
Author Topic: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!  (Read 449163 times)

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #840 on: March 10, 2022, 01:14:21 pm »
Megapol – police mech/droid

Yes, that might be a modified sectopod sprite, i think the vanilla ufo featured something similar, i wonder f developers were inspired by the "robocop" movie

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #841 on: March 10, 2022, 03:15:34 pm »
Yes, that might be a modified sectopod sprite, i think the vanilla ufo featured something similar, i wonder f developers were inspired by the "robocop" movie

It's not great, but I have these sprites (from the X-Com Files).

Offline ontherun

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #842 on: March 11, 2022, 12:19:41 pm »
Super! At a better glance, ot actually seems to be inspired by 1996' strife mech, but whatever!!  ;D

Just for info,  a sprite sheet example from here  :)

Offline Solarius Scorch

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #843 on: March 11, 2022, 12:44:44 pm »
Yeah, I used it as a reference. :)

Offline Delian

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #844 on: March 11, 2022, 01:35:50 pm »
I'd like to see HEAT and COLD resists both be normalized to 100% instead of the current 78% and 208%, becase these two numbers are confusing as hell. (btw, Hostile Environment article says the numbers are 80% and 200%, which are off...)
In other words, you currently need 78% or less HEAT resist if you don't want to take extra freshness damage from AURA_HEAT. I'd like it if this number was 100%, that is, anything over 100% would cause you to take extra freshness damage. Similarly with cold and health damage.

Offline legionof1

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #845 on: March 13, 2022, 12:08:55 am »
Sadly not really feasible the resist thresholds are a consequence of needing to make the % multiplier operations reach actual integers at distinct levels of protection. Both Hot and Cold environmental have two separate effects being applied by one formula. The engine only permits one instance of damage application at a time, so either you double the amount of on round effects and attendant performance overhead(already noticeable with a single instance), or have one extra complex formula with limited range of solution sets to cheat out multiple effects in one execution.

One mathematically complex instruction set takes less of a performance hit then multiple simple ones. Mostly because map wide effects is chunky as fuck because it's basically a map wide bomb so has to target find/roll/process resist against everything present.

Offline Delian

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #846 on: March 13, 2022, 07:16:56 pm »
needing to make the % multiplier operations reach actual integers at distinct levels of protection...
I think you mistunderstood what I'm proposing. Let me try to clarify.

In Piratez_Globals.rul you have:
Code: [Select]
       weaponOrAmmo: "AURA_HEAT"
Which means that if we're in an STR_ENVIRO_HEAT environment, it will trigger AURA_HEAT damage on every friendly unit at the beginning of every turn.
The AURA_HEAT item causes 8 HEAT damage with a damageAlters ToMana: 0.08 and ToStun: 1. This means that, if your armor has:
- 100% HEAT resist, it will cause:
8 Stun damage
0.64 freshness damage (rounded to 1)

- 79% HEAT resist, it will cause:
6.32 Stun damage
0.506 Freshness damage (rounded to 1)

- 78% HEAT resist, it will cause:
6.24 Stun damage
0.499 Freshness damage (rounded to 0)

In other words, currently, having 78% HEAT resist on an armor is enough to not take any freshness damage. The AURA_HEAT does static 8 HEAT damage, but whether it's 1 HEAT damage with ToMana: 0.64, or 20 HEAT damage with ToMana: 0.032, it's resulting damage will be the same.

What I'm proposing (to normalize this 78% HEAT resist to be 100%), it means having to change HEAT resist value on all the armors to be 1.282x higher, and to change AURA_HEAT to do 1.282x less damage (we also need to correct the wearable resist items).

For instance, we change AURA_HEAT to be 1 HEAT damage with ToStun: 6.24 and ToMana: 0.499 (It's the same as 8 HEAT damage with 8x smaller multipliers)
In this case, an armor with 100% HEAT resist will take:
1 * 6.24 = 6.24 Stun damage
1 * 0.499 = 0.499 Freshness damage (rounded to 0)

An armor with 101% HEAT resist would take:
1.01 * 6.24 = 6.30 Stun damage
1.01 * 0.499 = 0.504 Freshness damage (rounded to 1)

Currently, WARRIOR armor has 130 HEAT resist, right? Currently, this armor will take 10.4 Stun damage per turn and 0.832 Freshness damage.
So after the aura change, this armor would be changed to have 167 HEAT resist, and it would take
1 * 1.67 * 6.24 = 10.42 Stun damage
1 * 1.67 * 0.499 = 0.833 Freshness damage
So basically the same. But now it's less confusing (AKA better game design) because it's much easier for a player to understand that anything over 100% causes freshness damage.

AURA_COLD, currently does 8 COLD damage with multipliers ToEnergy: 1.25, ToStun: 0.33, ToHealth: 0.03. In this case:
An armor with 208% COLD resist takes:
20.8 Energy damage
5.491 Stun damage
0.499 Health damage (rounded to 0)

An armor with 209% COLD resist takes:
20.9 Energy damage
5.5176 Stun damage
0.5016 Health damage (rounded to 1)

If we want the 208% to be normalized to 100%, then we need to change AURA_COLD to do 2.08x more damage, and divide COLD resist value of all our armors by 2.08x.
For instance, if we change AURA_COLD to do 1 COLD damage with multipliers ToEnergy: 20.8, ToStun: 5.49, ToHealth: 0.499, then:
An armor with 100% COLD resist would take:
20.8 Energy damage
5.49 Stun damage
0.499 Health damage (rounded to 0)

An armor with 101% COLD resist would take:
21.01 Energy damage
5.545 Stun damage
0.504 Health damage (rounded to 1)

So yeah. What I'm proposing is changing the AURA weapons that define environment damage, the resist items on armor, and the minimum resists on wearable resist items (Fancy Shawl with 50 minimum COLD resist would need to changed to 24 for it to work exactly the same). And, of course, the Hostile Environment article to say that anything over 100% takes freshness/hp damage.
« Last Edit: March 13, 2022, 08:43:40 pm by Delian »

Offline Ruberto

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #847 on: March 18, 2022, 06:41:55 pm »
Some items are made by combining other items, for example Heavy suit + Defender armour.
Now while it may sound cool, it gets quite tedious to make this then forge that and Theeen craft what you wanted.
While I suspect this mechanic was introduced as a way to let you "upgrade" old armour instead of just selling one, producing say aforementioned Guardian (or Brute) suit gets rather tedious.
It would be really cool if there was additional (and differently made, i suppose) way to make such items, that would cost sum of all the components, cash and work-hours that would go into constructing all the intermediately items (heck, or even a bit more) but would save player from the bothersome multy-step process.

Offline Mathel

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #848 on: March 18, 2022, 08:01:55 pm »
I think it would make sense if the recipes that make an upgraded Outfit from scratch are slightly cheaper on time. If you are upgrading something, you need to partially disassemble it first. But if you are making the target directly, then you are not going to be wasting this time. I am thinking something like saving 5 runt-hours on each skipped step.

Offline Fugazza

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #849 on: March 20, 2022, 01:49:18 am »
I'm colorblind (just saying so this post makes sense)

Sometimes when I'm checking the research or manufacturing list, I can't see clearly whatever I've right clicked. I know it can be white, or "blue" and a third color that's "blue with one click more". So basically there are TWO states (for me, I mean) in those lists, White and "whatever".

IDK if some color schemes are Mod related or OXCE related. Also, it ain't that important

Offline Iazo

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #850 on: March 21, 2022, 02:17:28 pm »
The third colour is purple (indigo maybe)?

It means that the item gets sent to the hidden list.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #851 on: March 21, 2022, 03:18:27 pm »
It would be really cool if there was additional (and differently made, i suppose) way to make such items, that would cost sum of all the components, cash and work-hours that would go into constructing all the intermediately items (heck, or even a bit more) but would save player from the bothersome multy-step process.

There is the Streamlined Armor mod that will do some of that for you.  It hasn't been updated in a few years, but a lot of the mid/late game armors haven't changed that much, so it still should relieve some of that burden.,5199.msg77360.html#msg77360

If there is anyone willing to take on updating the mod, they are welcome to take it over. :)

Offline Ruberto

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #852 on: March 24, 2022, 10:52:39 am »
In base defence missions, I think sludge channels (the lowest level on the map where green liquid corridor are) should only exist under facilities you have actually built, not through the whole map.
Otherwise, you can't build defensive chokepoints.
Recently, I was defending an outlying base that I have build with a chokepoint between hangars (and lift) and the living area where my troops spawn.
I even put Secured Corridor into the chokepoint, to prevent baddies circumventing it via sludge tunnels.
Imagine my shock when I found out that Secure corridor's bars in the sludge channels do flat nothing as enemies just went around my chokepoint via tunnels going under areas where nothing is build.

Offline Earthquake

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #853 on: March 24, 2022, 01:26:15 pm »
The most I want see an update.
that's all.

Offline ivandogovich

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Re: Stuff I'd love to see in XPiratez!
« Reply #854 on: March 24, 2022, 03:16:58 pm »
The most I want see an update.
that's all.

Dio said on Matrix that the update could drop today.  Lots of good stuff included.