OpenXcom  1.0
Open-source clone of the original X-Com
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 COpenXcom::ActionContainer for all the information associated with a given user action, like mouse clicks, key presses, etc
 COpenXcom::AlienDeploymentRepresents a specific type of Alien Deployment
 COpenXcom::AlienMissionRepresents an ongoing alien mission
 COpenXcom::AlienRaceRepresents a specific race "family", or a "main race" if you wish
 COpenXcom::AlienStrategyStores the information about alien strategy
 COpenXcom::ArmorRepresents a specific type of armor
 COpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionArticleDefinition is the base class for all article types
 COpenXcom::BaseFacilityRepresents a base facility placed in a base
 COpenXcom::BattleAIStateThis class is used by the BattleUnit AI
 COpenXcom::BattleItemRepresents a single item in the battlescape
 COpenXcom::BattlescapeGameBattlescape game - the core game engine of the battlescape game
 COpenXcom::BattlescapeGeneratorA utility class that generates the initial battlescape data
 COpenXcom::BattleStateThis class sets the battlescape in a certain sub-state
 COpenXcom::BattleUnitRepresents a moving unit in the battlescape, player controlled or AI controlled it holds info about it's position, items carrying, stats, etc
 COpenXcom::CameraClass handling camera movement, either by mouse or by events on the battlescape
 COpenXcom::CityRepresents a city of the world
 COpenXcom::ColorReplaceHelp class used for Surface::blitNShade
 COpenXcom::helper::controler< SurfaceType >Helper class for handling implementation differences in different surfaces types Used in function ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::helper::controler< Nothing >Implementation for not used arg
 COpenXcom::helper::controler< Scalar< T > >Implementation for scalars types aka int, double, float
 COpenXcom::helper::controler< ShaderRepeat< Pixel > >
 COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< PixelPtr, PixelRef >
 COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< ShaderBase< Pixel >::PixelPtr, ShaderBase< Pixel >::PixelRef >
 COpenXcom::helper::controler_base< ShaderMove< Pixel >::PixelPtr, ShaderMove< Pixel >::PixelRef >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::ArticleDefinitionRect >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::DeploymentData >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::ItemSet >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionArea >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionWave >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::MissionZone >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::Position >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::RuleSlot >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::TrajectoryWaypoint >
 CYAML::convert< OpenXcom::UnitStats >
 COpenXcom::CountryRepresents a country that funds the player
 COpenXcom::CraftWeaponRepresents a craft weapon equipped by a craft
 COpenXcom::EntryCompareHelper class to compare entries through pointers
 COpenXcom::EquipmentLayoutItemRepresents a soldier-equipment layout item which is used on the beginning of the Battlescape
 COpenXcom::ExplosionA class that represents an explosion animation
 COpenXcom::ExtraSoundsFor adding a set of extra sound data to the game
 COpenXcom::ExtraSpritesFor adding a set of extra sprite data to the game
 COpenXcom::ExtraStringsFor adding a set of extra strings to the game
 COpenXcom::FastLineClipFast line clip
 COpenXcom::FontTakes care of loading and storing each character in a sprite font
 COpenXcom::GameThe core of the game engine, manages the game's entire contents and structure
 COpenXcom::GameTimeStores the current ingame time/date according to GMT
 COpenXcom::gmstreamMIDI stream
 COpenXcom::ItemContainerRepresents the items contained by a certain entity, like base stores, craft equipment, etc
 COpenXcom::LanguageContains strings used throughout the game for localization
 COpenXcom::LanguagePluralityThis class is the interface used to find plural forms for the different languages
 COpenXcom::LocalizedTextA string that is already translated
 COpenXcom::LoggerA basic logging and debugging class, prints output to stdout/files and can capture stack traces of fatal errors too
 COpenXcom::MapBlockRepresents a Terrain Map Block
 COpenXcom::MapDataMapData is the smallest piece of a Battlescape terrain, holding info about a certain object, wall, floor, ..
 COpenXcom::MapDataSetRepresents a Terrain Map Datafile
 COpenXcom::MCDPatchAn MCD data Patch
 COpenXcom::MinNodeCostsCompares PathfindingNode pointers based on TU cost
 COpenXcom::MissionAreaDefines a rectangle in polar coordinates
 COpenXcom::MissionWaveInformation about a mission wave
 COpenXcom::MissionZoneA zone (set of areas) on the globe
 COpenXcom::MusicContainer for music tracks
 COpenXcom::NodeRepresents a node/spawnpoint in the battlescape, loaded from RMP files
 COpenXcom::helper::NothingThis is empty argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::OptionInfoHelper class that ties metadata to particular options to help in serializing and stuff
 COpenXcom::output_statusOutput status
 COpenXcom::PaletteContainer for palettes (sets of 8bpp colors)
 COpenXcom::PathfindingA utility class that calculates the shortest path between two points on the battlescape map
 COpenXcom::PathfindingNodeA class that holds pathfinding info for a certain node on the map
 COpenXcom::PathfindingOpenSetA class that holds references to the nodes to be examined in pathfinding
 COpenXcom::PolygonRepresents a polygon in the world map
 COpenXcom::PolylineRepresents a polyline in the world map
 COpenXcom::PositionEasy handling of X-Y-Z coordinates
 COpenXcom::ProjectileA class that represents a projectile
 COpenXcom::RegionRepresents a region of the world
 COpenXcom::ResearchProjectRepresent a ResearchProject Contain information about assigned scientist, time already spent and cost of the project
 COpenXcom::ResourcePackPacks of external game media
 COpenXcom::RuleAlienMissionStores fixed information about a mission type
 COpenXcom::RuleBaseFacilityRepresents a specific type of base facility
 COpenXcom::RuleCountryRepresents a specific funding country
 COpenXcom::RuleCraftRepresents a specific type of craft
 COpenXcom::RuleCraftWeaponRepresents a specific type of craft weapon
 COpenXcom::RuleInventoryRepresents a specific section of the inventory, containing information like available slots and screen position
 COpenXcom::RuleItemRepresents a specific type of item
 COpenXcom::RuleManufactureRepresents the information needed to manufacture an object
 COpenXcom::RuleRegionRepresents a specific region of the world
 COpenXcom::RuleResearchRepresents one research project
 COpenXcom::RulesetSet of rules and stats for a game
 COpenXcom::RuleSoldierRepresents the creation data for a specific type of unit
 COpenXcom::RuleTerrainRepresents a specific type of Battlescape Terrain
 COpenXcom::RuleUfoRepresents a specific type of UFO
 COpenXcom::SavedBattleGameThe battlescape data that gets written to disk when the game is saved
 COpenXcom::SavedGameThe game data that gets written to disk when the game is saved
 COpenXcom::SaveInfoContainer for savegame info displayed on listings
 COpenXcom::helper::Scalar< T >This is scalar argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::ScreenA display screen, handles rendering onto the game window
 COpenXcom::seqMIDI sequence
 COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< Pixel >This is surface argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< const Pixel >This is surface argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< const Uint8 >This is surface argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::helper::ShaderBase< Uint8 >This is surface argument to ShaderDraw
 COpenXcom::SoldierRepresents a soldier hired by the player
 COpenXcom::SoldierDeathStores info about a soldier's death
 COpenXcom::SoldierNamePoolPool of soldier names to generate random names
 COpenXcom::SoundContainer for sound effects
 COpenXcom::SoundSetContainer of a set of sounds
 COpenXcom::StandartShadeHelp class used for Surface::blitNShade
 COpenXcom::StateA game state that receives user input and reacts accordingly
 COpenXcom::StatStringFor adding statStrings to the game
 COpenXcom::SurfaceElement that is blit (rendered) onto the screen
 COpenXcom::SurfaceSetContainer of a set of surfaces
 COpenXcom::TargetBase class for targets on the globe with a set of radian coordinates
 COpenXcom::TileBasic element of which a battle map is build
 COpenXcom::TileEngineA utility class that modifies tile properties on a battlescape map
 COpenXcom::TimerTimer used to run code in fixed intervals
 COpenXcom::trackMIDI track
 COpenXcom::TrajectoryWaypointInformation for points on a UFO trajectory
 COpenXcom::TransferRepresents an item transfer
 COpenXcom::UfopaediaThis static class encapsulates all functions related to Ufopaedia for the game
 COpenXcom::UfoTrajectoryHolds information about a specific trajectory
 COpenXcom::UnitRepresents the static data for a unit that is generated on the battlescape, this includes: HWPs, aliens and civilians
 COpenXcom::UnitStatsThis struct holds some plain unit attribute data together
 COpenXcom::VehicleRepresents a vehicle (tanks etc.) kept in a craft
 COpenXcom::WeightedOptionsHolds pairs of relative weights and IDs