I say Let's do it like this perhaps:
- Calling wounded would, obviously, need to have consequences, agrreviating their wounds. Wounded people fight at their own risk.
- So, their wounds are maximized (they lose HP = 2*remaining Sickbay days, as if they rolled the fastest recovery time when they were hit. OR, to add chaos factor, make it *1.5 - still a lot but there is a slight chance the mission will actually lowere their sickbay time

- If they'd be down to below 1 HP, they cannot fight, that's it.
- variation of the above: they won't fight if their HP would go below their (110-Bravery)/4 (12 for a 60 Bravery soldier, 25 for a 10 Bravery soldier, 2 for a 100 Bravery soldier)
- Make it an option accessible from before the battle, with a soldier-by-soldier list stating how much HP they will lose when pressed into service, and you decide on each one.
- Option: since you cannot change armor if attacked by surprise, and these people were all in beds, all sick fight in a ruleset-defined armor (default their STR_NONE_UC)