I am not sure what all of this means
. You mean using a hex editor and manualy translate them via the ruleset files?
I tried it via the translations route on the translations thread and it works with a programme named transifex. I assume its not the same?
No no, it's something else completely. I am referring to a part of the ruleset file, in this case FinalModPack.rul. If you open it in a normal text editor, like Notepad or EditPad, you can edit ruleset files - no special software is necessary.
When you open a ruleset file, you'll find a number of sections, depending on what the mod does. The FMP ruleset is monstrous (nearly 1.5 MB of text!), so perhaps it'd be better to examine some simple mod instead to get an idea on how it works - any mod which adds new text is valid (for example, any mod that adds new weapon). Open the .rul file in a text editor and (usually at the bottom, though not always) you'll find a section which starts with this:
This denotes a section of translations. Naturally, it only covers the new stuff, other strings are pulled from the vanilla language files.
Now, inside you'll find strings like these:
- type: en-us
Or something to this effect. It denotes start of a particular language section - in this case, US English.
Under this section you have all the added/modified strings. For example:
STR_CYBERDISC_CORPSE: "Cyberdisc Corpse"
STR_HEAVY_PLASMA_CLIP: "Heavy Plasma Clip"
And so on.
So, to add a new language, you need to:
1) create a new language entry (akin to "- type: en-us" - I don't know how Greek is coded in the game at the moment),
2) copy all added/modified strings from another language to the new language,
3) replace the text in inverted commas with the translation.
Remember to keep the same amount of spaces before every line, or it'll crash. And remember to keep it coded in UTF-8, or you'll get weird signs instead of non-English characters.
Hopefully that was reasonably clear.
EDIT: One thing I found a bit immersion breaking: The MiB lazers. I mean those IMHO should be renamed somehow. I have researched lazers without even coming into contact with MiB so, I cant understand why those lazers are called MiB since I built them. I propose the tech itself be renamed, to "Prototype Lazer technology" and the weapons "Prototype lazer pistol" etc the names ofc are just examples. Would be nice to add to the text that this is the first attempt from X-Com to reverse engineer this type of tech and as on going research proceeds it might be feasable to produce more powerfull examples etc.
Yeah, this morning I've been thinking exactly that. It made more sense in some previous versions, but not any more. I think I'll just call them lasers, and the normal lasers will be "X-Com lasers" or something.