The Hitchhiker’s Guide to OpenXcom

Ivan makes a brief comeback to teach you everything you could ever want to know about installing OpenXcom. Nightlies! Mods! ZIPs! Even more mods! That’s right, did you know there are mods other than X-Piratez? Better get some popcorn.

You can jump to a specific section by click the topics on the side.

Installer added to the nightlies

By popular request, the Windows nightlies now include an installer version as well. Now you no longer have to deal with boring old manually copying files, and get to beta-test an extra piece of software as well! I realize this might make some documentation obsolete, but not like you were reading it anyways.

Also my legal council would like me to remind you to not install a nightly on top of 1.0. The consequences to the universe might be catastrophic. Just uninstall 1.0 if you’re going that route, you’re likely not going back to it.

The Server Team is once again in need of your help.

The server is currently hosting Two projects: “UFO: Alien Invasion,” and “OpenXcom.”
To continue providing hosting services we will need to raise funds for the coming year, to pay for both the service and possibly some new hardware, or a new server computer altogether, especially if such services are to be provided free of advertisements on the project websites.

In addition to the two projects mentioned, we also host additional programming and development tools for the community, including a snapshot autobuilder for OpenXcom, and a buildbot for UFO: Alien Invasion.
We also welcome new projects that are freely available and preferably open-source in nature, and hope to continue to provide tools for the community to grow, but we will need your help and support to do so.

Please consider a donation for our cause, which you can give via the following link:

For European Users (EUR):

For USA Users (USD):

We sincerely thank you for any support you provide.

PSA: XPiratez and you is the official OpenXcom website. We run it. It’s where you are, right now! is the unofficial mod site. We have no control over it. We realize this must be very confusing, sorry!

Anyways, the mod site is currently suffering difficulties due to a huge surge of traffic from RockPaperShotgun (thanks for the article btw!), so you may have trouble reaching your favorite mods. But don’t fret! You can also check the mod forums, all the popular ones will likely have mirrors.

Also, hi new confused people! XPiratez is over there. Wiki is that way. Enjoy your stay!

X-COM now on

“Why is X-COM only available on Steam? Why do I have to get Steam to get X-COM? Why are these two things intrinsically linked? Why oh why must my life be filled with obstacles and peril?” you’ve told us for years.

Well, now you can also get it on Which is not Steam. In fact, it’s nothing like Steam. So, rejoice!

Scheduled website maintenance

NineX will be performing a server upgrade on 15th January 23h – 4h CET, during which the OpenXcom website and forums may be unavailable (as well as other hosted projects). The Windows Git Builder may suffer a longer period of downtime.

Third-party websites like the Mod Portal are not affected. If you need support you can reach us through the Contact icons on the sidebar.