40k / Imperial Guard troopers have sandbags around them whenever they crouch
« on: February 08, 2024, 11:48:10 pm »
Why is it that any time one of my guardsmen crouches, a little stack of sandbags magically appears in front of them?
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First, take down the cultists to avoid nasty surprises. Then scout forward with a few people who have at least heavy tactical suit (a vest with a shield if not available). That will draw poltergeists' shots so you can remember from which direction the shots came from. Rush to close combat range with the heavy tactical suit guys, or after spotting (for example with a motion scanner), throw grenades or dynamites from the back lines at the location (roughly two dynamites will stun or kill a poltergeist).
An alternative tactic is to (also) use a scout drone for spotting, and then try to withdraw behind the tactical suit people, but this way the drone almost always it ends up getting wrecked. So this is only viable if you were lucky enough Ao get so many alenium shards that you have enough AI units to spare when waiting for the AI restoration duration.
A second alternative is to also employ a few untrained disposable dogs (which are not even supposed to survive the mission; I suppose bats would be even better for this due to higher TU but I never bothered with them) which do the scouting (and dying) and if by some miracle they are not shot, they can sniff out the poltergeists.
In the early game, I'd skip Haunted Houses and just do Haunted Farms, which have far fewer enemies so the situation is more manageable.
No clue what you're talking about wrt UFOpedia. The Pedia palette itself is unchanged.
Battlescape items and armours use a separate, third palette there, and that's unchanged as well.
This was fixed in OXCE 7.8.7