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XPiratez / Re: [MAIN] XPiratez - N9.7.7 12-Sep-2024 Second Coming
« Last post by Blind Cedrick on November 23, 2024, 05:03:10 pm »
A comment from sol, praise the sun!

Completely unrelated pet peeve-
The critter hunt missions piss me off. The box says my gals are going out to curb stomp something easy. Will they? NOPE! Its ninja gals. my last 'hunt' was 15 ninja gals. I feel like this is the normal mission, engage a group (possibly quite large) of either ninja gals or guild pricks that can fly. Getting the animals named by the mission is the exception rather than the rule. I am honestly surprised whenever I get them.

A: Adjust the probability table so that 90%+ of the missions are as advertised.
B: Since the briefing says there may be other hunters, include a pack of maybe four on top of the critters already present instead of this 1 to 1 replacement.

also, please?
The X-Com Files / Re: Bugs, crashes, typos & bad taste
« Last post by Akamashi on November 23, 2024, 03:51:33 pm »
It needs 7.62x51 NATO Ammo. It seems that it's only unlocked by m-60, but not by mg-3
You write as if it's normal.
The X-Com Files / Re: The X-Com Files - 3.5: Whispers In The Dark
« Last post by remiz on November 23, 2024, 03:20:04 pm »
Storywise it would make perfect sense that Lo Wo's refuge would also include a Ninja Scroll, enabling access to martial arts training. It is strange that Lo Wo's refuge includes the scroll of secrets which depends on the ninja scroll, yet no ninja scroll including basic ninja arts info itself.

This could lead to getting access to martial arts training a bit earlier than usual (if you deal with Lo Wo before the HQ or manors), but IMHO this would not be a big deal and from the story perspective this would be ideal. Even if Ninja Scroll is meant to be "the prize" of dealing with the HQ, this is already not completely true as you can also get it from a manor.

so in the end i needed to unpack original, and pack it into zip, cause for reasons game could not see loose files.
There appears to be a side-effect to using 'Q' hotkey for zero. If you use this in the pre-battle equip screen, it also opens up the 'Q' search bar.
This might cause some issues if you use other hotkeys afterwards, because the keypresses will be added to the search string.
OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][QoL] Grenade Fuse Hotkeys
« Last post by Meridian on November 23, 2024, 12:53:28 pm »
If you report a bug here, I will forget about it in 10 minutes and never return to it.
OXCE Suggestions DONE / Re: [DONE][QoL] Grenade Fuse Hotkeys
« Last post by psavola on November 23, 2024, 12:47:53 pm »
There appears to be a side-effect to using 'Q' hotkey for zero. If you use this in the pre-battle equip screen, it also opens up the 'Q' search bar.
This might cause some issues if you use other hotkeys afterwards, because the keypresses will be added to the search string.
Thanks for info. This is strange. Looking at the save, I can confirm that I do indeed have (or had, the other just died after I had written the message) a rat named "Toblerone" with id=37 and another rat named "Toblerone" with id=39. I don't rename units so my initial observation must have been true.

I am using Kozinsky's XCF stat strings, but I doubt that should affect this as the name does not change, only its representation.

I'm not sure if there is any way to debug this afterwards, but I'm attaching a save just in case for reference.
XPiratez / Re: XPiratez Information Compilation, Starter Guide & Weapon Spreadsheet
« Last post by eharper256 on November 23, 2024, 10:41:37 am »
Not sure if this is really in the scope of this thread, but what are the important techs/capabilities I should have by the start of year 2? With how the tech tree is I'm never sure what I really need to be pursuing and whats side stuff.
Since that's also related to Captain type, and what YOU want to do, and what you started with, I can't really give you a precise "THIS". However, Captain's Log #2 should IDEALLY be done, or approaching completion at month 12. I included that in the progression section, so you can look each of the items there up in the Xpedia or the in-game tech tree viewer. I managed it with 2 days to spare at the end of November (barely getting the "good" bonus, phew!) mostly because Smugglers Contact took a while, had stuff like Plotting and Onsen for quite a while.

I myself had got everyone in Tactical armour at that point, had 3 bases with a 4th being considered, an infiltration team, an underwater team, and then two primary squads. I had my Flagship around month 8-9, and a Hunter Killer/Corsair by month 10 end (a Tiger and a Buckaroo were still in the sub-bases). As I was dumbass captain, luxury spa was also in place in my main base. Primary fireteam was 7 gnomes and a 5 gals (I had Germany start so I had lots of Gnomes). Secondary team was 10 Catgirls, 5 gals. I cycled in some elite peasants/damsels that had joined via events when wounded. Underwater team was 2 gals and 5 peasants.

Firefox was transport in base 2 (previously primary transport as I was on catgirls route), and as I was grey codex, Jellyfish in Base 3 was the Underwater team's ride, and I was getting my first witches trained up in Minx outfit. I was predominantly at mid-tier weapons, the big laser transition started a little later.
OXCE does check if a soldier with identical name already exists.
It tries 10 times to find a new name, same as OXC and OG.
When spawning a soldier (e.g. through hiring or manufacturing), apparently OXCE does not check if the soldier with an identical name already exists. Should it?

I came across this with XCF rat training, when two consecutive rats "manufactured" were both named Toblerone. I suppose this problem is more likely to occur with those agent types which don't have firstname and lastname, but rather just a single name, leading to a higher chance of clashes.

Not a big deal, but maybe it would be worth considering if OXCE should try to randomize the name again if there already exists a soldier of that name in any of the bases. Of course, this could lead to follow-up question: should this be attempted just once or as long as there is a clash. In theory it could happen that you completely run out of the name pool, leading to a new issue. I suppose this would call for trying just once or appending something to the new in case of a clash to avoid the problem.

If this not deemed an issue, the player could just rename them manually if this feels bothersome.
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