![]() |
Open-source clone of the original X-Com
AbandonGameState.h | |
AbortMissionState.h | |
Action.h | |
ActionMenuItem.h | |
ActionMenuState.h | |
AdlibMusic.h | |
adlplayer.h | |
AlienBAIState.h | |
AlienBase.h | |
AlienBaseState.h | |
AlienDeployment.h | |
AlienMission.h | |
AlienRace.h | |
AliensCrashState.h | |
AlienStrategy.h | |
AlienTerrorState.h | |
AllocatePsiTrainingState.h | |
Armor.h | |
ArrowButton.h | |
ArticleDefinition.h | |
ArticleState.h | |
ArticleStateArmor.h | |
ArticleStateBaseFacility.h | |
ArticleStateCraft.h | |
ArticleStateCraftWeapon.h | |
ArticleStateItem.h | |
ArticleStateText.h | |
ArticleStateTextImage.h | |
ArticleStateUfo.h | |
ArticleStateVehicle.h | |
Bar.h | |
Base.h | |
BaseDefenseState.h | |
BaseDestroyedState.h | |
BaseFacility.h | |
BaseInfoState.h | |
BaseNameState.h | |
BasescapeState.h | |
BaseView.h | |
BattleAIState.h | |
BattleItem.h | |
BattlescapeGame.h | |
BattlescapeGenerator.h | |
BattlescapeMessage.h | |
BattlescapeState.h | |
BattleState.h | |
BattleUnit.h | |
BriefingState.h | |
BuildFacilitiesState.h | |
BuildNewBaseState.h | |
Camera.h | |
CannotReequipState.h | |
CatFile.h | |
City.h | |
CivilianBAIState.h | |
ComboBox.h | |
common.h | |
ConfirmCydoniaState.h | |
ConfirmDestinationState.h | |
ConfirmLandingState.h | |
ConfirmLoadState.h | |
ConfirmNewBaseState.h | |
Cord.h | |
Country.h | |
Craft.h | |
CraftArmorState.h | |
CraftEquipmentState.h | |
CraftErrorState.h | |
CraftInfoState.h | |
CraftPatrolState.h | |
CraftSoldiersState.h | |
CraftsState.h | |
CraftWeapon.h | |
CraftWeaponProjectile.h | |
CraftWeaponsState.h | |
CrossPlatform.h | |
Cursor.h | |
DebriefingState.h | |
DefeatState.h | |
DelayedSaveState.h | |
DeleteGameState.h | |
DismantleFacilityState.h | |
DogfightState.h | |
DosFont.h | |
EquipmentLayoutItem.h | |
ErrorMessageState.h | |
Exception.h | |
Explosion.h | |
ExplosionBState.h | |
ExtraSounds.h | |
ExtraSprites.h | |
ExtraStrings.h | |
FastLineClip.h | |
Flc.h | |
fmath.h | |
fmopl.h | |
Font.h | |
FpsCounter.h | |
Frame.h | |
FundingState.h | |
Game.h | |
GameTime.h | |
GeoscapeCraftState.h | |
GeoscapeState.h | |
Globe.h | |
GMCat.h | |
GraphsState.h | |
GraphSubset.h | |
hqx.h | |
ImageButton.h | |
InfoboxOKState.h | |
InfoboxState.h | |
InteractiveSurface.h | |
InterceptState.h | |
IntroState.h | |
Inventory.h | |
InventoryState.h | |
ItemContainer.h | |
ItemsArrivingState.h | |
Language.h | |
LanguagePlurality.h | |
ListGamesState.h | |
ListLoadState.h | |
ListSaveState.h | |
LoadGameState.h | |
LocalizedText.h | |
Logger.h | |
LowFuelState.h | |
MainMenuState.h | |
ManageAlienContainmentState.h | |
ManufactureInfoState.h | |
ManufactureStartState.h | |
ManufactureState.h | |
Map.h | |
MapBlock.h | |
MapData.h | |
MapDataSet.h | |
MCDPatch.h | |
MedikitState.h | |
MedikitView.h | |
MiniBaseView.h | |
MiniMapState.h | |
MiniMapView.h | |
MonthlyCostsState.h | |
MonthlyReportState.h | |
MovingTarget.h | |
MultipleTargetsState.h | |
Music.h | |
NewBattleState.h | |
NewGameState.h | |
NewManufactureListState.h | |
NewPossibleManufactureState.h | |
NewPossibleResearchState.h | |
NewResearchListState.h | |
NextTurnState.h | |
NoContainmentState.h | |
Node.h | |
NumberText.h | |
OpenGL.h | |
OptionInfo.h | |
Options.h | |
Options.inc.h | |
OptionsAdvancedState.h | |
OptionsAudioState.h | |
OptionsBaseState.h | |
OptionsBattlescapeState.h | |
OptionsConfirmState.h | |
OptionsControlsState.h | |
OptionsDefaultsState.h | |
OptionsGeoscapeState.h | |
OptionsModsState.h | |
OptionsNoAudioState.h | |
OptionsVideoState.h | |
Palette.h | |
Pathfinding.h | |
PathfindingNode.h | |
PathfindingOpenSet.h | |
PauseState.h | |
pch.h | |
PlaceFacilityState.h | |
PlaceLiftState.h | |
PlaceStartFacilityState.h | |
Polygon.h | |
Polyline.h | |
Position.h | |
PrimeGrenadeState.h | |
Production.h | |
ProductionCompleteState.h | |
Projectile.h | |
ProjectileFlyBState.h | |
PromotionsState.h | |
PsiTrainingState.h | |
PurchaseState.h | |
PurchaseTabbedState.h | |
Region.h | |
ResearchCompleteState.h | |
ResearchInfoState.h | |
ResearchProject.h | |
ResearchRequiredState.h | |
ResearchState.h | |
ResourcePack.h | |
RNG.h | |
RuleAlienMission.h | |
RuleBaseFacility.h | |
RuleCountry.h | |
RuleCraft.h | |
RuleCraftWeapon.h | |
RuleInventory.h | |
RuleItem.h | |
RuleManufacture.h | |
RuleRegion.h | |
RuleResearch.h | |
Ruleset.h | |
RuleSoldier.h | |
RuleTerrain.h | |
RuleUfo.h | |
SackSoldierState.h | |
SavedBattleGame.h | |
SavedGame.h | |
SaveGameState.h | |
scale2x.h | |
scale3x.h | |
scalebit.h | |
ScannerState.h | |
ScannerView.h | |
Screen.h | |
ScrollBar.h | |
SelectDestinationState.h | |
SelectStartFacilityState.h | |
SellState.h | |
SellTabbedState.h | |
SerializationHelper.h | |
ShaderDraw.h | |
ShaderDrawHelper.h | |
ShaderMove.h | |
ShaderRepeat.h | |
Slider.h | |
Soldier.h | |
SoldierArmorState.h | |
SoldierDeath.h | |
SoldierInfoState.h | |
SoldierMemorialState.h | |
SoldierNamePool.h | |
SoldiersState.h | |
Sound.h | |
SoundSet.h | |
StartState.h | |
State.h | |
StatString.h | |
StatStringCondition.h | |
StoresState.h | |
Surface.h | |
SurfaceSet.h | |
Target.h | |
TargetInfoState.h | |
TerrorSite.h | |
TestState.h | |
Text.h | |
TextButton.h | |
TextEdit.h | |
TextList.h | |
Tile.h | |
TileEngine.h | |
Timer.h | |
ToggleTextButton.h | |
Transfer.h | |
TransferBaseState.h | |
TransferConfirmState.h | |
TransferItemsState.h | |
TransfersState.h | |
Ufo.h | |
UfoDetectedState.h | |
UfoLostState.h | |
Ufopaedia.h | |
UfopaediaSelectState.h | |
UfopaediaStartState.h | |
UfoTrajectory.h | |
Unit.h | |
UnitDieBState.h | |
UnitFallBState.h | |
UnitInfoState.h | |
UnitPanicBState.h | |
UnitSprite.h | |
UnitTurnBState.h | |
UnitWalkBState.h | |
Vehicle.h | |
version.h | |
VictoryState.h | |
WarningMessage.h | |
Waypoint.h | |
WeightedOptions.h | |
Window.h | |
XcomResourcePack.h | |
Zoom.h |