
Author Topic: [EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread  (Read 407718 times)

Offline hellrazor

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[EXPANSION]Hardmode Expansion -- General Feedback Thread
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:23:24 pm »
Download Links Hardmode Expansion

Github Release:


Ufopaedia entry, it can be found here: Hardmode Expansion Ufopaedia
(Big thanks to Steelpoint) Its not complete and pretty out of date!
Wiki (Automatically generated from github): Hardmode Expansion Wiki - trigramreactor
(Big Thanks to noblebright from Discord, which set this one up for me)

IvanDogovich made Video with Installation Help:
Installing Hardmode Expansion Mod

People LPing the Mod:

Loonsloon Hardmode LP Playlist
The_Voice_ Ironman Hardmode LP on Youtube

Development Only github repository DO NOT PULL
Current ToDo List
Credit List

List of Submods, spawned from Hardmode Expansion (All Submods are part of the Big Modpack):
[UFO]UFO Vanilla Variants
[EQUIPMENT]Advanced Medikit Mod
[MAPS]Expanded Ubase Reworked
[MAPS]Expanded Terror Reworked
[CRAFT]Alternate Lightning - Thunder
[HWP]Support Drones

#Hardmode Expansion Mod by hellrazor
#Standalone intended

This mod requires at least:
OXCE: OXCE v7.12 see:,5258.0.html
or newer (Newer Versions can include changes, which requires the mod to be updated or patched)
Please report all issues and bugs here:,4968.0.html

Wiki Links:

README for Version
# This Mod is aimed at experienced X-Com Players #
#             Who like a challenge :)            #

About this mod:
My Personal approach on creating a sort of Long War Mod for the Original UFO - Defense.
I originally created it as a player torture device *evilgrin*, but it turned out to be a Mod people like to play because of the challenge it offers.
When designing this Mod, I decided to stick on the core Vanilla Original Game Principles and create basically a Expansion Pack, which
offers a much better Research Tree, a Economy were you need money desperately, where you will face difficult decisions and set backs during your campaign.
All this has been enriched with a lot of additional Weapons and Tanks, which all have a unique use case.
Enemies, which will give a Nightmare during your dreams (at least I hope so, *grin*).
Its a LONG war to free earth (ingame time: 15-17+ Months). So are you ready for the ride?

This mod intends to make the gameplay more challenging and deals with most of vanilla versions flaws, like overpowered Psi and early Plasma ownage.

It sticks strongly towards the vanilla core components and builts upon them.

It is aimed at experienced X-Com players, who know the game well and are not afraid of a difficulty higher then Superhuman.
The Aliens have more variants and your weapons will slowly become obsolete due to them.
Research progress is
a must, but comes at costs.

For playing you should choose difficulty Superhuman, since the mod is balanced around it.
The difficulty will be actually far higher then Superhuman, considering mainly the changes in economy and research.
Technologies will need alive aliens captures to unlock and will trigger additional mission.
Research takes longer and you do not have access to a alien containment from the beginning.

It is recommend to get between 200-250 scientists by November.
Otherwise the game becomes extremly difficult.

The vanilla game always lacked proper weaponry sets including melee weapons, shotguns, sniper rifles.
All of these have been added for the ballistic and laser weaponry for X-Com and the Alien plasma weapons.
A extended set of additional grenades and small launcher ammo together with added grenade launcher gives very good indirect fire possibilities.
Small launcher acts as a artillery style weapon, arking shot ;).

More armors, starting with ballistic vests up to reinforced power and flying suits expand the survival capabilities of your soldiers.
Power armor also extends stamina and increases carry capacity.

Have fun exploring the new drones and tanks, which will draw alien fire and help detecting targets to shot or support your wounded troops.
Drones may even help with capturing alive aliens.

A large number of terrains from Hobbes terrain pack and other mods (65+ additonal terrains) have been integrated and partially overworked (bugfixes mostly).
A extended set of maps has been added, featering turned version and additonal maps modules to make fighting within alien bases more enjoyable and tactical challenging.

Aliens have a couple of more UFO types, Fighter, Sentry, Excavator and LabShip.
Vanilla UFOs and new UFOs types all have extended set of interior maps variants (total 124 map). So enjoy exploring these.

Aircombat has been balanced, UFO's especially big ones will shot your interceptors.
A faster and much more durable interception craft has been added, also a enhanced skyranger version, with a back door.
Swarming Terrorships with interception craft is highly recommended. The Laser cannon is actually useable now ;)

Being able to interrogate alive aliens requires you to raid a nearby Alien Base early.
Otherwise you have no tech progress.
The base is located in your starting region.Raid this base as early as possible!

You will also need these:
Alien Data Slate (currently located on LabShips)
Alien Data Core (currently located on Battleships)

The game can only be won by capturing and interrogating a Ethereal Commander who unlocks the final mission.

However your run goes, let me know your feedback and how i can enhance the mod further.
For a detailed list of changes (may contain spoilers) see the Features further down.

For a real challenge play the game in Iron Man Mode!
Please do no use the OpenXcom Iron Man option and enforce your own Iron Man Mode, its a big mod, so bugs may happen.

I hope you will enjoy this collection of 60+ Mods (i stopped counting)
and please report any possible Bug you might find on the forum: ->,4968.0.html

Feedback of any form is also appreciated here: ->

Compability to other mods:
   This mod is intended to be a Standalone Mod.
   Mods which only add new Items and New Crafts may not pose a problem.
   UFO Extender Accuracy (Full support)
   High Quality Sounds ( from Daedalus

Not compatible:
   Commendations Mod (already integrated)
   PSX Static Cydonia Map
   XcomUtil Improved Base Layout
   XcomUtil Defensive Base Layout
   XcomUtil Improved Tanks
   XcomUtil Improved Heavy Laser
   All Mods which bring their own:

The list of included Mods is pretty big (60+) see Features.
Mostly Graphics, New Units, Terrains and Weapons.

Recommended Advanced Options: (In OXCE this options are enabled when loading the mod for the first time)
   Show Funds on the Geoscape
   Forced Craft Launch - Craft will likely be taking constant damage, allows more reliable response
   Storage Limits for Recovered Items - Encourage selling excess items after combat
   Live Alien Sale - To compensate for the larger amount of live aliens X-COM will capture
   Realistic Globe Lightning
   Psi Training Anytime
   UFO Extender Accuracy - All weapons are balanced around this mod, it is fully supported
   Explosion Height, Set to 3 - Allow explosive weapons to destroy larger urban structures
   Path Preview shows TU and Energy Usage
   Saved Pre-primed Grenades - For smoke grenade usage
   Show Stats on Inventory Screen
   Sneaky AI
   Alternate Movement Methods - To enable better tactical options and faster fights
   Alien Bleeding
   Autosell Manager for OXCE
   OpenXcomExtened Links

see CREDIT.TXT (,4965.0.html)
also see for all Terrain Pack Credits (also added in CREDITS.TXT)

see here: Feature List

Language Support
Currently Supported Languages:
   English      US (en-US)
   English      UK (en-GB)
   Japanese   JA (ja)

Partially Supported Languages (50%+):
   Russian      RU (ru)
   Italien      IT (it)
   Polish      PL (pl)
   German      DE (de)
   Hungarien   HU (hu)
   Czech      CS (cs)
   Korean      KO (ko)
   Portugese   PT (pt_BR)
   Spanish Latin America ES (es_419)
   Spanish      ES (es_ES)

   If you want to help translating this Mod or any other OpenXcom Mods, take a look at:

Terrain Pack Licence Notice:
   All content from Hobbes Terrain Pack Mod Version 4.3 is under a Creatvie Common Licence!
   All modified and bugfixes Terrain Pack Mod files, which I use are also under the same licence, see point derivates.

   The XCOM Terrain Pack and its contents are being distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

   This license gives you the freedom to distribute and modify its materials for non-commercial proposes only and requires you to provide proper attribution.

   For proper attribution you need to include on your mod's credits a mention to Terrain Pack as well as to include the repository link ( as well as the specific terrain(s) you are using and their author(s) and their author's original mod page, if it exists.

   In alternative, you can simply credit the entire pack on the top section of your authors/credits file because of its overall importance to your mod, while providing the above repository link.

   Any derivatives made from the XCOM Terrain Pack also have the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license, which means that you cannot alter the original materials and share the modified versions without giving them the same CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license (

   You can find a full list of the authors along with the terrains and the versions/variants they contributed to on the AUTHORS file provided together with this LICENSE.

   This license is irrevocable and permanent as long as you fully comply with these conditions.

   Failure to comply with the terms stated above will result in an initial warning. If necessary, it will be followed by proper reporting of the license violation to the host site, and if the violation continues, revocation of your license and permission to use/modify/distribute the Terrain Pack.

Changelog here
Please Report bugs to me in this thread: Bugreports.
Alternatly you can also try to catch me on the IRC Channel (freenode #openxcom)
« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 05:39:24 pm by hellrazor »

Offline hellrazor

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Detailed Features List of Added Stuff ontop of Vanilla content:

Quality of Live OXCE UI changes:
   DayNightIndicator (Geoscape UI)
   BleedingIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   StunIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   Burnindicator (Battlescape UI)
   CustomArmorPreviews (Soldier Armor)
   CustomItemPreviews (Tanks and Drones)
   CustomEnemyPreview (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierAvatars and TinyRanks (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierKneelingIndicator (Battlescape UI)
   Improved TU Reserve Sprites (Battlescape UI)
   Better Smoke Animation (Battlescape UI)
   Better looking Buttons for Inventory (Battlescape UI)
   Better Backgrounds for some Screens (Geograph and Battlescape UI)
   New Plasma Hit Animation for Heavy Plasma (Battlescape UI)
   Colored Explosions (Grey: Smoke, Yellow: HE, Stun: Purple) (Battlescape UI)
   SoldierCountryNames and SoldierCountryFlags from 115 Countries

Additional Alien Races/Units:
   Sectoid Elite
   Muton Elite
   Muton Elite Guard
   Muton Berserker Terrorist
   Armored Cyberdisc Terrorist
   Armored Sectopod Terrorist
   Chryssalid Spitter Terrorist

General Gameplay changes:
   Your Soldiers will be awarded with Medals (currently there are 61 Medals).
   Globe with 347 Cities (including vanilla ones)
   Better Globe with more textures
   Terrormission will also attack Ships on Sea (TFTD Liner and Cargo Ship)
   Research costs are 1,5 times vanilla
   Alive Aliens are needed to unlock techs (-> Research Tree Graphic)
   8 Armored Vests, which you can to equip on your Soldiers
   Melee Weapons apply Skill and Strength
   X-Com Soldiers start with Melee Accuracy from range 40-60
   More saner starting weapons stock and equipment for the Skyranger
   Defensive starting Base layout (with 1 Additional General Stores)
   Psi Amp is harder to get throu research
   Psi Amp production is much more expensive
   Corpses give access to World News and are needed for Meditkits
   Alien Alloys can not be produced, they are as precious as Elerium-115 now
   Elerium-115 recovery per UFO Power Source is 50% vanilla (25)
   Alien Alloys recovered from UFO mission are ~36% lower then vanilla
   Terrormissions have multiple Alerts and Terrainhint
   Aliens do have more chances to score more points.
   Alien Bases will generate missions without Scout Ship (Terror, Abduction, Harvest, Base), it is recommended to not tolerate more then 4 bases on earth at all time!
   Interrogating alive Navigators and Engineers will trigger additional monthly Aliens Missions (limited to 2 Missions per Month)
   Winning, losing or aborting a Mission will play a small cutscene from the Original PSX version of the game
   Flying towards, loosing or winning  Cydonia will play Original PSX Version cutscenes
   Attacking landed Battleship performing a Infiltrationmission gives 33% to deny the Infiltration Base being built (OXCE only)
   Attacking landed Battleship performing a Alien Base Mission from a Alien Base gives 33% to deny the mission success (OXCE only)
   Attacking landed Labship on a Harvesting or Abduction Mission gives 33% to deny mission success (OXCE only)
   Successfully Attacking a Infiltration Pact Alien Base, lets the country rejoin the council (limited to one country per Month - OXCE only)
   X-Com Base Defense damageging a Alien Battelship during a base attack will result in less Aliens spawning (roughly according with the damage done)
   X-Com Base modules, which require Alien technology research, have a additional construction cost (Alien Alloys, Elerium-115, UFO Navigation, UFO Power Source, Mind Probe) (OXCE only)

   The maximum funding you can receive from Nations is cut by 50%
   All Alien Items and Alive Aliens give less money when sold (50%)
   Base Maintence Cost increased to 10% of base modules price
   X-Com Wages and Hire Cost are 1.5 times Vanilla
   X-Com Soldiers receive 10% more salary per rank compared to rookie wage:
      - Squaddi:   33.000
      - Sergent:   36.000
      - Captain:   39.000
      - Colonel:   42.000
      - Commander: 45.000
   X-Com Armors and Crafts are a lot more expensive to produce
   Drones, Tanks and Soldier Armor is repairable, if the corpses are recovered intact
   Drones, Tanks and Soldier Armor is upgradeable

Groundcombat changes:
   Chronological Racemixes
   Aliens are earlier aware of your presence
   Paniced Alien will pick up their weapons
   Bigger Map for Terrormissions (60x60 and up to 24 Civilians)
   Bigger Maps also for Battleship, Terrorships and Labship (all 60x60)
   Alien will use Explosives and Explosive Weaponry from Turn 1 in Ground Combats
   Increased PSI Defenses for Aliens, but same Attack values (Soldier with PSI Str 80+ are fine as in vanilla)
   Ethereals are immune to MC from Xcom
   Aliens receive a Bravery Bonus (+10, Commanders are removed from Battleship and Base Defense Missions, increased numbers panic to quickly)
   Aliens have more saner Melee accuracy stats
   Chryssalids are slightly vulnarable to HE damage (as stated in the UFOpedia)
   Sectopod does Laser Damage (as stated in UFOpedia)
   Blaster Waypoints honor DOS Limitation (9 Waypoints)
   Shotgun Class Weaponry for Xcom and Aliens
   Dedicaded Melee Weaponry for Xcom and Aliens
   Medikits and Drone/Medikit can target enemy units, DOS behaviour (OXCE only)
   Psi-Amps use 25 TU and 25 Stamina (Energy) for Psi Panic or Psi Mind Control attack. Get your Stims ready! (OXCE only)
   Direct fire smoke acts as fire extinguisher (Smoke Grenades don't)

To actually enable X-Com forces to be successful in their Mission to save Earth a good combination of additional weaponry and equipment has been added, for X-Com and Aliens see detailed list:

   Alien Data Slate (currently carried by alien Leaders on LabShips)
   Alien Data Core (currently located in Battleships)

Additional Alien Weapons:
   Plasma Blade
   Plasma Sword
   Plasma Shotgun
   Plasma Sniper Rifle
   Small Launcher with Arcing Shot.
   Elerium Bomb for Small Launcher
   Smoke Bomb for Small Launcher
   Fire Bomb for Small Launcher
   Aliens will keep most weaponry through the game
   Aliens have all weapons avaible from start
   Aliens have a secondary clip type granting +20 Damage to all Plasma Weapons

Additional Alien UFOs:
   Fighter (9 Maps)
   Sentry (14 Maps)
   Excavator (11)
   Labship (4 Maps)

Additional Interior UFO Variant Maps:
   Medium Scout (8 Maps)
   Large Scout (27 Maps)
   Harvester (24 Maps)
   Abductor (10 Maps)
   Terror Ship (8 Maps)
   Supply Ship (2 Maps)
   Battleship (7 Maps)

Additional X-Com Weapons/Items:
   Combat Knife
   Alloy Knife
   Alloy Blade
   Taser Pistol
   Taser Pistol Elerium Clip
   Sniper Rifle
   Grenade Launcher
   Elerium Rocket
   Scatter Laser
   Heavy Laser Replacements:
      Heavy Laser/Sniper
      Heavy Laser/Auto
   Flashbang Grenade
   Incendiary Grenade
   Alien Proximity Grenade
   Stun Grenade
   Fire Grenade
   Elerium Powered Stun Rod
   Fire Extinguisher
   Field Medic Pack
   Advanced Medikit

All kinetic weapons also get Alloy Ammo once researched.
Pistols, Rifles, Shotguns, Sniper Rifles, Heavy Cannons and Auto Cannons get a 1,5 damage factor for AA-Ammo (AP Alien Alloy Ammo).
Heavy Cannons and Auto Cannons have access to EHE-Ammo (Elerium-115 enhanced explosive ammunition)

Medical Equipment Research depends on Corpse and StoryItem research.

Additional X-Com Tanks:
   Alloy Drone/Scout
   Alloy Drone/Scanner
   Alloy Drone/Medikit
   Alloy Drone/Adv. Medikit
   Alloy Drone/Taser
   Hoverdrone/Adv. Medikit

Additional X-Com Tanks:
   Alloy Tank Cannon
   Alloy Tank Rocket Launcher
   Alloy Tank Laser
   Hovertank Laser
   Hovertank Elerium Bomb
   Walkertank Laser
   Walkertank Plasma

Hovertank Launcher Ammo does 200 damage instead of 140

Drones and Tanks can be upgraded, repaired and refitted.
Tanks and Drones do have a weak Smoke Launcher for instant LOS block with limited range and limited shots.

Additional X-Com Armor:
   Armored Vest
   Alloy Vest
   Reinforced Power Suit
   Reinforced Flying Suit

Soldier Armor can be repaired and upgraded.

Additional X-Com Craft:
   Retaliator (Advanced Interceptor)
   Skystriker (Improved Skyranger)
   Thunder (Lightning replacement)

Additional X-Com Craft Weapons:
   Alloy Cannon
   Modified Range for Vanilla Weapons

Additional Terrains (95% From Hobbes Terrain Pack Mod, see CREDIT.TXT or for a detailed list!):
   Cargo Ship
   City Snow
   Expanded Farm A
   Expanded Farm B
   Expanded UBASE Maps
   Desert Mountain
   Desert Temple
   Desert Plane
   Dawn City A
   Dawn City B
   Expanded Terror
   Expanded Terror Snow
   Expanded Urban Mix
   Expanded Urban Mix Snow
   Forest Mountain
   Forest Marsh
   Grassland Desert
   Grassland Desert Mountain
   Grassland Forest
   Grassland Forest Mountain
   Grassland Swamp
   Industrial UFO
   Jungle Mountain
   Jungle Swamp
   Jungle Temple
   Liner Ship (Currently Inactive)
   Expanded Urban
   Expanded Urban UFO
   Expanded Urban Snow
   Native (Farm + Jungle)
   Native UFO
   Polar Desert
   Polar Desert Mountain
   Polar Mountain
   Polar Plane
   Docked Cargo Ship
   Port Industrial
   Docked Liner Ship
   Port TFTD
   Port Modified
   Savanna Desert
   Savanna Desert Mountain
   Savanna Forest
   Savanna Forest Mountain
   Savanna Swamp
   Steppe Desert
   Steppe Desert Mountain
   Steppe Forest
   Steppe Forest Mountain
   Steppe Swamp
   Taiga Desert
   Taiga Desert Mountain
   Taiga Forest
   Taiga Forest Mountain
   Taiga Swamp
   Tundra Desert
   Tundra Desert Mountain
   Tundra Forest
   Tundra Forest Mountain
   Tundra Mountain
   Tundra Plane
   Tundra Swamp

Future changes and additions can be found here:
See Future Development Plan
« Last Edit: May 31, 2024, 05:42:11 pm by hellrazor »

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2015, 01:34:03 am »
Btw does anyone do wanna have Meleeweapons?

And if so which ones?

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2015, 01:47:42 am »
Dioxine's Handle : 30 pwer stun melee weapon might fit nicely in your mod.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2015, 02:02:01 am »
Dioxine's Handle : 30 pwer stun melee weapon might fit nicely in your mod.

Well there is already the good old Stunrod, so i do not see the reason why.
I should have  expressed myself more clearly, Melee Weapons which kill.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2015, 02:07:26 am »
Handle. 2X1. fits on the belt. Twice as fast as the stun rod.  But to each his own.

If you want lethal melee, PirateZ has that in spades too.  Just browse the booty pedia a bit.
Or my un-official weapon spreadsheet that helped me figure out the game. (third Sheet)

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2015, 02:17:19 am »
Handle. 2X1. fits on the belt. Twice as fast as the stun rod.  But to each his own.

If you want lethal melee, PirateZ has that in spades too.  Just browse the booty pedia a bit.
Or my un-official weapon spreadsheet that helped me figure out the game. (third Sheet)

Thanks for that but i wanna stick with serious X-Com :)
I have seen a Combat Knife, a Alloy Knife even a Alloy Blade.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2015, 01:54:30 pm »
Who wants Combat Knife Alloy Knife and Alloy Blase in?
And maybe more Melee Weapons?

Please let me know so i can put it on the Todo List which i update regularly when i finish a implementation.

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2015, 09:43:31 pm »
They have nice sprites, so why not.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2015, 01:11:46 am »
They have nice sprites, so why not.

Well the point is would they be usable in real combat. Because Shotguns also do damn good close range damage.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2015, 12:20:24 pm »
Just started debugging, so far everything works :)

Will now proceed with adding more stuff mainly reworking UFOPaedia.

Offline Hobbes

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2015, 04:46:22 pm »
Just started debugging, so far everything works :)

Will now proceed with adding more stuff mainly reworking UFOPaedia.

For each new feature, ask yourself the question: is this really necessary? I ended up removing a lot of stuff that I found out later that it wasn't necessary.

Offline hellrazor

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2015, 10:55:52 pm »
For each new feature, ask yourself the question: is this really necessary? I ended up removing a lot of stuff that I found out later that it wasn't necessary.

Jeah i know. I actually have added all the items now which i wanna include.
Reworking the ufopaedia is kinda neccessary because i have a few new researches and story items :>
I will definitly include expanded ubase, because there are maps i wanna modify a little bit.
And some more UFO's.

If i do not put in extra terrain/maps i could at least a Alpha Ruleset Version which people could test.

I already found most crucial bugs so i would be good to go what ya thinking?
« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 10:58:58 pm by hellrazor »

Offline yrizoud

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2015, 12:58:56 am »
Even vanilla items can be made redundant by add-ons. For example I see you've included fire grenades : I've played with them recently, and I find the grenade form so handy that I find very little reason to use the 3 incendiary ammo of the vanilla weapons. In turns, this reduces the interest of those versatile weapons.

Offline Arpia

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Re: [ALPHA][EXPANSION][WIP]Hardmode Expansion - TODO List
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2015, 05:53:57 am »
Even vanilla items can be made redundant by add-ons. For example I see you've included fire grenades : I've played with them recently, and I find the grenade form so handy that I find very little reason to use the 3 incendiary ammo of the vanilla weapons. In turns, this reduces the interest of those versatile weapons.

I dont think incendiary grenades make incendiary ammo's redundant... I think they were redundant to begin with. Inc ammo isn't very practical for doing damage on anything past sectoids and floaters. So a gun loaded with INC's is much less practical than a gun loaded with something else. INC grenades provide a handy dose of cleansing flame in a convenient package, without having to swap ammo or weapons.
The versatile weapons still have AP and HE ammo so I'd say they're still pretty versatile without the 3rd ammo type. But you could maybe offset the loss by adding in a stronger AP that can be researched? or pseudo plasma rounds? to keep multi-ammo weapons more relavent in the later game.
this is all just oppinion though.