Greetings, bulletdesigner! You did a nice job on this mod. You have successfuly delivered an atmosphere of the GrimDarkFuture™ with great art and all this music from DoW and Chaos Gate.
However, there are bunch of unlogical and background inappropriated things. And if the femmarines could easily be disabled via editing soldiers_40k.rul, some stuff need a rework, in my opinion:
1) Weight and STRENGTH modifier.
That's really strange that apothecary or chaplain cannot carry something more than knife cause of STRENGTH penalty...
...and the same for techmarine and librarian...
...and noone exept terminators cannot take powersword or storm bolter cause their weight... and so on.
2) Special weapons.
Meltagun with explosion and heavy plasma without it, stun-grav weapon are looking weird
3) Laspistol and lasgun.
Lasgun must take niche of a main starting weapon as it is very weak but cheap lore-wise. Laspistol is not needed at all cause there is a
boltpistol (but captain with dual laspistol looks really fun

4) Daemonettes of Tzeentch. It comes from very first mod versions. So... Daemonettes of Slaanesh maybe?

Oh, that's all for now. Sorry for long post and my awful grammar.
P.S.: I can translate the mod to Russian if someone here need it)