Category Archives: News

What is that beautiful music?

A lot of people have pointed out the fantastic music used in our trailer. Sadly, I can’t take any credit for it, as I stole borrowed it from the now defunct UFO: Cydonia’s Fall project, with soundtrack made by Lorcán.

So wait, is that it? You’ll never get to hear it again? Well don’t forget, you can use Custom Music with OpenXcom! So you can totally play it with the UFO:CF soundtrack! Or if nostalgia is more your thing, the PSX and Amiga soundtracks are also up for grabs! Just check the Download Extras for more details.

Edit: Freelanzer has very kindly given us the UFO Cydonia’s Fall soundtrack all packaged up and ready for OpenXcom! You can get it here.

Quick Update

Wow thanks for all the support everyone, glad you’re enjoying it. Here’s an update on some common issues people are encountering:

Antivirus: If you experience any issues with downloading or installing the game, such as the link getting blocked, file getting deleted, etc, disable your virus scanner. Since the file is relatively new and obscure, a lot of antivirus will flag it as suspicious, but there is nothing wrong with it. This seems to be mostly happening with Avast users, if you wanna help out, you can report the false positive to them.

Windows users: Some mod files were missing from the installer, nothing serious, but it’s recommended you redownload and run it again to make sure you don’t experience any issues with the built-in mods. The standalone ZIP packages aren’t affected by this.

Tablet users: If you are experiencing problems with scrolling on a touch screen, try this version and let us know if it fixes your problem:

Ports: Mac OS X and Linux builds are now available! Note that every Linux distro works differently, and I can’t possibly keep up with them all, so when in doubt, check your repositories for any “openxcom” packages that might already be available. Be sure to check the version number thoo, as some distros might still have outdated v0.9 packages, which don’t include all the new features. And if you really can’t find any packages, it’s not that hard to compile it yourself.

There’s also a third-party Android build, if you’re feeling highly edgy and experimental. We don’t support it, but hey if it lets you play X-COM on the go, how bad can it be. 😉


OpenXcom 1.0

5224 commits.
1843 days.
606 resolved issues since v0.9.
20 years of X-COM.

Download | Changelog

More platforms coming soon. For those making the ports, don’t forget to include the extra translations with your release. There’s also a Source Tarball available with it all included.

For those upgrading, it’s recommended you uninstall any old versions first. 0.9 saves should still work fine though.

Special thanks to every single one of you that has helped make this happen. Yes, even you. And you. Not you though. Oh what the hell, it’s a special day, you’re all thanked.

Shout out to Xenonauts for also releasing 1.0 recently. It’s been a good time for X-COM fans.

Edit: For those that are having trouble downloading, we have added some mirrors, so try again if the current mirror is not working.

The Server Team is once again in need of your help.

The server is currently hosting Two projects: “UFO: Alien Invasion,” and “OpenXcom.”
To continue providing hosting services we will need to raise funds for the coming year, to pay for both the service and possibly some new hardware, or a new server computer altogether, especially if such services are to be provided free of advertisements on the project websites.

In addition to the two projects mentioned, we also host additional programming and development tools for the community, including a snapshot autobuilder for OpenXcom, and a buildbot for UFO: Alien Invasion.
We also welcome new projects that are freely available and preferably open-source in nature, and hope to continue to provide tools for the community to grow, but we will need your help and support to do so.

Please consider a donation for our cause, which you can give via the following link:

Donate Bitcoin

For European Users (EUR):

For USA Users (USD):

We sincerely thank you for any support you provide.

1.0 coming soon!

Call to arms! As we try to wrap up every feature and nail down every bug to make this launch go as smoothly as possible, we’d appreciate it if the community joined in as well. This is a team effort. 🙂

Translators: Only languages that are at least 80% complete will be included in the milestone build. Now’s the time to finish, test and review your language’s translations (and I don’t mean filling the gaps with Google Translate 😛 ). To try them out in-game, grab the latest language files (updated hourly) and nightly, make sure everything is consistent and fits their place, and fix any problems you find (or report them if they require our intervention).

Porters: Test the game on your platform of choice, check if the latest code still compiles and the build files are working, if all the relevant metadata (version, dependencies, etc) for your distribution is up-to-date. Make sure the game integrates and plays nice on your platform like any other program. Let us know if you need any extra media like description, icons, screenshots, etc.

Modders: Mod support has changed a lot throughout development. Make sure your mod is still fully functional, and update your documentation to match the latest version, as there’s no more “edit options.cfg” this or “latest nightly” that. Plus a lot of people will be jumping into this for the first time, so make sure your instructions are as simple and clear as possible. Don’t scare away your userbase. 😉 Throw your mod at a new player and see how he handles it.

Players: Just… well… play the game, and report all serious bugs you find! (fatal errors and crashes are specially important) At the end of the day, OpenXcom is about playing X-COM, and it would be really silly if after all these extra features and improvements, the plain old vanilla experience was broken. 😛 If that’s not enough, try different difficulties, options, mods, battles, full campaigns, anything you can think of!

Anyone else: Uhhh… hang on tight?