
Author Topic: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v1.0 Mk. V Attrition  (Read 118083 times)

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
« Reply #135 on: January 29, 2020, 06:45:31 pm »
Briefly tried 6.5, it's kina a prequel to unexcom, but even hardr! Hey i did not manage to assign pilots to class A ship, thugh i have recruited 20 of them (!!!) don't know, but here are screenshots along a seved game  :D

Hey! I'm glad you are trying our mods! Hahaha well, you need to remove some soldiers from the R-Class Airship and put some pilots in. You need 5 pilots in order to pilot the Zeppelin!

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.6.5 Mk II On Ne Passe Pas!
« Reply #136 on: January 31, 2020, 04:59:38 am »
A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds v.0.6.6 On Ne Passe Pas! is alive now!

What's new in this update?

*Updated to OXCE v6.3.4
*Fixed fatal crash related to Martian Rock Thrower
*Added new Military Ration item:
   - Tea Flask, by wolwerin
*New Bandages sprites, by wolwerin
*New SPAD XIII base sprite, drawn by Andr
*Corrected War Codex craft texts, by BlackStaff
*Updated French translation, by BlackStaff
*Updated Spanish translation
*Tweaked costBuy and costSell of many items (some were unavailable for purchase)
*New R-Class Airship map, now you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship
*Updated Medical and Military Rations items to the new OXCE syntax
*Broken Wine Bottle now has a limited clip (two uses), suggested by Bootchicken48
*Fixed Unarmed Melee Attack running out of ammo, found by Bootchicken48
*Added missing extraStrings, found by Bootchicken48
*Trench Gun now has automatic fire mode (IRL, the Trench Gun doesn't have trigger disconector)

This update was mostly a patchfix update. One of the biggest changes is the new R-Class Airship. Both on the War Codex entry and the Battlescape. Some players on the IDT Discord server reported that the former R-Class map was very exposed to enemy fire, specially on the first turn. On this brand new map, you will spawn on the gondolas of the airship, instead of the ground. And to bolster the offensive capabilities of the R-Class, two Lewis MG turrets are spawned on both sides of the main gondola. Useful to provide suppresion fire to the troops on the ground!

The map will be improved over the next days, the ladders and the bridge conecting both gondolas are currently unavailable for use.

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« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 05:09:32 am by efrenespartano »

Offline efrenespartano

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A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds v0.7.1 Mk III Tempesta d'Acciaio is alive now!

This is more like a double update, because a patchfix was released shortly after the initial update. The main stuff on this update, is the introduction of the new faction, the Italians. At the moment, their unique research is locked, because a major redesign of the early game is incoming. A new Geoscape upgrade, new textures along brand new terrains, both made by us, the IDT and made by bulletdesigner. The uniform spritesheets are improved and now better match the inventory paperdoll. Many fixes and QoL improvements, even more French translations (made by our Special Collaborator BlackStaff). Also, the Martian Machines are now more powerful and durable (their shields double their resistance). The new R-Class map ladders and ropes are now usable. :D

Hint: the name of the update is a reference for the upcoming content.  ;)

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
16-February-2020: v0.7.1 Mk III Beta 'Tempesta d'Acciaio'
Changes made:
*New French translations, by BlackStaff
*Fixed issue with Terror Missions crashing on Geoscape, found by cubik2k
*Fixed issue with Italian uniform corpses (wrong sprites), found by Ikhanad
*Fixed issue related to missing routes on Martian Overlord Walker
*Now the Martian Walkers and Fleet ships have unique Interception Window (you can identify them easily during interceptions)
*Increased Martian Machines shield (now they are equal to the Machine HP, doubling its damage resistance)
*Fixed many War Codex entries, now they are locked behind their respective research
*Improved Spanish and English War Codex text entries (some were off screen)
*Fixed issue with Alien Supply mission (the assigned Supply ship was wrongly defined)
*Lewis and T-Gewehr turrets now have inventory image

13-February-2020: v0.7 Mk III Beta 'Tempesta d'Acciaio'
Changes made:
*Introduced memmaker's Weapon Proficiency based on Weapon Class. Now you will become better if you use certain weapon type
*New Coalition of Nations logo, drawn by Dauntless1942
*Added Italian Faction
* TIER 1
- Carcano M91 Carbine
- Beretta MAB14 SMG
* TIER 2
- Cei-Rigotti SLR
- Villar-Perosa SMG
*Added soldierType:
- Italian
*Fixed R-Class Zeppelin map, now the ropes and ladders are usable. Changed size of the map
*Improved Geoscape, new textures for Infested Forest, Infested Snowland, Alpine and Winter Forest textures
*Improved British, American & German uniform sprites, now their Battlescape sprites match their Inventory paperdolls
*New Trench Coat uniform for German troops
*Added 4 new maps made by members of the IDT (luke83, b__0, efrenespartano & Hans Woofington):
- Rural Settlement
- Rural Forest
- Snow Rural Settlement
- Snow Rural Forest
*Added 11 new terrains made by bulletdesigner:
- High Mountain
- Low Mountain
- Desert Mountain
- Mountain Pass
- Tropical Mountain
- Mountain Plateau
- Snow Plains
- Plains
- Steppe
- Rocky Plains
- Tropical Plains
*Fixed palette issues with Next Turn backgrounds
*New French translations, by BlackStaff
*New Spanish translations
*Added new Events, will randomly appear on the Geoscape, by Ikhanad & efrenespartano
*Tweaked some item costs
*Tweaked M1903 Springfield and Gewehr 98 stats, suggested by Bootchicken48
*Tweaked German Soldiers initial stats, suggested by Bootchicken48
*Fixed crash with Frontline missions
« Last Edit: February 16, 2020, 11:44:54 am by efrenespartano »

Offline vadracas

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Found a bug, I have no saved from the month in which it occurred, here is the log:

[28-03-2020_15-14-54]   [WARN]   No free channels available
[28-03-2020_15-14-54]   [FATAL]   A fatal error has occurred: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 4294967295) >= this->size() (which is 7)
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x5f0440 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform10stackTraceEPv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x5f14c0 _ZN8OpenXcom13CrossPlatform9crashDumpEPvRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x41c350 _Z15exceptionLoggerv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0xc558f0 _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x91cf60 _ZN8OpenXcom12AlienMission5startERNS_4GameERKNS_5GlobeEj
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   0x70c4a0 _ZN8OpenXcom13DogfightState6updateEv
[28-03-2020_15-15-02]   [FATAL]   Unfortunately, no stack trace information is available
[28-03-2020_15-15-29]   [FATAL]   OpenXcom has crashed: vector::_M_range_check: __n (which is 4294967295) >= this->size() (which is 7)
Log file: Z:/Users/asaberry/Desktop/Openxcom/xfiles/user/openxcom.log
If this error was unexpected, please report it on OpenXcom forum or discord.
The following can help us solve the problem:
1. a saved game from just before the crash (helps 98%)
2. a detailed description of how to reproduce the crash (helps 80%)
3. a log file (helps 10%)
4. a screenshot of this error message (helps 5%)

This crash occurred while intercepting what appeared to be a perfectly normal small alien tripod with my r-class airship.

Offline efrenespartano

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Hi, vadracas! Thanks for the feedback!

What kind of Martian Machine was the one that crashed the game?

Next time you get the CTD, please attach the last autosave of the Geoscape you got, so I can be able to track down and fix the issue. ;D

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Offline vadracas

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It was the three small UFO-shaped circles, don't think its name was in the UFOpedia. Attaching latest save-

Offline Mitra Lightbringer

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How's it going? You probably don't remember me from the forums, but I was very excited for both this and UNEXCOM.
Anyway, Verdun crashes my game. Attaching the save just before the battle.

Edit: I would also add, it's terribly difficult to get the Alien Fuel/Ellerium, and no ships actually carry it. I have even taken the very large ones. It's kinda boring using the same plane and zeppelin for the whole game. Maybe some new weapons, at least. Same with soldier armour.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 01:35:09 pm by Mitra Lightbringer »

Offline efrenespartano

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How's it going? You probably don't remember me from the forums, but I was very excited for both this and UNEXCOM.

Howdy, Mitra! Of course I remember you, you were one of my first players.

Anyway, Verdun crashes my game. Attaching the save just before the battle.

Understood, I'll take a look. Thanks for the heads up!

Edit: I would also add, it's terribly difficult to get the Alien Fuel/Ellerium, and no ships actually carry it. I have even taken the very large ones.

Hum, that's a problem with the terrain file. I'll manually add alien fuel to the tripods and flying machines.

It's kinda boring using the same plane and zeppelin for the whole game. Maybe some new weapons, at least. Same with soldier armour.

Actually, we have been working on a major (really major) for a while, with many new crafts and weapons. This mod is on partial hiatus because we were focusing on UNEXCOM and some smaller mods.

Are you on our Discord server?

Offline JustTheDude/CABSHEP

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Nice mod. Had a fun evening with that cool WWI aesthetic. Really looking forward for its development, menaged to hook me up after megamods became a bit boring after so many playtroughts.

Siege of Verdun is supposed to be the end of the game? That is what happens when you complete this three-part mission. Save file - 1
Game crashes when airship reaches Siege of Verdun, because "skybox" is too low to allow this craft.

There is also an issue with walls and ceilings, particullary on snow maps and martian flying crafts. Despite looking solid, soldiers and aliens can cearly see, shoot and throw grenades trough.

And a few words about balance. Open field battles become really trivial with highly accurate rifles and shooting outside of soldier view range. Aliens can't reaction fire and such. Penalty for shoots outside of view range would solve this issue.

It doesn't seem like there is any penalty for shooting enemies at point blank range (outside accuracy penalty for long-range rifles that suffer it on close range, but nothing on top). "Evasion" mechanic for both parties would fit perfectly for true trench-warfare feeling. Simillar to the one found in popular megamods.

Aliens straight up die from one to two unarmed fist punches. Not only it is making melee weapons and bayonets obsolete, its also a bit annoying to capture anything without killing them.

That is all I found, truly great mod with a lot of potential.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2021, 10:42:23 pm by JustTheDude »

Offline efrenespartano

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Nice mod. Had a fun evening with that cool WWI aesthetic. Really looking forward for its development, menaged to hook me up after megamods became a bit boring after so many playtroughts.

Haha good to know that you like it! There are few WW1 games (or mods) over there, that's one of the reasons we started this.

Siege of Verdun is supposed to be the end of the game? That is what happens when you complete this three-part mission. Save file - 1
Game crashes when airship reaches Siege of Verdun, because "skybox" is too low to allow this craft.

Ah, thanks to let me know. I'll fix it. And actually, Siege of Verdun is the end of the first Act (we have planned to move the end of the game along the updates)

There is also an issue with walls and ceilings, particullary on snow maps and martian flying crafts. Despite looking solid, soldiers and aliens can cearly see, shoot and throw grenades trough.

On the to-do list!

And a few words about balance. Open field battles become really trivial with highly accurate rifles and shooting outside of soldier view range. Aliens can't reaction fire and such. Penalty for shoots outside of view range would solve this issue.

It doesn't seem like there is any penalty for shooting enemies at point blank range (outside accuracy penalty for long-range rifles that suffer it on close range, but nothing on top). "Evasion" mechanic for both parties would fit perfectly for true trench-warfare feeling. Simillar to the one found in popular megamods.

Aliens straight up die from one to two unarmed fist punches. Not only it is making melee weapons and bayonets obsolete, its also a bit annoying to capture anything without killing them.

That is all I found, truly great mod with a lot of potential.

I'll add Stun damage to the punch instead of melee. The rifles are currently OP because we started to make an overall balance based on "soldier classes". The Riflemen would be more proficient with bolt-actions and selfloadings than with shotguns or SMGs. Is still TBD, 'cause right now i'm not much fond of following that.

Offline Tchey

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Is this mod "done" ?
Sleeping ?
Still being updated but somewhere hidden from ?

I ask because
Released Jan 29th, 2020 (updated 301d ago)


Offline efrenespartano

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Is this mod "done" ?
Sleeping ?
Still being updated but somewhere hidden from ?

I ask because

You can play and finish it, buuuut is not anywhere done. Not yet, at least. We have been slowly working on a big update since May, but is still on the oven. It's basically a major rework, so practically we are making a whole new mod (and that takes a bit of time).

But this is not dead, no worries. Feel free to ask for additions you want on the mod either here or in the Discord server! :D

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
« Reply #147 on: July 29, 2022, 03:56:55 am »
The Great War of the Worlds 1914 is not dead!

Slow and steady, work is ongoing. I estimate around 70% of work is done for the next update, basically a rework of everything. Tons of new weapons, new Martian enemies, new UI, new sprites, expanded story and several endings planned.

The page is temporably hidden because the old version wasn't compatible with newer OXCE builds. Feel free to check our work in GitHub, any feedback is very appreciated!

See you in the frontlines!

Offline efrenespartano

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Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
« Reply #148 on: December 12, 2022, 01:09:52 am »
Oi, mates!

A new update is ready.

The Great War of the Worlds 1914 v0.8 Slavyanka is alive now!

What's new in this update?

Code: [Select]
10-December-2022: 0.8 Mk. IV 'Slavyanka'
Changes made:
*Updated to latest OXCE version v7.8
*Vastly improved and expanded tech tree
- Phlogiston plot by Ikhanad, Nathan and The Reaver of Darkness
*Lots of new lore entries, written by efrenespartano, RusArtistSergo, b1ackwolf, Abiko, Fegelein, Kael Schwabauer, MitraLightbringer
*Two new Endings, each obtainable by interrogating certain Martian ranks
*Major UI redesign, new HUD and GlobeMarkers by efrenespartano and interface colors, with support of Bootchicken48
*37 new human weapons, sprites by efrenespartano, wolwerin, Nathan & Cupon4uk
*Two new human weapon techs: Phlogiston and Tesla
*Ammo resprite script, all weapons dynamically change the sprite based on the ammo loaded, by Filip-H
*Weapons are now locked behind Faction research, pick one and stick with one for all the campaign
*Complete redesign of Martian infantry units; ruleset by Rclipse, sprites by Harold_Gray, wolwerin, The Martian & The Reaver of Darkness
*22 new crafts:
- 8 Hunters/Scouts
- 6 Attackers/Bombers
- 1 Airship
- 5 Mech Walkers, gun turrets by The Martian
- 2 Ground March
*27 new craft weapons:
- 3 Offensive MGs
- 3 Defensive MGs
- 3 Cannons
- 3 Autocannons
- 4 Rockets
- 3 Craft Heat-Ray
- 3 Vehicle Guns
- 5 Auxiliary Units
*Improved Heat-Ray War Codex entries.
*K-MM armor-piercing rounds available for all human weapons
*Major ruleset organization rework
*Martian Pyramids available in campaign
*Martian Machines now have Heat-Ray turrets in Battlescape
*Redesigned Heat-Ray weapons, two new Martian weapons by efrenespartano & Hans Woofington in Battlescape

Official Wiki made by noblebright can be found here!

This thematic update seeks to complete the current storyline, where the human armies must attack the heart of the Martian invasion: Siberia. A major visual and technical overhaul, including but not limited to new handmade sprites and corrected issues. We consider this a whole new game! More dieselpunk vibes are present in the game, with brand new vehicles (the Mech Walkers stand for their several skins available for the players) and an expanded tech tree. Compared to the previous versions, the Martian units now include their own sprites. Vanilla enemies are no longer in the mod!

The next update will include the widely known layered paperdoll system and brand new armors, made by me and Hans Woofington.

Ultimately, we hope you enjoy this update. It took us more than two years of work to get it done, but there is still work ahead. Keep tuned for more updates!

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Re: [TC][OXCE][WIP] The Great War of the Worlds | v0.8 Mk IV Slavyanka
« Reply #149 on: December 14, 2022, 12:25:18 pm »

Keep up the great work.