Author Topic: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9 1-Jul-2024 Second Coming  (Read 3972257 times)

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7980 on: January 03, 2021, 12:11:14 am »
Just had my first Bogeyman fight and I dont get why people fuss so bad over it. They're alot more dangerous in air combat because of the interception mechanic. You get alot of them on the map but theyre kinda slow and the only ranged attacks ive seen from them are bows. Theyre even vulnerable to Fire. Im fairly far along I guess, but my rifles, smartpistols, and arena fireball launcher wiped them out without a scratch. This was at Night, too. Even captured one, who tried melee and it couldn't hit at all.
A case of a dog's bark (or looks) worse than it's bite?

From the interception pic I thought they were devil succubus ladies, the black silhouettes have that slight feminine look to them.

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7981 on: January 03, 2021, 06:20:42 am »
Boogyman ground combat is a bit hit or miss. Since they fly and have high camo it is very hard to keep the usual sweep and clear going. They can just fly above spotting range and then come back down behind your line of sight.

They also always have multiple weapons and well the AI has no concept about selecting the most effective one. There voodoo attack swings around 40-60 stun, ignores armor and gets stronger the longer the map lasts. But they could just pick to use claws which are exceptionally weak. Or if the have the bow shoot in melee.

They have a huge potential to be a hard battle but are very impaired by the idiot savant IF, THEN, OR, logic system. You could make the AI do really smart things but not only is it a huge number of nested lines, it makes for too ridged a set of results. You either end up with it always having the perfect answer to any tactical puzzle by brute memory of stuational sets like a chess program or its hilariously exploitable and derpy. Maybe you even end up with both outcomes depending how the code functions.

It's far less of an undertaking and a more repayable and entertaining experience if the AI is marginally compatent, and you only make the action bounds restrict only the most moronic cases. Like don't shoot at accuracy zero targets, or beyond the range where power falloff nulls the weapon.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7982 on: January 04, 2021, 01:09:33 am »
Might TUs for the x-bow be lowered a bit more? Right know it's a snioer weapon that sacrifices mobility a bit too much i think.

Actually muskets theoretically should require more time units than the crossbow..

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7983 on: January 04, 2021, 01:19:29 am »
Might TUs for the x-bow be lowered a bit more? Right know it's a snioer weapon that sacrifices mobility a bit too much i think.

Actually muskets theoretically should require more time units than the crossbow..

You gotta git yer Wench out to Crank it.

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Re: Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7984 on: January 08, 2021, 12:29:09 pm »
Can Lynx SMG be added to Decrypted Data Disc? Now you can only get it through Spartan Lieutenant but those are so rare to show up.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7985 on: January 11, 2021, 10:18:46 pm »
Better yet add it to the Gun Almanac too.
Lynx uses skorpion clips so im not all that interested in it, but it definitely ought to have access points.
Ive reached the point in my save where gun almanacs are just sales items. Im convinced you need to fully research those before you really touch anything else, have some 1-2 brainers in a separate base slowly digesting all those low end papers and documents while main base pursues tech tree.

In other news... This happened. Well you'd think id just reload the save but I thought a device of doom could actually be useful in some way. Luckily it doesn't prevent you from Transferring it. So it went to my least used prison base that doesn't even have a hangar, and has the vaults I use for running my contraband operation. Probably not even worth 13 mil.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2021, 10:22:56 pm by RSSwizard »

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7986 on: January 13, 2021, 03:24:30 am »
Also because of motorboating 4 bases into epic vaults ive gone from about 20 million to 150 million in a few months using contraband. Y'see Vaults provide more than just storage space, they also provide workshop room for runts to digest the contraband (albiet I usually ship it to a single base with the most room).

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7987 on: January 17, 2021, 08:34:46 pm »
So I’ve been having a bug recently where the govt fighter file isn’t present so when I look at it in the bootypedia it crashes the game. There was also a time when the game crashed when I intercepted a ship, so I suspect that it was also a govt fighter. Any suggest on how I can fix this? Or is this a known bug.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7988 on: January 17, 2021, 11:48:20 pm »
Something went wrong on your end of the Woods. I suggest to backup your saves and option file, then do a complete wipe followed by re-install (and finally restoring saves/options). You may even want to start with a fresh options file just to be safe.
It looks to me like either the file got corrupted (does that ever happen?) or mod update process got borked. On UFOpaedia it is suggested to always wipe everything clean and then install, instead overwriting existing install. I was guilty of doing the latter prior to L6 but luckily did not experience any bugs. Clean wipe makes sense in developing projects where file structure grows/changes and whatnot.

There are also two additional L6 hotfixes posted on discord but are unrelated to your issue as far as I'm aware.

Offline legionof1

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7989 on: January 18, 2021, 05:15:15 am »
File corruption is always a possibility. Most of the generic file hosting services doesn't have robust data verification, and it only takes a one character error to break things in OXCE based mods. The data input format is pretty strict. 4 spaces instead of a tab between inventory items for example.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7990 on: January 18, 2021, 11:34:27 pm »
Your suggestion worked, it seems that a file got randomly corrupted. I appreciate it.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7991 on: January 19, 2021, 09:26:21 am »
The pyromaniac condemnation debuff (increased freshness loss) seems a bit too crippling - take a gal out for a couple of missions in a flamer car and she'll be dragging her feet in 10 turns. Essentially makes flamers a weapon that can only be properly used by peasants

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7992 on: January 19, 2021, 01:01:04 pm »
Gotta lean on that pyroman image, always have some cigs handy.

That said the weapons that qualify for pyromaniac are very strong, most of them still being okay in spite of repeated direct nerfs over the years. Just always have freshness consumables for the pyro gal.

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7993 on: January 19, 2021, 01:04:23 pm »
Thats why you should use SS to be pyros. Especially in cars.

Offline Hadza

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Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - L6 06-Dec-2020 Bag Of Tricks
« Reply #7994 on: January 21, 2021, 06:49:10 pm »
Not sure what happened there, but it seems the debuff isn't that bad anymore, I think I just gave the gal an armor that drains 0.014 freshness instead of 0.03  :o

Speaking of fires, what does the red codex's Set The World On Fire research do? Does it spawn more hot pursuit missions?