Author Topic: [submod]Submod list for XCF  (Read 34623 times)

Offline Juku121

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[submod]Submod list for XCF
« on: January 13, 2023, 11:56:35 am »
Felt that pointing out some of these for the third time was getting old, so made a list. I have not tried all of them and some are pretty old, so there might be inaccuracies.

If you know of any other submods (even and especially ones that are overmod-agnostic), whether from Discord, Matrix or some other corner of the web, let me know.

Indications of outdated mods, mistakes or omissions in the descriptions, or any other clarifications are welcome.

A list of more or less current submods for the X-Com Files megamod:
    Game engine&AI:

    Music and sounds:


    • X-Com Files Alternative Art - More grounded Ufopedia images for quite a few entries. Subject to personal taste, but feedback has been 99% positive. Author: Helmet_Hair (the other one).
    • The SFW Files - Tones down the nudity in case you need to play XCF at work, near small children or on YT. Author: 8mono.

    Quality of Life:

    • X-Com Files Additions 0.8.1d - Quite a few additions to various parts of the mod, especially ground equipment (but also HWPs, enemies, armours, crafts, some missions, etc). Author: 8mono.
    • Project Xenophobia - An ambitious submod that does quite a few things: a rudimentary extra stealth layer, vest and headgear slots (with new headgear), aimed shot crits, recoil, blinding lasers, shield-blasting weapons, damage model rejiggery, some minor armour rebalancing, a new mission, and more. Requires both Arsenal Additions, Natasha Morozova join, and a compatibility patch for the two. Author: Barghum.
    • Mods by AlexandrVel/AleaxandrVel&collaborators:
      • Start early - Start in 1995 or 1994 to have more time to prepare. Might not be comprehensive. This thread has the older and much less extensive 1995 version. Author: AleaxandrVel/stnetw/Fenixlord.
      • Handcuffs_250_Gorizontal - A somewhat outdated and cheaty mod that makes the regular handcuffs item 2x1 instead of 1x2 (note that XCF 1.8b+ has handcuffs at 1x1), increases all cuffing ability to 240 instead of 40-60, and makes it one-handed to use. Probably a further development of Rotated Handcuffs. Author: Centron/AleaxandrVel.
      • There's a large number of submods by AlexanderVel in this thread.
    • FiveSeven - Relive the days of JA2 super-loot with this new starter pistol. Author: Pendra37 .
    • X-Com Files Medical Rework - A rebalancing of medical items (mostly to make them more useful). Oh, and gauze bandages. Author: Xer0_Moustel.
    • Medical Medals - At least now you get a T-shirt medal for patching up fellow agents. Author: HinterDemGlas.
    • Battle Scars That Hurt - Permanent stat penalties for getting wounded. Author: Fomka.
    • Open Xcom Files - Lightning Weapons - A mid-late game development based on Cyberweb weapons. Kill, stun, and EMP. It's like getting phasers. Author: FishyFin.
    • Stealth Armours - Two stealth armours, one night camo suit for mid-early game and an OP invisibility suit for lategame. Author: Juku121.
    • Medical drone icon - To make the carebear drone look different in the craft equipment screen. Author: HinterDemGlas.
    • XCom Drone Bombers 1.0 - A few extra inventory slots for Shadowbats, Small Drones, Gunships and Hovertanks so that they can drop explosives on your enemies. Only 4/10 Hovertank types are supported. Author: Sergey Q.
    • Advanced Marker - Two new markers, with slightly better night vision (+1) and faster deployment. The better one is smaller in the inventory, too. Note that these do not incorporate the 'anticamo' fix from more recent XCF, and pedia text is only for the Russian language. Author: Di aka stnetw.
    • Megaphone - A new item that orders civilians to evacuate or play dead. Needs fixing currently. Author: FishyFin.
    • Liberation - An opportunity to get back any Council nations taken over by aliens. Author: Finnik.
    • To Final - Ungate the endgame. Massively so - you just need the tech for your interplanetary craft, no need to find out where you're going by interrogating these pesky Ethereals. Author: Di aka stnetw
    • Leeroys! - Cryptids and other melee-only enemies hunt your agents down with a vengeance, just like Zombie hordes do. Author: Juku121.
    • Stupid Mongorns - A specialised version of the above gives the rabies only to Mongorns (Zombies and similar still retain theirs, of course).  Author: Solarius Scorch .
    • Cryptic Butchery - A way to make Mongorn Suits out of live Mongorns without the 'retain interrogated aliens' option. Also works for Bullfrog-, Muckstar- and Spikeboar-corpse-exclusive manufactures. Author: HinterDemGlas.
    • Everyone surrender - "No longer battle against wimpy things, they must surrender." Everyone surrenders. Less chasing down stragglers, your immersion gets abducted by Martians. Author: Belcanzor.
    • Manor 1.1 - Replaces the Elite Soldiers who reinforce manors with cult-specific enemies. Overwrites GlobeMarkers, so likely won't work with current XCF, and Expanded Markers need to be loaded as higher-priority if you want both. Author: Di aka stnetw.
    • X-Com Files: More UFOs - Four of them to be exact. And they hate you and your aircraft. Author: Kozinsky/Mesonchan/tnarg
    • Interceptions for X-Com Files - Adds some extra aircraft. Looks kinda amateurish to me, but what do I know. Author: Fenixlord.
    • X-Com Files: Realistic Air Defense Systems - Some realism never hurt anyone, now did it? Ignore the purple-faced guys in green bodygloves in the access lift, they're friendly fellows helping us test the new system. Just make sure to sign the ammo expenditure authorisation, Commander Chief. Author: Kozinsky.
    • X-Com Files: Air Raids - Enemy attacks on your base facilities come to XCF. Author: Kozinsky.
    • X-Com Files: Damaged Facilities - Rubble instead of dirt. Recommended for the Air Raids submod. Author: Kozinsky.
    • Facility Expansion Pack - The successor to Hanger Expansion Mod (below). Bigger hangars (three and four craft) and a small garage (and this is now what you're starting out with). Do note that this mod also changes several other facilities, and a few more minor aspects of the parent mod. Requires Brutal OXCE. Author: 0xEBJC.
    • XCom Files Garage mod - A precursor to  the Facility Expansion Pack, introducing the 1x1 garage. Requires Brutal OXCE. Author: Flaubert.
    • Hanger Expansion Mod - Bigger hangars (two and eight craft). Author: Biggieboy / 0xEBJC.
    • Angar x4 - And people were up in arms about how the Hanger Expansion Mod and Facility Expansion Pack were balance-breaking. Those were rookie numbers, this mod is where the real hangars are at! Author: Di aka stnetw.
    • Tritanium Bullet Mill - Tritanium bullets for everyone! Author: HinterDemGlas.
    • Empty space - An alternative to corridors. Author: Kozinsky.
    • Yautja Hunter - Adds a mission to fight a Predator. Needs fixing currently. Author: Alex_D.
    • Manor 1.0 - An assault on a Dagon Manor where the military fights for X-Com, not the other way around. Pedia text is only for the Russian language. Overwrites GlobeMarkers, so likely won't work with current XCF, and Expanded Markers need to be loaded as higher-priority if you want both. Author: Di aka stnetw.

« Last Edit: July 22, 2024, 03:51:44 am by Juku121 »

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #1 on: January 13, 2023, 12:03:16 pm »
« Last Edit: April 08, 2024, 07:58:42 am by Juku121 »

Offline Xylon666Darkstar

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2023, 09:14:32 pm »
Thanks for this. Always looking for ways to enhance/make more difficult my XCF experiences.

Offline Bonakva

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2023, 12:16:49 pm »

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2023, 04:49:04 pm »
Thanks, added under a new 'UI' section.

Offline NazarTyagun

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2023, 11:49:30 pm »
strange that no one made a mod with a 50-150 damage system, instead of a crazy 0-200 roulette.
As I understand it, to implement this, need to edit the items_XCOMFILES.rul file, but which lines exactly (and whether something else needs to be changed)

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2023, 12:06:13 am »
strange that no one made a mod with a 50-150 damage system, instead of a crazy 0-200 roulette.
I've done a personal 2x0-100 system. 8)

Spoiler"DIY TFTD damage mod discussion":
The easiest way to do this would be to mass replace all instances of 'RandomType: 1' and 'RandomType: 2' with 'RandomType: 8' and 'RandomType: 9', and then add corresponding 'damageRange' and 'explosiveDamageRange' values (which can be other than 50-150) to the 'constants' section.

That will make everything that does 0-200 (and 50-150 for HE) do whatever value you specify instead. If that's your only problem with the damage model, that should be it.

If you also think that some weapons have mismatched randomTypes (because there are more than just two of them), that will require you to go over the item file and decide what each individual instance of 'RandomType' has to be. Shouldn't take more than a few hours. Plus some more every time there's an update.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 07:05:03 pm by Juku121 »

Offline NazarTyagun

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2023, 10:28:27 am »
I'm sorry, I didn't understand anything. More precisely, I understood, but as it turned out, wrong.
In the ITEMS file, many weapons, if not most, (and even their ammunition CLIP) do not have a RandomType line, while some weapons have this

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2023, 10:36:13 am »
Spoiler"DIY TFTD damage mod discussion":
'Randomtype' is usually on the ammo. If it's not there, it's the vanilla default (0-200 for most, 50-150 for HE/concussive, fixed for incendiary, etc). So if you want it to be 50-150, you need to add it yourself. Edit: Or use 'damageRange' and 'explosiveDamageRange', as outlined earlier.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 07:04:45 pm by Juku121 »

Offline NazarTyagun

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2023, 10:40:13 am »

thanks for the answer, then it greatly complicates the task)) And I was hoping for the "replace" notepad function

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2023, 10:52:27 am »
Spoiler"DIY TFTD damage mod discussion":
Actually, if it's not there and not one of the special damage types (incendiary, smoke, HE, special) I think it falls under 'damageRange'.

Edit: Yes, it does, even for new damage types. And default HE can be controlled with 'explosiveDamageRange'. So you only need to worry about damage types 0, 4 and 9. There are some weapons that might need adjustment (gas, some cult weapons), but all of these should also have an explicit 'RandomType' if they don't do either zero or fixed fire damage.

So I guess it can be done without too much hassle.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2023, 07:04:28 pm by Juku121 »

Offline Chuckebaby

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2023, 06:45:52 pm »
Nice job Juku.
Great to have these all in one place. Thanks a bunch.

Offline Bonakva

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #12 on: February 24, 2023, 07:20:34 am »

Offline Juku121

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2023, 09:19:13 am »
Added under UI. I made a proposal to make this 'official' a little while ago.

Offline Xylon666Darkstar

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Re: [submod]Submod list for XCF
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2023, 06:08:07 pm »
XCFHanger Expansion Mod v0.86 appears to be broken with the latest OpenXcom update from yesterday. I keep getting these errors now attempting to launch the game  :-[

[04-07-2023_07-54-31]   [ERROR]   During linking rulesets of facilities:
Error processing 'STR_LARGE_HANGAR' in facilities: Not enough position vectors for crafts allocation.
Error processing 'STR_UPGRADED_HANGAR' in facilities: Not enough position vectors for crafts allocation.