

OpenXcom requires a vanilla copy of one of the following:

  • UFO: Enemy Unknown / X-COM: UFO Defense
  • X-COM: Terror from the Deep

Do not use modded versions (XcomUtil etc). Other games are not supported. If you don’t own a copy, you can buy it from one of these retailers.

Check the Installation documentation for more details.



This section contains content made by fans to beef up your OpenXcom experience. Note that third-parties are not affiliated with OpenXcom, and we are not held responsible for any issues that their websites and/or content may contain.


OpenXcom has long been customizable, but 1.0 added support for properly packaged mods. Everything from custom maps, weapons, units and more can be easily downloaded and configured in OpenXcom. For installation and usage instructions, always check the included readme or the wiki documentation.

If you’re interested on making your own mods, check the wiki and forums for more details.

Custom Audio

If you don’t like or have trouble getting the original X-COM audio to work, you can use custom ones, such as PSX music, remixes, etc. See the wiki for more details.

Data Patch

Since OpenXcom depends on the original game data, it also suffers from bugs present in that data like map glitches and problems. To fix these you need to apply a data patch. The official builds already include a patch, however if you’re making your own builds you can grab them here:


The OpenXcom translations are fan-maintained and update at a completely different pace from the milestone/nightly builds, so it’s impossible for us to keep them in sync. If you need the absolute latest translations, you can grab them here and extract them to your OpenXcom folder. Note that this includes everything available in Transifex, from the masterfully done to the woefully incomplete.