
Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn  (Read 4652831 times)

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N10 24-Nov-2024 Aurora's Dawn
« on: May 09, 2015, 09:32:31 pm »
Here's latest download link and recent changelongs.
If you're upgrading mid-campaign, make sure to check the 'upgrading saves' thread.


Read the install instructions carefully. No joke. Srsly. Then the Bootypedia, to avoid premature death.
Suffering awaits. And boobs.

Video Tutorial: Install X-Piratez by Ivan Dogovich

- Gfx update: Throwing Axes (by Solarius Scorch), Kraken base sprite (by RSSWizard), Sniper Rifle (by Mikkoi)
- Minor fixes
- OXCE 8.0 compatible formatting
- Language updates

- Fix: rare crash when Wasteland Trouble enemy mission spawned with wrong race and you tried to recover car wreck
- Fix: Scorpion no longer allowed to carry BTX component, swapped for JET as intended
- Minor fixes

v.N10 Aurora's Dawn
- Fix: 'Demigod' difficulty setting removed, as it does a different thing than I was led to believe
- Fix: Savage Queen crowning cutscene crash
- Fix: 'New Hope' properly unlocks 'Zero Tolerance' now
- New ending content: Aurora's path! (WIP but contains new, 3rd ending, CYBERHIVE)
- New Stuff for above: Doll soldier type, Dreamlink training
- New path: Life Is Hybrid
- New Missions: T'Leth Dream Relay, Highwaymen Fort
- New craft: Sek-Skout, Sekar
- New Bugeye armor: Rebel
- Bugeye wizard trainings: Magos, High Magos, Elementalist, Seer, Xenomancer
- New maps for several urban terrains (8), Guild Warehouse (1), Catacombs (1, by Solar)
- Rework of MAG munitions concept (suggestion by Quixotic Rogue). Removed all current types, replaced with Flintlock MAGs. Also now allows to produce Raildriver Coils.
- Heavy Particle Gun damage buff
- Fixed Cockroach and Spider sprites (by Mikkoi)
- Added custom backpack portraits for Masterblaster /GNM
- Reduced the amount of bandit cars
- Less random Govt attacks on your Hideouts at Boss rank (none at all if Male Path)
- Metagarden has more functions now
- Cannonballs, cannons & anchors added as extra loot for sunken galleons
- More Lore
- Name fixing
- Pedia/gfx updates
- Minor adjustments/pacing

v.N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024
- New Mission: Lucky Guy
- All radar ranges increased. All radars (excluding low detection chance ones) are HWDs.
- Enemy H/K's detectable from +50 NM by Hideouts, +150 NM by craft.
- Bounty Hunts now require Rank 2 (Rogue), but the Rank requirement on Establishing Hideouts has been removed
- Big Bird slower/bit less range but undetectable, Angry Bird faster/bit more range, Zepp faster
- You can get more Menace craft now
- Improved Mechtoid paperdol by Mikkoi, some other small gfx updates
- Removed 'bad advice' events/entries by Kato
- Game pacing updates (tech tree fixes, out-of-depth event rewards less likely, other niceties)
- Terrain fixes

v.N9.5 21-Aug-2024
- OXCE upgrade to 7.13 27-Jul-2024
- Fix: new final mission actually spawns now
- New Facilities: Witch Cave, Trap Room
- New Craft Weapon: Magma Cannon
- Early tech updates for clarity
- Faction traffic starts couple months later
- All GR/HAND weapons added to craft weapons category
- No-timer grenades' priming TU cost reduced from 30% to 25% (35% to 30% in case of Boom Keg)
- "Underground Acivity" track removed (it was pissing me off)
- Some new events
- Small fixes & updates (thx to zRrr & others)

v.N9 1-Jun-2024 Second Coming
- New Ending (Emperor Zander)! Includes 6 new missions with several new enemies and weapons. Thx to Solar & Brain for the help with gfx. Ends Gudrun the Knight path.
- New Facility: Private Hospital (Male path)
- New Craft: Shadowranger, War Bike (battlescape gfx by Brain)
- New Items: Medical Box, Medical Manual
- New Training: Nephilim Legacy
- New location events
- Peasant Revolution path expanded (2 mutually exclusive trainings, alt way to get Zero Tolerance)
- Improovement: correct Bootypedia names of special ranged attacks
- Establishing new Hideouts base cost lowered by about 20%
- Added extra escape tiles to Metro missions
- Trucks and Convoy have 2x repair rate now
- Added a chance to acquire 3rd Claw Fighter (and Ace) on Cat Path
- Jasana Cannon ammo capacity nerf to 9, refire to 13s, shield damage to 0.75, ammo no longer free but fast reload
- Hyena Rider's Energy Regen doubled
- Scavenger outfit gfx update (added varied jacket sizes)
- Axes now use 'easier' accuracy formula
- Hv. Shotgun ammo cap nerfed to 7 rounds (gfx by RSSWizard), DB Shotgun Aimed accuracy lowered to 145%
- Advanced Medicine access can now be unlocked by the Cyberzombie Database as well
- Scamming now open to any Captain with Weird Kinks, not just Dumbass
- PC disassembly now requires batches of 5, yields 60% less Optronics but a bit more databases
- Pedia gfx enhancements (major, over 200 images improved) (special thanks to Solarius Scorch, also to Holoc, Baturinsky, Marza, Kenshi)
- New death sounds (from Masamune Shirow's Black Magic)
- Korean font fix (by Injuras)
- Minor fixes & tweaks (thanks to Delian, Karadoc & many others)

v.N8 28-Apr-2024 Labyrinthus Noctis
- OXCE upgrade to 7.12.5 15-Apr-2024
- Fix: Sunken Treasure Mission
- Fix: Red Mage's disappearing ammo
- Fix: car-racing Spiderdemons
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Bride (1 new mission, deployable unit, other stuff) related My arc progress
- New Arc Progress: Mystery Patron, some progress related to before (2 armors, 1 new weapon, story)
- New Arc Progress: Gudrun the Knight: Labyrinthus Noctis (1 mission, major lore)
- New Mission: Defend the Fort!
- New Enemies: Stygian Gargoyle, Stygian Guardian, Dreamer Medusa, Raider Mudder, Raider Sludgebringer (paperdoll by Wolverin)
- New Facilities: Non-Profit Lab
- New Armors: Blood Dragon (gfx by Brain), Gnome Feuerteufel (gfx by Brain)
- New Weapons: Stygian stuff (x2), BM Light SMG (gfx by RSSWizard)
- New Items: Backpacks (x2)
- New Trainings: Wholesome, Military Drill, Captain's 11
- New Map for Commercial (by Solar & Brain)
- Bandit cars and trucks now hurt your Infamy, but less of them is appearing on months 1-2
- Green Raiders now can appear on Raid missions, especially later on
- Trucks have an extra GR/HAND weapon slot now
- Rebalances (mostly buffs): LACC, Battle Laser, Missile & Fusion Defenses, Sadomaster Training
- Expanded the Captain Personality Test (more types, more complexity, and related stuff)
- New Events
- Added 'Hellerium Trails' theme song (Lyrics by Solar, composed & performed by AI)
- Various minor gfx and sound improvements (thx to Brain, RSSWizard and others)
- Removed all dogfight icons for non-weapon equipment (except STCs)
- Assorted minor fixes (special thx to VDBomber & his OXC FPS project)

- Improved armor values on Blue armors & Jugger & some others
- Blue-shield armors cost gems
- Option to extract gems from Magischen-Motors
- Added option to craft HMG/MG normal ammo
- More Pedia AI pictures of enemy units (mined by Marza)
- New Shambler paperdoll/pedia image by Imp Montezuma
- Improved Ratman Hunter paperdoll/pedia image by Mikkoi
- Minor fixes, rebalances, text clarifications

- Fix: bandit car crashes, this time definitely (thx to zRrr)
- Fix: hit animation spritesheet minor corruption removed
- Improved hit flash script (original by Mr. Red, update by zZrr)
- Swapped around base ThV value between Lokk'naars and Gnomes (the former now have 50%, the latter 33%)
- Lokk'Naar nightflyer armor now flies faster
- Lokk'Naar assassin now runs faster (at jacked energy cost)
- Increased range of flamethrowers
- Added Academy logo (by Lictor)
- Binge of image replacements (usually AI generated, those mostly by Marza)

- Fix: crafts: auxiliaries capacity bug caused by being not up to date with OXCE changes
- Fix: Kraken, Swordfish and Crab can now carry auxiliaries as intended
- Fix: Sivalinga Resurrection event
- Fix: bandit car crashes
- Small update of Freighter maps
- Merged reskin of Warbird by Dakkon
- Minor fixes/updates (thx to Flyte, Osobist)
- Languages update

- Improved armor values on Blue armors & Jugger & some others
- Blue-shield armors cost gems
- Option to extract gems from Magischen-Motors
- Added option to craft HMG/MG normal ammo
- More Pedia AI pictures of enemy units (mined by Marza)
- New Shambler paperdoll/pedia image by Imp Montezuma
- Improved Ratman Hunter paperdoll/pedia image by Mikkoi
- Minor fixes, rebalances, text clarifications

- Fix: bandit car crashes, this time definitely (thx to zRrr)
- Fix: hit animation spritesheet minor corruption removed
- Improved hit flash script (original by Mr. Red, update by zZrr)
- Swapped around base ThV value between Lokk'naars and Gnomes (the former now have 50%, the latter 33%)
- Lokk'Naar nightflyer armor now flies faster
- Lokk'Naar assassin now runs faster (at jacked energy cost)
- Increased range of flamethrowers
- Added Academy logo (by Lictor)
- Binge of image replacements (usually AI generated, those mostly by Marza)

- Fix: crafts: auxiliaries capacity bug caused by being not up to date with OXCE changes
- Fix: Kraken, Swordfish and Crab can now carry auxiliaries as intended
- Fix: Sivalinga Resurrection event
- Fix: bandit car crashes
- Small update of Freighter maps
- Merged reskin of Warbird by Dakkon
- Minor fixes/updates (thx to Flyte, Osobist)
- Languages update

v.N7 Flying Tiger, Hidden Tentacle 16-Dec-2023
- OXCE update to 7.9.20
- Fix: 'range>5' crashes on geoscape in mid-late game (thanks to Zzrr for diagnosis of the error)
- Fix: Condemnations for special missions now include all (?) the relevant missions
- Merged Triarius submod by Torchwood (it adds Triarius (PEA/SS) and Disruptor (BUG) armors). Author's thx to Brain, Kenshi, WarstalkeR & Zastaver
- Early Game Change: lots of weak enemy ground craft to fight with
- New Missions: Old Earth Metro (4 variants), Mongorn Migration, The Sniper, Archeological Adventure, Sunken Treasure, Demon Bait (1 new variant, research to get them more often), Executive Retreat
- New Enemies: Mongorn, Tentacle Hive, Kobold Huntress, Eurosyndicate Agent, Hell Maggot, Bolshoy Guard
- New Enemy Vessels/Missions: Highwaymen Hoverpod, Sandcrawler, Bandit Wartruck, Bandit Car, Black Talon
- New Crafts: Gunwagon, Angry Bird, Tiger
- New Craft Weapons: Piratin' Cannon (HAND), Minigun (GR), RPG (HAND), GL (HAND), Rotogun (GR), RL (HAND), Harpoons (GR), Hefaistos (AA)
- New Craft Systems: Augmented Engines, Compressed Chem Fuel Tank, Craft Extra Armor
- New Armors: Ironcat (gfx by Brain), Tecnovator variants (Cyberscarabs, Recon Drones), Gnome Standard War Jacket (gfx partially by Brain), Gnome Shielded War Jacket, Gnome TAC7-S Armor, Blood Hound Metal Armor, Camo Paint /Gnome, Rebelstar /SS (gfx by Brain), Cat Witch (gfx mostly by Brain), Gnome Mining Suit
- New Weapons: Sports Rifle, Firestars, Quicksilver Dagger, Hell Shotgun, Hell Knuckles
- New Ammo: Arcane Minnie Bullets, Heavy Birdshot, Black Adder AP Clip, LC-Rend Ammo
- New Equipment: Dust Mask, X-Med Mask
- New Trainings: Art of Trouncing, Judical Education, Abyssal Aspect, Educating Simple Minds, Person Of Culture, Blitzgal, Pet Tentacle Monster, Destructor
- New Recruits: Theban Assault Catgirl, Former Commando, Disciple of Twilight
- New Condemnations: Oldtimer, Professional, Idiot
- New Feature: Crazy Hassan Special Offers
- New maps: 1 for Junk Villages, 1 for Comms Tower, 4 for Caves
- New maps: 'Hell Cruise' map replaced with a cargo liner map (conversion by Solarius Scorch)
- New maps: Alternative maps for Orbital Lab, Refuelling Station and Cold Storage (maps and gfx by Brain)
- New gfx: 24 new Gnome avatars (for a total of 48; +100%! Hairdos 95% by Brain); + some hats added
- New gfx: customized interception screens for Ratmen and Necropirate foot gangs
- New gfx: Ogres have their own flag & rank pictures
- New gfx: customized smartphone touch buttons by Riccardo Gasperi
- New music: Cannon Angel
- Gal salaries raised to $40k (Young Ubers, Warriors, Veterans) and $20k (Freaks). Bugeyes' to $25k.
- Monthly limits added to recruitment: Young Ubers 8, Warriors 4, Veterans 1, Freaks 3
- Buffed Factions versions now appear later
- Zombies no longer immune to Bio
- Establishing new Hideouts now requires researching it
- Bunker facility redone. Now it is no longer impassable to large units, but instead has a defensive 14mm light turret installed (battlescape only). It is no longer blocking the Extractor function. No longer Captain Soreass exclusive, now can be built by anyone with the aspect Pig-headed. Cost increased by the requirement of Necroplane Parts.
- Hotels and Hellerium Plants buffed
- Zeppelin reimagined
- Buffs to VPWR/VSKL min/max/cap for SS, Peasants, Damsels
- Special recruits who will not really benefit from basic trainings have them marked as already undergone
- Buffed SPOT for Gnomes
- Lokk'Naars get basic 65% vs. Bio instead of 100. Buffed SPOT and NV for nude/unarmored like with other races.
- Bugeye Thinman and Thong outfits have inbuilt melee attack now (but slightly less powerful MC)
- Modified Meridian's Special Autogun (now it's a Mind Orb weapon)
- Buffed X-plasma weapons
- Sivalingas useable earlier, via a string of new events
- Puma Siters and Claw events more likely on Cat Path
- Restored the Warriors track
- More lore
- Lots of other stuff
- Ruleset cleanup, related bugfixes (thx to Warstalker for list of errors)
- Minor fixes, rebalances, updates & improvements

- Nightops armor debuffed, moved pre-Workshop
- Minor fixes

- Warning: delete old rulesets when updating
- Fix: Studying the Sword (last?)
- New Weapons: Coach Gun, Jezzail
- New Ammo: Blizzard Jumpmines
- New Civilian: Squatter
- All armors can now be produced from scratch (Streamlined Armor Production mod by Ivan Dogovich no longer needed)
- Dogs have more Stamina
- Condemnations rework:
-- Archer replaced with Amazon, moved thrown weapons and spears there together with bows. Bonus changed slightly.
-- Hammerer renamed to Industrious, now simply counts kills per career
-- New ones: Techbarbarian, Bulwark
-- Increased no. of kills needed to get low ranks of Traditional, Radical & Medieval
-- Patched holes, added missing weapons etc
- More lore
- Minor fixes & improvements, rebalancing
- Triarius submod (by Torchwood) updates: Brain's paperdoll and spritesheet replacements for Triarius armor, Disruptor armor added (repaletted to proper colors by me)

- Fix: Studying the Sword (again)
- New Mission: Drifter Camp
- New Transformations: Beauty Formula (Witch Quest reward), Tiger Tours
- Gfx updates: By Brain: Small Medipack, Space Medipacks, Nano-Surgery Device, Juggernaut suit
- Gfx updates: by Garr Incorporated: Eridian Warchief
- Gfx updates: Smoke Grenade
- New Graphs background
- Buffs to Juggernaut (mainly NV)
- Some lore, minor fixes etc
- Added Triarius Armor submod by Torchwood

- Fix: Studying The Sword and Weapon Lore crashes
- Desert movement more difficult (for walking units)
- Zombies more vulnerable to Concussive damage
- Added extra reward for Nocturne in Red
- Gfx udaptes (paperdolls an pedia), by Mikkoi: Fartbag, Guild Air Sailor, Church Matron
- Minor adjustments/rebalances

- Fix: 'I accidentally deleted the whole thing' critical mission spawning bugs (Pogroms, Ninjas and more) (thanks to Magic Skeleton, Torchwood and Solarius Scorch for the help with fixing it)
- Fix: tech progression when you select Cats 4 Life path
- Fix: Guild secret base crash
- New Events
- Improved gfx: Siren, Reticulan Peon, Reticulan Elder (by Mikkoi)
- Language updates

- Cat path actually works now

- Palette fixes
- Added some missing strings
- Improved Nekomimi Laser sprite (by Brain)

v.N6 03-Oct-2023 Zany Cats
- OXCE update to 7.9.10
- Fix: Cydonia mission button launch not appearing
- Fix: Battle Cab added to lists of allowed crafts in various envinros
- Fix: Cat Oni Armor: special attack can be made without VSKL requirement, also added the missing gauntlet
- Fix: Added missing gauntlet attack to Neko Peacemaker Gear (and Termicator bc. they use same built-in wpn.)
- Fix: Region data leaks from the original game files causing Geoscape crashes (hopefully they stop now)
- New Missions: Demon Bait (4 variants), UAC Shelter
- New Enemy: UAC Security Drone
- New Craft: Firefox (by Solarius Scorch)
- New Craft Weapon: Nekomimi Prowler Cannon
- New Craft System: Hellerium Supercell
- New Armor: Flycat (For Catgirls, based on original design of 'Catnapper' armor by Miz Mayhem)
- New Weapons: Nekomimi Marksman Laser (by Solarius Scorch), Cursed Rifle, Mega Ax (Blood Orb, Gold Codex), Hellfist (Blood Orb, Red & Gray Codex)
- New Path: Cats 4 Life.
- New gfx: improved Blood Hound (by Mikkoi)
- New features: Slave Soldiers and Peasants have distinct names and flags based on the place of recruitment (based on expansion by OAK group, implementation made in cooperation with Solarius Scorch).
- Lessened February score hits caused by bandit activity
- Witch Quest frequency increased
- Small rework of Drakkar map. Also Drakkar got its own sprite (by AlexD)
- Statistical bullet saving added to most of the light craft cannons
- Some rebalancing to Beam Laser (buff) and Plasma Beam (bit less range, bit more acc)
- Beast den +5 animals cap (now 30)
- Repentias and Weirdgals enhanced
- Swiftsuit: scouting goggles added
- Car/AGL weapon buffs
- Most ballistic and some other pistols have their long range ACC penalties increased
- Smart Pistol even faster, but has lower Snap range; gfx updated
- 'Mutant Porn' changed to 'Zany Zines' to better fit what kind of resource it's supposed to be
- New music theme for Red Mage events
- GMTACTIC4 replaced
- New city: Marrakesh
- More events
- Tech tree polishing, minor weapon/armor tweaks, other adjustments
- More hidden movement backgrounds
- Minor fixes (maps etc)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2024, 03:16:58 pm by Dioxine »

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2015, 10:11:15 pm »
Looking forward to it bro :D

Offline Roxis231

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2015, 10:47:35 pm »
Extended just replaces the EXE, right.  No other modifications to Open-Xcom are needed?

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2015, 11:24:32 pm »
It doesn't even replace the OXCom exe, you just dump it alongside. If you don't start the game using the custom .exe, it will just work as normal. No modifications at all.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2015, 01:41:29 am »
Oh! I have been looking forward to that! Count on me to give it a try as soon as you push something. Hopefully I will finish my current game too though..

I'm guessing you consider the latest Piratez release to be as "feature complete" as possible in OpenXCom?

Just the idea of multiple craft slots for customization and power ups fits really well with pirates! This is exciting!

Offline Phoenix7786

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2015, 03:17:03 am »
And so, I'm starting to work on it, and this will be the developement thread. Any further expansion of vanilla Piratez is cancelled, effective today.

Understood. I'll be looking forward to it!

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2015, 08:22:27 am »
Oh! I have been looking forward to that! Count on me to give it a try as soon as you push something. Hopefully I will finish my current game too though..

I'm guessing you consider the latest Piratez release to be as "feature complete" as possible in OpenXCom?

Just the idea of multiple craft slots for customization and power ups fits really well with pirates! This is exciting!

Well, complete enough to be fully playable & enjoyable. It has everything it has to have, but I'm not saying there won't be new factions/weapons etc. in the future :)

Offline robin

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2015, 10:13:53 am »
good, good!

unravel all those features,
so when it's my turn I'll just have to copy-paste from your ruleset


Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2015, 01:18:38 pm »
So I've started to build new melee weapon balance and boy it is a complex problem now :)

Here's a table with what I have so far, thoughts on that are welcome (keep in mind that damage is only a single factor: accuracy and TU cost varies, plus every attack will cost Stamina, equal to weapon's weight):

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2015, 02:45:33 pm »
I think the stamina cost is too high, as it will make the current Hammer unplayable.  I guess an "extended" hammer could be lighter.  Or you could boost the stamina range of the Pirates. 

Creating stamina costs is not bad, it will just make the already very difficult early game, almost impossible?  At least much more bloody. I think the player would suffer many more casualties this way.

Offline pilot00

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2015, 02:59:15 pm »
I think the stamina cost is too high, as it will make the current Hammer unplayable.  I guess an "extended" hammer could be lighter.  Or you could boost the stamina range of the Pirates. 

Creating stamina costs is not bad, it will just make the already very difficult early game, almost impossible?  At least much more bloody. I think the player would suffer many more casualties this way.

Y m2. It already gets bad with certain soldiers having useless stats when you hire em and they will be unable to effectively use melee weapons. This complecates things even further, when used in conjunction with the constant draw of stamina from moving you will be running in situations where, run or fight will not be an option since you wont be able to do anything of the two.

Personally I find it to a be an unnessary complication, but thats me. Especially since the gals are starting with terrible accuracy almost always.

Offline Dioxine

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2015, 03:30:32 pm »
Maybe the full weight cost is too much for melee weapons; 2/3rds might be better. I will also put a Stamina cost on throwing, about 2x the weight of an item (capped at about 16 or so).

Anyway, this will curb the over-reliance on melee and thrown weapons in damage dealing; Ivan's LP shows clearly that you practically don't need to use guns, which is definitely a bad sign.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #12 on: May 11, 2015, 04:00:18 pm »
It may be true that in the early game you can play without guns, in fact its probably the only way to survive.   Early guns are just too horrible to bother with.  You will almost always face enemies that will just laugh at them.   

My point is that if you nerf melee and grenades, you may make the early game so difficult that there may be no way to get past it.

Offline Arthanor

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Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #13 on: May 11, 2015, 04:02:17 pm »
Yup, I agree too. The reason for not using guns is that they can't penetrate armor. Melee and explosives are the obvious (and only) answer to that.

A pirate would be crazy to engage a trader security guard in a firefight until quite late in the game (I've got heavy armor now but still nothing to shoot him with reliably). You don't have a gun that can hurt him and you don't have armor that can resist his gun. It's a losing proposition and the answer is black powder bombs and melee rush.

Then you get the unarmoured ones (GOs, hostesses and especially engineers), which are often worth thousands as hostages (which you also only catch in melee) but nothing dead. I've used the harpoon gun relatively successfully for that but it's the only gun I use much.

I have smgs and scoped/sniper rifles for support gals but they can't take out armor so I only use them for reaction shots or if I end up badly positioned. They are basically there for training as it is pointless to have 18 melee gals,  the slower ones get left behind anyways. They might as well have a gun amd carry medikits. Even then, with a tac vest or better I'll often face tank a pistol/shotgun/rifle and punch the GOs in the face next turn for the ransom. Melee is also much better in small spaces.

In pogroms I actually use explosives (rpgs too, if that counts as a gun) more because I value saving civilians more than taking hostages. But you still meet power armor dudes that need melee and a few valuable targets that make good hostages or interrogation fodder. Explosives are too expensive to use in shipping crashes though so I use black powder bombs a lot.

The only time I'll happily use guns is on raiders. They are unarmoured so the guns work and they are worth nothing to ransom. They are actually a bit refreshing because of that.

We use guns irl because they hurt people at a distance well enough to take them out and it is obviously safer because you can duck back instead of rushing forward. In Piratez conventional guns can't really hurt the dangerous types so you are more in a middle ages situation. I believe that when lasers (and other advanced guns) become available, it will change the game.

In fact, I think of your mod as a kind of late middle ages situation where melee dominates because of armor, then you invent guns that bypass it and it becomes more balanced. Which works really well to represent a primitive gang starting up as pirates then coming into modern warfare as they make progress. It is something that adds to your storytelling and that I think is great in Piratez.

It takes a while to get to guns that actually do something (or have enough cash that rpg and grenade launchers can be used regularly) but that's ok. It gives the game a different feel and makes the guns welcome when they show up and it works with the narrative.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2015, 04:09:39 pm by Arthanor »

Offline Dioxine

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    • Nocturnal Productions
Re: [TOTAL CONVERSION] Piratez Extended
« Reply #14 on: May 11, 2015, 04:42:07 pm »
Fair points, guys. I will certainly not impose these ideas upon people without serious prior testing. Maybe it's just my playstyle: I know that personal-armored guys can be brought down with continuous barage of Str 30+ firearms, and using a grenade is basically an easy way out. I usually keep 60% ranged, 40% melee+ranged squad; true I don't want to force this playstyle upon people, but guns seem to be under-appreciated. Like I said, I will test this new melee formula out and see how really it does hamper the melee combat; I think the debuff will be rather slight. Plus there will be new advantages and ways to handle the enemy.