourself with med items?
Using last version of fmp and no other mods.
p.s. tried ob pc with different versions of mod,and those purple tiles still there...
added savefile with that mission.
Thanks. It's a known problem, probably even fixed in the GitHub version already.
Can you give a link to this version? Wanna check it...and how else its different from mod-site version?
And if i gonna try other mod version,it will not corrupt or conflict with savefiles?
I played alot this awesome mod and port already,and besides of that moment above, didn't had any other iddues,and those purple block saw only once on that terror map. Still terror happen rarelly for me,as i shoot down and assault almost all alien ships
Another wierd moment,im already far ingame and researching plasma and have psi soldiers,but still i haven't seen even once MiB missions or enemies(only saw Hybrid soldiers),and i shot down and going to mission each alien ship. I thought MiB should spawn more at biggining of new game,coz of earth weaponry,but on my save,still haven't seen them at all,also too rare those cyber-plate alien monster(saw it once only ingame). Or maybe im just unlucky,with random factor.
P.s. if you mean this version: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/releases/tag/2.8e
I checked it now with those my saves...purple squares,still there(and at other places too on that map stage).
it could be bug in map generation, it it was true it will stay in your save. Next mission on same map type will not have this bug again.
Can you give a link to this version?
It's still unreleased: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
And if i gonna try other mod version,it will not corrupt or conflict with savefiles?
Should be OK.
Another wierd moment,im already far ingame and researching plasma and have psi soldiers,but still i haven't seen even once MiB missions or enemies(only saw Hybrid soldiers),and i shot down and going to mission each alien ship. I thought MiB should spawn more at biggining of new game,coz of earth weaponry,but on my save,still haven't seen them at all,also too rare those cyber-plate alien monster(saw it once only ingame). Or maybe im just unlucky,with random factor.
It's random; the MiB are a "race" like any other, and they come mostly by RNG.
It's still unreleased: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/archive/refs/heads/master.zip
Should be OK.
It's random; the MiB are a "race" like any other, and they come mostly by RNG.
Yeah checked that version,bug is fixed there.
Also have a question.
Is it safe to use "Standart" openxcom mods with FMP ? Like: aliens can pick weapons,or stun weapons,and those other ones...which comes with standart pack of openxcom.
And i just got message,that one country signed pact with aliens,and radars cover whole world already so bring down almost all ufo,still pact is signed. In mod or in openxcom is there a way to get country back to funding list for x-com?
Hi! Please fix HQSounds Final Mod Pack by Daedalus for latest version FMP and OXCE. Thanks :)
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.6 (v2022-07-15)
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Platform: Android 21
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Data folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Data search is:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] - /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] User folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Config folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Detected locale:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to create a new window since we have none yet
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Created a window, size is: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Listing available rendering drivers:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of drivers: 3
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 0: opengles2
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 4
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 1: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 2: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 3: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 1: opengles
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 2: software
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 8
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 1: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 2: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 3: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 4: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 5: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 6: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 7: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB555
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Renderer created
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Created new SDLRenderer, using opengles2
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Current scaler is linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture pixel format set to SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 1, _scaleY = 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 0x0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 3.3875, _scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 2.445, scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL reports this number of touch devices present: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Loading data...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Skipped scanning user mods in the data folder, because it's the same folder as the user folder.
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Active mods:
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Loading begins...
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] After load.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading ended.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading language...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 320x200
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 320x200
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 6.775, _scaleY = 4.89
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 4.89, scaleY = 4.89
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 3.3875, _scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 2.445, scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Loading data...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Skipped scanning user mods in the data folder, because it's the same folder as the user folder.
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] Active mods:
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - final-mod-pack v2.9
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - hqsoundsfmp v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Loading begins...
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[07-08-2022_00-07-05] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] After load.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_MIBTANK_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_MIB_PSI_OPS': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of units:
Error for 'STR_TUNLUN_TERRORIST': Unit is missing armor
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Found candidate method ID: 0x76392a6e50
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Returned to native code!
Yeah checked that version,bug is fixed there.
OK, good!
...I really should make a new release.
Also have a question.
Is it safe to use "Standart" openxcom mods with FMP ? Like: aliens can pick weapons,or stun weapons,and those other ones...which comes with standart pack of openxcom.
Frankly, most wouldn't work properly... For example the always day/always night mod would only work with vanilla missions (with the same IDs), gun melee - only with vanilla weapons, etc.
And i just got message,that one country signed pact with aliens,and radars cover whole world already so bring down almost all ufo,still pact is signed. In mod or in openxcom is there a way to get country back to funding list for x-com?
There is such an option in OXCE, but not in OXC. Also, you'd need a tiny submod to enable it.
Hi! Please fix HQSounds Final Mod Pack by Daedalus for latest version FMP and OXCE. Thanks :)
Sorry, you'd have to ask Daedalus for that, I don't support this mod.
Hi! Please fix HQSounds Final Mod Pack by Daedalus for latest version FMP and OXCE. Thanks :)
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 7.6 (v2022-07-15)
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Platform: Android 21
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Data folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Data search is:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] - /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] User folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Config folder is: /storage/emulated/0/openxcom/
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Detected locale:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to create a new window since we have none yet
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Created a window, size is: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Listing available rendering drivers:
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of drivers: 3
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 0: opengles2
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 4
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 1: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 2: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 3: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 1: opengles
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Driver 2: software
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Number of texture formats: 8
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 0: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 1: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ABGR8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 2: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGBA8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 3: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGRA8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 4: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 5: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_BGR888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 6: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture format 7: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB555
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Renderer created
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Created new SDLRenderer, using opengles2
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Current scaler is linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture pixel format set to SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 1, _scaleY = 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 1, scaleY = 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 2168x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 0x0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 3.3875, _scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 2.445, scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] SDL reports this number of touch devices present: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Loading data...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-06-49] [INFO] Skipped scanning user mods in the data folder, because it's the same folder as the user folder.
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Active mods:
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Loading begins...
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-06-50] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] After load.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading ended.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Loading language...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 320x200
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 320x200
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 6.775, _scaleY = 4.89
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 4.89, scaleY = 4.89
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-06-51] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Setting GL format to RGB565
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Current _baseWidth x _baseHeight: 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 2168x978x32...
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Old scale hint: linear, new scale hint: linear
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Texture resolution set to 640x400
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Display set to 2168x978x32
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Pre-bar scales: _scaleX = 3.3875, _scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Scale (post-bar): scaleX = 2.445, scaleY = 2.445
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Black bars: top: 0, left: 302
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Output resolution: 1564x978
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] [SDLRenderer] Offset: 302x0
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[07-08-2022_00-07-00] [INFO] Loading data...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Scanning user mods in '/storage/emulated/0/openxcom/'...
[07-08-2022_00-07-01] [INFO] Skipped scanning user mods in the data folder, because it's the same folder as the user folder.
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] Active mods:
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - xcom1 v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - final-mod-pack v2.9
[07-08-2022_00-07-03] [INFO] - hqsoundsfmp v1.0
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Loading begins...
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Pre-loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-07-04] [INFO] Loading vanilla resources...
[07-08-2022_00-07-05] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Loading rulesets done.
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[07-08-2022_00-07-06] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] After load.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_MIBTANK_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_MIB_PSI_OPS': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [ERROR] During linking rulesets of units:
Error for 'STR_TUNLUN_TERRORIST': Unit is missing armor
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Found candidate method ID: 0x76392a6e50
[07-08-2022_00-07-07] [INFO] Returned to native code!
playing latest version 3.0 fmp with this mod on oxc,without problem...only needed to edit one file in sound mod and edit translation file of mod a bit,because in fmp 3.0 changed name from Plasma Blaster to Plasma destroyer,this created a bit confilict between translation and sound mod. If you need i can send you edited file for sound mod to work properly with latest 3.0 fmp (link has given in previous page).
Yeah seems standart mods working with fmp,just with standart game content,but mod "Alien can pickup weapon",seems not working.
Yeah seems standart mods working with fmp,just with standart game content,but mod "Alien can pickup weapon",seems not working.
We can assume that this mod is already included in FMP. The alien weapon attractiveness parameter for aliens in FMP is the same as in "Aliens Pick Up Weapons". So turning it on won't change anything. And the ability to pick up weapons for aliens does not mean that they will definitely pick it up. They may pass by and not pay attention.
playing latest version 3.0 fmp with this mod on oxc,without problem...only needed to edit one file in sound mod and edit translation file of mod a bit,because in fmp 3.0 changed name from Plasma Blaster to Plasma destroyer,this created a bit confilict between translation and sound mod. If you need i can send you edited file for sound mod to work properly with latest 3.0 fmp
Thanks bro, give me link to PM
Thanks bro, give me link to PM
Send the link,check it.
Also sound mod should be loaded below FMP in modlist.
We can assume that this mod is already included in FMP. The alien weapon attractiveness parameter for aliens in FMP is the same as in "Aliens Pick Up Weapons". So turning it on won't change anything. And the ability to pick up weapons for aliens does not mean that they will definitely pick it up. They may pass by and not pay attention.
Thanks,then better gonna turn it off.
I finally got around to...
Final Mod Pack 3.0
- New soldier nationalities: Afghani, Algerian, Australian, Austrian, Azeri, Belgian, Chilean, Colombian, Ecuadorian, Egyptian, Iraqi, Libyan, Lithuanian, Moroccan, New Zealander, Pakistani, Peruvian, Tunisian, Turkmen, Venezuelan.
- Expanded Cuban names.
- New Junkfarm/Native Urban maps (by Dioxine).
- New farm map (by Dioxine).
- New jungle maps and additions (by Dioxine).
- New 30x30 maps for several terrains.
- Renamed Plasma Blaster to Plasma Destroyer for clarity.
- New Ufopedia picture for the Skymarshall (by Nord).
- Better lift animation (by Brain_322).
- Better jungle trees (by Dioxine).
- Fixed Avenger/Dropship cockpit (by Buscher).
- Fixed outdated Postindustrial tilesets.
- Minor fixes.
It's such a nice number, I never expected this to happen, much less escalate so quickly. :)
I would like to take this opportunity to look back and say thank you to all the members of the community who have ever participated in this project - as designers, graphic artists, playtesters and all the folks who simply enjoy the mod. I cannot emphasise enough that this is a Final Mod Pack, so it's very much a collective effort. After I took over its maintenance from Human Cthulhu, I always paid much attention to keep it a common thing and not "my" project (whatever it means in modding, or indeed any creative work). Because the FMP is made by everyone, for everyone; whoever maintains it, balances it and decides what gets added is a gatekeeper, not an owner. Therefore, the FMP going on for so long, ever expanding, is a collective success!
As evidenced by today's release, the mod is still in development, although I don't expect any big changes in the future - the mod has fully realised its formula years ago already, so any new stuff is mostly minor, cosmetic things, like new terrain maps or soldier nationalities. Nevertheless, nothing is set in stone, so if there's a potential new addition that you think deserves to be here, let me know and I'll talk to the author!
One possible feature I am seriously considering is better integration with OXCE. The Final Mod Pack is and will always be a vanilla OXC mod, but I'm considering an additional submod with some extra options made possible by OXCE, such as unarmed attacks, custom damage formulas or kneeling enemies, to name a few examples. This would be a non-trivial amount of work, but it might just be worth it... What do you think?
Hello, is it recommended to use the latest version of OXCE with this latest FMP release or an older one ?
I'm asking because on the OXCE 7.6 changelog there's this warning about a fix that could break some scripts :
- (possible breaking change in scripts) Fixed broken fire extinguisher: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10522.msg145855.html#msg145855
Latest recommended.
But both latest and older will work correctly. FMP doesn't use any of those features.
Thank you !
One possible feature I am seriously considering is better integration with OXCE.
Considering oxce integration. I think it can be started with recommended game options feature. It may help new players to get proper mod settings, since they may not even know what is range bases accuracy, for example.
Overall maybe it is better to move to oxce completely since most new mods doing it. Oxce has to many benefits in various areas, including even ai.
Considering oxce integration. I think it can be started with recommended game options feature. It may help new players to get proper mod settings, since they may not even know what is range bases accuracy, for example.
Yep, this is the first thing I did. :) (Since yeah, I've started this already.)
Overall maybe it is better to move to oxce completely since most new mods doing it. Oxce has to many benefits in various areas, including even ai.
To paraphrase Asterix & Cleopatra, "Have you read what I've written, or have you not read what I've written?" :P
To paraphrase Asterix & Cleopatra, "Have you read what I've written, or have you not read what I've written?" :P
Yeah, I know about submod approach, but it will be harder to manage and keep balanced, so it is somewhat like compromise. Also it will bring double the amount of work in testing and tweaking, since there will be 2 versions - with submod and without it. It will work through, but full transition to oxce is definitely valid option.
Anyway it is great that FMP still going forward.
Thank you!
Yeah, I know about submod approach, but it will be harder to manage and keep balanced, so it is somewhat like compromise. Also it will bring double the amount of work in testing and tweaking, since there will be 2 versions - with submod and without it. It will work through, but full transition to oxce is definitely valid option.
Well yes, it is somewhat harder, but I wouldn't worry about it too much - I think I can handle that, and OXC compatibility is a big advantage.
Anyway it is great that FMP still going forward.
Thank you!
You're welcome! Please keep the feedback coming :D
Not sure if this is the right place. But I am trying to play the mod for the first time and get the following error when I start a mission. Anyboy got an idea what's wrong with my install?
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x54ea90 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x552360 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x40dca0 signalLogger(int)
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x87c910 xbrz::nearestNeighborScale(unsigned int const*, int, int, int, unsigned int*, int, int, int, xbrz::SliceType, int, int)
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x764f2fc0 UnhandledExceptionFilter
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x772f8da0 RtlCaptureStackContext
[17-08-2022_19-52-36] [FATAL] 0x772d7980 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[17-08-2022_19-52-39] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
Not sure if this is the right place. But I am trying to play the mod for the first time and get the following error when I start a mission. Anyboy got an idea what's wrong with my install?
the whole log please
and if possible a save before the crash too
Version 3.1 has been released.
- Added analysis articles for all alien life forms.
- Synthsuit yields better bonuses.
- Alien Drones fly freely.
- Added Gravmodule stat bonuses.
- Hazmat is somewhat stronger.
- Auto Cannon fires 5 times on auto.
- HMG fires 10 times.
- Miniguns rebalanced.
- Plasma blades deal plasma damage.
- Fancier photonic blade effects.
- Flamethrower effects.
- Knives are faster and have sounds.
- Stun Rod is much faster, but no longer autohits.
- New MiB Commander sprites (by Brain_322).
- New Salamandron sprites (by Drages).
- New Juggernaut sprites (by Wolverin).
- Alien Drone weapon looks less like a laser.
- Alien Grenade and Elerium Bomb explosions are green.
- Added some new inventory pictures.
- Various armor tweaks and improvements.
- Soldier names code streamlined.
- Fixed Toxi-Suit palette.
Yeah, I know - 200 days with almost nothing, and now a new major release after just 6 days? Well, the reason is that as I started working on the FMP expansion for OXCE, it was a good opportunity to get another look on the base mod and I found a lot of (mostly) low hanging fruits which I could add; so I did!
As always, please mention any issues you may encounter.
Game crashes if you view the Holodrone combat analysis in the ufopaedia, no save available-see attached.
Game crashes if you view the Holodrone combat analysis in the ufopaedia, no save available-see attached.
Oops, I missed that. I have uploaded a fixed version.
And here it is, the first release of the OXCE addon for Final Mod Pack! With this, users who play on the OXCE version of the game (rather than vanilla Openxcom) can enjoy a wide range of really nice extra features. This is a submod, which means that it still needs the basic version of Final Mod Pack to run.
Get it from here: https://openxcom.old.mod.io/final-mod-pack-extended-addon
Full description of the initial release:
### Battlescape Rules ###
- New armor properties (dodge, unarmed attacks, energy regeneration, etc.) and item properties (new damage types, CQC rules, etc.).
- Accuracy penalty when shooting an unseen enemy.
- Improved combat AI.
- Civilians can pick up and use weapons.
- Aliens are more likely to pick up items.
- AI can use explosives from turn 1.
- Melee reactions.
- Melee weapons can attack terrain.
- Increased max view distance to 40.
- Enhanced lighting.
- Dynamic psi formulas.
- Stunning enemies improves morale.
- All enemies always spawn regardless of nodes availability.
- Last aliens may be revealed.
- Statistical bullet conservation.
- Medicals train Bravery and restore some Morale to the user, but are marginally slower.
- More complex TU costs for moving and reloading items.
### Unit Rules ###
- 120 new soldier faces.
- Extended dog actions.
- Hovertanks have better nightvision.
- Snakemen slowly regenerate.
### Geo Additions ###
- Custom base names.
- Soldier nationality flags.
- Air combat distances are shown in km.
- Alien bases are created in or near the infiltrated country.
### Interface ###
- Extra information in the Ufopaedia.
- Sortable research list.
- Item filters.
- Unit status indicators (graphics by Captain Corkscrew and Ivan Dogovich).
- Added Quick Draw inventory slot.
- Visual damage indicator (by Mistar Red).
### Other features ###
- Various other, minor features.
Ay, dumbdumb time, cos pretty sure it is dumb dumb me and everything works as intended. Using 7.7 oxce on android, fmp and new fmp addon, former is higher than the latter. Soldiers don't restore TUs. Tanks, aliens do, soldiers don't. Is it because I gave them much stuff they are close to their limit?
I can confirm. On an Android tablet, with OXCE version 7.7, if you turn on FMP and FMP Extended, the soldiers do not restore action points. If you disable the addon, with pure FMP, everything comes back to normal.
Lots of missing UFOpedia articles missing articleTextImage, leading to crash. All of the weapon category pages under the Research tab and all of the Commendations.
Lots of missing UFOpedia articles missing articleTextImage, leading to crash. All of the weapon category pages under the Research tab and all of the Commendations.
`articleTextImage` is provided together with OXCE.
If you're getting an error that `articleTextImage` is missing, you have not installed OXCE correctly.
I can confirm. On an Android tablet, with OXCE version 7.7, if you turn on FMP and FMP Extended, the soldiers do not restore action points. If you disable the addon, with pure FMP, everything comes back to normal.
can I have a save?
(not happening for me)
Here's the save, before starting the game I reset OXCE to its original settings to eliminate their effect. All repeated - action points of units are only spent, but not restored. On the saving of the first turn with one soldier moved.
Also attached video which shows the lack of recovery.
Android 10.
Here is mine. It is vanilla + fmp base, so you can check the game with FMP extended addon and without.
And what submods are on, just in case.
Looks like the FMPE ruleset was just copied from some other mod.
for example standard armor has the following recovery:
flatHundred: -0.1
manaNormalized: 14.0
tu: 0.5
manaNormalized: 125.0
manaNormalized: 30 # bonus for snazziness
healthCurrent: 0.25
stun: &StandardAgentStunRes
healthCurrent: 0.06
health: -0.09
stunCurrent: 0.036
manaNormalized: 8.0
stunNormalized: -0.1
But FMPE doesn't have mana enabled, so `manaNormalized` calculations will just throw a tons of division by zero errors and unpredictable behavior...
Ok, then we should fix normalized calcinations as they should work for any unit state. Only question is what value should be then returned? 0 or 1?
in this scenario:
float normalizedMana(const BattleUnit* unit)
return 1.0f * unit->getMana() / unit->getBaseStats()->mana;
if `unit->getBaseStats()->mana` is zero, I would return 0.0f.
1.0f doesn't feel right
Consider it done
I recommend to mention OXCE addon at mod page and put link to OXCE addon there:
This way more player should notice addon.
Sorry, I totally missed the mana issue (indeed most of the armour stats are copied from XCF).
I am on holidays now, but will try to fix this issue ASAP.
Version 1.0.5 has been released.
This was a quick fix, so I hope it works correctly.
This was already told, but very large UFOs are so hardcore they win the war with not only Earth but with the whole universe by crashing the game with segmentation fault. This time, however, I am on PC. Here is my save and log, and the addon is of the latest version.
This was already told, but very large UFOs are so hardcore they win the war with not only Earth but with the whole universe by crashing the game with segmentation fault. This time, however, I am on PC. Here is my save and log, and the addon is of the latest version.
script: MOUNTAIN
mapBlocks: *AnchorBDPlains
script MOUNTAIN wants to add roads, but terrain PLAINS_ARBOREAL doesn't have any
Thank you, fixed.
Hotfix attached, please replace this file.
Bugfix version 3.2 has been released.
- Added dog inventory picture.
- Fixed a rare-ish crash on terrain generation.
- Minor fixes.
Thank you for sharing this. I wonder, if a similar package is available for all base-related images? I've had a hard time launching the XComUtil on Linux, even under Wine.
I'm trying to mod the hangar image, which is not included as a png in the XComFiles. The index used by the XCom Files is given as
- type: STR_HANGAR
spriteShape: 9
spriteFacility: 9
size: 2
buildCost: 200000
buildTime: 25
monthlyCost: 25000
crafts: 1
mapName: XBASE_16
workshops: 5
storage: 25
aliens: 10
prisonType: 4
- [0, 8, 0]
- [0, 10, 0]
- [0, 12, 0]
- [1, 11, 0]
- [1, 9, 0]
- [0, 16, 0]
- [0, 18, 0]
- [1, 17, 0]
- [2, 16, 0]
- [2, 18, 0]
listOrder: 7260
And it is not listed in the extraSprites_XCOMFILES.rul.
Thank you, fixed.
Same issue with terrain "MOUNTBD_ARBOREAL" and script "MOUNTAIN" here: https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php/topic,10762.0.html
And I'd recommend checking more terrains that could be affected... or changing the mapscript.
My game crashes on ~10% of missions with a "Segmentation fault" error.
I included a save file with a Skyranger and Raven en route to a landed UFO. The game crashes when I try to assault the landed UFO and also when I wait for the UFO to take off, shoot it down and then try to assault the crash site.
This is what I've installed:
X-COM: UFO Defense in Steam (with data patch)
OXCE 7.7 (v2022-08-24)
FMP 3.2
FMP Extended 1.0.6
As well as some of the "default" mods like Psi Line of Sight
I also have "The X-COM Files" and "UNEXCOM" in my mod folder, but they shouldn't be interfering while they are not enabled, right?
On a seperate note, Psi Line of Sight doesn't seem to work entirely either; "normal" sectoids in small UFOs and outside of medium UFOs haven't Psi'd me at all, but the Leader(s) in the command room of medium UFOs spam panic/berserk/mind control as soon as my soldiers touch the outside of the UFO. Maybe they learned how to install security cams on their doors ;)?
Maybe I'm just misunderstanding some stuff here though, I haven't really played in a few years.
(Reposted from...wrong location...oops)
Version 3.2.1 has been released.
This is just a bugfix version, to deal with some map generation crashes. I also added forest roads (small chance).
Despite having manufactured 16 of them before, and finding it in my UFO pedia the entry for manufacturing nuclear laser rifles seems to have disappeared across my bases.
Is this a bug or something or is there a hard limit on how many nuke rifles you can field?
Despite having manufactured 16 of them before, and finding it in my UFO pedia the entry for manufacturing nuclear laser rifles seems to have disappeared across my bases.
Is this a bug or something or is there a hard limit on how many nuke rifles you can field?
There is no such limit. Maybe you don't have the Elerium on site?
There is no such limit. Maybe you don't have the Elerium on site?
I do, nearly 300 units of it. I can still manufacture laser weapons(including the ones that require elerium), it's just the entry for Nuclear Laser Rifles that I can't find anywhere to manufacture more of it.
I thought maybe I'm just missing it visually in the clutter of the manufacturing UI but having filtered it to weapons and looked at it nearly ten times I still can't find it.
I do, nearly 300 units of it. I can still manufacture laser weapons(including the ones that require elerium), it's just the entry for Nuclear Laser Rifles that I can't find anywhere to manufacture more of it.
I thought maybe I'm just missing it visually in the clutter of the manufacturing UI but having filtered it to weapons and looked at it nearly ten times I still can't find it.
category: STR_WEAPON
space: 3
time: 400
cost: 20000
The code is so basic that I can't see how it wouldn't work.
Hey, maybe you additionally marked this project as hidden?
what is the final mod pack extended ? (it's only around 4mb) I noticed it but wasn't sure how to add the files.
what is the final mod pack extended ? (it's only around 4mb) I noticed it but wasn't sure how to add the files.
It's an add-on for FMP, adding some functions which only work on OXCE. Details here: https://openxcom.old.mod.io/final-mod-pack-extended-addon
It's an add-on for FMP, adding some functions which only work on OXCE. Details here: https://openxcom.old.mod.io/final-mod-pack-extended-addon
Thanks. Yes I'm using the latest OXCE and the latest FMP you updated last week.
I just didnt see any instructions on how to install this add on.
I probably need to put in more effort on my end and find the folder in the OXCE directly and copy/paste overwrite them there ?
I probably need to put in more effort on my end and find the folder in the OXCE directly and copy/paste overwrite them there ?
It's a mod! A MOD! Not an OXCE for or anything... Jeez
It's a mod! A MOD! Not an OXCE for or anything... Jeez
Wow. You know what bothers me most about your reply ? I totally idolize your mods and your work. Yet you talk down to me like I'm an idiot.
There are no install instructions for "final_mod_pack_extended_1.0.6". The read me file only shows change log details (no install instructions).
Some of us are new at this. I'll figure it out on my own.
I got a crash when going to "ufopedia/Alien Life Form / *ANY* Combat Analysis"
Log like this:
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite etherealInventoryImage.SPK not found
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite etherealInventoryImage.SPK not found
FMP 3.2.1
checked extrasprite.rul and resource folders, i don't see where is ze bug .
anyone an idea ?
Wow. You know what bothers me most about your reply ? I totally idolize your mods and your work. Yet you talk down to me like I'm an idiot.
There are no install instructions for "final_mod_pack_extended_1.0.6". The read me file only shows change log details (no install instructions).
Some of us are new at this. I'll figure it out on my own.
Hello, don't know if you managed it to make it work but, for the mod to work properly you need both Final Mod Pack and Final Mod Pack Extended in the same folder where you keep your mods, it should look like this
Hello, don't know if you managed it to make it work but, for the mod to work properly you need both Final Mod Pack and Final Mod Pack Extended in the same folder where you keep your mods, it should look like this
This is exactly what I was looking for . I honestly can't thank you enough. Very grateful to you.
This is exactly what I was looking for . I honestly can't thank you enough. Very grateful to you.
No prob, and don't mind Solarius's attitude, he's the forum's grandpa
Enabling a mod in OXC is putting it in the folder and enabling it... Just like the FMP. Not hacking half the game. Excuse me for being dumbfounded, but this didn't make any sense and felt like trolling.
I got a crash when going to "ufopedia/Alien Life Form / *ANY* Combat Analysis"
Log like this:
[FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Sprite etherealInventoryImage.SPK not found
[FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite etherealInventoryImage.SPK not found
FMP 3.2.1
checked extrasprite.rul and resource folders, i don't see where is ze bug .
anyone an idea ?
provide the log file please?
Here is the last log, attached.
This time, crash while going to : ufopedia / alien forms / holodrone combat analysis
Here is the last log, attached.
This time, crash while going to : ufopedia / alien forms / holodrone combat analysis
I checked all articles on the Holodrone, with only FMP and with FMP Extended; no crash.
Must be something on your side. The log says "Sprite inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK not found", but it's definitely there, and it works.
I checked all articles on the Holodrone, with only FMP and with FMP Extended; no crash.
Must be something on your side. The log says "Sprite inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK not found", but it's definitely there, and it works.
It doesn't crash in OXCE, but it does crash in OXC.
(Please always test FMP in OXC)
The reason is that OXCE allows more "kinds" of armor sprite definitions than OXC (which was a request from modders).
For example:
spriteInv: etherealInventoryImage
In this case, OXC will look for the following sprites:
but OXCE will look for more:
And since only the 3rd one exists, OXCE will be OK, but OXC will fail.
The log is also correct btw.
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_HOLODRONE.png
Sprite "inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK" doesn't exist.
Only sprite "inventory_HOLODRONE" exists.
Many thanks Meridian,
I had looked at this, and tried to modify sprite definition in extraSprites_FMP.rul ...but forgoted that OXC is case sensitive :o
... then changing :
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.spk
does nothing ...
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK
:) no more crash on this ufopedia entry
... Does FMP v3.2.2 will include fix for those "ufopedia alien armor entry" with a .SPK at end of each sprite definition ?
Thank you Solarius ;D
It doesn't crash in OXCE, but it does crash in OXC.
(Please always test FMP in OXC)
Having two copies of the mod in two different locations is so much hassle... Copying it takes forever. I used to have it installed on OXC, but since FMP-E is now a thing, I moved to OXCE...
But looks like I need to find a solution. Or just bear it and play file shuffling.
The reason is that OXCE allows more "kinds" of armor sprite definitions than OXC (which was a request from modders).
For example:
spriteInv: etherealInventoryImage
In this case, OXC will look for the following sprites:
but OXCE will look for more:
And since only the 3rd one exists, OXCE will be OK, but OXC will fail.
This is very informative, thank you. Also it's very depressing, since I'm missing the .PCK part on most enemy paperdolls (and somehow nobody has ever said anything before).
But wait... I changed the definition to:
spriteInv: inventory_HOLODRONE.PCK
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.PCK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_HOLODRONE.png
And it still crashes on the STR_HOLODRONE_ARMOR article. I don't know anything anymore. This makes no sense.
...or should it be .SPK instead? Shit, modding vanilla OXC is a nightmare. I really don't want to do this any more... :P
EDIT: can we fix OXC to recognize the usual syntax? Because not having it is just ridiculous. Even if I fix it now, I'll probably do it "wrong" later again.
...or should it be .SPK instead? Shit, modding vanilla OXC is a nightmare. I really don't want to do this any more... :P
it's .SPK, not .PCK
it's .SPK, not .PCK
But apparently I'm way too stupid to mod vanilla OXC, because what worked for Ascadix doesn't work for me.
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_HOLODRONE.png
spriteInv: inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK
It still crashes.
It should be:
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_HOLODRONE.png
spriteInv: inventory_HOLODRONE
First (extraSprites) with .SPK; second (armors) without .SPK
(OpenXcom is adding the .SPK on its own; you don't want to add it twice)
EDIT: can we fix OXC to recognize the usual syntax? Because not having it is just ridiculous. Even if I fix it now, I'll probably do it "wrong" later again.
Not my decision.
But we can ask.
It should be:
- type: inventory_HOLODRONE.SPK
singleImage: true
0: Resources/Races_Compilation/GazerRace/inventory_HOLODRONE.png
spriteInv: inventory_HOLODRONE
First (extraSprites) with .SPK; second (armors) without .SPK
(OpenXcom is adding the .SPK on its own; you don't want to add it twice)
Thanks, I will do as you say.
Also, this is officially the last time I'm doing anything for vanilla OXC. The only way to get around this is to beg and beg and beg for information from those in the know, because nothing in it makes any fucking sense. My chances to resolve this by myself were exactly 0, despite having 8 years of experience with modding this game. Screw that.
Not my decision.
But we can ask.
Well, my stance on this should be obvious. :)
EDIT: Version 3.2.2 has been released. Fixed this stupid syntax, added one more Postindustrial map and fixed some Terror Ship issues. Now let's hope we'll never have to do this again.
Having two copies of the mod in two different locations is so much hassle... Copying it takes forever. I used to have it installed on OXC, but since FMP-E is now a thing, I moved to OXCE...
But looks like I need to find a solution. Or just bear it and play file shuffling.
Maybe with a hardlink (Linux) or hardlink/junction (Windows) of the "Final Mod Pack" folder between your two installations of OXC and OXCE ?
only 1 "real" copy of all your mod subtree ... but available to both OXC and OXCE when launching them.
By default you don't need to do anything.
Mods are in /Documents/OpenXcom/mods/ folder, shared by OXC and OXCE. No need to copy anything anywhere.
Oups ... ::)
... seems i use a "portable" installation:
- nothing in "My Documents"'
- all in subfolders of OpenXCOM folder
Yeah, I'm also using a portable installation... I have several multiple setups (FMP, XCF, Piratez, FtA and some other projects), so using Documents is not an option. (Besides, I can't stand Documents as a concept, but that's unrelated.)
I've just give a try to OCXE, using folder junction points instead of copy to put in XCE some mods i use in OXC. And ... it works :D
Good afternoon. tell me where to get Alien Electronics?
Good afternoon. tell me where to get Alien Electronics?
Mostly from some alien robotic units.
Good afternoon. tell me where to get Alien Electronics?
Try to kill a cyberdisk / sectopode / obliterator / MIB StormTrooper, withtout fully destroying it, so you recover the corpse at the end of mission, then dismantle it at your base (it's in "manufacture" items)
Try to kill a cyberdisk / sectopode / obliterator / MIB StormTrooper, withtout fully destroying it, so you recover the corpse at the end of mission, then dismantle it at your base (it's in "manufacture" items)
The new FMP Expansion pack, Cybermites too.
You also don't need to catch a storm trooper to make the armor in the new expansion either. Many cool new features. Some I love, some not as much. Wish there a way to modify them. I'm not good making mods so I rely on others and am very grateful for their efforts.
Hi, first off, I just want to say I'm really enjoying this modpack- it massively expands the game while keeping the spirit of the vanilla game.
I have run into a crash, however. It seems to be related to the Hovertank/Laser. Whenever I try to move it in the Up/Left direction out of the Skymarshall, I get the crash.
As you can see from the screenshot, the Hovertank itself looks rather... abstract.
I don't *think* I've done anything wrong while installing the game and mod, and the game has been running just fine until now.
Hi, first off, I just want to say I'm really enjoying this modpack- it massively expands the game while keeping the spirit of the vanilla game.
I have run into a crash, however. It seems to be related to the Hovertank/Laser. Whenever I try to move it in the Up/Left direction out of the Skymarshall, I get the crash.
As you can see from the screenshot, the Hovertank itself looks rather... abstract.
I don't *think* I've done anything wrong while installing the game and mod, and the game has been running just fine until now.
Have the same exact crash. Noticed it today. For me I noticed it during a base attack so had a nice clear view of the Hover.
It didn't look right. The pixels were off (not sure how else to explain it). It was 4 blurry squares vs. one clear hover.
Am also enjoying these latest changes to FMP.
Thank you for the report. This tank's armour entry in FMP Extended was damaged, which resulted in the abovementioned problems.
I have updated FMPE, please download version 1.0.7. Or alternatively, you can just replace this file: https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack-Extended/blob/main/Ruleset/armors_FMPE.rul
Thanks for the fix! Hovertanks are working normally for me now- it's nice to be able to use them again.
Is the Community Map Pack necessary/compatible with this mod?
Is the Community Map Pack necessary/compatible with this mod?
Most of CMP content is already integrated with the FMP.
I'm not sure if it's otherwise compatible.
Which XcomUlti mods work with FMP, and which don't really work right? I was testing and found that the Avalanche mod to make the starting craft have avalanche launchers actually changed the starting gear in the skyraider (might have even changed it to a skyranger, didn't check). Would say using Always Daylight prevent the game from showing any of the maps added by FMP?
Which XcomUlti mods work with FMP, and which don't really work right? I was testing and found that the Avalanche mod to make the starting craft have avalanche launchers actually changed the starting gear in the skyraider (might have even changed it to a skyranger, didn't check). Would say using Always Daylight prevent the game from showing any of the maps added by FMP?
These mods are made specifically for vanilla and are wonky at best wiuth FMP. For example, Always Daylight will work with vanilla missions and ships, but not new ones.
I don't know these mods well enough to say definitely which will work with FMP (if any) and which won't, but I generally wouldn't recommend enabling them blindly. It can screw up the tech tree and such, not to mention the only partial functionality.
I have question about FMP Extended. Are there plans to do some further balance tweaks with vanillla weapons?
For example in vanilla heavy plasma is best asault weapon in the game and at the same time it is not even heavy by its weight. And Heavy laser considered not really worth to use at all.
Or things above simply was changed long time ago?
I have question about FMP Extended. Are there plans to do some further balance tweaks with vanillla weapons?
For example in vanilla heavy plasma is best asault weapon in the game and at the same time it is not even heavy by its weight. And Heavy laser considered not really worth to use at all.
Or things above simply was changed long time ago?
To be honest I don't understand the question. You ask about FMPE, yet describe vanilla weapons.
Is it about FMP vs. vanilla? FMPE vs. FMP? Or FMPE vs. vanilla?
To be honest I don't understand the question. You ask about FMPE, yet describe vanilla weapons.
Is it about FMP vs. vanilla? FMPE vs. FMP? Or FMPE vs. vanilla?
It is question about FMPE. As far as I know FMP was bound by rule "extend content but keep original with minor tweaks". But FMPE may have different concept about weapons that comes from vanilla.
Recently I've finished game without mods- and in the end I've used only heavy plasma as default weapon. And aliens as well mostly used only heavy plasma.
Question is: does FMP or FMPE change semething about heavy plasma being strictly best non explosive weapon that being overused by XCOM and aliens in the end?
If no- are there plans to change it?
I have this question because I've looked into heavy plasma stats. And it looks like only max aim ranges was changed and CQC accuracy. Other stats remains the same.
I know that FMP exist for 8 years so I have suspision that somethings about overusing heavy plasma was done long time ago. Maybe I just don't understand what exactly.
First off, Merry Christmas.
Second, As far as I know in FMP extended, plasma has become flammable. It's a bit more dangerous than it used to be in old/regular FMP. Hope this answers your question
First off, Merry Christmas.
Second, As far as I know in FMP extended, plasma has become flammable. It's a bit more dangerous than it used to be in old/regular FMP. Hope this answers your question
Merry Christmas.
But does not it make heavy plasma even more effective?
Merry Christmas, folks!
It is question about FMPE. As far as I know FMP was bound by rule "extend content but keep original with minor tweaks". But FMPE may have different concept about weapons that comes from vanilla.
While none of the weapons have changed fundamentally, the OXCE engine indeed allows for some new weapon effects, like armour penetration or causing fires. And introducing these effects naturally changed how some weapons work, although not to the point where they would become something else.
Recently I've finished game without mods- and in the end I've used only heavy plasma as default weapon. And aliens as well mostly used only heavy plasma.
Question is: does FMP or FMPE change semething about heavy plasma being strictly best non explosive weapon that being overused by XCOM and aliens in the end?
If no- are there plans to change it?
I think it still holds the same position.
I have this question because I've looked into heavy plasma stats. And it looks like only max aim ranges was changed and CQC accuracy. Other stats remains the same.
On the weapon, yes. On the clip, there are more changes.
I know that FMP exist for 8 years so I have suspision that somethings about overusing heavy plasma was done long time ago. Maybe I just don't understand what exactly.
No, I have no intention to dethrone plasma. It is, after all, what the aliens have been using for millennia, so it's kind of hard to beat within a year or two of development. Advanced railguns try to, though.
But does not it make heavy plasma even more effective?
Maybe marginally. Being on fire is hardly your greatest worry when hit by plasma.
In other news: since after playing X-Com Files the globe looked depressingly empty in FMP, I decided to add more countries. In total, 61 countries were added. Money balance should be more or less the same, though.
I tried to load this mod up but it doesn't show up as a mod option. I got openxcom 1.0 and put it in the mods folder and it doesn't show up.
I tried to load this mod up but it doesn't show up as a mod option. I got openxcom 1.0 and put it in the mods folder and it doesn't show up.
The Submod only works with OpenXcom Extended
Hi People, I have FMP 3.2 (FMP=Finap Mod Pack) with OXCE 6.6.1. (this is the stablest version for me, tried 7.8, but results in crash...) My question is: WHAT EXACTLY are commendations/promotions good for? E.g. Purple Heart, Black Cross... The UFOpedia shows me when my soldiers earn these but it shows NOT what they actually GET after these. In a prev. version of X-Com Files, when I played in 2020, I think the soldiers also received some stat bonuses / boni :) Is it the same in FMP, but I have to dig... maybe deeper into UFOpedia? Could You pls help me? Many thanks in advance. Happy New Year! :)
I have not touched FMP in ages, but as far as I recall, the original(ish) commendations either did nothing or gave tiny amounts of bravery. Not seeing any soldier bonuses in FMP or FMPE, either. So, probably nothing.
If so, then basically all the commendations are is the glamorous part of your soldiers' record. With soldier diaries, there's a giant amount of information stored for each soldier, which you can see and reminisce about. Find your deadliest Muton killer, best sharpshooter, the guy with 300 missions in Antarctica, etc. Not that any of this protects these celebrity grunts from eating hot flaming plasma next mission. :P
X-Com Files, Piratez and probably a few others indeed give you stat bonuses for getting commendations. Quite a lot, too.
Also, isn't FMP on 3.3 now? And if OXCE crashes on you, the better course of action is to report it in the OXCE subforum, because at least for FMPE, nothing guarantees 6.6 will even remain compatible with future versions of the mod.
I have not touched FMP in ages, but as far as I recall, the original(ish) commendations either did nothing or gave tiny amounts of bravery. Not seeing any soldier bonuses in FMP or FMPE, either. So, probably nothing.
I believe you are correct. Stats topped out at like 80TU's (could be boosted to 100 w/Muton armor). And firing maxed at like 120 I believe. But with StormTrooper armor could be brought to 140.
If you were lucky, a soldier might max out a point higher to round off the integer :P
It's not rounding, secondary stat gains converge to 0-2 per improvement. That one extra point is the 2.
OXCE 6.6.1 is ancient; more than 2 years old. I take no responsibility for anything. :P
I tried to load this mod up but it doesn't show up as a mod option.
Exactly the same problem here! :'( What am I doing wrong?
Of course I am using OpenXCom Extended (version 7.8, still waiting an automatic update to 7.9).
I downloaded the mod from here: https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/final-mod-pack (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/final-mod-pack).
I copied the "Final Mod Pack" folder to "mods" folder.
Then I launched a game, but I don't see the "Final Mod Pack" after I pressed "Mods" button...
Well, maybe the mod is so old, that it works only on non-extended openxcom?
Then I downloaded "Final Mod Pack Extended" from here: https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/final-mod-pack-extended-addon (https://mod.io/g/openxcom/m/final-mod-pack-extended-addon).
Also copied the content to "mods" folder.
Launched a game, but still nothing new appeared in the list of mods.
The install tutorial (https://youtu.be/L1WUpX9n7gY?t=22m36s (https://youtu.be/L1WUpX9n7gY?t=22m36s)) is outdated. Modern interface is different. I think that this link should be removed.
Please, help! :'(
is the "mods" folder the same one as shown in Options>Folders?
anything in the logs?
did you scroll to bottom?
Oh, I am
an idiot not very observative person... ::)
Final mod pack is actually listed inside "Enemy Unknown" dropdown option! Who would have thought? XComFiles mod has it's separate dropdown option, and I expected the same from FMP.
Nevertheless, thanks for reply.
Also, OXCE updated literally just now. Could it be because of my previous post? ;D
Hi All
I managed to get to Cydonia, i killed all the aliens on the first map, but then the game crashed.
How can i fix this and proceed with the game?
Thanks in advance!
Hi All
I managed to get to Cydonia, i killed all the aliens on the first map, but then the game crashed.
How can i fix this and proceed with the game?
Thanks in advance!
Without a save I can't say anything. This has never happened before.
Nevermind, i could fix it.
What is a better way to stun an alien? In my whole last game (inculding the end game) i basically used the stun rod only, i tried the tazer gun and also one grenade, that supposes to stun the alien according to its description (forgot the name of it), but neither of them was effective, so i turned back to the stun rod again.
What is a better way to stun an alien? In my whole last game (inculding the end game) i basically used the stun rod only, i tried the tazer gun and also one grenade, that supposes to stun the alien according to its description (forgot the name of it), but neither of them was effective, so i turned back to the stun rod again.
The taser gun and the grenade have the advantage of, well, not being melee.
Final Mod Pack version 3.3 has been released.
- 61 new countries.
- Updated globe map.
- New agent names.
- 7 new Port maps.
- 1 new Urban map (by Dioxine).
- 1 new Postindustrial map (by Dioxine).
- 2 new Jungle maps (by Dioxine).
- 4 new Port map variants (by Thallori).
- Desert stones are yellow.
- Fixed Trinidad position.
- Terrain fixes.
I've noticed updates for FMP Extended on github:
1.1: New item: Fire Extinguisher.
But no sings of updates on mod portal:
There is still lversion 1.0.8
Is 1.1 FMP Extended version ready to be played?
What is a better way to stun an alien? In my whole last game (inculding the end game) i basically used the stun rod only, i tried the tazer gun and also one grenade, that supposes to stun the alien according to its description (forgot the name of it), but neither of them was effective, so i turned back to the stun rod again.
In the beginning, I also use just the stun rod. And a smoke, lllllots of smoke. All of my soldiers are carrying at least one zero-armed smoke grenade, so they can either throw it quickly, or when they drop dead/unconscious, they immediately obstruct the vision since the smoke grenade(s) go off. This helps applying healing too, if the guy is still alive. Anyway, I get a some smoke around the alien and then try to sneak on him. I smoke even inside UFOs. The small scout tank is very good unit for this, too. Then I have some 2 dedicated stunners, with light or even no armor in the beginning, and they have only a SMG and the stun rod. Stronger heavier armored soldiers also carry a stun rod in the backpack, as they can guard the stunned ETs against reviving for long, while the dedicated stunners go on further being stunning.
No need for stunning in the beginning though, as there's no Alien Container.
Later in game, my stunners get the synthsuit, and a laser pistol to the stun rod. They work prettly well. Since Skymarshall allows for large crew, I have some stunners, some dart rifle shooters and some seriously armed guys.
In the end it's stun bomb all the way. ;D Great way to improve on Alien life forms is hunting down the small scouts, once even the weakest dart rifle is available. Then there's a big tank, scout tank, many dart shooters and one sniper with alloy ammo. Either I turn the alien into a sleeping ostrich or the tank + sniper plug him dead.
The best small scout hunter is the Thunderstorm with the smallest cannon. It brings the small scout down safely every time and the UFO cannot run away.
I love this mod. As I am not too reckless player, it can make the way to Cydonia so much longer and more winding road. ;)
Some notes on 3.3 (and maybe earlier, I haven't played FMP for some time, also I might have got more recent game engine)
Hasn't the game been heavily randomized recently? I am just player, not acquainted with randomizations of data vs engine (using OpenXcom on SuSE Linux), but this time I witnessed phenomenons like MiB Laser tank surviving 2 hits from the rail sniper rifle and several hits from laser equipped HWPs. This was pretty unsettling, because these things pack one of the biggest punches in the battlescape. Later on, Obliterator went happily surviving full auto fire from the heavy plasma. To be honest, I'm glad I did not encounter them earlier with just alloy bullets! :-)
On the randomization, I also saw my HWPs auto shooting like crosseyed novices, the auto cone was like 60 degrees, which I think was a wee bit much for machines, unless they've been secretly bought from Wish. Also my senior soldiers missed with the laser pistol auto fire from a point blank range. I don't think I saw this on the earlier FMPs/engines. Not sure where this comes from.
I don't remember which level I played, maybe the randomization increases as one plays on harder difficulties? The randomization is definitely there (surviving many hits from ultra hard hitting weapons), I was also spending more than one plasma torch battery to get a single hole in the UFO hull.
I was surprised that the UFOs did not contain commanders (except battleships), but I got my tech advances all from leaders, then had to pick one commander in a base to learn about Cydonia. That was a nice twist, I could care less about the bases in the previous games.
Fortunately at that point I had my psippet masters working very effectively, so it wasn't that problematic. I abducted one commander from a sectoid base and ran away; when I went in for a second time for another one to see if he yields any further info, and I ran into this unfortunate base configuration which made my ammo/equiment depot located on the lift, this meant that I had to win the base battle, or run away and lose all my stuff, or transfer it from the lift. It was like 200 items, mind you, so I decided to win the base battle. The depot location is definitely not a problem of FMP, I saw this on TFTD game with OpenXcom too. With that I found out my Sectopods had asthma, as they were running out of "energy" after longer strolls in the largely emptying base. That was a surprise indeed. :-)
Is anybody using the Plasma cannon or the Stormlance missile? The Avalanche beats them hands down on availability+range. One has to gang up more fighters on large UFOs, but once I have Ravens and Thunderstorms, I can bring down any UFO safely down that is not Very Large.
I liked that I didn't have to have alien electronics for the Stormtrooper armor repair, that made sense.
I saw things like Battle Ships (not MiB terror missions) crewed by MiBs. Surprising.
EDIT: can we fix OXC to recognize the usual syntax? Because not having it is just ridiculous. Even if I fix it now, I'll probably do it "wrong" later again.
Not my decision.
But we can ask.
This has been recently added to OXC too.
This has been recently added to OXC too.
Praise the Lord! :)
Final Mod Pack version 3.3 has been released.
It seems metadata.yml has not been updated, still 'version: "3.2.2"' stated there.
In Final Mod Pack Extended max view distance is increased to 40.
It is a pretty huge change, it should be nice to have an option to choose between the old and this new distance setting, would it be possible to be implemented in the future?
I put the mod folder in my "mods" folder and it does not show up in the dropdown menu.
I use latest build (as today) for OpenXCom (not using extended).
I also needs help to install custom music files. The tutorials doesn't work, I think they are outdated.
Can anyone help?
Okay, I got it working... I found the mod on the bottom of the feature list (not very intuitive!)
So I have been playing this mod for many hours today and I must say I didn't really enjoy it =
Bullet sponge enemies... also is it impossible to research alien weaponry? When I researched I just got human weaponry.
Game almost gets impossible after a while with the super alien races you meet that can take 100 bullets and just die if you explode the entire map almost.
I think I go back to vanilla
I think (played FMP a looong time ago) that they're not bullet sponges, they just have good armour against whatever you're using. So this is what's nowadays referred to as 'skill issue'. :P
Does FMP have armour entries in the pedia? If so, you could try nabbing one alien through sheer persistence, look at what's it got there and see if you've got something that works against its hide. Edit: Yes, it does. /edit
Edit2: But, yes, FMP does away with the "Heavy Plasma in month 3" progression of the original, and you've actually got to fight the super-advanced aliens with your crappy Earth tech for a while. You've got to do some alien-napping and other research before plasma (or even lasers) open up. On the flipside, the human arsenal is a lot bigger and more varied.
I think (played FMP a looong time ago) that they're not bullet sponges, they just have good armour against whatever you're using. So this is what's nowadays referred to as 'skill issue'. :P
Does FMP have armour entries in the pedia? If so, you could try nabbing one alien through sheer persistence, look at what's it got there and see if you've got something that works against its hide. Edit: Yes, it does. /edit
Edit2: But, yes, FMP does away with the "Heavy Plasma in month 3" progression of the original, and you've actually got to fight the super-advanced aliens with your crappy Earth tech for a while. You've got to do some alien-napping and other research before plasma (or even lasers) open up. On the flipside, the human arsenal is a lot bigger and more varied.
I assume, FMP is already built-in into the XCF. Is that correct?
As far as I know, it's mostly included, but XCF has been going its own way for quite a while now. So what's there might be close, or it might be tweaked/removed, but it's likely that pretty much everything has been at least considered for inclusion.
And then some things were backported to the OXCE 'expansion' of FMP.
Hello everyone.
Has anyone paid attention to the correctness of receiving awards (commendations)?
I flew on a day mission and one of the soldiers received the "Night Stalker" award (STR_MEDAL_TOTAL_NIGHT_MISSIONS).
This was a mission to capture a small scout. But two soldiers received the "Order of Earth" award (STR_MEDAL_TOTAL_IMPORTANT_MISSIONS), but it should not be awarded for the assault on the small scout.
In this mission we killed one single enemy. He died. But two soldiers received the "Order of Restraint" award (STR_MEDAL_ALIENS_KNOCKED_OUT), despite the fact that this is a personal award that should be awarded for capturing a living alien.
This is just what caught my eye...
In addition to FMP (version: "2.9"), I have another, my own, mod enabled. But the criteria for receiving awards have not been changed.
I figured it out. This is because of my mod)
Please tell me, whats the best way of killing the Obliterator? The auxilliary units of the Mutons.
Looks like these things seem to adsorb everything without being destroyed, including 5-6 high explosives, large rockets, Auto cannons with HE bullets etc
Edit: in my last mission i had Gauss and Rail weapons already, i shot this thing at least 15-20 times with gauss pistol and heavy gausses, and 2 times with a rail sniper gun, and nothing...
Then he killed 3 of my men with one single large rocket shot, and then i quitted the game...
I am playing on Superhuman, and i get basically only Mutons in every single mission but i cant defeat them only because of this Obliterator...
If the mutons start to attack my bases with this crap thing, i will lose my bases too, please somebody help me with an advice.
Please tell me, whats the best way of killing the Obliterator?
I don’t even know what to advise, I have a couple of ideas.
The OBLITERATOR has armor (damage absorption) worth 100, that is, you need a weapon that exceeds damage above 100 with such damage there is only one weapon Heavy Rail Gun 120 armor-piercing damage, only this weapon can cause at least some damage, but I’m not sure, because the OBLITERATOR's armor absorbs armor-piercing damage by 20%, that is, the strongest weapon will only do 88 80% damage and therefore will not penetrate the armor and will not cause damage.
I'm not sure of my calculations, but since you say that 20 shots from a heavy rail gun did not have any effect (it is useless to shoot at it with pistols and lasers), then this means that there is no weapon that can penetrate such armor.
How to solve the problem (just select one of the points):
1) Go to the armors.rul file and reduce the obliterator’s armor to 60 points;
2) Go to the armors.rul file and remove the absorption of armor-piercing damage or laser damage, or even make it vulnerable to some type of damage;
3) Add EMP weapons to the mod and make the obliterator vulnerable to EMP damage (I did this, I just knock out the obliterator with a EMP grenade);
4) Add new types of damage from the FMPE addon (for example, plasma weapons can cause damage to armor, and the more shots are fired at an armored target, the less armor it has left, and this way you can remove armor and pierce thick armor even with a plasma pistol).
Newbie here.
I've successfully gotten OXCE going but would like to try out the FMP Extended.
I go to https://openxcom.old.mod.io/final-mod-pack-extended-addon as the first post says and I don't see a download link. I've "subscribed" on the mod.io site but that doesn't automatically download anything (is that even possible?).
Do I need to go to the Github link - and what folder does the mod go into?
EDIT: NEVERBLOODYMIND - turns out you have to mouse over the right side panel and scroll down. FML.
As soon as I enable FMP extended in the mods window in-game, the game reloads, I get a bunch of errors and then the game refuses to start until I remove the FMP folder from the mods folder.
What am I doing wrong? I've uninstalled and reinstalled OXCE v. 7.12
I uninstalled OpenXCom as the OXCE post says it's not needed. Is it needed if I want to run FMP?
Son of a donkey...
Turns out you need to have both FMP and FMPE installed if FMPE is going to work.
Should probably include that in the FMPE description...
Only found out b/c of some helpful people on the OXC discord.
Umm, it says: "A companion submod to Final Mod Pack". I thought it would be clear enough? Is there a need to explain it further?
Not to mention the FMP is listed as a dependency...
What is the situation with
Can I install all three, or just FMPE and one?
Umm, it says: "A companion submod to Final Mod Pack". I thought it would be clear enough? Is there a need to explain it further?
Not to mention the FMP is listed as a dependency...
In hindsight anyone reasonable knowledgeable about modding and files and computer programs will probably know what a "dependency" is.
I'm not at that level and can barely figure out how to follow the instructions to install OXCE and get it working. (The instructions at https://openxcom.org/downloads-milestones/ and https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Installing_(OpenXcom) did NOT help, and confused the heck out of me.) I just wanted to play the game with XCF or some cool terrain added.
Mad respect to you and the others who built these mods (yes, I contributed on your Patreon), but if you want less tech-savvy general audience people to more easily figure it out, then yep it needs to be spelled out along the lines of "YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL AND ENABLE FMP."
Or maybe I'm stupid.
Can I install all three, or just FMPE and one?
You can only install FMP(E), unless you want to become a modder yourself.
I'm pretty sure FMP includes some of these maps, but nowhere near all of them.
...yep it needs to be spelled out along the lines of "YOU MUST ALSO INSTALL AND ENABLE FMP."
Well, mod.io does say
"All dependencies need to be installed for this mod to work.
Final Mod Pack [big button]".
I'm pretty sure FMP includes some of these maps, but nowhere near all of them.
I’ve already added new maps from XCOM-Terrain-Pack-1.0.2 to my FMP build once (I added a port with a ship from TFTD) and maybe I’ll add some more maps in the future.
Can anyone give a complete list of maps from the CMP and Terrain Pack and tag those that are already added to FMP (so I can easily find them by name and not have to search for new maps or take hundreds of screenshots to compare the FMP and CMP, and I was sure that there was no such card and that if I wanted, I could add it).
I also thought about adding underwater maps, but for this you need to change the globe and hard-code restrictions (everything land cannot go under water, such as: aliens, UFOs, xcom planes, soldiers in land armor, weapons).
Maybe someday another addition to FMP will be released that will add an underwater world, but until then, I myself need to learn how to create a hybrid globe and program the transformation of armor (land-sea) and also introduce a type of damage that instantly destroys everyone in land armor under water.
Can anyone give a complete list of maps from the CMP and Terrain Pack and tag those that are already added to FMP
I doubt there's anyone with such a list. Combing through the terrain.rul files is probably your best bet.
Maybe someday another addition to FMP will be released that will add an underwater world, but until then, I myself need to learn how to create a hybrid globe...
You don't need a true hybrid globe for that. See XCF or Piratez who fake it through other means.
Can anyone give a complete list of maps from the CMP and Terrain Pack and tag those that are already added to FMP (so I can easily find them by name and not have to search for new maps or take hundreds of screenshots to compare the FMP and CMP, and I was sure that there was no such card and that if I wanted, I could add it).
At the request of the author Hobbes, all maps from his mod Terrain Pack were prohibited from use in other mods. Therefore, they were removed from FMP (as well as from many other mods) and replaced with other similar ones created by other authors.
That is, there are no maps from the Terrain Pack in FMP. It is not forbidden to add them to your version of the mod for your own use. But if you try to share such a "hybrid" version of the mod on this forum, problems may arise. Hobbes' demands are respected here.
That doesn't seem to be true anymore. The Terrain Pack on mod.io is distributed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so as long as you follow the crediting, licencing and don't make money, it's fine.
Although given that one of the root causes of the brouhaha was Dioxine's Patreon, and Solarius also has one and is the main maintainer of FMP, it's not clear how 'noncommercial' works between FMP and TP. Edit: And FMP does not even seem to have a licence. So, yeah. /edit
That doesn't seem to be true anymore. The Terrain Pack on mod.io is distributed with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, so as long as you follow the crediting, licencing and don't make money, it's fine.
Yes, apparently I didn't notice that Hobbes has changed his attitude towards using his cards. But you need to take into account that _Raven_ has a goal - collecting donations. At least he wrote about it himself. Even if this is not a direct sale of content, it was precisely this situation that once led to the ban on the use of these cards.
I see your autotranslator thinks we're playing a game here. ;D
I see your autotranslator thinks we're playing a game here. ;D
Yes, in Russian this word “карта” has multiple meanings. It means both a geographical map and an accessory for the game. Therefore, the reverse translation sounded quite normal to me. I always translate phrases back into Russian before sending them.
I'm aware, I'm not a total stranger to Russian. Just couldn't resist a (double) joke. :D
I doubt there's anyone with such a list. Combing through the terrain.rul files is probably your best bet.
What a complex world, you practically have to do everything yourself, because there is no advanced artificial intelligence here that would know about all the mods and be able to give a hint to any question, and ordinary people cannot know everything. Okay, I'll see what locations are in CMP and TP, maybe something will interest me.
There are still no incentives to share the mod, even homeless people on the street are given $1 for nothing, but they don’t give me $1, as if I asked for a million.
There are more and more incentives not to share the mod, including trading in other people’s labor (I don’t want to trade in other people’s labor, because I use a lot of labor from many people from many mods), and a ban on using some maps, also due to the fact that they don’t support me, I’m starting to perceive this as a refusal of my work (well, how can you perceive that everyone in the world is poor like me?), I received a lot of anti-incentives on my difficult path to worldwide recognition.
P.S. If I ever live a normal life, then maybe the desire to share will appear, but at the moment I feel as if the whole world is against me.
Yes, this is the word “карты” “cards” and not the “maps”
P.P.S. yergnoor, you got caught, an undercover communist, a Russian spy ;D
There is another word that does not translate well from Russian into English, the word “mod” “мод” “мода” can be translated as “fashion” for this reason I check 7 times and print 1 time.
same in German btw :)
Mode = fashion
Karte = map
These questions may be a little stupid, but I need to make sure that my changes to the mod don't break the game.
1) If I change the date in the "vars.rul" file and start the game not from 1999, but let's say from 2000, this will not break the plot of the game, missions will also start from the first month (which is indicated by the number 0) or something will suddenly happen and Missions scroll forward a year?
2) I don’t yet understand how the game globe works and how to make changes to it (add countries, cities, underwater locations) so as not to break the game, but I still made changes to the countries from FMP v3.3. Tell me, did I do everything correctly or could this cause some kind of critical error during UFO attacks on countries and regions?
(The file "countries_FMP_RAVEN.rul" is attached below)
PS. I don't know what happened last time (the first time I tried to complete my FMP-RAVEN build), but when I tried to make changes to the globe and added new cities and countries from another mod, incredible wild things started happening in the game:
- the bases of the Men in Black appeared everywhere, but they were not visible on the globe;
- the monthly rating constantly went into a big minus (despite the fact that I did not fail a single task);
- after the Sectoids, only one race began to arrive, the Men in Black, but they were Floater's, only they were armed with ordinary firearms (the Floater race appeared at the base of the Men in Black with firearms in their hands instead of plasma weapons);
- in the end it became completely impossible to play.
I don’t want something like this to happen again in my build, no extraneous changes were made to the globe and regions, only to countries. Look and tell me if FMP will work correctly if you change the date a year ahead and replace the countries_FMP.rul file with countries_FMP_RAVEN.rul (this is mainly addressed to Solarius_Scorch, who else but the creator of the mod himself can accurately answer the question about FMP).
I haven't really played around with the globe much, but just changing the countries' funding and areas shouldn't affect much beyond local score and council income, so you should be reasonably safe.
Playing with regions and terrains, on the other hand...
I don't really recommend pooling so many countries into one block, since if the aliens infiltrate that (and the increased area also increases infiltration chances), the player's financials get a rather rude cut.
The date is just cosmetic.
If you had a million MiB bases, these could have eaten your score by themselves. The other stuff indicates you did things without really understanding what exactly you were doing. :)
I don't think there's a magic method for even an experienced modder to assure you nothing will ever go wrong based on just one part of the changes. This is a complex game, and even ten lines of code can sometimes produce surprising results.
What a complex world, you practically have to do everything yourself.
If you want to do something well, do it yourself.
I finally finished reviewing all the CMP and FMP locations (I just didn’t have the strength to get to the Terrain Pack) and this is what I got (the file “MAP_FMP-CMP.zip” is attached below<error - big size file. Reduced weight by 10x).
These are all the locations that are in CMP and all the FMP locations (I did a review on my FMP-RAVEN, so there are different UFOs and a lot of civilians and there are 2 locations with a ship in the port from TP). Apparently, almost all locations from CMP were added to FMP (there are 12 more locations in CMP), only those locations that cannot be reduced to 6 floors and maybe a few more minor ones are not there, all the rest are there.
Well, CMP and a bulky mod, the locations are 9 floors, the game was slow on my 32-bit phone, it’s good that in FMP they are limited to 6 floors.
As for the list of all locations, what I did should have been done long ago either by the creators of CMP or someone else. I had to do everything myself to see the entire list of locations and decide what to do with them.
If you want to see what all the locations from FMP or CMP look like and how they differ and which ones were added to FMP, then you don't need to take 200 screenshots like me, just download the file below and see all the locations.
Im sure this has been adressed here, but if there is a way to search a thread i havent found it.
Is there some problem with unlocking the PSI AMP?
I did the research, but I didnt get the option to manufactor it, no ufopaedia entry, nothing.
I looked at the rulesets, there is only one mention of PSI_AMP in research_FMP.rul
Am I missing something?
The other data is inherited from the original game.
I don't immediately see what the problem would be, I can research and produce/pedia it well enough.
Are you playing with the Extended version, or vanilla FMP? Can you post your save, so we can see whether you've accidentally hidden some topic or something similar?
I am using the Extended Version and Brutal-OXCE.
I did some tinkering with the rul-Files, but mainly to patch the MiB out of the game. I did a quick test with a fresh download of FMP, same issue.
Save is attached, thx!
Your problem is lack of reading. :D
Check your (sub)mod list, especially the descriptions.
Ok, im dumb ;D
Thx for the Help!
Great mod. Did notice one issue (shoutout to the Brutal AI sectoid for spotting it). The starting ship, the skyraider, is missing some voxels between the wall and floor. This is letting enemies walk up and shoot through it. I checked the Xcom Files mod, and I saw it was fine there. Any chance to backport the voxels for the ship into Final Mod Pack?
Sure, looks like I missed this change. Will fix ASAP.
Final Mod Pack updated to version 3.4:
- New Sectopods: Gauss and Railgun.
- Fixed a hole in the Skyraider.
- Terrain fixes.
Final Mod Pack Extended updated to version 1.1:
- New item: Fire Extinguisher.
- Added support for the new Sectopod types.
I decided to spawn the MiB pilots and discovered damaged MiB aviation files.
Something happened to your files (C_BITS.MCD, C_BITS.PCK, C_BITS.TAB), although previously, when I added this aircraft to MapWiev2, everything was fine. Perhaps you broke these files in new versions of FMP, I temporarily replaced these damaged files with others from X-Files (C_BITS_2.MCD, C_BITS_2.PCK, C_BITS_2.TAB), but I think the black color of these sprites does not match the rest of the gray aviation sprites MiB.
If it's not difficult for you, fix this, since MapWiev2 cannot open these files and expand the aviation map, then there will be problems in the game too.
C_BITS are completely unchanged since at least March 2022, probably longer. I haven't touched them for years.
Regarding my previous post:
If you haven’t started fixing anything yet, then you don’t need to do anything, I fixed everything myself. Just add these files to the original FMP.
If you claim that there were no changes and I also think because I also haven’t updated these files in the MapView2 program for a long time, but still after I updated MaoView2 to a new version from github I received this error and could not open the map of this bomber .
I've already taken the new files from X-Files and completely recolored them in the appropriate color, I advise you to still add these files to your FMP just in case.
Everything works fine on my end, so I am not planning on doing any fixes.
@raven Sounds like you should be asking MapView2 author about this problem.
Edit: It's possible that the .TAB file has always been corrupt, but since OXCE doesn't use them, it never got discovered. However, since MapView did get updated, and its error detection got better, it now detects such errors. Try using PckView => File => Create Tabfile for... , and create a new .TAB file from the problematic .PCK file.
So the game doesn’t need .TAB files, they are needed only for MapView2, then if you want, you can delete them altogether from the mod folder?
No, the first attached image shows what you will get if the game tries to build a map with blocks that have missing TAB files. I provoked this by renaming the tab file for the avenger to avenger2, so they ARE required. Mapview can build a new TAB file from the contents of a PCK. How this is possible is explained in https://www.ufopaedia.org/index.php?title=Image_Formats#PCK however, if the contents of the PCK is "bad" the new TAB won't help.
On that very matter, I have also noticed that some of the PCK files in this mod seem to contain trailing "corrupt" sprites. This doesn't affect the game or mods since they aren't used. Would need to experiment to see what would actually happen if OXC or OXCE tries to load these sprites but I haven't yet. I'm also attaching a hex view of the c_bits TAB and PCK files, notice the repeating pattern of FE FF values at the end of the PCK, this is what's causing issues with mapview. If you're comfortable with hex editing and understand the structure of PCK file as explained in the ufopaedia site a simple "fix" is to trim this bad data, save the pck (or copy of) and then use mapview to generate a new tab file for it.
At this point, I agree that it might better to bring this up with kevL in the Mapview Upgrade thread and possibly request a feature to "recover" the PCK files while pruning out the bad sprites.
CrazedHarpooner nailed it. I investigated c_bits PCK+TAB and consider them malformed/corrupt.
OpenXcom probably deals with it silently .. but i want Mv2 to point out that there's an error
Moved the whole globe editing discussion to a separate thread (https://openxcom.org/forum/index.php?topic=12132.0).
Hi, I have a question about the Stun Rod.
In my actual game, I need to hit an alien like 30 times to stun them. Is this normal?
I am using FMP and FMP addon.
Which alien are you hitting? For the generic McAlien, no, it's not normal.
Actually, from a brief glance the only enemy that's even vaguely likely have such a resistance to being tased is a Reaper.
The report is too vague to tell for sure. It could be that the soldier is not even hitting the target. It might not be easy to tell if you are not a veteran player. In contrast to vanilla, there are a couple of factors which might make it more difficult to hit the target compared to vanilla. Melee accuracy affects stun rod accuracy, and melee dodging feature increases the chance of missing to some degree. I suppose it's more likely that the soldier is missing than the enemy unit is resisting the attacks.
Which alien are you hitting? For the generic McAlien, no, it's not normal.
Actually, from a brief glance the only enemy that's even vaguely likely have such a resistance to being tased is a Reaper.
Any Alien, even Sectoids. Several times I had 3 soldiers around the Sectoid, each soldier attacking 5 times with the stunt rod, and no stunning.
The report is too vague to tell for sure. It could be that the soldier is not even hitting the target. It might not be easy to tell if you are not a veteran player. In contrast to vanilla, there are a couple of factors which might make it more difficult to hit the target compared to vanilla. Melee accuracy affects stun rod accuracy, and melee dodging feature increases the chance of missing to some degree. I suppose it's more likely that the soldier is missing than the enemy unit is resisting the attacks.
I mean, contrasting to vanilla where almost any alien would go down with one hit. Maybe the toughest (like Mutons I guess) would go down with 2 or 3 hits.
I thought about the (new compared to vanilla) 'melee accuracy'. It my be that. How can I know if a melee attack actually hit the target?
If it is that my soldiers are not even hitting the alien, Does it mean that I should only equip with stun rods the ¿strongest? soldiers and the ones with most melee accuracy? is that it?
Any tips for stunning aliens in FMP?
Thanks very much in advance.
CTRL-H shows whether you hit (a small "hit" or a big "HIT") or missed. CTRL-ALT-H shows longer history. This should help to figure out if this is your issue.
If this is your issue, you might consider using for example taser pistols from up close (but not not next to the alien, because that triggers CQC mechanics). I have not played FMP(E), but at least in a very similar X-Com Files, melee stunning in the early game is almost useless due to all the misses.
Ironfist ship broken on BattleScape?
Hi, I am using the Ironfist for the first time... and it seems broken, like if the level 0 and level 1 are mismatch. Because of this, the ramp cant be used.
Any way to fix this?
Thanks very much in advance.
P.S.: is there a way to search with in a post?
Any way to fix this?
Just turn off other (conflicting) mods.
P.S.: is there a way to search within a post?
No, as far as I know, the forum search is extremely stupid and only shows the latest/newest hit per post/thread.
Any older hits are completely ignored.
Just turn off other (conflicting) mods.
Ok. The problem is that if I turn off the other mods, I cannot continue my actual playthrough.
I am using these mods:
- final_mod_pack_34-bkno
- final_mod_pack_extended_11-4mzb
- xcom_visual_upgrade_v6.5
- commendations-3.2
- hqsounds_fmp_v1.0
- top_gun_110
Out of these, any know suspect?
Thanks in advance
Out of these, any known suspect?
PS: and top_gun_110 will give you trouble sooner or later too
PS: and top_gun_110 will give you trouble sooner or later too
Ok, thanks for the tip.
Do you think I can disable those mods and continue the playthrough?
(battlescape will recover only in the next mission, not in the current one... or better yet, make the change during geoscape)
PS: and top_gun_110 will give you trouble sooner or later too
I think you were right, I disabled xcom_visual_upgrade_v6.5 (and top gun), and now the Ironfist show correct.
Eventhought... I don't think the Ironfist is work using, right? ;D
Please enlighten me a bit about enemy race selection for some missions.
1. Retaliation calendar in alienMissions_FMP.rul looks as:
raceWeights: # In the case of a shootdown, race comes from the UFO that triggered the mission.
So, like vanilla rules, here is no time dependance? You can got ethereals or mutons in jan'1999 in 10% cases? Or specific race should "arrive" at first?
Also, that is so special about chasers for their exceptional 30% chance?
2. Do labels (numbers) in RaceWeights section actually represent months? No scaling via some variable for mod, designed be slow-paced at least in early game (1999)? Excuse me, but seeing mutons and gazers in july and ethereals in september is a bit early for mostly kinetic-equipped squads, imho.
3. Can specific alien base race change during the game? IIRC seeing snakes + chryssalids on early scouting mission, but then I finally got my toys and balls one year later for another visit, it was turned to be populated with mutons instead... Or I just messed my memory with another campaign?
So, like vanilla rules, here is no time dependance? You can got ethereals or mutons in jan'1999 in 10% cases? Or specific race should "arrive" at first?
Theoretically, they could, but it doesn't work this way. As indicated by the comment in the section of code, all retaliation missions generated from a shotdown UFO will use the race that was in that UFO and ignore this list. These particular raceWeights only come into play if a missionScript is set to generate a retaliation mission. FMP doesn't add any such scripts as far as I've seen and thus only the vanilla retaliations come into play, one from completing "The Martian Solution" research and the other is on a difficulty-based months-passed condition. On superhuman, that's after October'99 has passed.
2. Do labels (numbers) in RaceWeights section actually represent months?
Yes, and the engine will continue to use those weights until the next month threshold has passed. If no further months-passed are set, then it'll use the latest one in the list (in this case, 0) for all future months.
3. Can specific alien base race change during the game? IIRC seeing snakes + chryssalids on early scouting mission, but then I finally got my toys and balls one year later for another visit, it was turned to be populated with mutons instead... Or I just messed my memory with another campaign?
While OXCE has added such modding option, FMP has not been updated to use it. So, no, they can't in this mod.
Thanks for clear answers!
Question about Armours:
I have notice that it seems the different armours (Flying Suit, Stormtrooper Armour) try to avoid the pattern "the later the better", I guess, in order to force tactical decisions (this guy will wear this armour for this role, and some other guy will wear another armour for some other role).
So my questions are:
- In your opinion, Is there a better armour that fits for all roles?
- If not, which armour would you use for which role?
Thanks in advance
This thing is just sit down here for month or so. Is it broken?
About armor, I think Flying Suit is absolutely superior, even kinda OP. It makes Power Suit ("parent" on tech tree) quickly absolete, because have not movement penalties but offers slightly better protection. Also Juggernauts can have limited usage in late game for commanders and psionics.
About armor, I think Flying Suit is absolutely superior, even kinda OP. It makes Power Suit ("parent" on tech tree) quickly absolete, because have not movement penalties but offers slightly better protection. Also Juggernauts can have limited usage in late game for commanders and psionics.
Cool, thanks, nice insight.
This thing is just sit down here for month or so. Is it broken?
Note that the craft type is "Keep". I think it is something like you have discover a base of the Hybrids. I think that if you do the mission, it is not a UFO, but a building (kind of like a Hybrid Base)
I think it is something like you have discover a base of the Hybrids. I think that if you do the mission, it is not a UFO, but a building (kind of like a Hybrid Base)
Probably you are kinda right (except it was flyed at first). Found its landing time in ufoTrajectories_FMP.rul :
- id: B0
groundTimer: 50000000
(~100 years)
Probably by now I will ignore it because for my very late game there is no much reward and sense for fighting with Hybrids.
Final Mod Pack updated to version 3.5:
- 6 new Industrial Slum maps (by Dioxine) and enabled huge maps in the script.
- 2 new Urban maps (by Dioxine).
- 3 new Junkfarm maps (by Dioxine).
- Various Junkfarm terrain updates.
- Improved diagonal UFO walls (thanks CrazedHarpooner).
- Port terrain fixes (by Dioxine).
- Minor fixes (thanks Meridian).
Final Mod Pack Extended updated to version 1.2:
- Enemies can use proximity grenades now (with the newest OXCE).
- Minor fixes.
en-GB.yml and sk.yml have wrong version number in FMP 3.5
STR_OPENXCOM: "Open X-Com: Final Mod Pack 3.4"
en-US.yml has a bunch of duplicate keys, they won't prevent the mod from loading but thought I'd mention them while I was at it. I can provide a list of them and file line if desired, heck I'm ok with pruning the duplicates myself and attach the modified file if you're ok with that.
en-GB.yml and sk.yml have wrong version number in FMP 3.5
STR_OPENXCOM: "Open X-Com: Final Mod Pack 3.4"
en-US.yml has a bunch of duplicate keys, they won't prevent the mod from loading but thought I'd mention them while I was at it. I can provide a list of them and file line if desired, heck I'm ok with pruning the duplicates myself and attach the modified file if you're ok with that.
Why not, please do. Or just a list of strings.
Strange, these two languages didn't even have the current string for the title...
Strange, these two languages didn't even have the current string for the title...
sk.yml has it on line 35 : https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/blob/master/Language/sk.yml#L35
en-GB.yml has it on line 1171 : https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/blob/master/Language/en-GB.yml#L1171
sk.yml has it on line 35 : https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/blob/master/Language/sk.yml#L35
en-GB.yml has it on line 1171 : https://github.com/SolariusScorch/Final-Mod-Pack/blob/master/Language/en-GB.yml#L1171
I was referring to Transifex. But apparently there was a minor mismatch of files, which prevented these two from being migrated into the game.
Version 3.5a has been released. It deals with this problem and fixes one map.
Excuse the delay, here.
201 <-> 212: STR_OBLITERATOR_DISASSEMBLY (duplicate removed)
783 <-> 1329: STR_SNIPER_RIFLE (duplicate removed)
784 <-> 1330: STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_CLIP (duplicate removed)
785 <-> 1331: STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_AA_CLIP (duplicate removed)
786 <-> 1332: STR_SNIPER_RIFLE_UFOPEDIA (repeat key, different text, moved the 2nd description under the 1st and commented out the 1st one for evaluation)
1379 <-> 1464: STR_MELEE (duplicate removed)
1380 <-> 1465: STR_PISTOLS (duplicate removed)
1381 <-> 1466: STR_SMGS (duplicate removed)
1382 <-> 1467: STR_RIFLES (duplicate removed)
1383 <-> 1468: STR_SHOTGUNS (duplicate removed)
1384 <-> 1470: STR_CANNONS (duplicate removed)
1385 <-> 1471: STR_LAUNCHERS (duplicate removed)
1386 <-> 1472: STR_MACHINE_GUNS (duplicate removed)
1387 <-> 1469: STR_SNIPER_RIFLES (duplicate removed)
1388 <-> 1513: STR_INCENDIARIES (duplicate removed)
You can find the commented out key in the attached file, line 785. I based my choice on other language files also mentioning the caliber of the weapon.
Excuse the delay, here.
You can find the commented out key in the attached file, line 785. I based my choice on other language files also mentioning the caliber of the weapon.
Thanks a lot. I've updated the strings.
Hello everybody,
Today this error appeared (check the attached image)
After this, the game crashes.
This happens when I attack the attached landed enemy craft.
Thank you in advance.
This happens because the terrain URBANNATIVE has a list of invalid civilian types.
Most of these have not been defined in the units ruleset in FMP and will crash the game
Also noticed that terrain XOPSDESERT_NOCACTI uses an invalid property
startingCondition: STR_DESERT_GEAR
The condition itself also doesn't exist, so it can be safely deleted without impact.
Many thanks for the report.
I fixed the issues and released version 3.6:
- 6 new Port maps (1 by Dioxine).
- 1 new Polar map.
- Removed duplicate strings.
- Fixed civilian list in Native Urban.
- Minor fixes.
Final Mod Pack Extended has been updated to 1.2.1; a minor fix release.
- Fixed Flamethrower sound.
- Fixed Gazer officers kneeling.
Does FMP on Experienced difficulty change the number of aliens/enemies in missions (especially the early ones) compared to vanilla x-com?
Does FMP on Experienced difficulty change the number of aliens/enemies in missions (especially the early ones) compared to vanilla x-com?
No, FMP does not modify the number of enemies in vanilla deployments.
No, FMP does not modify the number of enemies in vanilla deployments.