Here's latest download link and recent changelongs.
If you're upgrading mid-campaign, make sure to check the 'upgrading saves' thread.
MOD HERE: https://www.moddb.com/mods/x-piratez/downloads/dioxines-xpiratez-n10-24-nov-2024Read the install instructions carefully. No joke. Srsly. Then the Bootypedia, to avoid premature death.
Suffering awaits. And boobs.
Video Tutorial: Install X-Piratez by Ivan Dogovich
- Gfx update: Throwing Axes (by Solarius Scorch), Kraken base sprite (by RSSWizard), Sniper Rifle (by Mikkoi)
- Minor fixes
- OXCE 8.0 compatible formatting
- Language updates
- Fix: rare crash when Wasteland Trouble enemy mission spawned with wrong race and you tried to recover car wreck
- Fix: Scorpion no longer allowed to carry BTX component, swapped for JET as intended
- Minor fixes
v.N10 Aurora's Dawn
- Fix: 'Demigod' difficulty setting removed, as it does a different thing than I was led to believe
- Fix: Savage Queen crowning cutscene crash
- Fix: 'New Hope' properly unlocks 'Zero Tolerance' now
- New ending content: Aurora's path! (WIP but contains new, 3rd ending, CYBERHIVE)
- New Stuff for above: Doll soldier type, Dreamlink training
- New path: Life Is Hybrid
- New Missions: T'Leth Dream Relay, Highwaymen Fort
- New craft: Sek-Skout, Sekar
- New Bugeye armor: Rebel
- Bugeye wizard trainings: Magos, High Magos, Elementalist, Seer, Xenomancer
- New maps for several urban terrains (

, Guild Warehouse (1), Catacombs (1, by Solar)
- Rework of MAG munitions concept (suggestion by Quixotic Rogue). Removed all current types, replaced with Flintlock MAGs. Also now allows to produce Raildriver Coils.
- Heavy Particle Gun damage buff
- Fixed Cockroach and Spider sprites (by Mikkoi)
- Added custom backpack portraits for Masterblaster /GNM
- Reduced the amount of bandit cars
- Less random Govt attacks on your Hideouts at Boss rank (none at all if Male Path)
- Metagarden has more functions now
- Cannonballs, cannons & anchors added as extra loot for sunken galleons
- More Lore
- Name fixing
- Pedia/gfx updates
- Minor adjustments/pacing
v.N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024
- New Mission: Lucky Guy
- All radar ranges increased. All radars (excluding low detection chance ones) are HWDs.
- Enemy H/K's detectable from +50 NM by Hideouts, +150 NM by craft.
- Bounty Hunts now require Rank 2 (Rogue), but the Rank requirement on Establishing Hideouts has been removed
- Big Bird slower/bit less range but undetectable, Angry Bird faster/bit more range, Zepp faster
- You can get more Menace craft now
- Improved Mechtoid paperdol by Mikkoi, some other small gfx updates
- Removed 'bad advice' events/entries by Kato
- Game pacing updates (tech tree fixes, out-of-depth event rewards less likely, other niceties)
- Terrain fixes
v.N9.5 21-Aug-2024
- OXCE upgrade to 7.13 27-Jul-2024
- Fix: new final mission actually spawns now
- New Facilities: Witch Cave, Trap Room
- New Craft Weapon: Magma Cannon
- Early tech updates for clarity
- Faction traffic starts couple months later
- All GR/HAND weapons added to craft weapons category
- No-timer grenades' priming TU cost reduced from 30% to 25% (35% to 30% in case of Boom Keg)
- "Underground Acivity" track removed (it was pissing me off)
- Some new events
- Small fixes & updates (thx to zRrr & others)
v.N9 1-Jun-2024 Second Coming
- New Ending (Emperor Zander)! Includes 6 new missions with several new enemies and weapons. Thx to Solar & Brain for the help with gfx. Ends Gudrun the Knight path.
- New Facility: Private Hospital (Male path)
- New Craft: Shadowranger, War Bike (battlescape gfx by Brain)
- New Items: Medical Box, Medical Manual
- New Training: Nephilim Legacy
- New location events
- Peasant Revolution path expanded (2 mutually exclusive trainings, alt way to get Zero Tolerance)
- Improovement: correct Bootypedia names of special ranged attacks
- Establishing new Hideouts base cost lowered by about 20%
- Added extra escape tiles to Metro missions
- Trucks and Convoy have 2x repair rate now
- Added a chance to acquire 3rd Claw Fighter (and Ace) on Cat Path
- Jasana Cannon ammo capacity nerf to 9, refire to 13s, shield damage to 0.75, ammo no longer free but fast reload
- Hyena Rider's Energy Regen doubled
- Scavenger outfit gfx update (added varied jacket sizes)
- Axes now use 'easier' accuracy formula
- Hv. Shotgun ammo cap nerfed to 7 rounds (gfx by RSSWizard), DB Shotgun Aimed accuracy lowered to 145%
- Advanced Medicine access can now be unlocked by the Cyberzombie Database as well
- Scamming now open to any Captain with Weird Kinks, not just Dumbass
- PC disassembly now requires batches of 5, yields 60% less Optronics but a bit more databases
- Pedia gfx enhancements (major, over 200 images improved) (special thanks to Solarius Scorch, also to Holoc, Baturinsky, Marza, Kenshi)
- New death sounds (from Masamune Shirow's Black Magic)
- Korean font fix (by Injuras)
- Minor fixes & tweaks (thanks to Delian, Karadoc & many others)
v.N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis
- OXCE upgrade to 7.12.5 15-Apr-2024
- Fix: Sunken Treasure Mission
- Fix: Red Mage's disappearing ammo
- Fix: car-racing Spiderdemons
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Bride (1 new mission, deployable unit, other stuff) related My arc progress
- New Arc Progress: Mystery Patron, some progress related to before (2 armors, 1 new weapon, story)
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Knight: Labyrinthus Noctis (1 mission, major lore)
- New Mission: Defend the Fort!
- New Enemies: Stygian Gargoyle, Stygian Guardian, Dreamer Medusa, Raider Mudder, Raider Sludgebringer (paperdoll by Wolverin)
- New Facilities: Non-Profit Lab
- New Armors: Blood Dragon (gfx by Brain), Gnome Feuerteufel (gfx by Brain)
- New Weapons: Stygian stuff (x2), BM Light SMG (gfx by RSSWizard)
- New Items: Backpacks (x2)
- New Trainings: Wholesome, Military Drill, Captain's 11
- New Map for Commercial (by Solar & Brain)
- Bandit cars and trucks now hurt your Infamy, but less of them is appearing on months 1-2
- Green Raiders now can appear on Raid missions, especially later on
- Trucks have an extra GR/HAND weapon slot now
- Rebalances (mostly buffs): LACC, Battle Laser, Missile & Fusion Defenses, Sadomaster Training
- Expanded the Captain Personality Test (more types, more complexity, and related stuff)
- New Events
- Added 'Hellerium Trails' theme song (Lyrics by Solar, composed & performed by AI)
- Various minor gfx and sound improvements (thx to Brain, RSSWizard and others)
- Removed all dogfight icons for non-weapon equipment (except STCs)
- Assorted minor fixes (special thx to VDBomber & his OXC FPS project)
- Improved armor values on Blue armors & Jugger & some others
- Blue-shield armors cost gems
- Option to extract gems from Magischen-Motors
- Added option to craft HMG/MG normal ammo
- More Pedia AI pictures of enemy units (mined by Marza)
- New Shambler paperdoll/pedia image by Imp Montezuma
- Improved Ratman Hunter paperdoll/pedia image by Mikkoi
- Minor fixes, rebalances, text clarifications
- Fix: bandit car crashes, this time definitely (thx to zRrr)
- Fix: hit animation spritesheet minor corruption removed
- Improved hit flash script (original by Mr. Red, update by zZrr)
- Swapped around base ThV value between Lokk'naars and Gnomes (the former now have 50%, the latter 33%)
- Lokk'Naar nightflyer armor now flies faster
- Lokk'Naar assassin now runs faster (at jacked energy cost)
- Increased range of flamethrowers
- Added Academy logo (by Lictor)
- Binge of image replacements (usually AI generated, those mostly by Marza)
- Fix: crafts: auxiliaries capacity bug caused by being not up to date with OXCE changes
- Fix: Kraken, Swordfish and Crab can now carry auxiliaries as intended
- Fix: Sivalinga Resurrection event
- Fix: bandit car crashes
- Small update of Freighter maps
- Merged reskin of Warbird by Dakkon
- Minor fixes/updates (thx to Flyte, Osobist)
- Languages update
- Improved armor values on Blue armors & Jugger & some others
- Blue-shield armors cost gems
- Option to extract gems from Magischen-Motors
- Added option to craft HMG/MG normal ammo
- More Pedia AI pictures of enemy units (mined by Marza)
- New Shambler paperdoll/pedia image by Imp Montezuma
- Improved Ratman Hunter paperdoll/pedia image by Mikkoi
- Minor fixes, rebalances, text clarifications
- Fix: bandit car crashes, this time definitely (thx to zRrr)
- Fix: hit animation spritesheet minor corruption removed
- Improved hit flash script (original by Mr. Red, update by zZrr)
- Swapped around base ThV value between Lokk'naars and Gnomes (the former now have 50%, the latter 33%)
- Lokk'Naar nightflyer armor now flies faster
- Lokk'Naar assassin now runs faster (at jacked energy cost)
- Increased range of flamethrowers
- Added Academy logo (by Lictor)
- Binge of image replacements (usually AI generated, those mostly by Marza)
- Fix: crafts: auxiliaries capacity bug caused by being not up to date with OXCE changes
- Fix: Kraken, Swordfish and Crab can now carry auxiliaries as intended
- Fix: Sivalinga Resurrection event
- Fix: bandit car crashes
- Small update of Freighter maps
- Merged reskin of Warbird by Dakkon
- Minor fixes/updates (thx to Flyte, Osobist)
- Languages update
v.N7 Flying Tiger, Hidden Tentacle 16-Dec-2023
- OXCE update to 7.9.20
- Fix: 'range>5' crashes on geoscape in mid-late game (thanks to Zzrr for diagnosis of the error)
- Fix: Condemnations for special missions now include all (?) the relevant missions
- Merged Triarius submod by Torchwood (it adds Triarius (PEA/SS) and Disruptor (BUG) armors). Author's thx to Brain, Kenshi, WarstalkeR & Zastaver
- Early Game Change: lots of weak enemy ground craft to fight with
- New Missions: Old Earth Metro (4 variants), Mongorn Migration, The Sniper, Archeological Adventure, Sunken Treasure, Demon Bait (1 new variant, research to get them more often), Executive Retreat
- New Enemies: Mongorn, Tentacle Hive, Kobold Huntress, Eurosyndicate Agent, Hell Maggot, Bolshoy Guard
- New Enemy Vessels/Missions: Highwaymen Hoverpod, Sandcrawler, Bandit Wartruck, Bandit Car, Black Talon
- New Crafts: Gunwagon, Angry Bird, Tiger
- New Craft Weapons: Piratin' Cannon (HAND), Minigun (GR), RPG (HAND), GL (HAND), Rotogun (GR), RL (HAND), Harpoons (GR), Hefaistos (AA)
- New Craft Systems: Augmented Engines, Compressed Chem Fuel Tank, Craft Extra Armor
- New Armors: Ironcat (gfx by Brain), Tecnovator variants (Cyberscarabs, Recon Drones), Gnome Standard War Jacket (gfx partially by Brain), Gnome Shielded War Jacket, Gnome TAC7-S Armor, Blood Hound Metal Armor, Camo Paint /Gnome, Rebelstar /SS (gfx by Brain), Cat Witch (gfx mostly by Brain), Gnome Mining Suit
- New Weapons: Sports Rifle, Firestars, Quicksilver Dagger, Hell Shotgun, Hell Knuckles
- New Ammo: Arcane Minnie Bullets, Heavy Birdshot, Black Adder AP Clip, LC-Rend Ammo
- New Equipment: Dust Mask, X-Med Mask
- New Trainings: Art of Trouncing, Judical Education, Abyssal Aspect, Educating Simple Minds, Person Of Culture, Blitzgal, Pet Tentacle Monster, Destructor
- New Recruits: Theban Assault Catgirl, Former Commando, Disciple of Twilight
- New Condemnations: Oldtimer, Professional, Idiot
- New Feature: Crazy Hassan Special Offers
- New maps: 1 for Junk Villages, 1 for Comms Tower, 4 for Caves
- New maps: 'Hell Cruise' map replaced with a cargo liner map (conversion by Solarius Scorch)
- New maps: Alternative maps for Orbital Lab, Refuelling Station and Cold Storage (maps and gfx by Brain)
- New gfx: 24 new Gnome avatars (for a total of 48; +100%! Hairdos 95% by Brain); + some hats added
- New gfx: customized interception screens for Ratmen and Necropirate foot gangs
- New gfx: Ogres have their own flag & rank pictures
- New gfx: customized smartphone touch buttons by Riccardo Gasperi
- New music: Cannon Angel
- Gal salaries raised to $40k (Young Ubers, Warriors, Veterans) and $20k (Freaks). Bugeyes' to $25k.
- Monthly limits added to recruitment: Young Ubers 8, Warriors 4, Veterans 1, Freaks 3
- Buffed Factions versions now appear later
- Zombies no longer immune to Bio
- Establishing new Hideouts now requires researching it
- Bunker facility redone. Now it is no longer impassable to large units, but instead has a defensive 14mm light turret installed (battlescape only). It is no longer blocking the Extractor function. No longer Captain Soreass exclusive, now can be built by anyone with the aspect Pig-headed. Cost increased by the requirement of Necroplane Parts.
- Hotels and Hellerium Plants buffed
- Zeppelin reimagined
- Buffs to VPWR/VSKL min/max/cap for SS, Peasants, Damsels
- Special recruits who will not really benefit from basic trainings have them marked as already undergone
- Buffed SPOT for Gnomes
- Lokk'Naars get basic 65% vs. Bio instead of 100. Buffed SPOT and NV for nude/unarmored like with other races.
- Bugeye Thinman and Thong outfits have inbuilt melee attack now (but slightly less powerful MC)
- Modified Meridian's Special Autogun (now it's a Mind Orb weapon)
- Buffed X-plasma weapons
- Sivalingas useable earlier, via a string of new events
- Puma Siters and Claw events more likely on Cat Path
- Restored the Warriors track
- More lore
- Lots of other stuff
- Ruleset cleanup, related bugfixes (thx to Warstalker for list of errors)
- Minor fixes, rebalances, updates & improvements
- Nightops armor debuffed, moved pre-Workshop
- Minor fixes
- Warning: delete old rulesets when updating
- Fix: Studying the Sword (last?)
- New Weapons: Coach Gun, Jezzail
- New Ammo: Blizzard Jumpmines
- New Civilian: Squatter
- All armors can now be produced from scratch (Streamlined Armor Production mod by Ivan Dogovich no longer needed)
- Dogs have more Stamina
- Condemnations rework:
-- Archer replaced with Amazon, moved thrown weapons and spears there together with bows. Bonus changed slightly.
-- Hammerer renamed to Industrious, now simply counts kills per career
-- New ones: Techbarbarian, Bulwark
-- Increased no. of kills needed to get low ranks of Traditional, Radical & Medieval
-- Patched holes, added missing weapons etc
- More lore
- Minor fixes & improvements, rebalancing
- Triarius submod (by Torchwood) updates: Brain's paperdoll and spritesheet replacements for Triarius armor, Disruptor armor added (repaletted to proper colors by me)
- Fix: Studying the Sword (again)
- New Mission: Drifter Camp
- New Transformations: Beauty Formula (Witch Quest reward), Tiger Tours
- Gfx updates: By Brain: Small Medipack, Space Medipacks, Nano-Surgery Device, Juggernaut suit
- Gfx updates: by Garr Incorporated: Eridian Warchief
- Gfx updates: Smoke Grenade
- New Graphs background
- Buffs to Juggernaut (mainly NV)
- Some lore, minor fixes etc
- Added Triarius Armor submod by Torchwood
- Fix: Studying The Sword and Weapon Lore crashes
- Desert movement more difficult (for walking units)
- Zombies more vulnerable to Concussive damage
- Added extra reward for Nocturne in Red
- Gfx udaptes (paperdolls an pedia), by Mikkoi: Fartbag, Guild Air Sailor, Church Matron
- Minor adjustments/rebalances
- Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs (Pogroms, Ninjas and more) (thanks to Magic Skeleton, Torchwood and Solarius Scorch for the help with fixing it)
- Fix: tech progression when you select Cats 4 Life path
- Fix: Guild secret base crash
- New Events
- Improved gfx: Siren, Reticulan Peon, Reticulan Elder (by Mikkoi)
- Language updates
- Cat path actually works now
- Palette fixes
- Added some missing strings
- Improved Nekomimi Laser sprite (by Brain)
v.N6 03-Oct-2023 Zany Cats
- OXCE update to 7.9.10
- Fix: Cydonia mission button launch not appearing
- Fix: Battle Cab added to lists of allowed crafts in various envinros
- Fix: Cat Oni Armor: special attack can be made without VSKL requirement, also added the missing gauntlet
- Fix: Added missing gauntlet attack to Neko Peacemaker Gear (and Termicator bc. they use same built-in wpn.)
- Fix: Region data leaks from the original game files causing Geoscape crashes (hopefully they stop now)
- New Missions: Demon Bait (4 variants), UAC Shelter
- New Enemy: UAC Security Drone
- New Craft: Firefox (by Solarius Scorch)
- New Craft Weapon: Nekomimi Prowler Cannon
- New Craft System: Hellerium Supercell
- New Armor: Flycat (For Catgirls, based on original design of 'Catnapper' armor by Miz Mayhem)
- New Weapons: Nekomimi Marksman Laser (by Solarius Scorch), Cursed Rifle, Mega Ax (Blood Orb, Gold Codex), Hellfist (Blood Orb, Red & Gray Codex)
- New Path: Cats 4 Life.
- New gfx: improved Blood Hound (by Mikkoi)
- New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
- Lessened February score hits caused by bandit activity
- Witch Quest frequency increased
- Small rework of Drakkar map. Also Drakkar got its own sprite (by AlexD)
- Statistical bullet saving added to most of the light craft cannons
- Some rebalancing to Beam Laser (buff) and Plasma Beam (bit less range, bit more acc)
- Beast den +5 animals cap (now 30)
- Repentias and Weirdgals enhanced
- Swiftsuit: scouting goggles added
- Car/AGL weapon buffs
- Most ballistic and some other pistols have their long range ACC penalties increased
- Smart Pistol even faster, but has lower Snap range; gfx updated
- 'Mutant Porn' changed to 'Zany Zines' to better fit what kind of resource it's supposed to be
- New music theme for Red Mage events
- GMTACTIC4 replaced
- New city: Marrakesh
- More events
- Tech tree polishing, minor weapon/armor tweaks, other adjustments
- More hidden movement backgrounds
- Minor fixes (maps etc)