But before installing, please download the latest nightly, or you may experience some bad mojo!
Yeah, I was such an idiot... I downloaded the necessary nightly but forgot to install it.
Now almost everything works correctly. Chtonite and Reptoids have no inventory portrait, everything is plain black. But it is not important. Mind-controll them is not worth the time. Mind-controll is pretty useless by the way... both in vanilla and in OXC. Easier to shot down anything with laser rifles or plasma rifles...
Anyway, some training facilities would be good. Cycling the 10 men crews to train them in missions has so much hassle. But need to implement a border how far their stats may improved by such facilities - like you know training do not equal with real experiences - and what could they train (bravery could be trained? Reaction, accuracy and power could be...).
Are MiB troops ever assault x-com bases? Almost a dozen of their crafts searched my base with "alien retaliation" but no battleships ever launched to attack. I always let them find my base (not shot them down with the Ravens) but they never come.
They fear