Took me ages to finish this, but I'm finally done. I've successfully recreated and expanded the fontset from the Amiga and PSX versions of X-COM for use in OXC.
For those who have no idea of what I'm talking about, the Amiga/PSX version of Enemy Unknown featured a fontset that was considerably different from the PC versions fonts. These fonts were originally part of the (not-so-pretty) Amiga 500 port, but were later incorporated in the Amiga 1200 and PSX ports as well, with various changes and modifications. They were essentially more heavily stylized fonts with bigger, more readable characters, but also sharper contrast, and no anti-aliasing. They were used to give a more serious look to the UI, but weren't without their own flaws; whereas earlier implementations suffered from a limited character set, later ones had poor readability, in brighter backgrounds, due to the lack of proper shading.
What I've done here is not a 1:1 recreation, but rather a polished version of the best aspects of every version of this fontset. Aside from no longer suffering from poor readability, I've also expanded it to include both Cyrillic and Greek alphabet characters, as well as its respective diacritics. All diacritical marks were also optimized to be perfectly distinguishable even in the small set.
I'd appreciate everyone to give this a try, especially if you're either Greek or from a country which uses a Cyrillic-based alphabet, as I really want to make sure I made no big mistakes.
Here's a small preview, if you're curious:




AmigaFontsMod1.4 from this post. Extract the "AmigaFonts" folder from the archive, and place it in ./OpenXCom/standard folder. Start the game, and load the mod from the mod tab.
I'd like to thank the people of the English Amiga Boards for helping me rip the needed characters from the Amiga 1200 version,
and all the folks in #openxcom who helped with the testing.
Hope you all enjoy this mod.