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Modding => Released Mods => IDT Modding Hub => Topic started by: efrenespartano on October 09, 2018, 02:33:51 pm

Title: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: efrenespartano on October 09, 2018, 02:33:51 pm
The Great War of the Worlds 1914


The Great War of the Worlds 1914 v0.8 Slavyanka is now released! (

A bit of history about this mod (actually the first post, now outdated)
Hello everyone! Alinare and I are proud to show you the project we have been working on these months.

This mod is inspired by the science fiction classic, The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells as well as the great tabletop miniatures wargame All Quiet on the Martian Front (, with some references of this post (,2918.0.html).

We have many resources in which we work constantly, although at the moment we do not have a definitive version ready.

The story goes like this:

In 1896, an unexpected invasion of Mars destroys England, one of the most powerful nations on the planet.
The United States and France support the reconstruction of the country, forging especially strong ties with the USA. The Entente Cordiale was created in 1904, composed of these 3 countries.

In 1908, with the Tungunska event, alien ships fall in different parts of Siberia and in the next 2 years they fall all over the world, silent and far away from everyone. Beginning in 1911 they begin their large-scale attack simultaneously and much of the world is occupied. They corrupt every land they pass by, turning it in a purple wasteland devoid of life. After a hard war of attrition and bitter human defeats, the Martian advance begins to decline by the end of 1913 and finally in September 1914 it stops.

Humanity unites and the survivors create the Coalition of Nations, also called the Eighth Coalition. The Coalition creates a special multinational team to support the joint global effort in the War to End All Wars. This group is formed in the image and likeness of the veteran British Expeditionary Force and is called International Expeditionary Force.
You will be in charge of different types of tanks and airplanes of the time and you will use small arms that a rifleman in 1914 would equip.

Alinare is working on creating new images for the mod (the cover of the mod is his own), as well as new tanks, missions, German and French soldiers and Tier II Tesla weapons. I'm in charge of designing the Geoscape, new modified terrains, planes, Tier I weapons and the British and Americans. We are adapting some resources to create the iconic tripods, albeit on a small scale.

Likewise, I have almost ready a compilation of music for the soundtrack that will be great.

The images that you can see is just a very small sample of what this project is. Includes the British basic uniform, the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield MkIII service rifle and your transport, the Conqueror APC (many thanks to bulletdesigner and ohartenstein23 for allowing us to use it), some MkIV Tanks  and a couple of modified terrains. Special thanks to Solarius Scorch and Dioxine, for their brand new Village terrain and Tekamthi, for his modified Alien habitat terrain. Also Hobbes for his invaluable help with my questions about Geoscape editing.


An alternate history Total Conversion by the Inventorum Development Team
*efrenespartano: sprite & ruleset designer
*Hans Woofington: Sprite creator
*Luke83: map specialist
*Noah183: main debugging
*The Reaver of Darkness: support debugging, lore creator
*The Martian: sprite creator
*Thunder_andr: sprite creator
*wolwerin: sprite creator
*Fegelein: main debugging
*Ikhanad: lore creator

Special colaborators

*BlackStaff: Main French translator & support debugging
*Dauntless1942 Sprite creator
*Rclipse support ruleset
*Nathan Sprite creator, lore creator

Set in an alternate timeline where the Martians of the H.G. Wells masterpiece invaded Earth in 1896.
Swept by bacteria, the invasion came to an end just a couple of weeks after it started.
Humanity united and rebuilt and prepared for the worst. 12 years later, the mankind's worst nightmares came true. In 1908 the Martians launched a second invasion, this time more deadly.
Since they crash landed in Tungunska, their progress has been almost unstoppable.
From the Siberian tundra to the African jungle and the American Midwest, half of the world belongs to the Sons of Ares
What remains of the humanity united under the banner of the Coalition of Nations and have gone on the offensive.
Your unit is one of elite, formed with the best that the armies of the world have, the International Expeditionary Force.
The year is 1914.
This is the War to End All Wars.

Special Thanks to (in no particular order):

*Hobbes, his help is invaluable and always solves my questions about Geoscape & ruleset editing.
*bulletdesigner, for making the original Chimera map (now called Conqueror).
*Solarius Scorch and Dioxine, for their Village terrain, also kind words, inspiration and ruleset reference from their projects, The X-Com Files and X-Piratez.
*Meridian & Yankes, for making the wonderful OXCE and answering our many many questions.
*Tekamthi, for his modified Alien habitat terrain (modified and further expanded by Luke83).
*ohartenstein23, for his awesome tips, cool codes and constant help.
*ivandogovich, Anon011, TarzanCZ, davide, chaosshade, BlackStaff, SG_Barton, Hashirama015 & SquirrelofNukes for their kind comments and support.
*stosstruppen1918, sturmsoldat_des_kaisers & m_ww1_memes, ino_bartula, __robo__, scgex, mighty_mega_max, daniel_gautreaux and the one hundred followers for their huge support on social media
*130° División Blindada [130_L] efrenespartano's World of Tanks Blitz clan, for being our first beta testers.


*alinare: Artwork, Mutant Crusher, ideas & ruleset editing.
*Andr: Craft sprites plus ideas
*Anon: feedback support
*b1ackwolf: Modified Paperdoll human bodies (further modified from Solarius Scorch work), lore ideas
*BlackStaff: French translation, plus ideas & historic reference help
*Bootchicken48: New Sountrack plus feedback support
*Brain_322: Martian Slugthrower round sprite
*b__0: tiles for IDT_VILLAGE and IDT_FOREST terrains
*Civilian: Heat Ray weapons (modified)
*cubik2k: feedback support
*Cupon4uk: Template for Russian Weapons, feedback support and ideas
*Dauntless1942: new logo for the project
*drages: Bullet sprites
*efrenespartano: General artwork, spanish translation, vehicle, weapon and soldier sprites & ruleset editing
*Finnik: Whistle and Martian Launcher stats modifier script
*Fegelein: feedback support
*GoldenDragon: feedback support
*Hans Woofington: Template for all human uniforms and armors, British, French, American and German uniforms, Heat-Ray ammo sprites, art help and support
*Harald_Gray: Mechtoids (modified, used as template for Martian Powered Armors)
*HelloMiko: feedback support
*Hobbes: Tech-Comm reference plus help on the forums.
*Ikhanad: feedback support, Phlogiston plot, and ideas
*Luke83: All of the Martian Tripods, Martian Fleet, infested maps, Forest Rail, Trenches mapsets plus ideas & ruleset editing
*Nathan: Phlogiston plot, Phlogiston weapon sprites
*Noah183: Support debugging plus ideas
*Nord: craftWeapon Bombs fire sound
*MajorDerp16: feedback support
*memmaker: WEAPON_TYPE & Classes scripting
*ohartenstein23: Hand-to-hand combat, craft shields & crewed Turrets
*Rclipse: Martian Factions ruleset, plus feedback support
*Ryzenator: feedback support
*RusArtistSergo: feedback support plus ideas
*SideQuests: Triffids and Heay Ray bullet sprite
*Solarius Scorch: Celebrate Diversity, Ravager sprites, Cavalry Sabre, Recolored Alien Compilation, original Trenchcoat spritesheet (french uniform) & boxes
*Stosstruppen1918: general Historic reference and guide.
*StormRangerX: feedback support
*SupSuper: Original GeoIcons GlobeMarkers
*Tal'Raziid: feedback support, fix to Turrets' issues
*The Reaver of Darkness: Heat Ray weapons stats, Phlogiston plot, plus help with general balance.
*The Martian: Gun turret sprites mounted on Mech Walkers
*tollworkout: DeepAliens UFOs (selenite UFOs)
*Warboy: main debugging support
*wolwerin: Tea Flask, Bandages, Rifle Grenade, Martian Skirmirshers, Silacoid, Heat-Ray Batteries, Coilgun sprites plus ideas
How do I install this mod?


- Open your "user" folder
- Copy the entire TGWotW zip file to the "/mods" folder. You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.
(Instructions by Luke83)

- Open your "openxcom" folder inside the root of your Android device,
- Copy the entire TGWotW zip file to the "/mods" folder, You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.

Feel free to comment and make suggestions!  All help/feedback/kind words are always welcome.

Kameraden in arms

@stosstruppen1918 on Instagram! (

Join us in our social media!

Visit the TGWotW Channel on the IDT Server! (
Check the official wiki made by Noblebright! (

Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: ivandogovich on October 09, 2018, 08:02:04 pm
Wow!  What a cool project!  Great way to insert an Extra-terrestrial war into an old Historical timeframe.  Looking forward to more!
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Yankes on October 09, 2018, 09:30:05 pm
Image way of changing dynamically geoscape colors based on mission result. It will need lot of code to do but result could greatly fit this mod.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on October 09, 2018, 09:57:46 pm
I wish you good luck with developement of the mod! I'll be sure to play it once you have a release.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on October 09, 2018, 10:40:50 pm
Wow!  What a cool project!  Great way to insert an Extra-terrestrial war into an old Historical timeframe.  Looking forward to more!

Thanks, Ivan! We will releasing periodically new progress updates. ;D

Image way of changing dynamically geoscape colors based on mission result. It will need lot of code to do but result could greatly fit this mod.

Whoa, that would be definitely useful, Yankes. :0
Maybe could be a little easier a code that allows change the texture ID of an occupied country, as a result of a Martian Infiltration. I hope some code will be available soon. *is now on my wish list*

I wish you good luck with developement of the mod! I'll be sure to play it once you have a release.

Thanks for the nice words, Dioxine! We are working to prepare a playable alpha release soon. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on October 21, 2018, 01:03:25 pm
This looks very interesting, looking forward ard to trying this mod.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on October 21, 2018, 08:55:38 pm
This looks very interesting, looking forward ard to trying this mod.

Thank you, Luke! We are planning to add your pyramids very soon. We're glad you liked our project!

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Title: Tesla weapons
Post by: alinare on October 21, 2018, 09:00:25 pm
Hi all:
Here we include some screenshots of the Tesla armament, which will include the mod, provisionally tested in TEW, (The Endless War).

Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on October 21, 2018, 09:20:18 pm
Hi all:
Here we include some screenshots of the Tesla armament, which will include the mod, provisionally tested in TEW, (The Endless War).


Tesla weaponry are the Tier II in The Great War of the Worlds and reemplace the Laser weapons. Eventually we are going to include Tesla-powered armor and tanks and Tesla CraftWeapons.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Anon011 on October 23, 2018, 01:06:35 am
Great idea for a mod, would love to see more of it. I absolutely love the alternative world war 1 theme
Btw. might i suggest a few ideas?

First thing first I think it would be cool if the APC would get a re-color to distinguish it a little bit more from 40k version.

Secondly i know that in game year is 1914 but since the war with aliens has been going for quite some time it would be plausible to see some weapons that were used in World War 1 later on, such as for example "Fedorov Avtomat" or "Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917". Or maybe even M1918 BAR.

And the last thing, trenchcoats and bayonets, what a Great War would be without those after all.

Anyway, absolutly love the idea for the mod, good luck with it.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on October 23, 2018, 01:58:23 am
Great idea for a mod, would love to see more of it. I absolutely love the alternative world war 1 theme
Btw. might i suggest a few ideas?

I'm glad you liked. And of course, your suggestions are welcome.

First thing first I think it would be cool if the APC would get a re-color to distinguish it a little bit more from 40k version.

Ah, a tough one. Well, our greatest lack for both alinare and I are the MCD editing stuff. Eventually we are going to made some APC by ourselves, but until that, the 40k dev team kindly lend us their Chimera.

Secondly i know that in game year is 1914 but since the war with aliens has been going for quite some time it would be plausible to see some weapons that were used in World War 1 later on, such as for example "Fedorov Avtomat" or "Fusil Automatique Modèle 1917". Or maybe even M1918 BAR.

Seems that you read my mind! For the initial release we are going to include some weapons to start on. This is the complete list:

*Webley Automatic Revolver

*M1903 Springfield
*M93 Trench Gun

*Gewehr 98
*Mauser C96

*Lebel 1896
*Chauchat LMG

Plus some CQB weapons. I'm going to upload some images tomorrow. :)

Your suggestions sounds doable, maybe as a Tier I 1/2. I'm going to add with this Gun pack one of my fav WWI guns, proudly Mexican: The 1908 Mondragón.

And the last thing, trenchcoats and bayonets, what a Great War would be without those after all.

Anyway, absolutly love the idea for the mod, good luck with it.

These obviously couldn't be missing! Is what I'm doing right now. We are working in adding new damage types, one of them is the Black Dust, making a priority to research and equip your men with gas masks.

Talking about bayonets, only two of the starting four rifles are equipped with bayonets, the Lebel and the Gewehr 98. The SMLE MkIII and the Springfield are different, the first has a rapid fire almost as fast as a MG and the second has a integrated scope for long range combat.

Despite our little lack of news, we are constantly working on, keep tuned! :D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on October 24, 2018, 03:24:42 am
Hello everyone!

This are a few screenshots of the Tier 1 weapons and armor concepts, a British trench coat and a German field uniform, drawn by alinare.
The guns, in orden from left to right are:

Webley Revolver, SMLE MkIII, M1903 Springfield, Winchester Trench Gun, Gewehr 98, Mauser C96 and Lebel M1896. The soldier has a Chauchat.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on October 24, 2018, 11:39:54 am
Looks great. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 03, 2018, 12:51:25 pm
Hi everyone!

We present new developments:  8)

We have adapted the USOs of the Deep Aliens mod from tollworkout and we have added the first set of Heat Rays weapons, modified from an old Civilian mod. These are somewhat slow, but they do a lot of damage and will burn anything they touch. In the attached image, a soldier and a Mark IV tank have already been set on fire.

We continue with the incorporation of new nations and their national equipment. Here the official field uniform of the UK and Commonwealth troops. It is a tedious thing to edit the spritesheets of the armors by hand, if anyone knows of any way to edit them easily, we would be very grateful.  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Anon011 on November 04, 2018, 01:13:27 pm
It is a tedious thing to edit the spritesheets of the armors by hand, if anyone knows of any way to edit them easily, we would be very grateful.  ;D

Maybe have some armors sprites have gas masks and/or enclosed helmets. I know it will make soldiers look less diverse but on the other hand lessen the amount of work and time spent on copying faces to new armors, also makes sense from lore standpoint since most of earth is contaminated so it only makes sense that some kind of specialized force used to make incursions into contaminated areas wears gasmasks/breathing devices/enclosed helmets. I made two examples of enclosed helmet sprites for heavier armors.

Also just as some inspiration here you have some images.
Title: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 04, 2018, 08:12:15 pm
Looks great. Keep up the good work.

Thank you, TarzanCZ! We are open to new ideas and/or suggestions.

Maybe have some armors sprites have gas masks and/or enclosed helmets. I know it will make soldiers look less diverse but on the other hand lessen the amount of work and time spent on copying faces to new armors, also makes sense from lore standpoint since most of earth is contaminated so it only makes sense that some kind of specialized force used to make incursions into contaminated areas wears gasmasks/breathing devices/enclosed helmets. I made two examples of enclosed helmet sprites for heavier armors.

Also just as some inspiration here you have some images.

Yes, we have found some other spritesheets of the Men in Black and Gasmask mods that we are adapting into our ideas. Actually the Tier II armors include a gas mask to reduce the effects of the poisonous Black Smoke.

Your sprites look great and the photos you shared are really great. :D They are useful for Tier III armors.

The expected armor tech progress is

Tier I: Basic trench coat/uniform
Tier II: Trench coats with gas masks
Tier III: Heavy Armor plates made with asbestos
Tier IV: Powered Armor

This specialized force (and the equivalent to XCOM) is called the International Expeditionary Force and of course are going to have high risk missions.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on November 04, 2018, 09:53:55 pm
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 04, 2018, 09:58:39 pm
This thing reeks of oldschool tabletop fantasies, like Warzone or some parts of Warhammer 40000.
It's awesome.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on November 04, 2018, 10:51:26 pm
Well I think uniform would be more Tier 0, and gas mask + standard stormtrooper armor should be available from the start, or right after the start (at a price, tho). The higher tiers sound good.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Anon011 on November 05, 2018, 12:49:56 am
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.
That reminds me of good old Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. Oh the joy of mustard-gassing the whole enemy outpost just to charge in with your mercs equipped with bayoneted AKMs and grenades.

Nothing quite like it  8)
Title: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 05, 2018, 01:20:30 am
I think it would be interesting if you added chemical weapons, like mortar shells filled with mustard gas and so on.

Interesting! I haven't contemplate the potential effects of chemical warfare against the martians. Initially, we planned to only use Tripods, but with the inclusion of Martian infantry, this open the opportunity to gas those bastards.

This thing reeks of oldschool tabletop fantasies, like Warzone or some parts of Warhammer 40000.
It's awesome.

That's one of the purposes of this project! There is some tabletop wargame I've commented earlier, All Quiet on the Martian Front that would be great for a video game. Well, this is the adaptation of some concepts we liked. :)

Well I think uniform would be more Tier 0, and gas mask + standard stormtrooper armor should be available from the start, or right after the start (at a price, tho). The higher tiers sound good.

I agree with the Tier 0. About the initial gas masks, we have planned to add the horrors of the Black Smoke/Dust in the 2nd month (December, 1914), so you have to worry of dying for suffocation until that month. But a initial gas attacks with lowered intensity and a starting but crude gas mask sound like a good option!

If you want some initial heavy armor, maybe a bulky prototype (not made of asbestos, just simple iron) could be useful at the start of the game.

That reminds me of good old Jagged Alliance 2 1.13. Oh the joy of mustard-gassing the whole enemy outpost just to charge in with your mercs equipped with bayoneted AKMs and grenades.

Nothing quite like it  8)

I like how it sounds. (:<

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on November 05, 2018, 08:16:17 am
Since in the book is writen that the infantry weapons didnt do much to the tripods, it would be logical to implement martian infantry or some kind of crude improvised tier 1 tripods the aliens build after landing without such defensive capabilities. The player would then have to research some heavy weapons like howitzers (which would have to be manned (equiped instead of armor like it is in XPiratez) and use the primitive anti-tank weapons that already existed like Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. In case you would really implement martian infantry then they would need some 1910s scifi theme weapons, something like rayguns and death rays. I think that for martian units you could use waspite texture and lightly modify it. And one more idea, do you have a weapon that would replace blaster launcher? I remember when i was playing Ufo Afterlight there was a weapon called lightning ball thrower and such weapon would fit perfectly into tesla weapon tier. My best wishes
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 05, 2018, 11:35:50 pm
Since in the book is writen that the infantry weapons didnt do much to the tripods, it would be logical to implement martian infantry or some kind of crude improvised tier 1 tripods the aliens build after landing without such defensive capabilities. The player would then have to research some heavy weapons like howitzers (which would have to be manned (equiped instead of armor like it is in XPiratez) and use the primitive anti-tank weapons that already existed like Mauser 1918 T-Gewehr. In case you would really implement martian infantry then they would need some 1910s scifi theme weapons, something like rayguns and death rays. I think that for martian units you could use waspite texture and lightly modify it. And one more idea, do you have a weapon that would replace blaster launcher? I remember when i was playing Ufo Afterlight there was a weapon called lightning ball thrower and such weapon would fit perfectly into tesla weapon tier. My best wishes

There are really going to be Martian Infantry. We are working on modifying the Mechtoid race (made by harold_gray) and the Cerebreal race (made by Solarius Scorch) into the infantry. The Waspite is a really good option. Would you like to fight them from the beginning or like a end-game enemy?

There are going to be 4 HWPs available at the start, the British Mark IV, the French FT-17 Light tank, A7V of the German Empire and a new American Self Propelled Artillery. Further on the research tree you will get advanced tanks, some based on the chassis of these 4 tanks, some others very different. Definitely you will use a lot of tanks, alinare drew a lot of them. ;D

The T-Gewehr is going to be part of the Tier I 1/2, composed of late war weapons (like the Fedorov Avtomat, the Luger P08 Carbine, Mondragón M1903, M1918 BAR or the Flammenwerfer) made of Martian Metal, firing Martian Metal rounds.

The whole Martian army uses derivatives of the Heat Ray tech, like small arms and Tripod mounted guns, the humans could only adapt it to heavier weapons. Therefore is imposible to use a Heat Ray Rifle, but you can mount Heat Ray Air Cannons on your airplanes.

The Lighting Ball Thrower sounds cool. I'm going to check it with alinare, since he is in charge of the Tesla techs. :)

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on November 05, 2018, 11:52:27 pm
I think the alien infantry should be encountered early-game in large amounts becouse the late game aliens will be good equiped and they wouldnt risk theyre lives outside of tripods
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 06, 2018, 12:04:29 am
I think the alien infantry should be encountered early-game in large amounts becouse the late game aliens will be good equiped and they wouldnt risk theyre lives outside of tripods

I agree with the progressive use of Tripods. The first Tripods will be lighter. But I think that the martians should keep using infantry, maybe more mechanized. They will still use pistols and rifles even on the late game.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 06, 2018, 12:31:09 am
Will there be triffids in the mod? :P
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 06, 2018, 02:33:29 am
Will there be triffids in the mod? :P

Yes, that's right. They are going to be added, along with a new monster that alinare made.  :D

We have planned some "pest control" missions deep in the Martian Quarentine Zone including Triffids (the great model of SideQuests, IIRC you have added in The X-Com Files) and alinare's mutant.  ;D

I'm thinking about adding Selenites too, but I'm not sure.  ???
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on November 06, 2018, 10:17:15 am
If you want some initial heavy armor, maybe a bulky prototype (not made of asbestos, just simple iron) could be useful at the start of the game.

Well not really a prototype, but some of the standard stormtrooper armor used in the era. If it's 1914, it can be expensive since mass production did not kick off yet.

And gas mask can be balanced by giving penalties to reactions and firing, so a shrewd commander can ignore the risk of black gas in order to get better stats... to his doom.

Also since tanks are so small, what about a quite radical idea... make soldier sprites to-scale, down to 1/2 of current size? :)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: alinare on November 06, 2018, 05:33:56 pm
A couple of power-armor concepts, that have occurred to me and that could fit into The Great War of the Worlds.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 06, 2018, 08:35:36 pm
Well not really a prototype, but some of the standard stormtrooper armor used in the era. If it's 1914, it can be expensive since mass production did not kick off yet.

And gas mask can be balanced by giving penalties to reactions and firing, so a shrewd commander can ignore the risk of black gas in order to get better stats... to his doom.

Is a really nice idea! We will implement it.
Also since tanks are so small, what about a quite radical idea... make soldier sprites to-scale, down to 1/2 of current size? :)

Initially we thought it, but I'm not entirely sure about it, because I don't know if the game engine would display a smaller spritesheet correctly.

To justify the small size of the tanks, the story explains that these tanks are for one crew member and the larger ones (like the Conqueror APC) include more crew and heavier weapons. there is even a justification for the Tripods to be smaller, that these are like small mechs of a single crew member, more like battle suits. I'm experimenting with MapView to make an MCD of a larger Tripod, UFO sized, to make a transport of both the Martian Tripods and infantry. These can be attacked in the Geoscape as a normal UFO.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Solarius Scorch on November 06, 2018, 08:43:19 pm
The game should display smaller units just fine, as long as their height is at least... 6, I think. If it's less, then the origin point of the bullet is generated below the surface.
I know Otto Hartenstein tackled this problem with ultrasmall units, but I'm not sure if it was included in OXCE. Still, this does not really concern you, if you want to make the units only half as tall (which would be 11 for humans).
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on November 07, 2018, 09:39:25 am
Im super excited to see some screens from your progression again. Cant wait to play it.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Anon011 on November 07, 2018, 06:55:55 pm
Further on the research tree you will get advanced tanks, some based on the chassis of these 4 tanks, some others very different. Definitely you will use a lot of tanks, alinare drew a lot of them.
Cant wait for Tesla Tanks :D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 07, 2018, 07:44:37 pm
Cant wait for Tesla Tanks :D


This is the model we use as inspiration. Our model uses two Tesla Coils, instead of just one.

Is part of the Tier II tanks. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 02:55:50 am
Hello there!

This are the first steps into creating a new map. What Great War could be without trenches?

At the moment nothing else we have made two tilesets and it is necessary to recolor the craters taken from the Martian terrain.
If I remember correctly, it can be done with MCDEdit.

I'm still finding out how the routes work, but I'm confident that it will work out.  ;D

Special thanks to Hobbes, who explained to me (a while ago) how to edit all this.  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 09, 2018, 03:20:30 am
An idea for the trenches - you can make the ground start at 1 level higher then use something similar to the dirt fill blocks from the base defense terrain to fill in the level below and dig out some trenches from that. I tested doing this with some OXCE code to make it so that I could make a minimum of new map blocks, but you don't need the code if you're already making new map blocks.


Title: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 03:47:08 am
An idea for the trenches - you can make the ground start at 1 level higher then use something similar to the dirt fill blocks from the base defense terrain to fill in the level below and dig out some trenches from that. I tested doing this with some OXCE code to make it so that I could make a minimum of new map blocks, but you don't need the code if you're already making new map blocks.

Is a really good idea, Otto! I'm going to try to fill the base defense dirt in level 0 and the other stuff in level 1

I have a question: could be possible for a item (in this case, a trench shovel) to destroy a whole tile in a level below? So you can actually dig new trenches in mission. What damage and power will be required?

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 09, 2018, 04:12:55 am
I made a custom MCD for this - you need either 3 levels of the dirt fill object in either to have a side you can walk up and down into and out of it and peek out the other side, or have stairs and one object tile you can stand on and look out.

You can change the armor values of the tiles to balance it against the tile damage characteristics of your items. The little trench in the images I posted I made during the mission by digging with a heavy plasma.

Here, I'll attach the MCD so you can play with it a bit - it's in the TERRAIN folder of this WIP mod that I made to test the idea out.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 05:07:36 am
I made a custom MCD for this - you need either 3 levels of the dirt fill object in either to have a side you can walk up and down into and out of it and peek out the other side, or have stairs and one object tile you can stand on and look out.

You can change the armor values of the tiles to balance it against the tile damage characteristics of your items. The little trench in the images I posted I made during the mission by digging with a heavy plasma.

Here, I'll attach the MCD so you can play with it a bit - it's in the TERRAIN folder of this WIP mod that I made to test the idea out.

Excellent, thanks Otto! I'm going to try, soon I'll post further details. ;D

I think I'll put Farm stairs to get out of the trenches. The problem would be like leaving a trench created in mission. Or is it possible to get out of the trench you made as an example without any other stuff? ???

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 09, 2018, 05:27:38 am
Yes, the trench in the example shown in the images you can get out of by walking the opposite way the soldier is facing, but not directly forward. Units can walk up object tiles with a maximum of 10 voxels shift upwards - a full tile is 24 voxels, so I made 3 objects at heights of 8, 16, and 24 voxels with the dirt fill. I also made it so that the damaged version of each reduces it by 1 of those 3 levels, so you can cut yourself stairs as you dig the trench.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 06:01:01 am
Brilliant, Otto! *u*

How do you do that? Both the creation of custom objets and the custom damage rate.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on November 09, 2018, 10:58:31 am
I would not reccomend this for 2 reasons (other than amount of work required):
1) Major drag on performance.
2) AI loves to fall into holes it cannot get out from.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: ohartenstein23 on November 09, 2018, 03:28:55 pm
All I did is create a new terrain where the 'destroyed' version of each block is a shorter version of that block.

It won't produce a massive slowdown as it's adding only 1 z level, but getting AI units stuck is an issue - you'd have to make terrain destruction rare except for specialized digging tools and design your maps carefully.

Edit: As a starting point, you might consider just having a few missions with trenches in a custom terrain and make it so you can't dig more, preventing the player from making holes for the AI to fall into.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 04:39:07 pm
Taking in consideration what you suggested, Otto and Dioxine, I'll make a "standard" version without the extra level, to appear randomly on the Geoscape and a "deep" version, with the extra dirt level and deep trenches with stairs (so both your units and the martians could get in and out), but make impossible to dig new ones, to avoid the failing AI. This last will be used in certain missions. :)

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: davide on November 09, 2018, 06:02:20 pm
Perhaps you can also recover these maps:,2934.msg31987.html#msg31987 (,2934.msg31987.html#msg31987)

Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 09, 2018, 06:31:21 pm
Perhaps you can also recover these maps:,2934.msg31987.html#msg31987 (,2934.msg31987.html#msg31987)


Is a really beautiful map. Is the attachment in the post the required map files?

My map making skills are still very limited, but I'll see any potential use. I'll definitely use your barbed wire! Thanks for sharing, davide! ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: davide on November 09, 2018, 07:21:21 pm
A post exists,  with map package, I do not remember where it is.

It is possible that the attachments name is ""

In any case, those are tileset/maps scenario of ufo2000.

later I will upload here

Unfortunately, the maps lack nodes and ruleset.

I think  that script has to be defined by four map groups
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on November 10, 2018, 05:37:17 am
Im also playing around with Trenches ( just not for the same reason).
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 10, 2018, 05:55:17 pm
Im also playing around with Trenches ( just not for the same reason).

An awesome cave-trench!

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 12, 2018, 01:17:52 am
Today is a special day.


On the eleventh hour on the eleventh day on the eleventh month the bloodiest war ever fought finally came to the end. The Great War. On 11th November, 1918 the armistice between the Allies and the Central Powers finally put an end to four long years of pointless and futile death.

Since this project is based on the First World War, i think is pertinent to put this here.

Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: TarzanCZ on November 12, 2018, 10:45:13 am
We will never forget. :'(
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 14, 2018, 02:03:55 am
Hello everyone!

Here a couple of new mapblocks from the trenches, this time, from real deep trenches. A special thanks to Otto Hartenstein who helped me with some tips for designing them, as well as his Dirt terrain. They are covered with wood and sandbags inside and barbed wire outside, as in real life. I hope you like it, we will continue working. Stay tuned for new updates.  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: The Think Tank on November 15, 2018, 07:56:18 am
It looks very nice indeed! Looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 19, 2018, 03:30:24 pm
It looks very nice indeed! Looking forward to seeing more of this in the future.

Thank you for your support, The Think Tank!  ;D

After revealing and breaking my head several times, here the first operative version of the Trench terrain. We still need to do the Routes and find a good map script to balance the appearance of map blocks. The trenches work, although I am seriously thinking about redesigning them to make a more "universal" design and that they can be used in different angles. I will replace the sandbags (or at least, modify them) so they can be scalable.

I will be a little absent these days, I'm in final exams and I try to dedicate a little time to all my projects, like UNEXCOM, The Great War of the Worlds and my little collaboration with Hobbes mod, Tech-Comm. We will updating once in a while, this project isn't going to be inactive at all.

 Anyway, all of your questions or suggestions, alinare and I are happy to answer:)

P.D. I'm not sure how to make a "landing zone" for both the UFO and our craft. That's why the UFO has sandbags and barbed wire inside. Any help/tip is welcome:)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on November 21, 2018, 01:20:48 pm
P.D. I'm not sure how to make a "landing zone" for both the UFO and our craft. That's why the UFO has sandbags and barbed wire inside. Any help/tip is welcome:)

Landing Zone is made of Group 1 mapblocks.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on November 22, 2018, 11:20:39 am
just been playing around, the wheel sections is very ugly, i will see if i can make it any better at some point. I know its not exactly what you mentioned in the PM but its a start. Some BIGGER wheels would be better ( tried drawing some, did not work out so well) for now the tractor wheels will need to do. At some point i will play around with some tank tracks also, i think they will be better but maybe they would endup as a more advanced vehicle.

Also i love the UFO with the barb wire inside, i know its a accident but i t looks pretty cool anyway :)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 22, 2018, 12:03:50 pm
Landing Zone is made of Group 1 mapblocks.

Thank you, Dioxine! I'm going to fix it. :)

just been playing around, the wheel sections is very ugly, i will see if i can make it any better at some point. I know its not exactly what you mentioned in the PM but its a start. Some BIGGER wheels would be better ( tried drawing some, did not work out so well) for now the tractor wheels will need to do. At some point i will play around with some tank tracks also, i think they will be better but maybe they would endup as a more advanced vehicle.

Also i love the UFO with the barb wire inside, i know its a accident but i t looks pretty cool anyway :)

I like this transport! The upper roof reminds me the cargo bay of the ISA Intruders of Killzone. Actually, This could serve similar, assigning spawn points on the top to carry troops! With some turrets it will be even better.

I agree with you about tracks, but with wheels still looks badass.

Maybe you could use some tiles from the Triton's "tower" to resemble the Land Ironclad I showed you on PM.  ;)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 28, 2018, 04:48:07 pm
Hello there!

Alinare tested the portrait feature, this is the result. We are going to include the Tiny Ranks too.


The work on the new weapons is about 70% completed, we made a unique handOb for each weapon, so you could notice quickly what weapons are using your soldiers.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: alinare on November 29, 2018, 01:23:14 pm
New screenshots:
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: chaosshade on November 29, 2018, 08:19:30 pm
What... are those...?
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on November 29, 2018, 08:34:38 pm
New screenshots:

What... are those...?

Oh, my bad. Those are screenshots of the Martian Infantry. In order they are:

*Martian Line Infantry
*Martian Crusher

Their exact roles are yet to be specified, but the Line Infantry (basically the Mechtoid race) and the Cerebreal are going to be the most abundant enemy. The Triffids and Crushers are more like terror units.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on November 30, 2018, 11:20:36 am
What... are those...?
They are your new Nemesis  :P   Looking good mate.
Title: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on January 10, 2019, 05:30:05 am
After more than three weeks of being away from a PC (I spent almost all December in the family ranch), I was finally able to resume work on this project. ;D

 On this occasion, the showcase of German weapons and infantry. The German Empire makes a considerable effort in the Great War of the Worlds with its professional and able soldiers, the best in the European continent.


On the left, there is the Stormtroopers armor on the right, the imperial uniform, with and without an gas mask.

Below, both weapons Tiers, the Tier I is unlocked from the beginning and the Tier II is achieved after further investigation of weapons. The Stosstruppen and their equipment will not be available from the beginning, they are obtained with an investigation of Trench War Tactics. They are the best that Germany has to offer.

They are your new Nemesis  :P   Looking good mate.

Thank you, pal!

We have planned to continue the development of the playable beta, now we are going to focus on finishing the weapons and items, then the armors and the new Tripod that Luke83 made for this project. Expect further updates. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on January 28, 2019, 06:34:33 pm
With the help of SupSuper (who made the correct version of the Geo palette), Luke83, Meridian and ohartenstein23 (who answered my questions about this) we are one step forward to getting Red Weed on this project, just like the book.



Since Luke83 made an improved version of the Infested terrain, we are working to reemplace the old maps with his new mapsets with better quality. These will match the new Geoscape textures.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on January 28, 2019, 08:36:22 pm
Good to see you got the globe textures working, its looks really good.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on January 28, 2019, 10:09:08 pm
Good to see you got the globe textures working, its looks really good.

Yes! SupSuper made it, he was really fast.

Once I integrate your new Infested terrain, finish the Stoormtrooper/Medic reseach-transformation, the new weapon sounds and finish the recolor of the APC, I'll release the first beta version. :D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 01, 2019, 02:55:44 am
Hello there!

We are on the countdown to the first playable beta! Our plan is to release Mk I in two-three weeks.

As suggested by Anon011, we have changed the color of our Conqueror APC from green to gray. Now it has the iconic white-red-white bands of the British tanks too.


Thanks to the efforts of Luke83, we present you our new Infested lands: wasteland and city.

The new maps now look really infested, giving the terrain an alien appearance.

In both maps you can see two types of Martian redoubts, which you must assault to win the war. These Martian fortresses are heavily guarded and their capture will be a challenge.
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on February 01, 2019, 11:28:25 am
Terrain looks pretty good RED :)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 01, 2019, 02:30:35 pm
Terrain looks pretty good RED :)

Red is the new black. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on February 01, 2019, 05:32:49 pm
Your mod intrigues me.
I am curious and eager to be able to test it!  ;)
Congratulations for your work!
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 01, 2019, 06:15:58 pm
Your mod intrigues me.
I am curious and eager to be able to test it!  ;)
Congratulations for your work!

Thank you, BlackStaff!

You can try it soon. As always, feel free to ask/suggest new additions, weapons and content, we really appreciate it. ;D

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Title: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 05, 2019, 09:35:58 am
This time, the showcase of the American faction:

The US Army (the so-callled doughboys) is made with soldiers from all over North America, including what was left of the Mexican army after the Martians overrun their country. Since much of the US, Mexico and Canada is under Martian occupation, these soldiers are tough and brave, overcome all adversity to defend their homeland. While not all are career military, most have the experience of fighting against invaders since the beginning of the Great War of the Worlds.

Its initial armament composes a powerful and precise Springfield scoped rifle and an excellent Colt .45 pistol.

In Tier 2, an unstoppable Trench Gun, a powerful Browning Automatic Rifle and the Mexican weapon par excellence, the Mondragón rifle equipped with Martian Metal bayonet, able to slice through the Martian infantry armor as if it were made of butter


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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 08, 2019, 12:21:29 am
This time, the British Empire showcase!

The British army is highly professional, the vast majority of its officers and soldiers are career military. Composed of soldiers from all the nations of the empire: UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and India. It is a small and compact army, grouped mainly in the British Expeditionary Force and ANZAC. Their weapons are of high firing rate and even higher precision, achieved in part by the skill of the soldiers who use them.

Its initial weapons are the powerful and short-range Webley Auto Revolver and the superb Short Magazine Lee-Enfield MkIII, reconfigured to be feeded by removable magazines. It's so fast, that a skilled rifleman could shoot it as fast as a machine gun.

In Tier 2, it has the new Farquhar-Hill Self Loading Rifle, with a high rate of fire and a lot of ammunition available, although poor accuracy. His squadron support weapon is the Huot Automatic Rifle, modified version of a Canadian rifle. This LMG is very light, cheap and easy to handle, it is highly appreciated by the Commonwealth troops. Both weapons uses drum magazines, for its reliability and the ability to carry more ammunition than curved or straight mags.


Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on February 11, 2019, 03:22:15 am
Hi all!

I have been testing a new code written by ohartenstein23 (,6874.0.html) and I have tried to adapt it to the needs of my project. Some have suggested the introduction of the Lewis gun, a truly iconic WW1 weapon. This can be deployed in missions, occupies the space of a HWP and can be mounted and dismounted using a special tool.
I also plan to use a piece of mobile artillery using Otto's code, although I still have to analyze its operation well.
It is a really effective weapon, although in my tests, the gunner is usually unprotected and many times was the first to die.

Since a melee hit is needed to activate the turret, I was thinking of adding a specialWeapon to all the armors, in order to activate the turrets/artillery.

In the images, we can see an ambush of British troops to Martian patrols using the turret, in Trenches and Infested Urban terrain. I still need to define the Lewis own and particular sound and change some parameters, but I trust it works well.

A special thanks to Otto Hartenstein for his great codes and scripts, The Great War of the Worlds is better thanks to his work.  ;D
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on March 03, 2019, 08:30:26 pm
Hello, everyone!

The development of the project is still in progress. After a few days of intense work and debugging, we have ready the weapons and items of the project. Here a lot of screenshots of the tests (made on my Android device). I have implemented the Finnik scripts in a Whistle, which increases the TUs and the bravery of the soldiers.

We are still working on balancing the weapons.

Another important part of the project are the new Luke83's Walkers, which will be in the next version. We will upload more information about these war machines soon. :)

The release has been delayed a bit, to correct some bugs and crashes. It will

On the screenshots you can see:
1.- A british soldier wielding a MP-18 Bergmann SMG, equiped with Bandages, Painkillers, Dynamite and two mags.

2.- The UI of the Medikit.

3.- The Whistle in action!

4.- A soldier using a Trench Mace and Trench Shovel rushing a Martian soldier.

5.- Medic patching a fellow soldier.

6.- The Whistle!(

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on March 11, 2019, 04:30:02 pm
The Road to v0.1 Mk I

News update!

Last week, Luke 83 and I were working on the Tripods, one of the most important parts of the project. He made the maps and I the rulesets, plus some balancing.

We present to you two of the most abundant Walkers:

1.- Recon Walker Squad: team of three tripods, specialized in missions of deep recon and intel gathering. These are the Martian Fighting Machines that caused havoc in London in 1896.

2.- Assault Walker: tripod specialized in urban and close combat. Fast and small enough to pass between buildings with no problem of getting stuck. Its crew also use short-range weapons.

Keep tuned for further updates! (

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Solarius Scorch on March 11, 2019, 04:46:32 pm
They are too cute!
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on March 13, 2019, 07:31:45 pm
They are too cute!
I know! Luke83 made a superb work with them!

The Road to v0.1 Mk I

News update!

Can you imagine a WW1 without zeppelins? I can not!

The German Imperial Navy puts at your disposal the most effective airship design of the forces of humanity: L30 Airship.

 Belonging to the R-Class Super Zeppelin, it is capable of transporting a large arsenal, with hardpoints for machine guns, light cannons and bombs.

 It can transport a total of 12 soldiers (5 pilots and 7 infantry soldiers), its great autonomy allows it to be in the air for a long time.

You can face the Martian Fighting Machines without much trouble, but the small and agile Flying Machines will give you many problems.

I made a map quickly, in order to deploy soldiers. The boxes they see in the middle are the weapons and ammunition left by the zeppelin before returning to safer heights (the tile where the weapons are is right in the middle of the boxes).(

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Dioxine on March 14, 2019, 04:11:20 am
Why the Zepp on the picture has non-German markings?
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on March 14, 2019, 07:56:55 am
Why the Zepp on the picture has non-German markings?
Well, tecnically is part of the German Imperial Navy, but the Royal Navy also uses it (at least in the lore of the mod)

I'm thinking about changing the name of the craft to "R-Class Zeppelin", which could be more accurate, as L30 was a unique airship, not the whole class.

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on March 30, 2019, 06:04:19 pm
Hello there!

I have not had much time to work on mods, I was recently recommended a new job and between this and the school I have almost no free time.

I present two things to you: pilots! and aerial combat!

I'm still testing the weapons, but at least the Twin HMG and the 20mm Autocannon work wonders. The new starting interceptor, the SPAD XIII works very good too! I boosted it's real stats, because the original combat range sucks, it was almost useless. The Martian Flying Machines have shields, but enough concentrated fire will lower them.

I'm doing tests to balance the number of shields points with the protection of these against the various initial weapons.

On the other hand, I made a pilot paperdoll inspired by the allied pilots of BF1. It is not 100% accurate, but I liked it. Although I did not have time to sit down to work on a PC, I was able to advance something on my Android phone.

Using as a reference the work of Hobbes in TechComm and that of Solarius Scorch in The X-Com Files as well as the Bible-Ruleset Reference, I am slowly doing the missions of the campaign. I must admit that it is more complex than I expected, but I hope it is worth the delay caused by the campaign(

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: luke83 on April 07, 2019, 12:05:35 am

Last night was  the first night in over a month that i have had time to do any Mods, as such here is a sneak peak at the new Trenches maps that will be found in this great mod. Note: I have been building/testing these in my Factions mods so take no notice of the aliens and weapons used ::)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: SG_Barton on April 08, 2019, 07:29:38 am
Oh boy, I look at these cards, models, weapons, and units, and my mouth drools from all this. Can't wait to put paws there and play to the holes. :)
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 08, 2019, 09:43:00 am
Oh boy, I look at these cards, models, weapons, and units, and my mouth drools from all this. Can't wait to put paws there and play to the holes. :)
Thank you for such nice words, SG_Barton! ;D

Real life has distanced us a bit from modding, but I assure you that this project is still firmly in development. As is the usual in this forum, feel free to make suggestions, ask us questions and comments. We are pleased to answer them. :D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 09, 2019, 05:30:44 pm
The Road to v0.1 Mk I

News update!

I'm about to finish the new missionZones in America, Europe and Australia. By the moment, only that regions will be available to play. You can set your base anywhere, but you will lose all the action. Also I'm finishing some additional campaign missions I added.

Question: what are the use of missionZones 0, 1 & 2? I know that MZ 3 are for terror sites, MZ 4 for alien bases and MZ 5 for get in/out the atmosphere.(

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: chaosshade on April 09, 2019, 08:22:01 pm
I know your project is still mostly in the pre-alpha phase at this point, but how about a sneakpeek for those of us that like to scavenge resources?  I'd love to add some new aliens to my playthrough!
Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 10, 2019, 12:02:56 am
I know your project is still mostly in the pre-alpha phase at this point, but how about a sneakpeek for those of us that like to scavenge resources?  I'd love to add some new aliens to my playthrough!

Seems legit! Since a couple of weeks we have human weapons and martian weapons plus enemies functional, so it would not be difficult to separate those parts of the project and launch them separately. It would be useful to test and balance them, for the full release.

As soon as I finish my exams at the university (that is, tomorrow), I will launch an early-alpha test. ;)

P.S. My favorite thing about new mods is when they have new sprites, weapons and crafts. I like to scavenge too. ;D

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Title: Re: [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 14, 2019, 03:24:14 pm
I know your project is still mostly in the pre-alpha phase at this point, but how about a sneakpeek for those of us that like to scavenge resources?

At your suggestion chaosshade, TGWotW v0.1 Mk I Alpha ( in now released :D

I didn't delete all of the vanilla stuff, so (theorically) could be played with most mods. Please, check it out and see what do you like, all sprites all free to use! :)
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on April 14, 2019, 07:22:45 pm
 :)  :)  :)
Thank you very much !

The start is good.
It's very promising!
But the UFOpedia consultation causes game crashes if we try to read some articles!
I guess you know that, so I won't bother you with these mistakes.
I keep going and I'll try not to look at the UFOpedia!
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 14, 2019, 07:57:00 pm
:)  :)  :)
Thank you very much !

The start is good.
It's very promising!
But the UFOpedia consultation causes game crashes if we try to read some articles!
I guess you know that, so I won't bother you with these mistakes.
I keep going and I'll try not to look at the UFOpedia!
Thank you, BlackStaff, for being part of this project. :)

Oh, don't hesitate to give us feedback! Anything, from the major crash to the minor "I think this gun is OP" style suggestion is useful. ;D

What UFOPedia pages crashed?

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on April 14, 2019, 08:31:58 pm
Ok ! But don't be afraid....  ;)
I attach a file containing the different problems discovered at the beginning of the game!

Nota : I use with OXCE 5.3.2 (64bits) !
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on April 14, 2019, 09:10:27 pm
Ok ! But don't be afraid....  ;)
I attach a file containing the different problems discovered at the beginning of the game!

Nota : I use with OXCE 5.3.2 (64bits) !

Thank you, I'll fix them and release them a fix in the next days, plus additional content.

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Mrekalis on May 29, 2019, 10:33:47 pm
Not sure if this has already been posted, but has anyone seen this? I swear it relates:

Orchestral versions of the Geoscape theme have been done to death, but this one reminds me a great deal of the full-orchestra version of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds. It feels like it could easily be period-appropriate and I immediately thought of this mod.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on May 30, 2019, 04:40:54 am
Not sure if this has already been posted, but has anyone seen this? I swear it relates:

Orchestral versions of the Geoscape theme have been done to death, but this one reminds me a great deal of the full-orchestra version of Jeff Wayne's War of the Worlds. It feels like it could easily be period-appropriate and I immediately thought of this mod.
Wow. :0

It's amazing. It's a shame that there is only the Geoscape song. I'll definitely add this to the music of the project.

Thank you for sharing this, Mrekalis! ;D

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on June 03, 2019, 11:38:45 am
It seems I forgot to give you a graphic bug.
You may have already corrected it. In that case, my apologies!

The "Pilots" characters have "two heads" when they walk. And if we bring them to their knees, their legs disappear!
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on June 03, 2019, 04:49:52 pm

It seems I forgot to give you a graphic bug.
You may have already corrected it. In that case, my apologies!

The "Pilots" characters have "two heads" when they walk. And if we bring them to their knees, their legs disappear!

Hahaha hey, it's true. I'm going to fix it, thank you for the feedback, BlackStaff.

I just finished my semester at university, I'll restart work on my projects. Expect an update soon. :)

Any new ideas you may like to add to TGWotW?

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on June 03, 2019, 05:25:39 pm
Any new ideas you may like to add to TGWotW?
So far I can't see anything.
I admit that I didn't play for several weeks because I was on another game (modding) very different from XCom.
I'm waiting to see new planes and heavy equipment.
With the future version if you have removed the UFO stock objects that confuse me it will be easier....  ;)
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on June 03, 2019, 05:52:59 pm

So far I can't see anything.
I admit that I didn't play for several weeks because I was on another game (modding) very different from XCom.

Nice, send me more info via PM!

I'm waiting to see new planes and heavy equipment.

They are ready now, but I was waiting to finish the campaign (alienDeployments, etc) to release them. Mostly because its unfair to engage the vanilla UFOs using WW1 planes.

But heck, I'm going to release in a few days. I'll just rebalance the UFOs to adapt them to our airplanes.

With the future version if you have removed the UFO stock objects that confuse me it will be easier....  ;)

Consider it done. ;)

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on June 03, 2019, 06:02:30 pm
Sorry other little bug after research Ravager :
   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(Resources/MartianEnemy/MECHTOID/ufopedia_RAVAGER.gif): requested file not found.

   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite IMPROVED_METALURGIC_TECHNIQUES not found

Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on June 03, 2019, 06:03:33 pm
Sorry other little bug after research Ravager :
   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: FileRecord::at(Resources/MartianEnemy/MECHTOID/ufopedia_RAVAGER.gif): requested file not found.

   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: Sprite IMPROVED_METALURGIC_TECHNIQUES not found

Taking note!

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: BlackStaff on June 03, 2019, 07:04:54 pm
Any new ideas you may like to add to TGWotW?
French soldiers with the Lebel rifle (8mm)!
The best rifle in the world until the end of the WWI !   ;D
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on June 03, 2019, 08:02:21 pm
French soldiers with the Lebel rifle (8mm)!
The best rifle in the world until the end of the WWI !   ;D

Actually, I have planned to have a special release focused on the French. It will include 4 guns: Lebel rifle, Chauchat LMG, RSC 1917 and Ribeyrolles SMG. Plus another part of the campaign: Siege of Verdun, but this time, by the Martians. I have only the sprites for the Lebel and Chauchat, the last thing I was working before final exams was the French blue trench coat sprites

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: Hashirama015 on June 04, 2019, 02:00:43 am
Have you played resistance: fall of man? I think you can also get some few ideas in there just a suggestion. :) :D
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds
Post by: efrenespartano on June 04, 2019, 02:32:08 am
Have you played resistance: fall of man? I think you can also get some few ideas in there just a suggestion. :) :D
Resistance is one of my favorite sagas. *w*

Please, tell me about your ideas. I'm interested.

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on June 10, 2019, 05:42:04 pm
Hello there!

A new update of The Great War of the Worlds is ready

Download v0.3 Mk I now! (

*This is a major update.
*Added startingBase with mod items and vehicles.
*Added new types of Martian Fighting Machines (Battle, Siege, Harvester & Overlord Walkers).
*Modified UFO Scouts with characteristics of Flying Machines, for testing.
*Fixed bugs found by BlackStaff
*Added music as a complement.
*Special GeoIcons added for each vehicle, based on those made by SupSuper.
*Improved pilot suit. Now it has legs when your knee down!
*New Geoscape introduced with new maps, textures and countries. We are still working on the custom campaign, but by the moment, you can still fight vanilla aliens and modified UFOs.
*Added advanced weapons research and some misc UFOPedia pages (WIP). Just for testing, on the next update will be lock them to their respective research.
*Added missing strings.
*Added IDT intro. It tells the background story!
*Added new ranks & icons.
*Improved Mauser C96 and M1911 Colt bigObs. Now they have a better grip.
*Fixed some issues with Medikit IU. Click the red button to close your bag!
*Introducing crewable turrets. To use them, kneel down and click them with your bare hand. To leave them, just click again.

*Artillery/turrets included:
   - Lewis MG Turret

*Weapons Vehicles included:
   - Twin 20mm Autocannon (Land/Aircraft/Zeppelin) - 50 Rounds
   - QF 1 pdr. Pom Pom (Land/Zeppelin) - 35 Rounds
   - Twin Heavy MG (Aircraft/Zeppelin) - 200 Rounds

*Aircraft/Vehicles included:
Tier I:
   - Conqueror
   - R-Class Zeppelin

Download this soundtrack to give your campaign an epic touch! (

The images below were taken playing TGWotW v0.3 Mk I in a LG Stylus 3 using OXCE v5.5(

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: BlackStaff on June 11, 2019, 12:30:55 am
Thank you very much !  :)
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: SquirrelofNukes on June 11, 2019, 02:02:04 am
Wow. I won't be able to play it sadly, I have no patience to install OXCE on Linux, but I will keep a close eye here. I've been wanting to see this story in a game form for a long time now.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on June 11, 2019, 02:43:36 am
Thank you very much !  :)

Thank you too! Please let us know any issue. :)
We have not removed the vanilla content yet. It is very likely that in the next major update we will do it. ;)

Wow. I won't be able to play it sadly, I have no patience to install OXCE on Linux, but I will keep a close eye here. I've been wanting to see this story in a game form for a long time now.

Oh, it's a shame. Is that difficult to install on Linux? You could play on Android! Is what I do!

I know, The War of the Worlds is such a nice inspiration for a mod. There was some similar suggestion a few years ago, but no one take it. So we take it and adapt it. I'm glad you liked our work! Don't hesitate to ask for suggestions, the 99% found it's way into the mod.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 11, 2019, 04:43:15 am
Oh, it's a shame. Is that difficult to install on Linux?

Depends on the distribution you're using. Stoddard's build farm makes executables for Ubuntu that you install the exact same way Piratez and XCF are (extract and manually copy the original UFO/TFTD files). There are instructions available for getting the proper libraries too, so it's only really difficult if you need to compile from scratch.

At this point I'm running OXC/OXCE exclusively on linux - I had to make a virtual drive for creating a install instructions video for OXCE + the 40k mod.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: SquirrelofNukes on June 11, 2019, 05:18:04 am
Thank you too! Please let us know any issue. :)
We have not removed the vanilla content yet. It is very likely that in the next major update we will do it. ;)

Oh, it's a shame. Is that difficult to install on Linux? You could play on Android! Is what I do!

I know, The War of the Worlds is such a nice inspiration for a mod. There was some similar suggestion a few years ago, but no one take it. So we take it and adapt it. I'm glad you liked our work! Don't hesitate to ask for suggestions, the 99% found it's way into the mod.

It isn't difficult, more so tedious to find documentation, and I'm still new to many things about my distro (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS btw) so I'm just slightly confused and impatient. As for suggestions, I'm not super sure, but maybe make some specialized UFO missions that are redone so they are anti-tripod missions. For example, say the tripods can walk on water, and reprogram a few stats in the UFO detected screen so it looks like so. instead of UFO detected it could say Tripod Sighted. It'd be difficult, but the immersion would be amazing. An even more ambitious idea is to have a map that is an airship crash, which would be a special terror mission, and the briefing could explain a recent attack has taken down a civilian or military airship and that all martian forces around it need to be cleared in order to evacuate. I could go further but I don't wanna drown the thread in a giant paragraph...well bigger than this.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on June 11, 2019, 07:33:37 am

Depends on the distribution you're using. Stoddard's build farm makes executables for Ubuntu that you install the exact same way Piratez and XCF are (extract and manually copy the original UFO/TFTD files). There are instructions available for getting the proper libraries too, so it's only really difficult if you need to compile from scratch.

At this point I'm running OXC/OXCE exclusively on linux - I had to make a virtual drive for creating a install instructions video for OXCE + the 40k mod.

Hey, it sounds like a plan!
@SquirrelofNukes you could ask Ohartenstein23 for help.

BTW, so many thanks for the crewable turrets, Otto. A lot of our alpha testers liked them!

Any ETA on artillery strikes?

It isn't difficult, more so tedious to find documentation, and I'm still new to many things about my distro (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS btw) so I'm just slightly confused and impatient. As for suggestions, I'm not super sure, but maybe make some specialized UFO missions that are redone so they are anti-tripod missions.

Actually, I'm working on the campaign missions. I'm still kinda noob at mission creation, but they will be great.

Luke83, the map master of our team, has created some Martian bases that you must assault to push back the invaders.

For example, say the tripods can walk on water, and reprogram a few stats in the UFO detected screen so it looks like so. instead of UFO detected it could say Tripod Sighted. It'd be difficult, but the immersion would be amazing.

I think this could be easy. Just looking for the right string and then rename it. I'll search tomorrow. ;)

An even more ambitious idea is to have a map that is an airship crash, which would be a special terror mission, and the briefing could explain a recent attack has taken down a civilian or military airship and that all martian forces around it need to be cleared in order to evacuate. I could go further but I don't wanna drown the thread in a giant paragraph...well bigger than this.

Oh, please continue. Many great ideas come from our players!

Now, talking about the airship map... Well, the mission could be easy, but I have to ask Luke83 if he could made some kind of zeppelin map. ???

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: luke83 on June 11, 2019, 09:55:50 am

Now, talking about the airship map... Well, the mission could be easy, but I have to ask Luke83 if he could made some kind of zeppelin map. ???

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Maybe, after i finish my current project i will attempt to draw something, i am no artist but with i am sure i can come up with something  :P Plus i had my own ideas for something similar to zeppelins for Factions so maybe 2 birds one stone.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: ohartenstein23 on June 11, 2019, 02:20:17 pm
BTW, so many thanks for the crewable turrets, Otto. A lot of our alpha testers liked them!

Any ETA on artillery strikes?

I'm glad players are enjoying the crew-served weapons! I'm planning on making a few improvements to the script and ruleset since there were some TU recovery changes in OXCE.

The artillery strikes code needs to be cleaned up in light of more OXCE changes, but that's on hold right now for other code refactors and work that needed to happen on the 40k mod. I might have some time to look at it later this month, but no guarantee.
Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on June 11, 2019, 05:21:16 pm

Maybe, after i finish my current project i will attempt to draw something, i am no artist but with i am sure i can come up with something  Plus i had my own ideas for something similar to zeppelins for Factions so maybe 2 birds one stone.

Nice! We could even reemplace the R-Class Airship mapblock.

Yeah, I want a Zeppelin in OXC Factions too. 7u7

I'm glad players are enjoying the crew-served weapons! I'm planning on making a few improvements to the script and ruleset since there were some TU recovery changes in OXCE.

Cool beans! I have planned to add more turrets. Definitely some artillery batteries and even more MGs.

Question: does the turrets allow confSnap, confAimed, etc? I want to have some fixed gun with two ammo types at the same time.

The artillery strikes code needs to be cleaned up in light of more OXCE changes, but that's on hold right now for other code refactors and work that needed to happen on the 40k mod. I might have some time to look at it later this month, but no guarantee.

OH! I'm crossing my fingers. As soon as you publish the code I'm going to implement it. 7u7

After all, what Great War could be without trenches, gasmasks and artillery barrages?

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Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.3 Mk I Released now!
Post by: luke83 on June 13, 2019, 09:21:08 am
A sneak peak at a new UFO type to be used in The Great War of the Worlds ( and also in factions)

Title: Re: [TC] [WIP] [OXCE] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on June 25, 2019, 06:01:00 pm
Hello there!

A new update of The Great War of the Worlds is ready

Download v0.4 Mk I now! (

*This is a minor update.
*We have added 6 autoShots and 2 sprayWaypoints to Lewis MG Turret. Lewis Drum now has 48 rounds, this means that you could shoot 8 full auto volleys, aprox.
*Blackstaff kindly help us with the French translation and I made the Spanish translation. Is still WIP, further translations will be added in the next updates.
*Fixed map issues in No Man's Land and Martian Tripods by Luke83. The wrong tiles were fixed and many were improved.
*Fixed issue that made impossible to use QF 1-Pdr Pom Pom rounds. (Was STR_QF_1_PDR_POMPOM_30, the correct is STR_QF_1_PDR_POMPOM_X30)
*Fixed Line Infantry bugs, found by Luke83. Removed unnecessary resources.
*Many Strings were modified to better reflect the lore of the mod, suggested by

Instead of UFO detected it could say Tripod Sighted. It'd be difficult, but the immersion would be amazing.

In the screenshots below, taken with a LG Stylus 3 using OXCE v5.5, you can see the translated texts in French and Spanish and the new "Tripod Sighted" texts. Yeah, the Conqueror blew out the Martian Flying Machine. ;)(

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Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on July 20, 2019, 11:41:31 am
Hello there!

Time for a Faction showcase! Welcome the French Army!

The French soldiers are equipped with the old and reliable Lebel M1886, which includes a bayonet for close combat.  To provide firepower on the march, they use Chauchat light machine guns. They don't have a good reputation, but they serve a purpose.

In Tier 2, you have a precise semi-automatic rifle, the RSC M17. Also, a hybrid between a submachine gun, a carbine and automatic rifle, the Ribeyrolles. It uses a bipod to increase fire precision and a bayonet for melee combat. It's an Swiss Army knife!


As many of you already know, yesterday Sabaton (the swedish power metal band) ( released a new album: The Great War!

It's an excellent album, I highly recommend it. And on the occasion of the release of this album, in this days we will be releasing a new version of TGWotW, including of course, the French, as well as new weapons, planes, missions and the powerful new UFOs that Luke83 presented previously.

Stay tuned for further news. Don't forget to join us at the I.D.T. Discord server!
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: BlackStaff on July 20, 2019, 04:43:59 pm
Very nice ! Bravo !
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 22, 2019, 03:15:50 am
Work on the new update has resumed. University makes free time as valuable as gold. An interesting feature are the new Frontlines missions, *almost* historical recreations of famous battles of the Great War.

On this time, one of the constant assaults on the village of Fleury-devant-Douaumont, in the middle of the Battle of Verdun. This town was disputed by French and Germans more than 16 times!

The mission puts you in command of German soldiers, confronting French defensive forces. There is support from some allied NPCs who will help you on the conquest of Fleury.

There is, also a French mission located on Fort Vaux, during the initial German attack on the Battle of Verdun. You have to hold your position for 10 turns on the trenches and bunkers ahead of Fort Vaux. Here, the NPCs are French and the enemy is the German Army.

Also, new "Hidden Movement" screens are available!

Special thanks to BlackStaff for his help with the history background of this missions!

If you want to try this pre-update, and many other stuff before everyone else, join us at the IDT Server on Discord!


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Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: Thunderwing280 on August 23, 2019, 01:28:13 am
Wait so you added WW1 battle against other humans, but why? Surely the alien threat is more serious, or will you make a lore reason for the War?

Also have you seen the great war of the worlds mockumentary? I can link one in English if you want, it would be really good inspiration, for example the Martain metal and dark matter guns as described during the war in the mockumentary.
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 23, 2019, 02:34:01 am

Wait so you added WW1 battle against other humans, but why? Surely the alien threat is more serious, or will you make a lore reason for the War?

Hahaha yes, but those human vs human battles are separated. They aren't in the campaign, only in the battle generator. It's name is FRONTLINES, as a mock to BF1's Operations. 

One of the first things I wanted to do when we started this project a year ago was to have real WW1 battles. And to be honest, an human opponent is more equal to the player's troops. You know, they are as soft as us.

Martians are toughter and our initial weapons are somewhat ineffective. Against humans no. A shot or two is enough to put down an enemy.

Also have you seen the great war of the worlds mockumentary? I can link one in English if you want, it would be really good inspiration, for example the Martain metal and dark matter guns as described during the war in the mockumentary.

Do you mean The Great Martian War? Sure, that's one of my favorite mockumentary of all the time. If you pay attention to details, a few in-game screens have images of TGMW. Some references are from that movie, like the Martian Metal (and later, Dark Matter)

If you have a link for the full version, I'll be forever grateful, is been a long time since I saw it.

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Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: Thunderwing280 on August 23, 2019, 01:37:15 pm

Hahaha yes, but those human vs human battles are separated. They aren't in the campaign, only in the battle generator. It's name is FRONTLINES, as a mock to BF1's Operations. 

One of the first things I wanted to do when we started this project a year ago was to have real WW1 battles. And to be honest, an human opponent is more equal to the player's troops. You know, they are as soft as us.

Martians are toughter and our initial weapons are somewhat ineffective. Against humans no. A shot or two is enough to put down an enemy.

Do you mean The Great Martian War? Sure, that's one of my favorite mockumentary of all the time. If you pay attention to details, a few in-game screens have images of TGMW. Some references are from that movie, like the Martian Metal (and later, Dark Matter)

If you have a link for the full version, I'll be forever grateful, is been a long time since I saw it.

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Ok I see, here's a link that I used to watch it, it's not very high quality but it works.
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 23, 2019, 03:06:01 pm
Ok I see, here's a link that I used to watch it, it's not very high quality but it works.
Thanks a lot, Thunderwing280.

If there is any WW1 battle that you may like to see in the mod, let us know. ;)

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Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 29, 2019, 07:01:12 am
A new weapon joins the armory, this time is the semi-automatic rifle Selbstlader M1915 (based on the real life Mauser M1916, on the lore of the game, entered service a year earlier than in our timeline).

This rifle stands out for its precision at medium and long range, equipped with a Warner & Swasey Model 1913 Prismatic Musket Scope to increase the accuracy of the weapon.

However, it is terrible in closed combat, it should be avoided as much as possible to get close to the enemy. Its fire rate is just too slow. Pick your favorite melee weapon instead. ;)

This rifle will be available in the next published update and can be purchased along with the rest of the Tier 2 weapons via research.

It will also be used by the various NPCs in normal missions against Martian invaders and German enemies in Frontlines missions. :D

Also, some weaks to improve some weapons, like the Mondragón rifle and the BAR, both in sprites and stats. You can see the old version on the images, below the new sprites. Also, if your weapon has a bipod, if you knee down you have a great accuracy bonus (most LMGs have bipods, but also some automatic guns like the Ribeyrolles Automatic Carbine).

 Special thanks to Kzer-Za, we are implementing his updated non-random wounds script ( with many weapons and ammo. The melee weapons use the script, also high powered ammo. The K Bullets used by the whole Tier 2 weapons have better wounding capacity than the basic ammo of the Tier 1.

 Join us at our Discord, we publish some quick updates before the main Release is live on! ( ;D


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Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: BlackStaff on August 29, 2019, 11:59:41 am
Nice new sprites...  ;)

A new weapon joins the armory, this time is the semi-automatic rifle Selbstlader M1915 (based on the real life Mauser M1916, on the lore of the game, entered service a year earlier than in our timeline).
Ah !
New translations in preparation?  8)
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on August 30, 2019, 01:05:51 am
Nice new sprites...  ;)
Ah !
New translations in preparation?  8)

Thanks, mate!

Yeah!  8) I'm preparing a new translation file for you. But I want to rework all of the planned weapon War Codex entries (The new name of the UFOPedia) before send it to you, so you don't have to rewrite again and again everything. :D
Title: Re: [TC] [OXCE] [WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.4 Mk I Released now!
Post by: efrenespartano on September 04, 2019, 07:02:15 pm
A new update is ready now.

v.0.6.2 On Ne Passe Pas!

The new French update is here. Among several bugfixes, French soldiers are available for purchase, as well as their armament. Many issues from the preview posted on Discord a week ago, found by BlackStaff, SG_Barton and ? ? ?, were fixed. The full list of changes is on the changelog

The name of this update comes from the mythical order of General Robert Nivelle, "Ils ne passeront pas", 'They shall not pass' given to French soldiers defending the Fortified Zone of Verdun in 1916.

However, 'On ne passe pas' was used informally among the letters soldiers sent home, as a sign of courage and resistance.

In our alternate timeline, the Martians are besieging Verdun since Spring 1914 and a very important mission in the game campaign is to free Verdun from the claws of the invaders.

The new update is available to the public on the page available in the profile description, but we launched previews with previous content on our  Discord server! (

Special thanks to Luke83 for making and fixing all of the maps of the mod (and all of the maps of our projects), Hobbes for helping me solving some issues with the map generation of the three-stage Verdun mission and Warboy for helping me fixing issues related to Geoscape & BlackStaff for helping with historic references, the French translation and War Codex entries for the French weapons.


Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.2 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: BlackStaff on September 05, 2019, 02:03:34 pm
Thank you very much !

Il n'y a donc pas de nouvelles traductions à faire ?  ;)
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.2 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on September 05, 2019, 02:52:43 pm

Thank you very much !

Il n'y a donc pas de nouvelles traductions à faire ?  ;)

Hahaha there is a lot of new translations, but I want to include the extraStrings for the next update too (including new warplanes), that's why I'm taking so long. I'll send the file as soon as I finish it. ;)

Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.2 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on September 13, 2019, 12:13:36 am
Today is TGWotW Thursday!

For the past week we have been working on creating new terrains by mixing Trenches with other maps to give some variety. This time, Forest Trenches! In a collaborative work of me, Luke83 and with the help of Ohartenstein23 we were able to include new mapblocks via mapScripts. Let's remember that the No Man's Land mapblocks include a lower Dirt level that made it a little complex to mix with other mapsets.

Our intention is to modify some mapblocks of Trincheras to smooth their introduction in maps with grass, in the following days we will continue with this work.

Also, BlackStaff and I continue to improve the translations of the mod into French and Spanish to make it easier for French speakers and Spanish speakers to enjoy the mod.

Don't forget to join us at the Inventorum Development Team Server on Discord! We post updates there earlier and exclusive content!

Click here to go! (

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.2 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: MajorDerp16 on October 06, 2019, 02:46:27 pm
Hi, loving the mod so far, but iv encountered a bug that is crashing the game when a terror mission is triggered.

I have attached the save game that it is happening on, in hopes it helps you resolve the issue.
Many Thanks
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.2 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on October 06, 2019, 03:48:02 pm
Hi, MajorDerp16!

I'm glad you are enjoying our work. Thanks for the feedback, I'll fix it and release a patch on the next days.

Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on December 26, 2019, 07:38:21 am
A new update is ready now.

v.0.6.5 On Ne Passe Pas!

Actually, there have been some updates since the last post, but due to scheduling issues with real life, I couldn't post them in time. In this version and the closest one from 11 days ago, we have made several bug fixes and QoL changes, as well as two new weapons have arrived to the arsenal: the Signal Pistol, designed to light up dark areas in night missions and the Gas Grenade, to suffocate the Martian enemy. The maps announced some months ago are now in the mod too, Frontline Forest & Frontline Farm. A new organized map for the R-Class Airships is here too, with extra cover with the supply boxes.

On a day like today, 105 years ago, along the front line at WW1, German and British soldiers came out of their trenches in a ceasefire unprecedented in the Great War. Many exchanged souvenirs and personal items, others sang Christmas songs and some played football together. It would be the only Christmas truce, but not the only one. Throughout the war there were many more stories of soldiers fraternizing on the front.


Merry Christmas from the IDT!

Special thanks to our beta testers Tal'Raziid, Anon, MajorDerp16 & HelloMiko!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: BlackStaff on December 26, 2019, 12:08:28 pm
Thank you very much !  :)
Merry Christmas !  ;)
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: misterx on January 29, 2020, 10:36:28 am
Briefly tried 6.5, it's kina a prequel to unexcom, but even hardr! Hey i did not manage to assign pilots to class A ship, thugh i have recruited 20 of them (!!!) don't know, but here are screenshots along a seved game  :D

( ( ( (

( ( ( (

( ( ( (

( ( ( (

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 29, 2020, 06:45:31 pm
Briefly tried 6.5, it's kina a prequel to unexcom, but even hardr! Hey i did not manage to assign pilots to class A ship, thugh i have recruited 20 of them (!!!) don't know, but here are screenshots along a seved game  :D

Hey! I'm glad you are trying our mods! Hahaha well, you need to remove some soldiers from the R-Class Airship and put some pilots in. You need 5 pilots in order to pilot the Zeppelin!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
Post by: efrenespartano on January 31, 2020, 04:59:38 am
A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds v.0.6.6 On Ne Passe Pas! is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

*Updated to OXCE v6.3.4
*Fixed fatal crash related to Martian Rock Thrower
*Added new Military Ration item:
   - Tea Flask, by wolwerin
*New Bandages sprites, by wolwerin
*New SPAD XIII base sprite, drawn by Andr
*Corrected War Codex craft texts, by BlackStaff
*Updated French translation, by BlackStaff
*Updated Spanish translation
*Tweaked costBuy and costSell of many items (some were unavailable for purchase)
*New R-Class Airship map, now you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship
*Updated Medical and Military Rations items to the new OXCE syntax
*Broken Wine Bottle now has a limited clip (two uses), suggested by Bootchicken48
*Fixed Unarmed Melee Attack running out of ammo, found by Bootchicken48
*Added missing extraStrings, found by Bootchicken48
*Trench Gun now has automatic fire mode (IRL, the Trench Gun doesn't have trigger disconector)

This update was mostly a patchfix update. One of the biggest changes is the new R-Class Airship. Both on the War Codex entry and the Battlescape. Some players on the IDT Discord server reported that the former R-Class map was very exposed to enemy fire, specially on the first turn. On this brand new map, you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship, instead of the ground. And to bolster the offensive capabilities of the R-Class, two Lewis MG turrets are spawned on both sides of the main gondola. Useful to provide suppresion fire to the troops on the ground!

The map will be improved over the next days, the ladders and the bridge conecting both gondolas are currently unavailable for use.


Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: efrenespartano on February 16, 2020, 11:42:36 am
A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio  is alive now! (

This is more like a double update, because a patchfix was released shortly after the initial update. The main stuff on this update, is the introduction of the new faction, the Italians. At the moment, their unique research is locked, because a major redesign of the early game is incoming. A new Geoscape upgrade, new textures along brand new terrains, both made by us, the IDT and made by bulletdesigner. The uniform spritesheets are improved and now better match the inventory paperdoll. Many fixes and QoL improvements, even more French translations (made by our Special Collaborator BlackStaff). Also, the Martian Machines are now more powerful and durable (their shields double their resistance). The new R-Class map ladders and ropes are now usable. :D

Hint: the name of the update is a reference for the upcoming content.  ;)

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
16-February-2020: v0.7.1 Mk III Beta 'Tempesta d'Acciaio'
Changes made:
*New French translations, by BlackStaff
*Fixed issue with Terror Missions crashing on Geoscape, found by cubik2k
*Fixed issue with Italian uniform corpses (wrong sprites), found by Ikhanad
*Fixed issue related to missing routes on Martian Overlord Walker
*Now the Martian Walkers and Fleet ships have unique Interception Window (you can identify them easily during interceptions)
*Increased Martian Machines shield (now they are equal to the Machine HP, doubling its damage resistance)
*Fixed many War Codex entries, now they are locked behind their respective research
*Improved Spanish and English War Codex text entries (some were off screen)
*Fixed issue with Alien Supply mission (the assigned Supply ship was wrongly defined)
*Lewis and T-Gewehr turrets now have inventory image

13-February-2020: v0.7 Mk III Beta 'Tempesta d'Acciaio'
Changes made:
*Introduced memmaker's Weapon Proficiency based on Weapon Class. Now you will become better if you use certain weapon type
*New Coalition of Nations logo, drawn by Dauntless1942
*Added Italian Faction
* TIER 1
- Carcano M91 Carbine
- Beretta MAB14 SMG
* TIER 2
- Cei-Rigotti SLR
- Villar-Perosa SMG
*Added soldierType:
- Italian
*Fixed R-Class Zeppelin map, now the ropes and ladders are usable. Changed size of the map
*Improved Geoscape, new textures for Infested Forest, Infested Snowland, Alpine and Winter Forest textures
*Improved British, American & German uniform sprites, now their Battlescape sprites match their Inventory paperdolls
*New Trench Coat uniform for German troops
*Added 4 new maps made by members of the IDT (luke83, b__0, efrenespartano & Hans Woofington):
- Rural Settlement
- Rural Forest
- Snow Rural Settlement
- Snow Rural Forest
*Added 11 new terrains made by bulletdesigner:
- High Mountain
- Low Mountain
- Desert Mountain
- Mountain Pass
- Tropical Mountain
- Mountain Plateau
- Snow Plains
- Plains
- Steppe
- Rocky Plains
- Tropical Plains
*Fixed palette issues with Next Turn backgrounds
*New French translations, by BlackStaff
*New Spanish translations
*Added new Events, will randomly appear on the Geoscape, by Ikhanad & efrenespartano
*Tweaked some item costs
*Tweaked M1903 Springfield and Gewehr 98 stats, suggested by Bootchicken48
*Tweaked German Soldiers initial stats, suggested by Bootchicken48
*Fixed crash with Frontline missions
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: vadracas on March 28, 2020, 09:19:56 pm
Found a bug, I have no saved from the month in which it occurred, here is the log:

[28-03-2020_15-14-54]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[28-03-2020_15-14-54]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 4294967295) >= this->size() (which is 7)
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x5f0440 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform10stackTraceEPv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x5f14c0 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform9crashDumpEPvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x41c350 _Z15exceptionLoggerv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0xc558f0 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x91cf60 _ZN8OpenXcom12AlienMission5startERNS_4GameERKNS_5GlobeEj
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x70c4a0 _ZN8OpenXcom13DogfightState6updateEv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[28-03-2020_15-15-29]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 4294967295) >= this->size() (which is 7)
Log file: Z:/Users/asaberry/Desktop/Openxcom/xfiles/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description of how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)

This crash occurred while intercepting what appeared to be a perfectly normal small alien tripod with my r-class airship.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: efrenespartano on March 29, 2020, 06:13:53 am
Hi, vadracas! Thanks for the feedback!

What kind of Martian Machine was the one that crashed the game?

Next time you get the CTD, please attach the last autosave of the Geoscape you got, so I can be able to track down and fix the issue. ;D

Enviado desde mi LG-M400 mediante Tapatalk

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: vadracas on March 29, 2020, 12:30:44 pm
It was the three small UFO-shaped circles, don't think its name was in the UFOpedia. Attaching latest save-
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: Mitra Lightbringer on February 03, 2021, 01:31:54 pm
How's it going? You probably don't remember me from the forums, but I was very excited for both this and UNEXCOM.
Anyway, Verdun crashes my game. Attaching the save just before the battle.

Edit: I would also add, it's terribly difficult to get the Alien Fuel/Ellerium, and no ships actually carry it. I have even taken the very large ones. It's kinda boring using the same plane and zeppelin for the whole game. Maybe some new weapons, at least. Same with soldier armour.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: efrenespartano on February 03, 2021, 06:12:25 pm
How's it going? You probably don't remember me from the forums, but I was very excited for both this and UNEXCOM.

Howdy, Mitra! Of course I remember you, you were one of my first players.

Anyway, Verdun crashes my game. Attaching the save just before the battle.

Understood, I'll take a look. Thanks for the heads up!

Edit: I would also add, it's terribly difficult to get the Alien Fuel/Ellerium, and no ships actually carry it. I have even taken the very large ones.

Hum, that's a problem with the terrain file. I'll manually add alien fuel to the tripods and flying machines.

It's kinda boring using the same plane and zeppelin for the whole game. Maybe some new weapons, at least. Same with soldier armour.

Actually, we have been working on a major (really major) for a while, with many new crafts and weapons. This mod is on partial hiatus because we were focusing on UNEXCOM and some smaller mods.

Are you on our Discord server?
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on February 08, 2021, 10:40:42 pm
Nice mod. Had a fun evening with that cool WWI aesthetic. Really looking forward for its development, menaged to hook me up after megamods became a bit boring after so many playtroughts.

Siege of Verdun is supposed to be the end of the game? That is what happens when you complete this three-part mission. Save file - 1
Game crashes when airship reaches Siege of Verdun, because "skybox" is too low to allow this craft.

There is also an issue with walls and ceilings, particullary on snow maps and martian flying crafts. Despite looking solid, soldiers and aliens can cearly see, shoot and throw grenades trough.

And a few words about balance. Open field battles become really trivial with highly accurate rifles and shooting outside of soldier view range. Aliens can't reaction fire and such. Penalty for shoots outside of view range would solve this issue.

It doesn't seem like there is any penalty for shooting enemies at point blank range (outside accuracy penalty for long-range rifles that suffer it on close range, but nothing on top). "Evasion" mechanic for both parties would fit perfectly for true trench-warfare feeling. Simillar to the one found in popular megamods.

Aliens straight up die from one to two unarmed fist punches. Not only it is making melee weapons and bayonets obsolete, its also a bit annoying to capture anything without killing them.

That is all I found, truly great mod with a lot of potential.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: efrenespartano on February 23, 2021, 07:47:22 pm
Nice mod. Had a fun evening with that cool WWI aesthetic. Really looking forward for its development, menaged to hook me up after megamods became a bit boring after so many playtroughts.

Haha good to know that you like it! There are few WW1 games (or mods) over there, that's one of the reasons we started this.

Siege of Verdun is supposed to be the end of the game? That is what happens when you complete this three-part mission. Save file - 1
Game crashes when airship reaches Siege of Verdun, because "skybox" is too low to allow this craft.

Ah, thanks to let me know. I'll fix it. And actually, Siege of Verdun is the end of the first Act (we have planned to move the end of the game along the updates)

There is also an issue with walls and ceilings, particullary on snow maps and martian flying crafts. Despite looking solid, soldiers and aliens can cearly see, shoot and throw grenades trough.

On the to-do list!

And a few words about balance. Open field battles become really trivial with highly accurate rifles and shooting outside of soldier view range. Aliens can't reaction fire and such. Penalty for shoots outside of view range would solve this issue.

It doesn't seem like there is any penalty for shooting enemies at point blank range (outside accuracy penalty for long-range rifles that suffer it on close range, but nothing on top). "Evasion" mechanic for both parties would fit perfectly for true trench-warfare feeling. Simillar to the one found in popular megamods.

Aliens straight up die from one to two unarmed fist punches. Not only it is making melee weapons and bayonets obsolete, its also a bit annoying to capture anything without killing them.

That is all I found, truly great mod with a lot of potential.

I'll add Stun damage to the punch instead of melee. The rifles are currently OP because we started to make an overall balance based on "soldier classes". The Riflemen would be more proficient with bolt-actions and selfloadings than with shotguns or SMGs. Is still TBD, 'cause right now i'm not much fond of following that.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: Tchey on October 04, 2021, 05:24:21 pm

Is this mod "done" ?
Sleeping ?
Still being updated but somewhere hidden from ?

I ask because
Released Jan 29th, 2020 (updated 301d ago)

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio
Post by: efrenespartano on October 07, 2021, 08:54:58 am

Is this mod "done" ?
Sleeping ?
Still being updated but somewhere hidden from ?

I ask because

You can play and finish it, buuuut is not anywhere done. Not yet, at least. We have been slowly working on a big update since May, but is still on the oven. It's basically a major rework, so practically we are making a whole new mod (and that takes a bit of time).

But this is not dead, no worries. Feel free to ask for additions you want on the mod either here or in the Discord server! :D
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on July 29, 2022, 03:56:55 am
The Great War of the Worlds 1914 is not dead!

Slow and steady, work is ongoing. I estimate around 70% of work is done for the next update, basically a rework of everything. Tons of new weapons, new Martian enemies, new UI, new sprites, expanded story and several endings planned.

The page is temporably hidden because the old version wasn't compatible with newer OXCE builds. Feel free to check our work in GitHub, any feedback is very appreciated!

See you in the frontlines!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on December 12, 2022, 01:09:52 am
Oi, mates!

A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds 1914 v0.8 Slavyanka is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
10-December-2022: 0.8 Mk. IV 'Slavyanka'
Changes made:
*Updated to latest OXCE version v7.8
*Vastly improved and expanded tech tree
- Phlogiston plot by Ikhanad, Nathan and The Reaver of Darkness
*Lots of new lore entries, written by efrenespartano, RusArtistSergo, b1ackwolf, Abiko, Fegelein, Kael Schwabauer, MitraLightbringer
*Two new Endings, each obtainable by interrogating certain Martian ranks
*Major UI redesign, new HUD and GlobeMarkers by efrenespartano and interface colors, with support of Bootchicken48
*37 new human weapons, sprites by efrenespartano, wolwerin, Nathan & Cupon4uk
*Two new human weapon techs: Phlogiston and Tesla
*Ammo resprite script, all weapons dynamically change the sprite based on the ammo loaded, by Filip-H
*Weapons are now locked behind Faction research, pick one and stick with one for all the campaign
*Complete redesign of Martian infantry units; ruleset by Rclipse, sprites by Harold_Gray, wolwerin, The Martian & The Reaver of Darkness
*22 new crafts:
- 8 Hunters/Scouts
- 6 Attackers/Bombers
- 1 Airship
- 5 Mech Walkers, gun turrets by The Martian
- 2 Ground March
*27 new craft weapons:
- 3 Offensive MGs
- 3 Defensive MGs
- 3 Cannons
- 3 Autocannons
- 4 Rockets
- 3 Craft Heat-Ray
- 3 Vehicle Guns
- 5 Auxiliary Units
*Improved Heat-Ray War Codex entries.
*K-MM armor-piercing rounds available for all human weapons
*Major ruleset organization rework
*Martian Pyramids available in campaign
*Martian Machines now have Heat-Ray turrets in Battlescape
*Redesigned Heat-Ray weapons, two new Martian weapons by efrenespartano & Hans Woofington in Battlescape

Official Wiki made by noblebright can be found here! (

This thematic update seeks to complete the current storyline, where the human armies must attack the heart of the Martian invasion: Siberia. A major visual and technical overhaul, including but not limited to new handmade sprites and corrected issues. We consider this a whole new game! More dieselpunk vibes are present in the game, with brand new vehicles (the Mech Walkers stand for their several skins available for the players) and an expanded tech tree. Compared to the previous versions, the Martian units now include their own sprites. Vanilla enemies are no longer in the mod!

The next update will include the widely known layered paperdoll system and brand new armors, made by me and Hans Woofington.

Ultimately, we hope you enjoy this update. It took us more than two years of work to get it done, but there is still work ahead. Keep tuned for more updates!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: The Martian on December 14, 2022, 12:25:18 pm

Keep up the great work. (
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: Scamps on December 16, 2022, 01:56:30 pm
A tiny bug report. Starting zeppelin crashes on preview. The thing is just too big  :)
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on December 17, 2022, 07:25:34 pm

Keep up the great work. (


Thanks for the kind comments! It makes me happy to see support for this old mod. It took us like forever to get the update done.

A tiny bug report. Starting zeppelin crashes on preview. The thing is just too big  :)

Oh! Gotta fix that. Thank you for the feedback.  :D
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: BRBonobo on February 15, 2023, 10:21:05 am
Hi. I've just started playing this mod pack and enjoying it immensely, but I can't figure out how to work the stationary "Maxim MG Turret." It always has 0 time units. Does anyone know, do I need to load ammo into it, does it need to be manned, how do I do that?
Thanks so much.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on February 17, 2023, 05:32:55 pm
Hello! Thanks for playing, I'm glad you're enjoying the experience.

Manning turrets it's easier than it seems: you just need to get a soldier in front of the Maxim turret. Then, knee down and click either a bare hand or the purple Punch action button.

Each turn, the TUs of the soldier will be transferred to the Maxim gun, so you can shoot it. You can reload it like any other weapon, btw.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: smll on March 23, 2023, 07:38:10 am
Hello. I would like to ask how can i crew an airship with pilots? I can easily crew landship with them. The airship selection screen is just blank.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: JustTheDude/CABSHEP on March 30, 2023, 08:31:48 pm
Are you sure you have pilots assigned to this craft (alongside other soldiers)? You can only assign pilots that are in the craft.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on March 31, 2023, 07:11:07 pm
Hello. I would like to ask how can i crew an airship with pilots? I can easily crew landship with them. The airship selection screen is just blank.

Howdy! You require 5 pilots for the C-Class Airship, you need to add them to the crew like any other craft. The game automatically detects the pilots, you don't need to worry to manually select them.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: smll on April 02, 2023, 01:45:56 pm
Are you sure you have pilots assigned to this craft (alongside other soldiers)? You can only assign pilots that are in the craft.

Thank you.. This helped me.   :)
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: GrooveCrusader on June 30, 2023, 05:10:49 pm
Excellent mod, really loving what little I've played so far.

Though I have come across an issue (or its just a case of my own stupidity hopefully haha) But I can't seem to equip any craft weaponry onto the C-Class ships, yet the starting one has those weapons I'm trying to equip on the newly bought ones... Is this a bug or am I simply missing something obvious? Not the first time its happened to me before!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on June 30, 2023, 05:58:21 pm
Excellent mod, really loving what little I've played so far.

Howdy! Thanks for playing, it makes me happy to know you're enjoying your campaign.

Is this a bug or am I simply missing something obvious? Not the first time its happened to me before!

It's a bug! IIRC it was already solved, although the next update will take up a bit longer than expected due the radical changes in the personal armor system we're trying to implement. Too many sprites to draw haha.

Thanks for your feedback!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: GrooveCrusader on July 08, 2023, 12:43:52 pm
Thats really good to hear, I absolutely love settings that are akin/based on war of the worlds and this mod certainly scratches that itch, I look forward to playing it again when I can finally arm the blimps properly to actually fight the aliens properly ;D
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: GumChewer on August 22, 2023, 02:11:51 pm
I agree with GrooveCrusader, a nice mod!
And, the same as for Unexcom:
Is there any further background music/sound recommendation apart from the submod/soundtrack?
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: EleriumWard on October 18, 2023, 02:40:49 am
Good morning. I would like to ask for your assistance. I came across an error while playing the latest version of The Great War of the Worlds. I have attached my save file and a picture of the error. Hoping for your swift response. THank you.

Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
Post by: efrenespartano on December 17, 2023, 06:07:55 am
I agree with GrooveCrusader, a nice mod!
And, the same as for Unexcom:
Is there any further background music/sound recommendation apart from the submod/soundtrack?

Unfortunately, none so far. I was working on a small soundtrack submod using Hearts of Iron tracks, but it was lost on the time.

Good morning. I would like to ask for your assistance. I came across an error while playing the latest version of The Great War of the Worlds. I have attached my save file and a picture of the error. Hoping for your swift response. THank you.

Sorry for the delay, i was away from the forums. I usually reply on Discord, tho.
The issue is being worked on with the help of a new dev, Kiro Xei. Hopefully it will be solved next update, which will be released soon!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: efrenespartano on December 27, 2023, 08:38:55 am
Greetings, fellow Trench Raiders! To coincide with the historical Christmas Truce in 1914, we have launcher a major update! With the help of the newest dev of the team, Kiro Xei, we have finished enough changes to release this as version 1.0!  ;D Work continues, of course. But now we can consider it different to vanilla and stable enough.

A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds v1.0 Mk. V Attrition  is alive now! (

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
25-December-2023: 1.0 "Attrition"
Changes made:
* Updated to latest OXCE v7.10.
* Added most of the missing codes. By Kiro Xei.
* Added most of the missing War Codex content (Ufopedia). By Kiro Xei.
* Added missing research requirements. By Kiro Xei.
* Fixing Strings from language yml file. By Kiro Xei.
* Rebalance Heat-Ray (Laser) weapon requirements by changing to all difficults. It requires Heat Ray Weapon analysis and Improved metalurgic techniques. By efrenespartano.
* Added new facilities: Guard Tower; Tower Fortress; Trench line N-S + W- E; Concrete Fortification; Machine Gun Nest. By efrenespartano.
* Changed facility name for the following: General Stores > Supply Depot, Living Quarters > Barracks. By efrenespartano.
* Introducing base defense terrain, players can allow to move troops to unbuilt terrain as it please. By efrenespartano.
* Barracks can now train up to 10 soldiers including all soldier types. Soldiers training cap is added.
* Fixed Berdan II ufopedia by recorrecting the appropiate research info.
* Phlogiston weapon events reorgnazied. By efrenespartano.
* All items, inventorys, and weapons are reduced to realistic scaled divided by 10. Which helps to fill more items in few supply depots.
* Changed Overlords living weapon to false, due to missing image issue. Now they can wield weapons.
* Revised starting conditions by adding missing armor: Italian Gasmask, Russian Gasmask, L'inmortale Heavy Armor, and Totemkopf Mechanized Armor for the Red Weed environment.
* Adding Energy shield script from The World of Terrifying Silence Mod to Totemkopf Mechanized Armor for field testing. Adding visibilityatday to 30; visibilityatdark to 18 to Totemkopf Mechanized Armor.
* Adding Maxviewdistance to 40. No soldiers can go blind shooting. This applies to units, allies, and enemies.
* Fixing Russian Tier 2 equipment selection.
* Fixing Hague Convention weapons and ammo by recorrecting the requirements.
* Replacing missing alien race snakes man to Martians elite platoon.
* Laboratory spaces reduces to 30; while Advance Laboratory was added to 60 to match the description.
* Changed HWP Tank requirements.
* General Bugfixing. By Kiro Xei.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on January 16, 2024, 07:44:19 pm
I got a three problem with version 1.1.

The female sprites in Resources/SoldiersSprites/00-Body use a palette index != 0 for the background. The latest OXCE has a problem with that, for me at least, it disregards the alpha channel thus there is no transparency at all.

The following files also use a wrong index for the background, or a wrong palette, or at least most of them, I forgot:
(SoldiersSprites/NPCs/ ... Inventories)

Both can be fixed automatically, but I suppose a pull request will not be seen.

A zero bytes file:
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on January 16, 2024, 07:45:11 pm
Version 0.8 uses stationary ufos to represent Martian Outpost, e.g. STR_MARTIAN_CAMP, with point defense weapons. Or so I assume.
An interception window opens if approached by an craft, something not possible with alien bases.

The problem with this is that all of them spawn at the same few locations within a region. This seems unrealistic and kills my fun every time.

Is that a bug? Something that should change? A feature?
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on January 16, 2024, 07:47:22 pm
According to the screenshots of version 1.0 the ground of the buildings does not adjust to the terrain selected by the base position on the globe.
It is always dirt/mud.

This could be fixed by using the decoration type of the vertical-levels feature, instead of using a mapname for the base facilities.
The facility maps should then have no ground outside the buildings and the terrain from the globe should supply it.

Is there interest in having this?
I could do this, but I probably wont find time for this in the near future. Maybe I could do a sample such that somebody else could adapt it for the other facilities and terrains.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on January 16, 2024, 07:48:12 pm
Anyway, I love the new content added! Thanks!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: efrenespartano on January 23, 2024, 05:30:10 am
Greetings! Thanks for playing and specially for the continued feedback. Sorry if i may take a bit longer than expected to reply here, i peak

I got a three problem with version 1.1.

The female sprites in Resources/SoldiersSprites/00-Body use a palette index != 0 for the background. The latest OXCE has a problem with that, for me at least, it disregards the alpha channel thus there is no transparency at all.

The following files also use a wrong index for the background, or a wrong palette, or at least most of them, I forgot:
(SoldiersSprites/NPCs/ ... Inventories)

Both can be fixed automatically, but I suppose a pull request will not be seen.

A zero bytes file:

I appreciate the warnings! I'll fix those issues, i most likely didn't noticed them.

Version 0.8 uses stationary ufos to represent Martian Outpost, e.g. STR_MARTIAN_CAMP, with point defense weapons. Or so I assume.
An interception window opens if approached by an craft, something not possible with alien bases.

The problem with this is that all of them spawn at the same few locations within a region. This seems unrealistic and kills my fun every time.

Is that a bug? Something that should change? A feature?

Not exactly a bug, it's just the vanilla regionZones. I'll consider adding more spots.

And yes, those static UFOs are indeed meant to be attacked and bombed. So far, you cannot attack a real alien base, so the only way i could add bombers (and give them a reason to be) was by making them stand still, unmoved.

According to the screenshots of version 1.0 the ground of the buildings does not adjust to the terrain selected by the base position on the globe.
It is always dirt/mud.

This could be fixed by using the decoration type of the vertical-levels feature, instead of using a mapname for the base facilities.
The facility maps should then have no ground outside the buildings and the terrain from the globe should supply it.

Is there interest in having this?
I could do this, but I probably wont find time for this in the near future. Maybe I could do a sample such that somebody else could adapt it for the other facilities and terrains.

If you want, go ahead. Personally i'm not totally interested in tweaking the base terrain (it was a pain to rework it on the surface to begin with hahaha).

Anyway, I love the new content added! Thanks!

Hope you are having a good time! If you want to, I usually dwell the IDT Discord server. Here's an invitation link (! I reply back in some hours at most, as opposed to some days here haha
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on March 02, 2024, 12:14:15 pm

Sorry and Thanks, I have not managed to look into discord yet. But I will not complain about response time so long!

But meanwhile, I made new pull request to fix the images and some (most? all?) yaml syntax errors.

Have a good day/weekend!
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on March 02, 2024, 12:19:48 pm
If you want, go ahead. Personally i'm not totally interested in tweaking the base terrain (it was a pain to rework it on the surface to begin with hahaha).

That is undoubtedly true and the reason I never considered to make a surface base myself.
Luckily, someone else did all the work  ;)
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 16, 2024, 11:24:38 am
I've been enjoying your mod, but I also have a few bugs to report.  The first is on a mission to a small enemy "base."  I included a picture of the crash message and a save file right before starting the mission.  I was able to enter the mission by waiting a day for the seed to re-roll.  The other bugs are:

2.)I have researched Alien Grenades and can use them in battle, but there doesn't seem to be a codex entry for them.
3.)I have the entry for the Martian Metal Sabre despite not doing that research yet.  Also, the entry and detailed info show it having the same stats as the normal sabre.
4.)When my soldiers in Sappenpanzer armor go into a red weed area they change into the default gas mask armor instead of the Sappenpanzer gas mask.

Two more.  There doesn't seem to be a research project for the Martian Scientist corpses I'm collecting, and the large enemy turrets are giving me an item with a default name and no value or weight.  I added a picture.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: LuigiWhatif on April 19, 2024, 05:09:01 pm
I just finished what I assume is the pyrrhic victory route.  I had fun with the weapons and combat, and the WWI aesthetic really stood out from other mods.  The short ranges/slow speed of vehicles also forced me away from the usual strategy of specialized bases, which was interesting.  However, I don't think I'll be continuing for a better ending. 

Looking at the research tree it looks like I would have to capture multiple overlords. I only saw two (and only caught the second) and repeating the wait between them over and over just sounded tiring.  I already felt endgame and hadn't been seeing anything new, so it looks like it would have just been shooting down ships and waiting.  I do remember reading a comment mentioning a Verdun mission but I never got that or any other missions, just ships, bases, and one capsule when China was temporarily lost.

I also had an issue with capturing.  I mentioned that I killed my first overlord.  That was because I brought no tranquilizers to that mission.  I never felt a need for them before that.  Surrendering aliens filled my prison.  I might have taken them for officers, since punching and trench maces seem over-tuned and would regularly kill even armored aliens.  However up until the mission where I captured the overlord I had assumed officers would be visually different.  It was only on that mission that I noticed the royal guard officer's name because I middle clicked to check their weapon.  I noticed there were tesla weapons in the tech tree and maybe those would be better stunners, but since I hadn't been searching for officers contacting Tesla was the last research I did before ending the game.  I had finished all the other researches with regular labs.

I did enjoy the mod, and I would like to play again to see the other country's equipment and actually build an advanced lab.  I'll leave off with a bug.  The last page of the ending narration was cut off for me.  I cut off the top to avoid spoilers but you can see how the bottom got cut.  Thank you for your work.

Edit:  Added my last save file so you can see if the text bug replicates on your end.
Title: Bug report
Post by: ThatThomasGuy on August 04, 2024, 08:08:57 am
The José avatar and Commonwealth service dress armor combination doesn't mix quite well, it causes this funky yellowout. Changing the avatar or the armor resolves the glitch. My OXCE version is 7.12.
Title: Re: Bug report
Post by: GumChewer on August 14, 2024, 02:53:08 pm
The José avatar and Commonwealth service dress armor combination doesn't mix quite well, it causes this funky yellowout. Changing the avatar or the armor resolves the glitch. My OXCE version is 7.12.

I already submitted a fix for the images with wrong palettes/image. See quote below.
Either the IDT is busy with real life or they have not really noticed it.
Please contact them on Discord if you have an account there.

I have no format which is instantly applicable anymore. But you can grab the images from my github repository, or just the whole mod. If you cannot do this, I might take the additional work to make a submod or drop-in zip or similiar.
Feedback to the fix would help anyway.

But meanwhile, I made new pull request to fix the images and some (most? all?) yaml syntax errors.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on August 14, 2024, 03:16:28 pm
I made myself a program to automatize the conversion from full-color images to custom palette images, for use in the cutscenes and Ufopaedia.
It can also replace text-only Ufopaedia articles with text+images articles with the proper (custom palette) background.
Resizing the images, if necessary, is included.
Cropping is done semi-automatically because there is the one time need for defining how to crop the individual images (top vs. bottom, etc).
It can also output a submod, which overrides the ruleset.

Because the bad color representation of many images kill my fun/immersion each time, I'd like to ask if you would share the full color versions of the images used in TGWotW (and Unexcom?).

The only drawback is, that I'm still busy. It might take some time.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: GumChewer on August 14, 2024, 03:18:14 pm
I made myself a program to automatize the conversion from full-color images to custom palette images, for use in the cutscenes and Ufopaedia.
It can also replace text-only Ufopaedia articles with text+images articles with the proper (custom palette) background.
Resizing the images, if necessary, is included.
Cropping is done semi-automatically because there is the one time need for defining how to crop the individual images (top vs. bottom, etc).
It can also output a submod, which overrides the ruleset.

Because the bad color representation of many images kill my fun/immersion each time, I'd like to ask if you would share the full color versions of the images used in TGWotW (and Unexcom?).

The only drawback is, that I'm still busy. It might take some time.

An example of a cutscene image that was full-color in the mod at some time.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on January 15, 2025, 06:22:32 pm
Just tried latest version and get the following error-see attached.

Edit by moderator: Please don't upload 50MB copies of mods here, link is enough.

Version 1.2.1
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: Meridian on January 15, 2025, 06:57:32 pm
The mod starts for me, see attached screenshot.

Also the missing file from your log file is present in the mod.
Please check if you haven't deleted it by accident.

Code: [Select]
[15-01-2025_16-17-17] [FATAL] FileRecord::at(Resources/Tanks/Sounds/artillery_shot4.wav): requested file not found.
[15-01-2025_16-17-17] [ERROR] FileRecord::at(Resources/Tanks/Sounds/artillery_shot4.wav): requested file not found.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on January 15, 2025, 07:00:51 pm
The copy of the mod you've provided seems corrupt, I'm getting a CRC error while processing that particular wav file. This problem doesn't show when I extract it from a recently downloaded version of that mod from modio. It might be you got a bad download so just download it again and see if it persists.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: SIMON BAILIE on January 15, 2025, 09:53:21 pm
Thanks for everyone's help, I redownloaded the mod again and it's working fine now. As you said it must have been a corrupted download first time.
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: Draemock on February 26, 2025, 12:52:24 pm
Im having an issue with installing the mod. I've placed the zip file and the unzipped file into my openxcom mods folder, but the mod isnt showing up in the list. I tried reinstalling an older version of OXE but still no luck. Is there somewhere else I need to place the mod file or something else I need to do?
Title: Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition
Post by: CrazedHarpooner on February 26, 2025, 01:10:43 pm
It's a master mod, check the deployable list button at the top in the mods menu, it should appear there.