Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming  (Read 3972311 times)

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7995 on: January 22, 2021, 04:59:32 am »
Yeah, assuming "Hot pursuit" is the one with a ton of imps, and golden safes.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7996 on: January 24, 2021, 01:52:00 am »
That said the weapons that qualify for pyromaniac are very strong, most of them still being okay in spite of repeated direct nerfs over the years. Just always have freshness consumables for the pyro gal.
Heavy Flamers are Not strong weapons, it can kill maybe one guy by chipping him down bit by bit. If anything it gives you the Lady Luck award because the accuracy is often crap but you hit anyway because its 10 hits arcing short range. Its great for a 2x2 but then again so is a Panzerfaust.

I Have gotten Pyro commendation a few levels and it sorta sucks, but I got it from Firebombs because drop 2 of those out of the back of the car and you can really rack up some casualties. Usually I use them on ratmen. I think I got a rank of it with the Fireball Launcher (3 shots per turn, wide effect and range) but I dont remember.

Just had my first Taberna Del Diablo mission and I Love it, is it always on nuke wasteland tileset?

Spotted the vampire guy (floating civvie, wtf) but the armored car chopped him up to bits and it was rather anticlimactic. The real tricky thing is I blew away most of the walkways, I had a barrel bomb used for the necropirates and that blew away a good part of the complex - and I had a Stormy gal floating around with a UAC Chaingun/N-Rounds (pretty much spartan MG on steroids). I made it work but it was kinda annoying.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7997 on: January 24, 2021, 03:05:11 am »
Taberna Del Diablo + Baby Nukes is dream come true. Love how PC stops responding for couple of seconds as game calculates everyone who has to die. I just gotta make a nuke barrel then use a flying suit to drop it in the middle and see what happens. Would do same in bandit towns too but still addicted to slaves. Now that I think about it City Raid is also a good candidate for nukage. If only buildings fell apart like in Apoc there would be no reason to play other games anymore.
Was hoping ICBM would do the same after you launch it on target and land in a fiery crater afterwards with maybe 1-2 wounded survivors but sadly it's only a commodity item, like BATTLE TANK M.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7998 on: January 24, 2021, 08:01:59 pm »
Taberna Del Diablo + Baby Nukes is dream come true. Love how PC stops responding for couple of seconds as game calculates everyone who has to die. I just gotta make a nuke barrel then use a flying suit to drop it in the middle and see what happens.

Sounds like a good way to die and lose a precious flying armor. And get your Craft destroyed or hit with a repair bill. Explosions go Up and Down they dont just pancake like in OG. And it seems like every floor you go up it only counts it as one tile distance even though logically every level of elevation is easily 3 meters if not 4 meters distance (this does bring up discussion that every Tile is really more like a 5 foot square from d&d than just 1 meter... many doorways clearly show a doorframe around them when the standard for a door is 3 feet width - still the vertical translation of explosive power should consider every Floor of difference at least 2 Tiles if not 3 Tiles).
 I kill Cyberdisks and Drones this way with the fireball launcher.

There was someone working on an OpenApoc but since OpenXcom was clearly made by backwards engineering xcom , not making a more organized version that reproduced its qualities - you'll not be seeing any terrain manipulation going on here. I think the destroyed but still standing street light posts are still joke worthy because its one of the First things I would have fixed in translation (external scripts to tag tile coordinates and if by logical reasons one gets destroyed, destroy all the others in the dependency chain, hacky but simple)

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7999 on: January 26, 2021, 08:16:58 pm »
Corect me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what the options parameter Explosion Height determines? If I understand it's workings correctly, it still does not change the explosion to a pyramid-shape as in XAPOC, just makes it less pancake-y. So, in essence, a Mini Nuke explosion won't reach as far up as it's diameter, just the number od z-levels that the options allows. IIRC the option is fixed at 3 levels, so I assume being 4 (or more) z levels above the explosion makes you immune to it.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8000 on: January 26, 2021, 09:57:52 pm »
Corect me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what the options parameter Explosion Height determines?
I dont know and there's no clear documentation to say just how it works. I also sounds like an Extremely cheesy way to hit the easy button cuz I could have gals dropping Barrel Bombs cheaply all over the place. So logically, no way that'd be how it works in the engine, way too easy to exploit (physics also says at the very least a blast wave is reflected up by the ground). Haven't even wanted to TRY it.

Reminds me of that exploit from OG where you just shoot the floor of the next level above you and the blast happens there (that did get fixed).

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8001 on: January 29, 2021, 01:55:56 am »
Corect me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what the options parameter Explosion Height determines? If I understand it's workings correctly, it still does not change the explosion to a pyramid-shape as in XAPOC, just makes it less pancake-y. So, in essence, a Mini Nuke explosion won't reach as far up as it's diameter, just the number od z-levels that the options allows. IIRC the option is fixed at 3 levels, so I assume being 4 (or more) z levels above the explosion makes you immune to it.

I'm pretty sure my gal was once killed by a chinese dragon despite being at highest elevation, dunno how that works

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8002 on: January 29, 2021, 08:45:36 am »
So I checked ruleset reference.
battleExplosionHeight: 0 to 3, (0)
It sets how much damage is lost between layers.
0: -∞
1: -30
2: -10
3: -5
XPiratez have hardcoded 2

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8003 on: January 29, 2021, 11:02:13 pm »
ahh thats reasonable then
id also expect since the blast comes from Below it hits Under Armor regardless of the lateral distance from it.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8004 on: January 30, 2021, 01:03:19 am »
under armor counts until you are more then 3 tiles from the blast. Unless the ignore facing flag is set, then hits always from front regardless of other conditions.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8005 on: January 30, 2021, 10:54:42 pm »
Updated Piratez HQ sounds, its over at the mod portal.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8006 on: February 19, 2021, 08:06:21 am »
Ever heard the phrase: "When Hell freezes over"? Have you? Well... ;D

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8007 on: February 22, 2021, 03:19:55 pm »
I don't think I've ever seen one with quite so many demons at once, all in one place, to boot. Time to let loose with something explodey.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8008 on: February 22, 2021, 04:10:36 pm »
It was some kind of unusual spawn oddity from Harbinger of Doom, but very very exciting lol. Had to take a break and return twice coz I got too excited just looking at it and fantasizing how to proceed. There were almost double more in that same little area, obscured by front line demons, as became obvious soon after. Due to impenetrable Demon bunker all attempts of capture failed (need essence) so I settled on a single proven and reliable Baby Nuke (BFG was in another castle). When they died (around 50) the death sounds formed a spiral pattern. It was sooo beautiful... I must admit OXC(E) as an engine is the most stable thing ever coded as nothing I put it through managed to crash it.

There was a lone Imp hiding in NW corner of the map, inside a derelict plane cockpit. As a finishing blow I put a Plasma Scorcher round to take him out together with whole frontal plane. As the structure collapsed so did another 8 Imps fall out of it. Reminded me of poking a mother spider with many baby spiders on its back. Pretty satisfying ordeal overall which I'm eagerly trying to reproduce.

In that case I'll be better prepared because after couple of investigative hours Kraken Cannon turned out to be the perfect area effect capture weapon for the occasion. Interestingly up to that point it held the record as the fastest dismissed weapon after being researched. Only to come back into life much later in most unexpected role.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #8009 on: February 22, 2021, 10:55:14 pm »
The Kraken Cannon? Why the Kraken Cannon?

Incidentally, my hilarious area-of-effect anti-demon weapon is actually the Blood Axe. "What", you say, "Axes aren't AOE!". That's just what people who have never tried it say. The Blood Axe is absolutely an AOE weapon that can be deployed with precision selectiveness to make dead the things you want dead and leave the things you want alive to be neutral-whipped into the same person.