NineX will be performing a server upgrade on 15th January 23h – 4h CET, during which the OpenXcom website and forums may be unavailable (as well as other hosted projects). The Windows Git Builder may suffer a longer period of downtime.
Third-party websites like the Mod Portal are not affected. If you need support you can reach us through the Contact icons on the sidebar.
“NineX will be performing a server upgrade on 15th November 23h – 4h CET,”?
Did you mean 15th January?
Durrrr yes. And he’s already done anyways, that’ll teach me to write a news post. 😛
hey guys, why the installer needs internet cpnnection? can you provide an offline installer? i want to play xcom with a friend and he dont have internet
@Christopher: Don’t install any “extras” in the installer or use the ZIP downloads.
Hej guys. Do you plan to integrate features from other open source games like ufo2000 or ufo the two sides (found here: