A new update is ready.The Great War of the Worlds v.0.6.6 On Ne Passe Pas! is alive now!What's new in this update?*Updated to OXCE v6.3.4
*Fixed fatal crash related to Martian Rock Thrower
*Added new Military Ration item:
- Tea Flask, by wolwerin
*New Bandages sprites, by wolwerin
*New SPAD XIII base sprite, drawn by Andr
*Corrected War Codex craft texts, by BlackStaff
*Updated French translation, by BlackStaff
*Updated Spanish translation
*Tweaked costBuy and costSell of many items (some were unavailable for purchase)
*New R-Class Airship map, now you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship
*Updated Medical and Military Rations items to the new OXCE syntax
*Broken Wine Bottle now has a limited clip (two uses), suggested by Bootchicken48
*Fixed Unarmed Melee Attack running out of ammo, found by Bootchicken48
*Added missing extraStrings, found by Bootchicken48
*Trench Gun now has automatic fire mode (IRL, the Trench Gun doesn't have trigger disconector)
This update was mostly a patchfix update. One of the biggest changes is the new R-Class Airship. Both on the War Codex entry and the Battlescape. Some players on the IDT Discord server reported that the former R-Class map was very exposed to enemy fire, specially on the first turn. On this brand new map, you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship, instead of the ground. And to bolster the offensive capabilities of the R-Class, two Lewis MG turrets are spawned on both sides of the main gondola. Useful to provide suppresion fire to the troops on the ground!
The map will be improved over the next days, the ladders and the bridge conecting both gondolas are currently unavailable for use.
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