I pushed new OXCE 7.13.8, where focus was on new script capabilities:
https://github.com/MeridianOXC/OpenXcom/commits/fbcc460088ce102a23513a14775016b6c2454de4One of highlights is:
* Graphic script hooks can check for special keys (like when you press `ALT` units change color)
* Graphic script hooks can now check if NV is enabled
* You can now easy iterate through all items of "editable" unit
* Script can define custom compile `const` values that are not limited in number like `var`
* You can get item `getAmmoQuantityMax`
* You can get map x,y,z size
* In stats bonuses you can access "normalized" stas, useful if mods have units stats 100+ and you can easy overflow higher powers in polynomial (values of stats are divided by 100).