Popping in to play Piratez after taking a break. Its up to G5 now, im just gonna start a new game, I need alot of time wasted. 
Man, I really hate the new alternate battlescape musics... the original two are fine but it should have continued along the same vein as dark and brooding.
These new ones literally sound like end-of-level or bonus-stage music from consoles, the kind of which you'd only hear for like 30 seconds as your points were tallied up. But having to endure listening to them for probably 6-10 minutes while dealing with a mission, geez they do not fit at all. Its like playing Silent Hill but with mario music in the background.
And I will make a strong recommendation along with this since its related, but shied away from before - the generic "mission" music (AS_Theme2) needs to
DIE... or be switched out as pre-mission briefing music of some kind.
I dont even mod these things like I normally would, I just go into Piratez sound folder and I replace them with something that I want, its
that bad.