The Great War of the Worlds 1914
The Great War of the Worlds 1914 v0.8 Slavyanka is now released!A bit of history about this mod (actually the first post, now outdated)
Hello everyone! Alinare and I are proud to show you the project we have been working on these months.
This mod is inspired by the science fiction classic, The War of the Worlds, by H.G. Wells as well as the great tabletop miniatures wargame
All Quiet on the Martian Front, with some references of
this post.
We have many resources in which we work constantly, although at the moment we do not have a definitive version ready.
The story goes like this:
In 1896, an unexpected invasion of Mars destroys England, one of the most powerful nations on the planet.
The United States and France support the reconstruction of the country, forging especially strong ties with the USA. The Entente Cordiale was created in 1904, composed of these 3 countries.
In 1908, with the Tungunska event, alien ships fall in different parts of Siberia and in the next 2 years they fall all over the world, silent and far away from everyone. Beginning in 1911 they begin their large-scale attack simultaneously and much of the world is occupied. They corrupt every land they pass by, turning it in a purple wasteland devoid of life. After a hard war of attrition and bitter human defeats, the Martian advance begins to decline by the end of 1913 and finally in September 1914 it stops.
Humanity unites and the survivors create the Coalition of Nations, also called the Eighth Coalition. The Coalition creates a special multinational team to support the joint global effort in the War to End All Wars. This group is formed in the image and likeness of the veteran British Expeditionary Force and is called International Expeditionary Force.
You will be in charge of different types of tanks and airplanes of the time and you will use small arms that a rifleman in 1914 would equip.
Alinare is working on creating new images for the mod (the cover of the mod is his own), as well as new tanks, missions, German and French soldiers and Tier II Tesla weapons. I'm in charge of designing the Geoscape, new modified terrains, planes, Tier I weapons and the British and Americans. We are adapting some resources to create the iconic tripods, albeit on a small scale.
Likewise, I have almost ready a compilation of music for the soundtrack that will be great.
The images that you can see is just a very small sample of what this project is. Includes the British basic uniform, the Short Magazine Lee-Enfield MkIII service rifle and your transport, the Conqueror APC (many thanks to bulletdesigner and ohartenstein23 for allowing us to use it), some MkIV Tanks and a couple of modified terrains. Special thanks to Solarius Scorch and Dioxine, for their brand new Village terrain and Tekamthi, for his modified Alien habitat terrain. Also Hobbes for his invaluable help with my questions about Geoscape editing.
An alternate history Total Conversion by the Inventorum Development Team*
sprite & ruleset designer*
Hans Woofington: Sprite creator*
map specialist*
main debugging*
The Reaver of Darkness:
support debugging, lore creator*
The Martian:
sprite creator*
Thunder_andr: sprite creator*
wolwerin: sprite creator*
Fegelein: main debugging*
Ikhanad: lore creatorSpecial colaborators*
BlackStaff: Main French translator & support debugging*
Dauntless1942 Sprite creator*
Rclipse support ruleset*
Nathan Sprite creator, lore creatorSet in an alternate timeline where the Martians of the H.G. Wells masterpiece invaded Earth in 1896.
Swept by bacteria, the invasion came to an end just a couple of weeks after it started.
Humanity united and rebuilt and prepared for the worst. 12 years later, the mankind's worst nightmares came true. In 1908 the Martians launched a second invasion, this time more deadly.
Since they crash landed in Tungunska, their progress has been almost unstoppable.
From the Siberian tundra to the African jungle and the American Midwest, half of the world belongs to the Sons of Ares
What remains of the humanity united under the banner of the Coalition of Nations and have gone on the offensive.
Your unit is one of elite, formed with the best that the armies of the world have, the International Expeditionary Force.
The year is
This is the War to End All Wars.TOGETHER WE STANDSpecial Thanks to (in no particular order):*Hobbes, his help is invaluable and always solves my questions about Geoscape & ruleset editing.
*bulletdesigner, for making the original Chimera map (now called Conqueror).
*Solarius Scorch and Dioxine, for their Village terrain, also kind words, inspiration and ruleset reference from their projects, The X-Com Files and X-Piratez.
*Meridian & Yankes, for making the wonderful OXCE and answering our many many questions.
*Tekamthi, for his modified Alien habitat terrain (modified and further expanded by Luke83).
*ohartenstein23, for his awesome tips, cool codes and constant help.
*ivandogovich, Anon011, TarzanCZ, davide, chaosshade, BlackStaff, SG_Barton, Hashirama015 & SquirrelofNukes for their kind comments and support.
*stosstruppen1918, sturmsoldat_des_kaisers & m_ww1_memes, ino_bartula, __robo__, scgex, mighty_mega_max, daniel_gautreaux and the one hundred followers for their huge support on social media
*130° División Blindada [130_L] efrenespartano's World of Tanks Blitz clan, for being our first beta testers.
Credits:*alinare: Artwork, Mutant Crusher, ideas & ruleset editing.
*Andr: Craft sprites plus ideas
*Anon: feedback support
*b1ackwolf: Modified Paperdoll human bodies (further modified from Solarius Scorch work), lore ideas
*BlackStaff: French translation, plus ideas & historic reference help
*Bootchicken48: New Sountrack plus feedback support
*Brain_322: Martian Slugthrower round sprite
*b__0: tiles for IDT_VILLAGE and IDT_FOREST terrains
*Civilian: Heat Ray weapons (modified)
*cubik2k: feedback support
*Cupon4uk: Template for Russian Weapons, feedback support and ideas
*Dauntless1942: new logo for the project
*drages: Bullet sprites
*efrenespartano: General artwork, spanish translation, vehicle, weapon and soldier sprites & ruleset editing
*Finnik: Whistle and Martian Launcher stats modifier script
*Fegelein: feedback support
*GoldenDragon: feedback support
*Hans Woofington: Template for all human uniforms and armors, British, French, American and German uniforms, Heat-Ray ammo sprites, art help and support
*Harald_Gray: Mechtoids (modified, used as template for Martian Powered Armors)
*HelloMiko: feedback support
*Hobbes: Tech-Comm reference plus help on the forums.
*Ikhanad: feedback support, Phlogiston plot, and ideas
*Luke83: All of the Martian Tripods, Martian Fleet, infested maps, Forest Rail, Trenches mapsets plus ideas & ruleset editing
*Nathan: Phlogiston plot, Phlogiston weapon sprites
*Noah183: Support debugging plus ideas
*Nord: craftWeapon Bombs fire sound
*MajorDerp16: feedback support
*memmaker: WEAPON_TYPE & Classes scripting
*ohartenstein23: Hand-to-hand combat, craft shields & crewed Turrets
*Rclipse: Martian Factions ruleset, plus feedback support
*Ryzenator: feedback support
*RusArtistSergo: feedback support plus ideas
*SideQuests: Triffids and Heay Ray bullet sprite
*Solarius Scorch: Celebrate Diversity, Ravager sprites, Cavalry Sabre, Recolored Alien Compilation, original Trenchcoat spritesheet (french uniform) & boxes
*Stosstruppen1918: general Historic reference and guide.
*StormRangerX: feedback support
*SupSuper: Original GeoIcons GlobeMarkers
*Tal'Raziid: feedback support, fix to Turrets' issues
*The Reaver of Darkness: Heat Ray weapons stats, Phlogiston plot, plus help with general balance.
*The Martian: Gun turret sprites mounted on Mech Walkers
*tollworkout: DeepAliens UFOs (selenite UFOs)
*Warboy: main debugging support
*wolwerin: Tea Flask, Bandages, Rifle Grenade, Martian Skirmirshers, Silacoid, Heat-Ray Batteries, Coilgun sprites plus ideas
How do I install this mod?PC:
- Open your "user" folder
- Copy the entire TGWotW zip file to the "/mods" folder. You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.
(Instructions by Luke83)
- Open your "openxcom" folder inside the root of your Android device,
- Copy the entire TGWotW zip file to the "/mods" folder, You can choose to unzip it or just move the zipped file.
- Enable the mod from the Mods option on the main menu.
Feel free to comment and make suggestions!

All help/feedback/kind words are always welcome.
Kameraden in arms@stosstruppen1918 on Instagram!
Join us in our social media!Visit the TGWotW Channel on the IDT Server!Check the official wiki made by Noblebright!