I'd like it if a change was made to CHOKING and BIO damage weapon/ammo.
The change would be:
- halve ToStun value
- set RandomStun to false
The reasoning is that, there should be less randomness with stun damage on these weapons. When you're breathing air, there is no random chance whether you'll breathe the air into your lungs or not. You always will (otherwise everyone would asphyxiate eventually due to a bad rng roll lol). So when you're choking, it makes no sense that sometimes you'd get stunned, and sometimes you wouldn't. I think that's quite unrealistic.
Similarly with BIO (poison) weapons. Either the poison is effective on the target, or it's not. There should be no stun randomness from one shot to the next. Consider the following scenario:
You shoot a guy, and he's like, "Haha, you did nothing, I'm immune to your poison!". And then you shoot him again, "Oh no, this poison is very effective, I'm passing out!".
The first shot and the second shot used the same poison, so obviously the above makes no sense. When you take a drug, you expect it to always work, and it's the same with poison.
I think that if the stun damage RNG on these weapons was removed (and stun damage halved, so that the average remains the same), it would make the mod feel more realistic, and it would make the game experience better due to better consistency.
The items I suggest changing are:
Fire Extinguisher
Foam Grenade
Universal Refresher
Auto-Harpoon Clip/Poison
Blowpipe Poison Darts
Sleep Dart Clip (might also rename to Poison Dart Clip, because Tranq Dart Clip is already for sleep)
Poisoned Arrows
Scourge Clip/BIO
Cobra Staff (aimed shot)
Poisoned Dagger
Plague Bug