COpenXcom::Action | Container for all the information associated with a given user action, like mouse clicks, key presses, etc |
COpenXcom::AlienDeployment | Represents a specific type of Alien Deployment |
COpenXcom::AlienMission | Represents an ongoing alien mission |
COpenXcom::AlienRace | Represents a specific race "family", or a "main race" if you wish |
COpenXcom::AlienStrategy | Stores the information about alien strategy |
COpenXcom::Armor | Represents a specific type of armor |
►COpenXcom::ArticleDefinition | ArticleDefinition is the base class for all article types |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionArmor | ArticleDefinitionArmor defines articles for Armor, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionBaseFacility | ArticleDefinitionBaseFacility defines articles for base facilities, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionCraft | ArticleDefinitionCraft defines articles for craft, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionCraftWeapon | ArticleDefinitionCraftWeapon defines articles for craft weapons, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionItem | ArticleDefinitionItem defines articles for all Items, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionText | ArticleDefinitionText defines articles with only text, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionTextImage | ArticleDefinitionTextImage defines articles with text on the left and an image on the right side of the screen, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionUfo | ArticleDefinitionUfo defines articles for UFOs, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionVehicle | ArticleDefinitionVehicle defines articles for Vehicles, e.g |
COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionRect | |
COpenXcom::BaseFacility | Represents a base facility placed in a base |
COpenXcom::BattleAction | |
►COpenXcom::BattleAIState | This class is used by the BattleUnit AI |
COpenXcom::AlienBAIState | This class is used by the BattleUnit AI |
COpenXcom::CivilianBAIState | This is the intial AI state of units, walking around and looking for intruders |
COpenXcom::BattleItem | Represents a single item in the battlescape |
COpenXcom::BattlescapeGame | Battlescape game - the core game engine of the battlescape game |
COpenXcom::BattlescapeGenerator | A utility class that generates the initial battlescape data |
►COpenXcom::BattleState | This class sets the battlescape in a certain sub-state |
COpenXcom::DelayedSaveState | |
COpenXcom::ExplosionBState | Explosion state not only handles explosions, but also bullet impacts! Refactoring tip : ImpactBState |
COpenXcom::ProjectileFlyBState | A projectile state |
COpenXcom::UnitDieBState | State for dying units |
COpenXcom::UnitFallBState | State for falling units |
COpenXcom::UnitPanicBState | State for panicking units |
COpenXcom::UnitTurnBState | State for turning units |
COpenXcom::UnitWalkBState | State for walking units |
COpenXcom::BattleUnit | Represents a moving unit in the battlescape, player controlled or AI controlled it holds info about it's position, items carrying, stats, etc |
►Cbinary_function | |
COpenXcom::compareRule< T > | Compares rules based on their list orders |
COpenXcom::compareRule< Armor > | Armor uses the list order of their store item |
COpenXcom::compareRule< ArticleDefinition > | Ufopaedia articles use section and list order |
COpenXcom::compareRule< RuleCraftWeapon > | Craft weapons use the list order of their launcher item |
COpenXcom::compareSaveName | |
COpenXcom::compareSaveTimestamp | |
COpenXcom::Camera | Class handling camera movement, either by mouse or by events on the battlescape |
COpenXcom::City | Represents a city of the world |
COpenXcom::ColorReplace | Help class used for Surface::blitNShade |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< SurfaceType > | Helper class for handling implementation differences in different surfaces types Used in function ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< Nothing > | Implementation for not used arg |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< Scalar< T > > | Implementation for scalars types aka int , double , float |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< ShaderRepeat< Pixel > > | |
COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< PixelPtr, PixelRef > | |
►COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< ShaderBase< Pixel >::PixelPtr, ShaderBase< Pixel >::PixelRef > | |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< ShaderBase< Pixel > > | |
►COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< ShaderMove< Pixel >::PixelPtr, ShaderMove< Pixel >::PixelRef > | |
COpenXcom::helper::controler< ShaderMove< Pixel > > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionRect > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::DeploymentData > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::ItemSet > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionArea > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionWave > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionZone > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::Position > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::RuleSlot > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::TrajectoryWaypoint > | |
CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::UnitStats > | |
COpenXcom::Cord | |
COpenXcom::CordPolar | |
COpenXcom::Country | Represents a country that funds the player |
COpenXcom::CraftWeapon | Represents a craft weapon equipped by a craft |
COpenXcom::CraftWeaponProjectile | |
COpenXcom::DebriefingStat | |
COpenXcom::DeploymentData | |
COpenXcom::EntryCompare | Helper class to compare entries through pointers |
COpenXcom::EquipmentLayoutItem | Represents a soldier-equipment layout item which is used on the beginning of the Battlescape |
►Cexception | |
COpenXcom::Exception | Basic exception class to distinguish OpenXcom exceptions from the rest |
COpenXcom::Explosion | A class that represents an explosion animation |
COpenXcom::ExtraSounds | For adding a set of extra sound data to the game |
COpenXcom::ExtraSprites | For adding a set of extra sprite data to the game |
COpenXcom::ExtraStrings | For adding a set of extra strings to the game |
COpenXcom::FastLineClip | Fast line clip |
COpenXcom::Flc::Flc_t | |
Cfm_opl_channel | |
Cfm_opl_f | |
Cfm_opl_slot | |
COpenXcom::Font | Takes care of loading and storing each character in a sprite font |
COpenXcom::Game | The core of the game engine, manages the game's entire contents and structure |
COpenXcom::GameTime | Stores the current ingame time/date according to GMT |
COpenXcom::gmstream | MIDI stream |
COpenXcom::GraphButInfo | |
COpenXcom::GraphSubset | |
►Cifstream | |
►COpenXcom::CatFile | Subclass of std::ifstream to handle CAT files |
COpenXcom::GMCatFile | Subclass of CatFile to handle files that contain MIDI music streams |
COpenXcom::introSoundEffect | |
COpenXcom::ItemContainer | Represents the items contained by a certain entity, like base stores, craft equipment, etc |
COpenXcom::ItemSet | |
COpenXcom::Language | Contains strings used throughout the game for localization |
►COpenXcom::LanguagePlurality | This class is the interface used to find plural forms for the different languages |
COpenXcom::CyrillicPlurality | Plurality rules for Cyrillic languages (Russian, Ukranian, etc.) |
COpenXcom::CzechPlurality | Plurality rules for Czech and Slovak languages |
COpenXcom::NoSingular | Plurality rules where there is no singular |
COpenXcom::OneSingular | Default plurality rules |
COpenXcom::PolishPlurality | Plurality rules for the Polish language |
COpenXcom::RomanianPlurality | Plurality rules for Romanian and Moldavian languages |
COpenXcom::ZeroOneSingular | Plurality rules where 0 is also singular |
COpenXcom::LocalizedText | A string that is already translated |
COpenXcom::Logger | A basic logging and debugging class, prints output to stdout/files and can capture stack traces of fatal errors too |
COpenXcom::MapBlock | Represents a Terrain Map Block |
COpenXcom::MapData | MapData is the smallest piece of a Battlescape terrain, holding info about a certain object, wall, floor, .. |
COpenXcom::MapDataSet | Represents a Terrain Map Datafile |
COpenXcom::MCDPatch | An MCD data Patch |
COpenXcom::MinNodeCosts | Compares PathfindingNode pointers based on TU cost |
COpenXcom::MissionArea | Defines a rectangle in polar coordinates |
COpenXcom::MissionWave | Information about a mission wave |
COpenXcom::MissionZone | A zone (set of areas) on the globe |
►COpenXcom::Music | Container for music tracks |
COpenXcom::AdlibMusic | Container for Adlib music tracks |
COpenXcom::Node | Represents a node/spawnpoint in the battlescape, loaded from RMP files |
COpenXcom::helper::Nothing | This is empty argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::OpenGL | |
COpenXcom::OpenSetEntry | |
COpenXcom::OptionInfo | Helper class that ties metadata to particular options to help in serializing and stuff |
COpenXcom::output_status | Output status |
COpenXcom::Palette | Container for palettes (sets of 8bpp colors) |
COpenXcom::Pathfinding | A utility class that calculates the shortest path between two points on the battlescape map |
COpenXcom::PathfindingNode | A class that holds pathfinding info for a certain node on the map |
COpenXcom::PathfindingOpenSet | A class that holds references to the nodes to be examined in pathfinding |
COpenXcom::Polygon | Represents a polygon in the world map |
COpenXcom::Polyline | Represents a polyline in the world map |
COpenXcom::Position | Easy handling of X-Y-Z coordinates |
COpenXcom::Production | |
COpenXcom::Projectile | A class that represents a projectile |
COpenXcom::ReequipStat | |
COpenXcom::Region | Represents a region of the world |
COpenXcom::ResearchProject | Represent a ResearchProject Contain information about assigned scientist, time already spent and cost of the project |
►COpenXcom::ResourcePack | Packs of external game media |
COpenXcom::XcomResourcePack | Resource pack for the X-Com: UFO Defense game |
COpenXcom::RuleAlienMission | Stores fixed information about a mission type |
COpenXcom::RuleBaseFacility | Represents a specific type of base facility |
COpenXcom::RuleCountry | Represents a specific funding country |
COpenXcom::RuleCraft | Represents a specific type of craft |
COpenXcom::RuleCraftWeapon | Represents a specific type of craft weapon |
COpenXcom::RuleInventory | Represents a specific section of the inventory, containing information like available slots and screen position |
COpenXcom::RuleItem | Represents a specific type of item |
COpenXcom::RuleManufacture | Represents the information needed to manufacture an object |
COpenXcom::RuleRegion | Represents a specific region of the world |
COpenXcom::RuleResearch | Represents one research project |
COpenXcom::Ruleset | Set of rules and stats for a game |
COpenXcom::RuleSlot | |
COpenXcom::RuleSoldier | Represents the creation data for a specific type of unit |
COpenXcom::RuleTerrain | Represents a specific type of Battlescape Terrain |
COpenXcom::RuleUfo | Represents a specific type of UFO |
COpenXcom::SavedBattleGame | The battlescape data that gets written to disk when the game is saved |
COpenXcom::SavedGame | The game data that gets written to disk when the game is saved |
COpenXcom::SaveInfo | Container for savegame info displayed on listings |
COpenXcom::helper::Scalar< T > | This is scalar argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::Screen | A display screen, handles rendering onto the game window |
COpenXcom::seq | MIDI sequence |
►COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< Pixel > | This is surface argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::ShaderMove< Pixel > | |
►COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< const Pixel > | This is surface argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::ShaderRepeat< Pixel > | |
COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< const Uint8 > | This is surface argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< Uint8 > | This is surface argument to ShaderDraw |
COpenXcom::Soldier | Represents a soldier hired by the player |
COpenXcom::SoldierDeath | Stores info about a soldier's death |
COpenXcom::SoldierNamePool | Pool of soldier names to generate random names |
COpenXcom::Sound | Container for sound effects |
COpenXcom::soundInFile | |
COpenXcom::SoundSet | Container of a set of sounds |
COpenXcom::StandartShade | Help class used for Surface::blitNShade |
►COpenXcom::State | A game state that receives user input and reacts accordingly |
COpenXcom::AbandonGameState | Abandon Game window shown before quitting the game from the Geoscape |
COpenXcom::AbortMissionState | Screen which asks for confirmation to abort mission |
COpenXcom::ActionMenuState | Window that allows the player to select a battlescape action |
COpenXcom::AlienBaseState | Displays info on an alien base |
COpenXcom::AliensCrashState | Screen shown when all aliens died during a crash site |
COpenXcom::AlienTerrorState | Displays info on a terror site |
COpenXcom::AllocatePsiTrainingState | Screen shown monthly to allow changing soldiers currently in psi training |
►COpenXcom::ArticleState | UfopaediaArticle is the base class for all articles of various types |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateArmor | ArticleStateArmor has a caption, preview image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateBaseFacility | ArticleStateBaseFacility has a caption, text, preview image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateCraft | ArticleStateCraft has a caption, text, background image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateCraftWeapon | ArticleStateCraftWeapon has a caption, background image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateItem | ArticleStateItem has a caption, text, preview image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateText | ArticleStateText has only a caption and a text |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateTextImage | ArticleStateTextImage has a title, text block and a background image |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateUfo | ArticleStateUfo has a caption, text, preview image and a stats block |
COpenXcom::ArticleStateVehicle | ArticleStateVehicle hasa caption, text and a stats block |
COpenXcom::BaseDefenseState | Base Defense Screen for when ufos try to attack |
COpenXcom::BaseDestroyedState | Screen that allows the player to pick a target for a craft on the globe |
COpenXcom::BaseInfoState | Base Info screen that shows all the stats of a base from the Basescape |
COpenXcom::BaseNameState | Window used to input a name for a new base |
COpenXcom::BasescapeState | Basescape screen that shows a base's layout and lets the player manage their bases |
COpenXcom::BattlescapeState | Battlescape screen which shows the tactical battle |
COpenXcom::BriefingState | Briefing screen which displays info about a Crash Site mission |
►COpenXcom::BuildFacilitiesState | Window shown with all the facilities available to build |
COpenXcom::SelectStartFacilityState | Window shown with all the facilities available to build |
COpenXcom::BuildNewBaseState | Screen that allows the player to place a new base on the globe |
COpenXcom::CannotReequipState | Screen shown when there's not enough equipment to re-equip a craft after a mission |
COpenXcom::ConfirmCydoniaState | Screen that allows the player to pick a target for a craft on the globe |
COpenXcom::ConfirmDestinationState | Window that allows the player to confirm a craft's new destination |
COpenXcom::ConfirmLandingState | Window that allows the player to confirm a craft landing at its destination |
COpenXcom::ConfirmLoadState | Confirms loading a save with missing content |
COpenXcom::ConfirmNewBaseState | Screen that allows the player to confirm a new base on the globe |
COpenXcom::CraftArmorState | Select Armor screen that lets the player pick armor for the soldiers on the craft |
COpenXcom::CraftEquipmentState | Equipment screen that lets the player pick the equipment to carry on a craft |
COpenXcom::CraftErrorState | Window used to notify the player when an error occurs with a craft procedure |
COpenXcom::CraftInfoState | Craft Info screen that shows all the info of a specific craft |
COpenXcom::CraftPatrolState | Window displayed when a craft starts patrolling a waypoint |
COpenXcom::CraftSoldiersState | Select Squad screen that lets the player pick the soldiers to assign to a craft |
COpenXcom::CraftsState | Equip Craft screen that lets the player manage all the crafts in a base |
COpenXcom::CraftWeaponsState | Select Armament window for changing the weapon equipped on a craft |
COpenXcom::DebriefingState | Debriefing screen shown after a Battlescape mission that displays the results |
COpenXcom::DefeatState | Game Over Screens |
COpenXcom::DeleteGameState | Window used to confirm save game deletion |
COpenXcom::DismantleFacilityState | Window shown when the player tries to dismantle a facility |
COpenXcom::DogfightState | Shows a dogfight (interception) between a player craft and an UFO |
COpenXcom::ErrorMessageState | Generic window used to display error messages |
COpenXcom::FundingState | Funding screen accessible from the Geoscape that shows all the countries' funding |
COpenXcom::GeoscapeCraftState | Craft window that displays info about a specific craft out on the Geoscape |
COpenXcom::GeoscapeState | Geoscape screen which shows an overview of the world and lets the player manage the game |
COpenXcom::GraphsState | Graphs screen for displaying graphs of various monthly game data like activity and funding |
COpenXcom::InfoboxOKState | Notifies the player about things like soldiers going unconscious or dying from wounds |
COpenXcom::InfoboxState | Frame that briefly shows some info like : Yasuaki Okamoto Has Panicked |
COpenXcom::InterceptState | Intercept window that lets the player launch crafts into missions from the Geoscape |
COpenXcom::IntroState | Shows the intro cinematic |
COpenXcom::InventoryState | Screen which displays soldier's inventory |
COpenXcom::ItemsArrivingState | Items Arriving window that displays all the items that have arrived at bases |
►COpenXcom::ListGamesState | Base class for saved game screens which provides the common layout and listing |
COpenXcom::ListLoadState | Load Game screen for listing info on available saved games and loading them |
COpenXcom::ListSaveState | Save Game screen for listing info on available saved games and saving them |
COpenXcom::LoadGameState | Loads a saved game, with an optional message |
COpenXcom::LowFuelState | Window displayed when a craft starts running out of fuel (only has exactly enough to make it back to base) |
COpenXcom::MainMenuState | Main Menu window displayed when first starting the game |
COpenXcom::ManageAlienContainmentState | ManageAlienContainment screen that lets the player manage alien numbers in a particular base |
COpenXcom::ManufactureInfoState | Screen that allows changing of Production settings (assigned engineer, units to build) |
COpenXcom::ManufactureStartState | Screen which displays needed elements to start productions (items/required workshop state/cost to build a unit, ...) |
COpenXcom::ManufactureState | Manufacture screen that lets the player manage all the manufacturing operations of a base |
COpenXcom::MedikitState | The Medikit User Interface |
COpenXcom::MiniMapState | The MiniMap is a representation of a Battlescape map that allows you to see more of the map |
COpenXcom::MonthlyCostsState | Monthly Costs screen that displays all the maintenance costs of a particular base |
COpenXcom::MonthlyReportState | Report screen shown monthly to display changes in the player's performance and funding |
COpenXcom::MultipleTargetsState | Displays a list of possible targets |
COpenXcom::NewBattleState | New Battle that displays a list of options to configure a new standalone mission |
COpenXcom::NewGameState | New Game window that displays a list of possible difficulties for creating a saved game |
COpenXcom::NewManufactureListState | Screen which list possible productions |
COpenXcom::NewPossibleManufactureState | Window which inform the player of new possible manufacture projects |
COpenXcom::NewPossibleResearchState | Window which inform the player of new possible research projects |
COpenXcom::NewResearchListState | Window which displays possible research projects |
COpenXcom::NextTurnState | Screen which announces the next turn |
COpenXcom::NoContainmentState | Screen shown when there's not enough containment to capture a live alien after a mission |
►COpenXcom::OptionsBaseState | Options base state for common stuff across Options windows |
COpenXcom::OptionsAdvancedState | Options window that displays the advanced game settings |
COpenXcom::OptionsAudioState | Screen that lets the user configure various Audio options |
COpenXcom::OptionsBattlescapeState | Screen that lets the user configure various Battlescape options |
COpenXcom::OptionsControlsState | Controls screen which allows the user to customize the various key shortcuts in the game |
COpenXcom::OptionsGeoscapeState | Screen that lets the user configure various Geoscape options |
COpenXcom::OptionsModsState | Options window that displays the available mods |
COpenXcom::OptionsNoAudioState | Screen that indicates there is no audio available |
COpenXcom::OptionsVideoState | Screen that lets the user configure various Video options |
COpenXcom::OptionsConfirmState | Confirmation window when Display Options are changed |
COpenXcom::OptionsDefaultsState | Confirmation window when restoring the default game options |
COpenXcom::PauseState | Options window shown for loading/saving/quitting the game |
►COpenXcom::PlaceFacilityState | Window shown when the player tries to build a facility |
COpenXcom::PlaceStartFacilityState | Window shown when the player tries to build a facility |
COpenXcom::PlaceLiftState | Screen shown when the player has to place the access lift of a base |
COpenXcom::PrimeGrenadeState | Window that allows the player to set the timer of an explosive |
COpenXcom::ProductionCompleteState | Window used to notify the player when a production is completed |
COpenXcom::PromotionsState | Promotions screen that displays new soldier ranks |
COpenXcom::PsiTrainingState | Screen shown monthly when the player has psi labs available |
COpenXcom::PurchaseState | Purchase/Hire screen that lets the player buy new items for a base |
COpenXcom::PurchaseState | Purchase/Hire screen that lets the player buy new items for a base |
COpenXcom::ResearchCompleteState | Window which inform the player that a research project is finished |
COpenXcom::ResearchInfoState | Window which allows changing of the number of assigned scientist to a project |
COpenXcom::ResearchRequiredState | Window shown when the player researches a weapon before the respective clip |
COpenXcom::ResearchState | Research screen that lets the player manage all the researching operations of a base |
COpenXcom::SackSoldierState | Window shown when the player tries to sack a soldier |
COpenXcom::SaveGameState | Saves the current game, with an optional message |
COpenXcom::ScannerState | The Scanner User Interface |
COpenXcom::SelectDestinationState | Screen that allows the player to pick a target for a craft on the globe |
COpenXcom::SellState | Sell/Sack screen that lets the player sell any items in a particular base |
COpenXcom::SellState | Sell/Sack screen that lets the player sell any items in a particular base |
COpenXcom::SoldierArmorState | Select Armor window that allows changing of the armor equipped on a soldier |
COpenXcom::SoldierInfoState | Soldier Info screen that shows all the info of a specific soldier |
COpenXcom::SoldierMemorialState | Screen that shows all the soldiers that have died throughout the game |
COpenXcom::SoldiersState | Soldiers screen that lets the player manage all the soldiers in a base |
COpenXcom::StartState | Initializes the game and loads all required content |
COpenXcom::StoresState | Stores window that displays all the items currently stored in a base |
COpenXcom::TargetInfoState | Generic window used to display all the crafts targeting a certain point on the map |
COpenXcom::TestState | A state purely for testing game functionality |
COpenXcom::TransferBaseState | Window that lets the player pick the base to transfer items to |
COpenXcom::TransferConfirmState | Window to confirm a transfer between bases |
COpenXcom::TransferItemsState | Transfer screen that lets the player pick what items to transfer between bases |
COpenXcom::TransfersState | Transfers window that displays all the items currently in-transit to a base |
COpenXcom::UfoDetectedState | Displays info on a detected UFO |
COpenXcom::UfoLostState | Notifies the player when a targeted UFO goes outside radar range |
COpenXcom::UfopaediaSelectState | UfopaediaSelectState is the screen that lists articles of a given type |
COpenXcom::UfopaediaStartState | UfopaediaStartState is the screen that opens when clicking Ufopaedia button in Geoscape |
COpenXcom::UnitInfoState | Unit Info screen that shows all the info of a specific unit |
COpenXcom::VictoryState | Game Over Screens |
COpenXcom::StatString | For adding statStrings to the game |
COpenXcom::StatStringCondition | |
Cstruc_adlib_channels | |
Cstruc_instruments | |
Cstruc_sample | |
►COpenXcom::Surface | Element that is blit (rendered) onto the screen |
COpenXcom::Bar | Bar graphic that represents a certain value |
COpenXcom::BattlescapeMessage | Generic window used to display messages over the Battlescape map |
COpenXcom::Cursor | Mouse cursor that replaces the system cursor |
COpenXcom::FpsCounter | Counts the amount of frames each second and displays them in a NumberText surface |
COpenXcom::Frame | Fancy frame border thing used for windows and other elements |
►COpenXcom::InteractiveSurface | Surface that the user can interact with |
COpenXcom::ActionMenuItem | A class that represents a single box in the action popup menu on the battlescape |
COpenXcom::BaseView | Interactive view of a base |
COpenXcom::ComboBox | Text button with a list dropdown when pressed |
COpenXcom::Globe | Interactive globe view of the world |
►COpenXcom::ImageButton | Regular image that works like a button |
COpenXcom::ArrowButton | Button with an arrow on it |
COpenXcom::Inventory | Interactive view of an inventory |
COpenXcom::Map | Interactive map of the battlescape |
COpenXcom::MedikitButton | Helper class for the medikit button |
COpenXcom::MedikitView | Display a view of unit wounds |
COpenXcom::MiniBaseView | Mini view of a base |
COpenXcom::MiniMapView | MiniMapView is the class used to display the map in the MiniMapState |
COpenXcom::ScannerView | Displays a view of units movement |
COpenXcom::ScrollBar | Horizontal scrollbar control to select from a range of values |
COpenXcom::Slider | Horizontal slider control to select from a range of values |
►COpenXcom::TextButton | Coloured button with a text label |
COpenXcom::ToggleTextButton | |
COpenXcom::TextEdit | Editable version of Text |
COpenXcom::TextList | List of Text's split into columns |
COpenXcom::NumberText | Number digits displayed on the screen |
►COpenXcom::Text | Text string displayed on screen |
COpenXcom::MedikitTitle | Helper class for the medikit title |
COpenXcom::MedikitTxt | Helper class for the medikit value |
COpenXcom::UnitSprite | A class that renders a specific unit, given its render rules combining the right frames from the surfaceset |
COpenXcom::WarningMessage | Coloured box with text inside that fades out after it is displayed |
COpenXcom::Window | Box with a coloured border and custom background |
COpenXcom::SurfaceSet | Container of a set of surfaces |
►COpenXcom::Target | Base class for targets on the globe with a set of radian coordinates |
COpenXcom::AlienBase | Represents an alien base on the world |
COpenXcom::Base | Represents a player base on the globe |
►COpenXcom::MovingTarget | Base class for moving targets on the globe with a certain speed and destination |
COpenXcom::Craft | Represents a craft stored in a base |
COpenXcom::Ufo | Represents an alien UFO on the map |
COpenXcom::TerrorSite | Represents an alien terror site on the world |
COpenXcom::Waypoint | Represents a fixed waypoint on the world |
COpenXcom::Tile | Basic element of which a battle map is build |
COpenXcom::TileEngine | A utility class that modifies tile properties on a battlescape map |
COpenXcom::Timer | Timer used to run code in fixed intervals |
COpenXcom::track | MIDI track |
COpenXcom::TrajectoryWaypoint | Information for points on a UFO trajectory |
COpenXcom::Transfer | Represents an item transfer |
COpenXcom::Ufopaedia | This static class encapsulates all functions related to Ufopaedia for the game |
COpenXcom::UfoTrajectory | Holds information about a specific trajectory |
►Cunary_function | |
COpenXcom::callThink | Call AlienMission::think() with proper parameters |
COpenXcom::ClearAlienBase | Clears the alien base from supply missions that use it |
COpenXcom::ContainsPoint | Check if a point is contained in a region |
COpenXcom::DetectXCOMBase | Functor that attempt to detect an XCOM base |
COpenXcom::EqualCoordinates | Match a city based on coordinates |
COpenXcom::equalProduction | |
COpenXcom::expireCrashedUfo | Advance time for crashed UFOs |
COpenXcom::FindMarkedXCOMBase | Find an XCOM base in this region that is marked for retaliation |
COpenXcom::findRuleResearch | |
COpenXcom::GenerateSupplyMission | This class will attempt to generate a supply mission for a base |
COpenXcom::isCompleted | Functor to check for completed facilities |
COpenXcom::isMindShield | Functor to check for mind shield capability |
COpenXcom::MatchBaseCoordinates | Match a base from it's coordinates |
COpenXcom::matchById | |
COpenXcom::matchMissionID | Match AlienMission based on the unique ID |
COpenXcom::matchRegionAndType | Match a mission based on region and type |
COpenXcom::SetRetaliationTarget | Functor that marks an XCOM base for retaliation |
COpenXcom::Unit | Represents the static data for a unit that is generated on the battlescape, this includes: HWPs, aliens and civilians |
COpenXcom::UnitStats | This struct holds some plain unit attribute data together |
COpenXcom::UnsafePointerContainer | |
COpenXcom::Vehicle | Represents a vehicle (tanks etc.) kept in a craft |
COpenXcom::WeightedOptions | Holds pairs of relative weights and IDs |
COpenXcom::Zoom | |