OpenXcom Forum

OpenXcom Forks => OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) => Topic started by: Meridian on September 17, 2018, 05:28:34 pm

Title: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 17, 2018, 05:28:34 pm
Good news everyone!

OXCE and OXCE+ have merged together!

Starting with version 5.0, there will be only one "extended version"... and we decided to stick with the name "OpenXcom Extended" or "OXCE" for short.

I will be slowly renaming anything important from OXCE+ to just OXCE... please have some patience, it will take a bit of time.

I have also locked the original OXCE and OXCE+ discussion threads, please continue the discussion in this common thread.

As for technical info:
- the main common GitHub repository is:
- Yankes' repo is effectively frozen
- both myself and Yankes have full and equal commit rights to the common repository

The new and shiny OXCE 5.0 can be officially downloaded from here:,5258.0.html

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Whispers on September 17, 2018, 07:26:32 pm
Nice one!
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on September 17, 2018, 07:42:15 pm
The king is dead, long live the king! :)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2018, 04:49:18 pm
Hello again everyone,

I have deleted several posts above, because they would confuse other people reading this thread.

To make it absolutely clear:
- OXCE now contains all features from OXCE+ ... nothing is lost
- we have increased major version of OXCE to v5.0 to remove any possible remaining confusion

I have also built a new version for all common platforms: Windows, Android, MacOS and Ubuntu.
You can find them on the usual place:,5258.0.html

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on September 21, 2018, 11:37:36 pm
Thanks so much. With a quick inspection - all the same as in OXCE+. And the actual "Readme"will?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 03, 2018, 10:52:52 pm
New OXCE v5.1 is up.

 - Translation updates
 - Unhardcoded recovery dividers for special items:,6616.0.html
 - Sell/Sack GUI M-click logic update:,6612.msg104401.html#msg104401
 - In debug mode, show all units on the minimap too
 - Don't use piloted interceptors in New Battle mode
 - Added armor flag to prevent moving (see below)
 - Hide "Not awarded yet" button (in Commendations Pedia) when not needed
 - Added mod option to give full score also for researched artifacts/captives (see below)
 - Removed "coup de grace" user option
 - Increased the globe country label width by 50%
 - All soldier lists can now be reordered with the mouse wheel (by BTAxis)
 - -cont/-continue command line arg to load the last saved game at start
 - (Intentionally) Crash on missing research ruleset (instead of just logging and ignoring it)
 - Fixed bug that prevented 'sniper' AI from attacking
 - Fix crash on map light calculation
 - Reduced mod loading time and memory usage by lazy-loading extraSprites:,3287.msg104264.html#msg104264
 - Modifier for morale loss (by unit/soldier type) when a unit is killed:,6615.0.html
 - Ctrl + M-click = Mind probe (in debug mode)
 - Introduced Multi-Layered Paperdolls:,6290.msg104464.html#msg104464
 - Alternative (shorter) ruleset for defining single sprites (see Layered paperdolls thread above for examples)


Requested by The Reaver of Darkness:
Code: [Select]
giveScoreAlsoForResearchedArtifacts: true   # default is false; when true researched artifacts and interrogated prisoners still give full score in debriefing

Requested by bulletdesigner:
Code: [Select]
    allowsMoving: false       # disables all kinds of movement, except for turning around on the spot
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 05, 2018, 08:59:57 am
- Don't use piloted interceptors in New Battle mode

Is this about geoscape or battlescape? Can elaborate on what that means?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 05, 2018, 07:56:06 pm
Is this about geoscape or battlescape? Can elaborate on what that means?

It means that interceptors that support just a few soldiers/pilots, and have "allowLanding: false" will not be available to use in the combat simulator (New Battle mode).

Requested here:,5566.msg104348.html#msg104348
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 05, 2018, 08:41:09 pm
It means that interceptors that support just a few soldiers/pilots, and have "allowLanding: false" will not be available to use in the combat simulator (New Battle mode).

Understood. Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 12, 2018, 01:53:22 am
May I request a simple feature? fuelMax increases craft fuel by an additive amount. Can I have a variant stat that boosts it by a percentage?

Alternative request: a fuel stat which increases the fuel max by an integer relating to its refueling item. Example: a firestorm gains 5 fuel per unit of elerium. If you give it a modification with fuelStorage: 3 then its fuel increases by 15, and it takes 3 more elerium to refuel. This way the fuel bonus is additive but takes craft fuel efficiency into account.

The second one is the one I am more interested in, however I'll take either one.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 12, 2018, 02:34:56 am
What exactly you want to achieve? Overall adding multiplicative will be very hard because what you will multiply? Right now stats are additive because you can easy add and subtract values in any order you want but when you add multiply in mix then you can have multiple answers depending on order.

I could made other thing, instead of changing `fuelMax` I could change fuel usage in multiplicate way. This could have interesting gameplay decisions like: boosters that make craft faster but reduce range.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 12, 2018, 03:26:17 am
I could go for that. Mostly I want the fuel mods to have some better balance between craft with highly differing efficiencies. I have elerium refuel rates all the way from 5 to 100 across the several craft in my armada. If I make an elerium fuel mod which increases fuel capacity by 30, the Firestorm can use it to go twice as far but the Stalker gains only 3% flight time.

It would be nice to have an option to change fuel efficiency as a separate feature, but I'd like to be able to improve flight time without improving efficiency, and still have the change work well for craft of different base efficiencies.

- - -
Here's some math for my above idea about increasing fuel items:

fuelStorage: A
refuelRate: B
aircraft fuelMax: Xa
mod stat|fuelMax: Xb
net fuelMax: X
X = (A*B) + Xa + Xb

So the way it works is it's all additive. If your aircraft has a fuelMax of 60 and a refuelRate of 15, it takes 4 fuel items to fill it up and it flies for 600 minutes (10 hours). If you then add a mod which gives it fuelMax: 20, its fuelMax goes up to 80 and it now takes 6 fuel items to fill up, and it flies for 13h20m. If you then add another mod which gives it fuelItems: 3, it increases its net fuelMax to 125, it now takes 9 fuel items to fill up, and it flies for 20h50m.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 12, 2018, 12:33:30 pm
I somehow fail to understand the examples.
For example, if a craft had fuelMax 60 and you mod it to have fuelMax 20, it won't be 80... it will just be 20.

If you can please rewrite the example with real ruleset attribute names (instead of "fuelStorage", "mod stat|fuelMax" etc. ) and real values, it would help me understand it.

Also, the formula is wrong, no matter how I look at it... aircraft's net fuelMax is just its fuelMax plus fuelMax of all its equipped "weapons".
So X = Xa + (Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4), where Y1-Y4 are fuelMax of the equipped weapons.
Your variables A and B are nowhere in the formula, and I don't even know what Xb is supposed to be.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Stoddard on October 12, 2018, 05:09:51 pm
I think what's needed are bigger fuel tanks that can't be equipped on a smaller craft.
So, I dunno, make more craft slot types?

or make the same fuel tank's capacity vary by the craft it's mounted on? It that what you're suggesting, Reaver?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: yergnoor on October 12, 2018, 06:48:08 pm
or make the same fuel tank's capacity vary by the craft it's mounted on? It that what you're suggesting, Reaver?
As far as I understood his idea, he suggests changing the fuel efficiency, and not the amount of fuel itself. The use of some parts increases the amount of fuel, the use of other parts increases the flight distance by a certain percentage (through multiplication) with the same amount of fuel. Therefore, in the formula there is an addition (for additional fuel tanks) and multiplication (for engine improvements). But maybe I did not understand him that way.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 12, 2018, 09:45:35 pm
I somehow fail to understand the examples.
For example, if a craft had fuelMax 60 and you mod it to have fuelMax 20, it won't be 80... it will just be 20.

If you can please rewrite the example with real ruleset attribute names (instead of "fuelStorage", "mod stat|fuelMax" etc. ) and real values, it would help me understand it.

Also, the formula is wrong, no matter how I look at it... aircraft's net fuelMax is just its fuelMax plus fuelMax of all its equipped "weapons".
So X = Xa + (Y1 + Y2 + Y3 + Y4), where Y1-Y4 are fuelMax of the equipped weapons.
Your variables A and B are nowhere in the formula, and I don't even know what Xb is supposed to be.

I tried to make it as clear as possible.

fuelStorage: A - this is the attribute I am suggesting be added, as I explained in previous posts
refuelRate: B - the refuelRate attribute on craft
aircraft fuelMax: Xa - the fuelMax attribute on craft
mod stat|fuelMax: Xb - the fuelMax attribute on craftWeapon
net fuelMax: X - the total fuelMax attribute used by the aircraft when you use it in-game
X = (A*B) + Xa + Xb

Code: [Select]
    fuelMax: 800
    refuelRate: 50
      - 1
      - 1
      - [0, 1, 2]
      fuelMax: 200
    weaponType: 1
      fuelStorage: 6
    weaponType: 1

The Upgrade A would add 200 to the Interceptor's fuel capacity, while the Upgrade B would add 300 to its fuel capacity (refuelRate: 50 * fuelStorage: 6).

- - - - -

or make the same fuel tank's capacity vary by the craft it's mounted on? It that what you're suggesting, Reaver?
My suggestion would have that effect.

I'm trying to get fuel tanks that adjust their size to the size of the fuel tanks of the craft they're being put on. To give a strong example, I have two craft which both use elerium fuel: the Firestorm and the Stalker. The Firestorm has a fuelMax of 30 and a refuelRate of 10, while the Stalker has a fuelMax of 1000 and a refuelRate of 100. If I make a fuel upgrade that increases fuel by 30, it'll double the Firestorm's fuel capacity (which will then cost +3 elerium to refuel) but the Stalker's capacity will only be increased by 3%, and it'll use only 30% of the extra 1 elerium it takes to fill it to full. But if I make a fuel upgrade that increases fuel by 300, while it will increase the Stalker's flight time by 30% and its refuel cost by 3 elerium, if applied to the Firestorm its fuel capacity would go up to 330 and it would take 33 units of elerium to refuel it.

And I can't just use a different kind of fuel tank for the two craft because I have other refuelRates on other craft:
Firestorm: 10
Heracles: 40
Assassin: 75
Stalker: 100
And more. I don't want to make a different fuel upgrade for every differing level of fuel efficiency.

- - - - -

As far as I understood his idea, he suggests changing the fuel efficiency, and not the amount of fuel itself.
I am interested in such a feature, but it wasn't my primary suggestion. I was suggesting a feature which would give an amount of fuel that is altered by the craft's fuel efficiency (specifically multiplied by its refuelRate attribute).

It would be cool to be able to change craft efficiency. Howabout a factor in which you increase refuelRate by a percentage? It would be nice to also have one which increases fuelMax by a percentage. The math on these percentage increases is easy: you add together the percentage bonuses on all the modules with the same attribute, and then increase the craft's value by the final percentage.

For example, I equip a Fuel Tank A (fuelPercent: 30) and a Fuel Tank B (fuelPercent: 50) to a craft with 500 fuelMax. You add together the two fuel tanks to get an 80% increase to the craft's fuelMax, which brings it to 900.

To make another example, I equip Fuel Efficiency Mod A (fuelEfficiency: 25) and Fuel Efficiency Mod B (fuelEfficiency: 160) to a craft with a refuelRate of 40. You add together the two mods to get a 185% increase to fuel efficiency, which brings the craft's refuelRate to 114.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Stoddard on October 12, 2018, 09:55:36 pm
My suggestion would have that effect.

Then why just not make a new attribute for the equipment item, like fuelMaxPercentage or something, exclusive with the old fuelMax attribute, which will just add that much percent of the craft's fuelMax?


Code: [Select]
craftFinalFuelMax = craftFuelMax * ( 100 + slotA.fuelMaxPercentage + slotB.fuelMaxPercentage + ... ) / 100

This story with making it depend on refuelRate is kind of too complicated in my opinion.

EDIT: or, alternatively, express equipment fuelMax in units of refuelRate (which is the core of your suggestion I think).

But there's no reason to keep the old equipment's fuelMax around - it'll only complicate things and waste fuel
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on October 12, 2018, 10:26:10 pm
I just want one of these things, or something to solve my dilemma.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 14, 2018, 03:08:15 pm
New OXCE version is up.

 - Missions spawned by alien bases can now target different regions:,6557.msg104976.html#msg104976
 - Added mod switch for HK fast retarget:,5717.msg104986.html#msg104986
 - Added support for alien missile strikes (on Geoscape):,6557.msg104920.html#msg104920
 - Added support for Earth-based alien operations:,6557.msg104669.html#msg104669
 - Script support for post-mission soldier stat improvement:,6619.msg104686.html#msg104686
 - Protect Stats for Nerds "related items" that are not unlocked yet (ammo, built-in-items, ...)
 - Support for alien base upgrades (based on its age):,6430.msg104530.html#msg104530
 - More scaling options for very high resolutions:,6620.0.html


Disclaimer: breaking change for hunt missions... please update your mods, more info:,5717.msg104986.html#msg104986
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: gix on November 24, 2018, 03:02:15 pm
Since I didn't see any post mentioning a bug-dedicated thread, I'll put this here.
I noticed a weird bug (using latest GIT commits) => when selecting an item in the inventory screen, it's BIGOBS sprite doesn't follow the mouse cursor, but is stuck at (0,0) coordinates.
Changing Inventory.cpp blit:
Code: [Select]
_selection->blitNShade(this, 0,0);
Code: [Select]
_selection->blitNShade(this, _selection->getX(), _selection->getY());
Seem to solve the issue.
Awaiting to confirm this in order to PR an OXCE-updated inventory per armor feature (see OXC PR1210)...
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on November 24, 2018, 03:51:57 pm
Yup, another side effect of my big refactor. As you already did it and test that then create pull request, I will merge it.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 24, 2018, 04:38:36 pm
Awaiting to confirm this in order to PR an OXCE-updated inventory per armor feature (see OXC PR1210)...

I've seen this in OXC and I need to have a closer look at it... but most likely I will take it into OXCE.

And after a bit of testing, it will probably be merged to OXC as well.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: gix on November 24, 2018, 10:58:48 pm
I've seen this in OXC and I need to have a closer look at it... but most likely I will take it into OXCE.

And after a bit of testing, it will probably be merged to OXC as well.
Adapted already for OXCE (I hope ;))... PR 20...
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: TheDeparted on November 27, 2018, 11:46:12 pm
Dear Meridian,

Can you please teach me/us how to "steal" some mods from the truly amazing megamods out there? For example, I would just like sniper rifles addes to the vanilla, or maybe a gym.

Thank you for your patience and dedication!
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on November 28, 2018, 05:51:22 am
Can you please teach me/us how to "steal" some mods from the truly amazing megamods out there? For example, I would just like sniper rifles addes to the vanilla, or maybe a gym.
Below I have attached an example mod containing the .308 Sniper Rifle from The X-Com Files total conversion mod. Download it, install it, and pop open the ruleset in notepad++ so you can follow along as I explain how I built it.

You can just copy the code into a separate ruleset file and place it in its own mod directory. To figure out how to do that, look at other small mods as examples. Then just copy the relevant data from the large mod into your mod in the same format as it is in the small mod. Lastly, make sure you test it thoroughly!

Here's an example for the sniper rifle, which I copied from the items ruleset in X-Com Files. You want to take out some unnecessary elements. The original sniper rifle code from X-Com Files has a lot of excess data that we don't need. The simpler it is, the easier it is to handle. I removed the categories and research requirement, because our mod doesn't have the category list or research projects from X-Com Files. The rest of the fluff I'll just leave in place, but most of it could be removed without problem. To know which to leave and which to take out, check the OXC ruleset reference ( Anything not listed there you can do without and it won't break the mod, though it might detract from the quality of the mod.

The next part is to figure out all the extra parts we need. The most generic components other than the item entry are the graphics, sounds, and language entries. All of the lines which call for a sprite or sound file you'll notice have a number next to them, for example: bigSprite: 609. This means that the Sniper Rifle is calling for #609 from the bigSprite list. We'll want to grab these things from the extraSprites and extraSounds files. The bigSprite, floorSprite, handSprite, bulletSprite, and hitAnimation come from the BIGOBS.PCK, FLOOROB.PCK, HANDOB.PCK, Projectiles, and SMOKE.PCK sections of the extraSprites ruleset, respectively. (sic) We will not need entries from Projectiles or SMOKE.PCK because the numbers given for those on our Sniper Rifle (2, 26) are vanilla numbers which do not need resources. Usually when the number is very small, it is a vanilla resource. Mods typically use numbers that are 3 digits and up.

I copied the BIGOBS.PCK, FLOOROB.PCK, and HANDOBS.PCK sections over, carrying only one or two entries each (one for the rifle, one for the clip). Note the following data in the HANDOB.PCK entry:
    height: 40
    width: 256
    subX: 32
    subY: 40
This indicates that the entire image is 256x40 pixels and is subdivided into units of 32x40 pixels. All entries in HANDOBS.PCK should use the same value, but it is important to match the dimensions to the image file you're using. If you call the wrong size image, the game will crash on loading. If you call the right size, but the subdivisions are wrong, the textures will be fragmented and out of place. But we are just copying data from a different mod which presumably got the numbers correct so we should be fine.

Next we need the actual graphics files. The data we just copied over lists the file path, starting in your mod's main folder. For example, the bigObs #609 is to be found in {mod folder}/Resources/Weapons_Compilation/ClassicWeapons/bigob_SniperRifle.gif. Since we don't have those folders, we must either create them or change the file path. I choose to make a resources folder and delete all other folders from all file paths. So our final path is changed to Resources/bigob_SniperRifle.gif. So I created a folder called [Resources] and then searched for each graphics file we need in X-Com Files and copied them into my [Resources] folder, then I removed the extraneous folders from the file paths in extraSprites.

Now we need the sound files in extraSounds, from the BATTLE.CAT section. It's fireSound: 76 and hitSound:77 so we find those entries and copy them over just like with extraSprites. Then we copy the sound file over (and repair the file path).

Now we just want the language file and we should be done. We don't need to do anything more than copy it over. The game automatically reads all string values (such as STR_SNIPER_RIFLE) and checks your current language file for a corresponding entry. And it's also okay to not have the language file. If it doesn't find it, it'll just call the weapon STR_SNIPER_RIFLE instead of calling it Sniper Rifle. We get the language file from the extraStrings section corresponding to our chosen language--I'll go with en-US. Now if you've found STR_SNIPER_RIFLE in the language file, you'll notice there is a language entry for a UFOPedia topic on the rifle included in there as well. We can use that to add the UFOPedia project, but I'm not going to cover that at this stage. You can search X-Com Files and try to add it yourself if you like. You will need to find its entry in the ufopaedia section, and make sure you remove the research requirement from the ufopedia entry like we did with the item, unless you intend to instead copy the research project into the mod.

- - - - -

If you wish to try your hand at adding a gym from a big mod: find one in the facilities section of its ruleset and copy it over. You'll want to get the spriteFacility from BASEBITS.PCK in the extraSprites section. You will also want to copy over the corresponding map file from the MAPS folder, the routes file from the ROUTES folder, and any terrain files it uses from the TERRAIN folder. Make sure your mod has these folders just like this. The entry in facilities tells its MAPS/ROUTES/TERRAIN data at mapName, where it links to an entry in the terrains section. You'll probably find the facility map in the section called XBASE or something similar. You'll need to copy over the full mapDataSets entry, any mapBlocks that are used in your facilities, and all terrain files (from the TERRAIN folder) that are listed in the mapDataSets entry. If the mod doesn't contain one of the terrain files, it's probably a vanilla file which you won't need, such as BLANKS.

- - - - -

Once you feel like you're done, or at a good stopping point, you should test everything you added to your mod. We just added a sniper rifle, so we want to run the mod, start up a random battle, load the sniper rifle and ammo onto our ship, and try using and firing the weapon at an alien or two. If everything works out, then we have probably copied the mod correctly. If there are any unexpected errors, you can ask for help from the community either here on the forums (ideally in a new post in the Work in Progress subsection) or on our Discord channel ( Please don't post any replies to this message here in this thread. If you make a new thread in Work in Progress, I will see it and visit it.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: TheDeparted on November 28, 2018, 11:02:40 pm
Thank you, Reaver for your clear and detailed response! Much obliged, kind sir.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on November 29, 2018, 09:58:06 pm
I'm having trouble adding (i.e. running it together, loading last) Biggieboy82's Large Workshop to an existing mod (xcomfiles in this case). It keeps messing up base defense terrains:
  - name: XBASE
    addOnly: true
      - BLANKS
      - XBASE1
      - XBASE2
      - XBASE3
      - BATHWALL
      - BATHBITZ
      - name: XBLW_01
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_02
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_03
        width: 10
        length: 10
      - name: XBLW_04
        width: 10
        length: 10

In particular, i couldn't find any documentation for the "addOnly" switch. As far as i can tell it doesn't work as intended, as it overwrites the map datasets when it's supposed to add them the list. This is xcomfiles terrain definition:
  - name: XBASE
      - BLANKS
      - XBASE1
      - XBASE2
      - XCOMWALL
      - XCOMBITS

As far as i can tell the mod is only supposed to add the missing datasets - instead it overwrites them and deletes those not on the list, messing up existing blocks. The only way i can get it to work is by deleting the datasets line alltogether, but of course it then fails to load on a base defense that includes the large workshop. Any hints on how i can get this to work?

Nevermind, works fine without the mapDataSets.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 09, 2018, 11:32:48 pm
OpenXcom is supporting only 8bit graphic

Since when? Maybe we should go back to the way it was? In version 5.0 such mess was not.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 09, 2018, 11:36:49 pm
Since when? Maybe we should go back to the way it was? In version 5.0 such mess was not.

Since the beginning!

When you got lucky, some 24bit images may have loaded... but not always and not for everyone. They are also not supported in OpenXcom, and they never were.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 09, 2018, 11:48:10 pm
I mean, it would be nice to undo all the changes in image support that have been made since version 5.0.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 09, 2018, 11:51:16 pm
I mean, it would be nice to undo all the changes in image support that have been made since version 5.0.

For what reason?

Did something break?
(except for not loading 24bit images... which were not and still are not supported)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 10, 2018, 12:04:39 am
For what reason?

Did something break?
(except for not loading 24bit images... which were not and still are not supported)

It's broken, from my point of view. I have are worth both version of. In version 5.0, images work, but in version 5.1 - they don't. The theoretical knowledge that they should not work does not change anything. The fact remains - in version 5.1 there are some changes that lead to the error of previously working images.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 10, 2018, 12:10:16 am
I don't know what to answer to that.
From my point of view, it was broken before and now it is correct.

If you want more opinions, feel free to ask Yankes/SupSuper/Warboy... maybe they can provide more arguments, or explain better than I can.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 10, 2018, 12:19:24 am
As in 99% cases OXC use only 8bit images when I did refactor and optimization of surfaces I remove loading of multi byte graphics.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 10, 2018, 12:28:17 am
I don't know what the arguments, but... I have nothing to replace the images that are not working in the new version. That's the whole point. Apparently I will have to continue using version 5.0. Until find a replacement.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 10, 2018, 12:32:51 am
I don't know what the arguments, but... I have nothing to replace the images that are not working in the new version. That's the whole point. Apparently I will have to continue using version 5.0.

You don't know how to convert them into 8bit graphics?

I can help with that if you want... I assumed all modders know how to work with xcom palettes.

I made a small tutorial for luke83 here, maybe it helps you too:,6750.msg107256.html#msg107256
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 10, 2018, 12:50:57 am
You don't know how to convert them into 8bit graphics?

I can help with that if you want... I assumed all modders know how to work with xcom palettes.

I made a small tutorial for luke83 here, maybe it helps you too:,6750.msg107256.html#msg107256

Thank you, of course, but it won't help me much. I don't know English. I'll try using Photoshop to do it. It'll work out eventually.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 10, 2018, 05:22:29 pm
Hi Yankes, can I request that the awardExperience script be given a ptre to the attacking unit instead of a ptr? I'd like to be able to set a tag on a unit when it gains experience for handling of bonus stat gains at the end of a mission, but only once they've gained some experience.

Also, it looks like the getGeoscapeSoldier function is misspelled as getGeosapceSoldier compared to the pointer type GeoscapeSoldier.

Edit: I'm also having an issue with animating an item floorob - the following works to re-select the frames when the item is blit as a handob, but not for floorob. Outputting anim_frame to debug_log shows that it remains 0 for the floorob, and the selectItemSprite script doesn't have access to the BattleGame to get the frame either:
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_GRENADE
    floorSprite: 100
        if eq blit_part blit_item_floor;
          set sprite_offset anim_frame;
          mod sprite_offset 3;
          #debug_log 1 anim_frame;
          #debug_log 2 sprite_offset;

        add sprite_index sprite_offset;
        return sprite_index;
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 10, 2018, 09:40:01 pm
Changing `ptr` to `ptre` is usually one line change but I try keep everything read only, main reason is that I can reason what scripts can and what can't do.
If I change it to writable version should I prepare code to handle instant death of unit after this script run? Because of this I leaving this as read only.
One thing I could think is give access only to `tag` object as writable because game engine do not relay on this values.
Btw maybe there is other place where you logic could be placed? Right now after mission you can access `battleUnit.Exp.*` where all stats grain are stored.

For function, you misspelled misspelled function too :D, I will fix it right now.

For script, right, I do not propagate it there, this will be fix too.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 10, 2018, 09:47:13 pm
Ah, I missed the BattleUnit.Exp.<x> in the documentation, that does what I need it to do, thanks! I think it'd still be nice to have access to setting tags even where we have ptr instead of ptre, but not necessary for this application.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 10, 2018, 10:09:39 pm
bugs fixed, now select sprite can have access to shade and animation frame.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 12, 2018, 06:04:39 pm
I don't know what the arguments, but... I have nothing to replace the images that are not working in the new version. That's the whole point. Apparently I will have to continue using version 5.0. Until find a replacement.

I have converted all 24bit images from your mod (the latest available on the forum) to 8bit images.
You can find them in the attachment.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 12, 2018, 10:17:04 pm
I have converted all 24bit images from your mod (the latest available on the forum) to 8bit images.
You can find them in the attachment.

Thank you very much!
Unfortunately, I lost the battle with Photoshop as it was my first experience with it. I can not get him to save files in "png" format.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on December 19, 2018, 10:14:41 pm
I can help with that if you want... I assumed all modders know how to work with xcom palettes.
I guarantee you less than half of modders, by number, know how to work with X-Com palettes. Remember, this is OpenXcom, an incredibly easy format for non-programmers to get into.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 22, 2018, 03:33:12 pm
New OXCE v5.2 is up.

 - Updated OXCE language files
 - Updated OXC language files
 - Ability to redefine main menu background image
 - Allowed running, kneeling and strafing for all units
 - Required item(s) per starting condition (by Finnik)
 - When gym is destroyed, people stop training
 - Fixed getOneFreeProtected being ignored when getOneFree was not defined
 - Reworked case-insensitive search (hopefully works better now)
 - Show armor movement type in Stats for Nerds
 - Added AI option for destroying XCom base facilities:,6663.0.html
 - Ability to replace damaged buildings with rubble:,6668.msg105753.html#msg105753
 - Ability to define how likely a facility is to be damaged by a missile:,6668.msg105690.html#msg105690
 - Fixed multiple simultaneous base defenses (in the same game tick)
 - Fixed directional lighting
 - Fixed TU recovery on multi-stage missions
 - Vanilla: Added "transferTime" property to ruleset soldiers
 - Vanilla: showing (approximate) craft range at take-off
 - Vanilla: added support for bigger globe markers
 - Vanilla: scrollable ufopedia categories
 - Engine: rendering speed optimisation
 - Engine: only 8bit images are supported (which was always the case, but now it is enforced!)
 - Engine: transparency on color index 0 is now enforced (for now there can be one more additional transparency index, but only until OXCE 5.3)

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Mathel on December 22, 2018, 04:14:54 pm
I have discovered a bug in 5.1 version, that is not listed as fixed in this list. Yesterday I discovered it on Android and today I confirmed it on Windows version.

Effect: Using special abilities by any unit.

Required: A unit with a special ability that has a menu (X-COM Files "Attack Dog", XPirates "Bug"), any other unit.
How to replicate: Select the psionic unit. Move the map so, that the special ability icon is over the unit you want to use it.
                 Click the special ability icon. The menu for using the ability appears and the unit under the icon is selected.
                 Use one of the abilities from the menu. The newly selected unit uses it with all that means. (The selected unit is pays the
                 cost of the ability with correct percentages, the selecteded unit's stats are used and trained.)

                 It only happens with abilities that drop menus. If the ability does not have a menu, such as with  X-COM Files "Hybrid", the unit below the icon is not selected.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on December 22, 2018, 07:03:26 pm
Confirmed, it's any weapon that uses the 'special weapon' code, separate from the vanilla 'psi button' reserved for being able to use Psi Panic with mind controlled aliens - the action of clicking on the button continues on to whatever is below the button when you cancel the menu. You can see this if you click on the button not on a unit, it'll bring up the movement preview if you have that option on, or start moving the unit if you don't have it on. I'm testing a fix right now.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lord_Kane on December 23, 2018, 07:44:07 am
Confirmed, it's any weapon that uses the 'special weapon' code, separate from the vanilla 'psi button' reserved for being able to use Psi Panic with mind controlled aliens - the action of clicking on the button continues on to whatever is below the button when you cancel the menu. You can see this if you click on the button not on a unit, it'll bring up the movement preview if you have that option on, or start moving the unit if you don't have it on. I'm testing a fix right now.

Any news on that fix? or does this not affect vanilla MC/Psi?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Fiskun1 on December 26, 2018, 02:09:36 pm
Thank you for a great unified mod!
I always read every change list with interest.
Everything is invented very cool and convenient.
The only thing ... I would like to have a smarter AI ... ... but this is probably impossible in principle.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 26, 2018, 02:33:02 pm
Any news on that fix? or does this not affect vanilla MC/Psi?

Fix is now available (PC version only for now).
The bug doesn't affect vanilla MC/Psi.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lord_Kane on December 27, 2018, 12:50:25 am
Fix is now available (PC version only for now).
The bug doesn't affect vanilla MC/Psi.

Alright awesome. I grabbed it, I was testing a tank with a special weapon, so this will be good.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2018, 01:45:07 pm
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 01, 2019, 03:24:18 pm
Is any option to disable hunter alien UFOs who randomly attack and destroy my transport and scout ships in Area 51 mod? Last time my Skyranger was killed when I returned from successful mission. I like this project because of a lot little great features in compere with original openxcom, but those hunter UFO's completely annoys me.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2019, 07:07:22 pm
Is any option to disable hunter alien UFOs who randomly attack and destroy my transport and scout ships in Area 51 mod? Last time my Skyranger was killed when I returned from successful mission. I like this project because of a lot little great features in compere with original openxcom, but those hunter UFO's completely annoys me.

OXCE only adds support for hunter-killers, it doesn't enable them automatically.

The hunter-killers were intentionally added into the mod by the modder, not by the devs.

If you don't agree with that, you can turn them off by editing the mod's ruleset files, in this case:
1/ alienMissions_Area_51.rul file... search for all occurrences of hunterKillerPercentage and change the numbers after that attribute to 0
2/alienDeployments_Area_51.rul file... search for all occurrences of baseDetectionRange and change the numbers after that attribute to 0

Uh, Houston. We got a big a$$ problem.
The geoscape radar systems in OXCE has a bug, but never been fixed. Take a look at the image i've did using snipping tool app instead of F12.
See, messed up radar bug in OXCE.
That bothers me with the older OXCE version i'm playing instead of the newer version.
What a bad relief.  :-[

It's not a bug, it's a feature.
And it comes from OXC, not from OXCE.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 04, 2019, 12:17:51 pm
Today I discovered a bug (not sure) - if you escorting you transport ship on the mission and get attacked by alien hunter UFO, both aircrafts lose their destination after successful dog  fight and turning back to their base, so you need point you Skyranger again on mission objective at the map and re-escort it with you Interceptor.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 05, 2019, 05:55:05 pm
Hey Meridian, how about returning to base not only soldiers from destroyed Skyranger but their equipment too, at least what they're carrying on themselves? It's kinda unfair what they're evacuates but drop their staff. Just suggestion anyway.
Started another new game (yes I'm stubborn as a mule :) ), and Skyranger was destroyed when it returning back from Abandoned factory mission. It had escort, but it won't help - encountered very large, my Avalanche did nothing to it. Aliens killed transport but when run away from Interceptor. Very strange behavior. So harsh. But I like this is challenge and no longer cries ;)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 07, 2019, 02:40:30 pm
Today I discovered a bug (not sure) - if you escorting you transport ship on the mission and get attacked by alien hunter UFO, both aircrafts lose their destination after successful dog  fight and turning back to their base, so you need point you Skyranger again on mission objective at the map and re-escort it with you Interceptor.

  The crew of the transport ship,                                                       
  - Fuck it all! On the approach are attacking! Turn back!
  Fighter pilot,
  - Hey, where are you going?!
  The crew of the transport ship,
  - Home!
  Fighter pilot,
  - Then accompany yourself!
A typical mess in the ranks of the retreating army. :D

Hey Meridian, how about returning to base not only soldiers from destroyed Skyranger but their equipment too, at least what they're carrying on themselves? It's kinda unfair what they're evacuates but drop their staff. Just suggestion anyway.

If this equipment is not secret, then it is not a pity to quit. And if the secret, then it is wise to destroy it on the spot, so that it does not get to aliens, terrorists, or some other hooligans.

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on January 10, 2019, 10:51:23 am
Why don't they remain at the crash site and wait for X-Com to pick them up? Here's an idea:

They wait at the site. If you do pick them up, you get to keep anything that survived the crash. But as long as the site waits there, aliens might go after it, and if they get it, you lose points for all soldiers lost to the aliens, and for all equipment the aliens recover. So if you decide you don't think you can make it (or you see a UFO heading for them), then you can remotely command the site be destroyed. If you issue that command, the site will disappear, all equipment will be lost, and the surviving soldiers will make their way back to base on their own over several days.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2019, 11:25:16 am
Why don't they remain at the crash site and wait for X-Com to pick them up?

Because people tend to not just sit around and twiddle their thumbs, but rather get to the nearest inhabited area for potential medical treatment and to buy pizza and coke instead of starving.

Also, there is no crash site, the craft was destroyed in the air, they barely managed to eject/jump and didn't take anything with them other than a parachute.

Lastly, unless you are in Antarctic, Sahara or middle of Amazon... the accident will be seen by local military/government and local rescue forces will arrive to help sooner than Xcom.

Here's an idea:

They wait at the site. If you do pick them up, you get to keep anything that survived the crash. But as long as the site waits there, aliens might go after it, and if they get it, you lose points for all soldiers lost to the aliens, and for all equipment the aliens recover. So if you decide you don't think you can make it (or you see a UFO heading for them), then you can remotely command the site be destroyed. If you issue that command, the site will disappear, all equipment will be lost, and the surviving soldiers will make their way back to base on their own over several days.

Nice idea.
Too much work, not interested.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: yergnoor on January 10, 2019, 02:53:32 pm
Nice idea.
Too much work, not interested.
As a suggestion, I can state the idea that came to me when the UFO Hunters-Killers were added. It is somewhat simpler, maybe it will not be so difficult to implement it. The idea was to equalize the capabilities of people and aliens, not only in air combat, but also in ground combat. Now people can attack downed UFOs, and aliens cannot attack people from a downed transport worker. So, the idea was that the Hunter-Killer should have another property - can they sit down after people from a downed transport worker. It makes sense to assign this flag to big Hunters carrying many aliens and terrorist units. Small ones, with a small detachment of aliens, have little chance of winning, so the flag is not assigned to them - they only shoot down planes. So, if the Hunter-Killer knocks down an X-Com transport, then if he can, then he descends after the survivors and lands. At the same time, the soldier scatters around the battlefield (they parachuted with parachutes and did not have time to group themselves), and from their weapons and equipment they only had what had been assigned in advance. There was no equipment window before the fight, but the one that was already assigned was fastened to the uniform or was at hand, so professional soldiers could grab this weapon when leaving the ship. The aliens themselves are partly inside the UFO, partly manage to disperse across the battlefield (as they do now when attacking a stranded UFO). However, many people may be at a disadvantage, surrounded by enemies. The initiative of the first move will be for attacking newcomers, but the X-Com soldiers will have the opportunity to respond to the return fire, as it is now on the first move in a normal battle, only the sides change places. Opportunities to evacuate people do not have - refusal from battle is a recognition of defeat. In case of victory, soldiers can use the help of local allies to return to the base, but lose all trophies (they are picked up by the local army or whoever is there), and their equipment is destroyed, according to the instructions. That is, the return will still not be fast, all equipment is lost, only the battle is added, in which the soldiers have to defend their right to life.
Sorry if it turned out incomprehensible. The text was translated into English with the help of a Google translator.

Yes, probably it is better to clarify right away. I myself do not create fashion, so this was an offer from a player who wants to see diversity in mods, not a modode's proposal. And it is worth realizing it only if there are interested mod creators interested in it. They may somehow complement it, how it will be better suited to them.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 10, 2019, 06:24:51 pm
Speaking of ideas. Required in air combat with the HK one on one, to make the automatic destruction of the ship X-COM, if the velocity of the ship X-COM is lower than that of the UFO(no possibility to fly away), and he'd run out of all ammo or no weapons.

There were cases when, thanks to the modules, the evasion of the transport ship exceeded the accuracy of UFOs. Or the rate of UFO fire and damage did not allow to break through the energy shield of unarmed transport. In these cases, the air battle becomes endless.

Yes I know. Transports should accompany the interceptors, but at the beginning of the game, these interceptors can be destroyed even by small UFOs, and transport, hung with protective modules, can be impenetrable for small UFOs.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2019, 06:43:04 pm
That's a mod balance issue, not a code issue.

Don't make your transports invulnerable or the HK UFOs impotent.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 10, 2019, 07:02:57 pm
I agree with you. But it happens that the transport just a lot of HP. Implementing my offer will save a lot of time for the player.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 10, 2019, 08:49:06 pm
If anything were to happen... I'd say the attacker should give up after a while. How long can you chase an unhittable target?
After all that's what X-Com does (though the actual reason is limited ammo).

PS. Honestly I don't think it's that easy for a modder to predict which transport is fine and which will make the game effectively freeze.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2019, 09:35:16 pm
The feature is called "hunter-killers"... that's the guys that make you regret you were born. If you use the feature to implement alien holiday cruise ships with little alien children shooting at xcom from their little alien plastic pea-shooters... it's your decision, I don't judge... but don't expect a feature designed to support HKs to support also your alien holiday cruise ships.

In my opinion, the game already has more than enough options to implement HKs, in several different ways, even if you have very different early/mid/late game.

If it's such a big problem, I can add a self-destruct button/hotkey (or if you want think about it as HK giving up and setting a collision course with your craft)... but I'm not making a HK abort its mission... HKs either kill you or die trying.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 10, 2019, 11:27:07 pm
Well, it's not like I've ever actually needed to use this, but I dig this [self-destruct!] button idea for the sheer awesome potential. :D
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on January 11, 2019, 12:13:19 am
The modder can allow you to put defensive weapons on your transport, and it is entirely up to them how durable your transports are and how rough the HKs are. If they are sending battleships at your transports which chase them down at high speed and pulverize them rapidly, then I think it was the modder's intent to make you feel that your transports are not sacred. I would respond by selecting one of the following options:

1.) purchase multiple cheap transports, troops, and equipment sets

2.) play a different mod
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on January 11, 2019, 12:15:12 am
The modder can allow you to put defensive weapons on your transport, and it is entirely up to them how durable your transports are and how rough the HKs are. If they are sending battleships at your transports which chase them down at high speed and pulverize them rapidly, then I think it was the modder's intent to make you feel that your transports are not sacred. I would respond by selecting one of the following options:

1.) purchase multiple cheap transports, troops, and equipment sets

2.) play a different mod

That's totally not on topic Reaver, but I absolutely agree with you.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on January 11, 2019, 12:26:13 am
Well, it's not like I've ever actually needed to use this, but I dig this [self-destruct!] button idea for the sheer awesome potential. :D
Potential for awesome misclicks? :P

...why would a friggin' troop transport even have a self-destruct feature in the first place? I'm just imagening having this in X-COM files and your agents being intercepted on a commercial flight, only for guys to blow up the plane. Not that it wouldn't be hilarious (this being xcom after all), but i'd be in favor of a "limited ammuntion" or "ufo breaks off/outruns" feature.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 11, 2019, 08:11:39 am
As for self destruction - I'm not sure, but the fact that HK will go to ram the ship, which is not able to destroy by conventional means-a great idea. The ram must of course be fatal for the X-COM ship in 100% of cases.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 16, 2019, 03:24:09 am
Apologizes if I'm posting in wrong forum, but I think this code related bug, actually not bug but exception what not present there. Area 51 mod. Alien Hunter Killer detected, its on screen below:
( (
Now intercept it with Interceptor 3 from USA base:
( (
It's going to attack our Interceptor 3:
( (
And when the Dog fight phase starts, the game is crash with messages in log file:
Code: [Select]
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] 0x88db20 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] 0x8911b0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] 0x401750 signalLogger(int)
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] 0x76f653b0 RtlCaptureStackContext
[16-01-2019_00-52-17] [FATAL] 0x76f46540 RtlGetAppContainerNamedObjectPath
[16-01-2019_00-52-22] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault. This usually indicates something missing in a mod.
But you probably already found what the Interceptor 3 has NO weapons. I forgot equip it after I bought it. That's why I think OXCE crashes.  Now the questions:
1. Is this a bug?
2. Could be it fixed if weapon(s) (both or only one, dependence on type of you aircraft, or just how many you decided to equip) missing?
And save file, so you can reproduce it yourself:
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 16, 2019, 11:23:03 am
Now the questions:
1. Is this a bug?
2. Could be it fixed if weapon(s) (both or only one, dependence on type of you aircraft, or just how many you decided to equip) missing?

1/ yes
2/ fixed
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 16, 2019, 12:32:43 pm
2/ fixed
Umm... replaced files from latest 15th January archive but game still crashes there, or you haven't uploaded fixed version yet? I guess it should be at least 16th or later data, since I'm posted during night and you replied later.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on January 16, 2019, 01:56:33 pm
Got it! Wow self destruct, this is something new and funny. :) Thanks for fast fix and reply. By the way, new question regardless dog fight phase - when it starts there is no more option to minimize window and go to world map. Is it possible to add this in case if you forgot send you escort from nearest base? But I guess this is will break game algorithm and mechanics. Just a question, anyway ;)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 16, 2019, 08:58:08 pm
Got it! Wow self destruct, this is something new and funny. :) Thanks for fast fix and reply. By the way, new question regardless dog fight phase - when it starts there is no more option to minimize window and go to world map. Is it possible to add this in case if you forgot send you escort from nearest base? But I guess this is will break game algorithm and mechanics. Just a question, anyway ;)

Self-destruction is active only if there is no way to escape from an overly aggressive UFO - hunter-killer. In a normal intercept all remained as before.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 22, 2019, 04:01:22 pm
P.S. Sometimes slave-piloted tanks disappear from FORTUNA on missions, going to ckeck it once again and write a bugreport.

In the next OXCE version, 2x2 soldiers will always be deployed first, ignoring their position in the list.

They won't disappear anymore, but you won't be able to define their exact position anymore (for example you won't be able to move them to the craft's rear end).
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on February 22, 2019, 04:23:42 pm
Praise the Lord! It was such a headache. Thanks!
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 24, 2019, 07:40:21 am
In the next OXCE version, 2x2 soldiers will always be deployed first, ignoring their position in the list.

They won't disappear anymore, but you won't be able to define their exact position anymore (for example you won't be able to move them to the craft's rear end).

Do not quite understand, it will apply to all 2x2 player units, including HWP, or only a big soldier?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 24, 2019, 11:18:41 am
Do not quite understand, it will apply to all 2x2 player units, including HWP, or only a big soldier?

Old order:
1. HWPs first (in list order)
2. then Soldiers (in list order)

New order:
1. HWPs first (in list order)
2. then 2x2 Soldiers (in list order)
2. then 1x1 Soldiers (in list order)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 24, 2019, 11:40:37 am
The fact is that HWPs can be small - 1x1. Not only 2x2. This is taken into account?

It would be more correct to do:

1. 2x2 HWPs
2. 2x2 Soldiers
3. 1x1 HWPs
4. 1x1 Soldiers
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 24, 2019, 11:59:44 am
This is taken into account?

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 05, 2019, 04:43:38 pm
New OXCE v5.3 is up.

 - Added lazy loading as a GUI user option
 - Ability to specify minimum required OXCE version per mod:,6945.0.html
 - Added script support for stat bonuses, including:
  * Items: damageBonus, meleeBonus, accuracyMultiplier, meleeMultiplier, throwMultiplier, closeQuartersMultiplier
  * Armors: psiDefence, meleeDodge, recovery (time, energy, morale, health, stun)
 - Ctrl+Alt+New Project to sort the research list by cost
 - Ctrl+Alt+Inventory to delete soldiers' equipment layouts
 - Always deploy 2x2 xcom soldiers first, ignoring their position in the list
 - When transferring aliens, check store space too (not only alien containment)
 - Prison check on Purchase:,6917.msg110499.html#msg110499
 - Facilities that cannot be built in a base yet/anymore are shown at the bottom of the list
 - Panic/berserk sounds:,6921.0.html
 - Changed language loading to default to en-US when translations are missing.
   * Prioritize untranslated text over incorrect text. Modders, you can stop copy-pasting en-US to en-GB.
 - User option cleanup:,6880.0.html
 - Different alien inventory background for xcom soldiers:,5047.msg109930.html#msg109930
 - Highlight colors in Ufopedia:,6883.0.html
 - Option for AI to pick up weapons more actively:,6882.0.html
 - Changed slo-mo hotkey from F8 to Alt+F8
 - Added burning indicator to alien inventory view
 - Allow to recover spawned xcom units as civilians
 - Added randomized manufacturing:,6867.0.html
 - Added new script to change move sound:,6758.msg109325.html#msg109325
 - Ability to transform items during recovery:,6868.0.html
 - Self-destruct button in Dogfight:,5717.msg108512.html#msg108512
 - HKs don't attack craft returning from a mission anymore
 - Unhardcoded (underwater) breathing animation (per armor)
 - Added option to disable underwater sounds
 - Added option to disable ocean shading on the globe
 - Armor transformation support for aliens and civilians
 - Walls can now generate light too (not only floor and objects)
 - Engine: reduced idle CPU burn
 - Engine: added zip loader:,6922.0.html
 - various bugfixes

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: niculinux on March 05, 2019, 05:29:57 pm
Another cool relase! I'd humbly advice to post changelogs for the future in another dedicated thread, if possible :)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 11, 2019, 01:40:26 pm
Is anyway to change % of Hunter Killers UFOs dependence on difficulty? Interesting on both parameters: % that UFO what you encounter has chance been HK and % of their hunter attack missions. if it possible, what changes I need make in rules set files?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2019, 01:51:37 pm
Is anyway to change % of Hunter Killers UFOs dependence on difficulty? Interesting on both parameters: % that UFO what you encounter has chance been HK and % of their hunter attack missions. if it possible, what changes I need make in rules set files?

No, currently not.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 12, 2019, 09:45:36 am
Thanks for fast reply. Any plans of this feature in future releases? Is it even possible with current rules set format?
I have discovered some interesting bug (or not?) with liquid oil explosion on those kind of maps:
( (
If you shoot it, it will explode with long chain, blow, blow, blow.... etc. Sometimes it took 2-3 real life minutes to finish. If you shoot same in classic openxcom, it exploding faster. You can compare yourself, if you want, I'm attaching save file. Now the question is it little bug or just a feature of OXCE?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Mathel on March 16, 2019, 05:26:33 pm

I have an idea for a feature.
Some kind of toggle near the TU reserve switches, which tells your units, how aggresive they should be with their reactions.
OFF: Vanilla
ON: Only react to attacks (Firing, throwing)
Default: OFF
Modded in sides should probably have this settable in the mission definition.

I got the idea when playing X-Pirates, and raiding a hopper. Some fat men moved before the killer droid did and got shot.
The intention for this is to make it easier to not accidentaly kill harmless enemies. But the tradeoff is, that the dangerous enemies will get to shoot.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 17, 2019, 12:44:29 pm
Thanks for fast reply. Any plans of this feature in future releases? Is it even possible with current rules set format?
I have discovered some interesting bug (or not?) with liquid oil explosion on those kind of maps:
( (
If you shoot it, it will explode with long chain, blow, blow, blow.... etc. Sometimes it took 2-3 real life minutes to finish. If you shoot same in classic openxcom, it exploding faster. You can compare yourself, if you want, I'm attaching save file. Now the question is it little bug or just a feature of OXCE?

It's a feature of OXCE.
(already a very old one)

The thread with OXC/OXCE differences has been updated accordingly:,6459.0.html
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 21, 2019, 11:56:10 am
Questions about difficulties: have you changed rate of alien psi control attacks, weapons powers and armor behavior and etc in compare with open xcom version. I'm replaying area 51 on veteran but failing due to incredible psi attacks. Interesting changes in amount of aliens in every mission too. I mean how many will be generated  in their ships, bases and terror (council) missions.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 21, 2019, 12:18:40 pm
Questions about difficulties: have you changed rate of alien psi control attacks


weapons powers


and armor behavior and etc in compare with open xcom version.


I'm replaying area 51 on veteran but failing due to incredible psi attacks.

There was a bug in psi attacks between versions 2019-01-03 and 2019-02-22.
If you have a version older than 2019-01-03 or newer than 2019-02-22, psi attacks work the same as in vanilla.
Otherwise, please upgrade.

Interesting changes in amount of aliens in every mission too. I mean how many will be generated  in their ships, bases and terror (council) missions.

That's responsibility of Area 51, not of OXCE.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 21, 2019, 01:04:01 pm
Thank you for fast response and your answers.
There was a bug in psi attacks between versions 2019-01-03 and 2019-02-22.
If you have a version older than 2019-01-03 or newer than 2019-02-22, psi attacks work the same as in vanilla.
Otherwise, please upgrade.
That's responsibility of Area 51, not of OXCE.
Got it! Upgraded. Testing now.
By the way - double stats strings on newest version 5.3.2 (2019-03-18)
"cwmcwm" on screenshot:
( (
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 21, 2019, 03:06:34 pm
Thank you for fast response and your answers.Got it! Upgraded. Testing now.
By the way - double stats strings on newest version 5.3.2 (2019-03-18)
"cwmcwm" on screenshot:
( (

Look here:,5258.msg110802.html#msg110802

You have situation called BAD... please change to one of the situations called GOOD.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 21, 2019, 05:28:20 pm
Some suggestions and questions about soldiers sorting order. Now we have a lot of options, like sort by accuracy, strength etc... But all of them has order from lower to higher. But I'm often like to use opposite  effect from higher to lower. Of course, I can do it manually, but may be option in future releases? Or it's already exists and I'm just missing it?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 21, 2019, 05:34:37 pm
Some suggestions and questions about soldiers sorting order. Now we have a lot of options, like sort by accuracy, strength etc... But all of them has order from lower to higher. But I'm often like to use opposite  effect from higher to lower. Of course, I can do it manually, but may be option in future releases? Or it's already exists and I'm just missing it?

Click = sort ascending
Shift+click = sort descending
Ctrl+click = don't sort, just show numbers
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on March 21, 2019, 08:50:19 pm
A small request:
Can we have the option of transferring the loot after a battle always available? Say a button alongside with sell, score, exp?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 22, 2019, 03:25:31 pm
New OXCE v5.3 is up.
 - Added script support for stat bonuses, including:
  * Items: damageBonus, meleeBonus, accuracyMultiplier, meleeMultiplier, throwMultiplier, closeQuartersMultiplier
  * Armors: psiDefence, meleeDodge, recovery (time, energy, morale, health, stun)
Great. But where can i get more info about thi? Is there discussion, or maybe an example mod?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 22, 2019, 03:37:30 pm
Example of some dumb script:
Code: [Select]

  - type: STR_NONE_UC
      time: |
        unit.tuBonusStats bonus 50 10 0 0; #same as old `tu: [0.05, 0.01]`
        add bonus 5; #similar to old `flatOne: 5`
        limit_upper bonus 100; #impossible in old version, now TU will never reach more than 100 per turn
        return bonus;

There is too global version that affect all units/items:
Code: [Select]
      - offset: 1
        code: |
          div bonus 2; #all units have only half energy regeneration
          return bonus;
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 25, 2019, 06:02:55 am
It is great, indeed.
And how about item, increasing accuracy or damage, when stored in backpack?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 25, 2019, 11:21:16 pm
Inventory is still off limits for scripts, you have only access to left and right weapon.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on March 26, 2019, 02:27:10 am
Inventory is still off limits for scripts, you have only access to left and right weapon.

Maybe I missed the thread where it's explained, apologies if so. Where I can get a list of variables that can be modified by scripts and examples of use? Do I need to dig into the source code?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 26, 2019, 09:23:05 pm
if you run game with debug and verbatim or some thing like that, script engine will do full dump of all possible functions avaialbe in each script.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 27, 2019, 08:28:16 am
if you run game with debug and verbatim or some thing like that, script engine will do full dump of all possible functions avaialbe in each script.
Please, can you provide an example?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 27, 2019, 10:44:37 am
Please, can you provide an example?

full dump attached
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 27, 2019, 07:24:13 pm
full dump attached
This is a great info. Many things to think of, thanks.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 28, 2019, 08:27:24 pm
full dump attached

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 07, 2019, 01:48:43 pm
Is there any reason the the sorting option "First Letter" isn't fully alphabetical?  I mean, it's REALLY close, but not quite. 

"I have approximate knowledge of many things"

It's fully alphabetical since today.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Yeoman on April 09, 2019, 03:56:10 am
Noticed that opening doors seems to require energy in OXCE (even though none is consumed) whereas it doesn't in OXC. Also, when you attempt to open a door but don't have enough energy, the "Not Enough Time Units" message is displayed.

This is with v5.3.2 / 2019-03-18
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2019, 09:54:21 am
Yes, it's a known issue.

I'll look at it again soon.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 13, 2019, 03:46:27 pm
What did you do with the sound in the latest version? After the upgrade has changed the sound of death of Sectoids and shock plasma. I didn't do anything myself. I really do not like these changes and please return the sound settings to their original state.

P.S. In general, I found the original sounds in the "wav" format and the situation ceased to seem the End of the World.

P.P.S. Apparently the problem is reading."cat" file.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 13, 2019, 04:49:14 pm
What did you do with the sound in the latest version? After the upgrade has changed the sound of death of Sectoids and shock plasma. I didn't do anything myself. I really do not like these changes and please return the sound settings to their original state.

P.S. In general, I found the original sounds in the "wav" format and the situation ceased to seem the End of the World.

P.P.S. Apparently the problem is reading."cat" file.

Can you share the CAT file that is causing the problem?
(or the entire content of your SOUND directory and your options.cfg file)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 13, 2019, 06:36:21 pm
Can you share the CAT file that is causing the problem?
(or the entire content of your SOUND directory and your options.cfg file)

Yes I can. And ".log" in the appendage. Strangely, a lot of things have been written in ".log", but everything works exactly as intended. And about the sound is nothing.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 14, 2019, 10:11:24 pm
Hi, i have openxcom version on pc and openxcom extender android on tablet, could i play between platforms without problems? Or will i change openxcom on pc to openxcom extender?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2019, 12:23:56 am
Hi, i have openxcom version on pc and openxcom extender android on tablet, could i play between platforms without problems? Or will i change openxcom on pc to openxcom extender?

Thanks in advance

You can transfer your saves from openxcom to openxcom extended without problems. From PC to Android.
But if you transfer saves from openxcom extended to openxcom (from Android to PC) you will lose some information.

I would recommend updating your PC to openxcom extended too... but the decision is yours.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 15, 2019, 10:41:39 am
You can transfer your saves from openxcom to openxcom extended without problems. From PC to Android.
But if you transfer saves from openxcom extended to openxcom (from Android to PC) you will lose some information.

I would recommend updating your PC to openxcom extended too... but the decision is yours.

Thanks a lot, I'll do that.

Another question,  if I install oxce I will have to patch games manually or is like openxcom?

Thanks in  advance
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2019, 10:50:37 am
Thanks a lot, I'll do that.
Another question,  if I install oxce I will have to patch games manually or is like openxcom?
Thanks in  advance

It's the same like downloading openxcom nightly as zip.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 15, 2019, 01:07:47 pm
Meridian, do I have to dig at myself in order to identify the problem of sounds, or will there be a bug fix in the next version of OXCE?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2019, 01:51:05 pm
Meridian, do I have to dig at myself in order to identify the problem of sounds, or will there be a bug fix in the next version of OXCE?

I have not had a chance to look at it yet... I will try it today or tomorrow.

But if you can help, that would be nice.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 15, 2019, 04:11:35 pm
I am not a programmer. But apparently there is an offset when playing a sound in the file "cat", in the folder "\ openxcom \ UFO \ sound". If you take the files "cat" from here,2727.msg28562.html#msg28562 , then the sound will be strange, although this is the way out. But there the file size is smaller than from my version of the UFO, and some sounds may not suffice (did not check completely).
It is possible, as an option, to integrate this mod,2044.msg19770.html#msg19770 into OXCE and forget about this problem.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 15, 2019, 04:21:36 pm
It's the same like downloading openxcom nightly as zip.

Ok, i will patch ufo an tftd then.

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 15, 2019, 11:01:41 pm
I am not a programmer. But apparently there is an offset when playing a sound in the file "cat", in the folder "\ openxcom \ UFO \ sound". If you take the files "cat" from here,2727.msg28562.html#msg28562 , then the sound will be strange, although this is the way out. But there the file size is smaller than from my version of the UFO, and some sounds may not suffice (did not check completely).
It is possible, as an option, to integrate this mod,2044.msg19770.html#msg19770 into OXCE and forget about this problem.

I have reproduced the issue using your files, but I don't know how to fix it.
I have informed Stoddard (who was doing the recent changes), and waiting for his feedback.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 16, 2019, 03:49:57 pm
Hi, I have another question. Where is cfg file? 
It's for copy it to pc, phone and tablet, to have the same options.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 16, 2019, 03:56:26 pm
Hi, I have another question. Where is cfg file? 
It's for copy it to pc, phone and tablet, to have the same options.

Thanks in advance

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 16, 2019, 06:26:21 pm
Something I can not understand - and in the display of the ship’s readiness status, does the "refuel \ repair Rate" count or is it a display of total readiness taking into account repair, reloading and refueling?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 16, 2019, 07:47:11 pm

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 18, 2019, 03:30:07 pm
Another question, how can i donate? I already donate 5€ to openxcom and i want to donate to OCXE developer too.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 19, 2019, 07:20:09 am
Something I can not understand - and in the display of the ship’s readiness status, does the "refuel \ repair Rate" count or is it a display of total readiness taking into account repair, reloading and refueling?

It's all of them added together, plus an additional hour many times, for reasons unknown to me. (rounding issues?) Each craft has exactly one thing done to it at a time, so each of the weapons gets rearmed individually.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2019, 10:09:27 am
It's all of them added together, plus an additional hour many times, for reasons unknown to me. (rounding issues?) Each craft has exactly one thing done to it at a time, so each of the weapons gets rearmed individually.

It's all together.

1 hour difference is caused by the fact that separate refuel/rearm/repair times are calculated rounded to whole hours up... but the actual actions are performed in 30 minute intervals; so something that takes 0.5+0.5+0.5  = 1.5 hours is shown as 1+1+1 = 3 hours (instead of 2 hours)
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 19, 2019, 03:46:56 pm
It's all of them added together, plus an additional hour many times, for reasons unknown to me. (rounding issues?) Each craft has exactly one thing done to it at a time, so each of the weapons gets rearmed individually.

It's all together.

1 hour difference is caused by the fact that separate refuel/rearm/repair times are calculated rounded to whole hours up... but the actual actions are performed in 30 minute intervals; so something that takes 0.5+0.5+0.5  = 1.5 hours is shown as 1+1+1 = 3 hours (instead of 2 hours)

Well, yes, plus the crew’s lunch time, a delay in sanitary need ... yes, yes, yes. :D All this is strange.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on April 19, 2019, 05:22:34 pm
I'm following your playthrough of TWOTS at the moment and noticed that you have upgraded to OXCE 5.3.3 of 13/04/19 but,,5258.0.html shows 18/03/19 as the latest. Can you provide a link for the latest release or are you still testing it at the moment?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 19, 2019, 07:52:06 pm
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 20, 2019, 07:25:12 am

O_o No information, no list of changes ... Such top-secret information?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 20, 2019, 10:13:57 am
O_o No information, no list of changes ... Such top-secret information?

Changelog is produced on releases only, not on nightly builds.

And you can see the changelog in github or on discord if you want it sooner.

I also create a new thread for every new feature with examples here on the forum as soon as it is implemented or even sooner if I want feedback.

What more do you want?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 20, 2019, 11:49:16 pm
Hi, i don´t know if it is a problem or not but when i load a game from my tablet  (i play between android and pc versions) prompts a message that say i had activated mods and i will have problems. I play with same configuration in both platforms.

Can i play without risks?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2019, 12:17:08 am
Hi, i don´t know if it is a problem or not but when i load a game from my tablet  (i play between android and pc versions) prompts a message that say i had activated mods and i will have problems. I play with same configuration in both platforms.

Can i play without risks?

If it says that then you don't have the same configuration.

Try starting a new game on PC, make a save, start a new game on tablet, make a save, and upload both saves here... we'll tell you what's different.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 21, 2019, 03:47:02 pm
If it says that then you don't have the same configuration.

Try starting a new game on PC, make a save, start a new game on tablet, make a save, and upload both saves here... we'll tell you what's different.

Thanks! I attached them.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2019, 07:22:18 pm
Thanks! I attached them.

These two are same... are you getting the warning when you move one of them to the other platform?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 21, 2019, 07:51:56 pm
These two are same... are you getting the warning when you move one of them to the other platform?

Yes, From pc to Android. From android to pc there is no warning

Edit: it's my fault, on tablet is ok. problem is on my phone. I will check configuration again

Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2019, 04:32:38 pm
New OXCE v5.4 is up.

 - Added ability to decide whether to kill or sell aliens in alien containment
 - Added option to prevent or allow loading an item to craft inventory: see 'ignoreInCraftEquip' attribute in nightly ruleset reference (NRR)
 - Training Finished popup now shows the base name too
 - Show cause of death (killer & weapon) on diary overview
 - Shift+click to swap loaded ammo
 - Shift+click for instant unload
 - Ctrl+Alt+j/k to stun/kill all aliens EXCEPT under the cursor
 - Sort soldiers by name instead of just by first letter
 - Skip zero-quantity craft/soldier types in Monthly Costs breakdown: see 'forceShowInMonthlyCosts' attribute in NRR
 - Added "extraRandomItems" attribute to alien deployment:,7055.msg111746.html#msg111746
 - Added "randomRace" attribute to alien deployment:,7065.msg111733.html#msg111733
 - Manufacture/Purchase links from "Cannot Reequip" GUI
 - Added mod option to build infiltration bases near countries: see 'buildInfiltrationBaseCloseToTheCountry' attribute in NRR
 - Added a chance for environmental conditions being applied or not (per battle): see 'globalChance' attribute in NRR
 - Global Production Overview (default hotkey 'P')
 - Added craft weapon ruleset option to hide stat info in Ufopedia: see 'hidePediaInfo' attribute in NRR
 - Added item ruleset option to hide damage info in Ufopedia: see 'hidePower' attribute in NRR
 - Add multi page support for Ufopaedia articles: see 'pages' attribute in NRR
 - Mission bounty item now supports item transformations
 - Allowed other attack types (e.g. snap or auto) for launcher weapons
 - TU recovery each turn is now additive (same as e.g. energy recovery), cannot go over maximum, encumberance/wound penalties are applied at the end
 - Added random manufacturing summary GUI
 - various bugfixes


NRR: Nightly ruleset reference (
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on April 22, 2019, 09:08:05 pm

Is the option of always be able to transfer the loot after battle (versus only when there is no more room), still on the to-do-some-day list ?

New OXCE v5.4 is up.
 - Shift+click to swap loaded ammo
 - Shift+click for instant unload
I can unload the ammo directly to the ground if Shift+click. What the other option does?
It appears there are many more keyboard shortcuts than those found in the Options Menu.  Is there a page with all of the OXCE current controls available to the player ?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 23, 2019, 06:04:02 pm
Thank you for the work and update.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2019, 06:25:49 pm
EDIT:I can unload the ammo directly to the ground if Shift+click. What the other option does?

If you are holding an ammo in the hand already, you can use shift+click to swap that ammo with an already loaded ammo in the gun.
I.e. "ammo swap" instead of "unload + load"

It appears there are many more keyboard shortcuts than those found in the Options Menu.  Is there a page with all of the OXCE current controls available to the player ?,6424.0.html

If there is something missing, you're more than welcome to add it.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: karnaugh_map on April 23, 2019, 08:10:13 pm
- TU recovery each turn is now additive (same as e.g. energy recovery), cannot go over maximum, encumberance/wound penalties are applied at the end

Wouldn't it be preferable for encumbrance/wound penalties to be applied before cumulating TUs, so a heavily over encumbered dog could build up enough TUs over several turns to drop the corpse in its backpack. (Not that such an issue happened to me :P ) Also have a minimum of 1 TU regenerated per turn.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2019, 08:22:10 pm
Wouldn't it be preferable for encumbrance/wound penalties to be applied before cumulating TUs, so a heavily over encumbered dog could build up enough TUs over several turns to drop the corpse in its backpack. (Not that such an issue happened to me :P ) Also have a minimum of 1 TU regenerated per turn.

Not vanilla compatible... it would mean that there are never any penalties in vanilla.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 23, 2019, 09:16:41 pm
This kind of penalty can be written using scripts - I recently re-wrote overweight penalties in the 40k mod to apply to energy instead of TUs.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 23, 2019, 09:35:23 pm
This kind of penalty can be written using scripts - I recently re-wrote overweight penalties in the 40k mod to apply to energy instead of TUs.

That would require editing tags on every armour in the game, right?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 23, 2019, 09:39:19 pm
No, not necessarily. I wrote a single, global script to handle this. Any exceptions can be made at the armor or item level, but the base mechanics didn't require extra script ruleset tags on every armor.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 23, 2019, 09:41:11 pm
No, not necessarily. I wrote a single, global script to handle this. Any exceptions can be made at the armor or item level, but the base mechanics didn't require extra script ruleset tags on every armor.

That's way better than I expected!
Not going to run with this straight away or anything, but could you share this script? It sounds potentially relevant to any mod.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Lecitron on April 23, 2019, 09:42:47 pm
Thanks for your work! If I update to 5.4 could i play my 5.3.2 savegame without problems?
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 25, 2019, 08:53:57 pm
1 hour difference is caused by the fact that separate refuel/rearm/repair times are calculated rounded to whole hours up... but the actual actions are performed in 30 minute intervals; so something that takes 0.5+0.5+0.5  = 1.5 hours is shown as 1+1+1 = 3 hours (instead of 2 hours)

I'm talking about how every time the craft says X hours, X hours later it says it's 100% complete but still in-process. It seems to put the craft in ready status at the end of the first time slot for which nothing is done to it, and not at the beginning of that time slot. It works the same whether it's doing things on multiple parts of the craft or not--example, loading a weapon that takes 2 hours, it says it takes 2 hours and it properly fills ammo 4 times in that 2 hours, but the weapon will be full and the craft still says Rearming.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 25, 2019, 09:02:46 pm
I'm talking about how every time the craft says X hours, X hours later it says it's 100% complete but still in-process. It seems to put the craft in ready status at the end of the first time slot for which nothing is done to it, and not at the beginning of that time slot. It works the same whether it's doing things on multiple parts of the craft or not--example, loading a weapon that takes 2 hours, it says it takes 2 hours and it properly fills ammo 4 times in that 2 hours, but the weapon will be full and the craft still says Rearming.

Sorry, I did not understand any of this.

Please provide a starting save, screenshot of each step and which number is correct and which is wrong.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 25, 2019, 11:44:09 pm
You can do it in vanilla. Disable all mods and make a new game. Take the cannon off your first interceptor, then put it back on. It'll say rearming: 2 hours. After 1 hour the cannon has 100/200 rounds, and it says rearming: 1 hour. After 2 hours the cannon has 200/200 rounds and it says rearming: 1 hour.

- - - -

Can we have an option to increase the number of mind shields that a base facility may count as? For example:
Code: [Select]
    mindPower: 1
    size: 2
    mindPower: 6
    mindPower: 2
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 25, 2019, 11:54:21 pm
You can do it in vanilla. Disable all mods and make a new game. Take the cannon off your first interceptor, then put it back on. It'll say rearming: 2 hours. After 1 hour the cannon has 100/200 rounds, and it says rearming: 1 hour. After 2 hours the cannon has 200/200 rounds and it says rearming: 1 hour.

OK, I will have a look.

Can we have an option to increase the number of mind shields that a base facility may count as? For example:
Code: [Select]
    mindPower: 1
    size: 2
    mindPower: 5
    mindPower: 2

Yes, todolisted.

Also, FWIW, I am very glad that someone has also requirements like this.
I am pretty sick of (almost) all modders making me build 10 alien containments, 20 workshops, 30 labs and a gazillion of storage/living space facilities.
Making small compact efficient bases is beautiful.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 26, 2019, 12:08:36 am
Making small compact efficient bases is beautiful.

While we're at it, may I request a global variable to make grav shields stack?

Code: [Select]
    gravStacking: true

It won't significantly increase base defense power in most setups, but may allow you to slightly reduce the number of facilities used. Such as: 1 grav shield and 5 fusion defense = 10x fusion defense for 6 facility space. But 2 grav shield and 3 fusion defense = 9x fusion defense for 5 facility space.

On the other hand, mods like Tech-Comm might implement using large fractions of your base for defense, and trying to calculate how many grav shields vs defenses gives you the best ratio.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 28, 2019, 02:12:27 pm
Question about tech viewer: What all those "-,=,#" marks means, and how I can determine which project is easily or harder? If possible answer with some examples. 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on April 28, 2019, 02:33:03 pm
Very good question, I had been wondering about those symbols as well.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on May 04, 2019, 12:41:58 pm
I noticed that only weapon-type craftWepons are shown on the interception window. Passive craftWeapons, such as one that grants extra speed, accuracy, and so on, are not.
Would it be possible to show them too (obviously omitting the range indicator, since they don't have any)? I think it would be useful, and especially more cool, to show them.
I guess this is sort of a selfish request, but I just finished a bunch of icons and seeing them not appear was disappointing :P.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2019, 01:24:48 pm
I noticed that only weapon-type craftWepons are shown on the interception window. Passive craftWeapons, such as one that grants extra speed, accuracy, and so on, are not.
Would it be possible to show them too (obviously omitting the range indicator, since they don't have any)? I think it would be useful, and especially more cool, to show them.
I guess this is sort of a selfish request, but I just finished a bunch of icons and seeing them not appear was disappointing :P.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 06, 2019, 08:05:08 pm
After upgrading from a previous version i've noticed that terrain damage seems to be applied before the actual hit animation has played. Is this intended?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 06, 2019, 08:06:32 pm
After upgrading from a previous version i've noticed that terrain damage seems to be applied before the actual hit animation has played. Is this intended?

From which version to which version?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 06, 2019, 08:27:05 pm
5.3.0 to 5.4.1
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 06, 2019, 10:20:59 pm
Yeah, this seems to be the relevant change:

I forgot what the reason was, maybe Yankes can clarify.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 06, 2019, 10:30:00 pm
Yes, this is intended, this is change made in propose of future changes and refactors.
Terrain is change because bullet physically hit at that moment, and after bullet hit/explosion animation will play.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on May 07, 2019, 09:58:29 am
Terrain is change because bullet physically hit at that moment, and after bullet hit/explosion animation will play.
It is thrue in theory, but explosives now looks strange. But if it needed, then it needed...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 07, 2019, 10:59:28 am
Doesn't this break vanilla behaviour/animation cycles?

As Nord has pointed out this looks extremely odd atm, since the terrain breaks before the projectile hit animation plays out.

Might i suggest moving this change into a seperate dev-branch until this has been sorted out? I'd like to use a version of OXCE that doesn't randomly crash, but right now i'd actually prefer the game to randomly crash instead of having precognitive terrain tiles.

With what version were these changes introduced?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 07, 2019, 02:56:44 pm
Can we have option auto set timer after dog fight to 5 seconds automatically? Can we have option auto zoom out world map if USO could not be reached due to depth? Same if can not be reached under land. All questions consider TFTD. May be I missed something so I add it here later.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2019, 04:07:46 pm
Can we have option auto set timer after dog fight to 5 seconds automatically?

The timer is already always set to 5 seconds when the dogfight starts.

Can we have option auto zoom out world map if USO could not be reached due to depth? Same if can not be reached under land. All questions consider TFTD. May be I missed something so I add it here later.

No, I am adding user options only if 100+ users ask for them. And I haven't heard such a request from anyone else.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 08, 2019, 08:26:55 pm
Doesn't this break vanilla behaviour/animation cycles?

As Nord has pointed out this looks extremely odd atm, since the terrain breaks before the projectile hit animation plays out.

Might i suggest moving this change into a seperate dev-branch until this has been sorted out? I'd like to use a version of OXCE that doesn't randomly crash, but right now i'd actually prefer the game to randomly crash instead of having precognitive terrain tiles.

With what version were these changes introduced?
This is already sorted out, and tiles aren't precognitive because damage hit them at this moment. Overall gameplay behavior is exactly same as previously, only moment when animation is play was changed.

This change is important in long run, because damage calculation is done first now then it can affect how explosion will play out, that is impossible in old version.
Example could be that explosion animation is played in random places even if damage do not reach that place, in new version I could add that animations is show only where damage was done.

One thing I have in mind is do not update every tile at once during explosion. Instead do it by circualr "layer" that will simulate propagate of shock wave.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 08, 2019, 09:53:59 pm
This is already sorted out, and tiles aren't precognitive because damage hit them at this moment. Overall gameplay behavior is exactly same as previously, only moment when animation is play was changed.

This change is important in long run, because damage calculation is done first now then it can affect how explosion will play out, that is impossible in old version.
Example could be that explosion animation is played in random places even if damage do not reach that place, in new version I could add that animations is show only where damage was done.

One thing I have in mind is do not update every tile at once during explosion. Instead do it by circualr "layer" that will simulate propagate of shock wave.
Excuse me, but this seems like a pretty important change as far as animation behaviour is concerned, in a mod that prides itself on keeping/preserving vanilla consistency. Going by this you could also do away with the shooting animation entirely and just show the results instead.

As far as i am concerned the tiles are 'precognitive', since the only inidication that any damage has been delat is when the hit animation plays - which is does after the terrain tile is already destroyed. Damage calculation in-game isn't transparent to the player. I'd ask you to reconsider and at least give us an option to enable vanilla behaviour (for animations).

Can you tell me when this change was introduced?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 08, 2019, 10:29:27 pm
Can you tell me when this change was introduced?

It was introduced on March 17th.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 08, 2019, 11:23:30 pm
Excuse me, but this seems like a pretty important change as far as animation behaviour is concerned, in a mod that prides itself on keeping/preserving vanilla consistency. Going by this you could also do away with the shooting animation entirely and just show the results instead.
This is priority of OXC not OXCE. When I start OXCE, my main goal was modding capacity of engine even when sacrificing original behavior.
If new behavior have similar (not same!) end effect and give more options for modder then I throw through the window original behavior.

And here we have exactly this case, changing order is very visible but end result is same. As it give lot of potential for new mod capabilities and code refactor that will simplify and allow future changes and new functionalities. And only thing left is personal taste and familiarity with old behavior.

For single hit animation current version look even better IMHO.

As far as i am concerned the tiles are 'precognitive', since the only inidication that any damage has been delat is when the hit animation plays - which is does after the terrain tile is already destroyed. Damage calculation in-game isn't transparent to the player. I'd ask you to reconsider and at least give us an option to enable vanilla behaviour (for animations).
People evaporate in nuclear strike before shock wave reach them.

Options to toggle it is out out question, because whole point of this change was to simplify game logic not add new cases and versions. Whole point is that I could really on this that calculation was done before all animations.

Only thing that could be done (as I said previous post) to alter how tiles are handled after damage calculations. That could allow delay update of tiles to some frames after hit, but this need more work and right now I have other priorities.

Right now you are only one I know who is very against this change, if there was more demand for changing it, from more people, then I could consider to alter current behavior. Other wise I leave this as is.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Eddie on May 13, 2019, 03:46:09 pm
About moral damage, as reportet here:,4058.msg112656.html#msg112656 (,4058.msg112656.html#msg112656)

Moral damage, as in weapons dealing damage to moral, is multiplied by: (110 - bravery)/100

This works fine as long as the maximum bravery is 100. Since mods introduced bravery adding armors, bravery 100+ is now possible. While immunity to moral damage at 110 bravery is debatable, damage inversion for bravery >110 is clearly a bug.

How to solve? Treat everything >110 bravery as 110 (immunity) or treat everything >100 as 100? Other options?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 13, 2019, 05:28:03 pm
How to solve?

Solution 1: don't create such armors

Solution 2: don't create such weapons

Solution 3: use scripts to implement your own damage algorithm with whatever rules you can think of
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on May 14, 2019, 03:24:00 am
About moral damage, as reportet here:,4058.msg112656.html#msg112656 (,4058.msg112656.html#msg112656)

Moral damage, as in weapons dealing damage to moral, is multiplied by: (110 - bravery)/100

This works fine as long as the maximum bravery is 100. Since mods introduced bravery adding armors, bravery 100+ is now possible. While immunity to moral damage at 110 bravery is debatable, damage inversion for bravery >110 is clearly a bug.

How to solve? Treat everything >110 bravery as 110 (immunity) or treat everything >100 as 100? Other options?

I don't like the way bravery picks up slowly at first, but then accelerates until suddenly hitting the top. But there are some ways to work around it.

If you have weapons that deal morale damage based on bravery, then I would recommend being careful to not allow bravery to go above 110, and maybe make it very difficult to bring it above 100. Perhaps if your soldiers max out at 100, you could have a special expensive armor which grants 10 bravery. Or you could have regular soldiers max at 90 and special high-tech soldiers able to reach 100. If you allow the soldier natural max to get most of the way up, and put a high cost on adding any more bravery externally, then it's easier to manage.

Another thing you might be able to do (I assume it's possible) is to have it deal damage to morale based on its power value, or at least have a flat value added to the bravery-based morale damage. That way you can ignore the 110 bravery's natural fear immunity and be able to deal morale damage to units with much higher bravery values, as long as they don't have actual fear immunity.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 14, 2019, 01:55:26 pm
Let's back to dogfight speed. I don't know is this a bug or not, but if you encounter USO under land and pursuit it with fast speed (1 minute or more) as soon as it going to water and dogfight phase begins, speed of your interceptor not drops down to 5 seconds when USO successfully drowned. Can not provide any save files, you have to check it manually.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2019, 02:38:37 pm
In my opinion, not a bug.

Can be changed if enough people think it is a bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 16, 2019, 06:33:54 pm
If Interceptor used to escort you friendly craft and got attacked on the way, it's loosing his escort target after dogfight is over and turning to base. Bug?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Eddie on May 16, 2019, 09:14:20 pm
I don't like the way bravery picks up slowly at first, but then accelerates until suddenly hitting the top. But there are some ways to work around it.

If you have weapons that deal morale damage based on bravery, then I would recommend being careful to not allow bravery to go above 110, and maybe make it very difficult to bring it above 100. Perhaps if your soldiers max out at 100, you could have a special expensive armor which grants 10 bravery. Or you could have regular soldiers max at 90 and special high-tech soldiers able to reach 100. If you allow the soldier natural max to get most of the way up, and put a high cost on adding any more bravery externally, then it's easier to manage.

Another thing you might be able to do (I assume it's possible) is to have it deal damage to morale based on its power value, or at least have a flat value added to the bravery-based morale damage. That way you can ignore the 110 bravery's natural fear immunity and be able to deal morale damage to units with much higher bravery values, as long as they don't have actual fear immunity.

You missunderstand. Damage to morals, as in:
Code: [Select]
ToMorale: 1.0

is multiplied by
(110 - bravery)/100
with bravery being the bravery stat of the target! Not the weapon holder!

That is why I reported it here as a bug. The "ToMorale" parameter of OXCE has this scaling right now, whether you want it or not.

"Solution 1: don't create such armors"
Why allow +bravery armors in the ruleset if that is you opinion?

"Solution 2: don't create such weapons"
Why allow "ToMorale" as an option in the "damageAlter" category, if that is your opinion? Any weapon that uses "ToMorale" displays the described behavior. I would say fix it or scrap it.

"Solution 3: use scripts to implement your own damage algorithm with whatever rules you can think of"
I don't want to create any weapons, I'm just reporting on a sign inversion bug using simple ruleset options of OXCE that are used alot in the Piratez mod.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2019, 09:16:29 pm
If Interceptor used to escort you friendly craft and got attacked on the way, it's loosing his escort target after dogfight is over and turning to base. Bug?

No, not a bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 16, 2019, 09:28:52 pm
"Solution 1: don't create such armors"
Why allow +bravery armors in the ruleset if that is you opinion?

"Solution 2: don't create such weapons"
Why allow "ToMorale" as an option in the "damageAlter" category, if that is your opinion? Any weapon that uses "ToMorale" displays the described behavior. I would say fix it or scrap it.

"Solution 3: use scripts to implement your own damage algorithm with whatever rules you can think of"
I don't want to create any weapons, I'm just reporting on a sign inversion bug using simple ruleset options of OXCE that are used alot in the Piratez mod.

1/ I did not allow +bravery armors. Also, it's not my opinion, it's just a possible option.

2/ I have also not implemented ToMorale option. Again, it's not my opinion, just giving you options.

3/ I didn't say you need to create any weapons, I just said you can change the damage algorithm (even for all weapons at once)

Anyway, there are a million things you can change in the ruleset to break the game.
I cannot fix them all, the only way to fix them all is to remove modding capability completely.
Modders always try to change more and more... until it breaks; there's absolutely no way for me to stop that from happening.
And making it even more moddable, doesn't solve the problem, just adds more ways how to break the game.
Yankes has listened to your needs for changing everything imaginable around damage calculation and has given you a tool to do that (scripts).
If you want to change how the morale damage works, you can!

The "ToMorale" parameter of OXCE has this scaling right now, whether you want it or not.

Not true.
If you don't want it, you can already today script your own damage algorithm.


If you have a concrete solution for this "bug", please tell us. And ask all modders if I can change it too.
Until then I consider this a feature, not a bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on May 16, 2019, 10:38:33 pm
For the record, I have no objections to changing this. I'm neutral.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Eddie on May 16, 2019, 10:46:27 pm
I already gave two solutions. Just limit bravery in the damage multiplier to 100 or 110. It's 100% vanilla compatible as vanilla does not allow bravery over 100 anyway.
It's a simple overflow bug where modding has enabled a variable to have higher values than vanilla intended. Same as if you mod in a weapon dealing 1000 damage and it suddenly heals and not kills.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 17, 2019, 12:39:39 am
Monthly report, text out of screen, scroll bar in future releases may be?
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2019, 12:45:32 am
Monthly report, text out of screen, scroll bar in future releases may be?
( (

Unfortunately, I cannot add a scrollbar there, sorry.

But I agree with you, it's a bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yeoman on May 17, 2019, 03:52:33 pm
Playing Reaver's megamod on 5.4.1, one of my bases (Turquino) has a live alien listed in the storage even though I don't have an alien containment facility for that base. Can't tell when that alien got there.

( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2019, 04:21:53 pm
Let's back to dogfight speed. I don't know is this a bug or not, but if you encounter USO under land and pursuit it with fast speed (1 minute or more) as soon as it going to water and dogfight phase begins, speed of your interceptor not drops down to 5 seconds when USO successfully drowned. Can not provide any save files, you have to check it manually.


I already gave two solutions. Just limit bravery in the damage multiplier to 100 or 110. It's 100% vanilla compatible as vanilla does not allow bravery over 100 anyway.
It's a simple overflow bug where modding has enabled a variable to have higher values than vanilla intended. Same as if you mod in a weapon dealing 1000 damage and it suddenly heals and not kills.

Feature removed.

Playing Reaver's megamod on 5.4.1, one of my bases (Turquino) has a live alien listed in the storage even though I don't have an alien containment facility for that base. Can't tell when that alien got there.

I don't see how I can help here.
Maybe report to Reaver?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 17, 2019, 08:44:09 pm
How the dept warning system working? Last month I got no warning as usual and went to minus more than 1 mil. I quickly sold some staff and fixed my balance, but why no waning this time? Assume what this happened because I spend some money at last day of month below warning threshold?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on May 19, 2019, 01:15:22 am
Playing Reaver's megamod on 5.4.1
Always report to the mod before reporting to the base game. Also, my Faithful megamod is vanilla.

I'll take a look into it but please post about it in my mod page:
[UFO MEGAMOD] Reaver's Faithful Megamod (,5543.90.html)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 19, 2019, 07:58:44 pm
New OXCE v5.5 is up.

 - Deselect all hotkey (default X) in Psi/Martial Training GUIs
 - Remember mission target and craft/base even after the briefing
 - Added "Highlight new topics" user option
 - Bravery now can't decrease morale change below zero percent
 - Required base services in "We can now..." GUIs
 - Starting conditions: allowed/forbidden soldier types
 - Starting conditions: forbidden items and item categories
 - Starting conditions: forbidden vehicles support
 - Starting conditions: forbidden armors support
 - Starting conditions: forbidden craft support
 - BREAKING CHANGE: split Starting conditions (into Starting Conditions and Enviro Effects):,4444.msg113226.html#msg113226
 - Fixed dogfight for HKs with extremely short range
 - Manufacture dependency tree now shows also base facilities
 - Added optional research requirement for armor equip, see 'requires' armor attribute in NRR
 - New attribute for mind shield power, see 'mindPower' facility attribute in NRR
 - User option to remember disabled craft weapons after dogfight (+no rearm)
 - Draw dogfight icons also for craft equipment
 - Improved pedia articles for tractor beams
 - Extra NV button for Android
 - Removed the facility teleport cheat
 - Updated kill/sell button logic in alien containment
 - Added arc script:,7125.0.html
 - Updated OXC and OXCE language files
 - various bugfixes


NRR: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dioxine on May 19, 2019, 08:15:00 pm
So morale damage is no longer inversed when above BRA 110? Not a big thing, but, EDDIE, why? Why did you do that to me? Why do you hate me? (We both know that only Piratez use >110 BRA) I just only learned about it now.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on May 19, 2019, 09:18:13 pm
- Draw dogfight icons also for craft equipment
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on May 22, 2019, 02:09:37 am
So morale damage is no longer inversed when above BRA 110? Not a big thing, but, EDDIE, why? Why did you do that to me? Why do you hate me? (We both know that only Piratez use >110 BRA) I just only learned about it now. (

I think bravery damage inversion is far more likely to be problematic than useful. And more importantly, it seems reasonable to ask for the use as a separate feature: a feature in which it's possible to declare a state that causes some units to have morale restored under certain conditions. Maybe the end result will give you MORE control than you ever had before.

I support the change. It doesn't currently affect my mod either way, but if it ever did it'd be negatively.

P.S.: My upcoming mod has >110 BRA.

- - - - - - - - - -


Thank you so much for everything you do! I could never repay you for all your work, so the best I can do instead is show the value of your work by using it to better my mod. The following suggestion is merely tossing ideas against the wall. I put you under no pressure to set any of it into action. Feel free to ignore anything I say here.

Here's some suggestions to perhaps cover for Dioxine's needs while also opening up an entire new angle to modding involving morale management. Should you pursue this suggestion, you can expect to see more people finding more ways to break their mods. It's a labor of love, and every time someone asks for a new feature to get out of a corner they drove themselves into, it's a way of saying "I love all these options and it inspires my creativity!".

 A.) Add a damageAlter which deals (or heals) damage to morale, and can be based on a resistance. If the resistance number declared is -1, then it uses bravery as we understand (including healing for bravery 120+). If it's 0, then it deals the morale change regardless of other considerations. It should allow for negative numbers on the effect value, so you can make something that heals morale to anyone (even lily-livered), or you could even make something that heals MORE morale the LESS brave the soldier is.

 B.) Add an option for medi-kits to make the pain killer option heal morale damage that wasn't caused by injury.
0 = vanilla (only heals morale lost by injury
1 = only heals morale lost by psi/use/item effects
2 = only heals morale lost by friendly deaths
3 = 0&1
4 = 0&2
5 = 1&2
6 = all three (always heals morale)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 22, 2019, 02:11:22 am
About scrollbar on month report screen, if it possible here:
( (
why it's not possible there? Breaks too much code of original project? Sorry for being stubborn. Just wondering.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 22, 2019, 05:27:20 am
The listbox component supports scrollbar, the textbox component doesn't.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 27, 2019, 07:50:04 pm
Not sure what this right forum but since I'm using OXCE asking here: is it possible to add stun, wounded and other marks to 2x2 enemies like Hallucinoids? Or this is already present?  May be I just missing it with my guns, so no damage signs?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 27, 2019, 08:14:55 pm
Not sure what this right forum but since I'm using OXCE asking here: is it possible to add stun, wounded and other marks to 2x2 enemies like Hallucinoids? Or this is already present?  May be I just missing it with my guns, so no damage signs?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 27, 2019, 08:47:08 pm
Got it. Sir! It seems my weapons or missing or not produce fatal wounds.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 27, 2019, 08:57:40 pm
Got it. Sir! It seems my weapons or missing or not produce fatal wounds.

Hallucinoids are immune to fatal wounds as far as I know.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on May 28, 2019, 08:26:51 am
Could you make a tweak to the ToItem attribute on damageAlter? Currently, it goes through items one at a time, damaging it until it destroys that item. I can't see a good way to use this functionality. It randomly destroys an almost-fixed number of items, regardless of how many items are on the unit(s) hit by the attack.

I propose that ToItem causes all items held by the attacked unit(s) to be hit the same as if they were on the ground. This means, for example, that a ToItem value of 1.0 on an explosive would destroy items held by units just as though they were laying on the ground.

If the current functionality of ToItem is worth maintaining, then I propose a new value: ToAllItems
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 28, 2019, 09:32:31 pm
How to block ability enter aliens to the ship? My people wiped out due to reaction fire. I know what I can nullify  time units, but at Vanilla they can't enter it. Any scripts or options to disable it?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 28, 2019, 10:41:06 pm
Could you make a tweak to the ToItem attribute on damageAlter? Currently, it goes through items one at a time, damaging it until it destroys that item. I can't see a good way to use this functionality. It randomly destroys an almost-fixed number of items, regardless of how many items are on the unit(s) hit by the attack.

I propose that ToItem causes all items held by the attacked unit(s) to be hit the same as if they were on the ground. This means, for example, that a ToItem value of 1.0 on an explosive would destroy items held by units just as though they were laying on the ground.

If the current functionality of ToItem is worth maintaining, then I propose a new value: ToAllItems
First changing this will affect vanilla behavior, you need have good reason to do this.
Second, same logic is used to items in inventory as items on ground, only difference is that items and unit in inventory get damage from overkill of target unit.
Third, current behavior of item damage is bad, its do only one check for item armor value and if damage is bigger then item is destroyed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 30, 2019, 07:34:58 pm
I already gave two solutions. Just limit bravery in the damage multiplier to 100 or 110. It's 100% vanilla compatible as vanilla does not allow bravery over 100 anyway.
It's a simple overflow bug where modding has enabled a variable to have higher values than vanilla intended. Same as if you mod in a weapon dealing 1000 damage and it suddenly heals and not kills.

Feature removed.

So morale damage is no longer inversed when above BRA 110? Not a big thing, but, EDDIE, why? Why did you do that to me? Why do you hate me? (We both know that only Piratez use >110 BRA) I just only learned about it now.

Feature added back in.
As far as I know Piratez is the only mod using bravery > 110 and Dioxine explicitly asked (yesterday) for this feature to be returned to the way it was before.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 02, 2019, 04:20:25 am
Assigned for Martial training aquanauts lose it if Triton was destroyed and they had arrived back to the base.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 02, 2019, 06:37:19 am
Assigned for Martial training aquanauts lose it if Triton was destroyed and they had arrived back to the base.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: tkzv on June 13, 2019, 06:41:17 pm
I encountered odd behaviour with The X-COM Files mod. When all non-stunned enemies want to surrender, but some who don't are on the verge of waking up, my turn ends automatically, but the mission doesn't end and enemies get their turn. The savegame and full description are here:,5047.msg113748.html#msg113748,5047.msg113759.html#msg113759

Engine bug?

Latest release of the mod (0.9.9c), engine from Extended-5.5-537067a0c-2019-05-30-bionic-x86_64.7z. For some reason Extended-5.5.1-723854c2a-2019-06-12-bionic-x86_64.7z refuses to work, gives errors like
"Error for 'STR_MAGMA_CHAINSAWBOT_WEAPON': offset '-3' have incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK' "
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 13, 2019, 10:43:26 pm
I encountered odd behaviour with The X-COM Files mod. When all non-stunned enemies want to surrender, but some who don't are on the verge of waking up, my turn ends automatically, but the mission doesn't end and enemies get their turn. The savegame and full description are here:,5047.msg113748.html#msg113748,5047.msg113759.html#msg113759

Engine bug?

More an incompatibility of user option than a bug... but yeah it's an oxce issue, not xcf issue.

Latest release of the mod (0.9.9c), engine from Extended-5.5-537067a0c-2019-05-30-bionic-x86_64.7z. For some reason Extended-5.5.1-723854c2a-2019-06-12-bionic-x86_64.7z refuses to work, gives errors like
"Error for 'STR_MAGMA_CHAINSAWBOT_WEAPON': offset '-3' have incorrect value in set 'BIGOBS.PCK' ",3287.msg113764.html#msg113764
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Varana on June 16, 2019, 01:20:25 am
In the "monthly cost" page at "flying sub rental" and "salaries" complete lists of all types that might or might not become usable in this game are shown.

Is there a trick or option, to only show up discovered (buyable/producable/usable/discovered or something like that) types?

(I would like to split the game using "arcScripts" and "randomArcs" into different arcs, where the types of the not active other arcs will never be seen. So it would be useless to see tons of variations of a ship if only one will be  usable ever.)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 16, 2019, 11:59:38 am
In the "monthly cost" page at "flying sub rental" and "salaries" complete lists of all types that might or might not become usable in this game are shown.

Since OXCE 5.4 it is not:,6586.msg112262.html#msg112262

Is there a trick or option, to only show up discovered (buyable/producable/usable/discovered or something like that) types?

 - Skip zero-quantity craft/soldier types in Monthly Costs breakdown: see 'forceShowInMonthlyCosts' attribute in NRR
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 20, 2019, 03:47:45 pm
Asking it's here, because I think it's more engine based than mod scripts. Question about damage and ranks - I've found what new soldiers (aquanauts) often not killing enemy in one shot what usually dies of it if someone more experienced shoot them. Same for throwing grenades. So question - why it happens and what determine damage - current stats of soldier (aquanaut) or her/his rank? Thanks for patience and apologizes if that question has been already answered.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 20, 2019, 04:08:11 pm
Asking it's here, because I think it's more engine based than mod scripts. Question about damage and ranks - I've found what new soldiers (aquanauts) often not killing enemy in one shot what usually dies of it if someone more experienced shoot them. Same for throwing grenades. So question - why it happens and what determine damage - current stats of soldier (aquanaut) or her/his rank? Thanks for patience and apologizes if that question has been already answered.

Both current stats and rank can determine damage.

But as far as I know the only mod using rank to determine damage is Piratez (and only for a very few weapons)... everything else uses only soldier stats.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on June 21, 2019, 06:38:35 pm
Question about damage and ranks - I've found what new soldiers (aquanauts) often not killing enemy in one shot what usually dies of it if someone more experienced shoot them. Same for throwing grenades.

It's a variety of subtle factors you may not be noticing, plus some apophenia. Maybe your less experienced soldiers are up toward the front and more likely to get the first shot. Maybe your more experienced soldiers carry better weapons. Maybe aliens are less likely to survive a hit gradually as the game progresses--your soldiers become more experienced but also get better weapons. Maybe you get better at using the same weapons, because you the player are more experienced and know what kills them. As for grenades and other explosives, it's probably the same, but hitting a square closer to the target counts for more damage (usually 10 more).

I've actually experienced the converse: as I research better armors, my rookies seem to become more powerful in combat. It's probably just that they can hold the line better, and it's definitely not them doing more damage.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 21, 2019, 06:44:32 pm
Without trying to say something bad about the game or about the players: I haven't seen a game, which would spawn more myths about its mechanics than Xcom.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Phluff on June 30, 2019, 09:33:46 am
So, I'm not too sure what's going on with this, but after installing everything, both including and excluding TFTD, I'm getting this error.





Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 30, 2019, 10:09:22 am
It says you are missing file UFO/UFOGRAPH/SPICONS.DAT

Can you check if this file exists?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on June 30, 2019, 10:51:23 pm
Without trying to say something bad about the game or about the players: I haven't seen a game, which would spawn more myths about its mechanics than Xcom.
No kidding. I recently came across my old pro-tips forum post and was appalled to see just how inaccurate it was. And I was a veteran player of several years when I posted that. Modding has really helped me to understand the game in a way that playing it could never teach me.

X-Com Pro-tips! (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Phluff on July 01, 2019, 09:07:30 am
It says you are missing file UFO/UFOGRAPH/SPICONS.DAT

Can you check if this file exists?

That would be in the original? I can check. If not, can I snag the one from tftd, or are they different?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 01, 2019, 09:34:20 am
Yes it is from the original.
And they are different in UFO and TFTD.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Phluff on July 01, 2019, 04:16:11 pm
Yes it is from the original.
And they are different in UFO and TFTD.

Thank you. That got me going.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on July 05, 2019, 06:08:19 pm
Playing XPirateZ, spotted strange bug: flares, when thrown and missed, sometimes vanish in nowhere.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 05, 2019, 07:31:25 pm
Playing XPirateZ, spotted strange bug: flares, when thrown and missed, sometimes vanish in nowhere.

It's a feature, some just fail to ignite.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 05, 2019, 08:09:10 pm
It's a feature, some just fail to ignite.
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on July 05, 2019, 08:30:24 pm
It's a feature, some just fail to ignite.
Ah. I understand. Unclear ufopedia description though.
In fact, great idea.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 05, 2019, 08:45:27 pm
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious.

He's serious.
The feature though is completely redundant/irrelevant IMO, feels like it's done only because it can be done, no other reason.
But maybe it's just me...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 05, 2019, 10:48:36 pm
He's serious.
The feature though is completely redundant/irrelevant IMO, feels like it's done only because it can be done, no other reason.
But maybe it's just me...
Is this about the throwExplode/specialChance triggers?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on July 06, 2019, 11:28:35 am
He's serious.
The feature though is completely redundant/irrelevant IMO, feels like it's done only because it can be done, no other reason.
But maybe it's just me...
While it has no meaning in the terms of gammeplay (maybe aside of "not again!" screams) dont forget about immersion in the world of piratez, with all that rusty spaceships and sabres&blasters.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: tkzv on July 07, 2019, 11:58:53 am
When route is plotted for a kneeling operative, TUs to kneel again are not shown. If this bug was reported previously, I haven't found it.

Example. A kneeling operative has 60 TUs, aimed shot takes 42 TUs, kneeling takes 4 TUs. Buttons are pressed to reserved TUs for kneeling and aimed shot. In the plotted straight route 2 steps are shown green — with 48 (correct) and 44 (incorrect) TUs left. If I try to walk him along this route, he stops at 48, and 44 is shown as yellow (correct).

Observed on OXCE builds 5.5.1-d20b54d00 from June 14 and 5.5.2-ccf1eee4a from June 23.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 07, 2019, 02:48:23 pm
Has this changed from previous version or is it something completely new that you would like to have?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: tkzv on July 08, 2019, 05:21:51 am
Never paid attention, frankly. I checked some old versions. So far:
5.1 from 2018-10-14 behaves the same;
OXCE+ 3.10 from 2018-06-20 behaves the same;
OXC from 2018-01-05 and 2019-07-03 behave the same.

I won't be able to compile and test anything older until tomorrow (much later, more likely), but it's clearly has been that way for years. When a unit is kneeling, the "reserve time units for kneeling" button doesn't affect the displayed route.

It's clearly an incorrect behaviour, which hasn't bothered people much.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2019, 12:59:32 pm
I had trouble understanding this at fist, on account of the "TUs to kneel again are not shown"-part, since TUs "shown" don't take into account reserved actions. The TU count displayed simply reflects the TUs you've left when you reach that square.

The problem is that route colouration doesn't take into account the fact that you've reserved TUs for kneeling when you start out in that position. It's like the game assumes that since you start out in that stance you'll stay kneeling for the whole path, hence not taking the additional 4 TUs into account. This sounds like a bug to me, since the coloration doesn't match the reserved actions. Or is the colouration only supposed to reflect reserved shots?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2019, 01:45:44 pm
Or is the colouration only supposed to reflect reserved shots?

I don't know.
It's not like we have a specification for that, it's not vanilla.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2019, 01:49:19 pm
I don't know.
It's not like we have a specification for that, it's not vanilla.
Yeah, but somebody designed and implemented that mechanic. Was the idea behind that mechanic to not take into account kneeling costs when you start out kneeling? Was it supposed to only apply to reserved shots? Because it's not a bug if it's working as intended.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ridаn on July 08, 2019, 02:07:42 pm
According to ufopedia it just accounts for being able to move and fire.
Never actually seen anyone use those buttons, especially kneeling one.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2019, 03:15:53 pm
According to ufopedia it just accounts for being able to move and fire.
Display path taken with colored arrows: green - can move and fire; yellow - can move; red - cannot move.
Move and fire it is, apparently. Says nothing about kneeling.

Never actually seen anyone use those buttons, especially kneeling one.
How many people have you watched, actually?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 08, 2019, 08:58:01 pm
I've seen it... But I doubt more than 5% of players actually use them. It's probably still too generous. ;)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: wolfreal on July 08, 2019, 09:10:10 pm
I stooped using it like four years ago. But before, I used them a lot.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2019, 09:13:53 pm
I see it with beginners quite a lot.

For experienced players, I strongly recommend not using any TU reserve, both kneel and shoot. You can do better on your own.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: tkzv on July 08, 2019, 09:33:51 pm
Or is the colouration only supposed to reflect reserved shots?
It does reflect TUs reserved for kneeling when the operative is standing.
I don't know.
It's not like we have a specification for that, it's not vanilla.
Recent vanilla behaves exactly the same.

And I use kneeling reserve constantly — to look around.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2019, 09:41:22 pm
Recent vanilla behaves exactly the same.

OpenXcom is not vanilla :)
I meant original from 1994.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on July 09, 2019, 01:37:12 am
I was under the impression that most people, especially veterans, used the TU reserve buttons. I use them frequently, usually to move several soldiers quickly without overspending their TUs. It's a great timesaver at times, but sometimes I turn it off because the amount I want to reserve isn't an available option.

While we're on the subject of the movement and indicators, I have noticed another bug quite a few times: When a soldier with 8-11 time units tries to walk through a closed door, they open the door (spending 4 time units) and then stop, giving you the error that they do not have enough time units to proceed. You have to issue the order a second time to get them through the door. I suspect that what's happening is the game deducts the 4 TUs for opening the door without going through it, then incorrectly tests for 8 time units remaining for going through a closed door. It may be failing to update the door's status on the time unit checker.

He's serious.
The feature though is completely redundant/irrelevant IMO, feels like it's done only because it can be done, no other reason.
But maybe it's just me...
That's X-Piratez's features in a nutshell. The mod uses features because they are available. I like it, because it's a one-stop shop for modding examples. X-Piratez plus the ruleset reference (fantastic work on the OXCE documentation btw) will get you enough info to type up almost any mod features short of scripts.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: N7Kopper on July 16, 2019, 09:06:20 pm
I was under the impression that most people, especially veterans, used the TU reserve buttons. I use them frequently, usually to move several soldiers quickly without overspending their TUs. It's a great timesaver at times, but sometimes I turn it off because the amount I want to reserve isn't an available option.
I would probably use them a lot more often if it wasn't for OCX's route indicators. Sure beats having to remember the exact TU costs for every type of terrain in the game, for both vanilla jogging and OCX sprinting and strafing. Also misclicks. Misclicks are the work of T'Leth.

While we're on the subject of the movement and indicators, I have noticed another bug quite a few times: When a soldier with 8-11 time units tries to walk through a closed door, they open the door (spending 4 time units) and then stop, giving you the error that they do not have enough time units to proceed. You have to issue the order a second time to get them through the door. I suspect that what's happening is the game deducts the 4 TUs for opening the door without going through it, then incorrectly tests for 8 time units remaining for going through a closed door. It may be failing to update the door's status on the time unit checker.
The route indicators aren't perfect, you usually still do have to eyeball things like getting up from a crouch and opening automatic doors. (Countless rookies have been spared horrible death from tactical suicide by the humble right click-to-strafe combo emulating real life breaching techniques.) Guess it's just like vanilla, given how you always had to factor in TU costs for turning when reserving for shots. It would make sense that the route indicator's displayed cost is what the game internally uses for checking if you have enough TUs to keep moving, as opposed to how many TUs you currently actually have.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: WiperX on July 21, 2019, 08:03:05 am
Hi Meridian! Could you move the mod menu like in Nightlies? Thanks :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 21, 2019, 09:32:36 am
Hi Meridian! Could you move the mod menu like in Nightlies? Thanks :)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: WiperX on July 21, 2019, 10:52:42 am
so it is more convenient, options separately, mods separately. But it's your choice of course.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: WiperX on July 30, 2019, 07:50:10 pm
Thx Meridian :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 03, 2019, 08:23:43 pm
New OXCE v5.6.1 is up.

 - Fixed mod loading order / corrupted options.cfg
   * if you have OXCE from between 2019-01-27 and 2019-08-02 it is highly recommended to upgrade
   * or at least check your options.cfg and make sure master mods (xcom1, xcom2, piratez, etc.) are on the top of the mod list
 - Spawn less aliens in base defense when UFO is damaged:,7150.0.html
 - Added new mana resource:,7241.0.html
 - Ability to destroy alien bases by research (once daily)
 - Ability to interrupt alien missions by research (once daily or after a mission):,7230.0.html
 - Refactor of vertical levels map generation and alternate terrain handling (by ohartenstein)
 - CTRL toggles No/Patrol button in ConfirmLanding UI
 - BREAKING CHANGE: negative sprite indices are now officially not supported
   * but you can now access sprites and sounds from other mods
 - Increased max number of avatars from 128 to 512
 - Some TechTreeViewer improvements
 - Revert "Bravery now can't decrease morale change below zero percent"
 - various bugfixes


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 04, 2019, 09:23:27 pm
Thanks for new version !
But big pb !  :-[


Nota ;
C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_Ex\standard\xcom2\Resources\UI\globe_tftd.png   exist !
902 octets - 27x3

New Game... create first base... named first base... ok... Boom !

Code: [Select]
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 5.6.1 (v2019-08-03)
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Platform: Windows 64 bit
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Data folder is:
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Data search is:
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] - C:/Users/Gabriel/Documents/OpenXcom/
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] - C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] User folder is: C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Config folder is: C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Options loaded successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] SDL initialized successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-04] [INFO] Attempted locale:
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Detected locale: C
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Attempting to set display to 1600x900x32...
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Display set to 1600x900x32.
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Loading data...
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/'...
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] Active mods:
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - xcom2 v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - centre_entrainement_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Angel_interceptor v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Moray_interceptor v1.01m
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - extra_pockets_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - gauss_sniper_grenade v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - new_flare_zrbite v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - scouts-drones v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - tenue_plongee v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Medailles_TFTD v2.2
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - static-smoke-tftd v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Advanced_Medical_TFTD v2.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - New_Torpedos_TFTD v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Knife_Weapon_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - extra_explosions v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Craft_Info_Armor v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-05] [INFO] - Sonic_Sniper_Weapon_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-06] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[04-08-2019_20-08-21] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[04-08-2019_20-08-21] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[04-08-2019_20-08-21] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[04-08-2019_20-08-21] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[04-08-2019_20-08-22] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-22] [INFO] Loading language...
[04-08-2019_20-08-22] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-22] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[04-08-2019_20-08-24] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[04-08-2019_20-08-24] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/'...
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] Loading data...
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/'...
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] Active mods:
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - xcom2 v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - centre_entrainement_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Angel_interceptor v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Moray_interceptor v1.01m
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - extra_pockets_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - gauss_sniper_grenade v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - new_flare_zrbite v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - scouts-drones v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - tenue_plongee v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Medailles_TFTD v2.2
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - static-smoke-tftd v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - UFOextender_Psionic_Line_Of_Fire_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Aliens_Pick_Up_Weapons_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Advanced_Medical_TFTD v2.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - New_Torpedos_TFTD v1.0m
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Knife_Weapon_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - extra_explosions v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Craft_Info_Armor v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - Sonic_Sniper_Weapon_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-41] [INFO] - XcomUtil_Statstrings_TFTD v1.0
[04-08-2019_20-08-42] [INFO] Loading rulesets...
[04-08-2019_20-08-58] [INFO] Loading fonts... Font.dat
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Lazy loading: 1
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Loading custom palettes from ruleset...
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Making palette backups...
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Data loaded successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Loading language...
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] Language loaded successfully.
[04-08-2019_20-08-59] [INFO] OpenXcom started successfully!
[04-08-2019_20-09-02] [INFO] Scanning standard mods in ''...
[04-08-2019_20-09-02] [INFO] Scanning user mods in 'C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/'...
[04-08-2019_20-09-13] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(Resources/UI/globe_tftd.png): requested file not found.
[04-08-2019_20-09-13] [ERROR] FileRecord::at(Resources/UI/globe_tftd.png): requested file not found.
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x585960 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x586ce0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x41c850 signalLogger(int)
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x918850 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5ec5b550 _C_specific_handler
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5ec6f6c0 _chkstk
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5ebdc460 RtlWalkFrameChain
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5ec6e6e0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x69b5c0 OpenXcom::Globe::polarToCart(double, double, short*, short*) const
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x69fd90 OpenXcom::Globe::drawMarkers()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x65d9a0 OpenXcom::Timer::think(OpenXcom::State*, OpenXcom::Surface*)
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x69b3f0 OpenXcom::Globe::think()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x657680 OpenXcom::State::think()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x69b170 OpenXcom::GeoscapeState::think()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x59eba0 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x41c8c0 SDL_main
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x91a360 console_main
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x91a480 WinMain
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] ??
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] ??
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5e294020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[04-08-2019_20-09-58] [FATAL] 0x7ffc5ec43670 RtlUserThreadStart
[04-08-2019_20-10-18] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Log file: C:/_GAMES/OpenXcom_Ex/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2019, 09:55:12 pm
I can start TFTD without problems; also create a base and continue.

Can you try a clean install without mods?
If it works, copy the mods into this new install folder.

If you can't make it work, just zip your entire game folder (the one that doesn't work) and upload it here, I'll check what's wrong.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: thisnameismeta on August 04, 2019, 10:14:38 pm
I saw that the automatic night vision mode was removed as an option. Just wanted to comment that playing xcom files I kinda miss it. I run all of my cultist missions as night missions when in early game without smoke grenades, and not having to remember to turn off personal lights or turn on night vision was super helpful. I don't mind the having to turn on night vision much, but having to remember to turn off personal lights has gotten more than a few agents killed for me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2019, 10:35:22 pm
I saw that the automatic night vision mode was removed as an option. Just wanted to comment that playing xcom files I kinda miss it. I run all of my cultist missions as night missions when in early game without smoke grenades, and not having to remember to turn off personal lights or turn on night vision was super helpful. I don't mind the having to turn on night vision much, but having to remember to turn off personal lights has gotten more than a few agents killed for me.

I'll think of something for the next version...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: thisnameismeta on August 04, 2019, 10:45:43 pm
Thanks Meridian, and sorry for not weighing in on the conversation earlier. I play xcom fairly infrequently anymore (basically only when a new version of xcom files or xpiratez comes out with features I'm super interested in), so I didn't notice the change until fairly recently, even though it was made almost half a year ago.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 04, 2019, 11:38:37 pm
I can start TFTD without problems; also create a base and continue.
After several attempts to start the game, it suddenly started working!  ???
I'll put him under surveillance!

A quick question about Mods: are "gif" files allowed with the latest OXCE version?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2019, 11:49:13 pm
A quick question about Mods: are "gif" files allowed with the latest OXCE version?

Short answer: yes

Long answer: The GIF file loading is not done directly by OpenXcom, it is done by SDL (a 3rd party library we are using), and even SDL is outsourcing some work to the operating system. On most platforms (e.g. Windows, Linux, Android), it works fine. On some platforms (e.g. MacOS) it doesn't. So, unless you're using Mac, you can use GIFs. If you are on Mac, the only safe bet is png.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 05, 2019, 12:09:59 am
Thank you for your answer.

By testing all the mods I have in this game I discovered a very strange thing...
The "Gaus Sniper" Mod was crashing when I wanted to watch the USOpedia!
I discovered that now we shouldn't make any case errors with folder paths.
I had in the Ruleset:  0: Resources/UFOPaedia/GAUSSSNIPERRIFLE.png
But the path was:   Resources/Ufopaedia/GAUSSSNIPERRIFLE.png

By fixing the case everything works!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 05, 2019, 02:22:18 pm
OXCE is throwing some errors in the log-file about invalid/obsolete starting condition attributes in one of my mods. Is there any way to get a more detailed overview concerning the actual line or entry that throws that error? Because as far as i can tell they should be working fine.

NVM, found&fixed the errors.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 08, 2019, 12:00:54 pm
Cross-Hair Cursor Now Allows Select Next Unit Hotkey!!

Thank You for this amazing feature! It wasn't in the April version. In the April version I had to right click with the mouse to make the cross-hair cursor disappear and only then could I select my next unit, IIRC. Now you have added the superb feature of the select next unit hotkey working flawlessly when I still have the cross-hair cursor active. It makes combat so much more streamlined!! Thank You!!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 08, 2019, 12:31:10 pm
Cross-Hair Cursor Now Allows Select Next Unit Hotkey!!

Thank You for this amazing feature! It wasn't in the April version. In the April version I had to right click with the mouse to make the cross-hair cursor disappear and only then could I select my next unit, IIRC. Now you have added the superb feature of the select next unit hotkey working flawlessly when I still have the cross-hair cursor active. It makes combat so much more streamlined!! Thank You!!

I have not added such a feature.

If you say something like that is now possible, it's most likely buggy and will have to be fixed/removed again.

EDIT: this came from OXC:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 09, 2019, 12:41:36 am
I could have sworn i read something about a new feature referencing content from other mods inside your own mod, but for the life of me i can't find that post. Am i misremembering this?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 09, 2019, 11:40:38 am
Panic Message PopUp Timeout:

Is there an INI variable that can be changed to reduce the on-screen time of panic message popups? "XY has Panicked / Gone Berserk"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 09, 2019, 08:41:52 pm
I could have sworn i read something about a new feature referencing content from other mods inside your own mod, but for the life of me i can't find that post. Am i misremembering this?

Panic Message PopUp Timeout:

Is there an INI variable that can be changed to reduce the on-screen time of panic message popups? "XY has Panicked / Gone Berserk"

No, it's hardcoded:

But you can press any key or any mouse button to close it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 10, 2019, 12:41:01 am (

No, it's hardcoded: (

But you can press any key or any mouse button to close it.

Thank You. I would change the code and place a PanicMessageDisplayTime  variable into  options.cfg.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 12:50:38 am
Ah yeah, only for sprites - that's the part i forgot. Thanks  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2019, 01:11:17 am
Ah yeah, only for sprites - that's the part i forgot. Thanks  :)

Well, everything else you could reference already before.
What do you have in mind?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 07:44:37 am
Well, everything else you could reference already before.
What do you have in mind?
The problem I currently have is that I have some submods for OXCF. One of them introduces new soldier types, among other things. These soldiers are supposed to use the same armor types as the regular ones. Right now I have to add armor defintions (i.e. which armors they are allowed to use, and the default armors for some special map/mission types) every time the mod introduces new armors.

If possible i'd prefer to re-use the existing armor definitions, but simply add my soldier type(s) to the list of units - i.e replace
Code: [Select]


Code: [Select]

Yes, i can do that manually on every release, but it's not what i'd call elegant. I either have to include all of the original armor definitions and search&replace the entries, or i can sift through the original definations and copy&paste the new ones into my own definition rul. Either way the mod needs to be updated by hand. If i had a way to reference the entries the mod would work work with new releases without having to be updated.

I'm not sure this is even possible using YAML.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2019, 10:19:52 am
There is no easy way for the game to know if you intend to replace list entries or only add to the list entries... so current modding system assumes you intend to replace.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 11:01:39 am
There is no easy way for the game to know if you intend to replace list entries or only add to the list entries... so current modding system assumes you intend to replace.
I'm not sure if i follow, but why would that be a problem?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2019, 11:59:21 am
Let's say vanilla research is:

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_PSI_AMP
      - STR_PSI_LAB

and your mod is:

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_PSI_AMP

How should the game know if you meant the final result to be:

Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_PSI_AMP


Code: [Select]
  - name: STR_PSI_AMP
      - STR_PSI_LAB
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 12:06:45 pm
Like i said in my initial post, i just want to replace the whole list. I don't necessarily need to 'add' the soldier type - i can simply replace the list with STR_SOLDIER + STR_CUSTOM_SOLDIER. That's not the problem i'm running into.

My question is how would go on referencing all entries containing STR_SOLDIER in the unit list without having to sort through them by hand every time a new armor gets added. And as far as i can tell that's not really trivial. What i want to do is copy all armor entries from one soldier/unit to another (or rather the other way around, seeing how armor is handled), without having to actually copy&paste all entries by hand. Something like "if this armor supports soldier_type_x, it should also support soldier_type_y".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2019, 12:32:28 pm
Like i said in my initial post, i just want to replace the whole list. I don't necessarily need to 'add' the soldier type - i can simply replace the list with STR_SOLDIER + STR_CUSTOM_SOLDIER. That's not the problem i'm running into.

You CAN simply replace one with another... what I am reading is that you don't want to do it simply... instead you want to do it with some supercomplicated logic so that the game does it AUTOMAGICALLY for you.

What i want to do is copy all armor entries from one soldier/unit to another (or rather the other way around, seeing how armor is handled), without having to actually copy&paste all entries by hand.

When you mod, everything existing is copypasted without you having to copypaste it.

Something like "if this armor supports soldier_type_x, it should also support soldier_type_y".

But that's not copypasting.
That's adding support for automated replacement of old values with new values based on your defined rules.
Nothing like that exists... especially not if you want it to be a global rule, i.e. not having to define a rule on each entity (e.g. on each armor or each soldier).

Even simpler example:
Rules like "change all weapons with power 50 to power 60" are NOT available.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: davide on August 10, 2019, 12:36:27 pm
There is no easy way for the game to know if you intend to replace list entries or only add to the list entries... so current modding system assumes you intend to replace.

There are others case of this behavior that must be maintained as default.

The wish is to add some contents to a huge master mod, as example I would like to add some variant of a battleship to Area51 mod:

Code: [Select]
    size: STR_VERY_LARGE
    sprite: 6
    damageMax: 3200
    speedMax: 5000
    radarRange: 1000
    accel: 6
    power: 148
    range: 65
    score: 700
    reload: 24
    breakOffTime: 4000
      name: UFO_160
        - BLANKS
        - U_EXT02
        - U_WALL02
        - U_PODS
        - U_BITS
        - name: UFO_160
          width: 30
          length: 30

I found in the forum  a mod with this rule:

Code: [Select]
    size: STR_VERY_LARGE
    sprite: 6
    damageMax: 3000
    speedMax: 5000
    accel: 6
    power: 140
    range: 65
    score: 700
    reload: 24
    breakOffTime: 4000
      name: UFO_160
        - BLANKS
        - U_EXT02
        - U_WALL02
        - U_PODS
        - U_BITS
        - UFOL83
        - name: UFO_BS1
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS2
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS3
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS4
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS5
          width: 30
          length: 30

If I add them as a sub mod  I "loose" the original and the objects attributes of the master mod.

I would love to do so:

Code: [Select]
         - UFOL83
        - name: UFO_BS1
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS2
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS3
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS4
          width: 30
          length: 30
        - name: UFO_BS5
          width: 30
          length: 30

It could be usefull for all objects with a list of map blocks, such as terrains.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 10, 2019, 12:43:02 pm
It could be usefull for all objects with a list of map blocks, such as terrains.

See attribute "addOnly":
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 01:00:42 pm
You CAN simply replace one with another... what I am reading is that you don't want to do it simply... instead you want to do it with some supercomplicated logic so that the game does it AUTOMAGICALLY for you.
To be fair, you asked me what i had in mind. I also wouldn't call it 'automagically' - what i'm looking for is a way to inherit armor types (or soldiers types).

When you mod, everything existing is copypasted without you having to copypaste it.

Yes, but in order to actually modify stuff i have to copy and paste it. There is no simple way to add a new soldier type that references existing soldier types in regards to what armor it is able to use. I have to replace each unit list of every armor that soldier type is supposed to use. Why can't we simply reference an existing soldier type? Something like

Code: [Select]
    armor: STR_SUIT_UC
    armorForAvatar: STR_SUIT_UC
    armorRef: STR_SOLDIER

And the game would allow that unit to use all armors that contain STR_SOLDIER in their unit list. But i guess that would fall under the 'global replace' rule?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 10, 2019, 01:37:33 pm
If you want some rule set have common part there is already tool for that: `refNode`

This allow you to define somewhere in yaml file some common part and then reuse it in other places:

Code: [Select]
   - &STR_LASER_RIFLE           # Let's mark laser rifle info with an anchor
     type: STR_LASER_RIFLE
     size: 0.2
     costSell: 36900
     weight: 8
 # a million other attributes...
     refNode: *STR_LASER_RIFLE  # First, let's inherit everything from the STR_LASER_RIFLE anchor.
     bigSprite: xxx             # And now let's give it a new sprite,
     accuracyAimed: 160         # increase aimed shot accuracy
     tuAuto: 0                  # and disable auto shot.

This is example from beginning of

In your case you could do:
Code: [Select]
    [all common stats...]

    refNode: *STR_SOLDIER_REF
    [all custom stats...]
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 01:50:02 pm
If you want some rule set have common part there is already tool for that: `refNode`
Yeah, i know abour refNode, but as far as i can tell it doesn't work across different ruleset (and by extension across mods), and it can't be used as a placeholder in lists (unless i am mistaken).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 10, 2019, 02:17:21 pm
This is true, this work because it depend on yaml node references. To have some more then we would need rewrite all code responsible for loading rulesets, possible but will take lot of time to do. This could complicate and slow down loading code if done incorrectly.

If lot of modders have same problem case like you then it worth fix in code. If only few then we only transferring work to others and this is ineffectual because there is more modders than programmers (only Meridain is working on OXCE "full" time).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 10, 2019, 02:34:08 pm
This is true, this work because it depend on yaml node references. To have some more then we would need rewrite all code responsible for loading rulesets, possible but will take lot of time to do. This could complicate and slow down loading code if done incorrectly.

If lot of modders have same problem case like you then it worth fix in code. If only few then we only transferring work to others and this is ineffectual because there is more modders than programmers (only Meridain is working on OXCE "full" time).
Yeah, i had a look at the YAML documentation beforehand and wasn't able to find anything along the lines of what i was looking for. I doubt that many others would have a need for this, seeing how this is basically for a submod.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: davide on August 10, 2019, 05:00:12 pm
See attribute "addOnly":

  :o :-[

thank you very much
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 11, 2019, 10:44:30 pm
Thanks for new version !
But big pb !  :-[


Nota ;
C:\_GAMES\OpenXcom_Ex\standard\xcom2\Resources\UI\globe_tftd.png   exist !
902 octets - 27x3

New Game... create first base... named first base... ok... Boom !

Found the issue.
Download new version at the usual place.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 12, 2019, 03:25:35 pm
Found the issue.
Download new version at the usual place.
Thank you very much !
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 12, 2019, 09:43:05 pm
Reverse the Throw Grenade vs.  Unprime grenade menu order?

Its very un-intuitive and counterproductive the current way. I want it the intuitive, natural  way:

Throw Grenade
Unprime grenade

Naturally in combat I want to throw the FRIGGIN' grenade really fast and I do NOT wish to FCKN BUMP into its deactivate menu.. right? 
Was it a Microsoft Engineer who coded this like placing the START button right beside the SHUTDOWN   so the computer can be shut down accidentally??? 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2019, 10:13:32 pm
I completely agree.
Whenever modders enable the unprime option, I disable it locally... it's easy, you can do it yourself.
Who would ever need to unprime a grenade, right?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 12, 2019, 10:51:25 pm
I completely agree.
Whenever modders enable the unprime option, I disable it locally... it's easy, you can do it yourself.
Who would ever need to unprime a grenade, right?
Good! How to disable this option?
I scoured the files for the string "unprime", but only found it in the yml and by every grenade.  There must be a central switch for this "feature" to be erased from existence?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2019, 10:58:28 pm
Good! How to disable this option?
I scoured the files for the string "unprime", but only found it in the yml and by every grenade.  There must be a central switch for this "feature" to be erased from existence?

Search and replace, takes a second.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 12, 2019, 11:14:51 pm
Search and replace, takes a second.

The order of the two menu items is defined somewhere specifically? 
Or you mean, just go to
and delete all
    unprimeActionName: STR_UNPRIME_GRENADE

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2019, 11:18:14 pm
I mean just delete
or replace with unprimeActionName: ""
or replace with #unprimeActionName: STR_UNPRIME_GRENADE
or replace with notWorking: STR_UNPRIME_GRENADE

or whatever kind of disable you prefer :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 12, 2019, 11:44:01 pm
Personally I like to have both (prime/unprime) for each grenade and explosive.  :)
I use it... sometimes.
So I went through the "items" file and added the missing lines.  ;)
Everyone has their own preferences!  8)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 12, 2019, 11:56:30 pm
I mean just delete
or replace with unprimeActionName: ""
or replace with #unprimeActionName: STR_UNPRIME_GRENADE
or replace with notWorking: STR_UNPRIME_GRENADE

or whatever kind of disable you prefer :)

Thank You! You made my grenadiers very happy!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 12, 2019, 11:57:03 pm
Personally I like to have both (prime/unprime) for each grenade and explosive.  :)
I use it... sometimes.
So I went through the "items" file and added the missing lines.  ;)
Everyone has their own preferences!  8)
Can you post a screenshot, how your grenade menu looks like now, after you did the mod?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: wolfreal on August 13, 2019, 05:50:40 pm
Hi. Very short (maybe kinda dumb) question.

How does the ToArmor: attribute works?

I understand that the difference between ToArmor and ToArmorPre is the moment when the damage to the armor is applied. But, I wanted to know if ToArmor can fail to do any damage to the armor.

I guess it is something like this.

Armor: 100
wDamage: 100
ToArmor: 0.1

if you roll 50%, 50, then you do no damage to the armor. But, if it is ToArmorPre, you do 5 damage to the armor
if wDamage is 150, you do 15 with ToArmorPre, and 5 with ToArmor.

It is correct?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 13, 2019, 06:17:19 pm
Can you post a screenshot, how your grenade menu looks like now, after you did the mod?
If you want....

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 13, 2019, 06:19:52 pm
It is correct?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 14, 2019, 09:47:01 am
This is for code check, if anything can be done:


The game was noticeably slowing down "almost to a crawl" that was impeding gameplay. Here is the fix I found:

There are too many checks in the probably unoptimized code for constantly - I mean every couple frames - to check the state of most equipment??!  WTH?? Lot of equipment lying on the floor of any craft is an FPS hog!

As a consequence:
You might notice during equipment loadout and on Battlescape your game has suddenly slowed down considerably.

To fix this:

While you are still on the base, press ALT+CTRL+X to clear all junk from your ship - Voilá! Instant SpeedUp - and then for the mission only pack the very few belongings you need: medipacks, grenades, maybe some ammo, but just a little heap!

As a result the game will be lightning fast again!!  I noticed this on a big map with many monsters & lots of units and smoke/fire explosions.  I thought it was my many units. No.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 14, 2019, 10:18:36 am
The code was optimised several times.

Don't take thousands of items with you on a mission.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 14, 2019, 10:26:58 am
The code was optimised several times.

Don't take thousands of items with you on a mission.
Okay. Makes sense. After all there is even a shortcut for it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 14, 2019, 10:32:21 am
List of Targets to Select in Line of Sight First

How difficult would be to code that if a soldier is facing "north" then the targets with the red rectangle icons would be list-ordered to be the first as well: [1], [2], [3], etc.. would mean targets towards the north, in the line of sight of the soldier. 

Currently my soldier is facing north and the red target select rectangle points to a target toward the south. If I press [1] => the camera centers on the target far behind my soldier and if I shoot then I'll hit my men behind me securing my back.

This would be some true Tactical Combat feature?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 14, 2019, 11:15:32 am
Currently my soldier is facing north and the red target select rectangle points to a target toward the south.

That should not be possible.
Red rectangle shows only enemies in the line of sight of the soldier.

Do you have a screenshot/save where this can be seen?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 14, 2019, 12:12:33 pm
That should not be possible.
Red rectangle shows only enemies in the line of sight of the soldier.

Do you have a screenshot/save where this can be seen?

This occurs to me frequently with many units. When I click on the red [1] an enemy is selected far in the back of my soldier.
Will supply save + screenshot soon.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on August 14, 2019, 03:59:53 pm
This sounds strange. Are you by any chance red/green colour blind? Because OXCE displays different target icons depending on which targets the selected unit can see.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Cristao on August 15, 2019, 05:19:25 pm
Is there a place I can find the special keys within OXCE

e.g. CTRL+H - lets me know what happened on hit

I am especially interested in knowing how to change armors at loadout and also how to check which soldiers havent gotten experience during battlescape.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 17, 2019, 11:50:56 pm
Is there a place I can find the special keys within OXCE

e.g. CTRL+H - lets me know what happened on hit,6424.0.html

Crtl+H to show the hit/miss log for the last "action". (This is not meant to tell you how much damage is being done, only if it's hitting / actually hurting the enemy)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on August 19, 2019, 04:09:10 pm
Last night Windows made a big update....
Since this morning no OpenXcom games have been running. XFiles/OXCE 5.6.1 / 2 !
I have a white screen!
Any ideas?
Tks !

Apparently I can no longer use OpenGL after this Windows update!
So I changed two lines in the Options.cfg file!
  useOpenGL: false
  useOpenGLShader: Shaders/Raw.OpenGL.shader

Everything's back to normal!
The update of Windows 10 had removed the drivers from my graphics card and it had replaced my drivers with a generic Microsoft driver.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 29, 2019, 10:12:26 am
Question to the creators:

Would you please attempt to estimate, how much money would you need to develop

Persistent Stormable Fortifications


Persistent = persists, if not defeated, just breached, command centre is not taken, but the attacking party is forced to leave. Or the attacking party only intends to gather some XP, so at game begin - like a Ratman Village in XPiratez or some low level Bandit Hideout, I land my forces at any such fortifications, fire a few shots, kill a couple enemies and when the going gets though - highest difficulty / ironman - I just leave. Leaving the fortification  in a "harassed" state.

The Persistent Fortification at this point becomes highlighted on the Geoscape, like a detected alien base.

Harassed Fortification = not beaten and regenerates SLOWLY, like in a month or two or three months max it will regenerate its soldiers numbers back to its original state PLUS a couple additions, like +soldiers, +weapons, etc.. Because next time they will be expecting us, but ONLY if they have fully regenerated!!!

Harassed + Wounded + Not Regenerated Fortification:
This is the goal of this feature: I continually harass a place/base and grind them down, kill a couple of their soldiers a couple times to reduce their number on multiple visits, while these repeatedly battered fortifications persist (until destroyed). So these places can be visited multiple times, like attacking Zenthil Keep in Pools of Darkness again and the soldiers always come out and shout:
- You won't beat us so easily!!

This feature would probably spawn many ideas, like Persistent Alien base, or in this case any fortification, Alien Citadel, Government High Rise Complex,  Secret Area-51 Compound,  Terrorist SuperHQ,  Cult Nexus, anything.

Notice please that BASE DEFENSE already is such a persistent fortification, since if the aliens storm my base and I beat them, I suffer casualties, certain of my rooms are destroyed, many of my soldiers die ==> my XCOM-force is weakened and we become a Harassed + Wounded / Battered + persistent fortification, until my base is destroyed ==>  aggressive alien retaliation

ONLY in the above case, it is the complete reverse! I want this BASE DEFENSE opportunity for the aliens too!  And I want any MISSION like in XPiratez or The XCOM Files, any location be generated with this persistence feature in mind.  In case anything goes wrong and I have to flee. Fleeing and planning revenge is the most important feature in tactical RPGs, I think, because they give the player strong emotions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 29, 2019, 10:23:46 am
Let's say a week at 40 CHF/hour.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on August 29, 2019, 10:35:50 am
Let's say a week at 40 CHF/hour.
Thank You! Considering an emotionally involved programmer - "This has become a personal matter!", etc.. -  maybe 10-14 hrs a day and bug fixing, another requested week or two, to polish and "just give it more love":
Seven 14 hrs workdays = 98 hrs = 40 * 98 CHF / week = ~3920 CHF per week.
Estimated polishing, any contingency during coding coming up, might mean plus 2 weeks  = 8000 CHF

Realistically if anything unexpected comes up and requires added engineering hours, probably 3 weeks of work worth about 12000 CHF

((Then of course later paying for (difficult) bugfixing + important related community requests that are really good ideas and are very worthy to implement, but need serious work hours.))

Okay. Very nice! I needed the amount money to think about and make plans.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 29, 2019, 11:41:39 am
I'm not an emotionally involved programmer, I work 8.5 hours a day (=42 hours a week). Working 14 hours a day only creates problems, no exceptions.

Also, I don't do this for money, my entire donation income from the last 5 years is 24 CHF (thanks to 2 generous donators).

Lastly, although being paid by time and material sounds really cool, I don't know if anybody actually does that.
In the last 15 years in the industry, I have seen only fixed price contracts... if you're ever in a situation that you need to outsource something, keep that in mind :)

All that being said, if you're a rich guy who can afford it, I would gladly do business with you.
Otherwise, your request will just end up on my todolist and may or may not happen sooner or later, or never. In this particular case probably later than sooner.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on August 30, 2019, 05:39:56 pm
How to enable full light (or increase it by steps) at dark maps when using debug mode? Can't find info in wiki.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 02, 2019, 03:32:20 pm
@Meridian, do you maintain some release notes for each OXCE release?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 02, 2019, 04:13:34 pm
@Meridian, do you maintain some release notes for each OXCE release?

Yes, each release is announced in this thread, together with release notes.

I seem to have forgotten the 5.6.2 tho... here goes:

New OXCE v5.6.2 is up.

 - Prevent overcrowding of crafts in starting base
 - Fixed CTD when going into MODS menu and not restarting the game
 - Fixed AI not using grenades in certain situations
 - "Save pre-primed grenades" user option now also applies to non-grenade items

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 03, 2019, 12:12:15 am
I'm trying to mod the Autolaser shoot sound, to lower its volume, but when I define

  - type: BATTLE.CAT
      11: Resources/Sounds/Autolaser.wav

Then the simple lasgun [its lesser brother] sound effect is played MIXED together with the autolaser.wav

WTF is happening here?


I have an idea: packing a new Let's see what happens..

Apparently when the game first loads the sounds into memory -it takes a long time and I should have to be able to reset the entire game so it loads everything again- , because now, upon subsequent starts, it just finds the old RAM addresses again, sounds that are still there in memory and loads everything together. Vanilla original and the new sounds.
So If I make a new sound it will be mixed with the sound position stored in RAM.     :D

No cigar!

Now these two sounds are being played mixed together: one from memory, one from the file.    ;D ;D ;D
0B   5F EF 01       43 27     laser shot
13   59 41 03       6C 34     laser/plasma hit
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 03, 2019, 10:48:42 am
1/ Which version of OXCE are you using exactly?
2/ Which mod are you trying to change? And which version exactly?
3/ Can you upload your mod? The one that's not working.

I have an idea: packing a new Let's see what happens..

Do not change original CAT files, it won't always work properly, as explained here:,7355.msg116263.html#msg116263

Then the simple lasgun [its lesser brother] sound effect is played MIXED together with the autolaser.wav

OpenXcom is not even theoretically capable of mixing two sounds into one, something else must be wrong.

Apparently when the game first loads the sounds into memory -it takes a long time and I should have to be able to reset the entire game so it loads everything again- , because now, upon subsequent starts, it just finds the old RAM addresses again, sounds that are still there in memory and loads everything together. Vanilla original and the new sounds.
So If I make a new sound it will be mixed with the sound position stored in RAM.     :D

When you quit and start the game again, it DOES load everything again. It's not even theoretically possible to "find old RAM addresses again". The reason why subsequent starts are quicker is because of the harddisk cache.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 03, 2019, 12:27:22 pm
I'm in a bandit cave.  Mistook playing back mixed sounds with the fact that, where I shot was a close rock wall and the game had to play the correct autolaser sound effect, but then the shot hit almost immediately and the game had to play to laser hit effect as well, giving the appearance that both sounds were played at once mixed together. Because they were. Correctly.

On normal missions - with open, wide spaces - the autolaser sounded correctly  - too loud -  .. .. .. then  its "hit-object" sound played out, to which I paid no attention, since the volume level of that one was okay.    ;D

All right. So lets try this one again..

Okay, it works with the extrasounds method.  Now:  onto what I wanted to do originally:
1. mastering this autolaser shooting sound effect to make it amazing and
2. giving you new effects, for exotic, hand-held, mega-blaster-lasers!  :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 18, 2019, 12:03:21 pm
My day-time job deals a lot with "minefield" questions, so it came "naturally" at the time of posting (yes, I'm at work ATM).  :)

As per situations. I'm playing Piratez at the moment and my interaction comes from OXCE+ and the mod. I see a pull down menu on the top left that allows the filtering of items based on all sort of categories.  I see also pull down menus on the craft inventory screen, like the one that says "equipped", where one can "top-off" items as needed. A similar feature may come useful for bases.

My intended use is for example, if I have assigned certain satellite bases to store each different class of items, like one base for craft parts, another for raw materials, another for surplus weapons, etc. Then after a mission where my local storage is overflow, or any other time, I can dispatch the excess to each of the corresponding bases. The ability to filter and show only items existing at the destination (from the pull down menu, for example), would come very handy.

I guess this may not be an issue for other mods, but for Piratez and its hundreds of different items, this would easy the pain a bit  :)

Added, see screenshot.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 18, 2019, 12:16:18 pm
While we're at it, may I request a global variable to make grav shields stack?

Code: [Select]
    gravStacking: true

It won't significantly increase base defense power in most setups, but may allow you to slightly reduce the number of facilities used. Such as: 1 grav shield and 5 fusion defense = 10x fusion defense for 6 facility space. But 2 grav shield and 3 fusion defense = 9x fusion defense for 5 facility space.

On the other hand, mods like Tech-Comm might implement using large fractions of your base for defense, and trying to calculate how many grav shields vs defenses gives you the best ratio.

Grav shields stack in OpenXcom since early 2013.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on September 18, 2019, 04:42:43 pm
Added, see screenshot.

Thank you!

Not to abuse Meridian's kindness, but I have another request (previously asked) :) :
  - An option for transfer the loot after a battle (like the sell button but for transfer).

Currently this screen is triggered only when there is no room at the craft's original base. I don't know if the game code would allow that feature to work with the existing "sell" mechanic. I can see myself selling the loot and transfer the rest for some missions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ninawindia on September 20, 2019, 06:27:21 pm
Okay, so, after downloading and updating to the latest Android app I keep getting crashes now. I'm still using the same version of the steam version and everything, nothing should have changed. Unless it requires TFTD now? Or something? How in the world did I break this. ~.~
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2019, 06:37:27 pm
Okay, so, after downloading and updating to the latest Android app I keep getting crashes now. I'm still using the same version of the steam version and everything, nothing should have changed. Unless it requires TFTD now? Or something? How in the world did I break this. ~.~

No, it doesn't need TFTD.

Can you try with this UFO data and let me know if it helped? <link removed>
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2019, 06:43:34 pm
Not to abuse Meridian's kindness, but I have another request (previously asked) :) :
  - An option for transfer the loot after a battle (like the sell button but for transfer).

Currently this screen is triggered only when there is no room at the craft's original base. I don't know if the game code would allow that feature to work with the existing "sell" mechanic. I can see myself selling the loot and transfer the rest for some missions.

Don't edit your posts if you want me to see what you write... I found this only by accident.

I don't mind double posting, you can post even 100x times in a row in my thread if you want.

Btw. the request is on the todo list... it's just not easy to implement... it will take some time until I convince myself to look at it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ninawindia on September 20, 2019, 07:01:28 pm
No, it doesn't need TFTD.

Can you try with this UFO data and let me know if it helped? <link removed>

No go, sadly, thanks for that suggestion though! I wonder what happened between updates.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2019, 07:15:04 pm
No go, sadly, thanks for that suggestion though! I wonder what happened between updates.

Try uninstalling the old OXCE.
And delete everything except UFO directory... including options.cfg, standard directory, common directory, mods directory.
Then install fresh.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ninawindia on September 20, 2019, 07:32:32 pm
thank you! The deletion of everything except for the ufo file and reinstalling worked for now it seems. Hopefully won't break adding pirates! thank you, again! <3
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 22, 2019, 11:08:57 pm
Not to abuse Meridian's kindness, but I have another request (previously asked) :) :
  - An option for transfer the loot after a battle (like the sell button but for transfer).

It was easier than I originally expected (famous last words).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on September 27, 2019, 10:59:41 pm
After around 4 years my script are finally capable to:
Code: [Select]
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!
[27-09-2019_21-56-19]   [DEBUG] Script debug log at     0x1a: Hello World!

Code: [Select]
        debug_log "Hello World!";

This will allow in long run changing text in UI based on special conditions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on September 28, 2019, 04:15:40 pm
Where can i find actual validator for VSCode? Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on September 28, 2019, 04:26:46 pm
Where can i find actual validator for VSCode? Thanks.,6552.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on September 28, 2019, 05:50:11 pm
Ah, it was updated. Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: toonlink3181 on October 10, 2019, 02:26:45 am
How do you show accuracy in this, like x-piratez does?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 10, 2019, 09:47:37 am
How do you show accuracy in this, like x-piratez does?

X-piratez shows the accuracy same way as this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 13, 2019, 11:15:36 am
New OXCE v6.0 is up.

 - Added Korean language
 - Added scripts to soldier bonuses
 - Support for one-time geoscape events:,7215.msg117828.html#msg117828
 - Support for multiple game endings:,7476.0.html
 - Soldier transformations: random stat improvements (within a range):,7196.msg117768.html#msg117768
 - Soldier transformations: reroll individual stats:,7196.msg117767.html#msg117767
 - Soldier transformation into an item (sacrifice, specialist to build a facility, etc.):,7196.msg117767.html#msg117767
 - Checking research requirements on craft weapon clips:,7316.0.html
 - Commendations can be prerequisites for soldier transformations:,7405.msg117870.html#msg117870
 - "manaPool" keyword for soldier stat strings
 - Minimum soldier rank requirement for a soldier transformation:,7405.msg117870.html#msg117870
 - Infinite production can be changed to maximum possible production using a left-click on the "down arrow"
 - Mission/Arc/Event script funds triggers:,7215.msg116973.html#msg116973
 - Resize Ufopedia to fit all category buttons if possible
 - Configurable TUs when waking up at the beginning of a new turn (global parameter 'tuRecoveryWakeUpNewTurn')
 - Mana recovery via medikit (item parameter 'manaRecovery')
 - "Stunning improves morale" mod option (global parameter 'stunningImprovesMorale')
 - Flag for hidden Commendations pedia articles (ufopaedia article parameter 'hiddenCommendation')

 - Support for elevated UFOs
 - Allowed negative mana recovery per day
 - One random item vs all items in RuleEvent (event parameter 'randomItem')
 - Allowed transfers in the Debriefing
 - Allowed multiple sales in the Debriefing
 - Unhardcoded most of GUI backgrounds (interface parameter 'backgroundImage')
 - Mission/Arc/Event script score triggers:,7215.msg116973.html#msg116973
 - Mission/Arc/Event script item triggers:,7096.msg116970.html#msg116970
 - "Items at destination" filter for base transfers
 - Operation name generator:,6420.0.html
 - Base name generator:,7376.0.html
 - Random ambient sounds:,6647.0.html
 - Soldier bonuses (from transformations and commendations):,7405.0.html
 - More zombie types:,7404.0.html
 - Added support for underwater weapon vapor clouds for UFO-based hybrid mods:,7390.msg116775.html#msg116775
 - Added Geoscape event scripts:,7215.msg116753.html#msg116753
 - Added "Auto update" user option

 - Added mission abort penalty (alien deployment parameter 'abortPenalty')
 - Added support for fake underwater xcom bases:,11065.0.html
 - Added starting conditions by globe texture:,11064.0.html
 - Added fake underwater globe textures support:,11063.0.html
 - Added "Auto Night Vision threshold" user option
 - Removed "Highlight new topics" user option
 - Added "Sell All But One" hotkey ("Z" by default)
 - Added death sounds by armor and gender:,7371.msg116561.html#msg116561
 - Added unit response sounds (by soldier/unit, armor, gender or name):,7371.0.html
 - Before a battle starts the turn number is zero for Y-scripts (instead of 1)
 - Added UFO detection Y-scripts
 - Added "Raw screenshots" user option (hidden)
 - Smoother globe shadows
 - Fixed inventory drawing performance issue
 - Fixed TFTD resources loading performance issue
 - various bugfixes
 - c++17 support required for compilation


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html

Updated ruleset reference: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on October 13, 2019, 10:58:42 pm
Staggering (in a good way)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2019, 12:38:11 pm
New OXCE v6.1 is up.

 - Soldier sorting includes stat bonuses now
 - Ability to use globe texture/terrain in mapScripts:,7536.0.html
 - Fixed rounding in polynomial formula calculations for stats (nearest integer as before)
 - Fix/Prevent invalid/negative escape countdown (UFOs with short break off time never broke off on higher difficulties)
 - Ability to specify precise item position within the default inv slot:,4187.msg118725.html#msg118725
 - Speed up chain terrain explosions
 - Consider 'explosionSpeed' also for AOE explosions:,7509.msg118724.html#msg118724
 - More item lists for geoscape events + custom music:,7215.msg118723.html#msg118723
 - Unit stats cannot go into minus
 - Improved staff salaries & item maintenance:,4774.msg118449.html#msg118449
 - Inventory stats improvements:,7515.0.html
 - Equipment filter improvement: for firearms, check the ammo category too (if present onboard)
 - Civilian spawn node types:,6477.0.html
 - Reroll mana pool stat on save upgrades
 - Soldier bonuses for pilots
 - Statistical (bullet) saving now works on consumable medikits too
 - It's possible to move an item with negative size into an overfull base
 - "We can now..." UIs consider also bonus research (getOneFree):,6551.0.html
 - various bugfixes


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html

Updated ruleset reference: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 02, 2019, 06:35:06 pm
New OXCE v6.1.1 is up.

 - Fixed rounding in stat calculations

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: StahnAileron on November 07, 2019, 06:46:42 am
So, I'm super late to the party. (I stuck with stable OpenXcom for a while way back; found Nightlies had better features and switch over a couple years ago; just now realized OCXE is a thing.) So forgive me if the following question is already answered elsewhere:

I JUST got OXCE to try out (so I'm on the newest version; update checker agrees) and noticed that interception is not predictive like in the Nightlies. I checked for the setting and realize it's completely gone. (Re-checked in Nightlies to make sure I was looking in the correct spot.) Was support for predictive interception trajectories dropped?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 07, 2019, 07:05:04 am
Was support for predictive interception trajectories dropped?

Yes, the feature is very buggy... and I don't like bugs, so I removed it completely.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: StahnAileron on November 07, 2019, 07:23:17 pm
Yes, the feature is very buggy... and I don't like bugs, so I removed it completely.
Ah. I think I know what you mean. (I've seen the feature do some odd or questionable things before. Though it worked for me more often than not.)

Any plans to re-implement it in a non-buggy way, or is it just one of those things that would be hard to get right given the circumstances or is more involved than a player would think? (I know it can be an time-consuming art to make something actually stupidly complex under the hood look seamless and effortless to a user. That, and users tend not to think about the effort put into programming.)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 07, 2019, 07:46:48 pm
Any plans to re-implement it in a non-buggy way... ?

SupSuper has done at least a dozen of fixes in the nightlies... but with little to zero improvement IMO.
I think the feature is beyond repair.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on November 08, 2019, 10:44:13 pm
Getting this error (see attachment). I think it's due to the fact that negative indexes for bigobs are now invalid.
I can't seem to find the thread/post (by yankes iirc) which explained the fix.
For example the spitter in question uses:
bigSprite: -2
What index should I use to get the same graphics? I'll run a find/replace and fix all of them

edit: found it
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 08, 2019, 10:51:54 pm
Getting this error (see attachment). I think it's due to the fact that negative indexes for bigobs are now invalid.
I can't seem to find the thread/post (by yankes iirc) which explained the fix.
For example the spitter in question uses:
bigSprite: -2
What index should I use to get the same graphics? I'll run a find/replace and fix all of them.

Just copy the graphics into your mod and use a normal positive index like for any other bigobs you've added before.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on November 08, 2019, 11:02:55 pm

Just copy the graphics into your mod and use a normal positive index like for any other bigobs you've added before.
Thanks. I wasn't using those indexes (my mod starts from 99 onward) so I simply used them:
bigSprite: -2 ---> bigSprite: 60
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 08, 2019, 11:05:42 pm
Thanks. I wasn't using those indexes (my mod starts from 99 onward) so I simply used them:
bigSprite: -2 ---> bigSprite: 60

And does it work?
I'm pretty sure it doesn't (unless you defined bigsprite 60 in your mod too).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on November 08, 2019, 11:11:17 pm
Still haven't tested, but it does say:
If you were using these bigobs in your mod, you have 2 options how to fix it:
What I get from this is that I should use the other fixes only if I have those indexes already occupied.

Tested: lol nope it doesn't work
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 08, 2019, 11:18:39 pm
What I get from this is that I should use the other fixes only if I have those indexes already occupied.

No, that's not what it says :(

It says that if you had a negative index used anywhere, it will stop working (in 100% of cases) and you will need to fix it in one of the 2 provided ways.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 21, 2019, 08:20:39 am
When trying to update OXCE version received:

Code: [Select]
Error for 'STR_TANK_CANNON_ALLOY': offset '9106' exceeds mod size limit 1000 in set 'BIGOBS.PCK'
Can get around, expand at least to 10,000, or completely remove this restriction?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 21, 2019, 10:15:31 am
Can get around, expand at least to 10,000, or completely remove this restriction?

The restriction is there to prevent conflicts between mods, save memory and to improve performance.

I recommend to use smaller indices before you start using bigger ones.

If you are already using most of the indices below 1000, you can tell OpenXcom to reserve more memory for your mod in the metadata.yml file. Example:

Code: [Select]
name: "X-Com Files"
version: "1.0.2"
requiredExtendedVersion: "6.1.1"
author: "Solarius Scorch"
description: "snip"
id: x-com-files
master: xcom1
reservedSpace: 2        # this reserves 2,000 indices in the memory... if you want to reserve 10,000 indices you can write reservedSpace: 10
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 21, 2019, 11:05:16 am
If you are already using most of the indices below 1000, you can tell OpenXcom to reserve more memory for your mod in the metadata.yml file. Example:

Thank you very much. Now everything works.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on November 21, 2019, 10:02:24 pm
I see there are several options to define psi devices/weapons. Can the AI use them or is it always going to fallback on the ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 22, 2019, 12:04:49 am
I see there are several options to define psi devices/weapons. Can the AI use them or is it always going to fallback on the ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON ?

AI can use other weapons too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on November 23, 2019, 12:32:03 am
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_PSICLONE
    size: 0.1
    costSell: 63000
    weight: 5
    bigSprite: 456
    floorSprite: 456
    handSprite: 456
    hitAnimation: 96
    psiAnimation: 96
    hitSound: 36
    psiSound: 96
    battleType: 9
    twoHanded: false
    invWidth: 1
    invHeight: 2
    accuracyMultiplier:  # but what is the base accuracy? if they're multipliers and base accuracy is 0, then 0*x=0
      psiSkill: 0.5
      flatHundred: 0.5
    tuUse: 25
    tuMindControl: 0  # diables mind control
    tuPanic: 25
    flatRate: true
    recoveryPoints: 8
    armor: 15
    attraction: 1
    psiRequired: false
    #aimRange: 1  # what about this, can dropoff work without it...?
    dropoff: 1  # does this reduce the accuracy over distance of mind control and panic too, or only the stun attack???
                     # what i'm trying to achieve is the chance of panic success to decrease with distance
    psiAttackName: STR_STUN_UNIT
    damageType: 6  # stun
    power: 50
    powerRangeReduction: 1
      psiStrength: 0.5
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0
      FixRadius: 0
      RandomType: 2
      IgnoreDirection: true
    LOSRequired: false

This seems to work. If I assign it to an unit with psiSkill=0, will the unit use this?
(Also I have lot's of doubts about how this all works...  :-[)

Maybe I should ass these in there:
Code: [Select]
    accuracyPanic: 60
    accuracyMindControl: 0
    accuracyUse: 50  # how does this accuracy work? I want the attack to always hit, like a psi attack
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 27, 2019, 04:59:03 pm
Meridian please tell us how "mindPower" (facilities) works? The search provides links only to your presentations without any explanation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 27, 2019, 05:17:19 pm
Meridian please tell us how "mindPower" (facilities) works? The search provides links only to your presentations without any explanation.

Vanilla mind shield facility has a mind power of 1.
If you build 2 mind shield facilities in vanilla, they have together a mind power of 2.

In OXCE, instead of building 3 mind shields with power 1, you could also build just 1 mind shield with power 3... both would have the same effect.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 27, 2019, 05:34:23 pm
Vanilla mind shield facility has a mind power of 1.
If you build 2 mind shield facilities in vanilla, they have together a mind power of 2.

In OXCE, instead of building 3 mind shields with power 1, you could also build just 1 mind shield with power 3... both would have the same effect.

Oh, if I knew before ... Thanks for the answer. I think that for this parameter it is worth giving a more detailed description in the "ruleset reference", so that more questions would not arise. It says - "The power of the mind shield provided by this facility.", which misled me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on November 29, 2019, 12:45:49 am
Is it doable to make a code addition to let modder define UFO in alienDeployment, and then transfer this info to map generation? As for now for many thinks like Cult houses in XCF we need to define the whole mapscript for such deployment - to add specific ufo into mapscript. There is a lot of copypasting because of it. And it does not let me use terrain-specific mapscripts with such a deployment, where is a need to define a ufo. That multiply copypasting to the near-impossible limit.

UPD: looks like there are some ways (,7631.0.html) =)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 29, 2019, 08:50:38 pm
New OXCE v6.2 is up.

 - BREAKING CHANGE: Option for extended running behavior:,7623.0.html
 - BREAKING CHANGE: Option for extended weapon reload cost:,7613.0.html
 - Weapon/ammo category "sharing":,7632.0.html
 - Medikit targets:,7633.0.html
 - EXPERIMENTAL: Options>Folders GUI
 - Mod startup check: Manufacturing time must be greater than zero
 - Unhardcoded alien inventory offsets: see 'alienInventoryOffsetX' and 'alienInventoryOffsetBigUnit'
 - Don't load custom mods from the "standard" folder
 - A few more hotkeys:,7561.0.html
 - Consider monthly performance bonus during arc/mission/event scripts
 - Fix grenade timer during civilian missions
 - various bugfixes


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html (,6552.0.html)

Updated ruleset reference: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on December 01, 2019, 10:07:05 pm
how to define damage types?
should i just add the extra modifiers to all the armors? but then how to name them?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 01, 2019, 10:44:46 pm
You don't have to change all armors, if you don't define anything it will be considered 100%.

Code: [Select]
  STR_DAMAGE_10: "10"
  STR_DAMAGE_11: "11"
  STR_DAMAGE_12: "12"
  STR_DAMAGE_13: "13"
  STR_DAMAGE_14: "14"
  STR_DAMAGE_15: "15"
  STR_DAMAGE_16: "16"
  STR_DAMAGE_17: "17"
  STR_DAMAGE_18: "18"
  STR_DAMAGE_19: "19"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 14, 2019, 01:05:45 am
Tell me, does the option that changes the order of loading units into ships exist?

Still continue to disappear 2x2 soldiers on some ships. And all because they are loaded after loading HWP. With 1x1 HWP and 2x2 soldiers, need a different loading algorithm.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 14, 2019, 10:11:38 am
Loading order is:
1. HWPs
2. 2x2 soldiers
3. 1x1 soldiers
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 14, 2019, 10:20:59 am
Loading order is:
1. HWPs
2. 2x2 soldiers
3. 1x1 soldiers

Yes I know. It is in this that's the problem.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on December 14, 2019, 11:15:21 am
How about turning it into:
2x2 HWPs
2x2 Soldiers
1x1 HWPs
1x1 Soldiers
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 14, 2019, 11:18:18 am
What a brilliant idea.
I would never think of that.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 14, 2019, 01:10:01 pm
Apparently this is very difficult to implement. I, in turn, found a temporary solution - adding additional spawn cells. True, it looks monstrous when the tank is respawn on the roof of the ship.  :D I'd like to hope that this measure is really temporary.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on December 15, 2019, 09:11:06 am
Apparently this is very difficult to implement. I, in turn, found a temporary solution - adding additional spawn cells. True, it looks monstrous when the tank is respawn on the roof of the ship.  :D I'd like to hope that this measure is really temporary.

If you send me a pm with your craft map and load order, I can send you back an optimized version that should work for your needs without making significant changes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 15, 2019, 10:59:13 am
If you send me a pm with your craft map and load order, I can send you back an optimized version that should work for your needs without making significant changes.

Thank you for the offer, but I already did everything myself. On some ships (such as Sentinel, Tactical Lightning), in the with the current loading system, a vanishing tank has nowhere to go. Only on the roof.
Title: Re: OpenXcom Extended (OXCE) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 15, 2019, 06:32:16 pm
Yes I can. And ".log" in the appendage. Strangely, a lot of things have been written in ".log", but everything works exactly as intended. And about the sound is nothing.

Issue found and fixed (hopefully).

Thanks goes to Stoddard.

I'd like to hope that this measure is really temporary.

Load order changed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 15, 2019, 09:46:03 pm
Meridian, thanks to you and Stoddard. Waiting for updates.  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on December 16, 2019, 03:19:02 pm
I bet i saw somewhere something about shot vapor in ufo1. A weak ago or like that. But now i can not find it. Is it possible?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 16, 2019, 03:36:36 pm
I bet i saw somewhere something about shot vapor in ufo1. A weak ago or like that. But now i can not find it. Is it possible?,7390.msg116775.html#msg116775
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on December 16, 2019, 05:22:12 pm
Many thanks.

Also, looks like a bug:
I am testing growing alien bases, and i see this situation:
1. aliens landing for base building.
2. ranger fly near landed b-ship for search base location.
3. base found, but not near ranger. It can be in thousand of kilometers, but founded by ranger, patrolling near UFO.

upd: here is minimod for testing.

Upd. 2:,7390.msg116775.html#msg116775
And on depth level = 0 no vapor possible?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 16, 2019, 07:52:18 pm
Also, looks like a bug:
I am testing growing alien bases, and i see this situation:
1. aliens landing for base building.
2. ranger fly near landed b-ship for search base location.
3. base found, but not near ranger. It can be in thousand of kilometers, but founded by ranger, patrolling near UFO.

and which part of this is the bug?

If you mean that the base is not built where the UFO lands... that's normal... bases are never built where UFO lands.
Bases are built already when the UFO spawns (not when it lands)... and they are built in a random place defined by the "spawnZone" areas of the alien mission.

Upd. 2:And on depth level = 0 no vapor possible?

Not at the moment.
That would break TFTD.
But I can probably make it optional, if you want it... what's the intended use case?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on December 17, 2019, 05:32:27 am
Bug is, that ranger patrols in area of ufo landing, and alien base became visible far far away from there. like patrol in Spain and base in Norwegian.
And it is not coincidence, if no ranger patrolling - no base found.

About vapor - because beams was not supported by community, i wanted to create "smoke shot" for some unusual weapons.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 18, 2019, 06:45:09 pm
Bug is, that ranger patrols in area of ufo landing, and alien base became visible far far away from there. like patrol in Spain and base in Norwegian.
And it is not coincidence, if no ranger patrolling - no base found.

What is the sight range of the ranger?
Default is 1696 (about as much as displayed on the screenshot)... which is enough to spot a south norwegian base from central spain :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on December 18, 2019, 07:14:08 pm
 Default is 1696???
Gosh... Twenty times more than i expected.
Ok, my fault. Sorry.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 24, 2019, 09:41:46 am
We all know that downed UFOs explode power units. And where is it regulated and what determines the strength of their explosion? And is it somehow regulated?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 24, 2019, 10:07:44 am
We all know that downed UFOs explode power units. And where is it regulated

in the source code

and what determines the strength of their explosion?

RNG (180-250, HE)

And is it somehow regulated?

in the source code
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 24, 2019, 10:43:22 am
RNG (180-250, HE)

Can this be taken out into an adjustable global option?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 24, 2019, 10:49:00 am
what's wrong with it?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 24, 2019, 12:21:10 pm
Just want more control over the game. For example, the spread of damage is more to do, the type of damage is changed, the probability of an explosion for each UFO is different, and so on. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on December 24, 2019, 02:09:47 pm
Would be nice to be able to set explosion (with custom parameters like power) to a given specialType (in terrain), not just Power Sources.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 27, 2019, 07:55:00 pm
I don’t remember where I read it, but there was information that the interruptPercentage "alienMissions" also works on landing UFOs when you them ground assault. Is this true, or is there an additional termination parameter after ground assault?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 27, 2019, 09:16:32 pm
I don’t remember where I read it, but there was information that the interruptPercentage "alienMissions" also works on landing UFOs when you them ground assault. Is this true, or is there an additional termination parameter after ground assault?

Yes, it is true:,6461.msg102052.html#msg102052
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 27, 2019, 09:56:21 pm
Understood, thanks. Just have a situation where interrupt the construction of alien bases are not favorable, and the ship "delicious" landed. Have to let go.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on December 29, 2019, 01:19:03 am
Understood, thanks. Just have a situation where interrupt the construction of alien bases are not favorable, and the ship "delicious" landed. Have to let go.

There's a way to get virtually any outcome you want.

A.) Alien base never fails to be built
 - METHOD: don't use interruption on Alien Base or Alien Infiltration mission

B.) Countries can be prevented from leaving the project, but alien bases still get built
 - METHOD 1: increase weights for Alien Base mission (make non-interruptible), decrease weights for Alien Infiltration mission (make interruptible)
 - METHOD 2: allow countries to rejoin when base is destroyed
 - METHOD 3 (ADVANCED): edit Alien Infiltration mission to change the base that it builds or make it not even build a base at all

C.) Infiltration is interrupted by shooting the craft down, but not by taking them on land
 - METHOD: Add a wave of three UFOs after the final craft, on a timer of perhaps 60 (try different values and see). You want the final UFO to spawn on the globe around the same time as the big UFOs start landing. (My mod has the timer at 240 which has been well-timed to make the base appear during and towards the end of the landing event.)

PM me if you want more details on how to do one of these, or if you have a different functionality goal.

edit: I tested some timers and I think 60 is fairly good for the final 3 ships. That means you get about 3 hours from appearance of the Battleship until the base is built and the infiltration is completed. Time variation can be anywhere from 1.5 to 4.5 hours but will tend toward the center. In my run, the battleship took ~3.5 hours to land, and other ships were already landing by the time it arrived.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on December 30, 2019, 03:28:13 pm
It is unclear for me what is the difference between OXC and OXCE(+).

I could not find any documentation about it. Even wikipedia does not have an entry about OXCE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2019, 03:50:02 pm
It is unclear for me what is the difference between OXC and OXCE(+).

I could not find any documentation about it. Even wikipedia does not have an entry about OXCE.

Check sticky topics on this subforum then.

For example,5251.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 30, 2019, 09:57:31 pm
New OXCE v6.3 is up.

 - Research/Manufacture UI QoL (mouse wheel up/down +/-1, with ctrl +/-10)
 - Different starting base per difficulty level:
 - Ability to hide missions in New Battle mode:,7685.0.html
 - Stats for nerds -- craft weapons
 - Don't hide other radar circles when showing craft range
 - Check alien containment after reload (shame on you autosave cheaters!)
 - Direct Craft UI access from Intercept UI (right-click)
 - New hit log (ctrl+alt+H)
 - Changed soldier/HWP load order (2x2 hwps, 2x2 soldiers, 1x1 hwps, 1x1 soldiers)
 - Memorial quick filter
 - Stack items given by a geoscape event together (+new multi-item attribute):,7215.msg118723.html#msg118723
 - Configurable medikit action name ('medikitActionName')
 - Some improvements for summoned friendly units (inventory handling)
 - Support for spawning alien bases on technical globe regions
 - UFO hunt alert sound ('huntAlertSound')
 - Weapon/ammo category "sharing" is now optional ('shareAmmoCategories')
 - Custom UFO for dummy/blank 'addUFO' mapscript command (by Finnik):,7631.0.html
 - Battlescape rendering performance improvements
 - various bugfixes


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html

Updated ruleset reference: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on December 31, 2019, 06:07:17 am
Thank you Meridian for version 6.3. I'm about to test it with XCF v 1.1.2.

By the way, any clue on when my antivirus program (Symantec) would stop complaining about the file being too new?
Unfortunately, I can't control the AV settings too much while I use my work laptop at home  :)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 31, 2019, 09:31:17 am
Meridian, thanks so much for the update.
By the way, are the mods in the "standard" folder really needed? Does anyone use them? Those who update OXCE already have everything, and if not, they can be taken from the OpenXcom client if they are needed. Maybe should remove them from the OXCE archive?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 31, 2019, 10:11:44 am
Meridian, thanks so much for the update.
By the way, are the mods in the "standard" folder really needed? Does anyone use them? Those who update OXCE already have everything, and if not, they can be taken from the OpenXcom client if they are needed. Maybe should remove them from the OXCE archive?

They cannot be taken from OpenXcom, they are incompatible.

OXCE makes updates to language files, interface files, resources, etc.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 01, 2020, 07:09:17 pm
New OXCE v6.3.1 is up.

 - Fix cancel new base CTD (by Hardcode84) (>1 year old)
 - Fix "Dont reselect unit" CTD (7 months old)
 - critical: Fix hit log CTD (1 week old)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 04, 2020, 06:54:08 pm
New OXCE v6.3.2 is up.

 - critical: Fixed unit drawing bug (mostly TFTD crashes)
 - Increased max craft weapon types per slot from 4 to 8
 - Show more info in Options > Folders

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 05, 2020, 06:44:26 pm
New OXCE v6.3.3 is up.

 - more fixes

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 09, 2020, 08:26:03 am
Meridian,  is it possible to change the color of the radar circles?

And yes, when passing under units hanging one level higher - they are visible during movement. It looks monstrous, although no errors are recorded. I don't expect I'll be able to clearly explain not knowing the language, but... Just try walking under the hovertank.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 09, 2020, 10:26:59 am
Meridian,  is it possible to change the color of the radar circles?

There is no radar circle color.
Color of each pixel is calculated separately using complicated logic (considering land/ocean, current time of the day, original pixel color, etc.)

And yes, when passing under units hanging one level higher - they are visible during movement. It looks monstrous, although no errors are recorded. I don't expect I'll be able to clearly explain not knowing the language, but... Just try walking under the hovertank.

Thanks, will report to Yankes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 13, 2020, 02:27:29 pm
New OXCE v6.3.4 is up.

 - Custom groups for addLine mapscript command (by Finnik)
 - Fix unit drawing error (hovertank rendered when a unit moved below it)
 - Fix grenade skip (2nd grenade exploded half-turn later)
 - Fix alien base self destruct CTD

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Serg1973 on January 22, 2020, 05:09:01 am
To Meridian
Can the following proposal be implemented: If a player ignores the crash site, the crew of the shot down UFO gets to the nearest town, and welcome to the terror mission.
Sorry for my poor English/
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: misterx on January 22, 2020, 09:38:23 am
To Meridian
Can the following proposal be implemented: If a player ignores the crash site, the crew of the shot down UFO gets to the nearest town, and welcome to the terror mission.
Sorry for my poor English/

I like that, peraphs only with medium/large vessels?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Serg1973 on January 22, 2020, 12:36:02 pm
I think we need a "critical mass" of live aliens. Like 5+ for Superman, and more for other levels. Or work from UFO level.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on January 22, 2020, 01:32:58 pm
To Meridian
Can the following proposal be implemented: If a player ignores the crash site, the crew of the shot down UFO gets to the nearest town, and welcome to the terror mission.
Sorry for my poor English/

Same should also happen with aborted crash recoveries.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on February 02, 2020, 04:37:54 pm
Is there a problem with the attached openxcom extended as I have no mods activated but it won't launch the game? This seems to occur with the latest one as the oxce of 26/01/20 works fine.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 02, 2020, 04:39:50 pm
This should be fixed already
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 14, 2020, 10:49:49 am
New OXCE v6.4 is up.

 - Added "Unassigned" category in Buy/Sell/Transfer GUIs (only applies to mods using custom item categories)
 - Condensed "facility built" popups (only show one if multiple facilities of the same type are built)
 - Pressing X again in Sell GUI deselects all items
 - Purple box indicator also for stunned allies with negative health regen
 - Ability to save/load soldier equipment layout including armor
 - Research lookup and spawned item now shown in the tech tree viewer
 - Debug hotkey to reveal all UFOs and alien bases (ctrl+7)
 - Added win64 version to auto-updater

 - BREAKING CHANGE: Extended HWP load order unhardcoding ('extendedHwpLoadOrder') - default is vanilla again
 - Support for defining manuf. project shortcuts:,5199.msg124405.html#msg124405
 - Random alternate terrain in map scripts (by Finnik):,7758.0.html
 - Custom groups for addLine mapscript command (by Finnik):,7750.0.html
 - Flag to allow objective type recovery:,7755.msg122277.html#msg122277
 - Increased max craft weapon types per slot from 4 to 8
 - From OXC: Allow ammo to work only on land/water

 - Soldier skills (by memmaker):,7974.0.html
 - Allow soldier type to be displayed in the inventory screen (by memmaker):,7861.0.html
 - Allows special weapons to be defined by soldier type (by memmaker):,7859.0.html
 - More options for psi amp targeting (by memmaker):,7860.0.html
 - Callsigns for soldiers in battlescape (by memmaker):,7825.0.html

 - Soldier skills script hook (see above)
 - Flash messages in BattleScape for scripts (by memmaker):,7826.0.html
 - Medikit use script hook (by memmaker):,7824.0.html

 - Fixed various bugs with units waking up too early or too late
 - Fixed definition of "night" in soldier diaries
 - Do not allow soldier bonuses to "unlock" psi skill
 - various bug fixes


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html

Updated ruleset reference: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: eXalted on March 14, 2020, 11:12:00 am
- Ability to save/load soldier equipment layout including armor


Thank you for this release!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on March 14, 2020, 02:48:13 pm
Thanks for W32 version !  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on March 14, 2020, 07:50:37 pm
- BREAKING CHANGE: Extended HWP load order unhardcoding ('extendedHwpLoadOrder') - default is vanilla again
what does this mean/affect ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 14, 2020, 08:20:23 pm
what does this mean/affect ?

If set to true, craft load order is: 2x2 HWPs, 2x2 soldiers, 1x1 HWPs, 1x1 soldiers.
If false, craft load order is: all HWPs, all soldiers.

Default is false now, same as vanilla.
(it was true only very shortly... I think only in oxce 6.3.x)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 15, 2020, 07:09:33 am
Thanks for the updates. Good work.

Regarding Auto-update. Microsoft recently announced the end of support for Win-7 and released the final patch, which caused users a lot of problems. I was saved from them by the fact that I have the habit of disabling Auto-update where possible and updating everything manually. Hopefully, Auto-update will not be in the future, the only way to upgrade?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 21, 2020, 05:35:24 pm
As this small feature, I will post there, I added new feature to have item script for psi attack calculation that is run before current script from unit.
As side bonus it is responsible for all calculation of basic psi attack probability, you can now overwrite whole logic of this to fit your needs.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on March 22, 2020, 12:23:44 am
Hi, Meridian I apologize in advance if I write in the wrong topic, I only registered today, although I have been on the site for several months now.

In general, I wanted to offer one idea (I do not know how much you will not like it)) I will try to be brief.

My brother and I love to play X-Com and I like to play, say, PERFECT.

I did not really like the XCOM remake

When I speak perfectly, I mean that not one of my soldiers died (and did not receive serious injuries), and in the process I like to fantasize in my head how this could have happened in 3D (I have a lot of imagination, and therefore the gameplay produces more pleasant impressions)

Of course, this requires constant Save / Load, but it does not bring me much discomfort, because I can do quick save and load.

So what am I talking about? Oh yes, I wanted to propose the idea of ​​recording a battle in which the battle will smoothly take place, beautifully and spectacularly (as part of a normal battle, just a smooth repetition without too much).

Of course, the proposal to save the battle record in the results after the battle, and the ability to download and view in a separate menu, choosing records.

I know that the idea itself smacks of at least strange, but it's just an idea and I wanted to know what you think about it.

Yes, just your thoughts about it will be very interesting to me. Thank you in advance for your response. (I hope this is not a short no answer))) :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 22, 2020, 12:34:21 am
So what am I talking about? Oh yes, I wanted to propose the idea of ​​recording a battle in which the battle will smoothly take place, beautifully and spectacularly (as part of a normal battle, just a smooth repetition without too much).

Of course, the proposal to save the battle record in the results after the battle, and the ability to download and view in a separate menu, choosing records.

I do not understand this part.
Can you say it in different words maybe?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on March 22, 2020, 01:01:06 am
I do not understand this part.
Can you say it in different words maybe?

Yes, I will try.

Do you know about battle play recording in turn-based games? I wanted to offer the ability to record and save the entire battle in the game.

I will try to describe it. You play for yourself, think about each movement for a long time, and, as a rule, a battle (or a game, like in chess) takes a lot of time if this is an important battle.

And after a triumphal victory, you could (of course, after you clicked on the button “Save battle record”) see this very record, which we say you wanted to show to someone.

At its core, combat recording is a repetition of all actions that took place to the very end. Without thinking, just a little faster, because you no longer fight, but you follow your victory.

Let me give you an example, the Counter-Strike demo is a repetition of all your actions, as well as the adversary who plays the game.

I don’t know if I can explain it more comfortably, but, frankly, it’s just a repetition without delay, when you think: “Who will go where, who will shoot at whom”.

I apologize if I described everything vaguely :-[
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on March 22, 2020, 07:01:28 pm
To me this comes across as a request for "Replay" functionality.

Meaning that the game stores all your actions (move to, shoot at, change heading, etc) and the resulting game state of each action during a battle. Not only for your side, but also for the aliens and civvies,
The replay itself would than be something alike the "New Battle" option, but instead of accepting user input (and AI calculating its next move) it will take the list of stored actions and perform them sequentially (with a slight delay between each action).

Am i correct in my assumption?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on March 22, 2020, 07:09:51 pm
Yes, you described everything better than me.

Hmm, I have to be more precise and talk less, otherwise I will continue to lead people into a stupor.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 22, 2020, 07:11:31 pm
It is theoretically possible, but a lot of effort.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on March 22, 2020, 07:26:02 pm
It is theoretically possible, but a lot of effort.

I know that the description of actions itself indicates a lot of work on this function.

But I wonder what you think about this? Is this feature quite suitable for X-Com? Or is this a bad idea. (I mean anyone who reads this)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: WaldoTheRanger on March 22, 2020, 07:40:02 pm
It's a good idea. it'd be much easier to share your epic battles/enjoy them yourself.
it'd also be great for people interested in the story of their soldiers.
I'd certainly enjoy it.

Sounds like a very far future thing at best though.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on March 22, 2020, 07:46:10 pm
It's a good idea. it'd be much easier to share your epic battles/enjoy them yourself.
it'd also be great for people interested in the story of their soldiers.
I'd certainly enjoy it.

Sounds like a very far future thing at best though.

Exactly) you think exactly like me)

Yes, if they work on it, it will not appear soon, but it is not scary.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 23, 2020, 01:50:40 pm
Small bugreport (or feature description):
if unit have specab: 1 (explode on death) and its armor have both corpseBattle and corpseGeo, it will not explode. At least with power, described in battle corpse item.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 23, 2020, 02:10:29 pm
Small bugreport (or feature description):
if unit have specab: 1 (explode on death) and its armor have both corpseBattle and corpseGeo, it will not explode. At least with power, described in battle corpse item.

Explosion power is described in corpseGeo item:

Don't know if that's right or wrong... try asking SupSuper/Warboy.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 23, 2020, 02:57:48 pm
Odd. But i get over it with destruction of corpse. So it will be not recovered.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 23, 2020, 03:14:48 pm
Odd. But i get over it with destruction of corpse. So it will be not recovered.

You can also just add power to the corpseGeo item, no?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 23, 2020, 06:17:36 pm
No, because this corpseGeo used for many other purposes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 25, 2020, 12:00:21 pm
Asking that here because this is OXCE mechanics. Here 2 screenshots:
( (
( (
Current TWoTS mod rules allow you produce 4 Gauss pistols using 1 magnetic navigation. But screenshots shows only 1 produced unit. It's kinda confused because we can't exactly produce 1 pistol, otherwise it will require 1/4 magnetic and it's not possible right? So I have a question - can you change production screen in case if multiply production rule used, so amount of product will be like 4,8.. and etc. I mean total production screen units = special materials (could require more than 1 and it's ok of cource) x multiplyer (if it's more than 1). Sorry for terrible English, hope you understand what  I meant. May be in future versions of OXCE? 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 25, 2020, 12:22:55 pm

It is 1 unit of manuf. project "Gauss Pistol", not 1 unit of item "Gauss Pistol".
What would you want to see in the "Units to Produce" if the project would manufacture 7 gauss pistols, 2 gauss rifles, 17 electroflares and 4 mindprobes at once? 7+2+17+4 = 30 ?

The manufactured items (per 1 project) are already displayed 1 screen earlier, see screenshot.
And there is a possibility to rename the project as well, for example from "Gauss Pistol" to "Gauss Pistol (x4)".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 25, 2020, 12:31:34 pm
Oh, thank you Meridian for quick reply and explanation. And "Gauss Pistol (x4)" will solve any issues as I think. Because it's easy to understand now what total amount of production multiplied, that's what I want. So, the modder just need to adjust some .rul files for this right?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 25, 2020, 12:37:03 pm
And there is a possibility to rename the project as well, for example from "Gauss Pistol" to "Gauss Pistol (x4)".
Oh, I forget about it. My fault, will be fixed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 27, 2020, 12:53:09 pm
New OXCE v6.4.2 is up.

 - MUCH MUCH faster alien hidden movement (regardless of alien movement speed setting)
 - much faster player movement speed at higher player movement speed settings in Options (same as in year 2018 and earlier versions)
 - (supposedly) more battery drain on laptops/phones (same as in year 2018) -- not confirmed; and not quantified


Some of you have already tried this version (it's been published via auto-update) and everybody so far reports big improvements and no side effects.

I'd like to ask everyone else for feedback as well.

To benefit from speed improvements, you need the following settings in Options menu:
1. "Advanced>FPS limit" must be different than 0 (I recommend 60)
2a. Either use software rendering (Video>Display Filter = Disabled)
2b. Or use OpenGL rendering (for example Video>Display Filter = Raw*) AND also set vSyncForOpenGL: false in options.cfg file --- and just to repeat again, DO NOT set "Advanced>FPS Limit" to 0!

This will make OXCE able to run at the same speed as in this video (OpenXcom version from year 2018):
So that you have a benchmark to compare against.

Feedback is most welcome... positive and more importantly also negative.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 29, 2020, 04:44:48 pm
New OXCE v6.4.2 is up.

How do I see these changes do not affect the version of Win32?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 29, 2020, 04:55:46 pm
How do I see these changes do not affect the version of Win32?

I don't understand the question.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 29, 2020, 06:02:03 pm
Excuse me, but is this speed up is because of animation speed increased, or because of massive code optimisation?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 29, 2020, 06:08:36 pm
I don't understand the question.

And already it is not necessary. Everything works. Thanks for the updates. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 29, 2020, 06:16:42 pm
Excuse me, but is this speed up is because of animation speed increased, or because of massive code optimisation?

It's not code optimisation.

It's complicated to explain (and I don't fully understand it either), but you can think of it as animation speed increase.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mrak on March 31, 2020, 07:03:42 pm
Actually? Add more features to play with resources. and additional complexity options.
Project: Economics X-com
Tasks of the Economy:
// Change the price "total per month"
// Change the price "random per month"
// Change in price "events:
fixed> + price; -price;
percentage> * x% ""
// Change the price for the "people" position separately
// Change the price for the position of the "machine" separate
// Price balance in the range: from Minimum price to Maximum price.
// The fall in the price of goods over time "in the absence of its procurement"
// Price increase when buying a product for a limited time
// Rising hiring prices with the deaths of Agents, + x%
// Price fall while saving Agents / month, --x%
// Increase in the price of the maintenance of Agents depending on the ranks, + x% / rank
// Increase in the price of hiring Engineers and Scientists from their existing number, + x% / person
// Payments to relatives for the deaths of Agents
// Compensation payments upon dismissal of people monthly salary

//Starting price
//Current price

//The coefficient of price change when recalculating from the current price to the new price

//New price

// minimum share price of the starting price (by default, a quarter = 25%)
// maximum price increase (by default four times = 400%)
I used google translate if there are any grammatical errors.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on March 31, 2020, 07:07:16 pm
1. Meridians job to do:), but shouldn't you make a new thread for this?

2. This would be AMAZING to have available as a modder.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on March 31, 2020, 09:42:43 pm
Back to "Gauss Pistol (x4)" question. Modder has changed produce message to "Gauss Pistol (x4)" now, but another thing now bothering me. First time red popup screen when this project completed. It's now has that multiply modifier too: "Gauss Pistol (x4)". So can we have two different options: Normal message after research finished which could looks like: "Gauss Pistol", but have correct multiply amount "Gauss Pistol (x4)" in production screen when you start it? Or it's not possible? Two different lines in .rul files one for research complete and ready for production screen and second for starting production in workshops?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: xcomfan on April 01, 2020, 02:16:33 pm
Don't l ow if possible but may be possivle to ha e bullets ricochet when metal and wooden surfaces are hit?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 01, 2020, 03:31:08 pm
Don't l ow if possible but may be possivle to ha e bullets ricochet when metal and wooden surfaces are hit?

If we went into such realms of fantasy, I would first request terrain penetration... So a bullet wouldn't disappear after destroying a paper wall, but continue onwards with an appropriate power decrease.

But it's not very X-Comy, so I won't do that.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 01, 2020, 08:41:49 pm
New interesting PR from memmaker was merged to OXCE, point was that it allow arbitrary change spawn unit, this mean you can now alter what unit will spawn after zombify attack.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: xcomfan on April 01, 2020, 10:05:54 pm
If we went into such realms of fantasy, I would first request terrain penetration... So a bullet wouldn't disappear after destroying a paper wall, but continue onwards with an appropriate power decrease.

But it's not very X-Comy, so I won't do that.

Sorry for the typos, but it cannot be set without tampering with rocket science things? Cannot be a simple terrain attribute, or for instance as a condition (if wodden hit then play xx) i'm not into IT so i hope it might give the idea   8) :o
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on April 02, 2020, 11:37:14 am
As far as I understand it, terrain does not even have a material attribute.

For ricochets, such as you described them, several additions would have to be added.
A) Terrain material in MCD file. (So that we can know if it is wood, metal or something else. There is sound which walking over it makes at offset 0x34, which is closest, but you can't tell wood from dirt on that one.)
B) An option to select what damage types ricochet off which materials, and at what maximal angles. You would not want plasma, for example to bounce off of metal. Or for that matter, a bullet hitting a wooden fence straight, then bouncing back and hitting the soldier who fired it.
C) The geometry would have to recognise at what angle it was hit, to determine if the ricochet happens, and where to.
D) As Solarius Scorch mentioned, there should be other interactions, such as overpenetration, passing straight through, no damage to specific materials (electric to metal).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 02, 2020, 04:43:50 pm
Back to "Gauss Pistol (x4)" question. Modder has changed produce message to "Gauss Pistol (x4)" now, but another thing now bothering me. First time red popup screen when this project completed. It's now has that multiply modifier too: "Gauss Pistol (x4)". So can we have two different options: Normal message after research finished which could looks like: "Gauss Pistol", but have correct multiply amount "Gauss Pistol (x4)" in production screen when you start it? Or it's not possible? Two different lines in .rul files one for research complete and ready for production screen and second for starting production in workshops?

The manufacturing recipe must have a different name from the name of the item it produces. Example:

Code: [Select]
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 04, 2020, 07:26:33 pm
Is any way to save aquanaut who had "frozen (stunned) to death" status? Or it's impossible remove it even with med-kit and he(she) eventually will die?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on April 04, 2020, 07:27:43 pm
A large dose of stimulants will save them.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 04, 2020, 07:39:06 pm
Yeah, thanks, just did it and save a guy. Thanks for fast reply.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 05, 2020, 03:21:22 pm
How to prevent aliens  enter my ships? What should I remove in rul files?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 05, 2020, 03:48:26 pm
That would be in the OXCE code, not in .rul files.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 05, 2020, 05:39:08 pm
Lol, why wouldn't they enter your ships?

"Commence the assault!"
"Leader, they put a sign on the door, it says 'no ayys allowed'."
"Drat! Abort mission."
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 05, 2020, 07:48:44 pm
"Sir, the door isn't locked..."
"Soldier, we may not enter without proper pleasantries, as it says right here!"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 05, 2020, 10:48:38 pm
Lol, why wouldn't they enter your ships?

"Commence the assault!"
"Leader, they put a sign on the door, it says 'no ayys allowed'."
"Drat! Abort mission."
Very funny? Because in vanilla they can't and I stay there all time killing them one by one. Now it's almost impossible to hide.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on April 06, 2020, 02:21:11 am
I never noticed such AI behavior in vanilla. Once I found the last alien hiding in my Skyranger in vanilla =)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 06, 2020, 10:15:11 pm
Yes, this is neither sensible nor confirmed by experience.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on April 06, 2020, 10:46:36 pm
someone has trouble with my mod, he posted his log and it says it uses OXCE 6.4.3.. but isn't 6.4.2 the latest? wut?
Code: [Select]
[05-04-2020_21-06-41] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.4.3 (v2020-04-05)log attached.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 06, 2020, 11:23:26 pm
someone has trouble with my mod, he posted his log and it says it uses OXCE 6.4.3.. but isn't 6.4.2 the latest? wut?
Code: [Select]
[05-04-2020_21-06-41] [INFO] OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.4.3 (v2020-04-05)log attached.

There are unofficial nightly builds after every change.
They live on the bleeding edge.

6.4.2 is the latest official.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on April 06, 2020, 11:53:12 pm
I suspected something similar. No issues on 6.4.2 too *breathes a sigh of relief*. Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 08, 2020, 12:38:51 pm
Posting it's here because I think this is OXCE related bug. Nagas can use fans as holes in the USO and just moves up through it. I'm adding save file, it's Ironman, so set it off if you need.
( (
Arrows mark their movement up-down. It's currently should be under fan on first floor. 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 08, 2020, 01:14:54 pm
Do you check OXC or Vanilla how they behave? I don't think we change any thing in that aspect in OXCE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 08, 2020, 01:19:40 pm
Posting it's here because I think this is OXCE related bug. Nagas can use fans as holes in the USO and just moves up through it. I'm adding save file, it's Ironman, so set it off if you need.
( (
Arrows mark their movement up-down. It's currently should be under fan on first floor.

Why is that a bug? Xcom units (e.g. your shrimp drone) can do that too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 08, 2020, 01:32:39 pm
Ok, I never tried with drone this trick yet, thanks for explanation.  That Naga who magically appears from fan just scary me =)
Title: Installation question
Post by: roysintm on April 09, 2020, 12:37:34 am

I'm new so I probably doing something stupid but here it goes:

My OS is Ubuntu 18.04.4 - user has admin rights.

- I have the XCOM Ufo Defense vanilla files incl. patch
- I downloaded the latest version of Openxcom Extended
- Unzipped the 7z file, all good.
- Copied the vanilla folders to the UFO folder (according to the readme.txt file in the UFO folder)
- Now ,in the parent directory I have the file OpenXomEx... it has the checkbox "allow executing file as a program" checked.
  but I cannot run it, it's no executable? it's a shared lib of some kind...

I want to use OpenXcom Extended to run the open Xcom files mod...

Any help much appreciated. 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on April 09, 2020, 02:12:13 am
It is a known bug in one of ubuntu's components.

Try the procedure as described by Meridian in the topic this bug was first encountered:,7361.msg116438.html#msg116438 (,7361.msg116438.html#msg116438)

If that solves your problem but you still insist on starting via clicking an icon you can use my workaround as posted in that same topic:,7361.msg116347.html#msg116347 (,7361.msg116347.html#msg116347)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 09, 2020, 02:15:29 pm
Questions: why aquanauts miss the shots if they have 120% accuracy? How that possible and why more than 100%? Is it possible to change human death sounds for two different types (female, male) in tftd like in original USO using .rul files or it's hard coded?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2020, 02:48:00 pm
Questions: why aquanauts miss the shots if they have 120% accuracy? How that possible and why more than 100%?

Because it is not 120%.
It's just 120.
Without %.

Is it possible to change human death sounds for two different types (female, male) in tftd like in original USO using .rul files?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 09, 2020, 03:35:45 pm
Because it is not 120%.
Then what is this? Why % present?
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on April 09, 2020, 04:00:08 pm
It was probably the best option for Gollop to communicate to the player 2 things [1]:
* The bigger the number, the better
* It has something to do with how likely you are to hit the target

[1] Baring aside creating some glyph nobody would understand without reading the manual.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 09, 2020, 04:05:45 pm
Bear in mind I haven't looked through the code on this, but the percent chance given is the actual chance to hit a 2x2 square of target voxels plus 20. The reason for the plus 20 is the fact that a hitbox is generally larger than a 2x2 voxel square. The actual chance to hit is impossible to quantify as sometimes it hits the target voxel square but one of the voxels in the square is obstructed so it looks like it misses to the player.

TLDR: Hit chances are a reference and nothing more concrete.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 09, 2020, 04:20:07 pm
Bear in mind I haven't looked through the code on this, but the percent chance given is the actual chance to hit a 2x2 square of target voxels plus 20. The reason for the plus 20 is the fact that a hitbox is generally larger than a 2x2 voxel square. The actual chance to hit is impossible to quantify as sometimes it hits the target voxel square but one of the voxels in the square is obstructed so it looks like it misses to the player.

TLDR: Hit chances are a reference and nothing more concrete.

There are no hit chances on ranged attacks in OpenXcom, full stop.
Don't try to invent any, and please don't confuse the people even more than they are.

There is also no 2x2 target approximation, nor any +20 magical constants, or anything of that kind.
Just isn't.
OpenXcom can easily show you accuracy of 340% or 10000000% if the modder decides to pump up soldier or weapon stats.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 09, 2020, 04:40:12 pm
And still miss :D

Another other side, there is small probability that if you place in specific place shooter and target then overall number of hits will be similar to to this "percent" show in UI. But again as Meridian said, this is outside of OXC logic a engine do not do any calcinations as this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 09, 2020, 06:15:47 pm
Bear in mind I haven't looked through the code on this,

As I said, thanks for the clarification, I thought there was some percent math going on with target voxels.

TLDR: Hit chances are a reference and nothing more concrete.

As stated
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 11, 2020, 07:17:54 pm
Can't put down Gas cannon from poor guy. I've tried use arrow in right bottom corner to make a space on floor but it's not working =(. So is this bug, feature (Triton space limitation is NOT set to 80), or I just unlucky with my hands and mouse?
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 11, 2020, 07:24:35 pm
Can't put down Gas cannon from poor guy. I've tried use arrow in right bottom corner to make a space on floor but it's not working =(. So is this bug, feature (Triton space limitation is NOT set to 80), or I just unlucky with my hands and mouse?
( (

Ctrl+click on it
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on April 12, 2020, 11:57:02 pm
"100%" chance to hit can roll a miss, but it won't very often. The vast majority of times it'll have an actual miss is because it's not aiming at the target. This is an extremely common problem. There's a tiny place where the shot aims for, and a good fraction of shots travel along a line that would intersect that tiny place that the weapon is aiming for, and it's about the size of a 9x9x9 voxel cube. The fraction of shots that intersect this target area is similar to the accuracy as a percentage for most values, especially anywhere from "10%" to "90%" accuracy. Thus while it is not an actual percentage chance to hit, you can pretend it is in your head and your results will not significantly vary from that, provided the target area is inside the hitbox of what you're aiming at.

Sometimes (way too often, in fact), the target area that the soldier aims for is partially or completely protruding from the hitbox of the thing you told them to fire upon. This is especially common when shooting units, as their vanilla hitboxes are a fairly narrow cylinder. If your soldier has greater than 90 applied shot accuracy, their shot trajectory will generally intersect with the small target area they elect to fire upon. If that target area is within the unit's hitbox and it isn't occluded, they will generally hit the unit. If it's outside of the unit's hitbox, they will basically always miss, no matter how many times you play the shot over. The only way to fix it is to fire from a different position, as the way the soldier chooses their target area seems to be based on the position of the target tile relative to the position of the one who is firing. It applies to aliens shooting at you as well--it's very possible to be in a place from which a given alien can't hit you.

When the shot does not intersect with this small target area, it chooses a nearly random trajectory whose angle tends to go wider the lower the shot's effective accuracy. It's more likely to go near the target than it is to go wide, but not by a very big margin. On low accuracy shots (~25 or less), it is possible for the shot to go further than 45º from the target. On high accuracy shots (~75 or more), a straying shot usually won't go more than about 15º from the target, but that's still more than far enough to miss with only 1 tile separation between the shooter and the target unit. Large targets (cyberdiscs, reapers, sectopods), using vanilla hitboxes, the hitboxes are vastly larger than with small units. Because of this, your actual hit rate at shorter ranges (approx. 3-10 tiles distance) varies greatly by target size. For a small unit, hit rate is roughly identical to the rate that the target area is intersected, provided that area is inside the unit's hitbox. For a large unit, stray shots frequently if not usually still hit.

Compared to real life shooting, the X-Com units have abysmal accuracy. But also in real life, chance to hit a target varies greatly by the target's movement. Headshotting a non-moving snakeman at 30 yards with iron sights is a trivial task for a rookie shooter, but trying to hit a snakeman rapidly weaving side to side at 30 yards is very difficult without significant marksmanship training.

Technically speaking, the shot accuracy is not a percent chance to hit. But the actual % chance to hit (the target area) is so similar to the shot accuracy value at most accuracies that it is an effective shorthand to keep in mind either when firing or when explaining shooting strategies. The primary discrepancies are positioning of the target area relative to the target's hitbox (which varies depending on relative position of the target), and hitboxes not matching their sprites.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 13, 2020, 12:56:51 am
Screenshot or didn't happen.
show exactly save when this behavior happens then we can discus when we can see exactly what code do.
current behavior is same as vanilla and if I recall correct Meridian is fine with it and all glitch it can have,
if you want it change you should send it to OXC not OXCE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 14, 2020, 10:32:24 pm
Let me back to Naga who used fan as hole and climb up. You said what my drones can do same. But they can't here save file for TWoTS. Drone on the roof of dreadnought, but it couldn't descend down. What I'm doing wrong or may be indecent with Naga still bug?   
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 14, 2020, 10:48:14 pm
Let me back to Naga who used fan as hole and climb up. You said what my drones can do same. But they can't here save file for TWoTS. Drone on the roof of dreadnought, but it couldn't descend down. What I'm doing wrong or may be indecent with Naga still bug?

They can in the save you provided earlier, attached for reference.
I moved the drone below the fan so you can easily try it.

I don't know what you're doing wrong, probably just different maps behaving differently; I am really not interested in checking everything.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 14, 2020, 11:46:11 pm
Ok, that's explain things, then more question - could it be USO layout bug or feature, which if I understand correctly, present in .rul files? I mean instead of wall in place of fan present hole or vice versa? Because visual style in game is one thing, but floor and walls should be programmed separated in .rul files right? And if wall or block is missing is it possible to move through it even visual it looks like solid object?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on April 15, 2020, 11:11:11 am
Ok, that's explain things, then more question - could it be USO layout bug or feature, which if I understand correctly, present in .rul files? I mean instead of wall in place of fan present hole or vice versa? Because visual style in game is one thing, but floor and walls should be programmed separated in .rul files right? And if wall or block is missing is it possible to move through it even visual it looks like solid object?
Ok, my area of responsibility.
Reason of all that is a new USO maps. In a case when one can fly through roof fan, this part is made not as roof, but as wall by author of these maps, Blank. In vanilla maps roof is impassable.
If you think that it is wrong - i may change that.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 16, 2020, 07:25:43 pm
Guys can you explain me how "killed by x-com operatives" penalty applies? Example: I just did pirate ship mission in TWoTS and attempted to save civilian lady by throwing stun grenade to her. Sadly, but she had wounds from enemy and died before I can reach her and use medkit. Final screen calculate her is "killed by x-com operatives". But why? How it works? Game check who last try use grenade, rifle etc and not check what that was not fatal grenade it all? Not a bug, I assume? Or may be will be changed in future? If not, what should I do to avoid such situations - check the human sprite on wounds before using grenades via middle mouse click?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 16, 2020, 07:47:49 pm
It's calculated by "last 'attack' that hit the unit." Even a medikit counts as an 'attack.' And because you knocked them unconscious, it definitely affected them. So, according to the engine, your stun grenade was at fault.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 20, 2020, 04:06:57 pm
Asking it here, not sure what this is OXCE bug (behavior) or mod. TWoTS latest 2.45 attempting  to heal civilian body on the ground but it literally missing  on floor when I click on aquanaut who staying on it and holding medkit.
Screenshots and save file to check:
( (
Additional info: before poor guy get wounded and accidentally shooted near him to kill calcenite 2nd form. May be this effected his body and it's gone? But why then corpse still present on floor with wound mark and missing via inventory screen?
Updated save file, still strange sprite missing but I can heal a guy.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2020, 01:49:21 pm
I can see the medikit just fine.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mayford on April 22, 2020, 08:33:17 pm
Can I change the default working directories? C:\Users\...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2020, 08:42:43 pm
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mayford on April 22, 2020, 10:40:59 pm
Where can I change the path? It doesn't change the game settings.
P.S. It's been dealt with. Just move the folders to the work directory.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 23, 2020, 02:21:23 pm
I'm not talking about medkit, it's missing body of wounded guy on the floor when you use "I" on you aquanaut who step on it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2020, 02:46:40 pm
I'm not talking about medkit, it's missing body of wounded guy on the floor when you use "I" on you aquanaut who step on it.

that's normal... same as in TFTD
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 23, 2020, 02:53:34 pm
Really? But why? No sprite for dead (wounded) civilian body? Same mechanics like impossible to pick up due to missing 2x2 unit (Hallucinoid or etc)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2020, 03:03:51 pm
no sprite
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 23, 2020, 08:12:22 pm
Why when I canceled production I'm not getting refund and my money are gone? I understand when I produce multiply items, so no refund for already produced, but when I making single expensive item and it's not ready yet money just gone.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2020, 08:29:57 pm
same as vanilla
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 23, 2020, 08:49:37 pm
Any possibility to change it? May be with some yes/no via main menu option in future OXCE releases?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 23, 2020, 09:12:01 pm
Any possibility to change it? May be with some yes/no via main menu option in future OXCE releases?

It can already be changed. There is a refund attribute in manufacture ruleset.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 27, 2020, 09:14:11 pm
About Hunter Killers. I'm asking myself now - what the reason use dogfight screen when it attacks any x-com craft what have no weapons to protect itself and not have escort too. The result one - you will lose you ship, will you wait until USO kills it eventually or just press self destruct button. But it useful and result could be same if you running out of ammo on you interceptor and enemy USO still not destroyed. May be in future just remove it and use information screen like "You craft were destroyed but enemy USO"? It's just save time. Not great suggestion may be, so glad to hear you opinions or ideas.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 27, 2020, 10:43:42 pm
You have time to Alt-F4 :>
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on April 28, 2020, 12:30:47 pm
Regarding HKs:
Would it be possible for crafts to retain their target after escaping interception?
When a craft is faster than a HK, it can escape the interception. But when landing at the base, crafts slow down.
I have had cases, when a craft ran out of ammo and was caught just as it was landing. It could escape the interception, but the zoom-in for the next interception started before I could order it to go somewhere else, to outpace the UFO.
But because after escaping interception, the craft tries to return to base, it just continued trying to land.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 29, 2020, 11:28:35 pm
I pushed small change yester day to scripts, I allowed to get tag from rule (like RuleArmor or RuleItem) from game object (BattleItem or BattleUnit).
This skip some boilerplate when you want check one tag armor tag from some unit and you need access armor itself before hand.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on April 30, 2020, 10:23:53 pm
How many interceptors can escort you craft? 2 maximum? Any limitation in code and dogfight phase?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 30, 2020, 10:30:50 pm
At least three, but I bet 6-9.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on April 30, 2020, 10:37:37 pm
There's not a limit on the number of craft that can follow one, but only 4 are allowed in an interception at once, and you can't bring in new craft unless all your interceptors are at standoff range and you can minimize the windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on April 30, 2020, 11:00:12 pm
There's not a limit on the number of craft that can follow one, but only 4 are allowed in an interception at once, and you can't bring in new craft unless all your interceptors are at standoff range and you can minimize the windows.

Huh, I figured at numbers greater than the the dogfight windows would split 2x3, good to know though :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 08, 2020, 06:16:38 pm
New OXCE v6.5 is up.

 - QoL/Bugfix: User option for palette flicker fix (in options.cfg only):,8212.0.html
 - QoL/Bugfix: Don't flash weapon bigobs during autoshots:,8080.0.html
 - QoL/Modding: Ability to not follow projectiles (to prevent minigun seizures):,8210.0.html
 - Daily Pilot Experience GUI:,8209.0.html
 - Added vSyncForOpenGL to advanced user options:,8208.0.html
 - Personal equipment templates:,8206.0.html
 - Improved scroll-allocation in Research/Manufacture GUIs:,8207.0.html
 - Improved display and sorting in Psi/Martial Training GUIs:,8205.0.html
 - Option to sort soldiers by "idle days"
 - Added mission site despawn penalty indicator:,8204.0.html
 - Added slacking indicator:,8203.0.html
 - Show number of remaining getOneFrees in TechTreeViewer
 - Don't show disabled research as not-yet-researched in TechTreeViewer
 - Tiny QoL in manufacturing GUI (scroll from 1 to 10, not to 11)
 - Added hotkeys for top-level basescape menu (by fbacall):,8202.0.html

 - EXPERIMENTAL: Global switch for reactions to melee attacks:,8166.msg127065.html#msg127065
 - Armor flag to allow 2 main weapons for xcom (autoequip, built-in weapons):,8214.0.html
 - BREAKING CHANGE: sanitized aim penalty for wounded hands:,6459.0.html
 - Added custom facility upgrade/build time reduction scaling:,5960.msg127568.html#msg127568
 - BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed rounding and scaling of build time reduction:,5960.msg127568.html#msg127568
 - Support for surface weapon vapor trail:,11060.0.html
 - BREAKING CHANGE: Soft/hard upper limit option for soldier transformations:,6331.msg127435.html#msg127435
 - Added unmanned UFO flag:,8213.0.html
 - Added listOrder to soldier bonuses:,7405.msg127418.html#msg127418
 - Sight range/chance for base facilities:,8119.msg127420.html#msg127420
 - Option for civilians to pick up weapons too ... this one is a lot of fun ;),6882.msg127421.html#msg127421
 - Option to inform players about important event gateways in TTV:,7215.msg127424.html#msg127424
 - Ability to filter regions and mission zones in geoscape debug mode
 - Draw inventory grid labels using listOrder, not alphabetically
 - Improved grid label rendering (first draw the grid lines, then the items, and grid labels as last)
 - Changed how canBeBuiltOver and buildOverFacilities interact:,8017.msg125175.html#msg125175
 - Avoid rounding down contry funding change to zero
 - Allow recovery of live aliens as items:,6868.msg109164.html#msg109164
 - Added new type of geoscape soldier recovery stat (existing: fatal wound recovery, mana recovery; new: health/HP recovery)
 - Added facility triggers to Event, Arc and Mission Scripts:,7096.msg127425.html#msg127425

Hybrid modding (by Finnik):
 - Added "allowAlienBasesOnWrongTextures" global switch
 - Support for fake underwater alien bases
 - Support for locking fake underwater XCOM bases behind a research gate
 - BREAKING CHANGE: Support for UFO landing on fake water texture
 - Support for UFO splashdown survival (over fake water texture)

Scripting (by Yankes and memmaker):
 - Add support for script tags in RuleMod (i.e. global tags)
 - Added newTurnUnit and newTurnItem calls before the first player phase
 - Ability to access ruleset objects by name (items, armors, soldiers, skills)
 - Ability to change spawn unit
 - Ability to access inventory items by item name, inventory slot name or both
 - Added a unit reference to createItem script hook when the unit is known (aliens, hwps, fixed weapons)
 - Psi attack formula now fully scriptable (added second hook handling psi weapon attributes)
 - Ability to consider weapon, ammo, attack type and soldier skill in bonus formulas (e.g. bonus to accuracy, bonus to power, etc.)

 - Fixed wrong (abort) cutscene playing on forced mission loss
 - Improved checks handling unpriming of grenades
 - Fix sorting by stats for dead soldiers
 - Don't show negative psi skill in transformations GUI
 - Make sure the UFO HK attacks its primary target first!
 - Fix UFO HK not able to outrun more than 1 interceptor
 - Re-added "missileAttraction" attribute (was removed by mistake during merge)
 - Do not bind keyboard events to unrecognized keys
 - Autoequip improvement (now considers allowed slots)
 - Fixed inventory layout saving (it was not possible to remove saved armor type)
 - Fixed road crossing glitch after reload


OpenXcom ruleset validator has been updated too:,6552.0.html

Updated ruleset reference: (

I will be adding descriptions of individual features as separate forum posts over the weekend... come back on Monday Saturday 16.5.2020 to learn more!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 08, 2020, 06:16:49 pm
 - BREAKING CHANGE: sanitized aim penalty for wounded hands

if a weapon is not in your hands (e.g. a special weapon) it doesn't suffer penalty from fatal wounds on hands anymore

 - BREAKING CHANGE: Fixed rounding and scaline of build time reduction

these are bugfixes really, but listed here for completeness;
the build time reduction when upgrading base facilities should now be calculated properly in all cases, modders may want to review their build time costs when upgrading (e.g. weed/boom farms in PirateZ)

 - BREAKING CHANGE: Soft/hard upper limit option for soldier transformations

soldier transformations supported only hard limits on stat caps... meaning stats were always capped at maximum
however training in missions allows to go slightly over the maximum
to not lose this useful quirk, the transformations can be configured to have soft limits = if the soldier is already above the maximum before the transformation, don't reduce his overflown stats
soft limits are now applied by default when transformation doesn't change the soldier type
can be changed by the modder at will

 - BREAKING CHANGE: Support for UFO landing on fake water texture

this is the only real breaking change... and only for hybrid mods

until now land textures and fake underwater globe textures were equal for UFO landing... UFO didn't consider them (fake underwater was the same for them as land)
from now on, the modder can specify the chance of landing on land vs landing on fake underwater texture
(don't forget to balance your missionZones for all regions, so that they contain enough fake underwater texture areas if you haven't done that already!)

fakeWaterLandingChance: 0 = landing allowed only on proper land texture (default)
fakeWaterLandingChance: 100 = landing allowed only on fake underwater texture
fakeWaterLandingChance: 50 = 50% chance to land on one or another.... this is very roughly equal to the previous behavior
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Varana on May 09, 2020, 04:53:23 am
- (Intentionally) Crash on missing research ruleset (instead of just logging and ignoring it)

I used not existing tech for mission triggers. Those missions should show up again and again until they are played/won once.

Code: [Select]
      - STR_NEVER

  - type: bonus_smuggler
      STR_SMUGGLER_DONE: false

    unlockedResearch: STR_SMUGGLER_DONE

How do I solve this Problem now?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on May 09, 2020, 09:12:07 am
Create this research, make it "needItem: true"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 09, 2020, 09:57:48 am
Or make it depend on itself.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 09, 2020, 03:58:18 pm
I have option for auto check version, but when I start the OXCE it still says me what it on latest version. What I'm doing wrong?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 09, 2020, 04:55:10 pm
I have option for auto check version, but when I start the OXCE it still says me what it on latest version. What I'm doing wrong?

Auto-update is always released later than the manual download.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 13, 2020, 02:55:20 pm
Is there any way to use a soldier transformation to remove a commendation?

Is there any way to store the lowest hp a soldier was at in battle(probably doable with scripts, will figure it out), and then use it as the criteria for a commendation?

I want to implement something like war wounds, where if the soldier gets too low on hp during a battle, they get a commendation with big stat penalties as if they received a lasting injury which then has to be removed with a soldier transformation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 13, 2020, 03:33:02 pm
Is there any way to use a soldier transformation to remove a commendation?


Is there any way to store the lowest hp a soldier was at in battle(probably doable with scripts, will figure it out), and then use it as the criteria for a commendation?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 13, 2020, 03:45:51 pm
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Bobit on May 13, 2020, 06:02:12 pm

Soldier transformations remove all commendations if they have "reset = true". Or you can apply a soldier bonus to negate the commendation bonus, and forbid the transformation from happening again.

Scripts that give/remove commendations are not possible. Scripts that permanently modify stats without using commendations likely are possible, but it's an ugly hack. totalTimesWounded or totalHit5Times could substitute for your relative hp commendation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 13, 2020, 06:11:20 pm
Soldier transformations remove all commendations if they have "reset = true". Or you can apply a soldier bonus to negate the commendation bonus, and forbid the transformation from happening again.

They don't remove any commendations.

Only transformation soldier bonuses are removed.
Commendations (and commendation soldier bonuses) are NOT removed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 13, 2020, 07:15:52 pm
How many turns is allowed per mission until game crash? 999? More? If I stay in ship cowardly and leave it and just waiting while aliens come to me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 13, 2020, 07:22:38 pm
How many turns is allowed per mission until game crash? 999? More? If I stay in ship cowardly and leave it and just waiting while aliens come to me.

I don't know, I never tried it.
Let us know if you find out.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on May 13, 2020, 07:41:56 pm
I tried looking at it. I do not know YAML, but if I understand this line from SavedBattleGame.cpp correctly,
Code: [Select]
_turn = node["turn"].as<int>(_turn);then _turn is an integer.
So presumably something strange would happen if the mission took as long, as is integer in that YAML. Which is presumably either 2 147 483 647 or 4 294 967 295, depending on whether or not the integer is signed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 13, 2020, 08:02:27 pm
Save file is only small part possible "crash" sources, you can easy play game not saving at all.
To see if any thing crash you need track all use of this variable and see if any use handle correctly big numbers.

Theoretical example could be "Next Turn Screen" have hardcoded space for only 4 characters to display, then if you send value 10000 it could crash.
This could probably happens if we would use C but in C++ many buffers automatically grown to meet required space.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 15, 2020, 04:47:15 pm
How experience system working when you use grenades - who get experience, aquanaut who prime it or aquanaut who pick it and threw? Instant grenades mode  is off and enemy hit by blast radius.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 15, 2020, 04:51:42 pm
aquanaut who threw, no skills are needed to prime in this game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 15, 2020, 06:01:19 pm
Ok, thank you, forget ask about disturbance grenades - same algorithm I assume? When enemy step on and it triggered experience goes to person who threw? 
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 15, 2020, 06:18:41 pm
Pretty sure throwing exp comes from grenades in this way: In the ruleset, the grenade is tagged to give throwing Exp, then, once the grenade is primed, when you throw the grenade it will give throwing Exp.

I think-but this has been modified before and I'm not 100% sure this is how it works.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mechasdasd on May 17, 2020, 03:48:32 pm
Hello, I joined because I wanted to ask something: are smoke grenades supposed to hurt units with normal and personal armor? (and some of the weaker aliens like Sectoids?) They don't in the vanilla game/OpenXcom and I haven't been able to find anything about it online. Power Suit units and Tanks don't get damaged at all, so I'm not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature of OXCE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2020, 06:58:35 pm
Hello, I joined because I wanted to ask something: are smoke grenades supposed to hurt units with normal and personal armor? (and some of the weaker aliens like Sectoids?) They don't in the vanilla game/OpenXcom and I haven't been able to find anything about it online. Power Suit units and Tanks don't get damaged at all, so I'm not sure if this is a bug or an intended feature of OXCE.


smoke grenades are not supposed to hurt anyone.

They also don't hurt anyone in OXCE, same as in OpenXcom and in the original... unless you have specifically modded them to do some damage.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Bobit on May 17, 2020, 07:10:19 pm
Smoke itself causes small amount of stun damage to units in it at the start of their turn which ignores armor but not resists. So if an armor says it takes 0% smoke damage, it will take 0% smoke damage. If it doesn't mention smoke damage, it will take 100% smoke damage, even if it has 50 armor. Tanks also have resists, they're just not shown in the UFOpaedia in vanilla. The grenade does no damage, only the smoke it causes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 17, 2020, 07:17:54 pm
Smoke itself causes small amount of stun damage to units in it at the start of their turn which ignores armor but not resists. So if an armor says it takes 0% smoke damage, it will take 0% smoke damage. If it doesn't mention smoke damage, it will take 100% smoke damage, even if it has 50 armor. Tanks also have resists, they're just not shown in the UFOpaedia in vanilla. The grenade does no damage, only the smoke it causes.

Which is exactly the same as in the original and in OpenXcom.
It was really not necessary to write it here and confuse the poor guy who asked even more.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Bobit on May 17, 2020, 08:13:49 pm
On a reread he said "They don't in vanilla" so yeah "same as vanilla" is the best answer.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mechasdasd on May 17, 2020, 08:35:17 pm

smoke grenades are not supposed to hurt anyone.

They also don't hurt anyone in OXCE, same as in OpenXcom and in the original... unless you have specifically modded them to do some damage.


Alright, I did a little bit of testing (downloaded latest OXCE version 6.5, got the files from steam, installed on a clean computer so no mods or previous saves). And it seems like the 'instant grenades' option turns smoke grenades into normal grenades in OXCE (the damage is applied on hit, same as normal grenades, and the ground gets visually scorched alongside the smoke).

I then downloaded OpenXcom on another computer and the instant smoke grenades seemed to work properly there (no damage, no visual changes other than the smoke).

Disabling instant grenades in the OXCE version of the game makes smoke grenades work 'properly' again (not sure if it affects any other weapons, I only started playing a week ago and haven't gotten very far).

This is all in the base game, I have no other mods installed and haven't really touched the other options (yet).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on May 18, 2020, 11:26:00 am
Alright, I did a little bit of testing (downloaded latest OXCE version 6.5, got the files from steam, installed on a clean computer so no mods or previous saves). And it seems like the 'instant grenades' option turns smoke grenades into normal grenades in OXCE (the damage is applied on hit, same as normal grenades, and the ground gets visually scorched alongside the smoke).

I then downloaded OpenXcom on another computer and the instant smoke grenades seemed to work properly there (no damage, no visual changes other than the smoke).

Disabling instant grenades in the OXCE version of the game makes smoke grenades work 'properly' again (not sure if it affects any other weapons, I only started playing a week ago and haven't gotten very far).

This is all in the base game, I have no other mods installed and haven't really touched the other options (yet).

This seems to be a bug with special grenades in general. I was playing Equal Terms and discovered, that incendiary grenades from it do a large explosion when on instant grenades, while without instant grenades, they just create a small patch of fire.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2020, 12:13:09 pm seems like the 'instant grenades' option turns smoke grenades into normal grenades in OXCE (the damage is applied on hit, same as normal grenades, and the ground gets visually scorched alongside the smoke).

Thanks for the report. This is indeed not intended.
(I've never used the instant grenades option, so I never noticed.)

It will be fixed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 18, 2020, 06:50:25 pm
Question about night vision. How to change it for on/off mode with keyboard? I mean not press and hold space bar all time. I know about threshold value too, it's great but can't find exactly how to turn on/off it by single keyboard button press. Sorry if it has been already answered.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on May 18, 2020, 07:09:16 pm
Question about night vision. How to change it for on/off mode with keyboard? I mean not press and hold space bar all time. I know about threshold value too, it's great but can't find exactly how to turn on/off it by single keyboard button press. Sorry if it has been already answered.
Scroll Lock
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 18, 2020, 07:21:06 pm
This can be changed in the options also, I have mine configured for N.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 18, 2020, 07:47:45 pm
Thank you guys, I have desktop and laptop, but last one has not that button, thanks again, gotta set for it something else than Scroll Lock :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 20, 2020, 04:00:40 pm
About experience. I just found what when my aquanaut threw Magna-pack explosive  to enemy, he's not get experience after enemy get killed by explosion (used ctrl+e to check who not get exp yet). The pack was primed by another guy. What I'm doing wrong or why it happened? A few posts before people said what person who throw will get experience. But seems it's not working like mentioned. Or this is "hidden" throwing experience what not affected by ctrl+e combination and all aquanauts need shoot and hit target?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 20, 2020, 04:53:04 pm
It's a bug in oxce 6.5, will be fixed in oxce 6.5.1.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: xcomfan on May 20, 2020, 05:45:00 pm
A very small request: please from that version on may we get a changelog.txt file, on win and linux?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: vadracas on May 20, 2020, 06:05:35 pm
Here you go  ;),6586.495.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 20, 2020, 06:06:13 pm
A very small request: please from that version on may we get a changelog.txt file, on win and linux?

You don't.
Changelog is here on the forum.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 11:03:42 am
New OXCE v6.5.1 is up.

- Option to choose preferred hand for reactions (right-click on the hand in the battlescape HUD); indicator is moddable via sprite called "reactionIndicator" (same size as bigobs)
- Civilians and summoned player units now kindly return any borrowed xcom equipment

- Separate option for civilians picking up weapons:,6882.msg127660.html#msg127660
- Moddable recommended user options ('recommendedUserOptions'):
- Option to include soldier bonuses in minStats check in transformations ('includeBonusesForMinStats'):
- Option to modify ruleset lists without completely redefining them (!add and !remove YAML tags) :,11199.0.html

- Fixed recovery of the last bleeding alien
- Fixed grenades not giving experience
- Fixed "instant grenades"
- Fixed facility triggers in mission/arc/event scripts

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 21, 2020, 06:05:51 pm
Are recommended user options taken into account when you revert options/config to default or are there any plans to introduce a seperate button for this?

I've missed this, what was the bug that was fixed concerning instant grenades?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 08:17:51 pm
Are recommended user options taken into account when you revert options/config to default


or are there any plans to introduce a seperate button for this?


I've missed this, what was the bug that was fixed concerning instant grenades?

Instant smoke grenades don't kill you anymore.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 21, 2020, 08:33:04 pm
I just finished "training" mission in TWoST killing few creepers. I had four aquanauts on board with gas cannons loaded explosives rounds. All what I did is killing few enemies until all get experience. After I abort the mission. But I was surprised when on statistic mission screen I got throwing accuracy bonus for all my guys.  I'm not threw any items just grab and put down same cannons while rotating aquanauts in fire queue. Is it normal? Is this just bonus throwing experience or may be another small bug? Long ago I've read what you guys (developers of OXCE) removed free throwing experience bug fixing exploit using for throw just random staff like flares and e.t.c. that why I'm asking.
Another mission, guys who used gas cannons and keeps them in hands all battle got throwing experience too. It' may be "feature" of projectile weapons, because rounds using parabola trajectory what count as throwing?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: wcho035 on May 21, 2020, 08:44:45 pm
Hi Meridian, I am getting some strange crashes with my mod with the upgrade to OXCE 6.5.1 It didn't happen before with 6.5
Firstly, did you modified any code for ArmorTransformation?

I am getting this list of warning in the bug report. It never happen before.

[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTEST. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTESTMIDDEEP. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTESTREALLYDEEP. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_LANDONLY. Please review the ruleset.

Second for soldier transformation, for forbiddenPreviousTransformations and requiredPreviousTransformations, I am getting a node error.

Please verify. Thanks. I have included by error log.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 08:57:00 pm
Hi Meridian, I am getting some strange crashes with my mod with the upgrade to OXCE 6.5.1 It didn't happen before with 6.5
Firstly, did you modified any code for ArmorTransformation?

I didn't. Yankes probably did.

I am getting this list of warning in the bug report. It never happen before.

[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTEST. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTESTMIDDEEP. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_UNDERWATERTESTREALLYDEEP. Please review the ruleset.
[22-05-2020_03-38-06]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_LANDONLY. Please review the ruleset.

These warnings exist already since May 2019, more than a year.

Second for soldier transformation, for forbiddenPreviousTransformations and requiredPreviousTransformations, I am getting a node error.

Please verify. Thanks. I have included by error log.

Looks like YAML syntax error in the ruleset.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2020, 08:59:26 pm
Another mission, guys who used gas cannons and keeps them in hands all battle got throwing experience too. It' may be "feature" of projectile weapons, because rounds using parabola trajectory what count as throwing?

Yes, it's described here:,4230.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 26, 2020, 05:33:31 pm
Is anyway lock difficulty of mod using rule set files? Like example, when player start the game he has no option but one difficulty only and Ironman set on and can not be changed (buttons grey out).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 26, 2020, 05:46:16 pm
Is anyway lock difficulty of mod using rule set files? Like example, when player start the game he has no option but one difficulty only and Ironman set on and can not be changed (buttons grey out).

You can change difficulty coefficients so that all difficulties are the same... like for example in the 40k mod.

Ironman cannot be fixed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 26, 2020, 08:32:04 pm
Promotion question. I've set "only soldiers who were on battlefield promotion" on, but often when I land and just abort the mission people get promoted which unfair. Is any way prevent this or may be in future release OXCE engine will promoted people who only get experience? This last one is my suggestion of course if its possible to make.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 26, 2020, 08:35:27 pm
yeah, we could rename it from "only soldiers who were on battlefield promotion" to "only soldiers who were on battlefield and got some experience promotion"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 28, 2020, 11:44:04 am
New OXCE v6.5.3 is up.

- Field Promotions user option update (soldiers now need to gain experience during the mission to be eligible for promotion)

- Allowed scripts to turn off unit status indicators

- Fixed draw order of units on stairs (was broken in 6.5.1)
- Fixed splitting Unicode strings (e.g. russian soldier names)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Doc on June 01, 2020, 01:45:02 pm
- Option to choose preferred hand for reactions (right-click on the hand in the battlescape HUD); indicator is moddable via sprite called "reactionIndicator" (same size as bigobs)

Just noticed this. I LOVE IT! Million thanks for the continued OXCE goodies.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: gaffer on June 06, 2020, 01:12:14 am
grateful for the continued efforts.  It's like opening  presents on a regular basis.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 06, 2020, 06:38:56 pm
grateful for the continued efforts.  It's like opening  presents on a regular basis.
Oh, I found it but I thought what this yellow dot is disable you weapon. I read wiki what says what game prefer right hand for reaction. Glad what this feature exists now.

Gentlemen, apologies for asking this again,  but this "accuracy" number what shows when you aiming with soldier (aquanaut) totally confuse me now. On sniper rifles it could be more than 100% which literally illogical, but even with this, for example 120%, my aquanauts missing what makes me angry. How exactly aiming working and what this numbers represents? Dose OXCE calculate this number and firing accuracy in soldiers (aquanauts) stats and make real % chance of hit which hidden? If I'm right, I have request make new option for future OXCE releases what will show real fully calculated number same for shooting and throwing. That will be great, it it's possible due to game engine and limitations.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2020, 07:20:58 pm
it's just 120, not 120%... forget the %

openxcom doesn't calculate any chance to hit for ranged weapon, that concept doesn't exist
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 06, 2020, 10:55:43 pm
I just had a civilian steal an alien artifact during a mission - said artifact wasn't recovered during debriefing. Would it be possible to recover weapons picked up by civilans at the end of a mission?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 06, 2020, 10:56:22 pm
I just had a civilian steal an alien artifact during a mission - said artifact wasn't recovered during debriefing. Would it be possible to recover weapons picked up by civilans at the end of a mission?

You're the police, stop them :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2020, 11:04:44 pm
I just had a civilian steal an alien artifact during a mission - said artifact wasn't recovered during debriefing. Would it be possible to recover weapons picked up by civilans at the end of a mission?

they already nicely return xcom stuff
they don't return alien stuff... they can steal it just as you can... implemented according to requirements
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 06, 2020, 11:29:33 pm
they already nicely return xcom stuff
they don't return alien stuff... they can steal it just as you can... implemented according to requirements

I've just discussed it with Dioxine. The conclusions were as follows:
- In XCF, it's fine as it is. Alien tech gets stolen, pops out somewhere later - the usual. The drawback is that it incentivizes stunning civilians, which is cringy, but I can live with it.
- In Piratez, all civilians (or most) will be recovered as some items (basically "thank you for saving me" letter or something like that), and therefore you will get their stuff. The drawback is that you'll get all civilians' weapons, but these are usually very simple and inexpensive, so whatever.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2020, 11:47:18 pm
- In Piratez, all civilians (or most) will be recovered as some items (basically "thank you for saving me" letter or something like that), and therefore you will get their stuff. The drawback is that you'll get all civilians' weapons, but these are usually very simple and inexpensive, so whatever.

civilians don't pick up items in piratez

and I didn't understand that part with "getting their stuff"... how are you gonna get that without killing/stunning them?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 07, 2020, 02:11:32 am
civilians don't pick up items in piratez

But they will (assuming I understood Dio correctly).

and I didn't understand that part with "getting their stuff"... how are you gonna get that without killing/stunning them?

Civilians are spawned with items and if they get recovered, they will also bring their weapons.
(This is based on what Dio said, I haven't studied this and may well be wrong.)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 08, 2020, 09:24:11 pm
Yesterday on OXCE nightly was push change that make checking items linked to units and armors (e.g. corpses). If there is invalid items game will throw error on load.
As side effect, armors that had storage item `STR_NONE` can now remove it as it by definition not exists at all, and game work fine if you do not define any thing for storage item (but if you use incorrect item then game will not load it).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 12, 2020, 04:47:57 pm
I am not up-to-date on the known issues list for OXCE, but melee weapons and units on stairs don't seem to get along. Is there any way to fix this?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 12, 2020, 05:19:57 pm
What version you use? Some have bug that make draw unit incorrectly and probably affect hit logic too
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 14, 2020, 02:10:32 pm
Playing TWoTS latest version and experimenting with debug mode I've found what gas tanks with 12 rounds maximum not spend their ammo when shooting. Is it should be because of debug mode activated? Can't remember now what happened with aquanaut ammo, but 100% sure about those tanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on June 14, 2020, 03:04:21 pm
Playing TWoTS latest version and experimenting with debug mode I've found what gas tanks with 12 rounds maximum not spend their ammo when shooting. Is it should be because of debug mode activated? Can't remember now what happened with aquanaut ammo, but 100% sure about those tanks.
No ammo will be spent in debug mode.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 14, 2020, 05:09:08 pm
What version you use? Some have bug that make draw unit incorrectly and probably affect hit logic too

6.5.1 / 2020-05-21

Having trouble hitting units on stairs with melee attacks (as in, the hit sound plays, but no damage is dealt).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 14, 2020, 05:14:53 pm
6.5.1 / 2020-05-21

Having trouble hitting units on stairs with melee attacks (as in, the hit sound plays, but no damage is dealt).

(hopefully) Fixed in 6.5.3 / 2020-05-28
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 24, 2020, 03:32:49 pm
Version aquanauts who has melee and ranged weapon in hands always use ranged for reaction regardless of choosing melee by left click (yellow dot set on knife). Bug or selecting weapon for reaction fire works only for ranged version? It will be great use this feature for melee reaction as well, especially if second weapon ranged or both hands used for melee only.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 24, 2020, 03:56:15 pm
it works for melee too

if melee can't be used (for example if you are not in melee range), ranged will be used instead
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 24, 2020, 04:12:19 pm
Ok, that explain things. But how make use melee only avoiding spend TU on ranged? For example aquanaut kneeling with knife and harpoon in other hand and waiting while creeper come in close range to react with knife. Is only way then unequip harpoon or unload it? It's kinda inconveniently because I need spend TU putting weapon down and picking it up at new turn. So option do NOT use ranged if it has ammo and melee preferred for reaction will be very useful.
Suggestion. Red dot on weapon what disable it completely for reaction fire:
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 29, 2020, 05:55:24 pm
I am not sure where to post this, this concerns scripts (shields in particular). I'm playing XCF right now and had a sectiod turn around and reaction fire upon moving after depleting it's shield.

It faced away from my agent and did not reaction fire when I shot at it and depleted it's shield, but it turned around and reaction fired when I subsequently moved the agent. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the shield script, intended or simpyl a bug. Can somebody shed some light onto this?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 29, 2020, 07:59:56 pm
I am not sure where to post this, this concerns scripts (shields in particular). I'm playing XCF right now and had a sectiod turn around and reaction fire upon moving after depleting it's shield.

It faced away from my agent and did not reaction fire when I shot at it and depleted it's shield, but it turned around and reaction fired when I subsequently moved the agent. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the shield script, intended or simpyl a bug. Can somebody shed some light onto this?

This is unrelated to shields, it happens also without shields.

It's a known quirk of OXC and probably also of the original game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 29, 2020, 08:28:58 pm
Ah, okay, that's good to know. Thanks!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 29, 2020, 09:08:25 pm
No reaction after shot but reaction after move is not quirk but fundamental behavior of reaction.
Every unit have ReactionScore value that is based on current TU.
When you have highest reaction nobody can attack you, but if you fall bellow other start shoot at you.
In this case after shoot you have still initiative because your reaction score was bigger, but after one step alien have chance to react.

You can image this like:
Hitting target inform him that you are there, and he want to turn araound but he is too slow to have any effect. When you move, you giving him this precious second to react and shoot back at you.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 29, 2020, 10:01:29 pm
I'm aware of that. It's just that the TU reduction from shooting was quite substential, while the one from walking was not. Must have been right on the edge.

BTW, I just discoverd that during outfitting/deployment the numbers indicating how many items are in a pile vanish if you switch to a player unit that has been spawned for that mission and then switch back to your soldiers.

Case in point would be the "David Vincent" mission in XCF. If during deployment you switch to David Vincent (unit can't access your items, i.e. ground is empty) and then switch forward/backward to your units the items on the ground are missing the numerical indicators. They only reappear if you click the "scroll right" button (which probably redraws them).

I'm also having some trouble with units on slopes, I think the drawing order is a bit off:
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 29, 2020, 11:10:42 pm
I'm also having some trouble with units on slopes, I think the drawing order is a bit off:

fixed in oxce v6.5.3
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: zxalexis on July 01, 2020, 07:50:12 pm
I have trouble with latest builds on linux (6.5.5 including latest daily) with Area51 mod
The error I see: error processing 'ZOMBIE_ARMOR' in armors: Item STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE not found

[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   OpenXcom Version: Extended 6.5.5 (v2020-06-21)
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Platform: Linux
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Data folder is:
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Data search is:
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - /home/zx/.local/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - /usr/local/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - /usr/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   - ./
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   User folder is: /home/zx/.local/share/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Config folder is: /home/zx/.config/openxcom/
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Options loaded successfully.
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   SDL initialized successfully.
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Attempted locale: en_US.utf8
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Detected locale: en_US.utf8
[01-07-2020_19-42-39]   [INFO]   Attempting to set display to 1280x800x32...
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Display set to 1280x800x32.
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Loading data...
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Scanning standard mods in '/usr/share/openxcom/'...
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [ERROR]   Invalid standard mod 'Area51', skipping.
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Scanning user mods in '/home/zx/.local/share/openxcom/'...
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Active mods:
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   - xcom1 v1.0
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   - area51 v0.972
[01-07-2020_19-42-40]   [INFO]   Loading rulesets...
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_XENOPHOBIA_A. Please review the ruleset.
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_XENOPHOBIA_B. Please review the ruleset.
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   There are invalid/obsolete attributes in starting condition STR_XENOPHOBIA_C. Please review the ruleset.
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   Crossing the prime meridian in mission zones requires a different syntax, region: STR_SOUTH_ATLANTIC, zone: 1, area: 6, lonMin: 359.82, lonMax: 0.95
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]     Wrong example: [350,   8, 20, 30]
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   Correct example: [350, 368, 20, 30]
[01-07-2020_19-42-41]   [ERROR]   Error processing 'ZOMBIE_ARMOR' in armors: Item STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE not found
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 01, 2020, 09:43:08 pm
Find this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: ZOMBIE_ARMOR
    spriteInv: INV_ZOMBIE
    spriteSheet: ZOMBIE.PCK

in armors_Area_51.rul, and delete the last two lines to get this:

Code: [Select]
  - type: ZOMBIE_ARMOR
    spriteInv: INV_ZOMBIE
    spriteSheet: ZOMBIE.PCK
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: zxalexis on July 01, 2020, 10:23:36 pm
delete the last two lines to get this:

Thanks, that helped. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 05, 2020, 10:57:53 pm
I'm getting random tab-outs/minimize to desktop during gameplay and i'm not sure if this is related to me upgrading to 6.5.3 - anybody having similar issues?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 01:55:39 pm
I am currently encountering segfaults on 6.5.3 when the game tries to recover panicking/surrendering units that can transform and have a valid

Code: [Select]
entry. Case in point would be a panicking Space Technomad in XCF, see here (,5047.msg129515.html?PHPSESSID=oukgnfq4tepinfcvqih5s7ff3c#msg129515) and follow-up here ( An invalid/non-existing item doesn't lead to a crash.

Is this a known problem?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 02:01:37 pm
Is this a known problem?

Can you provide the log file?
There is a known issue, but it should be super rare.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 02:15:18 pm
Code: [Select]
[08-07-2020_12-41-08] [INFO] SDL_mixer initialized successfully.
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x5a1100 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x5a1f70 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x97ffe0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76e471cc _C_specific_handler
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76e5be00 _chkstk
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76e2fed0 RtlInitializeResource
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76e5b510 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x5265d0 OpenXcom::DebriefingState::recoverAlien(OpenXcom::BattleUnit*, OpenXcom::Base*)
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x527920 OpenXcom::DebriefingState::prepareDebriefing()
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x52ca20 OpenXcom::DebriefingState::DebriefingState()
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x510a50 OpenXcom::BattlescapeState::finishBattle(bool, int)
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x5b9360 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x981b10 console_main
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x981c30 WinMain
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] ??
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] ??
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76ce5560 BaseThreadInitThunk
[08-07-2020_12-41-20] [FATAL] 0x76e43710 RtlUserThreadStart
[08-07-2020_12-41-23] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.

That should be the relevant part, let me know if you need the rest of the log or the save file.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 07:59:30 pm
That should be the relevant part, let me know if you need the rest of the log or the save file.

Save would be nice.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 08:22:38 pm
This should work without any mods beside XCF (at least it does for me).

Segfault happens in XCF 1.4 if you destroy the bot, leading to the other enemy units surrendering.

A workaround - whether intended or not - has been introduced in XCF 1.4a, where the corpseitem for CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD has been changed from STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE to STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE (which is not defined). Replacing STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE with any valid item definition leads to a segfault upon enemy units surrendering.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 08:45:32 pm
doesn't crash for me
which oxce build are you using exactly? (exact package download name pls)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 09:02:41 pm

If you're using 1.4a, can you replace armors_XCOMFILES.rul with the one attached to this post?

For some reason in 1.4a the mission also doesn't automatically end upon destroying the bot, but the game crashed upon ending the turn (which leads to the units surrendering).

Just double-checking, this is the bot that needs to be destroyed:
( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 08, 2020, 09:14:29 pm
New OXCE and XCF do not crash for me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 09:14:53 pm

I'm using the same one, with XCF from, but no crash.

It's quite likely that rare known bug I mentioned earlier.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 09:36:53 pm
If you're using 1.4a, can you replace armors_XCOMFILES.rul with the one attached to this post?

For some reason in 1.4a the mission also doesn't automatically end upon destroying the bot, but the game crashed upon ending the turn (which leads to the units surrendering).

With XCF + your custom armors_XCOMFILES.rul it does crash.
And it's not the rare known bug.

It's simply that item "STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD" does not exist, so the game cannot check if the alien should be transformed into items or not.... this feature here highlighted in yellow:,6868.msg127441.html#msg127441
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 09:46:45 pm
But that's the case for 1.4 as well as 1.4a - the only difference is that the corpseitem exists in 1.4 (and crashes the game) and doesn't in 1.4a.

The only thing I did was change the corpseitem.

Why does the corpseitem make any difference if the unit in question is surrendering? And why does a valid corpseitem crash the game, while using an invalid one doesn't?


This is the armordefinition in question (from 1.4a):
Code: [Select]
    spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD

STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE does not exist. This doesn't crash the game.

Code: [Select]
    spriteInv: inventory_SPACE_TECHNOMAD

This is the "old" (1.4) armor definition. STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE exists. This crashes the game.

Note that the unit is surrendering and is not killed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 09:51:38 pm
With invalid corpse item, the game didn't even try to recover the live alien, so it didn't crash. The crashing part was skipped.

With a valid corpse item, the game tried to recover the live alien... but crashed on not existing "live alien item".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 10:03:58 pm
This is the "old" (1.4) armor definition. STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE exists. This crashes the game.

In the old 1.4 that I downloaded from, STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE does not exist.
Same as in 1.4a

So you have either added it and forgot about it, or there are multiple versions of XCF 1.4 in circulation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 10:19:23 pm
I meant 

Code: [Select]
instead of

Code: [Select]

Sorry, I think this is a mess-up on my side. I checked the old/archived versions I have saved, and none of them actually list STR_CYBERWEB_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE under the SPACE_TECHNOMAD armor. They only list the none-existing STR_CYBERWEB_SPACE_TECHNOMAD_CORPSE item.


No idea how this happended, but this explains why it wasn't reproducible. Again, sorry for the confusion.

Just to double-check: the game initially checks for a valid corpsebattle/corpseitem entry and only recovers live aliens if these actually exist? Meaning valid corpsebattle/corpseitem are necessary to recover live alien units?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 08, 2020, 10:37:05 pm
Just to double-check: the game initially checks for a valid corpsebattle/corpseitem entry and only recovers live aliens if these actually exist? Meaning corpsebattle/corpseitem are necessary to recover live alien units?

Yes, OXC and OXCE first check "corpse item" and its "recover" flag when recovering both dead aliens and live aliens.
After this check, more stuff happens.

E.g. to recover a live sectoid or a dead sectoid, the game checks STR_SECTOID_CORPSE in both cases.
A dead sectoid is then recovered as STR_SECTOID_CORPSE and a live sectoid is recovered as STR_SECTOID_SOLDIER or STR_SECTOID_MEDIC, etc.

If any of these things is missing, the game may, should and mostly will crash.

For example, if you would:
1. add STR_ZOMBIE_CORPSE item to vanilla OXCE and make it recoverable
2. and allow a vanilla OXCE zombie to surrender or to be mind-controlled with psionic capture option enabled...

...the game would crash (because of missing STR_ZOMBIE item).

PS: I have added a condition to check this and ignore the OXCE live alien transformation feature instead of crashing:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 08, 2020, 10:43:08 pm
Okay, thanks again for clearing this up  :)

I probably should have checked the old archives first  :P
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on July 09, 2020, 01:40:03 am
Hi Meridian While I was away, I got a good and useful idea for the next update (if it was possible and not discussed)

The fact is that when the ship returned to the base, it was first refueled, then the weapon was reloaded, and then repaired.

I had frequent cases when the ship is more or less in good condition, but its repair will last 1-2 days, there is no ammunition and there is nothing to destroy the enemy, because it is first repaired, then refueled and only then rebooted. weapons (although refueling is fast enough)

Is it possible (more precisely, it is possible) to change the order of these actions in order to simplify the war with the enemies of the Emperor? (yes, chaos got me. there are many of them)

Thank you in advance!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 09, 2020, 09:20:42 am
It would be possible to change it.

But I don't want to change it, I want to stay compatible with the original.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ham on July 11, 2020, 02:53:22 am
Meridian! I have one more suggestion ... This will be useful for mods.

Can you make certain armor or weapons available only to a soldier with the appropriate rank? “As an example: in a 40K mod, Astartes with the title Captain can wear captain's armor when an ordinary Battle Brother cannot.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 11, 2020, 12:12:13 pm
I'll consider it if the 40k modders show interest in it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 16, 2020, 10:23:53 pm
Quick question, since I haven't found anything in the reference:

Is it possible to modify movement costs on a per-armor basis, especially the amount of TUs it takes to transition from ground to air and movement costs while in the air/hovering?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 16, 2020, 11:32:27 pm
Is it possible to modify movement costs on a per-armor basis, especially the amount of TUs it takes to transition from ground to air and movement costs while in the air/hovering?

No, movement cost depends on what you're walking on/flying through/swimming through.
Who is walking makes no difference.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 17, 2020, 05:54:55 pm
How hard woudl it be to implement an armor-based modifier that adds or substracts a certain amount of TUs based on the movement/transitions? Would that even be feasible?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on July 17, 2020, 06:27:23 pm
I suppose it would have to be a multiplier of the movement cost. Still, considering how low these numbers are (4 or 6 TUs, not even counting running), it would probably lead to weird effects if the multiplier isn't chosen carefully.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 17, 2020, 07:57:27 pm
How hard woudl it be to implement an armor-based modifier that adds or substracts a certain amount of TUs based on the movement/transitions? Would that even be feasible?

Hard and VERY frustrating.

Just unhardcoding the kneel/unkneel/turn costs is on my todolist for years. And I didn't have the mental strength to start it yet.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 17, 2020, 08:25:03 pm
I suppose it would have to be a multiplier of the movement cost. Still, considering how low these numbers are (4 or 6 TUs, not even counting running), it would probably lead to weird effects if the multiplier isn't chosen carefully.
I was thinking more about a bonus/malus instead of an actual multiplier (as in, movement on the ground costs +2, flying +4) for that very reason, I might have worded that badly. I am trying to mod a flying armor that is downsized and takes more time to traverse from walking to flying and isn't quite as fast in the air.

I have no idea if this can be done via scripts instead. I was hoping I simply missed something in the reference, but seeing how niche this is I'll shelve this idea for the time being. Thanks for the explanation Meridian  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: TheDeparted on July 19, 2020, 01:23:06 pm
Hello, everyone!

Can anyone tell me where I could find the changelog for openxcom extended?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 19, 2020, 03:21:27 pm
Can anyone tell me where I could find the changelog for openxcom extended?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 23, 2020, 06:38:33 pm
New OXCE v6.6 is up.

- Color-coded disabled research in TechTreeViewer (UFO=grey, TFTD=red)
- Save also worn armor in the personal equipment layout
- Display summary of destroyed base facilities after a missile strike
- Improved "don't follow projectiles" option a bit

- 'manaExperience' - now also supported for psi-amps (incl. unsuccessful attempts)
- 'turnBeforeFirstStep' - option to charge TUs for turning before the first step
- 'turnCost' - unhardcoded TU cost of turning (doesn't apply to tank turret movement)
- Removed unused 'difficultyBasedRetaliationDelay' mod option
- Added 'difficultyDemigod' mod option (from OXC)
- Added XcomUtil_Fighter_Transports_TFTD standard mod
- Added XcomUtil_Triton_Weapon_Slot standard mod

- Craft weapons+ammo and HWPs+ammo now count properly towards storage limits... this was done to fix various situations where player was stuck on SELL screen
  * Hangars in xcom1/xcom2 were given +5 storage space to offset new storage counting and to be compatible with original XCOM (not with OpenXcom)
  * Used/Total storage space at the beginning of the game is as follows:
    * XCOM: 36/50 (14 free)
    * OXC:  40/50 (10 free)
    * OXCE: 51/65 (14 free)
- Added mod option to define whether a base facility should have any storage tiles during base defense or not
  * Hangars in xcom1/xcom2 were marked as not having any storage tiles

- RuleItem.getPower, RuleItem.getDamageType and many more damage-related getters
- RuleItem.hasCategory
- Tile.getPosition.getX, Tile.getPosition.getY, Tile.getPosition.getZ, Tile.getFire, Tile.getSmoke, Tile.getShade, Tile.getUnit, Tile.getFloorSpecialTileType, Tile.getObjectSpecialTileType

- Fixed crash-land condition for kamikaze and unmanned UFOs
- Fixed validations when building base facilities after a missile strike or base defense
- Fixed average monthly rating calculation in Statistics screen
- Shooting at yourself doesn't count as being shot at (diaries/commendations)
- Fixed item distribution during base defense (checkerboard pattern), broken since oxce v6.0
- Added storage check after geoscape events
- Added storage check after missile strikes

Ruleset validation:
- Displaying up to 30 validation errors at once
- Added more ruleset consistency checks

- Removed palette switching on all images every time a new screen is opened
- Fixed crash/UB when recovering psi-captured zombies

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: xcomfan on August 24, 2020, 04:08:57 pm
Good! Please note that in linux (usin Ubuntu MATE) still in 6.6 gives a bug "GMINTRO01 music not found", don't know if it's xpiratez related but it's solved by set playintro=true to false in options.cfg. Log is attached anyway :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 09, 2020, 03:47:56 pm
New OXCE v6.6.1 is up.

- Improved hit log calculations a bit (when hp/stun damage are negative)

- Added support for a fixed location/name starting base (Important: fix either location or location+name... never fix only the name, game will not work correctly if you fix only the name!!)
- Research projects with base cost = 1 cannot roll final cost = 0 anymore

- Fixed alien containment dismantle check
- Fixed a crash when AI used up one ammo from a multi-ammo weapon
- OXC: enemy melee reaction doesn't invalidate attacker's aim status anymore

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Aldorn on September 30, 2020, 09:18:24 pm
Hi all,

Back after 5 years, OMG  :o

I should not be here as often as in the past, but... what a GREAT JOB !!!

Many thanks to Meridian (and other) for all this amazing features, improvements, capabilities, etc.

Congrats to Solar to be so resilient !

And I'm forced to mention SupSuper and Warboy, whithout them nothing of that would exist : this game project is clearly the best all over the world  ::)

Hum... Just back, and already a SUGGESTION lol : what about moving [Documentation] threads in a specific theme "DOCUMENTATION"

OMG so much to read, I had a look at the [Done]

And also congrats for documenting, very wise and very helpful initiative

So many new features as soldier classes, a total 40K conversion, a new mod web site. Even possibilities to write scripts. Will have to learn how to, but should made easy thanks to all these nice [Documentation] threads

Congratulations and Thanks for all of this  :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 01, 2020, 12:34:32 am
Welcome back :)

A lot has changed over the last 5 years... but it's still good old xcom. Check out the Discord channel too if you haven't already...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Aldorn on October 01, 2020, 11:22:27 am
It will take me days even weeks to discover all of that, but it's the price to pay for the amazing job you did all here

I already found the release notes (since the merge of OXCE and OXCE+)  ::)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 01, 2020, 06:39:04 pm
Auto sell option when you produce a craft (for example I chose a Cormorant from TWoTS) not working. The button sell is pressed on, but when production is done ship not sold and present in Sub Pen. Another problem - I can't set infinite option for production ship too, it says no free Sub Pens even I have one free Sub Pen for it and auto sell option is on. Comments?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 01, 2020, 06:42:49 pm

These are not OXCE features, they are OXC features... and they are not supported for crafts as far as I know.
Feel free to make a suggestion for OXC.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on October 01, 2020, 07:16:08 pm
As for the infinite option problem. The error message works as intended since you only have one sub penn free (taking into account that auto sell does not work on craft).

The production always starts with one unit, this one claims your only free hangar. When you try to increase the production (by one or infinite) OXC checks if there are free hangars left for the additional crafts. Since you started with only one free hangar that check returns false, hence the message "No Free Sub Pens".

If you have more than 1 free hangar the infinite option will maximize the crafts you can produce based on the number of free hangars. Something you can easily check (sell all crafts in a base with multiple hangars and then try to produce multiple crafts, it will stop once the number of empty hangars is reached).

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 01, 2020, 09:18:04 pm
Thank you all for explanation, I'm not complaining, just found how it works and posted here. So auto sell not working for crafts and this is not bug? Usually I'm not produce crafts for profit, it was small exception because I haven't researched any other production items yet, like med-kits.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: xcomfan on October 03, 2020, 06:28:19 pm
Once again  since linux users gonna need libSDL, may we get from next version an AppImage build? More info here (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 03, 2020, 10:11:06 pm
Once again  since linux users gonna need libSDL, may we get from next version an AppImage build? More info here (

If you create it, you can have it.

I will not create it.

And don't ask me again, I answered this question at least five times already.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 05, 2020, 09:46:05 pm
Excuse me for stupid question (I know it somewhere in documentation exist), but how I can pop up search box (what keyboard buttons I should press) where I can type name of item when use sorting, researching, transfer and e.t.c?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 05, 2020, 10:49:41 pm
Q key
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 06, 2020, 07:10:47 pm
Remind me, please, which option rigidly fixes stat points received for missions, not allowing soldiers to exceed statCaps under any circumstances? And is there such an option?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2020, 08:39:07 pm
Remind me, please, which option rigidly fixes stat points received for missions, not allowing soldiers to exceed statCaps under any circumstances? And is there such an option?

No, there is no such option.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 06, 2020, 09:00:53 pm
No, there is no such option.

Very sad. I wanted to use ARMOR_GAINS_EXTRA_SECONDARY_STATS_PERCENT, but in the absence of hard limits, this script spoils everything for me. Apparently I have to without him.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2020, 10:32:54 pm
Very sad. I wanted to use ARMOR_GAINS_EXTRA_SECONDARY_STATS_PERCENT, but in the absence of hard limits, this script spoils everything for me. Apparently I have to without him.

You can change the script to apply the hard limits.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 06, 2020, 11:07:27 pm
You can change the script to apply the hard limits.

I'm trying.  :) Sooner or later, something is possible and will work out.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 07, 2020, 09:27:24 am
I couldn't do anything with this script, but it is as a cheating tool with the experience of a soldier - great!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 07, 2020, 10:29:24 pm
In which particular file should add "extendedMeleeReactions"? This option does not work for me in either "difficulty.rul" or "vars.rul". Or do need to adjust the weapon for reaction separately?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 07, 2020, 10:33:59 pm
In which particular file should add "extendedMeleeReactions"? This option does not work for me in either "difficulty.rul" or "vars.rul". Or do need to adjust the weapon for reaction separately?

Any file, but it needs to be inside "constants:" parent attribute.

Example here:,8166.msg127065.html#msg127065
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 07, 2020, 11:56:45 pm
Any file, but it needs to be inside "constants:" parent attribute.

Example here:,8166.msg127065.html#msg127065

It was written in Ruleset_Reference_Nightly, but translator failed... Understood. Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 09, 2020, 03:15:52 pm
Is it possible to do endless research like "Future Technology" in Civilization 2?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 10, 2020, 06:32:20 pm
Question about Distruptor pulse launcher - I've found what even with 120% (I know now what is not real accuracy %) it missing a lot - torpedo follows few way point but after that just flew out of battle map screen. Why that happened? New OXCE mechanics or it should be by default?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 10, 2020, 07:12:30 pm
Question about Distruptor pulse launcher - I've found what even with 120% (I know now what is not real accuracy %) it missing a lot - torpedo follows few way point but after that just flew out of battle map screen. Why that happened? New OXCE mechanics or it should be by default?

There are no new mechanics.

After the last waypoint, the missile just continues in the same direction... and if it doesn't hit anything along the way, it goes out of the battle map.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 10, 2020, 07:39:28 pm
This is strange and still confuse me. I set way points as forward, next up, next right and last is down to hit the colony roof in the middle. But instead of it the missile going up flew to roof and not moving down to hit but just off the map. It's just ignore last way point completely. Plus in few mission, usually with medium USO aliens has a lot of D.P.L.s but they missing too. Not every time of course.
Here the screenshots what I made in debug mode New battle:
( (
( (
But my last way point inside the base. May that's why it not working? It's just ignoring roof wall at all.
I did 4th way point just one tile below 3rd on the roof but missile still missing and disappearing
( (
Save file to test. The guy who shoot has 78% on dpl:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 10, 2020, 08:05:32 pm
It works for me just fine, see attached video.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 10, 2020, 08:42:08 pm
I don't have recording software to show you problem, only what I can say is try set save scumming on and reload before using launcher. When enable it the missile hit but when I turn it off it miss. I think it's RNG and this weapon still can miss. If I found how record it I'll post it here. New OBS absolutely terrible I can't even capture game window :(
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 10, 2020, 08:55:09 pm
can you give me exact [x,y,z] coordinates of all 4 waypoints?

(click on a tile in debug mode to show the coordinates in the top left corner)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 10, 2020, 09:17:26 pm
Here we go: 19,48,0 for first 19,48,3 is second 29,32,3 third and 29,32,2 last. Did it few times to make sure what I set way points in same place. I'm using guy in gold armor in front.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 11, 2020, 03:05:44 pm
Here we go: 19,48,0 for first 19,48,3 is second 29,32,3 third and 29,32,2 last. Did it few times to make sure what I set way points in same place. I'm using guy in gold armor in front.

Yes, the missile went above the top floor.
Normal behavior, launchers also have (usually small) trajectory deviations like normal weapons.

To prevent it, send the missile along z-level=2, that way it won't go off the map.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 11, 2020, 05:52:51 pm
Ok, thank you for investigation and explanation, much appreciated. And seems that's why aliens sometimes miss with it too. To be honest I'm glad of last fact, because it's give you chance survive on open space map.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on October 13, 2020, 05:51:05 pm
I hope this is the right topic to ask my question.

When you're on the ground and if you try to retrieve an object, you get the message "Alien object" as long as no search has been done!
It's perfect!
But at the end of the mission we see the name of the object. This makes future searches much easier. Especially for very old players like me!

In several other games of the same kind as UFO/TFTD one knows the name of the object only after research. In the meantime we see in stores and in the laboratory "alien object" or "alien weapon"!

So my question is simple: is it possible to do the same thing in OXCE?
Tks !

Translated by
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 13, 2020, 05:58:37 pm
So my question is simple: is it possible to do the same thing in OXCE?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on October 13, 2020, 06:00:58 pm
Clear... fast and accurate!  :'(
What a shame!
Title: options.cfg conflict
Post by: Nilex on October 16, 2020, 03:47:40 pm
So I've set up my OXC and OXCE installs (both standalone) in separate folders on non-system partition (Win7) and noticed there is a clash between the two because they both use the same options.cfg file in Documents folder. OXCE reads OXC settings fine initially, but after I make changes in OXCE and run OXC, extra options from OXCE are wiped when I run it again and need to be set again.

Is there any way to force separate config for each? For example to use OXC for vanilla games and OXCE for mods, without needing to adjust extra options every time OXCE is ran after OXC. Thought the strength of standalone was keeping stuff localized inside their own folders. Took a quick look at XPiratez and it handles it locally, inside dedicated .\user subfolder. There's gotta be a simple trick I missed.

EDIT (as I'm writing this no less...): Aaand indeed there is ( Or, if one is feeling extra adventurous ( Standalone powah!
Honestly didn't expect search engine to find an answer but I gave it a shoot anyway (bit too late). Gonna hit Post anyway, maybe someone finds it amusing if not helpful.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 17, 2020, 09:14:04 pm
I have a question about pilot system. If interceptor weapon has 50% accuracy and pilot bring 15% accuracy bonus how it affect weapon on board? Will it change to 65% total? What exactly those 15%? Same for dodging bonus. Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 17, 2020, 09:28:22 pm
Yes, it will be 65%.

They add up.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 18, 2020, 05:02:29 pm
New OXCE v6.7 is up.

- Show hours per unit in ManufactureInfo GUI
- Soldier bonus stats change summary table (in Soldier Bonus GUI)
- Dogfight multi-commands (R-click):,8655.0.html
- More default item categories (armors, prisoners) in Buy/Sell/Transfer UIs
- Show only "supported" races in New Battle GUI
- Transformations Overview GUI (by ohartenstein23)
- M-click in Build Facilities GUI:,7233.0.html
- Fast airborne transfer by selecting a new base as craft destination (by ohartenstein23)
- Allowed armors shown as a scrollable list (in "What can I wear?" GUI)
- Hotkey 'End' to reset interception music in Ufopedia
- Ufopedia multi-page indicator (for item articles):,8091.0.html
- Craft weapons can now be enabled/disabled in the hangar (click on icon)
- Stat strings update more often (after dogfight, every day after training)
- Added options.cfg entry for Intercept GUI display mode

- BREAKING CHANGE: Combined display of vanilla+custom categories: 'useCustomCategories' (true/false) changed to 'displayCustomCategories' (0/1/2)
- Game over (win/lose) support after a research cutscene
- EXPERIMENTAL: Death traps:,7671.msg132978.html#msg132978
- EXPERIMENTAL: Melee terrain damage:,8634.0.html
- Psi camouflage:,7816.0.html
- Research gate for building new xcom bases: `newBaseUnlockResearch`
- Option to sort new research list by cost/name: `enableNewResearchSorting`
- Throw range limits + underwater throw range factor:,8273.0.html
- Finished research can now spawn geoscape events directly:,7698.0.html
- Ability to spawn persons via geoscape events:,7215.msg132650.html#msg132650
- Spawned soldier template (via Manufacturing):,8615.0.html
- Support for limited craft storage space:,8577.msg132148.html#msg132148
- Added automatic off-centre shooting (by karadoc)... as user option

- Get/set fatal wounds per body part, get/set current armor per body side
- Added scripts hooks for melee hit chance

- Prevent psionic capture of uncapturable units
- Fixed throwing items through ceilings and walls (OG bug)
- Fixed custom initial base bug
- Fixed soft and hard limit auto-detection in transformation stats update
- Fixed order-dependent facility upgrading


Wiki ruleset reference and VSCode ruleset validator were updated.

PS: MacOS build will be available in a few days.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 18, 2020, 09:52:11 pm
Thank you so much for the update. A lot of useful things. Especially impressive is the opportunity to finally create a branch of specialized cargo ships.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: efrenespartano on October 18, 2020, 11:34:40 pm
Thank you so much for your efforts, mate! You are such a good man, Meridian. :D

I totally love the new Event additions you have made, I've been waiting for them since a long time

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 19, 2020, 06:14:10 pm
Gentlemen may I ask question about Psy/MC attacks - what circumstances trigger it? Let's set all option to defaults - I mean what aliens can attack regardless of line of sight. When they exactly start doing it? When they spot x-com units, when certain amount of turns has passed or something else? What priority they will use? Weak Psy/MC units, high ranked units or units with most powerful weapons in hands?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 19, 2020, 06:49:42 pm
They don't need line of sight (by default).
But they need to be aware of you, i.e. someone must have spotted you.

As for the rest, they use psi if they have good psi skills and they prefer weak psi soldiers. RNG is also a big factor.

There is no turn limit (by default), no rank preference, no powerful weapons preference.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nilex on October 20, 2020, 09:30:28 pm
Gentlemen may I ask question about Psy/MC attacks - what circumstances trigger it? Let's set all option to defaults - I mean what aliens can attack regardless of line of sight. When they exactly start doing it? When they spot x-com units, when certain amount of turns has passed or something else? What priority they will use? Weak Psy/MC units, high ranked units or units with most powerful weapons in hands?
Based on my last 3 months playing vanilla TFTD (dunno exactly how OXCE differs but my guess is not by much):
- aliens need to have PSI/MC capable unit on map
- your soldier only needs to be spotted, horizontal distance is irrelevant but affects success rate the most (under 20 tiles and is practically a guaranteed success but over let's say 30 and it will never succeed, under same conditions)
- they prioritize: spotted, then weakest resistance (fixed PSI/MC strength, even if you aren't there yet)
- at 20th turn aliens get a free peak at all your solders
Now the most confusing part:
- when you hit an alien with direct fire, that soldier becomes visible to all aliens on map (and remains visible for number of turns equal to hidden Intelligence attribute value every alien has, max I think is 4), obstacles or distance don't matter to visibility
Last part probably isn't 100% correct. Maybe hit alien must only be wounded and they are remembering only for one turn instead, with Intelligence coming into effect in some other circumstances. Or it is 100%. Hell if I know. One thing I clearly remember, after my PTSD wore off, is if you are getting frustrated - you are playing it right!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 21, 2020, 02:18:38 pm
This is may be because some graphics settings in my OXCE but I want to ask anyway:
( (
I mean this pink back screen. If I remember correctly in early version when message about out of space pops out you can still see normal green back layout with items on it. Is this new OXCE feature or I mistake and it was before ? Using latest version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 21, 2020, 03:11:51 pm
It is an issue with the latest version.

Just visual.

I've tested it only in geoscape where it doesn't happen, on all other places it does. I will fix it today.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 22, 2020, 02:58:05 pm
Question about throwing. The guy in front who have a flare in his hand trying throw it to another guy in front but flare just drops to his own feet. So: 1. I'm unlucky with trowing accuracy (but this is strange I did this 3 times in row and all was unsuccessful) 2. This is kneeling behavior. 3. It's because Triton roof  affect throwing on distance. 4. May be a  bug. Save file attached, don't forget remove Ironman mode there.   
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on October 23, 2020, 01:10:46 am
I'm going to be burned with this question... but since I can't find explanations and I don't understand the English language... I dare!
With OXCE 6.7 new keyboard/mouse commands appear. Example "M-click" in the research screen.
There was also "M-click" during the tactical to see the enemy and his weapons...
All these commands work very well with "OXCE 6.7 + XFiles" ! Thank you very much!

But why in an OXCE 6.7 game without any other pack these commands don't work ?
There must be something I didn't understand... sorry !  :-[
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 23, 2020, 11:36:57 am
Question about throwing. The guy in front who have a flare in his hand trying throw it to another guy in front but flare just drops to his own feet. So: 1. I'm unlucky with trowing accuracy (but this is strange I did this 3 times in row and all was unsuccessful) 2. This is kneeling behavior. 3. It's because Triton roof  affect throwing on distance. 4. May be a  bug. Save file attached, don't forget remove Ironman mode there.

It's a bug.
Caused by a recent fix for throwing through ceilings and walls.

We will look at it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on October 23, 2020, 04:44:04 pm
You probably know it already, but if guy who doing it standing it works fine. Same for kneeling but if direction is diagonal it's success too.
To avoid double posting let's just edit my message with new interesting info: I drown very small USO (TWoTS) and wait while day come. Landing there, terrain was volcanic. I begin the mission and in few turns it's over because alien(s) died from wounds. I haven't discovered them visually. I got strange mission debriefing screen - only 7 aqua plastics. So I have a question - why? I know what all equipment in USO could be destroyed due to crash, same for aliens weapons and even bodies, but where gone corpse of last alien who was alive when mission starts? It's just gone. Really strange. Sorry I don't have a save file to reproduce it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 24, 2020, 10:32:23 am
To avoid double posting let's just edit my message with new interesting info: I drown very small USO (TWoTS) and wait while day come. Landing there, terrain was volcanic. I begin the mission and in few turns it's over because alien(s) died from wounds. I haven't discovered them visually. I got strange mission debriefing screen - only 7 aqua plastics. So I have a question - why? I know what all equipment in USO could be destroyed due to crash, same for aliens weapons and even bodies, but where gone corpse of last alien who was alive when mission starts? It's just gone. Really strange. Sorry I don't have a save file to reproduce it.

can't reproduce
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 24, 2020, 11:45:39 am
New OXCE v6.7.2 is up.

- Added Psi Training Finished GUI
- Removed automatic personal lights toggle

- Option to ignore death traps by (original) faction:,7671.msg133202.html#msg133202

- Fixed visual bug with the Sell GUI

- Scan user mods also in the data folder (Android and iOS):,6591.msg133302.html#msg133302
- Updated icon for Android
- Updated UFO universal data patch for Android

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: CyberAxe on October 31, 2020, 03:12:08 pm
I'm finding a lot of mods getting broken from 6.5 onwards, I've submitted bug reports to those modules (Though several have not been updated in quite a while so dubious if they'll ever get fixed) but something to be aware of.

Also any chance of extending debug so it can tell you at which module it has found a problem?

Perhaps on startup if debug mode is enabled it loads each module in order and does a check to make sure everything is valid before loading the next module instead of loading everything then checking which seems to be the case jus tnow, since if you enable a module in the mods menu and there's an error it will tell you what module has the error, will save new people a lot of time on setup, I spent hours figuring out which modules were having issues as I had to delete them one by one to find which one it was.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 31, 2020, 04:46:50 pm
Also any chance of extending debug so it can tell you at which module it has found a problem?

Perhaps on startup if debug mode is enabled it loads each module in order and does a check to make sure everything is valid before loading the next module instead of loading everything then checking which seems to be the case jus tnow, since if you enable a module in the mods menu and there's an error it will tell you what module has the error, will save new people a lot of time on setup, I spent hours figuring out which modules were having issues as I had to delete them one by one to find which one it was.

1/ That's not technically possible in the current architecture.

2/ Also, there are submods, which work only in combination with parent mods.
And unfortunately even "partial" mods, which don't work standalone, but work together with other "parts".

To find out (and fix) issues you can enable mods one by one, instead of enabling everything and then guessing what's wrong where.
That should reduce the time to fix it from hours to minutes.
At least it does for me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 01, 2020, 08:49:54 pm
Meridian, are there (or are planning) options for managing the cost and time of transfers between bases?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 01, 2020, 09:10:56 pm
Meridian, are there (or are planning) options for managing the cost and time of transfers between bases?

Currently I don't know of any such request.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 01, 2020, 09:21:18 pm
Consider that now he is. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 01, 2020, 09:21:54 pm
Consider that now he is. :)

Well, I need some details too... how should it work?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 01, 2020, 09:39:11 pm
Well, I need some details too... how should it work?

First, would like to know the default time and cost. How is the transfer price and time calculated?
Options (transferBaseTime:  1.0) and (transferBaseCost: 1.0) must manage divider \ factor of default values.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 01, 2020, 10:19:30 pm
First, would like to know the default time and cost. How is the transfer price and time calculated?

It's based on distance.
Maximum distance is 102.4 (for example between north pole and south pole).

Transfer cost is:
- distance*1 for items
- distance*5 for personnel
- distance*25 for craft

Transfer time is: 6 + distance/10... so anywhere between 6 and 16 hours.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 01, 2020, 10:36:20 pm
Can use a multiplier of the default values. Working with integers, it seems, will not work.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 02, 2020, 02:37:17 pm
Meridian, I'm sorry to bother you, but there is one more thing. If soldierDiaries (soldierDiaries: false) is disabled, can the "DIARY" and "STATISTICS" buttons be disabled? And what's the point in them, with statistics disabled?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 02, 2020, 02:51:29 pm
Meridian, I'm sorry to bother you, but there is one more thing. If soldierDiaries (soldierDiaries: false) is disabled, can the "DIARY" and "STATISTICS" buttons be disabled? And what's the point in them, with statistics disabled?

I will disable the Diary.

In Statistics, I will only hide the fields that depend on the Diary.

PS: if you load a save, which does contain soldier diaries, they will also not be visible
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 02, 2020, 03:48:29 pm
It is sometimes interesting to play without statistics. In a retro style, might say.

Ideally, if the statistics were disabled, the counter of the stunned remained, like the counter of the killed. But I already wrote about it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 03, 2020, 12:27:47 pm
Is there a quick way, while maintaining the inability to use alien artifacts, to allow them to be loaded onto the ship?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 03, 2020, 12:33:59 pm
Is there a quick way, while maintaining the inability to use alien artifacts, to allow them to be loaded onto the ship?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 05, 2020, 06:22:17 am
Encountering some issues modding OXCE (on android). Dunno if I did something wrong or what.

Changed the gauss cannon ammo to do explosive damage and reduced power to 50.
But in DamageAlter I tweaked all the stats including ToTile to do 3 times what it would normally do (and turned randomHealth, randomWound, randomStun off). And added ResistType: 4 and FixRadius: 3.

The idea here is a shot so powerful it causes a small explosion and concentrated damage. But by using 50 Power it visually displays a small explosion to match its size. By doing x3 stats it should effectively leverage on everything as if it was 150 damage (then 120, 90 adjacent).

Then noticed in Ship Terror Mission the shots are Not damaging the regular steel walls that a Sonic Pulser will blow open (even at Power 50 and ToTile 1.5). With several shots, so its not just crap damage rolls.

And on a different ammo type (Gas Cannon AP) that I did the same thing to it Is Not displaying in the Ufopaedia that it does (ResistType: 1) Armor Piercing, it still lists High Explosive there.

Has ResistType and ToTile been turned off?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 05, 2020, 11:26:03 am
Can't say anything without seeing the full runnable mod.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 06, 2020, 03:56:51 am
Can't say anything without seeing the full runnable mod.

As noted the hwp gauss doesn't seem to do much damage. Two hits to the coral shale only damaged the urchins on it. I forget the mcd armor of the shale pieces but it should be getting hit vs 75.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 06, 2020, 10:19:59 am
As noted the hwp gauss doesn't seem to do much damage. Two hits to the coral shale only damaged the urchins on it. I forget the mcd armor of the shale pieces but it should be getting hit vs 75.

You have 56 syntax errors there.
Sample attached as screenshot.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on November 06, 2020, 10:13:14 pm
Question about panic, berserk and losing morale as aliens. I know what OXCE long time ago has changed algorithm about how aliens lose moral, it's in patch (release) notes. That's fine. I'm accepting the rules. According the last, enemy morale drops slow in large groups. But I've found strange thing what confuse me - playing TWoTS on experienced I almost not encountered any panics from missions what have big USOs (large or very large) and vise versa - on superhuman when I kills a lot of enemies they start panic or even surrender. So why this happened? How it working - on % of remain live aliens on map in compare with 100% of them when mission starts or it's fixed number not depending on %, so low difficulty has less enemies on map at beginning and chance of panic significantly lowers? Could it be affected but mod .rul files with (or) errors in it? How difficulty works? Thank for answers in advance.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on November 06, 2020, 10:52:35 pm
Idea is simple, if enemy loose 1% of its units it should not make panic. Even its is 100 units (of 10000).
You can image this as if there is lot of units then each morale loose is multiplied by 0.01, if there is only 10 units then its multiplied by 1
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 06, 2020, 11:35:46 pm
You have 56 syntax errors there.
Sample attached as screenshot.
They're Case-Sensitive?
Sorry about that, didn't know.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on November 07, 2020, 08:48:40 pm
Sorry for asking again about pilots but I'm using now interceptor which require two of them. So question - how additional evasion and accuracy stats works now? Is it adding average of both guys? I mean formula is addstat=(statguy1+statguy2)/2 ? I'm asking because both my guys has +18 on accuracy if they used alone in one pilot interceptor craft. But now in two pilots the bonus stats stays +18 not +36. Thanks for explanation in advance.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 08, 2020, 01:31:20 am
Sorry for asking again about pilots but I'm using now interceptor which require two of them. So question - how additional evasion and accuracy stats works now? Is it adding average of both guys? I mean formula is addstat=(statguy1+statguy2)/2 ? I'm asking because both my guys has +18 on accuracy if they used alone in one pilot interceptor craft. But now in two pilots the bonus stats stays +18 not +36. Thanks for explanation in advance.

yes, it's averaged
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on November 08, 2020, 02:38:11 pm
Sorry for asking it here, but I have not saw Nord for long time (hope he is fine!). TWoTS latest. For some reason I can't dismantle one empty sub pen at base 1 until I sell D.U.P head torpedoes and other ship equipment. Is this because I'm almost lack of space and sub pens provide some small additional storage space too? Save file for investigation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: tarkalak on November 08, 2020, 10:54:22 pm
Sorry for asking it here, but I have not saw Nord for long time (hope he is fine!). TWoTS latest. For some reason I can't dismantle one empty sub pen at base 1 until I sell D.U.P head torpedoes and other ship equipment. Is this because I'm almost lack of space and sub pens provide some small additional storage space too? Save file for investigation.

Without looking at your save: Probably yes.

Hangars do give some storage space and it is probably the same in this mod. You can check in the Stats for Nerds section of the Hangar ufopaedia.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on November 09, 2020, 01:36:40 am
Yes, you right, it's provide 5 storage space. I was inpatient and haven't check the stats before posting my stupid message. Apologizes everyone. Playing games using OXCE a lot and always missing some obvious things :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: uncletrunks on November 20, 2020, 07:37:32 pm
Took me an unreasonable amount of time to get this to work but:
Portable Xcom Files! It takes four and a half minutes to load, but it works  8)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 20, 2020, 07:46:48 pm
Hehe, nice.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 20, 2020, 09:32:18 pm
I am so honored!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 22, 2020, 04:55:20 pm
New OXCE v6.8 is up.

- Show turn limit in the End Turn button tooltip
- Notes GUI (hotkey `Ctrl+N`)
- TTV produced by section
- TTV back button (hotkey `Backspace`)

- EXPERIMENTAL: reinforcements script:,5151.msg133650.html#msg133650
- Ability to override rank-based race member (see link above)

- Escort the VIPs mission type:,8792.0.html
- Protect the VIPs mission type (see link above)
- Custom debrief mission accomplished/failed title (`missionCompleteText`, `missionFailedText`)
- Custom name/attributes for civilians recovered as soldiers:,5185.msg134201.html#msg134201

- (Partial) Support for non-point mission site areas (e.g. terror sites don't have to be only in cities, but can be in rectangular areas)
(full support since OXCE v7.3)

- Support for craft skins:,8244.msg133524.html#msg133524
- Ability to disable facility connectors:,8006.msg133709.html#msg133709
- Support for multiple air lock types:,8006.0.html
- Base defense facility ammunition:,7651.msg133495.html#msg133495

- Alternative pedia article for armors (MMB):,8707.msg133338.html#msg133338
- Custom sprite for UFO-style armor articles:,8707.msg133330.html#msg133330
- Custom palette support for TFTD-style pedia articles:,4957.0.html

- Option to disable tech tree viewer:,8791.0.html
- Option to disable stats for nerds (see link above)
- Option to disable production dependency tree (see link above)
- Option to disable "alien inventory" (see link above)
- Option to disable hit log/turn diary (see link above)

- GetOneFree now works also for mission bonus and event bonus
- Craft immune to detection by HKs and alien bases flag (`undetectable`)

- Fixed 2x2 units autoshots bug on slopes
- Fixed in-use check for prisons
- Fixed 40k turret endless loop
- Fixed verticalLevels in a facilities ruleset having a wrongly sized map script command
- Fixed fake civilian scoring issue
- Fixed 25yo bug (throwing through walls and ceilings)


VSCode ruleset validator plugin and wiki ruleset reference were updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on November 23, 2020, 01:16:42 am
I'm going to be burned with this question... but since I can't find explanations and I don't understand the English language... I dare!
With OXCE 6.7 new keyboard/mouse commands appear. Example "M-click" in the research screen.
There was also "M-click" during the tactical to see the enemy and his weapons...
All these commands work very well with "OXCE 6.7 + XFiles" ! Thank you very much!

But why in an OXCE 6.7 game without any other pack these commands don't work ?
There must be something I didn't understand... sorry !
I have finally found the cause of the error!
I had about twenty small mods!
I had to put them together in a pack and now everything works!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 23, 2020, 04:07:00 pm
Good job. Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: efrenespartano on November 23, 2020, 06:33:08 pm
Thanks for this brand new update full of amazing new features, Meridian! You are the best))
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 28, 2020, 11:57:21 pm
Hey on the Android version how do you turn the personal lights back on?
I have no idea how they got turned off in the first place, but now I cant find the option in either the .cfg file or the .sav file.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 29, 2020, 12:09:08 am
click on the blue rectangle
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 30, 2020, 12:14:48 am
No thats not what im talking about. Night vision comes on automatically. However even with it off the Triton and all personnel and HWPs are supposed to have a personal light, always been that way.

Now somehow all of that has disappeared.
The only lights visible on the map at all are because of Fires (didnt bring flares).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 30, 2020, 01:04:12 am
I'll release an update tomorrow with an extra button to toggle personal lights separately.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: RSSwizard on November 30, 2020, 01:11:27 am
Here's a clearer example. I also did a fresh reinstall too. Simple quick battle no saves. Max darkness shade. I tossed the flare on the upper deck.
Notice that none of the units have light on them at all.
This could be a bug, dunno. I upgraded the other day to 6.8 from 6.6 and started noticing it after that.
Oddly when the darkness shade isnt strong enough to enable nightvision the personal lights are present. But when nightvision becomes available, the lights go off. That makes this sound like a light system bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 30, 2020, 08:56:06 pm
New OXCE v6.8.3 is up.

- Ctrl+EndTurn to skip AI in debug mode

- Melee terrain damage for 2x2 units:,8634.0.html
- No CQC when surprised (see `closeQuartersSneakUpGlobal` in the ruleset reference)
- Option to disable inventory TU cost indicator:,8791.0.html

- Fixed double mod loading on mobile platforms
- Fixed personal lights issue on Android
- Fixed rare crash when reporting a crash :)
- Fixed rare crash on mising footstep sound

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on December 01, 2020, 12:59:52 pm
- Melee terrain damage for 2x2 units:,8634.0.html
If the AI uses it, Reapers will finaly be able to navigate cities. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on December 21, 2020, 09:36:30 pm
I was using the OXCE Version from 2019 (with X-Files mod). Today I downloaded the Nov. 2020 version and simply overwrite all 2019 files with the new ones from the downloaded archiv.

Now I have a strange error.

[21-12-2020_20-34-25]   [ERROR]   Error processing 'STR_DAVID_VINCENT' in units: Item STR_STR_DESERT_EAGLE not found
Error processing 'STR_FEMALE_CIVILIAN_CITY_GIRL' in units: Item STR_PAINKILLERS not found
Error processing 'STR_MALE_CIVILIAN_CITY_BOY' in units: Item STR_PAINKILLERS not found

Sounds like a problem with the Mod. But I do not understand why the Mod matters.
I did not updated the Mod! An old Mod version should work with a new/fresh OXCE version - in my understanding.

So what do I missunderstand here?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 21, 2020, 09:48:31 pm
Sounds like a problem with the Mod. But I do not understand why the Mod matters.
I did not updated the Mod! An old Mod version should work with a new/fresh OXCE version - in my understanding.

So what do I missunderstand here?

We improve OXCE constantly and add ruleset validations almost every release to improve the quality of mods.

That causes mods, which had an (undetected) error to stop working after the upgrade. The modders then update/fix their mods and release a new version that's better. Win win.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on December 22, 2020, 12:52:33 am
I see. That sounds like a good solution.

I have the lates X-Com Files 1.7b and lates OXCE. It starts now.
But my savegames are not displayed in the game menu. The save game list is empty.

But the sav-files are still in ~/.local/share/openxcom/x-com-files. What can do to bring them back in the game?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on December 22, 2020, 10:42:48 pm
The mod was deactived. I can't understand why.
XCOM2 was load by default.

After activating I get an error again.

[22-12-2020_21-42-07]   [WARN]   disabling mod with invalid ruleset: x-com-files
[22-12-2020_21-42-07]   [ERROR]   failed to load 'X-Com Files'; mod disabled
Error for 'STR_LASER_CARBINE': offset '2016' exceeds mod size limit 2000 in set 'HANDOB.PCK' at line 11567
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 22, 2020, 11:42:24 pm
Mod size limit in XcomFiles 1.7b is 3000, not 2000.
Just install the mod properly and don't mix it with old versions or anything.
It's really easy.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 09, 2021, 08:04:48 pm
New OXCE v6.9.1 is up.

- User option for default filter in New Manufacture UI (`oxceManufactureFilterSuppliesOK` in options.cfg)
- Prioritize drawing units on the ground (regardless of weight)

- Unhardcoded hit/explode/bulletimpact animation frame counts:,8944.msg135061.html#msg135061
- Ability to re-enable disabled research topics:,5482.msg135345.html#msg135345
- Option to trigger events on country leave/rejoin:,8878.msg135112.html#msg135112
- Alternative battlescape theme window background:,9020.0.html
- Allow Leeroy to perform multi-turn charge:,5628.msg135343.html#msg135343

- More scripting support for Ufos and Crafts
- Add script handlers for stats for nerds:,8985.0.html

- Fixed support for non-point mission site areas
- Fixed crash when reloading the game with a primed spawning item in an inventory
- Fixed reload of multi-slot weapons
- Fixed sorting of compatible ammo lists (affected Ufopedia display)
- Fixed drag scrolling and middle-click (when using black borders/letterboxing)
- Don't play firing sound with no ammo (during base defense)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mayford on January 20, 2021, 03:05:48 pm
Hello! Are universal patches for UFO and TFTD included?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 20, 2021, 06:09:55 pm
Hello! Are universal patches for UFO and TFTD included?

In Android version, UFO patch is included, TFTD not.
In all other versions, they are both not included.

PS: so exactly the same as in OpenXcom zip distributions
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 11, 2021, 06:07:11 pm
New functionality in scripts:

Code: [Select]
          begin; #stat new scope with new variables
            var int i 15; #new variable in the middle of script

            loop var zz i; #repeat this code block `i` times, `zz` will have values from `0` to `i-1`
              if eq zz 6;
                break; #break out of loop block
              if eq zz 3;
                continue; #skip rest of body of loop and repeat it from start with next `zz` value.

I added too new function to multiple function in script for unit stats, idea is that in may cases you want add some value to some stat and you are not interested in current value, now you need use `getX` and `setX` to set some thing, now I added `addX` that add to value of stat.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 22, 2021, 02:05:13 pm
Big request to return the option - difficultyBasedRetaliationDelay. Or tell me a way to completely avoid the Retaliation missions in the first month.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 22, 2021, 02:10:27 pm
Big request to return the option - difficultyBasedRetaliationDelay. Or tell me a way to completely avoid the Retaliation missions in the first month.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 12:25:21 pm
What is "ambienceRandom" attached to? Why is he inherited by the next mission in two-tier missions? If this is intended, then it is very bad. Maybe it should be hard-tie to "terrains.rul", and not to the mission?
There is a bug in version 6.9.6. In version 6.9.1 - no.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 01:41:21 pm
What is "ambienceRandom" attached to?

It's attached to terrain.

There is a bug in version 6.9.6. In version 6.9.1 - no.

I cannot see any difference between 6.9.1 and 6.9.6.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 02:48:43 pm
And yet in 6.9.6. "ambienceRandom" and "ambience" are carried over from the first mission to the second, which is not in 6.9.1 version. Moreover, if the second has its own "ambience" - then both work. I just put it before the fact.

И тем не менее в 6.9.6. "ambienceRandom" и "ambience" переносятся из первой миссии во вторую, чего в 6.9.1 версии нет. Причём, если во второй есть свой "ambience" - то работают оба. Просто ставлю перед фактом.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 03:17:21 pm
And yet in 6.9.6. "ambienceRandom" and "ambience" are carried over from the first mission to the second, which is not in 6.9.1 version. Moreover, if the second has its own "ambience" - then both work. I just put it before the fact.

И тем не менее в 6.9.6. "ambienceRandom" и "ambience" переносятся из первой миссии во вторую, чего в 6.9.1 версии нет. Причём, если во второй есть свой "ambience" - то работают оба. Просто ставлю перед фактом.

Doesn't happen for me.

If you have a way to reproduce, share the necessary files, saves and steps.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 03:33:45 pm
But first you need to download and install my modification.,5724.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 05:41:16 pm
Now for the details. If the first mission has "ambienceRandom" and the second "ambience:", then the "ambience:" of the second mission is added to the "ambienceRandom" list of the first mission. In version 6.9.1 this is definitely not the case. Introduced with installation 6.9.6. Checked it three times on both versions.

Теперь подробности. Если первая миссия имеет "ambienceRandom", а вторая "ambience:", то "ambience:" второй миссии добавляется к списку "ambienceRandom" первой миссии. В версии 6.9.1 такого точно нет. Появилось с установкой 6.9.6. Проверил трижды на обеих версиях.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 08:38:46 pm
The behavior is the same on v6.9.1 and v6.9.6

The different results are caused by RNG.

Your second stage has two different terrains with two different ambient sounds. The result depends on which terrain is picked.

Code: [Select]
      - UBASE
      - LEVEL
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 09:21:15 pm
No, that's not the point. Both underground locations have NO bird sounds from the surface. UBASE does not have " ambience:". LEVEL has, and its " ambience: "is added to the "ambienceRandom" list from the previous level's location.

Нет, дело не в этом. На обоих подземных локациях НЕТ звуков птиц с поверхности. UBASE не имеет "ambience:". LEVEL имеет, и его "ambience:" добавляется в лист "ambienceRandom" с локации предыдущего уровня.

In short, there is a superimposition of "ambience:" and "ambienceRandom".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 09:39:17 pm
"ambience" cannot be added to "ambienceRandom"... that is absolutely impossible. Variables are kept separated at all times.

On stage one, the variables contain:
Code: [Select]
  ambience: -1
  ambientVolume: 1.25
    - 1563
    - 1564
    - 1565
    - 1566
    - 1567
    - 1568
    - 1530
    - 1531
    - 1532
    - 1534
    - 1535

On stage two, for first terrain, the attributes contain:

Code: [Select]
  ambience: -1
  ambientVolume: 0.5

On stage two, for second terrain, the attributes contain:

Code: [Select]
  ambience: 1494
  ambientVolume: 1
    - 1563
    - 1564
    - 1565
    - 1566
    - 1567
    - 1568
    - 1530
    - 1531
    - 1532
    - 1534
    - 1535

No superimposition.

ambienceRandom is from previous stage, ambience is from next stage and it was not added into the ambienceRandom list
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 09:54:27 pm
I don't know where it came from.

Code: [Select]
      - CULTACAV

      - UBASE
      - LEVEL

  - name: CULTACAV
    script: FARMPCAV
      - BLANKS
      - CULTIVAT
      - BARN
    ambienceRandom: [563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 530, 531, 532, 534, 535]
    ambienceRandomDelay: [8, 16]
    ambientVolume: 1.25

  - name: UBASE
      - BLANKS
      - U_BASE
      - U_WALL02
      - U_PODS
      - BRAIN
      - U_BASE2
      - U_DISEC2
      - U_OPER2
    script: ALIENBASE
    mapBlocks: &Ubase1
      - name: UBASE_00

  - name: LEVEL
      - GMTACWET
    ambience: 494
    ambientVolume: 1.0
    enviroEffects: STR_Underwater_D
      - BLANKS
      - SEANOM
    script: TLETH_P2_P3
      - name: LEVEL01
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 10:06:26 pm
It came from the previous stage.

I still don't get what you want from me:

1/ you said it works differently in 6.9.1 and 6.9.6 ... I have proved to you that it works the same way in both.

2/ I have also proved that the two attributes are not mixed, you can see it in the saved game yourself if you don't believe me

The correct solution is to not mix ambience with ambienceRandom... as it is described on the wiki:
It explicitly says for ambienceRandom: "Doesn't work when ambience is defined."

The correct solution is to replace

Code: [Select]
ambience: 494


Code: [Select]
ambienceRandom: [494]

Stick to using either ambience or ambienceRandom, not both.

I can check if I can make it better, but for now it works as described on the wiki and on the forum.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 10:17:10 pm
I have it nowhere and does not mix.
Do you mean that can use either "ambience:" or "ambienceRandom" in general in the entire modification?
Why then in version 6.9.1 nothing of the kind was observed?

Changed to "ambienceRandom: [494]" - the sound stopped playing at all.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 25, 2021, 10:51:46 pm
Do you mean that can use either "ambience:" or "ambienceRandom" in general in the entire modification?

During the same mission, you should use only one of them.

Why then in version 6.9.1 nothing of the kind was observed?

I have observed it today many times in 6.9.1, there's a 50% chance for it to happen.

Attaching a video as proof.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 25, 2021, 10:59:28 pm
I wrote about that that it is good to tie "ambience:" and "ambienceRandom" to "terrains.rul", not to the mission.

During the same mission, you should use only one of them.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 27, 2021, 11:15:59 am
Big request to return the option - difficultyBasedRetaliationDelay. Or tell me a way to completely avoid the Retaliation missions in the first month.

Implemented today in v6.9.7.

During the same mission, you should use only one of them.

In v6.9.7, all the ambient sounds will be reset when moving from one mission stage to another.
You don't have to reset them manually anymore.
You can now also use different types of ambient sound (`ambience` or `ambienceRandom`) on each mission stage.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 28, 2021, 10:41:31 am
Working. Thank you.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 02, 2021, 03:33:29 pm
I just tried out Extended for the first time. Loaded an OXC save...

1. In Battlescape, what's the little number 2 in the lower-right corner of the psi-amp in my soldier's hand?

2. Why would the game tell me I'm missing mods, even though I carefully checked that I have exactly the same mods as in OXC? The same selection of standard mods, as well as this mod ( that transferred no problem. Should I worry about savegame compatibility from OXC -> OXCE?

3. is there a comprehensive list of differences between OXC and OXCE to be read anywhere? I don't just mean the ruleset referece, but features in general.

For example I see that the unequal LOS that leads to failure of mutual surprise when smoke is involved is solved. This is good, and important - but I do not see how I could know this if it hadn't been mentioned by some forum member in a conversation I was part of elsewhere.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nilex on March 02, 2021, 04:47:03 pm
I'm not an authority when it comes to answering this so I'll give what I think is right, until proper answers arrive:
1. In another mod I currently play, the number denotes if item requires 2 hands to use (green - allowed use but with acc penalty; red - other hand must be free to allow use). Not sure why or if Psi-Amp is a unique case here.
2. Don't know. I'm only worried about retaining OXC <-> OXCE vanilla savegames compatibility, nothing else. Additional mods complicate things in unforeseen ways so you may not get satisfactory answer to this.
3. Only this short list (,6459.0.html), afaik. I actually prefer OXCE way. If we were to load saves in OXC the game simply assumes vanilla behavior without loss of information (except additional UI options in OXCE).

LOS and other stuff, if indeed the case, may be unintentional case of undocumented changes. Those creep up over time and get increasingly more difficult to keep track of? Could be on your end though, since you mentioned mods. Residue in configs/rules/etc from pasts mods perhaps? Anyway, like I said, let's wait for proper authority as topic mildly interests me as well.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 02, 2021, 04:49:07 pm
I just tried out Extended for the first time. Loaded an OXC save...

1. In Battlescape, what's the little number 2 in the lower-right corner of the psi-amp in my soldier's hand?

2. Why would the game tell me I'm missing mods, even though I carefully checked that I have exactly the same mods as in OXC? The same selection of standard mods, as well as this mod ( that transferred no problem. Should I worry about savegame compatibility from OXC -> OXCE?

3. is there a comprehensive list of differences between OXC and OXCE to be read anywhere? I don't just mean the ruleset referece, but features in general.

For example I see that the unequal LOS that leads to failure of mutual surprise when smoke is involved is solved. This is good, and important - but I do not see how I could know this if it hadn't been mentioned by some forum member in a conversation I was part of elsewhere.

1/ it's the indicator that it is a 2-handed weapon

2/ if you're missing mods, check if they have metadata.yml (this file is mandatory in OXCE)
if you're not missing any mods, upload the save here so that I can have a look

you don't need to worry about savegame compatibility OXC -> OXCE, it is 100% compatible

3/ there are thousands of fixes and new features in OXCE, the only truly "comprehensive" list of differences is a git log
more humanly-readable changelog is here:,4187.0.html
but even this shortened changelog is a reading for days and days... there's 7 years of active development in OXCE

The LOS example (once confirmed) is likely a very early change (from before 2015), when I wasn't involved in OXCE yet, and thus not documented by me.
I'll check what the difference is and document it... but I don't think OXCE has equal LOS, as far as I know smoke does make it unequal also in OXCE, maybe in a slightly different way if you say it works differently than OXC.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 03, 2021, 12:09:03 am
Thanks for the replies.
The LOS example (once confirmed) is likely a very early change (from before 2015), when I wasn't involved in OXCE yet, and thus not documented by me.
I'll check what the difference is and document it... but I don't think OXCE has equal LOS, as far as I know smoke does make it unequal also in OXCE, maybe in a slightly different way if you say it works differently than OXC.

I found out about it from this post (,3315.msg38023.html#msg38023). If you download the savegame from the first post of that thread, you'll see that in OXC moving the soldier one tile forward, to 31,20, gets the soldier killed through lack of mutual surprise, while in OXCE any angle of approach results in mutual surprise. This is true without any mods.

if you're missing mods, check if they have metadata.yml
Never mind. I somehow unclicked a mod I thought I had clicked. I shouldn't post while ultra tired.

I do not understand, however, why OXC sees my own mod that I add to the "standard" folder, while in OXCE the game only recognizes it if I put it in user/mods. Is this intended? And yes, I did include metadata.yml.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: yergnoor on March 03, 2021, 04:39:51 am
I do not understand, however, why OXC sees my own mod that I add to the "standard" folder, while in OXCE the game only recognizes it if I put it in user/mods. Is this intended? And yes, I did include metadata.yml.
Yes, it was intentional.  There was too much confusion in the discussions, when some wrote that mods should be placed in the "mods" folder, and others that in the "standard" folder.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 03, 2021, 08:04:27 am
I do not understand, however, why OXC sees my own mod that I add to the "standard" folder, while in OXCE the game only recognizes it if I put it in user/mods. Is this intended? And yes, I did include metadata.yml.

Yes, it is intended.
It's needed for example for the auto-update functionality.
But even without it, supporting and troubleshooting manual upgrade issues and platform change issues has become much easier since this was introduced. It has saved countless hours that I can invest more productively into development.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 03, 2021, 11:06:33 am
I see, then nothing's wrong. Good to know.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dogbarian on March 03, 2021, 05:23:00 pm
So, if my "mod" consists of just a single rul file with a few changes, do I still need the metadata.yml file?  What does that file need to have in it (or can I take an existing one from another mod and make whatever changes are needed)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 03, 2021, 05:55:48 pm
So, if my "mod" consists of just a single rul file with a few changes, do I still need the metadata.yml file?  What does that file need to have in it (or can I take an existing one from another mod and make whatever changes are needed)?

Yes, every OXCE mod no matter how small needs it.

"id" and "name" should be provided as a minimum, other attributes are optional.

You can copy it from another mod if you want, just don't forget to change those two attributes, especially the "id" (it needs to be something unique).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 03, 2021, 06:21:58 pm
1, 2, 3, 4.....
Most of it is already implemented and working. There is no point in discussing anymore. Sooner or later, the rest will be implemented. As I said, it only takes time.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 03, 2021, 06:35:00 pm
1, 2, 3, 4.....
Most of it is already implemented and working. There is no point in discussing anymore. Sooner or later, the rest will be implemented. As I said, it only takes time.

I don't know what you're talking about.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 06, 2021, 05:15:21 am
even this shortened changelog is a reading for days and days
Hey, it's more useful than you made it sound. I've already been able to look up various stuff that bothered me thanks to that link (like why I suddenly have 65 storage instead of 50, that freaked me out). So thanks again!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 06, 2021, 02:04:45 pm
Meridian, can you tell us what was done in version 6.9.7-e? I don't even know where to look and what to test, other than what was discussed. What's in development? When the release of a new version that is already underway.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 06, 2021, 02:11:29 pm
Meridian, can you tell us what was done in version 6.9.7-e? I don't even know where to look and what to test, other than what was discussed. What's in development? When the release of a new version that is already underway.

I will provide a changelog with the official release.

The next official release is v7.0 and will be released probably on March 13th.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 06, 2021, 05:09:02 pm
What exactly is the minimum condition to train throwing with grenades?
I just did this:
- One soldier threw 3 armed alien grenades
- One soldier threw 3 armed smoke grenades
- One soldier threw 3 unarmed smoke grenades
Then I loaded them back onto the Skyranger and left. The post-mission screen showed 0 gains for all.
Repeated the same with save scumming on. Same result.
Me confused.

Do I have to hit an enemy target? Or do I need to beat the mission?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 06, 2021, 05:41:37 pm
Throwing as such doesn't train throwing accuracy in OXCE, more details here:,4230.0.html

Hitting (zero damage also counts) an enemy with a thrown weapon does.
So for example, if you throw a grenade, it explodes and hits 5 enemies... you get +5 throwing experience... which then transforms into +1, +2 or +3 throwing accuracy at the end of the mission.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 07, 2021, 11:42:57 pm
- Craft weapons+ammo and HWPs+ammo now count properly towards storage limits... this was done to fix various situations where player was stuck on SELL screen
  * Hangars in xcom1/xcom2 were given +5 storage space to offset new storage counting and to be compatible with original XCOM (not with OpenXcom)
I wonder what sort of situations caused this. Producing craft ammo that took up more space than the materials going into it, while advancing time by "1 day" so it's hard to stop before the forced sale is triggered again and again?

If I guessed this correctly, then I wonder why something similar wasn't done with armors. At the moment armors worn by soldiers don't count towards the storage limit, and it's possible to get a situation with the SELL screen popping up if producing Alloy/Platics armor, since they take up more space than the materials used.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 08, 2021, 12:08:12 am
I wonder what sort of situations caused this.

In OXC, losing a part of the base due to base defense.
In OXCE, additionally also missile strikes.

Just producing stuff would not cause this, you can sell a lot of other stuff without getting stuck.
To get stuck, you need a sudden and drastic change in storage space.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 11, 2021, 03:54:34 am
How do "stats for nerds" (I hate that name with a passion) calculate "average DPM" for Craft Weapons?

For UFOs I understand the results. A Battleship has 140 damage, 60% accuracy, 0-100% damage range, average reload of 24 on Superhuman. 140*(60/24)*(60/100)*(1/2)=105. And the game indeed shows a DPM of 105.

A Laser Cannon has 70 damage, 35% accuracy, 24s reload, and presumably a damage range of 50%-100% ( 70*(35/100)*(60/24)*(3/4) ≈ 46. The screen shows 61, which is 4/3 of what I calculated. Is the 50-100% damage range not observed in OXC, or OXCE?

In OXC, losing a part of the base due to base defense.
In OXCE, additionally also missile strikes.
I see, I made wrong assumptions, then.

But I'm not sure I understand. How did that lead to being stuck, in a way that just selling enough stuff didn't solve? Why was the handling of craft armaments and tanks particularly important?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2021, 07:48:40 am
How do "stats for nerds" (I hate that name with a passion) calculate "average DPM" for Craft Weapons?

// (damage / standard reload * 60) * (accuracy / 100)
int avgDPM = craftWeaponRule->getDamage() * craftWeaponRule->getAccuracy() * 60 / craftWeaponRule->getStandardReload() / 100;

Is the 50-100% damage range not observed in OXC, or OXCE?

It is.

But I'm not sure I understand. How did that lead to being stuck, in a way that just selling enough stuff didn't solve? Why was the handling of craft armaments and tanks particularly important?

Start a new game, sell everything, go to sell screen again... you'll see you still have a lot of stuff even after you sold everything.

Now imagine you try to do that with storage space = 0.
You wouldn't be able to perform the first sell (both sell and cancel buttons would be hidden and you would be stuck).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 11, 2021, 11:51:13 am
It is.
But not in the "stats for nerds"?

If I found the right git source (, then I see the UFO part contains the 0-100% spread factor:
Code: [Select]
// spread 0-100%
double avgDamage = totalPower * 0.5;
And indeed the values displayed on the stats page come out as what you'd expect.

But the craft weapon part doesn't seem to include the 50-100% damage spread. This affects both average and total damage displayed. And indeed the values come out wrong.

What I'm trying to ask is if this an oversight that needs to be fixed? Or am I missing something.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2021, 12:29:05 pm
What I'm trying to ask is if this an oversight that needs to be fixed? Or am I missing something.

I chose the value without 50-100% for Craft weapons to be consistent with the main Ufopedia display.... Ufopedia says Damage=70 (instead of Power=70).

Whereas in UFO articles, Ufopedia refers to Power (not Damage), so I added the damage spread to calculate damage from power.

I don't mind changing it, but it will be inconsistent one way or another.

What's more important than the absolute numbers is the relative comparison of two weapons.
Regardless if the numbers say 50 and 100; or 70 and 140... the second weapon does twice as much damage as the first one.

PS: btw. even with damage spread considered, the numbers can still be very far from reality... pilot skills, craft bonuses, ufo bonuses and alien race bonuses all affect the final numbers and can make the same weapon very effective in one situation and completely useless in another situation
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 11, 2021, 01:34:06 pm
I see.
I chose the value without 50-100% for Craft weapons to be consistent with the main Ufopedia display.... Ufopedia says Damage=70 (instead of Power=70).

Whereas in UFO articles, Ufopedia refers to Power (not Damage), so I added the damage spread to calculate damage from power.

I don't mind changing it, but it will be inconsistent one way or another.

What's more important than the absolute numbers is the relative comparison of two weapons.
Regardless if the numbers say 50 and 100; or 70 and 140... the second weapon does twice as much damage as the first one.
There's also UFO DPS vs craft DPS. And there's total expected weapon damage vs UFO hitpoints.

In those contexts the omission makes the craft weapons look more powerful than they are. I discovered this because I'm working on a little craft/ufo balance mod right now. For me it's not a problem anymore, since thanks to your explanation I know what's going on, and I'm doing the same thing in a spreadsheet, but still, until I asked I was confused. I cannot be the only person who will ever think of using that screen as a quick way to check "can this craft weapon shoot down this UFO before it runs out of ammo".

A stats/calculations display is an opportunity to present real values to the player, precisely because Ufopedia is wrong/misleading (when it says "Damage", it doesn't actually mean damage, it means a stored value that happens to be labelled "Damage"). Being consistent with in-game Ufopaedia has less value than giving the player accurate info.

This could be fixed by showing the damage range in the Ufopaedia - which actually might not be a bad idea. But perhaps not worth the effort, the added visual complication, and departure from past practice. X-com veterans are used to pedia values being worthless anyway.

PS: btw. even with damage spread considered, the numbers can still be very far from reality... pilot skills, craft bonuses, ufo bonuses and alien race bonuses all affect the final numbers and can make the same weapon very effective in one situation and completely useless in another situation
Right, Extended features. Atm I'm working with vanilla mechanics, and use Extended solely because it lets me use a keyboard shortcut to Mind Control things.
Joking. I mean I use it for that and the MANY other conveniences like that. And for the equal mutual surprise fix, which I still don't think is documented but which I absolutely love. EDIT: hm, how do I do an inline spoiler...

Anyhoo. Thanks for the replies. Me, I'll be fine either way now that I understand, but for whatever it's worth, I think UFO and Craft values should be consistent.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 11, 2021, 02:24:53 pm
I cannot be the only person who will ever think of using that screen as a quick way to check "can this craft weapon shoot down this UFO before it runs out of ammo".

OK, I'll change it today.

And for the equal mutual surprise fix, which I still don't think is documented but which I absolutely love.

This will take some time.
It's a non-trivial part of the source code and I will need to read it, understand it, test it and dig years into the past to compare all the changes.
But I'll do it eventually (it's todolisted), just need to get in the mood for it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 11, 2021, 07:25:01 pm
Let's also introduce automatic combat on missions. (Sarcasm)
  I don't think this is necessary. The player must think with his own head. And if everything is reduced to automation - why is a player needed then?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 11, 2021, 11:50:55 pm
OK, I'll change it today.

This will take some time.
I figured. Pardon me, didn't mean to nag.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 12, 2021, 12:17:32 am
I cannot be the only person who will ever think of using that screen as a quick way to check "can this craft weapon shoot down this UFO before it runs out of ammo".

OK, I'll change it today.

I say right away - I am categorically against if such a function cannot be turned off.

Let me explain why. It will take you several updates to refine this function, since you need to take into account all the factors (avoidBonus, armor, powerBonus, raceBonus, shieldDamageModifier), otherwise it will all work through ass, as the base defense systems work now. I did not write, because even from the original UFO I was used to defending my bases exclusively by aviation and protective buildings for me are nothing more than decor, but nevertheless.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 12, 2021, 02:09:19 am

We're talking about the "stats for nerds" screen, which already exists, already provides a "total damage" estimate, and which yes, can be turned off.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 12, 2021, 03:51:47 am
Apparently the translator failed again.

In "stats for nerds" all of these statistics mean nothing for modifications using the options above. In my modification, a fighter with two AVALANCHEs can shoot down a medium UFO, but will by miss with all missiles at very small UFO, due to the high "avoidBonus". How to take this into account?

And then there's "raceBonus".

        hitBonus: 100     
        avoidBonus: 40
        radarChance: 10
        damageMax: 3500  #additive bonus to craft stats.
        sightRange: 75
        hitBonus: 30
        speedMax: 1500   #additive bonus to craft stats.
        accel: 5
        avoidBonus: 30
        speedMax: 400   #additive bonus to craft stats.
        avoidBonus: 70
        powerBonus: 25
        radarRange: 150
        powerBonus: 60
        hitBonus: 60
        avoidBonus: 30
        speedMax: 250
        accel: 1
        powerBonus: 100
        hitBonus: 50
        avoidBonus: 35
        armor: 10
        radarRange: 150
        radarChance: 25
        sightRange: 75
        damageMax: 1750
        armor: 40
        speedMax: 250
        accel: 1
        powerBonus: 20
        hitBonus: 25
        avoidBonus: 50
        shieldCapacity: 1000
        shieldRecharge: 15
        armor: 70      #amount of blocked damage per hit.
        speedMax: 250
        powerBonus: 50
        hitBonus: 55
        avoidBonus: 55
        shieldCapacity: 2000
        shieldRecharge: 30
        speedMax: 500
        accel: 1
        powerBonus: 30
        hitBonus: 100
        avoidBonus: 50
        radarChance: 25
        speedMax: 1500   #additive bonus to craft stats.
        accel: 5
        shieldCapacity: 2000
        shieldRecharge: 30
        damageMax: 3500  #additive bonus to craft stats.
        avoidBonus: 70
        hitBonus: 70
        powerBonus: 50
        radarRange: 150
        radarChance: 25
        sightRange: 75
        speedMax: 500
        accel: 2
        avoidBonus: 120
        hitBonus: 120
        powerBonus: 100
        armor: 70
        radarRange: 150
        radarChance: 25
        sightRange: 75
        hitBonus: 70
        avoidBonus: 70
        armor: 30

How to take this into account?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 12, 2021, 08:02:25 am
I say right away - I am categorically against if such a function cannot be turned off.

Yes, "stats for nerds" can be turned off:,8791.0.html

How to take this into account?

These cannot be taken into account.
Same as many other things in the original Ufopedia and in the new Stats for nerds.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 12, 2021, 08:52:39 am
There is a lot of useful information in "stats for nerds" besides the "assumed" parameters. If only "calculated values" could be turned off, that would be great.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 12, 2021, 09:51:21 pm
For 7.0 yaml tags like `!add` are available for
Code: [Select]
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 13, 2021, 10:25:33 am
New OXCE v7.0 is up.

- Extended geoscape/battlescape/inventory links:,9506.0.html
- Touch buttons -- BIG THANKS to robin for the artwork:,9507.0.html
- Renamed and reordered scale modes:,9508.0.html
- New Battle QoL (bigger selectors and quick search):,9510.0.html
- Simplified reordering of the base list (R-click):,4187.msg137203.html#msg137203
- Ability to reorder craft at base (R-click)
- User option for multi-slot battlescape autosaves:,9512.0.html
- User option for (mouse) thumb buttons support (`thumbButtons: true/false` in options.cfg)
- "Not equipped" item category in Craft Equipment UI

- Save info about special weapons:,9513.0.html
- Save info about loaded fixed weapons in equipment templates:,9514.0.html
- Fixed `maxRange: 1` weapons for 2x2 player units:,9515.0.html
- Check weapon maxRange in 3D:,6459.msg137222.html#msg137222

- Extended psi attack experience gains:,4230.msg137247.html#msg137247
- Ability to prevent panic/MC per unit type, also unhardcoded berserk odds per unit type:,8704.msg136773.html#msg136773
- Support for battery-powered weapons:,9293.0.html
- Support for fixed craft weapons:,9047.0.html
- Pilot armors:,9313.0.html
- Adjusted sell prices based on difficulty:,6785.msg135883.html#msg135883
- Research gate to hire scientists/engineers (`hireScientistsUnlockResearch` and `hireEngineersUnlockResearch`)
- More retaliation mission options:,9496.msg137252.html#msg137252
- Ability to override autoNV setting per environment (attribute `ignoreAutoNightVisionUserSetting`)
- Ability to override scanner and probe action names (using existing `psiAttackName` attribute)
- Added `difficultyBasedRetaliationDelay` option again:,6586.msg136997.html#msg136997
- Reset ambient sounds on stage transition in multi-stage missions

- Added access to unit inventory:,5245.msg136806.html#msg136806
- Added syntax for loops

- Fixed compliant map block detection in the Reinforcements feature (when using `spawnBlockGroups`)
- Fixed/improved friendly kill tracking:,4595.msg135527.html#msg135527
- Fixed broken Korean fonts:,9486.0.html
- Ignore `LOSRequired` weapon flag when targeting allies and civilians (it's a workaround, LOS check doesn't work in these cases)


Ruleset validator and wiki ruleset reference were updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 13, 2021, 11:15:16 am
Thank you for your work.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nilex on March 13, 2021, 11:51:12 pm
Great update from what my puny brain understands. I especially like base/craft reordering. Craft thingy actually wrote off an item from my own personal QoL wishlist. Base would probably end on it too had I played enough times to repeat base placing/purpose mistake so props for making those.

Couple of quick questions:
Is Craft reordering only a visual change (when looking at base layout) or does it also include functional reordering when intercept popup is pulled from Geoscape? For example when player wants to have Interceptors followed by Transports within same base listing. Cannot begin to explain how much extra time I spent building an extra hangar in another base just so I could transfer craft away & back again to fully reorder them.

From something I read (probably miss-read) on Discord a ~month ago: is NV a persistent on/off setting now, kept inside the save? Rather than depending on map lighting amount and being turned on/off (depending on threshold value in options) automatically when battle is started/reloaded.
Someone asked where NV setting was and you responded it will be replaced by something better, or something along those lines. Hoping it's an option I missed coz it would be of great use to me. Happens rarer now (since sweet spot treshold=9) but I still occasionally fight with auto-NV setting, turning it on or off manually because threshold value isn't universally viable in all situations. If on/off toggle is part of save then it'd sufficient to toggle it at start of battle and only if I don't already agree with what threshold decided.
I'm pushing my luck but maybe CTRL+END setting could override NV and vice-versa depending which was set last. It does look more beautiful than NV in some cases. Setting would also be persistent in battle saves until a new battle was started (not reloaded) where threshold would take priority. Well so much for being quick about it, sorry!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Markus Ramikin on March 15, 2021, 12:48:47 am
To add to the topic of mutual surprise changes in OXCE: for some extra fun, the situation from the savegame attached results in mutual surprise in OXC, but not in OXCE, the reverse of what I usually experience.

I confess myself confused.

(Not trying to rush you, Meridian, just figured if/when you get to examining the smoke vs sight range issue you might possibly find another datapoint useful. If not, ignore.)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Pixel_Uart_HD on March 15, 2021, 04:08:54 pm
All Hi Hi
Suggestion for improving the interface

Is it possible to render in the user's fashion
(on the battlefield screen) own buttons with the specified coordinates, Without using the built-in interface (Battlescape)

or by some other method?     Improved button graphics I would do myself   (Mode 640 x 400   basic frame)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 15, 2021, 04:45:16 pm
You can change how the buttons look.

You cannot change what the buttons do, nor their position.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Pixel_Uart_HD on March 15, 2021, 05:10:50 pm
No need to change button functions
I wanted to change the coordinates and increase the size of the buttons, since the size of the displayed map is too large compared to the size of the panel (320x200 buttons interface). Is it really that hard to just fix 30 ...... 60 numbers
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Pixel_Uart_HD on March 15, 2021, 06:16:43 pm
ICONS.PCK   Battlescape icons


Control panel is basically done, i have added those last 2 little items for grenades quick access and reload  of course functionality for those would need to be added, although i have re-size the icons to give a little more space to the status bar, and to make it fir vanilla size.

if you think there is something else that need to be changed let me know, maybe we can gather every thing and make a "large" mod, I am tinkering with the rest of the GUI to make it fit a 640x400 but not simply 2x everything.

Althought right now i am focused on teh battlescape i think there isn't much that needs to be done there if the loadout screen is used then that covers basically everything, the rest of the GUIS such as the minimap, scanner, medikit will just be centered with the battlescape as background so that it looks like an actual window. Anything else i am missing? maybe i shoudl play the game and go over every GUI again

Rul file  syntax:    one button

  - type: ICONS.PCK
    singleImage: true
    width: 320
    height: 200
      0: Resources/DECALS/ICONS.png
  - type: KneelButton
    width: 32
    height: 32
    subX: 32
    subY: 16
      0: Resources/UnitUI/kneelButton.png
BattlescapeState.cpp   (Names All  buttons)

   rank                      icons
   rankTiny                icons
   btnUnitUp              icons
   btnUnitDown          icons
   btnMapUp              icons
   btnMapDown          icons
   btnShowMap          icons
   btnKneel                icons
   btnInventory          icons
   btnCenter               icons
   btnNextSoldier        icons
   btnNextStop           icons
   btnShowLayers        icons
   numLayers              icons
   btnHelp                   icons
   btnEndTurn             icons
   btnAbort                 icons
   btnStats                  icons
   txtName                  icons

   numTimeUnits              icons
   numEnergy                  icons
   numHealth                   icons
   numMorale                   icons
   barTimeUnits                icons
   barEnergy                    icons
   barHealth                     icons
   barMorale                     icons

        barMana                                  icons
   btnReserveNone                       icons
   btnReserveSnap                       icons
   btnReserveAimed                      icons
   btnReserveAuto                        icons
   btnReserveKneel                       icons
   btnZeroTUs                              icons
   btnLeftHandItem                       icons          slot weapon
   btnRightHandItem                     icons

        btnVisibleUnit                   indicator unit (enemy)
        numVisibleUnit                 number enemy

// there is some cropping going on here, because the icons image is 320x200 while we only need the bottom of it.
   auto crop = icons->getCrop();
   crop.getCrop()->x = 0;
   crop.getCrop()->y = 200 - iconsHeight;
   crop.getCrop()->w = iconsWidth;
   crop.getCrop()->h = iconsHeight;

It might look like this
tweaked in a graphical editor

original aspect ratio for a resolution of 1024x640
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Cowstle on March 18, 2021, 03:26:58 pm
How do you define and set the extra damage types?

I see multiple mentions of them in the ruleset reference but no actual way to use them, and my searching was only able to find a mention that yes, they exist, but again nothing about how to use them.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 19, 2021, 05:13:57 am
I see multiple mentions of them in the ruleset reference but no actual way to use them, and my searching was only able to find a mention that yes, they exist, but again nothing about how to use them.,6577.msg103384.html#msg103384
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 22, 2021, 10:42:55 am
I recreantly add option to script to allow setting custom spawn units to any unit, it still have some corner cases but overall should work as expected.
This feature have to additional functionalities, you can set what faction of spawned unit will be, and if transformation will be instant or only when unit is stunned/killed
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 26, 2021, 04:56:53 pm
Dear Meridian, could you expand the numeric value for the oxceAutoNightVisionThreshold option to 16?
What for? To enable and disable the Night Vision mode in battle. At least in the settings. And it would be better if there was another hotkey, but this is not necessary.
Backlighting with a "space" is enough for me, and with forced automation, the entire atmosphere of the original disappears in night battles.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 26, 2021, 05:00:10 pm
Dear Meridian, could you expand the numeric value for the oxceAutoNightVisionThreshold option to 16?
What for? To enable and disable the Night Vision mode in battle. At least in the settings. And it would be better if there was another hotkey, but this is not necessary.
Backlighting with a "space" is enough for me, and with forced automation, the entire atmosphere of the original disappears in night battles.

You can use value 15 to disable the night vision.

Values 16, 17, 18, and so on would only do the same as 15.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 26, 2021, 05:23:13 pm
Unfortunately, there are maps with 15 shading. And these are the settings of the original. Try it yourself.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 26, 2021, 05:28:06 pm
Unfortunately, there are maps with 15 shading. And these are the settings of the original. Try it yourself.

I know.

Setting 15 means "darker than 15", "relevant for shade higher than 15", "relevant for shade > 15", "relevant for shade higher or equal than 16" or "relevant for shade >= 16".
Hope that clarifies it.

With setting 15, OXCE will *not* automatically turn on night vision under any circumstance.
Just try it yourself.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on March 26, 2021, 05:38:10 pm
Understood thanks. Found a mistake in myself, there were maps with shading 16. I will fix it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 26, 2021, 04:58:01 pm
Not sure if this is the right place, but I have recently run into trouble with prison types in XCF.

Cyberweb robotic units - robosphere/turret (or rather their respective items upon recovery) - don't have an assigned prison type. They die upon recovery if no alien containment unit exists. They however do not take up any prisoner slot in the containment unit and are not trasferred to a base having a containment unit either.

I am not sure this intended or a fall back for "vanilla" units (i.e. those without a separate prison type). What would be the correct way to define a recoverable alien unit that takes up no prison slot/type?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 26, 2021, 05:05:20 pm
There is always a prison type, default is 0.

Check if you have correctly set the `liveAlien` flag.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 26, 2021, 05:12:13 pm
There is always a prison type, default is 0.

Check if you have correctly set the `liveAlien` flag.

No, those units don't have that flag set (on purpose I guess, since they are robotic). Do all recoverd units check for a matching/existing prison type, regardless of the flag? Is it possible to skip that check?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 26, 2021, 05:23:48 pm
It's simple.

Stuff with `liveAlien: false` goes into stores.
Stuff with `liveAlien: true` goes into alien containment.
Nothing else depends on this flag.
This is its only purpose, by design.

Once it has been determined that an item belongs to an alien containment... then the `prisonType` attribute kicks in and says to which particular alien containment facility should it go.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 05:36:59 pm
Sorry, it's my fault. I'll fix the problem soon.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 26, 2021, 05:37:13 pm
It's simple.

Stuff with `liveAlien: false` goes into stores.
Stuff with `liveAlien: true` goes into alien containment.
Nothing else depends on this flag.
This is its only purpose, by design.

Once it has been determined that an item belongs to an alien containment... then the `prisonType` attribute kicks in and says to which particular alien containment facility should it go.
But that is not how it works, apparently. Regardless of the flag setting the units die if no facility with 'prisonType: 0' exists:

Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_HUMAN_TECH, STR_ROBOTS]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    costSell: 50000
    listOrder: 144710

dies during recovery when no alien containment exists.

Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_HUMAN_TECH, STR_ROBOTS]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    costSell: 50000
    listOrder: 144710
    liveAlien: false

also dies.

Hence my question regarding the proper way to define a recoverable alien unit/item that does not require a prison type.

Addendum to this:
The only way to recover them is to also set an existing (i.e. already built) prison type:
Code: [Select]
    categories: [STR_HUMAN_TECH, STR_ROBOTS]
    size: 0.0
    recover: true
    costSell: 20000
    listOrder: 144720
    liveAlien: false
    prisonType: 1

Recovers correctly if a 'prisonType: 1' facility exists at any base.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 05:50:50 pm
Actually I want to add prison type 4 (robots), but put it on general stores, so you don't need yet another building.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 26, 2021, 05:56:33 pm
Actually I want to add prison type 4 (robots), but put it on general stores, so you don't need yet another building.
Isn't the issue that the flag does not work correctly? Setting 'liveAlien: false' should enable players to recover them as items.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 26, 2021, 07:38:06 pm
Isn't the issue that the flag does not work correctly? Setting 'liveAlien: false' should enable players to recover them as items.

Even if, I'd rather do this the "proper" way. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 26, 2021, 07:46:43 pm
But that is not how it works, apparently. Regardless of the flag setting the units die if no facility with 'prisonType: 0' exists:

If everything is right, you get a live alien item.
If anything is wrong, you get a corpse item.

Hence my question regarding the proper way to define a recoverable alien unit/item that does not require a prison type.

All recoverable units need a liveAlien flag and optionally a prisonType (defaults to 0 if not defined).
Same as in OXC.
There is no such thing as "without a prison type"... that's simply not a thing.
Ask differently if you think I didn't understand the question... but the only answer to "can I have an item without a prison type" is "does not compute".

If you want to recover something completely else than a unit, there are (several) other ways how to do it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 28, 2021, 12:10:35 am
I think my confusion stems from this:
Stuff with `liveAlien: false` goes into stores.
Stuff with `liveAlien: true` goes into alien containment.
Nothing else depends on this flag.
This is its only purpose, by design.

Once it has been determined that an item belongs to an alien containment... then the `prisonType` attribute kicks in and says to which particular alien containment facility should it go.

From what I can tell the first thing that is checked is the prison type and whether a facility with that type exist - if it does not then a corpseItem is recovered, regardless of the 'liveAlien' flag. The flag only comes into play if a corresponding prison type exists - then it is used to dertermine if the recovered item counts towards alien containment.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 28, 2021, 10:40:04 am
On some places the flag is checked first, the prison type second. For example here, if you need a proof:
On other places the prison type is checked first, the flag second.

In both cases the outcome is the same.
See diagrams for both cases as visual explanation.

If both conditions are satisfied (regardless of the order in which they are checked), you get a prisoner... otherwise (if any condition is not satisfied), you don't get a prisoner.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on April 28, 2021, 11:04:54 pm
Thanks for the explanation :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 02, 2021, 05:10:19 pm
In today nightly I push change with more aggressive checking of mod data, this mean some mods could not load any more.
As most of this checks was to prevent bugs in mod that crash in game I added option to ignore them in user config:
Code: [Select]
  oxceModValidationLevel: 1
Available levels:
0 - expected game behavior is random crash at run time, any problems encounter at this level will not be fixed in any way, only guarantee is loading main menu.
1 - game should not crash, but behavior could not that you could expect, only crash at this level will be fixed.
2 - default level game should run correctly, any problem at this level could mean bugs in engine and all should be fixed.
3 - (not used yet) pedantic checks that do should not affect in any way behavior of game
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 02, 2021, 05:54:41 pm

Is it currently possible to restrict inventory slots to certain items (instead of restricting items to certain inventory slots)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2021, 06:02:09 pm
Is it currently possible to restrict inventory slots to certain items (instead of restricting items to certain inventory slots)?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2021, 06:09:56 pm
In today nightly I push change with more aggressive checking of mod data, this mean some mods could not load any more.
As most of this checks was to prevent bugs in mod that crash in game I added option to ignore them in user config:
Code: [Select]
  oxceModValidationLevel: 1
Available levels:
0 - expected game behavior is random crash at run time, any problems encounter at this level will not be fixed in any way, only guarantee is loading main menu.
1 - game should not crash, but behavior could not that you could expect, only crash at this level will be fixed.
2 - default level game should run correctly, any problem at this level could mean bugs in engine and all should be fixed.
3 - (not used yet) pedantic checks that do should not affect in any way behavior of game

Here is the new build, OXCE v7.0.5 (2021-05-02):


This build is meant for modders only, not for players.

Modders, please update your mods to comply with the validation rules.
Yankes and I are available to answer your questions:
1. here on the forum
2. or on the OpenXcom discord
3. or on the X-Piratez discord

If you think some validations are not correct, please contact Yankes.

PS: the official OXCE v7.1 release is planned for late summer (probably August 2021)... I hope that's enough time to update all actively developed mods.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on May 02, 2021, 10:49:37 pm
- on OpenXcom discord
- on X-Piratez discord

Very funny. And what should I, Russian-speaking, do? Not only was the most important discussion moved to some kind of ass of world, so also ustonavlivat additional (unnecessary for me) software.

Stop this practice and return the discussion to this site.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2021, 11:04:17 pm
The first option on the list was "here".

Discords were only the second and third option.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on May 02, 2021, 11:10:32 pm
Announce the list of changes in OXCE v7.0.5, please.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 02, 2021, 11:33:38 pm
Changes in OXCE 7.0.5

- none

- added more ruleset validations

- none

- none

- Craft returning after mission don't join dogfights
- Fixed instant mission despawn
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 04, 2021, 04:55:45 pm
Some bugs (I think?) I have recently encountered:

Under certain circumstances unit positions are not updated correctly after terrain is destroyed. Case in point, the sectoid failed its melee check (aliens turn) and fired into the ground, destroying the tile underneath itself without actually falling down. Unit position was only updated correctly after he died/was stunned:

( (
( (
( (

Randomly generated base names can lead to overflow of chraracter space, resulting in a change in change of font size and enabling the player to use names >13 characters in length:

( (
( (

 Not sure if this intended or of this can be enabled seperately - I'd actually like to have this option in the game so I don't have to shorten names too much.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 04, 2021, 09:55:55 pm
Under certain circumstances unit positions are not updated correctly after terrain is destroyed. Case in point, the sectoid failed its melee check (aliens turn) and fired into the ground, destroying the tile underneath itself without actually falling down. Unit position was only updated correctly after he died/was stunned:

I'd need some way to reproduce, best a save just before.

Randomly generated base names can lead to overflow of chraracter space, resulting in a change in change of font size and enabling the player to use names >13 characters in length:

Modders have been warned to make the names short.

Not sure if this intended or of this can be enabled seperately - I'd actually like to have this option in the game so I don't have to shorten names too much.

No, it's automatic.
You can change the name in the save if you want... but small base names look awful (and don't fit into tables).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 04, 2021, 10:57:47 pm
I'd need some way to reproduce, best a save just before.


Modders have been warned to make the names short.

Off to the modding subforum I go.

[...]but small base names look awful (and don't fit into tables).

Shortened base names also look awful, but I get why this would be even more impractical.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 07, 2021, 01:54:16 pm

Facilities can be built over existing facilties (buildOverFacilities). Is it possible to reduce cost of the new facility (or refund cost of the old facility) to simulate "upgrading" facilities (i.e. upgrading from level 1 to level 2 costs less than building a new level 2 facility)? It is possible to refund money using refundValue, but this applies for dismantling in general, not only for building over an existing facility.

Additonal question (though I am not sure if this belongs here or under help):

How exactely is weapon position on units defined in regards to shot trajectory? Are terrain slopes acurately represented on the battlescape?

Case in point, I just got shot at by an alien unit (gazer) which I presume should have been occluded by terrain (the weapon, at least):

( ( ( ( (
(last image is the position I got shot at)

Where exacately are weapons located on units?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2021, 06:40:54 pm
Facilities can be built over existing facilities (buildOverFacilities). Is it possible to reduce cost of the new facility (or refund cost of the old facility) to simulate "upgrading" facilities (i.e. upgrading from level 1 to level 2 costs less than building a new level 2 facility)? It is possible to refund money using refundValue, but this applies for dismantling in general, not only for building over an existing facility.

It's only possible via refundValue.

How exactly is weapon position on units defined in regards to shot trajectory?

It's usually 3 or 4 voxels below the unit's current height.
For humanoids this corresponds to "shoulder level".

Exact formula:

Are terrain slopes accurately represented on the battlescape?

Depends on the modder.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 07, 2021, 07:44:03 pm
It's only possible via refundValue.

It's usually 3 or 4 voxels below the unit's current height.
For humanoids this corresponds to "shoulder level".

Exact formula:
Thanks, that's higher than I would have expected. Are individual/custom unit heights represented in 3D-view or is the same cylinder usaed for all (small) units?

Depends on the modder.
Let me rephrase that: Are terrain slopes of vanilla terrain tiles accurately represented by their LOFTs?

Is there a known issue with (limited) alien storage and the recovery-phase transfer screen? I have just now run into a situation where I am forced to discard units, but they have gotten mixed up with aliens being studied at another base (originating base has no containment, other base does).  I am unable to exit the screen as I have ended up with negative alien storage, studied specimens can not be discarded and I have no other free storage I can transfer that alien to:

( (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2021, 08:10:26 pm
Thanks, that's higher than I would have expected. Are individual/custom unit heights represented in 3D-view or is the same cylinder used for all (small) units?

unit height is considered

Let me rephrase that: Are terrain slopes of vanilla terrain tiles accurately represented by their LOFTs?

No other way to find out than to check them all manually.

Is there a known issue with (limited) alien storage and the recovery-phase transfer screen?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 07, 2021, 08:23:54 pm
I have just had a look at my recent saves, and I somehow managed to recover live aliens to a base that does not actually have that specific prison type. Are there any known issue concerning live recovery where such recovery should not be possible?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 07, 2021, 08:39:05 pm
I have just had a look at my recent saves, and I somehow managed to recover live aliens to a base that does not actually have that specific prison type. Are there any known issue concerning live recovery where such recovery should not be possible?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 07, 2021, 08:53:29 pm
I'll see if I can manage to reproduce it and/or if it turns up again.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on May 09, 2021, 04:22:17 am
Small question:
damage "toMana:" applies when damage >0 and deals % of it.
But how can i do flat (let's say 5) mana damage?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 09, 2021, 11:22:23 am
Not available via ruleset.
But likely doable via scripts.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on May 09, 2021, 02:51:00 pm
Ok, got it. Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 09, 2021, 04:39:13 pm

Is it possible to tie mission site spawns to an active infiltration state (i.e. spawn a mission site provided a country has been infiltrated&an associated alien base exist)? Sorry if this is badly worded.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 09, 2021, 04:58:52 pm
Likely not the way you're thinking, but you can make infiltrations use an alien base deployment that generates the missions you want separate from any other type of alien base.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 09, 2021, 05:59:44 pm
Likely not the way you're thinking, but you can make infiltrations use an alien base deployment that generates the missions you want separate from any other type of alien base.
Unless I am misunderstanding the ruleset reference genMission can not generate mission sites, only UFOs:

Which alien mission should this base generate?

Usually supply mission - can be used to generate any mission type except Mission Sites (UFO will be generated, but the site will never appear)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on May 09, 2021, 06:07:31 pm
We generate terror missions all the time from bases in 40k. That is an old restriction, since lifted.

You could also use the operationType attributes on the alienMission to make it scripted but still require a certain type of base.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on May 09, 2021, 06:13:10 pm
We generate terror missions all the time from bases in 40k. That is an old restriction, since lifted.

You could also use the operationType attributes on the alienMission to make it scripted but still require a certain type of base.
Thanks for the heads up. Are (or rather can) missions generated from an alien base be limited to the region of the base?

How would I reference "a certain type of alien base" in operation Type (apart from a new or existing alien base, unless that is what you are referring to)? Would it be possible to tie this only to alien bases causing an infiltration?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: skyhawk on May 18, 2021, 09:05:22 pm
Don't want to start a new thread for this, but I have a quick question.

It looks like the Android port of OXCE uses SDL_Mixer2 - any chance of that change being back-ported to the pc version (And ideally backported all the way to vanilla OpenXCom)? SDL_Mixer2 should support the LOOPSTART and LOOPEND .ogg metadata tags, which will allow me to make better MT-32 music packs.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 18, 2021, 10:10:16 pm
It looks like the Android port of OXCE uses SDL_Mixer2 - any chance of that change being back-ported to the pc version (And ideally backported all the way to vanilla OpenXCom)?

Yes, and there is a branch in the OpenXcom repository too if you want to test it:

It compiles and runs in the basic mode.
But OpenGL rendering doesn't work.

Anyway, the plan is to migrate to SDL2 after OpenXcom 2.0 is released... which may be next month, next year, or also never. Only time will tell.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2021, 03:10:22 pm
Stupid question: where I can get old source code to build myself? Getting crashes in Arch Linux and Windows too now. It might be mod related (TWoTS) but I'm not sure, so I need old source codes for it to rebuild and test before posting unverified info here. As far as I know (correct my stupidity again) git has latest version now, but how to get old (interested in 6.9)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 15, 2021, 03:15:57 pm
Stupid question: where I can get old source code to build myself? Getting crashes in Arch Linux and Windows too now. It might be mod related (TWoTS) but I'm not sure, so I need old source codes for it to rebuild and test before posting unverified info here. As far as I know (correct my stupidity again) git has latest version now, but how to get old (interested in 6.9)?

Git contains the entire version history since the very first commit.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2021, 05:40:52 pm
OK, I think I got it. Only problem what I cant' find latest commit number (or should I said hash instead) for last 6.9.1 version. Compiled 6.8.4 instead.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 15, 2021, 06:17:05 pm
OK, I think I got it. Only problem what I cant' find latest commit number (or should I said hash instead) for last 6.9.1 version. Compiled 6.8.4 instead.

you can see commit numbers here:

6.9.1 is
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2021, 07:18:00 pm
Thank you very much for you time and info. The problem what I'm still not very good with git command and it's sub commandants (git checkout and etc), so I stuck a bit there. But now cloned, changed to 6.9.1 commit number, builded, packed to local package and installed. Everything working fine. The crashes what I've encountered early based on mod files and changes in new OXCE 7.0 version. Let's wait while author of the mod will check it and made necessary changes to make it compatible with 7.0.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 16, 2021, 05:54:13 pm
I am having trouble understanding/debugging marker names / IDs, case in point being XCF and alien bases:

The marker name assigned to alien bases is called STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE:

Code: [Select]
    enviroEffects: STR_INSANITY_4
      STR_MIB_BASE: 3
    genMissionFreq: 5
    markerName: STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE

STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE is also defined as StringID in the language file

Code: [Select]
STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE: "Alien Colony"
However, in-game the marker name has an attached underscore and is accordingly displayed as

Code: [Select]
as the string is (obviously) not defined in the language file.

I am trying to understand why this is the case. The ruleset reference does not list anything in regards to that and other strings are converted as is. Is the underscore necessary to pass IDs (e.g. alien base 1, 2, 3 etc.)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 16, 2021, 05:57:00 pm

can this be reproduced or is it some mod version upgrade artifact?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 16, 2021, 07:24:25 pm

can this be reproduced or is it some mod version upgrade artifact?

Happened in a new game without mods and has also been reported by other users. Attached is a modified save file which should spawn a new alien base at the end of the month (either in UK/Europe or in the Falklands). The alien base name is displayed as "STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_".

To clarify, this is a base spawned due to infiltration. I don't know if the naming mechanics are different for bases that are spawned normally. The marker name is correctly parsed as a string if the underscore is added in the language file (i.e. STR_ALIEN_BIG_BASE_: "Alien Colony").

OXCE version is 7.0 (2021-03-13).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on June 16, 2021, 09:57:24 pm

can this be reproduced or is it some mod version upgrade artifact?

Happened today, on XCOM Files.
Active mods are XCOM Files 1.8b and Dark Geoscape.

Edit: Game version is 7.0, and since either game or mods were updated pased several months, both real and in-game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 21, 2021, 11:19:36 am
I've had this issue since forever and never could understand what was causing it...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 23, 2021, 11:01:35 pm

can this be reproduced or is it some mod version upgrade artifact?

Meridian, any update on this (provided you are not on holidays, busy, sick or otherwise engaged)? Where you able to reproduce the issue?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 24, 2021, 09:24:30 am
Unfortunately I am not feeling well.
I am also taking vacation to recover, starting on Friday (tomorrow).
I will be completely offline for the next 3+ weeks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Martian on June 24, 2021, 02:32:41 pm
I hope you are feeling better soon.

Take it easy.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on June 24, 2021, 03:34:26 pm
Unfortunately I am not feeling well.
I am also taking vacation to recover, starting on Friday (tomorrow).
I will be completely offline for the next 3+ weeks.

Get well soon. More tea with lemon and everything will pass.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on June 24, 2021, 07:35:16 pm
Unfortunately I am not feeling well.
I am also taking vacation to recover, starting on Friday (tomorrow).
I will be completely offline for the next 3+ weeks.


Get well soon Meridian, take it easy.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on June 26, 2021, 01:02:46 pm
Unfortunately I am not feeling well.
I am also taking vacation to recover, starting on Friday (tomorrow).
I will be completely offline for the next 3+ weeks.
Take as much time as you need to recover, personal health is crucial.
I hope you'll get better soon.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on July 05, 2021, 11:17:20 am
Mod size limit in XcomFiles 1.7b is 3000, not 2000.
Just install the mod properly and don't mix it with old versions or anything.
It's really easy.

Hi Meridian,
because I need to update OXCE and the Mod I ask here again.
How do I do this "properly"? It confuses me all the time when I try to update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on July 06, 2021, 05:51:30 pm
Hi Meridian,
because I need to update OXCE and the Mod I ask here again.
How do I do this "properly"? It confuses me all the time when I try to update.

I am not Meridian, but I will answer anyway.

1. Delete the original mod in {your path}/user/mods/
2. Copy new mod directory into {your path}/user/mods/

That is how I update mods. It is slower than just copying (replace older) the new files in, but makes sure that any files that should no longer exist are removed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 06, 2021, 07:52:27 pm
1. Delete the original mod in {your path}/user/mods/
2. Copy new mod directory into {your path}/user/mods/

I second this. This is the only surefire way to avoid unintended behaviour/bugs/other mod-related weirdness in case ruleset-definitions, filenames, etc. change between versions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 17, 2021, 03:50:16 pm
I pushed two experimental  UI features by Buscher:
One is sending multiple crafts as "wing" using shift (one is leading, rest is following it)
Second is option for continuing given mission after HK attack

There will be some tweaks and updates to it.
Title: soldierTransformation manapool
Post by: Varana on July 21, 2021, 10:19:14 am
How do I change the mana skill in soldierTransformation? Is there some trick?

Code: [Select]
      psiStrength: 5 # works fine in OXCE 7.0
      mana: 1 # does not work in OXCE 7.0
      manaPool: 1 # does not work in OXCE 7.0
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 21, 2021, 02:47:24 pm
Code: [Select]
      mana: 1 # does not work in OXCE 7.0

this one works just fine for me...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Varana on July 21, 2021, 09:17:02 pm
Thanks for help.

After searching I found my mistake: There was an
"upperBoundAtMaxStats: true"
and mana limits not in my mind. Now all is fine.  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Cristao on July 21, 2021, 10:30:29 pm
Having a play through of Vanilla XCOM: UFO Defense with my kid and he mentioned something - In X Piratez we could see status indicators for units that were stunned, bleeding etc. However we couldnt see such when using OpenXcom Extended - did I miss the option for it or is there a mod that adds it? I didnt want to open a new thread for this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 21, 2021, 11:05:46 pm
Having a play through of Vanilla XCOM: UFO Defense with my kid and he mentioned something - In X Piratez we could see status indicators for units that were stunned, bleeding etc. However we couldnt see such when using OpenXcom Extended - did I miss the option for it or is there a mod that adds it? I didnt want to open a new thread for this.

It requires a mod.
I haven't seen a standalone mod just for this around, but it is easy to create once you have the images.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Cristao on July 21, 2021, 11:50:49 pm
Thanks Meridian.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 24, 2021, 02:22:48 pm
- Craft returning after mission don't join dogfights

Meridian, please make it an option that can be enabled or disabled as desired.

Although recently an aggressive UFO destroyed my ship returning from a mission, the player himself must take measures to prevent such a development of events and send interceptors to escort the transports. I made a mistake and was punished, but I am against the elimination of this threat.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on July 28, 2021, 02:45:14 am
- User option for (mouse) thumb buttons support (`thumbButtons: true/false` in options.cfg)
Is there something setup-specific about this, or does it always default to 'false'? Because if I hadn't remembered this from earlier versions and gone looking for how to re-enable it, I would never have suspected it was a thing.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 28, 2021, 10:07:31 am
Is there something setup-specific about this, or does it always default to 'false'? Because if I hadn't remembered this from earlier versions and gone looking for how to re-enable it, I would never have suspected it was a thing.

Always defaults to false.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 11, 2021, 07:45:53 pm
There is one more option for the players.
Ctrl+X (during idle BattleScape) toggles unit response sounds on/off.

Yes, it is much more convenient. Can add such a function to the "Links" menu?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 12, 2021, 05:16:49 pm
How to remove the measurement system in miles? In the original there was a metric system, and now go to "stats for nerds" and see some horror, in the form of speed in knots and distance in miles. How to get rid of this?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 12, 2021, 10:43:58 pm
How to remove the measurement system in miles? In the original there was a metric system, and now go to "stats for nerds" and see some horror, in the form of speed in knots and distance in miles. How to get rid of this?

Can you post an example/screenshot. I don't know what you mean.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 13, 2021, 06:53:51 am
Can you post an example/screenshot. I don't know what you mean.

Screenshots. I wanted to say that all these recalculations between miles and kilometers are unnecessary. I would really like to see in" stats for nerds " only what is written in the ".rul "file, and how to name these conditional units, everyone should decide for himself, through "extraStrings".

I don't know how to say it better... In general, need a toggle of basic calculus systems. We have adopted the metric system in Russia and no one measures anything in knots and miles. I set the characteristics of objects and write descriptions guided by the metric system (I don't know any others), and as a result, some kind of mess turns out.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 13, 2021, 09:31:08 am
In the original there was a metric system

You said that in the original there was a metric system.
If there is a difference between the original and OpenXcom somewhere, I'm willing to fix it (unless it was a clear bug in the original)... but you didn't show any difference to the original.

As for "stats for nerds", it shows true units as used for real calculations.

I also have no idea how much a mile or a knot is... I'm from Europe... that's why I added conversion to kilometers and to km/h.
But the originals will stay because that's how they are written in rul files and both modders and players deserve to see the true ruleset values, which is the primary purpose of "stats for nerds".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on August 14, 2021, 05:26:52 pm
So I ran UFO: Enemy unknown in DOSBox to check it.
Turns out, it was inconsistent.

Radar ranges in miles, Aircraft armament ranges in KM, Aircraft speeds without units.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 14, 2021, 05:42:49 pm
So I ran UFO: Enemy unknown in DOSBox to check it.
Turns out, it was inconsistent.

Radar ranges in miles, Aircraft armament ranges in KM, Aircraft speeds without units.

This, of course, makes some mess in a clear picture. I was also surprised by this. I were even more surprised by the three Russifications for the dos version. In one, everything is translated into kilometers, in another into miles, in the third... It is better to delete the third Russification and forget it as a terrible dream.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Reaver of Darkness on August 23, 2021, 09:46:53 pm
I don't worry whether it's in kilometers or miles as long as it's listed which one it is and the values are correct. I just think of it as Magic Numbers A and Magic Numbers B, because they're really just good for comparison to each other.

For those who don't know, 1 knot is 1 nautical mile per hour. The base game uses knots for speed and nautical miles for distance on the geoscape, and it uses km for distance in the interception window. With knots vs nautical miles, you're really just comparing aircraft speed to flight distance, or flight time, so you don't need to know how far a nautical mile is. Similarly, in the interception window, you're simply comparing one weapon's range with another weapon's range, so you don't need to know how long a kilometer is.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on September 11, 2021, 04:43:36 pm
Hey Yankes,

Just wondering if your YAML syntax for mod extensions supports starting base? 
Like the following

Code: [Select]
  facilities: !add
      x: 3
      y: 2


Code: [Select]
  items: !add

also, is it possible to update properties of items without rewriting the entire items properties like such

Code: [Select]
  - id: STR_LMG
    requires: !add
  - id: STR_LMG_CLIP
    requires: !add
    requires: !add

or not sure on this one either?

Code: [Select]
    tuAuto: 40
    tuSnap: 28
    tuAimed: 60
    autoShots: 6

I'm currently testing, but the starting base isn't working.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on September 11, 2021, 08:40:29 pm
Answer is simple `!info` will give you hit if given node support this.

For given question, `startingBase` do not support this, overall this nodes have specific handling that prevent use of this functionality.
For `ufopaedia` is not implemented but could be supported.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 16, 2021, 06:39:42 pm
Can the turret be turned for tanks 85mm and 60mm cannons?
I searched through the forum, but only found CTRL + RMB and touch buttons. They don't work: my whole tanks are turning, just like the RMB function on all units.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 16, 2021, 06:46:23 pm
Can the turret be turned for tanks 85mm and 60mm cannons?
I searched through the forum, but only found CTRL + RMB and touch buttons. They don't work: my whole tanks are turning, just like the RMB function on all units.

You need the "alternate movement methods" user setting turned on (the one that enables running and strafing).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on September 16, 2021, 08:00:33 pm
I'm guessing this is a problem with X-Com files, but maybe an underlining issue with OXCE.  I'm running v7.0 13 Mar 2021 and XCF v2.0.1 as of 6d ago.  I figure I'd post here instead of on github ticket since it doesn't look like that option is enabled. Posting on OXCE & on --> X-Com Files, not sure who would ultimately track this issue.

Caused By:
-- UFO detected --> Intercept with 'public car' --> UFO detection lost --> choose 'patrol'

-- public car immediately disappears from globe geoscape --> open up base menu, equip craft --> shows the craft is at the base currently --> next time an event comes up and choose intercept with same 'public car' --> it immediately appears at the location that it dispersal.

sorry I didn't have a save file for reproducing this.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 16, 2021, 08:06:16 pm
Sorry, I don't understand the description, too much stuff going on.

Can you create just a single list of numbered steps to follow? And clearly highlight the step which contains the unexpected behaviour.

(And most likely the save will be needed too)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on September 16, 2021, 09:05:22 pm
Yeah, sorry for the confusion.

This is early in the game progression of X-Com Files modpack, before blackops unlocked

Geoscape view
1.) UFO Detection
2.) Choose "Intercept"
3.) Choose "Public/Car"
4.) Public/Car is flying towards UFO
5.) UFO tracking lost
6.) At Menu "what to do with craft" - choose 'patrol'

Effect[1] 'public/car' yellow dot on geoscape immediately disappears.

7.) Immediately goto Base Menu
8.) Goto Equip Craft Menu
9.) 'public/car' shows 'ready' and is at the base

Expected[1] 'public/car' should be 'returning' and showing up as moving yellow dot on geoscape globe

10.) Later... another mission pops up on the geoscape view
11.) Choose intercept
12.) Choose public/car (the same one that disappeared earlier) (this will also be the very next time to choose this craft)

Effect[2]  'public/car' yellow dot immediate appears at the location on the globe where it disappeared, (not originating from the base location)

After that I didn't see this glitch again. and didn't think to post/comment on it until any save games around the time of the glitch were all overwritten with later in the game progression.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 16, 2021, 09:28:52 pm
You need the "alternate movement methods" user setting turned on (the one that enables running and strafing).

It was the tank type. Tanks with 85mm or 60 cannons have fixed turrets, they cannot turn it. You can also see on the sprite as the turret and tank body is shaded and rendered to flow together way too photo-perfectly.

While the Cars with automatic grenade launchers have a tiny turret, which is easily separated into its own sprite. Because of the separation the shading and rendering is not continous, but a clear edge made of black pixels.

Rotatable turrets for the tanks would have been a lot of extra work.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 16, 2021, 09:32:40 pm
It was the tank type. Tanks with 85mm or 60 cannons have fixed turrets, they cannot turn it. You can also see on the sprite as the turret and tank body is shaded and rendered to flow together way too photo-perfectly.

While the Cars with automatic grenade launchers have a tiny turret, which is easily separated into its own sprite. Because of the separation the shading and rendering is not continous, but a clear edge made of black pixels.

Rotatable turrets for the tanks would have been a lot of extra work.

OK, no problem.

I don't even know which tanks or even which mod you're talking about.
Mod questions normally belong to mod threads, try to keep this thread for engine questions :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 20, 2021, 12:46:53 pm
Engine's bug, maybe.
No TU cost is shown for travelling in flying suit from a craft with a ramp to a place somewhere near the right side of the craft, on the same 2nd level. It happens only when the flying unit needs to move diagonally on the ramp in order to get around another unit standing on the ramp. See the picture and the saved game (X-COM Files mod).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 20, 2021, 01:18:04 pm
Another bugreport from the same battlescape, about floating weapon.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Kill a floater flying in the 3rd level with powerful plasma to get the body disintegrated.
2. Watch floater's weapon floating in the air on the same 3rd level.

The lucky shot was made with Fire glove, it is X-COM Files mod.

There is a save in the attached ZIP, it was made right after the shot.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2021, 01:49:03 pm
Engine's bug, maybe.
No TU cost is shown for travelling in flying suit from a craft with a ramp to a place somewhere near the right side of the craft, on the same 2nd level. It happens only when the flying unit needs to move diagonally on the ramp in order to get around another unit standing on the ramp. See the picture and the saved game (X-COM Files mod).

And what's the problem?

The unit is not flying through that tile, it flies diagonally.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2021, 02:18:23 pm
Another bugreport from the same battlescape, about floating weapon.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Kill a floater flying in the 3rd level with powerful plasma to get the body disintegrated.
2. Watch floater's weapon floating in the air on the same 3rd level.

The lucky shot was made with Fire glove, it is X-COM Files mod.

There is a save in the attached ZIP, it was made right after the shot.

We'll have a look at this.
If not difficult, it will be fixed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 21, 2021, 06:58:48 am
As for the previous post (,6586.msg141184.html#msg141184):
There are no tiles with TU cost shown between the "24" one and the cursor. Marked this area with orange colour.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on September 21, 2021, 04:36:54 pm
Although not familiar with the geometry of that craft. It could be that the shortest path (according to the algorithm) is by going up one (or multiple?) level(s), which will not be visible in that screenshot.

Just to be sure: did you check if those numbers are not visible when using the viewpoint with an additional layer (mouse-wheel up on my system)?

-- edit --
Some grammar errors
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2021, 05:15:10 pm
There are no tiles with TU cost shown between the "24" one and the cursor. Marked this area with orange colour.

Upload a save to reproduce please.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on September 21, 2021, 11:18:46 pm
Not sure if this this is intended or an issues, but the sell/sack screen has inconsistencies , middle or right clicking on items some times shows the ufopedia, sometimes shows the research tree and sometimes nothing even when the research is completed and has the ufopedia page accessible.

I would expected it would function the same as in the craft equip armament screen where middle right clicking would bring up the ufopedia.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2021, 11:47:05 pm
Right-click doesn't do any of that.
Right-click always shows the manufacturing dependencies.

Middle-click used to always do just the research tree in the past (nice and consistent), but people wanted to have also Ufopedia, so now both are supported (in a complicated way) as follows:

for items:
1. Just Middle-click opens research tree if possible... if not possible, open Ufopedia... if not possible, nothing
2. CTRL+Middle-click opens Ufopedia if possible

for craft:
Middle-click opens Ufopedia
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on September 22, 2021, 03:16:49 am
Thanks Meridian!

Something else I noticed, when changing the game release under mods, from ufo, tftd, or x-com files. each version doesn't retain it's own copy of setting under the advanced options.

I know some mods, like twots and x-com files specifically sets, changes and locks out options like, x-com files sets explosion radius to 2, but when I go back to tftd or ufo, those setting stay changed.  It would be nice to have the advanced setting stored and remembered for each game type.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 22, 2021, 10:34:27 am
Something else I noticed, when changing the game release under mods, from ufo, tftd, or x-com files. each version doesn't retain it's own copy of setting under the advanced options.

As designed.

You can either use multiple installations of OpenXcom...
...or just have multiple shortcuts for each mod and specify the user and/or config folder as a command-line parameter.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 22, 2021, 05:42:20 pm
Upload a save to reproduce please.
Here is the save.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 22, 2021, 05:46:09 pm
Although not familiar with the geometry of that craft...
Just to be sure: did you check if those numbers are not visible when using the viewpoint with an additional layer (mouse-wheel up on my system)?
I did not check it in the multilayer mode, because I checked it in other way. Just move the agent standing on the ramp and the numbers will appear. The save is in the previous post. The mod is X-COM Files, if you want to check yourself.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 22, 2021, 09:23:53 pm
Here is the save.

The tiles through which the pathfinding goes are still undiscovered, so the pathfinding doesn't render anything on them.

And before you ask, no I don't know why the ground tiles are discovered and one level above they are not.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on September 23, 2021, 06:02:10 am
The tiles through which the pathfinding goes are still undiscovered, so the pathfinding doesn't render anything on them.
Thank you for the investigation!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 27, 2021, 08:13:17 pm
Touch buttons keep disappearing = Unselected

Clicking on the ≡ I can turn on Touch buttons display. It works for ~two of my soldiers, then when I switch to the next one, the touch buttons turn OFF.   

Is there a way to force these touch buttons to be displayed for the remainder of the battle?  OXCE 7.0 for XPiratez.  Is this a bug? 

I tried to upgrade to one of the latest OXCE nightlies, but unfortunately the latest versions give a nasty ARMOR definition bug when XPiratez is trying to load, so it doesn't load at all.. :(
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 27, 2021, 09:26:14 pm
Doesn't happen to me. Can someone confirm?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 27, 2021, 11:07:50 pm
Doesn't happen to me. Can someone confirm?
Found it!
F9  -  on quicksave reload touch buttons disappear.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 28, 2021, 12:11:28 am
Yes, on reload everything resets.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 28, 2021, 11:10:59 am
New OXCE v7.1 is up.

- Keep original target if attacked by a HK (and didn't disengage manually)
- Interceptor/Escort Wing Feature (by Buscher)

- Enable mouse wheel scrolling for Ufopaedia novels (by SupSuper)
- Add basic support for AI kneeling and running
- Improved performance on vapor creation
- Breaking change: Improved modding support for vapor colors (to be able to create submods)
- Improved handling of high opacity of vapor - now you can have darker versions too
- `oxceModValidationLevel` user setting (can turn off some ruleset checks for old mods)

- Breaking change: handling of default damage range (+added 2 new `RandomType` values; changed the default value from 0 to 8 )
- `alwaysVisible` in armor ruleset + basic script support (`isVisible`, `makeVisible`)
- Live alien (for Geoscape) can now be different than the Battlescape unit type (`liveAlien` in unit ruleset)
- Support for `reloadSound` from ammo item

- Exposed breath animation frames to scripts
- Exposed unit getFire/setFire to scripts
- Exposed unit conversion to scripts

Bugfixes OXCE:
- Fixed bug when destroying workshop-like facilities
- Fixed pathfinding of 2x2 units in fire (to be backpatched into OXC)
- Fixed bug that allowed avoiding AI reaction shots
- Craft returning after mission don't join dogfights
- Fixed instant mission despawn
- Fixed TFTD touch buttons graphics

Bugfixes OXC:
- Don't allow negative time units/energy
- Fixed patrol nodes not being freed when units die
- Fixed Korean wordwrapping
- Fix language settings getting mixed up between files
- Fix intro crashing when no audio device is available
- Don't reset mods when pressing Restore Defaults
- Fix starting day for TFTD
- Fix statistics calculation for commendations
- Don't corrupt saves on debriefing ragequit
- Fixed Snakeman and Silacoid movement type


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference will be updated soon-ish.

Auto-update (Windows only) will be turned on after 2-3 weeks if no critical bugs are found.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 28, 2021, 11:17:14 am
Breaking change (as requested): Overriding 'ResistType' should NOT override 'RandomType' automatically anymore.

Example in OXCE 7.0:
Code: [Select]
    damageType: 9
      ResistType: 12

The unspecified `RandomType` was determined from `ResistType` (in this case from 12, which would translate into `standard damage`)

Same example in OXCE 7.1:
Code: [Select]
    damageType: 9
      ResistType: 12


The unspecified `RandomType` is NOT determined from `ResistType` anymore, it is determined from `damageType` as in vanilla (in this case from 9, which would translate into `no damage`)

Recommended solution is to specify the `RandomType` explicitly where required, e.g. in this case it would be:

Code: [Select]
    damageType: 9
      ResistType: 12
      RandomType: 8
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on September 28, 2021, 01:31:34 pm
Was fixed an error with "STR_ALIEN_COLONY_" instead of colony name?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 28, 2021, 01:57:19 pm
Was fixed an error with "STR_ALIEN_COLONY_" instead of colony name?

It's not a bug.

Some objects get that extra "_" in the translation string intentionally.
Not nice, but that's what has been done in OpenXcom many years ago and we're stuck with it now.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on September 28, 2021, 04:47:29 pm
Oh. That's odd. But now i find these strings in vanilla language files, so I apologize. My mistake.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Brimcon on September 29, 2021, 12:22:57 am
Not sure if this is a bug but it didn't happen before.
When moving units or firing weapons, the bottom UI blanks out.
Using 7.1, Happens in both X-COM Files, and Vanilla game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 29, 2021, 09:28:42 am
Not sure if this is a bug but it didn't happen before.
When moving units or firing weapons, the bottom UI blanks out.
Using 7.1, Happens in both X-COM Files, and Vanilla game.

It happened before for firing weapons (e.g. during autoshots).
It didn't happen when moving units, that's a bug.
Fixed here:

You can wait for next version or download a snapshot here:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on September 29, 2021, 11:05:25 am
Another thing fixed in 7.1.1 is crash when unit with reaction 0 react to attack.
As consequence of this fix y-script hooks for reactions have new argument `reaction_count` where is stored sequence number of current reaction to same event.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on September 29, 2021, 06:48:22 pm
TRANSFER screen shortcut request:

Right after finishing a mission I can ship the looted equipment to my research base. Can we please have a shortcut key "X" on that screen that transfers all equipment from the left side to the right side, so everything can be shipped to an other base (not where my ship is from) at a flip of a switch?
Thank You!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on September 29, 2021, 07:16:02 pm
Another thing fixed in 7.1.1 is crash when unit with reaction 0 react to attack.
As consequence of this fix y-script hooks for reactions have new argument `reaction_count` where is stored sequence number of current reaction to same event.

How is it possible?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on September 30, 2021, 01:10:34 pm
when "action unit" have too zero reaction because of stats of depletion of TU
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 02, 2021, 03:51:47 pm
In recent version of OXCE 7.1.2 changed logic that now unit can access psi, skill and special item buttons at once, previously only one buttons was visible.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 06, 2021, 04:27:33 am
I'm sorry, but I'm staying on version 7.0. I'm tired of error messages that were not considered errors before. In addition, this update does not carry any useful functions for my modification. Bug fixes that I've never encountered are also of dubious utility.

I wish you a successful removal of restrictions in the future and not to ruin what works.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2021, 08:15:16 am
I'm sorry, but I'm staying on version 7.0. I'm tired of error messages that were not considered errors before. In addition, this update does not carry any useful functions for my modification. Bug fixes that I've never encountered are also of dubious utility.

I wish you a successful removal of restrictions in the future and not to ruin what works.

Just for the record, all those things were considered errors before, and were causing issues and crashes.

We will definitely not remove any validations (unless proven we made a mistake somewhere -- we're only humans too); the number of validations will only grow and grow to ensure we provide the best quality possible.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on October 09, 2021, 01:38:32 pm
Encountered possible bug.
When attacking by psi-amp "use", script hook "damageUnit" must know damage type from psi-amp. But both "damaging_type" parameter and "RuleDamageType.getResistType" from "weapon_item" always returns 0.
Or is it work some other way?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 09, 2021, 03:18:48 pm
Do you correctly set it in psi-amp? Stats for nerd should show what damage type is set for this item.
Rest of code should handle damage types same as any other item in game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on October 09, 2021, 03:48:08 pm
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_MENTAL_WEAPON_2 #Mentat master panic
    maxRange: 25
    hitSound: 36
    psiAnimation: 40
    hitAnimation: 176
    battleType: 9
    LOSRequired: false
    power: 1
    manaRequired: true
    manaExperience: 150
    experienceTrainingMode: 26
    accuracyPanic: 30 #bonus equal to Vanilla x2
    accuracyUse: 20
      firing: 0.0
      psiSkill: 1.0   
    damagetype: 13
      psiStrength: 0.5
      RandomType: 3
      ArmorEffectiveness: 0
      ToWound: 0
      ToArmor: 0
      time: 0
      mana: 0
    tuPanic: 0
    tuMindControl: 0
    tuUse: 0
    flatRate: true
    clipSize: -1
    fixedWeapon: true
    specialUseEmptyHand: false
    recover: false
#    specialIconSprite: 6
    targetMatrix: 7
Maybe a thing is that attack can be done via skill?
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_MIND_BLAST_SKILL #mentat master, deal damage.
      SKILL_ID: 12
      time: 25
      mana: 25
      mana: true
    targetMode: 11
    compatibleWeapons: [STR_MENTAL_WEAPON_2]
    checkHandsOnly: false
It does nothing scripted though.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 09, 2021, 04:05:43 pm
Code: [Select]
damagetype: 13
this is incorrect, `T` should be upper case.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on October 09, 2021, 04:06:11 pm
Code: [Select]
damagetype: 13
this is incorrect, `T` should be upper case.
Oh. Shame on me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 09, 2021, 04:16:36 pm
This is why I ask you to check SfN as it can detect errors like this
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on October 09, 2021, 06:00:58 pm
I would like to request a shortcut to transfer everything from the left to the right (at once on keypress "X") on the Transfer screen, please:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 17, 2021, 11:59:51 am
New OXCE v7.1.3 is up.

- It is now possible to show multiple special buttons at once (psi, special, soldier skill)

- Added reaction count limit (+exposed the counter to scripts)

- Fixed missing death and bleedout notifications for unconscious units (to be backpatched into OXC)
- Fixed loot window not displaying any items after a base defense
- Cannot disengage when you and the HK have the same speed anymore
- Fixed issue when unit has Reaction score=0
- Fixed display of unit stats during walking/firing (to be backpatched into OXC)

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on October 17, 2021, 01:19:35 pm
New OXCE v7.1.3 is up.
Thank you very much !!  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on October 17, 2021, 09:48:49 pm
Small question:
When we use "FixRadius: 1" for super-powerful weapon, the explosion animation still showed over whole screen, not just normal blast. Is it intended?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 18, 2021, 04:22:08 pm
Hard to say its is intended but game behave this way, animation is independent in most case from real explosion calculation.
Even more if range is bigger it still show animation on places where explosion even do not touch.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on October 20, 2021, 10:44:18 am
- It is now possible to show multiple special buttons at once (psi, special, soldier skill)
And how to make them NOT showing? I got unnecessary "psi" button showed for all my units with psi-abilities.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 20, 2021, 10:46:21 am
And how to make them NOT showing? I got unnecessary "psi" button showed for all my units with psi-abilities.

That's a bug, being fixed right now...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on October 24, 2021, 01:33:47 pm
I plan release bug fix for this today
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 24, 2021, 09:10:23 pm
New OXCE v7.1.4 is up.

- Ability to change armor values via Soldier Bonuses:,7405.msg141860.html#msg141860
- Arc/Mission/Event-script triggers by xcom base country:,7215.msg141846.html#msg141846
- Arc/Mission/Event-script triggers by xcom base region

- Added Ukrainian translation

- Fixed duplicated psi weapon button

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on October 25, 2021, 10:38:06 pm

- Ability to change armor values via Soldier Bonuses:,7405.msg141860.html#msg141860

Well, for the sake of such a bonus, I switch to the new version without question.  :)
One request:
- Craft returning after mission don't join dogfights

Please do this by disabling/enabling the function.

Thanks for the updates.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fiskun1 on October 29, 2021, 04:11:03 pm
It’s very interesting who translates into Ukrainian?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 29, 2021, 05:44:11 pm
It’s very interesting who translates into Ukrainian?

Somebody called Andriy Rutar.

You can see all details on Transifex:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on October 31, 2021, 08:12:32 pm
Can somebody help me? I am currently running into issues while trying to implement an additional base facility which has a map with a custom tileset (in addition to the vanilla tilesets).

I take it I have to modify the whole base defense terrain (XBASE) to include the custom tileset? Or is it possible to include/add custom tilsets on a map block basis and/or add facilities as stand-alone maps?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BTAxis on November 27, 2021, 12:29:08 pm
There is a bug (well, I consider it a bug) with the craft equipment templates. If you save a template while the equipment list is being filtered via Q quicksearch, it only saves the equipment that's filtered (and on the craft). It should save all equipment that's assigned to the craft regardless of the filter.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 27, 2021, 03:32:03 pm
There is a bug (well, I consider it a bug) with the craft equipment templates. If you save a template while the equipment list is being filtered via Q quicksearch, it only saves the equipment that's filtered (and on the craft). It should save all equipment that's assigned to the craft regardless of the filter.

It's a useful feature, this way you can choose whether to save everything or just the filtered stuff.

See also my comment that it is intended:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mercy on November 27, 2021, 06:52:35 pm
Center on Enemy X red rectangle doesn't remain red after switching to new unit in
Is it the variable
  oxceEnableSlackingIndicator: true

or probably caused by this:
  oxceRecommendedOptionsWereSet: true

Is there an INI variable that can switch this function back as it was originally?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 27, 2021, 07:25:28 pm
Center on Enemy X red rectangle doesn't remain red after switching to new unit in

because the new unit doesn't see enemy X... so no red rectangle

Is there an INI variable that can switch this function back as it was originally?

it works as it worked originally, since 2015, in OXCE

(in OG and OXC, the red rectangle just disappears... as they don't have any green rectangles)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BTAxis on November 28, 2021, 03:28:34 am
It's a useful feature, this way you can choose whether to save everything or just the filtered stuff.

Ah, okay, got it. I never want to do this, but that's okay. I just need to be careful to always turn the filter off first.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 20, 2021, 06:45:47 pm
I would like to request a shortcut to transfer everything from the left to the right (at once on keypress "X") on the Transfer screen, please:

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 24, 2021, 07:28:49 pm
New OXCE v7.2 is up.

- CTRL-click to assign soldiers in Craft Armor GUI:,10237.0.html
- Sorting in Sell and Transfer GUIs (by size and value):,5821.msg142113.html#msg142113
- Preserve armor of soldiers undergoing transformation:,10159.0.html
- Allow renaming soldiers during transformation:,10214.0.html
- Transfer All hotkey (items only):,6586.msg142652.html#msg142652
- Highlight current music track:,10272.0.html
- TTV: cost per unit, engineer hours, work space required
- TTV: required by transformations:,10011.0.html

- Support for non-ASCII characters in StatStrings:
- Added "Prison Cleanup" button

- More aggro sounds (`aggroSound` can now also be a list of sounds)
- Add option to delete areas in regions (`deleteOldAreas`)
- Allow reinforcements before battle start (turn 0 allowed)
- Commendations for victories in special missions:,10190.msg142628.html#msg142628
- Support `spawnedItem` and `spawnedEvent` also for research from getOneFree
- Added `spawnedItemCount` to research ruleset
- Added `spawnedItemList` to research ruleset
- Added `missionBountyItemCount` to deployment ruleset
- Ability to show an alien base immediately after spawn (`showAlienBase`)
- Negative recoveryDividers work as multipliers:,6616.msg142693.html#msg142693
- Disable psi-training for soldiers with trainingStatCaps.psiSkill <= 0:,10208.msg142696.html#msg142696
- Option to align text to bottom in pedia article type 7:,9688.0.html
- Ability to reset alien base age during upgrade:,6430.msg142855.html#msg142855

- Added script names
- Added option to delete and override scripts in submods (by name)
- Many small API additions

- Don't spawn non-flying reinforcements on water tiles
- Don't save armor of non-soldier units in equipment templates
- Fix display of aliens "being studied" in the Alien Containment GUI
- Fix double-counting of interrogated aliens
- Fixed quick search in the Memorial
- from OXC: fix ground zero tile calculation


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 29, 2021, 09:21:26 pm
New OXCE v7.3 is up.

- Help purchasing missing items when re-equipping a craft
- Hotkey 'Z' to add all soldiers to training and psi-training
- Added status DONE into the Psi Training GUI
- TTV item buy cost (by EttyKitty)
- Quick search in the Soldier Armor GUI

- Allowed force-landing a HK using a tractor beam
- Display special weapon bigob in the empty hand UI (still requires `specialUseEmptyHand: true`)  EDIT: will be changed in 7.3.1+ and require a new flag `specialUseEmptyHandShow: true`
  + Allowed player access to the built-in melee attack for Lobstermen in TFTD
- Save conversion/compatibility: Interrupt alien missions with invalid regions (and re-assign them to STR_NORTH_AMERICA, or whatever the first region is)
- Save conversion/compatibility: Remove invalid regions from alien strategy
- Load each mod only once! Duplicate zip files or directories will be ignored and reported in the log file

- More support for non-point mission site areas:,10305.0.html
- Event script can access mission script tracking variable:,7215.msg142856.html#msg142856
- Ability to reset alien base age, part 2:,6430.msg142855.html#msg142855


- Fixed a lighting glitch


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on December 31, 2021, 08:36:45 am
This is a real New Year's present! Thank you so much for your efforts. I wish you success and inspiration in the New Year!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 01:40:46 pm
New OXCE v7.4 is up.


- Support for animated alien inventory (M-click view)
- Handle side effects for research from events (e.g. remove obsolete ongoing research projects)
- 2x2 soldiers are now displayed under "soldiers/crew" label, not under "hwps/vehicles" label
- Added validation of sound and surface set indices
- Save options snapshot for debug

- Research on mission failure and mission site despawn:,10302.0.html
- More events (success, failure, site despawn):,10319.0.html
- Arc/Mission/Event script access to object counters:,10318.0.html
- Custom mission counters:,10318.0.html
- Separate power value just for explosion animation:,10308.0.html
- Check for valid land point for site spawns by UFO:,10305.0.html
- More granular enemy numbers per difficulty (`medQty`):,10304.0.html
- Limits on craft crew by type and size:,10317.0.html
- Custom "select base" and "start dogfight" sounds:,10195.0.html
- Custom craft sounds + interface sounds rework:,10195.0.html
- Prime/unprime sounds:,9663.0.html
- Support vertical text alignment for cutscenes:,9688.msg142868.html#msg142868
- Support for random terrain/deployment map scripts (attribute `mapScripts`)
- Display special weapon bigob in the empty hand UI (requires `specialUseEmptyHandShow: true`)
- Explosion on collapse/tile burning also for soldiers (defined by armor, attribute `specab`)
- Hunter-killer softlock threshold (attribute `softlockThreshold`)
- Multi-UFO retaliation base attacks (attribute `multiUfoRetaliation`)

- Fixed armor mismatch of dead soldiers after reload (introduced in OXCE v7.1.11, upgrade recommended)
- Fixed following UFO converted into a mission site with crafts that contain only HWPs
- Fixed available living quarters check before craft transfer (was ignoring 2x2 soldiers)
- Fixed missing access to the Inventory button (at the base) when craft has only 2x2 soldiers
- Fixed missing craft capacity check when changing armor with R-click
- Improved craft capacity checks in New Battle GUI
- Fixed prison check after reload
- Don't show reinforcements alert before turn 1
- Fixed rare endless loop in walking state (to be fixed in OXC too)
- Android: Fixed lingering path preview bug


Auto-update available on Windows.
Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 10, 2022, 03:33:28 pm
Well, here it is again ... only everything was fine, and suddenly everyone died. The worst thing is that looking at this LOG I can not understand what exactly to edit. There are no such values in my modification.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 06:22:36 pm
Well, here it is again ... only everything was fine, and suddenly everyone died. The worst thing is that looking at this LOG I can not understand what exactly to edit. There are no such values in my modification.

The indexes in the log are the internal ones from the game.

In the ruleset, they will be smaller by 1000 (or whatever mod offset is at the time).

I'll check later today too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 07:02:48 pm
Wrong bigsprite:

Code: [Select]
    bigSprite: 0           # before was 9343

Wrong handsprite:

Code: [Select]
  - type: CALCINITE_WEAPON #melee attack
    handSprite: 0       # before was 9104

Wrong unit response sounds (449):

Code: [Select]
#    selectUnitFemale: [446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456]    # 449 doesn't exist
#    selectUnitFemale: [446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456]    # 449 missing
#    selectUnitFemale: [446, 447, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456]    # 449 missing

and many potentially wrong `hitAnimation`s... I didn't check all... maybe there are some false positives there, I need to check with Yankes about this particular check

I tried removing all hitAnimations and after that the game started.
(As a workaround, you can enable "Lazy Loading" in options and the sprites won't be validated)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 10, 2022, 07:41:43 pm
Yeah, the hitAnimation validation seems wrong.
Will fix asap.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 10, 2022, 07:57:36 pm
Thanks, I fixed my mistakes.

Yeah, the hitAnimation validation seems wrong.
Will fix asap.

We wait...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 17, 2022, 10:42:48 pm
If there are several transport ships at the BASE, two conflicting needs often arise:
 1. Sort soldiers by parameters.
2. Establish the order of placement of soldiers in each transport and not violate this order by sorting the general list.

Solution Suggestion:
Add to soldiers list (screenshot) filters:
 sort all soldiers;
sorting of soldiers assigned to transport 1;
sorting soldiers assigned to transport 2
 - with the preservation (memorization) of the list (order) of the location of soldiers in each transport.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 17, 2022, 11:03:10 pm
1/ the comboboxes would be too small
2/ it would only "solve" the issue for 2 transports, not for 3, 4 or 77
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 17, 2022, 11:16:18 pm

1. Place the list of filters in the drop down list (as already done for the other sort buttons).

Base 6x6. Therefore: in principle, it is impossible to build more than 8 hangars on the base. The maximum number of lines in the list will be 9. (Including all soldiers).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 17, 2022, 11:21:46 pm
1/ the comboboxes would be too small
Anyway, they are more than the destination line of a soldier in a transport or the destination line of an armor soldier.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 17, 2022, 11:45:51 pm
1/ the comboboxes would be too small
You can make the "OK" button much smaller.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 18, 2022, 08:01:28 pm
New OXCE v7.4.2 is up.

- Indicate `maxRange` on psi and waypoint cursor types
- Hotkey for Multi-level-view (default empty)
- Hotkeys to scroll ground inventory (arrow left and arrow right keys by default)

- Melee terrain damage can target bigwall objects on the same tile:,8634.msg143262.html#msg143262
- More debug info on the globe (countries, mission zone areas, etc.)
- Added soldier type default armor validation
- Ability for mods to ENFORCE a minimum OXCE version (`enforcedExtendedVersion` in metadata.yml) -- will be removed in OXCE 7.6 and solved differently

- Ability to decrease custom counters:,10318.msg143063.html#msg143063
- Custom shot names in the pedia:,9742.msg143229.html#msg143229

- Added new script hook `damageSpecialUnit` to process damage side effects:
  * explode on death
  * set on fire
  * fire extinguisher
  * morale loss from HP loss
- These side effects now also apply to the following special damage sources (before they didn't):
  * debug mode cheats
  * unit on fire damage (per turn)
  * unit in smoke damage (per turn)
  * OXCE enviroEffects damage (per turn)

- Fixed `hitAnimation` validation
- Fixed `bulletSprite` validation
- Prevent "unit freeze" on AI trying to pick up an inaccessible item
- Prevent rare instant mission despawn
- Preserve health and mana on armor transformation between mission stages
- Fixed M-click on a disabled facility in the Build Facilities list


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 18, 2022, 11:21:03 pm
To tag soldiers according to their functions and capabilities, players rename the soldiers. I propose to add the ability to mark soldiers in the list - using different font colors. (Assigning a color is similar to the "wear armor" function).
Since the game already marks (in font color) the soldiers added to the vehicle, I suggest marking only the Name of the soldiers.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 18, 2022, 11:27:55 pm
To tag soldiers according to their functions and capabilities, players rename the soldiers. I propose to add the ability to mark soldiers in the list - using different font colors. (Assigning a color is similar to the "wear armor" function).
Since the game already marks (in font color) the soldiers added to the vehicle, I suggest marking only the Name of the soldiers.

There are only 5 font colors in UFO (3 already used) and only 3 font colors in TFTD (all 3 used).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 18, 2022, 11:42:22 pm
You can add the ability to land transport ships (for repair and refueling with conventional fuel) in cities. The city in this case turns into a "temporary base" (with the ability to buy something or hire a rare one). As soon as the ship leaves the city, the "temporary base" disappears.

P.S. The city may have its own development options. The base city is opened on the globe (not in the list of the player's Bases). UFO can destroy some buildings in cities.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 19, 2022, 02:18:05 pm
Thanks for the update. In win32 and win64, only "All countries not found in ru" confuses. Just was in stock, and suddenly "not found". And I did not find the untranslated lines themselves in the game.  %)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 19, 2022, 02:28:13 pm
Thanks for the update. In win32 and win64, only "All countries not found in ru" confuses. Just was in stock, and suddenly "not found". And I did not find the untranslated lines themselves in the game.  %)

Ah, I missed that.

It's just a hardcoded string for debug mode, doesn't need translation.
I'll make sure it doesn't appear in the log file in the next version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 19, 2022, 02:36:21 pm
Ah, I missed that.

It's just a hardcoded string for debug mode, doesn't need translation.
I'll make sure it doesn't appear in the log file in the next version.

Yes, also check the weapon slots on the ships.

Code: [Select]
[19-01-2022_15-29-16] [WARN] {0} not found in ru
[19-01-2022_15-29-16] [WARN] {4} not found in ru

Thanks again for the update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 19, 2022, 04:00:08 pm
Yes, also check the weapon slots on the ships.

Code: [Select]
[19-01-2022_15-29-16] [WARN] {0} not found in ru
[19-01-2022_15-29-16] [WARN] {4} not found in ru

Where do I need to click for this to happen?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Buscher on January 19, 2022, 07:36:36 pm
This happens when you set different weaponTypes for craft weapon slots.
Code: [Select]
      - [0,1]
      - 2

Start the test mod, go into the ufopaedia, select the interceptor page. Might require clicking the info button for stats for nerds. Then look into the openxcom.log.

Code: [Select]
[19-01-2022_18-32-38]   [WARN]  {0,1,0} not found in en-US
[19-01-2022_18-32-38]   [WARN]  {2} not found in en-US
[19-01-2022_18-32-38]   [WARN]  {0} not found in en-US
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 19, 2022, 08:25:41 pm
This happens when you set different weaponTypes for craft weapon slots.

Thank you, comrade, because my English is limping on all limbs.

And there is.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 21, 2022, 04:10:07 pm
New OXCE v7.4.4 is up.

- Increased maximum for Options::changeValueByMouseWheel,10311.msg143438.html#msg143438
- Hotkeys to close event popups (Esc/Enter):,10321.0.html

- Simplified `craftInventoryTile` override by submods (can be used also without `battlescapeTerrainData`)
- Ability to change alien race on alien base upgrade:,6430.msg143440.html#msg143440
- Supply and hunt missions can specify alien race explicitly:,5717.msg143441.html#msg143441

- Translation fix (weaponTypes in Stats for Nerds)
- Translation fix (All countries in geoscape debug mode)


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on January 21, 2022, 07:26:02 pm
Thanks for 7.4.4 !
I went from version 7.3 to version 7.4.4!
But now I have a problem with an old Mod that was working properly until now!
And I don't understand!  ???

[21-01-2022_18-16-23]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'STR_FIRE_EXT': Wrong index 1076 for sound set BATTLE.CAT

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_FIRE_EXT
    size: 0.2
    costBuy: 700
    costSell: 420
    weight: 9
    bigSprite: 587
    floorSprite: 262
    handSprite: 256
    bulletSprite: 1
    fireSound: 77
    explosionHitSound: 76
    hitAnimation: 96

[ERROR]   During linking rulesets of items:
Error for 'STR_ALLOY_KNIFE': Wrong index 1086 for sound set BATTLE.CAT
Error for 'STR_KNIFE': Wrong index 1086 for sound set BATTLE.CAT

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_KNIFE
    size: 0.1
    costBuy: 100
    costSell: 90
    weight: 1
    bigSprite: 129
    floorSprite: 130
    handSprite: 802
    meleeSound: 86
    meleeAnimation: 108

    size: 0.1
    costSell: 1300
    weight: 1
    bigSprite: 324
    floorSprite: 324
    handSprite: 804
    meleeSound: 86
    meleeAnimation: 108

In both cases, the "extraSounds.rul" file does not refer to these indexes (76 or 1076 - 86 or 1086).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on January 21, 2022, 07:35:42 pm
Thanks for 7.4.4 !
I went from version 7.3 to version 7.4.4!
But now I have a problem with an old Mod that was working properly until now!
And I don't understand!  ???
Whole point of validation is change random bug that crash game during play or make game misbehave to error during load.
This is critical for modders as only starting game will show most error in items, this is opposite to playing game for 1h to see if all items were defined correctly.

If you can't fix bug in mod you can reduce validation and risk that game will crash during play.

In 7.4.4 game check many sound and surfaces if they really exist in game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on January 21, 2022, 08:04:20 pm
I didn't understand anything but thanks for answering!  :)
It's ok because I just found a solution!
All these problems come from the fact that the "modded" objects listed use "stock" sounds in the base game!
So I added sounds I found in various Mods and modified the rul files concerned.
And for TFTD I also put "meleeHitSound" instead of "meleeSound"!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 21, 2022, 08:19:45 pm
In both cases, the "extraSounds.rul" file does not refer to these indexes (76 or 1076 - 86 or 1086).

That's the issue.
The mods are using sound indexes, which don't exist.
Either the numbers are wrong (typos), or the extraSounds.rul definitions were forgotten, or deleted.

Or in different words, the game is telling you "Sounds not found."
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 21, 2022, 08:41:37 pm
Thanks for the update. There is only one oddity:

Code: [Select]
[21-01-2022_18-54-25] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_BIODRONE_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
I don’t understand what this could be and whether it should be corrected, since BIODRONE, like all robots, is immune to any form of telepathy and stunning, that is, it is impossible to capture it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on January 21, 2022, 10:48:34 pm
Thanks for the update. There is only one oddity:

Code: [Select]
[21-01-2022_18-54-25] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_BIODRONE_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.
I don’t understand what this could be and whether it should be corrected, since BIODRONE, like all robots, is immune to any form of telepathy and stunning, that is, it is impossible to capture it.

Problem is there contradiction, there is `liveAlien:` (default value)  but you can't recover it because of `capturable: false`, if your goal is to make this unit impossible to capture then its mean that you need add `liveAlien: ""` to mark that is no way to recover this unit and `capturable: false` is not error.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Xolvix on January 22, 2022, 09:52:26 am
Oh man...

- Hotkeys to close event popups (Esc/Enter):,10321.0.html

I made the above suggestion, but the responses suggested that not only had it been considered in the past and dismissed already, but even the idea of implementing it was probably more effort than it was worth, and I got ashamed for thinking I was making an unreasonable request... so I ended up deleting the thread. :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 22, 2022, 10:17:00 am
Yankes, Meridian Thanks for the help, I figured it out and corrected. The error message no longer appears.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 22, 2022, 11:19:57 am
I don’t understand what this could be and whether it should be corrected, since BIODRONE, like all robots, is immune to any form of telepathy and stunning, that is, it is impossible to capture it.

OK, this will be a long post, but I want to answer all potential questions.

Question 1: why did we add this validation?

We added the validation, because issues/crashes with live unit recovery were constantly reported by players and were hard to identify, both for modders and for developers.
The validation should help identify potential typos, mistakes and oversights.

Question 2: do I need to fix these validation errors? Will the game still start if I don't?

OXCE will still start, potential errors will be reported only in the log file.
If we could clearly identify the intention of the modder, we would create a blocking validation, this is however not possible in this case.
It's the modder who needs to check it and decide how to fix it... because there are multiple different solutions.

Question 3: what does this validation even do?

The validation checks whether the attributes related to live unit recovery are configured consistently.

To simplify the explanation: there are 2 competing attributes:
1. attributes saying if the unit can be recovered alive or not
2. attribute saying what should be recovered, in case a recovery is attempted

There are 4 combinations:

Case A (YES-YES): attributes say that a live unit is recoverable, and a recovery item is defined.
- this is the normal scenario, everything is fine, and there is nothing written in the log

Case B (NO-NO): attributes say that a live unit is not recoverable, and a recovery item is not defined.
- this is also a normal scenario, everything is fine, and there is nothing written in the log

Case C (YES-NO): attributes say that a live unit is recoverable, but a recovery item is not defined.
- this is wrong and the game will 100% crash, if it tries to recover such a live unit
- it is of course possible that the modder made sure that a unit cannot be recovered by some other means... for example by not using the unit at all, or by using it only as a civilian faction... but we can't know that and it's safer to define the attributes consistently also in these cases
- the validation will identify such cases and will report a message in the log file saying something like this:

Code: [Select]
[21-01-2022_09-12-36] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'CIVILIAN_CASTAWAY_GAL': This unit can be recovered (in theory), but there is no corresponding item to recover.

The proper fix is to either make the live unit not recoverable (i.e. convert it into case B) or define the recovery item (i.e. convert it into case A).

Case D (NO-YES): attributes say that a live unit is not recoverable, but a recovery item is defined.
- this will not crash the game (at the moment), but it may crash the game in the future (when more features are added for example)
- the problem is again the consistency and the inability of the developers to know if the modder wanted this live unit to be recoverable or not (we still can't read minds :) )
- the validation will identify such cases and will report a message in the log file saying something like this:

Code: [Select]
[21-01-2022_09-12-36] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_LOST_SOUL_MALE': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the first 'corpseBattle' item of the unit's armor is marked with 'recover: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.

or this:

Code: [Select]
[21-01-2022_09-12-36] [INFO] Supressed Error for 'STR_FIELD_GUN_TERRORIST': This unit has a corresponding item to recover, but still isn't recoverable. Reason: (the unit is marked with 'capturable: false'). Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'.

The proper fix is to either make the live unit recoverable (i.e. convert it into case A) or un-define the recovery item (i.e. convert it into case B).
In most cases, conversion to case B is what needs to be done, the message even suggests it by saying "Consider marking the unit with 'liveAlien: ""'."; but it is possible that converting to case A is also what the original intention was.
Again, only the modder can say for sure.

Question 4: what are the attributes that say whether a live unit is recoverable or not?

There are 2 main attributes, that are considered during the validation:
#1. the `recover` flag on the item that is used in `corpseBattle` attribute on the unit's armor

Example for a Sectoid (1x1 unit):

Code: [Select]
  - type: SECTOID_ARMOR0
      - STR_SECTOID_CORPSE         # <----- this item is checked

    battleType: 11
    recover: true                  # <----- this flag is checked
    recoveryPoints: 5

Example for a Reaper (2x2 unit):

Code: [Select]
  - type: REAPER_ARMOR
      - REAPER_CORPSE_1             # <----- this item is checked
      - REAPER_CORPSE_2             # <----- NOT relevant
      - REAPER_CORPSE_3             # <----- NOT relevant
      - REAPER_CORPSE_4             # <----- NOT relevant
    corpseGeo: STR_REAPER_CORPSE    # <----- NOT relevant

  - type: REAPER_CORPSE_1
    battleType: 11
    recover: true                  # <----- this flag is checked
    recoveryPoints: 3

We recommend using this method when converting from case C/D to case A/B.

#2. the 'capturable' flag on the unit

An example of this could be a vanilla Cyberdisc, which is not capturable.
Not capturable unit are automatically also not recoverable as live aliens.
We do not recommend using this flag to convert from case C/D into case A/B, because it has also side effects: when such unit is stunned, it is automatically insta-killed.
We recommend using option #1.

Question 5: is this check final or will it change in the future?

The check covers a lot of cases now, but not 100% of cases.
There are still corner cases that are not fully covered; for example logic around zombie-like units, just to name one.
We may improve this check in the future if we see there are still issues in the mods; or if we add new OXCE features.

Thank you for your attention, and if you made it this far, congratulations!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 22, 2022, 05:51:15 pm
Thanks for the clarification and congratulations.  :D
I have another question: where did "bigSprite" for items with "specialUseEmptyHand" go?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 23, 2022, 09:38:21 am
Thanks for the clarification and congratulations.  :D
I have another question: where did "bigSprite" for items with "specialUseEmptyHand" go?

Modders didn't like it, so it now also needs `specialUseEmptyHandShow: true`
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 23, 2022, 10:04:53 am
Modders didn't like it, so it now also needs `specialUseEmptyHandShow: true`

Understand, thanks. I just didn't see it in the description.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 25, 2022, 05:00:27 pm
When drawing maps, the size of 10x10 (10x20) is often small, and the size of 20x20, although suitable, takes up 1/3-1/2 of the area from the total block of the 6x6 map. (Screenshot)
I assume that there were similar requests, but I did not find them anywhere.
Request: Create the possibility of using a SET of large terrain blocks (20x20) to compile from such blocks a general map with a size of 6x6 blocks.
(The game currently supports using a set of 10x10 terrain blocks to create an overall 6x6 block map from those blocks).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 25, 2022, 05:17:45 pm
Request: Create the possibility of using a SET of large terrain blocks (20x20) to compile from such blocks a general map with a size of 6x6 blocks.

already doable with the standard map script features
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on January 26, 2022, 07:07:29 pm
Can 2x2 tanks crush 1x1 infantry???
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 26, 2022, 07:46:16 pm
Can 2x2 tanks crush 1x1 infantry???

Only if the tank falls on them and they cannot step aside.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on January 27, 2022, 07:10:27 pm
Meridian, I would like to return to the issue of the counter of stunned enemies. Now when "soldierDiaries: false" the stats button disappears and space is made for the stun counter.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 03, 2022, 01:00:49 pm
Meridian, I would like to return to the issue of the counter of stunned enemies. Now when "soldierDiaries: false" the stats button disappears and space is made for the stun counter.


there is not enough space, but I leave that problem to you
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 12:34:54 pm
New OXCE v7.5.3 is up.

- Crafts in the TTV (by EttyKitty)
- Track/show soldier stuns when soldier diaries are disabled:,6586.msg143763.html#msg143763

- Added validation of layered armor definitions (only active when lazy loading is off; for modders use) added in OXCE v7.4.9, removed in OXCE v7.5.2, will be added later
- Craft deployment preview (from Craft Soldiers GUI):,10370.0.html
- Craft deployment preview - players can save a custom xcom deployment for real craft with real units
- Craft deployment preview - modders can define allowed start tiles per craft type:,10370.msg144057.html#msg144057
- Craft deployment preview - modders can define custom preview maps per craft type:,10370.msg144056.html#msg144056
- Base facilities preview (left-click on an Access Lift):,10372.0.html
- Craft-type deployment table in-game modding (from Stats for Nerds GUI) - for players:,10371.0.html

- Armor transformation for HWPs and summoned units:,4444.msg143797.html#msg143797
- Cosmetic units, attribute `cosmetic`:,10352.0.html
- Units ignored by the AI, attribute `ignoredByAI`:,10353.0.html
- Overrides for difficulty coefficient effects, `difficultyCoefficientOverrides`:,10354.0.html

- Armor transformation size checks (cannot switch into a bigger armor size!)
- `craftInventoryTile` can now be used also on craft that don't use `deployment`, for example the Skyranger


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 12:56:34 pm
How can you increase the landscape of the battlefield to 70x60
(80×60) withh the help of scripts, if the craft of the player is 20x20 (30x30)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 01:03:51 pm
How can you increase the landscape of the battlefield to 70x60
(80×60) withh the help of scripts, if the craft of the player is 20x20 (30x30)?

You can specify battlefield width and length in the alien deployment, attributes `width` and `length`:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 03:01:53 pm
New OXCE v7.5 is up.

- Crafts in the TTV (by EttyKitty)
- Track/show soldier stuns when soldier diaries are disabled:,6586.msg143763.html#msg143763

- Added validation of layered armor definitions (only active when lazy loading is off; for modders use)
- Craft deployment preview (from Craft Soldiers GUI): FIXME link
- Craft deployment preview - players can save a custom xcom deployment for real craft with real units
- Craft deployment preview - modders can define allowed start tiles per craft type: FIXME link
- Craft deployment preview - modders can define custom preview maps per craft type: FIXME link
- Base facilities preview (left-click on an Access Lift): FIXME link
- Craft-type deployment table in-game modding (from Stats for Nerds GUI) - for players: FIXME link

It seems to me that there is some mistake here. I can only control the first soldier.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 03:06:01 pm
It seems to me that there is some mistake here. I can only control the first soldier.

yeah, last minute bug... will fix soon
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 03:10:07 pm
yeah, last minute bug... will fix soon
Many thanks for both the advice and the transport deployment scheme. This is what is really needed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 03:41:54 pm
If you save the layout of the soldiers in the transport, then change the order of the soldiers in the list, and then again return to the layout of the soldiers in the transport, then the game crashes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 04:23:10 pm
hotfix OXCE v7.5.1 uploaded

EDIT: there is a known issue with layered armors, working on it... there will be another fix version in the next days
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mutantlord on February 05, 2022, 07:56:18 pm
Hi, any code syntax or reference to use a different custom map?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 08:34:44 pm
Hi, any code syntax or reference to use a different custom map?

yes, it will be in the FIXME links after I write them :)

for now, here's the test sample I used during development... it's for the 40k mod:

Code: [Select]
      - HANGAR
      title: STR_HANGAR_TITLE
      palette: 4
      music: HANGAR
      showCraft: true
      showTarget: false
      background: BACK16.SCR
    shade: 1
      - XHANGAR
    script: XHANGAR
    width: 30
    length: 20
    height: 6

or if you just meant a different deployment for a particular craft, it's the "customPreview" attribute:

Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_AVENGER
    customPreview: STR_MY_STUFF
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mutantlord on February 05, 2022, 08:40:34 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mutantlord on February 05, 2022, 09:06:39 pm
For Base Facilities preview, any thoughts on expanding this into missions can be launch from the Base itself? E.g Invisible Alien Infiltration and you have to sniff them out?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 09:11:07 pm
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 09:31:25 pm
Idea. If someone asks for more space.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2022, 09:34:51 pm
Idea. If someone asks for more space.

Sorry, that idea has been discussed already and has been rejected.

The maximum number of bases in OXCE stays at 8.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 10:01:37 pm
Sorry, that idea has been discussed already and has been rejected.

The maximum number of bases in OXCE stays at 8.
Space in the interface can be used not only for bases, but also for other functions. If someone needs a place, now you can see where to get this place.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 10:16:15 pm
I will draw so that they understand me correctly .
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on February 05, 2022, 10:22:51 pm
That would leave very little room for translations on those buttons.
There are languages much more verbose than English, support for those is more important than creating interface space.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 05, 2022, 10:34:08 pm
"Build a new base" - can be replaced with a construction icon.
New bases in the game are not built too often.
Other functions are similar.
In the tactical interface, none of the buttons have an inscription. But even without translation, everything is clear.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 06, 2022, 01:39:21 am
There is a ton of free space for new features without such dramatic changes.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 06, 2022, 12:30:22 pm
Thank you very much for the update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 06, 2022, 04:16:37 pm
There is a ton of free space for new features without such dramatic changes.

If you take the Warhammer 40,000 universe (where each "military camp" is treated as a separate military unit), then in fact each "X-COM base" lacks the functions of managing it as a military camp. (At least at the level of the military Company)
This means that players will definitely ask for platoon, company and regimental functions for managing personnel and the facility itself..
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on February 06, 2022, 06:07:32 pm
If you take the Warhammer 40,000 universe (where each "military camp" is treated as a separate military unit), then in fact each "X-COM base" lacks the functions of managing it as a military camp. (At least at the level of the military Company)
This means that players will definitely ask for platoon, company and regimental functions for managing personnel and the facility itself..
But this is X-COM, not Warhammer. Base interface spacing is fine as is. Underlaying idea is to stay vanilla-compliant.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 06, 2022, 06:38:04 pm
hotfix OXCE v7.5.2 uploaded

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 06, 2022, 07:17:11 pm
But this is X-COM, not Warhammer. Base interface spacing is fine as is. Underlaying idea is to stay vanilla-compliant.
If we consider X-COM as a simulator of a military organization, then the simulation of all the main functions and structures of a military organization is indispensable in the future.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 06, 2022, 08:02:45 pm
But this is X-COM, not Warhammer. Base interface spacing is fine as is. Underlaying idea is to stay vanilla-compliant.
If someone decides to create in the game (modification) such a strategic level that is present in the game "Civilization" or "Total War", then the number of bases in the game will be equal (needed) to the number of regions on the globe. That is more than eight.
(To establish control over the region - you need to capture the base in it)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 06, 2022, 09:55:47 pm
If someone decides to create in the game (modification) such a strategic level that is present in the game "Civilization" or "Total War", then the number of bases in the game will be equal (needed) to the number of regions on the globe. That is more than eight.
(To establish control over the region - you need to capture the base in it)

It's useless. Negotiations have been underway for several years now, but the number of bases has not increased because of this. In addition, modding capabilities allow you to have dozens of ships and combat squads on one base, so there is no formal need to increase the number of bases.

hotfix OXCE v7.5.2 uploaded

What exactly has been changed?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 06, 2022, 10:01:47 pm
What exactly has been changed?

Layered armors optimization and validation was reverted back.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 06, 2022, 10:24:29 pm
It's useless. Negotiations have been underway for several years now, but the number of bases has not increased because of this. In addition, modding capabilities allow you to have dozens of ships and combat squads on one base, so there is no formal need to increase the number of bases.

I guess:
As soon as there are people who are able to implement the strategic concept of Total War (economic control over the territory through military control over the "city" (Base) located on this territory), then there will be people who are able to increase the number of bases to the number of regions.
In the game "Total War" (Civilization), the player can also have a dozen armies in each city. But economic control over the new territory is achieved only through the military capture of enemy cities.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 07, 2022, 12:43:30 am
When press the button New Battle -

Code: [Select]
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x5cbe20 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x5ccca0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x9f49b0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76e872fc _C_specific_handler
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76e9bee0 _chkstk
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76e6ff00 RtlInitializeResource
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76e9b5f0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0xd59300 std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > >::vector(std::vector<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >, std::allocator<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > > > const&)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x78e980 OpenXcom::AlienDeployment::getTerrains[abi:cxx11]() const
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x751990 OpenXcom::NewBattleState::cbxMissionChange(OpenXcom::Action*)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x752a10 OpenXcom::NewBattleState::load(std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x754a70 OpenXcom::NewBattleState::NewBattleState()
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x7490c0 OpenXcom::MainMenuState::btnNewBattleClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x5e8860 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x6a4380 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x5e3f50 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x9f64e0 console_main
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x9f6600 WinMain
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] ??
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] ??
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76d25550 BaseThreadInitThunk
[07-02-2022_01-38-00] [FATAL] 0x76e83840 RtlUserThreadStart
[07-02-2022_01-38-03] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 01:13:51 am
When press the button New Battle -

likely just some side effect of modding... delete `battle.cfg` file and try again pls

...or maybe even upload that battle.cfg file here so that I can check what failed and try to handle it a bit more gracefully next time
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ontherun on February 07, 2022, 01:18:03 am
Excuse me, as for the layered armors, please might someone explain what this feature readded in openxcom extended 7.5.2 does/allows to do?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 01:22:52 am
Excuse me, as for the layered armors, please might someone explain what this feature readded in openxcom extended 7.5.2 does/allows to do?

it allows modders to create many complicated paperdolls a little bit more efficient
(for players, this feature is irrelevant)

more info here:,6290.msg104464.html#msg104464
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 07, 2022, 02:03:19 am
likely just some side effect of modding... delete `battle.cfg` file and try again pls

...or maybe even upload that battle.cfg file here so that I can check what failed and try to handle it a bit more gracefully next time

I deleted battle.cfg and ran the game without any mods - same result.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 09:41:32 am
I deleted battle.cfg and ran the game without any mods - same result.

I was able to reproduce with your options.cfg and with the official build

I will release a fix today
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Trojan Rabbit on February 07, 2022, 10:08:34 am
Confirm this error  (Fatal Error  when pressing "New battle")
 * error in  OXCE 7.5.1 & 7.5.2;   In 7.4.2 - all OK
 * deleted battle.cfg - same error
 * disable all mods - same error
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 11:33:23 am
hotfix OXCE v7.5.3 uploaded


- 7.5.1 - fixed craft preview having only 1 soldier
- 7.5.2 - fixed crash on layered armors
- 7.5.3 - fixed crash on new battle
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 07, 2022, 01:51:38 pm
Everything is working. Thank you for the update.  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 07, 2022, 02:21:34 pm
Have you considered to enable discussions on your github repository? I like its realization in form of reddit-like posts with voting up and down
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 05:09:30 pm
Have you considered to enable discussions on your github repository? I like its realization in form of reddit-like posts with voting up and down

For the foreseeable future, I will stick to this forum only.
My todolist is already endless, and I don't have time to watch more than one place.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 07, 2022, 07:09:24 pm
Can't we heal units, summoned from fused item?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 07, 2022, 07:24:08 pm
Can't we heal units, summoned from fused item?

I'm not aware of such limitation.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: nl255 on February 08, 2022, 12:05:29 am
With oxce 7.5.3 I just got a ufo where the mission says "STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION_TERRO".  While it appears to be an issue with the "early retaliation fix" mod said mod worked just fine on 7.1.4.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Gena Krokodilov on February 08, 2022, 07:36:15 am
Are the win64 version of OXCE 7.5.3 is compatible with android version OXCE 7.5.3?

I can use save game files from win64 version in android version, and vice versa?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 08, 2022, 07:44:32 am
With oxce 7.5.3 I just got a ufo where the mission says "STR_ALIEN_RETALIATION_TERRO".  While it appears to be an issue with the "early retaliation fix" mod said mod worked just fine on 7.1.4.

The mod (current version from doesn't contain any translations.
Please report to the mod author.

Are the win64 version of OXCE 7.5.3 is compatible with android version OXCE 7.5.3?

I can use save game files from win64 version in android version, and vice versa?

Yes, they are 100% compatible.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: The Martian on February 08, 2022, 12:18:23 pm
Thank you for providing the update.

I've just installed OXCE V7.5.3 and the 'New Battle' crash seems to be gone completely. (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on February 08, 2022, 02:52:24 pm
Hi Meridian,

I have managed to create a build of OXCE inside Docker for my own purposes. It saves me having to install the sdl1.2 dependencies on my main Ubuntu install.

Would you mind if I published the build tools & instructions for the docker image to GitHub, and the docker image & run instructions itself to docker hub ( for others (probably no-one ;D) to use?

Just to be clear, of course the image would only contain the OXCE ubuntu binary build, and none of the assets (UFO/TFTD). They still need to be provided to the docker app (mounted) before it will run. Just like always.

It would make it a bit more convenient for me to run OXCE over multiple systems, and possibly for others, too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 08, 2022, 04:40:13 pm
I'm not aware of such limitation.

Well, I spawn units from fuse grenade item, I set its side to xcom (`spawnUnitFaction: 0`), and I can't target it with medkit...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 08, 2022, 05:34:01 pm
Well, I spawn units from fuse grenade item, I set its side to xcom (`spawnUnitFaction: 0`), and I can't target it with medkit...

the `bleedImmune` default for summoned player units is true;
you can manually set it to false on their armor;
then it will work

Code: [Select]
bool BattleUnit::isWoundable() const
return !_armor->getBleedImmune(!(_type=="SOLDIER" || (Options::alienBleeding && _originalFaction != FACTION_PLAYER)));
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 09, 2022, 12:23:41 am
How to implement the function: for the successful completion of tasks, the player receives a new military rank, which allows an additional number of bases (1-2-4-8) and receives additional types of troops at his disposal?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 09, 2022, 12:56:37 am
the `bleedImmune` default for summoned player units is true;
you can manually set it to false on their armor;
then it will work

Code: [Select]
bool BattleUnit::isWoundable() const
return !_armor->getBleedImmune(!(_type=="SOLDIER" || (Options::alienBleeding && _originalFaction != FACTION_PLAYER)));

Thank you very much!

Another question, I'm sure it's a pretty newbie one. I am not sure how it supposes to work, but it looks like enemy units ignore patrol node connections. For instance, I created several zones and I want enemy units to stay there. So i made patrol nodes disconnected, but it does not help at all. What actually node connections do?
I remember playing vanilla, and I think on many crafts high rank aliens were waiting me inside the UFO at the second floor. How should I isolate them in this case?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 09, 2022, 09:00:11 am
Another question, I'm sure it's a pretty newbie one. I am not sure how it supposes to work, but it looks like enemy units ignore patrol node connections. For instance, I created several zones and I want enemy units to stay there. So i made patrol nodes disconnected, but it does not help at all. What actually node connections do?
I remember playing vanilla, and I think on many crafts high rank aliens were waiting me inside the UFO at the second floor. How should I isolate them in this case?

Sorry, I don't remember how it works.
Your best bet is to ask Warboy; or trace the AI code line by line.

How to implement the function: for the successful completion of tasks, the player receives a new military rank, which allows an additional number of bases (1-2-4-8) and receives additional types of troops at his disposal?

The tasks can give unique items.
The unique items can be researched to unlock various things, for example additional types of troops.
The unique items can also be used as a material to construct a special base facility, which is needed to construct every other base facility, thus limiting number of bases.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Komandos on February 10, 2022, 09:58:27 pm
The tasks can give unique items.
The unique items can be researched to unlock various things, for example additional types of troops.
The unique items can also be used as a material to construct a special base facility, which is needed to construct every other base facility, thus limiting number of bases.
Many thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 11, 2022, 03:52:54 pm
Meridian, pay attention to these cards. To avoid crashes from the preview in ufopedia, I advise you to enter them into the base assembly. Just for the convenience of those who like to play without modifications.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 12, 2022, 11:27:02 am
Meridian, pay attention to these cards. To avoid crashes from the preview in ufopedia, I advise you to enter them into the base assembly. Just for the convenience of those who like to play without modifications.

People who play without modifications, should only see the Preview button on Skyranger, Lightning and Avenger.
Firestorm and Interceptor don't show the Preview button, because they don't have any space for the crew.

I guess there are mods, which have a crew just for pilots and not for landing/battle... I'll update the Preview button to appear only if the craft maps are properly defined too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on February 12, 2022, 05:52:03 pm
People who play without modifications, should only see the Preview button on Skyranger, Lightning and Avenger.
Firestorm and Interceptor don't show the Preview button, because they don't have any space for the crew.

I guess there are mods, which have a crew just for pilots and not for landing/battle... I'll update the Preview button to appear only if the craft maps are properly defined too.

Yes, I completely forgot about my pilots. Just in case, it is worth making an option to turn off the preview. Binding to "allowLanding" is not necessary. Let modmakers have access to both options for solving the problem.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 12, 2022, 07:25:33 pm
I'd say "allowLanding: false" is a direct instruction, that this craft has nothing about battlescape, thus no need to have a preview.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 12, 2022, 07:51:24 pm
I'd say "allowLanding: false" is a direct instruction, that this craft has nothing about battlescape, thus no need to have a preview.

Correct, but I will still only add conditions, which are directly required to prevent crashes here.

For now, these are:
1. unit capacity > 0 (`soldiers` > 0)
2. map must be defined (`battlescapeTerrainData` is defined)

If we need more conditions in the future, they can be added.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 12, 2022, 08:40:39 pm
How do I use this?
Code: [Select]
Name: visibility_mode                         var       BattleUnitVisibility.Tag

Sorry, the description is not obvious...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 13, 2022, 02:00:15 am
This do nothing if you do not add new tags for this, idea was you can define different and each script can interact with each other based on this value, like you have normal visibility bonus script but it should not work for infrared visibility. This value allow to check if you should apply bonuses or not.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 13, 2022, 02:15:52 am
This do nothing if you do not add new tags for this, idea was you can define different and each script can interact with each other based on this value, like you have normal visibility bonus script but it should not work for infrared visibility. This value allow to check if you should apply bonuses or not.

Thanks, I think I get the basic idea, but I cant figured out the proper syntax  for that. Could you pls provide a script example of this? Like for instance, how do I apply a bonus to night vision, that comes from soldier bonus tag?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 14, 2022, 12:34:40 am
Can AI use sprint if this option is on for the player?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 14, 2022, 09:54:12 am
Can AI use sprint if this option is on for the player?

It was added here:
I never tried it, so can't confirm.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 14, 2022, 12:49:21 pm
Thanks, I think I get the basic idea, but I cant figured out the proper syntax  for that. Could you pls provide a script example of this? Like for instance, how do I apply a bonus to night vision, that comes from soldier bonus tag?
To use it you need define new tag similar to other tags but it not used like other ones:
Code: [Select]
      ITEM_NV_GOGGLES: int
      - offset: 3
        code: |
          var int itemA;
          var int itemB;
          var int targetShade;
          var ptr BattleItem item;
          var ptr RuleItem type;
          #get info about left hand item
          observer_unit.getLeftHandWeapon item;
          item.getRuleItem type;
          type.getTag itemA Tag.ITEM_NV_GOGGLES;
          #get info about left hand item
          observer_unit.getRightHandWeapon item;
          item.getRuleItem type;
          type.getTag itemB Tag.ITEM_NV_GOGGLES;
          if eq visibility_mode null; #default visibility
            #if left or rigth item have NV bonus
            if or eq itemA 1 eq itemB 1;
              target_unit.getTileShade targetShade;
              if gt targetShade 9;
                add current_visibility 48; #16*3 = 3 tiles better visibility in dark
                set visibility_mode Tag.VISIBILITY_NV_GOGGLES; #toggle to NV mode
          else eq visibility_mode Tag.VISIBILITY_NV_GOGGLES; #assume that other script already set "NV" mode, we only add small bonus in that case
            if or eq itemA 1 eq itemB 1;
              add current_visibility 16;
          return current_visibility visibility_mode;
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 14, 2022, 07:07:44 pm
To use it you need define new tag similar to other tags but it not used like other ones:
Code: [Select]
      ITEM_NV_GOGGLES: int
      - offset: 3
        code: |
          var int itemA;
          var int itemB;
          var int targetShade;
          var ptr BattleItem item;
          var ptr RuleItem type;
          #get info about left hand item
          observer_unit.getLeftHandWeapon item;
          item.getRuleItem type;
          type.getTag itemA Tag.ITEM_NV_GOGGLES;
          #get info about left hand item
          observer_unit.getRightHandWeapon item;
          item.getRuleItem type;
          type.getTag itemB Tag.ITEM_NV_GOGGLES;
          if eq visibility_mode null; #default visibility
            #if left or rigth item have NV bonus
            if or eq itemA 1 eq itemB 1;
              target_unit.getTileShade targetShade;
              if gt targetShade 9;
                add current_visibility 48; #16*3 = 3 tiles better visibility in dark
                set visibility_mode Tag.VISIBILITY_NV_GOGGLES; #toggle to NV mode
          else eq visibility_mode Tag.VISIBILITY_NV_GOGGLES; #assume that other script already set "NV" mode, we only add small bonus in that case
            if or eq itemA 1 eq itemB 1;
              add current_visibility 16;
          return current_visibility visibility_mode;

Thank you very much!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 15, 2022, 02:33:52 pm
Small request to community, I mess with unit pathfinding in version 7.5.5 and probably break some thing, if someone look for bugs in new version I would be thankful.
In meantime I will mess with this code more and look for adding multipliers for move cost.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on February 15, 2022, 08:34:31 pm
I have a question because I want to set up some CI/CD for some IDT mods (everyone would be free to use it though, of course);

- would it be possible to run JUST the OXCE validation and exit immediately (preferably with non-zero exit code if validation failed, but it could also be scraped from logs)
- if so, would this validation require the vanilla [UFO] assets to be present? It would make the pipeline a bit more involved in that case, but not impossible.

If this can be achieved, when committing to GitHub, using GitHub Actions, I can set up a pipeline that does some basic sanity checking automatically.

Thanks for any insights
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on February 17, 2022, 03:28:08 pm
This will require original data, at least for surfaces validation, some surfaces are from base game, if we skip then then it would report false positives.
Other data is not logically required to validate most of data but there are hardcoded checks for it to be present.

Another question is what it should load, as curretlyis expect very specific places to load mods (plus zip files).

Overall it would be preferred to add special mode for this only, some kind of new command line parameter that allow only loading `Mod` and return 0 or 1 depend if it throw exception.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on February 17, 2022, 05:54:03 pm
That would be awesome. But even if the vanilla game files are required, it would still be useful, but I would have to expand the pipelines to allow providing those files somehow. Making it a bit more complex to set up.

The most important bit would be the checking then exiting (with 0/1 exit code). If it wasn't dependent on vanilla files it would just be a bonus.

Overall it would be preferred to add special mode for this only, some kind of new command line parameter that allow only loading `Mod` and return 0 or 1 depend if it throw exception.

If this gets implemented, I would be very interested in it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BTAxis on February 24, 2022, 09:04:46 pm
I noticed that the notes panel that can be brought up from anywhere via Ctrl+N, can indeed be brought up from anywhere, including the notes panel. It's possible to press the hotkey multiple times, and have to close the menu multiple times as a result. It might be a good idea to disable the keyboard shortcut when it's already open.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 11, 2022, 11:49:39 pm
Do you guys have any plans to fix that issue?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 12, 2022, 12:55:39 am
There is multiple corner cases to consider when fixing some thing like this, maybe in some future I will visit this again as there still some cases I would like to fix.


I look a bit on this case, it can't be easy fix by switch drawing background and unit as this back part is already drawn on top of background.
Problem is that tiles on front overlap back part.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 12, 2022, 03:02:58 am
Yeah, I guess... Is there an option to crop it?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 12, 2022, 12:39:43 pm
crop what exactly? And when exactly?
Yesterday I think ablaut it and how exactly could possible to tackle this problem. And I probably get solution that could fix it and other similar problems.
Right now in OXCE back part is drawn when game try draw back tile, but we could split this back graphic in half and draw each part with with parts that are on side tiles.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 12, 2022, 02:29:09 pm
crop what exactly? And when exactly?
Yesterday I think ablaut it and how exactly could possible to tackle this problem. And I probably get solution that could fix it and other similar problems.
Right now in OXCE back part is drawn when game try draw back tile, but we could split this back graphic in half and draw each part with with parts that are on side tiles.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 12, 2022, 07:31:40 pm
I make some initial test for solution (in attachment is example).

But I see it not fully fix it as wheat is so hight that is still easy peak out disc graphic.
Another thing is that now selection box do not go pass middle of disc as it use to.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 01:17:05 am
I wonder if the original game also had this bug?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 13, 2022, 01:45:01 am
If you want you can check it out:

This probably stay as experiment and will not be included to OXCE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 03:45:44 am
Oh, cool, I'll look through it. Although, I'm not that good at rendering things =)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 13, 2022, 09:48:12 am
Question is could we fix it other way around? instead making workaround wheat we could simply remove wheat when unit stand on it.
This will solve most graphic glitches too when unit move.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 02:08:03 pm
Well, what about something with not so solid shape, like Reaper, for example?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 13, 2022, 06:08:53 pm
I mean very simple logic:
if tile have unit, do not show this graphic or show different one.

Simply each tile will have two graphic styles, one for "no unit" and another "have unit over".

Small hack:
Code: [Select]
if (unit == nullptr)
// Draw object
tmpSurface = tile->getSprite(O_OBJECT);
if (tmpSurface)
if (tile->isBackTileObject(O_OBJECT))
if (tile->getObstacle(O_OBJECT))
Surface::blitRaw(surface, tmpSurface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getYOffset(O_OBJECT), obstacleShade, false, _nvColor);
Surface::blitRaw(surface, tmpSurface, screenPosition.x, screenPosition.y - tile->getYOffset(O_OBJECT), tileShade, false, _nvColor);
Make interesting result (see in attachment).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 06:19:19 pm
Looks promising! Do we need to define it for each MCD we want to alter this way?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 13, 2022, 07:01:27 pm
Its not implemented, this is only hack to check if it will work, how its will exactly work will be determined later.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 07:10:17 pm
I have a question, why items, placed on map with `items` property can be fused with `fuseTimers` and `randomizedItems` are not fused?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 13, 2022, 09:25:47 pm
Yes, this is whole point of this two properties, one is designed to place "fused" items and second is for not "fused" items.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 13, 2022, 11:13:39 pm
I thought the point is that one is random, another fixed... Ok, if it's intended
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 19, 2022, 11:04:16 am
What do you think about moving to C++ 20? =)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 19, 2022, 12:04:13 pm
What do you think about moving to C++ 20? =)
This is breaking change, at least after 2024 when every env we use have full C++20 support.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Bonakva on April 02, 2022, 05:41:07 pm
Quick change of vehicle equipment on keys 1-9 by analogy with the equipment of a soldier
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on April 17, 2022, 02:50:32 pm
looks very interesting =)

I cant see vanilla multiple layer toggle in extended options. What if I toggle it on, then change the mod with extended options - can I toggle it off?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 28, 2022, 10:39:57 am
looks very interesting =)

I cant see vanilla multiple layer toggle in extended options. What if I toggle it on, then change the mod with extended options - can I toggle it off?

You have debug turned on in the options.cfg file, so it shows the debug button instead.

Normal players will see the layer toggle button.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on April 28, 2022, 06:47:42 pm
Oh, I see, thx
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2022, 01:21:21 am
How to disable the option to kill prisoners? I was unaware of its addition/existence until someone brought that up on XPZ channel randomly.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 10:50:14 am
How to disable the option to kill prisoners? I was unaware of its addition/existence until someone brought that up on XPZ channel randomly.

1/ If you mean in the Alien Containment GUI, there is no option for it, it was always like that (since 12th October 2013 when the Alien Containment GUI was added).
Even though it doesn't say it explicitly, the "Remove" button does kill the alien and puts its corpse into general stores, both in OXC and OXCE.

3 years ago (29th April 2019), I have added some more checks when removing/killing the aliens: the corpse is not generated if the corpse item has either `recover: false` or `recoverCorpse: false`.
So you could use that, but it will affect also the recovery from the battlefield, not only from the alien containment and from the interrogation.

2/ If you mean after Interrogation, then there is an option called "Retain interrogated aliens".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dioxine on May 05, 2022, 05:11:33 pm
1/ If you mean in the Alien Containment GUI, there is no option for it, it was always like that (since 12th October 2013 when the Alien Containment GUI was added).
Even though it doesn't say it explicitly, the "Remove" button does kill the alien and puts its corpse into general stores, both in OXC and OXCE.

Yes I mean that, or more precisely situation when you have no prison space at all (or so it seems?), and the button says explicitly "Kill" (it's along sale and transfer buttons). However I think I can handle it mod-side... I just need to know when precisely this option appears, and when it doesn't - if you have normal prison overflow, it doesn't seem to be the case.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 05:35:50 pm
Yes I mean that, or more precisely situation when you have no prison space at all (or so it seems?), and the button says explicitly "Kill" (it's along sale and transfer buttons). However I think I can handle it mod-side... I just need to know when precisely this option appears, and when it doesn't - if you have normal prison overflow, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Hmm, that's strange.

I thought there were only 2 possibilities:

a/ if "Live alien sale" option is disabled, then there is only 1 button called "Remove" (which does the same as "Kill")
b/ if "Live alien sale" option is enabled, then there are 2 buttons called "Kill" and "Sell"

I will try different combinations later today, maybe there's a combination I am forgetting...

EDIT: I did indeed misremember... see corrected statement 2 posts below
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 05, 2022, 06:03:32 pm
Hmm, that's strange.

I thought there were only 2 possibilities:

a/ if "Live alien sale" option is disabled, then there is only 1 button called "Remove" (which does the same as "Kill")
b/ if "Live alien sale" option is enabled, then there are 2 buttons called "Kill" and "Sell"

I will try different combinations later today, maybe there's a combination I am forgetting...

In both XCF and Piratez, "live alien sale" and "retain interrogated aliens" are "yes" and "no", respectively. Upon excess of prisoners, the game forces a sale, not a kill. The forced sale did not leave corpses, just money. Attached are examples of Piratez and XCF.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 08:04:38 pm
In both XCF and Piratez, "live alien sale" and "retain interrogated aliens" are "yes" and "no", respectively. Upon excess of prisoners, the game forces a sale, not a kill. The forced sale did not leave corpses, just money. Attached are examples of Piratez and XCF.

OK, I read the code and here's an updated version (I did misremember a few things)

if (Options::canSellLiveAliens == true AND Options::retainCorpses == true)
  show 3 buttons (kill, sell, transfer/cancel)
  show 2 buttons (remove, transfer/cancel)

kill button = always kills
sell button = always sells

remove button:
1. sells if Options::canSellLiveAliens == true AND Options::retainCorpses == FALSE
2. kills in all other cases

Yes I mean that, or more precisely situation when you have no prison space at all (or so it seems?), and the button says explicitly "Kill" (it's along sale and transfer buttons). However I think I can handle it mod-side... I just need to know when precisely this option appears, and when it doesn't - if you have normal prison overflow, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Kill button (with explicit label "Kill") only ever appears when "Retain corpses" and "Sell aliens" options are both simultaneously turned on.

Since Piratez forces "Retain corpses" to be turned off... I don't see a way how the "Kill" button could appear in Piratez.
I'll need help... best a save where I can see it happening.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 05, 2022, 09:20:23 pm
I'll need help... best a save where I can see it happening.
Here's my Piratez save from my previous campaign that I used for the screenshots. I added manually the extra prisoners.
If changed to "retainCorpses: true" in "Piratez_Globals.rul" then I get the "Kill" button.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 09:28:33 pm
That's correct, isn't it?

I meant a save in real Piratez, without submods.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 05, 2022, 10:00:45 pm
There are two submods: cities lores and stat strings. The save of the Piratez version is M3 or so, but I ran it on the latests mod version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2022, 10:06:43 pm
There are two submods: cities lores and stat strings. The save of the Piratez version is M3 or so, but I ran it on the latests mod version.

Sigh :(

You have submodded Piratez with "retainCorpses: true"... which effectively turns on the "Kill" button.
(I know about this scenario, it is correct, and I don't need a save to illustrate it)

I want to see a situation/save where "retainCorpses: false" and you can still somehow see the "Kill" button, as reported by Dioxine.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 05, 2022, 10:46:53 pm
Sigh :(

You have submodded Piratez with "retainCorpses: true"... which effectively turns on the "Kill" button.
(I know about this scenario, it is correct, and I don't need a save to illustrate it)

I want to see a situation/save where "retainCorpses: false" and you can still somehow see the "Kill" button, as reported by Dioxine.

My bad, I didn't get it. The switch to "true" was a direct ruleset modification of Piratez.
As per the "retainCorpses: true", I cannot produce said "kill" case, as I think it isn't possible without a submod as you put it.
The OP in the Matrix Room who reported this issue wasn't clear if this was due to a stock or modded game.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on May 10, 2022, 05:52:54 pm
Is this info valid? (

I think we do save it in `discovered` section of the save file...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 10, 2022, 06:27:47 pm
Is this info valid? (

I think we do save it in `discovered` section of the save file...

yes, the info is valid.

in the `discovered` section, we save the discovered topics, not the unlocked topics
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on May 10, 2022, 07:26:34 pm
ok, I see, thanks!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 14, 2022, 10:34:23 pm
Sorry for asking it may be 2nd time, but I still don't understand 2 stage ship mission capture mechanics. Last time I got cargo ship and stunned 2 aquatoids. One of them I left on desk but 2nd brought to Triton and put there. I managed to clear 2nd stage but aquatoid who left in Triton game consider as dead. That's sux cause I need him for research. So questions - still annoying bug in OXCE or it designed by default? What should I do next time to prevent deaths of captured aliens on 1st stage? Should I leave them outside Triton? And how about cruise ship as well? In some mobs (like TWoTS) no ship there at all just escape tile area.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 14, 2022, 11:21:46 pm
I would need a save file before the end of the mission to explain what happened.

Without it I can just say I am not aware of any bugs.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 15, 2022, 09:13:24 pm
I noticed OXCE Nightly has a new version. Since few versions ago OXCE shows the TUs and Energy available on the battlescape unit path in green and orange font, respectively. But the new version shows them in white font, making a bit difficult to tell which one is which at a glance. Is this a setting that can be reversed somewhere? Or there's a better way to do this?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2022, 09:54:37 pm
I noticed OXCE Nightly has a new version. Since few versions ago OXCE shows the TUs and Energy available on the battlescape unit path in green and orange font, respectively. But the new version shows them in white font, making a bit difficult to tell which one is which at a glance. Is this a setting that can be reversed somewhere? Or there's a better way to do this?

Upper one is TU, lower one is energy.

The previous colors were confusing (for me at least), inconsistent with OXC and also didn't work in TFTD.
I fixed the colors and also several combinations of settings, which didn't work either.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on May 15, 2022, 10:30:57 pm
Upper one is TU, lower one is energy.

The previous colors were confusing (for me at least), inconsistent with OXC and also didn't work in TFTD.
I fixed the colors and also several combinations of settings, which didn't work either.

Can those colors be part of a user setting?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 15, 2022, 10:50:43 pm
Can those colors be part of a user setting?

Why are you asking me questions you know the answer to?

Yes, everything can be done.

I don't think the option is needed and I am very picky adding new user options.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on May 30, 2022, 09:29:00 am
Why airlock no longer dismantle? Sometimes I need rebuild base in another location but now it's impossible to do. Checked vanilla TFTD and TWoTS both.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 30, 2022, 11:23:32 am
Why airlock no longer dismantle? Sometimes I need rebuild base in another location but now it's impossible to do. Checked vanilla TFTD and TWoTS both.

A bug.
Will be fixed with the next release.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on June 03, 2022, 07:19:47 pm
I noticed with TWoTS that the equipment given to the drones is not saved across missions, like with aquanauts, so when you always want to give them the same equipment, you need to do it every time. I suppose this could be an OXCE issue, rather than the mod? Shouldn't the equipment be treated the same way irrespective of whether you are equipping a soldier or an equipment-carrying drone?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 03, 2022, 08:59:39 pm
Is the drone a HWP-like unit?
If yes, it doesn't really "exist" on geoscape like soldiers... and nothing can be saved on it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on June 03, 2022, 11:14:37 pm
Is the drone a HWP-like unit?
If yes, it doesn't really "exist" on geoscape like soldiers... and nothing can be saved on it.

It's a 1x1 unit. So maybe yes. In some respects, it's different from traditional 2x2 HWPs. But I suppose the result is the same.

The differences are for example that some but not all 1x1 drones can examine and pick up items or bodies. So that feature is distinct from the size.

I wonder why a 2x2 HWP can't identify a body (whether it's alive or not, for example) while 1x1 can. I wonder if this has something to do with the precise location of 2x2 being undefined or something else.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on June 04, 2022, 07:14:11 am
I wonder why a 2x2 HWP can't identify a body (whether it's alive or not, for example) while 1x1 can. I wonder if this has something to do with the precise location of 2x2 being undefined or something else.

It may very well. The default is editable. Yes, and Reapers have always been considered alive.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on June 05, 2022, 09:20:48 am
Segfault on what I'm pretty sure is a collision with an not-yet-visible enemy. X-Com Files 2.5 with some tweaks, OXCE 7.5.3.

Edit: Needs the agent to be running and not looking where they go, of course.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2022, 12:08:00 pm
Segfault on what I'm pretty sure is a collision with an not-yet-visible enemy. X-Com Files 2.5 with some tweaks, OXCE 7.5.3.

Edit: Needs the agent to be running and not looking where they go, of course.

Something wrong with pathfinding, goes into negative Z coordinates (36,52,-1).

Doesn't happen in OXCE 7.5.5 or higher.

@Yankes: do you want to check it on 7.5.3? or just let it go?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 06, 2022, 12:24:11 pm
If I have some free time I will check it, some refactors could move this bug around (aka is still present but different condition is needed)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 08, 2022, 01:00:22 am
Sorry for asking it here, but my question have possible future request, depends on answers. For example I have two research projects:
Code: [Select]
- name: STR_PROJECT_1
  cost: 10
  points: 50
  needItem: true

- name: STR_PROJECT_2
  cost: 10
  points: 50
  needItem: true
So questions:
1. Is it possible automatically finish STR_PROJECT_2 when STR_PROJECT_1 finished,  make it grey color in tree if it already started or not but it present as possible in lab project list? I tested mechanics with "disables" command, what makes it red, removes from list, removes scientists from it as well, but I'm looking something like "complete" command.
2. If it's not possible could we have it as future request in OXCE?
Thank you all for your answers in advance.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 08, 2022, 08:55:27 am
getOneFree command
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 08, 2022, 03:31:15 pm
GetOneFree could do trick, but it's not finishes two or more "bonus" projects simultaneously. It pick one random or or sequentially from the list.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 14, 2022, 09:15:57 pm
OXCE crashes when I pressing "preview" button on Moray interceptor. I think it happened because this ship used for interception purposes but not for delivery aquanauts.
Code: [Select]
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5cbe20 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5ccca0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f4930 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e19c6d0 _C_specific_handler
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e1b1fb0 _chkstk
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e161020 RtlRaiseException
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e1b0bd0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x522710 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x447960 OpenXcom::CraftSoldiersState::btnPreviewClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5e8860 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x6a4380 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5e3f50 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f6460 console_main
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f6580 WinMain
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] ??
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] ??
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6c757020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e162630 RtlUserThreadStart
[14-06-2022_21-01-02] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
I'm adding save file too.
Question about OXCE special strings - any STR in ruleset what could be used to prevent crash and remove preview button there when player selecting non-transport ship?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on June 14, 2022, 10:39:48 pm
OXCE crashes when I pressing "preview" button on Moray interceptor. I think it happened because this ship used for interception purposes but not for delivery aquanauts.
Code: [Select]
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5cbe20 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5ccca0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f4930 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e19c6d0 _C_specific_handler
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e1b1fb0 _chkstk
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e161020 RtlRaiseException
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e1b0bd0 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x522710 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x447960 OpenXcom::CraftSoldiersState::btnPreviewClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5e8860 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x6a4380 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x5e3f50 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f6460 console_main
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x9f6580 WinMain
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] ??
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] ??
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6c757020 BaseThreadInitThunk
[14-06-2022_21-00-54] [FATAL] 0x7fff6e162630 RtlUserThreadStart
[14-06-2022_21-01-02] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
I'm adding save file too.
Question about OXCE special strings - any STR in ruleset what could be used to prevent crash and remove preview button there when player selecting non-transport ship?

I reported this in May 3 with 2021-04-04 version IIRC (in TWoTS thread). It was supposed to be fixed in the next release. There seem to have been relevant changes in github on Apr 24. I wonder you tested the latest version or the problem still persists?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 14, 2022, 11:10:40 pm
It crashes on latest public release for Windows and for Linux too. Seems this bug still persists. We really need something like STR_NO_PREVIEW: true. But let's wait response from developers.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 15, 2022, 11:19:13 am
it has been fixed already
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 15, 2022, 04:49:50 pm
In recent nightly I added option to control cost of armor moving

This properties can have any value but game enforce that result TU cost is in range [1, 254] and Energy in [0, 255].

Using the nightly 7.5.9, running diagonally (is that the correct term?) now costs 5 TU and 4 energy, from the previous 4 tu and 4 energy. I don't like this change because, logically, moving diagonally should cost 1.41x of horizontal movement. Horizontal movement = 4, diagonal movement = 5.66 (rounded to 6). And if running reduces cost by 25%, then horizontal = 3, diagonal = 4.24 (rounded to 4).

Edit: This change was made 7.5.5 -> 7.5.6
EditEdit: It was actually 7.5.6 -> 7.5.7
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 15, 2022, 05:26:28 pm
thanks, we'll check the formulas
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2022, 08:50:30 pm
it has been fixed already
Am I blind or have some wrong Windows version OXCE? Using (v2022-02-07) for Windows, game crashes when I'm going to "Select squad for Moray 3", putting pilot inside in, pressing "preview" and it crashes. It's not crashes only if Moray has no pilot. Same for Linux.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 15, 2022, 09:11:15 pm
It's in the nightly builds, not released yet.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2022, 09:48:10 pm
Well I tried 7.5.9 from, still crashing :(
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 15, 2022, 09:57:45 pm
Using the nightly 7.5.9, running diagonally (is that the correct term?) now costs 5 TU and 4 energy, from the previous 4 tu and 4 energy. I don't like this change because, logically, moving diagonally should cost 1.41x of horizontal movement. Horizontal movement = 4, diagonal movement = 5.66 (rounded to 6). And if running reduces cost by 25%, then horizontal = 3, diagonal = 4.24 (rounded to 4).

Edit: This change was made 7.5.5 -> 7.5.6
This is not fully accurate, game always used 1.5 for diagonal move, in case of 3 then it will be 4.5 and using standard roundup it give 5
Difference between version was caused moment when value was roundup and sum, even if I change this case it other place we could see difference.

Add fact that running and move cost is editable we could end up with horizontal cost equal 1 and with it cost for diagonal equal 1 or 2 is equally bad.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on June 15, 2022, 10:19:49 pm
Well I tried 7.5.9 from, still crashing :(

You need at least 7.5.14 to get the fixes that went in in Apr 24.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 15, 2022, 10:50:53 pm
This is not fully accurate, game always used 1.5 for diagonal move, in case of 3 then it will be 4.5 and using standard roundup it give 5
Yeah, I know game always used 1.5. I'm just arguing that 1.5 is a simplification of √2 and that √2 is what should have been used as per standard hypotenuse equation. But programmers were lazy and now we have to deal with these rounding errors haha

According to IEEE 754 ( floating point standard, 4.5 rounds to 4, so I don't know what you mean with "standard roundup".
Your second, what I would call "extreme" example of 1.5, according to the standard, that would be rounded to 2.

Anyway, can you change it back so that default diagonal running cost is the same as before? Thanks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Shiroi Bara on June 15, 2022, 10:59:36 pm
You need at least 7.5.14 to get the fixes that went in in Apr 24.
Oh God I'm really blind, instead of checking list carefully I picked just bottom version from  it. The latest in the middle. No button anymore. Thank you! And my apologizes, Meridian.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 15, 2022, 11:02:42 pm
Yeah, I know game always used 1.5. I'm just arguing that 1.5 is a simplification of √2 and that √2 is what should have been used as per standard hypotenuse equation. But programmers were lazy and now we have to deal with these rounding errors haha

According to IEEE 754 ( floating point standard, 4.5 rounds to 4, so I don't know what you mean with "standard roundup".
Your second, what I would call "extreme" example of 1.5, according to the standard, that would be rounded to 2.

Anyway, can you change it back so that default diagonal running cost is the same as before? Thanks.
No, current behavior is caused by refactor that allow custom move costs. More probable is that OXCE will stay with current behavior.
I will look on code to see how to handle it, but if it can't be easy fix then will stay as is.

btw if 1.5 was only "lazy" solution then you should accept fact that diagonal move should cost 1 when horizontal was 1 as `round(1.41) == 1`.
1.5 is only same solution when you work with discrete move costs.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 15, 2022, 11:34:49 pm
if it can't be easy fix then will stay as is.

Should be easy.
rint() would round correctly (so would nearbyint()), assuming FE_TONEAREST (default) is used.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 15, 2022, 11:55:22 pm
Its not easy, first of all you contradicted yourself, one time you require cost to be 3 -> 4, another time 1 -> 2, you can't have both as one use 1.41 another 1.5.

Beside to round up I use integer div, and even more this is used to all rounding in move cost even for horizontal paths, this is why its hard, change to it will change other cases too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 01:02:49 am
Sorry about the confusion. I think you should keep the 1.5x diagonal multiplier, because of backwards compatibility. And only change the rounding.

change to it will change other cases too.

Which other cases? As far as I can tell, changing rounding would only change behavior back to how it worked in version <=7.5.5
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 01:37:07 am
Change to what exactly? You use in your initial example 1.41 that give you 3 -> 4, but if code use 1.5 then 3 -> 5 because 5 is closest to 4.5
And this is current behavior.

And I stress again, I did not change rounding in that version I changed WHOLE calculating of move cost. I can't revert it without removing whole new functionality.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 02:05:51 pm
Code: (from Pathfinding::getTuCost()) [Select]
else if (bam == BAM_RUN)
timeCost *= 0.75;
energyCost *= 1.5;
if timeCost is 6, then 6 * 0.75 = 4.5 -> conversion to int rounds it down to 4.
if energyCost is 3, then 3 * 1.5 = 4.5 -> conversion to int rounds it down to 4.
This is how it worked before. It was being rounded down. Or, to be precise, floor was being used.

Code: [Select]
const auto timeCost = (cost.TimePercent + (costDiv / 2)) / costDiv;
const auto energyCost = cost.EnergyPercent / costDiv;
This is the new code. Here you're rounding tu cost up, but rounding energy cost down.  In one of your commits ( you fixed the energy cost. Why didn't you fix the tu cost as well, if you were aware of the problem?

The solution? Change
Code: [Select]
const auto timeCost = (cost.TimePercent + (costDiv / 2)) / costDiv;into
Code: [Select]
const auto timeCost = cost.TimePercent / costDiv;and the problem should be solved -> rounding will be same as before.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 02:23:40 pm
Yes, you find place when rounding is done, but this rounding handle ALL rounding, as I point previously now cost 1 will change to cost 1 for diagonal as it is not rounding but floor.

This will cause that if move cost is 99% then every move will cost 1TU less as intermeddle cost will be like 4.96 and this have floor equal 4.

Probably more correct solution would be subtract 1 and this will case that exactly 0.5 will be always round down to 0 not to 1.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 02:45:47 pm
That's a valid point. Yeah, I'd like it if 4.5 is rounded to 4, and 4.96 is rounded to 5.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 04:29:28 pm
I did push this change to main branch 7.5.16 should have exactly 0.5 round to 0.0 for TU
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 04:36:33 pm
I think you could've done the same for energy
const auto energyCost = (cost.EnergyPercent - 1 + costDiv / 2) / costDiv;
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 04:48:51 pm
For now Meridian said that for now leave it as is.
there some potential changes I plan to add in future.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 04:56:33 pm
Ok, I tested it and running diagonally now costs 4 tu as before. Thanks.

While testing, I found another change, unrelated, but still I think it's problematic.
Pathfinding in version 7.5.16 is worse than in 7.5.3

.sav file piratez v.M5.2

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 05:25:18 pm
I do not plan change it if whole path only differ by 1TU, at some point you need accept new behavior.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 16, 2022, 05:49:30 pm
What about 3TU? So you're saying that bad pathfinding isn't an issue?

Edit: I should note that running and walking produces two different paths. Walking produces the same path as before (like in 7.5.3, a better path), but running produces a different, less-optimal path, so maybe the issue is there somewhere.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 16, 2022, 06:06:22 pm
Paths spend more than 50TU, 3TU diff is 6%, if it was 20TU or more then I could worry and consider this bug.

Simply as there is new way calculate cost there could be +/- 1 difference in some cases. And simply old paths now cost more because of this and game choose other.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 25, 2022, 05:00:49 pm
I don't think you understand. The A-Star algorithm, Dijkstra etc., these are supposed to be optimal path algorithms. It means that they always produce the shortest/optimal path from point A to point B. There is no "only 6% difference". Either they find the shortest path, or they don't. And if they don't, it means they're broken/bugged/incorrectly implemented.

I spent an hour looking at the code, but I couldn't find what change caused the bug...
So for now, the best I can help is with providing a better save file and a few more screenshots.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 25, 2022, 05:02:42 pm
3 screenshots:
- Walking from point A to point B. It finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.3 it finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.16 it doesn't find the optimal path.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 25, 2022, 05:03:29 pm
3 screenshots:
- Walking from point A to point B. It finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.3 it finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.16 it doesn't find the optimal path. 15TU difference.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 25, 2022, 05:04:47 pm
3 screenshots:
- Walking from point A to point B. It finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.3 it finds the optimal path.
- Running from point A to point B. In version 7.5.16 it doesn't find the optimal path. Somewhat wobbly...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 25, 2022, 05:07:48 pm
2 screenshots. Neither walking, nor running finds the optimal path. However, these two paths are NOT a bug in OXCE. This is an older bug that's also present in OXC. This bug is due to the fact that Bresenham Line is used before A-Star algorithm (A-Star never runs). The fix would be to run both Bresenham and A-Star, and only use Bresenham if both paths cost the same.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 25, 2022, 05:45:35 pm
I don't think you understand. The A-Star algorithm, Dijkstra etc., these are supposed to be optimal path algorithms. It means that they always produce the shortest/optimal path from point A to point B. There is no "only 6% difference". Either they find the shortest path, or they don't. And if they don't, it means they're broken/bugged/incorrectly implemented.

I spent an hour looking at the code, but I couldn't find what change caused the bug...
So for now, the best I can help is with providing a better save file and a few more screenshots.
And you do not understand what I mean.
I changed cost calculation that in some cases have different cost, this is base data that is used by Pathfinding.
If you change data then you change output. Paths from old version could cost more now and algorithms skip them for better ones.
You should at least prove that old paths are still best in new version.

Only case I will examine is one when you show difference of 15TU as this is lot bigger that it should be.

Beside if this is bug in Bresenham vs A-Star then its it will be probably up to Meridian if we keep this or change as this could affect gameplay (user probably more expect straight line move than some random moves around to save TU, this could be deadly if unit side step cover)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on June 25, 2022, 06:30:23 pm
Question about the AI in OXCE.

Playing recently the 40K mod + Rosigma , but i don't think the mod modify the built-in AI.

I am starting to notice very often the AI is having a very strange very bad behaviour : it will try its best to maintain a long distance between the overall location of my troops and their own.
I mean at mission start there are AI troops spawning over the maps , i start to move from my entrance points.
And from there i notice that the AI troops that hadn't been killed have all moved toward the edges of the map, closer to the edge each time i progress to their direction.
So in the end they're out of my range and i am out of theirs, but they don't try to move to their attack range, they just randomly move around -while- staying all the time out of their or my weapon range.

I checked if by mistake i had enabled "Sneaky AI" as what i observe correspond exactly to what the "Sneaky AI" description is, but no, that setting is set to NO.

But still in every battle i have i observe the same AI behaviour (out of the kamikaze "leroy jenkins" type of enemies of course, at least this part of the AI do its job) everytime, the AI will progressively move toward the edge of the map while i am advancing, and never ever try to get in its own weapon range to attack me (or if i don't move toward them none will every shoot anymore).

Is there any way to get the AI trying to actually fight or is "Sneaky AI" wrongly enabled despite it is set to NO ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 25, 2022, 08:03:53 pm
Hard to say, this could be combination of factors that cause this, like they do not run away but "patrol".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on June 25, 2022, 11:57:13 pm
They seem to have some kind of patrol behaviour still, but they seems to always stop if they approach a certain distance to my troops and turn back. They always seem to maintain that distance , that happens to be right out of their weapon range so they never open fire.

It's been several battles now i have noticed this odd AI behaviour , the only AI that actually fight are the ones that are spawned not too far from my troops or that even if retreating are still in some kind of weapon range (as they're in range of my weapons and i'm in range of theirs), but once those enemies are cleared (and once every civilians are dead too), if i move i see the away AI enemies doing the retreat and "stay away" patrol dance forever after that. 

I'll have to replay some vanilla xcom again to see if the behaviour is indeed an OXCE problem or if there's something else at play in the 40k+Rosigma combination.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 26, 2022, 12:10:31 pm
Beside if this is bug in Bresenham vs A-Star
Only the last two screenshots are a bug in Bresenham. The rest is a different pathfinding problem. Problem between walking and running.

Paths from old version could cost more now and algorithms skip them for better ones.
They cost the same. At least from what I can tell. Same TU usage for all tiles, only the path is different.

You should at least prove that old paths are still best in new version.
Sorry, what? You can easily see the best path on the screenshots, can't you?

I changed cost calculation that in some cases have different cost, this is base data that is used by Pathfinding.
I did look at those changes, but I think they were minor, and they also don't explain why walking and running produce two different paths. Logically the two paths should always be the same...

My best guess is that... when you moved the running cost multiplication from Pathfinding::previewPath() to Pathfinding::getTUCost(), it somehow caused the bug. But I can't confirm this or tell why.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 26, 2022, 02:23:54 pm
Only the last two screenshots are a bug in Bresenham. The rest is a different pathfinding problem. Problem between walking and running.
They cost the same. At least from what I can tell. Same TU usage for all tiles, only the path is different.
This whole discussion was started because there was difference in cost, most glaring difference was fix and rest that differ become canonical version. This mean some specific moves cost different than before. And this in theory could cause that game choose different paths, and this is assumption I start this discussion.

Sorry, what? You can easily see the best path on the screenshots, can't you?
And you show diff to old that its now irrelevant because cost could change it. If you show two paths from NEW version that prove game chose unoptimal path then this discussion will follow differently.

Yesterday I downloaded your save (what point was to set ironman in it??) and check what parths are generated, and in some cases game choose unopitmal ones. This look more like problem with A*.
I attached example of this bug, this on its own is enough to prove that somting is wrong with pathfanding, only difference was where I click not what version of game I was using or what move type I used. This was prof I was asking.

This mean you are correct that something is wrong with it.

btw thank you for detailed testing it.

I did look at those changes, but I think they were minor, and they also don't explain why walking and running produce two different paths. Logically the two paths should always be the same...
It should produce different paths, different cost mean different paths, of corse as `run < walk` they should be very close to each other but rounding could make some paths better and other worse by +/-1 especially if there are tie in some variants.

My best guess is that... when you moved the running cost multiplication from Pathfinding::previewPath() to Pathfinding::getTUCost(), it somehow caused the bug. But I can't confirm this or tell why.
move of this code should not change any thing, it probably expose bug that already exist in it (aside of case where I did some very stupid error that cause all of this), and your detailed checking find it after it was exposed.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on June 28, 2022, 01:06:40 pm
Two small questions, please!

I use OXCE 7.5.3 + UNEXCOM. Like other packages, you have to add one or more pilots in the planes. Ok!
But when this plane is shot down, the name of the pilot does not go in the "Memorial of the missing"!
Is it possible to modify this fact?

I had "translated" on the site an information like that following an interception by a "HunterKiller", one could recover all or part of the crew of our shot down plane...
Did I "translate" correctly and is it active in OXCE ?

Thank you!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fomka on June 28, 2022, 04:14:03 pm
I had "translated" on the site an information like that following an interception by a "HunterKiller", one could recover all or part of the crew of our shot down plane...
You have translated correctly. I have one occasion in X-Com Files mod for OXCE when a pilot was recovered automatically after his aircraft was destroyed. Just check BASES -> BASE INFORMATION -> TRANSFERS. Your pilot may be there, arriving at your base in about 96 hours.

And you should start a new thread for this question.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on June 29, 2022, 01:35:43 am
Hi Meridian,

I hope I'm posting this in the right place -- I am trying to cross compile both OXCE and FtA from Linux using your instructions (,7048.msg111478.html#msg111478), but it seems I am probably doing something wrong. Can you point me in the right direction, or by any chance, does it fail for you in the same way currently? To clarify, I've tried this for both OXCE and FtA and neither are successful.

This is what is, I think, the relevant bit from the logs (I've also attached the full build logs for both OXCE/FtA below):

Code: [Select]
[ 41%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/State.cpp.obj
[ 41%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Surface.cpp.obj
[ 41%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/SurfaceSet.cpp.obj
[ 41%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Timer.cpp.obj
[ 42%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Unicode.cpp.obj
[ 42%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Zoom.cpp.obj
[ 42%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Geoscape/AlienBaseState.cpp.obj
/app/src/Engine/Unicode.cpp: In function 'bool OpenXcom::Unicode::naturalCompare(const string&, const string&)':
/app/src/Engine/Unicode.cpp:607:100: warning: cast between incompatible function types from 'FARPROC' {aka 'long long int (*)()'} to 'WinStrCmp' {aka 'int (*)(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*)'} [-Wcast-function-type]
  WinStrCmp pWinStrCmp = (WinStrCmp)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("shlwapi.dll"), "StrCmpLogicalW");
[ 42%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Geoscape/AllocatePsiTrainingState.cpp.obj
In file included from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:51:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:217:1: error: redefinition of 'unsigned int __get_cpuid_max(unsigned int, unsigned int*)'
 __get_cpuid_max (unsigned int __ext, unsigned int *__sig)
In file included from /opt/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/include/intrin.h:70,
                 from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:46:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:217:1: note: 'unsigned int __get_cpuid_max(unsigned int, unsigned int*)' previously defined here
 __get_cpuid_max (unsigned int __ext, unsigned int *__sig)
In file included from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:51:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:272:1: error: redefinition of 'int __get_cpuid(unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)'
 __get_cpuid (unsigned int __leaf,
In file included from /opt/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/include/intrin.h:70,
                 from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:46:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:272:1: note: 'int __get_cpuid(unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)' previously defined here
 __get_cpuid (unsigned int __leaf,
In file included from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:51:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:289:1: error: redefinition of 'int __get_cpuid_count(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)'
 __get_cpuid_count (unsigned int __leaf, unsigned int __subleaf,
In file included from /opt/mxe/usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/include/intrin.h:70,
                 from /app/src/Engine/Zoom.cpp:46:
/opt/mxe/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/8.4.0/include/cpuid.h:289:1: note: 'int __get_cpuid_count(unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*, unsigned int*)' previously defined here
 __get_cpuid_count (unsigned int __leaf, unsigned int __subleaf,
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/build.make:2462: src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Zoom.cpp.obj] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 29, 2022, 03:06:54 am
My best guess is that... when you moved the running cost multiplication from Pathfinding::previewPath() to Pathfinding::getTUCost(), it somehow caused the bug. But I can't confirm this or tell why.
After fixing this bug answer that algorithm correct find "fastest" path, trick was that cost had weight based of distance to target that for running or when your reduce cost of move it become screw too much and will miss real fastest path.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 29, 2022, 10:52:12 am
Ok, let me test...

...the 1st and 3rd cases were fixed. The 2nd case (with 15 TU difference) still fails to find fastest path.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 29, 2022, 11:50:12 am
This probably stay as is, if straight path exist then it will be choose even if cost more, this is manly for control, when you want move unit precisely.

As this is part of UIX this will require Meridian blessing to change it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 29, 2022, 01:25:07 pm
As this is part of UIX this will require Meridian blessing to change it.

I've attached another screenshot. Can you confirm that the path that's used in this screenshot uses Bresenham? I think here it uses A*...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on June 29, 2022, 01:33:10 pm
Yes, it should use it there. You can test it by move starting point that it could not make "line path" then it will choose more effective one.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on June 29, 2022, 02:47:37 pm
Ok, yeah, it does use Bresenham.

But you know, Bresenham isn't used for "precision and control". It's used mainly in cases of diagonal flying, so that you get a zig-zag path instead of two long lines (one straight and one diagonal). If I wanted precise control, then I'd just move a unit 1-2 tiles at a time. But yeah, when multiple optimal paths exist, Bresenham line is preferred. But if Bresenham is not the optimal path, then it should not be used.

It's kinda funny because the code in Bresenham is like.. if (... tuCost == lastTUCost ...), basically, to check if bresenham is optimal path, the function only checks if there were any changes in movement cost from one tile to the next, so if you're running on expensive terrain (tall grass / wheat fields) the whole time, it won't notice any changes. But if it detects changes in the cost, then Bresenham will say "I'm not optimal path, don't use me". I've attached a screenshot where you can see that a straight line exists, but because there's one cheaper tile in between, it detects this change in cost and then A* is used instead.

Anyway, yeah, since that's an OXC bug, it's up to Meridian to decide what to do with it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 04, 2022, 07:27:44 pm
I think you could've done the same for energy
const auto energyCost = (cost.EnergyPercent - 1 + costDiv / 2) / costDiv;

For now Meridian said that for now leave it as is.

I have tested the compatibility with this earlier TFTD-compatibility fix:

As far as I can say, it works well.

So, from my side, we can change also the Energy formula to be the same as the new TU formula.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 04, 2022, 07:43:17 pm
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 05, 2022, 04:15:32 pm
Anyway, yeah, since that's an OXC bug, it's up to Meridian to decide what to do with it.

There is no right or wrong answer here, so I'll just share my opinion.

The original game doesn't find the optimal path either.
Without any hard evidence, I'd guess that it was a deliberate design decision... to provide players with more natural paths instead of the cheaper ones (at all costs).
(Optimal path algorithms were already well known in the 1990's and they were not too memory- or cpu-intensive.)

It's kinda funny because the code in Bresenham is like.. if (... tuCost == lastTUCost ...), basically, to check if bresenham is optimal path, the function only checks if there were any changes in movement cost from one tile to the next, so if you're running on expensive terrain (tall grass / wheat fields) the whole time, it won't notice any changes. But if it detects changes in the cost, then Bresenham will say "I'm not optimal path, don't use me". I've attached a screenshot where you can see that a straight line exists, but because there's one cheaper tile in between, it detects this change in cost and then A* is used instead.

This was definitely a deliberate decision from OXC devs.

OXC changed (I am intentionally not using the word "improved") the pathfinding algorithm to produce more TU-optimal paths.
But in a decent number of cases, TU-optimal paths differ from natural paths, which irritates a lot of people (including myself), and so the compromise you described above was made to produce more natural paths again (although not as many as the original game).

One example for all: when you start your very first mission and tell your very first rookie to go down the Skyranger ramp:
1/ the original game will take the straight natural path (as everybody would expect I hope)
2/ openxcom will take a funny, unrealistic path involving a jump down from the ramp... that both looks bad and in reality should cost a lot more than just walking down the ramp

(Let me just repeat that... the very first command you issue as an xcom commander on a battlefield, is executed differently in openxcom than most of us would expect. I can only guess how much this bothered OXC devs and how painful the compromise must have been. I definitely don't envy them.)

I personally prefer natural paths, which give me more precision-control as Yankes said, without too much hassle.
And they look better too.
That's why if I could choose how to fix this issue, I'd revert back to the original algorithms from 1994 and not use openxcom algorithms.

But breaking compatibility with openxcom would cause me more trouble (from all the nitpickers around) than it's worth... so at the end, I will compromise too and not do anything.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on July 05, 2022, 10:46:23 pm
Thank you for the explanation. It's ok then.

The bug in bresenham can be worked around by players because it's easy to see if you're walking on expensive terrain or not. So for people (myself included) who prefer TU-optimal paths over straight paths, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

As far as the original pathfinding goes, I think back then pathfinding algorithms weren't as good as they are today, and that was the main reason for the straight paths. Perhaps OXC devs saw this, and that's why they chose to use an improved one instead. I can't say what is or isn't expected, or what l looks good/bad, but in reality, walking down a ramp should cost less than walking up the ramp hehe~
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Valerra on July 06, 2022, 06:12:06 am
I got this error on loading OXCE 7.53
"Error for 'ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON': Wrong index 36 for sound set BATTLE.CAT"

and many more similar errors in log file.

What's wrong?

maybe the reason is i don't have any sound device. OXCE 7.3 version is Ok
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 07, 2022, 12:16:48 pm
Hi Meridian,

I hope I'm posting this in the right place -- I am trying to cross compile both OXCE and FtA from Linux using your instructions (,7048.msg111478.html#msg111478), but it seems I am probably doing something wrong. Can you point me in the right direction, or by any chance, does it fail for you in the same way currently? To clarify, I've tried this for both OXCE and FtA and neither are successful.

This is what is, I think, the relevant bit from the logs (I've also attached the full build logs for both OXCE/FtA below):


I don't have this setup locally anymore, I'd need to install everything again...

But we have this setup on the build farm (maintained by Stoddard) running fine for some years now.

The build farm is also building FtA, most likely using the same setup (, but Stoddard or Finnik should confirm.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 07, 2022, 12:18:07 pm
I got this error on loading OXCE 7.53
"Error for 'ALIEN_PSI_WEAPON': Wrong index 36 for sound set BATTLE.CAT"
and many more similar errors in log file.
What's wrong?
maybe the reason is i don't have any sound device. OXCE 7.3 version is Ok

Should be fixed in v7.5.19

See also:,10541.msg147434.html#msg147434
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on July 08, 2022, 08:32:58 pm
A question about the "sickBayAbsoluteBonus" and "sickBayRelativeBonus"

On a game with the 40k/Rosigma  i have some troops with extreme recovery time a bit too often (that's because 40k/Rosigma troops have a lot of HP so they endure a lot more wounds ingame).
So i checked

Found that those sickbay could be interesting to work around the problem. So i added

sickBayAbsoluteBonus: 0.0
sickBayRelativeBonus: 10.0

To the STR_ACCESS_LIFT entry (that is found in terrain_40k.rul file from the 40k mod folder) , as it's the basic facility that every underground base will have from the start.
According to the ufopedia website entry , this should means the building provide a healing bonus of 10% by day, so it should mean my troops would all be healed in a maximum of 10 days.

But after more testing, it is not the case, the recovery time is going at a normal rate (i mean the same as if i had not added the sickbay entries)
To test more, i increased sickBayRelativeBonus: 10.0 to  50.0 , so any wounded unit should be healed at max in 2 days if i understand the ufopedia website explaination.
But again after testing ingame, i see the soldiers only recovering at a normal rate (after several days the high wounded still have a high recovery time).

Any idea at what am i doing wrong ?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 09, 2022, 02:09:47 am
it works fine for me... you have a syntax error (or equivalent) somewhere
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on July 09, 2022, 11:31:52 am
Does not seem to be a syntax error
Code: [Select]
    spriteShape: 2
    spriteFacility: 17
    lift: true
    provideBaseFunc: [BASE]
    buildCost: 300000
    buildTime: 1
    monthlyCost: 4000
    sickbayAbsoluteBonus: 0.0
    sickbayRelativeBonus: 50.0
    mapName: XBASE_00

I even added the sickbay lines to the living quarters in case but still the troops are healing at a normal rate.
Code: [Select]
    requiresBaseFunc: [BASE]
    spriteShape: 1
    spriteFacility: 18
    buildCost: 400000
    buildTime: 16
    monthlyCost: 10000
    sickbayAbsoluteBonus: 0.0
    sickbayRelativeBonus: 50.0
    personnel: 50
    mapName: XBASE_01

I really don't understand why this is, i searched in case buildings were also defined somewhere else in the 40k and Rosigma folders, but no it's only in this terrain_40k.rul file from the 40k mod folder (there's no building definition in the Rosigma mod folder itself)
So i'm completely clueless at why it does not work.

Then i went to the codex (the ufopedia name for the 40k mod) and gave a look to the living quarter debug and default and noticed maybe why things are not working :
and it's the same for the access lift
Huh ?  the modification seems correct in the terrain_40k.rul but ingame it does not take them in account ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on July 09, 2022, 03:13:00 pm
Ok, i went with a different approach, adding a "Medical Unit" facility as a submod instead of editing the facilities from 40k/Rosigma

So i have in my user\mods\ folder , one that is named "HealUP"
Inside of it i have metadata.yml
Code: [Select]
# metadata.yaml for Heal UP for 40k

name: "Heal UP for 40k"
version: 1.0
description: "Provide an early basic medical facitily."
author: OpenXcom

master: "40k"

I have a HealUP.rul (with intentional very low building time and very high sickbayRelativeBonus for easier testing)
Code: [Select]
    spriteShape: 1
    spriteFacility: 18
    buildCost: 400000
    buildTime: 1
    monthlyCost: 10000
    sickbayAbsoluteBonus: 0.0
    sickbayRelativeBonus: 50.0
    maxAllowedPerBase: 1
    mapName: XBASE_01

  - delete: STR_EARLY_TREAT
  - id: STR_EARLY_TREAT #facility
    type_id: 16
    image_id: 01.SPK

a Language sub folder that has the  en-US.yml
Code: [Select]
STR_EARLY_TREAT: "Medical Unit"
STR_EARLY_TREAT_UFOPEDIA: "{NEWLINE} Provides some basic medical assistance to the base personel."

Then i enabled the mod with 40/Rosigma.
Ingame the submod works as i can build a new facility named "Medical Unit"

It has codex entry

But if i go to the Info then enable DEBUG and DEFAULT, it does not take in account that this building has sickbayRelativeBonus: 50.0 (i even tried other value, and even some reasonnable ones)

I was wondering maybe the ufopedia/codex simply does not display the correct value but still the game apply them ?
So i checked with my high HP high wounded units, like "Vaitai Trasea" that for my save is at 60 days of recovering

Then i let 4 or 5 days going, according to sickbayRelativeBonus: 50.0 , it means the trooper should be healed in max 2 days, but it is not the case, as after several days, this guy is at 55 days of recovering

So at that point i'm really completely puzzled as to why it's not working, as the log does not show any error , any help please ?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on July 09, 2022, 03:20:19 pm
Maybe because it's "sickBay" and not "sickbay".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on July 09, 2022, 04:35:42 pm

Can't believe it was such a basic mistake, but correcting "b" into "B" worked !
Thank you a lot, not understanding why it was not working was maddening .
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 11, 2022, 07:53:29 pm
До зимы теперь ждать что-ли?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 11, 2022, 08:06:54 pm
If the question is when comes the next update, then the answer is this month (July 2022).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on July 11, 2022, 09:55:18 pm
Crash when trying to change (well, disable) display filter. OXCE 7.5.16, XCF 2.5 (with tweaks).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 12, 2022, 08:58:16 pm
this is above my paygrade :) no idea how the filters work
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 12, 2022, 09:48:50 pm
at least backtrack show `OpenXcom::Surface::CleanSdlSurface(SDL_Surface*)` that our code was last that thing done before crash.
This mean if whole SDL is not corrupted it could be way to avoid this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on July 13, 2022, 02:52:04 am
Well, if it helps any:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: krautbernd on July 13, 2022, 10:37:28 am
Well, if it helps any:
  • I recently moved computers and just pasted the whole install over.
  • Disabling and re-enabling filters via config seems to still work.
  • After I change filters in-game, there's heavy lag and the "do you want to keep this" box comes up for a little while before the total crash.
What do you mean by "just passed the whole install over"? The whole OS or just OXCE in particular?

Have you tried a fresh install (of OXCE)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on July 13, 2022, 10:48:55 am
What do you mean by "just passed the whole install over"? The whole OS or just OXCE in particular?
OXCE plus the mod plus other necessities, of course. I also changed OS-s, so even if I wanted to do the first that wouldn't have worked.

Have you tried a fresh install (of OXCE)?
No, but I doubt it'd change much. A 'fresh install' of OXCE is basically pasting a few files over, anyway.

But just to satisfy my (and your) curiosity, I upgraded to 7.5.19. No change.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 15, 2022, 11:54:20 am
New OXCE v7.6 is up.

 - Added mouse wheel scrolling to Monthly Report UI:,10510.0.html
 - Ability to persist PL/NV/B toggles:,10629.msg147476.html#msg147476
 - Added Energy toggle to pathfinding preview (Options > Battlescape):,9556.0.html
 - Save file formatting less verbose in selected cases (functionally same, no performance gain or loss, smaller file size, easier to read by humans)

 - AI: aliens are now capable of running during escape battle action (if running enabled by armor, and 50% probability)
 - AI: aliens (leeroys only) are now capable of running during aggro if they have a lot of energy (40% of stamina or more)
 - Added support for checking required OXC engine (e.g. OXC, OXCE, FtA, etc.) - `requiredExtendedEngine` in metadata.yml
 - Removed `enforcedExtendedVersion` attribute in metadata.yml (`requiredExtendedVersion` attribute now enforces!)

 - Ability to change tile move cost per armor:,11239.msg145137.html#msg145137
 - New movement type Sneaking = force walking even if you can fly (using Alt modifier): see link above
 - Ability to change cost of moving items in the inventory:,11240.0.html
 - Custom object counters for completed research:,10318.msg146284.html#msg146284
 - Craft preview: ability to reveal/not reveal the whole map:,10370.msg147475.html#msg147475
 - Ufopedia: unhardcoded colors for Text and TextImage articles:,10484.0.html
 - Ufopedia: draw armor sprite on the background:,10425.0.html

 - Ability to change movement type during battle:,6586.msg145244.html#msg145244
 - Ability to set negative health by script (i.e. overkill):,10535.msg146195.html#msg146195

 - (possible breaking change in scripts) Fixed broken fire extinguisher:,10522.msg145855.html#msg145855
 - Fixed trying to delete/process a research project twice:,10504.msg145545.html#msg145545
 - Craft preview: bugfix for crash when craft landed and craft deployed are different
 - Craft preview: bugfix: allowed to dismantle the access lift, if it's the last facility in the base:,6413.msg144635.html#msg144635
 - Craft preview: bugfix: check existence of the battlescape map for preview:,10370.msg145652.html#msg145652
 - Fixed AI using unusable weapons during xcom base defense:,4058.msg145954.html#msg145954
 - Civilians shouldn't destroy xcom bases (see above)
 - Fixed storage check corner case:,10595.0.html
 - Fixed startup checks when sound is muted:,10541.0.html
 - PromotionsState screen now includes in-transit soldiers if promoted (by karadoc):
 - lowAccuracyHitCounter fix (by Delian):


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update will be available on Windows in 2-3 weeks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BlackStaff on July 15, 2022, 05:14:34 pm
New OXCE v7.6 is up.
Thank you very much !
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 16, 2022, 04:20:07 pm
New OXCE v7.6 is up.

Thank you for your work and update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 19, 2022, 07:03:07 am
Is there a way to disable the vanilla psionics calculation formula? Just turn it off so that the probability of a successful psi attack is 100% and is reduced only by the "psiDefence" parameter in armor, and increased only by the "accuracyXXX..." parameter in items.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 19, 2022, 10:05:05 am
Yes, y-script hook `tryPsiAttackItem`, it is responsible for default algorithm, override `psi_attack_success` to any value you want (value `100` is 100%).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 19, 2022, 10:37:50 am
Yes, y-script hook `tryPsiAttackItem`, it is responsible for default algorithm, override `psi_attack_success` to any value you want (value `100` is 100%).

I am very weak in scripting, but I found this -

Code: [Select]
      - offset: 23   # for Scripted Items - Automatic Success
        code: |
          var int battle_type;
          var ptr RuleItem item_rule;
          var int energy_max;
          item.getRuleItem item_rule;

          item_rule.getBattleType battle_type;
          if eq battle_type 9; # scripted psi amp
            if or eq battle_action 13 eq battle_action 14;
              debug_log "PsiAttack with scripted item. Automatic success!";
              set psi_attack_success 1;
          return psi_attack_success;

Can this be used as a template for "tryPsiAttackItem"?

In addition, it is necessary that the psi-defense also depends solely on the "psiDefence" indicator in the armor.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 20, 2022, 12:14:27 pm
It could be, there are some differences between this too hooks, but basic scripts should be compatible between them, best is look in "verbose logging" to see what parameters are available in both cases, btw it should show too default script for `tryPsiAttackItem` that is responsible for attack algorithm.

Use this as template:
Code: [Select]
var int r;
set psi_attack_success 0; #override original value!!
random.randomRange r 0 55;
add psi_attack_success attack_strength;
add psi_attack_success r;
sub psi_attack_success defense_strength;
sub psi_attack_success distance_strength_reduction;
return psi_attack_success;
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 20, 2022, 06:17:28 pm
You know better. My knowledge of scripts is barely enough to edit them (and not only here, but also in Follaut, and in HMM-3 WoG and so on), but nothing more. Apparently, a special mindset is needed for this, but I, like Geppetto, can only master the serial production of wooden robots of the "Pinocchio" class.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on July 28, 2022, 02:01:51 pm
A fatal error has occurred: Interface articleTextImage not found
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 28, 2022, 02:19:10 pm
Update the whole OXCE, not just the EXE.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on July 28, 2022, 02:30:22 pm
Works now ::)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on July 30, 2022, 02:25:51 pm
aliens are now capable of running during escape battle action
@Meridian: what is that?

I don't get the object title when I use rect_text with type_id: 7 (AKA text image), see attachment.
Ruleset reference says the following about rect_text: In OXCE, it is also applicable to TextImage articles.
Code: [Select]
    type_id: 7
      x: 5
      y: 40
      width: 140
      height: 100
    #text_width: 140  # this works correctly

This is not a problem since I'm just going use text_width, but I still wanted to report this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 30, 2022, 02:47:25 pm
@Meridian: what is that?
When alien decide to run away, and can run, it will run instead of walking.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on August 01, 2022, 05:09:06 pm
Never had the situation before so i never thought about it.

But after looking in all the menus i can't find anything about it, so is it possible in your base to assign an equipment to your soldier without using the Equip Craft -> Select a Ship -> Equipment -> Inventory ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2022, 09:09:28 am
Never had the situation before so i never thought about it.

But after looking in all the menus i can't find anything about it, so is it possible in your base to assign an equipment to your soldier without using the Equip Craft -> Select a Ship -> Equipment -> Inventory ?

base > Soldiers > press I
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 02, 2022, 10:08:14 am
I don't get the object title when I use rect_text with type_id: 7 (AKA text image), see attachment.
Ruleset reference says the following about rect_text: In OXCE, it is also applicable to TextImage articles.
Code: [Select]
    type_id: 7
      x: 5
      y: 40
      width: 140
      height: 100
    #text_width: 140  # this works correctly

This is not a problem since I'm just going use text_width, but I still wanted to report this.

`rect_text` only applies to the description text

for the title text, you still need `text_width`
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 04, 2022, 03:18:12 pm
Quick change of vehicle equipment on keys 1-9 by analogy with the equipment of a soldier

is there a problem with that?

for me it works fine... video attached:
1. given a pistol to the first vehicle
2. pressed ctrl+1 to save equipment
3. selected second vehicle
4. pressed 1 to load the equipment from template
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on August 06, 2022, 12:34:11 am
base > Soldiers > press I
Thank you, that works nicely.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on August 21, 2022, 07:09:55 am
I just noticed with OXCE 2022-08-16 that you need to have a researchable item in the base storage in order for the item to show up in research options. Having it (all of them) equipped on a craft is not sufficient to start the research on the item. I wonder if this is intentional and/or a regression? At least  OXCE from 2021-06 exhibits the same behaviour. I suppose this might have always been the case, but only comes up in mods and not vanilla; this really only comes up with research items which you can use even before researching them (e.g. laser carbines and other human tech weapons in TWoTS).

Of course, you can just start the research and leave it at zero, and then assign the items on your craft, so having the distinction does not really mean anything gamewise other than maybe confuse the player on why the research option is not showing up.

I suppose allowing you to start researching items on a craft in the base would be more sensible than trying to add new code to make this more realistic so that you can't assign, transfer or sell off all the items you are currently researching (= you must always have one of them at the research lab). The current system also allows you to keep researching (even at zero rate = forever) items which you have sold off completely, transferred to another base or have been destroyed in a base attack. This includes alien corpses, alien items, etc., which might actually have come up in the main game as well. Also supporting destruction at base attack, which might disrupt your research, would be the realistic next step but would likely require significant new code.  Another option, of course, would be to leave this as is.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 21, 2022, 03:33:35 pm
It's not a regression.

It's probably not directly intentional either, but without asking Julian we won't know.
Most likely, it is just meh.

From my perspective, it might as well be intentional.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 24, 2022, 02:41:49 am
New OXCE v7.7 is up.

 - Hotkeys to access more inventory layout templates (by yarolig):,10734.0.html
 - Allow renaming soldiers in battlescape:,10667.0.html

 - Force showing "N units in the exit" if N > 0:,10731.msg148709.html#msg148709
 - HKs ignore also craft low on fuel:,5717.msg148694.html#msg148694
 - Burning units on the ground produce light:,10675.0.html
 - Interrupt alien missions with invalid alien race:,5047.msg148380.html#msg148380
 - Export from a real game into a New Battle game:,10708.msg148348.html#msg148348
 - Debug mode in the Geoscape links UI:,10708.msg148365.html#msg148365
 - More save formatting stuff

 - Craft transformations in starting conditions:,4444.msg148706.html#msg148706
 - Custom sound on facility placement:,10726.0.html
 - Added soldier type triggers to Event Scripts:,7215.msg148704.html#msg148704
 - OXC: added alias `name` for music track definition:,10733.0.html
 - Split `aimAndArmorMultipliers` into `aimMultipliers` and `armorMultipliers` (by Delian):,10108.msg148515.html#msg148515
 - Statistical bullet saving for craft weapons:,10448.msg148493.html#msg148493
 - Monthly item/craft/soldier purchase limits:,10672.msg148461.html#msg148461
 - Purchasing items from a country:,10716.msg148450.html#msg148450
 - Option to display weapon range in pedia shot type:,10711.msg148460.html#msg148460
 - (breaking change) Option for shorter nerdy pedia info:,10393.msg148251.html#msg148251
 - Geoscape events: `randomMultiItemList`:,7215.msg148299.html#msg148299
 - Nationality considered for naming spawned soldiers:,10704.0.html
 - Starting condition for presence of a commander:,10669.msg147747.html#msg147747

 - New hooks for hit and damage unit (by item/ammo):,10692.msg148167.html#msg148167

 - OXC: Fixed missing TFTD intercept track
 - OXC: Fixed TFTD Ufopaedia text height
 - Fixed RightAlt+N on Polish keyboards:,10718.msg148453.html#msg148453
 - Open Notes only once:,10718.0.html
 - Include worn armors in transfer into monthly costs:
 - "Grand Total" now includes also armor worn by soldiers in transfer:,10709.0.html
 - Fixed 2x2 unit view cone:,10679.0.html
 - Fixed OXC compatibility issue:,10697.0.html
 - Fixed craft preview NPE on Android/iOS:,10695.0.html and,6591.msg145189.html#msg145189
 - Fixed compatibility of gun melee OXC mods:,10394.msg144396.html#msg144396
 - Fixed INFO button for craft weapon articles:,10669.msg147739.html#msg147739


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update will be available on Windows in 1-2 weeks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on August 24, 2022, 10:49:06 am
I like all of these changes. I also like the save formatting changs, except one. The tempUnitStatistics of a battlescape unit is all in a single line. This is problematic because tempUnitStatistics also contains a list of kills that the unit made, so too much data gets formatted into a single line. Please change it back to how it was before, with 1 kill per line.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 24, 2022, 12:44:29 pm
You can't make everyone happy, as this is only check when you need debug very specific bugs I do not see point to make it more spaced.
I asked Meridian if he check it often but he said he did not need usually look at this.

For now I do not plan change format any more as current stare is probably closed to optimal combination of readability and brevit/size
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on August 24, 2022, 01:32:43 pm
You can't make everyone happy
That's true but, no one asked for tempUnitStatistics to be put in a single line. Did Meridian ask for it?

Sorry if I'm being nitpicky here, but I check those statistics (kill list) very often, so the readability there is important to me. If the formatting there ( stays like this, then I have to use older OXCE version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 28, 2022, 08:59:46 pm
I restored old formatting of this node as you wanted.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on August 30, 2022, 06:57:34 am
Equipment loaded on craft (e.g. Triton) take base storage space. This is not entirely realistic, but doing otherwise might have implications all over the place. However, looking at the code, there seem to be some exceptions or slightly different mechanics (e.g. missiles being armed on a craft aren't counted).

My main question is, is there a handy way (as a storage space management practice) to check how much storage space various items on craft are taking? Base information "Stores" screen does not include the stuff loaded on the craft, so you can't for example sort by the storage taken to transfer/sell unused stuff. "Grand total" screen does show equipment loaded on craft, but also equipment on other bases.

For base storage management perspective what appears to be missing is a separate listing (or listing as part of regular base storages) of all items taking space on a specific base. I wonder if the regular base stores screen should actually include equipment loaded on the craft as it's counted anyway. Or alternatively, maybe the base information should at least include a single line for every craft, like "TRITON-1 including equipment", summarizing space taken on all equipment loaded on the craft. That way, the total amount of space on base information screen taken would more closely match the one actually taken (except for transfers and other adjustments, which could also possibly shown as a single line, like "items being transferred" or some such).

I guess you could remove everything from the craft, check the screen, and then re-add everything back. But re-adding everything back on the craft manually could be rather tedious if you have to do it regularly.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 30, 2022, 05:59:40 pm
Usually craft inventory is skip on base screen, but in some corner cases like "storage limit lock" game include crafts in sell screen.

And I would consider space used by craft more a space reservation or "empty boxes for gear". Wen you do some maintenance of craft you need all stuff some where, and all this space in storage is for this.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on August 30, 2022, 07:22:37 pm
Usually craft inventory is skip on base screen, but in some corner cases like "storage limit lock" game include crafts in sell screen.

And I would consider space used by craft more a space reservation or "empty boxes for gear". Wen you do some maintenance of craft you need all stuff some where, and all this space in storage is for this.

Indeed. And when the base is attacked, all the gear gets evacuated from the craft on the floors of the storage rooms...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: R1dO on August 30, 2022, 09:58:13 pm
Makes sense.

You don't want all the shiny gear laying around in the hangar when the engineers are tinkering with... sorry... maintaining the craft.
All it needs is a curious engineer with a... what could possibly go wrong if start disassembling this using my pliers... mindset to trigger an accidental blaster bomb launch.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BTAxis on September 19, 2022, 02:05:23 pm
There is a small but irritating issue with the soldier sorting dropdown on the soldiers screen. When the screen is first opened, or the list has been sorted via one of the sorting options, opening the dropdown starts you with the list scrolled to the top. However, as soon as you manually sort the soldiers via the arrow buttons, the sorting list will be scrolled all the way to the bottom when you use the dropdown.

This is somewhat annoying because sometimes I will accidentally reorder the soldiers when I hadn't intended to. In such cases I use the sorting menu to reset the list to "original order", but I always have to first scroll the list because that sorting option is right at the top of the list.

I hope this can be adjusted.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on September 20, 2022, 05:57:11 am
I hope this is the right forum for this. I wonder a bit about alien camping in base defense missions. There was a short thread earlier (,4936.msg72150.html#msg72150) but I suppose nothing came out of it.

In vanilla, I don't think I ever saw this behavior, and the aliens would come out and step on your proxy mines (except a couple that would stay at hangars). Though in vanilla I haven't seen too many base defense missions to begin with.

In OXCE and mods (especially TWoTS), I have seen multiple times myself and on videos (also Meridian's LP) the behavior where the aliens, after a couple move out, end up camping in the lift and hangars and stop coming out after you. But looking at the code, I don't think there shouldn't be a difference in OXC/OXCE, and I don't think mods have features that would affect this.

Looking at the code, in base defense missions there doesn't appear to be "turn 20" rule i.e. the AI doesn't get the cheat visibility on your troops. So they don't know where the troops are. So I suppose this camping behavior might be triggered if the aliens don't get a sight on your troops and don't know where you are, and the patrol/attack behavior is not sufficient to find the troops. I also wonder a bit about the code which makes it a priority for the aliens to destroy objects within 9x9 grid of where they are rather than the troops. I don't think I have ever seen this occurring myself. But I wonder if this could be messing up the behavior (for example, if there is a general stores next to the lift) - or ensuring that aliens move out (and camping behavior coming up more frequently if there aren't objects to destroy nearby).

This poses a bit of challenge for base defense tactics as you can't rely on throwing a lot of proximity grenades on the corridors, and this strategy might actually end up hurting you if you need to go after the aliens yourself after all.

I wonder what strategies the others are using to work around this?  I wonder if something should change in the engine (for example, should the patrol/attack behavior in base defense be strengthened to avoid camping)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2022, 11:34:44 am
DEV reply:

"turn 20" rule applies to all missions, including base defense... the aliens do get full "cheat visibility" on your units

the "attack base facilities" behavior only applies until any alien spots any xcom soldier... so in openxcom, you will very rarely see it (i.e. only if you are heavily camping too)
in OXCE, they can continue attacking even if they've spotted you, see:,6663.0.html

Player reply:

As for the "challenge"... why would the aliens be stupid and not recognize a trap at a choke point? Also, they came through the airlock and the hangars and have all the exits covered... YOU are trapped, not they. They have the upper hand and are using their tactical advantage. Next time don't be a "silly commander" and don't build a so called "defensive base" without any plan B, tactically it's the worst option (or at least should be).

Again a DEV reply:

"Should anything change in the engine?" -- God no, let's not take any remaining options the AI has away from them. Give them at least a tiny fighting chance. They're not cattle going to a slaughterhouse. They're (supposed to be) an alien invasion force. I'm not gonna make it any easier on the player campers and cheesers; not willingly or knowingly at least.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on September 20, 2022, 12:00:57 pm
DEV reply:

"turn 20" rule applies to all missions, including base defense... the aliens do get full "cheat visibility" on your units

Ok, sorry, I misunderstood src/AIModule.cpp, around the condition "if (_save->getMissionType() != "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")". So in base defense missions the scout mode should always be enabled, not just forced on after turn 20.

But the real question then is what I wondered already: why are the aliens (in some base defense missions) just minimally moving back and forth where they are, compared to the open UFO recovery map and at least eventually coming at you? If it's supposed to work roughly the same way, is there a bug or what's explaining the difference?

Player reply:

As for the "challenge"... why would the aliens be stupid and not recognize a trap at a choke point? Also, they came through the airlock and the hangars and have all the exits covered... YOU are trapped, not they. They have the upper hand and are using their tactical advantage. Next time don't be a "silly commander" and don't build a so called "defensive base" without any plan B, tactically it's the worst option (or at least should be).

From this perspective, I kind of agree. I would just like to understand how this is supposed to work. If the base defenses are supposed to be alien "hide and seek" and "attack the aliens" missions, fine. The contrast is just very high, when most of the time the aliens appear come at you in a rampage instead. Well, I suppose one could argue that it's good that the player cannot anticipate in advance which behavior the aliens are going to adopt.
In the same vein, the current game is "broken" from player perspective by offering way too much cover in your craft in terror/UFO/base attack missions so that staying in the craft is often considered more or less cheesy. Obviously in some mods this may be mitigated slightly (e.g. crafts which only drop you off and don't offer cover), but this needs to be taken to account when balancing the game. In some missions the difficulty is scaled in such a manner that the missions are not really survivable if you immediately exit the craft full-out.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 20, 2022, 01:04:33 pm
Ok, sorry, I misunderstood src/AIModule.cpp, around the condition "if (_save->getMissionType() != "STR_BASE_DEFENSE")". So in base defense missions the scout mode should always be enabled, not just forced on after turn 20.

But the real question then is what I wondered already: why are the aliens (in some base defense missions) just minimally moving back and forth where they are, compared to the open UFO recovery map and at least eventually coming at you? If it's supposed to work roughly the same way, is there a bug or what's explaining the difference?

"scout mode" and "cheat visibility" are two unrelated things

"scout mode" is always disabled for base defense (as you already found out)
"cheat visibility" is enabled and works the same way as for other missions

they're moving minimally, because of various reasons, there's no single reason... the parameters of the mission and the map just prefer ambush and combat over patrolling; the patrol nodes are not optimized for scouting, forced scouting (a.k.a. "scout mode") does not apply, player actions (or non-actions) result in similar alien reactions, and so on and so on...

AI "intelligence" in (open)xcom is an illusion, see below.

From this perspective, I kind of agree. I would just like to understand how this is supposed to work. If the base defenses are supposed to be alien "hide and seek" and "attack the aliens" missions, fine. The contrast is just very high, when most of the time the aliens appear come at you in a rampage instead. Well, I suppose one could argue that it's good that the player cannot anticipate in advance which behavior the aliens are going to adopt.
In the same vein, the current game is "broken" from player perspective by offering way too much cover in your craft in terror/UFO/base attack missions so that staying in the craft is often considered more or less cheesy. Obviously in some mods this may be mitigated slightly (e.g. crafts which only drop you off and don't offer cover), but this needs to be taken to account when balancing the game. In some missions the difficulty is scaled in such a manner that the missions are not really survivable if you immediately exit the craft full-out.

There is (intentionally) no rule or algorithm how it is supposed to work.

If you do some actions, it will turn into a "hide and seek"; if you do other actions it will turn into a "attack the aliens". If you do yet something else, it will turn into "something else".

Xcom AI is extremely stupid, you could even say there is no AI.
It's just a set of a few rules, what to roughly do in response to the general game state (game state being most heavily affected by player's actions) and the RNG.
It's almost purely reactive, the aliens DO NOT have a plan.
Practically everything we could call "intelligence" is a complete illusion in xcom... an "emergent behavior" if you wish.

It's not the aliens who invented let's say camping... it's the player who observed a certain response pattern based on a certain playstyle... and called it "alien camping".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: StarMan on September 20, 2022, 08:55:30 pm
I noticed that when you sort soldiers they are sorted to the bottom. With the most proficient being last. Ascending order.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on September 21, 2022, 09:40:59 am
"scout mode" and "cheat visibility" are two unrelated things

"scout mode" is always disabled for base defense (as you already found out)
"cheat visibility" is enabled and works the same way as for other missions

they're moving minimally, because of various reasons, there's no single reason... the parameters of the mission and the map just prefer ambush and combat over patrolling; the patrol nodes are not optimized for scouting, forced scouting (a.k.a. "scout mode") does not apply, player actions (or non-actions) result in similar alien reactions, and so on and so on...

In AIModule::setupPatrol(), the loop "while (_toNode == 0 && triesLeft)" scout boolean is set to true at start, and set to false in some circumstances before the "cheating turn" comes, but never in base defense missions. So isn't the scout boolean, at least in this "_toNode == 0" path, always enabled in base defense missions. Or are you referring to something else with "scout mode" always being disabled in base defense. But nonetheless, the reason why the patrolling doesn't necessarily result in much movement or spotting the X-COM troops may depend on various things. I didn't completely understand all the "logic" built into think() and evaluateAIMode(), but I could suspect the most important one in base defense missions could possibly be the setup of nodes between which the patrolling could occur.

In a recent base defense, I certainly spotted some curious behavior which could easily be seen when the bug hunt mode was enabled around turn 30, such as a drowned terrorist (which is a LeeroyJenkins unit) sitting idle even though there were a couple of X-COM units nearby, and an alien or two not really moving around in a hangar, even though they were not panicking. I suppose I should try to turn on AI debugging sometime to try to understand what they are supposed to be doing.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 21, 2022, 09:20:11 pm
There is a small but irritating issue with the soldier sorting dropdown on the soldiers screen. When the screen is first opened, or the list has been sorted via one of the sorting options, opening the dropdown starts you with the list scrolled to the top. However, as soon as you manually sort the soldiers via the arrow buttons, the sorting list will be scrolled all the way to the bottom when you use the dropdown.

This is somewhat annoying because sometimes I will accidentally reorder the soldiers when I hadn't intended to. In such cases I use the sorting menu to reset the list to "original order", but I always have to first scroll the list because that sorting option is right at the top of the list.

I hope this can be adjusted.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 25, 2022, 09:46:51 pm
New OXCE v7.7.3 is up.

 - Improved soldier renaming in the Inventory:,10745.msg149116.html#msg149116

 - Better handling of "unselected" combobox:,6586.msg149222.html#msg149222
 - Don't scare people without TFTD resources (by a false error in the log)
 - Save file more verbose again
 - Clearer error message on `addLine` map script command failure

 - Hire scientists/engineers base function gate:,10765.0.html
 - Option to display weapon range in pedia shot type, part 2:,10711.msg149115.html#msg149115


 - Fixed crash at mission start (NPE)
 - Melee attacks from ranged weapons now identifiable in soldier stats (by karadoc):
 - Avoided some divisions by zero when modders are not careful


Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update is available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: BTAxis on September 27, 2022, 05:21:00 pm

Thank you Meridian, much appreciated.

I noticed another minor thing with the soldier sorting. By design, if you hold Ctrl while sorting, the soldier list doesn't sort but only shows the values for the sorting criterion you selected. However, if you then open the sort dropdown again and click somewhere outside the list to close the dropdown without selecting a sort criterion, the soldier list is sorted as per the criterion selected (unless again Ctrl is held). I think that closing the dropdown this way should not apply any sort action.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Charly1 on September 29, 2022, 03:38:20 am
I was thinking of installing this on my girlfriends laptop. Was I right in thinking previous versions needed the original game installed? Is that a requirement for this? It would mean me installing steam too, and that might annoy her even more ...


Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 29, 2022, 05:08:57 am
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Charly1 on September 29, 2022, 12:46:46 pm
Sorry. Yes it was a requirement, or yes it is a requirement?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 29, 2022, 01:13:50 pm
Yes, any version of Openxcom still requires the original game files.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on September 29, 2022, 02:32:17 pm
You can just copy the files though, you don't need to install Steam.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Charly1 on September 29, 2022, 09:33:26 pm
 Thanks for the responses guys.

Ok... copy just the open xcom directory? I assume the installation copies the files from the original?

Sent from my SM-G950F using Tapatalk

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on October 01, 2022, 02:13:55 pm
Is there a way to enable/disable craft weapons except in dogfight mode? (Disabled craft weapons show up with '*' in base craft view.) If there isn't, it would be very beneficial to have a way.

The use case in TFTD mods is equipping crafts with sonic oscillators and PWT launchers, but using PWT launchers only when having to deal with hunter-killers. You need to keep PWTs enabled except always disable them in planned casual dogfights; there isn't enough time to activate them if you get attacked by HK and they are disabled. The same applies for fusion ball launchers, I suppose.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 01, 2022, 02:21:36 pm
Is there a way to enable/disable craft weapons except in dogfight mode? (Disabled craft weapons show up with '*' in base craft view.) If there isn't, it would be very beneficial to have a way.

The use case in TFTD mods is equipping crafts with sonic oscillators and PWT launchers, but using PWT launchers only when having to deal with hunter-killers. You need to keep PWTs enabled except always disable them in planned casual dogfights; there isn't enough time to activate them if you get attacked by HK and they are disabled. The same applies for fusion ball launchers, I suppose.

click on the weapon icon in the base craft view
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on October 01, 2022, 04:37:40 pm
click on the weapon icon in the base craft view

Excellent, thanks!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: zx_79 on October 06, 2022, 12:19:14 pm

Please kindly consider the following:

2. Same tier "Master of %weapon%" and "Bane of %race%" commendations do not stack, with only one of each tier being applied, thus the soldier can actually decrease stats with new kills - say, racking 100 Zombies to get tier 6 will cancel out the existing tier 6 from 100 cultists, so -2 for three relevant stats, despite being technically more experienced. Would be a welcome change if that is possible.

Couple UI/Quality of Life suggestions:

1. To reveal commendation progress counter somewhere, probably on personal files page. Like, if clicking soldier`s Trooper award details, aside from stat bonus provided, also see "current count is X, next level is on Y".

1.1. To add number of kills with weapon to the damage tooltip shown when Alt is pressed in Inventory screen. Saves the player from going to Agent List, then Files > Combat to see which weapon the soldier progressed with and memorizing who gets what gun.

1.2. To get the same info - damage and kill count - also for an unarmed attack when Alt is pressed on the empty hand.

2. To keep currently equipped items on the squad selection "Preview" screen, to be able to quickly see potential accuracy and TU cost for all fire modes available not having to bring the gun in actual combat and then find out you don`t shoot it really well. Or Alt-Tab to the wiki, do calculations manually and memorize everything.

I have read the suggestion guidelines (why they are being rejected), this doesn`t seem contradictory to them, so.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on October 06, 2022, 02:40:15 pm
A question about modding with the latest OXCE

On a ruleset for a megamod there are a lot of soldiers defined. by example
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_1
    race: STR_SECTOID
      tu: 54
      stamina: 90
      health: 30
      bravery: 80
      reactions: 63
      firing: 52
      throwing: 58
      strength: 30
      psiStrength: 40
      psiSkill: 0
      melee: 76
    armor: SECTOID_ARMOR0
    standHeight: 16
    kneelHeight: 12
    value: 10
    deathSound: 10
    intelligence: 3
    aggression: 2

  - type: STR_SOLDIER_2
blablabla, lots of lines

  - type: STR_SOLDIER_3
blablabla, lots of lines

But i want to make a minimod for such megamod that just change a line for each of those units, can my minimod do the following :
Code: [Select]
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_1
    aggression: 6
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_2
    aggression: 6
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_3
     aggression: 6
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_4
    aggression: 6
  - type: STR_SOLDIER_5
    aggression: 6

Or am forced to copy the complete soldiers definitions (with all their lines of code) in the minimod, not just the changed line ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 06, 2022, 03:46:43 pm
You can (and should) just define the changed attributes.

You don't have to (and shouldn't) copy everything.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Rangerh on October 06, 2022, 04:49:22 pm
Thank you a lot, that will simplify things for me :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 09, 2022, 04:13:56 pm
Thank you Meridian, much appreciated.

I noticed another minor thing with the soldier sorting. By design, if you hold Ctrl while sorting, the soldier list doesn't sort but only shows the values for the sorting criterion you selected. However, if you then open the sort dropdown again and click somewhere outside the list to close the dropdown without selecting a sort criterion, the soldier list is sorted as per the criterion selected (unless again Ctrl is held). I think that closing the dropdown this way should not apply any sort action.


Test all comboboxes everywhere carefully if I didn't break something.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alpha Centauri Bear on October 21, 2022, 05:19:21 pm
Fellow players,
Please check my suggestion about parametrizing UFO size accuracy modifier for armaments.,10819.msg149842.html#msg149842

The main driver is that vanilla formula is pretty crude and senseless with UFO size in denominator. That makes armament accuracy multiplier jumping from 1.25 for large to 2.00 for extra large making Dreadnaught much easier to fight which is pretty questionable feature by itself. On top of it precise weapons like missiles do not benefit from this multiplier at all as they are already at the cap which breaks intuitive perception for comparative armament strength.

Please approve/reject or make a counter suggestions. Thank you.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 29, 2022, 07:39:59 pm
New OXCE v7.8 is up.

- Award sorting:,10493.0.html

- Alternate craft equipment management:,10452.msg149914.html#msg149914
- Combobox change events now triggered only by list item selection:,6586.msg149718.html#msg149718

- Soldier name pool weights and hiring by location:,10845.0.html
- Instant retaliation:,10808.0.html
- Option for retaliation UFO to ignore base defenses:,10809.0.html
- Mission sites at xcom base locations:,10810.0.html
- Option to disable transfer of units to next stage:,10194.msg149818.html#msg149818


 - one memory leak
 - forward-compatibility for c++20 compilation
 - workaround for VS 2022 compiler bug v17.2+


Ruleset validator was not updated. Will be done in a few days.
Wiki ruleset reference was not updated. Will be done in a few days.
Auto-update will be available on Windows in a few days.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ostrich-Hungry on October 30, 2022, 02:42:56 am
Thank you!!! Really, this is amazing!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on November 08, 2022, 08:42:00 pm
Wonderful work, thank you.

is armor movement cost accessible via scripts?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on November 08, 2022, 11:13:02 pm
Yes, and editable by it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on November 13, 2022, 01:39:36 am
I making some improvements to updating lights on big maps, I would like people to check if everything is working correctly on test branch:
Another thing is how faster it work for you.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on November 21, 2022, 05:58:41 pm
With 7.8.1 and TFTDRework 1.13 I noticed something I have not seen before. On an artifact site mission, one of the aquanauts was knocked out in the first phase of the mission. The unconscious body appeared on top of second phase downstairs access lifts with all the loot. So you couldn't abort the mission without losing all the equipment or moving all of it manually. I don't think there are any changes in the mod, so I suppose this also affects the vanilla. I was planning to abort the mission and this was rather annoying. I wonder if anything  could be done about this. Unfortunately, no save because I was playing IM and wasn't smart enough to stop playing immediately.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on December 01, 2022, 03:06:44 pm
I am stoopid and messed up the script. :-[

Script question. I'm doing (or understanding) something wrong, but damned if I know what.

What I'm trying to do is to modify the dormant portable (energy) shield item script in XCF (and that script apparently works in other mods). It goes like this:

Code: [Select]
      - offset: 0.1 #Anti-psiker weapon
        code: |
      - offset: 1
        code: |
          # Handle item energy shields on hit

          var ptre BattleItem shieldItem;
          var ptr RuleItem shieldRule;
          var int shieldCapacity;
          var int shieldNeedsPriming;
          var int shieldTimer;
          var int shieldType;
          var int shieldResistCoeff;
          var int shieldHp;
          var int temp;

          battle_game.flashMessage "STR_DEBUG_1" 1;

          # Script to handle item energy shields on hit
          # Check for item in left hand
          unit.getLeftHandWeapon shieldItem;
      - offset: 2
        code: |
          # Handle energy shields on armor on hit

          var ptr RuleArmor armorRuleset;
          var int shieldHp;
          var int shieldType;
          var int shieldResistCoeff;
          var int temp;

          battle_game.flashMessage "STR_DEBUG_4" 1;

          unit.getTag shieldHp Tag.UNIT_ENERGY_SHIELD_HP;
I don't seem to get the 'offset 1' code to activate. I do get STR_DEBUG_4 displayed for all hits (and armour shields have been working for a long while), but I never seem to reach STR_DEBUG_1 nor anything below that.

I did change the later 'offset 1' for repair items to 5, hopefully avoiding any overriding. Now I'm kinda stumped. Any advice? It's of course possible that I've inadverdently changed something else, but it seems very strange that one node works and the other does not.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 01, 2022, 08:27:49 pm
you could simply mess up script and it did not compiled at all.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on December 01, 2022, 09:40:46 pm
Yeah, I figured that out after some trial and error. :-[

When does 'recolorItemSprite' run, only at the start of the battle? I'm not getting that part to work even as written by whoever's the author of the original script. Whoever it was, they were pretty thorough, so thumbs up.

Edit: Yeah, more mistakes on my part. Works constantly if you don't mess up.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Surrealistik on December 06, 2022, 07:36:36 am
Are teleportation abilities currently possible with OXCE?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 06, 2022, 09:05:31 am
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Xom126 on December 09, 2022, 09:34:18 pm
Is it possible to spawn tiles with weapons? If not, could it be in the future? If you use a trap tal script, then this could create a curved analogue of smoke / fire.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Surrealistik on December 09, 2022, 10:11:13 pm
Any plans to add them?

Also wondering if it's presently possible to determine the source of a fatal wound, or if they can be flagged/tagged in some way so they can be a prerequisite for certain interactions/scripts; for example in the 40k mod, if a unit is wounded with Nurgle weaponry, they could be made to transform into a zombie upon dying, should they have that Nurgle sourced/flagged wound on death.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 09, 2022, 11:15:27 pm
I don't have plans to add teleporting. Or spawn tiles with weapons.

Vanilla fatal wounds cannot be flagged. But you can make a new attribute called whatever you like and use it to indicate a wound by a particular weapon using Y-scripts.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 23, 2022, 07:06:50 pm
In OXCE 7.8.5 I changed how light is updated, this should improve performance on maps with multiple levels.
I welcome testing to check if new logic do not introduced some bugs.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Slow on December 26, 2022, 06:49:42 am
Before the battle, one must choose a weapon, and different maps require a different weapons. So, it would help, if before the battle and weapon selection, player knew the type of map. Like, "Map: Urban" or "Map: Desert".

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on December 27, 2022, 02:10:37 pm
Auto finish mission in Advanced settings could maybe be improved slightly. The turn is ended immediately (even in the middle of a series of auto shots), yet when the turn is ended, for example primed grenades on the ground explode. (For example, if you set one down to be picked up by someone else, or a soldier has gone down with a primed grenade on earlier on the same turn - I have actually been bitten by this behavior once or twice). The immedate ending of the turn in the middle of auto-shots seems to be inconstent with the behaviour of ending the turn and exploding primed grenades. I would suggest that the end-turn phases such as grenades exploding would otherwise be skipped as well when the last alien dies.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 27, 2022, 02:34:01 pm
The grenade consistently explodes in both cases.

Anything else is (in my opinion) inconsistent.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on December 27, 2022, 05:51:34 pm
The grenade consistently explodes in both cases.

Anything else is (in my opinion) inconsistent.

If by your logic the preprimed grenades should explode, I think that by the same logic all the remaining auto-shots should be shot (for example, destroying equipment behind the final alien), instead of ending the mission immediately in the middle of a series of autoshots. How else could the soldier stop a series of autoshots being shot in the middle of the alien falling down when it's the final alien, but not when it's not the final alien?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 27, 2022, 09:54:51 pm
If by your logic the preprimed grenades should explode, I think that by the same logic all the remaining auto-shots should be shot (for example, destroying equipment behind the final alien), instead of ending the mission immediately in the middle of a series of autoshots. How else could the soldier stop a series of autoshots being shot in the middle of the alien falling down when it's the final alien, but not when it's not the final alien?

Ok, I will fix the autoshots.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Xilmi on December 27, 2022, 10:03:10 pm
I just merged with the OXCE 7.8.5 commit from 4 days ago and now my game keeps crashing either when loading the battle-scape or when doing something in the battle-scape.
The weird thing is that the call-stack refers to something different all the time.
I wanted to try whether that also happens with the official OXCE 7.8.5 or only on my locally compiled build but I don't know where to download it. The official download-links only seem to have 7.8.0

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 28, 2022, 01:54:07 am
I just merged with the OXCE 7.8.5 commit from 4 days ago and now my game keeps crashing either when loading the battle-scape or when doing something in the battle-scape.
The weird thing is that the call-stack refers to something different all the time.
I wanted to try whether that also happens with the official OXCE 7.8.5 or only on my locally compiled build but I don't know where to download it. The official download-links only seem to have 7.8.0

Nightly builds are here:

Direct link to 7.8.5:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Xilmi on December 28, 2022, 02:22:41 am
Nightly builds are here:

Direct link to 7.8.5:
That one also crashes for me as soon as I enter battle-scape. Same as my self-compiled merged version. It doesn't for anyone else?

Code: [Select]
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] A fatal error has occurred: Segmentation fault.
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5d2830 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::stackTrace(void*)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5d36a0 OpenXcom::CrossPlatform::crashDump(void*, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x41c7f0 signalLogger(int)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0xa0b0a0 OpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState::think()
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8bd93aa0 _C_specific_handler
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8bda89f0 _chkstk
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8bd352f0 RtlRestoreContext
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8bda7b00 KiUserExceptionDispatcher
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5a5410 OpenXcom::TileEngine::calculateLighting(OpenXcom::LightLayers, OpenXcom::Position, int, bool)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5b1000 OpenXcom::TileEngine::explode(OpenXcom::BattleActionAttack, OpenXcom::Position, int, OpenXcom::RuleDamageType const*, int, bool)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x513590 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::explodePowerSources()
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x527b20 OpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator::run()
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x75ce80 OpenXcom::NewBattleState::btnOkClick(OpenXcom::Action*)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5ef8e0 OpenXcom::InteractiveSurface::handle(OpenXcom::Action*, OpenXcom::State*)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x6af4f0 OpenXcom::State::handle(OpenXcom::Action*)
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x5eaf10 OpenXcom::Game::run()
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x41c950 SDL_main
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0xa0cbd0 console_main
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0xa0ccf0 WinMain
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] ??
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] ??
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8a1c5590 BaseThreadInitThunk
[28-12-2022_01-20-57] [FATAL] 0x7ffa8bd04830 RtlUserThreadStart
[28-12-2022_01-21-09] [FATAL] OpenXcom has crashed: Segmentation fault.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Vakrug on December 28, 2022, 11:11:31 am
The immedate ending of the turn in the middle of auto-shots seems to be inconstent with the behaviour of ending the turn and exploding primed grenades.
The sentence is phrased like you are complaining about auto-shots and not about grenades exploding in your hands.
I would suggest that the end-turn phases such as grenades exploding would otherwise be skipped as well when the last alien dies.
There is a better solution. When some soldiers are fatally wounded, there is a prompt "do you really want to end mission now?". I think similar prompt should be shown when there are primed grenades (with prime time 0) on the map.
Ok, I will fix the autoshots.
Oh, come on, it is not autoshots that are broken...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 28, 2022, 11:35:10 am
That one also crashes for me as soon as I enter battle-scape. Same as my self-compiled merged version. It doesn't for anyone else?

Yes, it crashes during power source explosion for me too.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 28, 2022, 12:40:48 pm
Should be fixed in 7.8.6
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dioxine on December 28, 2022, 06:01:34 pm
A couple of 'bugs' or rather something more mild - loose ties/exploits/inconveniences.

1. Apoc equipment system.
When you equip people from base's Soldiers screen, IF a soldier is onboard craft, the game fails to move the equipment you have just given to that soldier onboard craft, therefore your changes are not put in effect. Therefore you're forced to take all the crew off the ships, which is a lot of extra clicking...

2. Craft equipment giving +HP/-HP
Currently there is a rather ugly exploit. First off, when +HP equipment is installed, the craft needs to repair up to new max HP. This is not a huge problem BUT: when it repairs fully, and you remove the system, ship's HP stays at new level (>100%). -HP systems surely have related issues...
My proposition of an easy to understand and I think foolproof solution: when equipping or unequipping +HP/-HP system, ship's HP percentage is unchanged, and the actual number of HP is recalculated. This avoids the mentioned issue, also avoids having the ship reach 0 HP due to unequipping +HP item or equipping -HP item.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 29, 2022, 12:14:33 am
I reading code and Craft behavior looks different.
First of all, game do not store HP of craft but damage what was dealt to it, usually this should not matter (and be equivalent to typical hp) but in this case is critical.
Second, damage can't be negative, this mean you can't have more hp than current max.
Third, only expected "exploit" with removing armor should be that you could skip repair,part that is removed is consider as one that take all damage.
If you have craft that have base 100hp and give armor that grain 100hp and then during combat ufo dealt 97 damage then when you remove armor craft should be in pristine state and do not require repair (image metal plates full of holes are bolted on top of existing undamaged armor).

I could miss read code but it should behave how I describe there (but I do not consider negative hp parts, but this not allow lot of exploits as is invested order as positive armor) as this was my goal when I implemented handling of bonus craft hp.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 05, 2023, 10:17:43 am
A couple of 'bugs' or rather something more mild - loose ties/exploits/inconveniences.

1. Apoc equipment system.
When you equip people from base's Soldiers screen, IF a soldier is onboard craft, the game fails to move the equipment you have just given to that soldier onboard craft, therefore your changes are not put in effect. Therefore you're forced to take all the crew off the ships, which is a lot of extra clicking...

split into a separate thread:,10984.0.html
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Aldorn on January 20, 2023, 09:05:51 pm
Hi all, Hi Meridian,

I'm currently having a look at OXCE, what an amazing job !!!

I'm trying to convert my own mod from OXC to OXCE, I think it will take me some time  :D

I just wanted to congrat and thank you (same for other who participate). I began to read the changelog since 2015, OMG ::)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: N7Kopper on January 27, 2023, 12:20:16 pm
When some soldiers are fatally wounded, there is a prompt "do you really want to end mission now?". I think similar prompt should be shown when there are primed grenades (with prime time 0) on the map. Oh, come on, it is not autoshots that are broken...

I agree with your idea on grenades, but disagree with autoshots not being broken. Automatically ending the mission when all the aliens are defeated is supposed to be a quality of life improvement, not a cheat. The original game only ended missions on the switch between XCOM/alien/civilian turns to save on processing power - modern machines can chew a check like that up with every action easily. Stopping autoshots from blowing up loot or potentially wasting another ammo item is a bit of a cheat. (Especially considering how overpowered autoshots already are in vanilla UFO...)

The grenades exploding on you however turns that QoL feature into a cheat for the enemy - especially in the Brutal AI mod where the AI often has them pre-primed if you allow it to do so. If I stun that last Sectoid Leader and he has a grenade ready to go off, I should be warned that this is the case and given a chance to pick it up off of him - or bemoan my overextension with the stun rod/inability to reach him in time. OXCE already does this if there are opportunities to heal wounded soldiers to reduce infirmary times, so why not with something like this that's actually potentially far more impactful?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Aldorn on January 30, 2023, 10:02:35 am
The Ruleset Reference Nightly ( ( is really useful, highlighting all new settings implemented in OXCE

Great job, as for the rest !
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on February 05, 2023, 10:12:35 am
If a base facility provides both research and prison facilities, is there some way to check the prisoners and kill them (you can of course sell them from the stores, but in this case I'd specifically want to get the corpse of a prisoner)?

Right-clicking on the facility brings up the research screen, so this approach applicable to single-function prisons/containment does not work.

If there is no way to do this, I suppose this is just bad mod design (in this instance, the new feature of "HQ" in TWoTS 2.56) and not something that should be added as a feature in OXCE?

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 05, 2023, 02:06:35 pm
you can change what right click does per facility type, see attached
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Xilmi on February 06, 2023, 10:11:45 pm

I found a bug.

By iterating directly over craft->getItems() instead of a copy and then calling craft->getItems()->removeItem, you remove the very element that you then try to put into the missing-items.

The result is that the name of the item then is missing from the missing-items list.

Putting back the map and then iterating over it fixes the issue.

Please make sure you haven't done similar things in your iterator cleanup-commit.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 06, 2023, 10:53:05 pm
thanks, I'll take care of it
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Flaubert on February 15, 2023, 11:59:52 pm
If a base facility provides both research and prison facilities, is there some way to check the prisoners and kill them (you can of course sell them from the stores, but in this case I'd specifically want to get the corpse of a prisoner)?

Right-clicking on the facility brings up the research screen, so this approach applicable to single-function prisons/containment does not work.

If there is no way to do this, I suppose this is just bad mod design (in this instance, the new feature of "HQ" in TWoTS 2.56) and not something that should be added as a feature in OXCE?
I think that feature is already implemented in OXCE. You must activate advanced options for "sell live aliens" and "retain alien corpses". Then, when you right click in alien containment you'll have 3 options: sell, kill, cancel, when you select one or more aliens with the arrows.

Enviado desde mi Mi A2 Lite mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 16, 2023, 03:41:58 am
I noticed, that psi vision ignores `visibilityUnit` YS hook because of

Was that intended?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 16, 2023, 11:24:17 am
I noticed, that psi vision ignores `visibilityUnit` YS hook because of

Was that intended?

Uhm, yes, psiVision ignores not only YS hook, but also everything else.

Once you "sense" a unit (using the "6th sense" = psi), you don't need to see it anymore, you know about it also without seeing it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on February 16, 2023, 06:16:58 pm
Ok, its not like I need it right now, it was just surprising to me.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 09, 2023, 01:50:33 am
Test of item spawn.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 09, 2023, 10:31:19 pm
I made small feature that could have interesting consequence.
You can change item level of aliens during mission, this will not affect existing aliens but any new one will obey new level.
This would allow making better stealth mission, if in first state you do not kill lot of enemies next stage will have less armed aliens.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on March 11, 2023, 10:14:11 pm
Trying to attack your zombified (by a tentaculat) aquanaut with a knife results in an error that there is no one there. This occurred with TWoTS, but I suppose this is not a mod issue but might be a more general thing with OXC(E)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 12, 2023, 02:37:23 am
Save please.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on March 12, 2023, 06:37:15 am
Save please.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 12, 2023, 09:28:04 am
Half of the tile where the soldier stands is blocked and the soldier cannot see through it.

Attached a look at that tile (green) from one tile away.
Zombie is purple.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on March 12, 2023, 09:46:19 am
Half of the tile where the soldier stands is blocked and the soldier cannot see through it.

Attached a look at that tile (green) from one tile away.
Zombie is purple.

Thank you for analyzing this.

Yet - if I recall correctly - the soldier "sees" the zombie (the number is blinking). And you could shoot it (though I recall it made not a scratch - I did not verify it actually hit it or the invisible wall). Shouldn't the same principles also apply to melee?

I guess this is a bug in the map, at the very least least, but I still wonder a bit about "seeing" someone on the tile next to you yet not being able to attack it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 12, 2023, 09:58:30 am
Why recall when you have a save?

The soldier does not see the zombie.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on March 12, 2023, 03:28:50 pm
This is not a bug, but map feature.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 17, 2023, 04:05:58 pm
I'm now working on overhauling vapor particles cloud, goal is to have greater control over how cloud will be have.

My final goal that could be reach in couple of months will be some thing like Q2 railgun trail:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on March 17, 2023, 06:31:47 pm
Supported rulesets can be check by `!info` tag on main node like (`ufos: !info`)
How? Should I run the game to see it in the log file?

I'm now working on overhauling vapor particles cloud, goal is to have greater control over how cloud will be have.

Nice! Can I define it with mod rules? Like more-less particles, shorter-longer animation, color and so on?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 19, 2023, 03:40:29 pm
How? Should I run the game to see it in the log file?

Nice! Can I define it with mod rules? Like more-less particles, shorter-longer animation, color and so on?
Yes, and yes.

I now only started working on it, but my plan is unhardcode every thing that will not affect how particles are handed by engine.
This mean color will always be only one for one particle, here I do not plan to change this, but as game keep each particle opticity levels as separate tables why would stop us from setting different base color for each level during precalculation of this tables?
Same with weapons, why item need to spawn only one set of particles?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 01, 2023, 04:03:38 am
Initial version of Wall climbing is ready, if wall is set GravLift it will allow to unit move up and down in same tile where wall is.
There is some possible "glitch" like when unit get interrupted when climbing it will fall down one tile, you can see it near end of video.
This is because unit can climb over edge, but can't stop in the middle of it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Gena Krokodilov on April 01, 2023, 10:36:48 am
Looking for bleeding edge OXCE nightly preview builds? Try here:
« Last Edit: October 29, 2022, 07:19:24 pm by Meridian »

Server not accesible several days ago.
Where can i find newest bleeding edge oxce release?

Second question.
Im using TWOTS with OXCE 7.8.0.
I want to use newest version of OXCE 7.8.14
is it correct way to extract newest OXCE 7.8.14 files into existing folder (where is TWOTS with OXCE 7.8.0) and overwrite existing old files?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 01, 2023, 10:44:18 am
Server not accesible several days ago.
Where can i find newest bleeding edge oxce release?

I confirm, the site is down.

Second question.
Im using TWOTS with OXCE 7.8.0.
I want to use newest version of OXCE 7.8.14
is it correct way to extract newest OXCE 7.8.14 files into existing folder (where is TWOTS with OXCE 7.8.0) and overwrite existing old files?

Always delete the old .exe first, as well as folders "common" and "standard".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 01, 2023, 09:42:09 pm
At the moment, is it possible to adjust the penalties for losing health? Is it possible to adjust the loss of accuracy and reaction for losing health, and is it possible to add or remove a penalty for a certain skill? And is there something similar in the plans for the future?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 06, 2023, 06:42:03 pm
At the moment, is it possible to adjust the penalties for losing health? Is it possible to adjust the loss of accuracy and reaction for losing health, and is it possible to add or remove a penalty for a certain skill? And is there something similar in the plans for the future?
You cant for now change default penalties, but you can add new ones by reducing basic accuracy calculations.

btw is live again, this mean my experiential climbing should be publicly available.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 07, 2023, 09:48:26 am
Thank you. The test version is already 7.8.9, but there is no description. What to test is not clear. Would like a text file with changes relative to the public version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 08, 2023, 11:26:24 am
Thank you. The test version is already 7.8.9, but there is no description. What to test is not clear. Would like a text file with changes relative to the public version.
usually change log is done by meridian when he release "next public version", for minor update I mostly put info on here with hints what was added.

and if you are interested in "climbing", this condoled by `gravlift` flag, as up to this time it was only used for floor tiles, after my change you can place it on walls and objects, and then its consider "climbing" it have small differences to gravlift handling.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 29, 2023, 04:12:52 pm
New OXCE v7.9 is up.

- Alternate loadout system #2 (by karadoc):,10998.0.html
- Improved alternate craft equipment management:,10984.0.html
- Option "add on top" when loading craft equipment (F9):,10851.0.html
- Items from geoscape events appear instantly:,11043.msg154806.html#msg154806
- Click to open folder location:,11223.0.html

- Manual promotions option (by MaxMahem):,11122.0.html
- Global Alien Containment UI (by JG):,10915.0.html
- Persistent geoscape debug log:,11225.0.html
- Display soldier stat at cap in Soldier Info UI (by MaxMahem):,11118.0.html
- Option to show base name in research finished popup (by JG):,7715.0.html
- Craft returning after mission or low on fuel don't trigger alien base hunt missions:,5717.msg154550.html#msg154550
- 2x2 soldiers now also can feel team-wide morale loss
- Performance improvements in lighting engine
- Ability to check the minimum required version of a master mod (`requiredMasterModVersion`):
- Added option to override displayed mod version number (`versionDisplay`):
- Tracking which mod last touched a given rule/object:,11227.0.html
- Missing sprite/sound error message made clearer (a bit):,9687.msg150662.html#msg150662
- FPS voxel view now avoids fish eye projection:,11224.0.html

- Added ability to spawn items from projectiles (e.g. flare launcher):,10823.0.html
- More options for spawning zombies, units and items:,11241.0.html
- Added support for Ladders / Climbing:,11186.0.html
- Score points for manufacturing:,10970.0.html
- Added `requiresBuyCountry` for soldiers and craft (by MaxMahem):,11180.0.html
- Option for aliens to build a base where a UFO lands:,10860.0.html
- Units afraid to pathfind through fire now moddable:,11212.0.html
- Alternative pedia article for items (MMB):,8707.msg154796.html#msg154796
- Allow for custom colors for each opacity level (transparency LUTs):,11228.0.html
- Added `refNode` support for more entities
- Added more options how rulesets can be overridden:,11198.0.html
- Breaking change from OXC: "Demigod" feature now also available as a standard mod; and it now also affects `dQty` and `extraQty`
- New experience award system -- now optional:,4230.msg154823.html#msg154823

- Added ability to share tag definitions (`tagsFile`):,11102.0.html
- Exposed alien item level and reinforcements item level to scripts:,6586.msg153798.html#msg153798
- Added new hook `damageSpecialUnitAmmo`

- Fixed issue with avatar change GUI:,5047.msg152518.html#msg152518
- Fixed visual bug during aiming (by MaxMahem):
- Fixed Triton wall bug:,11084.0.html
- Fixed HK interception bug:,11219.0.html
- Prevent 2x2 chryssalids spawning from 1x1 zombies
- Prevent corner case crash in base defense:,10848.0.html
- Added warning if more than one research topic has 'unlockFinalMission: true':,5566.msg154095.html#msg154095
- Fixed a few OXC memory leaks
- from OXC: fixed loading of terrain/civilianTypes:,11109.0.html
- from OXC: fix guided missile pathing to avoid friendlies; also avoids known enemies that are not the intended target
- from OXC: fix out of memory error on large display resolutions:,11197.0.html


Ruleset validator was updated (v0.9.27).
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Auto-update will be available on Windows in approx. 2 weeks.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Emru on May 06, 2023, 12:08:06 pm
Can OXCE be also provided as source code packed into tar.gz or something? Many distros refuses to accept new packages that are built from git checkouted to particular commit
Thanks :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 06, 2023, 01:57:14 pm
Can OXCE be also provided as source code packed into tar.gz or something? Many distros refuses to accept new packages that are built from git checkouted to particular commit
Thanks :)

I don't understand.
The source code is available on github, and if you need you can tar and gzip it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Dioxine on May 06, 2023, 02:59:35 pm
This new system with TWO buttons on event screen completely ruins the way I prepared all the event background pictures with ONE button in mind. Can we fix this somehow?

Maybe the items can be displayed after clicking OKAY, without that second button? (Besides I think that the lack of standard 'items delivered' screen (the one you always see due to transfers/buying) is confusing).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ontherun on May 13, 2023, 09:12:32 pm
Excuse me, might be a simple solution to have support for both?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 13, 2023, 09:30:50 pm
yes, there will be a switch in options.cfg
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 21, 2023, 10:01:45 am
New OXCE v7.9.6 is up.

- Ability to sort soldiers by craft:,11249.0.html
- Ufopedia on MMB click in Crafts UI
- Ufopedia on MMB click in Stores UI:,10538.0.html
- Ufopedia on CTRL+MMB click in Manufacture UIs:,7281.0.html
- Improved action consistency on MMB:,11243.msg155113.html#msg155113

- Option to disable instant delivery on geo events:,11043.msg154806.html#msg154806


- Country new month script hook (by MaxMahem):,11229.0.html

- Enemies could spawn with incorrect HP:,11263.0.html
- Vapor trail issue:,11260.0.html
- Loaded HWP ammo vs. startingConditions:,11261.0.html


Auto-update is available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 03, 2023, 10:19:07 pm
New OXCE v7.9.8 is up.

- Reset hidden movement background every turn:,11329.0.html

- Fixed default alien vision range at night: FIXME to be documented
- Fixed inventory template saving:,11322.0.html
- Fixed units phasing through doors:,11295.0.html
- pathfinding fix: FIXME to be documented


Auto-update is available on Windows.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on July 04, 2023, 10:14:05 am
Is there a way (e.g. in debug mode) to see where an alien base is on the globe? In the save this is lat and lon (in radians), but it's a bit difficult to visualize on the map (especially when getting closer to the poles). I haven't found this first base for all my attempts and  it hasn't made any pacts (no countries nearby?) and I'm wondering if there could be a bug somewhere.

  - lon: 2.0990965667729267
    lat: 1.0547587273347847
    id: 1
    pactCountry: ""
    race: STR_GILLMAN
    deployment: STR_ALIEN_BASE_ASSAULT
    startMonth: 3
    minutesSinceLastHuntMissionGeneration: 246110
    genMissionCount: 9

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 04, 2023, 10:55:45 am
Is there a way (e.g. in debug mode) to see where an alien base is on the globe?

Ctrl+D Ctrl+7
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on July 04, 2023, 11:21:46 am
Ctrl+D Ctrl+7

Thanks. This brings up another question. I have already recently observed (when playing XCF) that enabling debug mode by modifying to "debug: true" did not work. I put it off then as it wasn't crucial. Now, after enabling the debug mode in the save, Ctrl-keys provide no reaction. Is there any reason why this would not work (I'm using Linux bionic image) or any tips on how to go about figuring out what's wrong?  I do recall that a few years ago, at least, debug mode did work. I've played ironman, but removing that from the save did not affect this.

I do observe that if I modify the save by changing the save, open the game and load the save, then save again, it's back to "debug: false". This could be intended behavior, but I bring this up if it isn't and might provide a clue on what is going wrong.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on July 04, 2023, 11:38:37 am
Nevermind, I got confused with modifying the options file and modifying the save file. Running the game with "OpenXcomEx -debug true" ie. overriding the options enabled the debug mode worked fine.)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on July 14, 2023, 02:03:22 pm
As i see, newest OXCE suggest "0" projectile sprite number as error. What then must i use for shots without projectile (instant hits)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Vakrug on July 20, 2023, 11:04:52 am
Randomly generated base names can lead to overflow of chraracter space, resulting in a change in change of font size and enabling the player to use names >13 characters in length:
I have accidentally stumbled on this thing, but not in base names, but in soldier's names. And I found it super useful!
Modders have been warned to make the names short.
Oh, but can we make it into a feature? At this moment player cannot write long names, but how about making font automatically smaller while writing?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 20, 2023, 11:16:58 am
Base names are visible on many other places too and the space reserved/available for them (already using the small font) is usually optimized exactly for the current maximum.

Bigger maximum would result in 2-row display and/or cut-off names, which I don't want.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 20, 2023, 11:21:54 am
As i see, newest OXCE suggest "0" projectile sprite number as error. What then must i use for shots without projectile (instant hits)?

"bulletSprite: 0" is rocket launcher in vanilla... did you mean something else?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on July 20, 2023, 11:51:46 pm
Oh, sorry. I use number 100 for invisible bullets. I presume that empty sprite must be created and placed under this position?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 01, 2023, 12:55:35 am
With the latest update, the Base Facilities parameters stopped working: sightRange, sightChance. Version The closest version in which the parameters work is 7.7.3.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 05, 2023, 01:23:05 am
Question about reaction. The situation is as follows: my soldiers have 120 action points, 200 reactions, the enemy has the same number of action points and 70 reactions. The enemy leaves the UFO under 12 barrels, passes 10 cells and throws a grenade and no one reacts to him. Everyone has a line of fire. There was a suspicion of overflow characteristics. Is there a maximum for a reaction? Is there any limit to the difference in reactions characteristics?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 05, 2023, 04:19:06 am
Question about reaction. The situation is as follows: my soldiers have 120 action points, 200 reactions, the enemy has the same number of action points and 70 reactions. The enemy leaves the UFO under 12 barrels, passes 10 cells and throws a grenade and no one reacts to him. Everyone has a line of fire. There was a suspicion of overflow characteristics. Is there a maximum for a reaction? Is there any limit to the difference in reactions characteristics?

Just in case, you aren't using Brutal AI?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 05, 2023, 08:58:05 am
Just in case, you aren't using Brutal AI?

No. As far as I know, "Brutal AI" does not use parameters beyond the capabilities of OXCE+.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on August 05, 2023, 12:21:34 pm
No. As far as I know, "Brutal AI" does not use parameters beyond the capabilities of OXCE+.

No, but it seems to have reaction issues.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 05, 2023, 01:14:57 pm
No, but it seems to have reaction issues.

It's using 7.8+, as is my TFTU... Looks like OXCE+ is the problem. First, problems with "sightRange", now with the reaction... Apparently, I'll have to roll back to version 7.7.

Can anyone make the manual distribution of ranks a separate modification?  :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2023, 07:22:59 pm
Oh, sorry. I use number 100 for invisible bullets. I presume that empty sprite must be created and placed under this position?

Empty sprite is just a sprite just like any other.
It doesn't have any special function.
It will still be rendered by the game, just not visible for the player.

There are no "instant projectiles" in OpenXcom, as far as I know.
You can only make them faster or slower, but not instant.

What exactly are you trying to do?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 05, 2023, 07:26:25 pm
With the latest update, the Base Facilities parameters stopped working: sightRange, sightChance. Version The closest version in which the parameters work is 7.7.3.

It works fine for me.
Can you give me something to reproduce?

Question about reaction. The situation is as follows: my soldiers have 120 action points, 200 reactions, the enemy has the same number of action points and 70 reactions. The enemy leaves the UFO under 12 barrels, passes 10 cells and throws a grenade and no one reacts to him. Everyone has a line of fire. There was a suspicion of overflow characteristics. Is there a maximum for a reaction? Is there any limit to the difference in reactions characteristics?

There shouldn't be any "limits".

If you can give me a save where I can clearly see this happen, I can investigate and explain (or fix).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 05, 2023, 08:25:58 pm
No, I can’t give ready-made saves. I have provided an archive in this thread,11405.0.html. On the 3rd and 4th bases, the last units are snipers with high reaction. You can fly to any mission and try.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 05, 2023, 09:24:08 pm
Empty sprite is just a sprite just like any other.
It doesn't have any special function.
It will still be rendered by the game, just not visible for the player.

There are no "instant projectiles" in OpenXcom, as far as I know.
You can only make them faster or slower, but not instant.

What exactly are you trying to do?
You forget about shotgun that because of hack it skip bullet animations because it project multiple shots at once and game can't animate it correctly.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on August 06, 2023, 07:10:24 am
Meridian, actually, so far, according to my observations, problems arise when several units must react to the enemy. The game can't decide who to react first and... skips the reaction course for everyone. This also happens to the aliens at the start of the battle, when there are no spent action points  (when several aliens must react to a soldier getting out of the ship).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: DaEMon on August 13, 2023, 09:00:28 pm
Is there a way to enable instant grenades in OXCE?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on August 13, 2023, 09:17:53 pm
Is there a way to enable instant grenades in OXCE?

Yes, just enable the option.

This is probably misposted on a wrong subforum, so.. if you want to enable them in a mod that forbids them (such as XCF), edit the mod (or create a submod). Look for the setting 'fixedUserOptions' and remove 'battleInstantGrenade: false'.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: DaEMon on August 13, 2023, 10:19:28 pm
Yes, just enable the option.

This is probably misposted on a wrong subforum, so.. if you want to enable them in a mod that forbids them (such as XCF), edit the mod (or create a submod). Look for the setting 'fixedUserOptions' and remove 'battleInstantGrenade: false'.

Thanks. Problem solved
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 18, 2023, 10:58:57 pm
Small breaking change, `personalLight` from armor now is used by aliens too, previously aliens ignored it.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on August 19, 2023, 04:36:02 am
Small breaking change, `personalLight` from armor now is used by aliens too, previously aliens ignored it.

In which way the "personalLight" is now used by the aliens armors? Like, can they turn it off and on at will or something else?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 20, 2023, 10:59:24 am
No, I mean property that change strength of light emitted by armor, up to this point aliens do not do this.
After change, if you set some value to `personalLight:` then it will work same for solders or aliens.
Of corse soldiers have option to disable this light using `L` key (of corse this will affect only units you control).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on August 22, 2023, 01:45:10 pm
Small breaking change, `personalLight` from armor now is used by aliens too, previously aliens ignored it.
Will undiscovered enemies emit light?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 22, 2023, 02:48:13 pm
Yes, light is part of map, not unit visibility.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Nord on August 22, 2023, 03:10:19 pm
Yes, light is part of map, not unit visibility.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on November 21, 2023, 01:48:35 pm
I have set up a test to build OXCE AppImage whenever a new OXCE is released. This should theoretically make it very easy to run OXCE on any linux distro (and WSL?), although I've only tested it on Ubuntu 20.04 & Fedora 38 myself.

The source can be found here:

Releases can be found here:

For me these steps sufficed to run OXCE from this AppImage (for v7.9.8 ):

Code: [Select]
mkdir oxce && cd oxce
# move your TFTD/UFO assets in here, see
chmod +x OpenXCOM_Extended-v7.9.8-x86_64.AppImage

It has all the required libraries bundled, you can check what is included with the following command:

Code: [Select]
./OpenXCOM_Extended-v7.9.8-x86_64.AppImage --appimage-extract
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ontherun on November 21, 2023, 07:22:32 pm
Big thanks, pedroterzero! Much more straightfiorward than docker
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on November 21, 2023, 08:55:01 pm
I have set up a test to build OXCE AppImage whenever a new OXCE is released. This should theoretically make it very easy to run OXCE on any linux distro (and WSL?), although I've only tested it on Ubuntu 20.04 & Fedora 38 myself.
Releases can be found here:

I wonder why the scripts are called and, even though they are not getting the latest version but rather the version you have to specify in VERSION. Wouldn't it make sense for the scripts to find out what's the latest version? Or name them in a different manner.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: amokk_gw on November 29, 2023, 10:22:54 pm
Is there a way to disable reaction fire for a soldier or the whole squad for a mission or permanently? Draining the timeunits is quite tedious.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 29, 2023, 10:31:09 pm
Is there a way to disable reaction fire for a soldier or the whole squad for a mission or permanently? Draining the timeunits is quite tedious.,11340.msg161750.html#msg161750
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 05, 2023, 11:54:24 pm
Small heads up, I reverted recent change of `personalLight` for aliens as it had some minor glitches and break completely XPZ.
Now I added as replacement `personalLightHostile` and `personalLightNeutral` for permanent light on aliens or civilians.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alpha Centauri Bear on December 06, 2023, 01:07:14 am
Does it make it easier detectable at night?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on December 06, 2023, 05:28:54 am
Does it make it easier detectable at night?

At least the original personal light did. I noticed this in XCF with tanks for example. They have a bright personal light, making it impossible to use them in night-time missions when the enemies have weapons that could hurt them (would attract all the enemy fire) unless you disable it at the start of every mission. I dread those who don't know of this feature and the special hotkey to disable it (no way to know it otherwise).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on December 12, 2023, 02:20:46 am
Experiments and hack for creations specific weapon
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 16, 2023, 04:20:18 pm
New OXCE v7.10 is up.

- Allow manufacture queueing (no reserved space):,11149.0.html
- Popup window on alien base detection:,11456.0.html
- Filter avatars by gender:,11341.0.html

- Default visibility behavior updated, changes in behavior:
* Scripts can now override unit max visibility range
* Calculation of distance is now based on voxel trajectory length approximation
* Smoke effectiveness is now based on unit max visibility range (instead of global max)
* Fire affects heat vision

- More debug logging for mission scripts processing:,11530.0.html
- Improve noLOS penalty calculation a bit:,11512.0.html

- Soldiers and vehicles as modifiable craft stats (by WarStalkeR):
- Stat/armor growth per difficulty in abs. values:,11462.0.html
- Support of `personalLight` also for hostiles and neutrals:,6586.msg159413.html#msg159413
- Bottom-align for geoscape event descriptions:,11375.0.html
- Option to override item used for self destruct:,11521.0.html
- Self-destruct can spawn items and units:,11522.0.html
- Added `maxDifficulty` in mission scripts
- added `spriteEnabled` flag to allow bigger facilities behaviour of drawing sprite over shape (by WarStalkeR):
- Allow aliens to be recovered like civilians (using `civilianRecoveryType`)

- Visibility script enhancements:,11637.0.html

- Clear message when canceling a skill action:,11510.0.html
- Fix craft inventory containing incompatible items:,11364.0.html
- Manual promotion fix:,11517.0.html
- Stop key scrolling on end turn:,11483.0.html
- Fix handling of disabled arrow buttons:,11289.0.html
- Make sure to always check the evac trigger:,11547.0.html
- Don't count surrendered as alive between stages:,11572.0.html
- Fixed integer overflow in manufacturing:,11560.0.html
- Do full checkup on craft manufacture:,11584.0.html
- Stop escorting transports after a mission:,11601.0.html
- Disable unintended airborne transfer side effects:,11598.0.html
- Ironman game is NOT saved automatically when you press Alt+F4 in Windows:,11404.0.html
- Fix bug when you end turn with summoned unit

From OXC:
- Alien Sub Construction needs item
- Fix bug with all units' voxels flipped relative Y axis (by jnarical):
- Fix earth pole region error
- Updated Windows installer Steam detection
- Removed Data Patch from the Windows installer


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was not updated... I'll do it later.
Wiki ruleset reference was not updated... I'll do it later.
Translations were not updated... I'll do it later.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 0xEBJC on December 18, 2023, 06:50:57 am
@Meridian & Dev Team, thanks for the updates! some great new features :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 09, 2024, 11:10:15 am
New OXCE v7.11.0 is up.

- Base info UI changes:,11722.0.html
- Option to display craft's ETA:,11733.0.html
- Ability to hide research topics:,11639.0.html
- Improved research/production/prisoner overview:,11646.msg160563.html#msg160563
- Option to show ammo clip size info in the pedia:,11593.0.html
- Ability to sort Funding Countries list:,11113.0.html
- Support mouse X1/X2 buttons for SoldierInfo UI:,11409.0.html

- Redesigned Controls and Advanced menu:,11749.0.html
- Breaking change: Changed craft maxStorageSpace default to 99999.0
- Breaking change: Changed craft maxItems default to 999999
- Ctrl+K kill command uses DP_MELEE instead of DT_AP (less cyberdisc boom)
- Sanity check on load (unit status):

- Support for rectangle-shaped base facilities:,11611.0.html
- maxItems and maxStorageSpace as modifiable craft stats:,11658.0.html
- More retaliation variants:,11429.0.html
- Regions and countries providing "base services":,10846.0.html
- Hit sound per UFO (for missile base hit):,11432.0.html
- Image background per UFO (for missile base hit):,11432.0.html
- Ufopedia item articles: element placement override:,6717.0.html
- Hidden movement background change frequency option:,11669.0.html
- Ability to define the item needed for research:,8653.0.html
- Ability to mod craft's default display altitude:,8588.0.html
- Ability to reset soldier rank after transformation:,8477.0.html
- Breaking change: Removed obsolete alien race `retaliationMission` attribute:,9496.msg137252.html#msg137252


- Fix coloring issue in the craft crew table
- Many fixes for soldiers and vehicles as modifiable craft stats (and added `maxHWPUnitsLimit`):,11695.msg160313.html#msg160313

From OXC:
- Added UFO and TFTD data patches directly into the download package + Removed UFO patch from the Android installer
- Fix ufopaedia scrolling on multi-line article titles:


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: mutantlord on January 09, 2024, 05:32:23 pm
V7.11.0.. a bit of a mouthful,why not 8.0 instead? ;D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 09, 2024, 10:36:46 pm
V7.11.0.. a bit of a mouthful,why not 8.0 instead? ;D

Any update on this feature?

planned for oxce 8.0
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on January 20, 2024, 06:57:21 pm
In OXCE 7.11.2 I added script hook that alow changing how vapor particles moves (speed + acceleration) that allow lot more variability
in types of weapon attacks.
As hack you can even fake additional "hit" effects moving some particles closer to end of trajectory and spreed them from that point.
(rifle do something like this in example video)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 22, 2024, 11:15:26 pm
wow, that looks cool
I like the blaster launcher most :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Regulain on January 24, 2024, 04:41:34 pm
Is it possible for me to modify what the debug cheats do? like I want it to give me $1m not $999m or instead of every item/creature only specific ones?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 24, 2024, 04:48:20 pm
Is it possible for me to modify what the debug cheats do? like I want it to give me $1m not $999m or instead of every item/creature only specific ones?

Currently not possible.

(but I thought about it already, it is also impractical for me to receive all items, especially because most mods have enforced storage limits and I am forced to sell them immediately)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Regulain on January 24, 2024, 08:24:12 pm
Currently not possible.

(but I thought about it already, it is also impractical for me to receive all items, especially because most mods have enforced storage limits and I am forced to sell them immediately)

If only it was as simple as having a text document listing all creatures/items with true/false next to them so you can turn them on and off as you please. But thats a massive task
One thing that could be done is create more commands like ctrl+shift 1 could give you just vehicle related stuff.

Besides getting a bunch of stuff you don't want, they come in 2's so you have to spend extra time sorting out what you want and don't want, heaven forbid you activate this after opening up multiple bases, now you gotta go through all the bases.

Now that I tihnk about it, I'm suprised there isn't an instant manufacture cheat. Then again the game would probably break if you used it while something is set to craft infinitely.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 24, 2024, 09:29:31 pm
If only it was as simple as having a text document listing all creatures/items with true/false next to them so you can turn them on and off as you please. But thats a massive task

nah, it's ok, I can do that, gimme 2 weeks to find some time
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on January 24, 2024, 10:51:21 pm
There is some programs that are designed to edit save files, would they be better for this task?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 24, 2024, 11:36:13 pm
depends on what he actually wants to do

if he wants to cheat, then yes, it's perfectly reasonable to use a save editor.... it's one action, done rarely, so can take a bit longer (several seconds up to a minute)

if he wants to "debug", or perform many repetitive tests (like I very often do), then having hotkeys is much better... many actions, done often, must take less than a second
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on January 25, 2024, 12:05:07 am
Maybe we should add console like in Quake? :D
At least we could reuse lot of function registration from y-script.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 25, 2024, 08:31:59 pm
If that console had autocomplete, I'd be using it every day :) no joke
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on January 25, 2024, 11:03:51 pm
@Meridian et al.

Sorry for the off-topic. I get an error message about an expired certificate when I try to access to the OXCE Nightly website at:

Before I could continue on Firefox, but not anymore.

This is the error message:
Websites prove their identity via certificates, which are valid for a set time period. The certificate for expired on 2024-01-22.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on January 25, 2024, 11:06:51 pm
It is usually resolved within a few days.

PS: I can continue in Firefox
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on February 06, 2024, 04:49:56 pm
How does the game determine how long it takes to transfer stuff from one base to another? Quickly looking I didn't find a ruleset for this but maybe I just couldn't find the right thing.

In XCF I noted that apparently it takes 15 hours to do base-to-base transfers, no matter the distance between the bases. In contrast, fly-transfer of crafts can be faster or slower, depending on the speed and distance (and how fast the craft can refuel).

This make me wonder if the modders would be interested in a ruleset/option where the transfer times could vary based on distance or other factors (e.g. craft speeds or how cumbersome a particular item is to transfer via courier services - especially useful if the modder wanted to make "big" item transfer slower).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 06, 2024, 05:10:37 pm
Code: [Select]
int time = (int)floor(6 + _distance / 10.0);
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Alex_D on February 07, 2024, 07:56:28 pm
It is usually resolved within a few days.
Yes, it did. I was able to download "Extended-7.11.4-23daf1cbd-2024-02-05-win64.7z".

But I just tried to access again and now the problem is the site cannot be found.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: DSeyka on February 11, 2024, 09:11:46 am
Indeed, has been down for at least several days as of right now.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 16, 2024, 10:08:12 pm
it's back
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 24, 2024, 11:35:27 am
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 24, 2024, 11:35:48 am
New OXCE v7.12.0 is up.

- R-click in SoldiersState:,11808.0.html
- Experimental: weapon safety switch (for reactions):,11340.msg161750.html#msg161750
- Longer quick search in TTV:,11796.msg161647.html#msg161647
- Show reason(s) why facility cannot be dismantled:,11152.msg161592.html#msg161592
- Direct soldier transformation:,10002.msg161488.html#msg161488
- MMB to open Pedia on "What can I wear?" UI:,11250.0.html
- Experimental: arrow browsing without hidden articles:,10374.msg161299.html#msg161299
- Ability to hide Pedia articles (by players):,10374.msg161299.html#msg161299
- Option to follow the wing leader or not:,10534.msg161166.html#msg161166

- Support for saves and notes deletion on mobile:,11789.0.html
- Support for infinite production on mobile:,11788.0.html

- Smarter Equip mod (for xcom1 and xcom2):,7868.msg161834.html#msg161834
- Preferred reaction weapon priority:,10627.0.html
- Amiga thinking...,10710.msg161509.html#msg161509
- New Battle: ability to select globe texture:,11370.msg161151.html#msg161151
- Added new type of node that allows to ignore ruleset: FIXME

- Bigger Facility Preview for Ufopaedia (by WarStalkeR):,11819.msg161957.html#msg161957
- Inventory auto-placement priorities/rules:,7868.msg161833.html#msg161833
- Allowed soldier groups per craft:,10678.msg161784.html#msg161784
- Experimental: chryssalid inherits zombie's faction:,11259.msg161586.html#msg161586
- Experimental: allow zombifying hostiles (by player):,11259.msg161586.html#msg161586
- Experimental: mind control hostiles into neutrals:,11221.msg161585.html#msg161585
- Experimental: Support for grenades exploding before battle:,11765.0.html
- Ability to disable Pedia articles (by modders):,11766.msg161280.html#msg161280
- Ability to override item in item pedia articles:,11766.msg161280.html#msg161280
- Ability for geoscape events to spawn craft:,11201.0.html
- Mapscript commands filter by craft (group):,10713.msg161170.html#msg161170
- Base defense facilities with own ammo storage and rearm rate:,11760.0.html
- Don't mark xcom base(s) for retals without scouting phase:,11429.msg161096.html#msg161096

- y-script: Expose weapon vapor particles: FIXME

- Fixed height for motion scanner markers:,11577.0.html
- Fixed crash when transferring currently opened craft:,11807.0.html

From OXC:
- Added Windows Installer translations


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Wild Penguin on March 02, 2024, 03:35:40 pm

I'm having trouble compiling OXCE on Gentoo (albeit a chroot). I've reproduced the problem on an i686 (32-bit) environment and an amd64 environment.

Steps I've taken:

Code: [Select]
git clone
cd OpenXcom
mkdir build
cd build
make -j 22

I'm using gcc 11 (I could try gcc-13):

Code: [Select]
# LANG=C gcc --version
gcc (Gentoo 11.4.1_p20240111 p12) 11.4.1 20240111
Copyright (C) 2021 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

And the failure:

Code: [Select]
LANG=C make -j 40
[  0%] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Script.cpp.o
[a bunch of suiccesfully build files]
/root/oxce/OpenXcom/src/Engine/Script.cpp: In lambda function:
/root/oxce/OpenXcom/src/Engine/Script.cpp:2616:84: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
 2616 |                         updateReserved<ScriptText>(pos, ScriptText{ charPtr(start) });
      |                                                                                    ^
0x1745408 internal_error(char const*, ...)
0x7c8ec7 finish_compound_literal(tree_node*, tree_node*, int, fcl_t)
0x78015e c_parse_file()
0x8556dd c_common_parse_file()
Please submit a full bug report,
with preprocessed source if appropriate.
Please include the complete backtrace with any bug report.
See <> for instructions.
make[2]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/build.make:2232: src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/Engine/Script.cpp.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:116: src/CMakeFiles/openxcom.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [Makefile:136: all] Error 2

Is this some obscure compiler bug or any idea what is going on?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 02, 2024, 03:41:38 pm
Code: [Select]
internal compiler error: Segmentation faultOk, you find bug in compiler probably installing different version of GCC should fix it.
I will look on it when I will have more free time to see if I can workaraund this bug.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Wild Penguin on March 02, 2024, 04:01:35 pm
Switching to gcc-13, I can indeed compile OXCE.

I gather I could report this to Gentoo, as it is a compiler bug?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on March 02, 2024, 04:11:22 pm
If you could reduce this to small test case, as I see GCC 11 is still supported, it possible that they still could fix it on this version.
But there is chance that before anybody get ready to fix it, that version get removed from supported versions (as now is first on chopping block).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on March 17, 2024, 09:27:44 pm
- terrains.rul
- facilities.rul
There is one very annoying problem in the "terrains.rul" file, I cannot specify the size of the location of the .map and .rmp files
###  - name: XBASE
###    mapBlocks:
###      - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_01 #3x3 size
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_02
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_03
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_04
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_05
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_06
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_07
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_08
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
###  - name: XBASE_VeryLargeGeneralStores_09
###        width: 10
###        length: 10
This is very inconvenient when you create such large modules as 3x3 and the location .map file is not convenient to draw, the .rmp file is not yet more convenient to create, and you end up with a lot of .map and .rmp files.
Why can I specify any size of xcom aircraft or UFOs, or can even specify a .map size for the alien base, but cannot specify any size of the .map file for xcom base modules?
###  - name: UBASE
###    mapBlocks:
###      - name: ALIENBASE
###        width: 20
###        length: 20
###    battlescapeTerrainData:
###      name: UFO_110
###      mapBlocks:
###        - name: UFO_MEDSCOUT
###          width: 20
###          length: 20
###    battlescapeTerrainData:
###      name: SKYRANGER
###      mapBlocks:
###        - name: SKYRANGER
###          width: 20
###          length: 20
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ohartenstein23 on March 18, 2024, 03:21:38 am

The verticalLevels feature can do exactly that: (
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on March 18, 2024, 12:30:06 pm
The verticalLevels feature can do exactly that: (
Thank you for the useful link to an interesting topic, these vertical levels are very interesting information, now I can not only combine large modules into 1 file, but if I wish, I can even create an open location above the underground base.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on March 26, 2024, 06:42:13 pm
Why are shots so slow in OXC and OXCE?
The speed of the bullet is ok, but after the bullet touches the wall, the ground, the enemy - then 8 small blue drops jump in different directions. And while these blue drops are falling, I have to wait sooooo long after each bullet. In the original XCOM, shots were quick.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on March 27, 2024, 09:21:28 am
The speed of the bullet is ok, but after the bullet touches the wall, the ground, the enemy - then 8 small blue drops jump in different directions. And while these blue drops are falling, I have to wait sooooo long after each bullet.
You can speed up this bullet animation yourself "8 small blue drops" in the file "items.rul" as I did and created a separate file for this purpose "itemsBulletSpeed_RAVEN.rul"
# ═════════════════════
# hyper & velocity
# ═════════════════════
# ═════════════════════
# ═════════════════════
###    confAuto:
###      followProjectiles: false
#    explosionSpeed: 2
#    bulletSpeed: 5
# ═════════════════════
# ═════════════════════
###    type: NORMAL_SPEED
###    refNode: *VELOCITY_GLOBAL
###    explosionSpeed: 50
#    bulletSpeed: 10
###  - &HIGH_SPEED
###    type: HIGH_SPEED
###    refNode: *VELOCITY_GLOBAL
###    explosionSpeed: 100
###    bulletSpeed: 50
# ═════════════════════
# ═════════════════════
###  - type: STR_AK47
###    refNode: *NORMAL_SPEED
###  - type: STR_AK47_CLIP
###    refNode: *NORMAL_SPEED
Now my weapon shoots with standard single fire and accelerated bursts without a strong delay for animation (auto shots look realistic and, most importantly, without a delay between shots; for machine guns, an ultra-fast animation setting and acceleration of bullet speed are used). Also disabled is bullet tracking in automatic shots (enabled only for single shots), as this function may not work correctly at very high speeds of shots or at a short distance from the target (the screen may flicker and cause epileptic seizures).
With these settings:
- single shot "Single"
- auto shot "burst from a machine gun"
- machine gun "a rapid hail of bullets from 10 or more shots"
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on March 27, 2024, 02:02:26 pm
You can speed up this bullet animation yourself "8 small blue drops" in the file "items.rul" as I did and created a separate file for this purpose "itemsBulletSpeed_RAVEN.rul"
can anybody make a separated mini-mod for OXCE ?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on March 28, 2024, 01:37:23 pm
can anybody make a separated mini-mod for OXCE ?
Here I created a mini-mod "Blues_and_Bullets" for xcom1 which speeds up the animation of auto shots for all automatic weapons (the mod uses the function "refNode: *" for the mod to work, you need to use the OXCE version, the newer the better).

You can download it from the site ""
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on March 28, 2024, 02:25:24 pm
Just unpack the mod and move it to other mini-mods in the "standard" folder to activate it just like other mini-mods.


Standard folder is for devs only.
Players and modders should not make any modifications there.
Only mods delivered with OXCE will be recognized in the standard folder, other mods will be ignored.

All custom mods belong to the "mods" folder and nowhere else.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on March 28, 2024, 03:01:23 pm
I created a mini-mod "Blues_and_Bullets"
nice, working good! speed like almost original
poster is cutie
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on March 28, 2024, 06:10:19 pm
Dear OXCE developers, I have new ideas and features that need to be added to the game.
File "items.rul"
The shot animation replacement function is assigned to all firing modes of one weapon at once
###  - type: STR_RIFLE
###    explosionSpeed: 50
###    bulletSpeed: 10
###    confAuto:
###      followProjectiles: false
###  - type: STR_RIFLE_CLIP
###    explosionSpeed: 50
###    bulletSpeed: 10
###    confAuto:
###      followProjectiles: false

It is necessary to make sure that these functions are assigned not to the weapon or its clip, but to the shooting mode (as well as the "followProjectiles" function) or to the weapon clip in a separate shooting mode
###  - type: STR_RIFLE
###    confAuto:
###      followProjectiles: false
###      explosionSpeed: 50
###      bulletSpeed: 10
###    confSnap:
###      followProjectiles: true
###      explosionSpeed: 10
###      bulletSpeed: 5
###    confAimed:
###      followProjectiles: true
###      explosionSpeed: 25
###      bulletSpeed: 7
###  - type: STR_RIFLE_CLIP
###    confAuto:
###      followProjectiles: false
###      explosionSpeed: 50
###      bulletSpeed: 10
###    confSnap:
###      followProjectiles: true
###      explosionSpeed: 10
###      bulletSpeed: 5
###    confAimed:
###      followProjectiles: true
###      explosionSpeed: 25
###      bulletSpeed: 7

Such settings will allow you to more smoothly configure individual firing modes for individual types of weapons, for individual, special types of bullets for these weapons, while assigning different animation speeds for different types of shots.

There is another idea, to add new shooting modes for the machine gun.
Various mods add this type of weapon under the name “minigun”, but to be honest, it is no different from a machine gun, the weight and number of shots are simply increased, and the bullet animation is accelerated, but in fact this type of weapon does not have its own shooting mode, such as a shotgun that fires shot.
I suggest looking at the description of this version of the game

The author says that in this game, the machine gun fires its own types of shooting:
1) Burst mode:
- you select 3 target points, and the soldier will shoot a 5 shots burst (on each and between points). Recharge time: 2 turns.
2) Full auto:
- you select 2 points, the soldier will spray the area inbetween with 8 shots. Recharge time: 3 turns.

I suggest taking a few ideas and mini-mods from this version of the game and adding new features to OXCE or better yet BOXCE (OpenXcom Extended Brutal).
Also think about how to expand the capacity of .MCD .PCK .TAB files (sometimes there is not enough space for animated sprites in a PCK file, sometimes you even want to add many different sprites in one texture pack, but for this you need to expand the capacity of these files). If there is at least 10% chance of successfully expanding the texture pack, then you should think about how to do it, if not, then give a reason why exactly this amount fits in this file and why these files cannot be modified in any way. I would like to know what and why.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on March 28, 2024, 07:55:39 pm
mistakenly indicated the "standard" folder
maybe it is better to:
move \OXCE 7.12.0\common\ to \OXCE 7.12.0\OXCE\common\
move \OXCE 7.12.0\standard\ to \OXCE 7.12.0\OXCE\standard\
so it will be more intuituve
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on March 28, 2024, 11:58:22 pm
I have new ideas and features that need to be added to the game.
You should probably separate them into discrete feature proposals and make a thread for each, so the devs can keep track.

Personally, I would also like to see more ability for fire modes to alter damage/firing variables. Don't know how much is possible via y-scripts right now, I've seen aimed-shot-double-damage, but that's just the tip of the iceberg. My pet idea is to make armor effectiveness reduction, damage randomisation model and stat boosts to damage vary between shot modes. And then one would want the whole rest of damageAlter at least, too. But I'm not an active or public modder, so my desires are largely irrelevant compared to the ever-growing accepted feature list with much more important stuff on it, both for players and active authors of big mods.

The Heavy Laser autoshots are already in, though: look into 'sprayWaypoints'.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on March 29, 2024, 04:02:58 am
look into 'sprayWaypoints'.
here? (
Ctrl+Shift+LMB: When auto fire mode is selected, this activates spray targeting mode: starts picking numbered waypoints; once maximum number of waypoints are selected or a waypoint is selected with Ctrl+Shift+LMB again, firing starts, but now the unit will move its aim trying to evenly distribute hits along this path, rather than aiming at the same spot. Of course, the actual hit placement is affected by Accuracy as usual. RMB removes a waypoint, like with Blaster Launcher. (needs a weapon with sprayWaypoints set in ruleset)

Burst mode: you select 3 target points, and the soldier will shoot a 5 shots burst (on each and between points). Recharge time: 2 turns.
( ( ( ( ( (

Full auto: you select 2 points, the soldier will spray the area inbetween with 8 shots. Recharge time: 3 turns.
( ( ( ( ( (
Reaver's Harmony Megamod ( / Auto-Cannon / Spray shot

( ( ( ( ( (

Ctrl+Shift is really hidden and not intuitive
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on March 29, 2024, 10:49:56 am
Not the only obscure feature of OXC(E), sadly. This ( thread might help more than the 'Hidden Features' page. Sometimes modders put some of these into pedia articles.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on March 29, 2024, 08:43:11 pm
Where should `recoverCorpse` be defined? The corpse item or the live unit item? (Both?)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on March 29, 2024, 08:59:42 pm
Only on the corpse item seems to work, at least.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 08, 2024, 01:22:26 pm
Tell me, are these commands (meleeDodge) responsible for SQS?
###    meleeDodge:
###      reactions: 0.6
###    meleeDodgeBackPenalty: 0.5
###    createsMeleeThreat: false
###    ignoresMeleeThreat: true

I entered the commands (MeleeThreat: false) because this sqs (from the FMPE addon mod) interfered with the game more than it added variety, because sqs works even at a distance (like a psionic shield from bullets), and not right next to each other.
I decided to add sqs only to psionics and ignore the enemy's sqs, so that when a normal soldier shoots at a creature with great psionic power, the sqs will work and the bullets will fly away, but when a psionic soldier is wearing psionic armor, then he ignores the sqs and shoots at the target, but when such a soldier is attacked by an ordinary alien, he can reflect the bullets with a psionic shield.

I'm going to remove sqs and keep them for psionic armor only, because sqs is less like a melee dodge bonus from melee weapons or point-blank shooting, and more like a psionic bullet shield that repels bullets even at a distance.

Tell us in more detail about the sqs function, is it possible to adjust the trigger radius of this SQS?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on April 08, 2024, 07:33:18 pm
Umm... By sqs, do you mean cqc (close quarters combat)?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 09, 2024, 10:20:08 am
Not exactly close combat, the fact is that after activating FMPE, I began to receive such a notification “the attack was repelled by the enemy” and the soldier simply began to shoot a little away from the enemy at whom I was aiming. Then I decided to move 3 squares away from the target so that the alien could not push away my weapon and I could finally shoot him, but again he repelled my attack. In the end, I entered two commands "createsMeleeThreat: false" and "ignoresMeleeThreat: true" after which my shots were no longer reflected.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on April 09, 2024, 10:35:15 am
Not exactly close combat, the fact is that after activating FMPE, I began to receive such a notification “the attack was repelled by the enemy” and the soldier simply began to shoot a little away from the enemy at whom I was aiming. Then I decided to move 3 squares away from the target so that the alien could not push away my weapon and I could finally shoot him, but again he repelled my attack. In the end, I entered two commands "createsMeleeThreat: false" and "ignoresMeleeThreat: true" after which my shots were no longer reflected.

If you move away from all enemy units, this should not occur.

However, if you are adjacent to another enemy unit, that other unit can CQC you and prevent shooting at the original unit (from which you are not adjacent). I suppose that might be what you experienced but didn't notice it. It certainly can be confusing at times.

Rule of thumb: don't have any enemy units next to you if you want to avoid CQC mechanics.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 09, 2024, 05:19:38 pm
Rule of thumb: don't have any enemy units next to you if you want to avoid CQC mechanics.
Maybe exactly what you're talking about happened.
Hmm... then you are aiming at one enemy, but at this time another enemy intervenes and pushes you in the back, after which your soldier misses. Well, what an unusual mechanic you came up with.
I'll think about it and decide whether I need such a function of pushing weapons to the side, or stick to the standard gameplay, but I would like to add a psionic shield.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 11, 2024, 10:26:32 am
Tell me how it would be more convenient for you to view my ideas (which I suggest adding to the game from time to time), present me with a possible new feature in this topic, or publish all your ideas separately there “Topic: _Raven_'s wishlist”?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 21, 2024, 01:58:13 pm
Tell me how it would be more convenient for you to view my ideas (which I suggest adding to the game from time to time)

I prefer 1 suggestion = 1 thread.

Detailed info here:

- suggestion is just a suggestion... I am not obliged to implement it, or to even answer
- before suggesting, read about the goals and scope of OXCE here and here ; it might save you a lot of effort suggesting something that has no chance of being accepted
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 22, 2024, 02:23:57 pm
I will publish everything that comes to my mind in “Topic: _Raven_'s wishlist” because I don’t have any specific big idea for which I need to create a separate topic.
[OXCE] Why was my suggestion rejected?
« on: 08-08-2018, 20:10:13 »
scientists/engineers "don't exist individually", they can't defend the base
I have already implemented this (I used two functions, the spawn of a civilian faction on the xcom base and the spawn command in the ufos and facilities files which allows you to spawn any unit or item at any point in the location), my base is also protected by scientists, engineers and other working personnel, all those who did not have time to evacuate from the base (I created them in the form of a faction of civilians, created spawn points for them, gave them individual weapons to each type of unit in their hands (scientists with one weapon, engineers with others), now there are brave defenders at the base without body armor).
[OXCE] Why was my suggestion rejected?
« on: 08-08-2018, 20:10:13 »
How many of you knew the game actually has a 3D engine below the 2D battlescape?
I knew that this 2D game had 3D because I played the original xcom1 and xcom2 on playstation1 and there in Ufopedia there were 3D models of xcom tanks as well as xcom aviation and UFOs, for some reason there is no 3D in OpenXcom at all, yes it simplifies modding, but It was possible to at least add original tanks, planes and UFOs to UFOpedia in 3D mode (with switching 3D - 2D in the UFOpedia file). It’s good that the “Visual Upgrade” mod brings back the background pictures into the game that were in the PSX version, I don’t know which version of the game you created OpenXcom from, why these pictures appeared already in OXCE and in a separate mod, as well as cutscenes in the style of an animated comic, they are missing in OpenXcom, even the final cutscene is converted into regular slides, it’s good that I found a mod that returns all the standard cutscenes from PSX (“Hardmod expansions” seems to be the name of that mod).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 22, 2024, 02:54:30 pm
I have already implemented this (I used two functions, the spawn of a civilian faction on the xcom base and the spawn command in the ufos and facilities files which allows you to spawn any unit or item at any point in the location), my base is also protected by scientists, engineers and other working personnel, all those who did not have time to evacuate from the base (I created them in the form of a faction of civilians, created spawn points for them, gave them individual weapons to each type of unit in their hands (scientists with one weapon, engineers with others), now there are brave defenders at the base without body armor).

No offense, but I don't see how you could implement it.

My guess is that you just spawned some random units, regardless of how many scientists/engineers there are in the base.

In which case, you completely missed my point.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 22, 2024, 03:55:00 pm
Yes, I just added a few scientific units to the base using the spawn command (regardless of how many there are on the base), the rest of the scientists were evacuated, only a few people remained (this gives the base some kind of completeness, closes the emptiness).

I can, in principle, make sure that 50 scientists appear in the laboratory (not the number of them on the base at the moment, but the maximum number that can be accommodated in this module), but in this case there will be a lot of people on the base, it’s better already implement it like I did, just make a spawn for 10 civilian units that are dressed like scientists.

I don’t think that it is generally necessary to implement this completely (as many as there are on the base, there are as many of them when defending the base), it is enough to implement it as I did (they constantly spawn in a static number, for example 10 scientists, the rest were evacuated).

Maybe this is not a full implementation of such a function, but just a superficial spawn function, but nevertheless it looks good (scientists spawn even if they are not at all on the base, so that this does not happen, I tied the spawn of these units to one module of the base, if there is no a laboratory has been built, which means that when the base is attacked, scientists will not spawn).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 26, 2024, 02:08:13 pm
Strange stuff with light intensity (personalLight end lighting items). 10 or less illuminates almost nothing, more than 20 means I don’t feel any increase in illumination. And most importantly, I couldn’t find information about this anywhere. I suggest you check, find out the maximum value of light intensity and add this information to the "Ruleset Reference".
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 26, 2024, 02:22:07 pm
Tile light levels are between 0 and 15.

Divider between "night" and "day" is 9 or 10 by default, not sure. Can be modded.

Item light level 20 will still illuminate nearby tiles with light level +15 (maximum), but it will spread further (bigger illuminated circle).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on April 26, 2024, 03:23:28 pm
Thank you. Now it is clear that above radius 14 the backlight does not work As I thought, personalLight can be set above 20, but it will not give anything. This is what I ask you to include in the description of the parameter.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 26, 2024, 04:25:40 pm
That's not what I said.

I said that higher number (e.g. 20) will not give you higher light intensity, but it will give you higher radius.

I can be wrong, but that's how I remember it from PirateZ.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on April 26, 2024, 04:33:48 pm
There is global limit for max light radius for units, it could be possible by default be around 20.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 27, 2024, 07:27:33 pm
We both turned our attention to the tile lighting at the same time, and I also just finished working with a new lighting system. I set the body of my aircraft to 5 (light power 5), individual parts to 10 (holograms, light bulbs, all light sources that should emit light), now when I play at night, the body of my aircraft is visible, but it is still darkened (does not sparkle) like a Christmas tree), it’s better to play like that than to appear in a black hole. Also with the UFO, the light bulbs are set to 10 (they shine, but not much), the backlight inside the UFO is set to 5 (also not complete darkness inside the UFO, but not daylight either, just in moderation).

Tell me what kind of command this is and why it doesn’t work for me (maybe it doesn’t work on Android)
###  - type: STR_HANGAR_C
###    crafts: 4
###    craftSlots:
###      - [-17, -17, 0]
###      - [17, -17, 0]
###      - [-17, 17, 0]
###      - [17, 17, 0]
I downloaded a mod that had this large hangar for 4 planes, there was also this “craftSlots” command, it should place the aviation sprites in different places on the hangar sprite, but no, you can still only see the sprite of one plane in the center of the hangar.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on April 27, 2024, 07:39:57 pm
I downloaded a mod that had this large hangar for 4 planes, there was also this “craftSlots” command, it should place the aviation sprites in different places on the hangar sprite, but no, you can still only see the sprite of one plane in the center of the hangar.

The mod uses features which are not available in vanilla OXCE so I think this is the wrong place to ask this question.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: _Raven_ on April 27, 2024, 07:59:02 pm
I think I understand, this function probably works in OXCE Brutal-AI
In that case, I apologize for disturbing you (Well, they made different versions, it doesn’t work there, but here it is).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Fiskun1 on April 29, 2024, 12:02:51 pm
Is it possible to make it so that sometimes weapons fail during a mission? Then it would make sense to buy more of it and take more of it with you on missions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on April 30, 2024, 10:32:57 am
Do mods have options?
For disabling or enabling some features in the current mod (not submods, but mod-options)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2024, 12:08:17 pm
Mods can fix some existing options, to prevent players changing them.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on April 30, 2024, 07:18:05 pm
Why in the New Battle I have 8 soldiers only?
Where is button to increase decrease them?
I don't know how to reproduce this "bug?" , have a backuped OXCE folder with this 8 soldiers
Helped Randomize button only and 30 soldiers are showed again
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: minimen on April 30, 2024, 09:55:09 pm
Reading Pitatez changelog:
OXCE upgrade to 7.12.5 15-Apr-2024
WHere can I find 7.12.5 apk for android? OXCE v7.12 download & installation guide doesn't have that version
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on April 30, 2024, 10:15:20 pm
The latest official released version is 7.12

I did not release 7.12.5, use at own risk.
There is no apk build for android.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on May 03, 2024, 07:47:02 am
UFO Extender Accuracy option - Does it work for aliens too or only for humans?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2024, 08:51:45 am
It applies to all units, allied, hostile and neutral.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: minimen on May 03, 2024, 11:27:11 am
The latest official released version is 7.12

I did not release 7.12.5, use at own risk.
There is no apk build for android.
Is it possible to release 7.12.5 for android? I can't launch the latest Pirates N8 update since that version is required
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 03, 2024, 12:04:13 pm
Is it possible to release 7.12.5 for android? I can't launch the latest Pirates N8 update since that version is required

No, the build farm is down.

Also, even if it was working, I would still not release it... OXCE 7.12.5 for all other platforms is also not released (I didn't do any testing, documentation, etc. yet)

Downgrade piratez (or change its minimum required oxce version, or build the version yourself).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Slow on May 04, 2024, 05:32:26 pm
Can you add a .sh file extension to OpenXcomEx file? I wanna launch it through Steam, but it can't see it without .sh.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 04, 2024, 06:51:50 pm
there is no possibility for `.sh` file, as this is BASH script not binary, OXCE can only be binary.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Gena Krokodilov on May 05, 2024, 02:49:32 pm
During installation of openxcom_extended_v7.12.0-win64.exe it does not download automatically both universal patches for xcom1 and xcom2, as it did in last year's releases.

The same problem today with openxcom_git_master_2024_02_28_0704.exe

Also does not work url with bleeding edge OXCE nightly preview builds -

Question is: is it correct way of installation - simply unpack newest Extended-7.12-1bde457c8-2024-02-24-win64.7z over existent older version OXCE 7.9.0, which already have both xcom1/xcom2 files and both patches?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Gena Krokodilov on May 05, 2024, 06:44:54 pm
I remembered old answer from Solarius Scorch: Always delete the old .exe first, as well as folders "common" and "standard".

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: robin on May 05, 2024, 08:59:51 pm
- Multi-UFO retaliation base attacks (attribute `multiUfoRetaliation`)
I don't understand what multiUfoRetaliation and multiUfoRetaliationExtra do, could someone explain?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on May 05, 2024, 09:43:14 pm
During installation of openxcom_extended_v7.12.0-win64.exe it does not download automatically both universal patches for xcom1 and xcom2, as it did in last year's releases.

The same problem today with openxcom_git_master_2024_02_28_0704.exe

Also does not work url with bleeding edge OXCE nightly preview builds -

Both OXC and OXCE already contain the universal patches, there is no need to download them anymore.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on May 06, 2024, 05:06:15 pm
Soldiers do not gain experience when killing by "improvisation" i.e. damage from landscape objects. There were cases when a soldier in battle did one single useful action - shooting at barrels that killed many opponents, but after the battle this soldier did not receive any experience, although all killed opponents were counted as killed by the Improvisation weapon. Is this intended, or is this a bug?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 12, 2024, 06:13:19 pm
@Ethereal I do not look on this part of code but I would guess that only direct damage give exp, commendations are separate mechanic that have different way to track kills, and this is why behind difference.

On other hand, I push new script hooks for items buy and sell prices, now you can arbitrary change price of any item (global date can affect price too!)
If someone will be determined it could add daily fluctuation of prices that will change at "random" each day (but two cravats, you need roll your own "random" logic as game random is not available in this hook and yours sells do not affect  price as its not exposed to script yet).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 15, 2024, 11:48:55 am
Small breaking change OXCE 7.12.7 with recent script hook, I fix typo in one script arg.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ThumpieBunnyEve on May 21, 2024, 03:05:45 pm
Small breaking change OXCE 7.12.7 with recent script hook, I fix typo in one script arg.

Yankes, where can i DL your OXCE 7.12.7 version?  there is a lot of links from the OP, and not a all of them result in a page to dl from. I know you worked on the fix i needed with the  "need-more-manufacture-space" warning ∞ looping.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 21, 2024, 03:17:51 pm
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: MoonKid on May 24, 2024, 01:22:02 pm
I migrated from Debian 11 to 12 via a fresh install.
Now when I start OpenXcomEx I got a black tiny window with the title "OpenXcom Extended 7.1.2 (v2024-02-24).

I would say everything is installed and configured as in the previouse system. I just copied the ~/.config/openxcom from the old to the new system. I installed the libsdl components.

Never saw such a window. Starting this in terminal doesn't give much usable output. The window closes itself after pressing any keyboard key. The output is just

$ ./OpenXcomEx
INFO: WARNING: this app used SDL_KillThread(), an unforgivable curse.
This program should be fixed. No thread was actually harmed.

For testing purpose I removed the ~/.config/openxcom folder. The behavior does not changed. So I assume the config itself is not the reason.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on May 24, 2024, 02:03:03 pm
what is content of logs?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on May 31, 2024, 03:38:37 pm
(motion scanner) revealed yellow arrow [Alt] is not working after scan+save+load
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on May 31, 2024, 03:48:51 pm
I have thought it was a feature i.e. the game information where you have used motion scanner is not saved in the save, and the state is therefore not preserved on reload.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on June 01, 2024, 04:17:36 am
I have thought it was a feature

then, after load, is it worth return back your TU, which you spent on scanning before saving?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 01, 2024, 12:02:51 pm
(motion scanner) revealed yellow arrow [Alt] is not working after scan+save+load

it is intended
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on June 02, 2024, 12:45:38 pm
Hi Meridian, is gone, is that intentional?

It's what my pipelines use to check for new versions (and then build the docker/appimage).

If it is intended, where should I look instead?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 02, 2024, 02:43:01 pm
No, it's not intentional.

I will ask SupSuper for help.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on June 03, 2024, 11:48:08 am
No, it's not intentional.

It seems to have returned, my pipelines no longer fail. Thanks!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on June 06, 2024, 10:09:33 am
how to check whether this recruit killed anyone in this mission or not?
so that 5 soldiers kill 1 alien each and not one soldier kills five
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2024, 10:56:00 am
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Juku121 on June 06, 2024, 12:26:35 pm
Um, that only shows experience, doesn't it? Which is of no use if you're kill-farming (presumably because you're after some sort of kills-related commendation).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on June 06, 2024, 12:31:18 pm

judging by the screenshot of a rookie, I assume he's after promotions, not commendations
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: aziza on June 06, 2024, 01:09:33 pm
judging by the screenshot of a rookie, I assume he's after promotions
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: minimen on June 23, 2024, 09:56:07 am
I'd like to provide some feedback to help improve the user experience. I've been playing Xpiratez on Android, and while the story is great, the most frustrating part is equipping the squad before a mission. On Android, I can't use the hotkeys like unequipping a particular item. Instead, I have to scroll through the "ground screen," find an empty space, and manually drag the item to the ground.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 75338 on June 23, 2024, 11:05:39 pm
Playing OXCE FMP and just had my first Base Defense, now all my hangars and craft are gone - this is intended behaviour??

Holy heck...

Nvm, this is not an OXCE or FMP issue, just something I'd never seen before in ~30 years of playing this off and on.

Apparently one single not terrain-damaging explosion at 1:18:30 in this video was enough to cause the loss of all three hangars:

Alternatively, coulda been me shooting off a Multi-Launcher (again, no visible terrain damage) at the Access Lift. Heh.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: jnarical on June 24, 2024, 02:54:24 pm
Apparently one single not terrain-damaging explosion at 1:18:30 in this video was enough to cause the loss of all three hangars:

Alternatively, coulda been me shooting off a Multi-Launcher (again, no visible terrain damage) at the Access Lift. Heh.
Yep, you gotta be careful in base defence missions.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: yergnoor on June 24, 2024, 06:27:08 pm
Yep, you gotta be careful in base defence missions.
On YouTube, one of the comments recently described a strange outcome of a base defense mission, when after using heavy weapons... the Access Lift module disappeared.  At the same time, 3 hangars lost contact with all other modules of the base.  But there was no more information and it is unclear how this could happen, because the Access Lift should be indestructible.  True, the base was changed by a mod, maybe that’s the problem.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Solarius Scorch on June 24, 2024, 08:41:48 pm
I swear I haven't done anything to make the access lift destructible... :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: 4chanedgelord on July 24, 2024, 12:21:05 am
Hello  :)
I'd like to use oxce on my android device with mods, everything works so far! Except one issue, the latest compiled version for android is v7.12 from February, the mod I'd like to try next requires v7.12.5 however. I'd very much appreciate if someone could compile the latest version for android or can point me in the direction how to do it myself on an android device. Thank you for your time!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on July 27, 2024, 05:23:44 pm
New OXCE v7.13 is up.

- n/a

- Improved support for directly zipped folders (Note: there are some small known issues, will be fixed in OXCE v7.14)

- Soldier bonuses can now alter also `visibilityAtDay`, `psiVision` and `heatVision`:
- Added `buyPriceCoefficient`:
- Movement cost rounding options:
- Allow very big values for fatal wounds (before it was limited to 100)
- Ability to use `customItemPreviewIndex` for normal items too:

- y-script: Expose sell and buy cost (per item) to scripts; Example:
- y-script: Expose game difficulty in geoscape scripts
- y-script: Loop for all active items
- y-script: Loop for all active units

- Fix infinite loop in manufacture screen:
- Fix SoldierDiary KIA and MIA
- Fix ammo recovery bug in multi stage missions:

From OXC:
- Add relative data path:
- Fix DATADIR compile option:
- Add command line option to display openxcom version:
- Add better checking for empty/incomplete data dirs: multiple commits and merges


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Sander Bouwhuis on July 27, 2024, 06:28:34 pm
Thanks Meridian, you are a legend.  8)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on July 27, 2024, 07:56:27 pm
Thanks for the update.

- Soldier bonuses can now alter also `visibilityAtDay`, `psiVision` and `heatVision`:

Oh, I've been waiting for this for a long time! Thank you so much!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Mathel on July 28, 2024, 05:35:00 pm
If fatal wound values over 100 are relevant, then the unit has to have an absurd amount of HP.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on July 28, 2024, 05:46:57 pm
This was added to allow weapons that can have delayed kills, as old limit was arbitrary boosting it to max hp value have sense.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Yankes on August 24, 2024, 01:52:22 am
I pushed new OXCE 7.13.8, where focus was on new script capabilities:

One of highlights is:
* Graphic script hooks can check for special keys (like when you press `ALT` units change color)
* Graphic script hooks can now check if NV is enabled
* You can now easy iterate through all items of "editable" unit
* Script can define custom compile `const` values that are not limited in number like `var`
* You can get item `getAmmoQuantityMax`
* You can get map x,y,z size
* In stats bonuses you can access "normalized" stas, useful if mods have units stats 100+ and you can easy overflow higher powers in polynomial (values of stats are divided by 100).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on August 31, 2024, 12:27:51 pm
New OXCE v7.14 is up.

- Friendly unit custom markers (Alt+C):
  + shortcut for facing indicator changed from Alt to Ctrl+Alt:
- Open inventory of the soldier under the cursor (if possible):
- Option for 8+ craft in the interception window:
- Pre-mission inventory day/night indicator:
- Option to always show accuracy on crosshair:
- Shift + Build facility:
- Add currently worn armor to armor selection UI:
- Shift to select prev/next unit without centering on it:
- Center on landing UFO:
- Craft list reordering (RMB and Shift+RMB):
- Ground inventory paging display:
- Option to show unit slot in the inventory UI:

- Geoscape autosave frequency and slots:
- Unify removal from psi/gym training:
- Choice of Crash/Landing-Site in New Battle:
- Don't waste excess fuel:
- Draw only one facing/direction indicator for large units:
- Load a specific save by command line:
- Option to display score instead of funds in geoscape:
- Show UFO flight paths in debug mode

- Support for HWPs without fixed ammo + automated recovery of non-fixed ammo:
- Spawning weapons with loaded ammo:
- Cutscenes on geoscape events:
- Teach AI use proxy grenades:
- UFO "re-spawned" when mission site expires:
- Option to force percentageOutsideUfo on all missions:
- Negative events - remove items from storage:
- Zero-cost auto-researched topics support 'reenables':
- Global templates for new game/battle:
- Option to hide the (initial) weapon pile:
- Support for transfer times in manufacturing:
- Custom briefing for base defense missions:
- Option to infiltrate a random country in a region:
- requiredMaxStats for soldier transformations:
- Random soldier recruitment bonuses:
- Prevent accidentally selling quest items:

* Graphic script hooks can check for special keys (like when you press `ALT` units change color):
* Graphic script hooks can now check if NV is enabled
* You can now easy iterate through all items of "editable" unit
* Script can define custom compile `const` values that are not limited in number like `var`
* You can get item `getAmmoQuantityMax`
* You can get map x,y,z size
* In stats bonuses you can access "scaled" stas, useful if mods have units stats 100+ and you can easy overflow higher powers in polynomial (values of stats are divided by 100).

- Make swiching OpenGL more reliable:
- Fixed AI fetching grenades from inventory:
- Fixed some Debriefing/Recovery corner cases:
- Fix bug when loading old zip format

From OXC:
- Fixed AI not able to throw grenades on empty tiles:
- Windows XP 32bit github build (to be tested)
- Linux AppImage github build (to be tested)


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 04, 2024, 06:18:25 pm
- Linux AppImage github build (to be tested)

This has been tested (thanks to pedroterzero) successfully, and is now ready for public use.

Download link is available in the main OXCE download thread.

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ontherun on September 04, 2024, 07:28:51 pm
This has been tested (thanks to pedroterzero) successfully, and is now ready for public use.

Download link is available in the main OXCE download thread.

Hurrà! finally no more dependencies hell! Thanks :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on September 07, 2024, 12:45:52 pm
It seems my posts with regards to my successful 7.14 oxce xp 32-bit build are gone. Are they not acceptable?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: yergnoor on September 07, 2024, 01:09:54 pm
It seems my posts with regards to my successful 7.14 oxce xp 32-bit build are gone. Are they not acceptable?
Perhaps you mean those posts that were highlighted in a separate topic - ?  There they will be more accessible and will not get lost among messages on another topic.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: pedroterzero on September 07, 2024, 02:03:52 pm
Perhaps you mean those posts that were highlighted in a separate topic - ?  There they will be more accessible and will not get lost among messages on another topic.

Ah I did not know this. Thanks! Was afraid I offended someone somehow  :)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on September 10, 2024, 02:40:09 pm
Is there any way to swap the colors of enemies and neutrals displayed on the minimap? Where are these colors written?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 10, 2024, 03:12:10 pm
Is there any way to swap the colors of enemies and neutrals displayed on the minimap? Where are these colors written?

The colors come from the minimap resource file:

   //minimap sprite index:
   // * 0-2   : Xcom soldier
   // * 3-5   : Alien
   // * 6-8   : Civilian
   // * 9-11  : Item
   // * 12-23 : Xcom HWP
   // * 24-35 : Alien big terror unit(cyberdisk, ...)

PS: Neutral 2x2 units (which didn't exist in the original game) are using Xcom HWP indices (12-23) and are forcefully repainted red (red color comes from pathfinding red, which is defined by interface "battlescape", element "pathfinding", property "border" in interfaces.rul).
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on September 10, 2024, 07:07:25 pm
It's clear. And there are no control options where can change the display yet?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 10, 2024, 07:33:33 pm
It's clear. And there are no control options where can change the display yet?

I don't understand the question.

If you're asking whether you can change those sprites, then yes, SCANG.DAT sprites are moddable.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on September 10, 2024, 07:51:07 pm
I don't understand the question.

If you're asking whether you can change those sprites, then yes, SCANG.DAT sprites are moddable.

That's how I understood it. I was hoping for a "minimapSpriteIndex" option or something similar. I'll torment SCANG.DAT.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Slow on September 12, 2024, 08:11:44 am
Thanks for Appimage version, it's very convinient.  :D
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: LeftoverRemains on September 25, 2024, 05:04:41 am
I was curious, if I wanted to update the android version to be 7.14.1+, would I be able to just copy/paste into the android xcom directory folder using the nightly builds for PC?

Also, unlike the PC version of the options menu. I can't seem to find the "check for updates" tab in the android version.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 25, 2024, 09:29:59 am
I was curious, if I wanted to update the android version to be 7.14.1+, would I be able to just copy/paste into the android xcom directory folder using the nightly builds for PC?

(You'd be missing the most important part, the game executable file itself.)

Also, unlike the PC version of the options menu. I can't seem to find the "check for updates" tab in the android version.

Auto-updates are supported only on Windows.
(Linux, Mac, Android, etc. are not supported)
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: LeftoverRemains on September 26, 2024, 12:22:30 am
Oh ok, now I know, good thing I asked first.

How often do non-windows versions get updated?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on September 26, 2024, 09:03:46 am
How often do non-windows versions get updated?

With every release.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Akumati on October 01, 2024, 01:49:37 am
Hey there, just got extended working. The QoL is fantastic, thank you so much for the mod.

Only question I have is, what's with the numbers on the right in the equipment screen? 9/+6 for rifles on board? I think this is the only thing I'd like brought back to the OG way haha
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: psavola on October 01, 2024, 07:42:00 am
Only question I have is, what's with the numbers on the right in the equipment screen? 9/+6 for rifles on board? I think this is the only thing I'd like brought back to the OG way haha

Try disabling "Alternate craft equipment management" in Options - Advanced - OXCE - Basescape.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Akumati on October 02, 2024, 02:34:07 am
Try disabling "Alternate craft equipment management" in Options - Advanced - OXCE - Basescape.
That was it, thank you!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: LeftoverRemains on October 05, 2024, 12:18:48 pm
Is there a place to get older builds of the OXCE android apk, when I click the link for older android builds, it sends me to an error page.

I ask this due to Vigilo Confido not seeming to work on 7.14 for android , it keeps asking for xcoms directory and then crashes and resets.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Finnik on October 06, 2024, 11:11:07 pm
Don't you know what can push items in the inventory on battlescape start other than void InventoryState::onAutoequip(Action *)? I disabled it, but somehow from time to time the game decides to push some items into soldier UI by its own will
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 16, 2024, 02:02:40 pm
Is there a place to get older builds of the OXCE android apk, when I click the link for older android builds, it sends me to an error page.

Error page fixed in the meantime.

Don't you know what can push items in the inventory on battlescape start other than void InventoryState::onAutoequip(Action *)? I disabled it, but somehow from time to time the game decides to push some items into soldier UI by its own will

Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: LeftoverRemains on October 18, 2024, 09:40:29 am
Error page fixed in the meantime.

Thank you, although now I'm really turned around and unable to find the .Apk files vs only seeing the list of .exe files on the older builds page
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on October 18, 2024, 10:12:23 am
Thank you, although now I'm really turned around and unable to find the .Apk files vs only seeing the list of .exe files on the older builds page
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: LeftoverRemains on October 19, 2024, 09:05:25 pm
Oh lol... before, when I clicked on the first few I thought they were all gonna be .exe files or similar. That's why I was confused. Thank you again.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: ashugg on October 27, 2024, 10:44:57 pm
Oh lol... before, when I clicked on the first few I thought they were all gonna be .exe files or similar. That's why I was confused. Thank you again.

Yeah, you have to mouse over each of the files and look at the link that your browser (hopefully) shows down below or in a tooltip…

If the website is running on Apache 2.x (which I've assumed it is, because the directory listing has the sort links) the site admin can add "IndexOptions DescriptionWidth=*" for this directory so that the full filenames are shown by mod_autoindex.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 01, 2024, 05:35:00 pm
New OXCE v7.15 is up.

- Alt for facing indicator is back:
- R-click in Martial Training and Psi Training:
- Add hotkeys for moving unit up/down:
- Dogfight speed hotkeys:
- Open mods folder button:
- PgUp/PgDn to scroll lists:
- Quick search box shown by default (optional, Android):
- Prime Grenade UI hotkeys:

- Player option to disable thinking progress bar:
- Option to sort discovered topics in savefiles:
- Soldier Diary: preserve scroll, show by weapon first:
- Ability to access Diary (Light) from Inventory:
- No Experience Yet window on steroids:
- Crashed/Landed button option:
- Usain Bolt mode:
- "Vehicles lost" counter in Statistics UI:
- Experience Overview UI:
- Common/standard folder version check:

- Fractional performanceBonusFactor:
- Unhardcoded currency symbol:
- Increased itemTriggers scope:
- Ability to make pedia articles hidden from start:
- listOrder on Armor:
- listOrder on AlienRace:
- Power bonuses from firearm instead of ammo:
- Ufopedia armor background support:
- Random (weighted) unit built-in weapon sets:
- Soldier skills: check hands support for `battleType`:


- Fix crash on scaled attributes:
- Fix crash with alien race in New Battle:
- Consider country/region base func rules:
- Teach AI to divide by zero:
- Prevent transformations when not at base:

From OXC:
- Prevent counting units twice in escape missions:
- Fixed globeTrotter commendation:
- Missing marker name:


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator was updated.
Wiki ruleset reference was updated.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 02, 2024, 01:47:50 pm
Thanks for the update.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 07, 2024, 02:24:39 pm
As far as I remember, "damageRange" affects all damage in the game, but does it affect when defending a base from UFOs?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 07, 2024, 02:37:06 pm
As far as I remember, "damageRange" affects all damage in the game, but does it affect when defending a base from UFOs?

"damageRange" affects only items in the BattleScape.

GeoScape is not affected.
Damage range of base defense facilities is hardcoded to 50-150%
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Ethereal on November 07, 2024, 04:49:07 pm
Damage range of base defense facilities is hardcoded to 50-150%

Is it completely impossible to change this, or is there a chance?
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on November 07, 2024, 05:15:15 pm
Is it completely impossible to change this, or is there a chance?

It is possible to change it.
Nobody asked for it yet.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: TheQuinch on November 16, 2024, 04:22:07 am
More options! MORE OPTIONS!! MOOOORE!!!

In other words, thanks! The new features are cool!
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: on December 25, 2024, 11:14:08 pm
Hi can I ask if is possible to disable/adjsut  enemy base detection by x-com agents at the end of the month ?

I am trying some  variation for NORD TWOTS and i want to  player  research appropriate technology and detect enemy base by sending detection subs...

Thank you for reply ...
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Delian on December 26, 2024, 12:49:46 am
It's currently hardcoded ( at 20% chance per month.
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on December 28, 2024, 12:42:48 pm
New OXCE v8.0 is ready for public beta-testing.

- Changed from yaml-cpp to RapidYAML:

Download: removed, use OXCE v8.1 instead

Public Service Announcement

This is a beta version.
We expect issues.
If you are not interested in helping with beta testing, don't download this version.
If you do, BACK UP your saves!

This version is mainly for modders, to make their mods compatible with the new stricter YAML rules.
Migration guide:

As a player, you should be able to test the following major mods already:
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: on December 28, 2024, 07:54:11 pm
It's currently hardcoded ( at 20% chance per month.
Thank you for your reply ..
Is it possible to add custom parameter to "FirstBaseDetectionChance" Default : 20  ?

I am not sure how difficult is process of defining new parametr in rulesets , but it should help a bit
Title: Re: OXCE (OpenXcom Extended) main thread
Post by: Meridian on February 16, 2025, 02:36:26 pm
New OXCE v8.1 is up.

- Suppress redundant HK alerts:
- Suppress landing without equipment:
- Select next soldier by proximity:
- Undo last "dontReselect" soldier:
- "Equipped" filter in the Purchase UI:
- Insta-save (F6):
- Spend all TUs for everyone hotkey:
- Craft weapon icon M-click:

- MAJOR: Migrated from yaml-cpp to RapidYAML, quicker saving/loading, quicker game/mod startup:
- Improved ruleset load order:
- Always sort autosale items and discovered topics in savefiles:
- Test UI: Added invalid LoftID check (MCD check):
- Don't load empty personal equipment:
- Show negative item weight in ufopedia
- Draw floorobs also for items with negative weight:
- Alt craft equipment mgmt: check limits later to improve usability:
- Alt craft equipment mgmt: empty weapons should not steal ammunition from soldier's pocket:

- Repeatable research:
- Missile-crafts:
- Option to ignore living civilians:
- fuseTimerMin/Max for randomizedItems:
- Add unified ranks for Solders and Aliens:
- BREAKING CHANGE: Sniper spotting is now different than vanilla spotting:
- Random soldier bonuses on purchase/recruit:
- Vertical voxel offset for melee attacks:
- Craft weapon icon tooltip:
- Cosmetic ocean textures:
- Decouple UFO radius, visibility and blob size from UFO size:

- y-script: Add time passed from start of game:
- y-script: Expose BattleUnit's _unitRules:
- y-script: Expose _turnsLeftSpottedForSnipers:

OXCE Bugfixes:
- Fix debug mode CTD:
- Improve R-click armor equip:
- Workaround for grenade fuse hotkey:
- Unique element ID for the armor button:
- Fix "Purchase missing items" bypassing limits:
- Hide special psi weapon icon when unusable:
- Fix broken RNG seed on load (in a particular case):
- Fixed briefing text when using ctrl+B:

OXC Bugfixes:
- Fix weighted options handling and some other RNG quirks:
- Fix LocalizedText::arg (handling of text placeholders):
- Fix reserved TUs when opening doors:
- Prevent zero cost turn by canceling first step:
- Refresh current funds in Manufacturing UI:


Auto-update is available on Windows.

Ruleset validator ( was updated to v0.9.38.
Ruleset reference wiki ( was updated.