I just wanted to randomly thank you, Meridian, all your improvements really give my (and any OXCE) mod a new life 
Much appreciated.
I would have a favour to ask, if you have some spare time.
I am still going through that experience training stuff and I need to do a lot of testing/debugging... it is however taking forever to load PirateZ in debug mode (literally 10+ minutes). Would you be able to extract some weapons from piratez and make them a standalone mod pack for xcom1 for me for testing purposes?
The list would be:
true melee: cutlass, rope
short range: hammer, chainsaw, fuso knives, zapper, flamethrower, fusion torch
long range (arc): javelins, combat bow, grenade launcher or mortar (all types of ammo)
long range (line): panzerfaust, harpoon gun, any shotgun (with pellets)
disposables: molotov, black powder bomb, stick grenade, flask o acid, apple
grenades: willie pete, acid grenade, stun grenade, crate of violence
no need, already in xcom1: stun rod, he grenade, smoke grenade, proxy grenade, rifle, rocket launcher, blaster launcher, etc.